#i had no plan for this except 'phineas makes a surprise party for ferb' and i let it write itself mostly in one day so
erbferbatinlerb · 5 years
Happy Birthday, Ferb!
it is a very good boy's birthday today and it's also the leap day so i thought he deserved something special being as it only gets to happen every 4 years, so here's a quick lil thing i wrote!
Phineas waited until he was sure Ferb was asleep to get out of bed. Ferb was normally perfectly quiet when he's awake, so he could feign sleep exceptionally well... to anyone except Phineas. Phineas knew the difference between the Ferb silence and the Ferb sleep silence. It couldn't be more clear. It was night and day, honestly.
Phineas held his breath for a few seconds to confirm what he was hearing. Yup, he was asleep.
He crawled out of bed, careful as possible, to minimize noise and to ensure he didn't disturb Perry, who was asleep at the end of his bed, snoring gently. Phineas paused to take a look at him. He smiled.
He braced his body against the door to combat its natural creak, before slipping through, out into the hallway. He tiptoed past Mom and Dad's room and slinked towards Candace's pink door.
He peered into the room to see his sister fitfully stirring in her sleep.
"But, your honour..." she mumbled.
"Oh, Candace must be having that bank robbery dream again. I'll wait. I really do want to know if she's guilty or not." 
Phineas clicked the door closed gently behind him and quietly found a seat at Candace's vanity.
Candace stirred, murmured some less comprehensible words. Phineas tapped his fingers on the table as he waited.
"...but how could the talking zebra have been my accomplice if we only met when-" Candace sat up, coming back into consciousness. She looked right at him, but it took a few seconds before she processed it. "Phineas?" she asked groggily.
"Hi Candace! I'm sorry, did I interrupt your dream? I was really hoping we'd get to find out what happens after the talking zebra this time."
"What are you doing in my room?"
"I need your help planning Ferb's surprise party."
"Phineas, it is..." Candace glanced over at the clock. "Four in the morning."
"Well, Ferb and I's identical circadian rhythms wake us up at precisely 6:59, so we don't have a lot of time."
"Okay, I'm going to ignore how insanely weird that thing you just said was and let you get to the point."
"Ferb's birthday is this weekend — as you know. And it's REALLY his birthday this year, unlike three quarters of the years, where we have to either celebrate it a day before or after, depending on which one falls more weekend-adjacent. I wanna plan something extra special for him, but I'm gonna need your help."
"Okay, I'm in, what do you need me to do?"
Phineas was up at the crack of dawn on Ferb's birthday, and this time, Candace was waiting down the hall for him already, having set her own alarm to wake up on time to prepare. She nodded at him, and they made their way down the stairs as quickly and quietly as possible. 
They slipped on their shoes and jackets and slid back the glass door to the backyard. There was still a thin veil of snow covering the lawn, and Phineas could hear Candace shivering already as she closed the door behind them. 
Phineas relished in the crunch of the snow beneath his sneakers. He was more of a summer guy, of course, but he loved to make the most of the snow for the few short months it lasted.
"So," Candace demanded, hugging her arms around herself. "When are your little friends supposed to be getting here to-"
As if on cue, the back gate opened up to reveal Isabella, with the Fireside Girls in tow. Phineas rushed over to greet them.
"Hey Phineas. How ya doin'?"
"Isabella! Ladies. Thank you all so much for coming."
"You got it, Phineas. Let's get to work, girls!"
The party set-up went pretty smoothly. It was cold enough to motivate everyone to keep moving, and with Candace and all of the Fireside Girls helping, they made quick work of setting up all the party decorations, balloons, streamers, the works. Phineas knew it was unconventional to have a birthday party first thing in the morning, but Ferb loved it when he thought outside the box. And besides, the real party didn't start until tonight anyway; this was just an intimate get-together.
Baljeet and Buford arrived shortly after the girls, and with all of their help everything was set up in no time. With that, everyone got to waiting, while Candace went inside to get breakfast ready — Phineas had insisted that you can't eat cake until after a balanced breakfast.
Phineas on the other hand, went to put the finishing touches on his invention. 
Phineas slipped back into the house at about 6:45, having finished with just a few minutes to spare. He wiped the motor oil from his hands on a terry cloth as he came into the kitchen.
"I'll never know how you can build that stuff so fast," said Candace, deadpan. She was just putting the first plate of pancakes onto the table.
Phineas shrugged. He inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of Candace's homemade breakfast.
"Nice work, sis!"
Phineas washed his hands in the sink and helped Candace plate the bacon and eggs.
They took a step back to admire her work, high-fiving.
"Ferb will be down any minute, I'm sure." Phineas took a seat at the kitchen table. "I'll text Isabella to make sure all the party guests are in place."
A nonchalant birthday breakfast with Ferb was a success, but Phineas was practically vibrating in his seat the entire time, excited for him to see what he had built. Ferb thanked Candace for the meal, and stood up, and Phineas followed suit. He had planned for a more subtle approach, but his excitement got the better of him and he ended up pulling his brother by the arm to the backyard.
"Happy birthday, Ferb!!!" came a chorus of voices 
Ferb looked surprised for a second, then his expression shifted into a smile. He turned to Phineas, gratitude written on his face.
He looked out at the party. A union jack cake, yellow balloons, giant ice sculptures… Phineas had thought of everything.
Along with the girls, Baljeet, and Buford, were a few other guests. Standing next to the cake table were Irving, Stacy, Jeremy, and… Vanessa Doofenshmirtz. Ferb punched Phineas in the arm. Phineas laughed. "You haven't even seen the best part yet, c'mon!"
He led Ferb to the garage, where his real present lie.
"Presenting... the all-new... Phineas-and-Ferb Super Spectacular, Awe-inspiring, Awesome-tacular Automobile! Or, the Phineas-and-Ferb-mobile, for short."
"What, is it the awesome-tacular? I know, I know, I use that word a lot, we can change it, if you-"
"Is this a solar-powered, remote-controlled hybrid car?"
"And it flies! Watch this."
Phineas pressed a button and a set of wings folded out.
"And it has extra cup holders, a surround sound stereo system with bluetooth hookup, a sunglass compartment, en-flight refreshments, and a holographic video screen in the backseat."
"Does it have a hot tub?"
"Does it--" Phineas stopped. "It-it doesn't, actually. I- wow. I didn't really expect you to ask that. I guess I... You know, I had considered the possibility, but I just didn't think-- Normally, I'm the one who-- Oh, you're just teasing me! I get it."
Ferb nodded.
"You're just teasing me, because... I already thought of everything?"
"Yes. Yes, I am. It's perfect."
Phineas pulled his brother into a hug. He held out the remote to him. "Wanna do the honours, bro?"
Ferb eagerly accepted the remote.
After an amazing fly around Danville in Phineas's spectacular new car, Phineas and Ferb returned to the party. The guests all cheered as they landed the vehicle.
The cake was cut, and Phineas went over to thank Isabella for her hard work, leaving Ferb by the refreshment table with Baljeet.
"There is no way you did not know about all of this," Baljeet commented. "We were using power tools in your backyard in the earliest hours of the morning. I am very surprised that your parents are not awake yet, actually."
"Of course I knew about this," Ferb confessed. "I've known he's been planning something for weeks. But Phineas loves to surprise people. It makes him happy. So of course I'll go along with it. Besides, this is a pretty cool party. Thank you guys."
Baljeet stared at him for a moment. "That is the most lines I have ever heard you say all at once. I feel quite privileged, yet at the same time, very weirded out." Ferb opened his mouth to respond to this, but Baljeet silenced him. "You are welcome. I am going to go see what Buford is doing now. Happy birthday."
Ferb watched Baljeet walk away.
He shrugged. "His loss, I suppose."
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geocookie21 · 4 years
A Punny Death
This is my first fic! Please be kind! It’s not going to be long at all.
Warning: 2 very bad puns. And I ask for your forgiveness.
The Doctor, Agent O, Graham, Ryan, Yaz and Y/N had all managed to get into Barton’s plane relatively safely. And by safely I mean running directly behind the plane and then preceding to jump onto it! Because that is something you clearly should do, according to the Doctor.
“Thanks for helping me up back there” O said as he turned to Y/N
“No problem! Im surprised I got on, I’m used to the running now but jumping into planes?” You giggled as you shared a look with O and he couldn’t help but return the action with a laugh.
“I’ve never been good at sprinting” O said continuing your conversation, despite the lack of oxygen in your lungs, he was faking it, but still.
“Forget sprinting, I don’t think I’m quite used to running at all yet”
O, yet to be revealed as the Master, had gotten quite close to Y/N in the short time of your acquaintance. While Graham may have been keeping a running commentary, Y/N was making jokes. Bad jokes. The worst jokes imaginable. A few puns that flew right over O’s head, he caught on that it was, in fact, a joke of sort when Graham groaned.
One that didn’t fly over his head, and he was ashamed that he didn’t pick up on it before he replied, was the classic
“Hey O! Wanna know how NASA plans their parties?”
“They plan-et” you said with a grin practically splitting your face. An expression he connoted with you making a joke that you knew was awful. So he groaned.
Apparently this was the correct response as you started laughing harder than you already were. O merely rolled his eyes, trying to stay in character, yet laughed a little by instinct. They were not bad jokes, in fact he found them rather amusing, despite the awful quality.
The godawful jokes continued to be heard at random throughout their little adventure. O nearly lost it when you said “Where’s the platypus when you need him” as you were sneaking around Barton’s jet hanger.
Having gotten a little bored during his time in MI6 and having already took a liking to TV as one of his previous regenerations he decided to look into more modern day tv shows, finding Phineas and Ferb.
He was about to burst out in laughter when Graham scolded you. You pouted completely unaware of the entire groups shoulders shaking in an obvious attempt to hold in laughter, including Grahams. 
Currently, having just jumped onto a plane, the jokes have stopped, for a few minutes at least.
“What are we actually going to do?” Yaz huffed out. Seriously, ran after a plane and jumped onto it. Can you blame her for being out of breath?
“Sit tight and see where he’s going” the Doctor replied, out of breath but clearly not suffering as much as the humans were cause she’s lucky causes she’s a time lord and has done more ridiculous stuff than this.
“Amen” You exclaimed as you sat down in one of the rows of chairs...cause you know, running after a plane AND JUMPING ON IT
“What were you doing in the kitchen Y/N? The party was outside” Ryan asked you.
“Officially? Looking for anything not obvious” you replied holding your lungs
“And unofficially?” Graham asked, already dreading the answer. Everyone looked at you, waiting for, what was going to be, a horrible joke.
“Trying to steal his cutlery” you replied knowing the next line, the groans incoming.
“Y/N! Why would you do that?! What if you were caught?!” There it was, the approaching line. You knew Yaz would go all police woman on you, thus providing you the perfect opportunity...
“It was a whisk I was willing to take” you deadpanned. Slowing turning into the famous grin.
The groans from all present were worth it. You laughed for a good 5 minutes despite the pain in your lungs.
Everyone including O just smiled at you. Each thinking you were cute. Then the Doctor remembered something that O said a few minutes before...
