#i got the strawberry and hokkaido snow
poetryinaugust · 29 days
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todays dessert selection…
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reifromrfa · 6 years
Home: Mysme Travel Zine piece
Hey guys! Here’s my piece for Bon Voyage: A Mysme Travel Zine, @mysmetravelzine​ ! :D I hope you like it, it’s really special to me because the entire zine was a fun and awesome experience <3 Thank you so much to everyone who supported it! 
For this piece, I collaborated with the amazing @aehruh​! :D She did the mind-blowing art for my fic ;A; Please do check it out...
>> HERE <<
It’s awesome, I swear <3 Anyway! I hope you guys like the fic! Thank you <3
 MC gazes out the plane window, her face bathed in the orange and purple hues of the sky. It seems fitting to be flying home as morning turns into night, signaling the end of another day; the end of their adventure. She turns back to her table, taking in the scattered photographs and the album. On their last day, they were able to pass by a stationery store called Tokyu Hands, where MC was able to get photos printed.
“Oh, those are lovely, MC!” Jaehee exclaims. MC turns around and smiles at her sheepishly.
“I wanted to remember my first trip with you guys,” MC replies shyly. “What do you have there?” she continues, eyeing the overflowing basket of Jaehee. The woman lets out an embarrassed laugh.
“Oh, I just couldn’t help myself. I saw the wonderful notebooks and pens and folders…ehem, well. I got a little too excited. But I saw some cute albums in the shelves there. Perhaps you should buy one, for the photos.”
A wave of nostalgia washes over her as MC scans the photos. Though the memories are still fresh in her mind, her heart flutters in anticipation of going through the past few days once more.
A smile graces her face as she gazes at the photos. The first one is all of them at the airport, waiting for their private plane. It was a selfie by Zen, and they had all crammed into the frame, their faces filled with excitement. It was the first trip of the RFA together, and their first time to go to Japan; all of them were restless balls of energy before the flight.
She turns the page and the next photo shows Zen, a peaceful look on his face as he held a music box in his hands. It was during their second day in Otaru, Hokkaido, when they walked along Sakaimachi Street and entered the large shop selling music boxes. MC had taken the photo sneakily, the peacefulness of Zen as he held a delicate music box in his hands, completely lost in the soft melody, capturing her heart as well.
“Zen, you’ve been listening to that music box for quite some time now,” Jumin comments, coming up behind Zen.
Zen jumps and nearly drops the music box. “YA! You don’t just creep up behind people like that, you jerk!”
“Why don’t you purchase it? As a souvenir?”
“Not everyone is as rich as you, Mr. C&R. I’m saving my money for the food!”
Zen had put down the music box, but MC saw Jumin pick it up and buy it for the silver-haired actor. The corporate heir hadn’t given it to Zen yet, but MC can’t wait for Zen’s reaction when Jumin gives him the music box.
The next photo made MC giggle as she looks at Jumin, a jean apron on top of his winter clothes and a focused look on his face. He held a metal stick in one hand, and a long glass stick in the other. In the picture, his gray eyes are zeroed in on the melted glass as it drips onto the end of the metal stick. V had managed to convince him to try out glass-blowing together.
"Always the perfectionist, Jumin.” V said when the woman behind the cashier hands Jumin his finished bracelet. The blue sphere glinted under the lights and Jumin lets out a soft laugh.
“Of course. Unlike you, I’m not gifted in the arts, but I’m still able to make a decent accessory.”
“I don’t doubt it,” V replies, taking his own finished bracelet then extending his hand towards Jumin. The purple orb was beautiful, and Jumin’s face softens. “To my best friend in the entire universe, know that our friendship will always come first from now on.”
“Funny, I was thinking the same thing,” Jumin says, handing V the bracelet he made and accepting V’s gift to him.
“I’ll cherish this, Jihyun, like I cherish our friendship."
