#i gotta upload my fanfics bro
wia-tia · 3 months
AKA, please, one interaction between adult Taiki and Hikaru, PLEASE
I need an angsty pannel between them
The angst potential is way too good (maybe a bit of comfort too?)
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randomgentlefolk · 10 months
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Ooh!! I should've expected this room to show up in her dream. I'm guessing that it has something to do with the reflections in the sugars?? In the chapter where Frederick and Gwen was in this room, their sweet moment was interrupted by Gwen seeing her reflection in one of the sugar. Maybe the reflections will tell her something regarding her view of herself? Or maybe they will instead warn her about what's happening at the Palace's hall? (By that I mean the war)
Or perhaps...We will see Frederick?
Okay, moving on to the war—
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Bruh they gotta STOP finishing each other's sentence it's driving me crazy and slowly taking my hope away from Blaine T_T
I still have my hopes on Blaine, but it's fading away veryyyy slowly. I'm trying hard to believe in him tho. Good thing I have fanfics and my imagination to help me cope through this :')
May I just say, I love Jamie speaking in Wingdings XD. I tried to translate it but weirdly it didn't translate into an understandable sentence/word. It's just gibberish.
Curtis with a broom...HE'S SO COOL?? Never underestimate butlers real (Curtis, Alfred)
Lorzanna moment!! They are adorable :D Also they are soooo gonna kick Leland's butt.
Also everyone should just use Laverne as a defense strategy here, just saying. It seems to be really effective.
Leland's threat kinda takes my interest here. What do you mean "or else I will"? Do you mean you can just literally stop what's going on right here right now? Then why not just do it now? Or by that does he mean he's going to punish the Plaid Princes in the dungeon again...or worse? Uh well at the very least all I know is LELAND SUCKS.
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GO, LANCE, GO!! Betray your bs of a father and stop your big brother from succumbing to the dark side!! I have faith in you :') Honestly even though Lorena don't really understand Lance's fear of Leland and calling him a coward kinda stung, but at the same time it's kinda a wake up call for him? I guess??
Oh yeah, sorry for ruining the moment here but I've been thinking about how sick his new scars would be like it would be shapes like an X and that's so cool?!
Yeah I gotta agree with Lorena here, that was kinda creepy Leland... But Lorena's throw was amazing. Like dang..that spear must be heavy as frick and she throws it with a huge strength?? Lorena = Undyne confirmed?
Beckett to the rescue!! :D love that guy. Hopefully the misunderstanding between Maria and Gwen will clear up though :')
And lastly...the one I'm ejwnsuehw about the most...
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Blaine c'mon man Blaine wait listen to me dude wait wait wait. Stop okay stop don't do this 😭😭 Literally go meditating with Whitney bro THIS IS NOT YOU. I don't think i can change you at this point but literally you don't even want to change. And this is the most difficult part because no matter how much you want to help someone, it's pointless if they don't even wanna help themselves. I'm really hoping he would get redemption arc especially because of what Isolde told him in chapter 144.
Oh! I almost forgot. Let's look into the fast pass section!
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So first of all we have Blaine vs. Frederick :') but what takes my interest the most is.. The Prince vs. The Prez... Obviously the prince is Blaine, since it uses singular noun and in the thumbnail we see Blaine and Prez. But what caught my attention is "the Prez..." the prez what? The prez club? This could be something regarding cpc, or maybe Prez creates a new group? I can't wait for it to upload :D
Well that it's for today, now let me just sob on the floor while holding my plaid clothes in front of my cats again.
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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The Tale of the Shirt
In celebration of WayV’s amazing comeback I wrote a really terrible (Lucas?) fanfic in even worse poetry form. Forgive me, I was forced to upload it.
T'was long ago, in a land so very far from here A few boys, sitting five feet apart, cracking open a cold beer "Lads", one said, "The wind is quite chilly and I got no shirt... We work all day for entertainment, yet we're treated like dirt."  "You're right, brother Kun", Ten said and tried to cover his chest. "It's in our hand to find warmth, so let's go on a quest.” They all agreed and went on their way What would await them? A princess to save? A dragon to slay? After a short time, a big bear stood in front of a river "Stop right there", he said. "I know why you're here, I notice your shivers." "So can you help us?", Winwin asked. "We're in really bad condition." "Of course", the bear said. "But you have to go on a mission." 
