#i have a cold I am going to bed goodnight. i saw this mans chest hairs. someone made Good costume decisions in beyond the law 1968
Oh I love my Thistle
She is grooming in bed next to me and keeps leaning against me
Lick lick lick lick
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something-tofightfor · 5 months
Liminality: Part 7.5; Frankie's POV
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Female Reader
Word Count: 11,718
Rating: NSFW - both in terms of content and overall subject matter.
Summary: He's more nervous to talk to Ashley than he's letting on, but what Frankie learns ... he isn't going to ignore.
Author’s note:
While it would be amazingly helpful to tell the whole story from Frankie's POV, I think that for now, these two chapters are the most important to get inside of his head for.
Tthis is a retelling of chapter 7 from Frankie's point of view. As always, thank you so much for reading! I am always around for questions and comments about this (and any of my other) stories ... so please feel free to reach out.
Masterlist (for the journal entries and all of the other 'extras' + previous chapters)
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He slept better that night than he had in months. 
He and Pope had shared one more drink before the other man said goodnight, and though Frankie stayed on his back patio for a little while longer, eyes on the sky, he was calm for the first time in a long time. 
He was glad you knew. 
He was glad that Pope knew that you knew. 
And he was relieved that you’d accepted what he’d revealed with very little hesitation. Frankie knew that there would likely come a time when what he was and what you did would become at least a slight problem, but he was confident that the worst was over. At least when it comes to the honesty. 
And when he’d laid down in bed, he’d fallen asleep almost instantly, one arm wrapped around his spare pillow - and hadn’t woken up until morning. 
There’d been no dreams - no nightmares, no waking up in a cold sweat, consumed with fear. It had only been the early morning sunlight streaming through the window along with a slight breeze, and that was fine with him. 
He held off on texting you, wanting you to be the one that reached out, because if there was one thing that Frankie wasn’t, it was overbearing, especially in a fluid situation. He’d meet you later, and that was enough, even if part of him was disappointed he didn’t hear from you early in the day.
The day kept getting better. The air was mostly still by the time he took off for his first flight, his clients happy and eager to celebrate their 10th anniversary with a morning trip over the city. He even had a message from you when he checked his phone between jobs, confirming that you were still on for the afternoon. 
That put a smile on his face that remained there throughout the second flight and his end of day checklist, though the closer it got to the time he’d see you again, the anxiety also crept back in little by little.
It had nothing to do with you, and more to do with Ashley and the conversation that he knew he’d be having a short time later. Because no matter what, I’m going to … know more. I’m going to know more, and I might not like it. 
He didn’t let himself think about what he and Pope had talked about in terms of his feelings for you, though. 
There was no time for that, and what he did with those feelings was dependent on what Ashley had to say. Frankie was well aware of what could happen if he got ahead of himself. And if this feeling is real, I need to know how much of it is me, and how much of it is … it. 
After sending you a message, Frankie tossed his phone into his glovebox and started driving, glasses settled against the bridge of his nose and the ballcap securely on his head. He wondered if there’d be any weirdness when you saw each other, any new point of contention, even though you’d left things on good terms. But when he saw you waiting outside for him, face turned up toward the sunlight and a contented smile on your lips, he knew that at least for the moment, everything was fine. 
“Hey, you.” The second you put your hand on his leg, he felt his entire body relax, warmth building in his chest at the tone of voice and the casual way you leaned into his touch at the first flex of his fingers against the back of your neck. It all means something. It has to. 
He was excited to meet Ashley - and to get answers. But most of all, Frankie was happy to be back in your company. It was a risk, but he took your hand and let his lips linger against your knuckles, glancing over to see your expression. 
You didn’t try to hold back a smile as you watched him lower your joined hands to the center console. It does. 
In any other situation, Frankie would have flirted with the nurse at the front desk. She was cute, and obviously interested, paying more attention to him than to you, even though you were the one asking questions. Despite being the most reserved of his friends when they were together, he was confident on his own … and the woman was his type. Or she used to be. 
He didn’t know how you’d react to him getting attention from another woman, and as the doors to the elevator closed, he realized that he was desperate to find out - but hoped that you wouldn’t be upset by it. And when you made a joke, his first instinct was to deny the obvious truth, trying to disguise the reddening of his cheeks by deflecting and ducking his head, even as you continued to speak. 
Joking was a good thing. You noticing was a good thing, and you reinforcing your feelings about him was even better. He wanted to grab you and kiss you, wanted to put his hands on any part of you that you’d allow him to, and even though he knew that the hospital was not the right place to do it, he couldn’t help the thoughts Later. Later, if all this goes … shit. 
When the doors opened, he got really nervous, his steps faltering. Maybe I don’t want this. Maybe I don’t need answers. He contemplated telling you he couldn’t go through with it , but when you reached for him, sliding your hand against his and giving him another reassuring squeeze, he knew it was just panic settling in - and not the way he truly felt. 
As you got closer to the room they were in, his heart rate increased, the man’s breaths short and shallow. It was nerves, but it was also something else that he couldn’t quite place - the feeling that he was walking into a trap steadily growing within him. It’s not a trap. She trusts them. Ashley invited me. I shouldn’t… 
When you opened the door and stepped into the room, he hung back a half step, and though he watched you focus on your cousin, Frankie’s attention was on the other woman in the room and the way her posture changed at the sight of him. She’s defensive. She’s… 
He felt your fingers slip from his grip as you crossed the room, but Frankie stayed put, the man straightening up and pushing his shoulders back, lips pressed together. I can feel her. I can feel that she’s… 
Frankie was aware that you were talking to Alec, but he stood absolutely still as Ashley moved between where he stood and the foot of the other man’s bed, her nostrils flaring and her head cocked to one side. She’s sizing me up. She’s… what the fuck do I do? 
There was a pull toward the woman - not because of an attraction, but because he could sense her power, and by the time you were introducing him to Ashley and vice versa, he’d taken a step backwards, the woman answering with one forward and toward him. What is going on? It reminded him of the way predators stalked their prey, but aside from the woman’s posture and her advances, he didn’t feel otherwise threatened. She’s not looking at me like … what the fuck is happening?
Ashley spoke for the first time then, her tone soothing despite the command she had over the room. When she held her hand out, they both stopped moving, Frankie’s eyes dropping to the woman’s palm. “Why do I … this hasn’t…Shit.” The first touch of her skin to his was like a light switching off, and when he closed his eyes, letting out a breath, he felt himself let go of the tension. This is weird as fuck. 
She assessed his scar as they introduced themselves, Frankie taking a half step closer and watching as she ran her fingers over the marred skin. He didn’t know what she was trying to accomplish, but when she confirmed to Alec that Frankie hadn’t been the one to attack him, he reacted almost violently, fingers curling inward before he jerked his arm back. What? Did Ashley want her to bring me here to … 
He didn’t think you’d set him up in any way, but despite his considerable strength and experience, Frankie knew that in that room, he was woefully outmatched. He heard you defending yourself, the tone of your voice almost panicked. He wasn’t angry at you - the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind that you were trying to trap him, but before he could tell you that, Ashley spoke again, her voice calm. 
She’s just protecting someone she loves. He glanced at you as he had the thought, feeling his chest tighten. I get it. 
That thought startled him, his mouth dropping open. “What the-” 
Things moved quickly after that, Frankie agreeing to go with the woman to one of the outdoor courtyards, even as his thoughts swirled. There’s so much I want to talk about but I don’t know where to start. You threw him a reassuring glance from your place next to Alec and he tried to return it, though he had no idea what it actually looked like. Fuck I’m … this is too goddamn… shit.
But he didn’t say anything, instead just following Ashley from the room and back toward the elevators, both of them silent until the doors closed behind them. “There’s a gift shop right by the exit. Got a cafe next to it. I’d ask if you drink coffee, but I’m pretty sure I already know the answer.” 
“Coffee sounds good.” He didn’t trust his voice, and so he said nothing else, Frankie waiting next to her in line and then paying for both drinks before they headed outside. 
It was still warm but the courtyard was deserted, the leaves rustling in the breeze as they took a seat on opposite sides of the same table. She spoke first, sighing after she swallowed a long sip of coffee. “I won’t apologize for what happened in that room, but I will apologize for the way it happened. When we … behave like that, it can be overwhelming, especially when someone’s not expecting it.”
“I understand.” He nodded, taking a breath. “The way… what happened… was that because you’re - because we’re both wolves?” Speaking it out loud for the second time in as many days was simultaneously a relief and terrifying for him, but Frankie continued, knowing that it was likely his only shot. “I felt it. It was like you were challenging me, and my backing away was was … submitting to you.” 
“You were. Sort of.” She drank again, eyes on his face. “I don’t lead my pack, but someone front my family does. They always have. I’ve learned how to command with my behavior through the years, and it comes out a lot more when I’m… motivated.” She pointed at the building. “And with him, I’m very motivated.” Reaching down, she cradled her stomach. “With this, we’re motivated. I wasn’t actively trying to scare you, but it’s an instinct to protect, and I’ve never denied it before.”
“Would it have been different if I wasn’t a man? Would a female wolf have made you less -”
“Yes.” She nodded. “It’s more subtle with you because you weren’t born into it, but yeah. An unfamiliar male scent is something that always puts me on edge, and it did that today, because of everything else that’s happened. But you don’t smell the same as he did. I reacted on autopilot with you, even though I knew right away that you weren’t a threat to us.” Interesting. 
“Should I be able to … sense other wolves?” He leaned closer, pushing his coffee cup to the side. “Like with you, I feel this … I can’t describe it. But it’s not a smell, it’s a feeling, I -”
“Yes. No.” She sighed, shaking her head. “It’s complicated. You’ve really never talked to another one of us? You don’t know what -”
“I was bitten in the middle of the jungle a few years ago, turned for the first time a few days later, and have been trying to figure all this out ever since.” He pointed at her, frowning. “This is the first time I’ve ever gotten a straight answer about anything.” 
“Come to Texas.” She smiled, her eyes bright. “After the baby’s born and things have settled down some. Come to Texas, and you can meet my pack. We can help you. We can teach you.” 
“Only if this shit here’s taken care of.” He blinked slowly, inhaling through his nose. “I’m not leaving while the other wolf is still…. here.” 
“You’re not leaving here or you’re not leaving her?” Ashley raised a brow, waiting. Shit. Am I that easy to read? 
“I’m not leaving her here to deal with this on her own.” He flattened his hands on the tabletop. “I should have been able to figure out who it is before she even had to come here.”
“No, you shouldn’t. The Chaos line is …” Ashley rolled her eyes. “They’re smart. Well hidden and well connected. They’ve been a problem for a long time, but the thing is that they’re still part of us. And a lot of wolves won’t act out against one of their own even if the actions of the line warrant it.” 
He’d figured as much, and so Frankie took a deep breath and held it, shaking his head back and forth. “Can I ask … were you born into it?” She nodded, waiting. “Do you… do you look down on those that weren’t? People like me?” 
“No.” She was dragging her thumb along the rim of her coffee cup, eyes on his face. “There are some people that do, some packs? But passing the traits down isn’t guaranteed, even with two wolf parents.” She laughed. “It’s more likely if one or both parents are fullblood, but it’s still not a guarantee. There was a really good chance that this baby was human, because Alec is. Even in my family, not everyone is … I have a sister that’s not like me. My aunt is 100% human. If they wanted to be like us, we’d still treat them the same as we do our other family, they’d just know about all of this before they made that decision.” Does that mean that family sometimes turns other family?  
“So I could pass this on, but it’s not …” He looked up, eyeing the palm fronds above his head. “If there’s ever an accident, I’m not committing someone to raising a wolf cub?”
“No.” She laughed, saying his name. “But I don’t recommend testing it. Same goes with biting. You can pass it on, but you won’t always.” 
“So if I bite someone and break skin, that doesn’t mean it’s going to turn them either? ”
“How hard do you bite, Frankie?” She rested her chin on one palm, laughing. “The answer to that is almost certainly no. If you’re human, and you bite someone, or even if you bleed on someone, you’re not … it takes more than that. Everything that we know backs up the fact that you can only pass this on via bite if you bite someone while you’re in wolf form.”
“But it wasn’t a full moon when this happened to me. It was broad daylight. The kid was human.”
“You can learn to control the shifting, Frankie. Not everyone can master it, but you it’s possible to teach yourself to change at will. You’ll be exhausted after, but you can do it, even partially.” She pointed at his arm. “That’s probably what happened there. He changed just enough to make sure that when he broke skin, it was … going to turn you.” Ashley tapped on the table with two fingers. “There’s something in our saliva that carries the wolf gene, some gland that produces it. So to answer what I’m sure is your next question, yes. Every bite as a wolf is just about guaranteed to change the person that gets bitten.” 
He thought for a few seconds, absorbing the information that she’d given him. It was already well past what he thought he’d walk away from the conversation knowing, but Frankie wanted more. “What can I look for? How can I learn more about this?” He gestured to his arm. “I can’t just rely on you for information.” 
“I’ll give you my number. We have … an online database.” She gestured to the hospital. “And their family has a ton of historical data about wolves. I’m sure she’d be more than willing to let you go through her notes.” Ashley sighed. “And when Alec’s done, all of his research goes to her, so…” 
“Why them?” He swallowed hard, a flash of sadness registering at the thought of you going on alone. “And why is Alec stopping? Why can’t she?”
“She could, but their family, it’s …complicated. I get why they started. I get why they keep doing it, but it’s a losing battle. There are thousands of us. Probably at least a dozen active in the Chaos line at any given time, even if they’re not all killing people. There’s no way to end them, because all it takes is one biting someone else to keep it going. At this point, it’s just an obsession.”
She paused, looking around, and Frankie watched as she absently rubbed at her belly, thumb stroking over the roundest part of it, the same way Becca had done while pregnant with Carmen. 
“Alec’s done because I’m pregnant, but he wanted out before then. The tradition for them has been that starting a family means you can stop. It means you can devote yourself to something more than hunting. But I really … she and Alec were the last two. My kid’s not going to hunt its own kind. And she … I can’t see her having a a baby just to push it into doing this, so… after them, it ends anyway.” 
“I can’t either.” He squeezed his eyes shut. “It’s not fair to her. To them. They shouldn’t have been spending years on …” 
“No, they shouldn’t have.” Ashley laughed. “I’m going to be very honest with you. Not all wolves are as understanding as my pack. If she or Alec had come across one of them by accident, it probably wouldn’t have ended well. And the Chaos wolves?” Ashley’s fingers curled inward, the muscles in her knuckles flexing. “This Chaos wolf? It will kill her. It tried to kill him, and it almost killed me.”
“No, it won’t.” He snarled the words out, fingers digging into the wooden tabletop. “It’s not going to fucking touch her. It’s not going to get anywhere near her, because -” Because I’ll fucking tear it apart with my bare hands. 
“Frankie, your eyes are gold.” Ashley’s tone was even, but when he met her gaze, he saw that she was smiling. “That means -’
“I’m sorry.” He snapped them shut, looking away. “I didn’t mean to get so carried away.”
“Never apologize. Focus.” She lowered her voice, exhaling. “Not all the way, not here, but …” Ashley reached out, laying her hand atop his, “Think about changing. Think about what you feel when you shift. Think about something that would make you want to be the wolf.” 
She left her hand where it was, but went silent, giving him a chance to concentrate. He sighed, exhaling… and Frankie let his mind wander. 
He thought back to the first shift - to the fear and uncertainty he’d felt as his body stretched beneath his clothes, his facial features rearranging themselves as his friends looked on in horror. He thought of the power he felt as the wolf, strength and skill and certainty, every one of his senses enhanced. His breathing evened out as his thoughts drifted to you - to the idea of being able to use his wolf form to help you, to keep you safe. 
And he felt it - felt the bones and skin in his face shifting, felt the heat gathering in his belly and spreading, and when he opened his eyes at Ashley’s soft command, he watched the smile widen across her features as she studied him. “Just like that,  Frankie. Open your mouth. Let me see.” 
He parted his lips and then bared his teeth and Ashley’s smile grew, her head moving up and down. So I can do this whenever I want? 
The sound of voices startled him and Frankie snapped his mouth shut, dropping his chin and closing his eyes as three women walked past, toward the parking lot. “You’re fine. We’re fine.” She spoke soothingly, her hand still on his. “Slow breaths.” He inhaled and held it, nodding in return, though he didn’t look back at her. It’s never felt this way before. “Keep practicing that, just a little at a time. It won’t take you too long, and then you’ll be able to do it faster. It was a good start. You… you must have some insane focus.” You have no idea. 
“How,” he started, realizing his throat was tight. Shit. “How do I change back if it’s not a full moon? Usually my body just does it on its own as soon as the sun starts to come up.” 
“You’re aware of everything when you’re the wolf, right?” He nodded. “You just tell yourself you want to change back. It might take you a few tries, and some time to get there, but eventually it’ll be simple. And if for some reason, you can’t convince yourself to change back, your body will do it for you when it gets exhausted.” He looked up again, watching as Ashley’s eyes moved over his face. “Were you surprised at that?”
“At what?” He frowned, drumming his fingertips against the tabletop, still breathing deeply.
“Being aware of everything.” She cleared her throat. “I’m sure there are some parts of it that you’d rather not remember, right?”
“Definitely.” He rubbed at his forehead. Like eating. “But yeah. Surprised just about covers it. Weird as shit, right? Being me but on all fours? Being in something else’s body? Helped me not to panic, though. Military training kicked in, and I just … prioritized. I’m glad my friends did, too.” 
“Do they help you now?” She tilted her head to the side. “Every month?” He nodded, wetting his lips with a quick swipe of his tongue, but before Frankie could speak, Ashley did. “Good. I can’t imagine what it was like for you. They might not be wolves, but they’re still support so you weren’t completely alone.” 
He was quiet for a long time, thinking. What would it have been like to be born into this? To know what to expect? Would it have felt different? Would it feel less like a burden and more like a gift? There was no way to accurately answer those questions, and as he thought them through, he realized it didn’t matter. Because this is now. This is how things are. 
“What else do you want to know?” She sighed, checking the time. “I know this is probably a lot for you to take in right now, especially after not knowing anything for so long.” 
“It is. And if you need to get back inside, that’s fine, too.” He swallowed, staring down at the top of his coffee cup. “Is there anything you can tell me about the wolf that got to Alec? Anything that might help me find him?”
“We’ve got some time. Alec is … going to try to talk some sense into her.” He is? Ashley sighed, the sound heavy. “And I don’t really know. He was big. Fearless. Stubborn, actually. It took him too long to back down, even after I hurt him. I think … I think he’s new to being a wolf, too. He didn’t seem to be comfortable, you know? But he still kept coming, even when I had the upper hand.” Frankie nodded, frowning. So big, dumb and reckless. “The thing about us is that it’s not always possible to sense another wolf, especially if you’re new. I know what to look for, so it’s a little easier, since I’ve been around it my whole life. But for you?” She shook her head slowly. “You can’t smell it on someone, especially days after the moon. You might be able to pick up on it the day of, or the morning after, but …” She shrugged. “Your own senses are heightened then, so it’s easier.” 
“About that …” Frankie took a long drink of his coffee and then turned the cup in his hands. “Sometimes throughout the month, I feel like I’ve got a sixth sense or something. Like everything’s turned up to 11. But there are other times where I feel normal, and it’s like nothing happened to me. Why is that?”
“Your body’s adjusting to being a wolf.” She rubbed her hands together, smirking at him. “It’s always there, but you’re still learning to listen to it.Sometimes it’s harder to ignore” Tilting his head to the side, Frankie waited for her to go on. “You do have heightened senses and emotions, Frankie. Things look a little brighter, sounds are a little louder, your emotional response is … deeper.” She bit her lip, narrowing her eyes. “How’s your sex life been since you got bitten?” 
“I… it…” He sucked in a breath, surprised that she’d outright asked. “I’ve limited myself to casual sex since. I haven’t wanted to get to the point where I need to explain things to anyone, so it’s easier not to get attached.” He paused, watching as Ashley watched him, her expression giving nothing away. “It’s been good, though. Really good sometimes, like with …” His eyes moved briefly toward the hospital, but then he shook his head. If I’m going to tell someone, Ashley’s my best bet. “I bit her.”
“You bit who?” He saw her eyes widen, but the woman’s voice was even. “When?”
“I’m always really careful.” Frankie sighed, glancing down and then back up, brow furrowed. “Even with my ex, and the last couple times we were together was right after we got back from South America. No teeth. Nothing that could break skin. And then the first night with her, I just …” He laughed, the sound quiet. “I did it more than once without even thinking about it.” 
“Where?” He met her eyes, confused. Where what? “Where’d you bite her, Frankie?”
He remembered it clearly - beginning with his teeth on your shoulder moments after he’d kissed you for the first time, his mouth moving lower to your chest and then to the inside of your thigh. But her throat. When I was behind her … that was the one that really surprised me. “Everywhere.” He let out a shaky breath. “I couldn’t stop. Her chest. Her neck. I -” 
Ashley’s eyes went wider than he’d seen them at any point that day, but she was quiet for a very long time. What did I say? Why is she so surprised? “A lot of people, even ones born into this?” She spoke slowly, considering each word before she said it. “They view the wolf as … a separate thing, something that isn’t them. And that’s not the case. It’s a part of you, Frankie, and it doesn’t matter if you’re bitten or born. It’s not just … you aren’t just a wolf for 12 hours a month, you always are. And that means …” She reached out, touching the inside of his forearm. “That means listening to what that part of you is telling you.” What? “They’re called basic instincts for a reason, and yours are trying to tell you something.” 
“I don’t understand.” He frowned, pressing both hands onto the tabletop. “I’ve spent the last three years making sure that I …” He trailed off, lips parted in confusion. I was careful with Becca. I was careful with all of them. I am careful with everything. He swallowed, fingers curling against his palms. So why was I less careful this time? 
“This is a learning curve for everyone. But … Frankie?” She pulled back both hands, using one thumb to twist the engagement ring on her finger. “I … we have the ability to protect the people we love. We’re in a really unique position to offer them something that not a lot of people can. And it’s really easy for someone like you to look at this like a curse or a negative thing, but it’s not. And I know that you probably wish that this hadn’t happened to you, but … it did.”
“I can’t protect anyone from anything if I can’t figure out what this goddamn Chaos wolf is going to do next.” He scoffed, reaching up with one hand to rub at the space between his brows. “And it’s going to be especially hard for me to protect someone that’s not interested in protecting herself and is actually going out and looking for the fucking -”
“Let her in.” Ashley shrugged. “It’s that simple. Trust your instincts. Trust what you’re feeling, and how you’re behaving with her already.” Simple? No it’s not. “Think about what you’ve told me in the last hour, Frankie.” 
“What have I told you?”  
“You’ve said you’re not leaving her here alone. You’ve told me that you let your guard down when you’re with her physically, and that’s something you didn’t even do with your ex.” She paused, cocking her head to the side. “I mentioned protecting people that we love, and you immediately think of her.” 
“I’ve only known her a month.” He blinked a few times, shaking his head. “It doesn’t make sense. None of it does. She hunts wolves. She held a gun on me yesterday. She isn’t staying, it … it couldn’t work. I can’t. I’ll hurt her. I’ll lose control and …”
“If you were going to lose control, you would have done it the first night you changed.” Ashley’s smile was gentle. “You didn’t attack your friends when you were terrified. You’re not going to attack someone that you …” She bit her lip. “Frankie, you were sitting in a hospital courtyard talking hypothetically about keeping her safe and you started to shift. I don’t really know what else to say to make you understand this.” 
Is she right? He closed his eyes, bringing both hands up to cover his face. It made sense, but the depth of his feelings for you hadn’t been something that Frankie had let himself seriously consider. Maybe I should. Maybe that’s what we both need. Maybe that’ll make this … better. 
“I wish I would have met you sooner.” He lowered his hands, rubbing his thumb over the tattoo on the left one. “Because it’s been too long since someone new has told me to get my head out of my ass.” 
“Alec was stubborn too.” She laughed, tossing her hair over one shoulder. “Men.” She paused, sighing. “You can’t change what happened to you, but you can control how you live the rest of your life. Make the best of it. Don’t limit yourself because you think you have to.” She said his name, waiting a beat before delivering what Benny would have called a knockout blow. “Denying who you really are and what you want isn’t going to do anything but make you resent your life. It’s the same for her. It doesn’t have to be that way.” 
She didn’t say anything else, and after a few seconds of staring at each other, Frankie finally nodded. She’s right. She’s absolutely right. “Thank you, Ashley.” He rubbed at the back of his neck, nodding. “I feel like there’s so much more I should have asked, but … this is a good start. This is … it helped. So much. I have a lot to think about. I -”
“I’m always around.” She stood up, reaching for her empty cup. “I’ll give you my number.” He rose, too, fingers closing around the remains of his coffee. “Listen to those instincts, Frankie. Fighting it is the wrong call. I know from experience.” 
He wondered if she meant with Alec or just in general, but decided not to ask. Instead, he followed her back into the building and onto the elevator, his arms crossed as they rode upward. His breath caught at the sight of you sitting next to your cousin’s bed, and for a few seconds, he let himself stare, the man’s mind wandering to what was possible in the future. Is there a future with her? Could there be? 
He leaned against the wall and got lost in his thoughts, barely registering when you, Ashley and Alec began to say your goodbyes. But taking your hand in the hallway was almost automatic, the warmth of your palm pressed to his making his heart beat faster. I want there to be. 
The drive back to his place was more silence, but when he realized he hadn’t asked you where you wanted to go, he finally spoke, thankful for your reassurance that you were fine with going home with him and relieved at your suggestion of ordering dinner. It felt normal - felt like something that could become routine, and even as he parked, Ashley’s words echoed in his mind. Let her in. Listen to your instincts. 
You were quiet when he parked, finally speaking after a few seconds - and he heard the concern in your voice, his chest growing tight at the sound. “Get out of the truck.” 
It sounded vaguely threatening, and when he finally looked at you, he let his guard down, hoping you could see the change in his demeanor along with hearing his plea. It worked - you got out and closed the door behind you, and in the split second of time he had to himself, Frankie made his decision. Do it or you’ll lose her. 
He stepped in front of you and pulled you tight against his body without another thought, lowering his head and squeezing his eyes shut as he nosed at your neck. You didn’t pull away - you didn’t question what he was doing or why. Instead, you hugged him back, your arms as tight around his body as they could be… and he broke. 
He shook in your arms, knees wobbling - fighting to keep quiet and collect his thoughts as Ashley’s words echoed in his memory. Trust the way you’re acting with her.  
He thanked you profusely, the tears gathering in his eyes as he let you see him - the helpless, vulnerable part of him that knew next to nothing about what had happened to him, the man that had four military friends on his side, but nowhere to turn when it was the most necessary. You’d gone out of your way to help him, and no matter what he said, there was no way for him to ever repay you. Even if I can protect her. Even if we can stop this. 
Your response to him was genuine, your own eyes welling with tears, and when he leaned in to kiss you, everything became clear. And it should be. It should be, because … He needed you to understand how he felt - that the gratitude and emotion went further than Alec and Ashley; that it was more than him wanting to be near you. I don’t know how or why this happened so fast, but … He groaned, stepping forward until you were pinned between his body and the truck’s door without breaking the kiss. 
He would have been content to stand there with you for hours; mouths moving together, your fingers tangled in his hair as he growled against your lips - and he thought you would have, too. You relaxed in his hold, letting go of what had likely been an overload of information for you, too, and he wondered if you’d tell him what you and Alec had talked about. Not that it matters. 
He bit down on your lower lip before releasing it, huffing in quiet amusement at the way he didn’t even think about it with you, and when Frankie kissed you again, he was smiling, his hand resting on the window behind you. We need to go inside. 
Frankie watched as you started toward the house, turning back to look at him over your shoulder. He had no idea what the rest of the night would bring, but he was determined to make the most of it, especially since it was clear that you were on board… and willing to see what happened. And it’s probably more than I deserve.
It felt natural to have you in his home - to be doing something as mundane as eating dinner and listening to a baseball game on the radio. As the night progressed, he wondered why he’d tried so hard to keep you at arm’s length - why he’d never made an attempt to make it more between you than the flights and the sex, or helping you with research for your book. 
If he was being honest with himself, he’d been unhappy with that arrangement for a while, but since you’d seemed alright with it, he hadn’t pushed. I should have. It would have likely made finding out that you were lying to each other much more difficult to stomach, but if it had meant more nights like that one, it would have been worth it. 
Conversation came naturally between you, and Frankie found himself opening up to you about his childhood without hesitation. It was more than he’d told anyone since Becca, and while he wasn’t sure that Pope would be alright with him telling you about his awkward adolescent years, it felt necessary. Because she needs to understand where my priorities are and how long it’s been this way. 
It felt good to be honest with you, and part of Frankie hoped that you’d do the same with him in the future, even though you’d already told him about your life after turning 18. It was hard to articulate the way that Pope’s sudden popularity had impacted him - hard for him to admit to someone that only knew him as an adult how fearful he’d been that he was going to lose the best part of his life. And my best friend. 
He’d dealt with feeling like an outlier for a lot of his adolescence - had almost resigned himself to things never changing, but Pope’s refusal to abandon him for those months had meant everything, giving Frankie his first taste of what it meant to have a brother. And to really want to protect someone. 
Those feelings had intensified after he’d enlisted, the men in his units giving Frankie more to focus on during deployments, though getting back to Pope - and then to the others eventually - had felt like coming full circle. He had his actual family, yes, but as the years passed, and their numbers naturally dwindled, the guys were all he had. And Becca. And then Carmen. And now…
He hadn’t planned on going into more detail about the helicopter and the money, but it felt good to be honest with you, and finally admit to the guilt he’d carried since the accident. The others hadn’t blamed him, but Frankie blamed himself, not only for putting them in danger, but for doing it so recklessly. There’d been moments during the days after going to South America where it had looked likely that they’d end up at home with nothing, and after he’d experienced his first full moon, everything changed again. 
