#i had hoped my next dog would be her daughter. so now thats not happening and i'll end up back on the market for a puppy
fjordfolk · 4 months
What are your plans for Troj? Do you plan on breeding after she finishes a CH?
Troj is never going to make Ch. The Norwegian championship title requires three CCs from three different judges, one of which (this has been voided in some breeds but not in shelties) has to be a major. There are 13 pairs of major CCs available in a year. Troj is a perfectly nice, middle-of-the-race show dog. She might make a very nice veteran. But she's not one of the best 13 females we have competing.
Breeding was the plan, but unfortunately she has a heart defect. So we just show to show, and my plan for Troj is to let Troj be Trojself for the rest of her Trojdays and may they be many!
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Pink Chains Sequel
The oldest. Male, twin. Souta.(Means A sudden wind or sound)
The middle. Male. Twin. Kaito. (Means sea or ocean)
Youngest. Female. Kana. (Means powerful)
@galagcica @squeaky-ducky @kozushiki @haikyuu-but-low-iq @lunebabie @derpeedoo @kayisweird @zopzoop
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“We do now!!!!” You told him, rubbing your stomach
“Swee..sweetie are you serious?” He climbed over the desk grabbing you and pulling you between his legs.
“Yep!!! Surprise Kyo!!!”
He was a little shocked for a few minutes, you were telling him how excited you were but he could not register it. A kid, not one but three. Will they be like him? Scary? Will they think hes scary?!?
“Kyo?” You lightly tugged his shirt so he would look at you. “Kyo whats wrong?”
He squeezed you sighing deep. “Im nervous sweetie thats all.”
You laid your head on his chest. “Well.. i am too . But! I have you to help and you have me. Not to mention all your friends. “ you took his ring hand to hold it and nuzzled his sleeve. “I love you, we will be fine Kyo.”
Kyo took in a deep breath and kissed your head. “Yeah, we will. I love you so much sweetie.”
It was an interesting nine months for everyone. Kyo had gotten his friends together for beach volleyball one night , you were there too but you were sitting with a sundress on looking excited.
“Soo...” Iwaizumi said, rubbing his head. “Whats this about?”
Oikawa and Mattsun were stumped too, so was Yahaba. Bokuto was trying to piece it together as well.
You got up and turned to the side and Kyo put his hand on your stomach. “Well... lets just hope you can deal with more of me”
Safe to say Kyo got tackled into the sand by everyone.
Time Skip to the kids being 7.
💕Kyo and Reader still live in his home. Iwaizumi does too since he owns the basement half of the house.
💕Chicken Legs had trouble adjusting to the children but Readers cats have helped relax and calm him. He's not so shaky anymore.
💕King is the kids number one fan. He is always there to help them with a prank on their father or to help them up and down the stairs.
💕Rex gets brushed every five minutes and he *loves it*. Kana also likes putting ribbons on his tail.
💕Mango is carried around everywhere by Kaito because he is small and “fun to carry”
💕The twins get up to no good alot. Souta is like the wind, no one ever knows if he's gonna do something. Kaito is more calm, like the ocean . But just like his brother, he's right there to lend a hand in mischief
💕Kana is attached to Kyo and Readers hip nearly 24/7 because she is scared of everything. She was tiny at birth. A “runt of the litter” Kyo called it, which gave her the nickname “Kana Pup” by Kyo. Everything is bigger than her and she doesn't like it. She's scared of Oikawa and it makes him sad.
💕Kyo and Reader own a bigger building together that they turned into The Dog House. They sell apparel but with Readers designs now too. The kids hangout at the shop usually after school.
💕The building has an upper floor or office area where Reader works on new designs / manages the finances while Kyo works the floor.
💕Souta and Kaito spend their days greeting customers and telling them specials (as best they can) . If Kana is not with her mother she is with Kyo at the register coloring under the desk so no one can see her.
💕kyo does not know what to do about Kana, he's worried she won't have friends and isolate herself. Iwaizumi suggests a hobby or club for middle school and Oikawa suggests volleyball.
💕its at the beach Kana realizes how fun volleyball is. She even lets Oikawa show her how to play.
💕Mattsun still has his tattoo shop. Kyo now has a back piece too. It's three wolf pups .
💕Kana joins the volleyball club
💕the twins join an art club and it is very interesting to them . Souta & Kaito are naturals at coming up with designs
💕iwaizumi babysits when Kyo and reader need alone time at the house
💕every now and then Kyo will check in on his kids at night, he leans on the wall of the door just watching them sleep. It's been a few years since they were born and he's still dumbfounded he could make such blessings
💕Kanas first game is a little rocky, she's nervous about people watching her. That is until Bokuto yells for the stands ‘all eyes on you because you are the star of this court!!!’ . She pulls through and turns out she spikes just like her father. They win because of her. Reader cries tears of joy and the twins are going nuts , Kyo pulls reader close kissing her
💕The twins debut a simple design. It's a crow with its wings out with a chain collar on its neck. Their parents love it.
Time skip to HighSchool
💕The kids go to Karasuno
💕The twins are in a design/business club
💕Kana is the wing spiker of her team. She is tall like her father and brings her team to Nationals.
💕Mattsun has a pretty little happy girl come into his shop one day asking for a fluffy kitty tattoo . Mattsun thanks god this is happening and gets her number
💕Oikawa & Iwaizumi still work at the Dog House. Oikawa now has the same volleyball tattoo his friends have. Iwaizumi helps the twins bring their designs up to sell online
After High School.
💕Kana plays for the Black Jackals. The twins have a successful online business selling their designs on different things.
💕Kyo and Reader have expanded the Dog House and it has more locations now.
💕Every friday night they spend their time laying on Kyos car with music on watching the stars in their backyard.
The end 💕
Little bonus mini drabbles!!
“raaaa!!!!!” Yelled Kaito
“Aaaarrgg!!!!” Yelled Souta.
Kana had her ears covered and had Chicken Legs laying down next to her with his paw over his eyes. She was sitting on the floor coloring in her book when her siblings rushed down the stairs with toilet paper and heavy eye makeup on their face and body. King, Rex and Mango were close behind with equal amounts of toilet paper on them too. This was a regular saturday...
Iwaizumi was on the couch watching these terrors run around the house . He pat Kana on the head counting quietly. “And 5...4...3...2...1...” The garage door could be heard and the twins and dogs stopped. Heavy steps and giggling were getting closer.
“Yes Souta?”
“It appears we are going to die today”
“Yes i believe so.”
Kana peaked at Iwaizumi and he just gave her that smile that made her get red in the face. The door opened and you and Kyo saw your kids covered in toilet paper and makeup. The dogs too. Kyo rubbed between his eyes and you giggled going over to Kana who was holding her arms up to you.
“Yes Kaito?”
“It was nice knowing you.”
(Whenever Kyo asks Iwai why he allows this he just shrugs and says “hey they aint my kids 😋”)
Kyo had picked the kids up from school and went straight into work. No one minded that the kids were there, they behaved. Mostly.
“Welcome to The Dog House!!!” Yelled the twins“The finest dogs and the biggest house!!! At your service!!!!”
Youd never seen so many metal heads giggle and chuckle like little kids before. Kana though, was under the register coloring and leaning on her fathers leg. Kyo leaned on the register looking down at his daughter.
“Kana pup”
“Papa..?” She asked, looking up, brushing her hair from her face.
“Do you wanna greet customers with your brothers?
She shrugged pulling the book closer. “N-no..”
He rolled his shoulders looking back up to see his friends frowning at him.
“Maybe a club will help”
“Or volleyball!!!”
The twins were running around the beach with Mattsun chasing them , Kyo, Iwa, and Kawa were tossing the ball to each other. And you were sitting on a towel under an umbrella with Kana clinging to your arm. You had noticed she was fixed on what her father was doing and you signaled to get his attention and pointed at yoir daughter.
“Kana pup.” He said, catching the ball. “Cmere for a second.”
She shook her head and you rubbed her side.”just for a second baby.”
Kana gets up joining her father and he crouches down behind her. “Put your fists together , be still okay?”
“ dont.. wanna get hit..”
“You wont i promise.” He nodded to Iwaizumi and he lightly tossed the ball to Kana . “Now just move your wrist down. Then connect with the ball semding it up”
As soon as the ball hit her wrists she whined turning around to hug her father. “Kana, look.” He turned her head . The ball was in the air . “You did it.”
“I.. i hit it.”
“Maybe Oikawa can explain better.” He said, getting up and Oikawa crouched down next to her. Kana whined giving him a scared look and he just held his hands out to recieve the ball.
“Its easy, promise!” The ball bounced off his wrists.
After a few tries Kana got the positioning right and even asked Oikawa to help and show her more.
One night Mattsun is at his shop filling in his laptop with appointments, transactions, bills. Its late, maybe almost 10. He liked to stay open when he had late nights like this. No one ever came by but.. it made him hope someone would. Mattsun was covered head to toe in tattoos. The bell dinged and he looked up from his desk and fell forward.
It was a girl; pink shoes, dyed highlighted pink hair, a white belly top and shorts. “Hey Mr!!!! Can i get a tattoo please?! A fluffy kitty or kitten? Do you do those? “
Mattsun smiled up at his ceiling . “Whoevers watching , thank you.”
He looked back over at the huffy girl. “Yeah i can do that Kitty, let me get a sketch going and you can tell me what you think.” He said with a very big smile. “Whats your name?” He asked , going around his desk to his wheely chair .
“Y/n!! “ the girl skipped over sitting in the chair criss cross. “Can you do it here?” She pointed to her inner thigh .
Mattsun thanked whoever was watching over him again but in his head. “I sure can y/n. I sure can.”
“No no!! Kitty!! I like it.”
Mattsun had a silly grin on his face now. “Okay kitty”
Its late at night and the only one up is Kyo. He was leaning on the wall watching his kids, ‘how did i get here?’ He asked himself while eyeing his bruised knuckles. Slowly he looked up. “I love you guys so much...”
“And i love you.” He heard behind him. A giggle too.
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haicuties · 3 years
Hi!! I hope you're having an awesome day 😁 I just found your blog and I love it lots!! I was wondering if you could continue a proper "endinf" / part 4 to the single dadchi post!! It'd be great to see what happens with their relationship / healing of the past / day to day life with their new family set up :)!! Thank you!!
hopefully this is closure for someone LOL used to have a book with what i wanted to do with this series,,, idk where it went so this is on the fly after reading what i wrote years ago. possible part 5? idk. -admin omi
Part I Part II Part III
warning: slight nsfw lol
It’s been almost two years and some months since you and Sawamura made your relationship official, and then about 9 months since he proposed to you. There has been a lot, and I mean a lot of adjustments you both had to make in order for this relationship to grow. A lot of arguing, crying, forgiving, and fucking your differences out. Both of you still have very deep wounds that have not completely healed, heck, maybe will never heal– that’s why you both always give your best, always putting in 100/0 effort.. Your parents love Sawamura, although they questioned why you would put 100/0 effort when something could happen.. afraid of what’s happened before, but they understood once you told them that you don’t expect anything back, you love him and that’s all that mattered– and he felt the exact same way.
0832 - Sunday morning
As the sun beamed through the blinds, you felt the warmth gradually increase onto your face. Looking to the other side of the bed, you saw him. The one man that made the pain of your late daughter, less painful. 
“Good morning, my beautiful wife.” he quietly cooed
“Were you just watching me sleep?” a small chuckle left your lips as you sat up to stretch, bringing his shirt to lift over your stomach. 
“As I do every morning, what can I say? I have the most beautiful woman sleeping next to me.”
“Yeah yeah, do you want coffee? I’m going to make myself some tea” you asked while standing and looking back at him seeing him nod.
Walking down the hallway, you peek into Manami’s room to check if she was still sleeping, knowing she’s likely to be knocked out. “As I thought, out like a light.. Maybe I’ll surprise her with pancakes.” You thought closing the door
Sawamura trailed behind you to join you.
“How is my second baby doing anyway?” He asked while rubbing her belly“Mm, she’s fine, moving a lot this week but that’s to be expected, I do only have a little more than 2 months left until her due date.” putting your hand on his you smiled softly. 
7 months prior
Sawamura sat you down and asked how you felt on having another child now that you were married. 
“I understand if you’re on edge about it.. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately– I just didn’t kno–”
“I– am nervous.” You said cutting him off“I have been thinking about it.. I am just afraid, that I’ll lose another.. Lose you. You already know after I got pregnant with Nori that he left.. I just don’t want you to leave either.” you said stuttering, you felt the tears welling up around your eyes“I’m not like him, and you know that! I would never leave you! Y/n, you make me feel something, happiness that I haven’t felt since Kayo.. you brought happiness to Manami!” he exclaimed, feeling the tears as well. “I’m dedicated to you. And only you.” 
“.. And Manami.” you laughed trying to lighten the mood. “Alright, physically, I am ready to bare another child, mentally, I am still afraid, but not as much now..” 
Seeing that it would be a bit difficult to try for a baby with Manami around, you both decided to drop her with her grandparents for a little more than a week, as a ‘vacation’ for her. Thrilled she was more than okay with it considering Daichis parents had a dog. 
After that, for the entire 8 days she was away, you both used any time (and anywhere) you could to try to have sex. “You think that was enough?” He said panting “I’m pretty sure the amount of cum I pumped into you over the week could amount to an entire gallon.”
Laughing, you looked at him and then down to your swollen pussy lips “Maybe, I guess we’ll find out in a couple weeks. If not, I mean your parents love having Nami over.” 
A couple weeks later, it was official. You held the pregnancy test in your hand showing the clear plus sign. “I’m pregnant..” you thought thinking back to when you found out you were pregnant with Nori.Sawamura then found you crying on the bed because of it. Your fears and anxiety were getting the best of you, and it was hard since now that it’s real. It feels like this is an attempt to replace Nori. And he knew you thought that too since that’s what he felt when he met you, like he was replacing Kayo- it wasn’t that though.. This was and is you both healing wounds that have taken charge of your your lives since the tragedy happened.
Turning to him, tears flowing down your red tinted face “I’m pregnant… and most of all, scared..” He sat down next to you and hugged you tight, bringing your body onto his lap and kissing you everywhere.“It’s alright to feel the way you do. I felt the same when I realized I loved you. It hurts, it feels wrong, but it also feels right.” he said bringing your chin so you could look at him He had a point, before the thoughts ran through your head, you felt happiness seeing that plus sign glow on that pregnancy test.
Back to present day
1047 - Sunday morning
”Darling, can you finally wake that daughter of ours to come eat? I made pancakes!” you giggled “Yes, I’ll go fetch her.” he said walking towards her room
Peeking into her room, “Manami? You up?” “Kind of daddy, I smelled pancakes.. Did mommy make.. pancakes?” she queitly said under the blanket half asleep waiting for a confirmation“Yes. thats right, she did make them.. the chocolate ones too.” 
Immediately, she jumps out of bed and runs towards the bathroom to freshen up “OKAY IM COMING!” she yelled out while visibly trying to rushYou set the plate of freshly made chocolate chip pancakes at the table and started to make everyone’s plate. Before you know it, Manami is sitting in her chair with fork and knife in hand impatiently waiting for her plate“GOOD MORNING MOMMY! I AM HERE TO EAT!” she shouted as Daichi sat down next to you“Well good morning pretty girl, you seem very energetic this morning.”“THAT’S BECAUSE MOMMY MADE ME PANCAKES! I LOVE PANCAKES” “Yes I sure do know that little one. Go on and eat up my love.” you said smiling softly while putting her plate in front of her and giving Daichi his
Sitting down, you rubbed your belly and sipped your tea. Looking at your two loves, you couldn’t help but think “How could I be so lucky with a family like mine..” 
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pagingevilspawn · 4 years
You Said You’d Grow Old With Me
again, another one-shot that i never posted on tumblr, only the link, so yeah! im also pretty sure this fic makes no sense, but my 4 am brain wrote it so...
"thought we had the time, had our lives, now you'll never get older, older"
TW// major character death
takes place some time after 16x15, before 16x16.
Jo was laying in her bed. Their bed. The bed that felt too cold. The bed that felt too empty. The bed that felt too big. After crying she felt better, having Link comfort her while she broke down. She wanted him back. She wanted him to answer her calls. She needed to know if he was okay. If he left her like she thought he did she at least needed to know if he was okay. One call. One text. Thats all she was asking for.
Except she wouldn't be satisfied with that. The five different positive pregnancy tests to the side of her were an example. She was pregnant. They were pregnant. How the hell did that happen? She was just pranking him about having a baby a two months ago, and now she really was going to have one? And at the best of times too. Right when her husband decides to go MIA.
She wasn't sure how long she sat there for, staring blankly into the distance, her body incapable of feeling anything. Numb. Thats how she felt. She felt like she was bathing in a tub of ice and all her sense and nerves had just shut down. Numb.
She'd only been numb once before, after seeing Paul for the first time in five years. Bu this was worse, oh this was so much worse. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't move. She couldn't talk. She couldn't do anything, she was just numb.
She wishes she could say she was startled by the sound of knocking her door, but she wasn't. She'd gotten used to Meredith and Link coming over at random hours of the day. Sometimes to rant about anything, or sometimes to just talk with her.
Maybe it's Alex, she thinks, and with that thought she gets up from the too big bed and makes her way to the loft's wooden door.
Please be you please be you.
The door opens and the sight she sees is one she wishes she didn't.
In one second she knew that her whole world was about to crumble under her feet. Oh god, how badly she wished she stayed in bed, how badly she wished she was at the hospital.
"Ma'am is this the home of Alexander Karev?" the officer asks, looking up from his notepad, his partner standing next to him dutifully.
Jo gulps visibly, already feeling the tears burning in her eyes. "Y-yes, he's my husband, i'm his wife."
The two officer share a sympathetic glance. "We're afraid there's been an accident.
After a short phone call with Meredith and one plane ride to some place in Oregon, Jo is standing outside some hospital she's never heard of, Meredith right by her side, holding her hand so tightly, like it was a life-line. Because it was. They knew nothing. All they knew was that Alex was involved in a ca accident that involved a drunk driver, and they hadn't been able to identify him for the past two weeks. They didn't know anything. Was he alive? Was he dead? Had they simply only contacted her so they would know what to do with his body? Was he seriously just okay and he was in a medically induced coma? Did he have amnesia? Did he not remember who he was?
For two weeks her husband had been just another John Doe. One that they see in the pit nearly every day.
He wasn't Doctor Alex. He was even a doctor. He wasn't her husband. He wasn't a best friend, a companion, a lover. He wasn't a surgeon who saved the lives of tiny humans. He wasn't a guy who made little kids less scared of the hospital. He was just another meaningless John Doe, taking up space in the ICU.
But oh, she felt guilty. So guilty. She was worried that he was having some kind of secret affair while he was really just in the hospital.
Meredith squeezes her hand, "You ready?" she croaks out, her red rimmed eyes string up at the hospital in front of her. Meredith wasn't ready. She wasn't ready for what stood behind those doors. She wasn't ready.
"No." Jo shakes her head, a few stray tears already coming down her cheek. She hadn't gotten them to stop. She physically couldn't get them to stop. Ever since those six dreadful words came out of the officer mouth.
Meredith sighs in understanding, "I know." she says, stepping forward and taking the first steps, Jo following behind her robotically.
No, not robotically. Numbly.
How naive she was, thinking that what she felt earlier was numbness, this was a whole new level. This was paralyzing. This was frightening. This was feeling her body start to disintegrate piece by piece.
Without knowing it she was standing on the sixth floor, the ICU. Meredith leans over the nurses station, asking for the room number for Alex Karev.
Jo doesn't see the sad, sympathetic smile the nurse gives the two, but Meredith does. And that's when she knew that things weren't going to be alright. Nothing was going to be bright and shiny and happy with unicorns and rainbows.
Somehow, they end up on the other side of the Alex's room, but Jo had yet to look up from her gaze on the floor. She's never noticed how white the linoleum of hospital floor were. They were shiny too. So shiny that she could see her reflection.
It was when Meredith lets out a soft sob that she finally decides to look up, not at all prepared for the sight in front of her.
The sight of her husband, the love of her life, lying in a bed, tubes sticking out of every possible place in his body.
It was then she felt her whole world crash down. Crash down and burn. A gut wrenching sob escapes her throat, a hand coming up to cover her mouth as the tears come down her face. They come down so fast she cant even wipe them away until her face is soaked again.
"Mer I-i," she chokes out, feeling her breathing start to pick up as she tries and fails to form her words.
Meredith nods, "Go in." she whispers brokenly, watching as a doctor makes his way towards.
The doctor holds out his palm to the blonde, "Hi i'm Doctor Kelsey, i'm the neurosurgeon on Mr. Karev's case-"
"It's doctor." she interrupts him. "Doctor Karev. Doctor Alex Karev." she says slowly.
The man nods, "Okay, Dr. Karev has been here for fifteen days now. There was an MVC on the 45 with a drunk driver and he ended up getting very severely injured-"
She cuts him off again, "I'm sorry, let me introduce myself. I'm Dr. Meredith Grey."
She watches as the man's eyes widen in surprise. He was standing in front of Meredith Grey? The Meredith Grey? Catherine Fox Award Meredith Grey? Daughter of two time Catherine Fox recipient Ellis Grey?
"W-wow. I-its an honor to meet you Doctor Grey, i'm a big fan." he says, smiling brightly.
Meredith jolts back in shock, eyes narrowing at the man who was about ten years older than her. "It's an honor to meet me?" she hisses, watching as the fellow surgeon's smile falls as quickly as it appeared.
"I-its an honor to meet me? That's what you have to say? You have the audacity to say that, as i stand here, outside of the room of my best friend, who is alive because of tubes and vents? It's an honor to meet me, when the only reason i'm here if because my best friend, my person, is lying there, unable to move or breathe, or talk? It's an honor to meet me?" Meredith yells , tears escaping her eyes, earning the attention from the others in the ICU, but she didn't care.
The man nods furiously, "O-of course, i'm so sorry Doctor Grey, that was very disrespectful of me." he says, going on to explain the extent of Alex's injuries.
Jo stumbles into the room lifelessly, seeing the unmoving body of her husband lying on the bed.
The sight causes a whole new round of tears to spring into her eyes and down her cheeks, "Oh Alex," she chokes out, grabbing ahold of his left hand, clasping it firmly in her palm.
it was cold. Way too cold. Normally his hands were warm. Not sweaty or clammy, they were just warm and soothing, perfect for her's to slip into at any time of the day.
She feels the cold band of his wedding ring touch her fingers and that's when she lets the sobs take over.
The gut wrenching, heart breaking, deep sobs as she collapses on the side of his bed and onto her knees, completely ignoring the chair next to her.
She couldn't hold herself up. its like her legs could not longer support her, like they had turned into helpless piles of water, "Alex please." she begs, lips trembling as she places kiss over kiss on his hand.
She wasn't stupid, she was a doctor. She knew what all the tuning and the wires and the ventilators meant.
"Please tell me this is just some joke. Some really mean, really awful joke. Please Alex. Please." she cries.
"Please tell me this is just a nightmare, an awful, awful nightmare. Please tell me this isn't real Alex. Please." she begs, holding his hand so tight as her body shakes with sobs.
She shakes her head, laughing softly at first, then louder and louder, "Oh god." she sobs, her laughter coming to a halt. "This is real." she whispers, feeling as her tears drop from her eyes to the floor.
"No Alex. you don't get to die on me alright? Because, because i cant live without you okay? You-you need to know that. If you, if you die, i die." she says, taking both of her palms and clasping her tiny hands around his big one.
She shakes her head, "No Alex. You don't get to do this to me. You don't get to leave me. We-we meed to grow old a and grey, and we need to have kids. So many kids. We need to have at least three kids. We need to get a dog a-and travel the world. We still need to do that Alex."
Jo sniffles, "But it's not only you that needs me Alex, this baby needs you too." she sobs, standing up and sitting down on the bed, taking Alex's hand and placing it over her stomach, hoping that this would be enough. That this would be enough for him to wake up, to defy all medical standards and wake the hell up.
"Please Alex, this baby needs you." Jo sobs, "Because, i sure as hell can't do this without you. Y-you're the peds surgeon Alex, you were practically born to be a dad." she wipes her tears to no avail, since they just kept coming. "You need to hold this baby in your arms, you need to be there with me to tell them about how we had sex in a shed next to a corpse on our wedding on their wedding day. You-you need to see them grow up and graduate Alex."
"Y-you need to be there Alex. I need you, Mer needs. Zola and Bailey and Ellis, they need you. The tiny children that you save all the time need you. They need Doctor Alex. I need Doctor Alex."
"I-i need you to get so overprotective if it's a girl when she has her first boyfriend. I need to watch you teach our baby how to wrestle if he's a boy. Or a girl, i'm not judging." she chuckles soft'y, holding his palm against her still flat abdomen.
She lays down beside him, laying there in silence for a long time. She lets the thoughts roam in her mind.
Jo sighs, "I hated you at first." she starts, absentmindedly threading her fingers though his hair like she had done so many time before. 'Like seriously, you were one of the biggest assholes I ever met." she chuckles softly.
"And then there was the teen mom who was just going to abandon her baby that i went al crazy on, rightfully so by the way." she smiles slightly, knowing that if he could somehow hear her he was probably rolling his eyes. "And then suddenly, i told you my whole life story, just like that. I'd never done that with anyone before." she sighs, glancing back down to her stomach, where she had her hand clasped in his in a hold over her stomach. "I'd never opened up to someone so easily before. It was like... my heart knew I could trust you before any other part of me could."
"I know i know, you're laughing at me. I sound like something out of a cheesy lifetime movie." she smiles softly. "And then came Ben and Bailey's wedding, and then, before i knew it, you were my best friend."
She starts to trace his fingers, something she always did to calm her down, "And then, one day, i was drinking a beer at Joe's with Jason, and all i could think was that i would rather be with you, on the couch that I bought, and watching action movies with you. That's when i realized i was i love with you." she whispers, some new tears building in her eyes.
"And then we wen through crap. So much crap Alex. That's why this can't be the end. Thats why this can't be the end of us okay? Because we've been through too much crap to let a drunk driver end us."
"Please Alex, i'm begging you, come back." she sobs, starting to pound her fists on his chest.
"Come back! Come back you son of a bitch! Come back!" Jo cries, unable to atop the steady flow of water coming down her face.
"Please Alex." Jo begs, her eyes so red and puffy that they looked like she had been crying for years. "You-you have my whole heart Alex. And i-if you die, you will crush it, and I wont make it. I cant live without you okay? You hear me? I need you Alex. I- i cant breathe. I cant breathe, ii cant exist in a world without you in it, okay?" she sobs, hyperventilating as she trues to get her words out, which only came out in barely audible sobs.
Somewhere along the way she cries herself to sleep, waking up a nearly a whole day later to a view of Meredith, Amelia, Tom, Jackson, Arizona, Callie, Link, Cristina, Bailey, and Richard standing outside the ICU.
And for one second, before she opens her eyes, she forgets everything, simply snuggling into the body and the scent she missed so much, a combination of aftershave and spearmint.
And then she remembers.
And oh god, she just wants to die.
She feels like a knife is being driven through her heart, stabbing her again and again and again, with absolutely no intention to stop.
Eventually Meredith breaks her out of her trance by knocking on the door, in which Jo responds by a head nod, letting her know that it was okay to come in.
The blonde enters, flowed by Amelia and Tom. "I called them. I wanted them here to consult, look at all his scans, everything." Meredith mutters, her voice hoarse and broken from trying to hold in her tears.
Jo looks up at the two, a small glimmer of hope shining in her eyes, "P-please." she stutters out, her voice high pitched and squeaky, sounding more broken than they'd ever heard her before, "tell me you guys can do something."
Amelia takes a deep breath, letting a few drops of water pool in her eyes, "Jo-"
"No," she sobs, shaking her head. "It took me twenty-seven years to find him, longer to realize i loved him, and even longer to be able to marry him." she starts to shake, trying to take in every detail of his face.
His overgrown stubble.
The soft creases around his eyes.
The slight wrinkles etched into his forehead.
"Jo, we can't bring him back. I'm so sorry." Tom says, trying to put a comforting hand on her shoulder, which she shakes off.
She slowly nods, unconsciously mumbling something about how she was going to let everyone say their goodbyes before she said hers.
So thats what she did. One by one the said their tearful, heartbroken goodbyes, still i denial that the man they loved would soon be gone.
Jo goes in one last time, lying down next to him, holding his figure in her arms. "I love you." she sobs.
"I haven't said that enough. I love you Alex. God, I love you so much jerkface. I didn't know it was possible to love someone as much as i love you." she cried, her tears an endless flow into a river. "I love you, i love you, i love you."
"And, please, please love me enough to come back." she begs him, still holding onto that tiny bit of hope.
"You said we'd be together forever Alex. You and me. Please, please let there be forever." she pleads with him one last time, giving him a soft kiss on his cheek.
With one deep breath she gives a nod to the nurse, who slowly begins to remove the ventilator. Then she unplugs him from all the machine.
She lays her head on his heart, feeling as he breathes one last time under her.
And then, she places a kiss on his lips, one last time
and all of a sudden,
he was gone.
"we had plans, we had visions, now i cant see ahead. We were one, were golden, forever you said."
"didn't say goodbye now I'm frozen in time getting colder, colder. "
"One last word. One last moment. To ask you why, you left me here behind."
"You said you'd grow old with me."
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sailorshadzter · 5 years
soon you’ll get better.
part 2 to my taylor swift lover album inspired jonsa series.  (<--- thats really a mouthful lol) 
im really excited to get further into the album, but recently, it was one of my best friend’s mom’s birthdays, though she passed away about nine years ago now. she was like a second mother to me & i miss her a lot. there were so many days i spent with her while she was sick & a lot of time i spent with her daughters. her younger two girls are like my little sisters. 
anyways, i originally wasnt even going to INCLUDE this song in the series, but thinking about this “second mom” of mine inspired me to write this instead. 
also, next time, i’m not certain ill follow this same set up. 
it might be a time skip, it might be an “inspired by” rather than using the lyrics themselves. who knows! we’ll see what happens. 
hope you guys enjoy. :) 
It's been several long, grueling weeks without seeing her.
Jon frequents Seasalt Tavern, even on trivia night, if only to catch a glimpse of that shiny red hair. But each night, he's let down. Even now, he hears her song in his brain. The echo of her words, soft and true, sing him to sleep when he closes his eyes each night. She haunts him, in a way no woman has ever done before.
Lunch break. It comes every day, a glorious hour where Jon steps away from his desk if only to stretch his legs. He joined the Westeros Special Forces unit only six months ago, a transfer in from the Northern faction, deciding to head South for a change of scenery post break up. Ygritte had been... Well, a spitfire, to say the least. And hard to forget. Their relationship had been as fiery as her temper and her hair. Yeah, he has a type, so sue him. While he didn't miss the fights and the theatrics of the relationship, he missed being with someone. Ygritte cared about him in her own, weird sort of way, and he misses the companionship she had provided him for nearly three years.
Jon sighs as he steps out into the afternoon sun, deciding the local coffee shop would suffice for lunch today. It's only a short walk up the street and Jon finds himself stepping inside within minutes, the blast of cold air refreshing. Six months in of living in the South and Jon still hasn't quite adjusted to the heat. He misses the icy cold air of the North- somehow, it felt cleaner up there. That ache in your lungs you felt when you took in the first breath of cold, morning air... He misses that almost as much as he misses the fiery warmth of a woman in his bed.
