#i had to sheepishly explain to my parents the other day why and where i know dave franco from
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helpmyinterestsareverywhere · 10 months ago
I think the funniest side-effect I have that comes from The LEGO Ninjago Movie being my entry into the fandom is that a small part of my brain will always associate Dave Franco with Lloyd - like I'll see a picture of Lloyd and it's a sudden battle between hearing his voice and Sam Vincent's
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walkingstackofbooks · 27 days ago
cw: child abuse
Once again, I got to the point where some comfort ought to have kicked in, and stopped... I'm sorry, I don't deliver closure, only hurt aha 😅
"I got grounded for a month after that," Miles finished sheepishly. Julian laughed.
"And you say that's your worst? My parents once grounded me from June through to August - and I lost food privileges once a week, too!"
Far from the round of laughter and "What did you do?"s he was expecting, he was greeted with a stunned silence. He raised his eyebrows, looking around at his friends in confusion.
"What do you mean, "food privileges"?" Sisko asked. Julian shrugged.
"Just, you know, my access to food was revoked for the day, or evening, or whatever time they'd set, and think about what I'd done."
"I'm sorry, your parents starved you once a week for three months?"
"You're making it sound worse than it was," Julian defended. "It wasn't that bad."
"Not being allowed to eat is pretty bad, Julian," Jadzia said, and from expressions on the others' faces, it seemed they agreed. He shrugged again, wishing he'd never said anything.
"What had you done?" asked Miles.
Just seconds ago, Julian had been ready to spin an impish tale of the two days he'd spent hiding away in the woods, but he has a sinking feeling his friends weren't going to see the funny side of this, either.
"I ran away. For two nights," he replied. "Funnily enough, it's more difficult than you'd expect from the way adventure books make it sound."
Odo harrumphed, but otherwise his joke fell flat.
"So you can see why they were mad," he continued. "When I turned back up again, they were thinking they were going to have to involve the police, and that would have been all sorts of awful."
"You went missing for two nights and they didn't--" The captain cut himself off, shaking his head. Julian looked away; Sisko seemed angry, and he wasn't sure how that made him feel.
"How old were you?" asked Kira.
"Fifteen," Julian replied. "It was just after I found out about, um, my genetic enhancements. Which is why it would have been so hard to explain, if, you know, they'd told the police about me."
"I can't believe this," says Miles. "You're saying you were so upset at finding out your parents had given you illegal enhancements that you ran away, and not only did they choose not to report you were missing, but when you came back, they punished you for being upset rather than, oh, I don't know, apologising?!"
Julian suddenly felt very small and stupid. "Well, when you put it like that--" he chuckled weakly, trying and failing to keep his voice light. Jadzia leant over to take his hand, and he knew he shouldn't push it away.
"I don't know," he said quietly, slumping back against his seat. "I guess, yeah - that's what I'm saying."
There was another silence. The outrage had died down, and now it seemed that no-one knew quite what to say. Jadzia's hand was beginning to feel oppressively warm.
"Food privileges," Sisko muttered, seemingly to himself, disdain dripping off each word. Hell. In hindsight, Julian really ought to have guessed how little his captain would approve of that one.
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months ago
I was also thinking of shower thoughts and it occurs to me that Marbled Egg! Wukong is pretty paranoid to a rather ridiculous degree. Now, I love him like that, it makes sense for him to be protective of his cub after everything... what I was wondering tho is WHY! Because if he had Nezha as more support, than presumably he should have less reason to be distrustful of people near MK... then a small though came to me.
What if it's because something had happened before?
Look, Wukong has a LOT of enemies. More than anyone can possibly count. The show even goes so far as to say he's fought and presumably killed hundreds upon hundreds of demons. In the show, it's been established that even if Wukong had once killed someone, it isn't impossible for them to come back to life. Both Macaque and Azure are both heavily implied to have done so.
So what if one of Wukong's other enemies, one that has perhaps fallen into obscurity with age or their influence downplayed by historical biases, were to return long before Wukong ever met Tang. When MK was still a newborn cub, I was too young to remember much of anything. What if they tried to attack FFM and somehow got their hands on MK, if they tried to do something to him because he is Sun Wukong's son and heir? What if the event left Wukong paralyzed with fear to the point he becomes overly paranoid and protective of his cubs, to becoming a helicopter parent?
My mind immediately went to the Demon King of Havoc/Confusion - Wukong's first ever victory. Not sure if I like the big cat or the baboon versions more (maybe a Gelada?).
Its been over a thousand years, and while some old villains have redeemed themselves and adapted to their new lives (Black Wind Demon and Moon Jade Rabbit in particular), some are so "off-grid" that its hard to get a read on them and their motives.
Enter the former terror of Flower Fruit Mountain. A demon who initially presents himself as reformed to demonkind... until he learns that Sun Wukong has a helpless infant in his care.
Wukong is fast asleep, exhausted from caring for both his cub and his Stone Egg. A earth-shaking scream of dispair rings through all Three Realms when he awakens to an empty nest and broken doors.
The Stalwarts assemble immediately. They recognise the foul stench of the Demon King long before Wukong - having each survived the beast's rule for over a decade.
They find the Demon King burnt to a crisp inside his old cave.
Wukong never thought he'd be so relieved to see his baby crying on the dusty cave floor. Xiaotian is shaken but completely unharmed.
This leads to a little bit of confusion to how the baby survived such rough treatment. And why the Havoc Demon is currently little more than a pile of ash.
Nezha (alterted by Wukong's call) explains sheepishly that he placed a stronger-than-usual Man Yue blessing that activated when true danger threatened the baby. The blessing + Xiaotian's inherent power had pretty much vaporized the former Demon King the second a claw or fang dared touch his skin.
Wukong is too relieved to even listen to the reasoning. He's just overjoyed that his cub is ok!
Despite the kidnapping having a happy ending, it left its mark on Wukong. He became more cautious, more paranoid of other demons - especially ones he knew from the old days. He never wanted Xiaotian out of his sight, something that annoyed the little monkey as he started to grow.
A similar kidnapping likely occurs in Aus where Xiaotian's connection to Wukong is also known.
The only difference being; the Demon of Havoc likely doesn't get far before the Six Eared Macaque rips him to shreds. Or getting a furious pig charging at him with a kitchen knife.
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Ur nefero fics are soo good😙 Could you write something like maybe how much he worships reader?? Thank uu<3
Great minds think alike bestie I'd love to write this sooo here we go!
Male Nefera x fem! Reader
Prompt: Nefero but he's just worshiping you
She her pronouns
Fluff/kissing/female worship/
Image not mine found in pinterest
(I'm obsessed this is literally how he sees you full goddes)
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Nefero looks at you with adoring eyes as you talked about the book you had just finished,eyes lit up,hands moving all around for emphasis on a specific part of the story that you said in I quote "was the most unrealistic thing ever" you keep talking/rambling off to your boyfriend at your table in the (just them since he liked days where it was just the two of you).
[Name] let out a frustrated sigh as she finished speaking "like it's totally crazy right Nefie?" You stopped waiting for his response "yes very" he nodded his head hoping you'd continue talking till your heart's content "thank you ugh, you get me" then she continued for the remaining lunch time while taking breaks to actually eat.
"Is there something on my face?" [Name] asked, quickly getting out a small mirror "No your fine, my jewel excuse my rudeness" he sets down the mirror from your hands and took it; placing it back in your purse "oh well that's okay, I love when you stare though please tell me i have nothing on my face next time haha" the ghoul looked away sheepishly "it's always nice to know you still look at me that way really" she said earnestly "I'll always admire your beautiful self,all day if you asked me too" Nefero took her hand in his smiling wide "hehe you got smile lines Nefie" "WHAT?!"
In their class Nefero is yet again looking at [Name] with heart shaped pupils in his purple eyes, he watched as you reapplied your lip gloss "so you like this color on me?" You turn your head to him and pointed at the lip gloss bottle and then your lips ``it looks absolutely Divine on you my queen" he told you sincerely
The two walk out of school the day had finished and now it was time to get you home "are you gonna stay home with me? I'm making dinner today" you asked your boyfriend looking at his hands intertwined "of course my jewel but I need to go home and change first" [Name] looked at him perplexed "but I have some of your clothes at my house, why not shower and change there?" She tilted her head "my jewel you only have my shirts not pants or shorts" he teased
"Ohhh haha right" she looked to the side "maybe I should steal your pants so you won't have to go and change" "What?" [Name] looked at him "Well if I have some of your clothes other than shirts you won't have to be apart from me! Plus we could shower together, did you know that can save our water bill" you tried to play it off with some "statistics"
Nefero held your face in his hands smirking at you;making your face feel hot"My dear we can do that anytime you wish no need for an excuse" he leaned in and kissed your lips gently,you hummed through the kiss then separated making Nefero pout "oh stop you big baby let's get going so you can change quickly at your house and take me to mine" "but don't you have to start dinner?"
"Nah my parents won't be home till late I have time" you explain " now come on I wanna choose your outfit" taking his hand [Name] dragged him to his limo
[Name] is seen in her kitchen cooking up a meat stew and some rice she wears a "kiss the cook" apron which happens a lot when Nefero is around so she thought why not buy it
She hums along the song on the radio as she puts in a some herbs in the stew and then stirred it thoroughly
Nefero is at the stool of the kitchen island sipping at the strawberry smoothies he made for the both of you with your blender "it smells incredible my jewel" he compliments, [Name] turns around with a smile "would you like to try the stew?" He eagerly nods anything you make was bound to be heavenly he felt so lucky he gets to try it first "Alright here" your bring a soup spoon to his lips and he opens his mouth and swallowing the the liquid gold, it was savory and spicy the meat was tender and with the potatoes, corn, and carrots made all the better.
"Ahhh that is absolutely exquisite" he looks into your eyes with a smile as he leans forward making a move to kiss you and you obliged "muaw!" You gave him a quick kiss dramatically sounding it, he immediately pouted "I want an actually kiss" you sighed and go around towering over him seductively "oh really?" He nodded again
"Alright only cause you asked" you lean down grabbing his collar and pulled him into a deep kiss, he opened his mouth and let you in, moaning as you dominated his tongue then you let him go "there" you panted " *deep exhale* thank you my queen" Nefero wraps his arms on your hip and leans his head onto your stomach while he's still sitting down.
[Name] ruffles his hair up giggling at his cuteness "of course my king" you stayed like that for a few more minutes until you said you had to check on the food which he whined but let you go
He can't help the way your presence makes him feel giddy with excitement, the smell of your sweet perfume, holding you in his embrace, bodies squished together, hearing your heartbeat as he rests his head on your chest at night.
"You look absolutely gorgeous" he said all of a sudden at the dinner table as you ate in comfortable silence "really?" Nefero nodded "you do and I just can't help saying it, in fact it's my duty to tell you any time I see fit, which to be frank is all the time" [Name] looked at him bewildered as if this was a new thing
Yet it wasn't but still it warmed your heart he still looked at you that way for a moment you didn't say anything then with a smile you responded "thank you, my love it means alot that you still admire me like this" she admitted "my queen" he held her hand "I cannot fathom a second in my life where I don't worship your entire being, it's in my nature to do so, for only you"
He lifted her hand and kissed it then continued up until he was met only inches away from her face, looking at her eyes [Name]'s breath hitch then Nefero kissed her cheek gently "would you let me worship you tonight my queen" he said above a whisper "well..." she looked at the clock "they won't be here in about another 6 hours..." she thought about it then looked at him patiently waiting 'why not' [Name] got up and dragged him by the sleeves and up to her bedroom "Let's see how much worship I can get you to say, that suddenly it sounds like a prayer~"
I feel conflicted with this one, I like the way I wrote it but idk if it truly captured the promt but I feel like this is better than what I write previously
I tried my best but head empty no thoughts I guess, still hope you like it maybe I'm just having imposter syndrome
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runningfrom2am · 2 years ago
I was wondering if you could write a jj x female reader where he’s dating kiara but then he meets the reader and starts to fall in love with her so he doesn’t know what to do.
omg yes i love this so much. and thank you for sending in a request at all! i’m honoured that you chose me :))
this is my first jj fic too and i’m instantly obsessed like hello??
anywaysss please enjoy!
hard to carry
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pairing: jj x kook!reader
wc: 1.3k
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JJ never believed in love at first sight. Why would he when it had taken years for him and his girlfriend to finally get together? He had loved her- desperately, and had felt like after years of flirting hopelessly he finally got his shot with Kie and he was head over heels. He was happy. But it wasn’t everything he had dreamed of. They fought nearly constantly these days, and her parents had never gotten over the bitter taste in their mouths they had over him even after they found El Dorado and he could give their daughter the life he assumed they wanted for her. It was draining, but he assumed it was all so worth it.
Your parents had just bought a summer home on Kildare island, and you instantly fell in love with the city. The endless beaches, the expansive golf course and with everyone you’ve met so far this summer. You already looked forward to spending every June, July, and August here for the foreseeable future, and have already considered moving into the house full time to watch it while your parents are back in New York living up the Wallstreet life for the remainder of the year. At eighteen, you’re praying they’ll give you the chance.
In an attempt to prove your independence, you’re spending the day alone, running errands for your mom and dad, visiting some local shops and taking the time to get to know everything better. That’s when JJ first lays his eyes on you.
He’s walking around the busy grocery store with a clunky basket, readjusting his grip over and over again because he’d be caught dead before grabbing a cart when he’s shopping alone. You saw no shame in that, however, resting your hip against the side of the half full cart of groceries while you glance between the list in your hands and the table of produce in front of you.
JJ’s eyes fall on your figure as he’s about to reach for a bag of apples, immediately finding himself doing a double take. The way your hair falls over part of your face as he watches you try to pick out the freshest looking watermelon has his breath hitching in his throat, and he instantly abandons his attempt at fitting the bag of apples into his already almost filled basket, deciding a watermelon looks more refreshing in the North Carolina heat anyways.
“Hey- that’s the one I was gunning for.” JJ finds himself saying, pointing to the watermelon in your hands as you turn to place it in the cart.
“Oh! Gosh, sorry. Here.” You say sheepishly, holding the fruit out to him immediately and JJ feels his heart melt.
“Nah, you can keep it. I was just joking.” JJ chuckles, placing his basket on the floor. “It does look the best though, you’ve got a sharp eye.
“Thanks.” You laugh, resigning to putting the watermelon down in your cart instead. “I think you should take that one, that one is second best.” You joke, pointing to a different one on the table.
JJ nods, pretending to consider it. “Yeah, yeah you’re probably right.” He nods, picking it up and inspecting it. “Are you new in town?” He asks, attempting to be casual about it, but he’s genuinely curious since he knows if he’d ever seen you before, he absolutely would have remembered it.
