#i gotta start using smell ya later that's actually making me laugh a lot rn
longmaxsilvarg · 4 days
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quinntheebrain · 4 years
Hi there! I was wondering if you could do a jealous bokuto x f!reader (preferably if not then gn! is fine). Like he gets jealous of his bby and kuroo getting along really well... a little too well lmao. Anyways, I hope your day/night is going great ya wonderful person <3
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Pairing: Jealous!Bokuto Kōtarō x fem!reader
Warnings: implied alcohol use, a temporarily sad Bokuto, Ummm I curse????
A/N: *deep heavy sigh* I looked over this 1000x lmfao. I’m used to writing fics and not hcs, so they’re probably not the best (I gotta stop doubting myself). I’m always so nervous to share my writings, but this a learning process! Thanks for being my first request. It’s been a while since I wrote anything seriously and shared it. I really hope you enjoy it :) Also, somebody else (who I can’t think of rn) hc that Bokuto doesn’t drink, I just agree wholeheartedly. 
Oh, my precious baby Bokuto. He’s so cute it hurts🥺. 
He gets jealous easily. 
He’s so lively that people naturally gravitate toward him. So, he’s used to being the center of attention. 
Even though the only person’s attention he really cares about is yours.
Bokuto loves the way you look at him when he makes you smile. He loves the feeling of just being in your presence.
So, when he sees you and Kuroo smiling and laughing from across the bar he’s irritated. 
And when the two of you get a little too close for comfort, he’s fuming
...but for some reason, I feel like he wouldn’t say anything
Now, Bokuto would normally shut that shit down instantly.
But it’s Kuroo, his closest friend. He doesn’t want any kind of confrontation. He doesn’t want to cause a scene (I believe Bokuto could beat Kuroo’s ass)
So, he says nothing and instead spends the night alternating between super soft/affectionate and super distant. 
He’ll bring it up in private though. Half-jokingly asking if you’d prefer Kuroo to him. 
And when the conversation turns serious 
Don’t invalidate his feelings, don’t make him feel crazy. (he’ll curl up in a ball and it will be a long time before he opens up to you again)
RE-AS-SUR-ANCE!!!!!!!! He needs it; he will die without it. Please just tell this boy how much you love him. 
And please believe he doesn’t blame you alone. He talks to Kuroo after he talks to you.
Because next time, Bokuto won’t be so nice :)
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This is the third time Kuroo has put his arm around you; Bokuto is counting. He watches you from across the room as he holds a conversation with Akaashi; though, at this point, his friend’s words are nothing more than background noise. 
You are supposed to be with them, but once Kuroo challenges you to a drinking contest, Bokuto knows it’s a lost cause. You promise to join him shortly and though he doesn’t believe you, he nods as if he does. Unlike you, and most of his friends, Bokuto doesn’t drink; he just doesn’t like the taste, but he wants you to have a good time. So, he goes to sit with Akaashi by himself but not before leaning down and pulling you into a soft kiss. Bokuto’s large palm caresses your cheek as his mouth moves delicately against your own; It’s quick and gentle, but it’s effective. His lips linger on yours just long enough to leave you wanting more; it’s a reminder that he’ll be waiting for you. 
But, 15 minutes have passed and you’re still glued to Kuroo’s side. 
Now, you’re a giggling mess, teasing one of your boyfriend’s closest friends, who seems to be enjoying the attention a little too much. The rest of their volleyball buddies watch and laugh, most of them far too inebriated to find anything wrong with the way the two of you are interacting. Bokuto, on the other hand, finds everything wrong with it. He watches you with narrow eyes and tightly clenched fists, trying his hardest to keep his composure.
“Your jealousy is showing,” Akaashi smirks at his best friend; Bokuto hasn’t been listening to a word he says. He wants to tease him about it but now doesn’t seem like the time. “Why don’t you just tell them it’s bothering you?” 
“They’re not doing it on purpose,” Bokuto sighs as he unclenches his fists, wiggling his fingers to crack his knuckles. “Besides, there was a time she couldn’t even be in the same room as Kuroo. I’m glad they’re friends now and if I say something I might ruin it.” he looks away from you and instead focuses on the ground. 
“Forget about Kuroo,” Akaashi says, slightly irritated. “What about you? If you don’t talk to her, you might ruin your relationship. You don’t want to harbor resentment toward the one you love,” Akaashi glances at Bokuto, who is unable to reply. They stand in silence for a short time. Akaashi doesn’t want to bombard Bokuto with advice; he knows that sometimes, a few thoughtful words are enough. “Look, it’ll be okay. I have to go.” Akaashi pats Bokuto’s shoulder, leaving him alone to think about the situation. 
