#i guess this is mavin
iamvegorott · 10 months
Meeting A Magical Man Pt. 46
Part 1: Link Prev: Link Next: Link
“So… what's the story with that thing?” Marvin asked, leaning against the doorframe of Chase’s bedroom as he watched Chase return his gun to the little safe in his closet. It had been almost a week since they broke away from Dark, and Chase had refused to leave Marvin’s side the whole time. They had, for the most part, stayed at Marvin’s place and relaxed. They needed to rest and recover, but it was finally time to start moving on and get into their new roles. Well, Marvin’s new role. Thankfully, it was too late in the day to start that, and he could procrastinate a little longer. “I knew you worked in construction, but I didn’t think you’d ever own a gun.” 
“I bought it when Stacy told me she was pregnant,” Chase said, putting in the code to fully lock the safe. “I panicked at the idea of being a father, worried I wouldn’t be able to provide everything my kid would need, and being able to protect them was one of my first concerns.” He straightened up. “I bought the gun as a last resort. I’ve never used it toward someone. That was actually my first time even aiming it in a person’s direction.” 
“I’m sorry you had to do that, darling.” Marvin went over to Chase, placing a hand on his shoulder and gently rubbing it. 
“You do what you have to do to protect who you love,” Chase said with a smile, placing his hand on Marvin’s. Marvin knew he must be going soft these days since that got his heart to flutter. That was the closest to ‘I love you’ that Chase had said, and it was enough to get him to feel weak in the knees. 
“Yes, we do.” Marvin hummed, lifting his other hand to hold Chase’s cheek and kissing him. Chase chuckled when he thought it would be a quick kiss, but Marvin kept him close, gently nipping at his lower lip.
“Are you ever not horny?”
“You say that like you’re complaining.” 
“Far from it.” Chase bent enough to grab Marvin by the back of his thighs to lift him and plop him down on his bed. He laughed as he launched himself and landed on top of Marvin. 
“You’re going to break your bed doing that.” Marvin joined the laughter as he wrapped his arms around Chase’s neck. 
“I’ve been needing a new one for a while.” Chase playfully shrugged and then leaned down into another kiss. 
They had a few moments of peace, letting their hands wander and kissing lips, jaws, and necks before Marvin’s phone started playing a tune. 
“Mad,” Marvin said when Chase’s face asked who was calling. He awkwardly reached around their limbs, took his phone out, and answered the call, putting it on speaker. “Everything okay?” 
“Uh-yes, we’re all okay.” Mad’s voice showed he wasn’t expecting a question. 
“What’s up?” Chase asked.
“Oh! Um-Hi, Chase.” 
“You’re on speaker, hun. What do you need?” Marvin asked with a light giggle, running his fingers through Chase’s hair.
“Phantom told me to call since he and Mare made dinner and dessert and to, and I quote, get your asses over here before it gets cold,” Mad rambled the words out.
“Guess we’ll have to finish this up later.” Chase chuckled, crawling off Mavin and the bed.
“Finish what up?” Mad asked.
“Don’t worry about it. We’ll be back at the house in a minute.” Marvin hung up before Mad could ask anything more. “And this is why I never had roommates.”
“Once Phantom and Jackie find a place, they’ll be out,” Chase said as he checked that his clothing was in place. 
“The sooner the better. I know me and Jackie are on good terms, but it’s still awkward as hell walking into my kitchen and seeing my ex making out with his boyfriend.” Marvin clicked his tongue. 
“Or have him walking in on us making out in the kitchen,” Chase added with a wiggle of his eyebrows. 
“I can make out wherever I want in my house.” Marvin playfully huffed before looping his arm through Chase’s. “And, you know, other fun things~” He purred before snapping his fingers and sending them back to his place. 
“They were probably fucking, Mad.” Phantom’s voice was the first thing they heard when they arrived in the kitchen. 
“Sorry.” Mad squeaked when he saw Chase and Marvin and slipped away, sitting beside Mare at the table. Mare just shook his head and chuckled, sliding a plate of food in front of Mad and telling him to eat up. 
“Hey!” Phantom slapped the top of Jackie’s hand with a wooden spoon when he tried using his finger to get some icing off of the cake. 
“Ow!” Jackie yelped and pulled his hand back.
“That’s dessert. You have to eat dinner first.” Phantom scolded, wagging the spoon in Jackie’s face. 
“Nope, no buts, now put yours in your seat. And no puppy-dog eyes either, or you’ll be eating something else for dessert~” Phantom giggled, putting the spoon down and guiding Jackie to the table. 
“Are you sure you’re not related to him?” Chase joked, gesturing with his thumb toward Phantom. Marvin just rolled his eyes and went over to where there was a stack of plates and a pot on the stove. 
While Marvin wasn’t the biggest fan of having so many others in his home, there was a big bonus with Mare and Phantom. Mare was a great cook, Phantom was a great baker, and both did their specialty whenever they were bored or stressed, so there was always something delicious and fresh to snack on. Marvin made a plate of food for Chase, then one for himself, and they sat at the table. The table barely fit all of them with their plates, silverware, and drinks. 
“Anyone have plans for tomorrow?” Chase asked, not liking the silence that soon followed when they all began eating. 
“Got a few houses me and Jackie are going to look at,” Phantom answered. “Probably going to stop by the club as well. My chef wants to add something to the lunch menu, and I gotta check it out.” 
“I’m going to the library in the morning,” Mad said.
“We’re going to the library in the morning.” Mare corrected. 
“No, I am. You don’t like the library.” 
“You’re not going to the library alone.”
“Why not?” 
“You can’t go anywhere alone.”
“I’m not a child. I can go to the library without supervision.” 
“It’s not about supervision. It’s about keeping you safe. Dark might be done with us, but we still have Actor.”
“We haven’t heard from him since we left.”
“Okay, and? He’s patient when he wants to be. The moment you’re alone, he’ll snatch you up.” 
“You’re still making me sound like a child.” 
“I am not-”
“Did you cook the chicken with the noodles?” Chase asked, cutting the argument short. 
“Did you have it finish cooking with them?” Jackie added his question. 
“The noodles taste good,” Chase said before putting a big forkful into his mouth.
“Very good.” Jackie echoed, doing the same action. Phantom and Marvin shared a look, and they both chuckled softly. Neither needed to share words to know they were having the same thought. 
Tags: @brokentimewatch @bookwormscififan @d-structive @rainymae523 @ashtonisvibing
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versacebymonks · 1 year
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Alex Anda
I am writing this article with excitement in my heart because it is an opportunity to vindicate the downtrodden. I hate bullying and every opportunity I can get to make a bully see that he or she is naive, wake me up by 5am and I will be there, writing on my notepad like a maniac.
"Joey Akan(a well known Nigerian music music critic), you don't know me from Adam and we don't have any issues but I have to say it as it is."
Over the years, I have watched you insult the alte music scene and telling them that it is dead but from the look of things, it appears that it's your opinion that is dead. Because MAVIN Records, the biggest record label in Africa has been leaning towards alte music for years and just decided to go full blown alte with their new artiste, LifeSize Teddy.
Before you argue with me whether she is Alte, look at her stage name alone. When a normal artiste will give themselves stage names from their real names, she decides to go by LifeSize Teddy. I can bet the N0.18 in my Access Bank Account that her real name isn't Theodora or anything close to Teddy. That is the thing with alte artistes. They don't care what you think about their stage name, music or image, all they care about is their creative expression. LifeSize Teddy's self titled EP( a normal MAVIN strategy of artiste reveal) just released contains unapologetic alte music(by the way 'John Wick' is my favourite song on the project). She & MAVIN made the project just for the sake of creative expression and not for profit. I am not saying MAVIN is an NGO but over time, I have discovered that the best way to make money as a creative, is not to think of making money while in the creative process. Just create for the sake of creating.
