#i guess i'm gonna shut up and do my homework until the game started
apomaro-mellow · 7 months
Hot for Teacher(s) 2
Part 1 / AO3 Link
@babydollbaron I need you to know your tags basically changed the trajectory of this fic
In the mornings, Steve dropped Shawn off at the before care offered by the school and then went to work. Afterwards, Shawn took the school bus home and went over to a neighbor's house, Miss Robin, until his dad got home from work.
Because of this, Steve knew he would hardly have a reason to see Eddie outside school functions and conferences. Which was fine. It was totally fine. He absolutely was not spending nights thinking about those curls under his fingers. Whenever Shawn had a story from school to tell, he hung on every word. And it was only because these were the formative years of Shawn's life.
"Oh yeah, Mr. Munson asked about our practice and I got to tell him all about it", Shawn said.
Steve paused in his current task, which was the dishes while Shawn did his homework at the kitchen table. He knew exactly what his son was talking about.
"Oh? How'd that come up?"
"I told him about it before but I didn't get to tell him about it before Yasmin started crying. He asked me and I told him."
Steve currently taught middle school, but he'd had a little experience with the younger ones. When it got close to Shawn starting school, he did his best to make sure he was prepared. And to make things a little easier on whoever was teaching him. Steve tried to be subtle with his next words.
"Tell me more about Mr. Munson."
And then the floodgates opened. Mostly because it seemed Mr. Munson was very open about his personal life. Apparently, anytime the students had a question, he answered it. Just in this five minutes between drying the dishes and plating up dinner, Steve learned that Mr. Munson played guitar, loved the color red, played a game about dragons, and was single.
"Wait, how do you know he's not married?", Steve asked.
"Because Briana asked him and he said he's not married", Shawn answered easily.
Steve tried not to think too hard about it. Mr. Munson being single didn't change anything. Not a single thing. But a really hot alpha who was unattached and also happened to be really good with kids who his kid loved was kind of the ultimate wet dream.
For Halloween, the students were allowed to come in costume and before the day was over, Steve's email was blessed with a collection of pictures of the class, including one where several superheroes, princesses, and even a kid dressed as Chucky defeated the mighty Munson dragon.
It was so cute that Steve had half a mind to send a reply that said so but second guessed it. He didn't need to tell Shawn's teacher it was a cute picture that was the whole reason he sent it. He had to keep all correspondence professional. But it was a picture of Shawn so he was well within his rights to save all of them to his phone.
"You ha~ve a cru~ush~", Robin sang on the phone. She was pulling some dino nuggets from the oven in preparation for Shawn coming over.
"Shut up, I don't!", Steve hissed on the other end. School had just ended but there would be a staff meeting in about five minutes. "I didn't tell you so you could make fun of me-"
"Come on, you knew it was coming-"
"I told you because I just had to tell someone." Steve sighed and took of his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. "It's not creepy if he's Shawn's former teacher, right?"
"Steve, I'm gonna be honest, I don't think it's creepy now." Robin picked up one of the nuggets and chomped on it. "It's kind of crazy how we have dino nuggets and animal crackers but not the other way around."
"Please save that for Shawn when he gets there. What do you mean? Wouldn't it be weird?"
"You're both two grown adults. I don't see the harm in asking him out", Robin said.
Steve slouched in his chair behind his desk. "That's not the only fact here. There's the fact that he's teaching my son. If any of the other parents find out, they'll think I'm sleeping my son's way to the top."
"....In first grade? That would be pathetic."
"Most suburban gossip is, but you already know this. It's not me I'm worried about really, it's Shawn. Kids talk too and what if they make fun of him?"
"Oh no! My awesome dad is dating my awesome teacher! Whatever will I do?!", Robin wailed.
"He thinks we're awesome separately. There's no telling what he'll think of us together. And I...I don't want to give him false hope."
"Steve...when was the last time you went on a date?"
Steve let out a puff of air. "Does that one guy who ogled me a few years ago count?"
"Gross! Steve! No! Do you mean the guy who was just staring at you breast feeding?"
"Serves me right for doing it in public. And in shorts."
"Hey, no, there will be no slut-shaming in this household." Robin paused when she heard the door open and the bounding of feet. "Your gremlin is here."
"I think you mean my precious miracle from above. And you will treat him as such. My only gremlins are my sixth graders."
"Whatever. Just get your shipwreck together and decide what you want to do."
Turns out, Steve didn't have to wait long for an opportunity. Shawn had come home that day with a flyer for a Thanksgiving performance and was asking for parent volunteers.
Eddie wasn't like, actively hoping that he would see Shawn's dad again. But when the fliers went home asking for volunteers, as well as an email, there was something going up. But it wasn't hope. It definitely wasn't hope. It couldn't possibly be hope. That way nothing could be dashed when nothing came of it.
So when he came into the auditorium after school, he was simply pleasantly surprised to see Mr. Harrington there. Not elated. Not ecstatic. Just appropriately pleased.
He greeted all the parents of his students, of which he only saw two others before coming to Mr. Harrington.
"Nice to see you again", he said with a handshake.
"And you as well", Mr. Harrington replied.
Eddie was sure he was imagining the electricity passing through their touch.
"Well, welcome to elementary theatre. Where we're gonna nurture any and all blossoming passions in the arts."
"Can't wait to see it. Um, so what exactly will they be doing?", Steve asked.
"The first grade class as the honor of doing a little song on what they're thankful for. Mrs. Clifford usually accompanies them by piano, but this year I'm hoping to get some more instrumentation for it."
"Oh, Shawn told me you play guitar."
Eddie's first instinct was to twirl his hair to hide his smile but it was still up in a bun, so he tried to fix his face to not be too obvious but he was sure it came out as a weird grimace.
"Yeah, yeah I do. Been playing for years. What about you, any instrumental skills?"
"None", Mr. Harrington shook his head. "My parents tried piano lessons, but I never took them for long. Just long enough to learn 'Mary Had a Little Lamb'."
"Everybody's got their talents. And no better place to showcase them", Eddie thrust his arms out around them.
"Well for now, I'm volunteering my time being a watchful eye and working on backgrounds and costumes. Plus snacks."
"Wait, did you bring the chips and sliders?", Eddie jutted a thumb toward the table near the stage.
Mr. Harrington shrugged. "It's just turkey and ham. And I know how ravenous kids can get."
"Are you guys talking about me?", Shawn asked, coming up to them.
Eddie watched the odd look on Mr. Harrington's face and was sure his must've looked similar. This was probably the longest he'd been talking to a parent without talking about their kid.
"I was just about to bow to your dad's culinary prowess", Eddie said. "Apparently, he made the snacks for this evening."
"I asked him to make his stuffing because, you know, Thanksgiving, but he said it was too early", Shawn said.
"I'm sure his stuffing is delicious", Eddie smiled down at him.
"You should come to our house and try it", Shawn beamed, leaning his head against his dad's hip.
Eddie looked back up at Mr. Harrington. "I'd love it if I could do that."
What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
Steve was thankfully saved from replying to that by rehearsal starting and so Mr. Munson's attention was drawn away but seriously. What the fuck was that? Was that man inviting himself over to his house? Was it simple small talk? What was it all supposed to mean?
He was put on costume duty while the children practiced which kept his hands busy but not his brain, so he spent the next hour over thinking about that one line, which led to him overanalyzing the entire conversation. When practice ended, the teachers stood by the front entrance to wait for any parents that weren't already there or hadn't shown up toward the end to get their kids.
Mr. Munson waved off the last of his students just as Shawn finished in the bathroom and Steve helped him get his coat on. He looked hesitant before speaking up.
"Looks like you're my last one. I can walk you to your car if you want. It's pretty dark out."
Pretty dark was an understatement. It was near pitch black and the parking lot had bare minimum lighting. Steve definitely would've felt better about it if he had someone on the other side of Shawn.
"Yeah, that'd be great, thanks."
And without being told so, Mr. Munson put Shawn between them as they left the school and walked out into the parking lot. He gave a whistle once they got to Steve's BMW.
"Nice car."
"Thanks. She's been pretty faithful to me all these years." Steve unlocked the car and let Shawn into the backseat first. When he closed the door, he smiled at the alpha before him. "Thanks for walking us out.
"Consider it a routine then. At least until this place can afford to fully light up the lot."
"Thank you. I really appreciate it." There must have been the tiniest bit of a lull in the conversation because suddenly Shawn piped up from inside the car.
"Dad, can we get tacos for dinner?"
Steve snapped out of whatever staring contest he was having with Mr. Munson and looked down affectionately at his son. "What? My casserole not good enough all of a sudden?" He opened the driver side door and got in, turning the ignition on.
With them safely in the car, Eddie went over to his van and got in, waiting until he saw Mr. Harrington pull out before going his own way.
Later that night, after putting Shawn to bed, Steve was left alone with his thoughts again as he graded papers using an answer key at the kitchen table. It was easy to let his mind drift into just how...how wonderful Mr. Munson seemed.
He bit his lip and squeezed his legs together. Mr. Munson was handsome, and charismatic, and so safe, so much the perfect alpha that he'd been led to believe didn't exist. He could protect him and his pup... and Steve could give him more pups...
Steve's hand drifted down between his legs and he let it stroke a few times before freezing and closing his grade book. Time for something more mentally stimulating.
"Guess I'm lesson planning tonight."
Part 3
Tag Team
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @aol19 @lololol-1234 @hippieg1rl420
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Sorry, I'm a crap writer, I didn't expect it to get as popular as it is .
If you have any ideas, feel free to say
Part 3
Bill and I have been at the park for around about an hour laughing and telling each other stories when I get a call from my mam, telling me that I need to head home. I don't really want to go as Bill and I are having a great time
" I have to go home. it's getting late, and mam wants me home." I say, looking him in the eyes, he has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.
"That's fine. I should head back. The others are probably wondering where i am."
We both walk out the park and down the narrow path side by side as we reach the end, Bill turns to me and gives me a piece of paper, which I assume has his number on it.
"Call me, bye,"
"Bye," we both go our separate ways, I turn my neck to look at him, a smile creeping onto my face, making my face go hot. I turn back around and practically run home feeling giddy. I don't get much attention from boys ,none, really, so it doesn't take much to fluster me. I mean, the last relationship I had doesn't even count as it was a primary school one in year 5.
Once I reach my house I open the door.
"I'm home,"
"Yeah, I did it on Wednesday,"
Huffing I run upstairs and jump straight on my bed gazing at the ceiling, I think back to the park, smiling I remember about the piece of paper. I open my phone and add him to my contacts.
'Hey,it's Y/N.' I type out as soon as I send it. I slam the phone onto my bed and walk to the other side of my room. My phone buzzes, not even 10 seconds later. Rusing back over, I pick up my phone
'Hey, miss me already?'
I blush,
'You wish hahaha'
Getting ready for bed, my phone buzzes again, picking it up it's a picture of what looks like one of Bill's friend with semi long brown hair looking at the camera with a shocked face and Bill and the others not having a clue in the background.
'Future cover of vouge'
'Ikr, all the ladies love me,I'm georg btw, iak who u are, he hasn't shut up about you lol'
'Really? '
'Yeah, ima see how long it takes for him to notice that I have his phone.'
' You do that then'
'So what do you like to do? Personally, I like to play guitar and
hang with my bros'
'Hang with my bros💀, I really like plants, and I guess I like where I work'
'OK, Mr., all I do is play guitar, I did that in y4'
'Ma.meh mehmeh'
'Are you seriously making fun of me over text'
' What are you gonna do about it?'
Suddenly, I get a video call, and I pick up knowing who it is.
"Well, hello, oh famous y/n."
"Hello,georg. I'm guessing they still haven't figured it out yet. "
"Yep. They're still playing uno. " The camera switches around to reveal Bill and the others in a hotel room. The camera switches back around to face Georg.
" You look like a drowned fish."
"Well, at least I don't have my pants so low, not even my belt can help,"
We bicker on for a few minutes until a shout comes from the other end of the phone
"Jeez, okay, who got your thong in a twist gustav?" Mumbled shouting, is heard until I heard a loud
"Is that my phone? Who are you talking to?"
"Yes and y/n"
'WHAT,' loud stomping is heard until it stops and the phone is wrestled out of goreg's hand and a makeup free Bill is on screen.
"Hey Bill, had a nice game of uno?'
His face starts to heat up a tad .
"Yes, did you miss me so much you wanted to call me?"