“Uh, yeah! My parents just bought a house here. Down on the other side of the island.” You explain, your cheeks flushing as you pretend to read over your list again.
“Oh, you’re a kook?” JJ replies, making you quirk an eyebrow at him.
“Excuse me?”
Now it was JJ’s turn to blush, his face immediately turning a bright red as he looked at you with wide eyes, long forgetting his ploy at examining the watermelon in his hands. “I- yeah I guess you wouldn’t know what that means. Sorry, just, people who live over there have that nickname. Just means you live on the north side, that’s all.”
Your face relaxes and you giggle. JJ has never heard a laugh so lovely, so sweet that he thinks it could make his jaw hurt if he dwelled on it for too long. “Oh! Okay, neat. I didn’t know that.” You shake your head at your own misunderstanding.
“Yeah, I guess that’s just local slang, kinda.” JJ shrugs, returning your smile and leaning back against the counter, putting the fruit down again. “I’m JJ, by the way. I’m definitely not a kook.”
“Oh, what do they call you then? Assuming you wouldn’t call me a ‘kook’ if you were one yourself.” You ask, tilting your head in his direction.
“Pogues. Pogies, sometimes.” JJ laughs as he explains it, suddenly understanding how silly it must sound to someone who didn’t grow up here.
“Interesting.” You nod a little. “Well, JJ the ‘pogue’, I’m Y/N.”
“Not exactly how you use that, but it’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” JJ grins, leaning back on his palms as they press onto the table.
“Sorry.” You laugh awkwardly again, and JJ can’t help it when his stomach flips once more at the sound. He glances down at his still present basket, remembering suddenly who gave him the list of what to buy, and who he was bringing everything home to so they could make pasta together for dinner. Shit.
“You’re all good.” He laughs it off with you, smile fading with the sudden pang of guilt that followed the dread of returning home to Kie. Who he loved. Loves, still, surely.
“Well, I’ve got frozen stuff here, so I better keep moving…” You trail off, looking into the cart you’ve gathered of almost everything on the list. “I probably should have grabbed those last but I wasn’t really thinking I guess.” You ramble on, stepping around the cart and past JJ to push it away.
“I did the same thing, I get it.” JJ admits, reaching down to pick up his basket.
“Hey, uh, I don’t have any friends down here. Mind if I grab your instagram or something?” You ask, suddenly feeling brave as you stop the cart and turn to face the blonde boy that you admittedly find very attractive. Besides, having friends here will definitely implore your parents to let you stay.
“Yeah! Yeah, here.” JJ nods, digging into the pocket of his cargo shorts and pulling out his phone to open the rarely used app, handing it over to you.
“Yikes, an android? I don’t know if I can be seen with you.” You joke as you take the device, quickly typing in your own username and hitting the follow button, passing it back to him as he laughs.
“Gee, thanks.” JJ chuckles, shaking his head and looking down at the account still left open.
“Maybe I’ll see you around, JJ the pogue.” You tease, giving a quick wave as you make your way towards the front of the store.
“Still not how you say that!” He calls after you, seeing you shrug your shoulders without looking back.
As you turn the corner, JJ let’s out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, once more adjusting the grip his now sweaty palms had on the handles of the basket. The basket full of groceries for Kie, that suddenly feels much harder to carry. Fuck, he doesn’t want to go home to her anymore. And fuck, he can’t wait to scroll through your instagram and endlessly hope that he’ll see you again.
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 6 months ago
The Fight: Part One
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.3k
Summary: After a weird encounter with your parents and friends, you try to get to the bottom of it even if you don't like the answer.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Season Five Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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"I have found the paradox that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." - Mother Teresa
"Anything on your mind?" Melissa asks when you're in your morning session.
"Something weird happened on Friday with my parents." It's Monday so you haven't been to work to ask the girls about it. "I don't think my friends like my parents."
"Why do you say that?"
"Okay, so, my friends agreed to come with me and meet them even though they couldn't stay long. I'd have my boyfriend there but he and my dad don't exactly get along. When they met my friends, I immediately felt uncomfortable. It was coming from them like they didn't feel comfortable around them. My parents were super nice so I'm not sure why they felt like that. They even lied to them about why they had to leave so suddenly."
"Did you ask them about it?"
"I didn't want to embarrass them. I'll ask them when I go to work today."
"Why doesn't Spencer like your dad?"
You sigh and shift in your seat. 
"He thinks they're criminals." You see the look on her face and immediately explain. "Not like that. I guess I mean that he thinks they have ulterior motives. They're foster parents and have always been foster parents. Spencer thinks they're doing something dangerous on the side. I don't know. I don't want to talk to him about that."
"Why is that?"
"I guess I don't want to see my parents being anything other than my parents. They're loving, of course, but they can be scary. My dad, mostly."
"Do you fear them?"
"I never did and never have. My dad has scary qualities, for sure, but I never thought my life was in danger because of them. He's a very stressed man. He has young kids to take care of on top of his job."
"What does he do?"
"He's an independent contractor. He gets odd jobs here and there but it's enough to pay the bills, and it allows my mom to stay at home with the kids."
"Well, if nothing is wrong, then maybe you're allowing that fear you had from prison to project onto your friends and family."
"Yeah, maybe," you sigh.
"Speaking of, how are you feeling about prison?"
"I feel like a weight has been lifted from my chest. Remember that friend I told you about? The one that was falsely accused? I got her released. I worked with my team on a case that just so happened to be hers. We gathered evidence that got her released."
"How does that make you feel?"
"Like my old self again," you smile sheepishly.
"How is the IRT coming along?"
"Believe it or not, I'm not having nightmares as much as before. The only nightmares are mainly about the rape and the birth."
"That's to be expected coming from such a young age. Trauma like that doesn't go away overnight."
"Apparently, it doesn't go away after sixteen years either."
Melissa closes her notebook with a smile.
"I do have to say, I'm impressed with your progress. You look better."
"I feel better," you smile.
After your session, you head straight to the airport where the jet is waiting. Hotch got in contact with an old friend with a case in San Francisco. The Red Cell as they like to call themselves are a group of FBI agents, and they've been tracking a case that is three years old. Two years ago, a dead man turned up in Presidio Park with a massive amount of blunt-force trauma, defensive wounds, and a single gunshot wound to the back of the head. Over the next three days after that, three more victims with the same MO turned up. After that, nothing.
Until a year ago when the exact same thing happened--one dead male, badly beaten, and shot execution style. Three more dead men followed that three days after. Nothing happened after that until last night when another body turned up in the exact same style as the others which means the Red Cell has three days to find the unsub before he's lost for an entire year.
The leader of the Red Cell, Sam Cooper, thinks there are parallel murders linked to the cases. Two years ago after the murders stopped, a single dad and his fifteen-year-old brunette daughter were found dead in their car. Last year after the murders stopped, another dad and his daughter were found dead.
Hotch doesn't think both cases are related but Sam does. He'd like for your team to work the bodies in Presidio Park while the Red Cell works the theory on the fathers and daughters. If Sam is right then one half of the case solves the other half. The only thing is that Sam asked Strauss about doing this and she said no, but that doesn't mean he is going to listen to her. If he's wrong about this and the two cases aren't connected, then Strauss will have his ass and his job.
Still, Sam is dead set on figuring this out with or without Hotch's help. Luckily, Hotch has never been a fan of how Strauss handles things which is why you went straight to the plane instead of back to the office after your morning session.
"What do we know about the past years' victims?" Rossi asks.
"The Tenderloin District has a high concentration of drug addicts and homeless people. All the victims have been transients," Spencer says.
"So, this unsub is choosing easy targets that won't be missed. He's not concerned with the challenge of the hunt. All these victims are part of a larger plan which he executes in the same few days every year."
"Reid, did you find any significance to the dates?" Hotch asks.
"Nothing historical. It's gotta be personal for the unsub."
"JJ, you and Reid hit the San Francisco PD. Rossi, Y/N, and Prentiss go to the dump site. Morgan and I will go to the coroner's office. Nobody should expect to get a lot of sleep for the next three days."
"What about Cooper's team? You said he had a theory," Rossi says.
"He believes that whoever is murdering these homeless men is also abducting fathers and daughters and killing them once the transients are disposed of."
"Why isn't his team on the jet now?" Emily asks.
"Because the director wouldn't authorize them to join the investigation."
"They're working against the director's orders?"
"Let's not focus on that. We need to concentrate on the dead men abducted from the Tenderloin. Cooper's team can help determine if there's a missing father and daughter, and whether it's connected to our case."
"Or you could get in serious hot water if the director thinks you're helping to defy her," Emily says.
"No, Hotch is right," Rossi says. "I've known Sam Cooper for twenty years, and I've never seen him defy an order. If he feels this strongly about a hunch, we need to help him however we can."
So, how do you conjure victims of a crime that might not have been committed out of thin air in a major American city? San Francisco has a population of eight hundred thousand people with half of them males. Forty-five percent of the population is white so that leaves about three hundred and sixty thousand people. If the team searches for girls from thirteen to eighteen, narrows it some more to brunettes, and narrows that down to their fathers who haven't shown up to work, then maybe the Red Cell might be able to find the missing family before they are killed.
All the dump sites including the most recent murder have been scoped out by you, Rossi, and Prentiss. Every single dump site has been isolated like the unsub avoids the main paths and never dumps them in lightened areas. In order to get the best location, he'd have to study the terrain beforehand which means he's organized and physical enough to haul a body on his own. Every victim was living on the streets so there were no witnesses when he grabbed them. Your guess is that he managed to lure them with the promise of food or drugs. None of them were reported missing which makes it harder to figure out who might be next.
The most recent victim was found at Presidio Park. The ME determined that if he hadn't been shot in the head, then he would have died from internal bleeding. Not only was the victim shot, but there is powder residue in his skull which means he had to have been subdued when he was shot. It doesn't make sense. He got abducted off the streets quietly enough that there were no witnesses, but then he fights for his life only for the unsub to shoot him execution style. What the hell is he doing with these men?
The Red Cell looked into potential missing girls and talked to over two hundred middle schools. There have been a lot of absent girls but not a lot of absent fathers. Those who were absent were cross-referenced with their yearbook photos to see who were brunettes. They came up with a young girl named Jane McBride who is fourteen. She didn't show up for school yesterday or this morning, and her dad, Ben, hasn't been at his contracting company for the last two days.
You, Hotch, and Sam head over to Jane's mother's house to talk to her. They might not be the couple you're looking for but it's as good a start as any. Hotch parks and all three of you get out of the car. You walk across the street and stop in front of Sarah McBride's house, knocking on her door.
"Mrs. Mcbride? I'm Agent Hotchner with the FBI. This is Agent Cooper and Agent Y/N. We're here to determine whether your husband and your daughter are missing."
"Don't," she gasps. You can feel the panic come off her in waves. "Just get inside, please. Hurry." All three of you rush inside with her permission. She closes the door and leans against it with a pained look on her face. "Oh, God."
"Sarah?" you ask.
"You just got my family murdered."
"What do you mean?"
She pushes off the door and walks to the living room where her TV is. She puts a disc into the DVD player and turns it on. On the screen is the first victim tied to a chair. He is struggling against the binds but nothing will protect him against the gun in the frame. The unsub is holding it but he doesn't give any indication of who he is. He shoots the victim in the head and Sarah looks away from the video painfully.
"That's the first victim from the park," Hotch mumbles.
"The man on the phone said he'd kill Ben and Jane if I brought in the police. He said that if I needed proof, I should check my front porch. When I did, this was there."
"Oh, he's careful. There's nothing to distinguish him or his location," Sam says.
He walks over to the DVD player and removes the disc with a tissue to avoid his fingerprints on it.
"Were there any other instructions?"
"No. He said he'd call with more. Do you think he's watching? I mean, is he going to kill them?"
"The video was shot by a camera on a tripod which means he probably doesn't have a partner. It would be almost impossible for him to take your family prisoner and do surveillance simultaneously."
"He's done this before?" You nod silently. "Why didn't someone come forward after to say what happened?"
"He doesn't leave anybody with knowledge alive. We'll post an agent here to keep you safe. Can you excuse us for a moment?" You, Hotch, and Sam leave her house to talk on the street. "Cooper, listen. Your theory's right. We know he's killing homeless men as well as fathers and daughters, but let us work it. If you go back to DC now, the director won't know that you ignored her order."
"Look, I know you're sticking your neck out on this thing for me. I understand. I don't... I'm not trying to..."
"This isn't about me. I want to protect you."
Sam takes out his wallet and pulls a picture from it.
"Do you remember him?"
"Holby Holme. Of course."
"Do you remember we got that confession for those five child murders? We all had that gut feeling. We knew he wasn't good for all of them. The preference was too varied. Local cops shut the investigation down. The FBI told us to get our asses back home."
"I remember," Hotch nods.
"Where were you when you heard they caught that second killer dumping this boy's body?"
"I was in Denver working a new case. You?"
"I wasn't on anything yet. I could have still been there. I won't ignore my gut again. I don't care what it costs me."
Hotch sighs. "Okay. My people will be on the record, and we'll use yours to double manpower."
Sam steps off to the side for a quick breather, and you tap Hotch's shoulder shyly. You've been wanting to say this to him for a while now and this is your opportunity to do so.
"Listen, Hotch, I just want to say I'm sorry for how I've been these past few months. I wasn't in my right mind but that's no excuse. I turned my back on people I needed and shut them out when they tried to help. You were one of them. I'm sorry."
"You don't need to apologize. You were going through something traumatic. It's okay."
"No, it isn't. I'm going to do better and be better for this team. I'll prove to you that I'm not going to let you down."
"I have no doubts," he smiles. It's amazing how much of a support system you have here with your team. Hotch is understanding when he needs to be and that means more to you than he realizes. His phone rings and he answers it. "Hotchner. ... Where? ... Okay." He hangs up. "They found another body." He turns to you. "Prentiss and Agent Rawson are already on it. Join them."
"Okay," you nod.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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winterrrnight · 1 year ago
hi bestie!! i love you and im so proud of you!!
can i get meet me in the hallway with zach & prompt 16 🤭
ahh thank you sm bestie!! I loved writing this and I hope you like it too!! ❤️❤️
he isn't you
PAIRING: zach maclaren x gn!reader
SUMMARY: you tell your best friend what you feel about him.
WARNINGS: nothing, reader has a boyfriend, and reader also cheats on said boyfriend but we want that to happen guys 😏
EDITH SPEAKS: im back from the dead!! what a way to start with the new year honestly. I feel a bit rusty so this may not be as good as the rest of my stuff, but I think its pretty good :) I hope you all enjoy! please vote & comment if you enjoyed <3
PROMPT REQUESTED: "he treats me well-" "okay good for you." "- but he isn't you."