The girl behind the counter smiles and offers a wave- she's a University student, Jon has learned in his time coming here, eager to graduate the following spring and step into a new world as a nurse. "Hey Jon," she greets as he approaches, "the usual?" It's Jon's turn to grin as he nods and turns to head towards his usual table, but is surprised to find it already occupied.
And just like that, there she is.
She's surrounded by notebooks and a textbook or two, though she seems focused on a single notebook. Her red hair is twisted back into braids and tucked up with pins, though a few strands have fallen free to frame her face. Jon sucks in a breath as he watches her for only a moment more, for she looks up then and notices him staring. At once, she sits up straighter, squinting her eyes as recognition spreads across her face. "Hey," she says after a moment, folding her arms over the tabletop as she leans forward. "Jon, right?" She says, though she's not forgotten his name. She's recited it over and over and over again since the night they met. "Nice suit." Her eyes trail him up and down and Jon feels warmth spread to his cheeks, her lip gloss lips curving with a smile. If she notices the gun strapped to his hip, she doesn't mention it.
"Call it a drawback to the job," Jon jokes a moment later when he finally finds his voice again, the sweet sound of her laughter ringing in his ears. His heart soars. "I haven't seen you, at the bar I mean." He says and at once, he regrets it. She sits up straighter, those ocean blue eyes widening ever so slightly as she regards him closely. "I-I mean, they're talking about you. About your song, your voice." Smooth, he thinks as he can only hope a hole opens up on the floor and swallows him up. Just then, the barista appears with his steaming drink, to which he grins and gives his thanks before the girl is gone, leaving him there to probably continue to embarrass himself. But to his surprise, she does not send him away with a scowl or cruel words, rather her face softens and she gestures for him to sit.
"If you want," she says, an offering, her head tilted to the side, the stray strand of hair falling just across her forehead. He wishes he could push it  back, he wishes he could feel it between his fingers. It takes him only a moment to take the seat across from her, his to-go cup warm despite the cardboard slip around it's middle. "I've been busy," she says by way of explanation, a fleeting look of sadness crossing her features as she looks back at him. For some reason, despite not knowing him, Sansa feels as if she can trust him. His dark, solemn eyes give her a sense of hope she's not felt in a long time. "Besides, I couldn't come back without another song."
"So there's another one?" He asks, taking the first sip of his coffee. It's a simple order, a caramel macchiato with an extra shot of espresso, one which he never deviates from. "Open mic night is next week, isn't it?" She grins and nods, telling him she heard from her friend Margaery about the next date and that she would be there.
"Margaery has been trying to drag me out for weeks now, I haven't-" she stops, realizing she's about to dump something on him that's probably beyond a normal talking point for a first real conversation. As if Jon senses her uncertainty, he offers her a smile and encourages her to go on. "It's my mother..." Sansa shifts in her chair, absently swirling the last swallow of coffee in her mug as she looks anywhere but Jon's face. "She's sick and I... Between taking care of her and my little brothers and sister..." She looks up and it's written all over Jon's face- sympathy, yet understanding. There is no judgment, there is nothing but warmth. Somehow, it's as if she's known him all her life, not a single conversation in a dark bar. "Anyways, Margaery says it's good if I get out sometimes, you know? So I let her drag me out every now and again." She smiles as she thinks of her friend, who she knows loves her dearly. Margaery was a good, no a great, friend and Sansa reminds herself to give her friend a hug.
"I'm sorry... About your mother." Jon says after a moment, knowing the pain of losing a mother, though he doesn't mention such a thing to her. The last thing he wants to do is remind her of what she certainly worries about often. "You have siblings?" He asks instead and is delighted to see the smile brighten up her face as she nods.  
"Three of them. Two brothers, Bran is thirteen and Rickon is nine. Arya is fifteen." Her little siblings are her entire world. They have always been close, the Stark children that is, especially so in the four years since Robb had died. But even as kids, even with the years between them all, they had always been close. And with her mother's illness and her father's business, it left much of raising them to her. She could not remember a time where she was not with the little ones, though now that they're older and mostly taking care of themselves, she wishes she could go back. It hadn't always been easy, but she loved every moment spent with those little siblings of hers. "What about you?"
Jon smiles when he shakes his head. "I don't have much family at all, well aside for a distant cousin who lives in Essos." He had never known his father and his mother had died when he was just a kid, leaving him to be raised in foster homes until he came of age. "It's just me and Ghost, honestly."
"Ghost?" She asks and Jon can't stop from reaching for his cell phone, pulling up the most recent photo of the big, white dog he means. "A wolf dog?!" She blurts without warning, excitedly reaching for her own phone, which lay beside the notebook she'd been writing in. She taps the screen and shows him the background photo- a family photo of five kids with varying shades of hair, each proudly standing with shaggy pups that were as colorful as them. She draws the phone back towards her and when she hands it back, there's a photo instead of a beautiful gray wolf like dog, who's eyes are more gold than yellow. "That's Lady."
"You all have them?" Jon is surprised- he's never met another person with a wolf dog like Ghost, let alone a family of them.
"My father... He found an entire litter when we were kids," she explains, the memory burned into her brain as if it had happened only yesterday. "My family's sigil is a direwolf, so my father said he couldn't just turn them away. He said they came to us for a reason." For a litter of pups to be born, five pups for the five Stark children, it had surely been a sign from the Old Gods, and so despite her mother's wishes, all the puppies came home to the children. The way he's leaning over the table, he can see the soft curves of her handwriting on the paper- small and neat, her handwriting fits her perfectly. She must notice him looking for she grins and slides the paper towards him. "Next week's song," she says, tapping the top where she's written the apparent name across the top. "I think it's finished... I hope it's finished."
Jon reads only the first few lines before he pushes it back towards her. "I want to hear it when it is," he says and drains the last sip of his drink. "Listen, I have to head back to the office now but I uh... I'll see you next week." He rises up to his feet, the scrape of the chair against the floor the only noise in the room for a single moment. Sansa smiles and yet again, Jon is rendered breathless by her. If only this moment could last forever.
"Yeah, next week," she replies, barely breathing herself.
When Jon approaches the desk to pay for his drink, he tells the barista he wants to pay for her drink too. Though she's surprised, the young woman does as he's bid and waves to him as he takes the receipt and his change and heads for the door. Just as he goes to toss it into the waste bin, he peaks at the receipt and to his surprise, sees that she must have ordered the very same drink as him.
[ x x x ]
The bar is quiet as Sansa climbs up to the stage again.
Again, accompanied only by her guitar, she gazes out into the crowd of people, smiling down at her brunette friend before she speaks into the microphone. "I had an entirely different song planned for this night a few weeks ago, but my mother... She's sick and she's relapsed so  I wrote this for her." In the long nights beside the hospital bed, the beeping of the machines her only melody, she had penned these lyrics. She had scribbled these lines onto napkins and the back of her hand. She had written this song to remind herself that in the end, her mother would step out of the hospital and home would become home again. Taking a deep breath, she strums the guitar and finds the right note.
And then she sings.
"The buttons of my coat were tangled in my hair In doctor's-office-lighting, I didn't tell you I was scared That was the first time we were there."
Jon sits at the bar again.
It's his usual spot, with his usual drink in hand. He had saw her come in- red hair in curls and her impossibly long legs wrapped in denim- but hadn't got a chance to talk to her. Her friend, Margaery he thinks it is, sits where she sat the first time, but this time the guy she had been crushing on sits beside her, arm around her waist.
The song Sansa sings... He recalls reading those first few lines in the coffee shop but hearing her silky voice singing them makes all the difference. She's stronger this time- less nervous than she must have been the first time around and Jon is surprised when from across the room, their eyes meet.
And he swears his heart must stop.
"Ooh-ah, soon you'll get better Ooh-ah, soon you'll get better Ooh-ah, you'll get better soon 'Cause you have to."
Those words are the soft plea of a daughter to her sick mother, the simple view that there was no other option than to recover. Jon glances around the room and can see there are at least five others in that room who know the feelings she's singing about.
Yet again, Sansa's song is reaching people.
"I know delusion when I see it in the mirror You like the nicer nurses, you make the best of a bad deal I just pretend it isn't real I'll paint the kitchen neon, I'll brighten up the sky I know I'll never get it, there's not a day that I won't try."
One of the women Jon had noticed earlier is openly crying at her table now and he recognizes her as the one who had lost her mother only a month before. Jon recalls that pain himself, despite the years that it's been since he lost his own mother. He can still recall the sweet scent of her perfume, but he's forgotten what her voice sounded like or how warm her arms had been whenever she hugged him. It's been many years since he lost his mother, but the pain of it never goes away. Not entirely.
On the stage, Sansa too sees the woman that cries softly at her table, the man beside her wrapping his arm around her in comfort. She wishes she hadn't made her cry, she feels bad about that, in truth, but there's no stopping now.
"And I hate to make this all about me But who am I supposed to talk to? What am I supposed to do If there's no you? This won't go back to normal, if it ever was It's been years of hoping, and I keep saying it because 'Cause I have to."
As she breaks into the final chords, the final repeat of soon you'll get better, she looks out into the faces around her, wondering just how many of them out there got the message. How many others besides that single woman understood the pain of watching someone they loved go through an illness? Probably too many, she realizes.
When her hand finally falls from the guitar and silence descends, she lets out the breath she's been holding and her heart skips a beat when the first claps begin. And then it's every person in the bar that's clapping, some even cheering as she smiles for them and descends down to join Margaery at the table.
Jon watches as she escapes from her friend and instead crosses the room to approach the other crying woman. They embrace and when Sansa pulls back, the woman holds her at arm's length as they talk. When they finish their conversation, Sansa does not return to Margaery's table but to his shock, she comes towards the bar to stand before him where he sits on his usual stool. "Buy me a drink?" She asks with a grin and for a moment, Jon is too stunned to say anything.  But then he nods and she slides onto the stool beside him, so close that again he catches the scent of her sweet perfume.
They talk for what could be several hours, Jon seems to have lost track of the time as he sits there with her. It isn't until Margaery approaches her, a touch to her shoulder, a quick but silent it's time to go home. "I have to go," she says, brushing a curl behind an ear, revealing the three little studs she wears in her lobes. "Maybe we don't have to wait until the next mic night to see each other," she grins as she slides a piece of paper towards him as she hops of the stool, a little wobbly after her three drinks. Before Jon can speak, she's rushing after Margaery who waits at the door for her, her guy already out in the lot to fetch the car.
Jon lifts up the piece of paper and he finds his heart is racing as he realizes it's her phone number written there. Pre written, he realizes, meaning she had always intended on giving it to him. He feels warm and it's not just because of the four drinks he's consumed sitting there with Sansa. Okay... That might be partly to blame, but mostly he's just beyond happy. He reaches for his phone and adds her into his contacts list, clicking the new message icon, though he hesitates for a moment. Was it weird if he texted her so quickly? No, he decides, she gave him her number, which meant she wanted him to text her.
And so he taps the message space and begins to type.
Sansa is climbing into the backseat of the car when her phone beeps.
She fishes it out of her purse and her heart skips a beat when she sees it is a number not yet saved to her contacts. "He texted you? Already?" Margaery is excited in the front seat, the one who had encouraged Sansa to talk to him that night, the one to write down her phone number for Sansa to give to him. "I told you," she mumbled as she turned back around, smiling to herself as she thinks of the way the dark haired, brooding sort of man had been staring at her friend both last time and tonight. After the last relationship Sansa had been in, she deserved someone who looked at her like this Jon looked at her.
On Sunday's I take Ghost to the dog park. Maybe Lady would like to join him?
Sansa smiles and types a quick reply.
Just as he's sliding off the stool that his phone lights up on the bar. Jon can't help but to chuckle when he sees her response.
Lady would love that, but I hope I'm invited. 👀
When she reads his response, she's grinning, a strange warmth filling her up, threatening to spill over.  Sorry, I forget how to act when I think about cute dogs owned by cute girls. Another text comes before she can reply to the first.  I'll see you and Lady both there, say noon?
She nods, though he can't see, and hits send on her own message.
Jon climbs into his car and hears the beep of her reply.  We'll see you there. :)
He drives himself home and it isn't until he's settled into his apartment that he realizes his phone went off without him noticing. Unlocking the screen, he's surprised to see it's a picture message, rather than just a normal text. This is how she looks at me when I tell her we have plans tomorrow. The picture is of Lady asleep on the couch, or at least pretending to be, as she has one yellow eye open looking up at Sansa who must be leaning over her to snap the picture. We're going to bed, see you tomorrow. I promise she's as excited as I am. Her next text comes a moment later and Jon grins down at Ghost, reciting the message aloud to the dog. "She's excited..." He murmurs as he sinks back into the couch, not fully prepared to head to bed.
In her bedroom, stripped down to nothing but a t-shirt, Sansa is climbing into bed when her phone vibrates on her bedside table. Reaching for it, she blinks against the brightness of her screen so she can read Jon's last message. Ghost on the other hand... A pause and then the photo comes, making her smile as she clicks it to enlarge it. It's of the great big white wolf, grinning like only a dog can, clearly excited by something Jon is doing or saying. Sleep tight, girls, comes last and as Sansa curls up beneath her blankets, she smiles to herself, not yet daring to believe that this is entirely real. Jon seems almost too good to be true. Though, she supposes there's only one way to figure it out. She hasn't dated in well over a year... Not since Joffrey... But something tells her Jon is the farthest type from Joffrey that could ever possibly be.
As she closes her eyes, she thinks of him, of those deep set brown eyes, and falls asleep.
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wildtorres-a · 4 years
surprise, surprise.
WHAT? —  when drew finds lia outside of the torres household at an odd hour, he invites her in, and in turn receives some news that is sure to change both of their lives.
WHEN? —   saturday night, april 11th.
TRIGGERS? —  pregnancy, mention of drugs, mention of death.
FEATURING —  lia rosenburg ( @rosenburg-lia ), brief appearance of mike dallas ( @dallas-micheal )
i cant be pregnant, theres not a possibly way this shit is correct That was all that was going through Lias mind since the night prior. A very restless night of tossing and turning with dreams and nightmares of what was to come. One second dreaming about the perfect white picket fence life, Drew playing catch with their son in the yard. Amelia cooking in the kitchen with their daughter as the animals roamed around. The next her and Drew at each others throats, no ounce of happiness shining on either of their faces. Waking up and staring at the ceiling while she thought of every scenario her little brain could.
Thats how she found herself outside of the Torres residence, creeping down the side of the house. She knew better than to knock on the front door, it was almost midnight and the last thing she needed was Audra on her case for coming to her house so late. She cautiously knocked on the sliding glass door, hoping either Drew or Dallas heard her. Her body shaking, maybe from the frigid Canadian nights and her thin tracksuit. Or maybe it was the anxiety flowing through every ounce of her body as she continued to knock.
drew had alot on his mind, to say the least. he had just gotten back from edmonton a few hours prior, and all he wanted to do was take a shower and go to sleep. he didn’t have any more emotions to give for the night, was both physically and emotionally exhausted. he figured he’d talk to both omar and audra about alex the following day, and see if there was anything they could do to reunite the siblings. figuring that he could at least eat a bowl of cereal, being that he hadn't eaten anything all day, he started making his way down the steps and towards the kitchen.
it's only a few seconds later, that he hears the gentle knocks against the glass, and he raises his eyebrows in confusion at who it could be, especially at this time at night. he makes his way over, moving the curtain to see the girl he’d been thinking about since he got home, amongst all the chaos. quickly, he unlocks the door, opens it, and pulls her in. “lia, what are you doing here?” he questions, not unhappy to see her. “you’re freezing,” he comments, pulling his nike jacket off and draping it around her petite shoulders. “come on,” he grabs her hand, and leads her up to his room, forgetting about what he'd initially went downstairs for. thankful that everyone else is asleep, he closes the door before making his way over to her and connecting their lips.
she saw his figure as he came downstairs, even in the barely there lighting she could tell it was him. she wasnt sure what to expect, the last time she had laid eyes on him she slapped him. but she didnt know what else to do at this stage, she had already spoken to Vanessa, put it out into the universe. drew was her best friend once, she should be able to just talk to him about it, she hoped anyway.
Her face lit up, not that she was aware, or if drew had even noticed. But the second her eyes landed on his face, you could see something in her perk up. even with the hostility she held towards the boy at the moment, he always held a special place in her heart and it felt nice to see him again. "I needed to talk to you," She spoke softly, her eyes meeting his for a second, "thank you," sliding her arms through the jacket and tugging it around her petite frame. her eyes trail to their hands, a soft smile on her lips as she followed him to his room. Taking the brief second to look around before his lips were on hers. Almost forgetting the reason she came as she melted into it. A few minutes into the heated makeout session, it was like a spark in Lia as she pushed Drew away, "No, we need to talk," She spoke sharply, as if realizing she had made a mistake or something. She hadnt meant to come and hook up with Drew, that had been the furthest thing from her mind. "Plus someone said he wasnt good for me," She spoke with a pointed tone as she sat on his bed, tucking her legs into a pretzel shape.
the brunette had been trying to make sense of his thoughts about the girl he’d been trying to avoid for the past week. trying to decide if they had done the right thing that memorable night, if they ruined their friendship, in the right way or wrong. it was clear that the thought of her hadn’t left his mind, the feel of her lip gloss against his lips, how something as simple as her touch made him fill with warmth, the way her eyes shined when he made her laugh or smile. he’s not sure exactly what this entails, but there’s some part of him that’s kicking himself for not having seen this before. how was it possible that amelia rosenburg had been there all this time, and he was only now noticing how great she really was.
and suddenly he's so glad that she’s here. not even just for sex, now having noticed just how hard it was to stay away from her. wanting to text her every time he heard a funny joke, or came up with an idea for their next scheme, or just wanting to hear about her day. — and still, he liked her enough to keep his distance, she deserved far more than he could give her, everyone did. “i’m all ears,” he says once they're in the room. lips moving along with hers in sync, tongue slipping into her mouth, until suddenly she pulls away. still wanting to be near to her, he sits down beside her, and pulls her soft hand back into his, bringing her closer. “i think we’ve established that i’m an idiot,” he grins, before letting out a sigh, “but i’m not, good for you. still i have something to tell you,” he gazes into her eyes, “i wasn’t at a motel fucking some girl, i was… looking for my birth mom. she-” still has great difficulty uttering the words, and yet he swallows and tries again. “she overdosed about three months ago, and she left because she never wanted me,” hold backs the pain that washes over him, but can’t stop his jaw from clenching. “i thought about her for years, and she just didn't want me” the words fall from his lips slowly, taking it all in.
while lias feelings hadnt stayed the same about drew the whole friendship, she knew for certain he was a staple in her life. sophomore year lia wouldve been more than ecstatic to find out what had transpired between the teens. her feelings for the male at an all time high, something had been telling her that he had felt the same back then. only to find out he was with her cousin, and she was happy for them. but there was something about how easily he made things feel okay. made her feel happy with a simple text, if something happened in her day her first instinct was to send him a long snapchat about it.  spamming him with memes on hastygram, the little things they did for eachother. but now, things had changed, and all the feelings she pushed down, pushed away because she knew their happiness was important. they came bubbling up, the only thing circling her mind being drew torres, and what a lovely thought it was.
finding herself in his room, the air thick with several emotions, each more unknown than the last. but it felt okay, felt right to be there with him. suddenly realizing how much she needed him, he made the little things important. he knew her little quirks and habits, if there was a dog he had to point it out if she hadnt seen it already, so she could go pet it, and he became her photographer for it. he knew her coffee order like it was nothing, if they went out to eat he knew her order, knowing to get the tomatos out of all burgers or salads. he paid attention to the details, and it made lia feel cared for. by someone in her life, for something other than her body or connections. Shifting closer to the male, her hand wrapping around his,"Youve always been an idiot," she joked, shaking her head lightly, before resting it on his shoulder, "Youre great for me Drew, why cant you understand that?" She spoke softly, lifting her head as she turned to face him. Meeting his gaze, her thumb softly rubbing circles on the back of his hand as he spoke.
She listened as he spoke, letting him get out what he needed to. But she also didnt know what to say, she hadnt expected the words that had fallen from his lips. "Im sorry you had to find out the way you did, I cant even begin to imagine how that feels. Nor will I pretend to know how youre feeling right now," She spoke, knowing that would never be enough for him to hear. shuffling herself closer, wrapping herself around him in a hug. "But with that being said," She began, taking a deep breath, "Im sorry that she choose drugs over an amazing man with a heart of gold. Someone who looks for the best in people, and just wants to grow and become better. I know you dont see it, you see the bad. But god Drew, there is so much good," She spoke, glancing up to meet his gaze as she spoke. "Its her fault for choosing not to be a part of your life, her fault for choosing the substances over you. You can not put any blame on yourself baby, none of it is your fault," She spoke, not sure if he had even felt that way, but it felt right to say.
drew knew that this situation wasn’t the best, him having dated her cousin only a year earlier. had fallen in love quickly amongst the many late nights staying up on the phone, the many days spent either hanging with their larger group of friends or interesting dates, and getting to know each other’s each and every detail. it was unbelievable to think that just a few months ago, drew was venting to lia about tori’s all but expected disappearing act. they quickly become closer than they had when tori was present, drew often hanging out with lia when his thoughts became too much. and in those moments, although he hadn’t really noticed it, he stared to pick up on her details. not really giving it a second thought, he placed her on the same shelf that vanessa and becky were on, chalking her up as another best friend. now that things had drastically changed between them, he indeed knew it was messy to be romantically involved with both cousins, even more so them being as close as they are, and degrassi would have a field day when they catch wind of what’s been going on behind closed doors. but he can’t find himself to care, at least not enough to fully walk away. to put an end to whatever it is that they have going on, and tell her it couldn’t go any further, hoping things could go back to how they were. she’d been his rock all along. loyal and sweet and always there for him, wanting nothing in return but his company.
he grins at her remark, knowing that in a sense, she’s never really viewed him as an idiot, at least not the way he’s been labeled his whole life. finds solace under her touch. he shakes her head at her words, although some part of him wants to believe her. to believe that he’d do anybody good. but god, he ruins everything he touches. “because i’m not, lia,” he remarks, “i'm not as smart as the other guys. i mess up. i always say or do the wrong thing. you’re better off”
he finishes, holds his emotions in as well as he can, has already told himself that he wouldn’t drop another tear. and he draws a breath, and allows her to comfort him. doesn’t shy away or tell her that she’s wrong, just leans into her embrace, and lets her words sink in, having already shown her his vulnerability. can’t help the pull at his heart strings as she talks further, silently wondering what it was he'd done to get someone like her in his life. many girls have talked drew up, seeing only his features — sharp cheekbones, electric blue eyes, handsome face, and the rebellious personality to match. nothing any of them have ever said has effected him in the way she had right now, only speaking with raw emotion, her eyes telling it all. he cups her right cheek, slowly leaning in and giving her a kiss full of passion, not even attempting to slip his tongue in, more concerned with her getting a feel for the emotions he has stored for her. pulling away, he removes his hand. “thank you,” he smiles, weakly, but still there. “for everything. you’re seriously amazing,” he compliments. his mind going back to her initial statement, recalling the faint urgency in her voice as she pulled away from the first kiss he brought upon her lips. knows when something’s bothering her and is intrigued on what it is she has to tell him. “now, what did you need to tell me?” curiosity shining in blue hues.
it seemed like the world had been moving in fast forward the past couple of months, between the closest females in her life both leaving and coming back, her connection to both luke and drew growing over the course of them. while Luke would always hold a part of Lias heart, since they spent day in and day out with one another, drew captivated her. she just wanted to know if he was ok, that he felt cared for and wanted, chalking it up to being a good friend. But she also found herself wanting to just spend time with Drew, even if they were sat in silence, his presence was enough to make the dark seem light in her insane life. And maybe she knew there was always a thought in the back of her mind, the idea of something more. And if you were to tell her this time last year, that she'd find herself wrapped around Drew Torres  going to tell him she was pregnant, she'd label you as crazy.
She rolled her eyes at his words, "Im not as smart as the other girls, i tend to become a bitch if I dont get my way, i use money as a means of happiness when its not. My list could go on and on drew," She spoke, "We all have our issues, our flaws that we look in the mirror and point out. Or say to ourselves with that little voice. And I will be here to show you how amazing you are when it gets to loud," A smile sent his way, "I couldnt begin to imagine life without you Torres, so please dont try and leave it,"
his touch felt gentle on her skin, different than the other moments between them. this was something different, there was something laced in the kiss between both parties. but she still found herself sinking into it, feeling on top of the world at the feeling she got. something telling her everything would be ok. "I wouldnt say amazing, but ill always be here," A small shrug, before her eyes trained to a spot on the floor. Slowly unraveling herself from Drew, as she thought of what to say. Partially because through Drew unloading his story, she had semi forgotten why she had came there in the first place. How do you tell someone youre pregnant? Let alone the last person you ever thought would be in the position with you, and had just informed you of his own family problems, that he didnt need added to. Her fingers pulling and spinning the ring sat on her hand, her gaze unwavering from the pile of clothes sat on his floor. "Um," she began lightly, "I wasnt feeling all that well, and I had realized I missed my period," her fidgeting becoming faster as her mind worked over the words. Admitting them to Vanessa was different, vastly different than telling Drew. She glanced up briefly meeting his eyes before her gaze fell back to the floor, "So I headed to the little corner store from my place," A deep breath as she quietly, almost silently spoke, "The test came back positive drew,"
it was no secret that ever since he stepped foot, or wheel rather, back in toronto, his mind couldn’t find anything good to focus on. in the span of one night, he’d uncovered the reason his mother had left, uncovered that she had given up both her children, that he had a sister he’s never known about that was fifteen years old, adopted, and didn’t have a clue about her dysfunctional family, and the fact that he’d never receive the closure he’d been needing for so long. only having the words of her former boyfriend to go by. he hadn’t really expected to talk about it with anyone, forcing it down, and having the mindset of just going numb, avoiding the thoughts at all costs. and yet, found himself venting to lia the first chance he gets. something about her had always been so comforting, so understanding, and drew doesn’t think he could have felt better about opening up to anyone else. another part of him wanting her to know that she’s the only girl he’s been with sexually for weeks, hell, he hasn’t even been entertaining other girls, unread messages from his usual conquests building up in his phone.
as he hears her start to list her flaws, he frowns a bit, knowing that she’s only doing it because he had, to prove a point. but he can't help but hope she gives herself a little more credit than that. “i happen to think you’re perfect,” he comments, letting her continue, until there’s a bright smile on his face. realizing that in all of this mess, all of the bad thoughts, and words he hadn’t meant, and just attempting to dodge her in general had hurt her. the expression of pure sadness that flashed across her face when he pushed her away at the party, the smack she’d given him at school, he’d been stupid to think that it would last long, stupid to have ever started it. “i’m sorry,” he gets out, “for acting like an ass and pushing you away, you deserve better than that, and i want you in my life too” he gives her a charming smile, although his eyes shine with honesty.
this would be the fifth time he had been rendered speechless. the anticipation of what would end up leaving her lips, what happened to be so important that she’d made her way here in the middle of the night, a quarter to midnight. with it being so late, he feels she should just stay the night. audra had the day off tomorrow, and with his luck, she slept in till the afternoon, giving the two enough time to come up with the story that she’d come over earlier in the morning if she was still here by then. as lia moves away, drew can’t help the furrow of his eyebrows, and the assumption that whatever it was she’d say wouldn’t be something small. takes note of her timid actions, the way she doesn’t meet his eyes as she talks. and then the words ‘missed period’ sets an alarm off in his head. his eyes widening, along with the beat of his heart, as she continues. stops himself from asking ‘and?’ allowing her to go at his own pace. and his mind flashes back to that night, the rush of it all, the sensual touches, heavy breathing, and the lack of condom, as he spread her legs and lined himself up. too eager to feel all of her, he hadn’t even given it a second thought. and suddenly she’s saying the words he anticipated, and even though he had a feeling where this was going, it still catches him completely off guard. “i–” he starts, doesn’t finish, runs a hand through his hair, as he processes all of the information. “woah,” he breathes out, the words repeating in his mind over and over on a loop. meeting her eyes, he glances over her, can’t stop his eyes from trailing over her stomach. “it–it’s okay, are you okay? do you need some water, or some ice cream? cause i can run to the store,” he's rambling a mile a minute, still in partial shock.
Everything was easier with Drew around, she didnt have to act a certain way or put up any defensive barriers. she had never been one to open up to a lot of people and tell them her thoughts and feelings. let alone on a consistent basis if she did, choosing to pretend that everything was find and that she didnt have any. but with drew she would just talk about things, whatever came to mind she would share with him. knowing he would listen, maybe make a stupid comment, but hed listen. that was what she needed for so long, just someone to listen to her and show her she was cared for. that was part of what Drew did for her, made the dark seem a little lighter. she had felt herself pulling from the other guys in her life, even Luke who she had finally got where she thought she wanted him. but she found herself wanting drew, in more ways than one. but she didnt know how to articulate that to him, to explain what she wanted from whatever it was they had been doing.
"Perfect may be a bit of a stretch," she chuckled, "But go on," She teased, a matching smile coming to her face. she hated admitting her weaknesses, and when she couldnt hide her emotions from Drew at the party it was like a part of her exterior cracked. the walls she had formed between the two had been broken, and she realized she was back in love with him, or the idea of him for now. she didnt like the idea of a life without him in it, and hated feeling like she was disposable from his life. She didnt enjoy slapping him at school, but the petty bitch in her had taken over, and she was putting the walls back up piece by piece. hoping it wouldve helped her feel better, to work through what was happening, but it didnt. "I dont know why you did it, but Im sure you had your reasons," She shrugged, "But dont think Im gonna let it fly again. You are stuck with me Torres, learn to deal with it," She spoke, a smile spreading across her features as she sent a wink his way.
She didnt know how he would react, expecting anger, or confusion. maybe some accusations or denial. she wasnt positive if they had used a condom or not, she didnt remember seeing a single wrapper around the hotel room. and she sure hadnt brought any on their spontaneous trip, and she didnt think drew had either. when she saw the word pregnant on the stick, her world shifted. but she could remember the night clear as day, every touch, every breath, every word, and even the moment she felt him skin to skin in the most intimate way. she was nervous for his reaction, glancing at him with watchful eyes as he processed it. her hand running through her hair with a sigh, waiting for him to say something, put her at ease somehow. but she didnt expect him to ask her about food, her brows scrunching together as she looked up at him,"I...why would I want food? its damn near midnight?" She spoke, shaking her head, "Im like a couple weeks at best, there is no way im out here craving ice cream already dumbass," She spoke with an eye roll, a teasing tone on her voice however, as a smile played at her lips. "But thank you, the effort is appreciated and not unnoticed,"
it wasn’t difficult to see that drew had a lot on his plate, his eyes didn’t have that same spark it always had, he hadn’t been able to focus in his classes despite the fact that clare was definitely a huge help and he’d been showing improvement the week before. every time he closed his eyes, he seen rocky’s face, his cheeks upwards in glee, his heartwarming giggle, the way his face lit up when he would bring him some toys or pizza. and now, it had only gotten worse, and he would see his mother’s grave as well. the white roses he’d laid before her tombstone, as he said both hello and goodbye the only chance he was given. it also wasn’t hard to see that being around lia in their small moments had managed to do him some good. finding himself forming a warm smile, or chuckling at one of her jokes, taking him out of the dark he’d lately gotten used to. it wasn’t unusual, them being friends for years, and drew finding it very easy to unwind around her. but he'd be lying if he said he hadn't been thinking about them in a romantic dynamic, and he'd be lying even more if he said he didn’t consider it, taking their friendship to the next level, giving them a try to see where it leads, despite the backlash he knows he’ll receive for dating both cousins who consider the other as a best friend, the same cousin he assumes is soundly asleep in the guest room four doors down. but they’ve gone too far in to stop now, the way he sees it, it makes more sense to go for it, even if right now isn’t exactly the best time. perhaps he’ll wait, doesn’t want to have to hide around the beginning of their relationship if they do decide to make something out of it, wait until all of the chaos simmers down, before he makes any big decisions. and yet, he can't stop the part of him that yearns to kiss her whenever she’s nearby and the scent of her perfume clouds his thoughts.
