#i had a guy come look at it and it would be $800 to replace the broken part and $5000 to replace the whole furnace
my-gender-is-lake · 8 months
hey why the fuck did my furnace break while I've been unemployed for over a month
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websterss · 2 years
*cracks knuckles* alright buckle the fuckle up friends and foes, i am having thoughts also i didn't mean to have as many nsfw allusions but... whoops he does things to me
word count (aka your warning for how much is to come): something like 800 i think? i got a word count and then kept writing
alright so ethan moves into the dorm first, so he's hanging out in the room when chad moves in. and tara is helping mindy move into her dorm, so you help chad move into his (he promised to buy you a case of beer and help you move into your dorm). and ethan is utterly thrown off when you walk in behind chad carrying a pair of dufflebags complaining loudly about how "this thing weighs a fucking tonne, chad. did you bring all your earthly possessions to college with you? like fuck me, man"
he's thrown because he of course knew who you were (i can't think of a fun rhyme but instead of core four, is the core 5), but he'd not really seen many pictures of you. at least none that were in focus (your friends had a knack for getting good candid photos of you laughing, but they were all a little blurred. the only one that he saw that was in focus was from a news article about the ghostface killings and you looked thoroughly pissed. he thought you looked hot). but here you were, in person and laughing as chad stubbed his toe on the corner of his bed. crush at first sight? immediately thinking about how to keep hearing your laugh? wondering if there would be times he would be alone in the dorm so he could shamelessly moan and gasp your name while pretending his hand was yours? yes to all of the above.
"oh!" the noise you make when you finally see him is... both adorable and a sound that goes straight to his cock. "uh... hi"
after finally meeting y'all, obviously ethan attaches himself to the group (as does quinn) and while if his father asks it's because of The Plan, quinn pretends she doesn't notice the slightly lovey look he gives you whenever you talk
chad the ever observant notices (and also it's totally not because he was about to pick up a textbook from his dorm and heard your name sound from the other side of the door, and he knew you were in a class because the group have each other's timetables memorised) and starts making subtle-not-subtle comments about his crush because he's known you long enough to know that soft look in your eyes and the way the corner of your mouth quirks up in a tiny and shy smile when ethan isn't paying attention
now. now now. first kiss with ethan i have no solid ideas (maybe spin the bottle? maybe seven minutes in heaven except chad and tara have just... shoved you both into a room and locked it? dunno) BUT one day you're sitting on ethan's lap on his bed, lazily making out because you both have free periods and he's overdue for a haircut, so his curls are a little longer and he just looks so pretty that you need to have your fingers weaved into his hair and mouth against his
"oh fuck! ew guys. can you stop dry humping for a minute so i can grab my shit in peace?" you flip chad off over your shoulder while ethan tries to hide his face in your neck. he's baby and he's embarrassed while you are so used to chad's antics the only way you'd be embarrassed is if ethan was like... actively balls deep in you when chad walked in (and even then...)
he is... so protective of you. is it entirely so that he feels like he's being useful so you won't replace him with the next guy that walks past? absolutely. but you think it's so sweet the way he always holds your hand, the way he pulls your back into his chest when your standing, the way he sighs when you kiss him and say you're his
(bailey is furious when ethan refuses to kill you, even more so when he asks to have you spared. quinn laughs at him, telling him that if you loved him before, there is no way you would ever again. the moment he took off the mask, his place in your heart was destroyed.)
quinn stabs you in the thigh, making sure that ethan can see and hear you. you rip her hair out, bloodied chunks of skin coming with and you refuse to look at ethan. if he was being completely honest, he was so very tempted to turn on his father and sister when he thought you had bled out.
is there an au out there where he does, and while you hate him for a while, you hate him a little less when chad survives, and eventually, after a lot of grovelling and actually helping kill subsequent ghostfaces, maybe you let him back in
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mamathrifty · 1 year
Does Girl Math Make Sense?
As summer rolls toward autumn and back to school is in full swing, I have been thinking a lot about money and spending.
I was reminded of a trend on TikTok when listening to my local news radio station's Noon Business Report. The trend is termed "Girl Math" and refers to how women can justify an expensive purchase.
I looked up the people mostly behind this trend. They are two men, Carl Fletcher, and Vaughan Smith, and one woman, Hayley Sproull. Their #girlmath episode is on TikTok. They are located in New Zealand, which is sporting a current 6% inflation rate. The USA is currently touting its 3.2% inflation rate.
The concept of Girl Math is simultaneously funny and disturbing. The humorousness of the basics is that it is irreverent in the face that some things are just too expensive for most consumers.
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Consumer spending accounts for roughly 70% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Without consumers making purchases at any price level, our economy would devolve into an economic depression from which recovery would likely be impossible.
The term Girl Math is somewhat deprecating to women overall. The term brought to my mind the time when my male high school geometry teacher answered one of my queries with the statement, "Girls have trouble with geometry because they aren't logical." Granted, he would most likely have been reprimanded today, but it was the seventies. I was devastated despite the fact that the class was an Honors class and I had skipped a year of math instruction because I am an intelligent girl.
Women are still earning about 82% of what men earn. This is an overall gain from when I entered the workforce in the early eighties. However, it's mostly unchanged within the last 20 years. Discrimination still exists based on gender and perceived gender roles. Ageism affects women earlier than it does their male counterparts. Although, women may fare better as they become more senior than men.
There was a line from the movie, The Wolf of Wall Street when the character Donnie Azoff states, "I bought this tie for $300. You could have paid $800 for it at Barney’s, but I got a deal from this guy I know. He’s got a whole basement full of them. He’s got ties, he’s got suits, he’s got shoes, he’s got watches. He’s got everything."
Is that "Boy Math?" It's been said that a man will pay whatever the price is listed on something because he wants it. Women will buy two things they don't need but may want because they were on sale. I'm thinking it's because women are typically better at budgeting.
The basic tenets of "Girl Math" entail looking at money and purchases in a manner that can make a lot of sense. The one that makes the most sense is the number of times an item will be used or worn. The more you use things, the cheaper it becomes because you don't need to buy another thing or replace it. Quality is a great expenditure!
I find the concept of having paid for something, such as a concert, ahead of the event makes it essentially free to be blatantly untrue by any math. I still needed to come up with the money to pay for it. That doesn't qualify as free to me. I'm just not paying for it now, but I did pay for it previously.
Likewise, paying cash or from funds already in your Venmo account is equally not free. Plus, the only way you make money when taking advantage of a half-price sale is by putting the money saved into an investment account.
Purchases made with a gift card you received from someone else are 100% free to you. Be sure to thank the giver!
When you make a return or an exchange, you merely reallocate those funds to something else. You are never earning money on that item.
If an item costs less than $5, it is not basically free. I sure do understand that it can feel that way, though! Many things are low-expense items that may become a daily expenditure. You can think about a coffee or breakfast sandwich picked up on the way to work. This expense really adds up over time, though.
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On the other hand, how many services are sold to us by corporations breaking down that expense into a cost per day, week, or month? Corporate marketing efforts have been focused on telling us just how affordable something is daily or monthly. It is really worth doing the math on these to determine the annual cost and whether this item provides enough value for us to add it to the budget.
Of course, our dinner tonight is basically free. We're going over to my sister's for pizza. She has a coupon for a free pizza. She'll be adding some toppings to it. We're bringing salad, which I bought for $4 a kit. I made up one bag. Since it's under $5, it's essentially free. I'm also bringing a bag of cookies. The bag of 18 cookies was $4.99; each cookie is $0.28. We will each have one, maybe two. That will make that cost range from $0.84 to $1.68, again free. So, a free dinner courtesy of #girlmath!
What do you think of Girl Math?
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raysofcrosby · 1 year
With all of this reveal about Matthew's fractured sternum and how he still played I've been wondering how Caroline would react to it. Would she let him play? Stand her ground and tell him not to? Would she try to get him to sit out? I miss the WLTAY universe so much! I've reread it already since playoffs started. I hope to see more bonus chapters if you're still wanting to write them!
so, for wltay-verse sake– let's pretend that this situation took place later on down the line ((lets say its the era w both ethan is 13 and scarlett is 2 and care tech is prego w payson but they don't know it yet)) so ethan and scar are the only kids and it's the 2028-2029 season, bc obvi the story takes place during the 2023-2024 szn<3333
BUT OHHHH 100% care would not be for him playing!!!!
obvi its important to know that care is v much well aware matt is a grown man and can make his own decisions, but she is also not afraid to voice her opinions as well when it comes to suggesting what he should do about the injury bc yk obviously she knows there’s chances of injuries w hockey, so when he gets injured and has to get checked out, she’s not too worried, but the moment it was discovered just how serious his injury was ((bc HELLO a fractured sternum!!!!!)) she would immediately be on the side of caution and tell him maybe he should sit out.
like when they're back at home and the kids are all in bed and yk he played it cool w ethan and scarlett so it didn't worry them, but when it's just him and care, she's sitting there in bed watching him kind of slowly get into bed and she's all "okay, tell me what they really said" bc she knows obvi he played it safe for the kids.
and he tells her that yk "they said i probably fractured my sternum" and she's all "probably?" bc is sus of how he said it and she knows they took him to the hospital after they saw him after the game ((aka he told ethan he just had to yk do some press stuff so he wouldn't worry)) and yk he finished getting into bed and he's all "okay, so i fractured my sternum." and yk care's all just in shock and concerned obviously and he kinda cuts it off w a "they think it happened when i hit the ice after that hit from kolesar. but i'm fine, i promise–"
and ma'am is all like "fine?! matthew you're walking like you're 70 and in need of a double hip replacement," and she kind of motions at him all "you can barely breathe without looking like you're in pain."
"it's fine, care. they gave me some 800 ibuprofen for tonight, and i should be better in the morning."
OFC this is an answer that ms caroline tkachuk DOES NOT appreciate bc she follows up w a "its a broken bone, matthew. ibuprofen doesnt fix a broken bone. you can't play like this."
to which matt's obviously all up in arms bc "it's the stanley cup finals, care! it's at most three more games of my life. who knows when it'll happen again?"
