#i got something a few months ago but i cant remember if i got a text
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peapodsplace · 11 months ago
Hey Baba, it seems like you've been seeing a lot of yucky stuff online right now. A lot of people who aren't remembering their manners and are forgetting that there's people behind a screen. I know you like your screen time but please remember that the world isn't all like that okay? Some people are different online and forget their values and let's remember that these days, algorithms perpously show you things that'll make you upset. Yes, yes it's not very fair, is it sweetheart. Please remember to take some breaks and that the world isn't really like that. It's so important to protect yourself. Yes, silly even if you think you don't deserve it; because you do.
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guzmapkmn-archive · 2 years ago
I thought I added my phone number for text updates before I quit my job at the pharmacy but what if I did it wrong,,,, and it's ready and I don't know 😔😔
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im-totally-not-an-alien-2 · 2 years ago
Danny, after running away moving to Gotham a few months ago begins making little commentary videos on a social media app.
It was fine and all with mostly friends viewing them up until his meta gene activated. He didn't even know he had a meta gene and kinda figured any of the ghost stuff he did as Phantom would have activated it if he did have one. Nope!
His newest video started out with him wearing a red beanie, "Hey guys! You know how I just moved to Gotham a few months ago? Well, turns out I have the meta gene!" He takes a moment to let that sink in before continuing, "Most people get there abilities or whatever through a lab accident or an explosion or something and end up with like telekinesis."
"I, however, am hated by the universe and got scratched by a cat," he then yanked off the beanie to reveal two large cat ears, "and turned into furry bait. On that note if you have any tips on how to avoid Catwoman please leave them in the comments section. For my sake."
Dick stared down at his phone in shock. He needed to show his siblings this
In the meantime Danny has to deal with his channels popularity skyrocketing. "This is not what I want to be remembered for."
Bonus points if Danny gets one of those FMK questions that are all bats and he responds with, "Kill? A bat? Listen, if I get put into a death match with a bat the only one dying here will be me. I cant even do a backflip, what makes you think I could even touch one of them???"
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opal-owl-flight · 2 months ago
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GOOBLET Neo3 and her adoptive mama :]
Backstory time? BACKSTORY TIME
More abt her origins under the cut!!
She hails from a clan of salmonids that lives close to the Splatlands border. Her whole life, shes known nothing but fight, and be angry at the Inkfish that have taken over the shores of this clan's spawning grounds.
But she was originally from a village of egg harvesters. A struggling village, who fell to harvesting eggs for Grizzco to get by. Once, generations ago, they were friends and traded with the local salmonids until The Propaganda and Better Pay won them over. This generation has forgotten. But the salmonid never forgot this betrayal.
During another attempt to take their spawning grounds back, and migrate upwards to a feeding ground, they pushed into the village ala Big Run.
Neo3s parents -- her mother was incubating the eggs -- dropped the smaller egg as a distraction while she and the father bolted. They hoped the salmonid chasing them would eat the egg and spare them.
A Stinger saw this from her perch and yelled at all the salmon around her to NOT eat the egg.
"Spawn for Spawn," she hisses. "They took me sister's eggs. I teke theirs." She thought her parents were snivveling cowards and told no one to tell the hatchling about them. They do not deserve to be remembered.
The egg was due to hatch in a month. The stinger submerged it in a mix of salmon blood and synthetic ink that the clan ransacks the village for once in a while. The egg, exposed to the mixed material, took on traits of both -- water resistance but can still shapeshift, and so on.
She was raised by the Stinger, alongside lil buddy and a few other hatchlings. (Salmonid raise their young communally after spawning rituals. They are fed the flesh of the fallen, among other things.) The other salmonid didnt approve much. They insisted that its better to just eat her and be done with it -- what can an inkfish do?? And how sure are they that she wont betray them? Inkfish stick with their own, the last few generations have shown that. What would she do when she finds out the truth? Enact revenge? (The stinger is sure she wont.) Still...that Inkfish spawn is adjusting well with the others. They eventually give her a chance, after she scared the piss out of some Grizzco workers that enroached on their spawning grounds again. (It was 4. She scared 4 REAL bad enough that she never came back!!)
Neo3 never betrayed them. But she did dishonor them.
One of Neo3s closest Salmonid brethren is a horde of pirate Salmonid. (The smallfry is also among them, but he is the same age as Neo3 almost. So when she was a toddler so was he)
They like to help the Runners on their spawning journeys by stirring shit up along their path. Giving them something to fight as they journey. sometimes its Inkfish residences when its Big Runs.
This older brother of hers died on one of these runs. She was very close to this one... And he had taken that hit for her after everyone else was taken down.
And Neo3, and the smallfry??
They ran.
They cant show their faces again after that great dishonor. I know her mama would accept her still. She always does. The rest of the clan may not, though... theyd smell the cowardice on her. The fear. Same goes for the smallfry on her.
Salmonids are...when they fight, they never back down, even if they know theyre gonna die. Fight to live with all theyve got. If they die, they drag whatever theyre fighting down with them.
To keep hiding, with no intention to fight, is considered a sign of weakness (there is the whole "retreat to get to a better position" kind of deal after all. But only Elders can make the choice to fully retreat to fight another day). Theres no elders on that trip and Neo3 just kept hiding. Seeing death so absolute before her for the first time and shrinking away from it.
*Neo3 has that secret fear of dying (much more than most salmonids -- in the fish, theres a "fear" of it that keeps them fighting hard even when things are going south). She freezes instead of fights when she knows she'll lose. And while the threshold isnt low, she gives up more easily than most salmonid do. Her freezing and 3 getting shot during Biggest Run is bc of this, and her guilt after the fact is bc shes reminded of her older salmonid brother.
So she ran off. With only the clothes on her back, and the smallfry, she bolted into the Splatlandian desert. The salmonid she did encounter on the way smelled her fear and returned to the clan bearing the news. She was banished, exiled. Inkling scum, the smallfry an accomplice. The Stinger (who couldve been demoted or kept off the spawning grounds for raising the exiled salmonid, but wasnt due to her skill in routing the workers) kept the respawner they pilfered for her. Waiting for her return, one day.
**This honor was restored during the Biggest Run. She was the one in charge of directing the clans to the safest routes. She was the one drawing worker fire (bc Grizzco is after her ass for the banditry...among other reasons). She faced dangers head on without fear, esp after 3 got shot down. Neo3 doesnt know this. Not yet. She still believes shes the clan's greatest dishonor, hiding it all under the fuzzification's "yearning curse" (more on that later), and a grin.
She didnt immediately end up with Cuttlefish. She spent some years as a scrap scavenger. And...she tried to return to her biological family.
Neo3 did NOT feel good after meeting her bio family. She thought- god she thought - that since her salmonid clan rejected her for her dishonorable cowardice with the pirates (god she was 12-13 guys she didnt even have proper fingers), maybe she can live with her bio family instead.
Nah. That aint happening. And for a while she thought it was working out. Shes with... "the family that spawned her". Her dad was talking to her (before findin oit abt the smallfry anyway). Shes getting the supposed "care" that she missed out on.
Why does it feel...wrong?
And it only felt more wrong when the family comes back day after day of work, heavy with the smell of dead salmonid and the warm scent of golden eggs.
Neo3, they sacrificed you to save their own asses. Youre not missing out any love from them. What she got was dirty looks from everyone and the family keeping her a secret (everyone thought the dad did a freaky with one of the salmonids theyre hunting.)
She ran away again. Running headfirst into Craig, who smelled like The Bear. In her mind, if she kills the bear, then maybe....
Under all that bluster, all she really wants is to be with a family again. And your clan wants to welcome you back now. Youve restored your honor a hundredfold. Only thing stopping you now is yourself.
WOOH THATS A LOT. ENJOY THE COMPLETE BACKSTORY GANG! I didnt touch on Splat3s stuff yet bc that deserves a different post aiejdjd.
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appleblueberry-pie · 9 months ago
Transfer Student coming to yan Miles school. She doesn’t even go go there but there is some short term thing going on for students who are homeschooled to interact with public school students.They get to study at schools for a semester to engage. She is one of the only kids at his school because not many kids are actually homeschooled. Anyway- she comes to the school and his spider senses tingle before he even sees her in the hallways. He just cant understand why his sense is going off and is on his toes for the first 25 minutes of school walking to classes and settling in until the bell rings and one of the office workers walks in with a girl. He finally realizes that his sense wasn’t suspecting a threat but the love of his life. Too bad she’ll only be there for a while 🤷🏻‍♀️ you could do this with regular miles or miles 42 both are good.
I'll write this for 42 miles.
Miles remembers the first day he met you like it was a few hours ago. The sweet smell that lingered when you passed by his desk. When you first made eye contact. When you smiled at him. And every other time you continued to smile at him. The first time he heard your siren call of a voice. The first time you two spent time together after school. He had a lot of moments with you he wished he could relive over and over again. Because he knew it would just be you that he'd be able to focus on every time. Your face and the effect you had on him was printed on his brain and he never wanted it to leave.
You got rid of his headaches and smoothed the lines on his face without even trying. He could cry if he thought about you for long enough. Just thinking about that made him miss you even though you're sitting next to him right now. But you won't be here for long, which is enough to make his heart pang.
You watched him stare at you through your peripheral vision and a smile fought its way to your lips. You finally turned to him and saw him still staring. "....yes, Miles?"
His eyes: They are beautiful even when they hold such strong emotions in them. "You're leaving tomorrow." You avert your gaze at his statement and realize, yes, all of the memories you've made with this boy you've only known for a handful of months will soon just stay as a memory, but never something to recall. "Yeah.....I wish I wasn't leaving Brooklyn, as well."
Miles closes his eyes at the one thing he didn't want to mention. Why'd you have to leave entirely? Why couldn't you just leave his school and remain here? Why'd you have to leave his city? His heart? He could've shown you everything he knew about the little innocent secret spots where you two could have silence, or he could've shown you the restaurants he knew you'd love. But he had to cram all events into one week, because you soon would be gone.
He couldn't ever have what he wanted, could he?
"We can always keep in touch-" "It's not the same.....it's not the same as you being here right next to me, ma. You know that better than anyone else." He scooted your food closer to you, knowing you didn't eat a damn thing today.
"Do I gotta say how much you mean to me?" You knew without having to mention it. Of course you did. He showed you every day. "There's shit I did for you I wouldn't want you ever knowing about. But to know you gotta go.....I just want you to know I'll find you again one day. 'Kay?"
He wiped food crumbs off of the corner of your mouth and gave you that same adoring look he's been giving you the whole time.
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hughesluver43 · 6 months ago
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“What got nothin’ to say now?”
Word count: 308
Summary: Luke and reader are having and argument and reader flashes him
I didn’t re-read so sorry for mistakes or misspellings!
This is my first post if you like it and would like more please like or send in requests!
I had just gotten off of work and was on my way to mine and Lukes shared apartment in Newark. He had moved out of his apartment with Jack a few months ago and moved in with me.
“Luke?” I said as I entered our apartment. I didn’t know if he was out of practice yet.
“In the kitchen.” He responded and I got my answer.
As I walked in I set my keys in the little dish by the door and walked to the kitchen.