“it definitely isn’t,” he counters, can’t help how easy it is to play along with her words. and he’s only now noticing that she doesn’t have to try too hard when the roles are reversed either. he accepts her request, eyes locked on hers. “you're gorgeous, and you're smart whether it’s street or book wise, you always go out of your way to help your friends, you’re fun as hell, and i haven't been able to get you out of my mind the past few days.” the surprise on his face is evident, not meaning to actually voice the last part, but it’s too late to take it back now. he had always found lia attractive, and now that he thought back, he never considered her a sister figure like he had with maya or vanessa. finds it ironic that a year ago, he was lifting her chin up to remind her how great she was, and to not forget it, had a boy she was interested in not felt the same way back. now he was lifting her chin to place his lips on hers. oh, how the times have changed. bites his lower lip, doesn’t want to repeat his reasons, knows that it’s no good now, since he can’t seem to let go. “what, are you gonna smack me again? cause that was kind of hot” he smirks, sending her the wink right back.
he's not certain if there’s a set reaction for this, a right or wrong. he does however know that his lack of words isn’t exactly comforting, and when he does manage to find words, he’s not exactly proud of them either.  but god, he’s trying his best. hadn’t really expected to have this conversation, but isn't at all making it out to be negative, despite their mess of a situation. he’s not even thinking of it long term, his mind trying to grasp it fully, but he's got too many thoughts, making it difficult to focus on one. he mentally face palms, as his right hand goes to scratch the back of his neck nervously. “yeah, that was pretty dumb, wasn’t it?” he asks, evidently embarrassed. he lets out a breath, taking her hand in his, and making sure he has her full attention. “but it’s gonna be okay, i’m here for you…always.” he reassures, “i’ll take care of you and the baby, whatever you decide.” he kisses her cheek, bringing her onto his lap. “stay with me here tonight?” he pleads, as his hand hesitantly hovers over her stomach, his mind trying to imagine a human growing inside. “and we can set up a doctor’s appointment one of these upcoming days. it’s going to be alright, baby. it’s all going to be okay.” he repeats, kissing against her hair. he's not sure if he believes it himself, but he can only imagine how she feels and he'd be damned if he wasn’t going to try his best to make her feel at ease.
For as long as she could remember, Lia had problems expressing her feelings to others, even if they were good ones. Her parents would always brush her off or give her a, that’s wonderful sweetie, even when she was a toddler, crying in the doorway, her stuffed dolphin held firmly in her grasp. If she went to her siblings, they werent accepting of her feelings, her being the youngest she didnt have nearly as much to deal with. That she was a kid and they wouldnt last, over within ten minutes. But that all stuck with Lia as she got older, forming her connections in the world. Tori being the main person she could find herself getting lost in conversation with, going over all the details on certain topics. And then Drew came into her life, and she had another person to talk to, someone that made it easy to talk to. But anyone with two eyes could see how easily the two souls fit together, how simple it was for the two to just exist. Lia had known from a young age she thought of Drew as more of a friend. She remembered distinctly the day she realized she saw him differently, as someone she could see herself with romantically. It had been a rough day for her at her house, a fight with her parents having broken out once again, and Lia needed out. A text to Drew was sent, and within seconds he replied and they agreed to meet at the park. It was midnight. She had never experienced someone caring enough to risk their own ass just to make sure she was ok, and they were barely friends then. But it solidified Drew into her heart, and the feelings she once held were back in full force. But she wasnt gonna ruin what they had, she wasnt gonna let herself ruin the one good thing going for her, even if it wasnt entirely what she wanted. But the part of her that wanted nothing more than to be held and kissed by Drew was thriving, and loved every second of their life. She was scared for the future, with her feelings, but she was prepared to let Drew have them if he wanted them.
A shy smile broke across her face, his eyes filled with such honesty she couldnt help the blush that was rising to her face at his words. Her eyes widening slightly at the end of his statement, taking in the look of shock on his face, but his eyes still held with honestly, and a little something else that she couldnt place. “That makes two of us,” She spoke softly, biting her lip. “You remember that guy I was complaining about breaking my heart last year?” She questioned, her heart skipping a beat as she spoke. A surge of confidence flowing through her, even if for a brief moment she let herself believe that he felt the same. Smiling into the soft kiss he gave her, her hand resting on his leg. Simply needing to just touch him. “Well if someone didnt try and do stupid shit maybe I wouldnt have to,” She chuckled, “Glad to know Im hot when im angry,” a small shrug with a smirk on her lips.
She let him go at his own pace, contemplating just laying down while she waited, but decided against that. She knew he was trying, and that was all she could ask. The thoughts going through her head were impossible to process, she couldnt imagine being the one to have gotten the girl pregnant. “It wasnt dumb,” she spoke with a small head shake, “Its cute,” A small smile on her face, her eyes glancing at their hands before looking at him. Her eyes tearing up at his words, never having heard them with such sincerity before. Allowing herself to be brought into Drews lap, breathing in his scent, her body instantly relaxing into his. Realizing just how tired she was, having barely slept for the past week. Between worrying about Drew and her fight with Tori, and now this pregnancy. She needed a good nights rest. “I know you will baby,” A whisper as she kissed the base of his neck softly, “I want nothing more than to wake up in your arms tomorrow,” her sleep deprived brain not even processing her words. Her eyes glancing down to his hand. Softly pressing it against her stomach, her hand resting against his as her eyes futtered shut. Listening to him speak, and nodding along softly with his words, “Youre here,” She spoke, “You didnt push me away, or yell at me. Or accuse me of anything. Thats more than enough for me,”
he recalls his first time seeing her, the memory still being so vivid, despite the years that have passed by. she was degrassi’s new student and from what he heard, she was turning heads and had most of the student body doing double takes. he'd seen her in the midst of meeting the coach to talk about his slip up in grades, knowing that he would be able to persuade him easily since his latest grade point average weren’t too much lower than the required minimum. and when he finally spotted her in the hallways, he’d understood what all the fuss was about. he hadn’t been the type to stare, at least not too noticeably, but he just couldn’t look away. she was pretty, gorgeous even, and the outfit she was wearing only made her all the more alluring. the skirt she had on wasn't too short, but he remembers trailing up and down her legs. remembers that he had to turn himself away, had to remind himself what he even was walking this way for, having lost all train of thought. and by lunch time, he’d spotted her out of the crowd with a quickness. dallas settling down, tray in hand, following his gaze. remembers his eyes scrunching up in confusion when dallas tells him to not waste his time. and minutes later, it all makes sense when tori and vanessa come to the table, new girl following behind, and tori introduces everyone to her cousin who’d just transferred. he recalls the visible shock that seeps past his face, before he smiles, greets her, invites her to their table for the long run, and pulls tori into his lap, pecking her on the cheek. by the end of the week, they'd all made friends with the girl, and it was as if she’d been apart of the group all along. no signs of awkwardness or hesitation among the group. drew pushing the two second interest and attraction he'd developed for her to the back of his mind, until it was completely gone. and now he wonders, if it ever really left, or if he knew to just not act on them.
that makes two of us. doesn’t stop the smile that stretches across his face, the breath that emits out in relief. he’d only had a half theory that she reciprocated the feelings, but now that he knows he hadn’t been in the wrong whenever the thought of her passed his mind, he’s not so doubtful anymore about asking her to be his girlfriend. yet, he still doesn’t think tonight's the best time, not when there’s so much to process. his eyebrows furrow a bit, “yeah? the idiot who couldn’t see what was right in front of him? what about him?” he questions, eyes looking intently into hers, before he smirks along with her. “oh, hot doesn’t even begin to describe it. you’re sexy when you’re angry” he chuckles softly, not wanting any of the household’s other occupants to hear him.
he knows that everything has changed tonight, just like it had the night they’d let themselves act on their feelings, cross faded no doubt, but cross faded on each other. every touch from the other, feeling like another shot or another hit of the blunt. he smiles at her, reveling in the fact that she didn’t think he was the idiot he was convinced he was. she’d never thought he was dumb, in fact, or at least she never mentioned it. it was the small things like that he appreciated the most about her. the reason he’d always come running whenever she needed. “you’re cute,” he counters, as she settles in his lap, and he feels at ease. resting his head on hers, something about the way they just fit, making him fill with warmth. everything between them right now felt so gentle, filled with emotions instead of their usual sensual touches, hot and needy, and still he feels the fire, albeit a different kind, under his skin as she kisses him softly on the neck. and when she grabs his hand, and leads it to her stomach, laying hers atop, he knows they can get through this together. knows that he wants to try. “of course i’m here, you’re,” he corrects himself, “the both of you are all i need right now” and maybe he’s tired, exhausted even, but he can’t help the smile that spreads at the thought of a little family. he stands, holding her up, and gently laying her down on the bed. “let me get you something to wear so you can be comfortable, and i can put on netflix,” he says, as he makes his way to one of the drawers, getting one of his long t-shirts he knows will cover most of her body, and smiles at the thought. he doesn’t really plan on watching the movie or show, more-so planning on it being background sound while they cuddle. he turns the light off, before making his way back to the bed, and handing her the remote, letting her choose.
she remembers all the distinct moments in their relationship. The first look, their first time talking, the first time she called him because she just wanted to talk, and the list goes on. he made an impression on her, the first time she walked the halls of degrassi. She had just transferred to the school, asking her parents after her assault, begging to be closer to her cousin. she needed to get away from the places and people she had surrounded herself with. finally making the move, she was excited, ready to meet new people and create a new name for herself. walking in, her heels clicking on the tiles as she walked, a small smirk on her face as she saw the looks she received. always relishing in the attention she received, even if it wasnt good attention. she spotted drew before he had spotted her, spotting him as she came around the corner. standing by his locker with who she'd later learn were Dallas, Luke, and Dave. A wide smile on his face as he threw his head back in laughter. she remembered finding his smile beautiful, one of the ones you just always wanted to seen plastered on their face. but she didnt learn his name, didnt approach the group. instead continued watching from afar as she went to her locker, a smirk on her face when she saw drew watching her, the way he had to pause to think about his actions. and she certainly remembered the small twinge of jealousy she felt when she watched him pull her cousin on his lap when she had finally learned his name. but they clicked, she meshed with the whole group, creating a close bond with all of them. Drew being a stronger one than the others, and her feelings growing as the days went on. until she was informed he had asked Tori out, and she felt her heart break, but had no right. neither party knew of her feelings for the boy, and she had to watch as they fell in love, a part of her kicking herself for never saying anything.
A matching smile spreads across her face, a sense of relaxation washing over her. He felt the same, she knew that by the smile. Where it was gonna go from there she wasnt sure, she knew what she wanted. She wanted to be his, to be able to call him hers, and she hoped that was what he wanted at the end of this. Even if not right now, at least when they were both ready, or felt ready to go public given the backlash they were already facing. But her head couldnt stop swarming with the idea of being with Drew, in all aspects of life, and the smile kept growing. Before chuckling lightly, raising a brow at the raven haired boy across from her, “The idiot had fallen for my cousin,” She spoke, biting her lip softly, “But he was a sweetheart about the situation, not knowing who I was upset about, just being there for me anyway,” She shrugged, “Pretty cool guy,” Rolling her eyes playfully at his words, “Youd love to see me jealous then,”
in that moment, she knew that everything was okay. While everything changed, even more than they're cross faded escapade. it felt different, something washed over the both of them that night, and it wasnt going away anytime soon. while they're usual antics were rushed, and sexual. a fire in them both, just from a look. and her body still felt on fire, but it was different. she felt loved, safe, and secure. something she had never felt before, it was new for her, scary even. but Drew made it all seem okay, made every little thing better.  it gave her a sense of comfort, knowing that at a single text or call Drew would be there. in whatever shape or form he could fathom, she knew he would be. "we're both cute," she spoke with a small giggle, almost like she was a little kid with her crush again. a soft smile at his words, "the both of us," she repeated, feeling them fall off her tongue. the words still felt foreign. but it felt right in a way, being there with Drew, and talking about it. about a family, even if its not right now, she knew a family with Drew was in her future, somehow someway, she just felt it. she allows herself to be placed on the bed, a smile as she watches him before she slips from her track suit. immediately slipping the shirt over her head, slipping under the blanket, curling up into it. taking the remote and putting on shameless, more so for background noise, and if she did want to pay attention she wouldn't be lost. turning back towards Drew, a small smile on her face as she curled into him. her head on his chest, one of her legs stretching over his own. "thank you for being so great. I dont know what I did to deserve you, but I'm forever grateful."
there were evident bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep he’d gotten the past few nights. too much tossing and turning and contemplating the new information he’d gotten out of the tragic loss. was he even able to cry? to miss a touch that he couldn’t place. was it selfish? to mourn someone you didn’t really know. to mourn a loss you didn’t really take. at least, not in the way others had. he’d spent many a night turning on netflix, hoping to get some type of distraction, only for the appeal to fade, and the gears in his head would be at work again. he turned to weed, opening the window and spraying a huge amount of cologne, hoping the smell hadn’t left his room, and even then, it only made him think of it more. the thoughts never leaving, and he knows if he knew now would he hadn’t then, he would of stayed home and saved himself the heartache. he even thought to reach out to the other teenagers in the house, but decided against it, talking about it, made it real and he couldn’t relive it. couldn’t get through all of the details, scared that once he started, he’d never stop. there's a part of him that knows him telling her what he had, wasn’t enough to ease the pain, and he was still very much holding it all in, the pain will eventually build up, and drew will have no choice but to let it consume him. it’s inevitable. but she was here, and he was laughing and smiling, and that was as much as a fix he could ask for tonight.
he recalls the upset look on her face, having come to pick her up from her parent’s house, at an hour that audra would definitely not have been happy with, but he’d heard the tone of her voice, and it took all of three minutes to slip on a jacket, grab his car keys, and head out to the car. he remembers taking her to the park, him finding any way he could to make her laugh, as they sat on the swings, him giving her a push every now and again. and as the wind picked up, and it got later, he finally asked her what was bothering her, despite it being on his mind the whole time. remembers holding her hands in his face, telling her to never cry over a boy, especially not one who was dumb enough to let her pass by, his voice comforting and friendly, as he tells her all of her good qualities and that anyone who didn't see that wasn’t worth it. now that he was back in the room, and she'd said what she had, he was slowly connecting the dots. ”it was me?” his eyes widen only a little, as he thinks back to all of the times it'd just been the three of them hanging out, the others having something to do. and suddenly, he feels like the world’s biggest idiot. feels bad about all of the times they’ve kissed or hugged or any form of affection in front of her. but there’s a hint of happiness there too, and he knows it’s wrong, but their situation isn’t exactly the most innocent anyways. “it was me,” he repeats, more of a statement this time, before he surges forward and pulls her into a passionate kiss, pulling back breathless. “aw damn, guess i’ll never get to see it, since you’re the only girl i’ve got my eyes on” lips curling into a smile.
“damn right,” drew smirks, “just imagine how cute our kid will be,” he jokes. it's all still new to him, but he's processing it, albeit only being told mere minutes ago. he knows they’ll be eighteen around the corner, and even though legally they were to be adults, everyone would still deem it irresponsible. and audra, he didn’t even want to imagine her reaction. but things weren’t all bad, perhaps he’s looking through rose colored glasses, but despite the bad timing, he could see the upsides. the football that was supposed to be rocky's sitting atop his dresser, and he feels hope, hope that if he has a son, or a daughter, he’s not picky, that they can share a bond just as strong. that he won’t be a failure of a parent. perhaps this baby will turn his whole life around, motivate him to become a better man. and as they lay against the sheets, him having slipped in beside her, so that he was on the outside, her closer to the wall, his arm drapes around her, as he chuckles at the intro of the show, only having seen a couple episodes, because she'd wanted to watch it. he slips his fingers through her locks, hoping that it’s relaxing her. “shh, there’s no one else i’d rather be with” he answers simply, “now get some sleep baby”
"it was you," she confirmed with a small nod, a soft smile playing her lips as she watched Drews face. The look of shock, then confusion, the brief flash of guilt that made her brows scrunch for a moment before a small giggle as she kissed him back. holding both sides of his face, a wide grin on her face and her eyes shining with nothing but love for the man sat before her. "our kid will be the cutest," she spoke, pushing all the negative thoughts out of her mind. her families reaction, the doctors appointments, the perception people would have on them as teen parents, all of it being shoved away as she found herself enamored with Drew. her body melting into his as her eyes closed, a soft kiss placed to his chest before she fell asleep, nothing but joy sitting on her mind for once.
the next morning
Dallas stood in the kitchen, waiting for the cheese to melt over the egg before moving it to the toast he had ready. Laughing along with what Adam was saying, both having already devoured two sandwiches before the third brother even awoke. "Im telling you his bitch ass has a hangover. Ill bet money on that shit," He spoke with a chuckle, placing the egg on the bread. "Imma go wake his ass up, and he better be grateful for this shit," Shaking his head, making sure to turn the stove off before leaving the kitchen. Plate in hand as he roamed the halls of the Torres' home humming softly to himself before he found himself in front of Drews door. Laying a small knock on the door before twisting the knob, his eyes widening at the sight of limbs wrapped around one another. Not getting a glance at the females face before he grabbed the football off the dresser, making sure to only hit Drew as he sent it towards the pair. "Yo Torres," He hissed out.
it wasn’t long before the brunette too fell asleep, albeit it was only after she had. wanting to make sure that she was fully at ease, her mind not swirling with thoughts, keeping her awake as he lay beside her, hands still at play in her hair. and when he finally relaxes, turns the tv off with the remote, the room now completely dark, he closes his eyes and lets slumber overtake him. 
and just like he expected, it’s one of the best rests he’s managed this past week. can’t recall when exactly it was that he'd fallen asleep, but he smiles when he wakes up, the sight of lia on his chest, her still asleep, and him still half asleep. he pulls her closer, before closing his eyes once more and easily drifting back to sleep. eyes shoot open quickly when he feels the sudden contact, mind not registering until he’s already sitting up in bed. and when he looks over to see a confused dallas with a plate of food in his hand, he sighs in relief. knows he has to explain, but finds this to be a breeze, rather than if omar or audra had walked in and seen them. ”long story, but i’ll definitely explain later” he breathes out, as he stands, only to walk towards dallas and take the plate that’s evidently for him. “thanks,” he looks over to lia, who stirred a bit in her sleep, and then back to dallas, “now, how fucked am i?
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The Two Headed Dog part 1
In every big city there's always that part of town that everyone knows to keep clear of, especially if they wanted to keep their heads on their shoulders. It's always the same looking places, run down streets filled with trash, and graffiti that decorated the buildings and signs. This place was no different. Its streets seemed to be clouded in a constant sense of unease, and for those who lived there found themselves looking over their shoulders and keeping to themselves. 
The area wasn't necessarily the ideal home for everybody, but to some, it was the only option. And for one, it was the only place he had ever known. Michael Allen was born and forgotten in this place. After his mother died from childbirth and whoever his father was bailed, like a lot of these kids in the area, Michael was placed into the foster care system. 
He grew up looking over his shoulders, placing his trust in a select amount of people, and keeping his head out of the trouble that ran the streets. For Michael being in the system meant jumping from foster home to foster home, but unlike most who have nothing at the end of the tunnel when they turn 18, Michael was lucky. 
The Two Headed Dog was exactly what you would think of when picturing a run down, shady dive bar on the bad side of town. The outside was that classic red brick, that had been stained more than once by spray paint. The dark green awning that hung over the bars door once had a working light under it years ago; now when the switch was flipped on, a yellow light strobes in inconsistent patterns throughout the night. The front door was a heavy metal thing that had been painted over a few to many times. The only thing in real working order outside was the neon sign above the awning that flashes red and blue with the bar's name in twisting cursive. 
For those passing by, the place was nothing but a hole in wall gutter bar probably filled with unsavory patrons who you never wanted to cross paths with in the streets. But for Michael, it was the one thing that kept him off the streets when he turned 18. The old owner of the place had become somewhat of a mentor to Michael. She had taken Michael in and allowed him to have a job behind the bar. Before him, it was only her running the joint. So it was no surprise that when she died, she left to place to Michael. 
So for him, the rundown, hole in the wall gutter bar, filled to the brim with unsavory patrons, was his way of life. The bar provided for him, and in turn, he could provide for his family.
“Hey Mikey, what the fuck happened to the jukebox?” Michael looked up from the bar and took notice of the busted up machine. 
“Your pal Sebs busted it up last night after a few to many; thats what happened.” Michael answered and went back to cleaning up behind the bar. 
“That bastard ain't no friend of mine! He's a loose cannon that can't keep his drink down.” Michael raised a dark colored brow at the man before him. The bar had another hour before opening, but Michael didn't mind letting in certain patrons early, and the man before him was one of the few who he did let in. Azathi had been a customer of the Two Headed Dog way before Michael ever inherited the bar. He was tall, very tall, and lean, with a black mop of hair on his head and deep black eyes. Another of his defining features just so happened to be a set of long, curling brown horns that jutted out of his forehead. 
Something not advertised outside of the Two Headed Dog is the unusual customers and clients that visit the bar. The small hole in the wall joint wasn't a place for those looking to wind down after a long day at the office, or for a much needed girls night out. No, it was no place for humans to mingle in their meaningless lives. It was a place that catered to the damned and those oozing in sin. It was bar for those who haunted the shadows. Demons and monsters called this bar theirs.
“Whatever you say, Az.” Michael shook his head at the inhuman being currently lingering in his bar. 
While Michael continued to prep for opening, the sound of pittering feet came to his ears. The bar owner looked to the left of the bar counter where a door soon started to open slowly.
“Angel, your supposed to be getting ready for bed.” Michael said sternly as the door fully opened. On the other side stood his little girl. Angel was Michael's daughter, she was seven, and the shining light in his life. When tending to a bar full of the damned, being able to care for his little girl and give her a better life made it all worth it. 
“But I already brushed my teeth, and said goodnight to mama.” The little girl answered while looking up at her father with her big doe eyes. Michael sighed, and nodded his head.
“Alright, I’ll be up in a minute to tuck you in, so just head on up to bed.” The little girl smiled and rushed back up the stairs. Once again Michael was reminded how much the bar provided for him. Above the establishment was a small, but cozy apartment. The place had two bedrooms, one bathroom, and kitchen. It was just enough for the little family. 
“I’ll be right back, Az.” The demon muttered a reply and Michael headed upstairs. For a single father, the apartment was actually nicely decorated. But that had a lot to do with his late wife. She was an amazing woman, who held his heart in her hands. But a year after the birth of their daughter, she got sick. The doctors said it was ovarian cancer, something that happened in 1 in every 78 women. She went quick, leaving Michael with very little time to get her some sort of help. 
With his wife gone, Michael was left on his own to raise their daughter. So he put all his effort into just that, doing everything in his power to give Angel the best life he could. That meant keeping her out of the bar during business hours. Azathi and one other sin filled demon were the only ones who had ever had contact with the little human girl; and Michael planned on keeping it that way.
“Alright Angel, it's time for bed. Did you pick out a story?” The little girl nodded her head and pulled out a thin story book from under her pillow. Michael didn't know why he bothered to ask anymore, he knew what story she wanted him to read to her. It was the same story every time. 
On the cover of the thin book was a girl dressed in rags and holding out a hand for a crow flying above her while tears flowed down her face. Michael never got the chance to ask his wife where she got the book, but she had told him once that she wanted their child to have it as it was something she held dear to her heart. 
“Once upon a time…” The story started off as any other fairy tale would, but this one was one Micheal had never heard of before his wife had shown him the book. It started off with the sad tale of a young girl, poor and alone, she did what she could to feed herself by cleaning and working odd jobs in the village she lived in. With no parents and no wealth to her name, she had to look only to herself to survive. But as the story progressed, winter came to her village. The cold was deadly when you were alone. Until one day, the starving and cold girl came upon a crow. The bird looked to have gotten on the wrong side of something much bigger than itself. So the young girl took the crow to her small home and did what it could to nurse it back to health with what little she had. 
She laid the injured creature beside the dying embers in her fire place and wrapped it gently in what rags she used to keep warm. Then she laid herself beside it and promised to find it something to eat in the morning. So with the hope of sharing whatever warmth and comfort the young girl could offer, she slept through the night. The next morning the girl awoke to find the crow had died in the night. So, with her heart full of sorrow, she cried. The young girl wept fat tears and told the now dead bird how sorry she was that she couldn't help him.
“Please forgive me dear crow. I wish I could have done more.” She wept as keeled before the cold body of the bird she thought she could save. But as her tears sank into onyx feathers, the creature began to twitch. Slowly, with each tear she cried the once unmoving animal came to life. Soon, before her stood the crow, as if it had never been injured, or in fact dead. 
With a shrill “CAW”, the bird caught the attention of the young girl. That morning everything changed for the girl. Soon the village heard of her story with the crow and word traveled fast that a girl with magic tears could heal the injured and even bring back the dead. 
Unfortunately the rest of the story had been ripped out of the book long before Angel had been born and the true ending was never really known by Michael or his late wife. But Michael had the bright idea to have his wife fill in the blank ending with her own. 
On white paper placed in the back of the book in his wife's writing was the end of the book. The young girl was sought after by many, but none more than the king of a far off land who wanted her to become about of his kingdom. To make this happen the king offered his only son the chance to marry her. So with her crow perched on her shoulder the young girl found herself in a grand kingdom, standing before a grand king and his handsome son, a prince. 
Micheal had once asked his wife why the story had to have a prince in it, and she told him matter factly that all fairy tales should end with a happily ever after between a prince and a princess. Michael later told her that it was just lazy writing and she proceed to add his name as the fool in the kings circle. 
“So in the end, the young girl and prince from a far off land lived happily ever after.” Michael finished. The single father looked over at his sleeping daughter, she no doubt fell asleep somewhere in the beginning of the story, but Michael always found himself reading the fairy tale to very end every night. 
As quietly as he could, he left his little girl to sleep in the safety and comfort of her bed, while he made his way down stairs. Down to a bar that was slowly filling up as patrons walked in from the cold dirty street outside. But instead of shedding their coats and outerwear, they shed those pesky human forms they were forced to wear out among the people. Here, at the Two Headed Dog, they were free to conduct business and enjoy a drink outside the confines of human skins. 
Because that's what the Two Headed Dog was, a bar that serves those who feast in the shadows off human fear. Demons and monsters who find the destructive nature of humans to be there most pleasing qualities. But, to Micheal, they were paying customers, dangerous, but paying.
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avengersnthings · 6 years
Family (Dad!Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Request: Heyyyy, I wanna say your writing is amazing and I love your fics sm 💜 Humm, Idk how it works to make a request, sorry! Can you write something dad!bucky really really fluff???? Thank you, anyway 😍
Requested By: Anonymous
Word Count: 1,988
Warnings: None? Unless if you count Fluff as a warning.
A/N: Hi guys! I finally wrote something! AND IT WAS REQUESTED! I know, I know, it’s a big shock. I just had a Bucky dream last night and I just had to write something for him so I decided to do a request! Well, I hope you all enjoy it and let me know if you want to be added to my Tag List!
Tag List: @mp938368 @generalantiope @thatgirlsar @jumperswellies @quicksoldier @kitkatgaming @marvelfandom-stuff @itsmaytimetosaygoodbye @agentraven007 @marvelgoateecollection @thaniya82 @thats-so-rhyan @hymnofthevalkyrie @themanwiththemetalarm @mslaufeyson
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Bucky was sprawled out on his bed as he slept peacefully. The sunlight was streaming through the window, bringing morning light that danced across the bedroom like ribbons of gold. The quiet chirp of birds that sang outside stirred Bucky from his slumber, gradually waking him from his dreams of you. Peaking one eye open, a small smile graced Bucky’s lips at the sight of your sleeping form. You were curled up into his side, arms enclosed around his waist as your head rested on his chest. His smile grew with each breath that you took. You always look so peaceful when you sleep, Bucky thought to himself as he gently placed a kiss into your hairline. 
Maybe just a few more minutes, Bucky thought as he placed his arms around you. The two of you never got to sleep in, whether it was work or-
“Daddy!” A high-pitched voice called out as the door swung open with a bang.
-or your child barging into the room at the break of dawn. 
The small figure climbed up onto your shared bed, crawling across the tangled up sheets. Pretending to be asleep, Bucky tried so hard to hold in a smile as he felt small hands shake him awake.
“Daddy, you need to get up,” Your daughter whined as she shook her father. “You too, Mommy.”
Your daughter began to shake you as well, to which you let out a groan. “Too early,” You groaned as you buried your face into Bucky’s chest.
“It’s morning, Mommy!” Your daughter whined once more.
“Yup, too early,” Bucky agreed as he pretended to go back asleep.
“Daddy!” Your daughter protested as she began to shake Bucky once more.
Peeking one eye open at his daughter, Bucky smirked lightly. “Why, is something happening today?”
“Yes!” Your daughter exclaimed as she fell back against the bed between her parents. “We’re going to the zoo!”
“The zoo?” You questioned as you sent your husband a sly wink. “Why would we be going to the zoo?”
“BECAUSE IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!” Your daughter shrieked excitedly as she began to bounce up and down on the bed. 
“What? That can’t be,” Bucky said as he sat up in bed. “I perfectly remember. You had your birthday last year, there’s no way you can have it again.”
Rolling her small eyes at him, she grabbed onto his metal arm. “Daddy, that’s how birthdays work!”
“I don’t know, Evelyn,” You smiled at your little girl. “How old are you going to be?”
Smiling brightly at you, Evelyn promptly held up four little fingers.
“Well, since she is four, I guess we could take her to the zoo,” Bucky smiled at his daughter as her face lit up. 
“YAY, ZOO! LET’S GO, LET’S GO!” Evelyn demanded as she began to pull on both of your hands. 
“Alright,” You let out a laugh as Evelyn pulled on you. “Let Daddy and I get ready first. Why don’t you go get your elephant and tell him where we are going today, okay?”
“Okay Mommy!” And with that, your little Evelyn bounded happily out of the room to go get her stuffed elephant. Looking at your husband, you gently pushed back his long hair with your fingers.
Smiling at your action, Bucky gently grabbed you chin and tilted your head up towards him. “Morning, beautiful.”
“Morning, handsome,” You said as you placed a soft kiss against his lips. This was one of your favorite things about being married to Bucky: being able to wake up every morning next to the man you loved and greeting him with a kiss.