Now you, might want to say that Lifesize Teddy is the first alte artiste in MAVIN. If you say that it shows you are not really paying attention to the music scene as you thought. MAVIN signed Johnny Drille, Ladipo, Rema, Arya Starr, Boy Spyce, Bayanni etc. Rema is literally carrying a lifesized teddy to his performances all over the world. I guess he will now go with his label mate. Arya Starr is your anime girl with her dressing. Boy Spyce was unveiled clutching a rabbit in his arm. All these are the 'I don't give a fxxk what you think, I just want to express myself' element of alte music. These are the kind of artistes the contemporary Nigerian record label normally don't want to touch. It seems that they are the types of artistes Don Jazzy loves to touch because he understands that the creativity of alte artistes is on another level as can be seen in alte legends like Cruel Santino, Odunsi etc. He knows that their creativity transcends just music. It expands to art, comic, fashion, game, merch, movies etc. The alte music culture is limitless. And a record label which signs an alte artiste will cash in these different aspects of the artiste. That's huge return on investment. That's how you know that DonJazzy is business savvy and I see him signing more alte artiste in future. So, alte artiste don't mind Joey Akan, keep doing your thing, Don Jazzy might notice you. If he doesn't, someone who is wise as him will. Keep pushing, don't give up. The music industry needs your uniqueness and creativity.
If anybody had any doubt, I hope Lifesize Teddy and MAVIN has put it to rest that in *in the voice of Olamide when he was alluding to DonJazzy* .....
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dhmis-campus · 2 years
how do you feel mavin?
Marvin: I feel alright, I guess
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kenisle · 5 years
happy anniversary of meeting to team nice dynamite.
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miss-ingno · 4 years
Misfits: The Clue (2/2)
Fandom: ragehappy Ship: Mavin (Michael/Gavin) Words: 3.6k Tags: college au, 5+1, vampire!Ryan, romance, domestic fluff, blood tw
Summary: Five times Michael and Gavin rationalized Ryan's vampirism plus one time they finally figured it out. By accident.
A/N: I might write a bonus scene because I found some old notes after finishing this and am still *facepalm* over not using That Trope for Scene 5. Oh well. It’s either gonna end up in the next installment, or on this one as an omake.
Read here on Ao3 or on Patreon. Tag. The Catch, The Closet, The Clue [1] [2], The Chase, The Change, The Comfort, The Canine.
Gavin was chopping the onions for the sauce while Michael stirred the rice and flipped the steaks, when Ryan stumbled into the kitchen. Cooking dinner on Wednesday nights had become something of a traditional date for them, something about the domesticity of it making Gavin giddy and Michael soft. They often ate at campus or ordered takeout, so deciding what dish to cook and experimenting with new meals felt pretty exciting.
Besides, Gavin got to hold Michael's hand at the store while they picked up groceries for the week, which was a definite plus.
They paused to look at Ryan when he stumbled past them, eyes half-lidded and hair mussed up from sleep. He ignored them, heading straight for the coffee machine. He slapped at the buttons and stared while the machine whirred, leaning against the counter, forehead pressed against the overhead cabinets. Michael and Gavin exchanged a long look. They’d learned pretty quickly to leave enough water and coffee beans in the coffee machine because Ryan forgot to check first every single time.
Once he’d fumbled for a clean mug and filled it with hot bean juice, Ryan turned to blink at them as if only just noticing them.
“G’mornin’,” he mumbled into his mug, taking a huge sip.
“Evening,” Michael drawled back, arching a judgemental eyebrow. A glance out of the window showed the sun had already set. Ryan grunted.
“Long day?” Gavin chimed in, an offer of sympathy. Ryan closed his eyes and sighed.
“Night shift,” he explained, rubbing at his eyes tiredly.
"I thought you work from home?" Gavin asked, confused, as he passed the chopped onions off to Michael. Ryan blinked at him, clearly not quite awake yet.
"I do." A pause where he simply stared back at Gavin for what felt like an eternity. Then he took a sip from his coffee and the spell was broken. "But sometimes there are… circumstances. Under which experiments need to be done. That are dependent on… time."
"Like… what?" Gavin grabbed the plates to set the table, but paused in his work to stare curiously at Ryan.
"Like…" Ryan trailed off, rubbing a hand through his hair, leaving it standing on end. "Uh, with some experiments it's important when something happens. Like, you have to wait for a reaction for a certain amount of time."
"So why didn't you start it earlier?" Gavin asked, stepping out of the way as Michael nudged him aside. "So you wouldn't have to work this late?"
Ryan stopped with the mug halfway to his mouth to stare at Gavin. His mouth opened, closed, and opened again. He kept silent long enough for Gavin to worry the answer was really obvious and Ryan was trying to think of a way to tell him without calling him an idiot.
Instead Ryan ended up blushing.
"You, uh, you know that feeling when you're in the zone, and you don't really know nor care what time it is, and you just want to do that one thing real quick while you're at it?" Ryan ducked his head and scratched behind his ear. "That, uh. Yeah. That happens sometimes. A lot. So I end up working nights because I messed up the timing."
“So basically, your sleep schedule is fucked?” Michael chimed in, sounding amused. The pan hissed and Michael poked at the onions and chopped garlic bits, moving them around so they wouldn’t burn.
“Hey!” Ryan objected, but his protest was muffled by the mug as he chugged the rest of his coffee only to go for a refill. He started seeming a little more awake now.
“Ryan, I thought you were an adult, Ryan!” Gavin squawked, stuck between incredulous offense and hilarity. After all, Ryan was the landlord of a huge mansion, a certified scientist, and rich. “You’re supposed to have your shit together, aren’t you?”
“Hey!” Ryan exclaimed, but the expression on his face was sheepish rather than offended.
“So are you, technically,” Michael said, jabbing his elbow into Gavin’s side. “But you’re still a dumbass.”
“Hey!” Now it was Gavin’s turn to sputter in offense. Then his expression turned thoughtful. “So, are you calling Ryan a dumbass, too?”
Ryan groaned and sank down in one of the chairs without a plate set out in front of it, burying his face in his arms, half-full mug clutched securely in his hand. Laughing, Gavin give his head a quick pat, messing up his already mussed up hair, before quickly darting off to stir the rice. That way, Michael stood between him and Ryan’s glare, which he was fixing Gavin with one eye barely peeking over his arm.
“Well, duh.” Michael glanced over his shoulder to throw Ryan a smirk. “If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck…”
With a huff, Ryan pushed away from the table, taking a much more measured drink from his coffee. He watched as Michael added tomatoes to the saucepan and Gavin washed off the rice before adding a serving next to the steaks on their plates. His brow arched up as Michael poured the boiling water from the veggie pot into the sizzling pan, creating enough fog to vanish in.
“...Gavin, can you take over?” Michael asked from within the cloud, taking several careful steps back and fishing his glasses off his face. “I did not think this through.”
“Sure thing, boi!” Gavin chirped, taking over stove duty. But Ryan was distracted from watching him as the scent started to register. His nose scrunched up, lips curling in disgust. Michael squinted at him, rubbing his glasses clean with the hem of his shirt.
“You alright over there?” Michael asked, bemused. Ryan was edging away from the table, mug clutched to his chest as if to safeguard his precious coffee.
“That… smells like garlic.”
"Well, yeah." Michael shot him a long look. “Because it is. Duh.”
“All the best dishes have garlic in them!” Gavin added cheerfully as he turned the stovetop off. “Trust me on this, I’m like, a quarter Italian!”
“His grandfather calls him ‘Gavino’,” Michael pretended to confess in a loud whisper, leaning over the table with a grin. “Why do you ask?”
