#i had a store bought one ofc haha
binch-i-might-be · 11 months
oh my god. I just realised y'all didn't get a Zuckertüte. no school cone for the mutuals :(((
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agendabymooner · 11 months
she's beauty, she's grace ! sergio 'checo' p. x ofc (miss philippines!ofc)
summary: the red bull driver sergio perez has married a long-time fan - who also happened to be the miss universe 2018 winner AND the mother to his two kids, carmella 'mella' ayala.
content warning: possible use of explicit language, established relationship, miss universe!ofc, fluff, dad!checo and mom!ofc, mentions checo and his proud bf moment, video clips + tweets and posts, what is proper grammar, mentions of characters from jenson button x ofc work and seb vettel x ofc piece (no storyline involved)
note: i used this face claim because i was one of those people that were screaming "PHILIPPINES" at the tv hoping that catriona gray would win. don't ask me why i made a checo one. there's something about that man that had my internals screaming for a moment so i've been at this thing for HOURS. i should probably update my masterlist soon before i start packing my shit and going 😭🤠 enjoy xx
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[translation: mi rana pequeño = my little frog]
tagged schecoperez
liked by carlossainzjr, danielricciardo, christianhorner
user1 my little frog 😭
carmayalaprz bitzy but he's at the hotel rn 😅 he's taking a break from chiquito
user2 even froggys need a break too 😩🙌
schecoperez what do you mean mr. bitzy's at the hotel 🧐
carmayalaprz what do you mean by that love? 😄😊
schecoperez 😊
maxverstappen1 uh oh. i wouldn't play this game with carma if i were you checo 🤔
redbullracing i agree with max on this one
christianhorner i don't really mind being introduced to bopit and bitzy every time 😕 liked by carmayalaprz
carmayalaprz i hope gp's the same because there's gonna be a lot of that soon 😅
danielricciardo how much plushies does he have for the trip rn?
carmayalaprz without cece's? about seven. apparently the whole pack either come or be left at home but we all know the chances of one being left alone in the cold dark place
danielricciardo i can barely imagine ribb being left alone at home- can you just imagine that poor frog crying for his friend?
carmayalaprz i can never 😔
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tagged schecoperez, artsforyouth, artsforkids
liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, adaabbott
adaabbott ah yes! the efficient cardboard crafting camp! my favourite activities yet! liked by carmayalaprz
carmayalaprz i had my biggest proud wife and mom moment just watching serg and silas make those houses 🥰
adaabbott haha! i can imagine! poppet and jens definitely tried their best working together!
user1 silas and sergio perez are the most iconic duo since sebastian and michael 😍
user2 i love how hands-on you and checo are when it comes to your little ones!
carmayalaprz thank you so much! us parents are trying despite the busy schedules, you know? 💖
danielricciardo i hope you guys brought earplugs. god knows how much of a screamer silas is 😭
schecoperez daniel for the last time he didn't intentionally try to break your eardrums 🤠
carmayalaprz try babysitting them, you'll get used to it eventually
danielricciardo maybe next time, yes?
user3 danny would probably add more to the noise if anything ngl 😭
schecoperez am i ever glad to take your and silas' attentions away from the stupid frogs 😄 liked by carmayalaprz
carmayalaprz don't say that about those frogs 🤠 i was shedding blood and tears swiping my card after passing by that store
schecoperez maybe next time let's not go to a mall with a build a bear store 🤔
carmayalaprz i agree. we might have pavlov'd our son with the build-a-bear stores we come across to
maxverstappen1 so i should return the froggy i bought him then...?
redbullracing you know the right answer to that max.
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the perez kids
silas milo ayala perez
cecilia morgana ayala perez
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zep-writings · 8 months
You Feel Like Home
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Warnings: Bad words, mention of war and military, fluff, a little heartbreak and Steve being sweet.
Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Ellie Barnes.
Notes: I do not own any of the characters present in this story, except for Ellie Barnes, an original character. This is pure fiction.
This has not been beta and English is not my first language so be nice haha.
Please give me some feedback, even just a small comment is really appreciated!
I've been working on this one for a while, so please let me know what you think!
You Feel Like Home Masterlist || Main Masterlist.
Chapter two
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The next morning when Ellie woke up, she had barely managed to sleep a few hours because of the nightmares, and she felt exhausted. For a moment she contemplated the idea to stay in bed, but she needed to keep her mind busy, she needed to stop imagining all those scenarios running through her head. So slowly, she pushed herself out of bed, rubbing her eyes before she stepped into the shower. She stayed there for a while, letting the hot water running on her body and relaxing the muscle in her body. She finally stepped out of the show and pulled on a red skirt with a white blouse, put on some light make up and painted her lips of a light red color.
She had slow morning after that. She went to the grocery store only a few blocks from her apartment, to buy a few fruits and vegetables before she walked by the little bookstore at the corner of her street. It was little shop full of old books collected from people who simply didn’t want them anymore. The place was cozy and quiet, and she would often spend hours there just looking at books. She had become such a regular client that the owner and her became friends. After a while, she headed back home and started to cook some lunch when there was a knock on the door. She whipped her hands on her apron and walked to the entrance to find a very cheerful Steve, too cheerfully she thought.
“You never gonna believe what happened.” Steve blurted out before Ellie could even say a word.
“Hi to you too Stevie.” Ellie giggled, rolling her eyes a light.
“Sorry. Hi.” Steve replied, kissing her cheek before entering the apartment.
Ellie was the only woman around which Steve felt so comfortable. He had known her for so long that he could be hundred pour cent himself when he was around her. Ellie would never judge him and wasn’t one to see him differently because he was weak or tiny. In fact, she had always been one of the rare people to treat him exactly as anyone else. She was nice, generous, beautiful and yet he knew better than to push her buttons. She was strong headed when she wanted to.
“It smells good.” Steve observed with a smile.
“I’m making some soup. You can stay for lunch if you want. I bought a piece of this bread you like so much.”
“Okay, I’m sold.” Steve snorted as she glanced up at her, his eyes falling in hers.
“You seem very… Joyful. Are you in love or something?” Ellie walked back to the kitchen and started to cut two pieces of bread.
Steve let out a laugh, one of those laughs Ellie loved so much, the one which made her stomach tightened. “No. No, I’m definitely not.” He said as he grabbed two balls in the cupboard to set the table.
“I’m all ears then.”
“I enrolled.” Steve announced with a grin on his face as the glass Ellie was holding in her hand slipped and smashed on the floor.
“Wh… What?” Ellie turned to face Steve, her heart pounding in her chest.
“That night at the expo, I went back to try again. A doctor showed up, Doctor Abraham Erskine. At first, I thought I was gonna get caught you know but then he asked me a few questions and offered me a chance. Can you believe it?” Steve explained, the smile never leaving his lips.
“Is this a joke?” Ellie whispered, her voice breaking as her eyes filled with tears.
“No. I’m leaving for training camp in a week. I’ll be part of special force called the Strategic Scientific Reserve. I don’t really know much more for now, but I can…” Steve stopped in his track, his eyes dropping on Ellie’s face who was covered with tears. “Angel, what is it?”
“I… You’re leaving too…” Ellie sobbed quietly, and it hit Steve. He had been so excited to tell her that he hadn’t noticed her breath getting heavier and her tears rolling down.
“You knew I tried again.”
“Of course, I did because you’ve always been too stubborn to take no for an answer!” Ellie spitted out, anger in her voice.
“Hey, why are you angry at me all of a sudden?”
“Because you’re gonna get yourself killed, Steve!”
Steve tensed up a little at the brunette’s words. If there was one person, he was excepting to support him it was her. “You and Bucky really have little faith in me.”
“It’s not…” Ellie sighed, taking a deep breath. “It’s not about faith Steve. Of course, I have faith in you, more than anyone but I… I just…” She stopped and looked down, playing nervously with her fingers. “I already feeling like I’m losing Bucky and now you…”
“Ellie…” Steve whispered, stepping closer to her and grabbing one hand in his, the other slipping under her chin and raising her head. “I have to do my part; you know that, we’ve already talked about it.”
“I know. But I hate it. I really do. I wish you were staying…”
Steve sighed loudly. “I’ll be fine, I promise.”
“You always say that. Why do you always say that?! You don’t even know. Your asthma alone can be a big issue during training Steve. Open you eyes please.”
“I can’t say no, Angel, you know that.”
“You… You should leave… I need to be alone…” Ellie said, pulling away from Steve as his heart sank into his chest. Why was it hurting him so much to see her like that because of him?
Steve didn’t have time to say anything before Ellie walked into her bedroom and closed the door shut. She leaned against the door as a loud sob came out of her throat. She hated this, she hated to think about Steve in a training camp or even on a battlefield. She had made her peace with the fact that she would never be the girl he chose, and she was ready to lose him in that, but she wasn’t ready to lose him completely. If she knew Bucky had a chance to survive the war, she never believed Steve stood a chance. She had faith in him, she believed in him more than hundred pour cents, but not in the war. He had so many health issues, asthma, high blood pressure, heart trouble and she didn’t understand how he had been approved.
“Angel… Please open the door.” Steve voice said from the living room.
“You… You should go home Steve.” Ellie told him, closing her eyes as she sat down on the floor of her bedroom, her back against the door.
Steve sighed, hesitated a few seconds before letting his hand drop from the handle. “You know where to find me if you want to talk.”
Ellie heard his footsteps before the front door slammed shut. Ellie couldn’t move, her body shaken by her sobs, and it took a while she finally calmed down. She was exhausted and felt completely drained. She simply raised to her feet, changed to more comfortable clothes and crawled into her bed. She didn’t have the strength for anything else, not today.
As Steve stepped out of the Barnes’ apartment, he found himself upset and he wasn’t sure why. A part of him hated to see her cry as she did when he announced he was joining the army, and the other part of him felt guilty. In some ways, he knew she may have been right. He wasn’t really suited for the army, he wasn’t as strong as Bucky, he probably never would be, but he had to try. If this doctor gave him a chance, then he had to take it, he had to, even if that meant leaving Ellie. Before today Steve had never thought that the simple idea of leaving Ellie behind would be so hard. Sure, they were close, he liked her a lot, he even liked more than he had ever cared to admit, but she had always been off limits. She was Bucky’s little sister.
Steve sighed loudly, pushing his hands into his pants’ pockets as he walked toward Ellie’s favorite flower shop. He had been here a thousand times with her before.
“Good morning, Mrs Hilton.” Steve smiled at the old lady who owned the shop.
“G’morning Steven. You alone today?” Mrs Hilton replied with a soft smile.
“Yes. I was just hoping to buy some flowers, for Ellie.”
“Of course, you do.” The old lady grinned, a look on her face Steve had seen before but never paid attention to.
“I want to, before I leave for training.” Steve grabbed a few of Ellie’s favorites flowers.
“Training?” Mrs Hilton frowned.
“Yes. I’ve enrolled in the army. I’m leaving next week, and Ellie didn’t really take it that well…” Steve admitted, looking up at the lady who shook her head.
“Of course, she did not. How could she?” It was Steve to frown for a moment before the old lady talked again. “That lady loves you very much.”
“I’m her friend.” Steve stated almost as he felt the need to clarify things, but the look Mrs Hilton gave him made him wonder if she knew something more. He shook his head, pushing those thoughts out of his head and raised his hand full of flowers. “I’ll take those.”
Mrs Hilton nodded and smiled softly as Steve was reaching for some money. “No need, Steven.”
“I insist.” Steve handed the money over to her but she shood her head again.
“Consider it as a gift.” Mrs Hilton said with a warm smile.
“Thanks, Mrs Hilton.” Steve put the money back into his pocket and started to walk away.
“And Steven.” Mrs Hilton called, and Steve turned back to look at her. “Don’t wait to long, otherwise it might be too late.”
Weirdly enough Steve understood what she was talking about. He opened his mouth to ask her how she knew, but he didn’t. “It’s complicated.” He simply stated, shrugging.
“It’s complicated only because you make it complicated.”
With those words Mrs Hilton turned around and walked back into her shop, leaving Steve lost in his own thought. Steve didn’t know what to think about what she had just said. He had thought about telling Ellie how he felt, he had thought about it a lot, but every time he found a reason not to. She was too pretty for him; she could never like him as much as he liked her; he was only Bucky’s best friend; he was too small, too weak and Ellie needed a real man; all those thoughts had already crossed Steve’s mind. But then, it was the war, maybe it was his chance to tell her before he left.
