#i had lots of friends on the swim team ages like 8-18 n we would usually just commiserate that ppl think our sport isnt a 'real' sport lol
doctormage · 3 years
Hi, I know we don't know each other but I really need to know what you think about Chris Evans/Steve Rogers running form because so many people have commented on how hard it was to find him a body double because apparently he runs like some kind of ballerina. I am a swimmer and as you know, we suck at running so I am always interested in learning more about this subject.
omg i think of him every single time i talk abt actors' running forms lmao 😭 this also got longer than i meant to so it gets put under a read more as well, im so sorry yall
he definitely has a unique form, but its still somehow better than a lot of actors i see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ im mostly looking at the "on your left" scene rn, but i think it's bc of how his upper and bottom half dont really "match" in their form. he appears to have a pretty good mid-foot strike (how your foot hits the ground while running) and most people default to a heel strike (like sam does in this video), so i imagine that can look weird to others when he's got such an...airy? running form? if anything it's kinda getting close to a toe strike, which is what sprinters are taught to do
what weirds me out most i think is how ramrod straight his torso is at that speed/with a more forward foot strike. from what i can see in this clip he's leaning back just a little, which actually isnt good form! lol you should have a slight forward tilt compared to your legs, but it can appear more pronounced with sprinters running on the balls of their feet; since he looks like hes got a mid-to-toe strike it feels like his torso is at odds with his lower half lol
ALSO his arms are very loose - when theyre up by his chest theyre closer to the 90 degree angle youre supposed to have, but when he swings them back theyre almost straight?
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this is a terrible screenshot lsdjfls but look at his left arm compared to his right?? that wasnt even the worst example it was just the only one i could get a kinda-clear screenshot of 😭 they should be bent on both the forward and back swing, and he's just lettin em hang (which is a waste of energy but in-universe i guess that doesnt matter lol). so the weirdly mobile arms w the pin-straight & almost completely still torso is a weird look lmao
but yeah he's very like. springy. his lower half is a lot closer to what sprinters do than what most people - and therefore more actors - default to, except with his very-straight spine tilted further back. his head juts forward a bit too sometimes, which looks a lil weird w the slightly-leaned-back torso as well
in this clip you can see him and chadwick boseman (rest in peace to an absolute king) have very similar strides and foot strikes - at least from what i can see - but chadwick is leaning forward and keeping his arms mostly bent. not exceptionally well in this particular screenshot lol but for the rest of the clip, it looks like he's pumping his arms properly
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so like at first glance i think its normal to look at chris's feet/legs like, why the fuck is he so springy, but imo the actual weirdness is how jarring it looks compared to his torso (and arms, to a lesser extent) lol
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andy-the-8th · 3 years
Stars and Stripes and Sea Creatures
Part 8 of Creatures That Defy Logic
Read on AO3
Whit reflects on the summer so far while preparing for the 4th of July, before meeting up with everyone for the fireworks. We meet Sam's sister and her cool college friends. Jess gets to do cool sousaphone things.
There's a Brink! crossover - it's more of a quick cameo.
A/N: I may hate America but I do enjoy a wholesome 4th of July summer scene
Whit was standing in the kitchen, carefully moving cups of red and blue vegan jello and tubs of non-dairy whipped cream from the fridge to the center of the counter. It was 4th of July and he and Sharon were going to be preparing a dessert tray to bring down to the cove to watch the fireworks and band performance with their neighbors. While neither of them were exactly what you'd call patriotic, it was still one of the main social events of the summer as much as it was in any small town. The tourist guide boat was closed for the day, with most of the harbor blocked from usual traffic out of safety concerns - the fireworks were launched from a set of rafts in the middle of the harbor, and naturally the town administration wanted to keep boaters and swimmers away from the explosives. Whit was always glad to have the holiday off each year - in the tourism business, holidays usually just meant more work, more people, and ruder customers.
In the month since Cody left, the Griffins had slowly adapted to a new rhythm in the house. Days came more easily first, with work, social obligations, and day-to-day chores around the house and the boats to keep them busy.
The nights were harder. Any parent would worry enough when their kids first start spending the nights outside the home - at a friend's house, away for a school trip. When your kid is spending 24 hours a day for three months and could be anywhere in the ocean, that worry is justifiably magnified.
Whit didn't tell Sharon about his nightmares - it was rare that they kept anything from each other, but he didn't see it doing any good. They were never very specific (or prophetic, as some might believe) - he could dismiss them as his brain simply de-fragging anxieties of the day. Images and ideas that were innocuous enough by daylight, or to anyone who didn't have a 13 year old at large in the open ocean - sharks, whales, Marianas Trenches, tidal waves, ice bergs, tropical storms - and those were just the worries that everyday science had already confirmed. Worries of safety, security, open ended but ominous.
And then there were social (supernatural?) concerns, which both Sharon and Whit had at times discussed to some extent or another. What was mermaid culture like? Did Cody have more family out there? Were they being welcoming to him? Was there a school? Was he making friends? Would there be any way for him to communicate any of it to them if when he came back? Would their language even have words for it all?
Sharon had burned through almost every book in the library about lifestyle tips targeting empty-nester parents. Bohemian and alternative as she may be, she nevertheless was no stranger to research, especially making use of strategies to find natural, healthy solutions to life's problems. And in that search, the best analog she had found to what they were going through was parents of students going away to school for the first time. Many of the concerns were applicable, at least in theory. For the most part, the books helped more than they hurt. Universities out of town generally didn't have a risk of sharks attacking your kid, but there was still advice for parents concerned about safety. Most college kids wouldn't go away and learn a telepathic secret language, but there were still strategies for adapting to your child's social and cultural changes when leaving home for the first time. In fact, the most difficult difference between these hypothetical scenarios and the one they found themselves in was not the existence of merpeople - it was the age of the hypothetical child in question. Sure, trusting your 18 year old to go out into the world and make good choices, knowing you're a phone call away from home, is hard enough. Sending your 13 year old out into the ocean, with no way of knowing where he'll go or how he'll come back, was another matter entirely.
Still, they had each other, and their faith in their son, to get them through it. The Griffins were definitely changed, but as they promised their son and each other, they'd be alright.
Especially considering that this wasn't going to be a permanent change - at the outset, it felt like an eternity before Cody would be coming back. The house felt very large and very empty, and they both felt strangely out of step with the rest of their friends and neighbors, all so genuinely curious about how Cody was doing at this swim training in Australia, always asking how they were doing with him being gone so long. The first few weeks had them feeling very, very lonely, even together.
That was before John Wheatley, of all people, came over one night with a lasagna. He had made it himself, more or less, with Jess's oversight. It had been his late wife's favorite comfort food recipe - Jess had even reminded him to make it vegan, in case that was still Sharon's diet of choice these days. When the big clumsy fisherman had showed up with a big tinfoil tray on their front step, with his small clumsy son right behind him, Sharon had been more than happy to have them in, to insist they stay even though they had only intended to drop it off for them. Whit was surprised at her hospitality more than anything else, given how their last encounter a few weeks before had gone, but followed his wife's lead on how they were navigating their new relationship with the Wheatleys. John and Jess had stayed for the evening, the four of them sharing the lasagna, Jess eventually fitting right in to the conversation with the adults, perhaps sometimes more than his father. It was at first a relief to just socialize with other people who knew the same secrets, but after a while, the Griffins realized they'd grown to genuinely become friends with Big John.
Which was a blessing for several reasons, not the least of which that Whit and Sharon hadn't really realized how close Jess and Cody seemed to have been. Most of Cody's other friends had always been kids from the swim team - friends, like most boys their age, whose connection seemed mostly founded on shared activities. Doubly so as sports players, Cody's other friends had always had a healthy level of competition and rivalry with him and with one another.
Maybe, if there was any truth in what Sharon and Whit heard about Sean Marshall these days, a little less than healthy sometimes.
Jess at their first meeting was a polar opposite of Cody's usual friend group - it definitely had made sense when Cody first introduced them that he was there as a randomly-assigned partner for a science project.  For one, he spoke with them openly and very matter-of-factly, almost more comfortable with adults than he seemed to have been around other kids his age when they saw him at school. He was quite straightforward and polite, if very enthusiastic at the opportunity to talk about anything related to marine biology. He was just as interested in hearing Whit and John discuss boating practices or their experiences at the harbor, or patiently listen to Sharon's various spiritual health and natural healing theories, and would light up with the chance to talk about whatever they were learning.
But the one topic that Jess would light up about more than any other, even more than marine biology or sousaphone, was Cody. Naturally, about him being a merman, but just as often it was about him as a person, from the time they'd spent together since the science project. It was kind of weirdly comforting as parents, to hear one of your kid's peers talk about how kind and respectful they had turned out. It was one thing for a teacher or coach to compliment your child, but other kids don't have the filters or obligations to do so. John hadn't been kidding when he'd said how important Cody was to Jess.
Whit had more than once wondered, somewhat apprehensively, if there was some kind of other double meaning to what John had said on the dock - if Jess maybe liked Cody a bit differently than the other boys.
Not that there was anything wrong with that, he always said to himself. And really he never got that impression from Jess - he was just very earnest, and as far as they could tell didn't really have other friends. And he was 13 - kids were all a little weird around that age. Whit hoped that that wasn't going to be the case, mostly for Jess's sake - if they were such good friends, Jess would probably be completely crushed if he had those feelings, when Cody didn't return them.
Not that there would be anything wrong with that, Whit thought again. It didn't really matter, since it wasn't the case.
Sam had also been coming by the house once in a while, when she was walking home from work at the greenhouses. Whit and Sharon had known her through the swim team forever, before she and Cody were "an item" as Whit liked to jokingly call it. It was a lot to put on a 13 year old girl, having such a secret and not sharing it with anyone but her boyfriend's parents, the weird marina guy, and his nerdy son. Even if it was only an 8th grade relationship, they knew they could trust Sam - she cared enough about Cody that she wouldn't ever want to see anything happen to him.
Over the last few months Sharon had gotten lunch a few times with Lindsey Brathwaite, when they were both free. "Meeting the in-laws" she had joked the first time they went out. Whit had already known Lindsey via the Department of Natural Resources - he was one of the few commercial boaters who always prided himself and his business on following all environmental protection regulations and then some. It was one of the reasons they didn't serve snacks on the boat - no trash or food waste to dirty the water and harm the reefs. Lindsey had a bit of a reputation among the commercial boaters and fishers in the harbor - she was smart and relentless when it came to protecting the environment, and held the respect of most of the town for it. There was a reason Mahone Bay had some of the most beautiful shores, some of the healthiest reefs, all along the coast.
Maybe that's why a mermaid would drop her baby off here, Whit thought with a smile.
On the counter, Sharon had laid out 26 clear plastic wine glasses - a spoonful of whipped cream, then blue jello, then whipped cream, then red jello was to go in each glass, then put them all back in the fridge to keep them fresh for that afternoon. Whit was just finishing up putting them all together - he'd zoned out a bit reflecting on all the changes over the last month.
Sharon came in through the back door, (reusable, biodegradable) grocery bags in hand. "Whit, you done with the parfait?"
"Just finishing, putting them in the fridge now."
"OK, I ran into Lindsey at the farmers market, I invited her to come to the fireworks with us if that's alright"
"Oh sure!" It would be nice to get a chance to talk to Lindsey outside of a work context.
"Her other daughter is in town as well, so we can maybe meet her, if she and Sam will be there too. Not sure if they'll have other plans though."
Whit finished putting all the glasses back in the fridge. "I'm sure we'll be appropriately embarrassing like any teenager's parents are supposed to be." Sharon put the bags on the counter and smiled at him at that. "Did you hear anything from the Wheatleys?"
"I think John is tied up at the boat yard with so much extra traffic in the harbor for the holiday. Jess is playing sousaphone with the school band before the fireworks though!"
Of course he would be. Truly no better event for a sousaphonist than the 4th of July.
