#i have a LOT to say about rowan!!
💬 and🧁for the beloved Rowan!!! -[Wayfinderships]
He's my favorite kiddo and as I'm sure you've seen through all my long ass f.f13 s/I writings, he has the most lore too! He's my little star <3
💬: what was your child's first word? was it a nickname for you or your f/o or something entirely different?
Rowan's first word was, unsurprisingly, "mama"
Rowan's father was never in the equation. His mom raised him by herself, which is why they're so close. He's an adult (plus 500 years) by the time he meets his father and doesn't feel very connected to him. His mom was the person in his life that was always there and he adores her with all he is.
(Then again, even when he does meet his father after his father comes back to life, it takes him a LONG time to actually refer to him as Dad. He just calls him by name. This man was never around and his mom didn't speak of him too often, so why should he even call him dad, even if they do look so similar?)
So Rowan's first word was him calling out to his mom, the person he values most in his life. Ash had Rowan while in a state of grieving. Her fiancé was dead, so was her best friend, her home planet was gone, everything she knew was gone, and she was all alone. As shown by her journal entries by that time, she wasn't really in a great mental state. I don't think it would be an understatement to say that Rowan is the very reason why she's alive.
Ash had a lot of support during that time, but it wasn't easy. Still, she knew that this kid deserved a decent parent, so she tried her best, even if during that time she was just a shell of who she used to be. We only see her like this in the second novel (Snow comments that the only time he saw her smile was around Rowan).
But in the game? 20 year timeskip, babyyy! That's why Rowan is 19 and Ash is 47. Thank you for giving us a good milf, f.inal f.antasy! The Ash as we know her in-game is kind and sweet, responsible and patient. She kind of becomes everybody's mom.
This goes especially for Noel! A lonely kid who Rowan hates initially. Rowan may or not catch feelings for Noel eventually, but Ash is the mom Noel never had. She is everyone's mom now!
🧁: what's your child's favorite thing in the world? what's their least favorite thing?
As for favorite, it's probably his mom- They're just so close! But if we're talking actual objects, probably oranges or his sword. This kid really likes eating oranges for some reason. I don't like him but he loves them! At least they're good for him? Little Rowan would always ask Mr. Snow to peel his oranges for him and even when Rowan is all grown up and fighting in Yusnaan, Snow still teases and asks if he needs help.
Rowan's sword is very special to him. He grew up around Cocoon soldiers (and his mom, who despise not being a soldier, was very important in the military) so a lot of what he uses to fight is similar to what we see in the first game. His main blade is a modified and simple version of Lightning's first sword. It's pretty much the same thing, but there's no gun aspect to it.
Rowan can shoot fireballs out of his hands, so he thought having a gun would be a little bit unnecessary. Still, his sword reminds him of the people around him and he loves it. He's a very skilled fighter (I mean, of course he is, he grew up surrounded by wild monsters) and his sword has been his best friend through it all!
(When he was younger, the soldiers gave him a gun so he could be like him, but Rowan rejected it, saying that he wanted a sword! Looks like he really is like his dad, huh? Still, Ash freaks out the moment she sees her little kid with a giant weapon! The others get a scolding that day.)
(But also, considering who Ash is and how she's a pretty important person in the lore, she kinda.. you know... invented and wrote most modern-day magic theory? So having who might just be the best mage of their time as a mom means Rowan is really good. A lot of it is just him having inherited her natural affinity for magic, but she also taught him a lot. Ash chuckles and reassures Rowan that it's a long process and it took her weeks to even generate a spark!
... Rowan has fire in his hand in a matter of minutes as a mere child. Fun times.)
Rowan loves his family and the people around him. He fights for them!
... and because it's fun.
As for things he hates, he hates plenty of things! Just like both his mom AND his dad :D!
The obvious answer here would be Noel. He cannot stand Noel. From the moment they meet, they are at odds. They're about the same age, two sword boys, Rowan thinks Noel is an annoying stuck-up hero type (at least Snow is actually cool about it!) and Noel thinks Rowan is a pathetic mama's boy!
However, after a LOT of arguing, they become close friends. Rowan is pretty important in Noel's quest in 13-3. Thing is... Rowan caught feelings along the way. There's AUs where Noel feels the same, AUs where they don't. When they do get together, though, it's at the end of the last game. Making out in a cathedral as the world is literally ending... Pretty romantic, huh?
Rowan also has a bit of a hatred for gods. His mom is Ash, what did you expect? The 13 games are about saying fuck you! to higher power anyway, but his mom is one of the greatest researchers around. Rowan is, at his core, a kid of science. He sees what the gods are doing in 13-3 and he's just so, so upset about it. He thinks it's messed up and honestly hates the state of the world.
He also jokes and says that a plus side of time not moving anymore is that he doesn't have to worry about trimming his bangs-
His journals aren't quite as long and flowery as his mom's (he swears like the soldiers he was raised around, and he also has his mom for a mom, so... yeah.) But I think Rowan is most interesting in the third game since it really solidifies his character arc and it gives him reasons to fight. We see him having fun, but we also see him kicking ass and deciding to take matters into his own hands and spend the last days on this earth the way he wants them to be.
Though he is pretty shaken up at first.
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(A line that Ash repeats time and time again throughout the games is "i hate it when I don't know."
She feels like she has to know everything. That's why she became a researcher in the first place. Her thirst for knowledge is so strong, and Rowan says that iconic line too.)
But most of all, Rowan just hates people who try to take his freedom away. He grew up around open fields, luscious grass, wild animals, huge cliffs... He likes feeling like he can do whatever he wants and can have fun doing it. His dreamworld is extremely simple.
(You'll notice that his dad is there. He doesn't care about his father, but he knows that his mom still loves him. Rowan puts her happiness above his own)
Rowan just wants to have fun with his friends and he wants to beat up whoever tries to stop him. It's as simple as that.
Okay I think that's all I've got for this
But also! I've never really talked about Rowan on this blog!
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He looks like this! Here's the picrew
He has his father's silver hair and Ash's big, brown eyes. The glasses are purely a fashion choice and he doesn't wear them much in the actual game. His side profile resembles his father a lot and he has his strong and sharp features, but he has Ash's smile. Ash has commented that she once tried to count his freckles, but got lost since there were so many.
Pretty cute kid if I do say so myself! (I'm very biased you see)
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anarchswild · 3 months
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FangFest '24 - Day 11
They say the house always wins, and this is definitely the case for the Brujah who got embraced at a kindred-run casino. Reid Thomel, the Anarch embrace forced out of his home and into a Camarilla city, the fledgling whose sire embraced him then left him to fend and learn for himself, a man whose Beast has too much of a taste for vitae. Somehow gifted with the power to wield spirits by Gaia after an extended run-in with a Black Spiral Dancer and the Wyrm, and becoming far too close to them for any kindred (he killed that werewolf, don't worry).
Right now, he just has to maneuver the relationships with his Toreador fiancee and Tremere boyfriend (who was just revealed to be a secret Baali).
