#i gotta keep meself in check
mazzy-rockstar · 6 months
KATE HAS CANCER? And she announced it on the same day Hozier said “fuck the british empire”
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enqmind · 7 months
This is what happens when you've recently read baby trapping fics and then have a conversation about what foods you can't eat around taking certain medications.
Soap/Female Reader WC: 1.4k 18+ content.
Warnings: Baby trapping, manipulation, tampering with contraceptives, tampering with food, technically poisoning, misuse of a dietary supplement. Noncon, despite containing no actual sex (because baby trapping).
Reader notes: Implied to dislike marmite, probably isn't Scottish, dislikes masks (not a covid denier. they just make her uncomfortable).
 Johnny has been cooking a lot lately.
 “Trying to take after your compatriot?”
 He’d laughed at that.
 “I think you’ll find I don’t hit my Boiling Point quite so fast, love.”
 You suspected he’d last five minutes in food service, since you’re not actually allowed to explode the sous chef.
 But as a home cook? Oh, he was passable.
 His latest creation was squid ink ravioli filled with an avant garde bacon and nigella seed concoction.
 It was interesting, but good was a different question.
 “Do you like it?” He asked, puppy dog enthusiasm radiating off of him in waves.
 “… I don’t know,” you confessed. “It’s certainly interesting, but I’m not sure one way or the other.”
 You half expected his face to fall, but instead he looked thoughtful as he took a considered bite.
 “Aye, I see what you mean. This’ll take some workshopping. You willing to be my taste tester?” 
 You grinned at him over your wine.
 “It would be my pleasure.”
 “And that is my top priority, after all.”
 He didn’t seem discouraged by the half hearted kick under the table, especially if his enthusiasm for ‘dessert’ was considered.
 His new culinary interest expanded to baking.
 The next day he presented you with a zebra cake with the highest contrast you’d ever seen. The chocolate stripes were almost jet black.
 “I got some o’  that ultra Dutch processed cocoa to try making my own oreos. Ordered one of them special biscuit cutters too, but it hasn’t arrived yet. So I decided to make a very accurate zebra cake.”
 “You ordered one for bourbons too, right?”
 “What do you take me for, hen? Some kind of godless heathen?”
 You raised your hands placatingly.
 “Just making sure, Johnno. Gotta check to see if you’ve been replaced by a sexy doppelganger every now and then.”
 He squinted at you.
 “Yeah, well. You’ll get your bourbons. With bourbon cream, mind.”
 “Always trying to ply me with something, aren’t you?”
 He looked scandalised when you laughed.
 Within the week he had those biscuits ready for you. True to his word the bourbons had bourbon cream and the orefauxs (as he called them) had Baileys cream. Both were as black as the devil’s bottom.
 “I might need a new wardrobe soon if you keep this up,” you joked between mouthfuls.
 “Ah, I’ll just help you work it off. Or just buy you a new one.”
 The look you gave him might not have been as withering as you’d hoped, but he seemed to get the message.
 “I’ll try to bake you something healthier next time.”
 Something healthier meant a coal black loaf of bread.
 “It’s a black bread,” he said cheerily, “it’s got rye in it. Thought might as well go the whole hog and added some activated charcoal to make it as black as you like your coffee.”
 It was with a heavy sigh that you turned your eyes to him.
 “I can’t eat this.”
 His face did fall this time.
 “Oh. You allergic to rye? Or are you afraid I’ve slipped some marmite in?”
 “My marmite take is neither here nor there. The problem is that I’m on the pill and activated charcoal can make it not work.”
 “Oh, shit.”
 He looked so crestfallen that you felt even worse.
 “No, no. It’s my fault. Shoulda considered that.”
 You tore off a chunk and slathered it with butter, just to see him light up a little.
 “Well, I guess half a loaf over a couple days can’t hurt too much.”
 His grin was blinding.
 “Ah, but what am I gonna do with all this spare activated charcoal? I cannae eat it all meself.”
 You gave him a grin of your own.
 “Could live up to your callsign and use it to make soap. Good for the skin and all that.”
 “Ah,” he said sagely. “So that’s why they kept showing me that melt and pour stuff. I was starting to think I’d have to assassinate Bezos for knowing too much. How’d he even find out?”
 You chuckle as you eat your chunk of bread.
 “It’s really good,” you mumbled, delight rendering you mannerless.
 Johnny puffed up with pride.
 “I’ll try a different colourant next time. Still got that squid ink, after all.”
 “How is recipe development, by the way?”
 “Can’t complain. I’ll have another plate for you in a couple o’ days.”
 “I look forward to it!”
 In the meantime you were working your way through the biscuits, cake and that half a loaf.
 The second round of ravioli was divine. Exactly what was different was a question, but if Johnny was going to continue to be a magician in the kitchen then he was allowed a few secrets.
 He joked that this was the way to your heart, and he wasn’t far wrong. There was something about a handsome and rugged man cooking for you that was so very seductive. So less ‘way to your heart’ and ‘way into your knickers’.
 His culinary adventures continued with a squid ink version of the bread (still delicious, barely tasted different) and so much chocolatey goodness.
 Despite previously thinking such things impossible, you liked chocolate as much as the next woman, it was getting more than a bit much.
 “Don’t worry. I’ll take a break on the old chocolate,” he reassured you over some jjajangmyeon. “I’ve got a few more ideas up my sleeve.”
 He bought you a pie.
 It was rectangular, but certainly a pie.
 “I thought you said you made buns?”
 “I did hen, a bun at least. This is a black bun, it’s traditional around Hogmanay.”
 When he cut it open you could see why it was called that.
 The filling was dark as a moonless night and chock full of dried fruit.
 Granted, you were a bit leery, but you gave it a shot and were pleasantly surprised.
 “This is good. Remind me to come ‘round yours for New Year’s.”
 “It’ll be an invitation, not a reminder, lass.”
 You grinned, even with currents stuck in your teeth.
 The next thing he bought you was fudge.
 You were more dubious about this one than the pie.
 “Why is it black?”
 “It’s liquorice flavoured. Me mam asked me to make some, thought I’d let you try it too.”
 Maybe you could deal with the dried fruit, but the liquorice was a bit much. All sorts were one thing, but this flavour and this texture? It was weird and gritty and didn’t go. No thank you.
 “Well, you win some you lose some,” he grinned, “they can’t all be winners.”
 The liquorice might not have been, but the black sesame seed mochi certainly was.
 “It’s good in a porridge too, they use rice starch to thicken it.”
 You raised an eyebrow at him.
 “Porridge without oats? Do your countrymen know you’re speaking such blasphemy?”
 “Aye, aye. Fair point. You keep this schtumm and I'll work on some fusion cuisine so they don’t burn me in Parliament square.”
 It took a few days, but the proper black sesame seed porridge was welcome. You’d been feeling a little under the weather lately.
 “So what do we call this? Scorean? Kortish?”
 “Please stop.”
 “You’re no fun.”
 Johnny pouted.
 “Oh right. Before I forget; what happened to that soap making? Or am I just not getting any?” It was your turn to pout.
 “Ah, I decided to go cold process. So it’ll be ready when I get back from deployment.”
 You nodded.
 “Do you want me to bring some down when I come pick you up so we can throw it at Simon? ‘Cause he’s gonna need it with that fucking mask he’s always wearing.”
 Johnny’s eyebrow’s rose.
 “I still don’t get why you hate it so much.”
 “I swear he’s making faces at me under that thing.”
 “Really?” He asked dubiously.
 “I just don’t like it. He gives me a weird vibe.”
 Johnny looked affronted.
 “Because of the mask. Hated it during the pandemic, too. I’d last three minutes in Japan in the winter.”
 “I’ll take you in the summer then,” he smiled softly, placated.
 You rolled your eyes affectionately.
 “I’ll hold you to that.”
 As ever, it was with a heavy heart that you saw him off the next day.
 He did leave you with some treats to tide you over. Another black bun, some biscuits (chocolate was back on the menu) and a box of lovely dark parkin. Altogether, it should last most of the time he was away.
 It didn’t.
 You stress ate most of it when you found out you were pregnant.
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jamkoi · 5 years
lads do yourself a favor and dont stay awake into the night youll only end up pissing yourself off
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devilscreekballad · 3 years
Commission for BirbWaifu
With @birbwaifu ‘s permission, here’s the writing commission done for them <3
Thanks again for commissioning me.
If you wanna commission a story as well, check out the pinned post.
"Ya think they know?"
It wasn't an easy-to-answer question Nobu was posing there, but he felt a heavy weight lifting off his shoulders as the words finally left his mouth.
Charlie put his book down and pulled himself up into a marginally more upright position as they laid cuddled together in their train compartment's bed, reading.
"How d'ya mean?" he wondered, blinking down at the man resting against his chest.
Nobu drew a breath to answer, but paused. He knew the way he worded that question could mean a couple of things, and all of them had been weighing him down.
"About... all of it, I guess," he thus answered, looking briefly up at Charlie before listening to the other man's heartbeat again. "About me, 'bout you, us... this whole misadventure."
"I wouldn't call it misadventure, Nobu," Charlie said softly, playing lazily with the other's short hair. "I mean, look at what we achieved. But as for that... I don't think me family knows 'bout it. Nothing ya really put in the papers, right? An' what might make it into the papers... There's not really much o' a connection to us, is there?"
Nobu nodded.
"An' they already know 'bout ya," Charlie continued, gently caressing the other's cheek. "No one uttered a bad word 'bout ya since the wedding, so no need to worry there." Charlie shuffled and pressed a kiss onto the crown of Nobu's head. "And trust me, if anyone would have a problem with ya, Ada would rip'em a new one."
Nobu chuckled softly, and sighed.
"But what about us being together?" he wondered.
"Same deal," Charlie shrugged, giving Nobu's arm a squeeze. "But we'll find out for certain soon enough."
Something about Charlie's tone wasn't right. Nobu shifted a little to look at his lover once again.
"Yer alright?"
Charlie blinked once more, nodding.
"Am. Just still tryin' to wrap my head around everythin'. This was a bit bigger than anything we did before."
"It sure was."
And Charlie sighed.
"Wanna hear the punchline? The bit I find hardest to grasp is that ya actually love me back, and confessed first. All these years, we rode together and..."
Now Nobu sat up and smiled, bemused.
"We're both two oblivious fools, ain't we?" he said, now resting his head against Charlie's shoulder.
"Oblivious and both in bloody denial, Nobu," Charlie answered, taking the smaller man's hand. "But I'm glad you said something. I'm not certain I woulda had the courage to do so."
Now Nobu blinked.
"Ya really think so?"
Charlie nodded, smiling bitterly.
"With all that happened, I guess if you would not have said anything there and then... I woulda started tellin' meself that ya don't have the same feelings for me. 'Cause when all that crap didn't encourage ya to say anything..."
"It wouldn't have encouraged ya either by the sound of it," Nobu deadpanned, looking a little grumpy. "And yer the more courageous of the two of us."
Charlie awkwardly cleared his throat.
"Well... I..." he began, but Nobu gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
"But I get ya. I... I think I woulda jumped to the same conclusion 'bout ya had I not said anything."
Charlie smiled and put the book away, turning to Nobu to gently kiss his forehead.
"We're a match made in... God knows where..." he chuckled, cuddling into the pillow.
Nobu did the same.
"Ya think we'll ever see the others again?" he wondered as Charlie turned off the small lamp. "I mean, they said they'll stay in contact, but..."
"I'm quite certain 'bout Mrs. Meadows. Can't imagine Blayne won't keep his eye on us, and she'll be the best way to do so. With O'Brian, Burke an' their brethren, I'd say it depends on what the world has in store for'em. Miss Florence will certainly write." Charlie hummed in thought. "I think the only real tricky one will be Lynwood, what with him moving to England. He'll either write eagerly or will get wrapped up in work again."
Nobu nodded gently. This sounded about right.
"Those were some weird weeks," he said.
Charlie sighed in agreement.
"That they were. But one can't argue we didn't end our career as outlaws on a high note."
"As if you'd actually give up on gamblin' and hustlin'."
Charlie laid his arm around Nobu, pulling him closer.
"I'll cut it down for ya, an' ya know that," he said, giving Nobu a loving squeeze. "But now we should sleep. I'd like to be awake properly when we meet me family."
"Yeah, not riskin' givin' them any advantage."
Both men chuckled, and Nobu leaned up to kiss Charlie's cheek.
"I love you."
"I love you too." Charlie returned the kiss. "Good night."
"Good night."
The next morning came, and Nobu woke to the conductor knocking on the compartment door, announcing that they'll reach their destination in less than an hour.
Nobu sat up, yawned, and looked down at Charlie, watching the other man's chest rise and fall gently. And after a moment, Nobu playfully ran a hand over Charlie's stomach. Charlie stirred awake, blinking blearily at his lover.
"G'morning," he slurred, squirming a bit. "Ya really took a liking to tickling me awake, didn't ya?"
Nobu sighed and searched Charlie's eye.
"I..." he began. "I guess I'm tryin' to tell meself this ain't a dream."
Charlie smiled and reached up to caress Nobu's cheek.
"I get that. I think I told ya that I'm still wrappin' me head around all of it." Charlie cocked his head. "But I get the impression yer really worried 'bout things."
"Am," Nobu admitted. "We got a new life ahead o' us, and..."
"Yer scared, no matter how much ya wanted it?"
Nobu nodded, and Charlie pulled him into a gentle hug.
"Look, Nobu, I can't promise ya that life will be outrageously easier now. But it should be a less rocky road. An' we've weathered so many storms together already, I think we can weather the next few as well."
Nobu nuzzled his face into the crook of Charlie's neck, humming gently. It took a moment before he sat back up, looking down at Charlie.
"Yer counting tellin' yer family we're together as one of'em storms?" he asked, all perfect innocence. And Charlie snorted a laugh.
"Oh, that depends on how obnoxious they'll be about it," Charlie answered, stretched and clambered out of bed. "But I ain't tellin' ya nothin' new when I say ou'll fit right in with the bunch o' altruistic hens that me family is."
Now Nobu laughed as well, watching Charlie get dressed.
"Ya warned me before," he joked then, getting up himself.
It wasn't until everything was packed and the train slowed as it neared the station that Charlie fell thoughtful again.
"Penny for yer thoughts?" Nobu asked.
Charlie looked at him, and then at the window, watching the scenery go by.
"Told ya, still lettin' things sink in. Right now it's mostly the fact that I haven't seen me family in person since Grace's wedding."
Nobu nodded.
"We sure got a lot to tell'em..."
Charlie smirked.
"I reckon those tales will be a good warm up till we get to the big reveal."
"Ya mean that we saved the world or that we got together?"
Charlie pretended to earnestly ponder this.
"Yes," he then said with a cackle, and earned a gentle elbow to the side for it. But Nobu chuckled as well.
"We should go then," Nobu said as the train stopped, shouldering his bag. "I'm certain I saw Ada and Oscar waitin' for us."
Now, Charlie was never the kind of person to get overwhelmed too easily. But arriving at one's family's home and being greeted by around a dozen-something friendly faces will very easily do the trick.
Charlie had barely gotten off the carriage when he was swarmed by various nephews and nieces, and while Oscar carried their luggage inside, Ada took the opportunity to have a small heart-to-heart with Nobu a bit away from the group.
"Whatever ya did after Potter's Springs musta been a big one to get Charlie to come home for good after all this time," she said, watching Charlie for a bit.
Nobu smiled askew.
"Don't be like that. Ya know how much he'd have loved to be here more often. An' yer one to talk. Yer always out an' about yerself." Then Nobu realized something and his eyes grew wide. "Wait, how do ya know about..."
"Potter's Springs? Josie wrote to me when that Pinkerton agent of yers got ya stuck in town for a bit." Ada smiled slyly. "Can't believe ya an' Charles worked with a bloody Pinkerton."
Nobu sighed.
"Neither could we."
"Did ya leave him to rot in the end?"
Nobu furrowed his brow.
"No. Truth be told, he... he's not that bad a person. And he quit his job."
Ada chuckled.
"Good call." She patted Nobu's back. "Come, ya gotta meet the other new members o' the family."
Nobu nodded and followed her, only to stop dead in his tracks when he realized something else.
"W-why did ya word it like that?"
With a smirk, Ada waved him to follow.
"I'll tell ya when Charlie's in hearin' range. Would spoil all the fun otherwise."
By all means, Nobu couldn't say that that sounded promising, but there was nothing else he could do but follow.
About ten or fifteen minutes later Nobu and Charlie had been introduced to all the new members of the family, and another ten till they were seated on a large and nicely decorated breakfast table.
Something that made Charlie squirm with a bit of embarrassment.
"Ya did this all for us?" he asked, to which his mother ruffled his hair after putting a basket of boiled eggs down.
"Ya been away from home for so long, Charlie, and ya pulled quite a stunt in New Hamelin." As you and Charlie blinked a little confused, Charlie's mother smiled and retrieved a newspaper from the shelf, handing it over. "We do get the papers out here, Charles. An' yer not goin' to tell me this kinda thing isn't right up yer alley."
Charlie cleared his throat quite abashed, putting the paper back down.
"Well, yes..." he began.
"Glad to see ya ended on a high note," Ada noted. "One last big thing before you an' Nobu settled down. So, what are yer plans now?"
Charlie quirked a brow.
"Get a job, I guess."
"As what?" Ada teased. "With yer skillset ya'd be best suited for politics, but ya got too good a heart for that."
Charlie snorted a curt laugh and leaned back.
"Yer kind as always, Ada. I was thinking 'journalism'. Maybe writing. Good respectable work, that."
Something about this made a smile tug on Nobu's lips.
There was some agreeing murmuring, some nodding and some eyerolling around the table, before Ada looked at Nobu.
"An' you?"
Nobu winced, taking a deep breath.
"I dunno yet. I-I mean I'm no good with words an' all, but... maybe I can find something at a bookstore in the city. A library. Ya know I like to read."
"Well, good to know Charlie will have someone to read what he put out," Ada quipped, grabbing the breadbasket and helping herself to a small tower of rolls. "But that aside, why don't ya tell us the whole story."
"Yes," Grace chimed in. "What happened that made ya finally decide to settle down with Nobu."
"Well, it's quite a long..." Charlie began, but then narrowed his eye at his sister. "Why did ya word it like that?"
Grace giggled in response, while Ada did her best to not start laughing out loud. Charlie cast Nobu a suspicious glance, and Nobu, albeit just for a moment, wished the ground would open and swallow him whole.
"I think they know," Nobu mumbled, and Charlie frowned.
"We suspected," Ada corrected. "Since Grace's wedding, the way the two o' yer been with each other..."
"Why didn't ya say anything?" Charlie protested, to which Grace spoke up.
"Charlie, that kinda thing is something the two of ya had to come to terms with for yerself," she said. "But to tell the truth, if ya wouldn't have gotten together by now Ada woulda set out to screw yer heads back on right."
Charlie and Nobu turned their gazes to Ada, who smiled back self-satisfied.
"Look at ya two," she said. "Ya've been workin' together so well since ya met, and one would have to be really oblivious to not notice that." He smile softened. "But I know yer both... yer both the kind of people who deny themselves that anything good can ever happen to them for a longer time. But..."
Charlie waved her off, taking a deep breath.
"We... already figured we're oblivious fools, no need to rub it in," he said, clearing his throat.
"That you are," Ada agreed, and smiled. "But we're all happy ya finally figured it out."
Charlie smiled at Nobu, and Nobu smiled back, nudging Charlie's leg below the table.
"But now let's eat," Ada called, "before it all gets cold."
"Can't argue with that," Charlie muttered, getting Nobu to chuckle.
"Charlie?" Nobu asked as they sat on a bank in the house's small garden, catching their breath after breakfast.
"I've been thinking."
"What do ya think?" Nobu smiled, resting his head against Charlie's shoulder. "About what yer family said. About us. We been so busy with wrappin' our heads 'round what happened in Devil's Creek, an' us being two godforsaken fools that we didn't even think about just what we're goin' to do now."
Charlie smiled, leaned his head against Nobu's and laid an arm around the other man.
"We still had a good answer to it, don't ya think?"
Nobu pondered this.
"Yes, but... I mean I can imagine ya writin' books, but I-I can't see myself sellin' any... or anything."
Charlie pressed a gentle, careful kiss to Nobu's temple.
"I'm sure ya can," he said, squeezing Nobu's shoulder. "An' we got time now. We're not on the run anymore."
"There's still people who have a bone or two to pick with us."
Charlie nodded with a sigh.
"I know. But we can handle them. Settling down doesn't mean lettin' one's guard down, now does it."
Nobu nodded.
"Are ya scared," Charlie asked softly.
"A bit. Not just about that... about everythin'."
"Me too, that much I can tell ya." Charlie looked forlornly at the sky for a moment, caressing Nobu's shoulder absentmindedly. "It's weird, innit?"
"All the things we've been through an' this is what we're scared 'bout the most."
"Well," Nobu began, pondering. "I guess it's 'cause we've never been in such a situation before. It was always 'us and where we go from here for the next hustle'. Now it's... Us and where we'll go from here for us."
Charlie chuckles gently.
"Yeah, it is." Then he shuffled around, looking at Nobu. "Well, where do we go from here?"
Nobu blinked.
"Didn't we just talk 'bout that?" he wondered.
"I mean literally," Charlie said, leaning back again and looking up at the sky wistfully. "The world is big, Nobu. There's a lot of places to go an' see, an' about as much to stay there for a bit longer than we usually do. So, where do we go from here? See the world? Build a small house somewhere on the frontier? Go back to civilization?"
Charlie's gaze was gentle and free of any sarcasm as he looked back at Nobu. And Nobu just smiled, just as gentle and honest, before he cuddled against Charlie again, laying the other man's arm around his shoulder once more.
"I don't know yet. I guess I'll see," he said, entwining his fingers with Charlie's.
Charlie chuckled softly, giving Nobu's hand a soft squeeze.
"Yes... But... it's funny. I know one thing for certain." He smiled and cupped Nobu's chin, pressing a tender, loving kiss onto the other's lips. "I won't go anywhere without you by my side."
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mrsalwayswrite · 5 years
Christmas Morning (Alfie Solomons x Reader one-shot)
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This piece is dedicated to the always lovely @evelynshelby​. Merry Christmas, my dear. 
And to everyone else, Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, I suddenly can't remember anything else (I’m so sorry). This is just a short one-shot of pure fluff because who doesn’t want a domestic, fluffy Alfie to celebrate Christmas? I don't normally write one-shots or straight up fluff so if this is terrible...I’m sorry. *shrugs*
Warnings: Swearing, some mild sexual content, pure fluff. 
Word count: 2k
~Christmas Morning~
“Daddy! Daddy Daddyyyyyy!”
Alfie braced himself as much as he could before being bombarded with small, energetic bodies intent on destroying what he had left of vitality. He had been sleeping deeply, enjoying the extra sleep that he normally lost due to either his hip bothering him or the creatures he called children demanding his attention. 
“Oi! Wot ya buggers want, eh?” He grumbled as at least two children raced into the bedroom, slamming the door violently open and jumped enthusiastically on the bed and another child poked him repeatedly in the ribs.
“It’s Christmas!”
“Mum says ya gotta up now.”
“We’re Jewish. Don’t celebrate that none. Go back to bed.” He rolled onto his back, knowing whatever hopes of more blissful sleep to be had was gone. Peeking his eyes open, the faces of his four children greeted him in varying positions on the bed and expressions of excitement on their little faces.
“Presents!” They chorused, the two middle ones jumping gleefully on the bed, making the toddler bounce precariously on the edge.
“Who said ‘em presents are for ya? Mmm? They s’for me…full of socks and knickers they are.”
“No, Daddy.” His beautiful four year old girl cupped his cheeks, her earnest blue eyes staring fondly at him. “One has me name on it. I drew youse a picture downstairs. Mum said I gotta wait to gives it to ya.”
“I bet it’s beautiful, love.” He kissed her nose making her giggle. However much he wished he could continue to rest…these little, joyful faces were worth getting up for. His heart swelled with love as he watched his children play on the bed, fighting for his attention or pulling on him to get out of the bed.
“Alright kids, daddy is up.” You say from leaning against the doorframe. Four kids, only one a girl, most of the time your home felt like occasionally controlled chaos…but it was the chaos you made with the man who had held your heart from your first date. You would not trade any of it for the world. “Why don’t you go wait for Grandpa and Grandma by the window? They should be here any minute.”
“Yay!” Ellie slid off the bed, taking off running in competition with her five year old brother, James- the biggest trouble makers of the house. Their hurried feet sounded like a stampede down the hardwood floor and down the stairs to the main floor.
“Jacob, take Little Sam with you please. When I come down, you can take Cyril outside, alright?” You say, picking your toddler off the bed.
“Yes, mum. C’mon Sam…” Jacob, your eldest at seven, grabbed his youngest brother’s hand and walked slowly with him out of the room telling him about all the presents they were going to get from their Christian grandparents.
Once the children were gone, Alfie flung himself back onto the bed with a groan. “I’m gettin’ too old for this. Me bones are creakin’ like wood.”
“Uh huh, sure.” You moved to stand by his side of your shared bed, gazing down at him. “Don’t forget, you were the one who wanted a houseful of children. Might need to start keepin’ your hands off me if that’s the case. I’m pretty sure you just wink at me and I’m suddenly pregnant.”
Alfie opened his eyes, smirking that devilish grin of his that could still make you weak in the knees even after almost a decade of being with him. “I’m fairly sure that s’impossible, love. Not me fault I can’t keep me hands to meself, you just too fuckin’ beautiful.”
“Sweet-talker.” You leaned over him and gave him a quick peck on this lips before straightening. “You do need to get up. My parents will be here soon.”
“Ughhhh….fuckin’ bloody ‘ell and all them…”
“I know, I know. You just loooove when my mum comes over. Remember this is for the kids.”
He snorted, slowly pushing himself up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Honestly, he could not stand your mother. He only tolerated her because of the family relation now and even with that, he found himself drinking whiskey, rum or whatever was in easy reach a bit more on days where she was around. Not that she was all that endearing to him herself. Part of him thought she still held a grudge towards Alfie for taking away her beloved daughter and somehow putting a love spell on her. Since what logical, sweet, devoted girl would fall in love with an old, cranky gangster with blood on his hands. Luckily the old hag had become more tolerable once grandchildren came into the picture.
“And how s’the little one?” He gently placed his hands on your stomach, feeling the slight bulge there where his newest child was growing. “I didn’t ‘ear ya up in the night at all. No sickness?”
Unable to help yourself, you ran your hands through Alfie’s hair. He would need a haircut soon but you absolutely adored playing with it in the meantime. “Slept great. I think the nausea has finally passed, about time really. The other kids never kept me sick for this long. Although, I’m confident my breasts got bigger overnight.”
“Mmm…” His roving hands slowly traveled upward over the bathroom robe you wore until he cupped your breasts. “It’s hard to tell, yeah, in this. Might need to undress ya to double check.”
“Alfie…Alfie, no!” You protested, trying to push his hands away but your giggling counteracted your supposed stern demeanor. “My parents…”
“Fuck.” He groaned and dropped his head onto your stomach, the thought of playing with your fuller breasts had him at half-mast already.
“If you promise to be good today, I’ll give you a sneak peek of your present right now.”
That caught his attention. “Present, ya say?”
“Best behavior, Alfie. All day. No threatening to castrate my brother again this year…or teaching the kids curses in Yiddish so my mother can’t understand what you’re saying.”
“You drive a hard bargain, woman. Me present better be somethin’ special.”
“Yeah, yeah, I promise.”
“Good.” A coy smile grew on your lips as you took a step back, maintaining eye contact with your husband. Slowly, you pulled on the tie, keeping the robe together around your body. Just to torment him further, you ran your tongue over your lower lip then bit it, knowing that action drove him crazy. Sure enough, you could see his pupils expand as he greedily watched you. The tie came off and you dropped it to the floor, keeping your movements slow and purposeful. Then you let the robe ease off your shoulders and slowly opened it up to reveal what was underneath.
Alfie’s jaw dropped slightly, his eyes widen at the sight before him. There stood his gorgeous wife in a silky lingerie piece that teased more than it actually covered. All that bare skin, breasts offered up like a present and just the faintest hint of fabric covering your womanhood to tempt him to delve into your depths and make you scream his name in ecstasy. His brain ceased all function. His cock fully erect and demanding attention. Since having children, you rarely wore lingerie and it had been years since you bought a new piece to surprise him. He reached out, wanting to touch you and make sure you were not a dream come to life. “Y/n…”
Abruptly you wrapped yourself back up and picked up the tie to keep your robe together and conceal what lay beneath. That coy smile still graced your lips, but you could feel the sudden dampness between your legs at the hungry look in Alfie’s eyes as he stared at you. Playing it off, you brushed your hair back over your shoulder and winked. “Best behavior…then I’ll let you touch it later.”
“Love…you can’t do that to a man. Teasin’ him like that. Just ain’t right.”
“It’s your incentive. I plan on wearing this all day since only my parents are coming over today. Now you know what is waiting for you later…as long as you’re good.” As you spoke, you slowly walked towards the door, fully intent on heading back downstairs to check on your children. Who knows what they were getting up too? Each one seemed born with Alfie’s knack for finding trouble.
Suddenly Alfie leapt up out and raced around the bed to where you now stood. Roughly he pushed you against the nearby wall and pressed himself against you. Keeping his knee between your legs, one hand cupped a breast over the robe while the other pulled on your thigh until one of your bare legs wrapped around his hip. His mouth ghosted over your neck, his hot breath causing goosebumps to appear on your skin. “I’ll be good, so good…then when we’re alone, I’m gonna get ya back, you temptress, for this. So many wicked, naughty things I have in mind for ya, yeah? You won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”
“Promises, promises, Captain Solomons.” You purred lazily, knowing how much your husband loved when you called him by his military title while making love. Anyone else would receive a “fuck off” and a good whack with his cane. Something about how you said it in the moment, he had confessed years ago that it turned him on. Not that you complained, it certainly did things to you too. The current haze of lust growing from his strokes and kisses made you close your eyes and moan wantonly as he trailed kisses along your neck and onto your chest.
As if a challenge was issued, he redoubled his efforts. His lips and tongue worked over your skin while his hands touched and caressed all the spots that he knew make you wet for him. Soon you were both panting, tugging on each other’s clothes and grinding against one another seeking friction like horny teenagers.
“Dad! Mum! Sam is eatin’ Cyril’s food ‘gain!” Jacob called up the stairs.
And with that, reality set back in.
“Fuckin’ hell.” Alfie muttered, dropping his head onto your shoulder. After a couple ragged breaths, he yelled back down. “Comin’! Put Cyril’s food bowl on the counter, yeah?”
“Ok! Ellie spilled her milk all over the table too!”
“Did not! S’James did it!”
“Golems. The lot of ‘em. Not a moment’s peace, I swear.” Alfie mumbled, begrudgingly stepping back from you, attempting to control his cock that certainly had other plans than dealing with the unruly children it helped create.
“You love it.” After adjusting your robe so it covered everything, you moved to head out of the room. “Don’t take too long, Captain. Your soldiers are waiting for you. Just think of my mother and that should help calm you down.” With that final parting thought, you whisked out of the room smiling to yourself.
Well that thought certainly helped somewhat. Alfie walked over to the chair against the far wall and picked up his own bath robe, tying it around himself. Ten years ago he never would have imagined himself here. Yet you were right, like usual. He did love it. Each one of his children seemed to expand his blackened heart until he thought it would burst with love and joy. You were his shining light and love of his life. Family…his own. That was something he never would have guessed for himself ten years ago.
Alfie made a quick reminder to call Ollie once he made it downstairs. The bakery was still running smoothly, for the most part. Ollie had finally grown a set of balls and managed most of the day to day stuff when Alfie was not around. A truce had been made with the Shelbys that was mutually beneficial, plus Tommy had his sights set higher than London so he paid no attention to Alfie and his doings. The Italians had lost their standing years ago, and no longer were a threat in any form. Yes, life was perfect right now…something he never would have foreseen for himself. And it was all thanks to you. For accidently spilling your drink all over him at a club then offering to clean him up…with your tongue. The following conversation had been most entertaining and although no tongue action happened…it was not too many weeks later when Alfie first kissed you and knew right then, you would change his life.
Now if only he could figure out what to do with your mum…
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boogiewrites · 6 years
Mae Flowers Ch. 3
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Mae LeBlanc (OFC)
Word Count:  5700+
Summary: A modern, magical Alfie Solomons AU. After revealing the truth of her powers, Alfie decides to take a look into what Mae’s life is like by going with her to her flower shop. Alfie is quickly introduced to a hardworking and certain woman, unlike the confused and aloof one he’d met the day before. He meets some unpleasant clients of hers and is introduced to Mae’s best friends and biggest cheerleaders. 
Warnings/Tags: Language.Magic/Supernatural. Soul mates. Racism, microaggressions. Protective Alfie. Some domestic fluff, getting to know you stage. 
Positive feedback is MUCH appreciated! Reblogs, likes, asks and comments feed me to write more! Let me know if you’d like tagged in my work.
Click on my screenname then go to Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.)
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The usual noise and commotion that carried over from the city in the night weren't to be heard. It was as if a calm had blanketed over the neighborhood, no sirens nearby, and no spotlights from cop cars had woken her up as they had the tendency to do sometimes. She slept hard and well and if she had dreamed, she certainly didn't recall it.
Her eyes flutter open, a hard yawn and a smack of her lips against the soft pillow clutched in her arms underneath her. She sees the sunlight coming through the curtain and grunts, greeting the day with a big stretch. She reaches out to the bedside table to read the time and for once doesn't groan when she finds it's just before her alarm is set to go off. She rolls to her back, looking at the ceiling after rubbing her eyes, wondering why she felt so rested when she hears a noise from he kitchen.
"Oh yeah." she says in a sleep laced voice, the tone of realization in it. There was a man living in her house now. She was a witch. She had powers. All the improbable things come back to her as her brain boots up. She slides the covers over her, the cool air of the springtime morning raising goosebumps across her skin, her bare thighs shivering as she places her feet on the plush purple paisley rug on the floor. She slides her feet into the rubber soled house shoes by her bed, purposely purchased so she could walk into the garden with them in the mornings. With another stretch, her back cracking and popping as she does so, feeling the age creeping in from her most recent birthday. She was thankful for the spring, in the heat and humidity her joints didn't seem to hate her as much. But this morning she wasn't met with any pain and she doesn't understand the cause for it but much stranger things were at foot right now and she wasn't going to question something going right.
She pulls up her morning playlist, syncing it up to the portable speakers in her room and kitchen as was her usual morning routine. She figures there wasn't a reason to depart from what was normal from her that much despite Alfie being in the house now. She moves to grab her knee-length robe from the hook on the back of her door, putting on clothes would be one difference though. She keeps her usual sleepwear of short sleep shorts and a tank top on underneath it, it was her house after all. The choice of the fateful shuffle button is lost on her sleepy mind as Rescue Me by Fontella Bass comes on in the mixture of sixties, funk, and soul she liked to keep her mornings light and upbeat.
Alfie is in the kitchen, looking into the seafoam green, retro looking oven that matched the other large appliances in the room. He's checking on the chelsea buns he'd made, turning back to the scrambled eggs he was currently whipping at when music started out of nowhere, causing him to jump slightly, his eyes darting around the room quickly. Percy chuckles to himself at the immortal's reaction. Some force of nature he was.
Mae shuffles her way out of her room and she's met with a very awake and cooking Alife that makes her stop and take a survey of the kitchen. She looks at him with squinted eyes, her round nose twitching, just as adorable as a rabbit he thinks, as it's hit with the smell of baked goods.
"Mornin' love." he says with a smile that she deems too cheery for this early, but she finds it infectious.
"Mornin'." she mumbles, her hand in her wild, massive curls as she scratches her head. She moves to the table and plops down, fingers smoothing down her hair that's grown twice in size in her sleep.
"Eggs and bacon?" he asks.
"Yeah, thanks." she says watching him move smoothly as if he already knew where everything was in the kitchen. Was that a power, she wondered, knowing where things were in a strangers kitchen? "You didn't have to make breakfast ya know." she begins, resting her chin in her hand, feeling her stomach start to rumble.
"I wanted us started out on the right foot today." he says with a stern nod, salting the eggs and turning to flip the bacon in the iron pan. "I don't want to be a bum so I'll be helpin' ya out however I can. You can figure out how much rent you'd like me to pay you."
She blinks, realizing she hadn't even thought about it. Some extra income would be nice for food and utilities. Another person did mean more use of the house. "Yeah I'll...figure that out today." she says with a shake of her head.
"I'll help ya with the shoppin' too. If you don't mind of course. I like to cook, and therefore like to eat a lot as well. The work takes it out of ya. You'll come to learn that soon."
"That'd be great, thanks." she says with a softer expression, watching his face focused. He seemed like a decent man. He hadn't killed her in your sleep so that first test was passed. He had already made food twice, more than any other man had ever done. Now he was insisting he pay, even though in her generosity she'd forgotten to request it. He wanted to help with the house and take care of her and she feels warm fluttering in her stomach that she's growing to like. "I like to cook too so...that'll work out nice." she says with a small nod.
She watches him in silence, her body waking up and starting to function at its normal capacity. A ray of sun appears across her from the patio doors, the sun rising and emerging out behind white fluffy clouds. She hums at the familiar warmth, shutting her eyes and drinking it in as she rises to look out the glass paned doors. The glass was already gaining warmth as she rested her hand on it.
"Ya know that's a form of drawin' power you're doin' there?" he says with a soft smile, a spatula shifting eggs around in a pan.
"It is?"
"It is." he says with a slow nod. "You draw energy from the sun. It's in the nature of your life force."
"So I really am just a slightly more evolved house plant." she chuckles to herself.
He mirrors the sound, "Now that's a gross understatement there, love." he grins. "I draw mine from the moon, best. I can draw it from the sun as well but it isn't nearly as effective."
"So I draw it from the moon too?"