“I’m… not a fan,” Ryan admitted, face pulling into a grimace, “let’s put it that way.”
“Who fucking doesn’t like garlic?” Michael sputtered. Ryan raised his chin with a haughty sniff.
“It’s not a matter of preference,” he declared, “but one of health.” He paused, shrugging one shoulder as he finished off his second mug of coffee. “Meaning, I’m allergic.”
“To what?” Michael asked, baffled. “Garlic?”
“Ryan, that makes you sound like a vampire, Ryan!” Gavin giggled as he carried the finished sauce over. Ryan flinched back as he set it down on the table.
“It’s a real thing!” Ryan insisted, pointing at Gavin with his now empty mug. “Look it up!”
“Sure it is,” Michael drawled, exchanging a conspiratory look with Gavin before winking at Ryan. “Besides, it’s not like vampires exist.”
“Innit?” Gavin added, smirk stretching across his mouth. Ryan gave them both the stink eye, abandoning his empty mug and pushing away from the table with a screech of wood on tile.
“I should head into the lab,” he excused himself, gaze flickering between the two grinning idiots. Ryan shook his head. “Enjoy your dinner.”
“How on Earth did Ryan manage to lift this?” Gavin grunted, his fingers slipping from how sweaty his palms had grown. “It’s bloody heavy!”
“How the fuck should I know?” Michael snapped, fingers white where he was gripping tight. But it was no use. The corner cupboard didn’t budge more than a half-inch away from the wall, and even that victory was hard won through blood and tears. “Shit.”
“Are you sure it was this cupboard Ryan moved?” Gavin asked, doubt written clear across his face as he let go, wiping his arm over his brow. “Like, there’s a dozen of these across the mansion, Michael boi, maybe this one’s just heavier than the others?”
“Fuck if I know,” Michael gasped, leaning against the wall. He eyed the drill bit where it had rolled behind the cupboard, almost all the way to the corner. He’d tossed it into the drill case with the other bits, but as if to taunt him, it had bounced right back out and rolled all the way until it dropped down to where he couldn’t reach it.
The room he’d turned into his workshop was one of many empty ones in the same wing as their bedrooms. Ryan had caught him working on one of his proof of concepts for his engineering lab out in the barn the third week in, and had told him to just convert one of the unused rooms inside the mansion. He figured he’d be grateful come winter, since the barn was big and windy.
“Don’t you have another you can use?” Gavin whined, rubbing at his aching fingers.
“No, dipshit, they’re all different sizes.” Michael stuck his arm as far as he could behind the cupboard, wiggling his fingers. He couldn’t even reach halfway. “Fuck. Maybe we should try to empty it first?”
Gavin reached out and rattled the door, grimacing. “They’re locked. I guess we could ask Ryan for the keys? Or help-” Gavin shot Michael a skeptical side-eye. “-since apparently he can lift these super easy, can’t he.”
“I doubt he’s that ripped.” Michael snorted and shook his head. A glance out the window revealed a sunny autumn day. “‘Sides, he’s probably still sleeping, the weirdo.”
Gavin hummed in agreement, eyeing the cupboard speculatively. “Maybe if we had some sort of lever…”
Michael shrugged, tucking his fingers between cupboard and wall and pulling. It budged less than half an inch. Ryan had made it look fucking easy, just lifting the stupid thing up an inch and pulling it out. That was in the first week they’d lived here, and to be fair Michael couldn’t recall if it had been this specific corner cupboard, even if the niggling feeling in the back of his head wouldn’t let go.
But no one was that strong. Well, no one normal, no matter how much they worked out. And he’d yet to catch Ryan working out, for that matter.
Meanwhile, Gavin had left him to his own devices, but after several fruitless tugs he returned with a broom from the supply closet. Michael was just about to say screw it and just ask Ryan for help later, whether that was with muscles or a key to the damn thing.
“For leverage!” Gavin declared, grinning as he waved the stick around.
“Fuck that noise,” Michael said, snatching the broom from Gavin’s hands. A thought occurred to him. “This looks slim enough to fit behind the fucking stupid cupboard…”
It took some time and some finagling, but they did managed to slowly push the drill bit closer and closer to the open end, Gavin cheering him on and giving him bullshit advice in turns. And if he was honest, Michael was kinda glad that they didn’t need to go to Ryan for help. No matter how secretly shredded he was or whatever. They were all grown up, living on their own for the first time, they could do this. Like adults. Without help.
Victorious, Michael held up the drill bit, nearly losing it again as Gavin tackled him in a hug.
It was on a lazy Sunday like any other that they found out. Gavin and Michael were lying about in the living room, to play games with Michael’s brand-new wireless controllers on Ryan’s big TV. Currently, Michael was slaughtering Gavin in Super Smash Bros, but Gavin had a plan: while Michael was focussed on the screen, he inched closer and closer. The moment he managed to hit Michael off the platform, he pounced, snatching Michael’s controller from his hands and leaping off the couch.
On screen, Michael’s avatar fell into the abyss and died.
“Don’t you fucking dare- Gavin!” Michael shouted, and Gavin squeaked as he grabbed for him, ducking under his boyfriend’s arm and bolting around the couch to keep it between them. “You fucking cheater, give it back!”
“Michael, don’t be mean, Michael!” Gavin danced back as Michael lunged for him. With a grin, he held his trophy aloft, waving the controller in the air before miming tossing it over Michael’s head. Michael’s eyes narrowed.
“You fucking dumbass, don’t fucking think-”
He threw the controller as hard as he could, and Michael jumped to catch it out of the air. He missed it by several inches, and it crashed to the floor behind him. Both of them winced, staring at the controller. It appeared unharmed.
“Oh, it’s on now,” Michael growled, and Gavin’s eyes widened. “Come here, you little-”
As if on a previously agreed on cue, they both dashed off, out of the door and around to the front of the house. Gavin squawked as Michael swiped for him, his fingers brushing Gavin’s arm. Zig-zagging, Gavin feinted to the left before darting off to the right, taking the stairs up three at a time. Going by the crashing and cursing, Michael was right behind him.
Briefly, Gavin considered running to their shared bedroom, let himself get cornered there for some fun. Then his competitiveness reared its head, and he ran down the opposite hallway.
“Don’t think you’ll get away with that, Gavvers! I’m gonna fucking catch you!”
Giggling, Gavin dodged around the corner, Michael hot on his heels. A quick look around showed a door to his left, and Gavin quickly pushed it open and ducked inside. But he wasn’t fast enough to shut it, Michael crashing into the door an inch before it closed. Squawking, Gavin leaned his entire weight against the door. Michael, however, was simply stronger than him; the door got pushed wider open inch by inch.
“Michael, don’t be a mong, Michael,” Gavin called out, followed by a breathless giggle.
“I’ll show you a fucking mong,” Michael grunted, and with one last heave managed to open the door far enough to squeeze through. Squealing, Gavin jumped back, whirling around to look for an escape. The room was filled with counters and tables, but there was another door in the back. Gavin threw his weight forward, Michael’s fingers brushing his shoulder as he stumbled.
However, Michael had learned and snatched a hold of his t-shirt.
The sudden tug had Gavin squawk and careen around, tripping over his own feet to crash into the counter. Michael was on him not a second later, pinning him down. Panting, Gavin squirmed, but only managed to wiggle his ass against Michael’s dick.
“Gotcha,” Michael gasped into his ear, and Gavin’s giggles turned into a high-pitched whine.
“No fair, boi. Lemme go, boi.”
“No fucking way.” Michael laughed, pressing closer and pushing Gavin’s chest flat onto the countertop. Gavin’s breathing hitched, and he braced himself with his elbows, glancing over his shoulder at Michael. Michael smirked at him, eyes half-lidded. “I caught you fair and square,” he whispered, nipping at Gavin’s ear, “so I get to fucking do with you whatever I fucking want.”
