#i have a lot of Thoughts on this AU but I'll save it for now
deepseacolors · 4 months
Branching Line
@spr-ingo April, Day 3 (ft. The Parent Trap AU Nobody Asked For)
... There's no sense belaboring the point. I'm the epitome of the Slowpoke meme.
ANYway! I came up with this concept a... year? two years ago? And this felt like a good excuse to play with it.
I actually got it mostly done on time, but got too embarrassed to post it because it felt like an odd AU... but then I posted that OTHER AU for May 3rd's prompt, which is a way way weirder premise, so now I don't feel quite as silly! It's still not completely finished, but it's close enough and I'm tired of looking at it!
Anyway! Onwards!
Though it is early summer, Bertha and Ingo arrive at the Canalave docks early enough in the day that they beat the worst of both the heat and the crowd.
Nonetheless, she grips his hand and keeps him close as they move towards the boat that will take him to Johto. At nine years old, he’s still small enough that he could easily be swept away in the clamor, and the last thing either of them want is for him to miss his ride and lose his spot at summer camp.
Ingo himself is absolutely buzzing with excitement and nerves alike, clutching her hand like a lifeline. They had done all they could to prepare for today, for his first big trip alone; but all the preparation in the world likely means little compared to the wide open world before him now.
It certainly means little to Bertha.
But this trip will be good for him, she tells herself. And for her as well. He’s almost at the right age to leave on his own Gym run, and a few weeks away from home in a structured environment will help him adjust to the idea of a longer journey when the time comes.
And it likely doesn’t hurt that he’ll get to spend those weeks next to one of the world’s most advanced railway systems.
The only times he’s ever been up close and personal with his beloved locomotives were during vacations to other regions, which are sadly few and far between when a single mother must budget for not only a growing boy, but also the seven Pokemon between them.
So when she caught wind of a summer camp in Johto taking place near the Magnet Train’s railyard which touted it’s own railway program… Well, what else could she do but start saving up?
The look on Ingo’s face when she showed him the brochure made it worth every penny and then some.
At the moment, he is tapping an uneven rhythm on the handle of his rolling luggage, eyes taking in all the hustle and bustle of the growing crowd. He’s already on edge, and it’s only going to get busier. If he gets wound up now, she’ll never get him grounded.
Best to get him talking, then.
“What do you think, Ingo? Are you excited?”
Ingo is pulled from his thoughts at the sound of her voice, and beams up at her (not so far up as he used to, though—it won’t be long now until he surpasses her height. A bittersweet thought).
“Yes, I am!” He exclaims. The volume is enough to net them a few stares and annoyed glances, but Bertha pays them no mind.
Ingo, however, flushes when he notices the looks. He hunches his shoulders a bit and looks down, suddenly seeming to find his shoes very interesting.
Bertha squeezes his hand. When he looks back at her, she gives him a warm smile. “It seems that they have a lot of fun things planned. I’ll want to hear all about it when you get home!”
Ingo relaxes a little, and squeezes her hand in turn. “Of course, Mother!” He says, at a more even volume this time. He stops, letting go of his suitcase and reaching into his pocket for the brochure, now soft and wrinkled despite his best efforts.
He points at the bulleted list on the back. “There are many fascinating activities planned for us! Such as…”
Bertha is already very familiar with the camp’s itinerary; even if Ingo hadn’t chattered excitedly about it every night at dinner, she herself had done plenty of research before ever bringing it up.
But as Ingo regales her with all that information and more, she finds that his enthusiasm is as infectious as ever.
Reviewing the itinerary does the trick. Now much calmer, Ingo carefully replaces the brochure in his pocket. But when he goes back to pick up his bag, he seems taken aback by an unexpected weight. “What? It feels heaver now than it did a few minutes ago...”
Something inside the bag shifts.
Ah, so that’s it.
Bertha covers her grin with one hand. “Whatever could be the matter, Ingo?” She asks, not able to fully hide the laughter in her voice.
Ingo sighs, heavy and dramatic, kneeling down and unzipping his bag. Neither of them are surprised when a pair of pointed purple ears immediately poke out.
“Gligar,” Ingo scolds, crossing his arms and giving his best stern look at the little bat. “We have already discussed this.”
Gligar pins his ears back and tries to dig further into Ingo’s bag. He must have gotten impatient when he felt them pause and tried to pop out of his smuggled Poke Ball to get a better idea of what was happening.
“Ah, no--!” Ingo dives in to fish out his errant Pokemon. “Do not move things around! I already packed them just right!”
After a struggle, Ingo stands, holding Gligar aloft. Very seriously, he tells him, “You know I am only allowed one Pokemon on this trip. I understand that you are unhappy,” he yields, when Gligar starts to pout, “and I am truly sorry. But those are the rules we must abide by. You have to stay home with Mother and everyone else.”
Gligar scowls, and points a claw at Ingo’s belt, where a lone Poke Ball rests. It wiggles a little, but it’s occupant wisely decides to stay out of the discussion.
Ingo sighs. “This is also something we have discussed.” He sets Gligar down on the ground, and kneels in front of him. “We drew straws, remember? And since Litwick emerged victorious, she is the one who will accompany me on this trip.”
Gligar hisses softly, turning away. Bertha has to cover her mouth again to suppress a laugh at the little bat’s petulant expression.
For now, she opts to simply stands back and watch. If Ingo intends to become a successful Pokemon Trainer—and she knows with all her heart that he will—then managing a Pokemon’s difficult temperament is one of the challenges he will have to overcome.
Still, though. She’s watching the time, in case she and her own Gliscor need to cut the negotiation short with some motherly intervention.
Ingo’s own expression is not quite as amusing as his little Gligar’s. His lips turn downward even more than usual, and his brows knit together.
“Gligar,” he says, and his solemn tone is enough to catch his Pokemon’s attention again, “I promise that I am not playing favorites.” Ingo leans down a little, to be on a more even level with his Pokemon. “How about this? The next time I go on a trip and I only am allowed to take one Pokemon, you can be the one who accompanies me. Okay?”
Pinning his ears back again, Gligar seems to consider this. After a long few moments, he sulkily nods his assent.
Ingo’s shoulders slump in relief. “Thank you for your understanding, Gligar.” He reaches a hand out, and when Gligar doesn’t pull away, rubs the smooth chitin between his ears. “I promise, I will only be gone for a few weeks. You will hardly notice!”
Privately, Bertha doubts that. She herself is already dreading returning to the apartment, certain it will be too large and too quiet without her precious child.
(One of her precious children. The other--)
(--She can’t think of that now. Not when she’s about to see Ingo off, bound for another region, headed so far from home. Even if it’s only for a little while.)
For now, Bertha says, “he’s right, Gligar. I promise, we’ll have a lot of fun together at home!”
Gligar regards her and Ingo with open doubt, huffing.
Well, it was worth a shot.
Ingo glances up at her for just a moment, before waving Gligar over. “Actually, Gligar, there is something else I want to tell you.” He looks up at Bertha seriously. “But I am afraid it must be a secret between the two of us. May we have a moment of privacy, Mother?”
With a soft laugh and an “oh, of course! Excuse me, you two,” Bertha steps a few feet away, keeping her back turned to the young trainer and his even younger Pokemon. She is the very picture of minding her own business, don’t mind her.
Ingo nods, satisfied with her distance, and waves Gligar closer.
Gligar, ever curious, forgets his bitterness for the moment and approaches.
“Now, Gligar, I have a very important job for you to perform while I am away from home,” Ingo whispers, solemn, leaning down once again to his level. “It is incredibly vital, and you are the only one I can trust with this task.”
Interest piqued, Gligar’s ears perk up, and he leans up into Ingo’s space.
“While Litwick and I are away, I need you to look after Mother, okay?” Ingo’s already-serious expression is downright grave now. “I am concerned about leaving her alone while I am in Johto, so I hope that I will be able to count on you and the others to watch out for her in my stead until our return. Can you do that?”
Gligar’s eyes widen at the gravity of this request, before he nods enthusiastically and salutes as best he can.
Ingo straightens up and returns his salute, crisp and practiced. “Thank you, Gligar! I will be counting on you, so please do your best!”
(Several feet away, Bertha is covering her face with both hands. It’s taking everything in her power not to melt on the spot.
Despite his best efforts, her darling son’s volume control still leaves much to be desired.)
[BOAT CALLS FOR BOARDING; Ingo kisses Gligar goodbye, hands him to Bertha, and kisses her goodbye before rushing to board.
He hesitates, looking back to Bertha, suddenly overcome with nerves. Bertha knows what’s happening, and waves encouragingly.
Ingo gathers his courage and boards.]
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hugedwarflover · 9 months
Grim Gloom: If you're dealt a bunch of lemons, you gotta take those lemons and stuff them down somebody's throat until they see yellow.
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pyrriax · 11 months
i think i'll spontaneously combust when i hit 20k posts on this blog. what the hell. (my queue is putting in the work. also the multiple reblogs of the same posts because i have a Point to make.)
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angelsrcute · 3 months
Haloo :D im wondering if u r taking requests now but if u r can u write a fyodor with immortal female reader ? It would be wonderful if u can can but u can ignore this request if u want to
“ But can't you see my dear? I am your doppelganger ♡”
(´∀`*)ε` ) ౨ৎ N–sfw content !! ; Dom!Immortal!Vampire!Fyodor + Sub!Immortal!Vampire!F!Reader ➜ cws: Modern au, Jealous!Fyodor, Vampire themes, fwb → lovers, alcohol mentions, biting, unprotected sex + use of lube, tit play, overstimulation, creampie, oral sex (f receiving), slight Yandere!Fyodor(?), Soft!Fyodor.
꒰ † ੭ — this ended up being my longest fic ever, lol, 1.3k words!! I am taking reqs! + a lil inspiration from olgami, it's such a good webtoon. (人´∀`)♪ Translation: "Мышка" (myshka)
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When humans age, they die and pass on to the afterlife, don't they? Death was something that never came to you, ah immortality, such a cool thing. It was more like a curse to you, humans coming and going, years passing by but still no one seemed to notice the same face walking among them for all these decades. Faces unrecognisable as you try to remember their names, their relation with you, not that it mattered anyway.
Relationships were a nuisance, blink and they're already gone, dead, as you stand in their funeral. It was a really funny thing, oh how you wished you could die instead of watching your loved ones die.
Fyodor Dostoevsky. Not a famous name for humans but for vampires, they say he's the oldest vampire to ever live. Have you ever met with him? You did, decades ago, in his bed, in his mansion, fyodor needed some relief and so did you.
He was the one who saved you from your death, why? Because he thought you were interesting. He'd take care of you and teach you how to hunt, how to kill people and make sure no one finds out. He seemed like a lonely man too, house deep in the woods, living all by himself.
The other vampires though, had this bloodlust, to kill him, to become the lord themselves. Everyone clawing at any chance they get, to paint their fingers red with his blood. You never understood their reasoning, what's so good living a life like this?
Dressed in the finest silk and jewelries, he liked seeing you in white clothing the most. He said it made you look like a saint, the saint that brought some change to his boring life. He definitely wasn't a fan of other vampires eyefucking you at meetings. Well, they'd end up going missing anyway.
Cleaning up after him was annoying, why did he have to be so busy? that also playing the piano as he drank wine. Blankly staring at the body in front of you as you clean the floor, muttering curses at him.
It didn't take long but you fell for him, yearning for his touches, but you could never confess, fearing it would ruin your relationship. Your body burning like fire as he kisses you, snapping his hips against you, dress ripped off and discarded on the floor.
“You liked that dress? I'll tell them to make one for you again, money isn't a problem for me.”
Cold slender fingers playing with your nipples as he decorates your neck with bite marks, drawing blood from them. Tongue darting out to lick the blood as he whispers about how sweet you taste to your ears. Your nails digging into his shoulders as your eyes roll back from pleasure, his hands holding your leg up at this point.
Everything was going smoothly until one day he disappeared, without a single word. All the other vampires went crazy over this fact. Some were happy thinking he finally died, some just disappointed that they couldn't be the one killing him.
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You returned to Russia after a lot of years, travelling all over the world, everything was different to you, with the years, technology also grew, like for instance, this human was staring into a phone. Bumping into you and not saying a single apology but they had the audacity to curse you instead, calling you blind.
Well, guess you just found yourself dinner, how lucky. Hiding the body with no effort, muttering to yourself “The world would be a little better without people like this.”
You went down an alley, there was a nice bar here, you remembered. Entering it, you took a seat after ordering your favourite drink. From the corner of your eyes, you could see a stranger coming up to you, sitting beside you, “I've never seen you around here, darling, do you need some help? I know a really nice place around here–”
The man went on rambling about nonsense, poor attempts at flirting, and why is he even talking about himself, you don't remember asking. Quietly sipping on your drink as you ignored the stranger. The stranger, though, seemed offended, “Hey I'm talking to you, whore, if you don't want attention, dress up more!”
Now that part really got on your nerves, what were you supposed to wear, a long ass winter jacket? You could just pretend to play along and just kill this guy, not even interested in drinking his blood! But someone else's voice stopped you, a voice too fucking familiar.
