#i had fun with this nana thank you!!! <333
nanaslutt · 8 months
hello nana ^-^ hope you’re doing wellll
i’ve thought about satoru being deprived of reader’s attention because they have a child now and he wants to have reader all to himself once the child is fast asleep or something like that hehe
this is my first time requesting sorry if its not that clear love u n ur fics <3
thank you for the idea anon i’m usually not into this kinda stuff but jealous gojo makes my brain go brrrrrr and i had sm fun with it <333 just posted :3 i hope u enjoy!!
read it here!!
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acrazybayernfan · 10 months
Ok so, I'm here to humbly request some Mullendowski from your amazing writing (I miss them so much) Btw, bless your inability to keep it short <3
(Fun fact: I was nervous to ask and for some reason, I started typing in Spanish (?????? )
Hello my dear Nana <333
first of all thank you so much for your request 😘 and I'm so so so so horribly terribly sorry to be so late to answer it. I had my first session of exams for my theater school last week and the repetitions took all my time, and I was so unsatisfied of I had done for your little fanfic that I had to try to make better but i failed so... I just count on your understanding and your kindness.
As a compensation for being so late, I have decided to write you two little stories (that can be related if you want or not if you don't want). Also, somehow I'm unable to write anything that isn't sad this month (it must be the fall vibes) so...
Oh if you'd like, go for Spanish, i can't talk well but I understand, so if it's easier for you, I won't mind, at all : )
First story is inspired by the song El Perdedor by Enrique Iglesias so the tittle is... Los Perdedores
Qué más quieres de mí Si el pasado está a prueba de tu amor Y no tengo el valor De escapar para siempre del dolor Demasiado pedir Que sigamos en esta hipocresía Cuánto tiempo más podré vivir En la misma mentira
One morning Thomas had read on internet news saying that Robert Lewandowski was considering leaving Bayern and he had laugh at these ridiculous rumors. He had laugh like that every day for months until, even him, couldn’t laugh about it anymore and fear, a terrible, dreadful fear sized his heart, the fear to lose something that perhaps, in the end, he never had.
Why would Lewy want to leave? Weren’t things great the way they were? Yes, that elimination against Villareal was a shame but… but Robert was still the best striker in Europe, and Thomas made sure that it was the case, and wasn’t that enough? What else should he has done to prevent this? What a terrible question was that, a question no one should ever asked themselves. 
All those years, didn’t they carry any weight in Robert’s heart? Thomas had thought… How stupid was that? He had thought that with time the Polish player had got attached to Bayern… to him? But apparently all this didn’t stand a chance against… against what? More money? No, Robert wasn’t like that. Against the hope to finally win this stupid Ballon d’Or? Perhaps… probably… Against Lewy’s dream to still play at forty years old, something easier to do in a less intense league than the Bundesliga? Maybe that dreams weight much more than memories after all. 
No, no vayas presumiendo, no Que me has robado el corazón Y no me queda nada más Sí, prefiero ser el perdedor Que te lo ha dado todo Y no me queda nada más No me queda nada más
At Bayern, the last game of the season his supposed to be a time for joy and celebration, the pinnacle of a successful season but today in the stadium the atmosphere is gloomy. No one talks about it but everyone knows. Thomas didn’t leaved Manuel’s side because he needed the strength of the goalkeeper calming presence. Next to them Robert was walking towards the stands. His face was livid but his expression determined. He waved at the fans and his eyes teared up and he stayed there for longs minutes, crying, a hand placed both on his heart and on the Bayern crest.
“If you care about all this, then why are you leaving !!!” Thomas was screaming these words again and again in his head, pinching his lips together to prevent himself from crying and from saying this out loud and then the pain became unbearable and he had to leave. How ironic it was! Robert was the one staying with the team, staying in the stadium, staying with the fans and Thomas was the one running away. 