I see Luke with his back to me standing over the stove, cooking something, he glanced over his shoulder when I pulled out the barstool to sit. We had an argument before I left for work and I guess he’s still mad at me.
I look down at my hands wondering how to start a conversation, I know he’s definitely still mad because he didn’t acknowledge me or come and kiss me like he usually does.
“Are you still mad at me?” I said just getting it over with.
When he doesn’t respond I have my answer.
“I don’t what to keep arguing like we have Luke, it’s not healthy for our relationship, hell I cant even remember what we were arguing about.” I say, tired of this cycle we keep going through.
“Well you shouldn’t definitely remember, you wouldn’t stop complaining about me not putting my laundry in the basket, or me not taking the trash ou-“ he abruptly stops talking when he turns around to look at me. Surprised at what he sees.
I had my shirt and bra in my hands waded up on my sternum, flashing him.
“What got nothin’ to say now?” I say with a smirk.
That’s all my lovelies. And this is my first post! Im excited to start writing on here!
And Happy Birthday to Lukey 🎂
- Jazzy 🎀🧸
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mtfstuff · 2 years ago
The desired role
I never thought my life could change this drastically. Let me tell you that I once was a strong and fair cop but I lost all of that quickly without fully realizing what I did. It all started a few months ago on this fateful afternoon.
On that day I was on my patrol, driving around in my police cruiser looking for potential trouble as usual.
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I had gotten a call from a young woman that it seems like a young man is selling himself for sex to other men in a more remote area of the town. I was driving around there to see if I could spit him and I could after a fee minutes of searching. I carefully parked the cruiser and tried to sneak up on them. They were in the back of an alley. I could see the young man wearing skin tight latex from neck to toes. He was getting fucked by an older man with a beer gut while another man demanded the young man to suck his dick. I came closer but one of the older man noticed me and started to run. I quickly started to run towards them, shouting at them to stand still. The second man pushed the young man towards me and started to run away too.
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I catched the young man and could only watch as the two old men ran through a backdoor and closed it. I handcuffed the young man and then walked up to the backdoor, trying to pry it open but to no avail. The thick metal door didnt move a bit. I got back to the young man and looked at him thoroughly. His body from neck to toes was covered in latex, even his hands. The only places free of latex was his crotch area and a hole around his butt. His dick was locked away in a chastity cage. He seemed intimidated by me as he didnt even reach my shoulders.
"Are you even old enough to sell yourself in this 'business'?", I asked him starting to walk him towards the cruiser.
"Is this regarding my size? Yeah I know I look young with my 5' but I can assure you that I'm 26 years old.", he answered cowardly.
"Do you have any ID to back up that claim?"
"No. I lost everything around 4 months ago."
I pushed him into the backseat.
I got into the car on the drivers seat.
"Whats your name?", I asked opening the criminal justice information system.
"Jordan Blight.", he said. I could hear him starting to sob.
I entered his name into the computer and found multiple things about him. It started with him disappearing, followed by multiple offensive crimes.
I exhaled deeply. By the looks of it this guy would now go to prison even though I knew that from the way he looked he wouldnt survive a week there.
Jordan must've had a similar thought as he started crying.
"Please... I'll do anything. I just cant go to prison. Please!", he cried.
"Sorry man, but I cant help you.", I answered looking at him through the rearview mirror.
"Please...", he continued crying. "I'll do anything... do you need sexual relief? I'm supposedly good at it. Do you need someone to talk to? I'm a good listener."
I stayed silent. I felt somewhat pitty for him and his situation.
"Do you need someone to get drugs? I know some who have them.", he continued.
I looked at him concerned.
"Or do you want me as an insider? Or should I be your slave?"
I subconsciously moved an eyebrow and unfortunatly Jordan noticed it.
"What was it? The insider or the slave?", he asked with a grin.
I cleared my throat.
"How did you get in your situation? I mean I wouldnt choose to walk around in a latex suit covering everything but my head, dick and ass.", I asked.
"Changing the subject, I see.", he snickered. "I was drugged by some I considered friends. They stripped me, put me in this latex suit and cock cage. They also made sure that I dont get out by welding the zipper fully into the suit. They then brought me here, into a city I dont know to make me a sex slave. And they succeeded. I got addicted to sex and drugs over the last few months. It feels like I know more about the taste of dicks and cum than real food. It feels like I dont even remember how it feels to wear something else than latex."
"I'm sorry to hear that. I - I dont even know what to say.", I said.
"Say if it was the slave or the insider.", he laughed.
"Neither. Just a weird thought I sometimes have."
"Tell me about it."
I felt torn. He had the right appearance for my weird wish but he was just a stranger, even more a stranger I've just arrested. But I still had this feeling that I could tell him.
"Since I was in pre-school I was the tallest guy and even without working out I was pretty muscular.", I said. "And I dont know why as my family isnt tall at all. Since then I started to get this wish, to feel small. Even get somewhat humiliated."
It was a weird silence.
"I didnt see that coming.", Jordan said. "You, this hunk of a good looking man, wants to be humiliated. You want to be in my position?"
"Yeah, I do.", I said. "I just want to know how it feels."
"Well, I'd do anything to not go to prison but I dont know how much I could humiliate you."
He chuckled.
"I mean I'm 5' and you're like 6'3.", he added.
"6'5 to be precise.", I said. "I could have something that would change this situation. Only if you're down for it."
"I'd be doing it if it means that I wont go to prison, so yeah. Tell me, what is it you have."
I moved around in my seat, fearing his reaction to what I would tell him.
"I have a body swap item with me.", I told him.
He bursted out into laughs. It was almost contagious. Almost.
He slowly caught himself again.
"You cant be serious!", he looked at me. "Oh shit, you're serious."
"I dont know if it works but it could be your way out of prison if you do it with me for a short time. Its said to be reversible so we'd swap back after that session of ours.", I said.
He thought about it for a moment.
"Sure, why not. I always wondered how it felt to have a body as incredible as yours."
"Then its a deal.", I started the engine and drove us to an even more remote area of the city.
When we arrived I turned off the cruiser and got out. I opened the trunk of the cruiser and took a strange needle out of it. I closed it and opened Jordan's door. I pulled him out and pushed him into an abandoned alleyway.
I unlocked his handcuffs and he rubbed his wrists.
"So how does this work?", Jordan asked.
"We have to prick a finger each with this.", I held the needle in front of him. "Then the pricked tips have to touch and then we swap or transform into each other. That wasnt fully clear."
"Then lets do it.", he answered.
I took one of his fingers and pricked the tip. He let out a slight gasp. Then I pricked my finger and held it up. He pressed his finger against mine and I immediately felt a weird sensation, as if a force was pulling my whole body from my finger.
Jordan musst have felt it himself as he pulled his hand away. I looked at him and noticed that he started to grow, not just in height but also in terms of muscles. His latex suit got pulled thinner and thinner before it finally ripped in multiple places. The scraps of latex fell to the ground, revealing Jordans new muscular body that was still growing. I could immediately see that his muscles looked like mine. Jordan marveled at his new body, already smelling his armpits or feeling his abs. I looked down at his dick to see if it was growing too and it did. It was already straining against the cage before the cage sprung open and fell to the ground. Jordan's dick was the spitting image of mine and it was rock hard.
Jordan was almost the same height as me now and only his face looked different. A beard stubble was starting to grow on his cheeks as his bone structure started to morph into mine. His hair grew shorter and his eye color changed. It took only a few seconds and it was as if I was looking into a mirror. A naked mirror.
"This is incredible!", Jordan said feeling his biceps. "We could be twins right now! But shouldnt you look like me?"
"Yeah, I thought I would transform too but until now I only have this strange feeling.", right then the feeling changed and I started to shrink. While shrinking my uniform felt heavier and the gun holster looser every second and suddenly my pants, including my boxers, fell to the ground. My jacket and vest were huge on me, my hands didnt even stick out of the sleeve anymore and my dick was hidden behind the vest but I could feel how hard it was. It was almost painful.
I looked at Jordan and he had a huge grin on his face.
"Your manly face on my body wearing a uniform thats to big for you is just a funny sight to behold.", he said not letting go of his new muscles.
I started to feel my face change. The receding beard as well as the quickly growing hair tickled. With a faint plop I could hear my bones change and then the feeling vanished.
"Looks like I'm the officer now.", Jordan said.
He grabbed me by the throat and lifted me up. I could feel my socks and boots slip off my feet before I felt the cold ground beneath my butt. Jordan had dropped me.
"Man this strength is crazy!", he exclaimed.
I coughed a few times, trying to get my throat to feel normal again.
Jordan grabbed my arms and quickly pulled the rest of the uniform off of my body. I was now sitting on the cold floor completely naked.
Jordan dropped the vest, jacket and undershirt. I could hear him breathing heavily.
"I havent worn real clothes for months.", I could hear him say to himself.
He picked up my boxers from my pants and looked at them in his hands. He quickly smelled them and let out a quiet moan before carefully slipping his legs through them. He pulled them up to his hips and took his time to position his new big dick in a comfortable place.
It looked like Jordan quickly forgot about me because of the uniform.
He continued by pulling my socks out of my boots before pulling them over his feet and muscular calves. He wiggled his toes and giggled.
He grabbed the undershirt and pulled it over his broad chest. I marveled at how great it fit him. I now saw that I truly knew how to show off my body.
He removed the gun holster from the belt before stepping into the pants. He closed the belt and added the holster back.
He grabbed the jacket and quickly put it on before adding the vest onto his torso.
The last thing left were the boots. He seemed to almost celebrate this. He grabbed them and slowly unlaced them. He relished stepping into them, I could see it. He tied them again and took a few steps.
"This feels so good. Wearing real clothes, a uniform even. And then wearing shoes again. No more barefoot in latex.", he said.
Standing before me really was the spitting image of me, officer Stephen Benson. An officer with a bright future, thinking about how he could do anything as me now made my dick even harder.
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"What are you going to do with me, officer?", I asked trying to get his attention.
He helped me up before pushing me face first against the wall.
"You can be more than lucky I got my uniform back. Impersonating an officer is a serious crime!", he said.
I felt him rubbing his crotch against my back.
"That was all just a big misunderstanding sir!", I answered.
I suddenly felt how he put the handcuffs around my wrists on my back.
"Misunderstanding or not, you're going to jail.", he said.
I got nervous, was he just roleplaying or taking over my life. I wanted to be submissive but I didnt want to go to jail. The thought of him taking over made me even harder. My dick was pressing so hard against the dirty brick wall.
"You're lucky as I'm in need of sexual relief.", he turned me around to face him. "And you may not go to jail if you go down and do a thing for me."
Jordan had a devilish grin on my old face. I went down and he immediately pushed my face into my old crotch. I could smell the fabric as well as the stench of my old sweat. But most of all I could feel the outline of the beast inside the pants that was once mine.
He continued pressing my face into his crotch.
"Worship me. Worship my muscles and uniform!", he said.
I couldnt answer because my face was pushed so hard against his crotch but I managed to move my hands behind my back to get his attention there.
He bent himself over me to unlock one side of the handcuffs again.