"You certainly can. And because you're a woman you can draw from it much more effectively than I."
"What's that have to do with it?"
"Feminine energies are synced with lunar energy. The moon has a distinctly feminine influence."
"Like how things get weird around the full moon?"
"Exactly. It's all cycles in relation to nature though innit? With sexuality and menstrual cycles, the syncing of periods and the moon are common in witches."
"Wh-huh? Really?" she tilts her head, her face contorted in surprise and question.
"So I've been told. Never had to worry about meself." he chuckles.
"Guess you will now." she says with a swing of her head back to the window.
"All part of it, love." he muses, starting to plate the food. "Never scared me to deal with before, doesn't now. Perfectly natural." Alfie had never been a normal man to be perturbed by any normal functions of the human body. Everyone was an animal, no reason to think certain things our bodies did were unseemly. Mae found his statement reassuring, thankful he wasn't a squeamish and hypocritical sort of person. But then again, how could he be squeamish with the things she'd seen him do in her dreams?
As her pupils focus in the sunlight, she takes in the garden, her eyes narrowing quickly. "Hmmm." Alfie hears her says, unlocking the door and walking out onto the patio.
"Breakfast is almost done," he calls out, leaning to see her looking confused. He takes the buns out of the oven and sets them on the table, following her out with the oven mitts still on his hands. He walks out, head peeking out first to check the garden before standing in silence for a moment while Mae looked around with narrowed eyes. "Somethin' wrong?"
"These... blooms..." she motions her hand out to the popped bulbs of flowers along the fence, the sprouts coming out of the soil in their beds. "They weren't here yesterday." she says with a quiet voice, turning to look to him for an answer.
"Ah.' He says with a nod, surveying the space along with her. "Must be your power," he says gently. "Me bein' here is most likely stirring things up. We're charging each other up it seems, making the other more powerful." She watches him look at the ground and his brow furrow. "Yeah that seems to be it." he says in a less enthusiastic voice. She looks down to see what made his tone switch, the paved back portion of the patio was covered in dead worms. It was as if a storm has come through and they'd fled, but they were lifeless on the still cold rock.
"You do that?" she asks with worried eyes looking over where she stood.
"Seems mine are sneaking around a bit as well. Radiating out it seems." he sighs, seeing the subtly distraught look on her face. He didn't have a choice but to be associated with death as per his soul's origins but he didn't like the look he received when other magical humans saw what he could do. "Sorry 'bout this. I know they gotta help with the flowers 'n that." he takes off the oven mitts and rubs his forearm on his forehead. "I'll get you some more, how about that? I'll run by some bait shop somewhere and pick up some as to not upset the balance of your work here." he offers, hand now rubbing the back of his neck with an apologetic look on his face.
"Yeah I need them for the beds and the compost." she mumbles. "That'll...yeah we can get more." she takes a few steps back towards the house. "This...happen often?" she asks, glancing to him before scraping off her shoes before coming back inside.
"Not unless I mean it to. With our souls being so close in proximity their influence must've grown over the place. I'll do some spell work, make a circle to stop it from happenin'. I'd hate to interfere with your business in such a way. My apologies." he says, dipping his head and following her inside.
"It's...it's fine. I mean, it can be fixed. Nothing too bad happened. Poor worms though."
He lets a smile read on his face at your sympathy towards the dirt dwellers. Of course, you would be empathetic to every creature, it was simply in your nature. "Hope that didn't ruin your appetite," he says, locking the door behind him. "I got buns as well." he says with more cheer in his voice. He brings the larger plate of hot food and smaller saucers for the gooey icing covered buns that were cooling on the table.
"You made these?" she asks with a mouthful of bun that makes him hold back a smirk at her childish manners.
"I did."
"They're like...really, really good." she says taking a sip of tea.
"Thank you."
"You could sell these. These are amazing." she muses, taking another bite.
"I did at one time." he replies with a higher inflection in his voice, a short nod.
"You did? Did they do well?"
"They did." he smiles, old memories of the small bakery that served as a physical and monetary front for his rum distillery business back when he was a human in Camden.
"Let's take the rest of these to work. I'd like some for lunch." she says, pushing away her plate. "Do you uh...want to come to work with me? Or do you have stuff to do? I don't... know how this works." she says with a wrinkle of her nose.
"I can accompany you or I can stay here, unpack and mend the damage I've caused."
She considers her options. The extra set of hands would be very helpful for her while filing orders and continuing her inventory. "Is it okay if you come with me? I could use the help."
"Absolutely, love, I'd love to see your work."
"I mean...I can't afford to pay you or anything but-"
"No, no! Don't be ridiculous, I'll help ya out for nothin'." he gives her a dismissive wave of his hand.
"Really?" she says with a clearly grateful expression. "Thanks that would be...I could really use it." she admits, looking away and chewing on her lip.
"Spending time together, gettin' used to each other is good for us right now. Help get to know each other better, yeah?"
"Yeah. We went about things all ass backwards so I suppose we need to like...bond and stuff? That part of the soul mate thing?"
"Yes. We are separate from our souls by means of personality but they'll enjoy being together in close proximity while we figure out all the tedious human things about each other." he chuckles.
"After tomorrow I have a day off so...we can talk about what we need to do then. But in the meantime, I've got some orders to fill and deliver today."
"We can take my car if that would help."
"Man, would it." she says with a thankful and exasperated face. ------------------------------
For the first time, she gets driven to work and takes in the scenery of the other side of the road that she's usually on. The ride is quiet, but she doesn't mind, she usually used this time to reflect anyway.
"Ya do 'is?" he asks, standing in front of the car and pointing to the mural on the side of the building.
"Oh, no. I wish." she says with a soft huff of air, looking for her keys in her work bag. "Had a guy who needed some flowers, offered to paint it for a big discount and I took him up on it."
"It's quite good. Decent trade-off I'd say. Really adds somethin' to the place." he nods, keeping his eyes on it until they enter the store.
"Thanks for locking up and everything yesterday." she says sheepishly, recalling passing out cold.
"Oh, no worries, love. Wasn't about to leave your livlihood unattended in such a way." he waves his hand dismissively.
"I need to count and refill the till...I'll be a little behind because of yesterday..." she says with no malice meant, just merely a statement of fact, laying her bag on the back countertop underneath the kelly green cupboards filled with supplies.
"I am sorry 'bout how all that went down yesterday Mae..." he begins.
"Oh! I wasn't being passive aggressive about it!" she says with a nervous laugh. "I just...if you're gonna help you need to know what's goin' on, right?" she says with a shrug.
He smiles and is pleased to see she is all business while she's here. No wide-eyed aloofness as he'd seen back at the house. She was in her element, clearly. "Absolutely," he says with a wide closed mouth smile that raises his cheeks and makes his eyes crinkle at their edges. "Do go on, love."
The smile catches her off guard, the softness of it. And for it to be directed at her. Had a man even ever looked at her so sweetly before? The calm body language, the soft even lilt of his voice, only sounding softer in comparison from his accent. All this was so new for her. She wasn't used to men being gentle and kind with her. On top of that, he kept giving her these weird pleasurable rumblings in her stomach and chest. She was feeling prickly, like an electrical current barely strong enough to notice was running through her now that she was surrounded by her plants and him. There were so many firsts coming at her at once but with him near she didn't feel as anxious about them as she would have without him. Which logically made no sense, he was a stranger and shouldn't have any kind of calming effect on her. But here she was, feeling happy and at ease around a man she didn't know. She knew there would be lots of firsts to come with his appearance in her life but she hoped that most of them would be as pleasant as this. -----
He ran deliveries so she didn't have to leave the shop, he conditioned and cared for all the flowers, handled the new shipment and unboxed it, as she created and manned the phone and front. Having him there has been such a relief she hadn't expected. She found it easy to communicate with him, he understood her short and sometimes angry sounding orders with a nod and brisk movements. By the time the end of the day was rolling around, she was wondering how she'd done all this work alone for so long.
Everything was going swimmingly, the end near for the completion of a hard but successful day. That is until two of three labeled "white girls" came into the shop.
"Hi, Mae." Tiffany says, her over teased bleach blonde hair sitting high and obnoxious in a hairspray stiff halo around her head. She had her Chanel bag on the counter, sifting through it
Mae feels the hairs stand up on the back of her neck before she hears Alfie's boots on the tile floor coming up behind her.
"And WHO is THIS?" Jessica says, chewing her gum and twisting her hair around her finger. She was probably the worst of the three, being recently divorced, a husband successful after the marriage and with no prenup she took him to the cleaners. But it seemed with the end of her marriage, came the end of her confidence and self-respect driven behavior. Her hair was teased high with a plethora of extensions attached just like Tiffany's. She'd bought boobs, a tummy tuck, a new nose and lips with some of the divorce money. And it wasn't all done subtly or particularly well. Not that Mae was against that in particular, she just didn't like the openly crude things she'd talk about loudly in public where everyone could hear. Or the way her nipples almost popped out of her shirts she wore them so low. Mae was starting to think that in itself was something she got off on. It just made Mae uncomfortable. But Mae wasn't exactly comfortable with expressing anything with her own sexuality, so it was a personal hang up.
Alfie could literally smell the bullshit coming off these women when they walked into the store, fogging up the air with their self-entitled importance. He could hear their thoughts, the way they spoke of Mae's curly hair, the way they thought they were better than her. Alfie was in guard dog mode and it was as if he didn't even have a choice in the matter.
"This is Alfie. He's..." she blinks and stutters for a moment. "...my new employee." she finished with a nod of her head.
Alfie's walks up with his back straight and wiping his hands on a rag, eyeing her with a low brow in a not friendly way.
"So just a workin' relationship then?" she smirks, almost resembling a cartoon wolf with her tongue rolling out of her mouth and smoke coming from her ears. Except she has the end of her sunglasses in her mouth, her plumped up lips wrapping around the end while she eye fucked him from across the counter.
With a glance to Alfie, Mae could tell he was not into it. 'What's a big hunk of man like that doin' with a little low-class girl like her?' she thought to herself and Alfie's nostrils flared and twitched. 'Not like she'd know what the hell to do with him.'
"Our friend Mae here was kind enough to give me a job seein' as I'm new in town, yeah? She's helpin' me get set up, innit ya love?" he asks, turning to face her, a gentle hand on her back, trying to get a clear read on how these girls made her feel, as she'd clearly dealt with them before. He felt the hesitation, the dislike, the forced courtesy as flashes of them insulting and taking advantage of her kindness flash across his vision.
"Oh, WHERE is that accent from? I just LOOVE it." she coos, pushing her chest together and leaning on the counter as he quirks an eyebrow at her before rolling his eyes.
"Where do ya fuckin' think? I'm bloody English! Ya daft?" he asks, leaning forward, brow low and lip almost snarled in a microaggression. "This one slow?" he asks Mae, a limp and unenthusiastic hand motioning towards Jessica. Mae's jaw goes tight and her eyes widen, lips tight she tries not the laugh or agree with him. But she certainly wasn't going to stop him.
Jessica blinks in surprise, standing up straight, placing her hand on her hip for a boost of confidence. "I'm afraid I don't know much about accents over there." she tries to bat her eyelashes and play dumb, once again Alfie counters.
"Doesn't surprise me you don't know ya basic geography." he says with a raised brow and a low tone that signified no hint of playful teasing. Mae tries not the smile, Tiffany looks at him with confusion. Jessica keeps chewing on the end of her glasses, Alfie now focusing his attention towards the other woman. "What ya want? Ya got an order to pick up or ya makin' one?" he asks with an indifferent tone.
Tiffany nods, "I came to get the mum's for my daughters birthday." she begins. "She'll just be turnin' one and she's just the cutest little-"
"HERE YA GO!" he says in a deep grunting voice, interrupting her and setting the large crystal vase on the countertop. "Beautiful work as always, Mae." he says with a supportive nod. "That'll be $65 for the vase, mums, carnations, pink roses, asters, baby's breath and the greenery. RIght, love?" he turns in closer to Mae.
"Oh, he's knows what he's talkin' about doesn't he?" Jessica coos again.
"Just ya basic maths, yeah? Not that impressive to anyone with much sense." he adds curtly, nodding sharply and diverting his attention away again.
Mae blushes and looks down to the register with a nod and a tightly pulled together smile.
Tiffany nods, feeling the awkwardness between her friend and the new employee and pays Mae the flat price.
"And here's a little extra for the...hard work." Jessica says sliding a twenty across the table at Alfie.
He stares at the bill with the same grumpy look on his face, then moves his eyes only back up to her. "Mae's the one what done it. She's the artist who's work ya buyin'. Ya ain't buyin' me." he spits out, pushing the vase towards the other woman who is starting to frown despite the botox. "It's 'bout closin' time now. We got shit to do. Very busy. Get on with ya now." he orders, a sharp nod in their direction.
Tiffany takes the vase into her arms and awkwardly shifts her eyes between the two people behind the counter before turning on her heel and walking out. Jessica lingers, biting the end of her glasses, another quickie of an eye fuck and she too turns, wisely keeping her mouth shut and leaves.
"Yeah." Alfie gruffs out, finger pointing to them walking down the sidewalk. "That woman's a right cunt." he says locking the door behind him, heavy footsteps showing his annoyance as he flips the sign aggressively.
"Alfie!" Mae almost squeaks in shock at the word.
"Eh...it ain't as bad a work where I'm from." he gruffs out and moves back to the counter. "But I would call her 'at any where." he says with high brows. "Fuckin' awful that one." he says with a disgusted look on his face. "No self-respect a 'tall." he says in a high pitched voice.
"How'd you know they-?" Mae begins to ask.
"I could hear their nasty thoughts. No just 'bout me love, but you. Innit no one gonna even think 'bout you like that s'long as I'm 'round, yeah?" he places his hands on her shoulders, giving one a gentle pat. "Fuckin' awful humans." he grumbles, shaking his head and heading to the back of the store to finish labeling orders.
Mae blushes again, she couldn't recall the last time she'd gotten so hot in the face. He was so... protective. So...nice. Well, nice to her anyway, and that was what really mattered. He was mean enough to prove a point but not mean enough to make them leave her business. Plus, she knew she had the best prices around and they would be back after not being able to bargain at a big box store. She stands and blinks slowly in thought, looking out the corner of her eye as he moves around the back rooms. The first man that wasn't a guardian to be so nice, kind and gentle, even though that wasn't common either. Now he was the first to defend her without her even asking him to. She couldn't really help but feel hopeful about this new relationship, and the magic hadn't even started yet. ------ They come straight home after he hears Mae's stomach growling as they ride home. He declares he's going to make dinner and he'll deal with the worms and the power circles and everything else tomorrow. He didn't want to stress her out and he wanted to take care of her. He could defend her from racists and generally shitty people and he could feed her, so that was his plan as of right now. He'd felt the power she'd been moving around with all day, she must've been tired a lot before, he thinks. She outputs power around the plants without realizing, constantly thinking about them, worrying about them and tending to them. It was all leaking out of her and he figured he'd first need to help her identify when she was using powers, as she did nearly constantly and that wasn't something she could keep up forever. She needed to turn it off and take care of herself sometimes.
He pulls into the barely there driveway, or just barely big enough for his oversized car. He still loved it though.
A pair of neighbors are waiting on their porch as they pull in, immediately trotting across the street as fast as their elderly legs can take them, holding a plate of peanut butter rolls. Which happened to be one of Mae's favorites.
Alfie's ears prick up, turning to see the two elderly ladies crossing the street towards them.
"Friends of yours?" he asks quietly as Mae walks around the car to stand beside him.
"Best friends." she says softly with a smile.
As they approach Alfie can feel the good vibes and love they come with and his mind eases.
"Tall one is Nancy, short one is Ruth." she says with a big smile, taking a few steps towards them.
"Hello pumpkin'!" they both coo out, coming in to hug her from both sides.
"Your hair is gettin' so looong." Ruth says, patting her cheek.
"We brought you your favorite as an excuse to see who this handsome man is we saw coming out of your house this morning." Nancy grins, raising her head with its short grey hairstyle. Nancy was always the straight shooter.
"And I should ask who are these lovely ladies I've never seen before?" he grins extending his hand to Ruth first.
"Oh my goodness!" she blushes and giggles. "What a sweet boy!" she praises with a smile so big her eyes shut and taking his hand that she covers with both of his.
"Miss...?" he asks.
"Ruth dear!" she says cheerfully.
"And you miss?" he asks reaching out for Nancy's hand who takes it but is as always, far cooler and collected about it.
"Nancy. Call me Nance." she says with a single nod.
"Ruth and Nance. I am Alfie Solomons. 'Ello. " he says with a booming and attention demanding voice that was clearly charming the pants right off Ruth and was even earning an eyebrow wiggle Mae's way from Nance.
"Far from home ain't ya?" Nance says in a friendly tone.
"Yes, ma'am I am from Camden, London." he says politely with a nod. "I am new in town and your darling Mae here was kind enough to let me rent out her guest room to stay in." Before any other questions can come out of their mouths, and there was an impressive amount bumping around in their heads, "We have a mutual friend who vouched for me ahead of time."
"Ahh." they both say, looking over and nodding in unison.
"He's helping me out at the shop too." Mae adds in, holding the plate of rolls.
"Oh! A handy one." Nance says, sizing him up. "That will certainly be useful." she muses.
"I plan to, ma'am." he grins that charming smile and they're sold.
"He's been pretty useful so far." Mae chimes in.
"I made your favorite dear!" Ruth chirps.
"I already told her, hun." Nance corrects her.
"Oh yes. The humidity was perfect for them, couldn't pass up the chance." she says patting the saran wrapped sweets.
"Also had to check in on our girl Mae. We watch her like hawk, mind you Alfie."
"Watch away!" he chuckles. "I won't be any trouble, I promise." he says with a single nod.
"How long are you stayin'?" Nance begins her questions.
"As long as Mae will have me I suppose. I'm here for the long haul, work visa and all. Needed a change of scenery from where I was so I came to the states. Did some travelin' for a bit, met Mae's friend on an online discussion board about flowers. Ya see me mum worked with flowers, so I'm familiar. And when I decided to head down south I was directed to our lovely little Mae here who has been a most gracious host I must say."
"She is a sweetheart." Ruth smiles. "She can cook! Have you cooked for him yet, baby girl, you really should!" she says enthusiastically, leaning in and lowering her voice to a loud whisper, putting her hand to her mouth to hide it "Way to a man's heart is through his stomach ya know." she nods like it was the first time Mae would've ever heard the saying.
"I was planning on cooking with him tonight actually, that's what we were on our way to do. But I won't have to worry about dessert now will I?" she smiles happily.
"We won't keep you kids then." Nance says, tugging the back of Ruth's cotton dress.
"I'll bring back the plate soon." Mae adds in, taking a few steps back, Alfie following her lead.
"You be good! We'll come over sometime and we'll all have to catch up. I wanna know more about you Mr. Alfie! You better take good care of our little sweet potato pie there!" Ruth says as Nance continues to tug her back, now by her arm.
"Lord mercy Ruth, act like you ain't desperate." she laughs, turning the other woman around.
"Well I'm closing in on 70 and I want her married. Don't do bringin' the Lord into this!" she says with a raised finger.
"Oh, hush. You'll be prayin' about it later, don't you act like you won't."
"Of course I will! Did you see him? My word." she says with a little noise of enthusiasm afterward.
Alfie and Mae stand with tight lips, trying not to laugh as they wait for them to cross the street before heading into the house.
"What a couple of characters." he laughs, taking his shoes off.
"They mean well. They're darlings. And damn fine poker players. They'll win the shirt off your back." she giggles.
"How do you know them?"
"They were friends with Bessie and Charles that owned this place. So they've known me since I was a teenager."
"Some time then yeah?"
"Oh yeah. I got the house a little over a year ago and I hang out with them sometimes. They're nice and funny. Well-intentioned." she says with a shrug, setting the plate on the table.
"And these are?"
"Peanut butter rolls. They're hard to make so they make 'em for me since I failed the first time." she laughs. "Try one. It's powdered sugar and peanut butter basically."
He takes one and tears away a piece."Oh bloody hell that's sweet."
"You southerners love your sweets dunnit ya?"
"Oh yeah." she says with a big grin and a nod.
"Ya gonna need those calories to keep up with the work you're gonna be doin'." he says with a huff of a laugh.
"Good. Because I love these." she says popping the other half of the piece he ate into her mouth.
"What ya wanna do for dinner dear?" he asks, rubbing his hands together. "Shall I make something from home? From my travels? You wanna teach me somethin' 'bout your soul food?" he asks with a shake of his head.
"Yeah. Let's make some comfort food. I'm starvin'. We worked hard today. We earned it."
"What ya wanna make?"
"Let's keep it simple. Some shrimp ‘n cheese grits." she says, moving to the fridge.
"Whatever you say sweet potato pie." he laughs.
@jaegeeeeer @negansdirtygirl22 @brianaisasongbird @hardygal69 @emerald-bijou @captstefanbrandt @coolgh0st @tinastarkandco @stylishmileage  
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: What it is, right, your twin left her coat at CG earlier & it's my neck if it's not back in her hands by me next shift Jimmy: pass it on Janis: Hmm Janis: Are you sure you've got the right person here? Jimmy: Grace Cavante is your sister isn't she? One of Janis: Unfortunately Janis: No doubt she'd rather you gave it to her yourself and that feeling is mutual, like Janis: Get a clue, lad Janis: couldn't be less obvious 'less she left her knickers Jimmy: Stop your chatting, a sec Jimmy: nowt's mutual that's why I'm asking you to get it, not her Jimmy: The resale's nowt either, I had a look Janis: You're in my inbox? Janis: Knew you were lost Janis: Poor Gracie, first you pie her then you call her cheap, gutted Jimmy: I've been round your family tree about 4 times Jimmy: Can't call myself lost Jimmy: You gonna grab this or nah? Janis: Unlucky, but I ain't gonna cry for you Janis: Wrong twin, again like Janis: What's in it for me? Already told me I can't flog it Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: well I'd shout you a muffin but if you're anything like her, I'll be the one eating it when you don't & I'm watching my figure meself Jimmy: guess the pleasure of my company works if you are? Janis: Tell you ain't from 'round here Janis: No 🍀 Janis: Nothing like her Jimmy: sounds more like my luck's finally in Jimmy: got enough stalkers Jimmy: more than I've done shifts Jimmy: what you want then, other twin? Janis: Not that I doubt how special you are Janis: I completely do, by the way Janis: You get to thinking how you can make me having to fucking regale every detail of this frankly riveting convo to my sister worthwhile and I'll get to walking, yeah? Jimmy: You wound me, girl 💔💔💔💔 Jimmy: I sought you out, whereas she's been in my inbox unread since my moving in date, that'd do for starters Janis: If the situation's a dire as you reckon, you'll have plenty consolation, boy Janis: Welcome Janis: State, honestly Jimmy: You're my consolation if you do me this delivery Jimmy: feeding me to the wolves in lipstick if you don't, basically Jimmy: 'ave it on your conscience if you want, mate Janis: Fucking Hell, if I start atoning for all her cringe or offering myself up as 'consolation' to every lad she makes a tit out of herself in front of I'll never get anything done Janis: Ugh, alright, brains, do your job for you as well, shall I? Just put your mate's number on her to-go 'stead of yours, yeah? Jimmy: alright but how many of 'em are coming to you direct for help, I'm making myself look as much of a tit here, aren't I? Jimmy: brutal you Jimmy: newbies don't have mates to throw under buses Janis: Well, don't be fooled by how available I seem Janis: phone never stops, like Jimmy: I'll find another way then Jimmy: if you stop by for coffee I'll misspell your name like we never chatted, don't worry Janis: Barista bants, how cute Janis: Whatever, it's on my route, I can get it tomorrow AM Jimmy: what you prefer, Janet or Janice? Let me know Janis: 😑 Janis: If you want my sister to ride you, keep on taking the piss, she'll love that, like Jimmy: if you want me to be nice to you, keep using your sister for that A+ excuse Jimmy: 'cause nah, there's nowt more appealing than her getting on her bike Janis: Ha, fuck off, you're the one with a tips jar and manager to keep happy, dickhead Janis: I'm not saying she's not fussy, I'm just saying it might take me several cups of coffee to give you enough 3rd degree burns for her to be #overit Jimmy: funny Jimmy: & im just saying I'd rather give me ex a bell & have her do her worst ruining my life long distance Janis: Worth a shot then, isn't it? Janis: Just try and be less Janis: this Janis: she might reckon you're a changed man Jimmy: is it gonna change your sister's mind about me if I do? Jimmy: 'cause her mates have homewrecker written all over 'em Janis: It was a poor choice of friendship tat, yeah but they ain't the brightest, bless Janis: idk, probably help if the girl was real, mate Jimmy: she is real but shes also real far away Jimmy: & really hates me Jimmy: that's mutual unlike the attraction your little twin is harboring 💔 Janis: 💔 Janis: fuck someone here then, ain't gotta be all 💕 just look enough like it that they write you off their hit lists, yeah Jimmy: proper romantic you Jimmy: I'll go back to the drawing board if its all the same Jimmy: don't need another lass falling for me, do I? Janis: 🙄 Janis: If I had such an easy out, I'd use it Janis: fucking blood ties, such bullshit, along with romance but there we go Jimmy: Easy? yeah alright, Juliet Janis: Not saying you've gotta off yourself with the poor bitch, steady on, though peak 💘 so it is Janis: You're either a 😻 magnet or you ain't, can't have it both ways Jimmy: I just wanna be left alone Jimmy: shouldn't be a lot to ask but until I master leprechaun for fuck off, it apparently is Janis: Preaching to the choir...nah, fuck that, preaching to the big man himself Janis: You work it out, you've got my details now you fucking stalker so hmu then and not before k Jimmy: you know the saying, get stalked enough, become fucked off enough by it to become the stalker Jimmy: or summat Janis: Tragic Janis: No doubt you coulda been something, kid Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: still could Jimmy: if you help me Janis: I don't know how to make a latte, soz Jimmy: not a requirement of dating me, and yeah, my boss is gutted Janis: you what? Jimmy: go out with me Jimmy: you said yourself it don't have to be a love story Janis: um yeah but you should both at least be somewhat into it, ideal world Janis: know you already called me out as the romantic here but Jimmy: nah, you're what I need Jimmy: I won't get tempted Jimmy: keep it easy, like you also said Janis: 🖕 Janis: Like I said, show me how it's worth my time and I will Jimmy: your sister would hate it Jimmy: not like I'm asking you to marry me, you look enough like her that'd be like asking myself to honeymoon in Vietnam Janis: You're a cunt, also, obviously not well-traveled Janis: say what you like Janis: it would be amusing to piss her off and I'm always up for finding new ways Jimmy: so you in? Jimmy: 3 date minimum Janis: You mean I actually have to spend time with you? Jimmy: as long as people think you are, do what you want Janis: Fill your boots Janis: but don't just be saying I let you finger me on your lunch break, like, that isn't working on anyone, least of all my sister and her stupid mates Jimmy: come get your sister's coat and we'll make the magic happen Jimmy: coupley pics and #s will work Jimmy: all they do is sip & scroll Janis: How magical can you really be, then? 😏 Janis: Fuck it, worth it just to piss her grafting you down the drain Jimmy: I'll fake rock your world, Jasmine Janis: Sure 👌 Make me forget my name half as many times as you have and you'll have fucked enough brain cells out to make me a thick Northern twat, clearly Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: hope you're a better actress than you are sweet talker, love Janis: That ain't the one, fucking hell Janis: pick a better petname if we ain't taking time to remember Jimmy: let me know what you want me to call you Jimmy: Baby, right? I bet you're one of them girls Janis: 😒 Hilarious Janis: My daddy issues are pretty non-existent, soz to report Jimmy: what then? Jimmy: Can't call you Juliet if you aren't ride or die for me, darling Janis: I'm remember your unfortunate accent now Janis: it's probably best you don't speak Jimmy: strong, silent type Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: 👍 Janis: It's your fantasy, kid Janis: Big yourself up however you gotta Jimmy: fantasy? nah Jimmy: necessity Janis: You've not gotta warn me Janis: Not swooning over this chat Jimmy: 💔 Janis: We're all gutted Janis: push that down and smile for the 'gram Jimmy: 😁 Janis: That's the spirit Jimmy: I know yours is more 😏 Jimmy: control yourself if you can, Jenna Janis: Make no promises to control myself so Janis: 👊 behave or deal Jimmy: make one or its off Jimmy: your sister & his mates break enough of my boundaries Janis: If the problem is they're swinging for you, I'm gonna go right ahead and victim blame Jimmy: probably keep that off the 'gram, girl Janis: We laying down ground rules here and now, yeah? Jimmy: you got something else on? Janis: It's the Easter hols Janis: so no Janis: fuck all Jimmy: then may as well Janis: Alright Janis: No posting without getting the other's go ahead first Jimmy: done Jimmy: same goes for agreeing to go somewhere/do something as the power couple we're pretending to be Janis: 'Course Jimmy: & if you tell your sister summat let me know too 'cause she loves questioning me over her coffee Janis: Ha Janis: I do my level best to avoid her but easy Jimmy: you're not gonna brag about what a good boyfriend I am 💔 Janis: We'll have to work out how good you are first, like Jimmy: good enough that I'm off limits your sister & her mates Jimmy: no more no less Janis: Can do that Jimmy: don't fall in love with me for real, can you do that? Janis: 😏 Are you for real? Janis: Ego to go with the accent, is it Jimmy: just checking you're not like your sister for real Jimmy: could be protesting too much for all I know Janis: And this could just be a really bad come on for all I know Janis: we'll have to trust on this one thing, deal? Jimmy: Yeah Janis: Sorted Janis: Make me sound good, as I will be for you Jimmy: how good? Jimmy: nobody knows my dating history, what's yours? Janis: Likewise Janis: all you gotta do is make it realistic enough that people stop asking if I'm a dyke Jimmy: Easy Jimmy: Are you a take it slow girl or hook up on date 1 type? Janis: Won't be getting that graphic on the 'gram, leave it out Jimmy: But it won't stay on the 'gram, will it? Jimmy: People chat Jimmy: what reputation do you want? Janis: Probably better to not be a slag init Jimmy: but don't be keeping me waiting too long if you don't wanna sound gay Janis: alright, irresistable Janis: 2nd date, like Jimmy: 👍 Janis: I ain't, by the way Jimmy: Don't matter Janis: Does Janis: Who needs the pressure of being a beard? This ain't what this is, got it Jimmy: It'd be less pressure, probably Jimmy: you'd be better at faking it Janis: Sorry to disappoint you and all the girls 😒 Jimmy: if its the only time you're gonna, I'll cope Janis: Naturally Janis: Aim to please Jimmy: save it for the 'gram, Judith Janis: Reckon I'm being nice rn? Janis: Poor boy 💔 Jimmy: nice matters less than gay Jimmy: Don't wanna be your mate Janis: Good thing too, aiming to please here, keep up Janis: just saying, starting to doubt how 😍 they are now Jimmy: come see for yourself Jimmy: I'm working as we speak Janis: 😏 Wow so hot Jimmy: it could be if you're ready to kick this off Janis: Why not? Janis: Sooner we get it done sooner we'll see results Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: Laters, babes Jimmy: Cute Janis: That's why you're with me Jimmy: I'm not yet Janis: You're gonna be salty 'cos I won't ride you in your hipster hangout today? 😂 Jimmy: I'm getting paid to be here, you're the one hanging out Janis: I'm picking up the bitch's coat, piss off Jimmy: You could do that when we close Jimmy: You're coming to see me Janis: You do this much? Janis: Suspiciously good at it Jimmy: Which bit? Janis: The bit where you fake a relationship Janis: Good tactic to get bare girls, like or what Jimmy: You're my first 💕 Jimmy: don't let it go to your head, Josephine Janis: as much as that'd get 'em throwing out the #goals Janis: secret's safe with me, boy Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: don't have to go to these lengths up north Jimmy: girls just get if you're interested or nah Janis: 💔 it's a shithole, mate Janis: didn't you get told before leaving t'mines Jimmy: must've had too much coal in my ears or summat Janis: Don't know what you got 'til it's gone Janis: interested and interesting bitches included, obvs Jimmy: not only a pretty face you Jimmy: got it going on in your head too Jimmy: lucky me Jimmy: 😍😍😍😍 Janis: Yeah yeah Janis: Better take back what you said 'bout the leprechauns now you're coming up 🍀&🌹 Jimmy: if you save the humble for the #s I'll think about it Janis: Never been accused of being humble Janis: I guess the gay or nay is more pressing Jimmy: never checked a mirror or nowt, neither? Janis: 'Course, gotta spot myself at the gym, ain't I Jimmy: you can agree you're pretty then Jimmy: not an ugly duckling story either Janis: What's it matter, like Jimmy: im not fake dating one of them girls Jimmy: hates herself but still takes selfies Janis: that's another rule? i'll be thinking on my next then Jimmy: Can't prop up your self esteem Janis: Don't worry 'bout me, fake worry or otherwise ain't necessary Jimmy: I won't Jimmy: all worried out Jimmy: fake & real Janis: 🎻 Jimmy: customer service deserves a pity orchestra Jimmy: alright for you, rich girl Janis: I'll hire one out for date three if you earn it Janis: so 💸 Jimmy: just gimme the money Jimmy: if this was a naff teen rom com, I'd charge per date Janis: If I was richer, older and lonelier, you mean Janis: and you were desperate enough to be a rent boy Janis: you'd actually have to put out though so let's not Jimmy: only if I wanted top money Jimmy: the in it for the chit chat option would be more than I make at CG Janis: Then I hope to fuck you're a better fuck than you are bringing it with the chat, darling, no one is paying for this Jimmy: I'm not trying to impress you Jimmy: pay me and I'll be charming Janis: I'm not trying to pay Janis: Not that hard up, but tah Jimmy: don't complain about what you get then Janis: You ain't telling me what I can and can't do, babe Jimmy: I'm telling you I'm not here to listen to you whinge, babe Jimmy: Get a real boyfriend for that Janis: Have you tried talking to any of my sister's mates Janis: I really think it'll solve this whole thing Jimmy: I talk to 'em every shift Janis: That's not real Janis: that's wage slave robotics Jimmy: neither is this Janis: Whatever, do this at them then Janis: However fit you are, it ain't worth all this Janis: though, probably had worse, hm Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: bad boy baristas are this year's...whatever last year's fad was Jimmy: whatever I say that's brutal I'm playing hard to get Jimmy: 🎻 Janis: 🤢 Ick Janis: last year's fad was the clap so like, careful Jimmy: I repeat, you're what I need Jimmy: nothing else has worked Janis: 😍 Janis: I said yes, didn't I Janis: it'll be sorted Jimmy: are you on your way? Jimmy: 'cause it won't be 'til then Janis: Keen Janis: Yeah, though, gimme 10 Jimmy: try and look like someone capable of getting my attention Janis: I'm not giving myself a shit fringe for you Janis: get some taste Jimmy: you don't know my tastes, Joanne Janis: I can guess Janis: and be right Jimmy: go for it Jimmy: try Janis: any bitch described in any indie song ever Janis: not like other girls 'cept like all the other girls at the shitty pub/gig drinking pints 'cos you'll think it's dead cool, like her tongue piercing and real leather jacket Jimmy: thats racist Jimmy: just 'cause I know all the lyrics to Wonderwall Janis: 😂 Janis: like glass, boy Jimmy: I hope you're better at pretending to know what I like Janis: I know I ain't wrong but you can have the automatic upgrade for free Jimmy: Funny Janis: What, now I'm TOO confident? Jimmy: Nah, too obvious Janis: Err, me or your lack of taste? Jimmy: you Janis: How Janis: Fucking cheek Jimmy: You've pulled the first cliche you could out of your arse Jimmy: is how Janis: I'm sooooo sorry Janis: sure she seemed really special and unique at the time Jimmy: I'm sorry that you're just like your sister Janis: Now who's chatting out their arse Jimmy: still you Jimmy: she don't know me either but she reckons she knows my tastes too Janis: and you don't know me, you barely know the bits of her she wants you to, like Jimmy: I'm not trying to even fake know you Janis: Mutual, hence idc what you fuck Janis: and it was a joke, fucking hell boy Jimmy: funny you Jimmy: like I said Janis: So you keep saying Janis: go do some work, i'm just killing time on the bus Jimmy: I'm working harder than you Jimmy: this chat is a slog without all the coffee I'm slinging between the lines Janis: Do one then? Save it for the 'gram, rule no.1 Jimmy: 👋 Janis: 🖕 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: what do you do that isn't shit coffee there Jimmy: drinks or food? Janis: Drinks Jimmy: shitter tea, tasteless milkshakes & minging smoothies Janis: 🙄 Joy Janis: if you can make the smoothie at least healthy as well as minging, do that Jimmy: I can make it taste alright if you keep that off the 'gram Janis: That's big talk, babe Jimmy: secret menus aren't just for starbucks Jimmy: I'm here all day I have to make some shit edible for myself Janis: Fair Janis: I'm willing to be impressed by the smoothie skillz at least Jimmy: Challenge accepted Janis: I'll be brutally honest, idc if you are bae Jimmy: calling me bae is more brutal Jimmy: hate that Janis: 😂 awh bae Jimmy: leave off, Jill Janis: hot and cold, you Jimmy: 💔 Janis: tell me 'bout it Janis: planning our fake breakup already Jimmy: Are you? Janis: that's the fun bit, right? Jimmy: make me look better than my ex did and it'll be a start Janis: i'll break your heart Janis: that's the reputation i'll take Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: steady Janis: 🤷 Janis: i want what i want boy Jimmy: you think you're having my heart? how many dates we going on? Janis: work fast Janis: faster than i'm letting you Jimmy: up yourself you Janis: rich 😏 Jimmy: yeah you are, don't rub it in, girl Janis: I ain't though Janis: like you said, her coat's shit Jimmy: means she's got shit taste not a lack of funds Janis: You can't be rich with 10 kids Janis: trust Jimmy: you could Jimmy: could be a princess for all I know Janis: 😂 what kind of deep cover is this Janis: living in this hole Janis: going to that school, sure Jimmy: #humble Janis: funny Janis: you wish Jimmy: Why? Jimmy: I don't care what you are, do I Janis: 💸 and clout would be an undeniable bonus, regardless Jimmy: I told you, I wanna be left alone, clout is the opposite of that Jimmy: & I don't need your money, girl Janis: Okay so you can't be bought, get you Jimmy: that's not what we're doing here Janis: I know Janis: Serious Janis: you're just easy to take the piss outta Jimmy: piss off Janis: I'll turn around now, like Jimmy: go on then Jimmy: I'm not having the threat of you walking hanging over me head Janis: So serious Janis: Not a princess with a driver, there's no changing the bus route on the rest of this lot now Janis: no matter how moody you get Jimmy: I've got a kid sister I ain't babysitting you too Jimmy: Be serious Janis: Yeah yeah Jimmy: Or call it off Janis: Nah Jimmy: It's not a yeah or nah question Jimmy: it's me saying don't half arse fake dating me Janis: I ain't going to Janis: like you said, this ain't real, and ain't how it's gonna be but can't prove that 'til I get there Jimmy: 👌 Janis: That ain't a response either Janis: I ain't the only one with something to prove Jimmy: Show your face & I will Janis: Try not to look too disappointed Janis: don't doubt some of your fangirls will be watching Jimmy: How many times do you want me to tell you you're pretty when nobody's listening? Janis: Shut up Janis: That ain't what I meant Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: See? Don't start Janis: 😍 only dickhead Jimmy: calm down, dickhead Jimmy: I've got this Janis: First time, you admitted as much Jimmy: Faking it, yeah Jimmy: I've done it for real, that's harder Janis: You reckon Jimmy: I don't care what you think so yeah Jimmy: As long as it looks good it don't matter if it is Janis: That's same as the real thing let's not lie Jimmy: Nah Janis: Agree to disagree, darling Jimmy: Disagree and tell you to shut your face, Jodie Janis: Save it for your ex, Romeo Janis: 💘 such a romantic Jimmy: If I was, she wouldn't be an ex, would she? Janis: Giving you benefit of doubt Janis: LDR never works, you're a 15 year old boy Janis: got like what, 13 more before you find the one, isn't it? Jimmy: what makes you think long distance is what ex-ed her? Jimmy: I never said that Janis: Guess not Jimmy: You don't have to fake knowledge about me Jimmy: nobody's asking who came before Janis: You don't know girls if you think that Janis: undoubtly scoping their profiles as we speak Jimmy: don't doubt they have but they won't find owt Janis: not gutted for 'em Jimmy: only yourself Jimmy: you'll have to keep faking knowing everything Janis: suits me fine, boy Janis: the truth don't interest me none Jimmy: spoken like a decent liar Janis: you know it Janis: truly your lucky day Jimmy: 😍 Janis: Ready? Jimmy: If you are Janis: Fuck it Janis: Why not Jimmy: see, romance ain't dead 💕 Jimmy: how could I refuse? Janis: in it for the smoothie Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: got time to spit in it still Janis: Don't you dare Janis: Will actually fuck you up Jimmy: Get used to it, you're gonna have to kiss me Janis: Disgusting Jimmy: Sweet talking again Jimmy: Jeez, June, steady on Janis: You're the one bringing up necking when I've not even got in the door Jimmy: Are you ready or aren't you? Janis: 'Course I am Jimmy: then I can talk about it, can't I? Jimmy: it's too late for a no kissing rule Janis: If that's how you deal with bricking it Jimmy: piss off Janis: Too late now, babe Jimmy: it's not Janis: ? Jimmy: we don't have to do this if you're shitting yourself Janis: bitch, please Jimmy: I'm not gonna be your bitch, babe Janis: Not the pet name you want then? Jimmy: 🖕 Janis: Have plenty of time to think on it when you're swooning 😉 Jimmy: It's so funny that you believe you'll able to think on anything Janis: 😏 Mhmm Janis: catch me mentally writing my shopping list to pass the time during Jimmy: You aren't even a good liar in private Jimmy: We're doomed Janis: Shut up Janis: Not seen such a romance since Kate and Leo Jimmy: 🎻 doomed, mate Janis: you wanna go down with the ship so bad Janis: drama 👑 Jimmy: I want you to put your riches where your big mouth is Jimmy: Stop your chatting and come on Janis: Keen as Janis: I'm nearly there, stop pining, it's embarrassing Jimmy: You're such a dickhead Jimmy: Maybe I should just date your sister Janis: Go on Janis: I ain't gonna save you from the literal slag pile of exes, you ain't deserve it Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: you don't deserve me Jimmy: well snide you Janis: You love it Jimmy: not having my 💘 Joan, I told you Janis: i don't want it Janis: just gonna 💔 it and bounce Jimmy: 😂 Janis: k i'm coming in guard your 💘 and 👀 'cos i look 🔥 Jimmy: I'll judge that Janis: you forgot what we're doing here or what Jimmy: If we're dating you gotta bring it as my girlfriend Jimmy: so nah Janis: 🙄 Janis: 'cos you look so fit in your stupid uniform 👌 Jimmy: We're meant to be improving your rep not trashing mine Jimmy: & yeah I do 👌 Janis: Really? Nothing to do with how scared you are of these crazy bitches k Jimmy: fed up ain't scared Janis: still Janis: you need me Janis: don't forget it, pal Jimmy: I won't if you don't, mate
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the-beatdown2 · 6 years
Black Maple
(closed for @waveofthehand but thanks for checking it out :D)
The night outside was chilly but the sky was clear. Ricky hopped off his skateboard and grabbed it outside the cafe, stepped off to one side and setting it into his backpack, zipping it up. The top wheels stuck out a bit, but the board would be out of the way. He shouldered his backpack again and headed inside, glancing about the place.
