#i had help from a friend in picking out chongyun's yaksha name
mmriesoftvat · 9 months
i'm talking about it on discord, but i want to again talk about yaksha!verse for chongyun and how much i LOVE it and need to throw it at the rest of you more.
in yakshaverse, chongyun is the missing/long sealed both in body and in records, cryo yaksha, binarius. seeing his friends and loved ones succumb to the karmic debt around him had him PANICKED, so he begged rex lapis and xiao and any other adeptus who could to seal his powers.
not only did they seal binarius away, but they placed him in a clan and trusted the clan to be secret keeper. he became the 'human' chongyun, with his memories being reset every several years so he didn't question why he never aged, or why he was different.
i have the verse following several different branches though! i can write him with other yaksha in their glory days as the baby yaksha, younger than even xiao. binarius is a húli jīng, or a nine-tailed fox illuminated beast, and certainly has the trickster part of the personality. binarius cares about the other yaksha, loves them and loves rex lapis. he always saw himself as above humans, mostly only to the point of playing tricks on them, never intentionally causing harm. he mastered both the claymore and polearm, and had mastered the use of his vision, and was just as fast and strong as the rest of the yaksha, and just as diligent in his duties.
there's also fudging canon a bit where i (at least want to) write him in sumeru's glory days in the reign of king deshret. since there's canon lore in sumeru of yaksha being present, i feel like binarius could easily slot into that general timeline, and it'd be a really fun thread(s) to explore!
i also am willing to throw past!era binarius into ancient inazuma! (i have a thread for that as well, the brainworms for it are ever strong.).
and of course, modern times where chongyun is regaining his memories of being yaksha. the "yang energy" is really his own powers begging to be set free, and he isn't sure if he's congyun or binarius anymore, but is embracing both sides of his personality. ALL branches of this au have so much potential, and i am just holding this verse in my hands and offering it out to all of you.
give me yaksha verse, give me yaksha interactions, give me yaksha everything.
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scarasimplysimping · 4 years
These Books Of You
Xingqiu x Adepti Reader
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Sypnosis: A boy of noble blood and disciple to the Guhua Clan, Xingqiu has been reading books of the heroic adventures of an elusive adepti, [Y/N] ever since he was a little boy.
Now a bit older, he sets everything aside in a journey to meet you.
(A/N): I planned to put it all in one post but like it wouldn't fit. Part 2 link below.
"How long will you stay with me?"
It was midnight. All of liyue was quiet and asleep except for a certain room where you could here the rustling sound of packing made by a young man eager to leave before dusk.
"Are you sure about this?" Chongyun asks, catching his breath after climbing his friend's window.
"Most definitely!" Xingqiu says excitedly as he picks out the books he would be bringing.
Chongyun furrows his eyebrows, "You don't even have a plan!"
"These books are my plan," The dark haired boy says in a wise tone.
Xingqiu chuckles in response.
Chongyun begins to rant again. "Where will you go? Where will you search? What will you eat? What if you get mugged?"
Xingqiu laughs harder, "My friend, I appreciate your concern but I assure you. Nothing you say will change my mind. I will search all of Teyvat if I must."
"What if they don't exist? What if it's all fiction? Mere children's fairytales."
This makes Xingqiu stop in his tracks, contemplating the possibility for a few moments before coming to the conclusion, "They are real. I can feel it."
"And what of your family? Your brother?"
"I've left them a letter."
"What will they do with the letter? Teach it chivalry?" Chongyun says sarcastically.
Xingqiu does not bother to reply.
The exorcist sighs in defeat, "Xingqiu, if you don't come back alive, I will kill you."
"Then perhaps it's best if I don't come completely," He teases.
"Then I shall kill you right now and you won't get to leave at all."
The two friends bicker like this for a while until it is time for one's departure.
"Be careful, Xingqiu," Chongyun bids.
"I will. Make sure my family doesn't do anything rash while I'm gone."
The light haired boy rolls his eyes.
"Dear Chongyun, If in any case I don't come back, know that I've always appreciated your friendship."
And just like that, Xingqiu climbs out the window and disappears into the dark of night.
In the early afternoon, you sat peacefully, having tea with Cloud Retainer and Zhongli atop of Mt. Aozang. The breeze was nice and so was the view.
"It's a shame only we came to this tea party. It's been ages since we've gathered with the adeptus," The geo archon spoke.
"This is not a petty tea party. One has called a meeting to discuss the next move regarding a matter of great importance," Cloud Retainer retorted.
"And what might this matter be?" You ask while slouching on your seat, showing no interest.