I immediately moved my hands to his firm butt and squeezed it. My hands slowly ran down his legs, feeling the muscles beneath the fabric every time he flexed his legs. I knew that it should be wrong, worshipping your real body but it just felt so good.
My hands went down further, now slightly massaging his calves before I ran my hands over my combat boots he now wore. Touching the leather felt surprisingly good so I kept working on his feet. That combined with inhaling the musk of my old crotch and uniform felt intoxicating.
"Take it out and suck it!", I heard Jordan order with my old deep voice.
It sent chills down my spine knowing that I sounded like that before but now I wasnt in control of it or any other part of that body.
I opened the belt and pants and pulled out his dick. It was more than massive from my point of view and it was already throbbing and leaking pre-cum.
I opened my mouth and Jordan saw that as his opportunity to push the full 8 inches down my throat. I thought that I would have to throw up but this body had like no gag reflex anymore. I continued sucking on my old dick while Jordan controlled my speed by having his hands behind my head.
It felt weird and at first I didnt knew what to do but it only took a few seconds before the muscle memory kicked in and I started sucking like a pro. I could feel the veins pulsate in sync with Jordan's heartbeat. I used my tongue to play with it and I heard Jordan moan every now and then.
He suddenly grabbed my head more tightly before I felt his dick erupting in my mouth. I immediately started to swallow and tasted cum for the first time. The salty but still somewhat sweet taste was weird at first but it felt more normal with every string Jordan shot into my mouth.
"Dont spill.", he said panting.
I swallowed everything before he pulled me to my feet again. He turned me around again and I could immediately feel him running his dick along my ass. He pushed it in without warning but it didnt hurt at all.
"Damn, my hole was loose.", Jordan said. "I have more to give to you."
He pounded me hard but it still turned me on more. Knowing that the roles would be reversed in reality. I should be the muscular officer and Jordan should be this twink but right now I was living my phantasy.
His thrusts changed pace and I could feel how he prepared to unleash another load into me. He pushed me tight against the wall, his hands on my hips as I felt him shooting his warm and slimy masculine seed up my ass.
He pulled out and I felt him wiping off his dick on my butt cheeks.
I was covered in sweat but it felt great to have been used like this and I bet Jordan loved being a muscular officer too.
I was awaiting that he would unlock the handcuffs again so that we could swap back but he suddenly grabbed me with full force by my neck and threw me to the ground.
"You let something drip out of your ass!", he said firmly pointing at his feet. "Go on and clean my awesome combat boots."
I got on my knees and licked the cum off of my old boot. It tasted just like before, only that it had now dirt mixed into it. I was almost done licking as I felt a few finger intrude my butt. Jordan pulled them out again and tasted it.
"Damn man, this body tastes good.", he said.
Suddenly we both looked intensely at each other knowing exactly what caused it. It felt like a damn broke in our minds. My mind got flooded with the memories of Jordan and he probably got access to my memories.
"This- this changes everything!", he said.
He pulled me up.
I cleared my throat to sound manlier.
"Are you ready to change back? There are spare clothes in the trunk of the cruiser you can wear after that.", I said.
"No man.", he said.
"What do you mean, no?"
He pushed me against the wall again.
"You wanted to be me. You wanted to be humiliated and I agreed to escape prison.", he flashed me a quick smile. "But I'm the man now. I have the muscles. I wear the uniform. We'll do this my way now."
"But- but you cant just be a cop and do my job. I cant stay like this."
"You enjoyed being like this."
He gestured to my small, hard and slightly leaking dick.
"And I more than enjoyed being you.", he continued. "You have two options now, 'Jordan'. Keep complaining about swapping back and I'll send you to prison. Or get into the car and be me."
I stared at him in shock.
"It's Thursday, right?", he asked.
"Then lets make a deal. We stay like this till Sunday. If you then still want to swap back we'll do it. If you want us to stay like this we'll stay."
He grabbed my balls tightly and I let out a loud, uncontrolled moan. He laughed.
"Good. I still have to be on my patrol for 2 more hours. So I'll leave you here. You wanted to be humiliated so you have to make a choice. Stay here until I come back to get you or look around searching for clothes. But if you do, time is running. I wont wait here for you when I'm finshed.", he said.
He laughed again and walked to the cruiser. He stepped into the driver seat, started the engine and left.
Only then I noticed that Jordan managed to place his old chastity cage on my dick.
I didnt fully understand how it got this far but I felt good. The humiliation was everything I always wanted but I still felt the urge to get my body back. I was excited to see what the last few days would bring.
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lightningonatether · 7 months ago
Why c!endersmile were actually friends
ALTERNATIVELY TITLED: my crazy thesis on two bad bitches with not a single moment of screentime fueled purely by my own insanity
ALTERNATIVELY alternatively titled: to all loreheads please be nice i dont usually lorepost. feel free to engage though
So my return is courtesy of litchi, who mentioned c!endersmile like once a month ago, and got me thinking about them so hard I couldn't just walk away.
Namely, litchi reminded me of a few theories I have concerning c!endersmiles relationship, that I developed back when i was watching the SMP live. This might make my recollection of some events a little fuzzy, but everything should be canon compliant cause I was thinking about all this as I watched.
I was already watching ranboo pretty regularly at the point the prison arc started, I cant resist a really weird guy with horrible debilitating anxiety. I already thought the whole hearing dreams voice in his head was really interesting, but as the prison arc evolved it became clear that ranboos relationship with dream wasnt just some hallucination inside ranboos head and actually had some substance.
My theory really started to develop into what it is now with the explosions on the prison roof which led to the lockdown and tommys death; these were confirmed to be set by ranboo in his enderwalk state. He was one of the only people online at the time, ranboo found tnt in his inventory afterwards, and I think dream also told sam he knew ranboo did it at some point, although I can't find the exact stream.
At that point it was obvious that enderwalking ranboo held a different set of beliefs, alliances, and likely more memories than the "awake" ranboo we saw most of the time on streams, and was acting against amnesiac ranboos wishes. The explosions above the prison along with the reveal that ranboo had been regularly visiting dream in prison confirmed that dream and ender!ranboo were some sort of allies.
At the time, my assumption was that ranboo had simply made an attempted prison break. It wouldnt be a stretch to assume, if ranboo had visited regularly, that he would have noticed the poor conditions and tried to break his ally out. However, after the confirmation of the staged finale, and a better look at cdreams motivations(wanting to provide protection for punz, separating himself very publicly from his only known ally to keep them safe) the idea that enderwalk ranboo, an ally of dreams, would go against dreams explicit wishes to stay locked in that prison began making less sense.
It would only make sense if either:
enderwalk never knew about the plan or
enderwalk knew about the plan but went against it anyway
1 is a very tempting explanation. c!dream rarely lets anyone close. even punz, who knew the plan intimately, wasn't aware of dreams true motivations to bring the server back to a peaceful time before conflict. but..... it didnt sit right with me.
Two reasons for this: I know some people may have stopped watching/never watched ranboo lore, but towards the end of the prison arc, ranboo began seeing flashes of "lessons" appear on screen. These lessons all had that utilitarian and paranoid feel a lot of dreams actions/reasoning have, like "dont trust anybody"(paraphrasing, thats just what i remember the core of that message being) or "never hesitate to gain a favor from someone, you can use it to get something from them later". anyone remember technos favor to dream? It was heavily implied these lessons were meant to be from dream, directed at c!enderwalk. This would mean the two spent a significant amount of time together. not only that, dream was sharing his *life philosophy* with ender!ranboo. thats not just something dream would share with anyone, and implies a close allyship at the least. its almost like he was teaching a pupil. yeah, sure, some of his lessons were a little fucked up and weird in that dream sort of way, but he was looking out for the kid. and it seems that enderwalk wasnt hesitant to act on those lessons either. he promised to keep a shulker safe for foolish, gaining a favor, and didnt sign a single one of those prison visitation waivers, on top of sam discovering they were corrupted into enderian when he checked LMAO.
This alone would be enough to persuade me enderwalk HAD to have been let in on the plan, at least so he wouldnt cause any problems (such as trying to get his ally out of prison).
but the other reason is... ranboos stated philosophy against conflict. he doesnt like sides, he wishes they wouldn't exist. I remember watching a stream and nearly jumping out of my seat when he told chat he just wished the server could just be one big happy family! because that is nearly word for word what a bunch of loreheads were saying about dreams motivations at the time(and now obviously lmao). if we keep in mind their contact for those "lessons", ranboos visits to dream in prison, AND the fact that dreams and ranboos motivations coincide on a level even Above dream and punzs(punz seemed to have been unaware of and also not particularly motivated by dreams wish for peace) i cant really imagine dream not letting this guy in on the plan.
which leaves us with 2) ranboo tried to break dream out against dreams wishes.
Maybe ranboo was just an ally and chickened out after he saw dreams mistreatment in prison and went against the plan, but... dream missed him after sam barred him from visiting. he asked sapnap to deliver a note to ranboo(just a smiley face, likely with the hopes of triggering an enderwalk) despite fearing for his ally punz enough to lock himself in prison. it feels reminicent to how dream sounds when he comments on george not visiting him once. like he missed a friend despite trying so hard to separate himself from the ones he'd had.
Maybe ranboo tried to break in because he saw a friend being mistreated, and couldn't leave the plan stand.
And that kind of makes sense doesn't it? that dream, someone whos paranoid about how peoples connection to him puts them in danger, would choose an amnesiac who spends most of their time terrified of dream, and wouldnt remember any of his plans or their friendship to use against either of them in the first place?
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h5llpyre · 2 years ago
↳ 𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐒 — vash the stampede
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fem!reader, shameful masturbation, negative thoughts about masturbation, lowkey a lil breeding kink just a lil, negative post nut clarity emotions, vash is pent up and adorable
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“i’ll see you tomorrow then,” vash whispers, leaning against the door frame of his room. his eyes are sleepy and soft as he speaks quietly with you in the empty hotel hallway.
after a long night of lingering touches under the table and drunkly stumbling over each other, having you here to himself brought him to another high. sure the alcohol is helping him, but standing here with you, still warm and bubbly, something is shifting inside him. he wants to run from it, yet capture it and swallow it whole.
“mhm, don’t sleep in too late. we’ve got business with the insurance girls tomorrow morning.” you remind him, yet you’re sure he didn’t forget. he was quite good at remembering and being on schedule. maybe it’s your pathetic excuse to stand here a little longer with him, so what?
“right yeah, of course,” and he flashes one of his sheepish yet charming smiles, except a little more nervous than usual. the same ones he had been giving you whenever he passed you another glass, but something seemed off about this one.
you can tell he’s still drunk, with the way he fiddles with the front of his shirt and the way his eyes seem to dash and skim over your face. like he’s not all focused or something’s distracting him..?
“okay w-well i better wash up now,” vash shifts on his feet, dress shoes clacking against the wooden floor. he can feel this coil of sensations unwrapping inside him. its starting to reveal something deeper. something embarrassing. it doesn’t help that his eyes are naturally drawn to your chest. he steps away from you and starts to close his door and somehow he reminds you of a deer in headlights.
“uh-“ you reach out, concerned, yet as soon as you do, he starts to close the door faster.
