#i have an hour until boarding starts and im already at my gate lol so im sitting here chilling
roscoehamiltons · 4 months
brb going to montreal ✈️
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onceuponaloonatic · 4 years
sae needing glasses remind me of myself lol when sae first noticed her blurriness toward seeing the letters on the whiteboard, she didn’t tell anybody, she just ask to copy the lesson from other’s book and when she get home, she is really adamant to tell misatzu cuz she is afraid they will scold her (this is my actual thought process as a child lol)
i took a four hour nap today oops 😔
“okay so this is how you write a lowercase h,” sae tried to continue and pay attention she really, but when could barely see the board or what she was writing, it was difficult. she wanted to be a good student like saki was. she wanted to get gold stars like her sister did. it was just hard when she couldn’t see.
she decided that would be the day she would tell her moms. she hadn’t thought much of it at first thinking nobody could see the board but once glance at saki’s notebook proved she could see just fine. saki and sae were in the same kindergarten class, and they sat next to each other. saya and eunji were in the class next door, so they had a different teacher.
“sae is something wrong?” her teacher asked her. sae snapped out of her trance and pretended to pay attention again.
“no ms.kim!” sae answered quickly.
“alright, if you need to go to the bathroom, you can just ask.” sae didn’t have to go to the bathroom, and her cheeks were now pink as her class laughed at her. she stayed slient the rest of the day, just trying to avoid what happened earlier.
sana comes and picks them up today. they liked it when their mommy picked them up, because it meant getting to walk home which sometimes meant ice cream. it was almost a ten minute walk home so their mama and ka-san just preferred driving but when mommy picked them up, she walked them home. sana was the one who picked them up the most. she only took about a shoot a month on her current schedule and spent the rest of her time devoted to her triplets.
“mommy?” sae asked when they got home. “mommy i have a problem.”
“what is it baby girl?” saki had already run off the minute she realized tzuyu was home. she wanted to show her mama her new gold star. saya had run off after her, trying to get saki to play with her.
“i can’t see the board in class.” sae pouted. “i know ms.kim is writing something, i just can’t see it. but saki can.”
“oh sae, why didn’t you tell mommy sooner?”
“i thought everyone couldn’t see.” sae pouted.
“well saki can clearly see. but for people like you and me it’s a little bit harder.” sana bent down in front of her middle daughter.
“mommy can’t see either?”
“nope, mommy can barely see at all without her glasses or contacts. she’s near sighted like you probably are.” sana giggled.
“contacts? glasses?”
“you know the metal things mommy wears on her eyes before bed? those are her glasses. contacts replace glassses by going directly onto your eye. your too little for contacts but i think we can get you a pair of glasses.”
“so glasses help me see better? how?”
“with magic baby.” sana laughed, she didn’t think she was capable of explaining how glasses lenses worked to a five year old. “let’s call mama and see if she can get you an appointment with an eye doctor tomorrow. they can find you the right pair of glasses.” sae nodded as sana got her phone out. sana moves them over to the couch and sae sat in her lap, watching as she started a facetime with mina.
“hey baby.” sana waved.
“hi mama.” sae copied her mommy’s waving.
“hi sae, hi sana. what’s up?”
“sae here is telling me she’s having problems seeing the board during class. i think she may need to get some glasses. do you think you could set up an appointment with an eye doctor for her immediately?”
“of course.” mina nodded. “sae im sorry you can’t see.”
“it’s okay.” sae cuddled closer to sana. “it’s only far away stuff.”
“still, i’m sorry baby.” sae nodded and whispered to sana to let her free. sana told her to be careful before letting her run off after her sisters.
“i had a suspicion sae couldn’t see things far away very well. she always struggled recognizing i’m there if i’m not close to her or talking.”
“it makes sense at least one of the kids has an astigmatism. your is so bad.” mina teased.
“so i’m blind without contacts? so what?” sana pouted.
“it’s nothing baby. i’ll call my friend who is an eye doctor. see you tonight?”
“yup. i’m making ramen so don’t be late.”
“wouldn’t dream of it baby.” mina smiled and hung up the call.
“mommy sae is not going to school?” saki asked as they stood at the school gates. sana had held sae back from going inside, since she was taking her to her appointment right after dropping the kids off.
“nope sae needs to go to a special doctor for her eyes.” sana informed.
“is sae okay?” saki asked.
“she’s fine. she just can’t see things that are far away so we are going to get her some glasses so she can see better.” sana explained.
“oh.” saki nodded. “sae can you see this?” saki held up two fingers in front of her sisters face.
“yes saki you are holding up two fingers. it far away stuff not close stuff.” sae rolled her eyes.
“oh okay! can you see this?” saki withdrew her hand as far away from sae’s face as she could, now holding up one finger.
“is that, three fingers?”
“you really can’t see!” saya laughed at her sister.
“stop teasing her girls, go inside to class.” sana informed them, bending down to give each a kiss on the head. “have a good day.”