As soon as he was out of sight the Bavarian player started to run to hide himself in the darkest most recluse place of the stadium. There he let out a terrible, desperate, passionate scream - a scream closed to the one Achille let out when he heard the news of Patroclus death- and after this supreme effort all strength seemed to leave his body and Thomas collapsed on the floor, weeping. All the muscles in his body were tense, from his toes to his face which was deformed by the pain, making it hard for him to breathe. He was clenching his right hand on the air around his chest in a vain attempt to ease the pain of his heart. Memories, reproofs, pleas, imprecations, regrets or prayers… all these thoughts were whirling in his head. In that moment he was willing to offer everything, even his dear world cup trophy, to make Robert stay. 
Ya no puedo seguir Resistiendo esa extraña sensación Que me hiela la piel Como invierno fuera de estación Tú mirada y la mía Ignorándose en una lejanía Todo pierde sentido Y es mejor el vacío que el olvido
But Thomas was strong, and after this beak down he promised himself to have more control over his feelings. The next when Robert saluted the crowd from the balcony of the city hall, he remained stoic, as cool as the statues next to him. The rest of the time he laughed and danced and screamed and told jokes as loudly and expressively as always, even more probably, to hide the fact that his heart was so cold that no amount of May’s sun could warm it up. He even found the courage to trifle a little bit with Robert and, as a joke, he offered to his teammate to take a photo of him with the Bundesliga trophy. The Polish man accepted all smile and Thomas asked himself if all this was just acting, like it was for him, or if Lewy was really leaving with a light heart. The simple fact that this supposition could exist was so hurtful and enraging that Thomas chased this thought quickly in order to keep his composure. 
The Marienplatz ceremony ended both too soon and too late for the Bavarian’s taste, torn that he was between his desire to spend as much time as possible with Robert and the exhausting weight that the striker’s presence was for him. 
After two hours of partying to celebrate the league title during the banquet of the team, Thomas was quite drunk, using alcohol to empty his mind and to hide his pain. It had worked for some time but now that his mental barriers were weakened by the liquor thoughts and memories field his mind again. Lewy was dancing in the middle of the crowd, more handsome than ever. Things always appear the nicest to us when we’re about to lose them, no? After a long moment of contemplation, Thomas got up and with an unsteady walk he moved through the crowd, bumping in a few persons on his way, is eyes fixed on his goal. At that moment Robert looked at him, their eyes met and for an instant they stared at each other. ‘Such incredibly beautiful eyes’ thought Thomas ‘as beautiful as the sky in winter”. But, soon his teammate looked away, the German player tried to reach him but instead he tripped on his own legs and his arms grabbed nothing but air. Robert was walking away and Thomas would have fell on the floor if not for Serge catching him.
Yo prefiero dejarte partir Que ser tu prisionero Y no vayas por ahí Diciendo ser la dueña de mis sentimientos
“Leave! Leave!!! Who wants you to stay anyway?! You’re just a selfish prick! I hate you !!!” Thomas had screamed with all his strength but Robert was already too far and the music was too loud or else he knew that, if his Polish teammate had heard him, this would have been the beginning of a fight between them. Perhaps that he would have preferred that, perhaps that it would have been better that this feeling of being invisible.  
Thomas sized the first bottle of alcohol he could find, he took a large mouthful of it and then - addressing his speech to all the persons around him- he declared with a solemn tone and drunken voice: “You know what? I can play without him. I played without him for years, I won the greatest trophies of my careers without it. I can live without him, I lived the happiest years of my life without him. I don’t need him on the pitch or in my life! Plus, he is not that good, is he? Mario would have scored as much has him if the all team had played for him like we do. There is nothing special about him !!”
No, no vayas presumiendo, no Que me has robado el corazón Y no me queda nada más Sí, prefiero ser el perdedor Que te lo ha dado todo Y no me queda nada más
At that moment Thomas had believed in what he was saying but it didn’t last for long and the next morning he had to admit to himself that all this was a lie. 
During one month he lived with the fear that this disastrous night may turn out be the last time he would see Robert as his teammate. The news in the press were more and more pessimistic, the relationship between the Pole and the club more and more tense. 
"I want the one who has been my offensive partner for years to continue."
This was more than what Thomas has ever dared to say in the press when one of his teammates was leaving, even for Bastian, but it was also so far from what he really wanted to say. 
