#i had PLANS for writing today ffs!!!
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"I need you, though"
guess who went to the zoo today i went to the zoo today so this is the premise of my zookeeper au in ficlet form
(1.6k) (warning: himbo obi-wan)
Obi-Wan Kenobi is leaning against the post of the goat pin, watching him.
Anakin doesn’t quite know what to do about that, and he decides to table the issue until he has a moment to shoo the man away.
What he can’t figure out is why Obi-Wan Kenobi is here. They’ve never talked. Until this very moment, he hadn’t realized Obi-Wan Kenobi even knew who he was, but when he turns his head slightly to the side to peek over at him, it’s definitely him that he’s looking at.
Of course he knows who Obi-Wan Kenobi is though. He’s one of the best zookeepers in the Coruscant Zoo—and probably the most recognizable. After all, he’s the head of the team that works with the big cats, and everyone comes to the zoo to see the lions and tigers be fed and sleep. And whatever else the lions and tigers do.
It probably helps that the guy feeding them and playing with them is undeniably also probably handsomest man in all of Coruscant.
Maybe not, Anakin doesn’t know.
What Anakin does know is that it’s very hard to look in Obi-Wan’s direction without imagining beard burn on his thighs, a fact of life that’s thus far not mattered much.
But now he’s surrounded by little children, exhausted moms, and goats, sheep, rabbits, and ponies. Arousal is not one of the feelings he should be having at this moment.
He throws the fresh hay down by the stable and wipes the sweat off his forehead. He needs to get Obi-Wan Kenobi to leave because he probably has—like, an actual job to do. He’s wearing his zookeeping jumpsuit, which means he probably should be on the other side of the zoo, prodding sleeping lions or petting tigers.
He’s probably scaring the bunnies, smelling all like big cat and predator and sandalwood cologne with just a hint of spice—
Look, it’s normal that Anakin knows what Obi-Wan Kenobi smells like. They’ve passed each other in the hall before, at work events. He’s pretty sure Obi-Wan Kenobi has come out of the bathroom right before Anakin went in a few times too, so it’s not like it’s abnormal to know how the guy smells.
And the most important thing is he can’t be smelling like that around Anakin’s babies, because they’re probably terrified and they have to put up with enough with all the snot-nosed brats that come in and try to pull their tails or ears.
On his way over to Obi-Wan Kenobi, he sees a little girl in a princess dress doing just that with Cinny-Minny Bun Bun, which is a crime too grievous to go unpunished, so he redirects his body immediately to snatch the poor bunny away from the girl’s grubby little fingers. “You’ll hurt her doing that,” Anakin chides in a perfectly polite sort of voice, cuddling the bunny to his chest. Cinny is quivering. “What if someone came up and pulled on your ears? How would you like that?”
The little girl looks at him for two seconds before promptly bursting into tears. Internally, Anakin rolls his eyes. Kids cry about everything, but they especially don’t like being told that they can’t torture small animals.
Psychopaths, all of them.
He keeps Cinny against his chest as he turns away from the kid and finishes his trek over to Obi-Wan, who is giving him a very unimpressed raised eyebrow.
“You can’t be here, you’re scaring the animals with your—big cat scent,” he says once they’re face to face, separated by the posts of the fence around the petting zoo.
“You’re scaring the children,” Obi-Wan Kenobi points out, which may be the first words he’s ever said to him directly.
Anakin scowls and adjusts his hold on Cinny-Minny. “Children are the worst.”
Now Obi-Wan is smiling slightly, which is a really good look for him. “Your job hinges upon being able to work with animals and children, and—and, Mr. Skywalker, that was a very disappointing display I just witnessed. I understand thata you’re still grieving the unexpected loss of your wife, but you have to keep your personal life from affecting your work, or we’ll be forced to terminate your contract with Coruscant Zoo. I’ll be making a note of this incident in your file for your performance review at the end of the month.”
This is all said very sternly and with a self-assured yet disapproving tone.
But Anakin thinks he’d probably notice if he had a wife and also if she died tragically. He blinks at Obi-Wan and wonders if the man is having a stroke. He’s also pretty sure Obi-Wan can’t actually fire him.
He could probably sic the big cats on him though, which is less than optimal.
“Uh,” Anakin settles on saying.
Obi-Wan’s eyes dart away from his face and then back to him before he breaks out into a grin. “Sorry, the mother of the child you traumatized was coming over looking rather unhappy. I thought if I told you off for your outlandish and boarish behavior, she wouldn’t feel the need to. And she’s turned back now, so. You’re welcome.”
Anakin blinks. “Me and my dead wife thank you,” he finally says. “You need to go though. They can probably smell Split Pea all over you.”
“I don’t actually roll around with the lion as much as you may think I do,” Obi-Wan says, and both of his eyebrows are raised.
“Oh, of course. That’s just the tigers.”
“Chowder and Gumbo enjoy my company, but for the most part I do stay out of all of my enclosures. They’re big cats, not exactly petting zoo material.”
“Which is why you need to leave,” Anakin says again, in case Obi-Wan didn’t hear that part. “You’re scaring Cinny-Minny.”
“Cinnamon Minerva Bun Bun.”
Now it’s Obi-Wan’s turn to blink. “Ah. Of course.”
“All your animals are named after soups,” Anakin says defensively. “Don’t throw stones.”
Obi-Wan looks amused, which is also a very good look on him, the fucker. “I didn’t say anything,” he points out.
Anakin scowls and clutches Cinny close. He’s ninety percent sure she’s fallen asleep.
“You need to leave,” he reiterates. “I need you though,” Obi-Wan says, and then looks slightly horrified. “Your hands. No, sorry. I mean—” it’s the first time this entire conversation that Obi-Wan Kenobi has been flustered, and Anakin would be enjoying it a lot more if he could think past all the mental images of what Obi-Wan could use his hands for.
“That,” Obi-Wan finally spits out, looking mortified as he rubs a hand over his face and uses his other one to gesture at—
Anakin blinks down at Cinny. “My bunny?”
Does Obi-Wan think the petting zoo animals are like class pets that the employees can go home with? How did he get such an erroneous conception and also why is Anakin sort of jealous of a rabbit right now?
“Yes,” Obi-Wan says. “Well, no.”
“Thanks for clearing that one up,” Anakin says gamely. “Want to try again?”
Obi-Wan sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, like Anakin is the one being difficult here. “I…am in need of your expertise.”
“My expertise. In…bunnies?”
“Yes,” Obi-Wan snaps. Anakin blinks at him. “I—my friend is out of town for a month, and he asked me to pet sit for him. And I think I’m killing the rabbit.”
This is pretty alarming actually.
“It’s not eating anything and it just—sits in its hutch. I haven’t seen it eat any of the food I’ve left out, and it’s like. Shaking?” Obi-Wan crosses his arms. “I’m worried I’ve given it a terrible case of seasonal depression, honestly, but my friend’s daughter will literally never forgive me if I kill her rabbit.”
Anakin thinks he probably agrees with the friend’s daughter, and something like that may flash across his face because it’s Obi-Wan’s turn to scowl.
“I’ve tried everything that works for my cats,” he says. “Nothing. I’m running out of ideas, Anakin.”
This is the first time Obi-Wan’s said his name, and Anakin finds himself half-distracted by how much he enjoys the way it sounds in his voice. But more importantly: “Wait, sorry, did you—did you, what, give the bunny extra bloody meat? Put the food on a stick and wriggle it around to encourage its predator instincts to come out and play?”
Obi-Wan’s silent for a moment too long.
“Oh my god,” Anakin says before bursting into laughter so fierce that he has to shove Cinny into Obi-Wan’s hands just to clutch his own stomach.
Obi-Wan holds the bunny like he’s holding a lit stick of dynamite, and it only makes Anakin laugh harder. This is a man who routinely walks into small spaces already inhabited by clawed and fanged predators and scratches them behind the ears, but the fluffy bunny in his hands looks as if it may break him.
“Alright, thank you,” Obi-Wan says, sounding more than a little put-out and ticked off. “Alright.”
Anakin’s laughter finally peters out, and he takes Cinny Minny back from Obi-Wan before he can give the rabbit PTSD or anything. “Okay,” he hears himself say, which is weird because he hasn’t thought at all about the actual request, unable to think past the mental image of Obi-Wan trying to find a bunny the way he feeds his lions. “Yeah, okay. Do you need just like—advice or. Pet websites? A blog forum?” “Come over,” Obi-Wan demands. “I learn best through hands-on demonstration.”
Anakin doesn’t say any of the five things that come to mind because they’re all a bit sleazy and he’s better than that. “Okay,” he hears himself say again. “Yeah, okay.”
“Excellent,” Obi-Wan smiles at him before reaching out and using two fingers to gently pet the space between Cinny’s ears.
It’s probably the most attractive thing Anakin’s seen in the last month.
He doesn’t want to think about what that says about him.
#asks#obikin#zookeeper au#prompt fill#this was fun but also for some reason it took me like 4 hours rip my writing brain#i had PLANS for writing today ffs!!!#i'm posting now later than i wanted but i'll probably reblog tomorrow at a better time#so no fun tags on this guy for now#but also thnak oyu for the song recs everyone!!!!!!!!#i am going to make a playlist of them all :D#yall are beautiful <3#oh!! it's my friend amys bday and shes going to the zoo tomorrow so this silly shit is dedicated to her!!!#zoos are fun!!!#peoplewatching at zoos is even better!!#kids just say the wildest things
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Dancing Through Life
Fiyero Tigelaar x Reader
Summary: Y/n Upperland of the Upper Uplands, cousin to Galinda Upand, doesn’t have a problem with Fiyero Tigelaar, but that doesnt’t mean that she wants him around. However, after one simple walk with the Winkie Prince, Y/n discovers that he’s not so bad after all.
A/n: hi hi! I’m back with a Fiyero one shot, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve forgotten about the second Bridgerton and I. I’ve written two chapters so far over thanksgiving break and I might try to squeeze in one more chapter or at least half of one before I go back to school. I don’t really have enough time to write when I am at school, so the next time I’ll probably get back to writing during Christmas break which is in a couple weeks. Then I’ll finish the Bridgerton and I and I’m thinking about waiting to finish the Bridgerton and I completely before posting any more chapters, so the ff will probably be finished in December. I wrote this one shot because Wicked has been on my mind 24/7 and I can write whatever comes to mind, but for the Bridgerton and I have to sit down and rewatch Bridgerton episodes so that I can make sure I get all the words exactly right. I hope you guys continue to be patient as I try to finish it :).
I have recently seen the movie Wicked and plan to see 10 million more times because it is SO GOOD. Wicked is basically my whole personality at this point. I was already obsessed with Fiyero, but Jonathan Bailey as Fiyero made my obsession worse (but in a good way :)). And with this obsession comes a Jonathan Bailey Fiyero Tigelaar one shot. I hope you enjoy!! I also have a plan to write another one so stay tuned for that!
It was a beautiful day today, so after class I decided to read at my favorite spot: the bench under the oak tree. I loved it here because it was a peaceful place where I never got disturbed. Or so I thought.
I realized he was near when I heard the sound of boots stepping onto grass. It was only when his shadow blocked the words on the page that I finally looked up.
Fiyero looked down on me with curious eyes, but there was still a charming smile plastered on his face. I tried to hide how his smile affected me, but he must have noticed the change in my demeanor because his smile turned into a smirk.
I thought after my cousin Galinda introduced him to my brother and I earlier today would be the last time I saw him for the day. It appears the Winkie prince had other plans.
“Well what is Miss Upland doing under the oak tree?” He asked.
“Reading.” I held up my book for effect before I continued back to where I left off.
I saw him take a seat beside me on the bench in the corner of my eye.
“It’s Friday.” He continued.
I rolled my eyes. “I know. I can read calendars.” Fiyero chuckled at my blunt and snippy responses. He could clearly tell that I was annoyed by his presence, but he continued to talk anyway.
“It’s Friday and you are here reading under an oak tree. You should be out there having fun.” He used his hands to gesture to all the other students hanging out at the courtyard.
“This is fun to me.”
“School work is fun?”
“Well for your information this book is not for school it’s for me.”
“Well I believe you are filling your head with too many things. You’re thinking too much.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Well that’s not surprising coming from a prince like you.”
“A prince like me?” Fiyero gave a feigned pained expression. “I’m hurt that you would think that way about me.”
“Well I believe that you present yourself as self-absorbed and deeply shallow, but I don’t think you are. I think you use that as a front to hide the fact that you actually care and have thoughts.”
“Excuse me there’s no pretense here. I happen to be genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow.”
“Okay.” I said not believing him. I shut my book and stood from the bench. I finished the book I was reading and decided to go search for another one to read.
“Well I guess it was nice talking to you.”
I began to walk back to my room, but he blocked my path.
“Where are you going?”
“Back to my room to find another book.”
“Oh come on. Drop the book for once and have some fun.”
I pushed past him and walked away without looking back. I was hoping he would leave me alone after that, but luck was not on my side today.
“Since you’re going back to your room, maybe I can save you the trouble of carrying your book all the way back.”
He grabbed the book from my hand before I could say anything.
“Hey give that back!”
I tried to grab the book back, but he raised the book above my head, so that I couldn’t reach and jumping up was no use. Fiyero was laughing at me struggling, so I sighed in defeat.
“Fine. You can help me carry my singular book up to my room.”
Fiyero was happy with my response because he was smiling from ear to ear. We were now standing nose to nose and I could feel his breath fan across my face. If I looked down I would have perfect access to his lips. Wait what was I thinking? I quickly backed away from him before I did anything stupid. Fiyero smiled down at me and said, “See now that wasn’t so hard now was it? Lead the way princess.”
I would he lying if I said I didn’t get affected by his words. Butterflies filled my stomach and I probably would have melted if I didn’t catch myself. What is wrong with me?
“Yes princess. It suits you. Princess of the Upper Upperlands.” He said with a dramatic voice.
I was about to retaliate when a certain blondey came to mind.
“Shouldn’t you be calling Galinda princess?” I asked.
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you two are a thing.”
Fiyero chuckled. “I just met her this morning and besides I’m like this with everyone.”
My heart sunk at his words. So he was just treating me like everyone else? But why was I so upset about it? Just a few hours ago I wanted nothing to do with him and now I was disappointed that he’s not treating me differently.
“And if I called her princess then I wouldn’t be able to call you princess. Princess.” He said with a wink.
That definitely lifted my spirits. Sweet Oz! He was making feel a roller coaster of emotions. I could tell there will never be a dull moment with him.
I gave him a small smile but I looked down on the floor to hide it from him. I didn’t want him to notice that I started to warm up to him, but he saw the slight upturn of my lips.
“Well who knew that Miss Upland could smile. It’s a miracle!”
“Oh shut up!” I said, but you could hear the grin in my voice.
“Besides reading, what do you really do for fun?” I looked up at Fiyero and could tell that he truly wanted to know my genuine answer. So it seems that my premonition about him not being self-absorbed and deeply shallow was true.
“Umm…spending time with friends, swimming. Oh there’s a lake in the Upper Upperlands that my family and I go to every summer to cool off and it has such beautiful scenery. Not to mention the nearby ice cream shop…”
I stopped after I realized that I blabbered on. “I’m sorry I sort of got carried away.”
I looked up at Fiyero, but he didn’t seem bothered at all with my tangent. He actually seemed rather interested with what I had to say.
“No continue.” He said with an encouraging smile.
“No I’d rather not.”
I know he wanted to hear more, but he didn’t push me, which I was glad for. I was a little embarrassed with my little outburst.
“Well how about you discover a new way to have fun?” Fiyero said changing the subject.
“Come with me to the Ozdust Ballroom tonight. The most swankified place in town.”
“Aren’t we not supposed to be off campus after dark?”
“Yes, but not being allowed to leave after dark makes it more fun!”
“I’ll pass.”
“Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“I left her at home.”
Fiyero paused before he burst into laughter.
“My joke wasn’t that funny.” But I couldn’t help but laugh along with Fiyero.
Fiyero paused again.“Your laugh.”
I took a few moments to recompose myself before asking, “What about my laugh?”
“It’s beautiful.”
I stopped walking and choked on air.
“What?” I asked, but Fiyero ignored me.
“Which way is your room?”
I realized that we have reached the dead end which separated into two hallways.
“This way.” I said as I begin to walk to the right. I walked a little faster to make this walk shorter. I have embarrassed myself way too many times in a such a short amount of time and I just wanted to smash my pillow in my face and scream. The rest of the way was silent until we reached my door.
“Well here we are. My humble abode.” I said. “Thank you for the uh…walk.”
“It was my pleasure. I hope to see you tonight at the Ozdust ballroom Miss Upland.
Fiyero smiled at my response.
“Y/n. I hope to see you tonight.”
I opened the door and was about to walk in, but I turned around instead.
“I know you like to put on the facade that you are this Winkie prince who doesn’t have a care in the world, but you’re also human. Yes you might be self-absorbed and shallow, but that’s not all of you and you have thoughts that should be shared. If you take away your crowd of admirers you’ll be left with the real you. If you want to continue with this role in front of everyone then that’s fine…,but you don’t have to be that way with me.”
Fiyero’s expression was unreadable, but I could have sworn I saw flickers of fear and appreciation.
“Y/n…I don’t know what to say.”
His hands fell to his sides and I realized that he still had my book. I slowly inched towards his hand and pulled the book from his grasp. But before I pulled away I took his hand in mine and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“You don’t have to say anything.” I said with a smile.
He nodded and with one last squeeze I pulled away and slowly closed the door shut.
