#i have a headache just thinking he's entering at number 1
mokulule · 1 year
Take Out for Dummies - part 1
Ship: Dead on Main
“Excuse me?” Jason asked in disbelief.
“How would you describe your ideal date?” the man repeated the question calmly as if he hadn’t snuck up on Red Hood on a rooftop in the middle of the night and didn’t have two guns pointed at him by said surprised vigilante.
Jason had no idea what to think, it was absurd. Only one thing made the smallest bit of sense. After all some reporters would do anything for a story.
“Is this an interview for a gossip magazine?”
The man blinked. “No, this is for personal use only.”
Okay. That was even weirder. With that thought he holstered his guns, grabbed his grapple instead and jumped off the building. He could move his patrol elsewhere for tonight.
Oo o oO
It had been a few days, the strange encounter forgotten about as he’d quickly come across a shipment of unsanctioned drugs entering his territory; Black Mask was making moves towards Crime Alley again. Red Hood had to nip that bullshit in the bud. Just because he was more vigilante than crime lord these days didn’t mean he’d gone soft.
So, Jason had forgotten about the strange man on the rooftop and was wholly unprepared when once again he was standing on a rooftop taking a small break in his patrol and someone spoke:
“So I assume dinner is out what with the whole helmet deal, but what about chocolate?”Jason spun around heart in this throat, guns pointing towards the direction of the voice. It took a moment for him to even find him. This time he was sitting on top on the slanted roof of the stairwell.
“What the-“
“A box of chocolate could be enjoyed later, would that be a suitable gift?”
“What is wrong with you?”
“Too many things to remember off the top of my head.” The man jumped down and walked towards Jason, once more showing his absolute disregard for the guns pointing at him.
“Do you have a death wish?”
That for some reason brought a smile to his face.
Somehow, Jason was the one taking a step back despite being the one holding the guns. That at least stopped the man’s advance and he raised his hands in surrender.
“Sorry man, I guess this whole showing up on a rooftop in the dark is kinda creepy.” He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “It’s just with you being you, I don’t know where else to catch you.”
Jason felt an incoming headache, and he was feeling increasingly silly pointing his guns at the man when he didn’t react to them at all.
“How about you explain who you are and what you want?”
“Oh!” He slapped his forehead as if he couldn’t believe he’d forgotten. “I’m Danny, and I’ve been hired to take you out.” He smiled brightly.
Jason stared in disbelief. Who in their right mind just announced they’d been hired to kill someone, to the person they intended to-
It couldn’t be…
He’d been asking about dates and chocolate. He couldn’t possibly have misunderstood take out Red Hood as take out Red Hood on a date. Nobody would be that stupid…
“Why would someone hire you to take me out on a date?”
Danny, if that was his real name, shrugged. “Maybe they thought you were stressed and needed a nice evening? I don’t know. I don’t ask questions. I just do odd jobs for money, keeps the lights on, you know?”
Jason didn’t respond. He couldn’t believe this.
“And like this job pays extremely well for some reason, so like I’d like to do a good job of it hence the questions?”
Of course it payed extremely well, it was meant to be a freaking hit! Still could be of course, but then it was the oddest way to go about it that Jason had ever experienced and he’d taken out quite a few would-be assassins in his time.
Danny’s face fell at Jason’s continued non-responsiveness. He sighed. Then brought out a notepad and scribbled something down, before ripping off the paper and holding it out to Jason.
“Look,” he said, when Jason made no move to take the paper and still just kept his guns trained on him, “here’s my number if you change your mind. If you haven’t called back in three days, I’ll return my advance and tell them I can’t do it - no matter how sad I’ll be to see that money go.” He looked pained at the admission, but then looked back up at Red Hood with determination.
“Still please reconsider, Mr Hood, I promise I’ll show you a good time if you agree to a date.”He looked expectantly from his hand with the paper to Jason’s helmet. Jason sighed. Holstering his right hand gun he took the paper. It was indeed a phone number, above the number it said Danny with a little smiley face drawn after the name.
Danny’s face brightened into a smile.
“Have a good night then Mr. Hood, I hope to hear from you.” Danny walked backwards with a wave and promptly tripped on an empty bottle someone had left.
“Woah!” His arms windmilled and he only just saved himself from falling back and hitting his head by sheer luck as he caught himself in the sort of gravity defying pose that would win him most limbo games. He laughed sheepishly as he put a hand down and turned around to push himself back up.
“So that was embarrassing. Should look where I go, huh? Never know when you’ll be assaulted by littering…” his voice trailed off as he walked away. He threw a last wave over his shoulder before jumping onto the fire escape and beginning his climb down.
Jason was left standing on the rooftop, paper clutched in one hand, trying to comprehend the whole baffling conversation. Also there was a distinct curl of embarrassment that he’d actually felt threatened by the guy at one point.
Yeah, he wasn’t gonna unpack that. He put the paper in a pocket of his utility belt and took a running leap to the next rooftop.
Oo o oO
Jason could not believe he was actually doing this.
It was three days later. In the mean time he’d asked around his old enforcers if they heard about a guy named Danny who did “odd jobs” as he’d called it.
As it turned out, there was indeed an odd-job-Danny, sometimes just called odd-Danny, with an increasing reputation on the streets of Gotham for doing all sorts of jobs - everything from helping old ladies carry groceries home for pennies and a pat on the cheek to heavier lifting by the docks. When he asked one of the street kids about him, he was told he also helped look for lost pets for pretty rocks or whatever the kids had in their pockets at the time, and he could fix just about anything - which had to be an exaggeration, but then again the street kids weren’t prone to overly positive opinions about adults, so he’d certainly made quite an impression on them.
Yet despite a lot of people knowing about him, apparently nobody knew a last name or where he lived. It was a mystery.
All that to say that Jason was curious… and apparently doing this.
He looked down at his phone, where he’d already put in the number. His thumb hovered over the call button. He still could not believe he was doing this. If this was a trap he was apparently walking in.
With a sigh he pushed the button.
It rang three times before it connected.
“Hello?” A hesitant voice asked.
“Is this Danny?” “Who’s asking?”
“You ask me on a date and you already forgot, I’m hurt,” Jason deadpanned hoping he would catch on to it not being wise to mention Red Hood’s name on an unencrypted line.
“Oh! So is that a yes?” He piped up excitedly.
Urgh, why was it charming that that he sounded so genuinely excited?
“Sweet. Did you consider my questions?”
“Nope,” Jason popped the p and found himself smirking, “gonna have to impress me all on your own.”
Danny huffed. “Have it your way. I’ll show you a good time, you’ll see. How does… Sunday afternoon work for you?”
“’s fine.”
“Meet you in front of the building we last met, at 2 pm? Also unless you wanna take the bus, maybe bring your bike? I don’t drive.”
Jason scoffed. Letting some stranger hired to kill him close to him on his bike was a recipe for disaster. Still he found himself answering:
“Great! I’ll see you Sunday then.”
With those words the call ended.
Jason looked down at his phone. He couldn’t believe it. Jason, no, Red Hood had a date for this Sunday. A giddy feeling bubbled up in his chest and he couldn’t help laughing. Red Hood going on a date. It was fucking ridiculous.
Yet, he was kinda looking forward to it. -
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mistydeyes · 1 year
a sick day visit
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summary: You prided yourself on not getting sick. Even as a child, you bragged about your perfect attendance. However, the day has finally come and you’re in bed with a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. Noting your absence, the 141 decides to pay you a visit.
pairing: 141 x pharmacist!Reader
if you want to read some other interactions with our lovely pharmacist -> pharmacist!reader tag
warnings: swearing, medical terminology/descriptions of illness
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Healthcare professionals never get sick. They just don't. That's why when you woke up with a sore throat, swollen and painful lymph nodes, and a headache, you silently cursed everything in the universe. The last few days you were more tired than usual but nothing out of the ordinary. You were supposed to report to the pharmacy at 07:00 hours but you knew you weren't going to make it there. You groggily grabbed your phone and made a few phone calls. Eventually, after an hour, you were able to get one of your civilian pharmacist colleagues to fill in for you. "Thanks, Dr. Stewart, I already notified security and the techs that you'll be coming in today," you hoarsely croaked out and hung up the phone.
Once everything was in order, you put a plain shirt and pants on and bundled yourself in a blanket. You knew that you should go visit the doctor to find out what was wrong. You brushed your teeth to have a semblance of normalcy but to put it politely, you looked like hell. Before you left, you made sure to find a medical mask, just in case whatever you had was contagious. You slipped on some shoes and exited your quarters to the medical wing.
As you walked, you ignored the bewildered looks of the soldiers as they passed. Some gave you a quick, "Good morning, Captain," and you weakly gave them a wave. Eventually, you could see Captain Price emerge from an adjoining hallway and he locked eyes with you. "Captain L/N, heard you were missing from the pharmacy today," he said and you moved to the side of the hallway to allow others to walk. "Hi John, just feeling under the weather, should be back tomorrow," you said softly. You could see the pity in his eyes as you used your elbow to cough. "Just let me know if you need anything, I'll personally have the 141 deliver anything," he said kindly and allowed you to continue to the doctor.
Despite being a pharmacist, you hated going to the doctor. Something about the sterility of the environment made you uneasy. "Ah Captain, funny seeing you here," the doctor commented as she entered. You smiled, she was one of your better friends in this department and you relaxed upon seeing her. "Definitely don't want to under these circumstances," you replied and she motioned for you to take off your mask so she could begin examining you. As soon as you opened your mouth, you could tell she knew what was wrong with you.
"What is it?" you asked and she dialed a number on the medical wing's phone. "Oh love, I think you have mononucleosis. I'm going to run some blood work and have a test done but it's pretty certain," she spoke and you were surprised. "Isn't that only spread through direct contact or saliva?" you asked. It was a silly question as mononucleosis was also known as the kissing disease but you wanted extra confirmation. "It can be or it can be spread by sharing utensils or drinks," she said and you internally facepalmed. You silently regretted going out for drinks with your techs and trying everyone's drinks. "It usually takes about 1-2 months to show symptoms," she continued, "there is no treatment, only rest, liquids, and paracetamol."
After two hours of waiting for your results with the phlebotomist, your doctor's suspicions were confirmed. "Sorry Captain," the phlebotomist said and sent you back to your room with a bottle of paracetamol and some Liquid IV. As you changed into pajamas, you made sure to notify your staff of your diagnosis and promised you'd be back at work as soon as your fever broke. Having nothing else to do, you settled back into bed and grabbed a book for the long days of recovery ahead.
You were almost finished with your book when you heard a knock on your door. "Coming," you called and put an Army sweatshirt on before opening it. At the door were four men who you immediately recognized as the 141. You almost laughed when you saw them all wearing matching balaclavas with a skeleton painted on them. Better safe than sorry, I guess. "What are you guys doing here?" you asked as you held the door partially open. "Heard our favorite pharmacist was sick so we brought you some things," Gaz smiled at you and you noticed a small bag of goodies in Soap's hands. "What you got anyways?" Soap asked as he handed you the bag. "Don't laugh but I have mono," you said and everyone took a step back. "I promise I'm not contagious but no kissing and sharing drinks for me for a little while," you joked and you could see everyone take a deep breath. You invited them inside your room to continue the conversation.
As they walked into your room they admired the decor. Unlike some other officers, the base was your permanent housing arrangement. You decided to make it as much of a home as possible. This included bringing in carpets for the cold tile floors, a bookshelf filled with pharmacy textbooks and novels in various languages, and other little trinkets. You even had a few pictures of your favorite people including your proud parents. You sat on the bed and the men cozied themselves on the carpet and your small loveseat. You allowed everyone a moment to settle as you could see them eye your decor. Everyone seemed to find something that peaked their interest. Simon studied your posters of famous art pieces, Gaz tried to figure out the locations of the postcards from your uni pharmacy friends, and Soap was intensely looking at the colorful pillows that adorned your bed. "Quite a setup you have here," Price commented as he thumbed through your Russian copy of Wuthering Heights. "Might as well make this place a home," you smiled and pulled a blanket around yourself.
"Do you know how you got it?" Ghost spoke up suddenly. "Well it might have been my fault but it was probably when I took my techs to a pub off-base," you sheepishly answered. "It was stupid but we all thought it would be a great idea to share drinks," you continued. "I thought it was the kissing disease," Gaz commented as you finished your story. You laughed lightly before responding. "That's one of the easiest ways to get it but anything with saliva contact spreads it," you began, "Plus there's no significant other I would have to worry about, Sergeant" Suspiciously, they all smiled and you couldn't understand why they were so invested in your love life.
"Anyways how have you been?" you asked and Price was the first one to speak up. "Back again for a while but we still miss your patient care in the pharmacy," he replied and everyone nodded their heads in response. "Your friend doesn't know what they're doin," Soap pitched in, "he just gives us our prescriptions without even a hello." Your smile faltered slightly, you were upset to hear this is how he treated your patients. "I'll be back soon, I promise," you responded. After a lull of silence, you yawned as today's events had tired you out. "You should open the bag," Ghost mentioned and you suddenly remembered the gift they put together.
You grabbed the small brown bag that sat next to you and poured its contents out on your duvet. Inside, they had put some snacks from the vending machine, bags of tea, and a crudely drawn picture of what looked like the members of the 141. "Oh thank you all," you gasped and went to pick up the drawing. "Why this though?" you asked and saw four figures carrying a comically sized pill bottle to what looked like you with a mask and blanket. "What I thought it was funny," Soap said defensively and you smiled. "I'll be sure to frame this one," you said before setting it back down. Despite being cold-hearted soldiers, they did some nice things sometimes. Eventually after some more light conversation, they could tell you needed some rest and saw themselves out. "Thanks again for stopping by," you called as they exited. "Anytime," Price said before he closed your room's door.
As they walked down the hall, you could hear their conversation through the thin wall. "You see that picture of them from uni?" you heard Gaz ask. "Ye the one next to the bookshelf, right?" Soap responded. "Didn't know that wearing a bathing suit with a pharmacy coat was part of the uniform," you heard Gaz say and your eyes shot to the aforementioned photo. You stood there, two other friends from pharmacy school, on the beaches of Cornwall only wearing a bathing suit and your white coat. Next time you invite someone over, you'll be sure to hide that photo.
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wolfydoesstuff · 3 months
heeyyyyyy guys
i was doing a writing contest with my friends to make an AvA fic based off of a pre-existing episode. i did the flashback and im actually really proud of this, so without further ado, here it is.
Eye Strain and Hand Pain - The Flashback
TW/CW: swearing, mild blood/gore (i wasn't allowed to do too much), implied cannibalism, implied self-harm
Word count: I don't remember, but somewhere around 2,000
fic below the cut :3
For being a horrible atrocity, the killing spree was pretty fun. The poor civilians' frenzied shrieks, the two siblings' laughs as adrenaline pumped through their veins. Splotches of red covering their clothes, they didn't mind destroying anything they came across.
After all, why would they?
Destruction was all they knew.
Dark took a wheezy breath into his inhaler before tucking back into his stained jacket pocket and flying over to Chosen. He was shouting something incoherent at people running for their lives. 
Dark tapped his shoulder, fidgeting with the broken zipper on his jacket. Chosen spun around, eyes glowing bright crimson. "Un autre ? Ils continuent à venir comme s'ils le voulaient..." (Another one? They keep coming as if they want this...) he said with a manic smile, fading as he realized it was his younger brother.
"Hey, Cho!" Dark said quietly, a smile on his flushed face. "I.. I think we might have to wrap this up.. It's getting dark and my chest hurts a bit." 
Chosen nods, seeming a bit spaced out. 
An offhand comment of "Ever wonder what those fuckers taste like?" and the two siblings found themselves sitting around a campfire. Dark's heavy eyelids eventually closed, his head on Chosen's lap. The latter didn't mind carrying the former home.
Dark unclenched his jaw to drink some of his water. It felt good on his dry throat and eased the hunger clawing at his stomach. He hadn't moved from his computer for 14 hours now. 
Originally, the standing desk seemed like a good idea, but Dark's scoliosis has gotten worse over the years and now standing for so long just made his back hurt.
Hence the bottle of ibuprofen beside the computer. He had taken 5 now. 
Staring at the small numbers and letters on his computer screen was giving him a pounding headache that not even the painkillers could help. He ended up having to squint harder than was comfortable to even see much of what he was doing.
But with a final hit of the enter key, Dark was done. He felt like he was going to pass out. A quick glance at a clock told him it was either 10:30 or 1:03. Either way, it didn't matter. He finally finished his project, ending a 2-month hyperfixation. He honestly couldn't remember the last time he had eaten or slept, which further explained why everything was aching. He was ready to just curl up on the floor and go to sleep and forget about the world, the animator, the hurt, when Chosen opened his door, even the soft click of the door ringing in Dark's ears. He turned his hearing aids down.
"Dark, I honestly don't care if I have to drag you out of here, you haven't left this room in 14–" Chosen starts, quickly being cut off. "Cho! Cho, I finished! You wanna see? I- I did it! Finally! It'll be just like you.. like we always wanted!"
Chosen chuckled softly. "Alright, alright... Since you say it's 'so incredible.' Just take it down a notch, okay? You're talking really loud." 
Dark rolled his eyes. "Just turn your hearing aids down." He paused. "But- But anygays, I have my thingy to show you!" He darted back to his computer, stimming excitedly. 
"O-okay, okay, so.. So, this is the ViraBot! I've been working on it for, like, 2 months! It can do a ton of- A ton of cool shit! A-and.." Dark's tone was shifting from excited to just plain manic. Chosen placed both hands on his shoulders. "Deep breaths." 
Dark did as he was told and started over with a sigh. "This, my dear brother, is the ViraBot." 
"It looks like a spider, but missing a few legs."
Dark shot Chosen a glare. The latter shrugged.
"But anygays, this thing has a ton of features, like..." Dark typed a couple things on his computer and the ViraBot on the wall suddenly had a bright red spike on the end of its... limb. Dark smiled. "And that's just the start."
He took the spike, its sharp end glinting in the warm sunlight. He forcefully stabbed his globe with the the spike and it immediately dissolved into some bare code, along with its stand. Dark grinned, his coal black eyes shining. "We can destroy the world, Cho. And anyone who would fucking dare hurt us the way that cursor did."
Chosen just stared in horror for a moment, his chest tightening painfully. 
Not another bloodbath.
Not more innocents' screams.
Not more fire and tears and broken bones.
Why would Dark want to go back to that after all this time living normally?
But then again, why wouldn't he?
Pain and death and killing was all he knew.
Dark loaded the ViraBot into its launcher, carefully contained in a red-and-white casing. 
"Dark. We don't have to do this."
Dark's excitement died down for a moment. His smile faltered. "...wh-what?"
He quickly puts his smile back on. "Come on, Cho! It's what we always wanted to do! Obviously we've gotta start with our biggest problem, the..."
"...cursor, who can fucking burn in hell. Like, how could he do those things to you? To us? Nobody can just do that..."
"...but I digress, this lil bitch will end up on his computer and fuck him up just as bad as we did! And then I can finally go to sleep. And drink water, it's been a hot minute since I've done that..."
Dark's hand was hovering over the button, either quivering from excitement or just outright shaking from the exhaustion of not sleeping for so long.
"What? Oh, do you wanna press the button? Yeah, that's only fair. After all-"
"Dark, stop."
"But.. What? This is what-"
"Dark, shut up! Have you ever considered that maybe I don't want this? That the whole world doesn't fucking revolve around you and what you want?"
Dark felt the all-too-familiar sting of tears forming in his eyes, but he swallowed and blinked them back. Fine then. Be like that, he thought to himself. I'll just... do it myself..
Shaky hands.
Breath hitching in his throat.
Hand lowers.
Rough hands, firm grip on Dark's shoulders.
"Dark, what did I say? We can't do this!"
Dark wanted to explain to Chosen why they had to, why it would be the best decision ever for them, why he had gotten a total of just 56 hours of sleep in the past two months. But as he prepared the explanation, the words died on his tongue. He couldn't force them out if he tried. 
So he just went for the button again.
This time when he was met with the rough hands, he ended up on 
the cold tile with his nose bleeding, a new crimson stain soaking into the collar of his shirt. He felt his hands heating up and unstifle-able tears welling up in his eyes.
A few seconds later, a wall crumbled.
Just like Chosen and Dark's once perfect relationship.
Soon things devolved into what was pretty much a fistfight, but with a few more broken walls. Everything blurred around Dark as he ran for the button.
His revenge.
His closure.
Only a moment after Dark's palm hit the smooth red plastic, he felt a small explosion and found himself in the air, falling.
"I thought you wanted this."
Chosen took a deep, shaky breath as memories of him flooded his mind.
In and out.
Hands ignited.
He got a sort of adrenaline rush from all this, and he hadn't flown in months. It was kind of nice to do it again. Feel the cold wind on this face, see everything from beautiful views.
Maybe once this was all over, he could go fly somewhere. Though, it wouldn't be the the same without Dark...
That's okay, times change. And who knows, maybe he'll-
Chosen pulled away from the light blue barrier that the ViraBot had so easily gone through, coughing weakly into his arm.
That's gonna hurt later.
It took a painfully reddened hand to realize that no amount of punching would do anything.
Dark felt himself hit the ground with a... Well, he wasn't sure what it sounded like, but it sure as hell could've been the loudest thing he had ever heard. It at least felt that way.
With a soft groan, he rolled over from his back to his side.
"God, I think I broke... everything.." he muttered, taking a few moment to collect his scattered, betrayed, hurt thoughts before picking himself up, pleased with the fact that nothing seemed actually broken at the moment. He quickly looked himself over, wincing as he noticed the sheer state of his body. Through the charred and still warm hole in his shirt, he could see dark, black burns, deep red oozing from melted skin.
"Shit. Shit, shit, shit..." Dark stumbled to his old... pitifully small house? Shack? Place...? He was honestly too disoriented to remember what the small structure's original purpose was, and his shaky ankles that, in hindsight, were probably sprained or something, threatened to give out at any moment.
Dark all but collapsed on the floor.
Down on his hands and knees.
Saliva dripping from his mouth.
Tears dripping from his eyes.
He dug through the supplies stored under the table and pulled out some disinfectant, a shit ton of bandages, and a spare T-shirt.
He gingerly took off his current, very burnt one and set it aside. It was horrifically bloodstained anyway.
Mentally preparing himself for the burning sensation, he poured some disinfectant straight from the bottle onto the mess of stuff he didn't even want to look at.
Once he figured he had screamed and cried enough, it was onto the bandages.
From experience, bandaging yourself can be difficult, but not impossible after enough practice. Now, if your skin just stopped actively melting, that changes thing a bit, but Dark didn't really have a choice.
So he wrapped the slightly dusty gauze as tightly as he could around his chest and stomach, using a few too many pieces of tape to hold it in place. He then awkwardly pulled on the also dusty shirt and smoothed out some of the wrinkles. For the sake of being able to walk more comfortably, he also wrapped his ankles, which seemed to work wonders when he stood up and they only somewhat ached.
Maybe that was just his fast healing, though. If there was one pro to being created, it was that.
Dark let out a long, pained sigh before standing up on less-than-steady legs and pulling up the ViraBot code on his computer.
He glanced at the three whiteish scar lines on the back of his wrist.
Maybe they could use a fourth one to match.
Through strained eyes and sheer willpower, Chosen managed to break through the barrier.
A chilling sense of nostalgia gripped him as he traveled in the empty space leading to the PC.
He wanted it to stop.
His breathing picked up.
Tears stung his eyes for a moment.
If he was being honest, he really didn't want to go back to that place, but-
Another impact.
Okay, fuck what I said earlier, this hurts now.
More eye strain and hand pain got Chosen inside the PC.
The fight with the ViraBot was unpleasant, to say the least. Chosen didn't enjoy the metallic-tasting red in his mouth or the way his vision blurred and doubled after a while if he wasn't focusing on anything. But really, he didn't like that he and Dark's relationship was even more strained than his ruby-red eyes.
As Chosen left the PC, he gave a small nod of acknowledgement to his creator.