“No fucking in the kitchen,” Gavin gasped out, even as he arched into Michael.
“Not in the fucking kitchen,” Michael grumbled, emphasizing his point by biting into the joint of neck and shoulder. “Moron.”
Gavin hummed agreeably, clearly distracted by gyrating his hips against Michael’s growing hardness. Then he blinked, as if the words finally penetrated the fog of lust and adrenaline, and he looked around, up at the cupboards and down the counter he was bent over. Now that he thought about it, it made sense that this wasn’t the kitchen. Michael had chased him up the stairs and down several halls, and the kitchen was, after everything, still downstairs. That did beg the question, though…
“Then where are we?”
"Don't know, don't care," Michael muttered, words muffled by Gavin's skin under his lips as he mouthed along his throat. However, Gavin’s curiosity was piqued now, squirming around until Michael backed off enough for him to turn around. Michael huffed, attaching his lips to Gavin’s throat in retaliation, while Gavin craned his head to see several strange machines strewn across the countertops and tables filling the room.
“Okay, but, Michael, I think we’re in Ryan’s lab, Michael,” Gavin said, breath escaping him as Michael pushed a leg between his two.
“And I should care, why?” Michael bit out, and then bit Gavin’s lower lip.
It took Gavin a long moment, distracted as he was by kissing Michael, before he could gather his thoughts enough to remember.
“Michael, we’re not allowed in here, Michael,” he murmured against Michael’s lips, mouthing along his boyfriend’s jaw and sucking his earlobe between his teeth. Michael hummed, his hands finding and then kneading Gavin’s butt.
“So? Ryan’s not here.” Michael punctuated his point with a thrust of his hips, rubbing himself against Gavin’s leg.
“Exactly!” Gavin bounced excitedly on his feet, forcing Michael to take a half step back. “What better time to explore?”
“Or we could keep making out,” Michael pointed out reasonably. But he’d lost Gavin now, and he knew it.
“But boi, look at all these fancy machines! What do they do, do you think?” Gavin gasped, clapping his hands together. “Do you think he has a DNA analyzer in here?”
“How should I know?” Michael shot back, but followed Gavin gamely as the other poked around, trying to figure out the machines. A glance out the windows showed the sun had set a while ago, and Michael blinked, looking up to the ceiling. Fluorescent tubes lit up the room. “Uh, Gavin? Maybe we should go. We don’t know when Ryan will be back.”
“But, Michael, boi.” Gavin pouted, stopping his fiddling with the dials on a white, square machine of unknown purpose. “This stuff is fascinating, boi!”
“Yeah, and we really shouldn’t fucking push our lu-”
Michael cut himself off, cocking his head. He could’ve sworn he’d heard humming… but there were no footsteps so he figured it had to be one of the machines. Gavin had moved on to sticking his head into closet, when the door rattled.
They both whipped around, seeing the handle pushed down, but the door got stuck, bent slightly out of shape from their earlier roughhousing.
“Oh shit,” Gavin blurted out, paling rapidly. Michael stared at him, feeling blood leave his face, too. But looking at Gavin, he could see the closet behind him, and it seemed big enough-
“In, in, go,” he hissed, hurrying over to Gavin and pushing him into the closet before ducking in after him. Closing the door after them was more complicated but they managed after several long seconds of panic. Then they crouched there, eyes wide and hearts hammering away at their chests, straining to hear any tell-tale noises.
No footsteps, but there was a barely there sound of shifting clothes, and then the sound of a mug being set down. This was followed by the noise of some cupboard being opened and the clinking of glassware against porcelain or wood.
‘What do you think he’s doing?’ Gavin mouthed, or at least Michael guessed that was what he was trying to convey. He simply shrugged and pressed a finger against Gavin’s lips to remind him to keep quiet.
Some part of him thought they were being silly, that they should come out and simply apologize to Ryan, explain that they’d gotten lost during their little chase game. Another, larger part of him was frozen because Ryan didn’t have many rules and he could arguably kick them out for breaking. And then they’d be stranded in the middle of the forest and stuck trying to find somewhere else to bunk.
Heart in his throat, he gestured for Gavin to stop fidgeting and gently pushed at the closet door, trying to peek through the slit. Ryan was standing at the countertop, sipping from his coffee mug and poking at one of the machines Gavin had messed with, a frown on his face. In the bright fluorescent light the liquid looked more red than brown.
Something was wrong about his face. Michael couldn’t quite put a finger on it, but… Something was off.
It made Michael hesitate.
“What is it?” Gavin whispered, and Michael flinched. His shoulder hit the door, and to his horror, the door swung open, slamming against the wall with a loud crash.
“What the-” Ryan sputtered, and heart hammering in his throat, Michael tumbled out of the closet, followed closely by Gavin.
“Ryan, sorry, Ryan,” Gavin was babbling even as they helped each other up. “We didn’t mean to end up in your lab, kinda weren’t looking where we were going wh-”
Gavin cut off with a sharp inhale, and Michael glanced up from brushing off his pants in the vein hope he could avoid eye contact for a little longer. At first he wasn’t sure what had startled Gavin into silence, but when he turned to look to Ryan, the question died on his lips and his throat dried up.
Ryan had clearly been in the middle of taking a sip, mug still halfway raised. When the door slammed open, it must have startled him, because the liquid was splattered all over the lower half of his face, lab coat and shirt. Except, it wasn’t the brown of coffee, not a trick of light, but--
Bright, crimson blood. Fresh blood.
Wide eyed, Michael lifted his gaze to meet Ryan’s.
Crimson eyes stared back at them, teeth bared in a horrible grimace. And as he spoke, his voice a deep, growling threat, the canines elongated into fangs, dropping passed his lips, long and pointy.
For those interested, I just posted another Behind the Scenes post about this series on my Patreon. This one’s about Michael and Gavin’s backstories pre-series.
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tendergore · 4 years
godddd, once again everyone is asleep and this info came out at night i fucking hate it here lmao. am i gonna wake up to stories corroborating this? a statement? i will literally lose it geoff means so much to me like. this man founded AH? this would literally break jack i literally can’t do this lmao. like i’m numb rn but if more evidence than those pictures comes out and there isn’t some explanation like him being separated from griffon at the time at least? this will certainly trigger a mental break for me. idk what’s gonna happen i literally don’t wanna go to sleep. week after week has been shitty since the end of september for me, and i cannot fucking do this. hopefully the numbness stays. i’ve never had a hit like this in a fandom before while i was still in said fandom, and i was sooo not ready for this whole entire situation. i’m just ranting now. and so stupid i was like having a pleasant ass day after trevor’s statement came out, i was like “that’s everything wrapped up!” and like. lmao. i really really really hope this isn’t true or is more innocuous than it seems. not just for me but for everyone in achievement hunter. this fucking blows. b l o w s
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ahwuum · 5 years
Okok I just got home but I HAVE NOT been able to get these thoughts out of my mind all day.
So last night’s post had me thinking, wouldn’t it be cool if Gav just lived in this house with all his vampire boyfriends??
Like they all end up living together for some reason and they start off with this very serious and dramatic tension as the guys try really hard not to let Gavin know that they’re vampires and it’s like, out of a damn soap opera how dramatic they all are about keeping this secret and when Gavin finally does tell them he Knows, he reveals that he’s actually known from Day 1 and he just thought they were trying to be polite and not gross him out by eating blood in front of him lol.
