#i had to run around and take care of errands as soon as i woke up yesterday morning and then immediately shower and go to work afterwards
songmingisthighs · 5 months
[12.33] poly!golden retriever!yunho × black lab!mingi × reader
⇀ where your pup boyfriends are just so... them...
⇁ @khjcs LOOK WHAT YOU DID AMY and @starlitmark I MADE IT QIEBDJDND
genre : hybrid!au, poly!au
wc : 1.1k
warning : none
Usually you'd spend the weekend just lounging around, being lazy with your two overgrown pups of boyfriends but unfortunately you had errands to run because work took up the majority of your time on the weekdays so all appointments had to be pushed to Saturday and Sunday.
Though your boyfriends are golden retriever and black labrador hybrids, you were the one who woke up first at the sound of your alarm. But as you moved to turn your alarm off, an arm snaked around your waist and a face was nuzzled into your stomach affectionately.
"What are you doing?" Yunho grumbled as he tightened his grip around your body. You cursed at yourself silently for not being careful when you reached over Yunho to get to your phone. "Sorry Yuyu, go back to sleep," you hushed him, patting his head gently to lull him back to sleep which seem to work because his eyes fluttered his eyes close and his grip around you loosen. With Yunho back asleep, you carefully get out of the bed but still managing to accidentally nudge Mingi's leg slightly, causing his ears to twitch and head shot up in alert. He said nothing as he blinked confusedly at you but after some time of you and he just staring at each other in silence, his eyes drooped and he fell back asleep. With that, you were able to escape and take a shower.
It didn't take long for you to shower but when you opened the bathroom door, you nearly shrieked and slipped when you were greeted with the sight of your boyfriends in the hallway. Yunho was sat with his back on the wall and Mingi had his head on Yunho's lap, fast asleep while Yunho's eyes opened at the sound of you coming out of the bathroom.
"What are you two doing here? You should be in bed," you pouted, crouching down in front of the two to cup Yunho's face in your hands. He smiled and shook his head, "I wanna see you before you leave," then Yunho looked down momentarily at Mingi, "He said he doesn't like the cold bed," and you chuckled at that because it was so incredibly a Mingi thing to say. But still, your boyfriends needed more rest because of their own jobs and you would prefer to see them well rested. So you stood up and motioned for Yunho to grab your hands so you could pull him up and with the movement, Mingi slowly stood up and pressed his face onto your shoulder, having to bend his body due to the height difference and the fact that he was barely conscious. "Back to bed," he mumbled, tugging you along to your shared bedroom only to hear you chuckle and felt you shaking your head, "No baby, you go back to sleep with Yunho, I have somewhere to go to," you patted him on the back as you waved Yunho close to your huddle. Yunho happily wrapped his arms around you and Mingi and you couldn't help but giggle when you got a peek of their wagging tails. "I'll be back sometime later so you boys get some rest, don't forget to eat, be good, and I'll see you soon, okay?"
Once you saw them nod at your words (Yunho with understanding and Mingi with sadness), you gave them both long kisses on their heads and shooed them back into your shared room, patting their butts affectionately before leaving the apartment once they were settled and you were fully ready to go.
The whole time you were gone doing your errands, you couldn't help but kept a look into your home CCTV from time to time, curious at what the boys were doing. At 10:27, Yunho emerged from the room and immediately planted his butt on the couch, trying to regain some consciousness. At 10:43, Mingi joined Yunho in the living room but instead of sitting on the couch, he spread his blanket and plopped a pillow that looked suspiciously a lot like yours and laid in the middle of it. Then at 11:38, you saw that Yunho and Mingi were lying side by side in the little blanket nest that looked a bit messier than before, talking about what they were going to do until you come back home. At 12:49, you looked into the living room CCTV only to find your boyfriends missing but as you moved the camera, you saw Yunho heating up the leftovers from last night and just as you were about to look for Mingi, his face popped up in the whole frame, almost causing you to drop your phone and scream in public. "I KNOW YOU'RE THERE LOOKING AT US (Y/N) COME BACK HOME, COME BACK HOME NOW PLEASE I WANT YOU HOME, I NEED YOU HOME," he yelled into the camera before getting pushed aside by Yunho who grinned happily at the camera, "Don't mind him baby! You go do your stuff, okay? I miss you! I love you! We're gonna have lunch soon!" It was a good thing that you got a camera that allows you to talk into it because you could see the food he was heating on the stove was starting to smoke and both of your boyfriends were still too focused with the camera. "Yunho, baby! The food!" Thankfully, Yunho zoomed to tend to the food and Mingi got distracted by the chaos so you were able to leave them be.
Your errands ended at around 2 pm and by 2.31, you were already walking back into the apartment.
"I'm home!" You called out as you took off your shoes and by the time your shoe was neatly stored, you heard heavy pads of feet getting louder before you were suddenly pulled into a warm embrace and spun around. Though you were busy squealing and giggling, you were still able to identify that it was Yunho who had greeted you first.
"You're back! You're home!" He said happily as he placed you down and began peppering your face with kisses. If all the affection and skinship didn't make you giddy, surely seeing his tail wagging nonstop with such power that you thought it was going to create a tornado.
Upon letting you go, Yunho stuck by your side quietly, tailing after you as you grab a drink from the fridge, helping you grab a mug and just let you have your time before settling down with you on the couch. As soon as your ass hit the cushion and you finished taking a gulp, Yunho pulled you into his arms and nuzzled your cheek with his.
"I'm so glad you're back now," he sighed happily, like the lovesick... well, puppy he is. You chuckled and patted his fluffy hair in return of his very adorable confession, "I'm glad to be home too, Yuyu. I sae you heating up lunch so I assume you and Mingi had eaten?" He nodded, still not letting go of you, "So what have you two been doing?" "Gaming mostly. Actually, Mingi is-"
As if on cue, your other boyfriend came out of the room designated for his and Yunho's gaming and other nerd things (that you lowkey took pride of as well), grumbling and stomping until he flopped down on the floor with his face on the ground. He looked adorable with his flopped ears and limp tail, seemingly trying to become one with the hardwood floor in his despair.
"I miss (y/n), I miss (y/n), I miss (y/n), I miss (y/n), I miss (y/n), I miss (y/n), GOD, I miss (y/n)," he babbled to himself, not realizing that you had came home. You tried suppressing your laughter while Yunho raised an eyebrow at him, "What are you talking about?" Mingi huffed as he proceeded to lift his upper body from the floor, adjusting his own body position to glare at Yunho only to realize that you were sitting on the couch, looking at him with such fond eyes. "(Y/N)!" he screeched before practically leaping into your arms, carelessly throwing his body on you and Yunho who got kneed in the stomach. His scolds towards Mingi fell on deaf ears because despite being nagged that he should have been more careful, Mingi was too busy trying to fit himself in your lap while smothering you with kisses as he told you time and time again how much he missed you.
Never would you have ever known that being suffocated to death with affection was better than, well, anything else. And you have your two excitable boyfriends to thank.
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@cultofdionysusnet @sandsofire @kflixnet @pirateeznet
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@kodzukein @phenomenalgirl9 @skzatzloveismonsterous @memorymonster @surveilenceysystem @dreamlesswonder86 @maddiebabyxoxo @imababywolf @do-you-actually-care @marievllr-abg @ilsedingsx @wasteitonserendipity @bbymatz @noonaishere @honeyhwaaa @ateezourstars @yoonjunshi @yoongiigolden @camillelafaye @charreddonuts @kpopnightingale @starryunho @atinct @mirror-juliet @hyuckilstan @jayb17 @kpoplover718 @haatohwa @x-bluee @erinaimeexx @blackb3ll @mingiholic @angelicyeo @vampcharxter @meowmeowminnie @marvelous-llama @kawennote09 @hongjoong-lovebot @stopeatread @spooo00oky @jwnghyuns @asjkdk @shinotani
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blueberry69x · 4 months
Kai Parker x Fem! Reader. Smut.
Hope you enjoy!! :)
DO NOT copy my work please!
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My friends would never approve. And neither did I anymore. One time. That had been it. Enough of him I'd had.. That was a big lie. But I kept telling myself it, cause maybe if I said it often enough it'd turn out to be true.
I hadn't seen him the last two weeks. Good. Because I can't face him right now.. Hell I can't face him ever again.
Caroline chewed on her bottom lip nervously. "Have you seen Stefan yet? I invited him over today. Though I'm afraid... He may not take me up on my offer."
"Relax. He'll be here soon." I sent my friend a reasurring smile as she let out a breath. Slowly I looked around. So many people. I should've never agreed to come to a party like this one. He was bound to walk in at any second. I knew him a bit. Party crasher. Sex on legs.
No one knew. I kept it that way. He had luckily for me- Agreed to keep it quiet too. Despite him not wanting to... I wasn't one to randomly hook-up. Not my cup of tea. But I couldn't resist him...
I just could not. His adorable smile. Those white teeth. Blue eyes. His hair- Rings! Damnit. I need to get over it..
Another drink. And another. I wouldn't allow myself to get drunk. Absolutely not.
Taking a deep breath, in through my nose and out through my mouth and... Repeat.
See I'm fine! Totally fi-.
"Mr. Sociopath at ten o'clock." Care whispered to me as I gave a curd nod, my head slowly turning, I took my time, pretending to scan the crowd first before I'd look at who had come inside..
My jaw clenched, whole body tensing.
Shit. Keep it cool.
Holy shit, he had about a three day stubble. Black boots, dark blue jeans, cuffed.. Jeans... A belt, rings, two bracelets. Both black. One looked like a string. The other like black beads. He wore a simple grey t-shirt. Simple but effective none the less. Then.. A leather fucking jacket- Where had he gotten that from-.
"Bastard." I mutter through clenched teeth. His eyes search the crowd too. Until finding mine where they stay and a shit eating grin lights up his face. In no time he's taking big strides over to where Caroline and I are and-.
"Hi." God this guy is quick. I look up at him. "What do you wa-."
He puts on this adorable smile. "You're ignoring my texts. Calls. I showed up at your house... About eight- if not more- Times. Why did you leave?"
Caroline her lips part in a knowing way. I shake my head. No. No. I can't have anyone know of this. Not even her.
"Malachai-." I grit out. He gives a nod. "Hm?" His eyes not once leaving mine.
"Answer me darlin'. Why did you leave my place?" He asked. "I made-." He looks down with a frown. First time I've ever seen him look... Uncertain?
I sigh. Take his hand and pull him away into an empty storage room, Liv is my friend.... She's the owner of this place she lets me..
"Oh~ Freaky.."
"Ow! What was that for-."
"I only have a few minutes before Care will suspect something..." I turn on the lights.
He stares at me with this.. This look I can't quite put my finger on.
"Why did you leave.. My place.. Y/n?" He asks me calmly to which I start to chew on my lower lip.
A few seconds of silence pass.
"Want me to do all the talking? Fine. I will." He nods.
"I woke up.. Right- Wait.. picture this.. I.. Woke up.. No.. Picture this. I'm naked and-."
I groan. "Kai.." His lips press together for a second.
"Sorry. I woke up-," He continues. "feeling.. Happy, very happy, giddy, I guess, so I take a look around. You've gone.. I don't hear the shower running. I listen, nothing. So... I frown to myself. Did I do something?"
He runs a hand down the back of his neck. "Then. I find your note. And I get the biggest stupidest smile back on my face-.."
Hey, so.. I'll be back in a bit..
I promise!! Uhm. So I am kinda
running some errands.. You know.
I will be back, haven't even had breakfast yet! ~Y/n <3.
"I go downstairs after my shower. And after I changed my sheets. And make you pancakes. With little smiley faces in syrup. I prayed you'd be back soon so the faces don't get ruined. And I sat on my couch. Waiting. An hour passes. Okay.. Maybe you just left.. Right?"
The tip of his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek.
"Two, three, four, five... Hours-."
'Hey. You done yet?'
'Y/n.. It's been two hours.'
'Why aren't you answering my texts?'
'What's wrong?'
'Did I.. Do something?'
'Y/n I'm sorry.'
"You ignored me. All I want to know is why? I even put a blueberry or two.. Or three or four or ten on your pancakes. What did I do? You promised me you'd come back."
My throat closes up further. I feel like I can't breathe. "I haven't even fucking changed my pillow cover! Every night I lay awake and when I'm lucky I pick up on the scent of you. Still left on my pillow case. It's almost faded completely. But I refuse to change it."
My mind flashes back to that night.. His subble against the inside of my thighs while he worked his tongue on me. The faces he made. The lewd and fucking hot faces he made. The way his mouth fit perfectly on mine, on my pussy, around my nipples. On my whole body... The dirty things he whispered. The way he gazed his sharp fangs across the vein in my neck but didn't feed on me.
How his hands felt. Grasping me everywhere. How he sounded. How he looked above me. How he looked under me. How his huge cock felt in my mouth. How it felt inside me. How he had been the best sex of my entire life. How deeply in love I am with hi-.
I had been too lost in my mind.. To realize he.. The door closed. He left. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. How I must've looked like a fool not saying anything and how fucking embarrassed he must be for admitting all this. Without getting an answer.
I rush out the storage room. "Kai!" I call out. "Kai!!" As my eyes hurriedly try to look for him. Nowhere.. He-. I lost him. I fucking lost him... I didn't even explain myself.. Goddamnit...
For the first time in two whole weeks I text him. Call him. 'Please Kai let me explain.' 'I didn't mean to.' I wince.
I'm such a bitch.
● ● ● ● ●
The next few days are spent sulking by me. I text and call. But he ignores me. I even go by his home. But he ignores me.. So this is how he felt these last few weeks?
I take in a breath of fresh air when something dawns on me. I need to go there.. Now.. He can't hide from me forever.
I'm such an idiot. I should've gone back here the first day after he left.
I open the door and walk inside the Mystic Grill. There he is, drinking his feelings away, if only I had thought of this immediately. Of course he'd go back here.
He looks at me, he looks sad, so fucking sad..
I walk over to him and slip into the bar stool located closest next to his. I watch as Kai downs a shot.
"Kai please.. I am so sorry please let me explain-."
"This one is on the house." The bartender winks at him. "Just like the rest."
He smiles. "Thanks." Before getting up to his feet and walking off, I don't hesitate and immediately follow after him.
"Frankly- I am not in the mood to talk or see you right now." Kai sticks his hands into his pockets and quickens the pace of his steps.
"I know, like you did last time I will now speak. You don't have to. I just want you to listen to me." He doesn't reply.
"I woke up.. Looking around. My body felt these weird tingles. I was so sore, but in the best way possible. Then I saw you, you were still sleeping with your head in the crook of my neck. I ran my fingers through your hair and you let out a sigh against my neck, I could feel your lips curling up into a smile. Even if you were sleeping.."
I ran my hand down my jacket. Smoothing out whatever I can.
"And what I felt in that moment scared the living shit out of me. My stomach did weird flips. I got hot all.. Over. However I took a deep breath and managed to move out from under you, even from off the bed without waking you up."
I bite my lower lip nervously.
"You turned to lay on your back. The sheets all messed up. You had kicked them off your torso, I watched for a fee seconds.. Probably even minutes as your chest rose and fell with the way you were breathing. You looked so at ease. So peaceful, so gorgeous.. I wished I could join you again.. Cause waking up in your arms was the best thing ever."
He didn't show any emotion besides the way his jaw ticked slightly there was nothing unusual about him.
"I got dressed. My panties were ripped so I sneakily stole your boxers." I smile vaguely At the memory. "What I felt.. Feel for you scared me. I wrote the note. Pressed a kiss to your lips. Ran my hands through your hair just one more time and then fleed. Was I planning on coming back after writing the note? Part of me wanted to.. But I didn't. I didn't because I knew. That if I did. I would never want to leave. I would want to spend the rest of my life with you. And that's not something you would have wanted. At least that's what I told myself. So I tried to let you go.. Ever since."
I didnt realize we stopped walking and his hands were cupping my cheeks. "Y/n. Listen to me. I may.. Look it-." He smirked. "But. I am not one to just sleep with anyone I meet. I am not one to jump into bed with the first girl that offers. I hadn't slept with anyone since I'd gotten out of the prison world besides you."
"Because I was secretly waiting on you. I wouldn't have cared if we ended up not having sex that night. I would've been over the moon with just the talking and out dancing together."
"It's not about the sex for me it's about you. Why can't you see that. Why did you run away from me.. I know you felt it too. Our connection that night-.. Went beyond anything.." He tries to search my eyes, desperately.
"I'm so sorry. I got so scared. It came to me so quickly... And I felt so much, so fast. That it scared me away. I am so in love with you it scares me shitless.''
Kai's lips part slightly as he sucks in a breath. I just realize what I confessed on accident.
"Fuck." He breathes out shaking his head as he wraps his arms around me. A gesture that comes as totally unexpected. But I happily accept it. Hugging him back.
"I'm not good with feelings at all. But what I do know is that I feel.. A lot.. For you and that scares me too. But it doesn't make me want to run.. I.. I don't want to run away from you. All I know is I wanna be as close to you as possible."
I can't help the smile forming on my lips as we both slowly let go of our embrace.
"Come back home with me.. I really want you to taste my pancakes... We can pretend these past few weeks didn't happen? You just came back... From your errands.." He gives me a hopeful look and I nod.
"Let's go big boy."
● ● ● ● ●
His pancakes are the best I've ever had.... His movie choices are amazing... His cuddles are the best. He's so... Warm.. And hard.. Soft too. All in the right places.
