#i guess not so everything just felt so useless in the end
Listen I know the curse said "suck her dry" but imagine if Inhae ACTUALLY MADE USE OF HER NURSING DEGREE and loopholed the curse by just storing her blood over time until the quantity of blood equaled the amount of a human. Then Woohyeol could just drink it all in one go. And hell, maybe we could've had a tense moment where she ran out of time to accumulate all the bags or Manhwi stole some, so SWH would need to drink from her neck and almost loses control or whatever.
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kulliare · 8 months
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arachniee · 8 months
                          ࣪𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ₊ ⊹ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃 ii.  He once was mine.
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ Lucifer Morningstar x Seraphim!reader (main couple)
                              (side couple) Adam x Seraphim!reader   ┈➤        
જ⁀➴       Summary : After he fell from grace, you did your best to move on. Drowning yourself in knowledge, hoping that if you continued to fill your mind with information, you’d eventually forget about him. All the effort you put into it was useless in the end and everything came crumbling down after you met his daughter. 
જ⁀➴         Warnings: cussing, mentions of wounds and injuries, not proofread; there might be grammatical errors, mc is a workaholic insomniac
જ⁀➴        Note: Alright, so here’s part two. Not what you expected? Well, this series has more parts than you think and I’m determined to make each one surprisingly focus on something different from what you’d expect. The second part of ‘medical haywire’ is still in progress and heavy editing but it’s on its way. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this lol, word count: roughly around 6.7-6.8k  part one
╰┈➤ The current situation was… surprising, to say the least. As you sat still, frozen on your chair, your eyes were glued to the young blonde lady. As much as you wanted to look away, as much as the gut-wrenching feeling in the pit of your stomach urged you to shift your gaze, you went against it. It was overwhelmingly ironic. You tried almost everything to forget him, and all it took was one look at his daughter for all those efforts to be wasted. Would you have admitted it? That the reason you couldn’t look away was because she looked almost identical to her father? The hair, the eyes, the smile, the aura, it was all just as you remembered. Was it Deja Vu? Or was it because you never really wanted to forget him? 
The second you felt a pang in your chest, you tried to regain composure. The walls felt like they were closing in, the world was spiraling endlessly in your mind. With a quick, sharp breath, you finally tore your gaze from the young lady and turned to face your fellow Seraphim. She was quite confused with the situation, feeling lost as she doesn’t really know what to do since this type of thing hasn’t happened before (at least to her). Once she felt your eyes on her, she tried to speak, wanting to somehow do something to help ease the tense atmosphere. 
“A-Alright! So I know that you’re really busy,”
Emily stuttered, taking a step closer to Charlie and gesturing to the princess’s injured hand. Of course, out of instinct, once your gaze fell back onto her, well, on her hand at least, she let out a smile that seemed as tense as the atmosphere. Vaggie noticed this, putting a hand on her lover’s shoulder to try and calm her down, just as how she always did. 
“But our dear guest has an injury and we wanted to see if you could check it out!” 
The young Seraphim finished, sending you a bright smile as she clasped her hands together. Even at her words, your eyes stayed on the princess's slightly bloodied hand. Her palm was red, red with her blood. I guess that it served as a reminder that her father was no longer an angel with blood that shined gold. Instead, the blood that flowed in his veins was a shade crimson. One a demon would be too familiar with. You let out a small and quiet sigh, leaning back on your chair and bending down slightly to reach one of your table’s drawers. 
Once you told them to seat Charlie on the couch on the left part of the room, the three rushed to follow your words. Your voice sounded so beautiful, melodic even. The blonde girl swore that she could fall asleep if you ever sang her a lullaby, wait, what was she even thinking? With the med-kit in your hold, you waited for them to finally settle down. You watched as Emily tried to put a pillow behind the princess to make her ‘more’ comfortable, the other frantically insisting that she’s comfortable enough. The interaction was quite the source of entertainment, you thought. Then again, you’ve been working non-stop, maybe not having access to entertainment slightly altered your standards.
Vaggie tried her best to stay quiet the whole time, hoping to not attract any attention, especially from you. She had a feeling that you recognized her, since she was one of the angels who you monitored for the extermination. She’d always do her best to maintain her health, wanting to be in the best condition to do her job properly. Of course, she’d had a few interactions with you before. But usually, just as when you were going to ask her a question regarding the previous exterminations, Adam would steal you away from her and her group of fellow exorcists. 
She couldn’t really be sure, you’ve been alive since the beginning of almost everything, so there was a part of her that hoped you didn’t remember everything that you’ve known and learned. Including her. She couldn’t miss the way your eyes flickered towards her, even if it was just for a moment. She watched as you stood up, there was always this thing about you that seemed so elegant and graceful. Something that she never was. She looked up to you when she wasn’t a fallen one yet. The way you’d take pride in making sure the people around you are in tip-top shape, the way you’d make sure to do your job with perfection. She kept her gaze on your face, scanning your features. You hadn’t changed that much since the last time she saw you, though, you did look a little more drowsy and, well, tired. She couldn’t really help the concern that built within her, you did so much to make sure everyone got the care they needed (at least when she was still in heaven), but it seems that you’ve been neglecting yours up until now. 
“Gently now, let me have a look at that hand.”
Her eyes eventually landed on your larger hand holding her lover’s smaller, injured one. She wanted to help but she knew better than to interrupt an expert at what they do best. Though when Charlie let out a small hiss at the disinfectant you sprayed onto the injury, she perked up and scooted closer to the princess. 
As soon as your fingertips made contact with her hand, Charlie's nerves somehow stopped going haywire. Your touch is… calming, she thought. But your hands were so cold, she didn't want to put much thought into that, so she chose to believe that it's because of the air conditioning in the room. On the contrary of what others think of her, Charlie never really had someone that cared and treated her. Yeah, she was the princess of hell, but when her parents parted ways, she was all alone in her little world. She learned that she must be independent, regardless of her royal status. 
So as your hands worked to delicately treat her injury, she felt warm. Vaggie has been the only one to properly take care of her, so now that another person did help her, she was grateful for the experience and feeling of being cared for. Emily was watching intently from beside the princess, seated on her left while Vaggie was on Charlie’s right. She has never seen you do your work personally, and now she finds it so interesting. She smiled as you finally wrapped a clean bandage around the princess’s hand and tidied your equipment, putting them back inside the med-kit.
She thanked you as she stood up and tried to help you throw away the used medical equipment that laid on the coffee table. As she walked towards the trash can, she turned around to momentarily glance at you when she heard you speak.
“Charlotte, was it?” 
No matter how many times your voice rings through her ears, Charlie thought she could never get used to the softness and gentleness that was laced within it. All of her attention was focused on you, each word that spilled from your lips etched itself into her mind. As she cradled her hand, which was now neatly and meticulously wrapped in bandages, she answered.
“Y-Yes! Charlotte Morningstar, but you can call me Charlie!” 
She seemed to gain a little bit of her confidence now, and surprisingly, you were somewhat glad. You couldn’t deny the fact that she seemed like a kind person with how her energy leaked of positivity. But that slight pang that made your chest ache after hearing her last name never went unnoticed by you, it was subtle, but it was there. Why were you so affected by it? Haven’t you moved on and changed? Didn’t your heart and mind agree to let go for your own good? Your thoughts were running miles in the back of your mind. But that bright smile that Charlie sent your way made you unconsciously pause. Unintentionally, your eyes softened ever so slightly. 
“I am (Name), a Seraphim. Pleased to make your acquaintance, young Morningstar.”
The way her last name rolled off your tongue was bittersweet. The pain from the bitterness came with the tenderness that you’ve been craving desperately for eons. You’re usually zoning out, playing every positive memory you had with a certain someone just to somehow neutralize the pain, but it always ended up worsening that throbbing pain in your soul.
The only time you ever found yourself free from those wretched emotions and feelings were when Adam was in the vicinity. As much as you used to deny it, you’ve grown accustomed to his presence. No, you’ve grown attached to it, better yet, grown attached to him. It was quite draining to interact with the first man, but it was worth every bit of energy you’ve lost, because as time passed, he became your battery. Your source of energy, at some point, that is. You soon faced Vaggie, an eyebrow raised in questioning. 
“And may I know who this charming young lady is?”
What an act. You never forgot her, up to this day. But of course, you don’t know her life in hell and what secrets she may be hiding from her lover, so all you could do was to act as clueless as a stranger. You could call it respect, sure, but to you, the reason for it was because you’d chosen to just not meddle with other people’s business. The princess smiled with glee as she linked her arm with her girlfriend’s.
“This is my beautiful girlfriend, Vaggie!” 
Vaggie smiled at the compliment Charlie threw in the introduction. To know that despite her disappearance in heaven, you felt a string of relief when you realized that she found her home down there. That feeling of envy somehow crept up on you. She had fallen, an angel that was forsaken, and yet she seemed to have been blessed with a better life than you ever were. You did so much for heaven, much, much more than what she has done. But why were you still stuck in your madness? When will you meet a person who’ll treat and love you just as how the princess of hell loved her? 
“A pleasure to meet you as well.”
You nodded in acknowledgement, Vaggie doing the same, though it seemed more like a bow in your opinion. But you didn’t dwell on that any further. Charlie smiled, very happy with your little interaction. The princess of hell reminded you so much of Emily, in many ways too. The said Seraphim soon took her place beside you as you handed the princess a few packets of new bandages, just in case her injury bleeds more than anticipated. She thanked you and pocketed the little packets before reaching for her wallet. Emily saw this and immediately spoke, waving her hands dismissively at Charlie. 
“Oh, no no, Let me pay! I was responsible, after all.”
She urged Charlie to keep her money, but the princess insisted. Vaggie couldn’t help but smile a little, uncharacteristically maybe, but seeing how similar the two are, she had hopes that they’d become good friends and that Emily may be able to provide great assistance to her lover’s dream. The more support they have, the more convincing it would be for others. 
“There’s no need for such.” 
Your voice interrupted their little, polite bickering. You somehow regret it now as the two included you in their small quarrel. You sweatdropped as they continued insisting on paying. Emily almost shoved the money in your hands, though another voice rang through all the chaos. Vaggie’s smile fell as she realized that the cute, wholesome, and amusing little fight was interrupted. 
“Doc, lab room 4 has been prepared and is ready as per your orders.”
You recognized the voice from the other side of the door, one of your newer scientists. You focused on the young girls before you, sighing quietly with content now that this little feud can be avoided. The princess and young seraphim were still trying to get you to accept the money, but you raised your hand to dismiss their attempts. Watching them deflate as they finally accepted the fact that you won’t take their money. You found it very amusing, as did Vaggie. You walked back to your table, going around it and grabbing the white lab coat that rested on your chair. 
“It has been a pleasure to meet you, young Morningstar. But duty calls, as they say.” 
The moment you turned around, she was sure that you really were the woman that her father secretly drew when she was still a child. The colors of your wings were almost the exact same shade, exact same size in terms of proportions with the drawing that she vividly remembered. They were so captivating, though she’d only been able to see a glimpse of them, a small portion peeking from above your shoulders, a little bit from your sides, and below your hips. She didn’t notice it before, but you seemed to fold your wings, it was a random thought but she found it quite cute. 
Emily soon broke the silence that fell upon the room after a while, deeming it time for them to depart and leave you to work. Vaggie nodded along as she held Charlie’s uninjured hand and gestured to the door. The princess thanked you again along with Emily and Vaggie. But before they could exit the room, your voice called out to them, or to her, at least. 
“May I have a word with you privately, Vagatha?”
On que, Charlie was confused on why her girlfriend seemed to tense up at your request. The princess herself was quite perplexed with it, but she didn’t really have a reason to stop Vaggie. It’s not like you were going to hurt her, right? She soon joined Emily after telling her girlfriend that they’d be waiting in the hospital’s lobby. 
As Charlie and the young seraphim walked down the halls, a few angels greeted them here and there, the princess realized something. You knew Vaggie’s real name? Did you know her prior to this meeting? Is that why Vaggie was so nervous when you asked to talk to her? But how’d you know each other? She was a demon, and you were an angel, not only an angel, a seraphim at that. Her thoughts were running a mile per minute, very confused and yet interested in this matter. She’d have to ask her girlfriend about this after you’ve had you talk. 
Once the two had left, the silence filled the room once again. Vaggie didn’t speak, waiting for you to speak and tell her why you held her back. She watched as you made your way to the front of your table, leaning back on it slightly. Your gaze was hard and piercing, just like the atmosphere in the room. Her nerves were going crazy, she was sure that you’d ask her about what happened to her, and the thought itself made her frown.
But as soon as she raised her gaze to meet yours, she was speechless. Mouth slightly agape, eyes wide and her eyebrows way above them. For the first time since they entered the room, your face was painted beautifully with a smile. It was small, anyone else wouldn’t have noticed it, but she did. And she knew. The way your eyes were softly scanning her face, the way you seemed to look…content? No words seem to come out of her, staring back at you with what she hoped was the same amount of tranquility as yours. 
“I’m glad to have met you once again, Vagatha.” 
Your aura was nothing short of relaxed, as if a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. You may not admitted it to anyone, but you’ve grown to be slightly attached to all of your patients, including the exterminators. As much as you were against their job, you still did yours. And that was to make sure that they were well. After Vagatha’s disappearance, you were very concerned for her. She had been lost and left back at hell, a place where nothing but bad happened. You wanted to go down there yourself, but Sera reminded you of your duties. You realized that Vagatha may have needed you, but heaven needed you more. The guilt was killing you, and you suspected that she may not have been feeling well which is why she must’ve lost to a demon. You were partially responsible, in a way.
Vagatha was still star-struck. All her (after) life in heaven, you were there. Monitoring her health, her mental state, and her overall well-being. She knew you did it for the extermination’s sake, but she hoped, deep down, that you did it because you genuinely cared. You were like a big sibling to all the exorcists, always scolding them if they were eating too much junk food. She’d remember the times that you’d spend your rare, 10 minute breaks to watch them train. Sometimes you’d give advice, informing them of a body’s weak spots, you knew that an angel and a demon’s biology may be different, you still wanted to tell them hoping that the information helped. And they were thankful for it, just the thought that you wanted to help, it was enough. You were their family, you were her family. 
When she was left to die in the Pride ring, she met Charlie, who then became her family. She may have lost you, she knew you’d be happy that she found home in hell. She didn’t regret anything. She didn’t regret letting that demon child escape and all the consequences that came with it. She promised you that she’d be the best. She didn’t just mean that in her job, she meant it as a person. And she knew you’d understand her, not like the others. 