" Totally, yeah, it's not like a rat looking creature called me," I say, referring to goreg
" I heard that you ugly chihuahua,"
I ended up talking to the whole group until 22:30pm, we would have continued to chat if it wasn't for me needing to get to bed as i need to get to school at 7 in the morning.
My weird ass alarm wakes me up . Wanting to curl back up in bed and cry, I get up and head to the bathroom to do my morning routine.
I have to leave the house at about 6: 30 as it takes 20 minutes just to walk to the school gates. If it wasn't for my GCSES, I would have missed so many days off school just to sleep.
Munching on my toast, I walk along the extremely long path that's right next to a road to school. Music blasts in my headphones as I bop my head to the music.
Once I reach the gates, I walk around to the schools student entrance. I hate having to spend an extra 2 hours at school, but it's going to be worth it in the long run. Walking into the dining room, I see pheobe sitting at our table.
"You're here early,"
"I woke up at five and couldn't get back to sleep,"
"I don't know how you do it,"
"I can't be arsed for math at 7 in the morning,"
The school day passes by slowly, I mean, imagine being at school for 8 hours.
Once the school day ends, I finally look at my phone to find about 30 texts from an unknown number.
' nah gustav is being hella boring rn'
'I look too good rn for this'
'Do you know any good fast food here'
'Why aren't you answering? It's literally after 3 '
'The one and only'
'How did you get my number'
'I have my ways'
'You took it from Bill, didn't you?'
'Totally not, anyway as I asked earlier what's good food around here'
'I dunno, domino's.?"
'OK, why so hesitant? It's not shit is it?'
'No, not really, just kinda pricey '
'Doesn't bother me, I'm rich'
'Bye ,Mrs kaulitz'
' Are you really leaving me on delivered rn-'
As soon as I get home, I run to my room to get changed into some comfortable and baggy clothes instead of this uncomfortable uniform .
Lying on my stomach, I flick through my true crime magazine until I get bored and place it to the side.
Not knowing what to do, i huff and stand up, walking out of my room and into maddies room.
"Who are we going to see next week?"
"Tokio Hotel, Tom is literally SO HOT,"
"And how old is he?"
"Your 13 maddie"
"Oh my godddd," walking out of her room, I hear my ringtone playing from my room. Picking up the phone, I quickly check who's ringing, It's Bill"
" Hey Bill,"
"Hallo, y/n, do you wanna maybe wanna come over and watch movies and have pizza georg says that he found a good place called Domino's, and you don't have to pay"
"Sure , that'll be cool. I'll text my mom saying I'm going out,"
"Awesome, where are you? I can pick you up. "
I gave Bill my address and then ran to my desk, making sure that I looked good and applying some soap and glory mascara, then downstairs to get my shoes on. Not long later, a black SUV pulls up out on the path.
God, georg wasn't bluffing. A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts. I grab my keys and open the door
Thanks so much for reading. I'll get to work on the next chapter soon.
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casspurrjoybell-20 · 2 months
FOOLS - Chapter 44 - Part 1
BOOK ONE: The 'Fools Fall in Love' Trilogy
Tumblr media Tumblr media
*Warning - Adult Content*
Noah Wright
The second perfect thing in my life at that moment, was school.
"Sam," I shouted as I ran up to him in the hallways with a big grin.
That was the Monday, four days before the start of our winter break.
Four days until the end of first semester.
Sam spun around.
He was wearing his brown corduroy pants with an olive green button down that was open to show off his loose white t-shirt.
The shirt was tucked in and held with a belt.
He was sporting his all white Vans.
I held up the test paper in my hand as I met him at his locker.
"I got a B."
His eyes widened.
"You got a B."
"I got a B," I laughed in excitement and pulled him into a kiss in the hallway of Crestfield High School.
Sam pulled back in shock but was grinning and still had his hands clutching the sides of my hoodie.
"You just kissed me in school."
"So? I don't fucking care, I got a B 'cause you're the best fucking tutor," I exclaimed, feeling probably too excited over an average grade.
"I love you," Sam had the widest smile.
"I love you too."
I kissed him again and then there was two sets of arms around us.
One set being from Jason and the other being from Carter.
"I love you so, so much, Sam," Carter mocked me while Jason did the same.
"I just feel so connected to you, Sam, I wanna' have babies with you," Jason jested before they both made kissing noises.
"Fuck off," I shoved them off me but laughed.
I was too much I'm a good mood for their mocking to annoy me.
Sam laughed and I put my arm around him.
It felt so right to be able to show Sam off publicly.
Sam was mine and only mine.
Later that night, I was Face-timing Sam.
"So, Christmas break is next week..." Sam started.
He was sitting at his desk while he did homework.
His cell-phone was propped up by some books, I guessed.
I nodded at his statement.
I was laying in bed, wishing Sam was in bed with me.
"What do you normally do for Christmas?" I shrugged.
"Not much. See Nathan and exchange a couple gifts. Usually go to Kaitlyn's annual Christmas Eve party. Which, by the way, she invited us to."
Kaitlyn and I had been talking more since Wisconsin.
Not much but a little here and there but any form of contact with her, I was grateful for.
I missed having her in my life.
Kaitlyn wasn't the best girlfriend but I wasn't a good boyfriend.
We were and are better as friends.
"Oh... okay, um... did you..?" Sam, on the other hand, didn't know how he felt about Kaitlyn and I still talking.
At least that was what he told me when I asked him if it bothered him.
"I don't know how I feel about it," we're his exact words but I had zero intentions of getting back together with Kaitlyn, so he had nothing to worry about.
Still, I didn't want Sam to feel uncomfortable, so I said.
"No, I just want to be with you for Christmas Eve. I mean, I guess if you wanted to go. Everyone's gonna' be there, like our friends."
"I'd rather it just be us two as well," he told me with a soft smile.
"Um, also, would you want to spend Christmas at my house?"
"Yeah, if they're okay with that. I feel like I ruined it the last family dinner by telling the I didn't want to go to college."
"No," Sam shut that down.
"Not at all. They love you. Are you kidding? My mom basically drools over you."
"Well, I don't blame her."
"Pfft. Shut up, Meat-head."
"Mmm, Dumb-ass," I said seductively in a low tone.
"Hey, so..." Sam began with a devious grin.
"I was wondering..."
I heard a knock at the door before my dad walked in.
I hung up on Sam.
"Uh, hey. What's up?" I asked cautiously.
He nodded his head outside of my bedroom.
"The game's on. Just a re-run... wanna watch it? Packers versus Bears."
I haven't sat down and watched a football game with my dad since my mom left.
It used to be my favorite time of the year.
Every Sunday when it was Football season, me and my dad would have a 'guys night' and watch football while eating pizza and wings but it was a Monday in the middle of December, so re-runs were what we were left with.
"Um yeah, definitely. Um, wanna order pizza?" I asked hesitantly.
My stomach felt like a whirl pool, a mix of anxiety, longing and hopefulness.
"What else do you eat while watching football?"
Did my dad just joke around with me? What was going on? Nonetheless, I followed my dad into the T.V. room where he had already flipped to the sports channel.
My dad settled himself into his La-Z-Boy and I sat on the coach.
For the next couple hours, we watched the game and ate pizza.
The only thing my dad yelled at was the football players and referees on the screen.
God, I wished it could be like that all the time.
I woke up around three in the morning and saw a blanket sprawled out on me and I looked over to find my dad snoring away in his chair.
I smiled and lazily got up.
I laid the blanket on my dad then staggered to my bedroom to sleep in an actual bed.
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kingkyks · 4 years
i was gonna complain that france, italy and england were playing at the same time but i've just been told england are playing at 6pm!! what a great news
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scarisd3ad · 2 years
Found you | Steve harrington x f! Reader
Chapter zero
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"Dad?" I asked as I leaned into my fathers grasp. A loud beeping sound filled the hospital room. A few tears fell down my cheeks "Dad what's happening?" I asked as the doctors and nurses desperately tried to revive Sara. "Close your eyes honey" he said quietly. I squeezed my eyes shut all I could hear was my moms sobs, the doctors and nurses and the heart monitors loud beeping noise. A sob escaped my mouth I didn't know exactly what was happening to my baby sister but I knew it was bad. I was a sensitive child all the noise scared the shit out of me, the doctors saying she was gone scared me, my mom sobbing scared me. I knew Sara had cancer but I didn't think it would kill her. My grandma had cancer she survived, why could Sara? Why did Sara have to die? Why couldn't it be me? "Flatlining!" One of the nurses shouted "shhh, shhh don't cry honey" dad said running his hand across my head flattening my hair. After they pronounced Sara dead mom sat with her body for a long time holding her, sobbing. Dad he instantly grabbed me up taking me out of the room. Dad and I sat in the stair well for hours he cried a lot while holding me. He said he didn't want to lose me too. "dad what happened to Sara?" I asked as I cuddled into his chest. "Sh..she's gone honey" I furrowed my eyebrows "gone?"
𝗙𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗵𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝟭𝟵𝟴𝟮
The final bell of the day rang causing kids the run out of the classrooms. The hallways instantly changed from its quiet dullness to loud and rowdy in just seconds. I met my best friend Michele turner and her girlfriend Olivia Sanderson at mr. Levs geometry class. "Hey y/n!" Michele said wrapping her arm around my shoulder. Just a few seconds later Olivia ran out of the classroom, her backpack slung across her shoulder. She had her blonde hair up in a high ponytail and she wore her cheer uniform since there was a football game later that day. Liv wasn't like all the other cheerleaders, all the others were bitchy, and fake but liv she was so sweet and caring I wouldn't have choosen anyone else to be with my best friend.
"Hey mick, hey Liv!" I said, "you coming tonight?" Liv asked, I shrugged my shoulders "I dunno, if I can finish my homework in time" I replied. She frowned "come on y/n! I'll do your homework for you pleaseee!" She begged as she shook my shoulders. I rolled my eyes playfully "andd you know who will be there, steve harrington! Come on you can finally make a move!" She giggled "Liv he's with Nancy" I laughed. "Yeah but you could like, make him fall in love with you" she laughed. I rolled my eyes again "maybe but there's no promises Liv" I replied. We finally made it out side and I saw my dad parked in his blazer. "Bye guys!" I shouted as I started walking towards my dads car. "Bye! See you later!" Liv shouted as she grabbed Michele's hand. I opened the car door and dads head snapped up. "Hey honey" he said his voice was horse. "Hi dad!" I said as I placed my bag in the car before hopping in the car. Dad started the car back up and began to drive. "Soo..how was school?" Dad asked I shrugged my shoulders "fine I guess...can I go to the football game tonight?" I asked. "I don't know y/n, I'm gonna be back late I won't be able to pick you up" he said. I sighed as I sat back in the seat. "Liv will drop me off please dad?" I begged. He groaned "ok, ok fine..but make sure to lock the door when you get home and.."
"No boys I know dad" I laughed cutting him off. "Good" he sighed as a smile falls onto his lips. We pulled up the our cabin and I hopped out running up to the door. "Hey, slow down!" Dad chuckled as he walked up to me. He fished through his pockets until he pulled out the keys and unlocking the door. "What time is this game?" He asked "five, is it ok if you drop me off?" I asked he nodded "of course honey" he said as he pressed a kiss to my cheek. "I'm gonna go get ready!" I shouted as I ran to my room.
I rummaged through my drawers until I found the perfect outfit. A pair of jeans (I rolled over at the ends because they were slightly to big), a plain blue t shirt and a white cardigan. Once I was finished getting ready I checked the time. It was 4:30. I ran out of my room. "M'ready" I said, he nodded and grabbed his keys. We walked out to the car and he handed me the house keys. "I'm not gonna be back until eleven so make sure you lock up the house when you get back." I nodded as shoved the keys in my pocket "I will I promise" I said. 
We pulled up to the school, bunches of kids were already there. I hopped out of the car running towards the front of the school. "Have fun!" dad shouted "Yep! Bye dad!" I pushed open the front doors and made my way towards the football field. I found a seat not to close to the front of the bleachers but not to close to the back. I could see Liv with the rest of the cheer team warming up. She looked up and noticed me. She waved up at me and a gave her a small smile. Mick wasn't able to make it today she had an orchestra thing tonight, mick was upset but she could manage. 