The next photo made her want to cry, the emotions overwhelming her. It's an image of Saeran and Saeyoung, both of them holding onto Hokkaido's popular seven-layered ice creams. Each layer had a different flavor and despite the cold weather, Saeyoung still insisted on getting some.
“You don’t have to, Saeyoung. I’m fine to eat ice cream by myself,” Saeran says, fishing out his wallet from his pockets.
“Nooooo but I want to eat ice cream with my little brother!!!” Saeyoung cries, grabbing random coins and bills from his pockets and shoving it to the cashier. “Two please!”
“Saeyoung. You already have a cold. You don’t have to—”
“Nonsense! God Seven doesn’t get sick!”
Saeyoung’s cold got worse, of course. But MC traces his smile on the photo. Saeran is looking happily at the camera, ice cream in hand. Saeyoung had an arm slung around Saeran’s shoulders and he was grinning at his brother, pure joy visible on his face. After everything they’ve been through, MC is glad this trip gave them the chance to spend time with each other.
They deserve happiness.
Reaching for an upturned image, MC takes it and flips it around before covering her mouth to stifle her laugh. Vanderwood —the newest addition to the RFA —is standing in Maruyama Park, the bare trees and snowy grounds surrounding him. Only…the man has snow on his face. 
Saeyoung is crouched in front of him, tears in his eyes as he laughed, while Yoosung has a panic-stricken look on his face, his entire body frozen in fear.
“Yoosung, you better run!!!!” Saeyoung exclaims, scrambling to his feet. Vanderwood runs a hand down his face, brushing off the snow. He glares at the two younger boys and bends down, scooping snow into his hands.
“Yeah, you better run!! You’re lucky I didn’t bring my taser!” he bellows after them, hurling snowballs at the two boys. Saeyoung gets hit by a snowball and he falls dramatically to the ground, groaning in pain. “Yoosung…ack…it hurts...save…yourself!..”
“Noooo!!! Vanderwood-hyung, I’m sorry!!! Don’t kill me!” Yoosung says, running as fast as his legs would take him, looking distressed.
“MC, want some cookies~? I bought these from the Chocolate Factory!” Yoosung asks, his head appearing from the side of his chair and his arm holding onto a house-shaped cookie box. The roof of the house is pulled back to reveal an array of different-colored cookies and MC nods, reaching out for a strawberry-flavored cookie.
“Oh! Wow! Are those photos from the trip? Can I see them?” The young vet unbuckles his seatbelt and moves to sit beside MC, peering over the photos. He laughs when he sees a candid picture of Zen and Vanderwood, both of them too busy slurping their noodles to notice Jaehee taking a shot of them. Then Yoosung picks up another photo of V and himself, standing together under a cherry blossom tree, both of them grinning. Yoosung’s eyes glaze over a little, and MC remembers the moment the shot was taken.
“You know…” Yoosung says, looking up at the falling petals. V looks at him expectantly. Their relationship is held together by a band-aid, and Jihyun knows the boy needs time and space to cope with what happened to his cousin. Being Rika's previous lover strained Jihyun’s relationship with the vet, but he hopes to someday make peace again with Yoosung. “Rika liked looking at the falling petals. I never did understand it. But…now I think I do. Starting over a new leaf, right? Getting rid of the past and starting over?”
Jihyun smiles.
“You don’t need to forget the past. It will always be a part of us. Instead, we learn from it and gather the courage to move forward; to allow ourselves to bloom once more.”
Yoosung looks at the older man…at his friend. And he smiles back.
It was a small gesture, but it gave MC hope that things will be alright between them, as well.
Having realized that he’s been staring at the image for awhile, Yoosung clears his throat and hands it back to MC, sheepishly scratching his cheek. “That’s…you took a great photo, MC!”