It was nearly full at this time of night, everybody wanting something to keep them warm, cool, or awake. Ricky sniffled from the chill outside and made his way over to stand inside, tucking his hands into his jacket pockets. The lad standing in front of him held onto a massive book, and it looked as if he couldn't quite get a hold of it. Ricky quirked an eyebrow but managed to suppress his smirk by biting his lip. Don't they make fancy eBooks nowadays for that? The line moved up one, but the guy still had his nose in the book, having somehow managed to fumble about and turn the page, and Ricky just couldn't resist talking with him.
"Crammin' fer an exam?" he asked the stranger, light as a feather and polite.
Mitochondrial analysis promises to be the next frontier in--
Alex jumped, startled by the voice behind him. The book tumbled out of his hands and landed face-down on the tiled cafe floor. The angry Mandrill monkey on the cover of Recent Advances in Evolutionary Biology stared back at him, fangs bared. He cursed under his breath as he bent over to pick it up, praying it hadn't landed in a puddle of coffee.
"Something like that," he mumbled to the still-unseen stranger behind him as he examined the pages of the book for damage.
Ricky found himself leaning back on his heels, raising his eyebrows. "Right..." It looked like the stranger had it all under control, so Ricky didn't bother bending down to help him. The monkey on the cover was...a little alarming, but Ricky could appreciate the color scheme.
"What're ya studyin', t'en? Science 'n t'ings?" He probably should just let the guy read on in piece, seeing how nervous he was, but something about that made Ricky want to talk to him more. Maybe help him calm down, a little.
Alex jerked his head back up, shaken out of his concern for his book by the stranger's voice. It was a beautiful voice with a simply enchanting accent. He pushed his thick-rimmed glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose to get a good look at him.
Oh...oh no, he's extremely hot.
Alex felt his face turn deep scarlet even as he opened his mouth to answer. "Y-yeah. Evolutionary biology. At USF--um, the University of San Francisco."
The guy had a massive flush looking at him, and Ricky didn't even bother to hide his toothy smirk in response. USF?
"A bio man! I go teh USF s'well, fer Information Technology. I'm graduatin' here in a couple'a weeks, actually, but small world, huh? T'ought t'ere'd be a mix o' students 'round here, but..." He eyed the guy's book and gestured to it. "Didn' mean teh startle ya, by t'way. Name's Ricky." He held out his hand, even though the line was moving up another few people behind the guy.
Alex shuffled the thick textbook, feeling awkward as he stuffed it under his arm. It pressed against his ribs as he thrust out his hand. "Alex," he said as he shook Ricky's hand. It was soft and warm, which probably meant that his own was cold and rough. "I'm a grad student. So it'll be a while before I graduate," he said, laughing weakly.
"Ohh, see," he took his hand back and had his hands back in his pockets quick as he could, "I t'ought about goin' t'at route, but I figured my degree's good enough fer me, it should be good fer t'e workin' world s'well!" He nodded. "T'at's smart of ya, t'ough. Biology's got lotsa complex t'ings worth learnin'. Ya goin' fer a Doctorate, t'en?"
"Yeah," Alex said. "I just finished my Masters last semester, and--"
"Sir?" The barista called out to him. "Are you ready to order?"
"Oh!" Alex whirled around, his messenger bag smacking against the wooden display of mugs and bags of coffee. The stand rattled, but Alex said a silent thanks that nothing fell over. "Yes, I--could I please have a maple latte?"
The barista nodded and rang him up. He.knew he was supposed to go wait by the other counter, but he hovered around the register anyway, for...no reason in particular. His cheeks were burning as he watched Ricky walk up to the counter too. He was probably wasting his time, the guy was probably just trying to make conversation to pass the time in line...
"What can I get you?" the barista asked Ricky.
Ricky reflexively reached out toward the stand anyway, a sympathetic smile sliding across his features. He shook his head after the shaking stopped and waited his turn, then gave the lad a look as he walked up to the counter, an amused smile.
"Pint o' the black stuff, Sam, if ya please. Y'know, if I were t'say that back in Ireland--"
"They'd hand you a pint of beer, I know." The barista took his credit card from him and swiped it with a smile.
"Oh," Ricky retorted, "sorry, have ya heard t'at one before?"
"Yeah," she said, "from /you/. Black coffee it is." She handed his card back and Ricky pulled out his wallet to place it back inside.
"Yer Masters?" He continued with Alex, as if they hadn't paused. He set his hand on the guy's upper arm and said, "Let's move on and chat over t'is way, shall we?"
Ricky's hand was warm even through Alex's sweater. He managed to suppress a shiver, though just barely, as Ricky steered them over to the pick-up counter.
"Yeah, well, you know...you have to finish your masters before they let you sit for PhD qualifying exams, and. Well, I got through it as fast as I could, but it still took me a year and a half. I'm sitting quals in a few months, so I've just been cramming nonstop, and..." He paused to take a breath, suddenly remembering what his therapist had told him about making conversation. Both people have to get a chance to talk, Alex, she'd said, in that gently admonishing tone of hers. "You're about to finish your bachelor's?" he asked.
Hearing this lad-- Alex-- talk was exactly like visiting his parents back home. No words in edge-wise and absolutely too fast for anybody else to understand them.
"I t'ink at t'e rate yer goin', you'll do jus' fine wit' yer exams." He became aware of his board in his bag, the weight of it against his back. Ricky rolled his shoulders. "I am, t'nks for rememberin'. S'only been about four years, but it feels like it's been ages, really. Have ya been studyin' here t'is whole time? I'm a transfer student meself." Somebody tried to move around them for their drink that Ricky hadn't even heard been called. Must've been from earlier. He leaned out of their way with a small nod.
"I went to undergrad in Georgia, where I grew up. But I got out of there as fast as I could," Alex said with a weak chuckle. His cheeks were still burning and now Ricky was leaning towards him, just moving out of the way of another customer, but he was closer than before and Alex was acutely aware of it. "And then I got an assistantship here, and I've always wanted to come to San Francisco, so...it just made sense."
Ricky nodded to show he was listening, his wide smile turning into something gentler. "Yeah, t'is is a great city, isn't it? I've visited a couple'a places on the east coast, but.." He shrugged his shoulders, "I jus' like t'e feel o't'is place.
Okay, now, follow up on something he said...gotta keep it going or he'll get bored and stop talking to me... "Where did you transfer from?" Alex said.
“I studied for a year a Cork Institute of Technology? It's a pretty big place, but I got t'e opportunity teh exchange over here, an' now..." Ricky shrugged, "I been here about t'ree years, now, I figured I might s'well stay fer a little while. America's got /lots/ of t'ings we don't have back in Ireland."
"Maple latte?"
"Me!" Alex said, too loudly. He reached for the coffee, feeling sheepish, and slipped a sleeve around it so he wouldn't burn his hands. He turned back to Ricky (how does a red scarf make someone look so good? Or does he look just as good without the scarf? Probably that). "I was just gonna sit at the table, if you wanted, or, or maybe I'll see you around campus." He was lying, of course, because he'd intended to go straight back to the library, but it was Friday night, so...on the off chance that this hot Irish guy wanted to talk more, he wasn't going to refuse.
Ricky thought for a moment, glanced out the window just to check the street for anything interesting or important. He'd sort of wanted to meet up with the lads tonight and have a few drinks, but maybe he could still do that and talk with this social grad student. Get some life advice, or something, even though they couldn't be more than a few years apart in age.
"I'm sure now t'at we've met we'll notice one anot'er walkin' around campus. But I could stick around fer a little while, I t'ink. After t'at I'll let ya get back teh studyin' yer monkey book, t'ere."
He took his backpack off his shoulders and checked it was still zipped. Handle cradled in his fingers, he reached up and pulled his scarf down a little, making ready to stay inside in the warm for a bit longer than he'd intended.
"Coffee, no room." A different barista said. Ricky thanked the guy and picked up his cup, content to deal with the temperature. He even had a sip right then, the sting something of a trial to surpass.
"Sorry," he muttered, walking towards the tables and hoping the grad would pick one for them to share, "but will ya remind me yer name? It's late, t'at's why I need t'is, see?" He raised his coffee cup with a bit of an apologetic smile, had another drink.
"We never exchanged names," Alex said, sliding the wooden chair out from under the table. He winced as it squawked across the floor, resisting the urge to cover his ears. Looking up at Ricky as he sat down, he said, "But my name's Alex."
"Alex, t'at's what it was." Ricky sat down across from him, setting his bag between his feet on the floor. I suppose he doesn't remember shaking hands, then, either? Ricky had another sip of his coffee. "I'm Eric," he reiterated, "er Ricky, whichever strikes yer fancy." He knew that awkward silence would probably come up more than once, so he tried front-loading the conversation.
"Is studyin' t'e only plan ya got lined up fer t'e week-end?"
Alex looked down at his coffee cup. The steam riding up from it meant it was probably still too hot for him to drink. "Yeah, probably mostly reading," he said, looking back up at Ricky and forcing himself to look into his eyes. What color are they, even? Hazel? Green? Hazel-green? "I don't know, I might play a game or something too. I still have my Super Nintendo from when I was a kid."
Ricky raised his eyebrows, leaned forward in his chair. "You've got a Super Nintendo? We had a hard time waitin' t'get ahold o' those when I was younger. They didn't reach Ireland for a little while. I only had internet in my house when I turned abouts 15." The coffee was a comfort, at least. He had another sip. "T'at's a good way t'spend a week-end. Nice and quiet, keep ya outta trouble t'at way." He gave Alex a smile. "At least, t'at's what it'd do for me."
Oh, his smile... Alex was immediately convinced that Ricky's smile was somehow better than any other smile. And it was directed at him, or at least it was directed at his Super Nintendo, which was close enough. "You can come play it if you want, I have like fifty games," he blurted out.
Ricky had been focusing on spinning his cup, keeping his hands busy while he sat there, but at Alex's words he looked up again.
"Woah, t'ere, lad," he chuckled, "I appreciate t'e offer, truly do, but ya would' say it's wise t'go 'round invitin' anybody inte yer hame. We barely know eachot'er, don't we?" He tilted his head, glanced away, "'Specially in Cali, s'not so wise."
"Right, yeah. Of course, you're right," Alex said quickly. His whole face felt hot now, but with embarrassment. But Ricky hadn't gotten up yet, so maybe he could still salvage the discussion. He really, really didn't want Ricky to get up. What would Sarah say? Redirect the conversation to a new topic... "What do you like to do besides studying?" Did he already say what he liked? Not yet, right?
The fishing around for things to talk about was endearing. He really was making an effort to chat. Ricky readjusted in his seat, his bag moving to lean up against his leg more than stay propped up between them.
"A bit o' t'is, a bit o' t'at, I should say. Drawin', mostly, and sometimes video games, s'well. I dunno, I'm not too interestin'." He took a drink and remembered, "oh, shite, except I do work. I work around goin' t'school, wit' the campus ITS." That was what took up most of his time, he was a little confused about how he'd failed to mention it sooner.
"Drawing! You draw? What do you draw?" Alex's grip tightened around his cup in excitement. "What do you like to draw? Do you have a sketchbook? Can I see it?"
Ricky chuckled, low in his throat, and scratched the back of his neck. "I draw people mostly, but it's all..." he waved a hand toward his backpack, where he did carry his sketchbook and his thin laptop. "It's rough. I'm more of a painter, actually. I like paintin' a fair deal."
"Wow, really?" Alex grinned, his nervousness temporarily forgotten. "I love art. I mean, I don't draw or paint or anything, well, sometimes I try, but I'm really bad because I don't practice, but I love looking at art," he said. Babbling again. "Sorry," he added, "I get excited sometimes." He picked up his maple latte and took a tiny test sip. It was warm, not hot, and sweet like maple candy. "Do you have any pictures of your paintings?"
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Day 11: Christmas Eve
“Baby Effan!” Grace is laying on her tummy propping her head up on her hands. “I gonna getcha.” Grace walks her fingers over to tickle her baby brother’s tummy. Nine-month-old Ethan giggles, clapping his hands with joy as his sister plays with him. “Mumma, baby Effan loves me.”
“Ethan does love his sissy.” You bend over, kissing his soft baby head, running your fingers through the small nest of brown curls on the nape of his neck.
“Butterfly much?” Grace smiles at her brother.
“Butterfly much and beyond.” You spread your sons tiny arms out wide to show Grace how much he loves her. Grace looks up as her father walks into the front room.
“Hi daddy!” Grace says, kicking her legs so her heels hit her bum.
“Hey chicken little.” Harry plops down on the floor next to you. “Ethan, daddy wants yeh.” He holds out his hands for you to hand the baby over. Picking up the chunky boy, you pass over Ethan to Harry. “There’s my hunk of burnin’ love.” Harry kisses Ethan’s cheeks causing him to giggle.
“Da-da.” Ethan coos, patting Harry’s cheek in the process.
“Eth-an!” Harry says back in a high-pitched voice.
“Who is ready to open their Christmas Eve package?” You ask wrapping your arms around your knees.
“Me! Me! Me!” Grace pushes her body off the cream carpet, jumping up and down with excitement. Harry lifts up Ethan’s tiny hand, bending over behind his head to say in a falsetto, “Oh oh! Me too! Me too!!”
“Alright Gracie girl, wanna help mumma find the packages?” You giggle, shaking your head at your dorky husband. Crawling on your hands and knees you make your way over to the Christmas tree, Grace plopping down right next to you.
“Find my name?” Grace asks as she picks up the present wrapped in gold wrapping paper and a red bow. Flipping the tag over she looks at the name. “Dat not my name, mum!” She sets the gift on the tree skirt under the tree.
“We are looking for two presents. One that says Grace and one that says Ethan. They will have a two four on them.” You explain, taking a glance at Harry who keeps trapping his son in his arms as Ethan tries his hardest to crawl away. Ethan is filling the room with his giggles, causing you to smile.
You and Grace search through the majority of the gifts before you find the gifts labeled
‘Open 24th of December’
Picking up the packages, you hand Grace one and walk the other to Harry and Ethan.
“Dat my name daddy! See dat my name!” Grace runs the gift over to her father so he can see her name printed on the brown tag.
“That is your name, Gracie bug.” Harry sets Ethan’s gift to the side of his thigh; spreading his legs, he places the baby boy in between plopping him down on his bum. “Grace my love, do yeh want to go first? Show our little stud how it’s done.” Your heart smiles at the nickname Harry has given Ethan.
“O-tay daddy!” Grace places the gift in her lap, her legs crossed out in front of her. Taking the red bow in her hand, she pulls slightly, untying the ribbon. With the ribbon off the package, she begins to gracefully take off the gold wrapping. The box is exposed; Grace lifts off the lid revealing a new stuffed toy with a brown tag attached to its arm.
“Awww! I love her!” Grace picks up the stuffed hippo that is wearing a ballerina tutu, hugging the stuffed animal to her chest she squeezes her, rocking back and forth. Looking at the brown tag that is attached to the Hippo’s wrist. “Mumma, what it say?” Grace scoots close to her mum, handing over the stuffed animal so you can read what the brown tag says.
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“This is Hallie the Hippo.” You read from the tag. “Please take care of me.” Removing the tag from the hippo’s arm, you hand the grey animal back to Grace.
“Hi Hawie!” Grace cradles the Hippo in her arms like a baby, rocking the ballerina back and forth. “Tank you!!” Grace says with a smile.
“Hallie is gonna love all her friends upstairs. We may have to have a tea party soon.” Harry says to Grace, who nods in agreement. “Alright Stud, it’s your turn.” Harry adjusts Ethan to the middle of his legs; picking up the gift, he sets it in front of Ethan.
“Open it Effan.” Grace says, bouncing on her knees, excited to see what Christmas tradition animal her brother is receiving.
Ethan hits the package like a drum with his hands. Looking around at his family, he is uninterested and unaware of what to do with the gold covered box.
“Harry, help Eth tear the paper, I don’t think he knows what to do.” You prompt your husband.
“Look Stud.” Harry removes the ribbon, tearing the side of the paper.
“Oh oh!’ Ethan says, drool dripping off his lip as he coos at his mum. “Mum-ma.”
“Open it the present, bud. You can do it!” You encourage.
“Tug right here; I promise it’s fun.” Harry takes Ethan’s hand, helping him tear the wrapping on the box. Ethan is unamused as he tries to crawl after the box that is left over from Grace’s gift.
“I open it for Effan?” Grace smirks at her parents.
“Let’s try once more.” Harry grabs Ethan around his chubby center, pulling him back to the gift. Harry helps the baby boy open the gift, peeling back the wrapping to reveal a brown box. “Look at this Stud!” Harry opens the lid of the box, gasping with excitement when he sees a yellow lion nestled in the bottom of the box.
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“His name is Leo. Leo the lion!” Harry reads from the tag that is attached to the lion’s paw. Ethan reaches forward, grabbing at the lion’s eyes.
“He so cute daddy!”Grace’s voice shakes with excitement. “I know a song about Leo!”
“Do yeh?” Harry looks down at Ethan who has now moved on from the lion to the brown box that has his full attention.
“Let’s hear it.” You encourage.
“Leo da lion is da king of da jungle and I love ta hear him roar… ROAR!!!” Grace says, roaring loud enough that it causes Ethan to jump in surprise. “Effan, daddy has a lion too!”
“That’s right. I do have a lion. Right ‘ere.” Harry pats his tiger tattoo that is on his thigh. “ROAR!” Harry laughs at his daughter who has such a sense of awareness. “If Ethan doesn’t want Leo, maybe I’ll keep him for meself.”
“Harry, you can’t keep the lion.” You snatch the lion out of his hands, chuckling at Harry who seems to be a lot more interested in the stuffed animal than the intended receiver of the gift.
“What do yeh say Grace, should we set out some mince pies for Father Christmas?” Harry asks his daughter. “We gotta get into bed, I think he is going to be here soon.” Grace’s eyes expand to the size of golfballs at the thought of Father Christmas arriving with loads of gifts.
“Gotta hurry, daddy!” Grace tucks Hallie under her arm as she bolts to the kitchen to help her father prepare a snack for St. Nick.
Harry enters the kitchen, walking over to the china cabinet. He pulls out the special Christmas plate and sets it on the counter.
“Two pies?” Grace asks her father.
“I think two is a perfect number.” Harry says, watching Grace pick the best looking pies in the bunch. She places them on the special christmas plate, adjusting them until they are just right. Harry walks over to the refrigerator, pulling open the door.
“We need carrots for the reindeer.” Harry says with a smile, pulling out three carrots, taking them to the sink to make sure they are washed. “Gotta make sure they are safe.” Harry says with a smirk.
“Tank you!” Grace says as her father hands her the carrots for Santa’s animals. Harry reaches into the cupboard, pulling out a sherry glass to pour a small amount of sherry into.
“Lets go! Carrots or pies?” Harry asks Grace.
“Pies! I be careful.” Grace says, lifting the plate off the counter; walking slowly, and with tender steps, Grace takes the plate into the kitchen. Harry follows behind with the carrots and sherry in hand.
“Stud, dis is for Faver Chris-mas o-tay? Not babies!’ Grace explains to her little brother with a hint of sass. She sets the plate on the coffee table, adjusting it to her liking. Harry sets the sherry glass by the plate, laying the carrots alongside the plate as well.
“Alright Bug! Should we get to bed? Father Christmas is on his way!” Harry says with excitement.
“Yes!!! Come on Effan!’ Grace walks over to her brother, attempting to pick him up into her arms. “Daddy?” Grace pauses, looking over at her father.
“Yes, my love?” Harry responds.
“If you see Faver Chris-mas.” Grace’s eyes are sincere and pure. “Tell him I love him pwease!” Harry’s heart smiles as his adorable daughter expresses thoughts from her sweet little heart.
“Of course. I’ll pass along the message! Harry says. “Now let’s get to bed so we can open gifts in the morning!” Harry picks both children up in his arms as they giggle and scream all the way up the stairs. You and Harry read a Christmas story and tuck the littles into their beds so they can bring in the Christmas Day with sugarplums dancing in their heads.
A/N: Thank you @whoopsharrystyles for inspiring me and encouraging me to become a better writer. Check out The Adventures of Harry and Grace Masterlist and Wattpad Page! Thank you for Reading, liking, reblogging and recommending. I hope everyone has a safe Christmas Eve!! Love you all! 
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lvckyfew-archive · 6 years
band of brothers ask meme.
quotes taken from the hbo war miniseries: band of brothers. some have been slightly modified for rp purposes. trigger warnings for language, and mentions of war and death. feel free to change pronouns or what have you to better fit the person you’re sending them to!
“we’ll go to chicago, i’ll take you there.”
“i wouldn’t take this rusty piece of shit to war.”
“he’s got his head so far up his fucking ass that lump in his throat’s his goddamn nose.”
“what the fuck are we doing here?!”
“it’s a can of peaches, sir.”
“if i told you, i’d have to kill you.”
“we’re supposed to be surrounded.”
“another thing to remember, boys: flies spread disease, so keep yours closed.”
“what is the god damn hold up?!”
“it’s called ‘wounded,’ peanut. ‘injured’ is when you fall out of a tree or something.”
“i swum across the niagra once.”
“we salute the rank, not the man.”
“that’s my own piss, for christ’s sake!”
“i’d give my goddamn boots for a cigarette.”
“i even got to wipe my ass with real toilet paper today.”
“i’ve already seen the states, i grew up there.”
“I just wish they told me a war was going on.”
“i could use some brass knuckles.”
“this ain’t spaghetti, it’s army noodles with ketchup.”
“what a fucking character.”
“feet, hands, neck, balls, extra socks warms ‘em all!”
“your touch calms people. that’s a gift from god.”
“god would never give such a painful thing.”
“the only hope you have is to accept the fact that you’re already dead.”
“kind of a tradition, getting shot in the ass.”
“these smell like my armpit.”
“we’re not lost, we’re in normandy.”
“you’re one lucky son of a bitch.”
“you want to know if they’re true or not, the stories about me.”
“he gets a fucking hershey bar?”
“i should have shot him when i had the chance.”
“i don’t know whether to slap you, kiss you, or salute you.”
“you got blood all over my trousers!”
“we’re in a dell.”
“you are grown ups, you oughta know!”
“don't do anything stupid? who the hell is he talking to? a bunch of morons who volunteered to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. can you get any more stupid that that?”
“are you offering me a job?”
“you let him get away!”
“i just don’t rightly know how i’m gonna explain all this.”
“i heard reports of a red-headed eskimo. thought i’d check it out.”
“the only people you can trust is yourself and the fella next to you.”
“i even tied me own boots last week, all by meself.”
“i told you i’d beat you back to the states.”
“where the hell have you been the past three years?”
“if you had any class or style like me, someone might’ve mistaken you for somebody.”
“i don’t know if i want a quaker doing my fighting for me.”
“i’m alright, i’m alright!   . . .   am i alright?”
“so the fuck what?”
“what’s a guy gotta do to get killed around here?”
“the army oughta be glad to be rid of you.”
“someone’s gonna die... someone’s gonna fucking die!”
“the only virgin i know is the virgin mary.”
“you keep cleaning those teeth, the germans are going to see you from a mile away.“
“when you talk to an officer, you say ‘sir’“
“i’m proud to have served with each and every one of you.”
“you deserve long and happy lives in peace.”
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the punchline
Word count: 3,407 words
Characters: Nona, Mezuma, Mikla, Oserious
Warnings: Some violence. Blood. Swearing.
First | Previous | Next
Mezuma was lazily flipping through a magazine, laid out comfortably in her pajamas on Nona’s bed. She wasn’t even looking at the contents of the magazine because she was watching her girlfriend trying, and failing, to tie her tie.
“So.. I can’t come to this party because...” she asked, pretending to look at the magazine when Nona looked at her.
“It’s a private gathering of Oserious’s associates. He holds it every year at his home to.. celebrate the growth of his empire.”
“Still doesn’t answer why I can’t go.” she huffed and rolled over onto her side, completely ignoring the magazine now in favor of putting all her focus on Nona in her suit.
“Because, Mezuma...” Nona gave an annoyed sigh after the hundredth failed attempt at this tie, then tossed the fabric onto the floor and went towards the other woman laying on the bed. “You are not an associate.”
“Yeah but, I’m bangin’ the Blue Demon’s biggest baddy.” she grinned at Nona’s eye roll. “Doesn’t count as somethin’?”
“It does not.”
“Well.. can’t I be a plus one?”
“You will not have fun at this event, I promise.” Nona leaned down and gave her girlfriend’s pouty lips a quick kiss. “It is an excuse for old demons to gather and drink and discuss matters I have no interest in hearing. I do not enjoy these events, but I must attempt.”
“I could make it fun.” Mezuma grinned wickedly.
“That’s preciously the reason why you will not be going.” Nona was caught by Mezuma grabbing at the collar of her shirt and bringing her down for a slow kiss. The green haired woman hummed against her mouth and gently bit her bottom lip before pulling away. “The answer is still no.”
“You’re no fun at all.” Mezuma whined and gently shoved Nona away, who was chuckling in amusement at her. “I think you’re afraid of me meeting Oserious.”
“I would very much like the two of you to meet. But I would rather it be during a setting where he isn’t impossibly busy the whole evening.” Nona went to the tie on the floor and picked it up, knowing she would be disappointing Mikla if she didn’t have the tie on to complete the look. “We have been dating two months.”
“Two and a half.” Mezuma rolled off the bed, landed on her feet, and went over to Nona to grab the tie from her. “Professional killer can’t tie a tie.”
“Hush you.” Nona stood still as Mezuma looped the fabric around her neck, tucked it under the collar and started to loop the fabric, easily, into a clean knot. “My only hope for some sanity at this event will be Mikla’s company.”
“You two are friends~” she replied in a sing song tone.
“You tease me for this?”
“Not teasing.” Mezuma finished the tie knot and tucked the fabric within the vast of Nona’s suit. “Just happy you’re finally with the program that you’re a likable person that has friends.”
“Friend. Singular.”
“Baby steps.” she grabbed at the knot and dragged Nona down for another kiss. “Speaking of, when is Mikla pickin’ you up?”
“Should be soon.” Nona made Mezuma jumped out of the way by lightly pinching her hip. “He insists on coming up to show off his outfit.”
“He did tell me photos wouldn’t do it justice, or he would’ve sent me an insane amount of selfies by now.”
“You two often send each other photos of yourselves?”
“Mostly outfits. He likes seein’ the outfits I wear when I perform at the lounge. And I like seein’ what crazy patterned shirt he’s bought. Don’t worry.. I save the good stuff for you.” Mezuma winked at her.
“As much as I appreciate.. the photos.” Nona cleared her throat. “If you could not send them when I am in Mikla’s company or out working a job-”
“That’s the point of nudes, Nona. They’re wonderful surprises for your girlfriend.”
“Yes but.. I would rather Mikla not be present to see how.. flustered I get.”
“I like that I make you flustered.” Mezuma sauntered over to Nona with a smirk on her face. “I can’t wait to take this suit off you tonight.”
“If you’re a good girl, I’ll let you.” Nona cupped Mezuma’s chin in her hand and smirked at the slack jawed, wide eyed reaction she got out of the other woman. Before Mezume could even snap out of it and respond, there was a knock on the apartment door that captured both of their attention.
“Mikla.” Nona greeted when she opened the door.
“You ready to party, Nans?” Mikla entered the apartment, adorned with a fur lined brown leather jacket over a brown and red plaid suit.
“You are an eyesore.” Nona rubbed her forehead with her fingers.
“You kiddin’ me? I make this look good.” Mikla grinned, his gold toothed fangs shinning in the kitchen light. “You look fabulous by the way. I knew this would be a look and you are absolutely KILLIN’ it, Banans.”
“Please stop.” Nona shoved him away to stop him from dancing around her.
“How do we look, Mez?” Mikla immediately struck an over exaggerated pose next to Nona.
“Ready to break some hearts.” she replied with a laugh.
“No heart breakin’ tonight, ladies. Just demons and business.” he clapped his hands and did a slow spin. “Car is awaitin’ Nans, time to blow this joint.” he slipped on sunglasses he pulled from his pocket and shimmied his shoulders as he backed out into the hallway.
“Try not to kill anyone.” Mezuma helped Nona put her jacket on and grabbed her face for one more kiss.
“I can’t make that promise.” Nona quickly kissed her back. “Call me when you are off at the club. I will see if I can leave by then and come get you.”
“Nah, don’t worry. I’m a tough girl, I can make it home on my own.”
“I know.” Nona took her hand from her face and kissed her palm. “Just humor me.”
“I’ll call.” Mezuma promised and blew both of them a kiss as they headed toward the elevator.
Guests started arriving at the Oserious manor as soon as Nona and Mikla arrived. There were guards at the doors checking each guest to ensure that each demon had invites to the party. It was done to not have another repeat of the sniper assassination attempt on Mikla at the last gathering that was held. Nona was, as usual, hiding in the more hidden areas of the room, preferring to keep an eye on everyone rather than interact with them. But, seeing as Mikla has his own associates at the party, he was very insistent on Nona meeting them.
“Please stop forcing me to interact with demons.” Nona huffed angrily at Mikla after the last demon they spoke to left them to go mingle with the other guests.
“You gotta make nice with my associates, Nona. We’re gonna be workin’ with them to figure out this copy cat situation we’ve got on our hands here.” Mikla nudged her side as he started walking towards one of the long tables covered in food.
“That is why I would rather not ‘make nice’ with any of these demons.” she glanced angrily around the full room. “I do not trust a single demon in this room. Anyone here could be an allie to this ‘copy cat’ organization.
“Nah, I don’t think no one here would be. These are long time friends and partners of Oserious. None of them would even have the balls to even consider turnin’ their backs on him cause they know what he’s capable of.”
“Still.. I do not trust anyone here.”
“You hardly trust anyone anywhere. I could probably name everyone you trust on one hand.”
“You would only need three fingers.”
“Oh? Am I one of those fingers?”
“Please don’t phrase it like that.” Nona glanced over at a small gathering of demons surrounding Oserious. “I haven’t had a moment to speak to Oserious since he’s come back.”
“I did but it was to inform him of the situation and how much more information we’ve gathered from our trigger happy, locked up friend downstairs. Which, unfortunately, ain’t a lot of information. These fellas ain’t talkin’ and it’s really startin’ to frustrate the Hell out of me.” Mikla plucked a grape from the plate on the table and popped it in his mouth. “Poor ol’ man hasn’t had a break. Goin’ from travelin’ for work to hostin’ a party.”
“It use to be worse. He use to do everything on his own before you came into the picture and helped relieve some of his duties.”
“Aw, that sounds like a compliment, Nans.” he looked up at her with a pleased expression and a hand over his heart.
“Please do not make a big deal out of this, Mikla.”
“Alright I wont. I still thing the ol’ man deserves a day or two off tho.” he picked up a small plate and put a few pieces of dessert items from the end of the table on it. “Check it out, Nans, they got that chocolate you like.”
“What are you talking about?” she asked, her attention now focused on Mikla.
“Listen, don’t play dumb wifh me, Nona. Despite what you think, I’m an incredibly observant demon. And while you’re very good at hidin’ most of your interests from me, you can’t hid your odd and ridiculous sweet tooth from me, my friend.”
“You are mistaken.”
“Am not.” he set his plate down and picked up a second one to load it with several pieces of chocolate. “Uncle buys the stuff almost as quickly as it runs out in the house. Now, I know he don’t like sweets that much and I never touch the stuff. So who’s the one eatin’ it? Cause I only see the stuff gone whenever you come by round here.”
“You are exaggerating a simple observation.”
“But am I wrong?” he held the plate out to Nona and smiled at her. “I wont tell no one about your little chocolate secret, Nona. Well... maybe Mezzie. She’ll definitely wanna know this.”
“I curse the day you two ever met.” Nona gave him and the plate he was holding a once over before she snatched it from him.
“Cheers! There ya go, Nans. Let loose a little. You don’t always need to be workin’.” he picked up the plate he made for himself and ate a small square of white chocolate.
“My job is to make sure you don’t get into any trouble.”
“And you do your job spectacularly. But I can handle meself, Nans. I’m a big boy now and I’d like to think I ain’t as stupid as I was before.”
“Regardless, nothin’s gonna happen here tonight. There’s about 70 plus demons here, presumably on Oserious’s side, and hired guards. These copy cat demons would have to be daft idiots to try and pull somethin’ here, especially with all these armed fellas and you here.”