It was none other than fyodor, you watched as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you by his side, eyes narrowing at the stranger with a smile, “It's really rude to flirt with someone's lover, don't you think? You'll walk away from here and remember nothing.” The guy on command, got up and left the bar, the people in the surrounding, definitely didn't care.
“You look like you've seen a ghost, Мышка.” He chuckled, as if he just met you yesterday and not decades ago.
“What the fuck? Where the hell were you for all these years!?” You shouted at him, burning a hole into his face with your glare, “Of course I'm surprised, am I not supposed to be when you appear like that? God!”
“Let's discuss it somewhere private, shall we? I know a hotel nearby.” You hated how composed he seemed to be, but still followed him, giving him a chance to explain himself.
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“I was a bit hurt, dear, why didn't you tell the man to leave? or were you interested?” He asked while sitting down on the bed.
“Is that what we're talking about? Give me an explanation, fyodor, where the hell were you?”
“A bit busy, don't mind me, I had business that needed to be taken care of.”
“That's it? You could've at least told me a goodbye! or sent letters.”
“Ah, but that would give away my location, wouldn't it? I didn't want any disturbances, but enough about me, where were you? I couldn't find you in my mansion.”
“I was travelling, and I did not see a point in staying there if you weren't there but you really had me worried, you know?” You sighed, sitting beside him.
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Well this was supposed to be meeting up with a past ‘friend’. So why did this turn into a fucking session? According to a certain someone, he wanted to make up for his mistakes!
Currently between your thighs, lapping up your folds like he hadn't eaten in years, savouring the taste like it was his favorite meal. He teased your clit with his tongue, gently flicking it, before sucking it into his mouth. Your moans and whines were music to his ear, he could feel you were close, his tongue speeding up to make you cum.
“F-fuck…gonna cum–” You stammered before cumming, lewd slurping sounds filling the room before getting up and kissing you, slipping his tongue in your mouth, making you taste yourself. A string of saliva joining your tongue after he breaks the kiss, he definitely likes seeing you like this— face flushed, hair disheveled, neck decorated by pretty hickeys by him.
You don't remember what round it was, all you can feel is the way he keeps fucking his cum back in your cunt. Sweat glistening on your body as you can't help but let out whimpers due to overstimulation, “T-Too much, fedya…slow down–”
“I'm sure you can cum for me again, my dear.”
He kisses your tear soaked face while rubbing soothing circles on your clit to calm you down. You pull him closer to kiss again, running your hands through his soft hair before he cums in you for the last time and pulls out.
Fyodor runs you a warm bath and then puts you on the bed, climbing in to cuddle with you, well, such a memorable get together isn't it?
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Taglist: @blueberrisdove
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hanniebaeee · 2 months
The Deal
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Fae! Hyunjin x fem! Reader
Warnings: illness, talking about baby making
Genre: fae au, fluff, suggestive?
Summary: Your best friend Jennie is sick, and all the healers have given up on her. And you make a hard choice of bargaining with a fae to save your friend.
a/n: My entire body is still buzzing with the energy from last night and I don't want this to ever stop 😭 I love these boys so much!!!
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You knew that they were irresistibly beautiful, but you didn't think he would be this irresistible. The fae stood in front of you, his dark eyes and golden hair glimmering under the moonlight. He looked way too arrogant, not something you would normally like, but this one was just....irresistible. Ok sorry.
But the situation was such that none of these things actually mattered. Your best friend Jennie was dying. She had a disease that none of the village healers could understand, and so none of them could help her. She was in a lot of pain and seeing her suffering day after day was torture. Her family has already given up, but not you.
This was your last resort. This just had to work.
This particular fae, Hyunjin, as he told you his name was, had a mischievous smile on his face as he studied you. His eyes swept your body shamelessly, and you want to punch his beautiful face, but you were the one in need here. And beggers can't be choosers.
'Please.' You beg, holding your mother's ruby ring in your hands as an offering. This was all you had of her. Giving it away was hard. But if it would save Jennie, then that's ok.
'I'll do anything. Please save Jennie. She's dying, and the healers say only fae magic can help her now.' You plead.
Hyunjin leaned casually against a gnarled oak tree and eyed you. That smile was still there, as he asked, 'Anything?'
You nod eagerly. 'Yes, anything.'
With sly grin, Hyunjin stepped closer. And you didn't miss the way his eyes twinkled with mischief.
'Very well, Y/N. I'll save your friend, but in exchange, I require your firstborn.'
There was a pause, as you started at the fae in front of you with wide eyes. Your mouth fell open, and your heart raced. Deep inside, you wanted to scream, but then Jennie's cries of pain echoed in your ears.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you whisper, 'Deal.'
Hyunjin nodded in acknowledgment and snapped his finger. And he was gone in a swirl of faerie dust.
You stood under the moonlit clearing in the woods - with hope.
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When you saw Jennie the next day, your heart squeezed in pain. She didn't look any better. And her small whimpers of pain only made you weaker. You never cried over her, but that day you did.
But all of a sudden, she wasn't crying as much as she did before. You watched the color return to her pale cheeks and she was standing on her two feet. Then, taking small steps. And then one day, she was your old Jennie again - with that playful smile and her jokes. You couldn't thank Hyunjin enough.
And when you thought of Hyunjin, it was difficult to think of your deal. How were you ever going to do that?
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You walk back to the clearing in the woods on a full moon night. And there he sat, on a tree stump, looking as ethereal as he did last time, a small smile playing on his plump lips. He had a firefly perched on his fingertip and he held it out towards you.
And just as you took one step closer, he blew. And there were a hundred fireflies all around you. It was the most magical scene you've ever seen. You watch with wide eyes, as they start disappearing one by one, until it is just the two of you again.
'Thank you so much!' You say, your voice, respectful.
Hyunjin just nodded and tilted his head sideways, just watching you.
'Jennie is well now. So now let's talk about our deal.' You say, holding your head high. 'So, when do we get started?'
Hyunjin looked amused and confused altogether.
'Started? Started on what?' He asked, and you wanted to laugh at that look on his pretty face.
'Well, you wanted my firstborn.' You say with a shrug, but Hyunjin doesn't miss the mischievous glint in your eye. 'You didn't expect someone else to do all the hard work, now, did you?'
The fae's expression faltered for a moment there. His frown relaxed, and he gave you a blank stare.
'You actually meant...Oh.'
You burst out laughing, covering your mouth with your hand. You wish that Jennie was here to see this. Oh no, you can't tell her though, she would murder you for doing this in the first place.
'Do you even understand what you're saying, human?' Hyunjin asked, his cheeks colouring, but a hint of arrogance creeping in.
'Made you a deal, didn't I?' You ask, folding your hands against your chest. 'What do you want me to do?'
'If you haven't noticed, there are plenty of good men in your village.' Hyunjin pointed out.
'None I'm interested in making a baby with, sorry.' You say, pursing your lips and shaking your head.
Hyunjin sighed.
'Quick question, what exactly are you planning to do with my baby anyway?' You ask.
Hyunjin looks so done with you already, but he sighs and says, 'That's none of your business. But if you must know, I intend to raise them in the fae court and -'
'You want to raise my baby in the fae court?' Your question has him sighing again. 'Don't you hate humans or something? Then why raise a human baby?'
'Not just any human baby.' Hyunjin muttered under his breath.
'Sounds like you've got it all figured out.' You tease. 'Except for... you know what.'
Hyunjin just glared at you and you laughed again.
'Usually people would cry and beg to let them off the hook for such a deal.' He pointed out. 'You seem surprisingly relaxed about this.'
'Like I said. If you're gonna contribute, I have no reason to keep your child from you.' You say and Hyunjin just laughs.
A beautiful beautiful sound. He starts walking away and you jog to keep up. And as you walk, the fireflies are back again, casting a gentle glow around you.
'So.' Hyunjin began after a moment, his tone teasing and incredibly sexy. 'What does this mean? You want to stay till the baby arrives?'
You glance at him, eyes wide. You didn't really expect him to agree. Seeing you falter had Hyunjin grinning.
'What?' He asked, stopping suddenly and stepping in front of you. 'You wanted this.'
'Of course.' You said, trying to regain your composure. 'You would send me away after the baby arrives?'
'Darling, what do you expect? Hm?' Hyunjin's voice is surprisingly soft and his eyes are fixed on your face.
'Maybe you don't send me away and let me help raise our child. Maybe.' Your own voice is so soft and low, Hyunjin had to lean forward, his face so close to your's so that he could hear.
'Is that what you really want?' He asked. 'Do you understand that once you cross over to my realm you can't just return to your human life? It's complicated and I will not be able to help you come back if you change your mind.'
You nod slowly, trying to get this into your head. So, you will never see Jennie again. Your father won't even notice that you're not there anymore. Just like he doesn't even seem to remember your mother anymore. And the thought of your mother had your heart squeezing. There is nothing in that village for you, except Jennie. She would understand.
Hyunjin seemed to know what you're thinking because he steps closer.
'Are you sure you want to be thinking like that, sweet thing?' He asked, placing a hand on your shoulder.
'Jennie would understand. She knows I'm... with my mother gone...' You stutter, and Hyunjin just slips that arm around your shoulders.
That's all he said. Your head snapped up, searching his face for mischief.
'Are you serious right now?' You ask, narrowing your eyes at him.
Hyunjin's laughter rang through the trees, echoing magically.
'I suppose so.' He said with a shrug. 'Why not.'
'Do you do this often?' You ask, your heart stopping for a second at that thought.
'Excuse me, who do you think I am?' He asked, looking embarrassed.
'I just want to know what I'm looking at. I'm not great at sharing.' You grumble and Hyunjin laughs again.
'You're something else!' He said, eyes wide with surprise. 'And no. I don't go around picking humans to make babies with, ok? You're the first. And last. No sharing. Happy?'
'Happy.' You confirm and he just shakes his head in disbelief.
You glance back to look at the fireflies hovering around you and Hyunjin as he takes your hand and leads you deeper into the forest.
'Is there a reason you asked me for my firstborn?' You ask suddenly. 'Or, you would've asked this to any woman who may have approached you?'
Hyunjin turns to look at you and says, 'I've had my eyes on a pretty human girl for a while now. I saw her one night, as she came into the woods to cry. And I've seen her almost every day ever since. And then imagine my surprise when she calls out for help.'
You stare at him, shocked.
'It's just my lucky day.' He said with a chuckle and you blush.
'Come on my princess. We have work to do.' He whispers, and you feel goosebumps all over your body as you let him lead you into his world.
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s0ckh3adstudios · 9 months
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Welcome to UNDERTALE GOLD! An Undertale Yellow swap AU that I have thought of WAYYYYYY too much stuff for.
Follow not a sheriff, but a little superhero trying to save the day and find the missing humans around Mt. Ebbot.
In case it's not obvious, these are the swaps:
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Dalv, Axis, and Guardener I'll get designs down for soon. But for now, I've got the main cast! Also quick note; Clover's name is Rover in this AU. Thought it'd be silly- you know, Rover like a space rover? Becauseee star? Space? You get it you're smart
There's a LOT to know so... if you got anything you wanna know... send an ask?
I love Chujin here he's alive but he is. so pathetic. loser man i hope he falls down the stairsss
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Star Light, Star Bright | Fatui Harbingers x (Fem)Creator!Reader
A/N: holy Tsarista, I did not think that it would be this popular. Thank you so much!! It's been a couple months since I got into Genshin, but I'm glad that the Harbinger trailer dropped cause otherwise, this probably wouldn't have existed lol. I apologize for the late update. I have been quite stumped in the plot and just taking a moment to come up with one. If I didn't tag everyone, I'm sorry! DM or reply to be added to the taglist! :3
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Summary: Caring for children is hard, but it's especially hard when around the Fatui. Getting isekaied was the last thing on your mind after landing in the icy tundra of Snezhnaya all while your nephew is with you. What will happen when you encounter not only a Fatui Skirmisher but a Fatui Harbinger?
Tags/warnings: female reader, God!reader, Cult AU,
Not edited or beta read, we die like Signora.
First>> Next>>
Chapter 2: The Creator's Welcome
What could be said while the entire palace and the surrounding area waited with bated breath for their Grace to awaken?
They were fervent - they waited to leave and search for the "meaner" that has done harm to their Beloved but that would leave their Previous Grace with only the Heir for company and guard.
The Precious Heir - they have heard of them only from what was written centuries ago. He was beautiful - he was innocent and was crying for their Grace to wake up all while the Harbingers stood by with the Tsarista finally making her appearance, rushing towards the bed that their Grace rested in, bending the knee and holding their hand.
"Your Grace. Your Excellency. Oh, my Beloved Creator. What has that Meaner done to you?"
Nugget never left your side as he clutched onto your waist, but being careful with your arms as he was told by the blue-haired man with the mask. He was a doctor and clearly knew what he was talking about so the little one made sure to listen well. The Doctor man and the others gave them a room which is what his Auntie expected and though he was focused more on taking care of you, it was nice to wander around the room all while the Harbin Gingers (It was some word that he had trouble saying) always came to check on him and his auntie and even gave him coloring books and sweets and fruits. It was all so good and he made sure to save you some whenever you were going to wake up.
