#i guess the vault was REALLY successful wasnt it
the master went from “i’d rather die than stand with the doctor” to “i’d rather die than not be the doctor”
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greekromann · 2 years
1, 6, 12, 15, and 16! for the WOL ask meme!
👀 this is long so. Its under a readmore. Also ffxiv spoilers through endwalker below
1. Why did he become an adventurer? Glory? Money? ...?
The way Khalja grew up, his adoptive father made sure to instill in him a deep respect for the sacrifice his birth parents made to keep him out of the crossfire during the empire's expansion into doma. This was intended to convince him to stay safe and look out for himself, but it backfired into "im going to set out and do something about the empire. Personally", so his initial reason was really. To get stronger and find a group that he could join to combat imperial expansion. He'd heard about how the eorzean city-states drove the empire out of the continent from traders in kugane, so he figured hed start there
6. What did they think of Hydaelyn in the beginning? Did they change their mind about her since then?
He was actually initially pretty mistrustful of "giant crystal that talks to you", and couldnt shake the feeling that he was being used and intentionally kept in the dark. The mistrust turned into annoyance when he found out that she was the reason he had the echo (has considered it a curse ever since he awoke to it as a teenager), but through arr he found no reason to directly oppose her because she granted him the strength he needed to meet his own goals. When midgardsormr more or less broke her blessing, he found himself 1. Very fucking scared and 2. Missing her presence, at which point he realized that he had come to lean on her much more than hed ever intended to. He was kind of pissed about what happened with minfilia also lol. He just very much doesnt like feeling like he and every other person with the echo is a pawn in some cosmic game of chess. By the time shadowbringers wrapped up he'd become more comfortable with (or more accurately, resigned to) the idea that he would probably always be her champion, and that was fine as long as their goals were still aligned. Brief moment of panic where he learned that shes a primal, in the "does that make me. Tempered. Am i tempered" before realizing that thats stupid and the fact that hes Able to question that means he probably isnt. And then of course the events of endwalker completely tossed his idea of her on its head. He only wished that he got to spend more time with venat in elpis, but what little time they did have together made him far more comfortable with championing her cause. Khalja voice "venat my best friend venat"
12. What do they think about redemption and forgiveness? Would they forgive an enemy? Would they forgive themselves?
I think, prior to shadowbringers, he wasnt. Super into forgiveness and redemption. Like as far as he was concerned any crime needed to be answered for, and post-shadowbringers he definitely doesnt believe in like. Letting go of past offenses, but he sees a lot more nuance in these kinds of situations. [Standing in a room together with gaius post-stormblood] [gritting his teeth] This Is. Fine.
Ultimately he just wants to understand people's reasons, i guess? And he'll judge for himself whether those reasons justify their actions. Additionally, if someone proves that they're interested in doing better, or somehow making up for their past transgressions, he's going to try and look at them in the here and now, rather than as who they were before (with varying degrees of success)
As for himself... he's become acutely aware of the ridiculous amount of power he weilds, which means he's also Acutely aware of how devastating the consequences could be if he made a misstep. In an unhealthy way hes fashioned himself as the sole protector of his friends and loved ones, and so if any harm comes to them, he'll probably. Never forgive himself lol [flashes back to the vault]. Additionally, the body-snatching incident with zenos put a new fear of "what could other people do if they got their hands on my strength" into him. He's started to feel guilty for simply Being, on account of the danger it potentially puts other people in. But Its Fine Hes Fine Guys Dont Worry About It
15. How do they feel about the Ascians?
He has a very hard time hating the ascians after seeing them for who they really are. I mean that didnt stop him from stomping them into the ground whenever they posed a large enough threat, and nothing justifies the havoc theyve wrought in the millennia since, but he cant help but feel sympathy for them. After all, if all of the people HE loved and looked out for were killed, shattered, and transformed beyond recognition, he cant guarantee that he wouldnt also make some. Extremely terrible selfish decisions. [Throwing pebbles at emet-selch] Youre still an asshole [feels bad anyway].