Someone slide next to me, "hi!" I looked up to see Steve harrington staring back at me. Holy shit, I swore my face turned a brighter red than the red sweater Steve was wearing. "Oh Um hi" i stammered "I'm Steve" he said "I..um I know. Im y/n" I said fidgeting with my fingers. "That's a pretty name" he smiled making my face turn a brighter red. "T..thanks" I mumbled as I stared down at my feet. I swore to god that his smile could've probably make me drop dead. "Are you nervous?" He chuckled i shook my head "no!" I was still looking down at the ground. He slid his pointer finger under my chin and pushed my head up. He raised his eyebrows as he saw my blush. "You're cute" he mumbled "where's your girlfriend?" I asked trying to take his focus off of me. "Over there with Tommy and Carol" he said. "Then why are you over here with me?" I asked he rolled his eyes playfully "I've never talked to you Soo.." he said. "Oh um ok" I mumbled I looked over to see Liv her eyes widened and her hands covering her mouth. We made eye contact and she raised her hands giving me two thumbs up. "What's up with her?" Steve asked pointing towards Liv "um she's...she's..just happy I'm talking to a guy" I laughed awkwardly. "Oh then I can talk to you whenever you want, I wouldn't mind" he said winking at me. My face turned bright red again. "You're blushing again hopper" he chuckled, I snap my head up "sorry" I said quietly. "Oh no it's fine sweetheart I think it's cute" he grabbed my hand lacing our fingers together. "Steve you've got a girlfriend" I mumbled "It hasn't stopped me from cheating on her before" he said. My eyes widened, did he really want to cheat on Nancy? "How bout we ditch this place? We could go to my place maybe?" He asked, a smirk on his face. "But..what about-" he quickly cut me off "she won't care, she's to busy firting with Liam to notice" did I want to go with him? Hell yeah I did, but I didn't want to get wrapped up in any drama. "What'd ya say?" Steve asked i nodded and Steve grabbed my hand. I made eye contact with Liv, she was gesturing for me to go. Steve helped me up and we started down the bleachers. "Where are you going?" Nancy asked. Steve quickly let go of my hand and turned around "I'm taking her home, I'll be back" he said quickly before grabbing my hand again "bye y/n!" Liam shouted "yeah bye Liam". Steve helped me down off the bleachers and then we sprinted towards his car. Steve opened up the passenger door. I hopped in and he slammed the door shut before walking over to the drivers side and hopping in.
Steve started up the car, the motor growled as the air and radio turned on. Steve pulled out of the parking lot and started towards his house. "So my house?" Steve asked and I nodded. Steve pulled up to his house, he helped me out of the car. He laced his fingers with mine and walked up to his front door. He unlocked the front door and we started up the stairs towards his room. I sat down on his bed and he sat next to me. He placed his hand on my cheek caressing it. "Are you ok with me kissing you?" He asked rubbing his thumb up and down my cheek. I nodded as he pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck. His other hand sat on my hip. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip, I willingly opened my mouth slightly. His tongue instantly darted into my mouth. His other hand pressed into my hip sharply. "You're so hot" he said panting as he pulled away. He began to trail his lips down my neck, sucking and kissing at my neck until he found my sweet spot. I moaned quietly "yeah right there hmm? Feels good?" He asked I moaned again nodding as he began to suck at the spot again. "Fuck steve" i muttered. He pushed me down onto the bed, he crawled on top of me and continued to kiss at my neck.
Steve panted as he rolled off of me, "should I take you home?" He asked I nodded as I glanced over at the clock it was already eleven. "Shit steve can you take me home now? I was supposed to be home like two hours ago" I said as I jumped up collecting my clothes off the ground. "Yeah sure" he said as I started getting dressed. Steve pulled his shirt over his head and began to button his pants. He grabbed his keys and stuffed them into his pocket. I followed Steve as he started to walk out to his car.
Steve pulled up to the cabin, dads car was already parked out front I was going to be in some deep shit. Steve pulled me into a kiss "I'll see you later?" He asked I nodded "yeah, later bye" I said before hopping out of the car. I quickly ran up to the cabin and opened the door. My dad as sitting on the couch arms crossed. "So you finally decided to show up?" Dad asked. "Sorry the game it took longer than expected" I lied. "Yeah mhm" he muttered as he stood up and walked over to me. He pushed my hair back revealing the rather big hickey on my neck. "Shit" he muttered "who dropped you off?" dad asked. I fidgeted as I looked down at the ground "Liv" I mumbled "are you sure about that?" He said raising his eyebrows "cause that wasn't her car. Y/n why are you lying to me?" He said softly "okay fine it was Steve are you happy now?" I mumbled harshly "did you have sex with him?" I rolled my eyes "dad! Why are you asking me this!" I shouted as I pushed past him walking to my room. "I just want you to be safe y/n!"
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Masks and Music
(Part 1)
Part 2
I didn't think that my last post would've gotten ANY notes at all, so imagine my surprise when I find out that people actually liked it. After that suprise I thought why not and make another one so here we go! This is a Miraculous/Batfam crossover.
Imagine that Damian gets sent to Paris because the fam doesn't want him to become an emotionally constipated sad boi like Bruce and think that a change in scenery would help.
They don't know about the whole Hawkmoth situation because SOMEONE from the justice league decided that the while thing was a prank DESPITE that it was an ENTIRE CITY calling instead of a single person.
Like, aren't you guys supposed to be the world's greatest heros or something?
Who hired you?
Damian being the grumpy lil kid that he is holds a grudge and decides to not accept any calls or video chats from his family or tell them about Hawkmoth because that's what you get when you send someone across the world against their will.
(and because of plot convenience shhh)
Anyways, Damian goes to school as instantly adds Lila onto his mental list of people he needs to get rid of.
I mean, seriously, he's only been is the room for what, 15 seconds and he's already getting a migraine?
Great. Juusssttt great.
He sits in the back of the class with what seems to be the only person with brain cells in this room.
The dark haired girl just looks over and sees the disgust at Lila written all over his face and gives him a silent empathetic nod.
'This is unfortunately normal here.' she tries to convey through the small action.
He just nods back to show his understanding before turning around to observe the others.
In a few minutes Ms. Bustier walks in the room and asks him to introduce himself to the class.
It looks like the teacher never told the class that they were getting a new student because they all have to do double takes when they realize that there's a new face in the room.
He gives them the bare basics, telling them that his name is Damian Grayson, he's from America, and that he doesn't want any of them to talk to him before sitting down.
Clearly the teacher wanted him to say more or scold him for being so rude but a glare shut her up.
Later during a break period Lila tries to flirt with him and brags all about how she's met so many different celebrities and her achievements.
He tells her off and tries to move away but her nails are digging into his arms as she tries to convince him that he should stay away from Marinette.
Before he can maim her, the dark haired girl comes out from behind him and starts spraying Lila down like an unruly cat with some sort of strong smelling liquid from a spray bottle.
Lila screeches and stomps away.
When he turns to his hero the girl explains.
"It's a mixture of shredded lemon, expired maple syrup, vinegar, and pomegranate juice. I call it People Repellant but Thot Begone works too. Oh, and I'm Marinette by the way."
He eyes her hand before shaking it.
"Damian, though I assume you already know that. Can I get some of that by the way? I know a couple insufferable annoyances that would benefit from a spray down.
Marinette just blinks for a second before she bursts out laughing and that was the start of a great friendship.
Together they:
Make fun of Lila in the back of class.
Help eachother with homework (they only cheat off eachother when they REALLY need help)
Prank Lila in odd ways (Hey, just because she found hundreds of furbies hidden around her house that turn on one by one in the middle of the night effectively scaring the crap out of her when she's trying to sleep doesn't mean that it's their fault. She had it coming.)
Break a couple laws (shhhhhhh. Those toy stores don't need those furbies anyways).
Dare eachother over stupid things (they still insist that the cereal incident was caused by the other).
And overall become closer as friends.
They bring out the overdramatic chaotic gremlin child in eachother.
One time when Damian goes over to Marinette's place to work on a project he finds her singing a Disney song to herself on her balcony.
This isn't the first time they've caught eachother singing.
One time Marinette caught Damian in the art room at school humming one of the many annoyingly cheesy and catchy songs that Dick likes to listen to.
Despite him explaining the embarrassing situation to her she still teased him for weeks after.
He'll never get to live it down.
Damian shakes his head to get rid of the flashback when a devious smirk spreads across his face as a revenge plan comes to mind.
After carefully placing his stuff on the floor he sneakily makes his way across the space until he's right behind her.
That's when he joins in.
Screaming at the top of his lungs at first, effectively giving her a mini heart attack before eventually quieting down to a normal singing volume.
She glares at him, annoyed by his loud and obnoxious entrance before she starts singing again.
They eventually end up full Disney movie dramatically performing around her balcony with dance moves and over dramatic acting.
Is it bad that actual birds and other animals are appearing and joining in?
Damian totally kept one of the pigeons.
He named it Dolores.
(He later trained Dolores to attack Rossi on sight.)
When they're finished they end up on the floor out of breath.
They stay like that for a few minutes before Damian sits up.
"That. That was fun. I don't think I've actually ever sang before."
Marinette jolts up in suprise and turns to face him.
"Really? I never would've guessed. You have a really nice singing voice."
He would deny till his dying breath that he blushed when she said that but he covers it up with a smirk.
"Well I guess that's just because yours is so terrible in comparison."
He squawks when she jabs a finger in his side.
"Pshh. As if. Besides, my singing skills can't be worse then your gaming skills." She challenges with a cheeky smile.
"ExCuSe mE?!"
And that's how they spend the rest of the day playing video games, leaving the unfinished project to be completed on a later day.
Good thing it isn't due until 2 weeks time.
After a couple of hours playing video games, creating many possible Lila murder plans, eating pastries, and joking around, it's time for him to leave.
As Damian left for his place he got a feeling that something big was gonna happen.
Marinette also got the feeling but they both ignored it.
Little did they know, someone just happened to walk by and starstruck by the amazing singing they recorded the performance before posting it on the internet.
Imagine the duo's suprise when they wake up the next day to find themselves trending on the internet.
Luckily the video quality was pretty trash so their faces weren't identifiable but the audio was loud and clear.
The world was talking about the cute couple singing to their hearts desire on a balcony. If that's not cliche and adorable then the world doesn't know what is.
The assumption about their relationship status left them looking like tomatos but that didn't stop them from wonder why they didn't notice a creep recording them.
Damn Disney songs and their unnatural ability to distract people.
Of course Lila took advantage of the rising popularity of the video and talked about how she taught the two people in the video how to sing and gave them tips.
The two just walked past the idiot squad and sat down in their seats, making a mental note to come up with a prank later, when the akuma alarms came on.
They fall into their normal routine of Marinette running out to find a place to transform as Damian covers for her.
Oops did I forget to mention that Damian found out her identity because she crashed through his window in the middle of the night still transformed and asked him what's the answer to question 24 in their science homework because she just defeated an akuma by herself and was running on 20 minutes of sleep?
My bad.
Anyways it turns out today was the day Marinette had officially had enough of Chat's bullcrap.
It was gonna be a normal akuma situation.
Ladybug trying to fight the poor butterfly victim while chat noir either doesn't show up, tries to do everything on his own to impress her and ruins the whole plan, or just watches and complains about how she needs to get over her denial and date him BUT
This time he decided to actively try to push her in the akuma's way therefore putting her in SO MUCH MORE DANGER than she was already in.
Now she had to dodge out of the akuma's way AND CHAT'S!
WhAt ThE fUdGe?!?!
You think possibly killing Ladybug and trying to force her to beg for you to save her is gonna make her like you?!?
Just how hard did you hit your head when Gabriel dropped you on the floor when you were 2?
After the akuma was eventually defeated Ladybug told Chat to meet her on an abandoned rooftop that night because they needed to talk.
Chat being the oblivious person that he is (I swear I don't actually hate chat noir, this is for the plot I'm sorry) thought that it was for a love confession and became overly smug before leaving.
Making sure that he isn't following her, Marinette meets up with Damian at his place (school's over because of the attack) and asks him to help.
Later that day when the two miraculous holders meet up Ladybug distracts the Catboy by flirting with him while Damian uses his ninja skills for something other than sneaking up on her and giving Marinette mini heart attacks.
From behind he quickly hits a pressure point causing the other boy to fall unconscious.
Using her ALMIGHTY GUARDIAN OF THE MIRACULOUS powers, Ladybug takes Adrien's ring away and places a spell on him that makes it so he will never be able to use another miraculous ever again.
After they take Adrien home Marinette gives Damian the ring and Night Prowler is born.
He promises to do everything in his power to make sure that Selina and his family doesn't find out for the sake of his pride.
We'll see how that goes.
Night Prowler first officially appeared during an akuma named 'Break Dancer'.
