#i got overboard ngl
mirroredgiraffe · 4 months
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panel redraws to practice half tones and other art things but really it's an excuse to draw chilchuck
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chrisbangz · 9 months
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RULES: give your 2023 music review by showing your fave boy group, fave girl group, fave soloists, fave debut and most played song of the year, then tag some friends to do theirs!
tagged by: @agibbangs @chanrizard @noonaracha @woodziecup and @yang-innie ♡
enhypen ✦ orange blood (album) / fav song: orange flower (you complete me)
txt ✦ blue spring
nct dream ✦ istj
le sserafim ✦ eve, psyche & the bluebeard’s wife (alt pick)
aespa ✦ better things and welcome to my world
giuk ✦ scratch (alt pick)
young k ✦ natural
chuu ✦ aliens
nct dojaejung ✦ kiss and strawberry sunday
ampers&one ✦ on and on
tagging: @christakisbang @faunandfloraas @insoeng @juiceofmoons and @strayklds ♡
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mrsparrasblog · 6 months
Makarov x Price Daughter pt.5
Ngl I was sobbing when I wrote it, when you come to the price part listen to "Slipping through my fingers" will make it better.
Im unsure about if we want a Price or Makarov ending, because the next chapter will be the last.
Previous part. next part
You were surprised by how much freedom you had since you accepted his proposal. You could walk around Russia, of course, with your guards because you knew how dangerous life could be, especially without Vlad, who always protected you.
You even found friends Vlad introduced you to Milena, and you always had a blast. She was funny and confident, and you liked that.
Today, you were shopping for a wedding dress, and Vlad gave you his card. You knew nothing was off-limits; you were well off. You didn’t know much, just that he was filthy rich. When people saw you walking in, knowing you were the future Mrs. Makarov, they literally bowed. The press called you the princess of Russia, and you felt like one. You picked out the dress of your dreams without going overboard, but you looked stunning. You asked the tailor to make it adjustable. By the rate you and Vlad had sex since the engagement, you wouldn’t wonder if you were already pregnant.
Sometimes you forget about all the circumstances you met. Maybe it was biology protecting you, or maybe your big heart thinking about how no one in your life ever treated you better than him. Did anyone even miss you from your old life? Certainly not, or your Dad would have at least found you. He was a special ops captain, so if he wanted to, he would.
“Моя жена, why are you crying? We will be wed tomorrow; you should be happy,” he asked. He slowly got used to your overly sensitive character; of course, he saw you as a weak dear, but that made the appeal. In his position, having a wife was a luxury; having a soft, innocent wife was like a status symbol to him. Other people in his position kept their private lives hidden. But he was Vladimir Makarov. He didn’t have to fear anything; he could show you around everywhere like a prize, and his enemies wouldn’t even dare to cross him.
“Just sad that Dad won't walk me down the aisle,” you admitted.
You missed your Dad; you always would, even if he was a shitty dad. He was all you had for years until Vlad changed everything for you. Now, he was all you needed and depended on. Even if you would want to leave, you knew you can’t. You were too well-known here; all your money belonged to him. God, his name was tattooed on your soft skin, a claim he wanted to give you before marrying you.
“I invited him, моя жена,” you couldn’t believe him; he invited your Dad, he really did it.
“You did?”
“Everything for you, princess.”
You crunched over the toilet seat a few hours before your wedding, holding the stick close that could determine your whole life. In these moments, you missed your best friend or someone you could talk to. You loved Vlad with all your heart; you really did. After everything he did for you, how couldn’t you? It was needed. But still, sometimes, a small, faint little voice in your head screamed at you, telling you he kidnapped you. But he saved you from a miserable life, didn’t he?
You peed on that damn stick, waiting for the results to finally show. Should you be happy, sad, or what? The result didn’t surprise you, though. It would be okay; you knew it would be coming, and you loved kids, right?
Your bridesmaids helped you with the wedding dress, hair, and makeup, and you were prepared now to walk down the aisle, unfortunately without your father bringing you to the supposed love of your life. The church was decorated luxuriously with all the flowers you could only imagine, and you walked towards the men who looked at you like you were the only woman on earth, suddenly, your doubts went silent as you almost ran towards him at the altar.
“Today I can finally call you Mrs. Makarov,” he whispered in your ear.
“You call me your wife for a year.”
“But now it's real,” he smiled at you, kissing your forehead, and the ceremony started. You were happy about your Russian teacher so you understood everything. You were surprised that he prepared his own vows; you thought it would be the fast “I promise to be with you through sickness and health” to not appear vulnerable, but he did it for you, showing you it was real. The man unable to love—loved you.
“My Princess,
As I stand here today, I cannot help but laugh at the twists of fate that have brought us together. In a life marked by shadows and violence, you emerged as a beacon of light—a flicker of hope in a world tainted by darkness.
Lying, cheating, and betraying were never hard for me and never will be. I could promise you to change, be the man you deserve, and be a good man who will never lie to you or hurt anyone else. But I've decided to not lie to you today or any day in my life.
I make no promises of transformation, for I am who I am, a man stained by the choices I've made. But in you, I've found something worth protecting, worth fighting for. You, with your unwavering faith in me, have softened the edges of my hardened soul. Your love has shown me glimpses of a life beyond the one I've known—a life filled with love, laughter, and the simple joys I never dared to dream of or never even knew could be possible for a man like me.
I may not change for you, my love, but I vow to stand by your side, to shield you from the consequences of my actions, to love you fiercely in the only way I know how.
I promise to never let anything happen to you, to protect you from my enemies. I promise you that I will burn the whole world down for you without a second of hesitation. I promise to kill for you, fight for you, and cherish you.
I promise to never look at another woman the way I look at you. Then, in a world where I am defined by my sins, you see beyond the labels, beyond the façade, beyond the money, the power, to the flawed man beneath. You fell in love with Vladimir and not Vladimir Makarov. And for that, I am eternally grateful.
With every beat of my heart, I choose you. And I promise you, if death takes us apart, I'll pull your hand and bring you back from the death and find you in every other life. For better or for worse, in this life and the next, you are mine, and I am yours.“
You almost cried. You thought about a lot of things, but not this kind of vows. It was almost vulnerable if you forgot the killing part, and the longer you looked at his beautiful eyes, you almost forgot the way you got to know him or that your dad, your best friend, and no one you really knew was here. Did it really matter? If he is here, you are safe and cherished. Now it was time for your vows.
“Vlad—sorry for the sobbing,” you laughed, removing the tears before you continued your vows.
“When we first met, I didn’t know who you were. You were just Vlad to me, and this was the man I fell in love with—the man who taunted me for my mint chocolate chip ice cream.
The circumstances we became a couple were odd, but I'm a long time away from despising you. You gave me the safety, guidance, and attention I longed for my whole life. It was like you slowly found your way into a missing piece of my heart, and I know loving you isn’t easy. Exactly like loving me will be hard, but I promise to always support you, cherish you, and never judge you for a day in my life.
I promise to accept you the way you are and never make you doubt my love for you.”
