#i hate AI art website; but i am concerned that we aren’t focusing more on uplifting our fellow artists as we put down the stolen art tool.
goodlucks · 4 months
hey uh. i just reentered the “doing art for money” and why is genuine art being VASTLY undersold now. i’m actually terrified and scared🥲 i saw someone’s super cute art style and they were reducing prices to 5USD per full body full color.
i get that the average shmuck probably is running to some ai and churning out a stolen art slop with ambiguous and error-infested … nonsense but is that where all of our audience or consumer base has really gone?
i want to say that i hope these are just particular incidents in the ever nameless discord marketplace, but i haven’t retraced my roots on where i had my biggest holdings. and to be honest. i’m scared.
you should understand that they get to take ~4USD after your typical payp*l fees which depends on most artists but i think a good common number i have seen is 1-6 hours for their time.
that math means 60 cents per hour. remember when we used to reblog and share someone’s little simple hourly rate calculator for people’s art? i am scared for the future for artists. no matter how small they are.
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