But he especially loved the Tsarista and Columbia (Colombina)
They were very nice. They held him when you were still asleep and he couldn't be there for the operation.
For what seemed like forever, when it was only a matter of four days, the bed shifted as Nugget was reading the latest book that the guy with the funny hat gave him. He wanted to read it to you when you woke up and his wish was soon coming true as he felt movement and looked over to see your [E/c] eyes. He gasped and immediately snuggled into the sheets and wrapped his small arms around your waist.
"Auntie! You're awake! You're awake!"
Soft wet globs of tears started to stain your shirt as you looked down at the child who held you tightly and didn't want to let go. It would have been endearing if it wasn't for the fact that you had almost died from possible blood poisoning from ignoring your wounds. Your Nephew remembered seeing a lot of gold and despite still learning, he knew for a fact blood was red.
Carefully holding him up and ruffling his hair, you kissed his forehead and wiped his tears away.
"I'm sorry I made you worry, Nugget. I promise, I'll be sure to look after myself but my main concern was you."
That response earned a pout but your nephew thought it was good enough for now. If you weren't healthy and in one piece, how are you supposed to find a husband or a wife?!
"Just don't go to sleep anymore or at least for a long time. You made everyone worry!"
At the mention, your Nephew saw the clear confusion on your face and smiled brightly, but with a glint of mischievousness as he swiftly, with his small feet could go, hopped out of bed but careful to stay clear from your arms, rushed to the door and yelled out.
"Auntie [Y/n] is awake!" he said with a bright smile that was quite contagious, but it was last minute that you saw a figure by the door, or make it two figures. They had hoods over their head but it was the masks that covered their identities - the sheer happiness was clear from their body movements and one of them rushed out to who knows where while your nephew ran back to your side and started to share all the books he's read while you were recovering.
He's always had trouble reading so it was a feat itself to see him now reading at his supposed grade level. He still had trouble with certain words but nothing to worry about.
While trying to process all that was happening around you, you heard multiple footsteps before the door flew open, and in walked in about a dozen people.
Your face heated up at seeing all the gorgeous faces quickly surround you, pulling your nephew close to your side, weary of what else could happen. But you could have sworn that there was a hint of sadness in their eyes from your pull away from them.
"Don't be scared. They helped us! They helped you! Especially the Doctor man." Your nephew grinned as he held your hand and decided to make you sit up and face the group properly and pointed at the Doctor. The Doctor that he mentioned was practically preening from the praise like a peacock showing off its feathers.
The grip on his hand lessened as you looked at all twelve people one by one. It didn't take a rocket scientist to distinguish the power that they all radiated. Though at the time, you didn't know of the power you held yourself.
The elegant lady with long white hair, icy blue eyes, and who seemed to scream 'Ice Queen', slowly walked up to your bedside with a gentle smile as her hand moved to slowly hold yours. Now, you wouldn't have minded if it was your nephew or family, but this was a stranger. A stranger with a very firm grip despite how delicate it was.
"Now. How shall we punish the meaner that's done this to you?"
It was... a change to have people cater to your every whim despite half of them being just jokes like bringing you the finest gem. The honor of bestowing such a gem was by none other than the 9th Harbinger, Pantalone.
Your nephew was having a great time, especially when he got to get along with a majority of the Harbingers and the Fatui, who took the mission of entertaining Nugget very seriously.
Once your arms were good as new, you asked for the group of Fatui soldiers that you and your nephew first encountered. At first, they were adamant about having you and Nugget leave the palace but you needed to get back to your car and get the rest of your things.
But funnily enough, you don't remember a palace or an organization going by the Fatui in your life...
Not to mention, these people seemed to recognize you and your nephew despite you two not knowing any of them.
If you thought of it more, a headache occurred and the Tsarista was adamant in asking you to save your energy and that it didn't matter if you recognized them. That all that mattered was that you and the Heir were fine.
While bedridden, your Nephew had the privilege to waltz around like he owned the place and even got you some books to read in the meantime. You saw mentions of a Divine Creator, a God-like figure that was first in creating the world around you and beyond, the one that made the stars and skies. A Divine Creator from the Beyond gave life to a speck in the skies and named it Teyvat and thus, its first child was born.
During a certain period when the Creator was roaming freely, they announced that their sister was with child and so, the Creator named the unborn babe the Heir to Teyvat.
The book was quite the read and wanting to know more about why the people around you and Nugget called you the Divine Creator and the Heir, you took it around with you.
"Your Grace, you must bundle up. Snezhnayan winters are quite brutal. People freeze to death here, quite literally in fact." announced a Fatui sniper, the one that first saw you and Nugget as he came behind you and placed a coat, courtesy of Pantalone of course, on your shoulders and your nephew too.
Stepping out to the brutal snow, instead of the harsh snow that you were expecting, it was a light snowfall that shocked the group of Fatui that decided to travel with you.
[Nephew's Name] stepped out from behind you and cheered happily as he rushed out to the snow and started to play, making snowmen and snow angels with, of course, the Fatui looking out and being won over by the child's heart-felt giggles.
They were all trying to make sense of why the snowfall was reduced to just light snow instead of the blizzards they're used to until they recalled that their Divine Grace and the Heir were right here with them. Teyvat was the Divine Creator's first child and as the loyal child it was, it could always sense where they were. Though Snezhnaya was the domain of the Tsarista, the Cryo Archon, the Divine Creator's word was Law.
Everything came to a slow stop as the world first heard the giggle from the Creator and with each step that you had taken, noticeable patches of green started to appear and grow more and more. The chilled winds of winter called down as the grey skies parted to make way for the rays of the sun.
The Tsarista felt the pause of winter, looking out that the frozen lands of her region have warmed up to what it had been long ago before her ascension.
Her Grace has given warmth back to the frozen tundras of Snezhnaya to the point that the flora and fauna basked in the sunlight. "Nugget. Be careful. The snow is melting."
And like that, the snow stopped melting just enough for your nephew to enjoy making snow angels.
'Welcome to Teyvat, Divine Creator!'
@lizzhearthz, @yoshikuno , @anonclyde , @khalhaimdad, @ellenoir
@yunsblog030 , @lsleepysimpl, @potol0ver, @kitty-chan33
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reds-skull · 6 months
Fanfic Recommendations: Writers
I thought of making this kind of list for a while now, since in my notes I save writers when I like most/all their fics (instead of saving each work individually)
This list is going to be very long, I'm gonna try to add to each writer a little description of the type of work they usually write.
Should leave this as a disclaimer for all my fic rec posts, but always look at the tags and CW on each fic before reading!
As always, if a link doesn't work, you're welcome to reach out!
[This list will include both SFW and NSFW writers, since a lot of them do both]
thirteenbullets - Writer of Anytime You Need Me, basically the ultimate hurt/comfort series. [fun fact, part 6 was the first fic I read in this fandom, and I partially blame how good it was for how fast I got obsessed with cod lol]
mothbeast - Writer of Pattern Breaker, one of the more well known fics for ghostsoap (for a good reason!). Love their other fics as well [some are NSFW]
glaciers (Hayfever_Street) - Non AU fics, where they put ghost and soap and various situations for angst! [some NSFW]
Red_Clegane - non AU and AU fics, some of the best non-military AUs I've read. All of their fics share a similar taste, but they're all equally good, so if you like that style you'll enjoy most of them [some NSFW]
sauceboss_yahoo - AUs with supernatural elements, and non-military AUs. Some a/b/o if that's your style [which obviously means there's some NSFW]
yourvaliants - AO3 account of valiants on Tumblr, I'll expand more when I get to Tumblr users, but this is just their place to post NSFW comics since Tumblr doesn't allow that.
wayfaredsoldier - non-military AUs, AUs with supernatural elements, and in canon universe [some NSFW]
MildLimerence - If you want smut with good plot, this is the writer for you haha. They have several soulmate AUs and fantasy/supernatural AUs, as well as canon universe [mostly NSFW]
Arodana - supernatural AUs and non-military AUs, very enjoyable long works [some NSFW]
crown_twist - a mix of NSFW and hurt/comfort oneshots, if you're in the mood for something short and good this is the writer for you [some NSFW]
ElizaStyx - mostly oneshots for a variety of pairings, a mix of NSFW and fluff [some NSFW]
Sillililli - Canon and non-military AUs, with just a pinch of NSFW [little NSFW]
Louffox - Canon and non-military AUs, a lot of angst and hurt/comfort. A few longer works and a good amount of oneshots [some NSFW]
kcisbroken [previously artbykc0001] - Historical AUs, sometimes MCD, some non AU oneshots and NSFW [some NSFW]
Hochseeperle - non AUs, angst and hurt/comfort, with NSFW [some NSFW]
eggtimelads - Supernatural AUs, non AUs, oneshots that literally changed my brain chemistry (not clickbait) [some NSFW]
blackbird_flyaway - supernatural and non AUs, recently started a zombie AU (that I just discovered and go read it after finishing this lmao) [Some NSFW]
TheLastTheosaurus - hurt/comfort oneshots. Good ol' reliable [no NSFW]
Nuria123 - absolutely amazing non AU, non-military AUs, and fics so emotional they made me full on sob. A mix of oneshots and longer works [some NSFW]
AvaLoren - non-military, non AU, and a little bit of fantasy, and medieval AUs, mostly oneshots with some longer fics [some NSFW]
WhisperedWords12 - non-military, non AU, and a little bit of fun shifter AU, many oneshots that are mostly NSFW [a lot of NSFW]
Wheezing_Joe - non AU, oneshots with some onehsot series, hurt/comfort and angst galore. Very nice stuff [no NSFW]
coderaven - non-military AUs and non AUs, emotional hurt/comfort, a little supernatural AUs [some NSFW]
oh_ellie - non AUs, hurt/comfort, and a whole lot of smut [mostly NSFW]
headlocket - author of all that's said in the low light. I don't need to say anything else, if you didn't read it yet, you really REALLY should! [little NSFW]
Grangers_apprentice - [note: majority of works locked for users with no AO3 accounts] non-AU, supernatural AUs, some oneshots and some longer works with series. A bit of a/b/o if that's your style [some NSFW]
DarkMoonMaiden - non AU, hurt/comfort and smut. Mostly oneshot, some series [mostly NSFW]
merikai - non AU and non-military AUs, hurt/comfort and angst oneshots [no NSFW]
simcoehole - supernatural but military and non AUs, mostly smut [mostly NSFW]
Epifauna - non AU oneshots, a lot of fluff with some angst [little NSFW]
prettyunhinged - non AU oneshots (some as long as multi chapter works though), angst, fluff and smut [some NSFW]
oshikiri_toru - non-military and non AUs, with some supernatural elements. Very long oneshots with angst and smut. Very underrated writer imo! [some NSFW]
xEclipse - non AU, fluff and smut oneshots that can get very sweet [some NSFW]
unravelledorfrayed - non AU, misunderstanding hurt/comfort (the good kind) [no NSFW]
lkst - very unique AUs, as well as non AUs. A bit of smut and a lot of angst [little NSFW]
now, there are some blogs here that write a lot of little drabbles that are always a treat to read, so I'm also gonna add some of them.
cod-dump - mostly non AU, with the exception of the Teen!Ghost AU.
forestshadow-wolf - AU and non-AU, also has many downloaded fics for you to read (they're a lifesaver when AO3 is down)
valiants - as mentioned above, comic artist and occasional writer, honestly a huge inspiration for me, it terms of storytelling and art style.
ghcstao3 - also has an AO3, wanted to put them here because they post a lot of drabbles here that don't get posted on AO3.
captain-mj - also has an AO3, like ghcst posts a lot of fics here that don't get posted on AO3. Many are NSFW, as a heads-up.
That's all for now, in the future if I make fic recs for longer works, you will probably see some from these writers.
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lani-heart · 4 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously
parings -> ( eventually ) enhypen x reader genre -> soulmate au, fantasy au, angst warnings -> angst word count -> 2.8k
abstract -> dear snake... we're the same as even centuries before
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y/n’s perspective 
I chose a card… I knew it wasn't from Niki, Jake, nor Jungwon. But it had to be from Jay or Sunoo most likely from Sunoo since he was the romantic. I hate that I knew some of them. But the message won me over.
When we first met I felt drawn to love at first sight.  I loved you then and I love you now, I’ll always be there to lift you up even if you don't want me there. I want to be the only one to cherish and love you. To die and live for you and only you. So I can only dream you would do that for me. 
The masquerade was in a week and I couldn't wait. 
“Hello, lovely soulmate!” I heard as I saw Jake. “A rose for you” he said and I smiled. All of them were on a mission to have me choose them. “How kind of you” I said and he smiled as he kissed my hand. 
“You're trying too hard” I heard as I saw Sunghoon and Jake groaned. “Dude go away!” Jake said and Sunghoon rolled his eyes.
“y/n come on let's get away from this freak!” he said and Jake looped his arm around me. “Where are we going then?” he challenged and the two glared at each other. 
“Both of you are pathetic, did you forget you had a meeting with Wonyoung? Jake, you also have a meeting with the treasurers” Jungwon said and they groaned. 
“Bye y/nnie!” they yelled. 