Michael’s absolutely from the 50′s, was probably part of the mafia when he got bit and had to go into hiding so they didn’t find him again. He’s still kinda got the accent, but he’s worked hard to tone it down
Ryan’s from Shakespeare’s time no question. That dramatic bitch has held onto his theatrics and his unnecessarily long (and outdated) words for hundreds of years despite the fact that he flubs them all the time and will not let them go, thank you very much, kids these days have no creativity, no inspiration, where’s the panache?
Jack’s a little bit older, used to be a plague doctor way back in the day until one of the corpses he was performing an autopsy on turned out to be a very much not dead vampire and he got bitten (had to go on the run as well because people started getting suspicious when he didn’t get the plague)
Geoff won’t say how old he is, but they all know he’s old as fuck, probably a couple hundred years older than Jack. He makes jokes sometimes about how he was there when the pyramids were built (or insert literally any other landmark from the ancient world tbh) but nobody really believes him.
Jeremy’s the hardest one. I can’t decide if I want him to be the same age as Gav (and bitten like a year or two ago) OR... If I want to make him the oldest one by far.  ‘Cause see, like, I just love the idea of crazy old Jeremy who’s been alive so long that he’s already gone through the hundreds of years of depression, nihilism, having existential crises every goddamn day and he just got tired of it and decided, you know what? I don’t give a fuck lmao I’m gonna live forever bitch!! Who cares if everyone I ever love dies!! I don’t!!! I don’t care at all!!
And like he just Does Not know pop culture, he doesn’t watch movies, only knows specific bands and tries to keep up on it all once the rest of the guys start hounding him for it (You’re the oldest bitch alive and you haven’t seen fucking Star Wars???) but he is actually pretty knowledgeable about science, like plants and animals and stuff since it’s interesting to him, but pop culture? No.
Anyways here’s Gav with all these old fucks as his boyfriends and like they’ve been alive for hundreds or years and they still can’t wash a bloody cup? Fold a goddamn towel? He has to do everything around here! (He secretly loves it tho bc he likes feeling useful uwu)
But yeah that’s it, that’s the post, just Gav with his five vamp boyfriends and they’re all in love <3
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scp69 · 5 years
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vagrantblvrd · 6 years
The Michael Jones FAHC version of this in which he calls the person an asshole and bitches about them making a mess wherever they go. Why should he be surprised they don’t give a fuck about their jacket?
And seriously, who the fuck wears fur these days? Goddamned asshole.
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atravellerstale-meg · 6 years
for the prompts: mavin + valentine's day + ice cream? I'm not sure if this counts as a prompt.... thank you in advance!
Went a wee bit overboard with the prompt… I hope you like it!
Prompts are still open!!
Michael sat on a park bench, glare shifting from the pink decorations he could glimpse in storefronts to the storm clouds overhead. It was California, for crying out loud, he was used to clear skies and sunny weather. Even if it was Winter.
He sighed, pausing as his eyes caught on Gavin returning with two ice cream cones. He was turning heads in his extravagant white dress, the bottom already turning brown with dirt and his veil knocked off centre. There was a tightness to Gavin’s eyes, too, though Michael knew only he was able to see it, everyone else taken in by the bright grin on his face. He couldn’t keep himself from softening and lifting his arm, letting Gavin tuck into his side.
“Here you go,” Gavin said, holding out the cone not covered in sprinkles. “Strawberry, right?”He said nothing as he took it, knowing Gavin didn’t really need to ask just as he knew that beneath the sprinkles was the hot pink of bubblegum. Still, he also knew that Gavin needed normalcy right now, so he lifted the cone and asked, “Ice cream, really? In this weather?”
“Well, it’s tradition, innit?”
“Suppose it is.” He pressed a kiss to Gavin’s hair, deliberately nudging the veil just a bit further out of the way. “Happy Valentine’s, boi.”
“Happy Valentine’s.”
There was a sober note to Gavin’s voice but he turned to start on his ice cream instead of saying anything further to Michael, so he did the same, keeping a close eye on him regardless.
Eventually, he’d finished his cone, but Gavin had only had a little bit of his before just turning it in his hands, watching as the drips made their way down to his gloves. They would stain on the white, but neither of them did anything as the first connected, then the second, then the tenth, until Michael finally lost count and looked up at Gavin.
Seeming to sense his gaze, Gavin turned to him with a sad smile and said, “I guess we should be heading back, huh?”
He shook his head, grip tightening just slightly around him. “What are they going to do if we don’t show up? It’s our party, after all.”
“It’s not a party, Michael, it’s our wedding!”
“Exactly. It’s our wedding.”
Gavin huffed but didn’t argue, gaze returning to the cone. “Geoff’s probably throwing a hissy fit.”
“He’ll get over it.”
In response Gavin ducked his head. Michael frowned, tilting his head to try and get a better view of Gavin’s expression and glimpsed pink cheeks and a furrowed brow before he pulled away. Michael let him go.
“You know, if you don’t want to get married that’s-”
“But I do!” Gavin cut him off. He still didn’t look up, but his fingers clenched tightly enough around the cone to shatter it, staining his gloves completely pink. “I love you, boi, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you! I want to do the whole song and dance with the rings and the vows and the cake and the, the actual dance. It’s just…” His fingers twitched again and he fell silent.
Michael said nothing, just watched as Gavin turned to put the remains of his ice cream in a nearby trash can, slipping his gloves off and throwing them away too before returning. Slowly, Gavin reached forwards, lacing their cold, pink fingers together. He took a deep breath.
“I want this,” he repeated, raising his eyes to meet Michael’s. “I want all of this. I’m just worried that I’m going to mess it up.”“The wedding or the marriage?”
“All of it!”
He nodded slowly, taking Gavin’s words in, before pulling one of his hands away to cradle the back of Gavin’s head, pulling him in to press their foreheads together. He held Gavin’s gaze, making sure he knew he was being honest when he said, “Perfect doesn’t matter. With everything that comes after today, I’m sure we can figure it out. And for today, it was never going to be perfect. You know the others, you know they’re going to take the cake when it comes to fucking today up. Even ignoring the fact that Ryan will probably literally steal our cake, we’ve also got the objections to look forwards to.”
A smile flickered across Gavin’s face, which he returned, continuing, “I know for a fact Lindsay’s going to make a big hullabaloo about you stealing her man, and I know Geoff’s going to burst into tears during the ceremony no matter what happens, and I know someone’s going to get a Moonball to the face. But I also know that none of that matters, because we’re going to be getting married, boi! That’s the part that matters.”
“But what if… what if I screw that up?” Gavin asked, gaze dropping. “If I flub or my mouth just doesn’t work and I don’t say anything or, or-”
“We’ll manage,” Michael said, moving his hand to lift Gavin’s chin. When their eyes met again he smiled, trying to ignore the lump rising in his throat. “We’ll manage. Besides, you’re not going to be the only one at the altar struggling to string words together.”
Gavin looked confused. “But Ryan’s just a guest.”
He gave a shaky laugh and said, “No, I meant me. I’m going to be struck fucking dumb up there, I swear it. I’ll see you in front of me and realise that this is it, that I’m finally marrying your dumb ass and that we’re going to start a whole new life together and I’ll just-” he couldn’t even finish the sentence as his voice trembled, eyes welling up. He quickly blinked the tears away, taking deep breaths as he took in the soft look in Gavin’s eyes, the upturn to his mouth, the flush in his cheeks, until eventually he could say, “I love you so much, Gavin.”
All the tension slid out of Gavin as he smiled back, wide and carefree. Despite this, his voice was quiet as he said, “I love you too, boi.”
Back in the penthouse, he knew Geoff would be kicking up a fuss. The others would be trying to calm him, Jack being the most successful, but they’d all be sharing in his worry. If they’d taken their phones with them, they would have been ringing off the hook by now.