As he went back to face Dark, he couldn't help but feel like he was no better.
fun fact: this is my longest oneshot :3
heyyyy uh
the SH warning was there for a reason, but i mustve forgotten to copy-paste two lines, so i went back and fixed it TvT
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falling-heights · 1 year
☆ Arthur Morgan ☆ -  I gave you all 
     [pt. 1]
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Summary: You meet a ghost from your past several years after splitting ways. Only, he isn’t as kind as you remembered him being. And perhaps, it’s been too long for him to still forgive you.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: violence, gun use, graphic scenery, injury, blood
Part 1  -  Part 2  -  Part 3
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“Y o u   c a l l   i t   h o p e--   t h a t   f i r e   o f   f i r e!   
I t   i s   b u t   a g o n y   o f   d e s i r e.”   
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Trees rushed past in a blur of green and brown. Small patches of wildflowers added a splash of color every now and then. The sun was setting.
It'd been at least 9 hours since you'd entered this train car, and your fatigue was beginning to form a pulsing headache. The idea of sleeping now greatly outweighed your initial excitement. 
It wouldn't be long now, you thought, perhaps only a few more hours before you arrived at Blackwater. How long had it been since you'd stepped foot in that town? It would never seem to be long enough. The last image you had of it was stained an ugly red, and you along with it. 
But still, through Blackwater, you had a one-way ticket to a new life, to leave this god-forsaken country behind, to shed your wolf-skin and live amongst the fold again. 
With one last glance towards the dimly-lit horizon, you watched the last few golden streaks retreat behind the mountains before sinking into the red velvet seating and resting your head against the glass. Feeling the chill of the oncoming night breathing through the window and fogging up the glass, you let the gentle shaking of the train lull you to a peaceful haze; Your last thoughts were of what the coming times might bring. 
But that's silly, isn't it? To always be certain of the future-- or better, to think that anyone can change the rolling tides once they've already reached the shore. 
It was dark when the train lurched to a shaky halt. The brightest source of light came from the lanterns hanging on the exterior of the train. Thinking that you may have arrived, you glanced through the window, only to be met with a wall of trees and thick foliage. The train was still a ways off from civilization-- at least a couple dozen miles from what you had to guess, and from the nervous whispering of your fellow passengers, it was clear that something was off. They fidgeted with their watches and sleeves, trying to catch light of why the engine died so far from it's intended destination. It didn't seem this stop was scheduled.
Sitting up, your mind flashed with a number of possibilities. Maybe the train had broken down, maybe a stowaway was just being thrown off, maybe something had fallen onto the tracks just up ahead. 
But then the rear-facing door swung open, and a guard crept down the aisle. The man was dressed in plainclothes of a brown suit and matching pants-- not policemen. This was the type you would hire to protect cargo from thieves, not to commune with passengers, or by any means to help them. He held a well-worn rifle in one hand, and with the other, he loaded bullets. On his belt hung a singular revolver, visibly in worse condition than the rifle. You only heard three bullets being loaded.
"Ladies, Gentlemen, there's no gentle way to explain our situation," He was sweating, never sparing a glance towards anyone. His eyes remained trained on the clearing of the other cars ahead, flashing at each and everything that moved. He sounded beside himself, yet still attempting to keep everyone else calm. "We are facing a robbery, it seems."
The whispering quickly evolved into panic, elicited even more so when an array of gunfire went off just up ahead. The guard raised his arms, commanding silence from the travelers. 
"I know this might be a very alarming situation for all of you, but please, try to stay calm," He was hardly calm himself. The grip on his gun was tight and trembling. And with only three bullets, he must have already known what his terms were. "The best thing you can do is stay quiet and comply. I don't wish that anyone here suffers to something like this, but if I am unable to keep you all safe, then it's a better bargain for you to lose your valuables than to lose your lives."
A familiar feeling sunk in-- despair. As though a past life was coming back to haunt you. You hadn’t felt such harsh degrees of terror like this in years. As panic set in, painful memories clawed their way from your head. Of the money you'd burned. Of the scars left beneath your garments. Of the guns left buried in Rhodes. Of anything, leaving those guns behind hurt the most. They had been a gift after all, from someone once special. But times like those were far gone in the past, left behind by what you'd sought to bury and destroy.
The guard opened the side door toward the front of the car. Visibility was finite through the pitch-black air. What light the exterior lanterns did provide was meager and a garish orange. He took a final breath and stepped forward.
His head ended up hitting the ground faster than his feet could. 
A bang. 
A splat. 
And then a thud. 
The gun misfired as it landed, startling you from your seat. All within three seconds. 
His body collapsed in the mud, and the entire side of the train car's windows was mottled with blood. Someone behind you screamed. A woman. A few more followed her. Someone started to cry, clutching their pearl-lined purses, and silver coated rings. Yet, you had nothing to hold, nothing to give. Nothing to pray you don’t lose. You had nothing left except the ticket in your hands and your life.
Had this man really been the last one left? Nothing but a hired escort? And yet, knowing this, instead of playing the docile part that could have saved his life, he stepped into death's hand.
What man could ever be such a fool?
Now standing, an arrangement of ideas rushed through your head, with one message shared among them: 'Get out. Leave.' Your feet carried you, eyes guiding each step. The rear-facing door was still swung open. It could very well be your only chance. 
Quietly backing away from the front, ignoring the pitying pleas of others as you passed through them. How scared they seemed-- how helpless to their unfortunate circumstances. You wanted nothing to do with their situation, however, a small sight instilled a small pause in your movements-- a little girl, saddled in the lap of her mother, who tried in these moments to comfort her child. A fleeting thought went to her, perhaps of a sort of sympathetic appeal, and then you continued to move. Perhaps if you did not already know how things would end, you might have offered to help. But you would not make the same mistake as the guard. You were no fool. 
Small dapples of light began to spread from the front of the train, quickly approaching. Time was against you. A hand went to your hair, tacitly removing the hair pin keeping several strands pinned up. A knife would have been preferable, perhaps even a gun, but a thin needle would have to do. The pointed end barely stuck out much farther than your palm as you held it closely. 
Just a few more steps now. 
You let out a breath once you felt your free hand hit the handle to the wooden framing. Turning, you were just about to make it when--
The barrel of a gun stared you down. Behind it, a masked man. It seems you weren't quick enough. They had gone around the side, closing any exits. 
"Going somewhere, little lady?" You didn't recognize the voice, but there was a snideness in his tone, thinking he'd just caught a little bird trying to escape. He stepped forward, onto the car, and you mirrored by taking a step back. "I suggest you turn back around."
The gun's hammer was cocked, a death sentence if you chose to disobey. You would have to wait a moment more. Sitting in the closest empty seat, his eyes gleamed in satisfaction. He made his first mistake in moving the gun away from you. The second mistake was taking steps past you, leaving himself open from behind. And thus, the moment had arrived. 
Suddenly lunging back up, your arm swung down, piercing the skin of his neck. Digging it further, you kept pushing until all that was left of the hairpin was the decorative gold head. 
"Fucking bitch!" He hollered, his hand defensively starting to swat at his neck. Giving him no chance to rebut, you turned heel and ran back to the door, giving it a singular, hearty shove, and jumping down to the muddy ground.  The gun fired, lodging itself into the wooden frame of the train, but its damage was dealt. Four men, all armed, one with a lantern, immediately became aware of your presence on the opposite end of the car.  
The lantern was of a kind you had seen only used by watch-men and hunters, except for the few times that you had used one during your more active hours. The kind that blocked most of its light, except through a small glass sight, allowing for handlers to focus a solid beam in any direction. Right now, that light was focused on you, a quivering form, half-crouching on the muddy tracks. 
Behind you, an open meadow sat, its own invitation laced with bad omen. The only hope of getting through such an exposed field would be to run, and though the grass may be tall, hiding would never be an option. Ahead of you, the trees loomed, almost screaming at you to break from your spot and find solitude in its foliage. Through the trees, you would at least have the chance to lose them.
So, truly, what were your choices? To hide, or to run?
Hiding surely. You doubted your body could outrun 4 grown men, none of which seemed to be any less athletic than men in their prime. Their were a few eerily moments of silence. Everyone was deciding what to do next, including you. 
With an unstable breath, you quickly gathered the ruffled layers of your dress, hoisted the heavy fabric, and took off towards your only chance at freedom. There would only be a minute head start before they would the chase. Every moment counted. Every second decided how this would end. 
Your shoes were not made for running, evidently, as the heels dug further into the mud with every step, causing a shot balance and a slow start. Some indistinct yelling sounded from behind. Three of the four men followed in pursuit of you, the other likely told to continue operations with the other passengers. Six pairs of feet quickly crept up on you, pounding into the ground heavily, the forest floor was practically quaking beneath you. You were correct in choosing the forest over the meadow. These men were apt, keeping a steady pace on you, like bloodhounds hunting down fresh game. 
The ground was uneven, hardly visible. You would find yourself falling for brief moments with sudden dips in the ground, and crawling when it rose again just as swift. The farther you went, the more you prayed that the moon would continue to guide your eyes. But, the forest grew thicker with every step. And soon, the canopy overhead of Elms and Alpines would completely consume what little help you had left. 
The sounds of footfall faded, first six, then 4, and then just 2, until ceasing altogether, and for a moment, you were hopeful that they'd given up. Taking a quick glance, you almost froze in place, still slowing down significantly. They had indeed stopped their chase, however it wasn't from a lack of interest. From the small glance, only one had managed to stay on your trail, however, though he longer chased, the outline of a well-worn rifle was clear. He was watching your form retreating. It was obvious their intentions weren't to let you live, and instead of wasting their energy, they must have decided a quick and steady aim would be more efficient. 
He missed the first shot. The bullet struck the ground just by your ankles. It would take him about 4 seconds to reload the gun. There was doubt he would miss again. Running wouldn't do you any good anymore either. Your energy was on reserve, and the heavy dress dragged your body down. But what could you do in just 4 seconds? There wasn't time to think, no time to escape the scope of range. 
The tree's trunks were thin and narrow, but it was all you had. Running to the closest stump, your back slammed into the bark, skin pulsing with adrenaline. Bracing for the sound of another misfire, but the trigger wasn't pulled. For precious seconds, you waited, catching your breath, eyes flying wildly around for any sign of movement, but your panic was met with silence. 
And then you realized, he was waiting for you. Why should he waste another bullet? You would eventually need to leave your spot, and he would wait until you did. Better make it count, then. 
Around, you could barely see. Various pillars of other trees and bushes was about all you could make out. But just ahead, was what looked like a large divot in the forest floor. Perhaps a ditch or a small creek. You couldn't hear any running water, but the blood hammering in your ear-drums would surely deafen a small creek. Still, it was likely your best shot at survival. If you could just make it into that trench, you might be able to avoid any further gunfire, and you could follow the channel out of the area.  If you could just make it from this tree to that ditch. 
Funny, you thought for a moment, that despite how much you tried to bury it, you still ended up on the end of a gun. Perhaps, not the end you would have preferred. There was nothing left to do. Death would meet you regardless of what you did now. Stay, and he would eventually lose patience. Move, and likely be shot before you could make more than a few feet. But only one option had any chance. With a deep breath, you stepped out.
You thought to your mother then. Of her, you really couldn't remember much, but her words have lasted far longer than any other memories. In this moment, as your foot met the ground, digging in  to the cold mud an old warning of hers slowly drifted to your cerebral thoughts. 
"Such a little dreamer, such big ideas.... . Some day, you will need to face the world, for how it works, and not for how you wish it to.”
Your other foot foot kissed the ground, Of your mother, and her words, one thing you knew was certain about life. Death would one day meet you. Of course, this was inevitable, but to think that it would have come so soon.  
Your third step was your final. Finally, the bullet's target was found. It lodged itself snugly in your upper calf, ripping through muscle and tendon, completely eviscerating the lower half of your leg.  A strange sort of yelp, like an injured dog left your lips. Your body turned parallel to the mud, half falling, half diving into the sticky muck. The rough impact caused your neck to snap down, snagging your upper lip on a root, and many more dug into your skin roughly. The taste of blood was strong, but the pain was almost numb compared your shredded leg, which now felt like it had been caught in a meat grinder. You didn't need to look to tell that you were losing blood. There were little droplets of blood spattered along fallen leaves, mixing into the brown sludge. The warm, sticky liquid could be felt leaking down your leg. 
Wheezing, trying to lift yourself up, your body was crying itself along the ground. Unwilling any mobility, your blown leg shook involuntarily, muscles trying to constrict despite no longer being connected to each other. The feeling of shock was starting to creep up the rest of your leg, spreading through waves of heated chills. But still, despite the inability to stand, you tried dragging yourself. By now, from the pain, and the exhaustion that you felt growing, your breath sounded more like shrill, desperate wails. Frustration and despair ebbing with every exhale. The tears couldn't be restrained any longer. Letting out a sob, your head pressed against your outstretched arm, fingers clawing against the mud, filling the underside of your nails with mud. 
Footsteps quickly approached. 
A string of blood infested saliva hung from your lips, stretching thickly to the ground. The man towered over you, the lantern hanging from his hand, a poorly-taken care of rifle supported by his shoulder. 
"Thought we'd let a pretty little bird like you get away, did'ya?" Your wheezing suddenly broke. Familiarity. The Irishman set the lantern down, letting the light bleed into the proximate area. "Let's see what good of a catch you are."
A gloved hand, reeking of gun oil and tobacco, snatched your cheeks, squeezing your face, forcibly making your lips pucker. He raised your head sharply upwards, causing you to grimace in discomfort. Clearly, despite the tears and sweat that clouded your eyes, Sean's face was unmistakable. But despite the pain, and the misery, you glared defiantly. 
"Are my eyes deceiving me...?" For a rare moment in his life, Sean sounded faint, equally shocked at the possibility at such a reunion. But, it was brief, for after a moment of quiet, he began chuckling to himself. "Been awhile, hasn't it, Sweets? Thought'd we'd see the last of each other after what happened. I almost can't believe this."
Choosing to remain silent, Sean hummed and allowed your face to fall. 
"Can't say I haven't missed you, though. Can't say I'm the only one either..." His voice changed again, seeming a bit more dull, as though the thought of your absence all these years held genuine weight. "Oh, I'm forgettin' my manners... A lot's changed, y'know."
"Sean, please listen to me..."  He circled around you, kicked back the ends of the dress that covered your leg. 
"Agh! I really did a number, didn't  I? " Sean knelt, gently grasping the lower half of your leg, turning it from one side to the other to discern the damage he'd dealt. "Sorry 'bout that there. But, well, uh, I guess thank god it wasn't some poor innocent girl, right?"
"Sean, I need your help." It was pathetic, begging to someone who was once a friend. Someone who knew many secrets, and shared even more. He stood up, circling back around to face you. The other two grunts finally caught up, though neither spoke up.
"Oh, do you now? Here, I wanna see your face all proper." He smiled to himself, rustling through his coat pockets before presenting a small handkerchief that was partly matted with dried sweat.  He offered it to you, and hesitantly, you accepted. "Well, I don't know. Seems like you were just fine with leaving all us so suddenly. If I didn't know any better, I'd say's you might just be trying to appeal to my soft side. But not you, right?"
"This isn't funny, Sean."  Using the rag to clean your mouth and face. "I don't want to be any part of this." 
"So, we ought to just leave you here then, that's your solution? Poor little thing bleeding out? Hand me another rag, pal." After being given a small rolled  bandage by one of the other men, Sean dropped to the ground next to you, and began to lowly unwind the roll. "That just don't sit right with me. You can't even stand at this point. But that's not really what's so concerning. You caused a bit of a mess behind you. Don't you want to see the rest of the group? One last 'fare-thee-well'?"
He wasn't being genuine, it should have been clear from the start that trying to barter with him would be a waste of time. The last few words dug especially deep, almost as though he was finding your helplessness a tad too funny. You fell silent, opting to guess how this would go. Sean said a few words, none of which you really listened to, until he picked the lantern back up, conclusively. 
"Tie her up. I'm off to get tha' Big Boy." They complied, Sean flashed a wide smile. When they finished their binds, Sean flashed another look that screamed with excitement, "Don't run off now, we're all in for a real treat."
Bitterly, you waited for his return, expecting perhaps Dutch to be in tow. However, when the light of the lantern pierced through the tree line once more, it was evident that Dutch was not the man returning with Sean. Another figure sat broadly on a black shire.
You thought you'd seen a ghost.
Perhaps you had.
The one tiring you couldn't bury, the sole reason that you tried to leave. Upon you, the sight of an early grave closed in. you felt hollow through your chest, like your soul was trying to leave you then, but both body and soul were trapped, unable to flee from this horrid sight The man you once thought had the prettiest eyes, and such a gentle face. 
All of that was gone now. It had been long before either of you had last seen each other. Trees whispered to each other, gossiping with the wind. All wondering what would happen next. Upon his horse, he descended, Adjusting a pair of riding gloves as he did. A dirtied facecloth hung from his face, masking his current emotions from the outside world. Silence lay, as though the forest itself lay uneasy with such solemn presence.
"Leave us."
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{The gif provided is actually the Arthur from my own save file}
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Could you do headcanons for all the rise boys trying to help an insomniac reader? Like reader has been awake for so long they’ve got a headache and just want to sleep but they can’t. I don’t know if this makes sense i don’t request a lot but I love how you write to boys and I need that fluff in my life.
Hey soul sista, I don’t wa— HUHHHHHH?????? 
A request???
*snatches paper*
“Maddesthatter26 asked: Could you do headcanons for all the rise boys trying to help an insomniac reader? Like reader has been awake for so long they’ve got a headache and just want to sleep but they can’t. I don’t know if this makes sense i don’t request a lot but I love how you write to boys and I need that fluff in my life.”
A/N: of course I can!! I hope you’ll forgive me if this isn’t entirely accurate, I based it off my own experience with insomnia as that’s all I really have to go on. YOU LOVE HOW I WRITE DA BOYS??? :DDDDD IM SO GLADDDAAAAAAAAAAA
—Insomnia is a B-tch—
Warnings(?): Reader gets cranky because they’re tired. Slight age regression(?)  THERES FLUFF I PROMISE.
Reader has been awake for 40 hours.
Your eyes ached as you opened them, looking up from your desk towards your phone screen, which had just lit up.
You could have sworn this was the 6th notification in the past hour, disrupting the blissful microsleeps you were able to squeeze in. 
An involuntary twitch of annoyance riddled your face as you finally tried to read who it was, checking the brightness on your phone only to find that it was at the lowest setting. 
Blurry words focused in to display the contact number on your phone, and you felt your heart drop. 
He was texting to see if you were alright, since you had replied to a text of his at 1 am. (Personally you didn’t think it a big deal, this was your second night being awake and you’d been up way later than that)
Breathing out a sigh, you let your fingers slide across the keyboard, sending the message before rereading it.
Raph lifted his phone, feeling pure relief at seeing your name— before worry crept back up his throat at the message you sent.
Sorry Raphiee I’m herrj, whs up?” -Y/n 🍓
His heart wavered a little as he texted back. 
Are you sure you’re ‘here’? You sound a little out of it - Raphie❤️
Yea jus avvdoing sleep - Y/n 🍓
I’m sorry? -Raphie❤️
Cans u comm ov - Y/n 🍓
Come over? -Raphie❤️
Yop -Y/n 🍓
slightly confused, he grabbed his bag of necessities (always ready to go) and started to head over
You stumbled down the staircase, trying to be careful as the throbbing of your head got worse from moving. 
Opening your door for him, you smiled tiredly at his large form— completely missing the heartbroken look in his eyes. 
The way you looked so frail, so— metaphorically beaten and bruised— and not to mention sick. He wanted to just scoop you up and take you away forever. 
“Hiiii…” you drawled, words blurring together. “welcome to my ‘umble abode.” 
He walked in unsteadily, dipping his head to avoid your doorframe. “Is anyone else awake?” He whispered, looking around for any signs of life.
“Nnnope” you chuckled, “how bout we watch a movie?” You smiled back at him, snuggling into his arm.
He shivered, were you always this cold? That couldn’t have been normal.. “You don’t sound yourself, (Y/n).. have you slept recently?” He asked, gently walking up the stairs in an effort to stop them from creaking (it didn’t work)
“I tried..” you sighed, completely ignoring his attempt at silence, “it feels like every time my head hits the pillow I just lose all my sleepiness.”
Raph thought for a moment as you two entered your room, trying to think up solutions. “Actually,” he smiled, turning to you, “How about that movie? I’ll set it up.” 
You beamed at him, jumping into your bed as he pulled out his laptop. He set it to the lowest setting, making sure it wasn’t blinding for you. 
Pulling out Ibuprofen from his bag, he said something about grabbing you a glass of water. 
“This should help your headache.” He said, and you were left wondering how the hell he knew you had one. To him it was obvious
He put on something simple, then  laid next to you, his arm around your shoulders as you used his forearm as a pillow. “You okay?” He asked, making sure he wasn’t crushing you, and you simply responded with a kiss on his hand. 
Throughout the movie, he gave you plenty of nuzzles, letting you calm yourself with the steadiness of his breathing. 
By the end, you were fast asleep, and he had gently closed the laptop, smiling as he snuggled his face into your hair.
Reader has been awake for 36 hours. 
He was trying to make you laugh with a really bad joke, all giggles and laughs at being in your presence. Unfortunately, your beloved blue was talking so incredibly fast and laughing throughout it that you could just feel the throbbing of your head get worse and worse. 
Overstimulation crept up your throat— you wanted to scream, to pass out, to huddle up in a dark room and never leave it ever again. 
Before you knew it, the words “I’m too tired for this” left your mouth, letting all your scorn for sleep into the sentence. As soon as you spoke it, you immediately felt dread fill your stomach. 
“Haha… what..?” Leo’s smile faltered only slightly, brows creasing as he analyzed your regret-ridden face. “Tired of… what?” He added on, begging to the gods that you hadn’t decided he was annoying. Please, god, don’t think he was annoying— not when he had fallen for you so hard. 
“I’m so… sorry—“ you choked, and suddenly, you felt like you were going to cry. “I don’t— I didn’t— you’re not—“ you felt the world sinking in around you, air leaving your lungs as well as your willpower to speak. You dissolved into mumbles as you curled in on yourself, as if that would keep you from falling apart. 
“Woah— woah, hey!” Leo was pulling your hands from your face, way more concerned about you than any joke he was going to make. 
His hand caressed your cheek, head tilting to the side slightly as he analyzed your face.
His eyes then landed on yours— specifically the bags of sleepiness under your lashes. You always had them, and yet, today they looked worse somehow.
Mentally cursing himself for not noticing sooner, he brushed your hair from your eyes. “I’m not mad, I promise.” He reassured you, leaning his forehead against yours.
“What’s wrong?”
You began sobbing to him about your inability to sleep, and he was already scooping you into his arms, giving you little nods and ‘mhm’s to let you know he was listening. 
In your rant, you hadn’t even noticed you were in Leo’s room until his eye-mask headphones had been placed around your ears, filling the world with the sound of gentle rain and wind. 
You stared at him with surprise, but he didn’t even mention it, smiling as he sat next to you, scooping you into his arms and pulling the blankets over you both— his face nuzzling into your shoulder. 
You were going to bring up the fact that it was almost noon and there was no way you could sleep now— but between the dark, the galaxy nightlight Leo had, his silk sheets, and his thumb rubbing soft circles on your back, you felt yourself slowly feel at ease.
Even if you didn’t fall asleep, you thought, this was a moment you wouldn’t trade for the world. 
Reader has been awake for 49 hours.
“Dove?” Donnie lifted his goggles, turning to you when you didn’t respond. 
You hummed, looking back up at him with a dazed expression. “huh? What’s up? I didn’t miss an info-dump, did I?” 
He looked at you with slight confusion, unsure whether you were being genuine or mocking him. “Are you— feeling alright?” He asked, brows furrowing slightly. 
“Oh— I’m fine, I’m great.” You smiled, the gesture not reaching your eyes. 
You had joined your boyfriend’s work in an attempt to ignore how much sleep had been evading you, but with all the lights in his lab, the throbbing in your head was only getting infinitely worse. 