After the movies.. He decides to take a shower while I wait for him on his bed. We planned on falling asleep together too. Taking things slow.. Wanting to discover what our feelings really mean.
"Y/n! I'm done! You can come in immediately after me so I can leave the shower running!" He calls out to me as I obey and walk into the bathroom. His mirror is all fogged up so I draw a smiley face on it and a heart.
I hear the rain of water get louder. Meaning it's all hitting the floor. Meaning he just got out of the shower. "Awh.. A heart." I hear from behind me as I take a shaky breath when he moves closer to me.
Wiping away most the condence on the mirror. I dare to look up. He's looking right at me from the mirror. "Undress then darlin'." He smirks.
Smooth fucker-.
I give a nod and take a deep breath before I undress with his eyes on me. However Kai is getting dry himself too.
The sound of the water hitting the shower floor gets fainter and fainter. My heartbeat gets louder and louder and faster.. And faster, I can hear it loud and clear. Drumming in my ears.
Once I'm fully undressed I turn around. Facing him, he's blinking quickly a few times. My eyes go up and down again and again.
He's completely naked. His towel hung up on a small rack.
I watch him standing there. Damp messed up hair, beautiful face.. His adam's apple and collarbone visible. His pecs sculpted, nipples seem slightly hard. His chest heaving with the way he's breathing. Seems to be quite quick.
Like my own.
He has abs. Slight abs. Not too much. Just perfect. His waist is slightly curvy, curved inwards towards his hips, in the most masculine way possible. His v-line. Happy trail leads down to an area with dark curls.. Not too much hair overall though- Which leads to-.
His cock is perfect. Long, thick and so hard. He's.. Hard. My mouth nearly waters at the sight.
His thighs are thick and strong. Just like his calves and even his feet are perfect. Don't get me started on his big arms- And those big, skilled hands with long fingers-.
"Kai." I mumble to which he shakes his head. "Slow." He just says. I nod in agreement even though I don't agree. The dampness between my legs says enough. Just like the way my legs wobble as I make my way over and into his shower.
I don't even think I'm in complete control of myself when the shower turns off and I walk back out without getting myself too wet.
I step back on the towel he has on his bathroom floor. I'm met with a Kai who looks at me confused. He opens his mouth to speak but before he gets the chance to. I push him back against the counter, lean up to him and kiss him.
Passion, lust, desperate, wanting.. Love.
Are the words I'd use to describe this kiss. My hands are placed on his chest. His hands are.. Everywhere. From the crook of my neck to my ass. Squeezing.
Kai pulls back panting. "You.. Said.. Take it.. Slow." He manages, to which I shrug. "Changed my mind." I smirk and grab his hair pulling it back slightly to which he moans in response.
God how much I missed that sound.
I kiss his neck. Sucking on a few spots I know he enjoys...
He then suddenly puts me down on the counter and stands in between my spread open legs.
In no time he has two of those deliciously long fingers pumping in and out of me. "Holy fuck you're so wet." He groans out and moves them even faster. His other hand toys with my breasts.. Twisting my nipples, squeezing my boobs.
My hand is around his throbbing cock in no time. I stoke him teasingly slow. Taking my time.. Until..
A low growl comes from his throat as he pulls me back up to my feet. Turns me around so that I'm facing the mirror, spreads my legs apart and.. He's inside of me.
The stretch is as painfully beautiful as I remember. It makes me let out a silent scream against my hand.
My hair is fisted in his hand. With each hard thrust it's yanked back. Though his other hand grasps at my chin and makes me look at myself in the mirror. The combination of both these things.. Feels amazing.. Like my hair is getting ripped out my scalp. Yet it isn't.
"Look at you. Getting fucked. Aren't you pretty Princess?" He asks me. I try to answer. But I can't hypnotized by the way he looks and sounds.
Groans, grunts, growls, moans and evem the tiniest of whimpers leave his lips when he pounds into me from behind. His eyes hooded. Though keeping eyecontact with me. His lips beautifuly parted. His sex face is something else.
It makes my pussy clench.. Literally. I clench hard around his dick to which he whines. "Shit. You're gonna make me come." He warns.
I nod. My hands behind my back and on his thighs. Nails digging into them when feeling his cock twitch in release. My walls are coated with his hot cum as he squeezes my throat and gives a few hard and very controlled thrusts. Shooting me over the edge. My insides pulsate and spasm as I have one of the best orgasms of my entire life.
In Kai's arms. Cause he's calmed down and has his arms wrapped around me gently now, I shake and slowly land back on planet earth.
Not even knowing what planet I was on a few seconds ago when having my mind shattering orgasm.
Before I can get comfortable cockwarming him he's pulled out of me and I grip the edge of the counter, afraid I may fall. "Shh baby, I'm right here." I smile lazily and nod. Two strong arms pick me up and put me down somewhere nice and warm. Somewhere I wanna be for the rest of my life.
Kai keeps holding me. I realize I'm laying on top of him and under the warm sheets.
I listen to the calm rhythm of his heart.. And fall asleep to it. Not before whispering an 'I love you.' To him and Kai being Kai.. Whispers an 'I love you... Even more." Right back...
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yeehawbvby · 8 months
Falling Away With You | Ch. 48
Sebastian x F!Reader and M. Rasmodius x F!Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: Y/n goes a little apeshit at JojaMart lmao
Author’s Note: *Crawls out of a pit covered in dirt and blood. Slaps this chapter down in front of you, on a SUNDAY no less!*
My health situation hasn’t improved whatsoever, but I will prevail, damnit!!
I wrote most of this and posted to ao3 early this morning, and haven't had a chance to proofread really. I'll do my best to get that done soon ^.^ Sorry if there are any weird wordings. Also sorry for the complete lack of Seb and Magnus in this one, I hope the shenanigans make up for it <3
Table of Contents + Work Summary
Check it out on ao3!
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I hate that stupid, cryptic, blue note I got.
Ever since it came, I think about it every time I check the mailbox, without fail. I don’t want to, I kinda just want to forget it exists, but I just… I dunno. I have a bad feeling about it. A gut feeling. Like, something’s totally up with it. It’s just been sitting in my closet for safekeeping until I decide what to do, though.
For some reason, I’ve been too nervous to bring it back up to Magnus. He’s forgotten it exists, from what I can tell. I think I’ll do my best to keep it that way for now. It feels more like my burden to bear than his, and besides, he’s already got the whole region to take care of.
After today’s confirmation that I don’t have bills or anything important like that, I head inside to get ready to leave the farm. Reeeally hoping my routine will shake out my heebiejeebies.
I got the OK from Magnus to use his fancy shrine for Spirit’s Eve. Got an idea of what I think I want to make myself look like, too. Maybe a tiefling or something. If tieflings don’t really exist, I’m sure some sort of succubi, or imps, or some sort of creature that looks like one’s gotta, no? I suppose I could always fall back on just pretending I’m an elf… man, a tail and horns would be so fun though. 
Either way, tomorrow is the big day and I am so ready for it.
I mean, like, almost ready. Whatever.
Today I’m going to Magnus’ place to get some practice in. Just a precautionary measure to try not to, like, blow myself up or something.
I’m gonna keep my outfit cozy and easy to move around in, but I have half a mind to make sure I wouldn’t mind losing these clothes in particular if something goes wrong with the transformation. Just some leggings, some crew-cut socks, an old hoodie, and my favorite boots, since I won’t have my shoes on in the shrine anyway. All of it is in black. Sebastian cosplay. 
I’ll pop my red studs in too, gotta commit to the bit. I haven’t had time to talk to The Emo and see if he actually did get his shit pierced last night, but assuming he did, and assuming he was able to use these for it, I wanna go all out, baby.
Now, before I head to the tower, I’ve got some errands to run around town. I woke up a bit late so there’s gonna be more people out than I’m looking forward to, but hopefully I have no creepy Alex encounters or awkward conversations with Shane again.
I promised Sam I’d visit him at work sometime soon, so I might as well head there first. He hates it there, and it’s been a while since we’ve caught up, so I’ll hopefully be a welcome distraction. I’ll bring him a coffee too to keep his spirits high.
After it’s done brewing, I grab two foam cups and pour the coffee in. Knowing Sam, he probably needs this stuff sweet, and I’m in the mood for sweet too, so I pour in a bunch of vanilla-flavored creamer. To make the beverages ~gourmet,~ I add a little whipped cream to each, as well as a light drizzle of chocolate syrup. After securing the plastic lids and giving Cannoli some well-deserved love, I head out.
While I pass by the bus stop, I make eye contact with Pam. I’ve never spoken to her, but… I dunno. I can’t tell if I like her or not. She gives me a nasty stink eye and I can only further assume she’s as mean as she outwardly appears. Unless she was just cursed with an intense resting bitch face...
I smile Pam’s way anyway. She doesn’t smile back, but that’s okay. It doesn’t benefit anyone to be so judgemental of her.
I pass a few local moms once I make it to the town square. None really mind me, which could mean they either didn’t notice, or they don’t care. Either is fine by me. I don’t hear what they’re saying, but Caroline talks very animatedly just before the rest of the group bursts into laughter.
I turn my attention back ahead as I pass by Pierre’s and nearly bump into Marnie as she’s leaving the shop.
We both squeak out a little “Oh!” before apologizing in unison.
“I wasn’t really paying attention,” I double down. 
“Oh, that’s fine. I rarely ever am!” She then motions to the two cups in my hands and adds, laughing, “At least the coffee’s safe!”
I awkwardly nod in agreement. Then, a brief flash of myself actually spilling coffee somewhere down the road raids my mind, my necklace tingling against my skin and my fingers practically buzzing.
“Everything alright, sweetie?”
That probably looked weird. “Yeah, sorry,” I try to recover, “just sleepy today!”
I take a sip of coffee to emphasize my point. Plus, I might as well drink what I can before these puppies go down. Hopefully I’ll be able to save at least one of them when the time comes.
“Aw, I’m sorry to hear that!” She puts a gentle hand on my shoulder. “I need to get back to the shop, but take it easy and don’t overwork yourself, you hear?” 
I nod, thanking her and waving her off with a shy grin before I continue moving. Once I get closer to the spot I’m supposed to be spilling these drinks — just before that little bridge over the river by JojaMart — I begin to walk more cautiously. If I can just keep these steady and focus on the ground… 
A sneeze creeps up on me. Oh god. Oh god oh fuck oh no.
Just as I’m beginning to carefully place one of the cups on the side of the bridge for safe keeping, the sneeze forces its way out of me. Luckily, one beverage — the one I hadn’t drank from yet — stays safely in my hand. Unluckily, the one I was working on trying to keep safe fell to the stones at my feet, opening up and dispersing its contents fucking everywhere.
God damnit. 
“Nice one.”
God fucking damnit.
I look up to the voice. It turns out Shane’s outside having a smoke. He’s at the opposite end of the bridge watching my clumsiness unfold with an aloof look about him. He’s bent over to lean on the stone wall, his right elbow propped up and his corresponding cheek in his palm. His left forearm is flat against the structure while his left hand lazily dangles his cigarette between two fingers.
Is that pink nail polish on one of them? I wonder if that’s Jas’ doing. 
I merely groan back my response, picking up the now-empty cup to discard in the trash bin near the store. As I proceed on my walk of shame past Shane, I point out, “At least my clothes stayed safe.”
Shane follows and asks, “How many ants do you think you murdered with that accident?” 
I grin a little at his dry humor. “Oh it was a massacre,” I bounce back. “The war in Gotoro pales in comparison.”
“Ha!” Oh my god, I made Shane — the grumpiest fuck I’ve ever met — laugh?! “Right on. Seems like pointless violence anyway.” 
I turn to see if I can catch him smiling for the first time, like, ever. It’s not there anymore, but there’s a residual brightness in his features.
Shane snuffs out his cig on the ashtray built into the garbage’s lid, abandoning it there before shoving his hands in the pockets of his bright blue shorts.
“Those sons’a bitches,” he nods in the direction of my carnage, “they had it coming.”
My nose scrunches as I laugh a little, giving him a funny look. “Damn, what’d they do to you?”
There’s a playful glint in his eye, as he deadpans me. “Exist.”
I shrug and nod — I get it, they can be pretty annoying! — and follow the man as he makes his way through the white-rimmed, glass-centered automatic doors. I try not to cringe outwardly at how many self-righteous pro-Joja fliers are on them.
Shane stops a few steps into the store. Turns around. I stop too and look up, tilting my head. What’re you looking at, punk? I think to myself. Dunno if I’d be pushing my limits by trying to say it out loud. Better not.
Shane gives me a weird look too, but I can barely see it. My senses are taking their damn time getting used to the obnoxiously fluorescent lighting.
“Don’t you shop at Pierre’s?” Shane wonders out loud.
I blink a few times as I adjust to the environment and then nod. “Visiting Sam,” I explain.
“Ah.” He nods too, in understanding, and then looking the other way he continues, “Enjoy.”
Shane makes his way towards a door to the right of the manager’s office. Says “Employee’s only,” so I’m assuming it’s a break room or something. I don’t miss the incorrect apostrophe, but choose not to linger on it either.
“You too.” He looks back over his shoulder, so I pair my well wishes with a lazy salute.
I smile. I think he’s warming up to me!
Feeling a tad lost now that I’m alone, I look around before making any advances. Should’ve asked Shane if he knew where Sam would be around now. I dunno how the shifts work around here.
The cashiers to my left — a visibly exhausted red headed woman, probably in her late 30s or early 40s; and a scrawny, scruffy looking teenager, with thick-framed glasses sitting atop his freckled nose — both look miserable.
The boy is boredly leaning against the counter, zoned out on the ground in front of it. The woman looks totally spaced out on nothing in particular. It almost seems like she’s fighting off sleep, too. Poor lady. 
The woman and I lock onto each other. She looks away from my face before I can even register it, but I notice her eyes flicker longingly to the coffee cup in my hand a few times after the fact. I peer between her and the beverage twice before I all but scurry away into the aisles. I’m too awkward for this. My only option is to retreat. Never said I wasn��t a coward.
While I venture past the boatloads of boxed, bagged and canned foods in search of the resident dog boy, I observe some of the products. Some don’t look safe for consumption, while others seem like they’d be fun to try as a one-off sort of deal. It overlaps a few times as well. I mean, why wouldn’t I want to try this cereal which very explicitly states on the box that it’s more sugar than grains? It makes me stifle a giggle. I like the brutal honesty. 
I stop and stare at it for a sec. Gnawing my lip. Wondering if I should just…
No. I shan’t.
I break away from temptation and trek on. As I reach the end of the aisle, I pan across the back of the store. More shelf-stable products, a small produce section… ah!
Sam looks like he’s supposed to be mopping the floor near the freezers. To be fair, he is holding a mop, and it is touching the floor! But instead of cleaning, he uses the tool as a microphone; singing against the end of the brown wooden handle, both hands passionately gripping it as he bends his torso to quietly belt one part in particular. Sam’s eyes are shut, his bulky black headphones are secured over his ears, and he has not a single worry in the world. 
Holding his coffee in both hands now, I stop walking and lean against a nearby shelf. Observing. Waiting. Eventually he’ll have to see me.
He does a little spin move and carelessly bumps into the bucket of soapy water he’s working with, causing it to slosh around a little. Some of it lands on the floor, and some on the pants of Sam’s jumpsuit. Doesn’t faze him in the slightest. 
He does another spin the opposite way and nearly knocks over the conveniently placed display of sprinkles that are situated right in front of the ice cream freezer.
I feel like I should probably stop him before something bad happens, but he looks so damn content and so stinkin’ cute that I can’t be assed. 
Just as I’m thinking this, he opens his eyes, completely avoiding my direction while he immediately peers over his shoulder. Sam scans around, getting a full view of the proximate areas. It seems like he’s just making sure he’s not about to get caught by his boss or something, if I had to guess.
Eventually he lands on me. We both smile wide, and I triumphantly hold up his (unspilled!!) coffee in one hand, presenting it with a small flourish of the other and a bow of my head.
“For you, my good sir.” I make sure to sound extra fancy, dropping my voice an octave and annunciating my words a bit too much.
He looks around again before meeting me in the middle with a fist bump, completely ignoring my bit. Aw man.
“Hell yeah, thanks dude!” 
I shoot some awkward finger guns at him, “You got it, bud.”
“You didn’t make yourself one?”
I sigh, lamenting, “I did…”
Sam scans my face as we share a short silence. Then, the lightbulb almost visibly goes off in his noggin. “You spilled it, didn’t you?”
Pursing my lips, I nod. “I spilled it, yeah.” 
“Buuummer, dude.” He pats my head and I sigh, leaning into his touch. I’ll be damned if I don’t still love head-pats, even if it’s been a while since I’ve gotten one. “Wanna split this one then?” he offers, palm still on my crown. At this point he’s just trying to messy me up.
“No thanks, I’ll just grab another later if I’m really craving it.” Not having noticed the trance I’ve been in as my hair gets slowly and steadily ruined — it feels nice, okay? — I finally look up at him, cheekily glaring as I manually remove his large hand from me. I add on as I try to repair the frizzy aftermath, “Sick performance, by the way!” 
“You think so?” he beams. Makes me laugh.
“Of course! It looked like you were having a lot of fun.”
Sam’s face is a bit flushed as he takes the compliment, not even trying to hide it; he has a big goofy grin on his face, too.
