#i got new shorts and a new top hehehehe
succubusjuice · 1 day
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taesanluv3r · 3 months
mini me.
girl dad! taesan au <3
based on this taesan scenario i posted. u and taesan's daughter is a menace (just like her dad), her name is vivienne bcs i've always wanted to name a daughter vivienne, vivi for short!! HEHEHEH reader is taesan's wife n mother of the kid btw <3 vivi calls her parents mommy n daddy TT no warnings tbh i think there's just one cuss word in the opening, fluffy cuteness, taesan is soooooo girl dad ugh. lowercase intended, pls excuse any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors!! MWAHHH ENJOYYYY
wc: 3,739
"oh for fuck's sake!"
han taesan laughs as his wife's loud voice echoes through the walls of their shared home, smiling softly when the little girl sat on his lap tilts her head in confusion at her mother's sudden exclamation coming from the other room. "what's up with mommy?" han vivienne wonders innocently, her tiny eyebrows furrowed as she looks up at her dad who was just as confused as she was. "i don't know but it looks like we are about to find out!" he whispers in response, the sound of footsteps emerging from the opening that lead into the living room where they sat.
a furious looking yn walks through the door. she's all dressed up in a matching all-black skirt and blazer set, her hair neatly tucked behind her ear, all ready to head to work. pretty, taesan thought, but he just couldn't ignore the fact that his wife looked like she was about to burn the building down. "what's wrong, darling?" the man's voice is soft and he begins to get up from his spot on the couch, telling his daughter to go play with her new toys while he talked to her mom. "everything! my meeting got pushed back further and now the new shipment for the store is delayed. and then my social media manager decided she can't come into work today because of some family issue and then on top of that, vivi's babysitter just quit! just like that! when she was supposed to come in and look after vivi today! it's just so...ugh!" the woman whines, slumping down on the couch as her hands made their way to cover her face in absolute stress. taesan's face softens at the sight, sitting himself down right beside her and rubbing little circles against the small of her back.
"hey, hey...don't stress too much okay? look at me..." he says sweetly, grabbing either side of her face to look at him. taesan shoots her an assuring smile, that same smile that never failed to send a swarm of butterflies to crowd inside of her tummy. "look, you just get to work and make the most out of it...i'll take vivi out today, okay? i don't have any work today so, i can take care of her, alright? don't worry, darling! you worry too much" he said, giggling when she leans into his chest and wrapping his long arms around her to pull her closer. "yeah mommy, you worry too much!" the squeaky voice of their one and only child interrupts their loving moment. the couple separated, watching as vivi climbs into her dad's lap once again before she turns to face her mother. "you know your hair will turn grey like a grandma if you worry so much!" her cheerful tone combined with her innocent grin makes her harsh words somewhat more bearable, a dramatic sigh escaping the woman's lips as she leans forward to attack the little girl in a ticklish set of kisses. "ah! mommy stop! daddy, save me!" vivi squeals in between giggles, crawling away from the woman's grasp to hide behind her father. the adult pair share a laugh and then a kiss before yn gets up to finally head out for the day.
"okay, mommy has to get to work and try to sort everything out in the office now. vivi..." yn drags out, her eyes narrowing as she looks down at her cheeky daughter who was the spitting image of the mischievous man she had married. "mhm...?" the girl replies, mimicking the way her mom prolonged her words. "you go bond with daddy for the day, okay? behave yourself, please?" instead of sounding like a command, the woman's words came out sort of like a plead. "hm..." vivienne begins, a tiny hand placed against her chin as she looks up in the air to think. "no promises! bye mommy! go now or you'll be late" she didn't even give her mom enough time to process the words before beginning to push at her legs to get her out the door. "bye darling! be safe, love you!" taesan calls out in between laughs, finding the mini version of himself's antics to be just...amusing.
"so...it's just me and you today, huh?" the man inquires, scooping the little girl up into his arms and pressing a happy peck onto her forehead. she squeals, playfully pushing his face away. she lets out a high-pitched giggle, the sound giving him slight cuteness aggression and it took every muscle in his body to not just stuff his daughter into his pockets at that very moment. "so what should we do today, hm? what do you want to do, love?" he asks, one of his large hands beginning to tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her tiny little ears. "i know! i know!" vivi exclaims, her head that was leant against his chest shifting so that they were face to face.
"let's go to the mall!" she has this huge smile on her face, teeth showing and all, it was the kind of grin that you just could never say no to. not that han taesan would ever say no to his only child, his daughter, his little girl, the light of his life, his forever baby, his own clone, he would never! even if it meant spending all of his money on her every single time they stepped foot in the nearby mall...or any place that had things for sale for that matter...
a prayer for taesan's wallet, please.
"okay, so i watched a video on youtube...shouldn't be that hard, right?"
oh, but the ambitious dad was far too confident in his craft. as it turns out, doing a little girl's fishtail braid was far more complex than any kind of thing he's done before. he doubts himself for a second, she must've caught the way his eyes shook with worry from the mirror because in a second she had turned around to look up at the man, lifting her fists up in the air as she began to speak. "you can do this, daddy! i believe in you!" except the three year old could barely speak without stumbling over her words, her Ls turning into W sounds and the S in 'this' coming out with a lisp- but it's the thought that counts. taesan could almost feel the way his heart melted into a billion pieces, he began to wonder how on earth he got lucky enough to call this little menace his own child. then, with one deep breath and a newly found confidence, he separates a handful of his daughter's hair into four sections, saying a silent prayer before beginning to plait it just like the young woman in the tutorial did.
"is it done yet? i'm getting bored!" vivi whines, hands fiddling with the hem of her pink sweater. it's been nearly an hour since her father started working on her hair and it's safe to say that it was going nowhere! "um...hold on a minute...uh..." the man inhales all too loudly, staring at the entanglement of hair in front of him. "is it done? does it look cool?" the girl's eyes widen in excitement, staring into his own through their reflection. "well..." he trails off, biting his lip to stifle the laugh that was about to escape from it. "daddy, i wanna see!" her little arms were crossed over her chest in frustration and impatience. "i think...i think we should just leave your hair down today, love" her reaction to his suggestion was priceless, the excitement she previously displayed long gone and the most deadpan and uninterested look took it's place. taesan chuckles, "sorry, love. i'll try again next time, yeah?" he reasons, watching the way she nods in defeat and sighs as he began to unbraid (if you could even call that catastrophe a braid) his daughter's hair.
"can we go to the mall now? want ice cream!" vivienne says, tugging at her dad's vintage jeans. "mhm, go put on your shoes and we'll go" he watches as she runs over to the shoe rack towards the entrance of their home, an amused look plastered onto his face as his daughter struggles to put on her own shoes. if his wife were home right now, she would yell at him for standing still and not helping, but since she wasn't there at the moment the man took his time to laugh a little. "daddy...help me, please" vivi frowns, beginning to get annoyed by the footwear. taesan nods once, still giggling slightly as he bent down to sit on the floor with her. "watch closely i'll teach you to tie your laces now" he says, each end of the white laces in either one of his hands as he starts to demonstrate. "and then you loop this one over-" he was cut off by a baby-like scoff and a sassy eye roll from his kid. "daddy, can't you hurry up now?" he sighs, obliging and wondering where she had inherited the impatience from (ahem him ahem).
the car ride to the mall was peaceful for the most part. vivi insisted on sitting in the passenger seat, not wanting to be away from her dad for a second. taesan focused on driving, opening a bag of crackers for her to munch on so she wouldn't start whining about the rumbling in her tummy. "daddy what ice cream are you gonna get?" she asks, crumbs falling out of her mouth and her voice muffled by the half-chewed crackers. "me? hm..." he thought deeply about the answer, the car going dark as they entered the tunnel that lead to the basement parking area. "i don't know yet. what are you getting, love?" his hands graze the steering wheel, waiting for a response from the girl. "guess!" she exclaimed, hands in the air and a huge smile on her face. "maybe...mint chocolate?" taesan has a smirk on his face, knowing full well that was the wrong answer. "ew! no way daddy...that's gross! yuck!" he chuckled, parking the car as it came to a halt.
"c'mon" the man said, bending down to unlatch her seatbelt and lifting her out of the car before shutting the door and locking it. vivi grabbed onto his hand, tumbling slightly as she walked beside him in a zig-zag pattern. "ice cream time!" the girl squeals, the cool air-conditioning of the mall sending small goosebumps to appear on her tiny legs beneath her denim skort. taesan shook his head, "we gotta have some lunch before ice cream, love. or else your mommy would be very angry" he looked down for a moment just in time to catch her dramatic frown, chuckling at her sudden change in demeanor. "but i want ice cream" the man sighs, patting a hand against her head when she moves to hug his leg. "i know, love. and i will get you your ice cream after lunch, okay?" the tiny han girl nods in understanding, "now let go of daddy's leg so i can walk, please?" this time she shook her head, a playful and menacing smirk on her lips as she hugged him tighter. taesan clicks his tongue, beginning to waddle down the mall like an idiot.
"han vivienne...you will be the death of me"
"ice cream time!" vivienne repeats for the second time that day, shooting her dad a smile which he returned happily. "ice cream time!" he says as well, eyes widening slightly when she tugs him forward, walking so fast and pulling his arm with her. "okay, what flavour do you want, love?" taesan asks, his hands on his hips as he looked over all the options. "i can't see..." the girl mumbles, silently asking for her father to carry her up to his level. "oh, right, my bad" he panics, hastily bending down to lift her up. "um...i want...stawbelly!" her tiny voice breaks his heart into pieces, "you want strawberry? yeah? alright, one strawberry and one salted caramel, please" he's about to put her down but she refuses to let go of him (clingy baby TT). taesan laughs softly, "i gotta put you down so i can pay, love" he whispers, carefully bending down so that she could stand on her own.
"thank you, daddy" vivi says, smiling as she takes one large bite out of her strawberry ice cream. "you're welcome, love. is it yummy?" he asks, scooping up a spoonful of from his own cup. she nods joyfully, "mhm! it's delichuz!" the man furrows his eyebrows, "you mean, delicious?" he asks, trying to understand his daughter's baby talk. "yeah duh! that's what i said, silly" taesan laughs once again at his child's loud personality, grabbing a tissue to wipe away her dessert-stained cheeks as she messily slurped up the last of her sweet treat. "look here, i'm gonna send mommy a picture" he says, smiling when she strikes a silly pose. "mommy is gonna be so jelly!" she states and he nods, stacking up their empty cups to toss in the bin later.
"so...where to next, love?"
there's only one correct answer to that question. only one place in the whole mall, apart from the ice cream parlor, that feeds purpose to sweaty three year olds like han vivienne. a brightly lit store, rows and rows of all kinds of objects displayed clearly on shelves. every kid's dream, a place they would live in if they could, a place where all their parents end up spending the last of their monthly salaries in...
the toy store.
i'm not sure if you've noticed, but han vivienne was no ordinary child. she was a menace, a spoiled brat, and had absolutely no shame. especially if it meant her loving father had to pay for it. and whatever happens at the toy store was no exception.
vivi squeals as she lets go of her father's hand to run into the store, the tall man following closely behind her. "hello there, what can i help you with?" one of the young ladies near the door asks, bending down to the kid's level to chat with her. "where are all the barbies?" she asks back sweetly, batting her eyelashes innocently as she spoke. "ah, right this way!" the lady energetically says, guiding the little menace over to where all the dolls were. "yay!" she cheers, her dad still walking behind her in a much slower pace. "ack!" she shouts, struggling to reach the beach-themed set that stood in a higher shelf, signaling for the employee to help her out a little. "oh, i got it, i'll help you hold it" the lady offers, earning a squeaky thank you in response. a few minutes go by and what was the one barbie doll in the worker's hand, had become a stack of five more similar toys.
"are you sure you want all of these?" the lady asks, her eyes widening when little vivienne hands her one final doll set. "mhm! don't worry, lady...daddy will pay for it! right, daddy?" the girl turns to grin widely at taesan. taesan who's cheeks were bright red from slight embarrassment, and eyebrows were tilted slightly so as to apologize to the poor employee his daughter had been dragging around. "okay, that's enough toys, vivi...now help the kind lady bring them to the register, please" his daughter nods, grabbing two out of the seven toys she had picked out and beginning to trot over to the counter to check out.
"yay!! thank you, daddy! i wuv you!" the little girl cheers, wrapping her tiny arms tightly around her father's leg. taesan chuckles, patting her head softly, "of course, love" the lady at the cash register smiles as she begins to pack away the toys into a paper bag. "her mom must be jealous..." she says, causing the man to furrow his eyebrows in confusion. "what do you mean?" he asks, putting his wallet back into the pocket of his jeans. "i mean, your daughter looks exactly like you...makes me wonder what her mother looks like, sorry if it came off rude or anything...that's not my intention" taesan shakes his head, "no, you're alright..." he trails off, "you're right though. my wife tells me everyday how similar vivi is to me..." he continues, turning to look at the miniature version of himself who seemed to have found a mirror to stare into. "she's a daddy's girl, huh?" the lady asks, making him laugh. "i guess so..."
the conversation ends there. "here you go!" the cashier says, handing the man the big bag of toys he had just paid for. "thank you so much. hey vivi, you wanna come hold your things?" taesan watches as vivienne twirls around and waddles over to him. "hm...that's okay daddy, you can hold it!" the cashier bursts into laughter at the conversation exchanged between the father and daughter. "that sass...that's all from her mother" he tells the lady, shaking his head in defeat as the little menace grabbed a hold of his large hand, the bag of toys in the other one. "come again soon!" the employee says, waving goodbye at the little girl and her parent. vivienne grins one last time,
"don't worry, lady. we will!"
the father and daughter duo are back home now. the rest of the evening was spent happily bonding within the comfort of their home. he had listened to her endless yapping about all the new toys she got today, smiling sheepishly at the little chatterbox he contributed in creating as they sat together on the floor by the television in their living room. then he put on her favourite show on the tv, letting her sit in silence with her stuffed animals as he waltzed over to the kitchen to prepare their meal for dinner. it began to rain outside so he had his doubts on ordering in, not wanting to burden the poor delivery man who would have to travel in this kind of weather. so instead, taesan opted for some instant noodles for the night- with no objections from his mini me either, of course.
"daddy lookie! i can slurp the noodles like uncle woonhak!" vivi says, tapping at her dad's shoulders to grab his attention. "oh yeah?" the older one asks, watching closely as the girl practically inhaled a forkful of noodles, causing her to choke up a bit from the broth. "ahem" she coughed and taesan panicked for a second, getting up to fill her disney princess cup with some water for her to drink. once they had finished up their dinner, the man carried his daughter back over to the couch, turning the show back on to occupy her while he put away the dishes and cleaned up in the kitchen. he quickly took out the trash as well, knowing his wife was coming home late tonight and deciding to do all the housework so she didn't have to worry about it the way she tended to.
"vivi, my love" he called out, walking over to where she was playing with her dolls on the couch. "come on, let's take a shower and get ready for bed" he said, beginning to put away some of the toys that remained scattered on the carpeted floor. "but we can still wait for mommy later, right?" the kid mumbles, her voice quieting down from the tiredness that finally began to seep through her little body. he smiled, nodding as he stretched his arms out to carry her into his arms. the dad's heart melted and his face softened as his baby nuzzles deep into his chest. he leans down to press a soft kiss against the very top of her head, holding her tight as they made their way over to the master bathroom to run a bath.
the warm bath paired with the combinations of lavender scented baby oils were enough to get the sleepy kid into a state ready for slumber. however, the purple pajama-wearing child remained stubborn, insisting that she could stay awake long enough to greet her mother when she got home. all taesan could do was laugh, knowing her words were far from the truth. but he nods along anyways, following her into the master bedroom and laying down under the comfortable covers. "i want Tayo!" vivienne requests, watching happily as the man puts on the show on his tv. she sings along to the intro song silently, encouraging for her dad to do the same too. soon, the kid who swore she wasn't tired yet began to drift off to sleep. her head resting against his chest, his fingers softly stroking through her freshly washed hair.
taesan didn't care to change the channel on the television. honestly, he was beginning to like the show about the little bus far more than he'd admit. the soft snoring coming from his daughter sent a feeling of warmth to engulf his own body. the man's gaze moved from the tv screen over to his precious child, he pressed a loving peck on her forehead, smiling to himself as she shifted in her sleep. "i love you, my mini me" he whispers, just a decibel louder than his heartbeat. a minute more went by and the creak of the front door causes his ears to perk up.
"taesan? vivi? i'm home!" yn's familiar voice echoes through the walls, a smile unconsciously sneaking onto his lips. "we're in the bedroom!" the man yelled out as quietly as he could so he wouldn't wake the one snuggled against his chest. "hey, darling" he says when his wife finally enters the room, she looked exhausted, must've been a long day at work. "she asleep already?" the mother asks, leaning down to pat her daughter's slumberous head. her husband nods, sitting up carefully to catch her lips in his own. yn smiled into the kiss, as did he when they began to separate again. "so..." the woman begins, taking off her work clothes as she prepares herself for a shower. "what did you two do all day?" her question lingers in the air as she disappears into the bathroom, leaving taesan alone with the images of today replaying in his head.