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You kick your shoes off your feet as you close the door behind yourself, sighing out loud with the tiredness basically crushing you underneath itself. You had a pretty tiring day at your university today; classes at a longer stretch and much more boring than usual.
You hear the doorbell of your apartment ring before you can relax on your couch and take a proper breath. You walk back to the door and see your boyfriend River on the other side, smiling. 
“Oh hey River,” you give a tired smile. He leans in to press a kiss on your cheek. 
“You sound tired, you okay?” He asks, as you finally get to sit on your couch. You groan as you stretch and prop up your feet on your coffee table. 
“I'm fine, just a long day of classes today,” you say, yawning. You look up to see him standing next to you. “You're not going to sit?” 
“Uh, I was actually wondering if you'd want to spend the evening out, there is this art exhibit only for today and I really thought you'd like to go,” he says sheepishly. 
“Oh River,” you say, getting up, “I wish I could but I'm just so so tired, and the amount of assignments and readings I have to complete isn't helping at all,” 
“So you're just going to blow me off again?” 
His words take you by surprise. “What do you mean?”
“Last week you missed our date-”
“That was because I had to urgently go to my parents home, I told you that,”
“And the week before you didn't come to the carnival with me,”
“It was during mid terms week and I was really behind,” 
“And what about that one time I was planning to take you to this French restaurant but you didn't come?” 
“Zach was sick! He was at the hospital River, and that was the night his situation had gotten so much worse!” You say, completely exasperated. “This is too much right now, I've always had a reason to not come to our dates. What about that one time I wanted to take you to a dinner with my family and you blew me off and never even told me where you were?” 
“Wait that time I-”
“And do you even remember when you told me you were busy to have a movie night with me and then a friend told me you were actually at a party? Huh? I never avoid our dates if I don't have a big reason to miss them, but you miss them and don't even care to explain why you didn't come?” 
That shuts him up, because he's looking everywhere but you, his jaw clenched tightly. 
“I'm sorry River but I can't come with you today. I would like to rest and have an early start to my day tomorrow,” 
You can see he wants to say something; a lot of things actually - give you an earful, but he opts for the smarter choice and doesn't say anything, silently making his way out of your house. But he still needs to display the extent of his anger, so he slams the door loudly on his way out. 
You plop back on your couch, wanting to distract yourself with some movie. You get your tv remote and start to scroll through Netflix, trying to find something which attracts your eye, but your doorbell rings again, agitating you. 
You wonder if it's River again, but much to your surprise it's Zach, holding two completely filled take away bags. 
“I saw you leaving uni really late when I was at my football practice so I thought you may need these,” he chuckles. The brightest smile pulls your lips and you instantly hug him, catching him off guard but he hugs you back. 
“That's exactly what I needed right now,” you say, taking one bag from him and letting him in. 
You proceed to your kitchen to get plates and rest of the cutlery, but Zach stops you right in your tracks. 
“Ah let me do that, you go and sit,” he insists, taking the bag back from you. 
“Are you sure-”
“Yes yes, I know my way really well around here,” you giggle and go back to your couch, continuing your search for the perfect movie. 
In the meantime Zach brings the food and places it all in front of you, the aroma wafting up to your nose and making you feel hungrier. But you still haven't found what you want to watch. 
“Why is nothing attracting my eye?” You say, your mouth now full with food. 
“Why don't we just talk?” Zach suggests, and you ponder over it for a moment, realizing it is the better thing to do right now.
“Well, what do you want to talk about?” You ask, turning to face him as you fiddle around with the food on your plate with your fork. 
“Well, feel free to not answer this question,” he starts, “but I've been wondering about this for quite some time and I just want to let it out; I haven't seen you with River lately, usually you used to be hanging out with him so much, always on dates and uni’s football and basketball matches, but I just, I haven't seen you with him often,”
Your focus is completely on your food, the way each vegetable is placed on your plate suddenly becoming the most interesting thing. 
Zach wonders if he's messed up asking this question when he sees you completely shut off and silent. “I'm, I'm sorry, I don't want to ask you something you don't want to discuss, but I just need to know if you're happy with him or not. Nothing matters more than your happiness,” his voice reduces to a soft mumble, which only just relaxes you instead of making you feel anxious on having to discuss such a heavy topic. 
“It's, it's okay, I guess. I don't know… we've been trying to make plans but one of us usually has some other more important place to be. I always make sure to tell him why I can't come, and it's always something unavoidable, but he, he never cares to tell me why he won't be coming. It's just always ‘oh I'm sorry babe I just had to go somewhere else.’ Where? I never know. 
“And it's not just that. He always gets offended when I cancel on him but that's never the case when it's the other way round. His focus on us, it isn't, it isn't the same, and he isn't as understanding as he was before.”
Just as you finish speaking, you feel like a big load is lifted off of you. Your mind has been bothered by it since days ago, and it was starting to affect your everyday activities. But talking about it, letting it all out makes you feel relaxed. 
Zach looks at you with a soft look in his eyes, not knowing what you've been going through all this time. 
“But, he's also there for me, you know? That one time I fell down from the stairs, I called him and he came so quickly, and I know I can count on him to get me anything I need at any time,” you continue, feeling so torn about what you're actually feeling about him. “I just, I don't know where we are leading to right now. I think I may need some time away from him, just being with myself and not seeing him as often as usual,”
You look at Zach whose focus is entirely on you and your words. Sometimes you wish he's the one you're spending your time with. He gets you in a way no one can, not even River even if he tries for a billion years. When you feel sad about something, you prefer to call up Zach than River, because he listens to you better, and makes you feel important. 
“I think it would be nice for you to spend some time with yourself, to do some things you've thought of doing but couldn't, starting with new hobbies, or the ones you haven't picked up in some time,” Zach starts. “It'll help you introspect more into your personality, and generally just make you feel better. Maybe he's going through a difficult time right now, and being apart for some time might help him too,” 
“You're right,” you say, “maybe being apart will do us some good. I mean, he treats me well-”
"okay good for you,"
“- but Zach,” you look up at him as you cut him off, your eyes sinking into his, “he isn't you.” 
The last words come out as a whisper, getting lost in the air around you two. For a second you're worried that he didn't hear them, because you think you can't muster up the courage to repeat those words. But the widening of his eyes, him breaking your eye contact, and his sped up breathing makes you think differently. 
“Zach, you mean so much to me than he does. You listen to me better, you understand things in a way he doesn't. I will always prefer you to talk about things than him, because he tends to shut me off but you never do. What we have is so special to me,” you let out. 
It's the last year at your university, and you've been feeling this way about Zach since the very start. You've wanted to admit it all to him, but before you could, River came into the picture. And for a while there, you felt as if you didn't need Zach. River seemed perfect; everything you could've asked for. 
But now, you finally have the chance to develop something with Zach you've always wanted. 
Zach calls out your name softly, your heart beating faster with the way your name falls off his lips. “You mean the whole world to me. I’d take you in my arms and protect you from all the harm in this world if I could. I've never liked River anyways, he seems stuck up and doesn't give you the attention you deserve. He should treat you like an angel, not the way he actually does,”
He moves closer to you, his hand now resting against your cheek. 
This feels so right. 
You lean in, and he does too, meeting his lips halfway as you allow yourself to get lost in him; in his smell, his taste, his lips. 
Oh, his lips. 
Soft and sweet as nectar; nectar which can make the flowers bloom and just set everything in your life right. 
His arms, wrapped around your waist as he pulls you closer to him, yours around his neck as you close even the smallest distance between you two. 
He pulls apart from you, your forehead resting against his as you breathe a little heavily. 
“I think,” you whisper, “I think I've fallen for you Zach.”
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @tahliac11 @sadfury @newsies-pape-girl @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles
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agoodfictitle-shadowban · 1 year ago
From Vormir, With Love - Part 7
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Tags: strangers to lovers, love in space angst on earth, slavery mention, alien abduction, post Endgame, survivor guilt, suicide ideations, will add as we go on
Summary: As you're being chased you crash on Vormir. So far, so bad. But things take a turn when you come face to face with a marooned Black Widow.
Word count: 2k
A/n: this is a short chapter but it's worth it
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After the short conversation you had with Natasha, it feels insensitive to bring up how you felt to her. You don't want to put her in a position where she ever thinks she could lose your newfound bond. So you just suck it up. You welcome every small touch and every gesture, the simple hand at the small of your back to the cuddles in bed as you are falling asleep. It's both your personal hell and heaven wrapped into one. It leaves you feeling confused, but happy with the proximity you share. And that is of course until the barbecue comes.
That week-end is luckily a beautiful one; you can wear anything from a summer dress to a simple short and t-shirt. As you're dressing, you realize Natasha is coming as your date. Of course you already knew, but now that it's D Day, it's really hitting you and you start to panic slightly. All your questions without answers come back to you. Why did she offer when there was no need for a date, what did she mean by it, is she truly your date, what does it mean for your relationship? The questions swirl around until you're sitting at the edge of the bed you've been using, a panic attack ready to swallow you at any time. But before it can hit, someone is knocking at your door and not waiting for an answer to come in. There, standing in front of you, is Tim, in all his feline grace, looking fabulous in his relaxed outfit, but also about to shatter into pieces. You're immediately alert to his state and put aside what you're going through.
"I can't go to your… bar-beuh-queue. I can't."
"Wait, what? Why not. You seemed really excited at the prospect of free meat." You pat the spot next to you so he would sit down instead of pacing around. He immediately sits and the bed cracks slightly under him.
"And I was but you also said there were going to be many humans."
"Yes? But you've been fine here so far."
"It's not the same!" He roars at you and you frown. He sheepishly looks at his paws. "Sorry."
You shake your head. "You'll be fine. If anything they'll love you. Believe me. Plus you won't be alone there, and you can hide in my childhood bedroom." It couldn't be worse than when you came out anyway. Good thing your relationship with your parents had had time to heal before you got abducted.
"You promise?"
You nod.
"I promise."
"Thank you."
"Oh, I should thank you. I was having my own meltdown before you arrived." You laugh it off, but his curious glance has you sighing before you explain. "I'm just not sure where I stand with Natasha."
"Next to each other?" He asks, not really understanding your doubts. He makes it sound so easy. "You're mate, yes?"
"I… don't really know. We haven't discussed that."
"No discussion necessary. I can smell it. Your scents intertwined."
This makes you smile. Not only does he make it sound easy, he also makes it sound true. Somehow it appeases you for when you'll have that discussion with Natasha.
"Not how it works with humans, but I'll keep that in mind. Now come on. It's time to go."
He nods, and the bed creaks even when you stand up now. 
You're finally ready to face the day.
It takes two cars to bring everyone to your parents' place, and a good five seconds for your mother to realize she invited aliens into her house.
"You should have told me!" She whispers to you frantically. "I would have researched what they eat and made it!"
"First, that's sweet, second, do you think there is a website out there with aliens recipes?" You ask, on the verge of laughing uncontrollably.
"There isn't?!"
"I doubt it."
And from there, she makes it a goal to get recipes from your new friends.
"Your mom seems very special," comments a deeply amused Natasha while you show her the way to the garden with everyone else. "Not as terrifying as you painted her."
"That's because she doesn't know you came as my date yet," you smile teasingly, your heart ready to burst when you say it out loud. Not that you have the time to explore the meaning of it all as you enter the garden where half your family awaits all of you. The event quickly takes over you and you go socialize with everyone, people you haven't seen in the past five years, some still looking the same and some looking older. The barbecue quickly turns into a celebration of all the people who came back, and you get a few drinks pushed into your hands without needing to ask for them. Before you know it, your head is light with happiness and alcohol, and you're sitting next to Natasha having the time of your life, your hand lazily dropped around her shoulders. She's clearly comfortable with the contact, even leaning into it as you talk with one of your now almost adult cousins about your adventures in space.
"I need to go to the restroom, I'll be right back," she whispers in your ear at some point and you nod, eyes on her as she leaves.
"You're super lucky!" Your cousin exclaims, and you look back at them with a tilt of the head in questioning. "She's a superhero, so I never imagined she'd date anyone but she seems super sweet."
You blink once, twice, and it finally dawns on you. Your cousin thinks Natasha is your girlfriend. "Oh, you think that… I mean. We're not– she's not–" you fumble and your cousin gets the message.
"Are you sure?" They ask, confused.
"I mean, she came here as my date but it doesn't mean, you know."
Your cousin stares blankly at you. "Dude. Does she know? Do you know? Because you were acting really close."
Your cousin was on your case now too? You thought only June noticed your infatuation but apparently anyone in the vicinity could see it if even your cousin did. You decide to extract yourself from the situation and stand up.
"You know what, she's taking really long so I'm just gonna go check on her."
"Sure buddy," your cousin chuckles with no respect.
You quickly make your way towards the house and once inside, you take a deep breath. That sure was a callout. You decide to forget about it and focus on what you came to do, looking for Natasha. You go to the first floor bathroom and knock on the door, only for it to open on your surprised uncle.
"It's free, but I would wait if I were you," he tells you before he leaves. You wrinkle your nose. Ew.
You take a few steps back and wonder where Natasha could be. She probably went to look for another bathroom, which would be upstairs. When you arrive on the second floor, you quickly notice that the door to your bedroom is open. You frown, before you approach the room when you see a shadow moving inside.
On your guard, you take a peek before you enter the room, only to breathe a sigh of relief. A very short one when you realize that Natasha is in your childhood bedroom. You push the door slightly more to finally enter the room.
"Unless I'm sorely mistaken, this isn't a restroom," you point out with derision. She rolls her eyes and smirks, focusing on you instead of the photographs on the wall.
"It isn't, but my instincts kept telling me I might find some treasure here." She grabs one of the photos and shows it to you. "And I was right!"
It's an old picture of when you were a kid wearing a mismatched outfit with some old friend. You groan and try to snatch the picture out of her fingers, with no success. Between the alcohol and Natasha being a super spy, you stand no chance. Still, you're not giving up. You corner Natasha against your bed, and before you know it, you both fall over on top of it. On top of her.
Your first reflex is to apologize, but the words stay stuck in your throat when you notice how close to her face yours is. Your eyes are focused on hers, the blue entrancing you, until her breath on your lips brings another reality to you.
"I– huh– I'm sorry," you vaguely manage before you feel her hand caress your arm up to the nap of your neck.
"Why don't you show me exactly how sorry you are?" She proposes in a sultry voice and your heart stops, your breathing suddenly hard, and harder even when her other hand navigates between the both of you to find your belly.