But for now, there was quiet and peace and a hand in the lapels of Michael’s suit, pulling him in. Gavin’s lips were cold, and he’d guess his own were too, and he could taste bubblegum and strawberry. Overhead, the clouds finally parted, the sun painting the inside of Michael’s lips pink. He smiled into the kiss and rubbed a thumb over Gavin’s jaw. Everything else could wait. They’d be fine.
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iamvegorott · 10 months
Meeting A Magical Man Pt. 43
Part 1: Link Prev: Link Next: Link
“So Anti just suddenly got a conscience last night?” Chase asked, putting on his shirt. 
“He’s always had one. He just kept it buried to stay safe. Hard to do that line of work with a voice in your head telling you how horrible you are.” Marvin brushed the ends of his hair, looking at himself in the mirror. “I used to do…I still do the same thing sometimes, but a certain someone makes it harder to do that nowadays.” He shot a playful look at Chase through the reflective glass. 
“What a shame.” Chase chuckled, clearly proud of being that someone Marvin spoke of. “So Anti showed up and gave you a spell so Dark can’t hunt us down?” 
“Well, one of us. I’ll have to play with it and see how far I can stretch it.” Marvin muttered with a huff. 
“Are you annoyed that you have to do it? We could ask Phantom or Mare to check it out.” Chase suggested.
“I’m annoyed that Anti figured it out and I didn’t. I’m supposed to be better at magic than him, and he got a spell solved before I could.” Marvin’s pride was showing, and Chase chuckled again. 
“Didn’t he get like a head start from Dark?” Chase asked as he took the brush from Marvin and started helping him with his hair. Marvin paused and let out a happy sigh, enjoying the feeling of Chase playing with his hair. 
“Yeah, but still.” Marvin closed his eyes and let himself relax for a second. 
“So, did anything happen after Anti gave you the spell?” 
“He said we were being watched before he left. Mad was there, and we didn’t notice.” 
“He is pretty quiet.” Chase shrugged. “I’m guessing Mare took over from there?”
“Yep. He got him back to bed.”
“That’s it then? Nothing else I gotta worry about?”
“That’s not a good well.” Chase looked down as Marvin tilted his head back, giving him a weak smile. 
“I said I could be Mad’s mentor.” 
“You? Mad’s mentor?” 
“Damn, show some faith.” Mavin reached up and placed his hands on Chase’s face, squishing his cheeks together and making him puff his lips out. 
“I have-” Chase stopped when his voice came out weird, and he took hold of Marvin’s wrists, moving them so his lips weren’t pursed anymore, but Marvin’s palms were still on his skin. “I have faith, but I didn’t think you’d want to do that?”
“I feel like I want to puke at the thought, but I’m our best choice, and with how everything’s been going, our only choice. I just hope I don’t fuck him up too much.”  Marvin sighed. 
“And you said I needed faith.” Chase leaned over and kissed Marvin’s forehead. 
“Stop being cute when I’m having a mid-life crisis.” 
“Mid-life crisis? You’re not that old.”
“Being a mentor is for old magic users. I can feel the gray hairs coming in.”
“Your hair is literally green.” 
“Gray and green start with the same letters.” 
“If you’re old, what does that make me?”
“My sugar baby~” Marvin winked, and that got Chase to break out in a loud laugh. Marvin started laughing soon after. 
“Wait, wait.” Chase’s laughs soon died when he realized something. “If you become Mad’s mentor, what about Dark? Holy shit, Dark’s going to kill you if you do that.” He sat the brush down and stepped back so Marvin could stand up. “Maybe you could, like, help Dark not be so shitty?” 
“I don’t think that’s possible.” 
“Everyone can be less shitty. Just throw some toilet paper at him and tell him to fucking stop.” 
“Darling, I’m not throwing toilet paper at Dark.”
“It’d be better than taking his apprentice away. You both have that weird contract thing.”
“Mad doesn’t.”
“What? What do you mean he doesn’t?” 
“He’s only changed it and hasn’t signed it yet.” Marvin watched as Chase froze, holding his hands out in front of him in thought before they dropped. 
“He pulled a lawyer move on a magic user thing?” 
“I don’t know if that’s really smart or really dumb.” 
“Yes.” Marvin shrugged. “Dark’s going to hate it, but technically, Mad’s not obligated to stay with him. He’ll be pissed and try to figure out how to get Mad to sign it since magical contracts are a lot more complicated than non-magic ones. When I ran away from mine, that shit hurt. But I’m a lot tougher than Mad and had my mentoring mostly done by that point. I’m pretty sure it’d literally kill him if he tried doing the same thing.” 
“Would it hurt to run away again?” Chase asked.
“I never actually resigned anything. That connection is broken, and I’m only going back based on what Mad’s contract would be, and that’s not signed either. The only one of us with a contract connected to Dark is Phantom.” 
“Are contracts just a Dark thing?”
“Yeah. He’s extra as hell. We’re lucky he didn’t learn that from Actor, or that’d be a whole different problem for Mad and Mare.” Marvin clicked his tongue. “I think-” He didn’t get to finish before there was a knock on the door. “Come in.” 
“Um…hey.” Mad opened the door and stepped in. “Dark texted. He wants me over with my contract.” 
“Have you signed it?” Marvin asked.
“No. Not until my changes are approved.” 
“Good. Let’s go see how pissed Dark’s going to be.” 
“Pissed?” Mad’s shoulders dropped, and fear flashed in his eyes. “But I-I’m just-why would-I-” 
“Breathe, honey, breathe.” Marvin guided Mad through a deep breath. “We’re going to figure this out. If he gets too pissed and won’t listen. We’ll run.”
“Run?” Mad and Chase both echoed.
“We grab some of our stuff and take off. We have that spell from Anti, and we’ll hide. I’ve made a whole new life before. I’ll do it again.” 
“What about Henrik?” Chase asked. 
“I’ll make it work. Magic can do a lot when you’re smart with it.” 
“I don’t like that our only plan is to run if things aren’t good,” Mad said. 
“Got anything else? We need to leave right now.” Marvin said. 
“No…No, I don’t.” Mad sighed. 
“Could we stop by my place really quick? I’d like to change into clean clothes.” Chase asked.
“Of course, darling.” Marvin softly smiled. 
“I’ll go tell Mare we’re leaving.” Mad pointed with a thumb before stepping away. 
“I’ll get dressed as quickly as possible,” Chase said with a smile, feeling guilt churning in the pit of his stomach since he had plans of grabbing something he had hidden since the beginning.
And he prayed he wouldn’t need to use it. 
