#i have an au or two where something similar happens bc these three are captivating and i have no idea why.
dreadeves · 1 year
sigma is truly the character ever. i see chuuya as aroace & dazai as some flavor of aspec & bi, and cannot see them in a healthy relationship with anyone besides the other because of their level of understanding and trust they have. and then sigma breaks the door down and is accidentally inducted into whatever the fuck skk has going on. congrats or perhaps i’m sorry, and godspeed, king
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killjoy-loveit · 5 years
When the Sun Sets
Request: park junhee lovers to enemies au? thank you
A/N: I would like to clarify that everything written in this story is complete fiction and isn’t to be taken as a true portrayal of reality. This story was extremely difficult to write, it really hurt if I’m being honest, and tbh I’m not too sure of the quality. I just know that I struggled to write it because, while I feel angst is what I do best, I tend to prefer hopeful endings- not the kind that would leave someone distraught.
*****There is no excerpt or summary bc if you want your heart to hurt this is the right fic for you. Also, I’m just gonna add that the person who proofread this for me said “Wow, I understand why you wanted to get it out... just horribly sad. I don’t know what else to say except ouch.” So I hope that is of some help.*****
Word Count: 2,252
Genre: Angst (this f*cking hurts), Lovers-to-Enemies AU
*****This is a continuation of Just As the Sun Rises - if you liked the happy ending DO NOT READ THIS, bc it will severely wreck that*****
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     Sometimes love just isn’t enough. You can love someone with all you have. Your heart and soul. With every fiber of your being. Yet and still, love alone isn’t enough to keep two drifting souls together. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t tie two people together by love alone. Effort and dedication need to be put into a relationship, so that it won’t fall apart. 
     Everything had been going so well… Until it wasn’t. Together for three years, you’d had many ups and downs but ultimately you made it through them all. This time it was different. All of those fights that previously seemed like they might tear you two apart were just child’s play. Those fights were nothing compared to the current stalemate. Neither of you had similar thoughts on the matter- and it was driving you up the wall. This wasn’t what you expected when you first started dating Jun three years ago. It wasn’t anywhere close to your mind when you moved in with him. Though looking back, maybe it should have been.
     But you were love blind, and so was he. Maybe you both thought you were of the same mind then. Maybe you thought there were no worries- that love was capable of overcoming any obstacle. Except as we all know, love on its own is incapable of defeating any problem. Love is just a mitigating factor, you can let it drive you to pull yourself together, to handle things you never thought possible. On its own, love is worthless. 
     The problem stemmed from your viewpoints on life- marriage and children. The problem was that he wanted both of those things, and that you only wanted one. Having children had never been in your life plan. Seemingly this issue arose overnight. Nothing ever just pops up unexpectedly though, it was stewing somewhere away from the forefront. Maybe you should’ve noticed all those times his face lit up when he interacted with a friend’s child. Looking back, you should’ve noticed how he would always look at you with this heartwarming smile- the look in his eyes that screamed that what if one day he got to hold your child.
     But you didn’t notice. Instead you existed completely blind to the issue, until he proposed to you. What was meant to be one of the happiest moments of your life turned into one of the worst. Jun’s proposal speech was sweet and sentimental, that the two of you were meant to be together, that you were family. And that somewhere along the line, once you made a home for yourselves, that he couldn’t wait to see what your children would look like- whose eyes they’d have, he thought they should have yours. 
     All the color had drained from your face, and in that moment you had been immensely glad that he hadn’t proposed to you in public. Everything had gone slightly blurry as tears filled your eyes. How were you supposed to tell the man you were madly in love with, the man that wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, that you didn’t want kids? But were you just supposed to sit back and do something so life altering, where you’d actually influence a child’s life, when you never wanted to? You couldn’t help but think how unfair that’d be, not just to you, but to Jun and the child.
