
😭🤣 i was Channeling my inner Deadpool in that moment
Also thank you luv @hoseokslefteyebrow 🥺❤️
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i love mixing it up yoongi and reader soooo much 🥺 such a cute mf couple i swear :((( their moments are just so 💗💖💘💞💞💕
Omg Ngl I didn’t know if I was making it cringe so thank you 🥺❤️
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wait you wrote about yoongi getting in a fight?? WHERE?!-
Omg I just realised I didn’t write him getting involved in the only actual fight that took place💀 has it really been that long that I don’t even remember what I wrote omg bye-
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Feel like writing bad boy suga in a fight again or should I not be so dramatic
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Urgh the formatting on this update makes me want to vom
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Mixing it up sequel scenarios - TroubleMaker! Min Yoongi X reader - Part 2
Original Mixing it up story
Part 1 Part 2 - Here
You would never admit it but you were glad your friends had managed to convince you to join them at the arcade. It had been a while since you had even set foot in one, many fond memories filling you with immense joy and excitement for the evening.
Currently, you were situated at the dance dance revolution machine with Suhyun. Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung were cheering for you both despite your poor display of stamina but nevertheless you were having fun.
“Grade C!? How did you beat me!?” Suhyun all but screamed from beside you, her heavy pants in sync with yours.
Suhyun had managed to score lower than you which truly was something you were not expecting. This didn’t deter your sudden smug attitude however, a smirk creeping on your face.
“I’m just that great y’know. Hey, I got an idea. Loser should buy slushies.”
You were met with a glare at your suggestion.
“Normally you say that before the game takes place. That’s just unfair.”
Despite stating this, she had already begun walking towards the snack bar.
“My turn! I want to go up against Hoseok!” Taehyungs undoubtedly loud voice cut in suddenly, accompanied by Hoseoks chuckle.
“If crushing defeat is what you want, who am I to stand in the way of it?”
Hoseok stood in position, Taehyung beside him, and inserted two coins into the machine.
“I’m sure it would be fun to watch Tae lose to Hoseok but we still haven’t played anything together.”
An arm slid around your waist and Yoongi pulled you closer to him, his eyes scanning the arcade for a suitable game.
“And what do you suggest?”
“How about that tomb raider one?”
At the other end of the room was a giant shooting game, an image of Lara Croft smack right in the middle.
At least twenty five minutes later and both of you had managed to reach the second last level before it all got too much.
These games were definitely a scam. You had never seen anyone win in your life.
“Well we make an impressive team. I feel like we were made for each other.”
Yoongi slipped an arm around your waist, leading you towards a racing game.
“And you have come to this conclusion because of one round of Tomb Raider at an arcade?”
He simply chuckled at your question, knowing it wasn’t a serious one.
“Y/N! The slushie machine was being fixed so it took longer to get them. I ended up just getting the first flavour available.”
Jumping out of Yoongis grasp, you cling onto Suhyuns arm, gratefully accepting the cold beverage.
“You’re the best Hyunie~ I’ll make it up to you tomorrow. Drinks on me at the café!”
You both began in the direction of a claw machine, squealing at the sight of the Kakao plush toys.
“She abandoned me for a slushie and Ryan...”
Taehyung made a sudden appearance, clapping his hand on Yoongis back in sympathy.
“Honestly... I would to.”
A scowl formed on Yoongis face.
You found yourself in Yoongi’s room on a Friday evening, bag packed to stay the night and a Nintendo Switch to accompany you. Yoongi was sulking at his desk due to the lack of attention you had given him in favor of the game you were currently investing all of your time in.
“What game is it anyway. It must be godly if you’re ignoring me this long.”
Excitement filled your body at the interest he was displaying and you quickly showed him the screen of your switch.
“Animal Crossing!”
The confusion on his face prompted you to explain in as much detail as you could what the game was about, whilst also showing him the in game island that you had put over three hundred hours into.
By the end of your explanation he had gone silent and pulled his own switch out of his drawer.
“You have a switch? Since when? Wait-
never mind, the dust collecting on that thing is enough of an answer.”