“You don’t look grea— I’m fine!” You glared, taking the opportunity to squint from the blaring lights. 
Donnie said nothing, only quirked a painted brow— as if he had known- no, expected the outburst. 
You shrunk a little under his gaze, feeling guilty for raising your voice. You didn’t even know why you yelled anymore, “I’m.. sorry..” you mumbled, fidgeting with your fingers. You were beginning to wish you had told him rather than trying to avoid it, you just didn’t think he would be able to help. 
Sure, your beloved Donnie had insomnia as well but he was mutated for war, he doesn’t exactly crave sleep like you do.
“So..?” The terrapin queried, waiting for you to explain rather than assuming. He had a theory, but if he knew anything from ‘Dr. Feelings’, it was that people don’t like when they’re made out as something they aren’t.
“My insomnia has been a bit of a.. pain in the arse recently.” You confessed, and Donnie immediately bit down on a “knew it”, trying to pay attention to your tale of woe. 
“Mhm,” he leaned forward, encouraging you to continue. 
So you did, you told him everything, even earning a scoff when you said you didn’t think he could help. 
“Sorry, was something about that funny?” You asked after he chuckled again, glaring as he shook his head, “oh ye of little faith.” He mused, turning in his chair so he could save and exit his program. 
He then spun around, taking your wrist in his hand, “Porphyra, power down.” He said aloud, and all the fancy lights in his lab began to shut off. He guided you away, instead pulling you towards his room. 
“Wait— where are we going?” You blubbered quickly, listening to his gentle laughter, “Did you not want to be lulled to sleep by my incredible presence?” A smirk grew on his face as he watched you blush, continuing to pull you along. 
He quickly made a pillow nest on his bed, asking Shelldon to put on some soothing music for you. 
“Did you want some pjs or something?” He asked, taking off his mask and battle shell. “No..“ you mumbled, trying your best to get comfy on his bed. 
“Excellent.” He said, sitting next to you. “Come here, then.” His arms outstretched, waiting patiently for you. 
He was nervous, don’t get me wrong. His head was going a mile a minute at the prospects of that much physical touch— but, he trusted you enough to listen if he got uncomfortable. So, as you cautiously leaned toward him, he pulled you in, laying on his back with you pressed against his plastron. 
He let himself sigh, pulling you a little closer so he could adjust.
Your heart was speeding incredibly fast — although, listening to his heartbeat, the music, and his steady breathing— you couldn’t help but feel a little better.. tired, even. 
You nuzzled in a little to his plastron. and he felt as if he combusted on the spot. God it was hard being the snarky one sometimes, especially when you were so cute. 
Reader has been awake for 27 hours.
Mikey had been in the kitchen, smiling to himself as he mixed a batch of brownies. He knew you had been stressed lately, so what better than to make your favorite treat? 
He jumped nearly 10 feet in the air when he felt you lean on his shoulder, not noticing you from how hard he was focusing. “Oh- it’s just you (Y/n).” He smiled, snuggling his face into your cheek. 
You wrapped your arms around the orange-clad terrapin, slowly letting him hold all your weight as your socked feet slid across the kitchen floor.
“Are you alr— wOAH—“ he stumbled as he realized you weren’t stopping, setting down the batter to accommodate. his arms quickly wrapped around your torso, holding you up like a handful of grapes. 
You mumbled a greeting into his plastron, eyes half-closed. Was it always so— bright in the lair? You snuggled closer to him, hiding in the darkness of your eyelids.
Mikey looked at you with concern, “So… what’s up..?” He quirked a brow, trying to gently bring up the topic as Dr. Feelings. 
You giggled slightly, then regret the choice as you felt the familiar throbbing in your head. 
“Every….thing hurts.” You managed, a tipsy smile on your face.
Mikey’s lips pursed in a wavy line, noting the obvious lack of sleep in your figure. 
“Have you-“ he paused, “slept— recently..?” He smiled warily, having known of your insomnia. If this was a harder episode than usual, he had to treat it delicately, and not like Dr. Delicate Touch unless necessary. 
He looked to the forgotten batch of brownies, which were begging him to put them in the cookie sheet. 
He smiled, cupping your face and pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead. 
“How about this, sugar?” He tapped your cheeks lovingly with his thumbs, “I’m gonna throw these brownies in the oven, and then we’re gonna snuggle till you feel sleepy, okay?” 
You whined, “but I haven’t been able to sleep..”
He thought for a moment, then snapped his fingers, delight gracing his face. 
“Alright sweetness.” He picked you up, placing you on one of the seats at the dinner table. “Let’s eat, then! I’ll make you the best dinner ever!” 
He gave you a large plate, filled with leftover turkey, candied carrots, and the like. He encouraged you to eat, sitting right by you and eating his own as the brownies baked. 
What you didn’t know, was how much energy it took to digest that much food. It was delicious, but man, you suddenly felt like you had a lot on your plate. 
Mikey chatted with you as the two of you sat, and the smell of brownies soon filled the room. He got up to rescue them from the oven, and then returned, setting them down in front of you both. 
Soon you felt yourself slowing down, leaning into his shoulder as you finished your meal. You felt bad for not being able to eat the fresh brownies, but your eyes just felt so heavy.
Mikey smiled, kissing your head as he gently scooped you up, taking you to his room so he could cuddle you to sleep. He shot a text to the others, saying he would clean up later. 
He definitely knew you well. 
A/N: I feel kinda bad that some of them are longer than others— I TRIED IM SORRY 😭😭
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
Random pokemon episodes i got to watch as a kid bc my neighbor had them on VHS and i still vaguely remember them
1.) kid gets lost is adopted by those dino kangaroo pokemon and then his family finds him and ends up in the kangaroo pouch too. found family!!!
2.) this rock is HAUNTED! and STRAIGHT!!! team ash brock misty and the rockets (buy our talismans!) go to a festival (buy our talismans!) near a rock overlooking the sea (buy our talismans!) that has a shrine dedicated to the girl who supposedly (buy our talismans!) turned into the rock while waiting for her lover to (buy our talismans!) return and now she's a GHOST (buy our talismans!) and brock and james get seduced by her (buy our talismans!) but not ash bc he's like 10 and not misty or jessie bc (buy our talismans!) the gastly pretending to be the maiden is sticking to her character traits (buy our talismans) of being straight while using her story (buy our talismans!) to get tourists to buy it's anti-ghost talismans, which the real ghost doesn't mind at all bc they are besties (buy our
3.) ponyta is so cool and rapidash is EVEN COOLER ash tries not to get burned to a crisp alive while riding them during a race
4.) jessie and james pretend our heroes just won a lottery by being the number whatever people to enter a city, james is in drag for this of course, they capture our heroes, get ignored by them via security cameras, and pikachu hurts them. there was probably more to the episode than that but i can't remember what
5.) this is mankey. he likes "jelly donuts" and ash's hat, which ash sent in like a million postcards to win. this is primeape. primeape is gonna kick your ass forever
6.) uhhhh abracadabra this girl is turning people in to dolls, also she's not real, also we need a ghost pokemon for this, also suddenly i feel like im in an indiana jones movie. also. "it's a STAR~" "ARGH!!"
7.) let's go get some ghost pokemon! Ash and Pikachu are dead now. let's cry over their bodies a bit. no wait. they're back
8.) butterfree goes free and im crying, im crying into the sunset as my tears glint in the last light of the sun and our friendship i just found out about bc im not watching this show in order. the music in this scene is very of it's time and also it's killing me, it's ripping my heart out. is the pink butterfee a shiny or just Girl? there are too many air balloons here. brock ships the pokemon
9.) we're back at the girl who makes people into dolls and it turns out she just needed to lighten up and laugh at bit. I think there's a fairytale about that. anyway, congrats on freeing this place from cosmic horrors or whatever, ash has a new badge which is all we care about. on to the next gym!
10.) get in the pokeball psyduck. stop having headaches psyduck. psyduck sucks. psyduck uses ELDRICH BLAST. misty loves her psyduck and wouldn't trade it for the world (now it can do murder) also i think there was some really weird architecture in this one
11.) can we all be nice to ditto....? can we all PLEASSE be nice to ditto and their eternal ._. face they are TRYING THEIR BEST!!!!!
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animusxy · 2 years
Aemond Targaryen x Blind! Reader Pt.6
Summary: There's a commotion at Helaena and Aegon's wedding but Aemond is there to keep you safe.
Requested: Fairly certain I came up with this one at first.
Warnings: None I think.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 3.5 / Part 4 / Part 4.5 / Part 5 / Part 6
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Helaena never wanted to be betrothed to Aegon. Let alone wed.
It was obvious from the number of times she'd cry herself to sleep at night while in the company of yourself and/or Aemond.
Everyone knew the habits of the eldest son of King Viserys.
A drunkard and the main customer of every brothel on the street of silk night after night.
You'd spent hours soothing the princess in the days coming up to the wedding while trying not to be dragged under from the stress of such a large event yourself.
Everywhere was buzzing.
The servants were preparing foods and decorations, the lords arriving from every kingdom in Westeros.
There was nearly no place for you to go to just relax away from the noise that filled the halls.
Luckily for you, Aemond was rather adept at scaring the high lords and visitors out of the library or gardens.
He and Helaena would sit by you in these areas for a few hours when they could.
They knew any little sound could cause headaches with all the stimulation.
They'd seen you go into a sensory overload before and it had scared them tremendously.
You had closed your eyes and refused to open, despite not being able to see in the first place.
You had covered your ears and fought to keep them there when Aemond had tried to peel your hands away to whisper comforts into your ear.
You'd even turned away from physical contact for a time.
All-in-all, it had worried the two of them tremendously and they'd paid greater attention to your being in stimulating situations ever since.
Aemond especially because he is the most smitten man in the history of the kingdoms and Old Valyria yet refuses to admit it, much to the exasperation of his older sister and mother who had come to like you over the years.
Anyways, moving on.
Naturally, you stuck with the royal family on the day of the wedding and remained seated with Aemond for the majority of it.
Aemond kept eyeing the dance floor, musing over whether or not he should ask if you wanted to go with him.
Perhaps when there weren't as many people crowding the area that may bump into you.
He was snapped out of his reverie as you stood from your seat and grasped onto your staff.
He goes to stand with you but you quickly tell him that you were just going to go check on Helaena and that you'd be back in a minute or so.
Aemond does sit down but he wishes that he didn't.
He should've expected something to happen.
Weddings in Westeros never end on a happy note.
He hears the commotion before he sees it but when he does he's on his feet and moving.
His instincts tell him to go to the centre of the fight and remove the threat but he stops a guard whose about to enter the fray.
Apparently, one of Aegon's whores got a little too involved with him and believed they had a right to marry him instead of Helaena.
There were assassins here for Helaena.
You were with Helaena.
He realises most people would have thought of the safety of their family first but Helaena is a princess with some of the best guards in the realm as do the rest of his family.
No harm would come to them.
As for you, however.
You may be close to Aemond and Helaena but in situations like these the royals are prioritised and then the nobles.
Being blind and being in an ambush is bad enough but if you were injured it would be unlikely that you were to receive care straight away.
You could be injured, bleeding out...or worse.
Aemond turns away from the main commotion and turns to where the assassins had been pushed back from, further into the red keep.
He scours the faces running past him and leaves no corpse unturned as morbid of a thought as that was.
He had to be sure.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Where were you?
With each passing second his anxiety raises.
If you hadn't gotten to Helaena in time then you'd be alone and defenceless.
If he could just get to you then everything would be okay.
He's trained by the best swordsmen in the kingdoms, if he can just get to you then he can protect the woman he - .
Cares for
Yeah, cause that was actually what he was thinking, you can't trick us Aemond.
His salvation comes in a glimpse of red.
A familiar shade of red.
Specifically, the red of the dress you were wearing, which he had gifted you for your last nameday.
Most know better than to get in his way but some knights and lords are forced to the ground as he ploughs through them with one thought on his mind.
He breaks through the last string of people blocking his way and all but lunges for you.
You must've been pushed to the ground by some twat during the initial commotion.
No one seemed to care about helping you up after that so you had stayed on the ground, covered your head and hoped they would at least try to avoid stampeding over you.
Aemond tries to cover you with his own body but people are still panicking and while they're pushing into him he can feel that he's starting to crush you instead of guard you.
He's tempted to swing around and dispatch the guests himself but that would mean taking his eye off of you.
Instead he urges you forward slightly along the ground and under a table that had not been upturned
He places a hand under the table edge to stop you from bumping your head on the wood before clambering under after you.
At this point you had already figured out who had grabbed you, being able to tell the planes of his body apart from a strangers and all.
He's gripping your hand and you can just barely feel his thighs grazing your legs as he moved to sit around you rather than opposite to you.
You had tucked you legs up so that your knees were just under your chin and Aemond had positioned you directly in front of him so that he could hold you close.
His arms are muscular from training but not bulky like what you'd been told most knights were.
Aemond was built for speed and endurance, as well as protection.
He rubs circles on your back with the palm of his hand and waits for the commotion to die down.
His other hand is gripping his sword tightly, just in case some idiot tries to get too close to you.
You never know who might be an enemy and Aemond isn't taking any chances when it comes to you.
He vaguely registers that you nuzzle your face into his neck and tighten your arms around him so leans his head on top of yours.
Hopefully, in all the chaos, no one will notice the two of you and make baseless rumours about your relationship.
Are they really baseless though?
Aemond knows he feels something for you, or rather he refuses to see it for what it is.
Aemond wasn't built for love.
He's not sure what he would do, or how he would act.
What he does know, however, is that if anything happens to you today, that he would first behead the person that hurt you and then lock himself away for the rest of his life.
He keeps his arm wrapped around you tightly even as the crowds die down.
It isn't until most of the guests had been ushered out that he draws himself from under the table, taking your hand to guide you out as well.
His mother was the first to spot the two of you and hurries over.
First she examines her son and gives him a quick kiss on the forehead before she turns to you and gently grasps your arms.
With a bit of resistance from Aemond who wouldn't let you go she brings you into her embrace and brings you over to Helaena.
Queen Alicent had grown to like you after seeing the exact affect that you had on her son.
Helaena sits you down next to her to calm down, she has her hands drawn over her ears despite the fact that there is no noise.
She doesn't seem rather concerned either, like she'd already known it was going to happen.
Aemond watches over the two of you like hawks and eventually he escorts you back to your chambers for the night.
An hour or so later he's woken from his light slumber as you clamber into his bed and on top of him before laying down on his chest, you must've used the secret tunnels he'd told you about.
Either way, he isn't complaining.
So it's been a while. I'm in the final year of high school/A-Levels (I literally just had mocks) so it's been very busy. I've got a lot of requests to try and get through so i'll be stopping taking them temporarily. You can message about ideas to add to this thread or some other ideas if you're desperate because the likelihood is that I'll hear it and then desperately try and find a way to add it or make a new fanfic because I love it too much tbh.
Tag List:
@daddysfavoritesexkitten @ateliefloresdaprimaveraera @tachibubuu @discowizard88 @claudiajacobs @ephemeralninon @microwaved-timmies @sagittariuswritings @are-y0u-sirius @icarusignite @grippleback-galaxy @random-human02 @liathelioness @mingiholic @poohkie90 @tea-effect @bb-swift @psychomanias @farmerpinkpie @mikariell95 @schniiipsel @the-fire-lady @sarah-l-whiteman @vainillasmil157 @landlockedmermaid77 @betterdaysobsessing @alexayoonlee @meilikki @elizabeth-or-lily @peaches-and-sunshine @kittykylax @thegreat-annamaria @moon-390 @thatweirdchickatthecorner @lwqfhp @poemfreak306 @janethegamergirl @tonijpl @mysingularitybts @cloudohell @itsmeeeeeezzz @dedicateeverythingtomilkshake @witchofthenorthstar @castoutofhell @multiple-fandoms-girl @jamiehale @trueluver @maniccrystalhippie @dollfaceyourfear @generosityheart @ally-b-belle @aegonsgf
I think that's everyone for the tag list, but if I missed you or you wanna be added you can comment below or message me privately I don't mind.
Thanks for all the support!
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We have it all (Hualian adopted daughter fanfic) Chapter 7
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. I only do this for fun.
Premise: Not long after comforting a bullied girl named Meng Ai, Hua Cheng and Xie Lian find themselves adopting her and together they form a family they didn't know they had needed for awhile.
Story/Genre tags: Slice of life-ish (mainly), Family focused, Hua Cheng's houses finally become homes, there may be an overarching story but that's not the focus, Hualian being parents, Fengqing being uncles, Lang Qianqiu falling in love with someone who was raised by the Xianle squad, technically post-canon (though I haven't read the books so if there are some ooc moments please forgive me).
AO3 Link
Chapter 1, Chapter 2 , Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Follower tags: @anonimgato1507 @fd139 (I tagged you just in case - Lang Qianqiu makes his first appearance in this chapter)
AN: In honor of Meng Ai's birthday here is Chapter 7 - which is either posted before, on, or after, September 21. Yes this chapter will be mainly focused on her birthday celebration (the preparations leading up to it and the celebration itself). I couldn't help myself - I love the song so much.
Chapter 7
"When exactly are we meeting Chenxi?"
"We'll meet in a mutual event for our first meeting. She wants to ask a few questions. Probably to check what our intentions are in asking her about that part of her life. She told me through her oracle that I'm the first person in heaven to actually be interested in knowing anything about her imprisonment. Or at least the first person who wasn't directly related to her. Then she released her oracle and he then told me that if she has any more messages for us she'll send her oracle to either one of our temples."
They arrive in the semi-secluded residence of the now mortal Shi Qingxuan. Unsurprisingly it was located on a windy location. Shi Qingxuan's new residence was on a coastal region in a more secluded part of the beach. The winds were too strong for the anyone else. But the former Windmaster felt right at home, even when the winds no longer followed their will. When they were certain that no other mortals were nearby they rid themselves of their disguises as Nan Feng and Fu Yao and turned into their regular forms with a finishing touch of glamour to conceal their divine aura.
"Finally! I thought I would have to do something drastic to make you both return." Shi Qingxuan says as Mu Qing and Feng Xin approach their home.
"We've been busy." Feng Xin says as they enter Shi Qingxuan's home. A modest structure compared to their residence that they used to have. Well ventilated to allow the wind in what may have been a hot indoor dwelling. Spacious enough to allow room to move and to entertain a fair number of guests. But it was small enough to not be a headache when it comes to cleaning and maintenance.
"Doing what? Let me guess; sparring, dates, making sure Xie Lian is happy and martial God duties?"
"The job that you were supposed to do but you were ill."
"Speaking of which - here." Mu Qing shoves a brown bottle to them.
"Here's the second to the last dosage. Same instructions as before; half a cup once a day after a meal."
"Do I have to?" They whined.
"I already feel better."
"Then throw it in the sea. It's not my problem that you're still lacking in energy. Come to think of it I think I should be thanking you." They sighed and immediately began to drink their medicine as prescribed.
"Thanking me for getting sick? You can start by giving me these cosmetics-"
"Not happening." The three of them settles on the dining room as the winds grow stronger at midday time. Midday is when they typically visit since mortals don't like being in this spot at midday because the winds were too harsh. That way they can take a break from their mortal guises while checking up on a slowly recovering Shi Qingxuan.
"What job was I supposed to do?"
"Babysit Xie Lian and Hua Cheng's little girl."
"What?!" Mu Qing and Feng Xin couldn't help but chuckle a little at their surprised look.
"How - What?!"
"Technically she isn't officially their daughter yet. They and her parents want to ask her first before officially adopting her."
"Have you seen the way she called out for them when her father was in danger?" Feng Xin asks Mu Qing in disbelief.
"I know we haven't seen the three of them talk much but something tells me she wouldn't mind being adopted by them."
"Woah, woah, Nan Yang, wait, care to explain everything to the should have been babysitter - is she cute?"
"Her name is Meng Ai, she turns seven years old on the 21st night of September -"
"How did you know the details of her birth?"
"Jing Mei told me - she gave birth to her just after sunset."
"More details for the next babysitter please!"
"Hey I was interrupted."
"I was curious."
"You were saying Xuan Zhen?"
"She could detect the presences of the otherworldly, she got that from her father and her mother is an oracle of Xiwangmu."
"Let me guess, she could sense your divine aura?"
"A lot more than that." Feng Xin adds.
"She could sense that Xuan Zhen, Xie Lian, and I are the same type of spirit and could feel the differences from our divine aura to the ghostly aura of Hua Cheng." Shi Qingxuan's eyes grow bigger.
"At six years old!? I wasn't able to do that till I was 15! And I was only able to be good at it at 19!"
"Yes, it's impressive that she could do it without realizing it. What a talent she has." Feng Xin says with a smiles as he takes a drink from his tea.
"But she wasn't able to tell that you were Gods?"
"She hasn't had much exposure to divine presences and the three of us are probably the first beings she has interacted with long enough for her to make those observations. Interacting with ghosts on the other hand are an almost daily experience for her. It makes sense that she could tell that we are a different being from ghosts but not know that we are Gods."
"...I hate it when you are right."
"You also love it. Why else are we together now?"
"Wait -" Shi Qingxuan interrupts before they could continue flirting. As happy as they are that these two former enemies are now a couple, they were more interested in knowing more about the new little girl in their lives.
"If her parents are still alive then why are they adopting her?" Both of them shares a look before facing back at them.
"Long story short: They are the loophole and the key to giving Meng Ai a good life. I've mentioned that her mother, Jing Mei is an oracle and she receives visions."
"Just after giving birth to her, she received a vision of Meng Ai dying as a sacrifice to Xiwangmu at the hands of her relative while her parents were already dead."
"They asked Xiwangmu for a loophole and she told them that as long as she had one parent who is dead and one parent who is alive she'll be safe from those who want to sacrifice her. And so Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are that loophole."
"Hmm? How are they sure that Hua Cheng and Xie Lian counts as a loophole?"
"Chenxi clarified her mother's solution. A parent doesn't need to be blood related to count - uh - are you okay?" Mu Qing asks as shock is shown in their face.
"Chenxi - Xiwangmu's daughter - she's back? She's freed?"
"You know her Shi Qingxuan?" Feng Xin asks in interest.
"Yes - it's...it's been so long." A smile slowly emerges in their face.
"Chenxi is one of my professors when I ascended. She helped guide me in learning about my domain and how it serves the world. She's one of the best teachers I've ever had." Shi Qingxuan pours themself another cup of tea.
"When she disappeared I had thought at first that maybe she's just in her family's mountain. I couldn't blame her - I loved it there when she brought her students there to have a rest from our studies and heavenly duties. She's one of those teachers who genuinely cares about her students. She knows when to push us and when to make us laugh at ourselves and to rest from work." Then their face becomes darker.
"When I learnt that she was imprisoned...I tried to help. I secretly went against orders against getting involved."
"What happened?" Shi Qingxuan looks at them with a dark look.
"I don't know how, but they managed to use my powers against me. One of the men - I can't remember his face, just that he had green eyes - managed to somehow choke me the more winds I made and the more air I controlled." They take a moment to breathe and to calm themself. But to Mu Qing and Feng Xin it was clear that this was a traumatic experience for them.
"When I managed to somehow escape from that man, Chenxi sent a telepathic message to me to escape. I tried to tell her that I came here to free her. She rebutted and told me that just because I controlled the winds didn't mean that I had enough strategic experience to rescue her." They couldn't help but shed a tear.
"Her last message to me was that she was proud of me - but I was not meant to rescue her. And if I wanted to honor her I should live my life to bring joy and use my domain to serve. Wasting my life away for a task I wasn't meant for is a disservice to myself and others. After that I never heard from her again." They wipe the tears that they had shed and a small smile begins to emerge as they look at the martial Gods.
"Now you know one of the reasons why I am the way that I am. Even though I was immortal, life is too short to let it slip through your fingers. Professor Chenxi was right, she almost always is."
Should we tell them?
Probably - Chenxi might want to see them again
"How was she freed? How did you contact her?"
