#fck pltvr
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The First Gig - Chapter 1 : Feedback
On the outskirts of the undercity, a shrill feedback noise emanates from an old decommissioned warehouse, Followed by a distorted guitar riff and a frantic drum rhythm.
Inside the building are three people on a makeshift scene playing like their lives depended on it.
At the front two slender silhouettes face each other, bass and guitar at hands. One has spiky white hair moving up and down as she slaps and plucks. She’s wearing used-up cargo pants and a see through top over her bra. On the other side, very long saturated red hair covers the face and the guitar of the person singing their heart out. They’re wearing a very large hoodie that reaches half-way down her thighs, big boots and mesh leggings whose holes have fused into bigger ones.
Behind the two light-weight stands a tall and muscular drummer. He has a skull tattoo on the left side of his bald head and sweat runs over his naked torso flying from his built-like-canon arms as he pounds the drumset.
As the chorus comes, the drummer nods toward the bassist and plays a fill to transition. The red hair draws an arc revealing the guitarist's face. Their light purple eyes filled with energy and spite as they starts screaming “Pacify them! Pacify Them! Pacify Them!”. The Bassist joins with a higher voice in a harmony of rage.
After a final, chaotic and dissonant note, the music stops and a short silence takes place before the red-haired person picks up the mic : “Thank you !” They say to a non-existent audience. “Please make some noise for Spk on the bass !” Hearing her name she nods to the pretend crowd and plays a little bass solo. “The gorgeous monster behind the drums.. Kmm!!” continues the guitarist as the drummer makes his kit sing. Spk steps toward her mic and adds “And on the guitar let us hear you for Lxx !”
“And We. Are. FCK PLTVR !” They conclude together before breaking character in laughs and compliment each other on the performance.
Suddenly they hear a round of applause coming from the door and see a woman with light brown dreadlocks enter with two of her friends.
“That was something, you guys got a fire in you. I’m Gert, maybe you heard of me ?”
Seeing Lxx still stunned, Spk responds “Yeah we saw you last week ! It was a hell of a show”. “Well thank you for coming. What would you say about playing in front of an audience ? Our opener dropped us at the last minute and we need someone to hype the crowd before our set”.
The young bandmates look at each other confused, having a silent discussion in an instant before turning back at Gert. “Fuck yes that would be awesome !” Says Spk. “When is the gig ?” Add Kmm. Lxx still has not made a sound, their character switching from the crazy, spiteful, screaming singer to a kind of shy, hesitant look.
“We play at the last drop in two days, happy to get you on board we’re gonna burn the place down.
You should know this is not an easy crowd. They tend to judge newcomers quite harshly, but if you have more bangers like the one I just heard you’ll make your place in no time.”
After a short discussion on the details of the gigs Gert and her friends leave the trio who start gathering their instruments and cables into a small used-up cart they found near the mines a long time ago.
Before making their way toward the city, Kmm pushing the cart while Spk and Lxx are talking excitedly about the gig :
“We’re playing a concert ! In front of a real crowd ! I’m so hyped this is the shit we’ve always dreamed of !” Shouts Spk jumping around the cart like an hyperactive rabbit.
“Yeah, I agree this is like a dream come true, I just hope I won’t freeze like I did earlier. I don’t know if I’m ready to play at the last drop.“ Answers Lxx, sitting on the edge of the cart.
“Lxx seriously you should hear yourself play, you’re a beast on that guitar and our lyrics are fire. It’s gonna be fine.”
“Spk is right, we've been playing since we were kids, we’re ready for the real thing.”
Lxx thinks for a second, it’s true they started the band a long time ago, but they weren’t the main vocalist and the “leader” of the band back then... She was… A deep feeling of sadness comes up in Lxx's chest. “She would’ve been so happy for this, I have to do this for her” they think to themself, morphing the pain into motivation before responding to their bandmates : “Yeah you’re right, sorry for doubting us.” They stand-up on the cart balancing as it slowly rolls forward. “We’re gonna turn this old bar upside down !”
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The First Gig - Chapter 3 : A big family
Spk woke up early, it’s the day of the gig and she couldn’t sleep anymore. She silently made her way through the bedroom, careful to not wake up her step-sibling. She walked up the stairs to the kitchen, where she found Kmm. It wasn’t unusual for him to be up early to prepare breakfast for their big family.
