#i had to check your profile because im sooo used to your other account interacting with me
gurokatt · 19 days
hi bestie hiii hi bestie hellloooo
b, v and k for saw
Oh heck yea! [answered K already but hehe]
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
I used to only see it as strictly platonic or mlm/wlw besties. But a few people [CassandraCaffrey and LemonTeacake] wrote amazing qpp/fwb style for them and im literally obsessed with that version of the dynamic!!
V - Which character do you relate to most?
Looks at my icon... looks at all the art and fics i've made.... wanna have a guess??
Peter Strahm my absolute fucking BELOVED... He's like.. I love him
Autism moment, He's me... I cannot explain it at all...
Realistically? probably amanda??
She goes through a lot of shit throughout the movies and just wants to escape, she's trapped in something she has no control over and she just wants love and a family. She takes it out on other people cause that's all she's allowed to do.
She should have gotten the proper help she deserves
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flowerboymoongirl · 4 years
What are the Odds? 3.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom Holland accidentally adds you to his friends list, and when you hit him up about about it you think that’s gonna be the end of that. Simple. But Tom does the complete opposite. Let the social media flirting begin.
Warnings: Cursing, sub-par flirting,drinking.
Word count: 3214
A/N: Im thinking about adding some of the song inspos for each chapter that comes out along at the top of the fics since I get a good amount of inspiration from music, or I visualize a particular song during a scene or interaction. The chapters seem to get easier to write and longer, but harder to edit into something that flows with how I want, so bare with me!
When you messaged Tom to let him know about the mixup on his Instagram, you assumed that it would be the end of it all. But currently, he still had you on his close friends list. And now you felt weird watching some of his stuff, because now he would sort of recognize your profile picture. He still posted pretty often but you contained yourself to only watch maybe once a day, and not all of his posts. Normal people don’t watch all the stories someone posts when you don’t know them, unless they liked giving out an obsessed stalker vibe.
It had been a week since the interaction and you were currently at the bar your friend/roommate Theo worked at. He was quickly organizing his station and putting away clean glasses to prepare for the rush of people who would soon be hounding him for a drink, both of you waiting for your other two roommates to walk into the bar so the night could officially start.
“Wanna do a tequila shot with me? I’ll give you the top shelf stuff?” Theo asked while he cleaned off the bar top and pulled out the shot glasses. Theo had perks being the lead bartender at one of the trendier bars in downtown and that was getting you guys top shelf alcohol drunk at a Kirkland liquor price.
“Let’s do a double?” You had the night off and were looking to have a night with your friends, and to be honest you hadn’t had a wild night in a while, so it seemed fitting for it to be tonight.
Theo smiles as he pours the expensive liquor into the shot glasses to the rim, he already knows the look in your eyes means you’re ready to cause a little mischief and he’s all for it. That was the thing with Theo, if you were ever looking to cause a little mischief, he would standing there right along with you at the scene of the crime with a smile on his face. When you two were together people who knew the both of you started to call you double trouble, especially if alcohol was in the vicinity. You both loved it. You picked up your shot glass and Theo did the same.
“Cheers to double trouble, thanks for keeping me company tonight.” He said, raising his glass.
“WAIT! I wanna boomerang it, before we get too wrecked.” Laughing, you pull out our phone and open the app to take the shot. You hit record just as you and Theo clinked your glasses together, your phone focused on Theo shooting his double shot down while you tried to drink yours in one hand and hold your phone still at the same time. You both hissed at the feeling of the liquor traveling down to your stomachs and you looked at your phone to see how the boomerang came out. 
The video showed Theo clinking his glass to yours, all smiles and then shooting it quickly. He looked great infront of the liquor wall, totally posing and flexing the arm he was holding the shot glass with as he shot down the tequila. You had caption it.
Cheers. #doubletrouble 🥃
with Theos handle attached to it and put it on your story.
“So you’re drinking without us already?”
You turned quickly to see Zoë and Kevin making their way through the crowd to you.