You returned back to your five star island, gushing over the Takoyaki octopus Zucker and his aloof personality.
An hour later, the familiar sound of the iconic animal crossing language filled your ears, though not from your own switch.
Looking up in utter disbelief, you were met with Yoongis trademark smirk as he showed you his own screen displaying the beginning scene of the very game you were playing.
“You bought Animal Crossing!?”
“Well you were spending all your time on it, I wanted to see what that was all about. Plus it does sound kind of interesting.”
He rose from his seat and laid beside you on his bed where you spent the next hour running through tips for him.
“It’s three am.”
A yawn accompanied your statement and you moved to save your game, then turning it off and placing it on Yoongis desk.
“Huh... already?”
Said boy didn’t even lift his gaze from his screen, pure concentration was being devoted to the game.
“How are you still playing the game? Isn’t it still like your first day. There’s only so much you can do.”
“I time travelled.”
You were shocked to say the least. You hadn’t even mentioned the concept of time travel to him.
“You what!? How do you even know what that is?”
“I searched it up.”
Why am I not surprised.
“Are you going to sleep anytime soon?”
At this point you were struggling to keep your eyes open and you made yourself comfortable in his bed.
“In a bit.”
Rolling your eyes at his curt reply, you snuggled deeper into his covers.
“If you say so.”
When you awoke several hours later, it was to the sight of Yoongi playing Animal Crossing.
Rubbing at your eyes, your brows furrowed at the thought of him staying up all night to play the game.
“Wha- Yoongi... did you even sleep?”
He jumped at the sound of your sleep laced voice, clearly not expecting the sudden interruption.
“Uh, no? This damned raccoon is making me pay off my loans.” Cue his sheepish expression.
He was met with a blank stare.
“What kind of excuse is that? You’re not forced to pay it all in one day.”
He simply stretched out the kinks in his body before returning his attention back to the game.
“Doesn’t feel like that to me...”
An almost regretful sigh escaped your lips.
“Didn’t think you would enjoy the game this much.” His deep chuckle filled the room.
“Anyway Yoongi, I think you should put the switch down and sleep.”
He seemed to only then realise what the actual time was, surprise gracing his boyish features.
“Oh... yeah you’re probably right.”
I am right.
He looked up at you from beneath his lashes almost as if he knew exactly what you were thinking at that exact moment. Either way he chose to stay silent, a small smile growing on his lips as he saved his progress and shut down the console.
An obnoxiously loud yawn later and he had burrowed himself under his covers.
Your arm reached towards your own switch, intent on playing Animal Crossing when his arm quickly snaked around your waist, dragging you back into bed.
Another day, another sleepover at Yoongis it seemed. It was the week after the animal crossing ordeal and you found yourself lounging around on your boyfriends bed. There was only so much animal crossing you could play before it got tedious which is why you found yourself watching intently as he played call of duty with the rest of the boys.
“Woah! Nice shot.”
He grinned at your praise, shifting positions on the floor and leaning his back on the bottom of his bed.
“You wanna turn?” A brief glance was shot your way before he swore under his breath, one of the boys having got to him in his split second of distraction resulting in the match ending.
Cheering on the other side of his headset could be heard from what seemed like Seokjin.
You popped another piece of cereal into your mouth whilst offering him the bowl.
“Hm, okay.” Handing you the controller, he gave the bowl in your hand a strange look and let out a huff of amusement.
“Look at you eating cereal dry at eleven in the night like a weirdo.” He grabbed the bowl and placed it beside him as you rose from his bed and sat on the floor, in between his legs. Grabbing the headset from his head, you placed it on your own and briefly greeted the boys. A chorus of hellos were returned.
“I think you’re the weirdo just because you’ve never done that.” A scoff was all your reply before the next match started.
“Done what?” Came Taehyungs understandably confused voice.
“Yoongi is giving me a hard time over eating dry cereal as a snack.”
You were met with hums before a short discussion broke out.
“I love doing that! It tastes way better at night.” You were thankful someone understood otherwise it would have been just plain awkward.