     Jun had thought your tears were those of happiness, and since the beginning you’d been nodding until he mentioned kids, so naturally he thought you were going to say yes. Thus he had slipped the ring onto your finger and hugged you tight. That was when you completely broke down, you started sobbing uncontrollably. Of course seeing you like this was confusing for him, he thought you were happy, so why were you crying like something terrible had happened? Nothing else was spoken of that night, Jun ushered you to bed and tucked you in after turning on your favorite TV show. Despite not being aware of what was upsetting you, he took care of you. And that made it so much harder.
     Sleeping in the same bed as him was difficult. Your heart felt constricted. Ultimately the restlessness won out, and since you knew you wouldn’t be getting any sleep, you crawled out of the covers in the early hours of morning. There was too much going on in your head, all the wires were crossed and fraying. Any decision you made would hurt someone. Jun found you hours later in the kitchen, a cold mug of coffee sitting in front of you, head in your hands.
     His hand smoothed down your back, startling you. “Can you tell me what’s wrong?”
     “I… I don’t know how to say this.” You mumbled, looking over at him. “How- how am I supposed to tell you? I don’t want to hurt you.”
     Jun laughed nervously. “The way you’re talking is scaring me. You didn’t cheat on me did you?”
     You recoiled, shaking your head. “No, I’d never.”
     “Well then, whatever it is can’t be that bad.”
     Biting the inside of your cheek, you nodded. You just needed to say it. “Jun, I love you, and I want to marry you.” Pausing to take a deep breath you noticed the bright smile on his face at your previous words. His smile made you want to keep the next sentence captive in your head. “But I… I don’t want kids.”
     The smile that you loved dropped from his face. “What?”
     “Please don’t make me say it again, it was hard enough to get out in the first place.” You whispered, looking away from Jun.
     His hands grasped your shoulders, turning you to face him. “I need to hear you say it again.”
     “I don’t want kids.”
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     After you had admitted that you didn’t want to have kids, the conversation had taken a serious turn. Jun didn’t understand how you’d never talked about it before. Just like you, he had assumed you both always wanted the same thing- that was how in tune you were with each other. Clearly though, you weren’t as in tune as you thought. Weeks passed, and each day the conversation was revisited. Each time it felt like your heart was being ripped from your chest. Jagged edges surrounding where your heart used to reside.
     Certainly Jun felt the same. Like a bucket of ice water had sloshed over him while he was peacefully asleep. Like a blindfold had been lifted, the world that used to hold countless treasures turned into a wasteland. How could he not? But there was a turning point. A point in which he realized you wouldn’t change your mind. A point in which you realized how much you truly loved him. If you didn’t, how could you do what was necessary?
     If you didn’t love him, how could you leave him when he said he was willing to not have children if he was with you? Because that’s just what happened. Initially it seemed like neither of you would change your minds, the argument would just go on forever. No true change occuring, but neither of you being strong enough to leave. But then one day he walked into the living room, looking defeated, and declared that if you didn’t want kids then it was okay.
     Maybe earlier when you felt like your heart had been ripped out, it was just the ghost of a pain that was to come. The second Jun uttered those words was the most painful moment since he’d proposed to you. Images of your future flashed before your eyes, the future of your relationship if you married him after his sacrifice. The first few years might be wonderful, filled with happy moments of wedded bliss. But then the reality would sink in, Jun would realize exactly what he’d given up, and that he’d given that up for you. You would then become the source of pain for him. 
     Maybe he’d regret his decision, or maybe he’d become resentful and bitter towards you. That wasn’t a future you wanted any part in. Facing the pain of leaving him now would be a hundred times better than staying in a relationship that was bound for misery. A part of you wished to avoid the end, to run away without a word, but that wasn’t you. You weren’t a coward. You weren’t a dastardly type that could disappear in the night, leaving loved ones without prior notice of your absence. You’d have to face him, one-on-one, and tell him. 