"Good for him, I'm sure he'll be excited for that."
"Yep. Can you help with these so we can get ready to go?"
Whit moved to the other side of the counter, helping sort through the groceries, arranging things on platters per Sharon's instructions. They'd be ready well before it was time to head down by the pavilion near the water.
The band finished their latest number, an up-tempo arrangement of "This Land is Your Land," with a cymbal crash and a sustained sousaphone honk. The crowd clapped for the group of 15 or so middle and high schoolers on the big white gazebo that over looked the harbor - some of the spectators on the folding chairs, some on picnic blankets. Anything the band might lack in musical talent - which might be a good bit - they certainly made up for in heart. Standing up in the back corner with his horn, Jess was dressed like the others in red white and blue - in his case, what appeared to be a glittery blazer, covered in stars and stripes. Definitely looked like he made it himself, but it caught the light well enough, and its homemade quality added to the charm. The rest of the band was a wide variety of outfits - a mix of T-shirts and shorts, denim, suits or dresses their parents probably picked - but it all somehow went together.
They'd made their way through "America the Beautiful," "Yankee Doodle," and "My Country Tis of Thee" with varying levels of success. "This Land is Your Land" was the penultimate in the setlist, right before the mayor's comments, then would play "The Star Spangled Banner" for the start of the fireworks.
Sam watched as the mayor got up to the podium, started some bland speech on patriotism or something.
"God doesn't this small town jingoism just make you gag" Jackie snorted from the other end of the blanket. Sam and her sister had met up with Jen and two of Jackie's other friends, Vanessa and Maria, to go down to the fireworks together.
Jackie used to have red hair like Sam and their mom, but had since cut it short and dyed it black when she moved away to school. She looked way more goth than Mahone Bay usually was used to seeing, with her black lipstick and white foundation making her look much paler than usual. She also usually wore black these days, tomboyish outfits of denim, band shirts, and (ethically sourced) leather. Today's outfit was no exception.
"Totally. They always leave out all the terrible shit this country does in speeches like this." Vanessa turned around to face Jackie, gathering her long braids in her hands and back behind her shoulders as she repositioned herself on the blanket. She was doing a political science major, which unsurprisingly had made her usual contempt for the state of the nation even more viscerally infuriated.
Jen reached in the cooler for a lemonade, and passed one down to Sam on the other corner before taking her seat beside her. Jackie and Vanessa continued their cultural critiques in the background.
"Weird we'll be in high school next year!" Jen was looking at the band, a mix from all the different grades. "Let me tell you, high school boys are awhole 'nother story."
"Jen, do you even know any high school boys?"
"I mean technically all the ones in our grade count! But that's beside the point anyway,"
"Hey kids, let me teach you something" Maria spoke up, interrupting Jen's usual interest in discussing boys and gossip at any large social event. Maria dressed a bit more like Jackie, though with more pops of color, choker necklaces, tons of rings. She had also dyed her hair, hot pink streaks over her natural dark brown, contrasting with her olive complexion. Even if it wasn't her style, Sam couldn't deny Maria always looked cool, in that quirky-alternative kind of way. She even had a nose piercing. "Did you ever hear of the Bechdel test?"
"The what?" Sam could tell from Maria's tone that they were about to learn some allegedly-cool college-girl facts of life, like how when Jackie wanted to talk about love languages, or zodiac signs for aligning the spirit of one's womanhood, or unlearning implicit biases.
"The Bechdel test. You apply it to movies to see how feminist they are. Has to have two female characters, they have to have names, they have to talk to each other, and they have to talk about something that isn't a man."
"Mar, that's not a solid test for how feminist something is -"
"I know, I know, the point is that the bar is SO low, makes you really think."
Vanessa nodded back at that, her point made. From a fashion standpoint, Vanessa had really embraced the pan-Africana look in college, dramatic flowy prints on shirts and dresses. Today she wore a long yellow shirt over jeans, the golden color bringing out the highlights in her dark skin. How did all of Jackie's friends manage to grow up so cool and pretty? Sam turned back to Maria, who was finishing her point.
"My point is, can we try to have this picnic blanket pass the Bechdel test for like, 5 minutes?"
Jen blushed and turned away - Sam put her hand on her shoulder. "Thanks for telling us Mar, sorry we're not enlightened yet."
"It's totally cool, just like, now you know" Maria gave them an exaggerated wink and finger guns.  The older girls went back into their previous discussion while Sam turned back to Jen.
"So how are things at the dog washing place?" Jen's summer job was at the Pup'n'Suds that had just opened up - they had their main location way over in LA, but one of their staff had moved over to Mahone Bay sometime last year. Small town and small businesses - made it easy to know things like this, even as a part time high schooler with a summer position.
"Going OK actually! Honestly I always loved the dogs of course, but what a wild company culture. They apparently sponsored some kind of X Games skating team last year?"
Jen and Sam continued off of that, both sharing various stories from work, consciously passing the Bechdel test through the remainder of the mayor's speech, now long past anyone paying attention anymore. Jen someday hoped to be a veterinarian - her interests and Sam's just happened to complement each other like that. Fauna and flora.
The speech finally came to an end, with the mayor turning it over to Mr. Payton and the school band to start the national anthem. Sam saw Jess resolutely stand up straight as they started, as usual executing all 3 honking notes of the sousaphone part with the seriousness of a surgeon.
The band actually played this one pretty well - clearly this was where most of the rehearsal time had gone. On the last "land of the free/home of the brave," Sharon nudged Whit a bit, pointing at the band - in a surprise part of the arrangement, the sousaphone joined in on that final melody.
Jess's face was bright red, cheeks puffed out, every bit of concentration on getting the melody right for the finale. Maybe it was intentional, maybe not, but the sousaphone kind of overpowered the rest of the ensemble by the end of the short phrase.
It got some raised eyebrows but Jess looked so excited and proud when the music closed and the crowd applauded. Sharon managed to get his attention from the crowd to wave - Jess was clearly surprised, but immediately waved back, beaming and still blushed from the performance.
"Well that was a bit unexpected," Lindsey said, laughing a bit, turning back to the picnic table once the band finished. "Never heard quite that much tuba in the national anthem before."
"Sousaphone" Sharon and Whit said together. Their other neighbors at the table, Cynthia and Jack Williams, both chuckled in surprise at that. Sharon and Whit made eye contact with another and smiled, raised eyebrows - both realizing that they unintentionally had exactly matched the way they'd said merMAN semi-regularly just 2 months ago.
Lindsey kind of smiled nervously, surprised at the emphasized correction. "OK, sousaphone. That kid did a good job at least."
"Yeah, that's Jess. He's friends with Cody and Sam actually" Sharon supplied helpfully. "Good kid. Can get a little overenthusiastic, but he's a good friend."
"Oh OK. Sam had mentioned him coming by the greenhouse once, but I'd never met him."
"How is she liking the job?"
The conversation moved easily from there - the rest of the evening unfolded with welcome normalcy - just talking about their kids, work, the fireworks, anything really. Whit relaxed a bit, settling next to Sharon, sharing in the conversation.
They weren't really patriotic, but the holiday was always a good excuse to share time with people away from work. They certainly spent enough time in the house together - they'd needed a chance to decompress and just be adults for a while. He put his arm around his wife as they both looked up at the last blasts of the fireworks. He turned to meet her gaze under the final lights.
"Hey. I love you."
Sharon smiled at him, a bit confused. "I know?"
"Gee thanks, Han Solo."
"Sorry hon. I love you too. Just was surprised - what brought that up?"
"Well I thought we agreed we were going to be the embarrassing teenager parents tonight, as expected."
Jackie, Sam, and the other girls had walked back up to where Lindsey was at the picnic tables, blanket rolled up under one arm. Sam awkwardly waved over at them, saying something to Jackie, who rolled her eyes.
"Ah OK. Love you too Whit."
Yeah, kissing under fireworks definitely counted as an embarrassing-parents move.
I may hate America but am always down for a wholesome 4th of July scene
"Not that there's anything wrong with that" is indeed a reference to that Seinfeld episode
Sam thinking her sister's friends are pretty is *probably* not anything to read into
might have based Jess's ridiculous red white and blue glitter blazer on something I once made as a kid....might not have
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Catch Me If You Can (20/?)
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298 days. That’s how long Killian Jones was away from a baseball field. It’s less than a year, only part of a season for him, but it might as well have lasted a decade as he alternated between physical therapy and spending an excessive amount of time sitting on his couch.
But then he came back and won the World Series.
It’s something no one saw coming, and it’s certainly not something anyone who knows about his arm would predict. Now it’s a new season with new possibilities, and anything could happen. On-field reporter Emma Swan will be there to cover it all even if she is not his biggest fan right now.
Asking her out live on-air will do that.
Rating: Mature
a/n: shout out to @resident-of-storybrooke​ for beta-ing this bad boy even if I did find a hell of a lot of typos doing my final read for this chapter. It’s okay. We all make mistakes 😉
(It’s me. I made the mistakes because I’m the one making those typos.)
Found on AO3: Beginning | Current
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Tag list: @eala-captian @galaxyzxstark @xellewoods @mariakov81 @ultraluckycatnd @royalswan @shey-starsfury​ @superchocovian​ @sals86 @iam2307 @ashley-knightingale @karenfrommisthaven @scientificapricot @captswanis4vr @ultimiflos @jamif @idristardis @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @tiganasummertree @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @captainsjedi @teamhook @notoriouscs @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog@cs-forlife @andiirivera @jonirobinson64 @qualitycoffeethings​ @youraverageshipper​
The game plays on the television in the weight room as Killian works with free weights to work out his arm and his shoulder. He’s already been massaged by Archie today even though he’s not playing, but when he woke up there was a slight ache there that wasn’t pleasant to live with. It’s still there, but it’s manageable, just a small little niggling feeling that he feels if he lifts something that’s too heavy or twists in just the right, or wrong, way. But it’s fine, as it always is, because the pain doesn’t last for too long and is always manageable.
How many athletes walk around every day living with manageable pain when the world thinks that their bodies are in the most pristine conditions?
That’s always been kind of funny to him, and it hasn’t been until the past two years that he’s understood why. Fans of baseball, of any sport really, sit in the stands, on their couches, and on barstools at the restaurant yelling at athletes to do the impossible with their body, and then when they can’t or get hurt doing it, yell at them for not having some kind of superhuman strength. He’s had so many people bemoan to him about the public part of his accident, one that was traumatizing on a personal and professional level with effects still lingering to today, and they don’t seem to understand that the men and women on fields and courts or in swimming pools are human beings who have pushed their bodies to the limits for most of their lives.
And he doesn’t even play one of the most physically demanding sports, though it can be much more demanding than most people think, especially for his arm.
Hell, definitely for his arm.
But he loves it. That’s the thing. Killian loves this game, loves his team, loves getting to stand out on that field even on the days where only a quarter of the seats are filled up. It’s been his passion for so long, the thing that he is truly good at, and he can’t imagine doing anything else even if he’s had back-up plan after back-up plan and will have to do something with his life when this is all over.
Today isn’t that day.
“Hey,” Robin says as he enters the weight room, his hair slicked back from a shower so that Killian knows that he’s not actually in here to talk, “you wanted to talk to me?”
Oh, and the fact that Killian told him that he wanted to talk. That will definitely do it.
“Yeah, one minute,” he sighs, running through one more rep before putting the weights down on their rack and adjusting the hat on his head so that he can wipe away the sweat on his brow before turning to look at Robin who is sitting on a weight bench. “Roseman sucks today.”
“That’s what you wanted to talk to me about?”
“No, no,” Killian corrects, taking the seat across from Robin on another bench and leaning forward so that his clasped hands rest between the open space between his knees. Taking a quick glance toward the door, he sees that no one is around, and with the music blaring so loudly throughout the hallways, he knows no one will be able to hear anyways. “So, I feel like I’m making the rounds delivering news when I really should have gotten you all together at one time to get it over with, but Ariel has been impossible to get to sit still for more than a second and Will talks too loudly for me to tell him in person and – ”
“Are you dying or something?” Robin laughs, his brows raised in confusion.