I laid in my bed, for what seemed like hours, contemplating whether I should go to the Ozdust ballroom or not. I turned to my night stand to see that it’s only been a half hour. I groaned in frustration and covered my face with my pillow. Then I heard a knock at the door. I rose from my bed and opened it to see my brother Ezra.
“You. Me. Ozdust. Tonight.” He said as he entered my room.
“You know about that too?” I said as I shut the door.
“How do you know about it?” He asked curiously.
“I was invited.” I said as I plopped onto my bed. Ezra raised an eyebrow at my words and joined me.
“You were invited?! I wasn’t even invited! Who invited you?”
“So how do you know about it?” I asked avoiding what he asked me.
“I overheard some students talking about it, but don’t avoid the question. Who invited you?”
Ezra’s eyebrows shot up to the ceiling.
“Fiyero Tigelaar of Winkie country? But you hate him.”
“I don’t hate him! Where did you get that impression.”
“When Galinda introduced us to him you didn’t seem to be too pleased with him.”
I thought back to the first impression I had of Fiyero when I first met him.
When he first stood in front of me I took a good look at him and he was exactly what I expected from a Winkie prince. He was dressed to the nines from head to toe. You could tell his blue jacket and pants were made to perfection and the gold accents were sewn with precision. His black polished boots were so shiny that you could even see your own reflection in them. And that was just his clothes.
Fiyero had an aura about him. It was as if he believed he always had to be the center of attention. Reminds me of someone that I know, but I know that Galinda has a heart. It was too soon to tell if he genuinely cares, but by the way he acted and the way the students nearby looked at him, I could already tell that his way of life to everyone else was fake.
Then he approached me later on in the day and I got to know him a little more. I soon realized that he wasn’t all so bad by himself. It was only when he was around everyone else where his walls come up and he acts out his facade.
“I guess I had a change of heart.” I finally answered.
“Uh huh. And how did Fiyero even get the chance to talk to you. The only way that can happen is if you two hung out alone.” Ezra said teasingly as he wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed at his antics.
“Fiyero might have interrupted my peaceful reading time earlier today and I got to know him a little more.”
“And before you say anything else there was nothing else to it. He offered to walk me back to my room and that’s when he invited me to the Ozdust ballroom. On our walk back I got to know him a little better and he’s not so bad by himself.”
“Hmm hmm.”
“Nothing else happened!”
“Hey I said nothing!” Ezra said as he lifted his hands to the sides of his face in defense. “But this means that you’re coming!”
“I didn’t say yes.”
“But I didn’t say no either. I’m still thinking about my answer.”
Ezra looped his arm with mine.
“Now I’m forcing you to come because I’m coming and I’m not going to have you sit pathetically in your room.”
“I’m not going to—“
“Ah uh. I won’t take no for an answer. And don’t say you don’t have anything to wear. Your wardrobe is almost as grand and big as Galinda’s.”
Ezra did have a point. I worried about my appearance and wardrobe just as much as Galinda, but I didn’t flaunt it as much as my cousin did.
“Come on.” Ezra grabbed my hands and pulled me up from my bed. He led me to one of my luggage’s that turned into a closet with the push of a button. Ezra pushed the button and pushed me towards my array of dresses.
“Well go on.” He prompted.
I stumbled upon the rack and begin to flip through my choices until I came across a dress that brought a smile to my face.
Ezra and I missed the boat that Galinda and Fiyero went on, so we arrived at the Ozdust ballroom a little later. I peeked over the corner and was in awe with what I saw.
The entrance of the ballroom had a ginormous staircase which led to the dance floor. At the end of the room was where a band of animals were playing the music. On the ceiling schools of fish were dancing in formation to the beat of the music. That’s when I realized that this ballroom was underwater. That was something I’ve never seen before.
Ezra and I began to walk down the staircase and I began to notice a lot of familiar faces from school.
“Do people come here often?” I asked Ezra. He first attended Shiz last year, so he had a whole year of experience before I came along.
“I would say so. It’s where most people go over the weekend, but this is the first time I’ve ever gone.”
I looked at him shocked. “Really?!”
“Yeah. I’ve never been invited and I’ve always wanted to go, but I never knew how to get here until I overheard those two girls talking today.”
“Well today’s your lucky day!” I said with a smile.
“Indeed it is.” He said with a chuckle. “Oh I see some of my friends I invited over there. Will you be okay on your own?”
“Yeah I will. Galinda should be around here somehere.”
“And Fiyero.” Ezra said with a glint of mischievousness.
“Yeah him too.”
Ezra laughed before he walked over to his two friends. Now I was left alone to fend for myself. I noticed a drink table on the side of the dance floor, so I made my way over there.
I had no idea what was in the glass, but it tasted quite good. I sipped quietly off to the side when I noticed a familiar figure approach me.
“Well if it isn’t Miss Upland.”
“Please don’t call me that.”
“Alright then. Princess.”
“Y/n.” I corrected him
“Princess Y/n.”
I figured it would be pointless so I gave up trying to correct him.
“I was almost starting to think you weren’t going to show up. What made you change your mind? Me?”
“Don’t be so full of yourself Fiyero. My brother forced me to come.”
“Aww so I can’t go around telling people that you’re my date tonight?”
I nearly choked on my drink, but I managed to regain my composure.
“Not a chance.”
“What a shame and to think I was going to ask you to dance.”
“I didn’t say no to that.” I said with a teasing smile. Fiyero looked shocked and glad that I was finally playing his game.
“Since you say so, I’ll just take this.”
Fiyero grabbed the drink from my hand and downed the rest of it before setting it on the table.
“Shall we?” He extended out his hand for me to take. I didn’t say anything, but I accepted his hand and he led me to the dance floor.
He began to twirl and whirl me around to the beat of the music and I found a couple laughs slip from my mouth. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time and I couldn’t believe that Fiyero of all people was making that happen.
One by one Galinda, Ezra, and his friends joined us as well. It was great to not care about the trivial things in life and simply dance through life as Fiyero likes to put it.
At one point the band slowed down the tempo of the music to a slower one and Fiyero gave me a knowing look. I looked back at Ezra and he winked at me before walking off the dance floor with his friends. I turned back to Fiyero and grabbed his hand. He gave me a beaming smiling, put his hands on my hips and began to move me across the ballroom floor.
“You know I’ve been thinking about what you said earlier today.” He said.
“About?” But I had an inkling about what he was talking about.
“About me pretending in front of everyone else.” I simply nodded and waited for him to continue.
“I guess I started doing it in order to hide my true depth of character. It was a way for me navigate the superficial social circles and get the chance to meet powerful people. I’ve done it for so long that I forgot what it’s like to just be me, but you were the first person to ever see through that.”
I took a moment to take in his words. It must have been exhausting to keep up that facade for so long. I felt bad for Fiyero. The fact that he felt the need to live like that.
“Well like I said you don’t have to pretend with me. I want to know the real Fiyero Tigelaar. Do you think you can manage to do that?”
“I can for you.”
Under normal circumstances I would have collapsed right then and there there, but that would do either of us no good. Fiyero had just finished telling me something he’s never spoken out loud before and I have to be the support he needs.
He twirled me around once more before pulling me right back into his arms. Then he brought his mouth up to my ear and whispered changing the subject.
“You look beautiful princess. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you tonight. I must say that blue is definitely your color. You are hands down the most beautiful one here.”
“I don’t think so.” I said as I looked down at the floor bashfully.
Fiyero grabbed my chin with his finger and brought my face up to look up at him.
“I beg to differ.” He grabbed a strand of my hair and pulled it back behind my ear. I felt his breath against my ear and shivers traveled down my spine. No boy has ever gave me as much attention as Fiyero has and I was at a loss with what to do. But in a strange way I knew exactly what to do, which is why I was bold enough to try something.
“Can I tell you a secret?” I whispered in his ear.
Fiyero looked confused, but he nodded anyway. I stood up on my tiptoes and went up to his ear, but at the very last second I grabbed his face and connected his lips with mine.
At first he didn’t responded, and I got so scared I got the message wrong, so I almost pulled away. However, he soon reciprocated the kiss and placed one hand firmly on my waist and the other framing my face. The kiss started simple, but then it became more intense. I would have kept on going, but then I remembered where we were.
I pulled away and looked around to see my brother looking at me with a knowing look as if he was saying I told you so. He mouthed, “And you said there was nothing else to it.”
“Shut up.” I mouthed back.
“Do you want to take this somewhere else? Away from the public eye.” Fiyero asked.
I looked up at his blue eyes and thought about being alone with Fiyero. Being able to hold him and kiss him to my hearts desire. I nodded with a smile.
Fiyero smiled back and interlocked our hands. Together the both of us walked out of the Ozdust ballroom without a care in the world and we simply danced through life.
#wicked#fiyero tigelaar#fiyero tigelaar x reader#galinda upland#wicked galinda#wicked fiyero#wicked film#winkie prince#ozdust ballroom#dancing through life
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I have a request!! Could you write something about it being Cregan’s birthday but he forgets that it’s his birthday. Like it starts with little things like the kids bringing him breakfast in bed and he is thinking “how odd” but doesn’t mind it, sometime later he’s listening to some concerns from the locals and his daughter just runs up and sits on his lap and gives him a flower and a kiss on his cheek before jumping down and running away. Basically his wife and children are doing little things for him throughout the day and the day ends with a cute surprise dinner, his son manages to snag Ice or tells him something is happening in the main hall and he needs to go quickly but he gets there in the main hall and is surprised with some people of the North and his wife and kids and they have a nice small feast together. After the dinner they have a cute family hug and he thanks them. Please and thank you!
Valyrian Bride (nameday)
Requests are closed!
- Summary: Cregan notices his wife and children doing strange (well, stranger then usual) things for him throughout the day.
- Pairing: velaryon!reader/Cregan Stark
- Note: I've blended in your request with this series. I hope you don't mind, dear anon. ☺️
- Previous part: dragon's bath
- Rating: Mild 13+
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @alyssa-dayne @oxymakestheworldgoround
Cregan Stark woke to the scent of fresh bread and something sweet. Groggy from a late night spent discussing strategies with his bannermen, he blinked his eyes open, feeling unusually warm. The early morning light filtered into the chambers, and as his vision adjusted, he found himself staring at an odd sight—his children standing by the side of the bed, balancing trays full of food, their faces lit with excitement.
“Good morning, Papa!” his daughter chirped, her silver-gold hair falling around her face as she held a tray of honeyed bread and eggs.
His son, holding a pitcher of steaming tea with a grin that was a little too mischievous, echoed, “Happy morning, Father!”
Cregan blinked again, sitting up slowly. His brow furrowed in confusion. “What’s this, then?”
“We brought you breakfast in bed,” his daughter announced proudly, as though this were the most obvious thing in the world. She carefully set the tray on his lap, beaming.
His son plopped down on the edge of the bed, handing him a cup of tea. “And we didn’t even burn anything!”
Cregan accepted the cup with a bemused look, glancing from one child to the other. “Aye, and I appreciate it,” he said, taking a sip of the tea, which, to his surprise, was perfectly brewed. “But what’s the occasion?”
The siblings exchanged a quick glance, then shrugged in unison, far too casually for Cregan’s liking. “No occasion!” they said, practically in chorus.
He raised an eyebrow but decided not to press further. Children had their whims, after all, and if today’s whim involved breakfast in bed, he wasn’t going to complain. Still, something tugged at the back of his mind as he tucked into the meal. There was a familiarity to the kindness, a sense of something he should be remembering, but it slipped just out of reach.
“Right,” he muttered, shaking his head as children began chattering about their plans for the day. “Odd, but… I’ll take it.”
Later that morning, Cregan found himself in the courtyard, listening to the concerns of one of the local farmers who was having trouble with the wolves getting too close to his sheep. As usual, Cregan was methodical, going over possible solutions, but as he was deep in thought, something small and swift barreled toward him.
His daughter.
She darted up to him, completely ignoring the fact that he was in the middle of a conversation, and, without a word, climbed into his lap as though it were the most natural thing in the world. Cregan blinked, startled by her sudden appearance.
“Papa!” she said brightly, brandishing a small, wildflower. She placed it delicately in his hand, then leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek. “For you!”
And with that, she jumped down and scampered off, leaving Cregan holding the flower, thoroughly perplexed. The farmer stared at him, eyebrows raised, but Cregan could only offer a sheepish grin as he tucked the flower into his pocket.
“How… odd,” he muttered under his breath again, but a smile tugged at his lips. The day was starting to feel more and more unusual, but he had work to do, and so he carried on.
The afternoon brought more strange little moments. His wife seemed to be uncharacteristically affectionate, brushing her hand along his arm as they passed one another in the hall, pressing a kiss to his temple when no one was looking. At one point, she even slipped him a small note during lunch, which simply read, “Tonight, you’ll see.”
Cregan narrowed his eyes at her, but she just smiled in that secretive way of hers, leaving him both intrigued and slightly wary. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was happening right under his nose, but for the life of him, he couldn’t put it together.
And then, just as the sun began to set, his son burst into his study, eyes wide and breathless with excitement. “Father!” he said, grabbing Cregan’s arm and tugging. “You need to come to the main hall. Quickly!”
Cregan stood, frowning. “Why? What’s happened?”
“It’s important! Hurry!” the boy insisted, already half-dragging him toward the door. Cregan, still baffled but curious now, allowed himself to be pulled along.
As they made their way through the corridors, Cregan’s brow furrowed deeper. Something was definitely going on. The halls were suspiciously quiet, and the usual activity of the castle seemed to have hushed as if Winterfell itself was holding its breath. His son glanced back at him every so often, grinning like a cat that had caught a mouse, but gave no further explanation.
When they reached the main hall, Cregan pushed the heavy wooden door open, and—
“Surprise!” A chorus of voices filled the air, followed by the sound of clapping and cheers.
Cregan stood frozen in the doorway, staring in disbelief. The great hall was filled with familiar faces—his bannermen, the local farmers, his closest friends and family. Long tables had been laid out, piled high with food and drink, the hearth was roaring, and banners adorned the walls in celebration.
And at the head of the table stood his wife, smiling warmly, with their children flanking her on either side.
Cregan blinked, completely taken aback. “What in the—”
“Happy nameday, my love,” his wife said, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around him. She pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, and the realization finally hit him.
His nameday.
Of course.
Cregan let out a surprised laugh, shaking his head. “I forgot, Y/N.”
“We know,” she teased, laughing as she pulled him into the hall. “That’s why we had to remind you in the most obvious way possible.”
He glanced around the hall, at all the people gathered there—the people of the North, his family, his friends—and felt a deep warmth fill his chest. “You’ve all been plotting this the whole day, haven’t you?”
His son puffed out his chest. “Of course! Did you like your breakfast?”
“And the flower?” his daughter chimed in, skipping over to tug on his hand.
Cregan laughed, pulling his children into a tight embrace. “Aye, I should’ve known something was going on.”
The evening passed in a blur of laughter and feasting. Cregan sat at the head of the table with his family by his side, enjoying the small but heartfelt celebration. The food was simple but delicious, the company warm and lively, and as the fire crackled and the stars began to twinkle in the sky outside, Cregan realized just how blessed he was.
After the meal, his children ran to him, wrapping their arms around his legs. His wife joined in, placing her hand on his shoulder, her eyes filled with affection. They stood together for a moment in a quiet, perfect family hug, the warmth of the day filling the space between them.
Cregan looked down at his children, then up at his wife, and felt a smile spread across his face, one of pure, unfiltered contentment. “Thank you,” he said softly, his voice thick with emotion. “All of you.”
His wife pressed another kiss to his cheek. “You deserve it.”
And as the fire burned low and the night deepened, Cregan knew he’d remember this nameday not for the gifts or the feast, but for the love that surrounded him—the love of his wife, his children, and his people.
#house of the dragon#hotd x reader#hotd#hotd x y/n#hotd x you#cregan x y/n#cregan x you#cregan stark x reader#cregan x reader#cregan stark#hotd cregan
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sweetttt it is officially late and i will turn it in tomorrow (which is technically today but you know what i mean)!
okay it is fr grind time i have one hour to complete this 100 point assignment
#i truly meant to finish it today#but adhd had other plans there was just not enough time for me to be able to concentrate like that LOL#anyways gonna finish the outline and then do the easy parts tomorrow#unfortunate because i already post-poned an assignment that was due today for tomorrow as well#trying to let go of this kind of thing tho#just realized that other assignment is significantly late already oops it was due last friday#welp i will take the L and submit it whenever i can :')#before this friday because then it's no credit hahahahaha#cries okay deep breaths guys!! deep breaths hah#it's okay because i will pass the class!!#even if i get a shit ass grade on a few assignments <33#sad about doing it all tomorrow only because that means less writing ff timeee :((#. >> mari says shit !
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Valentine's Day Special - Day 4 (1|2)
Glimpse into The Future series
A Jamie Tartt x fem! PA reader (future)
Masterlist Valentine' Special
TW: cursing, kissing
A/N: Hello everyone my PC broke so now I have to post from my Ipad (like a proper Ipad kid) and so it took me a little longer to write all of the ff that I will post today!
Y/N was trying really hard not to be annoyed.
Eight months pregnant, still managing Jamie’s chaotic schedule (because if she doesn’t, who will?), and now, on top of it all, it’s Valentine’s Day.
And Jamie? Her fiancé, the man who is usually all about grand gestures, hasn’t even mentioned it. No flowers, no cheeky comments, not even a dumb heart-shaped chocolate from Tesco.
She had told herself, over and over again, that it was just Valentine’s Day. That it wasn’t a big deal. That Jamie had been busier than usual with training, the season was in full swing.