“How are you doing my love?” he asked and I smiled. “Good and you, Wonnie?” I asked and he smiled as he put his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead. “Better when I'm around you, this masquerade thing is a lot of work,” he said and I nodded as I hugged him back.
“I know but it'll be fun, '' I said and he chuckled. “It'll be fun if you choose me,” he said and I smiled. “Even if I don't won't you save me a dance?” I asked and he nodded. “Even if you don't, I'll steal you away,” he said, making me chuckle.
“Love birds, ugh” I heard and saw Wonyoung gagging. 
“Back to work for both of you!” 
When we first met I felt drawn to love at first sight. 
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heeseung’s perspective
“We are not changing colors,” Jungwon said. Riverfield and Decelis had similar colors which led to an argument between councils.
“Those are our colors, you guys can choose black and gray like the colors of your ancestors!” Taki suggested even if it was a joke it made me scoff. 
“Blue and Gold don't even suit Decelis'” K said and I rolled my eyes. He was getting on my nerves… while my naive mate that I rejected didn't believe that he had a crush on her I do. His thoughts were annoying and filled with envy… whilst my oblivious princess was stupid enough to beg for his hand. 
“Why don't we just choose a color, we can have gold and you guys blue?” Jungwon tried reasoning and whilst EJ nodded– “No” K interrupted. “K it's a good compromise–” “Those are our colors, why should we let the vampires have that?” he said stubbornly. “But gray and black aren't even our colors either, '' Sooha pouted. 
“I think it's a good compromise, we can do navy blue,'' EJ suggested. “We could go gold and white,” Jungwon said and they agreed. 
K however didn't let his thoughts go…
The meeting was dismissed when they finally left our council room. “Why did it matter so much?” Sooha asked. “We are rivals,” Jake suggested. “It's also a school’s pride,” Jungwon added. 
“So how’s the soulmate thing going for you guys?” Sooha asks and I sometimes wish she would shut up.
“She’s amazing! Tomorrow we're going to the city where she wants to show me another witch spot” Jake said and I refrained from scoffing. He made it a habit to eat with her… for some reason, it helped him with control.
“Ooh! I wanna go!” Sunoo said with a grin. He accepted her second and he was completely whipped for her.
“You need to be event planning” Jungwon scolded… the first one to be accepted by her.
“Don’t you think you’ve made a big enough enemy out of Wonyoung? You're constantly stealing her away” Sunghoon said… someone who used her, but for some reason she forgave him. 
“He has nothing else better to do” Jay joked… he wasn’t even romantically involved with her… yet Despite his wishes for it going slow and starting off as platonic was getting more and more romantically interested as he saw how her other soulmates kiss and dote on her. 
“He should be helping me with the Decelis final game,” Niki said… another one who first accepted her, and went against me but fixed their relationship. 
“I'm jealous… you guys look so happy with her. K still hasn't accepted me… and she doesn't want anything to do with me” Sooha said and they all sighed. Thoughts running around about K and how he had to get his act together which I agreed with. 
“At this point why not go with Heeseung?” Sunoo suggested and I refrained from glaring or scoffing. Sooha looked at me with sad eyes and I tried my best to give her a genuine smile. 
“Will you?” she asked and I wanted to say no… “Sure”
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I was making it my way to her to deliver papers when I overheard voices. 
“Yeah, so Jungwon and EJ agreed that we keep our colors and they’ll–” “They agreed to split up the colors, we didn't agree on keeping black and red” I interrupted as I opened the door. 
I noticed her confused expression while looking at K for confirmation. Innocent and naive… 
“K?” she asked and he turned his attention to her and smiled softly. “We really did. Don’t tell me you believe him or me?” he asked and I scoffed. 
She looked at me confused… 
“I just don’t understand…” she said. “EJ and Jungwon both agreed to split up the colors, they'd get navy blue and we’d get gold and white,” I said and K shook his head. “We agreed Declis would have vampire colors, black and red,” K said, completely lying. 
“But Declis doesn't use red or black?” she asked now confused but looking at K for confirmation. “It's the colors of vampires–” “He’s a liar, I understand not to believe me but ask Jungwon yourself or any of your soulmates,” I said and she looked at K. 
“K… are you lying to me? Do I have to go to EJ?” she asked in a soft tone and he sighed. “You understand right? Bright Sun’s colors are gold and orange, it classifies too much” he tried saying and she looked at me confused. 
“I just don't understand why you'd lie?” she asked and he scoffed.
“You really believe him? The same vampire who rejected you day one?” he asked, now angry. His thoughts swirl of betrayal and begging her to take his side. 
“Well… me and Heeseung may not have a good friendship but he’s respected me and never lied about council work. Or at least not that I know of…” she said and I was glad she trusted me even a little bit. “Besides, we agreed on these terms… Why are you trying to go behind everyone’s back?” she asked and he sighed. 
“Forget it… I get it, even though he rejected you, you’ll still follow him around like a fool” he said as he stormed off. I looked at her to see she was confused and shocked… 
“Uhm… I'm sorry about that” she apologized and I shook my head. “Thank you for trusting me, I–” “Though I know you’ve lied to me in the past, I want to clear that just because I trusted you now that I might not in the future,” she said and I nodded. 
I did lie to her in the past… with Jungwon and Sunoo. Even with Jay… so why lie to K?
“I’ll handle this, thank you” 
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K was acting strange… he was also getting more annoying and out of bounds. He was crossing the line with her and with her soulmates. So why was he trying so hard to get her when knowing Sooha would be happy to accept him? 
It was now getting out of hand that he was interfering with her when she was happy. 
I made my way to HYBE academy where I tried to find someone to give me advice. “Oh? Heeseung, looking for your sister?” I heard and I saw Jeonghan-hyung. I nodded when he seemed to laugh at me… “She’s been out of hand with the council,” he said and I sighed. “With her soulmates?” I asked and he nodded. “She’s in the council room with one of them,” he said as he waved and left. 
I went to the council room when I heard yelling… 
“Who do you think you are?!” I saw… a dragon as I opened the door. She smiled at me with that dangerous deceitful smile. “Heeseung! Do you do anything?” she asked, ignoring the man beside her. He seemed to scoff and glare at me.
“I wanted to talk but if you are–” “Oh? You can talk to me any time, Hee. Jongho, it was a pleasure with this conversation but I'm needed,” she said as she looped her arm around me and smiled at him as we left. 
“He seems as hateful as his past life,” I said and she chuckled. “He hated me then and still hates me now. Nothing new” she said and I knew she wanted to change her fate with them but deep inside she still hated them just the same. 
“So… is this about your soulmate?” she asked and I nodded. “Hmm. I saw her with Jake… seems like they were close” she said and I scoffed… I still couldn't believe she’d forgive him even while she changed those bandages, seeing that burn on her neck. A reminder of what he did for another woman. 
“You’re an idiot. You love her… love at first sight. Not even Sooha has done that for you, so why do you keep pushing her away?” she asked and I didn’t know anymore. 
“You have no reason to push her away. They’ve accepted her… you're just being stubborn and self-destructive” She was right. She always was… 
“When you… first met them. You didn’t love them, you kept them as pawns… what's different now dear sister” I teased and she sighed. “The mate bond does wonders… I wanted so badly to succumb to it then. So it's hard to finally let me feel love for them” she said and I nod. 
“It’s our pride,” she said and I chuckled. 
“We really haven't changed, have we?” I asked and she smiled. 
“No… we really haven't my dear familiar” 
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y/n’s perspective 
“I don’t know why he’s acting this way… I'm sorry for how he’s been behaving” he apologized and I sighed. “I just don’t understand… I thought at first it was a joke, a lie, but I didn’t expect him to genuinely have a crush on me” I said and he sighed. “I don’t think he does… I think he just doesn’t want to accept Sooha for fear she’ll regret it” EJ explained and I sighed. 
“But… to fight with Heeseung? Why?” I was confused by both boys' behavior. I heard a knock when Sangyeon popped in. He offered a smile and gave me files. “I know it's rude… but I overheard, '' he said and I sighed. “Don’t worry–” “But, I may not understand mate customs but… sometimes guys will settle with people who they think can offer them comfort. It seems like K and you understood each other on some sort of level” he offered and I did. 
“I was also going to ask, how was the masquerade going to work?” he asked and I smiled. “Uhm. We’ll have masks for our class offered to the school. So the colors of our school for example yours were Red, right? You will be given a mask of the design of your choice to use, it's the same thing with the telegrams you have to use your class card. So IST Academy has the logo and the color red. You can write to someone asking them to meet with you” I explain and he nods. 
“I didn’t expect to get any, let alone from different classes,” he confessed and I chuckled. “A lot of the council members actually got a bunch of them. Wonyoung alone gets one each hour” I said and he laughed. 
“Did you decide on one already?” he asked and I nodded. “I hope for your own sake, it's your mate” EJ said and I chuckled. 
It couldn’t be anyone else. 
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heeseung’s perspective
As I made it back inside, walking the hallways I noticed yelling. “Watch where you're going!” I heard… Jake? “Me? What about you, just cause you’re up and cozy with y/n you think you–" "Shut up!” Jake yelled now pissed as he grabbed his collar and I sighed. 
I could see Jake was close to swinging and turning violent. “Jake, let him go,” I said and he glared at me. “I did nothing wrong–” “I know, but you should be a bigger person. Something he should learn from” I said and he laughed and let me peel him away from the wolf who scoffed. 
“A bigger person would never harm his mate–” “A bigger person wouldn’t chase another’s mate,” I said and scoffed. “You’re a hypocrite Lee Heeseung,” he said and I rolled my eyes. 
“No, I'm not… I’ve never been in a romantic relationship or tried with your mate. I may have rejected mine, but I didn’t for another person” I said and he looked confused. My actions… didn’t show it but it was true. 
“Stop picking fights with council members… y/n wouldn’t like hearing that you hurt Jake or any of them,” I said and he scoffed and walked away. 
“Thanks… for actually taking my side,” Jake said and I sighed. “You weren’t in the wrong this time,” I said and he scoffed. “What's that supposed to mean?!” he yelled and I laughed. “Just don’t get into too much trouble,” I teased and he laughed. 
“You know I missed this Heeseung,” he said and I sighed. “Jake?” I said and he looked at me with a smile. He really was improving, he was also happy. 
“I’m sorry for being such a bastard these last few months”
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We went back to the dorm when I saw them all… just how long did it take them to join sides? 
“Jake, are you okay?” I heard Jay ask him, seeing that he was a bit roughed up. “Oh? Yeah, just K being a jealous dog” he said and I laughed. 
“Heeseung helped me though… K seems to listen to you more” he said and I shrugged. “Heeseung is not being a jerk for once?” Jay teased and I glared. “Oh shut up,” I said and he laughed. 
“So you're back to normal? Got the stick out of your ass?” Sunghoon said and I scoffed. “I wouldn’t talk so lightly, Sunghoon,” I said and he laughed. 
“Why have you been such a jerk recently?” Sunoo asked and I sighed. “Do you know how… I told you guys I was a witch?” I said and they nodded. “I went to the younger sister school of Bright Sun. For the one for kids, I shared a class with a girl named l/n y/n”
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I was happy that I finally seemed to be on good terms with them now. 
Now they seemed to understand my behavior and I admit how much of a bastard I was to them. How mean and cruel I acted… but everything was okay. Just like it was before, just with the girl I used to have a crush on. Who knew she was my soulmate?
I made it to the view of the ocean where I saw K. 
“You really need to let go of your insecurities,” I said and he noticed me there. “Go–” “You need to fix it… send Sooha that card you wrote, sign your name and she’ll come running to you” I said and he didn’t say anything. 
“I wrote a letter to y/n, not Sooha,” he said and I sighed. “It's impossible to lie to K. You did send her a letter but she won’t choose it… she organized all the piles and didn’t even read any confession that didn’t come from Decelis,” I said and he knew it was true. 
“You don’t like her… you’re just jealous she’s happy,” I said and he chuckled. “How can I ever be with Sooha when you're around?” he asked and I sighed. “Sooha doesn’t like me, and I don’t like her. I have to bite my tongue from telling her how stupid and naive she’s being to my mate. But love blinds you K, and nothing more important than the person you love” I said and he only stared at me. 
“Why… are you speaking as if you love her? You rejected her first…” he said and I chuckled.
“Because I loved her even before I died” 
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taglist -> @sunus-sun @loumin908 @on-1ce @shinkenprincess-oh @b-a-nshee-blog @bnnyniky @sakuxxi @chiiiiiiiiis @cncreams @pre1ttyies @justanunstablefrog @graythecoffeebean @starzniiky @singlepringle4you @chirokookie @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @imtoanonymousforyou @lovgfrd @ilovecheese09 @sousydive @pink-but-rosie @kyleebob @jihyosgf @in-somnias-world @jilxxasu @bee-the-loser @mitchikeli @cyberpunksunwoo @lhspeachie @loafsunshinesworld @vixensss @zhenya109 @luumiinaa @rosas-in-the-garden @b3tt7boop @moony-mari @vixialuvs @ilovecheese09 @capri-cuntz @emma2black @skzhoes @emma2black
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divine-donna · 14 days
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pretentious(?) cinephile patrick zweig.
call it a college au i guess
technically, he's a business student. he's just minoring in cinema studies, which was your major. you always hated the business school kids that came into your literature class (because film is literature) and thought it would be easy. and then they'd be surprised that they were failing because they didn't do the readings and when they participated, it was with shallow commentary. you don't even want to recount how many racist, misogynistic, queerphobic things were said in the class (in general too).
which is why patrick zweig pisses you off.
patrick zweig actually loves film. and unlike the other business boys, he understands that wolf of wall street is a cautionary tale.