"We don't know the exact details but Meng Ai's father, Ji Huifan was the one who freed her and her mother, Jing Mei nursed her back to health. I'm sure she would love to see you again. We're going to meet with her in some sort of mutual event. She didn't specify what yet." Shi Qingxuan couldn't help but giggle at Mu Qing's brief flash of annoyance at the Chenxi's somewhat vague instructions.
"Yup, that sounds like her. Enough instructions to know what's going on but no further questions till she thinks you're ready for more or you need it."
"Xuan Zhen was able to contact her through her oracle. Maybe she'll make an exception for you since you were her student." They let out a sad sigh.
"I'm not immortal anymore. Her nearest temple is going to take me at least an entire month to get there. I don't mind the long journey but I guess I'm still recovering on how to function as a mortal. Aging and work and all."
General Nan Yang, an oracle of Chenxi is in the temple. She says that she has a message from Chenxi and requests permission to communicate with you through the spiritual channel.
"Well it seems we're in luck, one of her oracles is in my temple now."
"Then what are you waiting for? Another war? Give the oracle your password already."
"Hmph and you call me impatient."
Granted, give her the password. Tell her that General Xuan Zhen will also be joining us.
Feng Xin glances at Mu Qing and gives a small nod. Mu Qing puts his finger on their temple and enters their joint telepathic communication. In their mind's eye they appear in their respective places as they look down on a woman with bright orange and black robes. She was kneeling down with her head down as she waits for them to speak.
Rise oracle of Chenxi.
She keeps her head down as she stands up in the center platform of the spiritual array.
You have a message for us from Chenxi?
I do General Nan Yang.
Why do you keep your head down? General Nan Yang has already asked for the message.
The Goddess Chenxi is actually asking permission if she could speak through me. She instructed that I am not allowed to look at either one of you until you have granted her permission to do so.
This was new. They glance at each other in the spiritual array. Mu Qing shrugs before nodding.
Immediately the oracle looks up and her golden glowing eyes looks at both of them. Her back straightened and her stance now more fitting of a dignified Goddess than a follower of hers. What followed was a voice that was drastically different than hers but one Mu Qing is familiar with. Only now he realizes that what he had heard was the dulled version of her voice. It was expected since she was speaking through her oracle's body. Just like whenever her mother possessed one of her priests or priestesses, her voice blended with her mortal follower's.
Good day Generals Nan Yang and Xuan Zhen.
Chenxi, this is quite the unusual method of reaching out to us. You could have just contacted either one of us directly.
I assure you Nan Yang that there is a reason why I'm doing it this way. The short answer is that we could be eavesdropped and I'm not taking any chances.
Eavesdropped in Nan Yang's mind? I didn't know that such a thing was possible.
You also didn't know it was possible to contact me through my oracle and yet you did. But enough of that. Please tell Shi Qingxuan that I will see all three of you in Meng Ai's birthday on the 21st night of September. It will be in Paradise Manor for obvious reasons.
And speaking of Meng Ai, the little girl has been wondering where you both disappeared to. I personally recommend visiting her before then. She's already figured out that you two and Xie Lian are Gods and is currently trying to guess which ones are you.
Well it's nice to know we've made an impression on her considering who will be adopting her...It was also nice seeing her beat Nan Yang in Go.
You were coaching her!
She's still learning the game.
Chenxi chuckles a bit.
I'll see you in her birthday celebration. Don't forget to bring a gift for her. Till then, good bye General Nan Yang, General Xuan Zhen.
She then releases her oracle who immediately brings her head down and her posture now back to a humble follower.
Thank you for your service to us. Some of my followers will escort you back to your temple for your protection.
Thank you as well General Nan Yang. And thank you as well General Xuan Zhen for your presence.
You're welcome oracle of Chenxi, depart with Heaven's blessings.
Feng Xin and Mu Qing leaves the spiritual array. Both of them grin at Shi Qingxuan.
"It seems like your old teacher has heard you. She now expects to see you in Meng Ai's birthday in Paradise Manor. Which means Nan Yang and I will have to introduce you to her before then."
"Oh gre- AH CHOO!" Horror and denial is on their face as Mu Qing gives them a pointed look as Feng Xin sends a telepathic command to some of his followers to protect the oracle.
"Which means you need to get better before going anywhere near her. Rest I'll make dinner and herbal tea tonight."
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
He feels himself scurry along the once familiar rooms as he hides himself in plain sight.
"What are the chances that they are no longer in these lands?" A figure asks briefly looking towards his direction which frightened him that he might be caught. He made himself relax despite his fear. He cannot afford to waste any opportunity to learn more about their plans.
"If they had gone to other areas of the silk road we would have known. Our network of contacts are too vast and prominent for us to not know."
"They could have gone through sea."
"Or to the archipelagic region with several islands."
"Again, we would have known if they had fled to those lands. We have spies in the Southern coastal area and they have been closely watching every single family who consists of a father, a mother, and a daughter. So far every batch of them is not them. I still believe they are still within these lands."
"Or they could have been transported to another world entirely." A figure with green eyes say as nearly everyone groaned.
"For that to be possible they'll need a lot of energy. And no unusual power surges among mortals have been detected."
"Stop all this worrying." A figure steps in. To anyone who didn't know or look closely, the man looked to be in his early fourties. Never knowing that he, like the rest of his relatives gathered within this room was several centuries old.
"Ji Huifen and his family cannot escape forever. We can take as much time as we'd like. What's important is that his daughter is sacrificed on Xiwangmu's altar. It doesn't matter if she's a little girl or an old lady, all we need is to take her before death claims her. Are we understood?"
"Yes Zufu Bocheng." They all reply as they settle themselves in their respective seats as Ji Bocheng takes his seat.
"Tell Ji Lihua to take her time. I trust in her abilities to track Ji Huifan. But she could be impulsive and impatient. Remind her that we have all the time in the world as long as the little girl is alive."
"We will Zufu." Ji Bocheng then gives the signal to their servants. It was when he heard the incoming groans and screams of pain that was getting louder just outside of the door that Ji Huifan decided that he has seen enough. He closes his eyes as he lets go of the mouse that he has possessed. He's had enough experiences of the blood feeding rituals and he doesn't want to add more memories to the mix.
We've got you Ji Huifen
Xie Lian's telepathic presence gently guides him back to his body. He awakens in the presence of Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. All of them seated under a tree that he had felt the most calm. Both of them had leant him enough power to allow them to telepathically see and hear what he has learnt.
"Hmph if they think they have contacts everywhere then it's a good thing that I have my own network."
"Still, I believe that it is best for you and Jing Mei to stay here for a little bit more."
"Thank you Dianxia. Mei mei Lihua is probably one of the best choices they have of tracking us down."
"Why? Does she have any special abilities?"
"It's because you're siblings isn't it?"
"Correct, Lihua and I are full blooded siblings. While our forms are quite different she could easily track me down because we share the same parents. Our other siblings are only half and if only one parent is shared, there's a large number of guesswork since the identity of our blood could also be shared by distant relatives with a common ancestor. But if both parents are the same, all she has to do is to track down anyone whose blood is the closest to hers." He sighs as they stand up and start heading back towards the manor.
"Having said that while she may be good at tracking me down, she isn't the best fighter compared to our other relatives. Knowing her she probably thinks this is more of a chore."
"What do you suggest?" Xie Lian asks.
"Keep her bored. Or make sure that nothing peaks her interest while staying on the task. If she's bored enough she'll move on to something else."
"On the contrary I suggest we keep her on the task." Hua Cheng says as they stop for awhile after all three sees Meng Ai and Jing Mei entering the gardens. This was a discussion that Meng Ai doesn't have to hear.
"You've mentioned that she's not the best fighter among them but she's the best choice to track you down. What if we finally eliminate her?"
"That...may work. But I'm not entirely sure if she will become mortal once again just by being drained of her blood till she passes out or if she also needs to accompany it with grief."
"Let's continue this at another time." Xie Lian says as they enter within earshot of Meng Ai and Jing Mei.
"Baba, Xie Lian, San Lang, I need your help -"
"They are not going to help you Aiai."
"You're not old enough for a puppy."
"But mama the puppy and it's mama doesn't have anywhere else to go."
"Aiai - I know you love animals. But you cannot adopt every single puppy and mama dog that you see."
"Hmm? Where did you see a puppy Xiao Ai?"
"Mama was doing her water ritual San Lang, it's where she sees things through water. And she was just checking on the areas just outside of ghost city and in one of the nearby cities there's a puppy with it's mother and both of them looked alone -"
"And you are not yet old enough to take care of them."
"But mama their round green eyes looked so sad."
And that caught everyone's attention.
"Xiao Ai how would you describe the type of green eyes the puppy and its mother have?"
"They were beautiful bright green Xie Lian. Like jade if it managed to glow."
"They were glowing Aiai. But you are still too young." To everyone else it became clear why Jing Mei was refusing to allow Meng Ai to get anywhere close to them. Dogs typically didn't have eyes that had the color of bright glowing jade green. It was definitely something else that was in the guise of a puppy and its mother trying to lure innocent victims like Meng Ai who wasn't aware of the dangerous trap she was being lured into. Probably a couple of demons who was using glowing jade green eyes to lure victims into their trap.
Though that didn't mean Jing Mei was wrong in saying that Meng Ai was too young and not ready to take care of a pet.
Then Ji Huifan fortunately remembered something.
"Mei, doesn't Chenxi and Xiwangmu raise animals as a community pet?"
"Those animals are technically pets which belong to the Goddesses; which is why with a few exceptions they stay inside temple grounds and are never slaughtered or killed."
"I have an idea."
"I'm not taking one of their pets and gifting it to Aiai."
"No no, what if Aiai raises one and offers it on her birthday? Then we could see how ready she is for a pet of her own."
"Hmm that could work. It could show Xiao Ai here what it means to take care of another life who depends on her."
"And every week we check their progress. Her birthday is only a few weeks away and it would be a valuable experience for her."
"And how are we supposed to remain hidden while offering the future pet to Xiwangmu?"
"Xiao Ai doesn't have to actually leave here. Something tells me they'll send someone here for her birthday. What do you think little one? Are you up for the challenge your parents gave you?" Hua Cheng asks with a teasing tone.
"Yes please, pretty please."
"I'll be choosing what you'll be raising. And I will tell you now it's not a puppy. Xiwangmu already has plenty of dogs that play around in her temples."
"Don't worry Aiai we'll guide you. But it's still you who will be taking up the responsibility of raising the animal whom you will offer to Xiwangmu."
"Yes, baba." Meng Ai nods eagerly as she waits for more reminders from her new parents.
"Xiao Ai why don't you play with Ruoye for awhile." Xie Lian allows Ruoye to fly towards Meng Ai as it wraps itself around her hands while a part of it rubs itself against Meng Ai's cheek in their mutual delight.
"While you're at it, take E-ming with you. Just don't take E-ming out of it's sheath." The sentient scimitar coos in delight as Hua Cheng carefully gives it to Meng Ai with a subtle but noticeable glance to Yin Yu to watch over her while she plays with their spiritual tools. Once Yin Yu leads Meng Ai to a safe distance away from the four of them while still being within their vision, the discussion becomes serious.
"I'm going to investigate the hidden demon nearby."
"I'll come with you San Lang."
"How sure are you that it's just a demon? What if it's a demon summoned by one of the mage mercenaries to try to lure us out - or even worse lure Aiai out."
"That's even better Jing Mei, getting information will be easier. If you need anything Yin Yu will know what to do." In the distance they hear Meng Ai laughing as she was chasing Ruoye who was carrying a sheathed E-ming around a field of Asters.
"Please you two, let San Lang and I handle this." Ji Huifan sighs, shares a look with Jing Mei before they both nod.
"You probably already know this but from my experience these demons are the most likely ones that they've summoned." They listen intently before making their way to where the disguised demons were located.
The couple lands a short distance away from where the hidden demons disguised as a puppy and its mother were. Standing near them made their demonic aura more obvious to them.
"They don't seem to be puppets. But that might just be because whomever created them is highly skilled."
"Hmm my bet is that they themselves are demons since if they were just puppets they would need some external power source to do that level of deception while still keeping itself intact." The sun begins to set and children begin staying indoors or staying in areas that are more crowded than the sparse field where they are in now.
"How do you want to do this San Lang?"
"We go together but you could approach it first. You'll ask the easy questions." He turns to Xie Lian with a dangerous glint in his eyes that Xie Lian couldn't help but be drawn to even after seven years of marriage.
"While I ask the difficult questions."
"Do you think they'll be truthful?" Xie Lian quickly asks to try to ignore his blush. Though he knows that Hua Cheng had already noticed.
"We'll know, and we'll have our ways to finding out the truth." They share a nod as they make their way to the hidden demons. The one disguised as a puppy starts whimpering and making pitiful sounds as it looks at Xie Lian's figure approaching.
"Whomever you are go to your true form. There are questions that you need to answer - both of you." Xie Lian says with a serious but still approachable tone. But the once seemingly innocent look of both demons are now glazed over with darkness and anger.
"Don't make us force you." Xie Lian warns as he prepares himself for any possible attack. The demon in the form of a puppy launches itself at him but its demonic face with a mouth full of sharp teeth emerged. Xie Lian quickly moved away with ease and dodged an attack from the demon in the form of the mother dog. As he bent down Hua Cheng managed to grab their throats in each hand and both demons began choking with fear.
"Go to your true forms or I will make you." He throws both demons on front of them and they immediately go to their shadowy forms with reluctance and fear of the Crimson Rain Sought Flower.
"Now." Hua Cheng continues as he holds their jade green glowing gazes.
"We'll ask some questions and you are going to answer them. Lie and we will know."
"Why are you here?" Xie Lian begins.
"Krrah ... Krraah...to...Krraah...lure..."
"Lure who?"
"Hrrah...Graaah...a...krraah...little girl...KraAAh..."
"Do you know her name?"
"How about what she looks like?" Hua Cheng asks in an intimidating tone.
"Krraah...Hrraaah...No...Krraah...GrAaAh!" They share a look.
Shall I make them show us?
Go ahead, you did warn them earlier.
"Hmph why don't we see for ourselves." Xie Lian slips his hand in Hua Chengs and intertwine their fingers while Hua Cheng with his other hand now outstretched reaches into the memories of both demons. He quickly found the memory he was looking for and projected them telepathically to Xie Lian's mind so they may both uncover them together.
"WE SUMMON YOU!" Cried a group of hooded and masked mages in a dark night without moonlight. The only light present was the candles arranged in a summoning formation.
"KRAahAHaha...GrahaAh...who summons...HrahaAah?"
"We do, youth devourers."
"We have a task for you."
"GRAhahaKraah...Offerring...HraAah...first." One of the mages lead two children who were in a trance to each demon. Xie Lian couldn't help but wince in horror as the youth devouring demons take their souls and devours them.
I'm fine...its just awful
I know
"We need you to capture a little girl."
"Her left eye is blue and her right eye is amber brown. She would be about six years old. By the end of September she will be seven years old."
"You youth devouring demons specialize in luring and hunting down children. Even in areas where mortals cannot easily go."
"We have prepared other offerings which you will recieve when you bring us the girl alive and with her soul intact."
"She is known as Meng Ai, and her presence was felt in Jingdezhen before we lost track of her."
"Bring her to us and you will recieve the rest of your offerings."
"GRAaAh!" "HraAAaAghk!"
The memory ends but Hua Cheng keeps his control over the two demons.
"Should we ask them to lead us to them?"
"No need. I already know where those mages are, even if they travel around." Hua Cheng then summons E-ming out of its sheath.
"GrAAH krAAaAh - you liars! HraAahk!"
"We never promised your safety and continued existence." These were Hua Cheng's last words to them before E-mind destroyed them.
"Good job E-ming." Xie Lian says as the scimitar's eye looked to him for approval. Having received it, E-ming coos of soft delight.
"Hmm they're getting desperate. Something tells me that this won't be the last thing they summon to hunt or lure Xiao Ai to them."
"I'll increase the security measures when it comes to her safety. And when all else fails she still has our silver butterfly pendant on her. Our combined powers in that pendant should be able to protect her and send a message to anyone who dares harm her." Xie Lian couldn't help but smile as he notices how Hua Cheng is already thinking of her safety.
"What amuses Gege so?"
"I like this side of you. Being protective over our daughter. I don't mind seeing this more often." Xie Lian couldn't help but tease a bit as he brings himself closer to Hua Cheng's look of surprise.
"Is...is that so?"
"Mmhmm" He sighs as he embraces him with his arms around Hua Cheng's neck.
"Let's visit Puqi Shrine for awhile. Since Meng Ai couldn't be there for the meantime we'll have the bed to ourselves." Hua Cheng quickly takes out the dice and tosses it but barely looks at the number that will inevitably lead to Puqi Shrine. His gaze instead was focused on his husband as he feels his desire for him increase as he feels himself share an expression of lust with him.
"We're here Gege." He bends down to kiss him and to carry him as a groom would carry his bride. Never breaking the kiss he enters the living quarters and gently placed him on the bed.
"San Lang mmm" Xie Lian moans as he keeps Hua Cheng close to his lips with one hand while undressing him and teasing him with the other.
"Mmm Gege mmm."
They would deal with the damage left by the previous battle once morning arrives. For now they were savoring being united in their love.
"White Lotus is clearly the better mooncake filling." Mu Qing argues as he, Feng Xin, and Shi Qingxuan went to the nearby town. It was their promised reward to Shi Qingxuan for taking care of themself to recover quicker and thus meeting Meng Ai earlier before her birthday.
"Its too subtle for a little girl's birthday."
"Well clearly not for Meng Ai since she loves it."
"She also loves the Red bean filling. The popular choice."
"Hey you two why don't you just go for the third option? You both mentioned you liked how her mom mixed both fillings together, why not go with that? Also," Shi Qingxuan browses the fabric on display.
"What do you think her favorite color is? Or or what colors do you think looks good with her?"
"The four of us secretly decided to give all three to her. We'll give her an official answer so that she won't suspect and so her mother could begin making it, Nan Feng and I will buy one mooncake with either White Lotus paste or Red bean filling and her new parents will buy the other."
"Red bean filling is easier to find and it easily sells out. Oh and I think you should just ask her since we'll be going there once we finish up here."
"Which is why we should buy the White Lotus one so that it's easier to get."
"Do you know how easy it is to screw up White Lotus mooncake?"
"Any mooncake made by an idiot will be screwed up. Why do you think we'll be tasting them first before giving it to her?" Sighing as they hear the argument continue Shi Qingxuan decides to ask the store owner if they had some fabric samples they could show. They couldn't help but laugh at both of them remaining firm in their arguments.
"Here you go sir, a book sewn with a small piece of all the fabrics we have in our store."
"Thank you so much. Come on you two, you can continue arguing outside." They say with a laugh as both of them follow them out.
"Is that your only gift to her?"
"Of course not, we're also giving her a Go set." Feng Xin says as Mu Qing enters the first store selling mooncakes. The Mid Autumn Festival was only a few weeks away and this year Meng Ai's birthday would be in the week after that. Stores were now selling their mooncakes as a form of advertising their products. By selling them now the public could gauge which stores would sell the mooncakes that appealed to their taste and stores themselves could gauge how many orders to prepare as the Mid Autumn Festival came nearer.
"Did you check with Hua Cheng and Xie Lian if they already have a Go set in Paradise Manor? I find it hard to believe that Hua Chengzhu wouldn't already have one."
"Well another one wouldn't hurt."
"Because he already bought it." Mu Qing says as he emerged with six small mooncakes. Three of the White Lotus Paste filling and three of the Red bean filling.
"I didn't buy it! It wasn't used and was just collecting dust in one of my temples and I compensated my priest with blessings in exchange for offering it to me."
"In other words - you bought it from your priest." Mu Qing rebuts as he eats his share with the red bean filling. While the taste itself was not bad it had a strangely sour after taste that he isn't sure that Meng Ai would enjoy. Jing Mei's remarkable mooncakes were smooth, flavorful and did not have any of the aftertaste he was currently experiencing now.
Perhaps it was just the red bean flavor.
He eats the White Lotus paste flavor filling and while the flavor was better than the previous mooncake, it still had that sour aftertaste.
It must be the dough.
"Uhm Xuan Zhen, I don't think a little girl is going to like this." Shi Qingxuan says as he swallows only out of politeness. But it was clear from their and Feng Xin's expressions that none of them were fans of the sour aftertaste.
"I know, this is a far cry from her mother's version."
"I honestly doubt we'll be able to find someone who could match hers."
"Describe how her mother does it. Maybe I know a place that will have something similar."
"Smooth, flavorful, concentrated in its flavor that just complements the egg inside it, sweet but not overwhelmingly so. Just enough to make you want more."
"It's almost like there is a subtle burst of it in every bite you take and because of its smoothness the flavors becomes more intense." Feng Xin adds as they begin making their way in a secluded area after they notice that it was late in the night and it was time for them to make their way to Paradise Manor. Mu Qing begins drawing a teleportation portal to get them close enough to the entrance of Ghost City.
"If she's willing to make us some, you'll understand what we mean."
"Are you sure Xiwangmu wouldn't let me borrow her for her visions and her amazing food? She's got plenty of other oracles." At this Mu Qing couldn't help but laugh.
"We've already talked about this, I highly doubt she would lend her to you just for those reasons."
"What if I send some of my followers to protect her and Chenxi's temples?"
"You don't need to request for her specifically! You can get anyone else to cook for you or to give you visions."
"Okay what if I teach Meng Ai how to fight?" Mu Qing pinches the bridge of his nose in both annoyance and amusement.
"Go ahead, try your best to convince one of the most powerful primordial Goddesses if you can borrow one of her most active oracles. I'm going to enjoy watching her kick your sorry butt." Now it was Feng Xin's turn to laugh.
"Hmph please, we both know you wouldn't let that happen."
"Well it looks like the portal is ready! Enough stalling let's go." Shi Qingxuan says quickly before Mu Qing could respond with what seemed to be a more teasing and flirtatious reply based on the expression on his face. Their flirting was often more confusing to the former Wind Master. At least whenever Hua Cheng and Xie Lian would flirt, their flirtations were more obvious and Shi Qingxuan knew to ignore it and give the married couple privacy. But with Nan Yang and Xuan Zhen being a relatively new couple (in public at least, they knew that the Generals were together a little longer before that) their flirtations with each other were a sometimes not so obvious and it was difficult to tell if the new couple were seriously arguing or if they were simply teasing and goading each other into initiating more physical forms of affection.
They emerge out of the portal and make a final check to see if their divine aura was obvious or not. Then they join the ghosts entering Ghost City.
When they enter the actual city they were greeted by Yin Yu.
"Welcome back to Ghost City. Just follow me to Paradise Manor."
"Thank you Yin Yu. What are they doing?" Shi Qingxuan asks in curiosity.
"It's going to be your first time meeting her, correct?"
"Oh yes! And might I just say I would have jumped at the chance of babysitting her if only I wasn't sick. But unfortunately I'm now mortal and I'm now more prone to illnesses." Shi Qingxuan gives a chuckle at the end. They decided that it was best that they take over the conversation since they aren't exactly sure what type of dynamic the other two have with Yin Yu. They are at least confident that Yin Yu and they can have an easy conversation. Or Yin Yu willingly listened to Shi Qingxuan's thoughts about almost anything.
"It is understandable, let's just say her mother has found her an animal that she will raise for the next few weeks and she will offer it to Xiwangmu on the day of her birthday." Yin Yu let's out a small chuckle.
"All because Xiao Ai wanted to adopt a puppy and its mother which turned out to be a couple of youth devourers in disguise."
"So she's taking care of a dog?" Feng Xin asks as they reach the entrance of Paradise Manor.
"Not exactly." Yin Yu says with amusement, when they reach the entrance of the building and before Yin Yu makes his leave he gives them one last hint.
"I hope you won't mind a certain meat being absent in your meals here - or at least whenever Meng Ai is present while eating. She's that committed." He then takes his leave and the three of them enter the manor. What greeted them was an amusing sight.