It drops and Sam looks behind him as a deep voice with a bit of a southern twang booms from one of the aisles nearby. “Samson?”
“Shit, here.”
Sam hurriedly places his coffee into my hand and rushes back near his water bucket, looking around for his manager as he moves. I try to make things less suspicious by pretending to look at some nearby end caps. 
I take a peek over when I hear Sam greet the man, “Hiya! What’s up, Morris?”
Crossing his arms and puffing out his chest to try and make himself look mighty, a man in a navy blue suit, a bright red bow tie, and a poorly-applied black toupee corrects him. “That’s Mr. Saxton, son.” 
I roll my eyes. Awesome to know the guy running this Joja is just as insufferable as the dudes who work on the corporate side.
Sam puts an anxious hand on the back of his neck, and halfheartedly smiles as he apologizes, his speaking patterns much more formal than before. Poor guy… it hurts to see him having to tone it down so much for this dipshit.
I turn my attention back in front of me so as to give him some privacy. Not sure he’d want me to hear him getting his ear talked off.
This display is full of holiday cards... I might as well waste some time with these bad boys. I pick up one with a cartoon beagle wearing a birthday hat on it, stealing a sip of Sam’s coffee as I read the pun on the front: “Have a doggone good birthday!” Alright, nice and cheesy start…
I flip the card open. It starts blaring Baha Men’s “Who Let The Dogs Out.” Fucking hell. Jumpscare me, why doncha! I shudder at how tinny the music sounds — likely made worse by its volume — then close the card and place it back in its spot, not bothering to read more.
“Excuse me, miss?”
I peer over my left shoulder, and see that Mr. Saxton is making his way towards me. A vein is popping in his forehead, but he has a toothy smile on his face that screams customer service. Not sure what’s going on and feeling a little anxious about the situation, I don’t answer with words — I just turn my body to him and watch him expectantly. 
My eyes flicker to Sam real quick, who’s closer to the opposite end of the freezers now. He’s looking over here though, and when his eyes catch mine, he mouths “Go!” and motions his arm towards the front end of the store. Maybe he got caught socializing or something… wouldn’t doubt that there’s probably heavy surveillance in here. Man.
I look back at Sam’s boss as he says, “I’m going to need you to discard your beverage.”
My brows furrow and I tilt my head. “Why?”
Ah, he’s the asking-questions-is-talking-back type: He huffs a deep breath and tilts his head as if to mimic me, clasping his fingers together in front of his ribs. The smile and vein are both still on his face.
“It is not only unacceptable to bring your own food into a grocery store,” he strains, “but I cannot have you spilling your drink all over our products.”
…I haven’t spilled anything. What does he think I am, some crusty little kid? 
Damn, this is bringing out a rage that I haven’t experienced since working behind a Joja desk. I didn’t know I was even capable of it anymore. Must be something about the overstimulatingly bright blues, or the blindingly white strips of lights. Same ones we had above each cubicle in the office.
My anxiety is rapidly replaced with a petty yearn to cause a ruckus as I realize that I don’t work for Joja anymore. I never have to even come here again, actually.
I don’t answer to this fucko! I don’t answer to anyone!
Screw this guy!
Feeling courageous, I put on my own customer service mask as I inquire, “Do you want me to spill this on your products?”
“E-excuse me?!”
I hover the cup near the cards, tilting it a little. Doing a little eyebrow wiggle too for good measure. “It feels like you dooo.”
“I— w-what are you doing?”
Seb would be so proud if he were here. Not sure how Magnus would react, but I’d like to imagine he’d support me too.
Completely on impulse, I bring the cup in front of me and splash a little coffee in the man’s direction instead of the cards’. The now-lukewarm liquid splatters onto the white button-down beneath his jacket and rapidly seeps into the fabric, leaving a light brown, unsightly splotch.
Sick, got him where it hurts and none got on the floor! Less work for Sam!
Making sure my voice is just as cheery as Morris was trying to keep his, I cap this off, “Stop treating your employees like crap and stop treating complete strangers like children, asshole.”
This feels so good. My heart is racing and my pits feel a little moist and I might just end up an anxious mess the second I walk away, but I’ll be damned if this isn’t cool as fuck in the moment. When Leah asked me last week if Magnus ever wanted to go apeshit, it didn’t even occur to me how badly I wanted to go apeshit.
I walk down the nearest aisle as Morris continues sputtering something about me leaving, paying for this, whatever.
Shane’s kneeled down in the middle of the aisle stocking shelves. He faces me for a moment and grins slyly. “That was cool as hell.” Why does this feel so validating? “A woman after my own heart.” 
I blink that fucking flashbang away — seriously, the last time I saw him he was still being a dick, and today he’s treating every interaction like we’re fully acquainted, if not more, what the heck — as he turns away to scan items onto the shelf again.
“I really didn’t do much…” I really didn’t. Just kinda caused a minor inconvenience for the guy. 
My hands are shaking though, so it must be catching up to me.
“That still took some balls.” He glimpses at me briefly and adds, “Y’look like you might cry, though. Get outta here before I change my mind about you.”
I huff out a quiet laugh and steady Sam’s — well, my, now — coffee in both hands. “On it, boss.”
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felice-jaganshi · 6 months
His Pet
Alastor X OC
Chapter 11
The next day, she woke up with a whine, “Thirsty…” She muttered, she felt so warm. Had she forgotten to turn on her ceiling fan?
“Here you are dear.” Her water bottle was handed to her off her bedside table. Her eyes snapped open at the voice, she leaned away to get a look at who the hell was in her bed! It was, of course, Alastor! He wore a sheepish look on his face and spoke softly, “Good morning, my dear. I apologize, but you refused to let go of me, and you were in such a terrible state. I understand if you feel the need to slap me.”
She blushed, taking a mental note without moving her eyes from his face that all her clothes were in place before accepting her water bottle from him and relaxing. 
“I don't think that's necessary…” She sat up and sipped on her water.
Alastor sat up as well, “Now, what do you remember from last night?”
She drank her entire water bottle before answering. “Well, I didn't even get to finish my drink before Dusty's boss came over to cause trouble… Husker got caught in his smoke and was out of it. Angel protected me, then I tried to protect him. Then… I don't remember much after that… I felt weird, everything was dizzy, and my eyes were too heavy to open. Then I remember smelling your scent and I felt safe. I guess I ended up in your arms? Then I woke up feeling thirsty.” She frowned, it sounded like she'd been drugged somehow.
Alastor's ears twitched in irritation from this, “I see… may I hold you a little while longer my darling?” 
She smiled, “ I'd love that.” She nuzzled into his chest, and he held her as well, running a hand up and down her back in a soothing motion.
“Husker should be punished for failing me.” He decided he'd bring it up to her, see if Angel was right about it upsetting her.
“What? But it's not his fault! It's my fault for getting in trouble. Please don't hurt him…” She whimpered and looked up at him with big sad puppy eyes. He groaned, Angel Dust had been right, curse him…
“Alright my dear, as a favor to you, I'll let him get by with just the scolding I gave him yesterday… maybe a little more scolding today.” She giggled at that at least.
“Hm, I need to get Angel a gift too. Since his desire to protect you was clearly stronger than Husker's, and I wish to reward good behavior.” He smirked, already having thought of the gift while she was sleeping.
“What are you gonna get him?” 
“A few days off from work.” Alastor chuckled.
“Oh? Are you gonna kill his boss? I'd love that. He scares me…”
He tisked at her, “Now now dear…” He began singing,
“Nothing's going to harm you,
Not while I'm around.
Demons are prowling everywhere, Nowadays,
I'll send them howling,
I don't care, I have my ways.
No one's going to hurt you,
No one will ever dare.
Others can desert you,
Not to worry, whistle,
I'll be there.
Demon's may charm you with a smile, for a while,
But in time…
Nothing can harm you,
Not while I'm around…”
He kissed the top of her head gently.
“Now, let's get on with our day, shall we? I want you to stay in the hotel while I attend to some errands.”
“Okay, I'll probably just write in my room or read some stories to Dusty and Husk while you're gone… I love you, Al.”
“I know you do.” He smiled fondly, then got up from her bed, offering a hand to help her out, before giving a half bow and disappearing into the shadows.
She got up and got ready for the day. Soon as her door shut, Angel's opened and he came out, “Hey! Z, how ya feeling? I'm so sorry about last night.” He approached her quickly looking apologetic.
She smiled and hugged him tight, “I'm okay Dusty. I know you didn't mean for that to happen. But if ya wanna make me breakfast to make up for it, I'd be really grateful.”
He hugged her tight, “Yeah, I can do that.”
“Can you and Husk spend the day with me? I wanna spend some time with both of you today. Oh, and I'm not allowed to leave the building for the day!”
He pulled back, “You okay with that?”
“Oh yeah, I definitely need an ‘at home’ day after last night.”
They made their way downstairs and Angel got to cooking, she watched him till Husker showed up. “Oh, there you are!” She hugged him tight and he patted her back gently.
“Hey, you okay?” He looked away from her, feeling awkward. 
“Yeah, I'm good, you okay? Al said he gave you a scolding. Don't worry though, he promised me he won't hurt you over this. Oh, He also said he's gonna give Dusty a reward for doing a good job too!”
Angel froze, “A WHAT?! From the radio demon?! Oh man, it's either gonna be awesome or terrifying.” He seemed worried.
Husker sighed, leaning against the counter. “Eh, don't be scared. You actually protected his new favorite pet, so it'll be something actually good. And you really did good yesterday. I hope you don't get messed up too bad by the jackass for this…”
The rest of the day was the trio spending time together and bonding.
Alastor came home a few hours later, seeing the trio on the couch in each other's laps, she was reading one of her stories to them. He approached them and smiled, “Well, this looks rather cozy.”
She stopped and looked up with a big grin herself, “Hey Al! Back from a big day? I hope that's not your blood on you.”
He laughed, “Hah! No my dear, but thank you for the concern. I was simply securing Angel's reward for protecting you yesterday.”
“My reward?” Angel looked up at him, “The hell kinda reward makes ya all bloody?!”
“You're getting at least two weeks off from work! Or however long it takes your boss to reform after completely being torn apart and fed to the crows.” He seemed so proud of himself. Angel felt all the color drain from his face.
“Y- you…”
“Ah not to worry, I never told him it had to do with you. This was personal.” His smile grew dark as the static around his voice increased on that last sentence. 
He then quickly changed back to cheery, “Welp! I think I shall retire to my room. Zariah, would you like to accompany me and read one of your stories to me as well?” He started walking off before she could answer, leaving a few drops of blood in the hall as he went. She immediately got up, giving Angel and Husk each a kiss on the cheek, before following after her master. “Later guys!”
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bunnywritesjunk · 2 years
Ruusaan | Captain Rex x Reader
Tumblr media
Series summary: You missed your tropical planet, but coruscant had more to offer. You are a field medic in the 501st. you work closely with the captain in hopes of not losing your job. But how close is too close.
Chapter summary: You and Rex get some quality time. A certain general ruins that.
Pairing: Captain Rex x Reader
Warnings: Canon level violence, mean general, T for teen (for this chapter)
Word count: 2.4k
Genre: Fluff and angst
A/n: Hey guys, finally got this chapter out. I was gonna do it yesterday but we had a snowstorm and lost power...so fun. I hope you guys like this one. Also mc's tail works in a similar way to a cats just so you guys know.
Chapter 4
You explored the Umbaran Airbase, not finding anything particularly interesting. Just ships and weapons. Each hangar had a room of barracks and refreshers. You managed to find one that was not occupied with troopers as you were determined to get some alone time. You took a fresh set of blacks out of your pack along with your toiletries and headed to the 'fresher. You spent longer than you thought you would. This refresher provided sonic as well as water. You let your muscles relax under the hot water. You missed bathing in water and swimming, it reminded you of home. After you were done you put on some body oil and changed into your blacks. The tight stretchy material stuck to your skin a bit as you tried to slip them on. You walked out of the 'fresher only to bump into something hard. You look up to see your Captain.
“Oh, uh, I thought there was nobody in there. Sorry.” He avoided your eyes sheepishly and stepped back to let you pass.
“It's alright, I was done anyways.” You step around him and head to your bunk.
You laid down and as soon as your head hit the pillow you were out.
You heard rustling and clinging sounds. You opened your eyes, blinking sleepily. You turn over to identify what woke you up. Rex was there two bunks away from you putting on his armor. You sat up and rubbed your eyes.
“Didn't mean to wake you.” He said in a hushed voice.
You groaned in response. You stretched your arms while swinging your legs over the edge of the bed.
“How long was I out?” You asked him.
“About five hours.”
You decided to get up, if you went back to sleep you wouldn't want to miss anything important. You slipped your armored medic suit over your blacks. You managed to get dressed faster than Rex as he had many pieces to his suit.
“Hey Rex, I have a question for you.” He hummed and looked up at you.
“Why did you apologize to me after I got grazed by that blaster shot?” You asked.
He looked down. “I don't know. I guess I just felt bad.”
“Felt bad about what? I mean, we are on a battlefield. Injuries are bound to happen.”
“No, I know I just...I don't know.” He got quiet as his sentence trailed off.
Sensing that he didn't want to answer, you chose not to push for one. You hoped that later on down the line he would open up to you more and won't be afraid of sharing his feelings. He was your Captain after all you have to communicate.
After he was done dressing, you both headed out into the hangar.
Rex started. “I have some errands to run around the base-”
“Oh like what?” You interrupted him.
He looked at you. “Well, uh, I gotta take inventory of Umbaran weapons, as well as rations, manage other troopers doing perimeter control, count casualties...Just boring stuff.”
“Let me help. I mean I don't have anything else to do really. Anyone who is injured is probably just resting at the moment.”
“Sure, I could use the company”
You sat on some crates while Rex took down info on his data pad. What he was doing you didn't care to know. You hummed while watching him.
“I told you it would be boring.” He says without taking his eyes off his datapad.
“And I told you it's fine.” You replied. After a beat, you spoke again.
“What's Kamino like?”
Rex paused. “Um, there's nothing really to say about it. Lots of water, and the cities are pretty much the same. Bland and simple, I did enjoy training there in the early days though.”
“Was training hard?” Rex walked over to another set of crates. You hopped off the crates to follow him.
“Yeah at times, but that's how it's supposed to be.”
“Makes sense.” You responded.
“What about you?” Rex asked.
“What's your planet like?”
“Well, it is wet but not as wet as Kamino. It has extremely dense rainforests and vast oceans. My people live in the trees, we've built huge communities in the forest canopy and there are many cities.”
“Why in the trees?”
“The forest floor is very dangerous. Some large predators live down there as well as poisonous plants and animals.” Rex gave you a concerned look.
“Sounds...lovely.” You chuckled.
“I know it sounds scary but it's great honestly. Once you know your way around at least. My favorite part is the ocean. It's so beautiful, The sand is black and the water is a bright blue. Oh, and at night microorganisms light up the water when you touch it.” You smiled at the fond memory not realizing you'd been staring off into the distance.
“Oh, sorry I'm probably rambling.” You said sheepishly. You look over at Rex.
“I don't mind. You sound really happy talking about your planet.”
Rex stepped in front of you, a bit closer than usual. You began to notice just how tall he is, how chiseled his jawline is, and how despite his years of war his eyes were still soft. The tip of your tail swayed back and forth happily.
“Excuse me Ruusaan, I gotta get to that one.” He said pointing to the crate behind you.
“Oh! Sorry.” You moved out of the way for him while your tail hid in embarrassment. You almost forgot about the nickname he had given you. Your face heated at your previous thoughts. You made a mental note to get a grip on those feelings. War is not a time for crushes.
While Rex was busy with the crate, you noticed Fives enter the hangar. He walked toward the both of you.
“Hey, Fives.” You greeted. Rex looked up at the Arc trooper.
“Hey, sorry to bother but Rex, I need to speak with you.” Rex looked over at you.
“I'll be back.”
“Oh yeah it's fine, I actually have to comm Na'wi anyways.”
The troopers walked out of the hangar and you managed to find a secluded corner to sit in and comm your best friend.
“Na'wi? You there?”
“Hey, girl. You alright?” She sounded tired.
“Yeah, I'm good you?”
“Yup, alright now spill.” You giggled at her eagerness. Gossiping is her favorite pastime.
You went into detail about everything that happened with General Krell. You didn't even have to exaggerate because the events were so awful.
“Oh my stars, I can't believe he can just go around insulting people.” Na'wi said.
“I know. Listen, the second I get off this planet I need a break.”
“Well, you do have leave in a few months right?” She asked.
“Yeah, but honestly it's not a vacation. Just family stuff.”
“Better than war.” You hummed in response.
“Alright, I gotta go. I'll comm you later.”
You decided to head back to your bunk. Once you got there you sat at the edge of your bed. Your mind drifted back to your captain. You were in awe at how he led his men. Even in a difficult situation, he managed to keep it together. You admired that about him.
“No, stop it brain.” You told yourself. Having a small crush is fine but you won't let it affect your job or your focus.
Speak of the devil, Rex walked into your shared bunk space. He had mixed emotions written on his face.
“What's wrong?”
He sat on his bunk and sighed. He rested his helmet on the ground.
“Some of the men came up with a plan to stop the Umbaran supply routes. But Krell isn't on board with it. They decided to do it anyway.”
“Oh...That is quite concerning. Disobeying orders probably isn't gonna slide with Krell.” You looked at your feet.