Tags: @brokentimewatch @bookwormscififan @d-structive @rainymae523 @ashtonisvibing
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flame-cat · 7 years
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just venting about some stuff thats happened
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ssoftdaniel · 7 years
Have you ever had a headcanon idea that was supposed to maybe be a paragraph or two and then suddenly as you’re writing it it explodes into like seven paragraphs and you wanna turn it into a whole story
Someone save me from this hell
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isiga-inkblood · 7 years
Couldn’t Just Leave Her There
ok so this is really just a dumb scribble I did in like an hour give or take a few minutes of type time. I didn’t even edit it. I am also posting a link to AO3 for easier reading. Its in 2nd person in true me fashion 
I guess this is a the Egos are their own people AU
Characters/Ship: Jackieboy Man x Marvin the Magnificent
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Cuteness, one eyed animal
Be Jackieboy Man Aw yes! You are now Jackieboy Man flying about the city in search of people or animals in peril! The city though is rather quiet tonight you've stopped a couple muggings and escorted a young lady down from a building and to the hospital, hopefully she gets better soon. But that is all the action you've seen tonight. Its almost four am now and you're about to just up and call it a night before you hear something below you. Oh lovely dark alleyway, perfect place for a rough and tumble. Not! Marvin's rogue spell gave you the power of flight but it definitely didn't give you night vision so really and truly screw fighting in dark alleys. Too bad its part of the job though. You swoop down landing with a clatter onto the top of a dumpster fists up and ready to brawl but there's nobody there. Your hands fall away and you scan the area but sure enough there's absolutely nobody around. Just a cardboard box...that's moving. You toe your way off the dumpster's lid and crouch beside the box. It lets out a curious sound and patters around in front of you. You pull the box up to be greeted by one very blue green eye and blueish black fur. She's shivering and skinny as all hell, fur matted and greasy as an oil spill. Yeah you scoop her up faster than you like to admit. The only thing you've possibly scooped up faster than this cat is your boyfriend. You're in the air and flying home in record time with the little thing stashed in your suit cradled against your chest. Hopefully he doesn't mind the new pet. As per the usual you can see small sparkles through the window and a few things floating around, looks like he might be making you food to come home to. He's really too good for you oh but you will so take it you love your little magician to pieces. "Gonna give ya a great new home lil' lady. Marvin's got a soft spot for kitties and every magician needs one right...wait maybe that was witches...Whatever, you'll love him regardless." She just sort of tilts her head at you her one eye glossy and tired looking as you open the door. "Kitten I'm hooooooome!" An assortment of things clatter to the floor as you seem to crack his concentration. A couple books, the broom, and a ladle meet the tiled floor in the kitchen and cause you to receive a chest full of startled claws. You shout out a curse and hear slipper clad feet bounding for you. Just seeing him makes the pain fade a bit. He's free of his usual mask scars and bright cerulean eyes on display, he's clad in only your shirt, a gag Jackieboy Man one from Chase, tiny boy shorts and pink kitty slippers. But he's kinda looking right through you even as your eyes wander his exposed thighs. "Is that a cat, Jackie." Its not a question its a statement he knows damn well its a cat that's peering out of your suit with her claws currently in your skin. Of course you slid her in under your Kevlar armor and right up against your skin, its warm and if someone were to attack on your way home she'd be safe. Too bad though that means she has direct access to your very tender flesh and she seems far too spooked to wanna let go. Thank everything for those soft hands though, free of his usual gloves his skin is warm and smooth from lotions and currently coaxing tiny claws out of your nipples. He manages after a couple minutes and scoops her out of her hiding spot cooing quietly. "Oh my Merlin, she weighs nothing. And she smells like that shady bar downtown." He boops her on the nose with his fingertip and she just stares at him as he pets her. "How about a bath and some food, hmm? I'm sure I've got some fish lying around somewhere." You can't help but smile and follow those hips into the kitchen partially unzipping your suit along the way. She migrates on shaky paws to his shoulder where she settles while her perch resumes his hand flicking. More pink sparkles fill the air as he sneaks his head into one of your cabinets. The broom starts up again sweeping around you, the cook books begin floating again near the stove, and the ladle goes back to stirring the stew that's steaming. "Aw huzzah tuna, here we go this should go down easy. Stew's done too, Jackie. Its cold out tonight figured it would taste good." "I know something else that would taste real good tonight." He jumps and so do the books, nearly falling into the stew as you start bowling some up. You grin and wiggle your eyebrows at him as his face goes rosy red. His fingers trace over his scars nervously, it makes you a bit sad hopefully one day he'll see himself the way you see him. Its not like you aren't...intimate. No not at all you guys go at it like rabbits most nights but it certainly hasn't been without the mask for long. You never minded though, you'd just kissed around it and over it as if it were his scared up skin. You didn't make it a deal at all and one day it just came off. His fingers were shaky and his eyes were watery as if he were afraid you'd bolt as soon as you saw how deep the slashes are and just how much of his face got burned the day he got his magic. He has that same look now and it breaks your heart a little, but, you remind yourself, he's healing and you know it. The fact that he now walks about your home without it on is proof that he's improving no matter how slowly. He's come leaps and bounds but could use the extra help for his psych when you're out on patrol. That might have been an extra reason for bringing the small feline home. "You're missing an eye...all scared up too. Got in a scuffle, didn't you?...Its ok I did too...guess we're one in the same huh?" He's feeding the cat tiny bites with his finger making sure she doesn't scarf down too much and get sick. Its a precious sight that pulls at your heart while you yourself all but inhale his beef stew and moan into the bowl. That pulls a giggle from him, a sing song, snort filled, honest to goodness giggle that you love to the damn ends of the earth. "That good? Its nothing special, Jackie." All you can do is nod and let your eyes roll back. Weakly, you push one of the books toward him in a show of retaliation at his putting himself down. You miss terribly, but the cat looks up at it for a moment. You're shoveling and she's nibbling and its so surreal and quiet that you almost miss him talking again. "- Sam?" He looks up at you his mint bangs ruffled from fidgeting with them and eyes filled with stars...yeah you missed what he said. You just cock your head at him and he lets out a little chuckle again. "So hungry, horny, and tired you can't hear very well, love? I asked what you thought of Sam." You manage to swallow despite your sputter at his accusation of you being too horny to hear right and set your now empty bowl on the counter. "Sam?" "Yeah for her. Ya, know her name? I'm not just gonna call her cat." You're just nodding trying to process the fact that he's 100% down with just, keeping her. No discussion needed he's already decided. And you couldn't be happier about it. You nod vigorously and get yourself a brighter than the moon smile. He scoops her up again and lets her settle on her newfound shoulder perch. Its like she was meant to be here, like a familiar for him. "Gonna need your help getting her clean, the feline madam is probably not too fond of water."---- Almost half an hour later you finally have her...Sam, in the tub. You ended up having to keep your Kevlar on so she didn't scratch you up too bad and in the end you wound up with the best view. Marvin's now sitting in the cozy basin holding her carefully to his very bare chest and you'd be a big fat liar if you tried to claim it wasn't doing it for you. He looks so damn adorable scrubbing this tiny one eyed cat with Dawn and a genuine smile on his face. You just sit on the edge with a towel at the ready shifting about to attempt to hide your half chub since ya know, your beautiful boyfriend is currently completely on display, relaxed, and holding a god damn black cat. The fact that she's black only seems to make her fit better against his pale, scared up skin. A quick gasp is all the warning you or him get, Sam shoots out of the water just as you fall in with a huge splash. You look out over the rim, between your dangling feet, to see her staring at you with one wide eye but she seems alright. Beside you on the other hand Marvin's got both hands over his mouth shoulders shaking and cheeks bright pink as he tries to contain his giggles. "Yeah yeah yeah, laugh it up, kitten." You lift an arm only to find it absolutely caked in bubbles, looks like you took his mint lavender bubble bath down with you. Death to the bubble bath! You hold up the now only half full purple bottle. "I have bested you minty fiend! Justice is served!" He's snorting and holding his gut as you tighten the lid and drop it back into the water. You deem that it can just stay there for now and mange to toe off your boots so you can slink your feet into the water too. You're still completely clothed but you don't really care all you wanna do is flop on top of his naked body. Maybe kiss and lick at the droplets running down his collar bone, trace all those scars with your gloved fingertips. No, bad Jackie, down boy down. But...he does really like your