It was fine.
Except it wasn’t fine.
Because Jamie Tartt was not the type of man to forget any excuse to be romantic.
Their first official Valentine’s together, he had rented out her favorite café and covered it in fairy lights. Last year, he had taken her on a midnight boat ride on the Thames, complete with a ridiculous heart-shaped cake he had insisted on feeding her himself.
And this year?
Not even a mention of it.
She had been waiting all day for something—a knowing smirk, a teasing comment, even a dumb heart-shaped chocolate from Tesco that he grabbed last minute.
But when he had left for training that morning, all she had gotten was a peck on the cheek and a casual, “Don’t work too hard, yeah?”
And now, sitting on the couch, eight months pregnant and feeling more hormonal than ever, Y/N was fuming.
“He forgot, Keeley,” she huffed, her phone propped up on the coffee table as she Facetimed her best friend. “He left for training this morning, gave me a peck—a peck, Keeley!—on the cheek and said, ‘Don’t work too hard, yeah?’”
On screen, Keeley gasped dramatically, her eyes wide. “No way. Jamie? Your Jamie? The same Jamie who once wrote you a song on Valentine’s—and made the lads perform it in the locker room?”
“Exactly.” Y/N groaned, rubbing her belly absentmindedly. “It’s like… maybe he thinks now that we’re engaged and I’m carrying his child, he doesn’t have to try anymore. Maybe he thinks he’s already won me over, and now he can just—coast.”
Keeley winced. “Oof. Dangerous territory, babe.”
“Tell me about it,” Y/N muttered. “Like, okay, I get it. We’ve been together for years, and yeah, I’m not exactly in the mood for a grand romantic gesture right now—”
“Babe, you’re carrying an actual human. You deserve at least a grand romantic gesture.”
“Thank you! That’s what I’m saying!” She threw her hands up. “But at this point, I’d settle for anything. A little post-it note. A Tesco meal deal with a ‘Happy Valentine’s, love’ text.”
“Damn,” Keeley murmured. “He really hasn’t said anything?”
“Nope. Just texts about lunch, a meme about football, and a call asking where his lucky boots are. Oh, and not a single mention of the literal child I’m carrying, by the way.”
“Okay, that’s sus.” Keeley narrowed her eyes. “He’s either completely lost the plot or—”
“Or what?”
A slow smirk spread across Keeley’s face. “Or he’s fucking with you.”
Y/N frowned. “No way.”
“Babe. It’s Jamie.” Keeley raised an eyebrow. “He lives to wind people up. And he loves you way too much to actually forget Valentine’s. I bet you anything he’s planning something.”
Y/N hesitated. On one hand, Keeley had a point. Jamie did have a habit of winding her up just to see her reaction.
But still—he hadn’t even teased her about it.
“I dunno,” she muttered, sinking back into the couch. “I just feel… weird about it. Like, if he is planning something, why wouldn’t he drop any hints? And if he isn’t planning something… what does that mean?”
Keeley gave her a sympathetic look. “Look, babe. Either way, you’re getting answers soon. He’ll be home soon, yeah?”
“Then let him dig his own grave if he’s forgotten. And if he hasn’t?” Keeley smirked. “Then prepare to be very impressed.”
Y/N huffed. “I hate that you’re making me feel hopeful.”
Keeley grinned. “That’s what best friends are for.”
When Jamie finally got home, Y/N had prepared herself for disappointment.
She had convinced herself that she was overreacting. That it was just her hormones making everything worse. That it was fine if Jamie had actually forgotten.
But the moment he walked through the door, grinning like nothing was wrong,mall casual, and kisses her forehead like it’s just another day, she felt a fresh wave of irritation rise up.
“Hey, love,” he greeted, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead before dropping his bag by the door. “Good day?”
Y/N stared at him. Was he serious?
“You forgot Valentine’s Day.”
Jamie, the audacity, smirks. “Oh. Was that today?”
Y/N’s mouth fell open. “Jamie.”
“What?” He shrugged, kicking off his shoes. “Dunno, babe. Bit of a commercial holiday, innit?”
Her jaw clenched. “You are unbelievable.”
Jamie smirked again, completely unfazed. “C’mon, love. You’re tellin’ me you really care about all that lovey-dovey shit?”
Y/N’s nostrils flared. “Oh, you mean the ‘lovey-dovey shit’ that you have gone all out for every other year? The same lovey-dovey shit that you have always loved making a big deal out of?”
Jamie hummed, like he was thinking about it. “Dunno, babe. Maybe I’ve matured.”
“Oh, fuck off,” she snapped, shoving his chest. “I hate you.”
Jamie just chuckled, catching her hands and kissing her knuckles. “Nah, you don’t.”
She glared. “I swear to God, Jamie—”
And then—there was a knock at the door.
Jamie’s smirk grew even bigger if possible. “That for us, you think?”
Y/N narrowed her eyes as she waddles over to open it. And standing there was a private driver.
“For Miss Y/L/N and Mr. Tartt,” he said smoothly, nodding toward a sleek black car.
Y/N turned back to Jamie, glaring.
“You arse.” She smacked his arm. “You did this on purpose.”
Jamie grinned, completely unrepentant and kisses her hand. “Course I did. Had to see if you’d still marry me even if I was a dickhead.”
Y/N huffed. “You are so lucky I love you.”
“I know.”
The car takes them to a private rooftop restaurant Jamie rented just for them. Fairy lights. Candles. A cozy setup with blankets because he knows she gets cold easily. Her favorite foods. Mocktails. And in the center of the table—a scrapbook.
She flips it open, and inside are pictures of them from the very beginning.
— A polaroid of their first date, Jamie grinning like an idiot. — A ticket stub from the match where she stood up to Mr. Mannion. — A tiny note she once left in his gym bag, which he kept. — Ultrasound pictures, with a note: Can’t wait to meet you, little one. Your mum’s the best thing that ever happened to me.
“You’re a menace, Jamie.” she sniffled.
“Yeah, but I’m your menace.” Jamie just kissed her forehead. “Didn’t forget, love. Just wanted to mess with ya a bit.”
And when he knelt beside her, hands on her belly, whispering, “Happy Valentine’s Day, little one. Your dad’s a bit of a knob, but your mum? She’s the best,” Y/N decided that, yeah.
Y/N rolls her eyes. “Jamie, you’re such a—”
But he cuts her off with a kiss, and just like that, all is forgiven.
Yup, she’d still marry him.
Even if he was a dickhead sometimes.
#jamie tartt#ted lasso#ted lasso show#jamie tartt x reader#jamie tartt x y/n#jamie tartt x you#afc richmond#jamie tartt imagine#roy kent#sam obisanya#valentine's day
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Heyyy, just read your poly ff with lute, adam and reader and it gave me idea... Just imagine, readers day being particularly long and they feel like shit and so they come home to their two lovers and just cuddle and get taken care of + if there is wing stuff, I would go insane like wing caressing
You can write something of this or just have it in ur head bc can't get it out of mine hahha
Adam x reader x Lute
Let me make your day better
You were a newer angel working for the seraphims, Sera and Emily. And you loved your job you truly did, but Emily was exhausting. It was her job to make everyone happy and, in a way, working for her made that your job too. So all day you've been climbing through play places, making sure businesses were doing ok, cheering everyone up AND planning the early extermination. You were done, your social battery was shot, and it was taking everything you had to not just snap at absolutely everyone."Hey! Are you ready to go have more fun? We can have a slumber party? We could invite our friends! Drink soda pop until our heads explode! And have fun all night! I've got glitter glue and googly eyes!!" Emily listed off excitedly, bouncing on the balls on her feet. (If you understand the reference, I do write for sun. 👀) You took a deep breath trying to calm down and not snap at the sweet girl, "Emily darling it's starting to get late, it's not good to plan this things so late, plus you hate the dark and Sera won't be happy if you keep the lights on" you spoke trying to convince her it wasn't a good idea . Emily teared up slightly, "but I really really wanna keep hanging out! And having fun!" Emily whined loudly, and you finally lost it. "That's enough, emily!! I said not tonight!! You're so annoying!!" You snapped wings puffed up in anger, making you appear bigger than you were.
You could hear gasps of shock from around you due to the fact that you just yelled at a seraphim.You felt guilt start to overtake you, "emily.. i- oh god Emily, I'm so sorry, " you said softly, smoothing your wings out with your hand before crouching down in front of Emily. Emily looked like she was about to cry, "n-no, it's ok, I get it.. you can go home, " Emily sniffled and hiccuped. You nodded slightly, understanding that you weren't in a headspace that was open to keep working.
You nodded and left, heading straight home. It was starting to get dark in heaven anyway. You trugged through the front door, setting your clipboard on the table with a sigh. You went to your shared room and just turned all the lights off, cuddling up in the covers. You relaxed at the familiar scent of musk and sandalwood. Adam and lute used the same cologne, so it was the smell of both of them. You sighed, and you realized that with how close Adam is to the seraphims and how news travels around quickly, you knew Adam and lute were bound to find out quickly.
And as if on cue, you heard the front door open and two sets of boots step into your home.You sat up a bit and set your phone on the charger, Adam was the first one to enter your bedroom his mask and boots off. "Hey there sugartits you wanna tell me what happened with emily?" Adam said as he began changing into his at home clothes, aka just some sweatpants and a shirt.
"Today was just a lot, and I snapped.. she wasn't taking no for an answer and I couldn't take it.." you muttered
Adam nodded a bit. "Did you eat anything today?" Adam asked, turning to look at you. You shook your head a bit."I didn't get a chance. Can we just order something instead of cooking?" You asked
Adam sighed and nodded "yea we can do that." Adam plopped into the bed next to you on your left, pulling you close to him "Mm I missed you today, " Adam muttered softly
You could feel the smile crawl onto your face. "I missed you both too speaking of. Where's lute? I heard her come in?" You said, looking up at Adam. Adam smiled down at you. "She's grabbing you some water. She thought it'd be best to give you some space," Adam explained, rubbing your side.
Lute walked in after a few minutes with some water and a snack, "Hey there darling, I brought you something to eat," Lute said, crawling into bed next to you, handing you the water first.
You chugged the water down, not realizing how thirsty you had been throughout the day. "Thank you, lute.. I'm sorry I'm not being the best right now.. today was just shit.." You sighed a bit.
Adam was still rubbing your side while scrolling on his angelphone, showing you funny videos occasionally. Lute reached behind you, rubbing the base of your wings sweetly. "Do you need help winding down? A massage? Some of our kind of play time, maybe?" Lute offered gesturing to the chest of "toys" you had.
You relaxed a bit. "If you just keep playing with my wings and rubbing my back, that'd be great.. I don't think I'm supposed to fit in half the places I did today. " You laughed slightly before moving, resting your chest on Adam's thighs. Adam moved his phone a bit to look down at you "yknow you could put that mouth to use girly~" Adam put his hand on the back of your head moving your head a bit closer to his crotch. Lute slapped his hand away. "Stop that she just wants to relax pervert." Lute said sternly as she straddled your lower back and began massaging paying extra attention to your wings and breaking open some of the pin feathers you hadn't even realized you had.
You let out groans when lute hit knots in your muscles and your wings, "fucking hell lute.. you're so good at this" you breathed out. Lute snickered a bit "oh I know I'm good with my hands deary" she teased.
Adam huffed. "What so you can joke, but I can't? What a double standard danger tits, " he was whining. You took a deep breath. "Adam dear, I love you. I do, but if you keep whining like a toddler, I'll hit you," you threatened. Adam gasped playfully. " I'm the one buying food, and now I'm being threatened by my own lover? I can't believe you, " Adam joked as he handed you his phone to order what you wanted. You could hear Lute laugh at him as she massaged and rubbed along your wings. "Mm lute right there... that feels so good..." you whispered a bit.
Slowly lute finished the massage and ordered her food as well, and sat you back in your spot. Adam put his phone down as he put the order in before grabbing the remote and putting on your comfort movie.
The rest of the evening was rather relaxed. You ate together, had some dessert, and took a shower together before ending it all in a cuddle pile on the bed with you in the middle.
Lute was playing with your hair while humming softly, Adam playing with the feathers on your wings as you sat together in mostly silence aside from lutes humming and the white noise.
"I hope today is better for you, girly," Adam said softly, breaking the silence. "You know what? I think it will be better, but you guys really made today so much better for me.." you said softly
They always did make your bad days better, and you'll always make their bad days better, no matter what.
#hazbin hotel adam#x reader#hazbin adam#adam x reader#hazbin hotel#adam x reader x lute#adam x lute#lute x reader x adam#comfort#hazbin fluff#x reader fluff#jaded works🪶
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Could u write a fanfic abt Matt thinking y/n was cheating on Matt and Matt starts a fight and yelling at her (from Matt’s pov) PLEASEEE
scandals - matt sturniolo x fem reader
a/n: thank you for the request love! also soryy for not posting a fic in a while, school’s a bitch 😕
warnings: angstyyy, arguing, mentions of crying, i think that’s it, lmk if i missed any!! 💗
lmk if you want a part 2 💗
lots of love,
matt’s pov:
it had become a habit of mine to buy my girlfriend flowers everytime i saw her, and as much and nick and chris bullied me for it, i didn’t care, she deserved to be spoiled.
i was going over to hang out with her today, making my usual stop to target to pick up the flowers. once i had arrived, i used my spare key to get in.
“baby?” no response.
i made my way to her bedroom, softly knocking before slightly opening the door to peak in.
“hi baby!” y/n spoke.
“hi love,” i responded, kicking my shoes off and sitting on her bed while handing her the flowers.
“oh matt, they’re beautiful, thank you so much.” she smiled, placing her hand in my hair and kissing my cheek.
“i need to use the bathroom, we can put then in water after.” she walked to the bathroom before shutting the door.
her phone was on the bed, pinging like crazy. i picked it up, planning to put it on silent.
i’ll pick you up at seven yeah?
see you tn ��
what the fuck.
who is josh?
i scrolled further up the chat, multiple imessage games and sweet messages, all ending in hearts or “i love you”.
i can’t believe this, i really thought i could trust her.
i was snapped out of my thoughts when the bathroom door opened.
“sorry i took so long, i started my peri-“
“who the fuck is josh?” she jumped at the angry tone in my voice.
“matt he’s my br-“ she stuttered.
“are you fucking kidding me?! i really thought i could trust you yet here you messaging other guys? did you even mean it when you told me you loved me, because you sure tell that to josh all the time!” i cut her off again, my tone dripping with sarcasm and anger, i can’t believe she would do this to me.
“i hope you and him enjoy your date tonight, because im leaving.” i grabbed the flowers and went to put my shoes on.
“matt he’s my fucking brother! he’s picking me up for a family dinner!” she yelled, tears brimming her waterline. “i can’t believe you wouldn’t trust me, did you really think i would do that to you?!” she cried, rushing out of the room. “baby wait, i didn’t mea-“ i was cut off by the front door slamming.
i decided not to bother her, instead getting in my car and going on a drive to clear my head. about an hour or so had passed, and i pull into my driveway and grab my phone.
4 missed calls from nick.
2 missed calls from chris.
7 messages from nick.
wtf happened with u and y/n?
she just came here crying saying u said she cheated on you?
she would never do something like that
she was really upset
girl you fucked up
mf answer ur phone
ffs matt
oh i fucked up big time.
tags: @sturnioloslurps @lacysturniolo @lewisroscoelove @55sturn @freshloveforthefit @mattsneezing @mattsmunch
#matt sturniolo#sturniolo triplets#chris sturniolo#christopher sturniolo#sturniolo x reader#nathan doe#matthew sturniolo#nick sturniolo#nicolas sturniolo
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COD FF // Callsign: Sunshine // Ch. 42: Amongst the Gray
listen idk what about this chapter was so fucking hard for me to write but alas
here we are
I do hope u enjoy regardless of how much I struggled to shit it out
Callsign: Sunshine // Chapter 42: Amongst the Gray
Rating: 18+ !!MDNI!! Chapters: 42/? WC: 112,264 Pairing(s): TF141 x F!Reader (You) Chapter Warnings: Explicit language Chapter Excerpt (🚨spoilers!!🚨):
This room is very gray.
It's really just -- it's so gray. The walls are the wood of long-dead trees, the color and the life siphoned out of them by the cruel and unyielding passage of time. The floor isn't much better. Hard-packed dirt. Ancient. Untouched by the sun.
There are no windows. And the singular lamp in the center of the long, wooden worktable does little to illuminate the space.
Every corner of this room feels bereft. Dull. Still.
It's the servant's quarters. That big, open room in the basement where Gaz shot the zombie's brain out.
You haven't set a foot in here since then. Since...all of it. The zombie. Laswell. You're not sure why Cap picked this room instead of the kitchen. You suppose it doesn't matter.
You should probably give her a name, you think. The zombie. For as often as she crosses your mind.
You mentally admonish yourself for not thinking of it sooner and comb your mental list. The one you'd started over a decade ago, back when you were still practically a girl. When you thought a baby was something you wanted. Or could even have.
Sarai. Bijou. Marise.
None of them quite fit.
You'll keep this in the back of your mind, though. You'll think of something.
She deserves a name.
Cap, bless his heart, has been droning on and on about the game plan for Boston and today's team assignments for the last fifteen minutes -- and you've heard almost none of it.
Your legs are crossed uncomfortably beneath you, clenched together so hard you're losing a little feeling in your right butt cheek. You can't help it, though. You're trying to hold in place the ragged, long-forgotten washcloth Farah managed to find for you when you'd come crying to her door minutes before today's call-time.