Bokuto is truly happy that you and Kuroo have finally learned to get along but deep down, a part of him wishes the two of you never stopped the incessant bickering; part of him wishes that you still disliked Kuroo and he disliked you. Maybe, the petty arguments were nothing but an attempt to mask the attraction you felt toward each other but honestly, that’s what Bokuto would prefer. Because what’s happening now — you and Kuroo openly fawning over each other — is driving him crazy. 
I’m just imagining things, he thinks to himself. Maybe, there is no real meaning to the way the two of you are carrying on; but, watching as Kuroo embraces you in a hug that lingers a little longer than it should doesn’t ease his mind. Your face buried into Kuroo’s chest, his hands pressed firmly against your lower back as he rocks you side to side, it’s a bit more than Bokuto can handle. The thought of you in someone else’s arms so intimately bothers him, and pulling out your phone to take Kuroo’s contact info is the icing on the cake. 
Still, you’d never know how much it affects Bokuto because he approaches you like there’s nothing wrong, and though he tugs you away from Kuroo rather possessively, he does it with the brightest smile. “Alright, ready babe?” He looks down to you with those golden eyes, glimmering with adoration as he places a kiss on your forehead. You nod ‘yes’ quickly. “See you later, bro.” you both wave at his friends once more before the two of you exit the bar. 
A weight lifts from Bokuto’s shoulders as the door shuts behind him; the absence of his best friend shouldn’t put him at ease, but it does. Still, Bokuto has another problem. 
You don’t want to harbor resentment toward the one you love. Akaashi’s words play in his head like a broken record. If he doesn’t settle this now, he never will. His insecurities will continue to fester until he can no longer look at you the same.
“You and Kuroo were pretty cozy tonight,” he fakes a chuckle as he peers at you from the corner of his eye. “I’m glad you two are so close now.”
“Cozy?” you scrunch up your face. You could count the number of times Kuroo touched you on one hand (which was still too many for Bokuto).  You will admit that you spent an unusual amount of time with Kuroo, but he’s more entertaining when he’s drunk; it’s actually your favorite time to be around him. “Hardly. If anything,” you pause, “Wait a minute. Ko, are you jealous?” you manage to suppress your smile, but there's a hint of amusement in your tone. 
He doesn’t answer your question; it’s embarrassing enough to even be feeling this way and for you to call him out so quickly only makes it worse. He takes a deep breath, “Y/N,” Bokuto’s voice is barely above a whisper. “Do you ever think you’d be better off with Kuroo? I mean the two of you actually have a lot in common, and I just think-” the words sound crazy now that he’s finally saying them out loud. 
“No,” you say sternly and confidently, cutting off your boyfriend before he has the chance to ramble on. It’s reassuring how quick you are to shut the notion down. “Besides, we really only have one thing in common,” you pause in your tracks, forcing Bokuto to stop and look at you. 
“What’s that?”
“We both love you so much,” you can’t help but smile as you speak. Bokuto has such amazing people in his life and that warms your heart. “We would never try to hurt you; I would never try to hurt you. I’m so sorry for even making you feel like that.” the apology is sincere. Your glossy eyes are a giveaway. “If I haven’t made this clear, you are the only one for me. It’s you and me, together forever,” he wipes away a single tear; you hadn’t even realized you were crying. You never wanted to make him feel this way; he’s never sounded so defeated. Was he going to just hand you over to his best friend? Did he think you would accept that? “But really, Kuroo?” you pretend to vomit to lighten the mood. It makes you both laugh, something you desperately needed. 
“I love you,” Bokuto sighs in relief.  
“I love you too.” flinging your arms around his neck, you kiss him. 
There’s something almost enchanting about the way he immediately takes the lead. He doesn’t care about the taste of liquor that lingers in your mouth or the fact that you still smell like Kuroo’s cologne; at this moment, Bokuto only cares about you. His lips glide over yours passionately, yet ever so gently; your tongue sporadically teases his bottom lip, his teeth occasionally nibble on yours. It’s a steady rhythm that makes you weak in the knees. His hands find their way to your waist, then to your back, sliding down until they’re secure in your back pockets. 
Bokuto pulls away, pressing his forehead against yours. “Let’s get home, yeah?” he squeezes your ass before he removes his hands from your pocket; intertwining his fingers with yours, Bokuto starts to walk again. 
“Yeah,” you repeat with a smile on your face, nodding eagerly as he pulls you down the sidewalk. 
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invaderzia1 · 6 years
Summertime Sadness (Reiner Braun x Female!Reader) (Modern Au)
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Not associated with that one song :) yo this was supposed to come out beginning of summer but look where we are now huh
Everything hurt. There was a distinct pain in the back of your throat and your nose was very clogged. As you began to awaken more, it became ever clear that this was your allergies again. The past couple days have been quite painful for you, but something about today felt different. Sitting up in bed, rubbing away the sleep from your eyes, you saw your boyfriend laying next to you, quietly scrolling through his phone. The burly male turned towards you, smiling up at you.