You kissed, and the wedding was final; you were Mrs. Makarov now, with a child in your womb he didn’t even know of. Of course, you knew he would be more than happy about this; it's what he wanted. He carried you out of the church with ease where you got to eat bread with salt, a Russian wedding tradition you never heard of.
When you thought the church looked posh, you were even more surprised about the reception. Every guest was clothed fine with tuxedos and high-fashion dresses. The guests were mostly influential people from around the world. You knew Vlad loved you, but you also couldn’t deny the political effect your wedding had. Vlad wanted even more than what he already had; he thought about getting a lead political role in Russia, operating not only from the background but from the front, and the way you charmed your way into the hearts of the Russian citizens was perfect for his plan. Everyone loved you, how nice and down to earth you were, the 10,000 photoshoots with orphans and rescued dogs helped him, and you were such a good wife helping him to reach his goals. But he didn’t talk about his goals with you, telling you to not worry your pretty head about it.
The ceiling was with opulent Chandelier; everywhere were your favorite kind of flowers. A huge buffet filled with caviar, lobster, truffle, and every delicacy you knew and everything you could dream of was there. It was like a wedding out of a Disney movie, just with a champagne tower. „Don periogn,“ the waiter said as he gave you a glass, which you declined; alcohol wasn’t in for you right now.
Your husband greeted the guests and then clung his glass of champagne to your orange juice, his head moved to your pulsing neck, and his breath ran hot, making your hair go up. „Congratulations Mrs. Makarov, I hope it will be a boy,“ he whispered in your ear, his hand slowly trailing down to the barely noticeable bump on your belly where his heir would grow.
„How do you know?“
„Your breasts are bigger, you are more moody, and you drink orange juice on your own wedding,“ he said, looking at you as if you were dumb for even questioning his deduction skills.
You started your wedding dance, and it went smoothly and romantically; how couldn’t it after all the dancing lessons you two had? You even had a bit of etiquette lessons with Milena, which were honestly fun. While one part of your brain screamed for you to wake up, telling you this isn’t the dream you thought of, more of a nightmare, the other part of your brain enjoyed this, how much power you had, how Vlad treated you, and how you were the center of attention right now. The press loved you; everyone loved you, everyone just not your Dad, you thought.
“Captain, why do we have tuxedos on?” Kyle complained outside of the big building that had more security than the NATO meetings.
“We can’t just storm in with gear, sneaky, we have an invitation,” they walked in, making them confused about how easy that was; maybe it was a trap from Makarov, but Price didn’t care as long as he had you back.
When they walked inside the wedding, they saw your wedding dress, how you were wrapped in Vlad's arm like a priceless possession, and how happy you looked.
“Aye, didn’t tell us your daughter was such a looker, Cap,” Soap commented, not able to keep his eyes from your beautiful frame, earning a punch from Ghost for his unprofessional behavior. Your dad was too deep in his thoughts to acknowledge Soap's banter.
He looked at you, realizing how he missed your wedding. He didn’t care about the circumstances anymore; he wasn’t Captain Price anymore; he was the man you called Dad so many times. He never got the chance to walk you down the aisle, how he intended to; he never helped you pick out the dress of your dreams, telling a man he would kill them if they touched you; he missed all of it. And if he was true to himself, he missed even more by his behavior towards you. Of course, he was young when he got you, but he never will experience your graduation that he missed, never saw you dancing Clara in the Nutcracker in your pink tutu.
He got only pulled deeper into his feelings the longer he watched you swirl around; this was it; he could kill Makarov, but it didn’t change the fact that you aren’t his little girl anymore. You will never ask him to look under your bed for monsters; you will never run to his bed again, snuggling his hairy body after a nightmare; you will never hold his hand while you get a shot; you won’t even live in the same apartment anymore. You were leaving him, and for the first time in his life, he didn’t care about appearing strong anymore, and his tears fell down, admiring you, the girl he would do anything for, his little girl all grown up. And for once, he didn’t have a plan on how to save you, or how to approach this situation, he just watched and cried.
Tag list: @multifand0midi07 , @whos-fran , @cassiecasluciluce , @the-faceless-bride , @paintlavillered
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gaoau · 3 months
i've been thinking a lot about Suo and i need it to stop, so i wanna analyse him a little bit and say things into the void. normally i like to psychoanalyse characters in fics but i've seen that side of the fandom and i do NOT wanna go there, so i'm saving myself by pulling the same thing i did with Nanao ig.
disclaimer: this isn't necessarily a theory about his backstory as much as it is what i personally wanna see happen. see, if i were writing him, i'd do very specific things that could go in various directions, but since i am not, unfortunately, writing him and he's not my character to fuck with, all i can do is yap. which, also, probably won't be very eloquent.
manga spoilers for literally the whole manga up to date btw.
i don't think we won't be getting a backstory on him, to be honest. with a character like him, yeah, the mystery is part of the charm, and having this much anticipation can suck ass if once the secret gets revealed, it doesn't stick the landing. but i doubt Nii Satoru doesn't have something planned for him. why would bro be leaving Suo's room illustration out of the fanbook if there wasn't something there to talk about? what is in his room to talk about? but that's not what this is about.
anyway i'm gonna be so fr Suo's built like a dog. he's clearly full of shit, and yknow, that's fine, good for him, but there are things that are so painfully obvious he's just straight up lying about. after his fight with Kanuma, which is deadass the first time we see him fight, he says he "doesn't usually get so emotional," which ?? shut the fuck up? that's not true.
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i know a liar when i see one. we've seen him fight five times? six if i wanna be generous; in three of those he got crazy emotional (Kanuma, keel, and Endo), and just a tiny bit miffed with the gymnast guy idr his name fuck that freak. which, listen, to be fair, if someone touched a single hair on Nirei's head in front of me, real me too i'd kill a guy. but look me in the eye lil bro don't lie to me. real talk, though, he was more than ready to kill the keel dude, and was going to. he wanted to. he was shaking while Sakura held him back, don't play with me. he wasn't gonna stop just cause someone was interjecting.
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bro was itching to kill, side-eyeing Sakura, spitting snark cause how's the hot-headed mf who jumps head-first into a brawl without a second thought staying more rational than him, the rational one? Sakura's talking to him the same way i talk to my dog after she tries to kill my cat. i'm ngl my dog has better self-restraint than this kid. he also just straight up xd's his way out of it? like "oh whoopsies! mb gang! i was just feeling silly goofy! 🤪" like he forgets he's not supposed to glare at people with murder in his eyes.
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speaking of murder! this is where i want him to have killed someone before Bofurin. he's, like, 15? so there's not much time to work with, but the same way Kaji was going feral at idk 8 years old, i can see a world in which Suo actually went overboard when he was a younger kid. (i'm not saying this is what things are pointing at, but i want this to be the case. i would do this myself.)
he is emotional, i don't think that's up for debate. i understand why he gets so emotional and i do think it's very noble and cool and swag of him, that's a good person, somewhat, he cares about his friends and it pisses him off when they get hurt. i fuck with that. that's great, get him an ice cream (if he even eats fucking weirdo). but why are we acting like "i am chill ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ" when, clearly, that's not true?
here's where his teacher comes in. for how much grief i'm giving him, i don't think he's all lies at all. i don't think him liking Nirei and Sakura enough to not only speak highly of them, but also fuck a guy up for them, is a lie. i think he is as kind as Umemiya describes him to be, cause honestly, if Umemiya says someone is kind, then they probably are.
