#i hate cargo shorts and crocs come at me
k-badger-draws · 2 years
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Here is some modern apollo in my other style. I love drawing him, he is a beautiful disaster bisexual of a god. My dm described him wearing cargo shorts. And I refuse to draw him in them. That feels like sacrilege putting a god in cargo shorts. I will riot if he puts the next god in crocs.
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limenysnocket · 4 years
●The Blush Bet●
Pt. II: The Date. . .
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Summary: After losing the blush bet by a few points, (Y/N) has to go out on the-- as Taika calls it-- "Worst Date of Her Life" with him. She has no idea what he's going to do, but she does know she's going to be wearing a very pink, very frilly and very short dress on the date tonight.
Request: @honorarytenenbaum
Author's note: This is about to turn into a series and I'm LIVING FOR IT.
Warnings: Alcohol usage, swearing and very unsavory clothing.
This was it, wasn't it? This was fucking it.
This was the thing that made sure that Taika was never ever going to be a part of your funeral comitee.
You stood there, looking at yourself in the mirror, your face scrunched up in pure disgust like a teenage girl who just got a ketchup stain on her "perfect" prom dress. But wait, imagine this. You're in the prom dress, for real and it's the UGLIEST thing you have ever seen. You would vomit on it if you could, but this date was going to happen no matter what happened, so you would just have to try and not cry/embarrass yourself any more than you will, the moment you step outside of your door.
The dress itself was pink (extremely pink) and incredibly frilly. This wasn't the thing that bothered you, despite the complete uncomfortableness of the scratchy ruffles, was how terribly short it was. It showed off too much thigh and you swore, if your panties were any longer, they would be showing. You were actually starting to hate yourself again, just by the sight of you in this dress. It was utterly disgusting. So unflattering, so horrible, so uncomfortable that you could call off this entire date right now and you wouldn't be ashamed.
You were on the verge of tearing this dress right off, but a knock at the door and a loud honking of a horn outside stopped you. You let out a long groan and a very sad whine before you even had your hand on the doorknob.
You opened the door and your eyes immediately went to the very (very) old gentleman before you, who looked like he had both feet in the grave and was so ready to lie down in it at any second. He was cheery though, despite his... appearance. He was dressed in a grey vallet suit and a dimpled cap. It looked old, but it suited him well. "Your ride is here, ma'am. He's quite the lively fellow, I must say," he chuckled, scratching his chin with a gloved finger. He turned with you to face the whole limosene, parked just outside, as the horn let out another shrill holler. You knew exactly who was inside the car and honking at her, and she saw his head come popping right up out of the top of the open sunroof.
"(YYYY/NNNNNNNN)!!" Taika yelled, the big dorky grin on his face while he used his foot to honk the horn for each extended syllable of your name.
"What the hell are you wearing!?" You blurted. You should really be saying it to yourself more than him.
"I bought it at Good Will! Are you impressed?" He cackled, bouncing on his heels.
Taika was dressed in a very daddly button up, short-sleeved shirt that was decorated in very blurry and cartoonish, red cherries. You couldn't see it, but he was also wearing tan cargo shorts and a pair of black crocs. So, he was making this embarrassing for both you and him, huh? He had no shame.
"Wow, I've never been so turned on before," you say, the sarcasm leaking out of your voice shamelessly. He only grinned at you and continued waving you over, while people on the street stopped and stared for a minute before walking on, their heads down, and some even quietly giggling over the stupid encounter.
The old driver took you down the steps slowly and opened your door for you, where Taika was waiting with an incredibly cheesy grin. You gave him an up and down look with an extremely horrified look. You still couldn't believe he was wearing that stuff. "I like you better in pineapple print..." You mumble.
Taika laughed, "Too bad."
The car engine started with a very loud complaint from the engine. If you had known any better, you'd up and think that the entire car was about to fall to bits within the first few seconds it made it onto the road. But no, you weren't THAT lucky tonight. There was still a limo to carry you around, which meant that there was still a date. Unfortunately.
"How badly do you plan to make me suffer tonight?" You turn your head and face him, crossing your arms.
"Really badly," he smirked and winked at you.
"Really really?" You said, almost through bared teeth.
"Really really," he repeated and settled himself down into an even more comfort position, spread eagle.
