#i hate these bastards (affectionate) (also derogatory)
pocketwei · 1 year
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🃏 🦩 🐊
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askgametime · 2 years
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Feel free to send an ask and I'll place a babygirl blorbo on here. Or tell you "that's not a babygirl"/"that's not a blorbo"/"that's not a babygirl OR a blorbo".
Alternatively, anyone is welcome to use this chart to put all their babygirls on it. Just maybe link back or reblog it or something please?? Thank you <3
[ID: A chart labelled "the BLORBO BABYGIRL CHART!*"
There's a 4x4 grid. An arrow above the top row indicates "Affection levels: Positive to Negative". In order from left to right, they read:
Affectionate - (I love him so much. Pure adoration for this babygirl.)
Derogatory (Affectionate) - (Unfortunately, I love him. Kissing his forehead.)
Affectionate (Derogatory) - (I like him. No I don't. I hate him. Unfortunately I don't want him dead.)
Derogatory - (I want to study him like a bug. Doesn't mean I like him.)
An arrow on the left side of the grid indicates "Morality levels: from Very Low to High". In order from bottom to top, they read:
Deeply Unethical - (Has probably committed war crimes. Or fucked up little experiments. Or something else similarly atrocious.)
Kind of Unethical, Kind of a Bastard - (Could be much worse, but definitely unethical, and also an ass.)
Just An Annoying Bastard - (Not actually unethical, but definitely a dick. An asshole, if you will.)
Pure of Heart - (Has never done anything wrong, ever.)
Below this, there's text reading "source: @askgametime" and "*Unfortunately, wet cat levels/patheticness/competence axis not included." /end ID]
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partywithponies · 2 years
People talking about fictional characters on tumblr is like:
I am going to fist fight them to the death in a Tesco car park (romantic)
War criminal. Absolute bastard. Going to hell for sure. Terrible terrible person (intense lust and amorous intent)
This character is incredibly nuanced and complicated (code for "I know this character is controversial but if you hate on them without also mentioning the more sympathetic aspects of their story I'll cry")
Inoffensive and unproblematic (derogatory)
Fine but not for me :) (active burning dislike but too afraid to say so)
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brotpqueen · 4 months
Okay listen I’m working on the next chapter but Gabriel is a bitch to write for. I am neither a man nor an overconfident little bastard (though that last one is debatable) so I don’t relate to him as much as the others which makes writing more complicated. This bitch is tiring. Also as y’all know I have no idea how to write romantic tension, especially not of the enemies-to-lovers variety. Here’s some incorrect quotes while you guys wait (with some lore drops about the AU if you look hard enough). Thanks for being so patient, gang.
Hairdresser: How would you like your hair cut? Beelzebub: Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be badass.
(if you read chapter one you already know my Beez makes terrible decisions about their hair.)
Anathema: I'm at a loss for words! Newt: Despite being ‘at a loss for words’, Anathema yelled at me for the next 45 minutes.
(Newt is the incompetent one in the group but he’s so sweet they keep him around anyway)
Gabriel: There. How do I look? Shax: Like a cheap French harlot. Gabriel: French?!
(Former Cyberbully VS Also Former Cyberbully. At least Shax is creative with it.)
Aziraphale: Crowley, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason. Crowley, wearing a hoodie that's 5 times bigger than their size: Spooky.
Aziraphale: What the fuck is wrong with you?? Beelzebub: What? No good morning? Aziraphale: Good morning, what the fuck is wrong with you??
(This is literally all of their conversations up until they were like fourteen and Aziraphale gave up on being a good influence and joined in the batshit)
Shax: You're smiling. What happened? Crowley: What? Can't I smile just because I feel like it? Aziraphale: Gabriel tripped and fell down the stairs today.
(They’re the worst brothers ever <3)
Beelzebub: When I was your age- Aziraphale, mocking Beelzebub: When I was your height. Beelzebub: Beelzebub: Listen here you little shit-
(Beez is completely ignoring that Aziraphale is literally like a month older than them)
Hastur: I wouldn’t put it in those words exactly. Newt: Why not? Hastur: Because I don't know what they mean.
(Hastur is a himbo. In this context both affectionate and derogatory. Love ya, ya dumbass.)
The Squad is gathered in the living room for a meeting Maggie: walks in and sits on Nina’s lap The Squad: … Newt: Why are you sitting there? Maggie: There’s no free seats! Newt: But we made sure there was enough room for- Nina: hugs Maggie tightly There are no free seats.
(Nina and Maggie are just here to cuddle and see shit go down tbh.)
Aziraphale: I honestly feel like some of our conversations here are almost word-for-word accurate to the generator. Anathema: Yup. Beelzebub: Maybe the generator is watching us. Aziraphale: Wouldn't that imply this conversation will be added? Aziraphale: … Aziraphale: Wait—
(Never let the smart ones™️ near alcohol they’re existential little fucks already we don’t need a philosophical debate at the campfire)
Shax: Some of us are still ‘it’ from a childhood game of tag. Uriel: Way to just fuck me up on a Tuesday.
(Shax is studying psychology at college/uni SOLELY so she can use it to fuck with people.)
Crowley: We need a plan to beat them. Aziraphale: Okay, listen up. First, we fill their shoes with wet cat food. Crowley: Aziraphale: Judge me all you want, I get results.
(And people say Bee is a bad influence. Really! He’s much better at being a devious little shit now, so I’d call that a good influence!)
One of the campers: running towards Beelzebub with open arms Beelzebub: moves out of the way One of the campers: Hey, why'd you move?! Beelzebub: I thought you were going to attack me. One of the campers: I was going to hug you! Beelzebub: Why would you hug me? One of the campers: WHY WOULD I ATTACK YOU!?
(They have issues okay. Stay tuned for that shit show!)
Shax: I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
(She’s the worst I love her.)
Beelzebub: It’s too early in the morning for this. sent at 11:57 AM
(Aziraphale at many points throughout the years since they chose their name: your name is Beelzebub not Belphegor. Get up and go eat.)
Crowley: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities. Crowley, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor.