With every passing day, she hoped that you didn’t forget about her. As selfish as that wish was, she still wanted to see you again. She didn’t know how, but she wanted to meet you again. When Charlie brought up the idea of the redemption program for demons, she genuinely supported her lover. But there was a small sliver of desire in her actions, an intention to reunite with you. And to know that you still remembered her, it filled her heart with warmth just like how you used to. 
No word in the dictionary could ever describe the way she was feeling. She was overwhelmed with emotions, trying so hard not to let these feelings activate the water works. But when your steps echoed through the silence, she felt your arms cage her in a secure embrace. It was like you were afraid of letting go and potentially losing her again. It took all of her energy to not let the tears fall, she didn’t want to ruin your coat, after all. But instead, she latched herself onto you, holding you with the same strength. 
She was glad you didn’t ask about her wings. She was glad you didn’t ask her about her eye. She was glad you didn’t ask about what happened. Glad that you chose to just hold her as she tried to hold back her tears. Glad that you understood. Glad that you still accepted her despite what she did. 
“What the fuck is taking her so long!?”
Adam complained, impatiently tapping on the table’s surface. Lute sighed at his antics, deeming his complaining as childish. But then again, you weren’t one to be tardy. You were very particular in terms of time, at least that’s what she knows. She stood with her hands behind her back, unconsciously anticipating your arrival. She was excited to meet you again, yeah, but she was more excited to get Adam to shut up with his complaining. She needed to cool down before she screamed at her boss. 
“Come on! She NEVER makes me wait! Something must’ve happened, don’t ‘ya think we shoul-” 
Before he could finish his statement, Lute cut him off. In the most respectful (passive) voice she could muster up with her little patience, she spoke.
“We do not need to look for her, Sir.”
Adam grumbled under his breath, complaining even more at her words. You usually spent your breaks with him, sometimes Lute would even be around. One of those times was now, well, you were supposed to be here by now at least. But you were nowhere to be found! Of course, he’d be fussy. Meeting up with you was the best part of his day. You were the only reason he did his work instead of giving it all to his lieutenant. He liked the way you praised him for it. He loved it. No, he needed it. 
His displeasure kept increasing with each minute that passed. He wanted to meet you before the meeting with the angelic court and rainbow bitch. And yet here he is, all alone. And no, Lute does not count as company. He only ever likes and acknowledges your company. He could be doing the most important things, like talking to Sera, but as soon as you were involved, may it be a mention of your name or you were present and in the flesh, he’d immediately drop everything to ramble on about how close you two were or take his place beside you and ramble to you about his day.
Sera was, at first, against your closeness with Adam, remembering the last time you opened your heart to someone. But of course, it was your choice and she’d support you no matter what. You seemed to be happy with him after all, and she was happy for you as well. And you seem to keep Adam in his place, what a great bonus, right?
Adam was about to complain again, but a knock came from the door. He instantly perked up, his mood brightening as he expected you to enter. But his eager demeanor was crushed to pieces when a voice resounded from the other side of the door. 
“I’m sorry to inform you, Sir, but Doctor (Name) wanted to let you know that she’d be working in the lab and will not be present today.” 
Adam was broken hearted, devastated, betrayed, furious, and every negative feeling you could say. Lute wanted to laugh at his face, he was obviously upset. She watched as he stood up, complaining about something along the lines of you cheating on him. How amusing, you two weren’t in a relationship, at least not yet. She’d be lying if she said that she’s not expecting it to happen, it was as obvious as Adam always spoke about you in such a light that it was harder to believe that he didn’t like you. 
Lute sighed as she soon followed him, keeping a distance to make sure her ears didn't bleed from his loud voice. She was curious as to why you didn’t show up since she knew how close you were with Adam, and maybe the fact that you always spent your short breaks with him.
Now don’t get her wrong, though she won’t admit it, she too is fond of you. She’s been one of the first exorcists you’ve taken care of. She saw how you’d help everyone who needed you, making sure they were in top condition. She was glad you were on board with the extermination, and maybe the fact that you always made sure to check on every one of the exorcists. The angels of the extermination were almost like her family, they’d train and eat together. And she was grateful for your help. 
She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t notice Adam had stopped walking, thus making her stop as well, right beside him. He was uncharacteristically quiet. His head was hanging low as he seemed to hold something in his hands. Curious, she peaked from his side. Her eyebrows raised as he held a box with his name on it. Is it a gift or something? But who in their right mind would give him a gift?
There seemed to be a note on it. As Adam was about to read it, he shifted his position a little bit to hide its contents from Lute, to which the woman shot him an unimpressed expression. As he did what he needed, she scanned the area to see if the person who gave him the gift was still present. Though no one except them were in the halls, even so, she noticed a small box sitting pretty beside the wall. It was gray, compared to Adam’s golden box. But she grabbed it nonetheless. There was also a note, and as she was about to open it, she heard the man beside her scream and squeal. She turned around to face him and was greeted with a box of fresh, steaming ribs in her face. 
“They’re from (Name)! Can you believe it?! Wait, of course you can! She likes me THAT much, after all!” 
His previous complaining was soon drowned out by his smug claims. Wow, wasn’t he just almost close to tearing up and throwing a tantrum because he thought you didn’t like him anymore? What a big baby. How do you tolerate him? Lute will never know. As she focused back on the box in her hands, was this from you as well? She took the small note, upon reading the contents, she unconsciously let a smile paint her face from beneath her mask. 
“To my dearest Lute, 
Just a small token for not showing up.
Consider it as an apology. 
Let’s meet another time, shall we? 
Have a great day. 
                                         - Sincerely,
Man, you were so extra, needing to give gifts just because you couldn’t make it. Couldn’t you have just messaged them? But she wasn’t complaining, not at all. She was kind of happy you thought of giving her a gift as well, not just Adam. Most people saw her as his shadow, a person who they didn’t need to acknowledge. But you saw her for herself. Important enough that you didn’t invalidate her and her feelings, because of that, she often found herself seeking your presence, or anything about you in general. You were the only one who she could show her true self to, after all. Well, she may or may not be a little jealous that Adam’s box was bigger, she’d never admit it, of course. She doesn’t have to be as important as Adam, she was satisfied with being enough to be acknowledged.
“Hey, that from (Name) too? What’d she write? Don’t tell me she confessed her fucking love for yo-”
She immediately cut him off by shoving the note that she received from you in his face, considering it as payback for him shoving stuff in her’s. Adam shut up quite quickly as he read the note with such focus, mumbling the note’s contents. The way his letter was longer and more intimate than her’s made his ego skyrocket. It wasn’t like he was expecting you to write a note similar for Lute, of course not! He took one last glance at it before leaning back before smirking. Unfortunately, he spoke (much to Lute’s dismay).
“Hah! Damn right, it’s not like anyone else’s more important than THE first man himself! It’s only right that she put a lot more effort in mine.”
He grabbed the note from his box, once again, shoving it to her face with such pride. Man, she wanted to punch him. But she read your note to him nonetheless. Reading quietly compared to how Adam read whilst mumbling. The differences in the notes you wrote for them was (painfully) obvious. Adam took pride in that, of course. Lute was partially affected, but she knew she’d never be able to compare to him in your eyes. Though she already accepted that. 
“To my dearest, Adam
Forgive me for my absence, 
I know you are waiting for me.
A certain project needed more 
attention than anticipated.
I’ll make it up to you, 
Once we meet again next time. 
Be on your best behavior until then, yes?
I’ll be waiting for you. 
                                       Sincerely yours,
                                          -  (Name)”
Adam swore to himself that he’d frame this note and keep it in his bedroom. Only for him to see. He started thinking about everything he’d tell you once you’ve met again. He didn’t realize it, but he was spewing out his thoughts and it made Lute want to rip her hair out. She gets it, damnit! How many times does he have to openly talk about how much he likes you? God give her strength or else she’d bang her head against the wall she stood beside. As the gift lay pretty in her hands, she decided to just open it once she got home. She didn’t need to hear him ramble about how his gift was better than hers. For now, she needed to focus on the meeting with the princess of hell.
The meeting was a disaster, from what you were told. 
You just got out of the lab when one of the angelic court members met you in your office, explaining the events that happened. You were worried for the princess and her lover when you heard every detail. But of course, you were more worried for Emily. You knew she was unaware of the extermination, to know that her sister was the one who ordered for it to happen must affect her greatly. You still had a ton of shit to finish, as always. But you wanted to make sure the princess and Vagatha went back to hell unscathed and well. Wait, you were willing to ditch your work just to make sure they were okay? 
Despite your inner turmoil, you made your way out of the hospital after informing your nurses and other doctors that you’d be gone for a while. They were curious about what made you leave your important work, as much of a workaholic you are, this just seemed so uncharacteristic of you but they didn’t question you about it. You were informed of their whereabouts, and your hospital was not too far from it, fortunately. 
As soon as they came into view, you came up to them with haste. Instantly calling out to them, you soon noticed the small portal from behind them. You also noticed Emily’s presence, you debated on whether to make your way up to her or the princess. Wait, you were hesitating? Why? Shouldn’t you check on Emily first? With hesitance, you took  a place beside the young seraphim to check if she was okay, caressing her face and examining for any scratch of some sort. As soon as you deemed her alright, you turned to Charlie, doing the same as you did with Emily. After the princess, you repeated your actions with Vagatha. 
Charlie was surprised to see you here, even more when you seemed so worried for her and her lover. It felt quite weird for a- well, stranger, to show this much care to her. She’s used to demons being fussy and mean upon meeting her, then again, you were an angel. So maybe that was the explanation she needed. She smiled as she watched you check her girlfriend for any injuries. What a warm feeling, she loves it. 
“(Name)? What are you doing here?” 
Emily asked first, wondering why you were here and not doing your work. Which is really important, by the way. She had a feeling Charlie and Vaggie were confused by your presence. You took a glance at her before turning back to the princess. A soft hand coming up to brush her bangs a little bit to the side, giving you a clearer view of her face.
Your touch is just as warm as the feeling you give her, she thought. Will you still be this kind to her after you heard her plan? Or would you go against it like Sera and the others? She hoped that you’d still be the same, welcoming and warm. Heck, she wanted you to agree with her plan. But it wasn’t impossible for you to deny her anymore of her dreams. What if you deemed redemption as ridiculous? Would you still look at her with the same, kind expression as you’re doing right now? Each question that ran through every corner and crevice of her mind, she started losing even more hope. You spoke to Charlie, voice barely above a whisper. But everyone heard it as clear as day, immediately perking up with wide eyes. 
“You have me on your side, young Morningstar.”
The feeling of warmth from deep within Charlie started sparking into firecrackers at your words. Her eyes instantly brightened as her whole demeanor did. Her smile was sparkling, and you somehow found yourself trying to mirror it with your own. This caused even more reactions, more specifically from Emily. She hasn’t seen you smile like this in ages, thus she too smiled with happiness at the sight before her. Now, Vagatha was no different, a bright smile painted on her face as well.
As you exchanged a few more words, laughs, and smiles, you knew you all had to get going. Your duties were probably piling up so high despite only being gone for less than an hour. With a last hug, you made sure to inform them of your stand once again. That you were on their side. It was all Charlie needed as a push to not lose all hope. To know that someone from heaven, one of the highest authorities, believed her and supported her dream. It was a solid factor to achieve the success of her plans, your support, that is. 
As you pulled away from each other’s embrace, Emily smiled as the princess and her lover thanked you once again. You were so amazing in her eyes. Aside from her sister, you were always the one she looked up to the most. After the revelation of the extermination, she started losing trust in Sera. Was there anything else that her sister had hid from her? Not only did she lie to her, Sera was even the one who ordered the extermination that killed many souls! Yes, they were demons, but she too believed that they deserved a second chance. 
You and your fellow seraphim watched as the princess and her lover waved goodbye, soon entering the portal that would send them back home. You turned around as your phone started vibrating, excusing yourself from Emily and answering it. Unbeknownst to you, another person from the other side of the portal had recognized you despite only seeing the back of your head and your wings.
Lucifer stood near the portal, waiting for his daughter and Vaggie. He relaxed as soon as he saw that they were alright and smiling. It made him think that heaven actually agreed to her plan for a second. He watched as Vaggie came out from the portal first, extending her hand to it. Soon enough, Charlie came out of it as well, her hand in Vaggie’s. 
Though he immediately rushed to his daughter once he saw the bandages wrapped around her hand. Asking her a bunch of questions such as “What the fuck happened?” and “Who did this to you?” Though his daughter would just brush her hand off and dismiss the topic, telling him it was merely an accident. But Lucifer wasn’t buying it, so he turned to the portal, making his way towards it before it closed.
He was stuck in his place, eyes wide, mouth agape as he drank in the sight before him. Time must’ve stopped because he couldn’t move nor speak at all. His gaze remained solely on the figure that had him frozen. Everything came rushing down at him, all the memories, all the experiences, all the pain. How funny, wasn’t he the one who turned away from you? So why was he so suffocated by just a glance at your back? He didn’t even know if it was really you. What if this person just had a similar hair color and the exact same wings? Yeah, what if?
You’ve grown taller, he noted.
He'd remember the times he would ask you to grab a book for him, which just happens to be on the highest of shelves. How convenient. He wasn't really interested in whatever topic the book discussed, no, he just wanted your attention. He'd be beaming with joy as soon as you stood up from where you sat, taking your place beside him and extending a hand to grab the book he was asking for. He'd thank you with a kiss, taking pride in the light sign of embarrassment on your face. You'd let out a small huff of air in amusement as he pretended to read the book's contents right after. 
Your hair has somehow grown longer than what he remembered. 
He'd remember the times that he would visit your libraries, searching every corner and crevice just to find you peacefully sleeping on one of the tables with your head on top of the book that rested on the wooden surface. He'd debate on whether he'd wake you up or not. But as soon as he heard your soft snoring, he'd smile and take a seat beside you. You were breathtaking, he thought. The way your skin reflected the sunlight, the way your hair would shine just as bright. Unconsciously, his hand would take a few strands of your hair, gently caressing them with his fingers. Soft, that was the only thought he had in mind.
Your wings were as beautiful and captivating as ever, were they still as soft as he recalled? 