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sollucets · 3 months
as tagged by @thitiponqs : tell me who i'm most like of my favorites. vibes only we are all internet personas to each other
stuck to drama characters i relate to. here's visual aids:
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i'm quite late to this. please go ahead and play if you want !
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rowan-e-ravenwood · 3 months
the whole "if you don't reblog every piece of art you see, you hate me personally" attitude is so weird bc at its core is the idea i see in all the new-user guides that tumblr has no post-recommending algorithm. which. is blatantly untrue. y'all just talk about how much you hate it and you all have it turned off. idk man.
i'm sure that part of it is also the bizarre opinion that likes are equivalent to bookmarks, and reblogs are equivalent to likes. that's... also not true. everyone has the option to make their likes public, it's just that every new-user guide also recommends you turn that off. likes are likes, reblogs are bookmarks.
people say it's great that you can hide your liked posts from your page, but also if you don't put every post you like on your page, you're doing it wrong? there's just. there are like three layers of hypocrisy here and it melts my brain every time.
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maddy-ferguson · 12 days
i can't believe we have gay sabrina truthers now that's how you know she's really made it
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lakecoded · 2 years
the thing is the dynamic between sjm's endgame couples BEFORE they get together is genuinely so fun to me but they get so boring once they're actually together
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heir-of-the-chair · 2 years
There is a blind spot within the Magic Thief fandom. Something that we have as a whole approximately ten to fifteen people have been ignoring the great potential of. Between themes of found family, Conn’s clear accidental autism coding, and Embre’s entire character, there is a topic we have left unexplored, one rock we have yet left unturned.
We need more Rowan angst. Think about it.
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black-lake · 9 months
astro observations 10
Hey -- I miss doing these astro notes, it’s been- years? where have I been? forced into a rat race. I’ve lately been watching a lot of stand up comedies, timeless comedy movies, rush hour, the hangover, you name it, they don’t make shit like this anymore. I’ve also been dealing with saturn transit my 10th house and conjunct my sun fucking up my life. so I got stuff to share.
⛄︎ Happy capricorn season! I find it ironic that capricorns are hard workers but people don’t work hard in capricorn season, it’s when everybody slows down, enjoys the holidays, reflects and attempts to make new year’s plans. 
Aspects that indicate humor 
☃︎ I said it before and I will say it again, strong mercury-jupiter aspects are the most common in comedians charts, every existing comedian seems to have them conjunct, oppose or square. e.g. Jim Carrey, Kate McKinnon, Kevin Hart (mercury conj jupiter). Chris Tucker, Amy Schumer (mercury square jupiter). Rowan Atkinson, Steve Carell (mercury opp Jupiter).
☃︎ Moon in scorpio or capricorn, top notch dark humor. Chris Tucker, Pete Davidson, Louis C.K. (capricorn moon). Ricky Gervais, Ryan Reynolds, Matthew Perry (scorpio moon). 
☃︎ Moon in gemini or sagittarius, making you laugh at random things, making the small details in life events remarkable and ironic. Sag got that joyful light hearted spirit no matter how sarcastic they get. Bill Burr, John Mulaney (sag moon). Gemini got that chaotic animated twisted humor, can go on endless tangents but you’ll never get bored. Aubrey Plaza, Jim Carrey, and Rowan Atkinson (gemini moon).
☃︎ North node in gemini or sagittarius being a naturally funny storyteller their whole life. I also notice north node in virgo, leo and capricorn in those that pursue public speaking or stand up. 
☃︎ Many comedians or just straight up funny people got MC in gemini, virgo, sagittarius, or leo. 
☃︎ Mercury in aries, leo, gemini, sagittarius, scorpio, capricorn the type of people that tell a basic story but the tone of their voice, choice of words, and the underlying emotion mixed with their perspective and delivery makes it hilarious.
☃︎ Mercury in a fire sign, can be loud, the underlying anger and passion in their voice tone is what makes them funny. Chris Tucker, Kevin Hart and Dave Chappelle all got a leo mercury. Joe List got an aries mercury.
☃︎ Mercury in an air sign, they keep you engaged, animated expressions, great at impressions and mimicking when they tell stories. Trevor Noah is a good example and Jim Carrey (aquarius mercury).
☃︎ Mercury in earth and water, the way they so calmly tell an intense life event story with a straight face and calm demeanor, almost seeming high, a lot of irony and nonchalance. Pete Davidson (scorpio mercury), Ricky Gervais (cancer mercury) and Kate McKinnon (capricorn mercury). 
☃︎ I have mercury conj jupiter in aries and I’m ruled by mercury (gemini rising). I’m super sarcastic and cutthroat when angry, it makes people upset, shocked, amused, wanting to laugh but also butt heads with me. My mind can find irony in literally anything. I also can change my voice and facial expressions easily when I’m mimicking someone. 
☃︎ Those with strong mercury-pluto aspects, the type that could actually give you contractions from laughter. They think intensely, experience life intensely, are cutthroat and skeptical, are super intellectual and deep which is enough to make them ironic in the way they communicate. Their communication style comes across as bold, raw and shocking, saying it how it is, not afraid of joking about taboo or embarrassing stuff. It feels like my life is fucked up my mind is fucked up and I don't give a fuck typa attitude. Matthew Perry, Pete Davidson, Louis C.K, Adam Sandler, Ryan Reynolds, Steve Carell (mercury conj pluto).
☃︎ Heavy pluto and saturn placements can make someone insanely funny especially if they’ve got aspects indicating public speaking. The absolute best at self deprecating humor. They aren’t afraid to share their traumatic experiences, because not only they make people laugh but they give hope to those who can relate. They got where they are by accumulating that much knowledge and wisdom and it came through many wounds usually relating to rejection, abandonment and feeling inadequate. They use humor to heal themselves and others. 
☃︎ Pete Davidson, Ryan Reynolds and Ricky Gervais got heavy scorpio and pluto conjunctions, examples of plutonian humor. Dave Chappelle and Chris Tucker got heavy saturn aspects, examples of saturnian humor.
☃︎ Now Chris Tucker got all the basic comedian placements. He’s easily one of the best and most successful comedians to ever exist. The type to open his mouth and everyone starts laughing. It’s the attitude not even the context. He was the popular kid too, friends with Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali, Jackie Chan, Prince and literally every iconic celebrity in the US. 
☃︎ Chris has a mercury square Jupiter at 0°, leo mercury 28°, capricorn moon, scorpio jupiter, saturn in gemini, jupiter conj neptune (can expand the imagination in storytelling), north node in aquarius (he was a trailblazer in rush hour and many comedians mimic him).
☃︎ I noticed so many times that people with saturn in gemini can be socially responsible, meaning that they refuse to cuss in some occasions and refuse to talk shit or go against their morals. Partially due to the lessons they learned on gossip and the consequences of misinformation or twisted narratives. Chris Tucker rejected an offer because he refused to cuss and smoke weed on camera, he also avoids vulgarity and profanity in his stand ups. 
