#i gotta put my thoughts somewhere
ancient-reverie · 10 months
does anyone else realize that white supremacy in america has also taken white people culture away from various different white cultures there used to be and made it into one conglomerate white person thing. like I can't look back into my ancestors and find any culture at all. and I can't really say that being american is much of a culture really it's just capitalism, and surviving that capitalism
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nobrina · 1 year
It’s gotten really hot where I am (about 90 degrees) and even though it’s not summer my brain is like “it’s time to be depressed now.” And I just hope it goes away soon. Like I already have so much anxiety and depression you don’t gotta hit me with the seasonal, limited edition depression.
I’ve been getting less and less sleep lately, my perception of time feels so out of wack. I showed up to work almost an hour early and didn’t notice till I was nearly there. And I know people around me care, but the last time on earth I want to do is listen to someone’s unsolicited pep talk about beating depression. Please shut up. I can’t afford medication and therapy right now so it’s like…extra hard this year. I don’t think I can stomach another person who doesn’t deal with mental illness telling me to hang in there and enjoy my time. Everything is bleak and hot and I’m miserable leave me alone.
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unknownteapot · 28 days
watching your school friends get married is insane. like we were in choir together, idiot. i remember your dora the explorer lunchbox, and that one time you threw your eraser at the teacher by accident. i love you. this is insane.
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Okay I KNOW someone has definitely already made this joke but am I the only one so incredibly disappointed that they didn’t call it The Legend of Link: Echoes of Wisdom?
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actuallyjustabiscuit · 6 months
I was reading a post about Infinity Train (still salty AF about the cancellation of season 5 and its removal from Max) and “weirdcore liminal space show” has got to be the best way to describe The Amazing Digital Circus.
In fact, there’s a lot I want to talk about regarding the thematic comparisons between TADC, IT, and Over the Garden Wall actually as shows about people not being where they’re supposed to be/not being where they want to be but not exactly knowing how to escape the new reality they suddenly found themselves in.
I actually have so many thoughts right now. Anyway thanks @ickymorto for giving me the idea.
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deltaclaws · 2 years
Thinking about Monkie Kid S4 and need to share my thoughts n’ theories on something before I explode with excitement.
Spoilers of course, so click the read more if you want to see. It ended up being A LOT.
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This first part is about Azure Lion’s actions in the last three or so episodes compared to what we’ve seen with Sun Wukong.
When Azure Lion accidentally cuts the piece of the scroll Wukong’s sealed in due to PTSD flashback triggered by MK diving for the scroll piece, his immediate reaction is regret and remorse, but he tells MK that they were planning to release him once they took over heaven. An interesting and awfully convenient detail to admit after you accidentally sliced your former sworn brother’s prison in half!
Most likely he was going to release Monkey King, I think. The thing that sticks out to me is his shifting the blame to MK. If he hadn’t acted, hadn’t tried to save his teacher and friend, Wukong would be ok and Azure Lion would’ve tooootally let him go after! Because his word has been faithful to that point and he hasn’t already double-crossed, totally.
Which is also pretty damn dirty on his part. For what little he knows of MK, he hit him where it hurt with that, and poured salt on the metaphorical aggravated wounds. He then proceeds to take away the pieces and put them on his belt as some kind of messed up memento. Wukong is dear to both of them, but Azure Lion decides that he should be the one to take his tiny maybe-not grave, and MK has to see Monkey King be taken away from him for a third time.
Where this compares to Wukong’s actions is how they would’ve handled the situation. Past Monkey King would’ve shifted the blame away from himself too- because hey, everyone should’ve known what to do, not his fault! But the Monkey King we know now, whose grown and lived long enough to see all of the consequences of his past actions, would’ve taken responsibility. He would find a way to fix things and make it his sole problem to deal with. (Not a completely healthy way to go about it, but by comparison he has more self awareness)
Azure Lion has had the same amount of time as Wukong to see how his actions affect the future and affect those around him, but his takeaway is completely different. He’s been stuck on what happened to him and their brothers, how they “failed”, and doesn’t bother to think about what could happen if/when they did overthrow heaven. Revenge against his former friend and everyone in heaven has just about narrowed his focus, and thus clouded his judgement. He’s stuck in the past and in many ways stunted his own growth.