Steve reached back Ellie’s apartment but instead of knocking on the door, he dropped off the bouquet of flower in front of the door and left.
Three days passed before Ellie had the courage to walk up to Steve’s apartment a few blocks from hers. It had been a lot harder for her to digest the news of Steve becoming a soldier that she had thought, and she had felt the need to be alone for a while. But the truth was, she couldn’t stay away from him; she hated to be away from him, especially after their last conversation. She couldn’t let him leave like this, not without letting him know she wasn’t mad at him, because inside she understood why he wanted to enroll. Standing in front of his apartment, she raised her hand, hesitated a few seconds and finally knocked on the door.
“Ellie? Hi. What are you doing here?” Steve couldn’t hide his surprise when he opened the door and noticed Ellie, beautiful as ever.
“I came to apologize. And to thank you for the flowers, they’re beautiful.” Ellie smiled shyly as Steve stepped aside to let her come in.
“You don’t have to apologize for anything you know.”
“I do. The way I reacted when you told me about your enlistment it was… Well, it was uncalled for. I know how much you wanted this.” Ellie explained nervously.
“It’s fine Ellie, really. I know how hard it was for you to let Bucky go and I…” Steve grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently.
“But you’re not Bucky.” Ellie cut him off, looking down at their hands. She bit her lower lip nervously. “I just thought that with all your health issue you’ll… You’ll never be able to enroll and then you’ll stay with me, here.”
“No, just let me finish. Please.” Ellie looked up back at him. “I know it’s selfish but if Bucky never comes back, you were the last person that feels like family and I…” Her voice broke and she sniffled a little, a tear running down her cheek.
Ellie couldn’t imagine losing them both because if she did, she wouldn’t have anyone else. She knew Steve would never feel the way she felt about him, but at least he was her friend.
“Liz… Look at me.” Steve said softly, his other hand reaching up to her chin and raising her head to meet her gaze. “I will come back, we both will. Plus, I’m not shipping out yet, I’m just going to training camp for now. I don’t know how it’ll go but I’ll be back in New York before I can ship out anyway.”
“Just promise me you’ll write to me?” Ellie whispered as Steve smiled softly.
“I promise. And I’ll come see you when I’m back in the city.” Steve stroke her cheek.
Steve pulled her into a hug and Ellie pressed her face into his neck, letting out a soft sob. They stayed like that for a few minutes, in silence, before Ellie stepped away from Steve. For a moment she contemplates the idea of telling how she felt because she was scared, she would actually never get the chance too, but she couldn’t. She was unable to find the words and she didn’t want to ruin everything between them so instead she just decided to spend as much time possible with him before he left for training camp.
“I made you some diner by the way.” Ellie told him, handing over some left over she had brought with her.
“Thanks, you should stay.” Steve smiled and as he always did, he helped her around the kitchen.
Steve set out two balls on the small kitchen table and sat in front of Ellie as she filled them with homemade tomato soup. It was Steve’s favorite, Ellie knew it, and the smile he gave her when he realized made her heart skip a beat. She couldn’t help but imagine Steve at the boot camp and she was scared. Steve was skinny, had a ton of health issues, and for the first time in her life, she really wished he was more like Bucky. She had never cared for all of that before, because she liked Steve for who he was inside, but right now she hated that he was so frail and fragile. Ellie slowly shook her head, not wanting to think about the worse. Instead, they simply ate dinner while making small talk and Steve once more didn’t fail to put a smile on her face.
After washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen, Ellie took a spot next Steve on the couch in the living room. He had turned on the small radio and was listening to the baseball game. Ellie placed the cup for the tea she was making on the coffee table and smiled at him.
“I think you’ll look great in the uniform.” Ellie stated.
“You think?” Steve asked and Ellie nodded. “I guess we’ll see.”
“I’m sure all the dames are gonna want to go dancing with you now.” Ellie admitted, a small hint of deception in her voice which made Steve frowned.
“I’d settle just for one.” Steve replied, his eyes landing on Ellie’s.
For a second the air in the apartment felt heavy and Ellie was about to say something when the teapot in the kitchen started to hiss. She abruptly stood up and walked back to the kitchen. Did he mean anything when he said that? Ellie wondered. No, of course not, it was something Steve always told Bucky after all. She came back and poured two cups of tea.
“Actually, I have to get up early tomorrow, I should take you home.” Steve said, his hand rubbing nervously the back of his neck.
“Can… Can I stay, please Stevie? I really don’t want to be alone right now.” Ellie admitted, her hand dropping on the soon-to-be soldier’s arm unconsciously and just the thought of being without Steve made her heart ache.
Steve hesitated a few seconds, but he knew full well he was done, he had never been able to say no to Ellie, and he probably never will be. “Okay. I’ll stay.”
Ellie simply smiled and handed him a cup of tea. As conversation naturally started, the tension in room slowly disappeared and things started to feel normal again. Steve told Ellie exactly what had happened the night of the exposition, explaining his meeting with Doctor Erskine.  Ellie could hear the excitement in his voice, after all, he was getting exactly what he had wanted for months; he was about to become a soldier. Even though Ellie’s stomach twisted at the thought of it, a part of her was proud. Steve was an amazing man, the most wonderful one actually and if he wasn’t made to fight, maybe he could help on the battlefield in a different manner.
Later that night Ellie had trouble falling asleep, her mind racing thinking about Bucky but mostly about Steve leaving just a few days later. For a few seconds, she even thought of going back to the living room where Steve was sleeping on the couch just to be next to him, but she didn’t. It was a bad idea. When she finally managed to fall asleep, she was restless, bad dreams shaking her sleep.
Chapter four, part one
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fictionfixations · 5 months
twisted wonderland (and talking about visual novels)
and brief mystic messenger mention
okay. so. im getting into twisted wonderland
and. can i just ask. why does the story actually seem cool? also DESIGNS??? WOAHHH.
Maybe I'm biased, I've had the story a bit spoiled to me cause. Okay so I got into Twisted Wonderland because I was reading Katekyou Hitman Reborn! fics, and there's this series filled with Skull being characters from Twisted Wonderland (and other stuff ofc). And I decided, why not, and it seemed so cool (I adore bamf skull), and also. Honestly. My favorite is Riddle Rosehearts. (Also the 'OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!' ability. 1. Ayo CoLLAR ME PLS HAha- 2. I don't know if it gets more extreme but in the fics its been used to kill a bunch of people at once because, y'know, off with your head. The ability seems very cool.)
honestly i have no complaints about the story?? and maybe thats on me because the most experience i have with japanese visual novels is they're all romance games. and i really appreciate it not being that. HELL YEAH. give me my fantasy adventure with disney villains everyday!
i cannot tell you how much i LOVED Ever After High. And then there was Descendants (i think it got so popular that Ever After High got discontinued, which NOOOO)
Anyway I got so obsessed with Descendants. And then I went to a store and there was Descendants stuff and I bought a lot. I don't know why but I even bought like a Mal wig?? I don't even know why, I don't cosplay.
I'm not sure whose related to who and where exactly it fits in the universe (like, for example, if Riddle's related to the queen of hearts or something, no idea), but there's basically these dorms for seven of these like.. villains. Introduction to who they are in the prologue imo is kinda portraying it in a way that you want to be inspired by them? Like, oh, Scar just wanted equality between the Hyenas and the Lions (I think? I haven't watched that movie in so long), and while technically that's kind of true.. I think other stuff happened but I honestly can't remember.
Or like... The. evil queen? I think that's from Snow White's story. Uhh, that she wanted to be the fairest in all the land and was willing to do whatever it takes, which that was something to be admired about. Honestly don't hang on my word if you don't know about the game's story and reading this anyway because I don't remember a lot from the movies.
(ALSO for once not a story where we're assumed to be like, a girl? again, my only experience is those romance games sadly, but oh my god. I've been trying to get back into Mystic Messenger cause I never had the patience for it before, but the
me: I'm not a girl [dialogue option]
707 I think: ..Then why are you here??? Did you miss the 'something something. It was like [for females] or [female-oriented]'
it was 'youdidntreadsweetfantasyforladies?'
apparently its cause korea wasn't supportive of lgbtq stuff so even the more gay-er routes (COUGH COUGH jAEHEE MY BELOVED) were risky, sad.
but i don't know man. (can we talk about how guys are pushed to like those really overly muscular and buff men.? Wouldn't that technically make them possibly more gay? like idk. question:
if a boy were to play with, say, a barbie doll, would that be more gay then
playing with muscular half-naked men??? i really wonder why it's not flipped the other way around to promote f/m instead of f/f or m/m admiration lol)
anyway i got so off topic. and then i got distracted and i dont remember what i was talking about
segway to my next topic:
also. also. can we just. talk about the overblot designs? okay so im spoiling myself and going on the wiki but im not that patient
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LOOK AT HOW GORGEOUS. ALSO HEELS. and i cant tell if its heeled boots but STILL. that little dress part that hangs around the body, the thing behind the head i dont know the name of but ive seen it before, the marking on the face reminding me of like one of those widow veils, the flowers around the waist is a nice touch
and the mark on his neck is 👀
like just SQUEEE, its very pretty, i would LOVE to play him but I'm pretty sure that's not possible
and cause overblotting is like a dangerous thing
(ive read that its like a rare thing in a fic but kept happening often since we arrived [one overblot for every 'book' or dorm] but idk if its canon cause i havent gotten to the explanation in the game and i dont think the wiki mentions it)
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sollattes · 7 months
hellaur and its another time for IAN'S CRUSH RANT🤩🤩🤩
okay so first thing I need to be clear about, I DID NOT KNOW THAT HIS MOM N MY MOM WERE FRIENDS😭 THEY WERE FR LIKE THIS🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 WHEN THEY SAW EACH OTHER, back to the point, so my fam and his were planning on going to China for a yk Christmas holiday and they picked China bcus 1.) my fam had some relatives there and 2.) His fam were visiting his grandparents and other close relatives, and then we went to like a family dinner with him n his fam, THEY WERE SUPER NICE AND LIKE HIS LIL BRO IS SO CUTE OMFG, we went to shakeys, WE SAT NEXT TO EACH OTHER YALL HEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHHEHEHEHE👹👹 AND JUST LIKE THE WHOLE NIGHT HE WAS OFFERING ME FOOD AND LIKE HANDING ME STUFF HE WAS SO CUTE YALL IM FOLDING MY BITCHASS CANNOT HOLD EYE CONTACT 💀 after eating i told my mom that I wanna check out stuff at these like figurines(idk man it was just full of funko pop and other anime collectable) store and he offered to come with me I COULD NOT SPEAK PROPERLY I JUST NODDED AND AVOIDED MY MOM AND HIS MOMS GAZE 😭 and when were at the store I'm sorry yall but I did kinda nerded out ONLY BECAUSE THE ONE PIECE FUNKOS AND HP FUNKOS WERE THERE THEY WERE MAJESTIC AF I bought nico robin and sanji:)) and while we were at the shop he asked me if I liked China and I said "ofc but I can't speak Chinese and I can only introduce myself" and he laughed then looked down at his feet like a shy school girl fr and said "I can teach you some phrases while were looking for some other stuff you wanna buy" and ofc I agreed, he taught me how to order food, how to introduce myself properly, how to buy food or things in general, then he taught me the phrase "wǒ xǐhuān nǐ" and honestly I was half not paying attention already so I was just repeating what he was saying and then he made me say it to his face then he said "wǒ yě xǐhuān nǐ" and I asked him what does it mean and this mf just told me to Google it when I'm out home in which I just rolled my eyes to, and when I got home I did Google it IT LITERALLY TRANSLATED TO "I LIKE YOU" AND "I LIKE YOU TOO" WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I SWEAR THIS MAN IS MORE CONFUSING THAN CALCULUS OMFG I sent him the translated screen shots of it and just captioned it with three question marks HE JUST 'HAHA' REACTED TO IT AND TOLD ME TO PERCEIVE IT THE WAY I WANT TO PERCEIVE IT BITCH⁉️⁉️🤨🤨🤨🤨 WDYM why are men so good at being so confusing omfg I WILL SMACK THIS MAN ISTG
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
hehe* alright then. if i'm 🎀 anon, then ur darling. it's a deal 🤝😌
i think the links are working now too :) ! but ofc u never know when it comes to this site lmao but still thinking positive thoughts ofc !! i honestly feel u on the updates tho. i think this recent update has been all over the place- i mean,, not to be be mean,, but i wanna know WHO thought it was a good idea take the home button out of the main navigation and put in such a random ass spot then proceed to not give the home button the home icon???? like bfr😭😭😭 and don't get me started on whatever that tumblr live mess is💀- sweeties just pack it up
okay cool cool, i'll request in a different ask since this is getting a lil lengthy lol. but oooo what puzzle did u end up doing ! puzzle are always fun .. sometimes frustrating .. but still fun haha*. i hope u have a good rest of ur day ! 🎀💕
yay yay okie!!