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i don't think this is necessarily fake as much as i think it's borrowed. it's learned behaviour. it's teachings passed down to him by his teacher. it's discipline. it's not something that comes naturally to him, but it is something a person he respects and looks up to taught him, so he tries to live by it. he's very clearly been disciplined, probably got beaten into the ground by his teacher, got his ass handed to him again and again and again until he sharpened his reflexes and learned how to control himself in a fight.
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he talks a lot about adulthood, talks a lot about maturing, talks a lot about self-control and whatnot. which, by the way, this is a child? lil bro you're fifteen go play on your switch idk. but i'd like to think this comes from someone telling him, "hey, what you did was not okay. you have a lot of strength and you're not an animal. use it wisely so you can one day grow into a proper adult." solely cause i want him to have killed someone. that's all i want.
i think it would make sense, really. how funny would it be if he was living similarly to Sakura? i've seen people headcanon him as a rich kid, but he lies a lot, and i wouldn't put it past him to be living in a sad, lonely one-room apartment. there's a billion ways things could be done with him. maybe his parents didn't care to try disciplining him, maybe he grew up with no parents at all. he has a short fuse, that's easy to tell, even if he acts like he's got everything under control. it's a very Suzuri type of situation, so maybe it's not the direction Nii Satoru is gonna take things, but one can dream.
as for the eyepatch, i haven't really thought much about it. the way i see things, he's gotta come from a neglectful background, so losing an eye would make sense. or maybe he did it himself, i'd love to see that (i would do that with a character like this if he was mine). if his eye is even missing at all, cause all things considered, it might be sort of just a way to give himself a handicap to remind himself not to go overboard.
which, circling back to the self-restraint thing, i like to think that's the reason he doesn't really use much excessive force. not to say he doesn't kick and punch, cause lil bro packs a mean punch, but he doesn't gravitate to hitting people. he's usually using his opponent's weight and momentum against them, which is why i was decently surprised when i saw him grab the keel dude and wind back to bash his face in. he's not violent, until he lets go of what little self-restraint he has, and then he is. it's values and principles that come from someone else telling him how to behave, except he still struggles to hold himself back.
to put it in simple terms, if he were my character, this is what i would do. i'd have him kill someone by going overboard as a kid, have him be taken in by this teacher, have him disciplined and clean his act up by beating his ass, and then have him parrot all these teachings at people he meets later. cause that's essentially what he's doing, he's just repeating things someone else told him. what does bro know about being an adult he doesn't even pay taxes go do your trig homework. but he tries, and you can tell he's trying, even if it doesn't come natural, he cares about his friends and he cares about becoming a better person, he's just a little too quick to snap.
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you know what i mean? he cares about Nirei in particular, he loves Nirei, he tries to learn from Nirei. (guys i love Nirei i wont shut the fuck up). but fr, he's got that Nanao complex where he instigates things or sets things into motion and doesn't quite participate. he watches from the back, for better or for worse, but he doesn't necessarily involve himself in things. he keeps a distance. he feels like the other side to Sakura's coin sometimes, learning about people and how warm they actually are. he's all prim and proper and nonchalant, but he recognises he's no match for Sakura and maybe even Nirei. after all, it's always Nirei the one grabbing both of them by the arm and dragging them places.
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he talks so big and maturely about not meddling too much with people who can't quite handle friendship yet, and then goes "!" when Nirei tells him "? fuck are you talking about? that's the more reason to teach Sakura about friendship." it's the look on his face after Nirei, despite Suo's long-winded and logical argument, goes to Kotoha and insists they help Sakura anyway. he's learning from Nirei too. also Nirei's crazy endearing so real me too but that's beside the point.
i don't think these parts of him are fake, but they might just be artificial. he's still integrating them into his own person and making them his, but he still slips here and there. he's not quite there yet. i hope he killed someone when he was 8yo. that's all thank you for reading thumbsup
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went a little overboard with making a color guide to my Hierophant tarot stained glass style embroidery pattern and then got distracted playing with glass textures oops. i'm havin Fun... i kinda wanna get this as a sticker ngl
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aachria · 28 days
Coin being a whore was everything i ever wanted to read ever. I love that i can see a drunk roger crying curled up in a corner for three hours w his head on rayleigh's lap going "Coin is so so so sooo meaaan to meeeaaaaahhhh" while ray pats his head like "mhm im sure he is" while staring blankly at coin 😭
Ah yes the choice to go home that i just know ed wont take once they find the one piece
God i love the roger pirates shenanigans
THE DREAMS ARE JST FOR TRANSMIGRATORS AND I LOVE THEM its giving the svsss system ngl woth the "i tried to change something and fell in a trauma for a whole week after it" thing
Actually very excited for if you ever make some roger crew one shots w coin
Hancock! Yippee!!
Coin is my favourite slut of an old man. Roger absolutely threw his shoe at Coin when he tried to comfort him about not giving him the tattoo. It went overboard and they had to fish it up.
Ed's got so few reasons to want to go home there's gotta be something suspicious going on with that choice. There's gotta.
God it's been ages since I read svsss but they really do got that same 'yeah you have free will but you don't have Free Will when it comes to Plot just fucking cope buddy' energy.
I am ABSOLUTELY doing at least SOMETHING with those fucking morons, literally how can I not.
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kawaiichibiart · 7 months
More of my favorite "Zuko Joins the Gaang Early" tropes:
There's always a chance he'll get second hand embarrassment when Katara pretends to be an earthbender so she can get arrested (okay this one isn't really a trope, it's more of a desire)
The 50/50 chance he's the one Jet carries up to the Freedom Fighters' hideout
Animals like him
Finds out Roku is his great grandfather earlier
He and Yue are besties (or in some cases, spiritual siblings)
He was probably kidnapped, ngl
Ranaway and got adopted by someone (usually by either Hakoda's family or by Bato)
Was banished but rather than be sent to find the avatar, he was thrown overboard (either literally or placed into a boat that got lowered into the water with nothing but him and maybe a note in it) and got rescued and adopted (again either Hakoda's family or Bato usually)
↓ Time travel bullshit
Spiritual bullshit
↑ Zuko can join the Gaang early but something has to happen to him (turned into a dragon, turned into a child, memory loss... take your pick) bullshit
Soulmates AU (I like the romantic ones but the platonic ones are my favorite)
The fight in the catacombs still happens the same, it was just planned that way so Zuko could be a spy on the inside (I think I saw this like once and I regret not remembering the name or where I read the fic, so this is also more of a desire)
Dragon boy (either literally, he is a dragon, or metaphorically (probably not using that correctly but whatever), he acts like a dragon (chances he got raised by one))
Fuck this, let's be pirates
Fuck this, let's sell tea
Fuck this, I'm going to be the Firelord, let's go back so I can fight my bastard of a father (again this was a one time thing, far as I can remember but it cracked me up, desire number 3 is to see more of this)
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summary: mammon might have been assigned to watch over you as the exchange student, but in return, you were assigned to watch over his gambling behaviour; a certain casino owner takes issue with that and personally sees to it that mammon's spending inhibition is thoroughly distracted
pairing: valefar (my oc) x gn!reader
warnings: manipulative behaviour, ngl you might not like val after this but trust me and trust the process jshsh
obey me! masterlist || valefar masterlist
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It wasn’t a well kept secret that Mammon had taken a liking to you rather quickly. Give and take a week into your stay in the Devildom, belongings of the Avatar of Greed, like his tooth brush, cologne or charger, had taken up residence in your room, the demon himself spending every possible moment glued to your side as well. Because it was what Lucifer told him to do, of course.