“yeah! goodnight to you too-“ vash shuts the door on himself. it feels rude to force you away from him, but that sensation is starting to spread to his legs, and he would much rather be out of your sight when his face starts reddening.
horrified and embarrassed, he shuts his eyes, in denial that he’s indulging in any of this. he leans his arm against the door and presses his eyes into his forearm. ever so slowly, his other hand runs down his stomach, over his belt, lower towards his crotch. biting his bottom lip, his shaky hand reaches to cup himself and- god, yeah. he’s rock hard in his pants.
“mmhg…” vash whimpers softly, he can feel himself throbbing against the tight fabric and its making him dizzy. all of his blood is rushing from his head and down his lower half. images of you from tonight flashes through your head; your dress riding up your thighs, your chest spilling out from the low v-neck, your red, flustered face he so dearly wished to see under him. it’s so humiliating yet he cant help the way he begins to roughly palm himself through his pants.
if you found out he was- if anyone found out what he did behind closed doors, the shame would be enough for him to pledge to never indulge in such selfish activities ever again. yet whenever he was finally alone after a night of being with you, he craved for you. his hands itched to touch you under your clothes, his dick jolted and throbbed at the mere thought of being inside you.
vash bites his lip, a pathetic attempt to hide his noises and soothe the tinge of shame. his hand rubs a little faster, his hips begin to grind along the pace, and vash realizes how fucking pent up he is. he can’t even remember the last time he touched himself. a month ago? a few months ago? god he doesn’t even know, but if he doesn’t cum his brains out at the thought of your dress hiking up your ass soon he might start crying.
vash is starting to drool a little on himself. instead of biting his lip to hide his sounds, he resorts to biting down on the fabric of his sleeve. but its useless because its rapidly soaking up his droll and now he’s imagining the wet folds of your pussy lips on his mouth and— oh god he’s moaning.
“a-ahh mmghf…” vash’s hips shuddering as he grinds into the palm of his hand, eyes rolling back whenever the leaking tip rubs against the tight fabric. god he can feel the wetness seeping through. he’s letting out little a-ah’s and mmh’s as he begins to lose himself.
it only makes him hump his hand faster when he starts to imagine cumming deep in your stomach, filling you up to the brim with his warm seed. he’s starting to twitch now, legs losing strength as his body begins caving in on himself. his blond hair falling over his shut eyes as he muffles his moans into his arm, sweat running down his face and soaking into his shirt. its so embarrassing, but he’s so close. just a little more…
vash presses his hand harder against his aching dick, gives one, two, three more rough strokes— and he’s gone. he bites down hard on his sleeve as his cock paints the inside of his pant leg with hot cum. his jaw dropped open as he shudders and groans. in a frenzy, his hand keeps on moving. pushing the last of the seed out as he pushes himself for more. his dick is softening and refusing, but he keeps on slowly rubbing the sensitive tip, imagining your wet tongue lapping up his spend before swallowing it.
vash gives himself a mere ten seconds to think about that soft, pretty mouth of yours again before he stops rubbing himself, instead wiping the sweat from his brow line. post nut clarity finally hitting him: ‘god i’m such a pervert.’ vash bites his lip as he relishes in the uncomfortable cooling of the cum in his pants. the sweat around his neck and underneath his shirt— and he feels like he needs to take a cold shower immediately.
but he doesn’t. maybe just for tonight he can keep on thinking of you. thinking about kissing you after you lick up the cum from his tip. maybe only for tonight he can do that. tomorrow morning when vash sees you again in the hall way, he’ll say good morning and you’ll say it back, and the thoughts from tonight will be shoved to the very back of his mind. he’ll forget about the way he visualized your curves under your dress and your mouth wrapped around his shaft. he’ll forget about all of this. no one will ever know what he does when he’s alone, hell, he’ll act like he doesn’t know either.
vash huffs as the disgust and shame finally pierce him deep in the gut. he wipes the sweat at his brow line and slumps against the door, sleepiness already making its way into his bones. but just as he settles against it, a weight on the other side door lifts off. vash stops breathing when he feels if. panic begins to sink in as he realizes how eager he was earlier. fuck. he didn’t even wait to hear you walk to your room before he started touching himself.
vash bites his lip and squeezes his eyes shut as he finally does hear your footsteps retreating away. ‘god i’m such an idiot.’ he didn’t think the shame and embarrassment he felt could get any worse, but oh it can, and it did. vash kicks off the door, walking straight to the bathroom to strip and soak in a a cold bath.
he prayed that you would forget all about it in the morning.
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wicchyy · 1 year ago
0.1 — drunkfession ; james potter
sum: alcohol has both you and James thinking about what could’ve been
warnings: drunk teens
notes: wrote this months ago but its literal shit needed to clear my notes tho!
James stumbled in his steps as he climbed up the corridor stairs. His head was heavy, his eyes bleary, but even in his drunken state he was still able to make out the person stood before him.
Judging by your puffy lips and reddened cheeks, he was able to either guess you were drunk or had been crying. Your hair fell in its silky locks, tangled by the ends. James just wished he could comb through them, make them look perfectly straight just how he liked it. His heart ached a bit when your eyesight avoided him immediately.
He knew he’d hurt you, he knew how you and him didn’t talk much more these days, didn’t joke around even when you’d been promised a friendship still. But none of those compared to you avoiding eye contact with him.
The breakup didn’t go well. He had convinced you that both of you weren’t good for each other. And maybe you weren’t. Things were messy for you, and he was in a complicated situation as well. You’d gone through a list of hookups after. But James, James had gotten into a semi serious relationship with Lily Evans. At first he tried to hide it, then things got more complicated and James couldn’t keep things away any longer. The news came a few months after your breakup, but the fact hurt, and maybe mixed with a bit of alcohol in your senses— you had broke down to the pictures of them together.
James didn’t knew what was going on in his head then, maybe he enjoyed Lily’s company, maybe he did like her. But if he did, then why was he so completely over her in just a week, or why— even worse, was his heart panging in his chest and his heartbeat ringing through his ears when he sees you like this.
And why, when the air gets colder and the leaves turn browner does he have you feeling like his girl again?
“Hi.” He starts simply.
You wave your hand, “You can cross, Potter.”
He wants to speak, but the words don’t come out right, “I— I don’t—“
“You know, you can speak to me properly. Know you’re drunk ‘n all, but it’s really not that hard, Potter.”
“What d’you mean?” He asks harshly.
You lean away from the wall, “I mean, you’ve been avoiding me all the time. ‘S not like I’ve done anything wrong, have I?”
“Oh, c’mon Y/n. I—“
“Why’re you even here?” You slurred, “Shouldn’t you be busy with Lily?”
He rolled his eyes, clearly irritated by the question. “I have an actual life other than her, thank you very much. And besides— ‘s not like we were anything.”
You knew. Of course you knew. You were friends with Sirius and Marlene, Merlin, one of those were bound to say something. “Really?” You asked, not to sound too interested or anything.
He hmm-ed, answering simply.
“Then why’d you break up with me?”
One. Two. The seconds passed by just as direct as your words. Unsurprisingly aiming for his heart.
“You know I cant answer that, Y/n.”
You scoffed, “Why not? Haven’t had actual closure all this time. Might as well, right? We’re both drunk, probably wouldn’t remember any of this in the morning.”
Truthfully, even if you were drunk off your arse, you knew you wouldn’t forget about anything about this night. Even starting from this moment, it had all been captured and stored in your memory. Just like all the other ones with James in it, it was tucked in the safe space of the small slot in your heart.
“Yes. No— lie. I remember everything with you in it.” Just like your minds were the same, he admitted just a bit more bravely than you.
“I just want to understand, Jamie.”
There it was. Jamie. He knew the nickname was coming, and yet he still expected a small heart attack to occur when you pronounced the name so gently, just like you used to.
“I know you do.” He sighed, running a hand through his mess of curls. “But I don’t know either. My head was a mess, just like you were. And I guess— I guess I never apologized to you and never helped you through it. But you should know, Y/n, I really am sorry for all of it.”
Your eyes shot up to the ceiling, avoiding the mess of tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. “I didn’t ask for your apology. I asked why.”
More tugging on his hair, “I don’t— don’t know, Y/n. I guess, things were really messy and I did the first thing that came to mind instead of thinking it through.”
“You should’ve spoke to me. Asked me for help. Or something. I was there for you, Jamie. You had me, just like I thought I had you.”
The words cut. He knew, and you knew too.
“You were there for me?”
You rolled your eyes again at him, a small laugh escaping and your voice going down. “You know you’ll always have me, right Jamie? No need to be so choosy with my words.”
His beautiful hazel eyes light up, “I know.”
“You avoided me. You acted like I didn’t exist.” You frowned. Even with his poor eyesight, James could see your eyes turn glassy.
“Honey—“ James stopped himself, “Sorry, Y/n. I— I didn’t know you felt that way. You said you didn’t want to talk to me.”
“What?” You suppressed the want to smack his head, “When did I ever say that, you idiot?”
“I dunno! I just got the vibe!”
“You’re so stupid, Potter! This is why I hate you!”
“You don’t hate me.”
“Yes, I do.”
James scoffs, “You could never hate me.”
“Right, because you’ve treated me so perfectly.” You mumbled.
The staircase didn’t have much air as the window was far on the top end. You felt yourself getting hotter, particularly the heat reaching up to your cheeks when James clicked his tongue and pursed his lips.
“Let me treat you perfectly then.” He offered, you weren’t sure if he meant it or if it were just one of his mindless, drunk flirting. Probably the latter.
You scoffed, “Not a chance, Potter.”
“I mean it.” He took a step forward. His fingers twitched, itching to grab ahold of yours. He knew just then what it’d feel it, yours were cold and his was warm. He knew it was like whatever this was between you two, just something teetering on the edge, if he had a chance to grab ahold of you he knew he could warm you right up. But James hadn’t yet trusted himself if he was able to earn your heart and not break it again.
“I have experience in not believing what you mean.”
“I wanted it to be you, Y/n. So badly.” He confessed in a whisper.
“Then why not?” You only dared to ask as the tears finally drop gently across your cheeks.
Why not? Well, it was quite clear then why not. Because his robes were decorated with red and gold and meanwhile yours were lined with astute silver and green.
You. Always you. How could he ever forget … about you? Even if it’s been months since your breakup, and months since you’ve spoken so intimately with each other, everything about this felt natural.
“You know why not.”
You rolled your eyes, pretty sure your cheeks have been rained with black mascara by now. “It sucked to see you trailing after Lily for weeks. It sucked because I knew how it felt having you on mine.”
“I’m sorry.”
You scoffed, trying to lighten the mood with your insistent remarks the whole conversation. “You’ve said that before.”
“Honey.” James smirked ever so slighty. He moved his face closer to you until you could feel his breath fanning over your nose. “I’m so, so sorry.” Your cold choulder was suddenly touched by a warm presence, his fingers creeping up to twiddle with the thin strap of your dress.
“Jamie..” your voice wavered, serving as a warning to James.
“I could have you forgiving me so easily, you know that?”
You decided then, if James wanted to play this game then you could compete as well. “How about, you spend more time trying to get a sincere apology to me ready by next morning. Maybe then I’ll see if I’m ready to forgive you.”