i’m slowly collecting cute nicknames 😋 you guys have me giggling, kicking my legs, twirling my hair or whatever
this hellsite needs to sort itself out 😭 secrets out i’m a massive hater, so i hope tumblr takes full offense on this one
no seriously like i know they want to promote their crusty ass merch but no one wants it for a reason.. sales aren’t gonna shoot up just because you put your store in the most convenient place, like please just change it back 🧎🏻‍♀️ the only good thing that came out of the update was polls. I HATW TUMBLR LIVE i’m never gonna use it, please please please get rid of it!!!!!! there’s like a million other apps people can go live on, we don’t need it here 😟 the most infuriating part is the ‘read more’ fucks up posts, like i cant even write on mobile anymore because the readmore line completely changes chunks of text 🧍‍♀️ and i had the worst night of my life when i posted ‘star girl’ because the read more had glitches the text and just yeah, it’s super lame
oooo a couple of years ago i think, my parents bought me this bts puzzle for christmas it’s like the love yourself/ speak yourself tour one, it’s really hard because there’s a shit ton of flowers that all look the same and they’re tiny so i was sat there for hours trying to figure it out 😭 and i still only got the easy white border done. my dad said that i should try and piece together all the boys and then work around them and maybe that’ll make it easier so i might try that today after i get a little productive 🧍‍♀️
i hope you have a nice rest of your day too!! however long of it you have left!!! and i’m excited to see your request 🫶
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seelestia · 2 years
I FOUND IT >:) nyahaha take THAT tumblr
*pat pat* ofc!!! and that's fine, you gotta do what you have to do!! hot cocoa!! that sounds really good, i just had one the other day (well it was milo, but close enough-)
WHEEZE- *sound of cyno clapping in the background* WELL i finished act 3 and 4 and i watched the livestream live... and he seems scary at first, but i think i can see why people really like him hehe beneath all that scary and stoic demeanor lies a gentle and good soul. he is indeed neat!! he's like a more cooperative version of xiao, u right
i have yet to play act 5, have you? i wanted to do it this weekend but we'll see if i feel like doing it haha
*hands you a high quality eyedrop i use to flash my puppy eyes at zhongli* i gotchu bestie /j
"heavy lore belongs in permanent quests, not temporary ones" YES THANK YOU LSDKFJLKSJDF as a non-day 1 player i find it a little annoying that i had to watch videos to experience albedo's backstory. like. are you kidding me hyv ;;;;
hehe you can always play it whenever you're free! no rush <3 and yeah.... we're all falling for the cheeky bad boy on the block *facepalms* /j
meirin.exe has crashed..... rebooting............
not the uno reverse card >:| /j *pulls out dictionary* no looksie, 't' - 'talent' - "natural aptitude or skill." - synonyms: flair, aptitude, facility, gift, seelestia - YOU SEE even the dictionary agrees!!!
MY CUTEST CUPID I LOVED IT AAAAA i had to console zhongli as we speak BUT NEVERTHELESS you are right i think we would be compatible in the 'opposites attract' way hehe thank you again for the matchup <3
WOOHOOOO! i was so sad when i realized that tumblr ate your ask 😭 and apparently, it ate a fic from you too??? one inch away from giving tumblr a knuckle sandwich rn
SO TRUE. MILO IS A MIRACLE SENT FROM ABOVE. but i can't drink too much lest i get a stomachache, hehe. but idek know the difference between milo and chocolate anymore when i buy iced choco in a café 🚶 (was i scammed? was it milo that i could've bought from the convenience store all along? /j)
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I KNOW RIGHT. I SAW THAT EMOTE AND CACKLED FOR AWHILE. rin jie, your hubby is so iconic he even got his own rock as an emote 💅
i saw that you completed act 3 & 4! hehe, how was it?? i love how everyone came together as a team even tho we're a rag-tag bunch, hehe. AND CYNO IS SO <3 (especially when i remember that he cracks jokes and then explains them in detail when no one laughs 😭)
yep, i did! i started the quest as soon as i did my comms because i have no more story quests or world quests left, so i gobbled that new content immediately 🏃 btw, lmk when you finished act 5! i wanna know what you think ;D OH AND i just remembered that there was quite a lot of alhaitham screentime in act 3-4, how was it? i assume you already saw the scene where he was reading a book about physics (and asked paimon if she understood it) because i loved that scene LOLLL okay, aristotle apprentice, chill. (/j)
FRRR. altho i'm not a day 1 player, i started genshin somewhat early on, but it always bothered me when they did that like the future players deserve to know this bit of lore happened 😭 and especially when the events had free weapons too! like festering desire in v1.2 <//3 i think they could've kept the events in the same way they do story quests?? claim a few keys and unlock thru the events you may have missed in the past for a few days or a week... but whatever can we do?? sigh. really sorry you had to watch albedo and subject 2's beef on youtube tho <//3 such great lore that new players couldn't experience first-hand because of that 😔
GENSHINBLR THANKS YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS 🙏 but fr, rin jie, we don't deserve you because good written content and good game content?? YOU ARE GIVING US THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS <3 when i say that you're the first person that came up when someone asks me for writer reccs, i mean it with my whole darned chest like seriously 😭🫶 (vv and truly /g /srs !!)
my dearest cousin, is one fanart all it takes to render you to a malfunctioning mess... me too, me too. (/lh) you sent me that little ayato with his boba addiction post and i kept smiling like an idiot fjekske AND I'M GLAD YOU LIKED THE MATCHUP <3 infj x intj duo never disappoints~ zhongli, please don't take it personally. jkekkske (fun fact: as an infj, i also find it funny that ayato is an entj 😭 does falling for e/intj's run in our family /j)
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haikyoonn · 4 years
Karasuno First Years - Sleepover Hc's
✨ bcs everyone needs friends, me included✨
Warning: cursing and fluffy friendship
gn! reader
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In your house, obviously.
Basically, you and Yachi were talking about daily randomness and she ended up telling you that she never went to a sleepover before
You stared at her like "bitch, ykw???" Or like "Me too."
Little baby almost cried when you said the both of you should do one together
You two went to Kyioko to ask if she was free and if she wanted to join, but sadly she had plans already
Smol tangerine boy noticed the disappointment and asked what was wrong
He cares ok? 🥺
Yachi was the first one to tell him almost instantly, sad puppy eyes
She doesn't have a lot of friends, she wanted the sleepover so bad 😞😞
Hinata said "OH NO!" precious
He wanted to help, so he stroked a proud pose and said he would join with sparkles around his face ✨✨✨
Happiness: 100% level
It didn't last too long until Kageyama knew about the sleepover
Ofc tangerine would tell him or the whole team
He was like " I'm going to a sleepover and you are not! I WON!"
Kageyama: tf is a sleepover?
You were distributing water bottles when he went running to you asking to join the sleepover thing
You were like: ??? Who told you???
Ofc you wouldn't say no to him, like??? He's baby, tf??? That sparking eyes???
When you said he could join he felt cocky while his hands were on his hips
But then he made a "I'm confusion" face and asked you what a sleepover was
Yamaguchi looked at him concerned slowly taking the bottle of your hands
Yamaguchi: You don't know what a sleepover is?
Kageyama: Am I supposed to?
*Tsukishima scoffed in the distance
Tsukishima: Kings don't go to sleepovers, they don't have friends, only slaves
You invited the salt just because of that.
He rejected.
Kageyama was lost, you didn't answer him
Yamaguchi asked who were invited and asked if we could join too politely with a slight blush
Must protect.
Now that Yama is officially part of the sleepover, Tsukishima would 100% be there as well
It's the law.
Sleepover time! 🤠🤠
You and Yachi walked together to your house after practice at the Friday Night
Both of you stopping at some stores to buy some snacks and c a n d y 🍭🍭
And ice cream, just because
Yamaguchi and Tsukishima arrived at the same time, and Yamaguchi also bought food with his sleeping plushie
He does have one, shush
Tsukishima bought salt.
His headphones and sleep mask 💅🏼✨
Hinata and Kageyama showed up panting at you door, you assumed they were racing who would reach your place first
Hinata jumped on you it's his style to greet someone and entered your house jumping on top of the couch
Someone is excited.
Kageyama shoved a volleyball at your face with his two hands
You: Oh really? Didn't notice.
Tsukishima is hugging his knees and is disgusted "who tf would bring a volleyball to a sleepover???"
Hinata was already eating and Yachi was trying to hide the other snacks from him
Yamaguchi is smiling and calmly sitting in the ground next to the salt, he was actually really happy that he's hanging out with friends
Movies! 🤠🤠
Yamaguchi is screaming while hugging your arm and Yachi passing out on the sofa with the horror movie
Tsukishima starting to stress with the stupid choices people make
Hinata and Kageyama fighting about who's a scared cry baby, both in the floor and Hinata is sitting between your shins
Someone help you
Snacks! 🤠🤠
Hinata ate all.
So you needed to make dinner and some sweet desserts
Yachi helps you with dinner, both of you casually talking and smiling
It's a cute sight 🥺🥺
Yama helps you with the dessert, he is used to make sweets tsukishima's falt
You sit next to Yachi on the table, and y'all eat.
Not peacefully, tho.
Hinata and Kageyama were fighting again
"I bEt YoU cAn'T eAt As MuCh As I dO!"
Yachi casually sliding cups of water to you for their lives sake
Not patience™
About the volleyball Kageyama bought 🤠🤠
After eating Kageyama came to you like a puppy
And asked if playing volleyball is part of the sleepover
You are friends with a whole ass volleyball team, what did u expect???
You said yes
He smiles excited
But it will need some modifications
He confusion
You asked him to sit next to you in the floor and he did, as well everyone
You explained the "Never have I ever" game
You said you question and tossed the ball to Kageyama and encouraged him to do the same
It went like that.
Tossing and playing "Never have I ever" but instead of losing points or drinking, y'all needed to throw a pillow at the person
Hinata received the toss with his hands at one round, and thought:
HMMMMM 🤔 I'll try to embarrass S O M E O N E
Hinata: Never have I ever went to a sleepover 😌😌😌
Tsukishima: You haven't?
Hinata: w a i t
Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and you were laughing real bad
You were about to throw a pillow at Yachi and Kageyama, but Hinata took one and threw it h a r d at Tsukishima's face
TSUKIIII [ insert Tadashi's voice ]
His glasses were bent over his face
Haha laugh funny vine/meme
Pillow fight! 🤠🤠
Tsukishima was about to suffocate Hinata but you saved him saying: We NeEd TeAmS, rIgHt?
Team one: You, Hinata And Yachi¹
Team two: Tsukishima, Tadashi and Kageyama²
Yachi accidentally slipped while going to throw another pillow and ended up hitting Yamaguchi's straight in the face
His eyes were teary, not because it hurted him but because of the impact of the pillowcase with his eyes
Yachi started to shake you with panic
She glued her head to the floor and apologized 1.000 times to him even if he reassured her it was alright
You asked him if he was ok while touching his shoulder
b l u s h
You are beautiful, ok?
You shouted to the freak duo to catch every pillow you guys used and bring them to you
Who catches more pillows wins.
The room it's nice and clean in seconds 😌💅🏼✨
Time to sleep! 🤠🤠
Smol tangerine won the 1x1
Kags is already in his mattress because he angy 😤
You dragged him to the bathroom and told him to brush his fckin teeth before sleeping, tho.
After that, you ruffle tangerine's hair and said he did a good job
Congratulations, he won't sleep of happiness
You give him the ice cream pot to calm him down while you show Yachi bby where she's sleeping after she brushed her teeth
Wich is the mattress next to the right side of yours, and wishes her good night
Hinata is done with the ice cream and goes to sleep
Bitch??? B r u s h. Y o u r. T e e t h.
He does and goes to sleep with another hair ruffle from you
Yamaguchi gets out of the bathroom and asks you where he's sleeping
Wich is this whole couch 😌😌
He reassures that he doesn't need to sleep on the couch just because of the incident before but you don't c a r e
He's not injured but he is.