“I want to support them. I know they're right but, Krell will make sure they pay for disobeying him. He's cruel.” Rex rubbed his face and rested his head in his hands.
You walked over and sat next to him on his bunk. Placing your hand on his shoulder to give a firm squeeze.
“I know you care about them and you're worried, but you know they got this. They know the consequences, and they know you'll have their back too.”
He glanced at you from the side.
“Thank you, Ruusaan.” You gave him a small smile as he kept gazing at you.
Suddenly, the ground rumbled and there was a dull explosion sound coming from a different part of the base. You could hear distant alarms ringing.
“I better go see what's going on. I'll see you later.” Rex said.
He grabbed his helmet and quickly left the room. You did not want to bother with what might have happened out there. You walked back to your bunk and settled in. Might as well rest your body while you have the time. You took your holo pad out and pout on your favorite drama show.
The communicator near the door beeped, indicating a message waiting. You walked over to it and pressed the button.
“Medic, your presence is required in the tower immediately.”
General Krell's voice rang through the small speaker. He ended the comm before you could answer. You left the barrack and headed over to the main tower elevator. On the way, you saw Fives, Jesse, Rex, and three other troopers beelining towards the same destination. You waved at them as a small greeting once you met them at the elevator. They looked sad, and maybe a little scared. Rex looked your way.
“Did he call you up?” The Captain asked.
You nodded. All of you shuffled into the elevator.
“What happened?” You asked the troopers hoping to get some sort of clarity as to what was going on.
“Well, you're about to find out...” Fives answered.
That did not reassure you. The elevator moved quickly and you were in the control room within seconds. You started to sweat a bit the anxiety of speaking with Krell was getting to you. The group walked out of the elevator as Rex spoke.
“You wanted to see them, sir.”
“Indeed.” Krell responded.
“It seems they have accomplished a very brave act. Unfortunately, they have also committed a serious crime by directly disobeying my order.”
Rex stepped forward. “With all due respect sir, the order to attack the cargo vessel was mine. If there's a punishment that should be given, it should be directed towards me.”
You looked at Rex surprised. No one should be severely punished for this, but with Krell's record, you can imagine he's going to try and give them the worst possible punishment.
Rex continued. “I'm their commanding offic-”
He was interrupted by Fives. “General sir, Captain Rex is attempting to take the blame for actions that were clearly mine.”
“Fives!” The captain snapped at him.
Fives continued. “I request that his admission of guilt be denied, and full blame placed upon me.”
General Krell looked down at the arc trooper.
“Oh, do you? You willfully countermand my direct order, and now you have the audacity to request who should bear the punishment of your insurrection!”
Krell jabbed his finger into fives' chest. Krell started pacing.
“Let me be clear about the punishment for the treason committed by Arc Trooper 5555 and ct-5597. They will be court-martialed, they will be found guilty, and they will be executed. “
You cleared your throat to speak. Krell whips his head towards you.
“General, didn't you say you couldn't lose more men before the march on the capital? Since they successfully crippled the enemy supply lines, maybe it would be best to hold off on punishing them until after the mission.” You never met his eyes as you spoke.
“You think I forgot about you, medic?” The General stalked over to you and bent down to your level. His breath wafted over your face.
“You are benched from now on.” You looked up at him.
“What?! Why?”
“You have proven yourself useless and I have cause to believe you knew about this little outing these troopers had, making you an accomplice. Consider your job lost, you will be sent back to Coruscant as soon as a shuttle off-world arrives.”
“Sir, she had nothing to do with this.” Rex said.
“My mind is made up Captain. Make no mistake, for crossing me, you will pay the price.” Krell turned around to face the control panels. Effectively dismissing the group.
You looked at the floor and felt tears welling up. Your tail whipped side to side. Two troopers grabbed Fives and Jesse by the arms and started leading them toward the elevator while cuffing them. You turned to follow them. Once you got out, you made your way to the barracks. You weren't able to stop your tears at this point. Once you got to your bunk you sat down with your head in your hands. You tried to take deep breaths but they came out stuttered and shallow. You felt pathetic sobbing over that crazy man. But he was going to kill two of your friends and you lost your job on the first mission. You were too lost in thought to hear the door slide open.
“Oh...Ruusaan.” You knew it was Rex, but you didn't bother to look up. He sounded apologetic.
He walked over and sat next to you. “Listen, I'm gonna try and talk to him. His punishment is too harsh.” He spoke to you softly.
You didn't respond. Rex put a gentle hand on your back and stiffly moved it up and down. You wiped your tears and sniffled.
“I'm ok, you don't have to comfort me.” You said in a hushed voice. You turned and gave him a small smile to reassure him but you didn't meet his eyes. The Captain gently grabbed your chin with his index finger and tilted your head up.
“You're a great teammate and a great medic. No matter what he says, keep your head up. Got it Ruusaan?” You looked into his amber eyes, and your heartbeat quickened. You gave him a tiny nod. Your gaze slowly shifted down to his lips. Rex stood up quickly.
“I'll come to check on you later.” He said. He left swiftly.
You lay down on your bunk and stared at the underside of the top bunk.
“What is happening to me?”
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aliiok · 1 year
Chapter 9
Through the Stars
mando x reader
Summary: a short in-between chapter that i felt didn't quite fit with the next one! no warnings
Note: If you've read this far, I just wanted to say thank you, and I appreciate you <3
After you witnessed the kid use the Force for the first time, you couldn't help but wonder why the Mandalorian hadn't told you about his abilities before. You thought about all the things you had seen in your years of studying, and how this was something you had only read about in ancient texts. There were rumors, of course, about a Jedi helping the rebellion win the war. But you weren’t quite sure what to make of it. It was incredible to see the power of the Force with your own eyes, but it also left you with many questions.
Afterwards, you tried to talk to Mando about it, but he didn't seem interested in discussing it. You wondered if it had to do with his past, or if he just didn't want to dwell on the subject. Either way, you couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated. You wanted to know more about the child’s abilities and what it could mean for his future.
As you sat there, lost in thought after the conversation, he waddled over to you and tugged on your pant leg. You looked down at him, and he gazed up at you with his big, innocent eyes. You knew that no matter what the future held for him, you would do everything in your power to protect him and keep him safe.
Soon after that, the Mandalorian left. He was following the tracking data from the homing beacon you found together on Shivao. You were to stay with a mechanic he introduced you to named Peli. Peli was a tough, no-nonsense woman who was instantly skeptical of you. However, after seeing how willing you were to help her work, she warmed up to you quickly.
Over the next few days, you worked with Peli on repairing and upgrading various droids and equipment. She taught you a lot about how to repair and maintain machinery, and you found yourself enjoying the work more than you thought you would. It was satisfying to take something broken and make it work again. You didn’t have much experience beforehand working with these kinds of things, but it wasn’t too difficult for you to pick up new skills. It seemed that was all you’d been doing lately, anyway.
One morning, you woke up to the sound of Peli clanging pots and pans together in the kitchen. You spent your days helping out around the workshop and watching over the little one, taking breaks to rest and let your shoulder continue to heal. You were feeling much better, but still needed to take it easy for a little while longer.
You slowly sat up, careful not to jostle your shoulder too much. The kid was sleeping soundly beside you, snuggled up against your side. You smiled at the sight of the little guy, feeling grateful for his safety.
You got up and made your way to the kitchen, where Peli was already hard at work making food. She looked up as you entered, a smile on her face.
"Morning, sleepyhead. How's the shoulder feeling today?"
"Much better, thank you," you replied with a grateful smile. "Is there anything I can help with?"
Peli shook her head. "Nah, I've got everything under control here. You just focus on getting better and taking care of the kid. Speaking of which, I've gotta run some errands in town. You mind being alone for a bit?"
"Of course not," you said."We'll be just fine."
As the days passed by, you found yourself constantly replaying the events in your mind, each detail etched into your memory with painful clarity. The attack, the injuries, the feeling of helplessness as you failed to protect the child - it all weighed heavily on your mind, leaving you feeling scared and vulnerable.
Despite your best efforts, you couldn't shake the feeling that you had let the kid down. That you had failed in your duty to protect him, and that he had been put in danger because of your shortcomings. The doubts and insecurities that had plagued you before were now amplified, leaving you feeling even less confident in your abilities as a protector.
But even in the midst of all this doubt and fear, there was a glimmer of determination that burned within you. A fierce resolve to do better, to be better, to never let the child or his father down again. You knew that it wouldn't be easy, that there would be more challenges and obstacles to overcome, but you were ready to face them. To push through the fear and uncertainty, and emerge better on the other side.
As you looked back on the events that had transpired, you realized that while you may have been scared and unsure of yourself in the moment, you had never truly given up. You had kept fighting, kept pushing forward, until your attacker was dead. And that, perhaps, was the greatest lesson of all - that even in the face of overwhelming adversity, you could find the strength to keep going.
Days turned into a week and still, there was no sign of Mando.
Today, while Peli was working on a droid in the garage, she struck up a conversation with you.
"You know, you're pretty good with that kid," she said, looking up from her work. "You're a natural caretaker."
You smiled, feeling a sense of pride at the compliment. "Thanks, Peli. I've always liked kids."
"Yeah, well, not everyone's cut out for it," she replied. "But you seem to have a real knack for it."
You shrugged. "I guess I just like taking care of people."
Peli nodded, turning back to her work. "Well, it shows. Maybe you should consider settling down and starting a family someday."
Your heart sank at the mention of settling down. You had dreams of adventure, exploring ancient ruins, unearthing forgotten civilizations, and piecing together the mysteries of the past through your archeological endeavors. The thrill of discovery and the allure of the unknown always beckoned you. The thought of being tied to one place, anchored by the routines and responsibilities of a settled life, seemed suffocating at times. But as you looked down at the child nestled in your arms, a wave of tenderness washed over you, softening the edges of your restless spirit. You couldn't help but imagine the joy of passing on your love for knowledge and exploration to the next generation, of imparting the wonders of the galaxy's history to a new curious mind. The idea of building a family, grounded in the love and shared experiences, began to flicker as a distant possibility in your mind, a seed of warmth and longing taking root. Maybe, just maybe, there could be a balance between adventure and stability, between the thrill of uncharted territories and the comfort of a loving home.
"I'm actually an archaeologist," you said, fidgeting with your hands.
Peli raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Well, look at you, all fancy and academic. That's quite a departure from bounty hunting."
You gave a nervous laugh. "Yeah, I guess it is. It's always been my passion, though."
Peli leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "Tell me more. What's the most interesting artifact you've ever found?"
Your face lit up with excitement. "Oh, there are so many! But I think the most fascinating one I've ever come across was on Plexis. It was a small, intricately carved statue that my professor believed to be thousands of years old. It was so well-preserved, it looked like it had just been made."
You went on rambling for a bit, but Peli actually seemed interested.
But as she returned to her work, your thoughts turned to the Mandalorian. You wondered where he was, what he was doing, and quite anxiously, if he would ever come back. It was a feeling of uncertainty that you were trying hard to shake.
The heat of the day had dissipated, replaced by a warm breeze that carried the scent of Tatooine's sand and spices. The sun was setting over the planet as the dwindling light spilled into Peli's garage. You were sitting on a crate, watching the kid play with some loose wires on the floor.
Just then, the outside door slid open, and your heart skipped a beat. He was back. The Mandalorian strode in, and for a moment you couldn't take your eyes off him. You felt a rush of relief and joy to see him, but also a pang of guilt for your thoughts of him not returning.
Mando’s armor was covered in a dried, green substance. He was carrying his rifle over his shoulders, with items strapped onto it. Most notably, there was an extra set of rough-looking Mandalorian armor, with the paint chipped off over half of it. It seems he hadn’t found quite what he was looking for.
He didn't say much, but he didn't need to. His presence alone was enough to make you feel at ease. He made his way over to the child, who was babbling excitedly and reaching up for him. Mando scooped the little one up in his arms, and you couldn't help but smile at the sight.
From what you got from their conversation, the homing beacon was tracking the set of armor that Mando had found. It had been a dead end. Peli, though, had a lead for him.
You weren't really listening, as you were distracted by the fire. It was cooking a massive piece of meat, its tantalizing aroma wafting through the air, filling your senses. The steady flame danced in a mesmerizing rhythm, casting a warm glow around you.
Lost in your own thoughts, you let your gaze wander to the vast expanse of the night sky above. Countless stars twinkled and shimmered, a breathtaking view that seemed to hold endless possibilities. As you nestled closer to the comforting warmth of the artificial fire, a sense of tranquility washed over you, soothing the restlessness that had tugged at your heart.
Something stirred something within you, a blend of uncertainty and hope. You were unsure of what the future held, where your path would ultimately lead. The life of an archaeologist had always been one of constant movement, chasing the remnants of the past across the galaxy. But now, there was a yearning for something more.
In the crackling embers, you found yourself drawn to the enigmatic figure of the Mandalorian and the innocent child he protected. Their presence had intertwined with your own journey, weaving a tapestry of unexpected companionship and shared experiences. A flicker of affection warmed your chest, the knowledge that you cared for them, and they held a special place in your heart.
With a contented sigh, you leaned back slightly, allowing the noise of the fire and the twinkling stars above to guide your thoughts into a peaceful state of contemplation.
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dracoyoflam · 1 year
WML Chapter 11: Just another work day
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The next morning Hermione woke to the sound of Draco coming through the door. He was carrying a tray with a plate of food and a large glass of juice.
“Good morning. Someone was sleepy this morning.” He said as he walked towards her.
She smiled, stretched, and then sat up in the bed. He set the tray across her lap and took a seat next to her legs on the bed. He gently rubbed the top of her leg and then he grabbed a piece of bacon from the plate and took a bite.
She chuckled at him and then looked down at the tray, taking in the sight and smell of the breakfast that had been prepared for her.
“Thank you. Did you make this?” She asked and raised an eyebrow questioningly at him.
He popped the rest of the bacon strip into his mouth and smiled.
“I did actually. Surprised?” He continued to smile at her and went back to rubbing lovingly on her leg.
She glanced back to the plate. It had multiple pieces of bacon, sausages, toast, beans, and black pudding with one fried egg. It was more than she would usually eat first thing in the morning but it all looked and smelled delicious.
“Impressive.” She replied, ignoring his question.
He laughed then he squeezed her leg before standing up. He leaned forward and gave her a loving kiss. She moaned deep in her throat at the comfortable, loving feeling.
Draco stood back up and smirked at her.
“Wish I had more time but I have some things to take care of today. I want you to eat and relax here as long as you like. I will be gone for most, if not all, of the day, unfortunately.”
She knew that he spent a lot of time helping his mother manage the Malfoy business. He was becoming a bigger part of the business and knew that lately, he had been dedicating a lot more time towards it.
“Okay. Thank you again for this lovely breakfast. I will probably head home soon to shower and run a few errands.”
If he was disappointed, he didn’t show it. He nodded to her.
“Sounds like a plan. I probably won’t see you again until tomorrow at work then.”
He sighed a little and walked a little closer to the door before turning back around to look at her.
“Would you like to go to dinner with me tomorrow?”
She smiled at him and nodded. “Yes. I would love that.”
He grinned back at her then turned and left the room.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The rest of the day flew by in a blur and before she knew it, it was already Monday afternoon and she was sitting in her office. She was trying to concentrate on the paperwork sitting in front of her but her mind kept wandering. She caught herself daydreaming about Draco multiple times.
At this rate, she wasn’t ever going to get anything done. She shook the thoughts away and tried again to focus on her work.
The next few hours went much the same and as the workday started to come to an end she finally gave up. She would have to put in a couple of extra hours tomorrow to make up for her being distracted all day.
She gathered up a few files that needed to be delivered to Draco and headed out of her office. Most of the floor had been cleared out already and it was quiet as she made her way through the building. When she reached his office door, she cleared her throat softly and took a deep breath. She always felt a little nervous before seeing him.
She knew that he was expecting her so she didn’t bother knocking. She walked in and sat the files down on his desk.
“This is all I have for today.” She said simply and then walked around the corner of his desk.
He looked up at her and grinned.
“Was someone a little distracted today?” His grin turned into a smirk.
She looked down sheepishly and replied, “Yes.”
Then she walked closer to him and leaned against the desk.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” She said softly.
“Mmmm.” He sighed.
He stood up and pushed his chair back as he pulled her over to stand in front of him.
“On that note. I wanted to talk to you about something.” He said as he locked eyes with her.
Hermione moaned internally. She knew where this was headed. This was ‘the talk’ about their relationship and where things were going with them.
“Okay.” She replied simply and bit her lip nervously.
He chuckled and smiled at her. He pulled off his ministry robes and laid it across his chair. Then he started to pull hers down her shoulders.
“No need to be nervous. I’m not going to try to get more from you than you are willing to give right now.”
He gathered her robes from her and then laid it in the chair with his. He turned back to face her and closed some of the distance between them before continuing.
“I know things are complicated for you right now. I don’t want to have a big talk about relationships and feelings because I know you aren’t ready yet but I do want you to know that I have feelings for you. All I need from you is to tell me that you’re mine.”
Hermione felt her body heat and felt relieved that they didn’t have to have a long discussion about the future and what their relationship was. She smirked at him, grabbed his shirt collar, and pulled him down so she could whisper in his ear.
“I’m yours.”
Before she knew what was happening, he lifted her onto his desk and started kissing her. She responded to his touch and she opened her mouth to let him explore her with his tongue. He had both hands tangled in her hair as she wrapped her legs around his hips to bring his body closer.