"i wouldn't want to end up like him." he said. "doesn't mean i can't enjoy the movie."
patrick zweig actually has good taste in film. okay, maybe not "good" taste because "good" is always subjective. he's a bit of a film snob. you can't believe that he likes Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles. you really hated the movie, mostly because it felt like an eternity. that might have also been because you were high watching it. sometimes weed has that effect.
at first glance, he seems like the kind of guy to dismiss foreign films because of subtitles. except you learned that he regularly consumes—and seeks out—foreign cinema. he grew up on foreign cinema.
"my dad's big into french films. that's how i started watching them." he explained to your french cinema professor.
you swear he's in every cinema studies class possible. and he recognizes you too.
"excited for this semester (y/n)? i'm looking forward to the syllabus."
now, patrick being patrick, he mostly skims the readings. rarely does he closely read. he finds himself getting distracted easily. and it's not really helpful with the multiple times you've worked with him whether it's as discussion leader or doing a group project.
there's the rare occasion you've seen patrick zweig in business class. and to say the least, he looks miserable. sometimes, he's so bored that he's doing the readings for your class.
"why don't you switch majors?" "because business school is just to appease my parents."
you don't 100% believe his answer. or maybe he's right in thinking that it will appease his parents. you're not all too knowing about his home life. you guys just have class together. until...
"wanna smoke?"
a joint before your screening. you guys were watching Spike Lee's School Daze for the race and american film class. he's never seen it. you have. maybe the colors will pop even more if you took a hit.
so you guys find the smoke corner and light the joint. you inhale and make small talk. patrick zweig isn't the asshole he seems to be. he carries himself with such douchebaggery that it seems to be a defense mechanism. and you learn during that smoking session that he isn't really pretentious. he's just really passionate.
"i hate Prometheus." he says. "what? how can you hate Prometheus? Prometheus is so good! it's like right up your alley!" you cough as you inhale. "listen, i may be a film snob. and sometimes i can be an asshole about it. but ridley scott is a bigger asshole than me." patrick takes the joint to inhale. when he blows, the smoke sort of billows around him. it frames his frankly gorgeous face. "lean into the haunted house of the Alien franchise. don't try to turn it into something deeper when it already had such interesting themes."
School Daze was a watch. patrick had a lot of thoughts, but he seemed to barely express them in class. he saved it for his letterboxd review.
"you have letterboxd?" "duh." he glances at you as you guys are walking to the bus stop. "what's your username?" "ppzweig." "you can't be serious. that's so immature of you!" but also so on brand for patrick zweig. "i made the account a long time ago okay! i'll follow you back if you follow me."
so you do follow him.
you learn quickly that patrick reviews for nearly every movie he watches. the exception are rewatches (if there isn't anything left to say) and films that just didn't really interest him or were terrible. oh and you see through his reviews that he really hates tarantino. actually very surprising! patrick always had something to say though. you loved terrorizing him when he walked into class.
"hey so why did you rate Alien: Resurrection four stars?" "what happened to hello? how are you?"
side note: i did make a top 10 list of films that i think patrick would have. idk how character accurate this is but he strikes me as such:
Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975)
Trainspotting (1996)
Night of the Hunter (1955)
Citizen Kane (1941)
Amélie (2001)
A Clockwork Orange (1972)
Boogie Nights (1997)
Taxi Driver (1976)
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Lady Snowblood (1973)
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omaano · 2 months
SW Hades AU July Update
Other updates: May - June - July - August
I've made a lot more progress with my Star Wars meets Hades AU project than I'd imagined - and absolutely none in other aspects, so let's see how the past month has been!
I have finished the character illustrations both for Maul
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and Omega, (look how cute she is in her pocket sized version! ^^)
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and I have also finally rounded out my Din collection, so that I now have 6 variations on his character art (helmet on and off, with Grogu and the darksaber, and with and without Grogu and the beskar spear in hand).
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Aphra has lines and flat colours too, as well as the very basic lighting layers on her!
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I'm real hyped to start working on her! I'm very proud of the dynamic pose I picked for her, too. I'll likely up the red in her jacket and gloves for a bit of a pop in colour, because all this brown everywhere is growing a little boring tbh. Like with certain other characters...
There has been some progress with Obi-Wan, but it's going suuuper slow, and I continue to preemptively worry about how I should completely redraw him for after his reunion with Cody, too. (Iirc Patroclus is standing with his spear in hand after he's reuinted with Achilles in Hades, and I also very badly want to draw him with his lightsaber ignited, but I feel that wouldn't be very good for him just, you know, hanging out in front of his little house on Tatooine...)
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And now I'm going to add my first ever poll for the next month in case anyone wants to weigh in on the order in which I add characters to this project:
I'm making no promises, but I thought this could be fun :)
This post is growing a little long, so I'm putting the rest about Obi-wan's background re-draw, and some musings on picking colours for Omega under the read more ->
There was no room for it in the previous update, but I'd fully redrawn one background finally for Obi-Wan's chilling spot!
It is the same setup as where you can find Patroclus in game, with the walls and the chasm and the doors out, but I added Obi-Wan's hut and a desert envisonment. (I've watched so many videos on how to draw in an isometric grid, because there was always something that just wouldn't work... I'd thought there was a trick to drawing squares and circles in this grid that I just couldn't figure out for the life of me - and it turns out that I was just careless and my grid wasn't tight enough so I had to eyaball distances and the width and length of things too much lol.) And now I'm faced with the difficult task of picking colours and figuring out if the character shading tricks also apply here or not.
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For now these colours are more for just to block in certain elements in the background, but I have some more desert/desolate looking backgrounds saved from other Supergiant games (they've got some really vibrant and dark colours, like wow!) as well to hopefully help me out moving forward.
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I'd redrawn those bulbs you can find over the door leading out of various chambers in-game, because I might as well go in full re-design mode bit by bit, and after some deliberation and googling I picked the Mandalorian Crusaders symbol as inspiration for it.
And now back to Omega for a bit:
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While I was working on the character illustration for Omega and Batcher I became very aware of how weird it is to pick colours for me. (I very heavily rely on preexisting colour palettes; I have multiple saved just for the Hades project like for Rex, Ahsoka, Cobb...) I'd been working on Rex and Cody last (Maul doesn't count because he doesn't have very human colours, so picking reds and purples and browns for him wasn't so shocking tbh), and aside from the armor paint and hair colour they very much share the very same colour palette. That was easy, I'd picked the skintones off Boba and the little portrait icons already, upped the saturation a bit because seeing the base skintone laid down scared me, and off I went.
(Laying down the first layer of flat colours is always super scary because they too often seem too dark and too grey/green, which I know will change after the complete shading is done but it still looks very off putting...)
So. The way the colouring in Hades made sense for me is that it works with pretty desaturated colours, there is a lighter shadow colour that's a bit more desaturated and the hue is shifted cooler but is still pretty cool to the original base colour (so much that I'd often have to turn it darker so that I'd see it laid down if I'm not sitting right), and another darker shadow layer that is a tad more saturated and warmer in tone. And there is also (a possibly slightly cooler shifted) and lighter highlight, and another more saturated colourful highligt (in the skin that is the bright, peachy orange for example). (and the little super bright pops of colour at the very very end. I hate adding them so much, but they are very important!)
But while I could pick the skin tones off of Rex, the problem I'd tumbled into was when it came to shading her hair (it's very important to me that Rex and Omega shared all these colours). Omega has a lot more hair (shocking, I know), and so shading that required a lot more than Rex's simple two-tones, and the "shadow" colour from Rex just didn't work, it was too saturated and warm in a larger quantity. So I tried to find another blond character in Hades, picked some colours off of Theseus... and those didn't work too well either, because those colours looked too pale and washed out compared to how lively her skintone was. There had been a lot of adjusting - I'd colour picked all of Theseus' colours and watched like a hawk where my colour marker moved both in hue and saturation a couple times in every which way and tried to mimic that in comparison to my base colour... and then you already saw how she ended up.
Here is the visual representation of the process:
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I do a lot of these swatches.
You can see them there next to Omega with the blues and the gold/metallic detail colours (the latter of which I'd ended up using in her crossbow), and up above with the Obi-Wan wip as well (I needed to pick a lot of colours from Chaos and Aphrodite to figure out how to go about his pale skin), but I also worked like this with Din and Achilles in the beginning, as well as trying to pick the greens for Boba's armor. Usually the first and biggest hurdle I run into is choosing my base colours... that's something I really need to work on; but after that this method really helped me feel a lot more comfortable with cell shading.
I hope it made sense to you, and it was at least a tad bit entertaining (or if I'd ruined the word "colour" for you for a while, I'm sorry XD, I know I'd used it a lot). This was really the first time I'd truly seen how I changed around the colours I worked with in a piece, and also tried to go a bit more consciously about shifting them around here (that's why I have all the screenshots XD) and thought I might as well share them here in this monthly update.
I've also switched over to using CSP and a display tablet, in the hopes that I can familiarize myself with them without the pressure of needing some fancy or very specific brushwork and work process. No texture, little need for pressure sensitivity - I hope to slowly pspsps my brain into accepting working with these, and build up some success and good experiences before I try sketching and drawing on it and maybe trying out some new unfamiliar brushes as well ^^;
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ladykibutsuji · 1 year
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"Treat You Better"
Tsugikuni Brothers x Reader
Chapter 2: The Appearance Of Threat
Yoriichi x Reader x Michikatsu
TIME 8:00 AM
You let out a yawn and streched your arms, You then rubbed your eyes and look over to your other side only to find the younger tsugikuni still asleep clinging onto you.
After the event last night, yoriichi offered you to watch a movie with him in order to forget about your failed confession to the older tsugikuni to which you accepted. you fell asleep while watching the movie with yoriichi. So here you are with yoriichi cuddling you while you are half awake.
You smiled at him and patted his head while he was sleeping soundly. You didn't want to wake him up since he looks so peaceful so you slowly and gently reach out to your phone that was not so far away from you.
After you successfully managed to reach out your phone you quickly click on the new Instagram notification.
Goodmorning Y/N, I heard about what happened TvT
I feel so bad for what happened! So to cheer up your mood wanna go shopping with me and shinobu-chan later? (•̀ᴗ•́)
Goodmorning aswell Mitsu, It's been a while since we went shopping together so why not? :)
Yay! ^v^ we will pick you up at your house at 11:00, How does that sound??
I'm down for it!
You gently woke up the sleeping yoriichi who's clinging onto you because you are going to hangout with mitsuri and shinobu in about 3 hours therefore you have to get ready before 11.
"Can't you stay a little longer" Yoriichi whined as you giggled and gave him an apology "Mitsu and Shinobu will be mad at me if I cancel it now"
"that's sad.." he paused and loosen his arms "Are they more important to you than me" he gave you a sad look a deceiving one
You rolled your eyes at him since you knew what he was trying to do, "I'm just kidding" he chuckled at your expression "Have fun with them! I'll give you a ride home if you want" he offered.
You accepted his offer since you wanted to save up your money or maybe to spend more time with him
Yoriichi told you to wait for him downstairs since he is still getting ready for the day so you decided to go to the kitchen to make yourself coffee, you have been in the tsugikuni's mansion a lot of times so you know where all their stuff is placed at atleast most of them
While approaching the kitchen closer you can smell such delicious foods and you assumed that it was their maid cooking but when you peeked over you found the Older Tsugikuni brother in a purple apron cooking breakfast for himself for you
Without even looking at you, he already noticed your presence. "are you just going to stare?"
Due to the events from last night, it was kind of awkward for you to try and respond to him
"I..uh... sorry I'll be leaving" before you could turn around he quickly spoke "You should eat before you start your day, going out with an empty stomach is unpleasant."
'Since when did he care so much?' you thought, "I'm full right n-"
"I insist."
Leaving you with no choice, you just gave in since you know you couldn't win against this man he has too much pride
You sat down in the dining room while kokushibo placed down the foods he just cooked, it was Gruyère, Bacon and Spinach Scrambled Eggs in one plate.
"..Thank you for the food, kokushibo." You expressed while he turned over to you "Michikatsu is fine in private."
You nodded your head while you stared the food for a while 'i wonder how it taste' you thought, you then took a fork and picked up the food by the fork then you put it in your mouth to taste it
'Oh god, this is heavenly'
You expected the food to taste good but not this 'Good'
You looked over to michikatsu who is observing your facial expression in order to tell if his cooking impressed you or not.
"I know that you can cook but not this good, this taste so good!" you expressed while happily eating the food, It was addicting.
Michikatsu smirked knowing that you were impressed by his cooking, He continued on observing you while you were eating it was silent for a few minutes until he finally decided to talk
"Y/N, about last night.."