You are about to turn the lights off while wishing everyone good night
Everyone respond to you, only not Kageyama
You: I'll wait...
You: Thank you.
When you turn of the lights, there's still light in the room
It's Tsukishima with Tik Tok
He is laying in his mattress wich is next to yours, but on the left side, with his headphones on
You don't even bother to tell him to go to sleep, you start scrolling on your for you page as well
You both stay like that until 2AM, silently giggling
Until he turns off his phone and turn his back to you
Tsukishima: I'll sleep, you should as well
You turn your back to his and wishes him good night again, no response this time.
Y'all woke up with drawings and toothpaste in your faces 🤠🤠
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syrenblubs · 3 years
going on a road trip with the free! siblings
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a/n: lets ignore the fact that mikoshiba’s practically turned into an imagine haha
pov: ur a family friend and they had an extra spot
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Rin + Gou
-their trips are always vv wholesome
-before leaving, their mom would make bentos for yall to eat in the car
-rin would be the one driving for most of the trip, but his mom would step in if he'd get a lil too angry over slow drivers haha road rage gang
-yk their music tastes are god tier so that shouldn't be a problem
-yall would play car games like "what do i spy" to pass the time
-rin's making travel vlogs for tiktok because yeah
-he also has his headphones in, pretending like he's in the music video
-gou is busy watching muscle videos she downloaded on her phone
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Asahi + Akane
-going on trip with them would be anything but quiet
-asahi is that person always asking "are we there yet"
-akane would reply with "no dummy"
-kon and akane would take turns driving
-ofc they bought some coffee from the shop for the trip
-cue asahi spilling coffee in the car and causing a panic
-you and asahi would play with tsukushi until he falls asleep for the rest of the ride like all babies do on road trips smh
-asahi is that person who would say he doesn't need to go to the restroom just as they're approaching a stop but will immediately ask to just after they leave
-he's also the one who suggests play car games which often don't end well because tsukushi would wake up crying from all the noise
-and then you and asahi would have to be the ones to lull tsukushi back to sleep
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Seijuro + Momo + Isuzu
-honestly their trips are one of a kind
-good luck trying to sleep during their chaos
-they really did turn their whole car ride into a karaoke session
-random stops at the grocery store just to make tiktoks>>>>
-momo asks to pee almost every other hour, sei needs food all the damn time, and isuzu needs internet to look at memes
-all of you are squished in the backseat with pillows and suitcases
-did momo bring his stag beetles? well you are about to find out right no-
-as you rested your head on the window, you felt something move around your face. at first you didn't pay attention to it, thinking it was just a fly, until you heard strange noises coming from whatever was crawling on your face. you slapped the side of your face, only to feel something you least expected. it was a beetle, but not just any beetle. it was momo's prized stag beetle he planned on giving to gou.
-oh the scream that came out from you after that sight
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Natsuya + Ikuya
-both you and their parents are praying for a peaceful trip where the brothers won't fight-
-well that didn't happen
-first off, the aux is passed to natsuya because he's got that music taste
-at some point during the trip him and ikuya were fighting over the aux because ikuya didn't want to listen to his "shitty" music
-you were able to stop them, as you stole the aux for good lets hope you have good taste in music unlike me cough
-ikuya, on the other hand, has his headphones shoved in his ears probably listening to sweater weather
-it’s teasing ikuya about embarrassing childhood memories hours
-more like bullying ikuya hours
-while he's asleep, you and natsuya would take turns trying to tickle him
-natsuya is taking SO many photos for his instagram
-he also sneaked in a picture of a drooling ikuya on his private story
-as payback, ikuya ordered natsuya the spiciest chicken nuggets on the menu at their stop and forced him to eat all of them
-lets just say natsuya did not have a good night after that
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linorangge · 4 years
Stray Kids Maid Outfit Scenarios!
 (requested by anon !)
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- you were scrolling thru amazon, looking for dog costumes for barry
- and a maid costume showed up in the recommended
- you showed Chan
- u were like “haha imagine u wore this”
- nd he giggled nd stared at the costume for a hot minute
- three days later (bc y'all have amazon prime ofc) 
- he made u sit on ur living room couch nd close ur eyes
- he walked out in the maid outfit nd told u to open ur eyes
- u slapped ur hand over ur mouth in disbelief
- the outfit fit him tight in some places
- specifically his arms nd the top part of his torso 
- u just stared at him in silence
- “does it look ok?”
- he got rlly bushy when u nodded 
- “u look so cute” 
- nd then u had a lil photoshoot of him in the outfit LMAO
- nd he stole some of the photos nd showed the boys 
- nd they were like “????? nice ?????”
- yea
- u guys were out shopping
- he didn't rlly go to buy anything
- he went more for u
- while at a lil anime march store u pointed out sum fan art of an anime boy in a maid costume
- “look ! u should wear something like that”
- u said it as a joke 
- but u he looked so disgusted with u LMAO
- “I would literally never wear that”
- “ur insane for thinking id ever wear something like that”
- “omg it was a joke ugh”
- nd he rolled his eyes at u
- nd then he felt bad so he bought u coffee
- a week later it was ur bday
- when everyone had left ur place lino made u stay in the bedroom while he changed in the bathroom
- nd he walked into ur room with the outfit
- he had a feather duster nd everything 
- you laughed so hard 
- he sauntered yes sauntered up to u
- “I think knee highs work for me”
- he didn't have shoes on
- but u best believe that mf wore the knee high socks anyway
- his thighs looked great 
- “u look better in it than me”
- “I've never seen u in a maid costume”
- u were both like 👁👁
- nd he started flinging the layers off nd forced u to wear it too
- u made the suggestion nd got it for him as a joke
- it was sitting in the back of his closet for the longest time
- he rlly didn't want to
- but he did it for u
- bc ur his favorite person ever
- u came home to see him in the outfit, sitting on the couch
- he was watching tv
- he was like “omg hey”
- nd u were like “??????? hi ?”
- u literally stared at him
- nd then u made him stand up nd u fluffed up the skirt for him nd adjusted it
- “u look rlly pretty” 
- he got kinda shy “u think so?”
- he was rlly blushy
- he liked seeing the happy little smile on ur face
- after awhile he got comfy nd he was ok wearing it
- nd then he walked around ur house like that for awhile b4 changing
- HATED the idea
- literally stared @ u like -____-
- you’d mention the idea a lot just to piss him off
- you’d bring it up randomly 
- “UGH whatever that’s why u won't wear the maid costume”
- “omfg SHUT UP”
- nd one day he brought it up to the members
- nd they were like 😏
- “do it”
- “wtf no”
- nd they went to the store with him to force him to buy it
- he bought the outfit with extreme hesitation
- nd then he pulled up to ur house with the maid oufit
- he showed u the outfit 
- nd u were like :0
- nd he was like 
- “I'll let u help me put it on”
- nd u did
- and he hated it 
-  but he did it anyway
- and then he saw how happy it made you
- and he regretted wearing it way less
- and then he made u take pics of him to prove to the members he wore it
- he was so down 
- like he was READY
- he made u drive him to some store and buy it as soon as possible 
- there wasn’t much convincing for you to do
- u asked him as a joke 
- nd he was like
- so he picked out the maid costume
- along with cat ears
- and then u guys got home
- nd u helped him button the backside
- nd then he made u fix his hair nd put the ears on him
- he was so excited PLS
- you gave him endless compliments to boost his already enormous ego
- nd then he took pics
- he made u take pics with him
- nd then he posted them LMAO
- everyone went mf crazy
- lix saw the outfit in a catalogue u had
- nd he showed u how pretty it was
- u jokingly said you’d get it for him
- nd he was like 
- “ :D rlly?”
- nd u ended up getting it for him
- for his bday actually
- he was so happy
- way happier than you’d expected
- the next day he put it on nd showed u
- “I should work at one of those maid cafes”
- he asked u to fluff it for him
- pls this baby
- he literally loves it
- him and Jisung had similar reactions
- he took pics too
- he didn't upload them tho
- he kept them more for u and him
- in conclusion
- Jisung cat boy
- he was not into the idea at all
- you suggested he’d look cute
- nd he was like
- “why tf would I ever wear that”
- nd then you got the outfit nd made him wear it
- like forced him
- u forced the clothes on him
- he fought through every second of it
- nd when u finally situated the skirt and buttons
- he realized it wasn't that bad
- u squealed nd complimented him all the way through it
- he got so shy despite being kinda mad
- “do u rlly think I look cute?”
- “omfg yes min ur adorable”
- he let u snap a few pics 
- he made u promise to never show them to a soul
- hated hated hated HATED it
- he’s the one who would not like it at all
- no matter what
- u got it as a joke 
- he was not amused
- he laughed it off
- but u both knew he was never going to wear it
- and then one day
- during the summer specifically
- he got bored
- and then he walked out of the bathroom wearing it
- u were so happy and excited 
- but u cackled SO hard
- nd he got embarrassed nd he was going to get back in the bathroom nd take it off
- but u stopped him
- “let me look at u for a second”
- “no”
- “jeongin”
- “y/n”
- nd u looked at him a bit more
- u pulled out ur phone to take a picture
- he closed that bathroom door so quick
- u whined for him to come out
- no way in hell was he letting anyone but u see him in that outfit
- u opened the door nd he was just standing there, his arms crossed
- toasted bread 
- but with baby bread energy
- if that makes sense
- in conclusion
- he hated wearing it especially bc he found it itchy
- but he liked the reaction u gave him
- kinda
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emsvegetables · 4 years
okay but like i screamed when i saw your requests are open, ( after reading the pregnancy hcs ) if it's fine with u - you can totally not do this if you don't like it - may i request headcanons with the same boys you did with the pregnancy hcs but with their father-daughter/son relationship with them headcanons? i'm a sucker for those HAHA. thank you again if you ever consider, love ♡♡
“okay but like i screamed when i saw your requests are open, ( after reading the pregnancy hcs ) if it's fine with u - you can totally not do this if you don't like it - may i request headcanons with the same boys you did with the pregnancy hcs but with their father-daughter/son relationship with them headcanons? i'm a sucker for those HAHA. thank you again if you ever consider, love ♡♡”
AHHH OFC!!!! hi @karasunology this is for you, you’re so sweet!!!!! hope you like these <33!!!! i’m not sure if i interpreted it correctly fifkfjrrj i rewrote this THREE TIMES FIEIDIFIF also i made the child a daughter haha hope that’s okay!!!
* he’ll love his child SO much!!!!!!!!
* anyway he’s REALLY excited for little (Y/N) to come out!!!!!!!
* he’s with you throughout the entire birth process, and he tries his best not to cry when you curse him and say that you’re never having a baby with him again.
* and when she pops out of the womb?
* he is CRYING and calling Iwaizumi to tell him how cute she looks.
* Iwaizumi hangs up on him LOL
* but afterwards he’s softly running his fingers through your hair after it’s all over, and telling you that he loves you.
* but anyways the Seijoh third years come to visit little (Y/N) every weekend and they always bring so much things for her to play with!!!!
* but it’s obvious Iwaizumi is little (Y/N)’s favourite uncle LOL
* she looks like she LIKES Iwaizumi more than Oikawa AHAHAH
* she’ll crawl to him and always reach for him and he’ll happily hug her!!! Oikawa is SO jealous lmaoooo
* but when little (Y/N) can start walking and talking, MAN.
* Oikawa is instantly teaching her how to play volleyball!!!!
* he’s teaching her how to set, and how to receive balls!!!
* her uncles come over to play with her every weekend and you find it really cute, when you poke your head out into the backyard and see four grown men cooing over your little girl!!!!
* but she grows up to love spiking more thanks to her uncle Iwaizumi!!!!!!
* Oikawa’s VERY salty about that LMAOOO but he’ll set to her all the time to practice!!!
* he and her are the total power team!!!
* he’ll go to ALL her games and he’ll happily point her out to you when you’re looking for her!
* and when she gets a spike in??
* he’s also a super supportive father!!!!
* but he’ll draw a line at relationships AHAHA
* he’ll know how disgusting high school boys are (CONSIDERING HOW HE WAS AHAH) and he’ll gather the Seijoh third years and scare that boy away.
* Matsukawa is the scariest bc he actually is really intimidating HAH.
* and Hanamaki manages to scare them away bc he threatens MURDER AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
* but anyway your daughter has to BEG him to stop after he scares the seventh boy away.
* you just laugh as he tries to make excuses to what he did.