☃︎ Those with gemini north node are either so good at communicating clearly, storytelling and entertaining or will learn that in this lifetime. Same goes for gemini risings. One of their missions is to accumulate knowledge from everywhere they go without the need for distant travel and sharing it with others rather than keeping it confined for abstract contemplations (sag south node). They develop a communication style that is so personal to them that allows them to be a messenger, a bridge between people and a powerful speaker. 
☃︎ I have a leo north node and the more I grow older the more I realize I'm never meant to act so old. This inner child in me screams to come out after every tough cycle esp when I'm mentally trapped in societal conformity. Those with a leo nn exude childlike innocence and purity, at their best spreading love and joy wherever they go. Though to get there they go through challenging experiences alone to build so much strength and confidence so they can pursue what they love and share love so freely since they are so used to being cold and detached (aqua south node). 
☃︎ Those with a cancer north node are naturally so good at business matters like building a company or climbing the success ladder (capricorn south node). They learn quickly that material success alone does not bring them fulfillment. Every time they reach somewhere that feeling of achievement is fleeting and they just want to share those moments with others. They have this urge to connect emotionally to their loved ones and create memories. They might desire having a family of their own, a secure home, and a sense of safety and stability.
I somehow always unintentionally post in december and my posts be considered old next month, so I quit my toxic draining job last week, kinda feels like a life crisis, but I’m feeling so safe and cozy in my bed having my hot mocha eating all the christmas sweets and watching funny shit. so share your fav stand ups, funny movies or documentaries, anything you watch during the holidays. stay warm and cozy 🧣🎅🏼
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throneofsmut · 1 month
Sweet Little Prince
Dorian Havilliard x Reader || WC: 1.9k || Warnings: None
Summary: Dorian finds out he has a son he didn’t know about. Based on this req.
A/N: Whoever req this i hope you like it. Idk if this is what you expected but it’s what came to mind.
Your son had finally fallen asleep causing you to let out a relieved sigh as you brush back his raven-black curls from his face.
A smile gracing your lips before placing a kiss on his forehead and quietly making your way out of his room, heading down stairs back to the kitchen.
You find Rowan putting the chocolate cake into the oven to bake.
“You finished it?” you ask as you step up beside the oven. “You didn’t have to.”
“I know, but I didn’t know how long you’d be.” He replies without looking over his shoulder at you. “And I know you want to get the recipe just right for his birthday tomorrow.”
“Thank you.”
He gives you a nod before rising to his full height again and moving to the sink to wash his hands. “Your sister wants to talk to you.”
“About what?” You lean on the island that’s in the middle of the kitchen.
Rowan turns around facing you as he dries his hands. He doesn’t say anything until he’s done and places the damp towel on the counter. “About you being Queen of Terrasen and ruling beside her. Together.”
You shake your head, brows furrowed, “Since the war ended, I think I made it pretty clear I don’t want to be Queen.”
“I told you, why already. You, Aelin and Aedion. I don’t want it.”
“Tell me again.”
“Tell me.”
Letting out an annoyed sigh, glaring at him for a moment before telling him. Again. “I don’t want to rule. I don’t want a crown or a throne. I have no taste for duty. I’m not suited for it.”
He crosses his arms across his chest. “Have you ever considered that, the best ruler, might be someone who doesn’t want to rule?”
A small chuckle slips through your lips earning a glare from him. “No, I don’t. Because I don’t want it.”
“Your sister just thinks that—“
Aelin walks through the front door of your cottage, “I just think that, it’d be safer for both of you if you moved into the castle and were crowned. She reaches the two of you in a few long strides. “You would be Queen and he”—your son—“would be the crowned Prince.”
Now it’s your turn to cross your arms across your chest. “He’s technically already a prince and I’m capable of keeping us both safe here—in our home. We don’t need to be in the castle.”
Your sister’s—your twin’s— face softens and she walks up to you. “I know he is,” she says gently. “I know you are. . . but please think about it. And if you don’t want to be Queen here, what about Adarlan? Dorian keeps asking about you.”
“Aelin,” you sigh, “you’ve been telling me to ‘think’ about it for two years now and I don’t want it. Or Adarlan’s”
She opens her mouth to say something, but before she can your son’s voice cuts her off.
“Mommy?” he calls out. “Mommy, where are you?”
“Coming, baby,” you call back.
Aelin steps back and you make your way upstairs to his room. As soon as you walk into his room he sits up in his bed. “I hear Aunty Aelin and Uncle Wowan, downstairs.”
“Did they wake you up?” You ask as you sit on the side of his bed.
He nods his head, rubbing his eyes—one sapphire blue and one bright ashryver blue, ringed with gold—“Can I say ‘hi’?”
You breathe out a small laugh, nodding, “You can say ‘hi’ but then you have to go back to sleep.”
He nods his head and lifts his arms for you to pick him up.
You head back downstairs with him in your arms. His head resting on your shoulder with his arms wrapped around you.
Aelin and Rowan both walk up to meet you, closing the distance. “How’s my favorite nephew?” Aelin coos.
“He’s your only nephew,” Rowan points out. Which earns him a glare from your sister.
“Say ‘hi,’ baby.”
“Hi, Aunty Aelin. Hi Uncle Wowan.” His little voice is still thick with sleep.
They both greet him back with loving smiles.
“Why are you awake, little prince? We trained a lot today.” Rowan asks him as he brushes a rogue raven-black curl behind his little pointed ear.
“I hear you and Aunty Aelin and I wanted to say ‘hi’.”
“That’s so sweet of you,” Aelin praises.
Your son smiles, his cheeks dimpling, and he turns to look at you. You can’t help but beam at him in return. Your own cheeks dimpling too.
He lightly tugs a golden blonde lock of your hair before whispering—not so quietly—“I go sleep now?”
“Yeah, baby.” You chuckle before giving Aelin and Rowan a quick look and they nod back at you.
And as soon as you’re done tucking him back in he’s sleeping. You kiss his forehead before heading back down stairs, “Sweet dreams,” your whisper into his night filled room.
“Fireheart!” Rowan scolds your sister as she shoves a forkful of steaming chocolate cake into her mouth.
She spits it out before even chewing it and you frown. “That bad?”
She shakes her head, brows furrowing sadly, “No. It’s too hot.”
“I told you to wait,” Rowan grumbles.
“Anyways,” you drawl out. “Why’d you come so late, Aelin?”
“My meetings ran long today and I had an unexpected visitor come.” She blows on a new forkful of cake to cool it down. “They’re going to be visiting for the week.”
You arch a brow, “Who?”
“A friend.”
Your gaze slid to Rowan, who shrugged. “Don’t look at me. I’ve been here all day.” And he was right. He’d been here since the morning teaching and training your son because the raw magic he’d inherited from his father began showing.
And a two—practically three—year old with raw magic and fae ancestry needed to be taught control early it seemed.
Also because fae males—even half fae males were deadly. Rowan and Aedion knew that so they came and helped you teach your son control. Fenrys and Lorcan had given up after your son had learned to summon fire and burned off their eyebrows.
Aelin groaned as she chewed a new bite of cake. “Good?” you asked. She nodded, still not finished chewing her first bite before getting another. “Are you still going to be able to make it to his birthday tomorrow?”