"To find what you seek, take off and walk on the moon You gotta awaken the world, but don't you come back too soon You can’t turn back time so wait for the ship to sail For if you come back too quickly, your mission will fail." The boys nodded and pretended to understand They really had no choice though, it was their last chance Brother Lucas could feel that he barely had time His heart grew cold and colder, his life on the line  The way to the moon wasn't difficult to find A bit of hard work, but they were used to the grind 😤💪🏻 The moon was fairly empty, yet the prettiest thing they've ever seen They looked around and around, until they finally noticed the queen She just laid there, a bed of flowers covering her body "Who is that?" Hendery asked. "A cheap snow white copy?" "Wouldn't that be sleeping beauty, you idiot?"  another replied. "Whatever", he said. "Who of us is gonna be the fairytale knight?" One brother asked: "So you think a kiss could wake her up from her sleep?" Brother Ten said: "We're not gonna kiss her without consent, you creep.” They had a long discussion, but couldn't decide what to do "Let's go to sleep", Kun said. "Tomorrow we'll begin anew."  All the boys went to sleep, but Lucas didn't leave the queen's side He'd find a way to wake her up, even if it'll take the whole night He felt a bit sleepy, his eyes barely kept open But his heart didn't rest, fully filled with emotions Suddenly, a noise startled him and made him wake up The queen looked at him slightly confused, Lucas stayed cool and said "....sup?" The other boys were quick on their feet, they stared and admired "We almost thought you were dead" - "Nah, just real fucking tired."  "What does this mean?", Yangyang asked. "Will she help us or is all this flopping?" "Help you?" The queen asked. "I guess I could, but you gotta prove your hearts are jopping." "Lucas, it's time", Kun gestured at the place in front of the queen "Show us what your heart is made of, you dancing machine."  Lucas jopped and jopped, he jopped his heart out, jopped with all he got The queen gestured him to pause "Thank you, I think that's enough." "Can we go home now?", Xiaojun asked full of hope. "But have we awakened the world?" - "Hm... I guess.. nope?" "Ah, don't be sad", the queen said and saw the answer in Lucas' eyes. He just nodded. "Don't worry, I know everything now, guys." "So, what is it, dude? Can you say something productive and not just stare at the girl?" "There's noone else", he said. "She's awake now... And she's my whole world." "Are you fucking..." the boys mumbled in unison. "Keep the cheesy stuff for later, let's go." But Lucas shook his head. "I will stay here, and I hope you understand, bros." The boys just agreed and left, back home they arrived and sat down "I'm exhausted", Xiaojun said. "And I feel like a clown." "We go on this longass adventure just for Lucas to flirt? Then we come back still freezing, cause we still got no shirts. And on top of that, we had to nap on stone and watch Lucas' jopping" "Alright, shut up", Winwin said. "Hop in losers, we're going shopping." And so, yet again, the boys went on their way Suddenly Hendery asked: "Do we even have enough money to pay?" "Don't ask me", Yangyang said. "I'm just here for the shoe sale." "Who do I ask?" - "The dumb bitch who wrote this tale." Ah, my dear Hendery. Hello, nice to meet you, it's me. Perhaps you wonder why you only now go on that shopping spree Yes, you have the money, so I hope you can forgive a friend For taking that detour, to give Y/N a happy end. -END-
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 13 pt 1: Mokuba Finally Gets Stockholm Syndrome
So, I have today off work so lunchtime on a Thursday feels like a better time than ever to chime in on a 20 year old anime and say, uh this episode is nuts?
Like this whole arc has been somewhat tame compared to a lot of the stuff we’ve been dealing with in regards to Yugioh. Yeah, Tristan died, but like...Marik hasn’t murdered a hundred people lately so it’s been a pretty pleasant ride. And this was alllll part of Yugioh’s greater plan, Yugioh likes to do this, where it’s been overall a monster of the week Sat Morning cartoon type of affair, giving you a false sense of “I think I know what’s going on. I think I understand the logic of this show” before they start ripping the rugs out from under your feet with no other reason than to utterly confuse you.
And it’s like you just...you don’t expect this from a kid’s show.
And like don’t tell me you predicted this episode, guys, because it makes no freakin sense. I had to binge to the next episode just because I was like holding up all my paperwork of Seto Kaiba’s timeline and motioning at my brother “SHOW ME THE RECEIPTS!!” Because y’all this did not...
This just did not.
And like I’m very calm as I write these posts, but as I was watching this episode, I kept pausing it, turning to Steve-O and saying “NO.” Of course all of that drama goes on in the second part of this episode. The first half is still that somewhat tame area where it’s definitely very weird but it’s not...it’s not unpredictably weird yet, youknow?
So, to start out, Noah has given up on trying to persuade any of the Kaibas to change. It is not a thing Kaibas do.
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He decides to show off his skills as a master manipulator, by manipulating one of the most manipulated boys on this entire show. The only person more manipulated is Yugi, who is has an actual brain parasite (and people might like the brain parasite more than him even so it’s like...it’s a situation up there).
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Everything from here on concerning Mokuba is bizarre and kind of frustrating. Starting with the clone entering in from the black void.
(read more under the cut)
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I like that we know this is Seto because of the 6 inch hip spike on his jacket. Yo if they ever did a Netflix Live Action Yugioh first off of all, they cannot do half of the hair on this show, second of all, this jacket. It can’t be possible. And like I’ve seen some pretty good high effort Seto Cosplay but the jacket spikes are like...that’s pretty rough youknow? First off, this custom jacket would take you like 8 months to sew, it’d be insanely expensive with the custom lining and the poofy everything, and then those spikes? Like what do you even do? I can’t even imagine.
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One off screen slap by the clone, and then Mokuba decided his brother is now Darth Vader. Can’t believe it was that easy.
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And then, to top off my frustration with how quickly Mokuba’s Stockholm Syndrome set in--Noah could do this the entire time.