* aw this man!!!!!!
* i’ve said before in a previous hc, i THINK his parents had some sorta tension between them and hence he had to live with his grandparents.
* so growing up, he never really had active parents in his life!!! so he’s promising himself that he’s going to treat you and little (Y/N) right.
* and when little (Y/N) comes out of the womb!!!!! he’s SO SO SO happy, and he’s smiling so widely and tears are rolling down his cheeks.
* he’s praising you on how well you did during the entire process, and he’s kissing your forehead and saying how proud he is of you.
* but he’s SO SO SO HAPPY!!!! and he’s immediately telling Kenma and the third gym squad!!!!!!
* okay but Kenma occasionally pops over to your house every few weeks to give little (Y/N) toys and stuff, and you have to tell him to STOP bc he’s spending so much money!!!!!
* but Bokuto, Akaashi and Tsukishima also come over to play with little (Y/N)!!!!
* it’s obvious her favourite is Akaashi, bc he’s the most gentle with her, and she’s always crawling up to him and hitting his thighs.
* Bokuto always goes into emo mode whenever she choose Akaashi over him LOL
* anyway.
* he’s teaching little (Y/N) volleyball when she can stand up and walk!!!
* and he’s such a big influence on her life that she actually ASPIRES to be a middle blocker just like him!
* he always brings you to all her games when the both of you can make it, and occasionally the third gym squad will make an appearance too!!!!
* when she blocks the other team????
* there’s two people screaming on the second floor.
* “THATS MY DAUGHTER!!!”-kuroo
* “WOOOO GOOOO LITTLE (Y/N)!!!”-bokuto
* Akaashi and Tsukishima just exchange looks like: wtf is wrong with them.
* he’s also a really, really supportive father.
* he’s so close to her, and he really understands her so well, just like how he understands you.
* he’ll let her talk to him about anything, but he also knows when to give her space to work out her problems when she needs to!!!
* overall super supportive.
* though he gets a TAD protective when little (Y/N) starts to talk about her boyfriend to the both of you.
* but he trusts her!!!! so it’s all good!!!!!
* ahhh!!! he’s actually prepared for little (Y/N) to come out.
* like.
* he’s already bought all the stuff needed for babies, and he’s already put it in the room.
* and when your water breaks??? he’s bringing you to the hospital, with a very calm face, because he’s researched on what to do and he made sure to get the BEST doctor on your case!
* and when little (Y/N) comes out?
* he’s so proud, and you see this lone tear slide down his cheek, and he’s pressing a soft kiss onto her forehead, before pressing one to your lips, and telling you that he loves you so much.
* anyway he immediately tells Hinata what happened, and after Hinata jokes about little (Y/N) not being named after him, he congratulates the both of you through the speaker!!
* Kuroo finds out a few minutes later, after Hinata hangs up and Kenma texts him, and he also congratulates you happily, and berates Kenma over not telling him first AHAHAH
* Kenma. is literally and figuratively A SUGAR DADDY TO LITTLE (Y/N).
* this guy???
* a new toy shows up in a parcel outside the house EVERY day, and you have to PLEAD him to stop buying little (Y/N) presents when the drawers start to overflow AHAHA
* Kenma merely shrugs, and gets another cupboard built in the room to store more toys, and shoots a small smile at you when you sigh.
* “i have money to spare, babe.”
* tbh he won’t teach volleyball to (Y/N), bc he’s lazy AHAHA
* BUT when she inevitably picks it up thanks to her uncles Kuroo and Hinata, he’s cursing them silently in his head when your daughter asks him to play with her.
* he will not be able to refuse her and he’ll actually play with her until SHE’S tired, bc he loves her so much!!!!
* she ends up wanting to be a setter, and he teaches her all his hacks and techniques to get out of practice if she’s tired AHAHA
* he’ll try his best to make it to all her games, and he won’t shout whenever she scores, but instead grip your hands really tightly and mumble a cheer under his breath.
* he’s a really chill dad, tbh.
* like, he’ll never scold your daughter if she’s in the wrong.
* all the discipline is up to you AHAHAH
* he also doesn’t get worked up over her having her boyfriend over for dinner, and instead asks the boy what games he plays.
* the protectiveness gets handed over to uncle Kuroo!!!!!!! who’s instantly firing a barrage of questions at the poor boy.
* “stop it, Kuro.”
* “BUT KENMA, this boy is trying to make his moves on little (Y/N)!!!!”
* he’s so PUMPED for little (Y/N)’s delivery.
* and when your little baby pops out???
* this guy is CRYING.
* tears are rolling down his cheeks and he’s SMILING so much as he holds little (Y/N) in his arms.
* he’s SO happy, and he’s telling you that straight to your face as you lie back down on the hospital bed.
* he’s pressing a soft kiss on your cheek before he’s texting the Karasuno group chat WIDIFIFIR
* they’re all so happy!!! and they swarm into the hospital like the maniacs they are to see little (Y/N).
* but when your baby can walk and talk???
* you BET that the entire team is coming to your house EVERY weekend to play volleyball with her.
* little (Y/N) ends up loving Nishinoya the most, and he excitedly teaches her the ROLLING THUNDER move, but Sugawara scolds him when she rolls wrongly and ends up with a gash on her cheeks.
* Nishinoya is BANNED from returning to your house AHAHA KDG
* okay she ends up being a libero like her favourite uncle!!
* and whenever she has a match?
* the ENTIRE team is going there to cheer her on.
* i’m not even lying.
* she’ll save a ball, and all her middle-aged uncles start screaming and cheering, causing her to blush in embarrassment.
* Sugawara and Daichi have to calm them down AHAHAHAH.
* but when she undergoes changes and starts getting male attention???
* man Tanaka and Nishinoya are NOT going to let that happen.
* they’ll be protecting her like how they protected Shimizu AHAHA
* but the most scariest is HER DAD, SUGAWARA KOSHI.
* he’ll smile widely at the boy who your daughter brings home, and that smile is the scariest you’ve seen on his face.
* AHAHAH the poor boy’s TERRIFIED of Sugawara LMAO
* OH!!! this pure, sweet man.
* he’s so SHOCKED when your water breaks.
* he’ll be running around the house and freaking out AHAHA and you have to call the ambulance yourself LOL
* and when little (Y/N) pops out????
* he’s CRYING.
* he’s SOBBING.
* he’s SHAKING.
* he’s so scared!!!! what if your baby doesn’t like him?????
* he’s instantly texting the third years at Karasuno for help LOL
* but they tell him to chill and just hold the baby in his arms!!!
* and he starts to cry again AHAHAH
* but anyway your baby will have the CRAZIEST UNCLES.
* literally your baby is showered with LOVE AND AFFECTION by the entire Karasuno team!!!!!!
* your baby’s favourite is Daichi!!! bc he’s the gentlest with her, and she’ll always wiggle out of Asahi’s arms to go to Daichi.
* she ends up being a wing spiker like her father!!!!!
* Asahi’s so proud he starts to cry AGAIN.
* but whenever she has a match????
* the entire team is going AHAHAH
* Nishinoya and Tanaka ARE SCREAMING when she gets a spike in.
* Asahi will just tear up bc he’s so PROUD.
* oh and Asahi’s the MOST SUPPORTIVE DAD.
* he’s always letting her do whatever she wants!!!!!
* and he supports everything that she does!!!!!
* and when she brings a boyfriend home???
* tbh he’s totally fine with that, bc his baby is all grown up, after all.
* but the boy’s scared bc of Asahi’s LOOKS AHAHAHAHAHAH
* your daughter has to tell him to smile more bc her boyfriend is scared of her father’s face AHAHAHAHAH
JRRKFKFK HI IM SO SORRY IF THIS ISNT WHAT YOU WANTED FIRIFIFI i tried my best to write this!!! i hope it’s okay!!!!!!!!
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I’m big sad this week can I please get some kakairu fic or HC I don’t care I just wanna talk haha but it’s kakashi falling in love with iruka because he’s just so thoughtful to kakashi specifically. Say, kakashi is always late because he’s got to eat and sleep and water his plant and feed the strays behind his complex and he’s (chakra) exhausted the works.
No one ever notices (besides gai ofc but they’ve been friends forever) but then he meets and becomes friends with iruka. And iruka notices. Iruka will take a subpar report from kakashi after hard missions and just give him a Pat on the shoulder and a smile, he will drop by with extra bentos to keep in the fridge and take off without a second thought since he was dropping off bentos (that he bought we know that man can’t cook) at narutos anyway. Gets kakashi a water globe for his plant so he doesn’t have to worry about him on missions.
But the thing that really does it for kakashi the holy shit I might love this man moment is when kakashi is dragging himself home after a super hard mission that went over by weeks and he goes to feed the strays behind the complex and finds iruka feeding them hunched over in this dirty dark alley feeding dogs what looks like his dinner for the night shift and.. is that the new icha icha from the release he missed in his hands?? Iruka got it for him since he was gone and knew how much kakashi likes them and that’s it kakashi is in love now thank you
//here’s to a hopefully more enjoyable, relaxed week coming up :)
It wasn’t unheard of for a mission to go on longer than it had been planned. Things happened, changes had to be made to the attack plan, sometimes the team. There were a variety of reason’s for a missions to take an extra few hours, or a day or two more.
But a week?
Only the worst missions went overtime by a week.
The one’s where the information was poor, or sometimes even completely wrong. Where the mission lead had to stop and fix up the plan in one or two areas, but had to start completely from scratch.
And just his luck, he had been the mission lead. The poor bastard who had to rethink the mission from scratch when it turned out that they had been lied to by the person who had come to them wanting ��help’.
What they really wanted, apparently, was a chance to present some unsuspecting leaf shinobi to Some IWA shinobi in waiting.
Luckily for them, Kakashi was quick to realize that things were out of place and even quicker to come up with a new plan. One that only needed him and Gai, and an extra week of waiting time.
It worked in the end. Of course it did.
After waiting for the enemy to finally let their guards down, Kakashi and Gai were able to make their way into the camp they had made for themselves and get the scroll they had been sent for. One they had thought was just used as a trick to get them there, but found out through some careful spying on Kakashi’s part did actually exist.
Now they were home.
Aching and tired, but home.
Seeing Gai off, Kakashi headed straight for the little ally behind the apartments he lived in. Nothing called out to him quite like a nice shower, and a long nap in bed, but he had to check up on the strays before then.
Poor things hadn’t seen him all week, and he’s certain there’s no one else who feeds them. Most of the other jonin simply pick a favorite and take them into their apartment, or leave food out for them on the window ledge.
Kakashi took care of the rest of them.
“Here we go,” hearing a familiar voice, Kakashi stopped just before the entrance into the alleyway, unsure why exactly his heart was beating so fast now. “Eat up. You’ll get to see your favorite tomorrow. He just had a long mission and he needs some rest. But I have no doubt he’ll be here to see you as soon as he can.”
Peering around the side of the wall, Kakashi felt a warmth spreading in his chest when he saw Iruka. Sweet, kind Iruka. Kneeling down and pouring dry food into the bowls Kakashi had set out months ago.
"He does a lot for this village, you know," Iruka continued, and Kakashi couldn't help but linger and listen. "One of Konoha's top Jonin, so he's always going on missions to protect the village, gather information, help people out. There's a lot for him to do."
Leaning his shoulder against the wall, Kakashi smiled to himself.
For a few months now Iruka had been helping him out. Noticing little things about him and providing information or objects to make his life just a little bit easier.
A water bulb for Mr. Ukki so he didn't have to worry about going on missions and killing his only plant.
Bento boxes that he promised he bought from a store when he noticed Kakashi hadn't eaten that day. Not because he couldn't cook for himself, but because sometimes life just got too busy. There was soo much to do that often he'd find himself forgetting to feed himself while he tried to finish mission reports, or plan out training exercises for his students.
Kakashi hadn't thought about it much then. Simply thanking Iruka and moving on with his life.
But now, standing here listening to Iruka gush about him to the strays while he fed them in Kakashi's absence. Kakashi can't help but feel something deep inside of his chest.
Something he can't quite explain. It's warm and fuzzy, and it makes his heart skip a beat whenever Iruka continues talking, but he doesn't have a word for it. It's not something he has ever felt before.
"So be nice to him, hmmm?" Iruka continued, chuckling when one of the dogs barked. "I know he has to be gone a lot, but I'll take care of you when he's out of the village. I promise."