He caught your attention and you stopped eating, "What about last night?" You asked while there's still food stuffed on your mouth.
"I made a mis-"
"Y/N, The car is ready."
The both of you turned your heads to look at yoriichi with his car keys on his hand.
Michikatsu was mad because he ruined it again but choosed to hide it and just smiled at you.
You thanked michikatsu again for the food and waved him goodbye while he just gave you a nod.
As soon as the both of you got in the car yoriichi quickly asked you out of concern "Are you okay?" you didn't want yoriichi to worried about you so you assured him "Yes I'm fine thank you for asking."
Yoriichi sighed in relief and began to start the car.
After a few minutes of driving and talking, It finally reached your destination so you got out the car and thanked yoriichi.
"you're welcome, Take care of yourself.. I'll see you soon" yoriichi said as he drove off.
You sighed and reached out to your pockets to get your house keys.
You were about to open the door but suddenly you were greeted by someone.
"Y/N CHANNNN!!! I'M SO SORRY FOR BARGING INTO YOUR HOUSE WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION I GOT SO WORRIED" Mitsuri exclaimed, she quickly hugged the (H/C) Woman as soon as she saw her.
"mitsu! God you scared me how did you get in?" She asked as shinobu appeared behind Mitsuri swaying the keys in her fingers.
"You gave me some of your spare keys, remember?" Shinobu answered as she joined the hug making it a 'group hug'
"You guys... Thank you for being concerned but I'm really okay" she assured smiling at both her friends who seem concerned about her well-being, they both pulled away from the hug.
Shinobu then asked "Oh by the way, where were you Y/N chan?"
You didn't answer honestly because you know these two would go wild if they knew you slept over at yoriichi's room. "I just bought some stuff!"
Shinobu tilted her head slightly "oh is that so? But your eyes doesn't say so~", it was impossible to get away from shinobu's sense so you sighed in defeat "I was at yoriichi's."
The both gasped in surprised, "you get it sis! Take the younger brother when the older one doesn't want you!" Said mitsuri who was cheering while shinobu supported mitsuri "Exactly! Yoriichi is the hotter twin anyways"
You facepalmed at their comments, "Alright, alright calm down now you two. I'll get ready and let's go okay?"
Shinobu hummed while mitsuri responded an 'alright!'
"We should keep an eye out for The L/N's only Daughter. He will probably be after her" The Master and Head of the organization warned
"How are you so sure master?" The big guy in a black suit with a bead necklace asked.
The Master hummed "Instincts."
The Master then gently took the book from the young white hair girl's hand assumed to be the master's daughter "The L/N's company is close to surpassing that man's company. They are now equal but it seems that the L/N's becoming more successful than that man lately. He might use the only female in their family to retrieve information about her mother's company to cause their downfall." The Master explained.
"We promised protection and alliances with The L/N, we can't let them down and we can't let the corrupted win. So please my children, Do your best." He added as they all bowed their head in respect.
"As you wish Master."
You were getting dragged around by mitsuri going on a crazy shopping spree, she was literally buying everything she finds cute while shinobu was trailing behind the both of you.
"Look shinobu chan! This would suit y/n right? Try it!"
"Shinobu chan! This purple oversize shirt suits you!"
You and shinobu were literally struggling to keep up with the pink head's energy.
"She's so energetic, I'm getting tired" shinobu whined while she was clinging onto your shoulders for support, you handed her a water bottle "here drink this"
She took the water bottle from your hand and drank it, "thank you y/n chan~" she said happily while still tired from all the shopping mitsuri did
After a while of buying Clothes, accessories, jewelries and cute stuff, you decided to treat the girls for lunch and mitsuri ordered a lot Rip your wallet
You were gossiping with the 2 girls and just catching up about your life until shinobu's phone was ringing
"Wait I'll be right back" she said as she got out the restaurant to take the call
"So Y/N chan, what happened between you and yori?" Mitsuri asked while smiling widely
You gave her an embarrassed look "Nothing we just simply watched a movie!"
Mitsuri then came closer to your face "Hmm~ really?" She teased while you were literally red in embarrassment.
"I'm back" Shinobu announced as you and mitsuri turned your head to her, "Mitsu, we need to get going. Master is requesting our presence" she informed while mitsuri saddened since she didn't want to be separated from you just yet
"Y/N chan, thank you for the treat!" Shinobu expressed giving you a smile "I'll be looking forward to hangout with you again! But for now we have to cut this hangout short due to business matters. I'll be seeing you soon! I love ya!" Shinobu added giving you a playful fly kiss while mitsuri waved goodbye at you
"Take care you two!" You said as you watched them walk away in a hurry.
You took a deep breath and continued on eating your food.
After finishing your food, you noticed that it was getting dark outside though it was only afternoon so you assumed that it was going to rain.
However this doesn't stopped you from taking a walk at the nearest park, you wanted peace so you just decided to walk at the park near the mall.
You sat on a small bench watching the sky above you and relaxing.
However there's something wrong
You feel like there someone's watching you
You were quickly distracted out of your thoughts by the rain pouring slowly, so you quickly went to the nearest store to shelter yourself in the meantime. The store you went in was empty only the owner is present which is an elderly lady.
"Good after Ms." The elder greeted, as you greeted her back "Good afternoo-"
You were quickly interrupted by a guy who's about 5'9 entering the store, he harshly opened the door and slammed it hard.
"Oi old lady! Is my order ready?" He asked in a loud voice while the elderly lady sweated and answered him stuttering "i-uh..yes! Please give me a moment to plastic it."
You were annoyed by his unpleasant and disrespectful behavior so you decided to speak up "You should show more respect to elderly people.", He then said a 'Huh' out loud
He turned to look at you "And who the fuck are y-" he stopped speaking when your body features caught his attention. After observing you for a while a smirked was formed on the his lips
"How lucky am I to have run into you here.." he expressed while walking towards you closer, "The fuck are you doing?" You asked in a disgusted tone while looking at him as if he was the worst 'thing' ever created.
"Oi Jaru! Don't touch that lady!" The elderly woman yelled trying to stop the Guy who's approaching you. She fears that guy but she doesn't want you to get hurt so she took the risk.
"shut up old lady!" He yelled still walking towards you while you walked backwards.
You took out your pepper spray from your bag but everything happened so quick you couldn't even spray it to his eyes since he tossed it aside from your hands.
He was too strong for you.
He grabbed your chin forcing you to look up at him, you spat at him so he got mad and slapped you.
You tried to look for the elderly lady but she was nowhere to be seen, did she just abandoned you?
"looking for someone to save you dear?~ too bad no one is here." He said as he forced his lips onto yours, you tried to push him but he clearly overpowered you so you couldn't do anything at all
His tongue forcefully entered your mouth and you took the chance to bite it as hard as you can, he pushed you as roughly as he could causing you to fall down onto the ground while he was screaming in pain
blood was dripping from his mouth and he was clearly in pain, you tried to run away while he was distracted unfortunately he noticed you trying to run away so he grabbed your hair and forced you onto the ground making you grunt in pain
"You fucking bastard! Let me go!" You said trying to free yourself from him, you were literally scratching his hands that grabbed your hair but it was no use.
"Oh~ what a nice ass you have there lady" he smacked your ass and you decided to start yelling for help but it was no use. Nobody was around and the store you were in was empty it was far away from the other stores
"say..are you a virgin?" He asked while gripping onto your ass
"I'll take that as a yes, I really hit jackpot this time!" He let out a laugh and hit your ass once again, he was about to start pulling your pants but something caught both of your attentions
"I believe Sexual Harassment can lead to being rotten In prison."
You tried to look at the where the voice came from and when you finally got a view it was a man with black tuxedo, a red tie over a white shirt, black pants and black coat with a red spider Lily design placed on his shoulders, he was pale and was carrying a briefcase.
"Mind your own business!" The guy yelled trying to shoo the Man away.
"The girl is my business." He calmly said as he took something out his Briefcase, "$1,000,000 in exchange you must leave the girl alone."
'a check for $1,000,000? Is he insane?' you thought.
The guy let go of your hair and grabbed the piece of paper out of the Man's hand "I'm finally getting paid for my shit. The girl is yours." He said as he scanned to check if the check was real. It was indeed real.
He left the store laughing like a complete maniac, while you were still sitting in the ground shock and panting from what Just happened.
The man bent over to your height as he put some of your hair behind your ears.
"Poor you..." He gave you a sympathetic look as he stood up offering his hand to help you get up, you took his hand and it was surprisingly soft and you finally managed to stand up properly thanks to his help.
It was still raining heavily outside so he gave you his coat putting it on your shoulders "It's cold outside, I'll take you home Ms."
He escorted you out of the store and immediately opened the door of his Porsche 911 in order for you to not get wet in the rain.
You were in the passenger seat and he was in the driver seat, before he started the car he asked you a question "Where do you live?"
You hesitate to answer at first but then remembered that he saved you from that weirdo "At Taiyō to tsuki hills, street 917". He gave you a nod as he started driving towards the given address.
It was quiet for a while until you decided to speak "Thank you...for saving me from that creep" You expressed while looking down too shy to even look at the man.
"I only did what others would do." He responded, "Because of me your $1,000,000 was wasted. I'm really sorry you didn't have to do th-"
"shh~ a million is nothing to me" he respond while still eyeing the road, He only have one hand on the steering wheel the other was on the hand brake.
You looked over to him slightly and he looked back at you, as soon as you made eye contact you quickly broke it and covered your face. God he's too handsome
"such beauty, it would be a shame if you cover it." He said in a gentle tone.
The sentence he just said made your heart beat faster and your brain go berserk, you were a blushing mess now.
"Oh I forgot to introduce myself." He paused as you finally got the courage to look at him with a straight face.
"My name is Kibutsuji Muzan"
'Kibutsuji Muzan?' his name rang to the walls of your head as you finally recognized him.
He is a famous actor and a child of a famous politician. He came from a very wealthy family, one of the wealthiest in Japan.
But other than that, yoriichi and your mother did mentioned something about "Kibutsuji"
You and yoriichi were eating at McDonald's and you noticed him so deep in his thoughts so you decided to ask him about it
"I can see you are thinking about something, spill it out" you demanded as yoriichi looked at you, he took a deep breath preparing to say what's on his mind
"I'm worried you might meet that guy." He paused taking a bite from his burger "If you meet someone with the last name kibutsuji You must stay away at all cost."
Back then you were still a clueless kid trying to surprise your mother by hiding however instead of surprising your mother you were the one who got surprised.
"Are you meat riding the kibutsujis you fuckhead?! This isn't a fair game! I had a lot of proof that fucking kibutsuji sabotaged me!"
You were shock at your Mother's language, you haven't seen her so angry like this and for you this is the first time you heard her swear.
Remembering what you heard from your mother and what yoriichi told you, The name Kibutsuji is a threat.
However you refused to believe that the man who just saved you a few minutes prior is a threat.
Maybe they were wrong about 'the kibutsuji'
You decided to ignore what yoriichi told you and what you heard from your mother.
After all, you can't just judge a person based on what you heard from other people.
"It's such a pleasure to meet you kibutsuji, I'm L/N Y/N" you said as he responded "The pleasure is all mine Ms. L/N."
After a few more minutes, you finally arrived at your house and the weather have calm down. After getting out the car you decided to ask him if he wants to stay at your house for a dessert just to repay his kindness he showed to you.
"I would love to but sadly, I have a meeting to attend maybe next time?" He said as you nodded.
You exchanged numbers after that he got in his car waving you a goodbye and droved off.
You then looked at your clothes noticing that you forgot to return his coat and he probably forgot to ask for it back so you just decided to return it next time when the both of you meet again.
"What a handsome guy." You expressed while smiling at your own thoughts.
With ???
"my head...did I fainted out of stress?" She asked herself as she rubbed her head gently, trying to remember what happened before she blacked out
"Nope! I knocked you out cold" the elderly lady flinched at the voice, she then looked at the man Infront of her. It was a 6ft tall man with a rare pair of eye colors and blonde hair.
She then observed her surroundings and noticed that she is still in the store's kitchen. "What happened to that lady? She was getting h-"
The blonde guy put a finger into the elderly lady's mouth shushing her "shh~ she's fine now, she's probably with our master!" He said proudly with a wide smile
"who are you?" She asked with hesitation as the man Infront of her chuckled "My name is douma"
"And I am the one who will send you to the after life."
???'s POV
I could hear the loud gunshot from the store, that dumbass douma actually killed the elderly lady.
What did I expect? He literally kills everyone he finds annoying even if it's not part of the mission assigned to us.
I was approaching closer to the dark valley where the supposed meet-up is.
As I approached the dark valley a guy called out to me "Oi! Are you one of that man's dogs?"
This must be him.
"are you the one he sent over to that girl?" I asked.
"Oh that girl? Yeah! Damn I wish I could of have atleast took her virginity before that little girl escapes, God she was really pretty and she had that captivating type of body too!"
These kind of man disgusts me.
I wish he would just dropped dead.
"the money is here" I dropped the bag I was holding Infront of him, I watched him open the bag as he scanned the money.
"That guy is really rich huh!"
I just stared at him with disgust.