Your brain completely stops and leaves you only with your screaming instincts, and her command. So you finally do something you wanted to do for a long, long time, and lean closer until your lips connect. As it happens, it feels like a wave of relief courses through you, like the last five years were worth it to be able to kiss Natasha, and more importantly, have her kiss you back.
The hand on your neck grip grows stronger as your kiss gets more passionate. You tilt your head further when you feel her tongue pass over your lips in demand and give her access without an ounce of hesitation. It feels good when your tongues meet in your mouth in a precise dance that leads you to moan, and again when her other hand caresses the back of your thigh, up to your ass. She gives it a squeeze that makes you melt. Something she takes advantage of. With a simple twist of her hips, she exchanges your positions so she can be on top of you. You look up at her in awe at her beauty, at the cascading red and blonde hair, at her bright eyes and swollen lips. 
"I've wanted to do that for so long," she states as she admires you too - you can see it in the way her eyes seem to caress your skin, trace your features, and get lost in your eyes.
"Me too," you admit with no shame whatsoever, her lips growing in a gorgeous smile. You lean up to give her a quick kiss. "But we need to go back, before they send someone to find us."
She gives you a quick kiss in turn, one that makes you long for more, but you restrain yourself while she stands up. You sit up in turn and adjust your clothes quickly so no one can suspect what just happened. As you do so, you notice Natasha stopped in her tracks to check her phone and concern is plastered on her face. She turns to you.
"We need to go."
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abzjeideas · 2 months ago
LZZ - Chapter 1 : Sneaky Little Siblings
12 years before the events of ‘the first gig’, Lxx is 10, Lzz is 15, Kmm is 14 and Spk is 10
After a long day helping her parents at the shop, Lzz was finally free to go and join Kmm at the old warehouse they had found on the outskirts of the city. They have known each other for some time and bonded over a mutual interest for music. They spent most of their free time looking for instruments and after buying a guitar from an old man no longer able to use it, they finally had to find enough pieces for Kmm to have a rudimentary but solid drum set. Today they would at last be able to play.
Flying up the stairs to pick up her guitar, entered the room to find Lxx on her bed. The small child had laid down the instrument next to her and was randomly plucking strings trying to find sounds that they liked. They had tried holding the guitar the way she saw her sister do but it was too big for them. Lzz smiled at the scene and made her presence known. “Who is that little red monster on my bed ?”. She said in an exaggerated voice. This startled Lxx who straightened their posture and turned to face the teenager. “I’m sorry, I know you don’t want me touching your stuff I couldn’t resist. It’s so pretty when you play it, I just wanted to try”. Lzz came and sat down next to her little sibling “It’s alright don’t worry. I get it, the irresistible pull of music.. Maybe I can teach you a thing or two if you want.” She passed her hand through Lxx messy hair. “And maybe when you're stronger and taller you could have your own guitar.” A wide smile appeared on Lxx’s face. She excitedly responded. “Really ? This would be awesome ! You’re the coolest sister ever !” Before launching themself into the tightest hug she could give. Lzz hugged her back, after which she got up and picked up the guitar. “We’ll talk about that later, I need to go”. “Where are you going ?” curiously asked Lxx. “I’m going to a secret place that's too dangerous for you.” Answered the older sibling. “You’re going to see Kmm aren’t you ? Is he your boyfriend ?” Lzz's face turned red. “No ! I mean no we’re not… He’s just a good friend. I mean, I like him but… I don’t know if it's complicated. Why do you alway ask questions like that anyways.” Lxx giggled, as her sister stormed out of the room.
The ten year old waited a bit before slowly making their way down. They knew her parents should be in the back of the shop to take care of the stocks so the way was clear. She moved silently and swiftly throughout the small apartment before going down the stairs one by one, slowly putting their feet down to make as little sound as possible.
They were nearing their objective, just a few steps away from the door when a deep voice made them jump in surprise. “Would you mind telling your old man where you are going Lxx ?” They tried to find a good excuse stumbling through a made-up story in an incoherent explanation before their dad cut them. “Ok, ok let’s slow down here. Look, I'm not going to punish you. I just need to be sure my little treasure is safe”. Too embarrassed to make eye contact, Lxx sheepishly explains “I need to go see Spk, it’s important. She doesn’t live very far and I’ll be very careful I promise.” The man thought for a bit and sighed. “Well if it’s just to go and see your friend it's ok, but stay out of trouble and don’t stay there too late. And don’t try and sneak out again ok ?”. “Thank you ! No trouble I promise ! And no more sneaking out !” Declared Lxx before opening the door stepping outside.
Running to Spk’s house as fast as they could, they arrived quickly, meeting their friend outside their home. They quickly greeted each other before leaving toward the outskirt of the city. Spk had scooted the way the day before, following discreetly behind her Kmm as he went to the “secret place”. Lxx told Spk about Lzz turning red when they asked if Kmm was her boyfriend and Spk responded that Kmm had changed subject any time she tried to get any information out of him. They continued talking and making wild theories about what this place was and what their older siblings were doing there.
In the warehouse, Lzz and Kmm were setting up the drum set, screwing all the parts in a comfortable silence. As the finished Lzz said “I can’t believe we actually did it” she looked at the result and her eyes drifted toward Kmm, his strong arms, his tall figure, his smile. As she was looking him out her gaze met his and the two turned their heads embarrassed at the situation. “We should try it” Quickly said Kmm to focus on something else. “Yeah, yeah let’s try it out.” Answered Lzz, standing up and turning her back so Kmm wouldn’t see her blush. 
The muscular boy got behind the drums and began testing it, playing random rhythms to see how it worked. Holding her guitar, Lzz listened and played what came to her mind. It was messy at first but pretty soon they were having fun trying new things and adapting to what the other was playing. They played non-stop for a while and then took a short rest, laughing and talking excitedly about their future as rockstars. 
“- and then you go into a solo and the crowd lose their mind”
“And we jump into the crowd and they carry us through the room. Although I’m sorry for the ones having to support your big muscles.” 
Lzz paused, the thought of her sibling asking about her and Kmm flashing through her mind as her eyes wandered back to the drummer’s body. He had taken off his shirt to play and now that she wasn’t focusing on the music she had to fight herself not to stare at him. Kmm noticed and, not knowing what to do, he tried to continue the discussion : “They surely wouldn’t have any problem with you though, you’re light, and you’re pretty” Those last words fell out of his mouth. There was a long pause as both teenagers were taken aback. Kmm's face became red, he couldn’t talk, the panic slowly taking control. Lzz broke the tension, asking with a frail, trembling voice : “You - You think I’m pretty ?”. Another loud silence fell. Nearby, ear glued to a window, Spk was trying to listen, balancing on Lxx shoulder to see what was happening.
“Come on, come on, tell me what’s going on ! Why have you stopped describing ?” Pleaded Lxx, struggling to hold their friend up so she could reach the window.
“Lxx I think it’s happening. It’s getting really interesting, I believe he said something and now they’re getting closer” Exclaim Spk 
“I knew it !”
“They’re holding hands ! I repeat they’re holding hands”
“I’m a genius”
“I think they’re gonna kiss !” Bursting in excitement, Spk moved to get a better look, stepping right without warning Lxx. They did all they could but the pairs swiftly stumbled and fell on the floor.
“Sorry you move too much, I couldn't hold out. Did they do it ?” Said Lxx, removing the dust on their clothes.
“I couldn’t see very well, but I think they did !” Responded Spk “Now we have to go before they see us”.
The two kids fled the scene to make their way back to their home, leaving the warehouse and their sibling to their “secrets”.
0 notes
mugunghwc · 2 years ago
    Sure enough, perplexed blinks of his own would gradually roll off his eyelids. Did what he suggest really seem all that strange? Truth be told, Kobato thought offering to carry the grocery bags happened to be the gentlemanly thing to do… or at least, it would be according to Gin, who happened to be way more popular with the girls for some reason. Rei, however, seemed really quite content to do so by herself. Either way, he’ll soon bring himself to sheepishly shake his head.
“I ain’t saying you’re weak. I was just tryna make it up to you and maybe kill some time a little,” Kobato then admits. Based on the way she reacted, though, he couldn’t help getting the sense she was a very sheltered lady. Why, as a matter of fact, she couldn’t even tell he had been flirting with her at first! “But aight, if you say so,” Kobato finally adds upon not wanting to press the issue. Still, the moment Rei brought up buying a few things for himself, he’s quick to bring his forefinger and thumb down beneath his chin with a pensive look meandering it’s way through his expression.
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“…Not gonna lie, my mother always handled the groceries and the cooking, so I never really had a good reason to buy any; in fact, the convenience store is usually my go to place if I ever wanted energy drinks,” came Kobato’s eventual confession. “Seriously, I can’t even remember the last time I set foot into a proper supermarket. ‘Course, I used to snack on a whole lotta junk food when I was much younger; only, I sorta stopped as I grew older and no longer have the drive to really eat stuff outside of lunch or dinner anymore… making me a bit stumped on what to exactly buy.”
    Why, it’s during times like these that Kobato realized he had simply been going through the motions of life all along… existing, but not exactly living the way he was supposed to. Honestly, it was as if he bore the empty husk of a man, for the emotions he should have had… simply weren’t there. Heck, even the idea of going to the grocery store didn’t excite him, let alone invoke much feeling in him, to the point where Kobato had to wonder… was he actually broken in some way? After all, prior to the original Astral Syndrome occurrence, he never used to be this empty inside.
     there was no offence taken by his words, so the fact he felt like clarifying that wasn’t his intention made feel a little bad over her choice of words. perhaps, it had been soon to joke around after just telling him how much he had scared her upon approaching her. who knows, but rei didn’t dwell too much on it. “i know, & it’s fine, really. i will count it as weight-lifting.” a soft smile was offered—one that became more strained as he went on talking. ah... he sounded as if he was still reliant on his parents... which in it of itself, wasn’t bad or a reason to be ashamed of. it simply caught her off-guard, that was all. there was no hesitation in admitting as much, which made her wonder whether he was overly confident or unaware of the way he may come across. it would explain his approach with his ‘ flirting ‘.
     jiro had told her that when it came to interacting with others, she struggled to find the right tone & words—something she was very conscious of, & which she had to improve every day, but right now, rei was at a loss for words. it had started as a simple anecdote about himself to something akin to existential dread, drawing some concern from her. rei’s head tilts, allowing her hair to fall over her shoulder as she did so. her eyes were searching for his.
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     “...are you alright?” now, it was her turn to show some mild worry. “you don’t have to get anything, or go with me if you don’t want.” it didn’t sound like he had much going on either, though, which made her feel sympathy for him. “or... maybe you could take your chance & try new things.”
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acey-wacey · 3 years ago
hello nyx!! saw your request are open and didn’t want to miss the opportunity, can i please request first years meeting their future children? love that trope and your works so much!!
Wait, oh my gosh, I love this trope so much too! It's immaculate
Note- So uh I wrote the one for Ace as a one shot that was too long to be a multiple character drabble but kinda short for a standalone so I'm just gonna post the other characters later as headcanons instead of one shots.
I wrote this for a fem!reader so I'm sorry, princes and non-binary majesties!
❤️ Ace Trappola ❤️
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One day, when Ace had just gotten back from classes with you and Deuce, he found that a child had somehow wandered into the Heartslabyul rose gardens.
It was a little girl with messy red hair, a heart birthmark on her cheek and curious eyes that looked awfully familiar, though Ace couldn't quite put a finger on it.
"Hey, how did you get in here? Where are your parents?" he crouched down to be at eye level to the little girl.
The girl cocked her head to one side before breaking out into a huge grin. She threw her arms around Ace's neck, startling him as he held his arms up defensively.
"That's a silly question, Papa!" she giggled, clasping her hands firmly together so Ace was trapped in a hug.
He froze completely, turning his head to shoot Deuce a confused look. The blue-haired boy just shrugged and gestured to the beaming 6-year-old.
"I think you have me confused with somebody else, kid." He tried to pry the girl off of him but she had a deadlock grip around his neck.
"I know you're lying, Papa. Uncle Deuce is even right there," Ace squinted his eyes, mouthing a confused "uncle?" over the girls shoulder.
"If you don't stop teasing, I'm gonna tell Mommy," she threatened, making Ace wonder if he should be scared of whoever the girl's mother is.
"Listen, kid, I don't know who you think I am, but I am not your Papa. I'm probably only like 10 years older than you," Ace attempted to reason with the girl, only to be met with puppy dog eyes and a disappointed pout.
"Papa isn't my Papa?" she girl released Ace from the grip to stare at him intently. She tapped his heart mark with her finger and shook her head. "But we even match!"
She pointed to the mark on her cheek. Ace had to admit that it did bear a very close resemblance to the one over his own eye. He sighed exasperatedly and looked the girl in the eye.
"I'm sure there is going to be a very good explanation for this and we're going to find out what's happening together, alright?" Ace tried his hardest to comfort the girl, still unsure what was happening, though he was starting to get an idea he didn't exactly like. "Why don't you tell me your name first?"
The girl beamed and nodded politely as Ace went to stand up.
"My name is Elise Y/N," she cheerily explained.
Ace froze in place.
"Your name is L/N?" When Elise nodded, Ace's eyes widened. "Wait, wait, do you know Y/N L/N?"
"Yeah, yeah! That's Mommy!" she exclaimed, joy lighting up her eyes as she grabbed onto the hem of Ace's uniform jacket.
As Ace processed what she had just said, he began to put the pieces together. Elise was his future child. Your future child.
He felt heat creep up his neck. It had hit him like a brick; in his future, you, his crush of a whole year, had a daughter with him. He felt himself getting more flustered and confused by the moment.
Elise tugged on his jacket hem and he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. He needed to find you ASAP. While this was his future daughter, he was not in the slightest prepared to actually look after her.
When Ace and Elise finally got to Ramshackle, Elise tackled you just like she had with Ace. You were nearly knocked over by her force. The first thing you noticed was her wide smile that reminded you an awful lot of the one you found yourself staring at in class.
Speak of the devil, there he was, Ace Trappola, at your door, rubbing his neck sheepishly. You invited him in and he explained everything he knew about the 6-year-old that had just assaulted you.
When he said that she was actually your future child, you fixed your flustered gaze on the floor, avoiding looking at Ace at all costs.
Meanwhile, Elise was sitting in your lap, braiding your hair, completely content. Ace had already told her about how she was your child from the future, but she didn't care that you were both teenagers. She just wanted to be with her parents.
You eventually realized that you had to find a way to send her back to her timeline. Future Y/N and Ace were probably very worried.
You asked Crowley and he was able to send her back through one for the mirrors, only working because she was supposed to be in your timeline anyway.
