#i guess this also means many chicas in sewerhell would naturally wind up as engineers??? wild
monty-glasses-roxy · 3 months
I've just realised, the way I have pre-programmed skills work, it could mean Chica is an undiscovered jack of all trades?
The way these skills work is that from the perspective of the animatronic, these skills don't really exist until they're relevant for the first time. They might be aware of what their skills are, or they might not be, but once they're relevant, they have an eye opening kind of experience where it feels like they've just unlocked something huge in their life. It might take a few minutes to unlock these skills, but once it's unlocked, it's like they've had it their whole lives and a gap has been filled in somewhere in their sense of self.
The thing with every Chica though, is that they're treated like a filler character. Whenever someone is scrapped or they need an animatronic to fill in somewhere for anything at all, they use Chica. If she does fine, then the next Chica might get lucky and actually be programmed to do that job too.
So over time, the base Chica personality programming is just getting more and more skills added, with the context surrounding them being removed with every major change.
For example, when Mangle was scrapped, they stuck Chica in her workshop, she just about managed to scrape by, and so did the next one, but the third one was given some of the basic skills to handle it. The latest Chica has that skill now too, but because it's not relevant to her at all, the chances of her unlocking it are minimal at best. If she were to unlock it, she wouldn't have any clue why she has it in the first place, no knowledge of the workshop and nothing to really use these skills on. She might weirdly be able to advertise very old, discontinued merch that she's never seen before in her life though because that's Fazbear for you.
The modern animatronics mostly all have the same preprogrammed skills as the first versions of themselves in the Plex, but only a few of them have ever had different attractions to what they have now. I wonder how that would affect her personality? She's already been struggling from not having the Cupcake she's programmed to have but never even met, so I wonder how it would feel when it comes to skills? She's probably unaware of the majority so perhaps this isn't too big of an issue until it's triggered?
Interesting situation me thinks
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