It seems that their presence was not yet noticed since Hua Cheng and Xie Lian had their backs to them while to their side was another couple who was looking down at what Shi Qingxuan presumed to be Meng Ai who was currently hidden by them.
"You know she can also eat bugs Aiai."
"No! Baba she'll be vegetarian."
"But you'll deprive her of nutritition and she's already the runt of the litter." Jing Mei says amusingly.
"But mushrooms are also protein!"
"I hate to agree Xiao Ai but plenty of mushrooms are toxic to both humans and animals." Xie Lian adds in a light tone.
"Aw." Hua Cheng chuckles in a way that they've only heard him do around Xie Lian. And now this little girl had the power to bring that out from him. Much to their astonishment. Mostly of Shi Qingxuan, but also to Feng Xin and Mu Qing.
"Xiao Ai don't worry, she's not going to be slaughtered. You're raising her to be Xiwangmu's pet."
"I know San Lang." They then hear a little squeal and what emerged was Meng Ai craddling a swaddled little piglet.
"Oh I'm so sorry we didn't notice your arrival." Xie Lian immediately says as he approaches the trio. It was then that Meng Ai noticed two familiar faces and one new one.
"Nan Feng! Fu Yao! Meet Chang-Chang." She holds up the little swaddled piglet as she eagerly runs to them. The piglet blinks innocently at them and as the three of them kneels down to her level to take a closer look.
"She's my birthday gift to Xiwangmu so she's actually her pet."
"Hello there." Shi Qingxuan says as they reach out and pet Chang-Chang on the head. Turns out the little piglet loves cuddles and immediately leans in on their hand.
"You know what - surprisingly cute." Mu Qing says as he gives a little pet to Chang-Chang on the head while Feng Xin pets her from underneath her chin. The little piglet, much like Meng Ai was happily soaking up all the positive attention from her new audience.
"Mama chose her for me because she couldn't get milk from her mama."
"Not enough nipples and too many piglets." Jing Mei clarifies from where she was standing.
"Is this why you don't want to eat pork until after she goes to Xiwangmu?" Shi Qingxuan asks and she nods vigorously.
"I didn't want to offend her. But don't worry since she'll be going to Xiwangmu in the morning, in my birthday party in the evening we'll be eating pork again." Feng Xin took the moment to carry Chang-Chang while Xie Lian formally introduced Shi Qingxuan and Meng Ai. After a few minutes he felt dampness in the swaddled cloth accompanied by Hua Cheng's laughter.
"Chang-Chang!" One of the servants accompanied Jing Mei in helping Meng Ai in cleaning the little piglet whose pee soaked through the swaddling cloth and dripped a bit on Feng Xin.
"I'm so sorry Nan Feng - if it makes you feel better Chang-Chang also peed on me when I was carrying her yesterday." Mu Qing laughs as he hands a handkerchief to Feng Xin.
"Don't worry Meng Ai, let's just say Nan Feng is used to fluids being dripped his way." Before she could ask further Jing Mei and the female servant ushers her out to clean Chang-Chang.
"Well would you look at that - it's nice to know that even Chang-Chang has taste in companions." Hua Cheng says as he joins Xie Lian's side.
"Hey! At least she's comfortable around me."
"Aw you two were right, she is adorable. Congratulations on your new little girl you two." Shi Qingxuan immediately says to quickly dissipate any incoming argument between Hua Cheng and Feng Xin. Even though they knew that these three couldn't help but bicker, they didn't want to start their visit with them bickering among each other (though it was still entertaining from their point of view). Xie Lian gives them a thankful glance and guides them to the dining room and takes advantage of Meng Ai being absent for a little while.
"Chenxi has contacted you?" Ji Huifan asks them as they enter.
"Yes, you knew?" Mu Qing asks.
"No, but she did send a message to Mei and I that she will be attending Meng Ai's birthday party."
"Huh interesting." Shi Qingxuan says as female servants begin placing food on the dining table. They couldn't help but wink at a few of them while also giving a sympathetic look. They recalled the time when they were going undercover and had to blend in among Hua Cheng's female servants.
"Any ideas on what are their next moves?" Mu Qing asks when they all settle down.
"Considering that they ventured into summoning youth devourers they would probably start summoning other demonic creatures." Hua Cheng says seriously. Xie Lian slip his hand into Hua Cheng's for their mutual comfort.
"Based on their last movements the entire group is mainly headed towards the southern areas. Probably to investigate if they had left or if their contacts have seen the three of them leave through the southern coastal areas. I'd like to request if you two could keep an eye on them."
"Of course." They then sense that Meng Ai and Jing Mei were coming. This time Chang-Chang was swaddled in a new cloth and was now laying inside a basket whose walls were high enough that the little piglet couldn't escape even if she jumped.
"Chang-Chang is not sitting on your lap."
"But my eyes are not leaving Chang-Chang."
"Chang-Chang already ate, she'll be more comfortable in your room."
"But I haven't yet and I need to see her at all times."
"Xiao - Ai would you like to put Chang-Chang nearby?" Xie Lian asks in a gentle persuasive tone and trying to find an approach that would help Jing Mei and Meng Ai have a compromise.
"She could be within your view."
"Okay Xie Lian." Xie Lian then takes the basket holding Chang-Chang on the seat in front of Meng Ai which was in between Shi Qingxuan and and Mu Qing.
"Don't worry, she's sleeping now so I don't think she'll relieve herself again. I just want to make sure I know where she is." With everyone complete they begin eating their meal.
"Say Jing Mei, by any chance do you still have any of those sample mooncakes? You know just so Shi Qingxuan here could understand Meng Ai's dilemma."
"Oh yes, I just made a new batch this morning - and no Aiai you're not getting any until your birthday."
"I was wondering if Chang-Chang could have some."
"I know what you're trying to do but the answer is still no."
"Meng Ai, think of it this way - once you get your mooncake on your birthday it will be much sweeter." Shi Qingxuan says now excited at finally tasting the coveted mooncakes of Jing Mei.
"That's true, but by then Chang-Chang will be with Xiwangmu."
"Don't worry Aiai, I'll make a pig friendly version to accompany Chang-Chang on the morning of your birthday when you offer her as a pet to Xiwangmu."
"Oh why didn't you say so mama!?" Finally satisfied the rest of the meal went on and by the end of it Shi Qingxuan now understands why Feng Xin and Mu Qing were no longer satisfied with just any mooncakes and why Feng Xin wants to borrow Jing Mei for her cooking skills.
"How do you like things so far Meng Ai?"
"Oh I love it Fu Yao. Everything is so red and warm and cozy."
"Ah so is red your favorite color? Oh and before I forget you can call me A-xuan. I give you my full permission." Shi Qingxuan says with enthusiasm. Meng Ai couldn't help but giggle as she shakes her head.
"Red is beautiful but blue is actually my favorite color."
"Oh why is that?" Feng Xin asks amused.
"Because whenever blue shows up in nature, it is always a work of art. That's why you don't see many things in nature that are blue."
"Hmm? But the sky is blue." Shi Qingxuan points out.
"And so is the sea." Added Mu Qing.
"The sky is up there, and the waters only reflect it, that's why they are blue. But there aren't many species of animals that are blue. There's no blue dog, blue cat or blue horses. But peacocks have beautiful iridiscent patterns on their feathers and the most beautiful butterfly in nature is the blue butterfly." At this she excitedly turns to Hua Cheng.
"San Lang, did you know that somewhere beyond our lands is the most beautiful blue butterfly? One of Baba's friends summoned some through a portal and it was the most beautiful butterfly in nature. And Baba explained that the reason why its so vibrant is because the butterflies are not using pigment, they use some sort of structure that is too small for us to see to make their wings blue. Since they live in a part of the world that rains a lot so they need to keep their wings vibrant even when they are wet."
"How interesting Xiao Ai." He says with interest as he listens to her.
"Oh yes and it's also why when you look at it in different angles sometimes it shifts in color - Baba what do you call it?"
"Iridesence! And it's the same method that Peacocks use for their feathers. That's why their feathers are so beautiful." By the end of the meal, the new people in Meng Ai's life have a good grasp on what gifts she would love and appreciate.
"Thank you for visiting scrap collector gege!"
"You're welcome Gu Zi." Xie Lian says as the little boy is escorted to have his formal lessons by a teacher whom Lang Qianqiu personally checked would be good for Gu Zi's temperament and would be considerate of his background. Now he and his former Guo Shi were alone ever since the battle of the heavens against Jun Wu.
"Lang Qianqiu? Is there something in your mind?" Xie Lian asks as he hears Lang Qianqiu sigh.
"Am I fighting a losing battle...Guo Shi?" Lang Qianqiu turns to face him with uncertainty in his eyes.
"He still awaits for his father's return. I don't know if that's his original father or that monster anymore. No matter how much I try and attempt to explain things to him he rejects it. What if...what if this means I'm not ready to take care of him? Or worse, what if I mess things up?" Lang Qianqiu then realizes that as much as he tries...he needs his Guo Shi.
The man who willingly painted himself as the villain in his life so that peace would prevail and so that he could be the ruler who listens to the needs of his people.
"Qianqiu." Xie Lian starts with a gentle tone. Gentler than when he was Fang Xin Guoshi, but nevertheless it was still sincere.
"I also wasn't ready when I came into your life." Lang Qianqiu nods solemnly.
"But you managed to do it so well."
"But I wasn't perfect." The stillness yet cooling air of the heavens only emphasized that there was nowhere to run. Deep inside both of them they longed to be able to form a bond, even though it will never be like how it was. One of them believed he was undeserving and it was all a wishful dream but Xie Lian couldn't help but hope. Lang Qianqiu didn't know how to reforge it, but he had to try. To try his best even though it made him uncomfortable right now.
He misses him.
But he also knows that the wounds from the recent revelations were still too fresh. And he could see that his Guo Shi knows that some things take time to heal.
"Qianqiu, there is no such thing as a perfect parent or guardian." Xie Lian couldn't help but place his hands on Qianqiu's shoulders to reassure his former student.
"But that doesn't mean you shouldn't do your best. And I know you enough that you will." Lang Qianqiu's eyes become watery as he allows the words of his Guo Shi to sink in.
Somehow, even till now...he knew just what he needs to hear.
And he couldn't help but smile in thanks to him.
"I have an idea, why don't I introduce you and Gu Zi to someone. She's six years old but it would be nice for Gu Zi to be with children around his age."
"Ugh, I've tried Guo Shi. But he refuses to interact with them whenever Mengyou and I take him to the mortal realm. I'm trying not to force things on him. He's so obsessed with his father and Qi Rong that I'm afraid that he will miss out on living life."
"Don't worry. You still have time. And I have faith in you."
"Chang - Chang, sit." The little piglet lay down instead of sitting. Taking a deep breath Meng Ai tries again.
"Chang - Chang, stand." Mu Qing, Feng Xin, and Shi Qingxuan watches her squeal in delight as they watch the piglet stand up. The three of them have decided to take her to Shi Qingxuan's new residence with permission from Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. Since those hunting her were specifically looking for a family of three - a mother, a father, and a daughter, they tended to ignore groups that didn't meet this description. As expected Hua Cheng initially refused until Xie Lian convinced him that Meng Ai needs to take trips outside of Ghost City since she was still mortal. Even if the powers they bestowed on her butterfly pendant was more than enough to allow her to live everyday in Ghost City, Meng Ai did miss being around regular people. It was only when Hua Cheng made a special kind of illusion on her so that anyone who wasn't taking care of her couldn't see what she actually looks like.
This also gave a chance for all of her parents to rest from taking care of her while Shi Qingxuan is making up for lost time by showing that they can be relied on as her babysitter.
After all there were at least twenty hidden wraith butterflies watching over her and their treatment of her. These hidden twenty were only visible to the trio of babysitters. Threatening them by their mere presence and proximity should any harm fall on Meng Ai while she is under their watch. Meanwhile there were another ten wraith butterflies playing with her and Chang-Chang.
"You know for someone who recently became a father, Hua Chengzhou is quite protective over little Aiai." Shi Qingxuan says as they fan themself to keep cool. While it wasn't a hot day, it wasn't cool enough to be comfortable either.
"I can't believe I'm saying this but I don't blame him. Qingxuan if only you knew what these cursed immortals had sent to hunt her down you too would be concerned over her safety." Feng Xin says as he takes a bite of the latest sample of mooncakes that Shi Qingxuan bought from the capital city of this area. It was definitely better but still not as smooth as how Jing Mei makes hers.
"Hmph, never thought the day would come when Hua Cheng would be protective over someone other than Dianxia." Mu Qing says as he puts a black stone on the Go board before turning to watch Meng Ai play and teach Chang-Chang basic commands.
"Chang-Chang, down." The piglet lies down and an enthusiastic Meng Ai gives her a treat. Even from where they were sitting they could see that the butterflies were being very gentle and playful with her. Some of them have began attaching themselves on her hair, keeping some of the stray strands from flying into her face.
"Chang-Chang, stand." The piglet stands and was rewarded with another treat.
"By the way, has she guessed your identities yet?"
"She already knows Xie Lian is the Crown Prince of Xianle when she asked him last dinner and said why she thinks so. He didn't have the heart to not answer her." Feng Xin places a white stone on the Go board before once again facing the direction where Meng Ai and Chang-Chang was.
"Well to be fair Nan Yang he is going to be her new father. If there's anyone whose identity she should know its him and Hua Cheng. She's quick so it won't be long till she guesses our own identites."
"Chang-Chang, walk." Happily trotting beside her and some of the wraith butterflies trailing along behind them they go back to where the trio were seated at the outer porch area of Shi Qingxuan's home.
"General Nan Yang! General Xuan Zhen! A-Xuan! Look what I taught Chang-Chang!" She doesn't notice the look of surprise when she immediately turns and commands Chang-Chang to sit, lie down, and stand. Shi Qingxuan couldn't help but laugh.
"Oh that's brilliant Meng Ai!"
"I know A-xuan! I can't believe she finally learnt my commands now." After Chang-Chang consistently follows Meng Ai's commands she picks her up and carries her as she settles herself beside Shi Qingxuan so that she may watch the Go game.
"Meng Ai what did you call Nan Feng and Fu Yao just now?"
"General Nan Yang and General Xuan Zhen. Xie Lian said that they've been bickering ever since their early days with him. And since Xie Lian is the Crown Prince of Xianle and since they have the same type of spirit as Xie Lian the only two Gods I know who like to compete with each other are Generals Nan Yang and Xuan Zhen." She turns to look at their Go game to see if she could recognize any patterns from their first lesson with her. As she was looking she hears both of them chuckle above her.
"You just had to predict it don't you Xuan Zhen?" Mu Qing only gives him a smug look in return.
"Oh but I do have some questions - what does Ju Yang mean? Did you have to become a giant in a famous battle? Why do some of the villagers and ghosts laugh whenever they say it?"
"You're not ready to know yet!" Feng Xin quickly says as he cuts off Mu Qing from explaining any further. This only lead Mu Qing to laugh at his expense
"Huh? Why not? Why is your facing becoming red?" She innocently asks confused.
"Meng Ai let's just say it was an embarrassing incident for Nan Yang here and that's why he doesn't like to say it."
"But I will."
"Because you're enjoying it."
"Why do you think I have all the poems memorized Qingxuan?"
"Oh I'm sorry Nan Yang - I could tell you an embarrassing memory of mine. Would that make you feel better?"
"Oh there's no need for that Meng Ai." Feng Xin quickly says but from her expression she was going to tell them anyway.
"One time somebody ask me to do the story of the butterfly lovers ten times. But I was confused because I don't know what they mean, and because this man wanted me to do it and not one of my parents. I didn't want to ask them what he meant so I just guessed. So I made ten different drawings of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. It turned out that he wanted me to write it down. But for some reason mama and baba said that it was good that I didn't do it because that man wanted to get a sample of my calligraphy." Unbeknownst to her all three of them were alarmed.
"What did he look like?"
"I didn't see his face, but I remember he was wearing a hood and a mask. But it was during one of the village festivals when plenty of people were wearing masks."
The air became chilled at this new revelation. With the butterflies still on her hair at least they know that they wouldn't need to tell Hua Cheng of their new discovery. Feng Xin and Mu Qing share a look as the memories of their clones escaping the camp full of the hooded masked mages and the cursed immortal who was Meng Ai's aunt. What she almost did.
And now they learn that a mage mercenary had interacted with Meng Ai hoping to get a sample of her calligraphy. While they aren't entirely sure what that man was going to do with it, all three of them knew nothing good could come out of it.
"What happened to the drawings?"
"Oh I didn't like my drawings so Baba set them on fire so that the ashes could be used as a fertilizer."
They all breathed out a sigh of relief.
"What do you think?" Hua Cheng asks as he shows Xie Lian the new modifications he made to their cottage. The cottage where they spent many of their passionate nights after their wedding. Now they both stand at the entrance of what would now be Meng Ai's room. A bed by the window since she loved waking up to the view. A desk to practice her calligraphy in and for her to read. Several stacks of blank notebooks and books on the shelves that she had always wanted to read.
And of course it was a tasteful blend of blue, Meng Ai's favorite color.
Xie Lian couldn't help but chuckle as he notices the paintings of blue butterflies and peacocks that decorate her walls.
"You really searched for and studied the blue butterfly she was talking about." Hua Cheng smiles at him with a knowing look.
"I couldn't make an accurate painting if I didn't examine the specimen itself. Fortunately I was able to get a sample of it and made some here." Xie Lian embraces him. Knowing that despite all his work he could still sense that Hua Cheng was nervous on whether Meng Ai would actually love it. But knowing her and knowing how she actually is when she is safe and happy, deep down Xie Lian knows Meng Ai would love it because Hua Cheng made it for her.
"San Lang, do you want to give it to her before her birthday in a few days? That way she could move in and if there are any changes she'd like you would know right away?" Hua Cheng couldn't help but gaze lovingly at him. Xie Lian always seemed to know what to say to relieve his worries.
"I would love that Gege." He bends down and they share a chaste but sweet kiss as their foreheads press against each other.
"Let's reinforce the wards so that we won't have to worry about any of them finding her and taking her away."
"I couldn't agree more Gege."
Three days before her actual birthday, while the rest of the world was in the midst of the week long Mid Autumn Festival, they lead her to the cottage. Ruoye once again acting as a blindfold. This time on Meng Ai whose hands were held by Xie Lian and Hua Cheng.
"I thought we would be staying in Paradise Manor?"
"We are still staying there. But you need to also be within the mortal world since its not good for a mortal to stay in Ghost City for too long." Hua Cheng explains as they guide her.
"Even when you and Xie Lian placed power on my necklace?"
"Even the powers of your necklace needs to rest and replenish every once in a while Meng Ai." Xie Lian says as they stop on front of the cottage and Ruoye unwinds itself as it goes back inside Xie Lian's sleeve.
When her eyes opened she couldn't contain her delight and hugged both of them.
"Can we go inside please?" They both laugh as she pulls them both to the door. Someone else would think that she was trying to convince them to buy the cottage.
"We have a few more surprises for you." Hua Cheng says as Xie Lian holds his hand to help with his nervousness.
Only for a few minutes as they here squeals of delight as she enters her room.
"Is - is this really for me? THANK YOU SO MUCH!" She drags them both inside as she jumps on the bed.
"Of course this is for you little one." Hua Cheng chuckles as he finds himself laying down on one side of the bed, Xie Lian on the other and Meng Ai laying down in between them with her facing him.
"Does this mean you wouldn't mind if I'm your daughter? Is it okay if I call you two Baba Lian and Baba Lang?" She asks nervously. A part of her is scared at still being rejected. But the love on both of their faces made her feel happy and safe.
She wasn't losing anyone, she's gaining more people who will love her.
"You are our daughter Xiao Ai." Xie Lian says as he leans on one arm.
"We both want you to be our daughter." After he said this Hua Cheng felt his anxiety fade away as their daughter, their Xiao Ai laughed with joy.
The morning of the 21st of September had finally arrived.
Chenxi in disguise as one of her mother's priestesses arrives at the entrance of Paradise Manor. At the entrance was Meng Ai holding Chang-Chang who now had a blue collar around her neck. Behind her were her four parents and her three baby sitters. Everyone except Meng Ai instantly knew who she was. Meng Ai could sense she was a God but couldn't tell which one.
"Are you Xiwangmu?" She asks as she held Chang-Chang back.
"No, but she's very important to me. And I believe you have a pet offering for her."
"Will Chang-Chang be safe?" Chenxi smiles as she nods.
"I will personally make sure she is. Xiwangmu will love her. She knows you've been working hard on raising Chang-Chang." Meng Ai nods and makes Chang-Chang face her.
"You be good okay? I'll visit you if I can." She couldn't help but cry as she embraces Chang-Chang one last time. All the sleepless nights, all the time spent raising and loving her and training her...it will be over now but she knows it's because the priests and priestesses of Xiwangmu could better take care of Chang-Chang than she could.
Is that why it still hurts?
Chang-Chang sensing her sadness nuzzles her one last time as she gives her to Xiwangmu's priestess who now also carries treats and food for Chang-Chang.
"I'll be back later for your party tonight little Meng Ai. I'll just make sure Chang-Chang is safe." Chenxi smiles reassuringly as she escorts Chang-Chang to her mother's temple. There she will join all of her other pets offered to live a natural life.
"Mama it hurts." Chenxi smiles as she overhears her. Ji Huifen and Jing Mei did a great job at showing her that even they are going to be grieving. Grieving at the chance of not being the ones who will raise her. Even though they all know this is for the best, it doesn't mean that it didn't hurt.
A lesson that she herself had to learn the hard way.
She tucks that in the corner of her mind as she makes her way to the temple. There will be plenty of that when Nan Yang and Xuan Zhen ask her about that time in her life. Today was a day of celebration and she intends to keep it that way.
Once the sun had set Meng Ai's birthday celebration has begun. The guests being restricted to those she has already met but it was still more than just her parents.
While there were games that entertained her if you were to ask Meng Ai what the highlight of the night would be, it's that she got to eat all three flavors of mooncake.
"We didn't want to keep fighting what was the best flavor so we decided to give you all three." Hua Cheng couldn't help but rebut this as Feng Xin and Mu Qing gives Meng Ai their Go set gift.
"You're right, you and Nan Yang would prefer to fight over more petty things for the fun of it now."
"Pardon me!"
"Now now it's Xiao Ai's birthday."
"Hey Meng Ai, I've got you something!" Sensing another argument may happen Shi Qingxuan immediately interrupts by giving Meng Ai their present.
"Shi Qingxuan how were you able to bring a Guquin here without us noticing?" Feng Xin asks suspiciously and Shi Qingxuan couldn't help but roll his eyes.
"Hey I still know and use magic, it's just not the same as before but obviously I am still highly capable for your information."
"And speaking of musical instruments." Ji Huifan and Jing Mei present their own gift, the Guzheng.
"I can finally learn the Guzheng and the Guquin. Oh it's so beautiful."
"This is the Guzheng I was playing when your father first met me." Jing Mei says as she begins playing a simple tune that gradually began to become more and more complex.
"It was once my mother's, and now it is yours Aiai."
"But-but how did you get it here?"
"We had some help." Ji Huifan says as he bends down and kisses Meng Ai's forehead.
"Remember, never stop learning. We will always be with you no matter what." She smiles as she embraces them.
"Thank you mama, thank you baba."
Now having experienced a pain similar to theirs she kisses both of them on the cheek.
And for the rest of the night, there was lively music heard in Paradise Manor celebrating the latest member of Hua Cheng and Xie Lian's family.
AN: I had to end it there for now because Chenxi's assessment and conversation with Fengqing would take place as everyone else is busy.
Zufu - Formal way of saying grandfather (at least according to google)
Mei mei - little sister
Ji - Hope, Lihua - Pear blossom
Chang-Chang - Flourishing (I found this in a site for chinese names for female dogs [ https://www.pupnames.com/dog-names/chinese/female ] )
I wanted to give Chang-Chang more scenes but I'm not too experienced with pigs as pets to contribute specific scenes.