"So uh," Ace attempted to form words as he walked you back to your dorm. He cleared his throat, doing everything to avoid your gaze. "That's crazy, right? That, uh, Elise is, you know, our kid."
"Yup," you popped your lips, drowning in the tense atmosphere. Ace whistled a couple notes, looking over your shoulder as you stopped at the Ramshackle entrance. "I'm not even remotely ready for kids."
"Oh, queens, no!" Ace laughed, probably a little too loud. He assumed you had figured out his crush on you by now but he also assumed that if you had a child in the future, you must like him a little bit. "Definitely not. But I suppose I wouldn't mind if you, you know, wanted to maybe go out with me?"
You blinked slowly before laughing at Ace's awkwardness.
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loopy-froots · 3 years ago
Childhood Friends
Brahms Heelshire x afab!Reader
Author: @loopy-froots
Word Count: 3261 (WOW wtf…)
Slight request by @leahromanof : small age gap (Brahms is 26-28 and the reader is 20)
Summary: The Reader grew up very close to the Heelshire family, as their parents were business partners with them. However, after the fire incident, Brahms and the Reader took some space from each other. While the Reader knew Brahms was still alive, they didn’t know under the circumstances he was. When a sudden tragedy strikes their family, the Reader is left with no home. The Heelshire family offer their home with welcoming arms, but much has changed between all of them since they have last seen each other.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, swearing, slasher x reader, smut, virgin/unprotected sex (masc and fem), abusive parents (fem), insecurities (on both parts), slight age gap (6ish years?), a slight size kink (if you squint?), etc.
Author’s Note: I wasn’t too sure what to write for the age gap so I hope this is good enough!!! I also threw in a lot of personal needs I’ve been having, so I hope y’all don’t mind! Feel free to let me know your thoughts!!!
*2nd Person POV*
You couldn’t believe this was happening. You were finally going to see your beloved childhood friend, Brahms Heelshire, again after close to ten years of separation. You wished this was not under these circumstances, as you never intended to cause your family such turmoil.
“Y/n! Come in, why don’t you?” Mr. Heelshire exclaims as he opens his front door. He must have seen you walk up their driveway. You can see Mrs. Heelshire inside, but she shares a concerning expression. Trying to brush it off, you step inside and am greeted by the warmth of the house. It was a terribly chilly winter day, and the walk there exhausted you.
“Come, dear! Let me get you a cup of tea to warm you up! You look rather frozen!” Mrs. Heelshire snaps out of her funk and laughs al0ng with her husband. Their jovial attitude makes you feel rather welcomed and loved.
“I cannot thank you enough, Mr. and Mrs. Heelshire… I… I’m terribly sorry that this all happened… especially so suddenly…” You look down with embarrassment.
“Nonsense! We’re always happy to have you, Y/n! Our home is yours!” Mr. Heelshire smiles at you, but you get a somewhat urgent vibe from him. You’re not sure how to feel about it, but you figure since they’re being ever so kind you were in no position to question.
“Now, dear… why don’t you tell us exactly what happened… Perhaps we may help with your parents’ situation?” Mrs. Heelshire gently suggests, but you shake your head in disagreement.
“Unfortunately, I’m not sure that’s possible… you see, I recently came out to my parents as non-binary… they’ve never been overly supportive of that kind of stuff, but I knew I couldn’t hide myself any longer…” You explain shamefully.
“Oh my… that is a rather difficult predicament, hm? However, we want you to know that we fully support you… in fact, our own Brahms considers himself genderfluid,” Mrs. Heelshire shares, which honestly makes you feel less alone.
“Really? I… I had no idea… Thank you, but speaking of which… where is Brahms…? Does he still live with you?” You wonder.
“Oh, um… yes… he does, but he’s grown to be rather… timid… so he doesn’t always come out when people are visiting…” Mr. Heelshire explains swiftly, and you try to understand. You don’t fully know what he’s been through, so who are you to judge his social anxieties?
“That’s alright. Well, I just hope he knows how excited I am to see him again…” You confess, causing a surprised reaction from the Heelshire couple.
“Really? Well, that’s certainly wonderful! I’m sure he'll become more open to meeting you after he gets used to you being in the house…” Mrs. Heelshire states with a gentle smile, and you nod your head in agreement.
With that, you are then taken on a tour of the house. You’re shown areas you can and cannot wander to, and you mentally note each location that’s off limits. You’d never want to make the Heelshires uncomfortable, despite how curious you were. They show you to your room, which you immediately recognize as Brahms’ childhood room.
“Oh wow! This looks exactly how I remembered it!” You giggle.
“I’m glad you’re fond of it still, as Brahms insisted you take his room for your own… comfort…” Mr. Heelshire shares, but something tells you he’s not entirely being honest. However, you ignore the feeling bubbling up in your stomach.
“Well, feel free to unpack your things dear. As we mentioned before, we are planning on going on a trip within the next few days. So it will be just you and Brahms for a while…” Mrs. Heelshire reminds you, and you shiver slightly for some reason.
“Oh, yes… Well, I hope the two of you enjoy it!” You politely respond.
“Goodbye, dear! And remember, follow the rules and you’ll get no trouble from our dear Brahms!” The Heelshires bid you farewell and leave in their cab. Closing the door, you sigh in relief.
“Alright, follow the rules… I can do that… it’s the least I can do since they were so kind as to let me stay for a while…” You motivate yourself.
“Y/n…” A sudden familiar, childlike voice echoes through the house. You looked around to see who it came from, but you saw no one. It had to be Brahms, right? Who else could it have been, but where was he?
“B-Brahms?” You sheepishly call out. You hear no answer and suddenly feel quite stupid. Maybe you just heard the shifting of the house or imagined someone was calling your name?
“Alright, focus… first things first, making some lunch… hopefully he’ll come down to eat with me…?” You hope. You could’ve sworn you heard another childish giggle somewhere, but you try to shake the skittish feeling building up. You quickly make whatever you feel like for lunch, desperate to finish so that you can call Brahms down to eat.
“Um, Brahms? I… lunch is done… if you want some?” You yell throughout the house, but you hear no answer. Finally feeling defeat, you turn back to the kitchen and notice that one of the plates of food has disappeared.
“How did he get to it without me noticing?” You ask out loud. Every instinct within you tells you that something was wrong, but you tried your best to give the man some time to adjust to the new living situation.
“Y/n…?” In the middle of eating, you hear a now more adult version of the voice you heard earlier. You drop your fork in surprise and frantically look around for the source. You then see a tall and scruffy looking man standing at the end of the dining room. He was holding the plate that is now empty, and you figure that must be Brahms. He was very odd looking, in all honesty. He wore a porcelain mask that resembles the type of little dollies you used to keep as a kid.
“Oh, um… h-hello, Brahms…?” You try to be friendly towards him, despite the creepy feeling you got from him already. However, him not answering causes the suspicion to form again.
“Um… did you enjoy the meal I made for you?” You try to spark a conversation, but Brahms nonverbally nods in response.
“That’s good! I’m… glad…” You smile awkwardly at him, but his masked face remains expressionless. You shift uncomfortably in your seat, and Brahms notices the tense state you’re in. He begins to step closer to you, and sets his plate on the table. Sweating profusely, you wonder what he’s doing. He steps closer and closer to you until he’s directly in front of you. While you sit, he towers over you. You’d never admit it, but he’s very intimidating. However, you try your best to be polite.
“Is… everything alright, Brahms?” You ask innocently. He just stares at you, though, never saying a word. When you were about to get up and try to walk away, he grabs your arm and pulls you into him.
“B-Brahms…?!” You exclaim as he squeezes you in his broad arms. He’s rather warm, but trembling. Your heart relaxes when you realize he only wanted a hug.
“Y/n… nice to see you again…” He finally peeps out. Your cheeks heat up, but you lean into the embrace. The two of you just hold onto each other for a few moments, enjoying each other’s presence.
“Good to see you, too! I was worried you were upset with me for coming back after such a long time…” You try to pull away and look him in the eyes, but his grip keeps you there.
“Mm, no… not upset… lonely…” He breathes into your ear, sending a chill down your back. He was… lonely? That makes you feel bad… really bad… how could you leave him like you did after the incident?! It wasn’t completely your fault, as you parents were the main reason you stayed away. They told you what a dangerous person Brahms was, and they forbid you from being influenced by him in any way.
Additionally, your parents never liked how fond the two of you seemed towards each other, despite the slight age difference you had. Brahms was only six years older, and to you it didn’t matter for terms of friendship. However, your parents saw the attraction Brahms had towards you right away. As children, it only developed into a little crush, but the older the two of you got the more obvious it became, to the adults at least. You seemed quite oblivious to his attempts to woo you, as you had just thought he was being friendly.
“I…I’m sorry, Brahms… I should’ve… I wish I’d have… I’m sorry…” Tear well in your eyes as you look down from his gaze. Your focus then shifts to the ever growing bulge in his pants that you hadn’t noticed before.
“It’s alright… happy you’re here now…” Brahms strokes your hair with his free hand, and he leans into you. You feel him stroke your neck with his nose, seemingly trying to get a reaction out of you. Completely frozen, you felt unsure of what to do. All of the sudden, your head’s ideas clicked and made you realize the years of yearning he’d been doing for you.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t still have feelings for the boy you grew up with. You always admired how protective he was of you. You never admitted your affection towards him, though, as you thought he might react negatively. To you, the age difference acted as a barrier, but to him, it seemed he didn’t mind in the slightest. All he’s ever known was his love for you, despite the age gap. However, is this still the same boy as before? You probably barely knew him anymore. Then why were you getting so flustered over this simple interaction?
“Brahms?” You look back into his eyes with a curious glint. What was he planning with you?
“Hm?” He nonchalantly answers.
“Are you…?” You start, but then feel too embarrassed to finish.
“Yes,” He agrees without needing you to explain. You feel him jerk his hips into your stomach softly, desperate to get some friction between the two of you. As intoxicating as he was being, you still felt unsure of your stance with him.
“I’m not sure I want to… I mean, this is so soon… don’t you think?” You try to reason mainly with yourself to try and stop this from happening. With that, Brahms stops and pulls away from you with a pout.
“No?” He questions with sweet eyes.
“I… yes…?” You try to stand your ground with yourself again, but it’s no use. Brahms’ heartfelt pleading turns you to putty in his hands.
“Please?” He begs. With that, you finally agree, and he’s onto you. Groping all up and down your sides, front, and back, he feels every inch of your body as if he’s desperate to find something in you.
“Brahms… wait…?” You stop him again, realizing you hadn’t seen his actual face yet. You politely ask him to remove his mask, but he visibly slumps.
“Why…? You… don’t want to see me…” Brahms insecurely explains, but you shake your head.
“I do! Please…?” You whine as he continues to feel up your back. Brahms hesitates slightly, then agrees. With that, he slowly removes the porcelain from himself. This leaves his bare, burnt, and uncertain face into your view. You’re unsure of what to say at first, as your feelings are conflicted. However, you quickly decide to go with what your heart felt.
“You’re so handsome, Brahms…” You confess with a sheepish smile. He doesn’t respond, though, almost as if he’s debating what to say as well.
“Mm!” You moan through a sudden kiss he placed on your lips, making Brahms smile to himself in the kiss. He loved the way you reacted to his touch. He quickly realized you were feeling the same towards him, and that gave him the confidence to continue. You rapidly grew a certain heat in your pelvic area, but the feeling was still unfamiliar to you. Only on the rare occasion did you allow yourself the pleasure, but you felt guilty for it every time.
“Slut… whore… useless daughter…” Your parents’ past words radiate in your head, and a panic washes over your body. Brahms senses your inner conflict again, and stops once more.
“Y/n…?” He gently asks to see if you’re alright. Tears well up in your eyes as the guilt of disappointing your parents consumes you.
“I’m sorry, I just… my mom and dad would be so upset… I just feel so… lost…” You admit, and Brahms wipes your cheeks with his calloused hands.
“Mm, screw them…” He chuckles darkly.
“But…” You try to argue, but he shushes you instead.
“They’ve never been good to you, Y/n…” Brahms shares, and it confuses you at first. They’ve always given you food, shelter, and anything else a child would need.
“But they… they mean well…” You try to reason it out, but he still disagrees.
“I’ve been watching, listening to how they treat you your whole life, Y/n… the way they scream at you, gaslight you, disappoint you… that’s not love… that’s abuse…” Brahms whispers with a broken heart for you. The pain of realization hits you, but you try to muffle your cries with your hands over your mouth.
“I’m so sorry… I know how hard it is… but I… I want to love you… really love you…” He kisses the top of your head sweetly. His words fill your heart with hope that you might not be miserable the rest of your life.
“Really…? I mean, I would love that… but I don’t want to force you into anything…” You self doubt yourself.
“Absolutely. I mean, hell… why do you think I was doing all of this?” Brahms wonders, and you suppose he’s right.
“Yeah, true… I’m sorry, I just feel bad… but thank you, I’d love to… y’know…?” You admit with a shy grin, which he immediately returns.
“Good,” He smirks and kisses you again. This time, the kiss was much more desperate for the sweet result. Brahms shows no mercy for you this time as he begins biting your lips. Your little gasps invoke a strong sense of pride within him. He was making you feel this way, and he alone would make you feel good.
“Hm,” His deep voice rumbles in his chest. Your eyes flutter open and shut, unsure of how to go about this situation. Squirming around awkwardly, you then feel Brahms grab your waist as he lifts you up and onto the table.
“Ah! Brahms...?!” You yelp in surprise.
“Take off your shirt, Y/n.” He demands, already sliding his hands underneath. You timidly follow his instructions, removing your shirt and bra from your body. Brahms looks down from your face and onto your breasts. He adored them, so he ran his hands over them as he gave each nipple a cheeky pinch.
“Oh, Brahms…” Your eyes close in bliss, but he snaps your attention back to his eyes.
“Look at me,” He suggests sternly.
“O-okay…” You do as he wishes and stare deep into his icy eyes. He’s tender and gentle, but he still makes you feel so small next to him.
“You’re so pretty, Y/n… I’ve always loved you…” Brahms brushes a stray lock of hair out of your face, giving him a better view at your beauty.
“I have loved you for the longest time, too, Brahms… I just never knew how to tell you…” You try your best to express your feelings, but your past experience with doing so has never been easy for you. Each emotion you shared ended in an argument with your parents.
“I’m so glad… please…” Brahms pleads, leaning his forehead against yours. He didn’t have to finish for you to understand what he wanted.
“C’mere…” Your sudden burst of trust hits the two of you like a train. Brahms roughly attacks your neck with his lips and teeth, nipping at all your sensitive areas. Exploring each and every inch, he scopes out which areas you like best.
