#i hadnt even thought of it that way youre so smart i love it ahh
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sunlaire · 10 months ago
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The GoT au: Lord Crozier having james try on the new set of armor he bought for him. James is standing there while Crozier rounds him, adjusting the cape, asking if everything fits comfortably. And james, hopelessly in love and trying not to show it, can only manage a "yes sir thank you sir".
Also including @clandestinegardenias commentary because it made me Light Headed
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thefandomsurfer · 6 years ago
My top 20 favorite Tokyo Ghoul characters
I usually only do top 10s but like...I love so many characters in Tokyo Ghoul it was really hard for me to do?? So I did more. Also DO NOT GET offended. Even my honorable mentions are very...very dear to me. (Also the places are just how mush I, myself, enjoyed the character not how great the character is or that your opinion isnt valid. And I skipped most of the Suzuya squad because they would probably dominate my top six or something and that wouldnt be fair haha )
Honerable mentions:
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Shirazu ginishi
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THE ENTIRE SUZUYA SQUAD (Nakarai, Mikage, Mizurou, Hanbee.)
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Now onto my list!
20.  Shuu Tsukiyama
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I really didnt like him much at first. He made me uncomfortable and really annoyed. I mean, yeah, certain times I thought he was pretty funny but he made me more and more unnerved the longer I saw him. But then when I saw his nicer side and especially during seeing his loyalty and love for his family he started to grow on me. And now hes on this list!
19. Rize Kamishiro
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Rize always was interesting to me. I wondered how she got to where she was, why she was so important in the ghoul world and just how she got to be so strong. Not to mention her characters personality made me very compiled to her. Then I got her backstory and understood her more. I liked her even more and began to respect her character. 
18. Renj Yomo
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I always liked his ‘silent protector’ vibe even before finding out his backstory. I thought he was loyal and smart. And then it was revealed that he was the uncle to some very improtant characters and it made me love him even more. His backstory contributed to his gruffness and protective nature and not to mention his kagune is freaking AWESOME.
17. Ayato Kirishima
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Hes grown into someone I really enjoy. I...really didnt like him. He hurt Touka and acted like an ass the whole time. Then I saw a softer side when it came to Hinami. He was so concerned and cared about her so much that it touched me a lot. And he was a little more calm and controlled compared to what he had been in the first series as well. He developed into someone who not only cared for his love interest but his family and those important to both of them as well.
16. Amon Koutarou
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Amon, poor poor Amon. This guy has went through a whole lot during his time in the series. And hes accepted a lot as well. I always liked Amon even before everything like changed him. He seemed like a really cool guy who truly did what he thought was best. Then he learned what we the audience already knew. That ghouls weren’t as bad as everyone thought they were. And then fought for peace. And that coupled with how much he tried to help Seidou and loved Akira made be like and respect his character even more.
15. Kurona Yasuhisa
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Another character I really liked from the beginning. See, I have a weakness for twins. I always loved the idea of one and think that no matter the relationship they are always interesting to watch in media. And her relationship with Nashiro, while not explored a whole lot, was still prominent and known. And her denial about her death and the form of insanity she went through because of it was both sad and entertaining to watch. The fact that she started to think about forgiving the person who killed her as well was...amazing. Over all I wish she was explored a bit more but am happy with what I got.  
14. Urie Kuki
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Another character that I slowly learned to appreciate. He started out as someone who cared only for his own motives but after losing someone who he hadnt realized he cared for he begun to care for his team and mant to protect them as much as he can. Becoming someone worthy of their loyalty and love. Going as far as to save one of the ones who betrayed him and tried to kill him just to get them all together again and keep his promise to his dead friend.
13. Ui Koori
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Im not sure what made me drawn to him? Maybe his relationship with Hairu or his sense of Justice? I dont know but I do know that I like seeing his appearances. His fights and thought process was always fun as well. Over all Im not sure why I like him all I know is that I really do haha 
12. Ken Kaneki
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Okay I know, its basically illegal to have him so low on my list but honestly? I never really got that deep into his character? I mean he was sweet at first but then he was kind of boring? And I liked Haise a lot but really didnt like the reaper? The OEK one is cool and all but I still never got overly attached? I dont know. But I will say he is cool and I love how dedicated he is to his loved ones. And how honest he is about his flaws. Its really nice to see a protagonist that admires that he is selfish in certain ways and isnt always trying to do things for ‘the greater good’. And will do cruel and horrible things when push comes to shove. It makes him seem...a lot more human and tragic. Yet the fact he still had his happy ending made me happy for him. After the hell hes been through he deserves it.     
11. Seidou Tawkizawa
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Seidou. He...certainly needs a little help. Poor guy was such a innocent kid before his whole life was turnt upsidedown. I’ll be honest...I thought he was kind of annoying at first and then very scary later on. But after seeing a bit of his side of how everything went down and how much he cared for Akira and Amon my liking for him skyrocketed and I couldn't wait to see him again in the next chapter. How he sees himself and his future...it just hit to close to home for me. And soon enough he became one of my favorite characters.