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Y’all I was so mad. It’s Episode 13 and he pulls this out now, are you kidding me? The entire time. The entire freakin time. This is like “and Bakura can just shoot lasers whenever but won’t be bothered.”
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I still love this storyboarder but maybe they just don’t like drawing hugs? I mean, it’s supposed to be a spooky hug, but like...it’s more like a wrestling move that Mokuba has just decided to give up and lean into.
And you know what? I get it. Drawing affection freakin sucks. Hard to explain why but trust me--it’s freakin cursed. It’s worse than drawing cars. I’d rather draw like 3 cars. (And exactly 3 because it would take a hell of a lot of money to ever make me draw 4.)
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Seto decides to run ahead although, and I just want to point this out--this bridge joins in the next scene so they can all reunite and there is a car right behind him.
There is a car and he uses his damn legs.
Smartest boy in Domino.
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And off he goes, his wedding dress coat elegantly flapping in the wind as he...
...down a tunnel that is clearly marked with lane lines for cars.
Because Noah gave them a car.
Meanwhile, back at the car, Joey is Done and has found a great way to win the Battle City Tournament.
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They did not. It was so weird. They took out most of the the slaps, but left in this monkey burrowing into Serenity’s chest for like 20 weird seconds. It made squeaky noises.
Serenity doesn’t seem to care by the way, it’s very, very 90′s.
Anyway, Tea’s decided she’s now done hanging out with these guys and the pervert monkey, so off these two go. Off to follow the plot. On foot.
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The tunnel vanishes, and these four are left outside to continue...just doing nothing guess. Duke always ends up on the lowest effort team, youknow? I dump on Duke a lot but I’ve been kinda feeling bad for him.
Anyway, inside this tunnel, Noah is catfishing Seto as Mokuba and I gotta say, it’s way better than the shorts. Just put Noah in this outfit all the time.
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And our heroes have decided to save the day by going the wrong way at the fork and completely missing Seto Kaiba’s loud booming voice. How do they get lost when Kaiba is being exploded just off camera?
Like it says a lot about these kids that they got lost down a tunnel with only 1 fork.
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I had to look this up, and unfortunately this is not the same house as Kaiba’s Season Zero house. Would have been a neat touch but nah, it’s just a generic university style house that no one would ever want to actually live in.
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ENTER MARIK. Thank all those gods, including himself, he’s finally here. To...not do anything. Especially since this is a 2-parter. He’ll do a little more next update. Still not much, but oh man, am I glad to see Marik. Am I glad to see that third eye is absolutely still glowing on his forehead. Can’t imagine how hard it is to sleep with that thing buzzing all day.
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Back in VR land, I have been hit in the face with Seto’s design and it’s like the first time I’ve ever seen it.
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Every single season of Yugioh spices up the character designs a tad and it takes a little while to get used to. I think Seto may have been slightly exaggerated in this scene but...he still seems way taller now. Like he’s basically Yugioh Pumpkin King at this point. Peak 00′s.
Anyway, was this why Noah said “Look down” ? Because like...that’s not really a hint if you throw him down a hole.
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Seto’s reaction to this was “I’m just really tired of everything that’s happened today and I’m going home.” and he grabbed Mokuba by the hand to leave but, apparently Mokuba is too slippery to be abducted twice?
Weird that the only person who physically cannot abduct Mokuba is Seto Kaiba. The only person.
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And just like that, Mokuba is now on team Noah and Seto is just...standing there. Noah is sort of a god person in this universe since he can code whatever he wants around him but like...
...still feels a little weird to see Seto go from “I’ll punch whatever I need to get Moki back” in S1 to “I guess Moki hates me so I’ll let him stay here now” when Mokuba is clearly possessed.
Anyways, this all gets much weirder next episode, but it was very, very long so I split it in two. Like I dunno how many of you want to read tumblr posts that rival Livejournal posts in length so...we’ll save that for next time. (in fact I was just telling bro that if Tumblr does go down, I don’t even know if there’s long-form blogging platforms left other than like webcomic sites and fanfic sites. We’ll cross our fingers that I never have to move this blog over to like...Tapas ((I would never do that ps, Tapas is a nightmare to upload to even if you just want to do comics and that is a whole story in and of itself)))
But ya. Noah could just mind control whoever.
Like whoever.
Y’all the past 12 episodes were kind of like Bakura level of “I could do something, if I felt like it, and it would take like 2 seconds max and nobody would stop me, but then I’d have to get off my ass, and I’m too busy watching the world burn to bother.”
Which is very much every villain in Yugioh, being real.
If you just found my blog, here’s a place to find all the episodes in chrono order from S1 Ep1, I apologize now that I never separated them into seasons, turns out a Yugioh season is just unapologetically long oops my bad.
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zerolympiustrife · 5 years
I’m almost finished writing my first fanfic! It’s a Smash Bros fanfic. It’s about Cloud meeting Lucina for the first time during Smash 4’s lifespan! All I gotta do is finish writing the ending, then go back to looking over and correcting any errors or minor typos. Also keep in mind, that is the VERY first fanfic I’ve ever written. Please go easy on me when I eventually upload it. >_<
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Can u make a fanfic where choni is living happily in the future, and one day Toni proposes to Cheryl? I love ur writing btw!