He'd remember the times he'd practically beg you to let him touch your wings. You would often tell him to touch his own, but of course, he wanted to know how yours felt. Even after no matter how much you have allowed his fingertips to glide over you feathers, he's never gotten over how fluffy they felt under his touch. Sometimes, you'd be reading the most boring book (according to him) and he'd be seated beside you, leaning all of his body weight on your wings. You'd even let him fall asleep on them as he was lulled to slumber by your presence. 
But will he ever experience those again with you?
You seemed to be talking to someone on the phone, and god, he hoped that you wouldn’t turn around and see him in this state. The tears were already threatening to fall, his throat was suddenly so dry that it hurt. His hands were shaking as his nerves were. What would you do if you ever see him again? Would you run up to him and hug him? Would you smile and open your arms for him to run into? 
Or would you just stare at him with displeasure as you recalled all of the pain he caused you?
He’s been living with guilt ever since the day he fell from grace. He knew he left you, he knew he chose his dream instead of staying with you. He knew he fucked it all up. He’s wanted to apologize to you, trust him, he did. But he just… couldn’t bear to face you knowing the influence his actions had on you. Each passing time of his consciousness, he always wondered if you would have forgiven him. 
Have you forgiven him? 
It was a question that almost seemed like a chant, a chant for forgiveness. Your forgiveness. But he knew that the weight of his decision hurt you more than he could ever imagine. Did you think you weren’t enough for him to stay? Did you blame yourself for not being able to convince him? Have you ever regretted disagreeing with his plans and dreams? 
Did you regret ever meeting him? 
Did you ever regret liking him?
Did you ever regret loving him?
Would you have been happier if he had never been a part of your life?
As the portal shrunk in size, so did his view of your back. Many, many feelings were spiraling within the king of hell as he watched you walk away with a young seraphim. Those overwhelming feelings seemed to have intensified tenfold once he saw a view of the side of your face as you turned your head to face your companion. Oh, god.
You were as beautiful as the day he lost you. 
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ccieatchildren · 1 month
I’m sure we’ve all seen by now Steve Blackman’s reasoning for Five/Lila stating:
“I felt that Five had to have a love story.”
And how it shows how this man somehow has such a deep fundamental misunderstanding about his own characters. How he helped create the first three seasons of this show and doesn’t realize that
This is Five’s love story.
Umbrella Academy the show wouldn’t exist without Five’s love. The whole plot and story is it.
He is the catalyst of all the plot lines while his family is the center of all the story beats. His love is the instigator for all the events of the show simply because he chooses to do everything possible in the hope that it will save his loves.
It’s not like this was even a subtle idea because Five literally states it himself multiple times over the series!
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I just don’t understand how you can get it so wrong.
He creates the Commission in hopes of regulating the timeline so his family won’t get obliterated from existence, tattooing himself with the potential solution to rewriting the universe so they can all live happily one day.
He survives the apocalypse all on his own, when there was no real reason to, just because he believed he could get back to his family, spending 50+ years developing the math to one day do so.
He joins the Commission and murders and maims and manipulates in the desperate attempt that he might have a chance to go back and see/save his family.
He spends the first time he sees his family after over six decades not with them, but rather searching for a way to stop their deaths, sending them all through time when it doesn’t work.
He runs himself ragged stopping apocalypse after apocalypse just for them.
And when he loses all hope, accepting the kugelblitz, he is content to know he is doing so with his family.
As much as this show is about the whole family, ultimately, imo, this is Five’s story about his grueling quest to save the family he loves.
Because otherwise this show wouldn’t exist without him and the rest of the characters would just be decorations in the rubble of a world long gone.
So to say bro needed a love story— he doesn't say romance, but love story— is so durna, like what??? I guess if you really wanted him to have a romance you could do that, but there were many better options than the wife of someone he deeply loves, something he would never do.
(Not to mention all the real world implications of the romance with the actors, production really was waiting for him to be legal ಠ_ಠ)
Also I don’t think it’s a coincidence that many fans view Five somewhere under the aro/ace umbrella (pun intended).
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Now, because of this misconstruction the ending of the show also suffers.
Brushing over all the mind boggling things the real ending says about abuse, its victims, and growing from it (which is actually like how did no one look at that and think hmm maybe this isn’t right for the story we’ve been telling), it also misunderstands love. It tells the audience that love isn’t worth it, in a show… about love. Not just Five’s but Hazel/Agnes, Viktor/Sissy, Allison+Claire, and more. How all your pain and suffering and tribulations for those you love are stupid and useless and cringe.
But y’know what, Mr. Blackman, I think you’re cringe for that absolute bonkers bananas ending.
And that’s why having the solution to the series being that Five should have never jumped in the first place would have been the best ending.
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Making it so that the only solution to save the whole universe be that Five stay with his family, with those he loved— what he had been trying to do for the whole show— would have been the perfect conclusion to the story. It would show that all he had to do was stay, because that’s all they ever needed, that’s all he ever needed.
Five and Viktor are well confirmed to have been the closest ever since they were young. And Five (doesn’t matter if he’s the now Five who lived through the shows events or the young one who ran off) would most certainly be a supportive figure in Viktor’s life. He’s smart, for one, and it wouldn’t be a stretch for him to figure out what was really going on (especially with his hatred of Reginald) and help Viktor that way. But even if he doesn’t, when they grow to adults and Viktor naturally doesn’t take his pills or his power starts showing, Five’s love and care for his (closest) brother would most certainly help prevent the apocalypse. Especially since if Five and Viktor are close, as they grow older, I feel like the others would grow closer as well, maybe not the same degree, but they would be more willing and supportive of Viktor in the end (I feel like Season 1 shows us how at the end of the day the siblings do care for Viktor, but they were just too late, so this time they wouldn’t be).
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Through the subway we see the timeline where he jumps still exists, so that should mean there is a way for him not to do that. His jumping (and the siblings he brings along) is what creates the paradoxes and the "need" for the Commission. So by him not jumping, problem solved.
This might come at the cost of the current versions of the characters, but I think if they can make the developmental journeys they did once, I think they can do it again, and have a happy ending.
(Also the Jennifer incident wouldn’t happen either bcs of Five or just bcs that plot line was so fluffin stupid, so yay alive Ben)
(And Diego and Luther meet Lila and Sloane respectively cuz they are also part of the marigold brood so they still do exist at the same time, so yay happy couples)
It is somewhat simple, but I think that works as well, especially for a character like Five. He spends so much time looking at all the different equations, trying to find some complex solution to everything, trying permutation after permutation (as evidenced by our and the diner Five's), when it was right in front of him. Idk, I just think it would be nice if he just decided to stay with his siblings instead of running off.
Sure it may not be completely perfect, maybe Ben still does die, or Klaus can’t meet Dave again, or characters still find themselves prey to their arrogance but I don’t think it needs to be, because real life isn’t perfect. But the bonds we make and the love we share makes it so, a major theme the Umbrella Academy isn't unfamiliar with.
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And it just makes me so deeply sad that this isn’t the ending we got. That this isn’t the ending the characters got.
They deserve so much better than Blackman gave them, and it’s a disgrace that he didn’t.
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yunniestars · 18 days
"maybe this time, love won't end."
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. . . ACT I. "Logged Out" ʚɞ pairing: kinich x gn!reader
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oh archons, the nerves have never been wrecking so much before.
he was in front of your residence, and the place feels all too familiar. it was definitely a different location, but the taste in decoration screamed you. ah, this felt so surreal, he thought.
taking in deep breaths, he knocked on the wooden door. the doorknob starts to unlock, opening the door and...
"hello, how can i help you?"
oh. that sweet, velvety voice. the one he missed so much.
he couldn't believe his eyes, it really was you. the same person who changed the trajectory of his life and gave it meaning. his star, moon, sun, and everything. the one who made him feel like a lovesick fool, but he'll never regret being one. the jewel that no mora he earns will ever buy. his-
"um, if you're just going to gape at me, then i'm shutting the door." you say with an annoyed look on your face.
"i'm sorry?" he blurts out. okay, that was a mistake, but he's genuinely confused -- were you joking at him?
"uh, excuse me? do you expect me to just let you in? i'm not expecting visitors at the moment, so go leave or else i call someone-"
"ah wait! i'm..." he tries finding a good excuse to stay. suddenly, he remembers the other reason why he's here. "i'm the one for your commission. yeah."
your face then lights up, demeanor going from irritated to overjoyed. "oh then why didn't you say so! gosh, and here i was thinking on methods to get rid of you as soon as possible!"
he then gets hugged by you, the same warmth he used to bask himself in, but right now, it felt... strange. the warmth wasn't the same as before.
you then let go of him, with a cheery grin. "i'm y/n l/n. your name?"
"...kinich. 'malipo' kinich." he responds, a wave of disappointment washing him over.
"great! so, the last time i saw my yumkasaur..." your voice suddenly starts to slowly disperse, words breaking down into inaudible mumbles as if he shut down every sound around him.
you didn't remember him.
"my baby!"
you run up to your yumkasaur who ziplines to you, happy to see you after such a long time. kinich watches the scene unfold at him, unsure on how to feel.
the entire time, you were behaved like the same person he loved so much before. the same old yapper who pulled his heartstrings like their life was on the line. except... you acted as if you didn't know him.
"how have you been?" kinich breaks the ice as you two head over the place you say your yumkasaur was last seen.
"that's quite the question for someone you just met... but i guess i've been pretty lonely? after all, pipo has been away from me for so long."
and since then, you continued talking about pipo and the conversation longed on as if you were just getting to know each other.
perhaps for you it was like that, even if he couldn't believe it, but to him, he knew every single thing about you.
however, for some reason, it feels as if his knowledge of you was just useless now.
"thank you for finding pipo for me, i don't know what i would've done," you cry while hugging kinich, who didn't know if he wanted to hug back or just distance himself. "um, as for the compensation..."
"nevermind that," he cuts you off.
your eyes widen in shock. "what? no! i need to pay you. i'll feel guilty my entire life if i just take this for free -- take it!" you hand him a bag of mora, but he shakes his head.
"just... compensate me by being with me. i'll never ask for anything more again," he says in a low whisper, but loud enough for you to hear.
you tilt your head, but nod. "okay then, let's be friends!"
oh, that took a deep cut. you've really forgotten about him.
he took a deep sigh, and nodded back. "friends, then."
well, it's better than being nothing with you.
୨୧ prologue | act ii ୨୧ masterlist
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♡ tags: @lvvcian @sunsethw4
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a/n: thank you for reading the first chapter! i'm sorry it's really short haha, but i hope it was enjoyable nevertheless. idk when i can update again, but i have a lot of ideas in my mind right now, so probably 2-3 days from now. also, thank u to the nice comments that were left at my work! it's been motivating me to continue so it means a lot haha. love u all
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sahisan · 3 months
tomioka giyuu x gn!reader.
⭒ summary: everyone knows that giyuu isn't much of a talker, so this depicts the silent moments with him that you both have come enjoy.
⭑ cw: sfw. mentions of giyuu's past (final selection w sabito). a bit of angst. reader is bad at comforting. giyuu loves you sm. like loves.
⭒ wc: 2.8k.
⭑ a/n: this took me too long wth, almost a month i fear lol. this was written during my demon slayer hyperfixation comeback (it's gone now) so uh. also acheron fic coming soon (i hope soon)! pls like and reblog !!
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it wasn't exactly silence after giyuu finished speaking. there were sounds of birds chirping, wind occasionally blowing, resulting in sounds of swaying leaves on the trees being more audible. some even fell because of the invisible force of the air, ending up meeting the gravel ground near the engawa.
having told a good share of his past to you—precisely about sabito and the final selection, which were the main reason he wasn't exactly thrilled about taking part in the hashira training—giyuu decided to stop himself from telling you any more, choosing to leave other topics for later.
but will you still have this 'later' now that he's shared even a small bit of himself?
to you, the silence was awkward. not having the faintest idea of what to say in reply to that wasn't exactly what you would want to experience, yet here you were. it felt useless even trying to think of something, to try and make something up in your mind, even taking a bit more time than you usually do when thinking of a response, bur nothing could've prepared you to thinking of what to reply to this.
it made your stomach churn with how you realised you couldn't seem to know what to do, what to say, how to comfort him; the closest to you person finally started to open uo, little by little, bit by bit and you instead feel like an immobile log, only being able to sit there and listen, not being able to muster up a word of comfort.
and you know, you know that it's because you've never heard the said words of colsolation in your life; thus, you didn't know how to comfort giyuu.
another gust of wind blew through the air, nearly ruffling your and his hair, and for a moment you think of giyuu with his hair no longer in a low ponytail, but instead it being messy and disarranged and you think of running your fingers through it. you hope you'll have such opportunity, even if only once.
another fallen onto your lap leaf helped you out of your thoughts; it would be even more awkward if you hadn't managed to say something at all, daydreaming and continuing on staying silent. you take the leaf between your fingers before it manages to fly away and take a look at it; elm.
"i'm... sorry," you finally spoke, voice quiet as to not disturb anything around. you felt so meek just hearing your own voice. "i don't really know what to say. but i'm sorry for what happened with sabito."
you took a pause; you were never one to have a good way with words, and it made everything even worse in this situation.
"just know that... i'm here for you whenever you want to talk to me about anything. i'll listen."
giyuu's head was in the same position as yours—lowered to look down at his lap. he couldn't say the atmosphere was tense, no, not at all. he knew this was a lot to digest in such a small period of time, no matter how long you've been silent, and he could see your hesitation in choosing the right words; you surely didn't voice your inability to properly comfort him, but didn't blame you for your lack in knowledge about it. he could guess why.
"it's alright," he said just as quietly, silently exhaling a small breath. it felt as if it was easier to breathe now that he had shared this bit of his past to you. "it was about time i told you anyways. i'm already glad you listened. don't bother with words."
you still felt that just listening wasn't enough.
"have you eaten yet?" giyuu broke another silence after a few more minutes of listening to the wind's unregulated breathing, wishing to change the topic to not overexert you mentally any further—what he's told you was enough and it wasn't like he wanted you to dwell on that story. he simply wanted you to know.