"well, for starters..." he began, moving so that vivienne was fully laying on the bed. "we went to the mall today.." taesan gets up, following his wife into their shared bathroom. yn looked at him through the mirror, giggling when he wrapped his arms around her from behind and pressed sweet kisses against her neck. "mhm...and then?" she asks, telling him to continue as she began to remove her makeup. "oh, and then that daughter of ours...she totally ran my wallet dry at the toy store..."
there was a pause for dramatic effect.
the end.
HEHEH girl dad! taesan ☹️💘 i love him i love him i love him!!!!!! also han vivienne is such a cutesy name for a girl aw <3 anyways this fic made me kind of softy soft soft i might cryyyy 😭 hope u enjoyed, reblogs n feedbacks r so appreciated!! tysm for reading! love, kona.
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s1llydr3amscape · 4 months
Maybe it was the friends we made along the way!
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My security breach cast re-imagined when we first got the posters and merch leaks!!! I changed them into ocs because after seeing their in game designs I fell in love <33333
Another reason why Vanny is my fave is because I don't have to design her clothes /j
Extras and ramblings under the cut :
Zoomed in because I drew them on the same canvas like a goober :
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Many reasons why I chose to make the way it is are cause hehehehe
-I didn't like Roxy at first because off that funko leak being a reused model of Foxy. So I made her a hyena recolor using his model because I think they're cool, yet I still kept the fact she's the shortest because of Foxy in fnaf 1 being the shortest!!! And it did sorta happen with her being his replacement 😭She has short hair because I think one of her main appeals would be she would change up her hair every other week.
-Freddy is a moon bear because I miss Lefty. Also cuz I thought Fazbear Ent developed enough technology so that they could change colors during the night/dark like in the posters making them blacklight/neon. Also once again I miss Lefty and Also Nightmare. He had blue eyes freaky like that because I think FazEnt was developing new technologies to recognize guests by having their main stars test them out. And it did happen in the game so yay!!!
-I genuinely didn't think Bonnie would show up because off the leaks but at the time everyone designed their own version off him and so did I!!! I made him white and brown as a homage to Vannys help wanted mask. The blue streaks in his hair also relates to my Vanessa design. Reasons for this is because with how advanced the AI it was to trick them into thinking they were eachother friends. Why because the heartbreak would've been catastrophic.
-Chica didn't change much but I added brown because I love the color brown it is my top 1 color with purple following behind. Also because I love gradients I fucking love gradients you bet your ass if I add gradients I could <333 She has feather hair like that because off Big Bird I saw in a short fnaf sesame street horror yt video and that scared and gave me nightmares because of this one scene of a lady giving birth to his kid??? Idk it scared me alot. She's my favorite tho <3333
-Monty didn't change except he had circular glasses because I wanted him to match with Roxy as the newest additions to the Fazbear brand!!! Also man I wish one of them was a drummer but I couldn't decide between if Roxy or Monty would get it. I also didn't know Roxanne would be racing and gave her rock climbing. Reasons cause imagining her chasing you being able to climb walls would be scary. My only wish Is that I made his snout longer I want you to be able to hold it like a weapon
-They all have eyelashes because I think that is epic!!!
-Freddy is the tallest. Bonnie and Chica are the same height and Roxanne is the shortest
Might redraw them in my oc world version (if anyone would be interested it's basically also a robot story with my old fnaf oc's now turned rivals to Fazbear Entertainment) and not simplified but my other wips need me they are calling for me they are telling me to finish them and I must!!! Probably
And here's my older art after we got to see the game and the designs are wack oughhh :
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They would've fought with my pink yellow blue Vanny design!!! Which is the only one I redesigned because I love Vanny to much... You can see her pre-design here and oughh Pink Vanny <3333
-If you look closely Vanny has a Dino looking tail!!! And that's because I thought hey imagine each time we defeated an animatronic she'd sew a piece off their body onto her suit! So when we killed Monty she'd scavenged and get his tail!!! With Chica she got her chicken feet!! And with Roxanne she gets her teeth!!!
-Why because I associate her with Pinkamena cupcakes so much. Also to add onto my previous statement with Bonnie looking like her old mask. She changed her suit in the final act to solidify herself as the bad guy (final boss) who had been using the animatronics for his own gain.
-Man I never draw Chica with her head bow now that I think abt it same with Vanny's whiskers god what was I thinking!!!
Also sorry they're oddly cropped I watermark my stuff to remember what year I made them in and my old username is bad 💀
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Chapter 10, Pt. 2- Happy Birthday, Javi
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Summary: Javi is convinced that after the perfect morning you've given him, his birthday can't get any better. Little does he know, his birthday still has a few more surprises left.
Word Count: 11.7K (Told you it'd be 20K if i put these two parts together)
Warnings: SMUT (18+), unprotected p in v sex (pls be safe), semi-public sex (and kind of getting caught?), vaginal fingering, creampie, praise kink, breeding kink (are we surprised, cause I'm sure not), mentions of death/loss (but it's really sweet), mentions of alcohol and drinking, mentions of food, Steve Murphy not letting Javi have a moment of peace, Javi holding a baby (please don't mind as I scream into the abyss), if you've made it this far, you already know the sickening amount of fluff there's gonna be (hehehehe)
A/N: Our favorite birthday boy is back!!! I'm excited for this one cause it's CUTE. But when are these two idiots not like, the most adorable couple alive. Enjoy the rest of our sweet Javi's birthday!! Also please someone understand my self indulgent Foo Fighters/Blink-182 references
Series Masterlist Next Chapter Previous Chapter
“So you’re telling me I don’t get to know anything about the rest of the day? Coming from the person who hates surprises more than anyone I know?” Javi chuckled to himself, wrapping his towel around his waist as he stepped out of the shower, handing you yours as you followed behind him. 
“Okay, just because I hate being on the receiving end of a surprise doesn’t mean I don’t like to be a part of planning a surprise. So no, you don’t get to know. Although, I will say what happened this morning and the way you just pressed me against the wall and fucked me in the shower are two surprises I’m not upset about at all.” You smirked at Javi as you watched him run a towel over the damp curls of his hair, seeing his satisfied grin from underneath the fabric. “Now go get ready, birthday boy, you’ve got a big day ahead of you.” Javi pressed a gentle kiss onto your bare shoulder as you organized your things on the bathroom counter, rolling your eyes as you watched him look you up and down in the mirror. 
“If we didn’t have places to be, I’d bend you over this counter and fuck you right here.” The kiss on your shoulder being replaced by a nip, making you giggle and swat at his broad body standing behind you. 
“Javier Peña, you are a goddamn menace to society, go change!” The two of you laughed as Javi gave you a wink and a quick smack on the ass as he left you in the bathroom to start getting ready. 
A menace to society in-fucking-deed. 
You made sure to get ready as quickly as you could, wanting to make sure that you stayed on time for the rest of Javi’s birthday festivities. You had plenty planned to keep him busy until 4:00, the time you told Chucho you’d arrive at the ranch, giving your guests an hour to show up beforehand without ruining the surprise. After changing into a new, cute peachy dress with little white flowers, you met Javi in the living room, sitting on the couch watching TV, looking handsome as ever in the dark wash jeans and cream colored short sleeved button down. 
“The watch looks good with your outfit.” You teased, noticing that Javi was already wearing one of his birthday gifts that he had insisted on giving you a hard time about after finding out about its cost. 
“I love it, Osita. I’ll wear it every fucking day. And it actually tells time, which is helpful.” He laughed before turning his head around over the top of the couch to see you in your dress, jaw going slack as he watched you move about the kitchen, gathering things for the next part of your day. “Fuck me. Is that new?” he asked, taking an extra moment to appreciate how well the peach colored fabric hugged your body in all the right places, particularly as you bent down to pick something up out of the fridge. 
“Mmmhhmmm.” You hummed, trying your best to hide the pozole de pollo you had made for Javi the day before in your travel sized cooler. “Same shopping trip as this morning’s outfit.” You looked up at Javi, giggling, as he ran a hand through his hair, knowing he was using every ounce of self control in his body to let you keep working on whatever you were doing. “Alright, I think everything is packed and should be good to go. You ready, roomie?” You smiled, grabbing the bag you had packed in preparation for the next part of your birthday plans. That one made Javi grin from ear to ear, still processing the fact that you had asked him to move in with you. He had practically already been living there, but something about knowing you wanted him to be the first thing you saw in the morning, and the last thing you saw before you fell asleep at night every damn day filled his heart in a way he didn’t know was possible. 
“Ready. Sure I don’t get to know where we’re going?” He chuckled to himself as he got up, putting on his shoes and grabbing his keys, including the newest one to your shared apartment that he had already slipped onto the key ring while you were getting ready. 
“You’re starting to sound like me. C’mon, let’s go.” 
Walking down the stairs of your apartment, you grabbed Javi’s hand, knowing that he was going to lead you to his truck. Before he could lead you any further across the parking lot, you tugged him in the opposite direction, leading you towards your car. “Nope, I’m driving today. How were you supposed to drive if you didn’t know where we were going?” 
“You could still drive my truck, if you wanted. You’re always complaining about how shitty your car is.” 
He wasn’t wrong. After getting stationed in Oregon after his deployment, your oldest brother, Charlie, had offered to let you have his 1985 Jeep Wrangler. In reality, the car was only a decade-ish old, but the way he had treated it before he gave it to you had it barely hanging on by a thread. After your drive to Texas, Woodstock (the name you had given the car, given its obnoxious bright yellow color) was in rough shape, but, like most things in life, you were too stubborn to give it up and get a new one until you ran it into the ground. 
“Every ounce of feminism in my body evaporates if I even think about driving that truck. It’s huge, and I’m terrified I’m gonna crash into something, and at least one of us needs a car that isn’t an absolute piece of shit.” You sighed, throwing your bag in the trunk before hopping into the driver’s seat, Javi taking his spot next to you as a passenger. “Please, please, please.” You mumbled to yourself, twisting the key back and forth in the ignition before turning the car over, praying it would start. “Yes! She lives to see another day.” You nodded your head in satisfaction as Woodstock’s engine rumbled. Javi shook his head, laughing to himself at your antics you had convinced him were the key to getting your car to start. “Alright,” You said, backing out of your spot and pulling on to the road, “you’re in charge of music today. Sorry I don’t have the Grease soundtrack in my car, but I do have some ABBA which I feel like could be a good replacement if that’s what you’re in the mood for.”
Javi rolled his eyes at you as he reached up to pull down the visor in front of him, lined with the CD’s in its sleeve. Since the two of you normally didn’t drive in your car, Javi wasn’t used to your music selection. Flipping through the discs, he found some overlaps, Fleetwood Mac’s “Rumors”, Queen’s Greatest Hits, AC/DC’s “High Voltage”, along with some CD mixes that your brothers had probably given you, but he was surprised to find a few CD’s of bands that he had never even heard of before. “Blink-182?” He asked, holding up the disc with a picture of a bull with the band’s logo branded into its ass. 
“David really likes them. They’re okay, there’s a few songs on there that I like, but some of them are really weird. I’m pretty sure there’s a song on there called “Dick Lips”.” You snickered, peeking over at the other CD’s Javi was shuffling through. “Oh, oh, that album is amazing.” You pointed at the dark blue disc Javi was now reaching up to grab. “David and Charlie both love these guys. You know the band Nirvana? The guy who was the drummer for them made his own band after Kurt Cobain died. I’ve been listening to this album every time I drive.” 
“I don’t think I’ve heard you play it around the apartment. The Foo Fighters? Literally never heard of ‘em.” He shrugged, pressing the disc into your car radio. 
“I think you’d probably would’ve remembered if I played them around the house.” You huffed under your breath sheepishly. “They’re a little more… intense than what I normally listen to at home, so no judgment, okay? Skip to the second song, it’s the best one.” 
“Now I’m intrigued.” Javi responded, placing his hand on your leg after skipping to track 2, his face scrunching in surprise at the intensity of the guitar and drums now blaring through your speakers. It didn’t take long for you to start drumming against your steering wheel, nodding your head to the beat, as you sang along to the words. 
“Don’t wanna be your monkey wrench. One more indecent accident. I’d rather leave than suffer this. I’ll never be your monkey wrench.”  
Javi watched as you lost yourself in the song, belting the lyrics as you banged against the steering wheel, practically out of breath as the CD moved on to the next track from singing. Javi always loved watching you sing along to whatever music you had playing, but something about watching you now was different, like there was intention behind every word that you sang along to, like you were letting something out that had been weighing on your chest with every thud of your palm against the steering wheel. 
“Sorry.” You sighed, lowering the volume of the next track as you caught your breath. “It’s a great song, but this is my angry screaming in the car song if I’ve had a shitty day.” You tried to play off your comment jokingly, Javi sensing that you had more you wanted to say, but you weren’t telling him. 
“What’s the song called?” Javi asked, trying to pry more out of you. 
“Monkey Wrench.” 
“Like the tool?” He laughed, making sure he understood you correctly. 
“Yes, like the tool.” You half smiled back. “The song’s not actually about the tool… Well, I guess it kind of is. It’s about someone who gets pushed around and used because they’ve always tried to be flexible and adjust to make someone else happy, but eventually they realize they can’t take it anymore, and are done putting up with that person’s shit before it breaks them. You finally come to terms with what a fucking waste of time it was being with someone who couldn’t have gave a shit about you.” 
You sat there in silence for a moment, embarrassed by your last sentence, realizing your comment had definitely become a lot more personal than you had intended it to be. “Sorry, I don’t- I don’t know why I’m talking to you about this, I shouldn’t have said anything about the CD, this is supposed to be fun, it’s your birthday, and now I’m ruining it and-” You stopped to look down as you felt Javi squeeze your leg, like he was trying to stop the apology that was flowing from your mouth with his grasp around your thigh. “Sorry.” You whispered, your voice shaky as you tried to hold back the tears welling in your eyes. “I know I always joke about Paul being an asshole and try to play it off like it’s not a big deal, but I think it fucked with me a lot more than I’d like to admit.” You took a long breath in before exhaling, shaking your head to clear your thoughts. “Okay, that’s all I have to say about that dickhead. He doesn’t even deserve the time of day to take up any space in my head. He’s a piece of shit, and I have you, and that’s all that matters. He can go… He can go… eat… rocks.” The both of you snorted at your terrible attempt at comeback, easing the tension in the car. 
“You’re not ruining anything, Osita. I promise. I can understand why the song makes you mad. Makes me fucking pissed for you. I swear, if I ever meet that motherfucker, I’ll kick him in the dick ‘till he can’t fucking walk.” Javi snarled, the idea of someone treating you like how your ex did practically making his blood boil. 
“I’d pay money to see that. Okay, no more Foo Fighters. Pick whatever you want and don’t listen to any of my suggestions because I am 0 for 1 today on birthday music.” 
Shuffling through the rest of the CD’s ejected the Foo Fighters album to replace it with one he knew would make you smile. As soon as the keyboard riff to “Rich Girl'' by Hall and Oats started, your mood instantly shifted, wondering how Javi always knew exactly how to make you feel better. “Listen, Javi, you don’t have to use the song, you can just tell me that you’re in this relationship for the enormous salary I’m raking in from teaching, it’s okay.” Javi reached down to grab your hand as you giggled, giving it a gentle squeeze as he watched you sing along, dancing in your seat, with a smile on your face. Truth be told, Javier Peña was a simple man, and knowing you were happy with him was the best birthday gift he could ask for. 
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“Okay, we’re here!” You beamed, pulling up to the first stop of your surprise destinations for the day. Javi had lived in Laredo his entire life- he knew the city like the back of his own hand. That’s why when you pulled up to the small park entrance, Javi was perplexed as to where he was, or why you had taken him there. 
“Have I had it wrong this whole time, Osita? Are you the one that’s really the serial killer and you’re taking me out to some park I’ve never heard of to get rid of me?” Javi mocked as you playfully punched him before the two of you got out of the Jeep, grabbing the bag you had stored in the trunk. 
“Oh, shut up. Believe it or not, your dad is actually the one who told me about this place. C’mon, let’s go.” You hoisted the bag up onto your shoulder, making your way down the gravel path through the trees that lined the trail. Javi followed behind you, interlocking his hand with yours as you led him through the brush. The path opened up, revealing a small area overlooking Lake Casa Blanca, tucked away in its own corner, surrounded by trees and tall grass that swayed in the gentle summer breeze. It took Javi a moment to realize where you were, having been to the lake every summer since he could remember, but never once had he been here, shocked to find how quiet and peaceful the secluded patch by the water was. 
“Lake Casa Blanca?” He asked softly as you started pulling things out of your bag, laying down a big blanket, followed by a variety of containers and thermoses. 
“Mmmhmmm.” You nodded, fixing the edges of the blanket as you sat down, Javi joining you as you rustled around for the bowls and spoons at the bottom of the tote. “Your dad said you used to love coming here as a kid. So much that you would cry every time you had to leave. But he said there was a secret place hidden away on the opposite side of the lake where he always used to take your mom when they first started dating. They would be all cute and watch the sunset together before he had to take her home for the night. I know it’s not the sunset, and I know it’s definitely not your mom’s but um, I wanted to try and make you something for your birthday. I got her recipe from your dad. I know it’ll never be the same as hers, but your dad told me how much you loved it, and I-I hope that’s okay.” Carefully, you poured the pozole into one of the bowls, grateful that it still looked hot before you grabbed some of the garnishes out of the plastic containers and sprinkled them on top of the stew. 