“I’m not dying,” he reassures Robin even as his hand reaches up to scratch behind his ear. “I’m, well, I’m dating Emma Swan, and while we’re keeping it quiet from the media and most everyone else, we decided to tell the people who are close with us, hence you and A and Eric and Will. Plus, obviously, my family, who are the only ones I’ve managed to tell so far.”
Robin doesn’t say anything at first, his eyes widened as he takes the information in, and while Killian knew the reaction he was expecting when he told Liam and Elsa – Liam was surprised and far too overbearing and Elsa literally told him that she figured it out at Addy’s birthday party – he hasn’t quite been able to come up with a clear idea of how his friends would react.
Silence and confusion have been his best guesses.
“For how long?” Robin finally stutters out.
“A couple of months.”
“And you’re serious about her?”
“That I am.”
“And this is a secret?”
Why does he feel like this is an exact repeat of the conversation he had with Liam and pretty much the same as the conversation Emma relayed that she had with David?
“Yeah, for Emma. After everything with me and then all of the backlash that she gets with her job, we wanted to keep it quiet. At first, it was so that we could figure things out, but now that we’re more comfortable, we’re telling the people closest to us so that such big parts of our lives aren’t hidden away.”
Robin nods, the smallest smile forming on his lips, and Killian didn’t quite realize how much he wanted Robin’s approval until he got it. Not getting it wouldn’t change things, but Robin has been one of his best mates for a decade, has been through so many of his highs and lows, and he wants Robin to be happy for him. He wants to be able to talk through everything with Robin the way that Robin has with him.
“That makes sense. I mean, yeah,” Robin chuckles, leaving back and messing with his shirt. “I knew you always fancied her, especially lately, but it makes sense with how often I’ve seen the two of you chatting on the plane or at breakfast. I didn’t think anything of it, just figured that she was looking for a friend since the woman who used to be go on road trips with her isn’t around that often. Huh, you’re dating again.”
“Does that surprise you?”
“Only a little. You were so messed up after Milah and all of the women that came after her that I didn’t really think you’d ever seriously date someone again. I kind of thought that you and I would end up as eternal bachelors and live life vicariously through Roland.”
Killian barks out a laugh, one that he really shouldn’t at how depressing that thought honestly is, but leave it to Robin to make him laugh like that. It’s something that comes with knowing someone for so damn long, and Killian is thankful for it.
“Do you think Roland will take care of us in our old age? I’m not sure that he will.”
“He’ll take care of you,” Robin laughs, “because you never have to tell him no. He’s going to harbor the fact that I didn’t let him have dessert last night forever.”
“Yeah, you’re definitely not getting chocolate pudding when you’re old and it’s all you can eat.”
Robin rolls his eyes, but the smile is still there. The smile is still on Killian’s face too. “I’m happy for you, mate. I kind of think you’re both batshit crazy for getting involved with each other when there’s so much that could go wrong, but happiness looks good on you.”
“Thanks. I don’t – she’s great, Rob. Bloody fantastic. I mean, I know that you know her and get to see her kick ass at her job every day, but outside of work too…she’s amazing.”
“I know.”
After the game, Killian manages to pull Will, Eric, and Ariel aside into one of the offices outside the locker room to tell them, finally hitting three birds with one stone, which is a pretty morbid saying now that he thinks about. Their hitting coach looks through the glass of the window when Ariel lets out a scream at his words, and Killian can do nothing but shake his head. It’s like he’s announcing the most exciting thing to ever happen to him every time he tells someone, and as much as he knew that his friends were invested in his dating life – or lack thereof – he didn’t know it was like this.
They all very obviously need to get a life.
“Oh my gosh,” Emma groans, slamming the passenger side door to his car closed as she slides onto the leather seat and adjusts her bag in her lap before dropping it to the ground, “I’d never make it as a spy. There were approximately a million people who were walking this way that knew me or you or were a member of the press. I swear, babe, it was impossible to get over here. I could have gotten to your brother’s house faster had I taken the trains, even with how packed they are right now.” She takes a breath and leans over to press her lips to his cheeks. “Hi. Thank you for waiting on me.”
“Well, I wasn’t exactly going to leave without you, Swan. How was work?”
“You know,” she teases, rolling her eyes a bit at his question, “it was good. Did you know that the Yankees won today and that they’re leading their league? And things like that tend to make players very happy to talk to me. Do you know who else was very happy to talk to me?”
“Who, love?” he asks as he presses his foot down on the gas and hits the ignition button to start the car.
“Ariel Fisher. That’s another reason why I’m late. I was attacked by a tiny, very loud, red-headed woman giving me a hug that I swear squeezed the life out of me. I’m not entirely sure what she said to me since there was a certain lack of air circulation going on in my brain, but I’m pretty sure she said she was super happy for me and then tried to adopt me or something like that.”
Killian chuckles, unable to help himself, before he leans back into his seat and rests his cheek against the headrest so that he can look at Emma. She looks so happy today, her hair pulled back in a high ponytail to keep it off her neck since he knows that when she sweatssweatsshe hates the way it tangles at the back of her neck. He also knows that she spent an hour picking out a dress to wear today because she’s coming with him to his brother’s townhome for Sunday night dinner and is a little nervous. She claims that she is simply indecisive about what to wear all the time, but he knows that isn’t true. Ruby, who he still hasn’t officially met but who he’s going to meet when he’s subjected to his own family dinner (interrogation), finally helped her out by tossing an orange dress that falls beneath her knees and curves around Emma’s breasts at her and telling her they were leaving the apartment in an hour.
Ruby is a force of nature.
And he is very much distracted by the swell of Emma’s breasts right now and the way he can see the freckle that resides on the inside of her right one. Always so distracting.
“Yeah,” Killian sighs, reaching up to scratch behind his ear, “I have now officially told everyone I deemed worth of knowing that you are my girlfriend, and despite Ariel’s several squeals over the whole thing, everyone is going to keep it quiet. At least to the outside world. I fully expect them to be a little too invasive with us from time to time.”
“Really?” Emma drones sarcastically, shifting her legs underneath the dash to cross one over the other so that the material shows the skin just above her knee. “I didn’t expect that at all with Will asking me if I was going to be your plus one for his wedding. Belle apparently needs to know for the seating arrangements. Or Ariel asking if we’d be willing to go on a couple’s vacation for the New Year.”
“I can believe both of those things happened.”
“As you should because they are true statements, twenty-nine.” Emma sighs back into the seat, turning away from facing him and looking out at the gray block that is the parking garage. “How’d Robin take it?”
“I’ll tell you on the way to Liam’s, yeah? If there’s one thing you need to know about the Jones family, it’s that we like to be on time, and we, my darling, are running late.”
“Liam will just have to get used to it like you have.”
Killian laughs as he puts his car in drive and makes his way out of the parking garage, filling in all of the details about his conversation with Robin as well as his with Will, Eric, and Ariel. Honestly, it feels like this is all they’ve talked about in the past week since Emma finally took the leap and told her family. She was pretty quiet about it all, not surprisingly, and slowly but surely he managed to drag some information out of her besides the fact that Ruby had figured it out because Emma was wearing his sweatshirt – which he still hasn’t gotten back – and that David had kind of caused her to freak out about things. He doesn’t love the thought of Emma getting into a panic about their relationship, but there are definitely things for them to always think about and consider. That’s not going to change.
Liam had said the same thing to him when he told him. He’d been full of questions, that obnoxious protective older brother gene coming to life. It doesn’t matter that Killian is twenty-eight years old and very much has control of his own life. Liam is always going to be that way, no matter how much Killian asks him not to be. It stems from Liam being both his brother and his father for a lot of his life. Liam was the one who was there to help him apply to colleges, to help him get recruiters to watch his games. His father had been the one who was obsessed with baseball, but his brother was the one who helped him achieve his dreams. And Liam had been the one who was by his side when he got drafted, when he worked his way up from the minors, when he pitched his first ball in Yankee stadium.
On top of all of that, Liam had been the one who was there when Killian and Milah broke up. That had been a disaster among disasters, and it’s probably exactly the reason why Liam pretty much had some kind of heart attack when Killian told him that he’d been dating someone in secret again. It had never occurred to Killian, not until he was sitting down across the kitchen table from Liam, that there were similarities even if the situations and circumstances and reasonings are different. Milah had asked him to be private about their relationship because of her marriage, not that he knew that at first, and he, the cocky guy that he was, thought that it was because she didn’t want the attention that would have come from being with him. In reality, no one but die-hard baseball fans cared about him, and he was fooling himself into thinking the things that he thought.
He was an idiot.
Still is sometimes.
How did he not realize that Liam might be truly upset about it all, that keeping such a big part of his life away from his best friend in the entire world would cause some sting? How did he not think through the fact that Liam, even though he’s often teased Killian about Emma and genuinely likes her, would worry about something similar happening here even though it is entirely different?
And now, after the accident, after all of the guilt and fear and worry that came with that, Liam focuses so much on Killian and how his life is going so that this would impact things.
It had been a long, stilted conversation, one that made Killian’s head pound, and thank goodness for Elsa to break things up and to understand and to help Liam calm down and see things the way that he should have seen things. And while it was Elsa who insisted that Killian bring Emma to Sunday dinner, he knows that Liam is more or so accepting of it all and will not be an ass to Emma.
That was agreed upon beforehand. Killian felt that was necessary, and while Emma told him that it was fine, that this is how David is going to be despite her best efforts, it’s very much not fine for anyone to be an ass to Emma simply because she is dating him.
Or at all.
So, maybe he’s a little nervous for this dinner, but that’s nothing compares to the way that Emma’s leg is shaking underneath the touch of his palm resting there.
“This is a nice neighborhood,” Emma says as he turns onto Liam’s street. “I don’t think I’ve ever been over here.”
“I can’t imagine you’ve ever had reason to unless you were randomly walking down the streets in front of these families’ homes.”
“I am pretty weird. I might have been.”
He glances over at her and smiles, but Emma’s gaze is very much focused on the street in front of her. Squeezing her thigh to silently reassure her, Killian moves his hand off of Emma back to the wheel so that he can turn into Liam’s garage, rolling down the window to type in the code so that the door will open for the two of them.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go get dinner somewhere else?” Emma worries, her voice visibly shaky. “I’m sure we can go find, like, one of those really good Mexican places that looks like it should be shut down for health codes but actually has the best queso dip you’ve ever eaten. No one will recognize us. I’m sure of it.”
“Swan,” Killian chuckles, driving into the garage and putting his car in park before turning to look at Emma, reaching up to cup her cheeks with his palms and run his thumbs underneath her eyes, “it is fine. They, unlike me, do not bite.”
“You are ridiculous. Why would you even say that?”
“To make you laugh.” He leans forward and playfully nips at her lips before tucking a loose strand from her ponytail behind her ear. “You are going to be fine. They’re just people, most of who you have met before, and if all else fails, you’ll have Addy and Lucy to be a buffer.”
“If you freak out when you have to meet all of my people, I’m going to say the exact same things about you, so just think about that with every word you use to calm me down.”
“That’s a lot of pressure.”
“So is this.”
Killian hums before gently kissing Emma and taking his time to move his lips of her, breathing in the smell of her perfume and her hairspray and maybe the tiniest bit of sweat. He needs to calm down too, to take a breath, and tell himself the same things that he’s been telling Emma.
“I love you,” he says when he pulls back, still reveling in the fact that he can say those words to her after feeling them for so long.
“I love you too. Last chance on the Mexican thing.”
His eyes roll, but he laughs all the same, briefly kissing her once more before leaning over her to open her car door. “Funnily enough, that’s what we’re having for dinner tonight. It’s a family favorite.”