Which brings me to some bullet points.
“Sun Wukong isn’t that great either“- No, he’s 100% flawed and still reaping what he sowed over his lifetime, but he’s had growth, like a lot of growth. Taking partial/a whole lot of responsibility with MK and interacting with his friends more has helped him relearn what it means to be a part of a group, and MK has had a positive influence on him. As the lead(?) writer said on Twitter, he’s actively working on being more honest with MK, and is going to tell him everything. He wants to change and is trying to not let himself be held back from that by his past. Also he’s working on undoing everything’s he’s done that’s both directly and indirectly hurt others.
(Almost) everyone’s motivations against Monkey King- As I’ve seen several people point out, all the characters that have had a valid reason to hate Sun Wukong have shared their side of events, Wukong hasn’t. Presenting a very black and white picture on things.
(1) Macaque was scorned and abandoned, and wants his former sworn brother and best friend to feel even worse and be tortured by what he did. We know what he said happened, we saw how he saw Wukong delivering the killing blow, but we don’t see the strike connect, and he was shortly taken out of the afterlife/hell/the underworld by Lady Bone Demon. Revived to serve under her and give him a chance to get back at Monkey King- keeping his motivation going so he follows her game of chess to a T. It’s still very possible that Wukong didn’t kill him- the way he acted in Ep.9 in the first season when he sees Macaque suggests to me he thought Macaque slunk away after their fight to nurse his wounds and lay low for a loooong while. Macaque has also been pretty damn deceitful and used MK as his own pawn to secure his freedom (and also get back at Wukong.)
(2) Spider Queen wanted him to die and get him out of the way of her world domination, pretty simple revenge plot there. Dunno what else could be said for that.
(3) Lady Bone Demon was a person who sought to give mortals salvation from heaven’s actions and negligence, which twisted into wiping out everyone who walked all over those less fortunate and did not have the same privileges, and then just straight up total annihilation because everyone, at some point, would hurt others and make the world worse.
(4) Azure Lion, Golden-Winged Eagle, and Yellow Tusk Elephant. Sun Wukong’s brothers and former family. There’s a WHOLE lot there that Azure Lion is definitely leaving out on purpose (like his brothers were sealed away in the scroll to atone for their actions, but we don’t know what they did besides rebelling against heaven to earn such a punishment). He and his brothers make most of their hate about their leader turning their back on them and becoming part of the system/people that oppressed them. Valid reason to be upset and never forgive Wukong, because he either never told them what happened or he also withheld information. That said, the flashback of Wukong coming back with the JttW group is framed in a similar way to Macaque’s flashback- Monkey King comes in, there’s a fierce battle, and it ends with Wukong bearing down and hitting them with the staff. It’s even mirrored with MK’s fight against him, but we know MK was coming down to grab Monkey King and leave with his injured friends. Azure Lion could only see Wukong coming back to hurt him, and lashed out in the worst possible way, leading to destroying his friend and unable to take the blame.
The implications of Azure Lion taking the Jade Emperor down and becoming the new ruler of the Celestial Realm- Azure Lion and his brothers succeed at the current end of season 4, and he asserts himself as the new ruler. When he does, reality between all of the realms nearly tears itself apart, and we see Macaque, Nehza, and MK feel the effects of the sudden power shift. What that implies could possibly means their individual powers are affected, orrrr since they’re all celestial beings, their souls are linked to the Celestial Realm and they have some kind of sixth sense that alerts them to these changes. Now that Azure Lion has control and all of the powers of the Emperor, he might just attempt a total party wipe like Lady Bone Demon tried to do. Most definitely going to try to manipulate and take advantage of MK’s slew of commplicated feelings with his true origins, and what Monkey King has done to MK in the time they’ve known each other. 
Now for theories/guessing what’ll happen in the S4 special.