“Is this… Is this her pozole?” He looked down at the bowl in shock, like he couldn’t even comprehend that the dish was really in front of him. He hadn’t seen the sight of his mom’s pozole de pollo in over a decade. He refused to eat anyone else’s, knowing it could never compare to his mamá’s. The memory of his mother lovingly feeding him bowls of the stew filled him with a comfort and heartache he wasn’t quite sure how to describe. He had never even bothered to ask his dad to make it, figuring like most of the things that brought him pain, it was easier just to avoid it all together. But then, there was you. How had you figured out this was his favorite? You must have gone out of your way to ask his dad? You made this just for him? You cared about him that much? He picked up the bowl and one of the spoons, realizing how nervous you looked as he scooped some up, bringing the spoonful of vegetables, chicken and broth to his mouth. 
You were practically holding your breath as he took a bite, praying to whatever higher power there was that he just didn’t hate it, or worse, that he was upset with you for even trying to attempt it in the first place. You watched hesitantly, over-analyzing every twitch of his face as he chewed and swallowed, looking up at you, tears welling behind his eyes. 
“Baby…” He paused for a moment, setting the pozole down. 
Fuck, was it so bad that you made him cry? Oh please, God, please not let it be terrible. 
He brought his hand to your cheek, caressing your jaw, his lips drawn in a soft sweet smile. His voice trembled, barley above a whisper. “It tastes just like hers. I-I never thought I’d get to taste that again. Thank you, Osita. You- You have no idea how much this means to me. It means everything. Thank you. Thank you so much.” A tear gently rolled down his cheek as he pulled you into his chest, cradling the back of your head as he brought you closer to him. He sat there for a moment, looking out at the lake then back down at you as he held you in his arms, the sweet scent of the pozole lingering in the peaceful silence. He wasn’t quite sure how you did it, but he swore he fell more and more in love with you by the second. 
“So, it’s okay? You’re not mad?”  
“Mad? Baby, how could I possibly be mad? I couldn’t be fucking happier. I love you so much.” He pressed a soft kiss on the top of your head, savoring the sweet scent of you as he buried his nose in your hair. 
“Well if it was really awful, it would be very fair if you were upset.” You let out a small huff of laughter, relief washing over your body, feeling like you could finally breathe again. “Like I said, I know it can never replace your mom’s, but it’s your birthday, and you deserve everything in the world- today and every other day. I love you too, Javi.” 
You were glad you had made as much pozole as you did, watching Javi practically inhale every last drop you had made. When you told him that there was still more in the fridge at home, his face lit up like a little boy on Christmas day. He was equally excited for the cupcakes you had made him, gobbling several of them down almost as quickly as the pozole. You sat at the edge of the water after finishing your food, listening to Javi tell you stories of his favorite memories at the lake, particularly enjoying the one where his older cousin had convinced him that you were allowed to take fish from the lake home as pets, and somehow managed to bring a full bucket back to the car with him before his parents found out. 
“Did you ever have any real pets as a kid?” You asked, finishing the last bite of your cupcake, still giggling from Javi’s story. 
“Besides all the cows and sheep and horses?” He laughed, face palming yourself for forgetting that Javi had literally grown up on a farm. “Yes in that sense, but never anything that lived in the house, besides that bucket of fish I almost got away with if my cousin wouldn’t have ratted me out.” 
“My house was a goddamn zoo growing up. I think by the time I was born, my parents already knew it was going to be chaos, so they figured, what were a few more animals going to do? I’m pretty sure at one point we had 3 dogs, a cat, Charlie had a rat and a snake which did not end well, and one day, Patrick and David came home from the pet store with an iguana, which only lived in the house for one day before escaping out the bedroom window at night, never to be seen again. Rumor is, that iguana is still roaming through the suburbs of Chicago to this day.” The both of you laughed, Javi raising an eyebrow, picturing you with all your brothers and animals running around the house. “After all of that, I am more than happy with just a dog, singular, not plural. I was close to adopting one when I moved down here, Paul hated animals- another red flag, despite how much I told him I wanted one, but it wouldn’t have been fair with me living in the apartment. I wanted to get a house when I moved down here so I could have a yard, but again, the giant teacher salary wasn’t doing me any favors, unless I wanted to live in a box by the side of the highway.” 
“I’ve always wanted a dog. I’d love to have one when we get a house.” 
We. When we get a house. That one put butterflies in your stomach. 
“When we get a house, huh?” You put a little emphasis on the word, the both of you blushing, quietly laughing to yourselves. 
“I mean, I love your apartment. I couldn’t be more fucking excited to live with you. But I mean- I don’t know, correct me if I’m wrong, I’m guessing you don’t wanna live there forever?” He traced his fingers along the small of you back as he sat propped up next to you. 
“I mean no, but again, not really rolling in cash over here in the money department, Jav.” You rolled your eyes, a part of you feeling guilty that your career choice always made you feel like a financial burden, despite how good you were with saving your money. 
“Listen…I don’t wanna sound like an asshole. I already know how much you hate the “I’m a man so I have to provide for you” stereotype, believe me. I’ve got a good amount of money saved up, and my job now pays better than the DEA even did. I just- I don’t want you to worry about it. I know how much you love teaching, and it’s un-fucking-fair how little teachers make, but I don’t ever want you to think you’re a burden because of it. I’d support you if you wanted to have 6 jobs, because if there’s anyone who could do it, it would fucking be you. But, I- I know you said that you wanted kids, and- and if you ever wanted to not work and stay at home with them, I’d support that too. I just want you to be happy, Osita. You deserve the world and I’d fucking give it to you if I could.” 
Those sweet chocolate eyes went straight to your heart. The way he looked at you made you feel like you were the only person on the face of this earth. He was right, you loathed the idea of a man telling how to live your life because he was the breadwinner, but you knew that’s not what Javi wanted. He cared about you. He cared about you so fucking much that almost hurt. He wanted to look after you because you were the only person in the world he ever wanted to treat this way. All he cared about was your happiness. And God, would more than gladly spend the rest of your life doing the same for him. 
“You trying to tell me you want me to stay at home and run the Peña household zoo while you’re at work?” You teased, giving him a little nudge as you smiled at him. 
“If that’s what you want, it’s what I want too. Although I may have to draw the line at having a fucking iguana in our house.” The two of you snorted, resting your head on Javi’s shoulder as he leaned down to kiss your head, placing a soft peck on your temple. 
“No iguanas is fine by me. Like I said, A dog is plenty. Maybe less kids than 4, but I could also be jaded from the 3 older brothers. But I mean- I guess, have you thought about how many kids you’d want?” You should have been embarrassed by how easily the question slipped out. There are lots of things you should have felt uncomfortable bringing up as you talked about your future together at this point in your relationship. You should of, but both of you seemed to agree that those should of’s flew out the window a long time ago. 
“Osita…” He paused, laughing to himself, shaking his head as he and those puppy dog eyes glanced over at you. “Baby, I’ll give you however many kids you want. I’ll give you a fucking football team if that’s what makes you happy.” Fuck, he’d give you a baby today if that’s what you wanted- but that’s one he still had enough willpower to keep as a should of, for now. Little did he know, you would have had as many babies as Javi wanted to give you right this very second. But that was a should of you could keep to yourself a little longer too. 
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The two of you spent a little more time enjoying the warm Texas sun by the edge of the water, Javi bruising your competitive pride in your rock skipping competition, as you tried to persuade him that you only let him win because it was his birthday. Glad that Javi had decided to wear his new watch, you were able to keep a close eye on the time, gathering your things and ushering him to your last pit stop before the Peña ranch. 
“Alright, stop number two!” You smiled as you pulled up to Eva’s Dairy Barn. “Wouldn’t be a good birthday if I didn’t take you for ice cream.” 
“I was hoping this would be part of the surprise.” He grinned at you as the two of you exited your car, grabbing your hand as you stood in line. 
“Of course, Mr. Sweet Tooth. What’s today’s choice? They have a flavor that’s called birthday cake! Or does that not have enough sprinkles for you?” You stuck your tongue out at him as he wrapped you in a bear hug, shaking you as you both laughed. 
“Even on my birthday, you’re not gonna let me have a moment of peace, are you?” 
“Never. Where’s the fun in that?” 
You had never been more thankful for Javi’s incredibly fast eating skills, the impressive speed that he consumed his ice cream at keeping you on time for his last surprise. 
“You sure my dad really wants to see me that badly? I told him I was spending the day with you and that we could celebrate a different time.” Javi asked as the two of you got in your car to begin your journey to the Peña ranch. 
“Uh, yeah, he called the other day while you were at work, and said that he had something at the house he really wanted to give you today since it’s your actual birthday.” You replied, trying your best to make your lie as convincing as possible. It wasn’t until just now that you began to feel the nerves building in your belly. The day had already been so perfect, you hadn’t stopped to think about the surprise party until now. What if Javi hated it? What if he was mad at you for inviting all of these people? What if you had ruined what had already been such an amazing birthday for him? Javi could clearly sense that your mood had shifted, noticing how tightly you were now gripping the steering wheel of your car as you drove. 
“You okay, Hermosa?” He questioned, looking over at you with concern. 
C’mon, pull it together, you literally have like 20 more minutes, don’t ruin it now. 
“Me? Oh yeah, I’m fine, my head just kind of hurts. Probably didn’t drink enough water today.” You shrugged, turning up the radio volume, your answer seeming to satisfy Javi enough to keep him from pressing anymore. You tried your best to keep your cool for the rest of the trip, singing along to one of the Rolling Stones albums Javi had found tucked behind one of your other CD’s. By the time you were pulling down the driveway, you could feel how sweaty your palms were, relieved to see that Javi hadn’t noticed any of the guests’ cars peeking out from behind the other side of the barn as you approached the house. He reached over the center console to give you a quick kiss before the two of you exited, taking a few deep breaths and frantically wiping your clammy hands on your dress before Javi interlaced his fingers with yours to walk up to the house. 
“Hey Pops, we’re here!” Javi announced, opening the door for the both of you. He stepped a little further into the living room, a concerned look now growing across his face at the lack of response. “Dad?” He called out again to the sound of silence. Javi wandered a little deeper into the home, peeking his head into the kitchen and down the hallway as he looked back at you in confusion. “That’s weird, he’s normally done working by now.” He looked around, placing his hands on his hips before looking down at you, crossing your arms and biting your lip. 
“You promise you love me and you’re not gonna be mad at me?” You asked, scrunching your brow. 
“Baby, what is going on?” His face now even more puzzled. 
“You promise?” 
“Of course I promise, Osita, what is happening, why are you being so weird?” He now mirrored your stance, crossing his arms over his chest, trying his best not to panic. You grabbed his hand, leading him towards the door of the backyard patio, letting out one last little gulp before you spoke. 
“I love you more than anything in the world, Jav. I know you said you don’t think that anyone cares about you or your birthday, but there are so many people who love you, me included, who think that you deserve to have the most amazing day ever. I know you don’t believe it, but I do, and so does everyone else.” You pressed up on your toes to give him one last kiss before opening the sliding glass door, watching him walk out to the back porch. He looked around to see the balloons, streamers and string lights hanging from the deck as you stood behind him, giving a thumbs up to Chucho, who had all of the party guests hidden on the side of the house. He turned back around to face towards you, completely bewildered. 
“Osita, what’s going-” 
Javi spun around to see not one, not ten, but a crowd of people now standing at the bottom of the deck, smiles stretched across their faces as they looked up at him. At first, he thought it was a joke. He looked back at you, nodding your head in reassurance, like you could read his mind. 
Yes, these people are all really here for you, pendejo. 
He looked back out into the sea of people standing in the backyard, now realizing just how many people had shown up just to celebrate him. His whole family- Aunts, uncles, cousins, and their children, his family friends, your 3rd grade co-workers, Carter and Miller, fucking Steve Murphy? And Connie? He turned around to face you one more time, tears welling in his eyes, truly in disbelief. “Baby… Did you… Did you do this all for me?” He cupped your face, cradling your cheek. 
“Yes, well me and your dad. Just about killed me to try and keep it a secret this long, I think I was gonna spontaneously combust if I had to tell you another lie.” Your gaze was soft and tender as you stared up at him, letting out a little laugh at the state of disbelief Javi was still in. “Happy Birthday, Javi. Te amo.” 
Taking his hands and grasping both sides of your face, Javi pulled you in closer, his mouth meeting yours with a passion that made your heart flutter, his kiss was deep and intense. It was almost enough to drown out the hooting and hollering of the crowd you forgot was watching you from the yard, Javi pulling away in laughter as he heard, who he assumed to be Steve’s loud “OW OWWWWW!” as the two of you found yourselves dangerously close to making out in front of Javi’s friends and family. Chucho joined you on the deck, his grunt from each step of the stairs giving away his presence as you ran over to give him a hug. 
“Lo hicimos, Chucho. Buen trabajo, Chiflado.” (We did it, Chucho. Nice work, crazy.) 
“Lo hicimos, Mija. Ven aquí, Javier. (We did it, mija. Come here, Javier).” Chucho held out his arm, motioning for Javi to join them in their group hug. 
“Feliz cumpleaños!” (Happy birthday!) you both beamed up at Javi, wrapping your arms around him. At that moment, Javi didn’t care how tough of a man he thought he was. He didn’t care that he was in front of almost everyone he knew. He didn’t care what anyone thought. The sight of the two of you wrapped around his waist, laughing and smiling together as you held him brought him to tears. You were the two people he cared about more than anything in this world, and the fact that you both cared about him just as much made him weak in the knees. For a very long time, Javi had convinced himself that he wasn’t worth caring for. Sure, people would say they cared, but words were really nothing but- They were just words. But then there was you. Your words, your actions, your kindness, your sweet heart. You. Everything about you. You cared about him. You loved him. For the first time in a very long time, Javier Peña could feel himself finally starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, he really was worth caring for. 
Chucho grabbed his son by the arm, giving him a firm grasp, as he too, wiped the tears rolling down his cheeks. “Te amo, hijo. Me enorgullece el hombre que eres. Yo se tu madre estaría tambien. Feliz cumpleaños, Javier.” (I love you, son. I am so proud of the man you've become. I know your mother would be, too. Happy birthday, Javier). You watched as the two of them embraced, Chucho patting Javi on the back, squeezing him tightly before pulling away and pointing at you. “She’s a good one. You better marry this girl, Javier. And not just because I want my nietos (grandkids).”  That one had both your faces turning an embarrassing shade of red as Chucho pulled you both back in for a hug before letting you go to address the crowd. 
“Vamos de fiesta!” (Let’s party!) 
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As the upbeat music began to play in the background, Javi grabbed you by the hand, leading you down the deck into the crowd below. It was no surprise to either of you that the first voice that greeted you was one you hadn’t heard since the beginning of june. 
“MIJAAAAAAAAA!” Maria screeched as she wrapped her arms around the two of you, squeezing you in for a hug before pulling away with a staunch frown on her face. “Why have neither of you called?! Apparently you two are in love and I have to hear it from Chucho?! Dios Mio, I cannot believe it!” You and Javi laughed as she swatted at the both of you, the two of you grimacing between your giggles. 
“Sorry, Maria.” Javi replied, leaning back down to kiss her on the cheek, easing some of her theatrics.
“Fine, I will forgive you. Only because it is your birthday. As long as I am invited to the wedding, I won’t complain.” She pointed a finger at Javi as he pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath. 
“Maria… Please?” He looked down at her, giving your hand a little squeeze as you quickly caught him smirk in your direction. 
“Oh, pshhhhhh.” She waved her hand at him again, rolling her eyes. “I already know it will happen, so just keep me on the guest list. I really am glad to see you both so happy. Feliz cumpleaños, Javier.” This time, she ended her sentence with a genuine smile, bringing you back for one last hug before giving a wave and heading back into the crowd. 
“Well… This school year’s gonna be fun.” You raised an eyebrow at Javi, the both of you knowing Maria  was about to be a relentless investigator in your relationship once September rolled around. “I’m gonna go check on something inside really quick, are you gonna be okay if I leave you to fend for yourself?” You smiled at him, telling that as thankful as he was, Javi was still feeling a little overwhelmed by all the attention. He nodded, giving you a quick kiss on the head as you disappeared to make sure everything had made it to its proper place before the party kicked into full swing.  
Javi took a deep breath, relieved to find his dad approaching him, already holding out a beer in his hand for his son to take. “Figured you might need a little liquid courage.” Chucho chuckled, patting Javi on the back. Javi quickly took the can, cracking it open and holding it up to cheers with his dad, taking an extra long sip before holding it by his side. 
“She really planned all this?” Javi grinned at his dad in disbelief, looking out at the crowd around him. 
“Sure did, hijo. She’s been planning it for weeks, been over here more times than I can count while you’ve been at work. She wanted to make sure everything was perfect for you. That girl loves you so much, Javier. I hope you know how lucky you are.” 
Javi watched as you made your way back down from the deck, awestruck by every inch of you as you made your way back to him. Looking at you was like looking at a fucking dream. He was the luckiest man on the face of the earth. He knew that for damn sure. Before Javi could respond to his dad, he felt two hands grab him by the shoulders and shake him from behind, already knowing exactly who it was from the moment he heard his voice. 
“Happy birthday, you grumpy old bastard.” 
Never in his life did Javi think that he would be so excited to see Steve Murphy. 
“Hey, Murph.” Javi chuckled, grabbing Steve in a tight embrace, the two patting each other's backs before pulling away. 