You rolled your eyes and scooted away, almost uncomfortable as his knee came into contact with your thigh. "Do you have to do that? We're the only people in this dumb limo besides Butler Alfred up there," you jacked a thumb at the driver's seat ahead of you, where the pleasant old man was happily bouncing along to the rhythm of the car.
"For your information," Taika butted in, pointing a finger at you and changing his posture yet again, "his name is Robert and he's way cooler than any Batman butler out there. Secondly, yes. The goal is to make you uncomfortable and give you absolutely no breaks, whatsoever."
You groaned, leaning your head in your hand as you watched the average buildings trickle into expensive French and Italian restaurants. Your eyes widen the closer and closer you got to the rich and fancy part of town, still riding along in your old fart limo. "Taika Waititi, this better not be what I think it is. You're not going to make me step out of this car, looking like princess bubblegum and her sidekick poorly dressed dad man, in front of the richest damn side of town!"
He was only giggling beside you, like a kid, and that scared you. Suddenly, the limo stopped and you sunk in your seat. Outside of your window was one of the most richest, fanciest restaurants there is in Los Angeles.
"Suuuuurpriiiiiiise!" Taika grinned at you, running a hand through his curls then quiantly stepping out of the car as Robert the vallet opened his door, then went to open yours.
"M'lady~," Taika smirked and offered his hand out to you as you prepared to get out of the car. You slapped his hand and got out of the car. "Youch," Taika chuckled, hiding the bright red pain in his hand with a grin.
You got out of the car yourself, only giving Robert a nod to thank him. You said nothing to Taika and stood at the front of the car, receiving weird and chortling glances from people dressed up snootily. They all stuck their noses up at you as they walked into the massive two story building, completed with an archway entrance. You didn't show Taika this, but now you were on the verge of a breakdown. You didn't want to go in that restaurant. Not like this. Not on these terms.
You have never been in this restaurant before. Not even close. You thought that you would have to marry a rich, Austrian Lord to get in there. You didn't know, at the time, that Taika was spending a large amount of money for you and this date. The outfits, not so much, but that was simply so he could actually afford to take you to such a place.
You sat on the hood of the limo, your stomach and knots. You could feel Taika's gaze on your skin, mixed in with the many others from passersby. You couldn't feel, however, that it was full of sympathy and regret.
There was another weight added onto the hood and it made you jump. Why, wasn't it the daddly Taika.
"Neat place, huh?" He hummed, looking up at the grand building above the two of you.
You drew in a shaky breath, a grimace spread across your face. "Yeah... It is..." You said, shame dripping from your tongue. This was hurting the poor man's heart.
"Too bad we're not eating there, huh?" He put on a sticky grin and you whirled around to face him and smack his arm.
"Are you seriously telling me that you made me sit out here and get stared at by all of these dumb rich people!?" You yelled and got sneered at by people you didn't know, also ignoring the fact that you, yourself, were infact, rich too.
"I didn't make you sit in front of all these people. I just offered to take you out of the car. Robert likes the building and asked if we could make a pittstop," Taika laughed and fended off your hand with an equally hard slap to your arm.
"Oh, Robert, my good man. I would like to request we get going. No more sight seeing," Taika grinned at the elderly man who was fiddling with an ancient quarter in his coat pocket.
"Oh, but where possibly to, sir?" Robert looked up, dazed and confused. So much for enjoying the sight of the building.
"To the bar, my good chum," Taika got up and you quickly followed in pursuit, eager to get out of the spotlight and stop becoming measly entertainment for the earnings of snooty laughter.
"Oh," Robert seemed a little confused, then took his hand out of his pocket to stop fiddling with the coin. "Alrighty then. Any particular requests?"
"Just something on the less rich side of town, but nothing too on the dumpy side," Taika put in his request while he opened a car door for you to get in, then went in to get in on the other side.
Robert nodded, lifted his cap and scratched the bald part of his head, set his cap back down and got in the limo once more.
You, including Robert, were a little confused when it came to this interaction. Did Taika check to see if Robert had a case of Alzheimer's, or was he pulling a big fat joke on you. You just kept quiet and breathed a deep sigh of relief as the fancy buildings melted away into the more average side of town.