“We thought the same thing before you were almost assassinated in a similar scenario to this.”
“Yeah but that didn’t turn out well for that demon, did it? He’s still locked up and we’re both still standin’ here. Everythin’ works out. Don’t get yourself up in a tizzy worrin’ about every little thing, Nans.” he patted her check before sending her a quick salute and wondering off into the crowd of demons.
Nona observed from the table for a little while. She was mostly waiting for the opportunity to speak with Oserious without a crowd of other demons around him. But she was keeping on eye on things. Even with how confident Mikla sounded about everything running smoothly here, Nona didn’t want to take that chance, so in her mind everyone here was suspect.
Dinner was finally served some time later. The wait staff carried out trays of food to each of the tables in the dinning area, where most of the demons were starting to gather. Oserious was finally left alone at his table when his food had arrived, so Nona quickly made her way over to him. Hopefully her presence near him would ward off any unwanted interruptions.
“Nona, it’s been too long, my dear.” he greeted her with a warm, yet tired, smile.
“It has, yes.” she set her plate down on the table and sat in the empty seat next to him. “How have your travels been?”
“Eventful in their own way, I suppose. You wouldn’t be at all interested. I am, however, interested in what has been going on in my absence. I’ve heard we’ve been making some headway with this organization that thinks it can copy my weapon designs?”
“Yes.. we’re trying to find the organization but it’s proving difficult. The demon we captured from his failed assassination isn’t giving us any information about who it is he works for and what their overall goal is.”
“I have complete faith that they will be found and stopped. I trust in you and my associates who are undoubtedly working hard. This is a very important matter and stopping whomever these demons are is top priority for us.” he took a couple quick bites of his meal and washed it down with some gulps of water. “Now, there is another matter I wish to discuss with you.”
“That would be..”
“I’ve been informed by my great nephew that you’ve gone and got yourself a girlfriend.”
“Oh well..” Nona shifted a bit in her seat and picked at one of the chocolate’s on her plate. “Yes I have. I mentioned her to you before actually. The woman I had inadvertently rescued during that raid with Kozic.”
“You have mentioned her, yes.. That was some time ago.. two months?”
“Two and a half yes.”
“Must be serious then. I barely hear you with partners to begin with, let alone the same one for more than a week.” Oserious chuckled and sipped some water. “Well go on then, what is she like? What does she do for a living?”
“She’s a singer. She just got a job at this burlesque lounge, Fatal Ecstasy. For now, she works three nights out of the week. But she has been told she could be included in more acts.”
“This girl must be a talented to have Lady Jou hire her. That woman is not an easy demon to please.”
“Mezuma is.. she’s.. wonderful.” Nona sighed with a small smile on her face, it made Oserious chuckle again. “I have only seem her perform a couple times but she’s... amazing.”
“You are quite smitten, my dear.” he nudged an elbow against hers.
“Am I that obvious?”
“Yes. And it’s refreshing seeing you doing things for yourself. I should like to meet this Mezuma one day.”
“That was actually a topic of discussion tonight.”
“Yes.” Nona laughed a little under her breath. “She wanted very much to attend this party for some reason.”
“Well, obviously she would have been more than welcome, but I hardly want to be here and I’m hosting the bloody thing. I don’t think she would have any sort of fun here.”
“That’s what I told her.” Nona chuckled.
“Besides, I know the unfortunate nature of my associates here.” he gestured at the filled tables of demons with his fork. “You bring a pretty lady here and the topic of conversation will be about her. And I’m sure you will have broken your fair share of wrists by evenings end.”
“I would not harm anyone here.. On purpose.”
“I’m sure you wouldn’t.” Oserious humored her with a chuckle and a playful wink. “When I am not weighed down with business and travels, you will bring her here for dinner. I am a little offended that my nephew had the chance to meet her before I did.”
“He was very... persistent on meeting her.”
“Ah yes, in typical Mikla fashion. Did they get along?”
“Terrifyingly well, yes.”
“Mikla has always had a rather trendous gift of getting along with everyone. How he manages to have any sort of entertainment at these gatherings I will never know. Why, he’s probably talking the ear off of some poor demon.”
“I would not be surprised.” Nona glanced around the room, trying her best to focus through all the energies in the room to find out where Mikla was since he wasn’t in eyesight of her. The moment she pinpointed his heartbeat, she heard it stop for a moment longer than it should before stutter back to life.
“Nona?” Oserious gently put a hand on her shoulder, alarmed by the completely out of character expression of shock on her face. Nona looked over at him with wide eyes before roughly shoving her chair out of the way and running from the table.
Mikla had spent most of the evening working the room and chatting with pretty much every demon invited to the party. When dinner was served, he retired to the balcony to have a moment to himself and have a quick cigarette. He had just lit his cigarette when a dark purple demon approached from his side and leaned up against the railing next to him.
“Mind if I bum one off ya?”
“‘ey Vanee, yeah sure here.” he handed the pack to the other demon and tossed the lighter. “Haven’t seen ya in a while. Whatchu been up to, mate?”
“Boss M’s got me runnin’ errands for him all the time.”  Vanee light his cigarette and blew some smoke out. “Really annoyin’ actually, haven’t had a day off in weeks.”
“I’m sure everyone’s busy with these new copy cats around. Any help is appreciated, mate.” Mikla blew smoke out over the railing. “Still, a party’s a nice break. You enjoyin’ yourself?”
“Buncha rich demons talkin’ about how much money and power they got? Yeah I’m havin’ a grand ol’ time.” Vanee spoke viciously.
“Yeah, these ol’ stiffs do brag about their expenses a lot, but no one here’s braggin’ about power or anythin’ like that.” Mikla looked at the other demon with a slightly confused expression.
“This whole party is a power show, Miky. Only demons gettin’ in here are the ones with the money and the power, you and I both know this.”
“Yeah, they’re powerful, but so is any other gang out there. The demons in here just happen to have agreements and morals that they’re abiding by, Vanee, you know this.”
“Morals, rules, policing, it’s all a human made construct. We’re demons. Why do we need morals?” Vanee flicked his half finished cigarette over the railing. “We ain’t got laws down here, we’re not meant to, so why do we got other demons, thinkin’ they’re better than us, tryin’ to enforce some sort of rules and guidelines on everyone else.”
“This place would be chaos if we weren’t doin’ anythin’, Vanne. Oserious wanted to give us some sort of order to this place, otherwise, demons would be tryin’ to kill each other left and right.”
“So him makin’ a demon killin’ weapon is really the solution to the ‘demons killin’ other demons’ problem.”
“Admittedly it wasn’t a great solution but at the time it was all he had. Unerverse was shit and someone had to do somethin’ before it was too late. But that’s why he’s so careful about who he’s given the weapons to. He makes sure they’re trustworthy and not gonna do anythin’ indecent with ‘em.” Mikla stood up straight so he wasn’t leaning against the balcony anymore. “Where the Hell is all this comin’ from, Vanee?”
“This shit happened in the past, Mikla. Remember The Riot?”
“Yeah I remember The Riot. Some group of demons like 60 some years ago wanted to do what humans do and enforce laws and regulations for all of us to follow. They called themselves.. ‘police force’ or somethin’ like that. They did it so we weren’t eatin’ each other alive.”
“But everyone else didn’t like it. They didn’t like these high and mighty demons actin’ like they run the place just cause they have money and use it to buy power. False power. Makin’ it hard for poor and destitute demons to survive. So they rioted and tore down everythin’ those demons stupidly worked on. Cause they was easily outnumbered.” Vanee’s face twisted in disgust. “We aren’t meant to have rules. Sooner or later, this shit’s gonna happen to you and your Uncle. The worst part is, he gave everyone ammo to take him down.”
“I don’t like the way you’re talkin’, Vanee.” Mikla dropped his cigarette on the ground and snuffed it out with his boot. “You’re talkin’ an awful lot like one of those demons..”
“It’s common sense, you know it’s gonna happen, Mikla. That copy cat group is already workin’ on remakin’ your Uncle’s demon killer weapons. As soon as they do that, they’re comin’ after you and every other snooty demon in this room.”
“I don’t appreciate you comin’ here and bad mouthin’ me and my Uncle.” Mikla grabbed a fist full of the other demon’s shirt and yanked him towards him.  
“I’m speakin’ the truth, Mikla. The Blue Demon is a plague on Unerverse who thinks he’s as righteous as a God. Life thrived before him and it will thrive after him.”
“Is that a threat?”
“It’s fate.” Vanee grinned maliciously at Mikla.
“You ain’t just bad mouthin’.. it sounds like you-” Mikla felt a sharp pain underneath his ribs. His grip loosened on Vanee’s shirt and he fell to his knees in front of the other demon.
“Look familiar?” Vanee held out a jagged knife to Mikla, covered in his own blue blood. “That’s your Uncle’s symbol, innit?” he pointed at the carving on the base of the knife. “I get you with this again.. you ain’t survivin’.”
“Traitor.” Mikla spat out.
“You know, I was stupidly on your side when Boss M made that deal with your uncle when I joined his crew. But.. this hidden legion of demons showed me the way. Chaos is inevitable. Order will only survive when those in power are still alive. And after you’re gone.. it’s just your Uncle we need to deal with. All those demons in there.. will crumble after you’re both gone.” he lined up the blade against Mikla’s throat, ready to slice into his flesh.
“You’re forgettin’ someone.” Mikla said with a bloodied grin.
“Cocky for someone about to die. Alright, I’ll bite.. who did I forget.” he suddenly stiffened when he felt the cold barrel of a gun against the back of his neck.
“Drop the knife.” Nona growled.
“Heeey Nans.” Mikla fell against the railing of the balcony and shakily pressed his hands to his wound. “Nice of ya to join us.”
I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner.” Nona kicked away the knife Vanee dropped and made him stand with his hands in the air.
“Nah, don’t worry much about it. Just a flesh wound.”
“Miklazal!” Oserious burst through the door of the balcony, ran to his nephew on the ground, and knelt down beside him. “What in the Hell happened here?” he demanded.
“This is one Hell of a shindig you’ve thrown here, Uncle.” Mikla chuckled weakly. “Seems Vanee here’s workin’ for this.. what did you call them?”
“Legion of demons.” Vanee spat out as he fought Nona trying to tie his hands up.
“Yeah them.” Mikla wiped away some blood from his mouth, wincing when his uncle put pressure on his wounded side. “Thems the copy cats, I reckon. He’s workin’ for the enemy.”
“Nona, get this demon away from my nephew and locked up somewhere. I will deal with him later.” Oserious pressed a finger to the ear piece in his left ear. “Send help on the balcony.”
Causing a panic was the last thing Oserious wanted to have happen at this party, so he had a couple of the guards quickly and quietly bring Mikla into the manor and down to one of the medical areas. The guests were unaware of what had happened on the balcony and Oserious made sure they were left in the dark about it. He had to continue to entertain them, which meant he couldn’t be by his nephews side.
“He’s lost a lot of blood. But, the blade doesn’t appear to have pierced any organs.” a greenish blue demon was summoned from the party by one of the guards to look at Mikla. “It was done by an Oserious weapon?”
“Yes.” Nona stood anxiously at Mikla’s other side as he was laid out on top of a metal table to be examined.
“It wont heal properly on it’s own, but it can heal. Unfortunately, it will leave a rather noticeable scar, since it is one of Oserious’s weapons.” the demon went searching through one of the cabinets in the room until he found a package of needles and some flexible wire. “There’s a human made medical concept called ‘stitches’ that could possible help. It keeps the ends of the wound close to together to help the flesh heal.”
“Use to do those growin’ up.” Mikla joked weakly. “Youngin’s liked doin’ human stuff like it was some type a weird fad.”
“We should start to see some improvement when I’m done, given your naturally quickly healing.” the demon threaded the wire through one of the needle holes and started piercing it through Mikla’s skin to sew the wound shut.
“He will be okay?”
“Aw Nans, you do care.” Mikla reached his hand up, slowly, and patted Nona’s face.
“Mikla, please, you’re injured.” she took the blue demon’s hand away from her face but kept a tight hold on it.
“You never hold hands with me anymore, Nona. And how come you never look me in the eye when we make love.”
“Stop speaking, you are delirious and you need to rest.” Nona felt her phone buzz in her pocket before it started ringing.
“Speakin’ of makin’ love.” Mikla giggled at his own joke. “Probably ya girly, eh?”
“Yes.” Nona pulled her phone from her pocket to see the caller ID. “I will... call her back.”
“Nah answer it now. She’s gonna get worried if ya don’t.” Mikla patted her hand with his other hand. “I’ll be here when you get back.. Promise.”
Nona stared at him for a few seconds and squeezed his hand one more time before ducking out of the room to answer her phone.
“Hey babe, I just got off. How’s the party? Havin’ fun?”
“No. Not really.. I..” Nona breath shook in the phone, a very unfamiliar feeling bubbling up in her chest.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” the concern in Mezuma’s voice made the feeling in Nona’s chest worsen.
“There was.. another attempt at Mikla’s life.. I was.. I was almost too late.”
“Holy shit, Is he okay? Are you okay?”
“He has lost a lot of blood.. a demon from the party is giving him.. ‘stitches’? I believe that’s what he called them.. he told us they would help Mikla heal.”
“Please tell me you caught the demon that did this.”
“I did yes. He’s been locked up. Oserious will handle him at a later time...”
“I hope he tears that guy a new one. Fuckin’ asshole.” Mezuma gritted through the phone.
“I am sorry, I wont be able to get you from work-”
“No, no, no, I completely understand, Nona! You stay with Mikla as long as he needs you. I’ll just go to your apartment and wait for you there, okay?”
“Yes.” Nona took a deep, shaky breath. “Please let me know when you get there. I do not want to worry about you too.”
“I’ve got my gun on me. I’ll be fine. You just.. keep me updated on Mikla okay?”
“I will... Stay safe.”
The call ended and Nona shoved her phone into her pocket as she went back into the room where Mikla was still laying down on the medical table, half awake.
“They seem to be working already.” the demon spoke from Mikla’s injured side. “His body is already starting to heal itself with the stitches’ help.”
“See, Nans? I’ll still be able to play piano, no problem.” Mikla spoke with slow, slurred voice.
“He just needs rest to make up for the amount of blood that he’s lost.” the demon finished up stitching Mikla’s side and started covering the wound with gauze. “Plenty of food and bed rest for the next couple of days should do it. I will go inform Oserious of your condition.” he bowed his head at the two of them and left the room.
Nona looked down at her tired partner and took his hand in hers again. He responded with bringing their joined hands up to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to the top of her hand.
“I wasn’t worried, Nans.. Knew you’d come for me.” he tiredly patted her hand.
“You have too much faith in me, Mikla. I was almost too late..”
“Nah.. came just in time.. ‘m still here, ain’t I?”
“You would not have gotten hurt if I had acted sooner.”
“I wouldn’t have gotten hurt if Vanee wasn’t a traitorous prick, Nona.” Mikla appeared to have sobered up for a moment and made hard eye contact with the taller woman. “He betrayed us. He betrayed.. me. He joined this.. fuckin’ Legion or whatever and he caught me in a moment of weakness when I was unarmed and unguarded. You were right.. before.. I was stupid to think I could put my trust so easily into these demons. I ain’t about to make that mistake again, Nona. You and.. Uncle O are the only ones I’m trustin’ now.”
“You have.. a very calm demeanor for someone who was just stabbed.”
“Ain’t the first. Wont be the last.” Mikla let out a sigh as he relaxed into the table. “’m sorry I didn’t take your concern seriously before, Nans.”
“Now’s not the time. You need to rest.”
“Yeah, probably right.” Mikla sighed again and slowly let his eyes close. By the time Nona had pulled up a chair next to the table Mikla was laying on, he had already fallen into a deep sleep. Nona stayed by his side, focusing on his steady heart beat and nothing else until Oserious finally joined her a couple hours later.
“How is my nephew?”
“Asleep.” Nona didn’t dare look away from the young demon for a second, afraid he would stop breathing the moment she did.
“Nona..” Oserious went over to her to put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Go home. It’s been a long evening for all of us. You should rest. I will watch over him.”
“You need rest as well, Oserious. You have not had a break in months.”
“And I will get my rest. But right now my concern is that both of you are well.”
“You needn’t concern yourself with me. I am fine.”
“You are not and that’s quite alright, Nona. It’s hard seeing your family get hurt.” he squeezed her shoulder.
“I imagine it would be difficult seeing your nephew this way-”
“I meant you, Nona.” Oserious ran his hand along the back of Nona’s head with a soft smile. “My dear.. you must know by now that I have considered you family for a while.”
“F-family? Me?”
“Yes and I know my nephew shares my sentiment.” he tucked his hand under Nona’s arm and physically made her stand up from the chair. “Now.. I have a driver ready for you outside to take you home. It would be rude to keep him waiting.”
“But.. I..”
“No arguing.” Oserious pointed a finger at her and took her seat next to Mikla. “Get home. Try to rest. I will keep you informed on Mikla’s condition, should there be any drastic changes. But for now, you must take care of yourself. I’m sure Mezuma is worred and wondering where you are.”
“Mezuma..” Nona automatically went for her phone in her pocket to check it and saw she received a message from the other woman hours ago saying she had arrived home safely. She looked back up at Oserious one last time and he waved her off as she left the room.
It was around three in the morning when Mezuma heard the door open to the apartment.
“Oh Nona.” she rushed over from the kitchen table and looked over at her girlfriend’s exhausted features and red eyes.
“He’s okay.” Nona spoke through a lump in her throat. “Oserious is.. he’s watching him now. He’s resting..”
“Babe..” Mezuma stepped back for a moment so Nona could removed her jacket, tie, and vest. “Are you okay?”
“I don’t know.” she answered in a small, quiet voice. “I don’t know what is happening to me.. I.. I’m-”
“It’s okay.” Mezuma gathered the other woman up in her arms and stroked her back. “It’s okay-”
“I heard his heart stop.. for a second I thought.. that he..”
“He’s okay, Nona.” she cupped Nona’s face in her hands, making her look down at her. “You said so yourself.”
“I was almost too late.” Nona felt a tear roll down her cheek and she took a deep breath. “I let my guard down- he was.. stabbed and almost killed because of me.”
“You can’t think like that, Nona. You didn’t hurt him. It wasn’t your fault.”
“I didn’t move fast enough!” Nona backed away from Mezuma and paced around the table in the kitchen. “It is my job to protect him and Oserious. If either one of them gets hurt, it’s my fault!”
“You weren’t the one stabbin’ him, Nona!” Mezuma stopped Nona from pacing with a hand against her chest. “It wasn’t your fault he got hurt!”
“You don’t understand.. If I had not gotten there in time he would be dead. It’s my job to protect him, Mezuma. It’s my fault.”
“It’s not your fault! Gods! We are you arguing with me about this?! You didn’t hurt Mikla! This was some random attempt by some murderous freak! Nona.. You saved him! You don’t have to be around him to protect him 24/7 ! You’ve got your own life! He can handle himself and he knows he's got you when things get rough! But it’s not your damn fault he got hurt tonight! Why are you puttin’ so much blame on yourself!”
“Because he’s my family!!” Nona shouted with such emotion that it made her physically reel back at what she said. They stared at each other wide eyed for a long time before Nona’s face crumbled and she sank to her knees on the kitchen floor.
“Oh Nona.” Mezuma knelt down in front of her and wiped away the steady falling tears from her girlfriends cheeks. Nona’s sudden confession made something break in her as well and she felt a little teary eyed. “Sweetheart..”
“Oserious said I was family.. He looked at me.. he said I was family. He said Mikla.. Mikla thinks I’m family... I have a family..” Nona looked up at her with a pinched expression. “That’s why.. I can’t let anything happen to them. They’re all that I have, Mezuma.. I can’t lose them.”
“Babe..” Mezuma brought Nona in for a hug and allowed the taller woman to slump against her. “You poor thing. Nothing’s gonna happen to them, okay? Mikla is one of the toughest demons I know. And Oserious is so powerful, no one would ever mess with him. Tonight was a fluke.. I know they wont let it happen again and I know for damn sure you wont let it happen again.”
“He puts so much trust in me.. I was almost too late.”
“Stop thinkin’ like that, Nona.” Mezuma demanded. “You listen.. Mikla is fine. He’s gonna wake up tomorrow and be back to his old self. And he’s gonna keep puttin’ his trust in you. Because you’re gonna be the reason he’s able to wake up tomorrow. You’ve gotta have hope, Nona.”
“Yeah.” Mezuma chuckled a little bit. “Not a common thing around these parts. But hope is what lead me to you. And I can’t turn my back on the thing that brought me the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
"Hope.” Nona pulled herself away from Mezuma and sat back on her knees. “I will try.. to have hope then.”
“Okay.” Mezuma wiped away another tear from Nona’s cheek with a small smile. “Let’s get you out of this suit and into some pajamas, yeah?”
“I don’t deserve you.” Nona allowed Mezuma to help her off the floor. “I don’t deserve you taking care of me like this. I’m sorry.. for the way I am acting.”
“I like that I get to do this..” Mezuma confessed as she started to unbutton Nona’s dress shirt. “That I get to take care of you sometimes.. Cause you’re always doin’ things for me and takin’ care of me. And.. I know you said you’d do anythin’ for me and I wouldn’t have to do a single thing in return but.. I would do anythin’ for you too Nona. Cause I want to. Cause I.. I care about you so much.”
Nona was silent and stood patiently for Mezuma to finish unbuttoning her shirt before sliding it off her shoulders. When the shirt was tossed over one of the chairs in the kitchen, Nona backed the other woman up against the wall, crowding her there. Nona stared at her, as if she was planning her next move before she did anything. So Mezuma just waited quietly.
“You make this so easy.” Nona finally said. “Before you, I’ve never felt the things I feel now with anyone else. You’ve made it so easy for me to feel vulnerable and normal.” she leaned into Mezuma, pressing her body along the other woman’s, and resting her forehead against hers. “You’ve made it so easy.. for me to fall in love with you, Mezuma.”
“Yeah?” Mezuma grinned, her eyes filling with tears that she tried to blink away, and brought her hands up to wrap around Nona’s neck. “You mean it? You love me?”
“I do.” Nona looked down at her with a sudden sad expression. “I apologize if it’s too much-”
“You’re an idiot!”
“I-what?” Nona looked at her with confusion.
“I said you’re an idiot.” Mezuma laughed. “Because I’ve been in love with you ever since that first night you spent at my apartment.”
“But you’ve.. you’ve never said anything before.”
“I was afraid of sayin’ somethin’ too soon and scarin’ you off.” Mezuma admitted quietly. “Truth is.. I’m afraid of losin’ you just as much as you’re afraid of losin’ me.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Good. Neither am I.”
“Good.” Nona ran her hands along Mezuma’s sides. “There’s so many things I want to with you..”
“Later. You’ve been through a lot tonight. I’m exhausted and you must be dead on your feet.” Mezuma pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. “We have plenty of time together, Nona.”
“You’re right..” Nona backed away from the other woman’s space and went over to the bed.
“I’m always right.” Mezuma followed her and hopped on top of the bed.
“You are.” Nona fell easily into her girlfriends open arms and curled up half on top of her.
It was quiet for a long time. The first colorful rays of sunshine peaked through the window when Mezuma finally fell asleep. Nona closed her eyes soon after that and fell asleep listening to the steady heart beat of the other woman.
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Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV
Characters: Pyotyr Ilych (Male Duskwight Elezen WoL OC), Mhardraga Drystelakwyn (Roegadyn Sea Wolf OC)
Rating/Warnings: T (Sexual Situations, Implied Violence)
Summary: Around 20 years before he joins the Scions and gains the title of Warrior of Light, a young privateer gets some news that will change the course of his life forever
"Oi! Ilych! Cap'n wants to see ye!"
The first mate's rough voice echoed through the hold, to the corner where Pyotyr was currently involved in the rather delicate operation of mixing up a fresh batch of gunpowder. He startled, nearly dropping a rather potent mixture, and only barely catching it at the last minute, he laid it aside very carefully before he turned to answer.
"Seven Hells, Slafsryswyn! Ye could have made me blow up half the ship!"
"But you didn't now, did ye, pretty boy?" The Sea Wolf grinned at him.
"Bah, I guess not. I'll be there soon as I stow this shite."
Slaf raised a hand in acknowledgement and climbed back to the upper decks as Pyotyr busied himself with tucking away the fresh batch. They weren't expecting any more combat until they docked back in Limsa, but they'd nearly depleted their stock taking on that fat Garlean transport, and you never knew when one of their magitek contraptions would show up looking for revenge.
Still, that was a worry for later. With everything put away, he stopped by the rainwater barrel, scooped up a cup, splashed a bit to clean the powder from his hands and face, and reached up to undo the bandanna around his head, letting his long, luxurious hair fall around his shoulders. It was admittedly harder to keep it looking good out at sea, but damned if he didn't try, putting aside part of his share of every haul for special Uldahn oils, keeping a fine bone comb and brush in his personal belongings. And came close enough to succeeding to earn the moniker pretty boy, at that.
With his toilette attended to, he grabbed the ladder out of the hold, bounded up the stairs to the upper decks, and soon stood to knock smartly on the door of the captain's cabin.
"Enter!" her voice barked from behind the thick red door, and Pyotyr opened it, stepping in quickly and closing it behind before turning to grin and fire a casual salute at the captain, "You wanted to see me, Captain?"
The captain sat behind her dining room table, fingers steepled in front of her face as if deep in thought. She broke the pose to gesture to the chair across from her, "Ilych. Sit down, we need to talk."
Pyotyr's face fell a bit, noticing the somber, sober look on his captain's face, a look she rarely put on even in the depths of battle, "Everything alright, Captain?"
"Seven Hells, Darlin, I ain't even sure how to put it." She slumped a bit in the chair, now letting one hand fall to the table as the other cradled her forehead for a moment.
At the sound one of her pet names for him, Pyotyr's stance loosened a bit, and he leaned over to clasp her free hand in his own, "Whatever it is, Mhar, I'm here. You tell me who's throat I gotta slit or who's boat I gotta sink, and I'm on it."
Captain Mhardraga Drystelakwyn raised her head to smirk at Pyotyr at that, "Damn it, Pet. You know I like to do that shite myself. Anyway, it ain't about someone else, not really. It's about us."
"Us...?" Pyotyr looked, lips pursed slightly, eyes shining.
"Oh, don't give me those Dodo eyes, Darling, it ain't even about that. It's... Well, Gods damn me, I'm pregnant."
"Oh, well, that's not too bad, I'm sure we can-" Pyotyr's mouth ran full speed ahead for a few seconds before his brain caught up, "Wait. Pregnant?"
Mhardraga sighed, "Aye. I've had my suspicions fer a few days, but I had Doc come by and check a few things. Ain't many other explanations fit the signs."
"Well. Blow me down. That's. Unexpected..." Pyotyr leaned back in his chair now, his eyes widening as he stared at her.
Mhardraga shook her head, crossed her arms, "Ain't that the understatement of the century."
A Moment of silence, Pyotyr scratched the back of his head, then spoke, "So. What do you want to do?"
"You mean after I keelhaul the Chemist what sold me that bum batch of lambsbane?" She chuckled, "Well. That's the rub, ain't it? Ye know me better than almost anyone on this ship, sides from maybe Slaf. Ye know I ain't the mothering type. I like my freedom. I like to go where I will, do what I want, plunder and explore to my hearts content. Only thing I've ever wanted. A Kid wouldn't really do well with that, y'know?"
"So. After ye visit the chemist, ye visit the hedge witches?"
"Ugh. Maybe, but Doc thinks I might be too far long to just flush em out safely too. Hard to say. Maybe I need to carry the kid out, and if they come out alright, I'll see I can find an orphange on shore to take 'em in."
Pyotyr frowned.
"I know that look, Ilych," Mhardraga reverted to his "serious" on deck name, but his voice was full of fondness, "What're ye thinking?"
"I don't know Mhar, I ran with a few Orphans, back in the day. I saw what their lives were like, heard some pretty bad stories bout some of them orphanages, bad food, bad beds, angry old asses for caretakers, an' everything. I'd have a hard time, knowing my flesh was being put through that."
Mhardraga sighed, "Maybe, but what choice do we have?"
"Well. I could go ashore. Raise the kid meself."
"Listen, Mhar. I know it sounds knee-jerk an all, but... I love this ship. You and Slafs and Doc and the Powder Monkeys and everyone. You've been the best bunch of mates a tar could ask for. An' in some other world, I coulda stayed on this ship til it sunk or I lost my sea legs. But it ain't my life, not like it is fer you. I came out here to lose some heat and 'cuz just about every Limsan street rat tries their hand at it sooner or later. You're out here because this is what ye were born to do. You deserve to be out here. You're the best sailor, the best captain, the best skirmisher, the best carouser, the best, well, damn near everything a pirate should be! And you don't deserve to have to give that up just because some crooked Chemist decided to give you a bum lambsbane order to save himself a few gil! So. Let me go ashore and raise the kid. I'll do right by it."
"You sure about this, Pet? It'll be a lonelier sea without you."
"And I'll miss you, Mhar. I will. But Limsa Lominsa always was my home. I still remember every inch of her back alley. I still know every dive bar and fighting ring. I still miss sitting on the docks next to the fisherman's guild and watching the boats come back in with their catches, or picking pockets down at the Bismarck. Maybe it's about time I went back anyway."
"And how will you feed the brat? Hell, how will you feed yerself? You know if you stay with me I'll keep you rollin' in treasure til your dying day."
Pyotyr chuckled slightly, "Aye, you would, I know. But I ain't helpless either. I've kept the ships books for a few years, and between mixing gunpowder and helpin' Doc out with poultices, I know my way around a chemist's lab alright. I could probably get a job with the Arcanist's guild without too much trouble."
"Ugh. I suppose you're right. You always were too smart for your own good."
"Aaaaaand. If I get enough pull in the guild, and you needed to get something through customs..."
"Pah, where's the fun it that? There's no challenge in just finding some crooked inspector! 'Sides, it'll be my kid you're raising too. I may not be interested in being a mother, but I'm not gonna beggar my own kid by getting their father clapped in irons. I'll smuggle it in the old fashioned way."
"Fine, fine. But the option will be there. You can take the pirate out of the sea, but you can't take- wait, you can't- Um. Hm, that metaphor made more sense in my head. Anyhow, I'll still be a Privateer. Til Death."
Mhar chuckled, "Seven Hells, I'm gonna miss you, Ilych. You were a good lay and a better crewmate, and I won't let no-one say different."
Pyotyr grinned, "Luckily, I've had no complaints in either department."
Pyotyr laughed at that one, raising his hands in surrender, "Okay, okay. I deserved that one. But you still got a few months before the kid comes, right? And you got me til then, if you want me."
"Course I want you, Pet. Don't be silly. We'll take these months then, and we'll squeeze everything we can out of 'em. We'll remind the Garleans why they fear the name of Pomona's Privateers. I might need a few months to recover after popping this baby out, and I don't want them to forget in the meantime."
Pyotyr smiled, "Aye, Captain."
A beat,then Mhardraga spoke again, "You got any duties right now, Ilych?"
"Nothing to speak of Captain. I should brew up a few more onzes of Gunpowder, though..."
"Oh, Hang the Gunpowder. We ain't gonna see any action between here and Vylbrand anyway," She said, and leaned back in her chair, one hand reaching lazily up to undo the buckles on her waistcoat, "So. Why don't you stay here, for now? I could use the company."
Pyotyr smiled again, softly, and rising from the table, he gave a mock salute before coming round it to the other side, "Aye, Captain."
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lettersfromleslie · 5 years
Terrain Vague / Twists and U-Turns / Weird Decade Comin Yer Way
Ello ello ello been a while as usual, I’m sure you’ve all been just wringing your hands and tearing your hair out, wondering when I’d get around to it. Losing sleep. Missing work. Shuffling through dead woods in rags, grunting and mumbling, hairy legs, teeth... Fuck... You held up your end... And here I was just wallowing away in idleness... Laying in drink... Neglecting my Blog... The Blog, damnit, what about the Blog, the holy Blog... Alas.. Forgive? If you can? Bless, bless. How’s the life. You know. Eh? Hello. Hello.
Writing this as a kinda declaration of intent, just to kinda put myself on the hook here, & to announce to all five of you or whoever’s out there that I’m working on my Next Thing. Yes sir. Three or four songs deep into the writing process, seven or eight left to go. It’s early stages yet but I’m feeling good about things and whenever I turn the tap on stuff comes out, so it feels like all I gotta do now is push meself to keep it running. I gotta admit most of 2019 was pretty dry creatively, consumed with a lot of Personal Shit, playing house, goofing around and exploring and living life. I did fill up a lot of dollar store cassettes with a lot of meandering synthy crap, got some fun skills out of it… Got better at my instruments, got better at recording and producing, and got my mitts on some gear… But if I’m honest with myself I reckon most of it was sorta up in the clouds, you know, riding the brain train. Fun, but without the release of action it leaves ye feeling a bit grotesque and insubstantial, like eating a lot of candy floss on an empty stomach....
Here, but check this out. “Terrain Vague”: a term coined by Spanish architect Ignasi de Solà-Morales, to describe the ragged abandoned places in cities that serve no purpose, snubbed by developers, crumbling away behind clapboard or chain-link fences. Or as he puts it in a more general way, “An empty, abandoned space in which a series of occurrences have taken place.” Now, I don’t know about you, but for whatever reason I’ve always loved these places, loved having them around, feel a sorta mystical thrill exploring them. Mr. de Solà-Morales reckons that my good feeling comes from the freedom these places represent, exemption from the pressures of usefulness or productivity (web of the pandemoniac spider), and that for this reason arty types such as myself like to “… seek refuge in the margins of the city precisely when the city offers them an abusive identity, a crushing homogeneity, a ‘freedom’ under control. The enthusiasm for these vacant spaces - expectant, imprecise, fluctuating - transposed to the urban key, reflects our strangeness in front of the world, in front of our city, before ourselves.”
Oh, I like, I like, I like! He knows me heart! Before this phrase came along you can bet I’d already been embracing the strange and the imprecise, I’d been been rejecting them abusive identities, humming along in sympathy with things that exist outside of time, you know, on my bike... Damn good to hear someone else say it! And what a nice name he picked. I happened on the phrase “terrain vague” in a totally unrelated way, too, total fluke, reading William Burroughs’s Cities of the Red Night, which came out before senor de Solà-Morales ever came up with any of this stuff... Anyway, Burroughs dropped that phrase at some point and it seemed really charged and, oh, vibey, ya know... So I googled it quick, “terrain vague”, figuring it must be from a poem of Rimbaud’s or Verlaine’s or whatever … Well, anyway, when I googled the phrase, this wholly unexpected meaning came up and - ooh! There it was, that wonderful rush when you see a thing put into words that you’ve often felt but never expressed. Because terrain vague is my fucking zone. The whole summer I’d frittered away in riding my crappy fluorescent green $50 single speed bike (I love it, I love it so much) around East New York, the Rockaways, Broad Channel, Crown Heights, Jamaica, Ozone Park, the Hole, not even sure what I was enjoying so much bout it, and here was the connecting theme - terrain vague! Yessir! That’s the thing I was feeding on without knowing the name, chasing the dragon of lost-in-time oblivion-bliss. I’ve talked about it on here too, that happy ghost feeling, and I’ve often talked about the idea of living outside of the machine, free of the spider… That’s it! Damn good to see someone give a name and a value to that feeling, the anonymous freedom and heightened reality in these places left behind by activity and productivity. So I’ve been excited to explore this forgotten happy-ghostly side of existence through my music. It seems there’s plenty to work from. The house we wound up living in out here seems to kinda straddle the divide between the homey Brooklyn vibe and terrain vague. Like in Stalker. Playing house on the cusp of the zone. I like to think of it that way, anyway. We’re at the top of a great tall hill, surrounded by crumbling railway infrastructure, a giant 19th-century graveyard, dead ends, stray cats and raccoons, hawks, cop helicopters, used car lots - even a monastery, as if the nuns know where to find the closest spot to heaven (look up the “thin places” of Celtic mythology). 
So yeah, the location fits. So I reckon the album will be called Terrain Vague and I’m hard pressed thinking of anything that’ll change my mind on it. I just gotta write the songs to go with it... Subliminal, blurred, imprecise, spooky... Hazy and faded ambience overlaid with murmurs like a tape that’s been recorded over too often. Maybe it’s a sign of the times that I’m looking where I’m looking, too tired of the negative mirror of the zeitgeist - but I’m not going to analyse it too deep. Above are some pics I snapped on film, badly, trying to catch that haze. I’ll get the hang of it. Ariel’s better with the analog stuff. Anyway, life goes on. I got piles of material I’m sitting on, boys and girls. Hit me up and I’ll sneak ye a peak. Only cost ye yer souuulll, chilluns.
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underopenskies · 8 years
First meetings
((*Gonna just tag @fontsandsins because well, i can. :D anyways, here we go. This is technically their first meeting... And for lack of better title, I’m gonna name it that :D *most creative*))
The first thing she noticed was the dust. The dust always preceded the rumble of hooves over the ground, billowing high into the sky. The sound reached her next, and the tall skeleton guided her mare further off to the side of the road and into the shelter of the auction yard.
She adjusted her hat over her horns and shifted in the saddle, leaning forwards slightly as the white mustang shifted restlessly under her. She lightly urged her forwards as a large herd of cattle entered the town, a frown tugging at her mouth as she eased her way out of the auction yard where the animals were being guided. Skylar took care not to disrupt the path the bovines were on currently, not having the desire to chase several spooked animals through inhabited streets.
Her frowned deepened for a moment as she looked over them. No one had been at the head of the herd, guiding it, or at the sides where she could see. No, she could only pick out one lone rider among the masses, urging them expertly from behind. It was a large risk, bringing this many in without a steady set of hands to help you keep everyone together. She’d seen many a cattle drive gone bad from too few hands on the metaphorical deck.