(He looses all morals when it comes to board games. Also shut up Crowley your mother is like as rich as God…almost literally.)
Hastur: Hey, Aziraphale you're smart, tell me what would happen if I chugged 3 gallons of chloroform. Aziraphale: Have you ever been to a mortuary? Hastur: Yea, my grandma lives there. Uriel: That is the worst response to that question.
Aziraphale: I literally cannot believe I let you talk me into this. Beelzebub: I literally said “I have an idea,” and you just went along with it without question.
(This is just their entire dynamic in this fic. Literally. This is how they end up in so many situations™️)
Beelzebub, to Nina: You know, Gabriel can be really aggressive, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching. Beelzebub: blows airhorn at Gabriel GET FUCKED!
(They’re still in the enemies stage of enemies-to-lovers…Also Crowley approves this method.)
Beelzebub: I've met a lot of pricks in my time, but you, Gabriel, are a fucking cactus.
(Wait why is that just something I would have them say.)
Uriel: We need to distract these guys. Shax: Leave it to me. Shax: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. The smart ones™️: immediately begin arguing
(More psych student Shax knowing her friends eerily well! She’s a nightmare!)
Gabriel: What have I done wrong?! Crowley: Everything. For your entire life.
(They are in SEVERE need of character development…shame no one around here is doing that. *whistles totally inconspicuously, definitely not ignoring the WIP that’s open in my notes right now*)
Maggie: Which country has the most birds? Maggie: Portu-geese! Uriel: That's a language. Maggie: Portu-gull? Uriel: Good recovery. Newt: I think you mean good re-dovery. Anathema: TURKEY. HOW DID WE MISS TURKEY?
(This is what’s happening while the MCs are off doing MC shit)
Crowley: We’re going to have to split up, like in Scooby Doo. Crowley, to Newt and Hastur: You guys are Scooby and Shaggy. You can search the bathrooms. Crowley, to Aziraphale: Velma, you get the spooky looking fridge in the basement. Aziraphale: What? Why am I Velma? And why do I get the… dubious looking device? Crowley: Because only Velma would say “dubious device”. Aziraphale gets the spooky fridge in the basement. Gabriel: And what does that make you, Fred? Crowley: Bitch, I’m Daphne.
(The real reason Crowley and Gabriel hate eachother so much is that there’s only room for one dramatic little bitch in their family and they both think it should be them.)
Maggie: I'm not superstitious… But I am a little stitious.
(My underrated queen!)
Hastur: I know where you live. Uriel: Where? Hastur: In a house.
(Uriel spends half of their time at camp facepalming. This is what they get for being normal in a sea of weirdos.)
Okay that’s it for now see y’all soon hopefully with the next chapter!
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go-to-the-mirror · 2 years
i dont want to talk about scrutiny
i love scrutiny, i do, but in the way that i love threshold, and nothing beside remains, and seeing it through, and a guest for mr spider. meaning I really do, but I also hate it with vitriol. Not really? It's complicated. I have Some Feelings Towards it. Yep. Look this podcast makes me feel happiness and sadness and anger at the same bloody time, but it's all confused because it's overridden by being Very ADHD about it, so like, they're all rattling around in there. I hate it (affectionate), I love it (derogatory), you get it?
Anyway, y'all know how I feel about Jon already, and if you don't, it's love and only love, so uhm, yeah, let's just get on with it already, rambling and mostly rambling, attempts to set aside my undying love for the Jarchivist for like a day, etc.
Firstly, I'd like to draw attention to the posts I made on my instagram story about this when I was first listening to TMA, because I was Not Alright.
The first was highlighting the description of the episode: "Statement of an unknown bystander, regarding an encounter with The Archivist." "The Archivist." Not "Jonathan Sims," not "Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London," not even "Jonathan Sims, The Archivist."
Just... The Archivist.
The second was regarding the first, saying that I knew it was deserved but he should be allowed to eat a few fears. As a treat.
I didn't say anything to my partner (who you should follow by the way, they're scarandjoelenthusiast), cause I think I was still attempting to be spoiler free for vex at that point, lol. And I had no other... friends. At all. Um. Yeah.
So, onto the relisten! Oh boy.
MARTIN Ah, alright, did he... did he look like he hadn't slept in about a week?
I absolutely love that Jon's descriptors are looking like shit, and looking like Jesus. That's just amazing.
Also uh,,, why did Martin immediately go to Jon? Hm..
Everything, every bit of light or sound or, or anything that changed, that said time was passing. There was nothing. Before that I never really thought about time, you know? But now… Yeah.
that must have been terrifying
So, it, it took a long time to get over that. I mean, that’s not weird, right? I me— It was a bad time. You know, it, it stays with you. Was signed off, what, I think about six months with the injuries. Had pretty bad, uh, nightmares, claustrophobia, I mean, obviously, right? But, uh, but, but I did my physio, and, you know, talked, talked with the counsellor they gave me. Look, I did everything I was supposed to and, and yeah, I… I guess I was fine. You know, once the bruises were gone I— Well, it’s easy to blame memory, right? You know, ha-hallucination, coincidence, all the classic shite you tell yourself. Life went back to normal. I— I was fine. Until about two weeks ago.
Jesus fucking christ, Jon. She was fine, trying to get over it, Floyd was fine and that's just it, because they think they're safe, and-
She was fine, she was okay, and he took that from her, he took that from her, he made it so she couldn't be fine anymore, he made it so every god. damn. night she'd experience that again, the bastard.
There’s this creep in, in the corner. Your guy. He just… keeps staring at me, like, like properly staring. Like, it is super intense and, and real weird. Like he knows me, but I sure as hell do not know him. I— I try to ignore him, look, I just, I just read my book, and every time I look up there he is, watching me.
Girls when they realise oh yes, he's an avatar.
So… Look, I’m packing up, all done and, and I just, I just sorta turn, you know, just, just to check if he’s still there and he is standing right behind— Like, like a few inches from my face. Look, it’s messed up!