"it happened before, matthew. five season ago–"
"exactly, care! five seasons! it took me five seasons to get to another stanley cup!"
and yk they're not exactly fighting, but it's not calm either yk?? and care's not trying to parent him or keep him from his dream, but she also knows he's in full on hockey tough guy mode and will do anything without letting something stop him from reaching the stanley cup again yk???
so not wanting to fight anymore, she says "fine, we'll see how you feel in the morning," and they go to sleep.
so obvi it's next morning, matt gets up for morning skate when care's up w scar and he gets back by the time everyone is awake and yk he's still trying to play it cool but its considerably hard for him since he woke up more sore this morning. and when its time to wake him up from post game nap to eat yk, ethan asks if him and scar can go do it ((and since fam is in town, we'll keep it true and say brady was staying over and helped matt out of bed)) but care says "yk what, let's let beebee do it and you guys can help me set up dad's plate"
so brady goes up and care doesn't really hear a lot of movement upstairs, so she tells ethan to watch scarlett and she'll be right back– so she goes upstairs and actively sees brady trying to help matt stand up out of their bed and ma'am immediately is like "absolutely not, you're not playing tonight"
and matt's all "care, i was just laying down too long" ((while he's yk, still pushing through trying to breathe normally))
"that's bullshit and you know it matthew. look me in my face and tell me that brady didn't have to help you sit up in bed, that it doesn't hurt you to breathe or that you can stand yourself up right now. if you can do that and wholeheartedly believe it's the truth, then i'll drop it."
and yk mans already knows she's going to see through him, but he still tries to play it tough and yk kinda moves brady aside and prepares to push himself out of bed. he does it but obvi it's super shaky at first and brady and caroline are kinda standing closeby in case he falls and he stands himself up but is kinda out of breath and hurting when he's standing there and he's all "i'm telling them im playing tonight, care. i can't let this opportunity pass me up, who knows how many good years i have left." ((cue the male dramatics lmfao))
in true caroline fashion, ma'am is not thrilled and is all "i don't think you understand how serious this injury is matthew. you play tonight and take another bad hit or bad fall and you could further hurt yourself matthew and your career could be over. are you ready to even think about that possibility at 31???"
and ofc matthew's all "i'll be fine, care. i've been playing this game a long time, i can still play tough and be safe."
SO PULLING THE MOM CARD, CARE'S ALL "would you let ethan do it??"
"that's not fair."
"of course its fair. if ethan had the very same injury as you and you, as the adult knew the repercussions of what would happen if he played, would you let him play?"
POOR BRADY IS JUST STANDING THERE LIKE 👁👄👁 "maybe we should just let him go see the trainers–"
and care's all "shut it brady" and turns to matthew like "well, would you? would you let your son risk his life and career for three games?"
so they just kind of stand there staring at each other and matt's finally like "no," and before care can say anything he adds on a "but i'm not ethan."
to which care adds a "but you are to your mom and dad"
and yk they go on w the day and matthew plays game four ((much to caroline's dismay)) and ofc she and the kids go to the game and yk care is v much not thrilled about him playing and everytime hes on the ice she's panicked and at the end of the night when they're home and getting ready for bed there might be a slight silence between them bc obvi she's pissed but yk they do the kids nighttime routine and then go to their room
but she helps him shower ((bc showering after the game was too painful)) and get ready for bed and she's helping him into bed and once he's comfy and she makes sure hes got everything he needs, she gets on her side and even her just getting into the bed kind of moves him and obvi that hurts and so she's just worried the whole time and when they're settling down into bed matt kind of moves his arm out to her so he can hold her hand and she does
and he's all "you were right, i shouldn't have played tonight. some of the guys had to help me get my gear on and i should've known that was a sign for me not to play...but care, it's–"
"i know...it's the stanley cup finals. and im sorry if it seemed like i was dismissing you, but matthew...this is a v scary and serious injury." and she kinda hears him yk trying not to breathe too hard or anything bc yk pain and she's like "hurt?"
"like hell," and she can see hes super emotional bc they both kind of know that that was most likely his last game of the season bc of how much pain hes in and so shes just being super comforting w him and soft night yk
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Mya, P!nk - Lady Marmalade" on YouTube
This is how it goes our son is talking to people and he said we should have an entertainment facility and call it off Broadway they have a nice venue for a lot of Acts plays and even a small movie productions that are live in front of you and huge like a huge stage that you could put in all sorts of things and it have all sorts of entertainment circus acts and so forth and indifferent theaters and throughout the facility then the lady said I have gambling and on sunset it probably around the theaters cuz she says you go in and you're excited by the ACT and we do like Batman v can you come out and then be gambling and we have guys in cosplay as the bad guys usually have the like the gang members and you want to win against them cuz you're for Batman you know hahaha and we sell like a little mask and we'd have some some people that look just like him I'll probably have the real guys and she says like that too and then there would be a lot of one arm bandits and our son and daughter almost insist in the old-fashioned ones I have a roll of those and old fashioned Pepsi machines he says Coca-Cola I'll have Coke she'll have Pepsi and so she's laughing going yeah that's right. So yeah we have all sorts of gambling around it and high stakes and you can like gamble with the Stars after and they usually do that I'll play a few hands of poker and it's going to be intense this is a great idea but this is off Broadway now it's off the boardwalk and it is down the road in the future the people think it's Vegas but it's not they're trying to tell him that Vegas gets hammered they rebuild it and they make a huge too they have something like this but we had it first and we have much larger ones that they perform in and he had an idea for making different stage things come out and there's a few ways to do it and the girls love it I think it's awesome the guy said you make a different for each one and we could do that it's not a hard thing to do you make like a upside down crane system on a grid and you can move them around and you make the grooves for each show replace the panels and start over and it would be safe but he's saying going to see the groove and they check Taylor Swift's stuff and it's kind of not great and they tried to fix it and she wouldn't and then she did and the other guys got mad cuz that's how it works but really it's a good idea
I'm sending emergency aid to where we can get to in some places we can we heard about this and we couldn't get anything in there and troops are going there and taking it for you send stuff in so we drew the troops off they brought some stuff and at night they left...
And here it is we have a whole bunch of people who want to help they want to do things we have a large volunteer organization that we find it helps all over the world and it's time for this to happen we're accepting volunteers if you have a location that needs help and you want to volunteer let us know then you can call all your friends it is not really a permanent position but you can vote you can ask for a position and we can we hire you. We have a whole bunch of units and you guys are intimates called rescue rangers and they work with these people quite often
There's a lot going on with these things are center stage now
Thor Freya
This act opens fairly soon and a lot sooner than people think it's not a month it's less time people are now flocking to try and get a casino in and I see our son's idea the others go to these casinos and they put in maybe 500 seats and or you go to a sports facility to watch theater it's really not that great but they have news stadiums they have huge TV screens and other in their high qualities and Taylor Swift has a humongous stadium it's really actually big and it seems like 250,000 people and it's really only like and we can it's 800 / 900 ft and we can make it bigger I don't think you want to but and we could sell several in no it would be only one but that's the idea he says and there'll be a couple stories of that kind of thing or maybe two blocks with a few different types of theaters and even one to create a movie in or part of a movie they be filming parts of the movie or a part of a short movie or short movie in right in front of you a real movie and they're wondering how that would work but it's just like a set so we know how it works and people would be amazed and they would be clapping and they say no clapping and no coffee and all stuff and the actress would love it cuz it's like this is really what we're doing and it just spell stuff I've never heard this idea but it's great and you would have movies there movie theaters probably 50 or or so new movies and several old ones playing even the Bengali type stuff and people like it sometimes and plays and music concerts so I guess I guess you have to make it bigger and go behind it or you know you put it on in the middle so we're going to think about that but it's a great idea because the place is so damn big and it would be room for much of that in each one and then be a conference facility a real one for shows of all sorts of kinds of shows local shows for wine and you know he said that this morning we could introduce ourselves and so we're going to put in a conference center would like you to show up to do part of the show with your wines and they said you've got to be kidding me he said we're having trouble selling them and so we have a few solutions and they said we already know and said oh good and they said why are they I said we use clean water to feed it and some fertilizer and then you're over water a little and you just use the grapes and they said how the hell did you do that so you filter out all the solids and it works he says you don't add any water and he said wow that's great so they started a few places started it and it works and so they looked at the news ad and they called and they're doing it and say the same wow this is smart and he did it so looking at us parents and said yes and we're pretty big and they said that's terrific will be there so we can give brochure on the on the facility how much it is for a booth and so forth and how many booster would be and we're organized it and said you can bring a big props and small props and setups of wine seller examples you sell and they're like amazed at how much stuff we were going to put in there and find it is interested in doing part of the wine show and our son says why don't you make a huge bottle of your wine and because you're Biden or Tom Cruise you could you have a contest for it is what was that all about he says you have to have a couple types you know what I mean and he says oh yeah he's going to do it too and it's a beautiful idea people love it and really have to have a huge party and it will stay though and you cork it right... Going ahead and we're putting in a beer factory and that should anchor it there for everything no we're not going to pipe it in people don't like it I'm not sure we like it it's kind of eerie. It's going to be possibly a small chocolate factory and that is a topic they thought the place was out in Bavaria but there's something out there we're going to get on to some other stuff but wow there's a lot of responses a lot more than people think
Thor Freya
This is a great idea to put it at the end of the strip and they do it all week and it tracks people you still have headliners downtown but they might do it a small act during the day and move back to the strip and the girls might not realize it but the actor who is like top notch and the facilities are going to be full all week and they said but the head weights come in the weekend and actually they're right so we have to keep that in mind and he also says you can move the theater cuz it looks historical into the inside of one of them and they said no way and the whole building so you go inside and the building is there with the theater and it's not a huge building it's only about 700 ft by 500 foot or 600 my about 100 feet high 450 and the theater is pretty big seats like a thousand people and there's only one in it and people think that's nuts but we think it's cool and he says you put like a main Street complete with artificial paving and sidewalks and you have girls on the street giving out information about the ACT but they look like illegal girls and the selling stuff just trying to say something what is this all about sounds like little whiskey bars and girls used to do that and cigars some girls would have like a carrying thing with cigars and it was on their belt and they're selling cigars and it's so whiskey that way by the shot and you have plastic little whiskey things and they like this idea that's really crazy but that's how he thinks I'm going ahead with a lot of this stuff and some way to have some escapism and it's not bad and it's going to create a community and tons of factories I'm going in already and we've had a lot of false starts but we can't afford this anymore and our people have to do something but really we're hiring a lot of local help it's pretty tough
They actually doing stuff it's not so aggressive no it is with this stuff isn't started the facility is begun and he told us to wall it off and build it it won't build it without long enough and it's true too we've had a lot of customers and so other stuff is going slower and it's because of that but now people want to get going on they want to have mine shows and things like that and it's Napa valley and there's two other valleys and he said you make this huge wine store and it has the three valleys and different areas all wine the whole thing and there's like 500 wines each and he says that's not very big and it really is it'll be about as big as Julio's but mostly wine and you have other places next door but you go in and it would look like a wine cellar because it would be kept cool and it would have the same construction I think that's a great idea too and then they'd have an outlet there and maybe he wanted each town people come from all over the world and they wouldn't trade salt over The vineyards unless they wanted to see it so they buy it there a few bottles then they want to go see it and they buy them up there if that's how it goes and they actually like that idea we're going to get some calls
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http-tokki · 2 years
~ bakugou katsuki x fem!reader ~ tags/cw: aged up bakugou, canonverse, misogyny, violence against women, katsuki standing up against a pos man, the audacity of straught men ~ wc: 800 ~ Honey is a replacement for Y/N ~ "Women say that they want to be treated as equals, and your first thought is that you wanna punch them?"