Wukong tells MK very early on that his body can’t handle him overexerting his powers, and now that everything is on the line, again, and he’s lost Wukong, again, he may just tear himself apart to set everything right, and sacrifice himself so his friends survive and Monkey King can come back. We can see it happening now, after fighting his literal demons and intrusive thoughts personified, and triggering his transformation from a mortal to the celestial monkey he’s (possibly) always been. I’ll say along with that he might be having a hard time adjusting because he’s been away so long- from Monkey King, from Flower Fruit Mountain, his birthplace- and even though the staff unlocked most of it, his powers have laid dormant for a very long time, and he’s had a short time to train plus very little time to adjust having so much back all at once. Like a muscle that’s atrophied, he’s got to build it back up.
One of MK’s flaws is his tendency for self sacrificing, and while he does think of what’s important for his wellbeing, he still puts others before him, to his detriment. Carrying the trauma from everything that’s happened over the past year, he may feel that giving up his powers or his own life is what he has to do to set everything right and atone for the accidents he caused.
Azure Lion has literally gone godmode, and there’s not gonna be much he and his brothers can do to make up for taking it too far. It’s also very muddy, some morally grey areas, super emotionally charged. Also didn’t know where else to fit this but damn was he selfish for taking Wukong’s broken pieces away and threatening to break them even more if MK tried to fight him again. Like dude, wow.
MK won’t be alone, but he’s going to be facing a hard choice to make. If Azure Lion & co. walk away, he may just attempt everything again, and then they’re all gonna be living under the fear of brutal revenge for undoing someone’s very big mistake that they feel they had every right to do; Monkie Kid team doesn’t stop the cycle, and Azure Lion can continue to be willfully ignorant
Putting them all back in the scroll is a temporary solution and would be a little antithetical to everything our heroes have done so far. A punishment sure, but that also continues the cycle, and very little is learned. No matter what, Azure Lion will have to be kept from perpetuating the cycle of hurt and I don’t think they’re going to nuke him out of existence a la LBD. That would also not line up with everything they’ve done.
I sincerely hope we do see Monkey King bounce back like he did in the final fight against LBD, though there’s the chance if S5 happens, it’ll be the quest to restore Monkey King and MK has to figure things out on his own/with the assistance of a slightly calmer but still rogue Macaque. Angst, solving mysteries, and bonding galore! (but really Flying Bark, I will not be able to handle that. I want my cheesy but still very good resolution of Wukong coming back at the end and further paving the way for him and MK to bond and discover why he was created, and by who. I want to see these two catch a break and be happy! And grow as a family!)
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sucresanguine · 10 months
I don't understand this weird trans guy binary we've made. You're either the masculine man's man who wants a beard and a bike and a body builder build or you're a thin effeminate femboy who's some sort of anime stereotype to people. It's like the only possible options are taken directly from that fucking "normal trans man" comic. And this isn't even a dichotomy made by cis people, the call is coming from inside the house. Why have we decided to sort people like this. Stop projecting your narrow tiktok-fed views of men and masculinity onto real life people.
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9haharharley1 · 1 year
I was watching a clip from the Other Guys, cuz my partner loves that movie, and it was the scene when the guys go back to Alan's place to review their case and the hot wife steps out and Terry is instantly in love while Alan is just, oh yeah look at my plain wife, nothing special about her, but then at dinner they just get progressively grosser and grosser about their possible sex life and the whole time Terry's like, I love you why are you with him (points at Will Ferrell).
Then later on it's revealed that hot wife Sheila might actually be into the demeaning because their sex life is just that fucking weird, and it honestly cracks me up, but anyway!
The whole point of this, because I have the brain rot, is that I now need a buddy cop blackice fic, where Pitch is the kinda weird 'loser' cop to cover up his shady past who's been partnered up with - let's say Bunny because the comedy potential is so high there - and they go back to Pitch's place to review the case, and out comes Pitch's hot husband Jack and it plays out just like the movie because I need these two to just be total freaks in bed. Because it's funny. And I am weak.
But also the image of Bunny looking between these two like "How?!" while crying on the inside is always hilarious to me.
But so is Jack saying, "I needed to see a specialist to get my hips realigned."
