#i have a hype man playlist for myself so thats helping
elegyofthemoon · 10 months
does anyone have hype music to keep them energetic? :( i need new music
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luxshua · 7 years
20 - a Song you listened to on repeat RecentlyTheres a lot of songs that i have on repeat but i would say the one i've been listening to the Most is Its Goin Down from Descendants 2 ITS SUCH A GOOD AOMG FROM PROLLY THE GAYEST STRAIGHT FILM IVE EVER WATCHED 21 - your top Most played Song on itunes I Dont Have itunes so gotta use my phone i guess okay so it appears to be Hypnotized by Set It Off yea that Makes sense i fucking love that Song22 - A Song that motivates you to Work/Gets you to focus Well i have a work playlist on spotify and its full of just All the lullaby versions of my fav songs so basically any lullaby version of a Rock Song 23 - a Song from the soundtrack of your Favourite Video game/Movie/Tv showOkay im just gonna do All Three man Video game - Numbani from Overwatch Movie - Bonkers by Rizze Rascal from Kingsman Tv Show - Wheres my love by Syml from Shadowhunters 24 - A Song you think is really overplayed I dunno tbh i guess at this point Happy by pharell probably 25 - A Song you listened to ironically but now really loveBackstreets back by the Backstreet Boys also any HSM Song26 - a Song that reminds you if your fav fictional Character Fuck uh imma go Simon Lewis from Shadowhunters with the Star Wars Theme 27 - A Song that best Describes your Personality Tbh for this its a mixture of Life Afraid by Set It Off and Hypnotized by Set It Off basically their new album is ENTIRELY too relatable 28 - a Song that Describes you aesthtic Damn my aesthtic is like a TIE between could be Gayer and like Abandoned Theme parks/towns/buildings that Have been taken back by Nature so like i guess like She by Dodie Clark 29 - a Song that cheers you up when your saidProlly something from Dirty Work by All Time Low so like I feel Like Dancin' or Guts 30 - a Song from a band that you've grown up Loving I was gonna go for an All Time Low song but actually i've liked Paramore soooo much longer than them so ill go for the first Song i heard by them Emergency31 - A Song you want to cover N.M.E by Set It Off or The Haunting By Set It Off because just listening/singing along IA so theraputic to me so actually covering it would ROCK 32 - A Song you think has an important Message Voldemort by With Confidence i mean im getting one of the lyrics from that Song tattooed on my song ofcourse i think it has an important Message 33 - a Song whose Message you dont likeBlurred Lines by Robin Thick cos its basically saying go out an rape people 34 - your Favourite Song thats a cover of another Song Tainted Love - Marilyn Manson's version i just love his version if the Song better okay 35 - a Song that sends chills down your spine Either Lullaby from All Time Low or Dad's Song by Set It Off just the pure emotion in Those songs gets me everytime man they're just so heartbreaking 36 - A Song that best Describes your current emotion Something New by Set It Off cos this saturday i will be travelling down to London All by myself for the first Time and im hype 37 - a Song that helped you through a difficult Time in your life Dizzy by Waterparks kinda helped me deal with the stress of a Level exams 38 - a Song you think is underrated JUST THE WAY IM NOT BY ALL TIME LOW THAT SONG IS THE REASON I LISTEN TO ALL TIME LOW AND YALL NEED TO APPRECIATE IT39 - your Favourite instrumental Song Morticians daughter - lullaby version by Twinkle Twinkle little rockstar 40 - a Song by a band from your hometown Well that would be Hemel Hempstead but my DUDES there are no Bands from Hemel so imma stretch to St Albuns cos thats not that far from Hemel, Perspective by Trash Boat 41 - a Song from the year you were born Damn thats 1999 and so Whats My Age Again by Blink 18242 - Favourite old Song (pre- 90s)Straight to hell by The Clash tbh
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