“bye bye mommy!” both the girls waved as they went inside the school.
“let’s go sae.” sae nodded and let sana lead her home, where mina drive them all to the hospital together.
sae wasn’t used to going to the doctor alone. she always at least had saya. it made her cling closer to sana. she wanted one of her goofy sisters to make her laugh and not feel stressed.
“hey honey, there won’t be any needles involved today. all you have to do is show the doctor you can’t see and he will fit you for some glasses, okay?” sana reassures. she knew sae got stressed out when she was without her sisters in new places to lighten the mood. it was cute, but it only played into sana’s belief sae my be devolving some kind of anxiety issues. new things always made her super stressed out and overwhelmed, it took forever for her to get used to school. thankfully, mina knew from experience how to help sae. she would reassure her everything was fine with cuddles and scent marking and she knew better than tzuyu or sana when sae was getting overwhelmed.
when the doctor came and got them mina greeted him before intoducing sae, who clung to sana’s leg in shyness. once they get inside the doctor has sae cover one of her eyes and try and read a chart of numbers and letters. sae doesn’t get very far, and at first she seems stressed but mina reassures her it’s okay and that she did really good. the doctor even gives her a lollipop. sae muches on it while the doctor looks closer at her eyes, calmer than before. once they are done the doctors informs them of sae’s level of astigmatism and asks if they have time to fit her for glasses. they tell him they do and the doctor comes back with a couple test pairs. when they find some that fit they deicde to order a nice custom pair for sae but buy some temporary glasses for her to wear until they came in.
once they were done mina and sana took her to lunch. sae seemed much better and loved all the attention she was getting from her ka-san mommy. sana takes a picture of her in her new classes and then tells her they are taking her back to school. when they get back to school, saki looks at her in visible shock. sae is just happy she can finally see the board.
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seovienrose · 6 years
soccer club captain mingyu x yearbook editor reader au! pt 2
continue from pt 1
mingyu is very close to seungcheol, the soccer club former captain and school alumni as he came to monitor the progress of soccer club under mingyu’s leadership
the 10 players, lining up and standing across each others trying to pass the ball to each other as a warm up
so the team was divided to into 6:6 with seungcheol as the goalkeeper for the opposite team 
the game started with a loud whistle and seokmin got the ball, trying to score into the opposite goal, he passed the ball to the team’s striker, mingyu and mingyu striked a goal easily
jihoon, then tackled a ball from seokmin and almost landed a goal but was blocked by chan, the team’s goalkeeper
after 2 hours of games, the practice ended and mingyu’s team won with 8:6
seungcheol knew he entrusted the soccer club to a reliable person 
“good game today mingyu and others, i have lots of fun monitoring and playing with you guys today! good luck with upcoming regional tournament! now lets go to mcdonalds boys its my treat!”
since its been half of the year, the yearbook committees had gotten so busy to catch up with activities within the months (sports day, academic decathlon, language week etc)
since that bread and milk day, mingyu and you didn’t come across each other except that time you met him at the school gate and he blushed suddenly
what drugs he’s consuming
anyways, you were discussing with yearbook journalists and photographers about having them manage their time properly according to upcoming events due to midterm examinations coming soon
a lot of teachers complained that some yearbook committees had to miss classes frequently because of activities held by the school (its inevitable you know)
you went to your work desk after briefing but the photographers and journalists still sat around the meeting table 
you were eavesdropping to minghao talking to other photographers about regional soccer tournament apparently being held soon and who’s getting the tickets
“mingyu got me a front seat ticket and he said he is inviting someone else too”
“he is probably inviting the girl in the theatre club, no?”
“well im not suprised if they still keep in contact with each other”
as much as you pretended to be unbothered you cant help yourself to be engaged in their conversation about mingyu
until the assistant editor of yours, soonyoung or people call him mr hochi came breaking the chit chatter to end with his arms crossed
hochi is much feared by the committees compared to the chief editor yourself since he is a year older and stricter with the yearbook’s precision
he was the chief editor for 3 years consecutively before you and decided to become an assistant because a lot of past committees quitted because of his leadership lol
“i didn’t appoint you guys to gossip but to do your job as yearbook committees, i don’t want to hear any complaints again from teacher about any of you slacking or missing out in classes”
with that everyone parted ways and continue doing their things at their personal desks
that was just an appreciation advertisement for our mr hochi lets get back to your love story
when you went to your locker to pick up english literature books, you saw a note stuck on the locker door
‘hey can we meet at equipments stores around 4 am right after our evening class, don’t be late i have to attend my soccer practice at 4:15 pm, sincerely mingyu’
okay why he wants to meet you at 4 in the morning but the practice at 4:15 pm???
you just laughed and proceeded to your literature class
after your literature class, you went straight to equipments stores and saw mingyu were fiddling around with something in his hands
“why do you want to meet me at 4 am?”
mingyu was half shOOKETH when he heard your voice and he had this “what???” face
“you wrote 4 am in the note” and you laughed again
mingyu was rubbing his neck and kinda laughed too, “i wrote that in hurry because i was in rush to my mathematics class”
you nodded and he smiled in awe after looking at you
“ah actually i want to give you this..i don’t know if you’re free but i’d be honoured if you can come to my tournament”
(my readers be like pretends to be surprise.gif lmao)
“oh....” you just accepted it shyly
suddenly he rummaged his adidas convertible and took out an egg tart and strawberry milk again this time
you feel so overwhelmed you want to burst when he gave them to you
“y/n do come to my tournament this saturday alright? i would be so happy if the chief editor herself could come and give her personal feedback!! i gtg now, bye!!”