They were kissing hard and hungry and desperate. Her body was on fire and she could feel the familiar pressure and wetness between her legs. She brought her hips forward and rubbed herself against the large bulge in his trousers.  He grunted softly against her lips then started to slowly trail his left hand down her body.
He rubbed softly against her neck, gently pinched at her nipple and squeezed her breast, rubbed her abdomen with the back of his fingers as he slid it down to eventually stop between her legs.
He pulled her panties to the side and slid a finger through her slick folds. He barely touched her and every time she thought he would finally slide a finger inside of her, he would pull away. He was teasing her.
She groaned in frustration and he pulled back from the kiss to smirk at her. He knew exactly what he was doing and he was enjoying it.
He bit her lip and then trailed kisses down her jaw to her neck. He sucked lightly and nipped at her skin.
Hermione tried to wiggle her hips to get more friction from his finger but he wouldn’t let her. He kept lightly rubbing a single finger up and down through her folds but never pressing his finger inside of her.
“Greedy aren’t we.” He whispered in her ear and then pulled his hand away.
She bit her lip to keep from groaning out in frustration again.
Draco reached behind her and pushed things off the edge of his desk and then gently pushed her back so she was laying across the large wooden desk. As the cold wood touched her hot skin, she shivered.
He smirked at her again and then leaned over her and started trailing kisses across her neck. He slowly kissed and nipped across her skin, moving down her body. He stopped at her breasts and squeezed them appreciatively with both hands as he lightly bit one of her nipples through the fabric of her dress.
She moaned loudly and felt her hips buck slightly at the sensation. She put her hands in his hair and tangled her fingers in the soft locks. He continued to slowly kiss down her body, finally reaching his destination. He looped two fingers in her panties and quickly pulled them from her body, then stuffed them in his pocket.
As the cool air hit her exposed sex she felt herself become warmer and wetter. She closed her eyes and tried to relax her body as he sucked down her thigh. He was leaving love bites along her inner thigh as he very slowly made his way across her exposed flesh.
Draco knelt further and wrapped his arms around her legs and held her hips down with both hands as he licked her, teasing her.
Hermione was thankful that he had thought to hold her down or she probably would have bucked him right off her. The sensation was intense and exhilarating.
He licked at her opening and pressed his tongue against her clit. He gave it a few gentle sucks before using his tongue to press into her entrance. He used his mouth to fuck her and she could feel her toes curling as she let her head fall back. She started to moan and pant loudly as he continued to use his mouth on her.
He swirled his tongue and then sucked on her clit again, then he slowly dipped two fingers inside her. He pressed his tongue against her clit as he started to pump his fingers. Then he groaned against her, letting her feel the vibrations.
“Draco!” She moaned loudly and couldn’t help but press his face tighter against her body.
He started pumping his fingers faster and continued to gently use his tongue on her clit until her body finally spasmed and he felt her tighten around his fingers.
“Ah! Fuck, Draco!” She shouted as she climaxed.
He gave her one last kiss against her sensitive bud then stood up in between her legs. He looked down at her and slowly started to rub his fingers against her again. She sat up on the desk and pulled him into a deep kiss, not caring that she could taste herself on him.
As their tongues fought for dominance, he started to press his fingers inside of her. She moaned against his lips and wrapped her legs around his hips to close any space between them.
Feeling that she was wet enough to continue, he reached between them to unfasten his belt and open his trousers. He let them fall down his legs and he used one hand to grab his cock as it sprang free. He gave it a few pumps before lining it up with her entrance.
He grabbed her hips and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he slowly slipped himself inside her. They both moaned and panted together, breaking the kiss but they kept their lips together, breathing into each other as he pulled back and then slammed back into her.
His fingers tightened on her hips as he continued to plunge himself deeper. Hermione let her head fall to his shoulder and she kissed his neck as they continued to meet each other's thrusts.
“Ah oh... “ She was moaning incoherently and very loudly, he grunted softly in her ear.
Their hips were lined up perfectly and they connected just right as they both continued to thrust into each other. He was pulling at her hips every time he pushed into her, making every thrust hit hard and deep.
They were wildly fucking with abandon, not caring how loud they were. Hopefully, there wasn’t anyone around to hear them anyway and if there was then they would deal with that later because right now, they didn’t care. They were only focused on their pleasure and the pressure building deep in their bodies.
The large desk started to creak as he pounded into her and papers and books fell off the sides, landing in a pile on the floor.
She could feel her body ready to explode and she was now screaming with every thrust.
“There, there, harder!” She begged and then bit into his shoulder as he hit that sweet spot deep inside her.
It only took a few more hard thrusts before she came completely undone. She screamed out loudly and threw her head back as her body flinched and spasmed.
Draco started fucking her faster and before she could come down from her high, his body tightened and she felt him release inside her. He moaned deep in his throat as he came with her and they held on to each other for dear life as they climaxed together.
They stayed like that for a minute, catching their breath before they finally pulled apart. Hermione felt wobbly on her legs as she stood up from the desk; her legs were like jelly.
Draco pulled his trousers up and he refastened his belt as she pulled her dress down and smoothed it out. She started to look around the room and was surprised by the mess they made. She had been completely oblivious while it was happening, living only in the moment.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get it cleaned up.” He said, almost like he heard her thoughts.
He pulled out his wand and started to magically pull the mess from the floor to land gently in neat piles on his desk. It only took a minute and once it was all cleaned up, she noticed something was missing. She walked around his desk and looked all over the floor.
“Looking for something?” He drawled out.
She turned to face him and saw him holding her panties in the air with a single finger. He was smirking at her as he stuffed them back into his pocket.
“Hey! I need those.” She said and walked up to him as if to take them.
He quickly grabbed her and spun her around. He pushed her hips against his desk and he pressed his body against her.
He held her hips in place with one hand and wrapped his other gently over her throat. He squeezed lightly, applying gentle pressure on her neck. She was surprised to feel her body tingle and warm at the sensation.
He used his thumb to turn her face towards his and he kissed her. Deep and longing. He traced his tongue over her lip and then bit it as he pulled back.
“I like you better without them.” He breathed into her ear.
He lowered the hand from her hip to hike up her dress and he softly traced his fingers across her sensitive folds. He let one finger slide inside her wet entrance and then pulled his hand away, leaving her wanting.
“Easy access.” He whispered as he pulled away.
She took a deep breath to steady herself. She was stunned at how fast he could turn her on and she was a little shocked, to say the least, to find that she liked his dominance. She cleared her throat as she moved away from the desk and smoothed her dress down again.
Draco grabbed her hand and they intertwined their fingers as he pulled her towards the door. He stopped just before opening the door and gave her a quick chaste kiss.
“Let’s eat.” He said and smiled at her as they finally exited the office.
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concubuck · 2 years
(shika-the-satyr) For a while Shika and Cal happily chatted while she held onto junior... or more accurately, he held onto one of her ears while she chatted. At one point though, Cal had to leave to go run a few important errands, leaving her alone with the baby and Buck... who was still asleep. Honestly a much deserved rest. Leaning down, she squished her nose against one of the baby's very chubby cheeks and just cooed, her tail happily wagging behind her. Upon hearing some shuffling, her free ear perked and she glanced up, noticing that Alastor seemed to finally be waking up. She waited for a bit, letting him wake up a little more, before speaking up.
"Alastor had to step out to run some errands, but he said he'll be back soon. I left you some soup beside your bed if you're hungry."
As he woke up, the first thing he did was roll onto his side to reach for the bassinet next to his bed—already it was becoming second nature to try to check on the baby. When the baby wasn't in the bassinet, he first checked the floor, puzzled, then looked around the room. As soon as he saw Shika holding him, he shot out a hand, palm up. That's his. Gimme. Put it right here.
"It seems like there's a new person here every time I wake up," he joked, closing his robe and smoothing his hair down one-handed. "You know, it just so happens I am hungry. When I was told taking care of an infant was draining, I didn't expect it to be so literal." Cue the laugh track. Milk joke.
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stardust-static · 9 months
I have officially reached the depths of the sads, where I just feel hopelessly empty. I made a mistake and was around family last night while I felt this way. Went and had dinner with them. The whole time I just felt so disconnected. Unable to reach any kind of emotion, but sad. Jealous of the way they talked and laughed and how easy it was. I thought it would cheer me up, but it just made me feel worse. I spent the night trying to keep a smile. I think I've learned now that I feel this way every January. I don't know why, but it's like clockwork. Maybe this is what people mean by seasonal depression, but yeah the days have been leading to this feeling where today (the day after I saw my family), I just feel physically ill. This tightness in my chest has now made me nauseous and has given me a headache. I feel like I don't even want to see people till I'm better. Till I've made some kind of grand change. Till I'm worthy, and that's what's at the eye of this storm really. I feel so unworthy.. of everything. Every day I've been feeling that way. Now I'm just waiting for the morning after. Where I wake up and do something to make the feeling stop. Where I begin to feel like a person of substance again. Lately I've just felt like an empty shell. Even seeing my husband makes me feel horrible and guilty. Again, unworthy. I just want to sleep until I wake up and feel better. I'll try better tomorrow. I have to go and watch my niece and nephew tomorrow evening. I refuse to be sad auntie around them so I'm going to wake up and take care of myself. Go for a morning walk. Bailey will be home so I'm sure running errands with him will ease the feeling. What's funny is I long to be alone when I feel this way, but the feeling is so much louder when I'm alone. All I can do is think of everything I'm not doing. Every moment of every day and I allow the guilt of that to eat at me. So here's to hoping tomorrow will be better and brighter, and I can go to sleep soon because I am so done with this day. It's been dreadful since I woke up this morning.
I hope unlike me that January is not cursed for you, void. I hope you're happy. 💗
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sweet-popplio · 2 years
I had to call out of work today. I woke up late then tried to rush around and get ready. I got a lot of sleep, but am still so tired. Mentally I am just in a state of Permanent exhaustion. Idk what to do about it. I work full time, I only get 2 days off a week. The first day I spend resting to physically recover from the week, the second day is just for chores and errands.
My lower back has felt inflamed for a week now, ibuprofen only helps to a point. Christmas will be here soon and I still don't have everyones gifts. I want so badly to get everyone something but in the last 2 weeks I've had to replace 2 tires and a windshield wiper pump which have cost me a couple hundred dollars. The 1 guy I did a logo for is once again asking for the file, I have done this 2 times already because he or the person screenprinting is misplacing the file. Gotta run by the post office because people hate knocking on doors apparently when you have to sign for something so I gotta drive to go get it from the post office before they send it back to thailand. I have to go and get a pap smear again and I fuckin hate that whole process. I get chided for not doing it every 2 years but the whole process is so uncomfortable like why would I willingly do it?
This time of year is always so stressful for me and yet I'm supposed to enjoy it and I don't know how at this point. I try my best to hold everything in and just tell myself I have to endure a bit longer, but then I completely meltdown and can't function very well.
I feel I can only vent about this online because otherwise I'd be told "That's nothing, I had to deal with worse so you can too" idk how much more of that I can take. Maybe I'm a whimp! A super weenie hut jr.! I don't want to care anymore!
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twindevilgang · 3 years
❥Asleep with their child
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Characters: ken ‘Draken’ Ryuguji, Manjiro ‘Mikey’ Sano, Yasuhiro ‘Mucho’ Mutó, Shinichiro Sano, Takashi Mitsuya, Ran haitani, Souya ‘Angry’Kawata
Summary: you catch them asleep with their child in their arms or so. Fluff
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❥Ken ‘Draken’ Ryuguji❥
Draken is never a tired person unless he’s been working too hard. One days when you go to work he leaves his motorcycle shop to inui for the day. When you come home you think you're going to find your husband waiting for you in bed but in reality he’s asleep on top of the puzzle mats, with your son using his arm as a pillow. You go back to your room to retrieve extra pillows and a thick blanket. That night you sleep with them on the puzzle mats while kissing both their forehead and mumbling a soft “goodnight You two ”
❥Manjiro ‘Mikey’ Sano❥
You know Mikey loves to sleep, and so do your children. They unfortunately got that trait from their childish father. It really isn’t a surprise when you come home, from doing some personal errands, only to find your husband curled up on the couch with his son and daughter sleeping soundly on top of him while some children’s movies play on the TV. Somethings you like to sneak some pictures and send them to his sister Emma. She finds them adorable and teases him about it. But she also scolds him for sleeping too much. But it’s all good because you like coming home to a peaceful sight. Even if it’s early in the day you just smile and kiss their foreheads '' sleep tight, my three little babies~”
❥Yasuhiro ‘Mucho’ Muto❥
Mucho sleeps in most of the time because he’s always working late hours for Toman. So it minimizes the time he was with his little girls. However, his little girls like to spend quiet time with him while he sleeps soundly. They sleep with him. Mucho has his arms wrapped protectively around them. His little girls are his little sleeping buddies, and when they’re not sleeping with him he’s out looking for them. You always come into your and Muchos bedroom to see what they are doing. You tuck them in warmly as you kiss their cheeks. It’s the little things He does with your kids that make you want to have more with him
❥Shinichiro Sano❥
Your little girl has trouble sleeping most night. Mostly during thunderstorms. a thunderstorm hit and your daughter came running I to yours and shinichiro shared bedroom crying her little eyes out. Shinichiro volunteered to stay with her until she was full asleep. You waited for him to came back until he didn’t. So when you went out to look for him in your daughters room—there he was, knees almost up to his chest to make him fit on her little bed. Your daughters tiny hands gripping your husband fingers as she slept soundly. You can’t say the same for shinichiro though. The next morning Shinichiro woke you up to massage the tight knots in his back:)
❥Takashi Mitsuya❥
Takashi is a material husband fr. You gave birth to your precious daughter not long ago and you’ve been exhausted. Takashi was being generous and took a couple of days off his work. The minute you gave Takashi your daughter you knocked out cold, into a deep slumber. Takashi sighs as he tried to put his daughter down. But every time he would do so she would let out a sting of cries. The only solution he had left was to leave her laying on his chest while she slept soundly. And he did, but Takashi soon fell asleep too, with his arms gently draped over his baby. You woke up feeling a little refreshed and got out of bed to look for your husband and daughter only to find them knocked out on the couch, Takashi laying in his back and your daughter sleeping soundly on his chest. You smile softly as you grabbed a thin blanket and draped it over their bodies. Kissing their heads as you left to go get water.
❥Ran haitani
When you leave him alone to take care of your daughter for the night you always come home to find him asleep on the rocking chair with his daughter in his lap sleeping as well it’s a wholesome sight to see. Ran is the protective type with you and his daughter so the minute you take your daughter gently from his lap he jumps up to his feet ready to take on whoever is taking his precious daughter. His eyes soften once he realizes it’s you and watches as you tuck your daughter into her own bed before dragging Ran back to your shared bed.
❥Souya ‘Angry’ Kawata❥
Souya wanted you to spend quilts time with yourself. So he gave you money to treat yourself and wouldn’t let you back home until all the money he gave you was gone. So when you came back home, after only spending about half of the money because you felt bad for spending his money, you were surprised to come home to a very quiet one. Normally you can hear Souya talking to his child, trying to teach his son to say ‘Dada’ instead of ‘Mama’. You were even more surprised to find him asleep in your shared bedroom, curled up on the top corner of the mattress keeping his distance from the baby, scared he might accidentally roll over and squish the poor baby. While your son laid perfectly in the middle with pillows over the side souya wasn’t on. Your gaze softens as you gently push souya, so that he could lay comfortably next to his son. You kiss the top of his blue curls and tug the blankets, making sure he covered them perfectly.
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idyllicdeco · 2 years
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My pretty- CBG
Genre: smut
Pairing: Beomgyu× afab! Reader
Word count:~2000
Warning ⚠️ : a lot of teasing, biting?, dumbification if you squint.
Not proofread
It was around 10 am when you finally woke up. It was Saturday so you had nothing to do except to complete some documents for Monday but that could wait. You toss and turn in your bed for God knows how long before falling asleep again. What you didn't realize was that today was actually Sunday and your boyfriend was supposed to come over and spend time with you.
So here was Beomgyu, in front of your apartament door wondering why you didn't pick up your phone yet. Maybe you were showering or making breakfast.  He decided to use the spare key you gave him for these exact situations. Once he enters, the silence surprised him. Did you leave earlier to run errands perhaps? He goes into the living room and leaves there the bags with snacks he bought and directed himself towards your bedroom. He slowly opened the door only to see you spread on your bed sleeping soundly. He chuckled softly tiptoeing all the way besides your nightstand.
Your boyfriend took a closer look at your form. Your legs were spread across the bed, covers all the way down, shirt slowly lifted up, abdomen all exposed. The first thing Beomgyu could think about was your soft skin and how he wanted to touch it and feel you close in his arms. As soon as you started moving, trying to shift your position, he hold in a breath hoping he didn't wake you up. He could now see a bit of your exposed back and well... your ass covered by your pijama shorts who let's be honest, weren't covering much. As if the sight wasn't enough already, you also started whimpering probably as a result of the dream you were having. Now that threw Beomgyu over the edge. He missed you so much the past few weeks, both of you being busy with either university or part-time jobs, it felt like it's been years since he held you so he wasn't sure what to do. An idea popped up in his head. He got a pair of clothes he left at your house for when he was going to stay over and changed into them, knowing damn well how much you hated when people stayed with their "outside clothes" inside, and then came right back and plopped right beside you in bed pulling the covers all the way up.