She gave you a look as if to say, Obviously, before finally telling you with words. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Your sister and Rowan said their goodnights and Rowan had to practically drag her out because she was still trying to eat the chocolate cake. So to make it easier for both of them you just told her to take the whole thing with her. Her eyes glinted as soon as the words left your mouth.
You woke up early the next day to get everything ready for your son's third birthday and you had practically finished setting up and getting ready by the time Aedion and Lysandra came to help set up.
An hour later the rest of Aelin’s court—your little family—arrived.
Everyone was enjoying themselves and eating while your son and Lorcan and Elide’s daughter played together while Evangeline watched over them.
You got up from the table to go get the cake, still needing to frost it and add the candles.
Aedion rose with you, “Do you need help?”
Giving him a small smile as you gestured for him to sit back down, “No, I got it.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll be quick.” You reassured him.
Setting the cake on the counter that was in front of the window where you could still see your son playing with his cousins. He was conjuring fishes with his water magic and making them dive in and out of the lake in front of him. His cheeks dimpled as he laughed along with the girls.
You were so distracted by your son and the cake that you didn’t hear anyone walk in until they called your name.
“Y/n?” He called.
You stilled as your heart dropped before slowly turning around. The frosting spatula clutched so tightly in your hand your knuckles were white.
“Dorian,” you breathed.
He was still as beautiful as you remembered him. Tall, tan skin, sapphire eyes and raven-black hair. But, he was broader now—more muscular. And in place of the black collar that was around his neck the last time you saw him was a pale line.
“Why— How—“ he stammered.
“Why are you here?”
“I’m visiting. . . I got here yesterday evening and Aelin said you were all celebrating a birthday and invited me.” You were going to kill her.
“You settled.” He pointed out, his eyes taking you in.
Even though he wasn’t necessarily asking, you responded anyway. “Yes.”
“How? You’re twenty, I thought you weren’t going to settle for a few more years.”
“I didn’t think so either, but, uh, I actually settled while I was pregnant.”
Dorian’s face flickered with so many different emotions before he schooled his features and simply asked, “Pregnant?”
“Yeah. . . and not only did I settle but my son’s magic made me fully fae.” You didn’t know why you were just telling him everything. “The healers don’t know how either, but him being half fae confirmed it.”
“It’s his birthday today,” you told him.
Dorian’s mouth opened, but before he could say anything your son’s laugh drifted all the way back to the cottage and cut him off. His sapphire eyes shot to the window and he sucked in a sharp breath.
There was no denying the resemblance. He knew he was the father of your son.
His gaze turned back to you and there was so much pain and regret in his eyes but hope too. Maybe even love. “Why didn’t you tell me?” was all he said though.
“I was going to,” you admitted. “But before I got the chance to,” your voice cracked, “your father ordered you to kill me when he found me trying to talk to you.” A tear rolled down your cheek and he stepped closer to you and wiped it away. “So I ran. To keep us both”—your son and you—“alive.”
Your words weren’t malicious, just honest.
“You don’t remember?”
His eyes were still on you as he shook his head before looking out through the window again. “I missed so much,” he whispered so softly you almost didn’t hear him.
“I’m sorry.”
Dorian pulled you into a hug, “Don’t be. You’re both here. Safe and alive. That’s all I care about.” His words made you cry harder and he only held you tighter and kissed the top of your head.
You both were so caught up in your own world that you didn’t hear the little footsteps that bounded into the kitchen.
“Mommy?” Your son called and you and Dorian pulled apart.
He walked up to you and you crouched down to get to his level. “Why you crying?” He asked, his small hands wiping away your tears.
“I’m just so happy, my sweet little prince.”
He smiled and turned to look at Dorian. “Are you mommy’s friend?”
Dorian chuckled as he crouched down too, tears welling up in his eyes, as he looked at a small version of himself. “Yes. Her best friend.”
Your son smiled impossibly wider and stuck his hand out towards him and introduced himself. “Hi, I’m Dowian.”
Dorian looked at you and this time a tear fell. He cleared his throat, taking your son’s hand, “Hi, Dorian. My name is Dorian too.”
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terezis · 11 months
ok here's the hot goss from the nycc taz gn panel
i don't actually know whether or not it was recorded/ if they're going to put it online so here is my summary. also if i miss anything and u were there pls feel free to chime in. spoilers obviously!!!
got eight new preview pages (four two-page spreads), not the pages on the macmillan website!!!
ok i will tell u about those pages but the main thing discussed at the panel was how they went about adapting this arc into gn form. the actual time spent in wonderland has been trimmed a lot bc they had to think about what was actually important to the narrative as they are building to story and song.
basically in planning out the suffering game they also really had to decide what the rest of the series would look like, bc whatever they include now is seeding the stuff that's going to happen later.
cam is not in this book. it was implied there's less wheel spins. rowan/ash/sterling get much less screen time
almost half of this book is lunar interlude stuff (pre and post suffering game, INCLUDING REUNION TOUR!!! no word on where it ends but they made it clear that a LOT of thought went into what to include and where to end it, and what that would mean for the next book)
ok so about those preview pages
first one was post-taakitz date with kravitz sensing a lich and the umbra staff shooting at him <3 <3 <3
i thought they were going to show us the preview pages that were on macmillan so when i saw kravitz i was so shook
second spread was magnus visiting the voidfish, which now happens right before they leave for wonderland; the whole beginning of tsg from magnus trying to talk to pringles to him kidnapping those guards to the chimera fight was cut LOL bc it never really got… addressed again in the podcast
angus comes to get him for the mission but magnus has been going Through It (outright stated, they were like. he found out he's a red robe. he would probably not be handling it well. he has eyebags now. LOL) and snaps at angus when angus presses him on what's wrong.
more angus content, he will be investigating what's going on at the bureau more (his scene w magnus ties into this)
same for lucretia! more content/ stuff for her to do
third spread was merle w his kids getting saved by the red robe, is at a carnival instead of a random street this time LOL
last one was the boys arriving just outside of wonderland
wonderland looks fuckign cool
what else… oh confirmed like eighty panels of bare ass naked magnus after he gets his body back. so i think we really are getting the full reunion tour this book???
omg ALSO!!! ben (editor) said he campaigned REALLY HARD to have the umbra staff break during the suffering game, freeing lup early, bc he really wanted more time with her, but griffin campaigned really hard NOT to do this, and in doing so his arguments solved a lot of other problems they had been having at the time LOL
travis is the fans' champion when the others get too edit-happy. he's the one who has a good idea of what moments are important to the readers so he's like hey… too far. don't cut that. and then they don't
justin leaves great notes and when they couldn't figure stuff out ben would often say "no it's fine justin will solve this." and he ALWAYS DID
this was news to justin
??? i think that's all the main points honestly i'm v picky about adaptations but overall i feel like these are good changes that make sense when translating the podcast to gn
that said i do hope taako still gets a washing machine dropped on him <3 do this for me carey <3
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infamous-if · 4 months
Is it safe to assume Rowan is the *main* best friend to MC?