Ironically, she was a ballerina that had to drop out of the finals in a competition because she broke her right leg the day before the show.
She could turn civilians into back up dancers and forced them to perform against their will.
They also worked as minions who would attack the duo for her while she stayed a safe distance away.
It was pretty obvious that the akumatized item was the music box held inside the bag that Break Dancer had slung around her shoulders but the real question was how could they get to it without becoming attacked by the backup dancer or becoming one of them.
Luckily (eheheh), a car with an open window playing music just happened to pass by before driving off.
Before it drove off, the music coming from the car was loud enough to play over the music box which caused some of the minions to become free again and run off.
Ladybug called her lucky charm and a Bobby pin landed in her hand.
As she looked around she noticed a store a couple blocks away that had a couple radios.
Unfortunately, the store was locked and closed.
Fortunately, she knew how to pick locks and a Bobby pin did come from her lucky charm soooo......
Who is she to deny literal gods.
They break into the store and grab a radio, and a speaker and rush over to where the akuma was causing chaos.
They turn on the radio, connect the speaker and turn the volume on as loud as it can go before flipping through the stations for a good song.
If they're gonna fight with music in the background they're gonna be picky about it and wont settle for anything other than epic.
While fighting they eventually get swept up in the music and end up singing along.
It's nothing less than full on majestic.
When the fight is over and the akuma is purified they find out that someone recorded it and posted it on the internet as well.
Now everyone knows that the beloved hero of Paris and her new partner were the two people singing on that balcony.
Good thing that the video quality was trash right?
If it weren't for that their identities would've been busted the moment they started singing in hero form.
Luckily there aren't many people other than Damian that know what Marinette's singing voice sounds like so they're okay.
Well.... They WERE okay,
Until a certain rockstar and his agent came across the two videos and put two and two together.
So now King Sting (bee!jagged) and Peridot (turtle!penny) have joined the team.
Poor Penny, now she has to deal with two gremlin children and a some sort of bizarre man-child.
The next akuma confused the group quite a bit.
He didn't really do anything but sit on a rooftop waiting for the miracle team to show up.
They were all suspicious of him at first but when they did reveal themselves to him he explained his situation.
He was akumatized because his favorite rock band broke up but he didn't really want to take their miraculouses away.
He just asked if they could perform another song for him and he would give his akumatized item to them.
They all sorta looked at eachother and collectively went 'screw it why not' and sang another song.
If they were great before, they are absolutely AMAZING now.
Well that's what happens when you add a famous rockstar to a team of singing superheros I guess.
The akuma was blown away and true to his word handed over the rolled up picture in his pocket and was purified despite of Hawkmoth's nagging.
Haha screw you Hawky.
This time the ordeal was recorded by a news station and the 'hand over the akuma in exchange for a song' thing became a trend.
There were still normal akuma's that didn't follow follow it but those were far flung between.
It seems like Hawkmoth was getting annoyed by this so there started being less akuma attacks over the months.
Because of this some people were actively trying to get upset to attract one of the purple butterflies.
They traded one good thing for another I guess.
To stop that from happening the group started performing in public as superheros during concerts and festivals.
Because of this they became quite well known outside of Paris as well.
Is it ironic that more people know them as a band rather than a superhero team now?
When Marinette learned that they could change what their superhero costumes looked like if they put enough will into it she squealed.
Marinette designs superhero performance costumes for them whenever they have a festival to play at.
Whenever asked about their outfits they always reply with MDC.
Marinette's business gets really popular after that.
And since no one knows who MDC really is, she doesn't have to worry about the whole "Oh no me and my family are gonna be in danger!" thing
It's a win win!
Overtime they basically become a second (or third for some people) family to eachother.
Damian becomes more 'kid like' and open to others,
Marinette becomes more confident and overall happier,
Jagged gets to hang out with his awesome niece and her 'maybe more than just a friend',
And Penny gets a new outlet for stress and has so many more crazy stories to tell people.
One day while she's in the living room on the sofa watching 'The AristoCats' Damian just barges into the room and dramatically flops over onto of her.
He just lays there with his head in her lap and the rest of his body sprawled on the couch.
After everything that has happened this is normal for them now.
Without asking any questions or talking at all they just watch the movie together with the occasional remark or quip between them.
Around half way through the movie Jagged kicks down the door, effectively scaring the crap out of the two teens, while Penny follows behind him with an apologetic look on her face.
At first Jagged was yelling about something having to do with'Fang' and 'Dragon' and 'Miraculous' but after taking in the domestic atmosphere of the room he just sits down on the floor and joins in on watching the movie.
Penny, shaking her head in both amusement and exasperation, sits down on another chair and does the same.
While combing through Damian's hair with her fingers Marinette looks around the room.
'My life can't get any more complicated, can it?'
Oh boy, she just jinxed it.
This is just an idea I've had bouncing around in my head for awhile and I couldn't resist the urge to write it out. I AM planning on making a part 2 so if you like this keep an eye out for that. I'm by no means a fast writer though so it will take a while. But then again not many people will probably read this soo.... Yeah.
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nowheretobefound101 · 4 years
Hogwarts AU
Simple edits of destressing
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Elsa: *clears her throat* Errhmm... Mr. Frost, why do you suddenly ditched Professor Snape's class?
Jack: Excuse me, Ms. top of her class, but you were also ditching your own class as well.
Jack: Ask it for yourself.
Elsa: *panicking around the corner*
Jack: First time? Here come close to me, hold my hands, and trust me with something.
Elsa: Answer my question first! Hey--
Jack: *forcefully grabs Elsa's hand and holds it tight* I know how to shut you for a second. Ohh wait THIS IS SO AMAZING!!
Elsa: Coincidence? what?
Jack: Stop questioning and just look at the sky right now.
Elsa: *amazed at what Jack's looking at*
Jack: Quite a beautiful sunset isn't it?
Elsa: You're ri--
Jack: But you're more beautiful enjoying your first ditching in classes.
Elsa: *hides her reddish cheeks and became speechless*
Jack: You already know that I am advanced within my studies and I also ditching class is fun, isn't it?
Elsa: You are really this mischievous, Jack but don't be surprised if I pay back you with this *softly kisses his cheek*
Jack: *blushed shown throughout his face* EHH! AHH! WHAA!
Elsa: Don't mess up with a studious girl like me.
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Jack: Can you do my homework, Hiccup?
Hiccup: What the heck? You are way too advance in our lessons and you can't even answer the homework on your own?
Jack: Geez, I just don't like to read some books, to search in the library, to find so-
Hiccup: Blah... blah... blah. Jack, just. quit. mumbling. your. excuses!
Jack: C'mon Hiccup, I'll gonna teach you some spells that I learned recently as a return.
Hiccup: You can't lure me, yet, I can lure you.
Jack: Spill it out now.
Hiccup: Do your homework or else, I will spill every embarrassing moment that you have.
Jack: I don't mind, I know that you can't do i-
Hiccup: *suddenly called Elsa who is seating on not too far away from them*
Hiccup: *smirks* you're too lucky that this place is always crowded.
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Hiccup: Are you sure about this?
Merida: (speaks in her accent) Geez, I was born to fight though. Don't tell me you're already backing out seeing those--
Hiccup: What! No... I'm not... I... I just wanna tell you to play safe and... Uhmm, good luck!
Merida: (speaks in her accent) For how many times I was gonna tell you that I am getting annoyed when you're being sweet.
Hiccup: Err.. No... Yes... Maybe... But I just want to bid you good luck before the Quidditch starts.
Merida: (speaks in her accent) Then, why you're ears are red? and you were also doing some cutting-the-lines-because-you-are- stuttering.
Hiccup: Well, hahaha... I guess I can't really-
Merida: (speaks in her accent) Husshh! I am also annoyed with myself that I can't stop my heart to beat differently when you are like that. Oh, shoot. The games starting, GOOD LUCK, HICCUP!! Let's bring home the bacon!
Hiccup: *still his ears are red* Uh.. yeah... GOOD LUCK!
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This is just Pitch Black potraying Professor Severus Snape :>
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Ohh yas, The Big Four as students in Hogwarts.
P.S. I based their houses based on my perspectives 'cuz honestly, there were too many opinions about this one and I can't choose between them all😅
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This is a scene where Jack is teaching Elsa some spells that are taught in their Charm class, of course, even though Elsa is such a gifted one with both knowledge and beauty. Well, Jack is kinda an easy-going student who barely listens to his classes, however, his skills surpass anyone in their class. Also, if there were chances that Slytherin and Ravenclaw have the same class, Jack will always find a way to be with Elsa who is quite opposite of his, yet, Jack is the only person Elsa can easily get along with (Of course, it is her Slytherin boyfriend after all :>)
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Elsa: Why did you fight back with them?
Jack: Why are you questioning it if it is already obvious?
Elsa: I know, I know... But you shouldn't always risk yourself for me.
Jack: I want to risk myself to you, Elsa rather than regretting that I had done nothing.
Elsa: But they will never stop hunting me until they get what they want from me.
Jack: Then I must PROTECT you from them.
Elsa: Hayst... I have nothing to complain about anymore. And again, thank you for saving me again, Jack.
Jack: Okay, I am also sorry for making you worry. Here, I'll take that clothe in your hand. I can manage to wipe this blood of mine.
Elsa: Nope, I'll do it. Just take this as your reward.
Jack: Well, I can't argue with that if you insist. Let's inform the others especially your sister about what happened, okay. No hiding.
Elsa: Yes, but I don't also want to make them worry about me.
Jack: Hey.. hey... snowflakes, listen, they only worry because they cared about you and willing to help you as their loyal friend. I also worry about you because I also cared and don't want to see someone hurt my precious ones.
Elsa: Woah, I'm surprised that you're becoming a poet at this moment, huh. But, thank you. You really do know how to persuade me woth comfort.
Jack: So, can I asked for something?
Elsa: Okay, you're back to the Jack I knew. *laughs* What is it, by the way?
Jack: A kiss can heal a wound.
Elsa: That's not true.
Jack: Yes, it is.
Elsa: No, it not.
Jack: You can't agree with me 'cuz you need some privacy, do you?
Elsa: Well... Uhhh... *blushed*
Jack: I see, After this, we were going somewhere. And honestly, you are the best nurse that I ever had.
Elsa: *flattering much* Ahh... Well... Thanks! But where is that place you are taking me?
Jack: I don't wanna spill my surprise though so be patient. *gives off a smile*
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parkerpeter24 · 5 years
Quizzes End Up In Kisses ~ Peter Parker💕
Part-7 of the Eight Days Of Valentine series
Part 8
Warnings: fluff, thank you.
Sorry for I'm late. Also, I don't know anything about schooling system in the U.S. so forgive me.
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Middle school was exhausting, not to mention stupid, and you dreaded going to High school. Going everyday to a place for nearly your whole life, a prison called school, was never on your checklist. It was a pretty basic list and all the things you would want to do one day were mentioned in it.
And Peter Parker had managed to get on the top.
Entering Liz's house, you were met with loud noise and kids scattered all around the living area. The snacks and drinks were placed neatly on the kitchen slab. You sighed before moving in and placing your small gift in the pile that was placed near the christmas tree. You were invited to the party by Liz and you had nothing better to do on a Christmas eve and maybe you would find Peter here too. MJ was in the extreme corner of the room which was illuminated by a bright lamp under which she read a book. You smiled at her and her book choice, 'Great Leadership by Kimberly Davis.'
You moved towards the kitchen where you spotted Liz greeting her friends. The party went on, you stuck to MJ in the back until she needed to get back home and you didn't.
Few people were still left, probably close friends of Liz, when you spotted Ned and Peter near the window, whispering something to each other. You moved towards them setting aside the glass of juice.
"Hey Peter, Ned!" You greeted cheerfully. Ned waved, greeting you back while Peter straightened a bit, the soft light hid the mild blush covering his cheeks. It wasn't hard for you, or anyone for that matter, to figure out that he liked you. He wasn't good with secrets.
"Hey, (y/n)." He replied when Ned cleared his throat . You didn't want to seem desperate by asking him out or truth be told, you were shy yourself and didn't want to convert your friendship into awkwardness.
The room was starting to clear and you were now having a proper conversation with both the boys, majorly about school and homework when a loud voice pulled you out of the on-going topic.