That's??? Terrifying?? I mean, look, like, my sisters jump whenever I quietly stand behind them and stare intently, and they're my sisters, they know me, they know I only joke about stabbing them with a knife, Jon, that's freaky, stop being freaky, you have trauma at home. Go eat a stale trauma for gods sake.
Like, okay Mr. "I don't think it's me doing it." Who sat at a bloody coffee shop for an hour.
I. Understand. That there is a certain. Need. To cause and feed on fear. As an Avatar/Monster/Whatever. And I mean like it's pretty hard. To admit you're in the wrong for something. Even if you think you're in the wrong for other things. But like. None of this matters to Jess, to Floyd, to the three other people whose lives he ruined. He can try be better, he can never do it again, but he can't go back and fix it.
And I start to ask him, you know, what the hell, man, you know? Like— But he just starts talking. Slowly. But real intense. He says, he works here, at the, the Magnus Institute, and I say, what even is that and he says, he wants my story. He says he needs to hear what happened to me. And I— I want to tell him to jj-just go away. I want to, to, to kick him and run. But I— (long sigh) I sit down. And I start to tell him everything. About the job, about the collapse, a-about the hand. More than I told you, even, and, and as I do— it’s like I’m there again. Like I can feel it grab my ankle, th-th-that cold, dead hand and I just… I just can’t stop talking. I cannot shut up.
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[ID: A blurry photo of CC!GoodTimesWithScar with his head in his hands. /End ID]
And then it was over. And he looked— He looked at me like he’d just eaten, like a perfectly cooked steak. You know what he said? He said, “Thank you.” “Thank you.” Just like that. Like, like reliving the worst parts of my whole life were just a bit of a… a favour that I’d done him. And then he left and I— I just sat there and cried for a while.
i don't know what to say im just sitting here with my head in my hands.
And he’s there the whole time, just… watching me. Watching me scream and thrash and… He’s all eyes. He’s all eyes.
I kinda want to punch him right about now, because how dare he do that to her, how dare he ruin her life just because he wanted to. Whatever, avatar, feed your god or it'll feed on you, I don't care, that's his business, not hers. She wasn't involved, she didn't have to be involved, she was fine and he took that from her, the bastard!
How dare he sit there talking about choice, how dare he feel all guilty for ruining her life, how dare he! He doesn't deserve to feel bad about it. Christ, Jon, what the fuck.
But I feel like I’m seeing him when I’m awake as well. I’ve been… I’ve been having a lot of problems since he talked to me. Since I talked to him. Since I told my... story. The, the claustrophobia, it’s back, worse than it ever was and I can’t do my job. I have these, these screaming panic attacks every time I try and— What am I supposed to do? Like, feels like, like every time I’m even slightly underground I— Can’t even go into a shop basement more without feeling that… (sniffs) hand. Every time I do, every time I get that panic just rising up my throat, I see him. He’s there. Not when I look properly, but just at the edge. The corner of my eye. Then he’s gone.
(MAG 142 - Scrutiny)
Since then, she said she’d been seeing that woman everywhere she went.
(MAG 6 - Worm Sex Episode Squirm)
✨ becoming what you hated ✨
No, but I have a lot of feelings on becoming a fear entity Avatar and the cycle of violence. Of how Avatars often only became Avatars because of previous trauma, because they had no other options. Of how they often don't see themselves as victims, for example Annabelle Cane describing herself as manipulative, even as she was a child trying to cope in an abusive household. And I think that Jon being like Jane Prentiss, following his victims like her, starting to understand her... that ties into those themes. I love this podcast <3.
MARTIN No, no, it’s— Thank you. I just— [Agitated clatter] For god’s sake, can he not just stay safe for like, like ten minutes?! DAISY I don’t think that’s an option for him anymore. MARTIN Yeah, I mean, sure. But he just… he doesn’t think! He always just immediately charges straight off into danger with whatever, whatever half-arsed plan occurs to him at the time! I don’t get it! DAISY What’s to get? MARTIN What? DAISY I, I mean, it’s pretty standard stuff. MARTIN What? DAISY Used to see it all the time back in the force, especially with the sectioned. Not like there’s ‘normal’ trauma, you know, but it’s pretty common. The most important thing becomes control, engaging on your own terms. Even when it’s stupid or dangerous. Anything to not feel helpless. MARTIN Oh god… DAISY And of course for Jon’s there’s survivor’s guilt in there too. He thinks he’s not human. Makes him very… self-destructive.
Thank you, Jonny.
Like hgnhhrnhhnr <3 yep. mhhnm there's another post that talks about the meaning of putting that in with scrutiny, I'll tag a mag a day in that.
Like! Aa! Thank you. Don't really have much to add, I mean I said a bunch in other episodes rambles, specifically the MAG 131, 132, and 136 ones.
I mean you know, the whole spider thing, a bit of his self-blame about... the end of season 4... could come from... if he's not to blame, then he didn't have any control, then all of this was out of his control. If he couldn't stop it, if Jimmy Magma's plan was that good then... well, then he was helpless, and there's nothing worse than being helpless.
in conclusion, disregard the above Jon did nothing wrong- no, he's... he doesn't get to be forgiven by Jess, by Floyd, by the others, not unless they choose to forgive him. But he can work on doing better, you know? He's allowed to not wallow in guilt the whole time, he's not irredeemable, he just did bad things -- bad things he can't fix -- but he can work on never doing those bad things again, on mitigating the damage as much as he can. He's not a bad person, just a person who did bad things.
I dunno, I'm more interested in the metaphysics side of philosophy. You know there's a branch of philosophy called metametaphysics? I think it's so funny.