He feels the most sympathy for elidibus, on account of. Teenager Thrust Into Govt Position And Turned Into A Primal For The Survival Of The Star. He doesnt really see him as responsible for the events that have followed since, even though he definitely. Still is. He sees a lot of alphinaud in elidibus gwjegdjd
He Does Not like lahabrea, but as of meeting him in pandæmonium hes weighing the pros and cons of attempting to Get Some gwjsgdjgdjd. Cons: hes actually one of the worst people he knows, thancred would kill him, thancred would kill him, he'll probably be rejected out of hand, etc etc. Pros: god lahabrea can GET it
16. Tell us about two major events from MSQ that left the deepest emotional scars on your WOL.
I MEAN. several gwjwgjdgd but the deepest scars......
the first would probably be the vault. Khalja felt that he owed a lot to haurchefant and he was kind of charmed by his extremely earnest nature, so losing him would have hurt enough on its own. Worse than that though was that haurchefant died protecting khalja specifically, which is something that he'd never had to. Deal with before. Up until then hed thought that the only person he'd hurt with his reckless behavior would be himself, but [watches haurchefant bleed out from a wound meant to be inflicted upon him] [has to go home and tell his family that hes only alive because their son/brother died] Oh. Oh This Sucks So Much Worse. Hes partly healed from that experience, but the guilt he feels has never left him (and likely never will), and it influences the way he handles situations where his loved ones are involved. Hes not willing to let anyone else take a bullet for him lol
The next would actually be the body-snatching experience with zenos. He'd never felt more helpless and terrified; the image of his own body about to strike down alisae and raha haunts him constantly, and while he understands that it wasnt him who did that, it definitely made him start to view himself as. A monster of sorts. Lol. When he woke up back in his own body and saw that none of his friends had come to harm he broke down sobbing in relief [he has not cried in front of. Most of them]. Post-endwalker, hes still afraid of his strength someday being used to hurt the people he loves. He would genuinely sooner die than let something like that happen again
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radioactive-synth · 7 years
tell me more about your sole??
i guess i can start with the begining? 
under read more cause its long, i wrote his resume lmao
if you want random facts or like anything else, you can ask :D thank you @enclave !!
he was born on 13 Feb 2045, Boston. His mom is Olivia Zander, as i talked a bit about her in other post, and his father was Ryan Hudson-Zander, a brigadier-general for the army. he also had a cousin, Vincent Nathaniel Hudson, and an uncle, Michael Hudson, major in the army.
his childhood was mostly good, except when his father was at home, him hating his son so much and even insulting and beating him up when Olivia was at work, but he was acting nice when she was at home. Vaughn never told Olivia about him, until very later in life about him, in fear that she would be hurt and that her own salary couldnt support her much, money mostly coming from Ryan’s salary (and gambling)
his cousin was his best friend, and even if they were both different, Vin always supported and protected Vaughn. later, Vin chosen military college, and in a few years, he was a staff sergeant.
he went to school and got accepted into Harward Medical School, studying for 4 years, then he worked for 2 years as a family doctor in a small clinic, and also he met and befriended Nora, as her parents were friends with his parents. 
he was forced in the war by his father, signing as medic (which was also the last straw for Olivia, but she couldnt do anything, but she told Ryan to never come back home and that she gets a divorce)
he stayed for almost a year in the army, and even seeing his cousin (which he didnt knew that he was too in army and tried to send his cousin back home, not much success). mostly he was in the barracks offering any medical treatment, but he needed to fight in defense line, thats how he can use weapons and even the power armor (but not much success tho).
later, he finds out that his father was killed in an ambush, which he didnt cared at all, but next day, he also found out that his cousin was too killed on the front, which break him so much, his platoon sent him back home. 