"Hey losers!" Flash yelled, indicating the three of you."You need to come here." He called out, you rolled your eyes but nonetheless moved to where everyone left was gathered in a small circle. You sat beside Liz as everyone settled down and Liz started talking, "So, I have a game for everyone." She grinned and then you zoned out, staring at the boy in front of you. Brown eyes squinted slightly in concentration as he tried so hard to steal a glance at you whereas you were, absentmindedly, full on gaping at him. Only, you, Liz, Betty, Flash, Ned and Peter were left in the room.
"(Y/n), you wanna put something in?" Liz asked, popping your Peter bubble.
"What?" You asked, not having listened to a word she said.
"You wanna put something in the bag?" She pointed to the small bag placed in the centre. Where would it even come from, "And since you're the last one, you get to have the first chance." She grinned. By now, it wasn't really hard to guess that the group was playing seven minutes in heaven.
You grabbed the bag and got up, throwing your bracelet in when no one was watching and shaking the bag. You fished the bag and pulled out a small keyring which was way too familiar. A blush covered your cheeks as you realised whose it was. A small Darth Vader keyring that you gave Peter on his birthday. You looked to Peter who looked like a reindeer caught in headlights. You heard Flash laugh, "Do you think these guys are going to hold hands?"
Soon you were pushed into a room, Peter just behind you as Liz locked the door.
You sat on Liz's bed and Peter stood against the wall across you, the tension was undeniable. A few minutes were passed in silence before Peter cleared his throat and sat beside you on the bed. You watched him in anticipation as he ran his fingers through his hair, "(Y/n), you know, we don't have to do anything just because Flash would probably never leave this."
You felt a bit disappointed but you couldn't let Flash tease Peter for this, "Yeah, I know how to shut Flash up." You smiled.
You told Flash that you had made out with Peter and the look on his face was precious. Maybe it would be the other way around and instead of Flash teasing Peter, you would tease Flash for Peter had his first kiss before him. No one has to know that he didn't.
It's been almost a year since then and everybody but you had forgotten that night. And you could never.
You saw Peter leaning against your locker as you made your way through the sea of teenagers.
"Hey!" You greeted your best friend, "Where's Ned?"
"Maths." He answered, shrugging. You smiled at him as you pulled out your Chemistry textbook.
"I'm already bored seeing this textbook." You complained walking beside Peter as you began your trip to the classroom.
"I know, Mr. Smith can be tough on us kids at times." He laughed, watching as you rolled your eyes at no one. "By the way, you prepared for the test?"
"Nope." You replied as soon as the question left his mouth, popping the p in the word.
"Well, you need to. This test makes up 33 percent of our total grades this semester." You sighed at this, nodding your head in understanding as you reached the class.
You were at your desk for the past one hour, staring at your Chemistry textbook. Oh how you hated the subject. You were dozing off when you heard a series of knocks on your window. Although knowing it was the one and only, you were shocked and awakened from your sleep.
You ran to the window, unlocking it and letting your masked friend inside before locking it and pulling the curtains. Peter was always careless, not at all good at hiding his identity considering that you figured out, but you saved his ass.
"I'm so jealous of you." You complained and his eyebrows furrowed.
"Why?" He asked.
"You know, you get to do all cool superhero stuff and you're still gonna face that test tomorrow!" You exclaimed, burying your face in his chest and taking in his warmth as he wrapped his arms while laughing, "My mom is gonna kill me." You sighed.
"Okay, let's practice together then." He stated, moving towards your study.
"Aren't you tired?" You asked.
"Not for you, I'm not." He replied shyly and turned away from you to hide his own blush as a faint pink covered your cheeks.
Studying with Peter was rather distracting, not that you haven't done it before, but with time it seemed to have become difficult to focus on the subject and you were more interested in the pout that formed on his lips when he didn't understand something, or the way he squinted his eyes to focus, or the way his fingers played with the pencil when he was thinking something, or the way his eyebrows creased when he got an answer wrong. You were so busy admiring him.
"Okay, I got a good question for you." Peter said, pulling you out of your own little world.
"And element X is divalent -" He started but you groaned, cutting him off.
"Oh, I hate X and Y questions!" You whined.
"Come on, you don't even know the question yet." Peter replied, "You need to practice if you want to get good grades on that test."
"Okay, I'll study. But, I have one condition." You said, smirking and Peter gulped. He knew that smirk. Something bad was going inside your mind whenever you did this. Before he could ask anything, though, you said, "If I answer ten of your questions correctly then you have to kiss me." You said. Your heartbeat was incredibly fast but your face showed the same smirk as Peter's cheek turned a crimson shade.
"Okay." He said, "I got some questions for you." He smirked, choosing the set of questions that he knew you would be able to answer easily.
"First question." He started, smiling at your nervousness as you tapped your fingers gently against the table. You wanted this as much as he did, "The number of moles of solute present in one kilogram of a solvent is called as…" He trailed off waiting for an answer.
You smiled, "That's easy. It's molality." You answered sweetly, batting your eyelashes at him.
"Correct. Don't get too excited (y/l/n), it's just the first question." He replied, mocking your tone which made you giggle.
"Your impressions are hilarious Parker." You teased, laughing as he smiled proudly.
"Wait till you hear my Thor impression." He beamed, "Anyway, the next question, The metal used to separate copper from a copper sulphate solution is?" He asked.
"Ferrous." You replied.
You didn't expect the questions to get harder but what do you expect from Peter Nerd Parker. You were on the ninth question and you were getting more and more nervous, "What is the chemical name for baking soda?"
"It's, Sodium something… Sodium Carbonate?"
"No. It's-"
"Sodium Bicarbonate!" You yelled, making him laugh at your eagerness.
"Oh, shut it Parker!" You scolded, nonetheless smiling.
"Okay, so are you ready for the last question?" He asked and you just nodded. This was a perfect and probably the only chance you'd get to kiss the boy you'd had a crush on for the longest time. "Now, (y/n). Which radioactive element is used in heat pacemakers?" He asked.
Elements were your weakest part. You stared straight into his eyes, pleading for a hint as you rack your brain for the answer. At this moment, both of you knew that Peter would kiss you no matter what, but you wanted to get it right.
"Plutonium?" You mumbled a question. Peter, having heightened senses, heard that and stood up from his seat, making you stand up and follow him to the centre of the room. He sighed, facing you with furrowed eyebrows, "Was it wrong?"
He just stood there for a moment before suddenly pulling you flush against him. Your hands instantly wrapped around his neck and a yelp escaped your throat before you felt his lips over yours. Moving at a slow pace. It was sweet, it was all you needed. Your hands tugged at the curls behind his head and he pulled you closer, resting his forehead on yours, "Correct."
You smiled so wide, your cheeks started to hurt. Suddenly you couldn't help what you said out aloud, "Kissing you was on my checklist since Middle school." He laughed at this.
"The infamous checklist?" He asked. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"You knew about it?" You asked back for his answer.
"You're not good with secrets either. I heard you and MJ talking about it." He replied sheepishly.
"And you didn't tell me?" You asked, smiling.
"It was an accident." He said in a small voice, parting from you slightly and you shook your head softly as your gaze fell on the wall clock.
"It's nothing." You smiled, "Hey, I think you should go. It's getting late." He nodded, giving you a final peck on the lips as he grabbed his mask, moving towards your window.
"Peter." You called out. He turned back to face you, waiting for you to say something, "Don't forget about the Spanish quiz day after tomorrow." You smirked and he knew that smirk.
@harrysbbby @overly-obsessed @luckyfiction17 @avengersgroupchat @ollieologys @afictionaladventure16 @hollandraul @clqudsparker @spider-manholland @screamholland @angelhaz11 @farfromhaz @drunklili @spideyyeet @fairytaleparker @venusparker @dazzling-rubabe @kitkatd7 @hazmyheart @angelic-holland @littlekidsteve @audreylovespidey706 @ironholland19 @lauras-collection @spideyyeet @cherryredparker @ploont @cucumberfingers @angel-spidey @spideygirl2003 @greatpizzascissorstaco @the-crazy-fanfictionist @lovabletomholland @lovelytholland @parkerdrabbles @parkers-fidelity @tom-holland-is-spiderman @tomsrebeleyebrow @hollandcuddles
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jzixuans · 6 years
Hey, I've been feeling down recently and was wondering if you had any Logince headcannons. Platonic or romantic work, whichever you feel more comfortable with. Sorry if I'm bothering you.
aw lad don’t worry about bothering me i’m glad to share some headcanons ! i hope you feel better soon!
now, might i interest you in some childhood friends-to-enemies-to-friends-to-lovers logince? [PREPARE FOR A LONG ASS BULLET FIC I’M SO SORRY (google docs says it’s 4.2k words oh my god)]
they’ve known each other since the first grade because oh my god they were neighbours
they were the kind of childhood friends that were aware of each other’s presence and they hung out a little on the playground and worked on group projects but they didn’t really click
there WERE occasions tho where their parents would sit them down together for play dates bc one or more of said parents were Occupied with Important Adult Stuff
and since this was way back when they were wee lil smols, they were hyperactive lil children
so they played lots of adventure games, lots of role-playing, play fighting, that kind of stuff (twas often the dashing daring prince accompanied by his wise magickal advisor)
okay, so maybe they did click, but only a little (so they say)
they liked most of the same stuff, reading, learning, doing stuff with all that knowledge in those big brains of theirs, and that was pretty much the base of their close-but-not-that-close-friendship
and then they got older, and as all kids do, they started prioritizing different things
logan still loved learning and applying that knowledge, but it was more of a ‘learn and apply what knowledge can make you really successful’ and that was how he found his love of science
for roman, it was more of a ‘take what you’ve learned and use it to create your own path to success’ because he planned to go into music and theatre
as a result of this, both boys were exceptional students, except logan cared maybe a little too much about the academics and roman not enough
as the years went by, logan threw himself into studying, making schedules and routines so that he could make sure he knows what he needs to know and maybe a little bit more on the side, who cares if he lost an hour of two of sleep?
roman just learned to go with the flow, so he took everything in stride, took in what he needed, left the rest, and focused on his art instead, even if he’s started to grow an unhealthy apathy to school
and maybe logan falls just short of perfect on his tests, and he looks over and roman has glowing one hundreds in red ink on his
logan looks back down at his and the teacher has written ‘Think outside the box!’
meanwhile logan answers every question in class with scary accuracy, beaming with pride whenever the teacher praises him, and after school that same day roman gets pulled aside with an ‘I know you’re smart, so why don’t you want to put in the work?’
of course logan’s parents wonder why his grades don’t match his progress work, and roman’s parents wonder how he can spend all his time singing and dancing and still come out with high nineties (“is he cheating?”)
and the two have been drifting apart enough as it was, but now they kind of hate each other because ‘why can’t i just be more like him?’
logan starts hating roman because ‘he doesn’t even CARE, how is he doing better than me?’ (part of him misses the days when roman cared so much about anything and everything)
roman starts hating logan because ‘he’s so stiff and condescending, why can’t he just be happy for me?’ (and part of him misses when logan would so willingly stand by his side as his faithful warlock advisor)
so naturally, competition just kind of,,,, grows between them, until they’re constantly at each other’s throats and everyone else watching the shitshow go down has absolutely no idea where the hell all this animosity came from
at this point logan has a new friend in virgil fray and roman has befriended patton hart (virgil and patton know not to bring up the boys’ ‘rivalry’)
of course, being neighbours, they can’t exactly escape each other, and their rooms are adjacent to each other’s (they used to just lean out their windows and talk side by side, but they haven’t in yEARS)
so it’s nearing summer, and it’s hot out so roman’s working on his homework with the window open when he hears this cry of frustration, the angry pushing back of a chair, and the throwing open of the door
his first thought is one of smug satisfaction knowing that logan is dealing with school worse than he is, but then a flash of black catches his eye underneath his window
he makes it to the window just in time to see logan hop the fence in his backyard, and that only means one thing: he’s going to the old park behind their houses
neither of them have touched that park in ages
roman is Intrigued™, so he caps his pen, turns off his lamp and tells his parents he’s going for a walk before dashing out the back door
when he gets to the park, logan’s somehow managed to climb on top of the roof of the play structure
and roman ain’t slick so he just stands at the bottom and yells up to him
and logan is Lost In Thought so he nearly falls off (lbr roman thought it was funny)
“what are you doing here?”
“well excuse me, suck-rates, i happened to notice that you weren’t doing too hot and wanted to see if you were okay.”
“like you’ve ever cared.”
“woah there, is blink 180-ew rubbing off on you?” 
“lay off of him.”
“alright, alright, fine. forgive me for checking in on you.”
“you have a horrible way of showing people that you care, then.”