You'd awoken that morning to the sight of blood. Covering your hands. Stark against poor Simon's white sheets.
A wave of panic had crashed through you -- only to be swiftly followed by a familiar twinge in your lower back.
You'd shifted the covers back. Huffed a disbelieving laugh and simply -- stared. At the sticky shade of currant coating the skin of your inner thighs.
Simon had startled hard at the sound, hands immediately finding your waist, tugging you into his body protectively.
"Si, it's okay," you'd assured him. "I'm okay."
He had blinked down at you, eyes snagging around your legs. "What--oh. Oh."
You'd spent the next several minutes convincing him that you were, in fact, okay, and allowing him to carry you to the bathroom for another shower. He'd taken his time with you again -- tender and reverent and utterly devoted to you. You're not entirely certain he's real sometimes. But he is. Every time you pinch yourself to be sure, he swats at you like a protective mother hen.
"What the hell're you doing?"
When you'd insisted upon returning to his room that you would do his laundry for him, he'd furrowed his pretty blonde brow in argument.
"I know how to get blood out of linens, Ace," he'd said, practically rolling his eyes. And, given that you had little rebuttal against this truth, that had been the end of it.
The sound of your name on Cap's lips snaps you back to reality. You jolt in your seat and grimace at the cascade of ugly sensations that follow. Fucking periods.
Cap frowns at you. "You're with Soap."
Your eyes find his directly across the table from you, wide and blue and happy to see you. Your own crinkle in return. He toes your shin playfully in greeting and you have to resist the urge to react with a similar gesture, lest you shift your rag out of place.
"Alright," Cap goes on, clapping his hands together. "Begone with the lot of you. We'll reassess tomorrow, map out a plan for hauling shit out of here. Pick-up is in three days."
The room stirs as people rise to their feet. Scuffs of shoes. Grouchy morning grumblings. You glance to your right to find Simon staring daggers at the Captain.
"What is it?" you ask.
He looks down at you, gaze immediately softening. "Nothin'," he mutters. "Just sorry to be stuck with Cap all day instead of with you two."
You giggle and waggle your eyebrows at Soap, who grins. You give Simon's knee a conciliatory squeeze.
"We'll come find ye for supper?" Soap suggests.
Simon smiles at his friend, his mask stretching with the movement.
"Alright. Just try not to get into any trouble without me."
Soap snorts. "Wouldn't dream of it, L.t."
Simon shakes his head. "Nah, be careful with this one." He jerks a thumb in your direction.
..................................................................... Links to: Spotify Playlist Full Fic
#simon ghost riley#simon riley#ghost cod#ghost#ghost x reader#ghost call of duty#ghost x you#captain john price#john price#captain price#cod price#captain price x reader#captain price x you#cod x reader#cod x you#call of duty#call of duty smut#cod fic#cod fanfic#task force 141#task force x reader#cod#tf 141#slow burn#gaz garrick#kyle gaz garrick#johnny soap mactavish#johnny mactavish#soap mactavish#found family
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V x reader when reader survives a car crash Like they go out to see a friend only to not come back for hours or days and then texts V all "oh I was in a car accident I'm sorry. I'm fine though" Wounds don't need to be severe but its up to you go crazy go creative !
Crash(V X MC)
Trigger warnings
Car crash
Injuries(Not life threating)
Slight inaccurate but this if a ff so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You were gonna visit your friend, Sage, and grab some lunch with her. You guys haven't met up in a while, you are writing a book and dealing with a server full of killers and hers, family issues and working overtime. Finally, after a week of trying to find a time and date to hang out, it was decided today at 11 am. It was planned after lunch to go to the mall and look around.
But even when you woke up, something felt.. off to you. You mostly shrugged it off and got ready. You texted V, saying morning and that you were up. He knew you were gonna be busy for about 3 hours, hearing you rant about how excited you were to meet her again, making him slightly jealous. It was a bit difficult to tell him that you were just friends. But besides the point, you got ready, and grabbed your keys on your way out.
You unlocked your beater car, it was second hand from your parents when they got a new car. Which, you accepted happily when you turned 18, it got you to places fine, and only had a few problems every once in a while. As you started up your car and started leaving your home, you felt this worry. You continued to ignore it as you drove, it might just be your nerves acting up since it was the first time in a while since you saw Sage.
You slowed down at the intersection, stopping for the red light. As you bopped your head to the song on the speakers. It turned red, and as you started driving again, not seeing the speeding car about to crash in. Immediately, you felt pain from it. You felt something wet on your lips and pain in your stomach. As you touched your head, you could feel like someone was taking an ax into your skull. You blink a couple times, looking around. You were at the rear-end, you could see the driver from the car behind you. He seems to have been passed out, and you could feel your head slowly grow heavier as your sights went black.
╭────────── ♱ · 𓆩🤍𓆪 · ♱ ─╮
╰─ ♱ · 𓆩🤍𓆪 · ♱ ──────────╯
As you woke up again, you could hear the heartbeat monitor next to you. You looked around, you swore you were driving, what happened? You felt some slight pain from your stomach and a light headache. You don’t seem to be roughed up.
As you were about to call for a nurse, the doctor came in. He was happy to tell you what went down. You were rear-ended by someone who was driving faster than he should be. And that both of you were fine, he would stay here for a couple days while you had to stay for a week, as you tore your liver and somehow fractured your kidney by the seat belt you wore.
As he walked out of the room, you finally realized that bad feeling you were getting. That bad feeling was about the car accident. You grabbed your phone that the doctor had on your bed. You saw the spam texts the server was sending. It was about 7 pm, way too late and you missed the mafia game. Sage also texted, you put her up to date before getting on the server. You saw that everyone was in the vc, which kinda surprised you. Everyone would be off doing something since mafia should done.
Getting a bit mischievous, you took a selfie, and posted it to the media chat with the caption, “I lived bitches. Mr. Sky daddy demanded me back down to this realm.” The selfie was with your head wrapped in bandages, in the hospital gown, and winking with your tongue out. Looking both handsome/cute and worse.
Immediately, you were spammed, with ‘what happened’ and ‘omg’. Also, including Ronin reacting with a laughing emoji from your caption. You typed out that you weren’t feeling up to call(especially with the heartbeat monitor next to you) but got into a crash and that you were fine as well.
You answered a few of their questions, not getting too much into it as you don’t know as much of the details yet. But V, he asked you in private messages.
“Where are you located?”
“A hospital?” You were feeling sassy, as after all, a little entertainment can’t hurt.
“Which one, Love?”
You rolled your eyes as you typed out the hospital, you figured he might just send you flowers, like a cliche tv drama. But after a while, he didn’t respond. You figured he might be on the server talking as he was still in the vc. You just shrugged it off as you just scrolled on your socials.
Well, until you hear a nurse come in and say someone was here for you. You figured it might be Sage, most likely apologizing for this, when it wasn’t her fault. So you invited her in, except it wasn’t Sage. It was your boyfriend.
“V?!” You didn’t know what to feel, he lived like an hour away from your home. You knew you felt shocked but there were more questions. “Why are you here?”
“Was in the area.” He stated as he got closer, pulling a chair closer to you and grabbing your hand. He looks so saddened to see you in this state. “Are you feeling pain?”
You were in a state of shock, “V… Just how are you here? You live an hour away and it’s only been… 35 minutes from my text, plus you’re still in the vc…” You looked at him with a smile, “Did you not hang up to see me?”
He looked away a bit embarrassed but coughed and looked back at you. “You didn’t answer my question, Love? Are you feeling pain?”
You nod, “I’m also on some pain meds they gave me. I’m fine. They’re treating me okay. I promise, V.”
He gave a soft sigh as he looked at you with his eyes softened. His eyes do look at the bandages on your head, with his hand moving to brush your hair and him kissing the bandages on your head. “I’m glad you are fine, you scared me with that photo. When you didn’t reply to my text, I thought you and your friend were still hanging out. But it was one of the worst things that could happen.”
You gave a soft smile as you put your hand on his arm. “But I’m alive and… somewhat healthy? So I’m okay, and fine. Though, sorry for not being there for game night.”
His hand leads back to your hand, holding it softly. You could feel his hand shaking, he was still scared of the possibilities. “We hold off on it, it didn’t feel fair without you.”
“Well, once I’m out of here, I’m sure game night will be back on. And please,” You sighed out. “Don’t kill me first again. It was so unfair, I was the doctor.”
He snorts softly and chuckles softly. “I make no promises, darling.”
I am so sorry the V part seems so short and wrote so much about the friend/crash but my mom actually got into a crash before I was born and we talked about it for a while before I wrote this and decided write a bit about it. Also, this was not beta/proof read, and if you saw me repost this, no. No, you didn't.
Word count: 1,194
Anyway I have some stories that I have been writing so pick your poison >:)
I'm still gonna publish them on a later date, it's just which one I should focus on first.
#killer chat#fanfic#gender neutral reader#killerchat#x reader#canon x reader#killer chat vn#killer chat v#v killer chat#v x reader
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Genre: Fluff and Smut
Pairings: Jungwon x Female bodied reader
A/N: I was so drained last week at school and I wrote the first part of this ff on my notes as a way to comfort myself. But, somehow, it turned into smut lmao. Anyways, the smut part is written amateurly because idrk how to write smut lol.
You'd had enough of today; everything seemed to be against you, and your life had never felt as miserable as it did today. Upon returning home, all you wanted was to wallow in your room, skip dinner, and call it a rough day. However, your boyfriend had other plans.
"Love?" Worry was etched on your boyfriend's face as he saw your downtrodden expression peeking through your bedroom door. You dragged your backpack behind you and let out a deep sigh as you immediately collapsed onto the bed, groaning as your sore muscles finally began to relax after about 8 hours of tension. You looked up at Jungwon, who was still staring at you intently.
"Sorry, love. I'm so tired," you said with a guilty smile. You could see his worry dissipate into thin air, replaced by sympathy. "Have you eaten yet? How did you get into my room? Does Mom know you're here?" you asked.
"No. Yes, and yes," Jungwon muttered slowly as he made his way towards you on the bed. He wrapped his arms around your waist and then flipped you over, positioning himself on top of your back. For a brief moment, a flicker of alarm crossed your eyes, but it quickly subsided when you felt his warm and delicate palms start to massage your back. He kneaded lightly, almost feather-light, but somehow, you could feel it resonating throughout your entire body. You let out a satisfied groan. "Did you think I was about to do something else?" he teased, continuing to massage you.
"For a second, yes." You answered in all honesty.
Jungwon coughed, obviously taken aback by your answer. "Really?" he asked and you nodded. "Okay. So... Tell me about your day," he changed the topic quickly, humming softly.
You sighed, recalling everything that had happened today.
"Well, for starters, our Physics class was so challenging. I barely managed to grasp today's lesson." You paused briefly, groaning in pleasure. You squirmed slightly under Jungwon's touch and motioned for him to stop because you knew he was tired too, but he nodded reassuringly, letting you know he was more than happy to help you relax even a little. You smiled gratefully. "Next, we had three exams earlier, and I barely slept last night. Plus, tomorrow, we have an oral recitation in Chemistry and a practical exam in Biology. For our Social Science activity, I'm the group leader and for Calculus as well. I'm so tired, love." You were doing your best to hold back a whimper, especially as you felt Jungwon's grip tighten further in worry. You knew it wasn't the end of the world, but it certainly felt that way. Being a straight-A student who wasn't naturally gifted and needed time and doubled effort to actually understand concepts and lessons was both pressuring and hard.
"Do you want some ice cream, Love?" Jungwon cooed, slowly turning you over and leaving a trail of kisses from your forehead down to your jaw. He gazed down at you with his feline-like eyes. He rubbed comforting circles on the back of your hands, pulling your hands closer to his face and affectionately placing them next to his cheeks. "I'm sorry. You're still so young, but you hardly get to enjoy your teenage years."
You suddenly felt a lump in your throat; his words struck you like a sharp knife. It was true. You don't even have any friends, and all you ever did was push yourself to meet expectations. You felt the need to achieve something all the time, or else you'd be deemed worthless.
"At least I have you. I have you, so it's bearable," you uttered weakly, cupping his cheeks with the hand that he had placed next to his face. "I seriously don't know what I would do if you weren't here with me, Won." Tears welled up, and you clutched the hem of your royal blue uniform skirt, feeling warm tears trail down your cheeks. Jungwon held your hands again.
At this point, you didn't even know how to continue. You were so tired, so worn out. Every day felt the same, and every day you felt your identity rapidly fading away.
"I love you." Jungwon carefully wiped away your tears and rested his forehead on yours, humming a comforting tune. You could feel his warm breath on your damp cheeks, the sensation making your stomach churn. "I'm always here for you, Love." he whispered, letting your hands go. But then, his voice cracked in a funny way when you accidentally rested your hands on top of his clothed member.
Your sobs were cut shortly, and your eyes immediately widened as you fumbled to get your sinful hands as far as possible.
You looked at an equally wide-eyed Jungwon, laughing like a maniac at his flustered expression. Jungwon's face turn red in embarrassment. You honestly don't know what to feel right now. You are sad, worried, exhausted, embarrassed, and happy all the same time. It's confusing.
"Why does your voice crack still sound so good, love?" You chuckled, pretending that what had just happened didn't just happen. But, Jungwon's face, down to his neck, was still the same shade as a tomato. He looked so... horrified.
"We were already creating a heart-warming environment." Jungwon groaned, burying his face into his palms. You don't know if he's actually talking to you, or scolding himself for breaking the vibe. He looked up at you for a brief moment and the when your eyes met, his cheeks became even redder. "I'm... I'm...." he trailed, lost for words.
"Sorry, love." You apologized, sniffing from the shortlived crying session you just had. Jungwon's left foot was vigorously shaking up and down uncomfortably, and you could see beads of sweet forming on his forehead. You were about to ask him what's wrong but your eyes vision was immediately caught by the tent like bulge on his denim pants. Oh. That's why. "Wonie... What are we going to do with that." You signalled with your eyes to his bulge that was very visible. Jungwon looked down on his pants and then looked at you guiltily.
"I swear to God, Love. This isn't what it looks like. I wasn't... I wasn't fantasizing about you... It's just that..." Jungwon groaned and rolled away to the furthest point in the bed from you. "God. I know that sounded so weird and it feels like I'm some type of creep. But, I swear, Love. I respect you so much and this..." He stopped midway, almost wailing from embarrassment.
You can't help but snort. He's so cute.
"Really, Jungwon?" You scooted closer to him and on cue, Jungwon scooted further, avoiding you like a plague. He raised his palms in the air indicating that you shouldn't go anywhere nearer, but of course, you didn't budge. "Love, we've been dating for 4 years already. I think it's about time th-"
"You're barely 18." Jungwon immediately cuts you off in horror, not even trying to hear what you were about to say. You were about to utter another word but Jungwon was quick to shush you off. "No." Jungwon stood firmly on his ground.
You shrugged.
"Mom and dad's out of town."
"I know. I asked your mom's permission to stay over for the night and I don't want to break their trust, love." He explained with his puppy eyes.
You can't help but smile at your boyfriend's cuteness.
"I will help you with that," you pointed towards his now pillow covered bulge and of course, his cheeks became red again.
"Love," Jungwon's nose was flaring upwards and the gravity of his glares were sending daggers on your side. "Please stop. I'm already trying my very best to hold myself back."
"Who told you to hold back."
Jungwon groaned. His jaws cleched and his eyes became dark, like a puma lurking to catch its prey.
"Why?" You asked.
Jungwon shook his head.
You looked at him with pleading eyes. He's always there for you and he comforts you all the time. It's about time that you make him feel loved too.
"Do you really want to do this, love?" He asked in all seriousness.
You nodded. Then, you just blinked and you swiftly felt your back hitting the soft mattress, your body bouncing a little. Jungwon encaged you with his body, kissing you passionately. It happened so fast that you gulped both in nervousness and excitement.
His kiss was filled with hunger. You had shared a couple of pecks and whatnot before. But this, this was different. You don't know precisely how, but you know that it's doing something. It's making you feel... things.
"You okay, love?" Jungwon let go of your lips, staring at you worriedly. You nodded mindlessly, trying to process the fact that your boyfriend is actually so attractive like this. Trying to process the fact that, this was actually happening. "If it's too much, pinch me, okay?" Jungwon instructed as he continued to kiss your jaws, leaving faint trails of his marks as he made his way down to your collarbones.
He skillfully took your school uniform off and you didn't even realize that you were only left with your underwear until he stopped kissing you.
"Won?" You had to shake him lightly when he was staring at your face, doing nothing for a few seconds. "Love?" You pinched him lightly.
Jungwon muttered a quick 'huh' and buried his face on his palms again upon having eye contact with you. You heard him breathing deeply, his shoulder falling and faltering.
"Sorry... It's just that... I'm so happy that you trust me this much, love. I can't believe this is actually happening." He explained, voicing out your own train of thoughts. You gave him a reassuring smile. "I don't know. Somehow, this feels like a monumental event in my life... in our lives. I can't believe this is actually happening now." He added.
You nodded, unbuttoning his shirt too. Now, you guys were left with your underwears only.
"I love you so much, Love." He whispered, taking your underwear off slowly.
"Wonie..." You can't help but tug on your boyfriend's hair as you felt him mercilessly eating you out like a starved lion. His breath on your thighs and the way he devoured your soaking core made you feel things you haven't felt before.
Jungwon hummed, the lewd sound coming from your own wetness and the lapping of his tounge filling the air. You rake his luscious hair, letting it glide and pass through the spaces between your fingers as you savoured the pleasure he was making you feel. "Ahh." You threw your head back as Jungwon suddenly pushed his tounge inside you without any warning. You were caught off guard. Ultimately, you were lured even further to the state of daze and you involuntarily closed your thighs with his head still in between you.