The night after this interview Thomas had written this message on his phone: ‘Would this change something if I tell you that I need you? That I love you. And that I could do everything for you.” The message was never sent.
A few weeks later, the news was official, Robert was leaving Bayern for Barcelona.
One last training session and everything was going to be over. They all behaved extremely well that day. Robert was all smile but not too much either, witty and charming like he knew how to be and everything went really well. Thomas didn’t even cry, he had passed that point, he was just looking at Lewy hugging each player of the Bayern’s squad one by one and, in his head, he was talking to his soon to be ex-teammate saying the things that he could never say out loud: “I gave you all I had to give, I gave you everything I could give to someone. I changed the way I play for you, I changed the way I use my qualities to help you more, to make you shine more. But all this wasn’t entirely altruism, I wanted you to depends on me Iike I depended on you, I wanted to become essential to you, I wanted to create a special bond with you. I gave you everything and I don’t regret it, even now, because this is what it is to love, it’s to give without expecting anything in return.”
 ¿Qué más quieres de mí? Si he pasado esa prueba de tu amor.
Lewy has fallen in love with Thomas the very first day they met and yet it took him years to realize it. Knowing very way that those feelings could never bring anything good to him he fought against them. In desperation, he tried to leave Bayern but the fear of not seeing Thomas every day turned out to be greater than his fear of suffering. Four years later, it was the opposite, his heart was burned, devoured by repressed and unrequired feelings and both his mind and his body were exhausted of this situation. Leaving Bayern was the hardest decision he had ever made and the hardest to execute but it was necessary.
And the second story tittle is: Delusion and Disappointment and it's inspired by what happened after the Bayern-Leipzig game in 2020.
I'm sorry at the time I didn't knew how to register screen and to use it to make gifs so I only have those blurry pictures to show you the situation.
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It was a hard match, probably an interesting game for a neutral spectator but for Robert it had been half and an hour of nightmare. He hated matches like this, those matches that would remind him of how useless he could be. They haven’t even lost but this 3-3 draw felt like a defeat to him. He was exhausted, he had fought against Upamecano and Konaté for the all game, without success. He just had one single opportunity and of course he has missed it, but not only was he unable to score or even to create chances for himself, but he was also unable to bring anything to the team, on the long balls he had lost all his aerial duels against the two Leipzig’s defenders and when he had gone to the midfield, in order to finally have a chance to touch the ball, he had been unable to turn around and make a forward pass because of the opponent’s pressing. His all body was hurting because of all the blows he has taken. As a football player that was something normal, they all play with pain here and there, this is something you have to get used to, and at the end of each game new pains appear in your body and you have to deal with them for the rest of the week. But that day it was a bit different, the Leipzig’s players hadn’t been soft with him and the euphoria of the victory wasn’t there to ease the pang. 
Robert with his pride, was determine not to show to the opponent that they had succeed in hurting him (both physically and mentally), so he was walking slowly but firmly and steadily towards the referees to shake their hands, just like usual. Around him the other players were talking together or exchanging a few words with the Leipzig’s players and trainers. 
From the corner of his eyes he caught sight of Thomas encouraging and congratulating Jamal. His German teammate seemed as full of energy as always. For a second, Robert asked himself how it was possible. A traitorous voice in his head answered him: “He has scored a brace, him” but Robert disagreed, Thomas was not like him, he cared about the team first and his statistics secondly, him scoring wouldn’t be enough to make him forget the disappointment of a Bayern bad game. No, his teammate was either stronger than him mentally or he was hiding his feelings, not by pride like him, but because he probably considered that it was his duty to cheer up the rest of the team. 
Sometimes he wondered about who would be there to cheer up Thomas when the young man needs it, and sometimes he would also hope to be that person, which was ridiculous because he was so bad at comforting people. When his father died, several times, he had caught his mother crying alone in her kitchen, he had wanted to go to her and to speak to her but each time he had always been stopped by the same questions: What should I say? What should I do? What if I do something wrong and I make it worse? And instead of moving he had stayed where he was and watched her for long, long minutes.  