“God, I had you tearing up a minute ago and now you’re back to this?” James panted.
Your hand pushed at his chest, “See you in the morning, Potter.”
James smiled politely, the smile you hated. Then his head dipped lower and pressed a singular light kiss on your clavicle. “Goodnight, then.” He whispered against your skin.
“Ugh. Goodnight, Potter.” You replied swiftly before quickly leaving.
💌 thanks for reading lovie! support me by reblogging <3
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catmask · 10 months ago
Been meaning to catch more of your streams because they're so fun and relaxing and inspire me to do art alongside you! but I have a question?? How on earth have you managed to keep a streaming schedule? (kudos!!!!) I've tried it a few times and after about a month of consistency I get so tired and drop off of it, do you get guilt about rescheduling? (saw some announcement from the other day and it was so communicative and professional) and, how do you measure your own levels of energy to know how long you can stream for? Some people are just Built Different but I don't hear it often talked about how being social like that can drain people, especially when popular streamers in this era are usually streaming all day every single day of the week! Honestly love your work and everything you do, from what you share we seem to have a lot of similar tastes and experiences so I was just curious if this was something you encountered, and if so would love to hear any routines or strategies you have, if you're comfortable doing so! :3
for one thing, this isnt my first time around the bend! i used to stream about four years ago to a much smaller audience, and i feel like that gave me a lot of experience that was useful now as a streamer. i was also still in college/working full time then, so it sort of gave me the like... 'if i stop now im going to sink and die like a shark' mentality about a LOT of my hobbies. art and streaming both.
i do fully understand the feeling of burnout, and with anything you do its important to develop a gage as to how tired you are to determine whether or not you need to reschedule. killling your momentum of doing something can often result in dropping the habit altogether, but at the same time you are a human being with needs so theres gonna be some days you have to just call it off.
my internal 'system' for sickdays/delays is 'if i cant fix the problem in an hour, its a sick day, and if i can its a delay. if i can fix the problem in ten minutes and im avoiding it, then i need to remember im gonna have a lot of fun after its fixed and get up off my ass'
sometimes that 'problem' was as simple as 'i got yelled at at work today and idk if i can handle being smiley and funny for people when i feel like shit', but reminding myself that i always felt better after i streamed was often enough to pull me out of that. if the problem was i was tired/felt like shit, id take a delay and prepare a dinner, shower, and sit down for a bit. then id generally feel okay enough and streaming was no problem!
its easy to beat yourself up for not maintaining a consistent schedule fr streaming when you start out, but the thing you should really be asking yourself is - did you take care of yourself, the streamer, so that consistency was possible? good food, good sleep, and alone time to relax are imperative to any public facing activity, especially something like streaming!
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that-was-a-bit-stupid-of-you · 10 months ago
I don't understand, what's going on with Taylor and Matt trash being a couple? Could you explain to me?
nothing is really going on at the moment tbh, cuz they broke up a pretty long while ago, but the issue is the album (if that's what you're referring to) and taylor swift herself.
[will add sources and more stuff when I find the links and if I realise I missed something out, cuz this is a general thing based off of memory]
Context: dating history
Basically she and matty had been friends for a few years (there are rumors of them hooking up ig in 1989 era maybe, but I don't really care enough to believe shit like that). Apparently he had also been pining for her (according to stuff he said in interviews and tweets) for years, but again, you can still chalk it up to rumors if you wanna.
The thing is that post her breakup with joe alwyn, she started dating him (in like april I think) [there had been dating rumors of them since 2014 tho, and again in March 2023] and the fandom kinda got divided.
Here is the link to their entire timeline
Context: what matty healy did
Matty healy (you prolly know this) is basically racist, sexist, antisemitic, homophobic and God knows what else I have missed out or not been aware of. He did shit like doing the nazi gesture on stage, mocking asian accents, tastelessly making fun of ice spice on her race and bodyshaming her, laughing and basically confirming that he watches violent rape porn of black women on a site that is known to be highly problematic and force their actors (gender neutral) to do things they dont consent to (there was also an actress who was assaulted or something but im not informed on it). Even when he was called out on stuff like this, he accused people (who were poc, btw) of overreacting.
Context: taylor and activism
Taylor had also, in the past (lover era, and miss Americana the doc) had talked about how she had been too quiet about political issues and politics itself for too long, that she understands her influence and power in society, and that she "needs to be on the right side of history" and even specifics such as that she thinks it's spineless to go on stage and say "happy pride month" and not acknowledge the political oppression that queers in USA were facing (something about a bill or the republican party idk man I'm not american, i dont remember but i did research when i watched the doc tho). She has claimed she was gonna be clear about where she stands (many republicans had considered her to be one, and many thought she's conservative or something, but she was always quiet about it, until the lover era). However, she just stopped that activism after the lover era, and went back to being quiet on where she stands (I've seen many swifties refer to the lover era as the activism era) and hasn't spoken about anything substantial really. She did some things like post a black square with 13 hearts during blm, and stuff that every celeb who wasn't openly a pos did, but that's kinda it. Even as a self proclaimed feminist, she didn't speak up on issues such as roe v wade, or about an issue regarding drag queens despite having them in yntcd, or talking about trans/queer rights until she was in a blue state (im not an American, I just like to keep up a little with stuff in usa cuz it's always up in my face sadly, and thus i cant be specific, but anyways, correct me if I'm wrong, or if I missed something).
So even after saying she'll be vocal, she was just... not. And that's basically her on politics or giving a shit about minority communities.
Context: Fandom's reaction
Swifties were extremely disappointed that taylor CHOSE to associate with a man like this, and there were fans calling her out, and she received backlash, too.
Most of these swifties were poc (myself included) and they felt hurt that an artist that they not just supported and developed such a deep connection with, but also financially supported for years, would have such disregard for them. Not just was she dating him, but she kept saying things such as "I have never been happier in all aspects of my life" or saying "I love you" or "uk who you are" in romantic songs on the tour, which was just adding insult to injury. She also did a collab with ice spice (which was completely out of nowhere, and the collab itself seemed badly made and rushed), which fans and others speculated to be a pr cover up for the fact that matty healy had mocked her (many ppl also believed that it was too quick for it to be a pr cover tho).
Now, in the fandom, when poc swifties were calling her out on dating mh, (mostly) white swifties started harassing poc swifties for doing so, or saying that they are hindering with her happiness or some bs about it being "just a fling" (again, myself included). They said it's the same as seeing a friend get out of a long-term relationship and make bad dating choices, and poc swifties should let it go (as if taylor is our close personal friend). In a mostly white fandom, poc swifties felt alienated and sidelined.
Ofc, taylor never addressed any of this backlash, and after she broke up with him, there were articles saying that sources say (which mostly means her pr team atp) that her breakup had nothing to do with his controversies or behavior.
The album release (lyrics, references and reaction)
Now, with the release of ttpd, contrary to what most of the fandom believed, most of the songs on both the albums are believed to be (and heavily hinted on) about matty healy. These include 4 songs- "ttpd", "but daddy I love him", "I can fix him (no really I can)", and "guilty as sin?"
Ttpd, the title track, talks about mh being "a tattooed golden retriever" (wtf) and about him love-bombing her, and her pining after him, thinking about marriage and shit. But daddy I love him and I can fix him, are basically that no one supported her dating decision and she's claiming that she loves him oh so goddamn much, but more importantly, her talking about her fans' reactions. Specifically, describing her poc fans to be "vipers" and "judgemental creeps" who hate her and them being hurt as "bitching and moaning", and basically took the side of the (white) fans who defended her, indirectly. She described his racist bs as "crazy" and said shit like she could "handle a dangerous man." She also has another song, "Guilty as sin?" and while I genuinely don't give a fuck about what she chooses to do in her private life, unless it is problematic, it is about her fantasizing about being with that racist man while being in a long term relationship with joe alwyn. She sings about how she wants him and wants to be with him... in multiple ways, iykyk. Again, out of context, I love this song so much, but that doesn't erase the context, right?
She also has a song "I hate it here" where she says the following lines:
"My friends used to play a game where
We would pick a decade
We wished we could live in instead of this
I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists and getting married off for the highest bid"
And while there are many reasons why this line by itself is racist (romantisization of a time that was extremely shitty to many communities, most of which she is not a part of, showing herself to be "oh look I'm so woke I still remember the bad things even when I romanticize bad eras in history" which is something you expect from an ignorant white high schooler maybe, not a 34 y/o billionaire who claims to be well-read, etc.) but taylor swift herself saying these is adding insult to injury cuz she has shown time and time again she has no problem with racism (she kept quiet when antonia gentry, a black actress, received hate and racist threats by swifties because of a line BY NETFLIX that taylor didn't like, and she shouldn't ofc, but it wasn't the actress' fault), or associating herself with them (matty healy, for example). It is hypocritical to write something like that after writing an album about pining after a man and his "dangerousness," which is just bigotry. Way to romanticise racism, sexism, and antisemitism, taylor.
Even now, after listening to the album, she clearly doesn't like mh anymore, NOT because of his actions, but because he broke her heart, showing that she still enables and is okay with everything he did.
And that's kind of it (ig) about her and matty healy. I'm not really sure exactly which part you wanted to know, so this is just a gist of it all. Hope it helps :)
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months ago
hcs for ponyboy getting pneumonia 🤩
cant wait for this fucker to die off already (i would b very sad if he did)
•ponys got pneumonia a couple of times before and after this poi t, once as a baby, twice as a teen, he WILL get it in the future, hes a sick guy what can we say
•part of the reason y everyone in the gang is so protective of pony is BC he was pretty sick as a baby, ponys had 2 near death experiences and THAT was one of em.
•imma b frank n tell yall that they havent rlly went to the hospital for it before, each time pony got it, it was mild and even then they didnt know it was pneumonia SPECIFICALLY, just that he was pretty sick
•when he “got it” after dallys death n such, what caused it was being in that church for so long w all the dust, mold, shitty air, etc etc. he had bacterial pneumonia and its not like it just POPPED up one day, he was sick and just ignored it w pills n such to keep on pushin.
•w this pneumonia however, it was just flat out thee worst hes ever had it and ever will have it, the other times were more manageable while this time, combined w pony being very hallucinative, they feared pony was gonna die and thats y soda stayed at ponys side, scared he was gonna go out alone
•they knew it wasnt no regular ass sickness when ponys lips and fingernails started lookin blueish, im not kidding they thought ole ponyfella was gonna have to b put DOWN
•smoking can make it rlly hard for u to rlly clear ur airways, so ik ponys coughs were WET, he could cough as hard as he wants, hes done for either way (if u wanna hc him w asthma as well, it sounded like he was genuinely struggling to breath, he was wheezing loud and couldnt take deep breaths, just drinking was hell for him
•the type of pneumonia pony got is contagious for like 48 hours, he absolutely got a few ppl sick as well, maybe not as bad, but it was still there for sure, soda most def got sick but he was just glad ponys doin better while pony felt bad
•darry stuck by pponys side but i love thinking he felt a lil guilty for what happened to pony so he can only do it for so long before feeling like shit, he does make his soup and gives pony a lot of orange juice so he still feels a lil helpful
•bc bacterial pneumonia has symptoms that rlly do require medical attention, when pony was able to gain so semblance of consciousness in between his bouts of confusion he would refuse to go. he doesnt like hospitals and mumbled about the social worker finding that put and taking him away but darry and soda for the first time in forever didnt gaf about that, just wanted pony alive damn it!!