“Morning, sunshine.” He said.
You opened your mouth to speak, but only a faint croak of words came out. Your eyes widened as the truth of what was wrong set in. Reiner stared back at you, a dorky grin forming on his face. There was still a dull pain in your throat and a noticeable scratchieness.
“Babe, can you get me some water?” You croaked out, cringing at how your voice sounded.
Reiner held in his laugh, not wanting to land on your bad side, and simply nodded, quickly makin his way out of the room. From your bedroom you could still hear Reiner laughing as he made his way to the kitchen. A pout proudly made its way onto your lips, crossing your arms as you waited for him to return.
Reiner reentered the room after a few minutes, finding his girlfriend pouting at him. While he didn’t like to see her upset, she sure looked cute with that pout. He handed her the water she wanted and returned to his place in bed.
“Come on, babe. You’ve gotta admit you sound pretty funny right now.”
“Doesn’t mean you can be mean about it.” She mumbled, Reiner barely catching what she said.
Reiner roller his eyes and wrapped an arm around you. “How about I make you the best chicken soup you’ll ever eat and you turn on a movie and relax? Would that make you feel better?”
Not wanting to strain your voice, you nodded and made yourself comfortable in the bed. Reiner just sent a soft smile towards you as he got back up and left the room. You immediately missed the warmth of his body, but knew soup would be better than just cuddling today.
The pain in your throat was still ever present and making everything ten tones worse for you. The water was helping but not as much as you wanted. Hopefully Reiner would be able to find some for you when he came back. Reaching for you phone, you noticed several messages from one of your close friends.
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: yo you still wanna get lunch later???
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: wake up I need an answer soon
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: I stg I will burst into your house and get the answer myself if you don’t respond soon
Rolling your eyes at his brash nature, you began to type your response, hoping he wouldn’t be rushing into the apartment any time soon.
(Y/n): sorry, don’t think I can make it. Super sick rn :(
(Y/n): we can reschedule for later this week, hopefully I don’t die by then
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: boo hoo
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: what’s wrong? Fuckface give you the flu or something?
(Y/n): haha v funny
(Y/n): but no, my allergies are trying to close my throat currently. Can barely breath rn
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: sucks to be you
You sighed at his comment, used to the rough attitude.
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: do you need me to come over or something? Rather you don’t die tbh
(Y/n): nah, reiners here and making me some soup
There wasn’t a response immediately, probably due to Porco gagging at your boyfriends name. The two really didn’t get along, though it was more like Porco had some sort of vendetta against him. He was the one to introduce you and Reiner, but it wasn’t like he was trying to get you together, that was on both of you. The thought was quite amusing, remembering how much Porco scolded you when you first told him you were interested in the blonde male.
The phone buzzed in your hand, bringing you out of your thoughts.
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: ew
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: you’ll need to decontaminate your apartment after he leaves 😷😷
(Y/n): don’t be rude just cuz your jealous
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: Not jealous, just warning you . Tho you should clean it to get the pollen out I guess.
Porcky Boi 🐽🐽: well, I’ll let you be. Stay well and sleep a lot.
(Y/n): peace, see you later
Closing out of your messages, you began to pull up the YouTube app and catch up on some of your videos. Half way through the video, you heard the unmistakable foot steps of your boyfriend approaching. As he entered the room you noticed him looking as adorable as ever. His hair was slightly messy and he was in a bright pink apron your grandmother had given you a few years ago. He smiled softly at you before spreading, leaning against the door frame.
“You okay back here? Want me to get you anything?” Reiner asked.
“Actually,” you started, the scratchy feeling making it harder to speak as your voice continued to disappear, “if you could grab some throat lozenges that’d be great.”
Reiner just nodded and ducked out of the room, leaving you back to your videos. You could hear him down the hall, tearing up your bathroom trying to find those lozenges. After a few minutes of Reiner tearing everything apart, he returned. He had a sheepish look on his face as he walked towards you.
“Soooo, I could only find one lozenge.” He said, drawing out the first part of the sentence. “But, I’ll go out and grab you a full pack of them!! And some candy!” God, he was like a cute puppy, just trying to make you happy.
“That’s fine, I just need some lozenges, I don’t need you blowing your entire paycheck on me.” You held out your hand for the lozenge as Reiner handed it to you. Quickly popping it into your mouth, you felt the relief almost instantly.
“I just want you to feel better, so if you need anything, and I mean anything, I will go get it for you, babe-“ Reiner was cut off by the sound an alarm going off, somewhere further into the apartment. “Shit, one minute!!” He yelled out, running out of the room and down the hall.
You couldn’t help but laugh at his antics, it was quite the sight as not too long ago he was teasing you and now here he was acting all cute and shit for you. You truly felt lucky to have him. You wanted to yell out to him and ask if everything was okay, but current circumstances stopped that from happening. Instead, you just stayed in bed and hoped everything was okay. Hopefully if the apartment caught fire Reiner would come in and save you, cuz there was no way you would be able to run far like this.
