#i guess it feels wierd giving them so much screentime when they
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e17omm · 1 month ago
I might slightly be overusing the Phosdjinns as a "filler Valkyrie squad", but much better that than me making a new filler Valkyrie squad every 3 chapters.
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klaudiafmp · 5 years ago
They Live
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I thought the concept for this movie was really original and interesting. There’s only a few movies out there that use the ‘you’ll never now’ technique  to make people really question: what if that’s happening right now? Here they used that technique to show that the world is completely normal, nothing is suspicious everyone is fine, until the main protagonist put on a pair of special sunglasses that allowed him to see aliens that have infultrated the Earth. I especially liked how every single advertisement was changed to something, mostly “OBEY” or “CONSUME”, because it’s actually a very interesting concept on its own how easily minds can be influenced. I heard quite a lot of conspiracies and things like that how the tv is brainwashig people with flashing images just like presented in this movie exept here only a few people will ever find out and the rest will never know. Another movie that does this ‘you’ll never know’ thing with it’s plot that I know off is Matrix, and basically everyone at some point thought to themselves what if we are a simulation being controled by someone, or what if nothing we know is real? And only a selective few people will ever be able to find out about it. I don’t know I just love when movies put people in a thinking mindset after watching them, not every movie you ever watched you will remember, but the one’s like this for example, I watched it like a week ago, I don’t remember any character names I do remember some nice scenes that I thought were good but the thing that stuck with me the most is the ‘secret hidden world’ I guess. Of how what we perceive is so different from reality.
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And all of that happened in around the first 30 minutes of the film, after that it all went downhill at least in my opinion. So they had this interesting, new and original concept for alien takeover of Earth and what do they do with it? How do we kick the aliens out? Well apparently we shoot them because that’s exactly what the main character does for the next 20 minutes as well as attempting to convince a dude he met at work that we need to believe is his only and best friend for plot convinience that there are in fact aliens. And I thought it was so stupid because this guy (the friend) was introduced saying he’s working away from home, providing for his wife and kids, he misses them a lot and all that good stuff. So the main character with his 900IQ decides to involuntarily force that guy to see aliens as well and get him all tangled up in this scheme that he almost died for 3 times up to this point. Well played honestly, because like screw this guy and his family, we’re talking about the greater good of the wolrd here, his family doesnt matter. But anyway they have this long fight scene in some back alley so that the main character can give the dude glasses and I swear that scene was good for the first 2 minutes. It definitely did not need to last like 12 I believe. 12 minutes spent on 2 guys punching each other about some glasses in a 90 minute long movie. It was so long and only had one purpose that could’ve been achieved in a single minute if not less. Honestly this scene bothered me so much, it was good but too long for what it gave the viewer plot wise, like every time they were down and I believed the guy will simply put the glasses on noooooo.. They get back up and fight for another 2 minutes, like come on.
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Also there was this female character that served nothing throughout the movie, at first she gets held a hostage by the main character as he’s in a cat and mouse chase with the aliens because he thought it was a brilliant idea to shoot some of them in public places like a shop or a bank and then was suprised to be chased by police. Also side note there is no way in the world the police appears so fact, I get it when in was like 2 alien policemen because the aliens were shown to be able to teleport but all the other times it was normal police cars and policemen. They must be really bored to be able to appear literall seconds after called and know exactly who to chase and where, very convinient for the movie. But back to this lady I thought she was going to be a love interest for the main character and at first shes really anxious and acts negatively towards the main character (obviously who wouldn’t? He’s holding her hostage and making her drive to her house so he can hide there and obiously she’s a dumb female love interest in an 80′s movie so she does exactly like she’s told), the main character chills at her house for a while and then suprise suprise she gets some common sense and calls the cops who arrive within 20s with motorcycles 8 cars and everything. And we’re led to believe she knows about the aliens and tells the police about this man because she’s rich and it’s been mentioned that rich people know about the aliens and are allright with them as long as they profit, at leasts that’s what it looks like from the main characters point of view, but honsetly who wouldn’t call help in a situation like she’s in. But anyway she ind of disappears for half the movieand then the main character and his bestie find a hide out for humans that know about the aliens and want to fight them off of this planet. They seem very organised considering the aliens control everything at this point in time but they swap out the glasses for eyecontacts so you can actually see the actors faces for the climax of the movie. And let me tell you I was really questioning how it’s going to go down because this happens literally 15 minutes till the end of the movie and there has been basically no development for it exept a conspiracy theorist and some hideout at a church within the first 5 minutes. But anyway they immiediately trust these people nothing suspicious, no questions asked because there isn’t enough screentime left for them to develop this place anymore. I bet they didnt waste 10 minutes on a streetfight but whatever. The lady shows up and within the movies time it’s only been few hours. Shouldn’t she be recovering from the trauma or whatever? But anyway now she’s working as a spy for these people so maybe she knew about the aliens all along she just didn’t want the main character to spoil her cover? But nope that can go down the drain as when she sees the main character she tells him that she’s sorry for almost killing him and that she “didn’t know”. So I guess she was so freaaked out by this dude she decided to join a secret, rebellion cult within hours of meeting him. Happens to the best of us.