Typical college party. Loud music blasted through shitty speakers, low lighting, and the haze of weed, cigarettes, and whatever else everyone was smoking. You had found a comfy spot on a couch in the den, Kastuki following you, which had Kiri, Denki, Shoto, Deku, Ochaco, Ida, and Momo filing into the room soon after him. Katsuki took the seat next to you, spreading his legs wide so his thigh brushed yours as you spread your legs equally as wide to tease the blonde boy. Games were tossed around, bottles passed between hands, and insults exchanged as you played the infamous Cards Against Humanity. In the absolute horror that had been brought up as each player laid a card down, the topic of feminism and women's rights was brought to the table. Everyone turned their attention to Mineta, shouts and hollers on the tips of their tongues but as they realized it was not the ball boy's opinion that had started the controversy, their protests died down in favor of paying attention to you and the mysterious blue-haired boy's conversation.
"I'm not looking for the world to stop and worship women; I'm not saying women are better than men. All we, as women, want is to be treated with the same respect you guys treat other men with" You held your hands out, palms facing up as if you had just played your final card. "We're just looking to be treated as equals."
There isn't a second of hesitation as Bluey spits out his response. "Well, then I should be able to punch you in the face because we are equals. You wanna act like men? I'll treat you like a man." He laughs at the threat of violence.
You roll your eyes at his typical response. What was it with men who wanted to punch women the second they wanted to be treated the same as men? "I'm not saying we want to be or act like men. I'm just saying treat us as equals. Why you're first-"
You feel Bakugou shift next to you. His hand brushes your knee as he sits forwards. "I'm sorry, honey." Katsuki apologizes, fingers squeezing your knee before coming together between his spread thighs. "Did you just say you want to punch her?"
You watch as the once bold blue-haired boy shrinks down, eyes shifting from wicked delight to terror. Colour leeches from his face as his eyes scan the room for backup, but everyone in the room was a part of the same friend group, yours.
"I'm not saying her specifically just as a concept. I think that if women want-"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Katsuki spits out, tongue darting to swipe across his sharpened canines as if he were an animal about to dig into a meal. He waits for another second, but when no response comes, Bakugou continues. "Women say that they want to be treated as equals, and your first thought is that you wanna punch them?"
The guy stutters over his words. "Look, man. I don't want a fight; I'm just answering her"
"It kinda sounds like you do."
"I really don't. I'm not looking to take you on. I'm just gonna leave…."
Katsuki presses on. "So you wouldn't want to punch me, but you would punch a girl? Huh," standing from his spot on the couch. "Guess you don't see me as an equal, which is good because we are not equal."
Bakugou crosses the small space to lean down. Hands braced on either side of the chair he sits in, Katsuki leans down. "You are scum, and when I find you on the streets, I will not hesitate to beat the shit out of you."
"You can't-" Bluey scrambles, trying to gather what was left of his self-esteem.
"I can and I will" Katsuki smiles. "Because you are the type of person I have been training my whole life to take down, and I will hunt you down until I know you are rotting in a cell."
Kiri steps in, calm hands placed on Katsuki's shoulders. "Okay, Bakubro, that's enough; you've scared him," he laughs, trying to diffuse some of the tension. Bakugou eases up, rolling his shoulders to shrug his friend off. Turning to you, Katsuki tilts his head to ask if you are okay, and when you respond with a small smile, he finally moves to sit down.
"If you are not out of here by the time I turn around, you won't be able to walk ever again." Katsuki threatens, and much to his delight, Bluey is scrambling out of his chair and up the stairs. Finally sitting back where he started, he entwines your fingers with his and pulls them into his lap.
"Alright, let's finish the game."
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~ a/n: This was inspired by a tik tok by Drew Afualo but I can't find it :((( but it's in a video where she talks about when a woman says she wants to be treated as an equal and the first thing they say is that he wants to punch her as an equal- like what?? go to therapy that's not fucking normal but also tell me WHY I immediately thought of Bakugou standing up for his female best friend if this conversation ever occurred
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sopebubbles · 3 years
part 14 - ohana means family
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Word count: approx. 800
After you finished eating, you set up the movie in the living room. It had been one of your comfort movies for many years, and you had watched it several times with the guys after Yoongi's disappearance. While you got the movie started, Joon positioned himself in a chair to the side while Yoongi sat on the couch with Sujung in his lap, facing the TV, and you eventually came to sit beside them with a foot or so of distance between you.
As the movie played, you couldn't help but watch the emotions that played across Yoongi's face as the story unfolded. You had forced him to watch the movie years before, but his unguarded expressions now were something you still marveled at since your old boyfriend had always been rather reserved, showing only a few expressions most of the time. Here he sat, laughing openly at the funny parts, chewing his lip over the tension, and you even caught his eyes glossing over at some of the more touching moments. Occasionally he would ask you in a low voice to explain something when he couldn't quite keep up with with subtitles.
After the first thirty minutes or so, Sujung had fallen asleep with her head resting back against her father's chest, heavy breaths falling from her open mouth. It was rather adorable. When you started to move to go put her in her bed, Namjoon offered to do it instead. When the taller man carefully lifted the girl off of him, Yoongi felt instantly colder, missing the comforting heat and weight the small child had provided. To try and replace her presence he grabbed one of the pillows on the couch and clutched it to his chest, but it failed to give him the same sense of security. You couldn't help feeling a little sorry for him as you observed this change in mood.
"Do you want to come sit closer with me?" You offered after clearing your throat. He looked at you hesitantly for a moment until you held out your arm, showing him you had an open space. Finally his accepted, scooting over to close the space between you two, but when he just sat beside you, you wrapped your arm around his shoulder to pull him into the warmth of your side. The heat relaxed him instantly, and he rested his head against your shoulder. You took the blanket off the back of the couch and awkwardly shook it out over both of you and you got comfortable. When Joon returned a few minutes later, he saw the new situation between the two of you and silently excused himself to your bedroom, laying himself out on your bed to read.
"If you play with my hair like that I'm going to fall asleep," Yoongi informed you in a hushed tone a while later as you had absent-mindedly begun to run your fingers through his sandy blonde locks. You had forgotten about that tendency.
"Oops," you whispered before giving his head a light pat and resting your hand on his shoulder once again. You tried not to think about how he smelled the same as always and how much you loved it.
"That was a nice movie," Yoongi smiled as he stretched while the credits played.
"Mhm. Do you know now what I was talking about?" You asked and turned off the TV, leaving the room dark with only the light from the kitchen.
"Um," he thought for a second. "Ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. So, no matter how much trouble I am, you won't give up on me?"
"Exactly," you chuckled at his use of the word trouble. "Yoongi, this is your family and your home, and I'm never going to let that go."
He nodded understandingly. In his chest he felt his heart tightening and although it was uncomfortable, he felt surprisingly good. Your words touched him and he truly tried to accept them. "Thanks again, Yn. I'm going to bed now."
"Okay, goodnight." He whispered the word back and shuffled down the hall to his room.
After tidying up the living room and taking care of the dishes that you had left at the start of the movie, you went to your own bedroom, where you found Namjoon fast asleep with a book on his chest, on the side of the bed he knew you didn't sleep on. You had forgotten he was in your apartment, hadn't even noticed he had failed to return from putting the baby to bed since you were too caught up on the closeness with Yoongi. After changing and brushing your teeth you turned off the lamp on his side of the bed and set his book on the nightstand before getting into your side without hesitation and quickly falling asleep.
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The sea without you
part 13 << master list >> part 15
A/n: oof I'm so soft now. Let me know how you feel about the written part or anything else about this au!
Summary: When rapper Agust D mysteriously disappears, he leaves behind his rap group, his fiancé and his unborn child. Even if they get him back, will it ever be the same? Can they make it right?
[Dates are relevant and times are mostly accurate (but ignore the time at the top bc I can't change it >.<)]
Taglist is open [ask, comment or dm!]
@purpletaecup @yzkyzkuniverse @toomanydamfandoms @halesandy @ggukkieland @crispychanniee @fanfictionreader05 @denxuuu @darkskin-buttercup @crewzie-chan @min-yus @yoongiofmine @slayyterr @ephyraaaa @uhmdaddychill @marpotterhead @mooniyooni
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shaynawrites23 · 3 years
💋- 33 with sirius black she/her for pronouns
Dream Come True
Pairing: Sirius Black x reader
Word count: 800 (so satisfyinggg)
A/N: this was really fun to write! i’m not sure i can still call it a blurb lol but nvm that 😉 i hope you like it!
this is the blurb those really random questions were for aha
Sirius grinned, his arm circling your waist as you strolled through the streets of Hogsmeade. You had just left the Three Broomsticks; Sirius’ choice for a date location, as he claimed it was ‘so much better than Madam Puddifoot’s.’ While you couldn’t resist rolling your eyes at that, you had only smiled at how cute he was being and humored him.
So that was where you had spent the last few hours, after he came bounding up to you earlier this afternoon, nearly bursting with eagerness to take you on a date.
“Hey, beautiful?” His voice brought you back to the present.
“I know a great place to watch the sunset. What do you say to spending another hour or two out here with me?” His eyes twinkled, twinkled with the unspoken promise of both some mischief and a good time.
“Hell yes,” you grinned. He needed no other encouragement to grab your hand and sprint the rest of the way down the street, the both of you laughing wildly.
Less than five minutes later, you were both seated upon the roof of Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop. The sun was slowly beginning to set, hues of pink, orange and yellow replacing the bright blue of a good hour ago. Sirius wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer against his side.
“You know,” you hummed, “someone could see us up here.”
“Hm? Like who?”
“Like literally anyone who bothers to look up, love. Like Madam Puddifoot, for example.”
“Well, if that happens,” he murmured, a hint of a smirk tugging at his lips, “I’ll just use my amazing charms.” He accompanied that last word with a wink.
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Now that I’d like to see, love.”
Sirius chuckled, and the two of you returned your attention to the setting sun before you. He sat quietly beside you, more calm than you usually saw him. The truth was that he wasn’t quite so restless around you; with you around, he could be content to just sit and do nothing.
Before long, the sun had dipped below the horizon and was out of sight, a beautiful dark blue filling the place of the watercolor hues that followed it. Even as everyone else gradually left, leaving the streets deserted, you and Sirius remained on the roof, gazing after where the sun disappeared.
You soon became aware of a gaze on you, and when you turned your head to look, you were right; he was indeed looking at you.
“Sirius? Something on my face, love?”
“Only the beauty of a thousand angels.” He winked, and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
“That was cheesy. Why are you actually staring at me?”
“Oh, a gentleman is no longer allowed to admire his lady’s beautiful features?” Placing a hand over his heart, he pouted at you. “What a world we live in..”
“Oh hush, you drama queen.”
He was silent then, for a moment, before he spoke up again. “Actually.. there is something.”
“Hm? What?”
You didn’t miss how his gaze dropped to your lips for a split second, nor how he attempted to hide it by forcing his eyes to look back at yours. “Would now be a good time to… kiss you?”
“Your timing’s improving,” you teased with a smile, lacing your fingers with his as you shifted slightly to face him better.
A fleeting smile crossed his face as he leaned in. “Good.”