Robert extended his arm to shake the sideline referee’s hand, not feeling like saying anything and he was about to move on to the next person when he was suddenly stopped by someone grabbing him from behind and putting his arms around him, there was a strange mix of strength -almost of roughness- and softness in this gesture, just enough to annihilate all ambiguity and he knew immediately who it was: Thomas. 
He would never, for anything in the world, show it or worst admit it but he was glad and grateful. For the briefest instant, for less than a fraction of second, he let his body melt in the embrace and then it was over, he wouldn’t be guilty of any other moment of weakness. Thomas almost let his chin rest on Robert’s shoulder to talk to him, but for some reason he didn’t went all the way. “You’re so stupid, Robert! Your vision is so limited that you’re not even considering that we have scored two of our goals thanks to you, are you? Of course not. Think a little about that pass between Upamecano’s legs, think about the way you have created space for me on the header and stop feeling sorry for yourself!”
If anyone else in the team had talked to him like that, Lewy would have probably told them to leave him alone in a rather brutal way but Thomas had some privileges.
However, Robert was determined to remain impassive – at least externally-, while his teammate was talking, so he offered his hand to the central referee, exactly as if Thomas wasn’t here. But his teammate was the not the kind of person to be deter by so little. He circled Robert, his harm sliding around the Polish man’s torso and then resting on his stomach. Now they were standing face to face. Thomas’ stubbornness was Robert’s greatest delight and greatest torture. 
Lewy immediately looked away, concentrating all his attention on the central referee. Robert then had the impression to hear his teammate sighing briefly but he convinced himself that it was in his imagination. Thomas placed his right hand on the striker’s neck, a familiar gesture between them. From time to time, during all these years they have played together, the German player would do that to him, sometimes to tease him, sometimes to encourage him, sometimes with no reason. There was nothing intimate, nothing tender in this gesture and yet there was something frighteningly pleasing in the sensation of this large, strong, slightly calloused hand on the soft skin of his neck. Frightening because it would be so easy to let himself melt in it, to let himself be hold by someone else like that and lose control. 
It only lasted for a brief moment and then Thomas let go of him and started walking past him, saying: “Take care of yourself it’s not good to stay in pain.”. Robert refrained himself from smiling. “Of course, he knew, thought the polish player, of course… Thomas always knew when something was wrong with him”. Perhaps that he was too easily readable or perhaps that his teammate was too good at that. There was just one thing that Thomas would never see or understand about him because Robert himself had decided not to see or understand it.
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hi hi!! i could get romantic and platonic matchups from marauders era and stranger things?
my pronouns are she/they and i would say i personally don’t have any gender preference ^^
I’m 5’0” and have Dark Brown hair on the longish side that’s curly with bangs. My eyes are also a super dark brown.
My favorite genres of music are rnb, hip hop and pop. I have a soft spot for one kpop group loona. I love to go out and explore the area i’m in no matter what. I’m a let’s keep these good vibes going person but also i’m chill with rest. As i do have arthritis so when i flares up i need to stay at home which isn’t fun but i try not to live my life the best i can. My favorite color is pink! I am currently a Fashion Design major and I love to sew and design! I love to read, make my own clothes, tea and sailor moon!
I’m a pretty friendly person! I start shy but warm up pretty quickly being a vulnerable with people scares me but I am working on it. My personal style is kinda like hachi from the anime Nana!