“Mm, Y/n…” He whimpers, rubbing his needy cock against your body. You had neglected it for far too long, and you wanted to give it some love too.
Lowering your hand down to his member, you stroke him through his pants. Pre-cum leaks from his tip and soaks through his underwear slightly. His moans fill your ears with sweet misery. The lack of being inside of you was killing him, but he wanted to take things slow for you.
“Ah, Y/n…! Please! I’ll be a good boy!” He begs you to allow him entrance, and you agree. Instantaneously, he pulls his clothes off and prepares his painfully hard cock to slide into you.
“Oh! You feel… so tight…!” He didn’t tell you, but this was his first time as well. The first feeling of being inside of someone, especially when that someone is you, was the best feeling he’s ever felt. He couldn’t help himself but pump in and out of you. He tried his best to go slow, but his selfish excitement got the better of him. However, you were far from upset by this.
“Ah! D-don’t… stop…!” You plead with him, and he obliges. Slapping his body into yours in a rhythmic motion causes you to quickly feel that coil in your stomach tighten around him.
“F-fuck…! You’re gonna make me…!” As quickly as it started, your love making ended. The two of you came together simultaneously, and everything felt perfect to you. However, Brahms felt a wave of guilt.
“I… I’m sorry… I wish I had lasted longer… and I shouldn’t have pressured you into this…” He goes on and on about all the things he could’ve done better, but you then stop him with a chaste peck on his lips.
“You were perfect. Thank you,” You lovingly look into his eyes. He searches for any sort of regret, but when he finds none he settles into your arms.
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hannahhook7744 · 3 years ago
Operation Kowalski;
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Summary; A Disney Descendants and Once Upon A Time crossover one shot where the descendants kids go on a field trip and a penguin ends up stolen.
Requester; @ginnyrules27
Author's note; big shout out to @ginnyrules27 for being such an inspiration and requesting this. Sorry it took so long to get out there. I've been working hard on it. Also do not do this people.
Trigger warning; attempted theft of animal, teenagers being dumb, and crime.
Harry 'Hook' Jones, Chad 'Charming' Nolan, Jay Magi, and Gil LeGume sat sheepishly in Emma's office at the police station as she paced back and forth. Rubbing her temples as she tried to calm her temper-- still finding it hard to believe what had brought them here. The Sherriff knew that yelling at her stepson and brother before she got their story probably wouldn't help matters, so she was trying to reframe from that. Even though she knew that there definitely wasn't a good explanation for what they had just pulled on their field trip.
After about 20 minutes of nerve wrecking silence, filled only by the sound of Emma's repeatedly hitting the carpet as she paced, she stopped walking. And turned to them with an exasperated look on her face, placing her hands on her hips. "Okay. Now that I've convinced the zoo not to press charges and the school not to expell you, would somebody please explain what exactly where you thinking?" And with that one statement, the flood gates opened.
"It was Jay's idea--"
"We figured they wouldn't miss only one-"
"We were gonna put it back-"
"Techinqually it's Chad's fault because he didn't stop me and he's the 2nd oldest out of us!"
"You motherfucker! You're the oldest of us! You're supposed to be the responsible one when Ben and Mal and Lonnie aren't here!"
Emma put her fingers up to her mouth and whistled sharply, causing the four young teens' chatter to cease entirely in one motion. "THAT'S ENOUGH! I want a REAL explanation before your parents show up and I want it NOW! So, let's try this again-- ONE at time. What happened?" She pointed at Gil first, knowing that he'd be honest and that it'd encourage the others to be honest. The young blonde fidgeted with his hands, glancing between her and his friends nervously before hesitantly starting "Well, it all started when we got to the zoo..."
Jay, Harry, Chad, and Gil were bored. Boreder than bored in fact. For the past half hour, they had been wandering around the zoo following Mr Deley of all people as he chose which animals they could and couldn't see. And they were all of the verge of falling asleep or pretending to be sick to get out of it. When an idea suddenly struck Jay and he, impulsive as always, decided to roll with it and get his other friends involved.
He reached out and tapped both Chad and Gil on the shoulder to get their attention while Harry was distracted -- off getting food for all of them. They both glanced back at him, silently asking what he wanted while aslo assuring him that he had their attention. "This shit is boring. Why don't we liven it up a bit?" He suggested in a conspiracial whisper, eyes scanning the area to make sure no one was watching.
"Depends on what you have in mind" Chad replied, raising a brow. Jay knew he wouldn't argue with whatever he was suggesting because he knew that he was just as bored as he was. And that boredom always led to dumb and dangerous things. "Well that depends on what Gil's favorite animal is" Jay retorted, nodding towards Gil. Gil, who, startled at being brought into the conversation with virtually no wonder, answered automatically without even stopping to think why that would be important at a time like this. "Penguin. My favorite animal is a Penguin".
Jay clapped his hands quietly, a giddy smile on his face. "Alright then, let's go steal a Penguin. " Chad and Gil blinked at him, shocked at the suggestion. After all, it wasn't every day that a friend of yours suggested stealing a living creature. But niether of them protested. No, instead, Chad just cranked his head to the side-- a thoughtful look on his face before simply asking "isn't that illegal?"
The older boy gave him a 'bitch really?' Look, rolling his eyes as he asked "when has that ever stopped us?" Just as Gil asked "is that a problem?" Looking hesitant and slightly disappointed that he wouldn't be getting a Penguin.
Chad, who would do absolutely anything to impress Gil-- who he had a bit of a crush on-- just gave the duo a small, sheepish smile before he answered them quietly "No. Not really. I was just curious "
Arms wrapped around the 3 of them from behind, causing the trio to tense up before a familiar voice cackled mischievously. "I heard the word illegal. I'm in" Chad spun around at the same time as Jay and sockef Harry in the arm just as Jay did. "Dude!" "Don't do that!"
"Wait, so let me get this straight. You knew that this little excursion of yours was illegal and you four nitwits still went and did it?!" Emma asked incredulously, looking from her brother to his crush to his friend to her step-son.
"Pretty much"
"Sorry mom"
"Sorry Mrs Harry's mom"
"No, sorry doesn't fix this" Emma sighed, massaging her temples. "You four stole a literal fucking penguin from the zoo and got the school as a whole banned from there. How did you even manage to steal manage to steal the damn thing?"
The four boys looked at eachother. Gil wasn't willing to continue the story and Chad and Harry weren't willing to speak at all -- not wanting to risk angering Emma any further. Not that Jay could blame them; the Sherriff was scary when she was angry and he couldn't imagine being related to her -- especially as her brother or step son. He almost felt bad for them, knowing that they'd both be getting it when they got home. Not as bad as him, maybe, but still bad.
He sighed, knowing that he was the only one brave enough to speak at the moment. So he spoke up... "well.."
Harry 'fell' into one of safer zoo enclosures while Chad played look out and Gil came up with a believable cover story. As soon as Harry had reached the bottom safely, Chad began yelling-- acting as frantic as he thought someone should be during this situation while Harry played possim at the bottom of the enclosure.
All while Jay slipped off to find the penguins. The last thing he heard he slipped away was Gil saying something about bumping into Harry when he was trying to get a closer look at the crocodiles and then he was off. It took him about 4 minutes to find the penguins , 5 minutes to sneak into their enclosure, and 7 to sneak back out with the penguin in his backpack. After that and Harry's miraculous recovery, they were back on the bus with Coach Jenkins and Mr Deley, ready to go home when a security guard stepped on board and started searching people.
And in a moment of panic, Jay let the penguin lose in an attention to save their asses.
"And then the security guard chased the penguin around the bus until he caught it and the owner came and banned us from the zoo, we git arrested, and here we are" Jay finished, squirming in his seat along with the others.
Emma just kept rubbing her temples, breathing heavily. Not believing that this was her life. What did she do to deserve this crazy shit? "Do you have any idea just how much trouble you could have gotten in-" the door flew open before she could finish her sentence and several angry voices broke out at once.
All four winced and sunk in their chairs, knowing that they were completely and undoubtedly fucked. And Emma excused herself, wiping her hands clean of the situation. For now at least.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years ago
Cool Kids
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Synopsis: you walk in on some domestic bliss between Peter and your little brother
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“Oh, hey.” Peter noticed your brother in the doorway as he sat at your kitchen table. He was still waiting for you to come home, and he assumed he was home alone. Even though he’d been your boyfriend for over a year, he’d never actually seen your brother before.
“You’re Finn right?” Peter continued. “I’m Peter, your sisters, uh, friend. We were gonna study together but she’s running a little late.”
“Yoda.” Finn pointed to the Yoda pin on Peters backpack.
“Yeah.” Peter looked at the pin and nodded. “You like Star Wars?”
“Yes.” Finn nodded.
“I like it too.” Peter smiled. “I wish I had a Yoda of my own. Y/n is kinda like my Yoda though. She makes all my decisions for me, thankfully.”
“Y/n is my sister.” Finn recited. “She is 13 minutes late.”
“Yeah, but that’s okay.” Peter chuckled. “Does she ever watch Star Wars with you?”
“No.” Finn said simply.
“Do you want to know a secret?” Peter leaned on his chair, closer to Finn.
“Yes.” His eyes lit up and he clapped in excitement.
“She doesn’t like it because she’s not as cool as us.” Peter whispered behind his hand.
“Not as cool as us.” He clapped again. “Do you want to see my room? I have lightsabers that make real noises. I have two of them. One is red and one is blue.”
“Uh, of course I want to see your room.” Peter said like it was obvious. Finn turned around and swiftly walked towards his room, and Peter followed.
“You have to wipe your feet three times.” Finn instructed as he wiped his feet three times on the mat in front of his door.
“You got it.” Peter complied as he wiped his feet as well. Peter began to look around and smiled at how similar Finns room looked to his own.
“These are my Legos.” Finn said as he pointed to a shelf lined with Lego sets of all sizes.
“Woah.” Peter gasped as he walked over to the shelf. “You have the Lego Death Star?”
“Yes. It has 3803 pieces and it took me 4 days to make it.” Finn told him.
“You built this all by yourself?” Peter’s eyes widened with impression.
“Yes.” Finn smiled and clapped a few times. “Legos make me happy.”
“They make me happy too.” Peter commented as he gazed at the sets. Finn silently took two lightsabers out of his closet and held them out to Peter.
“Do you want to play lightsabers?” Peter asked him, and he nodded.
“Me too. But only if I can use the red one.” Peter smiled, taking note of all the blue clothes in the closet and assuming his favorite color was blue. Finn clapped again and gave Peter the red lightsaber before jumping into a battle stance. Peter lost track of time as they played with the various toys in Finns room. He was genuinely enjoying himself, and Finn seemed to be as well.
You stepped into Finns room and wiped your feet three times on his mat. When you looked up, you saw Peter swinging Finn around the room while making “pew pew” sounds.
“Hey Y/n.” Peter paused with Finn midair. “We were just…looking for my calculator.”
“Peter is telling a lie.” Finn said simply.
“I can see that.” You chuckled. “I just wanted to let you guys know that the pizza will be here in 20 minutes.”
“Pizza.” Finn clapped as Peter set him down. “The pizza will be here in 20 minutes.”
“Thank you.” Peter stammered, cheeks growing red in embarrassment. You smirked at him before leaving the room and returning to your own.
“I’ll be right back.” Peter said quickly as he rushed to your room.
“Um, hi.” Peter stammered as he leaned against your door. He knew you didn’t like to talk about your brother and he could only assume you were angry with him now.
“Hey.” You said without looking up.
“You’re home?” Peter asked as he sat next to you. “How long have you been here?”
“About an hour.” You shrugged, setting your textbook next to you.
“An hour?” Peter gasped. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“You looked pretty busy so I’ve just been reviewing by myself.” You fought back a smile as you looked at your boyfriend.
“I wasn’t…I wasn’t busy.” Peter said sheepishly.
“Really? You seemed pretty busy playing with my brother.” You shrugged casually.
“I know.” Peter sighed. “I’m sorry if I overstepped a boundary but he asked me-“
“He asked you?” You were taken aback. “My brother asked you to play with him?”
“Yeah.” Peter apologized. “I told him I was there to help you study and he started talking to me about Star Wars and one thing just kinda led to another.”
“He doesn’t let me hug him and he was letting you fly him around the room like an airplane.” You looked at the ceiling as you let out a humorless laugh.
“Actually, I was flying him around the room like the Millennium Falcon.” Peter reluctantly corrected you.
“Peter.” You stood up and rubbed your face.
“I’m sorry.” Peter stood up as well. “He was just so excited to show me his legos and I got carried away. I’m sorry.”
“Peter, I’m not mad.” You told him as you turned around.
“You’re not?”
“No.” You smiled softly. “Not even a little bit.”
“But…” Peter looked confused. “But you never let me meet him before. I thought you didn’t want him to know about me.”
“Peter, my brother has autism.” You told him for the first time. Peter tilted his head in confusion and looked at you skeptically. He was pretty sure that was something you would have told him in the time you’d been dating. 
“What?” He asked softly. 
 “Yeah.” You shrugged. “He’s pretty much non verbal towards everyone but me and my parents. I never let you meet him because he doesn’t like strangers.”
“Oh.” Peter blinked slowly as he put it all together.
“That’s why I let you guys play.” You told him. “He doesn’t have any friends at school since he doesn’t like to talk to anyone. When I came home and saw you guys playing... Peter that was the happiest I have ever seen him. I didn’t want it to stop.’’
“Oh.” Peter said again, with a smile this time. “I had no idea.”
“Because he was so engaged with you.” You gushed with excitement. “I mean, he was talking, letting you touch him, making eye contact. Peter, he rarely looks me in the eyes. Do you know how comfortable he must have been with you to look you in the eyes? And the fact that he asked you to play with him? If he needs something, we usually have to figure it out because he doesn’t like asking for things. I can’t believe this.”
“He’s a really great kid. I could already tell that just from playing with him.” Peter smiled as he tucked your hair behind your ear. You smiled back, but it faded as a sadness settled in your eyes.
“He doesn’t hug you?” Peter asked suddenly as he drew back to something you had said before. You looked down and nodded before frowning at Peter.
“When he was little, we noticed he got really uncomfortable with certain fabrics and textures touching his skin, like the tag on his shirt or rough towels.” You began to explain. “Then it broadened to other forms of contact. He has sensory issues so he doesn’t like it when people touch him. I haven’t hugged him since he was two.”
“I’m sorry.” Peter frowned and kissed your forehead.
“It’s okay.” You sighed as you pulled him into a hug. Peter rubbed your back comfortingly as you squeezed him back.
“The pizza is here.” Finn opened your door suddenly. “The pizza costs $13.67.”