Naturally, it didn’t take long for him to drag you to his favourite places around the Devildom, namely casinos. And the one he frequented most often was the infamous ‘Lion’s Share’ Casino, with its sleek and aureate exterior.
It definitely didn’t feel like the sleazy, underground places some might imagine when thinking of a casino, but rather like a luxurious establishment in Vegas. Every time you passed the impressive lion statues framing the entrance, your shoes clicked on the polished floors and you craned your neck to marvel at the dazzling chandeliers, you thought you entered another world yet again. 
As expected, Mammon was some kind of VIP around there, possibly because of his ridiculous spending habits, so the bouncers hardly glanced at either of you as you followed him through the heavy double-winged doors.
“Alright, human! Ready to be ma lucky charm again?” Mammon grinned as he ushered you in the direction of the poker tables. “A got paid real good for the last modellin’ gig, so A need ya to do yer thin’ and make me win big.”
“Remember not to go overboard, yeah? Or Lucifer is going to have both our heads,” you sighed as you flicked his biceps with your fingers. “I’m here to make sure you don’t gamble yourself into even more debt, did you forget that?”
“Yeah yeah, whatever, ya killjoy,” he nudged you before dragging you along by the wrist, just as enthusiastically as before. Perhaps because he knew you’d indulge him just a little anyway. “Now, get comfortable and watch me get a royal flush.”
Unbeknownst to the excited demon and the human rolling their eyes, someone was watching them from the highest floor overseeing the casino, amber gaze fixed on the pair taking their places at the poker table. Mammon, of course, was already well known to the observer, having been a faithful patron since the casino had taken off, but the human was a recent addition to his trips.
Obviously, he already knew the basics about them; that they were Diavolo’s precious exchange student and were currently living with those brothers. But he had also tracked how Mammon’s willingness to high-stake gambles sunk whenever they were with the Avatar of Greed.
As the owner of the Casino, Valefar simply couldn’t have that.
“I think it’s time to show our esteemed guest the exclusive VIP rooms,” he said as he swirled the amber liquid in his glass and one of his men bowed before leaving to go fetch the human. 
The hair in the back of your neck raised before you even saw the bouncer approach your table but when his black suit came into view, you could almost taste the trouble in the air. You were about to alert Mammon, though you had made sure he didn’t cheat, when the huge demon tapped your shoulder instead and gestured for you to follow him.
“Is there a problem?” Mammon asked, game momentarily forgotten as he tugged you behind him. “If ya wanna talk to the human, ya gotta hafta talk to me too, ya know.”
“No,” the bouncer’s gruff voice scratched the air, “only the human. Boss’s orders.”
“A-Ah from the boss, ya say?” Your companion’s tone changed as he rubbed his neck. “Well, he knows not ta try anythin’ funny if he doesn’t want Lucifer and Diavolo breathin’ down his neck. Don’t keep the man waitin’ then.”
And with that, Mammon stepped to the side and ushered you to follow the security demon, not so discreetly ignoring the unimpressed glare you sent him. You were well aware he was indebted to the casino, so of course he’d fold like a house of cards the second its boss requested something of him, if only to not make his situation worse.
A very silent elevator ride later, you entered a dimly lit lounge area void of any customers. The long side of the room was entirely made of glass, making you guess it was the black one-way window front visible from the casino area. There, in a lounge chair, sat a demon, his arms resting on the sides of the chair as if he owned the place. You almost didn’t see him in his black suit against the dark background if the ice clinking in his glass didn’t give him away.
“Good evening, how are you enjoying your time at the Lion’s Share so far?” Elegantly, like a large cat, the man lifted himself out of his seat, leaving his drink on a table and straightening out his suit. As he rounded the table to approach you, he smoothly pulled one of his leather gloves off before holding out his hand to you. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Valefar, the owner of this humble casino.”
Startled by his bright amber eyes sparkling down on you, you shook his hand as if in trance and stammered your name. You didn’t know what you had expected when the casino boss was mentioned but probably not to be greeted by a tall, handsome man, with flawless tan skin and black hair swept back lazily. Golden piercings gleamed in the ambient light as he cocked his head to the side while studying you before revealing a fanged smile.
“I’ve heard much about you already,” Valefar said, voice velvety as he guided you to take a seat with a hand lightly gracing the dip of your back. “Only positive, of course. You’ll forgive me for wanting to meet you in person, won’t you?”
“Oh uhm- Sure, though I’m not sure I’m all that great,” you nervously laughed as he sat down opposite of you. 
“I’d beg to differ,” Valefar chuckled. “You know, I have an eye for all things valuable and you managed to pique my interest, so there has to be more to you than you give yourself credit for. Care for a drink?”
You were happy he switched the topic himself because your cheeks felt like they were set ablaze. “Only water for me please.”
“Not a fan of demonus, huh? I personally think you’re missing out but suit yourself.” As one of the staff set your respective drinks down in front of you, he whispered something to his boss, whose lips curved up at corners with a glance out of the window. Seemingly out of nowhere, he pulled a deck of cards as his attention landed back on you. “I noticed you seem to linger around the poker table whenever you’re here. Up for a friendly game?”
You halted. He’d been paying close enough attention to you to notice that? 
“It’s mostly Mammon who plays,” you said quietly. Thinking of your impulsive companion, you remembered your agreement with Lucifer, as much as you wanted to spend a bit more time with your new acquaintance. “Speaking of, I think I shouldn’t take up anymore of your precious time and return to the table.”
“Oh please,” Valefar’s voice soothed your troubles, “He is in great hands and I’d be more than happy to enjoy your company for a while longer. But if the feeling isn’t mutual, you’re free to return any time, of course.”
“If that’s so…” you contemplated for a few seconds, a little reluctant to leave this tranquil atmosphere. Besides, Valefar had been nothing but nice to you, where was the harm in staying a little longer? “Perhaps, it wouldn’t be so bad…”
“Splendid,” the demon beamed as he shuffled the cards. “I trust you know the rules?”
After playing a few rounds you were surprised to find the overall results to be tipped in your favour, winning slightly more often than losing. Maybe Satan had been right when he told you people favoured by Mammon found themselves to be more lucky?
“Wow,” Valefar chuckled as you dropped your cards on the table, winning another round. “You’re pretty skilled. I guess it’s my luck you’ve not taken up gambling at my casino in earnest.”
“I think I’m just lucky today,” you showed him a shy smile. “Playing cards is one thing but actually betting on it is entirely different.”