Sorry this was kinda all over the place! thank uuu again so much for this :D
Thank you for requesting a matchup! I love Loona too! On of my favs :) I hope you enjoy it! <333
Harry Potter (Marauders Era);
(Platonic) -
Sirius Black:
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🐺 You met Sirius in your fourth year when you were in the library, yes, it's hard to believe the Sirius Black went into the library, but he did; Being forced to enter by Remus Lupin as they were both teamed up for a project
🐺 You, being a book fiend, you spent most of your time in the school's library, and if you weren't in the library or in class, you'd be exploring the castle-like school; meeting Sirius was a blessing in disguise though, at first he did try and flirt with you, trying to get out of learning anything, but Sirius sort of gave up that act after a while
🐺 Turns out, Sirius liked you, but not as a special someone in his life, but as a friend, after you came out of your shell a bit, Sirius realized that you were quite fun to hang out with; him being a pureblood, he never got to listen to muggle music before, which he realized later that he really liked rnb music like you
🐺 You cared a lot for Sirius, especially since his home life is not the greatest, you're always there for him when he needs someone and the boys are busy; together you'd explore the school, using the map most of the time, and other times you'd just relax and read together, (even if Sirius hates reading most of the time)
🐺 You guys are super close, and even though people mess with Sirius about your friendship, he is always there to stand up for you and himself; just because he likes to prank people doesn't mean he was going to prank you or anything, you're his best friend, and that's all he could ever ask for
(Romantic) -
Remus Lupin:
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🐾 You met Remus when he walked into the Hogwarts Library with Sirius, and it was only a matter of time until the two of you got together; as said before, you are a book fiend, and Remus was as well, sooner or later the two of you were going to meet and realize you both love books
🐾 And you did, in becoming friends with Sirius, you had also grown pretty close to Peter, James, Lily, and Remus, really, if you're friends with one, you're friends with them all; and whoopie doo, Remus was already in love with you, believe it or not
🐾 He had liked you ever since his second year, which means he's been pining for a good two years, and yes, James, Sirius, Peter, and Lily new about his fascination for you; it was actually Lily who had helped him figure out a way to confess to you, and what better than buying you a book?
🐾 It all happened so fast, one minute he was gifting you a book, and the next you were both dancing at the Yule Ball, a kiss was shared, and really the rest was history; though, both you and Remus loved to look back upon those times, slow dancing in the common room, reading by the fire, drinking tea before finals...
🐾 Remus is head over heels in love with you, your charm, kindness, and understanding, he never thought he'd find someone who'd love him so unconditionally, (even with his furry little problem); and you on the other hand were feeling pretty much the same, like two love birds, you and Remus were soulmates for life, and you wouldn't have it any other way
Stranger Things;
(Platonic) -
Robin Buckley:
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🌈 You met Robin back when she was working at Scoops, so yeah a good while ago, her sarcasm and wit were what drew you to her and what led to you and her being the bestest of friends, believe it or not; with just one order of ice cream and complimenting her shoes, boom, best friends
🌈 You'd visit her whenever you could, and she'd give you free ice cream when she was feeling particularly generous, but you always gave hr a good tip afterwards, and during her breaks, you and her would talk about the newest books you were reading; going into the future, after the mall and Vecna, you'd visit her at Family Video when you weren't busy at college working on your Fashion Designer major
🌈 With Robin, she'd help come up with clothing and fashion ideas, having a real eye for it, and on her birthday, you always gifted her something you made, whether that be a new shirt or even cool pants; Robin would always come back with something super cool for your birthday, a new music tape or something pink always brightened your day
🌈 Sliding around to emotional support, you'd always be there for Robin, making sure she's alright and well, you knew how hard life can be for her, family and Upside Down nightmares can be a real pain; and Robin did the same for you, luckily you were away at college during most of the Vecna drama, but Robin would always call and check up on you if your arthritis is acting up
🌈 You both were like two peas in a pod, always there for one another when times get tough and always there to make each other laugh; you both are so grateful to have each other in your lifes
(Romantic) -
Steve Harrington:
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😎 You met Steve, guess where? At Scoops! Wow, time flies when you think about it, anyway, you met him and he was actually the one who tried to get your order before Robin; you did your best to answer without exploding and crumbling into pieces, but it was a bit hard since Steve was just so fine, Robin swooped in a saved the day, but that didn't stop Steve from wanting to get to know you