“well you have a horrible way of being a good friend.”
it just kind of,,,, slipped out, and now both boys are Oh Shit
but both boys are also not the type to back down from their feelings so they kind of have the Silent Stare-Off of Stubborness
roman decides to be the bigger person (bc any chance to one-up logan) and cave first 
“so uh, what’s been bothering you?” (psh you thought he was gonna apologize first? not yet fam)
logan rolls his eyes bc this asshole amirite, but he wants to vent and this is probably his best opportunity to tell roman what’s really been bugging him
“i don’t know how you manage to do it.” 
“do what?”
“do so well in school! you don’t even try!” and damn dude that one stings because he sounds exactly like his parents and every other teacher
“so you’re angry because you’re jealous that i’m better than you at everything.”
“that’s not what i meant and you know it.”
“i’ll have you know that i do try.”
“but you don’t care.”
“about school.”
“i mean yeah, sure, i don’t care about school that much because i don’t really need it to go into music or theatre, but i still do my work.”
“don’t you dare say anything about my grades because you know damn well that you’re smarter than me.”
“am not―”
“besides, weren’t you the one that told me in the fifth grade that ‘grades don’t mean shit’? my my, what a foul mouth for ten-year-old logan crane.”
“shut up.”
and by now logan’s decided that roman’s probably not going to rip his head off so he climbs down to stand beside him
and maybe the sun is setting bc i’m a classy romantic
and they’re having a Soft Quiet Moment
“…please don’t tell me that school was the only reason why u hated me.”
“… why did you hate me?” smh lo you’ve got to stop deflecting
“are you kidding me.”
“what no you did shut up”
and wOw now it’s awkward so 
“oh would you look at that, it’s getting late, my parents are gonna think that i’m slacking again, better go. good talk let’s do this again sometime okay byee” and whoop roman just zooms off
and logan realizes that maybe roman’s life isn’t as perfect as he makes it out to be
but too late roman’s gone and he doesn’t want to look like he’s following him so he waits a good half hour before trekking back home
logan doesn’t finish his homework that night because he’s too busy rethinking the past many many years
the next day, he’s frantically trying to cram his work in during his lunch period
virgil takes one look at him and he says “dude, are you okay?”
“cool, let me know if i can do anything to help.” and maybe it’s a cold answer but logan and virgil are cold edgy people so that’s just how they do
after like twenty minutes virgil takes out his earbuds like “you haven’t complained or sent one angry glare in roman’s direction what the fuck is up kyle”
“i’m just…. stressed.”
virgil, externally: “yeah of course i feel u dude.”
virgil, internally: “i’ve seen you start a project at 3am the morning it was due without breaking a sweat but go off i guess.”
skip to later that night, logan finished his shit (he needed a distraction from the Roman Crisis) so he leans out his window for some Fresh Summer Night Air
and oho would you look at that roman had that sa m e  i d ea
but it’s one of those clear nights where you can actually see the stars and logan just got roman off his mind so he’s a lil distracted
but of course roman notices and now that they’ve gotten some of their ‘rivalry’ out of the way, he remembers how much logan loved to drag him out to the park as late as they were allowed to stay up to watch the stars, and logan looks so at peace here (he’s only really seen logan’s angry face recently)
roman wants to say something, because part of him really wants to make up with logan
but before he can work up the courage he’s interrupted by his mom calling him
“roman! are you done all your work?”
“yeah, mom! almost!”
“you better be going to sleep early tonight!”
and roman is about to duck back inside before he gets yelled at even more but oh no too late logan’s already noticed and now he’s staring at him
“uh, hey.”
“are you, uh, are you feeling better?”
“for the most part, yes.”
“that’s good. look, uh, i gotta go, but i’ll see you at school?”
“oh, right, yes. good night, roman.”
“night, lo.”
roman falls back into his room with a crash because ‘oh my god why was that more nerve-wracking than any performance i’ve ever done?”
logan sinks back against his wall with a sigh because ‘is roman avoiding me now?’
the next day at school the two actually say hi to each other in the hallway and it’s like the entire world stops moving. students are staring and whispering, virgil and patton exchange looks, and logan and roman only just now realize how big their rivalry had gotten
the two lock eyes and burst into laughter because something as simple as a passing greeting in the hallway has turned the school on its head
and the rest of the school has absolutely no idea what just happened when the two part ways, virgil and patton trailing behind them, dumbfounded
they catch each other on the way home, though they walk in silence
that night, they’re back at their windows, side by side once more, and they exchange small talk
a couple weeks later, exams are coming up around the corner and both boys are stressed out of their minds
logan’s still working well past midnight when he hears the old creak of roman’s window opening
“i see your lamp. are you still up?” he hears roman whisper, and maybe it’s the late hour, but his voice is hoarse and wobbly, and logan is most certainly not used to hearing that
“that’s a ridiculous question, of course i’m still up,” logan replies, still not looking up from his computer because his history final project is due in two days
except roman doesn’t reply, and all he can hear from his direction is shaky laughter, and then a wet sniff
“of course i’m ridiculous. it’s not like i’m smart or anything.”
“if i were smart i wouldn’t’ve procrastinated this english paper and i could probably be getting some sleep right now,” roman continues like he forgot that logan was there
“and sure, i can do other stuff, but it’s not like it matters or anything, not to my mom, or mr. schmitt, or you―”
roman’s babbling stops and logan worries that he’s scared him off until he looks up and sees roman leaning halfway out his window and now logan’s worried that roman’s going to fall out and break his neck on his patio
roman’s eyes are red and his nose is rubbed raw from crying. his usually-perfectly-coiffed hair is messy and greasy from running his hands through it, his clothes are rumpled, and his grip on the windowsill is trembling
yet he’s still half out the window, eyes comically wide, and logan can’t help but shake his head at how big a dork he is
“i’m sorry.”
roman’s so startled that his elbows buckle and he barely manages to land back in his room so he doesn’t fall (didn’t expect logan to apologize first, didya?)
he’s barely back out the window when logan starts talking again
“i shouldn’t have dismissed you so quickly. you are intelligent and you are capable and you absolutely didn’t deserve any of my anger or bitterness or hatred. for that, i’m sorry.”
roman is, SHOCKED, to say the least. when they were kids, usually it was roman who apologized first, if at all, logan only after being prompted to by parents or teachers (which might’ve contributed to their drifting apart)
“i’m― thank you.” 
there’s a pause because it’s late and logan is really really bad at this
“i’m sorry, too. i only really hated you because everyone kept comparing us. that wasn’t really fair of me.”
“i guess not.”
“so i guess we both agree that we’re both assholes.”
“what were you going to talk to me about?” and roman has an ‘oh yeah’ because he completely forgot what he came out here for
“i guess i just missed doing this.”
“i did too.”
and they’re not completely in the clear, because they have years of hurt to clean up, but in that moment, they just sit and talk, and maybe missing one assignment amongst a whole year of perfect grades won’t hurt
they’re butts tired in the morning but neither of them regret it, regardless of virgil and patton’s comments of ‘how much sleep did you get last night? you look like you’re about to pass out.’
that weekend, their finals are all handed in, exams don’t start until the next week, and they’re both sick and tired of studying so logan invites roman over and they lounge in his star-speckled room, talking about everything and nothing
roman’s busy going through logan’s stuff (“what? i haven’t been in here since the summer before the seventh grade”) so logan has a free minute to just,, watch him, and he just now realizes how much he missed having this ball of energy in his life (in a positive way)
after that day, the tension between them is almost gone and conversations are so much easier (virgil and patton get to sigh in relief because ‘thank god, i love them, but they needed to get their shit together’)
but alas, exams approach and roman calls logan late one night, in tears and stressed beyond relief, begging him to meet him at the park (he would’ve called patton, but patton’s never really been under forced academic pressure, and logan’s just a smidge more familiar for him)
logan’s out of the house without another thought, and he sees roman sitting up on the monkey bars with his knees tucked up to his chest (‘oh my god roman don’t you dare fucking fall’)
“i’m sorry, you were probably sleeping, but i just needed to get out of the house and―”
“please don’t apologize for reaching out. what― what’s wrong?”
“i just can’t! my mom’s been threatening to pull me out of music if i don’t do well on this exam because ‘math is more important than music’ but i don’t know anything! i’ve been scraping by pretty well on tests but i can’t fucking study and none of the information is sticking and―”
“roman, you’re hyperventilating. you need to breathe―”
“don’t tell me what to do!” roman regrets this Immediately because logan recoils his hand like he’s been burned. great, just another thing to feel Bad about. “i-i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have snapped at you.”
if this was a month or two ago, logan would’ve had a scathing remark about roman’s inability to control himself but now he just places his hand back on roman’s shoulder and taps gently with his finger
“you remember that school assembly from grade nine? the one about mental health?”
“can you do that breathing exercise?”
ten minutes later, roman’s cried himself out and he’s stopped hyperventilating but he can’t seem to stop his hands from shaking
logan has absolutely no idea what to do but he’s seen patton do it before with some of the younger kids so he holds his arms out (v awkwardly) and goes, “would you― would it be― would a hug help?”
this gets a lil laugh out of roman because he’s trying and that’s adorable so now he’s cry-laughing into logan’s shoulder
“your mother sounds an awful lot like your horrendous dragon witch. i suppose we must simply team up to defeat her.”
roman draws away so fast he bumps into logan’s chin
“like i could forget it”
“oh my god”
“i mean, i wanted to, but those were… fun times.”
“hell yeah they were.”
“when’s your exam? i can help you study, if you want.”
“in about seven hours.”
“…change of plans, you’re coming back with me, you’re going to sleep for six, wake up, get a cup of tea, and we’re going to do a brief review before school.”
so they walk back to logan’s house (roman makes sure to tack a note to his bedroom door for his parents, he’ll face the consequences later), and they just, collapse into a pile of leggy boi on logan’s bed (they were too tired to argue about formalities)
logan wakes up with roman clinging to his chest and he very sorely misses that warm cuddly heat but Nope he is Determined™ to help roman get that bread
so he wakes roman up, plops his notes down in front of him and tells him to flip through it while he goes to make breakfast
roman is a jittery Mess all the way up to the exam, but logan promises that he’d be waiting in the cafeteria for him (it was his lunch period’s exam day so he a Free Boi) and he leaves roman with a “you are more capable than you know. you already have everything you need to succeed. and no matter what, you are valid.”
two hours later, roman comes out and he has Zero Confidence in his results, but logan greets him with a clap on the shoulder and the reassurance that “at least you’re done with this.”
they meet up with virgil and patton and go for lunch, and oho, perhaps this is the beginning of a New Squad
at the end of the week, on exam review day logan’s waiting out in the hallway to go to his next class to see his results when he sees roman sprinting down the hall with the biggest grin on his face
“i got an 84!!! thank you, you beautiful blessed nerd!!” because honestly? roman expected nothing more than a 52 so this was a very pleasant surprise, and now roman’s hugging logan so tight that logan swears he heard his elbow pop
the other students of the school are still processing because it was literally only been a little over a month since they started talking to each other again, and anyone out of the loop just got hella whiplash
(and if this burst of happiness and gratitude left a weird, bubbly feeling in logan’s stomach, well, he’ll just keep that to himself)
the next few summer days are spent hanging out, in their rooms, at their windows, at the park, and sometimes, virgil and patton join them
sometimes they’re in roman’s room, roman typing away on his computer with a dozen open notebooks scattered around him while logan lays on his bed, and the two bounce ideas back and forth for the next adventures of the daring prince c and his faithful advisor logos
and then they’re two weeks into the summer break, virgil’s off visiting family in china for the next few weeks and patton’s in the caribbean, so they’re just aimlessly tossing a ball back and forth in roman’s room while they talk about their futures and stuff because “oh my god they’re gonna be high school  s e n i o r s  in the fall“ ((‘gee, blink, don’t u think that’s a lot of drama for 16 y/os?’ yes absolutely, shut up))
roman chucks the ball at logan, who catches it in one hand and he’s smirking and roman has to take a moment to catch his breath because ‘why was that so hot omg’
over the next couple weeks the two are basically joined at the hip, and when they’re not hanging out, they’re texting or calling each other and it finally feels like they’re really making up for lost time
at the same time, they may or may not be falling for each other and they have no idea what to do with these Feelings™ 
logan doesn’t know how to what to do because virgil is v aro and the only other person he can talk to is roman, whOM HE HAS A CRUSH ON
meanwhile roman is v frantically texting patton like bro pls call me as soon as u get back there’s a cute boy hELP
it’s nearing the beginning of august when the two go into town to get food and ice cream and they’re laughing and joking and waving melted strawberry ice cream in each other’s faces and they’re sitting on a bench when they lean in real close mid laugh and ‘oh no his face is rIGHT THERE’
they draw away real quick but both of them realize that ‘that wasn’t horrible?’ and they slowly look back at each other and ‘oh.’