suit. No, Jackie, cat and cuddles tonight. He's still snorting against his fist too which is just cute as hell. "God I love your laugh." That cuts it off instantly and increases the redness by a factor of ten. You don't mind though you just smile and shimmy up his body slotting yourself between his knees. Your head comes to rest against his soft chest, right where the stars that scatter down his arm begin. The ink stands out against his skin about as starkly as Sam does, blacks and pinks and purples, all practically twinkling under your cheek and down the arm attached to one of his wandering hands. His fingers find your hair and make you smile, red and black pattern across the nails running through your own neon strands. Looks like one of the little girls at the hospital got to him enough to get him to let her paint them. "Lil' Lucy, eight year old Lucy, with the strawberry headband. She's getting worse, was really scared of the shots they had to give her today. So Henrik let me let her paint my nails while they poked at her." He pulls one away from your hair to show them to you better and you just smile wider. You love that about him, he goes to the children's hospital every day to do magic shows and face paint for the kids. He often ends up staying way later than he needs to doing things like this for them. He just loves others, just like you. He's afraid of most adults though, so you take care of them and he takes care of the little ones. You take that hand in your own and kiss each knuckle lightly. His pulse flutters under your ear and his body shivers. The water's gone a bit cold and Sam is staring at the two of you her front paws propped up on the edge of the bowl where you previously sat. She's dry for the most part, guess you've been in here for a bit now. You kick the drain lever and hold him as he shivers Sam mewing impatiently. She yawns and hops up on the edge watching you both with a tired gaze. "Didn't I say you'd love him?...yeah I love him too." You give her a quick pet right between the ears before you're standing, bubbles cling to you refusing to let go but you don't care. He squeaks and she purrs as you slip out of the basin and scoop him up. Your suit is drenched dripping down onto the tiles below, and his teeth are clattering but you can fix all that. You beacon Sam and she trots at your feet all the way to your shared bedroom. Dawn is poring through the window but a flick of his hand and a few sparkles fix that, drawing the black out curtains and turning on the fairy lights. He squeals and giggles as you toss his naked body on the bed. Sam bounds up next to him as he bounces like she's lived here all her life. She's settling beside him as you peel off, literally peel off, your suit with a lot of difficulty. It falls to the floor in a heavy heap and his noises cease. You look over your shoulder as your mask finally comes off. He's staring with the blankets pulled up to his nose and pink dusting his skin and he's just so darn cute. You flex and strike a goofy pose. "Like what you see, beautiful?" He chuckles into the fabric and nods with fluttering lashes. You think you might've chocked a bit, he never really acts flirty. Shake it off, Jackie, look he's yawning and Sam is pretty much out by the spell book and quill inked into his hip. You toss on your tiger shorts and lean across the bed to hand him his bunny ones. He barely manages to wiggle them on before he's snuggling into your side. As he drifts so does the magic flitting about the room idly. Things that were out of place slink to their homes, just outside you can hear the floating books slot themselves back onto the bookshelf, and the fairy lights above you slowly dim out as his mind shuts down. But as usual little sparks still float from his fingers every other breath and those stars start to glow with overflow energy from the day. You kiss his burns and the gashes the beer bottle left behind, the bruise like dark marks under his eyes, and finally his nose, always a bit pinker than the rest of him. Sam gives you one last look, eye barely slotted open and practically glowing alongside his magical ink. "You're gonna like it here, lil' lady. Its really magical." You would swear she nods at you but you could just be tired. One last pet to her sends her to sleep at Marvin's hip and pulls a smile to your face. You're glad you just couldn't leave her there.
- Fin -
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layanasstories · 2 years
Empty by Betrayal
Part 9
"Aww look at those lovebirds" I hear Joan behind us. When I turn around I see her standing at the doorway like a teenage girl in love. Next to her is Marvin, with a much more serious look on his face. It was only a moment, a glimpse, but I saw it. If I had to guess I would rather say an irritated or envious look. It didn't make me feel at ease, but it was so short and fast that I quickly shook it off, I could have seen it wrong. "Come in quickly!" Joan gestured to us. We do as she tells us, we take the plates from the table and walk inside. Joan takes the plates from us as we are dripping with water, which makes us stop and stand just over the threshold. "Joan? I don't want to get your floor all dirty. Do you have a towel?" I ask her a little embarrassed. "Are you mad, just walk up to the bathroom together. Freshen up." she winks at me which makes me feel even more embarrassed, making my cheeks color. Jake doesn't say anything, he just nods. He takes my hand and guides me upstairs.
After we have dried most of the rain off us in the bathroom, we enter the guest room. Without thinking about it I pull my shirt off over my head. And then I want to unbutton my jeans and take them off too. But Jake stops me by grabbing my wrist and turning me towards him. "How much self-control do you expect me to have?" he grins devilish and his eyes are full of longing. "A little bit more?" seductively, I raise my eyebrows. I take a small step closer "A little more patience sweetie, soon when we are no longer guests in someone else's house." I give him a playful smile. In one swift movement, I'm standing with my back against the wall with Jake pressed against me. It makes me giggle "Hmm, so it doesn't take that much to drive you crazy, huh?". "Watch what you are doing, I don't care where we are." I see him looking at my lips, he continues his gaze down to my breasts and then he looks straight in my eyes again. Maybe I pushed the buttons a little too much. Not just his buttons, my own too. I try to swallow away what I feel tingling but without success. And as sharp as he is, he immediately notices. He leans forward and starts kissing my neck, I'm gasping. But then suddenly he stops "Don't play games you can't win." his smirk couldn't be bigger. "My self-control is very good. What about yours?" he lets go of me, turns around and continues drying himself and putting on clean clothes. I can't say anything but let out a deep sigh, defeated.
We are both just dressed when there is a knock on the room door. "Jake, Layana are you two decent?" it's Marvin behind the door. "Yeah, we're dressed. You can come in." Jake answers him and opens the door. "Great, right on time." he steps into the room. "You guys have to go. I just got a warning that they tracked you Jake. And they can't find you here.". "How much time do we have?" Jake sounds determined and alert. "Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes?" Marvin shrugs and again when I look in his direction I see that one look very fleetingly on his face and disappear again. I can't pinpoint what it is exactly, but it certainly doesn't sit well with me. "Any plan where you guys are going?" now Marvin sounds genuinely concerned. "I always have a plan, you know that." Jake is already packing everything when he answers. "Probably the safe house in Coleville. Or -" he can't finish his sentence because I interrupt him. "We'll let you know when we're safe, okay?" Mavin nods that he understands, although, in my opinion, he continues to stare at me for too long.
I'm behind the wheel and we're just driving out of town. Jake sits next to me with his laptop open on his lap. Fully focused on what he's doing. "You know what's weird?" he starts. I don't get a chance to ask what he means because he immediately continues on "I haven't been online in a while. Even my phone is turned off. How can they know where I am. I haven't left a trace since I went with Marvin at the mine." he continues typing on his laptop dubiously. "Okay, that's really weird." I confirm. "You'll find out. Especially when we have a place where you can normally sit at a desk or table. Any idea where you want to go?". Now he does look up to me "No, not really. Maybe you should come up with something." he shrugs and continues what he was doing. "Okay, then let's go to my house." I answer him. "Your home?" he sounds rather doubtful. "Yeah, who expects you to go there. That's the most obvious that they will never expect you to do that." now it's my turn to shrug. "Hmm, that might work.". The dubious tone hasn't gone away yet, but I take that for granted and start our route home.
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adziedoodle · 7 years
why the fuck do you ship real people that's goddamn weird
listen,,,  I find people cute!!! I find that people can be even cuter with others!!! I honestly don't care wether the reality of who I "ship" is platonic/romantic/sexual/etc anymore... I honestly just like seeing people with good chemistry and bants interacting.
Sure, it can be interesting/fun to see the relationship's nature in the different ways I mentioned above but, as I’ve said many times in the past, by no means am I saying it SHOULD be one way or whatever.  It's just a bunch of meaningless 'what ifs'...based of observations I happen to make... for harmless fun.
In the end, it may be weird to you, cool whatever you do you, but what you see and call ‘shipping’ is really just me expressing how happy it makes me to see other folks happy with their pals/partners.
I do go into this more here but i get if you don’t really care/want to read it and instead just wanted an excuse to swear at/attempt to insult me lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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