But this isn’t a curse. I’ve been acting like it is, but … it’s not. I can use it for good. I can use it like Ashley said. 
Your response to his story shouldn’t have surprised him, but it did, and that surprise - along with your acceptance gave him the courage to work on what Ashley had shown him earlier - and what he wanted you to see. And if it doesn’t work, I just … I tried. 
You trusted him; he saw it in your expression, the look in your eyes tinged with something that bordered on excitement, and when Frankie closed his eyes, he tried to focus. Think about something that would make you want to change.
He thought of you - of you in danger, of you needing him. He thought of being able to protect you and care for you long into the future, starting with finding the Chaos wolf. And I want that. I want her. 
Frankie felt it, the slow flow of energy through him as his body relaxed and began to shift, and when he opened his eyes, you hadn’t moved. If anything, you’d leaned in, eyes on his face. He wondered what you saw - wondered what you were thinking as you stared at him, your eyes widening in awe. “You can change at will. Oh, Frankie.” 
You weren’t scared, and that encouraged him even more, so when he blinked and took a deep breath, repeating the word STOP to himself, Frankie was relieved when his body listened. It wasn’t immediate, but it only took a few seconds for his heartbeat to slow, and for his body to feel normal. Good. I’ll need more practice, but this was a good start. 
He was motivated, especially when it came to you, and the feeling of your hands in his highlighted that fact. But this is where it could get …complicated. Admitting that he wanted to protect you in the same breath as that he wanted to protect his longtime friends was a gamble. And telling you that he wanted to join in the hunt for the Chaos wolf was another risk, because he didn’t want you to think that he was trying to interfere with what you were doing. 
There was a pause, but at his words, Frankie saw your shoulders drop, recognizing the submission - and acceptance - in the gesture before you even spoke. She wants my help. She wants me to be there. She isn’t pushing me away. It was a relief; Frankie’s fingers tightening around yours as his heart thudded again. 
You had time - weeks between then and the next full moon to figure out what the plan was, but Frankie wasn’t thinking of that as you asked about Ashley, giving him a chance to respond before going on. She helped me more than I thought was possible. There’s no way it’s this easy. 
He was looking forward to the visit to Texas, excited to learn even more about himself and what the wolf part of him was capable of when he was around others. But only after we take care of this asshole. Only after it’s safe for me to focus somewhere else. 
He froze when you spoke up again, telling him that there was something you needed to say, and even though what followed stunned him, Frankie was happy to hear it. No, happy’s not it. That’s not even close. 
He needed a few seconds, and when he walked to the window, Frankie was unsurprised when you followed, standing beside him while he kept speaking. He was oversharing and he knew it, but he couldn’t stop. It was the best choice. It was the only thing I could do. The only thing to keep me sane. Frankie didn’t want to hide from you - didn’t want to keep any parts of himself a secret - and you needed to know that. 
It was more than just being a wolf. It was more than just the things he’d done while he was enlisted. It was more than just his coke charge and failed relationship with Becca, and the things that he and the rest of his friends had done to get the money home from South America. It’s all of it. It’s all of it and it’s fast but it’s… it feels right. 
You were right to question the why, and though Frankie had an idea as to the real answer, he knew that neither of you were ready for him to voice it. Not yet. 
But he could hint at it to you, and see how you took it. 
So he did; comparing what he felt for you to the way Ashley and Alec were around each other, dropping the word possessive, even though he would have been the first to admit that if you didn’t want to be around him, he would have let you go without question.
He didn’t look away as he continued to explain why he wanted to help you and assured you that he understood why you’d lied. You didn’t blink either, eyes locked with his as you leaned into his touch. You still weren’t running - you were accepting everything that he was telling you, listening to him like none of it was a surprise… until he spilled his biggest secret: that moving forward, he wanted to be the one to protect you, specifically. 
“This isn’t casual anymore, is it.” 
It wasn’t. And hearing you say it out loud confirmed what he’d been less than willing to admit to himself before that day. It didn’t matter how many times he tried to convince himself he wanted to keep things simple. It was unimportant that your relationship was moving at breakneck speed. It was what he felt, and according to your own admission, you felt the same. I don’t deserve this now but goddamn I’m going to try to earn it. 
When he kissed you that time, it was different, Frankie’s hand cradling your head to keep you close, your hands on his hips but not clinging. He held back, though, not wanting to get any more ahead of himself than he already was. And like you could read the tension in his posture, you took the lead, comforting him in the best way possible.
“I want you. I have for weeks.” 
Everything was out in the open, and you were still saying that you wanted him. She’s also saying that she doesn’t want this to end. 
Thirty six hours prior, he’d thought that he wouldn’t ever have the opportunity to take you to bed again … but that night, it was you that led the way down the hall and into his room. 
He took a few seconds to give himself a chance to breathe, and then when he made the joke about his money, he hoped it would lighten the mood - even a little - because he could feel how wound up both of you were. And we need to cool it, just for a second. Otherwise … 
You took that in stride, joking back, but it didn’t derail anything. Instead, it seemed to make you bolder, which he had no issues with. Never. 
Taking, the lead, you climbed on top of him and stared down at where he laid, your gaze scorching. She’s just as in this as I am. He touched you everywhere he could, hands running over the bare skin of your thighs and then your torso, urging you to remove the rest of your clothes, which you had no objection to. 
Frankie wanted things to be different that night; different from the first time you’d been together and much different than the other nights afterward. He wanted that night - and everything that happened - to be the start of your future, whatever that looked like. All other bets were off, and though everything that had happened previously between you was important, what mattered more was where things went. 
He watched you undress fully - his gaze hungry and his hand unconsciously moving to adjust the bulge in his pants, the man biting back a groan at the feeling of his own hand. He was shocked when you batted his hand away and went for his zipper, but hardened further beneath the denim at your touch, immediately lifting his hips so that you could help him remove his pants. 
For one split second, he let his mind wander back to the days when he’d been irresponsible - getting carried away in bed and not worrying about a condom. The thought of the accident he’d discussed with Ashley happening with you terrified him, and so he reached for the foil after throwing his shirt across the room, gritting his teeth. Doesn’t matter how good that would feel. 
You didn’t mind his request - he already knew it - but before he had a chance to pull the rubber out, you were touching him, grip loose as you settled into place, easing him free from the underwear he still had on. You wanted to know what he liked, and the truth was that he liked everything, as long as it meant you were touching him. So tell her something different. 
The thought of hearing your responses to what was happening made his hips jerk, the pressure of each stroke changing his breathing causing his control to spiral.  It can’t. But I’m not … fuck, I don’t know if I can stop it. 
Lowering your head caught him off guard, and at the moment he felt your tongue touch him for the first time, the remnants of his control shattered. Oh, fuck. He didn’t even try to hide his reaction to you licking your way down his length, swearing quietly … and that was before you sealed your lips around his tip and started bobbing your head to take in as much of him as possible. 
You used the cues he gave you as you moved, Frankie’s hips rising and thrusting every now and then, the muscles in his abdomen tightening while you stroked over the part of him you couldn’t fit into your mouth. He felt you pause, tongue moving against him though the rest of you was still, and Frankie lost it, hips flexing as he let out a torrent of words - some English, others Spanish, still more just unintelligible sounds that even he didn’t recognize. 
It was loud - but so were you, moaning around him when you removed your hand and took a little more of him into your mouth. And when you glanced up, meeting Frankie’s eyes, he grinned at you and then curled his lip before his eyes rolled back, one hand rising to settle against the back of your head. She looks fucking gone. 
He let himself enjoy it for a few minutes, his breathing shallow when you’d set a pace that suited both of you. But after only a little while, he stopped you, eyes flying all the way open. She needs to stop. She needs to stop now. 
He told you as much without looking away, one thumb moving slowly over your swollen lower lip. He caught the look of pride in your eyes, and when he switched your hand with his own, trying to buy some time to calm himself, Frankie took a deep breath. What now? 
Reaching for the condom with his free hand, he put it on with ease, your reaction to that sending another surge of arousal straight to his core. It was strange to him that he hadn’t touched you yet - even stranger that you hadn’t asked him to. So I won’t make her ask. You were more than willing to do as he requested, getting into position next to him and balancing your weight on both hands, fingers curled against the blankets beside his leg.  
Slow. Go slow. 
He did - running his fingers along the back of your leg and keeping his eyes on your face as he moved, your lower lip trembling in anticipation and that turning into your jaw dropping when he finally touched you, two fingers sliding into you with ease. It stunned him; you’d gotten so turned on by taking him into your mouth that he knew he wouldn’t need much time to get you ready to take him elsewhere, and that emboldened him. Frankie ground his teeth together as you rocked back against his hand, fingers sinking in even deeper 
You liked it - and told him as much. The sound of your voice husky with need made him shiver, but when you changed your position and gripped his thigh, fingers digging in, you kept talking, the words making his pace falter and his hold on himself tighten. Fuck yeah. 
You wanted faster, and he gave it to you, very aware of the way your hand on his scar felt, the touch of your hand sparking heat through his skin. He liked the sound of you begging - but not because you were helpless. It was the need that got to him, the way you were counting on him to give you what you were asking for that spurred him on, his eyes closing again as he settled back against the pillows, content. 
And when you vocalized that need, he couldn’t deny you, removing his hand and waiting to see what you’d do next. I need you too. 
You took him to the base with no hesitation or resistance, a low moan audible as you got settled. Frankie’s hands moved to your thighs and he held on, steadying both of you. Whatever you need. Whatever you want. 
The face to face connection changed things; reiterating just how much he liked being able to look at and see your reactions to him and to what was happening. And when you started moving, the pressure of your hands on his chest increasing as you picked up speed, Frankie finally let himself get lost in you, his eyes half closed. 
When you leaned forward, he was ready, and the look in your eyes told him that you were just as eager. His full name had never sounded better than when you said it and reassured him that you were still with him. Never gonna forget the sound of that. For the first time, you paused in your movement when he kissed you, the press of his hands on your back urging you as close as possible, even though the arch of his back was slightly uncomfortable. It doesn’t matter. Nothing else does. 
He thrust upward twice and then bit down on your lower lip without releasing you, and when you began to move again, Frankie eased backward, bringing you with him. He didn’t realize that he’d bared his teeth until you mentioned it, and at the additional loss on control, he backed off, though there was no real accusation in your tone. I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep … fuck. It’s too dangerous. 
You didn’t want him to stop, and the admission that you trusted him along with the sting of your teeth on his lip urged him on again, Frankie’s pace quickening again as you met it. He stopped thinking, instead just focusing on you, the sound of your moans mingling with his as your fingers dug into his shoulders, giving you leverage without interrupting the rocking of your hips. 
You broke away from him mid-kiss, and it surprised him. But what surprised him even more was the dazed look in your wide eyes, followed by the flash of recognition. You hope what? I need to know. He focused on the sight of your exposed throat, listening as mumbled the word please and his name, over and over - and then Frankie took the lead. 
He was going to make you come - that much was certain. In the minutes that led up to it,though, he let his mind wander. Remember this. Remember how this feels. 
It didn’t feel like you’d only known each other for weeks. It didn’t feel like you’d only been together a handful of times, or that you didn’t know each other well enough to be so comfortable. There was a familiarity he felt with you on each upward snap of his hips, and with each breath you panted out against his throat, Frankie underwood more and more of what Ashley had been saying about listening to what his body - and the wolf - were trying to tell him. 
You were compatible. You were familiar. The two of you were in sync even though there was no reason that you should have been, and when you groaned into his ear, tightening your hold on him, Frankie nodded, the pillow rustling beneath his head. Let her in. Let her know. 
He held you tightly while you rode him, Frankie dimly aware of the way you removed your hands and got even closer, changing his angle and making it possible for him to go deeper. And you liked it - he felt the bite of your teeth against the place where his neck met his shoulder and despite the sharp pain, he grinned, quickening his pace. Maybe she can’t help it either. 
You whined against his skin without releasing it, but moments later the pressure of your teeth was gone, your voice low in his ear when you told him you wanted to come. You got it. 
He had his mouth on your skin without even realizing he was doing it, and when you moaned at the feeling, he continued, only pulling away to tell you - breathlessly - that he still wanted to hear you. 
You didn’t disappoint, and he felt the change in you, your muscles going rigid and your body squeezing him with every thrust, pulling him deeper. Fuck, yes. Let me feel you. He heard a moan, and only realized that it came from him when he saw your smile just as your eyes closed, before tipping your head back and letting your mouth fall open in pleasure. 
He didn’t think that you were even aware that you were speaking, but it didn’t matter. Frankie kept the pace until you gripped his hair, pulling hard as you rode out the end of your orgasm. He wanted you to come again - would have been content to feel you around him until the sun rose, but when you forced yourself upward, he knew that that wasn’t an option. 
“I see you, Francisco. Everything. And I want you. All of you.”  
He didn’t know what to say - there was no adequate response for the surge of emotion that your words sent through him. Even that paled in comparison to the way he felt with your final request, though, your eyes locked with his. “Now let me feel how much you want me.” 
That wasn’t something that he could quantify with a few thrusts of his hips or a deep kiss. 
The depth of the way he wanted you was unknown - even to him. But your plea opened the floodgates, and moments later he was coming hard - unblinking - while you looked on. It wasn’t want but need that made him close his eyes as he kept moving. Frankie filled the condom in repeated spurts while you continued to praise him, the sound of your words drowned out by the growls that came from deep in his throat. 
Oh, I’m fucked.
It was the second or third time he’d had the thought, but as he relaxed against the mattress, loosening his grip on you, Frankie understood that it likely wouldn’t be the last - and he didn’t want it to be. 
Instead, he wanted to kiss you while he was buried in you, the connection still strong though both of you were tired. And you let him, closing the distance and not fighting when he urged your mouth to his instead of letting you get comfortable and run the tip of your nose along the column of his neck. I want that too, but not now. 
He led and you followed, Frankie’s kiss turning heated quickly, but it was him that broke it, laughing as he backed away. We can’t get distracted. We can’t just keep going. We need to… we need to talk. We need to be smart about this. I need to be honest. 
His directions confused you - he could see it in your eyes - but you still agreed. Frankie left you in the bedroom to head to the other bathroom and the kitchen. He paused long enough to clean himself up and stare in the mirror, tipping his head to the side and looking at the place you’d bitten him. There were small indentations from your teeth on his skin but he didn’t think it would bruise. With a quiet chuckle, he reached up to touch the place, eyes narrowed in amusement. 
I was so worried about me biting her and she’s … shit. 
He carried water back into the room with him and climbed back into bed, covering his lap with one of the pillows and drinking deeply. This is going to be a tough conversation. But it needs to be had. 
Frankie wasn’t shy when you took the place beside him, his eyes roaming over your naked body while you got comfortable. You didn’t shy away from his gaze, and didn’t keep from reaching over to take his hand, either, linking your fingers together and squeezing once you’d had your fill of the water. 
There was a lot that he wanted to talk about with you, but he figured that starting with the basics was a good idea. Especially after we’ve agreed that this isn’t casual. That this probably never was casual. 
You confirmed what he’d assumed - and what Ashley had warned him about. Your answers were given without hesitation, and with each word, Frankie felt weight gathering in his stomach, worry filling in the remaining space. She’s committed to this. And I get it, but … there needs to be more. 
The fact that you’d follow the wolf didn’t come as a shock to him. Even as you said the words, Frankie vowed to find it before you did, taking away the need for you to harm another person. It changes you. Even if they deserve it. The loss of contact when you pulled your hand back hurt, and he didn’t try to stop himself when he reached for your knee as a replacement, the smooth skin warm to the touch. 
He wanted you to know that you had options - that you were welcome to stay, that he wanted you to stay. But I can’t tell her that outright. I can’t… it can’t feel like I’m forcing it. Protecting you wasn’t a question. Helping you wasn’t an option. The offer from earlier was one that he knew you wouldn’t forget, but the fact that you seemed to still be operating under the assumption that you were working alone made him angry. 
And it made him even angrier that you were being so stubborn - that you were so committed to your cause that you were willing to sidestep the things that you’d just discussed in favor of continuing to live the life that you were convinced that you were supposed to. Killing one wolf was understandable. Spending the time and resources necessary to locate and corner a second or third was not. She won’t have a life if that happens. And that’s not … that’s not right. 
It was selfish of him to outright ask if he was ever going to see you again, but he did it anyway. The hurt look in your eyes as you stammered out an answer and fought back tears when you agreed with him was proof enough that you were having as difficult a time as he was justifying your next course of action. I fucking knew it. 
He wasn’t a civilian. Arguably, he was more prepared to handle a wolf than you were - as were his friends. They’ve seen me. They know what to expect. They’ll do what needs to be done. 
And none of it mattered if after the wolf was dealt with, you walked out of his life. 
Sure, he’d have peace of mind knowing that Tampa was safe. He’d still have his friends and his daughter. But he wouldn’t have you - and he wouldn’t know what was happening with you, which didn’t sit right with him. Staying in contact with Ashley and her pack - and in turn Alec - would hurt more than anything else, because it would be a constant reminder of what could have happened if you’d let yourself even consider the possibility of more with someone. I’d be alone again, and so would she. And after this, that’s … fuck that. 
The thought of a wolf - or something worse - getting to you without him knowing was enough to set him off, the anger he felt cutting through the hurt and then boiling over. And she sees it. She knows. It was selfish of him to put you on the spot, but at that point he didn’t care, the idea of talking sense into you outweighing the necessity of keeping some of his drawn lines in place. We’re past that now. Way past it. 
He understood wanting to protect family. He understood needing to feel ike what you were doing mattered. He’d done it all for the better part of 20 years, and didn’t want to see you spend the rest of your life doing the same. Because it’s not a life. It’s a charade. 
When he reached for you, you let him, leaning into his touch again. He had a life, sure. That wasn’t a lie. But the truth - the one that he barely kept to himself - was that he wanted you to be a permanent part of that life. So he told you just a little - admitted that he’d enjoyed the time with you so far and that he wanted more of it in the future. 
You pulling away again hurt. But he heard the resolve leaving your tone, felt the way you shuddered as you tried to explain away your choices. This could be easy. Not all the time, but definitely easier than saying goodbye. 
The question of what you wanted was one that he also needed to ask himself. In that moment - in the dim light of his bedroom with you right next to him and the sound of rain hitting the shingles outside, what he wanted didn’t matter. One thing at a time, and this is about her. He knew what he hoped you’d say. Frankie wanted you to be honest with yourself about even a small part of you wanting more than the hunt or the mission or meeting the expectations of your family’s history. 
He wanted you to admit that some part of you wanted the kind of happiness that came from having someone constant in your life. 
And you were almost there, the words on the tip of your tongue before you bit them back… and he knew it. I feel it. Frankie held your hand, waiting. 
He watched you, giving you a chance to process everything that had happened between you - and since you’d been in Florida. He didn’t speak, keeping his hands still, not wanting to distract you. Just admit that you want a normal life. Admit that you want a break. Admit that you want to stay in one place for longer than a few months. Give yourself some credit and just … 
You stared at him, biting your lower lip. He wouldn’t push you. He wouldn’t try and break you down. If, after that night, you refused to even consider what he’d suggested - and what he knew that Alec had likely talked to you about, too, he wouldn’t beg. 
You’d make your choice, and he’d accept it, even if he didn’t like it. Because that’s what happens when you care about someone. He sighed, swallowing. She just has to know there is another option, if she wants it. 
“I’d want you, Francisco. I do want you.” 
He hadn’t expected that - hadn’t expected the direct admission. Not only did you want a life with someone, you wanted him. You wanted him after knowing what he was and what he’d done. You wanted him even though you’d only known him for a little while and still didn’t know everything. 
But that didn’t mean that it wasn’t what he wanted to hear. Oh, thank fuck. 
Frankie leaned in and rested his forehead against yours, grinning even though he knew you couldn’t see it. He didn’t know what to say at first, his heart pounding behind his ribs, the thrill of hearing you say the words he’d wanted to hear almost overwhelming. 
You wouldn’t lose him. And he did want you just as much as you wanted him - the words sounding inadequate as he admitted it to you. Because this isn’t … this is more than … more than want. 
Nothing was certain, and he knew it too well. There was no assumption of forever, or guarantee of happiness. There was no telling what the coming days and weeks would bring. But now she knows she isn’t alone. And she won’t be, as long as I’m around. 
You were still getting to know each other, and there was plenty left to learn, both about each other and what you’d face. That’s fine. We can handle it. Change was inevitable in his life, but as the two of you laid back down, Frankie pulling the pillows out from between you and then urging you closer, he didn’t care. We’ll deal with everything as it comes.
You hooked a leg over his, tilting your head forward and resting it against his chest, and Frankie slowly moved his hand up and down your back, closing his eyes. 
It had been a long and tiring day - but it had also been productive. For both of us. Kissing the top of your head, he let his lips linger. 
“Frankie?” You spoke quietly, clearing your throat before you continued. “I’m scared.” 
You didn’t elaborate, and even though he wasn’t sure if you meant that you were scared of the wolf or scared of what was happening between the two of you, it didn’t matter. 
“I am too.” He mumbled the words, nodding. “I’m fucking terrified.” But I’m way more scared of how much I like this than I am of another goddamn wolf. 
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madame-wilsonn · 2 years
Just three little words
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Summary: three times Emmett realized he loved you and the one time he said it
A/N: yes I am not dead and yes this is...well whatever this is! it's late and I should be asleep but I really wanted to finish this and post it. I honestly don't know what to say, I'm not really proud of it and I'm pretty sure I make no sense but I spent too much time to delete and start over! please, tell me what you think! this is my first time writing for this character and I didn't feel very confident about it so I really need feedback to know what I can improve! anyway I will stop rambling now, hope you enjoy and nice reading! ♡
Warnings: mentions of death, it's a bit sad sometimes and also kind of cheesy ig; I didn't have time to proofread and English isn't my first language
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You pushed back the blankets from the simple makeshift bed, shivering. It was the first truly cold night of the season, summer had finally left with its warm days and sweet nights to be replaced by a cold, unforgiving fall.
The basement of the abandoned factory you were living in was freezing which may have been a real advantage the last few months but quickly became a hindrance now that the temperatures were lower.
You pulled the sleeves of your cardigan over your hands, nothing Emmett who was laying blankets on the ground.
“What are you doing?” You asked, frowning
He shot you a confused look, not really understanding what you were talking about. Before he could ask you to be more precise, you objected:
“You’re not sleeping on the ground!”
The man rolled his eyes. Ever since he rescued you and allowed you to stay with him, he let you sleep on the bed he had made. At the beginning because you were in a poor condition and then because the remnants of a past chivalry left in him pushed him to offer the more comfortable place to you. And to be fair, even when you weren’t there, he didn’t use that bed often.
“I think I’ll be okay, just go to bed”
You pursed your lips, crossing your arms over your chest.
“No. You’re not sleeping on the ground! You’re going to catch death and we could use the extra blankets!”
Emmett thought about it for a moment. He didn’t really want to share the same bed as you, it felt awfully wrong to him. But at the same time, you were right. You would both sleep a lot more better and avoid a certain fever if you shared the bed.
Defeated, he sighed, grabbing the plaids and covers from the ground to add them to the other pile of blankets. You took the far left side of the bed, pushing yourself for him to have enough space to lie down as well.
Although it was a bit narrow, there was still place for the both of you without having to be glued to the other’s side.
You sighed happily as the blankets finally seemed enough to keep you warm. You wished Emmett a goodnight and within a few minutes, you had reached a peaceful slumber. He tried to do the same, close his eyes and try to find that undisturbed state. However, he would always end up staring at the ceiling again.
He listened to your regular breathing, glad that you could at least get some rest. Some nights it was impossible for you to sleep and during those nights, you would both stay awake, trying to pass time. You had taught him a few card games which he loved and spent some rare nights where you would just talk. There weren’t many moments where Emmett wasn’t constantly on his guard, tensed or anxious but most of the times he felt slightly relaxed, it was around you.
He remembered the day you found his hiding place. You had to run away from your last home, in the middle of summer. You had wandered in the forest for days, slightly dehydrated and exhausted from the lack of sleep.
You had managed to find the building and in your hazy state, triggered the few traps Emmett had placed. His initial reaction was to make you leave or, if it came to it, use his gun against you.
He then saw the condition you were in, half of him thought it wasn’t his problem and he shouldn’t be caring for a complete stranger but the other half, the more merciful one chose to help you.
He was glad he let you in, he found some sort of peace in your presence. You helped him in more ways he could have imagined and probably even more than you thought you did.
As the hours passed, Emmett witnessed a slow and painful decrease of the warmth in the basement. He noticed the blankets covering you had fallen a bit, making you shiver. He extended his arm to pull them back over your body but you turned around, facing him. Your hand came to rest against his chest, your head nuzzling closer to him.
The man froze, surprised as he felt the warmth emanating from your body shield him from the low temperature around. Hesitantly, he looked down, making sure you were still asleep before sighing. It was a strange sensation, a rather comforting one.
He had had an increasing lack of human touch as the world slowly crumbled around him, turning into this hellish, completely muted place. And he had been too busy thinking about his family’s then his wife’s and finally his own survival, trying to keep his head out of the water that he didn’t realize how cold and forlorn he felt inside.
Your gesture, albeit an involuntary one, brought him a sense of that long lost affection he clearly craved. It felt good to have a…what were you? A friend? The word didn’t feel strong enough to qualify the relationship he had with you.
You were more than a simple “friend”, you were…kind and cheerful and caring. You were the one he could trust, the one he knew he could rely on. You made him want to fight and stay strong long enough to give you more than this life, you made his heart stop and his stomach flutter…and Emmett may not have had many friends but he knew for sure friends didn’t do that. He thought about it for a moment. Maybe he needed to be a little bit daring to find the answer to that question? His eyes fell on your sleeping form and he breathed in deeply. He passed an arm around you, almost timidly and brought you even closer than before. You snuggled up against him, his heart growing twice its size in his chest. Emmett closed his eyes again, feeling more tranquil than ever and finally, as he held your body against his, sleep came to him.
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“It’s going to sting” you announced in a soft voice as you pressed the compress against the arch of his right eyebrow
Emmett winced a little which earned him an apologetic smile from you.
“I’m sorry” he muttered after a beat of silence, adding at your confused look “for the groceries”
After leaving this morning to go to the store for supplies but on his way back, he got ambushed. Some survivors hiding in the forest attacked him, attracting the creatures with the noise. Thankfully he had managed to escape almost unscathed before one of the monsters got to him. However, the bags of food and first aid supplies had been lost in the fight.
“Don’t apologize for that, okay? I’m just happy you made it out alive.”
The man sighed, staring at his hands. Over the last few months of you living with him, he had slowly began to care about you, taking it as his responsibility to protect you. Having this urge to make sure nothing happened to you, he only wanted your safety and for you to be as happy and healthy as possible as it was in this world. Maybe it was the fact that he had already lost too much to now lose you as well. Maybe it was the desire to have someone to protect again. Regardless, what happened a few hours earlier only made him feel like he had failed at taking care of you.
“I mean it! We can always go back for the supplies, your life is definitely worth more than a couple of cans to me.”
The man scoffed but still felt his heart miss a beat at your words. You finished patching him up, putting away the first aid kit. However, you didn’t move from your place, you stood between his legs, your soft eyes analyzing his features.
Emmett gazed at you, his face warming up and he almost rolled his eyes at his reaction. He felt like some teenage boy with his silly crush. He was convinced it was insignificant, something that would go away with time. It was a fairly normal reaction, you were the first person he was actually interacting with in the last few months and his mind just associated this with some sort of crush…nothing more. Just a crush.
But Emmett’s breath hitched in his throat as your fingers brushed away the few strands of hair falling over his brow. They trailed all the way down to his right cheek and his beard.
The gesture almost felt ticklish but the man found himself needing for more. Your fingers were so soft…how was he only realizing it now? Your touch provoked a strange sensation in his stomach, his heart began thumping faster, louder, so loud he was convinced you could hear it as well. Nevertheless, you just kept your eyes on him, an innocent smile adorning your face.
And as if it wasn’t enough, you slowly leaned in, letting your lips rest on his cheek for a moment. It was gentle, comforting and a part of him never wanted you to pull away. For just a few seconds, Emmett was convinced he could live just fine if you could kiss him and never stop. The man closed his eyes trying to etch the feeling of your impossibly soft lips against his skin, capture the moment before it disappears, leaving him cold and empty and dying for just another crumb of your intoxicating tenderness.
You finally leaned back, that damned smile still taunting him as you whispered:
“You should lay down, you need to rest”
Emmett was speechless, incapable of forming any coherent words so he just nodded. He lay on the bed as you quietly left the room, his heart still pounding in his chest. The man sighed hopelessly, closing his eyes.
It was definitely not just a crush.
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It was a lovely evening. The sun was setting, covering the scenery in hues of warm pink and orange, children were running around, laughing and carefree while their parents chatted away. No whispering, no cautiousness.
You sat on a little bench, Evelyn talking to you about Marcus’ upcoming birthday. It was the first one he would celebrate ever since they left the “other world” like people called it. You promised you would help, it was a special occasion.
On the other side of the bench, Emmett was staring at the camp fire in front of him. He hated these little gatherings. He had absolutely nothing against the people, they had welcomed him on the island, offering him a house and safety. Regardless, he would still rather spend his evening on the couch, reading a nice book with you cuddled up against him.
But your neighbor, Agnes, had insisted, so much you found yourself unable to turn her down. And you had ran out of excuses you could give to avoid the barbecue.
You knew how much Emmett hated this. It was crowded and noisy and people were making small talks. He still agreed to come, you promised you wouldn’t stay too long and be home soon enough to enjoy the rest of the night together.
Evelyn excused herself to check on her children and you turned towards him. He was looking at the kids playing, his eyes lost as he probably tried to remember what his sons’ laughs soundedlike.