"forgot to."
giyuu knew quite well as of now that you tended to, much to his dismay, forget to have some of the meals throughout the day, and it didn't make it better when you could even skip lunch because of training or meetings or anything at all. once, he even told you that he was going to forbid you to enter the training grounds unless you've had at least two meals throughout the day. it's safe to say he physically couldn't do so, so for that period of time you and your exercises were safe.
giyuu didn't need to hear more from you. standing up from his sitting position on the engawa, he then offered you a hand to help you up. and with the gesture, you both knew that there was no need for more words.
the silence in the small soba restaurant never bothered you; it's a place where people came to eat, not to talk, after all. you two were the only people inside for now, but the sounds of utensils clanking and the smell of more food being cooked in the kitchen were very much present, and still, besides that, it was silent.
and still, your mind never seemed to get over how giyuu just brushed your inability to utter something reassuring off. maybe he didn't even want and didn't need the comfort you failed to provide; maybe he expected something like that from you, judging from your earlier reaction to his words just as he'd started talking. yes, he must've known you were bad at feelings, especially other people's, but was he used to it? he undeniably looked like he was, and that was just sad.
chopsticks carefully picking up the soba and guiding them into your mouth, noticing giyuu doing the same near you, your mind picked up the thought that, probably, saying something regarding what he told you about would be inappropriate, but you couldn't shake off the feeling of needing to get something out; something that could just show him that you understand him that much, at least.
"sabito would most definitely be out to get you for the mindset you have now."
out of the corner of your eye you notice that giyuu's hand, previously holding his chopsticks with a bit of noodles picked up, stops. it's not at all an abrupt stop, more like when coming to a thought one's mind has been chasing for a while already. you stop, too, having finished chewing.
and when the silence between you two starts feeling a little too long and a little too tense, and you start thinking that you may have said a very wrong and inappropriate thing, giyuu speaks up in a such relaxed and unimpressed manner that you involuntarily start questioning your choice of words. you'd expected him to get mad or upset, but not—
"you for yours, too."
the nights are—mostly—always silent.
the nights spent with giyuu are silent in their own, unmistakable way.
you two seem to create another form of serenity together—everything becomes as still as possible, wind appearing barely once for a few moments to ruffle the trees' leaves and then disappear without a trace.
your head is gently laid on giyuu's lap and gaze fixed on the night sky above with the stars filling the inky abyss, each sparkling more than the previous, as if trying to catch your attention, your eyes move from one to another, wanting to get a look at them all, wanting to engrave the look of them in your mind and keep it here; but there was just so much — you aren't sure if there even exists a number as big as the number of stars up there.
("do you think we get a star out there after death?"
"would you try to look for mine when i die?"
"...i would.")
with giyuu still looking somewhere in front of him—you can't quite decipher where, maybe he's just spaced out—your hand somewhere a bit lower your chest and his hand laying loosely over yours, you close your eyes and slowly inhale the night air; it smells of pine and momentarily happiness.
a few moments later giyuu's head tangibly shifts, and, having little self-restraint when it comes to curiosity, you open your eyes again—maybe he'd be looking at something different now?
and as your eyelids open, you find him to be staring at no one other than you.
eyes usually cold as a snowstorm and endless as the abyss above you both have now descended to endearment and devotion as they look into yours. they twitch slightly lower and to the side, watching your lips for a few seconds, before coming back upwards to your eyes.
he's so enchanting—close to being as enchanting as the stars he's now blocking your view of. maybe he even looks like one in your mind, or maybe it's just his endless eyes, the colors of which blend into the matching endless night sky. you notice yourself not minding the blocked view if the one doing it is giyuu.
with the main sight now being his eyes instead of the gleaming celestial bodies—you can't exactly complain—you feel like staring into them an eternity more, and then another and another until you've memorized each and every pattern in them. and you're sure that if eyes could talk, both your and his would scream affection.
"you're blocking the view," you say, having no more stars to see right in front of you, them being replaced with giyuu's face.
"you seem to be enjoying it all the same," giyuu declares, unimpressed, despite his eyes narrowing the slightest bit in amusement. you're pretty sure his mouth's corners nearly curve upwards. you would've loved to witness him smile, especially at the moment.
you hum quietly, eyes wandering over his face—how can one attract so much? and it's not just about his beauty; he's everything you've ever needed and didn't know you ever needed in your life. "i never said i wasn't enjoying it."
giyuu, too, can't seem to be able to tear his eyes away from you—starting from your eyes as well, they descend lower to your lips (he's a very patient man), neck—and he regrets both of you being too shy and humble to try and leave hickeys on each other, he would enjoy that sight very much—then your uniform which just suits you so much, and, in the end, your hand, one of which is held by his—when did he go from it simply lying on top of yours to holding it?—and he involuntarily laces your fingers together slowly, eyes following each and every movement. your hands are almost just as his—arms a bit scarred underneath the clothes, skin on the palms calloused from holding your katanas, along with healed nicks and occasional cuts.
humming as well in acknowledgement of your words, his gaze follows the trail back to your face and settle back on your eyes. he has to remind himself to not look into them too long, fearing he'd get too lost in their infinite beauty.
"we could stay like this forever," giyuu suddenly speaks up, and with the quietness of the words said they don't seem to disturb the silence at all.
"we could."
you get what he's trying to say. there was never enough time for both of you since the moment you've joined the demon slayers, and then the hashiras, signing yourself a death warrant when doing so; it's pointless to deny the truth and the inevitable, and you both long learned to embrace it.
but all the sadness and inevitableness can be forgot at times like these, right? even just for the night or for a few hours before the two of you go back to your routine duties.
"but what would you do then?" you continue, being tempted into asking the question with the smallest teasing lilt in your voice, as if prompting him to speak about his feelings about you.
feelings are hard, especially for someone like him—especially for someone with the past and job he has—but slowly, bit-by-bit, step-by-step, you try to get him to understand them, even if you're lost in your own and sometimes can't find a way out of your own feelings. you guess it comes with the job.
guyuu stops to think for, maybe, a bit more than a minute or two, and lets the silence embrace both of you again. again, it's never tense with him (you don't really want to remember the time he told you about sabito, though it still lingers in the back of your mind and comes up in the most unpleasant times), as you two gratefully grab onto the every little bit of serenity and peace you have.
while he thinks, your gaze, once again, roams over his face, with the twinkling stars now serving as a simple background for what—who—you're seeing, being a pleasant compliment to the sight in front of you. moonlight obligingly illuminates a great half of his face, letting you see most details on it, and who would you be if you missed on this opportunity?
nearly just as he's about to start talking, his lips opening and, dear gods above, he can sense your eyes shifting to his moving lips. it's always with you that he feels like a teenager—not really lovey-dovey, but it's a fact that he lets himself be more open to feelings with you.
"i would..." giyuu starts, taking a small break before continuing—to gather his thoughts, knowing you're watching him as intently as you can, and it's not in the least bit uncomfortable as it would be if it wasn't you.
"i would look at you," he says. "for the rest of eternity. i wouldn't want to do anything else besides it."
as he finishes speaking, you slowly but surely feel the tips of your ears becoming a shade of red; thankfully, it's not your face. yet.
"is that so?" you manage to whisper out, taking slow and barely audible breaths to try and calm your fast beating heart. he probably can hear it with how your back lays on his lap, but that doesn't really matter. "wouldn't you get bored?"
you're sure your face gets a small tint of red.
you, involuntarily, hold your breath after his words, eyes widening a tad bit, and it's only a few seconds later that you quietly exhale the air you didn't know you have been holding in.
the words he says are so simple—but he does have a way with them, and that's what makes you love him more and more with each syllable leaving his lips.
there's moonlight illuminating his—and your—face, and you seem to notice it just now. it shines onto a great half of his face, letting you see even more details on his skin, and if it was illegal to stare for so long, you'd be long behind bars, living your worst ever imaginable life without having something as precious and pretty as giyuu to look at.
his eyes shift. you get the hint just as his gaze moves onto your lips—you've been looking at them so attentively, it'd be a shame if you didn't notice that.
having taken a, supposedly, not so fitting of a position to kiss, you have to sit up using your hands and place them on the grass beneath you to hold yourself up, and your face moves just enough for him to understand. you don't make any rash movements; you're careful but your intentions are evident.
giyuu's face shifts closer, too. it moves forward until he feels like both your and his lips are soon to meet together. one look into each other's eyes is all it takes for his appearance to soften and lean towards you.
your lips touch in a kiss and you feel like you could die right now and there because of how soft it feels, coming from him, usually so sharp and harsh; it feels like your lips are melting together but you don't have it in you to mind—it's been far too long since you two have had any time to yourselves and your small affections and you don't know when you'll have another night like this.
his eyes settle closed the same time as yours do, and as much as you like looking at him, it just helps the atmosphere around you even more. giyuu's lips slowly, gently move against yours and you just happen to think of how tender they are, and that warms your chest more than anything.
it's silent and wordless with giyuu, and you just happen to love it.
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onmyyan · 3 months
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A/n: had a thought about a homelander-like reader in the DC universe, reader has homelanders powers minus his incel-like qualities just something self indulgent
It was over in an instant, the second her eyes refocused she calmly stood from the ratty chair he had her bound to, the dark steel cuffs he'd been sworn would weaken her became paper as she stood and shredded them to nothing. The tall young woman rolled her head between her shoulders, and the small grimace on her face fell after a satisfying pop echoed throughout the room.
"You know how I feel about people poking around up there." She smiled at him, tapping her finger against her temple, then took her first step forward, like a predator stalking its prey. 
"In fact- I'm almost certain you know how much I hate it." Another calculated step.
They both knew she could end him anytime she felt like it, so the slow almost teasing way she hadn't yet, chilled him to his core.
"I was only trying to right a wrong- you must understand the world must be protected-"
His tearful plea was cut off by the harsh bark of laughter leaving the younger woman. "Please, this is me you're talkin' to. I know you old man- you don't give a shit about the world." Her smile cracked giving him a flash of the beast he'd raised.
"You just want someone to remember your sorry ass when you keel over and die. You want them to think you were worth something- well guess what? You were. You made me, and I'll always remember you for that." She stared down at the man she'd called Papa, her serene smile looked as hollow as it felt.
She'd finally made it close enough to see the microscopic beads of sweat on his upper lip. Her stare was eerily curious, (e/c) eyes forced him frozen as she looked him over, akin to the way a cat stared at a mouse it was about to bat around for fun. Her (s/c) hand came up to rest gently on his chest, dead center. She patted the area a few times as gently as she could, the force shaking him in place, he moved for the syringe on his belt, if he could get to it fast enough he had a chance of survival.
"I'll also never forgive you for it." 
He saw it before he felt it. In a flash she had pushed forward and punched a hole straight through his chest, her fingers made contact with the cool cement wall behind him, Her free arm came up to cradle the back of his head, and she calmly pets his hair in a gesture she'd only seen in the hero films they showed her, his choking, bloodied sputters and gasps were quickly shushed.
"I think it's time for me to move out." She sighed to herself, yanking her arm back from the warm insides of her papa. Her face twisted in disgust at the chunks and viscera clinging to her skin, she wiped as much as she could off on the cleanest part of the deadman shirt before making her way out of the room, she had a few more doctors and nurses to say goodbye to.
Across the city was a soon-to-be hero having a not-so-good time.
Tim was having a very, bad day.
His alarm never went off forcing him to run to his classes to be on time, some freshman got too excited at lunch and knocked his soup all over the front of Tim, he had to wear his ugly gym shirt for the rest of his classes, then that idiot Kon accidentally crushed his phone with a little too much strength so Tim was screwed when it came to patrol tonight, he had a police scanner on that thing.
Then it began to rain. Sure he had an umbrella, but with the way it was coming down, it was useless.
He huffed a harsh breath through his nose, trying everything not to scream, there was an alleyway nearby that had a cover, and he quickly ran under it to avoid getting any more soaked. That was when he saw her.
A woman stood hovering over a mewling kitten, the small creature's desperate cries were almost inaudible from the harsh pound of the rain. He watched as she just stared at the helpless creature and felt himself hit his breaking point, he stormed over with a vengeance. 
Tim glared at the odd woman, his attitude more directed at his shit day than her.
"You some kinda' sicko? What the hell are you doing just standing there?" He yelled poking the taller woman in the shoulder.
She didn't budge.
"I can't grab her cuz' I can't control my strength. I think I might hurt her." She responded in such a sad tone, the guilt in her gaze made his stomach lurch with shame, the instant regret was a new feeling he noted, not one he enjoyed. "And you're standing there because you couldn't leave her either." He said it more like a statement than a question. 
The drenched (h/c) haired woman remained silent, offering a nod instead. He cleared his throat, a nervous pattern developed in middle school, and took the few steps needed to kneel next to the creature, he untied it simply enough and the small kitten instantly calmed down, rubbing its little face against his palm.
He risked a glance up and found the stranger smiling down at the scene before her. His heart did a funny little skip when he caught her gaze. From the way her eyes reminded him of warm honey, to the way she stared at him as if he was the most interesting person in the world, down to the way the rain beat against her (s/c) face, her plush lips curled up in that smile that sent shivers through his belly, everything about her pulled him in. She was enchanting so- enchanting, he'd thought it was her quirk.
"Thanks, mister." The tall woman smiled at him so brightly he felt the urge to shield his eyes, but he couldn't look away, she stood there like this goddess carved from marble, it almost seemed unfair how she lit up the grimy alleyway, how she looked to good just standing there.
"My name is Tim, what's yours?" She seemed to ponder it for a second, her head tilting, eyes calculated as she smiled at him again, speaking in a matter-of-fact tone, 
"(Y/n), I'm gonna be a hero." Her greeting was odd, but he returned her smile with a small one of his own, she stuck her hand out and shook his with a toothy grin, he could feel her strength in the simple motion as they shook hands. He had a feeling she could give Kon a run for his money.
"What are you doing out here? Besides rescuing kittens that is."
"Oh, you know stuff. Normal stuff." Was her calculated answer? He laughed to himself a bit, "Well whatever you're doing, you know you don't have any shoes on right?" She looked down with a hum. 
"It would appear I do not." He took that moment to really observe her. She looked like a gorhamite, including her clothes, she wore a white set of hospital thermals, well mostly white. Splotches of pink stained her front as if she'd been splattered with paint. Thick (h/c) curls clung to her perfectly carved face, framing it even more, the fabric of her clothes hugging her body like a second skin. He had a feeling she'd been in the hospital recently, judging by the thin band across her right wrist. He got close enough to read the word 'HOMELAN' but the rest was concealed, He chose not to comment on that, having a feeling one wrong move would send her flying.
"You hurt?" He asked standing to his full height, he had to look up a bit to meet her gaze, "Nah- I'm all good hot stuff." She made a point to flex her arm playfully, even in jest he could see she was packing some serious muscle under there.