You heard him groaning.
"Won? Are you okay?" You rose from the bed frantically, and came to his aid with a hint of concern and guilt imbedded in your tone. You held his chin up for his boba-like eyes to meet yours as you tried to convey your apology. He immediately pecked a kiss on your lips, nodding to signal you that he's alright. "It's okay, love." He kissed you again, now deeper and more passionate. He drew teasing circles around your clit and you could feel a smile forming on his lips. He broke the kiss and laughed at your shuddering state.
"Does my fingers feel good, love? Does it feel better than my tongue?" He teased while still stimulating you down there. Now, it was his turn to prop your chin upwards, making you meet his eye as he mercilessly kneaded your clit. He was observing you like a hawk to its prey. You can't help but feel your blood gushing towards your cheeks. "Speechless?" He teased again. You looked at him in disbelief and amusement. Now, instead of giving in to his antics and letting him dominate over you, you grabbed his hand off your clitoris and you flicked his nose lightly.
You can't help but snicker at his dumfounded expression.
His eyes that were originally round and feline-like became even bigger. The trace of your own juice from earlier, sitting on the tip of his nose, made him look more of a cat that he already is. The sight of your boyfriend looking like this is to die for.
"What's so funny?" Jungwon raised his brows, cutting your thoughts off. His boba eyes glistened as he fluttered his long eyelashes slowly, his lips were formed in a thin line. You know he's trying to intimidate you but you just find his expression endearing. So, you bopped his nose again. "You look so cute." You replied, raising your right hand up to reach for his bare chest. Jungwon groaned upon your touch. You looked up his face searching for his eyes, and you saw it softening as he shook head, trying his very best to act displeased with your choice of word.
Jungwon's warm and feather-light fingers sent a feverish feeling all throughout your entire system as it swiftly made it's way grip your bare hips, pinning you in place. You saw his jaws clenching, eyes turning a shade darker. "Won? What ar—" You immediately yelped as you felt him bucking his hips to grind himself onto your core. "Fuck." You moaned rather loudly, considering Jungwon's satisfied reaction. Then, as if you were left hanging midair, he stopped.
"Love..." You mewled, bucking your hips upwards, craving for more friction. You looked at him in the eye searching for explanation but Jungwon held you down firmly as he smirked. "Now who's cute?" He teased, bucking his hips painfully slow. His bulge was stimulating the heck out of you like there's no tomorrow.
"I need you inside me." You begged, almost cringing at the sound of your own voice. "Now..." your breathing was hitched and the ache you felt earlier is now a lot stronger. You placed both of your hands on the back of Jungwon's neck and you pulled him in to a deep kiss. When he rose, Jungwon shook his head.
"Be patient, love. I don't want to hurt you." His eyes were sincere and his voice was mellow. You could feel his love through his gaze alone. "Since this is our first time, I don't wan—"
"I can take you!" You protested but he shook his head again. So, you, being a stubborn and horny partner, you decided to take matters into your own hands. You grabbed him by the wrist and flipped your positions over. Him being at the bottom and you on the top.
"No! That'll hurt, love." Jungwon immediately grabbed you by the hips when you were about to sink below him. He looked mad and concerned all at the same time. You sighed. You don't even know what's he on about. He's hard as a rock and straight as a baseball bat. He clearly needs this as much as you need it. "Behave, princess." In one milisecond, you found yourself laying in bed with your back again. You let out an audible squeak when you felt Jungwon towering on top of you.
"I get that you're excited," Jungwon started. He grabbed something from his bedside table and you squinted your eyes to figure out what it was. A bottle of lube. He unscrew the cap with his teeth and squeezed lube onto his hands. You breathe in deeply as a cool slimy sensation greeted your core. You felt Jungwon lathering you up with lube gently when suddenly, it's as if something's tearing you apart. He inserted his finger inside you. You felt pain like the once you feel when you get a papercut... but, triple that pain up and make it radiate and throb throughout your entire lower body. "It's a little painful, right?" Jungwon kissed your forehead. You nodded and bit your lower lip to stop yourself from wailing in pain. You asked for this.
"It's painful because you're all tensed up. Relax for me, love. Breathe." He hummed comfortingly as he buried his face on your neck. You did as you were told and you only thought of happy thoughts. "Good job. I'll insert another finger, alright?" And he did.
"Oh god." You moaned as you felt him scissoring you open, moving his middle and index finger inside you in an ungodly rhythm. You were fluttering your eyes, barely keeping them open as you felt something forming inside your stomach. It felt like something's about to break. Jungwon kept on pushing his fingers in an out of you until you felt like you were on the edge, only for him to stop. "Love... Why did you stop?" You whined breathlessly, your thighs shaking so badly.
"I thought you want me inside you?" Jungwon smiled, pulling your body to the edge of the bed as he stood there, preparing to pound your sanity out of you.
You looked up at him and saw his size clearly for the first time. You never really paid attention to its size earlier but now that you did, you felt a little concerned. He was longer than you expected him to be.
"That's gonna fit inside of me, right?"
"I hope so."
Just as you were about to protest and declare that you were ready to take him, you heard your phone ring from the bedside table.
Instinctively, the both of you threw your glance at it. "It's your mom. You should answer it." Jungwon who reached out for your phone said, as he gave it to you.
Now you felt your confidence slowly dissipating. You're already an adult and there's clearly nothing wrong with starting your sexual relationship at this age, especially with someone who's well loved by your family... but somehow, you suddenly felt like you were commiting a crime and your mom caught you.
"Hello, eomma?" You cleared your throat, trying to eliminate any signs of strain due to your moans, shrieks, and gasps earlier, afraid that your mom would know all the deeds that you've done right away.
"Where are you?" You moved your phone away from your face when your mom's voice echoed from the other line.
"At home." You gulped, trying your best to muster your words.
"Is Jungwon with you?" She asks.
"Yes." You bit your lower lip and buried your face closer to your phone, refusing to take a glance at Jungwon's side. You could feel hin snickering.
"Hello, eomonim." Jungwon greeted through the phone.
You heard a contented hum from the other line
"Be sure to lock the doors, okay? Your dad and I will be returning home tomorrow morning." Your mom reminded. "And, Jungwon, thank you for accompanying her." she added to which Jungwon replied with a polite 'no problem'.
As you pressed the hang up button, you felt Jungwon's lingering stares.
"Ready?" He smiled, and the rest was history.
#jungwon fluff#jungwon x reader#jungwon smut#jungwon scenarios#enhypen scenarios#enhypen#fanfic#jungwon imagines#boyfriend
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|| Reverse harem || ft. TXT, Mingyu (Seventeen) & BTS
WARNINGS: foul language, explicit content, group sex, humiliation, sex in public, threesome, foursoome, rough sex, red flags, immoral acts, unprotected sex, morbid jealousy, comedy, parody, possessiveness, violent quarrels, arguments, betrayals, lies, femdom sometimes.
GENRE: +18, reverse harem, comedy, enemy to lovers, friends to lovers
When I wake up I am not in Niki's room. It's the first thing I notice, I can't help but rise up startled to look around, am I already in cage? Is this how this day begins? Did Niki let him do it or did he wait for him to come out?
I sigh, still wearing last night's tshirt, briefs, and my mouth is bitter from smoking and not brushing my teeth, too tired.
Sunghoon enters in his room, he has an all too smug smile, seems to almost feel pity for me, I should too.
"You even bothered to bring me here?"
"I didn't feel like waiting for you to wake up from Niki's room." Amment serene.
I sneer, annoyed, as I get off his bed. "What are the plans for today?"
"What do you think?"
"I'm not going to do anything with you."
I hear him burst out laughing as I sigh looking at Heeseung's chat, did the idiot really send me the morning?
"What did you do yesterday? With Niki."
I lift my tired, sleepy gaze to his, then smile. "We did it every which way, first I was on top of him, then him. Forward, back, I had him all over." I see him laughing, yes, he's laughing, but only because he doesn't want to show that he's bothered by this, after all, he knows it could have really happened (and it did, but not in these ways and certainly not lightly).
"Oh yeah? So you like the much smaller ones? Gross."
"Riki is my bias, after all." I laugh too, walking to leave the room.
He doesn't stop me but follows me, and I go to the kitchen to make myself a long espresso. "So, nothing to do today either?"
"No, nothing in particular. - He explains, walking away to get a small bottle of water from the fridge. - So, do you have Heeseung's number now, Jake? Niki probably gave you his too, didn't?"
"Do you want to give me yours too?" I ask, approaching the fridge to get some milk to stain coffee with, he opens the door for me. I look at his face for less than a second, then sigh and pick up the brick, moving away again to pour it into the cup. He takes his time answering me, who knows what he's thinking-probably wondering what he could say to make me feel worse.
"You already have so many people you can call in times - he says, approaching the door - you don't need my number too."
So, he crosses the hall and disappears. I am left alone with my coffee and some doubt, as well as a strange bitterness in my chest, better not to think about it. I check social since it's been a while since I've done so and surprise surprise, I choke when I find out that with his official account Yeonjun actually wrote me on instagram.
Of course he doesn't follow me, but since I have the open account he can write to me.
In the meantime, Sunghoon has returned to the kitchen with his own phone, but I am caught off guard, instinctively afraid that he might find out such a thing and therefore rail further against me.
"Do I scare you that much?" He huffs, annoyed, but continues to look at the phone screen, intent on sending messages by typing quickly. He looks agitated.
"In fact, you do convey a certain uneasiness to me - I sigh, turning off the phone screen, he notices though - but I'm not af raid of you."
"That's good - he says, but he doesn't seem at all focused or present, something is going on behind his screen. - Because it's Heeseung you should be afraid of."
I wearily lift my eyes to the sky, he took short time. I sit at the table, away from him, resuming staring at the screen as I sip my coffee and it still feels too strange, should I respond? Surely it's not nice to ignore him - he even wrote to me with the official account....
"What are you smiling about?" He asks annoyed.
I immediately compose myself, turning off the phone again. "What do you care? Mind your business."
"Yah! - He raises his voice, I raise my eyes a little scared and he notices, so he clears his voice calming down. - Really, you should put the phone down."
"What?" - I ask incredulously, and a little amused. - Are you kidding?"
"You can choose to put it away yourself, or I'll take it."
I immediately pick up the device, placing it between my thighs. "What? Are you crazy all of a sudden?"
"Never been sane. - Approaching threateningly, I stand up. - That idiot will text you all the time, and you apparently can't take your eyes off the phone, so we'll settle it politically."
I laugh as I flee for the kitchen, avoiding him. "You've been with the phone the whole time, too!"

He stops, I can see it, he covers his mouth because by dint of running and chasing me around the kitchen he's had to laugh too. He coughs again, gets serious.
‘Of course I have real commitments, important people to answer to.’ I arch my eyebrows in amusement, I actually have important people to answer too but I don't need to say that, I don't want to annoy him further. ‘Then you shouldn't waste your time on unimportant people like me.’ I explain. He, however, takes advantage of my moment of vulnerability to reach over and take the phone out of my hands, raising his hand so that I can't reach it. ‘Shut up, okay?’ OK my ass, Park Sunghoon, ‘Give it back.’ I ask, doing so politely, this doesn't have to turn into a war. ‘Why do you want it? Forget it - he replies, with such nonchalance that it creeps me out. - So you talk to Heeseung a lot? Do you have fun over the phone?’ I keep smiling nervously, I want to slap him, he's so arrogant. ‘Give me your phone.’ ‘What?’ He bursts out laughing, putting mine in the back pocket of his suit… black. ‘I'll let you have it if you give me yours.’ ‘No way.’ He laughs. ‘Then give it back to me, there's not a single reason why you should have it.’ ‘There are reasons - he says. - The first is that I don't know your code, so, I can't do anything with your phone. The second is that this is my turn, your time belongs to me, so I choose what you can and cannot do.’
I am speechless for his logic, his arrogance no knows bounds, I am fascinated by this but not in a good way. Park Sunghoon, are you a sociopath?
‘It's not written anywhere that I can't use the phone.’ Just as I speak, in front of me, he pulls out his fucking phone and replies, as I can see a few metres away, to a very long message. ‘Then let's write it down.’ He says.
As I suspected something is going on, but who is he talking now? The messages are long and Sunghoon stays writing the reply for several seconds, to the point that despite being aware that stealing his phone now would be so easy, I still decide not to do it.

He has a stern expression on his face, he's so handsome when he's angry that it makes you want to make him really angry. I sigh, realising I've been staring at him for too long, so I simply return to my coffee.
‘Don't drink just that, eat something.’ I look at him, he's focused on the screen, I force myself to get angry but it actually still makes me a little bit impressed that he's pretending to care about me. ‘No thanks.’ ‘Don't be such a kid.’ ‘Aren't you too busy answering to talk to me too?’ I ask, and he lifts his gaze for the first time in a while, staring at me amused. ‘What, are you feeling neglected?’ I open my mouth genuinely surprised, how dare he? ‘Give me my phone back, stupid.’ ‘Stupid?’ ‘I thought about it, I'm older than you, you should start... c-comport yourself well. - I say that but my voice is shaking at the end. - You're d-disrespectful.’ He bursts out laughing, turning off his phone and putting it back in his pocket. ‘What, and you want me to call you noona too?’
Let's not exaggerate, I think as I cover my mouth because I can't help smiling, I'm such a pervert…. is just a word, why should it have that much effect on me?
‘Look at her, she can't hide it! - He accuses me aloud, while his laughter fills the atmosphere all around. - Oh my god, do you really want to hear me say that? Pathetic, give up now.’ ‘If you hold to that like you did with the ‘I will never sleep with you’ then can we say you'll do it by the end of the day?’
I bite my lip, I knew he would be angry. He approaches twisting his lips, the evil ice prince, he has his hands in his pockets but bends slightly to get to my height.
‘And tell me, how is Heeseung?’ ‘What does Heeseung have to do with it now?’ ‘About this thing which I really don't remember - he smiles smugly - what does he think? Is he trying to reassure you by saying it was a mistake?’ ‘You realise you can't talk about something you deny happened?’ He laughs again, pulling away. ‘It doesn't change anything, whether it happened or not. ‘ I take a few steps towards him, narrowing my eyes. ‘Then why not admit it happened?’ He backs away further, laughing. ‘Because it doesn't matter.’ ‘Talking to you is pointless, isn't it?’ ‘We can deal with it like two adults. - He explains calmly, taking his mobile phone back, writing a short message and turning it off again. - Now let's talk about what happened yesterday, where you were with Niki, who was with you? And Heeseung?’ ‘You keep asking me about Heeseung… - I giggle, nervous. - Like it's important.’ ‘It isn't? Then you should let me read the chat.’ I swallow, not expecting such a request. ‘W-what? No?’
At that moment, Sunoo enters the kitchen, Sunghoon is about to distance himself from me as the comrade passes between us and approaches for coffee.
‘Didn't you go out?’ Sunghoon asks, first. Sunoo, so elegant and pale, sighs almost disappointed. ‘Good morning.’ I sit at the table looking down. ‘Good morning.’ ‘You're excited, aren't you, hyung?’ The younger man asks, sitting down next to me and observing me. ‘What?’ Sunghoon asks. ‘It's finally your turn, you've been looking forward to it. - He smiles, bringing his cup to his lips, takes a sip. - Noona shouldn't you eat something? Then you'll end up sick.’

Wow, Sunoo, just like everyone else, is simply dazzling up close. It may be the make-up, but his skin appears free of any kind of imperfection, his features are so fine. He has a very different glance to the rest of the world, calmer, maybe mature, but equally brilliant.
‘And you? How are you going to get through the day with just a coffee? ‘ Sunoo crinkles his beautiful big eyes, he's surprised but doesn't want to show it. ‘I'll be fine, I have vitamins.’ ‘Do you want me to cook you something quickly? - I sigh worriedly, getting up. - I'll be quick for real.’ ‘Noona… no need, really.’ He laughs, embarrassed, how cute… ‘Go to that bar you like so much - snorts Sunghoon, taking out his wallet and putting several tens of thousands of won in his hand - and really do it.’ ‘I don't want anything from you, hyung.’ Sunoo replies, but Sunghoon grabs his hands, preventing him from pushing the money against his chest. The two look at each other for several seconds and God if I am fantasising. 'Then you really are…how envious. I'm jealous. - Sunoo laughs, pulling away first. Sunghoon swallows, struggling, looking away nervously, then the younger man comes towards me, smiling. - I'll BOY something good for you too, noona, since you're so nice.’ ‘Thank you…’ I nod infatuated by his sweet and spicy scent.
Sunoo leaves the room and walks out of the attic, Sunghoon looks at me, he's angry but I don't understand why. The fact that he approaches so suddenly, walking against me, makes me spontaneously back up until I freeze against the wall, I swallow, he's really… close.
‘W-What did I do?’ ‘I don't know but stop it.’
This is all crazy. I slide under his outstretched arm leaning against the wall and walk towards the corridor, he stops me, as usual, with his stupid strength and I give in.
‘What do you want?’ ‘Aren't you going to answer?’ ‘I have nothing to say to you.’ ‘I can be nice, if you'll be a good girl.’

I stiffen, he absolutely must not say such things. I'm very sensitive, even if it's an asshole like him saying them.
‘Sunghoon, what's on your mind?’
He walks towards me, he is close but does not cross the line, I can feel his breath caressing my forehead, it is as if time has stopped. I hate feeling so at a disadvantage.