“I’m pretty sure you’re lying to me, and if you are, I am stealing your car and driving it to my apartment, where it will inevitably get towed.”
“Whatever you say, darling.”
Killian opens his own door and gets out of the car before walking to Emma’s side and waiting for her as she adjusts her dress and messes with her hair in the reflection window. She’s still hesitant, which he imagines will stop when she gets inside and actually gets into conversation, so he places his hand on the small of her back and guides her up the stairs until they’re entering the kitchen and coming face-to-face with Anna.
Probably not the easiest way to ease Emma into things.
“Oh my gosh,” Anna squeals before putting her glass down, “you’re Emma.”
Emma stills beside him, and he rubs his hand up and down her back before squeezing her ass simply because he knows that it’ll make her focus on something other than her nerves. Sure enough, she jumps, looking up at him with a wry smile on her face and a playful roll of her eyes before looking back to Anna.
“That’s me,” Emma laughs, stepping away from him to move forward to shake Anna’s hand only for Anna to wrap Emma in a hug that is so tight that Killian swears he can feel it in his own legs. “It’s nice to meet you, Anna.”
“Oh, it’s so nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you. Well, not really, but a good amount. Mostly from Elsa. I followed you on Instagram. You might not have noticed that. You are just so pretty and I’m sure sweet, and I have no idea what you’re doing with Killian.”
“Hey,” he scoffs, pressing his lips together. He was going to laugh at how Anna rambles until she got to that end part, “why is everyone always saying things like that? I happen to think I’m a catch.”
“Well, you are, but only if people don’t know you that well,” Anna teases, releasing Emma and walking toward him so that she can hug him and whisper in his ear, “I’m kidding. She’s so pretty, Killian.”
“I know,” he sighs into Anna’s cheek. “She can probably hear us.”
“Oh, I’m totally not listening or anything,” Emma teases.
Anna laughs and pulls back before stepping over to Emma and grabbing onto her arm. “Come on, everyone is in the living room, and they need to know that you’re here. And I want to hear all about you. Your job is awesome, obviously, but a girl has seriously got to know why Killian loves you so much. I don’t even know if you guys have said those words to each other yet, but I can tell. He’s got that sparkle in his eyes.”
“You know,” Emma chuckles, looking back at him with a smile on her face, “you and my sister-in-law would get along really well.”
“Then I have to meet her too.”
Killian follows Anna and Emma around the corner and into the living room where Liam, Elsa, and Kris are all sitting on the couches while Addy and Lucy are watching television. The moment they walk in the room, though, Addy turns her head and runs toward Emma, grabbing onto her waist and talking about just how excited she is to see Emma. Lucy is right behind her, and even though she’s more reserved, she hugs Emma too, letting Emma pick her up and rest her on her hip while everyone else greets Emma. She’s very quickly learning that his family are all huggers, and man does he hope that they’re not overwhelming her. He’d very much like for her to want to continue to date him after this.
Damn. Why is he thinking thoughts like that? That is not the kind of headspace that he needs to be in while Emma is talking to Liam, Lucy still sitting on her hip.
He kind of just threw her into the lion’s den, didn’t he?
But it’s good, he thinks. The conversation flows, there aren’t any awkward silences, and most importantly, there aren’t any interrogations.
“Do you need help with dinner?” Emma asks Elsa later when they’ve moved from the living room to the kitchen so that Elsa and Liam can start dinner, which, much to Emma’s delight, truly is good Mexican food.
“No,” Elsa sighs, waving Emma away as she chops up a bell pepper, “you’re a guest. You don’t cook. Killian, can you grate some cheese?”
He finishes taking a sip of his beer before putting it down. “What happened to guests not cooking?”
“You are family. That’s different.”
“That’s bullocks.”
“You love to cook,” Emma says as she knocks her knee into his. “I’m pretty sure you can handle grating some cheese.”
“He’s pretty incompetent. You’d be surprised at how little my little brother can actually do.”
“Younger. My gosh it’s younger,” Killian groans to Liam. He did that just to annoy Killian, the bastard. “Is that ever going to stop?”
“Maybe when you’re thirty.” Liam hands him a bowl, the cheese grater, and two blocks of cheese, before going back to getting ground beef out of the fridge. “So, Emma, how’d you get into baseball?”
Liam is definitely subtle in his ways of interrogation, but Killian picks up on it. Emma too.
“Watching it or working in it?”
“My brother is a lot older than me and has been working at ESPN pretty much since I’ve known him, and he helped get me an internship in college. It just kind of built from there, you know? I mostly was a stat checker and then got to write some articles, but then when they started covering the games on TV more and developed their streaming service, the job as an on-air reporter opened up. And yeah, here I am.”
“What do you mean your brother has been working there since you’ve known him?”
“Liam,” Killian warns, narrowing his eyes at his brother.
“It’s fine,” Emma promises him before placing her hand on his back and rubbing up and down. “I didn’t have parents, so I was in the foster system for my entire life. My last house, well, I grew close to them, and they’re pretty much my family. David is my foster mom’s biological son, and he’s pretty much fallen into that older brother role. You two are very alike.”
“Stubborn and far too invasive?” Elsa teases, looking behind her at Liam and winking.
“I am neither of those things.”
“You definitely are,” Killian and Elsa say at the same time, and Liam simply grumbles in response before placing the beef in the pan.
“Are Anna and Kris okay with the kids?” Emma wonders aloud, twisting her head around to look into the living room where Anna and Kris volunteered to watch a movie with them while dinner is being cooked. “I can watch them. I don’t want to interrupt your tradition of family dinners or whatever since I am kind of an intruder.”
“You are a breath of fresh air is what you are,” Elsa says, smiling at Emma before she takes the cheese out of his hands like he wasn’t just doing a bang-up job himself. “I thought you were the sweetest thing at Addy’s party, and when I realized that you two were dating, or at least had feelings for each other, I felt like all of those six-year-olds hyped up on sugar. I’m glad Killian has someone kind like you.” “You think she’s bloody kind, but she’s actually pretty mean to me.” Emma slaps the back of his head, and he starts laughing at the affronted look on her face. “See. She just slapped me.”
“Shut up.”
“Really mature, love.”
“You know that I’m not.”
“No, but you do some pretty mature things, if you know what I mean.”
“Killian,” she gasps, slapping him again, “that was a horrible innuendo.”
He arches a brow. “That’s what you’re insulted by? Not the fact that I alluded to our sex life but that I did it in a non-creative way?”
Emma shrugs. “Pretty much.”
“Els,” Liam groans, “I don’t think I can handle Killian dating again. It’s too nauseating.”
“Asshole,” Killian mumbles at Liam, flicking a piece of cheese at him.
“You’re really not very creative with your innuendos or insults today, Professor Jones. You should work on that.”
“And you,” Killian points out as his eyes roll at the nickname, “have got to stop talking to Scarlet if you’re going to call me things like that.”
Once dinner is ready, they all settle down in the dining room, the kitchen table not big enough to fit everyone, but just like the rest of the afternoon, everything goes smoothly. Liam is definitely peppering in questions and little comments, but it’s all in the good nature of getting to know Emma. Honestly, though, no one gets a word in for how much Emma, Anna, and Elsa are getting along. Emma is very obviously a big hit with the two of them as well as Addy and Lucy (and Kris and Liam even if they’re a little less vocal about it), and it makes his heart swell. Admittedly, he was kind of nervous about all of this, if only because his family and their approval is so important to him, but there’s no way they could ever not like Emma.
Maybe be a little dubious at first, but dislike? No.
He can only hope that it’s the same with her family since he knows that mixing lives doesn’t usually run so smoothly, even if this is only her second meeting with everyone.
Emma’s nerves seem to have faded away the longer they stay, and when he pulls her to the side after dinner and offers to take her back to his place, she shakes her head and says that she’s good to stay and watch a movie with his family. So they all settle down into the living room, and while everyone takes their normal spots, their routines obviously very engrained in their minds, Killian moves to the large lounge chair that’s in the corner, pulling Emma down on top of him and wrapping his arms around her waist so that Emma doesn’t have to sit across the room from him.
Maybe that’s a little bit for himself too.
Okay, it definitely is, and he dips his head down to kiss the back of Emma’s neck as she pulls a blanket up to cover their laps while Liam turns the lights off.
“I really like your family,” Emma whispers as she presses her cheek against his and squeezes his hands. “I’m glad you have them.”
“Yeah, love, me too. You seem to be a very big hit today.”
“It’s because I’m so charming.”
Killian chuckles into her cheek, pressing a kiss there. “Exactly.”
“Uncle Killian,” Addison groans, “Daddy says to stop kissing your girlfriend and pay attention to the movie.”
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msterofnone-blog · 6 years
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jack rider ; intro, stats, verses & connections
JACK RIDER looks an awful lot like ALEX TURNER. HE/HIM are/is TWENTY NINE and while they’re FRIENDLY, they have a tendency to get pretty UNMOTIVATED. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to HAND IN GLOVE by THE SMITHS.