And then his lips met yours in one of the sweetest kisses you had ever had. Perhaps his first couple of attempts hadn’t worked that well, but there was no denying that Sirius Black was a good kisser. And a softer kisser than you’d expect from a guy like him…
Needless to say, you couldn’t help the twinge of disappointment when you separated a mere moment later. But that kiss was only the first of multiple, as you would remain there for another hour at least, neither of you wishing to break the spell the stars had seemingly cast on you. The spell of pure peace.
Unfortunately, the spell was soon shattered by none other than your alarm clock. For a moment, you could have sworn you were still sitting on Madam Puddifoot’s roof with Sirius Black, but then you remembered you were single.
The good news? So was Sirius, at least if your intelligence was accurate. The less good news? No way would you have the guts to confess to him.
And so, with a sigh, you- wait, was that a bouquet? of red roses?
It was indeed, the flowers were no figment of your imagination. And.. there was an envelope attached.
Dear (y/n),
Meet me at Black Lake at lunch.
Sirius Black
Maybe this dream could come true after all.
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WE FINISHED SHIPPING OUT ALL PHYSICAL ORDERS (and other important info about your package)!
Hi guys! That’s right! On June 19th, we officially wrapped up packing more than 800 orders of To Hell + Back: A Destiel Anthology and immediately got drunk and partied actually we just talked about the impossible housing market in Vancouver. Barring three orders which were still missing phone numbers, by now everybody else should’ve received a tracking number with their book on the way! 
While we’re relieved that one of the hardest parts of the job is now done and over with, we know that our project is still far from over. With that in mind, we’d like to outline some important info via this handy FAQ about what to look out for as you wait for your package to arrive.
**When are digital books shipping out?**
Right now! As promised, now that we’ve finished shipping all physical books, we’re now switching our focus to digital copies. Please do note that we’ll be shipping digital books in batches, so not everybody is going to get their book at the same time. Why are we doing this? Because sometimes emails bounce and we want to make sure we catch those when they happen. By sending the books out in batches, we can better keep track of these issues.
We will be sending out digital books in the following order: Indiegogo/Big Cartel digital-only backers first, and then everybody else. We feel this order is fair because those of you who didn’t order a physical book have now been waiting a long time and we want to be sure you receive your books at the same time as people begin receiving their physical copies in the mail.
We aim to complete shipping all digital books no later than July 11, but we are working fast in the hopes of finishing by July 5th. 
**I didn’t receive my tracking number!** 
We had multiple checks in place to ensure that we covered every order*** so if you didn’t get an email from Canada Post, please check your junk/spam folder and see if your email might have landed there. If it’s not there either, please message us at [email protected] and we’ll resend you your tracking number. It’s always possible that there might’ve been a typo in the email address that we had on file for you, and if that was the case, then the email containing your tracking number wouldn’t have reached you. That said, even if Canada Post’s email didn’t reach you, you should have received an email from Indiegogo or Big Cartel also indicating your tracking number as we inputted tracking info into these sites too! 
*** A select few packages don’t have tracking numbers. If you purchased a tier that was a merch + E-book combo on Indiegogo (“I’d Rather Have You”; “Cursed or Not”; “I Always Come When You Call”) and live outside Canada and the United States, it was unfortunately not possible for us to generate a mailing label with a tracking number because your parcel was too small. Instead, please keep an eye on your mailbox. Your envelope parcel should reach you within 4-6 weeks.
**The only thing my tracking number says is ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY SHIPPER :( When will Canada Post pick up my package?**
All orders were picked up by Canada Post on June 21, 2021. If your tracking still doesn’t show ITEM PICKED UP BY CANADA POST, contact us immediately so we can figure out what’s going on.
**My package didn’t arrive! It says ITEM BEING RETURNED TO SENDER! Help!**
Please contact us IMMEDIATELY if this happens so that we can reroute your package before it’s too late. If the package is returned to us, we get charged for its shipping. Then subsequently shipping has to be paid again to resend it to you! That’s 3x shipping and it’s not good, for either us or you! Please don’t delay a second if this happens. Tell us right away because we are determined to get it back to you! In the words of @justholdingstill, “Over my dead body are they sending it back to us.”   
**When will I receive my package?**
From the point that your tracking displays the message Item picked up by Canada Post, you can expect that:
Canadians will generally receive their packages within 2-4 days, but it can be up to 7 days for remote regions. 
Americans will generally receive their packages within 10-14 days. This includes Guam and Puerto Rico.
All other countries will receive their packages within 4-12 weeks, but we have noticed that these packages are coming WAY faster than that, usually within 2 weeks. Down below is a breakdown of how quickly certain countries have received their fastest package:
Argentina: 15 days 
Finland: 8 days 
Germany: 10 days 
Italy: 16 days 
Mexico: 10 days 
Norway: 18 days 
Russia: 15 days 
United Kingdom: 21 days but so far, this seems to be an exception—only one package has arrived as of today.
All other countries: No package has reached its destination yet that we know of
**I have my tracking number but it’s not showing any movement! Is my package lost?**
Canadians and Americans should have regular updates to their tracking information every couple of days, but please be patient—things happen, packages get rerouted, or sometimes have to sit for a little bit in customs or a sorting facility before moving on to their final destination. 
Likewise for our international backers, you will most likely get regular updates to your tracking information until your package leaves Canada. At this point, you will receive the following notification: International item being forwarded to destination country. From this point onward, you won’t receive any updates to your tracking information for a long time. This is completely normal and it just means that your book is on a boat making its way to your country. After it arrives on shore, you may or may not get more tracking notifications—it will depend on how the next carrier processes your order. In general, for all the international countries that have received packages so far, they have had full tracking upon reaching shore.
**When is my package considered lost? What should I do then? How much time do I have to contact you?**
Canadians should wait 14 days from the day that their package is picked up by Canada Post before contacting us (unless your tracking says that it’s returning to sender, in which case contact us IMMEDIATELY so that we can reroute your package!).
Americans (including Guam and Puerto Rico) should wait 21 days from the day that their package is picked up by Canada Post before contacting us (unless your tracking says that it’s returning to sender, in which case contact us IMMEDIATELY so that we can reroute your package!).
All other nationalities should wait 12 weeks from the day that their package is picked up by Canada Post before contacting us (unless your tracking says that it’s returning to sender, in which case contact us IMMEDIATELY so that we can reroute your package!).
Please don’t contact us before that. We won’t be able to help you earlier than this. We have to talk to Canada Post about your parcel and they won’t take further steps until the waiting period is over. 
When you contact us, please give us the following information via email at [email protected]
Your full name
Your shipping address
Your shipping phone number
Your shipping email
Let us know where you’re an Indiegogo or Big Cartel backer
You have four weeks to contact us after the ‘package-is-officially-lost’ date. For example, if your book was picked up by Canada Post on June 1 and your home address is in a country other than the United States or Canada, you will wait 12 weeks to see if your package arrives. In this example, your package is officially considered lost on September 1. You have four weeks to let us know. In this example, you have until October 1 to tell us that your package is lost. If you tell us after October 1, unfortunately we can’t help you! We have a timeline in place for the official end date of our project and this deadline helps keep us on track to donate our remaining funds to our charity of choice, Wish Vancouver, in a timely manner. Not to mention we’ll be selling off our extra books and if you take too long to contact us, there might not be any remaining books for you to have a replacement!
**My tracking says that my package was delivered but I can’t find it!**
We encourage you first and foremost to ask your neighbours and anybody else who lives with you or around you to see if they might have received it for you. Please also contact your postal service to see if they might have held it for you at the post office. Finally, please keep an eye on your tracking and please try your absolute best to be there to receive it so that there is no chance of your package being stolen. If your tracking information declares that it was delivered, we consider it delivered on our end too and as much as we would like to help you, we’re not a business and as such, our funds are limited and we can’t be responsible for stolen packages. If your package does get stolen though, please let us know and we’ll talk to Canada Post regardless. All our books are insured and if Canada Post agrees to pay the insurance amount, we’ll put aside a book for you from our extras sale. You will still be responsible for paying the full amount of shipping. If Canada Post denies the insurance amount, we can still put a book aside for you but you will have to pay the full amount of the book and shipping. 
**Have any other questions that come to mind?**
As always, please don’t hesitate to shoot us a message! We always strive to get back to you within 48 hours or less, but please note that justholdingstill, casthewise, and pray4jensen/60r3d0m are heading out on a mini vacation to Vancouver Island from June 30 to July 4 so you might not hear from us as promptly at that time! Unfortunately we won’t have cell service or WiFi.
Aside from this, thank you again for your patience and support. We can’t wait to see photos of your books (and shelves and pets and plants!). Be sure to tag us when you do post!
With love,
Your TH+B mods
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pastorpresent · 4 years
Summary: Dean and Sam have to go undercover at a dom/sub club
As they entered the club, Sam felt incredibly out of his depth.
He hated clubs with loud music and colourful lights at the best of times but this? This was entirely worse, in every conceivable way.
They made their way through the crowd of dancing people, and Sam's eyes didn't know where to look. Some were sat in booths, with leather clad subs perched at their feet or on their laps. His eyes landed on one dom as he drank his beer, his dick out with his sub on the ground sucking away obediently.
The entire club reaked of sex, sweat and vodka and he found himself even more uncomfortable than ever - especially in the tight leather booty shorts and mesh shirt Dean had put on him, complete with a collar and lead.
He had stared at the outfit dumbfounded when Dean laid it out on the bed for him, thinking he was surely just joking, but he had to admit he blended in.
"You ok, pet?" Dean called, tugging on the leash slightly to encourage Sam to stop lingering on the sights of the club and follow properly.
The nickname felt odd, but Sam knew it was necessary. They needed to be convincing - they had no idea if their guy was watching them, and if they blew their cover they'd be screwed.
"Yes sir." Sam responded, even if he really felt anything but.
He hated this place, and the prospect of spending an entire evening here was making him feel massively uncomfortable - and they has scarcely been inside two minutes.
Eventually they reached an empty booth in the corner, and Sam averted his eyes from the couple having sex a few feet away against the wall.
Dean slid into the booth and Sam followed, pressing up against him and staring at the floor. He really wanted to leave.
"Subs aren't supposed to sit on the furniture."
Sam could feel Dean wrap an arm tightly around his waist as they both looked over to the man.
He was leering at Sam in a way that made him uncomfortable, and had a young boy on his knees attached to a lead.
"He was about to sit on my lap, if you hadn't rudely interrupted." Dean spat out, and the man huffed, heading away with the boy crawling behind.
Sam felt himself pressing unconsciously further into Dean's side. Dean was the only thing that felt safe in this place.
"Straddle me, Sammy." Dean whispered against the shell of his ear, and it sent a shiver through Sam's body.
He obeyed, straddling his brothers lap and sitting close so they were almost chest to chest. It meant he could feels Dean's dick against his ass, and his face felt like it was on fire.
"Dean... I don't like it here." He said, quiet enough for only Dean to hear.
Dean nodded sympathetically, his fingers absently running over Sam's sides.
"I know, Sammy. But we need to stake out, see if Alex is really the one doing the murders." Sam knew Dean was right, but it didn't make him any happier about the situation.
A few beats of silence passed, with Dean sipping his drink and Sam trying to focus solely on his brother rather than their surroundings.