“Never been good at sprinting?” She asked O, confused.
“I was the last one in every race at school”
“No no no, I read your file. Your a champion sprinter” She huffed out, unaware that she broke his disguise.
The air in the room (plane?) shifted. You could feel something was wrong even from where you were sitting.
You couldn’t see it but O’s innocent (attractive) face dropped. He knew his facade was no longer going to work he stood thinking for a second or two until..
“Got me” whispered words, yet louder than echos.
“Well done”
The words scaring you into sitting upright, despite the pain in your lungs. This wasn’t the O you had come to know.
“What’s going on,Doc?” Graham’s voice was barely heard as you kept you senses focused on ‘O’. More confused than afraid, afraid all the same, you started to stand when he suddenly whirled around and out his hand out towards you. His hand raised to nearly eye hight and palm facing you, as if he were a magician.
“Sit down, Love.” The spoken command sounded soft to your ears and mirrored his smile. O’s smile.
You did as you were told so he turned back to the Doctor. A small laugh, as if he’d done nothing more than a harmless prank, to her as he turned his head over his shoulders to address the others.
“Well you’d best take a look out the window”
The fam did exactly that, except for you. As you stood to look a firm hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you towards a tall warm body. Looking up towards their face and seeing the O that you had known, not the one nearly laughing maniacally a second ago, confused you. This person isn’t O. Whether there had ever been a real O, or whether you had met the real one was yet to be determined. But you felt that this man was the one you had gotten close too. But who was he?
“How is your house out there?” Graham’s voice broke your thoughts. Only to start about her round.
“What?!” You got as close to the window as you could, with ‘O’ still holding onto you. And Graham was right, his house was out there.
He let you go so you could look.
“A little bit wicked witch of the west” you almost laughed. You really did. Then you remembered the situation. Though O did see you smile unknowingly, he knew you were amused and if this was a different situation you would have laughed. He frowned for a second wishing that you had laughed, but he knew you were confused. Remembering that the Doctor would be equally as confused was what got him smiling again.
“But you get the gist! Maybe, maybe not”
He tuned around leaning lazily against the wall. (Hand on hip as if he didn’t know what that would do to the audience watching.)
“Come in Doctor, catch up”
“You can do it, come on” acting as if he was a tutor, helping a child.
The Doctors mouth dropped in realisation.
O looked happy at that response, maybe even excited.
“That’s my name, and that is why I chose it”
“Oh so satisfying” He smiled.
“It was a bad pun even for me” you whispered. You were too confused to even notice you spoke that out loud or that you were even smirking at the godawful pun that he made, and let’s be honest, you WOULD have made that pun.
He looked at you a smiled softly, a low laugh that he only kept going for you, even with his disguise dropped. He quickly switched his attention to the Doctor.
“Doctor I did say, look for the spymaster”
his voice started dropping lower. In time not volume. Almost as if he was becoming someone else.
“Or should I say, spy...”
The Doctor looked horrified and he took a deep, staggered, breath.
“Hi” he smiled. His whole demeanour had changed. Even his eyes, they burned with a hated and target into the Doctor.
“You can’t be”
“Oh I can be and very much am”
“So what’s going on then, if he’s not really O” Ryan spoke up for us confused humans in the back. Literally, back of the plane.
“I’m her best enemy” He responded as he got closer to the Doctor, laughing at her face when he stood next to her.
“Call me Master”
He addressed the fam as he started speaking, but in his last word, his name, he kept his eyes locked to yours.
Words of confusion arose from the fam, the Doctor still yet to recover from the shock.
“Me and her, we go way way way back”
“I met O” The Doctor trying to figure the situation asked the Master.
“I know”
“Years ago”
“I know!” He replied to her, laughing all the while.
“But there was an O at MI6! C was talking about him” Ryan being calm enough to think the situation through. The Doctor wasn’t doing to great and honestly? Neither were you.
“Yes, a man very close to my heart”
“Well in my pocket, actually. Wanna see him? It’s always good to have a backup of ones work”
He held up a matchstick box. His eyes locked to yours again, the demonstration purely for your benefit. Not to frighten you, he knew you’d be curious as to what was going on.
“Tissue compression, it’s a classic”
You finally saw what was in the matchstick box.... it was the original O.
Your mouth dropped as you whimpered slightly at the sight. The Masters eyes softened for a moment, wondering if perhaps he shouldn’t have shown you. He focused on the others for a moment to get you out of his head and thoughts before continuing.
“Ambushed him! On his way to work for his first day, shrunk him, took his identity and set myself up in MI6”
He turned back to the fam and kept you in his sights to see your reaction. You were still shocked and afraid, so he did the only thing he could. The thing you bonded over. He tried to make a joke.
“Surprisingly good staff canteen”
If he wasn’t watching you, he wouldn’t have noticed the quick smile or the breath you took. Another time, that would have you giggling and he knew. But you weren’t as scared as you were a second ago, so it did it’s job. He smiled softly at you closed you mouth and took a breath to calm yourself.
He was going to through the small box to the side to spite the Doctor, but he didn’t want to scare you so he put it back in his pocket and faced the Doctor once more.
“I have had a lot of fun” he started clapping out of enjoyment as the Doctor ran for the cockpit. The Master turned back to the fam and grimaced before a tiny giggle left his mouth. You were about to speak when suddenly
“Where’s Barton?!” Now that got your attention
The Master turned back around as if he’d been caught stealing a cookie. He jumped around acting like he didn’t know where to go until he sat down in a plane seat a few rows in front of you as the others ran past him.
He turned to you, you still looked terrified before, hearing that the plane didn’t have a pilot didn’t help
“So how’s the inflight entertainment?” He smiled softly at you, not the cruel smile he’d been giving out. An encouraging one, perhaps concerned and kind.
“I don’t like the comedy show” you whispered. You were scared. Confused. Still had burning lungs. Worried about the Doctor and others. And on top of that making a joke with a, now know, murderer was not at the top of your priorities.
“Check the seat” he called out after controlling his laughter at your reaction. The fam panicked as he whispered just loud enough for you to hear.
“it’s going to be ok” he knew in his mind it wasn’t. You were going to die. You are a human, he has no need for humans no matter how much he enjoyed your company. You knew it too.
He smirked evily as he glanced at the cockpit.
“Cockpit bomb”
He glanced at you at your gasps of horror. Smoking as he continued.
“Short fuse. I can relate to that”
A knowing smile until he heard the sound of the sonic.
“No! Did you think I wouldn’t have thought of that?’ It’s sonic proof Doctor! Come on!”
“Dead lock sealed and I made sure, no parachutes on board”
You knew you were going to die. You wanted to get to your friends, your fam. But the Master blocked your way.
“There must be a way!”
You doubted it. You were frightened and wanted your friends. You made eye contact with Yaz and Ryan, both held their arms out for you, knowing you needed them. You pushed past the Master into their arms and whimpered a little. You tried to keep it quiet so the doctor couldn’t hear you. You didn’t want her to stress out more than she already was.
Yaz said something to the Master and he replied, but you couldn’t make it out. You were too busy being scared and keeping it quiet. You caught the end of their conversation as the Master said
“...even these guys” you saw the creatures you were investigating. And if you weren’t scared enough?
“I can’t do it! Get away!” The Doctor shouted. She shut and barricaded the door in a feeble attempt to keep the explosion away from you all. The bomb went off and she fell over.
All you could hear was screaming. The fams, the Masters, your own. Your grip on the seat that you had grabbed weakened and you fell. You never hit the ground. In the chaos you could just about notice you had been caught. It was the purple cost that gave their identity away.
“Tell me Y/N, are you mad at me?”
You held onto him, him being the only steady thing you could grab on to at the moment.
“I’ve been mad at you since the Wizard of Oz reference”
He laughed as he held you in his arms. He steadied you in a seat and left towards the Doctor and stood over her.
“One last thing, you should know in the seconds before you die. Everything that you think you know, is a lie”
He turned to face you again.
“Y/N! Do me a favour!”
“Don’t die!”
“That’s kinda the idea here! your not exactly helping!”
“Good little human! I’ll see you soon!”
“If I don’t die in a damn plane crash you twit!”
he laughed before he sobered, turning back to the Doctor
“Got you, finally”
And with that he vanished.
Now we just have to survive the plane crash...
I’m sure the Doc.. Annnnd she just got taken.
Just great.
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darkwingsnark · 4 years
Tagged by @prince-luffy
AO3 name: DarkwingSnark
Fandoms: ...SEE, I’m in lots of fandoms. Or at least, I’ve written for them during hyper-fixation periods. Let’s see what AO3 says...
Batman: The Animated Series (20)
Batman - All Media Types (7)
Wander Over Yonder (Cartoon) (6)
DuckTales (Cartoon 1987) (5)
Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero (5)
Penguins of Madagascar (3)
James and the Giant Peach - Roald Dahl (3)
Darkwing Duck (Cartoon 1991) (3)
Disney - All Media Types (3)
Dan Vs. (2)
Milo Murphy's Law (2)
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja (1)
The Batman (Cartoon) (1)
Lady and the Tramp (1955) (1)
Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies (1)
Winnie-the-Pooh - All Media Types (1)
Alice in Wonderland (1951) (1)
Gummi Bears (TV) (1)
Winnie-the-Pooh (Disney) (1)
.... Honestly, I feel like there’s more that this list isn’t covering. Like Phineas and Ferb isn’t here and I wrote for that show too. And many of these can be simplified and condensed because they belong to similar fics.
Tropes: Depends on the fic. But as a whole, tend to write Romantic Comedies with a lot of slow burn. Mostly because... struggle is funny. People being dumdums and oblivious to the obvious is funny. Aaaaand also because it allows the episodic quality of shenanigans to occur.
Number of fics: Up and posted on AO3? 53. Does not include stuff on FF.net or that’s sitting in google docs begging to be finished.
Fic I spent the most time on: Not sure how to read this. Does it mean active man hours? Or does stuff like having a hiatus in-between count? Because TECHNICALLY ‘Real Value’ was started in high school, and I didn’t rewrite it and carry on the series (with Moonie) until many years later. There are also fics like ‘Growing Love’ or ‘Priorities’ that took a lot of time to do research. Like learning how to build a lawn mower so I could have a character believably break it apart for repairs.
....God I do a lot of research that doesn’t go into the actual fics. Because all I need, really, in the confidence of what I’m doing to be the character and describe an action here or there. 
Fic I spent the least time on: Probably something drabble related? Or maybe the fic I did that was just me venting out emotions because I was feeling guilty? ‘A Mother’s Intuition’ was written and posted within a couple of hours.
Longest fic: Complicated. The longest thing written is technically an RP, NOT a story. (Different, trust me.) ‘What Happens in Gotham’ has a word count of  207,413. But fic wise at 89,022 word would be ‘The Constant Gardener’ . 
Runner up being ‘Priorities’ at little over 87k.
Shortest fic: Drabbles? Uh, let’s see.. Probably from ‘Beauty and Your Worth’, as i think one was literally a paragraph long. ... Speaking of Gummi Bears, I wonder if I still have my notes on the GruffiGusto fic I wanted to write. Something to look into.