I’m just gonna post it here and I’ll upload it to archive of our own when it’s back up and running. Sorry this took so long. I wrote most of it weeks ago and then finished the rest a little while ago. 
“Why do we gotta be on Skype for this part?” Sweet Pea asked from his little square corner of  Toni’s Ipad while he rocked his newborn daughter in his arms, his hair slicked back the same way it had been when they were younger, the only difference now being it was a little shorter.
“Shouldn’t you be whispering or something, bro?” Fangs countered their friend’s question from his corner on Toni’s Ipad, seemingly in bed. He’d been working on growing a beard for the past 3 months, and it was finally starting to be a little less than what Toni classified as a ‘struggle beard’, and she had to admit it looked good on her baby faced friend.
“Nah, see I figure if she learns how to sleep with noise then we ain’t gotta walk around the house on pins and needles.” The oldest of the three Serpents explained, softly patting his daughter’s back now as she squirmed.
“I don’t know if that’s how that works.” Fangs raised an eyebrow, “Tiny, you’re the deciding factor here.”
“He’s actually right.” Toni sided with Sweet Pea, “It’s solid, my aunt did that with all of my cousins so it’s not like you’re going to scar her or anything.” She told her boys as she applied eyeliner in her bathroom mirror. The idle conversation was good. They’d done all of the brainstorming, and she heard all of the pep talks she needed from them. Now they were the distraction that kept her from losing her shit before Cheryl got home.
“Whatever. I’m not planning on having kids anytime soon anyway. Toni’s next on the block for sure. The tune ain’t wrong: First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the ginger with a baby carriage.” Fangs grinned into the camera like a fox and Toni rolled her eyes, “Let’s get the marriage thing out of the way first.” Taking a step back, Toni surveyed herself in the mirror and then presented herself to the two men who would forever be her boys.
“A+ Tiny Toni.” Sweet Pea said with a smile, “And if Izzy was up she’d agree with me.” He told her as he rubbed her daughter’s back.
“Yeah, I’d say yes if you got on one knee. You look hot. You could ask me to knock a guy off and I’d say yes with you wearing that.”  Fangs agreed.
“Thanks guys.” Toni told them graciously, and for the 100th time, glanced at the clock on her Ipad. Cheryl would be due home in about 20 minutes.
“This is it, the last outfit you’ll be wearing as a single woman.” Fangs started, but Sweet Pea cut in, “She hasn’t been single since like junior year of high school, what are you talking about, you dope.”
Fangs sucked his teeth, “Technically a person is single until they are engaged and or married.”
“How can you be engaged and married?” Toni asked, the same hybrid of an confused and amused expression on her face as most times when she had a conversation with Fangs.
“You can ask my uncle Leo. He was engaged to Roxanne while he was still married to my aunt Pearl.”
The other two Serpents laughed, this one for Toni especially feeling like a release of nerves that built up as fast as she got rid of them it would seem.
“Come on, Toni. Tie breaker. Who’s right?” Sweets said when his laughter subsided, “Ummm I’m going to have to go with Sweets again, Fangs. That doesn’t sound so legit to me.”
“Eh, you two are in cahoots. I know what I’m talking about. Whatever. Let’s focus, we gotta get you engaged. Let’s see the bra.”
“Let’s not see the bra.” Sweet Pea argued, and Fangs countered, “Come on, man. We’ve given you the thumbs up on the make up, the outfit, the hair, we gotta make sure your lady is peeling off something worthy of the occasion later tonight, know what I mean? We’re grown ass men and there’s nothin’ on any of us the other hasn’t seen, don’t make it weird now.”
“I’ve got that covered, Fangs. Don’t worry. She will be very happy with what’s underneath here. If she says yes. There’s no guarantee.”
“If? Come on. We both know she’s saying yes. You’ve been together since we were literally teenagers, we’re 28, and Sweet Pea is like 80 or something.” Fangs told her, and Sweets narrowed his eyes, “If my hands weren’t full I’d flip you the bird.”
“It’s okay, buddy I can use my imagination. Back to you, Topaz. Don’t be dim okay? This is just you getting a chance to flex your romance muscles. You’ve got this. The next time we talk to you, you’re gonna be someone’s fiance’ and when the time comes for the cake tasting, remember you promised me I could come with.”
“How could I? You won’t let me forget.”
Cheryl’s day had been a long one; not particularly tough, but time seemed to drag, so by the time she got home all she wanted to do was cuddle up to her girlfriend and spend the rest of their evening together being grossly domestic. She was running a little late (because of course she was) and anticipated finding Toni in sweats at her workstation touching up photos with a glass of wine while dinner stayed warm on the stove, or her girlfriend watching one of the many reality tv shows she dubbed as her guilty pleasure. The thought had the redhead smiling softly to herself, imagining what she anticipated seeing on the other side of the door.