Poking his head around the corner, Kakashi chuckled when the dogs saw him and immidiatly started to bark, forgoing their food to run over to him instead for pets.
"K-kakashi," Iruka stood up, clearly caught off guard by Kakashi's sudden appearance. "I...how long were you standing there?"
"Mmmm, long enough I think," Kneeling down, he started to pet each of the dogs while keeping his eyes on Iruka. "I didn't know you made a habit of looking after Jonin's life responsibilities while they were gone, Iruka-sensei."
"I-" It was sort of cute seeing Iruka all flustered. with wide bright eyes and fingers that wouldn't stop pulling at his uniform sleeve. "I don't usually..."
"Well, I need some rest," Giving the dogs one more head pat he stood up and smiled. A warm, soft smile hidden under his mask. "But, since you've done so much for me I should pay you back."
"Oh, no you don't have to," Iruka waved his hands in front of himself franticly. "I was just- i wanted to make sure-"
"How about dinner?" Kakashi had a calm look on his face, and his voice was as bored sounding as ever. To an untrained eye, he likely looked like he was simply inviting a friend to go out.
Internally, though, he was freaking out.
His heart was hammering in his chest, going so fast that it actually sort of hurt. His stomach was a mess of knots and butterfly's, and his brain was going five hundred miles a minute. Thinking up all the ways Iruka could reject him, and screaming at himself for even making the offer like a love sick idiot.
That was the word he had been looking for earlier.
Minato-sensei had described the feeling to him years ago. When he was younger and confused about the way Obito acted around Rin, or why Rin was always trying to get close to him.
He was in love, and out of everyone his heart could have chosen, it went with Umino Iruka.
"That sounds nice, actually," Iruka whispered, glancing down at the ground while running a hand awkwardly through his hair. "Umm, where would you like to..."
"I'll make it," he smiled, now determined to make the best first impression. "My apartment, tomorrow evening. And don't worry about the dogs, i'll make sure to feed them before dinner."
He doesn't wait for a response. Disappearing into a whirlwind of dust he make's his escape. Desperate to get back to his apartment and collapse onto his bed and scream into his pillow like a twelve year old whos crush just called them 'cute'.
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2021ana · 3 years
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Doing this but not in 30 days lol, cause i’ll probably forget about so i’ll Answer the maximum rn
1- i have 59 kg, is like 130 pounds, my waist have 70 cm(27 inches) and when i started, was 76,5 cm, my hips are 86cm (33 inches), and when i started they’re 90 cm (35 inches)- they’re wide, but i like them like that- My right thigh’s 58 cm(23 inches) and when i started was 61 cm( 24 inches), my left thigh’s 56 cm (22 inches), but when i started they’re 58 cm(23 inches) yes i think i don’t forget anything lol
2- i’m sum like 5’3 or 5’4, i wanna be taller lol😫😫😫 like 5’5 or 5’6
3-i have a lottt, but i choose that one cause i love the lines in her stomach and her waist
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4- OFC loose my boobs. Seems strange, i know, but i love them😭😭😭😭 they’re pretty, i like them, the guys love them, and i don’t wanna lose then, you know??? The same abt my hips. They’re kinda of wide but i like them lol. But ofc my boobs especially
5- at this point idk. Since i was 9 my DREAM is be skinny, but i think especially because the things i heard for being a fat child. But this doesn’t matter. I’ll be skinny and i’ll be pretty.
6- not actually. I did this just one time when i was like 11. I was struggling hard w my family issues and this day i heard that i was a fat child and should take off my tonsils (surgery) so that i would not eat and lose weight. I decided that if everyone thought I was a fat cow, I would be a fat cow. But soon after eating everything I saw ahead I felt guilty and i vomited for the first time, I never had compulsion but the habit of vomiting accompanies me lol
7- ofc. Like i said, since i was 9 my dream’s ve skinny, my mom helped me lose weight when i was younger but in a healthy way. she rlly don’t know that i go so hard to be skinny, one day she ask me if i was throwing up and made me PROMISSE that if i wanna lose weight i’ll do that in a healty way, like she teach me. And i promisse, even that i was lying. She’s my mom and the best person in the world but i don’t wanna give her this problem, is mine, and i can deal w this.
8- i’m a active person i guess. I do muay thay(fight) everyday, and it spend a lot of calories lol. Also, i’m a swimmer, like rlly, i swim since i was 3 years old, and sometimes i run w my mom cause she run
9- HAHA YES!! I was an fat child. My entire childhood’s def by that.
10- idk sometimes i feel guilty abt you know?? My mom loves me, and she would be soo mad if she know that i do these things:( also, sometimes i lose my control and eat somethings that are really calorics, but i’m working in this
11- idk lol, i don’t think i know some thinspo blogs, act, pls say me sum so i can saw more thinspos lol
12- chicken, salad, and Beetroot, omfg, I love beets, i eat this every fucking day
13- unhealthy lol
14- For now 121 lbs, but when I get to it, I'll lower it more, and i wanna get there to my birthday (August)
15- i’m not, but i used to be, now i eat just chicken, but when i was younger i was a vegetarian for more than a year, and honestly it didn't help me lose weight, but those were not my aspirations at the time, maybe if my focus were that I would have achieved
16- since i was a child be skinny’s my dream lol
17- idk and i don’t rlly wanna talk about that
18- lol probably sum from mac donalds. I’m Addicted to that shit. But’s SO caloric:(( i think that’s the reason why i think so much abt this, like, is so fcking caloric and i know i shouldn’t eat this, and then i think so hard abt
19- sum weeks ago, i didn’t eat anything in the day so at the night i could eat sum shit and stay under my calories for the day
20- the princess diet lol, they’re so flexible and i don’t need to eat the same thing everyday, i like
21- girl depends a lot the store i bought them, in shein for example a have a “xs” top that fits perfectly but from “zara” needs to be a “s” or even a “m” cause they don’t fit like they should in my boobs. this drive me a little crazy and i always cry when i’ll buy sum clothes lol
22- in this times my lowest weight was 52kg, that’s like 113 pounds, but i used to be smaller than now(i was like 5’0) so it wasn’t a good weight
23- haha yes, but not ONLY the media. Before having social medias i already want lose weight
24- idk:( i don’t wanna be a “pro ana” or “pro mia” cause i don’t wanna make little childs or teenagers hating their bodyes like i did. That shit can fuck a child head and i don’t wanna be part of this you know??? But also i think that if you’re already in this(like me) the society can’t force you get a rehabilitation. Needs to be sum that YOU want, and its nice have sum persons to talk abt that without been judged, idk
25- oh yes, and the first experience i was a child and it was kinda of nasty, but i strangely like that. I feel like i was light and my stomach was clean, i like the feeling even that was a little gross
26- be skinny ofc, look at the mirror and feel rlly pretty, doesn’t have all fat that makes me crazy and just be loved you know?? By me and by others
27- not very good haha, at the school, when was the breakfast time, i need to go to the bathroom cause i get so crazy w the food, smell so good and everyone’s eating idk it’s a strange feeling
28- i don’t wanna my fat thighs anymore. But i also don’t wanna lose my hips.
29- something that i need to be. Thin waist, kinda of big hips, medium boobs, a thin face, a nice butty, and a tanned body, like a “latino body”
1- my name’s ana
2- i love exercising but i hate run lol
3- i’m latina and i want a latino body
4- my favorite classes are history and science, also, i hate math
5- i speak 3 languages, 2 flowing and one not really bad haha
6- i like that people say that i’m pretty, but just when they say truth, you know??
7- my favorite skin caracter is james cook and i identify more with him than with cassie, I even think she's kind of covered up, people tend think that cass is my favorite just because she have an ed lol. And okay i like her, but not actually you know?
8- ugh idk my sign is leo and i rlly believe in that lol, i know my astral map entirely and my sun is leo, my moon is sag and my asc is aqua
9- i have daddy issues, like REALLY issues, i don’t like talk a lot abt this but anyway
10- my mom’s the person more perfect i know in my entire life. And i hate making her mad
My states didn’t change cause i did this in one day LOL, but in 30 days i’ll be back!!!
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cortanaaq · 4 years
A/N: This came in later than I expected,it’s really long but I hope you enjoy it.
This is for the anon who requested nct or tbz spending Halloween with you. So I did nct 127 ;’) sorry for waiting 
**also thanks to @365nct, i used one of their incorrect quotes for the jaehyun one haha hope they don’t mind
  NCT 127 – Spending Halloween with you
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-He was not really used to celebrating Halloween if it wasn’t for the SM Halloween party
-So this year you got him unprepared
-but he doesn’t mind celebrating as long as it is with you
-he came with the idea to have a couple costume and that was ,,,,
-yup you guessed it
-Beauty and the Beast
-but this time he was the beast and you ofc,the beauty
-because he can’t repeat the incident from 2017 where he was dragged to dress up as Belle and winwin was the beast- anyways
-he glares at you every time you bring it up lol
-this time he pulled the uno reverse card tho
-because he definitely treats you like a prince/princess all the time,he went shopping for costumes with you
-he bought everything you wished for,even the crazy unnecessary decorations like a stupid flying skeleton or a witch dressed as a hooker
-like what even is that?? He wondered but laughed when you gave him puppy eyes
-“it’s funny tho,it would look good at the entrance “
-he snorted
-obvs taeil couldn’t resist those eyes and the pouty lips that he kissed in the end
-spends the whole night eating the candies you’ve got
-he likes to take a loooot of selfies so be ready to be bombarded with funny filters
-after you both get tired of all the dress up thingy,you too decided to watch a horror movie
-classic but he knows what he’s doing
-whenever you cling onto his arm or squeeze his hand he smirks and hums into your ear
-you know he’s teasing and he chose that movie on purpose so you occasionally punch his arm when he tickles you with teasing small pecks on your cheeks and neck
-but you secretly enjoy it don’t lie
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 -Oh johnny boy 
-I think for sure Halloween is his fave celebration because he always plans to visit Chicago in that period
-for this and for Christmas of course 
-he likes to celebrate it in the US cause the traditions are kept alive there 
-so he’s excited to take you trick or treating 
-You chose Corpse bride for costumes
-you were so excited to do his make up as Victor and he was excited to see you dressed for a wedding lmao
-While doing his make up before leaving for treating,he kept looking at you being so concentrated 
-“you look so beautiful like this babe”
-“johnny I look dead“
-he laughed and kissed you when he got the opportunity 
-and ofc he couldn’t contain himself from making cheeky remarks  either
-and you get mad at him for talking and smudging his make up by accident
-“you distracted me !!”
-but you like his annoying ass and would never be actually mad at him
 -plus he looked good even with smudged make up
-you think maybe it’s too smudged but he lifts you up and kisses you harder that before
-…and now you’re both smudged  but you don’t really mind as you kiss him one more time
-after all,you leave for trick or treating but realize you’re a bit old for this 
-he will not go home without corn candies tho so you’ll have to force him to do so -but because he looks around and sees mostly children,
-he suggests going to a party in the neighborhood 
-it was a party thrown by his friends ofc 
-and you were more than happy to show everyone the power couple you make together
 -he drives there,one hand on the steering wheel,one hand on your leg
 -occasionally caresses your skin and you blush a little 
-he knows your weaknesses tho
-you arrive at the party,everyone is in awe,,,he can’t really stop bragging about you
 -and you have a great time meeting his American friends for the first time
-seeing you tired after a while of being there,he comes closer to you and hugs you from behind
 -whispers in your ear how gorgeous you looked and how everyone loved you 
-and how he’s gonna take you home and spend more time as real ‘groom and bride’;;))
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 -this cute baby couldn’t be more excited to celebrate Halloween with you
-and not to baby him even more but his idea for the costumes was to dress up as among us characters
-yes,,among us characters
-specifically black and pink
-can you guess who’s who?
-he went full shopping mode with you and dragged you through  the stores only to find the perfect match
-and you did ofc
-you came with the idea to throw a party and invite the rest of your friends
-he checked the list of things you needed to buy for Halloween
-and you teased him saying he stressed too much and we should have fun instead of worrying
-“but baby you know if we throw a party,we need to have enough drinks and food”
-puppy eyes: checked
-speaking in tiny: checked
-how could you say no lmao
-and after you bought everything necessary (and unnecessary),,
-you came home to decorate and to put your costumes on
-tried to kiss but you forgot you had the helmets on lmfao
-you both giggled like two kids
-he looked so cute when he put his science goggles on his head
-and you made sure to capture every single angle of his cuteness
-too many pics ,,
-too many
-you had a lot of fun especially that you organized a costume contest
-and you didn’t win because you were the hosts pfff..
