#i guess the Inquis IS a major figure
nedsseveredhead · 4 months
"The Inquisitor will be in Veilguard!"
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hyungwonmyheart · 5 years
Sweet Kisses
Group: Monsta X Pairing: Hyungwon / Wonho / Reader Words: 6,578 Tags: incubi/demons, college?au lol, threesome, fingering, oral (female & male), vaginal sex, anal sex, double penetration Summary: When you met Hyungwon and Hoseok at a party, you would have never guessed how close you would become as friends. As you got to know them, you realized they were a bit unusual...but who isn’t, right? The closer you grew, the more you let your guard down around them, until one night...you discovered their secret.
You met Hyungwon and Hoseok at a friend’s university party. At that time, you weren’t sure what their majors were; in fact, you had never even seen them around campus. Gazing upon them from across the room, you thought they seemed like complete opposites to be so chummy with one another.
The first thing you noticed about Hyungwon was how lanky he was, with legs that went on and on. Upon closer observation, his slender figure was complemented by the black pants and subtle patterned button-up that he wore. Dark hair fell upon his forehead as he peered around with a curious skepticism. Upon talking with him, he was not as serious as he let on. His lips were plush and pulled into the loveliest smile when he laughed. As you grew to know him, you cherished making him laugh.
Meanwhile, Hoseok was built. With muscular biceps and thighs, it was obvious working out was his thing. And speaking of thighs, he had the most beautiful pair you’d seen, even through his jeans. His deep brown eyes were always playful and seductive, which you weren’t sure if it was intentional at first. (Oh, it was. It very much was.) His brown hair was messily styled with a side part, which brought a more boyish appearance to him, despite his buffness. To top it all off, his v-neck t-shirt flattered his pectorals.
You were introduced to them by the host, a girl you’d known for a couple years through school. You spoke with all of them for a while, but she eventually left to chat with other guests. That left you with Hyungwon and Hoseok. A few drinks into the night, and you were continuing the charming conversation with the duo. It led to an exchange of numbers, as well as the creation of a group chat. You didn’t go home with either of them that night, but you soon discovered their interest in you was more than just a conversation at a party.
A few days later, the three of you agreed to meet at the university’s library for a study session. You figured this would be the perfect opportunity to learn about which courses they were taking, and what their majors were. You just wanted to know more about these devilishly handsome men that popped into your life.
You brought the subject up quickly when they began pulling some interesting books from the shelves. “The occult?” You murmured, glancing up at Hoseok. “I didn’t take you for a cultist.” You joked.
The chuckle that came from his lips was reassuring you didn’t cross any lines by saying that. “It’s always fascinated me, especially the things that humans write about stuff like this.” He nonchalantly flipped through the pages, glancing over the text and images within.
Hyungwon set down a book titled, From Heaven to Hell: All You Need to Know About the Fallen One.
Your eyes skimmed the cover before turning them up to question him. “Is...that a real book?!” You knew your university had a huge repertoire in their library, but that just sounded too outlandish to be real.
“Yep.” He opened the table of contents.
It was a few seconds before you had to ask, “What are you guys majoring in, anyway?”
Their eyes met before they looked back at the books.
“Occultism with a minor in folklore and mythology,” Hyungwon answered.
“Anthropology with a minor in occultism,” followed Hoseok.
“...Ah,” you exclaimed with an observance of your literary textbook. You weren’t really off-put by their replies though, especially since your university was known for its array of majors. You figured you’d stay on the subject. “So, you guys are into witches and stuff?”
“There’s a lot more to it than witches,” Hoseok defended. His gaze lingered on you as a smile crept to his lips. “You should be more worried about the other ‘stuff’.”
You scoffed a bit. “What, like the things that go bump in the night?”
Hyungwon snorted. “Exactly.”
A thought seemed to occur to Hoseok. “Oh, any ideas for what y’all want for lunch?”
You blinked, a bit surprised to be included.
Noticing your expression, he flashed you a wink. “My treat.”
“In that case, somewhere expensive,” Hyungwon suggested. He quickly ducked out of the way as Hoseok threw a pen at him, letting it land on the ground behind him.
You should have known from that conversation that something was...peculiar about these guys. However, you were too caught up in the allure the two radiated that you let your guard down.