“Fuck, you look old. What’d ya turn this year, 76?” 
“Fuck off, Murphy. Could say the same for you.” It had been years since the two had seen each other, but the way Javi and Steve picked right back up where they had left off made it feel like not even a day had passed between them. 
“Havin’ kids will do that to ya. Sure it won’t be long ‘till you find that out. Speakin’ of which, where’s the girlfriend?” Steve winked, taking a sip of his beer as Javi took an over exaggerated sigh, raising his own beer up to his mouth, relieved to find you walking up to the two of them. 
“Oh, you already got a drink? Okay, two for me then, I guess.” You shrugged, setting one of your beers down in the grass as Javi wrapped his hand around your hip, planting a kiss on your temple. “You must be Steve?” You asked, outstretching your hand toward his tall, lanky frame. 
“You must be the girlfriend?” He replied mischievously. 
“I wish. He’s just paying me to walk around with him all night to make him look good. Felt bad for the guy with it being his birthday and everything. What’d you say your name was again? Julio?” You snorted as you looked up at Javi, shaking his head as you nudged his side. 
“Fuck, she’s funny. I like her, Jav.” Steve grinned at Javi, raising an eyebrow. 
“You two are both the biggest pain in my ass I think I’ve ever met.” Javi retorted, smirking at you as he gave you a little nudge back. 
“Well, at least he’s got a type.” You held up your drink up to Steve’s, the both of you laughing as a petite blonde haired woman approached with 2 little girls behind her and one in her arms. 
“Hi Javi.” She smiled warmly, passing the baby off to Steve as she gave Javi a hug. “It’s so good to see you. Hope Steve isn’t already giving you too much of a hard time.” 
“Thanks, Connie. Good to see you too. Con, this is my girlfr-” 
“Girlfriend? I had a feeling. Steve told me all about you. It’s really nice to meet you.” Connie reached her arms out towards you, pulling you in for a hug. 
“It’s really nice to meet you too, thank you so much for coming.” You smiled at her, looking over at the two girls behind her. “Are these your daughters?” 
“Oh yes, this is Olivia and Abby, and the little one is Madison. Can you say hi, girls? Javi used to work with your dad a long time ago!” Connie cooed at the girls, playing with each other behind their mom. 
“Hi!” The girls waved shyly before darting behind Connie’s legs, giggling to one another. 
You and Javi both waved back as you crouched down on your knees to talk with them. “So Olivia and Abby, how old are you?” 
“10!” Olivia responded, trying to pull her sister away from Connie to get a better look at you. “Abby’s 6 but she’s really shy.” 
“I am not!” Abby demanded, stomping her foot at her sister. “I’m almost 7, so I won’t be 6 for much longer.” 
“Well it looks like we have two birthdays to celebrate!” You smiled as Abby peeked a little further from out behind her mom. “So let me guess, you girls are going into 5th grade and 1st grade? I teach 3rd grade, so I’m right in between you two!” The girls' faces lit up instantly as you told them about your profession.   
“I wanna be a teacher when I’m a grown up!” Olivia beamed, tugging at Connie’s sleeve. “Mommy, do you think she’ll play unicorns with us?” Abby now bouncing up and down in excitement next to her. 
“Oh sweetie, I don’t-” 
“No it’s okay!” You interjected, cutting off Connie. “Of course I can play. Just for a little bit though. I’m sure playing with you is way more fun than talking with grownups, but I promised Javi I’d spend time with him tonight because it’s his birthday, okay?” You stood up, now facing Javi looking like he hadn’t heard a single word you had just said. “Jav?” 
“Uh yeah, sorry, what’d you say?” He shook his head, trying to clear the strangely comforting feeling he had growing in his chest with how sweetly you had talked to the girls. 
“You okay if I go hang with these two cuties for a little while? Unless you’re also dying to go play unicorns, in which case I'm sure the girls will let you join since it’s your birthday.” You gestured back over to Olivia and Abby, laughing as you watched them already pretending to gallop around the backyard.
“I’m good on the unicorns, thanks Osita.” He chuckled as you pressed up on your tiptoes to give him a kiss before heading off to join the girls. 
“THERE’S NO KISSING IN UNICORNS!” Olivia shouted from across the yard making you, Connie, Steve and Javi burst out into hysterics, holding up your arms like you had been caught, turning around to point at Javi and give him a playful stank face as you walked away. 
“Goddamn, Jav. When you puttin’ a ring on that girl’s finger?” Steve and Connie both smirked as he passed baby Madison back over to her, Connie carrying her over to watch where the girls were playing.
“Murph, c’mon-” Javi tried to stop him from getting any further before he knew how much shit Steve was about to throw his way, regardless of what his answer was. 
“I’m bein’ serious, Javi. She’s a fuckin’ catch. Happiest I’ve ever seen you, that’s for sure. What the hell you waitin’ for, man?” Javi could tell Steve was being genuinely serious, something that didn’t happen often. Javi took another sip of his near empty drink as he rested his hands on his hips, staring back at Steve’s impatient glare. 
“I don’t know, Steve. I- She’s perfect. Fuck, I don’t know, it’s only been 3 months, I don’t wanna rush things or scare her off, I- I didn’t know you could love someone this much, Murph. I’m scared I’m gonna fuck it up somehow.” Javi’s gaze shot down to the ground, running his hands through the dark curls of his hair before setting his can down in the grass. 
“Listen, I’ll say one more thing and then I’ll shut up about it, I promise.” Steve held his hands up in defense as Javi nodded, waiting for what Steve had to say. “I dated someone before Con for 3 fuckin’ years and it blew up in my face because it just wasn’t it. I met Connie two weeks later, and I knew from the moment I met her I wanted to spend the rest of my fuckin’ life with her. Got married 10 months later. When ya know, ya know, Jav. And if there’s one thing I can tell for certain is that you’re fuckin’ lovesick fool for her, and she sure as hell loves you too. You won’t mess anything up, Peña. Now c’mon, I got a lotta birthday whiskey I need to give you.” 
Looking over Steve’s shoulder, Javi watched as you ran around with Olivia and Abby, that bright beautiful smile stretched across your face, his heart bursting as he watched you laugh and giggle with the girls in the grass. He hated to admit that Steve was right about anything, but there wasn’t a doubt in Javi’s mind that he wasn’t. He’d marry you tomorrow. He would have married you yesterday. Fuck, he would have married you 2 months ago. God, the only thing stopping him at this point was not wanting to hear the 10 pounds of shit Steve was going to give him during the best man speech at his wedding. 
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Despite getting roped into playing Unicorns for a little longer than you had intended, the party seemed to be going off without a hitch. People were having fun, the food Chucho had grilled was delicious, and more important than anything else, Javi was happy. Genuinely happy. You were worried that with the amount of people who had come, Javi would be overwhelmed by the attention, counting down the minutes until the night was over. It had shocked you how many times Javi had thanked you not only for everything you had done for him that day, but for inviting so many people that he had barely seen since his mom had passed. He was so excited to introduce you to the rest of his family that you hadn’t met yet, and found himself on the brink of tears as you tried to converse with them in Spanish, finding out that part of the reason you had spent so much time with Chucho was to learn more so you could talk to the people he cared about the most in their native language. It made him burst with pride how each friend and family member he introduced you to couldn't express enough how much they loved you, and how happy they were for him. Truth be told, the only thing that Javi had to even try to complain about was the fact that you still made everyone sing him Happy Birthday and blow out the candles on the cake you had made. Even when he told you that you were mad about it, Javi knew that you could see right through him, and that he couldn’t have been more thankful for every single thing you had done for him that day. 
Long after the sun had set below the horizon of the Peña ranch, the party was still in full swing, the string lights you and Chucho had hung along the deck now lighting up the boisterous dance floor the patio had become. Despite his genuine happiness, you were more than convinced that Steve’s birthday whiskey definitely had something to do with the fact that Javi asked you to go dance with him, but wasn’t quite enough liquid courage to keep him on the dance floor as you tried to drag him back out to do the Macarena with you and his tías. After a few of his cousins had dragged him inside for another beer, Javi found himself sitting at the kitchen table, still getting a good view of you on the porch as you sang and danced away. Javi took a sip of his drink, letting out a content sigh as he leaned back in the chair and watched Steve fumble his way into the kitchen, holding Madison with a desperate look in his eyes.
“Thank God, there you are. Can you watch her, please?” Steve outstretched the baby girl out to Javi, panting like he had sprinted to come find him. 
“Steve, what? Are you sure that-?” Javi looked back at Steve suspiciously, leaving Madison dangling between the two of them as Steve practically set her in Javi’s lap. 
“Listen, I got two little girls out in the backyard fightin’ over who the hell gets to be the purple mermaid, Con’s out at the car tryin’ to get the girl’s pajamas, so either you take the baby, or go help Olivia and Abby decide who the goddamn purple mermaid is cause I can’t do both.” Sensing the desperation in his tone, Javi took Madison in his arms as Steve went as quickly as he came through the kitchen. “Word of advice, Jav?” Steve yelled across the room as he moved towards the door. 
“Yeah, Murph?” 
“Don’t let the kids outnumber you.” 
Javi chuckled to himself as he looked down at the baby now sitting in his lap. “Guess it’s just you and me, huh?” Javi shrugged as Maidson as he bounced her in his lap. Javi had never really understood why people were so obsessed with babies, considering that they didn’t really do much. But as Javi listened to Madison babble and squeal as he rocked her up and down, he found himself with a grin stretched across his face that he was definitely not expecting. Now on a mission to get another cute reaction out of her, Javi held Madison in his arms, making goofy faces at her as her happy shrieks and coos continued. 
Realizing that Javi had been gone for a good amount of time, you looked around the yard, finding that Javi was nowhere in sight. Chucho mentioned something to you about seeing Javi head into the house with his primos (cousins) not too long ago, so you decided to make your way through the crowd to see if you could find him. 
“Oh hey, there you are, Hermosa!” you heard Javi’s voice greet you, your back still turned to him as you closed the door behind you. 
“Hi, birthday boy! I was looking for-” 
Oh, dear lord. 
The sight you had stumbled upon was nothing that you could have mentally prepared yourself for. It hadn’t helped that for some reason, Javi seemed to be a kid magnet- every child at the party wanting to come up and talk to him or wish him happy birthday. That in itself would have been fine. But what really sent you over the edge was the fact that he was so goddam sweet with every single one of them. Like when you had watched as he crouched down to talk with one of his youngest cousins, listening intently as he told Javi all about his soccer team, or hug one of Estelle’s granddaughters who had made him a birthday card, Javi thanking her in that same sweet voice you had heard him use with animals. It practically melted to the ground as you watched him wrap his arms around her, telling her “Que hermosa! Muchos gracias! (So pretty! Thank you so much!)  As she handed him the card. That alone was enough to turn you into a puddle. But now, here you were, looking at Javier Peña, making the sweetest silly faces to the baby he had sitting on his lap. You were ready to run home and toss your birth control out the fucking window. 
“You okay, Osita?” Javi asked, waiting for you to finish the rest of your sentence. 
“Yup. I am great. I am doing perfectly fine. I am feeling SUUUUPER normal about what’s happening right now.” You gestured to Javi, now propping Madison against his shoulder as he stood up. 
Oh my GOD, is he broad. That man could easily fit 3 more babies in his arms. I’m about to get him to put 3 more babies in- NO. STOP. STOP THIS RIGHT NOW. You aren’t even close to being engaged yet, let alone married, you idiot. You cannot have this man’s babies right now. Well, I meannnnn, I guess I- NO. Self control. Pull it together, you hormonal monster. Jesus Christ. 
Javi shook his head as he laughed to himself, almost as if he could hear the internal monologue going on in your head as you watched him carry Madison over to you. “What?” He smirked at you, bouncing the baby girl in his arms. 
“Don’t you what me, Javier Jesús Peña. You expect me to walk in on you holding a baby and just be normal about it? Here, let me hold her before I look at you any longer and my ovaries burst.” You reached up as Javi passed Madison over to you, holding her only for a brief moment before Steve came rushing back in, snatching her out of your arms. 
“If Connie asks, I had her the whole time and the girls didn’t have two extra pieces of cake to stop the mermaid argument.” 
Before either of you could say another word, Steve was back out of the kitchen, rushing through the patio door. His swift entrance and exit left you and Javi alone, standing dangerously close to one another, the sexual tension between the two of you so thick, a chainsaw wouldn’t have been able to cut through it. You were using any and all self control you had to not pounce on Javi after watching him hold that baby, but he clearly seemed to have even less restraint than you. 
“C’mere.” Javi rasped, his mouth moving faster than his brain as he grabbed your wrist to pull you down the hallway into his room, frantically closing and locking the door behind him. In seconds, your lips crashed into each other, moans escaping from your mouths in between each breath, as your hands grasped at tight fistfuls of the other’s clothing. Javi’s tongue swept into your mouth, kissing you like his life depended on it, the both of you becoming so needy and desperate in each other's arms. Javi’s hands hiked up the hem of your dress, sliding against your thighs before wrapping his arms under your legs, hoisting you up and carrying you into the ensuite attached to his room, using his back to push open the door. He set you down on the counter, quickly pressing the lock to the bathroom before he was back to nipping at your neck, the palms of his hands pressing against every inch of your body as he slid the straps of your dress off your shoulders. 
“Javiiii…” You whined in between his frantic kisses. “Javi, we can’t do this here, all your friends and family are outside, this is a bad idea.” Your words were less convincing than ever as you ran your hands through Javi’s hair, tugging at the ends of his thick, brown locks, wrapping your legs around the small of his back to pull him closer to you. 
“I don’t care. Fuck, I need you right now.” He planted hot, wet kisses along your neck and chest, pushing down the top of your dress, leaving your breasts exposed, your nipples pebbling against the cool air and Javi’s touch. He swiped his tongue against each, flicking and swirling them in his mouth as he dug his fingers into your hips, making it harder and harder to keep your moans quiet. 
“Javi, we can’t. What if someone finds us? I want your family to like me, and I’m pretty sure one of them walking in on us isn’t gonna help my case very much.” You couldn’t even bother trying to convince yourself at this point. You could already feel how wet the fabric of your underwear was, slick pooling along your thighs as you and Javi practically clawed at each other, feverishly desperate and worked up.  
Javi smirked, shaking his head as hooked his fingers around the waistband of your panties, letting them fall to the floor as they slid down your legs. “You don’t have to worry about that, baby. They fucking love you. You know what everyone keeps asking me, huh?” He took his hand, placing it under your chin, forcing your gaze to meet with the dark, lustful pools of his eyes, the other sliding up your bare thigh, his fingers sliding through your wet folds, collecting the arousal already dripping from them. “They keep asking me when I’m gonna marry you.” 
He pushed his thick fingers into your heat, making you shutter as your hands white knuckled the edge of the marbled countertop. “Couldn’t stop thinking about it all fucking day. How fucking perfect you are, what good wife you’d be.” The calloused pad of his thumb pressed against your clit, the motion of him rubbing back and forth and his fingers pulsing in and out of you making you scrunch your face, your jaw hinged open, trying everything you could to keep quiet. 
Javi would have loved to do nothing more than spend the rest of the night making you cum over and over again, but the both of you knew now wasn’t the time or place to keep things drawn out. He pulled his fingers out of you, making you bite down on your tongue to keep from whimpering as Javi worked at his belt, hearing the buckle clink as he pushed his pants and boxers down his thighs. His cock sprang free as it flung out from under the waistband of his underwear, already throbbing and leaking precum from its tip. Javi spitting on his hand to stroke himself before collecting the slick around your entrance and pushing deep inside your heat. Javi held his hand up over your mouth, trying to keep from screaming into his palm as the sweet stretch of his length felt like it was splitting you open. “Shhhhh, I know baby.” He mewled, reaching his free hand down to once again rub against your throbbing bundle of nerves. “Gotta be a good girl and keep quiet for me, okay?” You nodded frantically as he took his hand off your mouth, biting down on your lip as his thrusts became quicker, pounding into you with a desperate intensity. “Jesus you’re so fucking wet. Does it turn you on, Osita? Thinking about me being your husband?” The way Javi punched against your walls had you writhing, squeezing your legs tighter around his waist and burying your face in the crook of his neck, toes curling with each satisfying thrust. You were practically incoherent- the way his hips snapped ferociously against you, fingers circling against your clit, talking about being his fucking wife? You let your words babble from your brain straight to your mouth, unfiltered, as they fell from your lips. 
“Fuck- oh my god - Yes, fuck, it turns me on so much. I think about it all the time. Fuck, I wanna marry you so bad, have your kids, I want all of it Javi. I want- Oh shit- I want all of it.” You could feel the tingle creeping from the base of your spine into your belly, digging your fingertips into the shirt stretched across the muscles of Javi’s broad back, crying out silently into his shoulder. The sounds that filled the air between you were wanton, hearing how wet you were as Javi slid in and out of you, his grunts strained against his gritted teeth, thrusting deeper and harder as he felt your pussy begin to flutter around him. 
“Jesus- fuck me - Makes me so fucking hard thinking about it. Making you my fucking wife, putting a ring on your finger, fucking a baby into you. I’ll give it all to you, Osita.” You balled  your fists around the fabric of his shirt, nearly ripping it off his back as you sobbed into his neck feeling how close you were. His free hand reached back up against your face, cupping over your mouth to muffle your moans, feeling you clench tighter and tighter around his cock. “That’s it baby. Let go. Soak my dick before I fuck you full of me.” The coil in your belly snapped as you whimpered into his palm, your orgasm overtaking you, body erupting with pleasure. 