I was so inspired and guided by the reconciliation scene in the story "A Splinter in the Heart" by theearlymorningmist (read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54114421/chapters/137010871) although I will be approaching Lang Qianqiu reconciling with Xie Lian more gradually in this story. They'll still have the big heart to heart reconciliation talk but I feel Lang Qianqiu has to gradually be ready for it and needs to understand what it's like raising a kid first. Also just to make things clear - Lang Qianqiu is Meng Ai's love interest but I won't let them meet till after she grows up.
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redsaurrce · 2 years
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Part 1 , Part 2
Synopsis : After Jungkook got a plastic surgery, do you recognize him now?
Pairing : YANDEREJeon Jungkook x dancer fem!reader
Genre : cheaterjk!au (or he tries to get back or smth)
Word count : 4.2K
Warnings : profanity, kissing, betrayal, unhealthy jealousy, murder
Taglist ♡ @kittykatfey @atthy47 @minshookie29 @darkuni63 @coralmusicblaze @mingkifvrr @kookieaddicted96 @luvxna
It's been two years since you came to Shanghai and the atmosphere has been pleasantly in your favour. No body knows about your past, no body needs to know it. Not the members on your new team, not the ever so kind and talented coach, not the man you had been crushing on since four months and not Yang Hyun-woo, your coworker in the museum you were working as a part time job.
"Y/N you look tired?" You heard Hyun-woo come from behind with prospectuses in his hands. "Is it that obvious?" You smiled as you rolled your shoulders. He hummed, "Is the dance practice getting hard on you? Take it easy, will you?" He chuckled as he gave you a copy of the prospectus.
You eyed the small booklet as you took it from him, "Another school the next Sunday?" You asked him while raising your eyebrows.
"Hmm.. it seems as if this is the perfect season for students to tour in this museum." He said with a soft airy chuckle.
"I know right, good luck with that." You showed a fist to show him support when he suddenly giggled, "Thanks, but I don't need just a good luck, I need you as well."
You blinked, "What do you mean?"
He sighed, "The director told me to take you as my partner while guiding them because they are high schoolers."
"Ah Yong-tak high school!" You emphasised while flicking your fingers over the printed word. "Director knows our headache." You chuckled while shaking yor head. "Sunday right? And today's Thursday- wait today's thursday??" You looked at him with wide eyes at your realization.
He gave you a questioning look.
"I have to hurry back to my dance academy- ugh why did I forget today's day?" You gritted your teeth and hurriedly left the museum. He sighed as he clicked his tongue.
"She didn't even change her uniform in hurry, well.. atleast I should get changed." Hyun-woo entered the men's washroom and started unbuttoning his shirt, just when his focus shifted towards the mirror in front of him, he clutched on the fabric as he saw the scar on his arm in his reflection.
As he was deep in thought, his thoughts were interrupted with his phone lighting up, it was an unknown number. "Hello? Who's this?"
"Hey Jungkook why do you keep blocking my numbers huh? I'm tired of buying new sim cards." The person on the opposite end replied.
Hyun-woo's mouth immediately turned sour after hearing the voice of the woman he hated the most.
"Then maybe that's a sign you should stop calling me, isn't it Kira? And stop calling me that name! I'm Hyun-woo!!" He wanted to throw his phone away at that very instant. Kira laughed mockingly, "Right I forgot you had changed your face and all, to be honest everytime you pick up the phone I almost cut the call thinking it's someone else when I suddenly recall- Ah Jungkook tried so hard to alter his voice, it does sound different I'm telling you."
His eyes got red in rage, "Shut the fuck up woman!" And he immediately blocked her number.
He deeply sighed as he tried to calm down himself. "I really.. really want to destroy my old number.. but.. what if someday Y/N calls me on that number? Will she ever want to get back to the Jungkook she used to know?" His eyes who were once ready to shoot fires were now getting wet.
He sniffed, "But till then I have to be the person she can stay with right now, and even if I need to stay as Hyun-woo for the rest of my life for her, I will." He gulped as he looked at his face in the mirror.
Every Thursday you used to go to your dance academy a little bit earlier because of the guy you had a crush on.
Jackson Wang- charming, handsome, kind, lovable and every thing you can ask for a guy to be, most importantly the respect he had for people had won your heart. He is sweet but knows his boundaries, to top it all off, he was the only Chinese in your team who knew fluent Korean so when you were new in China, he had helped you big time with learning Mandarin.
On Thursdays few of the members on your team would solo practice an hour before all of you would dance in groups or duos.
And for the man who had won your heart, arriving a little early in the academy wouldn't hurt that much.. right?
"Hey Y/N I was about to get upset!" Jackson said as he walked beside you to fetch a towel.
"And why is that?" You asked while forwarding him a water bottle. He chuckled as he wiped off his sweat, "I thought you wouldn't come early today."
You scoffed, "Stop that. Don't talk as if you were about to miss me." You teased him. He smiled sweetly, "Of course! Who else tells me which steps do I mess up?"
"Oh my! Just the people I was looking for!" You both stopped talking as soon as you heard your sub-coach Shen Yue chirp through the door. She fixed her glasses as she approached you, "Your head coach Xun had just informed me about the performance for National Winter fest. He asked me to find members for a duet."
Jackson tilted his head, "Isn't the line-up already decided in September for the fest?"
She nodded, "Yes, but one of the members of the duet who were going from different academy had injured their neck, the doctor has suggested them to halt their practice. Therefore they decided for our academy to send our performers' name for the line-up. I was freaking out because you know.. I needed responsible people who can pull off the choreo in a short period of time. Now that I saw you both, I'm more than relieved." She kept her hand on her chest.
You folded your arms, "So you are telling that I and Jackson will perform on a duet in front of the Chinese President? That too within two months from now? You.. are you serious?"
"Obviously girl! I am! As much as it sounds ridiculous or unbelievable, it is true. Therefore now let's get our wheels rolling! I'm sending you the song and the choreos!!" She said as she happily tapped on her phone. "There you go! Check your emails and yes! I'm turning in your names. Gotta go!" She saluted and walked out of the room with quick steps.
"Woah I can't believe this, two years into China and I'm about to realise one of my biggest dreams, this IS INSANE JACKSON WANG!!" You got happy like a puppy that Jackson was ecstatic to see.
"I know right! Okay so let's get started."
"Even though you're looking tired than usual.. you seem pretty happy. Whats up Y/N?" Hyun-woo came with two juice packs in his hands and gave one to you.
You had a fond smile on your face, the reason you might look tired was because you had to dance more hours with Jackson than usual, but you also felt lively because.. you had to dance more hours with Jackson than usual.
"What do you mean by happy?" You said while inserting the straw in the juice pack.
"It's just.. I thought you would feel exhausted because of the high school students coming today?" He said while recalling your face you had made the day when he told you about today's event.
You shook your head, "I think that's more the reason why I should stay energetic?! Also thanks for the juice- ah here they come." You walked towards outside where the school bus had arrived and he followed behind.
"Good morning everyone, I'm Y/N and this is.." You looked at Hyun-woo to introduce himself, "And I'm Je-- Uh" He quickly cleared his throat, "I'm Yang Hyun-woo. Nice to meet you everyone." "Nice to meet you too Mr. Yang." The students greeted back in enthusiasm.
You continued, "Alright let us get inside, shall we?" "Yes." They said in unison.
You and Hyun-woo led the line of students and catered to the questions they had in mind when you were explaining about the relics and the historical paintings.
"Okay dear people, this was the end of our journey, does anyone have any questions?" You saw a girl raise her hand at your query.
"Please go ahead." Hyun-woo said. "Uhm.. are you guys together?" Your eyes went wide at the sudden question, "no--"
"Do we look good together?" Hyun-woo cut your response with his absurd question.
The whole class cheered, "Totally."
"You kept looking at her it's so obvious!"
"Why? Aren't you both dating? I totally thought you were!"
You cleared your throat loudly at the responses, "if we don't have anymore questions.. we should get going right?"
"Hyun-woo what was with the reaction back there?" You asked him with a frown.
"What? You can't argue that questions like these interests them more. It was a question so I answered." He shrugged off. "Not in the way you should have though." You said as you stormed inside.
He quickly ran up to you and blocked your way, "Y/N can't I have a chance? I can be better than your shitty ex. I can be the perfect man for you." He said with pleading eyes.
You sighed, "What's wrong with you today? Why bring my ex in our conversation? Are you determined to make things awkward between us Hyun-woo?"
"Alright.. okay.. I'm- I'm sorry. I forgot you don't like talking about him."
"That's right. I didn't share my past with you just to be brought up like this again." You said and Jungkook couldn't help but look at your eyes which screamed volumes of hatred for him.
He looked down with a heavy heart, "I got it Y/N."
You sighed, "My job is finished for today, I'll get going." You said as you walked inside to get your bag.
When you came out, you saw the weather get colder than other days. Suddenly you remembered a memory of your past.
The past where Jungkook was still a part of your life, you remembered that day was exceptionally cold in Seoul. Even though you had worn enough layers, the cold kept bothering you and that's when Jungkook came from behind and put his blazer on your back as he hugged you. A hug for warmth.
You shrieked as you felt someone keep something on your back. "Relax, it's just me!" You saw Hyun-woo join your company as you eyed the blazer he gave you.
"What is this?" You asked him while walking.
"A blazer?" He smiled.
"No. I don't need it. You must be feeling cold." You said as you removed the blazer and insisted him to wear it.
"No I'm good." Ugh, you really wanted to smack his attire right on his face- but control Y/N control! You aren't supposed to return people's kindness with a smack.
"Just wear it back while I'm being nice Hyun-woo."
"Look I'm totally fi--" He hicced the moment you got close to him as you made him wear his blazer.
"That's better. Bye then." You said as you went away while Jungkook felt his heart race and cheeks heat up.
"Woah that was.. woah!" He fanned himself while giggling.
Jungkook was going crazy in happiness while thinking about today, while he kept making excuses, you stepped closer to him and swayed your arms around him making him almost think that you were hugging him but the moment he could hug back, you stepped back and then he realised what you actually did.
But then suddenly he became gloomy when he remembered about the moment when you told him about his old self when you were talking about your ex.
Even though he was in denial, he wanted to be in denial even though it was as clear as clean water that you were never going to go back to him as Jungkook.
He smacked his lips, he had come to Shanghai a year ago after changing his face and learning Mandarin in advance.. and ever since the beginning he saw that the hatred you had for Jungkook had never changed it's intensity. If anything, he has only seemed that to increase.
He glanced at his phone for a second when he saw someone call on his old phone.
All of a sudden Jungkook felt hope climbing his chest only to be crushed at the sight of an unknown number.
"Kira?" He asked with a poker face.
"Omg! How did you know it was me? By chance were you waiting for my call?" He scoffed. "I guessed that because only you are annoying enough to purchase new sim cards just to bother me." He said while grabbing his forehead.
"Jungkook I have good news--"
"I don't wanna hear your fucking news and AND STOP FUCKING CALLING THAT NAME BITCH" He screamed in anguish as he threw his phone away.
It cracked badly into pieces.
He tried to calm himself down, it was as if a habit of Jungkook to get riled up every time he received a call from Kira. He sighed deeply, "Good riddance. Y/N's not gonna call me anyway. Why bother? It's good now. Kira doesn't even knows my new face. It's all good now." Jungkook closed his eyes and leaned back on his bed and drifted off to sleep.
Kira on the other hand tsked! "He should have atleast heard the good news, now that my father has allowed my remarriage, I mean I will no more be a part of this family so it means the same anyway! Anyways I'll go and find you Jungkook." She had an evil grin as she looked at the photos on her table. A photo of a man working alongside you in a museum and another photo of the same man looking at the scar on his arm in the mirror while talking on the mobile.
A scar that happened because of Kira while they fought before Jungkook went to surgery.
She smirked.
While looking at an antique absent-mindedly in the museum, last night's conversation played in your head.
When you were going to bed after a long day, you heard your cell phone ring with an unknown caller id. "Hello?" You picked up.
"Hello Y/N?" The voice made your stomach churn and you closed your fist in anger.
You heard the woman laugh on the line, "You remember my voice? That's amazing Y/N! "
"Why did you call me?"
She clicked her tongue, "You must hate me.. I know that. Because of me you left the country. My ex-husband is in France I don't know exactly where.. not like I care though--"
"Get straight to the point." You said with a voice devoid of any expression.
She chuckled, "Fine I get it! I am coming to Shanghai tomorrow, let's meet at a place I'll text you later in the morning."
You scoffed in amusement, "What is so important for you to fly till here to tell me in person?"
"I'm not exactly flying for you." She replied.
You sighed, "Is it about your boyfriend?"
"My boyfri- ah at least someone's there who recognizes us as a couple." She said while checking out her manicured nails.
"Look! I'm not interested what you just meant. Just tell me, is it about him? If that's the case then let me save you the trouble, I am NOT interested." You asked her frustrated.
"Is it about him? Well... Maybe? Maybe not? That's for you to decide.. for now I only have this much to say." With that said she cut the call before you could say more.
You let out a groan. "What happened Y/N? Is something bothering you?" Hyun-woo asked you worriedly.
You shook your head, "Nothing."
He folded his arms as he hissed, "No way! something's definitely not right."
You pouted, "It's just, .. a person asked me to meet today."
"A person?" He inquired.
You hummed, "Yeah. They said they'll text me in the morning where to meet, it's almost noon." You told him.
He poked his cheeks inside with his tongue, "Who's this person who got you worried like this? A schoolmate?"
"Just a person I don't like." You said and smiled dryly while you looked at him.
He nodded while trying to recall all the people you had in past you were not fond of. Just then the sound of your phone's notification drew his attention. "Ah, she replied!" You exclaimed.
You quickly unlocked the phone and looked at her text, "Vacant building opposite to East Building. 9 PM. Alright!" You murmured under breath but Jungkook heard your faint voice clearly as he listened with concentration.
Who might it be? Should I go as well? Someone that Y/N doesn't like? This doesn't sound good, I'll follow her just in case. He thought to himself.
You looked at the shady place as you got off from the taxi, you were not having a good feeling about this, therefore you were carrying a recorder in your pocket and an inconspicuous camera in your cardigan's buttons and shared your live location with Jackson just in case.
You fixed your skirt one last time while Jungkook watched you from the distance, he knew you too well to know that you were fixing your dress as a way to calm yourself down.
You walked up the stairs to the roof where Kira had decided to meet you.
As you finally reached there, the winds were swooshing crazily as if you would freeze to death.
"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" You asked her.
Kira looked at your face and turned around and started walking towards the railed edge, "I thought you should know about Jungkook." You weren't exactly surprised whom she wanted to talk about but that's none of your business.
Meanwhile Jungkook was just two floors beneath trying to get a good look at the person who had summoned you. His eyes went wide as soon as he got a good look at Kira's face. Blood drained out of his face, did she knew about Jungkook's real identity? Did she call you to expose you?
He can't afford to lose you again, no he can't. Therefore he hurriedly ran up the stairs.
"I'm not interested in knowing about him whatsoever." You said making your words to be heard crystal clear, "You should respect my boundaries Kira. I am already out of both of your lives, why are you dragging the past again?"
She scoffed. "Out of our lives? Are you sure about that?"
"I definitely am." You said with a dead serious face.
"Ah that's what you think! Then let me tell you about the boy who's been following you around like a lovesick puppy. What was his name again? In-soo? Hae-woo? Ah right- Hyun-woo!" She snapped her fingers.
Your eyes went wide and you walked two steps closer towards her, "You really are unbelievable Kira. First Jungkook and now Hyun-woo? Do you have some sort of a fetish of snatching people away?"
She smirked, "I'm not here to snatch anyone, I'm going to tell you something about Hyun-woo--" suddenly you heard someone and you both looked around to see Hyun-woo panting at the door. "It looks like you ran up here. Well we were going to talk about you anyways. You should here it yourself too." She had smirk on her face.
You contorted your eyebrows. "What do you even know about Hyun-woo?"
"Well Hyun-woo isn't really who he seems, isn't it Hyun-woo?" Kira asked him with her left eyebrow raised.
"Shut it Kira!" He screamed.
You looked at him, "You- you knew her?" Jungkook looked at Kira with venom filled gaze.
Her smirk morphed into a wide grin, the ones which tells you the future doesn't look good.
"The truth is Hyun-woo is--" Her sentence got cut off as she saw Jungkook suddenly charging at her with a scream.
Kira gasped and before she could dodge him Jungkook pushed her hard enough causing her to fall off the roof all the way to the ground beneath while you stood there with big eyes traumatized.
Jungkook's breath hitched the moment he heard a loud thud from below. Your eyes filled with tears in absolute fright while Jungkook's hands coulsn't stop shaking.
"H-Hyun woo." You called weakly.
His lips quivered, "I- I didn't mean to kill her Y/N please trust me. I was worried she might say something against me, something which isn't true. Y/N this is not.. this is not how I normally am.. please don't go Y/N, don't leave me please.." He shivered.
You slowly got up on your feet as you collected yourself and walked slowly towards him, "Let's talk tomorrow. I won't report to the police." You said as you turned around, just the way you turned around the night you found him and Kira together for the first time, just the way you had turned around to leave Korea, just like that history repeated itself.
He covered his eyes with his hands as he finally broke down.
Jungkook couldn't move an inch last night for six hours straight. After gathering enough courage he went down to hide Kira's body and tried to get rid of every possible evidence.
As promised you hadn't called the police and there was nothing suspicious around him. He felt relieved, like a lot.
"About last night-"
"It's alright, I saw how scared you were. I'm sure there was something she wasn't supposed to say? You normally remain calm and collected, I never saw your that side." You said while looking towards a relic.
He sighed, "You are right actually. But I swear it was on impulse, it all happened in the heat of the moment. I- I- I just-"
"I get it Hyun-woo. Get a grip, you are acting way too suspicious for your own good." You said while frowning.
"Why do you look so calm about all of this though?" He asked curiously, like he knew what kind of a person you were, the way you were behaving was a bit.. not your personality trait?
Or maybe your heart might have hardened over the past two years? He gulped sadly.
"I am trying to distract myself. If I keep thinking what happened last night, I fear I might ruin my performance I have next week."
"Next week?" He looked at you.
You hummed, "I'm about to perform in front of the President, I need to stay strong you see?" You looked at him.
His demeanour completely changed at your sudden revelation, "That's awesome Y/N OH GOD WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME??"
You chuckled while looking the opposite direction as you fished out a invitation ticket from your pocket, "I thought you should come."
Jungkook happily took the ticket, "Of course I will come. This sure made my mood happier. I'll cheer for you Y/N."
You smiled.
Jungkook chose the best outfit to wear tonight, you had invited him to China's largest fest, but what was larger was the fact that you had invited him. Doesn't it means that you still see him in a good light?
That he still had a chance with you. That he can still try.
He looked himself proudly at the mirror for the last time before leaving his apartment.
When he reached the venue, the decoration was classic and grand, an entirely open, well and sophisticated space. The event was about to start and he couldn't wait to see you perform.
Everyone cheered at the opening performance and so did he while his eyes eagerly waited for your arrival. It didn't take long as you came up on the stage, he wanted to cheer your name out loud till his lungs would bleed but he stopped as soon as he saw a man standing next to you.
His arm snaked around you.
Deja vú. Jungkook felt pain seeing you dance like this yet again, with another man, it was all repeating again.
He clutched his chest tight and got up from his seat to leave.
He didn't straight go to his house, he decided to wait for you in the parking lot. He had a million things to say, to ask. Did you already forget him? Did you already forgot Jungkook?
Can't you see Hyun-woo right beside you? How can you be so blind? So selfish? He needed an explanation.
When your performance got over Jackson smiled proudly while looking at you, you both achieved a big milestone together and he couldn't wait to propose to you.
"Y/N, I'll be waiting in the backstage." He whispered in your ear.
You smiled and replied to him, "Just coming."
As you tried to look at the area where Hyun-woo's seat was supposed to be present, you felt it weird that he wasn't there. Wasn't he coming? Is he on his way? Did he go home already?
You took out your phone as you searched for Hyun-woo's contact.
"Hyun-woo you didn't come?" You asked while looking here and there for his face.
"I came, I saw your performance, it was great. I'm about to leave now, uh.. would you see me out before I go?" He asked.
"what? I can't hear you due to the loud music, come to the backstage.. let's meet there." You said while remembering Jackson telling you to be present there.
"Oh okay okay!"
As Jungkook reached the backstage, he heard someone making out so he started going another direction just when he halted his steps after hearing you moan.
M-moan? He didn't misheard right?
His face became pale as he turned around to go towards the place from where the sound was coming from, it was a dressing room for participants.
He covered his mouth with his palms absolutely horrified when he saw you kissing another man so passionately, his hands were trembling and blood started rising in his head, he could only hear his heartbeat thump in his chest and it looked like he would burst any second.
Just when you opened your eyes, you flinched a bit when you saw Hyun-woo at the door. "Ah Hyun-woo you have been here?"
He looked at you with a twisted gaze, he felt so betrayed, "Y-Y/N?"
You gestured to Jackson and went near Hyun-woo, "Come with me Hyun-woo, I have a present for you."
He followed you to a secluded place until he couldn't control anymore, "Was this the present you were talking about?" He asked you with difficulty as he felt a lump in his throat.
"You look quite upset you know?"
"That's because I fucking am Y/N! I thought we were good together?" He asked you with tears pooling in his eyes.
You hummed while you looked down, "Were we.." You paused for a moment before looking up again in his eyes, "Jungkook?"
Jungkook felt as if he skipped a heartbeat or maybe he had stopped breathing altogether.
"Wha- H-How? Was- was it Kira?" He asked you in absolute horror.
You giggled, "Jungkook! No matter how much a man changes his face or alters his voice.. somethings never change. Remember the time when you said you had allergies from mushrooms? Oh and the old Jungkook I knew had a lip ring, it isn't there now but you keep rolling the lip with the tip of your tongue as a matter of habit."
Jungkook felt like the world was crashing down on him and he would collapse any moment.
"And the way you lend me your blazer that day and so on.. I can give you a list Jungkook because unfortunately we used to date."
"Y/N." The name almost came out as a weak cry of help.
"About your present... you may come in please." You said so as you looked behind Jungkook.
He turned around to see some cops which immediately handcuffed him, he turned towards you, "What kind of present is this Y/N?"
One of the cops stated, "Jeon Jungkook you are under arrest for murder and identity theft. You have the right to remain silent or hire an attorney."
"But I doubt you can win anything with the evidence we have against you Mr. Jeon. " You heard Jackson come from behind you as he put his arms around you.
Jungkook screamed, "I'm being framed, Y'ALL SET THIS UP."
You hushed him as you walked towards him and lean in to whisper in his ears, "I hope you rot in the jail of this foreign land for the rest of your life."
You then stepped back and smiled widely, "How did you like my present?"
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auspex · 3 months
For the micro story: 19. sea change 🌊
ok i had to google what this meant so for anyone who doesn't know:
Sea change or sea-change is an English idiomatic expression that denotes a substantial change in perspective, especially one that affects a group or society at large, on a particular issue. It is similar in usage and meaning to a paradigm shift, and may be viewed as a change to a society or community's zeitgeist, with regard to a specific issue. The phrase evolved from an older and more literal usage when the term referred to an actual "change wrought by the sea",[1] a definition now remaining in very limited usage.
also, this prompt came from this ask game which i am more than happy to do more if anyone else wants to send! Only have one more to do now :): https://www.tumblr.com/blood-bound/754537518514438144/send-me-a-number-and-ill-write-a-micro-story?source=share
Without further ado...
Harrison still found suits a bit uncomfortable, even after all these years in San Jose. He ran his thumb over the seam on the sleeve as he slid it on. The gray he usually chose gave off the right impression; a strong, put together baron, meeting with whoever-the-hell Cynthia put on his calendar tonight.
Not just a vampire who wheeled-and-dealed with other kindred. He was now one who could be seen in public by the kine.
A far cry from his days in the woods where he often went shirtless, when he'd only see humans as prey or cattle, proudly displaying his fangs. It was only on rare occasions that he missed it, felt nostalgic; he had almost lost himself in those times, after all, and he was never going back. The rites, the comradeship, and even the rare times where he found use for his skills as a diplomat wasn't enough to keep the beast away.