A bit too much.
Throughout the next few weeks, you often met with Hyungwon and Hoseok to do various things; see a movie, go grab a meal, and hell, they even ran errands with you sometimes. Your group chat had become something you visited more than the threads with your other friends. They were so funny and smart and sweet; you loved spending time with them. And with as much as they spoke to you, it was reassuring that they weren’t bored with little ol’ you.
It was a Friday night when you expressed that you had no plans, you were just sitting around your apartment. To be honest, you were feeling bummed about a test you got back that afternoon in class. It was a lower grade than you had hoped. Hence, the neediness to be coddled by your friends.
Hoseok: At least you didn’t fail.
Hyungwon: He’s got a point. You shouldn’t be so disappointed in yourself.
You: Thanks...Really, I appreciate it. You: Sometimes you just gotta wallow in your sadness for a while. :P
Hoseok: LOL Yeah, I guess... Hoseok: Wait, all alone? That’s no fun.
Hyungwon: Sounds like you could use some company.
You debated inviting them over. They’d never been to your apartment before since you met them everywhere. As much as you wanted to bum it tonight, you did want to see them. Fuck it, you thought, quickly responding.
You: I mean, if you guys wanna come over, you’re more than welcome to.
Hoseok: I’m almost done with an essay, give me an hour.
Hyungwon: I can pick him up on my way.
“Perfect!” You muttered happily. That gave you enough time to change and even get some snacks ready. You told them your address and went to put on presentable clothes.
Knocks at your front door signaled their arrival at about 9 o’clock. It was a bit late, but you were a night owl anyway. You had just finished preparing the snacks, so their timing was spot on.
“Hey, guys! Come on in!” You chimed after you unlocked and opened the door.
“Hey,” Hyungwon answered, strolling past you.
Hoseok held up a bag filled with what looked like more snacks. “We come bearing gifts!” He announced.
You had to laugh at the coincidence. “I just made some pizza and cut up veggies, but the more the merrier!”
You welcomed Hoseok in and closed the door, securing it. “Make yourselves at home!” You said, going into the kitchen to get the food. You stopped short to be a good host. “You guys want anything to drink?”
“You have any beer?” Hoseok asked.
“No, but I have juice and vodka.”
He beamed at you. “That’ll do!”
You smiled. “Okay. How about you, Hyungwon?”
“I’ll have the same, please.”
“Coming right up,” you told them before walking into the kitchen. Balancing the vodka, juice and three glasses, you brought them into the living room. Hyungwon sat on the couch while Hoseok was cross-legged on the floor. You put the stuff on the coffee table before going to get the rest of the food. Once you settled onto the couch beside Hyungwon, you smiled at them as they sipped on their drinks they prepared themselves. “Did you finish your essay?” You asked Hoseok.
He handed you the empty glass from the table so you could make you own drink. “Yes, thankfully,” he answered in relief. “I was so sick of it towards the end.”
You thanked him as he passed the glass. You poured one-third vodka, and two-thirds juice. You glanced over and noticed that Hyungwon’s was mostly vodka and a dash of color. “How in the hell can you just drink that?”
“I guess I have a hell of a tolerance,” he joked.
You shook your head while Hoseok just smiled. “You guys wanna watch a movie?” You asked.
“Sure,” they agreed, and you listed off a number of options.
After deciding on a comedy, you munched on food and laughed your way into the night. When you put on the second movie--something more serious that you thought you’d be invested in--you found yourself dozing off. You were in dreamland, though after a while you heard their voices loud and clear.
“Is she asleep?” Hoseok asked.
“I think so,” Hyungwon replied.
“Should we take her to the bedroom?”
“Might as well.”
A few seconds passed before you were hoisted into the air as if you were a feather. You were becoming more and more conscious by the second, but you didn’t want to give that away just yet. You were gently laid onto the bed and the conversation continued.
Hoseok murmured, “She’s cute when she sleeps.” You felt a knuckle caress your cheek.
“She’s always cute.”
You wouldn’t have expected such a comment to come from Hyungwon, but it made your heart flutter.
“I bet she tastes good.”
Your heart immediately stopped. What the hell did Hyungwon mean by that?
“With the spiritual energy she has flowing through her veins?” Hoseok murmured, withdrawing his hand. “Of course she does.”