Hi Javi’s thrusts became sloppy and sporadic, frantically chasing his own high, desperate to fuck every last drop of himself into you. “Fuck, Hermosa, you’re so good to me, giving me the best fucking birthday- mierda - you’re fucking perfect. All fucking mine. Oh shit, fuck, baby, I’m- ahhhhhh.” With one last pulse, his seed spilled against the heat of your walls, his cock throbbing inside you, pushing every last drop of himself into your cunt. He slumped his forehead against your shoulder, feeling the sweaty curls of his hair stick to your skin as your chests rose and fell in sync. Javi hissed as he pulled out, feeling the mixture of the two of you drip down your legs. Running his two fingers along the inside of your still trembling thighs, he collected your spend, bringing it back to your entrance before pushing his thick digits back into your heat, making you gasp. “Gonna keep you full of me all fucking night, pretty girl.” He leaned down to kiss along the trail he had swiped up before traveling his lips up your body, stopping at your mouth. He reached down to grab your panties, pulling them back over your legs as he helped you down off of the counter, shuffling them over your ass as he gave it a quick smack before pulling your dress back down to its rightful position. You leaned against the counter as Javi brought his pants and boxers back around his waist, fastening his belt buckle, looking up to see you grinning at him. 
“Did you mean what you said? About- about all that stuff?” You asked, biting down on your lip, heat building in your face as your heart pounded in your chest. 
“Every fucking word, baby.” He cradled your cheek, running his thumb along your jaw, his face radiating with joy and content. “Osita, this has been the best fucking birthday I’ve ever had. Never in a million fucking years did I think someone would even care enough to remember my birthday, let alone do all this shit for me. I never wanna have another goddamn birthday without you. Today has been perfect. I’m ready to go and take you home to our apartment. Tú y yo, Osita. Para el restoro de mi vida (Me and you, Osita. For the rest of my life.) I love you so much.”
 Before Javi could lean down to kiss you again, your bodies both froze in fear as you heard the doorknob to the bedroom rattling. “Fuck…” Javi muttered to himself. “Wait right here, okay? I promise I’ll make sure no one finds out you’re in here. Fuck, I’m so sorry.” He gave you a quick kiss on the head before carefully closing the ensuite door, trying his best to fix his hair and shirt as he heard knocking on the other end. 
“Jav! It’s Steve. I know you’re in there, you sneaky son of a bitch.” 
Javi groaned as he opened the door, stepping out of his room to find Steve smirking as he crossed his arms against his chest. “Whatchya doin’ in there, buddy?” 
“Fuck off, Murphy, I just- I had to go get something really quick.” Javi’s eyes darted up and down the hallway to make sure no one else was around. 
“Whatever ya say man. Hey listen, all the girls are cashed out in the car so we’re gonna hit the road. I just wanted to say it was so good to see you, Peña. The two of you need to come by sometime now that we’re close. I know I’ve given you a lot of shit over the years, but I mean it when I say I’m really fucking happy for you. Happy birthday, ya grumpy old bastard.” Steve pulled in Javi for a hug, giving him one last pat on the back before pulling away. “And Jav?” 
“Yeah, Murph?” 
“Your fly’s undone.” 
“Oh, fuck…” Javi muttered, quickly reaching down to zip up his pants while Steve was trying to keep himself from cackling. 
You snuck out of the bathroom to press against the doorway, trying to figure out who had almost caught you and Javi. Not realizing that Javi hadn’t closed the door all the way, you leaned just a little too hard, forcing it open as you sheepishly peeked your head out behind Javi. 
“Bye, sweetheart.” Steve winked at you before heading down the hallway and disappearing around the corner, your face beet red knowing you had completely blown your cover. 
“Bye Steve.” You muffled through the hand now completely covering your face in embarrassment before looking back up at Javi. “Better him than your dad, I guess? Or God forbid, Maria?” You both grimaced, the idea of either of those two finding you in the state Steve had making you shutter. 
“Jesus, I can’t even think about that.” You both laughed as Javi snaked his hand around your waist, pulling you flush with his chest. “Whaddya say we head home, roomie?” The name making you grin as you hugged your arms around his hips, laying his head against the soft fabric of his shirt. 
“Sounds good to me, birthday boy.” 
The two of you made your way back out to the party, the number of guests dwindling from the late hours of the night the party had extended to. You said your goodbyes to the friends and family still lingering, making sure to give an extra long hug to Chucho, thanking him again for everything he had done to help make sure the party had gone perfectly. 
“I can come over tomorrow if you need help cleaning up okay? Don’t need you complaining about your knees anymore than you already are.” You smiled, Chucho pulling you in for one last squeeze. 
“Cabrón. Mis viejas rodillas están bien.  (Asshole. My old knees are just fine). But if you wanted to come over tomorrow morning to help, I wouldn’t complain. I’m sure this one wants to come get the rest of his things and get out his old man’s hair once and for all.” He chuckled as he grinned at Javi, shaking his head at the two of you. 
“Sounds good, we’ll see you tomorrow, Chucho. Thank you again. You’re the best. You ready, Jav?” You squeezed his hand, giving him a little nudge. 
“Yeah, I just gotta ask Pops something real quick, I’ll meet you out by the car, okay?” He replied, giving you a kiss on the head as you gave Chucho one last wave before making your way back to the driveway. 
“Qué necesitas, hijo?” (What do you need, son?). Chucho raised an eyebrow at Javi, watching his son fidget with his fingers, leg bouncing anxiously. Making sure you had disappeared from his sight, Javi looked around the crowd one more time before taking a shaky breath. 
“I uh- I don’t need it now, but, I mean I’m still gonna give it some time- I um, I just wanted to know if, fuck, if um, I could- I could have mom’s ring?” 
Chucho’s eye’s glistened, beaming at Javi as he wrapped his arm around his son. “Javier. That ring has been sitting on my nightstand since I got home from Maria’s party all those months ago. I’m just glad you finally asked and I didn’t have to put it in your pocket for you.” 
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Taglist: @cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed
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Do you think the bayverse turtles ever get stuck on the back of their shells???
I cackled at this mental image XD
-A bayverse adorer and a huge fan of your work❤️❤️
Turtle Spinning Tops
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A/N: Thank you so much, it means a lot😘💚🐢 The short answer is no, I don’t think so. But if one were to keep them on their shell and spin them around… hehehehe. I also decided to write a whole piece on this, because I have no chill💙❤️💜🧡
Warnings: Spelling and mental imagery of back spinning Bayverse turtles.
On one really knew when it started. It had just always been a thing they did to each other, especially as children. If one were to slip and fall, and land on their shell (which wasn’t too nice already), it wasn’t uncommon for that poor turtle’s brothers to jump into action, force them down while one to a hold of their ankles before spinning them around like a spinning top. Or as Mikey called it, a Turtle Blade, finding it similar to a Beyblade.
None of the turtles were a big fan of being a turtle spinning top, but they couldn’t deny how hilarious it was to watch their brothers spin helplessly on the floor. Besides, they had done it to him, so why shouldn't he also do it to them? It was only fair!
With that being said, a turtle spinning on their shell did cause a lot of distress. Especially when they were younger. Regular turtles aren’t meant to be upside down for a long period of time, so for a mutant baby turtle, their survival instinct would kick in. But as they grew older, it became less distressing and just more annoying. Once they hit their late teens, it became more and more rare for them to do it. If Raphael was watching television, and Donnie accidentally slipped on his way from the kitchen, Raph couldn’t be bothered enough to call in Leo and Mikey to help him. Instead he would just look over and ask, “shell’s good?”, which it usually was.
If you were to ask Master Splinter, he’ll tell you this started around the time they started walking. One would fall onto their back, either because their legs gave out, or because they took a misstep, and in no time the others would be upon the poor fellow. Back then it was almost a terror for them to be stuck on their shell, and Splinter had to step to comfort them.
But as scary as it was for them as toddlers, they almost found it fun once they hit their early twenties. After two to three years of not doing it, because it was “child-like and so not cool”, they started doing it again. But now it had suddenly turned into a way of celebrating. Instead of holding their brother above their heads and praising him around like many humans did, they get them on their backs as fast as possible. Leo finally mastered that technique he had practiced for months, maybe even years? Get him on his shell, now! Mikey finally had the world record in some obscure game none of them had ever heard of before? Turtle Blade! Donnie had finally cracked the code on something, or he finished that thing, he had been working on day and night in his lab? Spin and jump, so his legs don't kick you out! Raph set a new weight record, just like he had been trying to for months now? Spin! Spin! Spin!
God forbid if any of them ever got married. People will be asked to move from the dance floor, so they can give their brother a proper spinning. They only spin that could rival that, was if any of them had children. Their partner would quickly learn to keep a space open, if they ever had to tell his brothers any big news.
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ccstiles · 3 months
Dying your hair all by yourself handsome? (Alphonse)
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It was about 11 o'clock at night when Boo woke up to use the bathroom. They had stayed at Alphonse's house for the night and noticed that the pinkett was not in the bed with them. What they don't expect, when they turned the corner to enter the bathroom, was to see him in the middle of a cotton candy colored crime scene.
"Oh uh- hey Boo! You're... You're up late" Alphonse froze where he was, being caught red, or shall I say pink handed.
"Al, sweetheart, what are you doing?" Boo sighed as they took in the scene in front of them. Alphonse was midway through dying his roots and was absolutely covered in pink hair dye.
"Well, I woke up to use the bathroom and noticed my roots had started to grow in so I uh, decided to have a late-night dying sesh" Alphonse tried his best to explain himself as he put down the brush full of hair dye.
Boo just shook their head and laughed before moving to sit on the closed toilet seat with a smile. "Dying your hair all by yourself handsome?" They giggled.
"Haha yeah," Alphonse chuckled along with them as he grabbed the brush to continue putting the pink dye in his hair.
As he was doing so, though, is when Boo noticed something.
"Uh, hey Al?" They asked while they got up to stand behind him.
"Yeah? What's up boo?" He asked, looking at them through the mirror.
"I think you missed a few spots with the bleach" Boo giggled as they looked closer at his hair. Sure enough, there were some of his roots that were black instead of the blonde that he was currently placing the pink goop on top of.
"Ah shit. I knew I missed a spot," Alphonse whined before turning his head slightly to look at boo. "Could you help me out, pretty please?"
Boo laughed at his puppy dog eyes before nodding their head. Alphonse sighed in relief before handing Boo a pair of gloves and the remaining bleach.
The two giggled and chatted as they worked on Alphonse's hair, Boo laughing at how ridiculous Alphonse looked in the plastic cap before they had a short tickle fight.
"Hey boo... You know... We got some bleach and pink left over..." Alphonse looked at Boo with a mischievous look on his face.
"Alphonse... What are you planning?" Boo looked at him with a warning look in their eyes.
"Well I'm just saying... We probably shouldn't let it go to waste so... Why not give yourself a new look?" Alphonse's grin grew as he spoke.
Boo only sighed as Alphonse goated them into dying their own hair. After a few more hours and a couple more tickle fights, the couple emerged from the bathroom with freshly dyed hair.
"Well, that was a lot of fun," Boo giggled before yawning.
"Yeah, but we should probably go to bed," Alphonse gave them a soft smile as they both walked towards his room.
They finally settled into bed, snuggled up together and ready to sleep after an eventful night of fun. The two dozed off, content in each other's arms.
The next morning
"Oh shit, Boo did you forget to wash all the dye out of your hair?"
"Dang it, now my pillow's pink!"
"hehehehe, sorry!"
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anonymoosen · 7 months
Our lovely majestic tsundere green lizard boi ELEEEGANTLY pranced over to Dib-chans house with the cherry blossom petals blowing as intensely as ever.
Dib-chan immediately crashed through his own window from his room and landed on top of Zimpai, “accidentally” pinning him to the ground like that romantic move a lot of people use in movies.
The big headed boy giggled cutely with the usual sparkles in his eyes, “Ooooh woopsiess!! I totaaally didn’t know this cliche romantic trope would happen!!”
The alien rolled his and blushed deeply from the close proxZIMity and the way his crush’s voice sounded like the most adorable thing in the whole world— even cuter than their old class pet hamster, Peepi! (hehehehe peepeepoopoo)
Wait- NO! This is a disease! A CURSE!! The Dib-thing wanted me to fall prey into his hands this whole time!! Zim immediately shook his head and pushed Dib away. Dib-chan looked to the ground and wondered worriedly if he had gone too far in invading the invader’s personal space.
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Zim-kun tried not to feel bad about Dib looking a bit saddened and growled, “GRRR YOU’LL NEVER CURSE ME WITH THAT STYOOPID FEELING!”
Dib sighed and tried to hold back his once again returning sparkling anime tears. Of course it was one sided. Of course he got rejected by even the most annoying alien in the world. Who would even want some creepy weirdo like Dib?
Meanwhile, Gaz was eating popcorn while the whole cheesy but slightly angsty in a way Fanfiction scene played out. “Why are they acting even stupider than usual?” The whatever-colour-her-hair-is girl asked out loud. The question was then answered by a familiar British voice. “Innit!” Gaz blinked.
“Uh- what?”
“WAIT WHERE DID THAT BRITISH STEREOTYPE OF A WORD COME FROM- I MEAN-” The dark purple / indigo / dark blue (HELP IM BAD AT COLORS) alien girl continued, “Ahem, I meant that this whole anime stupidity Fanfiction scene was all part of my revenge plan! MuahahahAAHAHAAHHA!!”
Gaz face palmed. Was the hideous not-so-new girl, Tak, the one who she once viewed as the biggest threat to earth, THIS pathetic??
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“Dude- you’re STILL plotting your revenge on these idiots? And you’re doing it by zapping them with some in-real-life-anime gun thingy??” Gaz asked, trying not to sound slightly intrigued by this. Tak saw the undeniable interest in Gaz’s eyes and smugly nodded. The shorter of the two gave up and shrugged. At least she had some show to watch! (even though it was too cheesy and stupid for her liking sometimes)
Back to the main drama going on, Zim noticed Dib trying to hold his tears and gulped. Why the heck did he even feel bad about his ENEMY?? He’s supposed to HATE that big headed dork! The dorkiest dork ever! The cutest- WAIT-
The alien tried to look away. However, it couldn’t be helped. The so-called ‘curse’ was too strong, like the big-headed boy was a magnet pulling Zim’s eyes to look at his adorable face.
Could it beeeee… that the feeling Zimpai was feeling…
WASN’T a curse?!11!1?! hOW ShoCKiNG-
NO!! (Z)IMPOSSIBLEEE!! Invaders needed NO ONEEEE!
…But no one is perfect, and Dib can be his no one-
“LIEEESSS!” The alien desperately screeched out loud on the top of his lungs (or whatever aliens had). Dib raised an eyebrow in confusion, distracting him from the overwhelming sadness he was trying to hide. “I…uhhh- didn’t say anything…?”
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ivrousae · 1 year
HEEEY IVYYYY!! idk if requests are opened for you, but i wanted to ask if you can write about idol!hanbin coming home tired from a tight schedule, so he got more clingy? HEHEHEHE ALSO, are you new in writing?
HI ANONNNNN, YES REQUESTS ARE OPENED AND I CAN DEFINITELY WRITE THAT, i love idol imagines sm so u get it😍😍 also no im not new in writinggg, i’ve been writing for a while now but i’ve never posted the ones i wrote on tumblr HAHAHAH.
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The time was showing 11.45 PM and you were laying down on your bed, phone brightness down and the only lights showing are from the lamp on your bedside table, Your boyfriend Sung Hanbin has been busy with his debut, giving both of you less time to spend time with each other. He often has to go on early morning schedules so it’s becoming rare for you guys to sleep on one bed because he stays in his dorm. But as minutes go by, you feel yourself drifting into slumber as your eyes get heavier, with the help of the cold room yet comforting warm blankets, you fell asleep in no time.
You were in a deep sleep until you heard your bedroom door open, waking up in worry, you check who it was to see Hanbin by the door frame wearing his usual black tank top and black shorts, he gave you a slightly tired smile before making his way to the other side of the bed, beside you. “Hi baby” he hummed quietly before kissing your cheeks and wrapping his arms around you while placing his head on the crook of your neck “Hi, how was today?” you ask, still a bit sleepy from just waking up, he removed his head from your neck and fixed his position beside you, his head facing you as his eyes are glued onto yours “It was like every other day” he laughed “Tiring?” “Very” he replied as he placed his palm on your shoulders “Sorry for waking you up, go back to sleep” he softly apologized while rubbing your arms, giving you a final kiss on the forehead before the both of you drifted to sleep in each others arm.
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ryuichirou · 3 months
More short ones today!
Anonymous asked:
Hii, I discovered your art for the first time on twitter a few months ago and I'd like to know how the battle to keep the account is going. Also I can't find the sfw account?? Like, it just vanished, did something happen?
P.S. : love your art style, it looks delectable
Hi Anon! Thank you for your support ❤️
The battle is still ongoing, well, we're sending appeals pretty regularly, but unfortunately no luck yet. The most difficult part is to get these people to actually reply :( It’s going to be over in a week, though, I’m tired of waiting.