In high school, (even before that, but especially after Jason died) Cheryl had too much bad happen to her that she didn’t have any real hope that things would change. She was a Blossom, and that meant she was cursed. When they were children, Cheryl and Jason made something of a joke about it, scoffed at it even, but by the time she was 17, she wasn’t scoffing anymore -- in her mind, the Blossom curse was all too real. At her very lowest, Cheryl felt so hopeless that the most logical solution was to end her life. She counted herself lucky that Archie, Betty, Veronica, and Jughead had come to her rescue because it almost physically pained her to think that she could have missed out on the life she had now. Not only was she in love, in a happy and healthy relationship, but she was well on her way to being a legend in the business world, thriving in both her personal and professional life.
What she found instead of the mental images conjured when she walked into her apartment was dim lights, soft music playing, three boxes on the coffee table in the living room along with a bottle of champagne chilling in a bucket and Toni looking like an absolute dream. “Toni? Did I forget something?” Cheryl wasn’t one to forget things like anniversaries or birthdays so she was thoroughly confused. Her girlfriend walked over to her and handed her a champagne flute then greeted her with a kiss, “No, you didn’t forget anything. Except maybe that I like to keep you on your toes. Surprised?” Toni asked as she helped Cheryl out of her coat.
“Are those my favorite Belgian chocolate truffles?” Cheryl asked as she moved further into the living room and noticed the box that sat near two white, unopened and unmarked boxes.
“Yeah, they are.” Toni smiled proudly as she hung Cheryl’s coat up near the door, then joined her hopefully soon to be fiance’ in their living room. Cheryl picked up a truffle and took a bite, moaning instantly at the taste and brought the remainder to Toni’s lips, who accepted the confection happily.
“Are you sure you didn’t do anything?” Cheryl teased. It had taken her a long time to get where she was when good things happened to her, where she wasn’t waiting for the other shoe to fall. Cheryl from as little as two years ago would have been freaking out thinking Toni had done something that needed her forgiveness, buttering her up before she dropped life shattering bad news on her, but now she could just enjoy the good things in life instead of worrying about how long they would last.
“Not yet.” Toni answered cryptically, then took a healthy drink from her flute, nearly finishing it in one swallow, “Can we play a game?”
Cheryl raised an eyebrow, “A game? Is it the kind of game we play in the bedroom?” She asked, her voice dropping an octave or two in a tone that she knew made Toni weak in the knees every time.
“It’s the kind that leads to the bedroom.” Toni told her, heart picking up it’s pace for more reasons than one.
“Then I’m in. What’s the game?” Cheryl agreed and finished off her champagne before putting down the glass and sitting on the couch.
“It’s called three objects and a question. Don’t ask me how to play, it’s pretty self-explanatory so I say let’s just jump in. Object one.” Toni removed the lid of the first white box, and inside was Cheryl’s Serpent jacket, well worn and distinguishable from Toni’s because of the specially sewn crimson red interior.
“My Serpents jacket? You got it out of storage? Why?” Cheryl questioned while she picked up the garment and held it to her nose, a wave of nostalgia hitting her from the smell alone.
“I was so afraid for you when you decided to join the Serpents. So against it for so long, but then you told me why you wanted to join, because you wanted to be my family, because you wanted to be connected to me forever, because you loved me and who I loved and what I am and you were so adamant about it, so sincere and willing...you hadn’t even told me that you loved me before that and I don’t think there’s been a better way anyone has been told in the history of the world.”
“You were pretty pouty at first. But it didn’t suck having me as your partner in crime, did it?” Cheryl mused as she laid the jacket over the arm of their couch.
“No it didn’t. Still doesn’t.” Toni winked at Cheryl, the simple action causing the pale woman to blush a bit. Sometimes she swore even after years with Toni, she still felt like she had a crush on her girlfriend, she didn’t even know if that was possible or if it was just the power of Toni Topaz, but figured it was the latter.
“Object two.” Two moved on and pulled the lid off of the second white box, revealing a diary, more specifically, Cheryl’s diary from their senior year of high school.
“Is that…?” Cheryl asked, her jaw dropping slightly and she picked the pink book up with delicate care, first running her fingers over the front, then flipping through the pages, stopping at one in particular. Pressed inside the book were flower petals. The page chronicled Cheryl’s first date with Toni and the petals were a physical reminder of that night as even when they started to wilt, she couldn’t find it in herself to just throw them away.
“Yeah. You gave it to me after we had that huge fight.” Toni started and Cheryl picked up, remembering that time in her life all too well. When the redhead thought back to it, she classified it as still being caught up in ‘that darkness’. Life was getting better then, but there was still so much looming over her, and she’d wanted to ask Toni to move away with her, go to school in the same city if not the same university because she didn’t want to lose her, but she couldn’t so she lashed out and they fought. A few times. “I was having the hardest time expressing myself, but I couldn’t lose you, not over something like me not being able to tell you what I needed you to know about how I felt so I left this on the doorstep of your trailer. It was very ‘Cruel Intentions’ of me, but it’s not a secret I’ve always had a flair for dramatics.” She took a beat to just flip through the pages some more, skimming over words the girl she used to be wrote.