😎 From then on, whenever you came in to see your new bff, Robin, Steve would try and talk to you little by little; he could see that you were a bit shy and he didn't want to spook you, so he did his best to try not scare you away with his very awkward and cringy sentences; "hey, what can I get for you today? Oh, yeah, it's on the house! Is that a new shirt? Oh, you made that? That's so cool! Yeah, you should teach me, yeah, I love sewing!" As you can see, he was failing miserably
😎 But, that didn't scare you off, not in the slightest really, you thought he was adorably weird and wacky, and incredibly funny and protective of those kids he watched sometimes; and it was only after the whole Vecna thing that Steve got the guts and courage to ask you out on a date after you came back from college
😎 It was perfect, going to a super cute diner where you both talked and talked until they staff had to kick you out since they were closing, and a sweet walk around town, getting ice cream from an ice cream truck before staying over at his house and watching a movie; it was nice and peaceful, even getting to the point that you asked Steve to braid your hair, (he had been looking at it for a long while), and even though he told you he was terrible, he braided your hair anyway, (he was pretty happy in the end, he loves your hair)... (and you love his)
😎 The two of you are so close, perfectly understanding each other and always there for one another when the roads get rough and the nightmares never seem to stop, (on Steve's end); you love the time you get to spend with him, Steve watching Sailor Moon with you even though he's not that into it, he loves to see you smile, just like the time he brought you a huge bouquet of pink flowers; you both are the sweetest and most wonderful couple in all of Hawkins
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134340am · 2 years
heheh Yuna I love seeing you wholeheartedly embrace your coffeeshop era <333
& my order is one iced americano with one pump of chai syrup & our beloved kirishima kiss kiss
there's a commotion outside the agency.
you're not sure what it is, and why there's a huge flock of people waiting around—if it was a fight, red riot would've come out of his office and broken it up already; and if it was a bunch of adoring fans, security would take care of it.
so why is there a massive crowd gathering outside in the sweltering summer heat, on a random afternoon in the week? and why are the agency staff—sidekicks, marketing, the support team, and holy shit, is that Dynamight himself also making a beeline for the crowd outside?
you'd love to head out and investigate as well, maybe get in a quick walk around the block to stretch your legs, but you sit back down in front of your laptop. the agency can only afford to hire one receptionist for now, and that's you, which means you won't be leaving your seat any time soon.
you sulk from behind your desk as the agency staff slowly trickle back in, toting large cups of what looked like iced coffee and sweet tea. dynamight saunters back in behind a group of ladies from public relations, an americano in hand and a latte in another. you catch sight of a familiar face gracing the cup sleeves—spiky hair, stunning abs, and a smile so bright it could rival the sun. it's red riot.
holy shit, did someone order a red riot-themed coffee truck?
"it was denki's idea." a familiar voice rang out from behind you. "said he wanted to congratulate me for jumping up the ranks."
you turn to see kirishima, hair still dripping wet from his post-patrol shower. you struggle to keep your eyes on his face, and not on the water droplets that pool in his collarbones and trickle down past the hem of his shirt.
"oh, right— congratulations on number five, red riot!" you squeak, nails digging into your jeans. "well deserved, sir!"
he thanks you with a shy laugh. "i'll keep doing my best." kirishima's eyes trail over to your desk, noting the lack of an iced coffee on it. "do you not like coffee? last i heard, the truck serves tea as well."
"oh, i can't leave my seat."
"it'll only take a while, c'mon!"
"the line looks pretty long, though," you say with a wince. "but really, i'm fine! i'll take a look at the truck after work."
"hmmm, denki said it'll only be here till four, though." kirishima frowns. then he breaks into a smile, the change in facial expression happening so fast you nearly missed it. "wait here."
and he's gone, jogging off to where the truck was. you watch with equal parts embarrassment and honour as the crowd parts for him, your heart roaring in your chest. that must've been the longest conversation you've ever had with your boss in the past few months you've been working here—and now he's jogging back to you with an armful of four, no, five different drinks with a bright smile gracing his face.
well, that's it. this is hands down the highlight of your career.
"i wasn't sure what you liked, but it was my fault for not asking before i left—so i got a bit of everything," he explains, setting the drinks down on your desk carefully. "this is iced tea, this is iced mocha, this is, uh, oat milk latte, and this is just hot green tea. i can get you a honey stick if you want. and this is an iced americano with some chai in it."
kirishima concludes his ramble with a deep breath, looking immeasurably proud of himself for remembering everything.