“I actually agree.” Jungkooks reply had you giving Yoongi a look that conveyed ‘i told you so’. An eye roll was your response.
“What? Cereal was made for breakfast how can it taste better at night?” Hoseok was quick with this input.
“I don’t want to hear that from someone who puts chips in their ice cream.” You choked on your saliva at Seokjins statement, the evident disgust making it all the more amusing.
“Yeah, that’s gross.”
“How can you do that?”
“Wouldn’t the salt melt the ice cream?”
The boys began mumbling their agreements whilst Hoseok stuttered.
“Huh? Why are you all suddenly switching onto me?!”
You simply chuckled as the countdown for the match began and everyone focused their attention towards the upcoming fight.
From then on there was minimal talking, save for the ocasional directions and groans, and for the next ten minutes a surprising amount of concentration was poured into the game from both you and Yoongi. By the end of the game your team had won and you handed the controller back to Yoongi, a giant smirk on your face.
Despite the opportunity to gloat being ripped away from you, you still sat basking in absolute pride at your performance. As you were preparing yourself to make his way back to his bed, You felt his arms wrap around you and lock you in place without a word spoken as he played with the controller in front of you. His chin was placed on your shoulder and you didn’t dare move, not one to reject a loving embrace.
This is how you spent the next half an hour, watching match after match of Yoongi playing before exhaustion caught up with you from the long school day.
You would have probably tried to crawl into his bed but the warmth his body was exuding was too comfortable and so you found yourself shifting to your side and curling up in a ball, head resting on his chest as you felt your heavy eyelids close.
The last thing you remember hearing was the muffled voice of Namjoon giving orders through his microphone and Yoongi stroking your head affectionately.
#bts imagines#bts scenarios#bts fanfic#bts au#bts x reader#min yoongi x reader#bts yoongi scenario#yoongi fanfiction#yoongi x you#yoongi imagines#min yoongi scenarios#yoongi scenarios#bad boy suga#suga x you#suga x reader#suga fanfics#suga imagines#bts school au#bts x you#yoongi x reader#bts imagine
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Er what happened to tumblr I can't post the whole scenario post
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Mixing it up sequel scenarios - TroubleMaker! Min Yoongi X reader - Part 1
Mixing it up is back! As scenarios which all take place after the events of the original story so to understand the context and references it would probably be better if you have read the original which I will link below. I hope you all enjoy this comeback. It’s gonna be a ride 🤩
Original Mixing it up story
Part 1 - Here
Standing before the very school you hated with a passion several months ago, you couldn’t help the grin that slid onto your face. Honestly, it didn’t look half as bad as you expected it to after the disaster that hit but that was to be expected since it was high on the towns priority list even before the fire. You weren’t sure why exactly but you also didn’t care to dwell on such trivial matters.
“Hey Y/N! Hellooo. Are you there? We’re gonna be late to class if you don’t stop staring mindlessly at the school and I don’t wanna have to introduce myself through the first period.”
Snapping back to reality, you linked arms with Suhyun and dragged her towards the entrance.
“Wow! It’s scary how much you’ve changed. I remember a time you would have entertained the idea of missing school for a month if it meant not having to share the same school grounds as Yoongi. Now-“ You playfully pinched her side invoking a squeal out of her.
“I know I know! You don’t have to remind me...”
A giggle escaped Suhyun at your embarrassed tone and she tugged you towards her.
“I’m just kidding around. I’d be excited too if I got to see my boyfriend everyday for at least a month.”
Exited? You were ecstatic if anything.
“What class is he in by the way?”
A small sigh escaped you.
“I have no idea, he wouldn’t say. Was probably hoping he wouldn’t jinx it and somehow have us end up in different classes.”
His hopes were high. The odds of actually ending up in his class were five to one.
Your mind drifted off at the thought of your boyfriend, Min Yoongi. It’s worth mentioning back before you had been forced to share your school with him, you would have scowled and turned to walk in the other direction at the sight of someone with mint coloured hair. That all changed after all the events that transpired throughout his stay at your school. Honestly, it was a hectic time, something that would fit more into a drama than your life but you’re happy they occurred nonetheless.