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octofurvus · 1 year
The only thing the Metatron would have put in that coffee is a few drops of holy water, just to make damn sure he was talking to Aziraphale.
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deergirlslut · 9 months
Getting drunk and posting on tumblr to create hilarious content sounds fun in theory but sometimes you just become a sad :(
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lunarlegend · 10 months
Tumblr really is "you talk to yourself and people can be like 'hey! i like this'" huh
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unnamed-atlas · 3 months
Having brain worms. What if uhhhhhh SOS Mianite au
#this is a fully undeveloped idea but it is simmering#initial thoughts. mog is so champion of ianite. fwip is dianite's.#I'm not convinced of who mianite's is yet but i feel like sausage is desperately vying for the role and getting repeatedly rejected#oli ends up as a reluctant ianitee. he was originally a dianite follower but dianite found him annoying and was a dick so oli ditched him.#ianite finds him funny and decides to pick him up and now he's trying very hard not to mess it up bc she actually respects him#joel would claim not to need any stupid god until he sees how much fun fwip is having causing problems on purpose with dianite and gives in.#his wife joining up with dianite probably also doesn't desuade him in that department#jimmy isn't particularly keen on any of them. he's off doing his own thing#katherine feels very classic mianitee to me.#I've got mixed feelings on Pix. i kind of feel like he should be on his own thing (priest? wizard? something like that)#if not he's ianitee i think. but it takes him awhile to commit#joey's dianitee. eloise feels ianitee to me. shubble probably mianitee.#is that everyone? i think that's everyone#idk if this would be a scenario where the world/plot was more based on mianite or sos honestly#maybe a healthy mix.#do we keep the death/fate coin element? idk idk maybe not? but it doesn't feel like sos without some hardcore element#gotta sit on it#this is the first time in a long time I've just done like straight up stream of consciousness brainstorming in the tags of a post huh#feels very 2020#OWEN I FORGOT OWEN. UH. i feel like he might help balance out the mianite team. i can't put it into worlds but it feels right#he's the type of guy that you look at and immediately think dianite and you're wrong#but i could be tempted to switch him and joey. cause joey did have the whole prison thing in sos which is very mianite#even if he's generally the most dianitee guy i have ever fucking seen#i. i also forgot scott.#embarrassing. I've been watching him the longest and he's the only one on this list I've actually written into mianite crossovers before#uhhhh anyways he feels very true neutral to me. he's another one who i feel like maybe he should be off doing his own thing#if not probably mianite#this is such a mess lmao#i had to put the idea down somewhere before my head exploded sorry
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captnpunk · 4 months
me: i am sad about worlds '24, i'm gonna focus on baseball & come back to this in a few months
shoma: u fool. here's a sledgehammer to the emotional solar plexus.
me: [agonized howl]
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dinitride-art · 1 year
I hate knowing that I’m going to walk into two separate rooms of people tomorrow and miss about a thousand different social cues from people trying to make friends with me and then I’m gonna go home and wonder why I’m starting this year with less friends than last year and be slightly concerned because I started last year with one friend. Why am I so bad at this? Like, everyone has friends. Everyone is able to make at least one friend somehow and yet here I am. Sucking at it. Two weeks from tomorrow everyone in my classes is going to have at least one person that they know how to talk to and who they have a pretty good chance of at least knowing each other well enough to wave when they pass each other on the sidewalk. And I’m gonna be sitting in whatever spot I can and thinking about how everyone managed to do everything so quickly. How do you just… talk to people? And say hi to them when you sit down? And ask them the right questions that somehow start a conversation before the start of class? How does that happen? I’ve never been able to do that. It’s always been someone talking to me first but for some reason I’ve become unapproachable. And even when people do try to talk to me I can’t say the right thing at the right time that makes a conversation happen. Or even a regular greeting or acknowledgment of the person sitting next to you. And how do I know that I’ll even like the person talking to me if we somehow do manage to become friends or if I just like that I have someone to talk to? I am so tired of trying to figure out how to be normal by watching other people act without thinking about anything at all.
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latetaektalk · 6 months
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felixisfruity · 6 months
is my frequent posting annoying. i wont stop
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