Your eyes flew open and flickered over to the men standing beside your bed.
They didn’t jump when you ‘awoke’. They didn’t seem surprised. They just watched you with dark eyes. A long moment passed where nothing was said until Hyungwon rolled his eyes.
“Damn it, she woke up,” he groaned.
Your conversation about degrees, and every strange comment and joke about hell they made since...You were feeling very sick to your stomach. “Are...Are y’all demons?!” You bravely asked.
“...What?” Hyungwon inquired flatly.
Hoseok broke into a smile, laughing at the absurdity. “No! Of course not!”
Glaring up at them, you noticed how much Hoseok’s voice seemed to be overcompensating. “I haven’t met any demons before, but that sounds like a very demon response,” you claimed.
There was silence again, but this time a smile grew on Hyungwon’s face. “Fine. If we were, what would you do? Run? Scream? Tell others?” He took a step towards the bed.
You inched back into the pillows. “Okay, I take it back, that was a demon response,” you whined, though tried to hold your ground. “And no, I wouldn’t. Who would believe me?!”
Hoseok finally gave up the act. Leaning his hands onto the bed, he hovered over you. “You’re the only one who’s figured it out, and you’ve only known us a short while.” He smirked. “Are you scared?”
“Seriously? You’re going to admit you’re a demon and then ask me that?” You spat, wanting to not totally cower.
Chuckling at what you said, Hoseok lifted his hand to your cheek again to brush it through your hair. “You don’t need to fear us though, we’re not the demons who eat people,” he assured you.
That didn’t calm you at all. “You just said I would taste good!” You tried to inch away from his touch, which actually seemed to hurt his feelings. He pulled his hand back.
“We’re incubi. We don’t feed on flesh,” Hyungwon exclaimed.
Incubi? You knew you had heard about them briefly in a class once, but you couldn’t remember much. “Then...spiritual energy?” You asked, piecing together what they had said.
They both nodded and added, “Through intercourse.”
That had triggered the information to return. An Incubus and a Succubus were mythical creatures who had sexual relations with humans to gain power. Your gaze slowly drifted from one demon to the other. These young men you had grown so close to over the last month were no men at all. What a mind-fuck.
It was as if they could see the wheel spinning in your head, especially as an anger began to rise in your body. “So, this was all you wanted from me?”
Hyungwon shook his head. “Look, if that was all we wanted, we would’ve taken it by now,” he said, running a frustrated hand through his locks.
“We like you,” Hoseok admitted. “I mean, having such a hefty amount of energy is what caught our attention, but you have so much going for you besides that. It didn’t take long for me to fall for you.”
“Yeah, me either,” Hyungwon chimed in.
You were quiet. Not only were they demons, but they...had feelings for you? Was that possible? Could demons love like humans? “I can’t believe this,” you sighed, turning to bury your face in a pillow.
As soon as you did, two weights crawled onto either side of the bed. You were afraid to look.
Gentle fingers traced along your arm while lips brushed against the nape of your neck.
“Do you want this?” Hoseok whispered against your skin.
“Do you want us?” Hyungwon’s voice drifted to your ear.
If they were human, would that have changed things? Would you have accepted their confessions? What difference did it make if they were demons?
You turned your head to the side. “I do…” You drifted off for a few seconds, but added, “Are you going to leave me once we do this?” Your voice wavered. You were so close with them now, though it had only been a month. You didn’t want to lose them as friends...even if they were incubi.
“No,” Hyungwon eased, beginning to lift the hem of your shirt.
“Promise.” Hoseok laid you onto your back and gazed into your teary eyes. The most doting smile came to his lips as he lowered them to meet yours.
As soon as his tongue slipped into your mouth, your worries instantaneously subsided. His tongue was sweet like honey, unlike any you’d ever tasted before. You were so caught up in his kiss that when he broke apart, you gasped for air.
“Don’t forget to breathe,” he laughed, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
You didn’t have a chance to respond as Hyungwon grabbed your chin and brought you into his own kiss. His taste was just as sweet as Hoseok’s, though it more resembled a strawberry. The smallest of moans slipped between your lips and it made them stiffen.
Pulling back from Hyungwon’s plush lips, you wondered just what made them freeze like that.