"You running from someone?" Again she took her time to respond, her finger tapping against her chin in thought.
"Hmm, I'm gonna go ahead and say no. They definitely can't chase me anymore." The thought pulled a snort from her as if genuinely tickled, by the it, her gaze seemed gleeful, but something in her tone made his stomach do a flip, and he didn't know if that was a good thing or not.
Another thing that caught his attention was that innocent look in her eyes whenever she looked away from him, how she stared at the ivory leaf-covered brick with the most interested expression, something in the way she looked at the sky reminded him of a child's innocence.
It was as if this was her first time outside or something.
His heart had been steadily rising throughout the entire interaction, a strange but warm feeling began to grow, and a dangerous little seed had sprouted in his heart the second he realized she was just some poor soul looking for someone to reach out and save her.
He could definitely be that person.
"I can't leave you out here like this- do you have someplace to stay?" He watched her rack her brain for an answer.
"Yes, thank you." She nodded more to herself than him and began walking in the opposite direction, straight into the storm that seemed to only worsen. He cursed under his breath and did a light jog to catch her. "You're a terrible liar." It was instinct to lift his umbrella higher, now standing side by side the good few inches on him really seemed to stand out.
"You can tell? Gotta work on my poker face then." The smirk on her plump lips felt teasing, paired with the confident way she carried herself left the purple-haired man with a swarm of dancing butterflies in his tummy.
"I know somewhere safe-" he flicked his tongue out over his lip, "I'm..connected with some heros in this town, I can protect you." He said as earnestly as he could, something telling him not to let this one go, he rubbed her arm, trying to warm her with his hand as he gave her a crooked grin. She giggled at the man before her, she wasn't used to people worrying for her so intensely, so honestly, to think she'd known him five minutes and he'd shown her more kindness than any of the cold, calculating doctors who raised her ever had, it made her laugh to herself. He had no idea how little she needed protection, but still, the thought made her chest feel funny and warm.
 "Oh jeez, my own personal hero? Lucky day." He returned her grin, the festering feeling of obsession gripped him all that more. With that, he took a calculated risk and linked his pinkie with hers. "Come on, it's not far." The kitten was happily asleep in his hoodie pocket, the stallion beside him reminded him a lot of a feral kitten, just asking to be taken home and pampered.
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topmalereaderblog · 1 year
Henry Cavill // Mature Thoughts ⚠️
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Henry fucking Cavill one of Hollywood's dilfs many people wondered about Henry's life but he liked to keep to himself. Little did they know he was a massive slut for his husband's cock.
Henry was currently on all fours his hairy legs spread out taking every inch of his husband cock. It was funny to imagine such a big man turn nothing but a cock loving slut. Who would have guessed the man of steel like it up his ass.
"Look at yourself, Henry," you said, grabbing a fist full of his hair and pulling it back, making him watch himself in the mirror. "This ass is mine, right babe? Only I can make you feel good like this," his hairy ass juggled with every trust you gave."Say something for me, please baby, let me hear your beautiful sounds."
"Ah~ please, I c-cant no more" he looked fucked out with how hard you were thrusting inside him your tip constantly abusing his prostate. He couldn't even focus on himself due to the feeling of you big cock stretching him the sounds made with every thrust sounded so pornografic but fuck was it hot.
Henry could feel your balls slap against his hairy ass the lube mix with cum make its way to his hair balls and dripping onto the sheets causing a small wet stain to form underneath you both as you fucked him doggy style. "C'mon babe cum for me one more time, so close please."
You rested your chest against Henry back, trying to put yourself deeper into him. He was the best thing you've ever had, his tight entrance wrapped around you so perfectly while his walls pulsed around you. You knew he was close to cumming you he just need more motivation.
"C'mon Henry cum for me be a good boy for me."
"S-shit I can't, I can't cum anymore please," his voice sounded so out of breath so desperate. "F~fuck."
"That's right babe your so close. Look at yourself taking my cock so well," you said putting him in a headlock while making eye contact through the mirror. "Look at yourself pathetic cock maybe we should cage it up huh- you want that, want me to cage your useless cock, fuck~," you grunted out his walls were clenching tightly on you trying to milk you for everything you had.
Small moans left Henry his dick hasn't been stimulated, only relying on you to make him cum his cock swing up and down occasionally hit his his stomach and happy trail. You could feel Henry grip your arm tightly as small drops of cum came out from his tip seeing his head pulse with every drop his foreskin rolling back occasionally just a bit.
As you gave one final thrust, he could feel you emptying yourself inside him. He felt full and complete and sticky most of his cum from his previous orgams ended up stuck in his chest and stomach hair and small amounts on his pubes whiel all yours ended up deep inside him.
"I'll make us a bath," you said, kissing the back of his neck with lightly massaging his hips.
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yuusishi · 5 months
Could I request Silver, Ace and Deuce (separately) reacting to their s/o calling out Crowley for being useless and neglectful and how, if it weren't for ADeuce, they would've loved to watch NRC burn?
pairings : Silver , Ace Trappola x gn!reader
genre : hurt/comfort-ish? has hints of fluff
cws/tws : yelling & cursing
a/n : sorry I was only able to do Ace and Silver !! I couldn't think of much to write about for Deuce 😭😭😭also I was doing this in the middle of a bunch of class breaks for a month so it may be messy lol
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“You’re finally here, [Name]!” Crowley said enthusiastically, “As you know, there’s an upcoming festival in Sage’s Island that Night Raven College is—” “Let me guess, you want me to work on it” you said, a deadpan expression on your face, “Yeah, work on some stupid festival in an island in a world I don’t even belong in and was brought to for no fucking reason” the Headmage stared at the growing annoyance on your face, not knowing what to say. “Now, [Name], it won’t be that bad, so let’s settle this calmly” you clicked your tongue, “That’s what you said before! I’ve had to deal with a bunch of overblotting students and research how to get home on my own, all that then what were you doing? Nothing!”
A couple students started to gather outside the Headmage’s office upon hearing the commotion, and one of them was … . “If it weren’t for him and the others I would love to watch this stupid school burn to the ground.”
Silver was one of the students that walked closer to the Headmage’s office to inspect the yelling. As he walked closer, he started hearing a familiar voice, his eyes widened in shock seeing that it was you giving Crowley a piece of your mind.
He’s not fond of hearing yelling (minus Sebek’s, but even then he tells him off if he’s going too far), it disturbs everyone and causes a scene. So imagine his confusion seeing you leaned down towards the Headmage’s table pointing a finger at him while Crowley just sank down his chair even further.
As much as he would've loved to go right in and calm you down himself, he could tell this was an issue that you wanted to deal with yourself. So, he waited until you ceased your barrage of insults and rants towards the Headmage and marched off outside the office, by this time the other students just began to ignore the scene and walk to their respective clubs and groups.
Seeing you walk out, Silver didn't waste a second grabbing your hand and asking in a worried tone if you were alright. He wasn't planning on forcing any explanation out of you, he already knew how you were treated by the Headmage, he just wanted to know what caused all this.
In the end, whether or not you explained yourself, he still pulled you into his arms in an attempt to comfort you. Silver didn't know what words to use, all of them felt wrong to say at the moment, so he just settled for just wordlessly holding you until you let go of him.
After this he'll make sure that you're no longer being overworked by the Headmage (reluctantly, he needed to ask help from Malleus due to his power as a Housewarden) and that, as much as he would love for you to stay, he would help you with everything within his power to get you home.
Ace walked you to the Headmage's office before you headed in, chatting with you on the way but he could read like an open book that faint look of irritation that you tried to mask.
He isn't one to always go against authority, only ones he knows is doing wrong. Hell, he talked shit about the Headmage with you back then when the situation wasn't that bad just yet.
So as he stood leaning against the dark walls outside the office, he and other students flinched hard hearing yelling coming in from the inside. Without hesitation, he busted in the office and saw you berating Crowley.
He felt conflicted for a moment, he wasn't sure if he should pry you off the desk or let you let it all out, he didn't know the full extent of the stress that you were put through but he sure as hell knew most of it.
For the sake of not risking expulsion, he pried you off of the surprised Headmage and dragged you out the office, much to his surprise you didn't fight back.
"What the hell was that!?" he yelled, he sounded angry but you wished he wasn't. And he really wasn't, he was worried instead.
Worried about the repercussions you would face for doing that to the Headmage. What if you get suspended, or worse expelled.
Ace wasn't the best at comforting people, so his solution was taking you out to an isolated bench in the campus with some snacks he bought.
You don't need to speak, hell, you could space out the entire time and he wouldn't be bothered at all. He knows you're not feeling the best, so he just sits there until you're ready to start talking.
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opal-owl-flight · 6 months
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Making up for lost time.
3 always believed in 4. They even hoped shed exceed them, and not make the same mistakes they did.
Maybe if they trained her enough, she wouldnt be broken like they are.
More deets below the cut, regarding 3 and their current status with inknemia...
Ive given them angst abt their contribution to 4's state. And abt their anxieties on being a perfect enough ageng so they never fail, so the (fragile) world, their way of life, is always safe
After OE, 3 was able to continue going on patrols and missions, but something is definitely off.
Their body was still young and fresh enough to keep going despite acquiring inknemia (it basically gives them more limited mobility/power due to reduced ink capacity/density). And with 4 there, she can cover for their weaknesses brought by disability.
Even then, they felt it. That creeping feeling that this wont last.
Their ink tank was running low way more frequently. Restoring ink is slower. Splatting enemies takes longer.
4 was starting to run on ahead. A rising star, if she kept her pace, and they slowed down more.
Everything they knew. Turfing, ranked, agent duties.
Their fragile world was breaking. But only theirs. And they cant do anything to stop it from tipping into that point.
As if thats not enough, 4 left for college. And all those duties they shared fell back to them alone.
8 was also around, but she was with Off the Hook more. Shes technically not an agent...
until she became one officially, its all 3. All that work on a breaking body that cant do what it used to anymore.
They felt despair at each action they cant do as long, or anymore. Their actions became much more precise and decided to adjust. Their shots, their specials, their bombs -- only used when needed, ending fights as quickly as they start.
Still able, for a while. Still a legend, for a while. But they know. They know.
And when the news came that Cuttlefish was retiring --
They knew it was time. 1 and 2 are taking them off the field.
Its become too risky for them now. Hell, they even had to retire from turfing. (what a coincidence that the wiiu servers just died.)
Its a hidden turmoil they bury under work. Under the training sessions theyre allowed to do. Its the omly action theyre allowed these days, save for the occasional/rare mission/task that only they can do (that defuzzifier in splat3)
They miss being able to do what they were able to before.
Oh, 4 thinks shes a useless agent?
what about 3, who cant be that anymore?
At least, not as much as they used to be.
Both of them, theyve grown old, exhausted from the turmoils of life. Of events beyond their control.
The reason they pushed 4 so hard was...well, besides to keep her safe, its...I guess, subconciously, so that shed be their protege. To do what they cant anymore. To protect the fragile world.
Forgetting that 4 is not them, that 4 has different skills and limitations. They didnt want her to push herself so hard bc they did that and fell to Tartar. Inadvertedly...
They pushed her hard enough that she wanted to give herself up to Order, a similar entity to Tartar.
Just. God. Ow.
3 actually being the one who can help 4 the most this whole time
3 who wanted her to be safe. And now wanting her to exceed them.
Want to see her become better.
Meanwhile theyre sobbing inside abt how their body is imprisoning them, almost. An unspoken, subconcious struggle, which expresses itself in their strict discipline. Whats usually on the surface is their perfectionism and their worry for everyone else. This entire struggle with their body is bc it means they cant protect everyone else like they used to. It tears em up.
They are still FAST and can deliver killing blows still. But its in bursts, never as consistent as 4
One of these days... maybe she finds out during her break...
What 3s going through, inside.
3 had to replace themself for Splat3. 8 wasnt around, 4 was in college...Thank god Cuttlefish found someone....
Neo3. He NAMED this agent. Three.
That was their name...its gone now (I mean they def have a name outside the number, just havent thought of one)
I. Think thats it. These notes are kind of unedited so WOWPKSKS. its all over the place
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For a few moments, all Adam could do was stare numbly as the crimson liquid traced a thin line down the side of his finger, forming small droplets on the edge of his knuckle.
Was that... blood? his brain wondered. 
Not knowing what else to do, he licked it. Yep, definitely blood. But whose blood? Where did it come from? He was the only one in the kitchen, and he would have noticed if someone had started to bleed all over him.
So where did it...
The realisation hit him like a hammer to the gut. He felt his legs give way under him and next thing he knew he was on the floor, his bleeding finger still held up as if he was pointing an accusation at the sky.
Red blood. He knew what that meant. Everyone did. Angels' blood was golden, hellspawn bled black, and red was for - red was for - 
'Demons'. The word echoed through his mind like a wicked laugh. 
Adam suddenly felt old.
Just how many millennia had it been since Eden? Could he even remember? He scrunched up his eyes tight in concentration but he knew it was useless. He'd given up counting long ago. 
How many of those years had been spent killing, he wondered. How many lives had ended at the edge of his blade? How much blood had he spilled? Sinners' blood. Red blood. Red like his.
He was one of them now. The first human, the once-proud leader of one of the mightiest  forces in Heaven, was now just another cursed soul in a land bursting with them.
"Dammit!" he yelled, slamming a fist into the side of the counter he was sitting against.
The counter shook, there was a hum of something rolling across the top, and then with a thud it landed neatly in Adam's lap. It was a single, bright red apple.
Adam felt a smile begin to creep across his face and then, unable to help himself, he burst out laughing.
"Oh I see, is that how it is?" he said to the empty room.
With a grunt he pushed himself back up to his feet and waved the apple to the sky.
"Let me guess," he said, still laughing so hard his sides were beginning to hurt. "This is another one of your tests, huh?" 
He was in absolute hysterics now, the tears streaming down his cheeks and blurring his vision.
"Just another test, right? This is some cryptic vision, or prophecy of the future, or... or part of your big, cosmic plan, that totally exists."
The laughter died down as suddenly as it arrived. In its place came anger, an anger so hot that it threatened to burn Adam from the inside out. 
"Well you know what?" he hissed. "I am done playing your stupid fucking games."
He glared up at the ceiling, as if his anger was enough to pierce the heavens above.
"I did everything you asked, didn't I? I followed your rules, I looked after the garden, I did what you told me to."