Focusing back on the present, you found yourself standing in the corridor of the lowest floor, Suhyun talking to herself about where your classes were.
“You’re in class 3-d right? I’m in 3-a so obviously we’re both heading to the third floor. Ugh, I can’t believe we’re split up. We’ve been in the same class for years now.”
Starting the trek up the stairs, you watched as she pouted in disappointment.
“Suhyun, this isn’t permanent.”
“I know but I wanted to have at least one friend in my class.”
That wouldn’t be hard. She was practically a ball of sunshine. A lot like someone else you know...
“Don’t worry you’ll be fine! Who wouldn’t want to be friends with you? You’re kind, super friendly and charismatic.”
Reaching the third floor, her class was right by the staircase and so she turned towards you.
“Hehe, you’re such a great friend. You always know what to say to cheer me up.
A cute grin spread on her face and she envelops you in a quick hug which you giddily returned.
“I’ll see you at lunchtime?” Upon your nod of approval, she turned towards the classrooms doorway.
“Great, I’ll wait for you outside your class. See you in a bit.”
After watching her enter the class, you took to walking down the somewhat busy hallway, eyes trained on the sign reading ‘3-d.’
Hoisting your bag higher on your shoulder you opened the door, the class’ home room teacher already standing at his desk, early.
“Ah, you might as well introduce yourself now. Your other class mates have already done so.”
Giving a small nervous smile, you quickly nodded and made your way to the front of the class. Shifting from foot to foot, your eyes scanned the room for any familiar faces. Sighing lightly when your eyes couldn’t detect anyone you knew, you cleared your throat and readied yourself for the possible stuttering mess of an introduction you would deliver.
The sound of the door opening halted your introductory speech, eyes snapping to the doorway only to light up at the familiar face and not so familiar hair.
“Min Yoongi! Late yet again. This must be the tenth time in two weeks.”
More importantly, he’s brunette now. Not that you were complaining.
A tired gaze fell upon the teacher and he simply rubbed at his eyes, grumbling to himself.
“What was that!?”
“Nothing sir.” Yoongi was quick to dismiss whatever he had initially said. His eyes finally landed on you and a smirk slowly spread upon his lips.
“Well well... Y/N. Nice of you to join us.” Cue the tingling sensation that usually adorned your cheeks at his lazy smirk.
“Yoongi please take your seat, you’re holding up the rest of the class.” Despite it feeling as if you both were the only ones in the room for a second, your temporary teacher was quick to snap you out of it, the growing annoyance clear in his tone. Yoongi surprisingly listened to the instructions though the smirk remained on his face, his head lowered as he made his way to his desk.
“Sorry about that. You should be able to make your introduction without any further interruptions.”
The teacher clapped a hand on your shoulder, a supportive smile being sent your way though it did nothing to ease your nervousenss, especially since an extra pair of eyes were watching you far more intently than the rest.
He was most probably waiting for you to stutter and flush red, something he would one hundred percent use as ammo to tease you later on.
“You should have seen the look on her face when she stuttered out her own name.”
Annoyance was a common theme whenever Yoongi decided to make fun of you. Sure, you had seen this coming, call it a premonition and name yourself Raven if you will. However, it still irked you that he felt the need to recall the moment to everyone at the lunch table.
“Well they didn’t Yoongi and they won’t ever see the “look on my face” so drop it.”
Did the words come out harsher than you intended? Yes. Did it make you seem angered by his actions? Yes.
Did Yoongi care?
That would be a big, bold-
“I just remembered... they can see. I filmed it.”
He proceeded to pull out his phone and unlock it, finding the most recent media in his camera roll. Taehyung cheered and high fived Hoseok whilst everyone else all too eagerly leant forward to catch a glimpse of your mess of an introduction. All you could do was groan and rise from your seat.
It seemed your awkward moments were still getting filmed to this day.
“Aw, where are you going Y/N? Don’t worry you look cute!”
Leave it to Suhyun to try and cheer you up.
“I’m just going to get a drink from the vending machine. I’ll be back in a bit.”