•funnily enough as much as he fought against it, pony doesnt remember it, but instead they just called a doctor to come over and take a look at the guy. he probably just thinks of it as a delusion or something, but he didnt rlly care that much to ask, cause a week and a half later he was feelin better
now THANKFULLY i get ur other ask before i finished this one so heres that curly bit🙏🏽🙏🏽
•they didnt see each other for MONTHS after pony got sick bc curly still had the 6 months to serve, tim told curly what was happening w pony but he focused more so on the fact that his 2 friends instead if him being sick which honestly, yea i get.
•so pony being sick COMPLETELY skipped passed his mind he thought it was like a kinda bad cold, nothin BAD like pneumonia😭
•reason y curly was like “hmmmm somethings off w him,,,” is bc yes, once again his friends died not too long ago, but also the pneumonia lowkey fucked his mental up, someone save this kid😭😭
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yanderederee · 2 years ago
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nav: start! › after!
2004 - Eight Grade-year
Baji Keisuke really did try to be as straight laced as he could, but his grades showed none of the same effort.
Ever since he came home to his mother crying, scared for her baby boy’s future, Keisuke started to realize that his actions and mistakes could be big— real, and hurt the people he wanted to protect.
‘I cant be worrying her like that’, he reasoned to himself. She was a young mom. 28 years of age, with a 13 year old brat… Keisuke knows he’s made life hell for her, but she never gave up on. He tried making up for everything he ruined for her, becoming more respectful in towards her the most recent years, doing as he’s told (for the most part) and helping around the apartment… to make her proud.
He was really trying.
February22nd, 2004
Baji Keisuke is held back from entering into the third year of middle school, and will have to repeat year two.
—-As stated by an official government stamped letter; to the Baji residence mailbox.
Ryoko Baji cried when she thought her son was asleep. Keisuke’s guilt sank in deeper and deeper as the hours passed.
He asks Mikey for advice, and sure as boxes are square, glasses make you smart.
Two days pass, and a single failed shopping trip turned 40 v 1 man brawl later, he obtained the smartest person glasses he could find.
So why the hell were the pre-qualifying class assignment packets practically illegible? The glasses help (he swears) but he really had to put in the work this time.
February26th, 2004
Imagine how confused Baji felt, watching his mom hustle into the apartment, giddy despite having returned home after her third shift of the day. It was rare to see her home these last few months. She’d put on a brave face and did her best to help Keisuke through what had just happened 7 months ago— but a man was dead and her son had been the face of local news. Finding work was hard, but she preserved.
He wouldn’t let those efforts go to waste.
Ryoko held up a cutely decorated 8x11 colored printing paper, advertising 30-60 minute tutoring sessions for 1,000¥ per week, and encouraged her son to take the opportunity. Baji was quick to agree with her.
That’s how you met Ryoko and Keisuke Baji.
Ryoko had contacted you the same day, asking for further set details.
You were to attend the same school, which made things more convenient for when school would start up next month.
So, after you’d looking over Keisuke’s pre-qualification-class assignment packet, you got a feel for where you should focus your efforts.
But Baji Keisuke was Fucking unreadable. He was grinning like a boy and thanking you for your help one second, the next you’re like a stranger to him. He couldn’t remember your name at first either, qualifying to calling you whatever name came to mind first.
You would once in a while poke irritably at the nerdy four eyes, and how you were technically older than him, by eight months, in fact.
So to poke back, he addressed you like the upperclassman you claimed to be, sempai-chan.
From your first meeting, up til March 5th, you and Baji had studied hard for the pre-qualifying test that would take place on the 15th.
School would start early April, and a strong start is going to be your greatest milestone, as you claimed.
… Yeah, up until March 5th, when you and Baji found and cared for a broken kitten on the side of the road. *› nav:part.1… ›
It wasn’t normal to see injured animals laying so out in the open. It was even more nerve wracking to notice the broken bones were human inflicted. What kind of bastard hurts a fucking kitten?
The thought made Baji Keisuke’s blood boil.
Starting from that day, he started paying closer attention to those in the area. This was the first time something like that had happened.
But nothing happened since.
Activity was taking place away from his side of town. Keisuke didn’t have to worry about you, since he was a half hour walk away. You never went out after dark, and your weekends were mostly spent in safe areas.
He didn’t have to worry about you.
You shyly admitted to Baji once that you named Sango after the day you two had found her. (san-3, go-5, san.go-3.5> march 5th)
March 11th, 2004
The only time he felt calm was when he watched you ideally scribble gibberish into a notebook. He watched your hands. The way your fingers flex in delicate and quick strokes, the lead rattling in the mechanical pencil filling the comfortable silence between you two.
The glasses Keisuke had purchased were practically made of two way glass. He saw out of them just fine. They weren’t prescribed glasses or anything, just a tool that made him smarter.
But from those looking his direction, thanks to the thick rims and aggressive reflect; his sharp resting bitch face eyes went completely unnoticed.
He was grateful for that the most, Baji decided when he caught you take a glance up at him, completely unaware how he was just staring at your hands.
You thought you were slick with that glance. It was cute.
You weren’t nervous of Baji I’m the slightest. By nature, Baji sort of registered you as a small animal worthy of his protection and at least some respect.
He gave you credit where it was due; you were smart and patient with his dumb ass, circling with a pink gel pen where he went wrong, and your neat handwriting next to it with helpful reminders.
He dazed off while he was watching you study. You were just mesmerizing, somehow.
“Why do I have to remember these stupid old guys who’ve been dead for like, a thousand years?” Baji was growing more and more restless as the lesson continued.
You gave a pitiful look, and sighed. “Yeah, it is pretty pointless when you think about it, but,” you grinned, and started a bit of a story time to make the history lesson more enjoyable to sit through. Stringing along stories of these old dead guys of the Edo period as characters (who’s names you repeated often).
Baji seemed to get it, actually. He could follow a good story line.
“So this Nobunagi guy—“ “Nobunaga.” You corrected. “Yeah, whatever, he just decided one day he was gonna just unite japan?”
He was engaging.
Ecstatic, you gave a wide smile and nodded. He was finally retaining something.
After some praise, Baji was content with the work he’d done today. So, when you’d decided to shift your attention back to your own paper so he could do the same, he realized just how tired he was.
The soft strokes of your pencil lead against the smooth paper was like a lullaby lulling him to sleep, as his eyes grew heavier and heavier. Cross armed and head jostled against his left shoulder, Baji Keisuke well asleep in his chair.
You didn’t notice for a while, actually. Not until you heard a soft snore break through the silence of the library. Looking up, you noticed Baji slumped in slumber.
Of corse he was sleepy. You of all people knew this. You were the one keeping him up at night, both with school prep and sentimental thoughts he couldn’t simply swat away.
You let out a soft chuckle before resting your hand on your hand, gazing upon him for a little while.
Longer, you stared. His hair was slicked back, but it was long. You wondered how long, which lead to wondering how he would look if he ditched the nerd cut. He was handsome, from what you could tell. It was a shame he had to hide behind glasses.
You brought up the idea of contacts to him, but he shooed the idea quickly. The curiosity of the subject never peaked your interest like how it was now. Maybe it’s because he looked so vulnerable. While giving a fluttering glance to his lips, you had noticed a very sharp canine. Sure, he smirked and showed off his toothy grin a lot, but you couldn’t help wanting to touch them.
As minutes passed, you finally couldn’t take the curiosity swimming in your head anymore. Gently—very, gently, you shifted closer to Baji, and slowly grazed your fingers against the plastic rim of his glasses. You pulled the ear pieces back very slightly, so as to not disturb the peaceful sleeper.
This was the first time you had seen Baji Keisuke so vulnerable. Even in class, his eyebrows seemed to always pinch together in annoyance, frustration, boredom, almost all the time. His features were soft… decently long eyelashes, smooth skin pulling over his higher cheekbones.
He was more than handsome, Baji was a pretty boy. You blushed softly at this revelation. On second thought, maybe he did need the glasses. Both of your sanity and his lowkey persona.
You leaned in just a little closer. When you looked closely enough, you could see some slight discoloration. Little scapes that healed over many times. Now that you were paying attention, his knuckles were also a little raw. Dry, and darker than the skin on his hand.
You admired how peaceful he looked, subconsciously leaning closer and closer to get a better look at all his features before he could wake. You didn’t even notice how close you were until you felt Baji’s breath softly exhale against your lips.
You almost wanted to kiss him—
But you didn’t have time to let your brain work the information before Baji started to stir. Panic soon rested in, and you dropped the glasses on the table on top of his study paper before pushing your head down to look very interested in the stupid study packet.
Baji let out a deep baritone groan as he began to stretch his limbs, yawning instinctually. Imagine his surprise when he blinks his eyes awake to notice everything crystal clear, no obstruction on his peripheral vision like he was now used to. He too started to panic, noticing the way his glasses were tossed on his paper. They must have fell off, he reasoned, before quickly scooping them up with lightning speed.
Glancing your way, he feels relief that you seemed too focused on your studies to notice his little blunder. Oh right. Studying. That’s why you two were here in the first place.
Baji groaned once he got a look at his paper. Barely even through the first half of the page. He really did not feel like studying. He needed to get out and warm up the stiffness in his muscles. Maybe Toman had some business to take care of he could take on. The thought excited him.
You glanced his direction once again. The displeased look on Baji’s face was very clear. Even if you were to force him to sit and memorize the useless knowledge, you knew he wouldn’t retain it with the headspace he was swirling in. So in an attempt to act casual, you asked,
“I-it’s seven, so we can head out if you want,” you offered, packing your things premature of the answer. “I’ll treat you to a juice or something from the vending machine in the commons.”
Baji wasn’t one to turn down the chance to ditch the school work Or getting a free juice box.
Not having to ask twice, he dumped all his stuff in his bag with no filing system whatsoever.
“Say, where do you go in such a hurry after school?”
Well, he wasn’t expecting that question from you. Wide eyed and panicked, Baji tried thinking up a quick lie. “I visit. The… pet clinic.” He nodded. Somehow you believed it, or acted like you did at least. A wide close mouthed smile made its way on your face at the confession.
“That’s cute. You really care about animals. Volunteer work?”
Baji grumbled under his breath while looking away with a bashful spread. “Whatever. Guess you could call it that.”
If you considered tracking down clues to find the bastards who were responsible for multiple similar cases like Sango, broken legs or pelvic bones, cigarette burns and such; than sure, he was happy to volunteer.
“Oh yeah,” he suddenly remembered. “Sango. Vet said she only had a week left for recovery. Should be dispatched to a shelter nearby sometime after.”
“A shelter?” You asked in a whisper yell voice, eyes akin to saucers. “But-“ you tried to say something, but it died in your throat before anything else could come out. Your face dropped a little, dejected.
