#i hate tik tok
hatsunepiku2009 · 5 months
"Compulsively adopting animals is a trauma response". OMFG NO IT IS NOT. The word "trauma" has seriously lost its meaning thanks to tik tok. "This is a trauma response" "this is a trauma response" "this is a trauma response" HOLY FUCK NOT EVERYTHING PEOPLE DO IS A TRAUMA RESPONSE! This shit pisses me off so bad. Just like people who say leg bouncing is a dead giveaway of an anxiety disorder. IT ISNT! I like to sit criss cross apple sauce in my computer chair, is that also a fucking trauma response? Jesus christ
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boseobrien · 2 years
Why are people so comfortable with shipping Piper and Henry?! Like please stop I'm gonna cry😭
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rudyruu · 7 months
my least favorite genre of tik tok brain rot is the videos of people eating weird amounts of spicy food and being extremely annoying about it. close your mouth white boy or i shall glue it shut for you have no sense of direction in life but to be a tik tok brain sludge content creator.
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tineteenieworld3 · 2 years
Coming on here to say once again, if you’re a fanfic writer, don’t let tik tok or any social media platform make you feel bad for your writing level. You’re doing such a good job and should be proud of yourself for putting your work out there.
If you write in one big paragraph that’s okay! That’s what you want to do and where are right now and if that’s what makes you comfortable that’s totally fine.
If you write in first person, that’s also perfectly okay.
If you write byler and use ‘Willy’ or ‘Mikey’ or whatever people come say in this tag over and over again and mock it as if they’re original, that’s okay. It’s all okay, do what makes you comfortable and what you like. If we don’t like it we can all silently keep it to ourselves, because it’s about you and what you enjoy writing.
Don’t let anyone make you feel stupid or bad for taking initiative and growing as a writer. You’re doing an amazing job and we appreciate you. You don’t owe us anything. Just be proud of where you are and learn in a positive way, not in way that makes you feel bad about your writing or embarrassed.
It’s okay, everything is okay. Just have fun, I can’t imagine how stressful it probably gets to try and please people. It’s okay. You’re doing a good job.
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why is there a tik tok trend where rich people run around their houses to murder on the dancefloor DON’T PISS ME THE FUCK OFF!!!
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alddente · 9 months
I neeed to tear Tik Tok diet influencers apart with my teeth Jesus Christ. Was trying to find a recipe I forgot to save this morning and was greeted with a man screaming about how a shitty looking salad was the same amount of calories as a tortilla. The number was 200, by the way. 200. Not 2000, not 1000, 200. A small amount for something that is part of a larger meal. If you eat a meal that’s 200 calories you will not be full or satisfied and you will go back for something later.
One of the comments that particularly stuck out to me was some teenager commenting “omg I just checked and my tortillas are 200 calories I’m scared what do I do”.
I’m scared. I’m. Scared. These teenagers, these children, are becoming scared of food, they’re scared to eat real, nutritious meals because diet influencers are telling them they should be. It’s fucking disgusting and incredibly commonplace on Tik Tok especially, but I also see it on Instagram, and those are arguably the social media platforms with the youngest average user base. It’s sickening. I’m so tired. Body checking and what I eat in a day videos reign supreme on “health” Tik tok and nothing is being done about it.
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kuramocheese · 10 months
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obwald · 1 year
I've had tumblr since middle school but my dad found it and made me get rid of it like 2 weeks after I first got it and I never came back until a few months ago and I am so glad I did cause God Tumblr is so much nicer than like every other social media I use/have used.
this is sponsored by the countless crazy infuriating and hair tearing comments I've gotten on my tik tok posts. Those people somehow don't realize that if you don't like something, you can scroll away instead of making a rude comment about it and then getting brought back to the video you didn't like everytime they want to reply to argue and then it makes the algorithm give them more of that content cause it's what they're interacting with GOD
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reallyhailey · 1 year
me thinks someone’s stealing my sims... but I need them to post one more video to confirm that i’m not crazy lmao 
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darktoshiro · 8 months
The moment I hear any media described as "warm and cozy" it elicits a visceral rejection from me.
Same when games are a mix of "x and y", make something original for fucks sake
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biphaviour · 11 months
I have a 6th sense for not being tiktok famous
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hatsunepiku2009 · 7 months
I srsly need to look into getting youtube premium I am so TIRED of seeing stupid tik tok shop ads I swtg I hope this damned app disappears from the face of the fcking earth and takes all its rich from birth shit stain influencers with it
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jrlmcc · 1 year
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You know that feeling when you hear a snippet of a song on tik tok. And you're like this is a bop, and then you look up the song on spotify and it's not out yet. But now those 30 seconds are stuck in your head. Then the song finally comes out and the only good part of the song was the 30 seconds from tik tok. And you feel absolutely betrayed. Or does this just keep happening to me?
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chopinsdream · 2 years
dhkskdjfkdk????????? car jacking is a tik tok tend
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toonsforkicks22 · 1 month
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
…and they never loved another godkid.
I was crying at work last night thinking about making this 🥲
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