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Then all of a sudden their hide out gets attacked and they escape through a secret door, everyone exept the main characters and the love interes die and apparently the entire USA is connected through these wierd looking tunnels because they walk a few meters and they ended up in a tv station where conveniently the girl works at. So they try to jam the tv transmition to tell people there’s an alien take over exactly like the theorist at the start of the movie that no one would listen to but that doesnt work out as the aliens find them and chase them out and they lose the lady in the process. They run a while through the same infinite corridor and find themselves in a purge style rich person gathering with aliens not even hiding what they look like and they are greeted by their boss from the construction works. And honestly you can barely tell it’s him. He had no development and was only shown in like one scene right at the start but thats unimportant. The boss without questioning takes his 2 workers for a trip around the place an within minutes shares all the alien secrets with the 2. Then they kill him. And they go back to jamming the tv station because this movie has no idea how to end the story. Im pretty sure the best friend dies?? Like he’s not at the very end but the main character destroys a satelite and gets stopped by his love interest who he kills because she’s working for the aliens now?? So when they first met and she called the cops it was because she worked with the aliens, and then it makes a lot of sense now that the hideout got destroyed so quickly after she got there. Too bad theres no insight because he immediatelly kills her because ‘duty to the country’ I guess. He destroyes the satelite (again for a tv station) and all of a sudden all the human cloaks the aliens were wearing dissapear without an explanation. The main character dies and achieved basically nothing at the end but now all the humans know aliens exist among them. But what will they do? Will there be a war between the 2 species? Will they make peace because they lived allongside each other for so long anyway? We will never find out because the movie ends there and I’m pretty sure there isnt a sequel to explainn what’s next.
Overall I feel this movie had an amazing concept and a lot of potential that was wasted by a rushed and forgettable plot, uninteresting characters that serve nothing, no foreshadowing hints or anything to how to destroy the aliens or even indication at the end of the film if the humans even won. There was a lot of boring moments like the introduction or the fight that could’ve been much shorter so that the ending can be expanded. It felt like a lot of things happened in this movie because they had to and if they didn’t now what to do with the plot they would extend it up to 10 minutes of literally the same thing over and over. This entire concept was wasted because the first half of the movie is literally a cat and mouse chase of the aliens and one uninteresting character with a gun trying to kill them all with no help. I would’ve much rather instead of rushing the ending like they did and revealing all the aliens if the character focused on gathering people to destroy the aliens from the inside out in a hiddem plot exactly how the aliens took over the Earth. Like they literally spent more then 10 minutes showing the character convince one guy to join his cause why not make that into a plot. And at the start and end of the film they showed groups of people tha already knew about the aliens. They could’ve made the love interest into a double agent or whatever. Make it simpler because there is too much going on and the ending they went with is not satisfying at all and a terrible waste of potential.
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darthluffy · 5 years ago
Rewatched season 2 of Legacies cause #quarantineLife. It works better than it felt at times in the moment. The fact that they took a full 5 episodes to bring back everyone’s memories of Hope(4 eps for Lizzie to remember, ep 5 to remind everyone, ep 8 for Hope to really return to the school) is kinda impressive. If you asked me before the season I’d have assumed it would’ve only taken 3 max. Instead they let relationships and problems build without her, and it works.
Then from episode 9 on it becomes about dealing with the aftereffects of Josie getting tricked by Clark and the way it spirals out of control and continues to escalate. And again it works.
What feels out of place is episode 8, which seems like someone had the idea to have Santa supplex the Grinch and refused to let it go. Even then it’d be fine if Landon hadnt immediately been brought back after just leaving one episode ago. Let the bird stretch his wings for an ep or two before dragging him back.