There is no sfw account, but I can understand the confusion with our accounts right now...
@aoinoryush is just my super old personal account that we didn't really want to use to post art (other than that one time when we posted a FloIdi comic), so I created a new one.
@ryuichirou52622 is the new art account for both sfw and nsfw pieces, at least for the time being.
If you can't access either of them for some reason, please let me know!
Anonymous asked:
Did not realize I needed FloVil till this moment
It's how things always are with these two. You don't think of them, and then you see them, and boom... wow I needed that...
(Thank you ❤️)
Anonymous asked:
You once again got me barking at your art. Vil is just so.... UUUUUUUUUUGH he's so beautiful
Hehe thank you so much, Anon!! Barking is a very good reaction, I love it >:3
I am very happy I could draw Vil beautiful enough for this reaction...
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Anonymous asked:
Any context on the latest post?
There isn't any, to be honest; we were just in a FloVil mood, likely due to their interactions in the Playful Land event.
I guess Floyd was just feeling extra playful that day~
Anonymous asked:
U like ortho/Idia
Why not Jade/Floyd? Is it because ur highly against tops on tops?
We are not highly against it, Anon, but yes, we don't ship two characters that we consider tops together. It works both ways: their interactions don't feel shippy to us because they're tops; but at the same time they're tops because their interactions don't feel shippy to us. It's difficult to say which one is more true.
So yeah, we don't automatically ship every problematic ship just because it's problematic.
Funny enough, whenever I draw the Leech parents, they always look like just straight-up Floyd and Jade lol So maybe I am a hypocrite.
But then again, it's very difficult for us to picture Mama Leech and Papa Leech having sex... so maybe I am not a hypocrite....
Anonymous asked:
Your art made me look up the heights of Floyd and Vil, and it gave me a thought.
Cause Vil is taller than Floyd with heels, but shorter without. (183cm without, 196cm with, while Floyd is 191cm)
And I love myself a character that acts all tough until they get put in their place.
So Vil being taller than Floyd with his heels on, and he's acting all proper and like "you can't touch me" or something.
And then Floyd gets all smiley and immediately gets Vil off his high heels (bad joke), and now Vil's not so high-strung.
Plus, Floyd finally being able to look down at Vil instead of having to look up is probably something he would enjoy.
Idk. Just a thought :)
Anon! This is such a good point lol I've always wondered about Vil's height... Since he wears high heels pretty much all the time, he really should usually be about the Tweel's height or even taller... Much taller, if we consider Rook's info about his heels lengths as factual!
Floyd getting Vil off his high heels (great joke) is a very hot concept. Of course, heels or no heels, Vil won't lose his pride easily, but... what if this is only the beginning. 👀
In any case, Floyd would enjoy and probably tease him about it~
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leiawritesstories · 2 years
Rowaelin sleepwalk and sleep talking prompt
hehehehe thank you for the prompt :D
word count: 805
warnings: language, otherwise none (?)
Good Soup
Rowan really couldn't explain why in the hell he'd awoken at three-thirty in the godsdamned morning, but here he was, half-awake for no apparent reason. Grumbling a string of oaths, he pushed himself out of bed and went to the bathroom, thinking that might have been why he needed to get up, but found himself still awake and still very much pissed about it when he rolled back into bed. Scowling, he rolled over, reaching towards his girlfriend, and momentarily stalled when his hand found empty sheets.
Where the fuck was Aelin?
He ran through the very short list of places she could possibly be--the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room--and quickly convinced himself that she'd probably woken up not long before he did and gone out to the other bathroom, not wanting to disturb him. Content with that explanation, he tucked the covers back up around himself and closed his eyes.
Only to sit straight up at the CLANG from the kitchen.
What the fuck was that?!
Grabbing the first heavy object he found incase he needed a defense mechanism, Rowan tiptoed down the hall to the kitchen, peeking into the darkened space to find--
He exploded into laughter at the sight.
For there was Aelin, oblivious to the world, drinking orange juice out of a saucepan.
That explained the clanging sound, then. She'd probably gone riffling through the pots and pans drawer.
Though he had absolutely no fucking idea how she was still asleep after all that noise.
Aelin had warned him when they moved in together that she had a history of occasional sleepwalking, usually just things like wandering into another room and ending up on the couch or the floor or (once, and she'd deny it) the kitchen table. So he wasn't surprised to see her in the kitchen; the surprise came from what she was doing.
Once, a few months ago, he'd found her standing in the living room with an open book, mumbling to herself in her sleep. She must have been dreaming something remarkably similar to what she was actually doing, because he really didn't know how else to explain how she seemed to be reading aloud. He'd gently shaken her awake, loosing a muted snicker at the way she blushed, chuckling at herself as she put the book away and let him carry her back to their bedroom.
Another time, maybe last month, he'd found her sitting at the desk in their home office, her laptop open in front of her with her fingers tapping on the keyboard as busily as ever, murmuring the story she was composing to herself as she typed. The part that really got him, though, was that she was actually writing, with the laptop on and a document open and coherent words flying across the page and everything.
Creepy, it was.
Never before, though, had he ever seen her eating or drinking in her sleep.
And he had no fucking idea how to react.
Aelin smacked her lips, setting the saucepan down on the stove. "Good soup," she declared, wiping off her mouth and turning around, heading out of the kitchen.
Only to run right smack into her boyfriend.
Which woke her right the hell up.
"Ro?" she whispered, blinking. "Wha--where'd I go this time?"
"Uh..." Not really sure how to address it, he placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her around. "The kitchen, babe."
She stared at the quiet kitchen, walking over to sniff the saucepan.
And groaning deeply, burying her face in her hands. "Fuck, Ro!"
He kissed the top of her head, soothing her. "I'll admit drinking orange juice in your sleep is new, Fireheart."
"Go ahead and laugh," she sighed dramatically. "I know you want to."
Rowan released his pent-up laughter, shoulders shaking with mirth. "Gods, Ae," he wheezed. "I thought there was a fuckin' burglar in our house or something, but nope! Just you."
"Jackass," she fake-grumbled, sticking out her lower lip in a theatrical pout. "Why the hell did I get a saucepan?"
"Only you will ever know," he chuckled. "Come on, Fireheart, it's four in the bloody morning, I want my sleep."
"You're a little diva," she snickered.
It was his turn to pout. "You're mean when you sleepwalk." Then a wicked grin curled across his face. "But I know what you said, and you don't."
Aelin's eyes narrowed. "Buzzard."
"Yes?" He made his face the portrait of innocence.
"What did I say?"
"Oh, just a little comment, nothing bad."
Before he could dodge her, she grabbed him by the waist of his boxers, pulling him to a halt. "What. Specifically. Did I say?"
Rowan tried his best to keep from guffawing. He really did.
Unfortunately for his efforts, the image of Aelin and her "good soup" was just too much.
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salamifuposey · 2 years
Lemonade - Chapter 3 - A Whole New World
Ahoy there! Gonna have to stop you right there for some information!
This chapter will tackle sensible subjects and mentions of crimes and deaths. No biggie, for someone like you, I hope!
With all that said and done, kick back and relax this dreadful writing of mine!
Chapter 3 - A Whole New World
As the dread crawls deep inside Lemmy, he now bears witness of a horrifying sight he never wished to happen.
As his heart beats and his breathing goes erratic, it was almost as if the whole world was falling apart for him, spinning around him as the level threats go beyond the unimaginable.
As he now witnesses this man now securing Naddy tight against her will and having the citizens' full support, Lemmy's desire was nothing short of leaping and landing a punch on this mans' face, even if it meant dying on that very same spot for her sake.
But as his body was about to unconsciously leap from the balcony straight into Dayley's face, someone stopped him in his track, wanting to avoid him from doing any dire consequence that might lead to the fall of the V.I.V headquarters, grasping Lemmy fully and locking him from behind.
"Don't do it, Lemmy!" One of his companions cried. "This is what he wants! You're gonna fall right into their trap!" His companion then spoke while Dayley looked upon them with a smirk and pride on his face.
"Hnnghgrnng!" Lemmy growled, as his teeth gritted together and his fists clenched in pure rage.
"Heheheh! Jackpot!" Dayley then said to himself. "It's a girlfriend! A pretty one to top it all off! For shame, leaving yourselves vulnerable into such a state! You'd think you of all people would have thought things through!" He mocked their faces as the citizens have the ominous headquarters looming all over them, willing to do anything that benefits their hero in order to bring the association down, being told of awful things the association is responsible about.
"I gotta do something!" Lemmy cried, as he bared witness of his girlfriend pleading for help, not being able to being let go by his companions.
"Lemmy!" Naddy then cried out, only to have her mouth covered by Dayley to shut her from getting help. "Mmf!"
"You monster!!" Lemmy screamed from the top of his lungs, his being now filled with hatred against this being that the citizens have bestowed their trust upon. "She has nothing to do with this! Let her go!!"
"Oh?" Dayley continuously insisted on his mockery. "Nothing? She sure seems like she's pulling quite a reaction from all of you guys!" Lemmy's reactions confirmed his assumptions even further.
"But I'm not getting out of here - not without a little something from your headquarters." He said with a smile on his face, trying to mock their very existence.
All of a sudden, bombs then started blasting off from a wall of the building, making the structure shake and the villains inside almost losing balance.
"What's going on?!" Jecter felt uneasy over that explosion. "It came from the machine department downstairs! Those are still in-progress! How did he know about these?!"
It seemed as if Dayley was intending to steal one of their inter dimensional timeline travel teleporters, by telling the citizens to scavenge one of them inside. The blow was just about enough to damage the property significantly. Dayley must have gotten intel from its whereabouts for his own plans of scheming.
"We just finished remodeling!" One of them cried out desperately. "We still weren't done with the concrete and steel plating for explosions!" The remodeling was still yet to finish.
"He's stealing one of our teleporters!" The villains from inside tried to stop them, but realized they could not open fire against innocent lives involved in this mess. "We can't just shoot them! They got nothing to do with this!" "Dayley's been telling nothing but white lies! They've been brainwashed to do his own ill deeds!" The villains were frustrated it came to such a mess. "What are we going to do now?!"
"We can't shoot the citizens nor harm them in any way! To go against that would mean to defy the Misses' orders!" Jecter then said.
"You son of a-!" Lemmy was about to say a mouthful.
"Wonderful mother? Thanks, I'll be sure to tell my own mother!" Dayley said with a smirk on his face. "Gentlemen, if you please." He then ordered the crowd around, preparing himself for a feast and reveal even more lies towards them, as he made his way forward with Naddy by his side and getting inside this teleporter.
"People and citizens of this wonderful city - hear my call!" The hero wasn't shy of making quite a spectacle.
"For years we have been tormented by these evil dastardly villains - woefully so! But no more!" He goes on to say. "Now, thanks to my wonderful strategy and planning, I can assure you, we can indeed make it possible, a future where peace and harmony can finally be striven for and safety for all our children as well!" Dayley didn't sell himself short either, with all his gloating.
"My plan is merely to travel across these dimensions and space - across time and space - and go back in time to fulfill what has never been achieved before in our lives!" Dayley bragged about. "To go back in time and completely erase these villains from our timeline, completely ridding them from our lives!" Dayley finally unraveled his intents.
"This is bad... This is really bad!" One of the scientists said from inside the headquarters. "With a machine like that on hands like his, who knows what dastardly deeds he might follow suit! I almost dread to say it, but he could be willing to rewrite history itself to make everyone worship him!"
"That was his plan all along!" Lemmy shouted of frustration. "He doesn't care about this city nor any of us, he just wants to be worshiped like some kind of ambitious king!"
"Damn it!" Jecter got frustrated with this situation. "If only the Lady was here to help... She would have gotten a clean shot for sure! Just to get rid of him!" Jecter lamented not being able to do much. "If one of our villains gets outside, they run the risk of getting in jail, the police is also here as well to top it all off!" Jecter said as even the police had Dayley's back on them.
"This is what happens when you let someone like her into our lives! There's no going back!" Jecter shouted. "You shouldn't even have been with that broad! Now her life and millions of others are at stake!"
"Who even ratted us out?!" Lemmy screamed, losing almost all hope. "I don't want to hate you, guys..."
"Don't look at me!" Jecter entirely admitted. "I'm the one with the least of reasons to even cooperate with that jerk! I've only crossed paths with him only once in my life! I haven't been the same since..." Jecter felt pretty turmoiled by this series of events, his hands shaking rubbing his face. "Only thing I can tell you is that that guy changes personalities like day and night!..."
A glimpse of Dayley's symbol then is shown, much to Jecters' disdain, implying symbolism of a moon in different lights of day, its theme revolving around the day cycle.
"... That guy's deeds are not something you'd wish to see on broad daylight..." Jecters' hands trembled as he held his sunglasses tightly, with implications of something having happened in the past with them. "... My only wish is that I could have told this sooner... I had my reasons for it... All I did was disappoint Lady Mira... I could have told her... I'm nothing but a let down, just bossing around people like I know something!..." Jecter then proceeded to shut his eyes from all his havoc, trying to recompose himself, almost as if he were protecting himself from something.
"Why didn't you tell us sooner?!" The others were ganging up on Jecter, his turmoil growing even further.
"There's no point ganging up on Jecter - Leave him be." Hector tried to defend Jecter. "What we really should be doing is finding out who else could have been ratting us out!"
"T-then who?..." Lemmy was desperate at this point.
"... Wait..."
"... Where's Henrick?!" Lemmy shouted again from his lungs, having gotten fed of this situation.
Then a voice from outside could be heard from just around the corner of the building, them having peeked to reassert their situations. A familiar untrustworthy goon was then spotted.
"Hahah! Sike!" Henrick was reaping the headquarters' profits and already outside with them. "I never liked your Boss anyway! So you can suck it and blow it!" Henrick then bolted out of there with a sack, having fulfilled his duty. "Hahahahah! Have fun blowing up with the rest of the headquarters!"
"We really should have seen it coming - damn it!" Jecter told. "Of all - he was the one that Sean wasn't able to reach - no wonder he ratted us out!" Jecter felt a lot of hate boiling in him. "I never liked that guy one single bit!"
"The good thing in these headquarters is that Lady Miriam has intel on all her villains." Hector stated. "It's only a matter of time until that guy's a goner for sure. We haven't been hit this hard since a very long time."
"I bet he just wanted to run off with all that profit!" Jecter pointed out. "Good thing the Lady never puts her true money and only fake money on our safes though... So that's at least one relief..."
"All that guy's going away with is his own dignity... And even that won't last for very long either..." Lemmy never could relate to Henrick whatsoever. "My mother's merciless... If she even finds anyone ratting her out in any way, might as well proclaiming them as dead. Well, that's at least something less to worry about when someone comes home..."
"Not to rain on your guys' parade, but we've got something far much bigger to handle." Hector boldly claimed.
"That guy's about to commit some time travel treason and if we don't stop him soon - I don't know who else will." Hector wanted to put a stop to Dayley's treacherous means. "Not only that, we've got a hostage situation as well, it's going to be hard to try to stop him without it involving any sort of casualty." He admitted, not wanting to admit defeat against this kind of person.
It wasn't long until Lemmy brought his focus again into Dayley's intentions and him forcefully handling Naddy as well. Lemmy and the gang all had their hands tied in concerns of intervening in this situation, Lemmy just barely holding on to the very balcony that's separating him from Dayley.
"What's the matter, fellow thieves? Cat got your tongue? Hahah!" Dayley then went on to parade while on his own recently obtained teleporter with Naddy right next to him, being held by his large arm by her neck.
"Hnrgngh!" Naddy tried to put up a fight, but barely had the strength to do it.
"Well, no time to waste! Soon, your dastardly deeds are about to be erased from history! As we celebrate our conquest, not even your foul deeds will be able to be acknowledged by-"
It was only a matter of time until Naddy chomped on his arm trying to get loose like a cat clawing and defending itself from its predators. Her teeth digged right through his arm and all he could do was yelp as she just wanted to held by Lemmy's arms instead.
"Aaagh!" Right after being bitten, Dayley then loses slight grasp of her as hostage, but in return, pushes Naddy against one of the machine's levers violently with his arm, causing it to be hit and pushed down, the machine starting to react and the crowd being scared of what was to come as it started to make sounds that warned of something to come. "Now you're going to get it!"
"Naddy!!" Lemmy cried out after seeing her knocked out and then, suddenly leaped out of his friends' grasp, despite their intents and efforts to stop him to a halt, about to reach the very vehicle Dayley and Naddy were holding onto.
"Lemmy, get here right this instant - You're not going to make it!" One of them said as Lemmy walked forward with no one elses' voice in mind, only his rage projecting him even further into reaching this teleporter in sight.
"DAAAAAAAAYLEYYYYYYY!!!!" Lemmy shouted, with nothing but anger and rage boiling from his heart. Regardless of whether his punches were weak or not, he didn't want any of that to put a stop into him locking a fist into Dayley's face.
"Have you gone mad?!" Jecter then screamed, but all in vain, while all Hector could do was watch in shock.
"LEEEEMYYY!!" Jecter and Hector then screamed, unknowing of what would happen.
It wasn't long until Lemmy was able to quite literally deliver a full punch into Dayley's proud face, his eyes watering from seeing such a scene and not having been able to stop him just before he hurt Naddy at the right time, knocking the daylights out of Dayley and trying to put a stop to his dastardly plans, all while the crowd watched.