‘What should I have on my mind? I just want to talk.’
He says this grabbing me by the arm and dragging me into his strange bare room, he pushes me against the bed but as usual, he is not abrupt, I fall exactly as I should have fallen. He, though at arm's length, has climbed into bed with me, crawling.
‘Talk about what?’ ‘Let's see if you're honest… who were having lunch with you yesterday? ‘ I pale, evidently also. ‘W-what?’ ‘Who, were, with, you? - He smiles but is nervous. - Come on…’ ‘Why do you want to know?’ Sunghoon gets serious all of a sudden. ‘Riki is a kid who gets manipulated by those assholes, and you would do anything to get laid.’
I do, I don't even think about it for a second, I slap him on his fucking elegant cheek which turns red within seconds. I'm terrified of my own behaviour, I should never, never have reacted like that.
He touches his cheek as he looks at me surprised, but also definitely annoyed. ‘Who were you yesterday, Amanda?’
Did he call me by name? I don't remember if he did before, but the way his voice vibrates, his tone serious and deep, makes my knees tremble and my throat dry.
I swallow, backing away as I sit on the bed. ‘We were together with Yeonjun and Soobin.’
There, now he is really angry. There are several reasons why he might be: the first is that, thinking me an easy chick (even though I actually am) he might be afraid of venereal diseases or something, the second is that he obviously hates them.
From first to last.
‘Oh yeah, and did you have a good time?’ I raise my pupils, that's just like him reply like that. ‘Do you really think that just because I met them then I laid with them?’ He doesn't answer right away, seems to think about it, then looks at me. ‘Yes.’ ‘I already told you - I reply, unable to mask my nervousness - think what you want.’ ‘I don't actually believe you - he says, approaching slowly - but you can try to change my mind.’ ‘W-Why should I?’ I laugh, but I don't realise fast enough that by grabbing me by the waist, he pushed me down so that I was right underneath him, between his legs. ‘Because if I'm not angry - he whispers, hunching over me, who remain pressed against his mattress, unable to breathe - it will be more pleasant.’ ’W-What?’
He smiles for less than a second before taking off his little black shirt, revealing a body that is nothing short of divine. His shoulders broad as fucking highways meet at the height of his collarbones, so prominent and defined. His chest appears immense in front of me, as I gaze shocked from below.
How can he… be real.

‘If you cooperate, I will show you more and more.’ He says, taking my hand to rest it on his abdomen so tight, so flat, so hard. ‘Don't… A-Are you kidding?’ I ask genuinely confused. ‘You really didn't do anything with Riki?’ He asks again, pushing my hand lower, but not too far.
This is…. I have to get up from here.
‘N..No…’ I whisper.
Why do I please him? I regain my senses thankfully and try to get up to move away from him but he stops me from the waist, forcing me under his body.
‘No, eh? Why? Cause did Heeseung ask you?’
We look into each other's eyes, i'm feeling strange. His gaze is serious enough to make me uncomfortable, at the same time I feel like this is the only time Sunghoon takes me seriously.
‘Yes.’ I reply.
He didn't expect such a response, it is obvious, so much so that he lets his grip on my hips but I don't use this moment to escape, I remain helpless, as if my body were lifeless.
I don't answer, but it's as if I did.
Sunghoon's phone starts ringing just at this moment but he doesn't move, instead he grabs my shirt and lifts it up, I am only in my briefs underneath. I don't run, I don't flinch, I don't even know what's going on.
I'm just lying.
‘Do you want Heeseung?’ ‘Your… the phone rings…’ I say softly, looking away. ‘He's just messing with you.’ ‘I know.’ I admit. ‘You know?!’
The phone stops ringing for a second, then a second call comes in, apparently urgent.
'And you? - I ask him. - Aren't you messing with me too?’
That's when in less than a second, as the annoying ringtone becomes sweet music, Sunghoon leans over and taking my face with both hands kisses me, for the first time.
But… what the fuck…..
I push him, he insists, I try to push him away but after a couple of times I stop fighting. He kisses me, really kisses me, he's not touching me outside my face but my body burns as his tongue melts over mine like ice in lava.
A third call starts, this time I really push him and he stops.
He gets up without saying anything, I get the impression that he is angry while walks to the desk where he had left the phone and answers.
‘What the fuck…. who is?! - He answers really, really aggressively to the call….. I hear a female voice. Sunghoon has his back to me but I think I know which his expression have, his silence lasts too long. - What?! No!’

Several more seconds of silence.
‘Fuck, you can't do that! I'm coming..... I said…. yes.’
When he closes the call he loses several seconds before turning around, but by the time he does I'm already up. He walks towards me, his long black fringes covering his eyes but he has a really scary expression.
He takes off my shirt, I'm so surprised I don't realise I have to stop him, then I catch a glimpse of his dark eyes.
‘Wait in Jungwon's room.’ ‘W-what? Give me the shirt meanwhile..’ I say, trying to grab it back. He moves his arm. ‘No - he shakes his head, making a noise of denial with his mouth - you're going to stay like that.’ ‘S-Sunghoon who's coming?’
He doesn't answer immediately, in fact, he tries to boycott the discussion by throwing the shirt to grab my thin briefs from my hips, I see his long fingers bend around the lambo of fabric and seriously I can't stop him.
He touches my abdomen, my thighs, with his nose, with his lips.
‘Wait in Jungwon's room.’
Why do I let him undress me? Why do I let him take me to Jungwon's room? And why specifically his?
‘Honestly - he says, still holding my underwear - I don't have enough time to tie you up. This is the only room with a bathroom that you're allowed to enter, and you can't go outside.’ ‘G-Give me the phone.’ He bursts out laughing, but you can tell he's faking it, he's really pissed off, unhinged I dare say. ‘No kidding.’ ‘What…. What am I supposed to do?’ ‘Wait for me.’ He says, and then SIMPLY closes the door.
So I'm naked and in Jungwon's room, which is particularly neat but monochrome, mostly, all white, grey and beige.
I lean against the door, wondering who it is. Wonyoung? It looks… dangerous to me.
‘Are you an asshole? I'll kill you.’ Someone shouts, sounds like her to me, also seems to hit him repeatedly with maybe a bag. ‘You can't come here. Who did you come with?’ ‘You really want to tell me that? - She replies offended, advancing into the living room. - You're a fucking asshole, I'm going crazy.’ ‘If I was boring you would have snubbed me.’ He chuckles, in confidence.
Their tone is almost childlike, it doesn't sound like they're really arguing.
‘What the fuck is wrong with you these days?’ She asks. ‘Nothing, it's the change of season. Why are you here?’ ‘Ah, that sucks. You've gotten so used to it - and I guess she's talking about herself - that you don't even want to…’
Their bickering is interrupted by a stony silence, because… I guess the sound of their kissing doesn't come through the door. Why am I trembling? Am I scared or envious?
‘I know the boys are out all day today.’ She giggles. Sunghoon does the same, but in a different way. ‘How do you know? You let me spy?’ ‘Who knows… never let it be said that the princess of Korea is betrayed by any idol.’

They kiss again, at length.
Fuck, she is just incredible. I wish I was a tenth of what she is to live just better. And I feel pretty shitty too, I mean… I wouldn't feel guilty if she was aware of it of course, but really, beyond what I think of Sunghoon, never let it be said that someone like her has horns, for someone like me then… that would be inexcusable, I would deserve the pillory.
He whispers something to her that I can't hear.
‘And I don't like bullshit.’ She replies though, getting up, walking down the corridor, he follows her. ‘Wonyoung, don't do that again. Coming here is dangerous for you too.’ ‘Ok, but now fuck me.‘ ’You asked for it.’
I'm quite surprised. I mean… I imagined this would happen, but I thought I had more time to deal with something like this.
Thus began whole hours of fucking wild sex.
And I, honestly naked, locked in Jungwon's room, don't know what I could use to take my life without feeling excessive pain. I could try to use a pillow to suffocate myself or throw myself out the window, but the building is really high and the torture would be really long.
They scream, she moans at the top of her lungs. Right now they must be looking at each other, possessing each other in a very different dance than they are used to. It must all be so sweaty, wet, and elegant, their bodies high, dry….
Lying on Jungwon's bed, after putting on one of his shirts (I'll apologise later) I realise that although his sheets smell like everyone else's, his pillow smells too. Like borotalcate. It is so fresh and natural, it makes me want to sleep.
I try and try again but they keep moaning, panting, screaming. I get up, desperate, I walk around the room. This cannot be happening.
The screams subside and I can breathe.
When I hear the doorknob click, I snap too, terrified. Someone has tried to open it, and it is not Sunghoon because he knows he has locked it.
‘What are you doing?’ Sunghoon asks agitatedly, behind the door. ‘Take it easy you idiot. - She snorts in offence. - Where is the bathroom in this house?’ ‘That way, this is Jungwon's room.’ ‘He locks it huh? Strange…’ ‘He does it because Riki takes his clothes.’ ‘Mh, if you say so - sigh. - I'm going to take a shower, bye.’
After several minutes it happens what shouldn't have happened, seriously, I could have faced a few more hours without water and mobile phone, it would still have been better than seeing Sunghoon walk through the door, half naked, his wide tracksuit slipping over his pelvis, his hair dampened, his fucking lips consumed by another's kisses.
‘Are you ok?’ He asks, without looking at me, as he hands me a bottle of water. ‘Get out immediately - I whisper, terrified - are you out of your mind?’
Sunghoon approaches, he is tired, he looks like a zombie. He places the water bottle on the desk before grabbing me by the face and resuming kissing me, like before.
What is he doing? This… this guy has gone crazy! They've all gone mad! I am living in the worst and best erotic nightmare of my life but I really need to wake up now.
He kisses me, his tongue is not fast but passionate, he savours every inch of my lips as I sink into the softness of his, our noses brush against each other and his hands caress my cheeks, my hair, he holds me from the nape of my neck so that the kiss is more intense.
I really want to die in this moment, because imagining that it will end devastates me.
He stops, perhaps he has finally woken up from his nightmare. Yet I still cannot see his eyes, preciously hidden under the thick bangs that also look so soft and into which I would like to sink my fingers.
No… he has not woken up.

‘Why are you wearing Jungwon's things?’ He asks, in a whisper, I can't even tell if he's looking at me, he's become so strange, unrecognisable. ‘If she came in…’
Sunghoon approaches me again, takes the t-shirt from the edges and lifts it slowly over my body, and the truth is, I don't stop him this time either.
‘You wouldn't want to… - He asks, laughing awkwardly, as if he's really out of it - wear only my things?’ I am… confused. Confused, tired and terribly horny. ‘I maybe… - I say, swallowing, I feel like I'm drunk and I haven't even had a drink - no… you're crazy. Maybe you're the craziest of them all.’ I smile upset, turning away from him. ‘When you're good at everything, you end up a little crazy in the end.’ He smiles this time too, but as usual, he doesn't mean it.
He takes my face again, he kisses me again, to deny him would be like going against my own instincts, I can't resist him.
This time his hands touch me, how very much they touch me. He cupping my breasts, picking them up as if they were tiny, then his lips slide over my nipples and I moan.
‘S-Stop it….’ ‘Shut up.’
ok short poll because it amuses me, bye
#enhypen#enha smut#enhypen smut#kpop smut#enhypen sunghoon#sunghoon smut#park sunghoon#enha sunghoon smut#enha sunghoon#enhypen park sunghoon#park sunghoon smut#lee heeseung#txt yeonjun#nishimura riki#enhypen riki
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Can I request a Wonwoo drabble? It can be about anything. I hate that I never see Seventeen with black reader ff. I love your blog so much.
Hi! Thanks for your request and thanks so much for reading! I’m planning on writing more of Seventeen and creating a master list for them as well. Please look forward to it! Enjoy and tell me what you think🩵
Sitting on the floor in front of his coffee table, fingers working deftly over the keyboard, Wonwoo pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose with one of his knuckles. This essay wasn’t due for another week but he wanted to get it out of the way before the weekend. That and he was a bit of an overachiever so he liked getting his schoolwork completed as quickly as possible. It just gave him more time to do what he wanted like game or hang out with his friends.
And it also gave him time to focus on someone else.
Something tickled at the back of his neck making him jump in surprise. He quickly turned around, finding your smiling face staring back at him. Letting out a sigh, his heart thudding in his chest, his eyes raked up and down your form.
Creamy brown thighs on display in your tight denim skirt, breasts popping out of the plain white tank top under your cropped jacket, a pair of white socks on your feet.
You looked gorgeous.
“Hi bear.” You greeted, the natural lowness of your voice scratching his brain just right.
He nodded at you. “Hey…..um….how are you?” He inquired shyly. He didn’t exactly know why but you just made him so nervous. You were just so beautiful and charming. He still couldn’t believe you were dating him.
Dropping to your knees on the floor next to him, you leaned over to nuzzle your nose against his jaw. “Fine. How are you, my baby?”
He shivered. “I’m good. Uh, what are you doing here?” Then he realized how that sounded, eyes widening and hands gesticulating as he tried to explain. “Not that you can’t be here! It’s just you said you’d be with your friends today and I’m surprised to see you.”
You pouted your lip, tilting your head cutely. “Did you not want to see me?”
Heat spread across his face to the tips of his ears. You were such a tease.
With a huff, he mumbled, “of course I do. I always want to see you.”
Goodness, you could eat him up, he was too cute.
Grinning, you reached out to pinch his cheek. “I always want to see you too, bear. That’s why I’m here. I was bored with my friends and I missed you.”
You two have only been dating for about 7 months now so you were still very much in the honeymoon phase of your relationship. He hoped this phase lasted forever though because he loved spending time with you and knowing you wanted to see him all the time made butterflies dance in his tummy.
“I missed you too.” He breathed out with a tiny smile gracing his face.
You coyly fluttered your eyelashes as him, one of your hands tracing over the muscle in his thigh. He felt his heart stutter in his chest at your touch, swallowing the block in his throat.
“Then why don’t we do something together?” You purred, reaching out to push his traveling glasses back up his nose.
“L-like what?”
“Does my pussy feel good, bear?” You whispered against Wonwoo’s spit slicked lips, pouty and red from your assault of kisses.
Wonwoo groaned, hands gripping the fat of your ass as it clapped down on his thighs. Your velvety walls were gushing and squeezing around him, a sticky slap resounding everytime you bounced on him.
“Y-yeah. It feels good.”
Arms tight around his neck, your bare chest pressed to his, you continued to bounce on his long and thick cock. It filled you to the brim, that knot your stomach tightening with every brush against your spot. He had the perfect curve that pressed against you just right. You didn’t even need to touch your clit to cum on his cock, that’s how good he made you feel. That’s how attracted you were to him.
Lifting from your knees to your feet, you started slamming your hips down on him, picking up the pace as another orgasm built inside of you.
Wonwoo’s head lolled backwards against the seat cushion of the couch, his hips beginning to thrust up to meet yours. You choked on a moan, holding yourself still to let him fuck you from below.
Your nails dug into his shoulder, the other hand buried in the hair at the back of his head. “O-oh f-f-fuck, bear. Shit, mmmm…” Your fat and slippery cunt squeezed tightly around him, your grip keeping him from falling out. “Look at me.”
His head lifted back up, bleary vision trying to focus on you through his crooked glasses. Your sultry eyes stared directly into his, the intensity of your gaze spreading heat all over his body.
“I’m close.” He announced breathlessly and you took the initiative to start bouncing on him again, your sopping walls squishing and gushing around him.
“Me too. Cum in me, bear.”
A few more bounces and his hips were stuttering, the grip on your ass forcing you all the way down on his cock. You whined out as his cock throbbed inside of you, your hips grinding down on him as your orgasm washed over you. The feeling of your pulsating walls pushed him over the edge, a guttural moan vibrating in his throat as he filled you up.
You hummed at the warmth of his cum, hugging him closer as you waited for him to ride out his orgasm.
His released your ass in favor of wrapping his arms around your waist to hug you. You adjusted his glasses on his face, cupping his cheeks and squishing them together and making his lips pucker.
Giggling, you pressed a few pecks to his lips. He smiled into your kisses, rubbing his hands and up and down your back, leaving goosebumps in his wake.
“So what should we do now?” You asked.
He tilted his head in thought, eyes catching his lonely laptop and notebooks.
“Homework?” He offered with a hopeful tone in his voice.
“No chance. Let’s get something to eat.”
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The 13th Anniversary Arshi Fiesta
Moodboard : Historical AU
Whispers of the Heart | Chapter 11

I am not very good at writing ffs. I even read ffs very selectively. But it was an attempt of me to participate in the 13th-anniversary arshi fiesta.
I might be wrong about certain aspects of that age and era, but it's a fantasy, so why not? I don't own Arnav and Khushi and the story is purely fictional and has no relation to any living or dead. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
As this chapter contains some mature/ Adult languages, I am not tagging the people I usually do as I am not sure about their preferences.


Chapter 11
They could hear the river running in the dark. His sword glistered in the firelight as she passionately worshipped the throbbing steel. Having sharped enough he swiftly impaled her causing blood to spill along her thigh. As he pricked her over and over again, sprouts of blood kept coming out of her maiden bud. She let out a brutal scream as her head kept hitting the wall repeatedly......
Scandalously, Khushi shut the book, almost flinging it to the floor as she blushed to the roots of her hair. A shudder ran through her body. What on earth had she just read? She was going to kill Sarita, that much was certain.