A dam had been burst and now there was no stopping the words that raged out Adam's mouth. 
"And don't bring up that fucking tree, you manipulative piece of shit. You knew we'd eat it eventually, didn't you? You don't dangle something like that in front of your kids and expect them not to try. No, you knew exactly what you were doing!"
He hurled the apple he was still holding against the wall as hard as he could, and grunted in satisfaction as it exploded in a pulpy mess.
"Oh but that wasn't enough for you was it, you sick freak? You then had to go and act all high and mighty, like you hadn't planned all of this from the beginning. You took everything from me, do you hear? Fucking everything!
"You took Lilith, you took Eve, you took our home, you even took my fucking kids! What else could you possibly want with me, huh? What else do I have to lose before it's enough?"
"Well?" he yelled. "What's the matter? You too scared to even look me in the eye, you chickenshit?"
"Answer me, you coward!"
Adam fell to his knees once more and buried his head in his hands. Before long, the sound of muffled sobs could be heard through his fingers.
"Please," he begged. "Please, just tell me what you want. That's all I'm asking. Just tell me what I have to do."
Inspired by this comic by @rius-cave
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sundew199 · 2 months
tags: reiner x f!reader, toys, teasing, overstimulation, orgasm denial, brief choking
a/n: something short and "sweet" while I work on other works :)
minors dni
"That's not fair."
He chuckled, dragging a single finger down from the valley of your breasts to your naval, looking up at you with a look so devious you barely recognized the man above you.
"No, it's not. But if you play along I'll let you cum."
You were beyond your wits end, overstimulated and shaking from the endless teasing. Your boyfriend decided tonight would be the night he'd get his pay back for all the times you teased him. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! You were on the precipice, teetering on the edge and yet it was always swiped out from under you. One way or another you'd get him back, make his punishment ten times worse than what you were going through.
Vibrations from the toy he had pressed to your clit suddenly increased, your head thrown back and doing everything to twist out of the binds holding your wrists together. Why did you agree to this? All you wanted was to be filled and to fucking cum.
Reiner laughed again, pulled the bullet shaped device away and bent down to lightly kiss the tingling bud, ensuring his lips could only be felt as a brush, not daring to give you any kind of satisfaction, just yet.
"I'm going to kill you." Gritting out through clenched teeth, failing to hid the airy moan pushing its way through.
"Are you?" Running his free hand over your leg and resting it on your knee, taking the other with the small vibrator and pushing it inside, relishing in the sudden hitch of your breath. "Then how would you cum sweetheart?"
A violent shiver took over your body when the pulsing toy vibrated inside your pussy now, legs feeling so weak and useless, going slack to the bed. Your hands that were bound together over your head ceased the efforts to break out of the binds, all focus turning to the immense euphoric pleasure down between your legs. Curses slipped out under your breath, the obvious wetness from the teasing increased with new stimulation.
"If I apologize will you let me cum?" Asking with profound desperation as Reiner came to hover over you, knocking your legs further apart as he wedged between them. His hand cupped your chin, thumb pulling down on your bottom lip.
"Don't think so, I'm having too much fun." Sealing the traitorous words with a sloppy kiss, forcing his tongue into your mouth and swallowing every moan and whimper you were letting out in protest. You felt his other hand push the vibrator in further and move to circle your clit, chuckling when you squealed and attempted to bit down on his bottom lip, but he didn't let up.
Using the gathered slick from your gushing pussy, Reiner continued to press slow calculated circles onto your clit, letting a couple of his own groans into your mouth as he continued to occupy your lips. if it weren't for the tie he used to bind your wrists, they'd be scratching down his back, purposely breaking skin to see the red welts they would leave the following day.
"Fuck, please, please." Managing a few words in the small breaks between kisses, hoping the desperation would be enough for him to take the vibrator out and replace it with his dick, fuck you hard enough to serve as whatever punishment he was dishing out.
"Won't work this time angel." Was all he said as he removed himself from your lips and began to descend down your neck. stopping to suck one or two bruises into the succulent flesh and sooth over quickly with his tongue. Your entire body was covered in a thin layer of sweat, shaking still and littered with goosebumps. Who would've thought your sweet loving boyfriend could be so tortuous. But I guess that's what you could expect from all the times the roles are reversed.
"You're so pretty like this," Pecking the top side of your breast, cupping the other and flicking the painfully hard nipple with his thumb, causing your back to bend to an angle. He kissed around the entirety until finally sticking his tongue out to circle the neglected nipple finally.
Already on the verge of tears, the simple swirling of the tip of his tongue sent them rolling down your cheeks. You could very easily allow yourself to cum and face whatever consequences there might be, but something inside you was holding you back.
Lips replaced his tongue, enclosing around your nipple and humming into the flesh, watching his eyes do a little flutter and then flicking his tongue back and forth. Reiner's index and thumb pinched and rolled the other nipple, forcing you to divert your attention there for a moment, only to be pulled back to his mouth tracing out his name.
There wasn't a right word to describe how much you were trembling, or how cloudy your mind and vision was, or the profound wetness coating your inner thighs. You felt weightless and heavy all at once, heaving with each breath you took and watching the man trace your pert nipple with a smirk cemented to his face. You wanted to kill him and fuck yourself on his cock at the same time, maybe all at once after he let you cum.
"Focus, you're doing so good." Came the drawl of his sultry words, devilish and smooth. As he moved to give the other nipple equal amount of attention, he pushed the vibrator even further inside you, pressing right up against that spongy spot that had your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
"Re-reiner, fuck-"
That same rumbling chuckle deep from within him vibrated on your nipple, grabbing it with his teeth and pulling, all while keeping that damn fucking toy right on your g-spot.
"I'm going to cum, I can't"
"Do it for me then."
Mildly shocked by the permission granted, you let your head fall back and long whines of his name leave your lips as the last of your restraint vanished.
You were gushing, clenching around the hard plastic and then around nothing when it was suddenly pulled out. Reiner held your legs apart and marveled at the sight, watching intently until you slowly came to a stop, zapped of all energy. Slowly kisses were placed on your inner thighs, stopping before they could reach your extremely sensitive pussy and coming back to gently kiss your lips.
Both of you melted into it, him serving as a small distraction as he untied the tie from around your wrists. The moment you were free to use your hand again, they wrapped around his throat, restricting his breathing for a moment and then loosening.
"Should've expected this."
"Mhm, my turn." Giving him a familiar smile, nipping at his bottom lip and pushing his body until he were laying on the bed and you were on top. Revenge was always best served sweet.
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delusionalgojoslut · 2 months
*this is one of my first writings and the shortest still trying to build the courage to post the rest but i would love any constructive criticism*
Going out with your friends has an unexpected consequence?
(Gojoxfem reader implied consent if you squint cnc play, drugs, spit PV, non con/dub con etc) *not proofread* *pretend you saw the conversation where they agreed to cnc im into bdsm kinks and dark kinks*
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Satoru hated when you went out with your friends every other weekend was girls' night out, and every other weekend, you drank too much and came home with your friends, and their annoying laughter aggravated him to no end. He glanced at the clock, expecting you to come home in a few hours. But to his surprise, he received a text from your best friend, aki
* Hey..gojo, i think you should come pick up Y/N shes acting really weird i think someone slipped something in the drink they gave her*
Satorus heart dropped, but his anger flaired up. "Why the hell would she accept a drink from someone?" he grumbled to himself quickly, getting into his car. He clicked the little dot on his phone that showed your location and headed there. He hands ready to rip apart whoever slipped you something.
You were having the time of your life when slowly you started to feel off. everything was colorful, and you were laughing and falling all over your bestie aki.
"Y/n, you only had like two drinks. How are you this wasted?"aki whined, whipping out her phone, texting someone simultaneously helping you sit down
"Awlll sssome body is being a party pooper," you giggled, rolling your eyes as you felt your body start to feel limp on the couch
The music was blaring, but it seemed so quiet all of sudden. You felt relaxed and sleepy.
Then you saw satoru bounding up the stairs to your vip section, his soft white hair bouncing with every long stride he took up the steps
"Baby!" You exclaimed excitedly, raising your hands that quickly dropped "oops i guess my arms got fat, " you laughed, falling to the side on the couch
Satoru rolled his eyes, turning towards aki. "Who the fuck sent her a drink?" His voice was harsh. Your friends really annoyed him he looked over your friends one by one as they shrugged, clearly scared of his reaction and the way he looked at them.
"Dont you have some famous eye thing you find the guy!" Aki slurred her wirds as she spoke to satoru
"That's not how it works, you dumbass," Satoru said, annoyed
Aki just threw her hands up saying "at least i called you."
Satoru glared at her, turning to scan the crowd for anyone looking your way or acting suspicious. He clenched his teeth, realizing that everyone there looked sleezy to him, and he couldn't kill them all.
"Fucking useless friends" he hissed turning back around to picking you up in his arms
"Weeeeee!" You cheered as he carried you "why are you taking me away" you pout looking up at his face. His lips pressed in a hard line as he clenched his teeth
"Your drunk. And i told you a million times not to accept anything from anyone" he said flatly
You wanted to speak but you slowly were drifting off to sleep the drug finally taking full effect. The cool air was the last thing you felt before your eyes closed
Satoru looked down at you as he stood outside the lounge
"Geez baby" he said laying you down in the backseat he checked for your pulse your heart was beating and you were breathing so he decided to just take you home to sleep it off.
When he made it back to the house he gently picked you up put of the back seat and sat you up on the bed trying to wake you up
"Baby girl open your eyes for me" He said shaking your shoulders you just mumble something incoherently and raised your arm quickly dropping it again. he let your shoulders go and you fell back on the bed spraled out with your right knee slightly bent
Satoru looked down over you rubbing his temples
"What am i going to do with you" he said brushing some of the hair from your face.
God you were beautiful to him his eyes trailing down your body your to your cute little skirt with the leather garter on your thigh of course someone wanted you. With curves all in the right place and your plush lips.
Satoru found himself becoming aroused seeing you all helpless. He pulled your crop top down exposing your breast he squeezed them softly rubbing your nipples with his index fingers , "look at you" he said softly licking his lips before he brought his lips to your nipples suckling them and running his tounge over them one by one.
A soft little moan escaped your lips making the bugle in his sweatpants grow bigger and twitch "fuck" he said grabbing himself "baby girl?" He said turning your face towards him.
When you gave no response he squeezed your cheeks a little parting your lips for him. he kissed your lips forcing his tounge into your mouth he squeezed your cheeks harder to open your mouth a little more sucking in your tounge into his mouth a string of spit fell to your chin when he pulled away
"god this is sexy..you all helpless and shit" "so much better than when we play cnc" he breathed against your lips letting your face go, your head falling to the side
He climbed on the bed kissing your neck down to your breast sucking in your nipples again his hand found its way down your side lifting your skirt up and sliding his fingers between your legs rubbing against the silky pink panties you hand on he could feel your wetness through your panties
"Fuck.. so wet f'me even when you're passed out?" He grinned pulling your panties to the side he slipped his fingers between your folds lighly brushing across your clit and then bringing his fingers into his mouth tasteing your juices.
"Im going to record this and make you watch it while i fuck you later" He pulled out his phone propping it up on out dresser before he climbed back onto the bed down pulling your panties off quickly putting his mouth over you wet cunt "mmmhmm" He hummed slipping his tounge between your sticky folds sucking on your clit he slipped one finger into you and felt your pussy clentch on his fingers "oh baby you like this" His voice trembled he felt like he was about to lose his mind with how bad he wanted to ravage you.
Pushing another one of his long slender fingers into you again you clenched down on his fingers only this time he heard you moan it almost made him nut in his pants right then. he kissed up your stomach grabbing your face again and licking the drool that started to spill from your mouth before he kissing you Swallowing every little one of your choked whimpers as he worked his fingers in and out of you. Pressing his thumb against your swollen clit
Your body starts to twitch and your moaning came out more you were about to cum he pulled his fingers out and stuck them in your mouth before bringing his mouth back to your lips lapping up all your drool mixed with your sweet juices
"Damn...Not yet baby i want you to cum in my mouth" he said taking a pillow to put under your head
He adjusted your limp small frame putting your hands by your sides and pushing your legs apart kissing the insides of your thighs, he pulled his sweats down freeing his aching cock thumbing off the precum and pressing it against your clit and he pumped his cock rubbing your circles on your clit.
"Fuck your so wet" he said rubbing your clit a little harder before putting his head between your legs and licking your wet slit spitting on it and watching it slide down slowly licking it up again.
"fuck" his mind was clouded he wanted to cum in you on you all over you he was about to lose his mind humping the bed and moving his head back and forth as he ate you out. Stuck in a trance with the state of you and the way you tasted he let out a growl before latching on your throbbing clit
"eese" you wimper in your slumber and your body started to twich again satoru watched your face the only thing moving was your eyebrows which were furrowed "You saying please? Huh? Ok, pretty ..cum for me baby thats what you want i know" he spoke against your hot sex latching onto your clit again swirling circles around it determined to make you cum whike you were knocked out.
Little huffs left your mouth and satoru flicked at your clit with his tounge and worked his fingers in and out if you before he heard a little gasp and felt a gush of wetness on his waiting tounge. Your were cumming and your body still lay limp except for the little twitches it had from feeling his mouth on you as he egarly sucked up all of your juices bringing his head up he saw that your breathing was heavier and he smiled, loving that you could still cum in the state you were in.
"Good girl" he placed a kiss on your lips before lifting one of your legs over his shoulder and pushing the other further apart taking his cock and rubbing it over your wet slit he couldnt stand it anymore he needed to be in you. he pushed his way in your velvet walls groaning from how tight and wet you were "fu-fuck baby" "you feel so fucking good" he rolled his hips snapping it into you with one hard thrust he bottomed out squeezing the fat on your thigh he pushed your leg back making your knee touch the bed giving him better acess and fucking you deeper he made his thrust slow and methodical watching as his cock appeared just to disappear back into you leaving the hairs above the base of his cock wet
Slowly you opened your eyes a little confused about why you couldnt move your arms and why you felt so full and sensitive. You couldnt move your lips properly but you tried to speak "sato?" You groaned feeling him fuck into you.
Satoru looked at you his crystal blue eyes dancing with delight "shh baby its okay" he said slowing his pace
"You didnt listen...shit..."" you took a drink from someone didnt you?"