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bramblepatch · 1 year
yeah im leaning heavily towards starting with icewind dale, i think itd be fun to start with seeing how drizzt is characterized before being designated giga series protagonist, without me already knowing a lot about the gang. but i suspect if i make it through one book at all, i'm going to read at least both of those trilogies eventually.
i've read a bunch of salvatore stuff as a kid (there was a thing with a nerd who lives at a library and then becomes the chosen of god and defeats his father and his father's boss or something? very aspirational. first time i heard "forgotten realms". and another thing with a guy who is raised by sword fairies to basically become aragorn i think. some other stuff. it's inexplicable i never got into drizzt books except maybe the local bookstore hated drow) so i feel like i roughly know what to expect in terms of tropeyness. i was present for i wanna say the latter half? second third? of the dragon heist thing but we didn't engage with jarlaxle much, in my mind he was just an inconvenient antagonist guy and being surprised that y'all are so into him is a good part of why i started paying attention to the drizzt posting. we did want to steal his hat though.
does all the drizzt stuff hold up or does salvatore eventually start phoning it in? is there like ongoing character arc things or do the character arcs happen in the first few books (i hate saying it like this) and the rest is kinda The Further Adventures Of style?
Oh cool! If you've read his Cleric Quintet, some of the characters from that show up in the Drizzt books, too.
Personally, I think the later books hold up? This is kind of a controversial opinion in some parts of the fandom, and I won't deny that there are parts of the series that wallow a little, but it's not because Salvatore has run out of things to do with the characters, it's because he takes their trauma seriously and sometimes that means spending a while with a character who is straight up not having a good time right now. And this is compounded by the fact that Drizzt is a very young elf at the start of the series; around the middle there's an editorially mandated time skip and Drizzt goes from a traumatized teen who is coping through the Power of Friendship to a traumatized young adult who has outlived most of his mentor figures. There is a definite tone shift, is what I'm saying.
I think they're still really good, and Drizzt does eventually regain his equilibrium. The later parts of the series are also increasingly an ensemble act, with Jarlaxle and Bregan D'aerthe taking more of the spotlight. If you went up against the magnificent bastard (affectionate)(also derogatory) in Dragon Heist, you've had a taste for what it's like to be on the receiving end of his shenanigans, and yeah, that's frustrating. (My WDDH party actually ended up allying ourselves with him, and he still manages to be deeply annoying sometimes.) But he can be really fun to watch work when he's not messing with you, and he's a great foil to Drizzt. A lot of the time Drizzt just wants to be left alone to live a life that's not defined by his origins; Jarlaxle is all about drow solidarity and bringing what he's built with him.
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jarognieva · 1 year
So hm top 5 Bloodborne characters ? (No you can’t put Micolash more than once xD)
Nooo, that's exactly what I was going to do 😭
So in the very first place is Micolash! (yes, I'm very predictable xD) I have weakness for evil insane guys so even during my first playtrough, when I didn't know much about the lore, I felt these charming evil vibes... Also, boss fight was very interesting and original so I was very surprised when I found out most of people hate him xD
2. Micolash Umm... I don't know!!! After Mico I love a lot of characters equally!!! So now I'll list them in random order:
2. Lady Maria. What could I say. Absolutely favourite of the fandom not without a reason. I love her design, her story, the fact that she's moraly grey and hard to judge.
3. Edgar. Yes. Totaly random NPC who doesn't say anything is my blorbo. All we know about him is that he comes from the Choir, does gesture "joy" when kills us and of course looks like he's done with everything - probably with Mico (look at his face!!!)
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I realised that the less I know about the character, the more he infects my brain and makes me wondering about his story.
4. Djura. The greatest chad all the time. Just sitting on his tower like a princess and defends his fellow beasts like a knight.
5. Bloody Crow. This is @heraldofcrow fault!!! From "this fckng bloody bastard" (derogatory) he became "this fckng bloody bastard" (affectionate) xD
Honorable mention: Gehrman, Laurence, Damian, Eileen, Ludwig
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Every yandere MC I've ever made is just variations on two fonts: the Not!Me and the Vivienne (mean girl aesthetic, super observant, "I can make him worse", the red flags are a FEATURE)
Here's how Vivienne would feel about my favourite yanderes. If you're into yandere VNs and haven't gotten into some of these then I HIGHLY recommend them (but only if you're 18 and above, minors stay away please and thank you). Picrew.
Jack: She would love how nurturing and overtly affectionate he is. Being a ghost is not a dealbreaker since he is still corporeal to her. Would notice his manipulations instantly but still be into it. Liar4Liar tbh.
Elias Gallagher: See above about ghosts. Would be extremely protective of him. Literally "i have only known elias for one day but if anything happened to him i would resurrect everyone in this mansion in order to kill them again and then myself"
Alan: She would initially be put off by the fact that he is a weird hermit lurking in the woods with an axe, but would quickly warm up to him. Also the contrast between their aesthetics is fun (grungy woodsman x mean barbie)
Adam: He stabbed her! No! That said she would be down to taunt him in very provocative ways after picking up on his bizarre little sexual awakening/murder-crush. Cat and mouse game tbh
Harper: Loves how big and protective he is, and that he can cook! They can cook together! If she figured out his extracurricular activities she would probably drop vague hints about it just to make him sweat.
Friend: Friendship to lovers trope is a weakness of mine tbh. I'm not sure if it would make her more or less easy to deceive, but it's safe to say that she loves him to bits.
Henry Morgan: Same as Friend but with an added layer of over-protectiveness and a massive blind spot. Henry could kill someone in front of her and she'd be like "crazy how that knife just appeared in their chest like that. wild"
Ren/[REDACTED]: Might initially assume that his appearance was just shared interest in the character, but would quickly pick up on his shifting personality because SHE DOES THAT TOO. LIAR4LIAR 2.0.
Damon and Delivery Guy: Vivi adores Damon and likes teasing him. As for DG, she doesn't scare easily, and even when she is she doesn't show it so she and DG have a hate-love thing where all their flirtation sound like thinly veiled threats.