The redhead got caught up in her diary and when she looked up, brought out of her bubble by Toni’s voice and the words “Last object,” she was met with the smaller girl on one knee, a white velvet box open in her hand with Nana Rose’s heirloom ring inside, only with a noticeably larger diamond attached to it. Cheryl gasped in surprise, her chest visibly rising and falling, “Toni…”
“Cheryl Marjorie Blossom: Delicate as flower petals, tough as leather, I am so in love with you. From the first time we met I couldn’t get you out of my head. Granted, not for the best reasons in the world, but the fact still remains the same that you made an impression. For all of the time I’ve known you, you’ve been nothing less than sensational and my life is undoubtedly better with you in it. When we were teenagers you told me that you wanted to be my family and that’s exactly what we’ve become. Now I want to make it official. Will you be my wife? Please marry me, baby.”
Cheryl Blossom had long ago mastered the art of the silent tears. The skill was learned out of necessity, of fear of someone seeing her as weak or fear of her mother chastising her for showing emotion, but it was only ever with Toni that she found herself crying silent tears of joy.Cheryl nodded furiously and wiped the tears from her cheek.
“Yeah?” Toni asked, letting out a relieved breath as she waited for verbal confirmation.
“Yes! Yes! Of course, yes!” Cheryl confirmed, dropping her hands in her face and letting out an excited squeal before Toni pried her left hand away and slipped the ring on her fiance's finger.
They both admired the ring on Cheryl’s finger. Toni had always been a bit of a deep thinker, so the notion of marriage wasn’t something she entered into lightly, the ring and all it symbolized being an effective tool in choking her up in that moment, as it was a symbol of never ending love; their never ending love. There was no beginning or end to it.
“I love you so much, Antoniette Topaz.” Cheryl told her soon to be wife with a sobering amount of sincerity as moist light brown eyes looked into equally moist dark ones, “I can’t wait for you to be Antoinette Blossom.” She finished.
“Umm…” Toni started, and Cheryl cracked a smile as she slipped her arms around Toni’s neck, “I’m kidding, we can hyphenate, of course.” The redhead leaned in, teasing her lover by hovering her lips close enough to just not quite make contact, then caught Toni’s bottom lip between her teeth, sucking gently before she kissed her properly, wanting to make their first kiss as an engaged couple count.
“I think I remembering you mentioning that this game leads to the bedroom.” Cheryl reminded Toni, the look in her eyes impossible to mistake as anything less than one meant to entice.
“You’re remembering correctly.” Toni confirmed and bit her bottom lip as her eyes took in the sight of the woman she’d fallen so hard for and hadn’t stopped falling for since -- her fiance’.
“Then take me to our bedroom.”
Without hesitation, Toni grabbed Cheryl’s hips and picked the redhead up, who wrapped her legs around the smaller girl’s waist, while she crashed their lips together for a heated kiss, that particular display of Toni’s strength never failing to drive her wild.
“Abso-fucking-lutely.” Toni said rushed, not wanting to separate their lips for too long. As they made it to the threshold, both women could hear Toni’s phone vibrating incessantly on their coffee table, “That’s probably the engagement group chat wanting to know the verdict.” Toni explained in between planting kisses on Cheryl’s jawline.
With her index finger, Cheryl pushed Toni’s face up towards her by her chin, “They can find out later. We’ve got a game to finish.”  
The End.
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wasabi-duck · 8 years
reverse idol jungkook
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i always write for jungkook and yoongi but lmao i like writing for them the best so here we go…
anyway im offended nobody wants to talk about the ketchup song, i bet jungkook wouldn’t play me like that
okay so this is a reverse idol au wow
which means that you’re an idol, wow, surprise
i think for all of them it would be fun to do different kind of groups but idk for this one im going with the flow
im debating whether to make everyone in a kpop group because i mean most of us probably don’t live in korea so like…
you’re in a pop group though, we can start there!! your group isn’t like super popular, but you just released a single that topped a lot of charts and so now you’re getting a lot of positive attention and a wave of new fans!!
jungkook has been a fan from the beginning though wow surprise…
he was probably the fan that got hooked back in the predebut days (so are you kpop??) and he was the one that made shitty gifs on his moms desktop and uploaded the to the good old tumblr
from the beginning you were his fave tho like there is no denying that
you had a certain charm about you, and you always seemed so pure and innocent and you always were so open with your other members
like throughout all your mini video diary updates, you were always the one making sure everyone in the group got adequate speaking time and got to talk!!
and you’re always helping the other members when they’re struggling with a dance move or with some lyrics, like it’s so obvious that you’re the one who makes sure the rest of your members feel comfortable with what they’re doing??
yah that’s you and wow jungkook has the hots for you
just like my dad thinks winwin is hotter than flames smh
your group at this point, maybe like, you’re just coming up to your year mark??
and jungkook has been loyal all 365 days of this year and he’s like
he makes a cake??
he like makes this cake and it looks awful and later yoongi chokes on it and has to go to patient first lmao yikes
but like he gets so excited about you guys hitting your year anniversary that he bakes this cake with lots of icing and twenty times more sprinkles than that right??