“You’re right, of course,” Valefar agreed. “But the rush you can get from winning big is entirely different as well. Not only knowing that you’ve won, but also seeing the look on the loser's face when you get your hands on what they wanted too. It’s quite the feeling.”
“Spoken like a true demon,” you laughed as you allowed yourself to let your gaze sweep over his well-built body again. Whoever tailored those suits for him knew what they were doing. 
“I can’t help myself, it’s in my nature after all,” he laughed easily. “You know, for a greed demon, claiming something that another demon also desires makes having it even sweeter. Places like this just encourage that feeling, that need.”
You swallowed at the husky tone his voice had taken on. Paired with the way his eyes were nearly blazing, resembling pools of molten gold as he looked at you, you had a feeling he wasn’t necessarily talking about money. 
“What do you mean with ‘places like this’?” Your voice came out thick as you tried to control the pounding of your heart, the parlour below long since forgotten.
“It’s a casino, sweetheart,” Valefar whispered, leaning forward in his seat a little. It was enough to have you unconsciously mirror him. “Sin is in the name.”
There wasn’t much you could say in return, only looking back at him with wide eyes and slightly parted lips. Asmo had once told you demons resonated with places that encouraged their own sin and where else but a casino would greed reign supreme?
Valefar pulled you out of your thoughts with a contemplative hum. “Normally I don’t gamble while working but I feel like spicing up the night a little. What do you say we add some stakes to our little game?”
“Stakes?” You blinked at him, a little surprised. “I don’t have money or anything of worth on me though.”
“Oh no no, I wasn’t talking about money. I understand of course that your funds as an exchange student are rather… tight,” he smiled that charming smile of his. “So, won’t you at least hear my proposal? You could be passing up the opportunity of a lifetime after all.”
Somewhere, in the far part of your brain, a quiet voice warned you not to accept. This was a demon you were dealing with, there was no way he wouldn’t propose something that wasn’t beneficial to him. But there was no harm in hearing him out, right?
“Alright,” you acquiesced, your mind clouded by his heavy gaze on you and his cologne invading your senses, “let’s hear it then.”
“If you win,” his lips curled up at the corners, “I will consider all of Mammon’s debt to be paid.”
You choked on air at his statement. All of Mammon’s debt? You didn’t even dare imagine how many zeroes that number had attached and that fact alone made you pause. A greed demon like Valefar would not willingly give up a sum of that magnitude, so you shuddered to think about his next answer. “And if you win?”
“If I win,” he drawled, pausing either for dramatic effect or just to make you squirm in your seat a little (or perhaps both), “then you will spend an evening with me.”
“Spend an evening?” You were glad you hadn’t taken a sip of water after your little coughing fit or you might have done a spit take.
“Oh please, little lamb, where are your thoughts?” Valefar chuckled and the sound, as beautiful as it was, didn’t calm your nerves. “I was talking about dinner. We eat, we drink, we talk and see where the evening goes. Perhaps we can even consider what you had in mind.”
“I know what dinner is, thank you, I was just surprised,” you said before clearing your throat. Was he about to risk that much Grimm for a chance to take you out, basically?
“Excellent, so what do you say? Sounds fair, doesn’t it? Do we have a deal?” The way he tilted his head looked as innocent as it was deadly and when you didn’t outright refuse him, his smile revealed his sharp fangs. He knew he had won. “Come on, you can really only win here. Chances as favourable as these don’t come often.”
“Fine,” you agreed despite your gut feeling telling you otherwise.
“It’s a deal then,” Valefar concluded and held out his hand for you to take. With one glance out of the window revealing Mammon to be dangerously low on chips, you shook it…
…and shortly thereafter lost. By a landslide. 
“Oh dear, looks like the cards were in my favour this round,” the demon grinned, not a hint of remorse in sight. “I guess this concludes our little game… unless you feel like going double or nothing?”
Really, you should have seen this coming, you scolded yourself. Of course you hadn’t managed to win on dumb luck alone, not against someone like Valefar, who probably knew exactly how to play his cards right, literally. This was the exact reason people always warned you not to deal with the devil. After all, the house always won. 
“No, I think we should leave it at this. I know when I’ve lost,” you sighed, much to the amusement of the man in front of you. “Say, Valefar, why are you doing this? You could’ve asked for anything else.”
“Have you considered that I don’t want anything else?” His gaze was heavy on you, burning like coals when you met it and your blood seemingly heating up in return. Suddenly, you felt a strong sympathy for the lamb trapped by the lion.
“But.. why me? I mean,” you gestured to him and to your surroundings, “you could’ve asked anyone.”
“Do you really think I’d be satisfied with just ‘anyone’?” Valefar raised a perfectly-groomed eyebrow and mirrored your gesture. If it wasn’ t so obvious what he was implying, you would’ve kicked yourself for assuming someone would think this highly of you. Instead, your heart nearly jumped out of your throat. Then, however, he sighed and it dropped to your gut. “Well, if you really feel going on a single date with me is that repulsive, it cannot be helped–”
“No!” You surprised yourself with the steadiness and conviction in your voice, clearing your throat as you leaned back again. “No, that wasn’t what I was trying to say. I just didn’t think I was that interesting.” 
“Sweetheart, I told you I have an eye for that sort of thing,” he winked with one corner of his lips lifted as mirth danced in his bright eyes. Watching him comb through his dark hair with his fingers and leaving it slightly tousled, you thought you might actually have won your little bet. No way going out with someone like him could be considered a loss. Then, your gaze fell on his golden watch and something in your brain stirred.
“Oh shit!” Scrambling for your DDD, adrenaline shot through your veins when you saw the time. Lucifer was going to have your head for real. “I’m really sorry, but I have to go. I’d love to talk more–”
“-- but you’re being expected at home, I’d assume,” Valefar easily guessed. Rising from his seat, he offered his hand to you and promptly linked your arms when you gingerly took it, his warmth enveloping you even through the thick material of his suit. “Let me escort you to the door. It’s the least I can do after keeping you to myself for so long.”
When you stepped out of the elevator, you were already met with Mammon, who was arguing with one of the bouncers, tapping his foot impatiently. The Avatar of Greed didn’t notice you approaching, still guided by the casino owner, until said demon spoke up.
“Mammon, my friend, what a pleasure to see you tonight,” Valefar’s smooth voice passed the entrance area. Despite his friendly tone, Mammon tensed up at the sound. “I hear you’ve been wracking up quite the bill again, hm? Not to worry though, if you win big next time, it’ll be easy enough to settle.”
“Val, buddy–” At Mammon’s shaky voice you found it hard to believe he was the actual Avatar of Sin in this situation; the roles might as well be reversed at this point. “It’s nice ta see y– HEY WHY’RE YA SO CLOSE TO THE HUMAN? Ya need ta back up!”
“Hm? Oh this?” Valefar asked innocently, slightly lifting your still intertwined arms for emphasis. “Ah, I thought I might as well practise and get comfortable with this for when our actual date rolls around, isn’t that right sweetheart?”
You did not get the chance to respond.
“Date?! SWEETHEART?!” You weren’t sure what was more likely, Mammon popping a vein or him hitting something incredibly expensive as he flusteredly gestured with his hands. “Just what do ya think yer playin’ at here?”