“Just the start, I was promised high quality tequila, I couldn’t resist.” You said as you hugged your roommates.
“Damn, the bartender is SOOO CUTE right?” Kevin yelled to you while playfully checking out Theo.
“Don’t tempt me, I’ll take you home Kev.”
The group laughs together, while Theo pulls out four clean shot glasses.
“Since the drinks are on me tonight I’m choosing the first group shot of the night. Well, second for us.” He says with a smirk directed to you. He quickly pulls Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, and Johnnie Walker off of the liquor wall. He’s making three wise men.
“Do we look like three wise men after sitting here at this bar with you?” Zoë asks Theo. You all laugh.
“It just seemed fitting, even though there’s four of us.” He says. “I mean, when any of us have a problem we go to the other three to solve it. Hence, three wise men.”
Kevin awhs at the sweet remark and Theo finishes making the shots for the group. You pull out your phone once more to record because hey, you have this need for people to see you have a social life and also, drunk videos the next day are worth their weight in gold. You press record while you all grab a shot glass, hyping eachother up to take the shot.
“To my three wise men, I salute you, I thank you for your service.” Theo says while the three of you clink the glasses together, cheering and laughing at how absurd you guys are. You end the video when you all shoot the shot and Zoë says with a groan “I’m so fucked.”
The group bursts in laugher, you and Kevin holding eachother while laughing. Theo starts taking drink orders for other customers, trying to look like he’s getting some type of work done. You save the video and post it to your story after you caption the post
Four wise men 👸🏽🤴🏻👸🏾🤴🏾
and attach the groups handles to the post. After you post it to your Snapchat as well, you look back at your previous story on Instagram to see who’s watched it. You scroll down the list of people, some you know some you don’t, and you spot one that really catches your eye. Tom watched your story. He’s actually watched your story 3 times this week, including this one but who’s counting? He also doesn’t follow you so for him to be looking at your page he has to be going out of his way. He could be looking at your past message conversation and then watching your stories from there, or he sees you watching his story from earlier and clicks over to your profile. It makes your heart jump, from being nervous and excited that you’ve caught his attention a few times. There’s no chance in hell but still, what a confidence boost, you think.
While you’re going through just a tad bit of anxiety over the situation, you have remind yourself that you’re here to be with your friends. This is a besties night, one that’s been long overdue and very much deserving of your attention. 
Zoë goes on about how her ex-girlfriend has been trying to meetup with her for “closure” which is making things awkward between the current situation she has with the new guy she met a couple months back. Theo and Kevin don’t think it’s the best choice to entertain her ex with a meetup and you’re trying to be the more “supportive of whatever you wanna do” friend in this situation. The boys are already teasing Zoë about it and you’re throwing in some teasing remarks yourself to her whole ordeal. Only Zoë would have too many people liking her at the same time.
“What an issue, we really feel for you Zo.” you tell your roommates and they roll their eyes and dramatically agree. While the teasing continues you start to think to yourself about how this is what you needed, just a chill night with all your friends, talking about anything and everything. Enjoying being in this moment and being this age and being together. The bar is starting to liven up and they start to play much better music, your roommates sing and dance along with eachother near the bar, Theo jumping in when he can and isn’t being hounded by customers. You’re just about to finish your drink and Kevin’s already ordering another round, when you get a snapchat alert.
The username, thllnd96 has followed you!
thllnd96, huh? The username seems familiar to you, and the more familiar it seems, the more it confuses you.
“If this is who I think it is.” You mutter.
thllnd96 has sent a snapchat!
What....the fuck? What the fuck is going on right now? You’re contemplating opening the snap now or waiting till you feel the alcohol working it’s way through your system for courage to find out who this new follower is when Zoë looks down at your phone too.
“You good girl?”