After waiting for what felt like an eternity, which was more like 10 minutes, Reiner returned with a bowl in one hand and a mug in another. As he placed it down onto the side table next to you, the smell of the soup he made wafted towards you. Dear god, it smelt heavenly!! You nearly melted right there, but Reiner quickly dipped the spoon in and brought it towards your lips. It tasted better than it smelt, taking you to a higher plane of existence.
“Mmmm, who knew you were such a good cook.” You mumbled in a state of bliss.
“Not many people, I try to keep it a secret.” He replied, taking a seat on the other side of the bed.
“What for? Such a talent shouldn’t be hidden.”
Reiner chuckled to himself, wrapping an arm around you. “I don’t need the guys to make fun of me for this, if Porco found out I don’t think I’d live it down.”
“Oh hush, it’s not that bad.” You jokingly scolded him, lightly nudging him with your elbow. Taking another spoonful of soup, you leaned into Reiner’s broad chest.
“So you feeling any better?”
“I can kind of get a sentence out now, so that’s something, but other than that still feeling pretty shitty.”
You grabbed the remote from the bed side table and turned on your television, switching to Netflix and scrolling down to the movie section. There were a few movies which caught your eye, but after a bit more searching a small squeal came from you as you stumbled on your favorite movie. Reiner rolled his eyes, yet kept his mouth closed.
“Babe, oh my god, we have to!!” You gushed, your voice cutting out here and there from the high pitch glee.
“It’s your choice, babe. Though, you have seen it like twenty times already.”
Ignoring his comment, you pressed play on the movie and snuggled against Reiner in a more comfortable position, continuing to sip on your soup as Reiner did the same.
Half way through the movie, Reiner began kissing down your neck, slightly pulling your attention away from the screen. His little kisses were sweet at first, but slowly you could feel his teeth scrape against the skin. It wasn’t long before he started biting down and sucking on the skin.
Letting a shaky moan escape your lips, you lightly pushed him off, wanting to focus on the movie. However, Reiner tightened his grip around you waist and left another mark on your neck.
“Reiner, stop!” You whined out.
Reiner just hummed out his response, not stopping his actions. His nose rubbed against the soft skin of your neck, placing a soft kiss on the dark mark he left.
Your breathing started to become heavy, due in part mostly to how swollen your throat was feeling, but your boyfriends nips weren’t helping either. Obviously, you weren’t in the mood for this, but you weren’t gonna just let him stop either.
Reiner wasn’t dumb either, he wasn’t going in for the kill, he just wanted to distract you from how shit you felt. But, he wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to mark you as his either. Turning to look at you, Reiner chuckled at your flushed face, finding it adorable at how embarrassed you seemed to get at his actions.
“Aw, babe, you look so cute,” Reiner cooed, resting his head on your shoulder.
“Not funny, ya big bear.” You squeaked out, crossing your arms. A cute pout made its way to your face, turning away from his face.
Reiner rubbed his face against the side of your neck, his eyes closed as he did. The scruffiness of his beard made you cringe, but the softness of the rest of his face was nice. He hummed out a response, enjoying how close you are.
“Stop,” You stuttered out, “It tickles!”
You tried to squirm from his grasp, but his grip was strong around your waist, effectively holding you in place. A few more failed attempts at escaping and pleading with him only made him rub his beard against you more, an evil smirk on his lips.
“If you want it to stop, then you’ll have to kiss me!” Reiner proclaimed, as if he was a Disney villain.
“Fine, I’ll do it. Just stop with the beard, you monster!”
Reiner loosened his grip and, as promised, removed his beard from your neck. He readied his lips for the kiss, as if he was a lovesick school girl waiting for her crush to man up and kiss her. Instead, he felt her lips press against his cheek, before pulling away. Reiner opened his eyes, pouting as he saw her nervously scratch her neck.
“You can do better than that, give me a real kiss this time.”
You purses your lips together, using your secret weapon on him. Puppy eyes. You knew that Reiner wouldn’t be able to handle the cuteness when you unleashed them.
“But.... babe, you said only one kiss.”
Reiner’s cheeks dusted with pink, already falling victim to your trick. Just looking at you, he felt his heart beat faster, finding you cuter than ever. He stared down at you, causing you both go engage in a silent battle to see who would win. Thought, Reiner didn’t stand a chance against you. He threw his hands up in defeat, covering his face as you cheered in victory.
Over exciting yourself, it felt harder than before to breath, causing you to let out several choked coughs. Reiner chuckled at your struggle, moving a hand away from his face as he did, making sure you were okay.
After that, you both returned to the movie. You cuddled into Reiners broad chest as you began to feel yourself grow tired, clearly your shitty allergies we’re making you feel weaker than usual. It wasn’t long until you feel asleep, cuddled up ti your loving boyfriend, who played with your hair until you passed out.