He didn’t mention his family a lot, only once when he told you what had happened to them. It was back in the factory, one night when neither of you could find enough peace to sleep. You told him about your old town, your loved ones, your friends, the high school you went to and after being quiet for a while, he mentioned his kids and his wife. You had already guessed he lost his family with all the drawings but you were considerate enough to not bring it up.
You didn’t know that but Emmett felt good about talking to someone who understood his pain. Until that night, he had tried to bury it, keep going because he couldn’t allow himself to grieve. The sorrow was too great, he couldn’t handle it, not if he wanted to survive. But he realized as he heard you speak about your life that trying to forget about his grief was trying to forget about the love he had for them. So he shared some moments of his old life as well: Luke’s passion for baseball, movie nights and afternoons in the park, he talked about having to carry them back to their room because they’d fall asleep in the car, how he used to carry his youngest, Noah on his back when they would go hiking and how his wife always made up the best bedtime stories.
Now, he was looking at those children, wondering what his would be doing if they had the chance to come here, his heart aching for the family he lost when it had been his job to protect them.
Noticing how quiet and absentminded he seemed, you gently took his hand in yours, giving it a light squeeze. He broke out from his thoughts, turning to look at you and you offered him a kind smile.
You reached out to caress his cheek with your free hand, your delicate fingers brushing away his pain.
“Let’s go home, yeah?”
You got up, your hand still holding his. Before leaving, you had the courtesy to tell Agnes you were feeling a bit sick and needed to go home which she thankfully didn’t question.
You walked on the silent roads that lead to your house, never letting go of Emmett. He needed to feel your support, to know he wasn’t alone anymore and could share some of his grief with you.
As you passes the doorstep, you let out a content “ah, home sweet home” before going to sit on the couch. Emmett joined you and you pulled his arm so he could rest his head on your lap. Your fingers began to thread through his hair in a soothing motion.
“They’re proud of you, Emmett.” you broke the silence “I know that from wherever they are, they’re proud of you”
The man nodded, clenching his jaw as you leant in to kiss his temple.
He couldn’t say it out loud but he was grateful for you. And he knew you understood which only made him care more about you. He grabbed the hand you had around him and dropped a kiss over your knuckles, silently acknowledging your comfort. He missed his family terribly, he would have wanted to discover this new world with them but as much as he had lost, he had also found you along the way. You were his second chance to find some sort of bliss, to find harmony and peace.
To find love.
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The timid sun rays filtered through the white curtains in the room, the delicate light brushing over your face. Your eyes fluttered open, meeting the clean and simple bedroom.
Your first instinct was to turn around but you only found a cold, empty spot besides yours. You knew Emmett wasn’t working today but he always woke up earlier than you did so it wasn’t unusual for him to get up before you.
After taking a few minutes to enjoy the feathery soft mattress underneath you, trying to remember the dream you had had. Finally, you decided to push back the covers, passing a tired hand over your face as you slipped out of the coziness of your bed.
You walked through the small, quiet house, making your way to the modest living room.
Still nowhere to be seen. You guessed he left to take a walk on the island but as you approached your kitchen to prepare some breakfast, you saw him sitting on the porch steps, his back towards you.
A smile found its place on your face and, after grabbing the plaid laying on your couch, you opened the front door to join him.
He was so lost in his own thoughts he only noticed you when you placed the blanket around his shoulders, softly greeting him.
"‘morning” he answered as you sat down next to him.
Almost instantly, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders so you could be under the blanket as well. Your head came to rest against him and you sighed pleasantly.
Neither of you spoke, it wasn’t really necessary. Your relationship…or whatever it was between you was built on silent agreements, quiet marks of affection and unspoken kisses.
It was probably what Emmett loved the most about it. Yes, loved. Because as difficult as it had been to admit it to himself, Emmett was finally ready to accept he loved you.
But it was actually not as painful as he thought, quite the opposite. He didn’t feel the heart wrenching loneliness anymore, the need to survive but at the same time the wish to just wait for death to come for him and free him from his torments.
No, Emmett was…happy. In the way he could wake up in the middle of the night and find you next to him, the way he could simply kiss your forehead or your cheek or even your lips when he wanted to, the way he could feel your loving touch slowly heal him, piece by piece. For each moment by your side was one more reason he was glad he never gave up.
The only obstacle for him now was that he may have accepted his feelings for you but he had yet to voice them. And that was terrifying him.
He lived in a world full of deadly creatures but the thought of you rejecting him seemed a whole new kind of worse. Of course, he felt terribly stupid for that but he couldn’t help the fear that crept up on him every time he wanted to say it.
And it was simple.
Just three little words.
I. Love. You.
But the idea of you not saying it back left him wordless.
He knew you cared about him, he knew that whatever was going on between you two was miles away from friendship but did you really shared the same feeling he did?
Before his thoughts could swallow him in their dark, profound abyss, Emmett felt your lips against his collarbone.
“Everything alright?” you murmured against his skin.
He lovingly caressed your hair, his heart pounding against his chest as he swallowed thickly. He was about to reply a simple “yes, everything is good” but he chose to be daring again, just like that first night in the factory.
“I love you.” He blurted out
And then silence.
An unbearable, suffocating silence as you heard his confession.
Emmett felt his cheeks heat up, shame and a different kind of hurt he had been used to rushing through his body. He was about to get up, leave and maybe act as if nothing happened. Maybe you could just go back to how things were, maybe nothing had to change.
You pushed yourself away from him. Fear overtook his body and the dread of losing you because of those stupid words, because of his own folly made him dizzy. He was about to mutter some excuse, try to get out of this terrible situation because he couldn’t handle your look of utter disbelief, your lips slightly open in shock. He couldn’t endure your lack of response and your seemingly inability to say the words back.
But to his own surprise, he felt your arms wrap themselves around his neck. You pulled him close to you as relief washed over Emmett. He embraced you back, a pure sense of happiness and contentment overwhelming him.
You leaned back, just enough to look at him, your hands cupping his face and you smiled. It was so beautiful, so radiant he was sure the image was now engraved in his memory. And then you said those three little words back:
“I love you too, Emmett”
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aerynwrites · 3 years
Mysterious Man- Pt. 2
(Mob Boss!Boba Fett x Fem!Reader)
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Yes I know this gif is l of him in armor but I’m running out of gif choices lol
(Gif by @bobafettdaily)
A/N: part 2 is finally here! And I am going to go ahead and tag @princessbatears as brainstorm buddy/almost co-creator Bc she has helped me SO much with creating this story and keeping me on track. I was in such a slump before I talked to her and she is a huge reason this part is even completed! So I hope you all enjoy!
Word count: 3k
Warnings: public discomfort/embarrassment, intimidation, mentions of killing/death non-descriptive, fluff, slight angst.
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The clinking of silverware against ceramic plates seems deafening in the silence that permeates your small kitchen. You have so many questions running through your mind. Most of them had spewed out last night after the baffling phone call you overheard. A phone call you were starting to think you either made up completely or misunderstood completely, something understandable due to the concussion you have. 
However, Boba had promised to explain the next morning after you both got some much needed rest. You had agreed, crawling off of him from where you two had shared a heated kiss, and walking back to your room. You remember wishing him goodnight, biting your tongue to keep from asking him if he'd rather share your bed than sleep on the lumpy couch, before shutting the door behind you.
That brings you here. Sitting at your kitchen table eating a thrown together breakfast of eggs, toast, and coffee because the last thing you were expecting was to have guests. You had barely touched the food that you had made for yourself and the man sitting across from you. Your toast was soggy from too much butter and your eggs were cold and strewn across your plate by your absentminded fiddling. 
“You need to eat, princess,” Boba finally speaks, the familiar soft baritone finally piercing the silence, “Get your strength back.”
You shake your head and set your fork down, resting your forearms on either side of your plate as you fix your gaze to the very person invading your every thought. “What was that last night?” you finally ask, “I’m still unsure if I made it up or just completely misunderstood but I’m still…confused.” Various emotions swim in your chest as you finally speak the words you have been wanting to ask. “I heard you tell someone to kill somebody, Boba! You can’t expect me to just let that go.” You continue to watch the man as he takes in your question and you’re really hoping it was all one big misunderstanding so you can let it go and forget it ever happened. 
“I didn’t-” Boba pauses and lets out a deep sigh, running a large hand down his face as he leans back in his seat. “It wasn’t literal.” he defends, eyes locking onto your own, deep pools of amber seemingly fixing you to your seat. “I just…I was so angry,” he admits, his gaze falling to fixate on his half empty mug of coffee, “When I saw you in that alley, with that man standing over you I wanted him dead.” 
You watch as Boba takes another deep breath, his hand on the table is clenched in a fist so hard his knuckles paled slightly. He releases the breath at the same moment he uncurls his fingers and moves to lay his hand flat on the table. All of the tension slipping from him and he just looks…exhausted. 
“I was talking to an associate of mine who can at least try to find the man who did this to you so you can press charges or something,” he waves his hand dismissively, “Not like the cops in this city would do anything about it anyways.” He looks to you again before reaching across the table to take your hand gently in his own, “I was just voicing my anger. Because if I had it my way that man would be dead. For hurting you.”
The wave of relief that washes over you is immediate. Of course it was a metaphor. You didn’t really expect Boba to go around giving kill orders. But hearing him say it makes you feel much better than you had when you woke up this morning dreading this conversation. However, the relief is also accompanied by surprise at his words.
“But why? Why do you care so much? I’m just the waitress at the diner you go to all the time, I’m not - I’m not…special.” you look away from him now, the memory of last night rushing back to your head. 
The way his lips felt on yours, the way his fingers dug into your hips as he pulled you closer. The thumping of his heart beneath your hand as you gripped his shirt in your fist. The words he murmured against your lips as he pulled away from you…
“If you want to be mine.”
You want that more than anything. But you can’t just jump into this head first. There’s still so many questions-
“Now that’s where you’re wrong, princess,” a gentle curled finger nudges beneath your chin, urging you to look at the man across from you again, and you find that his eyes have softened at the corners, his typical scowl lessened as he gazes at you. “You captured my attention from the first time I saw you,” he tells you, “And the free pie didn’t hurt,” he teases, lips turning up in a smile as a huff of laughter leaves your lips. 
You aren’t naive. You know he shows you more attention than others, and both of you have toed the line of friendly banter and out right flirtation, but it’s…nice. Nice to hear him say the words aloud and somewhat dissipate your worries that a man as attractive and alluring as him could be interested in you.
“I was going to do this properly, you know with flowers and all that,” he waves a dismissive hand again, “but now is as good a time as any I suppose,” he pauses, giving you time to send him a curious look before he continues. “Once you’re better and back to work, come to dinner with me.” 
Your eyes widen, “Like a…date?” 
Boba lets out a soft chuckle at your surprised expression and nods, squeezing you hand slightly, “Yes, like a date. A proper one this time, no more quick conversations on your thirty minute breaks. They aren’t long enough for my taste.”
You smile at him and nod. “Name the time and place, and I’ll be there.” 
You keep glancing at the hands of the clock as you clean off the lunch counter, hands moving of their own accord as you do the task you’ve done thousands of times before. 
“Looking at it every five seconds is only going to make it go by slower,” Jess says from the other side counter, busy cutting a slice of pie out of the dish.
You roll your eyes, “I know that I’m just -”
“Excited?” Jess cuts in, placing the piece of pie on the plate, “Nervous, anxious, giddy, happy-”
“Yes, yes, all of those things!” you laugh, Jess joining in as she turns and places the plate in front of you, handing you a fork as she grabs her own. 
“A celebratory piece of cherry pie,” she states.
You take the fork from her and set your rag aside, “What are we even celebrating? We do have jobs to do, you know.”
Jess rolls her eyes, “We’re dead,” she gestures to the empty dining room, “Plus, Joe is out back on the phone yelling at someone, so we have at least half an hour to celebrate you finally making a move and snatching up the Boba Fett. Where is he even taking you tonight?”
You want to ask about what she meant by ‘the Boba Fett’ but decide to hold off and answer her question instead, your excitedness for your date coming back full force. “You know that restaurant in the Empire Hotel?” 
Jess nods, “Uh yeah, it’s only like the best restaurant in town - and the most expensive. Not for him though,” she teases nudging your arm playfully.
You look at her, brows pulled together in confusion, “What do you mean?” 
She looks at you now, an almost bored ‘are you kidding me?’ look on her face. “You seriously don’t get it do you?” 
“Get what?” you ask, exasperated that your friend is being so cryptic, “Why are you being so weird.”
Jess holds up her hands defensively, “I know you’re technically new around her but I would have thought after six months of living here you would have picked up a few things. Boba Fett is like - the most powerful man in the city. He owns The Empire Hotel, taking it up after his father died, he’s rich dude. Like richer than you or I could ever be. Well,” she taps her chin thoughtuflly, “Now just me since now you’re dating him-”
“Hey!” you punch her lightly in the arm, “It’s not all about the money you know. I like Boba for…Boba. He’s kind and caring and funny, and he…” you take a deep breath and dig your fork into the pie, “He genuinely seems to care about me you know? I didn’t even know all that stuff about him.”
Jess giggles, “Obviously. I swear you’re too innocent for your own good sometimes.” Jess falls silent after that comment, and the playful air dissipates, replaced instead with a slightly more serious tone as Jess looks at you cautiously. “Just be careful, okay? I don’t want you getting hurt.”
Your eyes soften as you look at your friend. “He won’t hurt me Jess. And if he breaks my heart then I know you’ll have my back.”
Jess just nods, dropping her gaze down to the counter to avoid your own. You send her a curious look, caught off guard by her lack of witty comeback. However, you don’t have a chance to question her about it as the bell above the diner door jingles with the entrance of a new customer.
 The rest of your shift passes rather quickly. Just after you and Jess had finished talking a small rush had come through and kept your mind occupied until the end of your shift. Once the clock struck six o’clock you had grabbed your bag and rushed to the restrooms in the back of the diner to change into what you now think is an outfit not fit for a five star restaurant . However, you don’t have time to dwell on that as you quickly finish changing before touching up your hair and makeup as best as possible before exiting the bathroom. 
A low whistle greets you as you emerge and you see Boba leaning against the end of the long diner counter, dressed in one of his typical suits, hands tucked lazily into his pants pockets. You can’t help the way your cheeks heat up at the attention, and walk over to where he’s standing, a smile tugging at your lips. 
“You look amazing, princess,” Boba compliments, “Are you ready to go?”
Your smile widens and you nod, “Yeah, but I can’t help but feel I’m a little underdressed..” you trail off as you tug at the hem of your simple sundress, “I didn’t realize how nice the restaurant was until Jess was telling me about it.”
Boba just shakes his head, “Nonsense,” he dismisses, resting a hand on your low back as he guides you towards the front door, “You look beautiful as always,” he reassures you.
“Okay,” you acquices, “You look good too,” you reach up to run your fingers along the edge of his suit jacket, “This green suits you.” 
Boba chuckles as you both exit the diner and a sleek black car pulls up to the curb. His hand leaves you as he steps forward to open the door for you and you mutter a quiet thank you before sliding in and scooting across the seat to the other side so Boba could get in next to you. He shuts the door behind him, greeting the driver before settling back into his seat as the car pulls away from the curb. 
The destination isn’t far from the diner, so the car ride is short, lasting no longer than ten minutes. Before long, the small talk you had been sharing with Boba about each other's days and such is cut short as the car pulls up in front of the towering Empire Hotel. The door to the car is opened quickly by an employee and Boba exits the vehicle gracefully, turning around to take your hand and help you out. 
You smile up at him and quickly loop your arm though his own when he offers it to you. “I’m excited to see the inside,” you admit excitedly as Boba leads you towards the front doors, “I’ve never actually been inside before.”
Boba chuckles as two other employees hold the doors open for you,“Well then, you’ll have to give me your review once you’ve seen it.” 
Stunned isn’t even the right word to describe what you feel as you enter the hotel. It’s absolutely grand, elegant and modern all at the same time. While you’re awestruck by the luxury, you can’t say it surprises you, because it just screams Boba. From the white marble floors, to the golden accents, to the black and forest green detailing…it’s both exactly what you imagined and surprising all at once.
“Wow…”, is all you can manage to mutter as you are led slowly through the lobby and towards the restaurant, “This is beautiful. I can definitely tell you played a hand in the design.”
“Is that so?” Boba rumbles, eyes twinkling with curiosity as he looks down at you, “She actually did have a face lift a few years back - my doing, like you suspected. What gave it away?”
You shrug, “I don’t know,” you say honestly, “It just screams…Boba, for whatever reason. Mysterious and elegant all at once.”
His lips twitch with the beginnings of a smirk. “Mysterious?”
You suppress a giggle, “Well…yeah. You were always the mystery patron to me until I finally got you talking. Always sitting in the corner of the diner brooding or reading your newspaper. Always ordering the same thing. That’s like, textbook, ‘tall, dark, and handsome’ mystery character right there.”
Boba can’t help the laugh that bubbles from his chest at your words, and you can’t help the smile that tugs at your lips because of the sound. He has a wonderful laugh. 
“I don’t brood,” he defends, “I just have a lot on my mind with…” he waves his hand around, gesturing at what you assume to be the hotel, “business, and all.”
You nod, and open your mouth to respond but are interrupted, as you both have reached the hostess stand for the restaurant and are immedately greeted by a flustered looking male host. 
“M-Mr. Fett! Always a pleasure to see you,” he begins, before glancing over his shoulder, “I wasn’t aware you would be dining with us tonight.”
You look over at Boba and are confused to see his earlier playful demeanor gone, replaced instead with his typical scowl, eyes hard as he looks at the host. “I wasn’t aware I had to call ahead.”
“No, no. O-of course not sir,” the host scrambles looking down at the table chart on the stand before looking back up at the man next to you, “I just - your usual table is occupied.”
Boba shifts on his feet, standing just a bit taller and fixing his piercing gaze on the fumbling host. “I’m sure a solution can be found.” he says simply, voice hard.
You feel your skin prickle at the tone in his voice, and you feel embarrassment creeping up your neck, sympathy for the poor host swimming in your chest. You step in before you can think otherwise. “We can just take another table -”
The host's eyes widen and he shakes his head, “No, absolutely not,” his lips pull back in a wide, albeit nervous, smile as he looks from you to your boss, “Only the best for Mr. Fett. Just give me one moment and I will have you seated.”
The restaurant is a large space, but it’s completely open. It’s one large room, with a deep green carpet and tables draped in pristine white cloth. You can see every table from where you're standing, and thus are able to watch the next few moments unfold. 
No words are exchanged between you and Boba as you watch the host leave the stand and rush through the restaurant towards a table in the back of the room. He approaches a couple, looking to be having a wonderful time enjoying their meals and says something to them. You obviously can’t hear them, but you watch as the man at the table seems to argue with the host while the woman looks on in confusion. After a few more, what appear to be tense moments, you see the couple start to stand and gather their things. Just seconds later the host is back, two menus in his hand and that same nervous smile on his face. 
“I can escort you both to your table,” he gestures behind him as he begins to walk, Boba leading you both after him, “Right this way.”
You pass the couple that are leaving, not missing the sour looks they send you as you do, and the familiar heat of embarrassment stings your cheeks, guilt gnawing at your stomach. 
“Here we are,” the host says politely, placing the menus on the now cleared and reset table. “Your server will be with you shortly,” he then turns and leaves as quickly as he came. 
As soon as he’s gone, Boba pulls your chair out for you, giving you a terse smile. You thank him quietly, as he helps you scoot closer to the table before taking his own seat across from you. He hasn’t even fully sat down before the words are spilling from your lips.
“Why did he make them leave?” you whisper, not wanting the other patrons to overhear, “We could have sat at any other table in the restaurant.”
Boba shakes his head and lets out a confused sigh, “I don’t know,” he admits, shaking his head, “Yes, this is my usual table but I would have sat anywhere else. I’m sorry about that, princess,” he says softly, reaching over to take your hand in his, thumb running over your knuckles gently. 
You sigh, “It’s…not your fault I guess,” you acquiesce.
Boba just hums, and leans back in his seat, letting go of your hand in favor of picking up the wine menu, “Do you prefer red or white?”
You pick up the menu slowly, eyes glancing over the words without quite reading them. And as you pretend to peruse the wine selection to give him an answer, you can’t help the discomfort that roils in your gut at the man sitting across from you.
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Permanent Taglist: @ajeff855 @myownworstenemyyy @hiscyarika @hail-doodles  @bestintheparsec @forever-rogue @leaiorganas @wille-zarr @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @princessxkenobi @phoenixhalliwell @theocatkov @swimmingsloths @getinthepoolkeanu @engie115 @somnibats @rosiefridayrogersunday @recklessworry @gooddaykate @niki-xie @amneris21 1 @practicalghost @ashotofspotchka​ @darkrisedivine​ @thefact0rygirl​ @fivesarctrooper​ @galacticgraffiti​ @milf-obi-wan-kenobi​ @twistedstitcher27​ @moonstrider9904​ @thesithformerlyknownaskenobi​ @baba-fett​
Boba Fett: @words-way-of-life @maybege @itssmashedavo @linguistic-lovers @gallowsjoker @princessbatears @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @injuredpenguin @ourmotherofyearning @beesting77 @mrpascals @stardust-galaxies @welcometothepedroverse @ahopelessromanticwritersworld
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
I need a very loving Laszlo smut, either top or switch with him, take it any direction you want, any build up, any kinks. But I just... my soul needs this V I need to see this man happy and satisfied
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Coming Back Home [Dr Laszlo Kreizler x Wife!Reader]
Word count: 3k
Warnings: SMUT (fingering, mild victorian dirty talk)
Author’s note: I am weak to see this man happy, my mind went a bit overboard, but I just couldn't hold it back, to see him happy and fulfilled in all his means, professional and private. Thank you so much for feeding my obsession and being my supporter @cazzyimagines <3
The cold air hit him as a welcome back in the moment he exited the carriage, he was back in New York after six months of study and hard work in Wien, he hated and loved it: he learned a lot and got the chance to talk with some of the best alienists in the field granting himself some valuable resources and upcoming publications, the city was amazing and romantic. But all day, every day, he was with his mind on the life he left here, on you and your baby boy waiting at home patiently, easing his pains with letters and little colourful sketches, reassuring him that he would come back to the same house he left.
It was late, he could see the light in baby’s room was off already and it pained him to be late for the goodnight story.
The driver dropped his belongings beside the door with a huff before taking his money with a big thank you.
Laszlo nodded, a sense of tension taking over him, what if something indeed changed? What if you hate him for leaving for his own interest? Will his son remember him? 
The silliest questions took over him and he just rang the bell before the spiral would take over and make him sleep in the garden out of his imaginary shame.
Stevie opened the door and his face lighted up instantly, Laszlo’s hand moved close to his own face with a finger up to signal him to keep quiet. The young lad nodded opening the door more, but a loud whine came out of his lips when he saw the heavy trucks beside Laszlo. 
“Stevie? Who is it?”
Your voice vibrated through the walls enveloping Laszlo like a distant memory and a fresh breath of air at the same time.
Stevie mumbled something “Nobody Madam, only some funny head playing with bells at night” he said as Laszlo nodded at him.
He left the coat at Stevie with his gloves and hat making his way to the bedroom upstairs trying to be as quiet as possible, your vanity the first thing that appeared to his sight, he shifted lightly so he could spot your figure reflected in the mirror without being seen.
You were already in your white night dress, hair down wrapped in a braid that rested on your shoulder, his own dark blue night gown draped over you making you appear even smaller, a book resting in your hand, the other hand toying with the fabric of his gown. A soft sigh left your lips and a little smile, you are liking the book. You turn the page with your features lighting up by interest, he felt almost guilty to interrupt you.
“Guten Abend, my love”
Your head shot up, eyes wide in surprise, a smile growing on your lips as he walked inside the room revealing his presence. A sense of nervousness still on him.
“Laszlo” you called rushing to him, discarding the book and throwing the covers onside,  closing the distance between the two of you by jumping out the bed like an excited child. Your hands wrapped quickly around his neck, you pulled him in, lips clashing against one another. He smiled in the kiss, eyes a bit teary as the happiness you were able to blossom into his chest since the first time he met you was still there. He cupped your cheek with his left hand, the kiss being long and followed by little short ones, and then again a long one.
“You should have told me” You whispered and he smiled at you noticing how you also got a bit of tears streaming down your cheeks, but all due to happiness. You picked his right hand kissing it lovingly, oh that ritual of yours, that mindless action you always did to kiss the part of him he despised the most.
“Welcome home, my love”
He smiled widely, so wide he felt his cheeks and jaw hurt, while he leaned his forehead against yours and you closed your eyes enjoying it. Your little telepathy thing, like he could pour his thoughts to you and vice versa.
In the meanwhile Stevie kept himself far from the two of you not wanting to interrupt or witness anything he shouldn’t. Laszlo pulled back from that position as he stared down at you, your eyes met again as you gulped down a little, his eyes travelling onto your neck as none of you seemed able to pick what words to let out first, too many informations gathered in six months that letters couldn’t covert.
His eyes raising up to yours, you moved first guiding his right hand still safe in your grasp inside that warm robe hiding your body, his fingers meeting with the obscenely thin fabric of your night dress, the shape of your breast clear under his touch, his thumb brushing over your nipple earning an immediate reaction from you. 
His breath itched, his tongue wetting his lips as you kept supporting his weak arm while his hand discovered once more what hidden treasure was the body of his wife.
His left hand undoing the silky bow around your neck that kept that useless piece of clothing closed, your breasts being exposed as he leaned his head down lacing his lips with you nipple and giving it a tempting suck, his tongue roaming over it as a sense of home and comfort surged into his stomach, then he spoke and his hot breath against your wet nipple made you shiver.
“Have you done the exercises that I gave you?”
His eyes shoot up at you, a mix between the need to scold you and desire in them.
“I could do it only with your letters” you added.
“Not touching yourself enough must have been painful, exasperating, you could have brought yourself to hysteria”
“I know, but I was waiting for this moment”
He smirked, the idea to be a vital part of your sexual expression turning him on immensely.
“Which letter was your favourite?”
“The one where you described your fingers inside me, I could imagine it so clearly while I was doing it to myself”
He almost let out a groan only by the sound of your words, the need to go knuckles deep inside you now almost impossible to hold back as the image of your distressed figure rolling onto the sheets trying to emulate that pleasure he only can give you clouded his mind.
His left hand almost angrily undoing the fabric belt the nightgown around your waist before moving behind your back to pull it off your shoulders, you gently let go of his right hand helping him in the task, your hands now tugging his jacket, his waistcoat, beginning already with his shirt buttons, you were so in need, but he was the same. He tugged his shirt off probably ripping off some buttons, the urgency you both felt filling the air.
His eyes trying to take in all your figure as you finally let go of that white dress.
“Oh, meine Frau, no statue or artwork or inspiration I have seen in this travel equals your beauty” he groaned as he felt like he almost forgot how he worshipped your body, how your only presence triggered obscene desires through him.
There was almost a moment of suspense before he leaned his warm body against yours, skin on skin again.
His erection already brushing over your lower stomach as you guided him onto the bed with you laying down for him. “Laszlo” you were about to beg him not to make you wait, not to tease you but his left hand fingers were already between you legs and a yelp of pleasure left you lips immediately.
“Soaked wet without me even touching you”
He was so pleased, you didn’t need to look at his face to know, but you whimpered when his long finger pushed inside you, he knew it, he knew exactly how to touch you, how to manipulate all of you. His lips laced to your neck, he sucked on it, bit it, hickeys soon will follow the passage of him. He is back.
To see your own neck pale and empty from his marks pained you everyday, but now he is at home and there won’t be a single centimetre of you spared. Another moan followed as his mouth found your nipples again, your legs trembling as a second finger joined the first one making you gasp for air. The ultimate pleasure approaching in you too quickly, abnormally quickly, but you missed him so much and six months without his care on you was a torment.
His prideful smile gave you the freedom not to restrain your pleasure, your hips jolting up and trembling, more wetness gathering on his fingers before he pulled them out knowing that it would make you feel empty.
He punished you with distance as he sat down on the bed, you crawled over him, legs still feeling like jelly as you forced yourself to straddle him. You didn’t need to rest, you wanted him to bring you to exhaustion and he knew it, he knew you won’t wait anymore. So you aligned him with your folds, his hard cock opening his way into you easily thanks to your recent orgasm, a loud growl leaving Laszlo’s lips.
“My wife, it appears to me that you’re back being a virgin after only six months away from me” 
You blushed because his words made you sensitive and proud in a very peculiar way, you moaned slowly beginning to ride him as he kept muffling how tight you’re pressing his forehead against your chest, his left arm wrapping around you. You voiced your pleasure freely, fingers tangling to the back of his head, now it was your turn to guide his pleasure, to set the rhythm, but the pace was slow and deep, the desire still feverish in you, but the closeness inspiring you tenderness. 
“How horrible to rest in the cold Wien without you, how empty to walk without your presence” he spoke directly to your chest, to your heart “every achievement was not an achievement if I couldn’t share it with you” he confessed, his hot breath against your breasts.
“You’re back now, next time we will come with you”
You smiled as his eyes shone looking up at you “my wife”
He loved to call you that, he always did, the pride in his voice when he asked you  to be his wife the first time came back to your memory. You didn’t need many nicknames, wife and husband, the holy duo, the balance, the symmetry.
“I love you, my husband”
You moaned against him, his fingers digging into your skin, his right hand settling over your hip.
You couldn’t guess how much it lasted, you impaled deliciously yourself over him, he loved to stare at you going on your own on top of him, love it, express fully your feminine power. His left hand teasing your clit sapiently mimicking your movements making it nauseatingly perfect, your mind clouded by pleasure. He cursed, he growled biting onto the side of your breast when filling you up and gaining another moan from you, he held you down as he kept rubbing your clit until he felt your walls clasp deliciously around him, he still didn’t want to move.
He loved to see you helpless, washed over by pleasure, legs jerking aimlessly and fingers pulling onto him and his hair.