Harrison walked towards his desk and sat down, opened the drawer, and started idly reading over some notes.
Tonight he had issues focusing. Again his thoughts returned to larger things.
He did sometimes miss his work as a diplomatic, in a younger, different USA. Those dreams only died when he did - Harrison was convinced he would have made it.
But thinking upon that was a waste of time. He shook his head.
There was only the future now, one that his previous ideology and comrades believed would lead to ruin. Cursed by ancient vampires.
Harrison still believed in Gehenna. But he did not believe the Sabbat could prevent it. Ravnos's awakening proved that: It was not the Sabbat that put it down, despite the destruction of the Antediluvians being one of their largest goals.
Harrison would find a better way forward, one all his own.
His reminiscing was interrupted by a horrific headache, one that preceded his visions. He gritted his teeth, put the notebook down and waited for it.
The tug of blood.
He was at his desk, looking at his hands, where his veins were stretching, pushing through his skin. Reaching out the office, out to the city.
The laughter of someone in the background. It took him to moment to place it, but yes, this was the sound of his prodigal grand-childe in the background, Jeremiah. What he was laughing about, Harrison did not know. God, how long has it been since he heard him?
Now Harrison was not in his office, but by the highway, seeing the sign "Exit 4, San Jose: 1 mile."
A bus went past.
Harrison saw his veins once again follow. And then the sound of crying- again of Jeremiah.
Someone had entered the city. But somehow, Harrison knew it was not Jeremiah.
Someone connected to him though, no doubt.
Then Harrison returned to himself in his office with a start.
He paged Cynthia. As he waited for her to arrive, Harrison made notes of certain locations.
Cynthia knocked on the door as she entered. "Yes, Mr. Harrison?"
Time to put on the face. Giving her a practiced smile, he spoke. "I believe we have an unexpected guest. How many individuals in my employ could we send out tonight?"
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hirik0 · 1 year
Bad Reputation part 2
part 1
2 months later
Ghost just entered Price office after a horrible flight back and the pain meds are just about to sooth his rageing headache to a a level he can ignore it, when it nearly slips out of him. I think Soap is sexuell intrestet in me, fuck he can't say that to Price, not because Price would kick one of them out of the team but because Price would try to set them up, with Gaz help. At least he can threaten Gaz in to keeping his mouth shut. "Get some rest, Simon", Price says after the debrief is done. Unknown to the two Soap is just walking past, in hope to catch Ghost when he walks out the debrief. Soap puts on a big smile like he didn't just walk past Price office a embarrassing number of times to coincidently being here when Ghost finally finished. "Hey LT", he greets Ghost who is nearly running in to him. "Soap, Captain is free", he says making a vague gesture to the papers in Soaps hand. "Aye, good you're back." "Good to see you Soap." Soaps face is lighting up at this sentence his smile getting impossible bigger, his blue eyes shining. And Ghost? Ghost blushes under his mark and if he didn't had eyeblack on Soap would see, because his whole face is turning red. "See you later Soap", Ghost excuses himself before retreading to his room to sleep and think about what he heared from one of Soaps old squads, that was on the same plane back to England as he was. Telling himself the entire way that he don't want to see Soap like this more often, it's a fucking lie. So instead of sleeping like a reasonable person after a exhausting 2 month solo mission he lays on his bed thinking about how to make Soap smile like this again.
Soaps heart is racing and his brain is giving him all the happiness it can produce. Ghost, the legend, the enigma said good to see you to him. The last two months where hard he misted the now familiar presents of Ghost. He's floats on cloud seven in Price office getting a raised eyebrow from the Captain. "I can give you more paperwork if it makes you that happy", Price jokes having the feeling it's infact about Ghost being back but hell non of his buisness, yet. Soap just rolls his eyes, fondly annoyed. "Captain Rogers team will stay on base in 4 months for a period of 2 months, I heard about problems with you and the rest of the squad", Price says making the cloud under Soap disappear. He falls on the hard ground of reality face first. "Aye, there was some eh tension", Soap presses out, he got bullied off the team for being bisexual. "What, was the problem?" Soaps hands are getting sweaty while is stomach gets replaced by a rock. "My sexuality", he stammers out before looking at the floor not wanting to see Price reaction. Price furrows his eye brows in concern, hating he has to press further its clearly not something Soap wants to talk about or share willingly. "Soap?", he ask knowing he just entered a minefield. "They, didn't like that a squad mate likes dick and pussy." Soaps face is burning in embarrassment got he could have said that better. Price is slamming his fist on the table the rage he's feeling on Soaps behalf who looks like a child that gets scoldled by his mother. Soap looks up in fear, not knowing why Price just did what he did. "What did they do Soap? This will not be a accepted behavior to anyone in the 141", Price growls. "Called me slurs, acted like I have the plaque or something got lucky 2 months later I started SAS training", Soap says feeling relieved that Price is so openly protectiv over him. "Embarrassing", Price mutters, taking a note for himself. "What is embarrassing Sir?", Soap asks unsure. "That some small minded people made you feel like you don't belong. I will make sure they will leave you alone, come to me when ever they give you a hard time." "Yes Sir", Soap chockes out his eyes stinging as tears are filling them. He finally has a team leader on his site and Price heart is breaking for Soap when he notices the tears, hes just doing the bare minimum. Sadly Soap never even got this. He will brief Gaz and Ghost closer to the problem arriving.
Ghost mission to make Soap smile with bright eyes at him starts the next morning. We'll the intel gathering part of it, he don't know he is working against a clock. But first he needs to talk with Gaz about something. "Garrick, can we talk?", he ask after Gaz finished his breakfast. Gaz is rising an eyebrow but he nods because his mouth is full of coffee. He follows Ghost to the still empty traings field. "You dont tell a soul about this", Ghost starts and Gaz is nodding along a stern look on his face. Hes also thinking what the fuck Ghost is about to tell him because he has the feeling this is not work related, very uncharacteristically for Ghost. "The night Soap flirted with me, he told me some things on the way to his room", Ghost starts Gaz nodding along suprised and anxious by the direction this is going. "He called me a bonnie and complaint about the mask", Ghost continues Gaz face is dropping in dispelieve. No way this is going in this direction, bloody shit. "Soap called you pretty?", Gaz ask for clarification a big grin apearingon his face supressing a chuckel because fuck they saw ghost face ones for less then 3 minutes and Soap is ready to drop his pants. Ghost just nods a bit iritated. "Soap also told me that this is not the first time he as a crush on a squad mate." Gaz nods slowly putting some puzzel pieces together. "So we didnt saw Soap pick up woman because he wants you", Gaz concludes strange sentence to say. "Thats what I also think. Here is the part i need your help." "My help?", Gaz mouth is hanging open, the legendof the SAS needs help? Frim HIM? "I fuck, I think I also like Soap in this kind of way", Ghost admits with burning cheeks. "You... You have a crush?" Gaz ask in disbelieve he is pinching himself as if hes in a wiered dream. "Dont say it like this", Ghost hisses celarly getting angry. "The Ghost, mister cold heart and even colder soul has a crush. On the dude we think talked hunderets of woman out of their underwear?", Gaz ask for clarification because apearently he is awake and this is really happening. "Yes." Gaz looks over the shoulder the first recruits are aleready aproaching them, for them it just looks like two suprioirs talking to eachother but they probably should end this part of the topic Ghost seems to think the same. "I need to know if I dont make Soap uncomfortable if I test the waters." Gaz just nods as a agreement understanding what Ghost is really asking. Can you be my wingman. The two can hear the recruits already talking whit each other even if they cant make out words. "Thanks Gaz, and no word to Price dont need him up my buisness." "Sure, but my silence will cost." "Of course." They shake hands to seal the deal. Gaz hopes Ghost flirt attempts are not as shitty as his jokes, but maybe that's the trick apearently Soap laughts as his dumb jokes.
Gaz sees Ghost try to flirt with Soap and honestly if he didn't know what Ghost goal is he would thing they just talk about work out. The gigantic smile on Sopas face makes Gaz understand if anyone smiled at him like this he also would do anything to see rhe smile as often as possible. They just chat a bit nothing out if the ordinary, till Ghost his boxing Soaps shoulder before he goes to do what ever the fuck Ghost does. Lumming in a dark corner, making recruits scream in a high voice, paper work, destroying the enemies of the crown. The recruits that woke up a whole barrack as the Ghost steped out of a shadow just wanting to get a tea at 3 am, still makes him chuckel. These poor men just did the graveyard ship and never lived that one down. Gaz looks back at Soap who looks like he's about to explode from happiness, how will this man survive Ghost kissing him. Soap feels like he could fight a grizzly with bare hands, Ghost gave him rare praise and touched him on his own. Gaz gives him a telling look before picking up speed on the treadmill. This isn't even threatening Soaps good mood, just earlier this day Gaz told in very clear words that he has no problem serving with gay men and that we are in 2023. Now he only needs to know if Ghost is fine with it. He don't even want to think about what happens if Ghost is not. He's sure that Ghost would be 100% professional on the clock, but he fears that the fragile private relationship they have will turn to dust.
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midnightcinderella · 2 years
Throwing in my two cents bc why not
A couple points I want to address: Leona's feelings toward women, how he'd treat his s/o
Wrote this at 3 in the morning so if it doesn't make sense, you know why. Might revisit it after I get some sleep
1. Leona's feelings toward women
I've seen people argue about whether Leona truly respects women or if he's just intimidated by them, ie. whether his compliance/conduct with women is out of a sense of fear. I'd call it true respect.
Leona is both incredibly powerful and the second prince of the savannah. The only women he'd feel obligated to treat well are the queen and his mother. What purpose would it serve him to even acknowledge that the women of the savannah don't "need men fawning over them" or that they comprise over half of the royal guard? Even if the entire palace thought he was a dick (and they didn’t like him all that much to begin with anyway), even if the entirety of the royal guard decided they wouldn't protect him, he has King's Roar. That spell alone would protect him from most physical threats, which the royal guard would be in charge of handling, which leaves the guard somewhat redundant (these physical threats include the guards themselves as well).
As for other servants, such as cleaning staff or poison testers, he doesn't have much to fear there either. As second prince, it wouldn't be too unreasonable for him to request that only men touched his things or tested his food. This would remove any obligation to treat women in those positions with excessive reverence and leave him free to be his dickish self to the female staff if he so chose.
This negates the "necessity" of treating women as a whole better than he feels they deserve. And Leona's not known for doing things that he deems unnecessary. Every time he stresses that women are to be respected, that they can hold their own, that they don't need men to look after them, that's not him trying to protect his own hide from their wrath. That's him acknowledging women's strength, both within his own society and out of it (Rosaria)
2. How he'd treat his s/o
I've also seen interpretations that suggest he'd be bad to his s/o, or even go so far as to be abusive to them. Which I can't wrap my head around tbh
He's mean, but not careless. I don't see him going through with all that goes into starting and maintaining a relationship unless he actually wanted one. Even if he wanted to manipulate someone, he wouldn't have to date them to do it (unless they were also royalty ig). He's a man that thinks like a leader, and thus has a number of methods to get what he wants that require less effort. One such way is bribery, which he teaches to Ruggie in Ruggie's dorm ssr. It's not like there's many limits to how much he can bribe someone either, considering he probably wouldn't even know where to find a price tag.
In short, because there's little to no benefit in entering a relationship, he wouldn't do it unless he actually wanted it. Taking himself off the market and cutting off any possibility of using romance as a tool on anyone else, having people know and see his s/o as a potential weak spot, risking the royal family finding out, it's all too much of a hassle for him unless he really cared for his s/o and wanted that relationship.
Regardless of gender, for Leona to put in so much effort and risk so many headaches for any small reason would be thoughtless of him. And Leona Kingscholar is not a thoughtless man. He wouldn't enter a relationship with anyone unless he wanted to, and he wouldn't put in all the work that entails just to toss it all away by being bad to his s/o.
As for the interpretation of him being violent toward his s/o? Shame on you, both for the insult to his character and your poor reading comprehension. He's the laziest man alive. He'd hardly move at all if breathing didn't require it. Not only that, but so many voice lines go along the lines of "I don't need brute force to get what I want," "I prefer using my head anyway," "it feels good to watch a plan fall into place." You saw all this and thought he'd turn to violence as anything but a last resort?
TLDR; Leona is a dick, but all his actions have thought behind them. He respects women and his s/o bc he wants to, not out of fear or any other reason. Some of you just want to paint him as careless brute
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emotionalcadaver · 1 year
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Part 1: The Clockwork Laws
Fandom: In Time
Pairing: Raymond Leon x OC
Summary: Rose gets a wake up call as to what it really means to be a timekeeper.
Word Count: 3,408
Notes: Warnings for depictions of violence and references to sexual content.  
Previous Chapter • Series • Fic • Next Chapter
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Chapter 5: Drained
“Hey, Raymond, we got a problem.”
Leaning back, chair swinging from side to side, he raised an eyebrow. “What?” 
Vaughn handed him a sheet of paper. “This is how much time was logged by the Timekeepers as being collected from Cyrus’s apartment,” she pointed to a line on the chart.
“And this,” she pointed to a line further down. “Is how much was just entered into evidence.”
Raymond frowned down at the two numbers, leaning over the paper, running the numbers through his head. “That’s…”
“It’s about one duffle bag’s worth, give or take.”
His teeth grinded together, a stress headache already beginning to build behind his eyes. “Vaughn.”
“Yes, sir?”
“Please tell me that it’s possible that someone who wasn’t a Timekeeper had access to that time between when it was moved from Cyrus’s apartment to when it was logged into evidence.”
“I’m afraid not, sir.”
He rubbed a hand over his face. Shit. “Shit,” he glanced back up at Vaughn. “Keep this quiet for now, okay?”
“Of course, sir.”
There was the thud of shoes behind him, and then a clatter as Rose tossed her bag onto her seat. “Okay, I know I’m five minutes late, but there was the cutest fucking cat sleeping in this little patch of sunlight right outside of my apartment building, and I had to pet him–what’s wrong?” she ended her rambling when she spotted his face, brows furrowing. Raymond glanced around the office, at the other Timekeepers bustling around them, going about their work. He made a little jerk of his head towards the hallway that led to the restrooms, break room, and stairwell. Her eyebrows raised, but she followed him out in the hall. He eyed the slightly ajar door to the breakroom suspiciously, a few mumbled voices from those getting their coffee leaking out into the hallway.
When he reached down and opened the door to the supply closet, Rose gave him a look like he’d lost his mind.
She looked like she had half a mind to argue with him, then huffed, stepping into the closet. He closed it shut behind him and grabbed a broomstick, wedging it up under the door handle, effectively locking it before flicking on the single bulb hanging precariously from the ceiling.  
“What if someone needs supplies?”
“Please. The only reason people come in here is to have sex.”
Her eyebrows flew up to nearly her hairline. He choked. 
“That is not why I brought you in here.”
“Uh huh, sureeee.”
“No, I swear–” his eyes narrowed as his mind caught up with his mouth and realized her tone was teasing. “You’re infuriating, you know that?”
She snickered, quietly. “Mm. Sorry. To be fair, I was only about ninety percent sure that this wasn’t some weird sex thing,” she moved a step closer to him, pulling one of her shoulders in to prevent it front knocking against a shelf lined with cleaning supplies. “What’s up?”
“Okay, listen,” he leaned forward, keeping his voice low despite them being alone. “Some of the time that was taken from Cyrus’s apartment has gone missing.”
“Missing? Did the evidence room get robbed?”
“No, it was gone before they could log it into evidence.”
“So the only people who could possibly have had access to that time between when it was transferred from the apartment to evidence were Timekeepers.”
“Andddd you know that it wasn’t me because we spent a good chunk of the day together and then you dropped me off at home where I spent the rest of the time before the party at the base eating cold pizza in my pajamas.”
“Actually I just trust you.”
“Aw, Ray…” 
He shushed her lightly, fighting a smile. This was serious. They needed to be serious.
“Who do you think it could be?” she asked, head cocked. He shook his head, mind going through the mental list of all the Timekeepers that he kept in his head. No one was a definitive suspect. Nor was anyone definitely innocent. 
Something passed across Rose’s face. “Whoever took the time, they would have already had it before the party, right?”
“Probably. What?” he asked, noting the way her brows drew in.
“It’s probably nothing…”
“It’s just…Cassius had a really fancy watch on. Like…more than a month’s salary, type of fancy. But he said that it was a birthday gift.”
Raymond’s blood went cold, just staring at her.
“Cassius’s birthday isn’t for four months.”
“...Oh, shit.”
Outside, an alarm started blaring. They shared one quick glance with each other before scrambling for the door, shoving the broomstick out of the way and bursting out into the hallway. Jogging to the open office, he came to a stop in front of the map that was beeping insistently, the section that was Dayton glowing red.
“Sir, fifty thousand years was just dispersed in Dayton,” Vaughn reported. 
“God dammit,” he breathed, already, alerts at system instability were beginning to pop up. Fifty thousand years wouldn’t crash everything, but it wasn’t good either. 
“You remember when you had Cassius drive me home, after I was released from being arrested?” Rose asked softly, standing at his side.
“He didn’t talk much, but he said something funny…something about how it must have felt nice to actually be helping people when I was with the rebellion.”
Oh, for fuck’s sake. Did no one pay attention during their economics class? Did they really not understand how just flooding the system with time had the potential to doom them all? Fucking idiot just wanted to be a hero. But all he would accomplish was Dayton being hit with more and more taxes until all that time he just gave them was sucked away and the people were starving and timing out on the streets. 
“Vaughn,” he shouted. “I want you to take a team and go to Cassius’s apartment. If he’s there, arrest him, if not, break down the goddamn door and turn the place upside down.”
“Yes, sir.”
He touched Rose’s elbow. “You’re with me, come on.”
“Where are we going?”
∗ ∗ ∗ 
They cruised idly throughout the streets of Dayton, patrolling through the areas close to where the time had been distributed.
“You see him?” Raymond asked, gum snapping between his teeth as his eyes scanned all around them. His stress and irritation was contagious, leaving her jittery.
The car rounded a turn slowly, cutting through the people walking on the street like a shark as they parted to make room for the vehicle.
“How much more time does he have on him?”
“Assuming that he’s only given away fifty thousand years, about another fifty thousand. Give or take.”
“Hey, wait,” she stretched her neck around.
“Isn’t that his car?” she nodded towards the Timekeeper car parked in the near empty parking lot by a gas station. She jumped as the car nearly spun with how fast Raymond whipped them around, grabbing onto her seatbelt for stability as he brought the car swinging into the spot next to Cassius’s car. Jumping out, they both rushed around to the car, peering in the windows. “He’s not here,” Rose huffed.
“Hey, guys,” Cassius was walking from the gas station, a paper cup of coffee in his hand.
“Cassius,” Raymond said slowly. “What are you doing here?”
“Thought I’d come out and check out that time that just went off. I was patrolling near the area anyway,” he pointed to the store behind him. “Just ducked in to get a cup of coffee.”
“How do you know about that?” Rose asked.
“I heard it on the radio,” he pointed to the car. “Thought that I would see if there was anyone suspicious around.”
Uh huh, sure.
Raymond’s phone buzzed, and he brought it to his ear, eyes near leaving Cassius. “Yes? Uh huh. You’re there?” he blinked, once. “Okay. Keep me posted.”
“Did they find it?” Rose asked.
“No,” Raymond shook his head, shoving his phone back into his pocket.
“Find what?” Cassius looked between them curiously. 
“Unrelated case,” Raymond waved him away. Rose began to walk slowly around Cassius’s car, peering in the windows. Nothing looked out of place. Raymond was continuing to talk to Cassius, questioning him. Rose didn’t pay either of them much mind.
“Ray, could you unlock the trunk, please?”  
He raised an eyebrow but did as asked. She rifled through the various tools they had stowed away in there until she found what she was looking for, swinging the crowbar casually from her fingers as she went to the trunk of Cassius’s car. 
“Hey, what are you doing!? Hey!” Cassius yelled in sudden panic when he spotted her pressing the crowbar to the trunk. He made a move towards her, but Raymond had his gun pulled from his holster in the blink of an eye.
“Don’t touch her.”
Grunting, she had to put most of her weight on the crowbar before the trunk popped open. “We really should increase the security on these things,” she said to Raymond before lifting it, peering around. It was empty. She pulled up the covering for the spare tire. Nothing. Just the spare and some dust. Slamming the trunk closed, she shook her head at Raymond. His lips were pressed into a firm line. A look of silent dread filling his face.
“Cass, I need to see your clock.”
Cassius hugged his left arm protectively to his chest. “Why?”
“I think that you know why.”
“Ray, listen—ow! Hey!” he yelped as Rose rushed him from behind, grabbing his arm and thrusting it out towards Raymond. Taking the arm firmly, he pulled back the sleeve, jaw clenching at the sight of the thousands of years ticking away on Cassius’s arm.
“If I ask you where you got that, will you tell me the truth?”
“It’s just a loan.”
“Of thousands of years?” Rose snorted.
“The bank knows that I’m good to pay it back.”
Raymond tilted his head, snorting in disbelief.
“It’s not a crime to carry around large amounts of time, Raymond,” Cassius said simply, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Cassius,” Raymond said sternly. “We know that some of the time from Cyrus’s apartment was stolen before it got to evidence, and we know that it was you. So please, don’t insult me with your bullshit.”
Cassius’s shoulders slumped, before he looked at Raymond, pleading. “Ray, please. How long have we known each other? Just…” he trailed off at the ice cold look in Raymond’s eyes.
“You're under arrest, Cassius,” he said. Rose pulled a pair of handcuffs from her coat pocket, using a firm hand on his shoulder to push him to the ground.
“You know what they’ll do to me, for giving away time,” Cassius was still speaking to Raymond. “I supported you, when no one else would. When you first joined us. Back when everyone else still thought that you were nothing but a–”
“I suggest that you think very carefully about what you say to me,” Raymond growled, and Cassius grew silent as Rose cuffed him. Raymond pulled out his phone, dialing and stepping away to speak to whoever he had on the other end.
“You don’t know what he was,” Cassius said, just staring at the ground. “What he still is,” he looked up at her. “This is what he does when people don’t have any more use to him,” he shot a glare in Raymond’s direction. “He uses them, betrays them, and then leaves them to twist in the wind.”
“Shut the fuck up, Cassius,” she said simply, hauling him up and leading him over to the car.
“Heh. Given your track record, you two might actually be perfect for each other,” Cassius snorted bitterly, she shoved him into the back and closed the door behind him. Sliding into her seat. Raymond hung up the phone and joined her at the wheel.
“What about his car?”
“Someone will come pick it up.”
“Okay,” they pulled out of the parking lot and turned onto the road. Raymond cleared his throat awkwardly. Watching the traffic signs pass them by, she frowned. “Ray, you missed the turn.”
“I need you to listen very, very carefully to me,” he said, still steering the car out towards the road that led to nothing but open desert. “You do exactly what I tell you to do, okay? We’ll talk about this more when it’s done.”
“What’s going on?”
He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. He looked like he was in pain. “It’s just another part of the job.” 
There were a few other Timekeeper cars convened off the side of the road. Raymond brought them to a stop beside them and killed the engine. But before stepping out of the car, he leaned over, grabbing her hands.
“Trust me.”
For a long second she just stared into his eyes, taken aback at the pleading worry that shined in their light blue depth. She nodded. “Okay.”
Stepping from the car, she watched as Raymond plucked Cassius from the backseat, pulling him along down the small hill to where the other Timekeepers were gathered, talking quietly to themselves. Rose trailed behind slowly, boots kicking up sand into little dust clouds. By the time she got to the bottom of the hill, Raymond had already deposited Cassius in the middle of the circle of Timekeepers.
Joelle was standing with her arms wrapped around herself, looking anguished and furious. The moment Cassius was tossed onto the dirt she lunged forward, slapping him so hard across the face that his lip split. 
“You want to be the one to do it?” she asked. Raymond shook his head. She shrugged. “Alright. I call dibs then.”