Then he shuffles to the rest of the cabin, offering the cookies in his hands. At that moment, MC catches sight of a photo stuck under the album and she carefully retrieves it. A full-blown grin appears on her face as she stares at the picture —9 smiling faces looking back at her. It was the timed group shot Jihyun took from the top of Mt. Moiwa. All of them stood in front of the vast purple and blue sky, the setting sun behind them and glistening white snow under their boots. MC remembers the freezing temperature, but despite their rosy cheeks and chattering teeth, they stood closely to each other, smiling for the camera.
“Jihyun, hurry up!” Saeyoung calls out, linking his arm around Saeran’s while watching Jihyun walk briskly toward them after setting the timer. Saeran, instead of his usual annoyed remark, just smiles.
“Ah, sorry!” Jihyun exclaims, standing next to Jumin. Zen slings an arm around Jaehee and MC, who are at the center of the picture, and he laughs.
“Say ‘cheese’, everyone!” Zen says enthusiastically. Vanderwood stands awkwardly next to Yoosung, but the blonde kid nudges him and grins, forming a peace sign with his hand and screaming ‘Cheese!'. The former agent chuckles and smiles just as the timer goes off.
The best photo of the trip. MC looks at the picture wistfully before looking at the cabin that’s suddenly filled with noise and activity again. Jumin has called for refreshments and snacks for everyone, and Saeyoung has taken it upon himself to gather everyone to the big table in the private plane.
“Is anybody interested in wine?” Jumin asks, looking around the table, to which Zen and Vanderwood both say, “I’ll have a beer."
“Oh~ Could it be? The start of a new pair? My new ship?? My OTP!” Saeyoung exclaims, laughing.
“I have no idea what he just said,” Jaehee says, shaking her head. MC gathers the photos and places them in between the pages, making sure to keep the album properly before joining the group. MC can’t help but look around at all of them, heart overflowing with emotions.
Yes, it’s bittersweet that their adventure has come to an end. But now, she’s looking forward to new travels with her new friends —her family. They may be leaving behind the Land of the Rising Sun, but they’re headed towards a more beautiful place: home. But being here, being surrounded by her loved ones…MC realizes that maybe it isn’t really a destination.
“Are you excited to go home, MC?” Jihyun asks her gently, handing her a glass of wine.
She takes it gratefully and grins.
“I’m already home.”
Check out my other Mysme writings here!
Mango Shake/Ko-fi is always very much appreciated (ᵔᴥᵔ)
I’d be honored to write your story <3
Become a Patron for previews of my original work, Into the Shadows! :)
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fierce-little-miana · 6 years
And this is for the best birthday boy of Saichifest 2019! Careful SSL AU incoming.
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 Hajime was filled by a feeling of dread. If he was perfectly honest it was rather a deeply rooted unease, but considering it has been with him since this morning he was starting to seriously worry.
 Everything had started in front of the school gates. While Nagumo was supposed to be the one monitoring the coming students he was not allowed to do so today. Not after his last fall dow with Souji. It was as if Nagumo was looking for confrontations with him. Confrontations he couldn’t win if he continued leading them like that. But this wasn’t Hajime’s role to tell him that. Only experience would bring Nagumo to calmer and quieter shores, and only if he was ready to listen to it. He wasn’t. That meant that Hajime had volunteered to take on his duty to make sure that all the students came to class with appropriate clothes and behavior.  
 It was when he was calmly asking a first year to turn off his phone that he had noticed Yukimura. She had come to him to say hello with her sweet smile and big kind eyes, only to be snatched back by Souji. He might have been as surprised as Chizuru considering the startled expression on her face. But when she had noticed it was Souji her expression had changed for a slight worry. Souji had murmured something in her ear, she had looked quickly back at him and then at her shoes with a slight blush on her cheeks. Souji had smirked and then nearly dragged her behind him inside the school. Seeing them interact like that had made something tighten in Hajime’s chest. He had no right of course. Yukimura was a nice girl and it was only natural that she got along with plenty of other students, not just with him. However this whole interaction was strange. Souji had seemingly wanted to avoid him for no apparent good reason and made sure Yukimura did too.  