Hmm idk if I should call it main but I would say that Rowan does have a more prominent role in MC's life when it comes to the group. For a long time it was just them being single and so they stuck together a lot, especially after Seven's departure. It's easy to forget that most of the group have been in long-term relationships so it's natural for Rowan and MC to stick together ! That's why the fight is a plot point in the beginning—Rowan was pretty hurt, even if he was acting unreasonably.
So yeah, Rowan and MC are kinda the paring in the group (then there's Iris/Devyn, Jazzy/Chris, August is a floater but they don't care about being alone anyway so and they get close to Rowan and/or MC haha)
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sollucets · 1 year
frankly as a circa december bl convert i was unprepared for what would happen to my dash this week
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 11 months
Hi I was thinking what about yan!mafia boss who kidnaps and baby traps(no need for smut scene) reader and how life would be for reader while pregnant
Yandere! Ex-patient! Mafia Boss x AFAB! Nurse!Reader
Hmm baby trapping.
Well I can say for sure y'all like the pregnant fics LMAO
I hope you don't mind me putting more details to yandere! This is like the much more twisted version of a greek myth story, so be warned!
Also, Rowan cameo? (Since Rowan is also a mafia boss)
Yandere! Mafia boss name: Hades
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"Sir! Rowan's men are closing in!"
Hades clenched his teeth and looked at his right hand man. He was injured and not able to use his left arm right now.
"Fuck. Do we really need to retreat?" Hades pondered, clutching the empty Thompson in his hands and not minding his broken leg.
"Sir, please, let's just retreat!"
Hades bit his tongue and messed up his hair in frustration before opening up the intercom. "Retreat! Get out of there and retreat!"
It was hard extracting his men from that warehouse lot. But in the end, they were left with only 75% of the number of men that went to this mission, much to Hades' disappointment.
He doesn't have a surname, nor a family.
All he has is his mafia and his men.
He remembered when he desperately clawed at the feet of the old mafia boss, asking him to take him in.
He remembers the rigorous training he had to go through in order to be accepted inside their famiglia, and just to be recognized by his boss.
After years of being the underdog, he won a do or die tournament inside the famiglia. And he became the new boss once the old one retired.
As somebody who didn't have anything, he knew how hard it is to have nothing at all. Nothing to eat, nothing to sleep on, nothing to drink.
So he made sure to claw as much as he can to his territory.
He is relentless in his pursuit. With his cold eyes and violent tendencies, it's no wonder his wealth and circle expanded exponentially.
His temper always flare up whenever he saw something he wants.
Envious even.
Filled with envy, he would stop at nothing to get what he wants.
He's temperamental, vicious, cold, and jealous.
He's always jealous. Envious.
He wants everything.
So, when he saw the opportunity to extend his territory once more with the Silas famiglia's territory, he had to.
But it landed him in the hospital.
It was a close fight, but in the end, Rowan won due to an error with Hades' group.
Hades sighed and brushed back his hair to his scalp, not even flinching when the nurse accidentally bumped into his broken leg.
"I-i'm so sorry sir! Forgive me!" The nurse panicked, their breathing fast and short.
Hades frowned, his eyes glowering in anger as he stared daggers at the nurse.
The nurse gulped and ran away, scared for their life.
Hades leaned back to the pristine, luxury hospital bed. The ache in his leg didn't faze him as he looked outside of the window, annoyed at the lost oppurtunity.
For now, he's going to let the Silas' go.
The door opened and in came a new nurse, you.
"Hello sir. I'm your new nurse! My name is y/n." You said, gently holding the clipboard in your hand. Your light blue scrub was clean and spotless.
"Hmph." Hades mused. "Did the crybaby ran to you and tattled on me? Telling i'm a big bad man?" He cooed, like talking to a child.
But rather than getting angry or scared, you only laughed and shook your head.
"You could say that." You told him straightforward, and this amused Hades.
"Well, whatever. Just do your best to take care of me." Hades said before he allowed you to come close to him.
You were an amazing nurse.
Nothing short of caring, you made sure to attend to Hades to the best you can do.
It was like you were a family member, taking care of him with such tenderness that even touched Hades.
Your hands, like the work of an angel, had the touch of a skilled healer and caregiver as you even tended to the most mundane tasks that he could do, like eat.
He didn't mind though. The pretty nurse was taking care of him. Who is he to refuse?
At first, he thought you were only after his money, which understandably made him upset. But you never crossed the line to flirt with him. You acted like an old friend, bantering and joking with him.
He liked this. You were not tense around him. You're not intimidated by the man in front of you, only annoyed whenever he refused to do something you needed him to do.
You both become friends, and Hades always looked forward to your care.
Just pure, adulterated caring hands of a mother-like figure.
Mother, huh?
If you took care of Hades like this, how would you take care of your own children?
He innocently pondered. Imagining you pregnant, he daydreamed of you give birth and having children.
But he flinched, suddenly feeling his body hot.
Seeing you pregnant aroused him.
No, seeing you get pregnant due to him aroused him to no end.
It was just supposed to be an innocent thought. Since he wanted to imagine what would it be like for you to have a family of your own and taking care of them.
But he imagined that the husband is him, the children are his, and you are his wife.
He imagined you moaning under him, clutching his back and screaming his name as he blew his load into you, pumping you full.
He imagined you with a round belly, filled with his baby or two, waddling around his mansion as he took care of your every need.
He licked his teeth, suddenly, suddenly liking the prospect of you with him.
Ever since then, he saw you in a different light.
He had to have you.
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Hades moved his leg and smiled.
It doesn't hurt anymore, and he knew it was fully healed.
"Thanks for this, doll." Hades said, his husky deep voice breaking the silence inside the hospital room. His sharp, dark eyes bored into your giddy form that was clapping for him.
"That's great then!" You grinned, looking at the clipboard and nodding. "You're good for discharge then! Can't believe you abused your stay here in the hospital until your broken leg actually healed."
Hades howled in laughter, feeling light.
"Hey, I had to. It's much more peaceful here." He lazily grinned. "And, I had my pretty little doll take care of me. That's two birds in one stone."
You flushed pink and gave a small chuckle.
"Haha. So funny." You rolled your eyes.
"What can I say? I'm a clown." Hades joked "Honk honk." He squeezed his nose, pretending it's the red, squeezy clown nose that clowns have.
"The whole circus, you mean." You teased.
The both of you got quiet once more as you helped his men who just got inside the room to move Hades' things out.
He watched you interact with his men and frowned, jealousy bubbling inside of him. And his eyes narrowed when he saw one brush his hand with yours.
In his eyes, it wasn't an accident, it was a deliberate act of flirting with you.
"Okay, I got to report to your physician first. Be right back!" You said, waving to Hades before jogging out.
"Oi, you."
All of his men stopped, heart rate suddenly picking up as Hades pointed at the man who brushed his hands with yours.
"Yes sir?" The man approached him and Hades immediately grabbed his hand, twisting it.
The man was about to scream in agony but only got to whimper in pain when Hades bore holes in him.