“Thanks Finn.” You smiled at your brother as you wiped a tear off your cheek. “We’ll be right there.”
“You’re crying.” Finn stated. “Are you sad? Crying means sad.”
“No, I’m not sad.” You wiped your face and smiled at him. “I’m okay. See? Happy.”
“Finn, why don’t you come in here.” Peter said suddenly as he opened his arms. You looked at Peter curiously as he scooped up Finn and held him on his hip. Your mouth opened a little in surprise, not used to seeing your brother touching people.
“You know how we said Star Wars were cool?” Peter asked Finn.
“Yes.” Your brother nodded.
“You know what’s even cooler?” Peter looked between you and Finn. “Group hugs.”
Your lips tugged into a smile as you watched your brother hang on to every word Peter said. Finn looked at you without making eye contact and slowly opened his free arm.
“Is the material of my sweater okay?” You asked him carefully.
“It’s okay.” He nodded, and that was all you needed. You stepped into the hug and wrapped your arms around your little brother. A tear slipped down your cheek as you rubbed his back, taking in the scent you hadn’t smelled in years. A small noise emitted from the back of his throat and you pulled away, knowing he was uncomfortable.
“Thanks Finn.” You smiled at him to show him you were happy. “Let’s go get the pizza.”
Finn ran out the the room, leaving you and Peter alone.
“I’m sorry if that was-“
You cut Peter off by pulling him into a kiss to thank him for what he had done. Peter happily kissed you back as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“That was perfect.” You assured him in a whisper. “Thank you.”
Tag List 🏷
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @weirdr-artiest @serendipitous-amor @dummiesshort
@foreverxholland @lavender-writer​ @captainmandeestudent17​ @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings​ @ultrunning​ @imyourliquor-youremypoison @theolwebshooter​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines​ @peterparkoure​ @a-villain-vying-for-attention​ @justcallmehitgirl @averyfosterthoughts​ @jackiehollanderr​ @tiny-friggin-human @mara-twins @iamaunicorn4704​ @maryjanee23​ @geeksareunique​ @emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland​ @rebekkah4766​ @flixndchill​ @sovereignparker @thisisthebiplace​ @spideydobrik​ @every-marveler-ever​ @undiadeestos @caelestii-e​ @eridanuswave​ @itscaminow​ @fiantomartell​ @solarxmoonchild @where-art-thau-romeo​ @canyouevencauseicant​ @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife​ @saysomethingspiderman​ @parkerboop @smilexcaptainx​ @quaksonhehe​ @kelieah​ @kickingn-ames​ @babeyspidey @seasidecrowbar​ @lovelessdagger​ @love-sick-blues​ @electraheart-3174 @unbelievableholland​ @yourtypicalhotmess​ @spideyanakin @horanxholland @thesuitelifeofafangirl​ @anapocalypseinmymind​ @marshxx @heyheycharlatte @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie​ @tomshufflepuff @cookiemonstermusic258
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lxvislxdy · 4 years ago
Lock and Key | Bakugou K.
Summary: It all started out as a harmless prank - Denki’s idea, to get the two of you to talk. It was no secret that you had feelings for Bakugou Katsuki, at least, not amongst your friends. Denki had meant well, sure, when he’d handcuffed the two of you together, but when the key goes missing... well, let’s just say, it’s gonna be a long 24 hours.
Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x reader
Warning(s): Swearing, that should be it
Notes: Reminder that my requests are open! Let me know what you’d like to see on my page! Hope you enjoy this cute little fic for Bakugou :) I just wanted to write something soft and lighthearted, and cute, so this is that.
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You were going to kill Denki. That is, if Bakugou didn’t get to him first.
“Calm down, Bakubro! Murdering one of our classmates would not be very manly of you!”
And if it wasn’t for Kirishima, holding Bakugou back with all of his strength and giving you a sympathetic look as you were dragged along, Denki would’ve been toast. Literally. 
“Look, man, I’m sorry!” Denki was saying, hiding behind Mina and Sero, “It’s just a prank, dude, a joke! Don’t kill me!” 
“I’m gonna end you, spark plug!” Bakugou growled, “Get over here and get this shit off of me!”
Sero, barely holding back his laughter, said, “Aw, come on, Bakugou, I wouldn’t call y/n ‘shit’!”
For a moment, Bakugou blinks like he’s stunned, but then his murderous glare returns ten fold. “That’s... That’s not even what I meant, dunce face! I meant the handcuffs! Get. Them. OFF!”
You know, from the look Mina is sending you, that you’re blushing. 
“Okay!” Kaminari scrambles out from behind the two, smiling sheepishly as he searches all his pockets, “No worries, man, let me just... let me... get the... key...”
Bakugou finally settles down, and you breathe a sigh of relief as he drops his hand, yours falling with it. You rub at your wrist lightly, eyebrows drawn together. You’d been handcuffed to Bakugou for almost ten minutes now, and your wrist was already sore from being yanked around so much. 
“What’s taking so long, dunce face?” Bakugou grumbles.
“Well, you see, uhm... okay, listen, don’t be... don’t be mad, bro, just...” Kaminari laughs, eyes wide in fear, voice dropping so low you could hardly hear him, “I can’t exactly find it.”
You yelp in surprise as Bakugou activates his quirk, feeling the heat against the back of your hand. 
“What did you say?!” 
Everyone winces as he yells, face almost as red as Kirishima’s hair. 
“Careful, dude, don’t burn her!” Kirishima says, hand on Bakugou’s shoulder. 
Bakugou shoves him off, but listens to him nonetheless, and the heat subsides. 
“It’s okay, Kiri, I’m fine.” You tell him quietly. 
“Y/n, I’m so sorry,” Denki says, guiltily. 
“Yeah, you’re about to be real sorry.” Bakugou says, “If you don’t get these off in the next five seconds!”
“Look, let’s just calm down for a minute, okay?” You say, stepping between the two. You feel Bakugou’s arm tug back against yours, as you move farther away from him, and your blush deepens. “Sorry. Anyway... why don’t we just see if Momo can make an extra key? Right?"
“That’s a good idea!” Kirishima says, optimistically. “See? Everything’s fine.”
“Yeah, why didn’t I think of that?” Kaminari scratches his head.
“Because you’re an idiot.” Bakugou mutters darkly.
Mina purses her lips, shifting back and forth on the balls of her feet. “Yeah, that would be great... Except Momo is visiting her parents, and won’t be back till later tonight.”
And just like that, Bakugou explodes again. “WHAT?!”
After a stressful call with Momo, involving Bakugou taking the phone from Mina not once, but twice, and telling her to ‘get her and her stupid ass ponytail back to UA NOW!’, it’s finally decided that you’ll just have to wait it out. Even Bakugou can’t say he’d rather go to Aizawa, because explaining this meant explaining the handprint shaped burns in Denki’s door.
Of course, Momo promises to help as soon as she’s back, but that’s still hours and hours away. 
Bakugou, who still practically had steam coming out of his ears, sat beside you on the couch silently. Across from you, the rest of the group watched in sympathy (and fear). No one dared to break the silence, in fear he’d blow up on them again. You couldn’t say you blamed them. 
“Come on.” Bakugou’s sudden command startles you.
“What? Where are we going?” You ask, following his lead and standing up (you were getting dragged along, either way). 
He rolls his eyes, sighing, “I don’t know, but I’m not just gonna sit around like an idiot all day.”
He doesn’t wait for your response, marching out of the room. You look over your shoulder on your way out, a silent cry for help, and Denki has the audacity to give you a thumbs up and wink. You glare at him, sending your friends into a laughing fit.
“What are they laughing at?” Bakugou mutters, brow raised.
You flush in embarrassment, shrugging. “Dunno.”
The two of you eventually end up in the kitchen. You knew Bakugou could cook, everyone did because he regularly kicked everyone out of the kitchen so he could, but you’d never actually seen him in action. He was much calmer now that the two of you were alone, but the scowl never left his face. 
After a few minutes of awkwardly trailing behind him as he gathered ingredients, you mustered up the courage to ask, “Can I help?”
He doesn’t answer for a moment, and you begin to think he’ll just ignore you, before he’s handing you a spoon. “You stir while I chop vegetables. I don’t trust you with a knife.”
Ignoring the backhanded comment, you take the spoon from him, happy he’s letting you help. You stir with one hand, resting the other on the counter beside him, so he can use both hands to chop the vegetables. It’s not easy, trying to cook while handcuffed to the angry blonde, but the two of you eventually find a rhythm. 
“So what are you making?” You ask, turning to look at him. His focus is all on what he’s doing, and he looks so serious you try your best not to giggle. Does Bakugou ever just... relax? Still, the way his lower lip just barely juts out and his brow furrows, when he concentrates hard, is really cute.
“We’re making zosui.” 
You’re heart does a little flip as he says ‘we’. He doesn’t mean anything by it, you know that, but you still have to turn away in an attempt to hide your smile. As mad as you were at Denki, you had to admit that being able to actually spend time with Bakugou doing something so... normal, domestic? It was nice. You’d spent an embarrassing amount of time daydreaming about a moment like this (except, in your daydreams, you weren’t handcuffed, and maybe there was kissing involved), but you’d never thought it would actually happen. The only time you got to spend time with him outside of class, normally, was if you asked for help with the homework or agreed to spar. But that was rare, these days. Bakugou normally sparred with Kirishima, anyway, and you always felt like a bother when you asked for help. 
Sneaking another look at Bakugou, you find he’s already looking at you. He takes the spoon from you, gently bumping his hip into yours to move you out of the way, and you watch as he adds the veggies to the soup. As he stirs them in, he asks you to hand him the spices he’d set out beforehand. 
“What, have you never seen someone cook before?” He asks.
You laugh sheepishly, “I ate a lot of microwave dinners growing up.”
The look he gives you is incredulous, borderline angry, and he scoffs. “You’re kidding. That shits terrible for you!” 
You laugh, wrinkling your nose. 
He meets your eyes for a moment, lips parted slightly, and you raise a brow at him. Before you can ask, his attentions is back on the soup, and he’s quiet again.
It doesn’t take long for the soup to be done, then, after he adds the rice. And you have to admit, even though you hadn’t helped much, you do feel a sense of accomplishment when you sit down to eat a meal that you made yourself. 
The two of you sit down beside each other, forced to scoot your chairs so close that your thighs are almost touching. Surprisingly, he doesn’t complain.
“Thank you,” You say quietly, before digging in. “Wow! This is delicious!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” He rolls his eyes, but you recognize the slightly smug look on his face. “You helped.”
You giggle, bumping shoulders with him. “Sure, but you’re the chef, here!”
He hid it behind another bite of food, but you could have sworn you saw him smile, too. 
The two of you finish your meal in silence, Bakugou waiting with surprising patience for you to finish eating, before putting the bowls in the sink. 
He gives you a look, “For what?”
For being so nice.
“For teaching me how to cook!” 
He shrugs, muttering out ‘whatever’ in reply. 
“So... what do you want to do know?” You ask, hoping his tolerance for your company would last. 
You end up back in his dorm, awkwardly huddled together at the head of his bed. He was reading, as you mindlessly scrolled through your phone. The silence wasn’t awkward, like you’d thought it would be. It was comfortable, almost calming. You found yourself getting tired, the more you sat there. 
Eventually growing bored of your phone, you turned to see what Bakugou was reading, and started reading the pages yourself. You didn’t think he’d noticed, until he slipped his finger behind the next page to turn it, and paused. 
“You done?” He said, quiet and soft, his cheeks tinted the slightest pink. 
Your eyes widened, blushing, “Uh, yeah. S-Sorry.”
He turned the page without another word, looking at you from the corner of his eye. You tried to ignore him, pretending to read, before he sighed. 
And then, Bakugou began to read to you. 
“W-What are you doing?”
He stopped, narrowing his eyes. “Reading, dumbass.” He snapped. “You read slower than me, it’s annoying.”
Despite the backhanded remark, you grinned. “Oh. Okay.” 
He started again, sounding significantly less irritated, and you tried to slow the beating of your heart. In all the times you’d imagined hanging out with Bakugou, you had never thought of something this sweet. You especially hadn’t anticipated his voice ever being this soft, and calming. 
As he read to you, you shifted closer, eventually resting your head on his shoulder. He faltered for a minute, hiding his fumble with a cough, but otherwise didn’t acknowledge it. It wasn’t until he reached the end of the next chapter that he realized you’d fallen asleep. 
And he definitely wasn’t blushing, no, not Bakugou.
Hours later, when Momo and all your friends piled into his room, he whispered harshly, “Wake her up, and I’ll kill you!”
Maybe Denki’s plan had worked out, after all. 
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queenshelby · 4 years ago
Featuring: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Words: 3522
Warning: Sugar Daddy, Submission, Smut, BDSM
Notes: I will use this headline to write more smutty encounters between Tommy and the Reader. But they will get a bit heavier in the BDSM department. So if this is not your thing, don’t keep reading.
Requested: Yes
Tag List:
@lilymurphy03  @deefigs @theflamecrystal  @chrisevanshoeee  @desperate-and-broken  @weepingstudentfishhorse  @captivatedbycillianmurphy  @fookingshelby  @livinginfantaxy  @rosey1981  @atomicsoulcollecto  @peakyboyslover  @nerdy4itall  @elenavampire21  @hanster1998  @mariapaiva13  @fairypitou  @harry-is-my-sunflower  
The Proposal
Today marks the day you’ve been working for at the Garrison exactly one year. A job you found by sheer accident when you moved to Birmingham.
You had no money when you fled Northern Ireland and were in need of employment. Your parents were involved with the IRA and with a well-known surname like yours, it was difficult for you to find employment.
You always tried hard to disassociate yourself from your parents with whom you did not agree on political matters. They were terrorists and you stood elsewhere on the Irish question.
When you arrived in Birmingham, you were offered a job at the local whorehouse. You declined. The last thing you wanted was to lose your virginity to some filthy married patron who paid you as little as 2 shillings for your services.
When you saw a job advertised in the paper at the local pub, you applied. This is when you met Grace Shelby who hired you.
Grace was there by sheer accident herself, arranging the new fit-out for the pub. She was Thomas Shelby’s wife and no longer worked herself.
She was a kind hearted woman and had been in your shoes many years ago. No one other than Grace believed that you would last in a job like this. But here you were, still working behind the bar and serving alcohol to drunk men.
To your disappointment, Grace had passed away six months ago and your husband Tommy has never been the same since.
For the first four months following her death, he got himself and his family into lot of trouble. The majority of his family members were serving prison time for a robbery. But not Tommy. He was working on their release while continuing to build his family’s wealth.
Ever since their arrest, he attended the Garrison frequently, most often late at night after he had visited one of the up market brothels owned by him.