 Still he had to refocus on the task at hand. The first year was gone, and Hajime didn’t even have the time to tell Souji to tie his tie correctly before him and Yukimura had disappeared from his view. Between his failure and Souji’s odd behavior, the day was going to be more complicated than planned.  
 After the third hour of class he knew something was wrong. Souji kept on avoiding him, not that he particularly sought him out but being suddenly deprived of his friend’s presence was unusual. Souji usually always found a reason to come and have a chat with him. What could have just been one of Souji’s numerous and usual fads had been confirmed as something deeply out of the ordinary by Yukimura and Heisuke’s behavior. When noticing him in front of her in a corridor Yukimura had brutally changed her way. So brutally in fact that she had ended up bumping into an half opened door. When he had tried to reach for her to check if she was okay she had nearly ran away from him without saying a word. He had came across Heisuke in one of the supply-rooms. He had came to retrieve a map for his fourth hour geography class. He didn’t know what Heisuke was doing there considering that the only words he had said to him were “Oh! Saito! Sorry for being in the way!” before jolting for the exit of the room in way reminiscent of Yukimura’s escape without any unfortunate encounter with a door. 
 No, something was wrong and it could only be linked to the day. He didn’t really expect that anyone would make a fuss about it. His brother was enjoying his end of year vacations in Hokkaido, his last one before graduating from college. His mother had joined his father in Singapour to enjoy the new lunar year there and wouldn’t be back before the end of the month. Finally his sister was way to busy preparing her future life as a wife with her in-laws, she hadn’t set a foot in the family home for at least two months. Yes Hajime fully expected being alone for his birthday today. It wasn’t a new occurrence. He will probably go to the restaurant with his mother and siblings when they would be available but that would be all. Except apparently it wasn’t. Something was going to happen. And having Souji apparently leading the all thing was absolutely nerve-racking. Didn’t he try to light a bonfire in the stadium when they were in middle school? Would Hajime need to explain things to a furious Hijikata-sensei once again? 
“ - Whatever this is, you’d better not have dragged Yukimura in anything reprehensible, he finally said to Souji while running into him.” 
 He was coming back from making his excuse to Hijikata and Kondo for not coming to the kendo practice today, he had a meeting with the disciplinary board. Souji simply smiled at that, a smile with more teeth than niceness in it. Did he thought he was subtle? He left him without saying a word. Hajime could only notice that he wasn’t heading for the kendo dojo either. This was going to be a disaster of epic proportion.
 The final and strangest moment of the day came during the disciplinary board meeting. Nagumo was arguing for a re-enforcement of the rules for the field trip that, while not being totally incoherent, were way too obviously personally targeted against a certain someone to make anyone in the room comfortable. The two first years that had joined them looked like they wanted to disappear. Hajime was about to intervene when the door open:
“ - Oh no, it has already started... commented Yukimura who seemed really worried she was bothering them. I am really sorry Saito-kun but could I ask Kaoru to come with me just this time?”
 Well this was a first. So much in fact that the entire room went completely silent for a few seconds. Not only did Yukimura never interrupt any meetings without giving and having an excellent reason to do so but her relationship with her long estranged brother was complicated and she always avoided seeking him out when he was busy for fear of putting him on edge.
 Nagumo was actually about to answer something and every signs pointed to it not being very nice before Yukimura started again:
“ - Please Kaoru.”
 That seemed to touch Nagumo somehow. Hajime wanted to sigh. Everything would be so much easier if he accepted that he wanted to be liked by people and that they weren’t out to get him. But of course it would take several years for him to get there. Nagumo turned toward him and Hajime nodded before adding:
“ - Go with her, we can finish this on our own.
- Thank you Saito-kun, answered Yukimura with a smile which lightened the room.”
 The twins left but so did part of the tension that had been with Hajime for the entire day. Maybe things would turn out just fine. 