Anika and Nirren, the parents of the household, had already left for work, Anika worked several shifts in restaurants and Nirren worked at a sort of school keeping children safe while their parents were at work and teaching them how to read, write and count.
“Hey Spk ! Up early today, how are you?”. Said Kmm.
“Sup’ Kmm, I’m alright, I couldn’t sleep longer. I'm so hyped for the gig tonight.” Answered Spk, putting water in the teapot. “Need any help”.
“Thank you, I’m almost done. I understand your excitement. I can't wait to play in front of a crowd”
They hear a mocking voice coming from the doorway : “ Am I still dreaming ? or is Spk really up this early ?”. It was Saria, a wolf-vastaya one year younger than Spk. She brushed her deep gray fur strewn with white streaks, smiling at the two others.
“It would seem so I was surprised too. Hope you slept well, you’re right in time for breakfast”. Responded Kmm
“Well if miracles like this happen, maybe she’ll get taller some day.” Continued Saria before her and Kmm exploded in laughter.
“I’m right here and I’m not deaf you know ? Plus I might be short but I’m still your big sister little wolf”
Saria stopped laughing, “Don’t call me that !”
“What’re you gonna do about it… Little wolf”. Said Spk, now the one smiling.
As Saria moved toward Spk with wrestling intentions, a small figure made its way to the kitchen area, they stopped for a few seconds to observe their sister fight, they seemed really angry at each other but the young child remembered Kmm had told him they weren’t and it was some kind of game. Arriving at the kitchen cupboards unseen they took a bright blue cup and held it out toward Kmm patiently waiting for him to notice him.
His presence was made clear by the voice of his twin sister coming down the stairs : “Vex ! Come back ! I’m sorry for what I said about you’r shirt, it’s just becoming too small for you.”
Vex hide themself behind their mountain of a brother. Their sister was right, the blue shirt he was wearing was way too small for him, but she couldn’t understand it was their favourite and they didn’t want to wear any other one.
Kmm, now aware of the little presence behind him, turned around to see Vex frowning, still holding out their bowl. He leaned and picked up the cup before passing his hand in the child’s hair. “Hey there little guy, want some blueberry tea ?”. Vex acquiesced. “Let’s get you some then.” Said Kmm, filling up the cup with the tea he had prepared earlier. He continued. “Good morning Valentina, don’t worry about the shirt I’ll find him a new one, what would say if we went on this quest together Vex”. A smile appeared on the child’s face and he hugged Kmm’s leg.
Meanwhile, Spk and Saria were still fighting, the older one using her small size and agility to evade the other’s grasp. They danced around each other until they had enough and came sitting at the table with the other.
“Is it ok if I join you at the Pearl a bit later Spk? I have an important task to do”. “No problem, Lxx and I can manage the shop for the morning”.
As the breakfast was eaten, they all went about their day. Saria left first to go help her mom at the school, bringing Valentina with her, Kmm and Vex to find a shirt big enough for the latter and Spk to join Lxx at the pearl.
Entering the small shop, Spk was greeted by Hans who told her that Lxx hadn’t come down to work this morning. Knowing them and how important this day would be for them, he assumed they needed more time to wake up and opened the shop by himself. Fortunately it was shaping up to be a slow day with seldom customers so that wasn’t an issue. Spk then decided to go and see how her friend was doing, going up the stairs to their apartment. She knocked at the door and Feather opened it. She seemed tired but a little bit better than the last time Spk saw her. Feather told her that Lxx hadn’t left their room this morning and was playing guitar.
Sat on their bed, facing her sister’s she was randomly strumming chords holding the acoustic instrument close to her with her head resting on the body like they were hugging it. Lost in their thoughts, Lxx didn’t hear her friend enter the room. Spk sat down with Lxx making her presence known but staying silent not to interrupt the moment.