The animals seemed to be in control, however, so she had to give the rider kudos for keeping this many animals under control with one mount. It was no easy task for a herd this size, particularly since the rider was bringing them in through a small throng of vehicles.
“Easy,” Her lightly murmured voice was nearly swallowed up by the sounds of the herd as the woman shifted up in the saddle. She guided her mare to the middle of the street, where she created an effective block, the animals wary to come near the large white horse. This left the rider in the back to guide them in smoothly- the street was fairly linear, and with only one way to go, even cattle were smart enough to know which way to turn.
Once she could actually see the other rider, she gave him a cheery wave from her spot. He might not have requested help, or hell, probably even needed it, but anything that made the job just a little less complicated never hurt. Besides- that gave her a chance to ask him how the hell he managed to bring this many head of cattle in without them scattering to the winds. That task alone was impressive as hell.
Hamish let out a loud high pitched whistle, two cattle dogs race out from behind him, barking at the cows they ran over to the right side of the heard and continued barking guiding the animals into the yard. Hamish rode his horse up behind the cattle and dismounted walking over to push the heavy wooden gate closed, hooking a chain through the wooden beams to keep it from swinging back open.
His two dogs laid down in a small amount of shade given by a gun tree growing next to the yard, the both planted heavily to cool them selfs down waiting for their masters next command. He returned to the horse and grabbed onto the reins leading it over to a trough of water, he gave the horse a firm pat in the shoulder at it drank, he whistled and both dogs lifted their heads getting up and bounding over to take a drink as well before laying back down together.
A man dressed a lot cleaner a richer than Hamish walked out of the building back up to the yard and smiled. "Hamish my boy, how was your ride?" He called walking over. "G'day bazz...it was a hot one but we got through, west river dried up again, makes the trip a hellava lot quicker." He replied, shaking the other skeletons hand when he was close. Barry (nicknamed bazz by Hamish) nodded and looked into the yard. "How many?" He asked. "350 all in top milking conditions or for you to do whatever it is you do to turn em into barbecue." He said bluntly. Barry nodded and smiled. "Well you wait right here while I go fetch you pay." He said, turning a to head back inside leaving Hamish to wait.
The cattle dogs explained how he managed it. Still, two dogs for this many cows was impressive. The rider- the nice dressed man had called him Hamish, she thought- had brought in three hundred and fifty head- that was about the size of her herd back home.
She approached him once the well dressed skeleton had wandered off to fetch his pay. Skylar offered the man a small smile, and leaned over slightly in the saddle so she didn't tower over him from horseback. "Hi." She chirped softly to the skeleton. "That was pretty impressive, mister. I know seasoned cattlemen who can't move a herd half that size with just dogs without them scatterin' to the winds. Hope I didn't overstep any boundaries by blocking your herds path like I did."
He probably hadn't needed it, but Skylar wasn't one to stand idly by if someone needed a hand or looked like they did. It was easier just to help and get growled at after for doing it than waiting for something to go awry. More than once had she been growled at by a prideful herdsmen after helping without being asked.
Hamish turned at the sound of a horse approaching and turned, a kind smile curling up on his mouth. "Good afternoon, ma'am. Don't worry, you're a'right no harm done. I've been driving cattle down from my land for years, use to be my dads business, when he passed I gotta work out how to do it all meself." He gestured at the dogs. "These two make getting’ them here easy, best dogs you'll ever meet."
She flashed him a cheery closed-lipped smile in turn and glanced to where he had gestured. "I didn't see them at first," she admits, "so I wasn't sure how you were managin' not to have your herd scattering. Best dogs indeed though. Better than a lot of folks on horseback from what I've seen." She shifts and swings down from the saddle.
Her boots kick up a small bit of dust, but not all that bad. Skylar offers him a cheery grin. She was a little over six foot something or other, probably closer to six foot two than anything. "I bet your Dad's proud of you. You handled yourself pretty well. I'm surprised you didn't have any helping hands though. A few extra sets on horseback can make things easier on top of having the best cattle dogs. Oh- I'm so sorry, that was quite rude of me. I never introduced myself." She offered him a gloved hand, the other coming to rest on her hip. Blue eye lights glimmered at him warmly from under her hat. "I'm Skylar McQuillin. The big girl behind me is Mel."
Hamish took her hand and shook it. "Hamish." He said then looked back over his shoulder at the cows. "I hope yer right, about my dad bein’ proud. I was hoping by now I might have met someone, and had kids of my own to heard drove with… heh, I'm still 47 years young there’s still a chance fer me."
"It's nice to meet you, Hamish." He had a nice handshake. She tilted her head and followed his gaze. "I know my Dad was proud of me until the day he died. My Mom still is proud of me." She quirked a grin. "She keeps badgering me for grandkids. 'Thirty two is more than old enough for you to have given me a slew of them already, Skylar.'" she lightly mimics her mother's sassy tone with an amused grin showing off sharp teeth. "It's hard to meet someone in our line of work though. Most men I've met have turn tail and run the other way when the going got rough. You'd think they could handle helping me pull a calf."
Hamish's smile grew wider. "Crikey, they got weak stomachs or somethin’? My girls are having calves every other week, really ain’t much to it." He took this moment to really get a good look at this girl, he was tall, and very attractive, she dressed nicely...well what he considered to be nice. His eyes moved down from her face to her chest, he swallowed hard and pulled his eyes back up to her face before his cheeks could heat too much. yup, very attractive.
Skylar caught the way that his gaze wandered. Being a cattle rancher meant you had to be observant. She flushed just slightly, a light blue tinge highlighting the freckles that decorated her cheeks. She was dressed nicely- but her Mom had instilled in her that you can do hard work while looking good doing it. She also took good care of the shiny black horns threaded through her hat. Healthy horns were less likely to be broken.
He was good looking too- but she never minded a bit of dirt on her men. It proved they were hard workers. "Well, I had one lad toss his cookies when I had to go elbow deep to dislodge a calf. Another fainted when one of my girls started pushing." She chuckled wryly. "Most folk aren't cut out for our line of work. Makes it hard to find a decent fella- or lady in your case."
"Suppose it's partly my fault too, I spend so much time on my farm, I can't expect a girl to come lookin for me." He said.
Barry returned carrying a stack of cash, handing it to Hamish and patting him on the back. "You make so much cash off me, I don't get why you don't move your farm closer to town." He said with a smile.
"I like my farm, got all I need up there." He replied. "I like Savin money, rather spend it on looking after what I got than spending it on things I don't need." He finished. Barry shook his hand again.
"Well, see ya next time Haz." Barry turned and left again, tipping his hat at Skylar.
Hamish sighed and tucked the cash into a saddle bag. "Pardon the interruption." He said then paused. "Ya know, one of my girls is due to have twins any day now. Maybe you could come check on her for me, I've never delivered twins before I don't want it to be too hard on the poor girl."
He seemed smart. She knew a lot of ranchers who didn't know how to manage their money properly and went under quite quickly. You had to know when to spend, and when you could fix it yourself. Duck tape and twine were a ranchers most versatile tool.
Skylar didn't mind the interruption, and offered Barry a sunny smile. Once they were alone again, she nodded, though gave him a slight frown. "You might want to invest in a calf bottle then, unless you already have one. It's rare a mother takes both twins. By the time she has the second, she's usually forgotten she's had the first, and she'll shun and hurt the calf if it tries to nurse." The way she spoke of it told of many years experience with that fact. "I don't mind giving you a hand though. I can ride back with you if you'd like. Twins can be hard on the mother. If she tires herself out with the first, we might have to help her with the second."
"I'd appreciate that a whole lot." He said moving back towards his horse and mounting, shifting himself until he sat comfortably in the saddle. The dogs jumped up, ready to go the moment Hamish mounted. He leant forward rubbing his horses neck while he waited for Skylar.
She hooked her boot in her stirrup and up she went. Mel simply shifted on her hooves as her rider got settled. Skylar took a light hold on the reins, and gave him a cheery look. “How long ’s the ride?” She inquired curiously as she urged her closer to his horse, a signal for him to lead the way. Her eye lights flicked down to the dogs that looked quite ready to move on, and a grin pulled from her again. Skylar loved animals, truly.
Hamish sighed slightly. "It's a four hour trip at the pace the cows move we can cut that time in half if we move faster… though it can get pretty hot so I don't like pushing the animals too hard." He explained pressing his heels against the horse's sides to get it moving. The dogs trotted again, knowing the way by heart by now but never straying too far ahead.
“Four hour trip isn’t too bad.” She nods. With a light nudge, Mel keeps pace with his mount with little trouble. “Taking our time isn’t bad either. Riding is relaxing.” She chuckles lightly, and hooks the reins on her saddle horn. She adjusts her hat as a gust of wind blows some dust upwards, and slips it off to pull out the handkerchief tucked inside. If it got too dusty, she’d tie it about her mouth to keep her from inhaling it.
Without the hat on, it put her horns right on display, showing that they weren’t just a tacky ornament on the brim of her Stetson. The black forms curved upwards and towards the front, black and slightly dusty from the air. It also displayed the long cracked scar that raced around her right horn and down a little onto her forehead. “I overheard you mention that one of the rivers dried up?” She inquired conversationally, glancing at him out of the corner of her sockets as she tucked her handkerchief into her pocket for easier access. “Should make for easier crossing.”
Hamish glanced back at her and nodded. "The west river runs through my land, when it dries up it turns into a shortcut. It's hard to get the cattle to walk through the river because it's a strong current so usually I have to walk em down to a bridge to get them a cross and that adds another half hour to the trip." He explained.
She nods lightly. “Cattle don’t really have the hooves for crossin’ strong water.” She agrees. Skylar slips her hat back on expertly, working it over the curled horns, and settles it back into place. The horns, at least, explained why she didn’t need a stampede strap to keep her hat from blowing off if her horse went faster than a trot. “Have you checked all along the banks for any shallower crossing spots? If you can manage it on your own two feet, usually cattle can too.”
"I have a wonder down here on my own with the dogs sometimes, the dogs don't like the strong water either so I know if the dogs get in the water it's a potential good spot, but the rocks can get slippery so most of the time the bridge is my best bet." He explained, keeping his eye on the two dogs.
“Rocks and hooves don’t go well together.” She chuckled lightly. “Particularly wet rocks. Neither do rocks and bare bones, now that I think on it.” She watched the dogs for a while, and then hummed a soft tune to herself. “So, your dogs got names?”
"Molly and Leroy." He said smiling at the dogs ears perked up at the mention of their names. "And this old boy is Charlie." He said, patting the horses shoulder.
“Good names for good critters.” A tender smile tugged at her lips again. Dogs were adorable- and as soon as they were at his ranch, they would be getting ear rubs pronto. Animals were truly her only weakness. “So, is Charlie a gelding?” She inquired. “He seems awfully well behaved for a stud.”
Hamish laughed and nodded. "That and I think he'd just gotten to the point where he's decided he's too old to cause me any trouble." He smiled, Charlie snorted in response.
Skylar laughed too. “Ha, I bet. Stallions are cantankerous until the day they die- but geldings tend to tame out as they get older. Also less likely to kill you too. Mares,” she tickled her fingers through Mel’s mane, watching as she pinned her ears at the sensation, “can be pesky too. Mel’s about fourteen now, and she keeps me on my toes most days.”
Hamish smiled. "I've got two mares back home. Ones a year old and the other is pregnant at the moment. A family wanted to breed their stallion with her then buy the foal from me for their daughter." He said. They where finally approaching the dried up river the dogs began barking excitedly knowing home was close. Hamish whistled to get their attention. "Go." He said and both dogs took off in a race to get home first.
Skylar grinned lightly and watched the dogs race off. Part of her itched to join them- but Mel was fast, and overtaking dogs wasn’t that hard. Skylar also wasn’t familiar with the terrain of his ranch, and she’d rather not risk Mel twisting something in a hole. “Oh yeah?” She tilted her head to him with a happy smile. “Foals are adorable. You have experience breeding horses?” She had some herself, though she was more familiar with cattle than with horses. She’d delivered several foals, of course, but she hadn’t actively helped raise them.
Hamish nodded. "I think by now I’ve had a little big of experience with a lot of things. When my parents where still alive, we had sheep and pigs too… They ended up being a little too much to handle so I sold them off and used the money to get myself a couple of bulls and really focused on the cows." He explained, nudging Charlie into a slow trot. "Considering breeding my dogs and training up to puppies and selling them to other farmers. Still thinking on it though."
“I feel you. After my Dad passed, I ended up taking over most of the ranching on my own until my brothers were old enough to help.” She chuckled quietly, and urged Mel to keep pace with Charlie. “It was hard to keep up on everything by myself. I had to sell a lot of our horses, and all of our goats. Mom had to handle the boys, and triplets are a handful when they’re runnin’ amok and getting into mischief. I was like… gosh, just a hair over sixteen I think. Boys were about four.” She shakes her head with a soft laugh. “I haven’t actually dabbled in breeding dogs. My Mom’s family had kennels, but that side of the business went to my uncle. Puppies are precious though. I could die a happy woman by being smothered in puppies.”
Hamish smiled then it faltered a little. "Curious…” he said “Say… you were to meet a guy, would you be able to leave your farm to live on his?" He inquired. Was that too forward? He did mean it out of curiosity... He didn't want to get his hopes up, finding a perfect girl only to find out he didn't really have a chance.
“Oh yeah.” She nods lightly. “I kinda figured I would, y’know? Or he’d stay on mine, if he didn’t have one.” She shrugged lightly. She hadn’t put it out of her chances that she’d marry a city slicker. “My brothers know how to run the farm- that’s why I’m able to go wandering from time to time. They’re actually pretty good at it too. I wouldn’t leave otherwise.” Skylar chuckles. “They’re only twenty, still plenty young, but they’re mature.”
Hamish could already feel his face heating up slightly. He had a chance. A girl who could handle herself, knew a lot about farm life, actually seemed genuinely interested in him, was extremely attractive and he actually had a chance. He took a breath… alright hazz... lets not get too excited and make an idiot of yourself. He took a breath and flashed her a smile. "That’s good to know."
“Mhm.” She smiles back at him, eye lights glimmering a warm blue. His flush was pretty cute, she mused to herself, and didn’t bother to hide the light blue flush that stained over her bones. She was definitely interested- he was cute, nice, and was fitting basically all of her criteria. Men like him just weren’t common anymore. At least, single ones that is. Though, she mused, she’d need to get to know him more, and he to know her. “That it is. So, what about you? Got any siblings?”
"Nope, only child. My mother had fertility problems. I'm the only kid they managed to have." He said, his home becoming visible now. Charlie pulled against his reins, wanting to run the rest of the way, he snorted loudly his ears flicking back.
“Siblings can be both a blessing and a curse.” She hums wisely, and chuckles quietly. “I think Charlie wants to run. Up for a race?” It was the last stretch to what she assumed was his home, based on Charlie’s response, and Skylar was willing to indulge the horses in a little bit of a run, since the ground seems relatively flat and smooth. Likely from many, many hooves flattening it over time.
Mel’s ears perked at the familiar word, and her trot changed into more of a bouncy canter- the mustang was eager for a good run. The bouncy canter didn’t do much to help with Skylar’s shirt, and she reached up to make sure the buttons weren’t coming undone. It wouldn’t do for her to be flashing her bra at him, or simply bouncing out of it.
Mustangs were not a smooth ride like a Tennessee Walking Horse was- but that was fine. Skylar didn’t mind a rough ride.
Hamish grinned and let loose the hold he had to keep Charlie back. "Gitup!" He said, Charlie pushed off with his back legs and took off, his hooves kicking up dust.
Skylar let him take off, and then leaned down. She kept a loose hold on the reins, but let a large amount of slack out so she could run. She didn’t verbalize anything, but simply clicked her heels lightly against the mare’s side, and shifted up in the saddle so she was standing in the stirrups.
Mel took off with a thunderous roar of hooves over hard packed ground, and began to strive to close ground with Charlie.
Hamish leant forward in the saddle. "Come on boy, you're not going to let her win are you?" The dogs waiting by the house now barked at them as they approached.
Skylar laughed, watching as he spoke with his mount. She leaned forwards, into the perfect ‘racing’ position, and let loose the reins. The strides of the long-legged mare increased, and she slid up nearly side by side with Hamish. Skylar glanced over long enough to give him a playful grin, before urging Mel faster.
The mare was only too happy to oblige, her ears pricked forwards and tail flown high in the dust kicked up from their hooves. She was fairly evenly matched- but Mel was also weighted down by all of the things in her saddlebags.
As the house grew closer, Skylar eased back on the reins, and began to slow her down so the Mustang didn’t simply plow right through the side of the house, or run over the dogs.
As the sound of her hooves slowed, Skylar’s gleeful laughter filled the space given. “He’s faster than he looks!” She beamed at Hamish.
Charlie slowed up, his breathing heavy, his ears flicked back and forth.
Hamish laughed and dismounted, taking Charlie by the reins and lead him to a stable. The mares had lifted their heads at the sound of their approach. Hamish took off Charlie's tackle and hung it up before pushing open the gate to let him out with the mares. "Uh, you could put her in the stalls if you want, there is water in there."
Skylar nodded. She eased Mel in a few slow circles of walking to help her cool down, before dismounting. She guided her into the barn, and gave Hamish a wide grin. “Thanks, Hamish.” Skylar chose an empty stall, one that didn’t look like it was used, and guided her mare in. Saddle bags were removed with practiced ease and set just outside the door, followed by her saddle and saddle blanket. Her bit was draped on the door, however, to keep it from being stepped on or tangled.
Mel greedily partook from the watering trough, blowing hot furls of air over the cooler liquid.
Skylar smiled at her and closed the stall door, before turning to grin at him. Her hand propped up on a shapely hip, and she arched a brow. “You’ve got a nice stable here,” She complimented, eyes roving over the stalls and paddocks appreciatively. “And your animals look well taken care of.” That was definitely something that eased any tension off of her face.
Hamish grinned. "My dad and I built it together." He said. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and headed towards the house. The cows called out to them as they walked back towards the house.
She diligently followed after him, glancing in the direction of the cows. Her legs had little trouble keeping up with him, boots clicking easily over the ground. “You both did really good.” She nods. “It’s better than the chicken coop my brothers and I tried to build.” Skylar chuckled. “I will admit, I’m not much of an architect. Repairing something I can do, and I can hold the beams and keep them steady, but building isn’t something I have a knack for.”
Hamish grinned. "I love building." He said stepping up onto the porch where the dogs where laying and walked around to the back where there was a smaller yard. "I've been keeping her in here so I can keep an eye on her." He said, gesturing to the heavily pregnant cow.
The dogs got ear rubs as Skylar walked by them, and soft murmurs to them both before she continued on.
Skylar kept pace with him, and looked over the smaller yard where the heavily pregnant bovine was settled. She nodded, and carefully removed her hat. She set it on the railing of the porch, so it didn’t spook the cow. She usually used her hat with herding on foot- and knew a lot of people who did the same. It often urged the animals to move in the direction she wanted them to, without her having to get on the horse. “Good call. She looks like she could pop any day. Her milk has come in- it won’t be long. When’s the next full moon?” She inquired, slowly easing up to the gravid bovine. She approached from the front, tugging off her gloves and tucking them into her back pockets so she could offer out a hand for the bovine to smell. “Hey there, pretty Momma,” she cooed softly to the cow, a smile tugging at her face.
"Ah shit, the end of the week I think would be the next full moon." He said, leaning on his elbows against the fence to watch her, he smiled at the way she acted with the animals, and in his eyes it made her even more attractive.
“She’ll probably deliver by then. Dad used to say that the two days before and after the moon was full were the most likely times for calving. For this lady though, I’d say she’s probably going to calve just before the moon is full.” Not getting a bad reaction out of the cow, Skylar eased closer. She rubbed her fingers gently along her cheeks, and then eased down to the soft flabby bits of her neck. She angled her digits, and then began to scratch and rub lightly.
She was rewarded with a blissful sigh as the cow leaned up to plop her jaw on her shoulder, a silent request for more attention that Skylar was all too happy to provide. “You’ve got a calf bottle just in case she doesn’t take both, right?”
"Yeah of course, I've had mothers just abandon calves before. That part I'm okay with handling." He scuffed his shoes in the dirt slightly. "It's uh, it's a long trip back to town and it'll get dark pretty quick. You're uh...welcome to stay the night."
Skylar glanced back at him and gave him a lopsided and happy smile. “Thank you, Hamish. That would be awesome.” It was a long ride here and a long ride back. He had asked her for help when the cow delivered- and she’d probably be done by the time that Skylar made it back here, honestly. Or she would be too far gone to fix by the time she made it back here, depending on when the bovine went into labor. She chuckled softly when a rasping tongue licked over the side of her skull, and cooed softly to the cow that was steadily leaning more and more into her shoulder. “You get any closer, pretty Momma, and you’re gonna become a lap-cow.” She teased lightly. “She’s a doll, by the way. She got a name?”
Hamish clicked his tongue. "Uh, no...I tend not to name the cows because they go as quick as they come. It's sad in a way, some of them have a lot of character. I just settle on the fact that at least with me they grow up in a field in the sun and the air not like those other places that lock em in sheds and beat em and shit. Sorry, just pisses me off." He said, pushing his hat down over his eyes.
“You and me both.” She glanced over at him, and eased around the cow before she could be knocked over. She patted her when she grumbled, and then eased around to check her hooves, middle, and udder, making sure she was healthy, before checking her backside. “The few ranchers I’ve met when I was younger did that.” She pursed her lips. “They thought I’d be okay with it, since apparently ‘all ranchers treat their animals this way’. One of them even tried to hit my horse when she didn’t do what he wanted her to. I, uh, knocked his teeth into his skull, to be blunt. Don’t be ashamed of thinking like a decent person, Hamish. Anyways, I asked about the names because everyone’s different. Some name them, some number, some do both, and some do neither. It’s easier to just ask than to assume.”
Skylar leaned back and hummed. “She’s healthy, by the way. Based on the state of her backside, she’ll probably go into labor in… mmm, two days? Maybe three, if she’s feeling stubborn.”
"I know we just met… I don't wanna overstep any boundaries… but if you wouldn't mind staying until she labors I'd appreciate it, I can pay you for your time." He said, his cheeks heating. Letting her stay the night was a gentlemanly thing to do...asking her to stay a few days… he didn't want to make himself sound like a creep.
“No payment needed.” She shakes her head lightly, and gives him a broad grin. “So long as you don’t mind housing me, I don’t mind staying. I’d rather see her and her babies healthy than anything else.” She gives her a gentle pat, and then steps away to approach the porch. “Animals are my first priority, sugar, and you’re never gonna cross any boundaries with me when it comes to their care and health.” She flushes suddenly upon realizing what she’d called him, and didn't even have a hat to hide behind. “Ah… Sorry about the ‘sugar’ thing. It just kinda… something I picked up from my Mom.” Usually she was better about using it- but sometimes it just slipped out, and it took her a while to catch it.
Hamish couldn't pull his hat over his face quick enough to hide the deep red that tinted his cheeks. "It's fine." He said, turning towards the house. He walked up to the front door and opened it for her.
At least she wasn’t the only one that was flushed. The blush still stained her cheek bones a bright color, highlighting her freckles, as she scooped up her hat and followed him to the door. “Thank you,” she murmured warmly to his polite gesture. Skylar slipped inside, and stepped out of the way to let him in as well. “Boots off?” She inquired. Her mom had a boots-off rule in the house, mostly because she got tired of mopping the floors any time the boys came trampling through the house.
"Ah, yeah. If you don't mind." He said kicking his own boots off at the door. He wasn't use to having company, especially female company. "Uhm… I should show you around huh?"
To show she didn’t mind at all, Skylar kicked off her boots, and tucked her socks in after them. Bare feet felt better than socks anyways. The socks also blocked any creepy-crawlies from getting in there where they’d be squished. Straightening up, after resting her hat on a nearby side table, she nodded to him. “If you wouldn’t mind? I don’t want to wander where I’m not supposed to, and getting lost would be embarrassing.”
"I mean I ain't hiding anything...I just worry that you won't know where the bathroom is or something." He said and began walking through the house, pointing out each room. "Ah...it's not weird if I say you're welcome to use my mothers old clothes if you wanna change outta what you're wearing is it?"
Skylar moved with him and checked out each room that was pointed out, making note of the kitchen, the bathroom, and where the bedrooms were. “Not at all,” she smiled slightly. “I do have some clothes in my saddlebags, but they’re in dire need of a washing.” She was wearing her last clean set. Skylar glanced at herself, and then at Hamish. Skylar was larger than the average woman- in more ways than one. “Do you think some of your mother’s stuff would fit?”
Hamish smirked. "Might be a little tight on your chest, but you're about as tall as my mom." He opened up the last door. "This is the guest room, my mothers stuff is in the wardrobe. You're welcome to use the shower too... if uh, if the hot water doesn't work flush the toilet… for some reason that fixes it."
“I don’t think either of us is going to complain if it’s a little tight across the chest.” She winked lightly at him in response to his smirk. “I might shower before I borrow clothes- no use getting in clean ones if I’m just as dirty as my clothes are, yeah?” At the tidbit about the toilet, Skylar laughed. “Every house has it’s quirks. Thanks for the tip though, Hamish.”
Again Hamish's cheeks flushed. Damn, he thought he would have been able to fluster her with his comment but she turned it right back around onto him. He cleared his throat. "Well... I'll let you have your privacy… I'll start dinner while you clean up."
“Thanks, Hamish.” She gave him a sweet smile at his blush. God, he was cute when he blushed. “I don’t mind giving you a hand in the kitchen when I’m done.” She could make a mean cheesecake. Skylar stepped to the wardrobe and opened it so she could take a peek at what was inside.
Most of the clothes were a bit out-dated, but she didn’t mind. So long as it covered what it needed to, she would be content with that.
Hamish walked into the kitchen and put water in a pot and sitting it on the stove and turning it on. He waited for the water to boil and added potatoes to the pot.
While he set to starting dinner, Skylar took a shower. He was right- the toilet trick worked, and she went from a cold shower to a hot one, which felt heavenly. She took a short one though, used to conserving water on a well, and came out squeaky clean. Her bones were pearly again, layers of dirt and dust now gone, and her horns once more shiny and spotless.
She loved getting dirty- because getting clean afterwards felt even better.
Hamish’s mother’s clothes fit fairly well. She was a little bigger in the hips than his mother was, but still managed to get the short pants buttoned. The shirt was another story entirely- she got the flannel buttoned up about half way, but had to have an under-shirt for it, since it displayed far more cleavage than she was fond of showing. If she’d have stepped wrong, she’d have fallen right out since… well, the bras most certainly did not fit. Most of her neck and a good chunk of her chest were still bare and showing in the tightly fit clothes- but she figured he wouldn’t mind.
Still, Skylar looked decent when she came padding down the hall towards the kitchen. She had her dirty clothes bundled in her arms, and went to set them by her boots. She’d take them out to her saddle bags later, and see if he had a washing machine anywhere. Once the clothes were tucked away next to her shoes, she padded back towards the kitchen, making sure not to hit her horns on anything. She might have been six foot two, but her horns curled upwards several more inches beyond that.
“Whatever you’ve got started smells amazing,” She chirps softly as she slips into the kitchen.
Hamish smiled and drained the water. "I thought mashed potatoes and crumbed chicken would suit. I could make gravy if you like that?" He said, he turned his head and looked over her...she looked amazing in his mothers cloths, should he say something...jee how did people do this.
She shot him a slightly shy smile, and slid closer to the stove. She leaned forwards slightly and took a deep breath, a pleased sound escaping her. He was a hell of a cook. “I don’t mind making the gravy, if you don’t mind sharing the kitchen?” Her eye lights flick up to his face, and she gives him a warm smile. His lack of comments didn’t bother her- he was fairly expressive even without speaking. “I’d hate to make you do all the work.”
He nodded and moved over slightly. "If you'd like to, go ahead." He worked on mashing the potatoes while the chicken cooked in a frying pan.
She gave him a quiet smile, and set to glancing quickly through his cupboards. Given permission to cook, she figured she’d be alright looking for ingredients to actually do the cooking. Once she located the chicken bouillon, she took down a few cubes, before fishing for a skillet. Once located, she filled it with several cups of water and eased it onto the free burner before turning it on.
Skylar lightly bumped him as she reached for the pepper, and sprinkled in a little bit, before adding the cubes of bouillon. The flour was a little harder to find. She lightly tapped his leg as she crouched down to look in the lower cupboards near his shins. “Careful where you’re steppin’, or you’ll get hooked on my horn, sugar. Hm… Flour, flour, where would you be…?”
He reached up and opened an over head cupboard for her. "Flour is in there." He said. He really hoped he wouldn't come off as rude but as they cooked together Hamish tried to avoid looking at Skylar as much as possible...it either proved how desperate he was or that he was still just as mature as a teenager just discovering the other things their dick could do...but every time he caught a glimpse of her he felt his pants become a little tighter.
Skylar wasn’t as oblivious as most women pretended to be. She knew what her body could do- and had no problem using it to her advantage when needed. His lack of looking at her didn’t bother her- very, very little got on the easygoing skeleton’s nerves.
“Ah! Thank you, Hamish.” Skylar leaned upwards and grabbed the tub that he pointed out. She hefted it to the counter, and set it down carefully, before prying off the lid. She hummed softly as she snagged a whisk, and began mixing in pinches of flour to the gravy mix. Her hips swayed lightly as she worked, humming the same tune she usually did when she was cooking. “How do you prefer your gravy?” She inquired lightly. “Some like it thinner, and some like it a little thicker.” She didn’t have a preference either way- so long as it tasted good, she was down for eating it.
"Ah...thicker." He said and swallowed, flipping the chicken. He went back to working on making the potatoes smooth. He set the pot to the side and fetched two plates he spooned the potato onto the plates and then the chicken and set them down to wait for the gravy. He put the pot in the sink and opened up a lower cupboard pulling out dry dog food, he filled the two bowls that sat on the floor by the fridge. He smiled at the sound of the dogs standing up and moving to the front door.
“Sounds like they’re hungry,” She smiled cheerily. “Thicker gravy it is.” A few more pinches of flour, and she set to stir it until it thickened.
It smelled amazing as it started to bubble. As it bubbled, it thickened more and more until it was rich, creamy, and dense. Once it was to a good consistency, she turned the burner off and carefully slid the hot pan to the side. Not that heat bothered her- the nature of her magic made her fairly impervious to it, hence why she had come to Australia. Cold, however, was another story. She didn’t handle bitter cold for a long time very well. “Aaand gravy is done.” She chirped cheerily, and set to dishing it out over the potatoes and chicken. “It looks like you’ll have some left-over gravy.”
That just meant he could reheat it and use it elsewhere if he so desired.
Hamish grinned and let the dogs inside. They trotted over to their bowls and sat down. He turned to smile at Skylar and took his plate setting it on the table, he got out two sets of cutlery handing one set to Skylar before sitting down at the table. "Okay." He said and both dogs moved forward and began eating.
“Well trained.” She commented with a smile. She took her plate and sat across from him, carefully setting her cutlery on the table next to her meal. Skylar smiled at the dogs and at Hamish, and hummed softly. “Thank you for cooking, Hamish. It looks amazing- you’ll have to let me know if you like the gravy, yeah?” She just hoped it went well with the chicken and potatoes. Skylar quietly cut off a chunk of chicken that had been slightly buried in gravy, and proceeded to eat it.
Oh wow. That was… That was really good. She’s quite certain her eye lights sparkled. “Oh wow. That’s some good chicken.”
Hamish grinned and cut off a bit for himself, popping it in his mouth. He felt a lot more comfortable now, at least if he did feel the tightness in his pants Skyler wouldn't be able to see it, he nodded. "I like to think of myself and a pretty good chef." He said with a small laugh.
“I think I’d like to agree on that.” She gave him happy smile, and set into her meal. Her other arm folded under her chest, propping up her breasts on the edge of the table. She might not be able to see any arousal- but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t make it worse unintentionally. “The potatoes are light and fluffy, and the chicken isn’t overcooked or undercooked.” She gives him an earnest look. “You’re a hell of a chef, sugar. Where’d you learn to make chicken like this?”
Hamish didn't mean to stare but he could have sworn she was doing this on purpose. He blinked and looked up at her. "Hm? Oh, uh… I cooked with my Mom a lot. She liked having help in the kitchen."
“Same.” She smiled at him lightly. His stare didn’t bother her much, and she simply arched a playful brow at him while she ate. “I grew up helping in the kitchen when I was home. Heavens knows my brothers can’t cook in a kitchen to save their lives, so I was the only one who could help her well enough.” Well enough without giving them all food poisoning again. She shook her head in amusement, and sampled the potatoes. They too were delicious, and she settled in to thoroughly enjoy the provided meal.
Hamish swallowed and forced his eyes down to look at his plate. He shifted and attempted to shift his pants secretly, which probably just made him look awkward.
Admittedly a little awkward, but first dinners with strangers could tend to be. The woman took no offense to it, and instead simply gave him a slightly flushed and bemused smile.
Skylar ended up finishing her plate first with all of the odd shifting Hamish seemed to be doing. When her plate was empty, she gave him a soft smile and leaned back and away from the table. That should have cleared up some of his distractions. She did spare a quick look down at her breasts, adjusting them to make sure nothing had fallen and gotten trapped between them, before her attention returned to the dish and silverware in front of her. “Thank you again for the meal. I don’t mind doing dishes while you finish up?”
Hamish glanced up at her plate and shook his head. "Mn!" He shook his head and swallowed the food in his mouth. "No, no it's fine. I'll do it." He said spooning the last of his potato in his mouth, he pushed his chair up and stood up shuffling over to take Skylar's plate. His face turned red, he just hoped he had been able to shift himself enough to hide himself he carried the plates to the sink and began running hot water over them, scrubbing them clean.
Not… Not entirely. Jeans didn’t do well for hiding erections unless one flipped them up against their belly. That fact she had unfortunately learned from her little brothers. To his credit, Hamish hid it better than most, and Skylar wouldn’t have noticed it- except sitting down, she was closer to eye level with his pelvis. She flushed, brightly.
Oh yes, she noticed.
But, she wasn’t going to comment on it. It was a perfectly natural reaction, honestly. If she had one, she’d probably have a tent too. He was attractive, sweet, and charming in his own right, and she was liking so far of what she’d seen of his personality. She eased out of her seat, and instead took to cleaning off anything that might have been spilled on the table. “Do you have any night time chores you do before you settle in for the night?” She wasn’t just going to sit around while he worked- that’s just not how Skylar functioned.
He turned his head. "I feed the horses and the chickens before it gets too dark." He replied, scrubbing at the dishes. He set them on a drying rack and took a breath before turning around to face her.
Skylar still had her flush as she straightened and met his gaze. The table was clean, and she offered him a sheepish smile. “I’d actually enjoy helping you with your usual chores, if it wouldn’t bother you to have company. I might need to borrow some feed for Mel- I can pay for it, of course, for the duration of my stay.” Feed wasn’t cheap. She’d either work it off, or pay it off, one way or another.
Hamish shook his head. "You stayin’ here to help me out with the calf delivery is more than enough." He said. He walked back towards the front door, the dogs had moved from their food bowls to a dog bed placed on the floor in the living room, they laid in it together cuddled close. Hamish picked up his boots and pulled them on, grunting slightly and adjusting himself in his pants again.
Skylar chuckled quietly and followed. She tugged on her socks, shook out her boots to make sure nothin’ had crawled in, and then slipped them on. “If you say so. I’ll be helping you with chores nonetheless, though. I can’t just sit idly by and do nothing- as much as I enjoy watching a man work, I enjoy workin’ alongside one too.” Boredom would drive her insane if she just sat around anyways.
It took her a moment to pick up his grunt, and she shifted slightly to step around him and for the door. Her boots were still gross, and shuffling in them would only make his floors messy. “Are you alright, Hamish?” She asked, glancing back to him and holding the door open for when he would join her.
Hamish imediatly played it off, stuffing his hands in his pockets and stepping outside. "Yeah, I'm all good." He said He walked back out the the stable and waited for Skyler before shutting the big doors, he walked over to a hidden cupboarded and pulled out a heavy bucket of grains, he scooped a few cup fulls into each food trough in each stall then set the bucket down in front of Mel’s stall. "I don't know how much you want her to have so I'll let you do that." He said, he made sure to open up all the empty stalls as wide as they could be opened, and then walked over to the gate leading out to the paddock.
He called out to the horses, clicking his tongue. It didn't take long for them all to head towards the gate. "Just watch out." He warned before opening the gates, all three horses pushed inside and trotted towards their stalls, it was obvious this was all routine to them. Hamish followed after them, shutting each stall behind the horses. He closed the paddock gate and pulled a heavy rolling door across it to stop any wild dogs or foxes getting in during the night. He leant against one of the stalls waiting for Skyler to finish up.
Skylar had no trouble staying well out of the way of the horses coming in, keeping herself flush with Mel’s door. Once the horses were safely tucked into their stalls, Skylar stooped to collect the feed bucket, and then slipped into Mel’s stall. She didn’t bother shutting the gate, but she didn’t need it.
The mare was right at her heels, snuffling at the back of her neck as she padded to the feeding trough. “Mel, c’mon now, you have personal space manners, I know you do.” Skylar huffed slightly. She scooped a few scoops into the trough, and then held the bucket away as the mare made an attempt to sneak a mouthful out of it.
Foiled, Mel propped her chin between Skylar’s horns, and tickled her lips over the scar there while making an obnoxious noise.
Skylar shot an amused look to Hamish, tucking her chin just slightly so Mel couldn’t get too boisterous with the scar. It was tender- had been ever since it had healed. Touch didn’t bother it, but pressing on it too much is when it hurt. “Remember when I said she keeps me on my toes? This is what I meant.” She patted the mare’s chest, her symbol for her to go ahead and eat, and then stepped out of the way while the eager mare went to start up her meal. Shaking her head, she gave her a fond pat on the flank before stooping to check her hooves. Finding no rocks or anything lodged under them, she stood and exited the stall. “Thanks for waiting, Hamish.”