"Do you believe in the afterlife?", He looked at me and responded "Are you a shithead? How am I supposed to know I haven't even died"
"Cool, because you are about to experience it now" I shoot his penis first and watched him screamed in pain
Disgusting men like him deserves this kind of punishment before dying.
He kept cussing at me but I couldn't care less.
"you don't even know my name." I looked at him like he was a pathetic piece of shit "But since I'm feeling nice enough today I'll give you my name, I'm akaza."
• Michikatsu was trying to call you the whole time but he didn't realize that your phone was on mute
• Akaza didn't like the idea of men harassing women and making them uncomfortable, he is fully against it.
• Kibutsuji and L/N are Family rivals / Business competitors
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stellar-solar-flare · 1 month
The Literary Universe Of StellarSolarFlare
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Welcome to my little library of fanfiction! Please note that my blog is a 18+ only space, and all content is intended for adults only. Minors DNI.
I currently have my requests OPEN for short prompts, see this post for instructions. My side blog with only fic updates is HERE.
Reblogs, comments, thoughts, asks and everything along the lines are very welcome! I also welcome constructive criticism, emphasis on constructive. My replies to things might be delayed due to life & using the queue function, so it's definitely not personal if I don't reply immediately.
FIVE LATEST WORKS: Equinox - CH10: Trophy Wife | S.R. | Explicit A Fairytale Of A Disaster - CH3: The Royal Castle | S.R. | Explicit Volatile - CH3: Debrief | S.R. | Explicit | Completed! Volatile - CH2: Flammable | S.R. | Explicit For Centuries - CH18: War Council | S.R. | Explicit
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About my writing:
mostly Steve Rogers x Reader and Steve Rogers x OFC (some Bucky Barnes /Reader and Tony Stark/Reader thrown in too!)
Readers that tend to be described as smart, intelligent, slightly socially awkward types that often have STEM-related jobs in-universe.
romance, romantasy, and healthy relationships, usually combined with an action-adventure plot.
Slow Burn, Protective Steve Rogers, Idiots In Love, Mutual Pining, Forced Proximity, Pretend Relationship, Chosen Family, Fluff & Hurt/Comfort, and Fix-Its.
If you were around during the 'Everyone lives at the Tower' era, I never really left that place: Most of my work takes place in an AU where SHIELD fell right after the events of the first Avengers movie, and something called The Avengers Initiative, funded by Tony and strategically led by Steve took its place.
I am a longfic person at heart. For logistical reasons, my really long longfics live on my AO3 - the links on this list that lead to AO3 have a little (AO3) after them. I don't have plans to post all my past work onto tumblr, but my fics on AO3 are open for guests, and guests can leave comments too. I will also make a post on tumblr when I update a story that is on AO3.
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HALL OF FAME - my own favorites!
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For Centuries (AO3) | Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader | Explicit
As the only daughter of King Howard Stark of Richford, you have always known that you are expected to eventually enter into a political marriage. When King Howard attempts to save his kingdom by marrying you off to the conqueror of half the world, you accept the responsibility bestowed on you. But as you arrive at the court of Emperor Steven the Righteous to be wedded and crowned the Empress of the Centurial Empire, your husband-to-be is not what you expected.
Reader is the daughter of Howard Stark and his second wife, who is not named or described. This is a 'From Political Marriage to Love Marriage' story, featuring lots of romantasy elements, court politics, and protective, righteous Emperor Steve Rogers. The 'Touch her and I'll kill you.' vibes are strong with this one. The slowest of burns.
WIP - 18/x chapters published.
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Astronomical Odds (AO3) | Steve Rogers x Reader | Explicit
When you met Steve Rogers, the spark was definitely there, and the way you two hit off made one thing lead to another. But the consequences of that night will reach a lot further than either of you thought. Because now that you're pregnant - despite the astronomical odds - you and Steve need to navigate the situation after having known each other for exactly one night (and the two and a half weeks he spent off the grid on a mission). That wouldn't be an easy thing to do, even if he wasn't a superhero and you weren't trying to become the next Nikola Tesla (or Tony Stark).
So, people really need to stop implying that this is sign you two are meant to be, because honestly, it's just a mess. And Steve really needs to stop proposing to you.
An accidental pregnancy fic with lots of chosen family themes, and Steve and Reader figuring out each other and the upcoming baby situation. Heavy on romance, fluff, and not only Steve but the rest of the Avengers, too, being protective and caring of Reader, who is a literature nerd studying to be an aerospace engineer. Features some discussion of medical realities of pregnancy, and some supersoldier biology related issues.
WIP - 24/x chapters published.
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A Fairytale Of A Disaster | Steve x Doctor!Reader | Explicit
Reader has been stood up by her Valentine's Date. Or has she? Romance, fluff, meet-cute, hurt/comfort. WIP, 3/4.
Equinox (AO3)| soft dark mob boss Steve Rogers x superpowered Reader | Explicit
When you’re caught in the crossfires of a war brewing underground, Steve does what he has to. And as you get pulled deeper into his world, it may very well turn out that starlight can scorch, too. A dark romance story about a woman scorned and a man who is so much more than he seems. WIP, 10/x.
Volatile | Steve Rogers x Scientist!Avenger!Reader | Explicit
Reader has been subjected to an aphrodisiac while on a mission. Steve and the medical team attempt to find a solution. Smut with feelings, eventual fluff, eventual happy ending. Complete, 3/3.
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Warmth | Steve Rogers x Chronically Ill Reader | Mature
Steve is the most caring husband and the best heating pad in the world. Even on the bad days when you don't feel easy to love. Hurt/comfort, established relationship, protective Steve Rogers. 1,771 words.
Worthy | Steve Rogers x Reader | Mature
You and Steve Rogers have been dating for a year. When a journalist is out to get you, you will have to stand together and come out stronger. Romance, angst with a happy ending, fluff & hurt/comfort, protective Steve Rogers. Reader has past trauma and unspecified mental health issues. 2,045 words.
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(This list is a work in progress and will be updated as I publish more things on tumblr!)
My taglist is open! Drop an ask / reply / reblog and I'll add you on (must be 18+ to join). Let me know if you'd like to be tagged to all fic, Steve fic, just a specific story, etc.
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sexysapphicshopowner · 10 months
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🤎 Context/AU (Alternate Universe): Modern AU- You and Sevika are coworkers turned best friends at her mechanic shop. She's having a little trouble telling you...something. She uses her Secret Santa gift to you to tell you.
🤎 soft!mechanic!Sevika x bubbly!mechanic!reader
🤎 CW/TW: lesbians being lesbians, Sevika is Sevika but you make her feel things...she's not sure what to make of that, blossoming relationship, pining, christmas, santa, fluff, pet names, first kiss, mistletoe, suggestive talk (you gotta close your eyes though), no use of y/n, not proofread
🤎 A/N: I know I should be writing part 2 to 'Our Love' but this idea (and Sevika period) is giving me serious brain rot. Enjoy my probably ooc ass version of Sev. This sucks ass, butttt I'll make up for it with a better post later, I promise!!
🤎 Notes: most times, I will be explicitly writing a black reader. this is not one of those times. this is a fully ambiguous reader save for the gender- female. I'm a firm believer in the beauty of Sevika's scars so to keep them in this we'll say she's a surviving burn victim.
🤎 Word count: 2.7k
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🤎 You were one of the first people to apply for work when Sev first opened her shop
🤎 It was basically run by the two of you the way you became quick friends
🤎 You had come in, already dressed in a worker's jumper, the top half off and wrapped around your waist with a black cami on
🤎 If it weren't for how you were dressed, she wouldn't have even realized you were here about the job posting because she was too busy focusing on how pretty she thought you were
🤎 You started the same day
🤎 It wasn't like you two didn't notice each other, but you both put into your heads that it would be unwise for you to let your attraction go anywhere due to you guys basically running a business together
🤎 So every time you caught yourself drooling over Sev as she worked under the hood of a car, muscles rippling, grease covering her in smudges here and there....whew boy, let's just say you take a lot of....water breaks
🤎 She's no better either
🤎 The way her eyes follow your curves every time you bend over to pick something up
🤎 She stares at your lips whenever the two of you are talking, be it inside or outside of work
🤎 Speaking of which, you guys hang out- a lot
🤎 Within the first month of you working for her, she had already invited you over for dinner- as a friend
🤎 Once you guys become besties, you're over her place more than your own
🤎 You two will talk about any and everything together
🤎 At some point you call yourself trying to ignore your raging crush on your best friend and get a girlfriend
🤎 It ends in you being cheated on serially
🤎 You go to cry at Sev's the night of the breakup
🤎 This is the first time....something happens between you two
🤎 You're both drunk of your asses, you moreso than her
🤎 She's watching you intently as you curse out your ex and ramble on about all the things she wasn't meeting the bare minimum with
🤎 It's not until you've been silent for a while, lips no longer moving, that Sevika looks back up to your eyes, the two of you now dangerously close to one another
🤎 "What's wrong? I was listening I swear," she starts to defend herself
🤎 Your pupils are blown, your eyes glassy and your face flushed- whether from the alcohol, your proximity to Sevika, or a combination of both, you were too inebriated to tell
🤎 You reached up, fingers just barely grazing her jaw as you spoke
🤎 "Your face is so....you're beautiful..." you slurred, fingers ghosting over the scars that were etched into the lower left side of her face, trailing down her neck and disappearing underneath the collar of her t-shirt.
🤎 Her ears burned red hot as she just let you talk
🤎 You continued to slur on, but she chalked it all up to you being drunk until you said some words that made her heart beat faster in her chest
🤎 "'M not....s'posed to....I think....I like you...." you whispered as you leaned against her chest
🤎 Had you been a little more sober, you would've noticed the way her heart started to beat out of her chest at your words.
🤎 Actually, had you been a little more sober...you wouldn't have said that, but shhhh....
🤎 You were out like a light afterward
🤎 It wasn't until that night that Sevika started to get worse with hiding her feelings for you
🤎 She was taking you on more...friend dates
🤎 Buying you flowers because she knew you liked them and "I know you don't have anyone to get them for you right now, so..."
🤎 If you have a hobby like reading or maybe art, she's buying you new sketchbooks and supplies or she's getting you the newest editions of your favorites- all signed because hello??? she's that type of bitch fr
🤎 She gets you guys matching bracelets for your birthday after 2 years of friendship- yes, it's been that long now
🤎 Then comes Christmastime
🤎 You talked her a long time ago into doing Secret Santa with the peeps at the shop
🤎 She doesn't really see the hype, not having much experience with Christmas and it's traditions given her rocky relationship with her father, but she does it (only for you though)
🤎 This is the second annual Secret Santa for the shop
🤎 Just your luck, you don't end up getting Sevika like you wanted
🤎 That's okay though because Sevika got you
🤎 And you know she got you because of how much she's suddenly stressing the secret part of Secret Santa
🤎 Last year, she told you who she had gotten immediately, the two of you picking out your gifts for your respective people together and everything
🤎 Not this year
🤎 This year she doesn't tell anyone, not you, not anybody in the shop- and you know it, you asked around about it
🤎 She racking her brain trying to decide what to get you
🤎 Doesn't help that you're starting to render her useless
🤎 You're catching her spacing out while staring at you more often
🤎 She gets this fuzzy feeling and this misty look in her eyes whenever you're around
🤎 You kinda have an idea that she likes you back, you play into it
🤎 6 months ago, you had started returning her actions- buying her little gifts, making her lunch everyday because she'd forgotten one so many times that now she 'doesn't even have to worry about it', you plan a few friend dates yourself, you cuddle up to her more often whenever you two have your annual movie nights every week
🤎 It's all making her think maybe you know, but...last she checked you kinda liked someone
🤎 You hadn't told her who, even though you knew it was her, but in her mind she was competing with whoever this mystery crush was
🤎 She just wants you to look at her the way she looks at you
🤎 Back to Secret Santa though
🤎 The Christmas party is fast approaching and you still have no clue what the hell you're gonna do to figure out what Sevika's gotten you since you know she's your Santa this year
🤎 You've tried begging, bribing, snooping, everything at this point
🤎 She's keeping her lips locked tighter than a chastity belt at this point
🤎 The party is being hosted at Sevika's penthouse this year
🤎 You aren't allowed to help set up
🤎 You are not happy about that fact
🤎 "Relax, sweets...can't have you snooping in the gifts while we put them under the tree. You might accidentally see whatever your Santa got for you," she teased, running her finger playfully down your cheek
🤎 It was a trick. Your gift is in fact not under the tree
🤎 You decide to play her at her own game
🤎 If she wants to flirt and do all of this stuff for you, you'll do a little something for her as well
🤎 Everybody knows Sevika's got a thing for your body
🤎 You two are best friends
🤎 Best friends.
🤎 You know...those best friends that share a bed like they're a married couple
🤎 The touchy ones that make people question if they're actually secretly in a relationship
🤎 She's never shy about grabbing or smacking your ass- I mean you aren't shy about doing the same to her so it's fair
🤎 The two of you will regularly poke each other’s breasts in passing 
🤎 Whenever she’s driving you to you guys’ “friend dates”, she has to hold your thigh- will 100% make up some lie that it’s for your safety (“How does you caressing my thigh make me safer, Sev?” “You’re asking too many questions here, sweets. Do you want me to move it?” “.....no.” “Then let’s ride.”) 
