#i have NO IDEA what is going on
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leejungjaes · 1 month ago
i truly feel like my thoughts and feelings for the tv show severance can honestly just be summed up by this
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hermitscar · 8 months ago
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Opening cub's stream to see this with zero context
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icantgetanythingdone · 3 months ago
Buddies The Untamed official Douyin account releasing wangxian drawings in those silly costumes from the fanmeet was not in my 2024 bingo card
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nocontextginalinetti · 2 months ago
Oh honey, we are well into October...
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nacora-najita · 4 months ago
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mitamicah · 29 days ago
I asked people on tumblr (and IG) what to do with my hair and here's the results
First of all thank you guys for voting on this poll (X) it was very interesting and helpful getting your input
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Now I actually ended up not only making a poll here but on IG too and surprisingly they were in agreement for buzzcut:
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So I guess I'll have to find the scissors tomorrow x'D Stay tuned :3
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stoookes · 2 years ago
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Joe is as confused as I am... What are they doing? 🤣
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gumnut-logic · 2 years ago
His Sword
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Just a random scene that got slightly out of control. I have no idea what is going on here other than it is an AU of some kind. I felt like writing a sword fight and this happened, whatever it is.
Many thanks to @katblu42​ for the read through and for putting up with my crazy :D
I hope you enjoy anyway.
A flick of his wrist and his sword was drawn.
The man opposite him smiled. “My, my, you are as excitable as your father.”
He shifted his feet, ready. “What do you know of my father?”
That blasted smirk only grew wider. “Enough, my dear boy, to know how useful he could be.” And the man’s sword was suddenly in his hand. “Shall we?”
Scott didn’t reply, his eyes calculating, watching the smooth silk jacket of his opponent.
Steel reflected the fire burning in a barrel further down the alley.
He knew his two eldest brothers would curse him for coming alone. For even attempting to track down that obvious carrot of a piece of information about their father. But he was drawn to answers, any answers to find out his fate.
And this man knew. Scott swore by his mother’s bodice that he knew.
But he had been foolish. Brash, Virgil would say. It was too much of a risk.
And it was. Far too much of a risk to endanger his family.
Be the fault and the penance on his shoulders only.
On his life.
The Lawd moved and Scott parried, the clang of steel on steel travelling up his arm like hammer on bone.
“I must admit that I expected more.” A swipe at his gut, barely wrangled away. “I expected a troop of Tracys charging in to find their long lost Papa. Instead I only tempted one. The foolish one who thinks speed equals intelligence.”
Scott jumped backwards, avoiding a stab at his gut. Every move the bald villain made spoke of experience. It was no surprise. Gat had a reputation for brutality and conquest, and Scott had no doubt this would be a fight to the death.
So be it.
He went on the offensive. Gat wanted speed, Scott Tracy had it. His sword flew, faster than any other known to exist. He pushed his fury, his anger, his love for his father and family, all of it, into his attack.
Gat stumbled backwards, as if startled at his ferocity.
Scott took advantage and pushed further. “Tell me what you know!”
But the Lawd only laughed, parrying his every move even as he bowed under Scott’s onslaught.
Steel sung a violent song in stark contrast the bastard’s humour.
God curse his wretched and poisoned soul!
Their father had taken this man at his word. Led his eldest son and their forces onto the battlefield as was honourable and right. But the Lawd had betrayed them informing the enemy and sacrificing the battle and their men for money.
Scott saw his father fall to a pike, but struggling with his own wounds had been unable to reach him.
He was told when he woke in the recovery tent that he was now head of his family, that his father was gone, his body burned on the battlefield.
The Lawd sent his sorrow and gifts of mourning and solace.
And upon Scott’s return, they had all grieved.
Until Scott saw the Lawd wearing his father’s hat.
It had to be intentional. It was a fine hat. Virgil had made that hat. It was unique. The feather it sported was from a bird on another continent. From a time when their father explored the world, travelling so, so far from here.
It was his father’s hat.
His brother John had asked a few pertinent questions in the right places. Scott himself had travelled to the site of the battle, spoken to the locals, delved into the details of what happened after the battle.
But it was young Gordon who discovered the most.
He ingratiated himself with the servants of the castle and dropped pennies for news. One so young was more amusing than a suspected spy.
Servants overheard everything after all, and there was talk of their father being alive.
But not where, not how.
He only had who.
Gat struck at him suddenly, derailing his attack and forcing him into defence. “Do you think, boy, that I fear you? Do you think a son of such a gullible man could ever be a threat to me?”
Scott found himself stepping back, as every strike struck out. Gat’s steel moved like the forked tongue he was, darting, hissing and lying regarding its intent.
And suddenly he was on his back, Gat’s sword against his throat.
The night flickered in the sickly yellow of distant flame.
“See? Isn’t that better? A twitch of my finger and I could end both of our troubles.”
Scott glared up at him.
The tip of the sword broke the skin of his neck.
His family flashed through his mind. Each brother, his grandmother, Kyrano, Tanusha, Hiram…
Virgil growled.
An arrow shot through the air, piercing the silk in Gat’s shoulder. He staggered and the steel fell away from Scott’s throat.
The Lawd’s expression went from shock to abrupt anger
Scott raised his sword, but he had no need to, as it’s brother, sporting the family Thunderbird crest sliced in and parried Gat’s blade away.
“Get away from him!” Virgil’s eyes were pure fire.
Gat laughed and wrenched his sword out of Virgil’s block, readying to strike.