“I’ll help you,” Vaughn said, her bright red hair fluttering in the slight breeze. Together they descended upon Cassius. Vaughn unlocked the handcuffs binding him and grabbed his left arm, forcing it out towards Joelle. Raymond began to walk to Rose, sand barely making a sound under his boots.
“Come with me.”
“Wait–what are they doing?” she asked, trying to crane her head around to see. Raymond took her gently by the arm, leading her away. “I don’t understand–”
“Rose,” he pulled her along with him more firmly, tugging her out of the circle of Timekeepers and away across the expanse of desert. But while she let him lead her away, she still kept glancing over her shoulder, feet skidding to a stop when she watched Joelle grab at Cassius’s arm. He was trying to tear away from her, but Vaughn held him in a tight pin. 
“Wait, wait. She’s taking his time–”
“I know.”
“You know!?” her voice raised a slight octave in her disbelief. She tried to rip away from him, to go and stop…whatever fucked up ritualistic killing was about to take place, but he caught her before she could get more than a step or two, hauling her up into his arms, spinning her away so that she couldn’t see, caging her in against his chest. “Rose, Rose,” he chanted in his ear. “Shh. You have to let it happen, okay? It’s going to be fine. I need you to trust me, okay?”
She only realized then that she was shaking, a memory bursting at the seams of her mind of Luke grabbing her by the arm, pressing down as the number ticked away. Please, stop, you’ll drain me, you’ll bleed me dry, you’ll kill me–
Behind them, there was the telltale pulse that signified that Cassius’s clock had run down to zero. Then a thud as a body hit the sand.
“Shh,” Raymond soothed as a hiccupping sob burst from her throat. One hand stroked her hair, trying to calm her.
“Don’t touch me,” she hissed, twisting away from him. “You let them–you let them kill him.”
“It’s not that simple,” he said gently. “I’ll explain on the way back, just–”
“I’m not going anywhere with you!”
“Rose, please–”
“No!” she pulled away, turning and beginning to walk away from him, climbing the little hill they’d driven down and back onto the road. Behind her, she could hear the hum of other Timekeeper’s voices, but she ignored them, forcing herself not to look back.
They’d just–they’d just executed him. No trial. No discussion of sentencing. Just dragged him out to the desert to be dealt with; like they were no better than a street gang. She felt like she was going to be sick.
The Timekeeper cars roared up the hill and blazed past her, heading back towards the city. She sighed, wiping at her brow, the heat already beginning to get to her. Damn, she hadn’t realized just how far they’d driven out.
“Rose,” one car lingered behind, coming to drive at a slow pace beside her. “Rose, get back in the car,” Raymond’s voice was more pleading than demanding.
“You’re going to get heatstroke if you try to walk all the way back. Especially in that coat.”
“Maybe I don’t care,” she grumbled, wrapping her arms around herself.
“Well, I do.”
Her feet skidded to a stop. Raymond brought the car to an idle standstill next to her.
“You can scream at me, if you would like,” he offered after a moment of silence. Sighing, she finally looked at him.
“I don’t want to scream at you.”
“At least let me drive you back into town.”
A bubble of frustration rose in her chest and she let out a petulant growl, kicking furiously at the sand. “Fine,” she got into the passenger side of the car, slamming the door a little harder than was necessary. The car didn’t move, and Raymond sighed, hands hanging loosely against the steering wheel. “Talk.”
“Cassius was right. We couldn’t arrest him just for having a large amount of time on his clock. And even if we did, when he goes to trial, the lack of evidence would have him free in no time.”
“So you kill him?”
“This is what happens to the people we can’t provide substantial evidence for to be taken away but who, if we leave out on the streets, could cause enough damage to leave the entire system in shambles.”
“The people who give away too much time.”
“Yes,” he shifted in his seat so that he was facing her. “Rose, if we’d let him go, he would have dispersed those remaining years, probably in Dayton. And it wouldn’t do anything to help anyone, except cause the authorities to cut wages and raise taxes. And more people will die.”
“God,” she shook her head, staring up at the ceiling of the car. “There really is no way out, is there? No way to fix it.”
“Not without thousands or more dying in the process.”
She rubbed at her eyes, cursing when she realized that she probably just smudged her makeup to all hell. “How do you live with it?”
His lips pressed together sympathetically, a hand reaching out to stroke the back of his knuckles along her cheek soothingly. “At the end of the day, we save more lives than we take.”
“Oh, don’t give me that bullshit.”
His lips quirked. “We’re all stuck in the same system. Live or die. Seconds counting down. As a Timekeeper, you have a guaranteed salary that’s enough to keep you alive for forever, if you want to. And you have enough to be able to have a life for yourself. You can have nice things. Go out and have fun, do things without needing to rush or constantly be looking at your clock, needing to make every second count.”
“So I should make my peace with being selfish?”
“I don’t think wanting any of those things is selfish.”
She licked her lips, realizing as she took a breath that she was close to tears. “It’s hard to stop feeling that way.”
“I know,” his thumb brushed away a tear on her cheek. “We can’t stop the clock. Or turn it back. All we can do is keep it running. It’s what we do,” he gave her a sad smile. “Come here,” he gently pulled her head down, until it rested on his shoulder, arms wrapping around her. “It’ll get better,” he promised. Rose closed her eyes, inhaling the scent of leather and mint gum and the slight trace of cologne, and after barely a moment of hesitation, wrapped her arms around him.
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ritualoftheancients · 10 months
Ritual of the Ancients - Chapter 1: Delicious Neighbors
by Roan Rosser
This is a chapter of a complete vampire novel with a trans-masc main character and a gay romance subplot. New Chapters are posted every Sunday. If you like the novel and want to support the author, ebook and paperback copies can be purchased here. *****
The locked door to my apartment building stared at me mockingly. I rattled the door in frustration, then rested my forehead against the glass.
This was the capstone to a truly terrible evening.
“Fuck,” I muttered to myself, but my words came out at less than a hoarse whisper. I coughed and massaged my neck, trying to clear my throat so I could buzz my roommate and ask her to let me in.
I hated to do it, given it was the middle of the night. Sleep deprived Lindsay was scary. But, as much as I dreaded her inevitable lecture on responsibility, I’d been mugged on my way home from work and the thief had made off with my keys—and almost everything else, including my museum employee badge.
At least, I assumed that’s what had happened, since I had no memory of the time between leaving work and waking up in a dumpster covered in blood. I didn’t even know whose blood it was, since I was unharmed except for a pounding headache and a sore throat. But it didn’t really matter.
Steeling myself for Lindsay’s yelling, I entered our apartment number into the keypad. The phone rang for a long time before Lindsay’s voicemail picked up. She had probably turned off her phone. Not the first time I hadn’t been able to reach her late at night.
I rattled the door again and then kicked it. I was exhausted and thirsty. So thirsty. All I wanted to do was drink a gallon of water and then crawl into bed.
I lingered by the front door while I debated what to do. If I got lucky, someone would come by and I could just follow them inside. But given it was the middle of the night, if I got unlucky I’d have to sleep outside.
I caught sight of my reflection in the glass and was horrified by the sight that greeted me. Nobody was going to believe I lived here looking like this. I scrubbed the worst of the dumpster’s grime from my face with my jacket sleeve and then smoothed my short black hair down. Nothing I could do about the blood stains down the front of my jacket.
After about ten minutes, another resident of the apartments came up the walk and unlocked the front door. I tried to follow him in, but the man turned to glare at me, blocking the doorway.
“Do you live here?” he asked me, planting his feet and crossing his arms as he glared at me.
My reply caught in my dry throat. My tongue felt like sandpaper. I tried to sidle around him to the elevators, but the man threw out an arm to stop me.
“I don’t think so,” he said, moving closer and lifting his hand to shake his finger at my face.
I scowled and took a breath to try again to reply when the most delicious scent hit my nose—like all my favorite foods had combined into one delightful potpourri. Two sharp objects pricked my bottom lip. Without thinking, I lunged forward and bit down on the man’s hand.
Liquid warmth hit my tongue. It was the most delicious thing I’d ever had in my life, yet the taste was totally indescribable. As I greedily sucked down the blood, warmth spread through me, chasing away the chill. I hadn’t realized how cold I’d been until then.
My neighbor screamed and pushed me away. I stumbled backwards, but with my mouth clamped on the man’s hand, I dragged him with me. We spun out onto the walk, the man beating at my head with his free hand. But between the taste and the warm feeling, he might as well have been on the moon for all I heard or felt his cries.
“Get off him!”
I was only dimly aware of the voice until someone punched my jaw, and although it didn’t hurt, the shock of it made me open my mouth and let go.
“He bit me!” my neighbor slurred angrily.
I fell back a few steps before getting my feet under me. A second man, dark-skinned and wearing jeans and a leather jacket, stood in a protective stance between me and the neighbor, who was clutching his bleeding hand to his chest and beating a hasty retreat toward the apartment doors. I recognized leather jacket man as another resident of the apartments.
“What the hell were you thinking?” leather jacket growled. I narrowed my eyes at my prey getting away behind him.
There was a lump in my throat, and I was having trouble swallowing. “Thirsty,” I managed to get out. The unfamiliar shape of something against my lips made it hard to talk.
I met his eyes, and then my gaze traveled lower, to his neck. To the way the vein there seemed to jump to some silent beat. I wanted it.
Growling, I darted forward. Leather jacket man crouched and spread his arms, expecting me to try to dodge around him, so he was caught unprepared by my charge. I hit him in the chest, mouth spread wide, and bit down hard on the front of his neck. He bellowed, but I barely registered the sound. More delicious nectar danced along my taste buds, commanding all of my attention.
That was until the smooth skin under my lips began to sprout hair. The shock of feeling the hair against my tongue made me let go.
I stumbled back, landing on my butt in the grass. I felt like I was well on my way to drunk. I opened my eyes to find that the man was gone. Standing in his place, on four legs and wearing the man’s leather jacket and jeans, was a coyote.
“What the hell?” I sputtered in surprise as I licked my lips to get the last of the flavor off of them.
“You took the words right out of my mouth,” the coyote said.
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“The coyote… talked.” The mugger’s blow to my head must have been worse than I thought if I was hallucinating. At least the headache that had been bothering me was gone, as was that intense thirst.
The coyote put its ears back and glared at me while kicking off the jeans that were wrapped around its back legs and tail. “Are you a complete idiot? Wait, never mind. Don’t answer that,” the coyote said when I opened my mouth to reply.
The coyote trotted over and sat in front of me, looking incongruous in his leather jacket and shirt. “You are in so much trouble.” The coyote glanced around and then back at me. I blinked stupidly at the coyote while the dew from the grass soaked into the seat of my khakis. “At least it looks like your victim made it onto the elevator before I changed. Still, I’m going to have to write you a ticket,” the coyote said.
My head spun as I tried to keep up with the coyote’s words. “Ticket? What?” I could see the blood staining the coyote’s shirt collar, confirming that this coyote was the person I’d bitten on the neck. “What is going on?” I looked around for hidden cameras, but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary in the quiet neighborhood. “Am I on a prank show?” It was the only explanation that made sense to me.
The coyote stared back at me, looking as confused as I felt with one ear cocked back and his head tilted to the side. “Who’s your Maker?”
“What are you talking about?” I snapped back. Somehow this night was becoming rapidly weirder, and I didn’t even understand how that was possible. “How is a coyote talking to me, anyway?”
“You.” The coyote reached up with one paw and placed it over its eyes in a very human gesture. It put its paw down and sighed. “First, I’m not a coyote. I’m a jackal. Second, you can’t just eat random people off the street. We have rules, young lady.”
“I am not a lady, I’m a guy.” My heart sunk at the misgendering, as accidental as it had been. I pushed the disappointment away and forged on. “Anyway, I didn’t mean to try and eat you, or that other guy. You both just smelled,” I took a deep breath, eyes fluttering closed at the memory of the smell and the taste, “delicious.” All I wanted to do was go home and have a shower, followed by a stiff drink. Was that so much to ask?
“It’s not for some reason. Didn’t your Maker cover anything before sending you out on your first hunt?” The coyote—scratch that, the jackal looked around and then shook his head. “We shouldn’t even be discussing this outside. Come on, let’s go to my apartment and we’ll get this sorted out.” He trotted on four legs over to the jeans and tennis shoes that lay abandoned on the sidewalk, then turned to look expectantly at me. “You’ll have to let me in, keys are in my front pants pocket. And bring my pants and shoes while you’re at it.”
I’d stash the amulet, and then get a ride to the hospital. I was obviously hurt worse than I thought if I was hallucinating talking jackals. I walked over to the jackal, picked up the jeans and shoes, and found the keys in the front pocket, just as he had said.
The jackal followed me to the front door, the corners of the jacket’s unzipped sides dragging on the ground under his chest, and waited while I unlocked it. We got inside the elevator together, and before I could press the button, the jackal jumped up and bumped the five button with its nose.
When we got off the elevator, I trailed him over to an apartment door. The key from his keyring worked, and I let myself in. The jackal darted in after me. As I shut the door behind us, he said, “Just drop the pants and shoes by the door, and I’ll get them later.”
Shrugging, I did as the jackal said and then followed him farther into the apartment. He turned and looked up at me. “Wait on the couch, I’ll be right out.
I sat on the couch, looking around. The apartment was neat and tidy, except for a dirty cup on the coffee table and a discarded magazine on the couch. I picked it up and flipped through it to see that it was all about hiking and camping. Ironic, since it was owned by a talking jackal. I snorted and tossed the magazine on the coffee table next to the dirty cup. Framed movie posters from famous action and detective films lined the walls. Given that I saw literal masterpieces every day at work, the movie posters were actually a nice change of scenery. I might have to get some for my apartment.
The man, human again, came back into the living room. He’d changed into a new dark-blue button-down shirt and dark slacks. He rubbed the side of his neck ruefully, although my teeth marks were gone.
I winced and touched my own neck. “Sorry about the…” There wasn’t a delicate way to put this, so I just spit it out. ”… biting. I don’t know what came over me. Why aren’t you bleeding anymore?”
He shot me a hard look that I couldn’t read, and moved to stand in front of the coffee table with his arms crossed, looking down at me. “As a vampire, you should know better than to let yourself get so thirsty.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” I threw up my hands and flopped against his cushions with a cry of frustration. “I’m not a vampire!”
“You most certainly are.”
I crossed my arms and glared back at him. “Let me repeat myself. I’m. Not. A. Vampire.” I ran my hands down the legs of my pants, trying to hide the way my hands started shaking at his questions and carefully avoiding touching the amulet through the cloth. “My name’s Everett, by the way. Nice to meet you.” I stuck out my hand.
Jack didn’t move, just looked down at my outstretched arm, and I pulled back awkwardly. He briefly closed his eyes and reached up to massage his temple. The gesture looked better in his human form than it had when he’d done it as a jackal. He sure was handsome. I realized I was staring and glanced away, blushing.
“Okay, Everett,” Jack said, moving around to sit on the chair closest to me. “I see I’ll need to start at the beginning. You are a vampire. Apparently one with a very negligent Maker, but trust me. You are a vampire.”
“And you’re what, a werejackal?” I snorted. “That’s stupid.”
Jack shook his head, looking somehow both bemused and frustrated. “It’s not stupid, it’s the truth. Now, it’s not your fault, it’s your Maker who’s going to get in trouble. I’m just glad I found you when I did. How many people have you drunk from?”
“I assume you mean the biting?” I asked.
Jack nodded.
“Then just you and the other guy you saw.” I wondered where his questions were leading.
“Did he recognize you?”
I shook my head. “He didn’t want to let me inside the building, which was how it all started, so no, I don’t think he did.”
“Good. Hopefully he’ll just think you were a pissed off junky, rather than a vampire.” Jack cocked his head, frowning. “Have you been feeling strange?”
I nodded, puzzled. “Yes, thirsty and fuzzy, with a persistent headache. It started after I was mugged earlier tonight. I’m not sure how else to describe it. I feel more alert now, though. Since I bit you two, it’s like everything is in sharper focus.”
“Tell me everything you remember.” Jack sat forward, focused on my face.
“Why?” I froze in the act of running my hands down my pants again. The amulet hidden in my pocket felt like it weighed a thousand pounds.
Jack sighed and put his hands on his knees. “Look, I didn’t want to tell you this, because I can tell you’re nervous, but I’m a, well, a cop. Of sorts.”
This day was just getting better and better. Now it turned out that not only was I sitting in a cop’s living room with stolen loot in my pocket, also I was now a vampire? I had no idea which was worse, but at this moment I was leaning towards the former.
I licked my lips. I could still taste blood on them, and I wanted more. Jack was looking at me expectantly. ”Of sorts means that you aren’t a cop,” I said, looking at him in what I hoped was an expression of innocence and not guilt.
“Not in the way you’re used to, I expect. There’s a whole supernatural society threaded through the human world. I keep the peace in that world. Punish people who don’t follow the rules, help newbies, and make sure we’re kept secret. Which is why I need to find out who made you and why.”
I sat back, blinking. “Oh.” This was even worse than I’d thought.
Jack drummed his fingers on his leg while he regarded me. Every few seconds his eyes darted up to a clock on the wall that showed that it was just past midnight.
“Do I have blood on my face?” I reached up to touch my chin.
Jack shook his head. “No, I’m sorry. I’m just trying to figure out what to do with you. I’m late for work as it is, but a newly-made vampire shouldn’t be left alone.”
“I don’t need a babysitter,” I snapped, glaring at Jack. “I’ll just go home and hang out there. I need to shower and change clothes anyway.”
Jack sighed and stood up. “No. I’ll take you to your place so you can grab a change of clothes, but then I’m taking you to the office with me.”
Crap. That would be bad. “Look, I’m not going anywhere. I’m in apartment 609 on the sixth floor. I’ll hang out there. Just come by after you get off work.”
“And leave you to get burned to a crisp by a stray bit of daylight coming in through your window? I don’t think so. This is one of the reasons vampires get in trouble if they abandon a newbie like this. You don’t realize how quick you’ll go up in flames if daylight touches your skin.”
Jack kept talking and I rolled my eyes, stifling a groan as I followed him into the hall. I was still having trouble believing this vampire story Jack was trying to sell me, but I couldn’t figure out what he would get out of lying to me. I needed to find a way to ditch him.
If you are enjoying this novel, you can pick up an ebook copy at the store of your choice: https://books2read.com/ritualoftheancients
Continue on to chapter 2~
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dylvana-v · 1 year
Diary of a Hopeless Romantic
Pt. 11 - possibilities
My day started pretty badly today. I woke up with a headache, I am on my period and I was excited to have a new coworker in my office who would stop my loneliness, but she stays at some other office. So yeah, I was about to cry at 9am in the morning, but since my best friend came over to be there for me I had a glimpse of hope that it would all turn out to be okay.
Glad I trusted in her, since my day actually got better. I took some painkillers, did all my work in 3 stressful hours and was able to breathe again the moment she entered my office. (I know she is reading this as my number 1 supporter, so thank you, my love.)
I was so stressed out by my bad mood that I wasn’t able to meet E and his coworker before lunch break and actually I would not have been the greatest company, so good for them.
At lunch I really thought we wouldn’t see each other since they were quite late, but then they came over and I awkwardly waved them over to us. I think they contemplated where to sit but then they asked if they could join us. Jokingly I declined at first, but they sat down and immediately started talking to me and my best friend.
They asked about my best friend a lot and made her be part of the conversation as much as possible, which I really loved. Of course, they had it easy since she was looking forward to talking to E, but the conversation was ongoing because he actually put in some effort.
We joked around a lot and they lifted up my mood in seconds. I don’t think there was a lunch break that was this funny before. I am a big fan of his kind of humor, I noticed. His coworker’s humor is also great. We laughed a lot just because they kind of made fun of themselves.
“If I weren’t a doctor, I don’t know what I would be. I am useless in life. All I can do is medicine.”
That cracked me up way too much. I keep thinking about that sentence of E’s coworker. My best friend is a doctor too and I feel the same way about him. If he weren’t a doctor, he would have been homeless. I am convinced.
At the end of our conversation I told them that I will visit them in their office to give them a present. They were confused, but I expected that. First they thought I would give them a handful of documents to fill out and the relief in their faces when I told them it was not work-related: comedy for a social worker.
So I went upstairs, confidently entered their office just so that all confidence would leave my body immediately. I even started shaking a bit and struggled to take the lego box out of the bag. When I placed it on the desk in front of E, I saw only one thing in his eyes: confusion. I don’t think he would have ever guessed that I would give something to them.
He then lit up a bit when he noticed it was lego and he immediately tried unpacking it. I saw him shaking a bit while struggling to open it. He joked around that he would call me if he struggles and I told him I would spare some minutes out of my “busy” work day. He thanked me a couple of times and I am pretty sure he started building it the moment I stepped out of his office.
The way he looked at me was so funny to me. He was so confused, surprised and happy about it. That really made my day and I am excited to see the finished flower on his desk tomorrow.
If this is not making him fall in love with me, what is? (I am just joking but at the same time... I am not entirely).
Usually if I meet someone (who often turns out to be quite toxic (since I am not valuing myself that much)) I drown in the feelings I have. It takes my air to breathe because I put pressure on myself, I change myself so this would last. I would intoxicate myself with hatred towards myself and it would burn me alive.
This time I am swimming in the possibility of him and I. I am learning to fly. It’s comfortable and comforting. It’s warm, not hot. It’s a little, not much.
I am warming myself up on the possibility of him and I.
- the hopeless romantic
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jonathankatwhatever · 4 months
These ideas are resistant to writing. They wriggle into new perspectives. It’s 16 May 2024. I have an actual migraine, the first in a while. I’ll lean into that as much as I can. It’s raining. I’m sitting in the kitchen with an open window to my left and the door to the porch open on my right, making a triangle in which I’m in the corner of the line drawn across. I hear a sound field reducing into my ears and then opening up in my Thing so I can picture the truck stopping to go over the speed hump. That must take the same path, that in my head I’m projecting out and that is the extent to which the sound field is observable and understandable by me. As in, my cat can hear more but he can’t label many of the sounds.
I just ate a toasted bagel with unsalted super chunky peanut butter, shaved red onion, and 2 cut up grape tomatoes. Delicious. Not sure why that doesn’t need salt. It might be the salt in the bread is enough together with the tangy qualities of the other ingredients.
So in that case, an answer solidifies as good enough that I’m gonna stop thinking about it, but I’ll remember somehow if we revisit the issue. So the infinite process stops: no more looking for solution. We label that as the 2:1 for that answer and the process which generated it, freezing it, making a snapshot so the form is recognized, and thus all the search potential beyond that diverges.
That work came out of sexual fantasy this morning. You’ve been amazing. I want to use that idea because I immediately thought of how to indicate a count between the words been and amazing. Then I thought about the concepts like when I walk across Bussey meadow and there’s an entrance which connects to the road, and then you turn the corner and you enter a section which feels removed, and then a section where you can forget where you are, then the same, a section which feels removed but not that far, then a section where you know the gate is ahead. Or like how FL Wright would bring you in from the large outside into a small entrance to admit you to a large space. The 1-0-1 and 0-1-0 metaphors are now beyond obvious.
The fact that this kind of imagery exists is the best proof of all, once you realize that this kind of imagery is generated by actual mathematics, that it’s not just words.
Made myself foamed milk plus decaf. I wish it would completely foam, but it’s not bad for the minimal effort and cost. I use the cappuccino whip on the frothier because the latte one does very little.
There’s an obvious choice function between been and amazing. If you admit non-sequiturs as a joke or perhaps a serious comment on the difficulty of the descriptive process, then what could actually be inserted is limited only to the nature of the language, and to its expressive power.
This headache is painfully distracting or other way around. I’m holding my right eye closed to force my left to relax. A lot of flicker and bouncing around of focus because throbs when focused. The throb pulls the Observer back and snaps that to a different focus point as it cycles back.
Had to give up typing. I need to see a map of these numbers. I think I have it, but it’s not stable yet.
Need to not look at a screen. Today has been intense connection. I have so much imagery in my perception that I can’t process much.
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