Rasmus: Bastard (affectionate) (derogatory) (more murder threats as a love language)
Sunny Day Jack: @sunny-day-jack-official Elias Gallagher: @snaccpopstudios Alan: @my-dear-hatchetman Adam: @you-and-him Harper: @campwillowpeak Friend: @stnaf-vn Henry Morgan: @homecomingvn Ren/[REDACTED]: @14dayswithyou Damon, Delivery Guy, and Rasmus: @inkly-heart
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beevean · 2 years
Ok it's not like we don't already KNOW your opinion but it's always a pleasure to talk about them, so character opinion bingo with Isaac and Hector (and also Trevor)
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*points at Rosaly finding Hector in the woods* god i wish that were me <3
(i hate that we live in an unjust world where the most popular ships with him are Lenector and N!Isaactor, when OG!Isaactor, Hectaly and Hevor are right there, they are literally right there, why do you ship him with a rapist when Rosaly is the cutest thing WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING---)
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Stinky bastard whore (affectionate 💖)
(except when he kills Rosaly and makes Hector watch in a super rapey way. then it's derogatory.)
I wanted him to keep appearing in every level in CoD, give me more of his Isaacness I need it <3 and I wish all of y'all who reduce him to "badly designed gay Joker" a very "go read the mangas :)"
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I wish he did more in CoD because that sassy eyebrow gives me life lol. I like how hyped up he is, how much he kicks your ass, and how in C3 he's basically the Sonic of the series with his SUPER POWER OF TEAMWORK schtick.
(I checked the popular ship part because I'm not a fan of how popular Trephacard is lol. I also don't care much for romantic Trevocard in any version. Trepha is cute though <3 and we sorely need more Isaavor and Hevor)
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zephyrwrites2 · 8 months
For the blorbo/babygirl bingo I'm not too in the know about the main fandoms in your introduction post so I'm just looking up some characters first of all you say you like anything to do with Damian from DC Comics so him, now looking at more of the comic characters Atlanna, Cyclone, and Morpheus, then to add varity I see that you put D.Gray-man I don't know that either however Cross Marian seems interesting so him, I could send more however I don't want to spam you with characters all at once
Hii! Thank you for the ask!
Here the chart first (that I didn't write on because I can't do anything clean lmao)
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Also I don't know much about Atlanna and Cyclone sadly, I've only read Batman comics for DC)
Damian Wayne (DC Comics): Pure of Heart / Affectionate (that's a kid no older than 15 in most comics who tries so hard to be good and redeem himself after years of abuse! Plus he's one of the biggest victim of racist writing and deserves so much more, I love him so much)
Atlanna: Pure of Heart / Derogatory (Affectionate) (I think I remember her in the movie? I liked her well enough lol)
Cyclone: Pure of Heart (I think? I really don't know her, sorry!)
Morpheus: Kind of Unethical, Kind of a Bastard / Affectionate (Listen, he's so fucked up, he did many things wrong (even more in the comic than the show) but he tried so hard to do his job right and he deserved far much than what he got T.T I still stupidly hope the end will be different in the show but that's probably hopeless lol)
Cross Marian: Kind of Unethical, Kind of a Bastard / Affectionate (Derogatory) (Don't watch the anime because they made him an abusive asshole, but in the manga he's an ass and deeply messed up! But also loyal to his friends and he tries so badly to be there and help Allen despite knowing *spoiler*! I love him. I hate him. I want to slap him. I want to kiss his forehead.)
Thank you again and don't worry about spamming me :) I might take a few days before answering because I prefer to use my computer for that but I love it! Thank you <3
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odetokeons · 2 years
''blackbeard'' this ''viago'' that, but let's not forget the OG hot taika character: ALAMEIN
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cutiebeams · 3 years
A New Day in TWEWY makes me immensely frustrated because it's just not NECESSARY. The original game literally had a perfect ending, there was no need to add on to it whatsoever and it honestly just takes away from the story.
And now with Coco being in Neo TWEWY I'm just even more angry because if there was ever any doubt that A New Day is canon there sure isn't now! I'm sorry to any Coco fans but I can't stand her text speak, it's not cute or endearing at all to me. She's annoying as hell and I wanna punt her to the moon.
What would've been better is instead of A New Day, just have Coco's debut be in the sequel instead, instead of changing the ending of the original game in order to set up for a sequel.
...I will say though as much as I hate Coco she got a glow up. I ain't mad at how she dressin'. She looks fantastic.
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summary of my opinions on the iterators so far
moon: girl you mean so much to me you’re the only one i can trust in this cold and unforgiving world that can and will murder me every ten seconds. i’ll find all the neurons for you sis just you wait
pebbles: absolute bastard (affectionate). literal god (derogatory). clearly unhinged, would be a tumblr sexyman if rain world were popular. he owns so much lore but he hates me so i’ll never get to see any of it. also he seems depressed. i could make him worse
nsh/sig: dionysus of the iterators. funniest (and unfunniest) creature on the planet. bastard but in the opposite way that pebbles is and exists to spite him. says pog out loud. definitely a gamer who sleeps 3 hours a week and is never coherent as a result. who is this guy
sliver: i’ve never seen her but i love her already. she’s that character who propelled the plot so hard but is long dead so we’ll never truly know her. the ludwig, the artorias, of rain world but we won’t get a dlc that shows us who she once was. she’s so cool
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danthropologie · 2 years
In your opinion, which driver is the most baby waby itsy bitsy cutie patootie and why?
let's do a full ranking from least to most just because:
20. lance- he's the #1 baby waby to his dad if that counts for anything (it doesn't)
19. nando- literal war criminal. agent of chaos. absolutely not.