You looked at him through your eye lashes trying to nod your head but made no progress it was like you were in a paralyzing dream but you were awake and it didnt click that you were drugged you could barely focus on his words with how deep he was fucking you
"i know baby.. i should be mad" he thrust his hips harshly again making you let out another moan "but it worked out for me because now i can fuck my pretty pussy without you trying to get away" he smirked sighing as he felt your velvet walls grip onto him everytime he pulled back "god this pussy is so greedy" he licked his lips
He kept one of his hands on your thigh keeping your leg pinned to the bed still fucking you slowly "you already came once baby do you remember?" He looked down at you your eyes were open but low and your lips were slightly parted while you still had some drool spilling out the side of your mouth
"Fuck" he groaned "...dont look at me like that youll make me cum before im ready" he abruptly grabbed both of your legs lifting them over his shoulder and pulling your hips down as he gave you another hard thrust making your eyes roll back "shit...i should really ... really fucking thank the guy" he said with a hint of gratitude in his voice
You try to speak but only little whines left your throat. You could feel yourself about to cum again your breathing picked up and satoru took both of your legs folding you in half into a mating press putting both hands around your neck using your neck for leverage "huh" you grunt as your airflow was cut off you wanted to squirm away put your hands on his chest so he wasnt so deep but you couldn't move you took everything he had to give your eyes rolling in the back of your head when you felt the coil in your belly snap and a flood of dopamine filled your mind and body your pussy throbbing around satoru as you creamed on his cock
"Fu-fuck ahh" satoru groaned as he pushed into you harder, you were cuming so hard so much you walls threatened to force him out "oh no baby..fucking take it" he grunted squeezing your neck tighter "imagine if it wasnt me fucking you like this..someone else couldve had...had this pussy" "shit..this pussy is mine" he said Shutting his eyes he opened them looking down at you with your lipstick smeared all over your face and his hand around your throat. Tears filling your eyes as he pounded into you and that look you gave him.. the helpless damsel in distress forced to take all his cock sent him over the edge and he couldnt hold it back anymore
"ahhhh fuck" his body shook as he filled you with his thick ropes of cum he gave you more thrust emptying every drop he had into you his heavy body collapsed ontop of yours. He let go of your neck and you gasped for air you legs falling open as he laid between them kissing on your neck
"Fuck baby that was hot" he kissed your lips and you blinked more. slowly regaining some more consciousness
"I bet that did wake you up" he chuckled he reluctantly pulled out of you and flipped you over on your stomach
"Sato?" You try to call for him still unable to move your lips to form his name
"Dont worry baby..im gonna take care of you" Satoru said turning your head to face him "now that your up you can watch a movie" he smirked kissing your lips
He sat his phone right in your line of eyesight and pressed play taking your arms and pinning them at the small of your back "good girl now watch me fuck you while i fuck you again for not following simple rules" a loud smack against your ass caused you to wimper "im starting to like you better when you're drugged."
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moonlitstoriess · 2 months
Passionate Storms-Ruhn Danaan x reader (2/2)
Warnings: some more angst, fluff at the end
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This wasn't the plan.
Ruhn didn't think this is how everything would end up happening.
Him, back in the apartment, alone, standing over the counter, reading the note his mate left for him.
I am leaving for some time. I will talk to you if-not when-if I feel ready.
You finally got the peace and quiet you so desperately wanted so don't come looking for me.
Ruhn had the shittiest day ever. First, his brother Tristan Flynn, had the 'loveliest' idea to bring the fire sprites into work at the Auxiliary which led to an unstoppable chaos that resulted in him having to sort the mess out. Why did no one tell him that being the leader of the Aux is never going to be easy?
Then, as if that catastrophe wasn't enough, he had to attend multiple meetings regarding the jobs of the new unions within the city. Ever since the end of the war, the shifters and the fae aren't getting into much of a brawl either, thanks to also Ithan who keeps his pack in check, but from time to time, things happens and Ruhn had to make sure he chose proper units to guard specific locations where these kinds of brawls may happen.
After what felt like a lifetime at work, Ruhn couldn't wait to get his hands on the little surprise he was planning for his darling, his love, his mate.
A specially handcrafted bracelet that he was planning on giving her on their dinner date that he would take her out on tonight with flowers and music.
His y/n deserved that.
Well, guess what? That didn't go as planned either.
He took the gift before admiring and gushing over how perfect for y/n it is. Ruhn hid it inside his leather jackets pocket before heading home, thinking and smiling about how he was going to tell y/n that he was taking her out on a date.
But, as predicted, another shifter and fae fight was happening in the middle of the street and seemingly the very unit he picked for the job was unable to put a complete end to this fight.
With a sigh and a shake of his head, Ruhn quickly headed towards the commotion, shouting "Hey! What do you think you're doing?! This is a children's playground, dumbasses, no fights allowed!"
One of the wolves growled right back at him, "Fuck off if you know what's good for you!"
At this point, his soldiers were busy holding some of the fae and wolves back but this one specific wolf seemed to like the drama. Well, too bad he isn't going to like it when he finds himself with a fine of a hundred gold marks.
Ruhn now stood chest to chest with the male whose head was completely shaved off in a buzzcut, displaying his blond roots as his wild and icy eyes stared deep into Ruhn's soul. But he knew better than to be intimidated by some street rat.
Ruhn kept his voice steady yet firm as he said, "You are starting useless fights on a territory where children come to play. Faelings. You are on our territory. If you don't back off now, you won't like the consequences."
The wolf only snickered as he said, "Oh, really? I am so scared that I think I just peed my pants."
Ruhn curled his hand into a fist, "Last chance. Back. Off."
"Go to hell, prince."
Ruhn turned his head to one of his soldiers. "Give me the handcuff-"
A hard blow to his jaw. That fucking-
And that is how the following steps ensued:
1.Ruhn began beating the shit out of the shifter
2.His soldiers began taking-or rather trying to take-the other shifters away
3.A whole commotion happened as some of the shifters managed to get away and try to take their friend from under Ruhn
4.Ruhn ended up being in the middle of a full blown fight between shifters and fae, at some point having his phone knocked out of his jean pockets.
By the end of it, he had everyone cuffed as his soldiers sent them to the Aux. Luckily, he managed to keep his face clean, only getting blows on his body. Unluckily, his phone was in a shit condition now after being harshly thrown on the ground by one of the idiots and kept on lagging as he tried to answer his girlfriends call.
No success. Whatever, he will get home and explain everything and then tomorrow buy a new phone. Atleast the present is here-
Where. Is. The. Bracelet.
Ruhn began checking all his pockets but found nothing. He began panicking as he looked around only to find the box on the ground. He sighed and sent a quick prayer up to the Gods for the bracelet to be intact-
It was not, in fact, intact.
The bracelet was broken in half, its small jewels shattered.
Oh, he was definitely going to make that shifters life hell now.
Ruhns mood completely soured. He couldn't go home right now, not now. He couldn't look into his mate's happy, beautiful face and put on a fake smile. He needed to collect his thoughts which is why he headed straight to the bar.
There, he sat down and ordered himself a drink, completely drunk already on his overthinking. His surroundings were a buzz and a blur as Ruhn nursed his drink in one hand while blaming himself for everything. And the constant calls from his mate that he couldn't answer were not helping at all.
He was truly the worst. Couldn't even do one thing right. Can't properly lead the Aux, can't do something nice for his mate, his future wife, what are you good for, Ruhn?
He had planned this night differently. He had planned to gift her the custom bracelet that took months to design and make from scratch, then he planned to put it on her wrist before kissing her and telling her to go get ready.
Everything had gone to absolute shit and honestly? Ruhn didn't think he could look at his mate's face right now knowing what he has done.
"Ruhn? Is that really you?"
He turned his head sideways to see....Nixie. A small nymph that was once close friends with y/n. He didn't like her. Not one bit. Especially not after she tried to make clear moves on him before Ruhn rudely and quite frankly rejected her.
However, it seems like she hasn't learned her lesson yet.
Ruhn gave her an annoyed look before wordlessly turning his head back around and trying to once again answer y/n's call but from the looks of it, his phone won't be making it another day.
"Is that y/n constantly calling you? Gosh, she hasn't changed has she? The same chattering monkey that she was when we were frien-"
"Tell one more thing about my mate, Nixie, and I won't hesitate to put you in your place right now."
"Oh, come on Ruhn, you know I would always make a better match for you. We don't have to be mates to-"
Ruhn got up, forcing the nymph to stagger backwards as he pushed her harshly aside with his body, causing her to hit a table, and stalked towards the doors.
He turned his head sideways and said over his shoulders, "If you ever come near me or try to start a conversation with me again, I will do much worse than just push you. Fuck off."
Nixie's whole presence made him even more drained by the time he got home.
Ruhn hoped that his mate would be asleep when he entered the house but the smell of delicious and newly cooked pasta confirmed that she was, in fact, not asleep. And then the sight of his beloved, coming over to him, still all smiley and lovely with the clear exhaustion of the day weighing on her made him feel very ashamed of himself.
He couldn't do it. Not now. Not now.
Then, she kept trying to talk to him, to make him open up and on a normal day, he would. He would talk about his day but not before he listened to her talk about hers. They would eat, they would talk and joke some more, kiss and cuddle. But not tonight. Tonight, Ruhn's mind was very frustrated. With everyone, with himself but not her. Never y/n. Never his sweet, beautiful mate.
But it seems like Ruhn really enjoys ruining everything good for himself because he ended up shouting at his girlfriend, leaving to sit at the bench in the park outside for ten minutes, coming back into the apartment to find himself in the current condition.
Him alone with only shame, guilt, anger and worry as his companions, staring into the note in his hands.
He truly, in every sense of the word, fucked up. But unlike everything else, he wasn't going to let this one good thing get away from him. He will get his y/n back.
"I don- I don't understand why would he do such a thing? Why would he be so rude? What have I done to h-hurt him?"
"Shhh, nothing. You have done absolutely nothing to hurt him, sis. He is just being his famous idiot self."
After y/n left the house, she headed straight to her sisters apartment in the other end of the city, intending to hopefully stay there with her for a while. Atleast until she had cleared her mind.
Her sister, Alexia, gave y/n another box of tissues as she cried nonstop since the minute she arrived here two hours ago.
Alexia sighed as her phone suddenly ringed but y/n was too busy wiping the tears that kept blurring her eyes to hear her sisters say "Oh, for Urd's sake!" as she picked up the phone, gave a small reassuring pat to y/n's shoulder and left the room, coming back what felt like an eternity later with some tea.
"Stop. Stop wasting away your tears on that punk. Here, I brought you favorite tea. Jasmine."
As they sat there on the couch, curled up in blankets, chatting while drinking, y/n almost forgot her pain. Almost.
It hurt too much to forget and ignore. She loved Ruhn and definitely didn't wan't to walk away permanently but...what if she should-
The doorbell began to ring. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows before looking at her sister who just shrugged and said nonchalantly, yawning as she got more comfortable on the couch, "Could you please open it? My legs have been killing me all day, honestly should get some treatment for them. It gets worse every day."
Y/n nodded before getting up and heading towards the door. Once she opened it, there was absolutely no one standing on the other side. She sighed as she tried closing the door but it wouldn't budge.
Y/n looked down to find a small basket filled with some of her favorite snacks standing right in front of her doorstep. She leaned down to pick it when a small handwritten note fell out of it right on to the floor.
Y/n bent down to pick it and gasped when she saw what's written inside it.
My love,
I know you said not to come looking for you but I couldn't just stand by knowing that what I have done was a terrible mistake. I called your sister to ask if you were with her and when she said yes, I wasted no time in preparing this basket for you and having it delivered. Until you feel comfortable enough to face me, I will be sending you small little things each day. I know what I did was wrong and I am hoping to see you soon so that I can explain myself better. Until then, enjoy your favorites.
From your idiot of a mate who loves you beyond words,
Y/n's eyes widened as she reread the letter multiple times, thinking that her eyes were lying to her. At last, with a tiny smile creeping up her face, she turned around and headed back into the living room.
And so it continued for the next few weeks. Every single day there was a new small little surprise waiting for her at the door. The best part, however, were the little notes he would put with them.
One day, he sent her some of her most frequently used cremes and scents with a note saying, 'Your scent for me is the definition of being at home'
Next, in the morning, it was a basket filled with coffee and breakfast from her most favorite cafe, 'I miss you more and more each passing hour'
Tickets for the show she had been talking about nonstop for a while, 'The dates were finally revealed. Go enjoy it, my love.'
This went on and on until two weeks later, she couldn't take it anymore, she had to see him.
Her hands shaking, she texted the number she had been avoiding for two weeks now.
I want to meet you today.
His reply was instant
I will send you the address. Be ready by 8PM tonight, love.
Was she doing the right thing? Y/n was sure of her undying love for her mate and it seems like he was truly sorry for what he had done but....it would be better to finally talk face to face. Not to mention the fact that she did greatly miss his face.
He sent her the address and- what was this place? Y/n didn't dwell on it too long, deciding to prepare and wear something nice to meet Ruhn. After all, it has been a while since she last saw him.
By 8, she was done and ready, Alexia helping her to do the final touch ups while offering words of affirmation.
"If he even does one thing wrong, get out and dump his ass."
"You look beyond stunning, sis. If he dares to break your heart ONE MORE time, I swear-"
Y/n smiled, putting her hand on Alexia's shoulder. "I will be fine, Ruhn won't knowingly hurt me, Alexia."
Her sister just scoffed. "You know, it's really unclear with that bastard."
Y/n hugged her sister tightly before leaving and heading towards her newly fixed car.
Nearly an hour later, she made it to the location Ruhn sent her. It was some kind of a tall building but....why wasn't anyone around? Whatever, with a deep breath, she entered it and walked towards the elevator, pressing on the highest floor.
When the doors opened, she was greeted with the most breathtaking sight ever. It seems like the elevator opens up straight to the roof because above there were only glittering lights that were held up by columns. The lights also wrapped around the columns, causing one to feel like they are in a completely different realm.
In front of her, she had a full view of the busy city in the nighttime. Around her, were multiple soft areas for sitting but it was the very center that got her.
A table for two with a candle in the middle and....Ruhn standing in front of it, looking devastatingly handsome while holding a huge bouquet of roses.
Her eyes were still wide as she took in the entire place, slowly approaching him, coming to stand chest to chest with him. He looked down to her and whispered, "This- I got these for you. You look breathtaking."
She took the roses from him, eyes never leaving each other as she whispered back, "Thank you, this is...very beautiful."