"Those hands you touched? I am the only one who's able to do that." Hades seethed, jealousy and envy bubbling inside of him again, threatening to boil over. "So don't you dare do that again."
He let go of the man as he nodded, scrambling away from him. His other men only bowed and continued to do their work.
They knew not to touch the boss' future wife, as what Hades told them.
But they don't know the scope of 'touch', and it seems that even accidental touches aren't out of the question.
They were glad that their boss found a woman to be his partner, and was happy that the boss seemed like he found something to be happy with.
Especially with how hard his life was before, he needed somebody who will love him unconditionally.
But they forgot that Hades was the epitome of envy and jealousy.
They prayed for your soul. May it be to escape Hades' clutches, or for you to tolerate his behavior and his overly possessive nature.
But, six months later, their hair stood on their ends when they saw you inside the boss' mansion, confined, and kidnapped. You had a defeated look on your face as you glared at their boss, who only smirked.
You were kidnapped by Hades.
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six months before the kidnapping
Hades visited you in the hospital, bringing a bouquet of flowers in hand. It was an assortment of different floras, most of them of your favorite flower that you mused to him one day.
He sighed, suddenly feeling nervous. It was the first time he felt like this, but he shook his head and clicked his tongue before walking inside.
His long legs strode towards your floor. The other hospital personnel, who once cowered in fear, looked at him curiously and started to gush amongst themselves.
They knew who he was here for.
And once he got to the 4th floor, he saw you, working on your computer.
"Hey little doll." He drawled out, smirking as you looked up to him.
"Hades! How are you?!" You excitedly jumped up, eyes sparkling. Hades felt warm inside, knowing you were smiling like that because of him.
"Oh, you know. Doing the same. Your care is spectacular. I got healed in such a short time. You're an angel, you know that?" Hades winked and you giggled.
"Oh shut you. What are you here for?" You asked.
You gasped, seeing the bouquet of flowers in his hand.
"Grant me the pleasure of being with you, doll?" Hades said, his voice low and quiet, but his resolve was strong.
You grinned and accepted the bouquet, smelling the amazing aroma and smiling.
"Of course!"
At first, dating Hades was fun.
He spoiled you rotten. Giving you jewelry, clothing, food... Anything you looked at, he would buy.
He was a gentleman. A clear and distinct difference from how he's always been.
It was supposed to be a fairytale love story. Well, as much as a fairytale it is being with a mafia boss.
But he was so possessive and overly jealous.
"Why are you looking at him?"
"You don't have male patients, right? No, scratch that. Even women can see how amazing you are."
"Why did he talk to you? Is he asking you out?"
"What did she say? Did she flirt with you?"
"I'll rip their skulls out if you even try to glance their direction."
You groaned, annoyed by his jealousy. You tried to reassure him, that nothing was wrong, that he was the only one for you, but he won't listen.
He was draining to be with. He's always watching other people like a hawk, threatening them if they tried to interact with you, then getting so manipulative with you.
And while you made sweet, sweet love with him one night, with your body filled with his marks and bites, you knew you had to let go of the man.
You can't even work in the hospital right because of his jealousy.
So you have to.
But when you woke up, were kidnapped by him.
"What the fuck?! Hades!" You screamed, looking at the windows. It was grilled. The doors, all unlocked except for the exits.
Nobody was allowed inside the mansion, only you and Hades were residing there.
Hades smirked, looking at you pacing around the mansion. His eyes, dark, obsessed, and possessive, swept your form up and down.
"Doll, you're in the right place." Hades stalked towards you. His long legs, which you once helped heal, was now transporting your twisted boyfriend in front of you. "You think I don't know you want to leave me?"
You seethed, eyes boring betrayal and hatred.
"Why did you kidnap me?"
Hades smirked.
"Like I said, I know you want to leave me. And I can't have that." Hades licked his lips and gently clutched your hips. His thumbs, dangerously close to your core. You shivered, your body responding to his touch. "I did well training your body to like my touch." Hades mused.
You looked away, defiant arousal filling you inside as his hips fit with yours.
You could feel his excitement prodding at your stomach.
"I know you want me, doll." He whispered, leaning down to your ear and licking it. "Doesn't this feel forbidden? If you really hated me, hated my touch, and want to go out, you should have ran away from me. But hey, look at this. You're letting me touch you."
He chuckled darkly as he saw your red face.
"Come on doll." He whispered, kissing your neck. "They said hate sex feels phenomenal. Want to try it?"
Accepting it was the dumbest decision of your life.
He pumped you full, not even bothering to put protection.
And you, swept away by his divine touch, didn't care also.
You only regret this decision once you got pregnant.
Hades gave a triumphant, evil lopsided grin as he called his men to introduce you.
His men's eyes widened in fear at him.
Nobody can even get inside his mansion, let alone his men.
But now, he's openly letting people go inside his mansion. They knew you were inside the mansion, kidnapped. But why is he letting them go inside now?
Hades scoffed and shielded your form from the inquisitive eyes of his men, jealousy filling him.
"Welcome my fiancée, everyone. Treat her well, will you? She's pregnant with my child."
They all froze, before they felt like they were showered with cold ice water.
Baby trapped.
You were baby trapped.
That's why Hades opened the doors to them.
You can't leave no matter what.
And as Hades smirked at your glaring form, they prayed once more.
You're never going out of his clutches.
You were now forever confined in Hades' world.
His Persephone.
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sharklovingcriminals · 5 months
Given that wednesday is told from Wednesday's perspective i think there's a really interesting parallel between affection and being trapped, except when it's about enid.
Even in the opening car scene, which uses lots of claustrophobic angles to show how Wednesday feels about her parents loving each other, there's this idea that wednesday feels trapped by loving and caring.
when her family hug her they physically have to (with no reciprocation) wrap their arms completely around her, and so does xavier when he tried to save her life.
when she tries to help/be kind to rowan he mentally pins her to a tree, when the nightshades try to reach out to her they tie her up with rope and even in the tyler kiss she's leaning away and being stopped by his arm.
talking to her therapist is seen as a prison she has to escape from and the only time she trusts ugene (to keep watch at pilgrim world) she ends up stuck in a shed with the only door blocked by an angry pilgrim.
tyler needs restraining by shackles in a cave when he is "learning to love" his master through stockholm syndrome and xavier, gomez, morticia and wednesday herself all end up in prison because they cared and showed kindness.
All of this shows that trusting caring and loving are seen as prisons by wednesday but then...
when enid leaves the dorm and leaves Wednesday alone she is seen hugging her knees, gripping them tightly, restraining herself which i think shows that she sees enid and being close to enid as freeing, a sentiment enid repeats back when she returns to the dorm, listing reasons that wednesday didn't like her and saying she wouldn't apologise for them (freeing herself from caring about other peoples perception of her).
idk maybe I'm reaching but they are so in love so so very in love
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jojojoy1 · 1 year
Are you doing Lando Norris story requests. If so can you do one where he is a dad and his child and girlfriend/wife come to watch him race for the first time and he wins with 01 💙😊
Daddy, you won! - Lando Norris
Lando Norris x reader
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You and Lando have been dating since you were fifteen years old. You two have been together through thick and thin. So when you found out you were pregnant at only twenty you both knew you could handle it together.