18. checo- straight-laced, catholic, father of three. just Some Guy. basically the furthest you could get from baby waby
17. george - you know how in arrested development, the slogan of the alliance of magicians is 'we demand to be taken seriously'? that's george
16. guanyu- too busy serving angles, serving cunt, and being That Bitch 24/7
15. esteban- very cute, very sweet smile, and 'estie bestie' is literally the babiest nickname a person could possibly have, but i'm lowkey convinced that this man holds secret hidden darkness underneath. he's a war criminal lying in wait and i cannot trust him i'm sorry
14. pierre- secretly would love a bit of babying but he'd NEVER admit to it, and instead would probably just give you a death glare and avoid you for the rest of time if you dared even utter the words 'baby waby itsy bitsy cutie patootie' or any variation thereof around him
13. carlos- generally not baby waby because he's too much of a thirst trapping thot to be put in that category, but sometimes the baby jumps out. usually when he's lovingly bullying someone (charles)
12. lando- inherently baby waby in the youngest brother energy he's constantly exuding, but ONLY wants to be babied when it suits him (aka when it personally benefits him). any other time, he absolutely HATES it, gets pissed off when anyone even alludes to him being young, and is very much 'i'm NOT a baby, i'm a big boy!!' type of energy
11. max- less baby waby and more just flat out baby (affectionately derogatory). says what he thinks without much consideration for others, whines and complains about everything all the time, will laugh at even the stupidest of jokes, knows baby shark by heart, etc
10. kevin- former war criminal and furthest you could get from baby waby, but has since been reformed after becoming a dad and getting his seat back
9. seb- 50/50 could go either way. he's a dad and has dad energy (and is also a little bit of a bastard), but sometimes he gets in silly goofy moods and takes the FIA scooter for a joy run or wears his underwear on the outside of his pants. also goes really fucking hard for bees and loves riding his silly little bike, which is demonstrably baby energy
8. val- baby waby but not necessarily in the traditional sense as much as the 'the clear wag in his relationship and more than comfortable in that position' sense
7. yuki- you might expect that because he's small and cute and loves food that he would be higher on the baby waby scale, but he's shown a bit of a propensity for deviousness and general trickster behavior, especially when it comes to convincing others of his baby waby status, which knocks him down a few places overall
6. nicky- if nothing else he's MY baby waby. just having a good time and trying his best, even if his best is a little bit pathetic most of the time
5. charles- just look at him. those big wet eyes, the ever-present stress acne, the way the ferrari marketing team treats him like their personal marionette doll and he just goes along with it. baby waby.
4. lewis- the pigtails, the heart shaped jewelry, the monochromatic and coordinated outfits, the instagram account for roscoe that he posts on AS ROSCOE and then comments on as himself...i mean, cmon
3. alex- sweetest, softest boy you'll ever meet. see also: albon pets and his lavender albon pets helmet 🤧
2. mick- watch the delight on this man's face as he pets a dog and tell yourself he's not baby waby, you can't
1. daniel- yes i'm probably biased but he's also LITERALLY doing it to himself, i don't know what to tell you
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hwascripts · 4 years
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WC: Unknown
TW: Swearing, mentions of murder, a bit of angst, I think that’s it!
This is heavily unedited because it’s my Levi simp hours and I need Dad!Levi headcanons. Also your kid and Eren’s kid are gender neutral
Levi as a father 
-I honestly don’t picture Levi as someone who planned on having kids but rather someone who ends up having kids by complete accident. Living in the walls during a war is absolute hell and he doesn’t want his kids to suffer the same way he did growing up.
-Whether or not the kid is adopted or his biological kid- it doesn’t matter to him, he couldn’t give less of a shit about the parentage of his kid...if he raises the kid then you better believe it’s his kid.
If your kid is adopted then here’s how I picture you guys becoming their parents
- During one of your expeditions beyond the walls you find (what you think is) an abandoned cabin in the woods. When you point it out Levi just tells you to ignore it and focus on the task Erwin gave you, but you have this weird gut feeling that someone is in there. While Levi is distracted you go off to the cabin and peek inside and to your horror- there is a small child, no older than a few months crying in it’s deceased mothers arms. You run over and pry the crying baby from the mother’s hands and immediately start trying to hush it’s cries
-Levi notices the fact that you’ve left his side after a few minutes of silence and he pinches his nose in frustration- of course you went to check out the cabin he told you to ignore. He flies away from the tree he was perched on and makes his way to the cabin to look for you- upon reaching the cabin his eyes widen from pure shock. Where the hell did you get a crying baby from? he can’t help but be filled with sorrow when he notice’s the child’s dead parents on the ground behind you- bandits had probably murdered them.
-The two of you have a huge argument about what you should do with the orphan child and this results in the two of you not speaking for over a week. But as the week goes on, he realizes that him and that baby are more similar than he thinks. Levi never had a father- the closest father figure in his life being Kenny who abandoned him at a young age, and his dear mother Kuchel who died of sickness when he was just a boy. Both Levi and the child didn’t have parents in their lives, fate cruelly ripping that away from them. He see’s himself in that baby.
-After a week of silence Levi storms into your office only to catch you asleep with the baby on your chest, his heart softens just the slightest bit at the image. He sits next to you and gently shakes you awake- careful to not wake the sleeping baby. Before you can even say anything he quietly states:
-”we’re not abandoning the baby, we can raise them together”
-All the worry and stress you carried melted away after hearing his words.
If your kid was biologically his, this is how I picture it turning out:
-The day Hanji informed you that you were pregnant was quite possibly one of the worst days of your life (sorry to be angsty) how the hell could you have gotten pregnant? the amount of stress, physical strain on your body and sleepless nights is not ideal for fertility- so how the hell did this happen?
-How the hell would you even tell Levi? The topic of children has never once come up and you’re sure he would never want to raise a child in the walls while titans destroy and kill everyone in sight. Besides- the two of you already have enough on your plates as it is.
- You’d tell him straight out that you were pregnant during your nightly tea time before bed, just straight up dropping the news on him. It takes a few seconds for him to fully register what you just told him but once he finally understands he drops his teacup, the boiling hot tea staining his jacket. All he can do is sputter like a fish out of water and aggressively try to clean the stain.
- I’m going to be realistic here- the last thing he would do is jump for joy and kiss you. I hate to be angsty again but realistically he’d probably storm off and go for a walk around the town while he tries to take in the news. I see him unintentionally ignoring you for a few days while he tries to accept the fact that the two of you are bringing a child into this world.
-After about a week he’s finally calmed himself enough to talk to you about the situation and what the best thing for the two of you is. Again, he isn’t happy that you guys are bringing a kid into this- but who the hell would be? but he sure as hell won’t take that out on the kid, he thinks that’s the most pathetic thing you can do as a parent.