Most hits: Apparently ‘Fallen Hard’ at  5354
Most kudos: Also ‘Fallen Hard’ at 518. There... were more fans of Milo Murphy’s Law than I realised. 
Most comment threads: ‘Fallen Hard’, 193 comments. ‘What Happens in Gotham’ following at 185.
Most bookmarks: .... that’s something people care about? I hardly ever bookmark things, since I read it in one go. But... I can look?
Ah.... ‘Fallen Hard’. 63
Total word count: 971,833 Oh hey! Almost a million. That’s something to celebrate.
Favorite fic I wrote: 'Knights of Dobenshire’. Hands down. (With ‘Heart of the Cards’ being very close.) I like writing road trip styled stories. It allows many things to happen within the narrative. BUT, ‘Knights of Dobenshire’ wins because it was such a satisfying conclusion of this build up, you know? Scrooge is finally no longer just putting up with the relationship with Fenton, but fully embracing it. That surprise feeling that hits him when he realizes, dear lord, he IS attracted to Fenton beyond affection. 
It hits me more than a mutual pining because there I KNOW they will get together. But here? While writing with Moonie? I DIDN’T KNOW! I was worried in the end we’d have to write another fic to finally reach that step. Scrooge is stubborn and does what he wants, let me tell ya.
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: 'Fallen Hard’, ‘Season of Miracles’, ‘Going with the Flow’, pretty much anything that isn’t complete. BUT, not posted, I really want to get back to more of the stories planned in the McCrack series. It was a ship I kinda made from the ground up, with nobody caring about it in the beginning. So it feels very important to see that series through.
Share a bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on:
... Actually, I can share something from 'Donald’s Party (Working Title)’. @swampy-tiefling and I started. Just the first scene to get you guys hooked.
Donald took a deep breath of air from the doorway of the house and sighed, once again pleased to find himself at his home away from home. Traveling the seas and exploring the world with the navy were its own rewards, he supposed, but there would never be anything quite like the countryside-- the middle aged mallard having practically been raised on Grandma Duck’s farm. Donald Duck was happy to be on shore-- his naval carrier being docked for the week in Duckburg as they replenished supplies and took care of whatever repairs that were needed. Whatever excuse his bosses wanted to use were fine by him, he was just happy to not be scrubbing decks for a change!
That didn’t, however, mean he was able to rest and relax-- as the duck was startled out of his thoughts as somebody bumped into him. That somebody was his grandmother as she came to, just having caught her plate of cookies before they fell.
“My land, Donald! What in the world are you doing hiding here when you should be meetin’ and greetin’ the guests?”
Donald ignored the woman’s soft glare as he waved her off, using his other hand to steal a cookie in the process. Stuffing it in his mouth, he murmured out a response.
“Phooey, they’re just relatives.”
“Even more of a reason to go out and talk to them.” Before the sailor could argue, Grandma Duck placed the plate of treats into his hands. “And put these out on the snack table while you’re at it. Poor Fethry is looking peckish.”
Donald rolled his eyes, but otherwise did as he was told. Wasn’t it just like life to make him work at his own welcome home party? Walking towards the open yard where the party was taking place, it didn’t take long to reach the table, where his cousins were already gathered around as they chat.
This instantly caught the attention of the lankier duck, his gaze zoning in as he smiled widely towards Donald in greeting.
“Well if it ain’t the guest of honor, with snacks to boot!” Fethry leaned closer, his red hat wobbling with him as he continued to inquire. “Say, cuz, ya wouldn’t happen to know if these are gluten free, would ya?”
Donald gave him an unimpressed look. 
“You’re not going on another crazy diet, are ya?” Though, in all honesty, he was more worried his looney cousin might try to drag him along-- and after months of eating nothing but mush, he would NOT miss out on his first chance to pig out on actual home cooked meals.
"Not crazy at all, actually!" Fethry grinned that goofy grin. "See, it's all right here; Gluten Free; It's the Way to Be' !" he shoved a rather lengthy-looking hard cover book in Donald's face. Donald had no choice but to stare at it, the words all blurring together from its close proximity to his eyes. The offending object remained there for only a second, however, before it was yanked back, the nutty mallard already busy flipping through it.
"Let's see, here, there's a fascinating chapter I think you should-- Don?"
Phew, that had been close. Donald was still in sneaking away mode, and jumped and yelped when he was tapped on the shoulder. Oh no. He'd been caught, after all. He slowly turned, with a forced, toothy grin, to face his fate.
A wave of relief washed over him when he saw his girlfriend, Daisy, smiling sweetly at him, instead.
“And where do you think you’re sneaking off to, Mister? You’ve been gone for so long, and here we are, with you haven’t even given me a kiss ‘hello’ yet.” 
Now there was something Donald didn’t mind doing, as his girlfriend leaned in her face for her reward. Wrapping his arms around her, he planted the biggest of smooches to her temple. 
“Gaww, I’m sorry Daisy. I really did miss you.”
This earned him a soft smile, as it was Daisy’s turn to kiss him on the forehead.
“And I missed you, hun. Now, tell me… why WERE you sneaking around?”
“Grandma put me on entertainment duty.”
“Well, “ his girlfriend began, “it IS your party, after all. They came to see you, seems fair to me.” This made the sailor groan as she looked at him unsympathetically. Rolling her eyes, the reporter sarcastically patted her boyfriend in comfort. “There there. Now don’t go sneaking off for real, the boys will be arriving soon. And Grandma tells me Uncle Scrooge will be bringing along a special guest.”
“Special guest?” Donald asked incredulously. “Like who?” This caused Daisy’s eyes to glimmer all the more in mischief, a look that told him that she knew something he didn’t know. And that something was big news, if he was reading her right.
“Oh, nobody TOO special, I suppose,” Daisy was stalling, and it was driving Donald up the wall. The duck woman continued her teasing. “Nobody except your uncle’s new date friend.”
"Date friend?" Donald practically exclaimed, prompting Daisy's grin to grow all the more smug.
"Yep! You've missed quite a bit since you've been away, you know."
"No kidding...well I'll be..." Donald was shaking his head, but he was smiling. Uncle Scrooge, dating, at his age... it was nothing short of a miracle. It was about time, too!
"Meanwhile, why don't you go say hi to the rest of the guests? I know it's hard..." she rolled her eyes. "but at least make an effort, okay? Thanks, hun!"
Donald's heart fluttered as she smooched his cheek, and left. He glanced out over the yard, and saw quite a few familiar faces; Gus, Ludwig, Gladstone... heck, even Gyro Gearloose had shown up!
He sighed, but this one wasn't a sigh of pure despair. It did feel nice to be home, surrounded by people who most likely cared, and his nephews were even going to show up soon. Not to mention, he'd get to tease his uncle for finally taking his advice on the whole dating thing. 
That alone gave Donald the pep in his step he needed as he threw himself back into the party-- where he knew his crazed family would be waiting for him. 
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oh-phineas · 4 years
One Man (and one bird) Pizza Party | Task: YEARNING
Phineas spends the end of prom in with a pizza-eating pigeon and realizes he’s in deeper than he had planned.
No warnings, just #sadboi hours lol
After talking to Huey for a little bit, Phineas realized that he needed some air. At this point, he didn’t really care about prom court anymore and the thought of watching more drama go down kind of made him feel sick. He was sure he would find out on Monday. 
So he took another slice of cold pizza and made for the exit, sitting down on the steps outside of Swynlake Secondary and looking up at the sky.
Phineas felt like a pinball: pushed from side to side by things he didn’t see coming and hitting a lot of things by accident on the way down. Ever since starting at Swynlake Secondary, Phineas had tried to remember that, even across an ocean and in a magical town, high school really wasn’t all that different: there was always going to be gossip, there were always going to be bullies, schoolwork was always going to be a struggle, and feelings would always be complicated and messy. At the Mallards’ party, somehow Phineas had convinced himself that things would be different here.
Maybe that had been wishful thinking.
Because the Mallards’ party had been so much fun, at least in Phineas’s eyes. In the weeks that followed, Phineas’s memory had gotten selective about that night. Any awkwardness, anything that had gone wrong paled in comparison to the memory of his epic promposal. He really believed that if he could replicate that kind of night at prom, everything would be perfect. 
Phineas believed that he deserved that. And Mei deserved that. When she had been worried about not having a date, Phineas had seen it as his opportunity to... save the day? Had that been his motivation this whole time, why he had been so hellbent on making the night fun? Why he had been so worried about who had seen him fall in the punch, and why Lock’s comments had bothered him so much?
And was the reason he was vaguely annoyed at Mei for still being off talking to Lock because he thought Lock was going to make her night worse? Because that didn’t make sense. Lock was her friend and of course she would want to talk to him right now. And Phineas had gone to prom with Mei as friends. They could talk to other people. It wasn’t a big deal.
Except it felt like it was. 
He looked down at his untouched pizza and didn’t really feel hungry anymore. A pigeon wandered over and Phineas started ripping off pieces of pizza to throw to the bird.
Phineas had wanted prom to go perfectly and it wasn’t for selfless reasons. It was because he wanted Mei to give him that surprised look she had given him at the Mallards’ party, and maybe he wanted Mei to kiss him again.
And there was a tiny part of him that really believed she wanted to, too. And maybe Phineas had ruined that, or maybe Lock had ruined that, or maybe the simple reality of the situation was that Mei just didn’t like him that way. 
Crushes were so goddamn stupid. Phineas wished he could have gone back to the beginning of the semester and warned himself not to let this happen.
He sighed. “What do you think I should do?” he asked the pigeon.
The pigeon stared back at Phineas blankly, because he was a pigeon.
His phone buzzed. Candace wanted to know what time she was supposed to come pick him up. Part of Phineas wanted to say now, because his mood was getting worse and all he really wanted to do was complain to Candace and listen to her typically-questionable advice. But he didn’t want to make Ferb go home early, too.
So Phineas just told her that they were in the middle of awarding Prom King and Prom Queen but he would let her know when he was ready to go home. In the meantime, he stared up at the stars and thought about what Mei had said about how love magic was different from science the first time they hung out and how you couldn’t just program love. How human beings didn’t work like computer codes. 
He fed the pigeon the rest of the pizza slice.
Half an hour later, Phineas was in the passenger seat of Candace’s car. He didn’t really feel like complaining anymore, though. He just wanted to go to bed.
His phone buzzed again. Mei. 
 Hey! Left after all the craziness…sorry I didn’t get to see you! Thanks for being my date! You’re the best!
Phineas inhaled sharply. He typed and deleted and typed and deleted. Asking how the talk with Lock went. Telling her he would have given her a ride home. Saying that it was no big deal and thanking her for being his date too.
In the end, he settled for “Okay,” because he didn’t know what else he wanted to say.
“Hey, what happened to your jacket?” Candace asked idly as they turned onto Maple Drive.
Phineas looked down at his permanently-stained pink jacket and sighed. “Can we talk about it tomorrow?”
“Okay, I’m just saying that was kind of exp-”
“Candace, please.”
They both frowned and stared out the dashboard.