-it’s not like everyone voted you for having the coolest couple costume
-kinda sus if you ask me
-n ee ways
-the party was a success and everyone had fun
-you ended up eating so many sweets  
-even tho tyong told you to slow down
-he took care of you and bathed you in kisses and cuddles after everyone left
-“you eat too many sweets every Halloween,,do you even learn?” says as he caresses your cheeks and gives you a long forehead kiss
-“but I can’t help myself,,too good and sweet”
-‘”you’re too good and sweet”
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 -It was the morning of 31st October
-the only thing in your mind was the Halloween party at sm you and yuta were going to attend
-and ofc you didn’t want a lame costume,you wanted something cute
-but powerful
-and not to be a cliché but you asked yuta if he wanted to be dressed as anime characters
-man did he give you a look
-he chuckled lightly at your request but couldn’t say no
-“baby the fact that you’re Japanese makes it 1000x better”
-you cup his cheeks in between your hands and he laughs holding you on his lap
-after all he agrees and you go shopping for costumes
-as you thought,you didn’t want to be the basic anime characters so you chose a cute and powerful couple
-Kagome and inuyasha
-When you saw yuta wearing that long white hair-wig,your heart did a flip
-he smiled so large when he saw you wearing that pretty school uniform
-you made him take you in his arms immediately only to start smooching your face
-“baby my make up”
-you were pouting,but he was smirking coming closer to your ear
-“ I will make up for this later,promise”
- he said that biting your ear lobe softly
-oh boy you wanted to forget about the party only for yuta to “make up” for you but
-you could’ve handled that later that night
-you had a great time partying with the members and other idols at sm
-yuta held onto you the whole night feeling so proud to have such a gorgeous s/o only for himself
-but what you had planned after the party was much more exciting ;;)
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-This little sh
-that you loved to the moon and back 
-was a bit skeptic about partying for Halloween 
-for your sake tho,he prepared a horror movie marathon for both of you
 -he also suggested cooking something thematic 
-you actually caught him few days ago watching an instagram video of ‘how to make eyeball lollipops”
-You were like ???
-“I want to make these for Halloween because you don’t need to bake anything you know”
-“so we won’t burn the kitchen down? Ok!”
-you agreed faster than he thought
 -and that made him doubt his cooking skills for a bit but anyways 
-you too didn’t really have anything planned for a costume but you decided to surprise him
-with a bunny costume
-not an onesie,no
 -bunny ears and a bunny tail 
 -while he was concentrated on cooking,
-you showed up wearing a cute lingerie and that bunny costume on you 
-“ hey bunny,wanna snuggle?”
-you leaned on the door frame while trying not laugh
-in that moment he was tasting the jam
-but when he turned around and saw you LIKE THAT 
-he snorted and dropped the spoon full of raspberries 
-he was absolutely sure you wanted to give him a heart
-attack somehow
 -but he came to his senses and approached you with a smirk on his face
 -you couldn’t even think for a bit because in the next second he lifted you up to kiss you 
-“you made me drop the food and make a mess,,do you think I’ll let you go with that?”
-you blushed harder than you thought and suggested to help him clean up the mess 
-but he cut you off mid-sentence with a deepened kiss only to tell you with a low tone
-“those raspberries can wait,the bunny wants snuggles doesn’t it?”
-you tried so hard to keep your cool but who can blame you?? 
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 -Another Halloween enthusiast
-he couldn’t wait to dress up as Gomez and Morticia Addams
-you even helped him with the make-up,drawing a mustache on his face
-“haha very funny’’,
-he responds sarcastically every time you look at him and try not to laugh
-but damn the costume was pure gold
-you both looked amazing and he even managed to kiss your hand,up to your arm and neck
-just like Gomez kissed his wife every time he had the opportunity
-you both went trick or treating,along with johnny,mark and other members
-then came back to the dorms and ate so many candies
-jaehyun couldn’t help but stare at you every time he had the chance
-and you knew this costume was a perfect match because you could show him how sexy and elegant you were
-taeyong prepared some food for you all and you had few drinks
-told a lot of horror stories and felt like kids again but jaehyun was waiting to go home only to spend more time with you
-“ the food is too hot,I can’t eat it ::( ’’
-you complained while the others turned their heads to look at you especially taeyong who was about to apologize for the food being too hot
-jaehyun: ‘’you’re hot but I’d still eat-“
--he was cut off mid-sentence by taeyong who slammed his hand down on the table
-you all started laughing and looked at jaehyun only to see him grinning like a little bitch he is
-you knew how cheeky he can be so you got up and came closer to him to wrap your arms around his neck
-closer to his ear so you can whisper nonsense, that apparently got him happier that you intended
-he was one lucky guy for sure
-and the Halloween was once again one of his favorite holidays
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 -Jungwoo wanted something cute this year
-he was very excited to show you what costumes he prepared for you both
- he kept saying it was a surprise and told you not to prepare anything cause he will handle it
- so while you were preparing the candies for the kids, he snuck up on you and covered your eyes
- you could’ve sworn you felt something fluffy covering your face
- you touched his arms and tried to feel it
- and realized he was wearing paws
- ???
- “babe what are you-“
- he cut you off and turned you around to face him
- he was wearing a big Snoopy costume,with a red bowtie as well
- you felt yourself dying of cuteness
- because now you had THE actual snoopy as your boyfriend
- a bit weird but CUTE ok cute
- “do you like it?? the red bowtie is part of the costume so we could match”
- you looked at him all smiles
- his eyes were sparkling just like a puppy’s :,(
- He grabbed your hand and took you to your bedroom to show your costume
- it was the same snoopy costume but you had a red ribbon on top of your head
- you were excited to try it on
- and when you showed him the costume, he gently approached you to kiss your forehead
- “aren’t we the cutest?”
- after that, he helped you give sweets to trick-or-treaters and so many kids were in awe when they saw you two
- you took pictures to send to his family
- and in the end, you two ended up falling asleep
- cuddling on the couch surrounded by the candies left because you weren’t very active this year
- but still had a great time
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 -This year mark wanted it different
-he didn’t only wanted to crave pumpkins or go trick or treating
-he needed a break from every exhausting activity because being and idol
-and well,,
-being mOrk
-he was tired and needed an escape from that solicitant lifestyle
-he surprised you one day with a small trip to an orchard outside of Seoul
-you were so excited because you knew the weather was going to be in your favor
-plus you knew mark was a nonconformist and he wanted to make the time spent w you very special
-like every time
-such a cutie oml pls-
-you two took the train till there,admiring the view from the empty cabin you were in
-he was holding you close and your hand all the time
- occasionally he kissed the top of it
-but you always turned to give him a quick peck on his sweet lips
-you liked to see him all giggly and shy,rubbing his hand behind his head
-when you arrived there,you were accompanied by a guide
-showing you around the orchard
-you were so excited while looking around,looking at the different colors of the apples
-mark grabbed two baskets and offered to help you pick few red and beautiful apples
-you were picking them and from time to time you felt mark’s gaze on your body and smiled
-while he was distracted, you snuck up behind him only to see him startle
-you giggled when he picked you up,spinning you around
-only to leave a sweet kiss on your nose and lips
-after the apple picking,you went to a café that was only few miles away from the orchard
-ate apples on the way because you were a bit tired and very hungry lol
-at this cute café,you two spent some time chatting and just staring at each other
-because you were both cute little hopeless romantics <333
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 -Haechan was actually going to lazy around that day but nope
-you dragged him out of the bed
-telling him you want to crave pumpkins because otherwise
-you will bite his ass
-he gave you the most shocked look
-then managed to laugh
-“I wouldn’t mind,just bite the corner,,just a small bite”
-you rolled your eyes and puffed air from your nose pretending to get mad
-you walked out of the room and grabbed your coat and the car keys
-“yeah right then I’m going to buy the pumpkins myself”
-he came after you giggling and insisting it was a joke
-but you knew and were obvs trying not to smile
-he was a sucker for your pouty face so he loved pissing you off
-little cute shit
-you finally arrived at the local market and bought two big pumpkins
-so orange and tasty
-haechan took a tiny pumpkin and said he’s going to make it your child
-“haechan I’m not gonna shove a knife into our kid,don’t name it!”
-he knew if he names an object and something bad happens to it
-you get attached to it and get sad
-so in the end he didn’t name it but still got it home
-at home,you tried to look on pinterest for craving ideas
-and haechan laughed cause that was silly
-“cmon babe are you seriously looking that on the internet? Just do- *stabs the pumpkin in the middle and cuts out the lid* -this”
-he looks at you with a smile on his face and you just stand there
-like “I’m really dating a gemini huh”
-you try to cut your pumpkin but the skin was too hard
-and managed to drop the knife out of your hands with a loud bump on the floor
-haechan literally jumped thinking you cut yourself but you were just standing there,,
-bbq sauce on your tidd-
-jk jk
-you were standing there looking at the guts spilled all over the floor
-you sighed but haechan gave you a hug
-“you clumsy baby,gotta be careful. Let me do it for you,,you just scoop what’s left from the inside”
-and you did as he said a bit disappointed that he took the hard work
-even tho you wanted to show him you don’t need help
-but he knew you were an independent person anyway
-that’s what he loved about you actually
-after you were done with cravings,it was the tiny pumpkin’s turn to be cut
-you and haechan just turned to look at each other and he saw you giving him a trembling bottom lip
-“we can’t cut it baaabeee…” you whined
-“okay then just ..let’s draw a cool face on it,no harm”
-you agreed because obvs you couldn’t cut the child you had with him pff
-you took the marker and drew a caricature of your bf on it
-before showing it to him,you covered his eyes and suggested him to sit on the couch for few moments
-he was wondering what you were doing
-after a while you led him,eyes still closed,to the fireplace where you placed the pumpkins
-he opened his eyes and saw the tiny pumpkin standing between the bigger ones
-“see,these two are us and the tiny one is the kid”
-he gave you a look,his eyebrows rised but then laughed
-he hugged you and gave you a small kiss
-he then looked at the bigger pumpkins and stated nodding
-“damn we’re kinda ugly ngl”
taglist: @peachyhan​  --(who wants to be in the tag list,lmk!!)
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ratedhaikyuu · 4 years
☆ How You Met Karasuno (½) ☆
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— Ukai
ofc you met him at his shop
usually he wouldn’t bother to spare a glance at a random customer
but boy were you….. wow……
he was clearly interested in you so he walked up to you and asked what you were looking for
it was hot as hell outside so you decided to buy something refreshing
you’re stuck between drinks or ice cream and by then what flavor would you buy
you really don’t know your preferences
good thing Ukai knows his stuff
after you bought your purchase, you look into the bag and saw the receipt with a badly written call me if you get indecisive again
you chuckle nonetheless
— Takeda
your sister forget her lunch AGAIN
she’s a teacher and yet she’s still irresponsible as she was in Middle School
today was your day off and you have no errands to do
so you chose to be the perfect sibling and bring your sister her lunch
once your sister got an earful from you, you left the faculty and saw two cute students
one had orange hair and the other had black
they were also getting an earful from an even cuter looking guy
you waited for the two students to leave and smiled at him
he introduced himself as Taked Ittetsu
you looked at him and introduced yourself as someone who will wait for him to be done with work and hopefully will hang out with you after? perhaps?
Takeda was surprised
but you were smooth enough to catch his attention so he thought why not and agreed
— Kiyoko
you work part time at a cafe
and your shift’s not over yet
nobody was around as it was late so you just sat there, drumming your fingers to pass the time
the bell rang from the door, indicating a customer walked in
you looked at her and forget what to say
Kiyoko chuckled and slowly said what her order would be
and you nod along, cursing yourself and begging the floor to swallow you whole
after a while, she walked up to the counter to get her drink
“Hey, since nobody’s around, wanna sit with me? I really need somebody to talk to cause if not, I will literally go crazy because of these finals.”
“Yeah, you seem nice.”