You didn’t take time to recover from that second orgasm, his skilled fingers knowing their ways around you, you bowed your head joining your lips again, you still couldn’t believe it.
“I am such a lucky man to have you”
You smiled kissing his forehead “I am lucky with such a husband like you”
You stayed like this, hugging, the time to talk will come, the time to exchange gifts and come back to routine. But not now. After countless minutes you slowly shifted from that position, freeing his hard on from you but slowly moving beside his sitting figure staying on your all fours, the braid that held your hair almost completely loose.
“Come my husband, you only had one orgasm, I know you love even numbers”
The next morning the light from the window hit his eyes, he frowned stirring as he blinked tiredly. Your figure tangled to his in bed, the covers over the both of you. He kissed your forehead out of habit, the marks already forming on your neck made him proud, your regular breathing and gentle perfume mixed with the sweat of sex made his senses alive. You felt him move and woke up pretty easily, probably due to have slept alone for so long. You smiled at each other, no words yet needed, a soft kiss placed on each others lips.
The a soft sound, more like little sounds following one another, little feet rushing down the hallway.
“Mama” being whispered by a very shy boy, his clear brown hair peaking up from the doors.You smirked covering Laszlo completely with the duvets.
“My baby” you said sitting up holding the covers over your body.
“Mami!” He gasped surprised “what happened to your neck?”
“Oh, it is normal my baby, is it so late?”
He nodded and you smiled as he hopped on top of the messy bed, Laszlo smirked from underneath the covers, it seems like somebody took a habit of sneaking into the big bed.
You smiled as your boy resembled so much his father, he crawled to move to your lap and that’s when Laszlo sat up with a loud “Who’s in my bed?” holding his hand up like a claw.
The boy squared but soon threw himself against his father’s chest.
“Apa visszatért!!!” He shouted so loud at you like you didn’t notice Laszlo at all and you chuckled finding the two of them so adorable.
“I am going to get some breakfast done” you said willing to leave them their space. Laszlo nodded at you as you wrapped yourself into your dress and then the thick nightgown. You could hear them talk softly, Laszlo was all about speaking to him in his mother’s language but also in German, so your boy was always mixing the three. “Have you being a good master of the house while I was away?” “Yes Papa, I have been extra good and mommy was happy too, but it is not like when you’re here” Laszlo’s little chuckle won you over even by distance. You had to learn Hungarian through Laszlo, even if you were lucky enough to know German already. But how sweet it was to learn along with your boy.
“Little Andrea woke you up, mrs Kreizler?” The cook, a very nice and good hearted woman asked once you reached the kitchen still wrapped in your night clothes and redoing your braid.
“He did, but his father is back, I couldn’t detain him in any way” You assured as you instructed about the breakfast to make something special. When everything was ready and settled you saw the two of them coming downstairs together, Andrea holding his father’s weak hand into his, still babbling in German to him. The two of them still in their night clothes, you loved to be unruly with them, half of the world outside would be shocked to see a family have breakfast in their night clothes, but who cares. You sat all together as Laszlo begun narrating about his travel, Andrea almost forgetting to eat as he sat down staring at his dad with shiny eyes like he could disappear any time.
“Andrea, at least the juice” you said and he nodded vehemently in particular after you whispered something to his ear.
“Do you have secrets with me?” Laszlo inquired with a smirk, his messy hair a blessing in such bright day.
“Always had” you said with a smirk and he chuckled softly before standing up and leaving for a moment coming back with some boxes.
He handed his boy one and two to you, while Andrea was busy unwrapping the gift Laszlo moved behind your sitting figure “open the small one first”
You obeyed quietly as the box was clearly hinting it was jewellery, inside you found some white gold and blue sapphires earrings.
“Laszlo, you ..” He shushed you softly “come on, wear them for me, jewellery over night dress, a new fashion from Europe” He joked softly but you obliged his wishes putting them on, Andrea making happy cheering sounds as he found the model train of his dreams. The earrings dropped beautifully on you, framing the new Laszlo loved so much “I knew only a Venus like you could sport them” he said making you blush, he always spoke in a way that made you feel like courting never ended.
“What about this?” You asked about the second box and Laszlo smirked just gesturing you to go on. Inside there was a study for a portrait, your portrait, clearly inspired by the picture Laszlo had with himself of you.
“I met this young painter in Wien, a bit struggling with money but extremely talented as you can see, a craftsman that works with gold, I invited him to come here next month and work on your portrait, he fell in love with your figure already, I already know I will have to guard your safety.”
“What is his name?”
“Oh, he is not famous, Gustav Klimt”
“Well, we can make him famous then” you said and Laszlo just smiled more as you kissed his lips to thank him for the beautiful gifts, knowing Laszlo he probably had way more hidden in his trucks “I knew you’d say something this kind of sweet”
“Mama, you look beautiful” Andrea called you staring like he was waiting for you to say something and you smiled nodding “yes, now it is the perfect time”
“For what?” Laszlo asked as you took his hand guiding him to the living room.
“Please, take a sit now” you said slowly guiding him to his armchair, the comfort of the familiar place relaxed him, the fresh flowers in the vase, the books laid on the table.
“Andrea has a surprise for you” you said leaning to sit on the arm of the chair looking up a his confused face, but he was unable to let go of that smile creeping on his lips.
“Come inside darling” you called “we are ready”
You took Laszlo’s right hand guiding it on your lap, the curiosity already eating him alive as little Andrea came holding his little violin, still looking extra cute in that night dress that made him resemble some cute baby penguin. He puffed his chest blushing as you gave him a nod of encouragement, Laszlo’s eyes shining to see his son like this and the chemistry you two have.
“I have learned this piece to welcome you back home” he announced as his shaky voice betrayed a bit his nervousness.
He placed the violin carefully onto his shoulder resting his cheek on it, your hands holding Laszlo’s while tapping with you finger to keep the tempo for Andrea. The melody was simple, but quite impressive for such a young player, Laszlo was unable to look away from his son, from the way he relaxed while playing, for the way you clearly helped him to gain the confidence to do this little performance.
He looked up at you as you two shared that look of complicity.
Life was bright over Kreizler’s household. 
Tagged @cazzyimagines​ @lieutenantn​ @handmaiden-of-mischief​ @thesunflowersutra​ @zemomybeloved​​ @fictionlandslanddreams​ @charistory​ @greeneyedblondie44​ @apparrio​ @hb8301​ @whatawildone​ @rhymerhymerhyme
Let me know if you want to get tagged too <3
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butterflyyeo · 3 years
pairing — han jisung x reader
genre — angst (?)
tw — slightly suggestive (?)
wc — 3035
a/n — yall idk wtf this is im trying my best to get better at writing angsty (???) stuff so im really sorry if this is absolute trash T^T. feedback is appreciated !!
you hadn't seen your brother, chan, for a long time, six months to be exact and of course you missed him dearly. when he called to tell you that he was coming home for a while you nearly cried of joy, however, the happiness faded when he mentioned that he'd be bringing his band mates, that meant changbin... and han jisung.
it wasn't exactly a secret that you didn't get along with jisung, and you never knew why. he always just irked you a bit, and on purpose too. it was constant bickering between the two of you, fortunately, chan and changbin had learnt to tolerate it. speaking of changbin, you actually quite liked him and he was rather fond of you too. chan knew this, in fact, chan saw all the underlying tension between you and the rest of 3racha. he was thankful that he was your brother, but he didn't have to intervene, he was fully aware that you could handle these things on your own. unless of course you asked for help, and in that case, he would go to war for you.
a sturdy knock hit the door a few times and you ran to the door, unlocking it.
"channie!!" you leaped onto him and hugged him tightly. he dropped his bags down to the floor just so he could hug you back. "i've missed you so much!" you said as you hopped down and picked up both of his bags.
he grinned, "i've missed you too, y/n."
your smile dropped almost instantly as you saw jisung leaning against the doorway, a smirk across his face that just made you want to slap him. faking a smile, you greeted changbin, "hey changbin! good to see you." he gave you a sincere nod and smile before picking up his suitcase. "now chan, shall i put these in the guest room?" you asked, chan was already going through the fridge, looking for food.
"mm." he mumbled. you took it as a yes and heaved his bags to the guest room, dumping them beside the bed. as you turned around to help changbin with his luggage, someone blocked your way.
"you didn't say hello to me?" jisung questioned, though, it sounded more like a statement.
huffing, you responded, "why would i?"
"because you love me," he said as he leaned in close. "and you missed me."
"you must be confused." you shrugged and pushed past him. that was too close for comfort. you thought as you walked out and picked up changbin's last bag.
"hey y/n," chan began, "what's for dinner?"
you sighed, "i'm gonna have to go shopping chan, i don't have enough food for all of you." you went to put your shoes on and a jacket too, since it was getting late and more chilly outside. "who wants to chauffeur me to the grocery store?" you joked.
"anything for you, my love." jisung said teasingly as he held his hand out to you.
"uh, i'd rather not." you swatted his hand away. "c'mon changbin, let's go!" you said while dragging changbin up from the sofa. he groaned, but honestly he didn't mind so much. he was just being a big baby.
the car trip was short and quiet, mainly because changbin was tired from all the travelling they had done to get to your house. plus, their schedule has been so full lately, they were lucky to have this time off.
wandering through isles, you began picking up ingredients and placing them intro a trolley.
"you really missed us?" changbin began, "me and chan of course..." he trailed off but a playful smile tugged at his lips.
"of course i am! jisung on the other hand..." you rolled your eyes, pushing the trolley along.
he chucked, "you really still hate each other? after all these years?"
you huffed, a little too obnoxiously, "yes. i do still hate him. and i'm sure he despises me too. i don't even know what it is... it's just... the way he treats me. he acts like he deserves my friendship, which he doesn't. it's something you earn."
"remind me to never piss you off." changbin laughed as he put a bag of chips in the trolley.
once you had everything you needed you put it through the register, changbin insisted he paid, since you were letting the three of them live with you.
shortly after you arrived home, you began cooking. while he wasn't the best, changbin offered to help as best he could. you actually thought it was really sweet. he passed you utensils, condiments and he even set the table.
meanwhile, chan was fast asleep in the guest room and jisung was showering in the provided ensuite. you turned to changbin and high fived him, "we're all done! i should wake up chan. you can start eating if you want." proud of his efforts, changbin sat down and began to eat.
gently pressing the door open to the guest room, you whispered, "chan? dinner is ready." you walked over to him and was about to softly shake him when jisung walked out of the bathroom, only a towel around his waist. his tousled wet hair dripped little drops of water down his chest and it was rather overwhelming to see him so exposed.
contrary to your thoughts, he couldn't care less, he enjoyed watching the way you panicked and blushed heavily. if this is what it takes. he thought.
"oh! um, jisung. i'm so sorry, i was just coming to tell chan that dinner is ready, i should've knocked or-" you blurted out in a quiet voice, weary of chan waking up.
jisung let out a low chuckle, "it's fine, y/n. i'll wake him up once i've dressed."
"thanks," you said as you went to leave, "wait... no snarky comment?" you puzzled.
he said nothing, just winked at you as you closed the door.
you joined changbin at the dinner table, sitting across from him. "how's the food?" you asked as you took a bite for yourself.
"y/n it's amazing! you're seriously a great cook. man, i wish i was this good." he said as he took a small bite of the spaghetti you had prepared.
at that moment, chan dawdled out the door and jisung closely behind. they joined you at the table and also began eating.
"don't worry about it binnie, i can teach you to cook, years of living on my own without chan seems to have payed off a bit." you joked.
"binnie?" jisung questioned the nickname you had given to changbin, whilst changbin sat there furiously blushing. he tried to hide it by lowering his head but that honestly seemed it give it away more.
"sounds cute." you shrugged, not thinking much of it.
chan cleared his throat, "okay so here's the plan for tomorrow," he began, taking another bite of spaghetti, "changbin and i have to go talk to JYP about an upcoming show we are doing, so we could be gone all day with that. there's lots to plan."
"wait a second, why am i not going? i'm apart of 3racha too." jisung stated.
changbin replied, "did you get the email from him?"
jisung shook his head, "well, no but-"
"then you're not coming." changbin grinned cheekily, knowing this upset jisung.
when everyone had finished with their meal, changbin stood up and collected all the dirty dishes, only to begin washing them in the sink. you quickly tried to stop him, "oh, changbin! don't worry i can do that." you said as you tried to take over, but he refused.
"no. you won't. dinner was great! you've done enough for today, if we are gonna be living here for the next few weeks then i might as well be of some use." he smiled at you before nodding to the tv, signalling for you to relax.
tired as ever, chan come over and kissed your head goodnight before going back to sleep. by now it was nearly 10pm, you had a late dinner but that was because they arrived later than expected.
you sat down on the sofa and began browsing movies. you decided to watch your favourite, even though you've seen it a million times. once he was finished with the dishes, changbin joined you on the sofa to watch the movie, you quickly filled him in on all the little details of the plot.
jisung was still sitting at the dinner table, scrolling through his phone, he was contemplating coming to join the two of you in watching the movie, but decided against it when he saw changbin put his arm around you. rolling his eyes and scoffing a little too loud, jisung stood up and went to the guest room he was sharing with chan. he tried his best not to slam the door but somehow that didn't happen.
"huh, wonder what's up with him?" changbin asked, looking at the door wide eyed. "i'll go check, sorry, i'll be back in a sec." he followed jisung into the guest room, you heard changbin quietly ask if he was okay.
what started as a whispered discussion soon became a hushed argument, you were worried that soon they would start yelling at each other. luckily chan was a deep sleeper, he also slept with earphones in, so you were pretty sure he wouldn't hear any of it.
the minutes passed and their quarreling continued, you debated going in there to try and make some peace but you decided against it, this seemed to be something personal between the two of them. instead, you switched off the tv and the lights, and went got ready for bed. as you were about to close your eyes you heard the jingle of keys and the sound of the door opening and closing. whoever it was, you knew they could take care of themselves, they were both adults and probably just needed some space.
when you woke up, it was around 7am. you quickly threw a hoodie on over your shirt, feeling a bit cold and walked into the living space to see changbin, sleeping softly on the sofa. it only just occurred to you that there wasn't enough beds for all of you in your current living situation.
you gently peeked into chan's room to see him sprawled out, sleeping a deep sleep. you smiled to yourself, knowing that he got all the sleep he deserved. the empty bed in the room didn't go unnoticed however.
it was jisung who left last night. and he didn't seem to be back yet.
slightly worried, you decided to cook up some bacon and eggs for when the boys woke up.
"morning y/n." you turned around to see changbin leaning against the kitchen counter.
you smiled, "morning! sorry if i woke you up, i'm just making some breakfast, you've probably got time to shower if you want to before you eat."
"serious? man, what did we do to deserve you?" changbin said looking at you sincerely.
you laughed lightly, "nothing, now go! and please wake chan up when you get out."
he just chuckled as he walked away and closed the guest room door behind him. you wondered if you should make enough breakfast for jisung, would he be back soon? if he wasn't, he could just re-heat it, you thought.
the last few pieces of bacon finished cooking so you begin buttering the toast, you made a lot knowing that chan has a big appetite and there was a good chance they wouldn't have time to eat today. your train of thought was interrupted once again by changbin.
"anything i can do to help?" he asked, he was dressed quite smartly, but you understood as he was going to console with JYP himself.
"nope! i'm just about done, plus, you wouldn't want to dirty your clothes," you said as you began serving breakfast.
"ah okay, i woke chan up, he wanted to have a shower so he shouldn't be too much longer." he said, "can i?" he asked, pointing to one of the cups of steaming hot coffee you set on the counter.
"of course!" you said. a question burned in the back of your mind and you wondered if you should ask or not. "uh, changbin..." you began.
changbin knew exactly what you were about to say, "he's okay, y/n. he just wanted some space." his eyes stared at the wall blankly. there was more to this than needing space.
"so.. why was he upset then? you guys had a pretty heated argument.."
changbin's eyes met yours, "i'm sorry you had to hear that." he took a sip of coffee, "we just had a bit of a disagreement, it happens all the time... you see, the thing is-"
"good morning to my favourite people!" chan said as he waltzed out of the guest room, also looking rather sharp.
you and changbin smiled at his enthusiasm, "morning!" the two of you chimed back.
"breakfast made? hot coffee? you seriously are the best sister in the world! it's like we're staying at a five star hotel." chan said picking up a mug of coffee.
you laughed, "i'm your only sister."
he shrugged, "still the best," he took a sip and hummed, looking around the room, "hey, where's jisung?"
"i don't know. i heard him leave last night." you said, placing two plates of food at the dinner table.
chan sent a red hot glare at changbin, knowing exactly why jisung would've stormed out. changbin looked away sheepishly.
"okay, well, breakfast is ready! eat up, you guys have a busy day." you said sitting down in front of a plate.
chan and changbin began discussing things for later with JYP, while you just sat their mindlessly eating your breakfast. you still couldn't help but wonder where jisung had went, and why he wasn't back yet.
you had completely zoned out and was just picking at the scraps of your plate when chan spoke, "well that was seriously great y/n! what a good way to start the day."
you smiled at your brother, "ah, it's the least i can do, maybe you could ask JYP if you can dedicate a song to me in return."
the three of you laughed and you began to clear up the plates while the boys finished getting ready. shortly after, they said their goodbyes and closed the front door behind them. although the door muffled his voice, you heard chan say to changbin, "you seriously fought over that again?"
you sighed to yourself, what were you going to do all day? you decided to finish cleaning up and have a shower.
you let the water run until it was warm before stepping in, you had to remember to be mindful because you often got carried away and distracted in the shower and lost track of time.
which is, exactly what happened, before you knew it you had been half an hour. shit, you thought. as you wrapped a towel around your body, you remembered jisung and how you saw a little too much of him after he showered. you blushed furiously just remembering it. that's when you realised that your feelings for changbin were just a deflection of the feelings you have for jisung. you're ridiculous, you thought. he hates you, despises you, enjoys making fun of you. you quickly ruled out the possibility of him ever returning the feeling and finished dressing.
you spent the day multitasking some of your studies while watching movie after movie, trying to be somewhat productive. your stomach suddenly growled and you checked the time, "must be time for lun-" you said aloud, "oh, it's 5pm." you laughed at your silly sense of time and how you had got carried away all day. but you soon frowned, 5pm and jisung still wasn't back?
since the boys weren't home you made yourself a light meal and sat at the dinner table alone, listening to some background music. it was actually quite relaxing. the evening golden sun shone through the window as you finished eating. you quickly began washing up your plate, when you heard the door creak open.
"oh, chan you're home! i just finished eating, but i can make something for you and changbin just give me a min-" but when you turned around to greet them, it wasn't chan or changbin. it was jisung. "jisung."
"are you gonna admit that you missed me this time? or do i have to leave for longer?" he smirked but you just sighed in relief. you hated to confess that you worried you wouldn't hear his stupid comments for a long while.
you spoke quietly, "of course i missed you. i was worried sick."
"oh? worried now?" he toyed.
"yes, worried! i heard you arguing with changbin and then you left!" you exclaimed.
his face turned away at the mention of changbin's name, "well sometimes changbin and i argue, it's normal."
you scoffed, "that's what he said."
"he told you?" jisung asked.
"no, he didn't tell me what you fought about, but it would seem that it isn't the first time because i heard chan scolding him after they left this morning." you admitted.
"they're not back?"
you shook your head, "nope," jisung looked away, "look, i just had dinner but is there anything you want?"
"yeah." he began.
"what would you like?" you asked.
"you." jisung said bluntly, catching you off guard. "and changbin wants you too."
it all made sense now. "oh, i, i see.." you said, quite taken aback. "jisung, it could ruin everything, we'd be playing with fire."
"i don't care, y/n." he said taking a few steps closer.
"but, chan is my brother." you said.
"he's my best friend." jisung countered, coming closer again.
"what about changbin?" you asked.
"he's also my best friend." at this point, jisung was standing face to face with you.
"hang on a second," you took a step back, hitting the counter, "i don't owe you anything." you whispered, pressing a finger to his lips.
he smirked, "but i owe you everything."
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earlgreydream · 3 years
| bucky x reader | fluff |
requested by @fitzfiles​ enemies to lovers 
this is technically a highschool au, but only slightly. we love bucky being a loveable ass out here
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Your eyes narrowed and you glared at Bucky. You couldn’t stand him. Bucky was popular, flirtatious, and an asshole. He was always flirting with you at school, and you always felt like he was trying to make a joke of you in front of everyone. On top of that, it made other girls envy you, tainting friendships with jealousy.
It seemed like you were the only one who didn’t want Bucky Barnes. 
“You’re such an ass!” You snapped at Bucky, who only laughed in response. You hated when he tilted his head to the side, the stupid smirk you loathed pulling at his lips. 
“Don’t be like that, doll.”
“I’ll do whatever I want! Leave me alone, I’m not going to fall at your feet like everyone else!” You stood up from the library where he had been absolutely intent on distracting you from finishing your homework, the reason for the fight in the first place.
You were the only one who didn’t give him every ounce of attention he desired, and he was determined to get it. 
You sat on your bed, a folder of history homework open in front of you. You studied with music softly in the background, needing a break from trying to study with Bucky bothering you every five seconds. 
“Y/N,” your mom called your name as she walked in the door. 
You looked up, setting down the document on World War II. Your father was behind her, and you grew uneasy, wondering what they possibly felt they needed to both talk to you about.
“We’re worried about you, dear.”
“Worried? Why?” you laughed, surprised by their explanation.
“We’re just concerned that you don’t have the same social life people your age have. You seem to always be up here, studying in your room. We want you to meet some people, and have some fun,” your father explained.
You were confused by the explanation. You spent most of your time at school, and around other students. You did have friends, but you also prioritized your grades. You certainly were not the hermit they were making you out to be.
“You don’t need to worry-”
“But darling, you’ve never dated. One of our friends has the most charming son, and we think he’d be perfect for you. We want to set you up.” Your mother was smiling, and you raised your eyebrows.
“Perfect for me?”
“Yes! He’s so charming, and he’s sweet. He’s also incredibly intelligent, his grades are wonderful. He travels a lot, you know, has that worldly kind of sense. And, he’s beautiful. We were thinking of setting the two of you up, having them over for dinner.”
You couldn’t deny that this sounded too good to be true. The boy they were describing sounded perfect for you, and although you cringed at the idea of your parents setting you up, you were intrigued.
“What is his name?”
“James!” She beamed, and you raised your eyebrows.
“I will go on one blind date with him, if you stop giving me a hard time about my social life.”
“One date. You can meet him at dinner tomorrow, and then the two of you must go on one date. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out. But try for us, honey.”
“I will, I promise,” you smiled at your parents, excited and nervous to meet your supposed dream-man. 
You dressed up for dinner once you were home from school. You’d never even seen this boy, and yet your tummy was filling with excited butterflies. Your name was called from downstairs, and you quickly ran down to meet them. 
You nearly tripped over yourself as you stopped dead in your tracks. You were met with an all-too-familiar silver gaze, and the smirk that made you so, so angry.
Your voice was cold, and all of the butterflies shriveled up and died, the excitement fading from you. You were furious that you’d agreed to go on a date with him in addition to sitting through this dinner.
“You two know each other?” His mother asked, surprised.
“Quite well, actually. We have history together at school, right doll?” Bucky was trying not to laugh, only fueling your irritation. 
“It’s Y/N. And we’ve met, yes.” 
This motherfucker. 
Dinner was long and painful, and you were forced to listen to what a perfect prince everybody thought Bucky was. You were surprised to hear about his academic standing, one that competed with your own. It was clear by his expression that he didn’t want the news to get out that he wasn’t a complete anarchist. 
You cringed as your parents praised you too, unsure of who they were trying to impress. You were quiet, not giving a single damn about being polite to the boy you hated. 
“Why don’t the two of you go upstairs?” your mom suggested, and you sighed, holding back a massive eye roll. Being alone with Bucky was about last on the list of things you wanted to do.
You stood up under the pressure of four gazes, and Bucy followed you up the flight of stairs. He couldn’t contain his amusement for the situation, and you walked into your room and sat down on the edge of your bed, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Did you know it was me?”
“No, I really didn’t. But I’m glad it is.” He almost sounded sincere.
Bucky looked around your room, taking in the soft lavender walls, and the white bedspread that you sat on top of. Everything was soft and sweet, like you. Fairy lights hung above the bed, casting a gentle glow over the room. Bucky thought you looked beautiful.
“Quit staring at me,” you snipped, pulling your knees up to your chest.
He smiled, stepping in from the doorway and sitting beside you on the bed. You were angry at yourself for noticing the way the lights seemed to make him look golden, glinting in the reflection of huge silver eyes.
“How could I not?” He breathed, and your heart stuttered in your chest.
No. No, this is not happening. You will not let yourself be seduced by this cocky asshole. 
“Save it for the date,” you rolled your eyes and he smirked. 
“You’re not looking forward to it?” Bucky asked, and you shook your head with a face.
“No, of course not.”
“Come on, I’ll show you a good time. You’ll probably even realize that you’re in love with me.” His grin was infectious, but you fought off the urge to smile back.
“In love with you? Hardly.”
“I’ll give you one night. You’ll change your mind.” 
“You seem confident,” you snarked, rolling your eyes at his arrogance.
“I always am.”
You watched him as his eyes traveled over the room, seeming to take everything in. Bucky noticed every small detail, including the sketch of daisies that leaned against the wall on top of your desk. 
When he was finally called away, he stood in front of you, leaning over you with one hand on the wrought iron bed frame. A soft smile broke onto his face, and you felt warmth spread through your chest, reaching up to your cheeks.
“Goodnight, doll.”
You scowled at the dress that was laid out in the end of your bed when you got home from school. You’d been dreading the date, especially when Bucky winked at you during history class. He didn’t make a show of embarrassing you in front of his friends. You hadn’t even heard gossip about it, so he must not have told anybody. 
You were a bit surprised, you thought that Bucky would seize the opportunity to be the subject of gossip and attention, dragging you into it with him. 
Your parents were out of town for the weekend, and you’d been set up for a friday date after school with Bucky. The doorbell rang, and you went to answer it, your eyes widening a bit when you saw him in jeans and a button down. 
Fuck, he was handsome. 
“Hi James.” 
“Y/N, you look beautiful,” he said honestly, and you couldn’t stop the warmth from blossoming on your cheeks. He held up a bouquet of daisies, and you bit back a smile, taking your favorite flowers from him. You realized he noticed the drawing, and something about that made you feel fuzzy inside. 
It was too bad you didn’t even like him.
“Let me set these down, thank you.” 
You put them in a vase on the table, and he followed you. 
“You didn’t tell everyone at school.” It was a statement, but you meant it as a question.
“Why would I? I knew you wouldn’t appreciate everyone in your business,” Bucky confessed. Despite the amusement he gained from getting on your nerves, Bucky did like you, and he did respect you. The idea of others participate in the teasing, more than just his bit of playfulness, upset Bucky.
He wanted you to like him. 
You followed Bucky outside to his yellow car, one that was sort of vintage. He didn’t drive to school, and you realized you had never seen his car, but it somehow fit him. You got in the passenger seat, and he handed you the chord to play your own music.
You nervously scrolled through your phone, deciding that the safest bet for music was bon iver, and he broke into a smile, leaning forward to turn up the stereo.
“I love this song,” Bucky grinned, surprising you.
“Where are we going?” you asked, leaning forward and watching the buildings pass by as he drove you to an unknown location. 
“Just trust me.”
He parked and was opening your door for you before you could get out. You stepped out and took his outstretched hand, deciding you had to at least give this as much of an effort as he was. 
His hand was soft and he squeezed you gently as he led you inside the huge aquarium in the city. It was your favorite place to go, and you wondered how Bucky knew that. 
“You mentioned it once, in class,” he spoke as if he read your mind, or at least read the bright smile on your face.
“I can’t believe you remembered... Or that you even listened,” you laughed.
“I always listen.”
You walked through tunnels filled with colorful fish, and they swam around you on all sides, even under your feet. You gasped and pressed your hands to the glass, letting go of Bucky as you watched a sea turtle swim by. Bucky watched your delight, smiling at your excited squeal.
“Look!” you pointed, and he grinned.
“I see, it’s so cool,” he indulged you. 
You moved through the tunnel, into a room of separate tanks, all smaller and holding their own creatures. You struggled to see the clown fish in the top, even standing on your toes.
“What’re you doing, doll?”
“Trying to see the nemo fish, but-” you squeaked as Bucky’s hands went around your waist, and he lifted you up so you could see. You blushed and smiled, looking at the fish swimming around. He gently set you down, and you wrapped your hands around his arm, a little bit shyly.
The two of you spent hours looking at the creatures, and you let him wrap his arms around your waist as you stood and watched the jellyfish. 
“They’re so pretty!” you gasped, and Bucky could see the reflection in your wide eyes, and he couldn’t ignore how his heart raced when he looked at you.
You found yourself feeling the same way.
“This was great, James. I didn’t think you’d manage to win me over, but this is the best date I’ve ever been on,” you confessed shyly as you left, the sky already dark. He beamed at you, his silver eyes lighting up when you smiled at him.
“I’m so glad, but we’re not finished yet, doll.”
“You spoil me,” you giggled, and he pulled you to the car.
“Come on, or we’ll miss it,” he hurried you, laughing as he got behind the wheel. 
He drove to a park and got a blanket from the backseat, producing a basket that you hadn’t noticed before.
“Picnicking in the dark?”
“Hush and come with me,” he insisted, laying out the blanket on the grass and pulling the food out. 
You bit into a piece of fruit, leaning against his side. You gasped as fireworks started to go off overhead, and you looked at Bucky, who just smiled back at you. 
“I thought you’d like them.”
You watched the light and colors explode in the sky, enjoying the dinner he brought. You ended up leaning back against Bucky’s chest, wrapped in his jacket when you complained of being chilly. You couldn’t believe that over the course of a few hours, he had managed to work his way into your heart, and you were now in his arms.
“Do you want to come in and stay?” you asked Bucky as he pulled up in front of your house.