“Prom isn’t all it’s cracked up to be sometimes, you know?” Candace said in an odd voice. That was weird. She had been basically the queen of her prom (whether or not she had actually won the crown). Based on the pictures, she’d seemed to have a perfect night. But then again, not everything was what it seemed.
Phineas glanced at his sister and looked down at his jacket again. “Yeah, I know.”
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michellemjjoneses · 7 years
Operation Stardust
Words: 3,664
Rate: G
Summary: Jyn is sent to a solo mission to find Han Solo, while Cassian prepare himself and the entire Rebellion for an operation called Operation Stardust.
Well, this is the first time I made a really serious and long fanfic. I was inspired from Phineas and Ferb episode called Phineas’ Birthday Clip-O-Rama where Phineas went through the city while his friends were preparing a surprise party for him (and yes Frozen Fever too) (And for a warming up before my chapter-by-chapter fanfic and some aus)
I made it in order to celebrate my birthday (which is yes, today, April 26). I always imagine if Jyn had birthday, what would our captain do? Throw a surprise party of course.
Well enjoy my fic!
Another morning in Yavin IV. But things are not going well in Temple Of Massassi after Princess Organa takes place to give some missions to everyone. Jyn isn’t an exception. 
“Maybe I should drop you on a mission on Tatooine,” Leia says while check her datapad. “You need to find an informant named Sef Trevor.”
“Find an informant? But, that’s an intelligence duty, ma'am,“ Jyn corrects.
“Correct, Sergeant,” Leia says. “But I need you to take Captain Andor’s place since he got sick.”
Jyn purses her lips together. After he came back from Coruscant with some new recruits, Cassian got sick. Just a fever, actually. But it makes Jyn worries to him, of course. She took care of him, every time. She even asked him to go to medbay. But, he rejected it.
“Don’t worry, Sergeant,” Leia says again. “He’ll be fine here. You just need to find Sef Trevor and he will lead you to another informant. Your mission is to get Solo and bring him here. Understood?”
“Understood,” Jyn answers. She stands and walks away from the War Room to the U-Wing. She doesn’t suspect anything from The Princess. 
Leia smiles even wider. She never knew that she would be trick a sergeant. She then turns her head. “You can come out, Captain.”
Cassian sighs of relief. He was hiding behind the wall when Leia talked to Jyn. With Jyn gone for a ‘fake mission’, he has enough time for his operation.
“You think she’ll be fine?” Cassian asks. 
“Of course,” Leia answers. “Solo is in Correllia. You don’t need to worry about her. Beside, there something you need to do for her, right?”
He smiles. He takes his comlink and turn it on. “Operation Stardust, begin!”
Tatooine, one of the hottest planet in the galaxy. Jyn doesn’t like Tatooine. It’s fill with sands and it reminds her to her time in Scarif. Sands, sands everywhere, she thinks. 
She landed on Mos Eisley and she walks in the most dangerous place in Tatooine. Filled with many criminals. Last time she visited this place when she was eighteen. She was Tanith Pontha back then. And now, she visits this place again and as Tanith Pontha again.
From what she knows about Sef Trevor, he’s a guy who smuggles some blasters to the Outer Rim. That’s what she found in his profile. She walks to the cantina and open its door.
Music plays and smokes spread across the cantina. She tries to hold her cough but she can’t. She closes her mouth with her scarf. “This place is even worse than Wobani,” she mumbles with mouth close.
She turns her head and finds a dark-haired woman in her age. Beside her, there’s a dark skin guy. His face is similar in his profile.
Sef Trevor.
“Hi, Klara,” she says. “It’s been a long time.”
Klara chuckles. “Of course. Now, look at you. You’re change too much. How’s life?”
Jyn lifts her shoulder. “Still usual.”
“Oh, still smuggling, huh?” Klara asks. She takes another sip from her glass. “I heard from someone that you need to talk to my boyfriend?”
“Yes,” Jyn answers. “About business.”
“Business, huh?” Finally Sef speaks. “Klara, you should go.”
“Alright, Dear,” Klara answers. “I’ll have to go. See ya, Tanith.”
Jyn just nods. And now, it’s time to get some information about Han Solo from this guy.
“So, do you know a smuggler named Han Solo?” Jyn asks.
“Solo? That guy?” Sef quirks. “Ah, my nemesis. He’s in debt with Jabba. But, I don’t care about his debts.”
“When was the last time you saw him?” Jyn asks again.
“Well, where’s that guy?” There’s a pause within a minute. “Ah, he’s in Naboo. My friend said that he’s shipping to Naboo.”
“Naboo?” Jyn once went to Naboo. She lived with Sabé.  Maybe, I can get some information about Solo from Sabé.
“Thank you, Sef,” Jyn says. She then stands and walks away from cantina.
Back in Yavin IV, all of the Rebellions, new recruits or not, are working together to prepare the Operation Stardust. 
The truth is, Cassian never did this before. He planned this two weeks before Jyn’s birthday. And unexpectedly, The Princess approved his plans, despite Draven’s rejections. After all, Jyn deserves more after what she did for the Rebellion. 
A surprise party. For Jyn Erso.
And now, Cassian can orders the entire people in the Rebellion for a surprise party. Most new recruits know about her and they can’t wait for it. They decorate the First Base with lamp bulbs and balloons, arrange tables for food and put ‘Happy Birthday, Sergeant Erso’ banner. For pilots, they arrange presents from people and park their X-Wings and help the new recruits put the lamp bulbs and balloons around their X-Wings. For data analysts, they help the Captain for log datas for the party.
And for Rogue One crew, Cassian gives them a job. It’s supposed to be an easy job. Make a birthday cake.
“But we never bake a cake, Cassian,” Kaytoo protests. “There is 90 percent chances that the cake…”
“Not now, K!” Cassian cuts Kaytoo’s protests. “We’ll make this cake perfectly. Beside, some cooks are here to help us. And the party will run perfectly What could possibly gone wrong?”
“Jyn won’t like the cake?” Bodhi says.
“Jyn won’t like the party?” Luke adds.
“Jyn will finds out that The Princess tricks her for you?” Chirrut adds.
“The cake’s taste will gone bad?” Baze adds. 
“And Jyn will finds out that you lied to her,” Kaytoo says. 
Cassian levels his glare to his team. Everyone shut their mouth instantly. 
“Go back to work!” He orders. They nod and walk to their station. Bodhi and Luke prepare the frosting while Chirrut and Baze mix the batter of the cake. 
He sighs again. His eyes catch a glimpse of a party. He imagines Jyn walks in and finds out about the party. Her body hugs his. 
Cassian’s smile rises again. He can’t wait for Jyn to come home.
Jyn takes a deep breaths and let them go. It’s been a long time she never breathe the freshest air in the galaxy. Naboo looks so peaceful despite there’s a war up there. She considers to live in here after the war’s over.
“Jyn, is that you?”
Jyn turns around and find her. Sabé still same. But she taller than the last time she saw her. 
“Hi, Sabé,” Jyn greets her. “It’s been a long time.”
“Yeah, it is,” Sabé says. “You know, I’ve been serving The Queen again so I’m sorry if I can’t keep in touch with you.”
“It’s okay, Sabé,” Jyn answers. “I’ve been joining the Rebellion so I’ve been busy too. Maybe, you wanna visit Yavin IV?”
Sabé nods. “Of course. The Queen requested me as the representative from Naboo to the Alliance. I’ll be going to Yavin IV tomorrow.”
“Really?” Jyn asks with excited tone. “That’s amazing! I can’t wait for you!”
Sabé chuckles. “Me too. So, Jyn, what brings you to Naboo?”
“Well, my informant said that Solo is here,” Jyn states. “Did you see him?”
Sabé shakes her head. “I’m sorry, Jyn. I didn’t see him. But my friend said that he was out from here. His destination was Corellia.”
“Corellia?” Jyn asks again.
“Yes, Corellia,” Sabé confirms. “Anyway, I must pack my things for tomorrow. See you later.”
“See you,” Jyn answers. “May the Force be with you, Sabé.”
“May the Force be with you too, Jyn,” Sabé replies and turn around as she walks to the city.
Jyn sighs. Corellia. This is better your last destination, Solo.
It’s 0300 in afternoon in Yavin IV. Preparation almost done. Presents with various colours are well-arranged. Decorations are ready. Light bulbs were tested and they’re work. Special hangar are prepared carefully for the Millennium Falcon to land in front of the party.
But the problem is the cake. Rogue One crew must change the cake many times because of its taste. Leia becomes the tester of the cake’s sample. And of course she said that every samples of the cake aren’t delicious. She even offers herself to help them.
“We tried seven different cake sample and none of them are delicious!” Cassian shouts. 
“Cassian, calm down,” Bodhi tries to calm him down. “It’s not like Jyn won’t like it. Beside, she will understands. Plus, this sample is already delicious.”
“You don’t understand, Bodhi!” He shouts, again. “It’s 0300 and we must finish this cake before sunset! And we’re not even arrange the cake!”
He needs Jyn this time. He knows that Jyn could handle this situation. She probably would calm him down right now.
“Cassian, your heartbeat is increasing,” Kaytoo chirps. “I suggest that you-”
“Thank you, K,” Cassian answers. “We must finish this cake for once and for all.”
Jyn lands the U-Wing carefully in the hangar. She then come out from it and use the scarf to cover her head. She walks to the outside of the hangar. Minutes later, she hears a machine humming. She turns around and finds out that her- Cassian’s U-Wing, is flying.
“Hey! Come back!” Jyn runs to chase the U-Wing. But it’s too late. The U-Wing is already flew.
What would Cassian says after he knows this? He probably angry to her. Jyn doesn’t wanna to fight against him again. She knows Cassian loves his U-Wing after The Princess gave another one to replaced the one which was destroyed in Eadu.
And now, she’s trapped here. Alone. Her credits are not enough to pay for a pilot to get out from here. If she couldn’t get out and come back home, what would happen in Yavin IV? Cassian probably panic and aboard another ship to get her out.
But she can’t relies on Cassian. She must get out from here with little credits. Maybe if she can finds her old friend…
“Hey, Hallik!”
Jyn turns around. She finds Han Solo leaned on the wall meanwhile his Wookie friend, Chewbacca, roars to call her. She sprints towards them. 
“You always disappeared, Solo,” Jyn says.
He lifts his shoulders. “Sorry, Sergeant. The Princess’ order. I heard you lost your U-Wing?”
“That’s not my U-Wing, but Cassian’s!” she corrects. “Kriff, he will be mad at me.”
Han chuckles. “Alright, Erso. I’ll pick your up from here. I’m also wanna go back to Yavin IV because we’re done some catch up here.”
Jyn sighs of relief. Finally she can go home and sleep in her bunk.
“Alright then,” she says.
“Then, let’s get out from here,” Han says and leads her to the Millennium Falcon.
After twenty times trial, Cassian swears to himself that this will be the last sample. Otherwise, they must go to Coruscant to order some birthday cake which will takes time
“The cake’s ready!” Cassian says. He runs to the oven, but Baze prevents him.
“This is not your job, Captain,” he says. “This is mine.”