     Tell him that you couldn’t marry him. Tell him that you hated leaving him, but you couldn’t stay. It would hurt. It would be torture to find those words. To set them free from your mind and release them to the world. And they were. Each word became a stone settled in the back of your mouth, the weight steadily increasing as you spoke. Stomach unsettled at the look of despair on Jun’s face. Heartbreak and desperation shone clearly in his eyes, his hand clutching at your arm as he begged you to stay. He said he couldn’t survive without you. He said you were his heart, the other part of him. But you knew he could survive. You knew he could make it through, and that one day, eventually, he would thank you. 
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     After breaking his heart in the middle of your living room, you moved out, even going so far as to quit the job where you had met. You could still remember how your relationship started- at first you couldn’t stand each other, and that went on for years. Maybe it would’ve been better if you had never found comfort with each other. That way this pain would never have occurred. That way you wouldn’t know of the love that you couldn’t keep. 
     You were of a hopeful mind that as time passed, it would get easier, for both of you. And for a time it did, but each time you reached a better place you would run into him somewhere in town. It was never good when you ran into each other. The first few times Jun would plead with you, saying he missed you so much, and that you never left his mind. After that he quickly became bitter and resentful, forgoing a greeting and going straight to slights and insults. And he knew just what to say to wound you.
     On one specific occasion, what would later be known to you as the last time you spoke to Jun, you’d had enough. Of all places, you just had to run into him at a work event, the new company you’d joined was having a charity event where a bunch of other advertising firms were invited. You’d spotted him across the room first, chatting lightly, happily, with a group of your coworkers. The smile present on his face was bright, cheerful, as if over the past two years he had known no pain. You knew the second he saw you, the smile slipping from his face with a speed that seemed inhuman. 
     It made your heart ache, the way his lips set into a thin line. How he set down the glass of champagne he was holding and slowly made his way over to you. A small part of you wanted to run away, to go somewhere else, but you knew that once Jun sets his sights on something he doesn’t back down. And running wouldn’t help at all. So in that moment you decided it was enough. The conversation started innocently enough, as you had been talking to a few people from another firm, but the second they left it mutated.
     Words became harsh. Cruel. Filled with resentment and pain. Making it clear he hadn’t moved on, as if he hadn’t even tried. Instead choosing to dwell on his anger and pain that you had caused him. It reached a point that your voices cut through the mindless chatter of the people around you. Eyes flickered over to the two of you as the room suddenly went quiet. Surely it must’ve been a sight to see two people dressed to the 9’s, having a shouting match at a high end charity event.
     A vein pulsed in his neck as he yelled. “We could’ve worked it out! We could have saved us!”
     “Some things aren’t worth saving!” Your voice finally rose to match his, rage filling you. “For the past two years since we broke up, I’ve been hoping that you could move on and let go. I did what I did, for you! So that you wouldn’t wake up one day, married to me, and realize you made a mistake. Don’t you understand?” You cried out. “There was nothing to save, Junhee!”
     You loved him. You loved him so much it made your heart hurt. But love isn’t always meant to last. Sometimes its only purpose is to end in pain, so that you end up with jagged edges that take years to sand down. Love can be wonderful, it can come from strained beginnings and create something beautiful- and after that creation has grown it can be torn down in the same manner. Just as the sun rises it can be beautiful, but when the sun sets it becomes shrouded in darkness and all that was beautiful is hidden. Making you question if it was ever love to begin with.