However, right at that instant, the machine suddenly was going haywire, its destiny unsure of where it would be past its point. In that precise moment, it was if as time itself had stopped to make its leap in time and space.
Time being frozen and Lemmy's fist being in Dayley's face all in slow motion, all three were in contact with this machine as well. At the time, Naddy even stood up once more to try to put a stop to Dayley's plans, her position being that of someone trying to avoid Dayley's arm from punching back and hitting Lemmy with it as he drew near coming in.
The whereabouts of these individuals would soon to be unknown.
All of a sudden, a bright light and a loud sound wave suddenly blinded and deafened those around, even Jecters' sight, who at the time, was wearing his sunglasses and could barely make out of what happened. Even its force to make its leap made everyone recoil because of its burst of force. Its very light shined on everything.
And then in a matter of seconds.
It was as if nobody was there.
No Dayley, no Naddy and no Lemmy to be seen. Nothing but the black scorch on the very floor it stood before.
Silence was made as the audience and the crowd recovered their sight in order to be able to grasp the things that happened. The villains in V.I.V had also suffered a great casualty, all while they tried to make the most of what happened. Dayley was no more, but Lemmy and Naddy's whereabouts were unknown as well.
All they could do was stutter, as the crime scene felt empty and and the pavement turned into a crater where it once stood the machine.
"... Wh-"
"... What the hell..." Hector stood amazed that the teleporters could even do such a thing, but unsure as to where it would lead. Likewise, the audience was agasp with their hero suddenly missing.
"... Wh-"
"... Where did our Dayley go?!" One of the crowd stood with its mind blown, wondering what had happened. "Where did our hero go?!" The citizens were unsure of what to do, wondering about the whereabouts of their own hero and where the villains had went.
"What do you mean, you don't know?!" Hector then said. "This is all your fault! If you people didn't follow heroes so blindly, we wouldn't even be in this situation!"
"Are they really gone?... Are they dead?!" Jecter was puzzled beyond belief and unsure if they even had survived, wondering about their location and Lemmy's safe being.
"Lady Miriam's going to kill me once she finds out about this..." Hector admitted. "Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do... I can't believe her kid is out there somewhere..." Hector was at a loss for words.
"Believe me, I don't think anyone would have been able to stop Lemmy at his state!" Jecter admitted. "Did you see the look on his face?! He looked as if he wanted to rip the skin off of Dayley's face! I never have seen anything like it!" Jecter quite shook about it.
"And all that for a broad..." Hector sighed for a minute.
"... It's only going to be a matter of time before the citizens start crying for their hero to come home." Jecter then tried to foresee the future and the incoming demise.
"... Ughhhh. Now we're going to have the whole city all ganged up on us." Jecter then stressfully rubbed his forehead. "And all because of Dayley. As if that guy didn't give us any more trouble..."
"Don't worry, I'll be sure to tell Miss Miriam of what went wrong." Hector wanted to calm those around him.
"Have you gone mad?!" Jecter started going ballistic. "If she even starts to hear about her own son suddenly missing out of existence into some parallel dimension, she's going to freak!"
"Don't worry, Lady Miriam is more understanding than you might think." Hector then told. "Besides, it's not just her son's life at stake here either. I'll assume she'll want to prioritize her family's safety as well."
"I hope you're right about that." Jecter then proceeded to clean his sunglasses.
"The Misses' going to have her hands full, I'll give you that. A lot in line trying to control the citizens and making sure they don't cause more havoc than even of those around us. Making sure no other super heroes get caught in the wind as well. We already have more than plenty with Dayley's blind followers now being able to threaten our home as well just because they don't have him in their place. These people want safety more than anything else and they will fight for it. In the mean time, all we need to worry about is where her son went missing."
Having said that, Hector finally pauses for a breath, wondering all to his own.
"Case dismissed, proceed to your security positions - control the crowd and make sure not to hurt a single one of these citizens - and make sure no other Dayley following doesn't plan to blow up the whole joint as well and report this to Lady Miriam. That's all there really is to it." Hector ordered those around.
"And more than anything - we need intel on where Miriam's kid went missing so we can bring this son back to his own mother!" Hector made sure to emphasize the goal as much as possible, despite being merely a personal bodyguard of his, hoping to figure out this mess.
"Sir yessir!" Those who knew Hector's position quickly followed suit, each having their own characteristics to defend the headquarters. Some went out to control the crowd to make sure no trouble followed afterward.
"... It's gonna be really lonesome without you here, Lemmy..." Hector thought to himself.
"But I'm going to find you, no matter what it takes!" Hector promised to himself and the Lady as well.
The scene then changes that of a phone getting hung up on a office, not far from the crime scene. This happened to be Miriam's office once more, after receiving the upsetting news that shortly followed afterwards.
"Someone call?" This seemed to be the old man Malcolm, who just had entered Lady Miriam's office after she was just done with the call with him closing the door, in hopes to check up on her and her state, as he took his beret in respect to the Lady herself.
"I just got a phone call saying my son is missing." Lady Miriam seemed not too surprised.
"You're kidding me!" The young old man seemed to be rather shocked.
"Not only that, Dayley's involved as well. And he's missing as well as my son's girlfriend." Lady Miriam spoke. "Apparently, Dayley got one of our teleporters and after hitting Lemmy's girlfriend, a lever got pushed and activated a leap into time and space." She told.
"I know my kid's still out there, somewhere. He must've leaped somewhere across some dimension." She assumed, hoping for the best, given she's close with the engineers that helped develop the inter dimensional teleporters.
"This spells nothing but trouble here though. The city will definitely want his hero back." She said in a cold sweat. "I can already imagine their giant billboards and signs saying Bring Back Dayley or something like that."
"I still can't believe it..." Malcolm was at a loss for words over the citizens being so blind.
"I still trust my son. I'm sure he'll look up after himself. Wherever he is. But what we need now is to find a way to get the exact coordinates and timeline of that dimension they got lost on." She wanted to make sure to reach the engineers that were responsible for the development of those teleporters.
"Still digging up some dirt on Dayley?" Malcolm realized some documents she had on the top of her desk.
"Yeah. Although it's still not enough to bring him up to attention for the courts. These are only death reports." She pointed out, grabbing onto them and hitting them with her hand, putting them back on place again, as they rested on her desk, as she proceeded talking about them and getting more hints.
"If only we had living evidence, even just one..." Miriam was desperate to find even one clue. "I feel like we're so close... Not even one of Dayley's victims are still living!"
"You have none?" Malcolm questioned her reliability.
"None that I may think of. I've been getting documents as well, but nothing that can help us bring him down. And it's been getting harder to link Dayley to these arsons as well. I feel like I'm beginning to see a pattern here... At the very least, Dayley won't be hurting anyone else for the time being, but the citizens will be sure to complain." She remarked, thinking of the worst case scenario.
"In any case, you need to rest, my lady. I'm sure getting the news just now is making you distressed." Malcolm suggested, seeing her rather concerned.
"I wish I could, but we've still got the citizens to be worried about." She pointed out. "If we don't control these citizens - I don't know who else will and it definitely won't be the police here." She knew how wild the crowds could get.
"Understood." Malcolm realized her concerns. "Then by all means, proceed with your office work here safely and I wish only for your son to get back to his own mother." He spoke. "Please be careful and drive home safely as well, Lady Miriam. There are a lot of goons out there willing to hurt your very well being."
"Don't worry, I will." Lady Miriam made sure not to let her guard down for the sake of her son and her family, as she proceeded to get back to work.
To be continued?
Already past midnight, in the headquarters now basked with the darkness of the light and very dim orange light, someone was on the headquarters' bar trying to take a break, watching over the collection of drinks and bottles arranged across the bar after a long day. A glass could be heard tinkering, as if someone had just gotten a drink so they could forget about the whole thing and playing with it. Despite this, this person barely had anything to drink, mourning for some reason.
After a while, somebody tried to approach this individual.
"... You still up this late?" Hector said to a rather depressed Jayt without his sunglasses.
"... Oh." Jecter tried to ignore him.
"... It's just you."
Jecter tried to distance his eyes away from Hector then.
As Hector had nothing to say at all, he then approached and tried to sit down to have a drink with him as well. He pulled out a chair and sat on it to rest in its place.
"... So."
"... About what happened this day." Hector tried to question.
"... Can you just give me a break? I very much need it, thank you very much." Jecter then said.
"... Jecter. Actually, can I just call you Jayt? That seems like the nickname the guys are calling you here." Hector heard some of the guys calling him by that name, seeming like a pet nickname for short.
"Yeah, sure, knock yourself out." Jecter made none of it as he closed his eyes for a rest.
"... What was that back then?"
"... What do you mean, back then? There was nothing back then." Jecter merely tried to dodge the subject.
"Don't give me that look." Hector begged him not to.
"You really went into a breakdown, didn't you?" Hector tried to interrogate him.
"So what if I did? It's no one else's business to stick their nose into everything."
"... And what was that whole thing even earlier back in the day? Jayt? Do you have a problem with me?"
"... No."
Hector then tried to approach Jayt even further with his chair.
As to which Jayt responded by distancing from Hector himself with the chair as well.
The silence was very much clear from Jecter as he tried to stay in his place.
"... You can hate me all you want, but I definitely know your business's got nothing to do with me." Hector pointed out while Jayt refrained to look at him in the eyes, looking rather nervous.
"... Jecter, Jayt, whoever you are." Hector merely wanted to clarify things.
"... No one knows about it. But that doesn't mean someone shouldn't know about it..."
"... I'm allowed not being willing to share all my information and only sharing it with those I care about." Jayt then said as calmly as he could, being very close to snapping.
"... So if you please."
"... Leave. Me. Be." Jayt gave his final warning.
"... Like I said."
"... That doesn't mean someone should not know about it." Hector confronted him about it.
"Pick someone you care about."
"And then dish it. "Hector suggested.
"To a friend."
"... Just a friend's tip."
"... You're not such a bad guy after all, Hec." Jecter admitted.
"Also, thanks for standing up for me earlier, I guess..." He remembered when the rest of the gang piled up on him, feeling rather pressured.
"No problem. Any problem you may have, you leave it to me." Hector seemed to be spoiling him.
"So, how are you going to deal with that whole Lemmy missing thing here? Now he's missing and I can only assume he's out there living or dead." Jecter questioned, wondering Lemmy's whereabouts.
"Heh, I've got my own ways to scavenge around for information. Hopefully I can find some."
"And hopefully I can bring her son back." Hector made it his duty to bring Lemmy at all costs.
"About that," Jecter then remembered, "what's your deal with Lemmy anyway? I assume you're interested in him." He questioned Hector, while squinting his eyes and looking at him straight in the eyes.
"That's not what this is about!" Hector then nervously tried to dodge the question here.
"Oh please! Don't give me that look, as if that wasn't obvious enough!" Jecter merely poked at him, as if he knew his intentions, all while looking at his beverage hoping to finish his drink.
"Anyways, good luck getting Lemmy back. He might be young, but he's still got potential." Jayt mentioned.
"... Thanks, Jayt." Hector thanked properly. "I assume you have some things to report." Hector quickly caught eye of a few documents and reports he had on hand on top of the counter.
"And good luck with your thing as well..."
"... Whatever's it about, I'm sure you've make it through." He thought it would be best not to pester him any further about it, as he seemed not wanting to bother Jecter about it.
Hector then said his last good-bye for now with a waving hand, hoping the best for his friend.
"... Yeah."
"... Sure." Jayt solemnly said.
Jecter then proceeded to go to the main headquarters - the one where Lady Miriam was positioned in. It was still quite a bit of a walk, but proceeded to walk there briskly in the middle of the night, the shimmer of the night lights shining on him, since he knew she still had things to report and document, which were to be given by him, of utmost importance. These documents were of extreme importance, being highly confidential as well.
Then, from her office, the door was unlocked.
"Miss Mira?" Jecter opened this door and soon witnessed a Lady Mira sitting in her office desk, with a dim light right by her side, hoping to finish off for the day, but not without the required information, as if she had taken enough coffee for the night in order to stay awake.
"Close the door for me."
Jecter then closed the door behind him and proceeded to neatly put the documents together, while opening them one at a time, hoping to disclose of these situations.
"So, what did you get for me?" She proceeded to ask for this information. "I swear, every night, every time more of these get unfolded..." She sighed, seeming like it was quite a daunting task.
"You know - the usual." Jecter boldly told.
"Well, get to it in detail. From newest to oldest." She wanted to get right into it.
"Very well then." Jecter then started to report some of the documents.
These seemed to be chilling reports of crimes and murders Dayley had done to this day. These were crimes unknown by the normal citizens of this city, as they remained buried and hidden by Dayley and his friends.
From this point forward, Lady Miriam started writing down these reports with a pen in a document so they could be filed and reported to the Justice in court, in hopes of bringing Dayley down with it.
"March 10th. Rumors of Dayley forging scenes have been witnessed. Certain murders wouldn't seem right, as they seemed as if they were pointing towards a villain. In reality, there have been at least 57 murder crime scenes tampered by Dayley, assumed crimes to be his. Several bodies were found tortured via several means. A lot of them involving burning people. Other ways could be merely described as sadistic. None found alive as of this moment."
"No need to mention such needs, keep going." Mira then told as she noted down further.
"... January 27th. More bodies have been found. They appeared to be of children. It seems that this incident was indirectly caused by Dayley as arson, as more clues were found of footprints of his men trying to hide their footprints. Albeit not directly caused by him, this was still a tremendous loss, as he probably assumed that if he got ridden of the orphanages, there would be less villains in the V.I.V headquarters."
"... There were a total of 18 children. Rest of them caretakers."
"... None of them found alive."
"Ugh..." Mira then tried to stay recollected, albeit very hardly. "This night barely even started and it's already gotten hard for me to make it through the night." She then sighs. "Dayley's not making this any easier for me either." She mournfully regretted.
She then kept on writing to make it neat.
"November 19th. Several women seemed to have been kidnapped in order to work for him, also having come from arsons, to make for good publicity for female figures people could trust Dayley to be with. He disposed of them quickly, as they were found drowned under several bridges, trying to pass it off as homicides from other murderers instead. Very few were able to fight back. There was no way to identify them and no one would have guessed them to be related to Dayley in any form or fashion. There were burn marks in them as well, suggesting cigarrete use. None of them alive as well."
"Of course." Lady Miriam said with no surprise and shock in her face.
"Hope you're ready for this one, Miss." Jecter then told.
"Shoot it." She then resumed to hear and write this report as closely as she could, readying her pen just above the document she was writing in, her eyes slightly tired.
"27th September."
"There have been rumors that Dayley has been maliciously aggressing not only women, but men under his order as well. There has been video vigilance depicting violence and aggression to his men as well and even abuse that demeans them. A lot of them were mostly found dead by either drowning, burning dead or suffered severe traumatisms. But one case stood out the most, being the man with the most serious case we ever gotten in this hospital city. There were reports of someone having been involved with Dayley, wanting to double-cross and turning himself in. All of that was hopeless, as the crime scene has been found where this man was abused, with bullet wounds, whip marks and knife marks and where the footprints and fingerprints were indeed a match to Dayley and his friends. This man was found, barely breathing."
"This wasn't just a case of either traumatisms, or drowning or burning. He had suffered several fractures and 3rd degree burns all over his body. His body was charred, he had multiple limbs fractured and broken. He was beaten to death and almost drowned to death, all at once. It was told Dayley and his men then drowned this man in gasoline and set him on fire, watching him burn on his very sight. His back was fractured as well, indicating he had his back thrown against a wall as well. His fingers were broken and his body permanently scarred, from continuous torture, before he was sent to be seen burning in plain sight. There is recorded footage of Dayley's henchmen beating this man to death into a bloody pulp, cutting him with knifes as well. Even electricity seems to having been involved here."
"It was a miracle this man was still breathing."
"Afterwards, this man was found by a woman, his body still burning, scorching black and sent immediately to the city hospital once it was found breathing. His body seemed beyond repairing and it'd be lucky if he even got any will to live. The women stood by his side thankfully in any case, hoping recovery would be made and he'd be sent in a place where he could be taken in. But luckily, this witness had been found in order to be directed and be the witness that would talk about Dayley's heinous deeds, if they find the will to speak about it."
After that, Lady Miriam's pen had snapped, her hand trembling.
"..." She suddenly felt incredibly traumatized, about to burst in tears and sobbing.
"Goddamn it, Jayt."
She closed her eyes, traumatized of what she had heard and crying.
"... Reading your own death report?..." Miriam said as her lips quivered.
Jecter merely had no words for it.
"... If it makes you feel any better." Jecter responded. "I was glad the Misses was with me the whole time."
"This stupid man laying in his hospital bed just decaying and almost dead. Hah, how time flies by..."
Miss Miriam still heartbroken, she was dumbfounded to even think this man would be standing in there alongside with her, wondering how he even defied Death itself.
"... I still get nightmares even thinking about it." Jecter said. "But if it means to bring that Dayley guy down, then so be it." He admitted, feeling ashamed he got into such a state.
"Are you sure you can handle this?" She asked. "You're going to be a witness."
"Hey - with Dayley gone, that's one less thing to worry about." He said. "Besides, after what he did, I felt like I owed something. And it never sat with me right the feeling of never having told someone about this."