 At the end of the meeting Hajime was intercepted by Hijikata-sensei. He needed to speak to him and asked him to follow him to the teachers’ room. Hajime did follow him. What could have happened that necessitated a meeting right now and couldn’t be discussed in a corridor? Hijikata-sensei was especially tense too. This must be something of the scale of the attempted bonfire that had burned half of the football field grass. 
 They finally arrived in front of the teacher’s room and Hijikata-sensei gestured for him to enter. Hajime did and the minute he stepped into the room he was welcomed by a powerful:
“ - Happy Birthday!”
 There was no fire in the room far from it. The tables had been rearranged to create an inviting space with sparkling drinks and sweets. Around it some paper decorations, usually used for schools events, had been hung. Finally a cake with a white frosting, strawberry decoration and eighteen candles was in front of him. 
 Souji, Yukimura, Heisuke, Nagumo and some other member of the kendo club were here. But Nagakura-sensei, Harada-sensei, Sannan-sensei, and Kondo-sensei were also present. And they were all smiling. So was Hijikata-sensei in his back.
 Everything looked pretty sensible, as if the person planning the surprise had really taken him in consideration rather than using the occasion to cause the biggest mess possible. He was glad Souji had brought Yukimura into this because he could see her hand on everything. It had been a long time since anyone at taken care of his birthday like that and Hajime found out he was deeply grateful. 
 Hijikata-sensei finally pushed him toward the cake. He hadn’t even notice he had gone very still. On closer examination it was obvious the cake was homemade. There had apparently been an attempt to write something on it but it had been covered by frosting. It made him smile:
“ - Sorry I wanted to make a cake in the shape of a snow bunny but something happened to the frosting and I had to change my plan at the last minute, said Yukimura while coming closer to him.”
He felt a blush raising to his cheeks but the attention was thankfully taken away from him by Souji who declared:
“ - This was a weird idea anyway. I think this cake looks better.
- You don’t know that! answered Heisuke. If you hadn’t accidentally spilled half of the sugar bag in the frosting we might have had a chance to see what it could have look like.”
 Heisuke was saved from a quick and deadly elbow stroke by a comment from Nagumo:
“ - Accidentally? Sure it was accidental.
- Oh you don’t want to go down this road Koaru-chan.”
 Hajime could almost hear Hijikata-sensei rolling his eyes behind him. He looked at Souji and said:
“ - Souji, no.”
 Several emotions passed on Souji’s face. Every single one a testament to his difficulty to let his prey go but eventually it fixed on a smile, with less teeth this time. 
“ - Go ahead Hajime-kun, blow your candles.”
And he did. 
 While the cake was being cut, Yukimura, who like him already had a piece, came to talk to him.
“ - Is there something you would have liked for your birthday? 
- You already baked the cake, didn’t you?
- Yes I did, but Kaoru helped me, especially to remake the frosting with less than half ingredients left. Heisuke-kun and Okita-kun were a bit panicking, even if Okita-kun will not admit it.
- You cooked with Heisuke-kun and Souji in the same room as you? You are braver than every single one of us.”
 She smiled at him, a smile so genuine that his heart might have missed a beat. He wasn’t completely sure of this. She was going back toward the table but he called her back. She turned toward him. This was going to ask more courage of him than dealing with any out of control bonfire would had ever asked.
“ - You asked me if I wanted something else?
- Yes, you thought about something?”
Hajime took a deep breath:
“ - Would you consider calling me by my first name?”
 She looked at him with widened eyes and her entire face went completely pink. This had been a terrible idea. He wished he hadn’t said anything. While he was looking for an exit, there was none of course but he so wished there was one, she came close to him. She had her eyes fixed on the floor but her hand come grabbing the bottom of his sweater:
“ - Hajime-kun?”
 This time his heart skipped a beat and he was sure of it. He also felt his cheeks burning up. But what entrapped him to the moment was the fact that she lift her eyes to meet his:
“ - Would you then call me Chizuru, Sait... Hajime-kun?