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snickiebear · 3 years
so i just finished going through your index and OH MY GOD??? i wish i’d done that earlier *facepalms*
thanks for the tip, i kinda see now who the shadows were referring to… 😉😉😉 (but not all because im slightly stupid)
BUT ALSO akdjbshdj im so glad ur open to the prequel idea and if it does happen i’ll be in the front row seat with hearts in my eyes 😍 what’s even crazier was that i was reading the war chapter in the index and i had to take maybe seven pauses because my imagination was considering the many possibilities!!! and i know i said prequel but oh my god this whole world you’ve built can be like whole series on its own — and im not yet even thinking about what’s going to happen post-OL&W!!! it’s just me thinking about the characters’ stories during the violent era, the first guild war, and the second guild war!!! i-
i seriously can’t even—
i’m gonna try to articulate my thoughts but if you can imagine smoke bombs exploding into vague plot lines, that’s what’s happening in my head right now so apologies in advance for the mess (also im going backwards lol):
Second guild war — hypothetically,,,, if there were an itasakushi era sometime in the history of men falling on their feet for sakura, i believe the itasakushi would have developed in the course of this war, although they may have been acquainted with each other earlier. common enemy: danzo, and what better way to wreak havoc and violence than to have him die by the hands of this (im calling it) legendary trio (but that’s also because im quite invested in them). the five-year captivity is also a huge plus because i imagine shisui and itachi running around like headless chickens looking for the apple of their cursed uchiha eyes
quick question (if it’s not a spoiler) - which naruto characters would fall under thundersins? ibiki is the guildmaster, so does that mean his guild is composed of t&i people? im not quite sure who (in the naruto-verse) can get fooled by danzo into waging this war…
First guild war — can u tell us who was the mage who killed a witch? who was the witch? what were they fighting about??? was it a serious badass battle? were they secretly friends?? lovers??? did danzo have anything to do with this??? or maybe hanzo??? HOLY SHIT WOULD THE AME CHARACTERS BE INVOLVED HERE??? AKATSUKI??? but it’s ok if it’s still a secret… we can go detective on this one
speaking of ame and the other nations in the canonverse — will they also be part of this au? i mean we’ve already seen suna folks in OL&W but maybe like chojuro from kiri and other notable characters from the other hidden villages?
And to the violent era — using canonverse as basis, this would most likely be the counterpart of the hashirama-madara founding a village arc and/or the period before that, since they were also just fighting to death and using child soldiers. but actually im more curious about the guild wars than this era unless something dramatic happened lol other than the self-indulging satisfaction of blood thirst 🤣🤣🤣 im just really more invested when sakura is around. i would say tho, the lore is still interesting because im quite curious as to why the beginning is violent? was it because the gods had a fallout and all they really knew was to be violent about it? if it’s something similar, i’m getting a little bit of mythology-percy jackson vibes (which i LOVE) so Y A Y
ok so that’s basically me vomitting my smoke bomb thoughts *deep breaths* P H E W thank you AGAIN for the brain workout 🥰 it feels nice to lose myself in this world hahaha! you don’t really have to answer my questions; i literally just typed what’s on my mind 😂 INDEX WAS AWESOME! it’s like super clues to the mystery that lead to MORE mystery so yeahp you have just seen the effects on my mind
so sorry to hear about how your day was faring! i’m grateful my ask came to you at the right time. 🥰 i was actually worried about not sliding in your inbox earlier because i already saw that there was a new chapter but it was only then that i had time to check it out. i’m glad i was able to uplift your spirits even just for a little while 💕💕💕
i hope you have a better rest of the week ahead! ❤️❤️❤️
P.S. i cant believe u think my joke was top tier, im seriously bad at cracking jokes irl so thank you for believing in my limited-to-no-successful-experience in joke making
LMFAOOOO don’t worry if you don’t figure it out now :) it’ll all be revealed in due time!! Honestly?? Since you brought up the prequel thing i have been thinking not-fucking-stop about how else the world coud be explored. Like?? There is SO MUCH GOING ON!!!
we have the whole Inuzuka tribe, the different temples, so many different characters... there is so many rocks to turn over!!!
OKAY SECOND GUILD WAR ITASAKUSHI YES. we are on the same wavelength 🐱, bc i was thinking the same thing. They would probably meet during GW2 and hit it off pretty well. 1) because Shisui is one charming motherfucker, and 2) Itachi would def draw Sakura in with his smooth humor. Plus, as reclusive as Sakura is in this, she does enjoy being friends with them.