Earlier that day, Sarita had come over to visit her, bringing along a book she claimed would help Khushi relax and take her mind off the stress of her upcoming wedding. The cover itself didn't reveal anything about the book. Trusting her friend, Khushi had accepted the book eagerly, hoping it would provide a much-needed escape. Now, as she sat on her bed with the scandalous book in her hands, Khushi realized what a prank Sarita had played on her. The content was far from calming.
She wasn't exactly sure what the characters were doing, but from what the ladies in her household had painstakingly tried to convey over the past week, she had a vague idea. Still, this was the most explicit and gory depiction she had ever encountered. All the other books either faded to black or glossed over such details. This book made her really confused. She had never thought that act would be that scary. At least the kissing part wasn't scary. She liked that. But now she wasn't sure what to think about the other things.
As Buaji's voice reached her ears, calling her to join them, Khushi looked at the book in fear. She glanced around, desperately searching for a place to hide it. As Buaji's calls grew more insistent, she shoved the book under her pillow, hoping no one would find it there.
It was her Sagai-slash-Sagun ceremony today. The whole house was busy preparing for it. The wedding was set for the day after tomorrow. After Arnav proposed, Babuji had suggested they wait a few months to get married, giving Arnav time to settle into his new job and Khushi time to finish her semester finals. But Khushi believed it was more about Babuji wanting to confirm Arnav's sincerity. However, a month later, a telegram arrived, shattering all of Babuji's plans. It was also the first time Arnav and Khushi had a fight as a couple, if you could call it a fight. Khushi certainly did.
Arnav was away for a few days, overseeing factory production. Unable to reach him, the peon delivered the telegram to Babuji at their printing press. Babuji eventually handed it to Khushi for safekeeping. It wasn’t as if she had read his message. The telegram was open, so she didn't think much before reading it.
When Arnav returned to meet Khushi, she was already sulking. The dynamic in the household had changed drastically after he proposed. Now, he couldn't talk to Khushi alone. Every conversation had to happen in the courtyard, with the entire family, especially Buaji, keeping a close watch from a distance. When he saw Khushi, he sensed something was wrong. She was unusually quiet.
"What happened, Khushi?" His arms ached to hold her, but they were being watched.
As Khushi passed him the telegram, he read it silently. Khushi tried to gauge his reaction, but he gave nothing away. After reading it, he quietly tucked it into his pocket and continued sipping his tea.
"You need to finish your apprenticeship. Just six months left to complete two years. You need at least two full years, right?"
"I am not going."
"I won't let that happen. You have to go."
"Khushi," he sighed "I don't want to be away from you for that long. I believe I can still build a decent career without it. It would certainly help. But if I go to London now, it would take about a year, maybe even longer and I can't ask you to come with me either."
"Can you, for the first time in your life, stop seeing me as a spoiled girl and see me as someone who can accompany you on your journey of life, whether it's through struggle or abundance?"
"Where's all of this coming from?"
"Why can't you see that I don't need a big, comfortable house? I can manage anywhere you live, as long as I'm with you."
"Khushi, I promised Chachu that I'll keep you comfortable. Taking you to London and putting you in that situation doesn't exactly fulfill that promise."
"What about the fact that I could never live with myself if you sacrifice your career for me? If you were to marry a normal girl...... wouldn't you bring her with you?"
The way she said 'normal' caught Arnav's attention.
"What makes you think you aren't normal? You are normal."
"That's not what I mean. I'm extremely grateful for how I've been brought up, and I don't want to sound spoiled. But everyone around me has always walked on eggshells, shielded me from harsh realities and truths, and tried to provide me with the best things. And by doing that, they've always kept me at arm's length. I've never been included in their struggles or been aware of any problems they were going through. I just wanted to be part of their pain, their struggles. Oh God, I sounded so ungrateful."
"No, you didn't".
"You've also been one of those people who've protected me my whole life. And I fear that will continue for the rest of our lives. If you face any financial, professional, or personal challenges, you'll never share them with me. You'll probably kiss me and say everything will be alright, and then you'll handle it all alone. I'll never be a true partner, who can just be there for you, even if I can't do anything else. Because you think I can't handle the truth." Khushi kept rumbling,hoping she was making sense.
"And you're doing exactly that. You knew about your apprenticeship, didn't you? Yet you cancelled it instead of asking me to wait for a few months or planning to bring me with you until you finish. Because both of these options would put me through struggles that you think I'm not designed to endure." she finished with a melancholy tone.
They both sulked some more in silence, lost in their own thoughts and emotions. Arnav sat with furrowed brows, conflicted between his desire to protect Khushi and his realization that he might unintentionally hurting her while trying to protect her.
"Will you come with me if I ask?" Khushi didn't really need to answer that question. She would have followed him to the end of the world.
So, there they were, two days before their wedding. Arnav had an uncanny ability to persuade Babuji to do anything he wished. Khushi wondered if Arnav was aware of his influence over Babuji before.
The last few days had been strange, to say the least. Her family didn't let her meet Arnav at all, with their wedding just a week away. On the other hand, Buaji had been after her all week to teach her the etiquettes of marriage."Khushi, he will be your husband, stop calling him by his name," she would say. "Humne dekha hai tumne sabke samne kya kiya. Shaadi ke baad aise chipak ke mat rehna, log kya kahenge?"
Then there was her tiresome and futile attempt at the birds and the bees talk.
One afternoon a few days ago, Khushi was summoned to Buaji's room. Mahumati Ji had been given a task. As her mother and the wife of two other elder brothers, one of them being the groom's younger sister, it was deemed inappropriate for them to have 'the talk' with Khushi. So, only Mahumati Ji was left to carry out this task. She had advised everyone else to stay away, only Payal was present so that Khushi didn't get nervous.
"Suno, Sanka Devi, you are getting married in a few days, so your Amma asked me to have this talk with you." Mahumati Ji blushed deeply, she went pink to deep red to purple in a minute but she was determined to finish her entrusted task.
"Tum thoda sa sah lena, haan, bitiya. Aur hamare sanskaar ka thoda lihaaz bhi rakh lena, koi awaaz mat karna. You need to be very strong and just bear with it, okay, bitiya?" Mahumati Ji said with evident discomfort and fear on her face, pleading with Khushi to somehow understand everything magically.
"What?" Mahumati ji's fear was reflected in Khushi's eyes.
"Whatever happens, you know, after the wedding, in your Suhagraat. Areey, baat ko samjho, Nandkishor."
"Accha, yeh baat. Aap to aise suna rahe ho jaise koi darawani kahani ho." Khushi said, letting out a relieved breath. "By the way, Buaji, how do you know what happens on Suhagraat? You've never been married." Hayre Nandkishor, Mahumati Ji kept chanting in her head.
"Is that why you never married, Buaji? Because you got scared?" asked a confused Khushi, sending Payal into a series of giggles, both earning a glare from Mahumati Ji.
"What are you talking about? I don't fear anything. I didn't marry because I wanted to devote my whole life to my Nand Kishor," Mahumati Ji said firmly.
"Oh, accha. But, Buaji, I don't think the suhagraat activities will be that scary, you know. Many people surely do it and do it repeatedly," Khushi mused to herself.
"Hayre Nand kishor!" Buaji exclaimed, grabbing her head with both hands, "Who put that into your head? Is it Arnav? Is he the one who told you that?"
"Buaji, relax. Arnav didn't need to tell me that. I have my own brain, you know. Lots of people get married every day and lots of babies are born. Clearly, people do it quite often. And I haven't seen anyone run away after marriage either. Amma didn't, nor did Payal Bhabhi or Anjali Bhabhi," Khushi kept talking animatedly.
"I've only seen people running away to marry someone else and do suhagraat again. It can't be that scary, Buaji. Right?" Khushi said, looking at Buaji expectantly. At this point, Khushi was babbling out of nerves and fear, repeating the same thing in her mind over and over to keep herself from getting scared at the same time. Buaji wasn’t helping her at all. Meanwhile, Payal Bhabhi's breathless giggles had turned into full-blown snickers. She pressed her hands to her mouth to prevent herself from laughing out loud.
Exasperated, Buaji took a deep breath, "Ji, you have to call him Arnav Ji from now on. And stop working your brain and listen to me. I guess he will know what to do, so just let him do what he wants, okay? Iske aage mein aur kuch nahi keh sakti. Manorama, mujhse yeh nahi hoga. Hai re Nandkishor, aaj kal ki ladkiyaan."
Buaji walked out of the room, calling for her Amma and leaving Payal and Khushi alone. Payal took Khushi's hand gently. She craned her head to ensure Buaji wasn't returning before asking, "Have you ever seen a naked baby boy Khushi?
A dumbfounded Khushi nodded her head as Payal continued, "We have a hole from where we bleed every month. That thing will go in there". Khushi looked at her sister-in-law with wide eyes and gulped visibly. To ease her nerves, Payal leaned in and whispered reassuringly, "It hurts the first time, but it gets better after that."
Seeing no change in Khushi's demeanour, Payal panicked, fearing she had scared Khushi for good. "Look at me, Khushi," her voice frantic. "You like it when Arnav ji touches you, right?" Khushi's cheeks flushed red, "And you'll also like it when he will touch you on that night. Just think about that, forget about everything else, okay?" Payal said softly, cupping Khushi's cheek. "And you're right, it's not as scary as it seems," and the two sisters-in-law dissolved into a fit of shy giggles.
Another one of Buaji's hollers jolted Khushi out of her reverie and she prayed that it wouldn't be another session like that. With a sigh, she descended the stairs to respond to Buaji's call.
"Haan, Buaji, aapne bulaya?"
"Haan, Nank Kishor, look, the saree has arrived for you to wear this evening, it's your favorite color, green."
Khushi's face lit up upon seeing that beautiful emerald green saree with a red border. Delicate embellishments of gold thread adored the edges that sparkled in the light.
"Khushi will glow in that saree, you'll see, Buaji," Anjali said, hugging Khushi affectionately from the side.
Khushi did indeed glow as Arnav pinned her to the wall of her bedroom with his hand on both sides of her head as he managed to sneak into her room amidst all the festivities of that evening. Her chest rose and fell rapidly with her laboured breathing due to the effect of having him so close. Arnav kissed her on the forehead first. Slowly, he traced a path down her face, placing gentle kisses on her eyelids, the bridge of her nose, and her blushed cheeks before reaching his desired destination. As his lips touched the corner of her mouth, a surge of desire welled within him. His hand, previously braced against the wall, now found its way to her waist, drawing her closer. And that's when the trouble started. Wherever he touched, he felt her bare skin, her waist, her back. It threatened Arnav to lose control. Cornering a saree-clad Khushi in a dimly lit room, where they could be interrupted at any moment, was a bad idea, Arnav realized belatedly.
He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers. Khushi's hand lightly laid on his chest, feeling his heartbeat fluttering under her palm. He knew he couldn't kiss her now. If he did, he wouldn't be able to stop only at kissing. And their absence would soon be noticed by everyone. Khushi opened her eyes as she felt him pull away. In response to the question in her eyes, Arnav asked softly, "Have you heard the saying, Khushi?" He brought his lips to her ear and lightly kissed over her earring, then whispered, "Sabar ka phal meetha hota hai." Arnav smirked as he watched his already blushing fiancee blushed even harder.
"Come here, I have something for you," he said, taking her hand and guiding her to sit on the bed. As Arnav cleared a space for her to sit, a book with a black cover slipped out from under her pillow.
"What are you reading these days?" he asked, opening the book to Khushi's utter horror. She lunged at him to snatch the book away, but Arnav, being taller, held it out of her reach. His curiosity piqued by her reaction. Khushi huffed in defeat and sat down. As Arnav found out the content of the book his fiancée was reading, the only thought in his mind was, 'This girl will be the death of me.'
Khushi wished there was a hole in the floor into which she could disappear. She had never felt such mortification in her entire life. She felt Arnav sit beside her. She avoided his gaze by keeping her head down. Eventually, she couldn't help but smile as she looked up. To her surprise, Arnav was smiling back at her warmly, his expression filled with adoration instead of the mocking she had feared.
"There's nothing wrong with being curious."
Then he gently grabbed Khushi's knee and turned her whole body toward him, guiding her to sit on the bed with her feet resting between them. Then he retrieved a pair of payal from his pocket and tied them around her ankles one by one.
"You've been without wearing one for so long."
"Then why haven't you brought one earlier? You knew when they broke."
"Um... I want to keep my father's surname along with yours."
"Better late than never, Khushi," he smiled at her lovingly. "So, soon-to-be Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada..." She placed her hand over his mouth to silence him.
"Okay, psst... that will be a long name. So, soon-to-be Mrs. Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada. After tomorrow, you can't leave me for seven lifetimes. Any final wishes?"
"Since when did you start to believe in those things?"
"I don't, but I like that 'you-not-leaving-me-forever' part."
"It goes both ways, you know."
As Arnav and Khushi got lost in each other's eyes, Khushi suddenly realized that Arnav hadn't returned her the book.
"Give that book back!" she almost shrieked.
"I don't think so".
"Aap aisa nahi kar sakte."
"Main aisa kyun nahi kar sakta?"
"No, Arnav, give it back," she kept trying.
"I was thinking I'll give it a try tonight. These are nice books. I haven't read one in a very long time." Arnav chuckled.
"You've read one before!!!" she said, surprised, as if it were a secret.
"Is the idea of me reading one so offensive?"
"No," she smiled shyly, enjoying their shared secret. "But that book is mine. you can't have it. I haven't finished reading it yet," she said, feeling bolder with each word. " Give it to me, Arnav, Please," she whispered innocently and unknowingly transported Arnav into another universe where she might say those words in different circumstances.
Arnav's mind was indeed in the gutter today. He looked away to calm his racing thoughts. Then chuckled softly as he placed the book in her palm. 'That girl will surely be the death of me,' Arnav thought to himself as he slipped out of her room unnoticed.
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@arshifiesta @featheredclover @phuljari
#ipkknd#iss pyaar ko kya naam doon#arnav singh raizada#khushi kumari gupta#arshi#ipk 13th anniversary fiesta#whispers of the heart#hand picked star
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hi , can u write something with helaena , after aegon takes the throne she decides to take her children and go to dragonstone bending the knee to rhaenyra and she falls in love with the reader who is the eldest daughter to rhaenyra and it kinda ends with them being happy and like no war cause they help prevent it or something like that please and thank you in advance
Dragons of Peace
Requests are closed!
- Summary: Helaena bends the knee to your mother, Queen Rhaenyra.
- Pairing: niece!reader/Helaena Targaryen
- Rating: Mild 13+
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @alyssa-dayne @oxymakestheworldgoround
The wind howls against the stone walls of Dragonstone, carrying with it the salt of the sea. You stand on the balcony overlooking the courtyard below, where dragons roost and soldiers train in preparation for the inevitable war that feels as close as your own breath. The tension of it has woven into the very fabric of the island. Your mother, Rhaenyra, is deep in council with her allies, planning to reclaim the throne that was stolen from her by your uncle, Aegon. Yet, despite all the grim preparation, something inside you stirs—an instinct, a sense that today something will change.
It’s when you hear the distant roar of a dragon that you turn your gaze upward, eyes narrowing as a shape appears through the clouds. A dragon, its pale wings glinting faintly in the sunlight, approaches. Your heart skips as you realize it’s Dreamfyre. And Dreamfyre only belongs to one person: Helaena.
The courtyard erupts in movement as soldiers and servants rush to meet the unexpected visitor. You leave your post at the balcony, hurrying through the halls until you emerge into the courtyard, where the dragon lowers her massive head, allowing Helaena to descend. Her silver-gold hair gleams in the sunlight as she helps her children down, one by one.
Her eyes meet yours, a mixture of uncertainty and determination filling the space between you. It’s then you realize—she’s come to Dragonstone not as your enemy, but as something else.
“Y/N,” Helaena calls, her voice soft but resolute, holding your gaze as you approach.
“Helaena,” you reply, your own voice steady. “Why are you here?”
Her children cluster around her, their wide eyes taking in the surroundings, but it’s Helaena’s gaze that holds you captive. She breathes deeply before speaking again. “I’ve come to bend the knee to your mother. To the rightful queen.”
Her words hang in the air, thick with the weight of their meaning. Helaena, your uncle’s sister-wife and mother to his children, has chosen to stand with you, with your mother. You take a step closer, searching her eyes for any sign of falsehood, but all you find is sincerity—and something more. There’s a vulnerability in her gaze that you’ve never seen before, as if this decision, this act of defiance, has left her exposed in ways even she didn’t anticipate.
“I couldn’t stand by and watch Aegon claim a throne that isn’t his,” she continues, her voice trembling just slightly. “I had to protect my children. And... I had to protect you.”
The last words leave her lips in a whisper, but they strike you like a storm. You and Helaena have always shared an unspoken understanding, something deeper than politics or family ties. But now, that understanding feels like a tether pulling you toward her.
You feel the weight of her decision as if it were your own. “You’ve risked everything,” you say softly, taking another step closer. “Aegon... he won’t forgive this.”
“I know,” Helaena admits, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “But I couldn’t let him destroy what’s left of our family.”
There’s a pause, a charged silence between you, before you finally reach out, placing a hand gently on her arm. She shivers slightly under your touch, though whether from the cold or something else, you’re not sure.
“Come inside,” you tell her, your voice gentler than you intended. “We’ll keep you safe.”
She nods, and together you guide her and her children into the warmth of Dragonstone’s halls. As you walk side by side, you feel the tension slowly unwind from her body, and the way she leans just slightly toward you doesn’t go unnoticed.
Later, after her children have been settled into their chambers and Helaena has been brought before Rhaenyra to make her pledge of loyalty, you find her alone in one of the many stone-walled rooms of the keep. The firelight flickers against her pale skin, casting shadows that dance across her face, but the weight of the day has settled into her expression.