- first of all; no matter who you are or what you want, jack rider doesn’t give a shit
- he will act friendly to everybody around him & is well known, but not well liked, more feared; everybody knows that he talks shit about them behind their backs as soon as they walk away
- he was born in manchester, england & his family moved to kola when he was 10; his mother had dreams (delusions) of making it big in hollywood, and was always distant from him, and when her plans didn’t work out, she grew more and more detached from the family. they had to stay as his dad, the realist, had set up his own repair shop to sustain them - his parents stayed together but his dad worked himself to the point of exhaustion whilst his mother would sit by the window every day, unspeaking; they passed away with a month of one another when jack was 18
- he’s a mechanic in kola & fixes cars just as his dad did (i had the greaser thing planned before the greaser anon & now i feel bad) so again he comes into contact with a lot of people - this business progressed into something more as he got older
- working with cars, his first foray into the criminal world was as a getaway driver (baby driver anyone?) but he was about 18 and still pretty new, but he wanted to be something more than his dad had been so he stuck with it and made his way up through the ranks
- he now works with the gang he was first involved with in dealing through his repair shop, but its more of an open secret
- at 29, he should be getting a little restless about his future but he’s never looked to settle down, and will loudly (obnoxiously) pronounce that love does not exist - at least not for men like him
FULL NAME: jack rider PRONUNCIATION: ja-c rye-der MEANING: any man REASONING: not the type of parents to think too deeply about his name rly NICKNAME(S): ponyboy (ANYONE) PREFERRED NAME(S): jack BIRTH DATE: november 2nd 1989 AGE: 29 ZODIAC: scorpio  GENDER: male PRONOUNS: he/him ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: panromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: pansexual NATIONALITY: british ETHNICITY: white british CURRENT LOCATION: kola, california LIVING CONDITIONS: lives above his repair shop in an outdated flat; really only uses it to sleep in & takes no pride in looking after it
BIRTH PLACE: manchester royal infirmary, manchester, england  HOMETOWN: machester, england  SOCIAL CLASS: lower EDUCATION LEVEL: finished high school FATHER: paul rider MOTHER: flora rider SIBLING(S): n/a CHILDREN: n/a PET(S): n/a  OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: n/a PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: never ever one to commit so has never had anything serious  ARRESTS?: countless  PRISON TIME?: 6 months
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: fixing cars  SECONDARY SOURCE OF INCOME: dealing  APPROXIMATE AMOUNT PER YEAR: $30k CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: he’s convinced himself he is & has become somewhat of a self fulfilling prophecy - he used to dream of being a writer when he was much much younger & breaking out of the cycle of the men in his family; it didn’t happen PAST JOB(S): always been an apprentice to his father, who also fixed cars SPENDING HABITS: too much on cigarettes, not on the essentials  MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: his chevrolet 
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: fairly strong INTELLIGENCE: used to read a lot but hasn’t in over 10 years, a mediocre writer who never got the chance to improve  TALENTS: very good mechanic   SHORTCOMINGS: anything with numbers - he always works things out by eye  LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english DRIVE?: yes JUMP-STAR A CAR?: yes CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: yes RIDE A BICYCLE?: no SWIM?: yes PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: barely plays guitar  PLAY CHESS?: no BRAID HAIR?: yes - used to braid his mothers hair  TIE A TIE?: yes PICK A LOCK?: yes
FACE CLAIM: alex turner  EYE COLOR: brown HAIR COLOR: brown HAIR TYPE/STYLE: greased back always  GLASSES/CONTACTS?: nope  DOMINANT HAND: right  HEIGHT: 5′8″ WEIGHT: 156 lbs EXERCISE HABITS: lifting heavy weights when he works on cars but that’s about it SKIN TONE: on the paler side TATTOOS: 3 PEIRCINGS: one ear MARKS/SCARS: a scar on his shoulder from an ‘accident at work’ NOTABLE FEATURES: he use looks a bit mean most of the time really USUAL EXPRESSION: looking mean CLOTHING STYLE: old style greaser - the same as his father JEWELRY: rings when he’s not working & a watch ALLERGIES: n/a DIET: baD PHYSICAL AILMENTS: n/a
JUNG TYPE: entj MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral TEMPERAMENT: sanguine ELEMENT: fire APPROXIMATE IQ: 95 MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: n/a OBSESSION(S): appearing unbothered by everything COMPULSION(S): checking his hair PHOBIA(S): relationships??? honestly  ADDICTION(S): smoking DRUG USE: he deals but won’t do anything he deals ALCOHOL USE: too much PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: too much 
SPEECH STYLE: a bit too loud and cocky  ACCENT: manchester  HOBBIES: trying in his very little spare time to play guitar but not telling anybody HABITS: smoking NERVOUS TICKS: his foot starts tapping DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: not many at all; lives day to day FEARS: being alone with himself  POSITIVE TRAITS:  funny, friendly & loyal NEGATIVE TRAITS: violent, closed-off emotionally & judgemental  SENSE OF HUMOR: he’s funny ngl DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: yeah CATCHPHRASE(S): ‘jack of all trades’
ACTIVITY: working on cars ANIMAL: dogs BEVERAGE: whiskey  BOOK: to kill a mockingbird - harper lee CELEBRITY: mick jagger COLOR: black DESIGNER: he ain’t got a clue FOOD: bacon sandwiches  FLOWER: orchids GEM: ruby HOLIDAY:  he gets the most business (wink wink) around new year MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: ...cars MOVIE: the outsiders  MUSICAL ARTIST: the clash QUOTE/SAYING: ‘stay gold’  SCENERY: countryside SCENT: cinnamon  SPORT: football SPORTS TEAM: manchester united  TELEVISION SHOW: black mirror  WEATHER: rain VACATION DESTINATION: back home to britain
GREATEST DREAM: he has none )-: it was to write & escape what seemed to be laid out for him... it didn’t happen GREATEST FEAR: being forgotten about MOST AT EASE WHEN: working in his shop LEAST AT EASE WHEN: by himself WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: he lost his shop BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: fixing up a car on his own for his dad BIGGEST REGRET: not getting his mother to engage with him - not trying harder to MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: throwing a screwdriver at who he thought was his friend... it wasn’t... hospital happened BIGGEST SECRET: that he used to want to write  TOP PRIORITIES: making money 
none yet!! working on it
i wanna be yours - jack fiercely disbelieves in love, and this person makes him question this long held belief (partners in crime)
leave before the lights come on - somebody jack’s being seeing for months, unwittingly (or perhaps wittingly) leading them on without seeing it as anything near serious
bigger boys & stolen sweethearts - the two used to play make believe together when they were young before one of them moved away - they’d made a pact to marry one another at 6 years old & now jack ( the love non-believer remember ) has been invited to their wedding
red light indicates doors are secure - somebody else in the same gang as jack; they’re close & watch each others backs
only ones who know - somebody who often visits his repair shop & their company & conversation lets him escape to normalcy for a few hours a week ( could become romantic!! )
fake tales of san francisco - jack finished high school but only just & has forgotten his love for words - somebody smart stumbles into his life and helps him reignite his interest ( in private, of course ) 
dangerous animals - member/s of rival gang/s cos we been knew my boy likes to fight
do me a favour - an ex from a very turbulent relationship whom jack probably hurt very badly & left without much of a thought 
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winchesters-love · 7 years
Get To Know Me!!! A Little Too Well
1. Name: Nicole 2. Nickname(s): Nik, Nikki 3. Birthday: June 21 4. That makes you: 18 5. Where were you born: Nebraska 6. Location right now: Same place 7. Shoe size: 7 8. How many piercings?: None 9. Tattoos?: None, but I'd love a few <3 10. When you wake up you're: Confused and even more tired 11. When your about to sleep you're: Wide awake 12. Zodiac sign: Cancerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr/Gemini 13. Chinese sign: Rabbit 14. Righty or Lefty: Righty 15. Innie or Outie: Innie 16. School: Out of school :P Section Two: Looks 17. Nationality: White 20. Weight: 110 lbs 21. Height: 5'6 22. Braces? No 23. Glasses? Yes Section Three: Private Life 24. Do you have a boy/girlfriend? I do! 25. If so, who? The love of my life, Nate 26. If not, do you have a crush on someone? My boyfriend 27. Who has a crush on you? No one haha 28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf? Nope 29. Who was your first kiss: Nate, he kisses pretty good 30. Who was your last kiss: Nate <3 31. Are you a virgin? Yes 32. Ever had a threesome before? No 33. NQ- Ever been swarmed by ladybugs?: Nope 34. Have you ever been in love? Yes 35. Broken any hearts? Not that I know of 36. Got your heart broken? Quite a few times 37. Ever liked a friend? Yea 38. What happened? We started dating
Section Four: Past Relationships 39. How many relationships have you been in? 1 40. How many were serious enough to count: I'm in it 41. Who were those serious ones: I've only been in 1 42. NQ- Who USED to be your best friend: Well, he's still my best friend so 43. What made them different: Nothing 44. What happened: We started dating 45. Best boy/girlfriend: The one I'm dating 46. Worst boy/girlfriend: N/A 47. Ever been kissed: Yes 48. Who do you want back: No one 49. What do you regret: Focusing too much on guys 50. Why? Because I would've done so much better in school Section Five: Favourites 51. Song: Sound of Silence 52. Movie: Zootopia 53. Food: Anything really 54. Drink: Apple Juice 55. Store: Gamestop and Hot Topic 56. Television show: Stranger Things and Mom 57. Holiday: Christmas 58. Book: Grace Lost Series 59. Ice cream: Mint Chip 60. Sweets: Chocolate 61. Crisps: Doritos Jacked 62. Type of music: Pretty much every genre 63. Artist: Singer is Luke Bryan, Painter is Bob Ross 64. Word: Loquacious, vernacular 65. Time of day: Evening/night 66. Dressing: Ranch 67. Alcoholic drink: Don't drink 68. Colour(s): Blue, Red, Black, and White 69. Piece of clothing: Beanie 70. Character: My fursona 71. Smell: Fresh rainfall 72. Shampoo: Fructis 73. Soap: Fructis 74. Smiley: >3 75. Board game: Too many tbh 76. Sport: Soccer 77. Number: 5 78. Quote: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Franklin D. Roosvelt 79. Animal: Wolf 80. Actor: Ryan Reynolds/Chris Pratt 82. Vegetable: Sugar snap peas 83. Fruit: Grapes 84. Place to be: In my room 85. Thing in your room: Pictures 86. Gum: 5-gum 87. Shape: Circle 88. Country: Europe 89. Mall: Any mall 90. Car: 67 Chevy Impala 91. Boy's name: Christopher 92. Girl's name: Chrissy 93. Family member: My brothers and my dad 94. Restaurant: Johnny Carinos 95. Movie place: The theater 96. Person to go to the movies with: Myself 97. Noise: Falling rain 98. Brand of Shoe: Airwalks 99. Brand of clothing: Aeropostle 100. Body part of a chicken: Thigh 101. Swear word: Asshat 102. Month: December 103. Possession: My ring 104. Team: Don't have a favorite 105. Season: Winter 106. Radio station: Pop station 107. Magazine: Don't read them 108. Favourite grade: Senior year 109. Least favourite grade: 5th grade 110. Teacher: Kindergarten 111. Least favourite teacher: Math teacher in 5th grade, he was a douche 112. Subject: Art/Choir 113. Subject to talk about: Anything and everything Section Six: Family 114. Who's your mum?: Not here 115. Who's your dad?: My role model 116. Any step-parents?: Yea, had a few 117. Any brothers?: 2 118. Any Sisters?: Nope 120. Coolest: Older brother 121. Loudest: Me 122. Best relative: My cousin 123. Worse relative: No one 124. Do you get along with your parents? My dad, yea 125. With your siblings? Mostly, we game with each other 126. Does anyone understand you? Yea 127. Do you have any pets? Nah 128. If so, what kind and name? 129. If not, what do you want as a pet? I want another dog, we had to get rid of ours Section Seven: School 131. Are you still in school? Nope 132. Did you drop out?: 2.75, I didn't pay attention freshman and sophomore year 133. Your current GPA: No thanks 134. Do you buy or bring lunch?: School bill paid for it 135. ABC's?: Know them 136. Favorite class: Choir and art 137. Play any sports at school?: Played soccer 138. Are you popular? With the outcasts 139. Favourite memory: Being the only girl good at soccer 140. Most humiliating moment: Falling in front of my close guy friends 141. Most funniest moment: Hitting someone in the face with a soccer ball 142. Most scared moment: Graduating Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear 145. Chicken: Bawk bawk 146. Dog: Soft puppy 147. Christina Aguilera: Music 148. Ricky Martin: Who? 149. 50 cent: Rapper 150. Poop: Emoji 151. Beach: Sand 152. Dessert: Cactus 153. Water: Blue 154. Osama: Bin Laden 155. Love: Life 156. Your little brother: Xbox One 157. Butt: Nice 158. Clowns: Pennywise 159. Wonder: Over Yander 16o. Brown: Pants 161. Banana: Yum 162. Sex: Rope 163. Parents: One 164. Homosexuals: Jensen and Jared 165. God: Father Section Nine: Do you believe in 166. God: Yes 167. Heaven: Yes 168. Devil: Yes 169. Hell: In a sense 170: Boogey man: No 171. Closet Monsters: Nah 172. Fortune telling: Nope 173. Magic: Nuh uh 174. Love at first sight: Depends 175. Ghosts: Nope 176. Voo-doo dolls: Nah 177. Reincarnation: Nope 178. Yourself: Ehh, not really Section Ten: Do you 179. Smoke: And kill my lungs? No thanks 180. Do drugs: Pfft, why would I? 181. Drink alcohol: Again, I'm not trying to die at a young age 182. Cuss: Yea 183. Sing in the shower: Sometimes... 