The other thing that’s given the season an odd feel was the inclusion of a several new characters and Clark. Start with mudboy Clark, he’s a whiny ass who honestly sucks as a major villain, which is why they brought him back to serve as a Big Bad Red Herring, before killing him off more permanently. Still not sure why he needed so much time in the weird Christmas ep but it ends with him being beheaded so I’ll take it. Also the Necromancer returning was a smart choice for a Big Bad, he’s insane, smart, cruel and actually has a personality(a bad one but still). 5 stars for replacing mud boy with Ted.
The actual new characters is where it gets a little odd. First introduced is Kim, Kaleb’s sister, which I dont understand at all. She’s in 4 episodes, 3 of which she has real screentime, and none of it makes sense. A ton of time was devoted last season to pointing out how dangerous the school could be to an ordinary human and then they just have Kim come be a library intern during the middle of the year. Only for her to leave after, shockingly, neary being killed cause the school is incredibly dangerous to an ordinary human. Zero plot relevance, not used for character growth, why bother?
Next is the new sheriff, who has a thing for Alaric and is in and out of several eps, and her kids, both of which seem to have a thing for Hope. Or we so we can guess from their 15 minutes of screentime in the first 3 episodes they’re in. Its a litte wierd, mostly because they were hyped into thinking they’d be more major characters by social media/promo material. And there’s still some time for that depending how the last few eps play out. I’m fine with them though, it added something to the eps before Hope returned to the school and they weren’t shoehorned into the main plot the way Kim was. And there is potential to use them more in season 3 if wanted. No real value added but they dont take away from the story.
Then you have the 2 side characters that play major roles for a couple of episodes, Wade and Alyssa Chang. Wade feels odd at first, a comic relief character to make fun of, then he gets to star in his own ep. It feels a little forced but it’s not bad and Wade and Landon have a nice little friendship that works. Also it doubles the amount of easy insults for Lizzie which I’m always a fan of. Alyssa Chang is someone who was mentioned a few times and turns out to be a basically an evil Lizzie, except more bitchy than crazy. She’s a bitch, a dumb one as she’s lucky Hope didnt disect her for sending the Saltzman’s to the prison world, but kinda interesting. We see some of her backstory, enough to feel that she has a real(if dumb) motive. And as she’s currently alive there’s some potential in the last eps or next season for more involvement. Basically they’re both decent side characters, felt a little forced but solid inclusions.
I’ll leave Sebastian for last, so let’s hit Jade next. In the prison world we get 3 trouble teens and Kai. Wolf teen is dead, Kai is dead(probably permanently), and Wendy doesnt really have enough scenes to judge besides fanning Josie’s early pryomanic tendecies. Jade on the other hand we’ve seen alot of since she was introduced and I like her. She’s got an interesting character arc(be a lovesick puppy, accidentally kill love interest, shut off emotions, get thrown in hell, become a real monster, have emotions turned back on, and become a lovesick puppy again). I’m being facetious but it’s kinda accurate and I’m ok with it. She has good chemistry with Josie(everyone does) and I want to see more of her. Provided she survives it’ll be interesting to see what they do with her next season.
And finally Sebastian... honestly I despide Sebastian’s character. The actor does a great job with him, and I enjoyed alot of his scenes without Lizzie. Which is the problem, his entire reason for existing seems to have been ‘give Liizzie a hot bad boy to bang.’ He’s used fairly well for Lizzie’s character development at first, up until she decides to start banging him(which is sadly in character for her). But I hate the ‘evil ancient vamp finds redemption so he can fuck a 16 year old’ storyline, and there isnt much to Sebastian besides that. When they all end up in the prison world it seems like his role will be to be their ally there but instead him and Lizzie skip out on the plot in a way that hasnt been seen since the height of Ezra and Aria in Pretty Little Liars. Even then there’s a moment where it seems he might forcibly turn Lizzie into vamp and I thought, ‘Oh, this is why he’s here.’ But it doesnt happen and instead he stays and dies in the prison world. And it feels like as permanent a death as you get in this world. So why? Why have him eat up so much screentime if that’s all? I’d have to sit and add it up but I imagine that he got as much screentime as MG, Kaleb, and Raphael(poor Raph, you’re definitely already dead) combined betwen ep 2 and ep 13. That just seems like a waste for what we got from him.
Basically a good season, they leaned more heavily into Hope and the twins are the main characters than they has first season. I do miss Penelope though. And please, find some more teachers for season 3. With Emma and Dorian gone Alaric is the only adult left. All their classea must be online.
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