You step into the room quietly, but she turns at the sound of your approach, her eyes softening when they land on you.
"Thank you, Y/N," she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper.
You shake your head. "You’re the one who risked everything. I should be thanking you."
She offers a small, tired smile before turning her gaze to the fire. “I’ve always admired you,” she says after a moment, her words catching you by surprise. “The way you carry yourself, the way you protect those you love. I wish I could be as brave.”
“Helaena,” you start, but she shakes her head, silencing you.
“I’ve never been brave,” she says softly, her voice tinged with sorrow. “Not like you.”
Before you can respond, she steps toward you, her presence suddenly filling the space between you. Her hand comes up, resting gently against your cheek. The contact is electric, and for a moment, neither of you speaks.
“I was scared when I came here,” she admits, her thumb brushing against your skin. “But I’m not scared anymore. Not when I’m with you.”
Your breath hitches at her words, and without thinking, you place your hand over hers, holding it in place against your cheek. "You don’t have to be scared, Helaena," you tell her, your voice thick with emotion. "Not here. Not with me."
For a heartbeat, the world falls away, leaving only the two of you in this moment. And then, slowly, she leans in, her lips brushing against yours in a kiss so tender it feels like it could break you. The weight of the war, the throne, the realm—it all fades into the background, leaving only the undeniable connection between you and her.
When you finally pull apart, her eyes search yours, as if asking for permission, for reassurance. You give it with a soft smile, your hand still resting over hers.
“We can stop the war,” she whispers, her voice filled with hope. “The two of us.”
And in that moment, you believe her. Because with Helaena at your side, the world seems just a little less broken.
#house of the dragon#hotd x reader#hotd#hotd x y/n#hotd x you#queen helaena#helaena targaryen#hotd helaena#helaena x reader#helaena x female reader#helaena x you#helaena x y/n
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dynasty || II
non idol au, time travel, romance, rivals to allies to friends to lovers, crown prince to emperor taehyun, reader gets appointed as an concubine
taehyun x reader
(warning, this does not reflect the REAL idols personality, and no smut will be written to respect the idol, and i am not comfortable as well, and the taehyun in this ff is not the actual taehyun)
in which you, an excellent law student about to graduate collage suddenly gets dragged into the past, meeting the famous-fawned over emperor of the kang's dynansty. but you getting dragged into this mess was beyond a mystery, and it seems like you have something deep to discover. meddling with the past is a risky decision after all.
dynasty masterlist
2. Mountain
The Kang Dynasty was a family famous in history books- they maintain their reputation even when they're remains and only found on history books, museums, and people still fawn over them.
As a collage student, you would encounter this topic in history. Students fawn over them because of their 'good deeds' and 'glamouring' looks. Especially the emperor in this generation you're traveled into, Kang Ta...
"Who was he again? Gosh, I havent thought about history in a while." You get lost in thought as you clean the campsite of Soobin and Hobak as a sign of gratitude for saving you.
Its been officially a day since you've arrived here; you've built the pieces and it seems that you have time traveled for some absolute crazy reason.
"It was those masked people. Im so sure! I thought they were theives.." You sigh as you finish gathering the leaves on the ground and throw them in a pit.
"Somehow.. I still have this chopstick." You put it in your hair as you remembered the ladies from this dynasty wearing them on their hair. "I think it was that lady. Or she maybe predicted this and wished for my downfall because I looked stupid." You mumble to yourself as you grunt and sit down on a big rock waiting for something to happen.
Soobin and Hobak were cool honestly. Soobin was handsome but really introverted. He could just say one word for the day and go on. Hobak on the other side, is short compared to Soobin and very talkative, what a unique duo.
They went out to town because Soobin needed more herbal medicine for you because he thought you had memory loss or things that you couldnt understand what he was saying.
You wipe your hands and stand up to go back to your tent which was originally Hobak's that he was kind enough to share.
"Hey! Were back!" You hear Hobak shout before you could even reach your tent.
"Yo, something happen?" You ask.
"Nothing really crazy, but I saw the Crown Prince today! He looked handsome as hell but not as me. Anyways, I dont know why they're at Daedo, but it seemed really suspicious and at the same time important." Hobak rants on, and Soobin just nods his head.
"Cool. I cleaned a bit for you guys, and dont worry, I didnt displace anything." Soobin smiles at your work and places down the baskets he brought.
You all go inside the main big tent which is where the two of them eat, make ingredients and make medicine.
"What are you planning to do?" Soobin asks you.
"I dont know.. I still havent gained my memories, but the best thing to do right now is explore. The problem? Im broke." You knew that saying you time traveled is just pure stupidity because one, they dont know that, two, you'll be called crazy. So adjusting to Soobin's diagnosis would be for the best.
"You can work for us. I can give you money." Soobin happily drops out paper in the table and grins, "You'll be like an herb collector for me."
"Sure, that would be cool." You grin back and write his so called 'requirements' in the paper he placed down.
Morning comes, you hear the chickens attempt to wake you up for your first task, which is to travel to the mountains to find herbs Soobin needs.
"Wait. How do people find their way home though.." You thought as you prepared to go out. "It is what it is."
You walk over to the main tent and see Soobin sitting, drinking a cup of coffee. "Heres the list." He smiles.
"Good mood?"
"I like seeing people volenteer to help me."
You take the list and shove it down your pockets, "If you dont need anything else, then i'll be on my way." Fixing your shoes, you get ready to leave to the mountains.
"Goodluck." He smiles again.
The mountains were filled with leaves as it was autumn, and there were many trees compared to the present. It was truly refreshing to see a nice environment after a while.
"If I get killed by a bear, will I go back to my time?" You talk to yourself as you go on the mountains.
"Holy! Its this thing from the list!!" You look at the drawing and the plant and see alot of similarities, "Bingo." You pick up the plant and put it in your basket.
"Checked.." You put a check mark using charcoal that you randomly found in the ground.
"Next!" You hop on.
Soobin advised on how to get home, that to try and head to Daedo, which was at the South and Hobak would pick you up because he had errands there.
You knew directions enough to go, so it wasnt much of an problem.
"Ooh! Another one." You pick up another plant and mark it with the charcoal as you go on once again to the mountains.
You left the base at exactly morning, which for you was eight in the morning, and you had no issues on the way so far. Soobin's list is almost complete so you had no worries because you seemed lucky today.
"Check, check.. check. This is easy!" You giggle as you jump around the leaves.
"It dosent seem to bad to be in this dynasty. It feels good to have an escape from the suffocating gates of university and issues going around. It feels like life just became fresh again here." You sigh as you feel the wind swarm around with your thoughts.
"One last plant! And lucky for me, its over here." You crouch to the ground and pick up the plant and place it on your basket. "Wooho!"
But somehow, you couldn't shake off a weird feeling. Because everything was going so well; nothing has happened to you. And you felt like something right now is gonna go wrong.
"WHAT THE FUCKK!" You get trapped in a net, which seemed like a booby trap for animals and hunters to catch.
"I PREDICTED THIS. URHRHRHG." You groan and move around the net to try and make it give up because of your heavy ass.
You hear footsteps approach and you just start praying in your mind that they dont kill you and actually let you go and they're a kind soul and..
"Why are you here? This wasnt made for you." A tall man in a pony tail with his long hair and wearing black armor as he held a sword. He was hot as well.
"Whats good?" You smile at him awkwardly as you were in a position with tangled arms and legs.
"Who are you and what is your purpose?" He draws his sword. "Hey, hey! Im good- im innocent! Uh- im just looking for herbs!" You shout.
"See?" You shake your basket at him. He looks at you with a raised brow but dosent draw back his sword.
"So please, help?" You grin.
He dosent reply and cuts the rope with his sword which drops you to the ground "Ouch!" You fall ass flat.
"Thank you.. uh.."
"General Beomgyu of the Palace."
"Yeah! Thank you so much dear General Beomgyu!" You jump around in joy as you hug your basket.
"Its dangerous out here. Why are you collecting herbs?" He asks with his sword drawn back and crossed arms.
"It is? I never encountered any danger." You were lying. You saw booby traps in some areas, like alot. But decided to avoid them, but this trap you fell in was well hidden.
"...Okay. Who do you serve?"
"Uh... Soobin. Do you know him?"
"Oh. Its Soobin." He mumbles as he fixes his throat, letting the air engulf the two of you. He speaks after a while, "I have to get going."
You suddenly have an idea in mind, "Wait-" You stop him from walking, "Where are you heading to?"
He looks at you suspiciously but still answers, "Daedo." Your eyes brighten as you grin, "Can I come with you? Arent you concerned about the dangers lurking? Then a General like you! Can help me." You smirk as he looked genuinely suprised at your remark.
He thinks for a while, "Alright. Just dont be a bother."
"Wooho!" You shout with your fists thrown into the air as he just eyes you and proceeds to walk the direction to Daedo.
"Hey, do you serve the Crown Prince?" You ask as you both walk down the leaf filled ground. He looks at you for a short time and looks away.
"Yes, I do."
"Why are you here at Daedo?" You ask him. You remembered Hobak ranting about how the Crown Prince's prescence was both suspicious and seemingly important.
"Why are you asking?"
"Because im curious? Who lets the Crown Prince go along Daedo randomly?" You shrug as you two walk down a path.
He hesitates to answer, "We have business here in Daedo. You should be aware then that I cant share that information to you."
"Im aware, I just wanted to see if you would tell me or not."
"What?" He looks at you a little confused, "You're crazy."
You laugh at his comment, "Thanks."
You both become silent for the meanwhile as you observe your surroundings- you might need to know this place for future tasks or just incase you get lost.
"What do I even do after? I dont plan on working my whole life for Soobin. Well, that dosent seem so bad. I can explore Daedo then go practice fighting to look cool and build a base and-" Your thoughts get cut by Beomgyu, "We're here."
"Oh, theres my friend!" You notice Hobak near a corner. "Well, General Beomgyu, I wont forget you!" You wave goodbye as you run to Hobak.
"I wont forget you too." He mumbles under his breath before heading to his designated place.
<previous chapter
>next chapter
hi everyone!! heres the 2nd chapter <3 hope you enjoyed!
for kdrama lovers, if ya know empress ki, you know who im referencing beomgyu to (general taltal) i love him teehe
welcome beomgyu ‼️
#txt#txt x reader#taehyun#kang taehyun x reader#kang taehyun#beomgyu#hueningkai#kpop#soobin#yeonjun#beomgyu x reader#huening kai x reader#soobin x reader#yeonjun x reader#txt au#txt x you#tubatu
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[Mark of Love]
There is a theory, a fairy tale about how mole is where the places where your past lovers frequently left a kiss. Ace thinks it's ridiculous, ridiculously "cringe" and ridiculously Sappy. Yet Ace out of all people knew it, no matter how much he denied.
This comes from one theory that is quite popular. Kantokusei is looped by someone's magic. Also the moles(?) The location is based on my own body HAHAHA I'm forcing myself to look at my own body while showering then i noticed I have quite a lot of beauty marks. I have no idea why I'm writing ngl very self indulgent.
- Fem&AFAB!reader
|| slight suggestive, nothing serious it's just Ace being bratty. Slight Angst at the end(?)|| Hint that kantokusei's death || Ace Trappola return by death era ||
--- Masterlist ---
Everyone got one or two moles on their body either its an easily visible area or more hidden one.
There is a tale, a bed time story, an old wives tales- how beauty mark is the place where your past lovers like to kiss.
Ridiculous, Ace thought it was ridiculous- nothing more nothing less, it's just a silly story.
Yet, when lying on the bed with her right by his sides, kantokusei is showing all her moles. The areas where he knew the best.
After all... There's no smoke without fire... All fairy tales come from somewhere that hold some sort of truth. And Ace out of all people knows this, tiny dots across kantokusei body, like an artist painting on his empty canvas.
Of course he knew, of course he remembered, he is the one that left those marks afterall.
Lower right, below your lips
Ace loves to tease kantokusei, he lives for her angry faces, the grumpy hufs and he loves when kantokusei sulk about it.
Call him sadist or anything, but lives for her angry pout quietly sulking refuse to admit her loss.
But it won't be long, Ace despite his words of being chosen is often very provocative, and when he wears that extremely annoying and punchable smirk, he has this charm that allows him to easily win people.
Ace:"Neeeee~ kantokusei, I'm sorry... Stop giving me a cold shoulder. I'm a very sensitive person you know?? "
Ace: " come on, it's been a while since we spent time together without anyone bothering us, are you sure you want to spend it like this??"
Ace: "I will give you a kiss, So can you stop sulking? I'm sorry okay..?? I will replace the pudding that I ate so yeah? Come on~"
Slowly Ace comes closer, purposely he misses her lips.
[name]: " Hmm..., don't tease.."
Ace:v" mm? I won't give it unless you forgive me~"
On right shoulder
Ace is by no means a genius, but that doesn't make him a hardworking person either.
I mean studying is tiring you know?? All these numbers and names that he has to memorize??
The warmth from his girlfriend and the softness of the bed is not helping him at all.
Yet, his girlfriend is just annoyingly hardworking.
And Ace had enough, who studies when their boyfriend is right here?? Normal people already gave up 30 minutes ago right??? Yet why is his girlfriend still stubbornly refusing to rest?
If being whiny is not enough then times to plan B.
Ace: "kantokusei~ we have been studying for a while now... Let's take a nap?"
*kiss* *kiss*
[name]: "you mean me right? You have been procrastinating"
Ace: " It's very comfortable right now, we still have 2 days until the test. Let's take a nap?"
Moving her hair out of his way, his lips connected to the exposed area.
*kiss* *kiss*
[name]: "Ace, you are distracting"
Inner left thigh
Running while it's pouring is really not a good idea. In Ace's defence, the planning part is usually done by Kantokusei, I mean there is a reason why Rook-senpai call Kantokusei "trickster".
And Kantokusei managed to trick Azul ffs of course he left the thinking part to her.
But Kantokusei is tired from thinking today, they just finished their magic history test after all, so Ace being a good boyfriend he is will help kantokusei do the thinking.
Doesn't mean it's a good idea- and now they are soaking.
[name]:"Ace, do you have extra pants or shorts?? My laundry didn't make it-"
Ace & [name]:"where's your clothes?" "where's your pants?”
Ace: Woah woah, aren't it a bit early to be seducing me?? Kantokusei so lewd~
[name]: where's YOUR clothes?!
Ace: now, now I'm not the problem here. You see many shirtless guys around here- Kantokusei you have to be careful you know? Men are wolves.
Ace Trappola can never take his eyes off this person, either from a sheer absurdity of some words that left her mouth, or to make sure this person didn't get in any unnecessary trouble, Ace can't avert his eyes from this person.
When they start dating, Ace finds out one thing about him that surprises even himself. He is clingy, and craves kantokusei's hand on his body and his hands on her body.
Either by secretly entwining their hand under their desk, to keep his hand on her shoulder, Ace needs some form of contact.
Now in all her glory, thighs exposed, Ace feels like a very deprived virgin. And not any languages or words can explain what possesses him to pin her on the sofa and bite kantokusei's thigh.
Two above left eyebrow
Ace is far from "boyfriend" materials in fact he is far from it. In fact people have said to him he has a very irritating personality and punchable face.
Ace is not a perfect boyfriend, every word that leaves his mouth can be irritating. Every time he speaks it very much has the potential to pissed some off.
Yet at this time when her tears drop on his hand, it sears his skin, every chocked sobs feels like a sword piercing his heart.
At times like this, Ace wishes he was good with words so he could stop those tears from flowing out of her eyes.
Instead, Ace left a faint kiss above her eyes, no Ace won't ask her to stop crying, Ace knows how frustrated it can be. Instead he hoped this clumsy action could bring some sort of comfort to her.
In the middle of the ring finger at right palm
Again, it happens again. Smoke, fire, collapse building, aching all over his body, blood stained his hand and distant sounds of a monster growling. How many times has Ace seen this sight? How many times has he been through this.
He has to- he NEED to find her. Only kantokusei can calm that spoiled cat. Only kantokusei can stop that damn cat from throwing tantrums.
Ah, again and again and again and again and again. Ace is sick seeing this view. Red everything is red.
Ace thinks red suits her, but not this kind of red. The jam from the unbirthday party tart, the red roses where they painted it together, the red mark Ace put on her face as a joke to make them match.
Ace thinks red suits her because red is his signature color. But this, Ace feels like he's gonna throw up.
Ah but he did throw up didn't he? The first few times he saw this sight.
Again he failed, again and again and again. Just what does he have to do?? Grim's rampage will be stopped later, he knows, just how many times do you think he has been through this. That's good right? A monster is defeated by a knight, that's how a fairy tale goes right?? That's when they reach their happy ending right??
Ace is selfish, he won't let this world have their happy ending without her, even if it means having to go through this hell a few hundred times more.
[name]: "Ace..."
Ace: "hey, dont talk, save your energy"
[name] : "Ace, grim... "
Ace: " worry about yourself right now"
[name]: "Ace....? What are you doing..?"
Ace: "sorry, forgive me. I'm so sorry. Let's meet again later okay? In front of the Great Seven statue remember? We always meet there"
And so with a kiss on her palm. A promise, an oath.
Ace think the world can go fuck themselves.
If it means going through this hundreds or even thousands times so he can achieve the ending where both her and the world save that he will do it.
#*insert Re:Zero Return by Death sound*#disney twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland x reader#twisted wonderland#ace trappola x reader#ace trappola#ace trapolla x reader#twst#twst ace#twst ace x reader#twst x reader#my writing
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