- Chizuru.”
 It came out before he had realized it. She went pinker, if that was even possible. His hands come to rest on hers.
 Suddenly he remembered where they were. They might have been a bit apart from the others but he now noticed that Souji was watching them with interest. At least it was only him, even if Yuki... Chizuru would probably disagree with this.
 He was about to step back from her, maybe grab a drink to regain some sort of composure, when the fire alarm went off. The smoke of the candles of course. It didn’t take long for the ceiling water sprinklers to starts pouring water on the room. They were all positively wet in a matter of seconds. Hijikata-sensei swore loudly and Souji bursted out laughing. 
 But for once, by Chizuru’s side, invisible to the rest of the room in front of the literally pouring mess, he was glad things went off.
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Team 8 3rd Anniversary Book -- member profile translations
Hokkaido Representative
Sakaguchi Nagisa
(2000/12/23, Blood Type A, 149cm)
Catchphrase: “Everyone! The S pole is? (Sakaguchi!) The N pole is? (Nagisa!) Put them together and you have? (Sakaguchi Nagisa!) Thank you, from Hokkaido, I’m Sakaguchi Nagisa, known as Nagi, 16 years old.”
“Grew one centimeter! A hard worker who hates to lose and an elegant beauty of an idol”
Nickname: Nagi
Hobbies: Collecting snow globes and music boxes
Specialty: Imitating Kojima Mako-san’s laughing face, vaulting horse
Strengths: Hates to lose
Weaknesses: No sense of direction, short
Charm point: Eyes
Favorite word or phrase: Hundredfold flexibility
Favorite food: Lychee, strawberries, yakiniku, eggplant, okra
Least favorite food: Umeboshi, pickled food
Person you aim to be like: Watanabe Mayu-san
Animal you would describe yourself as: Squirrel
Phrase you would use to describe yourself: Hates losing
Thing you want the most right now: To appear in a commercial
What are you most proud of in this past year?: I got to appear in a commercial for Nissin Sapporo miso ramen
What are you most disappointed in this past year?: I really wanted “47 no Suteki na Machi e” to place first in Request Hour.
What do you think you grew the most in this year?: I grew once centimeter
Goal for this year: Raise Team 8 and Sakaguchi Nagisa in popularity, get more jobs
Goal for the future: Model and actress
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nalinnali · 8 years
Wandering Wanderer x Rockwood Hotel & Spa
I must say, it’s been many years since I left my footprints in the snowy ground. I do often travel to Japan every March but somehow always got caught in either chilly breeze or heavy rain. So there you go, since we decided to drop by and say konichiwa again this January, it would be a blast to be out and about in the snow!
After making a trip back from visiting mum’s friend in Kanazawa, we were back at Tokyo, there we met up with my brother, my sister and my brother in law for Aomori. 
If you are talking about traveling towards the north of Japan, I bet you’d think of Hokkaido first on the list. How about spending sometimes escaping crowds of people, enjoying and spending a good quality time with your family? Let me tell you, Aomori is the place to go. There we were, staring out through Shinkansen windows waiting impatiently, already started to plan what to do when we reach Rockwood Hotel and Spa (accompanied by this pocket wifi @japanwirelesstokyo of course) .
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Aomori station, -12 C. You couldn’t even tell what time of day it was..
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Snow there was pretty different from Kanaza, it was super duper powdery and fluffy woo!
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Before checking in at Rockwood Hotel, we were all feeling a bit peckish so we decided to make a brief stop at Aomori city, and took a stroll around the snow covered wonderland to digest our heavy meal.
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I cherished every moment when I was alone, with no chitter chatters around. The moment when you can only hear your breathing and looking back at your ‘only’ footsteps on the snowy ground. 
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Believe me, I wasn’t afraid of the cold weather but, the blizzard was getting a bit far too strong. Mum started to stop walking and dad was turning blue, yep it’s time to check - in for a warm onsen..