“is this―”
“is this― i mean if you want it to be ―  is this a date?” and roman holds his breath because ‘dear god, please say yes’
“i’d like it to be, yes.” logan is terrified because he does  n o t  want to fuck this up
except now roman has the biggest grin and he absolutely does not care that he’s got ice cream dripping onto his leg
roman tackles logan into a hug because ‘he’s on a date with logan fucking crane’
logan is thrilled because now he gets to keep this excitable ball of energy who’s made him smile and laugh more in the past couple months than he has in years
(no diss against virgil and patton, but they can’t relate to logan and roman as well as, well, logan and roman)
they both have ice cream on themselves but neither can be bothered to care at this moment because they’re so damn happy
even after they go home that night, they stay up real late at their windows, side by side, just appreciating the company
it’s the next day, and they’re at the park, the sun is setting ((listen,,,, it’s an aesthetic)) and they’re sitting on the swings, holding hands ((they’re in love, babey!!))
“are we… does this make us boyfriends now?” logan is a v technical, official terminology person, of course he’d be the one to ask
“if you want to be boyfriends.”
“i don’t think i’d be asking if i didn’t.”
“then yeah, yeah we’re boyfriends.”
logan walks back into his house with a giant smile, and he plays that event over and over and over again in his mind as he lies awake in bed that night
roman calls patton immediately
and they may or may not scream about it together
logan sends virgil a short text that goes along the lines of ‘roman and i are dating now’ but in real life he’s so giddy that his fingers shake as he types it out
they have their first kiss in roman’s bedroom a couple days later
when school rolls back around in the fall, they walk through the doors hand in hand
and now their rivalry is nothing but a legend that the seniors tell the freshmen whenever someone complains about ‘that one couple that keeps making out in the math wing stairwell, excuse me, i just want to get to class’
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The Origin of Eyeless Jack
Click… click… click…
Jack continued pressing the button on the remote, idly watching the different channels pop up before changing again. Nothing really came on during the weekends, surprisingly. Nothing but 'Paid Programing' and other TV shows he didn't enjoy. Sighing, the college student rose up from his sofa, making his way to the desk resting against the wall next to his bed. He was already done with homework, finishing most of it in class that day. Unlike his roommate, Jack could get his shit done fast enough to have the rest of the day to himself to do whatever.
He wasn't feeling to play any video games. Didn't really want to drive out anywhere. Swiping his black hoody off his chair, Jack slipped it on and grabbed his dorm keys shoving them in his pocket after closing the door behind him. A nice walk around the campus should do the trick. Fresh air usually calmed him, if not helped him think. Lately he'd been feeling… different. He knew it wasn't his body, or college itself. He didn't have any girlfriends to worry about. He just felt different without any explanation. It gave him a headache he was thinking so hard. Jack rubbed his temples, pushing the door leading outside with his foot. A gust of wind swept across slamming the door behind him.
It was around 6PM, the sky was mixed with both orange and blue. The further the sky grew the darker it got. Curfew, surprisingly, was 12 o'clock Midnight. He never really questioned it vocally, but always wondered why it was so late. Usually curfew was around 8PM where he lived.
"Hi Jack!" The male looked up to see one of the girls in his class. She most likely left class, considering she still had her book bag on her shoulder. Jack half smiled and rose a hand to greet her. It was-- oh, what was her name? Jenny! Jenny Smith.
"Hey Jenny. Just now leaving class?" Jenny smiled and nodded her head, adjusting the strap. "It's pretty late, what made you stay so long?" The girl's smile lost it's brightness for a split second before reviving.
"Oh… Just a study session. We have finals comeing up soon y'know. Best to stay on the ball." She giggled before tucking her hair behind her ear. "What are you doing out here anyway? It's gonna storm tonight." Jack shrugged his shoulders before eyeing the sky, smelling the air for moisture. Yep. It would rain any second.
"Just came out for some fresh air is all. Got done with homework in class 'n stuff. Didn't feel like playing any video games or watching TV. So I came out here." Jenny nodded her head every so often, showing him she was paying attention, and smiled again.
"Hehe, well, you got your air. I gotta go though, I'll see you later!" Before Jack could reply with a goodbye, the girl quickly dashed off past him, following the sidewalk up around the side of the dorms. Jack rose a brow in curiosity, his mind zipping with questions. Only to have it cut off by a drop of rain-- then another, and another.
"Shit." He muttered, running back to the door to get back inside, not wanting to get too soaked in the rain. Another slam of the door rose up behind him. Jack started shaking his fingers through his hair, sending water droplets everywhere while wiping off the rain from his face and jacket. As he made his way back up to his dorm room Jack began fishing through his pockets for his keys, whistling a random tune while he traveled up the two flights of stairs. Listening to his tune echo out in all directions. It was kinda creepy, now that he thought about it… Where WAS everyone? It was too quiet for a Friday evening. There was usually people up and about… maybe lots of students staid behind for tutoring. Maybe some went home for a weekend. Maybe people are already in bed, or in their dorms. Being very… very, quiet.
Jack sighed as he began unlocking the door, shoving his keys back in his pocket after the door closed behind him.
"Yo Greg! You here?" Nothing. No response. Just the sound of rain hitting against windows. "Huh.. guess he's studying too…" That's a first. Jack made his way over to his bed, slumping down to get ready to sleep. He pulled off his hoody, kicked his shoes off, and rolled over to face the wall, not bothering with the covers. He just wanted some sleep. Closing his eyes, Jack slowly began dozing off. The rain practically lulling him to sleep.
"Praise Chernobog, for his bloodstained hands will bring salvation to us all! HE shall bring us closer to our everlasting paradise! HE is our lord and savior! Praise Chernobog! Praise Chernobog!!"
Jack let out a gut wrenching gasp for air, waking in a cold sweat. His eyes darted from one corner to another before rising up from his spot. He panted, feeling his hands tremble from the dream he just had. Jack looked around his room, relieved that his roommate Greg was in his bed. He could tell he was fast asleep from the dreaded snoring that came out of him. He himself was surprised he could sleep through it. Slowly exhaling through his mouth, Jack rose up from his bed, staggering to the mini fridge on the other side of the room. His mind churning questions. What kind of dream WAS that?? Never had he experienced one so… so real. Grabbing a water bottle from the mini fridge, Jack began gulping down the bottle, not caring if he woke up Greg.
Letting out a cold sigh Jack tossed the now empty bottle into the recycling bin, now making his way to the bathroom. He stopped in front of the mirror, hands gripping the sides of the sink as he eyed himself. He was pale, eyes border lining bloodshot. Groaning, he let his head hang low, fighting the urge to vomit. "Man… What the fuck…" He murmured, running his hand across his forehead to wipe away more sweat. That's what I get for playing those survival horror games. He though to himself, slightly smiling as he began brushing off the whole thing. Get it together Jack, it was only a dream. Dreams don't come true. You've just played too much Silent House is all. No big deal. Just go back to sleep, and get some decent rest. "Easier said than done…"
That morning, Jack felt someone shake him awake.
"Dude, Jack, wake up bro, you've GOT to see this." Jack let out a tired, irritated groan from under the covers, slowly pulling them down to see what Greg wanted. The blonde grinned and flashed a photo on his phone in his face. "Guess who got laid last night." It was a picture of some topless girl on his lap, posing for the camera.
"… She looks drunk." Jack muttered sleepily, his hand slowly rubbing the sleepies from his eyes. Greg blew air through his pursed lips, rolling his eyes as he closed his flip phone.
"You're just jealous."
"Bullshit. I'd rather have a life than get some chick pregnant at college."
"Touche good sir, but fuck you, I use protection."
"Whatever…" Jack began pulling his covers back over his head, feeling the weight of his friend rise up off his bed. Good, he could get back to sleep.
"Dude, I had such a weird dream last night." Jack paused when his mind processed the word 'weird dream' and was instantly awake.
"… Really…? Me too… What was it about?" Greg shrugged his shoulders, his fingers flying across the numbers on his cell, forming a text to his girlfriend.
"I had a dream where my grandma blew up like a balloon and started chasing me around with a giant fly-swatter." Jack's fear and anxiety dropped. He turned his head to look at him.
"… What the hell dude." Greg laughed after snapping his cell shut.
"I know right?? Fucking hate that hag. Won't surprise me if she completely dislikes me. I broke so much shit in her house as a kid." Jack rolled his eyes, fully pulling the covers over his head, wanting to get more sleep in. Greg looked over and rose a brow. "You said you had a dream right? You remember it?" Jack laid there in silence, wanting him just to leave already. The blonde furrowed his brow and began nudging Jack's back with his foot. "Come onnn, tell me. I know you're awake."
"… I had a dream about some guy 'preaching'."
"And you say MY dream is weird."
"I never said your dream was weird. But it is."
"Anyways, go on." Greg pulled his knees up, resting his arms on them as he listened. Jack sighed and rose up from his warm salvation of sleep.
"There was this guy preaching about some guy named 'Chernobog'. And that he'd lead everyone to paradise with bloodstained hands. They were dressed in these weird looking robes and wore these weird masks..." Jack looked over to his friend, watching him give a weirded out look.
"… Bro, you've played WAYYY to much Silent House." Jack smiled a little and shrugged his shoulders. Relieved that his friend had said his thoughts the night before.
"What can I say? I love horror games."
Jack spent most of his morning studying for finals, wanting to get school-related things out of the way before he could enjoyed his weekend. Greg left to meet up with his girlfriend, telling Jack he'd be back around 6. It was usually on Sundays when the two sat down together and played one of the many video games that had until it was time for bed. For Jack that is. Sighing, he turned the last page over on his notes packet, memorizing his handwriting slowly. Suddenly, a knock at the door tore him from his studying. Jack turned his head and eyed the door, then rose up from his desk to answer the door. Pulling it open, he was surprised to see Jenny standing in front of the door. "Oh… Hey Jenny." Jenny smiled and waved.
"Hi Jack! What are you doing inside on a Saturday?" Jack looked back to his desk before turning back to the girl.
"I'm getting my studying done early so I can enjoy the rest of the day with relaxation." Jenny nodded her head understandingly and placed her hands on her hips.
"Well, I'm sure you've done enough studying, you should come outside. Everyone's doing something today." Jack mentally sighed in relief. Good, so people WERE here today.
"I'll come out when I'm done. I guess…" Jenny giggled and nodded again.
"Hehe, okay~! See you later!" As just like that, the student was off in a flash. Jack smiled a little before closing the door, making his way back to his desk. He sat down and began rereading the page of notes, keeping everything fresh on his mind.
Then it hit him. How did Jenny know where his dorm room was..? They never really talked to eachother, let alone shared dorm room numbers. It kinda gave him a creepy feeling at first. But then his realist side thought otherwise. Maybe she saw you come into this room once without you noticing. Maybe Greg had told her what room he lived in, and it just so happened that Greg and he shared rooms. Shaking his head in frustration, Jack rubbed his temples.
"You're just overanalyzing everything Jack. No need to fret over pointless stuff.." He said to himself, running his fingers through his hair. Maybe he was done studying for the day. Again, he swiped up his hoody off his chair and slipped it back on, along with his shoes before heading outside. When he got to the bottom of the stairs, he felt himself breath another sigh of relief when he saw how many students were up and about. Glad to know he wasn't going crazy.
He watched as some people played ball, tossing either a football or baseball. Girls were huddled in groups outside, talking about lord knows what, not that he cared. He was just happy to see people. Just then, a hand crept over his shoulder. Jack looked back to see it was, none other than Jenny. Again. "O-oh, hey Jenny." The girl smiled.
"Hehe you're outside of that dark room! Took my advice to come out eh?" Jack smiled nervously, giving a nod or two. "You should hang out with me and my friends. We're gonna go for a walk in the woods." Jack rose a questioning brow.
"For what?" Jenny laughed.
"We're just hanging out at our place. Come on, don't be a wuss." Jack felt a little hesitant at first, but he slowly came around and agreed to follow. Jenny grabbed him by the hand and began tugging him along, making sure he was close. "Hurray! Off to the Cave!"
"The Cave?" Jack asked, watching the forrest grow bigger with every step.