“shisui and itachi running around like headless chickens looking for the apple of their cursed uchiha eyes” this imagery fucking killed me. Oh my god. THATS SO FUNNY WTF
(okay so in the OG draft of OM&G it starts with saku not knowing any of the boys and meeting them for the first time. she knew sakumo [who was dead in this one] and itachi + shisui [they were close friends].
and sasuke was being a total asshole [as usual] and sakura shuts him up with telling him that she's slept with both itachi and shisui. and then all three of them together. to which sasuke has an ANEURYSM LMFAO
but in this one, ItaSakuShi DEF goes on missions together after GW2 and totally fuck and get drunk and hang out. its verified, it has happened, i am comfirming this.)
Ok so!!!! Thundersins would consist mainly of non clan people in Nart. So, Lee, Tenten, Gai, Anko, Genma, ect. Though, we won’t be seeing Gai, Genma, or Anko until much, much later :) Though, Shisui is a part of the Thundersins guild, because he’s just more suited for assassinations rather than wizarding.
so basically, i'm just kind of putting people wherever i think they'd be suited best!
Danzo himself is a tricky bastard and at the time of GW2, Thundersins is still a relatively “new” guild, and they’re mainly human at this point, meaning that they were the weakest guild. It mostly comes down to the fact that Danzo, the manipulative asshole, was able to get their aid. He kept the entire kidnapping a secret for years (i’m estimating at least fifty or so) because the war and then it came to light by some spies or sum
As for the first guild war LMFAO i have absolutely no idea at all which mage killed what witch, i didn’t really think about it tbh! Maybe it was one of sakura’s bullies,,, LMAO honestly? I’ll leave all of that lore to you!!! I like keeping some details vague just so readers can take it and RUN AHAHAHHA. So yeah! Maybe they were lovers! And the entire killing was an accident! Who knows!
OKAY SO! This is going to make sound TERRIBLE. But i hadn’t even thought of Mist or Ame or any of the other villages until you said something LMAOOO
Well… the akatsuki plays a HUGE role in the next two fics,, so i can’t really say much about them hehe…
I do love chojuro and mei and haku and just LKSMDANFKSLD yeah. Going to be honest: they totally slipped my mind which is awful. Head in hands frfr. But i can tell you this:
Mei would be a mage, Chojuro would be either an assassin or a mage… one of the two… haku and zabuza are assassins. Ao would probably be a wizard too.
As for the other Jinchūrikis,,,, you’ll have to wait for the next two (if i have...write them… haha..)!
THE VIOLENT ERA! And yes! So, this is basically the time where the Living are the most… animalistic? Especially since the gods’ “fallout” as you call it! Thepheria served as a balance to both Peace and War, she is Balance in the very sense of the word so… if something happens to her, the entire world goes into cause and it can take a long time for it to find equilibrium!
Nothing huge happened here, this was like the “stone age” of this world and very self indulgent with the whole savagery of it, but also highlighting that deep, deep down these Living (and humans) are angry and violent at their cores. Its their roots and no matter how they progress, it will always come back to war and bloodshed.
AND OMG!! A FELLOW CAMP HALF BLOOD CAMPER HELLO!!!! I love pjo so much!!!! My first series that got me loving fiction and the worlds we can build!!!
I’m so glad you liked the index!!! Its both for you and me because half the time i can’t keep track of what information i want to use/verified so… it keeps me consistent (because i am horrible at it LMAO)
Please don’t ever worry about sliding in here “late”!!! Life is busy and the chapters are a little long, plus time will always keep marching on (omg that rhymed)! And! Please don’t feel obligated to come scream with me! Just knowing that you’re enjoying my work is enough to fuel me!!! :))))))
I feel you on the jokes 🐱, i am not funny irl at all HAHAAHA but your joke was hilarious, im crackin up just thinking about it LMFAOOO
Have a great week 🐱!!!!!! <33333333
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