“I’m invited?”
He smiled, grabbing sweats from his trunk, explaining that he always had a change of clothes, on account of being an athlete. You teased him with a giggle, going inside with him and up to your bedroom. 
You changed into a pajama set and laid on your bed with him, the two of you staring up at the tiny, glittering fairy lights above you.
“You look perfect like this,” you whispered.
“Not as perfect as you.”
“What happens Monday? Do you go back to being an ass and I go back to hating you?” your voice was soft, and although you were joking, the fear behind it was real.
“I was hoping I could call you my girlfriend on Monday.”
You leaned over and kissed him, answering the question. When he kissed you back, it was like a million tiny fireworks exploding inside of you, instead of in the sky overhead. 
“You changed my mind in one night.”
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
Do you think the idea of ​​a yandere falling in love with a reader who is extremely lazy who doesn't even care when he is kidnapped by yandere
Fuck, this turned really fucking dark ooops. I wrote it as apathetic reader but... idk it got messed up ig
Tw: female reader, implied death, non - consensual touching, sadism, threats, depression, implied suicidal thoughts, possessive behavior, apathy
Well, this wasn't exactly how you pictured your Saturday evening to go. But taking into account how boring and empty your usual weekend routine was, this felt more like free entertainment than a terrific kidnapping scene.
 “I don’t get it” You exclaimed for the third time since you had woken up in that tiny stuffy room where it seemed like fresh air had never been more than a miracle. “Why am I here again?” You asked the tall dark figure towering over the broken-down bed you were currently laying on with your hands squeezed in harsh red bindings.The windows were tightened with metal locks and you couldn’t help but ask yourself whether they had been opened even once since the end of the Plague. Okay, that was an exaggeration, but the place really felt like a prison with no escape, and the lack of clear light didn’t help much with the gloomy atmosphere. You wondered whether you would actually die down here - not that it mattered anyways. 
“I told you already.“ The stranger growled at you, frustration thick in his deep voice. He took a step towards you and put his palms on the end of the shattered sheet you were covered with. You knew you were practically naked under the worn out fabric, and the worst part wasn’t the vulnerability of your nudity or even the threat of violence in your captor’s eyes - it was the unpleasent feeling of falling threads and cotton rags rubbing on your exposed thighs. “I took you away because you belong to me!“ The man screamed suddenly as he brought his white boney hands to his black hood and quickly pulled it down to reveal a sickly-thin face with defined jawline and cheekbones. The skin looked pale and unhealthy, almost blue in certain places - under his piercing gray eyes and around his thin dark lips. And especially on his neck (although there you could see many colours besides blue). You didn’t care enough to think about what may have caused it.
“You just saw my face.“ Your captor whispered in a way you supposed should have been eery but it only made you roll your eyes. The poor guy was trying hard to fit into the role of a crazy stalker and you were simply too tired to play into his little game. “Now that you can identify me to the cops I will never let you go!“ The man shouted, deranged, then laughed manically for what seemed to be hours. He giggled “villainously“ for quite some time before he broke his resistance and stole a glance at you, hopeful, desperate for a reaction, yearning to hear you beg or at least cry out in fear, just to be met with a pair of bored eyes and a yawn on your sweet full lips. The stranger couldn’t mask his anger and dissapointment anymore, and with a swift movement across the bed he had you pinned underneath him, completely still.
 “Don’t you get it?” The man mumbled under his breath and took his sharp silver knife out of his half - torn and patched pocket. He looked you dead in the eyes and pointed the blade to your neck, so close that you could feel its cold end lightly touching your flesh and taste the blood spilling from the cut. “You aren’t going home ever again.” The stalker lowered his head and ran his wet rough tongue all over your throat, causing icy shivers down your spine and absolutely no change in your calm expression. You were so sleepy you couldn’t wait for this to be over, one way or another. “I could do anything to you right now.” The strange added, searching for an ounce of emotion in your empty gaze, growing impatient by the second. “I could kill you.” He pronounced slowly through gritted teeth. “I could rape you, too.” Your captor purred as he placed a chaste kiss on your neck, then gripped your throat lightly. Still no fucking reaction. “Say something, dammit!” He finally broke down, crying out from the bottom of his heart. You signed, utterly exhausted. “Just get this over with so I can rest.” You replied at last, your voice low and raspy. You weren’t sure exactly what type of meaning you had put behind “rest”. You were just so tired - you couldn’t possibly think properly.
“You are nothing but a broken toy.“ The sadist uttered weakly, his tone filled with disgust and helplessness, the gray in his eyes fading away to pitch black. “You can’t even amuse me properly.” He grumbled in annoyance, totally defeated, and waited a few long seconds before moving his knife to your chest, over your breasts that were heaving rhythmically with each passing breath. He raised it above his head and you couldn’t help but admire the sight of his pale hands, the sparkling silver blade and the soft moonlight breaking through the window. "Goodnight, my love" The man whispered genlty and you closed your eyes, one word on your lips. 
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falcons-wings · 3 years
bucky barnes x female reader
summary: when trying to get away from a guy who wont leave reader alone, bucky helps get rid of him
warnings: piece of shit dude who harasses and doesnt take no for an answer, swearing ,, pretty fluffy especially towards the end
wc: 1.3k+
a/n: decided to do my first bucky work to beef up my masterlist a little and as a small break from the sam series im gonna post soon ,, hope its alright :)
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(gif by @1038276637 )
Bucky still felt uncomfortable in incredibly crowded places, he didn’t know whether this was because of his time in the war or all of the shit that happened to him afterwards; either way loud places just like this bar he had been dragged to by Sam unnerved him - there were just so many noises and different possible dangers, so he was on edge all night.
He wasn’t even sure where Sam had disappeared to, he last saw him with a pretty girl, leaving him sat at the bar alone. He didn’t hold this against him though, he knew he wasn’t always the best person to be around, especially in a place like this, but Dr Raynor kept telling him he ‘needed to reenter society and spend time with friends’. And unfortunately for him Wilson was one of the only people he could maybe consider a friend at the moment and who had been annoying him about coming out to this bar for a while, so here he was, drinking a beer that had no effect on him at the bar on his own and listening to the weird music of the 21st century playing in the background.
He was almost finished with his drink and ready to leave when you sat next to him, you leaned into him as if you knew him and your smile was kind, but he could see a slight panic in your eyes. Something was obviously wrong and you leaned slightly closer to kiss his cheek whilst whispering so quiet he almost missed it.
“Really sorry about this but there’s a creepy guy who won’t leave me alone can you quickly pretend you’re here with me?”
Before Bucky even had a chance to reply to you or react, a large man with a gruff face and the smell of alcohol on his breath appeared at your shoulder with a predatory look in his eyes. Bucky’s eyes didn’t leave the man as soon as he was in sight, so he felt more than saw you move closer to him and away from this man who was eyeing you like a piece of meat.
“Hey sweetheart you left before we finished our conversation, why don’t we finish it somewhere else?”
You opened your mouth as if you were gonna say something, but apparently thought better of it and instead turned to Bucky with pleading eyes. He knew he couldn’t make a scene as that would end badly for multiple people so he was now just trying to control his anger at this piece of shit human being before he beat him up.
Bucky put his hand on your shoulder to pull you a little closer and to try and comfort you a little , “She’s with me, so why don’t you leave?” He made sure his voice was firm and clear, hoping this man would get the idea to leave you alone.
The man looked at him, and his arm around you, and glared, apparently able to tell that Bucky wasn’t one to mess with.
The man looked at you again before huffing out a breath, giving one last glare at Bucky before turning around and stalking back into the crowd.
“Again, I am really sorry about that.” You shuffled away slightly to break the contact you had with him, turning to face him instead, and he couldn’t help but find himself almost missing the close contact.
“Was he bothering you for long?”
“Not really, it was only about 10 minutes but anytime I tried to show or say I wasn’t interested he didn’t seem to get the hint unfortunately.” You gave him a small smile as if to say ‘what can you do?’ But this was completely not fine and Bucky thought that surely it should be a bigger deal than you were making it out to be?
“Have you seen him at this bar before?”
“Um no, this is the first time I’ve actually been to this place, my friends said I should have some fun for once - but obviously that wasn’t what actually happened tonight”
“Oh, well I’m sorry even if it hasn’t got anything to do with me and honestly I don’t come out at all but my friend actually annoyed me into coming tonight before he disappeared on me.” He laughed, glad to see you smile slightly too.
It was clear you were much more comfortable now the creep was gone but you still weren’t at ease, fiddling with your ring on your thumb during the conversation.
“I really am thankful you helped me though, and if you’re not usually here I am glad you were tonight, not sure I want to think about what would have happened if you weren’t.”
“Well you don’t have to think about it.”
You looked up at him to give him a small smile, making proper eye contact with for the first time since you sat down.
“I do have one question though.” He asked, waiting for you to nod before he continued, “Why did you pick me to help you? I mean I’m happy to, it’s just there’s just plenty of other men here who would probably love to scare someone away from you.”
“You looked the most serious and not as drunk as everyone else, so I assumed you would be more reliable and-“
You hesitated slightly as if you were embarrassed before continuing, “And I guess you looked a little lonely and could do with some company.”
Bucky almost choked on his drink, he could admit the wasn’t the most social person but normally when people describe him its things like: mean, tired, cold and stuff like that - normally lonely wasn’t used.
“Oh shit was that rude? I’ll get going now.”
“No don’t worry there’s much worse things you could’ve said.”
“That’s good then, I wouldn’t want to insult my fake boyfriend on our first date.” You laughed, a proper laugh that Bucky couldn’t help but laugh with you, and despite barely knowing you, he would do anything to hear you laugh like that again.
“Are you still planning on heading out?”
“Yeah my bed is calling my name after this long day I think.”
“Do you feel safe walking on your own? Because as you said I’m very sober and it would be irresponsible if I didn’t make sure a lovely lady like you got home safe.”
“Wow a man of honour,” you smirked at him, “but yes if you don’t mind that would actually be great. On one condition though.”
“What condition?”
“You tell me your name, I can’t go around being protected by a man I don’t know the name of.”
Your smile grew a little wider and he absolutely loved seeing it, “Well Bucky, it’s nice to meet you, I’m y/n.”
You held out your hand for him to shake as you both stood up, and despite the warm feeling Bucky got in his chest at being in proximity to you, he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, so stepped away. He held the door of the bar open for you as you left, and kept a small distance away from you the whole way to your apartment block, being a complete gentlemen, just like he was raised.
When the two of you were outside your apartment, he stood to the side whilst you fumbled with your keys, and when you were finally successful in opening the door you turned back to him, a nice smile on your face.
“Thanks again for all the help Bucky, you were a fantastic fake boyfriend and it was lovely to meet you.”
“Again it was no problem, and you weren’t too bad at being a fake girlfriend yourself doll.”
There was a slight blush on your cheeks as you looked at him one last time, “Goodnight Bucky.”
You didn’t wait for his response, instead just walking into your apartment, and Bucky found himself with an uncharacteristic grin on his face as he stood there, whispering “Goodnight y/n.” before walking away, hoping that he would bump into you again some day.
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scorpiobitch95 · 3 years
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Summary: You try convince Walter to love your favorite snack throughout your years together. The best dates are shared over cereal, after all.
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Female Reader
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: sugary sweet fluff, implied smut — nothing graphic, snarkiness, grumpy Walter to fluffy Walter, cursing, cuteness overload.
Author's Note: I let myself get carried away with this one. I needed grumpy but sweet Walter in my life. I hope you enjoy!
Edited by myself, sorry not sorry for the errors.
Taglist: @justaboringadult @greensleeves888 @cavillsharman @beck07990 @summersong69 @myloveforhenrycavill @kebabgirl67
Taglist for this fic: @lumiousmoon
*No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it, or claiming any ideas or parts as your own.
Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed!
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It started when you and Walter were early dating.
“Mmmm, pause. I need a snack.” Uncurling yourself from Walter’s warm body on the couch, you made your way to the kitchen to find something to cure your hunger. You called behind you, “Want anything, Marsh?”
“Whatever you’re having... I’ll have the same.”
“Cereal it is!” You pulled the ceramic bowls from the cabinet and opened the fridge to grab the milk. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Walter’s face scrunch in confusion. “What?”
“Cereal? Absolutely not,” Walter scoffed. “Would you grab me those spicy crisps?”
“Spicy chips, coming right up.” Vernacular was the subject of an ongoing heated debate with the Brit: the great ‘Names for Snacks Debate’ was especially hostile.
Once settled back under the blanket and snuggled into his side once more, you unpaused the movie. The energy in the room shifted, you could sense that you were being watched, but you refused to look up to look at Walter’s face. The judgment coming from the bear of a man who crunched his chips beside you was glaring.
"Stop it," you told him as you kept your eyes on the movie.
Walter didn’t say a word. His eyes traveled back to the TV but kept finding their way back to you.
“Walt, what is it? Is there something on my face?” You giggled at him lightly, unsure of what was bothering him.
“You really chose that for a snack?” His face was bewildered as if you were eating a bowl of Jeep parts.
“What? Don’t tell me you don’t eat cereal as a snack.” He shook his head curtly, wearing a look of disgust. Your eyebrows crinkled together as you followed by asking, “Not even as a quick dinner?”
“Cereal is meant for one time and one place, and that’s sometimes in the mornings for breakfast. That's why they call it breakfast cereal, love. Not dinner cereal, not snack cereal... Do you also eat cereal for lunch?” He was poking fun at you now.
“No, I’m not a heathen, Walter. Here, try a bite, just trust me. It’s amazing as a movie snack.”
His eyes were wide as a grimace was sent in your direction, “You’re crazy — no one does that.”
“Plenty of people do that,” you stated matter-of-factly.
“I’m really not the biggest fan…” Walter sighed and settled further into the couch, preparing for your exasperation that he knew was soon to follow.
“WHAT. Not the biggest fan of cereal? I’m sorry, you were sheltered as a child, weren’t you? There's cereal out there for everyone, Walt. Come on, try it.” You scooped a spoonful of your sugary Cinnamon Toast Crunch and held it to him. He reluctantly obliged your wishes, eating the bite but keeping a look of pain on his face for the entire time he chewed.
"See? Delicious. Ice-cold, crunchy, sweet, perfect." A sugary grin accompanied your playful tone, and Walter shook his head again, exaggerating his distaste for having to chew such an atrocity.
"Mhm. Definitely delicious." Your goofy bear was simmering under the surface of his scouring demeanor, though he stuck his tongue out in mock disgust.
"You're not the biggest fan," you muttered under your breath and rolled your eyes for dramatic effect. "I'll show you."
Standing in the grocery store, you and Walter were having a battle of wits, arguing on the subject of your sweet tooth.
“I’m just trying to show concern for your dental health since you obviously won’t; all that sugar isn’t good for you.” Walter stood stern with his arms crossed, unmoving and solid like a brick wall.
“I appreciate your worry, Dad, but I’m going to keep eating it because I love it. One day, I bet I’ll convince you and you’ll be eating it with me. Plus, my dental health is immaculate, my dentist said so.”
The expression on Walter's face was unwavering as his eyebrows raised in a non-verbal challenge to your declaration.
“I don’t know how you can stand to eat that crap,” he muttered, thinking you couldn’t hear him.
“Oh no, don’t you dare, you grump! I don’t get on you about your snacks, back off mine. ” Despite his unnecessary grouchiness, you placed a hand on his crossed arms and raised up on your toes to give him a soft kiss on his bearded face. “Balance, babe. It’s all about balance.” You dug your way through his arms to find his hands and you drug him a little further down the cereal aisle.
“Come on, grumbly, pick out a cereal you think you might enjoy, for experiment’s sake.”
“Fuck, babe. I’m going to be late, we just got called out on another accident. I am so sorry… I’m not sure when I’ll be home.” Walter had been working a ton lately, and his irritation with just how much he’d been working was starting to show. The two of you had been together for a few months now and had started to grow accustomed to having the other around consistently. You both became out of sorts when you hadn’t seen each other in a while.
“Don’t even worry about it, Walter. Just be careful, please... You should still come over when you’re finished tonight, but no pressure if you’re exhausted.”
“Of course, still need to kiss you goodnight. I can’t sleep if I haven’t.”
Walter Marshall might be a grump, but that grump could make your heart flutter in ways that you’d never felt before. Maybe it was that his sweetness and his charms were completely reserved for you and you alone. His teddy bear nature only appeared when he was near you.  After putting back the ingredients for dinner to save for another night, you went to change into your sweats.
Walter appeared at your front door at 12:30 that night, nearly asleep but still standing strong. You’d dozed off on the couch after his call, but were immediately energized again when you saw his beautiful form standing in your doorway.
“Hello, I’m here to have a very late night date with an incredibly beautiful woman,” Walter said, the gravel in his voice making you shiver. Despite his exhaustion, Walter managed to smile at you with one of the biggest smiles you’d ever seen him manage.
You smirked, waving him inside. “Get in here, Bear.”
Walter reached his arms out to you, inviting you into his embrace. Your arms wrapped around his thick torso and you ran your hands up and down his sweater-clad back; he melted into you and burrowed his face into your neck. Walter released an exhaustive exhale. It was heavy and forceful, as though he’d been holding it back behind a stone barricade for the entirety of his day. Warmth flooded your body as his words vibrated from his chest, “Mmm... I missed you.”
“I missed you, too. Let’s get you fed. Preferences?”
Still snuggled in your neck, he gave his reply, “Nothing heavy, please. I don’t want to fall asleep at the table. That wouldn’t make for a good date.”
“Oh Walter, we can postpone date night, you need to eat something and get to bed. It’s nearly one,” you observed gently as you leaned your head back to get a better look at his face.
“No. I came here to have a date night. I’ve been looking forward to seeing you all day. I need you.” Walter’s warm lips caressed your forehead, placing soft kisses on you. “You think you’re still up for it?”
Nodding at him sweetly, you untangled from his embrace and went to tumble through the fridge, offering out suggestions for food, but he insisted, yet again, that you don’t go to any trouble.
“Okay… you’re going to hate it, but my last option is cereal. Other than that, it’s gonna be random leftovers.” You continued moving containers around in the fridge, taking stock of what you had left from the week before.
“Actually, I think I can handle some cereal.” You whipped your head around incredulously to look and heckle him, but he gruffly interrupted, pointing a finger at you from where he sat at your kitchen table. "Don't. Don't start. It's been a brutal day, and something cold doesn't sound half bad."
You smirked in silence as you turned back and poured your bowls, dancing your hips lightly side to side. Grabbing the candles you had left out for your dinner date, you lit them and placed them gently on the table between the two of you. It was date night, after all.
“Late night cereal date, it is.” Reaching down to caress his chin, you kissed one bearded cheek before sitting beside him. Walter’s lips held a slight curl, softly smiling at your glee.
“Love, snack break?”
The two of you were engaged in an intense game of Scrabble, one of your favorite date-night-in traditions. Nodding your head in Walter’s direction, you continued to study your letters and the board with pure focus until you heard the twinkling sound of cereal hitting ceramic.
Not wanting to draw too much attention, you peeked up from your letter rack to make sure your ears weren’t deceiving you. Walter was not just making a bowl for you, but he was also making one for himself.
No way.
Walter made his way back to the table with the cereal, and you looked up at him in shock as though you hadn’t already noticed what he’d done.
“What is this? What is this I see? Walter Marshall choosing breakfast cereal as a snack? Why, I just cannot believe it.” Mock-surprise overtook your form as you motioned fake mind-blowing explosions from your head. Walter rolled his eyes.
“I figured If I can learn to like you, I can learn to like cereal.”
Walter shrugged, retaking his seat at the table.
You squinted your eyes at him as you declared, “You’re going down for that. And I don’t just mean by losing this game.” A wicked grin crossed your face when you played your double score word:
Walter worked a lot of graveyard shifts while you were dating and during your early years of marriage while you worked a normal 8-5. Sometimes the only moments that you could see each other were when he came home from his shift early in the mornings before you started your day or in the evenings when you got home before he left to start his.
One early morning during your engagement, Walt showed up unannounced after a hard few nights at the PD. He was worn down but happy to see you, smiling through his exhaustion. This was the longest you’d been apart in a while; you hadn't seen each other in 4 days. You kissed him, lips attacking his while his arms snaked around you and pulled you tightly to his body. He hadn’t even come into the house yet.
Pulling him inside, your hands reached up to hold his scruffy face as you placed a more gentle kiss on his lips. “Babe, have you had dinner? Let’s get you something to eat… what would you like?”
He unfastened his holster, dropping it on the table by the door. Sinking into a chair, Walter bent over to untie his boots as he answered, “Honestly, anything is fine, just some kind of food.”
“I can cook you something! Why don’t you let me —“
“Sweet, don’t go to any trouble. I just want to see you before you go to work.”
He looked at the table where you had just sat down to a bowl of cereal for a quick breakfast before he arrived and pointed lazily to it. “That, I’ll take some,” he said, sleep trying to overtake his form.
Slowly grinning at his statement, you mentioned, "Isn't this technically your dinner time?" Walter wasn’t amused as he tilted his head to look at you as you gasped playfully, “You do realize you're about to eat cereal for dinner, right, Marsh?" Too sleepy to give his verbal rebuttal, he glared at you, the corners of his lips turning up slightly, which was your signal to accept your victory and move on.
Smiling softly back at him, you made your way to pour him a big bowl and made him a cup of piping hot tea to accompany it. Watching his face as he ate, you observed the little creases and purple-gray rings that had formed around his deep ocean-blue eyes. His beard was unkempt and had grown past its normal length just in the few days you’d been apart; you could see this was a new level of exhaustion.
“Tough night?” You asked him, moving your chair closer to him.
He nodded. “Very.” The nights were becoming more strenuous recently. Ever since he had switched to the detective unit, work had been holding him hostage and was taking a toll more than he’d like to admit.
His hand reached over to squeeze the free one lying on your lap. “I’m happy to see you, love.” The hard lines on his face softened as he traced lazy circles on the back of your hand with his calloused thumb. You could see in his eyes that he meant it, that you were his safe space. Walter always was in protection mode, always on alert, even though you tried to keep him at ease when he was with you. He was only really ever at ease once he was home and you were safe in his arms.
The food began to rouse him from sleepiness, and as he gained alertness, Walter’s brow furrowed as he took notice of the cereal box sitting on the dining table. “This is the one we’re eating? I expected you to be eating more of one of those tooth-rotting cereals that you love so much.” He looked over at the box of Honey Bunches of Oats with curiosity and then back at you, lifting what you called his ‘detective eyebrow.’
“This is… surprisingly somewhat better for you? Or at least it acts like it is.”
“Oh come on, I’m not that bad. I only let you believe that I am. It is my breakfast time after all,” you winked at him knowingly.
“Good to know my words are finally starting to sink in. I mean, it’s not that much better for you,” he was reading the box now, “but at least it isn’t borderline fluorescent, like those artificial fruity ones you’re always eating.”
“You know, it’s almost like I expect the hate and just enact my deflection shield every time you walk in the door.” You started giggling, unable to keep a straight face as you threw your arms in front of your face as a shield to his words. “Don’t worry, Walt, my guilty pleasure cereal collection is well-stocked. And quit hating on my Fruity Pebbles.”
Slowly over time, these seemingly random cereal dates became a large foundation for quality time. These dates became like snapshots, each one memorable in its own way.
When you two hadn’t seen each other in days, you caught up over a cold bowl of sugary sweetness. You, telling all the details of your days; him, quietly listening and trying his best to leave his nights behind.
From then on, all it took was knowing you could have a cereal date mixed in the chaos of everyday life. Anytime things got hard or heavy, it was time to have a cereal date. Anytime you had a fight: you both would pause and make a bowl of cereal, sitting across the table from each other so that you could speak your feelings. There weren’t many of the world’s problems, or your own, that couldn’t be solved over sugary cereal and cold milk.
You’d dragged Walter to your shared bed as soon as he’d arrived home, having not seen him for more than a few minutes at a time for the past month. This current case of his was intense and ongoing, but he was finally finished. You knew he was defeated in energy, but you were ovulating and your hormones were raging. Your body craved his touch and the feel of his skin gliding upon your own.
The plan was to go to dinner for a romantic evening since it had been a long while since that had been possible, but as soon as he walked through the door, your feral sexuality washed over you and you jumped into his arms. You clung to him with your face in his neck, taking in his scent and the warmth of his strong arms holding you up. He clung to you just as tightly. There was no complaint from the bear, for he was more than happy to spend the evening spoiling his lover.
Cuddling in the afterglow of your countless orgasms, a storm raged outside as tree limbs slapped at your windows incessantly.
“Wow, it sounds awful out there. I know we were going out, but I think that point is moot now.” You glanced up at Walter, kissing his jaw. “Let’s just cook something easy instead.”
“That sounds great, and we can stay naked.” Walt’s eyebrows danced flirtatiously as he grinned down at you, his hands caressing your warm skin. “I’ll go hunt around so I can keep my woman energized for the night ahead. We are nowhere near done.”
He’d only been gone a minute when a crack of thunder shook the house and the lights went dark. You heard his mumbling coming from the kitchen; he had called in to get a status update from the energy company.
Walking back into the bedroom, Walter, in his naked glory, walked over to where you laid, illuminated only by the candle he held in his hand. Wow, your husband was delicious.
"Power’s out for the whole city. It’ll take hours since this storm doesn’t have an end in sight. Looks like a hot dinner is off the table… and no one will deliver in this weather. I guess we know what’s for dinner." Setting the candle on the nightstand, he crawled back into bed.
Feeling seductive, despite being completely spent from your ravenous love-making mere minutes beforehand, you still hadn’t had your fill of your husband. You bit your lip as you ran your eyes up and down his exquisite body and cheekily replied, “Me, I hope.”
He chuckled lowly, the fangs in his pearly-white smile glinting at you in the candlelight. “You? Yes. I plan to feast on you all night long, kitten. But you’re going to need some sustenance first.” He was hovering over you. You couldn’t help yourself as you reached to run your fingers along his hairy chest and wrapped a leg around his hip, pulling him closer to you.
"Make it a cereal date?" You grinned at him.
“You read my mind.”
“Our child is going to come out looking like the Lucky Charms Leprechaun if you don’t change it up some, love.”
Your cravings were intense. You’d heard several different views from your girlfriends and sisters: some craved random things they never even liked before, and some craved more of the things that they already loved and ate religiously before pregnancy. You fell into the latter. Cereal was your most sought-after snack: a big surprise to no one.
There weren’t many cliche late-night ice cream runs, but there were plenty of cereal and milk runs. Walter was a dutiful dad already, not lecturing you too often on what you wanted; he knew you were doing what you had to for the baby, and you ate healthily enough… aside from the copious amounts of junk cereal.
True to numerous other times in your life, date nights were hard to come by, even still. Sometimes the only dates you and Walter would get were in the wee hours of the morning when you’d wake up with a craving.
Walter was extremely doting, and even though he’d always been a caretaker, he really came into his own when you both learned you were to become parents. He’d crawl from the bed without a word, rummaging in the kitchen to bring you a bowl of your favorite and even bringing a small one for himself. You two would snuggle in the bed and talk. Talk about your baby, about future babies, about the future, about your dreams, all of it. You never knew when you met the grumpy bear that he would become this sweet of a man, always tender with you even when he was rough. Maybe it was the cereal sugar that had sweetened him up, at least you’d like to think so.
Your daughter had been in the world for a little over three weeks, and neither you nor Walter had gotten much sleep since her arrival.
Walter finally got her down to sleep while you watched from the nursery doorway. You hadn’t had a meal together or slept at the same time for more than 10 minutes in weeks.
He was standing over her crib, resting his arms on the side as he watched her sleep. He was infatuated with this tiny human who had completely taken hold of his heart.
“Honey, join me for a date?” Your smile was tired, and as your bear’s exhausted eyes met yours, you wondered if you two shouldn’t just go to bed, but you missed him. You’d barely gotten the chance to praise him for how good of a daddy he was to your little girl.
“Mhm, gladly. Our usual?” He quietly followed you to the living room, where the coffee table had already been set up with the works. Craving the feel of his touch on your skin, you both sat on the couch and you laid your legs across his lap while you enjoyed the serenity of each other’s company.
A chill glided across your skin as you awoke from a dream. You rolled over, reaching your arms out to find your sturdy man, searching for his warmth. Instead, you found cold bedsheets.
Unlike Walter to not be in bed with a furry arm draped over you, you pulled on your robe and went to find him, a slight worry filling your mind.
Surely he would have woken me if he’d had to go in?
As you stepped into the hallway, you heard hushed giggles and whispers coming from the kitchen. You stopped to poke your head into your kids’ rooms. Their beds were empty.
At least it’s Saturday.
Quietly pitter-pattering to your kitchen, you peered your head around the corner to find one of the sweetest sights your eyes had ever seen: your two babes, 8 and 5, were playing a princess board game at the table with your Bear. Cereal by their side, giggles ensued as the sugar hit their systems and they tried their best to keep quiet.
Walter’s deep whisper quietly filled the space. “Shh, girls. We can’t wake Mum, she needs her rest.”
“Can I have more Cap’n Crunch, Daddy?” Your youngest had an insatiable sweet tooth, just like her mama. She was quietly bouncing in her chair and smiling a toothy grin at her daddy.
“You’re just like your mum,” Walter beamed at her, obliging her wishes. “Just a little more, love, then we need to brush our teeth and get back to sleep.”
Not wanting the girls to know that you knew about their secret, you decided to make your way back to bed, but not before catching your husband’s eye as he winked at you and a grin radiated from his face.
Warm tingles filled your body as you silently thanked the universe for Walter and the life that the two of you had built together. Walter was the best dad and husband in the world. How had you gotten so lucky?
“Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Golden Grahams, love?” Walter called to you from the kitchen.
The movie was selected, the kids were away for the evening sleeping at friend’s houses, and you and Walter were having a much-deserved night in.