“I’m not playing at anything,” the demon by your side appeased. “Asking someone out isn’t forbidden, is it? It’s not like you asked them out, did you?”
“Ah, n-no– A didn’t–”
“Well, then I don’t see where the problem is,” Valefar smiled his gorgeous smile as Mammon’s face fell. The former didn’t seem to pay him much attention though as he turned to you instead. “Again, it was a pleasure to finally meet you and I’m looking forward to learning more about you when it’s just the two of us. Don’t worry about the details, I’ll let you know when the  date is set. For now, please make sure to have a safe trip home.”
As he uncurled his arm from yours, his gloved hand lingered on yours and he gave it a fond squeeze. It distracted you from his other hand reaching up to gently caress the side of your face, his eyes tracing the movement of his thumb over your cheekbone. There wasn’t much time for you to savour the feeling or think about what to say, merely able to hastily wish him a good night as Mammon already dragged you out of the casino and onto the streets of the Devildom, bickering with you the entire way back to the House of Lamentation.
Back in the privacy of his room, Valefar stretched and cracked his neck both ways before letting out a sigh. Pouring himself another drink, he bid his assistant in as they knocked. “So, what’s the result?”
“Mammon lost double the amount compared to when the human was with him,” the shorter demon responded as Valefar took the report detailing his favourite customer’s spending and humming in contentment at the numbers. “Sir, if I may ask, was it really necessary to go this far? Distracting them is one thing but taking them out–”
“Hm? Oh that,” the demon nonchalantly acknowledged as he flicked some lint off his black suit. “The casino can run one night without me. But if I choose a time where Mammon normally comes in, we can get him alone again and you know what that means.
“Besides,the little lamb doesn’t gamble,” Valefar added, swirling the liquid in his glass. “So even if their little heart were to break, we’re not losing out on profit. On the contrary, the chances that they stay away from the Lion’s Share rise significantly, leaving the Avatar of Greed with no one to control his spending.”
On top of that, he hadn’t been lying when he said getting his hands on something someone else coveted always felt more exhilarating than simply winning the jackpot himself. Recalling the look on the other demon’s face, Valefar couldn’t hold back the grin splitting his lips.  
“The house wins.”
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gabulousxo · 1 year
Zoey breaks Chase's heart in Hawaii and he holds a grudge for 15 years.
Logan goes a bit overboard with a wedding for Quinn, didn't even ask her how she felt about everything in the process, ..and she easily finds it in her heart to forgive him when he genuinely apologizes to her.
Like they could've been at risk of breaking up, but neither of them were going to let a mistake ruin 15 years of a loving relationship.
Sure says a lot. Lol
Quinn was willing to accept that they had different views on weddings and marriage, and that maybe it wasn't a bad thing; that maybe this failed attempt at a wedding was a sign that getting married just wasn't suited for them. And that maybe they could work things out. And then Logan reassured her that he never had different views to begin with. Her saying "yes" obviously just excited him so much that he got so caught up in trying to give them a perfect wedding. When all he needed to do was remember that just being together forever was all the perfection she'd ever need. That he'd ever need. So he (and the gang) fixed it by giving her what she wanted: just a small, intimate ceremony at PCA, and the promise of forever.
Anyways, again, I just love that Quinn and Logan were always able to get past their bumps in the road, but Zoey and Chase somehow are always at a crossroads. If more's to come in the future, ngl I'll be surprised if they actually manage to have a healthy relationship.
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paulmcf4rtney · 2 years
Oh hello! Could you write some things maybe about what the bugs would do for valentines day if you were dating… all of them ☺️. Thank you!
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OFC!!!! Thank you for the request darling!
Anon asked for Valentine’s Day hcs! <3
I apologize if it’s short at some parts!! I started working on this as soon as I woke up
-John likes Valentines for one or two reasons, that being he can flaunt you to everyone else, and that it’s an excuse to give you PDA.
-He wouldn��t go all out, but he’d take you lingerie shopping first.
-He *loves* lingerie on you, you’re sexy with it on and sexier when he can strip it away.
-“Is this one good?..” You ask, looking down, rubbing your thumb over the fabric. You never went lingerie shopping WITH your boyfriend here at the same time.
-So you were a little worried.
-John spoke up however. “Aye, that one’s good. But how about this?” He held up a very skimpy black laced lingerie set. “Now go try it on.”
-You didn’t protest to what John wanted, you only giggled and took the set, going into the changing room.
-“You can come in now!” You spoke.
-God if only you could see the way this man fucking sprinted into that room.
-Immediate boner after he closed that door. He could barely keep his eyes off you, or for a matter of fact, his hands.
-“It’s takin a lot of me to not fuck you right here.” He whispered, almost breathlessly.
-“Johnnn quit it!” You whined, your face was red while you playfully hit him.
-Let’s just say you walked out of there with shaking knees and a new pair of lingerie. 😏
-Ngl Paul would go a little overboard, he’d surprise you with a vacation he’s paid in full. (Probably to Paris) But that would only be the tip of the iceberg.
-You’re of course ecstatic, packing your bags with everything you need.
-You love him so much and going on a romantic trip with him? Somebody definitely should pinch you.
-On the flight to Paris, he’d definitely sneak little kisses on your cheek or lips when he could.
-Once you actually got there, you let Paul open the hotel door. You set your bags down.
-You never questioned what room he booked, and you’re glad you didn’t.
-It was the Valentines suite. Filled with heart shaped balloons, roses, candles and petals that lead to the bedroom.
-Your face gleamed with happiness. You were very turned on by his gestures.
-“Do you like it birdie?” Paul said to you, proud of himself.
-“Of course I do!” Who wouldn’t love the man of their life bringing them to the most romantic place on earth?
-“I wrote a song for yo-“
-Before you let Paul even finish his sentence you dragged him by the hem of his shirt into the bedroom. You weren’t about to waste any more time. ;) (You let him sing his song afterwards though don’t worry)
-The lady killer and probs CEO of VD.
-This is your first Valentines with George, Needless to say you were nervous.
-Not because of George himself, but because you never felt like you were good enough for him.
-He’s a kind hearted and gorgeous soul, what girl wouldn’t fall for that?
-He also definitely understood what kind of stress you were in lately. He had planned out a spa/bath day with just the two of you alone.
-His Valentines gift definitely lifted your spirits about your relationship. You felt secure.
-He had everything set up, the bath was running with your favorite scents filling the air. Robes folded neatly for when you got out.
-He purchased your favorite Lotions, scrubs, perfumes ect as well.
-“Geo-!..” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before he was kissing and nipping at your skin.
-His kisses are addictive, by the way. You could never get enough no matter how many he placed.
-“Happy Valentine’s day baby.” George cooed. “I ain’t ever leaving.”
-You didn’t waste time undressing yourself (Neither did he) And making your way into the bath.
-Sexy time definitely ensued with many hickey marks later.
-Poor baby would not know what to do on Valentines, he’s got so many ideas but he wants it to be extra special just for you.
-He’d try to get advice from his band mates but it didn’t work out so well. John and George implied he should do something more sexual while Paul thinks he should just be himself.