“Everything about you is so sexy,” Hoseok declared, digging his fingers into your thighs. You let out a whimper as he did this. A low rumble started in his throat as he dragged your pants down your legs.
Hyungwon was growling as well, but you weren’t alarmed by either of them. Their hands were tender as they touched you. You didn’t feel frightened.
Before you knew it, your shirt and pants were discarded and their mouths were kissing every bit of exposed skin they could. Soft sighs were escaping you as your body succumbed to their embraces.
Hyungwon’s hand disappeared under your panties and very lightly grazed over your warmth. “How does this feel?” He questioned lowly.
“Unreal,” you lazily concluded.
Pulling your bra down enough to expose a nipple, Hoseok’s mouth latched onto it and traced circles with his tongue. What seemed like a dull heat coming from his tongue was quickly turning into something more intense.
Your eyes rolled back, just in time for Hyungwon to find your clit. His fingertip drifted small circles around, almost in sync with Hoseok’s tongue.
Your body trembled at their sensual touches. You needed more. Lifting up, you unclipped your bra and hastily drew your panties down.
At the sight of your undergarments being tossed away, the incubi laughed to themselves.
“So eager,” Hoseok cooed.
“I like it,” Hyungwon said just loud enough for you to hear. “We can be eager too.” He began to lick his middle and ring fingers, getting them nice and wet.
Each of them slid a hand down between your legs. Hyungwon drifted his middle finger directly into your warmth with ease before working the second finger in. Meanwhile, Hoseok’s fingers were on your sensitive bud, rubbing it at just the pressure you liked. Moans were pouring from your lips. It was eerie that they knew the exact spots to have you keening for more.
With each thrust of Hyungwon’s fingers, your pussy was getting hotter. Not necessarily in a temperature sense, but more like the friction his hand was causing even though he wasn’t moving that fast. You glanced down at the way they were touching you and felt yourself getting aroused at the sight.
Hyungwon noticed your gaze shifting down. He slowly withdrew his hand, which was dripping with your nectar. “That should be enough…” Once he brought the fingers into his mouth, he let out a low moan as he sucked them clean. “I think you might be the tastiest human to date,” he chimed.
“Then I need a taste too,” Hoseok piped, crawling down on the bed. He spread your legs wider, pushing them back towards your head. Your ass lifted off the mattress, making you squeal as he slipped his tongue into you.
Your legs trembled uncontrollably while you experienced an incubus’ tongue. Suddenly, the heat from before was nothing compared to the flaming sensation of now.
His hands held you firmly in place, keeping you spread wide. You felt his tongue curl within you while growls reverberated into your warmth.
Hyungwon sat back onto the bed and unzipped his pants. He worked them off, springing his cock from its confinement. He was soon naked and clearly enjoying the show with his hand lazily pumping around his shaft.
You were just about screaming from Hoseok’s enthusiasm. Not wanting to disturb your neighbors, you clapped a hand over your mouth and tried not to be too loud. That was your intention, but Hoseok wasn’t having that.
Moving his hands up to your cheeks, he spread your ass apart and gazed down at your puckered hole. “Let’s get you all warmed up,” he said before delving his tongue into your asshole.
You gasped. Your eyes were wide and focused on the ceiling. He had no qualms with anal, which why would he? Surely, any hole is a willing hole for an incubus.
As he stared down at you, drawing your attention, he began to smile with his eyes. He was up to something. You felt his tongue move up to your taint when a finger prodded your entrance. “Relax,” he soothed. He guided it in with care, though he was smirking all the while. His eyes finally flickered over to Hyungwon. He rolled them dramatically. “Of course you’re already naked.” His tone was mocking the other demon.
“I like to think of it being ahead of the game,” Hyungwon started, trailing his spare hand along your belly, “I’m ready to fuck. You’re not.”
“She’s not ready yet, so that’s what I’m focusing on, you selfish shit.” Curling his finger inside of you, Hoseok tongued around your hole where you were squeezing his finger.
You whimpered at his expert touch, as well as the heat that was spreading into your ass.