Eventually, the long and very quiet ride was over and the limo pulled up along the curb of a pretty decent bar. It was at half capacity with people the time you arrived and it was quite simple. Simple, neon "Open" lights hanging in the window, simple sign hanging above the door and simple people, dressed in simple clothing heading in and out. You wished you could be a simple person at that moment, but Taika still refused to let you have that.
You stepped out once Robert politely opened the door for you again. You would tip him if your stupid dress actually had pockets. Yet another curse upon this night.
You step up onto the curb and Taika is waiting, extending a hand to you once more. You gulped and stared at it. Even here, you could feel the unworldly stares of those around you. Well, who wouldn't stare? You looked like the human epitome of Pepto Bismal and Taika looked like a dad trying too hard to look normal, but fucking it all up in the end.
"You know how much I hate this, don't you?" You said, hesitantly looking at his hand. His other one was tucked into one of the, what seemed to be, hundreds of pockets in his cargo shorts.
"Yup," he said, letting the P out at the end with a pop from his lips, exaggerating his pronunciation a tad more.
"I feel so spoiled," you sigh and clap your hand on top of his extended one, your fingers tangling with his, and without warning, he was dragging you inside.
A little bell chimed as the door opened again, and the smell of hot wings, booze and heady cologne. It was a smell you recognized and one you'd never forget. You couldn't count how many times you had sat in a bar like this one before you were a Hollywood success like you were now.
Taika guided you over to a secluded booth that had one, red wax colored light dangling above. If either one of you were to lean too far across the table, perhaps to steal a fry or grab the salt, your forehead would collide against the damn thing and leave a mark purple enough to make someone think that your secret lover had left a hickey smack dab in the middle of your head. You took a mental note of the light, and you were sure Taika did too.
"Allowed to spoil any plans?" You said, a grin perking up on your face since you were finally away from prying eyes and listening to Lynrd Skynrd play their hearts out over the speaker system hooked into the ceiling.
"Nope. All the plans are exclusively meant for me to know," he tapped his temple with his index finger and gave you a wide grin. You knew how much of a fib that was, for sure, just by the smile.
"You have no idea what's going to happen, do you?" You say bluntly, folding your arms. Taika's smile gets even wider and he lets out a very breathy laugh.
"Totally!" He cackled. It was a goofy enough laugh to even make you start laughing a little too. He was such a dork. You couldn't help it, honestly.
A waiter eventually came and took your order and both of you started laughing and joking about how they had looked at the two of you so strangely. There was a big debate on whether the two of you should leave a big tip for putting up with your guys' shit, or leave a small tip since they had secretly questioned your morals and the way you were dressed with just one look.
Taika took a hearty slug of pint, cheeks pink and dazed with his slight drunkness. Rock bands had been playing all night. Metallica, Lynrd Skynrd, Guns N' Roses, System of a Down, Nirvana and any other daintily old, yet popular group. You never took the time to look into Taika's music interests, and that made you all the more oblivious to the fact that he liked a few songs from the band Aerosmith.
"Oh God, I love this song," he groaned sodtly, his whole body starting to sway just as 'Crazy' by Aerosmith began to play and he closed his eyes like a weeping, dedicated fan. His eyes suddenly shot open and looked directly at you, "You have to come dance with me."
"Excuse me?" You said, just as you took a sip of your own pint. "I don't dance."
"Yes, you do. Now, come on!" He smirked, grasping your hand from across the table and dragging you, once more, out and in front of a bunch of slightly drunk people that you don't know.
"Taika, really?" You look up at him and whine. He hushes you without a second thought and pulls you up close to him and your nose buries into his chest. His arms slither and wrap around your waist. He has you wrap your arms around his neck.
"Damn you, Waititi," you whisper, your cheeks ablaze with color as he sways you around the dance floor.
"Love you too, babe," he hums, closing his eyes and grinning with glee as other drunk couples came out and danced along with the music. To be the little bit extra that he was, Taika took the liberty to even do a little fancy spin and a tiny dip. You giggled the entire way through, and nothing could have been a better sight than that to Taika.
The night ended with much more slow dances, lots more drinks, and a bill piled up high. You paid for half of everything and he paid the other half before the two of you left. Robert was waiting outside, chatting up this lovely little old lady that appeared to be close to his age. She scampered off once she realized Robert's customers had come back from their randevou.