While your summer allergies may get you down, there’s always someone near to cheer you back up.
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heyoricohannah · 5 years
Post Bar Mitzvah Part 14:
“TJ, you said we were going to the aquarium!”
“No, dude, I said the vape-orium!” TJ exclaims to Jonah, standing with him in front of the main counter at the same place, where he waits for his vape purchase to be completed.
“Here you go.” The male cashier hands it over in a white paper bag.
Jonah cringes.
“Sweet!” TJ smiles. “Let’s go.” He pulls Jonah out of there and onto the sidewalk out front.
“You think I’m just gonna stand there while I watch you smoke that thing?” Jonah frowns.
“I didn’t get it for me. I got it for you!” TJ takes it out and hands it over. “C’mon! Try it. It’s already charged, and the vapor is blueberry scented.”
“I think I’ll pass...” Jonah refuses, abruptly receiving a text on his phone from Cyrus in their group chat about how Marty just said ‘the funniest thing.’
“Gimme that thing.”
The moment Jonah inhales it, he coughs up all the vapor he just barely sucked in, cringing repeatedly as he continues to cough up a storm.
“You okay..?” TJ awkwardly pats his back.
“I’m fine.” Jonah quickly clears his throat.
“But it smells nice, right?” TJ asks, making Jonah punch his shoulder, which has them laugh amongst each other.
‘He’s funny, isn’t he?’ Buffy responds to Cyrus, followed by a bunch of heart emojis.
“Ugh.” Jonah rolls his eyes at the message.
“What, you like Buffy, now?” TJ asks.
“Then why are getting annoyed at her compliment? She’s his literal girlfriend.”
“I know, it’s just, he’s not that great. That’s all.”
Marty chortles at Jonah’s claim. “Oh my God you’re so jealous of him.”
“I am not..!” Jonah’s face heats up.
“Yes you are!” TJ laughs. “Do you want Buffy to beat you?”
“She’s not going to, ‘cause she’s never going to know I said that.” Jonah says.
‘What’re u guys up to rn?’ Buffy texts the chat.
‘Cyrus and I are hanging, u want us to send u stuff?’ Marty asks her.
‘No, Gus is already on that. I’m so glad you guys are hanging out!!’
Jonah cringes and silences the chat.
“He thinks he’s so cool with his—running...” He cringes at his words.
“So Cyrus has a new friend. So what? Does that mean you were jealous of me when I hung out with him?” TJ wants to know.
“I dunno. When I picked up on it, maybe a little.” Jonah admits.
“Well don’t be. Besides, we would never leave you out anyway.”
“Thanks TJ.” Jonah truly appreciates.
“You’ll be fine. Before you know it, Cyrus is gonna be spending tons of time with us.”
When TJ said that, he apparently spoke too soon, because after the next morning, when Cyrus said he would hang out with him and Jonah, he ended up blowing them off an hour later because he was ‘hanging out again with Marty.’
“Alright.” Now TJ is starting to feel as equally left out. “Now it’s personal.” He looks to Jonah, standing across from him on the other side of his room.
“This sucks.” Jonah’s suffering from a serious case of monotone, as well as jealousy, dreadfully staring forward at the wall.
“No, it doesn’t. ‘Cause you know why? We don’t need him!” TJ claims. “We can have a good time on our own.”
“Yeah...” Maybe If Jonah agrees enough, he’ll start to believe it. “Yeah, we will.”
“Exactly!” TJ grins. “Now let’s go.”
“We’re not going to the vape-orium, dude.” Jonah says.
“Fine, then we’re not going to the aquarium either.” TJ responds.
“Fine! Then where are we gonna go.”
Fifteen minutes later, the two of silently sit on the swings behind their very middle school, swinging lightly and awkwardly looking around, leaving the middle swing empty, just in case Cyrus magically decides to show up
“It’s fine. This is fine.” TJ claims, not sounding very believable. “I don’t even care that Cyrus ditched us. It’s not like he was my first real friend or anything. What, me, no, I’m not bitter hahahahahaha.” He scowls forward, angrily kicking a portion of the wood chips below them.
“So you really felt one?” Jonah asks.
“What.” TJ looks at him.
“A spark. With Cyrus. When you guys were here together.” Jonah feels weird just saying it.
“Oh.” TJ scoffs. “Maybe for like, half a second, but sure.”
Jonah grins at his fabrication . “So like, what happened.”
“We were debating over who hard more issues,” TJ starts.
“Yeah, that sounds a lot like something you guys would do.”
They snicker.
“He didn’t want to swing high, so, I started pushing him.”
TJ scoffs at his obvious dissatisfaction. “Relax.” He gets off his swing. “It was literally only this,” he goes behind Jonah and starts pushing him head on.