Hyungwon huffed in annoyance. “Fine, I’ll perk those nipples up,” he declared, leaning onto the side and hovering over you. He pecked open-mouthed kisses along your chest over to one of your nipples. As soon as his mouth enveloped it, you felt that same heat building against your skin. He lifted off for the briefest second, just in time for you to see how much saliva he was lathering you with. He, then, seized your stiffened nipple once more.
“I-I’ve never felt like this before,” you found your voice to say. Your eyes fluttered shut. “I’m on fire.”
Hyungwon and Hoseok broke into smiles as they continued their ministrations with your body. Carefully holding you steady, the latter wrapped a hand around your leg and his thumb found your clit. He flicked it vehemently, making your body tense.
You couldn’t hold back anymore. With a strained scream that you tried to suppress again, you were forced to let out your voice when Hyungwon pinned your hands to either side of your head. Instead of returning to your chest, his mouth struck yours with a burst of passion and swallowed your moans. A quake started in your belly and worked its way through your entire body. You were shaking with pulse after pulse flowing from between your legs.
Hoseok’s fingers slowed and slipped out of you while he beamed down at you. “There it is! Good girl!” He praised, smooching up your thigh. He very gently rested your body back onto the bed.
Your tongue was almost violently rubbing against Hyungwon’s while you came down from your high. You were dazed, so lost in the pleasure that you didn’t even realize Hoseok had spoken at first.
“Such a precious, little kitten,” Hyungwon murmured against your lips. He went to pull away, but your teeth latched onto his bottom lip and kept him in the kiss. His strawberry taste was addicting.
A loud growl ripped from Hyungwon’s mouth into yours, though it quickly turned to a chuckle. His fingers found your hair and tugged your head back to kiss you roughly.
Hoseok raised his eyebrows. “Kittens bite, remember that,” he joked. He slid off of the bed and quickly cast aside his clothes. After he crawled back on, he whined when he saw you were still at it. “Hey, I’m here too!”
Breaking apart from Hyungwon, you grabbed Hoseok’s muscular arm and yanked him down. “Then fucking kiss me,” you ordered.
Licking his lips, he nudged Hyungwon out of the way to wreak havoc on your mouth. Honey flooded your taste buds again. It was so strange that they both were delicious and you couldn’t choose a favorite between them.
Your tongue darted out to trace along his bottom lip, and that small break in a kiss had you coming back to reality. Something hard was rutting against your thigh. Glancing down Hoseok’s body, you found his dick grinding on your leg.
“Have some decency,” Hyungwon teased at his friend. “What are you, a rabbit?”
“I fuck like one,” Hoseok implicated down at you with a grin.
Somehow, through the addictive kisses and spectacular orgasm, you’d lost all inhibition. You smartly replied, “I don’t believe you.”
His eyes flashed with determination. “Oh, you’re going to learn, sweet girl,” he exclaimed with a sly smile. He spared a glance over at Hyungwon. “Game plan?”
“How about you prove a point while I keep her mouth occupied?” Hyungwon suggested. Sitting up on his knees beside you, he presented his hard cock leaking with precum.
Your eyes met his. “You two are awfully coordinated…”
“It’s fun with a friend!” Hoseok chimed as he settled between your legs.
You went to ask how long they’d been doing this together when Hyungwon’s hand began to slowly pump along his cock while he watched you. “Please?”
Somehow, an incubus asking so nicely for a blowjob made you want to laugh, but instead you welcomed him into your mouth. You were alarmed when your tongue dipped into his slit and found his precum tasted like strawberries as well. Your eyes shot up to him. That’s when you felt a hand on the back of your head, pressing his length even further into your mouth. Your eyes rolled back for a few seconds while your mouth stretched around him.
Hoseok rubbed his own precum along your warmth before positioning himself at your entrance. He slid in with little difficulty, regardless of his size.
A shiver traveled throughout your body as Hoseok guided himself in. You felt like he was stuffing you to the brim, but surprisingly...it didn’t hurt. Instead, all you felt was the heat inside you growing with each inch of him that entered.
Once he was sure you were content with his size, Hoseok took no time in thrusting his hips at such a speed that it took you off guard.
You almost let out a loud noise, but it was stifled by Hyungwon’s cock. He slipped into your throat and made you gag hard around him.
Hyungwon sighed in pleasure, but brought his hips back a bit to check on you. “Too much?” He asked, running long fingers through your hair.