They stayed like this for a few minutes before Lxx broke the silence, raising their head but not making eye contact. “You think she would be proud ?”. Spk moved closer and put her hand on their back, gently caressing them. “She would be the proudest. Like first in line to be sure she's in the front row to see us play.” She said, Lxx smiled and turned toward her. “She would… I felt so comfortable in her shadow, now I feel.. Exposed.”. “I know, she was the best of us. But you’re not alone, we’re right there with you.” She paused and passed her fingers through the messy red hair. “You’re a talented fire-haired badass and a caring and honest friend. You don’t need to be anyone other than yourself, you're already perfect.” A moment passed as Lxx put her guitar on the side before moving her head on Spk's chest, who welcomed it and hugged them tightly. Lxx spoke again with a fragile voice, “Thank you for being here Spk.” “Don’t mention it, that’s what friends are for. Now what do you say you help choose what to wear tonight ?” Answered the bassist.
Feeling safe and seen, Lxx rose back up and listened as their friend explained the different options she had thought of. She finally opted for baggy pants filled with large holes and a black crop top on which Kmm had sewed the band name. Spk initially wanted him to put it on the back of her pants, arguing that “that’s where those sleazy dogs look the most” but ultimately she accepted to have it on her top.
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LZZ - Chapter 1 : Sneaky Little Siblings
12 years before the events of ‘the first gig’, Lxx is 10, Lzz is 15, Kmm is 14 and Spk is 10
After a long day helping her parents at the shop, Lzz was finally free to go and join Kmm at the old warehouse they had found on the outskirts of the city. They have known each other for some time and bonded over a mutual interest for music. They spent most of their free time looking for instruments and after buying a guitar from an old man no longer able to use it, they finally had to find enough pieces for Kmm to have a rudimentary but solid drum set. Today they would at last be able to play.
Flying up the stairs to pick up her guitar, entered the room to find Lxx on her bed. The small child had laid down the instrument next to her and was randomly plucking strings trying to find sounds that they liked. They had tried holding the guitar the way she saw her sister do but it was too big for them. Lzz smiled at the scene and made her presence known. “Who is that little red monster on my bed ?”. She said in an exaggerated voice. This startled Lxx who straightened their posture and turned to face the teenager. “I’m sorry, I know you don’t want me touching your stuff I couldn’t resist. It’s so pretty when you play it, I just wanted to try”. Lzz came and sat down next to her little sibling “It’s alright don’t worry. I get it, the irresistible pull of music.. Maybe I can teach you a thing or two if you want.” She passed her hand through Lxx messy hair. “And maybe when you're stronger and taller you could have your own guitar.” A wide smile appeared on Lxx’s face. She excitedly responded. “Really ? This would be awesome ! You’re the coolest sister ever !” Before launching themself into the tightest hug she could give. Lzz hugged her back, after which she got up and picked up the guitar. “We’ll talk about that later, I need to go”. “Where are you going ?” curiously asked Lxx. “I’m going to a secret place that's too dangerous for you.” Answered the older sibling. “You’re going to see Kmm aren’t you ? Is he your boyfriend ?” Lzz's face turned red. “No ! I mean no we’re not… He’s just a good friend. I mean, I like him but… I don’t know if it's complicated. Why do you alway ask questions like that anyways.” Lxx giggled, as her sister stormed out of the room.
The ten year old waited a bit before slowly making their way down. They knew her parents should be in the back of the shop to take care of the stocks so the way was clear. She moved silently and swiftly throughout the small apartment before going down the stairs one by one, slowly putting their feet down to make as little sound as possible.
They were nearing their objective, just a few steps away from the door when a deep voice made them jump in surprise. “Would you mind telling your old man where you are going Lxx ?” They tried to find a good excuse stumbling through a made-up story in an incoherent explanation before their dad cut them. “Ok, ok let’s slow down here. Look, I'm not going to punish you. I just need to be sure my little treasure is safe”. Too embarrassed to make eye contact, Lxx sheepishly explains “I need to go see Spk, it’s important. She doesn’t live very far and I’ll be very careful I promise.” The man thought for a bit and sighed. “Well if it’s just to go and see your friend it's ok, but stay out of trouble and don’t stay there too late. And don’t try and sneak out again ok ?”. “Thank you ! No trouble I promise ! And no more sneaking out !” Declared Lxx before opening the door stepping outside.
Running to Spk’s house as fast as they could, they arrived quickly, meeting their friend outside their home. They quickly greeted each other before leaving toward the outskirt of the city. Spk had scooted the way the day before, following discreetly behind her Kmm as he went to the “secret place”. Lxx told Spk about Lzz turning red when they asked if Kmm was her boyfriend and Spk responded that Kmm had changed subject any time she tried to get any information out of him. They continued talking and making wild theories about what this place was and what their older siblings were doing there.