And then Dean was biting at his neck, tongue darting out as he licked on Sam's pulse point, and he would've jolted right off of Dean's lap if it wasn't for the strong hands holding his waist in place.
"Shhh," Dean hummed, before leaning closer and nipping gently at Sam's earlobe.
"Alex is watching us. Think he's interested, just play along, 'kay?" Dean's breath was hot against his neck, and then his tongue and teeth were paying attention to that spot just below Sam's jaw and suddenly he didn't need to 'play along'.
His reactions were one hundred percent real, the way his hips grinded slightly, the way his hands gripped at Dean's shoulders... it was all too real, and Sam found himself really wishing they could've called Jo or someone in to take his place instead. This wasn't right.
"On your knees, bitch." Dean purred, and Sam decided he actually wouldn't like anyone to take his place ever. Not if Dean kept speaking to him like this, touching him like that.
It was overwhelming, damn dizzying with what it was doing to him. And yeah, maybe Dean was partly acting, but that lust in his eyes? His dick twitching in his pants?
That felt all too real.
"Now, brat. Don't make me say it again." Dean growled, nipping at Sam's bottom lip and tearing away some of the skin with his teeth.
Sam did as he was told, sliding down under the table between Dean's parted legs.
His inhibitions were gone, and he wished he had drunk tonight so at least he could blame it on that. But he hadn't, he was completely sober, and he knew Dean knew that too.
"Nice little sub you got there." Sam recognised the gravelly voice immediatly.
He felt Dean's hand fell into his hair, and found himself relaxing again.
Then the fingers in his hair pulled, tugged him towards Dean's crotch and Sam found himself darting his tongue out to lick the denim.
"Yeah, he's pretty damn amazing." The compliment made Sam flush, and he reached for Dean's zipper.
"You rent him out?" Sam knew the question was coming. It was sort of the whole point of the cover. Get Alex interested in him, get Alex to take him, and see if he really was the one draining subs dry.
Still, knowing that didn't help. Didn't make the question any less terrifying, and not even the massaging motions of Dean's fingers were easing the tension in his body now.
"Depends how much you're paying."
"800. All evening, I'll bring him here at 9am you can come collect him tomorrow morning." It was bullshit. If Alex had his way, Sam would be dead in a gutter long before then.
"900, and we have a deal." Dean agreed, and all that lust inspired by Dean's hands on him earlier vanished, replaced by the nervous nausea from when they first entered.
"Deal." He watched Alex reach into his jeans, grabbing out a wad of bills and placing them on the table with a thump.
Dean's hand retracted from his hair, reaching instead for the collar around his neck. He paused first to squeeze Sam's shoulder, a silent assurance that he would save him, before gripping the leash and pulling Sam up and back onto his lap.
"Just don't damage him too badly." Dean said, handing the lead to Alex's grimy fingers, and it was all Sam could do not to panic.
"Of course." Alex smirked, climbing out the booth and tugging at Sam to follow. He didn't have a choice, stumbling after him with one last worried glance to Dean as he was pulled out of the bar.
"Where... I thought we were going back to your house." Sam said, because Alex might get suspicious if Sam wasn't questioning the alley he was being yanked down.
The same alley him and Dean had been in yesterday, assessing the scene.
Alex was definitely their guy then. Dean should be showing up any minute, he reminded himself. Repeated it over and over like a prayer.
Alex must've decided they had went in far enough, because suddenly Sam was being shoved into the wall hard, his scarcely covered body being scraped up by the rough bricks.
"So pretty... bet you taste even better..." Alex smirked, before ducking his head and biting into Sam's neck.
Sam cried out in pain, his flesh being torn away and leaving a bite mark as Alex took his fill.
Just as his head was starting to feel heavy from blood loss, a machete slipped clean through the vampires neck and decapitated the monster.
"God, Sammy. I tried to follow as quickly as I could but-"
"It's 'kay. J'st glad you showed. Saved me." Sam breathed, trying to move towards Dean but his head was swimming and his footing was clumsy.
"Woah, take it easy ok? Let's get you to the car." Dean murmured, wrapping an arm around Sam's waist.
And if Sam said "ok sir" rather than "ok Dean"... well that was obviously just the blood loss talking.
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bokubonk · 4 years
silk & satin
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warnings: nsfw, angst, unrequited love, insecurities
characters: Suna x Osamu, Suna x fem!reader
date: 2/15/21
word count: 800+
notes: I took a one day break and I’m back lmao. I really can’t stop writing but I guess that’s good for you guys. Bad for me though because I have a shit load ton of assignments but it’s okay. I will find the time to do them somehow :) Anyway enjoy this short fic and I will be posting part 2 tomorrow
Don’t forget to read part 2 !!!
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You clutched at the bed sheets, wondering if you had anything left of yourself to give.
Goosebumps covered your bare skin as he took off your shirt and slid down your skirt. You trailed your hand up his torso before grabbing his hair and tilting his head back so you could kiss him. 
He smiled into the kiss, sliding his fingers into you. Your body jolted, clenching around him as he began pumping his fingers in and out, watching you with hooded eyes while you writhed under him, begging him for more. 
His affection for you was like the silk and satin, clutched beneath your fingertips, ready to slip away at any moment. Your grasp on him was fleeting, his attention only on you for as long as you would offer him your body. 
You were used to it by now, the numb feeling that came with being shoved out the door once daylight came through the windows. He was only yours for as long as the stars replaced the sun and darkness blanketed the room. 
He was only yours in the quietest hours of the night when the only sounds that could be heard was the sound of his heart, beating beneath your fingers and you always wondered if he would ever truly be yours. 
Would his heart ever beat for you?
“What are you thinking so hard about, pretty?” he murmured, his lips pressed to your collarbone as he littered open-mouthed kisses down to your thighs. 
“Am I not good enough to keep your attention?” he gave you a crooked grin. His tone was teasing as he looked up from between your legs. “Perhaps this will help you concentrate...”
He lowered his mouth to your clit, sucking lightly and you let out a gasp, arching your back. He let out a low chuckle, the vibrations sending shivers through your body. 
“Rin,” you whispered.
He flicked his tongue against your throbbing pussy, “Good girl, keep moaning my name like that.”
The familiar rush of pleasure coursed through your veins. You wanted him closer. You wanted to feel him inside of you but at the same time, you knew this temporary high wouldn’t replace what you truly wanted from him. 
His love.
Yet you still felt yourself caving into his touch and losing yourself in his kisses. You knew you deserved more. You knew you deserved someone who would be there for you for more than a few hours. You knew you deserved more than Suna.
But you couldn’t resist his calls, not when he would call you crying over Osamu. Not when he chose to turn to you to comfort him. 
But you wondered who you could turn to when you cried over him?
Who would wipe away your tears with kisses and tell you everything would be okay?
Who would tell you that you were enough?
That you were worthy of being loved even if the boy you loved didn’t love you back?
He placed his mouth on yours, sliding his tongue between your parted lips. You could taste yourself on his tongue and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. 
In the midst of your loud moans, a phone buzzed. 
One notification and your world came tumbling down, the reality of the situation sinking in as you saw his eyes light up. He turned to you, showing you the message.
The sender was Osamu.
“He’s here,” Suna exclaimed, “He’s waiting outside. I gotta let him in.”
You could hear him mumbling something about not wanting Osamu to get sick and you tightened your grip on the sheets. 
“Hey, listen,” he began and you knew what would come next was not something you wanted to hear. “I’ll go ahead and take him to the convenience store so make sure you get home safe.”
The words fell from his lips with a smile on his face but you could hear the true meaning of his words: leave before Osamu sees you.
You stood on shaky legs and slipped on your clothes. Your trembling hand ran through your messy hair and you knew the make-up you spent hours on was now smudged, a distorted reflection of the girl you tried so hard to portray yourself as, hoping you would one day meet his expectations. 
He nodded once he saw you fully-dressed and put on his shirt, grabbing his shoes and exiting the room, the door slamming its way shut.
You clutched your phone, allowing the tears that were blurring your vision to finally fall. It seemed no matter how many times you told yourself you were used to the pain, it would never be a reality. 
But for now it was the only solution. A lie that needed to be told because like Suna kept going back to Osamu, you knew you would come back to him. 
And for now, his silk & satin love was enough. Or at least that was what you told yourself.
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bakugohoex · 4 years
“why’d you only ever call me when you’re high?”
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pairing: rintaro suna x female reader
cw: angst, mentions of weed, kissing, fluff
word count: 800+
a/n: this is all fanon, i dont endorse smoking or getting high, you all can do what you guys want, i made it so its a one off thing in here just cause he’s like sad
summary: in which a high suna ends up outside his ex’s house
↞ back to haikyu!! masterlist 
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A cold sweat dripped from your face, the clock beside you indicating that it was 3am. Your phone lighted up brightly, as you see the texts come through, ‘answer my calls’, ‘call me back y/n’, ‘I miss you answer me.’
The continuous phone calls and face times unanswered as Suna’s name popped up, it had been a month since he broke up with you but even then he kept on messaging you, kept on calling you at night, you sat on the bed, your legs swinging from side to side. The unopened messages and calls becoming a disruption.
Another text came through as you shook your head seeing your screen go to his phone call, ‘I’m outside.’
You didn’t dare look to your bedroom door, you had tried to move on, tried to sleep with other people, they were all just numb and meant nothing. It wasn’t what it was like with Suna, he was different, comfortable but every moment together made you crave even more.
You press the green button indicating you had answered it, “you finally answered.”
He seemed to be intoxicated or something, he was never one to smoke or get high but in this moment hearing his breathless voice ramble on about how he missed you he had been getting high. “Why’d you only ever call me when you’re high?” Its not like he called in the day it was always at night as if you were not important for his normal self.
“I’m not high.” He giggles as you start to get up, you had just worn a shirt to bed, as your dishevelled look made you even more tired. The memories of waking up to Suna as he never woke up early, his hair sticking in any direction, as his arm rested on top of your body.
“Why are you outside?” You walk towards your front door, hearing him speaking outside, you didn’t want him to wake up your neighbours, so your only option was to open the door.
He was leaning against the wall, his hand with the phone in his hand, his eyes tired as they looked bloodshot, “what do you want?”
He didn’t speak just looking at you up and down, “you’re as pretty as the day I left.”
You gulped as he looked like he was about to fall, just as he was about to topple you grab him, he leans against you, as you help him inside, “this is why I need you Y/n, you…you make me a better man.”
You refused to answer as you took him to your sofa, he laid there, legs spread as his arms laid at the top of the sofa, you let go of him, going to get him some water. Instead he grabbed your wrist, making you fall into his lap, “Rin.” His nickname coming from your mouth so effortlessly.
“I know…I know I messed up, I got scared that you were going to leave me.” His eyes started to water as you stayed sat on his lap.
“I was never going to leave you.” You mumble as his ear perk up.
His hands wrapped around your body, the thin fabric of the shirt moving up your body, as his hands laid on your exposed skin. “You weren’t?”