“If you wanna keep her, the vet said it wouldn’t be a problem.” He offered you the peace of advice.
Yet, your downcast eyes seemed to lose their usual playful energy.
What the hell?
“I’m not allowed to own a pet.” You said, almost like the sentence was scripted. “Why not?” Baji asked casually. Though he appeared neutral, he could tell something was off. This might be his chance to infiltrate your exterior.
You glanced his way for only a moment, and he could see the gears turning in your head, filtering what you want to say, to what you will say. “My… parents are allergic.”
You were a good person. He knew this the moment he’d met you. And good people can’t lie for shit, through his experience. “Bullshit—-“ Baji caught himself just after the word slipped, snapping his hand over his mouth once he realized.
You looked up at him with confusion written on your face. “I-I mean, sorry, I didn’t mean for that to come off that way.” He shook his head in defeat. “You ain’t a good liar though, y/n.”
Shifting your eyes downcast again, this time you masked your true face behind a giggle. “Can’t say I didn’t try. It’s not important.” You shook your head, and before Baji could interject, you had already recollected yourself and shifted the attention elsewhere.
“Im on dinner duty tonight, so I’ll go ahead first today.” You smiled brightly as you said this. You’d already handed him his promised juice box. But your smile was fake. You were definitely a bad liar.
“If ya say so. Wait up a sec, ‘ll walk you home,” While Baji worded it as a statement, an order almost, you didn’t take it that way.
“No worries! I can manage.”
Again, before he could intervene, you took off at a brisk pace. Damnit.
Keisuke was trying to be patient with you. But it wasn’t in his nature. “The hell’s her problem?” He whispered with a click of his tongue, before throwing all his shit in his bag and jogging to catch up with you.
But even as he scanned the hallways and school grounds like a hawk, you weren’t to be found. Were you really that quick? No way. Regardless, he did have a Toman meeting. So, after some hesitation, he let the unsettling feeling behind at the school.
He couldn’t know that you’d ducked into an empty classroom and were huddled with your knees to your chest as you stared off into nothing.
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loveephia · 2 years ago
*immediately bolted here as soon as i saw my favourite hq writer open these prompts again >:D*
"i cant get over how a few months ago i wanted to learn your name and now youre having breakfast with me in my sweater" + goshiki 🥹🥹🥹 (stay safe and stay hydrated phia love u <333)
#8'S LOVE STORY | goshiki tsutomu
prompt: "i can't get over how a few months ago, i wanted to learn your name, and now you're having breakfast with me in my sweater."
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting fluff, goshiki gushing over you and perhaps getting distracted during practice while thinking about you, you're his upperclassmen (second year), tendō is a wingman and brownie enthusiast, you like baking, quite long.
⚠ warning/s: none.
note: gosh this was so fun to write that it became a one-shot instead of a drabble. i've never gotten a goshiki request so this was a good challenge for me. i really hope that i got him and the rest of shiratorizawa's personalities right! TYSM AND ILY HIKARIII ENJOY READING GIRL!!! :D
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"her name.. what's her name?!" goshiki tsutomu mentally groaned with furrowed brows, peeking out from his classroom door to look at you, his beautiful upperclassmen. you were a responsible girl who did everything at your own pace, hence the clipboard in your hands to check your schedule for the day. if the student council of shiratorizawa accepted second years, you definitely would've at least been the secretary.
goshiki heard your name once from a few of your friends, but he.. just can't remember!
so here he is, irritatedly sipping on his juice box while staring you down. although not on purpose, of course.
"what's up, goshiki! what are we lookin' at?" tendō appears out of nowhere, accidentally spooking the poor wing spiker. goshiki turns his head to look over his shoulder, "huh?! tendō, what are you doing here?! aren't the third year's classrooms all the way on the third floor?"
"what a smart little cookie you are!" tendō ruffled goshiki's hair. "well, y'know how shiratorizawa's annual bake sale is coming up? i'm trying to find y/n because i heard that she's handling the preparations this year. i wanna see if i can get some of her famous two-bite brownies in advance before they sell out again!" tendō hisses at the bitter memory.
tendō can still recall the stinging feeling of how he wasn't able to purchase last year's batch because a volleyball game overlapped on the same day as the sale, so by the time the team got back to shiratorizawa, all of the brownies were gone.
and, hold on..
"y/n!" goshiki rejoices as he was finally able to recollect your name, all thanks to tendō. "yes?" you ask, looking at goshiki with a confused look.
goshiki turns red. "n- nothing!" i forgot that she was in the same hallway!
something in tendō sparks, and he suddenly has the urge to help his underclassmen's love life. he can bring up the brownie topic with you later..
"hey, n/n! what do you think of our up-and-coming ace here? ain't he a real firecracker?" tendō suddenly compliments goshiki, even wrapping his long arm around the young boy's shoulder. goshiki widens his eyes, already wanting to hear more. "hm? oh, i haven't seen him play yet," and just like that, goshiki's ego has been cracked and bruised.
"but i'd love to be invited to the next game if that's okay with you, goshiki." you smile a pearly one at him, and goshiki's mood is turned right back around. "yes! please come, y/n! i won't disappoint you!" he exclaims.
you giggled it off and soon excuse yourself from the two.
"what a cute boy!" you thought with a faint blush on your cheeks.
goshiki looks at tendō, utterly speechless to the core, while the middle blocker only dusts his hands off as if he's just finished some heavy labor. "what can i say! i may not be the first to get married from our team, but i can be a good matchmaker!"
goshiki has never had more respect for tendō than he has right now.
time skip.
"oi! stop standing around like that, number eight! you look like a lost kid at the mall!" coach washijo scolded goshiki, who flinched. i was spacing out again! "s- sorry, coach!"
reon comes up to tendō and shirabu, "what's up with him?" he asks. shirabu sighs, "i don't know. but if he continues to do this, then he'll just drag the whole team down."
"oh, poor little shirabu! i can tell you what's going on in goshiki's head," tendō says, "our future ace has a crush on the sweet and classy y/n!"
"that doesn't matter. can't he just leave his personal feelings out of practice? prelims are around the corner, after all." shirabu stated factually. "it's not like you're capable enough to have crushes anyway, so the least you could do is cut goshiki some slack." semi poked fun at shirabu, as the older setter just so happened to overhear the conversation from a few feet away.
"what did you say?" a visible vein forms on shirabu's forehead.
tendō turns to reon while shirabu and semi bicker, "anyway, the kid is all worried about the upcoming game because y/n is coming to see him play for the first time." tendō whispers. "you think he'll be alright?"
reon looks at goshiki, who's physically trembling. there's even a gloomy aura around him practically screaming, "don't screw this up, don't screw this up, don't screw this up."
just in good timing, ushijima places his palm on goshiki's shoulder. "rest, goshiki. you need to be in good shape to practice." he states. "yeah, exactly! aren't you gonna be ushiwaka's successor? what'll y/n think when she sees you all shaken up on the court!" tendō exclaims.
ushiwaka's.. successor.. y/n..
goshiki's aura quickly shifts into one of fiery determination, ready to take on anything and everything. "you're right, tendō! i'll do my best!"
"it's really easy to get this kid going, huh.." the team thought simultaneously, sweat dropping in the process.
time skip.
it's the day of the prelims, and shiratorizawa was up against ohgiminami high. they're not a powerhouse that goshiki was familiar of, but then again, they're not be underestimated.
the starting line-ups are on court, and there goshiki was standing, being the only first year. that was something you noticed from the stands.
"he must be really talented to have been able to get that far.. i heard that coach washijo is tough on the volleyball club too." you thought.
the coin is flipped and shiratorizawa ends up serving first. ushijima hits the ball and there we go, a service ace. you're impressed to have seen the ball fly by that fast, but then again, it's ushijima. "if i tried receiving that, my arms would fall right off.."
goshiki sees your amused face from the stands, and he huffs. "wait until you see me score a point, y/n!"
a few rounds later, and the rotation is in goshiki's favor. he's up front. he can do a line shot, a move that he specializes in.
"make it a good one, goshiki!" tendō encourages the boy as shirabu sets the ball cleanly toward goshiki. even though he has two blockers against him, he was still able to make a beautiful line shot that granted shiratorizawa another point.
"what was that?!" you were shocked, to say the least. "tendō wasn't kidding when he said he'd be the up-and-coming ace.." you quietly mutter, referring to goshiki.
you watched the way that goshiki shortly celebrated on the court with each of his teammates giving him some heavy pats on the back. the moment was adorable.
goshiki looked up to see you smiling fondly at him. you send him a wave, and he shoots back a smile full of pride; a smile that says, "look at me, y/n! aren't i amazing?"
and only if you knew what it conveyed, you would've replied with a, "yes, goshiki. very."
time skip.
you yawn, clearly drowsy from the lack of sleep. on the table in front of you, was a nice breakfast whipped up by shiratorizawa's patient cooks; one omurice, a small bowl of grapes, and a cup of milk. but besides what was on the table, was what was across from you; goshiki tsutomu, your boyfriend.
it was a cold morning in japan, for spring had finally started. so here you are, all bundled up in goshiki's volleyball jersey.
he's seen smiling at you, and you tilt your head. "what's on your mind, tomu?"
"nothing, it's just.. i can't really get over how a few months ago, i wanted to learn your name, and now you're having breakfast with me in my jersey." goshiki says, "honestly, if it weren't for tendō, i probably wouldn't even be with you right now."
you perk a brow. goshiki panics, "d- don't tell him i said that though!"
"i wouldn't give tendō all the credit, really," you started, "i actually had already taken an interest in you when you were looking at me in the first year's hallway. it was only a matter of time until i'd have mustered enough courage to talk to you myself." you admitted.
is this what a heart attack feels like, because goshiki can feel his chest swelling in both love and pride.
this was a happy ending not only for the two of you, but for tendō too, since he was able to buy all of the two-bite brownies he needed.
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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illfoandillfie · 2 months ago
Baby, It's Alright
Future Management Series
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Reader
Words: 2,669
Warnings: a bit angsty but also fluffy, references to sex, hypnosis, intellience play/bimboification but nothing explicit on page, robbery
A/N: So a while ago I got a comment suggesting a potentially angsty storyline revolving around a sex tape. Initially I plotted out something much longer (i think it was a 3 chapter storyline from the sex tape to the problem to the solution) and much much angstier lmao. But, in deciding what I felt like writing I re-read the outline and decided to squish it together and get rid of a big part and honestly I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
Also, the idea for anchoring came from, I think, an episode of the Two Hyp Chicks podcast called "Anchoring and Pavlovian Conditioning".
Title taken from a song by Roger's side project The Cross.
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Taglist: @labessieisallama@deakyclicks@jennyggggrrr @drowseoftaylor@i-cant-hangout-im-drumming@queenmylovely@ilovequeenmorethanyou@johndeaconshands@borhapbois@stardust-galaxies@cherries-n-rocknroll@rogersslave@scorpiogemini
Watching yourself and Roger have sex was a strange experience. Not a bad experience, but definitely odd. It was weird to see yourselves on film so it took a few minutes to adjust to that, but once you were more comfortable with it you had to admit it was kind of hot too. It was especially strange for you because you’d never seen your hypnotised self. You knew what you were like when you were in one of Roger’s trances because you could remember things after he’d snapped you out of it, and you knew what Roger looked like when he was tranced, but those were very different to seeing yourself.