By now you changed your position again, your back facing your boyfriend which gave him the perfect opportunity to spoon you. His arms found their place resting around you while your back was pressed against him. Beomgyus first thought when he finally layed down was how good you smelled. Your soft hair tickling his face. Your cute face was so serene, he just wanted to shower you in kisses so he did, only not on your face. He started with soft slow kisses on your jawline, trailing down your neck while his fingers drew circles on your hips. The sudden action made you whimper again while you confused everything that was happening with a dream.
"Mhh... more". Without even realizing you started moving, trying to get closer to him but it resulted in your ass grinding against him getting your boyfriend to choke on his breath making a not so holly sound. That's when you finally started to wake up and realized that Beomgyu was there, in your bed. Luckily, he also saw you wake up and kept you glued to him, not letting you turn around.
"Pretty, can I touch you? I promise I'll take good care of you". You felt his breath against the back of your neck. You felt really hot and you weren't sure how to even reply. You would let him do anything he wanted to you but you weren't sure you were capable to put it into words. "Please darling, can I?" Hearing him beg was the last drop, knowing damn well you were probably already wet just because of his soft careful touch and his pretty words that never left your head.
"It's okay, you can touch me". After hearing your reassurance, Beomgyu didn't waste another second, connecting his lips back to your neck while his hand started trailing down your abdomen lower and lower until he made his way over your clothed wetness slowly teasing your core. In response to his light touch you began grinding again against his half hard cock resulting in both of you moaning in unison.
"More... I want more". Your request was more of a whine, trying to break your boyfriend and make him give you want you need but he was a tease and you very well knew that he will take his damn time in making you a mess for him.
"I apologize but... I want to show you just how much I missed you". Were your boyfriends words before biting your shoulder hardly making you shiver trying not to moan in pain. That was the thing about Beomgyu, not only did he love the teasing but he loved intimate time together, he loved slow passionate love making which send your mind into fuzziness and made you most of the time be at his mercy while he fucks you dumb.
"I like being close to you, you're warm." The way he whispered in your ear while moving his fingers around your clothed clit drove you insane. "Can I come closer?" You quickly nod even though you weren't sure what he was implying with that but soon you were about to find out. As soon as he got your confirmation his hand made his way in your shorts creating friction between your folds. After getting his fingers wet enough, he thrusts two of them inside slowly, making sure to stretch you out just the way you like it.
"A-ah Beomgyu, please" were the only words you could form between whimpers and moans which escaped your mouth involuntarily. His shaft grew bigger everytime you would plead or moan for him. The thought of you acting like this just from his fingers made his ego grow wondering how you'd react when his dick would hit all the right spots inside you. His peace fastened, fucking his fingers in and out of you, the movements becoming sloppier from all the wetness that was now dripping on your thighs while his thumb found his way over to your clit moving around and over it in fast movements. You could already feel that familiar sensation in your stomach which meant you were close to reaching your high and of course, your boyfriend also knew that, being able to feel you clench around his fingers. Even so, he continued his movements even faster and deeper and the exact moment you felt your climax approach he removed his fingers making you feel all empty and touch deprived.
Oh you knew, you could feel his smirk against your skin while he was leaving wet kisses and hickeys along your exposed skin. If he won't give you what you need then you're going to make him desperate for it.
"Gyu, please kiss me". It takes very little to make this man melt for you and asking for kisses in a situation like this is definitely the way to go. You'd turn your head just enough for the two of you to connect your lips and so your game begins. First, you bite harshly his lower lip making him groan into the kiss while one of your hands grabs his hair tugging at it. You knew he was whipped for when you clang onto him like that but he still kept his composure making you resort to your last move. You grind one final time against him while moaning his name in the kiss and that was what made him lose it. He broke the kiss first looking at you through hooded eyes.
"So this is how you wanna play hmm? Fine, let's see how long you last pretty". With that being said, he shifts, laying on his back tapping his thigh signaling you to get on top not before asking you to pull your shorts off. When you're finally positioned on his lap he snakes his hands all the way to your hips slowly massaging them. Sitting on him like this without any underwear made your wetness make a mess over his grey sweatpants.
"Go ahead". You look with confused eyes at him trying to figure out his plan. He chuckled in reply and continues. "Sit on my face gorgeous". You blush at his words, not knowing how to reply giving it was your first time riding his face. With the help of his hands which were still located on your hips you move all the way up until your core is a few inches above his lips.
"I'd hold onto something if I were you". You scoff at his remark trying to make yourself look more confident but squel in response to his hands tugging you thighs closer, making his mouth attach to your folds starting slow with small licks but soon enough overstimulating your clit, flicking his tongue over it making you lose your stability, grabbing onto the beds headboard. You were a moaning mess while you started moving your hips grinding against his tongue.
"Mhmm, that's right pretty, ride my face". Every sound he made vibrated against your sensitive bud making you whimper. You were far gone, mind all fuzzy signaling your boyfriend that he has won. You yelped in pain the moment Beomgyu decides to bite your clit softly, sending shivers down your spine.
"H-hurts. Go slower". His mouth would alternate between sucking your clit and thrusting his tongue inside, fucking in and out of you. You were soon met with the same feeling you had a few minutes ago. You would grind harder on his tongue becoming a moaning mess.
"P-please Gyu, don't stop, I'm close". All your boyfriend does is moan in response, his hands gripping your thighs harder, enough to leave a mark on, his tongue never stopping playing with you clit.
The moment you reach your climax you moan his name while your legs shake uncontrollably. Your cum starts dripping on your boyfriends face but he doesn't stop, his tongue still torturing your throbbing clit making you sob from the overstimulation. Your legs were about to give out which made you lean against him more. Your second orgasm took you by surprise, making you squirt over Beomgyus face and sheets.
Your boyfriend was shook, eyes wide open looking directly at you. He wasn't sure what to say but all that left his lips was: "You can give me another one, can't you? For me, please?"~
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yandere-chocolate · 2 years
Yandere Hunter x Human Reader ~(Romantic)~ fluff
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(I thought the last story a wrote was a little darker than intended, so here’s some fluff! This won’t be set on current episodes, sorry:(
TW: Yandere content, implied stalking.
Scenario: Hunter just had a long day of running errands & feeling useless. He demands cuddles.
You were snooping through Hunter’s room to try & find the perfect gift. Hunter has had a rough week, taking orders, being bullied by the coven heads, & even Darius has left on a mission that shouldn’t be done until a few days! You just think he needs a distraction.
As you search, Hunter barged into his room, holding his head in his hands as if he had a headache.
You jolted in surprise, scrambling to get out of the window. You failed miserably, knocking some stuff over before falling flat on your face. You groaned in pain.
“Huh…?” Hunter took his hands off his head, “(Y/N)?…” he moaned, seemingly groggy & frustrated, but not with you.
“Oh! Hi, Hunter! I-I uh…I was just—” “mmhh…” Hunter flopped onto his bed, clearly not caring why you’re in his room.
“Bed. Now.” Hunter demanded, which given that you have been in a relationship with him for about 7 months now, you could easily translate it to mean: “I want cuddles. Give me cuddles.”
You giggled & climbed into his bed, wrapping your arms around him.
“Rough week, huh?” You giggled. Hunter simply huffed & turned his head towards your chest, squeezing you closer to him. “Yeah…” “anything I can do to make it better?” Hunter paused before responding, “actually, yeah. Do you remember anything about the human relm? What’s it like there?” Hunter had heard so about the human relm from Belos & some rumors. He never asked Luz about it though, but you were human too! So maybe…
“Well, it’s much safer, for one! The rain is just cold water, the seas don’t boil, the…” Hunter got lost in your words. It all sounded unbelievable. It was too perfect, it sounded too peaceful.
Hunter’s mind wondered as you spoke, now going off-topic & into praises about you.
You were so beautiful, you were so strong, & brave, & respected in this world that you had been in for only about a year…how did he ever manage to get with that?
A scrawny, bookworm with absolutely 0 social skills got with you.
(This isn’t meant to offend my fellow antisocial people, Or people who are scrawny & read a lot of books. Just…feel like I should say that in case it wasn’t clear-)
Hunter pulled you even closer & nuzzled his head further into your chest, letting out a muffled “I love you…”, earning a giggle from you. You rubbed the back of his head, smiling, “I love you too, dork~” you say as you kiss the top of his head. Hunter’s face went red & he let out a sort of low squeal.
The two of you laid there for the rest of the day, eventually you both feel asleep.
(⬇️Obsessive content below ⬇️)
Hunter woke up from his slumber, slowly removing your arms from around him & getting out of the bed.
He looked at your sleeping face, resting a hand on your cheek. You look so peaceful when you sleep.
Hunter leaned down & kissed your lips before getting back up & leaving. He entered a secret trapdoor in his room, behind a bookshelf.
The golden guard crawled through the door & into the dark room, grabbing the pull string & watching as the lights flickered on.
Pictures of you adorned the room, along with an entire alter that had everything you had “lost” over the past 7-or-so months. Hunter felt bad for stealing from you, but you have no idea what he feels when you’re not here! It drive him insane when he doesn’t have you here to lean on after he’s done with…with his work.
He looked up at the pictures of the two of you together & sighed dreamily.
“Soon, it will be just you & me, sweetheart~” Hunter blushed just at the thought of the two of you alone together once everyone else dies. He picked up a photo from before you even knew him; this one was taken in the bushes. Hunter giggled at the low quality.
“I love you so much~” Hunter chuckled lazily & went off to finish some paperwork & maybe even write more stories about the two of you.
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andydrysdalerogers · 2 years
Aurora ~ Part Two
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Pairings: Andy Barber vs Lloyd Hansen; Andy Barber x OFC Aurora "Rory" Thatcher
Summary: Andy has found the girl of his dreams... and the girl of someone's psychopathic obsession as well. Family as they say, can be a bitch...
Work Count: 4K+
Warnings: Mafia! Andy Barber, Mafia! Lloyd Hansen, obsessive tendencies, stalking, assault, fluff, mentions of parental death, this is a multi-verse of mixed characters
This work is 18+ only. Please heed the warnings and walk away as this story does get violent as it goes on...
Banner by @justawriterand
Mood board and dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Rory woke to a beautiful morning.  The sunshine was brighter the birds were louder, the colors more vibrant. She stretched and smiled.  She reminded herself that it was her day off from the bakery. 
Andy woke up feeling lighter than before.  He closed his eyes to see Rory’s beautiful face and he smiled.  He reached for his phone. 
A: Good morning, Beautiful
R: Good morning handsome
A: I have some things to take care of this morning, but I will be by to visit. 
R: I’m just getting ready to clean and then I have some errands, but I’ll be back in the afternoon
Andy frowned at his phone. He didn’t want Rory out alone while Rumlow still lurked.  He made a call. 
“Diskant, I need you to be on a security detail.”
Sure boss.  Who?
“Aurora Thatcher.  She’s going to run errands, but I don’t want to frighten her.  Watch her place and escort her wherever she wants to go.” 
You got it boss. Send me the address. 
Andy ended the call feeling better.  He would protect his girl. But first, he had a stop to make.
Rory cleaned up her apartment that had been neglected for the most part.  When she went to do her laundry, she realized that she needed to go to the dry cleaners for her aprons. Andy called and she was filled with joy.  The man was so attentive and sweet that she squealed.  She spun around, twirling on her toes.  She stopped and took a deep breath.  Finish your tasks Rory so you can spend tonight with him, she told herself.  She finished up and got dressed. 
As she stepped outside, a familiar face startled her.  A face she had hoped to never see again. “Miss Thatcher.” 
Rumlow stood up from where he was leaning on the fence.  “I believe our discussion was not over.”  The smirk on his face was playful but lustful.  Like a predator stalking his next meal. 
How did you find me?  Rory took a step back towards the door, her blood running cold. 
“We know a lot about you Miss Thatcher.” He could see the terror in her eyes, and he enjoyed it.  He stepped forward but another voice interrupted. 
“Miss Thatcher!” Rory looked at the man and recognized him from dinner the night before. “I’m sorry for being late.  Mr. Barber said you wanted to run some errands.  Thank you Rumlow for watching his girl.” 
Rory looked at her savior and nodded.  “Y-yes.  Just needed to pick up some aprons.” 
Rumlow grinded his teeth in anger.  “Not a problem Diskant.”  He turned to look at her.  “I’ll be seeing you real soon.”  He stomped off. 
Rory sagged against the door frame.  “Thank you,” she whispered. 
“I’m sorry that I didn’t get here faster Miss Thatcher.  Paul Diskant.”  He offered his hand. 
Paul smiled apologetically. “Mr. Barber requested security for you.  I was in my car, and I saw Rumlow approach you.” 
“Oh ok,” she smiled softly at Andy’s thoughtfulness. “Well, I should get going.  Thank you for your help.” She moved to walk around him.  
“Let me drive you.” He stepped into Rory’s path. 
“I really don’t…”
“Mr. Barber insists. I’ll take you wherever you need to go and I’ll bring you right back.”  He offered his arm.  Rory looked at him and sighed, before taking his arm. 
Across town, Andy was being served tea.  By none other than Rory’s grandmother.  He took in the modest home, the furniture old but well kept.  He could see photos of Rory decorating the house.  “You have a beautiful home Mrs. Thatcher.” 
“Thank you, Mr. Barber.” 
“Andy, please.” 
“What can I help you with? My husband will be home soon.”  Georgia Thatcher wringed her hands nervously.
“I wanted to know more about your granddaughter, Rory,” he said nonchalantly. He took a sip of the tea. 
Georgia’s eyebrows rose in surprise. She knew he had stepped out with her granddaughter but had no idea it was serious. “My Rory?”
“Yes, I’ve taken her on a date, and she was a perfect lady.  I assume she got her good manners from you,” he said, paying the woman a compliment. 
“Well yes, but Mr. Bar-“
“Andy,” he corrected. 
“Andy, I love my granddaughter and I don’t want any harm to come to her.” 
“I understand.  I want the same thing.”  Just then the door opened, and David Thatcher walked in. 
“Sweetheart, whose car is in…Mr. Barber.” 
“Mr. Thatcher.  Apologies for the intrusion.” 
David Thatcher had known Andy Barber’s father and watch the younger man raise his family.  Shame all that Andy had gone through.  His father, a convicted murderer, then losing his girl and son.  But Andy turned that around. He was a successful “businessman” if that’s the polite way to call it.  And he was more than ok not to charge his granddaughter a higher fee when she wanted to open her bakery.  “Mr. Barber, to what do we owe the pleasure?”
“I was inquiring about Rory.  I would like to get to know her better.  Date her.” 
David hesitated slightly before saying, “That’s up to Rory to decide.” 
Andy nodded but wanted the man to realize the seriousness of his visit. “I understand.  But I wanted to make sure you understood that I have no desire to harm Rory or let any harm come to her.  She is beautiful, smart and from what I have eaten, a wonderful baker. You know my history, David, and you know I wouldn’t risk her.” 
David closed his eyes. Rory was their world after her parents died. But he couldn’t deny the opportunity of someone like Andrew Barber. “Andy, if she wants to date you, you have our blessing.  But please, her life has been hard enough.”
“I understand.  She told me about her parents.  I’m sorry to hear about the car accident.” 
“Car accident? I think you are mistaken,” Georgia replied before she could stop herself.  She clamped a hand over her mouth.
“Rory told me it was an accident.”  Andy frowned and saw the look shared by the couple.  “Tell me.” 
David sighed but gestured for the man to sit.  He swallowed hard but started to explain. “Rory’s parents were in debt.  They took out a loan from someone in exchange for Rory or payment.  When they gave the money back, he didn’t accept.  He wanted our grandbaby.  They hid her with us, and they were killed in an intentional accident.” 
Andy’s fury grew as the story was told. “Who?”
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Rory got up as she did every morning and got ready for work.  Paul has been nice the whole day before, driving her around, helping with carrying things.  She got ready for the day and made her way to the door.  She peeked out the window, nervous to see who was waiting but smiled when she saw Peter.  She grabbed her things and went out.  “Morning Peter.” 
“Morning Rory.  I came to walk you to work.  Mr. Barber insisted.” 
“Of course, he did.  Thank you.”  They chatted the whole way.  As the first set of croissants come out of the oven, the alarm buzzed.  Rory peeked her head out and saw Andy at the counter.  “Mr. Barber, what a nice surprise.” 
“Good morning sweetheart.  I wanted to apologize for not being about to see you yesterday.  Was Diskant helpful?”
“Very, perfect escort, Mr. Barber.” 
“Good, well I was passing through to make sure everything was ok and for some breakfast. And its Andy, sweetheart.”
“I know,” Rory said blushing.  “But you’re a customer.” 
“I think I’m more than just a customer, sweetheart.”  He leans over to place a sweet kiss on her lips.  “Perfect start to the morning.” 
Rory giggled.  “What can I get you?”
“Coffee, croissant and a date for tonight?” He gave her a quirk of a smile that Rory knew would not allow her to say no.
“Rory, I like you a lot. Trust me.” 
She looks at him and smiles.  “You could help me with prep.” 
“Then dinner?”
Rory nodded.  “I need to get a change of clothes.” 
“I’ll send Nick to pick something for you.”  Andy caressed her cheek.  “Don’t go anywhere without Peter, Nick, Sam or Paul, ok sweetheart?”