Leaving the group to their own devices, you headed outside of the lunch room to the nearby machine. After deciding on a peach Lipton and checking the price, you reached a hand into your pocket only to groan a second time at the realisation that you left your money in your bag. As you were turning to leave an arm reached over your shoulder and put in several coins and punched in the iced teas number.
Eyes widening you spun on your heel, coming face to face with the last person you were expecting.
Said girl offered you a tight smile though it resembled more of a grimace than anything. She looked significantly different from the last time you had seen her. Her hair was now short and she looked somewhat tired.
There was pregnant silence where you both simply stared at one another, bad memories replaying in your minds. She eventually broke eye contact with you to reach down and grab the drink that had been dispensed. Turning it in her hands, her eyes nervously flitted back to yours. She beckoned you to move to the side to let other students use the vending machine and joined you against a wall.
“I... I never got the chance to say sorry after everything. After we fought and I was questioned by the police, I was lucky enough to end up with community service. I’m far from done with it but it’s still given me a lot of time to think. About why I acted out and how I treated you and others around me.”
The genuine guilt and sorrow held in her eyes made you feel extremely awkward. You didn’t know what to say.
“You’re a really nice person who was trying to do a good thing. While we were friends, I had fun and I’d like to believe you did too.”
Realisation dawned on her that she was beginning to babble on.
“Er- what I’m getting at is... I’m sorry. Really and truly sorry. For framing you for the pen incident, being mean and literally fighting you.”
She reached out her hand holding the tea to the side and you slowly took it, releasing a sigh.
“Mi-Rae... I wish you had just taken responsibility for your actions instead of dumping it on others. Maybe then none of that would have happened and we could have been friends without all the drama.”
You cringed at the use of the word ‘drama’. That was the understatement of the century if not millennium.
“Lord knows though wishing about things that happened in the past gets you nowhere. So I think the only thing to do is forgive but not forget.”
“Yeah... Thank you for hearing me out. You could have walked away at any time but you have me a chance. You really are kind.”
You thought back to your brawl with her. Her use of kind might have been a stretch.
“Not that much but thanks. Good luck with your community service and... I’ll see you around?”
You silently hoped you would. It would help you to keep all the bad blood in the past. Reaching out your hand for her to shake, she grasped it, this time a genuine smile gracing her lips.
“I’d like that.”
“Wow you took ages, I almost grew white hairs.”
Yoongis voice was the first to reach your ears and you grinned at him. A weight you didn’t know you had felt like it had been lifted.
“Yeah, I bumped into Mi-Rae.”
A scowl overtook his face and the table looked at you in shock.
“What? Did she do or say anything? Maybe she needs to be reminded what she put you through.”
Seating yourself beside Yoongi, you linked your arm with his own and calmly patted his leg.
“Don’t worry, she just apologised for everything. To be honest, it was so awkward I didn’t know what to do. We decided to move on but not forget. She seems like a totally different person.”
He scoffed at your retelling of the encounter and you pinched him in retaliation.
“If that’s what you want, fine. Her being a different person probably has something to do with the fact she’s practically an outcast now.”
You looked down at the table, sadness replacing the relief you had felt.
“That’s... kind of upsetting to hear.”
He rubbed your back to comfort you and pulled your head to lay on the side of his arm whilst Jimin interjected.
“She’s not completely alone. I see her with Yura a lot so don’t feel too bad.”
“That’s good. I’m glad she doesn’t hold anything against her.”
A silence enfolded the table, one that Hoseok was quick to interrupt.
“Anyway, we should do something after class.”
“On a Monday?”
Doing something after school on a Monday... you couldn’t think of anything worse than that idea right now.
“Yeah, there’s a crazy discount at the arcade next to the mall on Mondays. Plus they serve after school meal deals.”
A chorus of approvals rang throughout the table.
Despite this seemingly great opportunity, your bed sounded more appealing at this precise moment.
“I think I’m gonna go home instead.”
Boos were what you were greeted with and you rolled your eyes.
“Oh my gosh, okay fine.”