10. Haise sasaki
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Ahh, my favorite of all the Nekis. I really, really liked him. How parental he was with his squad and his storyline always interested me. The amnesia thing has always been one of my favorite tropes. He, to me, was a perfect mix of Kuroneki and Shironeki. Having the lightheartedness and empathy of Kuroneki and having the toughness and ability to fight as Shironeki. I liked how goofy he could be (i.e dressing up as women) and all his little moments with Akira, Arima and Juuzou. But he was a dream, nothing meant to last, so he had to go. But that does NOT mean I didnt enjoy watching him the most.
9. Kanae
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I just really like her. I think her backstory is sad but not overdoing it and her dedication to Tsukiyama was certainly something that drew me to her. At first I thought I’d hate her but found myself sorely mistaken. And I cried a whole lot at her death and the touching moment when Tsukiyama, the person she loved so much, called her by her real name and accepted her despite
 the fact she thought she never deserved anything even similar to perhaps she’d be even higher had she stayed longer but she left far to soon.
8. Eto Yoshimura
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Eto is very interesting and fun to watch. Cruel and mean, yes, but also unpredictable! She never failed to make a impression on me everytime I saw a panel of her. I was always wondering ‘what will she do next?’ you know? I absolutly loved watching\reading her. Her backstory made me love her even more seeing as she had a bit of a struggle to get to were she is now.
7. Hairu Ihei.
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Hairu is someone else I dont know why I like so much? We didnt see her much at all and what we did see of her was little. But something about her drew me in. She was cute and I didnt expect much from her but found out she was pretty strong. Also with how sweet and air headed she acted I already liked her a little, the strength was only a added bonus. I only wish we got to see more of her. 
6. Uta
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Uta, someone who I already liked, only grew on me as time went on. I thought he was funny, unique and very good looking. And as time whent on, and seeing how twisted he could be, it only made be want to see what would happen next with him. Whose side he was really on. Things like that. But then his fight with Yomo made be see him in a more emotional light. Seeing how close he was to him and still was in in a way. It was sweet and only made me like him even more. 
5. Akira Mado 
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Akira Mado. At first I never thought much of her. Just a sort of bland character who had lost her father. Nothing new, nothing interesting. But her relationship with Amon certainly made be feel a little closer to her and made be pity her at the end of the first manga. But then in Re: I grew a lot closer to her really quickly. Her character seemed more open to others and friendly. Her realtionship Haise especially made me like her a whole lot. Then all her confusion and journey forgiving and accepting ghouls made he so interested and caring of her character. How much she wanted to protect Seidou and the fact she still loved Amon-It just...Made he love her. So much. 
4. Saiko Yonebayashi
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Saiko is a very funny individual that I didnt like much at first. I thought she was more or less dead weight and didnt understand why she was their to begin with. But the more we got to know her the more that I grew to love her development and character. Shes funny and kind but also strong and determined. I love her a whole lot. How determined she is to do what she thought was right and how much she cared for everyone in her squad despite her own initial unwillingness to try and work. All things I love about her. 
3.  Tooru Mutsuki
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Now I know how much this character is hated...And I understand too. He did a lot of twisted and messed up things. Stayed on the bad side a long time, attacked Touka and his squad helped turn Kaneki into  a monster...But his backstory and the personality we were originally introduced to made me love him so...so much. It didnt matter much to me what he did because I knew why he did it and not to mention...Mutsukis one of the most interesting characters to analyze because of his mindset. Also the fact he tried to redeem himself and felt guilty about everything he did...It shows that he is trying to do better and he is. I just....really, really love Mutsuki.
2. Touka Kirishima
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Touka is a very rough character, and I get that some people just dont like her, But I loved every second of her. The person with a rough outside slowly breaking out of their shell and becoming gentler as time goes on- its something I have a soft spot for. Loyal, selfless, strong and knows what she wants. A woman who is strong without being controlling or mary sue. I never got annoyed or bored of her and looked forward to seeing her every single time a new chapter was put out. And also her protectivness towards Kaneki, her child, Ayato, and Hinami made me love her all the more. Shes also got my favorite Kagune of the whole series-Yet another thing I love about this character.
1. Juuzou Suzuya
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By FAR my absolute favorite character in Tokyo ghoul. Now dont get me wrong-Im well aware of his faults. And I know he wasnt on the good side for a while either, But even though these things are there, I love him anyway. Hes so interesting and his backstory was so heartbreaking. When I first saw him I was indeed mildly creeped out but it also made me curious. The more I saw of him the more I wanted to analyze and get to know his character more. And right when I thought I got to know him-The one person who saw him as a person and treated him as he should be treated was taken away. This caused Juuzou to experience his first emotional loss in a very long time. And he changed. I personally enjoy his more mature personality compared to his more bloodthirsty one but love both either way tbh. And hes also very adorable when he wants to be so thats always a plus.    
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4tha70 · 7 years ago
soulmate/skater!minghao ft. xuxi
a persons nails are black until they meet their soulmate uwu. really bad and also super long OOF perdon😔☝🏽
you’d always wanted to move out and now that you’d finished college it was time to find your own mf space !