In the warehouse, Lzz and Kmm were setting up the drum set, screwing all the parts in a comfortable silence. As the finished Lzz said “I can’t believe we actually did it” she looked at the result and her eyes drifted toward Kmm, his strong arms, his tall figure, his smile. As she was looking him out her gaze met his and the two turned their heads embarrassed at the situation. “We should try it” Quickly said Kmm to focus on something else. “Yeah, yeah let’s try it out.” Answered Lzz, standing up and turning her back so Kmm wouldn’t see her blush.
The muscular boy got behind the drums and began testing it, playing random rhythms to see how it worked. Holding her guitar, Lzz listened and played what came to her mind. It was messy at first but pretty soon they were having fun trying new things and adapting to what the other was playing. They played non-stop for a while and then took a short rest, laughing and talking excitedly about their future as rockstars.
“- and then you go into a solo and the crowd lose their mind”
“And we jump into the crowd and they carry us through the room. Although I’m sorry for the ones having to support your big muscles.”
Lzz paused, the thought of her sibling asking about her and Kmm flashing through her mind as her eyes wandered back to the drummer’s body. He had taken off his shirt to play and now that she wasn’t focusing on the music she had to fight herself not to stare at him. Kmm noticed and, not knowing what to do, he tried to continue the discussion : “They surely wouldn’t have any problem with you though, you’re light, and you’re pretty” Those last words fell out of his mouth. There was a long pause as both teenagers were taken aback. Kmm's face became red, he couldn’t talk, the panic slowly taking control. Lzz broke the tension, asking with a frail, trembling voice : “You - You think I’m pretty ?”. Another loud silence fell. Nearby, ear glued to a window, Spk was trying to listen, balancing on Lxx shoulder to see what was happening.
“Come on, come on, tell me what’s going on ! Why have you stopped describing ?” Pleaded Lxx, struggling to hold their friend up so she could reach the window.
“Lxx I think it’s happening. It’s getting really interesting, I believe he said something and now they’re getting closer” Exclaim Spk
“I knew it !”
“They’re holding hands ! I repeat they’re holding hands”
“I’m a genius”
“I think they’re gonna kiss !” Bursting in excitement, Spk moved to get a better look, stepping right without warning Lxx. They did all they could but the pairs swiftly stumbled and fell on the floor.
“Sorry you move too much, I couldn't hold out. Did they do it ?” Said Lxx, removing the dust on their clothes.
“I couldn’t see very well, but I think they did !” Responded Spk “Now we have to go before they see us”.
The two kids fled the scene to make their way back to their home, leaving the warehouse and their sibling to their “secrets”.
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The First Gig - Mock Setlist
To go along the fourth chapter I made a playlist that more or less fit the kind of song played by FCK PLTVR on their first show.
The lyrics don't really match but its faithful to the vibe.
Also if you want the name of the songs on the real setlist here they are (I might really write them one day) :
Listen Up
Fuck Your Progress
Cat Got Your Hand
Lost Little Piglet
A Toast To My Friend
Pacify Them
Destroy Everything
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The First Gig - Chapter 4 : On Stage
As Lxx played a first note, silence fell in the bar. People looked up to see who was playing tonight. A small number stood to get closer while most turned back to their drinks and their discussion. Gert was right, they’ll have to work to get these people moving. Lxx made eye-contact with their bandmates, they felt sick and anxious and they knew their friends felt the same. But being on this stage, together, playing a real show in front of any crowd, it just felt right.
They all took a deep breath and notes and sound came out.
Lxx started singing focused on the music and their bandmates the stressed disappeared, Spk joined for the chorus lending her screams to harmonises with Lxx’s before launching into a small bass solo already jumping around channeling her fear into energy. There were some missed notes and Kmm lost the rhythm at one point but they managed to get back on track. After another verse and chorus the song came to an end. Most people in the bar didn’t care but in the first row, the only row to be fair, a short Vastaya with red flowing hair and a broken horn was headbanging and yelling encouragement. They were standing next to a tall chirean who also seemed to like the music even if it wasn’t as noticeable.