You called back to him, “I’m thinking I’m going to skip the cereal? I’m not really feeling it tonight. I will, however, eat the spicy chips. Oh, and grab that dip out of the fridge, will ya?”
“For the last time, they are crisps.” Annoyance was evident by his tone.
“They’re chips, Walter. You’ve lived in the states for how long now? Just give it up already.”
“No fucking way. Wait… You don’t want cereal? Are you feeling alright?” Walter’s head popped into the doorway that connected the kitchen to the living room, his face stern with confusion and concern.
“Ehh, not right now. Yes, I’m fine, Marsh,” you giggled. “Just feeling like something different for once.”
“Well, that’s shocking. I’m just wondering if you’re really my wife.” Giggles continued to flow out of you as he wandered back to where you were seated. He handed you your snack, and plopped on the couch next to you, cuddling into you as you tossed a blanket over both of your bodies. Walter started the movie and began to chow down on the bowl of cereal he’d made for himself. You couldn’t control the smirk that spread across your lips as you watched him out of the corner of your eye.
“What?” he asked, his mouth full of the golden and cinnamon squares. His eyes met yours, questioning you.
“I would just like to point out that I knew I could convince you.”
His brow furrowed in confusion, not sure what you meant. “Convince me of what?”
“That cereal is the best movie snack.”
“I don’t know if I’d say it’s the best…”
“Walt, I’m sitting here with your previous favorite movie snack in my hands, and you totally skipped over it and went for cereal. I’m just saying, I told you so. It’s okay, I’ve known I was right all along, you don’t have to admit it.”
“Hmm.” He growled, mouth full again as he ignored your statement.
“Give me a bite!” You pressed closer to him, reaching for his spoon as he angled his body and cereal away from you.
“Oh no, nice try. You tease, you don’t get any.”
“Fine, grumpy, I’ll go make my own. Keep watching, I’ll be back.”
Shuffling to the kitchen, you proceeded to grab a bowl and make your own, but you found both cereal boxes empty on the counter. Quickly turning to check your special cereal cabinet for a backup box, you discovered you were completely out.
“WALTER! Are you fucking kidding me? We just bought those!” Standing with your arms crossed in the doorway, you glared at Walt as he stared back at you unfazed.
“I hate to break up your gloating, but you created this monster, love. And don’t forget about our two other little monsters who take after you.” His grin was cocky; he knew he’d bested you. Laser beams could have been shooting from your eyes for all you knew. You shook your head in disbelief at the audacity of your husband.
That bastard. That beautiful bastard.
Walter smiled softly at you and motioned for you to rejoin him on the couch. Much to your dismay, your anger at him diffused immediately. “Love, I’ll go buy more first thing in the morning. Here, come and share mine. I’ll be nice… it is date night, after all.”
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* I do not own Walter Marshall, Nomis, Night Hunter, or anything related to it.
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wormstacheangel · 3 years
Second part to the mixtape headcanon. Dean’s reaction to Cas being at his door in the middle of the night with the mixtape in hand.  
Dedicated to Liv ( @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie ) sorry it took me a while but here it is. Might not be what you expected but hopefully you enjoy it either way.
Cas stopped short in front of Dean’s door. His heart raced as he held the Walkman to his chest, clinging to the words he just heard, but he knew those words were years old. So much has changed in general, but between them, it felt like a still lake.
Since coming back, Dean has acted as if those dying words weren’t even spoken. Sometimes Cas wondered if he imagined the whole thing, but he knew the truth; Dean didn’t feel the same way and didn’t want to make it uncomfortable for them.
It was something Cas has accepted the last few weeks of being in the bunker, being home, but now, with Dean’s secret message, he felt the courage in him bubble up his throat.
Cas quickly knocked three loud, quick bangs with his fist before waiting for a response. He heard a groggy, “What?”
“Dean? May I—Can we talk?”
Cas didn’t hear an answer right away, and for a second, he thought maybe Dean fell back asleep; he knew it was the early morning hours but wasn’t quite sure of the exact time. Still, time never really meant anything to him before, but now, as a human, time has become precious, and he didn’t want to keep wasting it.
He took a deep, shaky breath, raising his fist to knock again, but the door then clicked open. Revealing a disheveled and disoriented Dean.
He leaned against the door frame wearing lemon patterned boxer briefs and a hand up his t-shirt to scratch at his chest, as he yawned before he blinked at Cas a few times, “Dude, it’s 3 am. What can’t wait ‘til morning?”
Cas swallowed his nerves down before looking down at the Walkman to take out the tape. He brought it up to Dean’s face, and with an earnest voice, he said, “You said to come ASAP. So I’m here.”
Dean only looked at the cassette tape; a small gasp of a breath raised his chest, but then his face scrunched up in the familiar fixed glare, so Cas continued knowing Dean won’t talk. Not yet anyway.
He put the cassette back into the Walkman as he talked, rewinding it to keep his nervous hands busy. “I believe I understood what you—what the songs mean, but I am still so new at all this. If I am wrong, I don’t want it hurting us.” Cas took a sneaky look back up at Dean to find him watching the Walkman with the same intensity Cas was.
It only took a few seconds, and then Dean was shuffling in the doorway as the first song, Ramble On, started to play through the headphones. With no other words, Dean opened his bedroom door open just a little more, an invitation to come in, before he walked back over to sit at the edge of his bed.
When Cas walked in, he closed the door behind him but stood awkwardly by it. He broke the silence first as he looked anywhere but at Dean.
“You know what, maybe this can wait until morning.”
“You already woke me up.” Cas looked up to meet Dean’s stare, it wasn’t cold, but it still sent a shiver down Cas’s spine. “So talk.”
Cas opened his mouth, not knowing what words he was even forming, but Dean stood with a hand up to stop him before any words were spoken.
“Actually, first, why are you bringing this up again? I gave you that thing years ago.”
Cas put the Walkman down on Dean’s desk, the music softer but still background music, before looking at Dean with guilty soft eyes, not knowing how to explain himself. “Yes. I just heard—I appreciate the gift, Dean. Thank you but-um.”
Dean seemed taken back by the words, and, by his hardening demeanor, Cas knew they were the wrong ones. Dean was building walls up again.
“You know what, Cas,” Dean scrubbed a hand down his face as he glared past Cas with an uneasy smile settled on his face. “I can’t do this right now. How about we leave the rejections for some other time? Yeah?”
Cas opened his mouth, confused, but Dean nodded.
“Good. Night, Cas.”
Oh. He was already being rejected. It made sense that Dean’s feelings changed after all this time. He must have been waiting for Cas to mention the message, but it’s too late now. He lost Dean’s love.
Cas reached for the Walkman, but now he wasn’t sure if he wanted to listen to those songs, understanding why Dean skips them now. So he fists up his hands, leaving the Walkman where it laid, before giving Dean a stiff nod in return.
“Understood. Goodnight, Dean.”
Dean didn’t say anything in return, his jaw clenching as he looked at anywhere but Cas. “And take your damn gift with you.”
Cas’s chest tightened at the words. He felt familiar pain spread through his body, one he wished had a physical reason than an emotional, psychological one because a fist to his chest would hurt less.
“I don’t want it anymore.” Cas spit out as he opened the bedroom door and walked out into the hallway. “Throw it away for all I care.”
He slams the door closed behind him and stalks to his room, slamming that door behind him as well.
Then as soon as he is in the safety of his own space, he can feel the pain making itself known, like a hot blade slowly cutting into him or something heavy sitting on his chest. Either way, he wanted it to stop. Wishing he never heard that message or that he heard it at the right time.
Cas laid wide awake in bed, curled up around a pillow he was hugging to his chest. He stared at the wall, wishing he had a better imagination to keep him entertained, but all he could see was Dean’s glare. The glare those green eyes dug into him really digging roots and pulling him apart from the inside out with an invisible pull.
He couldn’t go out there and face him now. Maybe, Cas should have just ignored the long-ago message. It was apparent Dean had lost those feelings for Cas; he would have brought up Cas’s dying words weeks ago if Dean felt remotely the same. Now Cas was left with an awkward situation he didn’t want to be a part of.
He needed to leave.
Cas knew that. This is how it always went. Cas needed to go.
Cas stood up to walk over to his desk to grab his wallet and keys before grabbing his coat, ready to sneak off before the sunrise. He’ll be gone before Dean can kick him out again.
He didn’t even get a chance to open his bedroom door before Dean was striding in with a determined glare, “Okay, fuck this, I think we really need to-” Dean stopped to look Cas up and down as his shoulders dropped. “You’re leaving.”
“I think—I think it’ll be best.”
Dean nodded, his bottom lip being sucked into his mouth as he stared back at Cas. “Sure. Just do what you do best. Runaway.” Dean threw whatever he held in his hand across the room and broke it with a loud bang. Cas flinched as he saw what it was, the Walkman. “Fuck if I care!”
Dean was already turning to walk away, but Cas grabbed hold of his arm to stop him. “Why are you so damn mad, Dean?” Cas walked to step in front of him. He moved until he finally locked eyes with the angry hunter. “I’m only doing this for you.”
Dean rolled his eyes and shrugged Cas’s touch away. “Don’t bullshit me, Cas! You’re running away cause you don’t want to face me.” Dean poked Cas’s chest as he continued his angry rant. “Why don’t you start acting like a fucking man and face the damn consequences instead of being a little bitch and running away?”
Cas didn’t stand down as he glared back at Dean. “Enlighten me then. What would those consequences be?”
Cas took Dean’s finger and pulled it away from his chest, but it stayed in his grasp as he took a step forward, never taking his eyes off the familiar angry glare. The angry man he left behind still here after all those years, looking back at him with an ‘I dare you’ stare, but Cas could always read past those words. Dean was hurting.
“Why don’t you stop acting like a…like a little bitch, and just-!” Cas stopped with a loud sigh while he dropped Dean’s hand, along with his stare. Instead, he looked down at their socked feet. Dean was wearing pizza socks while Cas wore matching burger ones. They came in the same pack, and Dean split it up for them. He cracked a small smile thinking of that day before looking back up at Dean with pleading eyes. “Dean. I’m tired of this. Can you please just…Just talk to me?”
“Nothing more to talk about, Cas.” Dean sounded more defeated than angry now. “I got the message. Loud and clear.”
Cas blinked at him a few times. “Well, I’m sorry, but I apparently haven’t gotten the same message.”
“Don’t play dumb.” Cas just stood there staring at him, waiting for him to continue. “Geez, Cas, how many times are you going to fuck with my—I get it, dude, you don’t feel the same! I am doing my damn best here to be fucking normal about this, and then here you come bringing that old relic back as if—Did I fuck up somehow? Am I not giving you enough space?”
“I have enough space, Dean.” Cas tried to understand Dean’s words, process them, but they all felt just as jumbled in his mind as they did, leaving Dean’s mouth. “I—I’m sorry, I just don’t understand.”
“Did I understand the message wrong?” Cas ignored him as he asked, turning his head towards the shattering remains of his gift.
He felt his shoulders fall as a pang of sadness hit him from seeing his first gift broken. Cas walked towards it, hoping he would find the tape safely stored away inside the deck of the Walkman. He crouched to pick up the big chunk of plastic in his hand. It was smashed beyond repair, and the eject button was not working. Great, he’s going to have to break it more.
“ASAP,” Dean mumbled to himself, and Cas hummed in response, twisting the part in his hand.
“Yes. That’s what you said, so I did.”
“I told you to talk to me ASAP years ago, Cas.” Cas didn’t have to look up to know Dean was walking closer to him. “Did you just listen to the message?”
“I did.” Cas’s shoulders slumped in guilt. Dean has been waiting for a response all this time. “Sorry.”
“So when you were—when you tried to return the tape, that wasn’t a, um, a rejection?”
Cas looked up at him before he stood up, the broken Walkman in his hand. “I have loved you then like I love you now, Dean. I would never. Is that what you think happened?”
“Yes!” Dean took a step forward as he ran his hand through his hair, his eyes traveling down to the broken shards. “Shit. So wait, when you said you loved me, before the empty…did you mean,” Dean cleared his throat as he walked closer, nervously scratching his beard when he realized he didn’t have any pockets to hide his hands in. “Did you mean romantically? Like, like human romance?”
“I,” Cas felt his throat dry up as he tried to swallow a lump as he nodded earnestly. “I did. Yes.”
Dean looked at him, looking for something, and before Cas could ask what it was, Dean had his hands on either side of Cas’s face—pulling him in close until they were chest to chest. Then lips to lips.
Cas didn’t even realize he dropped the machine until he realized he had his hands on Dean’s skin. Feeling his body lift off the floor until he was being dropped on the bed, and Cas was watching something he never thought he would have or hear.
“I love you, Cas. I love you so much.”
Happiness isn’t always in the having, but fuck, this was so much better by a long shot.
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gummygowon · 3 years
cute relationship things with ateez!
genre: fluff (a lot)
warnings: none :)
established relationship!
a/n: i meant to post this like two weeks ago but i never finished it so consider this an early valentine’s day gift <3 ;) 
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for some reason, i feel like seonghwa likes to read books
with that being said, on lazy days where you guys didn’t want to get up and do anything
you guys would read books !!!
before you guys would read some were recommendations from each other on your own
and then maybe rant to each other over little details about the book like how the main character went back to their toxic ex or how the ending of a book was so bad
“seonghwa, how did you even read this?!? the stupid ass main character keeps going back to that one jerk! like does she not realize she deserves more than his ugly ass???!!!?”
“y/n, just keep reading.” 
“but hwa-”
turns out the main character got with the other woman yayyyyy!!! fuck shitty men
i don’t know how it happened but you guys started your own little book club with each other
so you guys could finally talk rant together at the same time about the book
so since you guys started to read the same book and if you guys found down time together you would read together
like, imagine it’s a peaceful friday night
seonghwa is back from work and so are you
you guys already showered and ate dinner
you’re just reading and then seonghwa just scoops you up and then puts you in between his legs with your back against his chest
and you’re like “wtf bro?”
and he’s just like, “what? i wanna read too???”
“didn’t you like read ahead tho??”
“yeah, but i wanna read it again.”
that was a fatass lie
he just wanted to be close to you 
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ok so, we all know that this man is hella busy all the time
mans is the leader, song writer, producer, dancer, rapper (which is why he is good at all positions)
but you were patient with him and whenever he goes days without seeing you due to his busy ass schedule he would make it up to you yk what i mean
but on the more chill days when you saw hongjoong or even the days where he was cooped in his studio (you would visit him there because sometimes you just had to see him)
you guys would just lay on the couch, just enjoying each other’s presence and not feel like you have to make up for lost time
you would be on the bottom on your phone or reading a magazine/book
then hongjoong would be at the top with his head on your stomach as he would be writing down lyrics that came to mind
killing two birds with one stone you feel me
sometimes you would show him a funny meme that you found or quote something that you just read to him 
“hongjoong, look at the way he fell!” you would be dying of laughter
and then he wouldn’t notice because he was really roped into making lyrics 
but you also didn’t see him focusing so much because you were of course laughing at the kid that accidentally got bitchslapped off the couch because of their sibling
“joongie look!!!”
“what is it?”
you would then show him what happened and then he would look at with that “you really interrupted me for this??” type of look
“i just lost my train of thought for this song because you wanted to show me this kid falling off of a couch???” 
he would just bring a hand to his face and think what tf? why tf? and then slowly start laughing because of what just happened
“see, wasn’t it funny?”
“a child getting hurt isn’t funny, y/n” he would laugh while scolding you
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yunho powers im sorry for this one
alright so, it’s night time 
you guys are about to go to bed after a long day or work/school whatever
your eyes are fluttering closed because the day got you beat beat
but then yunho just kisses your face
and then you open your eyes slowly again to see yunho look like he just got caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to do
like imagine a kid that just got caught drawing on the walls
that’s what his face would look like
he’s just laying there like “i thought you were asleep...”
“i was just about to...”
yunho feels lowkey guilty now because you’re awake now and he knows you had a long day
he just couldn’t resist kissing you 
you just looked so pretty and peaceful sleeping 
mans was reminded by the universe themself about how lucky he was being able to date you
like, godamn what did he do in his past life to deserve you?
ok, back to this reaction idea thing-
yunho would apologize for waking you up with his cheeks a nice rosy color
you just look at him with tired eyes 
“i’ll forgive you, if you give me more kisses.”
and yunho’s smile just lights up the whole damn room and he’s like oh? say less
so he goes to kissing your face
like all over
your nose
your cheeks
basically anywhere ok?
and you end up laughing because it tickles 
but you just want him to kiss your lips which he does 
... eventually lmao
but when he does your still laughing which causes him to laugh
he tells you “i love you, did you know that?”
and you get all flustered and shit but you still keep that playful energy around 
“i love you too, but you aren’t forgiven just yet”
which leads to more kisses :))))
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ok so you’re now the busy one
yeosang has so much respect for you because holy shit how do you balance that busy ass schedule of yours
your homework loads were no jokes 
then to add to that you have a job which was even more stressful
it was amazing how you can manage all that and still keep a smile on your face
you also had major respect for yeosang as an idol
the industry was not a place to fuck around 
you couldn’t be happier that your boyfriend was lucky enough to have a group who actually cared and supported each other
speaking of ateez, yeosang isn’t the most touchy person in the world
you didn’t mind of course, you’re the same way
however, when he did give you cuddles and kisses you would be a blushing mess
a sort of rare sight that yeosang loved to see
anyways, one night you were busy writing those argumentative essays that you were sure that your fingers would fall off by the time you were finished
you were working on it ever since you got home from school (with the occasional food and bathroom breaks )to the time when yeosang came back from practice
you moved to your shared bed by the time the sweaty boy came home and he was surprised that you were working on one subject for so long
the stupid piece was almost finished by the time yeosang was out of the shower
however, you didn’t even notice
you were too immersed in your writing to notice
yeosang took this as an opportunity to sit behind you and wrap his arms around your waist and watch over your shoulder as you worked
and of course, he would kiss your cheek occasionally
this was super sweet gesture but yeosang but you didn’t the notice that he wrapped his arms around you
“ai yah! what the hell?” you yelled and turned around to see your boyfriend clutching his chest
“oh it’s just you.”
yeosang would give you a deadpanned look and be like, “yeah, who else tf???”
you would apologize and kissing his cheek before returning to back to work 
which yeosang would return to hugging your waist and keep his head on your shoulder
and give you occasional kisses on your cheek or neck
after that night, it became a weekly occurrence
which you loved of course, who wouldn’t love their bf cuddling them while they chased their bag
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i am very excited for this one
ok so, san loves playing with your hair
it’s just so much fun 
running his fingers through it or just attempting to braid it or put it into a tiny ponytail
he loved it
he would probably always play with your while you were watching tv together, sitting together in the car, or even before you guys fall asleep
then one day after san came home early from work 
you guys were chilling on the bed watching the latest k-drama that came out since san made you wait so you guys could watch it together
san was in between your legs with his back leaning against your chest 
and that’s when you decided to run your fingers through his soft, fluffy hair
that’s also when san asked you to braid his hair
“sure, what type of braid though?”
“there’s different kinds????” 
“yes, san. now pick one.” you gave him your phone that was pulled up to different types braids.
“i want the french ones. they sound fancy.”
you roll your eyes and start sectioning his hair into two sections and start braiding his hair and lightly pull on the pink strands because you know san likes his hair pulled
so you doing his hair right 
and you begin rambling about your day/week
talking about whatever interesting happened to you because you know that san likes hearing you talk no matter what it’s about
however, you were knee deep into talking about the latest drama at work that you didn’t even realize that san stopped talking
he didn’t answer and his head would be dipping down so low you were surprised you didn’t fall over
san still wouldn’t respond to you 
but this time he just flipped over so his head would be on your stomach as he wrapped your arms around your stomach
“nevermind love, just sleep.” 
he would respond by burying his head further into your stomach and tightened his hold around you
you kissed his head and ran your fingers through his hair which lulled san to sleep even more
“goodnight sannie.”
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you have been best friends with song mingi ever since you moved into the tiny neighborhood that you call home
it all started when your parents brought you over to your next door neighbor’s house for breakfast on a cold saturday morning 
you were extremely shy when you were little so the only thing you could remember about your first experience with mingi was hiding behind your mother’s leg for the first hour of being there and watching the young boy play with his toy cars and planes before he finally offered a pirate ship to you
ever since that unforgettable saturday, you pretty much spent the rest of your childhood with mingi
you guys were practically joined at the hip 
even when you were getting endlessly teased by your classmates for the first month of school for having an accent whenever you spoke 
which resulted in you running to the bathroom crying
not even a minute later, you heard someone burst through the girls’ bathrrom
you peaked your head out of the stall to see your tall neighbor looking out of breath
“mingi, you aren’t supposed to be here!” you said in between sobs
“it’s okay, i don’t care.” he said as he awkwardly wrapped his arms around you. “are you okay?”
you shook your head no looking at him with tears running down your face
the poor boy was internally freaking out since he has no clue on how to comfort people (especially if they’re a girl)
he was like eight at the time give him a little break
so of course, his first reaction was to make you laugh somehow
and he did this by randomly recreating the “boots and cats, boots and cats” rhythm after seeing siri do it in a youtube video and started to bop his head 
surprised by his sudden movements, you laughed out of pure confusion
as soon as mingi saw the corner of your lips flip upwards he began rapping faster to the point where he was gasping for breath leading him into a coughing fit 
“mingi you can breathe, y’know!” you giggled in between words
after the young boy had caught his breath from hacking away at his lungs, he smiled at you 
until- the teacher had came into the bathroom, scolding mingi for going into the girls’ restroom
even though mingi didn’t care at all that he got in trouble, the only thing he cared about was that you were feeling better
ever since then whenever you were sad or having a bad day mingi would whip out his phone and ask siri to rap while he free-styled over the monotone voice 
he literally still does it
even two years into your relationship-
“siri, can you rap for me?” mingi would ask his phone as he pointed his free arm at you
“boots and cats-”
“mingi, please no.” you laughed in between tears, your mood rising with every beat
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i wholeheartedly believe that wooyoung would kiss you face if you were sad
but the first time this happened, you guys were still fairly new into your relationship
which meant that you weren’t completely ready to be extremely vulnerable around wooyoung 
because in your mind, letting someone see you at your lowest lows of means that you really trust and love someone to let them see you like that
you always wanted to be known as the strong person in the friend group
you were that glue that held everyone together
always listening to others and taking care of others before yourself
which is why wooyoung fell in love with you in the first place
he had never been in a relationship where someone was so caring and thoughtful of others that he was scared that he wouldn’t be enough for you and that you deserved better
of course, he didn’t tell you that right away but he confessed to you about that wayyy later in your relationship which is another story to be told
but one day, life was coming at you so fucking fast
assignments were piling up left and right and deadlines were literally every other day
and then there seemed to be an increase in the amount of angry karens at your work
and your patience was thinning everyday with those people
then to top it all off, all the tests you’ve been studying for, you got mediocre grades, some even worse in other subjects
it just felt like no matter how much work you put into whatever you do, you got half ass results
it was just pushing your mental health further into the ground
you could handle a C every once in awhile but multiple? on back to back tests? no fucking way you just couldn’t
those stupid, dark thoughts would cloud your mind in an instant and on days like this, you would just let them consume you
you were too tired to pick yourself up again and fight back which led to you crying in wooyoung’s arms
usually, you would feel so embarrassed crying over things like this when you know other people have it worse but you couldn’t hold in it anymore 
you ranted about yourself in between your hiccups from crying which would hurt wooyoung’s heart a little bit
because he thought of you as such a strong and kind person- the complete opposite of what you were saying about yourself
so when you were done talking, wooyoung made you look at him and assured you that you were not any of those nasty things that you said about yourself
each insult turned into a thoughtful compliment accompanied by a kiss
“y/n, you are so intelligent-” 
“more than everything i ever wanted”
by the time wooyoung was done, you were a giggling mess
“and this is why i love you.”
he finally kissed you on your lips, smiling into it like the dork he is
it was the first ever time he told you that he loved you
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i am also a firm believer that jongho would sing his s/o to sleep
like with that heavenly voice of his, he better put them to sleep 
so on the first night you ever slept with jongho, you were too nervous to go to bed even though your body was screaming at you to close your eyes 
you kept tossing and turning every few minutes or your eyes would shoot open with your heart racing
at this point, you gave up on trying to sleep and got up (carefully to not wake up your sleeping boyfriend) to get a drink
while you were in the kitchen, clutching your chest in an effort to get yourself to calm down, jongho had stirred awake to an empty bed
a flash of panic surged through his body as he momentarily forgot where he was since he wasn’t at his dorm his room never looked this clean 
yawning, the vocalist would wander into the light with his eyes squinted, “y/n?”
“oh my god!” you jumped, water almost spilling out your glass
jongho covered his ears, “what are you doing up?”
“oh,” you felt your cheeks turn red since you felt bad for waking your boyfriend up. “i can’t sleep.”
“why?” he asked, walking towards the couch.
“i don’t know.” you answered as you followed close behind. 
you curled up next to jongho, clutching his shirt “i’m sorry for waking you up.”
jongho smiled tiredly at you before kissing your head, “don’t be. it’s okay. i don’t have work tomorrow anyways.”
you smiled in response before the two of you guys fell into a silence
“do you want me to sing you to sleep?”
“yes, please.” you murmured into his side as jongho placed his other arm around you, successfully trapping you in between his arms
he began singing softly into your ear as he stroked your hair
his warm voice coaxing your eyes to close 
at last, your mind was at peace with itself
your heart beat slowing down
and by the time the song was finished you were fast asleep in arms
jongho kissed your forehead once more 
“i love you.”
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imalwaystiredzzz · 3 years
C5: Sisyphus happy. Yan Zhongli x Reader
#genshin x reader
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Warning: Yandere behavior, unhealthy relationships
< Sisyphus happy chapters >
Once, from a time long before records and memories were written on ink and paper, Morax walked upon vast lands rich in history, watered by tears of tragedy and love lost. He turns to an old woman who stood before her destroyed village, eyes downcast and hollow on bodies drowned by the war of an unrelenting sea and the mountain that does not bow. 
Morax did not understand, maybe once when he had held a goddess’ body to his own, but to him that was one thing and this is another. This is love of a mortal that does not even know who the child that cried next door nor the man that walked past their door, this is to love a complete stranger and the love that Guizhong once had when she was still by his side.
“What must I do to learn the love of mortals?” He asks, voice devoid of emotion; genuine curiosity and the hope to understand beneath.  
The old woman smiled, warm and full of wisdom as if her short years were thousands compared to the god. “To love mortals, one must sacrifice eternity and learn of the passing time. Of death and partings. The gods have forgotten that they may live long but even you have an end, it is the same thing that pains us yet we find delight in.”
He didn’t understand then, those words ring true and wise as Cloud Retainer’s advice to his ears on leading the people that he had now to care for. Even so, he still finds himself wondering, “What would Guizhong have done?”
In his heart, he knows that she would’ve understood and took a moment to explain; unlike the way time leaves nothing but confusion in its wake, only pondering and no straight answers?
Even as hundreds of years pass, when all that remains of that old woman is nothing but ashes on the soil and the land had been turned to marsh, the people traveling and settling in a mountain, and the war marching on to its bloody conclusion; Morax found that answer to be much like the dumbbell that he may never come to solve. 
But once more, reminiscent of his unexamined love with the goddess had bloomed too late, fate had played him right into its hands. 
Because the answer had come in the form of you- still a child, a bud in the nursery of glaze lilies under the morning sun. You and your small hands that gripped the end of his robes, with teary eyes that looked at the dying people and held these strangers hand in their last breath with as much intensity for a small comfort to let them know they did not die alone.
“Will the war end soon?” Your small voice asked him, even Mountain Shaper had not the stomach to look at a child’s plea for peace and spout lies.
“I am trying to end it, as fast as I can.” 
“Then this is for you.” You reached into your pocket and gave him a dried glazed lily contained in glass, “thank you for trying though we cannot give much back.” You bow, as courtesy knowing that you had just talked to the very god that protected the lands you step on and ran back to the shack that housed the sick and injured, your parents much too busy to notice you had snuck out. 
Blissfully unaware that the god of geo, gripping the gift in between his hands, amber eyes following your form and telling himself that humans have much to learn and yet they surprise him nonetheless, just like as his love used to tell him.
But even answers are confusing, much like a child who asks why is 1+1=2 and the process of it, he didn’t understand till he saw you once more. Not yet a lady but not quite the child that you used to be. Now you are the girl who provides healing, growing up to be a herbalist like your mother and no longer simply holding a basket of them for your father. Carefully, with your mortal hands you comfort the injured beyond salvation as the calamities of gods that hold much power rages on. 
Surrounded by dying men of the war, miasma, curses and death lurking in the air, in his eyes you remained untouched. Unblemished, as if the air in your little bubble had been purified by innocence and unconditional love for the crowd of strangers, neither pitying them for death nor numb to their tragedy. Then for a second he thought he saw her - the glaze lilies and the goddess that he loved so much and he begins to wonder if she’s come back to him through you.
“I should thank you for treating the wounded.” He tells the man before him, the bags of herbs laying behind his form and a sigil in hand, “use this in times of need, when the people are crying and I am away, surely the adeptis are quick to answer and would not turn you away.” 
“My lord, Rex Lapis, there is no need to thank us. Knowing that you protect the people is enough, we are just a family of healers who help the ones in need.” Your father was a grateful man, and he can see where you get your eyes, especially your kind heart who reaches out to those in need, not because he seeks power or his blessings.
“Even so, Liyue will remember your kindness but none more so than I, Rex Lapis.” 
He does not know if you remember him nor what you did, only that when he dons a mortal face to take a walk in the calms before the storm, he finds himself wandering to your garden, mostly on cold nights where you would just sing to the lilies and watch them, with unfading enchantment, bloom. 
In a distant memory of an old lover, he hears the same voice but now there stood you. Now a lady, barely a woman with your innocence and mischief.