Before Bucky got too carried away, he pulled back and gently kissed your nose. “C’mon, doll. We have our four year old to take to the zoo.”
“Daddy, look!” Evelyn shouted excitedly as she grabbed her father’s hand and dragged him towards the polar bear exhibit. Stopping right in front of the glass, she stared up in awe as she watched the polar bears dive gracefully in the water. Her eyes were wide in wonder as she watched the bears play with each other. “They are so cool.”
“They sure are, sweetie,” Bucky agreed as you stood on the other side of your little girl.
“Aren’t they cool, Mommy?”
“They are!” You said excitedly as Evelyn reached out for your hand. “Look at them play with each other, they must be friends.”
Evelyn tilted her head at that as she watched the bears. “No, they’re brother and sister.”
“How can you tell?” Bucky looked down at his daughter. 
“Because they act like Unca Steve’s kids. Watch-” She said as she pointed at the one on the left. “That’s the brother and that’s the sister.”
“I guess you’re right, E,” You said as you glanced up at the name plates of each polar bear, discovering that they actually were siblings.
“I wish I had a brother,” Evelyn said quietly to herself. At this, you and Bucky looked at each other in shock. Before either of you could say anything to her, Evelyn’s attention was somewhere else.
“PENGUINS!” Your daughter screamed as she took off running. You and Bucky sprinted after your daughter, finally catching her a few seconds later as she watched the keeper feed the penguins. 
“Mommy, I can’t see,” Evelyn pouted as you neared the elephant exhibit. 
“Maybe Daddy will put you on his shoulders?”
“Daddy, pleeeaaassee,” Your daughter begged as she gave Bucky the puppy-dog eyes. Not being able to resist his daughter’s cute charm (Bucky always said he looked just like you when you did that), he swept his daughter up and onto his shoulders.
“HI, ELEPHANTS!” Evelyn yelled as she waved her hand excitedly at the elephants. You and Bucky laughed at your daughter’s cute charm as she stared excitedly at her favorite animal.
“E, they look just like Louie!” You said as you held up her stuffed elephant. Evelyn giggled at this as she grabbed her stuffed elephant and promptly set him on top of Bucky’s head.
“There,” She proudly said. “Now Louie can see too. Let’s go see the tigers now!”
“Whatever you want, princess,” Bucky smiled as he took your hand in his, continuing your adventure at the zoo.
Evelyn’s fourth birthday quickly passed after the zoo. The whole team came over to you and Bucky’s house, their children tagging along behind them. The birthday party was a hit as Evelyn opened up present after present, taking them out to play with everyone else’s kids. As everyone headed home, Evelyn was found asleep on your living room floor, clutching Louie the elephant and her new stuffed polar bear that was named Snow (after her favorite Disney princess, Snow White, because you and Bucky always watched that movie with her). Gently picking Evelyn up, Bucky carried her upstairs and put her in bed as she slept peacefully. Placing a kiss goodnight to her forehead, Bucky closed the door behind him as he walked into your shared bedroom.
“Do you think E had a good birthday?” You asked as you pulled back the sheets on your bed. 
“I think so, she looked so happy today,” Bucky answered as he crawled in bed next to you.
Nodding your head, you looked at your husband. “She is such a Daddy’s girl, it’s unfair.”
“Oh, doll,” Bucky hummed as he pulled you into his arms. “She loves you very much.”
“I know that,” You said as you shook your head. “That’s not what I meant. What I meant was that I want a kid who is a Mommy’s kid.”
Blinking at the meaning of your words, Bucky’s lips formed into a smile. “Doll, are you saying that you want to have another baby?”
Flushing at his words, you nodded 'yes' as Bucky’s smile grew even bigger. “I mean, Evelyn said she wanted a brother, and we always talked about having a big family when we were dating. So I thought, why not now?”
Grabbing the sides of your face, Bucky pulled you into a searing kiss that took your breath away. Pulling away, Bucky looked down at you with a giant smile. “Doll, I’ve been waiting four years for you to say that you wanted another baby. After we had Evelyn, I was just hooked. All I want is to have a family with you, and we can have as many babies as you want.”
“As many as I want?” You joked as Bucky began kissing you all over your face and body.
“As many as you want. If it were up to me, we’d have twenty.”
“Twenty?!” You laughed as you pulled Bucky back up to your lips. “You’re getting ahead of yourself there, Mr. Barnes. Let’s get ourselves another baby before we think about anymore, okay?”
“Anything you say, Mrs. Barnes,” Bucky grinned at you as he kissed you once more. 
“Well, we better get started soon, Sergeant Barnes,” You said as you began to tug up Bucky’s shirt. 
“Yes Ma’am,” Buck smirked as he leaned down to capture your lips in his. 
9 months later...
“What about Hudson?” Bucky quietly asked as he gently stroked the newborn baby’s cheek. After 9 months of morning sickness, 14 hours of labor, and one epidural later; the two of you laid together in the hospital bed, side by side, with your baby boy in your arms.
Scrunching up your nose, you looked at your husband. “I am not naming our son after a river in New York.” Looking down at your baby, you smiled as he let out a small yawn. “How about Jace?”
“He doesn’t look like a Jace. Maybe a Lincoln?” Bucky said as the baby grabbed onto his pinky finger.
“No, that’s not it...” Looking down at your baby boy, you tried so desperately to find out what his name was meant to be. “How about Hayden?”
“Hmm... Hayden Barnes. I like that,” Bucky said with a smile just as the baby woke up. “Well, what do you think, bud? Does Hayden sound good to you?”
At that the baby smiled and nestled back into your chest, promptly falling back asleep. “Hayden it is.”
A knock sounded at the door just then, to which Bucky said to come in. Steve poked his head in, eyes landing on the three of you. “Is that him?”
“Yup,” You said with a smile. “Steve Rogers, meet Hayden Barnes.”
Walking over to the side of the bed, Steve peered down at Hayden. “Oh, he’s so precious. Has Evelyn seen him yet?”
“No, not yet, but she’s about to,” Bucky noted as Natasha brought Evelyn in. Seeing the little baby, Evelyn became very quiet as she peered at her little brother. “Evelyn, come meet your brother.”
Crawling onto the bed just like she did on her birthday, she looked down at her brother. “What’s his name?”
“His name is Hayden,” You softly said as Evelyn looked down at him in wonder. “Do you want to hold him?”
Evelyn nodded enthusiastically as you carefully placed Hayden into her arms. “Careful, now. We have to be very gentle with him.” You said as your daughter looked down at her little brother.
“Hi, Hayden. My name’s Evelyn, but you can call me E,” Evelyn said to her brother. “I’m your big sister, and I am going to take good care of you. And this is my Mommy and Daddy. They are your Mommy and Daddy too. We are going to be the best family ever.”
“Yes, we are,” Bucky softly said as you took Hayden out of Evelyn’s arms. The four of you sat on that hospital bed for hours, talking about your family and the future. Evelyn promptly fell asleep on Bucky’s lap after a few hours, right next to Hayden. Soon after that, you too fell asleep, exhausted from labor. Looking down at his family, a small tear slipped down Bucky’s face. “My perfect little family.”
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batgirl-87 · 6 years
So @mdeenise “challenged” me to answer all of the questions from this Hogwarts Mystery Asks: MC. I’ve already answered some (can check ‘asks’ or ‘ask game’ tags, I’ll also link them in my Masterlist) so I’ll answer the rest I haven’t been asked yet here because
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1. What is their whole name? 
Nereida Adelyn-Keira LaFontaine Black
5. How is there relationship with Jacob?
Keira and Jacob were very close - it was them against the world! They’re very protective of one another, they can get/have gotten into a lot of trouble together, both with a rebellious, mischievous streak; but they are also siblings so there’s teasing, embarrassing each other, lots of physical ‘play fighting’ - they’re very much like I can be mean to my sibling but if you’re mean to them I’ll hurt you. Clearly when he ‘disappeared’ it was devastating for Keira and she felt completely alone. 
6. How is their relationship with their parents?
Both Keira and Jacob loved their mom who was their primary caregiver. Keira honestly doesn’t really remember her dad much but Jacob hates him. She has a vague recollection of him and Regulus and Sirius, a bit better memory of Sirius who kept in contact with her and Jacob even after they moved to Canada, possibly to spite his parents but Keira thinks he actually cares about his younger half-siblings even if it was something that started out from spite or curiosity. 
When their mom died of course Jacob and Keira were very sad over their loss. They were then taken in by their mom’s close friends and moved to Canada from Ireland and while there was an adjustment period they both appreciate the care they provided, and while Jacob and Keira didn’t exactly feel like they belong in this ‘family’ their mom’s friends were great parental figures and they do care about them and appreciate everything they’ve done for them. Their dad was nonexistent in their lives after the passing of their mom (he passed soon after the next year, after the death of Regulus) but when they arrived in the UK to attend Hogwarts they did find savings left for them from their dad in Gringotts (safe to assume without his wife’s knowledge). 
So both love their mom and ‘adopted’ parents (unofficially adopted =p) and while Jacob hates their dad and views him as a manipulative, selfish, neglectful arse, Keira is pretty neutral and apathetic about her dad since she doesn’t really remember him all that well. But she appreciates the money! =p 
8. How’s their relationship with their family?
Ahahahahahaha - I’m cackling =p
Unfortunately, the family on Keira and Jacob’s mom’s side are all pretty much passed or they have no idea who they are =p Their mom and mom’s parents are passed and their mom had no siblings since her mom died relatively soon after her birth (undines...) As stated before, Jacob and Keira appreciate and care very much for their mom’s friends who took them in after her passing, although a bit of awkwardness since it’s not ‘really’ their family...
As for the Black side of their family *more cackling* Orion seemed much more interested in their mom than them and didn’t seem to want much to do with them, at least according to Jacob. Walburga hates them and this whole situation, of course! With good reason! She honestly probably would of had them killed. She focused most of her energy on ensuring this scandal did not get out into the public and was probably very relieved when they moved across the pond. Of course when Jacob returned to attend Hogwarts he was done living this lie and didn’t care who it upset and went by his Black family name, encouraging his sister to do the same - this family would not win! Walburga could try to deny it all she wanted but a paternity test (which I’ve done some research on Wizarding World paternity tests and some interesting ideas came up!) just proved it.
Despite this, Walburga and the rest of the Black family continued to ignore their entire existence. Andromeda may have been left out of the loop considering she was disowned from the family as well but when Keira and Tonks realized they were both related to Bellatrix Lestrange, and therefore related themselves, Keira was so happy to be accepted by some members of the Black family. Sirius also was accepting of his younger half-siblings and stayed in contact with them even after they moved to Canada. He may have only gone to see them at first out of curiosity and then continued to visit and communicate with them out of spite to his parents but he probably did care about them and enjoyed them more than Regulus because they weren’t brought up in a pureblood elitist household. Probably wished their mom was his mom which would just upset Walburga. And if Walburga didn’t hate them before, after she passed, Keira, now more spiteful and daring with everything that has happened, moved into the now empty (well except for Kreacher) 12 Grimmauld Place which would just piss Walburga off! How she convinced Remus, no idea - basically she was like I’m doing this and Remus had to go along with it =p
Wait, is Kreacher family? Keira and Kreacher argue a lot and she will not stand for him being mean to Remus or any of her friends and will threaten to kick him out although it’s an empty threat because she wouldn’t actually kick him out and make him homeless! Kreacher of course thinks she’s invading some place that does not belong to her but because she is a Black she sort of does belong there and while not related to his previous Walburga, she is to Orion so he has to put up with her =p They eventually reach an understanding. Kreacher is free to stay there and does not have to do any chores or cleaning up after her or Remus, as long as he’s nice... or just stays away from her friends and Remus. 
I’m not sure how Regulus felt about them, maybe neutral? I think discovering his dad’s affair would be a shock to him, he might be curious as well to meet them and I like to think did meet them at least once, possibly while their mom was passing (like Orion went to see her and Sirius and Regulus decided to go as well because, hey, it is their younger siblings whether they like it or not and it’s a hard thing to go through) but I think he was more worried and concerned about Death Eater affairs and tricking Voldemort =p
So while Keira is close with Tonks, and probably her parents as well, and both Keira and Jacob are accepted by Sirius, and maybe even Regulus, who knows =p, most of the Black family still pretends they don’t exist. Although I like to think Keira later bonds with Draco and they become close and overall these next generations are going to be better. And while Bellatrix may refuse to acknowledge Keira’s relationship to her, deep down she actually really likes Keira because she’s a strong, tough bitch who isn’t afraid of her and would have killed Dumbledore without even being a Death Eater if asked =p Seriously, Keira knows she’s actually Bella’s favorite. 
(This also pretty much works for my original HP OC bio where she was Sirius’ daughter because besides Tonks, Andromeda, and Ted, the rest of the Black family wouldn’t really acknowledge her existence either)
Does Remus count as family? Of course he does, he’s “Uncle Remus!” =p Remus and Keira had an instant bond, they are incredibly close - I like to think of it as two people who felt completely alone in the world found each other and now they were not longer alone. Keira is very much like Sirius, and Jacob can be very much like James actually, so it was actually nice for Remus to be around them if not bittersweet. I actually have a post about Keira and Remus’ relationship so I won’t say too much more besides they are very close and Keira is suuuuper protective over him.
9. Do they have any other siblings?
Sirius and Regulus Black
11. Do they have pets?
Keira has a Siamese cat and Jacob had a Barred Owl named Archimedes which I guess is hers now too? Jacob also wanted a dog or crup but then went to school so their ‘adoptive’ parents are taking care of it =p
14. Any crushes?
Charlie Weasley.
She won’t outright admit it but it’s obvious to everyone else besides Charlie. Wasn’t even aware of it herself for quite awhile! =p But fortunately she plays it pretty cool and isn’t a stuttering mess around him so maybe he has no idea she likes him because she’s so chill and nonchalant about it. Although she can be flirtatious but she can be like that with a lot of people =p (She’s related to Sirius she can’t help it! =p)
16. Have they ever dated someone before (Either back at their home or at Hogwarts)?
Rumour has it during her summer before Sixth Year, where she spent most of it in Canada, and going into Sixth Year she was dating someone. Has not been confirmed nor denied. 😜
(I think that’s all of them? Wasn't that much actually, I expected more =p But I still wrote a lot more than intended so sorry about that! Hope I explained things well enough! If anyone has any questions or want to talk about MC’s more hit me up! Thanks for your challenge! 😉💙)
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Once The Predator Now The Prey
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(Gif Credit @theflyingsquabbit)
Requested By @zombie-zayde Hope you like it and I did it justice. I'm sorry it took so long again.
Happy Reading Dollies. 
Hope you all enjoy.
The day had started out great, you dropped your new puppy off at the groomers and came home to finish cleaning up from last nights party. Your phone kept ringing off the hook. The caller wouldn't take no for an answer. He was a unwanted guest in your life. Pressing the cancel button once more, you let out a huff. It started to ring again. Picking up your phone, swiped to answer. "Listen asshole, stop calling, no one wants to talk to you.. ever". You ended before they could talk and slammed your phone on the table. Going back to your cleaning, you heard a car pull up. It wasn't any of the boys or Happy's vehicles. Grabbing your .38 and pointing it and slowly walking towards the door. Looking through the peep hole. You froze, fear taking over you. Your arms started to tremble, your knees started to buckle under you as you hit the floor. How did he find you? Knock Knock. The noise made you yelp, scooting away from the door. You held the gun still pointing it at the door. He was still knocking. Why doesn't he go away? You wished Happy was here. "Y/N, I know you're in there, your cars here". He changed from knocking to kicking the door. Searching around you remembered your phone was on the table. Not making to much noise, you crawled, reaching your phone and calling Happy. "Hey Babe". His voice giving you comfort. "Hap, please come home now". You quietly cried out into the phone. "Y/N what's wrong"? You could hear Happy yell for the others, him breathing hard as he ran to his bike. "Please get home". Hanging up, you crawled into a ball on the floor sobbing. Happy and the guys couldn't get here fast enough. The roar of bikes, startled you. The knocking had stopped, walking on your hands and knees, you reached the door. Opening it, you saw Happy running to you, scooping you up and carrying you to the couch. Chibs, Tig and Opie searched around your house, making sure he was gone. For now he was. "Y/N, what happen"? "How did he find me, I was so careful"? Your cries muffled your speech. "I don't understand". "Here, drink this". Jax handed you a glass of water, you sipped slowly. "Now relax and tell us what is going on". "My dad, he found me". "I had the chance to kill him and I froze, how am I supposed to protect our kids when I freeze up"? "We don't have any kids". "Not now, but someday". "Y/N why would you want to shoot your dad". Ratboy asked, he was new and didn't know the whole story about you. Sitting up, you placed the glass on the table, pushing your hair behind your ears. "Do you remember when my dad took me for those four years when I was twelve and you tried to find me"? You asked Jax. "Yeah, mom threatened everyone until we found you". "He made her go crazy". "Why"? "I didn't exactly tell you everything that happened, when you found me he disappeared". "Um, I don't know how to say this". You rubbed your hands together, letting out a big sigh, tears following. "He.. um.. did stuff to me". "What"? Happy's balled up his fist, his knuckles turning white. "He tortured and abused me, as well did others". You felt vomit hit the back of your throat, you ran to the kitchen sink. Happy followed you, holding your hair back. Rinsing your mouth out, you turned around. Happy pulled you into a hug, kissing your head. "He will pay for what he did to my old lady, I promise". "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I put it behind me after I got with you". "I didn't want you to think different of me". You whimpered, wiping away tears. "If that was the case you wouldn't be with me". "I love you and your past". "I'm sorry Jax". Jax came over hugging you tightly. "You should have told us, we wouldn't have left so quickly, he would have been dead". "I know, please don't tell mom". "Baby Girl". Gemma's voice echoed. Your eyes widen. "I had to, she wants his head on a stake". "Mom, please don't be angry". "I'm angry at that bastard for hurting my daughter, I shouldn't have agreed with that bullshit of just a sleepover than it took us four years to find you". "I should've known, he was up to something". "I just want to know why he's here"? "Yesterday was your birthday". "But after seven years, why would he want anything to do with me"? "He knows you are still looking for him". "Sweetheart I know you don't want to hear this but you are his only daughter and he will always be in your life, memories are the worst and knowing you have his DNA but you will never be like him''. She hugged you even tighter. "He may be her dad but he will never see her again, after what he did he shouldn't be called a father". Happy spoke, his voice cracking. "Hap". Walking over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist. "I'll get Juice and the prospects to run through ever hotel and empty house in Charming, he's not leaving with out a fight". Jax said getting on the phone with Juice, who stayed at the clubhouse. "He's not leaving alive, there will be a cold day in hell when I let him go free". Happy demanded that he dies by his hands. "You got it brother". Chibs placed his hand on Happys shoulder squeezing it. "Juice is searching but as of right now nothings coming up, did he use different names when he took you"? "Not that I know of, he would come get me after he was gone for awhile, so he might of". "Okay, Ope, Bobby, take Y/N to the clubhouse I want a guard at her door and the gate, if he tries anything, he wont make it out of the clubhouse alive". "I'll help you pack". Happy took your hand. "Wait, I have to pick up Shiv from the groomers". You just remembered. "You named your dog Shiv"? Ratboy asked. "Yea, he's little but will take your face right off, so watch it". You pointed at Ratboy, who scratch his head. The guys laughed. "I'll pick up Shiv and bring him to you". Tig offered. "Okay but if ANYTHING happens to my baby, I'll have your balls". Tig covered his crotch with his hands. "Got it".
The drive over to TM was a little crazy, you had Opie behind you and Bobby in front riding their motorcycles, you rode with Ratboy he was talking your head off about naming your puppy Shiv, you got so tired of hearing it you told him you would really shiv him in the shower if he didn't shut up about it. He zipped right up. Teller Morrow was a home away from home, you felt safe there. Thats where you met Happy after he transferred to Charming from Tacoma. You were always calm during lockdowns because they didn't involve you but today you were the complete opposite. Walking in you saw Piney and a few others you didn't know, they all had guns and looked like they were prepared for a war. "Hey Y/N, you need anything"? Piney asked. "Who are they"? You nodded. "They are from Washington, we needed some extra muscle and they were the only ones not busy". "Oh". "Thanks but I'm good, I'm going to go lay in Happys dorm if anyone needs me". You hugged him and walked on. "Okay, Rat go guard Happy's door and don't talk her ear off". Piney winked at you with a chuckle. Laying down you knew things would get worse, it was all your fault for not killing him when you had the chance. Happy would be glad to kill him but you didn't want your fathers blood on his hands.
Happy paced the garage floor as Juice told them what he had found. He couldn't wait to get his hands around the throat of his next smiley face. "Hap, you listening"? Jax asked him. "Yeah". "Okay, he was last seen at the strip joint, I have some friends that I told to watch out for him and they said he came in last night, has been for the past two nights". "So he's been here for awhile, probably watching and following Y/N". Happy's voice laced with anger. "Yeah, seems that way". "Do you think he will come tonight"? "They said they'll call if he shows, we just have to wait and see". "No". Happy shouted. "Hap, if we move to quickly and spook him, he will run". "What if he's already gone, he just wanted to scare her and then leave, coming back to do it again then slipping out of our fingers again and again"? "Huh"? "Hap". "I want him dead, she's your sister don't you want her to sleep good at night and feel safe"? "Yes but if we start asking around about him, he will run, we don't know if he has contacts here or not". "We wait". Jax ordered. "Okay Prez but if he escapes, you will be the one that breaks her heart and tell her he got away because we waited". Happy sneered, walking off, hopping on his bike and riding off. Chibs tried to go after him but was stopped by Jax. "Leave him, he's just upset". Happy's  bike roared through Charming. He was angry and riding made him calm down. Just wanting for you to be alright and happy again. He stopped his bike at the corner store, going in and grabbing a drink. Walking out Happy  bumped into a man, coming into the store. "Sorry, didn't see you there". The man spoke with a laugh. "How can you miss me, bitch"? "If you would watch where you're going, you would see who I am". "Now get the fuck out of my way". The man stepped a side with his hands raised, letting Happy pass. Happy stood there drinking his drink in peace until he heard your name being spoke from the mans mouth. He was talking to the cashier asking where you would be if you weren't home. "She'd probably be at Teller-Marrow thats her brothers and step-father place of business". 'Where is that at"? "Can I ask what this is about, cause if you knew who her family and boyfriend was you wouldn't want to mess with her". "Just tell me where old man". He demanded, not caring who was listening and currently on the phone talking to Jax Teller. "It's down the road, take a left at the stop light and you'll see a gate with a sign that says Teller-Marrow". "Thank you, was that so fucking hard". He slammed his fist down on the counter and stormed off. Happy quickly got on his bike and started it up, lagging along behind the guy at the store heading to TM and possibly to you. The guys watch the car pull in, Happy behind him. He got out walking towards the clubhouse. "Is that him"? Tig asked. "Nope". They watched him go into the clubhouse and darted to the front door as he disappeared inside. Having him surrounded with guns drawn pointing at the mystery man looking for Y/N. "Can we help you"? "I have a message for Y/N Teller". "You can tell us and we'll pass it on". He shakenly gave them a envelope, Jax snatched it quickly. "Before I open this, who is the sender"? "Some man paid me to find her, that's all I know". "Where did you meet this man"? "At the stripe joint, he gave me a grand to just deliver that". Jax nodded to Ratboy and Phil to take him out side. Jax was afraid to open it but he took at deep breath, looking at Happy. The paper read "To my Darling daughter, I know you were home, why didn't you let daddy in? Your mother has you brain washed and took you away from me. I will see you again. No one will stop me. No one will protect you from me. You belong with me. Talk with you soon. 😉 Love Dearest Daddy. Jax read aloud. All their stomachs turned, Happy felt his anger rise, his fist balling up in a fist, he wanted to find him and put his fist in his face but he found the closest thing to hit. The wall. "Shit Hap". Tig rushed over. "This is bullshit". Jax slung the papers, screaming. "FUCK"!!! You heard screaming and ran out of the dorm. "What happened"? Tig quickly hid Happys hand from your sight. "Everything’s good Doll, just a little business, go back to your room". "Jax"? "We're good, just go sleep, sorry to disturb you". You looked around at everyone in the room, their faces angry, worried and confused. What happened to make them this way? That's when you saw the papers on the floor, you started to read them. "Oh my god". You covered your mouth with your hand. "He knows I'm here, you can't protect me". You shook your head, fear taking over. "Y/N, we are not letting anything happen to you". "I promise". Jax came over, hugging you tightly. "Why is he doing this"? "It's just a sick fucked up joke he's playing with your head". "Jax, I'm so scared". "Don't be, Hap and I are here". The room was silent except your sobs as the land line of the bar rang. Making everyone panic a little. Know one uses that unless theres trouble. Bobby walked over and answered it. "Hello"? Bobby took the phone away and cover it with his hand. "Jax, Hap, they want to talk to you". They looked at each other, Jax walked over, Happy behind him. They both listened to the caller. "Jax here". "Is the other one there too"? "Yeah". Happy said. "Well, well, well". "Its been a long time Jackson". Jax recognize the voice, his eyes widen. "Where are you"? "Not so fast, I want to see her". "That's not happening". "Then I guess, you'll have to see whats in store next for Y/N". "Why are you doing this to her"? "She is my daughter and I have a right to see her". "You're gonna die". "Is that a threat Mr. Lowman"? "No that is a promise". "You shouldn't keep promises you can't keep". "What do you want"? "I want to speak to her right now". Your father demanded. Jax covered the phone. "He wants to speak with you". He looked at you. Happy went over to Juice as he was on the computer tracing the call, Juice had hooked up a tracing device on the phone when Abel was kidnapped. Juice spoke with Happy as you got on the phone. "Hello". Your voice shook, you were trembling with fear. "Hello sweetie, did you have a good birthday"? "Yeah". "You have a nice house". "Thanks". "Why didn't you let me in"? His voice getting angry. "I was scared". "Of who, me"? "Yes". "Why on earth would you be scared of little oh me"? "You know what you did you bastard, I fucking hate you". You screamed in the phone, he laughed. "Now thats not a nice way to talk to your father". "Fuck you". "Sweetie, put Jax back on the phone". You handed the phone back to Jax. "She sure told you". Jax laughed cocky. "If she does that again, she'll be sorry". "Oh grow up, she doesnt want you any where near her can't you get that through your thick skull"? "I will see her". "Well then you will see Happy and he will be putting a axe threw that head of yours, since you cant learn". "Sure I will, so I want to see her, I will call back with direction". "Oh and don't do anything stupid Jackson". The call ended. Jax stood there in shock. What is happening?
"Well"? Bobby asked. "He's calling back with directions for Y/N to meet him". "What, no"? You cried out. "Juice you got anything"? "No, it seemed he jammed the signal or he's bouncing off of phone towers all around Charming cause one minute he's here and then he's in another part of Charming, I even had him in Lodi". Juices typed on his computer. "How about we call some people we know in Lodi and ask around if they seen some new face hanging around"? Bobby suggested. "That's a good idea, call them". Jax nodded to Bobby, who pulled out his phone. "We need to come up with a plan to protect Y/N". "She's not meeting him, so there's no worry, we're going to catch him before that happens". Bobby came back, putting his cell phone away with a smile. "I have news". Jax smiled. "He there"? "There has been a new face around, he arrived about three days ago, staying at the pay by the hour hotel". "They have a name"? "They're working on it, but I'm sure its him". "Thanks brother". "You hear that we have him"? Jax came over rubbing your back, trying to calm you down. "He will get away, he always does". Your head hung low, tears falling. All you wanted to do was run and never look back but knowing that if you do your father may hurt Happy or Jax. Your stomach was in a knot, you couldn't shake the feeling you were going to die. "No, we're getting him this time, I promise". Bobby's phone rang again, making everyone on their toes. "Yeah, what do you got"? "Thanks man, I owe you". "We got the son of a bitch, he's in Lodi". They all celebrated, he was caught like a rat in a cage. The boys gathered all the guys and guns. Jax posted guys out front and called up more chapters to help out, he was not getting away and Jax was making sure of that. No one messes with the princess of SAMCRO or Happy's old lady and gets away with it. "Hap, please be careful". You hugged him long and hard. "I'll be back before you wake up". "I wont be able to sleep, worrying about you and the guys". "Hey, don't worry, we are professionals we got this". He kissed you lips. "I love you". "I love you more, dont worry, get some sleep cuddle up to Shiv, he'll protect you while I'm gone". You slightly smiled at him, he walked off and joined the others. They all were kissing their loved ones and you thought maybe this was the last time they would see them and if it was it would be all because of you. Tears fell, you couldn't bare to see them off so you ran off to Happys dorm, crying in to his scented pillow, it slowly made you fall asleep with Shiv curled in the crease of your spine. The roars of bike filled Lodi, making all the people on the streets look their way. They were on a hunt to find their prey and he better start praying for his life. They pulled off to a building that they would hide their bikes  and stay if necessary. It was about a quarter of a mile from the hotel. Jax sent Juice, Opie and Tig to scale the place out and see if he was there. He sent Bobby, Chibs and a few Washington guys to the strip joint to see if he was there. "Hap, you getting ready"? Jax asked as he watched Happy sharpen his collection of knifes to use on your father. "Just need to be a little sharper but when I get a hold of him they will be dull once again". He laughed. "You crazy dude". They both broke out in laughter. Jax's phone rang it was Opie. "Yeah"? "He's here but he's not alone". "Guys"? "No, more like you pay by the hour". Opie chuckled. "Alright, watch him and make sure no one else shows up". "You got it". "Hap, it's time, he's at the hotel". "I'm going to call Bobby and tell them to meet us at the hotel". "Tell him to pick up so extra gas, we're going to need it". "A fire extinguisher too". "I don't want to ask". "Then dont". Jax, Happy and Bobby all met at the hotel. They found Opie, Juice and Tig watching your dad threw a bush facing the hotel room window. He was chatting up the girl. "So whats the plan"? "We bust in take him and pay her off". "Sounds good to me". "Alright everyone ready"? They all cocked their guns, storming to the door. Happy did the honor in kicking the door down. Guns blazing, the girl screaming and throwing herself around the room, Tig trying to control her. Your father sitting in a chair like nothing was going on. "I told you". Happy jerked him up. "So you did but did you think I didn't know you were coming"? "I already sent my gift to Y/N". He let out a scary laugh. Happy taped his mouth, hands and feet together throwing him in the van, slamming the door. "Bobby, you take Juice and the Washington guys back to TM and find the gift, dont let her see it until I get there". "Make sure its not a bomb". "You think its a bomb"? "With him anything is possible". All gearing up Jax and his crew rode one way, Bobby and his crew rode back to Charming. Tig and Happy drug your father into the building, Happy had his station all set up. Jax ripped the tape off of his mouth. "We're going to enjoy this". He sneered at him. "Jackson, how is your mother, Gemma the queen of the bikers thugs"? "You leave my mother out of this". "She has everything to do with this, she made me this way". "Taking my daughter away from me, she should be here in this chair". "You need to shut the hell up". Jax punched him. Happy came over with his tools. "You deserve everything I'm going to do to you". He pulled out a scalpel. "So you must be the boyfriend"? "You better treat my daughter right". "I treat her like a queen and I will always protect her, from monsters like you". Happy grabbed your fathers arm, taking the scalpel cutting into his arm from the elbow to his wrist. His screams filled the room, making it echo. Happy sliced the skin back, pulling it open. Blood dripping to the floor, it traveled to the drain in the center of the room. "Tig, gas now". Happy demanded. Tig shook his head but handed him the gas can. Happy poured a little in the open wound. Jax lit a cigarette, giving it to Happy as he flicked off the lit part in your fathers arm. Making it go up in flames. His screams were worse and the smell of burning flesh filled the air. Everyone covered their noses. Happy took the extinguisher and hosed his arm off, making him whimper. "That's a little fucked up brother". Tig patted Happys shoulder. "I'm not finished yet, if you cant handle it go wait outside". That's when Phil, Ratboy and a few others went outside. "You still alive"? Jax poked at your father. "I'm not dead". Your father whispered out. "Good, here comes more". Happy did the same to the other arm. Then he moved him to the table, slicing up his chest, breaking off one rib at a time, pouring gas in the wounds and lighting it on fire. Happy had to stop to make sure he didnt die, he wasn't done punishing him for what he did. "Don't die on me, I'm now just having fun". Happy turned your father over on his stomach making him scream. His voice was horse. Happy got a hammer and jagged screws. Hammering into your fathers back, twisting it with laughter, hearing him scream. Jax stood there with a smile of approval. "You think he has had enough"? Tig asked both Jax and Happy. "No". "Okay then, continue". There was a burn barrel outside that had hot knifes and pokers. Happy went out and returned with the knife he was sharpening before. Happy started at the nap of your fathers neck, burning and slicing around his hair line. He was scalping him with a hot knife. The room was felled with burning flesh and hair, mixed with horsed screams and laughter. It was a great day to be alive, if you were Happy Lowman and Jax Teller. "Where do you come up with this shit"? "I always wanted hair". Happy chuckled, leaving a very frighten face on Tig. Happy pulled the rest of his scalp off, putting it on the table. Grabbing a pick and a hammer. He started to chisel away at his skull. "This will make a great bowl, I think I'll keep my fingers in it". Happy looked at Jax, not stopping what he was doing. "Your choice". He had the bone off and placed it beside the scalp. They could see his brain twitch, Happy played with the veins, taking his finger, running it along them. Once again Happy asked Tig for the gas. He poured some on his head and back. Lighting it up. It made your father shriek in pain, thrashing around on the table. "Lets put him out, he needs to know somethings". Jax motioned to Tig. Tig sprayed the flames out, the thrashing stopped. "Turn him over". By this time, your father was completely burned, unrecognizable and surprisingly still alive. "You listen up, Y/N has moved on and is loving her new life. She didn't and doesnt want you in it, thats why you're here. I shouldn't have let her go with you but you just kept on and on and mom gave in. Then you took her away from her family, we missed birthdays and christmas's that we will never get back. She lost more, her innocence. You took that away from her, that was special to her and you used it like it was a dirty toilet. Using it and having others do the same. You should be in prison but this is much much better. Knowing we get to take your life makes up for it too and knowing your dead makes her better. She doesnt have to watch over her shoulder to make sure you're not just going to pop back into her life again". Jax stood over his body, smoking a cigarette, blowing the smoke in his face. Happy came up on the other side of the table. "Y/N is my old lady and I love her. I wish I knew her when she was little cause I would have killed you the moment I seen you. You look like a monster that everyone warns you about. I'm crazy and a killer but I am not you, she will never be yours or even like you. I'm going to our house with our dog and I'm going to tell her everything I did to you and when she cries tears of joy and thanks God that you are no longer here, I did my job as a protector and a boyfriend". Happy and Jax looked at each other. "Finish it". Jax held open your fathers mouth as Happy poured in gas and throwing the rest on his body. Jax flicked the cigarette on his body. Making it go up in flames, his whole body burning. His mouth looked like a fire volcano. They all stood back and watched. Tig had the fire extinguisher ready. "Its done brother, go home and take care of Y/N, we'll finish this". Jax and Happy hugged, Happy grabbed his things and rode off on his bike.