He smiled and shrugged. "Ain't gonna just leave you out here alone." He said, taking the bucket from her and putting it away. He pulled out a second bucket the word 'ChICkeNs' Scribbled on the bucket in messy black pen. He opened the big doors and walked with Skylar around his house where a small shed was, the chicken coup was built so there was a large open space and then a secure indoor space that could be locked up to keep them safe over night. He opened the coup, pushing them out of the way gently with his feet until he was inside, and began tossing handfuls of the feed into the indoor part of the coup getting all the chickens to rush inside. He smiled and set the bucket down sticking his head inside.
He grinned and stepped in for a second, coming back out with seven eggs, he locked the chickens up inside the indoor second and handed the eggs off to Skylar. "We've got breakfast." He said.
“Awesome!” She beamed. Skylar had lingered back, hustling any loitering hens inside if they lingered too long or hadn’t noticed the food. The eggs she was handed were carefully cradled against her chest so they didn’t break, cushioned by nature’s best pillows. “I dunno about you, but I make a mean fried egg sandwich. Any chance you’ve got a pack of bacon in your freezer? I could make breakfast tomorrow.”
Fried egg sandwiches were good on their own. They were even better, however, with a couple strips of bacon fried up and shoved inside the sandwich. Sausage was also acceptable, but was a little harder to get flattened out enough for sandwich use.
Hamish's face lit up. "Well then, it looks like you're in charge of breakfast then." He said, opening the gate so she could exit the coup.
“I don’t mind makin’ breakfast at all.” She brushed past him lightly so she could slip from the coop, and gave him a grin as she started a languid stroll towards his house while he got the coop all closed up for the night. “It’s probably a bit stereotypical of me, but I enjoy being in the kitchen. Good food after a hard day’s work is the best in my opinion, so stereotypes be damned.”
Hamish closed up the coup and watched her walk back towards the house, his eyes practically glued to her swaying hips. How old was he, 16…? He was acting like he'd never seen a girl before. He shook his head and quickly returned to the stable to put the chicken feed away and then locked up the big doors before jogging back to the house. He kicked his shoes off again and closed the door...it wasn't needed out here so far from everyone but it made him feel better to lock up his front door too.
She’d already made her way inside by the time he’d gotten back, and her boots were back in their original location. Skylar had carefully tucked the eggs into his fridge, and then came back out to meet him at the door. She adjusted her top, and gave him a warm smile while tucking her thumbs into her pockets. Her eyes roamed over him again, and Skylar once more found herself appreciating his form. It was hit or miss on if men could rock jeans- and he definitely could. God, she felt like such a weirdo ogling him, and strove to keep her eyes up on his, where it was more polite. “Alright, eggs are put away for tomorrow. I took out a pack of bacon to thaw for the mornin’, so that’s done…”
It might not be needed, but locking the door was still better than not. It was a good habit to keep. Idly, she wondered how he spent the rest of his evening before bed.
He turned to look at her again and swallowed. He rocked back on his heels slightly. "I… I'm gonna have a shower. Thank you for your help today." He said shuffling past her, to the bathroom. He pushed the door shut and let out a deep breath. He ran his hand over his face, he worked on tugging his shirt over his head, tossing it into a wash basket. He pushed his pants down and sighed again as his hardness became extremely obvious through his boxers, he started the water to let it warm up, he took his boxers off and stepped into the shower, He let the warm water wash over himself. He started with scrubbing himself with soap, he looked down at himself...would it be rude to take care of himself? She wouldn't know?
Skylar had simply smiled to her host as he passed by, and did take a moment to glance at his backside. Oh yes. He definitely fit those pants. Still staring was probably rude.
While he showered, she made her way into his living room and took a seat on the couch. She curled up and relaxed, taking a little bit of time to unwind and simply relax from a long day of riding. As much as she loved it, getting saddle-sore wasn’t something even experienced riders could escape.
Hamish sighed again… it was probably for the best if he relieved himself, then he would be less likely to have more awkward moments. He closed his eyes and reached down to grasp himself, placing one hand on the wall to keep himself balanced as he stroked himself. He bit his tongue, a small grunt escaping his throat.
The shower was loud, so she couldn’t really hear anything from him. Probably for the best- she had little issue believing he had some things to take care of. She probably could use a good climax herself- but that was just rude to do in a house that wasn’t yours. Well, unless you were actively sleeping with- ah, no, bad Skylar. She had just met Hamish- she needed to at least give it a couple days. She might not have had much luck with men, but she’d probably run him off if she tried to jump his bones.
Skylar shifted some on the couch, crossing her legs quietly to ignore the warm feeling down below as she relaxed. She was a bit tired, but still relatively wound up. She was in a strangers house, technically, and didn’t really want to go poking around to entertain herself. So, she resolved to wait for Hamish to come out to chat before they retired for the night. Early to bed, early to rise- unless work ran late, of course.
Hamish hadn't realised how pent up he had been it's didn't take him too long to finish himself off with an rather loud grunt that made him slap his hand over his mouth. At least he felt a lot better now, he cleaned off his had and made sure any mess he had made was washed down the drain before shutting the water off and stepping out, he scrubbed himself down roughly with a towel then tied it around his hips. He took a breath and opened the door...he shuffled through the house passed where Skylar was in the lounge. "Nhh Sorry, 'scuse me." he said as he crossed the lounge to get to his room.
The loud grunt was definitely audible, and boy howdy, did she suspect what THAT had been about. She managed not to blush, up until Hamish came shuffling through the house in naught but a towel. Blue covered her cheeks traitorously.
She couldn’t help but stare, peeking over the couch as she watched him shuffle to his room. Holy shit- he might have been in his late forty’s, but damn, he didn’t look it. “It’s alright,” She called lightly, not quite able to stop herself from the flirt that fell from her lips. “I don’t mind the view.”
Hamish entered his room and pushed the door shut letting his towel fall to the floor. He rubbed his hands over his face, he was a mess. He walked over to his dresser and opened it finding himself a fresh pair of underwear. 'do you think if I just walked out there now and suggested  it… maybe we could… no, that’s creepy. Do something like that and she'll take off and never come back.' he thought to himself. He pulled on his pajama pants, usually he'd just go shirtless but there was a lady in the house, he found a comfy shirt and pulled it on then walked over to his dresser spraying himself with deodorant. He took in a breath again, mentally preparing himself to face her again.
Skylar silently hoped she hadn’t just offended her host with her light flirt, and shifted again on the couch. She lightly folded her hands in her lap, pursing her lips thoughtfully, and then resolved to apologize for her terrible flirt when he came out. She was rusty at flirting- never had been the best at it either- and it probably showed.
“Oh goodness, I’m so bad at this,” she murmured lightly to herself. Flirting hadn’t been her forte- at least not conscious flirting.
Hamish pulled open his door and walked out sitting down on a couch opposite her. He cleared his throat and looked down at his feet. "Sorry, if I seemed kinda awkward, I'm really just not use to having female company… especially female company as beautiful as you." He silently prayed she took his comment as a compliment.
She definitely took it for a compliment. Skylar gave him a small smile, her cheeks tinting a blue hue as her eyes brightened. She picked up a waft of his deodorant, and found the smell mingled nicely with his smell that she could pick up from the couch. "It's alright. I know the effect I can have on men sometimes. To be honest, I probably seem a little awkward too. It's been a long time since I've been around a genuinely nice man who has proven thus far to be attractive not just on the surface." She uncrossed and crossed her legs again, stretching out just a little bit. "I'm a little rusty when it comes to flirting." She admits softly, watching him to gage his reaction to the admission that she was attracted to him, as well as calling him attractive. He was- not in the 'pretty boy' way- attractive in a more ruggedly handsome way. She liked it, a lot. His personality was what was really catching her eye though.
His mouth twitches into a smile he slumped back in the couch and let out a sigh of relief. "Honestly you make me feel like some kid who just discovered girls." He said, saying it out loud made him feel better. "I’d hate to rush into anything and mess things up."
She deflates with a relieved sound, and gives him a warm smile. "I feel the same. Though in opposite. It's hard to take my eyes off of you. I'm... Willing to try things, but getting to know each other better is a must." She quirks a cheery grin at him. Their biggest problem, she feels, would probably be sexual tension at this point. They were both attracted, but rushing would be bad. "Glad to know I'm not the only one feeling this way though."
Hamish grinned. At least now that they where on even ground with their feelings the flirting could be turned up a notch, more playful.
She eyed his grin with a growing one of her own. She leaned back, crossing her arms easily under her breasts, and then offered him a wink. Flirting could begin in earnest- even if she was rusty as hell. "You know, Hamish, you have a handsome grin. So, how do you usually spend your evenings?"
He laughed. "I'm gonna sound like a real bachelor, but usually I shower and then walk around the place naked with a beer until I'm ready to sleep."
She laughed along with him. “Like I said before when you were walkin’ through in your towel, I certainly wouldn’t mind the view.” She winks lightly at him. “You’re welcome to have your beer like usual if you want, I wont mind.” She didn’t drink usually, though she could hold her liquor with the best of them.
He stood up and walked over to the fridge, collecting and cracking open a can before taking a sip. He sat back and chuckled. "Wouldn't mind the view huh? Let see if you're still saying that when I wake up and forget you're here and walk out naked." He laughed, although his cheeks did heat slightly because that was a possibility.
Skylar giggled softly as he returned to his seat. “To be fair, you might get flashed in the morning. The girls,” she motions with her chin to her chest, “tend to escape when I’m sleeping, and I don’t always notice when I wake up.” Considering the frequency of their escape attempts, sometimes it was just easier to let them loose and go about her morning. It was different when her brothers were home, and more than once she had traumatized them when they came home earlier than expected. “I usually sleep in an oversized button up shirt, but the buttons tend to come undone. Can’t sleep in a pull over shirt, sadly.”
"You can borrow one of my shirts…if you'd be more comfortable." He suggested, although being able to catch a glimpse of her uncovered chest didn't sound like the worst thing to wake up to.
“Over sized or under sized, they escape either way. It’s an unfortunate part of being big-chested and unable to wear things that don’t zip or button up.” She smiles to him. “That was really sweet of you to offer though. I might take you up on that, if I can’t find anything in the wardrobe for nighttime.”
Hamish smiled and took a sip from the can an almost smug look on his face. "I suppose we're both well endowed then...not to try and sound full of myself."
Skylar arched a brow at him and tilted her head slightly with a lopsided smile and a pleased wink. He wouldn’t be the first man to think himself well endowed, but not all of them actually were. She’d give him the benefit of the doubt though- he looked pretty damn big when she’d caught sight of him. Either way, small or large, it was the skill that mattered. Size just made it more fun. “Well, I don’t tend to believe it until I see it. I suppose I’ll have to confirm for myself if you come out buck-naked. Gives me something extra to look forward to in the morning, doesn’t it? I certainly hope you’re tellin’ the truth though. That could mean a lot of fun~"
Hamish's face turned red, and he lifted the can to his mouth and tipped it up, drinking down the rest of it quickly.
Skylar leaned back and got comfortable again, folding her hands cheerily in her lap at his blush. Her own tinted her cheeks. She’d been a bit forward- but goodness, his blush was worth it. A shy smile tilted her lips up, and she watched him ponderously. Honestly, she was growing fonder and fonder of his blush the more she got to witness it. He didn’t have his hat on to hide it- though she supposed the beer can did block some. “So,” she hummed softly to give him a moment to cool his face, “What does your usual day look like work wise? I intend to tag along, though I’ll be swinging by every so often to check on the pretty Momma out in the back yard.”
Hamish shrugged. "On an average day I just do maintenance, fix things up here and there." He said. "The days are usually pretty slow."
“That’s not too bad.” She hums. “Well, like I said, I can repair, but building isn’t my forte. Or cars.” There was a reason she was so far off from home on horseback, after all. “It’ll be fun. Work is actually a lot of fun.” She shifted in her seat and stretched out with a soft sigh, slowly unwinding from the day’s travels. Her shirt rode up a bit, showing a bit of pale blue skin on her belly. A slightly sleepy yawn was nearly pulled from her, but she managed to stop it. Once the yawning started, it was only downhill from there.
Hamish's eyes trailed down to her belly. That imaginative part of his brain that seemed to only want to think with his dick at the moment was screaming at him to get up and make a move on her, while the part of his mind that was a complete idiot kept him sitting in the chair quietly. He put the empty can down on a side table and slumped down.
She wasn’t daft- the way his eyes trailed down sent a curl of heat to her lower regions, and her bare toes curled just slightly as her eye lights brightened in response. Skylar propped her chin onto her palm, and lightly traced her other fingers along the bared part of her middle. Was it a tease? Yes, yes it was.
Really, it wasn’t all that bad if they had a roll in the hay on the first meeting, was it? They were both consenting adults- and sexual tension was unfortunately something that could distract from work. Her eye lights traveled from his face downwards, lingering over his chest for a moment. She’d seen his bare upper half- and he was delicious looking. Her gaze drifted lower- she had high hopes that down under would be just as enticing.
Hamish blinked at her, watching her expression and the way her eyes where moving. "What are you thinking?" He asked, his voice softer than usual. He watched her fingers then pulled his eyes up to watch her face again.
“Mostly lustful thoughts,” She admits honestly, eyes drifting back up to his face again. The softer tone in his voice makes her pause, and then Skylar continues in a softer tone of voice as well. “Lots of lustful thoughts.” Her voice purrs. “About scooting off of this couch, sliding on over to you, and maybe… showing you how a real cowgirl rides. You know the saying, right?” Her eye lights twinkle merrily. “Save a horse, ride a cowboy? I’m thinkin’ about that real hard.”
Hamish swallowed and sat up. "Then do it." He said, his voice cracking slightly with nerves. "Save a horse."
He basically just gave her permission. A slow grin crawled up her face, and she nodded. Skylar eased off the couch, taking her time to saunter over to him. When she reached him, she eased her fingers slowly up to his shoulders, and used him to balance herself as she straddled his lap. Her legs folded neatly, leaving the warmth at her core to press flush to him. Her hips rocked slightly against his, and she peered up teasingly at his face, before leaning closer. Her lips brushed against the side of his skull. “Ride a cowboy~” She purred. “I’m thinkin’ the both of us have too many clothes for that, though. Care to… help me with that problem, sugar?”
Hamish let out a shaky breath, his hands moving to rest on her hips at first. He waited for a moment, and then eased his hands up. He unbuttoned her outer shirt and under shirt, and then he swallowed hard when her breast were in full view. They where doing this...he was allowed right? He cupped them in his hands and leaned in to kiss her breasts. focusing on them for a moment before moving back, his cheeks bright red.
He tugged his own shirt over his head and then cupped her cheek, he moved the hand on her cheek down to support her back and hooked the other under her legs and with a grunt he stood himself up, carrying her to his bedroom, he kicked the door shut behind him and laid her down on his bed. He took but a moment before he was leaning down to attack her neck with love bites and kisses.
Skylar could honestly say she had never been carried to anyone’s bed before Hamish had done it. His kisses to her breasts had been delightful, though it hadn’t lasted hardly long enough for her tastes, before she was swiftly carried off. Still, her pleased sounds surely were enough to encourage more touches later.
Her hands found their way to his back as he ravished her neck. Tingles of pleasure crawled over her skin as she tilted her skull back, a blatant offering for him to explore and nibble to his heart’s content. Her hips, meanwhile, were hardly inactive. Her legs hooked over his hips, and she rocked her pelvis upwards to press to his. Their pants were still in the way- but that didn’t stop her from rocking the center of her warmth against his pajama pants. Her short pants were ones with buttons- but that was a task they could handle as they came to it.
Skylar’s breath quickened, her fingers raking gently but firmly over the muscles rolling under his skin, and she took a moment to gyrate her hips against his, grinding warmly against the hidden shape of his member. Bare breasts pressed against his chest as she breathed, nipples hardening as they brushed teasingly over his chest as excitement quickened her respiration.
Hamish moved from her neck down to her breasts again, rolling ove in the palm of his hand while he kissed and swirls his tongue around the nipple of the second. They where so soft and perfect.
The grinding of her crotch against his member had gotten it to harden again, the flexible material of his pyjama pants made it much easier to see now, he rocked his hips back against her, not wanting her to do all the work, still paying attention to her breasts with his mouth his hands moved down to start working on removing her pants, fumbling with the buttons before popping them open and sliding them down an off her hips letting them drop to the floor.
He braved cupping her crotch through her underwear, his fingers rubbing against the material to stimulate her, he used his other hand to push of his pajama pants and underwear together, leaving him naked on top of her.
Being wrested of her pants didn't bother her, the sudden stimulation from his fingers making her legs jolt and warmth shoot up her spine. She was warm and already damp through the lacy material, and she rolled her hips lightly into his fingers to encourage him.
One hand remained on Hamish's shoulder, while the other trailed down to his bare hips. While her mouth leaned up to claim his shoulder, intending to give just as good as she got, her free hand snaked down and curled around his cock. She stroked gently from his base up until his tip, before sliding back down again, all the while making sure she didn't accidentally jab him with one of her forward curling horns.
She pulled back from his neck with a pleasantly surprised look, meeting his gaze with her own and flushing a bright sky blue color. "Well, sugar, you sure are well endowed, aren't you?"
Hamish couldn't hold back the deep blush that felt like it covered his entire face. He pressed his face into her breasts, his hips pushing forward slightly, as he tried to thrust himself into her hand. He lifted his head and gave her a breathy laugh before pressing his mouth against hers, moving his lips against hers in a hot kiss.
His fingers pushed the fabric of her underwear aside, the tips of his fingers brushing through her folds catching her wetness on his fingers and using it as lube to smoothly rub his fingers in circles against her clit. She was so warm, his cock-twitched eager to bury itself inside her.
Her mouth moved smoothly against his own, lips heated and warm. He tasted of the beer he had drank, and she found herself craving more than just a taste. Parting only for a moment to catch her breath, Skylar gently nipped his lip, and tugged him back down for another searing kiss. Her hand on his back eased up to stroke soft fingers down his neck, tweaking the vertebrae gently.
Her hips rocked against his fingers, a soft, airy gasp of his name escaping their kiss as her eye lights brightened and her eyes slid to half-mast. Her hand shifted motions, stroking him at the same easy pace that he worked her clit. She was warm and wet, and only growing wetter under his touch. Her hips twitched and rocked, tendrils of arousal tightening her lower belly. Her fingers dipped down, collected some of her moistness, and then slid back up to his cock. The added lubricant made her strokes smoother, and she slid her thumb up to the tip, teasing the end of her thumb along the slit at the top.
Hamish groaned into their kiss, rocking his hips into her strokes. He slid his fingers back down and pushed one inside, easing it in and out of her.
Her warmth around his finger made his body shiver. He wanted his cock pushed deep inside her, so he added a second finger to help prepare her.
His fingers weren’t what she really wanted- but preparing was better than not, especially given his size. She was tight around his fingers, walls fluttering and clinging to his fingers as he rocked in and out of her. The second finger felt good, and a pleased moan escaped from her throat.
Skylar stroked his member again, fingers mimicking the pulsations of her walls. She broke the kiss long enough to catch her breath again, and used that moment to speak. “Hamish,” She purred, voice airy and needy, and eyes just screaming ‘take me’. “I want you in me, Hamish~” His name rolled from her lips like the sweetest purr, and she punctuated it with a soft moan and a tremble of her legs around his hips.
Hamish pushed himself up gently pulling his fingers from her and tugging her underwear off. He shifted himself over her and held his cock, brushing it between her wet folds to make his cock slick. He pressed the tip to her entrance and slipped inside.
She angled her hips as he slipped inside, parting her thighs further to welcome him as close as possible. He was bigger than she had imagined, and it was a tight fit, like a glove just the right size. It was a little uncomfortable at first- she hadn’t been filled in a long, long time. But, a little discomfort didn’t distract from the pleasure of being filled, and she couldn’t help the pleased moan that escaped her as he worked himself in.
Her hips weren’t idle. They rocked and rolled gently against him, making her fluttering walls stroke their slickness along his length until she had taken him to the hilt. Her hands found his shoulders, curling up around them so she could brace herself on the rolling muscles, and her mouth trailed down to his neck, kissing and nibbling along his neck and shoulders.
Skylar’s breathing was quick, breasts bouncing with each heave of her chest, and she trembled each time her nipples brushed against him.
She felt even better than he thought she would. His hands massaged her breasts, his thumbs brushing over her nipples. He took in a shaky nervous breath, and then pulled out slightly before pushing back in. He had had sex with a small handful of girls, but he could confidently say Skylar was the best girl he had been with.
Skylar’d had her fair share of romps with guys in her day, some of them better than others. Not many left her satisfied though- and she could say that Hamish was well on his way to being one of the few that had. He was definitely the biggest one that had, that was for sure. Only once their romp was finished, could she safely judge best in show- but this cowboy was certainly looking to be the best one yet.
His thumbs over her nipples made her shiver, gooseflesh pebbling up in response as her eye lights dilated and she arched her chest up into his hands. She rocked her hips gently into his, meeting his hesitant thrust with an encouraging motion as her legs shifted over his hips. Her walls clung to him slickly, the light blue flesh pulsing eagerly for more of his girth.
Her mouth kisses from his neck upwards, and she claims his lips for another kiss.
He thrust into again, slowly building up rhythm and confidence, his thrusts became quicker and harder, his hands still working her breasts and his mouth moving against hers.
Skylar met each thrust with a rock and a grind of her own. She was hardly idle, and her hands wandered up and down his back. Her fingertips scraped light lines down his muscles as her mouth worked against his, eyes half-lidded and gleaming with pleasure. The continued attention to the sensitive buds on her breasts brought soft moans from her throat, and she trembled under him, heat coiling sharply in her belly. The coil was winding tighter and tighter, making her pulse and flex around his cock quicker and quicker.
Hamish grunted his thrusts becoming quick and snappy, he wasn't pulling out as far signaling he was getting close to climax. He pressed messy kisses against her mouth. "Mhn, you're beautiful." He mumbled between kisses.
She wasn’t far behind him there. Skylar hadn’t had decent sex in a long time- and while he might have been hesitant, he was good at what he did. Between all the simulation, she was nearing her own edge. “You’re- ah~- so handsome.” Her words were mumbled as well, carried out on gasping and groaning breaths as her legs twitched around him. She flexed some, rolling her hips and gyrating against him when she could. Her motions were coming out shaky as the coil in her belly gained a static like tingle to it, like lightning ready to strike.
Each messy kiss was met with one of her own, one hand coming up to cradle his cheek so she could stroke her thumb gingerly along the ridge of his cheekbone.
Hamish took one hand from her breast and reached down to rub her clit while he thrust into her. "I want you to cum." He whispered.
The stimulation to her clit on top of everything else sent lightning up her back. He wanted her to cum? It wouldn’t be long at all before he brought her right over the edge.
Skylar was a little over stimulated between the kissing, thrusting, attention to her breasts now being joined by the swirling strokes of his fingers against her clit. Her hips twitched, fingers sliding down to his shoulders, and she didn’t really have a chance to warn him. It was, truly, the rumble of his voice and his request reaching her ears that threw her over the edge of the abyss.
Her back arched under him, head tossing back and eyes squeezing shut as she cried out his name. “Ahh~ Hamish!” She tightened around him, muscles in her legs bringing him closer and hilting him by reflex as she came. Her walls squeezed him, milking him tightly and fluttering erratically as she was lost to the waves of her orgasm.
He let out a moan of his own wrapping his arms around her body as he came. He held onto her tightly, letting himself fill her and her tight walls milk him of whatever was left in him.
Milk him she did. Her legs held him tight, and she enjoyed the sensation of him filling her with his cum. Her hips twitched lightly against him, and she held on tightly as she rode it out.
As it began to fade, her erratic breathing began to calm, and she snuggled closer to him with a pleased purr. Her eye lights trailed up to his face, and she planted a soft kiss to his jaw.
He let himself catch his breath then gently pulled out and laid with her, kissing her mouth and face. He shifted and pulled his bed sheets over them, and then wrapping his arms around her.
Skylar had no trouble snuggling up next to him. She was pleasantly sore, but she didn’t mind the ache. At least, she mused, that he wasn’t the sort to boot a lady out of bed after a round of mind-blowing sex. Skylar quite enjoyed cuddling. An amusing thought trickled into her head, and she giggled softly, before kissing him again. “That,” she purrs, “gives a whole new meaning to ride hard and put away wet, huh sugar?”
Hamish let out a sleepy laugh and smiled. His hands gently massaging her hip. "I hope it was as good for you as it was for me."
“Oh heavens yes.” She giggled softly. The hand on her hip felt nice, and she snuggled carefully up to him. Her leg shifted and hooked on his, tangling affectionately as she wiggled closer and rolled to put her back to his chest. Her rump settled against his pelvis, and Skylar let out a pleased sound. He might not have been too much taller than her, but goodness, it felt nice to be able to be the little spoon for once. It was harder to be the big spoon on account of her horns. “I certainly wouldn’t mind a repeat performance- but a nap first, I think.”
He nodded in agreement, resting against her. "Feels good to share my bed with someone that isn't my dogs." He said, the smile obvious in his tone. He let his eyes close and his body rest.
He was warm at her back, and Skylar found her body relaxing against his. She stretched a little bit, and her smile bloomed. "They'd probably be in here if the door wasn't shut." She was familiar with how dogs tended to sneak in. Skylar exhaled softly, and settled. The best thing about her body shape, she mused, is that she was a soft and supple bedmate, but under the softness was the muscle that let her do the kind of work she did. She was great for cuddling.
It didn't take long for Hamish to fall asleep. Cumming twice in such a close amount of time had completely exhausted him. He nuzzled against her in his sleep, satisfied and happy.
She took a little longer, but eventually the soft puffs of air against her neck lulled her to sleep as well. She hugged his arm to her chest, and went to sleep with him warm and safe at her back.
 Hamish squeezed his eyes shut when the sun peeking through his window fell across his face, he groaned and moved his arm to cover his face. Or, well, he tried to. His eyes opened and his cheeks turned red. He has slept with her and she was still here, asleep all night in his arms. His mouth twitched into a dorky, smug looking smile, he leant down and kissed her neck. "Good morning, beautiful." He purred.
Skylar nuzzled into his pillow with a sleepy sound, having not been stirred by the sunlight. She'd spent several days roughing it before she had made it to town, and the sun didn't bother her much. The soft kisses along her neck stirred her, and the voice purring into her ear fully roused her. Sky blue eye lights appeared as she blinked them open, a soft purr escaping her as she stretched and arched, pressing back against him. It took her a moment to be aware enough to recognize the voice.
A flush tinted over her cheeks, and she tilted her skull enough to peek at him from under the shadow of one of her horns. "Mmm, it's a better morning here with you, sugar."
He chuckled and rolled onto his back, stretching out and yawning, he cuddled her against his side and let out a content sigh. "I could spend all day like this. I don't think there has been any other time I wanted that.”
She rolled so she could drape against his side, carefully settling her head against his chest. So long as he was careful, he wouldn't poke himself on her horns. "Mmm, I feel you. Spending the whole day in bed would be nice... Unfortunately for us, our line of work doesn't permit lazy days." She laughed gently. "But I think I promised you breakfast, didn't I? That should be enough to tempt us from your sheets. Besides, we have tonight too, if you'd like my company tonight." She peeked shyly up at him, and traced her fingers gently up and down his chest.
He nodded. "I'd share my bed with you every night. I haven't felt this good in years." He said happily, running his hand down her side.
She squirmed a bit as his fingers ran over her ribs, and stifled a giggle. Skylar was a bit ticklish if the touch was feather light. "Neither have I." She smiled happily, and pressed an affectionate kiss to his pectoral muscles. "Well, you'll have me any night you want while I'm here."
He kissed her shoulder then sat up to stretch his spine joints popping he swung his legs over the side of the bed and opened his bedside table drawer. He pulled out his deodorant and sprayed under one arm then blinked at the contents of the drawer, a pack of condoms he had bought a while back when he thought he had a chance with girl he'd met in a bar was just sitting in there he swallowed hard and sprayed under his other arm. He had completely forgotten about using one.
She stretched a little bit, and then eased to the side of the bed. Her thighs were a little sticky, but she could wash them off in the bathroom. She eased to her feet, stretching again, and then flicked him a smile. His natural smell mixed well with his deodorant. "Mind if I borrow a shirt, Hamish? I promised food, and I'm not brave enough to fry bacon shirtless." Pants less she could do- but hot bacon grease did not mix with breasts. That was just asking for burns. She might be able to handle hot pans, but the flesh was not as sturdy as the bones were.
He blinked then turned to her. "Oh yeah sure." He stood up and opened his wardrobe. "You can pick anything you like." He said.
She padded over, giving him a smile and slipping next to him to peer inside. She located one of his larger shirts, one close to the color of his eyes, and then unbuttoned it. It took her but a moment to do, the motions from years of practice, and soon she was clad in one of his shirts.
It came down below her butt, but if she lifted her arms, he would get a lovely view. She left the top few buttons undone, and then leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek. "Thanks, Hamish. I'm going to go use the bathroom, and then I'll get started on breakfast."
He nodded and watched her leave the room then pressed his hands over his face. He had fucked up, how could he have completely forgotten to use a condom. What if she was- no it would be okay, maybe she was on birth control, she would have said to use one if she wasn't. He breath out a sigh and got himself dressed.
A quick trip to the bathroom had Skylar realizing belatedly that they hadn't used a condom. She cleaned up as best she could, and grimaced. She hadn't been taking birth control in several days. She had run out while on the way to the town... She ran her fingers over her belly, and frowned to herself. Well... If she got pregnant, she would handle it as it came. She was pretty sure she was going to be fine... But she supposed her period would tell her yay or nay on that. Skylar knew birth control lingered in one's system for a while. Her mother had been on it for years until she and her dad decided it was time to have kids, but it still took her eight months to actually get pregnant.
Skylar took a deep breath, relieved herself, and then headed to the kitchen after washing up. She got started on the bacon, knowing eggs fried in bacon grease were the best. A little salt and pepper would go a long way, too.
He would come out to her humming to herself, still in just his shirt, while poking at bacon in a pan as it heated.
Hamish stepped out of his room and took in a deep breath. "Smells good." He said, he walked over to her and cuddled against her back he kissed her neck then moved away. "I'm going to let my horses out." He said walking to the front door, both dogs jumped up and bounced to the front door. Hamish pulled his booths on and opened the door, both doors running outside he followed them outside and walked out to the stable, he opened up the gate then the stall doors letting his horses out into the paddock. He checked Mel’s water and refilled it.
Skylar smiled to herself at the kiss and cuddle and gave him a wave as he went out. She didn't mind working on breakfast while he let the horses out. She would need to give Mel some exercise, or she would get mischievous if she didn't get ridden or at least let out into pasture. She just hoped Mel behaved herself with Hamish.
Mel gave him a peculiar look, the mare not quite sure why he smelled strongly of her rider, and then shoved her nose against his back. She nibbled at his shirt, and shifted restlessly on her hooves, demanding attention since her rider wasn't here for her morning exercise. He didn't have a hat on to steal, or the wily mare would have stolen it.
Hamish turned and scratched under her jaw. "What’s up?" He cooed. He gave her a pat and moved out of her stall. He jogged back to the house and kicked his boots off, walking back to the kitchen. "How're you goin?" He asked.
By the time he came back, Skylar had the bacon done, and was cracking the eggs into the pan. They landed with a sizzle, and she leaned over to slide slices of bread into his toaster. They were better toasted, really. She tilted her skull back as he padded in, and gave him a lopsided grin. "Doing alright. Got the bacon done, and the eggs will be quick to do. Do you want mayo on your sandwich? How are the horses?"
Hamish nodded. "Yes please." He chuckled. "I think we'll was curious about why I smelt like you." It made him blush slightly to say it.
She laughed gently and flushed. "Probably. She's always been a smart mare, even when she was just a filly. I'll need to either let her out to graze, or take her for a ride today, or she'll be getting into mischief." Skylar hummed, and scooted over to get the first set of toast as it popped up. She set another two to brown, having used whatever setting he had his set to, and then moved for a knife and some mayo. "If she steals your hat, it's best to just wait until she bored with playing with you. Or, if you have it on hand, a bit of molasses works as a bribe."
His sandwich was done first. Bread, mayo, bacon, egg, more bacon, mayo, and then bread again. Completely unhealthy, but utterly delicious tasting and smelling. She slid his sandwich on a plate, and smiled while working on her own. "Yours is done, Hamish. Might want to give it a minute to cool, though."
He took the plate and set it on the table to cool, he curled his arms around her waist and sighed. "Almost feels like I've known you for years." He mumbled. He watched her cook over her shoulder.
Skylar didn't mind, and leaned into him contently. "It's odd, but I feel the same." She quirks her lips slightly. It made her wonder if love at first sight held some merit. She hummed, spreading a thin layer of mayo over the bread, and layering bacon over it. She had an extra piece that didn't fit on her sandwich, and so offered it up to her shoulder and held it for him to eat. "I don't think I mind the feeling though."
He took the bacon out of her hand chewing it happily. He nodded and slid his hand down her sides and gave her butt a playful smack grinning and kissing her neck quickly before moving away to sit down at the table to eat.
The smack made her squeak, and she blushed brightly, giggling softly under his kiss. Goodness, he was flirty in the morning. She liked it.
Once she had her sandwich, Skylar padded to the table and took a seat across from him. Her legs stretched out and brushed his, before her bare toes began to ease their way up the inside seam of his pants. She gave him an innocent smile as she took a bite from her meal. "You like?" She queried once she had swallowed her mouthful, indicating his sandwich as she brushed her ankle teasingly over the inside of his thigh. Playing footsie was easy teasing.
A little bit of mayo got on her finger, and she pulled back her sandwich to lick it off of her finger tip. "After breakfast, I'll go get dressed and take a peek at the little lady in your back yard and see how she's doing."
Hamish ate his sandwich quietly, watching her across the table. He smiled at the feeling of her foot on his leg. "That sounds good." He replied, trying to act like her teasing didn't effect him.
"Mhm." She munched through her sandwich quietly, taking her time and enjoying it while teasing him. Her foot wandered a little closer with a bold motion, ghosting a faint touch against his crotch seam before dancing back down to his actual feet. "Mmm. Fried egg sandwiches are amazing." It wasn't like they didn't work off the unhealthy meals during the days work, so they could indulge from time to time when they wanted.
Hamish's eyes flicked down to catch a quick glimpse of her foot on his crotch before it disappeared again. He swallowed his mouthful and took another bite. "You’re a very good cook." he commented. And a very good tease, he mused silently to himself.
She grinned lazily, and let her foot retreat back to her side of the table. "Thank you. I had to be. If I wanted to eat decently while out on the range with my brothers, I had to learn to be a good cook. My brothers could burn water." She snorts in light amusement, a fond smile tugging at her lips.
She was close with her family, obviously. A lot of ranchers were, though
He smiled. "You seem really close with your siblings." He looked down at his food and took another bite. "I often feel I might have missed out on some....I dunno, secret bonus you get from having' siblings… like the whole… partners in crime kinda thing."
"My siblings and I are pretty close. I helped raise them." She smiles. "There are benefits and drawbacks to siblings. They help me run the herd, and let me get away now and then for some time to myself, or to get some stuff done. I was actually scoping out the market in the town. The one near our place has... Gotten a bit... Shady." She shakes her head with an amused sound. "Anyways. Drawbacks to siblings-" she leans up to tap a finger against the large scar in her skull, "is they can convince you to do some pretty dumb shit." The story behind her scar was a hilarious one, really.
Hamish took a moment to really look hard at the scar. "What happened?" He asked, interested now.
She scrubs a hand down her face and laughs. "The boys have smaller horns than I do, and liked to tease me about them as they were growing up. I don't remember a lot of the specifics," on account of the fact that she'd gotten her skull literally split, "but somehow they got me out into the paddock with one of the bulls we were tryin' to get rid of after I'd had a bit to drink. Something about being able to handle herd problems like my Dad could. The bull was a Simbra- meanest animal you'd ever meet. Anyways, little bit of liquid courage had me literally lockin' horns with him. Literally knocked me sober, and after my brother's bailed me out, they hauled my ass off to the hospital. To be fair, the bull never gave me trouble again. Still chases my brothers though, if they get too close. Other than a nasty temper, he's a good bull. Keeps the cows safe."
Hamish's brows raised. "You took on a bull head on...literally." He laughed. "You just became 100 x more attractive." He grinned. God he was fucking lucky to have gone to town that day, he'd never find another girl alive like Skylar, she was 100% perfect.
She blushed brightly and laughed softly. "I did, yeah. Earned his respect too. I can walk up to him now and anything. He doesn't, however, like men." She finished her sandwich, and leaned back in her chair. "I wouldn't recommend taking a bull head on though. It hurts something awful. My brothers and I are built a bit sturdier than the average skeleton, and that's probably why he didn't crush my skull flat out. If you remind me, I'll show you why. I've got a picture of my Dad in my saddlebags."
"Oh jeez...hope your dad wont take me head on for rolling in the hay with you…he's not one’na those super over protective dad types is he?" Hamish asked, a small sweat drop beading on his head. He finished off his food and took the plates to the sink to wash up.
"Nah, Dad's been gone since I was sixteen. He met a stallion that he couldn't tame." She shakes her head. "He'd have liked you a lot though... You might have to contend with my brothers though. One one of the triplets is shorter than me, but the other two are taller than us both. My youngest is about seven foot eight, I think. We stopped measuring there, anyways. Took after my dad, he did. The rest of us are closer to my mom's height. I might be the oldest, but they try to protect me as best they can." She chuckles lightly. "Their horns are smaller than mine though, so I think you'll be okay."
Skylar stands, ogling his backside for a moment, before stretching. She needed to go snag more clothes from the guest wardrobe.
