#i guess i could also talk a bit about the third installment in the hawkins psychic baby boom series but. again. spoilers!
marypsue · 2 years
👀 and 🥰 for the meme game! Also the body swap AU sounds wonderful!
from this meme
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I've talked about I think all of them here, because it's taking me forever to finish things lately, soooo...I guess I will take this opportunity to plug the WIP I've tentatively titled how many times (do you wanna die), also known as 'groundhog day but it's halloween and every time bob newby dies it gets faster'! I've been plugging away at this one for. Uh. Too long, and I only just figured out what needs to happen before I can end it (although I'm still working through a few of the hows). So. I'm hopeful you'll be seeing it sooner rather than later!
It is, as you might have guessed from the title, a time loop fic set during Stranger Things season 2. Bob has to somehow figure out a) what the heck is going on in season 2 and b) how to stop it without c) dying, with only what everybody knows up until the point where he dies in canon, while also d) unintentionally falling for Jim Hopper as well as Joyce Byers and e) having to somehow figure out how to navigate that whole complicated situation and somehow come out the other side without anybody unhappy and/or dead. And he has just a few days, every loop, to get it right.
It is the least fun logic puzzle he's ever had to, well, puzzle out (pun fully intended).
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
Love love love it, m'dudes. I appreciate the heck out of everybody who takes the time out of their day to talk to me about stuff what I wrote. (It can sometimes take me a while to digest and respond, but please know that I'm spending that time rolling around in your asks/comments/what have you like a dog on a freshly cut lawn. Or possibly Mabel Pines rolling down a hill yelling 'Yay! Grass!'.)
(Also thank you, I'm very hype for the bodyswap AU! It's going to take quite a while before it's finished, I think, but there are a couple of things in there that I'm positively dying to get to reveal.)
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