You gave birth to a beautiful baby boy in the November of 2020. Your pride and joy, you and Lando could not be happier.
You didn't want to have your son exposed to the race track too soon. Babies are delicate and as his mother, you are over protective. Lando always said, every weekend since Rowan had been born, that he should be at the races. And you always said no.
One week before the Australian Grand Prix and you were having the same conversation you and Lando have before every race.
"I think you and Rowan should come to Australia." Lando said as you both got into bed.
"I don't know, Lando." You sigh, "He's still so young."
"But it'd be nice. And it's not like he's ever gonna be alone. You can be protective mama bear."
"It's loud, we don't want to deafen him-"
Lando cut you off with a solution, "He can wear ear defenders."
"And fans. I don't want him to be scared or overwhelmed by the amount of people."
"You can take him straight to hospitality. Please y/n. You haven't been to a race in two years. It would mean so much to me." Lando interlocked your fingers as he spoke. You stared into his pleading eyes. Those eyes you always struggled to say no to.
"Fine," Lando smiled more then you knew possible, "We'll come to Australia." Lando cheered, wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into a passionate kiss.
"Where's the sunscreen?" You panicked as you frantically emptied one of your suitcases.
"It's right here, babe." Lando said as he pulled a bottle out of the baby bag you had packed for the day. "Are you okay?" He asked, applying the sunscreen to Rowan's skin.
"I'm just nervous."
"There's nothing to be nervous about."
"What does nervous mean?" Rowan said.
"It means worried, baby." You answered.
"Why are you worried?"
"Because there's going to be lots of people today."
"Bluey will make you not worried." Rowan handed you his blue whale teddy, causing you and Lando to chuckle at the cuteness.
"You hold on to bluey, lovie." You handed Rowan back his whale.
The shock on everyone's faces when you walked into the paddock was priceless. You had told noone about you and Rowan attending the Grand Prix.
Even though Rowan could walk, you decided to carry him to ensure you didn't lose him.
"Y/n! Rowan!" A familiar Spanish accent yelled as the three of you walked to hospitality.
"Uncle Carlos!" Rowan screamed as Carlos approached.
"Hey buddy." Carlos put his hand out to fistbump the toddler. "What are you doing here?" He turned to you.
"Lando finally convinced me that it'd be safe." You smiled.
"Will we see you in the paddock more often, then?"
"If today goes okay. Maybe."
"Well, I'll see you all later." Carlos said as he patted Lando's shoulder.
"Yeah, bye mate." Lando said as Carlos walked away and you continued to McLaren.
You were sat in Lando's drivers room before the race.
"You should watch in the garage with everyone else. Then you can be the first ones I see when I get out the car."
"I don-" Before you could protest Lando interrupted, already knowing what you were gonna say.
"He's got ear defenders."
"Okay, we'll sit in the garage."
Rowan was so excited watching the race. Squealing anytime he saw an orange car on the screen.
You'd never seen Lando drive so well. He started the race in P13 and had managed to work his way up to P2.
Lando was right on Max's tail. A close fight for the win. The atmosphere in the McLaren garage was incredible. Noone expected the car to be capable of this. And with a possible win on the table? Everyone was so nervous.
For the last few laps, Lando had been making so many moves to overtake Max. Getting so close, but not close enough.
They were fighting right to the chequered flag. Just as Max was about to cross the line with another win under his belt, Lando came storming past. By mere inches Lando took home his first ever win.
The garage erupted into cheers. Everyone ran out to meet Lando at the podium. Holding on to Rowan, you made your way to the front of the barriers.
Lando parked his car in the first place spot, removed his helmet and immediately ran over to you and Rowan. Embracing you both. Kissing you on the lips.
"You did it." You said through the tears of joy, "You're a Grand Prix winner."
"Daddy, you won!" Rowan screamed over the cheers.
"Yeah, I did, baby." Lando said as he took Rowan from your arms for a hug.
You'd never felt so proud, seeing Lando on the highest step of the podium.
This win was something Lando has been working for his whole life and being able to celebrate it with the two most important people in his life made it even more special.
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Send out an army to find you
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request: can i please request a lorcan x reader where maeve kidnaps reader who is pregnant. She wants lorcans child because he left her service snd she wants someone sith his powers so she tries to keep reader until she gives birth but she is saved by him.
warnings: blood, implications of death, capture, pregnancy. The good stuff.
In other words your girl got carried away....
Lorcan felt as if the ground had cracked beneath his feet. He fell as if he was freefalling as if he knew that the only fate that awaited him was painful death. He sensed the panic through the bond while he and the rest of the cadre had been training in the woods. The sheer amount of it had made Lorcan's knees buckle. And then he ran. He ran like he had never run before. Body moving on its own, fully trusting his instincts. He didn't care that the house might be crawling with whatever creatures had managed to get inside. The sight of the door barely hanging on its hinges was enough to make bile rise in his throat, yet he strode inside.
"Y/N", he called, going from room to room. There was broken glass everywhere, the chairs in the dining room were broken to pieces, and the utensil drawer was open. All Lorcan could smell was panic. Pain. Fear. His heart was beating so fast, he could feel it all over his body. "Y/N", he shrieked once more. He smelled you still. And that could mean two things: either he was just a heartbeat too late, or you were still here. He prayed for the second. But when Lorcan darted upstairs to see handprints of blood all over the nursery, everything around him froze for a second. The worst fears dance freely in his mind. He didn't even realize when he had started roaring. Or when all of the darkness possessed by him manifested. Drowning out all the light, making all the greenery wilt.
Lorcan felt firm hands holding onto him, trying to pick up the mess. "Let go of me", the male roared. But that wish wasn't granted to him as other sets of hands gripped his face. "I'm going to kill...", Lorcan stated. "Who will you kill? Who, Lorcan?", it was Gavriel who stood right in front of him. Paler than before. Worry laced his features as well. "You need to think", Fenrys added from the side of him, making Lorcan grit his teeth as he spat, "I'm thinking! She's gone, she's...and the baby, that's...", Lorcan felt another wave of panic rush through him. Fear when he realized that he couldn't hold onto the bond that connected you both.
"Breathe", it was Rowan, whose cold wind twirled around Lorcan now, the male trashed in the grip of his friends. "No, you don't...", Lorcan's voice broke. "Breath, Lorcan", Rowan said softly again. Lorcan knew that Rowan, of all the males, knew how painful this felt. He had lost his pregnant partner. They had all watched him fight the demons that clouded his will to live after that. Lorcan sank to his knees, ripping at his chest in hopes of feeling at least any sense of warmth from your side.
The cadre had never seen Lorcan like this. Sure, you had cracked the deepest parts of the male. You had made his presence a lot more bearable. Maker, he smiled even. Smiled from his heart during the family dinner. His prickly side was pushed aside almost fully. Saved only for scaring people away and inflicting panic on the enemy. You were his everything, and to miss that would have been impossible. Rowan clasped Lorcan's shoulders. Yet no one dared to say a single word about what this could truly mean.