SOOO you were currently walking to an apartment complex your friend reccomended to u one night
it had two bedrooms and one bathroom and as per usual a kitchen and living room
you though this was too good to be true ofc because the monthy pay was so cheap
,,,until you realized the reason why rent was so low was because the person who put already lived there
and just needed a roommate to split expenses with
now,,,youre down for making new friend
but so far your experiences living with people you dont know,,,,just hasnt been the best
as you got off the elevator you couldnt help but shudder as you recalled your past roommate heated fights, gross habits and disregards for your personal space
room 1107
you ran the small doorbell on the left hand side of the door and hoped your roommate wasnt a literal fucking crackhead
following the doorbell’s echo a few seconds later the door opened to reveal a handsome smiley boy
“hi! you must be y/n, right? my name is yukhei but u can call me xuxi!”
he out his hand
“xuxi? thats cute! nice to meet you” you smiled and shook his and he pulled you into the small apartment
it was cute, gray painted walls and simple decorations
he seemed sweet
maybe this wouldnt be so bad
at the corner of the living room you saw a beat up stakeboard
grip tape peeling off, with basic sliver trucks
“ahh you skate?”
“yes! i love it. i fall alot though becauee im so tall and cant keep my balance” he frowned slighty not even realizing it. just truly frustrated he was so lanky :(
as soon as he turned around to take his ramen out of the microwave
you glanced at your nails and wondered when you would meet your soulmate
you though ‘hey maybe it would be xuxi. like a scene out of a movie. fate.’
idk n e way
fastforward -> that day you ate ramen with xuxi and just talked about the basics ans learned a lot about eachother
one of which was about his lil stakting gang that would film around the area or any cool places they would find
so far you had met sicheng, donghyuck and junhui
the fact that they havent met their soulmates kinda went well with their whole ‘i look like a cute stoner even though i dont smoke’ look because of the black nails (ppl need to paint their nails more often its cute)
it looked nice uwu
xuxi really wanted you to meet minhao though
minghao was xuxi best friend that also lived in the same apartment complex as both of you
he knew you two would get along
he,,,felt it
he couldnt really describe it but he knew you two would be really good friends
so xuxi invited you to go skating with them
he had taught u a few months back and let you use one of his extra boards
you refused at first and told him you could buy one once you went out
but he insisted
“think of it as a welcome gift”
“i moved in four months ago xuxi”
“a very late gift!!!”
you went ahead and began getting comfortable considering the drive was so long
xuxi and minghao came out laughing
sicheng and donghyuck behind them, talking about that one time junhui couldnt go skating with them
but they ended up being chased by the cops because hyuck got smart
they were quickly shushed by junhui who was loading the boards in the trunk
looking at the confused boys infront of him he motioned to you
when minghao saw you he went ⭐️__⭐️
LITERALLY he thought u were the prettiest cutest person hes ever see
he glanced at his nails and they turned a blood red with a gold heart on his middle finger and thumb
he was in a state of shock and utter happiness
but since you didnt look at him, your nails hadnt changed
hao hoped you would wake up soon so he could see your reaction
‘would they be disappointed’ he thought
he ruffled his hair as a way to shake away the thought
throughout the trip all he could think about was what your hands would look like
blood red nail polish and gold hearts
he wondered if you would find it pretty or if you would absolutley hate it
his friends trying to keep as quite as possible while laughing and joking became white noise to hao
he just,,looked out the damn window
looking Baked as fuck
the boys would glace over at him sometimes
until sicheng looked at minghaos hands holding his phone resting on his lap
not knowing why sicheng was so loud hyuck slapped him across his chest and reminded him that you were sleeping
“what’s wrong”
“minghaos nails !!” sicheng said happily pointing with his still black nails
everyones eyes bulged out of
his thoughts were stopped as he felt the car slow down to a stop
he looked ahead and saw a tennis court with a few benched lined around
as well as a huge set of stair cases leading up to the courts that were a few feet above the pavement
sicheng and minghao looked at eachother as if thinking the same thing
“cops” they both said
hyuck attepted to wake you up
after a few poked on the arm you opened your eyes and looked in front of you
“xuxi really want me to get chased by cops whythe fuck did he,,,”
you mummbled broken and sleepy sentences under your breath
getting out of the car and making your way to junhui you bumped into someone
“oh my bad im sorry”
from the back was a tall skinny boy
dressed in a white shirt and chinco pants LMFAO
birjched anyway
he looked up and u were Breathless
you’ve never seen someone so beautiful
he had the cutest button nose, pink lips and,,,a mullet
PERO not in a bad way
it wasnt tacky; the perfect length, soft and jet black
cute >:(
you stared in awe with your lips parted and minghao thought that was the cutest thing :(((
he broke out into the biggest brightest smile and giggle then pointed to your hands
you were confused at first but immediatley looked
your once black nails were now blood red with hearts adroning your middle fingers and thumbs
it was so pretty,,,
you kept looking until a soft voice snapped your head up
“my name is minghao, im your soulmate” :D
THERE SHE IS LADS ugh thats the tea🤩 i might do a part 2 but it’ll be like a bf!hao y’know oop
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