Scott stumbled to his feet, but another arrow hissed through the air, catching the Lawd in his sword hand. He yelled and cursed as he dropped his blade.
It clattered on the cobblestones.
“Concede, Gat.” Scott’s usually quiet brother snarled.
Gat’s response was another laugh. “Concede? To you? What do you think you will do if I don’t? Kill me?”
Blood dripped from his arrow-embedded hand.
Scott straightened, his sword poking a hole in Gat’s back. “Easily.”
“Far from honourable, boy. What would your father think?”
Virgil took a step closer, his leather long-coat flickering a dull shine in the poor light. “I think our father would appreciate the favour of removing a traitor such as yourself from existence. So you could do no more harm.”
At least this time Gat didn’t laugh in his brother’s face.
Virgil picked up the Lawd’s sword and tacked it to his tool belt. His eyes flickered to Scott and his lips thinned.
Displeasure was the least descriptive word for his expression.
“Well, I am sorry to disappoint both you and your father, but I do have another important engagement, so if you will excuse me…” Gat’s other hand flicked up some dust, it sparkled…
And exploded.
Scott was thrown backwards, his back hitting cobblestones with bruising force. His sword clattered beside him as he fought to protect his head.
The air burnt in a rainbow of colours and smoke filled the air.
When it cleared, Gat was gone.
Scott sat up slowly, his sight full of after images.
Leather creaked.
A clatter of feet on wood and tile and the slim form of his middle brother, bow in hand, slipped onto the scene, no doubt from the rooftops he loved.
“Scott?” John’s voice was worriedly soft.
“I’m uninjured.” He stumbled to his feet. “What about Virgil?” He stepped over blackened pavement to find his brother flat on his back. “Virgil!”
His brother didn’t stir as both Scott and John approached. “John, keep watch!”
“I am! And Eos has the eye in the sky.”
Virgil’s eyes were closed. Scott located a lump and smear of what was likely blood on the back of his brother’s head. “Curses, why did you bring him?!”
John shot him a glare. “Why did you not tell us you were going? Virgil was furious, as am I.”
“I didn’t want to risk you!” He yanked off his jacket and folded it enough to slide it under Virgil’s head.
“Yet you think we want to risk you? How could you do that?”
“I didn’t know he possessed sorcery.”
“He had you long before he did magics, Scott. Only my arrow and Virgil’s sword prevented the worst.”
Scott sighed. “Why did you give him your sword?”
“I didn’t. It is his sword.”
Scott glanced at the blade so similar to his own laying discarded beside his brother. “It is not his place.”
“You made it his place by running off on your own!” John’s eyes were dark with fury. “I needed the roofs and unless you think Gordon has earnt his sword, Virgil was the best choice of few.” He sighed. “We work together or not at all, Patriarch.”
Scott’s denial died on his lips as Virgil groaned and mumbled. “Stop arguing, you’re hurting my head.”
His brother groaned again. “Mercy, shut up.”
“We should get out of here. Gat was injured. I have no doubt accusations will be made.” John’s eyes were trained on the inside of his wrist, on the tells from the Eye. “We have county soldiers heading our way.”
Scott would ask for details later. “C’mon, little brother.” He reached down and drew Virgil close, helping him off the dirty cobblestones. As always, his little brother was anything but little.
John grabbed an arm and Virgil attempted to get his feet under him.
“I may vomit on you.” His head lolled onto Scott’s shoulder.
“Save it for anyone who gets in our way.”
That earned him a grunt, but at least Virgil was mostly mobile.
John glanced at him. Scott nodded and waved him towards the rooftops. “We meet at home.”
“Grandmother is not happy.”
“You told?”
John twisted his lips. “You went in alone. All bets are off.” And with that, he leapt up the side of the building, quiver bouncing on his back, climbing walls as if they were merely pavement.
Virgil buried his face into Scott’s shoulder as they began their slow walk home.
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skelegun · 1 year ago
One of my nephews is going through this 5NAF phase and he gets really excited to talk to me about it and it’ll sound like “then candy bear murders a child and the purple man shows up” and I have to be just like “wow dude that sounds great”
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mera-mann-kehne-laga · 2 years ago
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astolfofo · 2 years ago
yo wtf is going on in bsd season 3 im so confused
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inland--empire · 1 year ago
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You don't get it. You don't get it. You don't get it. You don't get it. You don't get it. You don't get it. You don't get it. You don't get it. You don't get it. You don't get it. You don't get it. You don't get it.
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zblaznene-paze · 2 years ago
Holy SHIT WHAT JUST HAPPENED. WHY DID NO ONE WARN ME. (I was warned. Multiple times.)
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gendenelith · 2 years ago
An algo that works?
I don't remember what things I clicked but now my "For You" tab here on twitter is like 80% Bridget, 15% Pseudoregalia, and 5% other indie games.
Now I'm afraid to touch any settings because I don't want that to ever change.
Wait. Now I kinda want a Bridget mod for Pseudoregalia. Just completely fuck my brain right up.
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let-the-guilt-go · 1 year ago
Just realized I'm a cute adorable girl that always looks pissed off and ready to kill, looks and sounds like a guy, but I have long beautiful hair, and I wear a whole lot of jewelry, wear both "men's" and "women's" clothes. I'm tall but I look so tiny and fragile. And I just love the total mix of things going on with me
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kitty-chans-art · 1 year ago
i am your brother .our dog just ate my shit so now I am doing to eat her shit back. i’m waiting in our backyard for her to take a shit.
wtf XD
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