As he fell out of your mouth, a trail of spit followed while you started to cough.
The coughing made your pussy flex around Hoseok, and he clenched his teeth to control himself. Well, his control was now out the window. His hands gripped onto your hips, and he bucked into you with a ferocity that had you seeing stars.
Your hands covered your face. You’d never been fucked quite this hard before. “T-Too much,” you whimpered into your palms.
Hyungwon put a hand on Hoseok’s shoulder, insinuating you needed a moment to recuperate. The other demon did as he was told. Hoseok slowed to a stop, though left himself buried inside you.
Leaning down beside you, Hyungwon pet your head tenderly and asked, “Does it hurt?”
You took a few deep breaths. You couldn’t deny how aroused you were; it was just so much at once that it was muddling your mind. You tried to think through the haze. “No...Hoseok is just so...forceful,” you eventually said.
“Between the two of us,” Hyungwon started, not sparing even a glance towards Hoseok, “he’s got the strength, sure, if that’s what you’re into. I’m the one with all the skills.”
Hoseok let out a hearty laugh. “Oh? You wanna bet?” He just about barked.
The black-haired demon simply smiled. “Sure. She’ll decide on who’s better. What’s at stake?”
“Winner gets to fill her up with his cum.” Hoseok glanced down at you. “If you’re okay with that?”
You were following the conversation, but ended up pouting when it came time for you to answer. “That’s not fair. I love you both, I don’t want to choose.”
There was a moment where they were quiet before they suddenly beamed. You loved them in return, and they were ecstatic by those words.
“Aww, okay, sweetheart,” Hyungwon voiced softly.
“You don’t have to choose,” Hoseok said, giving you a languid thrust.
You whimpered at the movement.
Hyungwon leaned down to nip at your lips. “If that’s the case, then we’ll both fill you up. How about that?” His voice was like velvet, smooth and inviting.
Your face flushed red. You had a thought that he must be so persuasive by nature, but you couldn’t help giving in. You nodded, not knowing what they had in store for you by that decision.
“I can’t wait to see that pretty face blissed out of your mind,” he noted.
“I’d argue with you, but since you’re scrawny I’ll let you face her,” Hoseok declared, pulling out of you.
When his cock fell out, you sighed in protest before Hyungwon helped you sit up.
You were confused as to what was happening, but let them do what seemed to be their thing. Hyungwon laid with his back on the bed, though his knees were bent to let his legs hang off the edge. He was more than happy to have you straddle him while his hands firmly gripped your waist.
Reaching your hand down between your bodies, you lifted your hips and welcomed Hyungwon into your warmth. Throwing your head back in pleasure, you bounced atop him a dozen times, getting used to the burning hot sensation their cocks seemed to radiate within you.
You felt lips drifting kisses along your shoulder and up to your neck. “Are you ready for me, baby?” Hoseok said, pressing his precum-drenched head against your empty hole in the back.
Now it was clearly apparent what their intentions were. You were a little terrified, but you couldn’t deny the way your body wanted this. Closing your eyes, you gave him a quick “yes” before taking a deep breath.
Hoseok climbed onto the bed behind you, his legs now straddling the other demon’s thighs. His hand guided you down to make your chest almost flush against Hyungwon. Once he had better access to your ass, he cautiously pressed the tip in and paused.
You reminded yourself to relax your body as Hoseok had told you earlier. You expected it to hurt much more, but were surprised when all you felt was a pleasant pressure. The moan that left your mouth gave Hoseok the okay to continue. Your legs were trembling as he pushed in even further.
Hyungwon lifted a hand to brush his thumb along your bottom lip while you kept making adorable sounds. “You’re getting stuffed with two cocks. How does it feel, sweetheart?” Once Hoseok was sheathed within you, Hyungwon bucked his hips to make you cry out in surprise.
You were supporting yourself with a wobbly hand on each side of Hyungwon’s head, trying to remain composed the best you could. “I-It…” You cut short as Hoseok grinded his hips against you. Gasping loudly, your arms almost gave out from how deeply they were both touching.
“He asked you a question.” Hoseok’s voice was lower, more dangerous than you’d heard until now. “How. Does. It. Feel?” With each word, he pulled out and thrust back into you.