"Did you find yourself a date, Robert?" You giggled, walking right up to the now open door that the old man was holding open for you.
"Nah. She was way outta my league. Pretty, though," he grinned and you couldn't help but laugh as you ducked your head and climbed back into the limosene while brushing off the crumbs from fries from your dress. Taika sat right next to you and pat his stomach, full from a night indulging on junk food.
Robert was the last one in and he took the limo away from the curb and joined in with the traffic.
It was a lit slower getting home, and yoh felt yourself getting sleepier and sleepier. Your eyes drooped and your body began to lean in the direction of your door, but as the weight of your body began to fall, it was redirected by a gentle hand, and your head was soon rested against a warm body. You looked up and saw Taika with that classic grin. That cheeky little shit. You laughed, "Thanks," and just kept your head there, seeing as Taika's shoulder actually was more comfortable than the cold window or scratchy seatbelt.
"No problem," Taika whispered back to you and let his body relax to the sound of faint honking horns from outside the window and the blasting air conditioning. He kept you warm all throughout your delivery back home.
You couldn't help but feel a little sad whenever you felt the limo come to a stop and you slowly lifted your head from Taika's shoulder. You refused to let the kiwi see your disappointment, however.
Robert came and opened your door, again, and you actually gave the sweet man a tip this time with quite a bit of the change left from paying at the bar. He was happy with what he got. Taika stepped out too and walked you right to your door, like a gentleman. You turned to him to say goodbye.
"You know," you started with a soft laugh, "I was kinda expecting this date to be a lot worse."
"It could have been," Taika said, "But I have a heart, you know. Always so sympathetic."
You punched his arm playfully and he did it right back, only softer. "I'm actually quite curious," he said suddenly after the both of you sat in comfortable silence, "If you had won the bet, what would you have done?"
You winced and giggled at this, biting the inside of your cheek. "I was going to bedazzle your mustache and have Pedro help, since he seems to know a lot about it. I was going to put glitter in it and everything. Like Twilight," You cheekily quoted "What We Do in the Shadows" in front of him and that put a happy little grin on his face.
"You wouldn't dare," he said right back, not thinking of a snappy enough comeback.
"Oh, but I do..."
The silence settled in again and your cheek remained between your teeth. You drew in a deep breath and Taika took a step closer. "You know," he said in a very low voice, "I can take you out on another date sometime..." He started to lean in, his face drawing closer to yours and his lips only mere inches away. "Next time... possibly as something more than friends..."
His lips were expected to come into contact with yours, but they only came into contact with something less intimate. Your thumb.
"You forgot the one rule of this date," you said in a very hushed whisper. "I'm not allowed to fall in love with you..."
You pulled your thumb away from his lips slowly, admiring how his bottom lips stuck against it and slipped so silkily over it. "Goodnight, Taika," you said, internally kicking yourself for not kissing him in that perfect moment.
He didn't say anything back. He merely watched as you unlocked your door and slipped inside, leaving him wanting and yearning on your step. He let out a heavy sigh as the porch light flickered on and he raised his hand, as if to knock on the door and plead for you to come back out again, but he stopped himself and turned to Robter, who was just getting off of the phone.
"Mr. Waititi, the big restaurant you and the Miss were supposed to go to just called to tell you that they canceled your reservation, since you didn't show up. Do you want me to call them back?" Robert said, holding up a phone.
"No, Robert, that won't be necessary," Taika sighed.
"Oh," Robert shrugged, "where to now, sir?"
"Home, if you wouldn't mind it, sir," Taika said and slipped back into the seat of the limosene, the seat still drifting with the scent of your perfume.
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miss-emrys · 6 years
The Sea Is Calling
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Read on AO3
“Back again? Second time this morning, Sid.”
Sidney blushes and Geno wishes he could see past the wetsuit zipped up tight on Sidney’s neck, to follow that enticing flush further down.
“It never hurts to be cautious,” Sidney replies after a moment. He bites his lip before adding, “She’s a bit restless today.” Then he’s already walking back in the direction he came from like he knows Geno will follow.
Geno does.