He puts gloves on his hands and opens the oven. The smell from the cake spreads across the kitchen. Baze puts the cake on the table very carefully.
“Alright, let’s give it a try,” Cassian says.”For the last time.” Without The Princess, he must tries it. He tells himself that he represents Jyn too. He cuts the cake into a slice and put it on a small plate. Bodhi, Luke, Chirrut and Baze looks at him with anxious expression when Cassian takes a bite.
Chirrut prays, hopes that the cake will be delicious. Bodhi closes his face, afraid that Cassian will be angry, again. Luke and Baze are hiding under the table.
“It’s good,” he comments. 
Bodhi, Luke, Chirrut and Baze are blinking with we’re-not-believe-it faces.
“It’s good,” he says again. “It’s good, guys! Let’s bake this again! And makes sure that this will be the last sample.”
The four nod and bake the cake again. Several hours later, three cakes are out from oven. Bodhi, Luke and Baze are now coloring the cake with food dye. The cake will be in colour of dark blue like night sky. Chirrut spreads some glitters which can be eaten on the cake so the cake will be just like night sky fill with stardust.
“We’re done, Captain!” Luke reports. 
Cassian gasps when he sees the cake. It’s beautiful. Jyn will love it.
After done with decorating, Kaytoo helps Cassian to arrange the cake. Cassian puts gloves on his hands and put the medium cake to the big one.
“Take it easy, Cassian,” Kaytoo says. “Take it easy.“ 
He bites his lips when he puts the smallest cake on the medium one. He worries that the cake will be destroyed. 
“Be careful, Cassian, be careful,” Kaytoo says again. “Be careful, Cassian, be care-”
“Shut up, Kay!” Cassian shouts. “I can’t concentrate if you say that!”
Kaytoo then shuts up. Cassian sighs again and finally he puts the last part of the cake without hesitation.
After that, Bodhi and Luke are frosting the cake with white icing. Luke writes ‘Happy Birthday, Jyn Erso’ on top of the cake.
“We’re done, Captain!” Luke shouts.
“We made it,” he says. He turns to his friends. They’re smiling of course after look at their handiwork.
Melshi rushes to the kitchen. “Captain, we’ve got transmission from Solo!”
Without hesitation, Cassian lets his apron go and then runs to the War Room.
In the War Room, they already receive some transmission from Han. And now, they’re waiting for Captain Andor
“Stardust will be back to the base,” Draven reads the transmission. “Should we reply it, Princess?”
Leia just sits and purses her lips. The cake isn’t ready yet. She needs to wait for Captain Andor. Unfortunately, Captain Andor needs to calm his temper, that was what his KX droid said. Maybe I can order Solo to bring Jyn to other planet. 
Leia opens her mouth. “Tell Solo…”
“That the Operation is done.”
She turns around and finds that Captain Andor is here. And his clothes are dirty. Not because of mud or blood like always, but because of the batter of the cake. 
Leia smiles and nods to General Draven. “Tell him that the Operation is done.”
General Draven nods and types the transmission. 
“And now, it’s time, Captain,” Leia says as she stands again. “You better change your clothes. Are you ready?“ 
He nods. "I’m ready.”
Stardust. Wake up, darling.
Jyn shrugged her blanket again. She doesn’t like to be awaken. She wanted to be awake by herself. 
Stardust. Wake up, Dear. It’s morning already.
She gave up and opened her eyes. She looked over to find out who called her. Papa and Mama were in front of her. They smiled so brightly.
“Happy birthday, Stardust.”
Mama brought a chocolate birthday cake while Papa brought many presents. Jyn smiled and scream with excited attitude. 
“Make a wish, Dear,” Mama said.
Jyn closed her eyes. I wish we will always together. She opened her eyes and blew out four candles. Her parents clapped their hands. 
Jyn opened her first present. A doll with white fur and red face. She then hugged her parents so tightly.
“Thank you, Mama, Papa,” she said. “I love you.”
“We love you too, Stardust,” her parents replied.
Jyn awakes from her sleep. It was just a memory. Just a dream. She cries silently. Her parents are not here to celebrate her birthday. Her wish won’t never come true. 
“Alright, we’re almost there.” She hears Han talks to Chewie. Jyn stands from the bunk as she wipes her tears away.
“Don’t worry, Erso,” Han says. “We’re almost there. You better sit down.”
Jyn sits down on the chair behind Han’s chair. She sees Han is trying to contact The Alliance. 
“Chewie, try to contact Yavin IV,” Han orders his Wookie. “We’re gonna landing.”
Chewbacca roars softly. 
“What?” Han asks. “We can’t contact The Alliance?”
“What happened?” Jyn asks.
“Something wrong with Yavin IV,” Han answers. “But, don’t worry. They already sent us some coordinate so we can landing safely.”
Jyn bites her lips. No, not again. Please be safe. She prays for The Alliance. She can’t loses her second family, her home.
When they come out from hyperspace, Jyn sees the base is dark. No lights shine the First Base like usual. 
“Alright, Chewie,” Han calls his friend. “We’re landing slowly.”
Millennium Falcon already reach out the atmosphere of the planet. And it lands safely and slowly. 
“The Base never been so quiet,” Jyn mumbles.
“We’re better get out from here and ask The Princess,” Han advices.
Jyn nods. Han opens the door and let Jyn out first. The Base is so dark and quiet. 
“Hello?” Jyn calls. “Is anybody here?”
Suddenly, lights shine the Base along with the bulbs that around the X-Wings. Jyn shuts her eyes because of the lights. She then opens her eyes again.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SERGEANT ERSO!” Everyone scream so loudly.
She looks at a dozen, not, the entire Rebellion. And then, she looks at Cassian. He is standing in front of them. He smiles to her. That same smile he used when he believed her to steal the Death Star plans.
“Happy birthday, Jyn,” Cassian says.
Tears running on Jyn’s cheek. She chuckles between her tears. She looks to the people of the Rebellion. She never celebrate her birthday again. She runs to Cassian and hug him tightly.
“Thank you,” she says between her sobs. “Thank you.”
Everyone are clapping their hands. Cassian sees Han and nods to him as a thank you for bring his stardust home. Han nods too to say ‘you’re welcome’.
“What about make a wish first?” he offers. A triple-level cake with dark blue color and glitters that shine like stardust comes. 
“Wow,” Jyn sees the cake and admires it. “I love it.”
“The cake was Cassian’s idea,” Kaytoo explains. “He was inspired from stardust. We tried twenty times-.”
“Shut up, Kay!” Cassian shouts again. Jyn laughs when she sees Cassian tries to shut Kaytoo up.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Bodhi asks. 
“Alright, alright. I’ll blow the candles,” Jyn answers. She shuts her eyes. She never makes a single wish in her birthday. But today is an exception. She’s not alone anymore. She is surrounded by the people who love her.
I wish we will always together. 
She opens her eyes and blows up the candles. Everyone cheer and clap their hands. 
“Jyn, you won’t celebrate your birthday with that outfit, right?” Leia asks. “I can lend you one of my dress if you want to.”
Jyn nods. She follows Leia to her quarters and changes her clothes into a beautiful blue dress. Her hair is styled in a classic bun. After that, they come out from Leia’s room and go to the party again. Everyone are surprised when they look at Jyn. Kaytoo reminds Cassian to breathe. 
“And now, it’s time for the dance!” Luke shouts with excitement. 
Some Pathfinders member already on their place and play their music instruments. Everyone find their partner and dance together. Han with Leia, Chewbacca with some new recruits, Luke with Bodhi while Baze and Chirrut just sit and enjoy the view.
And of course. Jyn is dancing with Cassian. She never sees him happily like this. Or perhaps she never been this happy. And then, she remembers his U-Wing. 
“Cassian,” she calls. “Your U-Wing, I lost…”
“No, you didn’t, Jyn,” he answers. “You didn’t lose it. Shara piloted it when you came out from it. She was with Solo and waited for you to come. When you came out, she sneaked into the U-Wing and flew it back here.”
Jyn turns to see Shara along with her husband, Kes. She smiles and waves her hand. Jyn smiles to her and she forgives her. After all, Shara is her friend. 
“So, this was all your plan, Captain?” Jyn asks. “I suggest, maybe your next birthday, I’ll be do the same.”
“Really? You’ll do that for me?” Cassian asks.
Jyn nods. “But I won’t pretend that I’m sick. You know, I was worried when you got sick! Turns out, you pretended! I was worried sick of you!”
“Alright, I’m sorry, Jyn,” Cassian admits. “I’m sorry that I make you worries.”
“Promise me you’re not gonna pretending again in front of me?” She offers.
“I promise,” he answers.
Silent comes again. Cassian twirls Jyn around before she faces him again. “How do you know that today is my birthday?” Jyn asks.
“Well, I checked your data,” Cassian answers. “Two weeks ago, I found your data and I planned all of these. I asked my plans to The Council. Unexpectedly, The Princess agreed with my ideas despite General Draven’s rejections. Even Senator Mothma agreed with it. We planned these for two weeks. When you’re gone with Pathfinders, I got help from the entire Rebellion. When the day has come, all of us must work together to prepare all of these. Including the ‘fake mission’.”
“So that’s why The Princess sent me to find Solo,” Jyn remembers when The Princess asked her to find Solo through Trevor.
“And the cake, yes that was my idea,” Cassian admits. “You’re a stardust, Jyn. So maybe I wanted to make a cake that represents you.”
“Says the Captain who tried to make the most perfect cake in twenty times trial,” Jyn corrects. “Cassian, seriously, how much flour that you spent for a cake?”
He chuckles. “Well, I don’t know. But you love the cake, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, I love the cake,” Jyn answers. “It’s delicious, by the way. Did you bake it by yourself?”
“No, of course,” Cassian answers. “I got help from Bodhi, Chirrut, Baze, Kaytoo and that farm boy.”
“He’s not a farm boy anymore, Cassian,” Jyn corrects. “He’s Luke Skywalker.”
“Alright, then. Luke Skywalker,” he says. Jyn laughs again. 
The music turns slowly. Jyn hugs Cassian again. And he hugs her, too.
“Thank you,” Jyn whispers. “For all of this.”
He kisses her forhead. “You’re welcome, Jyn.”
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rayman-25 · 5 years
Podcast Adventure Episode 2 Into the Light (2eme partie)
I do not have the characters of Gravity Falls, Phineas and Ferb, the Loud house, Teenagers mutant ninja turtles, Tekken and youtubeur (Moketo, Squeezie and Kirbendoworld) except John, Marc and Alice.
In the previous chapter
While Lincoln and Clyde were playing their game "Battle Moles," Lincoln's big sisters, came in from the house with a newspaper. He writes: "Manhattan's monster hunt contest which states that anyone who can find monsters wins a $ 100 00 reward"
One night, Lincoln, his sisters, Jean Wendy and the others, have to find his monsters and win $ 100,000. But April is hiding some things.
Arriving at the park, April received a text message from Leo. She went in search of her brothers. The Loud and the Podcast (except Mabel, Lincoln, Dipper, Irving and Marc) make a meeting of Pyronica.