“FUCK. AMAZING!” You shouted, unable to hold back your voice any longer. Your head hung down. You almost couldn’t process the ecstasy you were experiencing.
Grabbing the back of your neck, Hyungwon guided your head to where your lips could meet. His hips inched back and forth, working with Hoseok to bring you over the edge.
The more they thrust, the more your hips rocked with them. As Hyungwon’s tongue ravaged your mouth, you felt like your hands were going numb. They continued shaking as they kept you propped up, but you didn’t want to cave. It felt so unbelievable.
Hoseok’s hands were massaging your waist before they ran up your back and gripped onto your shoulders. His eyes surveyed your body, taking in every lovely detail until he noticed your quivering arms. “Are you tired, baby?” He asked with concern.
“N-No,” you sighed, “I’m just a little overwhelmed, I-I guess…”
Leaning over your body, Hoseok grabbed your wrists and carefully moved your arms to pin on your lower back. He supported you with little effort. “How is that?”
Your chest was pressed against Hyungwon even moreso, but your arms were surprisingly comfortable in the position. “Fine,” you told him.
“What a good, little kitten,” Hoseok praised. “I think it’s time to make you come...”
Your eyes widened, and you felt your heart race when you met Hyungwon’s gaze.
The smile on his face was nearly angelic, yet his next words made you tense around them: “Brace yourself.” You knew he was half-joking, but it was the half-serious part that had you worried. Hyungwon’s hands found your waist, his fingertips digging into your skin as he reminded you, “Relax, sweetheart. You’ll feel great, we promise.”
You nodded hesitantly.
And then, it happened so fast.
When their bodies rolled in unison and their cocks touched you so deeply, you screamed out at the heat building in your pussy. Hoseok’s grip tightened on your wrists as he slid out to the head of his cock and pounded back into you. At that same moment, Hyungwon pressed deep inside and thrust minimally at such a pace that had you wondering if it was physically possible. The bedframe was pounding against the wall, and you could not give a bigger fuck about the neighbors anymore.
The combination of sheer power and teamwork brought everything to a grinding halt when you moaned so loudly, so unabashedly, that you felt your throat growing hoarse. Your body clamped down on the dicks within you as you road out your orgasm.
Hyungwon’s teeth roughly dug into his bottom lip. His eyes fluttered shut when he let out the loveliest moan, and his hips came to a stop as you felt him erupt inside of you.
Hoseok was panting loudly, grunting with each thrust as he also reached his peak. His hands released yours, though he buckled over the pulsating bodies below him. A relieved growl started deep in his chest until it grew louder when your body continued flexing around his dick.
With each pulse of your body, you felt yourself growing heavy while the demons seemed unfazed. “I’m so tired,” you breathed.
Brushing hair out of your face, Hyungwon explained, “That’s normal...Every time you cum, we feed on your spirit. The first time can be particularly draining. Give it a few minutes and you’ll start getting energy back through us.”
You rested your head on Hyungwon’s chest to process his words, taking a moment as he advised though there were two cocks still buried inside of you.
Very slowly, Hoseok crept out of your tight hole and began to tease it with his fingers to watch his cum ooze out. “Fuck, that’s so hot,” he murmured to himself.
You were surprised to feel his touch, and even though you were worn out, you were practically mewling for him.
Hoseok moved a hand to entwine with your hair, yanking it off of Hyungwon and back towards him. “What’s that, kitten?” He asked. He slipped a finger into your ass.
Your chin quivered, tears stinging at your eyes. “It feels so good, please, don’t stop…” Your voice was wavering, but your hips were wiggling in such a wanton way.
Hyungwon cursed under his breath while you grinded against his cock that was still within you. “One more time, then?” He suggested with a smirk.
You nodded coyly.
Hyungwon and Hoseok both laughed at your response, and the latter released your hair.
“You’re the cutest,” Hyungwon declared, wrapping his arms around you to hold you close to his body. The embrace soon became an unrelenting constriction as he pounded up into your pussy.
Gripping onto Hyungwon’s shoulders, you gasped and cried out while you felt Hoseok press another finger in. Your mind went blank; all you could focus on was the unbearable arousal between your legs. You couldn’t keep track of time, but it felt like they were pleasing you for ages until Hyungwon’s hips abruptly crashed against yours, and he came. You didn’t even have a moment to spare as Hyungwon pulled out and Hoseok slammed in to replace him.