Rory nodded and offered him a sweet smile. “Yes Andy.” 
He kissed her sweetly.  “Good girl.  I’ll be by later.  Have a good day.” 
Andy made it to his office, enjoying the coffee and croissant, imagining Rory’s nimble fingers working the dough and he groaned, the image going straight to his groin. He shook his head of his dirty thoughts and rifled through the mail.  Letters from clients, request from the neighborhood but one got his attention. 
Andy’s hands shook as he opened the note. 
Better protect your sweetheart, Andy.  Thank you for finding her for me.  I’m coming to collect what’s mine. ~ LH
“FUCK!” Andy grabbed the glass on his desk and threw it against the wall.  “Fowler!”
Nick ran in, observing the glass on the floor. “Boss?”
“I need your best men and I need you to come up with a security plan for Rory.”  He handed the note to him.  “He can’t have her,” he mumbled to himself. 
“Who is LH? And what the fuck is his problem?”
“Someone who has been a problem for my entire life.”  Any sat and messaged his temples. 
“Ok well I’ll make some calls and get people stationed around.  Natasha and Wanda can befriend her so they can keep a closer eyes.” 
“Perfect.”  Nick moved to start working.  “Nick?”  The man turned. “Thank you.” 
“It’s no problem, Boss.  Jensen said he would have her new security system up soon.” He left the room. 
Andy closed the door and went to his safe.  He spun the dial and opened the door, pulling out an old photo album.  He thumbed through the pages until he landed on a photo of two boys.  He stared at it.  “Hello brother. Guess I’ll be seeing you soon.” 
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A man walked the streets of this town, taking in all the changes.  He sighed, seeing the old stomping grounds.  Fifteen years was a long time to be away.  He lit a cigarette and inhale.  What a sight.  Lloyd Hansen was ready to claim what was his.  He called his contact.  “Did you get the girl?”
No sir.  Barber interfered.
“Of course, he did. Head of a crime family and yet still a softie.” Lloyd laughed bitterly.  “No matter.  I’ll collect what’s mine soon enough.”  He hung up and watched over the city.  
“I’ll see you soon Andy.” 
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As promised, Andy showed up to help Rory prep.  She got him an apron and had him mixing dough while she shaped cookies.  “Rory, are you happy?”
“Of course, Andy.” She didn’t stop shaping.  “Why do you ask?”
“Just wondering baby.  You were scared the first time we met.”
“It wasn’t you.  It was just what happened.  You actually make me feel very safe.”  She didn’t sense that Andy was now right behind her.  She jumped slightly at his lips on her neck.  His kisses were gently, pulling a soft moan from her. 
“You are so precious to me, love.” Andy continued his gently assault, listening to her groan from the sensations. “I won’t push you, but you are mine.”  He spun her around and lifted her onto the counter with a giggle. Rory opened her legs to let Andy slot in between them.  He rubbed his nose against hers. 
Rory could sense his uneasiness.  “Andy, I don’t know what’s going on.  I’m nothing special. I don’t know why you would want someone like me.” 
“Don’t say that, Rory.  Don’t ever say that.”  He kissed her gently.  “Be mine. Say that you’re mine.” 
“I’m yours Andy.  Please don’t hurt me.” 
“Never my sweetheart.  Let’s finish so I can take my girl out.”  Rory smiled and they finished up.  She changed into a simple white sundress and sandals.  Andy changed out his shirt for a simple white button down and jeans.  As she emerged from her office, Andy spun around to take her in.  “Wow!”
Rory chewed her lip. “Do I look ok?”
Andy tugged her lip free. “Rory, you look beautiful.  Can’t wait to show you off.”  He took her hand and guided her out, looking around as he went. 
“Where are we going?” she asked as they climbed into his car. 
“To the carnival.  Let’s have some set fun.” 
Nick, Sam, Peter and Paul all followed the couple discreetly, allowing them some privacy.  Rory had no idea of the security measures in place, but Andy knew he needed to come clean soon.  As they approached the fun house, Rory looked at it apprehensively.  “Andy?”
“It will be fine love.” 
Rory nodded as they made their way inside.  Out of the view of the public, Andy pulled Rory against a wall and pinned her with a hot, needy kiss.  They made out for a few moments, Rory threading her fingers into Andy’s hair, Andy letting his one of hands cup the globes of her ass, the other holding the back of her neck, keeping her close to him. They finally break apart breathing hard.  “You are intoxicating sweetheart.” 
She smiled at him and moved farther into the maze. “Catch me, if you want another.”  She giggled and started to run further in. 
Andy grinned but lost sight of her.  He could hear the ghost of her giggles floating around.  He made it to the room of mirrors, trying to feel his way out. 
He could hear a whisper. 
“Come find me.” 
He smiled until he heard a laugh.  One that he hadn’t heard in a very long time. Andy’s blood ran cold.  He can still here her giggles, but it was faint.  “Rory!” Andy frantically feels his way around the room trying to exit.  “Aurora please! Where are you?”
You should keep a better eye on her Andrew, he hears. She’s more beautiful than I remember.  The voice echoes in the room. Andy turns seeing the same face in the mirrors. 
“Rory!” Andy makes it to the end. 
“Boo!” Rory pops out at him, her face bright with laughter. 
Andy pulls her and crushes her to his chest.  He buries his nose into her neck, breathing in her sweet scent, trying to calm his heart. 
“Sorry love sorry.  You just scared me by taking off like that.” 
“I’m sorry. I just wanted to have fun with you.”  Her lower lip began to wobble. 
“No, don’t cry.  Fuck, I’m sorry sweetheart.”  He kissed her softly.  “Let’s get out of here and get a drink ok?”  She nodded and they headed out.  Andy looked over his shoulder. He saw nothing except a piece of paper that he had missed earlier. 
As soon as they were out of the maze, Andy alerted Nick about what happened while Rory was getting coffee. “He was here, somewhere.” 
“Boss, I really think you should tell Rory.  We are going to be putting in security and I’m assuming assigning her a guard.  She has the right to know.” 
“She’ll be frighten.” 
“She’ll be on alert. It will allow us to protect her better. Andy,” Nick pleads, “she makes you better.  I don’t want anything to happen to her.” 
Andy sighs. “Ok, we’ll tell her tomorrow.  Call Jensen.  I want top of the line for her home and shop.” Nick nods as he types into his phone. 
Rory comes back with the coffees, a look of surprise on her face.  “Nick?  What are you doing here?”
“Needed the boss’s approval, cupcake.  Nothing to worry about.  But I will need to come by in the morning for coffee.  I’m also bring by a friend.”
“Guy friend of lady friend?”  Rory smirked up at him. 
“Cupcake, I don’t do sleepovers,” Nick replied with a laugh. “I’ll see you in the morning.  Goodnight Rory, Boss.” 
Andy and Rory headed back to her apartment, Rory chewing her lip as she can feel the tension radiating from Andy.  “Did I do something wrong?”
“What? No, of course not sweetheart.” 
“Then why are you so mad?”
“We’ll talk as soon as we get to your place.”  Andy pulled up and walked her in.  He looked around.  “You have a nice place.” 
“Thank you.” Andy checked the room quickly for any devises.  “Andy? You looking for something?”
“Ok sweetie, I have to tell you something.”  He sat her down and took her hands.  “I spoke to your grandparents.  They told me about the circumstances of your parents’ accident.” 
“The accident?  They were hit by a drunk driver.”  She looked at him questionably. “What are you saying?”
“Sweetheart, your parents had an agreement and when they didn’t pay they were, they were killed.”
“No.  No Andy that’s not true.” 
He cupped her cheek. “I’m sorry sweetheart. But the man they took a loan from is still trying to collect.” 
She shook her head. “Collect?  They didn’t have any money.  There is nothing to collect.” 
“There is one thing left that he wants.  He wants to collect you.” 
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Lloyd Hansen enjoyed the sheer look of panic on Andy’s face as he watched from the control room of the fun house.  He printed the stills from the video feed.  Aurora.  He licked his lips staring at her photo.  He thought back, 15 years ago, when her parents made the deal with an unstoppable devil.
“Mr. Hansen, we just need to help our daughter.  We will lose our home.” 
Lloyd opened his eye and stared at the couple in front of him. “Why is that my problem?”
“We understand it’s not.  But we just need the loan.  I start my new job and I’ll give the money back to you as soon as possible.” 
Lloyd stood up and looked out his window, seeing a young Aurora playing in the front.  “She’s a cute little thing.”
Mr. Thatcher smiled tightly.  “Thank you.” 
Lloyd turned back to them. “I’ll give you the loan.”  Aurora’s parents exhaled in relief. “For her.”
Lloyd sat back down at his desk. “You heard me.  I give you this money and in return I get your daughter, in let’s say, 15 years.” 
“You can’t be serious?” Her mother protested.  “She is just a little girl.” 
“I’m dead serious.  I mean I could take her in now since you won’t be able to put a roof over her head.  I’m a wealthy man.  I would still wait the years to allow her to grow up. But she is what I want in return.  I’m not that much older than her now and in 15 years it won’t really make a difference.” Lloyd laughed.  “So do we have a deal?”
What possessed Rory’s parent to accept the deal is something Lloyd would never understand.  Not that he cared. Until they tried to get out of it.  They returned the loan with interest within two months.  They tried to say that their daughter’s innocence was not for sale.  But it was too late.  Lloyd Hansen was obsessed, and he always got what he wanted.  And now he wanted Aurora. 
Orders were quick.  He sent his most trusted, efficient assassin to find and take care of the obstacle in his way.  But when the Winter Soldier came knocking, the entire family had vanished.  Took a year to track them down.  They were outside of the town he had been run out of.  They were almost to save haven.  
To the town where his twin ruled.  
He smirked at the thought.  He made Andy pay for that already. 
He thoughts now moved to Laurie.  Sweet Laurie that Andy took from him back when the brothers had been close.  Lloyd had been head-over-heels for Laurie until Andy swooped in and took her. Never mind that Laurie had been interested in Andy. Lloyd wanted her, so she was his. No matter. Running her off the road and killing her and their baby son was more than enough revenge.  No one knew it was him and he comforted his twin, helping him with the funeral. 
Of course, Lloyd wasn’t offered the same comfort when he almost killed a man for flirting with his girl.  That fucker was eyeing the pretty girl Lloyd had been chatting up. So, Lloyd made sure that no woman would ever look at him again.  Andy didn’t take too kindly on that and threw him out of town and hadn’t spoken to him since. 
Now Lloyd was in the area looking for his promised.  He hadn’t found her, but the Soldier found her parents.  Car accidents were so easy to manipulate.  But, with her parents gone, Aurora was still in the wind. 
Until the day it became news that “businessman” Andrew Barber was seen stepping out with a beautiful young lady.  And Lloyd saw an angel for the first time in 15 years.  He found her, his obsession, his beloved. 
His Aurora. 
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By the time Andy finished explaining why Lloyd Hansen was after her, Rory was a mess.  She koala herself to Andy, tears streaming down her face as Andy spoke soothing words to her.  “Sweetheart, please, try and relax.  My men and I are going to do everything we can to protect you.” 
“He killed my parents.” 
“I know baby, I know.  And we are going to make him pay for that.”  Andy moved the hair from her face and kissed her forehead.  “There is one more thing I need to tell you, ok?”  She nodded and he took a breath.  “I know Lloyd.  Personally.” 
“Yeah.�� Andy paused, unsure if he was ready to admit it.  But he knew Nick was right. She needed to know. 
“He’s my twin brother.” 
Andy looked away from her in shame.  His own flesh and blood responsible for causing so much pain to his sweetheart.  But her next question took him by surprise. 
“Why don’t you talk to him?”  Rory chewed on her lip as she adjusted herself in his lap. 
Andy pondered her question for a moment.  “When I took over this town, I wanted to make it a peaceful safe place.  The men who used to run it did so out of fear and intimidation.  The people, they didn’t need that.  So, I got friendly with people like your grandparents.  I had their backing when I took over.” 
“How did you take over?”
Andy gave her a small smile at her innocence.  “I killed them sweetheart.” 
Rory’s eyes widen. But she understood; this was Andy’s life.  “That doesn’t explain Lloyd.” 
He sighed.  “Lloyd was with me up to a point.  He stood by me when I decided to take over, he helped me organize the men and whatever else I needed help with.  He was my second, my confidant, my best friend.  After I lost Laurie, he was my support system.  But, as our power grew, his ego and his temper grew with it.  And one day it boiled over. He almost killed a man for flirting with his date.  I kicked him out of the city, told him he wasn’t welcome here because I was trying to give our people peace.  He told me I was dead to him, that it was my fault my family died and that I would regret it.  I heard he set up shop in another state, but he was never a threat.  At least, not until now.” 
Rory went quiet as she absorbed his story.  Andy just cradled her, keeping her warm as she came to terms with the new information.  After a while, he heard, “Andy?”
“Yes sweetheart?”
“I’m sorry for bringing all this trouble.” 
“Don’t be.  This isn’t your fault.  But can I ask you something?”  
“Will you stay with me?”  A look crossed Rory’s face.  “I have a guest room right across from mine and a security system in place.  We can take you to work and anywhere else you want to go but I just want to protect you the best way I know how.” 
Rory cupped his bearded cheek with her small hand. He closed his eyes at the sensation, enjoying the warmth on his skin.  His eyes flew open when he felt her soft lips on his.  He quickly closed them as he surrendered to her kiss.  She pulled away with a smile.  “I guess I should pack a bag.”
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starks-hero · 3 years
Right a Wrong
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: You, Sam and Bucky get to work repairing Sam’s family boat. Turns out the boat isn’t the only thing in need of fixing. But with help from you and Sam, Bucky figures some stuff out.
Word Count: 3,745
Warnings: a bit of a make-out session but not enough to be classed as smut, tfatws spoilers! 1x05
a/n: This is a direct result of watching episode 5 too many times. Spoilers below!
|| Part Two ||
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Small waves lapped gently against the dock and the afternoon sun warmed your back as you worked on the old boat.
You were standing side by side with Bucky, crowbar in hand as you attempted to pry off the old metal cleats from the boats side, whilst he expertly pulled rusted pipes apart and threw them into a pile. As if on queue, one of the pipes on the opposite side of the ship burst, hissing and spurting out white clouds of steam. You marvelled at how quickly Bucky reacted, quickly crossing the deck and sealing the leak with an abrupt upward turn of the pipe with his metal arm.
"Where did you learn so much about fixing boats?" You teased, motioning to the now fixed pipe with your crowbar. Bucky dusted off his hands.
"I used to work on the docks in Brooklyn before the war." He shrugged, rolling up his sleeves to the elbow and taking a seat on a crate next to you. "I picked up a few things."
He furthered his point by leaning over and pulling at the cleat you'd been grappling with. It came away from where it was attached to the boat's side with ease in Buckys iron grip. He smirked as he tossed the scrap aside and you rolled your eyes.
"Show off."
Bucky chuckled, sitting back as Sam stepped onto the boat. He was carrying a crate in one hand and shook his head when he noticed Bucky's smirk and your dismissive smile.
"Alright, you two." He placed the crate down and pulled out two green bottles, throwing one to Bucky and handing you the other. "Beer break."
Sam took a seat across from you both and you sighed as you opened your beer, raising it up to Bucky.
His annoyance was discredited by the fond smile that broke through his expression as he begrudgingly clinked his bottle with yours. You reached over and did the same with Sam as the three of you relaxed under the heat of the Louisiana sun.
"It's starting to look good," you noted as you glanced around the boat and Sam smiled.
"Yeah, it's coming together." He took a swig of his beer. "You know, Sarah and I were talking." He started and both you and Bucky glanced up at him. "And we could use the help. Don't suppose you two would consider staying around a while? Just till we get a lead on Karli."
The offer caused a noticeable smile to pull at your lips whilst Bucky shifted beside you at Sam's words. His agitation grew and he stood.
"I've got my plane to catch tomorrow, a hotel room for the night," he said, raising his bottle to his lips to hide his doubt. He really didn't have that much of a plan beyond that.
"You're just gonna set me up like that, huh?" Sam asked and Bucky shrugged.
"Well, I don't want to make it weird for your family."
"Just stay here," Sam said and you couldn't help but nod subconsciously. The truth was you really didn't really want to leave. There was something about staying with the Wilson's and spending the day fixing up an old run-down family boat that made everything seem so normal. It gave you a sense of home, a sense of normality that you hadn't had in a long time. For a while, it even made you forget about the flag smashers, Walker, all of it. It was a much-needed break.
"The people in this town are the most welcoming in the world. They don't care if you wear small t-shirts or if you've got six toes or if your mom is your aunt-"
You laughed and Bucky barely hid a chuckle behind a huff of breath and a bright smile.
"Okay, I get it. The people are nice."
You placed your bottle aside and turned to Sam.
"You're sure Sarah doesn't mind?" you asked and Sam's smile only widened.
"She's the one that offered."
Grinning, you sat back and nodded. "Then I don't see why not."
"See?" Sam pointed to you and then Bucky. "Just stay, man."
Bucky shuffled his feet for a moment before finally answering with a begrudging, "Okay. Alright." He didn't say anything else as he turned and walked down the boat.
"He'll come around. He probably just wants his space." You said, picking up your beer. Sam nodded, taking a swig of his own drink.
"I hope you're right."
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You woke up feeling more refreshed than you had in a while. Your hands and back hurt slightly from the tiring work on the boat, but it was a dull ache compared to the constant throbbing that came after a mission. Your cheeks were warm, surely as a result of the hours spent out in the sun the day before.