The Kmm smiled and his stick hit the drums to signal the next song, this one was heavier and faster, written by Spk about “tough guys” preying only on smaller and younger folks in groups but fleeing when they face someone their size.
She moved toward the mic and let all her energy explode in a monstrous scream. “COOOWAAARDS !”. Heads turned as the sounds filled the room, slowing down for a verse before picking up in intensity again while Spk high-pitch scream continued. Again there were some mishaps and Spk forgot a part of the lyrics, they were still able to pass it off as intended but they knew they were not as good as during their repetition.
At the end of the song more people had come towards the scene and a very small moshpit formed in the center. It sure felt sloppy for the band but the public didn’t seem to care. On stage, Lxx took the mic to thank the audience and Gert for bringing them as a first-part, a bit lost for words they quickly turned back to find solace in their bandmates. The next song was a hard hitter, one of their favorites, expressing their hate for piltover’s council and the oppression they face everyday. Still their back turned to the audience, mic in hand, Lxx simply said “This one’s called ‘Fuck Your Progress’” and as they put back the mic on its stand they close their eyes and started playing the first riff, headbanging as Kmm pounded his drums their hair flew in a messy arc, coming back down to cover Lxx’s face. They were still wearing a very large hoodie on which Kmm had sewed the band name in red. It was covering their body to their knees and the hood jumped over their head following the movement.
They started sing-screaming without bothering to remove the hair from their face. It felt easier to let the harsh words go without having to face the context around them.
After a small pause in the music giving time for the audience to open a small hole in the center, Lxx let out a “Blegh” and the music sprang back up as a dozen of people in the crowd runned at each other pushing and shoving in a joyous pogo.
But the song was far from over and slowly it built back a tension. The lyrics and the instrument getting more and more intense until the breaking point. The crowd had grown a little bit more and people still sat down and talking like they didn’t care had trouble preventing their head from nodding up and down. In the eye of the mosh pit, the red-headed vastaya and the chirean were stomping and jumping, ready for everything to come down.
Once again the instruments pause for a second giving place to Lxx, screaming at the top of their lungs “Fuck your progress !” before coming back in a low and bold. A man sitting alone faking disinterest suddenly stood up and ran toward the pit where people were moving in chaotic unisson to the rhythm of the breakdown.
Finishing with distorted feedback, the audience waited a second before yelling and applauding the band. Lxx stepped back to drink and recover their breath giving Spk the opportunity to grab a mic and speak to the crowd. “If you like this kinda sound you’re at the right place, there’s more where that came from. The next one is-”. She stopped, the door of the bar was opened and coming into the place she saw her moms, accompanied by Saria pushing Feather in a wheelchair. They rushed to find a place in the crowd, far enough not to get caught in the dancing. Kmm and Spk looked at each other, their stress had disappeared and they were ready as ever to give their family the entertainment they deserved. Lxx was still deep under their hair but the pause made them look up. Seeing that the crowd had doubled surprised them but not as much as the small figure already screaming her support from her wheelchair. The surprise, the happiness and the pride filled them chasing any bad thoughts, it was like a dream and they were living it.
“As I was saying the next one is about the most ugly and pathetic guy, so dumb he thought he could lay a hand on me without losing it, it's called “Cat got your hand”.
She backed up while Kmm and Lxx played a distorted high pitch intro before launching in a mad rant halfway between yelling and talking. Kmm was playing as fast as he could following his sister’s rhythm. As the song continued Spk’s lyrics became louder and crazier, dropping punchline after punchline, exteriorising her anger into the mic.
From this point on there were no more mishaps and mistakes, the three friends were fully having fun and the audience was too. The intensity came down a bit with the next song, they remembered Gert advising them to let the crowd breathe a little between two unhinged tracks. This was also for the band to keep their energy for the whole set and showcase the diversity of their sound.
At the end of the song, Lxx approaches the mic to address the audience. “Thank you all ! I hope you’re having a blast because we sure do.” They glanced at their mom before adding “Sorry mom this one is a sad one, it’s ‘Hers’ ”.
During this speech, Kmm stood up from his drums and picked up an acoustic guitar, Spk also switched from her white bass covered in writings and drawing for an acoustic one.