“Yes! The entire group is hanging out tonight! Everyone meet outside the school gates after the last bell.”
Whilst everyone agreed, Yoongi lowered his mouth to ear level and muttered into your ear.
“You were always gonna come. I would’ve made sure.”
Gosh, he was so annoying. Even more so since you know he would have definitely succeeded.
#min yoongi#yoongi scenarios#min yoongi scenarios#yoongi x reader#bad boy bts#BTS au#bts x reader#bts x you#min yoongi x reader#min yoongi fanfiction#yoongi x you#bts scenrios#bts fanfiction#bts imagines#yoongi fanfiction#yoongi imagines
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i think i’d enjoy the mini scenarios for mixing it up 😊
Hehe they’re fun to write so after the initial introductory part I’m gonna post later, it’s what I will focus on next
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My fav story rn 🤩
Quarter Quell
Request; Yandere Jungkook, Hunger Games Au
Word Count; 11.2k
Every 25 years there is a Quarter Quell edition of the Hunger Games. Quells mark the anniversaries of the districts’ defeat by the Capitol, and include special celebrations. The Games involves some sort of twist that makes them even more disastrous or difficult to compete in, or watch.
The pixelated screen depicted a zoomed-in image of a middle aged man, smiling glamorously towards the camera lense as he held the microphone to his face and proceeded to the next segment of the show.
His fake snake-like contacts glimmered as they briefly ran across the cue card. Then he refocused his attention back to the camera; opening his overly plump and artificially enhanced lips to announce-
“Next we have the infamous brute of a man, District two’s treasure and voted most likely to win; Jeon Jungkook!”
Keep reading
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Times are tough for everyone right now and I know that a lot of people want to donate but dont have the means to do so right now. I created a compilation of videos on Youtube where the creators are donating all of their adsense revenue from their video to BLM fundraisers and organizations. Feel free to keep this playlist streaming to raise funds! (Remember to turn off AdBlock and don’t skip the ads)
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I keep posting this on the wrong BLOG
Welcome to my masterlist guys! This masterlist will be updated everytime I post something new so please check back every now and then. In the future I will write for other groups but I’m currently focusing on BTS for the time being. Thank you for your support!
Kim Namjoon - Rap Monster / RM
An Abnormal Saturday - Mafia Oneshot
More coming soon.
Kim Seokjin - Jin
‘Bestfriend’ - Oneshot (Based on my tragic situation)
More coming soon.
Min Yoongi - Suga
Mixing it up - Min Yoongi Troublemaker AU - Preview Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 - Final
Misunderstood - Oneshot
More coming soon.
Jung Hoseok - J-Hope
Day after Day - Oneshot
When It’s Her (HIATUS) - Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
More coming soon.
Park Jimin - Jimin
Selfish - Oneshot
More coming soon.
Kim Taehyung - V
Summer Beginnings - Oneshot
Death Beside Us - Oneshot ?
A Charismatic Roommate - Part 1
More coming soon.
Jeon Jungkook - Jungkook
7 Years - Jungkook Badboy AU - Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10.1 Part 10.2 Part 10.3 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 - Final
7 Years - Sequel Scenarios - Part 1
Living With A Kook - Collection Of Mini Scenarios
Even If You Hate Me - Part 1 Part 2 - Final
A Cold Heart - Oneshot
No Time To Love - Oneshot
More coming soon.
BTS Collection
Bad Boy - Part 1 (KT) Part 2 (KN)
#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#kpop fanfic#bts au#bts x reader#bts imagines#bts scenarios#bts fanfic#kim taehyung x reader#min yoongi x reader#park jimin x reader#kim seokjin x reader#kim namjoon x reader#jung hoseok x reader#jeon jungkook x reader#v x reader#suga x reader#Jungkook x reader#jin x reader#jhope x reader#jimin x reader#rm x reader
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Reblog this if its okay for your followers to introduce themselves to you.
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omg my masterlist has not been updated in ages brb gotta go fix that
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I made a playlist for this blog though I doubt it changes anything for mobile users lmao just wanted to let you all know anyway
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