-”look, our situation is shitty but I’m not leaving you to raise the brat on your own”
How he is as a father
- I’m not going to lie to you, he is not the type to coddle his kid or show them a lot of affection. To be honest he doesn’t know a single thing about parenting, the only “parent” he had taught him violence and then left Levi to fend for himself- but he does know that most children don’t grow up around violence so he refuses to be even the slightest bit like his uncle Kenny.
- 100% calls his kid brat, ankle-biter, kid...you name it- but he doesn’t mean it in a derogatory way because deep down inside he still has a soft spot for the kid. 
-He rarely ever shows physical affection to the kid because he just doesn’t know how, he never knew the affectionate touch of another human until you came along. That’s not to say that he doesn’t love his kid- he would sacrifice his life without second thought to protect them.
-He doesn’t realize how distant and cold he can be to his kid until he overhears them crying to you about how “daddy doesn’t love me” and his heart just shatters into a million pieces because he DOES love them but for the life of him he just can’t find a way to show it.
-Levi ends up sitting down with the kid and having a conversation that was long overdue (for reference the kid is now 7 years old) and he admits that he loves them more than anything for the first time.
-Your kid just stares at him for a second and blinks because this is the VERY FIRST TIME they’re hearing their dad say I love you- Levi nearly has a heart attack when the kid launches themselves into his chest and starts sobbing.
-For the very first time in 7 years this kid is finally experiencing the love from their father (besides awkward headpats) and the feeling is just so foreign to both of them that even Levi sniffles a little bit
-Levi silently rocks them back and forth while he rubs their back, the child’s sobs turning into soft sniffles. But what Levi says next shocks all three of you.
“I’m sorry for being a terrible father. forgive me little one?”
-You don’t know what shocks you more- the fact he apologized or that he called your child “little one” instead of the usual “brat”. The kid looks at him while wiping their tears away.
“you’re not a bad daddy. I love you papa”
-To this day Levi swears he just had watery eyes because of the dust but you know damn well they were fat tears rolling down his face
-After this incident Levi swears to himself that he’ll be a more affectionate father, a father who tells his kid that he’s proud of them, a father who their kid can rely on.
-He’s tough on his kid and never lets them slack off, he scolds them whenever they make bad choices and sometimes your kid says he’s got a stick up his ass (you lightly scold them but the two of you always end up laughing because it’s true) but your husband deeply cares for your child and does it so they can grow into the best version of themselves.
-Did I mention that he absolutely flips the fuck out when your kid brings home Eren’s kid to introduce you to them? You have to sit on him to make sure that he doesn’t strangle the poor bastard. 
“If that son of a bitch is anything like his father then they’re going home in a bodybag!” “Levi you can’t threaten them just because they’re Eren’s kid!” “Like hell I can’t! nobody is good enough for our child”
-Your kid quickly learns that they can’t bring their significant other home while Levi is there- unless they have a death wish. The two of you team up to keep Levi distracted for a few hours while the couple chills in your living room
-Your kid swears like a sailor (just like their dad) and Levi swears on his life that he’s not the one that taught them that.
“What the hell do you mean? I didn’t do shit! I don’t fucking know where they picked that up from!” *cue you looking into the camera*
-He’s so damn proud when he see’s his kid graduate at the top of their class. He doesn’t scream at the top of his lungs when your kid walks across the stage but he pulls them to the side after and congratulates them with a small smile on his face
“Good job. I’m proud of you, damn brat”
-Gives them one of his rare Levi hugs and the kid nearly drops the diploma in shock because “wtf dad never hugs me”
-You have to pinch his side multiple times during your kid and Eren’s kids wedding because he won’t shut the hell up with snarky remarks
“Say no goddamnit!” *you pinch him* 
“Ow son of a bitch! what the fuck Y/n?”
 “Would you shut the hell up and be happy for our child on their wedding day?!” 
“I would if our child had taste and picked someone el- OW FUCK!” 
“Shut the fuck up already and behave, Levi!”
-He grumbles while the rest of the former cadets and captains laugh at his sour look
Silly headcanons
-God could you imagine Levi and your kid sitting at the dinner table, it’s almost midnight and they’re arguing over a homework question neither of them understand. This is the night both of you hear your kid swear
“What the hell is this shit? Improper fractions are made-up bullshit”
“If you don’t know then how the fuck am I suppose to know?”
-It’s so silent you can hear a pin drop
“Levi come here for a second”
“Shit...finish this while I’m gone, brat”
-Your kid laughs their ass off while you pull Levi’s ear and drag him to your shared room
‘Yeah keep fucking laughing at your dad, brat!”
-An absolute nightmare when it comes to cleaning oh my god both you and your kid wanna kill him sometimes
“This shit isn’t clean, you wipe it down six times and then place it at an angle”
“Levi it’s a fucking T.V. Remote”
-The war ended years ago now and he tells your kid about all the titans he killed and the ass he kicked
“And then I sliced that ugly bastard titan’s head clean off!”
“Levi for someone who’s a clean freak your stories sure are gross”
-The noise the toaster makes when it’s done scares the shit out of him. He’ll be in the middle of scolding your kid and then he jumps because the toaster is done and your kid just thinks it’s comedic gold
“I fucking told you not to do that shit but you went and did it anyways, do you know how irresponsi-FUCK! damn toaster- Hey stop laughing brat I’m not done yet!”
That’s all I’ve got for now- stay tuned
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Hihihi this is may be a weird question but is your opinion on the main hypmic cast?
In brief:
(Spoiler alert: It was not brief. Stuck under a cut for length)
Ichirou: He's a good kid. I wasn’t super into him at first, as main protagonists very rarely hold my interest, but I appreciate him now for the struggles he goes through and the growth he’s experienced across the series.
Jirou: Jirou is also a good kid in his own way. I didn’t know what to do with him for a while, but now I feel like I understand him too. I don’t think he quite gets what makes Ichirou be as loved as he is, nor does he really understand what makes people love him for who he is. But that’s okay. He’ll get it someday.
Saburou: If you had tasked me as a fourteen year old to create an idealized anime boy sona, I would have come up with someone shockingly similar to Saburou. I’m fond of him. He can be a bit mean at times in a very fourteen way, but deep down, he’s a good kid too. All the BBs are good kids.