Your fingers move to his eyes, touching the wet skin, as you wiped away the tears, “I would never stop loving you.”
He gives you a bright look, as if he found his future, he had regained everything he wanted, he regained you as you stayed in his arms, he held you closer not wanting you to leave him ever.
“Why are you high?” You whisper looking up at his fragile face.
“I don’t smoke, you know I don’t I just…I just needed something to replace the pain of losing you.”
You nod looking at into his eyes again, you hand moving to his chest, as you slowly moved closer to his lips, the smell of weed lingering in his mouth, as he closed the gap. He sat upright, your legs moving to around his waist, as his hands moved to your waist gripping onto your skin. He wanted you to be his and he was never going to let you go again.
He deepened the kiss, as his hand moved to your jaw, guiding the kiss, you both let go breathing for air, as he looked at you like it was the first time he ever met. “Let’s go to bed.”
You stood up, putting your hand out. He thought of every memory he had had with you, every fight, every date, every small intimate moment that meant so much to him, and as he grabbed your hand he saw a future where even more memories occurred. He saw a future where you and him would be together until the very end.
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9/17/2022 DAB Chronological Transcription
Daniel 10-12
Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible chronological I'm China. Today is the 17th day of September. Welcome. So great to be here with you. Today, get to finish out another great week here together and it's been a good week, it's been a really restorative and peaceful week. So today we are continuing our story in the book of Daniel with chapters ten through twelve and we finish off for this week with the New International version.
Wow. Lord, thank you for your word. And God, I pray that we would be people who desire purification to be made spotless and to be refined. God, I pray that we would not be people who desire wicked things or things that feel temporary of satisfaction, but God that we would be people who are kingdom minded, that we would have the desire to seek first your kingdom. And would I just pray that you would give us eyes to see and ears to hear that we wouldn't be people who are distracted by things of this world or things that even feel slightly glimmering. God, I pray that we would lean out on our own understanding and lean into you. I thank you for your word that is good and is true. And God I pray that we would be sanctified and I thank you that there is even a way that we could do this. We're not praying for something to happen, we're praying from a place of victory in you Christ Jesus that has already been and so we receive that. And Lord I just thank you for your word and it is in your name we pray. Amen.
Dailyaudiobible.com is our website, that's the place of connection so be sure to check that out if you have not already. If you have prayer request and you want community and people in the faith to come and pray with you and over you, you can call in at 800-583-2164 and if you listen to the app you can record your prayer request into there and they get sent in and played at the end of every day's podcast. That is all for today. I'm China, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer Line:
Hey, DAB. I'm John from MS, and I can use some prayer. My family and I are having trouble finding jobs and have had trouble for several months now. Really use some prayer and really use some intervention. Been a long time listener of DAB, listened for quite a few years. First time in Chronological. First year in Chronological. Excuse me. Liking it so far. Really use some prayer. Thank you so much.
Hello, everyone. This is Cindy Lou Hoo in Texas. I haven't been on in a long time. I rarely have time to sit and actually put into words what I'm thinking. I listen every day to Chronological and to DAB with Brian and I'm always hearing your prayer request and I think I need to reach out but then I'm getting ready to go to work and I'm busy and then I have not had a moment to breathe during the day. I've been a substitute teacher last year and then into this year, and my prayer request is I took a long term substitute position for 7th grade, English Language Arts. A friend that's at that school. It's a 7th and 8th grade. She reached out and she coordinates the subs and she was new to the campus and was looking for someone and she thought she knew that I was on the roster. Called me up. Went to high school with her. Known her forever. Just don't have a lot of contact with her all the time. So I took the position. Guys, the students haven't gotten any better. These are the 6th graders. I had a lot last year and they still don't know how to be in the classroom. And the fact that the teacher that I replaced had actually had a heart transplant and she's supposed to be back by the 1 November. I'm slated on the schedule through the end of October, and that's another seven weeks. I have to endure this, and it is enduring because it has compromised my ability to stay level headed, because these are what, 12-13 year old boys and girls that think they're grown, but just be praying for me. I need to make a decision whether to back out and let them have someone else or stick with this. I had confirmation yesterday that I need to do whatever I need to do to take care of myself, and that's the only answer I have right now, is to leave. So thank you.
Good evening, family, this is Tania calling in from Suffolk. Today is Sunday, September 11. I just want to call and pray for Jeremy and Allen, which is from Scotland, has esophageal cancer, and then Susan has lung cancer. She's from New York. They have my father. I'm lifting up Jeremy, Allen and Susan to your father. Father, I'm asking for just to heal them, Father, from the top of their head to the sole of their feet. Imagine that you just bring people that they can come in contact with laura that can be encouraging to them while they experience this journey that they're going through. Heavenly Father, dear Lord, even with Jeremy, I think that's what she stated. He is not a believer in Christ. But Lord, we know that all things are possible, Lord God, so I'm just trusting, believing, Lord God, that someone will come in contact with him as well, Heavenly Father, and that will allow him to change his mind and reach out to you for his own healing, Father. But in the meantime, Father, once again, I say again that I lift these three names up to you, Father, because I'm going to stand in the Gal, Father, because I just trust and believing in you, Lord, Father, that all things will be done according to your will, Father, and I'm speaking once again, divine healing, Father, divine intervention and divine deliverance in the mighty name of Jesus. You guys have a great day and I pray that your week coming up be blessed as always. I love you guys.
Good morning, DABC. This is God's Sunshine in California, and I'm calling in today to ask if you guys would come alongside my husband and I in prayer. We've been in a legal battle with our business for the last couple of years, and we're headed to mediation next week on the 22nd. And we could just use your prayers for the truth to continue to be revealed through all the paperwork and documentation and conversations that will be had. And we're just praying for God to get all the glory in the situation as it's been because of Him that we are where we are today. And so we thank you for the prayers and in advance, and we will be in touch and let you know how things go along the way. So thank you. Love to you all. Prayers lifted up for each and every person. Thank you.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Go ahead and made a bunch of the sedan version of the battery GT the Bradley GP and I'm going to try to put in my market and sell off these chassis and just as a four-door car it's way too many the guys are working on a Troy-Bilt truck because of all the truck chassis and I just about to come out for real and yeah last night we pulled out five more bunkers actually filled up and that's in two states mostly and they're thinking there's only three more bunkers in each state in Illinois there are two twenties and 160 in Ohio there's 260s and 120 that's a lot that's small area all pissed off because such a TV area and you kind of ruined it it's nothing there but drunkenness and idiots and adventure facts. Is meant to attract idiots and they move to the islands and really the clothes had the real plan and still so it's too much to go off all at once but they have to send nukes off and that's not going to happen. So the clones are done we're going to go down and kill them all. And you Macmorlok we're all dead even though you're very stupid and would have died anyways I'm going to kill you for what you were doing up there send all your notes and all sorts of stuff and I'm going to ask you here if you raise your hand like a few idiots have and we're going to kill you dead.
There's a few things going on here today and we're going to mention them
-the first is Charlotte county is laying off almost all its workers every single person that works for the county is being called in and give it instructions and what to do and about 90% of them that are left are warlock s the others are replaced by minority morlock and they're not calling them in that's right they're calling you in a fire you and like 90% of the remaining people.
-there's also another way to say this if you're a worker in Charlotte county they're going to fire you from the government today
-the hair ups are down to around 2100 they want to be at 1800 in Charlotte county
-the city of Charlotte Port Charlotte and the city of punta Gorda are going to lay off half of the city workers today, half of the remaining morlocmac
-there's a huge line of people trying to get in and it's been stopped people being removed and the cars are being taken away and doing it to everyone no kidding don't drive here from this time to this time he is exactly that
-massive numbers of people were pulled from the cards last night and it was around 9 million people and about 7 million cars it's a huge deal
-the state fl is evacuating. We have numbers up to 800 million that are getting ready from different areas it is huge that's a lot of people and they're going to be out of here
-there are 50,000 more troops coming down they're going to the inner loop and they're going to come down that's outer band of Charlotte county quickly
-some massive day there are huge numbers evacuating the upper Midwest and Midwest all day and all night and it's going to cool off again this time for real they're sending ships now they saw so many people out there and they're still there it's like 80 trillion people and it's going to be more and they fled Illinois and yes the noise and they fled the rest of the Midwest they are just leaving and these buckets sinking is doing it huge areas were devoured by these sinking edifices and one of them is like 80 by 80 it's the biggest that's in Illinois and it's going to get to probably 120 by 120 and it goes down too it's 30 MI you think it'll stop at that point but half the state will be gone. And really by tonight Illinois will be empty if people and Michigan too Wisconsin is cleared and then other states Ohio should be empty by tonight it's going to be nothing left of these places since it's in the edge along the lakes you see all your stupid movies literally those movies are in Chicago they're Detroit their movies in Cincinnati that they were out there but there's a few places near shore that look like it those places are going to be gone shortly gone Cincinnati is halfway done and it's going to be more and more during the day and after tonight
-there's a huge war against the empire and it's by Mac morlock almost exclusively. Is giant numbers of people who just you don't understand it they keep trying to get here and won't go away that's gross that's a big war and there are about 40 bases of the empire that are under siege and the fighting has increased they hit about two of those a little bit not a ton. And it's in the eastern hemisphere and they're mounting massive attacks. They're also attacking stan. Last time we talked he had 10 large bases and they have been attacking this morning and he has eight and those are the ones for me to get crippled and it's 30 medium large really the medium and 15 or gone it's going to be down to 5:00 within the hour most of the small bases are out and he's losing ships about 10 million more I think today we're down to 30 million and the empire took back only 5 million so far and they're being fought over and we're destroyed and it's a big fight
-there's a huge number of people who are trying to get these idiots out of here but 10 more households went to the back side last night and there's 70 households left they are weakening here and all over and demanded people weaken them and destroy them rather than act civily. My son says it too most of her stuff is very lame and they could have gotten around it but inside not to and decide to yell and repel by making noise and bothering people it's a bad decision. Because there's 70 households and half of them are transient, we are at it with others to fight over them and we hit them and they try and get back here and hit others of theirs as we would know whether or not there it's going on Max are doing a lot of it and foreigners and minority morlock as well it is a war with them and they're not going to win.
-hey what's the weather half these people are going to be kicked out of their houses probably today are you fiction and that's right it's a stupid more like doing it it's this guy Jason. Is it having experiences at Crystal lake where they're actually killing him and he's trying to fight them as Jason and gets hit so far through about two episodes or one and a half and ends up at the bottom of the lake every time cuz they want to sense. So he's prepared eviction papers and notices for a lot of them and it's because they're not paying their rent and they're not allowed repairs and starting a crisis and they have to allow repairs at least it says it too in the law.