Meanwhile, you were snuggled up to Shiv laying on the bed. Until he started to whimper to go outside. You gathered the leash and hooked it to him. Walking out. "Where you going"? Your guard asked. "He has to pee". "You can't go out there". "Well do you really want piss and crap in the club house cause I know for sure that Jax would have a shit storm raining on your ass if you said no to me"? "He gave me orders to protect you". "Then come with me, I think you can walk outside, you look like you could use some fresh air, I know I could". "Alright, ten minutes, no more". "Okay". You rolled your eyes, following him out the front door. The cool night air hitting you, making you breathe easy. You let Shiv off his leash and he ran to the play ground, sniffing around. "Have you heard anything from the guys"? "No ma'am". "Don't call me that you make me feel old". You laughed, he lowered his head. You two chatted, the sun had just set, you could see the stars popping out. It was beautiful. The both of you were laughing as the gate opened, several motorcycles pulling in. It was Bobby. Running over to him, you looked for Happy and Jax to come in next but then didn't. You started to worry. "Where's Hap and Jax"? "They are taking care of some things, they should be here soon". He rubbed your arm. "Why arent you with them"? "Have you received anything, like a gift"? "No, why"? You questioned. "Just wanting to know". He started to walk off but you grabbed his arm, stopping him. "Bobby"? He sighed. "Your father mentioned a gift he was sending you and Jax thinks it may be a bomb". "Holy shit". You covered your mouth with your hand. Could he really go that far and try to kill you? "Don't worry, thats why I'm here, to make sure its not". You nodded your head. "Lets get you back inside okay". Following Bobby, you searched for Shiv he was still sniffing the ground. Whistling you got his attention, he pattered over, pawing at your leg as you bent down to pick him up, heading inside. "Bobby, I'm going to put him in the doom, I'll be right back". You say. "Alright, don't worry". He smiled. Closing the door you noticed a black box sitting on the table next to Shiv's bed, you thought it was one that Happy brought from the house. So you sat on the bed and opened it.
Meanwhile, in the crowded bar Happy had arrived. He was telling Bobby everything that happened and Jax might need some help to get rid of the aftermath of his torture. "Where's Y/N"? "She went to put Shiv to bed and she will be right out". Happy grabbed a beer, taking a breather until he heard the terrifying scream coming from his door where you were. Happy darted to the scream, breaking down the door. There you sat with a look like you just saw a ghost. You trembled, Shiv was barking at Happy and everyone gathered around the door with their guns drawn. "Y/N"? He walked slowly to you. Not saying anything, you handed him the box. His eyes widened. The contents of the box contained a doll, with the eyes missing, the head removed and placed beside it. The dolls skin was burned and it had pins sticking out of its body. "Fuck". Happy handed the box to Bobby. "How did that get in here"? Happy ordered to know. "It was sitting at the gate with her name on it, so I brought it in here". A Washington prospect whispered out. "I'll take care of you later". Happy pointed at him. He came over and wrapped his arms around you as you sobbed. "Why would he do that"? "Just a finally way to get you fucked up again, so you can suffer". You sniffled, wiping your nose. "That was my favorite doll as a kid, it got left behind when Jax came". "I'm sorry you have to see that". Happy kissed your head, moving the hair from your face. "I need to tell you something". "Yeah"? "We found your father, he was in a accident". He lied. "Is he alive"? "No". Happy wanted to tell her what he did but after she received a burned doll, that was exactly like how he did her father. He decides not too, right at this moment any way. She just needed time to process what happened. "Did you cause it"? You looked him in the eyes. Well so he thought. "Do you really want to know now"? "Yes". "I burned him alive, I cut, sliced and put screws in. I made him a human volcano". "I regret nothing". Happy told it like it was. "Where's Jax"? "He's cleaning up". "It's like he knew that he was going out that way, burning". "That's why he did that to the doll and sent it". "Y/N, I don't know but all I know it that you are safe and you don't have to worry about him anymore". "Thank you". You hugged him tightly. "Anything for you Y/N, you're my everything and I hate to see you hurt". "I love you Happy". "I love you too". His lips met yours, softly kissing you. Happy broke free and stood up, lifting up his shirt to show a freshly done smiley face tattoo. "When did you do that"? You looked it over. "Right before I came here, it took maybe ten minutes". "I love it". You kissed his stomach, making him shiver. "But why is it different from the others"? You noticed the burn mark on its face. "Because this kill meant something, I want to remember how it happened and every time I do, I'll see that smile on your face right now". "How did I get so lucky"? You asked standing up with him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I was thinking the same thing". He grinned, leaning into kiss you once again. After the mess with your father coming back into your life, Happy became a lot more protective. He wasn't letting anything else bad happen to you. The two of you married in a quiet  ceremony with Shiv as your ring bearer. He was dressed in a little leather jacket that had the Reaper on the back with his name on the front with his position, Protector and Face Eater. Life was a pool of sharks and every step you tried to take one would bite you leaving a wound in your body until you found Happy, he patched you up and protected you from predators cause when he came in your life he was the hunter and the predators became the prey. You thanked and loved him for that.
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ohdeerlings · 6 years
mushi hime rant hahahhaahfdsjh
just posting my long-winded summary i typed immediately after finished reading to talk about how bad it was; it ended up a lot longer than i intended and now i feel like i should at least keep what i put effort into typing =___=
so it starts with this guy who's been getting recurring nightmares of a girl who shapeshifts into a monster with a huge mouth and teeth eating him
one day a transfer student comes in and looks exactly like her(already outplayed trope of having dreams for no reason of reality that doesnt ever get explained, and it happens lots of times throughout
)around the same time strange events start happening around town: ex, truck driver found by police with markings of a mass insect attack, dogs and pets all getting attacked by swarms of ants and filling up the vet hospitals
the narrative goes back and forth btwn:
- the guy's (Ryoichi's) POV in class where he's just not approaching her and wary of her bc of his dream; he's Not Like Other Boys who get all horny over her bc she's perfect (beautiful, smart, mysteriously quiet, physically adept)
- and btwn this stereotypically wacky/eccentric scientist who was consulted by the police with the first caseturns out the scientist has been tracking down a series of seemingly unrelated murders that follow a clear path ending at Ryoichi's town
throughout the story there's some not so subtle dialogues about the earth going through global warming and species dying
the scientist spiels to some insignificant characters about how humans arent long for this earth, etc etc and how insects are amazing because of their adaptational abilities
he seems to know the transfer student girl, Kikuchi and is trying to track her down
meanwhile kikuchi is character-developed as some clearly dangerous but morally compromised monster-human hybrid who Only Preys on Bad Guys or people around at the wrong time
she gets hit on by some lecherous perv who asks her to karaoke and she actually agrees
there she straddles him and starts kissing him and then these tentacle things come ouit of her throat and go into his mouth
he slumps over and she leaves
the scientist-investigator duo are closing in on her and find the security camera tapes, from that they get a picture and show it around town to try to locate her
meanwhile Ryoichi is still like wow she's Scary and I'm Not Like Other Boys
then he happens to see her just as the old man from the karaoke bar (who seems to have not been killed and is just stumbling around acting drugged) finds her and attacks her
a fucking needle spike comes out of her arm and she defends herself by stabbing him and puncturing his skull and killing him
he sees all that and shes like well guess you're my hostage now and takes him to his house
she's also attracted to him inexplicably, partially because He's Not Like Other Boys and shes like WHY ISNT HE SECRETING PHEROMONES FOR ME(she can smell that
)then there's a weird "erotic" scene where she forces him onto the bed and deep throats him with her mouth tentacles
then there's just a LOT of dialogue thrown at us at once with the scientist just explaining a shit ton to his investigation partner whose character clearly only exists for hte sake of exposition
turns out he had a colleague when he worked on a super secret gov funded experiment called biosphere 2 where they sealed off a forest and bombed it with radiation and pollution n shit
they found that it endured a lot at first and it was because of the bugs (?) that it did until the bugs disappeared and were nowhere to be found, then the forest just died
they looked around and found mutated bugs sleeping inside the earth
his colleague had a daughter back then with a terminal illness so out of desperation he injected the dna of the mutated insects into her, hoping their resilience would change her body to survive the illness
so she lived but she was clearly not human, farming off of her dad - she wasnt able to produce endorphins anymore so her tentacle things would secrete an enzyme to get hte host to produce lots of endorphins and she would take it, creating a dependency
bc she was the only of her species to exist she felt a need to procreate so she also kept trying to mate with her dad 
then we find out that her dad had an identical twin who was raised by foster parents - and thats Ryoichi's dad, making Ryoichi and Kikuchi technically cousins, and genetically half-siblings
so thats why she was Inexplicably drawn to that town, and to him
she was wandering through japan because at some point her dad tried to kill her for humanity's sake, but bc of a random flood their town was wiped out and he wasnt able to kill her and she disappeared/survived the flood thanks to her ability to mutate in environmental changes
meanwhile she's been keeping him hostage to feed off of his endorphins and creating a dependency in him for the enzymes she would give him
until his mom accidentally comes into his room and sees, then she runs away and dies falling down the stairs lol
then he's all like ytou're a monster!!!!! and she threatens to kill the girl-next-door character in his friend group who seemed to have a thing for him/vice versa
so he's like: ill do anything just spare her!!!! 
so she forces him to answer the door when his friends are like why havent u been going to class and tell them to fuck off/be a dick to them
while theyre walking outside after to go somewhere else the scientist sees the girl (Chiken) and is like hEY you look sad and depressed there's nothing possibly else that could make u feel like that except having your childhood crush abducted by a halfhuman-half locust succubus
he shows her the picture and she recognizes her and leads him back to the house
then he gets a rifle to try to shoot her and theres a whole fight scene where she uses her pheromones to call upon the insects to swarm
ryoichi is useless because he found his moms corpse lying in the bathtub getting consumed by maggots she asked to fully decompose the body
then the scientist gets a couple shots in and fends her off, meanwhile random police get in the way to stop what looks just like a home invasion and she disappears
they take ryoichi into the hospital bc all the endorphin harvesting and brain fuckery has him weak
then ryoichi's dad comes in and is like how do you recognize who i am!! to the scientist who explains
oh yeah that's the point at which we find out ryoichi and kikuchi are related
and then he's still having dreams where she vores him and he's both horrified and wants it
meanwhile entire city is getting swarmed by insects in a disaster scene with society breaking down etc etc
kikuchi tracks them down by following ryoichi's scent (?)
then they have one last battle where they try to use the dad as a distraction bc he looks identical to her dead father
and somehow the scientist just FINDS specific chemicals/enzymes to throw on her and weaken the part of her thats an insect
also earlier before she got there he  whips out the mutant insect dna out of nowhere? like the extremely valuable dna that he should have no business just finding/still carrying around
and is like
hey lets inject ourselves with this because humanity is getting wiped out and attacked by insects rn anyway, the only way to live i sto adapt
but no one does it (lmao pointless inclusion) 
then they defeat her in a big struggle with ryoichi getting farmed on by her again and instead of just taking it has a Miraculous realization past the drugs that oh no this person is killing everyone i love
and CHOMPS on her tentacle thigns while their mouths are connected
scientist injuects her with more random dna he has to compromise her mutant dna and the insect swarming stops bc of the internal biological shit happening and she's writhing oon the ground
then looks like she dies
they try to escape the basement theyve been in because its suddenly flooding (no reason lmfao)
on the way out they get stopped by a teacher that she pricked with her spike earlier on who's been missing from school and his "insect bite" changed his behavior/ultimately made him into a different part human part bug who tries to kill them
then kikuchi who -surprise- hadnt died!@!! shows up again but now she's blond and looks almost exactly like Ryoichi (who is blond) because the thing the scientist injected in her enabled her to adapt to the water and she's still a  mutatn but Less Evil Somehow and he's like i thOUGHT U DIED.... I ACTUALLY LOVE YOU.. 
then epilogue is the scientist goign through his life normally and the city is recovered from the insect swarm and he sees another random global warming thing in the news and is like
“its only a matter of time before humanity perishes, but now is not that time....we're good.............,,,,,,,for now...and i know somewhere underwater something of humanity's legacy will live on”
and it cuts to ryoichi and kikuchi hugging in a very Shape of Water way underwater with tentacle thigns cause they went to live in the ocean
then there s a bad window for a sequel showing the teacher guy - SURPRISE - not actuially dead and crunching on humans in a sewer somewhere
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professor-hiddles · 6 years
One and Only pt.2
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pairing: peter parker x reader
word count: 3.9k
warnings: super minor mentions of death, post-breakup brooding & again, cute lil peter
Your hospital visit was nothing out of the ordinary, the E.R. staff knew you by name at this point. After playing sports your whole life, breaking bones here and there, you’re bound to end up in a hospital at one point or another. The last time you were there, it was a fractured wrist from falling during soccer practice. Your doctor told you to take it easy, but ‘easy’ wasn’t in your vocabulary.
Your doctor, Dr. Collins, decided it would be best if you stayed overnight, just so they could watch for any potential internal bleeding or other complications. This sounded absolutely ridiculous to you, but understandable to your father.
“Honey, its only one night. I’m sure you’ll survive. Anyway, I gotta go, I have to pick up your brother before work. I’m working the night shift today, but call if you need anything, I love you,” your dad said, kissing you on the forehead and walking out. Now, it was just you and your thoughts left in the room.
[P.P.] Hey, Y/N, how’s the hospital?
You smiled at the text, happy that someone actually cared enough to text you.
[Y/N] eh, could have been worse, but nothing I haven’t seen before lol the food still sucks, and my dad left so i’m a little lonely at the moment
[P.P.] What if I told u I was on my way there? I might bring food too if ur nice lol
Just as you put your phone down, there was a soft knock on your door. Your head snapped up, to find Peter standing there, pizza box and teddy bear in hand. A wide smile formed on your face, and you beckoned for him to come in.
“Peter! You brought food!” You threw an arm around him, careful not to further agitate your already hurting ribcage.
He chuckled, opening the box and handing you a slice. “Thought you might want some company. I was actually on my way up when I texted you, and then I saw the gift shop, and this little guy was just calling my name,” he said, handing you the bear.
“Now I wont be lonely! Also, I don’t think this counts as our date, so I’d be more than willing to go out with you as soon as I’m out of here,” you said, smile still planted on your face.
He smiled, knowing that the both of you subconsciously counted this as a date, but neither cared to admit it. He grabbed your hand, squeezing it a bit.
“That would be awesome, Y/N. So maybe we should start brainstorming? Like ideas for the date, you know?” He almost looked nervous, though you doubted that this was his first actual date. You nodded your head, pulling a piece of paper from your backpack that your dad left. ‘Do some homework, Y/N. Keep your mind on track.’
Even in the hospital you couldn’t catch a break.
“Alright, so, what do you want to do? Movies, dinner, hang out; what style of date do you fancy, Mr. Parker?” You joked, smiling. The gears were turning in his head, trying to think of places he liked.
“Okay, well there is this one spot, right in the middle of Central Park, there’s a huge-ass rock that I like to lay on and look at the stars, but I get it if its too far for you. I know you  sometimes have to watch your brother, so if you want to stay closer to home, I’m sure I could think of somewh—“ You put a hand over his mouth to stop his rambling.
“Peter, that sounds perfect. It really doesn’t matter if its a kind of far, I can always get my neighbor to watch my brother. If it’s somewhere you recommend, I’m sure I’ll love it. Now, when do you want to go?” You chewed on the end of the pen, heart fluttering at the thought of actually going on a date with him.
“How’s Friday? I could swing by around 7? You know, if you feel good enough, with your cracked rib and all.” He chuckled a little under his breath, at the small spider-man pun he made. You didn’t seem to catch it, which was a small relief for him. 
You nodded, setting the date in your calendar. “You’ve got yourself a date, now hopefully I can convince my dad to let me go. He’s too protective sometimes, you know?” Peter laughed, thinking of his Aunt May, and how protective she was. His phone then buzzed with an important message from Tony Stark, signaling it was time for him to leave.
“Yeah, I completely understand. Speaking of protective family, I gotta get going. My Aunt May would kill me if she knew I wasn’t at decathlon practice right now,” he said, watching for your reaction. Your face did fall a bit, but you understood why he had to go.
“Don’t miss me too much, Parker. Text me when you get home though, so I know you’re safe, ok?” He nodded his head, giving you a quick hug and a kiss on the head before making his way out.
Once you were alone, you looked at the small bear that he bought for you. You noticed it was dressed like Spider-man, which made you laugh a bit.
“Guess its just me and you now, Spidey. Hope you like ‘How I met Your Mother,’ ‘cause thats what I’m putting on.” Your hand reached for the remote, and you settled into the hospital bed, with a slice of pizza and the bear.
The next morning, you were woken up to doctors and nurses clamoring around your room. You rubbed your eyes, confused as to what was going on. Your father was there, arguing with the doctor, who apparently wanted to keep you there for another night.
“Oh, good, you’re awake. How do you feel? Any pain? Nausea? Vomiting?” The doctor was moving you around, getting your heartbeat, checking the wounded area, looking very frazzled.
“No, I feel absolutely fine. Great, in fact. Why is everyone so antsy? Did something happen while I was sleeping?” You were incredibly confused, no one wanted to tell you anything.
“Sweetpea, this might sound strange, but the doctors told me that somehow, your rib healed itself while you were sleeping. Something that should have taken at least a few weeks to heal, miraculously happened overnight. They want to keep you for further observation, but I don’t want you to be an experiment,” your father had a comforting hand on your shoulder, but your mind was struggling to grasp what had just been told to you.
Your first instinct was to poke the rib, for whatever reason. No pain. Your eyebrows furrowed, more puzzled than ever. How is this possible?
“Your daughter is a medical mystery to us, right now, Mr. Y/L/N. With your permission, we would like to take a blood sample, to see if theres maybe something strange going on within her,” the doctor said to your father, who had a nervous hand running through his hair.
“No. Absolutely not. If she’s healed, then I’m taking her home. She has school, after all,” he said, gathering your things. Dr. Collins was trying to get him to stop for a moment, but your father wasn’t having it.
“Sir, I really don’t think thats the best thing to do right now. If we can figure out what exactly is going on, we could potentially help so many people,” the doctor said, trying to convince him. Your father still refused, he didn’t want them poking and prodding at you, and since you were still a minor, you didn’t have much of a say.
“Like I said, absolutely not. If she want’s to do this when she’s eighteen, thats going to be her decision. But while she’s under my protection, I’m going to have to say no,” He signed the discharge papers, and you were out.
It was a bit irrational, but you knew why your father said no. Your mother died in the same hospital three years ago, after a gunshot to the abdomen. She had lost too much blood, and the doctors couldn’t do anything. Your father blamed the doctors and the hospital, so he was reluctant to even take you for minor injuries.
You decided not to break the awkward silence in the car, so instead you took out your phone and texted Peter.
[Y/N] guess whatttttt
[P.P.] what????
[Y/N] i got discharged!! i still have to go to school though :((
[P.P.] its only 7:30am how are you out so soon?? i was sure they would keep you at least until noon
[P.P.] also yikes @ the school thing
[Y/N] apparently my bones healed overnight its super weird
[Y/N] brb trying to shoot webs rn
[Y/N] catch me as the next member of the avengers bb
[P.P.] im sure spiderman would love to have you as his sidekick
[Y/N] if either one of us had to be a sidekick its you peter parkour
[P.P.] keep telling yourself that lol
[P.P.] wait did you just call me parkour
[Y/N] yep i did meanie
You slipped your phone into your pocket chuckling when your dad pulled up in front of your house.
“Go take a quick shower and change your clothes, Y/N. I gotta have you at school for third period,” he said, chuckling at your groan.
“Do I have to go? Its not like anyone would miss me, dad,” you said, giving your best puppy dog eyes. He almost fell for it, but shook his head at the last second, telling you that you had to go.
You trudged into the house, dreading going to school. Another groan escaped your lips as you realized that you had practice today, and since your rib was healed, you couldn’t use that as an excuse. You took your sweet time getting ready, much to your fathers chagrin. You were finally dressed and ready to go an hour later, your dad shaking his head, because it shouldn’t take that long for someone to shower and put on a hoodie with sweats.
You rode the whole car ride with your hood up, headphones in. When your dad finally pulled up in front of the school, you left the car reluctantly, backpack hanging off one shoulder.
Your hood was still up, and you sat down in third period physics with a sigh. Formulas littered the board, a barely audible groan escaped, as Peter looked over from the seat next you, chuckling. Your teacher was going on about angular velocity at the moment, but everything went in one ear and out the other.
“You look like hell, spider-girl,” he said, trying to contain a laugh. You shot a glare his way, tightening your hood around your face. You slumped further down in your chair, wishing you were invisible, or sleeping.
“I feel like it too, parkour. I’d rather be back at the hospital being tested, dude. Anything would be better than physics right now,” you said, pouting and turning back to the notes on the board.
The rest of the day went by rather slowly, until you got to practice. You jogged onto the field, greeting the rest of your team and your coach. She told you to take it easy, but you had no intention of actually listening.
The drill that was currently going on was weaving, your favorite. The ball had started at you, and was going smoothly until the two girls with you decided only to pass to each other. This frustrated you, as you knew they just wanted to pity you for being hurt the day prior.
You let out an angry groan, charging after the ball even though it wasn’t your turn. If they don’t want to play fair, we won’t.
You dribbled the ball down the field, people were yelling at you, but you drowned it out. Your team’s goalie looked more than ready to block your shot, but all it took was a fake left and shot right to score on her.
Adrenaline pumped through you as you smiled, walking back up the field. You heard someone cheering for you on the sidelines, surprised to see Peter in the stands. Your smile grew wider, and you waved to him, acknowledging his cheering.
You could have sworn you heard him yell ‘thats my girl’ but you just shook it off, deducing that your ears were playing tricks on you.
“Y/L/N, what the hell was that? You just screwed up that whole drill! Not cool, Y/N,” one of the girls, Casey Jones, said, looking aggravated. You scoffed, ready to fight back, but your coach spoke up for you.
“No, she did exactly what I would have done. You two weren’t passing to her. This drill is about team work, not exclusion. So, if I’m not mistaken, Casey, you and Adriana are the ones who are ‘not cool’. You two can sit on the sidelines and watch until you figure out how to work as a team,” your coach said, earning glares from the two girls as they walked to the side, but ultimately they stopped talking.
“Thanks, coach,” you said, giving her a small, grateful smile. She clapped you on the back, turning away.
“Its no big deal, really. I’m proud of you for taking charge in that drill, you executed that shot perfectly, Y/N, and apparently I’m not the only one who thinks so,” she said, nodding her head toward Peter.
“Oh, we’re not together, coach. Its..complicated,” you said, before taking a sip of your water.
“I saw him with you at the nurse’s office the other day, you two looked pretty cozy. But, if you say its nothing, then I guess I have to believe it. All I’m gonna say is that you could have fooled me,” and with that, your coach turned and walked back onto the field, leaving you standing there, smiling like an idiot.
You looked back over, looking to see if he was still there. He wasn’t in the stands anymore, he was talking to Liz Toomes. Of course, I should have known. Every negative possibility ran through your head in that moment.
You jogged off the field, trying to figure out why Liz was the center of his attention. He had been so flirty with you, even going to the lengths of setting up a date, and you couldn’t help but wonder if his intentions with you were simply platonic. You knew he had a ‘crush’ on Liz last year, he was always staring at her, he even took her to homecoming! It hurt you, you had really thought that he was over her.
Granted, you did have a boyfriend last year, that was the only reason for why Peter went after Liz. Of course, you didn’t know that. He was seeking comfort, since you couldn’t be his at the time.
Your boyfriend had broken up with you over the summer, and it made you sad to say the least. The two of you were in love, or so you thought. He was cheating on you with a girl on your team, forcing you to question the integrity of the whole relationship.
Even when he broke up with you, it was done maliciously, he never wanted you to date anyone else. He decided that it would be best to break your spirit, not just your heart. In turn, you moped around for all of August, barely wanting to go outside. 
You barely even got out of bed. Your family had no idea what to do, your brother would try to comfort you, by bringing in little lego creations. Your father bought endless pints of ice cream, it was a wonder how you didn’t weigh 300 pounds by the end of summer. He had never been on the receiving end of a breakup, he had no idea how to get you through it.
He decided it might help to call his old college friend, May Parker. Unfortunately, she couldn’t make it, so she sent Peter instead, knowing that the two of you went to school together (and because he had a crush on you, but he didn’t know that she knew).
Of course, Peter was over the moon that he got to see you, but also heartbroken at the sight of your sadness. He broke things off with Liz that same week, but the two were still friends. He did everything that he could to make you feel better, he even sat through your favorite Disney movies with you.
It was perfect, but only lasted for a few days. You both had obligations, Peter with his Stark Internship, and you with your volunteer work. The two of you didn’t see each other again until school, and that brings us to the current time.
After seeing Peter with Liz, you went to the locker room, muttering under your breath. You slammed your locker closed, the girls around you jumping at the sudden noise. You whispered a quick ‘sorry,’ and left the room. You moved through the halls of your school quickly, hood up trying not to draw any attention to yourself.
It wasn’t unlike you to be seen in the library, its where you went to cool off. You settled into a chair in the back, cracking open the first book you pulled off the shelf, which happened to be 'Norse Myths and Gods: A History.’
You loved reading about mythology and gods from all cultures, it fascinated you to every extent of the word. You opened the book to see weapons and tools, your eyes falling on one, called the Megingjörð. Apparently, it was a belt worn by Thor, God of Thunder, said to double his strengths, but current whereabouts are unknown, if it was even real.
You were shaken out of your concentration when a body plopped down in front of you, causing you to jump a bit. You looked up, eyes falling on the one person you didn’t want to see.
“Norse Gods, huh? You know Tony Stark’s met Thor? Apparently he’s a super cool dude, super buff, too,” Peter said, flipping through the book. You pulled the book out of his hands, eyes focusing back on the page.
Without looking up, you replied flatly, “Thats nice, Peter.”
You saw his face drop from your peripheral vision, and he looked down at his hands.
“Did I do something? Y/N, whats going on?” He asked, barely a whisper. Your heart nearly broke at the sight, he looked genuinely upset.
“No, nothing. Its my fault for thinking that someone would actually want to be with me. But I guess I don’t really deserve to be happy,” you said, trying to focus on the book instead of looking at him. He grabbed your hand, desperately trying to figure out why you would say such a thing.
“Y/N, why would you think that? Did someone say something to you? ‘Cause if they did I’ll beat them up, I swear,” He said, puffing his chest outward, you caught your lips turning upward.
“No one had to say anything, Peter. I saw you talking to Liz earlier, so if you want, you can go talk to her and let me wallow in my pity party,” you took your hand from his, putting your attention back on the page of the book.
He looked around, trying to get a sense of what was going on, and then it clicked. “Y/N, can you look at me please? Are you jealous of Liz?” he said, pushing the book down with a finger.
You huffed, closing the book and looking dead at him. “What do you think?”
“I think that you have absolutely no reason to be jealous. She’s in my calculus class, and needed the notes from todays lesson. And if we’re really talking about deserving things right now, I honestly think you deserve the world. Come on, I have something to show you,” He grabbed your hand, pulling you up. You barely had time to grab your bag off the floor, he was pulling you to the door.
He took you in front of a set of lockers, nothing particularly out of the ordinary. “Okay, you have to promise not to tell anyone about what I’m about to show you. I need you to swear, Y/N,” he was looking you in the eye, holding a pinky out for you to swear on.