“Ha!” Jonah laughs.
“See?” TJ asks. “You’re acting like I did this.” He takes him by the shoulders and brings him in front of him, leaning over and laughing into his ear before he can think of what to whisper.
“Owe.” Jonah smiles and shoved him off. “I can swing myself, by the way.” He starts to swing as high as he can go, TJ playfully jumping out in front of him and cackling along when he’s almost kicked to the ground.
“Oh!” Jonah laughs when he unexpectedly kicks him in the stomach. “Are you okay?!” He hastily slows down, getting off and stepping over to him.
“You did that on purpose, I bet.” TJ smiles, clutching his stomach for a few moments to ease the pain.
“No, I swear.” Jonah grins.
“Prove it!” TJ lightly shoves him. “I’m gonna kill you.” He jokes.
“Gonna have to catch me first.” Jonah takes off, laughing excessively as he’s chased by TJ multiple times around the swing set.
He laughs at TJ’s shriek, facing him directly and smirking proudly, before being pinned down to the ground and giggling right below his face.
When the laugher dies down, and the acknowledgement of what’s actually happening speeds right to the surface, things between them begin to feel...Almost, poetic.
They blame the playground.
Clearing his throat, TJ quickly stands up after letting go of him, trying to look anywhere but Jonah’s eyes after he stands up himself.
“Um.” He smiles. “You have, wood chips, in your hair.”
Jonah blushes madly, the both of them awkwardly giggling when TJ uses his finger to flick them out.
“Um...” Now that he’s looking into Jonah’s eyes it’s kind of hard to stop. “We should go somewhere else.”
“I totally agree. Yeah.”
They can’t get off that playground fast enough.
For Cyrus, hanging out with Marty in his room was going pretty well up until about fifteen minutes ago, which was when Marty and Buffy started video chatting, causing Marty to lose focus on Cyrus almost entirely.
TJ was right. Right now, is their long distance honeymoon phase.
“So how’s the new place.” Marty’s asking Buffy, sitting at his desk with her face on the screen of his phone as Cyrus awkwardly sits on his bed from across the room, eyes glued to the ceiling and his body angrily stiff.
“It’s good!” Buffy beams. “We really gotta start unpacking, but, I had to see your face.”
Cyrus rolls his eyes to the sound of their giggles.
“Um,” he’s surprised to get ahold of Marty’s attention. “I gotta go.” He gets off his bed. “Jonah and TJ, they, they need me somewhere.”
“Oh.” Both Marty and Buffy look his way. “Okay. See ya man.”
“Bye Cyrus. I miss you!” Buffy grins, Cyrus never feeling more guilty about his current envy. He can’t blame her for this. She’s young and love, and maybe, someday in the near future, he will be too.
“Bye...” His smile is just barely genuine.
Once he steps out of the room, he can hear Marty and Buffy pick right where they left off in their conversation, as if he was never even there at all.
Back at TJ’s, up in his room, he and Jonah are desperately trying to justify ‘what happened.’
“It was the playground. That place has some sort of love spell cast on it. I know it.” TJ boldly states.
“Yeah! I mean, that has to be why. I mean, first you and Cyrus and now you and—Me.” He quickly glances away.
“Yeah..! I mean, the last time we were all there together, Andi and Buffy were like, totally all over each other.” TJ exaggerates.
“Exactly..!” Jonah scratches the back of his sweaty neck. “There. It’s the playground. End of the story. I mean, you and me?” He snickers, bringing on their nervous laughter.
“I know, right. That’s so stupid. I think we should kiss.” TJ blurts.
“What?!” Jonah wouldn’t be surprised if his whole body was a deep shade of red. “Are you crazy?!”
“Just to ease the tension! Like Sam and Freddie in iCarly.”
Jonah frowns. “I dunno, dude...” He can’t bring himself to process it.
“C’mon, I don’t even know if anyone’s gonna ever wanna kiss me at all, I’d at least like to have just one.” Now TJ’s desperate.
“You will have your first one. Just not me.” Sweating more than ever as he wrings together his fingers, Jonah repeatedly looks down to the floor and back at him.
The longer their excruciating pause goes on, the harder it is to act like TJ isn’t there.
“Alright, alright fine. Just...” He slowly steps closer to him, furrowing his brow and trying to look anywhere but his lips. “Fine. Just go for it.”
“Me?” TJ’s appalled.
“Yes, you! It was your idea!”
“Ugh.” TJ groans. “Fine.” He breathes onto his palm and gives it a quick sniff.
“You can’t smell your own breath, TJ, it’s not possible.” Jonah just needs this to be over.
“Quit it before I change my mind.” TJ threatens.
“Maybe you should change your mind..!” Jonah anxiously suggests.
“It’ll be over in like, two seconds. I won’t use my tongue. I promise.”