Samatoki: I just can’t not make fun of him. His posturing is so ridiculous to me that I am constantly filled with the urge to clown on him. Oh, you think you’re so tough? You think you’re a big tough guy? Well, I’m just a little bastard; what are you going to do about it? But underneath the posturing, I do feel sorry for him and admire his strengths a lot. He’s a good kid too under a very funny exterior.
Juuto: I’m enjoying learning more about him from the BB/MTC+ manga, but I’m a bit surprised at how much of a dick he is even deep down. Still, he has plenty of good qualities too, and I like him in a vague sort of way. I’d throw fruit at him over a fence but wouldn’t put any malice in it.
Riou: What a delightful individual he is. The BB/MTC chapter about him really resonated with me. For a character so outwardly obsessed with the military, Riou has an incredible understanding of the weight of his actions and such a deep appreciation for every living thing. There’s a lot of his depth to his simplicity, and the level of care he exhibits towards everyone is delightful to witness. An absolute favorite among the cast.
Ramuda: Self-recognition through the other (derogatory). In all seriousness, Ramuda’s story arc and actions are great narrative tools for me to examine some things about myself and grow to try to be a better, more considerate person towards myself and others. I want to see him achieve freedom and happiness.
Gentarou: I enjoy Gentarou quite a bit, although I think he gets overshadowed by the other members of Fling Posse at times due to my sheer passion for Dice and Ramuda. He’s my favorite character to translate at the moment, which is apparently heresy among Hypmic translators. More than the sheer fun of writing his witty banter, I find him to be a very intriguing individual, and I’m excited to learn more about him. I want his happiness too.
Dice: Oh, Dice... He’s a really good kid in a way that the BBs could never be. He’s deceptively good, and he does choose to hurt other people and himself in ways that characters like Ichirou don’t. But he also finds the goodness in the oddest places, like a person finding a coin in a cracked sidewalk, and that’s delightful. His narrative is one of the most compelling for me. What a champion of a character.
Jakurai: Wow, what a good foil for Ramuda. Let me bounce narratives off of you like a mirror. I’m slowly learning to find him compelling in his own right, however. This is also a self-recognition through the other (derogatory) scenario, but there’s more of an emphasis on the derogatory part.
Hifumi: A funny little individual bearing a lot of sadness and a whole lot more courage. Like most of Matenrou, I admire him a lot, but I think that Matenrou resonates much more strongly with other people than they do for me, so I prefer to sit back and let other people appreciate them. I think he’s very brave and very fun to read/write.
Doppo: The biggest fucking mood in existence. When you move past the stereotypical aspects, you end up with another character who has a lot of deep flaws but also an incredible amount of courage. I’m excited to see where they go with him, but again, I’ll sit back and let others take the first row here.
Kuukou: Having already drafted Saburou, if you came back to me at age eighteen and asked me to make an idealized anime boy sona, you would probably have ended up with a character astonishingly like Kuukou. He brings me sheer joy. Astonishingly, I feel like Kuukou has exhibited the least growth out of any of the cast, and yet I do not mind a bit. He is the closest to the perfect man I have ever met. I would drop everything to be this dude’s homie if he existed in real life. Just a champion individual.
Juushi: Juushi’s a good kid. I’m very fond of him and like writing him, but much like Matenrou, I feel like he does a lot more for other people than he does for me. Therefore, much of how I work with him is less, “How do I enjoy this character as a reader?” and more “How do I nurture the traits about him that other people love?”
Hitoya: Hitoya strikes me as a damn good person with a lot of heart who sometimes lets his anger drive him a bit too much. He’s also utterly ridiculous, of course, but I try to write him with as much strength as possible to be present behind his words. He honestly seems like a great person to know in real life, not simply as a fictional character, as well.
Sasara: I have to clown on him to assert dominance. Joking aside, I admire the depths of his character and the growth he’s shown over the series. He can be pretty callous at times and goes to odd lengths to get what he wants, but I think he’s now starting to realize how much his actions affect other people. For a while I was really in his camp as a hardcore Sasara lover (back before he was a main cast member - I love writing quirky minor characters), but now I approach him with the idea mentioned above, ie how I can present him for other people.
Roshou: Whenever he’s around the rest of Dotsu Hon, I think he’s kind of an idiot. I mean that in the best way possible. It’s very endearing. Yet moments when he’s on his own are where I think he best shines, and I would love to see more solo material for him. He’s an incredibly good support character, and I admire his passion for his students.
Rei: I really enjoy asshole antagonists, which is why I liked Ramuda for a while before the clone story came up behind me and struck me into the ground with its mighty fists. Now Rei fills this role. I would love to learn more about him and team up with the Buster Bros to pelt him with rotten eggs in a fun bonding activity. I’m sure there is some strong backstory that will absolve him of at least some of his shittiness, but until now, I’m still not excusing his whole abandoning his children thing, not to mention the human trafficking thing he pulled with Ramuda.
Otome: I hate translating her, if only because she and Rei frequently talk about things in extremely vague terms that I have no context for. It’s hard to make her sound idiomatic in English while also not shooting myself in the foot by accidentally filling in the wrong information. But with that aside, she’s okay. I like her, I guess. Her motivations are pretty interesting.
Ichijiku: Ichijiku was written for people who are sexually attracted to women, and I’m not at all, so I 100% approach her in terms of her pull on other people. She’s fun on her own, though, and I’m impressed at her ability to walk in high heels. Her complete disrespect for everyone but Otome brings me no end of entertainment in reading and writing.
Nemu: YOU. Maybe this is some stupid toxic masculinity thing, but I always feel embarrassed speaking affectionately about male characters but not at all about female characters. Therefore Nemu gets all of my loveposting. She’s a wonderful girl! She has such a strong spirit, and I’m completely overjoyed that she’s making her own decisions and becoming her own character defined on her own terms. I want to watch her grow up big and strong. Fuck yes, baby girl! Fuck it up! I’m very proud of her.
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