184. Like school: Yea, it was the best place to be! 185. Want to get married: Mhmm, and I'm glad I found someone 186. Type with all of your fingers: Not really 187. Think you're attractive: Most days 188. Drink and drive: Fuck this 189. Snore: Sometimes 190. Sleep walk: Nope 191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: Best place to be honestly Section Eleven: Have you ever 192. Flashed someone: On accident 193. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: I don't drink 194. Told that person how you felt: Yep 195. Been arrested: Nope 196. Gone to jail or juve: No 197. Skateboarded: Yes 198. Skinny dipped: In a bath 199. Rock climbed: Do it every summer 200. Killed someone: Nope 201. Watched porn: Nah 202. Gone on a road trip: Kinda 203. Went out of the country: Nah 204. Talked back to an adult: Yes 205. Broken a law: Nope 206. Got pulled over: Don't drive 208: Cried to get out of trouble: I don't usually do anything bad 209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: I'm supposed to, I'm there to listen 210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: No 211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: No 212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: Nah, I usually eat it 213. Mooned someone: Yes, once 214. Shop-lifted: No 215. Worked at McDonald's: No thank you 216. Eaten a dog: A hot dog! 217. Give money to a homeless person: Yea, I've fed them too 218. Glued your hand to yourself: Yes 219. Kissed someone of the same sex: Playing Pocky 220. Had a one night stand: I have two right beside my bed 221. Smoked: Nope 222. Done drugs: No 223. Lose a friend because of your ex: I don't have any exes 224. Slap someone for being stupid: Yes 225. Had cyber sex: Sexted?? Kinda 226. Wish you were the opposite sex: A lot more often than I should sometimes. But for completely different reasons 227. Caught someone doing something: Yea 228. Played a game that removes clothing: Strip truth or dare ;) 229. Cried during a movie: All the damn time 230. Cried over someone: It's hard not to when you can't have an actor love you 231. Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yea, and I did 232. Hooked up with someone you barely met: Nah 233. Ran away from home: Nope 234. Cheated on a test: Once Section Twelve: Would you 235. Bungee jump: Nope 236. Sky dive: Hate heights 237. Swim with dolphins: Yes 238. Steal a friend's bf or gf: That goes against girl code 239. Try to be the opposite sex: No 240. Lie to the police: Hi officer my real name is Nicholas... Cage 241. Run from the police: No 242. Lie to your parents: Done it before 243. Backstab a friend for your own well being: That's just plain rude 244. Be an exotic dancer: Only for my boyfriend <3 245. NQ- Kill the president: Nah Section Thirteen: Are you 246. Shy: Yes, especially around new people 247. Loud: Extremely 248. Nice: I try to be 249: Outgoing: I fake being outgoing haha 250: Quiet: Yea 251. Mean: Depends, I'm mean to those I like 252. Emotional: Sad to say, but yea 253. Sensitive: Mhmm 254. Gay: I'm very happy 255. Strong: I wish, need to start working out 256. Weak: Yea 257. Caring: Yes, especially towards animals 258. Dangerous: Well, does this include caving? 259. Crazy: Uh huh 260. Spontaneous: I am the most random and spontaneous thing out there 261. Funny: I try to be, I fail at it 262. Sweet: To eat ;) 263. Sharing: With most things, but not my food 264. Responsible: Most of the time 265. Trustworthy: Definitely, if you want a secret kept come talk to me 266. Open-minded: Depends on what you mean 267. Creative: For the most part 268. Cute: Um, not even close, no matter how many of y'all say I am 269. Slick: They don't call me Nik the Slick for nothing 270. Smart: Yea 271. Dumb: I act like it 272. Evil: No 273. Ghetto: If only 274. Classy: As in sassy 275. Photogenic: Nope 276. Dependable: Only on a few select things 277. Greedy: Only with food 278. Ugly: Yes, 100 times over 279. Messy: With my life 280. Neat: With everything else 281. Perverted: You can say cookie and it'll go bad 282. Silly: Yea 283. A B****: I can be if you want me to be 284. A Good Listener: Mhmm 285. A Fighter: If you make me mad enough 286. A Party Animal: I'd rather read, thanks 287. A Game Freak: YES 288. A Computer Freak: I literally want to work on computers Section Fourteen: Future 289. Dream job: Animation 290. Dream house: Somewhere out in the country 291. Husband/Wife: My sweet redheaded boyfriend 292. Kids: 2 293. Names: Something with Ns 294. Pets: Literally so many 295. Car: Anything that gets me places 296. Age you would want to get married: I wouldn't mind getting married in the next few years 297. Best Man/Bride's Maid: My best friend Elena 298. Honeymoon: Anyplace that has a bedroom Section Fifteen: Your friends 299. Best friend: Elena, Nate, Jasmine, Kelsey 300. Known the longest: Nate 301. Craziest: Elena 302. Loudest: Elena and I 303. Shyest: Jasmine and Kelsey 304. Best hair: Kelsey 305. Best eyes: Kelsey 306. Best body: Nate 307. Most Athletic: Me 308. Hot-Tempered: Elena 309. Most impatient: Me 310. Shortest: Nate 311. Tallest: Kelsey 312. Skinniest: Me 313. Best singer: Me 314. Funniest: Literally all of us 315. Can always make you laugh: All of them 316. Wish you talked to more: Elena 317. Wish you saw more: All of them 318. Who drives you insane after a while: Elena, but in a good way 319. Who you can stay around forever and never get sick of: All of them 320. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level': Nah, I'm dating Nate 321. Whose always been there when you need them: All of them 322. Who is like your family: All of them 323. How many friends do you have?: Quite a few, and I love each and every one of them 324. How many are really close? About 10? Section Sixteen: The last 325. Thing you ate: Poptarts 326. Thing you drank: Apple juice 327. Thing you wore: My hoodie 328. Thing you did: This meme 329. Place you went: The store 330. Thing you got pierced or tattooed: Nothing 331. Person you saw: My dad 332. Person you hugged: My dad 333. Person you kissed: Nate 334. NQ- Person you beat to a juicy pulp: I wish I had done that to a couple jerks 335. Person you talked to online: Nate 336. Person you talked to on the phone: Nate 337. Song you heard: Vulnerable by Secondhand Serenade 338. Show you saw: Mom 339. Time you fought with your parents: Um... about a month or two? 340. Time you fought with a friend: Haven't for a while 341. Words you said: Fuck you is what I said Section Seventeen: Now 343. What are you eating: Poptart 344. What are you drinking: Apple juice 345. What are you thinking: About my boyfriend 346. What are you wearing: My hoodie 347. What are you doing: Writing this up 349. Hair: Down 350. Mood: Tired 351. Listening to: Spotify 352. Talking to anyone: Yea 353. Watching anything: Nah Section Eighteen: Yes or No 354. Are you a vegetarian: Mostly 355. Are you a carnivore: Nah 356. Are you heterosexual: Yes 357. Do you like penguins: Yes 358. Do you write poetry: Yes 359. Do you see stupid people: Yes 360. You + Me: No 361. Do you like the Osbournes: Yes 362. Can you see flying pigs: No 363. Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed: Yes 364. Are you from Afghanistan: No 365. Is Christina Aguilera ugly: No 366. Are you a zombie: No 367. Am i annoying you: Yes 368. Do you bite your nails: Yes 369. Can you cross your eyes: Yes 370. Do you make your bed in the morning: No 371. Have you touched someone's private part: Yes Section Nineteen: This or That 372. Winter or Summer: Winte 373. Spring or Autumn: Autumn 374. Shakira or Britney: Britney 375. MTV or VH1: MTV 376. Black or White: White 377. Yellow or Pink: Pink 378. Football or Basketball: Football 379. Mobile Phone or Pager: Mobile 380. Pen or Pencil: Pencil 381. Cold or Hot: Hot 382. Tattoos or Piercings: Tattoos 383. Inside or Outside: Inside 384. Weed or Alcohol: No 385. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi 386. Tape or Glue: Tape 387. McDonald's or In-n-Out: In-Out Section Twenty: Opinions 388. What do you think about classical music: I like it 389. About boy bands: Nah 390: About suicide: Talk to someone if you're thinking about suicide. It is a very real thing and should not be joked about. I don't want to find out that any of you are no longer here because of suicide. I've lost 2 very close friends that way. 391. About people who try to force their opinions on you: They can kindly fuck off 392. About teen pregnancy: Only if they know they'll be able to take care of the baby 393. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: With my husband in some country town 394. Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: Nate, Elena, Kelsey, Jasmine, hopefully all my friends 395. About gay men: They're human too Section Twenty-One: 396. Do you have a website: I'm working on building one 397. Current weather right now: Cold as balls 398. Current time: 7:00 399. Last thoughts: Byyyye
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imaginekpoplikethis · 7 years
7 Years - BadBoy! Jeon Jungkook X Reader - Part 10.2
Now that I technically have a two week break, hopefully updates will come faster.  To the anon who suggested a beach date, I hope this lives up to your expectations.
Thanks for reading guys, I really appreciate it. Love youuu
The end of 7 years may be approaching soon.
What are your thoughts on this part?
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10.1  Part 10.2 - Here  Part 10.3  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20 - Final
"Let's go out again." Jungkook's head rose from his desk and he stared at you as you stood in front of his desk, hands on your hips.
"You want to go on another date? Sure. Where though?" You sat down on the desk in front of his and placed your hands on your lap.
"Well, since we're literally on the verge of summer, it's gotten hotter so we should go to the beach." His eyebrows rose at your suggestion before he slowly nodded his head.
"Okay, I can borrow Namjoon Hyungs car and drive us down there."
"You can drive?" A small smirk spread on his lips at your question, and you in turn raised an eyebrow.
"Kind of. Hyung taught me, I just don't have a 'real' license." Your eyebrows furrowed and you stood from the desk, lightly smacking him on the head. "How do I know you won't end up crashing the car? I don't want to die."
A boyish chuckle escaped him and he rested his head on his arms once again, closing his eyes.
"I'd never hurt you let alone kill you. Just trust me on this one." Still a bit worried, you bit your lip before turning around.
"Oh and Y/N?" When you turned back to look at Jungkook, he had his eyes open again, eyebrows drawn together. He reached out and tugged your skirt lower down your legs.
"There's a shit ton of perverts in this school. I don't like when they look at you like you're a piece of meat."
Overprotective much? Not that you minded.
You had arranged to go to the beach on your next school break which was convenient since it was only two weeks later. When the Monday of your date rolled around, you found yourself eagerly packing your bag for the day out. Jungkook had said to be ready at 11am which was only a mere hour away. You threw in all the necessites needed for a day at the beach and double checked your outfit for the day.
A black crotchet halter top paired with a plain white skirt that stopped mid thigh and a large thin cardigan that reached down to your knees. Obviously you were wearing your swimming costume underneath to save time when you arrived at the beach. Your phone vibrated when a new message came through and you glanced at the screen, seeing that Jungkook was waiting for you outside. Grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder, you headed downstairs and bid your family goodbye before slipping on your flats and exiting the house. Judging by the heat you were immediately  hit with, you had picked the perfect day to go to the beach.
A honk caught your attention and you spotted Jungkook sitting in a white convertible BMW. Jogging towards the car, you couldn't contain your surprised face as you opened the passenger door and slid into the seat next to him.
"Namjoon drives a BMW?" He glanced at you before returning his attention back to the window in front of him, slowly driving out onto the road.
"Not really, it's his but he doesn't really use it... I guess he's trying to keep it as new as possible since it took him ages to save up for it." Jungkook then reached to his side without taking his eyes off the road and handed you an iced tea from your favourite café.
"It's hot so I bought you a drink." You smiled at his thoughtful gesture and thanked him, gratefully taking the drink and sipping on it whilst staring at his unchanging face. Since the drive there would be at least an hour and a half, you passed the time by making small talk and before you knew it, Jungkook was parking the car in a parking lot. Grabbing your things, you stepped out of the car and stretched. Jungkook had taken a beach umbrella out of the trunk and begun raising the roof and locking the doors whilst you took it upon yourself to look for a spot. Not many people were out today so there was plenty of spaces available. Settling for one in between the ocean and the food stand, you gently placed your towel on the ground and sat down. Jungkook stabbed the bottom of the umbrella into the ground, providing you with relief from the sun.
"Are you not going in the water?" Laying back down on your towel, you glanced up at Jungkook's confused face before giving him a slight smile.
"Now's the perfect opportunity to try and get a tan. I'll go in later." Shaking his head at your reply, he stripped his shirt off and laid himself down next to you. You tried your hardest to not ogle at his defined abs.
"You're not even going to change into your swimsuit?"
That would have been a smart thing to do.