You grabbed his pinky with yours, rolling your eyes. “Alright, so whats so special about this set of lockers?”
A grin crossed his features, as he looked from you to the lockers. He bent down, and with seemingly no effort at all, he picked up the set of lockers, pulling out a small bottle.
“Dude, what the hell?! How did you just pick up those lockers? They have to weigh like a thousand pounds!”
He didn’t answer the question, instead just tossing you the bottle of a very sticky substance. “Uh, Peter, I know we’re close and all, but I don’t know if we’re this close.”
Peter looked confused for a moment, before disgust and amusement both appeared on his face at the same time. “Ugh, Y/N, thats so gross. Why would I keep that in a bottle?”
You shrugged, looking between the bottle and the boy in front of you. “So what is it?”
“This, is my Stark Internship. This stuff is the webbing that Spider-man uses. I made it myself,” he said, looking awfully proud of his creation.
“Wait, theres no way. Why would Tony Stark ask a sixteen year old to make Spider-man’s web fluid?” you asked, placing one hand on your hip and looking closely at the bottle.
“It’s a story for another day. Look, I can prove to you that this is the web fluid. Do you trust me?” he said, holding out a hand, which you reluctantly took.
“I guess so, why? How do you plan on proving it?” he again neglected to answer the question, taking the bottle from your hand and pulling you away from the school. You walked with him until the two of you reached an alleyway, your skepticism only growing.
He placed his bag down on the floor, reaching into it. He dug around for a moment, before seemingly landing on what he was looking for. He pulled out a small contraption, it looked like a high tech bracelet of some sort.
“You pulled me all the way out here for a damn bracelet?” you asked, growing frustrated with the boy for the lack of answers you were receiving.
“Just watch, its worth it, I promise.” He said, pulling the gadget onto his wrist. He stepped away from you, aiming his hand at a fire escape that was around three stories high.
“Are you sure this isn’t dangerous, Peter? What if you fall?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest. He shot you a smile, before shooting his web at the fire escape. It brought him up effortlessly, and he landed with such grace that it seemed like he’d done this a million times over.
You stood there, mouth agape, as the realization dawned on you.
Holy shit, Peter Parker is Spider-man.
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the-fiction-witch · 7 years
Save Ya
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I stood sorting out my horse to go out when I heard maggie behind me
“Where the hell are you off too?” she asks
“Oh nowhere... just going for a ride” I answer
“Not without some supper in ya your not come on your getting too dam skinny” she says so I sigh going inside and sitting with her having some soup she made me “where are you going off to today?” she asked
“Nowhere...” I tell her
“Whitey, I’ve seen ya riding off every other day, where are ya going?” she asks
“Visiting a Girl” I blush
“Really...I who’s the lucky lady then?” she asks
“Y/n Y/L/N” I smile
“Y/L/N? isnt that the old crazy guy just down the river?” she asks
“well...he has a daughter, Y/n she’s a fortune teller now” i explain
“really? is she just a friend or....” she smirked and I just shrug
“I do really like her, but I can’t tell how she feels about me” I shrug as i finsih up my food
“Fine but be careful, didnt ya hear what happened to the last boy who kept visiting the house down the river?” she asked
“no” I shrug
“when Mr Y/L/N was a bit more with it a little boy kept visiting his daughter to play games one day they where playing kiss chase the boy tried to kiss her and he shot him” she explained and I just gulp “Just be careful all Im saying” she says before leaving back into town so I sigh going out again and finishing up with my horse and going off town the roads following the river down out of the way of town and far from almost any civilization except a few farms here and there until at last I saw the little house by the river with the little veg growing outside and logs pilled up for the fire some clothes hung out on a line I stopped a little far away putting my guns away before going closer soon enough the dog by the door sat up and growled at me before until I saw it was me and the dog ran up to my horse woofing and jumping trying to play 
“Okay okay, Maxie Give me a sec” i told the dog stopping my horse and tieing him up close to the river so he could drink “Hey Maxie” i tell the dog giving her a stroke and she kept licking me like crazy trying to play still woofing like mad
“Maxie what on earth is the matter” Y/n says coming out the door and Maxie returned to her happily “WHITEY!” she giggled running and hugging me
“Whoa! Hi Y/n” I smile hugging her tightly too
“WHO IS IT!” I heard her father shout from the door
“It’s just whitey papa” she smiles back pulling away from our hug “well what can I do for you today?” she smiles
“Just the usual Y/n i just wanted to come see you” i smile at her
“come on then” she smiles taking my hand and dragging me inside the house with her having to go past her father who looked at me evilly as she walked me though the living room and kitchen though to her little bedroom, the room is as simple as any other room but with rugs on the floor and a table in the middle where she does all her work  her bed tucked up in the corner covered with alot of blankets and teddy bears and a shelf to the other side with all sorts of little potions and things on she doesn't have a door just a curtain of all sorts of ribbons and beads so if you where no open side you couldn't see what was going on  “sit down” she smiles so I sit in the chair I normally do and she sits in the one across from me getting her cards sitting them on the table “ready?” she asks and I nod setting out a bunch of cards 
“Uhhh That one” I tell her pointing to the third card so she flipped it over it was luck “Yes!” I smile happily
“you always get luck” she laughs
“Clearly I’m lucky” I laugh
“Very lucky, I wish you could bloody give me some good luck” she smiled continuing to flip cards “Ohhh In balance” she smirked 
“is that good?” I ask her
“well it’s not bad reciserily” she laughs
“okay, so some as always” I ask
“Pretty much” she smiles
“Okay” I sigh “thanks anyway Y/n” I blush
“Your welcome whitey” she smiles “You know there is a easly more indepth way to read you know” she smiled
“Ohh how?” I ask her
“Give me your hand” she smiles so I let her pack her cards away and i put my hand on the table and she took my hand carefully running her little soft fingers across my hand looking so deeply at it “you have soft hands” she smiled
“Thank you, you do too” I tell her she was quiet for a moment before she laughed moving to get a cup of water putting a little water on my hand and moving her hands around with the water in my hand “Your hands are so dirty” she laughed getting the skirt of her dress to dry my hand “thats better, i can see the lines rather then just mud” she giggled
“what can you see?” I ask her
“your heart line crosses your life line, soon too” she laughed
“soo? what does that mean?” I ask her
“It means your gonna meet the woman you destined to be with, pretty soon I would say next few days or you've known her a month of so” she laughed “Or the man” she smiled
“The woman I hope” I laugh
“Just checking whitey” she laughs “Ohh your life line ends so abruptly” she sighs
“what like quick death?” i ask her
“yeah, I would say gun fight most likely knowing you” she laughed
“what else can you find out?” I ask her
“well...this line crosses your heart line...it means you have a big heart, but I already knew that” she giggled “This means your lucky, but should avoid being cocky it might get your hurt” she explained
“Y/N! GET OUT HERE!” Her father yelled
“I’ll be back in a minuet” she sighs giving my hand a little kiss before she got up and went out to her father I was lost for a moment in my own little world my hand tingeing so happy where she had kissed me I heard a bit of muffled shouting what I didn't hear just as her father came in 
“It’s time for you to go” her father told me
“Isn’t Y/n coming-” I begin
“she has chores to do, you run along home now, I’ll sure she’ll catch up next time she goes to town” he says so I sigh getting up and going out the little house giving Maxie a stroke as I went over to my horse sighing Y/n wasn't meant to be coming into town for another three weeks, I looked around outside hoping to see her but I couldn't I went to get on my horse when I noticed a little bit of paper on the saddle so I pick it up and I reconised Y/n’s sweet handwriting
“I’m so sorry I had to run off whitey, Papa said I had work to do, I will finish off what we where doing next time you visit...I would wait a few days while papa calms down, See You Soon Whitey X”
 it made me feel a bit better I know its not her fault it’s just her father being mean to her and not letting her do as she likes so I got up on my horse and went home trying to not use my hand to much the one she kissed still all giggly laying in bed trying to see the lines and things she sees in my hand but I couldn’t so i just went to sleep
I waited a few days before going off down the river again to her little house when I got there as usually Maxie went crazy trying to come over and say hello to me but her father was gardening and he grabbed Maxie by her collar not letting her go any further “What Do you want!” he snapped
“I’ll here to see y/n” I tell him 
“Y/n’s busy” he says
“It’s okay, maybe I could help her with-” I begin
“I said she’s busy! Too Busy to talk with a bastard like you” he says
“Where is Y/n?” I ask him “I just want to see her” I tell him 
“Y/N! STOP WASHING MA CLOTHES An GET OUT HERE!” he yells and within a couple seconds Y/n came out the house but she didn't run to me or hug me or even smile at me she looked like she was going to cry “there you seen her, now run off home” he tells me
“papa..Couldn’t I just-” she began
“Y/N! GO BACK INSIDE!”  he shouted
“papa one minuet please” she asks
“one minuet” He told her so she ran over hugging me tightly and he went inside with Maxie so I hugged her back
“Y/n what’s going on?” I ask her
“Nothing, I promise, it’s not safe to visit while papa is here, come back tomorrow afternoon he’s going to the salon across town” she smiles
“Y/n-” I begin
“Please whitey just do as I ask” she begs
“Of course y/n, are you sure you will be safe?” I ask her and she nodded gravely as her father came back out
“Thats a minuet, Y/n you come back inside now” he told her
“Yes papa” she said sadly leaving my arms and returning to her house 
“run of home now Kid” her father told me so I sighed getting back on my horse and going off back to town....
It got to about mid day so I rode out to Y/n’s little house again staying in the tree’s and bushes walking along side my horse every few steps I went I heard a noise it was rhythmic like  a muffled screaming so I hurried towards her little house but the sound stopped rather quickly but I kept going till I saw her little house her father was still there something had clearly happened as Y/n was laid on her stomach over a planter in the garden with her father stood just behind her lighting a smoke so I hid down under a little bush trying to hear what he was saying 
“I dont know why you bother screaming y/n it’s not lke someones going to hear ya” he laughed
“I’m sorry Papa” she said sounding like she was crying 
“Soon little Darling you will learn to just accept me, it will hurt so much less” he smirked holding her close and kissing her neck harshly THAT BASTARD! I quickly got my rifle from my horse laying on the floor trying to aim at him trying to take him out but he was too close to y/n I dont want to risk hitting her he then moved away from her sorting his horse to go I followed him for a moment but i felt a pain stick in my stomach a bit of glass in the sand sliced my skin open it wasn't gushing with blood but it did hurt alot so I had to let him ride off slowly getting up being in a lot of pain as I wonder over slowly to where y/n now stood hanging up some clothes
“whitey” she smiled before noting I was in pain “whats the matter?” she asked
“floor glass” I tell her
“Oh you poor thing, come with me” she smiled helping me into the house and laying me down on her bed after a couple seconds I feel asleep .... when I woke up Y/n was stood over me cleaning my cut up with some clean water and a few little herbs “Hi whitey” she blushed
“Hi...What- What are you doing?” I ask her noticing she was fiddling a lot with some things and my shirts where gone 
“Helping” she smiles “put a few little herbs and things in the right places and you’ll be back to normal in no time” she smiles fixing a bit of hair behind her ear and I saw her eye, she had a black eye
“Y/n? where did that come from?” i ask her trying to touch it
“Im fine” she says sharply putting my hand back down on her bed
“that’s not what I asked you Y/n” I tell her
“papa, caught me...trying to write, to tell you not to come till later” she explained
“Y/n...has he always done this to you?” I ask her and she just nods “why didn't you tell me y/n”
“It’s family business thats what papa says” she replies 
“But Y/n thats not normal thats not what families do to each other they dont punch each other the most you get is maybe a strong talking to or bed without dinner this...isnt right” I tell her
“It’s just how he’s always been” she says finishing up with my cut and wrapping it up 
“Thank you y/n” I tell her
“Its alright” she blushes giving the bandage a little kiss 
“Y/n...just before your father left, I saw you two outside....what was he doing to you?” I ask her
“I would rather not talk about it” she says sadly getting up and going to do something else over by her shelf 
“fine you dont have to talk about it, but when I ask you, you tell me the truth okay?” I ask her and she gravely nods still facing away from me “was it you who was screaming?” I ask and she just nods “was he hitting you?” I ask her and she just shakes her head “was he in any way disapining you?” i ask her and she just shakes her head and my heart broke realizing what he was doing to her “Y/n....Oh come here” I tell her and she happily runs over hugging tightly onto my chest for a moment “Y/n...was he...?” I begin and she just nodded “How long?” I ask her
“Since I was 12, when my mother died” she said sadly 
“Oh y/n Im so sorry, I cant believe I didn't notice, how did I not see it, it was so bloody obvious” I sigh
“I’m used to it” she said sadly getting up and getting a little bottle of something trying to put it on her eye but she kept flinching in pain so I took the bottle from her and doing it myself carefully taking care of her once it was all done she looked alright almost back to normal again “Thank you whitey” she smiled
“Your welcome” I tell her “Thank you for fixing me up” I tell her with a slight laugh
“Your welcome whitey” she smiled 
“I should really pay you back” I tell her 
“It’s fine whitey, couldn't leave you bleeding out on the doorstep” she laughs “besides I dont go out moneys not worth much to me” she sighs
“i didn't mean like money” I tell her
“Then what?” she asks backing her herbs and such away so I move her chin up to look at me and press a sweet kiss to her lips she didnt kiss back her heart rate going crazy when I pulled back I saw her face she looked shocked like she didn't know what to do so I quickly got up and got dressed again 
“I should uh...I should go” I tell her and she just nods I quickly grab my things and go out to my horse still tied up where I left him I felt like shit for a moment 
“whitey?” she says from her door making me turn back to face her she giggled slowly coming over to me putting her hands on my chest and kissing me I kissed her back wrapping my arms around her waist as we kissed “Same time next week” she smiles
“See you then my darling” I tell her before going off home 
I sat across the river waiting though the horrible sounds as Y/n’s father  as he made her her bend over before he left Why the hell didn't I bring my bloody rifle I cant hit him from here not with my guns not without being in danger of hurting y/n I just had to sit and listen to her quiet screams and cries “Oh dont bother screaming, what you think your pretty little cowboy boyfriends gonna come save ya” he father “DO YA ! do you think that little pipsqueak whiteys gonna come save ya”yelled “Well he’s not he doesnt love ya Y/n not Like I do, he just wants your pussy Y/n, I love ya he’s not coming to save ya anytime soon” hitting her as he continued  wanted to kill him so bad but I couldn't from here and even if I did y/n would never forgive me it’s my own dam fault she said come at 1 i got here at quarter past 12 having to listen to this is my own dam fault at last he left her alone climbed on his horse and went off to go get drunk so she just stood by the garden for a moment obviously waiting for me so I snuch up behind her making her jump as I wrapped my arms around her “Whitey” she giggled realizing it was me quickly turning and kissing me as passionately as last I saw her but this time even more so as the kiss went on her hands slipping down to undo my shirt 
“y/n, what are you doing?” I ask her but she just returned to kissing me my hands uncontrollably slipped down to her arse and she moved her hips in such a way it was like she was shaking her arse intentionally cause my hands where there her hands now done undoing my shirt completely her now moving forward so much i could feel her breasts though her dress against my skin taking my hands away from groping her arse a moment to take my shirt off “ummm Y/n” I moan a little suprised at her before she pulls away taking me inside the house and laying me on her bed laying ontop of me and kissing me more her lips where so sweet like I never wanted to stop kissing her as her hand slipped down undoing my jeans pulling them down alittle and sitting ontop of me her pussy inches from my cock “Uhhh Y/n...I dont know if we should-” I begin before she moved so I slipped inside her tight wet pussy
“if we should what?” she giggles
“I was gonna say I dont know if we should have sex” I tell her
“well your inside me now whitey its a bit late for that” she giggles
“I mean making out and everything is one thing but...are you sure about this?” I ask her and she just nods moving my hands to her hips as she bounced up and down on me her every tiny movement from the tiny little bounces, my little thrusts, her occasionally clenching herself around me all felt so good each one making me feel so on edge already so close “Uhhh Y/n!” I moan moving her hips a bit with my hands making her go even faster 
“Ohh Whitey!” she moans back having to nuzzle her head into my neck sucking on my skin giving my hickeys to keep her self from screaming to loud as she bounced faster and harder overloading my mind with pleasure
“UHHH OH GOD Y/N!” I scream “Y/n, Y/N a little fast please Y/n I’m so close” I tell her and she happily speeds up by alot the fastest she could go and within seconds I felt myself release inside her and she collapsed against my chest both of us breathing heavily trying to calm down “God Y/n you are fucking good at that” I tell her
“Thanks whitey, you where pretty good too” she giggles giving me a few more sweet little kisses going quickly back to our make out again 
“I wonder if anyone heard us” I smirk between out lusty kisses
“Yeah I did” a voice says from the door and there stood her father “saw ya too” he said before throwing a knife at us lucky he missed “YOU BASTARD WHAT WHERE YOU JUST DOING WITH MY DAUGHTER!” he yelled as me and y/n separated quickly sorting myself out 
“PAPA LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Y/n screamed back at him trying to making him stop as he went for me but y/n got in the way and he punched her and kicked her over and over trying to get to me I quickly opened her window and ran for it she grabbed my hand and jumped out the window too both of us running to my horse but her father had shot him so we quickly got her’s and rushed off away from the house with her father firieing at us I circled back trying to not lead him to La belle but one time we went back her house was in flames all her beautiful tools and books and all her things gone, burnt up by her father as he stood there on the lawn gun still in hand she burst into tears cuddling me closely crying on my shoulder cuddling into my chest
 “Oh y/n, it’s alright I’ll get you new stuff, nicer stuff hey,dont worry” I told her
“but most of it wasnt mine, my mother gave me that stuff” she cried
“I know Y/n, Im so sorry” I tell her before we went off back to my little house maggie saw me coming back she was sat on her porch as I came back y/n now asleep on me
“I take it this is the famous Y/n” she smirked
“shhh she’s sleeping, she’s had a rough day” I say quietly getting off her horse and taking her off carrying her into my house and letting her rest on my bed I went to go and put another bit of wood on the fire but i heard her groan rather annoyed sounding so I went over to her
“Ummm whitey?” she complains moving her arms around as if trying to find me confused why I wasn't there
“I’m here dont worry” I tell her her hand finding my face and she smiles sleepily 
“i cant sleep without you here with me” she said sadly so I sigh stripping my shirt off and getting into bed with her letting her cuddle me closely “Yay whitey protect me” she giggled sounding almost completely asleep
“I’ll always protect ya, because I love you y/n, and i’ll always be around to save ya” I tell her gving her head a sweet kiss but she was already fast asleep.
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warning, the following has mainly snarky (and possibly furious) opinions on Spirit of Justice. Reader discretion is advised.
alright, we’re here live with phoenix wright at temple temple 
lets see where we go.
aw he’s worried about maya. thank god someone is.
“I didn’t come all the way to khura’in to be useless”
prove it, edgey
oh its one of those lady gaga guards again
Lah’kee. aww cute
“I advise you accept the invitation”
well he can’t really decline it, miles.
Also “Lakhee” haha. at least edgeworth’s ability to mess up names is still here.
hm i wonder how she’s really spying on everyone. something ridiculous no doubt. 
oooh the ‘audience chamber’
i smell a cutscene 
ooh i was right
“this place is still as magnificent as last time”
wait what do you mean last time
it was listed as a new location in the map
“looks like you’re doing well”
damnit nick you made me laugh.
phoenix now has ‘bludgeoned by child’ to add to his list of stuff he’s survived 
we’ve already established that you cant get spiritual power from the orb unless you’re a medium already. come on now.
“For in Khura’in, only those who possess spiritual power may sit on the throne” 
uh im all for feminism and that but you might wanna open your king or queenitude to a wider and possibly more qualified range of people. 
i mean spirit mediums are awesome and all but summoning ghosts does not necessarily make you a good politician. 
“But the queen seems almost giddy for someone who’s husband was just murdered”
well I'm glad you told me that, phoenix, because i cannot fucking tell on her flat ass face
poor rayfa... she’s really grown on me. i hope she’ll be okay.
hmm. something just happened that i *think* should have tripped the magatama... but who cares. nothing works anymore.
“When it turned out Dhurke was forging evidence the people were devastated, and trust in the legal system plummeted”
“We have the divination seance, so we don’t need lawyers anymore”
yeah you also don’t need prosecutors anymore either. all you need is a judge to go “huh, looks legit” and into the slammer they go.
...and yet... and yet...
also thats literally Morgan’s laugh but flipped. She’s evil. 
“it’s missing? I'm sure Dhurke had it when he went into the tomb”
why is phoenix so fucking stupid when he goes to kooraheen. its like when he sets foot on their soil his brain just drops every single shred of self preservation it once had. i mean i know he used to show evidence to blatant criminals but like, at least he had misgivings about doing it.
“From his odd hairstyle, may we assume him to be a relative? Perhaps, your younger brother?”
‘no, he’s my son.’
haha but in all seriousness considering Jove’s facial similarity to phoenix and the amount of shoehorned backstory for Apollo, they could pretty damn well be related.
wow. not only does phoenix yell EW NO HES NOT RELATED TO ME but he /also/ lets slip that he’s related to Dhurke. You know. Right in front of the queen who hates the living shit out of Dhurke.
Thanks for draining my baby’s braincells, SOJ......
“whats she whispering to that guard?”
oh i dunno nick maybe something about that thing you said about Apollo being related to the queen’s ARCH NEMESIS.
“That’s one swanky throne. I wouldn't mind taking a seat there myself.”
the audacity. and yet i love him for it.
“The jester and the crown. I imagine it’d make quite the interesting picture”
“You know, Edgeworth, I hate to say this, but you’re absolutely right.”
he’s remembering that time he got all doe eyed over Dhurke’s mouldy jacket. 
why is the bazaar also a new area
we’ve been there before
...oh. warbaads sound like lions?? the fuck????
its a form of mimicry? to protect against predators??
when did he learn this again?!
oh god. of course. of course it would be Vore Machine who makes a fucking gunshot noise in the middle of a crowded area.
“since more people are joining us, ive decided to employ something that sounds like a gunshot to scare the fuck outta them!’
flawless strategy as always, dingel.
“What with the murder/suicide!”
he shouts with a huge grin
“Hopefully this means Tahrust’s death won’t be in vain after all”
GOD. even brain dead nick noticed it was abso-fuckin’-lutely pointless.
“see, i give my fellow rebels things that sound like gunshots, that will of course draw attention AWAY from them. yes, the loud noise things will definitely ward OFF the royal guards” genius.
“those firecrackers are more useful than i thought”
yeah because he used one on a fucking vulnerable child. maybe try it again when the actual trained police are on your tail, see how well that turns out for you. 
also fuck you Datz.
aw i love Rayfa and Nick’s interactions. She’s adorable and he humours her so much. It’s sweet. 
this is genuine by the way; its the highlight of the kooraheen cases for me. as i said Rayfa’s really grown on me. she was annoying at first but now it’s just kinda... cute?
“But hearing her all alone I... I can’t help but think of Trucy”
“it’s as if your brain-to-mouth filter shuts off the second you step out of the courtroom” 
oh man edge. you'd be snacking on your words if you saw his internal monologue. 
phoenix: men are messy. i am messy. 
where IS nayna...
in other news, Phoenix continues to dad at Rayfa
(weeping) oh god Rayfa’s so cute
please be kind to her pleaaase
(rayfa seems really worried for Nayna...)
yea maybe you should do something about that nick
Phoenix: rayfs maybe you uhh shouldnt do the divination thing i can do that
wehhh protect her nick
god she’s even feeling bad for being a brat. please just give her a hug or something, jeez;
i know its just a call back but how /did/ he get his hands on some J’suis Lebelle?
“I like my natural stress-grey very much ,thank you!”
“Do you suppose if I slept on it, I could see my father once more?”
obviously phoenix agrees with me. jesus.
shdgah i thought the notepad was a sandwich 
Huh! Inga was face-blind. who knew?
i kid, i kid. its probably related to queenbean’s magic surveillance shit 
hehehe everybody luuuurves edgeworth
Phoenix: drugs??? oh no I'm a cool kid. say no
(steals drugs)
n’awww. her birfday was the safe code. i guess even bad men love their daughters.
(yells) gfakgkkajafksj THERE’S AN ‘ASSASSINATION PLAN”
fake. fake fake fake. fake as fuck.
people don’t write little “my evil plan” notes to themselves. 
Rayfa: *sees picture of someone other than her mother holding her as a baby* MY WHOLE LIFE IS A LIIIIIIIE
“I wonder what’s afoot?”
Edgeworth’s bitten by a fuckin dog and he STILL Cant manage a human emotion. good lord.
hmm. i know that was supposed to be comedic but the lack of visuals really kinda dampened the thing.
...plus, to choke edgeworth, the pressure would need to be applied to the front of his neck, not the back, and since the dog is on the front, it cant have choked him. it couldn’t have even pulled the “cravat” tighter because it’s not actually tied up.
(sigh) oh whatever.
Datz, emerging from a manhole to recruit 
Wow Datz sure loves to scare the shit out of children. What a class act.
SUCH a class act.
“Ahlbi’s not exactly the picture of self restraint...”
phoenix he’s nine
“I worry about his future sometimes...”
of course you do, dad ;)
“You cant go trespassing like that, even if it’s for a good cause; it’s just not right!”
hey, trilogy and AJ nick would say otherwise, old man. you use to be cool. and interested in doing bad things for good ends.
weird haircut - friend of phoenix 
“a big orange spider leg” AHLBI 
he's right, but he shouldn’t say it!
“they were being pursued by royal guards!”
:) hey phoenix :) maybe next time dont tell the queen :) that they’re involved with her mortal enemy :) maybe :)))))
alright and that’s part 2 of the investigation over. apparently there’s a part 3? they sure are breaking the established time codes for cases in this game... oh well! stay tuned for the next time!
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paybackraid · 7 years
Incoming Message
FMA AU Week Day 4 Prompt L: Overused but Well Loved
Words: 1998
This time it’s a modern AU. Based on some lovely art by @ignicule with their permission, ofc. Warnings for strong language from Edward.
It should also be noted that I do not support Roy/Winry in anyway; they are messing with Ed and in this, Roy loves Winry like a daughter.
Please don’t tag as Roywin
“I can’t believe I trusted him with her. I. Cannot. Believe that I trusted him. What was I thinking? I should have called Al home. What was I thinking?”
Riza sighed silently to herself, glancing to her companion who clutched nervously to his phone. She and Ed were away on a mission, too far from Resembool or Central to return quickly should anything arise. She was a little nervous too; Roy had a knack for getting himself into trouble when she wasn’t around, but he was also a grown man who could take care of himself and those around him. Ed had been aware of that when he asked Roy to check on his heavily pregnant wife who was taking up a hotel room in Central. Alphonse was away in Xing with his wife Mei visiting her family, otherwise Winry would have stayed in Resembool with him. Riza wished that Ed would remember why he had trusted Roy to keep her safe and well taken care of in the first place.
Roy absolutely adored Winry, after all, and would do just about anything for her, even more so now that she was with an unborn child. Riza wouldn’t be surprised when she got home if she found out that Winry ended up staying in their guest room, or Roy spent all day in her hotel room.
“He’s going to fuck up. He’s going to fuck up royally, and I’m going to lose my child. And probably her. ...That’s it, I’m call--”
Riza strode over and plucked Ed’s phone right from his hands, where he had been staring at the still phone app for over a quarter of an hour. He protested and flipped onto his back on his bed, just in time to see her pocket it. “Edward. Winry still has two months to go. Winry can take care of herself. Roy is a responsible adult who knows how to take care of a pregnant woman.” His sister had gotten pregnant a little over a year ago, and he had Googled just about everything he had needed to know even though he obviously wasn’t the father, and had stayed with her the last half of her pregnancy. The baby had been born happy and healthy. Not to say that was Roy’s doing at all, but at least his doting hadn’t harmed his new niece in the least. “They’re going to be fine. If you want to ensure that the baby will be fine, then focus on the mission so we can get home as soon as possible. Alright?”
Ed stared at her with wide, stricken eyes like he thought he had been betrayed. “But he’s useless!”
“Only on rainy days, and the forecast called for sun today. At least take a break from your phone. If Roy texts me that anything goes wrong, I’ll tell you immediately. Please take a look at the case files.”
Ed ground his teeth, waited for a second to see if he could wait her out, then deflated. “...Fine. But as soon as they call, you tell me!”
“If they call, I’ll tell you.”
Ed grouched for a moment and stormed over to the table, yanking out the chair and dropping into it like a brooding child. Riza laughed to herself and shook her head; though it had been over five years since Ed had gotten Al’s body back, sometimes she could still see the same sullen child she had come to love. A small part of her hoped that part of him would never grow up. She took a seat on her bed (she and Ed had agreed that sharing a room would be easier and would pose no problem) and tucked into her own case file, hoping for some clues.
After a small amount of time, both phones in her pocket buzzed. Curious, and a little nervous, she pulled out her phone. Roy was a responsible adult, no way he had let something happen to Winry.
She rolled her eyes, a small smile drifting over her face. A group chat, from Winry, sent to her, Roy, and Ed. And the picture, no doubt Ed wouldn’t be terribly pleased with that, the jealous little thing he was.
’Stay safe! We love you! See you when you get home!!’
Ed shot up like a hunting dog, staring with wide eyes at her, clearly waiting for the moment she called for him. She rolled her eyes again, but pulled out his phone and stretched out the small distance to hand it to him.
“Take a look.”
He took the phone and opened it up without looking at the message. Slowly, his scowl darkened into something unholy, which made her smile. Oh how pleased Roy would be if he knew that he had caused a face like that only by taking a picture with Ed’s wife. After a solid minute of scowling at the picture, Ed started typing back furiously.
The picture that Winry had sent was really just a picture of the two of them smiling, pressed close to one another. The background suggested they were at Gracia’s--the half of the wall painting she could see looked like the one above Gracia’s living room couch. Either Gracia or Elysia had probably taken the picture. Roy was holding Winry to his side, his shoulder behind hers a little, although Winry seemed no less enthusiastic to be with him. Their outer hands were curled together, forming a little heart between them. Winry’s grin was huge, showing off a tongue piercing that she and Roy had nearly had a spat over three years back. Roy’s smile was soft and warm--though he seemed happy to pose for the picture with her, he had likely had to be connived into it. 
It was a cute picture, one that made Riza smile if for no other reason than to see these two she thought of as family to get along so splendidly. She saved the photo and set it as her home screen just in time for Ed to send back, ‘Get away from my wife, you pervert.’
‘Oh Ed,’ Riza thought, but didn’t bother saying aloud. She waited to see what the two on the other end would say.
Their end was silent for five full minutes. Finally, when the chat pinged again, it was another picture. It was a selfie done by Winry, her arm extended forward. The selfie was staged in a bedroom, as the two of them seemed to be seated on a cushy bed, likely Gracia’s. Roy sat behind Winry, his legs drawn around her. His arms swam around her pregnant belly, and his chin was nestled on the crown of her head. He was making the same bedroom eyes he made at Riza when he was messing around. She could tell that he was joking around, and that Winry was as well, but would Ed see that? In a state of heightened agitation, probably not.