Meanwhile in the old playground, April found her brother, but she does not know how to take it. That's when Lincoln saw them and the turtles. He went to warn his sister, but Leo looks at him and says, « You're just a kid! »
« AAAAHHHHH! » Lincoln screamed back to panic about it until he fainted.
« Oh no, » April says, worried that Lincoln spotted her turtles.
Now here is the sequel.
Arc 1: Heroes in a Loud-Shell! Episode 2
"Into the Light (part 2)"
« When I saw this kid fainting towards these creatures, I took pictures of them. I do not know how they became like that. When I left the park, I saw again it was a creature who jumped from roof to roof. Before going home, I first went to the police station to show them pictures of it's creatures »
Lincoln had fainted after seeing the turtles for the first time and April decided to help him, « Lincoln! » The turtles, on the other hand, were stunned by this intrusion, confused.
« Wait, April, do you know that little old man? » Mikey asked, her voice surprised by the fact that she knew a middle-aged person, or at least he thought so.
« Mikey, he's not a senior, » Donnie corrected.
« He is 11 years old » corrected April.
« So what about his white hair? » Mikey asked again.
« He must have a rare congenital malformation, » Donnie theorized.
« Guys, that's not the problem at the moment! » Leo shouted to his brothers and was slightly disappointed to let him see. « Our blanket has just been blown by an 11 year old kid! Do you know how many problems we are going to have now? »
Mikey, however, tries to think more about the positive note, « Oh, but how can this cute little guy get us into trouble? » Thought Mikey. So, he had an idea: « Wait, can we keep it ?! »
« You know it's called human trafficking and there will be a bigger research team for children! » Donnie had told Mikey.
Mikey, however, had taken the wrong path. « I have no idea what you just said Donnie, though I did understand ‘party’ so that would be great! »
Of course, Donnie just moans about Mikey's disillusionment. Leo, meanwhile, wonders about the child. « Well apart from that, again how do you know him, April? »
« He is part of the Loud family I told you about. »
« Wait, he's the only boy in his family, I thought you said the family was made up of girls? » Asked Mikey in amazement.
« Composed mostly of girls, » corrected April
« Does that mean that his sisters are here ?! » Donnie said, worried about her phobia acting.
« I do not think, I only saw it by anyone, » Leo said, trying to calm his brother.
As soon as someone was about to answer, Lincoln had finally woken up and was right next to April, « A-a-April? »
« Hey Lincoln, how are you feeling? » His emphatic and maternal tone.
« Stunned, I had a stranger dream where you were there and there were ... » Lincoln looked at the brothers. He was as stunned as panicked
« We come in peace, » Mikey said to Lincoln with a bright smile. But Lincoln screamed in fear, « Huh, it usually works. »
« In the movies, » says Donnie.
« Giant turtles! » Lincoln was panicked as he was before fainting, « It must be a strange and endless dream! How are they standing ?! How can they talk ?! Who or what are you guys ?! » Lincoln shouted.
April puts her soft hand on Lincoln's shoulder. « Relax, Lincoln. They do not want to hurt you. »
« H-h-how do you know that ?! » Lincoln shouted again, confused by the news.
« Because she is our sister, dude ». Mikey said absently to Lincoln.
Leo gave Mikey a whim. Lincoln looked questioningly, « Your Sisters ?! »
« It's a very long story, » April told the boy timidly.
« So, these turtles are your brothers !? How is it possible?! »
« You certainly ask a lot of questions. As she said kiddo, it's a long story, » said Leo.
Dipper, Mabel, Waddles, and Irving, ran before the entrance where they had heard Lincoln, Cree. Arrived in front of the place where April and Lincoln are, they saw three giant turtles in front of April and Lincoln. Dipper looked at it's creatures, « What's it creature? »
Irving was nervous for something « Guys I'll explain everything to you »
« Groinc, » squealed Waddles.
« Wait, do you know those monsters? » Mabel asked.
« Uh ... »
While April tried to tell Lincoln about his brothers, Leo lives in the distance, three children and a little pig « tell the guys, who's down there? » Leo asked.
April looked down and, but, he saw people. Waddles began to approach him from Lincoln and lick his face « yuck, Waddles stop! » Lincoln shouted.
Mikey approached Mabel and he looks smiling « ahhhhh » Mabel shouted.
"Ahhhh," Mikey shouted in turn. Mabel began to panic and started panicking, shouting, « ge-Get away from me! Don’t eat me! »
Mikey sending Mabel answered him: «  why would I eat you? »
But Waddles jumped on Mikey to save Mabel's life. But instead of biting him, he licked his face « Help guys! April! Lincoln! »
Mabel staring at his little pig who was licking the face of the giant turtle « Do not worry, Mikey he's not mean, » Lincoln said.
« Wait, do you know that monster? » Mabel asked.
April puts her soft hand on Mabel's shoulder. « don’t worry, Mabel. They do not want to hurt you, they are my brothers »
Dipper looked at April « Wait, so that means it's creature ..."
« She's already said, Dipper, » Irving interjects.
« It's a very long story, » April said timidly to the children and Waddles.
In front of the big lake, Pyronica threw her fireball in front of John's chest. He fell into the lake.
« John! » Shouted Luan and Alice.
Pyronica ran to elico, but Wendy used her foot to knock her down.
« Are you going like that ?! » She asked.
« Ok change of plans: Wendy, Alice, Squeezie and Thompson kick the backside to this pink, ugly woman and any disgust. We are going to find these creatures. I hope they do not hurt Lincoln and April, » says Lori.
Sisters Loud, Robbie, Tambry, Albert and Moketo left the park to find Lincoln and April. Pyronica stood up and start fighting. Wendy found a stick and hit the pink woman on her face. Pyronica was angry in his eyes. « Oh no, it's not over yet. You thought you could fight without Dipper and Mabel? I am powerful than you »
Pyronica rushed to Wendy. Both fell to the ground. Pyronica hit Wendy in the face again, and Wendy grabbed her head. Wendy pushed the pink pyro woman above him and the two got up. Alice, Thompson and Lucas went back to the hot dog stand and found things. Then they went back to Pyronica and Wendy « No people will interrupt us! » They said.
Lucas jumped in front of Pyronica. Alice gave him a knife on his chest. But the latter, dodged. Pyronica started giving him the coup de grace, but Wendy with the stick gave her a big blow on the head and Alice stabbed on the chest. Thompson by the belly with a blow of ball and Lucas the foot by the head.
« Double Reppuu Ken! » Alice shouted, giving Pyronica's right leg her feet. Thompson ran and jumped to Pyronica, but Pyronica threw him a small fireball in front of his stomach. Thompson fell to the ground and Pyronica gave him the coup de grace. But this one, still alive, evaded his attacks. The latter ran towards her, but the pink woman teleported and Thompson fell to the ground again. Pyronica is now teleporting in front of Alice.
Alice jumped « Double Rep ... » But Pyronica used her fists of fire to steal her.
« Take this, Pyrowoman! » Squeezie shouted, jumping in front of his chest. The pyro woman screamed in pain.
But she burst out laughing « ah ah ah ah ah, you! You are only fools! » Alice crushed her, but Pyronica teleported behind her. Angry Alice ran towards her and Wendy gave Pyronica the final blow. Pyronica avoids it and teleports. « Fire bomb! » Cried
Pyronica. She teleported to them again to make them fly « ah ah, you women of the earth, you are too weak for my taste. You thought you could beat me? » Pyronica asked with a happy face.
Squeezie ran to her « Shoryuken! » He shouted with an uppercut.
In the areas, Pyronica went down to Squeezie, but Thompson also gave him an uppercut « Rashomon! » He shouted.
My will to fight the knight
My will to fight the knight
My will to fight the knight
Face the Knight
In a world of evil light
And I'll survive
On my own
Overthrown yet not alone
And I'm alive...
My will to survive
My will to fight the knight…
Thompson and Squeezie ran to her. But she was still standing « fire sword! I call you! » Pyronica shouted. And the sword of fire appears by his hand. She turned around ten times and sent the two teenagers to the hot dog stand.
« Thompson! » Alice shouted. But Pyronica teleported to her, took Alice by her chest and she threw it on the floor.
Thompson ran to Alice for help. But Pyronica teleported behind him and sent him to the areas. The latter fell in front of the tree. Squeezie arrived. He intended to eliminate the woman's flame, but he was scared and started running towards the lake « I do not intend to kill, that boy » she thought. Alice Arriva. But Pyronica hit Alice's face and used the sword of fire on her forehead « But you're going to give me the pleasure of cooperating with me. » And together, we will be able to destroy the turtles and the football clan! She shouted.
Suddenly someone ran towards her. It was Mark, « who are you? » Pyronica asked.
« You better kill him, » Marc said. He started to hit his face « Where is my brother ?! »
Pyronica hit Mark's face. « Nooo, Mark! » Alice shouted.
« I've never heard the clan of foots, but killed giant turtles, will you do, » said Alice « and for cooperation, never! »
Wendy runs to her and prays to him by the chest « Squeezie quickly! » She shouted.
« Ok, I'm coming ! Lucas said running towards Pyronica. But before he arrives, he sees someone moving in the water. It was John « John! You are alive! Give me your hand, » said Squeezie, giving him his hand to John.
« What are you doing, damn it ?! » Wendy shouted.
« It's the perfect moment for the final shot! » Pyronica gave Wendy a little ball of fire and sent her to the park exit. Wendy ran past the park entrance to warn Squeezie.
« Finally, I do not think you're that bad, » John said with a happy face.
Squeezie Smile too. But he looked at Pyronica who used his magic sword to give him the final blow « John! Watch out! » He shouted.
Lucas pushed John and Pyronica sent him to the areas. She used the sword, giving her twenty shots, and she sent him a huge fireball and threw it to Squeezie, and the ball fell with him into the big lake.
« Noooo! » Jean shouted. He plunged into the lake to save Lucas. He came to the surface with him.
« I think I'm done here, » Pyronica said. She saw a little fog in the park. She left the park without her henchmen and the helicopter.
Wendy, Alice, Marc and Thompson ran to them « Are you all right? » Wendy asked.
« Yes. But you have to go home, » says Jean « it's way too dangerous »
« We must act quickly. Otherwise, the fog will be disciple, » said Thompson.
But Wendy found a stupid idea: « very well returned home, me and Squeezie we will wait Albert »
As they walked, Alice looked at Marc: « Tell me, were you or did you see the helicopter? »
« Well, I was at the store buying popcorn, » Marc explained to Alice.
« Listen to me, if you want Wednesday, we'll buy popcorn, » Alice said.
They arrived towards the exit and took the camper.
A minute later in the motorhome, Thompson told the group, « We're going to eat in a Mcdo and we're going home to do our free time. »
Alice called Soos : « Hello Soos? Yes, it's me, Alice, what do you eat at home? »
« Kirb and I are going to eat roast chicken with green vegetables. If you want, you can go eat with us. »
« Yuck. No question Soos, » said Alice, disgusted. « We're going to eat in a mcdo. But don’t worry, we promise you to come back »
Meanwhile, Raph was finally out of the garbage truck that had stopped completely and headed for an alley. But he was not more than happy: « I'm going to kill Mikey once we get together. And now, I feel the garbage! I mean seriously that this idiot would get killed if there was not me, Donnie or Leo who saved his ass! »
As he shook himself off the garbage and took a banana peel, he pulled out his T-Phone to call his brothers. Unfortunately, he had no signal around the area. « Well great just great! Is there anything else that could go wrong ?! » Raph shouted, he did not know someone had heard him.