"One has come to notice that ever since the incident of Osial's return and defeat, mortal's have come to One's domain asking for favors or offering goods much more times than One is comfortable with. The mortal, Aether has also-"
Cloud Retainer could not finish because the sound of your intentionally loud sigh interrupted her.
"Is the almighty Cloud Retainer scared of mortal affection and admiration?" You tease. Even Zhongli could not help but smile a bit.
Cloud Retainer threw you both a look that.. well you could only assume was a glare since she was in the shape of a bird after all.
The light-hearted argument continues until you here a soft grunting from a distance.
You all pause, listening as the voice becomes louder and louder and then, you see a hand grip the edge of the mountain, then another. A dark blue haired young man lifts himself up and throws himself onto the mountain surface, panting heavily.
"Oh.. Sweet.. sweet ground.," He says. You can almost hear him thank the Archons that he's made it this far.
"And what is your purpose of interrupting an important gathering?" Cloud Retainer's voice boomed.
Xingqiu blinked a bit before remembering why he was here in the first place. Quickly, he got up and bowed, still woozy from all the climbing. "I've been traveling for two days, seeking an adepti. I've heard that there's another adepti who lives here and I respectfully ask guidance in my journey," he says, still in a bowing position.
Zhongli recognizes him, "Xingqiu, are you not a little to far from Liyue Harbor?"
Xingqiu, in turn also recognizes the man but dares not question Zhongli's purpose. His only concern was finding you. "Please don't tell my family, Mister Zhongli."
You decide to entertain the mortal, "Well Xingqiu of Liyue Harbor, which adepti is it that you're looking for?"
Only then does he make eye contact with you, Xingqiu is taken in by your beauty. He stares a little too long before answering, "The heroic (Y/N)! The legendary adepti of great legends! They who saved thousands of lives and vanquished thousands more foes!" He says enthusiastically.
You are dumbfounded, never have you been sought after by a mortal for your heroic deeds. This was new. "And where do these legends come from?" You ask nervously.
"The books I've read! I've read every single one of the books that mention them."
Conveniently, you remember that time, thousands of years ago where you saved a family of writers who thanked you relentlessly and swore they'd write of your heroics.
While you are contemplating, Cloud Retainer speaks, "Look no further, mortal. The one you seek is here," She gestures to you.
You glare at her. "Is the mighty (Y/N) scared of mortal affection and admiration?" She mocks.
Xingqiu stares at you, trying to imprint this moment into his brain. "You... you weren't what I was expecting."
"And what were you expecting exactly?" You ask, offended.
"To be honest, I assumed you looked like a bird or fox! I was not expecting someone human and... beautiful." He says almost absent-mindedly.
Beautiful? As in attractive to a mortal's eyes? How dare he use such methods of flattery.
"How long will you stay with-"
Liar. Liar. Liar.
Zhongli and Cloud Retainer decide it was best for them to leave, they quietly dismiss themselves and leave you alone in this awkward situation.
The young man before you just stares at you with dazzled eyes.
"Now that you've found me, what do you plan?" You finally question.
Xingqiu stops for a moment. He didn't really think this far and didn't expect to find you so soon.
"I want to be your friend," Xingqiu blurts out.
You are again, taken aback by his straight-forwardness.
This was unnecessary. A mortal of such fleeting lifespan. How would this benefit you? This wouldn't benefit him either; you think to yourself. This is nothing but mortal entertainment. You had no interest in entertaining a mortal at your expense.
"I have no need for mortal company," You say firmly, all your nervousness replaced with a cold gaze.
"Please? I've dreamt of meeting you my whole life-"
"And now you have. Go."
"I swear to the Seven Archons I shall serve you well-"
"No!" This time, you raise your voice. "Go home," and with that, you vanish into thin air.
Xingqiu is sad and dejected,  even on verge of tears but he does his best to keep it together. "Very well," He quietly whispers.
Xingqiu, climbing down the mountain is several feet away from the ground when his mind wonders back to you and the harsh rejection. "Well it's not like an adepti to mortal friendship is common anyway. At least I got to meet them," He says, trying to look on the bright side. He assures himself that he will return.
Tears start bluring his vision and he takes a wrong step, causing him to plummet down and make a loud thump sound.
He groans in pain. For the most part, he was unharmed except for his right hand which was twisted in a weird position.
"Drat! Xingqiu, how pathetic can you be? You fall and just had to break your right arm, you're sword hand!" He scolds himself.
The good part of this was that it was nightfall now, if he was lucky, all the hilichurls around the area would be asleep and he could avoid combat.