"thank you so much, red riot. you really didn't have to." you can feel heat flaring up to your ears as you speak, a foreign twist settling in your stomach. "i'll take the americano."
"aw, don't call me red riot. just kirishima is fine," he replies with yet another smile, and there it is again—the strange fluttering in your tummy that makes its way up to your chest.
"thank you, kirishima." you test out the sound of his name on your tongue. you like it, you think. you'd like to say it more often.
kirishima picks up the mocha and crushes half of it in a single sip. "no problem!" he chirps with a grin. "anything for you."
send me your drink order + a character for a short little drabble!  
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yyh-moved · 7 years
Creator 2017 Tag Game
Tagged by @dicennio​​. Thanks for tagging me, Nana! <333   Tagging: @kimbokjo​ @shiroganesm​ @svmeragi​ @kylornx​ @preciousghouls​ @hijikata​ @sukerokus​ @dearestsoul​ @iosakisaka​ @allenswalkers​ @v0ngola​ @gaainsborough​ @cetras​ @luxeor​ @emerentis​ @jolynecujo​ @submachineguns​ @kageyamastobio​ @aomiins​ @iieberts​ @kurorolucilfer​ @aizawashoutta​ @mazusu​ @hanae-ichihara​ @larimii​ @maajenka​ @ayumiko​ @atsushisnakajima​ @kunikidaz​ @koyomiararagis​ @araragiskoyomi​ @maaxon​ @kingkishou​ @shouty-y​ @371am​
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favorite works you’ve created this year (2017) (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2017. tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works.
Arima Kishou Graphic - I think this is one of the best arima graphics I’ve made so far. :’) i really like this one and THE SONG INSPIRED ME... ;_; Too Much Is Never Enough by Florence + The Machine is one of the best... I’m so emotional over this song because of FFXV and Noctis... and somehow, it kind of fits arima... ;A;
9S + 2B NieR: Automata Graphic - First time I’ve made a graphic of this game and it turned out really good :’) This video game still hurts me (I need to play it again ;A;) I love angst
Smokin’ Parade Graphic - THIS... This is the one that got me into making the kind of graphics I make now. :’) Like... I think I’ve discovered my own style in graphics finally haha. Too bad this manga hasn’t been updated... ;_;
Yoshida Shouyou GIFset - AAAAND ofc I just had to apply the previous color scheme in my gifsets too!! And thankfully it was a success :’)
FFXV Chocobros GIFset - Posted this one over at my sideblog~ I thought long and hard on what to include in this gifset :’) Just look at the scenes I chose :’) Their firsts and lasts... ;_; Camping, photographs, the chocobros protecting noct, them just walking at the beginning and at the end of their journey... Those scenes just make me sooo emotional :’) I like the way I colored this one too :’)
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saintobio · 3 years
ok my thoughts. i’m gonna try and do an analysis of my thoughts but i’m not articulate so. we will see
first off satoru… it’s pathetic to see him begging. i feel bad for him but like after all the horrible stuff he put yn through it’s kinda karma - excluding the nana thing. that i really feel awful for him for because she was the last person in his family that he loves. he obviously cares about his mother but she left so he harbors a lot of resentment for her.
also yn giving in to him and kissing him back is so understandable. i think this mc is probably one of the most relatable characters. i get confused looks when i tell my friends this but if i was getting cheated on, it would probably take me a lot to leave, ESPECIALLY if it’s a long term relationship and mc and gojo?? who have been friends since childhood?? i probably wouldn’t leave at all so i just adore mc and her strength to actually do something about it.
nanas death was heartbreaking. and the fact that gojos stepmom was using it as an excuse to get gojo out of the family when she is the real killer ??? BRUTAL. and gojos actual mom yelling at his father for abusing him ??? i get that the divorce is his fault but how are you so oblivious that your WIFE CAN MURDER YOUR MOTHER and you just are easy to blame ur son ??? like if she was going to have a heart attack over the divorce it probably would have been in the first 30 min. i’m assuming that her death happened like an hour later ish or longer. also the fact that gojos mom didn’t know about the abuse i think will affect the way he sees her bc he sees it as: she left, he got abused but for her, she was getting cheated on and it was probably difficult for her to stay and take him. i think it’s a super complex situation.