"Guys, I think I heard something! "
Raph heard a voice and quickly understood: « Shit! » He decided to hide in an emergency exit. As he jumped straight ahead.
While he was hiding, the girls Loud, Albert, Moketo, Robbie, Tambry and Clyde entered the alley and began to look around him.
« Are you sure you heard him? » Lola asked Lynn.
Lynn replied, « I'm sure I heard something! It comes from here! »
Luna said, « Maybe he was just a random New Yorker, sister. They are always noisy like us. »
« What would a New Yorker do at random in an alley at night? » Clyde said suspiciously.
« Uh, get mugged, » Lana told them a little nervous.
They all seem a little nervous. While Raph was watching, « These are just a bunch of stupid girls, a nerdy boy, a guy with carpet on his head, a girl phone and a black punk, » he murmured.
Tambry answered Clyde, « So tell me, Clyde. How do you find us? »
« Well, uh … »
« Well, well, look what we have here. » A pair of Purple Dragon thugs headed for Clyde, Albert, Moketo, Robbie, Tambry and the girls, catching Raph's attention.
« What do you want, guys ?! » Luan asked, trying to sound brave.
« We just hope to catch punks who are joking with our-! »
One of the other thugs hit him on the back of his neck, « Do not tell them! He glanced over the Louds. « Let me make it as easy as possible, give us your things now! »
« No way ! » Lola shouted.
« In your dreams ! » Lynn said.
« I would like to live better! » Lucy says mecholony.
« Let me ask again! » He takes a gun from his pocket, « Give us your things!"
The girls Albert, Moketo, Robbie, Tambry and Clyde started getting nervous and the hooligans just smiled with their faces.
« Come on, I hate ruining your pretty faces. » Then, out of nowhere, a shuriken came towards the shooter's hand. The thug started screaming with pain in his hand. « Aaahhhhhhhh! »
« Was it a star that comes spear ?! » Asked one of the thugs with a blue scare.
« No idiot, it was an insect, of course, it was not a shooting star! » The leading gangster shouted.
« Does not that mean that one of them is here ?! »
Lynn used her baseball bat which she originally used for the monsters to hit the leader on the other side of her face, « Take this, Punks Purple ?! »
« I think that made him crazy. Ah ah! » Plaisanta Luan and the girls and Clyde tried to run away.
But some of the other thugs were on the other side of the alley.
« I do not think so ! »
Moketo, Albert and Robbie start fighting « Get out, guys. We'll take care of the thugs, » says Robbie
« You know it's easy to pick on children, » everyone heard the voice from above. Raph then fell from his hiding place. « Why do not you try someone your size !? Or at least my size! ? »
Everyone looked at Raph, his appearance stunned them, considering that he was above all that was normal. « What is this monster ?! » One of the thugs shouted.
« Hey, I'm not the one carrying a bunch of stupid hair dye, » Raph remarked. Raph took out his sakes and glared at all the members of the Purple Dragons. « Now, which of you would like to meet my sakes! »
The thugs just tried to squeeze him and hit a lucky shot or two, unfortunately everything went as planned. Raph started to wipe the floor with the thugs.
He did not stop to hit the faces, to hit on the belly and stab one on the thigh. This performance really shows that Raph is a fighting power.
The girls Loud, Moketo, Tambry Clyde and Robbie discover him, without Albert « were is Albert? » Tambry asked.
« I do not know, » Robbie said.
« So you believe me now, Lisa? » Lucy asked her self-sufficiency, evidently even in her monotonous voice.
« I am obliged to answer! »
« Are we just ignoring the fact that this Kappa knows how to kick your ass ?! » Clyde shouted.
Meanwhile, Raph was currently holding one of the conscious thugs of the purple dragons. « Tell me where is your hiding place! » The Purple Dragon thug was so lost in his words that he fainted, which irritated Raph: « Come on! Spoken-! » His interrogation was interrupted when he heard a camera flash.
The sisters turned to the culprit, Lola, who was holding the camera and now smiles. « Uh, sorry? »
Raph then poses the unconscious thug and looks towards Clyde, Robbie, Moketo, Tambry and the girls with a black look and growling at the same time, « Give me the camera! »
For the first time in a long time, Lola made him one by throwing it in his face. « Run ! »
But before they could run and scream in fear, some Purple Dragon hooligans blocked their way, made them nervous. As it happened, Raph felt something sting his neck, « Owwwww! » He pulls it out and turns out to be a tranquilizer dart. « Ohhh, Shhhh-«  Raph falls on the stunned concrete, while the girls look at the other thugs with fear.
« Call the boss and tell him we had one of the monsters, as well as some prizes. »
Albert, seeing his friends answered them murmuring, « I'm sorry, I can not help you, friends » and he took out his disposable to take the picture to Raph and he went to Central Park to find the others. But before that he looks at them « I always told you that you were part of the plant »
Meanwhile, April and the turtles explained to Lincoln, Dipper, Mabel, Irving and Waddles how they were supposed to be April's family and that they meant nothing wrong.
« Wow, that was messed up. So they took you in and you’ve been living with them ever since. »
« That's right, » April said calmly.
« So, how did you spend so long unnoticed guys? » Lincoln asked the turtle brothers
« Believe it or not, we were trained in the art of ninjutsu. Train to melt into the night and disappear completely ... until now, » said Leo dryly.
« So you guys are Mutant Turtle teenage ninjas »
« Essentially dude! » Mikey said. « We are TURTLE POWER bro! »
Lincoln burst out laughing at Mikey. Soon he heard his phone ring. « Um, could you leave me a second? I need to answer. »
« Go on, man, » Leo nodded.
As Lincoln answered the call, Donnie looked at Mikey with an impassive face. « Turtle Power? »
« It's catchy. » Mikey has summed up with a smile.
Dipper looked at Donnie, saying, « If I'm okay, are you one of April's smart brothers? »
"If you talk about me, yes I am, » Donnie replied.
Leo looked at Irivng, who was looking at Mabel feeding Waddles with the caramel love apple, « Say, don, you. We have not already saved you in a metro station? » Leo asked Irving.
« Um ... no, » Irving said.
« Maybe he lost his memory, » Mabel said, teasing the stick of the love apple as Waddles looked at Leo and Irving.
« But I know who you are. You are one of the characters in the series of the 80s, 90s and 2003! » Said Irving to Leo and Mikey « you are Leonardo, you Michelangelo, the turtle who discussed with Mabel's brother is Donatello »
« Wow, do you know our name? » Mikey asked.
« Of course, I know all the names of the characters in the series, including April and Splinter »
« Waddles can say « TURTLE POWER, » Mabel added to her little pig.
« Groinc, groinc, » Waddles squealed.
Mabel had a smiling face, « Your face is so fat!, » Mabel said.
Mikey, looking at Irving, said, « Tell me, Irving, you're in love with Mabel, seeing that you love this little pig, » and he spoke in front of Irving, "From now on, I'm not eating pizza with Pepperoni anymore. »
« Uh, you know, Waddles also eats pizza »
« What? Waddles, eat his peers, » Mikey shouted.
« Hey, guys, what's going on? » Lincoln asked.
« Ah, so you're the brother these girls were talking about. » A voice unknown to Lincoln.
Lincoln was confused, knowing that the caller's ID said Lori, but it was not she who called: « Uh ... who is it? »
« Oh, just a concerned person. Your sisters have a lot of problems. You know, that they saw me, with some of my friends, doing dubious business. »
Lincoln seems a bit nervous. « Okay girls, if it's a joke you're doing, it's not funny! »
"Ohh, do you want proof? » The phone was silent for a moment.
« Lincoln help! » Lana shouted.
« Let us go! » Lola asked
« If I had my bat I would bang your head, guys! » Lynn threatened.
« Girls ?! » That was proof enough to scare Lincoln.
« Tell him we met some hooligans and a Kappa with a red mask! » Lana shouted loud enough for Lincoln to hear.
« Shut up ! »
« What do you want ?! » Lincoln asked with fear and rage.
« Wait, she said a Kappa wearing a red mask ?! » April asked surprise, as did the other turtles.
« Now, listen to me kid, why do not you go see your mum and dad and tell them that if they pay us a little money, your sisters will be free. But if you tried to contact the police, they will be dead! » The voice threatened Lincoln and soon hung up.
« They have my sisters! Lincoln was scared. April decided to come to his comfort by taking him in his arms.
Turtles also seemed worried and a little guilty. « Raph got caught, how ?! » Mikey said worried.
« Let's ask him that after saving him, we must now save the sisters of Lincoln and Raph, » said Leo firmly, « Donnie, can you find Raph's T-Phone? »
« Yes, but it might take a little while. »
Dipper had received an email from Tambry « We are in danger save us quickly »
Dipper sent him a text: « I'm running through Linky's phone. Is Wendy with you? »
Tambry's message then sent her, « No, she is not with us, there are Linky's sisters, Clyde, Moketo, Robbie, and me. »
Dipper sends him a text: « Do not worry, we're coming »
Lincoln, however, hardly heard that. " What am I going to do ?! How am I going to explain to Mom and Dad ?! And if they end up killing my sisters ?! How can I save them ?! "
"Oh do not worry. If they're dead, you're going to stay with your animals, get a room all yours alone, "Mabel said.
"It's not funny, Mabel," Irving said.
Leo saw how scared Lincoln was, knowing that his sisters were in danger like his own brother. He then walks over to him and puts a hand on his shoulder, « Lincoln? »
« Yeah? » He looked up at Leo, tears in his eyes.
« We are going to save your sisters, I promise you. »
« Really, even after capturing you, guys? »
« You do not know us as much as we do, we can not judge. In addition, they also have our brother, so we are together in both cases. »
Lincoln smiles at Leo. « Thank you Leo, you're pretty cool for a giant turtle. »
« Hey, I know I am, » said Leo with a confident smile and a friendly pose.
« It's not friendly, Leo, » April said sarcastically. Leo was slightly deflated by April's comment.
« Guys I found it! » Donnie exclaimed. « They seem to be in the decrepit Chinese food factory. »
The others were excited to know where everyone was. « Ok, now April, can you take Lincoln home? »
« What ?! But I want to help, they are my sisters. Besides, I can not go home without them, I can not say exactly that to my mom and dad. » Protested Lincoln.
« Kid at one point, » Mikey nodded.
Leo thinks about it for a moment and then tells Lincoln his decision.
« Okay, but stay with April and she'll help you free your sisters. »
« Okay »
« Ok, we'll save everyone except Robbie » Dipper say. Everyone looked at him « no, I'm kidding. We'll save everyone, Robbie too »
« What do we do? » Asked Mikey pitilessly.
« You, me and Donnie are going to try to distract the purple dragons, » Leo told Mikey.