-They’re never any help when he actually needs it.
-He’d definitely just stick to the classics, leaving roses and chocolates on the table of your apartment. (He has a spare key don’t worry he didn’t just break in)
-But that isn’t the only thing he left, he left a note telling you to get dressed and meet him at the nearby restaurant he knows you adore.
-And beside the note was a dress he picked out for you to wear to your dinner reservation.
-Lemme tell you he’s very *very* nervous that you just wouldn’t show up, or that you didn’t see the note.
-Ringo overthinks way too much for his own good.
-You showed up in the dress, realizing why he picked it out, to match the suit he was wearing.
-The dress in question being red and silky, matching his red tie with pink hearts.
-“You made it!” He said with a smile plastered on his face.
-“Of course I did Richie, I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
-He held your hand and kissed you sweetly as you both went to sit down together. <3
If the boys all had a crush on you on Valentine’s Day they’d try to win your love with tons of trinkets and gifts. Fighting over who “saw” you first. :) “Finders keepers”
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thyandrawrites · 5 days
I finally got around to watching the epinagi movie and it was pretty much what I expected. I can't say I liked it much. The manga is still far superior imo. They cut out a lot of character building moments to the point where they sandpapered Reo into even more of a "spoiled brat who lost his favourite toy" stereotype than the og anime, which is a shame cause Reo alone has more nuance than 90% of the cast. Pretty much every single scene where he wasn't talking to or thinking about Nagi was removed, making him so one-dimensional I cringed, ngl. The breakup scene too ended up feeling way too overdramatic for me when there was 0 buildup to it thanks to all the cuts :'D what a waste.
Unpopular opinion I guess but they really didn't need to retell the entirety of the team Z match when not even the manga did that. I know it was just an excuse to reuse the animations from s1 (and probably save on costs), but they went overboard with it. It felt like watching a recap when literally half of the movie was old footage, and knowing that they sacrificed all that screen time when they could've actually animated episode nagi makes me feel a bit cheated tbh. If I wanted to see old stuff I would rewatch s1
I will say tho, props to them for being unintentionally funny by transitioning from the depressing piano music while Reo sobbed to that dramatic final boss ost at Rin's appearance. I will never take this guy seriously but it's hilarious that they're still trying
oh and btw I love how the post credit scene basically spoils the u-20 lineup for the anime-onlys, lmao. They just had to insert a random, gratuituous promo for s2, didn't they. this whole movie is just an extended ad for the main series after all
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herejusttosufferalong · 4 months
Okay unpopular opinion but don't you think we are reading too much into this? Especially with regards to Nic. I mean, I've seen all the signs too but sometimes i wonder what if all this is just a very bad misunderstanding on our part?
Maybe they're just great work friends and nothing beyond that. Maybe the hand holding was just for the pose, because I've seen a lot of the other cast members holding hands with each other while clicking photos too. Maybe it's a Bridgie thing, who knows?
About the heart eyes thing, I think Nic's eyes are to blame. It's just hard not to stare into those! I've seen similar photos of her with others too. Have you seen her photos with Luke T? In every picture, he seems to be looking at her with so much love and adoration (eg: the bridgerton story pic or another one she has on her insta from the wrap party ig). I kinda ship them ngl. Sometimes i agree it went a bit overboard with LN but, yeah maybe they're just very comfortable after having filmed so many intimate scenes? Ig that kinds strips off all the boundaries.
The Brazil thing, i think A just got over insecure because who wouldn't? Millions of fans are shipping your boyfriend with someone else and your boyfriend is saying that he's single out loud. Maybe that's why he did the whole instyle and insta like thing?
I really want them to be together, wont lie (delulu). But now its starting to feel forced. And also, i don't want nic dragged into this drama. I love her so much! I don't want her to keep defending him, when he does the bare min. I wish she had some more ego. She deserves to, she's the big star.
Id really like your opinion because I think i need closure now :(
While I disagree with a lot of this I really like the recognition of just how vulnerable actors have to be with their co-stars during intimate scenes.
Yes it’s manufactured and you have an audience while filming but you are required to suspend reality and this is what trips actors up.
They have said repeatedly how they would discuss those scenes throughly and frequently. He wanted to make sure she was comfortable and taken care of. They mention often how important those scenes were for the fans so they wanted to make sure they executed them well.
Having this type of intimacy, even though it is professional, between them can change dynamics within a relationship.
I could definitely see their boundaries being different then what one would expect because of their shared experience.
Which in turn could explain a lot of their behavior.
However, L and N failing to recognize this was a great disservice to A. As it seems their behavior only ramped up as the tour progressed. Their boundaries should have been reassessed.
Great ask anon!
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maymeowmoo · 10 months
Oh my GOD SMG4 REMASTERED!?!?!? AAAAAAAA I just need to write some random nonsense rn. This is actually so epic.
It had the PERFECT amount of new and old. Lots of SM64 to compliment the way they animate in Gmod currently! ٩(◕u◕。)۶ [Tho I have a huge weakness for the SM64 parts so I would be even happier with more but that'd be a bit overboard ngl and I'm already happy with what we got] If I was a bit better at editing [& had the time], I'd probably mix the new and old vids so it has the golden ratio of both for me~
So happy they stayed so close to the OG as well. It kept the charm while adding a new coat of paint. It did make me realize tho, that I watched some questionable stuff as a kid and didn't even understand it half of the time XD
Also FM appeared so that's already good, tho that was to be expected knowin what this is based on!
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Now don't get me wrong I like the new episodes and all but this? This is exactly all I could ever want. I will say I prefer the new style of jokes nowadays tho. I love these funny nonsensical ones alot [Nostalgia go brrrrr] but their new jokes are more appropriate for my current age and interests atm [Maybe issa cause of the way the internet works these days? idk] even if not all of them hit for me.
Oh one thing I never understood abt this episode is how the energy levels were 'infinite' yet Freddy lost all of that battery life? I had this thought since a kid and I still have it now lol
P.S. That snowtrapped episode is coming I feel it in my bones.
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hime-bee · 9 months
i honestly curse a lot to the point where i'd curse like a sailor everytime i'm hanging around friends so how would your ocs feel with an mc that has a potty mouth (but not towards them bc i don't think i got it in me to use dirty language when talking with them 💀) sorry if this is too self indulgent (?) LOLL
also (late) happy new years..! i hope you had a good one 🫶💕
Don't worry, I'm kinda the same way- 😩 (only when I get annoyed/mad though)
To answer your question, I feel like Lucas wouldn't really mind if you cussed. But if you're like me and you cuss a lot when you're upset, he'd hold your hand and kiss you to help you calm down a bit.
Now, Leumin wouldn't mind because he cusses quite a bit too lmao. If anything, he'd prolly find it funny if you suddenly let out a string of curses because you died in a game or something 😭
Njero would remind you not to go overboard with it, but he also wouldn't mind because you're a grown up that's able to make their own choices and whatnot.
AND HAPPY (LATE) NEW YEAR'S TO YOU TOO, LACIE!! 💞💖 Mine was boring as hell ngl- but hey, new year, new me or whateva I guess 😋
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kikikiwi27498 · 10 months
Good morning darling! Here are some more yr fic asks! I'm curious about 20, 36, 37, 42 and 44 💜
Wish you a splendiferous Sunday!