Of course, he didn’t tell you that, but it was obvious to you. It was his way of coping with life and to stay focused.
You talked a lot. He would often be the last patron at the Garrison and ask you to drink with him. You didn’t drink much, but would allow yourself a glass of whiskey on occasion.
Tonight, was one of these nights where Tommy and you were alone, just talking and drinking.
He walked into the Garrison at 11 o’clock, greeted you and ordered a whiskey.
‘You are early tonight Mr Shelby’ you said.
‘Well, Y/N, things have not been going my way today’ he responded.
‘Do you want to talk about it?’ you asked.
‘I rather not’ he responded.
‘Alright, no talking then’ you said with a smile.
‘Do you have a man in your life Y/N?’ he then asked all of a sudden. His question took you by surprise.
‘I do not. Never had. Why are you asking?’ you wondered.
‘No reason. Just curious why a woman like you works in a place like this’ he said bluntly.
‘It pays well, I get good tips. I had a job offer from one of the mistresses at one of your brothels. I declined. I rather serve 50 drunk men a night than fuck ten of them’ you laughed.
‘This seems like a reasonable choice’ Tommy chuckled.
‘So, you ever get bored of them? Knowing that sex is no more than a transaction to them and you are no more than a client must be frustrating’ you asked.
‘How much whiskey did you have to drink tonight Y/N, eh?’ Tommy asked sheepishly, being surprised by the directness of your question.
‘More than a little. It’s my birthday’ you laughed.
‘That’s what I thought. Happy Birthday Y/N’ Tommy said.
‘Thank you, Mr Shelby, but you didn’t answer my question’ you smirked.
‘The good thing about prostitutes is that they do exactly what you pay them to do. They fuck. They don’t expect feelings from you, just money. You are right, it is a simple transaction’ Tommy said.
‘Sounds boring and repetitive. Wouldn’t you rather have someone consistent? The same skilled woman every time, someone who gets to learn exactly how to please you, always around right at your disposal and with no strings attached?’ you asked.
‘I’ve read that, in France, rich businessmen and politicians keep themselves mistresses rather than going to brothels. It’s discrete and it’s safe. The men provide their mistresses with accommodation and visit them for sex whenever they please’ you added.
‘A mistress, eh?’ Where do you think I would find such a woman Y/N? Tommy joked.
‘Well Mr Shelby, I know of someone who would be very interested to come to some sort of arrangement’ you smirked.
‘You realise that I am about twice your age?’ Tommy asked sheepishly, knowing exactly that you were talking about yourself becoming his mistress.
‘I do and this makes it even more interesting’ you suggested.
‘You are quite young Y/N. How many men have you been with?’ Tommy asked
‘None’ you said, causing Tommy to choke on his whiskey.
‘No’ he said firmly. ‘I don’t do virgins Y/N. It’s not my thing’ Tommy added.
‘Think about it, I am like a clean canvas. You can teach me exactly how you want to be pleased’ you smirked.
‘You are clearly drunk Y/N. I shall drive you home’ Tommy said.
And so he did. After you closed up the pub, he drove you to your apartment which was located in one of the worst areas of Birmingham.
As he drove you home, you brought up your proposal again and Tommy appeared more open to consider it at this point. But not tonight, not with you having been influenced by alcohol.
You were an attractive woman, clean and easy to talk to. You worked in the Garrison for a year and he knew you would be discrete and he could trust you.
‘Come to my office tomorrow at noon if you decide that this is what you want and then we talk, eh’ Tommy said as he pulled up in front of your apartment.
You nodded before saying goodnight to him.
The Arrangement
The next day, you attended Tommy’s office as instructed.
‘Y/N, I am surprised to see you’ Tommy smirked as you walked inside his office.
‘You thought I wasn’t serious, didn’t you?’ you smirked as you sat down in front of his desk.
‘Let’s just say, you surprised me’ he said with a grin.
Tommy then went on to ask you what you expect from your arrangement if he was going ahead and agree with it.
You didn’t have many demands other than being looked after financially.
Tommy then advised you that you might change your mind if you know what his desires were.
Thomas Shelby was no ordinary man and he didn’t enjoy ordinary sex, which is one of the reasons he was getting bored with the prostitutes.
He was looking for what some might call a submissive. He enjoyed authority, even in the bedroom.
He wanted to be in charge, always.
With that in mind, you agreed. You were ready to be his and sealed the deal with a passionate kiss.
‘Alright, it’s a deal Y/N. But, to ensure that you understand, you belong to me. You are my property and you are not to fuck anyone else, understood?’ Tommy said as he pulled his lips away from yours, his hand holding onto your hair tightly.
‘Yes Mr Shelby’ you said, biting your lip.
‘You will be available when I need you to be available and you will submit. Is that understood?’ Tommy then said.
‘Yes Mr Shelby’ you answered before his lips met yours again in a hasty kiss.
‘Good. Now, since you are a virgin, the first time, I will take it easy on you’ Tommy said as he kissed your neck, taking in the sweet scent of your perfume.
‘Here are the keys to your apartment. 15 Watery Lane. I will visit you tonight at 8 o’clock and this is what I expect you to wear. Nothing else’ Tommy said as he handed you a small bag.
‘Before I come over, I want you to think of a safe word which you can use at any time’ he added, causing you to nod. He had explained the premise of a safe word to you earlier when you discussed what he would expect from you.
Sealing the Deal
Later that evening, after you settled into your new apartment, you were waiting for Tommy in nothing but the black lace panties he gave you.
He was right on time, letting himself into your apartment at 8 o’clock.
‘Do you like what you see Mr Shelby?’ you asked as he walked through the door.
‘I do, very much so’ Tommy said before he kissed you and ran his hands over your breasts and down to your stomach, making you moan.
He continued the gentle gestures for approximately five minutes, kissing you gently and exploring every inch of your body.
‘What have you decided on for a safe word Y/N?’ Tommy asked after he broke the last kiss.
‘Red’ you said.
‘Red. Very well.’ Tommy said before taking off his jacket, waistcoat and gun holster and placing them all onto one of the armchairs.
He then walked back over to you and gave you one more quick kiss.
‘Now be a good girl and get on your knees. And Y/N... eye contact. I want you looking at me’ Tommy said as he pulled your hair downward to bring you to kneel in front of him.
He kept his hand wrapped in your hair behind your head but clutched onto your skull tightly. You were about to be Tommy’s, in complete submission.
With his other hand he unzipped his pants and slowly pulled out his impressive length. You gasped. This is the first time you saw a man’s most intimate parts right in front of you.
‘Open your mouth’ Tommy instructed as you looked up into his blue eyes.
You obliged and Tommy pulled your head forward and forced your lips around the head of his erect cock.
Your hands shot up to his thighs to try to hold him back but he charged forward, making you take the first few inches of his length into your mouth.
You closed your eyes, trying instantly to focus and control your gag reflexes. There you thought that he was going to take it easy on you. If this was him taking it easy, what would he otherwise be like you wondered.
‘Look at me’ he instructed as he began to notice your eyes fall close.
Your lips were completely stretched around the girth of his shaft as he pushed his cock deeper into your mouth.
Your ravishing eyes opened and looked up at him, his face full of want and desire for you.
As you looked at him you started growing more comfortable as the minutes passed.
You relaxed your grip on his legs and began opening your throat a little for his intrusion.
You kept eye contact whenever you weren’t suppressing a gag reflex. Your mouth soon began to move with his rhythm while your tongue was stimulating him.  
After about five minutes Tommy released his hold on your hair and reached down to your breasts, playing with your already hard nipples. You moaned around his cook as he stimulated your breasts and the wetness began to grow in between your legs.
You bopped your head up and down his length, trying to take as much of it into your mouth as you could.
Your hands soon joined your mouth, and stimulated the end of his shaft which didn’t make into your mouth.
‘Is this what you wanted, Mr Shelby?’ you asked.
Tommy nodded politely in between moans, running his fingers through your hair again.
He pushed you down on his cock a few more times, making you take him deeper than before, while he looked down, admiring the view.
‘Good girl, that’s it, take it all in’ he groaned as he guided your head.
You struggled, finding it difficult to breath, but you obliged.
The sight of you taking him like this drove him crazy and, after several more strokes, he pulled your head back up and, without warning, re-entered your mouth with vigor and dominance.
You squirmed below him and your hands moved back to his upper thighs, attempting to press him back.
But Tommy had other ideas and swatted your hands away from his legs.
‘Cross your wrists behind your back Y/N’ Tommy ordered.
‘Tommy’ you pleaded.
‘I make the rules Y/N. You don't get to resist. If you want me to stop, use your safe word’ he said.
With reluctance, you placed your wrists behind your back. Some twisted part within yourself enjoyed this, him taking you like this. In your mind, you were nowhere near at your limits.
Just like this, Tommy took hold of your hair again and thrusted forward into your open mouth, deeper and deeper until he bottomed out in your throat.
You could no longer retain eye contact and he didn’t seem to care as he continued to thrust into your mouth a few more times until he decided to relent.
He soon released the grip on your hair and made you look up at him.
‘Come up, you’ve done well’ he said as he pulled you up towards him and pulled you in for a kiss.
His hands moved in between your legs.
‘So fucking wet eh’ he said as he ran his hand over your soaked panties.
‘Take them off’ he instructed and you didn’t resist and pulled them off in a haste.
‘Now Love, I think it’s time for us to sort out this little issue for yours, eh?’ Tommy said with a smirk.
‘Yes Mr Shelby’ you said nervously, knowing that he was about to take your virginity.
While you always thought about this moment to be romantic, you were at the point where you just wanted it to be over with. You were soaking for him and you wanted him to fuck you just the way he wanted. You wanted to be taken by him, right then and there, regardless of the pain.
‘Shall we go to the bedroom?’ you asked.
‘No Love, right here will do just fine’ Tommy said as he turned your ass on to the edge of the kitchen room table, and gently pushed your back down on to it.
His eyes gazed over your perfect body, taking in the view of your breasts and your soaking wet mound.
‘Open your legs’ he instructed just as he lowered himself in between them.
You weren’t sure what he was doing and watched him nervously as, all of a sudden, he dipped his tongue into your wet slit.
You squealed in surprise, but it was already too late to plead for him not to, his tongue was already murdering your senses.
He sucked and licked over your clit just as you could feel two fingers enter you.
You expected pain, but it was nothing but please when he began to slowly thrust them in and of you.
‘Oh god yes’ you moaned as Tommy worked his magic on you.
You weren’t sure why he was doing this. Wasn’t it all about his pleasure and his pleasure alone? But, when you looked at him, he seemed to be enjoying this. You squirmed helplessly beneath him.
As he circled his tongue over your clit over and over again and carefully pushed two of his fingers in and out of you, you could feel an unfamiliar sensation build up in your stomach.
Soon you we trembling to your own unbidden orgasm. You were already aroused beyond your own redemption.
The intensity or your climax was so all encompassing, that your muscles from your stomach to your knees, spasmed and contracted. Your legs slammed together trapping Tommy’s head in a wrestlers type grip, and his eyes bulged until you relaxed a little.
As your orgasm washed over you, you could feel Tommy grin against your mound.
‘I think you are ready to take my cock now Love’ he said after you came down from your high and he positioned himself in between your spread legs.
Within seconds, Tommy hooked his hands under your calves and lifted them to rest on his shoulders. Now he was ready, you were flat out on your new kitchen room table, and in no position to refuse him.
He held your knees apart. and maneuvered his cock to your bright wet slit. He rubbed it up and down a couple of times before commencing his intrusion.
‘Don’t worry Love, I will be gentle since it’s your first time’ Tommy said as he pressed forward slightly and pushed his cock into your small, warm, and unbelievably tight pussy.
Despite his best efforts, you moaned and screamed at the same time at the intrusion but there was nothing you could do, not now.
‘You can take it Love. I know you can. If you want me stop, use your safe word’ Tommy said as he pushed into you further.
You moaned loudly has his length invaded you and pushed past your barrier, causing you to let out another moan and scream until, finally, he was completely inside of you. Tommy had just about split you in two and you had never felt like this before, you were full and he could feel your body trying to get out of the way
Tommy let you adjust to his size and then began pulling on your hips, before thrusting into you gently.
‘God you are so fucking tight Y/N’ he moaned as, slowly, you began to relax completely.
After several gentle thrusts to, Tommy pressed your knees back together and then he pulled out and rammed it back in again.
You cried out once more, but this time not in pain but, instead, in pure pleasure. You felt him running up and down your love channel and it felt better than anything else you had experienced before. There had been no event in your life that could have prepared you for this.
‘Oh my god Tommy, please make me cum again’ you begged him.
Tommy grinned and didn’t care to correct you on your language.
He began to fuck you mercilessly and rode you past your pain into a world of pleasure.
The unassailable flush of desire and the insane delight of him being inside of you overcame everything you were, or ever had been. As he thrusted in and you over and over again, harder with each stroke, you got lost in the grip of irrepressible lust, a powerful inarticulate lust.
It wasn’t long until he fucked you just the way he wanted, hard and fast. You were ready for it and you took it, every single bit of it.
And, just like that, you could feel another even more intense orgasm wash over you.
‘Good girl, cum around my cock’ he moaned as he picked up his speed and pounded into you.
With one loud moan, your walls contracted and your quivered beneath him. You were a shaking mess and screamed his name as you rode out your orgasm.
Just as you came down from your high, he pulled out of you. He was not done with you yet.
Without letting you recover, he pushed you back onto your knees in front of him.
‘You know what to do’ he said just as he pushed his cock back into your mouth firmly while grabbing onto your hair.
This time, he held your head in place while he began thrusting his cock in and out of your mouth.
Your eyes shut again instantly and unintentionally in order to deal with the gag reflex.
‘Look at me’ he instructed and you obliged, opening your eyes and looking towards his face.
‘I'm going to cum in your mouth’ he said, causing you to nod.
‘I hope this was understood, but I expect you to swallow’ he added and, just like this, with several more thrusts, his warm cum spurted into the back of your throat.
You gagged again, trying hard to allow his warm seed to run down your throat as he thrusted into you until, finally, he came to a hold.
You licked the last of his cum from his hard cock, making sure to swallow every single drop.
‘You did well Y/N’ Tommy said with still laboured breathing.
‘Thank you, Mr Shelby’ you said as you stood up and had a drink from his glass of whiskey.
‘I will see you on Friday, same time’ Tommy said as he zipped up his pants and buckled up his belt.
‘Friday it is’ you grinned with excitement before he gave you a passionate kiss.
‘We will try something new then and I won’t be as gentle with you then’ he said.
‘I am looking forward to it’ you winked as you said goodbye to him.
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