Winry was making a delighted face, but also was trying to pull off her best goofy-but-sexy face. She turned her face up to Roy only a little bit that it made her look like she was going to kiss him, her free arm curled up so she could stroke her fingertips on his jawline.
Those two were going to get themselves in huge trouble with Ed when they got home. Riza? She could let it slide this time. Really, Ed was kind of asking for it.
The picture was on their phones for nearly half a minute before Winry finally explained. Ed was silently fuming; Riza could practically see smoke spewing from his ears. She lifted her phone to snap a quick picture to send just to Roy, saying ‘Look at what you two are doing to him.’
Winry’s text was simple and only barely explained the picture. ‘oh yeah didnt you hear? We’re eloping sorry boo ;) xoxo’
Ooohhhhh no. Ed was definitely kicking Roy’s ass when they got home.
Within seconds, Ed answered, ‘I’m kicking your ass if you dont get away from her!!!!’
Riza feared that they’d send another picture, perhaps of them kissing, which she wouldn’t be too happy about. Thankfully they both had the common sense not to respond with that. The text that followed was from Roy: ‘how you feeling, Fullmetal?’
He was stirring the pot. Of course he was.
‘How am i FEELING?!?
Like youre gonna get an ass kicking is how im feeling!!!
And im not an alchemist anymore!!!’
‘With a temper like that, youll ALWAYS be Fullmetal, Fullmetal.’
Ed just about put a hand through the wall, and Riza just about choked trying to suppress a laugh. Ed shot her a look but he must not have seen her laugh, because he immediately turned back to his phone.
‘And you’ll always be a piece of shit, you piece of shit!’ popped up on Riza’s phone seconds later. Riza shook her head and looked down to her forgotten case file. Well. So much for getting closer to going home.
‘:OOOO’ Winry texted immediately after. Roy’s response was a simple, ‘creative, Fullmetal’, just as Winry continued with ‘I’M SO SORRY GENERAL OMFG EDWARD’.
‘Don’t be, I’m not.’
‘That’s no way to speak to your commanding officer.’ Riza informed, then set her phone aside. Ed shot her a look that was half-betrayal, half-surprise, then turned away from her when she looked at her file.
Yes ma’am’
The phones were silent for probably ten minutes, blessed silence, during which time Ed actually sat down and took a look at his files.
Her phone suddenly chirped with Roy’s newest addition. ‘You know, Ed...’ was all it said, although the indicator said he wasn’t quite done. Riza could feel in the pit of her stomach that whatever he would say, it would spur Ed’s furious rage on further. Not that Roy’s very existence didn’t seem to do so most days.
‘What.’ Ed replied, and Winry’s addition was a nervous little ‘...’.
‘You’re stuck working all week, while I get to care for a beautiful young woman all alone.’
‘General’ Winry cut in, likely in the hopes of quelling her sure-to-be-raging husband.
‘Just me...
And her...’
‘THATS IT IM COMING BACK HOME AND KICKING YOUR ASS MYSELF YOU FUCKIN CREEP’ Ed responded, jerking up out of his bed and toward his suitcase like he intended to pack up and head out.
“Ed!” Riza squawked, hopping out of her seat and to his side. She cut him off from his suitcase and shoved him back, just as Winry replied, ‘OMG Ed it’s fine he’s just joking!!!’
‘Your wife gave me permission to drop kick your ass to next year so be ready for that.’ Ed snarked, crossing his arms. He dropped onto the bed, face souring at his phone.
Riza squeezed the bridge of her nose tiredly and held her hand out to Ed, who stared at her with suspicious, narrowed eyes.
“Give me your phone.”
”What?! Why?!”
“Because you have work to do, now give me your phone, go sit down, and work. You know Roy’s only messing with you.”
Ed stared between her face and her hand, as if unable to believe that he, an adult, was about to be grounded from his own phone. But when Riza wiggled her fingers a little and did not back down, he realized that she was being completely serious. He scowled and slapped his phone into her hand, probably unnecessarily hard, and stormed to his case file. He dropped into the chair like a petulant teen and went about actually doing something useful.
Riza rolled her eyes and pocketed his phone.
‘I most certainly did not,’ she responded on her own phone, taking a seat beside her own case file. ‘But keep it up, Roy Mustang, and I may just change my mind on that.’
To which Roy simply responded, ‘heh... okay okay. ...Love you?’. And Riza, if only to make him sweat a little, did not respond.
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laughingdarkdreams · 7 years
A collection of horror stories
Quick explanation: I like to browse certain threads on reddit on occasion, mostly ones that involve horror. That being said, my favorites are the ones that claim to be absolutely true. As I saved this over a long period of time, and pretty much just form my own personal use, I don’t have any way to credit or source these. That being said, I do hope you enjoy my collection.
my son used to ask me about "the gray guy on the ceiling" above his bed all the time. He sleeps in the room where his great-grandfather died 30+ years ago. The freakiest thing about it is that his great-grandmother said the SAME EXACT THING to me the day before she died just a few years ago(she pointed to the ceiling and asked) "who is that? who is that gray man on the ceiling right there?"
My daughter said to me that there is a woman who watches her watch movies in her room and sleeps on the ceiling above her bed when she sleeps. She also says it does not like me and wants to eat my heart.
Walking through a graveyard to "visit" some departed family members, we walked across the grave of a baby boy who died shortly after being born. There's a family relationship, so we know for a fact the mother is still alive. My 4 year old son turned to my wife and said "Why is that baby crying? Why won't his mom hug him?"
My 5 year old at the time had night terrors and would scream in her sleep. One night I said "mama's here its okay". She looked right at me still asleep and screamed "mama? But who is that behind you?"
While changing my daughter in front of the open closet door. She kept looking around me and laughing. I asked her what was so funny. She said, "the man." To which I replied, "what man?" She then pointed at the closet and said, "the man with the snake neck." I turn around and nothing was there. I'm afraid to look into the history of my house to see if anyone hung themselves in the closet.
I was on vacation in Ithaca with my boyfriend at the time.
We had literally, I。ッm talking 10 minutes, just gotten into town and stopped at a suspension bridge near Cornell。ッs campus. I。ッm terrified of heights and, so, my boyfriend was coaxing me step by step over the bridge. It was gorgeous and we stopped at the middle to take a picture. On the side we had come from there was a parking lot with steps leading to the bottom of the gorge but on the far side there were hiking paths with no barrier. A woman walked past us and offered to take a picture for us. We declined and she smiled and walked quickly to the far side of the bridge where she smoothly jumped off into the gorge. There was not a second of hesitation, it was almost like she expected the path to keep going. The sound of a person hitting the ground from a jump like that sticks with you.
After living in my house alone for 8 years, I came to the realization that I had closed a lot more doors than I had opened.
I was playing around with a radio once when I was a kid, just slowly spanning through the static trying to find a station. I had found an old television antenna, attached it to the side of our house and ran a wire out my window to it with an alligator clip attached to the radio antenna, allowing me to get a way broader range of signals.
So I。ッm sitting there, early in the morning (like 2am), slowly sweeping frequencies, and suddenly I get to this station that。ッs playing this very weird crackling sound. It sounded sort of like cracking knuckles, or maybe Rice Crispies cereal, but with a fixed, rhythmic pattern instead of being random. I sat there listening to it for a second, then it suddenly stopped and this faint voice says 。ーIt doesn。ッt work. We。ッre already dead. We。ッre already dead.。ア
My dad died of cancer the day I turned 16 after about two weeks in a coma. It was really fast ィC less than two months between diagnosis and death. He died in the house. (we had a hospice attendant and my mom was very good about seeing to him in those final days).
Anyway, a lot of weird shit happened after he passed, but the one that still freaks me out when I think about it happened about 12 hours before he took to bed for the last time. He was in our living room napping on the couch while my mom was in the kitchen cooking. No one else was home. Suddenly, he jerked awake and was shouting for my mom in a very loud, agitated voice. Clearly angry with her. 。ーBeverly! Don。ッt do that! Don。ッt EVER do that again!。ア She ran into the room, alarmed and asked what he was talking about, and he said, 。ーDon。ッt do that. Don。ッt walk past me like that in that long, black wig.。ア Sometimes I think he saw death.
My parents bought their first house back in 1972. It was a fixer-upper, but they decided to move in right away and fix things as time/money permitted. Within a few days of moving in, the new neighbors came over to introduce themselves. They also let my parents know that the previous owners had moved out after a nasty divorce. They had lost their second baby from SIDS, and their relationship went downhill from there. My parents were horrified, more so because they were newly pregnant and couldn。ッt imagine going through such a thing. They eventually pretty much forgot all about it. Life went on. They were in love with their new life and their new house. In preparation for the baby, they decided to wallpaper the nursery. Now, my Dad told my mom there was no need in wallpapering the inside of the closet, but she insisted. She was kneeling down, scraping off old paint inside of the closet when her eyes fell upon something that made her blood turn to ice. Written in crayon, at about eye level for a kindergartner, in childish scrawl was: I KILLED THE BABY.
Growing up I lived in the middle of the woods. No neighbors for about a mile on each side and we own 60 acres of forest then a swamp after that. So basically I lived in the middle of nowhere. One summer when I was about 14 I was out in the middle of the woods playing with my dog (I。ッm an only child and both of my parents were out of town.) when I kept feeling something hit my elbow. I。ッd go to throw Max。ッs ball and the bump would make me throw it almost straight up. Assuming it was just me bumping it on trees or something I ignored it. After the fourth or fifth time of it happening I thought。ュwell this sucks I。ッll just go home. Walking back I felt uneasy but I knew I was just freaking myself out because we were alone. About an hour later Max and I are at home on the couch when the garage door opens and he starts barking barking barking, I hop up to go let in my Mom or Dad, even though they were home really early. I peered through the peephole and saw the door was still shut and no one was in the garage. Quieting max down I opened the door slowly and called out for my dad. Nothing。ュ No response at all so I go out to check the door and it。ッs still locked. Okay。ュ sure. Weird but oh well. Max heard it too so at least I know I。ッm not crazy. About 20 minutes later I hear the door open again and this time Max starts growling like crazy. I quiet him down again and just assume its the wind or something making noise even though by this point my heart is racing. I hear footsteps come up the stairs and think 。ーoh jeez, dad really is home this time。ア and hop up and run to the door, it starts to jiggle so I run faster to let him in. I peep through the hole and even though my hand is loosely around the jiggling handle theres no one on the other side of the door. Terrified I go hide on the couch with all the lights on. Max is still growling. About an hour after that I start to feel a little better even though im still terrified then I hear the door handle jiggle again. This time it was Max jiggling it, he needed to go outside and the only way outside is through the garage. Fantastic. I literally sprint with him to the kennel and as I。ッm standing in there I decide to ask this 。ーthing。ア questions to make myself feel better because I knew it wouldn。ッt answer me. Thinking about what to ask it my eyes are drawn to the huge heavy oak door on the kennel. It was always open because it was too heavy for me to move easily. I said 。ーOk ghost! if you。ッre real you。ッll shut this heavy door!。ア nothing。ュ a minute goes by。ュnothing. Max is still sniffing around. I turn around to yell at him to hurry up and then from behind me I hear 。ョclick。ッ. I whipped around and saw the giant door had swung shut and latched. Okay。ュ.clearly it was just the wind. It wasn。ッt really windy but。ュ it was the wind, for sure, had to be. I proceed 。ーOk ghost that was the wind, if you。ッre REALLY real you。ッll open this massive door back up!。ア nothing. I relax a bit and then squat down with my head in on my knees reminiscing about how lame I just was being scared when I hear 。ョclick clack。ッ. The door was now wide open. Max was done so we booked it back into the house locking every door in the house. For the next 4 hours I would hear the footsteps on the stairs and the door handle jiggling every few minutes, until finally around 11pm my dad walks in and yells at me for wasting electricity. I never told him or my mom about it until about a 4 months later when my dad came in from hunting after dark. He looked shaken and I asked him what was wrong。ュ He said he aimed at two deer but missed both completely because it felt as if something was hitting his elbow and making him shoot way above the deer. Thats when I told him everything.
My old co-worker had a son that was in his mid thirties and he had a son named Hunter that was 4 or 5. She said that Hunter would have bad dreams and that he would sleep with his dad when he got scared. One night his dad woke up because he heard Hunter calling him. But he was calling him by his name, not 。ョdad。ッ. So he went to his room and he was asleep. He woke him up and said 。ーHunter, you were calling me. Is everything okay?。ア And Hunter said, 。ーDad, when they call you you。ッre not supposed to answer.。ア and fell back asleep. He asked him about it in the morning but he said he didn。ッt remember saying it. I get chills when I think about it.
Was playing Kinect one night. It detected a second player. I was alone.
A few months ago I downloaded a program for my phone ィC Sleep as Android. I bought the premium version of the app for the extra features to record sound throughout the night when volumes reached a certain threshold. It would activate when I would snore or move around. I would usually spend the next evening going over some of the recorded sounds. Everything was pretty normal until I listened to something out of the ordinary. It was near the beginning of April, and I had the apartment to myself. I。ッll let you listen to the sound before I go on explaining it. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10931795/APR102013-032352.mp3 It started out picking up my snoring, and then the hairs on my neck stood up as I hear my doorknob moving. Following this, you can hear my door open slowly. I was confused and a little worried. Everything was still locked up, nobody came home (the chainlock was still latched on the front door), and my landlord certainly didn。ッt come. I don。ッt use the app anymore.
One night when I was about 7 years old, I went to sleep at around 9:30 and got into the second level of my bunk-bed. I soon fell asleep, but then I woke up in the middle of the night to someone whispering 。ーNo, no。ア repeatedly as if they were in pain, thinking I just imagined it I tried to go back asleep. And then that。ッs when I heard it, the creaking of the wooden boards on the stairs, slowly getting louder and that whisper 。ーNo, no。ア. I knew it wasn。ッt my parents because they were sleeping in the bed next to mine. Then I heard some screaming along with the foot steps coming up the stairs and again the whisper of 。ーNo, no。ア. So I slowly got out of bed, crept towards the ladder to get to the floor and I slowly began to crawl towards the bedroom door in the dark which had a full view of the stairs. I opened it without creak in the darkness and I saw nothing moving in the dark nook of the stairs. But I now heard the whisper of 。ーNo, no。ア coming from the room upstairs which nobody used. I silently crept towards the stairs, but I kept the lights off, and I began to creep down them so I could check the front door. Nothing was out of place, so I turned on the living room lights and that。ッs when I saw it for an instance. The silhouettes of three people outside the living room window and then they were gone. I proceeded to turn on every light in the house and crawl into bed with my parents as I waited for it to be morning.
My wife is an RN and she was on float to another unit helping out (she normally worked cardiac but she was helping out in the Alzheimer。ッs unit). She was saving a particular patient for last as the patient was known to be a real pain. Very old, mean to everyone and just generally tried to make the nurses miserable. She and the respiratory therapist got to the patients room at the same time so they decided to tackle her together. They got into the room and the patient had smeared shit all over the walls of the bathroom and the hospital room, she was standing on the bed screaming and jumping up and down on the bed. The two of them somehow got the patient calmed down, got the horrible mess cleaned up, and got their jobs done. She said it took about three hours. They then got went out and put a do not disturb sign on the door to make sure the patient could stay calm and get some sleep. They were standing one person on each side of the door (herself and the respiratory therapist) catching their breath and proclaiming how much that sucked when they spotted someone. A big farmer looking guy wearing a John Deere baseball cap, overalls, a red plaid checkered shirt and big work boots coming down the hospital hallway (and he looked kind of annoyed). He walked right past them into the patient。ッs room slamming the door open. My wife caught the door on the backswing and marched right into the room after him (respiratory therapist right behind her) planning on dragging him back out and giving him a piece of her mind. When she got in the room he was not there. No sign of the person she followed in. She looked under the bed. She looked in the bathroom. She checked behind all of the curtains. She even made sure the window still would not open. No sign of the farmer at all. She then noticed the patient was sitting upright in the bed just kind of staring off into space. So she asked her: 。ーDid you just see someone come into the room?。ア The patient said 。ーYes, it was my daddy; he said he was coming to take me home tonight and that you mean people won。ッt be able to hurt me anymore.。ア She responded with: 。ーThat。ッs great, how about you get some rest before he comes to pick you up.。ア The patient then lay down and went to sleep. The patient died that night. My wife and the respiratory therapist swapped stories to make sure they were not crazy, they both saw it.
In my last apartment, every morning, 3 a.m. I would hear this woman screaming 。ーhelp。ア in this loud, clear, blood-curdling shriek. I tried asking my landlord about it and he got real quiet and wide-eyed and never said a damned thing about it. None of the other tenants would talk to me.
When I was sixteen I was sitting at a table with my mom talking about life, musing on the afterlife and reincarnation.. The usual. I began to laugh and say 。ーyou know, I。ッm pretty sure I remember my past life。ア. This was about the time her face went pale. I asked her why. That。ッs when she began to list all of the details of my silly past life which I always felt was just a recurring dream I must have. She told me how I was the youngest child in a family of poor travelers. How my crib was the top drawer of any dresser where we would sleep and my mother was a tall, bony, angry looking woman with her hair pulled high, always wearing a long dress. All the details I was about to tell her, for what I thought was the first time. 。ーHow did you know all of that? I。ッve never told you before!。ア I said. 。ーBecause that isn。ッt the first time you。ッve told me。ア, she said, 。ーyou told me that story many times when you were a baby, after you first learned to talk.。ア 。ーI don。ッt believe it!。ア 。ーAnd the worst thing。ュ。ア she said with a dark brow, 。ーwas when I would come to play with you。ュand you would tell me your other mother was behind me.。ア
My wife and I just moved into a brand new house this past July. There are definitely creaks and weird nosies from the house settling. However, I had a buddy over one night. We all had got a little drunk and as we were going to bed, my buddy jokingly knocks on our bedroom door and asks if he can sleep in our bed because 。ーthere is a ghost in his room!。ア. 。ーGo to bed Rodney!。ア I say. The next day, after he went home, he told me his girlfriend asked him, 。ーSo, you called me last night?。ア He didn。ッt remember calling her, so he checked his phone and there was no record of any new outgoing calls. He told her that he didn。ッt call her, and she said, 。ーThat。ッs interesting, because I had a missed call last night from you, and a voicemail. Listen to this.。ア What came next was the weirdest thing ever. It was this loud droning noise with lots of feedback and interferrance. Her phone would translate any voicemail into text, so while you heard this weird growling sound, the text message read, 。ーHELP ME. HELP ME. ARE YOU THERE? HELP ME PLEASE!。ア Creeped out.
When I was growing up my little brother, who was three at the time, used to sleepwalk through our house at night. He'd walk down to the basement where I slept and crack open my door between 11pm-2am. He'd then slowly push it open and shuffle inside. When I'd ask what he was doing he'd always stare at the floor and say "Where's mom?" I'd tell him that she was upstairs. He would repeat "Where's mom?" Each night I would take him back upstairs and lead him back to bed where he'd fall asleep. One night at about 1am I awoke to hear crying at the bottom of the stairs. I walked out to investigate and he was sitting on the bottom step. I asked him what was wrong and again he said, "Where's mom?" I told him she was upstair and we should go get her. "No," he said staring at the floor, "there's a bloody head following me". "What??" I asked. He looked up from the floor, stared me right in the eyes, opened his mouth and let out the shrillest blood curdling scream I have ever heard in my life. It scared the living shit out of me. It was so loud that the whole family got out of their beds to see what was going on. After that I'd never ask him what he was doing downstairs, I'd just take him immediately back to his room.
I remember one time I was upstairs late at night getting a drink from the kitchen when I heard my little brother talking down the hall. I stepped out of the kitchen to see what he was doing and found him standing at the sliding glass door right outside his room, with the door open, talking to what I assumed was himself. As I approached I heard him say, "NO! You can't come in here." Since I couldn't see well in the dark, I asked who he was talking to. He turned to me with his eyes half open and said he was talking to, "the man outside." Freaked me the fuck out. I closed the door and put my little brother to bed then went and hid under my covers for the rest of the night.
I have absolutely no memory of these things happening, but my mom swears i used to talk about angels with black wings coming to my window at night.
My oldest daughter used to do this too except when she was in her swing. She would look at a blank spot in the corner and just start giggling and laughing and sometimes would have a little "conversation" with whatever it was she saw. She had some strange fears when she was younger(she's 7 now). She was PETRIFIED of any toys that moved on their own. Remote control cars, little dancing chickens, a caterpillar thing someone got her that wiggled across the floor, stuff like that. And I mean petrified like she would claw and scream trying to get away even if I was holding her. She would have episodes where she said her head hurt and it was hard to breathe(took her to the doc, nothing was wrong) She was also deathly afraid of fire, even if it was on tv or in a picture. She has come and asked me questions that no 3 or 4 year old should be asking, like "Mama you don't want me to die and leave you alone again do you?" and "What happened to my brown eyes?" Her eyes are blue. My brown eyed mother died before she was born from lung and brain cancer.
I was reading a story to my daughter when she suddenly slammed it shut, point to the empty doorway, and screamed 。ーyou get out of here! You。ッve killed enough people!。ア
。ーDaddy, when can we get rid of that kid hanging in my closet?。ア I asked her what she was talking about and she told me all about a teenage boy who was hanging by a belt around his neck in her closet. I went to her closet there was nothing there, and she said he only is there when I。ッm not around.
。ーMom, why is that lady from the cemetery sitting in my room?。ア
My 3 year old daughter stood next to her new born brother and looked at him for awhile then turned and looked at me and said, "Daddy its a monster..we should bury it."
When I was about 3 we had a cat that had still born kittens. I asked my father if we could make crosses for them, which he did. As he was making them I asked: "aren't those too small?", Dad: "What do you Mean?" Me: "aren't we going to nail them to them?" Dad: (after several moments silence) "we're not going to do that" Me: "oh"
My co-worker's four year old daughter always thought that the rattling of the water pipes in the kitchen cupboards were "white wolves" and the sound always scared her. One day she was sitting at the kitchen table and she said, "Mom. The white wolves aren't bad... they're our friends!" Her mom encouraged the idea by saying, "Yes! The white wolves are protecting us. They are our friends." Then her daughter added in, "They're our friends, but not the man who crawls on the floor and stands by my bed".
A good friend of mine and her husband bought what is considered an 'old' house around here. (Western Canada...not many houses over 100 years old). They were renovating the basement one day while I was visiting. I was down there alone with their son, who was barely 2 at the time, and could not yet speak in full sentences. He took my hand and led me over to a brick chimney-like thing thing, with a rusty metal door on it. He looked up and said 'That's where the dead babies go.' I was horrified. Firstly, because, like I said, the kid could barely talk, let alone say something like that. I doubt he even knew what 'dead' meant. I'm positive that no one would have told him that, and there were no older kids around that would have said that as a joke. Still creeps me out to this day.
When my daughter was around 4 or 5, we lived in a house that had been converted into three separate apartments. We lived in the basement portion. Because of the way they converted the house there was a small recessed area under one of the stairways that formed a small closet/storage space in her room. One night while she was getting ready for bed I overheard her talking to someone in her room. I poked my head in and asked if she was calling for me. Her words - "No. I was talking to the little boy who lives in my closet... He's dead."
When my oldest was about 3 years old I had a really weird dream where an alien was trying to take my son. I was lying in bed watching this alien take him by the hand and started taking off towards the window. When I went to scream I woke up. Here is the creepy part....I wake up to find my 3 year old turning on the night light in our room. He turns to look at me and says "oh, its ok mommy. The alien is gone." .....I didn't sleep for the rest of the night.
I don't know if this is "creepy" or not, but when my son was two he started asking me "you fucking with me?" He said it like he was De Niro. I would kinda' flip out on him, telling him not to say that. I couldn't figure out where he learned it. Fast forward to Thanksgiving dinner, with my entire family, and my wife's entire family, in attendance. Right as dinner started he asked my wife's grandma' "you fucking with me?" Holy shit, the whole place fell apart, with everybody raising their voice at my little two year old who had no idea what he was doing wrong. Of course, everyone figured he learned it from TractorGeek. Swell. Fast forward a few more weeks and he finally is able to annunciate: "Play football with me?" He's six now. I can't wait until he's old enough to hear this story.
My son was about 3 years old, and was putting up his stuffed animals into a bin. He would pick each one up, say it's name, and then into the toy bin it went. He picked up his bear and said "Bear", then put it away, his dog and said "Puppy" and put it away, then picked up the stuffed Cthulhu one of my friends gave him, looked squarely at it and said "Master", then put it into the bin and went onto the next one.
My mom told me that when I was about 4 or 5 I would sit and talk to an imaginary friend. When she asked me who I was talking to, I said it was Viola and she was teaching me how to draw. My mom flipped out because Viola was my great grandmother and she was an artist. She died nearly 20 years before I was born.
My 3 year old nephew was over my parents house where my dad has a military collection from WW2, and when I went to show him some of the stuff. He started crying so I asked him what's wrong, he replied "bad memories, a lot of friends lost" so I asked him where and he continued "32 tank division in the south pacific, only tank division in the pacific theater" immediately went to the internet and he was spot on, nearly shit myself
Told my son it was time to go to sleep. "But the ghost isn't here yet!" ...is there usually a ghost that you go to sleep with? "Yeah" Ok, we'll just sit here and wait. After 30 seconds of watching tv, he looks to the door like he hears something, turns back to me, grins, hops off my lap and walks to his bed. He's 3.
My sons best friend, age 5: "I found Satan while I was digging in the sandbox. Now he lives inside me."
My three year old kept talking about setting my bed on fire. Asked me about it several times. We're a pretty well adjusted family, really started to bother me so I asked him about it. He went to set the bed on fire, by turning on the heating blanket on my wifes side... Rather proud of himself..
My nephew said to his mum:"Mummy when will I be reborn?", she said "what, out of mummy's tummy?" and he said "no, out of the darkness."
This one was me, actually. I was a high school senior and was bedridden with some horrible, mutant strain of mono. Seriously, my liver and spleen were so swollen and sore that I could only lie on my back. Anyhow, apparently my Mom came home from work one afternoon to check in on me and I proceeded to ask her if she could "please tell the skeleton on the floor to go away now, because I'm really tired... and I don't want to be rude -- and we have a had a very nice conversation -- but the guy just will not shut up or take a hint." Thing is, I remember having the conversation, and that it seemed like a perfectly normal thing at the time to be having a casual conversation with a dessicated skeleton that was sprawled on my bedroom floor. That skeleton guy was pretty cool, but really yakky.
on my sons 4th birthday a friend of mine was over with her daughter who told my son "I have Jesus in my heart, whats in your heart?" he then looked at her weird for a second and said "blood" and went about his business.
I wake up to find my three year old kid standing by the bad staring right at me inches from me with a huge grin on his face. He just stares and grins ... "What are you doing?" I finally say. "Nothing" still grinning At this point I realize he's got his hands behind his back. "Are you holding something?" "No." I look any way. He's hiding our largest carving knife behind his back. At that age he was about twice as long as the knife.
We lived in a 128 yr old house. When my son was 2, he would cry in his room, so we moved him to the other bedroom. We asked why, and he said, "there are talking dreams in there." he never slept in there again.
My 3-year-old boy claims that he sees a guy with no head and no hands who bangs on the windows at night.
My Aunt, Uncle & cousins lived in a very old 2 story building. They lived on the 2nd floor. The 1st floor was sort of trashed, no one lived there! On the back of the building there was a porch that was never finished, the enclosed stairs stopped about 8 feet above the ground, and the enclosure was sealed off so that no one could get in or out. I was about 4, she had to be about 8 or 9. I was at her house and we were in her family/game room sitting at a table playing either connect 4 or memory. There was a door in the room, which lead to above mentioned "back porch/stairway". So here we were playing this game, and there was a knock at said door. My cousin jumps up, excited, and runs to open the door (remember this, I'll explain later.). I can still, VERY CLEARLY and vividly remember what was on the other side of the door. There were two little girls, one was shorter (I assumed youngest) and one taller. They each had their hair partially put up, and the ends of their hair was curled. They were dressed, as all I can describe now as "old fashioned" and "fancy". Fancy little girl dresses, little shoes, all white. I clearly remember them being all white, except for their brown hair, and BLACK EYES. I distinctly remember going from excited to terrified the second I saw their eyes. I remember my cousin saying to them, very non-nonchalantly, something along the lines of "Hi, I can't play right now my cousin is here." And shut the door. My cousin then went right back over to the table to continue our game, with me following as close as I could get to her. She didn't seem to be alarmed or scared, but I was absolutely terrified. The older I get, the more un-settling it is for me to remember, for some reason. I have other memories of them showing up, always outside of the apartment. My cousin gets eerily uncomfortable and denies anything anytime I try to ask her about it. So, about that door. Fast forward 10 years or so, I was probably in my teens when my Dad decided, after much nagging on my part, to tell me "ghost stories". One of which involved the same back door, and lead him to the frightening discovery that the back door had been nailed shut. He discovered this back door was nailed shut around the time I was an infant. Pretty sure when he told me that the back door was nailed shut I turned pale white, as it made my early memories even more terrifying for me.
Back then when I was in Kindergarden, and about 3 or 4 years old, I suddenly started to draw strange pictures. I drew the windows of my room, although I was a poor painter, you could easily recognize them by thier special shape. In the bottom left corner I drew a claw hand with three fingers. I told my Kindergarden teacher that it came every night, and it came to get me. It ceeped her the fuck out. The kindergarden alarmed my parents, everyone was clueless, they moved my bed, so I could not see the window, it did not help. I got a new room, it did not help. Then about six month later I stopped drawing that shit. I can't remeber the claw, or anything connected to it, only that I had to change rooms a few times. My mom still has some of the crayon pictures I drew 30 years ago. I recently looked at them, I feel like I look at something I've never seen before, and I still can't figure out what the fuck was wrong with me.
My neighbor a similar story, just sad, not creepy. Their 6 year old found a dead cat, and put it in the washer. When her Mon found out and asked why, she pointed at the detergent that said, "Brings colors to life!". Poor girl thought it meant it could bring a cat to life too.
My 5 year old stepson frequently talks about a man dressed like a cowboy that talks to him and stands over his bed at night. Also about 2 years ago we were having some strange issues in an apartment we lived in. Things would be moved around. The cats would freak out late at night. You'd hear whispers and foot steps all the time, especially when you were alone. We just brushed it off for the most part but this one time things got really freaky. I was at work and my GF (now wife) was at home with the little guy. He was playing in the living room while she was making food. All of a sudden he came running in to the kitchen screaming and clawing at her to pick him up. She said he was shaking all over and had a death grip on her. After he calmed down a bit he told her he saw a pink goat man standing in front of the front door. He described the creature as having a goat head and a furry man body with pink skin and dark hair. This obviously freaked her out. So she tried to put him down to take a look at what he was talking about but he was not having it. He kicked and screamed and dug his nails into her so she would not put him down. We have since moved out of that place but I will never forget that story. I am not sure what my stepson saw but whatever it was it scared the crap out of him.
When I was 3 I informed my mom that I was going to see Jesus tonight.she replied saying that I couldn't go see Jesus because I couldn't come back. I told her "I Know but dont worry its a nice place I remember it from before I came to you". I remember saying this ,and I remember getting a chocolate bar and watching cartoons all night with my mom.