And he knows that this is wrong, mortals are fleeting as the dust, that he can never grasp with his two hands. Wherever his heart is on anything, other than Liyue, it only ends in tragedy. And oh, how ironic of it all that if you really were his goddess that had found her way back to him, why this form? Why a mortal who is a flower that will wither compared to a mountain that does not crumble?
“It’s a beautiful song, pardon me for interrupting but may I know where you have learned it?”
“Only if you tell me what the god of earth is doing in a place like this, barely even concealed?” Playful, you smile at him playfully as if you knew all the time that he had spent staring from afar and he was not an immortal that could smite the very life out of those pretty eyes.
“The breeze carried your voice and I wondered where you had learned to entice it to your will.” He couldn’t really put a finger when it began, when your singing had lured him like a siren to the depth of the sea.
“You befriend the wind, unlike the earth, you do not command rather ask of it like a companion,” was your simple answer and he smiles like he has found something long lost. You drown him in your presence, but he is not breathless; rather he sighs filled with curiosity like a child who has more to learn from the world that he had been in for thousands of years. 
You who had rekindled a reason for his actions, much like Guizhong. This love does not ruffle his heart out of his rib cage, the dust settles and it is as calm as you talking about herbs in this small patch of garden late at night and as calm as the things settle falling into place in his beloved city by the gentle waves of the sea.
“What happened to them after?” You ask your husband, the snow falls outside and you are oh so exhausted to the bone as if the cold had taken all your warmth. He smiles and brushes your cheeks that lost their flush and your skin cold as a corpse, his arms glows gold in the intricate cracks, and you know that this is a bedtime story - though not quite for the night but for the long winter.  
The memory scratches at the back of your mind to be remembered, but a part of you warns that you wouldn’t like how it ends. 
“According to the books, the lord of geo took his love to the heavens.” He finishes with a chuckle of the irony in it all, a kiss to your temple as your eyes drop, heavy and slumber dragging you to its clutches.
Then finally, Zhongli smiles to bid you goodnight.
He watches you sleep soundly. Sleep if humans can even call it that with the lack of breathing, as still as a corpse that had died peacefully in bed while he is left to wonder of a future that had things ended the way his winter story did.
War ensures losts. Victories demand sacrifices. And the price to pay was always his love.
Zhongli would like to believe that had you died of a natural cause: sickness, accident or of old age where he would have held your aging body, he could’ve had the strength to let you pass on.
Rex Lapis would have had your funeral handled by the esteemed WangSheng, and took your passing as another promise to meet on the other side.
But Morax knows, he could never really.
Never let you go, even after thousands of years and all that you know had returned to the soil. Even when the truths of history had been forgotten by the people and you are nothing but a distant whisper to this land, a footnote to his folklore.
Not even now, when every winter is a reminder of the way he held your cold body against his chest, “I worry about you.” You told him with a supposed to be parting smile, how pitiful must he be for a dying mortal that had not even lived half their life to worry about him. 
“Why are you saying goodbye, my love? You aren’t supposed to say goodbye, not yet. It’s much too early,” He tells you with a broken laugh, the war is over like you had asked of him the first time. He is an archcon, the land is his to rule and care, and you are supposed to live many many peaceful years with him, but here you are the embers of war digs its claws in your frail body and had robbed you of life.
 Why does the war take and take and take and he who fights only lose things that he keeps to heart? 
He doesn’t relent, even if it means breaking the laws of nature itself.
Even when you wake in spring, and you look at him with those empty eyes and ask who he is. At Least you’re here, still there somewhere and it might take thousands of years and more, when the mountain has crumbled against time, one day he believes that you will wake again with love in your lips and warmth in your hands.
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iamyoursinblog · 3 years
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Mafia!AU
Word Count:  5.4 k
Part: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [0] [6] [7] [8] [9] […]
Mafia! Kim Taehyung x Detective! Reader
You were driving home, and you smiled when you saw an incoming call from Jungkook on the screen. You answered the call by putting it on speakerphone.
“Heeeeey you!” Jungkook shouted joyfully.
“Haha, are you drunk?” you laughed at his too happy greeting.
“Maybe a little.” He chuckled. “Have you already bought a plane ticket?”
“No, I will not come.”
“WHAT?” Jungkook's voice changed. “Why do you want to stay there? Is there any reason for you to stay there?” you could hear the worry in your brother's voice
“None.” you answered, but was it really true. “I just need time”
“It's because of him, isn't it?"
"You know, I always know when you lie to me."
"Jungkook …"
"Even if there is at least something of his past left in him … even if everything of him remains in him, under this cold mask of a mafia boss… The world in which he lives will not let him go."
“I know,” you answered barely audibly. Only your heart did not listen to your mind.
“_______,” Jungkook said, taking a deep breath.
“Please, I don’t want to quarrel. I am no longer a weak girl who cannot stand up for herself. Everything will be fine. Honestly! Do not worry about me"
“As if it’s possible not to worry about you, Mrs. Walking Trouble,” he chuckled.
"Aren't you going to sleep?" You asked changing the subject of the conversation.
“Just on the way to bed,” he replied.
“Well, and for your good night to the future, too,” he laughed and hung up.
You drove up to the house and parked. You leaned your head back on the seat, closing your eyes. You took a deep breath and got out of the car. You froze when you saw several men decorating your trees with Christmas lights. You looked at the house and your mouth opened. Every window in your house flashed with colorful lights, and a Christmas wreath hung on your door. Did I order Christmas decorations while I was drunk, you thought as you stepped closer? Although, shouldn't they have called you before they arrived?
"Hello. Why are you here?" You asked the man who was in charge of the whole process.
“Oh, hello Mrs. Kim. Don't worry, we'll be done in 5 minutes. We have already spoken with your husband, sorry that we were late for an hour, because of the snow, terrible traffic "
"With whom?" you stared at him blinking quickly. You went to the house. You opened the door and quiet jazz met you. Oh, it was definitely worth changing the lock the first time, you thought when you went inside and saw several pairs of men's shoes. Taehyung decided to throw a party at your house.
"What the fuck ?!" you swore loudly as you entered the living room. "Has a fucking Christmas shop moved in here?" you muttered, looking around.
“Oh, you came.” You heard a voice behind you and turned towards the kitchen, where Taehyung was quietly setting the table for dinner.
"Oh, you came ?!" you repeated Taehyung's words while staring at him. “Are you fucking out of your mind? What… what the fuck happened to my house? Why are you even in my house? Didn't I let you know that you are here, shall we say, an unwelcome ‘guest’? ”
Taehyung silently took the knife from the table and walked over to you. He raised your hand and put the knife in it. He grabbed your hand, thrusting the knife into the middle of his chest, with not even a hint of amusement in his gaze. "If you want, kill me right now, but I'm not going anywhere!" said Taehyung, looking you straight in the eye as you stared at him in shock. “But if you're not planning on killing me in the next minute, then let's have dinner.” He let go of your hand. “I made us dinner,” smiled broadly at you before returning to the kitchen.
You remained standing in the middle of the room, with a knife in your outstretched hand. "What are you doing in my house?" you shook your head not understanding at all, what was happening.
"Keeping the promise I made to you," he said smiling at you. "Decorate the house for Christmas and spend all the Christmas holidays together."
"What? What are you talking about…” You stopped when you remembered that he had promised you this before Taehyung and Jungkook were supposed to come to America.
"So you remember" his smile widened. “By the way, I made you a present every year,” he pointed to the Christmas tree, and when you turned, you saw the presents that lay under it. “I'm glad that I finally had the opportunity to donate them. Let's eat,” he said, placing the baked meat in the middle of the table.
He walked around the table and pulled out a chair for you, inviting you to the table. "Why are you here?" you have not budged.
“I said that when I want to see you all the time, I’ll move in with you.”
"What?" you stared at him with your mouth open, making him laugh.
“The food is cooling down,” he came up to you and took you by the shoulders and brought you to the table.
You looked at the table in front of you, trying to somehow sort out the mess in your head. Isn't that what you dreamed about? Your Tae was in front of you, but why was it so difficult to accept him? Part of you wanted to hug him, tell him how much you missed him all this time. I wanted to go with him as far away from all this as possible and live quietly and happily together. But the other half was realistic, reminding you every time of who he was now...
You looked at the knife that was still squeezed in your hand. You yourself did not realize that tears were running down your cheeks. Is this what awaits you? Instead of happiness and love, weapons and murder? How could you accept this? Who would ever accept such a thing? But then why can't you then give it up in spite of all this?
"Sorry," Taehyung said quietly. "I cannot change or erase the past. But the future can belong to us. We can live as we dreamed of. Just tell me that you still need it, just like me. I will do anything. for you."
"To live as we dreamed" you chuckled at his words. "Can you? The Mafia will just let you go and allow you to do what you want?" you asked, meeting his gaze. "You have already tried once ..." you whispered barely audibly
“I am no longer that helpless student who was unable to protect Jungkook and you from my family.” He replied. Your heart sank as you saw the pain in his eyes.
"Taehyung ..."
“________...” he took your hand, forcing electricity to pass through your body. "Give me a chance to prove that things can be different." He put the fork in your hand. “Now let's eat! I'm hungry" he smiled broadly
“I didn't know what you could cook,” you said, examining the table with various dishes.
“I didn't. I learned it on purpose. Jungkook always bragged about the fact that you cook deliciously. I also wanted to be able to cook something delicious for you." He smiled as he put a plate of food in front of you.
"You didn't even know that you would ever meet me, but still learned to cook and made gifts every year?" you raised an eyebrow
“I was sure that I would meet you. It was just a matter of time.” He winked at you. "Although I didn't think I would meet you instead of Jungkook." He laughed softly, shaking his head.
"What do you mean?"
“I went to America for the Jungkook charity event. But he was not there. I didn't even think that the girl in the red dress who captivated my eyes was the one I wanted to see most of all. You can’t even imagine my surprise when I saw you in the detective’s office, and even more surprise when I realized that the detective is you, "he laughed loudly, making you smile." Why did you become a detective? "
“Jungkook didn't say anything about you or what happened when he arrived. He told me not to look for you, if I don't want to die. Therefore, I drew my conclusions... as it turned out they were absolutely wrong. Couldn't you say no and come with Jungkook? ” she said quietly, just voicing thoughts out loud.
"If I had said no, none of us would have come to you."
Your jaw clenched. You knew the answer to this question, but hearing it made you scared. “Thank you for saving Jungkook, albeit with so price,” you said, staring at the plate in front of you.
“He is one of those for whom I can die without hesitation and did not regret it for a second. So are you! "
“Everything is so easy for you. You kill or someone is constantly trying to kill you, but for you, it's just a routine." You said continuing to sort the food on the plates.
"Isn't that just a routine for a detective too?"
“You and I are on opposite sides of this routine,” you replied. “Although now I'm not on any side at all,” you chuckled.
"Actually... Technically, you're on vacation until you decide to return."
You sharply raised your head looking at him with wide eyes "What?"
“I brought you your resignation letter back at the hotel. Oh, for sure I didn't give it to you, you ran away too quickly. "
“You're incredible.” You ran your hand over your face. “It wasn't a compliment,” you snorted as he smiled broadly.
“Then it seemed to me that it was a good idea. But now...” He looked at you closely. “Maybe I should send it back to your captain. I don't want you to work in such a dangerous job. I don't want you to work at all," he said shaking his head.
You just sat there and stared at him with your mouth open. It's incredible... this man. He hasn't changed at all, you thought, remembering your conversations. Just like then, he wanted to have complete control over your life. You laughed at your thoughts, surprising him. You put the meat on the plates in your mouth, trying not to pay attention to Taehyung. “Tasty” you said, surprisingly it was really very tasty. “Apparently the cooking lessons were not in vain.” You chuckled, taking a glass of wine.
“Glad you liked it,” he smiled broadly at you as he took his food. "You understand that I was not joking about my moving here." Taehyung said calmly, making you choke on the wine. “Don't worry, I took over the Jungkook room. It's absolutely in his style." He laughed, shaking his head. You rolled your eyes remembering his shoes upon entering. If Jungkook finds out, he will definitely fly here and kill you.
Are you really going to let him live with you?, your inner voice asked skeptically. You laughed again, you are absolutely out of your mind. You decided to leave it as it is, wanting to see what happens. "Jungkook will clearly not be pleased that someone has taken over his room."
“Then I can live in yours,” he winked at you.
"Don't even hope for that, Tae," you chuckled, and he smiled broadly. Only after a moment did you understand exactly what you named him. It will be long holidays.
You have finished your dinner in silence. You got up from the table and took the plates, went to the sink. "Leave it, I'll wash the dishes"
“You cooked dinner, I wash the dishes. Besides, I'm not sure if you've ever washed the dishes at all,” you looked at him skeptically
“You’ll be surprised, but every time I cooked I washed the dishes myself. So you can choose a movie for us for now while I wash the dishes," he said practically pushing you out of the kitchen and into the living room.
"Who said I would watch a movie with you?" you chuckled.
"Do you think you have a choice?" he whispered in your ear, squeezing your shoulders slightly. You flinched of his hot breath on your skin. But before he could answer him anything, he turned around and headed back to the sink.
This man, you shook your head. You couldn't focus on selecting something because you couldn't stop looking at Taehyung. You took out your phone while taking some pictures of Taehyung. You chuckled, it's not every day that the mafia boss washes the dishes in my kitchen.
"Like?" he asked, not looking up from the dishes.
"What?" you dropped your phone from surprise. He said nothing, just laughed softly. You clicked on the first movie in the line while sitting in the corner of the couch. Taehyung came over and lay down on the sofa, resting his head on your lap. "Hey!" you snorted
"I'm tired! I did so many things. Decorated our house, prepared dinner for us, washed the dishes. Tell me, am I a good husband, Mrs. Kim? " he smiled broadly and winked at you.
"Just incredibly!" you pushed him, causing him to fall to the floor.
"If you want me to be at your feet, you just have to ask." He laughed when you opened your mouth at his words.
“Weren't you going to watch the movie,” you rolled your eyes in annoyance.
He ran his fingers up your leg, moving up to your knee, making your heart skip a beat. "How can I concentrate if this short dress occupies all my thoughts from the moment you entered the house?"
You slapped his hand as he continued to run his fingers over your thigh. “I kicked your ass once, you want to repeat it?” You asked, grabbing his hand.
“I’m afraid then I definitely will not be able to stop only on this little intimate moment,” he laughed, sitting down in another corner of the sofa, switching his attention to the film.
Fuck, and why there are so many bed scenes in this movie, you thought, fidgeting in your place. You turned your head slightly to look at Taehyung. He looked at the screen with a slight smile. Apparently he definitely likes these films, you turned your head back to the screen. You froze when, in a glass reflection, you met Taehyung's gaze directed at you. Are he...
"Yes!" he answered, the question that you did not finish in your head. "Watching you is more interesting than watching this movie."
“Good night,” you got up abruptly and walked into the room.
He stopped you by the hand, "Don't you want to open at least one of them?" he asked, pointing to the presents.
“I'll open them tomorrow,” you said, trying to get into your room as quickly as possible. You closed the door behind you, sliding down the wall. Too many events for one day, you thought as you walked up to the bed.
= = =
A loud knock made you get up abruptly in bed. What's happening? What time is it now? You were too sleepy to understand anything. You got out of bed and trudged to the door. You practically jumped in surprise when you opened the door and saw Taehyung in front of you. Oh right, Taehyung, that's what that knock was. You leaned against the door trying to wake up.
"Something happened?" You asked
“Yes, it's already morning. Let's have breakfast." He smiled broadly at you.
You stared at him, wondering if he was joking or serious. You looked at the clock on the wall and practically groaned. "It's 8 am!!!" you loudly slammed the door back to bed.
Taehyung opened the door to go inside. “We have a lot to do today, get up,” he said, throwing a small pillow at you.
"Leave me alone, I want to sleep!" you muttered trying to hide under the covers.
“You do understand that I will not leave you alone. Get up!” He said, ripping the blanket off you.
"You are not the boss of the mafia, you are the devil !!!" you hit the mattress with your hands and feet, not wanting to get out of bed.
Taehyung laughed out loud as he watched you. “You have 5 minutes otherwise I'll be back,” he said, heading for the door along with your blanket. “As much as I like it, get dressed for breakfast.” he said winking at you before leaving your room.
You sighed sharply, remembering that you were in a T-shirt and panties. You covered your face with a pillow, yelling into it. You pulled on your pants and already headed for the door. Although you should put on a bra, you thought, taking off your shirt and heading for the closet.
“5 minutes passed.” Taehyung opened the door to your room, making you freeze in place. Just as quickly as he opened it, he closed the door as quickly as he apologized. It's good that you weren't facing the door, you thought, sighing. He should definitely learn to knock on the door. You shook your head as you dressed quickly. "I didn't see anything," Taehyung said as soon as you left the room.
“There's nothing to see,” you muttered under your breath
“Don't tell that...” Taehyung smiled.
"You haven't seen anything, have you?" you looked at him skeptically.
“Oh, exactly. I didn't see anything," he repeated, trying to hold back a smile.
"Why did I wake up so early?" You asked sitting down at the table.
“We have a lot to do,” he smiled broadly, placing a plate of waffles and fruit in front of you.
“I didn't know there was something like that in my house,” you said in surprise.
"I went to the store"
"When did you wake up?" you stare at him.
“I was too agitated to sleep,” he replied, sitting down at the table.
"What plans are you talking about?" you asked, putting strawberries in your mouth.
“Shopping and Party,” he smiled broadly.
You raised an eyebrow at him. “I don't need anything. And besides, I don't think the detective will fit into the mafia parties. "
“Trust you will love this party.” He looked at his watch and laughed softly. “Better go at noon, though.”
“That is, we’ll only go somewhere in the afternoon, but you woke me up at 8 am.” You shook your head. “I will definitely kill you,” you said, jumping up from your chair. "Go here!" you said as he continued to run away from you around the table.
“Sorry, today is a bad day to die.” He stuck out his tongue at you.
"Time out" you said as you fell to the floor. You should need to go back to training. You were completely exhausted continuing to run in circles for Taehyung. You even lost track of how much time passed.
"Can I get you some water?" Taehyung asked mockingly, stepping closer
“Get yourself some water!” You snorted, kicking him in the thigh.
"You know that you are insanely cute at times like these." He said with a smile
“Get lost” you waved your hand at him, as if it were a bug bothering you.
He lifted you off the floor, sitting on your chair. “Eat, it seems you need strength,” he laughed.
“So you know, I didn't hit you hard on purpose,” you narrowed your eyes as you looked at him.
He shook his head, adding berries to your plate. “Okay, okay... whatever you say,” he smiled at you
Don't smile, you told to Taehyung at your minds. And you stop trembling, you told your heart.
“Don't even think about wearing something sexy,” he practically growled and you looked at him in surprise. “Although it doesn't matter what you wear, you’ll still be sexy,” he muttered under his breath.
“Or I just might not wear anything at all and stay at home,” you smiled broadly
“There is no such option,” he replied. “If you refuse and I will shove you into the car in these cute pajamas.” He pointed at you with a fork. You rolled your eyes before turning your attention to the waffles.
= = =
"Go change your clothes!" Taehyung stood in the middle of the living room with modest hands on his chest.
"You said it was a party, what do you think I should look like?!"
"This dress!.. Following me!" He walked past you heading for your bedroom.
You sat on the bed watching your belongings fly around the room while Taehyung looked for something in your wardrobe. "That it!" he shouted joyfully, turning to face you. “Put on this” he handed you pants, a T-shirt and a leather jacket. He practically ran out of your room, as if he remembered something urgent. You looked skeptical at the clothes he chose, but decided not to argue and just wear his choice. Not bad enough. You're curlicued in front of the mirror looking at yourself from head to toe. You did two braids and put on a hat to complete the look. You'd smile at your reflection before leaving the room.
"Are you kidding?" you stared at Taehyung, who was dressed like you. Your clothes seemed to be matched. So that's why he was so happy. He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the exit before you could enter the room wanting to change. You shook your head when he even chose the same color as your shoes.
“I'll drive,” he said, grabbing your car keys before heading out into the street.
“You have your car,” you mumbled, not happy with the idea.
“You don't know where to go,” Taehyung said as he opened the passenger door for you.
All the way you watched him in surprise. He sang and danced every song that was on your playlist. You chuckled at how similar Taehyung and Jungkook are when driving. No wonder they became friends, you thought to yourself.
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"So this is the shopping and party you were talking about?" you looked at Taehyung, who kept trying on various funnies headbands.
"Yes, a party called a Christmas date!" He smiled broadly.
You tried to hide a smile from his words. You couldn't let him win so easily. You froze when he came close to you and carefully put on your head the same headband as his. You tried to ignore how fast your heart was beating. You are definitely in trouble, you thought as you looked at his face. His smile changed to smug as he took a step back. Damn, you mentally swore when you looked in the mirror and realized that you blushed.
You looked at the girl who was selling headbands and almost laughed. The girl froze on the spot looking at Taehyung with wide eyes. Taehyung handed her the money, and instead of just taking the money, she ran both hands over his palm. You liked it better when you saw fear in her eyes than sympathy. Your jaw tensed... Wait, stop, are you jealous now, you mentally stopped yourself. You turned around and walked towards the park entrance.
“Wait for me, darling,” he shouted after you, drawing undue attention to the two of you.
“Crazy,” you whispered. You quickly took the mask out of your bag, hiding your face as people began to stare at you. You slapped him on the shoulder as he came closer.
“Marry me, and then you will not have to be jealous of all girls,” he said, taking your hand and pulling him towards the entrance. He tightened his grip on your hand as you tried to pull it away. What's that… you thought, but you couldn't deny that you liked his reaction.
You couldn't stop watching him. He acted like a kid who first time got into an amusement park. You lost count of how many attractions you changed.
“Oh no,” you shook your head.
"Oh yeah!" he smiled broadly as you approached the arcade hall. He grabbed your hand and pulled you inside.
For the first time in your life, you were grateful to Jungkook for making you play all these games. It amused you how Taehyung got angry every time he lost. Like Jungkook, Taehyung was too passionate to keep playing over and over in hopes of winning. "Oops" you flapped your eyelashes cute when you won again. You chuckled at his fierce gaze.
“Here I will definitely be the first,” he said slyly, pointing to the shooting range.
"Are you sure you shoot better than me?" you raised an eyebrow at him.
"Damn..." he swore.
“I'm hungry,” you said, trying to stop this never-ending “battle”.
"Excellent! Just in time!" Taehyung smiled broadly as he glanced at his watch. "We should go"
"You know this is my car, right?" you crossed your arms over your chest when he opened the passenger door for you.
"Do you know where we are going?" Taehyung grinned at you.
“If you tell me, I will know.” You held out your hand, hoping to get the keys. He took your hand, pulling you towards him.
“Or you can just sit and enjoy the ride.” He winked at you.
You were surprised when you arrived at one of the best restaurants. You knew it was very difficult to get here. Although for Taehyung, it seems that this is not particularly problematic. You watched the hostess' face change for a moment before returning her smile to her face when she recognized Taehyung. You noticed how some of the tables began to whisper, looking towards Taehyung. Yeah, it will be an interesting dinner. Taehyung followed the hostess to the table, but you stopped him by grabbing his sleeve. “Our table is ready, let's go,” he smiled at you, taking your hand.
“I don’t like it here,” you said, not wanting to see judgmental glances on Taehyung all evening. "You have chosen a park, can I then choose a place where I want to eat?" you smiled as he looked at you.
He nodded to you. “Sorry, my wife doesn't like your restaurant,” he said turning to the hostess before heading out the door. You held back a laugh when you saw the shocked face of the hostess. You wondered what shocked her more, that you didn't like the restaurant, or that Taehyung introduced you as his wife.
"Key" you held out your hand.
"I will drive," Taehyung said shaking his head.
“Do you know where to go?” You smiled at him and he rolled his eyes. He handed over the key and snorted as he walked to the driver's door to open the door for you. “I can get used to it,” you chuckled as you got into the car.
"Hope so," Taehyung smiled as he closed your door.
"Where are we will be eating?" asked Taehyung
“One amazing place,” you chuckled as you picked up speed.
"Is this that amazing place?" Taehyung looked at you questioningly as you parked near the street with street food.
“Isn't it amazing? So many delicious food in one place.” You laughed as you left the car. “Faster,” you said, Taehyung, who was staring at you through the windshield in disbelief.
“You never stop surprising me,” Taehyung chuckled as he got out of the car.
You kept walking from one food cart to another, trying all sorts of goodies. "Would you like a drink?" Taehyung asked, pointing to a small restaurant between the food carts.
"And the car?"
“Call the driver,” he winked.
"I am in" you said, going inside. Now you would definitely not refuse alcohol.
"It's because of me, isn't it?" he asked pouring you soju when your order brought
"What?" you asked
“You didn't want to have dinner at a restaurant. Didn't want everyone to discuss you? "
"They discussed not me" you answered
"I'm used to it"
"How can you get used to this?" you met his gaze
"You just stop paying attention to it over time"
“Plus, there is a great selection of delicious food and bigger portions,” you smiled broadly as you pointed to the food on the table. “I liked today. It doesn't mean anything, it was just fun." you said when you finished dinner.
“I'm glad to hear that,” he smiled. "Let's go home or do you want to take a walk?" he asked getting up from the table
"Home" you were too tired to walk.
You were glad that you got home quickly enough, even with traffic jams all over the city. You fell on the couch stretching out on it. "Have you forgotten anything?" Taehyung asked and you stared at him. He pointed to the presents under the Christmas tree.
"Oh, right!" you laughed jumping in place like a child. You sat on the floor, hastily opening the presents one by one. You smiled broadly, he gave you everything you talked about. You looked at the years that were written on the packaging and looked at Taehyung. “One gift is missing,” you said, crossing your arms over your chest.
He chuckled "Did you notice?" he shook his head. “Yes, there is missing a gift that I prepared to bring it to you in America then, but I didn't come,” he sat down next to you and took out a small box and put it in your hand. You opened the box and saw wedding rings inside. Rather, one wedding ring, the second was not here. You stared at him. "You know, as a detective, sometimes you're not very observant," he said, raising his hand, which had a wedding ring on it.
He shook his head. “I do not demand anything from you. No answers, no decisions. I just want that you to have it," he said with a gentle smile.
You just shook your head, not knowing what to say to him. You walked into the room and sat on the bed, still looking at the ring in your hand. Not today, you said to yourself as you put the box on the nightstand. You will be talking about it tomorrow or after tomorrow... just not today. You didn't want thoughts to spoil your beautiful day. After the shower, you heard Taehyung talking to someone in the living room.
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You opened the door and froze when you saw Taehyung standing only in pajama pants with a phone in his hands. "Aren't you sleeping?" he asked with a smile, and you quickly closed the door.
What did you just see?, you asked yourself, still seeing the half-naked Taehyung in front of your eyes. You shook your head, so if it would help you beat yourself up from this picture. Is he mocks you, you went to the bed letting your body fall on it.
“Good night,” Taehyung said as he passed your door. For some reason, you sighed with relief when you heard the door to the guest bedroom close.
Wait, you sat up on the bed remembering something. Wasn't that your phone in Taehyung's hands, you asked aloud. Don't care, you shook your head as you lay back in bed. You turned on your side and stared at the small box on the nightstand. What you wanted the most and what scared you the most was at arm's length. You reached out and took the box, taking out the ring. You were surprised when the size was perfect for you. You looked at your hand with a ring, you wondered how your lives would have turned out if you could have received this ring even then. What difference does it make, you told yourself. Doesn't matter, nothing can be changed. Probably... you looked at the door as if Taehyung was standing right behind it. If you open it, can you really be happy together. You got out of bed going to the door. You held your hand on the handle, still hesitating whether to open it.
You opened the door and went out into the living room. It wasn't so scary to open it, you thought. Should you open the next door too, you looked towards the guest bedroom. Before you could answer yourself that question, the sound of the message caught your attention. You looked at your phone, which was lying on the coffee table, and then at a clock on the wall. You were to wonder who could text to you in the middle of the night. You went to the table and reached for the phone.
You squeaked when you felt a prick in your neck, after which everything in front your eyes turned into darkness...
Part: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [0] [6] [7] [8] [9] […]
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Hi, everyone!! This is a part of the Citrus Dome Snowed In collab! I’m so thankful to be a part of this round and super grateful for @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten and @tomurasprincess for letting me be on the masterlist! I’m so excited, but I’m not super proud of this one, so please feel free to give feedback.
Masterlist Here!
Go see everyone’s super awesome fics and art pieces they worked so hard on!!
ART BY @brttpaige on Twitter🖤 Go check out her artwork, she’s fantastic!
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Warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, AGED UP (mid twenties), fluff, insecurities, smut, body worship, chubby kink, marking (hickies), Papi kink
Pairing: Sero Hanta x reader
The local news station hailed it as “the storm of the century,” and they weren’t wrong. You’ve watched the snow pile up beyond the window, building from a light dusting on the grass to literal knee-high drifts. And it shows no sign of stopping.
The place you’re stranded is stocked up on groceries, you’d charged every electronic device to your name, and you’d cranked the thermostat as high as it would go until the inevitable happens —
The power goes out.
So now you’re stuck indoors, with only a certain someone for company. The same someone you’ve been pining after for ages. Snow stacks up higher and higher outside. As the cold seeps in, and you both drift closer, you realize this was somehow the one thing you hadn’t thought to prepare for…
The snow outside was pretty at first, but now with the doors and windows to your small cottage-type home half covered, it seemed almost oppressive. With the power outage, there was no television to drown out the quiet, only deafening silence and the movement of your new roommate, Sero Hanta.