You smiled sheepishly and shimmied out of your skirt, pulling your cardigan and top off to reveal your black and white striped two piece. Jungkook didn't say anything and instead gave you a half smirk to which you shook your head in amusement. Slapping on a layer of sunscreen, you laid back down and closed your eyes. You weren't sure how long you were like that for but a sudden shadow that cut off the only light you had made you open your eyes again. A girl stood before you with a slightly embarrassed face.
"Um, sorry to bother you but would you and your friend like to join me and my boyfriend in a game of volleyball? You don't have to if you don't want to." She kind of reminded you of Areum which caused a smile to grow on your face before you nodded enthusiastically. She returned your smile with a grin before she headed back in the direction she had come from. Turning to Jungkook, you were slightly shocked to see he had fallen asleep.
Well, you did kind of ignore him in favour of a tan so it's no wonder he fell asleep with no one to talk to.
Crawling towards him, you placed a hand on his cheek, lightly tapping. His eyebrows furrowed and he grabbed your wrist but made no move to remove your hand. Sighing, you bent down and placed a kiss to his forehead which caused him to shift slightly.
"Kookie? Come on wake up. Let's play volleyball." His eyes slowly opened at the mention of volleyball and he rose up from his position in the sand, running a hand through his hair. Blinking a couple of times, he then lent forward and rested his forehead on your shoulder, snaking his arms around your waist.
"Volleyball...?" His raspy voice made goosebumps rise on your skin and you patted the back of his head, encouraging him to lift his head. When he did, he stared at you with half closed eyes and a drowsy smile on his face.
"With who?" You pointed in the direction the girl had went and he followed your finger to see the couple standing before a net a little ways away, smiles on their faces. Rubbing his face, he stood himself up and grabbed your hand, hauling you up too.
"Fine but there's not going to be any real competition. You're dating the golden maknae so my skill has rubbed off on you." He began to walk in the direction of the net with you following closely behind, hands still joined together.
"I'm going to assume your calling me golden and take that as a compliment for your own good." You could tell he was smiling without even having to look at his face. Upon arriving, the couple greeted you and introduced themselves as Seo-Jun and Ha-Yun.
"You two are dating right? That's great! A battle of the couples then." You grinned at Ha-Yun's words whilst Jungkook looked out towards the sea, nodding his head with a blank look on his face. Settling on your side of the net, you watched with anticipation as Seo-Jun served the ball and Jungkook immediately sprinted forward, jumping up into the air and smacking it down on the other side of the net. You stood there in absolute shock at the speed and power he delivered and it seemed your opponents were just as shocked because Ha-Yun's mouth had dropped open whilst Seo-Jun's eyes were as wide as saucers.
At this point you knew without a doubt Jungkook could carry your team on his shoulders with no help at all.
But you happened to be extremely competitive too, not to mention now that you were dating the 'golden maknae' you had a status to uphold.
"1 point to Jungkook and Y/N. Definitely did not see that coming." Seo-Jun nervously chuckled and Ha-Yun blinked a couple of times before regaining her composure. Readying yourself for the next point, you tied your hair up in a high ponytail and made eye contact with Jungkook, to which he gave you a quick nod. Ha-Yun served this time and Jungkook watched as  you bounced the ball back over. Just as it was making its way back to your side, Jungkook took the chance to earn your team another point. It was at this point where the opposing team seemed to take Jungkook's skills seriously. Seo-Jun too, began scoring points and you had to refrain from jumping out of the way of the incoming ball. He was a lot stronger than you had initially thought.
The match continued on like this for at least twenty minutes before you and Jungkook had taken the lead. He seemed to be impressed with how you were currently playing and you couldn't deny that made you feel proud of yourself. The ball was served by Seo-Jun once again and Jungkook moved forward, preparing himself to score yet another point. However, he tripped right when his hand made contact with the ball and sent it flying straight up into the air. Scrambling up he glared up at the ball before he motioned for you to get closer to him. Hoping you understood what he intended for you to do, you jogged forward before placing a hand on his shoulder whilst he lifted you up, sending you into the air and you slapped your hand down on the ball. Whizzing past Seo-Jun, you watched as Ha-Yun attempted to return the ball but ultimately fail. Luckily Jungkook hadn't actually thrown you all that high so he easily caught you, placing you down on the ground.
"That was amazing! It was like something out of a movie!" Ha-Yun gushed over your improvised move and you grinned back at her, Jungkook shaking hands with Seo-Jun.
"That was a great game. We should play again sometime." Jungkook nodded, a small smile spreading in his face. When you parted ways, exchanging contact information with Seo-Jun and Ha-Yun, Jungkook turned to you and grabbed your hand, leading you back to your spot on the beach.
"I didn't think you had it in you to pull a move like that off." Laughing, you peered into his face.
"Well what did you think I was going to do?" Shrugging his shoulders, he brushed off the remaining bits of sand from his trunks. Taking two cold water bottles out of the cooler bag, you handed him one and went on to gulp down half of your own bottle, watching him do the same. He wiped his mouth with the back of this hand before replying.
"I don't know, bounce the ball in my direction?"
"I'm not that incapable." It was his turn to chuckle now and he threw his arm around your shoulder, leading you towards the sea.
"We should celebrate by getting wet." Rolling your eyes, you stopped in front of Jungkook, poking him on the bicep. There was more muscle than you had expected.
"That was so uncalled for."
He smirked before staring straight at you. "I really couldn't pass up the chance to say that. Besides, I've always wanted to do this."
He proceeded to shove you backwards and you stumbled a good distance back, regaining your footing. You had ended up waist deep in the water.
"Wow, how did I not see that coming? Typical beach move." Deciding to take revenge, you began to march through the water towards him. You hadn't even made it three steps before you stepped on a massive clump of seaweed, effectively making you slip backwards and disappear underneath the waters surface. When you managed to get back up,  Jungkook's distinct laughter was what you heard and your face burned crimson.
"Now that was anything but typical." Jungkook then walked into the water and when he noticed you were still vexed, he grabbed the sides of your face and lowered his head down to kiss you. When he released you, your annoyed expression was replaced with a delighted smile.
"Let's see who can hold their breath the longest!" Your suggestion made him raise an eyebrow.
"What are you, five?" Although he seemed to question your childish idea, he began counting down and you both dunked your head underneath the waters surface.
In the end, Jungkook had won and requested two more rounds. You goofed around for about two hours and then you found yourself lying by the shore on the sand, staring up at the sky.
"It's going to rain."
Turning his head in your direction, Jungkook gazed at the side of your face in fondness.
"Should we go then?"
Releasing air from your nose, you continued staring up at the grey clouds that were approaching.
"No... we're already wet anyway."
He didn't reply and instead continued eyeing you. When the first couple drops of rain had fallen, you shifted your body onto its side and faced Jungkook, returning his gaze with as much tenderness as he was showing.
"I'm sorry for ignoring you when we got here. It wasn't intentional."
His eyes closed a little and a soft smile he only ever showed to those close to him grew on his face. The warm drops of rain began to fall heavier, however, you made no move to get up.
"I know. Don't worry I wasn't feeling neglected or anything."
A relieved smile soon spread on your lips and you brought a hand up to his face, resting it on his cheek.
"Besides that fall you had made up for it anyway." Your face darkened and a glare settled on your face.
"I hope you catch a cold."
"I don't mind as long as you catch one too. Besides, you would have to take care of me."
"No I wouldn't. I'd just send Jin over in a pink frilly apron to torment you. He is the mother of the group after all."
"If you do that I'll make you sit through Jimin and Taehyung's English." A distant memory of Taehyung and Jimin discussing the word 'beach' in English crossed your mind and you shivered at the thought.
"Now that's just plain evil."
Your conversation ended there and a comfortable silence settled. At least twenty minutes later you decided that you should leave and you stood up, grabbing your things and finding the changing rooms and showers. After ten minutes, you reemerged sand free and changed. The rain had become a light drizzle and Jungkook was leaning against the wall outside of your stall. He motioned in the direction of the car with his head and you hoisted your bag further up your shoulder, trailing behind him.
Once you were both inside the car, you gave him a lingering kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you for driving out here."
"My princess is grateful? That's a first."
"Don't make me take back what I said."
"I'm just teasing. You're welcome, Y/N."
He ruffled your hair affectionately with one hand, his other still on the wheel and his eyes trained on the road. Smiling to yourself, you turned your attention to the window, watching the buildings pass by.
Looks like you were safe in a car with him for now.
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hi let me answer 400 fucking questions
1. Name: Jace 2. Nickname(s): i dont have any 3. Birthday: June 1 4. That makes you (age): im almost 15 5. Where were you born (city): Vancouver 6. Location right now (planet ): in my house 7. Shoe size: uh like 8 womens 8. How many piercings?: two, almost pierced my septum 9. Tattoos?: no 10. When you wake up you're: tired and sad 11. When you're about to sleep you're: tired and sad 12. Zodiac sign: gemini 13. Chinese sign: monkey i think 14. Righty or Lefty: righty 15. Innie or Outie: innie 16. School: no Section Two: Looks 17. Nationality: im really white 18. Hair colour: like dirty blonde 20. Weight: idk like 140lbs 21. Height: 5′10 i think 22. Braces? no 23. Glasses? no Section Three: Private Life 24. Do you have a boy/girlfriend?: yeah 25. If so, who?: uh someone who was not interested in me at all for 7 months  26. If not, do you have a crush on someone?: i mean 27. Who has a crush on you?: i mean  28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf?: no that shit is disgusting dont talk to me if you do that  29. Who was your first kiss: someone that i no longer talk to. dont regret it being them though 30. Who was your last kiss: my bf  31. Are you a virgin?: uh  32. Ever had a threesome before?: no  33. NQ- Every been swarmed by ladybugs?: no whattheufkc 34. Have you ever been in love?: yes  35. Broken any hearts?: most likely  36. Got your heart broken?: well i broke up with someone idk if that counts as having my heart broken but i was devastated but i had to do it sooo idk   37. Ever liked a friend? yes ive only really liked 2 people and theyve been my friends because i cant trust people 38. What happened? they have liked me back at some point Section Four: Past Relationships 39. How many relationships have you been in?: two 40. How many were serious enough to count: two? 41. Who were those serious ones: first kiss, my bf 42. NQ- Who used to be your best friend: uhhhhh ig first kiss 43. What made them different: i really liked their personality and the way they presented/ i was head over heels for them for like idk 3 years 44. What happened: i wasnt mature enough to handle myself 45. Best boy/girlfriend: my fucking GIRLS taylor and claire 46. Worst boy/girlfriend: someone i recently cut off contact with  47. Ever been kissed: yes 48. Who do you want back: uhgdjgkjdfhgkjd goodbye 49. Who do you regret: no one, i think all experiences are good and if i regret someone i would hace never gotten those Experience Points 50. Why?: n/a Section Five: Favourites 51. Song: shit uhhhh like or like like by miniature tigers?? or falling for you by mxmtoom and peachy?? or cherub rock by the smashing pumpkins idk my taste is wack 52. Movie: as you are but i shared it with the person i recently cut off contact with so uh 53. Food: bro. pickles. i even drink the pickle juice when im done with the pickles. 