Hoseok’s fingers left you to better grip your waist. You were stunned with each thrust, and honestly? There were a few seconds where you’d black out from pleasure. Your moans were becoming sparse as you felt another orgasm building. As it surged through your body to nearly rattle your limbs, you dug your nails into Hyungwon’s skin and waded out into the waters of bliss. Tears flowed down your face, you could barely catch your breath, and your eyes were dazed when you felt Hoseok pull out.
He climbed onto the bed beside you and knelt by your head. His hand was furiously pumping his cock. “Please, let me cum in your mouth,” he begged.
At this point, you were too far gone. Your lips parted and brought his head into your mouth. You hardly had to suck before he was pouring sweet strands of cum down your throat. You were more taken aback by the taste of his juices than the amount of it. Once he sat back onto his feet, you licked your lips and closed your eyes. “Of course, your cum tastes sweet too,” you said through a laugh.
“One of the perks of being an incubus, I guess,” Hyungwon remarked, moving to sit up. He kept you in his arms as he pulled you back to the pillows and laid you in the center of the bed.
The demons laid beside you, each needing to touch you in some way. There was a long period of time where no one spoke. They thought you had actually fallen asleep until you broke the silence with a question.
“Will you...do this with other people?” Your voice was cautious, tip-toeing on the subject.
Another silence occurred, this one significantly shorter than the last, but still long enough to wear on your nerves.
“...Do you not want us to?” Hyungwon finally responded.
Hoseok failed to hold back a smile. “Do you want us to yourself…?”
Your face flushed red. You were feeling pinned in a corner. “I-I mean, I don’t know how demons do this--”
“We can make a pact if you want,” he said simply, playing with a bit of your hair.
That piqued your curiosity. “Which entails?”
“Your soul belongs to us,” Hyungwon chimed in. “We need to feed on spiritual energy.”
“Without it, we’ll wither away,” Hoseok said, though he sounded a bit distraught by it, and for good reason.
“And what’s in it for me?” You inquired.
That made Hoseok laugh. “Besides us?”
Hyungwon pressed a kiss to your shoulder. “You’ll never be lonely again. We’ll be here for you.”
Hoseok caressed your tummy. “You get us all to yourself.”
“Yeah, anytime you wanna fuck, just let us know.”
You covered your face in pure embarrassment. They spoke of it so casually, and you still weren’t used to that. “Why do you have to put it that way?”
Hyungwon grinned. “You weren’t this shy while we were fucking.”
“We’ve been inside of you. There’s no need to be bashful,” Hoseok added.
“Oh my god, you guys, stop,” you mumbled.
They started laughing even more before they began seductively feeling up your body once again.
You whimpered, peeking through your hands. “So, what about when you’re, say, in class and I want to…”
“Fuck?” Hoseok quipped.
You closed your fingers and nodded.
Hyungwon wrapped his fingers around your wrist and revealed that burning hot face. “Say the word and we’ll be here.”
“It’s not like we need these classes or degrees,” Hoseok said.
“We’re only taking classes to pass time. It’s interesting to see the bullshit that humans make up about demons.”
Hoseok smiled down at you. “I’d much rather be here with you.”
“Me too,” Hyungwon exclaimed, leaning down for a kiss.
You sighed against his lips before getting a taste of his strawberry-sweet tongue. After a moment, you turned to Hoseok and did the same to him. The demon who was as delectable as honey cupped your cheek and kissed you back. It was hard, but you pulled away and rested back onto the pillows. Staring at the ceiling, the one you’d stare at on lonely nights, you smiled knowing you wouldn’t have to do that anymore.
“Let’s make that pact,” you affirmed.
Hyungwon and Hoseok exchanged devilish smiles. “Are you sure?” They asked in unison, a courtesy (you didn’t know until later) that all demons do before sealing an agreement.
You took a deep breath. There was no backing out after this point. Fuck it. “Yes.” You eyes shifted between them. You felt the hairs on your arms stand on end as their teeth sharpened.
“This time I get to face you!” Hoseok mused.
Hyungwon grinned. “One more time, then,” he reiterated.
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