Cringing in agitation, Jonah steps closer, locking together their eyes until he looks down to his lips, then up to his nose. “Alright, uh...” Maybe if his heart beats any faster he’ll pass out and they won’t have to do this.
After a bit of contemplating, their noses finally touch, and once their lips are about to, TJ’s door flies open, causing them to break apart and silently get ahold of themselves as they see TJ’s Dad standing in the entryway.
“Yeah...” TJ can still feel his heart in his throat.
“Cyrus, a boy from your school, is here.”
Jonah looks to TJ in an instant. “Ummm...Where is Cyrus, if you don’t mind?” He asks TJ’s Dad.
“Got it.” He looks back to TJ. “I was never here.”
“Wait, Jonah!”
Racing himself down the stairs, Jonah looks around in an utter haste, eyes landing on the back door, where he automatically runs over to and exits out of.
Turns out when TJ’s Dad said that Cyrus was outside, he meant the backyard.
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wenamedthedogkylo · 7 years
Eyyyy, sum tags bruh
Get to know me tag game!
Tagged by @betweenrivers-betweenworlds, thnx m8.
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20* people.
1. Drink: Aqua, also known by plebs as “water”. 2. Phone call: Uh..... technically to Willa cause I think she was tryna find her phone. 3. Text message: A group text, in which I provided some amusing pictures. 4. Song you listened to: The chocobo theme from FFXV cause Willa’s playing it right now. 5. Time you cried: I genuinely have no clue. It was a while ago and I don’t cry easily. It was probably at a movie or something. Or maybe it was the cry I had after BatB...
6. Dated someone twice: HAH!! No. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yep. 8. Been cheated on: Lmao no 9. Lost someone special: Yeah, a couple. 10. Been depressed: Ahahahahahahaha! Literally 24/7. *finger guns* 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Of course, gotta do it at least once. I’ve done it more than once, so I’ve had my fill for life.
12-14: Dark red, black, and dark purple
15. Made new friends: Yup. 16. Fallen out of love: Pfft, ain’t even fallen in love so no. 17. Laughed until you cried: Many times. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Like... in a bad way? Not that I– wait, yes, my older sister talked trash about me to my parents cause she’s a butthurt immature crybaby who can’t have mature conversations to save her life. We all laughed about it. (By that, I mean my parents eye-rolled and sympathized with me and I cackled.) 19. Met someone who changed you: Mmmm... can’t say I have? 20. Found out who your friends are: Lmao I mean I already knew it. I don’t make friends easily, so once you’re a friend, that’s that. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: HAH. Nope.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I mean, technically most of them? I knew them either from HS or college, or they’re family? There’s only a few that I’ve met online, and at least one of those that I’ve met online who I’ve subsequently met IRL. 23. Do you have any pets: 1 1/2 cats. 1 cat is fully mine, and I co-parent her brother. 24. Do you want to change your name: I think I’ve effectively done all the name flipping necessary to feel comfortable with it, so nah. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Um. That... that’s a good question. I think I just... maybe had good food and watched a movie? 26. What time did you wake up: Like 11:55 AM, just in time to get my computer open to start work XD. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Playing the Sims and watching Parks & Rec. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: BLACK PANTHER! THOR: RAGNAROK!! STAR WARS!!! 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Mmmmmm... I wanna say October? 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I’d make myself very wealthy to solve literally every single problem I, my friends, and my parents have. 31. What are you listening to right now: The background music for Final Fantasy XV. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yeah, my grade school principle was a Tom. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Capitalism, not having money for the things I need, and how hard it’s been for me to focus on/enjoy things lately because *Jean-Ralphio singing voice* ~even on medication, depression makes my life a walking nightmaaaaaaare!~ 34. Most visited website: Tumblr for sure.
35. Mole/s: A few all over. 36. Mark/s: Tons of scars, can’t really think of any birthmarks of note. 37. Childhood dream: Archaeologist, dinosaur hunter, historian, astronaut, pirate, queen of England... the list was long and unrealistic. 38. Hair color: Light blondish-brown naturally, purple by choice. 39. Long or short hair: Long as fuuuuuuck. 41. What do you like about yourself: My eyes are a cool color I guess, and my hair is usually really soft and smells good. 42. Piercings: 3 per ear, two on each lobe and one each in the cartilage. 43. Blood type: Literally never been tested so I have no clue. 44. Nickname: Bree is the most common that I usually use in place of my real given name, Briana. My dad used to call me Bubbles for reasons I still don’t know, some friends called me Breezy in HS. Right now the only other big one is Bryn (online only). 45. Relationship status: Single as fuuuuck. 46. Zodiac: Capricorn. 47. Pronouns: She/her and they/them (rarely he/his). 48. Favorite TV Show: Penny Dreadful, it’s the most beautiful show to grace the world ever in the history of everything. 49. Tattoos: None. 50. Right or left hand: Righty. 51. Surgery: I had to get stitches on my head when I was little. It’s a dumb story. 52. Hair dyed in different color: Hell yes! 53. Sport: Quidditch. On the computer. That’s it, I don’t like sports. 55. Vacation: I’d love to properly explore Europe, do some more putzing around the UK and actually visit France. 56. Pair of trainers: Uh, none right now. Like I said, I’m not a sporty, active type of person so if I don’t need ‘em, I don’t got ‘em. I prefer boots and like, Keds-type slip-on flats types of things.