Unfortunately, fate had other plans as he sees a hydro abyss mage that he could have sworn was not there before. And the abyss mage sees him.
Xingqiu curses and tries to make a run for it, but as he was still limping from the fall, the mage catches up to him and teleports in front of him. Xingqiu stumbles backwards. In a desperate attempt, he shouts your name. But the abyss mage wasn't going to wait for you to show up. The young man suddenly feels himself getting drowned. So was this it? Rejected by a childhood dream, almost fell to his death and was currently being drowned? What a weird day. What a sad way to die. It's almost poetic. Xingqiu was slowly beginning to lose consciousness, coming to terms with this tragic death when he felt the bubble burst, quite literally.
He fell to the ground, the last thing he saw was the vanishing particles of a defeated abyss mage and what appeared to be a silhouette of a person- Xingqiu was saved!... and falling unconscious.
After you rescued him, you hurriedly brought him to Wangshu Inn, blurting out to Verr Goldet that you almost let a mortal die.
You paced back and fourth at the terrace. While the vigilant yaksha, Xiao watches you with annoyance.
"What if he dies?" You ask frantically.
"You dressed his wounds quiet well. He won't die unless someone comes in and murders him," Xiao says as if trying to be comforting.
Xingqiu awakens from his slumber, body still aching. A cast of bandages was made in order to support his broken arm.
The door slowly opens, you walk in with some hot soup and set it on the bedside table. It didn't take him long to realize that you were the one who saved him.
"You're awake," You state the obvious but almost sigh in relief. "Despite the attack, you managed to go almost unscathed.. except for well, your broken arm."
"Thank you... You really are my hero," Xingqiu says, once again beaming at you.
"Don't come back to Mt. Aozang,"
"Wait- what?" His face falls. And all the feelings of being rejected earlier come back.
"If...," You hesitantly start, "If you must see me, then I spend one night a week at the statue of Pervases." This was a lie, of course. But you were willing to do as you said if that meant the mortal, Xingqiu would stop going through such dangerous measures in order to meet you.
As if like a switch, his bright smile returned almost instantly. "My liege, you won't regret this!"
"Drink your soup and meet me at the terrace when you're prepared to return for Liyue Harbor." You don't know why you say what you say next but it felt right, "and call me (Y/N)."
You shut the door behind yourself quickly, leaving Xingqiu alone in the room, euphoric.
"You should not get too close to mortals," Xiao warns once you reach the terrace.
"I will not."
"In the thousand that I've known you, never once have I seen you prepare soup for a mortal.. or immortal."
"That means nothing."
"And I suppose your made up visits to the statue of Pervases mean nothing as well?"
He had a point there."Don't eavesdrop on my conversations, Alatus."
He glares at the sudden mention of the name. "Their lives are fleeting, (Y/N). The peace at the end of their journey is just a thousand years of grief for us if we so choose to befriend them. I just warn you because I care for you," Xiao says before vanishing from your sight.
He was right. You knew that. Of all the adepti, Xiao knew you the most. He was there when the mortal part of you was taken away in exchange for eternal life, after all.
You loved once. But that did not end well.
"How long will you stay with me?"
Never again.
Shortly after Xiao's departure, Xingqiu arrives with that ever so charming smile.
Charming? Did you just think that? Right after promising yourself to solitude? Oh dear...
"I've prepared! Will we go on foot or will you fly us there? I must warn you I get motion sick-" He stops talking when he notices you taking steps toward him. You put a hand on his shoulder and Xingqiu's mind goes blank. Was this approval? Mutual admiration? Were you friends now?
"Close your eyes," You tell him.
To which he obeys without hesitation. He's read enough romance books to know where this is going. Xingqiu would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous but at the same time he was extremely excited. His train of thought is cut short when he feels a harsh gust of wind blow his way.
"You may open them now."
He does and to his surprise, the both of you are back at Liyue Harbor, specifically the bridge.
"We... teleported?" He asks, embarrassed of his thoughts just moments ago.
You nod. "This is as far as I'll go. Make it back to your residence carefully and get some rest."
"Can't you come with me?"
"I have a friend who-"
"We can grab some countryside delicacy-"
He sighs in defeat, "But I'll see you tomorrow night, right?"
Xingqiu, in a moment of elation and not thinking properly, abruptly takes your hand and places a kiss on your knuckles.
Realizing what he had done the dark haired boy glows red as apples and lets go as quick as he took hold of you. "W-well... good-bye then."
The boy leaves you dumbfounded once again.
Part 2
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