Even though he’s been working at the Coastal Marine Rescue Center for almost ten months, Geno’s still one of the newest veterinary hires. He also can count on both hands the number of personal details he knows about the elusive Sidney Crosby, despite having grown quite close to the rest of their tight-knit staff. That personal information is hard-won. Sidney resides in a league of his own, keeping to himself for the most part; he seems to prefer it that way. Thankfully, he doesn’t seem altogether bothered when Geno’s curiosity gets the better of him and he shamelessly peppers Sidney with questions from time to time. It’s a delicate game of give and take, learning tidbits of information about him. Geno makes sure to offer up details of his own life so it’s less of an interrogation and more like an actual conversation. He always feels a special kind of accomplishment when he learns something new about Sidney.
They don’t speak much as they walk through the facility, comfortable in each other’s presence, and Geno has to force himself to focus on something other than the view of Sidney right in front of him. That damn wetsuit is the bane of his existence; it never gets any easier to see him walk around in skin-tight neoprene without any idea of the effect it has on the rest of them. Geno might even think Sidney is entirely oblivious to the world around him if it weren’t for the glances Geno catches aimed his way every so often when Sidney thinks he’s not looking.
As they enter the large enclosure, Geno’s eyes shift from the broad line of Sidney’s shoulders to their patient in the water. Weighing only a couple of tons, the humpback whale calf that had been rescued less than a week before is still severely malnourished. Geno estimates she’s about four or five months old, which means she should weigh significantly more than she does and likely still be nursing for awhile yet. He can still remember how disturbing it felt when the emergency call came through, when they found her beached and alone on the shore with a dangerously low body mass, so far from any of the local pods. They had truly arrived in the nick of time; it’s a wonder she’s still alive considering her condition.
Geno and Sidney crouch down at the edge of the expansive tank in unison, watching as she rises up to the surface in the slow, gentle way they’ve become familiar with over the past few days. She’s moving a bit more steadily today than she has been, attempting to break the surface of the water more and more as is her nature.
“You know humpbacks playful, Sid,” Geno remarks after watching her swim around for a couple minutes, breaking the surface a few more times. “Lacerta just try breaching little bit.”
Geno knows better than to name a wild animal, especially one whose stay is only temporary. But that didn’t stop him from referring to the young calf as Lacerta the first time he examined her in the water, due to the distinct constellation-like pattern on the underside of her fluke. Sidney has yet to comment on it, but based on the tiny smile that quirks up on his lips each time Geno says her name, he figures he’s not being judged for doing so.
“You think?” Sidney asks. Lacerta resurfaces again further away, blowing out a spray of condensation and slapping the water with her tail. “She’s been so lethargic since she arrived. It’s strange for her to be attempting a breach.”
Geno doesn’t mention that it isn’t strange behavior for a humpback though. Sidney knows that, just as Geno knows Sidney has a tendency to fret over the marine life that makes its way into their care. It’s part of what makes him so amazing at his job. He never misses a thing when it comes to the animals they work with, often putting in extra hours without pay to see that they’re taken care of. It can be a thankless job to rehabilitate animals when the ultimate goal is to successfully see them return to the wild. But Geno has seen firsthand the positive impact Sidney’s precision and attentiveness has on the wildlife they work with, so he doesn’t mind indulging in Sidney’s idiosyncrasies.
“Think maybe we increase feedings,” Geno says instead, changing the subject. “She not reject meals yet, is moving around more. Could use extra calories.”
Sidney nods, dropping his hand to run the tips of his fingers through the water. “The additional fat would do her good. I spoke with Shaw last night and he said her nutrient levels are starting to rise a little.”
“See?” Geno smiles and nudges Sidney’s shoulder with his own. “Nutritionist happy. Vet also happy,” Geno replies, pointing to himself. “Not need to worry. Lacerta grow big and strong, do pretty lobtails for Sid.”
Sidney turns his face away, but not before Geno catches the grin spreading across his face. Geno slaps his thighs lightly and stands once more, ignoring the catch in his breath at the sight of Sidney’s smile. He stretches out the ache in his right knee as Sidney stands up, too, turning to face him.
“You get milk for Lacerta, find me later after more feedings. I’m check on sea turtles now before Letang bore them to death.”