it wasnt an easy time for Vaughn, his depression and PTSD got much worse, and refused to get any help, thinking its too expensive, and he wasnt able to work, only Olivia was working. sadly, his uncle didnt lived longer, as the loss of his son and brother was too much for his heart, which broke Vaughn and Olivia even more, but she continued to get by for her son.
hearing what happened, Nora wanted to help Vaughn, trying to get him out the house and spending time together. at first Vaughn refused, and he couldnt understand why she bothers so much, even being rude to her. but after getting convinced by his mom, Vaughn started to spend time with Nora. as time passes, she asks if he wants to work again, as her dad worked at administration and he could easily find a good job for Vaughn, as his skills and experience were good. but he refused again, thinking that he cant work anymore, but, one evening, they see a person that got very sick, and Vaughn offered first aid when the ambulance finally arrived, saving that person’s life. then Nora asked again if he accepts to work, as he can save more people. he then accepts the job as family doctor at Medical Bay Center.
a year later after this, Vaughn proposed to Nora, and they both moved in Sanctuary Hills, in a house bought by Olivia (she was raising money as she worked secretly creating illegal meds and earning more money).
they lived happily for 5 years, even wanting to raise their own child, but then we all know what happened lmao
getting out the Vault, his only thought on his mind was to get revenge and get his son back, but he was also changed, was more and more aggressive, didnt helped anyone without getting something in return, even Cod/sworth couldnt recognize him anymore. they were both forced to hide in the Museum of Freedom when the raiders attacked, and Vaughn took the power armor and helped out taking out the raiders and the deathclaw. but later, he refused to help Preston anymore, letting him and his group in Sanctuary. also he did helped Danse, but then refused to join, but took his laser rifle.
was also very rude to Piper and Nick, the old synth could barely stand him, but he thought that he can still change his ways. 
they faced Kellog and he killed him with his bare hands, but he was shot by him in the left leg.
later, when he and Nick got in the Glowing Sea, 2 radscorpions attacked and one damaged the power armor, Vaughn being unable to shoot anymore and to run, but Nick distracted the radscorpions, telling Vaughn to run. he barely got there, and thought that he lost Nick, but the synth appears later, not being damaged at all. after they got out, Vaughn was still in shock after the radscoprions nearly killed him, and apologized to Nick and thanked him for saving his life. Nick said that if he really wants to thank properly, he needs to change his ways, and start to help people, and accept his role as the General of the Minutemen.
when they got back to Sanctuary, Vaughn apologized to Preston and Cod/sworth, and accepted his role, starting to plan how to help the farmers and build better settlements.
a few weeks after, when he, Nick and Cod/sworth got back in DC, he met Deborah “Debbie” Gaines (friend’s OC), which she thanked him for saving Nick and offered her help for the Minutemen. in truth, she was actually a RR tourist, and she was asked by Deacon to keep an eye on Vaughn, which she did, shadowing him since he first arrived to DC.
with time, they bonded well, becoming best friends. they also decided to join the BOS, in order to get more intel about the Commonwealth and access to better weapons and ammo, so they both took up D/anse’s offer, Vaughn becoming a Knight, and Debbie being a field scribe. they stayed for 3 weeks, then they were allowed to leave, with the promise to return back with anything that helps the BOS (lmao). despite Debbie’s protests, he did took D/anse with them in Sanctuary, the Paladin being surprised that he was lied by them, not knowing that Vaughn is the General of Minutemen, but he still stayed, helping him with the Minutemen work. D/anse also shares the same house with Debbie, which she really hated it, but werent many houses redone in that time.
later, they retake the Castle, with D/anse’s help. after that, he left back to Pr/ydwen for a while, and Vaughn went to Goodneighbor to search for some supplies for the Castle. he was contacted by Bobbi No-Nose and got tricked by being told that he can access meds and many supplies if he helps her. finding out that they instead breached into H/ancock’s warehouse, Vaughn sides with Fahrenheit and tells Bobbi to leave.
he explains later to H/ancock, and after they talked, he asked him if he would join to help out the people in the name of Minutemen, which H/ancock took the offer kindly.