You slowly drifted back to consciousness. Frowning slightly once the unfamiliar surroundings began to emerge. Your hand immediately went to your bump as you looked around the stone cell. The sound of the metal shackles made you look down; your hands and ankles were chained. You instantly tried to pull on your mating bond. To call for Lorcan... But a pained cry left your mouth as you found it lifeless. No, you thought to yourself, they wouldn't have managed to kill Lorcan.
"Oh, how lovely to see you awake", the voice dripped venom, and your wild eyes looked at the queen you hoped you'd never have to see again. "What did you do?", You moved to sit up slowly. "I just wanted to see you. You have someone I want", the way she whispered made your body shiver. "What did you do to Lorcan, Maeve", you hissed, hands wrapped around your bump. The motherly instinct was on high alert. The queen smirked, "He used to be my best. You do know what an attentive lover in bed Lorcan was to me". You shook your head. You knew how she treated them all. How she played with them. She twisted her powers to make puppets out of them. Lorcan had never loved her. He had never cared for her.
"It was so hard for me to do this to him", Maeve purred. The panic swirled within you. She wouldn't; you told yourself, she wouldn't have. "I'll make sure the wound of losing him will heal", her voice pierced right through you. "No," you breathed out, "He's not dead. You're lying, bitch". The sympathetic look on her face made you sick. "No, what did you do? What did you do?", you launched forward, chains ringing as you pulled at them. "Now, now... You can't be doing all that. You're pregnant", the queen stepped forward. Her cold hand moved to touch the round swell forming. You tried to move your hands so you could claw at her face, but her magic kept you at bay. "The babe growing within you is like no other, dear", she said, slowly sweeping your tangled hair away from your face. Silent tears that rolled down your cheeks were the only indication of your real emotions that bubbled within. "I'll raise a one-of-a-kind worrier out of that, babe", her nails dug into your face, "You took Lorcan away from me; now your debts will be paid." You tried to scream, but she seized your consciousness, sending you into the dark, oblivious.
Every moment that passed was a moment too long for Lorcan. A heartbeat was wasted. He still didn't know if you were alive. He hoped for it. You had to. Rowan had explained the power that Maeve had when it came to twisting bonds between mates. Maeve. To think that his beautiful, sweet, pregnant wife was in the hands of that sadist. Lorcan knew that you could stand your ground, but he knew that Maeve would not hold back.
He let Gavriel and Rowan plot the plan. His brain was everywhere at the moment. Lorcan clutched the baby blanket you had knitted in his hand. He had been holding onto it for the past two weeks. Only managing to slip into restless sleep if the scent of you was close. "Do you agree, Lorcan?", Gavriel's voice made Lorcan stiffen. But the lion knew that he wasn't listening. "Let us handle Maeve. I know that you want to kill her", Gavriel's voice was calm, but Lorcan let out a bitter laugh, "Want? Want doesn't even come close to it". The lion nodded. "I know, we know, but it's best if you find Y/N in the castle and get the hell away from it". As sweet as revenge tasted, Lorcan knew that this plan was the only one. Because even he didn't trust himself to not get carried away.
You had no way to tell how many days had passed. You had tried to refuse all food and water, but your baby needed it. And as much as you had no will to carry on, the little kicks and squirms within you were the only things making you feel anything other than the void that painted your chest black. You were curled into a ball at the furthest corner of the cell. Holding onto your bump as you hummed slightly.
You hoped the rest of the family would come looking for you. You hoped that this void was just one of many twisted things that Maeve loved. But at this moment, you knew that it was only you. Only you could protect your unborn child from that sadist. She had told you all about it. How the baby would be hers. How she would take it under her wing and raise it as if it was her baby. You gritted your teeth.
The cell door cracked open. You stilled, gripping the metal plate you had filed against the stones, turning it into a somewhat makeshift weapon. You doubted it would be enough to kill her. But you were prepared to try anything by now. You counted the steps, bracing yourself for the blow.
Your hit, however, was met by a strong grip. You were ready to swing one more time as the warmth flooded your heart. "Y/N", you had never loved the sound of your name more than now. Your eyes met the familiar dark orbs. A breath hitched in your throat. Lorcan was standing right in front of you. Your mate was standing right in front of you. You couldn't help but let out a cry.
Lorcan's strong arms wrapped around you instantly. He wasn't expecting to find you here. He was about to turn around when his ears caught on to that familiar heartbeat. Your baby's heartbeat. Steady and strong. And so he leaped down the stairs into the dungeon. Only to find you in this damp, forgotten place.
"Look at me, does anything hurt?", his voice was sharp and calculated. Lorcan looked over your face at the scab on your cheek, yet you shook your head. "She told me...", you muttered. "Listen to me. Is the baby okay? You're feeling okay?", he was close to shaking; you had been dead in his mind for weeks now. He had mentally prepared to find your lifeless body. "Lorcan...", you choked out, sinking into his arms.
"I've got you, dove. I'll take you home. I will never let anyone take you or our baby away from me", he wasn't sure at this point if he was saying this to soothe you or himself more. You barely nodded as Lorcan leaned to scoop you up into his arms. You heard him mutter something else, something about staying awake, but your body was too tired. Your mind was too fried from all the lies that Maeve had told you. So you let yourself drift away.
The crackling sound of the fire woke you up. The room was dim, but in a comfortable way. It was warm, and it smelled of freshly made food. You blinked a couple of times. Your gaze followed the pressure on your thigh. A messy set of black hair met you. Lorcan was holding your hand, his head resting on your thigh as he slept, his free palm resting on your round stomach. You doubted the position was comfortable, and his shoulders, without doubt, would kill him once he woke up.
You reached down to brush his hair away from his face. You smothered the lively bond in your chest. Soaking in the warmth of it. "You have no idea how nice it is to feel you through the bond", Lorcan's voice was groggy, his eyes still closed. You gave him a sad smile, "I'm afraid I do... She told me that she killed you", you muttered. Lorcan rose slowly. His face looked grim. There was a sign of anger still there.
"I'm going to take my time when I...", Lorcan growled but you quickly clasped his hand, "Lorcan... promise me you won't go after her alone", you pleaded. You could tell that he wanted to argue back but his shoulders slumped as he let out a sigh. "How are feeling? The healer looked you over but... You can...", he broke out into yet another rant, and you reached out to him, cupping his cheek, "I'm okay, we're okay. Happy to have daddy back with us", you muttered, feeling your eyes filling up with tears.
Lorcan leaned into your touch before he clasped your hand in his, kissing it a couple of times. "I would raise armies for you and fight gods if I had to", he said, and you knew he meant all of it as he leaned closer, pressing his forehead against yours. "And I will always find you, both of you. I'll look till my very last breath", Lorcan's voice was barely a whisper as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I know, my love, I'd fight for our family with bare hands if I had to", you muttered, leaning into your mate so you could kiss him lovingly.
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