Sidney snorts helplessly, covering his mouth with his hand to stem the unexpected giggles. “He can’t bore them, Geno. They don’t even understand what he’s saying.”
“Nobody understand what he say. French always so messy,” Geno jokes, rolling his eyes.
Lacerta swims closer just then, spraying the two of them with her blowhole and prompting a sigh from Geno when his dress shirt and right side of his trousers cling wetly to his skin. It’s not the first time this has happened, considering he works in a facility that is literally filled with water at every turn. That doesn’t make it any less inconvenient though. Especially since Geno used his last spare shirt the other day after assisting with an unexpectedly messy emergency surgery that left him in need of a change. He hasn’t remembered to bring in a spare set of clothes since then, so hopefully there are some clean scrubs in the supply closet.
“Look, Sid,” Geno whines pitifully. “You distract and now my shirt soaked.”
Sidney stands unfazed by the spray of water on his wetsuit, although the dripping hair forming dark curls across his forehead is sending butterflies dancing around in Geno’s stomach. It’s entirely unfair how beautiful Sidney looks in a generally unflattering piece of clothing, especially when Geno’s own wetsuit makes him look like a gangly giraffe wrapped in rubber. He looks away before he can get caught staring and begins unbuttoning his shirt, the cool water making the fabric feel tacky and uncomfortable against his skin. A crash makes him jump, startled by the loud noise. When he glances up, Sidney is bent over a bucket of cleaning supplies which are now scattered across the ground, that charming blush spreading across his cheeks once more.
“So clumsy, Sid,” Geno chides gently. He pauses in his undress to go help, but Sidney quickly bounces up just as Geno walks over, already backing away towards the storage rooms.
“I’ll just—I’ll see you later, G,” Sidney stumbles over his words before making a fast retreat.
If Geno watches him walk away for a few moments longer than necessary, well...he’s only human.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It’s been almost three weeks since Lacerta was rescued, and she’s an entirely different whale from when they first found her. Her weight is up, she flits about the large enclosure with increased amounts of energy, and her overall playfulness and demeanor is encouraging to see.
“I can never decide if I love or hate this part,” Sidney remarks, walking up to stand beside Geno as he preps his diving gear. Sidney’s actually wearing regular work attire today: khaki cargo shorts, a navy blue polo with the rescue center’s logo embroidered on the chest, and his ever-present yellow crocs. It’s rare to see him out of the water for a day, but Geno knows it’s Sidney’s way of avoiding the goodbyes.
Geno hums in agreement, soaking in these last few moments. It’s always bittersweet releasing an animal back into the wild. They spend so much time together, working so closely with them with the intent to rehabilitate them for this very purpose, but that can make it all the more difficult to let go when the time comes. The animals that reach their facilities tend to arrive with severe injuries or needs, so even with the care they receive here there’s still a decent chance they won’t survive long after being set free. That is the true hard part.
“Lacerta need to integrate back with a pod before too late, Sid,” Geno eventually replies.
“I know,” Sidney sighs. “I wish we could’ve found her mother, though. She’s so young.”
They’d attempted to locate any local cows who may have given birth this season or lost their calf, but the efforts had been fruitless. Most of the employees believe Lacerta’s mother was likely the victim of an orca attack. Geno knows Sidney is worried Lacerta won’t survive without her mother. She is still quite young to be out on her own, but they are reaching the point when it will do more harm than good to keep her here. Whales aren’t meant for captivity; even these past few weeks are pushing the limits of her care.
“She strong and fast,” Geno says rather than voicing his thoughts. “Will travel to feeding ground with pods and make new family.”
A technician calls out to Geno before Sidney can reply, so Geno grabs his diving gear and finishes strapping on the equipment. He needs to tag Lacerta and run some final exams on her before she can be officially released, but Geno knows she’s ready. They’ve been counting down the days for most of this week.
“Tell her goodbye for me,” Sidney requests, like he does every time.
Geno makes a silly face behind his diving mask just to see Sidney smile once more, then pats him comfortingly on the shoulder and heads down the ramp that hangs over the water.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“What’s this, Geno?” Sidney walks into Geno’s office unannounced three days later, holding his hand out in front of him.
Geno doesn’t bother to look up from the report he’s typing. He’s used to Sidney letting himself in by now. “What?”