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Rockwood Hotel and Spa under Aomori Spring Resort Group. This lovely hotel situated along the foot of Mount Iwaki at Nishitsuguru district, about 55 minutes drive from Aomori station, however in the summer the traveling time is a little faster. The hotel has 188 rooms and built in the 70s, yet, had been undergone partial renovation in 2015, leaving scents of 70s decors fused in with contemporary interior design. 
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Perhaps if you decided to pay a visit at Rockwood Hotel during winter season, never miss out snowboarding and skiing. For summer, some putting and hitting at the golf course would be great before relaxing at the spa.
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I ended my first day with....hot onsen definitely :)
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Day: 2
Ohaiyogozaimasu! Suite room on the 8th floor amazed me with superb view through every windows. I was totally awake by 7am, ready for buffet feast and aha snowboarding private class.
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In this suite room you could onsen all day long..
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What’s for breakfast? Whoa! So many things lined up rows after rows! Apple curry rice, toasts with fresh strawberry jam, all kind of soups, salad, Japanese breakfast, Chinese breakfast, International breakfast you name it!
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And my most favourite out of all...fresh homemade yogurt with strawberry jam and apple juice! Never miss apple juice here by the way cus’ it’s impossible to miss hahaha :D
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Beautiful view from the breakfast hall enormous window!
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Oh dear, the snow blizzard just before our snowboarding lessons...
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Let me get ready and put on many more layers. 1st layer with bodysuit from Paul and Joe Paris which I got from www.shopcosabella.com and snow boots from www.sorel.com
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Wee hee!! I’m ready folks!!
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These were best photos I could take with my Iphone 6s before dropping it into the thick snowy ground ahh!!!!
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Who says snowboarding is hard? Lol ya I fell like hundred times :”D So did my brothers and sister :P
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It’s a shame I couldn’t take my camera with me while snowboarding, but never mind I had a lot of fun, leaving me some bruces behind and the worse thing was my entire body was in pain, seriously!
We got back safe and (with a lot of moaning sound lol). I decided to quickly snap our dinning area view before the sunset. This is an a - la - carte zone for dinner only. If you’d prefer something different from buffet, you could make a reservation here for all kinds of dishes, Japanese to steak! Yums!! 
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A little too much eh? Hey! I had a long long day!
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Surprisingly we woke up with lesser soreness from our snowboarding class, hence, we were determined to go for another round. However, due to heavy snow storm in the morning we decided to hibernate for some tea time in mum’s and dad’s room.
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The room was super cosy, I didn’t have to put on my cardi, just one layer of Paul and Joe from www.shopcosabella.com would do me well this morning. 
My parent’s room was slightly different, they got one of the corner rooms which have been renovated a year ago with touches of modernism in grey. What a cool room with mountain view!
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What about lunch? Though Rockwood Hotel doesn’t offer lunch but no worries just a second drive from the hotel you could enjoy hot broth ramen menus while watching others skiing and snowboarding outside. 
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This place really reminded me of a scene from Detective Conan!
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We didn’t make it to another snowboarding class that day but instead we took a drive back in town to grab some souvenirs at A - Factory. I bought a few things for family and friends, and this for myself ‘Wonder Apple’ :D
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Let’s just grab a few drinks before saying goodbye to this homey Rockwood Hotel and Spa. A few days there were just too short. I’m coming back!!
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Thank you so much Rockwood Hotel & Spa and team for your warm welcome and great hospitality. I will come back again not just for winter but summer as well! 
A place you must come!
Aomori spring resort Instagram: @aomorispringresort
Rockwood Hotel Instrgam: @rockwoodhotel
Site: www.rockwoodhotel.com
Contacts: LINE: lynnalinnali Email: [email protected]
Instagram: NALINNALI Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/nalinnali Facebook: www.facebook.com/the.forest.wanderer Tumblr Blog: http://nalinnali.tumblr.com
Subscribe for more of my videos on: www.youtube.com/nalinnali
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