— Yachi
you’ve been working at an Ad Design Company for years now
so you have a good title there, good enough to interview someone
now you’re interviewing Yachi Hitoka
she presented her works, a lot of them were better than others
and she was very polite (and EXTREMELY cute)
Yachi was good for the job and she had the spirit and will for it so you gladly welcomed her as a new employee
like every other newbie, she would always get ordered around by jerks who think they’re superior
today a punk decided to spill the hot coffee on Yachi because her coffee was “not to his liking”
he went TOO FAR
after you fired him dealt with the guy, you offered Yachi an extra shirt you had prepared in your office
in return for your kindness, Yachi wanted to treat you to some fugashi
— Daichi
you were a close friend of Kiyoko
just like her, you’re also quiet and not the most outgoing person
so you had difficulty in making friends
you were extremely smart too! which kind of intimidated a lot of people
but not the three boys you were with at the moment
Kiyoko had planned to study with you and three other 3rd years she knew from her club
you were surprised with the way Sugawara welcomed you and with how Asahi and Daichi interacted with you
it was overwhelming at first but the three of them were really fun despite the dreadful exams
after everyone was exhausted, the three of them left, leaving you and Daichi alone
cause “I walk here to my house! haha”
uhuh sure honey
while walking, you and Daichi talked a lot
like a LOT
talking about the exams, about friends and even your own ambitions
before you went inside your house, he nervously asked for your number
poor boy had a flushed face and a rapid heartbeat
but both you and Daichi had a smile on which was worth it
— Sugawara
your neighbors are going on a vacation next week and they asked if you could take care of their child for the duration
the parents were very kind to you and their child was a sweetheart
so you gladly helped them
all you had to do was prepare 3 meals each day enough for the both of you, make sure he takes his vitamins, bathe him, get him to school, help with his homework and not make him uncomfortable in any way for the next seven days
wow that’s a LOT
but everything worked out in the end
it’s been seven days since you’ve taken care of your kid neighbor
the past week was a TOTAL wreck but it was really fun to hang out with a kid and having new responsibilities yay
sadly you couldn’t see his kind teacher anymore
after a week, your doorbell kept ringing
you were surprised to see the kid at your front door with his mother
ofc you were startled but you were at ease after knowing that he was just there to ask if you were doing alright bc his teacher was worried what happened since you stopped coming to school with him
you BLUSHED at the fact that the gorgeous teacher was looking for you??? gosh
ever since then, you always came to school with the kid and his mother bc aaAAA HIS MOTHER HAS A TINY CRUSH ON HIM TOO
— Asahi
it was the end of 3rd period
you were kinda thirsty so you wanted some beverage from the vending machine
so you went to get one drink
and then you saw that there were two drinks there!
while walking back to your classroom, you saw two dudes fight
it was Asahi, a fellow 3rd year and a loud dude with cool hair
you didn’t know the other guy but you knew Asahi which made you worried even when you’re not THAT close
after the fight and the lectures from the teachers and the vice principal, you finally got a chance to talk with Asahi alone
Asahi sat on the stairs and you walk up to him with the other drink in your hand
perhaps it was fate?
you comforted Asahi despite the lack of knowledge between you two and talked everything out while enjoying your drinks
after that, you and Asahi were very good friends. you depended on one another and treated each other like emotional support buddies
months later, who knew that the emotional support buddies can be much more that
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio : @/returnofdamckenzie | 426k followers | @/mclitgs2 is my forever boo🤟🏽😍 while @/cardib is my WIFE! She just doesn’t know it yet ❤️ support my work & be part of my family: @/bobbymckcares
24 (25) years young
Born in Dundee, raised in Glasgow, Scotland
Jamaican father named Badrick who is a African studies professor
Caucasian/Scottish mother named Catriona who used to be a au pair but now works as a receptionist in senior living — one eye is honey hazel and the other a dark brown
It was difficult growing up in a school that didn’t accept Bobby being biracial, it resulted in bullying to the point where he needed to switch schools (A lawsuit was also in place) The next school was slightly better but Bobby slowly learned to accept himself as it was not something he could control and not something he would want to in the first place. He was proud of where he came from and never thought he was better or less than anyone else, that wasn’t how he was raised
He’s an only child, his parents thought about adopting (and fostering) but with Bobby they had their hands full and he was just enough for them
His family is very family-oriented so he would never have to feel lonely since they gave him a lot of attention, slightly making him spoiled but he was also around his cousins & spending time with them as well
He’s extremely close to his younger cousin (only by a few months) Femi who he views as his sister. They’ve been through a lot together and are always there for each other so it only makes sense
Most likely an active kid always up to some sort of shenanigans whether it’s by himself or with his group of friends, “why would you do that Bobby?” “Don’t ask why but ask, why not!?”
Definitely suffered some broken bones, concussions, & sprain injuries but would never show signs of pain...guys got a high pain tolerance that’s for sure
Fan of films/series “stand by me” & “the goonies” & “scooby doo” since he feels they relate to his life??
Hospital caterer and loves making those feel better with food that he’s created. If he can’t put a smile on patients face with words then he feels like he can show them with food
Food is an art to him. He went to school for culinary & it’s very important for him to show how much it is to him. He picked up the craft from of course his family, who always used food for numerous of things: to bring people together is one of them
Perfected Jerk haggis, it is now he favorite dish next to desert & breakfast!
I’m struggling to figure out what sign he maybe? He’s very playful which may come off as childish at times, which makes me think of Leo? (Maybe Gemini?) Only because they usually hold onto their childhood as best as they can, very generous, & give their energy to you but I also don’t see him being a fire sign at all? So maybe very little Leo in his chart. I also feel like he might be a bit of an empath? He knows when situations around him don’t feel right, knows how to read the room, and always wants to help others by lighting things up.
Idk but I’m feeling he’s libra sun + Gemini moon + Leo rising? Who knows
Probably lived in a 2 bed flat with his old uni mate. It was small and a bit shit but it was their shit and they made the best of it
Now lives in a stone cottage or farmhouse with MC that was built in the 1900’s & is slightly haunted. He’s decided to call them Duncan??? But he believes they’re a good spirit, maybe even a friendly ghost!? since he got comfortable with the bizarre happenings in the new flat & it doesn’t seem like they want to hurt them
Lottie offered to bring her ouija board next time she visited—Bobby declined
House is mostly neutral based but three of the rooms in the flat are covered in ridiculous patterned walls or furniture much to MC’s distaste but, “what’s yours is mine” right? No. But Gary approves!
Has two dogs: a terrier & a collie since MC wasn’t down for getting a sheep
They do have chickens to raise their own eggs tho!
Definitely the kind of significant other that will ride on the cart when they’re out grocery shopping, will make you breakfast in bed, & will send you memes while he’s at home and you’re out or even when he’s at work and you’re at home, let’s you put his arm to sleep when you’re laying on it in bed (big ass head gang!), definitely chooses the candles from bath & body works that smell like food items (majority of them suck let’s be honest)
Probably smells like cucumber, melons, lemons, and eucalyptus
Has your wedding date in his IG bio & is proud
Annoys Gary & Lottie with his food pics, “oh, Not this shit again! 😡 looks brilliant, but enough!”
Has zoom/FaceTime movie nights with Marisol & MC who stopped feeling like she was third-wheeling months ago
Talks to hope & Noah (in the background) as much as he can. Feels like they’re his inspiration for love, even tho he’s the only one married out of the villa
He values marriage just like his parents do and often has Sunday dinners with them & MC ofc
Probably has relationship guide books and only reads them out of boredom but finds fascinating facts/advice if he pays attention & tries to apply it to his relationship with mc. If it works, it works! & If it doesn’t, you can’t say he didn’t try!
Works long hours but will still come home to cook for MC or brings leftovers from the events he’s catered (most are for the hospital but occasionally he’ll do other events)
Has a separate IG for his work
When WAP dropped, he almost lost his shit. Even tried to get MC to do the challenge with him, he’s pretty bad but MC eventually learned it just for him 😜
Is thrilled that Cardi made the best decision EVER on divorcing offset, “are you thinking of leaving me now?” “... I might.” “BOBBY!” “Haha, I love you!
Absolutely loves Christmas!!! It’s his favorite holiday and he loves giving back to everyone in his life. Usually he’s working overtime for the holidays & it makes him emotional due to the stories he hears & he puts a little extra love in his food
Goes all out for Christmas. Tries to buy/make everyone something. Even if he doesn’t really care for them...he’ll at least send them a x-mas card, if they keep it or burn it it’s entirely up to them—if he knew about it he’d probably be a little sad not gonna lie...he’s a soft king
Once bought Lottie black crocs with spooky pins , “are you joking Bobby?!” He knows she secretly loved them
Uses salt and peppermint in his dark hot cocoa...
Rather make deserts for Christmas than the food, he feels like it’s his duty
King of giving the thumbs up, especially when situations have gone to shit. He’ll still shoot them up with a smile or a grimace
Always inviting someone somewhere. “Bobby, hun. You’re 4-6 hrs away and it’s 1 am.” Hope groaned after listening to his bright idea, thinking something bad happened. “Ah, you could still make it if you tried, lassie.” “I’m gonna hang up now. Good night, bonkers man.”
Needs constant reminding when to get his locs touched up & moisturized
Either has a trampoline or a funhouse jumper in his backyard (maybe both) “we’ve got the space and this is better than a pool, or almost!”
Wants children, a whole footie team! There’s no specific time frame for him, when it happens, it happens
Used to cool & wet temps & loves vacationing in Greenland. Sure the hot weather he experienced in the villa was awesome & something different than what he’s used to but you can’t take the scot out of the man. So he typically sticks to places that are similar in temps, that way he doesn’t have to change his clothing choices much
Loves a good bath. Bubble baths are better than bath bombs to him, PERIOD!
Loves bubbles so much he put too much laundry detergent in the wash (does this on purpose now) and came back home to the dogs and room covered in it. Do you think he cleaned it up before MC came home? No. He decided to have a bubble party in the room with a Caribbean playlist playing in the background
MC definitely posted about it the first time & joined him for a bit, dreading the work that came with cleaning it all up. Now whenever Bobby needs a bubble party, he knows what to do. MC preferred him to have his little bubble party in the tub but 50% of the time he chooses not to listen & they leave him to pout & clean it himself
Likes to hold hands with fingers interlocked. When it’s cold and if you’re both wearing hoodies, he’ll slide his hand inside the arm of your hoodie to help keep you warm
Canon: His version of a snack is spaghetti hoops on toast & can eat that for the rest of his life & be content
If he didn’t end up marrying MC, probably finds his significant other working as a nurse at one of the hospitals he caters to or a volunteer at a old folks home
Never had a serious relationship, very few hookups, was either always placed in the friend zone or there was one person he wanted to be serious with but they rejected him and continued loving someone else who treated them like shit—so he kinda swore off of relationships and just flirted a bunch and kept his love life non-existent
Fav ice cream? Rocky road ice cream with one scoop of cotton candy & one scoop of cookie butter blue
Doesn’t believe in measuring when it comes to culinary. He uses his eyes as his measurement, could be a bad thing, could be a good thing, that’s up to you
If he’s up at night, he’s eating something sweet. A nice glass of single malt scotch whiskey + a splash of coconut milk (🤢) with a slice of angel food cake & he’s out like a light
Absolutely loves shopping for the kitchen, finds immense joy in doing so. If you lose him in a store, one of the places you’ll most likely find him is in the kitchen decor area
Owns a bagpipe & wants to get better at it, even tho he scared the living shit out of his dogs & chickens
Wears his shades quite a bit even tho the weather is hardly sunny and mainly windy & damp
Will hold the door for strangers even if they don’t say thank you
He’s open when it comes to music. Will listen to anything but feels like the music has to be a purpose for something...Everything he does in his day to day life has to feel like a soundtrack to him since in his mind he’s daydreaming about his life being made into a movie. Who isn’t?
He thinks wentworth Miller should play him in a film and that kid from blackish should play him when he was a wee lad, Marcus Scribner
Always keeps a positive attitude because he knows what it feels like to feel low and he doesn’t want anybody else in the world to feel like that so he wants to uplift and if he can try to be someone’s happiness he’ll gladly be that— which isn’t always the right move, he learned
Listens to: Rotimi, Shaggy, Sean Paul, Skip Marley, H.E.R., Jhene Aiko, Jorja Smith, UMI, The Kooks, The Killers, Cold War kids, Milky chance, Blood Orange, The 1975, Vampire Weekend, Bad Suns, BRYSON TILLER, Kilo Kish, & Ella Eyre (although he misses her old music)
Celeb crushes? Cardi B is his mfkin celeb wife okay?! Nobody else comes above her! He also thinks FKA twigs is pretty & super talented, sevdaliza!, Tia & Tamera, Iman, and brandy from the 90s makes him swoon
Anthem = jaden, “Boys and Girls”
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