also with time, he also recruits and helps out the others, like Piper, Ma/cCready, Cait, Curie, Charlie (friend’s OC, vault 81 dweller but they joins up when Curie leaves the Vault) also he finds the RR and helps out Debbie to become a heavy, her becoming agent Bloom, and finally realising her dream. he also helps De/acon in RR missions, but refuses to take out the BOS. 
this whole thing happens like a year, gathering help and more supplies to build the teleporter, asking for S/turges’s help for this. he also gets more and more closer to Nick and H/ancock, all 3 developing a close relationship. Nick also asks later for help to take out Winter.
later, teleporter was ready, so he got in the Institute, being at first devastated that the kid didnt accepted him at first, but being more shocked that his real son was the director of the Institute, and being much older.
despite the RR protests, he did helped out the Institute, and at the Bunket Hill, he returned the synths back to the Institute, which angered Des/demona, banishing him from the RR, despite Deacon and Debbie’s arguments.
at the top of CIT ruins, Vaughn could see how Shaun didnt cared about the Commonwealth at all, saying its worthless to help it and the people, that he was an experiment and he was fascinated how his father survived outside, and how he expects him to lead the Institute….which Vaughn snapped out and they got in arguments, saying that if he really cared about him, why he let him outside with no protection, why he kept him so long on ice, how he is responsible for rebuilding the Commonwealth after him and the Institute destroyed it…so Shaun banished him from the Institute, telling him he is the worst father ever and that he is disappointed that he is his son (which Vaughn didnt took it easy, he heard the same words that he told his own father years ago)
he felt that he failed everyone, especially the RR, and felt into depression, refusing to talk to anyone, except Nick and H/ancock, that they took care of him. 2 weeks later, Sanctuary gets attacked by the Institute synths, so Vaughn gets angered and swears that he will destroy the Institute no matter what. he then gathers a part of his companions and some Minutemen, and get in the Institute, facing Shaun for the last time, and giving order to evacuate the Institute. he also asked his group to find little Shaun, but the kid was already at the teleportation room. when he arrived back, the kid called him “dad” and asked to be saved, which Vaughn took him in his arms, saying that he was looking for him, and that he better goes with his friends, as he still has some work to do.
after Vaughn recovers a few days later, he asks for help to bury Nora and everyone in Vault 111, feeling that is the least thing he can do for them, and to finally put his past behind.
much later, when the kid can see that his dad avoids to call by his name, Vaughn, with the help from Nick and H/ancock, tells the kid about his true nature and who was Father, and how the kid didnt wanted to feel like a replacement (despite his dads telling him that he is his own person),he changes his own name, renaming after his grandma.
Vaughn also realises about his own feelings, and talks with Nick and H/ancock about this, which the latter says that he thought they were already together lmao, so all 3, with the kid, Cod/sworth, Dogmeat and Hera (pet radchicken) forming a family, alongside the companions.
months later, he and Nick goes to Far Harbor, getting involved in the war, and they both find a solution for peace between all 3 factions, also Nick listening to Vaughn and accepts DiMA as his brother.
a year later, Vaughn and D/anse gets trapped in Nuka World, the former being forced as Overboss, but after meeting Ellie Connor (friend’s OC, caravan guard and now an Operator), all 3 make plans how to take out the raiders and restore Nuka World, which takes like 3 weeks.
months later, Olivia returns to Sanctuary, reuniting with her son and leaving her group, moving in the house she bought 200 years ago (as Vaughn built other house a few months after he took his role as General).
weeks later, 2 new visitors appear in Sanctuary, Tamir and Rex, which she easily befriends Ellie, Cait and Olivia, and even with the kids, Oliver, Duncan and Nat. she offers her help, proving she is great in combat, so she becomes a part time Minuteman. she also falls in love with Cait.
overall, his life is good, adapted to the new life, is happy with his family, keeps protecting the Commonwealth :D
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