and he puts like happy 1 year in really crappy writing on the top with some icing and he puts whip cream on too it looks wild to say the least
and then he puts some candles on for like the birthday of your group wow
not like i do that or anything when my bias has a birthday,,, haha,,,
okay but he uploads a picture of the cake to twitter and tags you guys or whatever idk how twitter works, im stupid
but like a lot of other fans start retweeting it or something because while comical, the gesture is really cute and sweet and kind of touching??
when did i stop saying jeongguk did i say this already
anyway jungkook gets all flushed because wow there are a lot of people talking about his cake
and guess what guys
guess what the heck what
you of all people retweet the tweet and you add a comment like “omg this is the cutest thing, thank you so much sweetheart!!”
and jungkook checks his twitter
and he just kinda
he screams and he kinda doesn’t mean to but he throws his phone and he’s shrieking and his mom comes down like boy i will beat you with a candle if you don’t shut up and his brother records his meltdown
he calls jimin and tae and the three of them scream and cry together omg like tae and jimin are the hypemen while jungkook has a come apart
he probably is one of those people that walks when he’s excited so he’s on the phone doing laps around the house and his lil puppy is trailing along all excitedly
after three hours of talking to the boys (i remember when i used to talk on the phone for three hours omg) he heads up to his room
where he promptly goes to his shrine of your group and like cries over it and hugs all three of your mini albums to his chest
he probably has like seven posters of you omg can you imagine
he would be the one to get shy when like he changes and all the posters are staring at him or something…
oh his mom probably would like come in his room all the time and if your clothes were too tight or something, his mom would cover your poster in sticky notes and jungkook would be like “mom plz you don’t understand it’s a looK”
jungkook omg also we all know my boy can draw right
he would be one of the crazy good fanartists that posts his drawings of the group (but mostly you)
and after the cake incident, his work and art gets so much more attention like he becomes a fairly popular fanartist for your group
for his birthday btw, yoongi and hoseok come together to write the worst, most cliche, cringy reader insert fanfic of you for him and he keeps it under his pillow every night
okay but also after the cake incident, you kinda sorta stalked his twitter account and you flipped out over how amazing his artwork is and all your group members crack up because you can spend hours just checking out his account and trying to somehow low key print pictures of the art
im watching a documentary in spanish yikes sorry im distracted
okay anyway your group
your group announces like a special one year anniversary meet and greet to thank the fans who have supported you guys for this time and all
jungkook is in school when he gets the notification on twitter and he loses it in class like the world is caving in around him and his teacher sent him down to the principals office because he was causing controversy
oh btw his binders at school are probably cute collages of your group thanks bye everyone
okay anyway
tbh probably tells the principal about the meet and greet
and the principal just kinda “okay…”
jungkook goes home that day and he is on cloud nine right this boy is having the time of his life like his heart has never felt lighter and he has never felt more alive in his life
he practically skips home from school (like winwin did when they played duck duck goose someone hold me)
and he bursts through the door and the smile on his face is so wide and so bright that his brother goes and gets some sunglasses
and he’s like “mom, dad, guess what! they’re having a meet and greeT”
his parents kinda exchange looks and they’re kinda !!
“well how much is it honey?”
and jungkook’s smile falters because he knows that guess what, his family doesn’t really have that kind of money right now, and the only way that he managed to get all his albums and posters was because he’s been saving up birthday and new year’s money and all
and he keeps that same smile on his face because jungkook doesn’t share his emotions and jungkook doesn’t let people know how he’s really feeling and he doesn’t want his family to know that the air has literally been stolen from his lungs
he just kinda shrugs and his voice is all quiet and he’s like “oh… it’s nothing important, i shouldn’t have mentioned it. sorry.”
he heads upstairs before he starts crying because jungkook like really got his hopes up??
and your music really speaks to him and he’s kind of developed this emotional dependence on your group and you guys never fail to make him smile and you always get him up when he’s feeling down and he just wishes that maybe he could somehow tell you all how important you are to him and how much you’ve done for him through your music and all!!
he goes upstairs and he locks himself in the room he shares with his bro and he just cries into his pillow
it’s the weekend right and that next morning he doesn’t get out of bed and he doesn’t leave his room
he won’t even open his phone up because he doesn’t wanna see everyone talking about the meet and greet he can’t go to
he’s not mad at his parents or anything, he’s just defeated like he’s loved you (guys) from before day one and now the chance to express that is slipping through his fingers
boy howdy someone is not happy with this
it’s min yoongi
he’s like i cannot not let my love,,, i cannot let this happen
like jungkook had called jimin and tae eventually and cried to them and they immediately told the other boys
and yoongi was like oh heck no my baby gets what he wants
imagine the kermit meme but with yoongi
yoongi: i gotta show the boys im cool and poised and don’t give a shit
yoongi to yoongi: buy jungkook meet and greet tickets
tbh he totally plans on doing it
like he researches it all and he figures out when they’re going on sale and that night (it’s like a week after the entire meltdown), the boys wanna go out to the karaoke bar or something
and yoongi is like i’m at work
and namjoon is like wth you’re laying on our couch
and yoongi is like “did i stutter kim namjoon do you want me to shove a hairbrush down your throat when you’re sleeping”
i just burnt my peanut butter toast and i wanna die tbh anyway
yoongi gets them, surprise!! well one for jungkook but like you get it
and he’s so proud of himself he is like i am the best in the world all hail min yoongi, king of spoiling his friends
he wants to wait to give them to jungkook but he cannot hold the excitement in so one day he just kinda heads over to jungkook’s house and traipses on in and jungkook is doing his calculus homework or something
and yoongi just shoves the ticket in his face and jungkook blinks and then he slowly realizes what’s up and he stares at yoongi then bursts into happy tears
fudge you two havent even met
okay so the day of the event jungkook probably wears a bias shirt with your name on it and he is alive okay like he brings his albums and his drawings of you to give to you because lil bun wants to like impress you??