He smiled lovingly at her and asked, "May I?"
She smiled back slightly. "Yes."
Ruhn took her hand, placing a gentle kiss on it before leading her to sit down. She sat down but he didn't. He kept standing by her side, looking at her with an unreadable expression.
And suddenly, Ruhn was a goner. His eyes seemingly welled up with tears as he got down on his knees without any hesitation, making y/n gasp as he looked down onto his own hands clutching his pants.
"These two weeks have been hell without you, my love. Hell. In fact, I would have loved it more if the princes of Hell came to take me to their realm rather than ever be without you. I couldn't eat, drink, sleep, work or do anything, for that matter, without my shame and guilt consuming me whole. I have been slowly but surely descending into madness untill you texted me this morning and I- y/n, I have to make this right. Please, you can't leave me. I love you too much."
"Ruhn look at-"
Ruhn shook his head and said everything in one breath "No, please, listen to me, my love. What I did was wrong. Very fucking wrong and I am beyond sorry, beyond ashamed and beyond guilty for what I made you feel. My whole day had gone to utter shit and- and long story short- I got into fights, broke my phone, which is why I couldn't answer you, had to deal with crazy fire sprites invading the Aux thanks to that little shit Tristan, had to attend multiple meetings with annoyingly egotistic leaders, and worst of all....broke your surprise, the one I had been excited for months. I had planned to surprise you with that gift and a date that day but....clearly the Urd wasn't on my side and then the whole Nixie situation happened because I was so mad at myself that I went to the bar to drink something but sheturnedupthereandstartedmakingmovesonmebutIignoredherplease-"
"Ruhn, dear, slow down, I don't understand anything."
"She turned up there and started making moves on me but I ignored her I swear, I swear I ignored her! She tried to insult you but I made sure that she won't ever come near either of us. I just- that day I was out of my mind, I know it was no excuse for what I did but please, you aren't annoying, you are definitely NOT a chattering monkey. I love you and your bubbly personality, please never stop talking when you are with me, your voice gives me so much comfort. Iloveyoutoomuchtoolooseyoumyloveplease-"
"Ruhn, you're fast again. And please, look up at me."
He shook his head
"I don't deserve you, I don't deserve you-"
"Ruhn Danaan will you please, for the love of Urd, shut up and look at me?"
He finally lifted his head upwards to look at her and oh, Gods...he was crying. His eyes have gone absolutely red and tears are staining his cheeks.
She put a gentle palm on his cheek, causing him to place his hand over hers and kiss her wrist.
Y/n smiled, "I understand, Ruhn. I think- I think I also behaved wrongly. I should have read the signs and given you your space also, I shouldn't have just left you alone instead of solving it properly by talking it out. We both had unfortunate days and I guess we both reached our breaking points. I was really hurt, Ruhn. You hurt me deeply, and for the past two weeks I had been thinking all of this over and I- I love you too, Ruhn. I forgive you. And I hope that next time, if such a thing happens, we will get to solve it in a better form."
Ruhn's eyes widened as a huge smile began overtaking his face. "So you will come back now?"
She smiled back at him. "Yes, I will come back now."
Ruhn eyes softened as he got up while still holding her palm to his face, causing y/n to also stand up.
He leaned in closer as his eyes wondered lovingly all over her face, as if taking in everything he missed in the past two weeks.
"That's really good to hear because I really want to kiss you now, my love."
Y/n giggled and said, "Then what are you waiting for?"
That was all he needed. Ruhn put one arm around her waist as he leaned his head down and kissed his mate, lovingly and gently, conveying the things he couldn't tell her with words.
All of a sudden, y/n felt something cold being slipped on to her fingers. When she pulled apart and looked down, she gasped in shock and awe at the beautiful ring on her finger.
At its center is a luminous, round-cut diamond, its facets expertly crafted to maximize brilliance and sparkle. The diamond is set in a delicate, platinum band that gently curves upward, accentuating the stone’s radiant glow. Surrounding the central diamond is a halo of smaller, perfectly matched gemstones, each reflecting light and enhancing the ring's celestial allure.
The band itself is adorned with intricate filigree work and tiny, pavé-set diamonds that catch the light from every angle. The design features a pattern reminiscent of a starry night sky, adding a touch of whimsy and romance.
Y/n's eyes welled up with tears as she looked back at her mate to see him also tearing up while holding her close by the waist.
"Remember the surprise I had mentioned? Yeah well, it was initially meant to be a bracelet but I thought it was better to turn those broken pieces into a ring instead. And....well, y/n, will you make me the happiest mate in the world by marrying me? Because I never want to experience this life without you right beside me ever again."
Y/n let a few of her tears slip as she smiled and nodded her head, quickly tugging Ruhn down by the collar of his shirt to kiss him.
"I would love nothing more than to experience life beside you, Ruhn."
A/n: Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this! Thank you so much for reading<33
Tags: @mirandasidefics
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Bittersweet love
An original AUmodernAzriel x Reader
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these songs remind me of them <3333
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, mention of trauma Summary: Growing up with your abusive father and your mother who never spoke up against him, you had truly given up hope of any chance of a real relationship, of real love, the ones of the kind that you read about in your books, till you're proven wrong.
A/N: this is my first fic ever+english isnt my first language, and I wrote this in a daze, the idea came to me at like 3 AM,so....enjoy muah<3 Thump.....thump. DAMN IT CAROLINE GET OUT HERE! Another night another fight, that too on their anniversary, a classic. I scoff thinking about all the picture-perfect smiles and the absolutely lovely speech my dad had read out for my mom tonight, a show, it was all a show, no one knew what went inside our house every week, how my dad hit my mom, screamed at her and then bought ridiculously expensive gifts for her as if that would fix everything. I was so so tired of their useless fights, every time it all ended the same way, with my mom never leaving. I heard the rain outside before I saw it. One thing about me was that I always loved the rain, growing up, and till now it just felt right to cry under its cover, to cry with it, to admire how beautiful it felt to be enveloped in her comfort and just...let everything go. I sneaked out my window and walked out of our backyard. There was an abandoned house right behind mine, I spread rumors just so everyone thought, it was either haunted or inhabited, in truth it was my den. Snacks, clothes, comfy blankets, duvets, you name it. It had all I needed to feel better. When I entered my lair I noticed that most of my snacks were empty and the empty packets pristine clean. Oh no, someone had discovered the truth, I turned around only to find a pair of hazel eyes staring back at me, the darkness enveloped him, I couldn't see him, but guessed well enough he was taller than me. I cursed at myself for being stupid enough to enter an abandoned place at night in the middle of a heavy down pour. No, no, no, no. I stepped back I couldn't die like this, not in this shit hole. "Um, hello there. Are you okay? you just seem a little pale" I gaped at him. He had the most alluring voice id ever heard on a man and damn did it mess with my senses. "I won't hurt you, I promise. Look I'm not armed plus I dont even have enough energy to argue right now." He stepped a bit closer enough that I could make out his silhouette illuminated by the moonlight. His hazel eyes were a sweet honey brown shade, tanned skin, muscles, tall as frick, and hot too. Holy crap this guy looked straight out of a book. "Hello?". Realizing I'd been gaping at it the whole time it took me second to remember the situation I'd found myself in before I said "Hi, Im Lana" I lied, my name wasnt lana but i wasnt gonna tell some random guy who ate my snacks AND all my blueberry sour candy my name, Im not that dumb. He steps out of the shadows so i could get a proper look at him, and so he could look at me i realize. "Hello Lana, Im Azriel". I looked at him, really looked at him noticed 3 things, 1. He didnt look much older than me, meaning either he was in school or in college, 2. He was wearing my oversized hoodie which looked a little too small on him, and 3. He looked in a bad shape. He had bruises on his face marring his body, burned hands, swollen eye and looked cold, very cold and malnourished. He looked almost......homeless.
I snuck a glance outside.
I silently swore, if this man- Azriel, stayed here any longer he would DIE, either of fever or due to infection. I might already have brought a one way ticket to the deepest darkest pits of hell but doesnt mean he did. Without a thought i spit out "Come to my house". "Im sorry what?" he chuckled out smirking at me as a flush crept over me. "I-I meant that you cant stay here, there's heavy rain and its cold here. pfft that's totally what i meant" i stammer out. Reminder to curl up and die in a corner later on. He furrows his brow at my statement, a hint of amusement on his face. "Haven't you heard of stranger danger Lana?" He pipes out, his voice low and gravelly. "I doubt an 18 year old guy who wears Minnie Mouse hoodies with dora the explorer socks and a pink bow pajamas would try to kidnap me" Okay now this dude was really crossing it for me. Reminder number 2- Drown these clothes in holy water before wearing them again. Now it was his turn to be embarrassed. "I still look better in these than you could ever. But you're smart and these clothes fit me like a fucking tank top and shorts, so yes, Lana, I'll come to your house. Only because Im freezing out here" He added FRICK. FRICK THIS WAS A BAD,BAD IDEA
Azriels POV I stepped out of the shower, steam rising from the hot water. I smelled like lavender soap and vanilla- The scent of real men. I put on the fresh pair of clothes Lana gave me, A little smaller than what i wore but better than those hoodies of hers anyway. I saw her reading a book when i stepped out, no gods not another book-obsessed psycho. She motioned for me to sit down and applied some bandages, honey, and anti-septic cream and gave me some medecine, pain killers i guessed. She seemed to know what she was doing, better than going to a doctor if it meant it was free and she wasn't going- "Who gave you get these" My chain of thoughts are interrupted by her words. "I got myself banged up by a....raccoon?" A raccoon? A RACCOON? Thats the best I could come up with? Telling a girl that i got banged up by a raccoon? She laughs at my answer. It's not a soft melodic sound like i expected but a burst of laughter. She snorts and smirks at me. "Damn, a raccoon huh? Wait,does that mean your're pregnant now?Plus,what? did it tackle you to the ground with its little toe beans? What were you even fighting over, who gets the last thrown out doughnuts from the dumpster, oh, or, did she kick you out of the house instead? You're lovely raccoon wife." She laughs out, barely able to form the sentence without controlling her laughter. I roll my eyes but I cant help smile, I knew very little about this girl but i did know 4 things, 1. She was a terrible liar, introducing herself under a fake name when her name was written under every single one of her drawings, 'y/n' I liked that name, it sounded different yet familiar on my tongue. 2.She might have just saved my life 3. She had a very good taste in candy and 4. we are about to become very, very, very good friends, something I hadn't had in a while. Tell me in the comments if you want to be tagged in the next parts, plus im open to supportive constructive criticism so let me know how i can improve =) taglist: @anarchiii @starlightazriel @velarisdusk @siriuslystyle1989 @scorpioriesling
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randomlyblues · 9 months
Yandere!Zane x Librarian!Reader
TW: Kidnapping not beta read
You didn't understand how you ended up in this situation. The High Priest of O'kasis was here at your doorstep demanding information that you don't have.
"I don't take lightly to people who waste my time, so I will ask you again. Where is the information about the Divine Warriors! This can't possibly be all the information that you have!"
"Again Sir, I don't have what you seek! They have burned all the knowledge about them years ago."
You felt a pinch of fear when his eyes widened a little at the tone of your voice that was directed to him. You didn't mean to raise your voice at someone with a high status as you but he was getting on your last nerves not getting the hint that this is all that you can offer him. You have heard stories about how he uses his status of being this 'religious symbol' to cover up his cruel actions and even take part in executing people, if they deserve it or not.
Zane was quite impressed with you. He's lucky that his mask is hiding the grin that was starting to form on his face.
He originally wanted to come to the village library hoping to bump into you. The first time he took notice of you was when he had to wed a pathetic couple. They wanted him to take a days trip just to get them married at a village with the name 'Phoenix Drop', making him stop with is work. That is when he saw you in the crowd speaking with an excuse of a Lord that they call Aphmau. The conversation was lighthearted but nothing worthy for him to pay any mind until you started to mention Lady Irene and how his name was in the mix of the conversation. The way you said his name made him feel a sort of way. Zane found himself wanting to hear it again. He kept a note to himself that you may be valuable to him, drowning the weird feeling he got from his name being spoken.
Later in the evening he caught notice of your snappy attitude and how you tend to be more to yourself yet also spare a kind smile to people. Zane doesn't understand why you have caught his attention, he found himself tracking everything you did. To him you were just a normal pathetic thing with knowledge he can use, yet here he was admiring the power he can see that you hold. He just wants to break it. No not break it. Absorb it. Make it his. Make you his. He wants not only the power of your knowledge but you. So here he was, after the celebration had ended, in your little library admiring the audacity you had to talk to a high being in such a way.
" Of course, my apologies for speaking to a lady in such a rude manner," he bowed to you. You raised your eyebrow at his apologies, you didn't take him as a man that would do that.
"It's nothing," you brushed it off not noticing the way he looked at you as you begin to look for a girdle it can be easier for the man to carry them.
" I am guessing that you will be purchasing instead of returning since you have such a ways trip?"
"Can't spare to give them for free?"
"Will you have my head if I don't?" You said ,not meaning for it to sound appalled by his playful tone. Zane started to laugh at your statement causing you to tense up. Oh this beating heart of his is making you less and less annoying than other people. Oh is he going to have fun with you.
"Why would I do such a thing? That is a sin in the eyes of our dear Matron." You took notice at how his smile reached his eyes when the whole night that never seemed to be the case when other people approached him. Maybe the stories about him aren't true.
"Yeah you're right that was stupid of me to even say"
"Don't worry about it, it was a nice joke. What is your name?" It was a useless question to even ask since he already got his guards to find out for him a few minutes prior in order to find this place. You tell him your name.
" That is such a lovely name."
" Why thank you High Priest," you bow. Oh did he enjoy that. A weak thing like you bowing to him and looking at him like that. What he would do is just for you to look at him with those eyes for all eternity. Yet the way you say his status instead of his actual name caused him to make an unsatisfied face.
"Would you like to accompany me to my ship to help me?"
You took a moment to think about it. It wasn't an unusual request from people so you didn't know why you were so hesitant. It was probably just the tales about him that have stopped you or maybe the fact he has guards that could do that for him. Realizing you have taken a while to reply you tell him yes and follow.
After helping him with the books you tell him about his payment.
"Oh yes of course."
Before you knew it, you were knocked out quickly. Zane looked down at your unconscious state. Oh how pathetic and vulnerable you were, don't worry he would take care of you.
Part 2
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