“This,” Sidney replies, thrusting his hand out further. Resting on his palm is the silver keychain Geno had purchased on a whim yesterday. He could only take so much of Sidney’s moping about Lacerta’s release before attempting to do something about it.
“What it look like? Is whale charm for keys. You always lose.”
Sidney huffs. “Look, I appreciate the thought, but you can’t just—”
“Lacerta not forget you, Sid,” Geno cuts him off. “She smart, you kind. Is special bond.”
“That’s not even—”
“Sid,” Geno interrupts again, putting his work aside. This is clearly going to take his full attention. “You allowed to feel things. Okay to be sad. We not think you weak or silly. You amazing, best at your job, always try hardest to help. That makes goodbye hard.”
“I...you think I’m amazing?”
Of course that’s all he got out of that explanation. Smiling, Geno rises and walks over to Sidney, standing a little closer than he would normally dare. “Most amazing. All animals love. Care so much all the time. Nobody else like you, Sid.”
Sidney looks away, Geno’s steady gaze tracking the rise and fall of his chest as he takes a fortifying breath. “There are many people who could do my job, Geno.”
“Not just a job to you,” Geno disagrees, gently guiding Sidney’s chin up so their eyes meet. “You best.”
“I don’t think—”
“Why always argue?” Geno chuckles. “I know best. Just accept.”
“You just want me to admit you’re right about something,” Sidney replies with a petulant huff, still arguing, the tiny beginnings of a smile starting to appear on his face.
“Yes, reveal master plan.” Geno rolls his eyes, taking another step closer. “Can’t just say thank you, Sid?”
Sidney blinks as though just realizing how rude he’s been. The thought doesn’t quite seem to compute with his polite, Canadian brain. “Of course. Thank you, Geno. It’s lovely.”
“Will use it?” Geno presses.
“I—” Sidney’s breath catches as Geno moves closer still.
“Find it in store,” Geno continues softly. “Think of Lacerta, remind me of you, work so hard with her. So beautiful swimming around in water.”
“She really was,” Sidney agrees.
Geno shakes his head. “Not talking about her, Sid.”
Their eyes meet again, a question in Sidney’s dark eyes that he doesn’t seem willing to voice. They are standing close enough now that Geno can feel Sidney’s warm exhales against his neck where his collar lies open, the sensation sending goosebumps across his skin. Geno bends down slowly, so as not to startle Sidney, their noses just brushing.
“So beautiful, Sid,” he whispers, helpless to resist the pull of Sidney that draws him ever nearer.
He remains there, waiting, the sound of their breaths the only noise in his quiet office. They’ve been dancing around each other for weeks, months even, Sidney always moving close and then away like a sunbeam dancing upon the open water. Geno doesn’t want to scare him off, would wait months more for Sidney, but the ache in his chest feels nearly unbearable right now in the tense silence.
“Geno,” Sidney finally says, so many unspoken words layered into his voice as he reaches up, one hand settling on the side of Geno’s neck, pulling him down the few inches necessary for their lips to meet.
Geno sighs into the kiss, the tense set of his shoulders melting away as he gathers Sidney closer, arms around his waist. Sidney tastes like the salt water he so often works in, his lips soft and warm against Geno’s. Time feels like it’s moving in slow motion as they kiss and Geno is content to linger there, savoring the feeling. Their lips gently separate what feels like hours later, yet altogether too soon, exhales mingling between them as neither of them move any farther apart than necessary. Geno strokes his hands gently up Sidney’s back, urging away the nervousness he can already feel gathering there. He delights in the flush that returns to Sidney’s cheeks and knowing he’s the cause of it.
Sidney hides his face in Geno’s neck, but Geno can feel the curve of Sidney’s lips and an answering smile blooms on his own face. He commits this moment to memory, somehow knowing that Sidney’s going to make him work for another one like it. If there’s anything Sidney’s always been entirely genuine and open about, it’s his dedication to his job. That’s part of what drew Geno to him in the first place. As good as this feels, Geno can almost guarantee Sidney won’t want to jeopardize their assignments by letting Geno distract him with kisses and touches at work.
Geno looks forward to testing this theory in the very near future.
Thank you for letting us participate in this, @sidgenophotochallenge!
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