It didn’t start this way, you hadn’t always obsessively paid attention to his mannerisms. At one point in time, he was just a hero working for the same agency you provided medical care for. You were just support staff, until a dumb villain thought you were “important” and kidnapped you, leaving the heroes you saw as coworkers to rescue you. After that, the agency wanted you to live in the adjacent apartments, but you refused. Magically, two days later, Sero Hanta approached you asking about your spare room under the guise of his lease running out. You thought it seemed a bit suspicious, particularly that this gorgeous man had “nowhere else to go”, meaning no significant other to take him in. Of course, you agreed, being a nice person and maybe bit naïve. He moved his stuff in, didn’t make much of a fuss, and mostly left you to your own devices. That is, until you noticed some... abnormalities. The lingering glances, the newly installed security cameras, the not-so-subtle ideas to spend time with you of having meals together or watching movies, making sure you’d eaten or slept... He cared too much. He was so perfect- gorgeous, tall, easygoing, had similar goals as a rescue hero, funny, and he cared. He cared for you, which made living with him so much harder. You found yourself enjoying nights with him, wanting to sit a little closer, wanting to impress him with new dishes to make for dinner, ditching your ex’s sweatpants for cute sleep shorts, relishing in fantasies of his protective nature and dominating stature with your hand between your thighs... You thought you were going to choke when he started walking around in only gray sweats or a towel after his shower. You tried your best to keep eye contact, not stick around too long, not encroach upon his comfort in his own house. You failed to notice the smirk on his face when you quickly excused yourself or when you turned away too fast after being caught staring.
Sero had originally taken this as an assignment, although he did have a bit of a crush on you from the times you’d patched him up after rough shifts. He thought of himself as your own personal hero, but that mindset soon turned into more than just an assignment. He was protective over you, and he found himself getting defensive if you even mentioned another guy. He had tried flirting within reason, just making dinners and watching movies, but he got cocky when he had walked past your door one night and heard your little whimpers. He decided to test his theory, wearing his sweats lower than he normally would and walking back to his room in a towel, and delighting in strolling past your room to hear your muffled moans and the vibrations of the toy you never used to use. You were getting desperate, and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t boost his ego to hear his name through the walls. This, however, was NOT something he’d planned on.
Everything was fine, being stuck in the house together was nice, until the power went out. The heat somewhat remained in the house until night, when you curled up on the couch under every blanket you had and he layered on an extra hoodie and lounged next to you. He looked cold...
“H-Hey... Sero? Um... You look cold. Do you want a blanket?”
“Hmmm, but then wouldn’t you be cold too?” He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.
“Well... Maybe... But that’s okay! You need to be warm too!!” God, you’re so sweet.
“I mean... You could always come over here, we can be warm together!” He stretches out his arm and beckons you over, inviting you to curl up next to him. You shift over, spreading the blankets over your roommate and hiding your blushing face under the pile of softness, keeping at least 3 inches of space between you before he rests his arm behind your head.
“Thanks, y/n, this is uh... nice!” He hides his disappointment at your perceived rejection, going back to look at his phone.
After 20 minutes of scrolling, you can’t take it anymore. He smells so good, and you can feel the warmth radiating from his body.
“I’M GONNA GO TO BED NOW. Uh, goodnight!” You basically shouted, too loud to be natural. You abruptly stood up before slightly shrinking from the frigid air. When did it get so cold in here?
“Hey, it’s really cold... We don’t really have a ton of blankets, and I’m worried you’re going to freeze, so maybe we could sleep in my room tonight? Just for, ya know... body heat?” He sounds nervous, like he expects you to freak out and reject him completely.
“Well... I-I guess that’s smart... You’re right. So... Let’s go?” Holy fuck, you are so nervous. You were originally escaping to your room like you normally do, too horny to continue hanging out with Sero and retain your sanity, but now you’re sleeping with him?! What the fuck are you thinking?!
He gathered the blankets and lead you into his room, holding the door for you before plopping down your nest of fabric. You stand awkwardly in the center of the room, waiting for something you have no idea what. Sero unceremoniously strips himself of his hoodies and sweats and climbs into bed, seemingly out of habit, before turning his attention to you and holding the blankets open.
“Are you coming?” He smirks, putting on a confused voice that doesn’t quite match the mischief in his eyes.
“I-...” FUCK, he’s beautiful. Lean muscles flexing with every movement, shaggy hair falling over his face, and holy... The tight black boxers are NOT helping the whole “too turned on to function” situation.
“Oh... Sorry, I read somewhere that skin-to-skin contact is better for warmth. You’d probably know better than me, I guess.” He grins, as though this entire thing is nonchalant and completely normal. “I can help you if you’d like~”
“Uh nope, yeah, you’re right!! I’ll uh just... Can you close your eyes?” You are panicking. Every insecurity you’ve ever had is coming to bite you in the ass. You’re suddenly hyper aware of how much space your body takes up, remembering everything those stupid bitches in high school said about you.
“Y/n, you’ve seen me in that skin tight hero suit and you’ve patched up most of my body. It’s totally fine! PLUS, you’re sleeping in my bed, am I gonna have to close my eyes the whole night??” He jokes, not knowing that your shyness isn’t rooted in principle, but fear. Upon seeing your face, his smile falters and he autocorrects, “You know, I think you’re beautiful, but if you want me to turn around, I promise I will.”
“No, it’s-it’s fine. It’s okay. Wait- did you just call me beautiful?” You try to cover your shocked expression as you take off your sweater and slide off your fuzzy pajama pants. Sero is thankful your head is stuck in your sweater as his jaw practically drops. Oh fuck, he’s screwed. His eyes follow your curves from your chest, down your sides, to the pouch of your tummy and the plump fullness of your thighs... If he thought he was having trouble focusing before, there’s no way there’s gonna be enough blood in his brain when you’re half naked next to him... Speaking of... Shit, he’s hard... Okay, it’s fine, just tuck it in your waistband like you did back in school...
You climb into bed as quickly as you can, still keeping a few inches between you and Sero until he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest. You squeak in surprise and he chuckles, “You can’t be warm unless you’re over here! C’mere.” He nestles his face into your hair and splays a hand across the curve of your lower back. Feeling very naked and very nervous, you shift in his hold and snuggle closer to the heat he gives off, but halt your motions when you feel him twitch against your thigh. Neither of you are breathing, praying the other didn’t notice the rock hard length pressed between your bodies. Somehow, in the time you spent essentially playing dead, you both fell asleep cuddled together.
Over the course of the night, you had shifted to straddle your leg over his torso and he had turned on his back with his hand resting on the space between your thigh and your butt. Sero was the first to stir from his slumber when he felt you move against him, a small whine escaping your parted lips as your hips rolled against his. Oh... OH... Is y/n-? oh fuck y/n is dreaming... and grinding on me... fuck, this shouldn’t feel so good... He tries his hardest to go back to sleep, but the feeling of your sleeping body brushing up against his cock keeps him wide awake. He was trying to stay perfectly still until he heard your tiny whisper “Hanta~”... His hips involuntarily thrust, drawing out the most sinful moan from your throat as the head of his dick added friction on your clit that woke you up. You start to move away, embarrassed and hoping to check that he’s still asleep, but Sero’s grip tightens around your thigh and presses you harder onto him.
“Good morning to you, too~... If you needed my help getting off, you could’ve just asked, babygirl~” The lust and sleep clouding his voiced, combined with the steady roll of his hips makes you whimper and tuck your face into his neck.
“Awww so shy~ You were moaning my name earlier. Why don’t we see how loud I can make you, princess?” He speaks lowly as he flips you onto your back, hovering over you.
“I- I... Please.” You breathe wrapping your legs around his waist and stare up at him, wiggling your hips and sliding your hands up his biceps.
“Can I- Can I kiss you? Are you sure you want this? I’ve had feelings for you since before I moved in and I just... I never want to hurt you.” Cupping your cheek and searching your face for any hesitation, Sero starts succumbing to his own insecurities. He never wants to hurt you, and he knows he isn’t the flashy hero some of his friends seem to be... He needs to hear you say it.
“Sero... Yes~. I want you, please kiss me... I feel the same way. Please~...” Upon hearing your confession, Sero slotted his lips against yours. The kiss was sweet, gentle. Breathing each other in felt so right, so natural, and you followed his lead when he slid his hold to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. His hand drifted down, following the curve of your breasts, tracing your sides and resting on the pouch of your tummy. Just as you were starting to feel self conscious, Sero groans and moves to kiss your neck, mumbling “You’re so beautiful, y/n. Fuck, so perfect. You feel so soft, I need you so bad~” The whimper he draws from you when he sucks a deep mark into the column of your throat is absolutely lewd, you can barely believe it came from you. He kisses his way down your body, leaving hickies along your skin and squeezing every inch he can get his hands on. You look down at him, his eyes dark with lust and admiration as he leaves opened mouthed kisses along your inner thighs, making you more needy than you thought possible. He strokes his thumb along your clothed slit and moans at your wetness.
“Fuck- you’re so wet for me, angel. I want to taste you, you’re so cute like this. Let’s take these off, yeah?” He looks to you and hooks his fingers under the waistband of your panties, asking for permission and grinning like an idiot when you lift your hips to help him. Before you can say anything, he’s prying your legs open and diving in, moaning as he laps your slit and sucks your clit into his mouth. You run your fingers through his hair and grip him, pulling him into you and grinding against his face. His groans send vibrations straight to your core, pinning your hips with one arm and sliding two fingers into your dripping cunt.
“M-more!! Oh god, please Sero, just like that- I want more!” You moan so prettily for him, but he wants something more. He releases your clit with a pop and leans up, stilling his fingers inside you and wrapping his free hand around your neck. The pressure and dominance has you clenching around his fingers, and he takes notice.
“You either call me Hanta or Papi, nothing else. You understand? I want you to say my name when you cum.” He commands, and sends a shiver down your spine. “Oh you like that, huh?~ I can feel you squeezing my fingers. Why don’t you tell me what you want, baby?~”
Your brain goes hazy when he leans in and places little love bites on your neck and collarbones. “PAPI~! Yes, I love it! Please fuck me, I want to feel you, I need moreee~” You pant as he pulls his fingers out of you, leaving you unbearably empty.
“Oh baby, I’ll fill you up, don’t worry. But first, why don’t you suck my cock?~” He strips himself of his boxers and flips the two of you, pulling you on top of him. He’s so long, just thick enough to stretch you and reach every amazing spot inside of you. The sight of his hard length has you drooling, anticipating feeling the weight of him on your tongue. You give the head a few kitten licks, relishing in the way he groans and twitches in your hand. He laces his fingers at the base of your head and lets you set your own pace, wrapping your plush lips around him. Bobbing your head up and down, running your tongue along the vein on the underside of his dick and swirling it around the head- you love seeing his reactions. The way his breathing increases and his hips buck when you hollow your cheeks. He looks so pretty like this, you can’t help but rub your thighs together for some kind of friction. Luckily, he notices how desperate you’ve gotten and pulls you up to straddle him with one hand still on your hair and the other gripping your hip, calloused fingers digging in and massaging the fat there.
“As much as I want to cum in that perfect little mouth, I think my baby needs to be filled, yeah?” He fists his cock and strokes the head through your wetness, gathering your slick and making you involuntarily grind against him. “Beg for my cock, babygirl~, tell Papi what you want.” The smirk on his face is utterly sinful, teasing you and enjoying the fucked out expression on your beautiful face.
“PLEASE I want your cock, I wanna be full, just fuck me already!!! Please stop teasing me Hantaaa~” Just as you grind your hips down onto him, he thrusts into you, cutting off your pleading with a needy moan. “Ah~ fuck- so full, so full, oh my god! Yes Papi~!”
“Oh shit angel, fuck- you feel so good.” Hanta grabs your hips and helps you slowly fuck yourself on him, “Just like that, baby, just like that. Ride my fucking cock. Fuck- you’re so tight...”
The dirty talk pouring out of Hanta’s mouth, combined with the stretch of his hot length stirring up your insides, you find yourself embarrassingly close to climax already. Your first orgasm hits you like a train, completely knocking the air out of your lungs and causing you to collapse onto Hanta’s chest. He seizes the opportunity to flip the two of you, holding you underneath him and fucking you into the mattress.
“Ah ah ahhhhh~ Hantaaa~ I can’t! I can’t, I just came, it’s too much!!! oh FUCK Papi!!!” You feel the tears welling up in your eyes from the overstimulation and pleasure.
“Yes you can, babygirl. You’re taking me so well, you’re such a good girl. I know you love it, I can feel your pussy flutter around me. So honest, angel. You’re so perfect like this- fuck.” Hanta grips the back of your thighs and pushes your knees to the bed, hitting even deeper within you. The head of his cock kisses your cervix with every thrust and makes you scream out, nails digging into his back, and egging him on.
“Come on, mi amor, cum with me. I know you can, I can tell you’re so fucking close... Cum on my cock, that’s right. Cum for me.” His long fingers reach down and rub quick circles on your clit. He leans in to sink his teeth into the junction of your neck and your shoulder, sending you over the edge into your climax. Your vision goes white and you clamp down around him, cunt spasming as you squirt all over his thighs and abs.
“F-fuck!!! That’s so fucking hot~ I’m gonna- Ah~” He fills you to the brim with his sticky release, the warmth spreading through your core and coating your walls. Hanta releases your legs and lays on top of you, sweaty bodies pressed together until he comes down from his high.
“That was so amazing, angel. You were so good for me. Such a pretty baby, all mine...” He pulls back to kiss your temple and rolls over, petting your hair and lightly scratching your back.
“You have no idea how happy that makes me... I always want to be yours.” You giggle, bubbly at his claim on you and still buzzing from your high. You curl up into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist and holding him close. “Mine.”
“Mmhmm, all yours.” He breathes a chuckle and places a kiss to your hairline. “I’m glad I can warm you up, lovebug.” He smiles as your breathing evens out, falling asleep with you in his arms.
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sunaswife · 3 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
🔪: hi I’m sorry for not updating and it’s been a little over a month but shit happened and I had no motivation! I am doing my best (•̀ᴗ•́)و
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter fifteen
“No Rin.” “Please.” “No Rin.” “But babeeeee.” Suna whined, he held out his EJP jersey in his hands. “Fine just this once, I don’t want anyone coming in.” You said and he nodded, you turned around and began to take off your sleeping shirt and Rin pouted, “Babe gimme a show.” He whined once more. You turned with your chest covered and threw your sleeping shirt which landed perfectly on his head.
You put on the cold jersey and saw how it still looked like a dress even though you have gained so much weight. Probably because Rin has gained so much muscle. You turned to face him and his mouth stayed hung open, you giggled and neared him. You rested your hands on his thighs and gave his cheek a small peck. “You okay there?” You asked. His arms wrapped around you and he lifted you on the bed like a rag doll. “Why” kiss “are you” kiss “so” kiss “beautiful?” Kiss.
“Stop being so cute then my heart can’t contain it.” You scolded as you brushed your fingers through his short hair. “Mommy...daddy?” You both heard behind the door, the doorknob slowly twists and you push Rin away, he falls off the bed and lands on the floor, right on his ass. The door opens and you see Rini there, “What’s wrong?” You asked him, “My tooth.” He said. “What about your—oh he’s bleeding—“ Rin said. “Take him to the bathroom and rinse his mouth, I’ll check out his mouth after I change.” You told Rin and he nodded. He carried Rini to your bathroom and helped him rinse his mouth. You quickly changed out of his jersey and put on the shirt from before. ���Alright lemme see.” You said as you walked in. Rini was sitting on the counter with his mouth opened, sure enough he had a loose tooth and was too afraid to pull it out. There was nothing you can do but wait for it to fall off by itself, you wouldn’t dare to traumatize him by pulling it out yourself.
You carried the boy back to his room and saw Chewy sleeping on Akira’s bed. He woke up due to the noise and sensed Rini’s slight discomfort over his loose tooth. He carefully jumped off and yawned. With ease he climbed on Rini’s bed and cuddled with him. You tucked them both in and kissing Rini’s head goodnight you made your way out to an annoyed looking Rin watching TV. His arms are crossed over his chest and you can clearly see his flexed muscles. You both were about to go to sleep so it didn’t make sense for him to start watching TV. “Aren’t you going to bed?” You tilted your head.
“Not anymore.” He replied a little coldly. “What’s wrong?” You asked with a small pout, “Nothing..” he replied, you sighed and sat next to him on the couch, “doesn’t seem like nothing, did I do something?” You asked but he stayed quiet. “Rin we gotta have communication, if you don’t tell me what I did wrong then I can’t fix it.” You said. “Why are you so hesitant to let people know we’re together? Are you ashamed of me? Is that it? Why do we have to hide our relationship from our own children.” He asked and it finally clicked, “I told you I’m just a little hesitant but I realized now that I shouldn’t have to hide our relationship. I’m sorry now I seem like such a big jerk.” You sighed and you laced your fingers with his. “I get that you’re hesitant but maybe we should at least tell our kids and then slowly tell our friends? You’ll be surprised by the number of messages I get from the twins asking if I made a move yet.” He said and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Okay, we’ll tell the kids.”
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“Bye I’m off!” Rin said at the front of the door, the kids automatically stopped what they were doing and ran to see their dad off. You followed behind them and Jamie yelled out her farewell since she was on bed rest. The kids hugged their dad and said their goodbyes and you waited to give him a kiss on the cheek and then expect to get bombarded with questions by the twins. You weren’t expecting him to hold your face and kiss your lips in a deep and loving way. You heard gasps and began smacking Rin’s arm because you couldn’t breath and he wouldn’t let you go. He finally pulled away and you punched him and called him a jerk, immediately the kids began asking questions and running around you as Rin laughed and waltzed to his car.
They couldn’t help but notice your dumb smile.
So this is love?
They wondered and smiled in amazement. You realized it was quiet and you looked down to see the kids staring, your cheeks flushed up. “Mama you’re in deep huh?” Akira asked, “Akira how do you know what that even means?” You asked, “Aunt Jamie.” She smiled. “Jamie I swear to god.” You growled as you made your way to the living room. She was sleeping with her hand over her baby bump. You sighed and put a light blanket over her. “Aunt Jamie is resting so don’t make too much noise, it’s hard for her to sleep with the baby inside since they won’t stop kicking.” You told the kids and they nodded.
“Humpty dumpty had a great fa—“ you were interrupted when your phone rang. Akira was asleep already in her crib but Rini couldn’t sleep so you tried reading so some books to him that your aunt donated. “Hello?” You answered without checking the caller ID, “Y/N..” you heard Jamie’s wobbly voice and you immediately sat up on your futon. “What’s wrong?” You asked, “H-he hit me a-again...” she stuttered. “Where are you?” You asked, voice filled with concern “I’m at home but he left with his buddies to go drink again..” she sniffled. “I’m on my way.” You said and she hung up, you made her promise to call the cops in case he came back. You grabbed the baby carriers and carefully placed Akira in, you were glad she was still asleep. “Come on Rini, let’s go see aunt Jamie okay?” You asked and he giggled. You exited your apartment with a carrier in each hand, their diaper bag, your wallet inside their bag, and a metal baseball bat that Tobio gave as a safety gift.
You drove past your crappy neighborhood and eventually entered Jamie’s nice and fancy neighborhood. You passed a fancy car after another fancy car but your heart almost fell out of your butt when you saw his car. You went into the drive way and quietly pulled the garbage can behind his car in case he made a getaway. You were tired of this sorry excuse of a man hurting Jamie and you were going to do whatever it takes to make sure he’s locked behind bars. You left your babies inside the car, you wouldn’t do this at all but it was nighttime and nobody was around. You locked the car and walked with your bat to the front door. You unlocked the door with the key Jamie gave you and slowly walked in.
“Are you an idiot?! You fucking good for nothing I swear!” You heard his yelling, immediately you called the police in case Jamie couldn’t, you didn’t respond in case they’d talk you out from trying to save your friend. “Don’t you fucking touch me!” You heard Jamie yell. “You’re my fiancé I can touch you however I want.” He growled. “I said no!” She yelled once more. You closed your eyes and prayed to whatever God out there to help you out. Your prayer was interrupted by glass breaking and another scream. You immediately turned to the kitchen where the noise was coming from and saw the 6”2 man hovering over Jamie who was on the floor sitting against the wall, you almost fainted at the blood and dark liquid you assumed was wine, and your anger rose when you saw her hand over her eye. She was obviously in pain. In his hand was the broken wine bottle. He lifted his arm once more but you blacked out and swung the bat. You hit his side and he growled in pain. He turned to see you and his eyes darkened. “You fucking bitch, this is all your fault. If you haven’t became friends with her worthless ass then maybe she wouldn’t have tried to leave me.” He seethed. He made his way to you and before you can defend yourself with another swing the police had barged in and listened to everything.
Jamie was taken to the hospital and was released in the early morning. Tobio helped you moved her stuff out because she suffered a broken wrist and a fractured leg. Your tiny studio apartment couldn’t hold all her things so she had to pay for a storage unit. You couldn’t help but laugh at the look on her face when she saw how empty your home truly was. You slept on the floor in a futon while your kids slept in cribs. You couldn’t afford dressers so you kept their clothes folded neatly on bookshelves. There were baby toys everywhere but no TV. No couch, no alcohol, no nothing.
“Welcome to my home.” You did your little jazz hands, she chuckled and smiled. “Thank you for everything.” “No problem, I know it isn’t much but just for a bit until the trial is over okay?” You said and she nodded. You placed the kids in their cribs and fixed the futon you were sleeping on. “You can sleep here.” You patted, she nodded and made her way over with her crutches. “Do you have another futon?” She asked. “Yeah I’ll pull it out right now.” You said and she nodded. You helped her down and tucked her in. “You’re the only friend who decided to help me.” She spoke suddenly, catching you off guard. “All of my other friends could care less whether I died or not, they’d probably fight over who can keep my clothes.” She said with a dry chuckle. “I appreciate you yn, thank you.” She said and closed her eyes.
You looked at your best friend completely passed out and reminisced I’ve show much you’ve both grown. From enemies to besties.
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“Don’t forget they have a limit of 5000 yen.” You warned Tobio and he rolled his eyes. “Yeah yeah, whatever lemme spoil my niece and nephew in peace.” He argued and you sighed. “Just don’t buy them slime, please.” You practically begged. “That was the first thing they asked when I arrived.” He said as he buckled them in their seats.
Once in a while Tobio loved taking them out to give you a break and you appreciated that so much. When Tobio entered your home to grab a quick water, Rin’s car was pulling up and you were slightly nervous as to what could happen. You haven’t exactly told Tobio you were dating Rin again, and Tobio totally flipped when he found out Rin was moving in.
You had told Rin that Tobio wanted to take the kids out for the day and he was a little hesitant, not because he didn’t trust Rin but he wondered if they liked Tobio more than him. He understands he was like a father figure to them and he knows that he’s not on Tobio’s good side. He’s also jealous because he hasn’t taken them out for a father and child day as well. He would love to go to the mall with them and spend money on useless shit. You’d be angry but he’s sure he can handle it.
Rin parked his car and took out his gym bag, he also took out a bag of some thick ass pads, aloe Vera gel and a bottle of something called witch hazel and he made sure it was the alcohol free kind per your request over text. At least you were kind enough to send him pictures so he’s not wandering around the store like a fool.
He was confused about the pads because you use a thinner pad when you’re not using tampons and wondered if your vagina got bigger because you gave birth. But he thought that you feel the same as always so he’d rather ask then overthink things.
“Welcome back Rin.” You smiled as from across Tobio’s car, “Thanks.” He said simply and leaned in to give Akira a kiss on the head, he went around to do the same to Rini and then he pulled you close for a small kiss. “Well what do we have here? I know y’all are together but this was the first time I’ve seen y’all kiss.” Jamie said as she stepped out. You both flinched thinking it was Tobio and Jamie laughed, “Don’t worry he’s in the bathroom. But when are you planning on telling him? You can’t hide your relationship forever.” She rested her hand on her hip.
“I don’t know to be honest.” You sighed and leaned against Tobio’s car. “Maybe he should warm up to me first before we tell him?” Rin asked, “If it isn’t Suna Rintarou.” Tobio walked out of the house. Rin stood straight and gave a slight bow, “Thank you for being there for yn and the twins when I was gone. It’s nice to finally meet you.” He tried to be as respectful as possible.
Tobio crossed his arms over his chest with raised brows, “I can’t say the same for you.” He spat and you felt a pang in your chest. Tobio looked so angry. “Tobio, he’s doing his best. He’s been nothing but respectful and helpful around the house and with the kids.” You explained, “Look, I get that you’re hopeful and forgiving but he ruined your life—“
“He gave me the twins—how is that ruining my life?” You defended. Tobio rolled his eyes, “Whatever, I don’t wanna fight.” He mumbled and you nodded. You stepped away from the car so he can finally take the kids and as he passed by Rin, he purposely bumped his shoulder. You were about to say something but Rin just shook his head and brushed him off. “Bye Tobio, I’ll see you after.” You said but he just mumbled a bye and glared at Rin.
He soon left and Jamie broke the silence, “Yeah so he definitely hates Rin.”
“No shit Sherlock.” Rin sighed and rubbed his temples. “He’ll probably strangle me and give me an earful if I tell him now. We just gotta keep it a secret a little while longer.” You said and they nodded in understanding.
Rin went to shower as you began cooking and Jamie went on a livestream for a bit. She was playing music from your TV which wasn’t pg so you let I slide since the kids weren’t here. “Hey yn do you remember any cheer drills from highschool?” Jamie asked as you turned off the stove to let the food cool for a bit, “Um...not really but didn’t you guys used to do spins and stuff? I saw it a lot during the volleyball games.” You answered, “Yeah you’re not helping but thank you.” She smiled as she put her phone in front of a water bottle. You shook your head and tried not to laugh at he sarcasm.
She took a few steps back to try to recreate an old cheer, obviously she couldn’t jump or do high kicks but it was funny to see her try and you made sure to keep an eye on her in case she overworked herself. You turned back to your task for a split second when the rice cooker beeped. Jamie squatted—well she tried and suddenly she felt a splash down her legs. She gasped as she saw her mustard yellow skirt now wet. “YN—“ she slightly raised her voice in a small panic. “Yes?” You immediately asked and walked to check on her, “My water broke.”
“This doesn’t smell like pee.”
You were immediately at her side in order to help get her ready for a trip to the hospital. “Are you feeling any contractions?” You asked and she shook her head, “I feel fine.” She replied. “Turn off the livestream.” She said and you quickly turned off her phone. “Okay we’ll call the midwives and see what we need to do for you.” You said and she nodded. You immediately called the midwives and they asked what happened until Jamie winced and groaned. “Jamie, what’s wrong? Do you feel it now?” You asked and she nodded. “Yeah if we don’t leave now I’m having the baby in your house.” She sighed.
The midwives agreed to meet at the hospital with you and you tried your best to guide Jamie to the car. “Rin!” You yelled, he immediately stumbled out of the bathroom wearing some basketball shorts and a t shirt, his usual stay at home wear. “Take her to the car and I’ll go get her bag, her water broke.” You instructed quickly. He was quick to carry her, causing Jamie to smack him when he made a face that he can feel her ‘pee’ after he just showered.
He carefully placed her in the passenger seat of his car since it was smaller and he saw you rush out of the door. “Hnnnnnnn. Fuck my pelvis—“ she groaned and began taking deep breathes.
“Please don’t give birth in my car.”
“Shut the fuck up, Rintarou.”
You kicked Rin to the backseat with Jamie’s bag much to his dismay and you reversed and made your way to the hospital which was about a good twenty minutes away. He called Hana who happened to be on her way back already because she finished business early.
Halfway through the drive Jamie asked to hold your hand for comfort. You’ve done it before, when she faced her ex in trial, when she started a new makeup line or product, before she had an event, before her wedding with Hana. You were always there. “I’m scared.” She mumbled as she looked out the window, “It’s okay to be scared, I was scared when I was in labor.” You replied. “Who was with you?” She asked, “Tobio, and my aunt. Miwa and Hana came when I returned home.” You answered as you stopped at the red light. “Not even your mom?” Her voice cracked, “Nope, not even her. I did call to let her know I was due soon but she just called me names so I hung up.”
Rin looked down at his hands and he rubbed the sweat from his palms on his shorts. It hurt listening to this, if only he didn’t change his number, if only he didn’t lie to you, if only he never laid eyes on you.
If only he never met you.
Tobio was right.
How can you say he didn’t ruin your life when these past five years have been nothing but hell. When you were out of the house and Rin was home with Jamie and the kids he would ask Jamie what happened the last five years because he knew she wouldn’t sugarcoat anything.
He felt a jab in his chest when he heard about all the negative things, and no matter how many positive things Jamie said happened. It was never good enough for him to forget all the shit he put you through.
And that’s why he’s so clingy now, that’s why he’s happier and eager to help and please you in whatever way he can to make up for all this lost time where he should have been by your side. He’ll prove to Tobio and anyone else that he’s good enough for you, that he can be trusted and that he truly loves you.
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I’m sorry I forgot to do this in the last chapter please forgive me 🧎
The kids are happy that their parents are together and they started drawing their family portraits with you two holding hands
Rini accidentally swallowed his tooth in his sleep and cried that the tooth fairy would give him money but Rin made sure to sneak money under his pillow the next night
Jamie’s ex is still in prison and is pissed she left him for a woman (but we stan Hana)
I know same sex marriage isn’t legal in Japan but once again this is a fanfic so I make the rules 🧍
Rin is actually scared of Tobio
But Rin is more scared of Hana
Rin wants to procreate with yn wearing his EJP jersey 🧎 daddy please
Tobio likes to spoil his niece and nephew a little too much. Yn always has to warn him or scold him. Tobio almost bought Rini a real sword because he liked it so much.
Rin is pretty jelly of Tobio’s relationship with his kids and wants to know his secrets
This is Jamie’s 3rd pregnancy, the first was with her ex but his little swimmers were too weak, and the second..y’all already know 😔 if not then reread chapter 1 when yn scolds Jamie for chasing after the kids
After the baby is a year old then Hana will try to get pregnant with the same donor that Jamie had
Idk if I told y’all already but Tobio is the donor 🧐
The thick pads and stuff that Suna got was for YN to make padcicles for Jamie.
Also I am very hungry
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @atsumusdomain @ohrintarou @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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