YUUTA ??? THAT POOR BABY. literally he needs to be adopted by the zenins bc gojo doesn’t like him and he needs an actual loving family. also zenin family dynamic slaps i love them.
anyways great chapter as always saint <333
wym not articulate!! you were actually able to cover most of the important plot points <33 thanks for sharing ur analysis !! i had fun reading
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alittlelouie · 4 years
50 questions you’ve never been asked before
@blouissom tagged me to do this thank u angel <333
1. what is the colour of your hairbrush? it’s bamboo so bamboo coloured gjgjgh
2. a food you never eat? oranges they’re weird
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold i literally hate being warm so much it’s gross
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? trying to write my essay 😔
5. what is your favourite candy bar? kitkat or mars
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? ya i’ve been to several hockey games
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? can’t remember 😔
8. what is your favourite ice cream? maple walnut!!! or this cashew cinnamon bun ice cream i have back home
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? water how boring :///
10. do you like your wallet? i do!! i got it from this vintage store where i’m from
11. what was the last thing you ate? chocolate chips and peanut butter jgjggj
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? noooo
13. the last sporting event you watched? probably the last time i went to a hockey game idk mfjfjf
14. what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? sweet and salty baby
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? my mum
16. ever go camping? ya i went a whole bunch as a kid!!
17. do you take vitamins? ya i take iron, b12 and omega 3s every morning
18. do you go to church every sunday? lol no i went with my nana and papa when i was young when i was staying with them but only bc i didn’t have a choice
19. do you have a tan? no :( i’m so pale i usually only burn 😔
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? would die for both i cannot decide
21. do you drink your soda with a straw? at a restaurant maybe but usually no
22. what colour socks do you usually wear? various colours depends on what i grab from my drawer
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? only in the summer 👀 and when i know i can get away with it gjgjgjf
24. what terrifies you? oof i’ve got too many irrational fears i’m just going to say bugs
25. look to your left, what do you see? my water bottle and phone charger
26. what chore do you hate? cleaning the bathroom :///
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? kangaroos
28. what’s your favourite soda? cream soda
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? probably go in??
30. who’s the last person you talked to? my sister
31. favourite cut of beef? i don’t understand this question i’m just gonna go with roast beef
32. last song you listened to? does he know by one direction 😔 it came on shuffle
33. last book you read? an actual BOOK? idk bro
34. favourite day of the week? hm friday
35. can you say the alphabet backwards? rip no
36. how do you like your coffee? latte or iced coffee
37. favourite pair of shoes? my vans
38. at what time do you normally go to bed? usually between 12-2am
39. at what time do you normally get up? mm around 9am to 12pm it really depends lol
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets!
41. how many blankets are on your bed? one
42. describe your kitchen plates? plain white v boring :(
43. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? caesars!!! or anything with vodka honestly
44. do you play cards? not often but i love to!!
45. what colour is your car? have no car rn
46. can you change a tire? i can not 😔
47. what is your favourite state/province? alberta bc that’s where i’m from!!!
48. favourite job you’ve ever had? i worked at a bulk health food store back home and i looooved it
49. how did you get your biggest scar? the only one i really have is a small one on my elbow from falling off my bike when i was 7
50. what did you do today that made someone else happy? idk if i’ve done anything yet it’s only 4pm
this was fun!! im going to tag @nauticalpeach @louisbbear @queenbeeharry and @flamboyant-louie but don’t feel like you have to do it!! or ignore if you already have jhjgj
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bitchlessdino · 2 years
hi nana <33 i’m wrapping you up in a blanket right now, you deserve to rest after a long day <33
my day’s been pretty nice today! i went out and hung out with some friends and it’s been really nice to get out of the house and have fun <33 i hope the rest of your day goes well beloved <333
Aw thank you Xan 💕. It sounds like you had a great day, I’m glad to hear it. It’s always nice to get out of the house.
No promises on the rest of my day being better but your kind wishes are sweet as is ❤️.
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