57. Eating: Nothing healthy, I’ll tell you that much. I’m trying to restructure my diet and exercise rn to lose weight, but 100% honestly that just means I’m gonna get tall 2% S’mores Frappuccinos instead of grande regular (whole milk) ones. 58. Drinking: I’ve been making a conscious effort to drink way more water, especially cause the summer makes me even more dehydrated. 59. I’m about to: Probably play the Sims? Or rewatch Castlevania hehe. 61. Waiting for: MY FIRST COLORED CONTACTS TO GET HERE AL-FUCKING-READY SO I CAN TRY THEM OUT. 62. Want: Student loans paid, more money in my bank account, and my new work schedule to start already. 63. Get married: It would certainly be nice with the right person, but highly unrealistic. 64. Career: Well, I’d prefer to be a film actor already, but until I’m more financially stable, my current job is alright.
65. Hugs or kisses: Both are great, but honesty bomb warning, I’ve been pretty touch-starved my whole life thanks to social anxiety so I’m not used to either, especially kisses. Those tend to come more easily only when I’m drunk and there’s lots of people to kiss. 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes for sure. 67. Shorter or taller: I prefer taller, and in fact would love to be taller myself, but oh well. 68. Older or younger: Younger than me just really weirds me out, although Tom Holland makes me feel a way or two. Older actually feels way better, particularly in the 10-15 years range, but I also know that if just like 1 or 2 years younger feels weird to me, then 10-15 probably would feel too weird to them. So I’m just resigned to living alone for the rest of my days. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Nice stomach, and with nice arms would be a bonus. 71. Sensitive or loud: If... if this is referring to sex, then I can’t tell ya as I’ve never done it. I would hazard a guess, just based on who I am, that I’d prefer sensitive? 72. Hook up or relationship: The very idea of a hookup repulses me and drives home how incredibly demisexual I am on top of everything else. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Uh....???? I... I guess I’d prefer someone who’s more hesitant than troublemaking, because that means they think about their actions first?
74. Kissed a Stranger: Yes, while highly intoxicated AND high AND in an environment where I felt safe, which was the only way that was ever gonna happen. 75. Drank hard liquor: Yeeeeeeeeup. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: YES AND IT’S THE MOST OBNOXIOUS THING EVER ESPECIALLY WHEN THE SHRIVELED DRIED UP CONTACT SUDDENLY SHOWS UP ON YOUR FLOOR A FEW DAYS LATER. 77. Turned someone down: Yeah. 78. Sex on the first date: As stated earlier, never had sex, so no. And I never would unless I already knew the person a while before the date. 79. Broken someone’s heart: Not that I’m aware of. I’m not really heart-breaker material. 80. Had your heart broken: Mostly by myself with my insecurities. 81. Been arrested: No. 82. Cried when someone died: Of course. 83. Fallen for a friend: Yeah, on occasion. Usually briefly before slapping my shit brain for confusing platonic feelings for romantic ones and making me have a crisis. Fuck you, shit-brain, fuck you.
84. Yourself: Haaaaah, not really. I mean, sometimes? But depression makes that hard. 85. Miracles: I’d like to, but good things rarely happen to me so it’s hard to. 86. Love at first sight: I believe attraction at first sight can be unusually strong, but that should never be conflated with love. That takes time. 87. Santa Claus: Hahah no, my dad accidentally ruined that for me as a kid. 88. Kiss on the first date: If the date was bad, no, absolutely not. If it was okay and there’s some potential there, a kiss on the cheek seems appropriate. If it was great and there’s a lot of potential there, especially if you were friends already, sure go for it.
90. Current best friend name: Willa and Kelsey (I firmly reject the notion that you can only have one best friend and fuck all you ungrateful cunts who don’t love your friends or yourself enough to have more than one). 91. Eye color: Blue-gray 92. Favorite movie: I... I think it might be Phantom of the Opera? I dunno, that’s always a hard fucking question for me.
*Tagging less than 20 cause man I don’t have the focus to count up that many people: @nerfherding-smuggler, @peasantabuser, @aceofaces20, @mel0dyoftears, @hawkeyepancakes, @girl-in-the-coat, @jo-version-2point0, @thegreaterfool, @bimgnusbane, @radioactive-spacemen.
And of course, it’s totally optional. And if you wanna do it but aren’t tagged, well now you’re tagged, go nuts buddy.
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