“Yeah, just a snapchat I’m sitting on opening. Don’t wanna look too eager” you say while you sit your phone on the table. She nods as Theo walks by, dancing and pointing at the group while he sings. Kevin has passed you the rum and cokes he’s ordered you all and he’s taking generous sips of his while he stands and does a little dance at his chair back to your roommate. You take a large gulp and stand quickly.
“Gonna go pee, be back.”
You quickly walk to the bathroom, phone in hand. You’re silently stressing inside. It’s not him. It’s not. You’re gonna check your phone real quick, see it’s some random and then carry on with your night. He would have had to go out of his way and figure out that you use the same handle on all your social media, which would be a lot of thinking just to interact with you. Also, remember when you thought making your username the same on every social media account you had was a good idea? Because it currently seemed very dumb and so self centered. Who are you, Beyoncé? 
You close the stall and sit down on the seat after reminding yourself that you are not Beyoncé and maybe you’ve made yourself too easily recognizable on the internet. A little late for the self realization but we digress. It’s just a snapchat, relax. You click the red button next to the name.
It’s a cutoff selfie, just a corner of the left side of his face, you can spot a little smirk coming from his mouth. It’s Tom, there’s no denying it, that wild eyebrow of his alone has confirmed that for you. He has the time stamp posted above his head. It’s 2:41am where he is. He’s written underneath the selfie
Not sure you’re such a wise man if you’re mixing tequila with whiskey love 😂😜
You immediately snap a selfie of the top of your forehead and eyes, with your eyebrows scrunched together, worry prominent on your face.
The vodka and rum I just drank would have to agree with that statement of yours 🥴😬
You write and you put a filter on the image. You walk out of the stall and wash your hands as you head back to the group. Just got snapped by Tom. No big deal.
thllnd96 is typing...
your phone alerts you on notifications. He’s writing back. NO BIG DEAL. You take another big gulp of your drink when you sit down and try to look as though you’re paying attention to Kevin and Zoë’s conversation. Something about Kevin’s English major and his issues with his creative writing class. Zoë is going on with how Kevin needs to be more focused on schooling and you can tell Kevin didn’t mean for Zoë to go into mother mode but its too late. This will distract the both of them, while I deal with my inner turmoil, you think. You get another alert telling you he’s sent the message. You finish your drink and decide to entertain this idea of carrying on another conversation together.
Oh you’re just making all the right choices tonight aren’t you? 🤪
Out celebrating something?
I’ve been known to make some controversial choices, but that’s something hungover me can deal with in the morning. 😂 Just a night out with the roomies.
You’re up late.
Yeah, couldn’t really sleep so just mindlessly looking through the apps. Didn’t think you’d mind me adding you on here since you did snoop my private Instagram. 😶
HEY that was your brothers doing not mine alright?! I’m an innocent in all this and that’s the story I’m sticking with.
And I gave you a courtesy heads up.
After you posted some shirtless selfies. 🙂😅👀
😂😂alright, I’ll let it slide this time love, but only if you have a fireball shot in my honor tonight.
THATS your drink of choice?! Are you a frat boy?!
No, just want to see an American drink fireball because it’s such an American thing. You drink it for breakfast, don’t you? 😏🇺🇸
Yeah, when I was 18, now I have ptsd just smelling it at 25. 🥴🤢
“Let’s get four fireballs Theo.” You yell over to him so he can hear you over the crowd of people and music. Zoë and Kevin groan in disgust just at the thought of fireball.
“Oh we’re looking to DIE tonight, all right then y/n! I like your style.” Theo grabs the bottle of fireball and pours heavy on the shot glass while you all grimace.
 You’re not sure why you’re actually doing this shot for Tom, maybe it’s the liquid courage in you that’s making you feel confident about sending him a snap of his silly request. You turn the camera to selfie mode and grab the shot glass while Kevin and Zoë squeeze closer to you to get into the snapchat you’re about to take. You hold down the button and you all cheer the glasses once more together while Kevin’s making retching sounds. You clink your shot glass right into to the camera on your phone and shoot it down, immediately shaking your head with an unamused look on your face that matches your roommates.