-the Giant number of people who are not listening to anything that's told them by anyone those people are being picked up today I'm taking in one of them is this next door Johnny he's going to be arrested today and they plan to have he doesn't really have to show up oh he does and it is about his treating people badly in town again and not paying. It's around 11:00 a.m. to save a million times he's not going and people are going to add them already for him to do it to go down there and he won't and he plays Alex Cross and he shoots the social security lady but it's after he's released from duty which is coming up possibly today
-the sheriff is being reduced once again they want to hold it 100 and 50 of them are trumpsters it's an inequity but that's what they do and VGA said she can kidnap our son if he does it no there's a lot of money in there like 500 sheriff versus 100 if they get trumpsters out. Trump's just hold the line with minorities and BJ does not and they predict he's going to get his ass kicked if they get pushed out successfully there's a lot of them who don't want to be pushed out but they don't have a choice they're being pushed out by force of course cuz it's going around today that everyone's being mean to them and nobody likes them but a lot of it they say is generated from these BGA types and they're angry at them and they're saying they're liars and that they're duplicitous and that they are snakes in the grass and they're just as evil as the Max and all this and it's going around town that they're not to trust bja it's like a little kids fight but it's going to get them all killed because the effect is that they don't listen to anything anyone says about anything and both sides are doing it and they are trying to threaten people in the middle and they're getting arrested for it already they've been doing it to our son the whole time the whole time is to a****** groups are doing it and now it's going to be arrested fully and they will be thrown away and incinerated
-there's plenty more happening they're going through these positions and they are firing people they are taking out all sorts of jobs and they are of course dying from oxygenating and the sun used supplements so these people had to if he can do it we can do it and they start dying and the sun has been eating all sorts of fruit which is good for him and they balloon up in their faces getting huge and they croak and they sit there all night and John Riva Lord died at 9:00 p.m. and was only revived at 8:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. this morning and he was pulled out of there and his son didn't see it and he was almost awake 20 more minutes now he was awake wasn't paying attention he's got Ken on the line complaining that he's not capable of going on a bus trip and Ken wants to sit there and sabotage what he's doing and keep him poor and Hera got happy and said it's time for Mr lupena to learn a lesson that he's doing it so he can get somebody too not so he can sit there and be a stupid f****** dead pig like these people
More shortly
Thor Freya
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Not So Dangerous Liaison - Sidney Crosby - Part 12
Word Count: 3,765
POV: Reader
Warning: NSFW, Sweet smut (is that a thing), Language, Oral, Sex
Notes: Big shoutout to the 4 new people that followed me to put me over 800 follwers and actually got me to post this early. Never imagined that this is where I’d be almost a year ago when I started this thing. I had this Crosby piece in my head even back then, and it’s been so amazing watching it come to life.So glad you guys enjoy it. So here’s the smut that has been building between these two since the beginning. Let me know what you guys think! Happy Reading!
Not So Dangerous Liaison Masterlist
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Part of you still couldn’t believe you let Sid kiss you right there as you were leaving Mario’s house. You knew some of his teammates saw you, but honestly after the whole night; you just didn’t care. Well, you did, since you really enjoyed your job, but it wasn’t like you couldn’t go back to your old one. They’d already asked you back a couple times, but you’d cross that bridge when you came to it.
You still weren’t sure how a couple nights with Sid had led everyone, including him, to believe that the two of you were now dating. Were you guys that obvious? Of course, you knew Flower and Vero knew that something was going on between the two of you. Which lead you to believe that Tanger and Catherine also had an idea, but Mario? It just seemed unreal since the two of you hadn’t really defined anything until that night.
All these thoughts ran through your brain, as the two of you made your way back to Sid’s house. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Sid asked as you strolled hands linked together.
“I don’t know, everything…nothing…the whole entire night. Does that make any sense?”
He stopped so that he could look you in the eye when he answered. “Kind of. I mean tonight was kind of big a step.”
“Ya think.”
He kissed your forehead, before continuing. “Look (Y/N), I know this is all kind of moving fast, but it’s not like I haven’t been thinking about it…or rather you.” You understood that since he’d kind of been on your mind constantly as of late. “I was stupid last year, after Flower’s party. I thought you’d be this huge distraction to me and set me off my course for everything that I want to accomplish.” A dry laugh escaped his mouth. “It was really the opposite, now that I look back on it. Once I realized, that I could have both, I’ve thought of nothing but you…well, and hockey. It’s like we were made for each other, ya know?” Funny, you actually thought the same thing that first night that you’d really got to know him. Sure, you liked Sidney Crosby hockey player extraordinaire, but Sid the person…well that was someone that you could grow to love. “I think some people, the ones that really know me, realized this long before I did.” You knew he probably meant Mario, and Flower, among others. “But now that I know, I just don’t want to waste any time with all the bullshit stuff.” You cocked your head wondering what he exactly meant by that. “Well, maybe that’s not the right word, because I still want to take you out to fancy dinners and show you off. I just want you to be part of my world right now. Like I don’t want to have to wait, because I don’t think we need to.” You kind of understood what he was saying. It was as if you two had skipped the getting to know you part of dating, because well, you essentially already knew each other. You knew how he took his coffee, and what history books he had and hadn’t read. How even though he told the media oatmeal cookies were a good choice, he never called them his favorites, because secretly chocolate chip were. You also knew how he had to have a certain brand of peanut butter for his sandwiches. He was truly right; you two kind of had been dating all along.
He went to say more, but you stopped him. “You’re right. We don’t need official dinners or any of the other things. I know you Sid, and I think you know me. I like where we’re at right now, so let’s just keep moving forward.”
“So does that mean you’re going to tomorrow?”
“Yes, I’ll go.” You tugged on his hand to continue on to his place.
“And you’ll ride in my car in the parade then?” You hadn’t really given much thought to that. That would be a huge step. His parents would be there and all of Pittsburgh would be watching.
“Um…let’s just see how tomorrow goes.”
“Deal,” He answered, and put in the code to let the two of you into his drive. “So, can I talk you into coming in for a drink? Or maybe…”
“I think we’ve both had enough to drink.” It wasn’t like either of you were drunk by any means but you knew that neither of you needed another glass. “Why don’t you just ask me what you really want?” After last night, you kind of assumed sleeping over was going to be a thing with him.
“Ok. How about you stay the night with me, again?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” You teased him before he pulled you close to him.
“Well if I knew you were waiting for an invitation; I would’ve asked the moment you pulled in the drive.” He spun you around, arms still circled around your waist, and made his way to the door. “So, no alcohol, but do you want something else instead?”
“Just water.” He grabbed two and then led you upstairs to his room. You remembered being up there the night of the Eastern Conference final win, but you hadn’t been adventurous enough to figure out which room was his. You’d simply made your way into what you assumed was the guest bathroom. This time though you took every little detail in. His room was off to the left, done in mostly shades of gray. It had a masculine aura to it. Quiet and understated, there were very few tokens of his hockey career in this room unlike some others in his house. There was a comfy chair by the window, with one of the history books you’d given him sitting on the side table next to it. You could picture him reading there as the rain gently hit the glass. He ducked into a huge walk-in closet, with built-in drawers and shelves, that any person would envy.
“I’m assuming you didn’t bring anything to sleep in.” You shook your head no and he pulled you out another one of his t-shirts just like he had a few weeks ago, then took your hand and headed into the ensuite. A massive jetted tub that could hold the both of you, captured your attention.  Gray marble showcased the entire room, which had a double vanity sink and a shower with so many gadgets in it; you weren’t sure you’d know how to turn the water on. There were even two toilet rooms, one for him and one for her, which made you wonder what he was thinking when he’d remodeled the home or was this something in its original design. All in all, the entire master suite took your breath away, kind of like the man who owned it.
You set your bag on the edge of the tub. “Do you care if I lay these out to dry? Since someone threw me in the pool.”
“Of course, I don’t care, and in my defense, you had a bathing suit on already.”
It was true, but he still could’ve sounded a bit remorseful. “My dress is probably ruined though.” You knew it wasn’t but you enjoyed teasing him about it, as you laid the garment out on the tub.
He wrapped his arms around you and peered over your shoulder to look at it. “Hmm seems fine, though I’ll gladly buy you ten to replace it if I can throw you in the pool again.”
“Sid,” you chided.
“What? I enjoyed looking at it clinging to your body.” Your eyes grew wide, and you barely had time to comprehend his words as he spun you around and kissed you hard, turning you into jelly, before releasing you. “So, do you need a toothbrush or anything?”
“What, if I open one of these drawers, am I going to find your secret stash you keep here for all the women that sleepover?”
You were totally teasing him, but he frowned none the less. “You know it’s not like that (Y/N).”
“I know. I was just kidding you. Now, if you have a purple one, I’ll totally take that.” He smiled then grabbed one out of the multi-pack he had in the drawer. The two of you stood at the dual sink brushing your teeth like a couple who had lived together for the last six months. It was kind of surreal. Once you were finished you changed into the shirt he’d offered in the small toilet room. By the time you came out to the bedroom, he’d stripped down to his boxers and was taking pillows off the bed. “You know I forgot to ask you which side you wanted last night.”
“It doesn’t matter, as long as I’m holding you.” It was corny and sweet, and it made you blush. The king-size bed seemed even larger than the one you two had shared last night, as you crawled in under the covers; Sid joining you. He shut the light off, then pulled you near. You were both laying on your sides facing each other, his arm draped across your waist, idly drawing small circles on your lower back. The smile plastered on his face was a mirror image of your own. Neither of you said a word, for a full minute, before you reached over and cupped his jaw, bringing your mouth to his. Your tongues mingled, lightly sucking and tasting each other. You let your hands roam down his chiseled chest feeling the muscles bunch under your touch. Your fingertips just lightly grazing over his skin.
His hand at your back pulled you closer so that there was barely any space between the two of you. You felt him reach for the hem of your shirt, and gently raise it so his fingers could caress your bare skin. Everywhere he touched set you on fire and you felt your legs move restlessly so that one was draped over the top of him. Sid’s hand glided up your sides and along the underside of your breast, making you whimper softly into his mouth. You longed to feel his touch there, and he didn’t disappoint as his thumb gently slid back and forth over your nipple.
You had to break the kiss for a second to suck in a breath of air, for he had you panting with need. But Sid just continued to kiss you; down your jaw, over to your ear, then sucking at the hollow of your neck, while his hand fondled your breast. It wasn’t enough though; you wanted more. Your hips flexed into him and you could feel the hard length of him against your body. He gently rocked into and you groaned from the pleasure. The two of you like teens dry humping each other afraid of being caught by their parents.
He slowed then, coming back up to sweetly kiss your mouth, as his hand dropped away for your breast. “No, Sid,” you whined. “Don’t stop.”
He pulled back to look at you, to make sure that this was what you wanted. “Are you sure?”
“God, yes,” You breathed out, then added. “I want you so bad.”
“Oh god, (Y/N), I want you too.” His mouth was on yours again with renewed passion, only breaking the kiss long enough to strip you out of his borrowed t-shirt. He rolled you onto your back, lifting up to stare reverently down at your body. “You’re so beautiful.” He said the words like a prayer, one full of worship and meaning, and then his mouth was on yours in the same manner. Kissing down your collarbone, to take one of your peaked nipples into his mouth. Your back arched into him and cried out with pleasure, your body responding to his every touch. He moved to your other breast giving it the same lavish attention, as your hands sifted through his freshly shortened locks to hold him to you. Involuntarily, your hips lifted up into him seeking something only he could give. One of his hands forced them back down. “Easy baby.” He whispered, then loving kissed your lips.