“thank you mingyu..”
mingyu walked away and went to field after making you feeling so flushed
the following morning, when you walk to the hall you met minghao and he greeted you a good morning
“y/n i already talk to the graphic and layout designer to reformat the yearbook design since we’re adding new segment”
“what segment?”
“either advertisements or candids section, what do you think is better?”
“for 2 pages? nobody is gonna be entertained with ads” and someone was running in the busy hall, pushing your shoulder making your file in your arms fell
minghao collected your file and tilted his head to the side
“y/n..you’re going to mingyu’s tournament?”
little did you remember that the soccer tournament ticket was in your clear file and minghao had to see that
“we’re going together then!!!” minghao jumped a little and stopped his track, “wait a minute...so you’re the girl he is currently having a crush on?”
“what crush? what about the theatre club girl?”
minghao was standing with his hand hanging to his waist, “so you overheard our conversation?”
you nodded
“we guessed him and the theatre club girl were a thing but turned out she was pestering mingyu one-sided”
he walked to the stairs to go to his literature class and you continued your way to your physics class after bidding goodbyes
in the literature class, minghao interrogating mingyu session
“dude, you’re flirting with y/n now?”
mingyu ignored the latter but he was actually flustered to answer
“do you expect a full page coverage of you and soccer club in the yearbook by doing this?”
mg: “what the hell minghao?”
minghao: “okay im just kidding”
mg: “she’s too adorable”
minghao: “adorable? didnt she get mad at you for sleeping on the couch in a prohibited room?”
mingyu was in his dreamy state because he was reminded of your smile
he was like that for 1 minute and minghao snapped his fingers
“okay fine i like her genuinely i want to keep her in pocket stop asking me” 
saturday arrived aka the awaited soccer tournament day
your father lifted you off at the town’s stadium and you saw minghao with his camera bag and camera tripod
“hi do you need help mr photographer?”
minghao: “sure thing, do you have the ticket? lets go in”
you helped carried the adapters and batteries bag and got inside the soccer hall 
mingyu who happened to be searching for vending machine found you and minghao
he came running to you and grinned as wide as he can
“you came y/n!!!” 
he looked at your shoulder and noticed the adapter bag belonged to minghao and rolled his eyes as he took the bag off your shoulder
minghao was like -_______- “shut up mingyu” 
“i offered to help because those seemed heavy” 
after the chaos mingyu held minghao’s both camera and adapters bags then lead both of you to your vip seats
minghao set up his tripod and started adjusting his camera
you were inspecting the soccer hall
can you guess what mingyu was doing?
he was looking at you tenderly like he hadn’t seen you for 10 million years, he was really infatuated with you
you said “don’t you have like rehearsal or stuff to do other than looking at me like a creep?”
mingyu blushed again and excused himself to the waiting room to brief to his soccer club teammates
“i have never seen him so invested in a girl like that before, he likes you like a lot y/n”
“really minghao, you think so?”
anyways the tournament began, for the first halves of the game your school team seemed sloppy and demotivated because “apparently they seemed nervous” the commentator said
during the interval time, you can see and hear mingyu shouted really loudly to give encouragements toward his teams
the coach also were guiding them and giving careful advices before their second halves started 
mingyu on the field were looking at you and minghao, smiling half-heartedly
you took this opportunity to make a big heart with your arms and mingyu instantly laughed, continued running to his position
seokmin, jihoon and mingyu scored 4 goals during the second halves with chan managing to block 2 goals and 1 free kick from opposite team
your school soccer club took the trophy home with last minute goal from jihoon with 9:7 and all of the players were roaring happily doing their circle hugs
after the final match ended, you waited by the side of field 
mingyu saw you in the crowds and he ran towards you
“congratulations mingyu, i enjoyed it!!”
“well im hoping you could come for another tournaments”
“i would love to......date you and also go to your other tournaments.”
mingyu was SHOOKETH AGAin its like he was getting heart attack
“you didn’t hear it wrong, boyfriend”
mg: “so it’s day one today?”
you nodded and beamed like the brightest sun ever
mingyu gently kissed your cheek and you both half-hugged since mingyu was sweating lol
little did you know, minghao captured the picture of mingyu kissing your cheek perfectly
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