he probably writes a note to you as well talking about how happy you make him and he’s like wait that’s creepy but jin is like no my child, no it is perfect and beautiful just like you and then he kisses jungkook’s head
the boys wait outside the event and they all have matching bomber jackets and sunglasses to be the jungkook protection squad
jungkook dies when he gets in there right
like there’s so much noise and chattering and people and he’s so uncomfortable and stressed tbh and he doesn’t feel good like he starts to panic
what if he like embarrasses himself?? what if he makes a fool of himself in front of you?? what if he like passes out or something or like gleeks oN YOU OMG
he’s like dying in line but he can’t help but keep checking you out the entire time and you are even more gorgeous in person and you aren’t even up close and personal yet…
he feels like he’s gonna die but the boys keep texting him reassuring messages and all he starts to calm down
he’s gripping everything so tight his knuckles go white
omg his turn though
he talks to all the members because you are at the end and all
and he’s like so shy and flustered but he manages to talk to them and explain how h’es been a fan from the beginning of time and he talks about all the best songs on the album and his fave choreos!! and he’s so cute and his face is all red and bright and he’s so !!!
okay i have a spanish benchmark so i should be going but
he finally gets to you and he’s like wow time to kms
he can’t even breathe like you are five inches away from him, in the living flesh, smiling like an angel and -
he kinda plops his albums down on the table and he can’t break eye contact with you to save his life and you just kinda laugh and smile wider because he’s so cute and you’re so flattered that like wow look at this cute fan??
but then he slips the drawings your way and he’s rambling on about how cool you are and how you’ve really inspired him to try new choreography and all and how he thinks you’re the most angelic person and all this other stuff
and you’re like !!
and your heart is racing because most fans are like wow you’re so attractive i love you but he’s going in depth about like you as a person and that’s so touching??
all your band mates keep glancing at you guys like suspiciously
you notice the drawings and you’re like wth is tHIS i HAVe SeeN thEsE
“you’re the birthday cake boy omg!!”
jungkook’s eyes widen and his jaw drops because you just admitted you’ve been stalking his twitter and you immediately cover your mouth with your hands and you’re like wth is this,,, i wanna die… what
jungkook just blushes and nods and smiles that cute bunny smile and your heart melts because he’s so cute and sweet and wow this isn’t very good
security isn’t feeling it though and they’re ushering you on so you quickly do like
the idol grab hands thing and you interlace your fingers and smile down at him
“im really glad i met you”
and he’s about to #die because you are like talking about meeting hIM
and you sign his albums real fast and wink before security ushers him on
but then you’re like “wait, i never got your name!”
and he just “jungkook!!”
“I hope to see you again jungkook!!”
you wave and he’s pushed off by security
the boys are in the parking lot and they’re like wth man how did it go and jungkook has the thousand yard stare
jimin shakes his shoulders and tae starts yelling and yoongi is like time to throw down??
but jungkook gets this loopy smile and he’s like “wow i am in loVE. love love. like actual love. like marriage love”
namjoon rolls his eyes and jin is like “young mAN YOU ARE TOO YOUNG”
but tae and jimin are poking through his albums and stuff and tae screams and everyone looks at him and he kinda
“man look at this!!”
in the back of the album is “hey cutie, i think i wanna get to know you more. shit, that sounds weird. i guess im saying, hot chocolate your speed?”
and then this is totally against idol code but im making this au so um
it’s your number and a cute smiley face and heart and jungkook passes out on the sidewalk
and guess what you do get hot chocolate after that
and jungkook is all nervous and embarrassed and he hides behind his face half the time and you think it’s cute…
and you guys text all the time?? like always??
you leak him lyrics and dance vids all the time and he’s like my hero…
you two hang out whenever your schedule permits but he still gets super shy whenever the other members of your group are over omg
they always tease you two as like scandalous and all but you really like jungkook!!
you like him enough to dedicate,,, a love song to him,,, on your first full album,,,
and like one day your group is on a talk show and the host is like so anyone, how about those relationships,,,
and you’re like well my boyfriend and i are-
and you’re like oH SHIT
and the boys are huddled around jungkook’s laptop, watching, and jungkook’s heart shatters because you have a boyfriend… since when…
and yoongi is like pal,,, buddy,,, amigo,,, it’s yOU
you guys officially get together in the dance studio really cheesy with help from your group mates and it’s so nice and wonderful and you guys always kiss and cuddle when you’re supposed to be rehearsing oops,,,
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