“...just as bad as I remember.” You rasp out, ending the snap and saving it to your memories. You put a time stamp of 8:57pm and the location on the snap and send it to Tom. Zoë turns toward you with a look of annoyance.
“That’s it! Theo literally can’t have any more he’s gonna be too smashed to work and it’s barely 9!” She tells you. You throw your hands up in surrender and decide to agree, it’s only been a little over an hour and you’re drinking like its already last call. Toms opened your story and he’s writing you back, and now you can really start to feel the alcohol since the fireballs settling in your stomach with the rest of your prior poor choices of liquor.
😂 a woman that can handle her drinks. My type of girl 🥰🤪 well, I better try to get some sleep. don’t have too much fun without me. x
You save the message and decide to just wish him goodnight and turn to your friends, all of whom are definitely feeling the alcohol now as well.
“What does it mean when a guy searches your username from Instagram on Snapchat to find you and follows you?” You ask them.
“He’s tryna fuck.” Kevin answers. Zoë has her hands up in an ‘idk’ fashion.
“Or, that he’s interested in you. Who takes the time to look you up like that?” She questions.
“Which means he wants to fuck but like, he also maybe likes your personality.” You roll your eyes at Kevin and decide to mull this over when you’re sober.
“Who’s the guy?” Zoë asks.
“Hmm, no one to seriously consider, just took me by surprise is all.”
“Well, then to surprises!” Kevin says while he raises his drink to you. You clink yours back and you smile at each other.
To surprises, sure.
It’s not much of a surprise when you wake up with a throb on your left side of your temple. The alcohol is taking its revenge on you this morning with a massive hangover. You groan in bed and grab the water bottle and Motrin sitting on your bedside table. Drunk you was smart enough last night to set you up for a little success this morning, but drunk you also drank until 2am last night so she can’t be fully trusted. You drink the water bottle in one go and rub your eyes tiredly and you try to decide whether you should try to sleep a bit longer or head out for some sustenance. Eating could make you feel better but the thought of getting up and walking to the kitchen is making your stomach churn a bit. It’s best at the moment to lay here for a bit longer until the pain meds kick in, you decide. You pick up your phone and see that Zoe’s texted you.
You’re an awful person for making us do a fireball shot last night just FYI.
“I couldn’t agree more.” You admit, scrolling through your posts from last night.
It’s mostly just you with the group, drinking and laughing together. There is a post around 1:15am of you all walking home, final drinks of the night in hand and Theo trying to let you have a bite of his Carne asada burrito from the 24 hour Mexican shop around the corner from your place. Zoe and Kevin are in tears laughing over the interaction between you two and Theo is scolding you for taking such a big bite.
“If you wanted that much you should have told me so I could have gotten two burritos.”
More cackling from your roommates while Theo huffs. You remind yourself that you did want to get a little wild, so last night was a success in the books if you’re honest with yourself. Looking through other notifications you see another alert on Snapchat from thllnd96 from a couple hours ago. Alright then. He’s found you on Snapchat, started the conversation TWICE in less than 24 hours and he’s been watching your stories on Instagram and Snapchat. Either he’s lonelier than you thought or he actually has some sort of interest in you. At this point you’re thinking it could be a bit of both, which is something you can relate to in both fields at times. Yeah, you have the roomates and some other friends you hang with regularly but lately you have been feeling like everyone had someone but you. In no way was Tom yours, but this possible future friendship between you two could be in a way. He’s obviously going out of his way to talk to you and he seems to be like a cool guy. Maybe the universe wanted you to be accidentally added to Toms Instagram group for a reason, as corny as that sounds. And honestly, who are you to deny this man your friendship?
You open his Snapchat message while curled up in a ball in your sheets, hoping for the nausea from all your mistakes from last night fade away.
so how’s that hangover treating you this morning? 😜 x
You smile at the message and decide that if he’s gonna write to you, then. You’re gonna respond back. If Tom wants to be friends, then who are you to stop him?
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