Lxx sat down and started singing a song about a guitar missing its strings, a queen missing a crown, a bird missing its feather, them missing her. It was sad and mellow but beautiful. Following the short vastaya, people in the crowd started holding up lighters, moving them from side to side. There were tears on Feather’s cheeks but also the smile of a mother who couldn’t be more proud. Lxx was also crying, hardly finishing the song.
The audience stood silent as the last chords were played, letting the moment pass before Lxx wiped the tears from their face and stood to pick back up their guitar nodding a thanks. “Okay, they said this was the sad song. Thank you for letting me play it. This means a lot. Now who's here is ready to tear this place up ?!”. According to the reaction, a lot of people were ready. Except maybe the barman, anxious about the time they would spend cleaning if this was only the first part.
FCK PLVTR continued playing, building back the intensity with fast rhythms and lyrics about a corrupted enforcer and a song Kmm wrote about the band and their friendship.
The concert was nearing its end and the bandmates knew it was time to show The Last Drop who they were. Spk began playing the first note of ‘Pacify Them’ with a carnivorous grin on her face, Lxx hair was back over their face and Kmm started hitting his drums with ferocity, sweat dripping from his naked torso. The energy was palpable, the crowd, now most of the people in the bar, already running in a circle before the first chorus.
Spk stopped jumping to get back to the mic, adding her voice to Lxx’s as the chorus arrived, simple and efficient, repeating again and again “Pacify Them ! Pacify Them!”.
As the song was building to the breakdown people were also screaming the words, some of them throwing their drink and shattering their glasses. Saria had joined the mosh pit feeling at home in the push and shoves. The tall Chirean, seeing an opportunity, picked up his partner and sent them flying over the crowd towards the middle of the pack. Far from being surprised the vastaya happily screamed as their red mane floated through the air. They came down on their feet as if all of this had been planned, not losing a second before taking part in the festivities.
The music finally stopped and the crowd erupted in screams and applause. Maybe they thought this was the peak of the set but there was another one, the last song, first written as a joke to be as low and dirty as possible. A 2min outlet for every emotion, mostly anger, with little or no structure just a driving drum rhythm and pitch down distorted guitar and bass pummeling the listeners ear. To end such a song, the final part was a slow and vicious beatdown with long drawn out chords and crash hits over which Lxx and Spk took turns letting out a final shrilling scream at the top of their lungs.
The audience stood stunned as the calm reappeared, taking a moment to snap back to reality and creaming for another one. Spk picked up her mic to address the audience one last time “Sadly that all the time we have, but don’t worry if you still have some energy left in you ‘cause now it’s time for the awesome band you’ve been waiting for. Make some noise for Gert and the Dynamites”. She let the crowd get excited before adding “Thank you for showing up and enjoying our songs, I’m Spk, this is Kmm and Lxx and we are FCK PLTVR.”
Coming down the stage still filled with euphoria they rush at the back to join their family, Spk wanted to say hi to the vasatya and the chirean that had been a great part of the fun in the crowd but they seem to have gone somewhere else.
Feather was smiling from hear to hear as she saw her child coming towards her. They hugged and an excited Lxx exclaimed “I’m so happy you came !” Feather answered “I wouldn’t have missed it for anything in the world, my little baby is a rockstar now. I’m so proud of you”. Fighting the tears at the gates of their eyes Lxx hugged her mom again and they started talking about the concert, dissecting every moment.
Meanwhile, meters away, Anika and Nirren also welcome their children with warm hugs. Saria stayed on the side hoping to escape the show of love but she could escape her big brother coming at her still drenched in sweat.
-“You didn’t tell us that you would come. How did you manage ?” Ask Spk.
-”We wanted to surprise you.” Began Anika.
-”I found a replacement for tonight’s shift and we left Valentina and Vex with Hans as we picked up Feather.” Continued Nirren.
“We couldn’t miss your first show, and even though she won’t admit it, Saria really wanted to come” Finished Anika.
-”It was that or keeping the two little monsters… I guess it was fun.” Said Saria trying to defend herself.
“It’s cool that you came too Sari.” Answered Spk, giving the wolf-vastaya a sincere nod.
As the next concert was gearing up, Anika, Nirren and Feather left to relieve Hans from his babysitting duty, wishing their children to have fun and enjoy their well earned fun.
And they did just that, cheering and dancing throughout the night. Coming home late, exhausted but filled with joy.
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