Both you and Bucky stayed the night. Sarah had offered you the spare room and after a solid fifteen minutes of bickering, you finally conceded to Bucky and agreed to sleep in the guest bed. He took the couch.
The sun was just beginning to rise up over the water when you and Bucky both headed back out to the boat. Sam joined you not long after. You worked until mid-afternoon, reluctantly taking short breaks. You fell into a quick rhythm as you worked around the boat. Surprisingly, the three of you seemed to make a pretty decent team off of the battlefield.
"Hey, can you pass me a 12-300?" Sam asked from under the boat's control panel. Bucky reached into the toolbox and placed the wrench in Sam's outstretched hand. A few seconds later Sam was rolling out from under the controls and glaring disapprovingly at Bucky.
"I asked for a 12-300," Sam stated plainly. "This is a 10-250."
"No, it's not." Bucky bit back.
"Yes, it is."
"No, it's not!"
"Hey, geniuses." You cut their bickering short as both men turned to look at you. You held up the grease-slick wrench that had been misplaced and tossed it to Sam. "You left it below deck when you were working on the engine."
Sam muttered a quiet 'thanks' as he got back to work. Silence settled over the three of you for a few minutes until Sam decided it was getting awkward.
"So, are you still planning on leaving tonight?" He asked from under the station and Bucky nodded, before realising Sam couldn't see him.
"Yeah," he said loud enough for Sam to hear. "I'll be out of your way soon."
You could hear Sam's sigh from beneath you as he clambered back to his feet and stood between you and the super-soldier leaning against the wall of the cabin.
"Well, there's no hurry."
Sam didn't say anything else as he cleaned the oil and grease from his hands with a cloth and stepped off the boat. Bucky sighed and let his head fall back behind him.
"Go," you ordered plainly and he looked up at you.
"Go," you said again, nodding your head towards where Sam was walking away. "You both need to talk. Bucky, whatever you're not saying, it's getting to you. So go talk to him."
Bucky hesitated, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He glared at nothing in particular but his gaze softened when it found you and he muttered a quiet, 'fine.' You stepped aside as he made his way past you and stepped up onto the dock, heading after Sam.
"And don't be a smart ass!" You called after him. He didn't reply, but you could only hope that Sam and Bucky's conversation would be somewhat constructive.
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"Nice shot!" You retrieved the football from the back of the goal as Cass, Sam's eldest nephew, celebrated his score.
Once Sam and Bucky had left the boat, you had headed back to the house, helping Sarah with any errands or chores, doing anything you could to help out. Sam and Bucky had been gone a little over an hour and you didn't know if that meant their talk was going very well or very not. You'd been sitting rather uselessly on the couch, waiting in anticipation, when Sam's nephews had invited you to play a game of football. And how could you refuse?
You tossed the ball back to the boys who eagerly pounced at it. You were stood in the small goal, allowing both boys to take as many shots as they wanted. AJ stepped forward and kicked the ball, groaning when it flew off to the left, a few meters away from where you were standing and missed the net entirely. He glanced down at the ground, disheartened.
“Hey, it's alright, AJ.” You smiled as you ran to grab the ball and passed it back to him. “Come on, try again.”
With encouragement from his brother, he took the shot and this time the ball planted itself in the top corner of the goal. Both boys cheered as they celebrated and you smiled. You dusted yourself off, your knees and hands covered in dust from the football game as you turned to head back inside the house. Both boys protested as you left but you promised them you'd be back. The more time you spent with AJ, Cass, Sam and Sarah, the more you didn't want to leave. There was something about staying with the Wilson's that made you feel content. It was homely and offered a sense of normality that the last few weeks had caused you to miss.
You entered the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of water. Sarah had told you over and over again to help yourself to anything in the kitchen. You leaned against the counter, glass in hand and just basked in the feeling of not having to worry about donning a suit and risking your life at a moments notice. It was something you could get used to.
“That was adorable.”
Your head snapped up at the sound of a voice and you found Bucky joining you in the kitchen. He was smirking fondly.
“You and the boys.”
You chuckled softly and shrugged. “They're sweet kids.”
Bucky nodded, pulling a glass of his own from the shelf and filling it with water from the tap. It furthered the sense of domesticity that you were really starting to love. He took a seat at the table across from you.
“So,” you started as you placed your own glass aside. “How did it go? You and Sam.”
Bucky chuckled and you couldn't tell if it was sarcastic or genuine, but something about the grin that lingered on his lips had you banking on the latter.
‘‘Not bad,” he admitted eventually with a shrug. He hesitated for a moment before continuing. “We talked. He said if I'm going to fix anything, if I'm going to get what's left of him out of my mind.” Bucky subconsciously ran his hand across his temple. “I'm going to have to put in the work. Help the people I wronged instead of just saying sorry.”
You nodded, silently making a note to thank Sam later on. He always had a way with words, he could always get through to people. That's why he was given the shield.
“He's got a point.”
Bucky scoffed and hung his head at your words. “I should have known you'd be on his side.” There was no hostility in his words. He just sounded amused, and maybe a little tired.
“I don't think this comes down to whose side I'm on, Bucky. We both want what's best for you.” You answered honestly and Bucky glimpsed up at you. He anxiously toyed with his hands as you spoke, looking vulnerable, and slightly lost despite how hard he tried to hide it. You knew Sam had already spoken to him, but it couldn't hurt for you to say something as well.
“Look Bucky, telling yourself that you're okay and that everything that happened doesn't matter anymore because you've made 'amends' isn't going to help.”
He sighed, shuffling his feet against the tiles of the kitchen floor. “I know,” he admitted quietly.
“And I know you're probably tired of hearing this but, you're not him anymore, Bucky. You're not the winter soldier. Everything you did whilst you were him wasn't your choice. Just because you remember it doesn't mean that it was your fault. It's not your responsibility to fix it.”
Bucky sighed but didn't interrupt. He was listening. This wasn't like the therapist that he was forced to sit in front of and lie to every other week. This was someone he trusted, someone whose words he valued. Someone he honestly believed could help. He sighed but nodded to show that he was still listening.
“I think Sam’s right,” you said. “It might not be your responsibility to fix everything that went wrong but trying could help. It could give you that closure that you keep chasing after. You need to let go, Bucky. You need to forgive yourself. Maybe you just need the people who are hurting to forgive you first. Then you can learn how to do the same.”
Bucky's expression was unreadable. So many emotions flashed across his eyes you found it difficult to pinpoint just one.
“How do I start?” he asked quietly. It just seemed impossible. There were so many people he'd hurt, so many people he'd wronged. He'd left children as orphans, wives as widows and parents childless. How could he possibly start trying to fix or make all those people feel in any way better?
You smiled softly at his question. “Small. One at a time,” you said simply. “Then just keep putting one in front of the other.”
Bucky considered your words, glancing down at his hands as he thought. Before long, a small smirk pulled at his lips.
“I can't decide who'd make a better therapist. You or Sam,” he joked and you laughed, shaking your head dismissively.
“Well, Sam did council veterans so I think he takes that title.”
“I'd say it's pretty tied,” Bucky said, walking across the kitchen and standing next to you as he washed his glass, drying it off and placing it back on the shelf. The room fell into a comfortable silence.
“Thank you, Y/N.” He said after a moment, his tone sincere and his expression genuine as he looked at you. You nodded, gently placing your hand against his shoulder.
“Don't mention it. You know I'm always here if you need to talk.”
The sound of a football colliding with the wall dangerously close to the window followed by two voice's loudly shouting, 'sorry!' in unison drew a quaint laugh from you both.
“Duty calls.” You grinned, patting Bucky on the back as you passed him. “Team Wilson is missing its goalkeeper.”
Bucky chuckled, watching you go. You crossed the kitchen but his voice stopped you just as your hand reached the doors handle.
You turned back around to face him and couldn't help but notice that he seemed a little more apprehensive than he had before.
He exhaled slowly, willing himself to tell you what was on his mind.
“I was just thinking things over and you know, I’m leaving today,” he hesitated slightly before glancing up at you. “And I guess I was wondering if you’d come with me?”
Your hand slipped from where it was still holding the brass handle of the door. You tilted your head as your mind fully processed his question. The shock must have been evident in your expression as Bucky rushed to continue.
“I know you're planning on staying here and I get why.” He pulled a tattered red book from his pocket which you immediately recognized as Steve’s. He began absentmindedly turning the pages, running his fingers over the paper. “I want to try and start fixing things, making things right. But truth is I have no idea where to start. I thought that maybe you could help me with that?”
“I thought you wanted your space," you admitted after a moment.
“No.” He shook his head. “That's the last thing I want.”
You thought it over, resting your back against the door. Bucky trusted you, evidently a lot more than you thought he did. Not only was he comfortable enough telling you how he felt and admitting he didn't know what to do next. But he also wanted you with him. It was clear he was holding back, not wanting to overwhelm you by admitting just how badly he wanted you to go with him. But the way he eagerly watched you as he waited patiently for your answer was a dead give away.
You wanted to help Bucky, you wanted to be there for him. If that meant helping him right his wrongs and staying with him during that trying time, at least until Sam got a lead on Karli and the Flag Smashers, then you were more than happy to comply.
“You're sure about this?” you asked and Bucky pushed off the counter and crossed the room, stopping just in front of you.
“Absolutely.” His voice dropped down to a hushed whisper. “Come with me.” His hand gently caught your wrist, his fingers running up your arm. His face was inches from yours now, your breaths mingling. “Please?”
His lips pressed to yours before you could answer and you immediately kissed back. Your hand fell against his shoulder, the other laying gently against the nape of his neck. He groaned quietly against you, his arms finding your waist as he gently guided you backwards till your back met the wall. He pressed into you, his hands roaming up your body and you moaned as he deepened the kiss.
“Yes.” You answered when he pulled away slightly and he smiled against you, relieved. Neither of you said anything else as Bucky sighed and pulled you closer, his thigh slipping between your legs as he pinned you to the wall.
God, he'd wanted to do this for so long. Wanted to kiss you, to feel you against him. He wanted you. Your hand slipped into his hair and you pulled him closer, smirking against him. You'd wanted this just as bad. And you both only had your own stubbornness to blame for taking so damn long. It didn't matter now though. Not as he gently bit down on your lower lip and you slipped your hand under his shirt and felt up his chest. It all felt so natural, so right.
“Ten minutes.”
Both your eyes flew open at the all too familiar voice, Bucky pulling away from you so quickly he only barely avoided falling over a nearby chair.
“I left you two alone to talk for ten minutes,” Sam repeated from where he was standing on the other side of the room, his arms crossed. You tried to subtly smoothen out your clothes whilst Bucky ran his hand through his tangled hair.
“We were,” Bucky said, clearing his throat. “We were talking. We...talked.”
Sam nodded, entirely unconvinced, and smirked. He reclined against the counter, showing no sign of leaving anytime soon. A painfully awkward silence settled over the kitchen as Sam continued to shift his knowing stare from you to Bucky.
The humiliation of the entire situation seemed to get to Bucky first as he clasped his hands together after less than a minute.
“You know, what? I'm leaving in a few hours and I've got to pack so I better just go-” Bucky rambled as he shot you a subtle apologetic look before turning to Sam, who was nodding along in faux agreement to his pathetic attempt of an excuse.
Bucky quickly crossed the kitchen, Sam harshly patting him on the back as he passed him and left the room. Leaving just you and Sam alone. You turned to your friend and found that he was still grinning at you with that same mischievous look in his eyes. You felt like a deer in headlights. In an attempt to act as though Sam hadn't just walked in on you and Bucky making out, you tried making normal conversation.
“Sam, there was actually something I wanted to tell you. I know I said I was going to stay for a while but I guess there's been a change of plan. I-”
“I know.” He cut you off and his smile only widened when you looked at him in utter confusion. “You honestly think he would have asked you to go with him if I didn't tell him to get his shit together first?”
Your confusion slowly melted away and was replaced with a look of disbelief. You laughed despite yourself. You should have known Sam had something to do with it. ‘‘How long have you been playing cupid?” you asked jokingly and Sam chuckled.
“He needs you, Y/N. More than he wants to admit,” Sam said, tone now more serious than before. “Things will be fine here, I'll call you as soon as Torres finds us something to work with. But right now, he needs your help before that hole he's stuck in gets too deep for him to climb out of.”
You sighed as the weight of Sam's words set in. He was right, Bucky really did need you. That wasn't a responsibility you could afford to take lightly. Not that you planned to.
“Thanks, Sam,” you said genuinely and Sam smirked as he crossed the room and pulled you into a hug. He could tell you needed it.
“Anytime.” He pulled away and offered you a warning glare. “But I swear, if you two making out the minute I turn my back becomes a regular thing I'm going to kick both your asses.”
“Got it,” you nodded, barely stifling a laugh.
Sam's scowl melted into a smile and he motioned towards the stairs. “Go on, get your things together. You've got a plane to catch in a few hours.”
You smiled and headed upstairs after Bucky. Sam leaned against the counter with his arms crossed and a satisfied smile. Getting you two together had taken more work than he'd thought. But he knew it would be worth it, you both needed each other. Whether you were willing to admit it or not. And Sam was confident that if there was anyone that could help Bucky and offer him that sense of home and peace that he was so desperately craving, it was you.
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tag list: @bakerstreethound​ @miraclesoflove​ @doozywoozy​ @kealohilani-tepise
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Deal - Part 5 (Tommy Shelby X fem!reader)
Warning - pregnancy / angst
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @peakyciills @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @peaky-cillian @misselsbells06 @datewithgianni @heidimoreton @jardinsecos @bitchwhytho @gypsy-girl-08 @smailaway @persephonehemingway @theamuz @parker-natasha
Oswald was busying himself with a different maid or whore every night - he said he wasn't interested in you until the child was born. Then you were under strict instruction to slim back down, tone up. Be the trophy wife for his campaign posters and 'don't get pregnant again, you fat, repulsive wretch'. His words would hurt if you cared enough.
Stroking your belly, you smiled. This was going perfectly. Nearly eight months pregnant, you relished in the kicks, rolls and flutters inside you. The only thing keeping you going through all of this.
And your baby's father.
The way he held you after making love to you when you had the opportunity. Not that you'd had any opportunity lately, Moseley wouldn't let you leave the house so close to your due date. Even your midwife, Clara, had to come to the house, and he had suddenly begun attending these visits personally.
He was watching the midwife examine your belly, listening to the heartbeat through her stethoscope. His eyes on both of you. The midwife told you there was a likelihood of high blood pressure, and delved into her bag for some pills to help lower it.
"She won't be taking any of your chemical-ridden nonsense," Moseley snapped.
"If she doesn't take them, she risks going into labour early and neither baby or mum may survive. These are an all-natural remedy. No chemicals."
You loved the way she always put Oswald in his place - she wasn't even slightly intimidated by him. A strength you were starting to build in yourself, your baby needed you to protect it, motherly instincts kicking in very early on in your pregnancy.
You'd never wanted Tommy more in your life. Not for sex, you felt huge and very unsexy, but his arms around you at night. His voice in your ear. His body close to yours while you slept.
Picking up the phone at 2pm while Oswald was out shooting again, you dialled his office number. No answer.
Strange, he was always there at 2pm... That was your 30minute timeslot, and he always made sure it was clear in case you needed him... You called again. Still nothing.
Calling Arrow House, an older woman answered the phone.
"Mr Shelby is away on business. Who's calling please?"
You hung up. That explains his silence at least. He'd be back soon, he knew the baby was due next month, the will would be changed and the final phase of the plan could be actioned.
He wouldn't miss this, you knew he wouldn't. Patting your stomach, feeling your baby kick happily away, you still had hope. It was all you had.
Your labour began on a cold November Saturday, almost three weeks later. Waking up to wet bedsheets, you called for your maid to contact Clara and let her know your baby was on the way. Within an hour, she was there, easing you up in bed to examine you gently.
"Only a couple of centimetres dilated y/n, we could be here for a while I'm afraid. Any tightenings? Pain?"
"Not really, just a few cramps, bit of backache?"
"Good. Best thing you can do is rest, try to sleep. I'll be in the chair over there, I won't leave you. Okay?" She smiled, easing your worries. You could only pray at this point that Tommy was home...
A few hours later, you woke with a start. Agonising contractions gripping you, making you gasp from the pain and intensity. Clara was at your side minutes later, holding your hand.
"It hurts...." You sobbed, as the contraction eased off.
"I know.. I'm sorry y/n.. we will get through this together, okay? You're going to be fine."
"Where's my husband? Does he know?"
"He does. Said he needed to run an errand. He'll be back any time now actually."
"I don't want him in here when I give birth?!"
"I'm under orders y/n, he said he had a surprise for you..."
"What kind of surprise?"
You found out when the door suddenly slammed open. Oswald walked in, followed by two of his henchmen... dragging something behind them...
Or was that someone?
What was that?
"Ah, I see you're awake. Just in time for the grand finale."
"Oswald, what's going on?"
"You see, y/n, I don't like to be made a fool out of. You have been making a fool out of me for the last nine months, have you not? Well you're little plan comes to an end this evening."
You couldn't speak as another violent contraction flew through you, making you cry out from the pain. The thing on the floor suddenly moved, reacting to your cries, then it spoke...
"Lay a fucking hand on her Moseley and I'll have your fucking eyes..."
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