A few years ago, my almost three year old brother and I were in my room. I was sitting with him on the floor playing with him, and we were kind of rowdy and loud. He suddenly stopped and snapped his neck in the direction of my bedroom window and was completely silent. He then turned his head, incredibly slowly, from the window to my bedroom door. I was kind of creeped out, but after staring at my doorway for a few seconds, he turned back to me and whispered, "D'you see?" I replied, "See what?" He then glanced back at the door, turned back to me, and whispered, "He's here." I scooped that child up so fast and ran the hell out of there with my eyes squeezed shut. Never been so terrified.
My friend's 3 year old cousin just randomly started screaming in his room and when they went to go see what was wrong he just looked at them and said, "Who was that screaming?"
My daughter, who is now 4, lost her father to suicide about a year and a half ago (right before her 3rd birthday). It was something that we never really talked about because she was so young. A couple months after, she started telling me about something she called an augur that would talk to her in her bedroom; apparently it was a "black birdie" and would tell her it wanted to take her away to see her daddy. Sometimes she would tell me her daddy was the augur. I didn't think too very much of it aside from a child's overly active imagination (she's quite precocious) until one day a friend was over playing Skyrim and there was an "augur" in the game. I'd never heard the word before except from my little girl so we had to Google it. From Wikipedia: "The augur was a priest and official in the classical world, especially ancient Rome and Etruria. His main role was to interpret the will of the gods by studying the flight of birds." There was a raven (just one) that lived close to our house, she insisted it wanted to take her to its nest. As associated with augury, the raven is known as a "stealer of souls." Needless to say, sincerely freaked out - even as an atheist.
Okay, so here's my story. My sister and I both had night terrors when we were young. I'm 28 and I still have them. My mother called them "fever dreams" because they'd usually happen when we were sick. Basically, we'd hallucinate that the ceiling fan was trying to kill us or the closet was a giant mouth or something like that, and we'd scream and cry and be unconsolable for hours. The subjects of my sister's night terrors would change every time, but I had one scenario that repeated over and over. When I'd have this night terror, I'd run from my room into my parents' in the middle of the night screaming "Get them off! Get them off!" while frantically brushing my pajamas with my hands -- you know, the way you would if you were trying to get something off of you. Each time this happened, my parents would calm me down and put me back to bed. They chalked my behavior up to night terrors and didn't think anything of it. Fast forward ten years -- I'm a teenager and I'm laying in my bed in the early evening, reading. I put down my book, look up at my ceiling and see that it's moving. Squinting, I realize the ceiling is covered with thousands of baby spiders. They've crawled to each end of my ceiling and many of them are dropping down and hanging from different lengths of invisible thread, transforming my bedroom into a gauntlet of spiders that's literally impossible to escape without being covered by hundreds of tiny insects. After running, flailing, into the hallway, I tried my best to spray my entire room with bug spray, but the spiders hatched at least two more times that I can remember, and it never stopped being terrifying. And those tiny spiders, almost invisible to the naked eye, are what I imagine was covering my 6-year-old body as I screamed, jerked around and begged my parents for help -- my parents who took my hand and led me right back to a room full of spiders, tucked me in and told me it was just a bad dream.
I have a 4 year old brother (I'm 22) and when he was about 2 and a half going on 3, he knew how to draw REALLY well, and he didn't really talk much, maybe little words every now and then. One day, while I was watching him alone (My parents and older sibling went out), he got his drawing pad and started drawing a man with wings, 4 legs, and horns, and a smile and he ran to me and said, "Look, it's a beast. He's here." I shat bricks everywhere and called my parents and told them to come home.
I was babysitting my nephew one night, he was 3 at the time and couldn't talk due to some medical problems. I was sitting on the couch and out of the corner of my eye, I caught a quick glimpse of a full grown man rounding the corner and going up the stairs. Assuming it was my brother, I got up and started looking for him so I could go home. My nephew looks up at me and said "that's not daddy... But HE" points at said stairs "is always watching you." And then starts screaming. My brother wasn't home yet. And my nephew wouldn't let me turn off ANY lights. Needless to say, I was terrified. I couldn't wait to gtfo.
While driving with my 3 year old daughter, we crossed over an overpass from which a man had recently jumped to his death. As we crossed, she stared blankly out the window and said, "They're all dead." She's now 6 and I still go out of the way to avoid that overpass when she's in the car.
I sleep on a bunk bed, and one night I was up reading late. Then suddenly a hear a little rustling noise, and I look down, and my little brother, who was 4 at the time was kneeling by the bed and playing with his toys that he keeps by his bed. I said "Dude, what are you doing". He looks up and seems to look at me... BUT HIS EYES WERE CLOSED. Anyways, as soon as he "looks" at me, he rushes back in to his bed, and I came down and he was fast asleep. I slept with one eye open that night.
my little brother came up to me with his plastic cellphone and informed me that "grandma wanted to say hello". Playing along, I took the phone and answered, "Hello?" Immediately he starts making this loud noise that sounds like radio static and then says "Grandma lives in the shower walls" and nonchalantly strolls away.
My son's only 2, but he came up to me a few weeks ago, beckoned for me to crouch down to his level, and whispered in my ear in a husky voice, "I'm Batman"
I created an account especially to comment on this post. :) When I was age 5 - 10 we lived in a really big house. It was so big me and my brother could ride our bicycles in the house with ease. Three memorable things happened to me during this time. The one was I was sitting at my piano and in the corner of my eye I saw a silhouette figure entering the room. As I turned around it evaporated before my eyes. The second is, I was standing in my mother's washroom and as I'm watching the top loader, a shadowy hand starts reaching out of the top loader. I ran away and spoke to no one about this. The third is the one evening my brother woke me up and said 'do you see the dots?' And I look and see the whole room filled with tiny sparkles. As I'm looking at the dots he says 'look a wand!' and the dots shape into a wand into his hand. And he says 'look a gift!' and I see a small package forming in his hands. I shit you not. I remember this vividly. Several years later I was trying to raise the topic of this house and my brother kept refusing to talk about it. So eventually he says something like "I don't want to talk about that place - I still remember the dots." At about 24 I woke up to a face floating in the air whispering 'blood' to me. Ended up at a psychiatrist. I was diagnosed with simple partial seizures caused by temporal lobe epilepsy which sometimes manifests itself as hallucinations. I'm still confused about whether the stuff that happened to me as a kid was a seizure or not.
When I was I child I went to get my baby brother, being of a year old, out of his bed for my parents. I exclaimed, "good morning!" as I walked into our nursery. I then began rummaging through the draw across the room for his baby bag as I heard, "good morning" repeated back to me. I called for my mother and father, assuming it was them, though they had been the floor beneath me. My brother didn't speak his first words for another two months.
My daughter used to stare off into space when she was younger. When she was 4 she stopped playing and just STARED into an empty corner of the room. When I asked what she was looking at she tells me 'He's like an angel but all black and there's smoke around him. He wants me to come with me' I got a priest into the house the next day.
My mom used to work at a school for autistic people. Keep in mind these are anywhere from preteens to full grown men with the mental ability of children. There were always a few teachers and aids for every class. She said there was this one kid that was ten that was very very quiet. She was ushering all the kids out of the classroom because it was the end of the day and was about to close the classroom when she noticed the youngest kid in their classroom was still standing in the classroom. She went over and like at him but she said his eyes were different. She said that this 10 year old Asian boy let out this deep, multiple voiced laugh that was not at all even close to what he normally sounded like. Another time she said one kid who was about 15 and weighed 120 max took 5 full grown men to hold him down when he became agitated.
Little brother to big sister: "I don't like you. And I didn't like you when we were at God, either."
when I was like 3 or 4 years old I was standing with my dad's best friend by a dock. They said that I looked dramatically over the sea and then I said: Many have gone to sea, only to find themselves lost, where only death can find them...
My son says: "Dad, you could lose weight if you got rid of those things inside your back." Me: "What things?" Son: "The rabbits with no hair and no eyes."
I was babysitting my dad's friend's son, who was about 27 months. I was watching TV while he played with his toys in the corner. At some point he stopped, and started looking up and talking. I watched for a few minutes, curious, and asked him who he was talking to. He got up and walked to the bedroom, sat in the corner, and continued to talk to nothing. I sat down next to him and put him in my lap, and he laid against me and looked up, still talking. Again, I asked him "Who are you talking to?" He just pointed up, smiled, and waved. I took him out for a nice, long walk after that.
My youngest sister, just turned six, was watching the news right after the Boston bombing. She turned to me and said "the devil did it" I asked why she thought so, and she answered "well he told me he did"
My younger sister, who is seven years old, once turned and said to me, "Sometimes I hear people who aren't there. They keep saying my name quietly."
When I was a little kid (7-years-old-ish), my little brother (5-years-old-ish), we shared a room on the top floor of a very old house (150+ years). It was in a town that was raided and burned to the ground around the time of the American civil war. Square nails in the stairs and everything. Anyways, we had four build-it-yourself IKEA-style bookshelves lined up side-by-side to separate the two sides of our room (which was functionally similar to the Iron Curtain). During nights, my brother would sometimes be talking to himself, but pretty quietly so that I couldn't hear. One morning, he started telling the family about "Abraham Lincoln" in the corner of his room. My mom asked him about this, and my brother repeated that "Abraham Lincoln" visits him at night to talk, but that it was "kind of scary because his veins are hanging out of his arms". After that morning, anytime I heard my brother talking on the other side of the room behind his side of the bookshelves, I just threw the covers over my head and hoped for the best. Some nights I would lay there terrified for hours. My brother remembers almost everything and we talk about it sometimes. We are both now combat veterans, but I tell you what, thinking about that story still scares the living shit out of the both of us.
My aunt one night says "Come here Michael!" He replies with "Michael? My name's George...But I died so I guess I'm Michael Now" He was all of 5, and the creepiest thing ever.
My daughter told me that a "ghost" lady comes in her room at night. "Mommy, she has blonde hair and wears a pants suit. I need you to bring a chair for her, ok?" So before bed, I would bring in one of the kitchen chairs and place it near her bed. She would say "Now, she will be more comfortable." She is 4 years old.
My parents said that ive always known how to read--always.and its not like they were hell bent on teaching me either. My kindergarden teacher caught me reading and understanding Moby Dick.
I once bought my 5yr niece a beta fish that was redish purple and asked her what she wanted to name it, she said "Lucifer" She calls it Lucy for short.
when my youngest sister was 4 or 5 (around that age), she had imaginary friends. She would say things like, "I went to my brick house today, but the bloody monster was there." One time we were driving somewhere and, out of nowhere, she says, "This is the way to my brick house..." "I played with my dolphins at my brick house today, and we saw the bloody monster again." Ughhhhhhhhhhh I thought she was the antichrist. I really did.
I was standing in the kitchen doing dishes one day and my baby sister (who was around 3 at the time) just walks in, looks at our dog for a minute, and says "I know, Bob, but killing people is wrong!"
When my sister was about 2 she was sitting on my aunt's bed with my aunt. My aunt was reading a horror book with a corpse coming out of the grave. My sister said "that's the man in the closet". My aunt said "Is he in there now". My sister nods head yes. They quickly left the room.
This is something that I did when I was 15, to my mom. I used to always listen to music before bed, and sometimes I'd fall asleep with my headphones on. One night, my mom came in, and took my headphones off. According to her, my eyes shot open as soon as she took them off, I sat straight up, and grabbed her wrist and creepily told her "No. You can't take it. They're talking to me. I can't hear them if you take it." I then proceeded to pass the fuck out again. She threw the headphones away. Good times!
My daughter was drawing as she often does. She then turns her paper to me. At this time, I was going over some sales figures from the last period, so I wasn't paying any attention. "Daddy, this is Maxwell." (Her imaginary friend.) "That's nice honey." "He bleeds from his eyes." The picture reflected this quite clearly. A stick figure type man with big, red eyes. Since then, I've been worried.
When two of my cousins were really little, they had a stuffed rabbit they called Baby Bunny. Unlike normal kids, they started a cult to worship Baby Bunny, and would take their shirts off and chant, "Mani ani uni Baby Bunny." They continued to worship the stuffed animal until my older cousin took it into their backyard and shot it with an arrow. He said it was dead, so they just threw it away and never had a stuffed-idol again.
A few months after my friends' son died unexpectedly, their neighbors gave birth to a baby girl. Now, several years later, that girl acts like a boy (refuses to wear dresses, plays with toy soldiers instead of dolls, etc) and always wants to visit her neighbors, calling them her "real" mommy and daddy.
According to my parents, when I was in kindergarten I was buidling an upside down cross with the tinker toys. I believe that I was making a sword, because I watched a show about knights. The teacher told me to stop and I told her to watch what she said or else the master would drag her down to meet him. I don't remember saying that, and I have a really great memory. Ten years later I had a catechism teacher tell me she believed I was the anti-christ. Weird.
I was assisting the Pre-school teacher with the kids. It was halloween, so we thought we'd make cute halloween cards together. There was this korean boy who asked for more card than the others, around 10 pages worth. I was going around the tables, asking if any of the kids needed help with anything. I came full-circle and passed by the same boy again, asking him what he was making, since I wasn't sure. He then without looking at me said "The Book of the Dead." and then began to flip the pages, pointing onto different areas of the page and explaining different creatures and things to me. The pages were blank.
My son was three years old and riding in the back of the car (like they do) and we asked him: "Jack, what would you like for lunch?" In a resounding voice he demanded: "REVENGE!!!"
My old roommate's daughter once turned to us and said "God is a vampire. We know this."
I remember once as a kid my cousin growing increasingly hysterical in the back room about the "pig faces" in the second-story window that nobody else could see.
When I was very young my first memory was waking up as if I had someone else's mind in my body, fully cognitive and comprehensive thought of where was I and what was going on before I even knew what most of the words i was thinking were..... And to this day I wonder what the hell it meant.
My two year old daughter has been talking about a man in our house for a while. Her top three comments: 1. "Mom, who is that man that is in the wall?" 2. "I am going to get up at night, go downstairs and go outside all by myself." I asked her why she thought she could do that, "The man told me to," she said. 3. We are lying in bed and she says "Knock knock. Who's there? The man" and then whispering and pointing right above us "The man is right here."
When i was 10 I had a reoccurring dream that my maternal grandfather was trying to kill me. In the dream everything was constructed from basic shapes and primary colors. I always hid in the bathroom and would wake up as he was about to kill me in the bathtub. When I was older my mom confessed that her dad tried to kill her and her sister in the bathtub when she was 10. He was diagnosed with severe mental issues and locked away for sometime.
In Russia, coffin has pipe for air, and bell with string. If man is true Soviet, he does not die. When buried, yells for undertaker and rings bell. Bell rings. Is no wind. Undertaker asks - "Are you lady Gorbochev?" Voice says "Yes!" "Born winter of 1927?" "Yes!" "Gravestone says 'Died 19 February" "Niet, am still living!" "Am sorry, but is December. In June, ground will thaw. You must wait for June." And woman is true Soviet, waits for June.
Aliens first contacted the human race. The only transmission received was, "help."
"I think I just heard someone laughing in your basement." "This house doesn't have a basement."
i have a vivid memory of my computer giving me some sort of device and a pencil. i lost the device, but i still have the pencil. its covered in blood and im holding it right now. we had to get rid of the computer a week later because it had red liquid oozing from it and there were somehow wood chips in it. the screen was also always flashing with faces, but my parents never saw it.
My grandma died and we went to look at her for the last time. It wasn't really scary, though, it was just sad. My grandpa cried the whole time and one of his tears fell on grandma's cheek, making it look like she was crying, too. That night I went to bed, and kept a flashlight next to me (I had a little nightlight near my bed, but that wasn't good enough, apparently .) Whenever I heard a sound I would turn it on, making sure every corner was empty. When I turned the flashlight off, I would just lie there, with my eyes wide open, staring into the dark. Then I /felt/ something, I don't remember exactly what, so I turned on my light again. Right there, just a few inches away from me was my grandma's face. She was extremely pale looking, with wide open, black eyes and mouth, and a tear rolling down her cheek. My mom heared me screaming and stormed in, turning on all the lights, making grandma dissapear.
It's not especially scary, but once, when I was younger (7 or 8), I woke up in the night to piano music down stairs. We had an old piano and I went to bed much earlier then my family, so I just presumed it was my dad playing the music. However, when I asked about it the next day, no-body admitted to playing, so I presumed I had dreamt it. A few years later, we decided to clear out our attic, which was still littered with stuff from the previous owners. We found some dusty old sheet music in a corner, and asked my dad to play it. I instantly recognised it as the music from that night, and subsequently didn't sleep for a week.
I live in a really, really rural place, so it's not uncommon to have really long stretches of road with absolutely no civilization at all. No lights, no other cars, no nothing for miles and miles. One night, my friend was driving back from a bonfire party in the desert when she said she just saw what looked like a guy walking along the side of the road. She could see him moving way up ahead of her, and as she got closer, she started to notice that the way he was moving was very unusual. His arms seemed too long and she described his gait to me as nothing she'd ever seen a human being do. She said it was like he was constantly staggering, but never falling over. She told me that as she got close enough to pass him, she just KNEW that she didn't want to see this person/thing's face. She turned her rearview mirror away from her, drove by as fast as she could, and didn't look back. She called me later to tell me about this. She was actually really creeped out, because the person/thing had been heading in the direction of our town.
About a year and a half ago, my best friend of 15+ years and I took a trip out to my family farm, at night, after getting out of our second shift job. It was a nice, clear, crisp early fall night in Michigan. We were sitting there, just chit chatting away and watching the night sky, when he asked a very peculiar question. He said, "This place has always had a strange feel to it, almost like you are being watched. Did something happen here? Something bad, I mean." I just laughed a little, and I replied that I only knew the stories that my father told me. I told him about how when my great grandpa purchased the farm in the early 30s, that it was a big family project to keep it up and running. Relatives would come and help with the chores, and in exchange, be able to hunt the land for food. My great grandpa had a cousin that came over one day, helped out, and asked if he could go out later that night to do some coon hunting. He of course, got permission, and set out shortly after sundown. The next morning, my great grandpa noticed that his vehicle was still out in driveway, even though he should have left hours before. It was still dark out, but my great grandpa knew the are of the land he would be hunting, and set off in that direction. He walked back towards the back pasture field, and as he came around a bend, he hollered my cousin's name. He heard a strange, yet familiar voice answer him back. He said that the voice chilled him to the bone, that something wasn't quite right about it. So he called out again, and this time, the voice was for sure not his cousins, but almost like a growl imitating his voice. He said he high tailed it out of there, never looking back. When the sun came up, he took a big group of relatives and farm hands to look for him. They found his gun, loaded, but not fired, his hat, which was covered in a brown liquid spattering, and that was all. My great grandpa looked for any signs of him for over 60+ years. The only time he ever held out hope of finding him, my dad said, was when the swamp in the pasture fields by where he was supposed to be hunting dried up.
I was at my (Ex)girlfriends house last year, we were sitting on her couch with her sister. They both suddenly covered their eyes and I stared at them with a confused look. Her sister said "Don't look in the corner of the room, shes right there". In the corner of my eye I saw somthing in a dress crouched down in the corner of the room. I closed my eyes, and when the coast was clear I noped the fuck out of there.
My grandmother's uncle was a trader and lived on the border of Afghanistan/Pakistan. He would use camels and donkeys to move his goods, this is before cars were readily available in that part of the world. She told me that one night while going through the desert alone with two camels and a donkey he heard someone call his name. When he turned to see who it was, he said he saw beings that were so tall that their heads looked like they were touching the clouds. So anyway he left his camels right then and there and jet using his donkey. When he reached his sister's house a couple hours he explained what he had seen and that he was in a lot of pain. He died about two hours later. When they were washing his body for burial (Muslims usually bury within 24 hours or less) they saw that he had a single hand imprint that stretched across the entirety of his back... From his right thigh all the way to his left shoulder... One hand print...
My dad told me a story once His parents got divorced when he was 8. His mom, whom he lived with, got remarried when he was 12. His stepdad is practically his real dad. He see's him as his actual father. My grandpa is a bit of a joker, so he used to crawl into my dad's room at night, lean by his bed to freak him out. Well, one night my dad heard a noise next to his book shelf, and looked over to the right side of his bed to see my grandpa crouched down staring at him. He laughed it off, and expecting him to get up. He just stayed. So my dad began yelling his name. "Ken. Ken. KEN!!!" Only to get a response from him, from downstairs. The person crouching next to the bed just managed to smile bigger and bigger. Of course, my dad freaked out and booked it, saying the thing crawled under the bed. His stepdad was the only one there that night. They looked around to find nothing, and just managed to let it slide.
“My grandfather on his deathbed said ‘they have no eyes,’ still give me chills.”
A nice old lady who told my CNA she wanted to wear all white. When asked why, she said ‘the man in black is here.’ She looked in the corner of the room. The CNA looked, but there was no one there. That’s when I came into the room. We asked her to describe what she was seeing and she said ‘he’s in all black, and he’s got a top hat on.’ Then she whispered ‘and his eyes are red’ while her eyes moved across the room to directly behind the CNA, like she was watching him move closer to us. She died later that night. But it was unexpected. That room creeped me out for a long time after that.
So I was sleeping, and in the middle of the dream a character of my dream who was doing something turned her head, looked at me very seriously and said "There's someone in your apartment, wake up.". I nearly had a god damned heart attack, and my apartment was empty.
Ok so this happened to me last summer when I was back at my parent's house during the holidays. It was around 3am and i was in my room on my computer when I got a call from my sister. Now that was already a little bit weird since my sister's room is just down the hallway from mine and she could have just came in my room. I went to pick up and the call ended as soon as I reached the phone. I figured that she wanted to speak with me so I got up and went to her room. As soon as I reached her door, she started screaming that someone was in the room with her so I busted in and of course nobody was here. After she stopped crying she told me that she woke up and saw a dark shadow just centimetres from her face and that's when she screamed. So I told her that she called me, she tell me that her phone is not in her room and that she was sleeping. Sure enough her phone is actually dowstairs in her purse. The weird part is that I have the log of her call on my phone but she doesn't. Never managed to explain this one.
When we first moved into the house I grew up in, I used to hear things calling my name from the opposite end of the house. Like...I would be in my room playing with Legos or something, and I would hear my dad call my name from his room. So I'd go to my parents' bedroom and ask them what they wanted, and they'd always tell me that they never called my name. Being a little kid, I honestly started to think that they were playing a joke on me, because this happened about once every couple of days. Well, one night it happened and I went to ask them what they wanted, like always. But right as I stepped into their room, I heard my mom's voice calling for me from the living room, which is all the way on the other side of the house. It was at that exact point that I knew no one was tricking me, because I was looking at both of my parents sitting in front of me. I kinda kept this to myself until my brother was diagnosed with partial narcolepsy. One of the symptoms of narcolepsy is apparently aural hallucinations, so I thought maybe I had it to. Went and got myself checked: completely fine. So I have no idea what was calling my name all those years, and I still hear it at night whenever I come visit and stay over.
When I was about 13 or 14 I lived on a farm in NC. This wasn't a regular farm that you would expect with fields full of beans and shit, it was actually a pine tree harvestry. Pine needles are a big landscaping commodity and so we lived basically in the woods and would bail the pinestraw every year. Whatever, the point is that my house was in the middle of 550 acres of perfectly lined longleaf pines. My living room had a huge picture window. I won't go into the architecture of the house, but it was a weird custom job built by some dentist in the 30's. The window in the living room stretched nearly the entire length of the room, maybe 50 feet. The house was built on a subtle hill, so the living room itself sat 5 or 6 feet off the ground, so you had something of an angle to look out at a solid mile of pine trees. During the winter it was unsettling because you'd get just a bit of snow, enough to reflect moonlight so that you could see the dogs running around at night. I'll be honest, i hated that room and that window. So now to the relevant part. I had a cousin over for the weekend and we were doing what kids do in the country: throwing stuff in the fireplace to see what happens. It is getting late and the fire is dying down, so we build the big kingdom of couch cushions and blankets in the living room and get ready for bed. Nothing out of the ordinary until we hear the dogs barking. They were really far away. The property stretches for nearly a mile, so I just assumed they were chasing off whatever animal felt like shitting in my yard. So my cousin is staring out the window and not saying anything, which prompts the standard "what's up?" He just kind of keeps staring and says he feels like he's seeing things. Naturally I get all anxious and start staring out the window as well. Nothing happens for a few minutes and he gets more and more annoyed with me because i'm asking what he saw, he keeps shushing me so that he can focus. And then we both see it. A shadow of a person moves from one tree to the next. not a run, not a leap, just a brisk walk from one tree to another. This is probably 100 yards out from the house. We can't actually tell if the person is coming closer or not because we're dealing with moonlight reflecting off of snow/slush/ice. I guess the crazy part is that we didn't so much freak out...because at this point there is still that chance that we didn't see what we saw, you know? So we just kept staring. We should have gone to wake up my dad, but he's an idiot and the kind of guy to walk out on the patio and holler into the woods with his rifle. We were just scared enough to agree that we don't want to taunt whatever is happening. So about 3 minutes later, it happens again, but a good 50 feet from where we first saw it. Another person, another tree, a few strides and they were gone. This happened every few minutes for the next half hour, and we just stared. At this point I should mention that I didn't really have neighbors. The land surrounding our farm was Federal Paper (i don't know who owns it now) so it was miles and miles of uncultivated trees. You don't see people around the farm unless they intend to be there. So we keep watching as these two figures intermittently appear and vanish until finally we see one appear...but not disappear. Instead we focus in on it and see that it is now running forward. We lose our shit and go wake my dad. By the time we get into the room with my half-awake father, there is no one to be seen. We sprint around locking doors and windows. Keep in mind that we're out in the country with no one around...it rarely occurs to lock doors. Every door was worse than the last because you just know that as soon as you reach the door, someone is going to be trying to open it, although that never happened. We locked everything up, walked around the house at least 50 times making sure no one got in without us knowing, and then convinced my dad to fall asleep in the living room with us while we stared out the window. I never understood why my dad wouldn't call the police. He always had this 'we take care of our own' mentality and it simply wasn't an option to call 911. The next day we went out to look and, absolutely, there were footprints everywhere in the snow. We saw them between trees and then we finally saw where someone had been standing right in front of the window...but as I said, I wouldn't have seen them because while i'm 7 feet up in the living room, they would have been right beneath me.
This didn't actually happen to me, but to my sister and brother in law. They have a hobby called Urban Exploration (fancy words for trespassing abandoned buildings, but it's fun haha) but anyways they were in this old abandoned nursing home in the middle of the night just doing what they usually do: looking around, taking pictures of the interesting things that time forgot, and experiencing the adventure of breaking a minor law. At one point, one of them found an old broken life-alert-ish alarm (Not the exact thing, but same concept) that had some magnetic slip or something so it would go off if one of the old people had fell. it was in shit condition and didn't have any batteries but one of their stupid friends picked it up and held onto it for a while. A bit later, they were checking out another area of the home, and there was a HEAVY steel door closed with a metal hatch in front of the sanitarium section or like the intensive care section or something. they decided not to go in and turn around to keep walking and then heard the loudest fucking BLAST they've ever heard and turned around to see the steel door had been just bashed open the wrong fucking way. The door was supposed to open inwards but it had flown open outwards ripping right through the fucking metal doorframe. Needless to say they got the fuck out of there. After they calmed down outside for a while they decided to go back in (they've been doing this for a while and they don't believe in ghosts, they know there has to be a rational explanation for it) and they just as they're about to go inside they hear a loud ass beeping. They look at their friend who is still holding the powerless, broken, alarm and it's going off like crazy. he throws it to the ground the beeps start sounding like fucking screams. They got the fuck out.
I was walking downstairs at night, and saw someone in all white outside the kitchen window. The person saw me and ran. I froze in place and screamed because I thought the house was being broken into. My mom immediately called the police when I said I saw someone outside run away. Cops came, no signs of anything. The cop said I probably just saw my reflection in the window; because I was wearing a white shirt... Which is probably the case. But last time I checked reflections don't usually move on their own.
This happened on a military base in a PX shopping center when I was about five or six. My mother told me to sit on a bench that was facing the women's clothes section. She didn't want me following her around the section because I had a bad habit of walking between the clothing racks and scaring ladies who would be casually shopping for clothes. Apparently, that was a no go on this particular occasion. She wanted me in one location where she could keep her eye on me. Thanks, mom. Well, I remember sitting on the bench by myself for about five to ten minutes, an eternity to a bored little boy, before another child came and sat next to me. She was about nine to eleven years old. She had heavily tanned skin. I can't remember whether or not she was Latina or Indian, but I recall her having soft brown eyes and long silky black hair. So, as soon as she sat down I heard a gurgling noise that I couldn't locate. It was definitely close, but not coming form any of my immediate directions. The sound was simply there, without a source. I glanced over to the girl to give her the "do you hear that, too?" face. However, when I focused my attention on her I realized that she was staring at me as if I was the most interesting thing in the world. No, not goo goo cootie eyes, but eyes of a young girl who was captivated by her favorite preteen television drama. That's when the sound turned into words. And, let me tell you, it sounded like one of those smoker's talk boxes. The words said, "Hey little boy, how are you?" The girl's head tilted a bit to the side as if she was expecting a response, as if the words came from her. At first, being the precocious and inquisitive scamp that I was, I opened my mouth to ask her to teach me how to, and I quote, "do ventriloquist speech". However, before I could form a word, the gurgling, mechanical noise emerged again and formed words almost immediately. "Hey, little boy, do you want to play?" The girl's mouth /did/ /not/ move. Suddenly, I got this really sick feeling in my stomach as if something was wrong on a life threatening level. My body tensed up in fear and I slowly shifted my neck in a rigid fashion so that I could focus attention away from the girl. Then, the thought came that maybe she was disabled and had a speaking device. I looked over quickly again to answer her and not seem like I didn't want to talk to a kid that was a bit different. But, of course, there was no assisted speech device or anything attached to her. The gurgling voice came out again, "Hey little boy, do you want to play?" Her smile was soft and welcoming, but I for some reason I felt a legitimate primal fear. At that moment I let out a whimper and a small whine as I got up to speed walk toward my mother who was less than 30 feet away. When I got to my mom she asked me why I wasn't sitting on the bench. I have no clue why my mood changed, but I said, "I was but this girl wouldn't stop annoying me" in a genuinely irritated manner. It was kind of like I completely forgot being scared of the girl and just found her to be nerve wracking. My mom gave me the okay to stand beside her and not run off while she finished looking over a pair of blouses. I still don't know how that girl did that with her voice or why it scared me so much.
The house I grew up in used to be a schoolhouse during the 1900s. Whenever I'd sleep in the living room I'd half-see miscolored faces floating in the corners. Several years later, after moving out, my brother mentioned that he could never sleep down there because of "floating masks."
When I was 7 years old me and my family went to visit family in another country. While I was there I fell from a balcony and almost died. The thing about that is I saw a dark figure run up the stairs beside the balcony and then when I turned around to look at the top of the stairs where I was expecting someone to pop up there was just a pure black face staring back. Next thing I knew I was on the floor below covered in blood and the figure was standing over me. I mustered a cry out and my sister came running over. Looked back for the figure and it wasn't there. After I got taken to the hospital and stitched up I heard about my cousin who had died there a year prior after falling off the balcony. He was 7 years old and had my same birthday. The doctor told me had I fallen even a centimeter in a different way I might not have survived. Still creeps me out to think about it.
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