His hand at your hip skated down between your legs where he cupped your mound. You were slightly embarrassed as you knew that he could feel the wetness seeping through your panties there. All mortification was lost when the heel of his hand ground into your pussy. It was the exact friction you were looking for and you couldn’t help but moan into his mouth. His fingers danced along the folds of your lace-covered mound, teasing and making you squirm. When his index finger slipped under the edge of your panties, you about jumped off the bed, but his strong body pinned you down. A whimper came out of your mouth, as that same digit slowly dragged up your slit to circle your clit a few times.
He released your lips, both of you breathing heavily, as his finger still tortured your throbbing pussy. Sid’s mouth started its unhurried descent down your body. The covers of the bed falling to the bottom as he went, leaving your body exposed. His finger slid out, as his mouth hovered above the top of your panties. He breathed in your scent, before hooking his fingers around the strings and pulling them down. You lifted your hips up to help him, and in no time, he was tossing them to the floor. His hand glided up from your ankles, over your calves and onto your thighs, where he pushed your legs a little further apart. Lowering his head, he peppered your inner thighs with kisses, and you could feel yourself growing even wetter if that was even possible. The anticipation was killing you. You willed yourself to relax under his gaze, as you looked down at Sid, who was poised at your most intimate juncture. A small smile graced his lips before his tongue flicked out, licking his way between your folds. Just that small movement had you crying out. “Oh god,” you felt his grin grow wider against you, before sucking on your clit, tweaking it with his tongue. Your legs trembled slightly, and you fisted the sheets in your grasp, needing something to hold on to. He slid one of his long fingers inside you and had you moaning out loud. The digit moved in and out working you into a feverish frenzy, as his mouth worried your little nub with his lips and tongue. Everyone knew Sid excelled on the ice, but apparently, he was also an award winner in the bedroom.
You could feel the orgasm bubbling up inside your body, and as he slid a second finger into you; you were close to falling off the edge. Your hips bucked forward into his mouth, and he used a strong arm to keep you pinned to the bed once more. “Please…” you pleaded, as you chased the high that was just hovering out of your reach. He hooked his fingers then, making the come-hither motion; the action tickling that spot that would bring you the pleasure you sought. It started then, from deep within you; the small tremble of your legs, the way you panted out for air, and then it crested. A climax so strong, you found yourself screaming out his name, as wave after wave of pleasure wracked your body. Sid slowed his assault on pussy as the last tremors of your orgasm subsided.
Once your body had finally calmed, his fingers slid out of you as he lifted his head, that signature smirk on his face. He took the back of his hand, wiping away your juices that were left on him, before sliding up the length of your body. His mouth found yours and you could taste your essence still on him. It was heady and intoxicating and brought your body back to life. You skated your hands down his abdomen, to the waistband of his boxers, where you snuck your hand inside to feel his hard erection. He hissed out his pleasure as you took his length in your hand, just stroking him up and down. The garment impeded what you really wanted to do, so you pushed them down and he kicked them off. You continued to pump him, before breaking your kiss to nudge the wall that was his chest, so that you could take him into your mouth. Sid wasn’t having any of it though and he captured your gaze before taking your hand and removing it from his member. “Not tonight baby.” He kissed your lips again, before clarifying. “I won’t be able to last, and I want to be inside you.” You nodded your understanding, and he rolled off you to search the nightstand for a condom.
He ripped open the small pouch with his teeth. “Let me,” you asked taking the thin piece of latex in your hand. You stroked him a few times, biting your lip to keep from taking him inside your mouth. The condom rolled down his shaft and you tugged the tip leaving a small amount of space for him to fill with his seed. He drew your body down on top of him then, your chest pressed against his as your tongues mated together, mimicking what your bodies would soon do. He grabbed your ass and rolled you onto your back again; your legs wrapping around him as he did. Taking his cock in hand, he positioned himself at your entrance, lightly running it between your folds to coat it with your wetness, then nudging ever so slowly the tip inside. His left hand reached up and entwined with your right, as he carefully entered you inch by inch. When he bottomed out, you released a moan of delight at the feel of him within you.
“God you feel so good, baby.” He hissed out before capturing his lips with his. Only then did he start to move, interlacing his other hand with yours as he pumped in and out of you. It was a dance as old as time, and the two of you moved to a rhythm that had your body burning to a feverish crescendo. He sped up his pace, a sheen of sweat building on his brow, and while it may have been your first time with him; you knew that he was close to cumming. Breaking the kiss, he groaned with an effort to stave off his climax, determined to bring you with him. You shifted slightly, changing the angle, and then you were there, the orgasm peaking with each thrust of his cock.
“Sid,” you called out, his name like a benediction as you quivered underneath his body. A few grunts and sloppy thrust and he was there with you, moaning your name in his own ecstasy. With one last push, he slumped down on your body, sated and relaxed. When he went to roll off you, you held him close, just cherishing this moment for a minute longer. You knew the two of you had chemistry, it was there from the moment almost a year ago, but this; this was just on another level.
“I’m gonna crush you.” He whispered, a light chuckle to his voice as you finally let him roll you both onto your sides. As he did, his cock still stayed deep inside your body, though you could feel him going flaccid. He cupped your cheek and kissed you tenderly, his lips soft, gentle, and loving on yours. It was one that spoke to you on some other level, but you didn’t examine it too closely. “That was…” You held your breath waiting for him to finish even though you want to say that it was everything. It was magical, and wonderful, and almost like being in a dream. “Perfect,” he breathed out and you had to agree. It was the one word that encompassed all those things.
“Yeah, it was.” You echoed back. He slipped out of your body then and made a move to leave the bed. You didn’t realize you whimpered until he looked back at you.
“You ok?”
Of course, you were; you just missed the feel of him inside, on top of you and all around you. “Yeah,” you whispered before he leaned down and placed yet another kiss on your lips.
“I’ll be right back.” It hadn’t occurred to you that he was leaving to dispose of the condom until he slid it off. He made his way to the ensuite, where you could hear the water running. You slid out of the bed and padded your way across the floor to find him. He was splashing water on his face. As he padded himself off, he caught you staring at him, so you went and wrapped your arms around him from behind.
“Looks like I should be the one asking if you’re ok?” You dropped a kiss to his shoulder blade as the two of you stared at each other in the mirror.
“Better than ok.” He answered, then turned in your arms, his hands going to your waist and lifting you, to set you up on the vanity. He took the cloth he’d just wiped his face with, wet it, and spread your legs before wiping the remains of what had just happened between the two of you. Part of you cursed the loss, but the gesture was so sweet, it had your smiling in the end. Once he was done, he tossed the rag back into the sink, then wrapped your legs around his hips and carried you back to bed. He kissed your forehead, then your nose and finally your mouth. “Time to sleep.” He whispered and you smiled against his lips.
“Should we set the alarm?” You were so used to both of you getting up for practice that it was a force of habit to ask.
“I think we deserve to sleep in tomorrow (Y/N).” He chuckled. “We don’t have to be anywhere until late afternoon. Which gives us ample time to do that again.”
“Mmm, I do like what you’re thinking there.” He stole one last kiss, before tucking you into his side; your head resting on his chest. Your fingers danced along his skin as he ran his up and down your arm and you thought this just might be a little bit of heaven.  
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Finally managed to put down some of my thoughts about the comics. I loved the first two Tales Through Time stories and I can't wait to read the rest of them. I'm going to reblog a bunch of posts about it tomorrow, so if you don't want spoilers please filter the tag tales through time spoilers
Welp this got longer than I expected and sorry in advance if some of these aren't fully coherent I tried lol
My mother's axe:
Ahhh I loved Andy sparing with Nile and teaching her how to use her axe!! Phenomenal!
Hearing Andy talk a little more about her past was amazing I'm so happy we got to get inside her head a little more and I love how she said she doesn't actually know if she's remembering things or just making it up. It's very sad she can't remember everything she wants to I'm sure there's a whole host of memories she would still like to have. I think a lot about how much they can actually remember as their brains aren't limitless, so I really enjoyed this whole conversation.
"I loved her like she was (my mother), so maybe it doesn't matter." 😭 Of course it doesn't matter, if you love her like your mother that is enough.
I love that Nile tries to reason that it's definitely not her mother's axe since everything's been replaced multiple times, but I also love that you're not going to change Andy's mind on this. It still ties her to her old life, the spirit and sentiment still makes it her mother's axe and I think that's a beautiful thing for Andy to hold onto. I'm glad she sees it this way and that she's fought with an axe for so long when it means so much to her.
The panel after Andy gets done talking and they sit there for a beat, Nile looks at her so fondly, so gently. Nile's like wow I could listen to you talk for hours you've lived so many lives. It's probably my favorite panel, it's just such a sweet moment.
And then she immediately tries to argue against what Andy is saying 😂 I love Nile so much.
Group hunting for a new axe!! Shopping together is always more fun and I just love that they kind of always stick together. Or is it because Andy needs someone to calm her down because everyone's an idiot lol
I loved seeing Quynh/Noriko again and found it interesting that Andy didn't mention her name to Nile but said "a woman I knew". Makes me think how hard it must be to say her name even after all this time *cries*
The colors!!!!! The peachy, pink, orange, and yellow colors for all the beach scenes are breathtaking and I could stare at them all day. Perfection.
I have so much love for baby Andy. I would die for her but she wouldn't let me.
Zanzibar and other harbors:
Ahhh they are having a date night and I love it!! It's so fun!
Their hairstyles are *chef's kiss*
I love seeing them bicker(affectionate) just a little bit. The whole time I was reading it I was thinking aww this is what Greg meant about sure they can disagree but they always work it out in the end.
Nicky ready to kill a man because of his comments about Joe is so good, and I love how Joe is holding onto his arm and says his name so he doesn't start swinging.
The LOOK on the their faces when Lulu sits on Nicky's lap and starts asking about home is Priceless.
Joe's lil smirk when he says he likes her and let's get out of here is perfect.
Them... Dancing in the moonlight... Kissing under the stars.... Resting their foreheads together so tenderly... I- I need a minute they are too much.
"....loveliest crime we have ever committed." "...every moment we scrape together feels precious...." They are in LOVE and I am Here for it!
Joe is armed with overconfidence and 800+ years of experience (immortality helps too)
And then Lulu takes him Out!!! I Love her she's incredible and she knew them the whole time!!!!
She called them angels and said they always have a home and a family 😭😭 I'm not ok. They got to see someone they helped and it just means so much to them this is so sweet I'm never going to get over it. I think I need to lie down for a few years.
I love how they constantly had each other's back in this. Nicky defending Joe while Joe calms him, dancing under the stars, Joe getting upset, like Nicky, that they couldn't catch a break despite all his talk earlier, and the way they both say something about what a scumbag the guy is after they get up from being shot. They are a team and they will always be there for each other.
I loved so many things about these comics I had to refrain from commenting on like every panel 😅 kudos if you read this far and cheers to more content coming our way 💕
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