🤎 So, with all of that known, you decided to show off said body for the party tonight 
🤎 You wore a form fitting dress that was advertised as a sexy Mrs. Claus dress 
🤎 The soft fabric clung to your body like it was practically painted on, the cute little fur trimmings not helping cover the fact that the hem stopped right at your mid-thigh 
🤎 The spaghetti straps and plunging neckline were hidden underneath your dramatic (faux) fur coat 
🤎 You topped it all off with a Santa hat and your matching bracelet Sev had gotten you 
🤎 Needless to say she wanted nothing more than to see what you had on under that coat when you were the last to arrive to party- a detail you made sure you kept since she refused to let you come over to help with set up for the party 
🤎 Her jaw actually dropped when you finally did take your coat off 
🤎 You teasingly closed her mouth, smirking almost knowingly at her, “You’ll catch flies, hotshot.” 
🤎 She’s flustered all night 
🤎 Not only because you seem to be genuinely flirting with her, but because she knows what she has in store for you
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Sevika was a bundle of nerves every time you looked up to catch her staring at you. You were drinking a glass of champagne, talking to...someone...she didn’t know, she was too busy looking at you to figure out which of her employees you were fraternizing with at the moment. 
The time to exchange gifts couldn’t come any sooner for her. 
She had been trying to work up the courage to just tell you that she’s in love with you for weeks now, and you with your games weren’t making it any easier. 
You’d take all her gifts with such a grateful smile, throwing your arms around her neck, pressing a kiss to her cheek, but then the very next day you were talking about your mystery crush again. 
You hadn’t said anything to the effect that you didn’t like all the advances she had been making, so she knew you at least felt...something for her...but she needed you to know exactly what she felt for you. 
You looked up to catch her looking at you again, throwing her a bright smile before you excused yourself from conversation with Danny and his girlfriend who’s name you forgot the second he’d introduced her, moving across the living room to go talk to her, “Hey you.” 
Boy if you could feel the way her heart was pumping and how sweaty her hands were the second you walked up. 
It took her a few moments- which you noticed- to find her voice, but she managed to smile back at you, “Hey yourself, Ms. Social butterfly. You’ve talked to everyone already.” 
You gave a soft shrug, “I mean, it’s not that hard to talk to them, I do work with them all, save for the people who brought their partners. Besides, I haven’t talked to you yet, hence why I’m over here.” 
“Hm, true, true....How come you didn’t bring your little secret crush? Not serious enough for that yet?” 
If only you know, huh? 
You gave a half-hearted shrug, “It’s...complicated.” 
“I see. W-” before she could continue, the alarm on her watch went off, signaling that it was time to exchange gifts. 
Seeing as she was hosting this year (you had hosted last year), she was in charge of pulling every gift from under the tree and giving them to whoever’s name was on them, that person then trying to guess who bought their gift. 
You didn’t get anything. 
There’s no way you couldn’t have been chosen. And no one else had gotten their gift from Sevika. 
With everyone else focused on their gifts, she pulled you aside into the kitchen, once again fdgety and nervous, “So...” 
“About your gift....before I....before I give it to you...I have to say a couple of things....” 
She looked at you for a few moments, you could see her contemplating in her mind what she wanted to say. 
She had spent hours in her mirror rehearsing this moment, yet now that it was here, she couldn’t remember a single word she had wanted to say to you. 
She blinked as your hand came up to cup her cheek, “Huh?” 
You gave a soft chuckle, stroking your thumb over her skin, “I said what’s wrong? You’ve been acting all weird with me all night. You’re nervous. Just tell me, babes, you know I’ll love whatever it is, especially if it’s from you.” 
That did not help her calm down. 
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before looking back to you again, “Okay, so...I know that we’ve been really good friends for....a while now....but lately I’ve been thinking and....I....I like you...you’re nice...and you’ve managed to make 2 years feel more like 20...so...what I’m trying to say is that I....I’m-” 
Your lips pressing to her cheek in a fleeting kiss cut her off as she stared at you baffled, sputtering. 
You giggled again when she couldn’t come up with something to say, pointing above her head, “Sorry, couldn’t help myself.” 
She looked up to find herself standing underneath a sprig of mistletoe. Her cheeks flamed red as she looked away, pulling a small box out of the pocket of her slacks, “Here.” 
You eyed her for a few seconds before opening the box, gasping softly at the necklace inside. 
You knew that necklace anywhere. 
She told you about it the first time you slept over at her place. 
She had drawn up the design years ago, saying she was going to get it made when she fell in love with a girl. 
You were not emotionally prepared for more than a n ‘i like you’ tonight. 
Neither was your makeup when you started crying. 
She looked up worriedly, “You don’t like it....” she mumbled under her breath, sounding so unbelievably hurt. 
“No, Sev....I love it.....I love you.....” 
“You do?” 
You chuckled through your tears, “Yes, you idiot. Who’d you think my secret crush was? I thought you would’ve gotten it when I said ‘she brought me flowers yesterday’, but instead you brought me an even bigger bouquet the next day as if you weren’t the only person that had gotten me flowers.” 
She rolled her eyes, “Look, I just knew that I really, really liked you, and if I had to compete with someone else to show you how I felt, so be it.” 
“You’re cute.” 
“And you look like a drowned rat, stop crying sweets and let me put the damned thing on for you.” 
You rolled your eyes, turning around anyway as she took the dainty necklace to clasp it around your neck. You punched her in the shoulder, “That’s for saying I look like a drowned rat.” 
She took the jab in stride, pulling you closer to her as she lifted your chin with her other hand, “You’re the prettiest little drowned rat I’ve ever seen...” 
You bit your lip, looking away, “You’re gay.” 
“As are you, your point?” 
“My poi-” 
“Look at me when you talk, sweets.” 
She knew what the fuck she was doing. 
Even still, you brought your eyes back to hers, your voice soft as you whispered breathily, “I love you...” 
“I love you too....” 
“What now?” 
She looked back up to the mistletoe above her head, pulling you forward so that it was over you now, “I show you how to actually kiss under the mistletoe.” 
Kissing Sevika was instantly your new favorite thing. 
She tastes like bourbon and cigar smoke with a hint of cinnamon. 
Her hands went straight to your hips, pulling you flush against her, her lips were surprisingly really soft- you had yourself to thank for that for helping her “discover” lip balm- sucking you in and drawing all the air from your lungs. 
You had a giddy almost drunken smile as she smirked down at you, “I think that may be my new favorite tradition.” 
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🤎©️ All work belongs to sexysapphicshopowner. Do not use or repost my content in any way without my consent or permission. Thank you! 🤎
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🤎 Taglist 🤎:
@certainlynotasimp @trafalgardvivi @love-sugarr
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muffin-snakes-art · 10 months
Hi. So I’m not a Layton guy and all THAT familiar with the lore, but a close friend of mine is, and as far as I understand Layton has a dead girlfriend? Can I please know who Magolor’s dead girlfriend equivalent in this AU is? I’m legitimately so curious. /pos
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I have been thinking A LOT about which Kirby character would fit Claire's (dead gf) role. In the end I chose Taranza bc I feel he and Claire are the most similar in character. They're both really good at what they do (Claire: brilliant scientist - Taranza: immaculate mage), quick thinkers, humble, and have a lot of love to give.
I'll explain more under the cut (along with images of Claire and younger Layton for design ref), but Taranza could've also fit in as a couple other characters bc I made Sectonia as Descole. In this essay I will-
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In Kirby there's an interesting connection between Magolor and Taranza. Primarily based on that one Magolor portrait in that haunted house in Triple Deluxe (like ok huh????) and also that one Star Allies Wave 3 illustration.
With that portrait existing, to me it implies that Magolor has met Taranza and Sectonia before the events of the game somehow. This theory is further backed up with the Old Friend mask in Merry Magoland. Magolor would HAVE to have known what Joronia looked like before her transformation, and that means he would also have met Taranza too at that time. I could be completely wrong about this HAHA but those are my thoughts on that.
When Wave 3 was announced, I didn't think much on the connection of the 3 characters other than they were from the first three core games of modern Kirby. But then they posted this art piece.
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It's so cute how Magolor and Taranza combined their magic to create a shield for Kirby!! Both of their respective magic circle designs are melded together perfectly. Did they practice together on their own to perform this or was that a lucky in-the-moment occurrence? Either way, they must know and understand each other's magic abilities to a decent extent. Like how both Claire and Layton understands each other's careers and goals. Layton is a professor in archeology. Claire is a scientist researching time travel and other stuffs. Those fields go hand in hand, and the two do what they can to support and improve each other's passions.
Now onto the other characters that Taranza would've fit as and reasons why I ended up putting him as Claire.
So I put Sectonia as Descole. Descole has an extremely loyal partner/butler/henchman named Raymond. Yea Taranza would easily fit as him, but a few things made me decide not to. Descole may appear cold and not show it, but even in his madness he cares for Raymond. He does order Raymond around, but he still gives Raymond freewill to do as he pleases. Sectonia is very controlling over Taranza. If Raymond were to make mistakes, I don't see Descole punishing him for them. Sectonia would. She blasted Taranza away for mistaking Dedede as the hero of the lower world. Maybe when she was Joronia she wouldn't and wasn't as controlling but....I feel we don't have the full story on their relationship. I also focused more on Sectonia's overall in-game personality. I absolutely love seeing the two spiders enjoying each other's company and having fun, but in-game we never really got what Joronia really thought of Taranza. As Sectonia, she saw him as a disposable servant. You can say her personality was corrupted by the mirror, but I personally believe the mirror actually amplified her negative feelings and views. Negative emotions are brought up a lot in Kirby lore. I personally find that more interesting than just the mirror possessing her or something. I may be very wrong on that, but those are what I thought about.
Last reason, which is uhm, Raymond saves Descole from death FGDHSJ I don't think I need to elaborate on that. It would be so neat and ironic to have Taranza as Raymond, but I also wanna keep things in line as possible with Kirby lore canon.
Yet, who could be Raymond then? Idk fgdsj that's why I struggled so much. If Claire wasn't an option, Taranza would've been Raymond.
Now the one other character Taranza could've fit as is Descole's late wife. His wife was never mentioned by name, to my memory, and didn't have a huge role in the games. There's not enough information on who she was. I wanted to give Taranza a fitting role in personality and importance.
So in the end after all that thinking, Claire it is! I also don't know who else in the Kirby cast would fit her better and be Professor Magolor's late partner. One may think Susie would fit Claire more, but I've already decided she will be Emmy. Emmy's and Susie's personalities are very similar to me. And Emmy's lore? Fits quite well with Susie's. I'll draw that at some point.
So uh yea. Thanks for reading all that if you did! Hope you enjoyed the insanity
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thatgoblin · 1 year
141 New Girl/Monster Au Headcannons
I'm working on it, in the mean time have some thoughts.
He's an Incubus demon and an older one at that.
None of the housemates know his exact age. They have a log of guesses.
He's the most distant with the New Roommate, but is curtious and kind.
Every time he's home, Roommate doesn't sleep well. Either from horny dreams or from a deep seated part of their brain that won't let them sleep when danger is around.
He's the least likely to hurt Roommate.
He's a literal puppy. Just got bit maybe 6 months before the story starts and is in his puppy phase. Everyone likes it despite the protests.
Def has zoomies at home.
Does steal Roommates socks.
Also steals Ghost's hoodies a lot.
He can smell if something is up with Roommate and is the most attentive to their needs and wants, even if they aren't.
He's half fae and half human, so he's older, but nothing close to Price. At 50, he'll stay the same for many more years to come.
Has to have greenery wherever he is or gets grumpy/sick.
Has a penchant for meddling in affairs he shouldn't, mostly personal matters of others, and will use his magic to get away with it.
Like when he heard another soldier crying over their Ex, he put a temporary forgetful spell on them so they'd be quiet.
Price reprimands him for that, but doesn't do much to stop it because it's never permanent and always within reason.
He likes to pick Roommate's head for idea in growing his garden. What plants he should get or what animals he could put in it.
Is a vampire. But is only 37. He was recently changed in the last few years.
Wears a mask even at home because of the type of vampire that bit him. There are several types ranging from older genuses that are very much still a wild animal to the more domestic ones that can conceal themselves to society.
Ghost was bit and nearly had his throat ripped out by a feral vampire in the Middle East on a mission. Price was able to save him and let him turn instead of letting him die. So his whole neck is scarred and his face sits naturally in a wide, sharp toothed grimace.
He's a moody bitch that leans into the whole 'I am not a man, but a monster' bit of being a vampire.
While he lurks in the shadows, he just wants to hold Soap's hand and go out for a drink.
He regularly gets karate chopped by the others because he tries to bite Roommate and they desperately need someone to keep the house occupied so other monsters can't get it.
I'll think of more later, but for now, HERE'S YOUR TREATS!
Taglist: @birdstoprey @sebbytheraccoon @pricescigar @alwaysshallow @sae1kie @sleepydang @lexi-zsy09
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