"Our hangout silly! Sarah found it at the beginning of the year, so we decided to make it a hangout area for us."
"Us?" Jack asked again, looking back over his shoulder watching the school slowly get consumed by trees.
"Me, Sarah, Bobby, Fred, and Luna. You ask a lot of questions." Jack couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh.
"Sorry, I don't mean to. I've been having a rough weekend is all." Jenny looked back at him and smiled.
"It's okay! We all have our days."
As minutes passed, the two walked around what seemed like an invisible path that only Jenny could see. Jack couldn't help but begin to worry. He was about to open his mouth to ask another question, until the girl released his hand, punching her fists in the air. "We're here~!" She sang, running ahead of the boy. Jack looked up to see a rather large cave next to a babbling brook. He watched as two girls and boys appeared from inside it, greeting Jenny happily-- until they saw Jack. Their smiles faded and they began leaning in to Jenny, whispering while keeping their eye on him. Jack felt a little nervous, feeling as if he shouldn't be there at all and that he should be back at his dorm room playing Silent House. But, Jenny looked back as well, gesturing him to come forwards like it was okay. The brunette took a deep breath before making his way over, eyeing over everyone but Jenny. All of them still didn't look pleased, despite their forced smiles.
"Uhh… hey." Jack rose a hand giving a wave. Sarah eyed him over before crossing her arms.
"Hi." She said bluntly.
"Hey." Said Bobby and Luna.
"Sup?" Fred smiled, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"What's he doing here Jen? I thought it was just going to be you." Jenny rolled her eyes at Sarah's statement and wrapped an arm around Jack, her free hand patting him on the chest.
"I thought it would be cool if you guys met Jack. He's a really cool guy, honest!" Luna and Bobby looked at one another while Fred nodded.
"I've heard about him. Straight A student, smart kid." Fred walked over to Jack and began leading him inside the cave, rambling on about what kind of video games he liked. Leaving the group outside. Sarah shot daggers towards Jenny. Jenny gave a stink eye back.
"What the Hell do you think you're doing Jen?? You can't let outsiders into--"
"He's not going to find anything out. Be nice for a change, Sarah." Sarah glared, then grumbled under her breath, following after Fred. Luna and Bobby looked at one another before going in as well.
The group settled inside, everyone huddled around a fire in a circle. Jack sat in between Jenny and Fred while the others completed their small circle. Jack felt uncomfortable, especially with Sarah giving dirty looks every so often. But surprisingly, the evening wasn't all too bad. Everyone got to know a bit more about him, asking questions and talking about what they enjoyed doing, talking about school and exams. Jack looked around the cave as they spoke. It was cool inside. They had tables and desks, places where they set up books. They even had a compartment for food. It really was like a place to hang out. I guess I worried about nothing. Jack thought, smiling at the comment Fred made. There was a sudden clap of thunder from the distance, causing the group to look up at the entrance of the cave.
"ANOTHER storm??" Sarah complained, rising up with a book bag over her shoulder. "I'm leaving, last thing I want to do is get caught in the storm. Bye." Sarah turned on heel and ran over to her bike resting up against a tree, and rode off back to the school. Luna and Bobby both rose up together.
"We don't want to get wet either… We'll catch you guys later, okay?" Luna said, smiling over at Jack and the others. The duo both pulled their book bags up off the ground, running off to try and beat the storm. Fred didn't move.
"I'm gonna stay here for a bit, there's some things I need to get back here. You guys can go on ahead if you want." Jack looked to Jenny before getting up off the stool.
"Yeah, I'm gonna go back too. Greg is probably back and might be wondering where I am." Jenny smiled up at him and nodded.
"Okay! I'm gonna help Fred, just follow the same path back to the school. I'll see you later, Jack." Jack smiled and waved goodbye to the two, he too making his way out of the cave and into the forrest. It shouldn't be too hard to get back, if he followed Luna and Bobby from afar.
An hour passed. Jack began unlocking his dorm door with his keys, opening up the door to find Greg on his laptop on the sofa. Greg looked up and smiled.
"Yo Jack. Where've you been?" He asked, surprised that Jack had stepped out altogether.
"I was invited to come look at some 'secret base' in the forrest behind the school." He replied, closing the door behind him while he began kicking off his shoes. Greg rose a brow closing his laptop.
"Oh really? Invited by who?"
"You know that Jenny girl in our first period class?" Greg's smile slowly faded.
"Dude, she's weird…" Jack furrowed his brow in confusion.
"What do you mean she's weird? Weird like how?" Greg looked away nervously before answering.
"You know what kind of shit she reads? She has like, books upon books about these freaky-ass cults. I shit you not." Jack rolled his eyes before walking over to his dresser. "Dude, I'm serious! You probably shouldn't hang out with her. People who read that stuff are messed up in the head."
"Yeah yeah, whatever." Jack replied, rummaging around through his clothes. "I'm gonna take a shower. We have another storm coming." Greg blinked and looked back at their window.
"Aww man, really? I was going to go out with Gabby tonight…" He moaned sadly, watching the clouds churn into a deep grey. Jack chuckled at his friend before going into the shower.
"Jack. Jack wake up! Wake up Jack!" Jack felt Greg shake him, groaning in anger.
"Uuugh what?? What is it??" He asked, looking up at a nervous Greg. Greg looked over to the window.
"Dude, someone's out in the forrest lighting fires." Jack rubbed his eye with his palm.
"Do what?"
"Someone, is outside, lighting fires. Look!" Greg pulled him out of his bed and pointed out towards the forrest. Jack sighed, still rubbing his eyes before looking out the window. To his surprise, there was a fire lit. But it was far back into the woods. Almost around the area where Jenny's 'select base' was.
"Well I'll be damned… There is a fire." He muttered, noticing that the storm had stopped. "What time is it?"
"We should go check it out. That looks like it's where their little hideout is." Greg gave Jack a freaked out look of 'you're out of your fucking mind'. "What?? I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation why someone's out there lighting fires."
"Yeah, for cults." Jack shot him a look.
"Dude get over yourself. There is NO cult."
"I call bullshit. I'm not going." Jack smirked.
"You chicken?" He asked, watching Greg get flustered.
"Dude, seriously, don't go. Last thing you want is getting in trouble…" Jack rolled his eyes.
"Whatever, I'm going to check it out. If there's anything wrong, I'll report it to the headmaster." Jack changed out of his pajamas, dressing in jeans, a blue t-shirt along with his black hoody and shoes. Pulling out their emergency flashlight from the desk drawer, Jack walked over to the door. "I'll see you in a bit." He called out, watching Greg shake his head.
"Curiosity killed the cat man, killed the cat!" He called back, watching the door close.
Jack pulled his hood up over his head and began making his way down the stairs. It was probably just Jenny and her friends hanging out at their spot late at night. I mean, loads of people do that, right? The second he walked outside, Jack felt the air shift from normal to damp and chilly. He began making his way towards the forrest, using the flashlight as much as he could to follow the path Jenny led him down the previous day. Jack started growing nervous, listening to the sounds of life of night in the forrest. Easy now Jack, there's absolutely nothing that can hurt you in this forrest. Nothing.
Minutes passed as Jack finally began getting closer to the cave Jenny showed him before. He could see the dim light from afar, and talking. Loud talking, but it didn't sound like Jenny or Bobby, or anyone else from their group. The closer he got, the clearer the voice. Turning off his flashlight, Jack peeked around a tree. What he saw shook him to his core. There, standing outside of the cave was a group of robed people. Judging by their height, they were students. Both male and female. They all wore black robes and blue mouthless masks with big eyeless holes. One of them began stepping up to a podium. He rose his hands up in the air.
"Thank you, my brothers and sisters for joining me this night of nights. Tonight is the night when we summon our lord and savior, Chernobog!" The group below him cried and called out things like 'Praise Chernobog!' and 'All hail Chernobog!'. "Tonight is the night, when Chernobog will choose his sacrifice! The one who will lead us to paradise and free us from this Hell!" The group of students began cheering, chanting the name of 'Chernobog'.
Jack shook his head in disbelief, slowly backing up from the tree he hid behind.
"Oh my god… there really IS a cult!" He murmured. Jack turned to run back to the school, only to be stopped by Jenny, who was standing there the whole time. "J-Jenny! Thank god you're here!" Jack ran over to her. "Th-there's this cult thing, w-we got to go tell someone!" Jenny smiled.
"Cult? There is no cult, Jack. You're just overreacting." She chuckled, suddenly feeling Jack shake her by the arms.
"NO! Listen to me! We need to get out of--" Jack's words were cut off from a rock against his head. His eyes fluttered slightly, stumbling back before collapsing on the ground with a thud. Blurry figures began circling around him as he watched Jenny smile down at him. Then everything went black.
Jack awoke from a bucket of cold water being dumped over his head, blood trickling down the side of his head onto his ear and side of his face. He winced, feeling his head throb in pain. The second he remembered the last thing he saw, he gasped, looking up to see that he was sitting in front of everyone. His arms were held firmly behind his back. The leader of the cult walked up in front of him and smiled under the mask.
"Chernobog has found his sacrifice! Hail Chernobog!" He called, listening as the group repeated the phrase. Jack attempted to struggle, the pain of his head fighting against him. "You shall become one of Chernobog's sons, the chosen one to live upon this wretched world and do his bidding." The group cried the phrase once more. Jack shook his head as fast as he could.
"N-no… No! All of you are crazy! Let me go!!" He yelled, letting out a yelp of pain from his arms being twisted. The leader laughed, turning to the group behind him.
"Come! My brothers and sisters, help me change this nonbeliever into the son of Chernobog!" The group chanted the phrase, stepping closer to form a large circle around them. "Praise Chernobog, for his bloodstained hands will bring salvation to us all! HE shall bring us closer to our everlasting paradise! HE is our lord and savior! Praise Chernobog! Praise Chernobog!!" He cried once more. Jack listened as the group began chanting in a different language, he felt his heart beat grow faster, watching one of the group members walk before them with a tray of tools and other queer objects. The person pulled their mask off, revealing it to be Jenny. She smiled taking a spoon from the tray.
"Isn't this great Jack? The great lord Chernobog has chosen you to be his son!" Jack shook his head, tears flooding his eyes. "I never knew you'd be the one."
"No! Jenny no! Please, please don't do this!" He begged, watching her stop in front of him. She giggled placing her hand on his forehead.
"All hail lord Chernobog~."
The girl then stabbed the spoon in his left eye, ignoring the cries of pain Jack let out. He squirmed and struggled agains the two who held him down feeling his eye being gorged out from it's socket. "Hold still Jack! You'll make me kill you." Jenny said with complete calmness as she began working on his other eye, watching blood spirt and trickle down his face, still ignoring his cries and pleas. The leader stepped in, holding a bowl of black hot ooze in his hands.
"Behold, the sight of Chernobog!" He called, watching Jenny hold his head still and began pouring the tar-like liquid inside his eye sockets. Jack let out a bloodcurdling scream of pain, feeling the substance overflow and trickle down his eyelids. Placing his hand on Jack's forehead, the leader began chanting the same language as the others, watching as Jack's body become limp and lifeless. He watched as Jenny held a book open to a passage of a different language.
Rise great lord Chernobog
Rise and take vessel of the sacrifice we give you
Give yourself to this vessel
Be one with this vessel
Rise great lord Chernobog
Panting heavily, Jack rose up from the now dead body of Bobby, yanking off the mask he wore like the others. Standing up, he looked over the massacre he created. Every single person was dead. Masks torn off, throats slashed, guts cut open, eyes gouged out. His hood and pants stained with blood. Scalpel in hand, Jack turned to the last living person. Jenny, border lining death, watched as he stepped above her. His skin had turned black, teeth sharpened to a point, nails long and sharp. He wasn't human anymore. She smiled, blood leaking from her mouth as she spoke.
"R-release me… into ever..lasting… paradi..se…." Jack growled low, teeth showing.
"You don't deserve paradise… none of you do…" He knelt down, swiping the mask from the ground. "Burn in Hell. ALL, of you." Jenny watched as he pulled the mask on, the black substance trickling down onto the mask from his eyes. She grabbed ahold of his ankle weakly, begging to be released to paradise. Only to have him pull away from her before walking off into the shadows. She cried, tears rolling down her face as she called out to him until her last breath.
This just in! A group of students have been slaughtered at West Point College. Autopsy reveals everyone's kidneys have been removed for reasons unknown. Many believe it has to do with a supposed cultist act at the school. Student Jack Nichols has been reported missing. More tonight at 9.
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