54. Drink: orange crush man 55. Store: shopping stresses me out 56. Television show: uh black mirror? 57. Holiday: hallo fucking ween 58. Book: words on bathroom walls i think 59. Ice cream: cookie dough 60. Sweets: m&m’s 61. Crisps:  wjat 62. Type of music: i listen to a lot? i listen to electronic, indie, alternative, rock, those sad boy hour songs really whatever i have like three different playlists for my tastes 63. Artist: really into teen suicide rn 64. Word: uh 65. Time of day: 1 am outside watching the stars 66. Dressing: like. salad dressing or clothes 67. Alcoholic drink:  i dont drink anymore tryna stay away from that so i dont revert 68. Colour(s): i love blue 69. Piece of clothing: my fidlar hoodie that concert was wild i got punched in the head 70. Character: DELSIN ROWE  71. Smell: campfire 72. Shampoo: idk i use whatever is in the shower 73. Soap: i use whatever 74. Smiley:  idk 75. Board game: definitely monopoly i live out the fantasy of being rich 76. Sport: i dont care 77. Number: i still dont care 78. Quote: idk  79. Animal: still a wolf shut up meanies >::((((( 80. Actor: idc 82. Vegetable: broccoli ofc 83. Fruit: oranges  84. Place to be: on the hill 85. Thing in your room: my guitar and my ukulele my fuckibng babies dont touch them 86. Gum: uh 87. Shape: uh> 88. Country: uh? 89. Mall: i hate malls 90. Car: idc wow im boring 91. Boy's name: br idk  92. Girl's name: idk 93. Family member: my sister sh 94. Restaurant: pepper lunch is kind of the shit 95. Movie place: we literally only have one movie theatre 96. Person to go to the movies with: my friends 97. Noise: idk 98. Brand of shoe: vans theyre comfy 99. Brand of clothing: idk 100. Body part of a chicken: the gobble part the fuck is that called 101. Swear word: uh? fuck? 102. Month: october 103. Possession: ukulele and guitar again 104. Team: ? 105. Season: winter it’s cold and people can’t bully me for being pale 106. Radio station: who listens to the radio 107. Magazine: who reads magazines 108. Favourite grade: none they were all stressful 109. Least favourite grade: grade 1 110. Teacher: mme martin 111. Least favourite teacher: mme leclerc 112. Subject: band 113. Subject to talk about: music Section Six: Family 114. Who's your mum?: my mom 115. Who's your dad?: my dad 116. Any step-parents?: no 117. Any brothers?: yes 118. Any Sisters?: yes 120. Coolest: brother/sister 121. Loudest: my parents fuck 122. Best relative: uh 123. Worse relative: someone who hit on my sister 124. Do you get along with your parents? sometimes 125. With your siblings? yes 126. Does anyone understand you? lmao ugh no one understands me;((((( 127. Do you have any pets?:  yes 128. If so, what kind and name? dog, cat, rosie, thea 129. If not, what do you want as a pet?: i want a snake so bad Section Seven: School 131. Are you still in school? yes 132. Did you drop out?: yes 133. Your current GPA: idk what that is 134. Do you buy or bring lunch?: both, sometimes we cant afford anything so like i just dont eat 135. ABC's?: what 136. Favorite class: band 137. Play any sports at school?: no 138. Are you popular? HAHA no 139. Favourite memory: uh when i failed three classes i loved that :) 140. Most humiliating moment: idk 141. Most funniest moment: bro idk 142. Most scared moment: when i thought my school was gonna be shot up lmfao Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear 145. Chicken: bacawk 146. Dog: bark 147. Christina Aguilera: oUOouIA 148. Ricky Martin: who 149. 50 cent: bottle full of bub 150. Poop: uh 151. Beach: woosh 152. Desert: the sound of sand? 153. Water: woosh 154. Osama: oh  155. Love: the sound of when you are holding your breath and then you exhale because they left but you didnt realize you were holding your breath 156. Your little brother: i  157. Butt: what 158. Clowns: get that shit away 159. Wonder: wahtr 16o. Brown: brrpoqn 161. Banana: peeling noise 162. Sex: moaning?? 163. Parents: yelling 164. Homosexuals: what 165. God: nothing Section Nine: Do you believe in 166. God: idk not really 167. Heaven: idk 168. Devil: idk 169. Hell: idk 170: Boogy man: no 171. Closet Monsters: no but im always paranoid someone is in my closet 172. Fortune tellings: no 173. Magic:  idk 174. Love at first sight: idk 175. Ghosts: yes 176. Voo-doo dolls: no? 177. Reincarnation: maybe 178. Yourself: no Section Ten: Do you 179. Smoke: not cigs, i’ll vape but i dont have one of my own, and if you got weed and want me to smoke it with you sure 180. Do drugs: weed? 181. Drink alcohol: not anymore 182. Cuss: yeah 183. Sing in the shower: yeah 184. Like school: no 185. Want to get married: yeah 186. Type with all of your fingers: on the computer not really only my middle and index finger 187. Think you're attractive: not really 188. Drink and drive: no ive had some horrible experiences 189. Snore: i dont think so 190. Sleep walk: used to 191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: yes omg  Section Eleven: Have you ever 192. Flashed someone: no 193. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: haha yeah 194. Told that person how you felt: yeah 195. Been arrested: n o 196. Gone to jail or juve: no 197. Skateboarded: yes im so fucking bad at it though 198. Skinny dipped: no 199. Rock climbed: yes 200. Killed someone: no 201. Watched porn: yes 202. Gone on a road trip: yes 203. Went out of the country: yes 204. Talked back to an adult: yes 205. Broken a law: yes 206. Got pulled over: no i cant drive 208: Cried to get out of trouble: no 209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yeah  210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: no 211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: no 212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: yeah 213. Moon someone: no 214. Shop-lifted: no 215. Worked at McDonald's: no 216. Eaten a dog: no 217. Give money to a homeless person: yeah 218. Glued your hand to yourself:  no 219. Kissed someone of the same sex: yeah 220. Had a one night stand: no 221. Smoked: not cigs 222. Done drugs: weed 223. Lose a friend because of your ex: i dont think so? 224. Slap someone for being stupid: lightly 225. Had cyber sex: no 226. Wish you were the opposite sex: at one point in my life i wanted to die because of it 227. Caught someone doing something: yeah 228. Played a game that removes clothing: no 229. Cried during a movie: yeah 230. Cried over someone: yeah 231. Wanted to hook up with a friend: no 232. Hooked up with someone you barely met: no 233. Ran away from home: yeah 234. Cheated on a test: yeah Section Twelve: Would you 235. Bungee jump: yes pls 236. Sky dive: yes 237. Swim with dolphins: yes 238. Steal a friend's bf or gf: no 239. Try to be the opposite sex: oh 240. Lie to the police: no 241. Run from the police: idk depends on the situation probably not 242. Lie to your parents:yeah 243. Backstab a friend for your own well being: no ew 244. Be an exotic dancer: no 245. NQ- Kill the president: dont have a president Section Thirteen: Are you 246. Shy: not shy 247. Loud: no 248. Nice: i think? im also kind of an asshole 249: Outgoing: not outgoing 250: Quiet: kind of 251. Mean: sometimes 252. Emotional: yeah? 253. Sensitive: no 254. Gay: no 255. Strong: uh idk 256. Weak: not physically 257. Caring: yes 258. Dangerous: no 259. Crazy: no 260. Spontaneous: no? 261. Funny: ive been told 262. Sweet: idk 263. Sharing: yeah 264. Responsible: yeah 265. Trustworthy: yeah 266. Open-minded: yeah 267. Creative: i guess 268. Cute: uh no 269. Slick: idk 270. Smart: no 271. Dumb: no 272. Evil: no 273. Ghetto: no 274. Classy:  no 275. Photogenic: sometimes 276. Dependable: yeah ive made some mistakes though 277. Greedy: no 278. Ugly: no? 279. Messy: kinda 280. Neat: kinda 281. Perverted: uh well im not asexual 282. Silly: what 283. A B****: sure 284. A Good Listener: yeah 285. A Fighter: yeah 286. A Party Animal: no 287. A Game Freak: i like games 288. A Computer Freak: no Section Fourteen: Future 289. Dream job: musician 290. Dream house: fuck idk 291. Husband/Wife: someone i love 292. Kids: like 2 293. Names: , 294. Pets: doberman pls 295. Car: idk 296. Age you would want to get married: like 30 297. Best Man/Bride's Maid: idk 298. Honeymoon: idk Section Fifteen: Your friends 299. Best friends: taylor, claire 300. Known the longest: taylor 301. Craziest: taylor 302. Loudest: claire 303. Shyest: taylor 304. Best hair: i love them all 305. Best eyes: taylor has like multicoloured eyes 306. Best body: bro no 307. Most Athletic: claire 308. Hot-Tempered: both 309. Most impatient: idk 310. Shortest: taylor 311. Tallest: claire 312. Skinniest: uh skinnier is taylor shes smaller in general 313. Best singer: idk neither of them sing 314. Funniest: both 315. Can always make you laugh: both 316. Wish you talked to more: i have like 3 friends so keira 317. Wish you saw more: keira 318. Who drives you insane after a while: claire 319. Who you can stay around forever and never get sick of: taylor 320. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level': no 321. Whose always been there when you need them: taylor and claire 322. Who is like your family: taylor and claire 323. How many friends do you have?: 4 324. How many are really close? 2 Section Sixteen: The last 325. Thing you ate: burger 326. Thing you drank: water 327. Thing you wore: im in shorts and a hoodie right now? 328. Thing you did:  dog walk 329. Place you went: dog park 330. Thing you got pierced or tattooed: my ears 331. Person you saw: my mom 332. Person you hugged: my mom  333. Person you kissed: my bf 334. NQ- Person you beat to a juicy pulp: idk but id like to beat some people to a juicy pulp 335. Person you talked to online: this bitch thunder that is annoying we dont talk anymore shut the fuck up bro 336. Person you talked to on the phone: my call log says my mom 337. Song you heard: beach walk by whitewoods 338. Show you saw: like concert? fidlar 339. Time you fought with your parents: idk like today 340. Time you fought with a friend: idk 341. Words you said: “yeah”  Section Seventeen: Now 343. What are you eating: burger 344. What are you drinking: water 345. What are you thinking: miss 346. What are you wearing: shorts and a hoodie 347. What are you doing: writing this 349. Hair: messy? im sick 350. Mood: gross 351. Listening to:  nothing 352. Talking to anyone: no 353. Watching anything: mr nightmare Section Eighteen: Yes or No 354. Are you a vegetarian: no 355. Are you a carnivore: no 356. Are you heterosexual: no 357. Do you like penguins: yes 358. Do you write poetry: sometimes? i dont share it 359. Do you see stupid people: yes 360. You + Me: uh 361. Do you like the Osbournes: never really watched it 362. Can you see flying pigs: egrhf 363. Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed: no 364. Are you from Afghanistan: no 365. Is Christina Aguilera ugly: no  366. Are you a zombie: no 367. Am i annoying you: yes 368. Do you bite your nails: yes 369. Can you cross your eyes: yes 370. Do you make your bed in the morning: no 371. Have you touched someone's private part: yes why would you word it like private part Section Nineteen: This or That 372. Winter or Summer: winter 373. Spring or Autumn: autumn im quirky hahahahahahha 374. Shakira or Britney: neither 375. MTV or VH1: neither 376. Black or White: mix of both is good 377. Yellow or Pink: pink 378. Football or Basketball: basketball 379. Mobile Phone or Pager: mobile phone 380. Pen or Pencil: pencil i feel safer 381. Cold or Hot: cold it’s easier to warm up than to cool down 382. Tattoos or Piercings: piercings but i want a small tattoo 383. Inside or Outside: uh both 384. Weed or Alcohol: weed 385. Coke or Pepsi: coke 386. Tape or Glue: tape 387. McDonald's or In-n-Out: mcdonalds Section Twenty: Opinions 388. What do you think about classical music: love it! 389. About boy bands: sure! 390. About suicide: i dont think people understand that someone who is suicidal, their perception is collapsed. even though they subconsciously know they have other options, they believe with every bit of them that is their one and only choice.  391. About people who try to force their opinions on you: choke  392. About teen pregnancy: make sure you can handle the child and have support. if not, get an abortion or put it up for adoption. seriously. only keep it if it’s something you want, not because you were being shamed. 393. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: on hastings shooting up heroin idk  394. Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: taylor 395. About gay men: love yall Section Twenty-One: 396. Do you have a website: no 397. Current weather right now: uh cloudy 398. Current time:  8:15 pm 399. Any shout outs: no one follows me 400. Last thoughts: fuck, 
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