"And I thought I was tall." He said, half to himself. He put the plates aside to dry and moved back over to Skylar leaning down to kiss her creek, slipping his hands over her breasts down to her thighs, he pulled up the shirt slightly and made a soft noise. "You might wanna get dressed, or I won't be able to concentrate on my work."
"You'll see why we're all tall eventually." She laughed lightly. She leaned into his touch, and leaned up to kiss him. She pressed flush to him for a moment, teasing him slightly, and then leaned back some. "That's where I was headed. Heh. I'd say we could go a round now," she purrs, "but once we start we probably won't crawl out of bed until lunch. But..." Her fingers trace over his chest teasingly, and she smiled up at him. "We've got all of tonight, sugar."
He smiled. "A reward if we work hard today." He suggested playfully. He moved back to allow her room to get up then walked off to the bathroom to pee and brush his teeth.
She smiled at that and scooted into the guest room. She snagged more clothes, but left his larger shirt. None of the smaller ones would be good for hard work. She would literally pop out.
Skylar mused that she really needed to see if she could borrow his washing machine for her clothes in her saddlebags.
It didn't take her all that long to get dressed, and she scooted out into the main room once again, carefully tucking his shirt in so it didn't get in the way of her pockets.
Hamish had washed up in the bathroom to make himself look more presentable... not that it really mattered no one but Skylar was going to see him and he's sure she didn't mind his messy look, it just made him feel better. He was waiting for her in the lounge, sitting on the arm of a chair.
She took a moment to roll up the sleeves on the flannel, shoving it as far up as her arms as they would go, and then leaned down to give him a kiss. "Mind if I borrow your washing machine tonight when we get in again? Your mom's tops are okay for in the house, but if I tried to do anything productive in them, you'd be getting an impromptu show." Which would probably result in something being dropped. "I've got clothes in my saddlebags that could use a wash."
Hamish nodded. "Oh yeah, of course. What’s mine is yours." He said opening the front door for her as he tugged his boots on. Following her out after he headed over to the heavily pregnant cow, she moo'ed happily and pushed her nose through the fence.
Skylar had taken a moment to take her hat in hand, though didn't put it on with her boots. "Thanks, Hamish." She smiled. "You're the best."
She greeted the heavily pregnant cow with a smile after depositing her hat on the railing, leaning down to rub her nose as she pressed it though. "There's our pretty Momma," she crooned softly. She eased into the pen, and scooted back to check her backside. She perked. "Oh yeah. She'll be calving soon. She's stringing pretty heavily," which was the cattle equivalent of losing the mucus plug, "so you'll probably have bouncing babies by tomorrow evening."
Hamish sighed. "That’s good. She's a real pretty cow. Probably gonna make some of the prettiest calves on my farm" He said, scratching under the cows chin as he talked. He looked out into the horse paddock, the pregnant mare's belly was large too. "Maybe we should check on my other mama. She still has weeks to go, but I like just giving her a check over too."
"You've got some show quality cows." She smiles and nods. She observes for a few more minutes, before giving him another nod and following his gaze to the other pregnant animal. "Might be for the best. If you're selling the foal, you want to stay close in case complications during birth happen. You might not want to go far from your farm until the foal is here. She's not having twins too, is she?"
Hamish shook his head. "No I had the vet out here to check her a few weeks back when they where here checking the cows. It's just one foal." He said walking over to the gate to the paddock and jumping it, the mare lifted her head and began slowly walking over to him.
She followed after him, jumping the gate with the same ease he did, and then smiled lightly at the mare. "That's good. Horses with twins are less common than cows with twins are." She padded closer taking a look while giving the mare her space. Skylar was a stranger in her paddock while she was pregnant- it was better to give her space so she could decide if Skylar was welcome or not. Mates were more temperamental than cows were. "She looks healthy," she hummed, slowly offering her hand out for  the mare to smell if she so desired. "Strong too. Looks like you kept her well exercised, so she should be in better shape after she delivers. When is she due?
The mare pressed her face against Hamish's chest, "she still has about a month." He said, running his hands down the mares sides. The mare focused on Skylar, brushing her muzzle against Skylar’s fingers before stepping towards her and pushing her nose into the palm of Skylar’s hand. "She wants you the pet her." He said with a smile.
"Mares don't tend to be like cows. I have been charged by more than one irate mare for getting in her considered territory while she was pregnant." She chuckles. The demand for attention has her bringing up her other hand, and she slips it under her chin, scratching and rubbing gently along the areas that horses tended to have a hard time itching for themselves. "A month isn't bad. She looks good and happy, so she should deliver safely. Ain't that right, sweet thing? You're a healthy Momma." She cooed softly.
Hamish chuckled. "She's always been pretty good. This foal would be her third." he said rubbing his hand over the round of her belly.
"That's good." Her hands trailed down, and she eased along her side. She rubbed her fingers along her side, and then slipped them down to rub along the underside of her belly. She could feel faint movement from the foal within. "Foal is moving nicely. Heh." Skylar grins quietly, a soft and warm look flirting over her face. "Gah, I love baby animals. And babies in general, really." Made her really wish for her own. Now that she actually had time, that was.
Hamish flushed slightly. "You want kids?" He asked, looking at her over the mares back.
Skylar's blush flooded over her cheeks again. "I do, yeah. I'd like a whole gaggle of them, really. Been feeling my clock ticking for years now. Haven't been able to do nothin' though, since I was busy on the ranch. What about you?" Her eye lights flicker over to him, and she leans her arms gently on the mare, peering across at him just as he did to her.
His face turned red. "I always wanted kids. Was telling my parents since I was little I'd marry a pretty girl and have lots of kids." He said smiling at the memory.
She brightened cheerily and nodded. "I was a bit different when I was younger. More focused on farm work, and raising my brothers alongside Mom. However, when my brothers got older, I missed having kids underfoot. The triplets were a handful, but... It was fun. Definitely ready for my own little ones to be getting underfoot. Maybe not three at once though."
Hamish smiled and gave the mare another pat before walking back towards the fence. "So, there are a few fences I've been meaning to repair. So I'm going to work on those first before the cows decide to push them down.
Skylar wasn't far behind him. She kept pace and smiled to herself. "Alright. That sounds good to me. I know all about fence trouble. Your cows hard on fences at all?
"They use them as scratching posts and push them out of the ground." He said, pointing to a section of the fence that was leaning outwards.
"Ah, yeah, that's pretty normal. If you wrap some chicken wire around the base of a tree though, they should leave your fences alone a little better." She eyed the fallen fence thoughtfully, and then nodded. "Should be fixable though. Got your posts nearby?"
There was an indignant whinny from the barn, and Skylar stilled. "And that would be Mel. Will you be alright if I let her out? She won't bother anything while she stretches her legs."
"Go ahead, I'm going to bring the posts over." He said walking towards a small shed, he opened it and counted out six fence posts and grabbed a hammer, he carried them out to the fence and dropped them.
While he went and got the fence posts, Skylar headed into the barn. She eased the door open, and let the mare loose from her stall. She didn’t bother with a bridal or halter, knowing it would only get caught on something no doubt, and stooped to collect her saddlebags.
She padded out of the barn with them, Mel hot on her heels, and went to put them by the house. Settling them on his porch, Skylar took a moment to dig through one of the bags. She procured the family picture she always carried, and kept it in hand as she straightened.
Mel shoved her nose against her butt, until Skylar turned around and ruffled her ears. “Go on, now. Go stretch your legs.”
The mare trotted off, glanced back, and gave a playful buck before darting off into the wilds.
Skylar shook her head in amusement, and then headed over to Hamish. “I do believe I promised to show you what my Dad looked like.” She hummed as she approached. Offering out the picture, she gave him a warm smile.
The photo featured five skeletons, and a hulking beast of a creature. Skylar was obvious, the tallest skeleton out of the five visible. She was sixteen at the time- and had two toddlers on her hips, and another over her shoulders with a handhold on her horns. Two of the three toddlers had horns, and each had different colors to their eyes. Blue, green, and orange, respectively. The hulking beast lingering behind them was, ironically, identifiable as a bull type Monster, with massive curling horns that looped up out of the shot. He towered over Skylar, all brown fur and massive height- and had a much smaller lady holding his hand and smiling sweetly to the camera. The little skeleton couldn’t have been more than 5’5, compared to her husband who towered a little under three feet taller.
“That’s my Mom, Vera, and my Dad, Terence. Those are my little brothers- Thomas, Gregory, and Adam. Adam’s the youngest- and the biggest of my brothers. Thomas is actually shorter than me. He takes after Mom.”
Hamish took the photo and let out a breathy laugh. "Holy shit, your dad is huge!" He said. He glanced over her brothers and then handed back the photo.
She tucked it into her pocket and laughed with him. “And that would explain the horns, the height, and why I only got a split skull from lockin’ horns with the bull. My Mom’s a pretty normal sized lady. Dad? Dad was a giant. Big sweet beastie he was, though. Always careful with us. He cried when the boys were born, and loved ‘m until the day he died.”
At any rate, she turned her attention to the fence and leaned down to start removing the old posts. “Alright, we’ll get this up, and keep your cows from runnin’ amok.” She hummed softly. “So, do you have troubles with wild dogs and the like coming after your herd?”
"I've had a few dogs wondering into the property, my dogs usually start going nuts if any, so we run out and scare them off." He snorted, tugging a post out of the ground. "I feel tough doing it, but I probably look like a crazy person running out in the middle of the night yelling and screaming naked."
She snorted a laugh, and hauled a broken fence up and out. She turned to toss it well out of the way. "I would pay good money to see that. My brothers have stolen each other's clothes before while we're out on the range, and I have seen a lot of angrily shouting men run naked through the grass before." Skylar laughs softly. "Haha, we don't have much issue with them where I am. At least not with our herd, thanks to Dutch. That's the bull, by the way. They do however tend to go after us if we're out and about past dusk. Mel doesn't mind dogs, but she's a mustang. She can smell the difference in domesticated and wild. She's bailed me out of situations before where I've gotten cornered." She quirks a faint smile, and works at another post. "Wild dogs, coyotes, she's stomped a lot of things. I don't hobble her at night for a good reason. She's got the protectiveness of a stallion without the bad attitude."
The white mare was visible off in the distance, running and bucking like a yearling, not like she was fourteen years old. It wasn't often she got to run free like that, and she always made a fool of herself when she did.
Hamish grunted hauling the last post out and tossing it. "She's a beautiful horse." He said picking up a new post and holding it up.
"Yes she is. She knows it too. Charlie us a good looking gelding too. He'd have made nice colts." She chuckled. Skylar eased over and took hold of the mallet he had for pounding the posts into the ground. Hefting it up and bracing it on her shoulder, she gave him an easy grin. "You hold the post steady and I'll swing?”
Hamish nodded and help the pole steady. "Go ahead." He grinned.
She waited until he gave the go-ahead before lining the mallet up. She took a moment, cocking her arms back, before letting it fly. The mallet struck with practiced precision in one strike, then two, and finally three as the post sank in.
Without a bra on, Skylar no doubt gave Hamish a show. Did she mind? Not at all. "I think that's deep enough. Looks about level with the other ones from what I can see."
Hamish swallowed then looked down at the post. "Uh...it looks good."
She smiles at him and goes to snag the next post. She handed over the mallet once she returned with the post in hand. Skylar eased it into the next spot and secured it firmly with a hand. "Good. I'll hold this one- we can alternate who pounds the post in." She crouched down, steadied both herself and the post, and then gave him a chipper look.
Hamish held the hammer, then brought it down hard on the post, knocking it in with a few good hits.
Once the post was pounded in, she released it, gave it a wiggle, and then held out her hand for the hammer as she straightened upright once more. “Nice! Good form too.” She’d enjoyed the way his muscles had flexed- and a light flush highlighted her freckles. God, Skylar loved a good hard workin’ man. Mmm. “My turn.”
Hamish picked up the next post and held it in place for Skylar to hammer in.
Skylar did as needed, and traded back and forth with him until the posts were up, before getting the fence itself back up and into place. Once it was up and stable, she gave it a pleased bump with her hip and then nodded, adjusting her hat on her skull. “Looks like it’s good to go.” She hummed. “Was this the only downed spot?” Any other spots would be a bit of a jaunt to tote posts- but Skylar wasn’t above heckling Mel into toting things if she needed it. The mare usually liked to be included.
"That was the only spot that was in serious need of fixing, any other spot is still good, might just need a little extra hammer to stabilize em." He said, picking up the hammer.
She nods, hooks her thumbs into her pockets, and gives him a cheery look. “We best go check then, yeah? If we can stabilize them now, then you shouldn’t have to repair them until much later.”
Hamish smiled and nodded curling his arm around her waist and walking with her to the spots on the fence that were weaker than other. "Watching you hammer those fences in, is real hot. I ain't never seen a girl strong as you."
Skylar leans into him as they walk, settling neatly into his side as his arm curls around her waist. She smiles shyly, and peeks up at him. “Not a lot of us are.” She hums. “Gotta say, you’re the first man to say that to me though. It’s kinda nice- if it wasn’t the work makin’ ‘m run, it was my strength.” One couldn’t be an effective rancher without being able to do the work. Her mother was better on a horse than she was at the ranching aspect of it- but there was only so much muscle a tiny skeleton could physically build, however. She tangles her fingers affectionately in his belt loop, and keeps an eye open for any weaknesses in the fence line. “You weren’t too bad lookin’ with the hammer yourself. I love myself a hard workin’ man though.”
Hamish grinned. "You gotta work hard when you're doing everything yourself." He said, leaning to kiss the side of her head. The cows in the paddock mooed at them from the other side of the fence.
“That you do,” She chuckled, a pleased sound leaving her at the kiss. They fit together quite well, she mused to herself. Walking along with him, to Skylar it felt more like it was a routine that they had been doing for years, not something that they were doing for the first time ever. “Been doin’ this on my own since I was sixteen. Builds a lot of muscle over the years- keepin’ cattle and breakin’ horses isn’t easy work. We wouldn’t get by on city-slicker muscles, that’s for sure.”
The cattle got a playful moo in response, after which Skylar flushed, chuckled and looked over them. Speaking of cattle… She had a herd of them to drive to town once she got back to her ranch. It was long in the coming, though- eight days ride there, and longer back going at the cattle’s pace. She glanced up to Hamish. “After I help your cow with her twins,” she hums, “I’ve got to get back to my ranch. Got a load of cattle to herd and round up for selling, and I might be gone a while, but… Would it be okay if I visited again after?”
Hamish frowned. "Guess I forgot you would have to go at some point." He said and sighed. He pushed a small smile. "I'd love if you came back… I… I want you to come back." He stopped and turned towards Skylar, dropping the hammer so he could cup her face and press a kiss against her mouth.
Skylar met his kiss with tender care, lips working softly against his own. Her eye lights were warm, her hands sliding up to rest on his shoulders. “I’ll definitely be coming back, I promise.” She leaned back to peer up at him, and then leaned up to nuzzle her nose against his. Her fingers slid up, and she coaxed the corner of his mouth into a bigger smile. “No need for frownin’ on me, sugar. I’ll be comin’ back for sure. Gonna miss your sweet little blush every day that I’m gone, too.”
Hamish held Skylar tightly as he smiled wider when she tried to make him smile. He rested his head against hers and sighed. "When you come back...I want you to stay with me." He said, holding her face gently.
Skylar peered up at him quietly and quirked a soft grin. She stroked her thumb gently from the corner of his mouth up to his cheekbone, rubbing over it with soft affection. “Okay.” She says simply smiling at him warmly. “Might have to make trips though- If I’m gonna stay, I’ll need things, and I can only get so much on Mel before she gets pissy. As nice as your mom’s clothes are, properly fitting clothes are a bit more comfortable.”
She scuffles her boots lightly against the dirt, and then kisses him firmly. “If I’m gonna stay, I’ve got a chunk of the herd that’s mine- will you be alright with me bringin’ them here? I can’t ask my brothers to look after them for me all the time.”
"I've got a truck, I can drive you to pick up your stuff and then we can herd your cattle back here together." He suggested, running his hands down to rest on her hips.
That makes her smile, and she laughs softly. Skylar loops her arms around his neck, stroking her fingers up along his skull at the edge of his hat. “I’d like that.” She smiles. “I don’t drive- me and roads don’t usually agree. No problem bein’ passenger. It’s… golly, a twenty-hour drive, I think? About a ten-day drive for the cattle. You sure you won’t mind? I can have one of my brothers stay here to keep an eye on things for you.”
It wouldn’t do to leave his ranch unattended for too many days, after all. At least when she and the boys were gone, her mother was back home to tend to the animals in their stead.
Hamish nodded. "It sounds good to me." He said. He pressed a kiss against her forehead between her horns. "Enough of a break, back to work cowgirl." He said, patting her hips gently.
She laughed softly, face flushing at the kiss, and gave him a cheeky look. “I don’t think I’m the one who started that break, cowboy~” She teased. Still, she looped her arm through his, and resumed their walk along the fence. “So far your fence looks good.” Which meant he’d been keeping up on it- which was also good.
Hamish nodded. "It was really that one point which was bad. You wanna help me check the garden?" He said, pointing with his hammer to a vegetable garden. "I think a lot of that stuff can be picked, then I wanna put some more of the cow shit on there to help the rest of it grow and give it a good water."
Skylar nods, and directs them towards the garden. “Sounds good. Least if we’re puttin’ the shit on the soil, it’s not like the dairies that put the shit in the giant sprinklers. I’ve heard it makes the corn they grow legitimately taste like shit.” She shakes her head with amusement, and glances over his garden. “Heh. Nice lookin’ garden, by the way. Greg is not to touch that any time he visits, by the way. When he touches plants, they die.” She says with semi-seriousness.
Hamish laughed and squatted down in front of the garden. Looking through the plants, he began picking tomatoes checking, over each plant. If any looked like they had bugs in them he threw them out into the paddock, knowing the cows or a bird would come along and eat it.
Skylar mimicked him, not bothering to squat, however. She settled on her knees, and shuffled along efficiently, humming to herself. Good fruits and vegetables were collected into the bottom of her shirt, since it was larger on her, and bad fruits were chucked out to the cattle, or to Mel if the mare was running by. “You ever had roasted pumpkin?” She asks curiously.
"I think I tried once, but I ended up giving up and making soup." He said with an amused smile. He filled his shirt with vegetables and fruits.
“I’ll have to make it for you sometime then.” She chuckled. “If done right, it comes out just amazing. It’s one of my favorite fall foods, actually.” His garden was fairly loaded, but there was still a lot more that yet needed to grow. She hummed softly, and stood once she had loaded her shirt. It was a precarious thing to balance it and try not to let the fruits and vegetables fall out. “So, how do you prefer to store your extra veggies?” She hadn’t seen a canning station in his house- and canning stations usually took space. At least, the one that her family had did. Skylar braced her arms lightly, waited for him to fill his shirt. They wouldn’t need to make a second trip today- perhaps tomorrow. There were things not quite ripe- soon, but not quite.
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abakersquest · 8 years
Polly sat on the spar of the God’s Fortune, watching the light of the rising sun play out over the rolling waters outside the cave they’d hid in for the night. Her grandfather woke her for the early morning watch before taking Wally out to check the rest of the small island for any possible food. While there was plenty of water to drink onboard, the food stores were minimal for the crew of six. She found she rather liked having the new faces around, even if the circumstances were a bit dire. They all seemed like wonderfully interesting people who could keep up with her amazing grandfather, which was good. He’d never admit it out loud, but she knew he always felt a little lonely coming home from the Weather Eye every day and seeing none of his old crewmates aboard. She did her best of course, but for Captain Blackeye, there was as much love to share as there was strength and bravado, so just her alone wasn’t nearly enough. It was good to see him really smile again, like she remembered.
The lush tropical thicket of palm trees and brush kept Wally’s head on a swivel, both on watch for any strange island creatures and to take in all the exotic flora he’d only ever read about or seen dried for shipping. Blackeye insisted on taking point, cutting a path with his harpoon as they went. The trip had been rather silent, aside from their cutting and pushing aside of vegetation, so when the captain heard his small companion fall to the ground with a grunt he spun quickly on his heels and readied for anything, except for the sight of Wally on the ground, rubbing his toes ruefully.
“Well… That was embarrassing,” he grumbled.
“Hahaha! I shoulda known! Look at the size of your hoppers lad, it’s a wonder you c’n even walk through this!”
“Perfectly normal size for a wallaby, thank you. But it was odd; it didn’t feel like I tripped on a rock or a root…” Wally eyed the ground carefully, spotting a small shock of something white, mostly buried. He got back on his feet and approached the object, carefully digging it up. “Oh! Well there’s a slightly familiar face.” Wally pulled it up to reveal a very stylized statuette of an Icthyite holding a fishing rod. “Hello Old Jab, fancy meeting you here on…” a thought slowly slotted into place and Wally looked past what he thought he’d seen but clearly glossed over. Buried by vegetation were the remains of stone walls, burnt and bashed by some great force years ago. As he turned around, Wally realized he was standing within the borders of what’d once been a home, and just in the corner of the wall under roots that had erupted through it were two skulls, one much smaller than the other, clearly burnt as well.
His eyes had been focused on the nature, and not the thing it’d conquered. He now saw past the growth and realized there were several other old broken walls and artifacts of life buried by nature and time.
“You were born just at the end of the war, right lad?” Blackeye said quietly.
Wally looked to him silently unable to find the words he needed.
“So you probably never saw how bad it really got ‘cause of the war. Betcha saw a few towns in Planae and never realized they used t’ be twice the size they are now.”
Wally thought back to the crater left behind where Marsu once stood.
“Lotsa hands worked hard to keep the fightin’ from the people… They didn’t always succeed. This used to be Sarsi Town… A little nothin’ of a place that nobody ever heard of ‘til the war came callin’. That’s when Isto the Red came by n’… Well. You can tell.”
“Who’s Isto the Red?” He asked quietly.
“Captain of the Red Razor Fleet,” Blackeye said, closing his good eye for a moment of reflection. “One of many people who willingly joined Kota’s army when they came callin’. Those ships we were fightin’ yesterday, those were his. Seems dark magics raised ‘em and their crews off the seafloor where I’d put most of ‘em meself.”
Wally slowly set the small statue down, finding it difficult to look back up again. “Why go out of their way to destroy a small village…”
“Couldn’t tell ya f’sure,” the captain idly scratched at his gills. “But… it might be ‘cause I was born and raised here.”
Wally quickly looked up to the captain’s eyes just as he looked off into the distance at nothing in particular. “Ain’t like it was luck that found us an island with a cave to hide the Fortune in, Mister Walter.”
“I’m… I’m so-”
The captain waved his hand. “Bah, empathy ain’t what I need, ‘sides it was years ago anyway. Right now focus on gettin’ our stores filled… And tellin’ me how you even know the first thing about Old Jab.”
Wally recognized the need to talk about anything else immediately, the captain’s expression was entirely neutral, but he could feel it was a sore memory. “Well… A cook I worked for once used to be an Icthyite sailor, had one made of driftwood to watch over the kitchen. Said, ‘the watchful eye of the first on the ocean was always a good thing to have.’”
The captain gave a single sharp laugh before moving on again. “Guess there was somethin’ to be said ‘bout Animana’s takin’ in of all those refugees then, gave the world one damn clever wallaby. And damn clever’s what we gonna need now more’n anythin’.”
Wally didn’t feel particularly clever, in fact he felt woefully unprepared. In all the stories he’d ever heard from the chattier war veterans, none of them ever acknowledged there being people from other nations joining Sauro’s forces. The fact those were the kind of people who’d willingly kill the innocent, just to send some kind of message to their enemy must be why they didn’t. In the end, they were the same faceless and nameless enemy they had to be, it was easier to think of them as some intangible concept than someone who’d been your neighbor or friend before the war came.
He slowly tried to shake off the fact he was walking through ruins reclaimed by nature, and thoughts of the lives cut short all around him, but all of it just made his heart feel like a steel weight in his chest. His downcast gaze drifted to his wrist and the bracelet his sister had made him, bringing the unavoidable thought of Kota’s army attacking Animana once more. He flinched as an image of his family under attack flashed in his mind’s eye.
Desperately, he fought back tears at an all too obvious realization. No one came to save Sarsi Town; the great heroes of the era were all otherwise occupied. Try as he might to think of all the lives saved by them, all he could think of was those they failed to protect, and how they suffered. How many people could be suffering now as he lingered on this gravestone of an island? How many was he letting down right this moment? Doubt and indecision planted his feet, clenched his fist, and screwed his eyes shut as he tried to banish them from his mind. There was no omniscience, no great ability to be all places and face all dangers, only doing what you could in the moment to solve the problems directly ahead of you. He knew that absolutely, but in this moment, knowing that and believing it were two different things.
That’s when the foreshaft of a harpoon smacked him square on the head.
Wally rubbed the new sore spot on his head, looking up at Blackeye.
“You know how I got this?” Blackeye tapped his lifeless eye, producing an entirely unexpected tapping sound. “Obsidian, only thing matched the shade right and didn’t make me itch. I got this after Isto carved the real one out of me skull. After I sank three of his ships n’ broke a mast with his back! I couldn’t save the people o’ this here town, but I damn well avenged them! That’s what you gotta do. You can’t save everyone, don’t care who you are. You save what you can, and make those responsible pay out the nose for the rest, understand?!”
He slowly nodded and sighed out all his frustration and doubt. “Thanks captain…”
Blackeye began to walk away. “Thank me with food, not words.”
Later that day, as the crew of the God’s Fortune sat around the small table once more to enjoy lunch and plan, Blackeye explained the history of Isto the Red and the Red Razor Fleet. In the fifth year of the war, Isto made a name for himself as a raider, deftly emptying the holds of Unified Front supply ships and even sometimes taking whole ships for himself. The 8 ships in his fleet soon became the tip of the spear for Sauro’s naval forces all along the Icthy Isles. Isto’s abilities as a Water Mage and a sailor made him Blackeye’s most powerful rival on the sea.
“Odds are,” Blackeye swallowed his mouthful. “That next time, it’ll be all eight, and we’re gonna have to go in hard if we wanna take’em down. Means no holdin’ back nothin’.” He reached out his hand and patted Polly on the head. “’Specially you, sunshine.”
Polly gasped. “Really grandpa?! Y’ mean it?!”
Curious and pensive glances abounded before the two Icthyites as they conversed.
Blackeye chortled and waved to the unsuspecting audience, “show’em what you can do dear.”
Polly happily nodded, smiling at everyone at the table before a rainbow hued shimmer of light danced across her scales and she vanished from sight.
Needless to say everyone but Blackeye recoiled in shock. They all quickly scanned the room until Polly’s spoon seemingly levitated off the table and started wiggling in the air as, what was clearly Polly’s voice, made what she believed to be spooky noises before she reappeared in her seat with a giggle or two.
“Polly’s a Light Mage, ain’t seen if she’s got any Dark magic yet, but for now what she can do’ll help us take on those undead beasties. Oh,” he leaned toward Hector and Rozzi. “And in case you’re wonderin’ those ain’t got a smell on account’a bein’ ephemeral.”
“Remarkable,” said Wistea. “I never would have guessed. Light and Dark attributes are actually exceedingly rare across all the races of Mondia. In fact there are hardly any entries in ‘Greybark’s Guide to the Ephemeral’ or ‘Ashberi’s Cardinal Structure’ that cover the exact nature of either magic.”
Hector rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “That explains how you were able to sneak up on us in Areca. Tell me, do you know if you can make other things invisible aside from yourself?”
Polly smiled and replied, “made the Fortune invisible a few times so we didn’t have t’ pay port fees.”
He turned to Blackeye. “Captain, how likely are we to run into the enemy fleet again?”
“Ain’t no ‘likely’ about it,” the captain proclaimed. “We run on Galaga, they’ll be there. Isto ‘n the Rogue got holdin’ grudges in common in my experience. They’ll drop whatever they’re doin’ if they think it means crushin’ us.”
The knight nodded contently. “We can use that to our advantage then. Wally, Rozzi, have you gotten pairing your magic down yet?”
Wally and Rozzi shared a thoughtful look before they nodded and Rozzi replied, “Ready to go, I’d say.”
With a confident smile, Hector rose in posture. “We managed to scuttle one of their ships but there’s no telling if they’ve had the time to raise it again or not, so we might just be dealing with seven, either way, I have a plan that can help us deal with the fleet when we draw them all in. If you all approve, of course.”
“Let’s hear it, Mister Cani,” the captain leaned back in his chair with a slim smile on his face.
The next morning aboard Isto’s flagship, The Grim Reaper, a gurgled shout came down from the crow’s nest and the shambling crew increased their pace and readied for combat.
“ISTO! What are these disgusting undead doing?” shouted the Rogue.
“They’ve spotted the Fortune, general. Just as I expected, Old Blackeye tried to come in over the rocky shallows route thinking it’d baffle us. He must think I’m just another mindless undead.”
“You still can be, Isto,” the Rogue said dangerously. “Don’t do anything to make the idea more appealing. Mobilize the entire fleet; I want them to be ash before midday.”
Isto paused and thought before saying, “Sir, it may be wiser to stagger our-”
Isto simply nodded before gesturing to a nearby zombie. It raised its gnarled arm and rang a corroded bell, the signal to gather the fleet.
Aboard the Fortune, Captain Blackeye watched at the ships came into formation, finding something odd about how they were dispersed along the shoreline, but reserved that thought for later. He proceeded to count the ships off as they entered into an inverse wedge formation. “HAH! Looks like they’re a ship down after all! We might just pull this off, Mister Cani.”
Hector nodded. “Here’s hoping. Ready you two?”
At the very start of the Foredeck, Wally and Rozzi stood side by side, eyes locked on the distant flagship and the general making his way to the forefront.
“Look at that, bet he’s got a gloaty speech and everythin’ ready.” Rozzi commented.
Wally knit his brow. “He caught us off guard the last time, so he doesn’t know what we can do. Why don’t we show him just how fast we’ve grown since then?”
“Happily, Sir Wally.”
With that, the two linked the hands closest to one another, holding the furthest out toward their target. Flashes of flame and jets of wind spiraled around their clasped hands faster and faster as they put more and more power into the oncoming spell. They spoke in unison as the words entered their minds, “TWO FORMS COMBINED TO ONE SHAPE, TWO HEARTS TO TWO HANDS AND STRIKE! TEMPEST BURN!”
Around them formed a shining aura of white light and ahead of the Fortune was born a towering tumult of wind and flame. The burning cyclone shot forward at incredible speed, vaporizing the water beneath it, creating a path of steam clouds before bashing full on into the Reaper. The explosion of force tore a sizable hole in the ship’s starboard bow, and knocked the Rogue clean off his feet. Slamming him back first into the deck. He unleashed an otherworldly cry of hate and frustration before shouting, “KILL THEM! KILL THEM ALL!!!”
The flanking ships in the formation moved to pincer the Fortune with cannon fire as it entered the dense steam cloud. Isto, with a gesture, snuffed the flames on his ship with sea water and closed off the new wound by freezing it.
“Pah, pitiful strategy. No matter where you emerge from that cloud, the cannons will reduce your tiny ship to splinters.” Isto watched carefully for any motion and grew suspicious as nothing moved or stirred from it. “FIRE INTO THE CLOUD, FLUSH THEM OUT!”
Shots rung out from the chase guns of every ship, creating a large plume of sea water that cleared away the cloud, leaving nothing but the sight of empty water.
“What?! Impossible! Where did they-”
The air ahead of Isto rippled , revealing the imposing mass of Captain Blackeye just as he delivered a massive right cross into Isto’s face, sending him flying through a mass of undead behind him.
“Never could see what was right in front of you.” Blackeye said with a sneer.
Isto hopped back onto his feet and matched the captain’s stare, his lean figure made to seem larger with the broad nature of his thick black jacket that matched the dark blue of his scales but contrasted heavily with his silver underbelly. As he stood he hunched, the back injury given to him by Blackeye forcing his once tall figure into a painful curve that further diminished the threat of the long saber that was his nose.
“That as tall as you get nowadays, Isto? If you’re lucky maybe you’ll manage t’ stab me in the thigh, y’ crusty ol’ marlin!”
“Oh Arias…” Something slithered out of his shadow and slunk up his leg. His body was then yanked and tugged harshly, old bones snapping and reshaping by brute force alone, returning the rapier-nosed pirate to his full height. “I’ll be aiming much higher than that.”
With the force of a tensioned spring, Isto launched himself at Blackeye, who barely managed to dodge the tip of his nose spike by hopping to the left, blocking a following sweep with his harpoon.
The Ragged Rogue began to charge toward the dueling pair, only to be blasted backwards by a large ball of flame that smashed him into the Reaper’s foremast and displaced a number of zombies violently. He growled and collected himself as Wally and Hector slowly faded into view.
Hector winced. “Oof! Wally, you weren’t kidding about him being ugly.”
Two giant pins jutted violently from the Rogue’s back. He yanked them free with a war cry and barreled toward them.
The knights moved in perfect sync, blocking his dual strike with some doing.
Hector grunted as he struggled to hold back the Rogue. “Damn strong too!”
Wally said nothing, changing his stance to lift a leg and boot the Rogue away. With a smooth turn he bounded off after the catapulted fiend.
“Right, task at hand.” Hector said to himself as he followed after Wally.
The shuffling undead made their way toward the two battles only to be stopped by a dense wall of brambles that bloomed from the deck.
“Seems the plan is working thus far,” said Wistea as she appeared, her hands on the bramble wall.
“I can hear Hector gloating already…” Rozzi said under her breath as she manifested atop the wall, a thrust of her arm to the left sending a powerful gust over the amassed blighted, pushing several of them over the ships railings.
Beside her, the Ragged Rogue bounced off the top of the bramble wall, a ball of flame following his course, deflected deftly by his enormous pin swords.
“Little help Rozzi!” Shouted Hector as the two knights rushed toward the wall themselves.
She spun her finger in a circle and sent a small whirlwind their way, giving them an updraft to clear the wall with. As Wally did just that, he blasted a few of the undead away to secure a landing spot before the two of them continued on.
Rozzi huffed. “Well! So much for keeping the fight in one place…”
Wistea called up to her. “Rozzi, hop down! I can fix this!”
The red panda backflipped off the makeshift wall with ease, watching it bend over and turn into a bridge to block the amassed undead from both battles.
“Yeah, I can work with that.”  Rozzi jabbed her sickle into a gap in the brambles and began a spell. “Eight forms to one shape, from heart to hand and defend! GALE RIVER!” A much more powerful burst of air turned the bridge of brambles into a two way makeshift pressure cannon, shunting corpse after corpse out into the sea.
At the helm of the Fortune, darting between the enemy fleet, Polly gleefully shouted as she deftly steered around the few cannon balls fired her way. Her part in the plan was simple enough; she’d distract the cannoneers and, if possible, disabled the rudders of all seven ships. Coming into position behind one, she unsheathed her dagger and pointed at the pintle-and-gudgeon linkages on its rudder. Two beams of light shot from the short blade and evaporated the rusted metal in short order, leaving the rotten rudder to drop loose off the sternpost. With a triumphant howl, that was similar but of a much higher pitch than her grandfather’s, Polly sailed on to the next ship on the line to do the very same.
Blackeye continued his duel with Isto the Red on the foredeck, powerful jets of compressed water blasting back and forth between them, each only managing glancing blows. The captain drove the blade of his harpoon into the deck and shouted a spell, “BREAKER WAVE!” Ahead of him formed a tall rushing surge of water that raced rapidly toward Isto. The sinister marlin dove forward, his now lean and hunchless form allowing him to easily swim through the mystic wave, catching Blackeye off guard and driving his natural spear into Blackeye’s shoulder.
The mighty captain ground his teeth and stopped a cry of pain dead in his throat as a swipe of his harpoon barely cut Isto’s coat, the marlin having leapt back just in time to dodge it.
“Proud ‘Blackeye’ Cofresi,” Isto’s words weighed so heavily with mockery it was a wonder they reached Blackeye’s ears at all. “Mighty champion of the sea? DON’T MAKE ME LAUGH!” Isto rushed forward, thrusting and slashing at Blackeye who defended himself with his harpoon. “DO THEY PRAISE ME? THE ONE WHO TOOK YOUR EYE? THE ONE WHO SLAUGHTERED YOUR FAMILY? I’VE SUNK AND STOLEN MORE SHIPS THAN ANY SAILOR THAT EVER LIVED! BUT THEY PRAISE SOME OLD NOTHING FOR GETTING LOST OVER AND OVER AGAIN!” The final clash opened the distance between the two warriors that Isto filled with a shout. “WHAT MAKES YOU SO DAMN SPECIAL?!” Isto drove forward with all his might, aiming his birthborne blade straight at the old shark’s heart.
Blackeye quickly raised his hand, allowing it to be pierced, pushing forward to catch Isto’s face in his impaled palm. Mighty and bloodied fingers now dug hard into the marlin’s skull.
“For a start… Don’t talk so much.” Blackeye lifted Isto clean off his feet and slammed him down into the deck, shattering the planks beneath them and dropping them down into the next deck. “Next… Get a better ship.” Once again, Isto found his head used as a battering ram against the floor, dropping the two sailors down to the gun deck and then to the hold, where the swirling mass of shadows holding the ship together retreated at the midday sun now shining into the space. “Last… Take a hundred years to practice, and maybe then YOU’LL BE HALF AS GOOD AS ME!” With all his strength, Blackeye drove the back of Isto’s skull into the top of the Reaper’s keel, violently breaking both in the process. As sea water quickly surged into the large gash in the hull, he planted his foot in the unconscious pirate’s chest, pulling his hand free from the spike before spitting on Isto’s crumpled form. With his good hand he set to climbing back out.
Closer to the quarterdeck, Wally and Hector’s fight with the howling mad Ragged Rogue raged on. With a violent burst of power and speed he knocked the two of them away and carved up sections of the ship with his almost invisible threads, flinging them hard at the duo.
The two leapt from the barrage and quickly scrambled to use the rear mast for cover. Wally panted looking up at Hector. “Any ideas?”