Hello! Thank you so much for asking, and sorry this took so long! Work has been crazy and I might have gone a little overboard haha. I'm going to answer everything in one ask, so here are numbers 6-13 as well. Also these are basically all Wilmon fics because I love those boys so much.
From the 2023 Young Royals Fanfic Ask List: (I'll do more of these if people want, I love talking about fics)
6. Favorite one-shot fanfic: Pretty much everything by NerdGirl07, especially Promise Me (You're Safe) and Centre of the Storm.
7. Favorite chaptered fanfic: I have so may favorites. As Long As We Have Each Other by groenendael (@groenendaelfic) is my current favorite post-season 2 fic. Right now I'm reading Doesn't Everyone Belong in the Arms of the Sacred by painterssong (@alltoowille) and I'm loving it.
8. Fluff recommandation: This is such an angst-heavy fandom, sometimes it's hard to find pure fluff. I loved Playing House by LovelyLittleLosers (@lovelylittlelosers), Wille experiencing normal things, even just getting lost in Ikea, brings me so much joy.
9. Crack recommandation: Simon Eriksson: Just Some Guy From Biology and Patience Is A Virtue and I Have None, both by fandom_commitment_issues (@zee-has-commitment-issues).
10. Smut recommandation: Love Would be Burning Red by embracethevoid (@ungaroyals) and disruptedthesky (@omar-rudeberg) and You Can Send Me to the Lord by YoungRydbergs for smut with plot. They're both parts of series, so you might want to read the other parts first, especially for You Can Send Me to the Lord. If you want smut with less plot, I liked the Sense and Sensuous series by YulianaHenderson. (one of these days I need to make a spicy fic rec list)
11. Angst recommandation: This fandom writes so many incredible angst fics, it's hard for me to pick! I loved A Palm to My Mouth, I Said it, Almost by MyArtificialFlowers and It's All So Incredibly Loud by pysanky (@pysankywrites-updates). Please read the tags before reading these, they are both very angsty.
12. Kid fic recommandation: I love kid fics so much and girl dads Wilmon even more, though I have many thoughts about whether Wilmon would want their kids to grow up royal. Some of my favorites are Thoughts On a Stormy Night by LaChicaMarvel and Painted Memories by NerdGirl07, as well as When Dividing up the Universe, You Could Have Mine by the_old_stairs.
13. Christmas fic recommendation: And That's How Simon Got Banned from Christmas Decorating by ASkyofKai. If you want a slightly angsty one, Merry Crisis by pysanky (@pysankywrites-updates) - ngl I'm low-key obsessed with the Third Year Things series, it's perfect and everyone should go read it right now. (if anyone knows any other third year Wilmon fics please let me know, I'm dying to read more)
20. Your « not Wilmon » favorite ship/couple: Henry/Walter (do they have a ship name?? Wenry? Halter?) probably. It's an angsty post-breakup fic, but I loved Closure by stretchoutandwait (@stretchoutfics).
36. Your favorite trope: This is kind of basic, but I love friends to lovers. I'll also always read a sick fic where Character A has to take care of Character B (bonus points if Character B insists Character A leaves so they don't get sick, and/or they deny that they're sick), such as Baby, You're the Cure (So Let Me Close to You) by isnt_that_wizard (@skateboardtotheheart) - it's part of a series, but you can read it on its own.
37. The trope you didn't expect to like: Only Fools Remain Sane by Elin98 made me love fake dating.
42. Do you like to comment on the fic you read: I do! I'm just really bad at doing it consistently because I tend to write whole essays so it takes me a long time.
44. On what device do you read: Mostly my phone, but I use my laptop too.
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stinkysam · 11 months
@kiemimi wanted to know my opinion and brainrot on the OPLA characters so here some of them :
-> Akagami no Shanks
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No brainrot but very pleased with his actor. Ngl I was a bit skeptical when he first appeared as Shanks. Because this is not how I imagined him to look like irl, and I saw multiple people complain that he didn't look handsome lol. But now I can't see him being portrayed by someone else. He's just him. And he looks very hot when he saves Luffy. 👌🏻
You're in for a ride with him. He's an open book yet there's many things you don't know about him. "You didn't ask" basically. He's really chill and likes to see you laugh and smile, seeing you sad really breaks his heart.
-> Buggy the Clown
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BARK BARK BARK. As said in an older post, I didn't recognize the actor and was shocked to see that I already knew him. I saw his face without makeup and found him familiar. It renewed a brainrot with an old character (deke), lol.
There's always something happening. There's rarely ever a fully boring day. And he loves that you're by his side no matter what. He might want to abandon you to save his ass but always end up taking you with him because he doesn't have the heart to actually abandon you. He likes your attention, but you better be careful with it because he might go overboard very easily. And sometimes he's too lost in it to care about what you really want and don't want.
-> Cabaji
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GAY ‼️
-> Dracule Mihawk
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No brainrot. I have some trouble with his eyes. I can't tell if I would've preferred them without contacts. But other than that he slayed his role, very cunty.
Maybe the calmest relationship of your life. He doesn't talk much but he still values communication because it's important. He trusts you and likes to see you happy, mentally cheering for you.
-> Monkey D. Luffy
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No brainrot. The only thing is that he doesn't stretch himself as much as he should. But I can't remember if he used his stretchiness as much as he does now (grabbing someone from afar, launching himself…) otherwise Iñaki is a good luffy. Love him. Knew him from The Imperfects so I was happy to see him again.
Too trusting. And too naive. Believe any words that come from your mouth, but you better not play too much with it because he's going to repeat it. Like Shanks, he likes to make you laugh and see you happy. Seeing his crew in a good mood is important to him.
-> Roronoa Zoro
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No brainrot, surprisingly ? I love his anime/manga vers. so idk why his live action isn't clicking. I remember being 15 and fighting for him with a friend lol
Very loyal, not that the others aren't. But you better not betray him. He won't take it kindly. Very trusting as well. If you're ever accused of something you didn't do, he won't need to hear you to know if it's true or fake. And even if it was true, he's going to be like, "You had your reasons *shrugs*."
-> Usopp
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Don't have anything to say, good actor choice. Love him as usopp. Can't wait to see more of him in season 2, honestly. Which we would see him as sogeking/sniperking.
He definitely hides behind you but doesn't back down to protect you. Likes to make you laugh. But the more you laugh, the more he might lie to make you laugh even more. Down to try whatever drink you take. If he knows he can't take someone down, he'll run to you for protection. If you can't take them down either, well... You're both running.
-> Vinsmoke Sanji
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I don't know why they got rid of the eyebrows. He's really sweet. I love him more than the anime/manga because he's less of a pervert and he's smoother about it. Taz did an amazing job. He's really dedicated from what I've heard, doing his own stunts, learning how to cook…
He loves flirting with you even if he's already dating you. He's really biased when it comes to you. He trusts you with his entire being, heart, and soul. Very gentle lover that makes you breakfast in bed. Or breakfast in the hammock.
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