« Oh, I know how to distract them! We will do like a holiday rap routine! »
April and the turtles are palpated.
But Irving had an idea « I have an idea! We're going to make a metal gear solid »
« What is Metal Gear Solid? » Mabel asked.
« Oh that's right, you never play the games, Mabel, » Irving said.
« Do you want to do the Solid Snake, Irving? » Leo asked.
« Yes. Moreover, we will do everything Solid Snake! Irving shouted.
Suddenly, they saw fog he tries to prevent the passage « Oh no » says Leo « quickly, run before they see us » the others followed the advice of Leo
In the park, the fog knows how to dispel. Albert lives Wendy and Squeezie « Where are John, Thompson and Alice? » Asked Albert.
« I think John, Alice, and Thompson have already gone to Kirb and Soos, » Wendy explained « with Marc »
« Well ... it does not matter. For now, I have a picture of one of the giant monsters, look » Wendy and Squeezie looked at the image of the creature
« What the fuck » says Squeezie
« I'm sure Dipper is fine » Wendy said with a worried face
« Do not worry about him, » said Albert, approaching the latter with his hand on his shoulder « for the moment, I have to go home and show my mother this. »
Meanwhile, at the hiding place of the purple dragons, things were not going so well.
All the girls, including Clyde Robbie Tambry and Moketo, were all tied to a chair and Raph was unconsciously undergoing a serious operation until he started waking up. « Where am I ? »
« Oh look who decided to wake up, » Lola said with deep sarcasm.
Raph hears Lola and looks at the group. He looked less than satisfied, « Hey, you are those idiots who tried to capture me on your disposable! »
« Yeah, you'll have to apologize to Lola's loan, she may be a little tired » Lori politely told Raph to try to get on her side while she was still intimidated by her appearance.
« U-uh, so ... what exactly are you, Mr. Green Monster? » Lana asked with a hint of fear.
« I'm the ... fucking rope! » Raph raises his shoulders, then tries to free himself from the straps to which he is attached: « I ... urgh ... would have ... urgh ... need ... of ... something. ..urgh ... GO OUT OF HERE! »
« I've seen this monster somewhere, » says Moketo
Tambry interrupted him: « Have you seen this monster before? »
« Yes, he was a cartoon character, » says Moketo. « But, I do not know what his name is anymore. »
« You're going nowhere the monster! » Soon, Dragon-Face and Nelson entered the room and headed for Raph, « What are you? »
« Yo mama! » Raph replied.
Dragon's face was unaffected by Raph's comment but by Nelson.
« Watch your mouth, the reptile. Nobody plays with Dragon-Face! »
« Shut up, Nelson, » Dragon-Face ordered. « So you had to have a lot of courage to save those girls from us, huh? »
« It does not really take the courage to stand up to his idiots. »
« And I'm actually a boy » Clyde trying to fix it.
« Shut up before I cut you off. » Warns Dragon Face to Clyde.
« So, this ad in the newspaper was saying something about a Monster Hunter contest to capture the dead or alive monsters, think we could use the $ 100,000 prize. »
« Why not get money and a problem less to fear? »
So I guess you chose the dead option eh? » Raph then said he was struggling with his left arm without realizing that « Well, go! »
« Okay, Nelson is going to get him. » Commanded Dragon Faces.
« I just have a question. Dragon-Face, it can not be your real name? » Raph asked in the hope of distracting them.
« Do you want to know why I have this name? »
« Oh, of course, I'm a sucker for backstories! » Raph said as he was undoing the strap.
« Easy when I was young, I was stung by the rattlesnake. » He points a rather big scar on his face.
« I can not see it, approach so I can look good! »
Raph frees himself from his links.
« Oh, shit! » Nelson shouted before Raph caught his face with Dragon-Face and knocked them out.
Both fell to the floor and seemed unconscious.
« What do you mean by cartoon? » Asked Robbie
« Well, it's named after the painter and sculptor of Italian renown » says Moketo
« Pfft, idiots! » Raph walks over to them and goes to a table where his sai and T-Phone are. « Donnie would kill me if I leave that, » he was about to leave until he glanced at the girls and Clyde.
He wanted to leave them because it was their fault he was caught, but that would be against his training and Leo would probably harass him for that.
Plus, it would not be the right thing to do, because Splinter thought he was better at it. So he walked towards them with a sai on his right hand.
« Uh, you're not going to kill us, are you? » Lori asked.
Raph just raised his right hand with a sai that seemed to want to kill them and everyone closed their eyes with fear. But when they opened them, they see that the rope that tied them was cut off, which freed them. They then looked at Raph as he said, « If I were a killer, I would have already killed those two cats! »
« Ok, thank you for helping us, sir ... » Leni said, trying to give him a name.
« As if I give you my name! » Said Raph sarcastically, « Now lift your asses and move us!
Raphael's little remark started ticking the girls. « You know, he may not be monstrous, but he's a bit twat, » Luna whispered to the others. Despite this, the girls and Clyde did what Raph said, but the lights went out.
« Oh my god, I became blind ?! » Leni said scared.
« Tambry, in your purse you do not have a weapon? » Moketo asked.
Tambry tries to break away and she finally succeeds to free herself. She frees Moketo and Robbie « quickly, before they coming » she told Moketo and Robbie.
They soon heard steps to come. Raph then stood on his ground to prepare for what was coming. « Ok, did any of you fight? » Raph asked the group of girls.
« The eldest sibling, » Lori replied.
« Karate, black belt, » Lynn told him.
« I've already fought against the alligators, » says Lana.
« Pretty good, » Raph and some of the girls took their position.
Moketo, Robbie and Tambry join them « Ok we're coming too, » says Moketo
« Holds so. The carpet, the black punk and girl phone sound on our side » says Raph.
« You're going to shut up the red turtle! » Tambry shouted
As it was dark, the people entering the room looked like thugs, the girls, Moketo, Tambry, Robbie and Raph waited for Raph to shout.
« Now ! » He and the girls rushed.
However, when they jumped on one of the people, they heard the voice of a familiar blunderer, « Oh! Hey, brother! »
« Mikey ?! »
Then someone presses the switch, revealing to be Donnie, « Raph ?! He reveals that Lincoln, April, Leo, Donnie, Dipper, Mabel, Irving, Waddles and Mikey, who is currently pinned, have arrived.
« Girls ! » Lincoln screams before running to them and hugs them.
The girls were happy to see their brother, especially Leni, « Linky! You're okay ! » She takes him for a hug.
Lincoln blushed just in front of Leni's act but was happy anyway.
« So you too » Lincoln hugged and looked at Raph. "So, did you meet Raph? »
« Who is Raph- ?! » Lori and the others see the other turtles, « Are you more numerous ?! »
« Great ! Your sister is pretty, Lincoln! » Mikey declared that he is still stuck on the ground.
« Of course I am » Lola laughed. « Although I'm weird to talk to a giant green thing! »
« How-what-who ?! » Lisa stuttered trying to think logically.
« Girls, relax. They are cool » Lincoln tried to calm his sisters, « do not you guys? »
« Raph? Raph. Wait, Raph to a painter's name! Raphael! I found your name! » Moketo shouted.
« Yeah, I can attest, » April told the girls, trying to calm them down.
But this was interrupted when purple Dragon thugs entered the building.
« Tell me this is a joke ! » Leo said with complete discontent that their entire blanket had been blown away by the ordinary crooks of New York.
« That's the end of Kung-Fu lizards! » Ria One of the dragons. « You're not going to walk on us now that we put you cocks where we want you! »
« We are the ass of the Jack turtles! » Shouted Raph.
« Yeah! Leo and his brothers pulled out their weapons, « We are Ninja Turtles! »
« Anyway, get them! »
Turtles press the thugs to clear a path for the Louds and Clyde. Moketo, Tambry and Robbie help them.
Leo was kicking his face and even using his katana blades to cut their clothes and give them some minor cuts.
Raph used his strength to push them away or hit them unconscious, he used his sakes to give them painful shots leaving future scars.
Donnie used his stick to turn and give huge bruises to thugs. He even electrocuted some using the two electrical circuits located at the ends of his staff.
Mikey was fine, being ... Mikey and mainly confused the rogue wholes by getting shots. Most of these shots landed in the crotch area of ​​the thugs.
« Dude, I never had to fight head-on! I feel so constipated! » Mikey shouted absently.
Tambry used her bag to eliminate the limbs.
« Hey you, the carpet! » Shouted Raph. He took one of the leo katana blades to give him to Moketo
« Thank you Raphael! » Moketo shouted.
The Louds are content to look a little further from him. « Sorry, he just does not know what this word means » tried to apologize for Mikey's lack of vocabulary. As for the Louds, they seem to be quite obsessed and confused about everything that's going on. The fact that they witnessed four giant tortoises attacking a group of criminals with ninjutsu skills was not a daily occurrence. But one hand reached out and grabbed Lincoln by the arm.
« Hey ! » The person turns out to be Dragon Face and he looked completely angry.
« Lincoln! » « Linky » shouted The Girls, Mabel, Dipper, Irving, Moketo, Tambry, Robbie and Clyde while Lincoln was within reach of Dragon-Face.
« You're going nowhere, stupid kids! » Dragon-Face pulls out a knife and sits near Lincoln's neck.
April then releases a strange metal and throws it in front of Dragon Face. She first uses the Ninajato so that Dragon Face frees Lincoln.
She then gives him a hard blow on the face and makes him fall the knife. Then she hits him violently in the belly. And then catch him by the collar: « You said, creepy! » April looked at him in the eyes. Dragon Face said nothing but turned around.
She gives him a huge whim on his face and knocks him unconscious, then grabs Lincoln's hand to help him get up. « Are you ok Lincoln? »
« Yes » Lincoln said, still more in love with April than before.
« Can you teach me how to do that? » Lori asked.
Leo then goes to the group. « Maybe later, let's get out of here guys! »
The group leaves the building and continues running until they find a place to hide. When they left, some of the hooligans found themselves unconscious and Dragon-Face woke up, « Well, it was flawed »
« I'll even say more, » Nelson agreed. « If the boss discovers-»
« Find what ?! » The voice came from a tall, slender but muscular figure, who wore a gray coat over a black top, blue trousers, red sunglasses, blond hair and a dragon tattoo on his left arm.
« We ... we were ... attacked by ... four monsters instead of one. » Dragon Face said the muscled man.
« Yes, and they knew the boss Kung Fu! » Nelson added.
The tall man then grabbed the two by the collars and lifted them up, « Kung Fu panic huh ?! »
« I swear boss! » Nelson said fearing for his life.
« They seemed like a rather honorable group, none of our men were killed, » Dragon said to the man.
« And they escaped you? » He said angrily in his voice.
« It was an accident ! »
« So maybe I should stop you from doing other « accidents! » After announcing the news to Master! » The two men turned pale.
To be continued...
So now, the turtles and the Louds have finally met.
Sorry I had waited eleven months for gemturtles to face his fanfic. Stay tuned for the third part.
Meanwhile, in front of Albert's house, he found the keys and opened the door crying: « Mom! I am home »
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