“Well,” A bit of mast exploded off forcing Hector to duck. “Seems to me he matches your power and my speed… But do you think he can match both at the same time?”
Just then Hector quickly shoved Wally’s head down, the two narrowly avoiding decapitation as a thread off the Rogue diced through the mast. It shimmied in place, held by nothing more than the ships aged rigging.
“Only one way to find out...” Wally replied as he poured more magic into the Flare.
Hector did the same with his own sword before the two quickly ran on either side of the failing mast toward Kota’s General. With mystically assisted reflexes, Hector knocked the assailing threads aside, allowing the knights to close the distance. In almost perfect unison their blades struck, when Wally swung low, Hector swung high, trading off every second strike, forcing the Rogue to act defensively.
Wally broke his guard, and Hector capitalized. A streak of blue white sparks exploding out of the newly made gash in the Rogue’s chest. As he screamed in their faces, Hector blocked a strike meant for Wally, which the wallaby took advantage of, severing one the general’s arms at its elbow.
Just then something shook inside the two knights that halted their assault for barely a second. “ENOUGH!!!” With a slash from his remaining arm the Ragged Rogue managed to send Hector and Wally skidding backwards on their feet, arms trembling as they barely managed to block the blow.
As the general’s severed arm flew back to its place Wally turned to Hector. “Did you feel that too?”
Hector nodded once. “Was that what I think it was?”
Wally nodded firmly, glaring at the Rogue ahead of them.
Once more the two knights charged, swords at the ready, magical energy sparking off the edges of their blades as they rained blow after blow on their opponent. The air grew white hot, and they moved faster than they ever had before, tearing apart any defense the Rogue had. In unison they spoke “TWO FORMS COMBINED TO ONE SHAPE, TWO HEARTS TO TWO HANDS AND STRIKE!”
Hector’s final strike shattered the Rogue’s pins and he shouted, “THUNDER!”
Wally shoved the flare forward, burying it in the fiend’s chest as he shouted the final word of the spell “BURST!”
A ball of fire and lighting engulfed the monster who unleashed an entirely supernatural howl of pain and hate. The din of magic launched off the Stellar Flare and out into the open air, carrying the violently thrashing Rogue with it. The reaction grew and grew until its light was brighter than that of the sun, finally detonating with an almost deafening burst of noise and force, vaporizing the entirety of its target.
Seconds after, the ruined ships lost all cohesion and began to falter. With nothing to keep it at bay, water exploded into every gap and ruined seams, reclaiming the once sunken ships. With the Reaper listing forward quickly, Rozzi, Wistea and Blackeye made their way to the rear of the ship where they found Wally holding onto an exhausted Hector to keep him from sliding.
Rozzi smiled. “I swear, I leave you boys alone and everything goes to pieces.”
“Slightly at fault meself,” Blackeye chuckled. “I put an extra hole in this heap ‘bout a minute ago.”
As the Fortune came into view, Wistea planted her feet and outstretched her vines to the ships railing. “All aboard, as they say!”
Rozzi hopped on top of one vine and slid her way down to the fortune. Blackeye clenched his teeth around his harpoon and took hold sliding down with his good hand while holding the other in his vest.
“Afraid we’ll have to pass Wistea… Hector’s in no condition to slide down anything at the moment. But we’ll catch up.”
The Planaetian nodded at Wally and Hector and once the others had arrived aboard the ship, leapt off the sinking vessel and tugged herself to the deck.
With a tired smile, Hector asked, “Wally, how embarrassing is this going to be?”
“Oh we’ll be living it down for a while, I’m sure.”
Hector gave a faint laugh. “Fantastic, wouldn’t have it any other way.”
The wallaby carefully scooped up his fellow knight as best he could given the overall size differences between them, took a few preparatory steps back, and set off into a running leap toward the God’s Fortune. For a brief moment the act seemed heroic and iconic, worthy of the nobility and courage of both participants until Wally’s foot clipped the railing of the Fortune, sending them both into a tumble that turned into an ungainly roll onto the deck of the ship, culminating in both of them huddled into a gangly mess against the far railing. Both unable to quantify the embarrassing landing with anything but groans of pain.
Thankfully the embarrassment and soreness were washed away by an undeniable feeling of elation. The Red Razor Fleet had been returned to the ocean depths, and a powerful enemy defeated along with it. It was their first true and absolute victory.
<[Chapter 13]–[Index]–[Chapter 15]>
2 notes · View notes
Janis & Grace & Jimmy
Janis: Fucking Phones! *Janis shouts, her frustration kicked into overdrive, phone shotput at the nearest wall before she can think about it. If it wasn't broken before, like. Paces over to the shattered remains, not to cradle with regret, but to put the boot in further, stomping heavily on the useless hunk of junk 'til she's satisfied. Deep breaths were saved for AFTER the storm, not some pathetic vain attempt to stop the inevitable. She was well past that stage. Had she EVER been so naive to be at that stage? Had she ever tried to stop herself? What was the point? She knew how strong she was, how strong IT was, knew better than to get in her own way, like. As she was pondering what the fuck to do now, someone who had NEVER learnt to get out of the oncoming tide's way walked through the door. Oh, Gracie. How many times have you been left shattered on the floor? Stung to think about. Not just 'cos she'd got glass in her feet that needed dealing with. But first- Despite agreeing with Jim earlier, Janis knew her twin better, knew there was more to it. What she did not know was what to do about it. Whatever it was. Gulp. An olive branch disguised as you'd be doing me a favour. That'd have to do it.* Grace? Can I borrow your phone quick, like. *She gestured to the crime scene below her feet.* Grace: *She's a liar, concerned with only the promise that today the gym would be packed, and it was. Every lad who flexed to get girls had eyes for the ones they ranked before Grace walked in, and the girls that were above it, or faking that they were, locked onto their camera roll as they did their work out, looking at themselves, 'done with anyone else, honestly'. She took selfies herself, because without being focused on the insta numbers what did she have, a playlist that preached empowerment without giving her any? Tragic. Pathetic was all she felt next to them, solidarity wiped off her radar by the invisibility she needed and hated. Fuck the sisterhood. Mother nature's turned her back and over it without a 'thank you, next. There's more space at home for her than here. Beyond tragic. Still she goes there minus any juice or coffee stops, there's no craving that can touch how much she doesn't want to run into the growing list of people who she'd die if she had to deal with being around. Obviously she near collides with one of the first immediately because OH MY GOD she can't get a break right now. Coping with only being wanted for her phone is easier than expected though. Grace unlocks and hands it over wordlessly, keeping her attention on what is gestured and so #relatable.* Janis: *Janis nods her thanks, doing her level-best to pretend her sister, silent, wasn't a total headfuck; Wished for many a time but she'd never professed to being careful, had she? The tapping out of a quick text the only sound allowed to occupy the vast space between them. Allowing the awkwardness to grow, as if it could bridge the gap, Janis read his reply (received in record time, by the way) and made huge effort not to smile smugly because she REFUSED to be one of those girls, even though that had had the potential to unite her with her twin in the past, it felt like a bad move now. She wasn't one of those girls either. Not really Not deep down. And she certainly did not seem it nowadays. Oh how we have changed, my friend. She handed the phone back as silently as it had been given, intent on leaving it at that but, for some reason, words tumbling as thoughtless as the rain of violence had upon her own phone just moments ago, she just asked her.* Do you want to come out with us? We're not doing anything exciting, like. So you don't have to...But if a bit of normality sounds good, though; gotta walk the dogs and his brother and sister, run some errands up town. *She finishes lamely with a casual shrug, as if that took nothing, as if they always did this kinda thing. Before they did, but the past was a different place, a town they didn't occupy any more. Whether you thought that a tragedy (and Janis did think it that, too) or otherwise, it was what it was.* Grace: *This headfuck adds itself to the pile, leaving her again, clueless as to who the fuck she is. Grace had long been thinking it of her twin, before barista boy had moved in and got her shaken off from her sister totally, but it's pushed away whenever it enters her head and tries to shake up her own persona. No way and no time like. Until now that it had run out for her anyway. It doesn't matter what her mum said, over and over, she feels broken. And ashamed. And somehow, Janis knew that without knowing, offering her a pity hang to keep the vibe from leaving her alone. Obviously she could go off, hard, in the moment and get everyone else to leave her but what was the point if that's her only power? A pity party is the only one that'll be thrown for her these days, there's no choice but to cope with that. Later. After she's called Janis out in gestures and expressions that scream UGH and AS IF because too much has changed to let go of that. Even as she realises she's accepting, all 'thank god I showered and changed at the gym' crossing her mind and face.* Okay, Jan, no need to beg babes. *Grace fluffs her hair, smiling wide enough to hurt. Later too.* Gotta change my bag first like OMG, a dog that cute has just gotta come home with me. Unfair that your feed gets all of her when mine's the most poppin'. She's welcome. Janis: *Janis rolls her eyes but that action, so overused it went way beyond practiced into straight up muscle memory, was accompanied by a less usual smile. Small but conveying the too-big-and-awkward-to-mention idea that today, just this once, she would let shit slide. Still, it'd feel to alien for both if she let her twin get away with EVERYTHING, like. Sympathies SHOULD only stretch so far, otherwise who even were they?* Sure she'll be buzzin' for the fame, Grace. Just be quick about it, alright? I've already left 'em hanging long enough meself with the fecking phone dramas... *And the shower. And the actually taking longer than ten seconds to pick out somethin' decent to wear, somethin' he might like. Push that feeling down, along with the bile it caused. Don't think about it. Deal with it later. She busied herself in the kitchen, NOT like the proper little housewife the stupidity of giving a shit was mockingly making her feel, but by fishing out the promised leftovers for Twix, finding the sparklers, and chucking in some leftovers for the kids too, Holiday food still coming out their earholes here. Again she ignored the mocking voice from within, trying to be rational about it. It weren't like she gave a fuck like THAT, and not about Jim but if their dad was AWOL it was probably microwave meals and takeaway grub, the kiddos may as well have something decent to line their bellies, Lord knows her fam didn't need it. No sense wasting it. So there. Fuck you. Janis grabbed her house keys and chucked her new cropped hoodie over her outfit, untucking her curls and waiting by the door, foot tapping from impatience, nothing more, alright?* Grace: *Grace moves fast, not because she's feeling it herself but she knows Janis is and can't handle the fight, impatience so blatant to cause it that even without a twin connection that Jimmy would see it himself as quick. Her stomach twists painfully, the idea that no man will ever want her again resurfacing before it can be pushed back down. Her body flops down on her bed staying separate from her, face pressed into the tear-stained pillow until she has a reason for not being able to breathe. A small sound comes out, nothing else. The other girl will be charging up the stairs if she doesn't hurry so she forces herself up and does the switch, grabbing stuff she might need blindly. The 'who am I?' question throws itself out again but it's better than any Janis will ask otherwise. Grace reassures herself its her reasoning for no mirror check before walking away. * Janis: *The 'okay, let's do this' doesn't need to be vocalized (need or want? they're two very different beasts but let's both pretend we don't know otherwise), so it isn't. Quickly jostling out the door, matching pace on the short walk to the Grandparent's, like this was a two-step or a tango another dance that required two to- somehow keeping rhythm, keeping time, so well and so naturally between them it was like they'd never stopped being a double act. Now with Killer in tow, the truth that they had stopped being Graceandjanis, presented itself readily in the hugs and love she received and the awkward hellos and suspicious barks Grace did when they made their date. Janis couldn't very well push the kiddos away, no need to be that much of a cunt on anyone's behalf, her sister especially wouldn't thank her for it- but she converted Jim's into a one-arm handshake type hug affair; 'accidentally (who knew?) pushing her extended fist into his stomach with a 'whoops'. She withdrew, choosing to do what she knew how before anything else could be said or done or even thought.* Race ya to the swings! *It was a challenge for the entire group, fuck it, the dogs could get in on the action if they liked, just give a fucking distraction. Bobby hung back Grace too. Janis looked back, wondering if she should run back too, not leave her sister so soon but she found her legs continuing regardless, beyond her control. That was just how it was these days.* Grace: *She can breathe again, easily, of course she can, when they are walking side by side. Grace forgets until the park's in sight, reminding her hard enough to bring tears to her eyes. She blinks them away, refusing to be that girl, but the buggy's still there, being pushed in time with her own steps so close she can't help but remember how far away any of that is for her. Frantically she clutches her phone, acting out living a life where what the screen is showing her is something she cares deeply about knowing. The distraction can't last and doesn't. There they are, Jimmy and his brother, his sister keeping pace with a sniffing puppy, kicking her own toes against the ground. 'I feel you girl' she thinks, automatically despite having no idea what the girl's deal is and barely a grip on her own either. They all smile, waves and everything, but hers doesn't hurt now and won't tonight. None of this is real. She might as well not be here, that's not news anymore than Janis being gone again is, so why react to it? It's hard enough pretending to give them her usual vibes. The boy doesn't run when the rest do, sticking with her. What the fuck is she meant to do or say to that? She blinks again, breathing deep and he mirrors it. Too relatable. Horrible. If he starts sobbing she can't just stand there. No way. Janis would kill her. It'd look suss af even if she handled it well, a kid crying with nobody but her around to blame. Oh god. She can't do this. He's looking at her like she trod on his dog with her heels on, and hasn't stopped. Grace bends down to his level with another whispered 'hey, cutie', cussing herself for packing her bag on autopilot because she couldn't guarantee having anything he might like. At a loss she falls into old habits, asking him quietly if he wants to take a selfie. He shakes his head no first, until she pulls up all the best features her phone can offer, filters making him smile wider and wider as he skips through. He almost loses it when she makes herself into a singing dog emoji thing and insists loudly that she send it to his big sister's phone. She tells him to go ahead, all it takes to secure a friend for the afternoon apparently. Grace shakes her head, smiling without realizing it. He hasn't even found her games yet. Just you wait boy.* Jimmy: *It's been a headache getting them sorted, but the fresh air eventually clears it before it turns into more than a heaviness behind his eyes. Janis not having a phone, and the thought of him having to text Grace's more than once had him picking up the pace and the kids followed eagerly despite dragging their feet when he first told 'em to get a move on. Cass has no choice unless she was about Twix wrecking her Christmas trackies in all the excitement of her true love appearing and Bobby makes up his mind just as fast when he catches on too. The park or the cramped four walls of their living room, no contest, like. He was with them both there. #Buzzing he thinks with a smirk that's a grin until it's nothing. She pushes him away, forcing him to push himself to catch back up. He touches the chain of the swing just after she does, dogs at his heels, only moving aside so his sister can jump on (and off as soon probably, but go for it, Cass). No prizes for coming second. He looks over his shoulder for bobby, seeking him out, relaxing when he sees Grace with him. He's alright. Wish he could say the same, having lost.* Janis: *Janis took as much internal pleasure from the victory as she could get- not much, nothing if we're being real (we aren't). Empty as she felt, plenty of room, like; still, she found the silly little 'win' just as hollow. Still, could fake that that wasn't the case, throwing up loser signs as she raised her arms in 'triumph'. Being an arrogant cunt was a surefire way to keep people at a safe distance, that method beyond tried and tested now. 'Let's get this whole situation back to fakery, yeah?' Her every sane impulse urges, terror white hot, cornered animal scared, ready to lash out for her survival, (and his). 'Please, no. I'm not ready to stop this!' The part of her that burns with wanting him, loving- this, whatever 'this' was, begs, thick with need. Need was not allowed. Needing things just meant hurt and disappointment, every time. And Janis felt she had enough stacked already. Call her weak or a pussy for knowing she wasn't super-human, (not even human), for knowing her limits (Weak. Pussy.) Enough was enough, do what you do best already, and run; run so far ahead of him that all he's left with is your dust, not even memories, good or otherwise, to remember you by. Forget about it, kid. Ignoring Jim might be a task she was up for the challenge of but ignoring Twix proved near impossible, Janis patted the pup's head absent-mindedly, just to get her to calm down a bit, like. Working out what was wrong when she was met with manic sniffing, she dug around in her pockets and produced a bone. She tossed it lazily but it still flew a great distance through the air out into the open field. She then had the perfect excuse to casually follow after the running dog. So chill. So natural.* Jimmy: *He pushes Cass on the swing a few times, helping her get the speed up she needs to make the jump, but hard as he goes for it, it doesn't help. The only thing that's gonna is to sort out why Janis is being off with him. He asks himself first, thinking that since Grace was being uncharacteristically quiet too that was the answer. Being mad that Gracie has invited herself to tag along made sense but taking it out on him was a dickhead move like. Shrugging to convince any watching sisters that he didn't give a shit, he jogs over to where the two of them are, bending to annoy Twix 'cause that'll get to her most.* Gracie coming too town too? I see how it is, getting coffee when she knows her real faves on shift. None taken.* It's bollocks but going off for a smoke'll go down like a lead balloon with Bobby when he notices which means Cass getting pissed off at him when Janis already is. Instead he nods over to where his little brother is, still beside Grace. *We should get in on that, bet our selfie game's well stronger and you'd make a gorgeous bunny mate it has to be said. Janis: *Janis nudges him away from Twix as if the daft thing were hers and not at least part his, making a 'leave off' sound too.* Don't blame me if she goes for your ankles, like. I didn't teach her how to do that or nowt but you know, s'a bitch's prerogative. *She nods, not looking at him, eyes kept on the horizon, as if he were a stranger she was having a meaningless chat to about the weather whilst keeping an eye out for the bus still.* Yeah. Anything to get out the house though, init. *Said as if Grace was driving her as mad as two hyper kids, which usually wouldn't be a lie but currently her sister had about as much life in her as the Christmas tree they'd just chucked. She did her best to ignore the joke about the other baristas, 'cos at the end of the day it was one, it just didn't feel like it when her twin was in such a way. But even Janis couldn't pin that on the boy stood with her now, she had enough pride to not appear entirely irrational, like. She could, however, lower herself to an eye-roll at the equally as jokey suggestion.* Nah. Bobby's cuter. Besides, I'm so fucking sick of selfies. Jimmy: *He shakes his head exaggeratedly, smirking.* No chance. She's soft as. Lot of that going about.* Jimmy nudges Janis playfully. *Like trainer, like dog, don't they say? *Anything to get a reaction out of her that isn't this. 'Cause fucking hell he doesn't get it. They'd had a good day before, only better if he'd beat her at paintball too, and a decent night despite the actually mad amount of family she had for him to meet. This morning she'd been alright with him. Their normal. Until now. What the fuck had gone wrong? Panic makes his palms slick and he uses her nan's husky as means to destroy the evidence before she twigs it to be, patting the dog's head affectionately.* This one on the other hand, #savage. Twix, get taking those notes, hun. *He laughs, hating what it sounds like when it lands, but preserving. Why the fuck not. Might as well go one further he thinks, and does, acting like he'd been shot down by what's actually true as he raises his hands to demand a ceasefire before making a show of putting the phone away and patting his pocket. * You'll change your tune once that new model's in your hand. Janis: Fuck off! *She says, indignant, voice raised. Couldn't even help it, correct button pressed; well done, mate. Nail on head, the ease in which he could do it sickening, a punch in the guts. A warning sign. No, it wasn't. She just got angry, she was an angry person, that was all, nothing more to it. Now calm down. Calm the fuck down before you embarrass yourself further. 1 2 3- Fuck it. Janis snorts, again words out before she can help it. Before she can censor the shit he doesn't need to know. The shit she doesn't talk about. Ever. With anyone.* Yeah well, that's what happens when you're not raised- *Stopping herself before its too late, 'cos nope not going there, not today, not with him. She let him distract the both of them with his amateur dramatics, looking him up and down skeptically.* Not too late to join the drama club, you know. You need an outlet, mate. About as much as I need the newest iPhone and all its megapixels, like. *She does her own mime act, clicking an invisible camera at him.* Grace: *They are playing some brightly coloured tapping game together when his shyness of her wears off. The questions are easy at first, listing off the cats names as far back as she can remember when she tells him regretfully about not having a dog, counting on her fingers and using his when they run out. They are both laughing at the end of it and she continues after hearing his mum was allergic to dogs so they couldn't get Twix 'til she went. Way to own and finalise that separation Mr Taylor, Grace thinks. Such a mood. Janis would 100% approve. She looks over at her sister but her gaze won't linger long enough to be felt. Not now. It just can't. She can't go there. She asks him more about her, this mum who he insists is 'far away', letting him talk. He deserves to say anything he wants, in whatever sense her absence means to him. None of her family do and look at them all. There's a huge part of her desperate to join in, just have the words 'my sister Edie is gone too' come out, but she can't go there either. It isn't right. Not when she means dead and this kid is what, like 5? If her twin's ever shared that info with her she can't find it in the moment, like it matters. She's not gonna offload that on him. No way. Better to keep smiling and encouraging, at least he's thriving off it.* Jimmy: Calm it down! *His own tone stays playful, matching the smirk he doesn't dare to drop. Fuck him for forgetting his shades the one time he needs them for something that isn't posing, if anything in his face gives him away to her they aren't gonna make it to town, making him a peak dickhead. He nods at the next bit, letting her know how 'so relatable he finds it, like' as he looks over at Cass and Bobby both, wearing the 'don't I know it' on his face wearily. Joke's over there. Call it a raw nerve, or too much truth to shrug through.* Yeah. *Before his weariness can piss them both off he takes the out his given to keep this banter jokey. Hip Hip Hooray!* Countin' on it. Shame you've missed the deadline for being one of us art pricks. You'll always have the 'gram though. #blessed. Janis: *'Great' Janis thinks to herself, sinking further into the regret consuming her every thought and action today as she realizes, (or at least presumes), he picked up on the dead sister vibes and now feels awkward as arse. Well done, dickhead. It wasn't as if she could plead ignorance, four years gone had taught them all that other people were crap with dealing with the death conversation. No one wanted the reminder. Least of all them, to be honest. Had to seep into everything, didn't she? Never any good at staying gone. Fuck you, Edie. Janis swallowed following his gaze to Cass and Bobby, taking the time to check up on her sibling too. Nothing, she tells herself, she feels nothing. Fuck them all. Its the blisteringly cold wind making her eyes water, that's all. She grunts in response, hardly worth it but it was all she had to give, not sorry about it. Sorry. She walks on in silence, throwing things for the dogs, shouting out commands, doing her best to disguise the cracks in her voice as a sore throat and nowt else. In the spirit of throwing a bone, she attempts to say something real, give him anything to work with. Purely 'cos this was boring, like. If they were gonna be wasting their afternoon regardless, yeah?*  Let's play a game. You have to answer every question truthfully and straight away, like, if you don't you lose your chance to ask a question back. Meaning I get to go again or you pussy-out fully and call game over then you lose. Got it? I'll even let you go first, gracious victor that I am. Jimmy: *He doesn't know what to do when he sees it in her eyes any more than when he does in his sister's. The fight. He knows what he wants to do, every damn time, but he knows what it'll earn him from Janis. Same as Cass near enough. A smack or a strop off. He's had plenty of the first, naturally, but the second has him frozen in place. He sees it in his head, Janis stepping back as he moves forward and can't bear the maybe like. He breathes out hard, forcing it until he coughs. By the time he has his shit together, it's done. Chance missed for him to go for asking 'why are you being so off with me?' Thank fuck, 'cause honestly he knows the answer, doesn't he? She's fed up now they aren't faking it. He shouldn't hold blame, state of him, but it's there. For himself mostly, thinking she'd be any different. Nobody stays. Give her a few years and Cass'd be off to, looking for better. Bobby after some more. Still, he trails along, trying to be wrong. Needing to be. He feels it when he kisses her, more than his desperation, and if it exists, he can keep on to it.  So he gets a grip now, sorts himself enough to be properly back next to her. Grins when he is, 'cause there it is. A new chance. Fucking hell. Jimmy nods. * Yeah okay. *He catches her eye, challenging her to back down already but bricking it that she might. What would he do then? He nudges her, the contact meaning more to him than the casual gesture lets anyone else know. He tries, ready to lose if needs be. * What's up with you then? Janis: *Janis resists the urge to pull a face, an 'of all the questions' kind of look, 'cos obviously that's the entire point of the game and she was the one who started it so- man up, like. She opts for the classic 'is that it?' look instead, faking out on her answer not being an option (she wouldn't do that to him) but she could at least front some bravado before answering truthfully. She leaned into his nudge as if to prove to herself otherwise as she said-* I'm scared. *A shrug, again, as if to counteract her words. She also fought the urge to ask what was wrong with him too, settling on an easier question, but one she'd still care to know the answer to.* How many girls have you slept with? Jimmy: *There's so many questions that come to mind when she gives her answer but it isn't his turn and honestly, if it was, he's scared too. More than a bit. Probably more than she is, truthfully. 'Cause the feeling is too strong to be alone in, he's about to let her know she isn't, by reaching for her hand and squeezing but there's no time for that. She takes her go, digging at him less than expected. Jim hides his surprise with a snort, shaking his head. 'What are you like?' that gesture implies, but he's bothered more about the state of himself, hiding behind all this bollocks again. He returns the shrug she gave him, easy as. She already knows about Skerries. There's no mystery despite what they all seemed to believe when he arrived as a newbie * 2. I had a girlfriend at home before. Ages go. * He shoots her a look, hopefully unreadable.* That scare you more or less? Janis: *She nods. Honestly, pleased, just a hint of a smile gracing her face. Yeah, yeah, yeah that shit shouldn't matter and it didn't, like; when you were on level-pegging, her bitterness told her, even if Jim's number was low, hers was always gonna be lower, wasn't it? Still, there was only one honest answer to his question. Didn't even compare, like.* Less. *Janis was tempted to ask him why he was wasting questions but she would be doing the same in-turn so, nah. She let herself think for slightly longer than last time, working out how best to play this. Interesting enough to keep him playing but not coming out with the real scary shit 'cos that'd have him quitting even faster if she went there with no warming him up, like.* Why'd you not wait to find a real girlfriend here? Jimmy: *He laughs, it's her directness that does it. Yeah that's the point of the game but she's there shamelessly #buzzing by his 'revelation.' It's the first time he's done something right since they got here and he can't help smiling himself. Finally not a smirk. Cheers, mate. He stops himself shrugging yet again, in case that feels like a step back, though for real, he could care less about this question. He'd never lied about his lack of interest or any of that. Still wasn't. * I didn't want one. *Until he did. And here they are. Scary shit. It's better to focus on the game, something he can ask while still playing safe enough to keep going. What then? Come on, dickhead. There's a part of him, also from ages ago apparently, that wants to blurt out something about that cunt Harry she kept kissing, the jealousy existing, making him feel shitty. Reminding him he is, like. His smile fades. Can't keep anything, can he? *Why me when you could've just told your haters about other school Harry and left it at that? He loved boasting about the two of you, he'd have been enough. Janis: *Janis stuck her middle finger up but she joined in the laughter all the same, 'cos not would give her away more than she already had and she couldn't have that. Just let him think she was a jealous girl or whatever had him cracking up. 'Cos surely she hadn't let him close enough that he could actually know what was up, had she? She considered his answer as she stressed over her own. Guess he hadn't...But why now? What had changed? Was they really still just mates, but with benefits, like? Was that all he waiting for? Oh wait, stupid bitch, YOU have to answer first. And that is way more than your allotted one question per turn. And just much too much in general. Calm it. And answer before you look any weirder.* 'Cos he weren't my boyfriend. Ever. Anyone can get a lad like that to get off with them, didn't really prove anything. Besides, I wanted to help you, like. I dunna why. Sue me. *She pokes her tongue out, turning to face him, walking backward as she asks her next. Changing tact, 'cos she's not sure if she can actually handle knowing the answers to all the questions she'd posed in her head.* Do you really hate it here? Jimmy: *It doesn't seem like she's gonna answer at first, but instead of feeling good about another victory to his name, it just lets in all the shit waiting there in his own head to fill in the blanks. He's heard and told a load to piss off before she gives hers. It's nowt he didn't proper know by himself but there's comfort in how she says 'ever' as a fuck you. Fuck off Harry you prick. The feeling only builds when she gets walking like that, reminding him of Jaden's party. He'd never wanted to stop kissing her that night. Still didn't. Same finality. 'Cause yeah, right now he didn't ever. There it was. So when he shakes his head it's no pisstake. Banter's the furthest thing from the gesture and he let's his face show it. Just for now, like. * Nah, I hate that them two do, but not me. *He looks over at his siblings, Bobbin's taken Cass' place on the swings now but she's stayed nearby, phone out, snapping him. Do it for the 'gram, he can't help thinking, an affectionate smile lingering as he looks back at his girlfriend. *You? Wish you'd kept running when you did one from school and me like? Janis: *Back to nodding again, following the direction of his gaze and topic of conversation, 'cos she gets it. Without second-guessing and stopping herself with 'well their situation is probably worse' type of thoughts, she just lets it come out. The first thing she's ever said to him about Edie. The first time she's spoken about her in a long time, except to tell Grace she's glad she's dead, and that she wished she were too, of course. Standard.* We haven't always lived here, either...Lived lots of places for Mum's job and just 'cos. Ireland was barely Home for the older lot; when we came back my sister Edie hated it so fucking much. Not exciting enough, I guess. Or she liked people not knowing us the rest of the places, unlike here... *She trails off red-faced. Shrugging for cover as always.* What I mean is, probably the exact opposite for them two. Not enough people know 'em. We could change that. Introduce them to the unwashed mass of my lot. They will get more comfortable, you know... *Again the trail-off 'cos why the fuck was she offering up useless platitudes like he was a total idiot? Jesus. Distract with your answer time, bitch. As if that would diffuse the tension any. HA.* Kind of...but nah, not really, 'cos its just the people and their talk and the good and bad memories and all the ghosts, init? No matter the destination, all that shit follows so- It ain't really Dublin's fault. Just nice to take a break sometimes. *She smiles, hoping it'll just be taken as a reference to always having Skerries or some shit, and not the fact that being with him felt like a break, wherever they were. Don't need to scare him off THAT hard. And not yet. Fuck a good decision. For now.* What about you, why'd your Da move yous here? Jimmy: *It's his turn to nod dumbly then, 'cause he gets it, Edie's (supposed) feeling. It's what he likes best about this city, that even when his (supposed) new boy shine wears off, there's still much none of them know about him. Won't. He can breathe here for that, a bit, and does until he's reminded of the limits by Janis says after. She isn't wrong. Here he isn't the lad whose mum vanished, but he still is. Always will be, unless she does some magic fucking reappearing act, and how likely is that? It isn't doable, he tells himself so every damn night and for good reason. But Janis isn't wrong about what Cass and Bob need either. It isn't fair for him to keep them shut in this tight circle knowing that they can't keep their mouths shut. Why should they? They're just kids and its their normal, bound to feel like the kind of shit chatted about over the school lunch table. His hands shove themselves deep in his pockets not knowing what else to do. He wants a smoke bad but isn't far enough away from the park yet. Won't get to be. This is why they're here like. Shit. * Yeah. *It's all he has to say, barely able to look at her as is. Lifting his head back to her level is a bigger challenge than he can rise to now. Loser. Fuck. More than anything else he wants to ask her for a break, demand it, but he can't. Janis hit right on how there's no escaping this. He sighs, pulling his hood up. If she thinks he's only keeping the cold out then he'll take that, if not, he'll handle it when. Fuck it. There's only so much trying Jimmy can do today. * He got fired. Wanted a fresh start then.* He shrugs. All true. He doesn't believe if lying by omission or any of that bollocks. She didn't ask why he was sacked. Why a fresh start had to be so drastic. Those are other questions, ones he's not about to answer come to that.* We goin' down town or what? Janis: *That was it. Game over. Before she even had tie to register his answer he was sick of giving it. His hood and guard back up. Sighing with it too. Oh, how Janis wished it made HER mad. What she wouldn't give to feel that familiar friend close to her right now, to take comfort in its arms when he was shutting her out. But of course not, of course fucking not. Couldn't even have that, could she? All she felt was desperation, desperate to be let back in, to know what she did wrong so she could avoid doing it again, and it made her feel fucking sick. At least the nausea gave her valid reason to spit on the ground.* Can't be bothered now, don't matter, you lot still go if you wanna. *She fumbled in her hoodie pocket for Killer's lead, whistling him over so she could get the fuck out of here, NOW. Of course, Twix came bounding and the oblivious husky didn't. Great.* Good girl, Twix... *She mumbled, giving her some love and a treat, wishing the ground could swallow her whole.* Jimmy: *He starts walking back toward the swings, knowing it'll take ages to get both of them ready to go, longer than Janis is gonna stick around for definitely. Jimmy keeps his gaze there, Twix'll move when Cass does and there and then, if she didn't he didn't give a shit. There's no room for it. He's only filled up with how badly he's fucked this when the answer comes and a question won't follow. His sister starts mouthing off when he makes it clear they're off home but a look sorts it. Gotta leave before he's left, sorry. Cass gets Bobby and Twix with her, which should make him feel worse but there's no room for that either. Not yet. One for later like. The two them say their goodbyes, Bobby gives hugs to both twins. He doesn't. Can't if it's the last. There's nowt to do but this.* Probs text you, Gracie. *He's aiming for a joke, without waiting for it to land. Any answers. It's too much, being fake again. Especially like this.* Janis: *Even though she's the one who said it, AND she was the one who started to pack up first, when he just walks away, without so much as a glance back, nevermind a goodbye, it's like a punch in the face. (Don't you know by now I don't mean it? Dickhead)* Oi! *She pushes past him, letting the shout sail over his head like it wasn't even a little bit aimed at him, rushing up to Cass to give her the bag of goodies she'd foraged.* Enjoy, yeah? *Saying her Goodbyes to both kid's as if her and Jim already had, nothing to see here. Janis grits her teeth, poor excuse for a good-humored smile to match his worse attempt at a joke. Have her, if that's what you really want, just cut me off 'cos I can't keep hanging on your every word, Jimmy Taylor. She says nothing, figuring she can let her twin, like she used to. Feeling that unnecessary and unwanted again.* Grace: *Grace has no idea what's happening, beyond the obvious. The tragic. She was in her own world until Jimmy came through, a world where she could deal with being around these kids 'cause they're older and Cass reminds her of Gus which hurts, but in the old way, one she's learned to cope with. This new pain is too new to try and deal. It takes everything not to cry when she hears a newborn doing that. She's hates it, being back to being this lost, a hopeless saddo again, so obviously latches onto the tension surrounding her twin and the barista. She can't fix it, can't even really put her finger on the vibe, but it's enough that it isn't hers. A distraction she can sit in. Drama that can never be as deep as the one her body's done on her.* Oh, you're going. Cool. Laters then, babes. Hope I'll see you around, cutie. * She smiles wide at Bobby, a better fake than Janis can ever be. *No offense, Jimmy.* The laugh sounds real. Only the kids give her something back, but it's for them she does it, not wanting what her sister is gonna dish out in this mood. And if looks could kill, the boyfriend's could have them all in the ground. No fucking thanks. Off you go, boy, bye.* Jimmy: *He waves both twins off as if they're on equal footing suddenly like. Funny fucker he is. Even more of a twat. He keeps going, lighting up as he does, every word Cass might say about it blocked out before it gets out. Enough. It's this or worse, sorry. The kids start bickering as they round the corner, taking out the bullshit he'd started and let seep out on each other when they can't reach him. Jimmy feels like handling it like he's younger than Bobby's age, throwing himself to the floor and sobbing for a bit. There's no getting rid that easily though. Not for him. Janis was the lucky one there. Shame she didn't feel it, but it was too late for him to do anything about that. She wasn't even in sight anymore. Fuck knows when she next would be. He couldn't think of school starting when tomorrow was too far. Too much. He rubs his eyes, ready to call it tiredness but nobody was there to issue a challenge. Fuck.* Janis: *Janis turns on her heel, without acknowledging him again (not hard when all she can think to do is knock him out or beg at his feet, neither of those an option she could live with), but its cheapened by the fact he did it first, and meant it. She prays the walk Home can be as shrouded in sweet silence as the walk here was. For her sake this time. But as they walk on, further and further away from him, she starts to wish Grace would say something, ANYTHING! She needed the distraction from her own thoughts, the ones that had got her in this mess in the fucking first place! Differences aside, even her twin was better company.* Did you wanna go up-town, like? We still can... *She shrugs. What else does she have to say or offer right now?* Grace: *The walk back doesn't feel anything like the one going, they are in step, yeah, but it means nothing 'cause they're both so in their own 'drama'. She nearly tells her sister, at least part of it, as an excuse for why she's being this 'ugh' (none of these stupid, basic words fit, but they are what she automatically reaches for), feeling she owes her that, knowing Janis would be down for her being a bitch over giving her nothing to kick back against. None of the words will come out though. Of course. Only more of her usual kinda convo stuff will. She's that bitch now. Shadowing her former self. God, it's even more pathetic than anything she'd tried to pull on her twin. But it fits, and she flips her hair, turning to the other with a smile which doesn't come as easy but she forces herself to wear anyway. *Well, girl, you still need a phone. Even if just to tell him to fuck off when he tries blowing mine up. Janis: *She's looking down at their feet; looking anywhere else, a risk. She nods, allowing a small 'true' chuckle to follow too. Janis raises her head, straightening her back and standing up taller. She groans as she cracks her bones and stretches out her arms and legs like she's warming up for something. Too little too late, perhaps? God damn.* Fuck this shit, Gracie. Fuck.This.Shit. *She doesn't even know fully what her sister's shit is yet but she feels confident in sending it to Hell with her own.* What are we gonna do, eh? Grace: *She whispers it herself, 'fuck it' so soft, but so 'fire'. (Another word than couldn't touch how things were) It felt good to have it out of her. More than that, feeling connected to her twin again (bad as she felt for thinking it under these conditions, god she was such a bitch.) was even better. A more genuine smile is offered up while she thinks of what she can say, tapping her nails against denim. *We're going to town, sister, and owning the rest of this day. New phone, new clothes, whatever we want. Fuck it. Janis: *Janis smiles back, as genuine.* Fuck it. Let's do this.
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