You’d fucked after the video had finished, more than a little turned on by seeing yourself as his dumb little toy. But then, after Roger had gone to bed, you’d rewound the tape and watched certain sections again. The moment you dropped was entrancing. The visible change in your body – the way you held yourself, the way your posture shifted. And Roger in that moment, you wished you could see him a little more clearly than you could. He was so patient, keeping you focused on him even when you were visibly distracted by the camera. And he made it seem so easy. A few key phrases, a few trigger words. That was all he needed to be able to control you, to unlock you. And then suddenly you were giggling and begging for his cock.
Before you’d put the tape on you’d worried that watching it would make you feel bad about filming yourselves in the first place. That it would be awkward and embarrassing and that seeing yourself in such a state would make you enjoy it less. But, thankfully, it had the opposite effect. Seeing yourself, seeing how well Roger treated you and how happy you were during the hypnosis, made you feel good about making the tape. Not only was it educational, seeing yourself in such a new way, but it was also just really nice to have some physical evidence of how much you enjoyed exploring hypnosis with Roger. But after that you weren’t really sure what to do with the tape. You had no intention of destroying it but you also didn’t plan to watch it repeatedly. Should you put it near the TV? Should you shut it away in the same drawer as your sex toys and lube? Should you just leave the tape in the camera for now? Roger didn’t seem to have any idea either but he suggested putting it up on a higher shelf in case Brian or Deaky brought their kids over one day, and somewhere where less people were likely to snoop around. So it ended up being placed in a decorative sewing box of assorted bits and bobs that sat on the shelves in the study. And there it stayed, for months.  
When it was eventually brought out of the box again, it was not under the best circumstances. You and Roger had been out to dinner. A bit of a date night, just for fun. It had been lovely getting dressed up and eating at somewhere a little bit posh, and you had intended on leading Roger to the bedroom once you got home. But instead you entered the living room to find a mess of broken glass and strewn about belongings that made your heart stop. The police were called, the house and yard were searched for any sign of whoever had broken in, but eventually you and Roger were left to tidy up and catalogue everything that had gone missing. It was all expensive stuff that had been taken – a couple of Roger’s guitars, some of the jewellery he’d bought you, the television, and the video camera. It was the last that made you panic most. Jewellery and TVs could be replaced, but you couldn’t quite remember whether the tape you’d made had been in the camera still. Your chest tightened at the thought of some unknown criminal having it, whether or not they knew what it was. Thankfully, when you asked Roger, he reminded you about putting it somewhere safer.  “Remember love? It’s in the sewing box.” 
You hurried to the bookshelf to double check. The robbers had made quite a mess of the house, emptying drawers onto floors, pulling books off shelves. You needed to be certain they hadn’t snagged the box too. But on that front you could breathe a sigh of relief. The box was open but the tape was still there, so you could only assume someone had looked inside and judged the assorted items a waste of time before moving onto more interesting things. You dug the tape out and squeezed it in your fist, the way it dug into your palm a comfort.  
“We have to find somewhere safe to keep this. Like really, really safe.”  “No one’s going to want a random tape when there are obviously expensive things around, love.”  “But what if they knew you lived here and decided to pocket it on the chance it was an exclusive Queen thing? Or just because they were curious?”  “Calm down, honey,” Roger said placing his arms on your shoulders and rubbing them gently, “I know this has been a shock, but it’s okay.”  “I’m not in shock Roger." you said, deliberately keeping your voice steady, "I just want to make sure our sex tape can’t find its way into the public. I don’t want there to be any risk that this will be picked up by the wrong person or find its way into a pile of donations or anything else. Imagine if it’d been in the camera still. Maybe the guy who took it wouldn’t have looked at it but maybe the guy he sold the camera too would. And maybe he’d show it to some other guys he knows. And maybe one of them realises the fucking drummer from Queen is in it and decides to sell it since it’s now worth something. I don’t care about anything they actually took, we can replace that stuff. But if this got out into the world, it would be impossible to get back. I mean can you imagine what people would say if the video got out?” 
Roger was looking suitably pale now, “It’d be a bloodbath.”  You nodded, “They wouldn’t have the context to understand. All they’d see is you controlling me.”  “Fuck, you’re right. They’d have a field day with it. There’d be so many horrible comments."  “And that’s not even mentioning our work. Those satanic panic dick heads would love it. A rock star using magic to force a woman into sex.”  Roger snorted but he still looked shaken.  “And I spend so much time talking to important people, mostly men, practically begging them to donate resources. How could I do that if they’d seen the tape? I doubt any of them would take me seriously after seeing it.”  “And what if they decided to try something on you? What if they picked up on any of our triggers?”  That thought hadn’t even crossed your mind. You’d been so concerned with the way the media would react you’d barely considered what it might teach the everyday scumbag. For a moment you stood in horrified speechlessness but once you’d thought about it a little, you were less worried. Roger was still clearly a little panicked at the idea though, so you hoped you sounded reassuring as you said, “That wouldn’t work though. I mean, we were careful when we started doing this properly. The way we’ve set up triggers isn’t just about the words that get said, it’s the touch as well. And you’re voice Rog. Even if someone did try something, I doubt it would have any effect. I’m not going to let them just play with my hair or anything. And it’s not an immediate effect anyway. It takes time to fully talk me into a trance, especially if I’m not prepared for it or don’t want it.”  Roger let out a breath, “Yeah, no, true. Sorry. Just the idea of anyone trying to hurt you makes me...” He couldn’t even think of a strong enough word, making a guttural sound as he clenched his fists.   “I know honey,” you drew him into a hug, his nose pressed into the crook of your neck, as you rubbed his back until you felt him relax. 
When both of you had calmed a little from the momentary panic, Roger asked what you wanted to do with the tape, “Destroy it? Hide it?”  “I know the safest option would be to destroy it but, I don’t really want to do that. I liked seeing myself like that and I want to be able to see it again, y’know.”  “If you’d said to destroy it I would have been totally on board but I’m kind of glad you don’t want to. We look hot on that tape and I definitely plan to watch it again.”  You laughed, “Okay so where do we put it then?”  “Maybe I should get a safe installed?”  “I’ve heard that things in safes are more likely to be stolen because it’s such an obvious target. But I s’pose if you got one that was really hard to break into it’d be fine.” 
Roger hummed in thought, “It needs to be somewhere no one would think to look, either innocently or with the intention to rob us. How about on top of the fridge?”  “What?”  “Well, we’ve got all those recipe books and magazines stacked up there so no one can see behind them. It’s not likely anyone other than us would get up there. Even if someone was borrowing a book from us, we’d get it down to give to them. We could put it in a Tupperware box too, so it wouldn’t get dusty. And if, long shot, we got broken into again before we’d sorted out some sort of extra security for the house, who’s going to look in the kitchen for valuables? If they did, they’d see the Mixmaster first and take it.”  “I don’t love it as a long term solution but it’s a good temporary spot until we can work out something better.” You laughed, more out of relief than amusement, slipping your arms around Roger’s neck and tugging him in for a kiss, “Thank you.” 
You’d thought that was the end of things. Especially after Roger had organised some extra security precautions for the house, and you’d settled on the final hiding place for the video. You felt safe again. There was no need to be anxious about what might happen if someone found out about your hypnosis because the chance of anyone finding out was so slim. Occasionally you’d feel a little spike of worry, if you thought about it for too long, but mostly you could ignore it. But it hadn’t been quite so easy for Roger to shake. He didn’t mention it or let on until one evening, months after you’d first been robbed when he greeted you with a kiss as soon as you arrived home after work and told you he had a surprise. You were excited and curious, letting Roger lead you to the bedroom.  “So what is it?” You asked when he stopped and turned around, just looking at you for a moment.   “Umm, well, maybe I should explain first.”  “Roger? Is everything okay?” You tried to keep from sounding too worried though his behaviour was definitely uncharacteristic enough to have you a little anxious.   “Yes, I think so. Or it will be, I hope.”  You just nodded at him to continue, unsure you wanted to hear what he was about to say.  
He thought for a moment, frowning a little as he decided where to begin, “You remember that conversation we had just after we were robbed? Y’know, we talked about how we had to hide our tape in case someone found it by accident and the ramifications of that happening.”  “Of course I remember. Rog, has something happened to the tape?”  “Oh, god love no, nothing like that.”  You were beyond relieved but still concerned at what he was going to say instead.   “No, it just got me thinking. Umm, worrying is maybe a better word. The idea of someone figuring out our triggers and using them, or at least trying to use them...I...I don’t want you to ever have to worry about something like that happening. And I know it’s not likely. No one is going to see the tape, and if they did our triggers are hard to mimic. But I want to be sure. So for the last couple of months I’ve been doing some research and I think I have a way to make the triggers even more specific to us.”  You didn’t quite know what to say at first. Between the relief that it wasn’t anything bad and the wave of absolute adoration that hit you at the lengths Roger would take to keep you safe. All you could manage was a soft, “You have?” 
“Yeah, umm, hang on,” Roger held up a finger and then moved towards the closet, digging around through some of his clothes. When he turned back to you he was holding a familiar little box.   “Jewellery? Is this just to replace something that was taken or is it relevant to your idea?”  Roger laughed softly as he opened the box, “Bit of both.” Inside was a gorgeous black velvet choker with a pink gemstone set in a silver charm dangling from the front.  “I think there’s a way for me to lock a suggestion to the collar. Turn it into an anchor of sorts. It’s kind of related to Pavlovian Conditioning, only that's like an involuntary, reflexive response learnt over time and what I would do is more intentional.”  “So how would it work?”  “Well, I’d get you to wear the choker and then put you into a trance like normal and then I’d be able to implant suggestions so that you associated the choker, the sensation of wearing it, with particular feelings. I could make it so you feel horny when you have it on, and closer to that bimbo state. It wouldn’t be like you put it on and you’re instantly dumb, but the sensation of the choker would put that suggestion in your head and then work in conjunction with our regular touch based triggers to help you get to being dumb easily, if that makes sense. But also, wearing it would provide a very clear distinction between when you’re under and when you’re not. You could initiate a scene easier because you can put the choker on yourself or ask me to put it on for you. The flip side being, it also becomes clear when you don’t want to play bimbo. And whilst trigger words may be easy to copy, it would be virtually impossible for someone to force you to wear the choker. We also don’t have to use a choker, if you’d prefer something else we can change object. It could be a ring or a specific item of clothing, as long as it’s got a recognisable sensation to it.  “You meant it when you said you’d been thinking about this.”  “Well, yeah.” Roger laughed softly, “You said you were uncomfortable. And I know what our hypno play means to you, being able to escape and unwind in that way. I don’t want you to ever worry about someone using it against you. I don’t want to worry about that either.”  You drew Roger into a deep kiss, pressing yourself firmly against him, trying to show him how much you loved him.   “So is that a yes?” He asked, a little breathless, when you finally let him go.  “Yeah, let's try it. Maybe tonight?” 
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