"Not my most proudful moment - but hey, you gotta live and make the best of it." Jayt then finished with those words trying not to depress the Lady any further.
She then gave Jecter a hug, thankful for all that he did.
"H-hey! Okay, I guess this is nice, but you Miss got a husband, right!?" He joked, making fun of it lightly.
"Can you please shut up for a minute here?" She spoke, hoping only to hug this broken man that stood right in front of her sight. "You really did worry me back then. I almost thought you weren't going to make it back then..." She said, wrapping her arms around this man.
"... Thank you for always being a part of our family." She then said softly.
"G-g-geez! Are you trying to make me cry here?!" Jecter told. "Sure it was a rough time, but nothing I could!-" Jecter then stopped to a halt.
He then started to hiccup, biting his lower lip.
"... I guess it really was a rough time for me..." He stuttered, while grabbing on to the sleeve of her long jacket dress to comfort himself, while being lulled by her comforting warmth and embrace.
"... You really deserve it." Lady Miriam made sure he had done the right thing. "... Do you even have anyone else out there?" Lady Miriam questioned him, hoping not to hear the worst of it.
"..." Jecter merely stood quiet.
"... I've got myself to take handle of..." He trembled, as he got loose of that heartwarming hug and held on to the Lady's hands. "I just... I just hope I'm not making myself too vulnerable out there..."
"Don't worry, I'll take handle of things." She said. "The least I want is leaving one of my men vulnerable out there." She wanted to make sure about it.
After a while, the following day, everyone had switched to the news channel on television on the headquarters, trying to make out of how the situation was handled out there. Hector, Jecter, Malcolm and the Lady were all there to witness. The villains were hoping they would have a time shine to appear on television today of all days.
"Hey hey, maybe I'll be on the news channel today!" One of the very overly excited villains said instead.
"Sure you will..." Hector then slightly mocked of the chances of that happening.
"So I heard you got a witness - mind telling me who that might end up being?" Hector then questioned the Lady, wondering her intentions.
"I'm willing to take this secret to my very grave - so no, Hector, unfortunately, I'm not sure if I'll be sharing this particular secret with everyone here." Miriam said pretty straightly.
"Probably some poor schmook, that's who might end up being." Jecter joked, knowing too well who he was talking about and wondering about his own demise.
"In other news- Dayley is still missing and some of the Dayley followers aren't too happy with his presence missing." The news anchor then reported. "Because of Dayley's disappearance, signs and billboards have begun being hung and raised, some pleading to "Bring Back Dayley" and "Bring Dayley Back Home" for justice to be made and bringing back Dayley in his place."
Images and footage were then depicted of these crowds carrying these signs, pleading for their hero.
"Predicted it." Lady Miriam was displeased about this.
"Bomb threats have risen for the ominous headquarters today, the ones responsible for Dayley's disappearance on that one dreadful day. After Dayley having caught a presumable cat thief involved with the headquarters yesterday," images of Naddy being captured by Dayley are depicted, "and having obtained a properly called inter dimensional teleporter for his own self-righteous needs, a villain then suddenly leaped from the balcony and punched Dayley in his face." The images then switch to Lemmy leaping from the building and bringing justice by his own hands.
"Self-righteous. Yeah, right." Hector complained.
"On that very moment, the inter dimensional timeline teleporter they so much talk about has seemingly disappeared with our hero and the envisioned suspects as well - unknowing of their whereabouts."
"Somebody gonna tell them they've gone into deep space and into some weird dimension elsewhere?" Malcolm spitted out, finding the news anchors' obliviousness endearing. "That's what the name is there for."
"Following the next day, Lady Miriam, also known as the administrator of these so-called V.I.V headquarters, a secret community led by villains, has also now seeming given enough reports and a eye witness to do, what she claims to be, "unearthing Dayley's treacherous crimes he wouldn't be willing to make on daylight", to the court of Justice."
"Oh oh! That's me! I walked with my dog at that time!" One of the villains pointed out one of the images.
"Following shocking results and reports given by Lady Miriam herself, the eye witness is known as Jay Sylvester, a eye witness brutally savaged via cruel means to prove how Dayley violently aggresses one of his men after the same double-crossed him to prove the kind of man he was to the world out there. Due to reasons stated, the image of the eye witness shall not be provided for safety of the witness itself."
"Wait, no image? They usually always show, even if in a very pixelated mess." One of the villains told, wondering about such decision.
"I decided to protect the eye witness myself by giving them the exact reasons." Lady Miriam shared. "No need to share."
"Many of the following images from this recorded footage can only be described as disturbing and may not be advised for young minors or those faint of heart as well. Due to the nature of this recorded footage, we shall refrain from exhibiting this behavior on national television in hopes of not instigating violence, arson and aggression."
"Now that's a news anchor!" Another villain told.
"Yeesh, what did they do to this man?" Another villain asked.
"Such cruel means were used to violently attack this man such as: knifes, whips, bullets, brute force, fire, water, electricity, among several other means one wouldn't even seemingly believe for a human to survive from, who also suffered from fractures and broken limbs. Such is the nature of this crime that to bring a eye witness that witnessed such a thing, would be a miracle from it."
With no surprise whatsoever, Lady Miriam's villains swallowed dry hearing such claims.
"W-what the hell?! Is this man even still living?! How?!" One of the villains almost freaked out.
"The man made entry in the hospital with severe third degree burns, which covered his entire body from head to toe so much, no one would be able to tell he had such wounds or scars in the first place. Due to the time span that happened, this man is now fully healed and slowly recovering in a secret institution."
"Back to you, John." The news anchor then made a pause to deliver the next news.
Hector then stared at Jecter, suddenly always having wondered why his skin was always red or more pink than any other skin out there. The name of Jay Sylvester also rung in his brain, seeming very familiar to him, despite never having been mentioned to him, as he stared back to him watching the television in a cold sweat.
He made none of it.
As he merely wanted to respect Jecters' privacy in this very moment, him assuming Jecter was already scared being so much in the open out there as he is right now in this instance. Not to mention being eye witness as well, but felt relief in knowing Dayley was no longer as influential with him now missing.
"At least you told it back to your pal, Jayt." Hector thought to himself, feeling proud for him, knowing he probably wouldn't have had as much strength as him admitting such claims.
"Good luck out there, buddy." Hector thought to himself, giving him his full support.
"But now I've got more things to attend to, friend."
Hector then remembered he still had to do a favor for Miss Miriam herself.
To rescue her own son from whatever perils he's now witnessing.
"Hold on tight, Lemmy, I'm coming for ya, buddy!" He was determined to get him back at all costs.
To be continued.
Meanwhile, somewhere, in a different dimension, the vision of a forest is glimpsed and that of a few mountains as well. This dimension seemed far apart from the regular dimension and was light years away from being reached, a world unknown to man. Atop a mountain in a cottage house, the door slightly opens and a voice is heard.
"Mom, I'm going to get lumber in there!" A chipper young voice had spoken.
The character was childishly small. A small cute little pink creature with blonde hair and with not much size to it had walked out the door, seemingly to get some wood back into her place for her fireplace in her cozy home. Her hair was neatly tucked into a fluffy big roundish hair bun, with bits of her poofy hair sticking out to the sides of her face as well, her eyes green.
Her appearance was simple - wearing a dark green skirt with a knot to the back of its rear, her black stockings neatly dressing her small little limbs and wearing a golden necklace with a Emera in it.
It seemed to be speaking back to its own mother who was inside their own house.
"Okay! Be safe, dear!" The gentle voice comes from within the house, chirping and singing while in their kitchen, the hot smell of homemade of Appi pies smelling from the window of its kitchen.
"Okay!" The small poodlish or chipmunkish creature replied, while scurrying free back into this forest in a haste.
As she made her way back to the forest, she stomped her little feet carrying away nothing but what she had dressed. But as she descended the slope of this mountain, a noise then is heard.
"Huh?!" Her face was shock, that thing had happened right in front of her face.
A shimmer in the sky had happened, with it, a ripple.
She didn't knew what it was, only that it was rapidly descending into their place and towards the Golden Log Forest, about to collapse and impact on its land as she turned her eyes against it.
"W-What is that?!" She shook. Nervous and shook, she screamed back to its own mother.
"Mom!" She said. "Something's falling out of the sky and heading towards the forest! Mom!"
To be continued?
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ravenveenova97 · 6 months
Alola Romance
(do apologise for the spelling, as i have Dyslexia)
It was a pretty good day and I was up to mischief agen on Akala island, I was down an ally way doing my trade mark art on the wall “heheheheeh this looks sick man god my views are going to be mental after I'm done” I was doing some street art and I had my respirator on so I didn’t inhale any of the fumes from the spray paint, just then I ran out of red spray paint “shit fucking things empty I hope I got more” I rummage through my spray paint bag and end up finding a full can I chuckle and shake it and pop the lid and continued on what I was doing, after the red was done so was my art, I quickly singed the art with my alias name witch was red moon eclipse and after that I done a quick video “sup guys ow I have a treat for you all check out this bad ass peace iv just done” I moved the phone from my face and showed my art it was a midnight lycanrock under a luna eclipse and black aura around it and I flipped the phone round “i know this will send the pigs wild hahahahha but..” just then I heard sirens and officer Jenny running down the alley “hold it right there don’t move” I looked round and cut the video short and grabbed my shit and made a run for it “STOP RIGHT THERE” I just laugh as I run away, I get chased thither down the ally and end up at a dead end and I look up to a high wall and turn round “stop you cornered and no were to escape” I tighten my bag around my shoulders and pulled up my gloves and chuckled “I don’t think so pig” I run up the wall and push of one and then leap up and grab another and volt over it “HAHAHAHAHA SEE YA” I make a brake for it and I'm cornered agen but I power slide past two cops and get back up and continue to run, I've never been caught by the cops and it won't happen now, just then a cop car pulls up next to me and I monkey volt over it and stick the landing I look behind me to see the cops on hot presute “man they don’t give up do they” while running I had un unexpected blockage a lady walked around the corner with a pram but thanks to my reflexes I dove over the pram and safety rolled and landed and looked at the lady “sorry about that you have a good day mam” and I continue to book it. 
While I was running I saw two of my team members and I slowed down to talk to them “sup knuckle heads what cha doing” they looked round and saw me and then saw the mass amount of cops behind me “hahahahah getting into trouble agen Crystal nicely done” I fist bumped them and walked past them “mind dealing with the pigs for me” both of the grunt chuckled and turned round and took out there poke balls ready for a fight “don't we always hahahah lets smash them” I chuckle and continue to run away, I take a sharp turn down another ally way and run up the wall and grab the buildings ladder and climb up to the roof and then continue to run on the roofs till I got to the port, one there I dashed into a nearby were house and climbed up the beams and sat up there to recover my stamina “dam I can't breathe in the stupid thing” I removed the respirator and put it into my bag and hid out there till everything cooled down “I SAW THEM RUN IN HERE” shit they tracked me down, I moved back and hid in the shadows and watched them look around. 
They took their time but to no vail they couldn’t find me “dam they got away, that red moon eclipse is a slippery one” hehehehe sorry pigs nobody been able to catch me while I free run and parkour suck it, they leave and I sit back down and open my phone and look at the news feed and to be expected they were on top of it “as you can see here the red moon eclipse has struck agen leaving another piece of art for the Akala island to see will there rain ever come to an end” I just scoff at the news women “ha never in a million years so you might as well jog on mate” as I put my phone away the two grunts I saw erlea walk in “ dude you sure she still in here” I chuckle and covered my face with my mask and pulled up my hood then I get up from sitting down and walk along the beam and then jump down and safety role right in front of them and look back “see I told you I know Crystal so next time don’t talk smack” I chuckle and walk out as my fairy to Ula Ula island was about to leave I boded without paying of course and went back home to Po town. 
I arrived and walked up the street to big old mansion and enter the doors and walk into the open hall everyone was chilling and i herd my name agen on the tv and I grabbed the attention of Guzma “back all ready short stack what happened did the pigs scare ya” I got annoyed and walked round in front of him and stamped my foot on the sofa he was on right between he's legs “you want to say that agen you drowned rat” everyone stopped and looked at us, I was glaring at Guzma and he just got up and towered over me “I'm sorry did the mouse just squeak just now” I grabbed him by he's chain and pulled him down to me “stop calling me small or I kick your fucking ass like I did last time fucking wana bee” at this point he grabbed me by the shirt and we literally butted head “keep talking like that pipsqueak I give you an ass whopping” thigs were getting proper heated and the grunts had to pull us off each other “AAAAAA YOU SO FUCKING ANOYING.......but it don’t matter your just a mutt chasing he's tail all bark and no bite” I shake off the grunts and walk off and Guzma was pissed off and most of the grunts were holding him back “KEEP TALKING BACK ALLY TRASH” that was it he pushed the wrong buttons I dropped my bag and I turned round and was about to charge him and attack but before I could I was grabbed by the back of my hoodie and pulled back “WILL YOU TWO DUM ASSES SHUT THE HELL UP” I look round and Plum was angry and she was staring daggers at Guzma he looked at her then turned away he never agues with her and before I could say anything Plum spun me around and grabbed my bag off the floor and dragged me upstairs to her room, “you two really need to stop butting heads its giving me a head ake” I just scoff and put my bag on her bed and remove my mask and hood and pulled out my hair “he started it calling me short, god he drives me up the fucking wall he's a cunt” Plum walks up to me and smacks the back of my head and I rub it better as she walks to the window and I followed her and we go and sit on the roof to smoke “look I get it he's a jerk but like you he's had it ruff” I just frown I don’t like him that’s final, I light my fag and take a drag and exhale “he acts like he's a big shot and hot stuff and says its ya boi, god cringe he's not even that hot” Plum looks at me as I'm picking off the paint on my gloves while the fag is in my mouth. 
“sound to me you do find him attractive why else would you but heads with him” I spit out my fag and it lands next to me and cough “you tripping, I rather be eaten by a pack off rattata then fall for that dick” I pick up my fag and put it back into my mouth and continue to smoke and look into the setting sun sky and lean back and sigh “I’d rather be alone then be a prize to a sick in the head man there scums all of them and Guzma is no acceptation” Plum put out her fag and stands back up and climbs back into her window and I do the same and sit back on her bed and Plum chucks me a plush and I hold onto it “I get it men are scum but Guzma is not like that trust me and you have to get along with him as your now 3rd in command” I look up at her in shock and she gets off the bed and brings over a new uniform for me “what do you mean in 3rd in command” she flicks me on the head and leans in “deeeeer it means when Guzma and me are out you take charge of the goons got it” I rub my head and look down at my new uniform I had black cyber punk bottoms and a black skull hoodie with a built in skull face mask and a new chain that was gold. 
Just then the door was knocked and Plum got up and opened it a little and peeked around it “what do you runts want” I hear hushed voices behind the door and Plum sighed “Crystal I be back in a bit I'm needed now get changed into your new gear” I nod and she leaves and closes the door I get up and start to remove my clothes and fold them up on her bed I'm in nothing but my underwear and looking at my gear on the bed just then the door opened agen “yo Plum you in here” I swing round and I met with Guzma’s eyes he's eyes widen and I'm stood there frozen “who the fuck are you” I snap out of it and get instantly angry and grab a pillow and throw it at he's face “DO YOU EVER FUCKING KNOCK YOU SICK MUTT GET THE FUCK OUT BEFOUR I BRAKE YOUR JAW” he realises it's me and he makes a quick exit and I just stand there scratching my head aggressively “what a jerk don’t he know how to knock” I was so angry but then I calm down and then realise I was standing there in my underwear and I start to go pail in the face “no he saw what I looked like.......he saw my hair and skin......AAAAAAAAA HE SAW ME IN MY UNDEREWEAR” I crouched to the floor blushing bright red and freeking out just then Plum walked in and saw I was crouched down “Yo Crystal can you explain why Guzma was red in the face talking to himself”  
I swung round and I darted up and got into my new uniform to cover up and then I took a deep breath and told her what happened “Guzma walked in on you while getting changed.........HES SO DEAD HE SHOULD FUCKING KNOCK” I tuck my hair into my hood and pull up the mask and walk to the door “Plum I'm going down for a drink so give me a sec” I left the room and looked around and made my way down to the kitchen and got myself a glass of water just then I her footsteps coming up to me I quickly put the glass back down and covered back up and looked round to Guzma standing behind me “look pip squeak I didn’t mean to walk in on you that was messed up” I was took back and looked at him why is he averting he's gaze and red in the cheeks “wait is the mutt trying to say sorry” he frowned and scoffed at me “I don’t have to you know you wasn’t much to look at any way, barely a woman” what the fuck are you seriously calling me a girl I got angry and pulled on he's chain and pulled down my mask and our eyes were boring into each other “if you're going to say sorry do it Guzma” he's shocked as I actually used he's name and not calling him a mutt, he smiles in amusement and grabs my hand and removes it from he's chain “I guess I could say sorry as you used my name, just don’t let anyone else see that body of yours ok Crystal” I'm surprised as he actually used my name just then there was a lot of ruckus going on and glasses smashing “WERE THE HELL IS HE, HES A DEAD MAN” Guzma face drops and he stands up striate and starts to sweat profusely “I better bounce before she catches me” he quickly made a run for it and Plum saw him “GUZMA GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW YOUR SO DEAD” I couldn’t help but giggle well that’s what he gets for walking in on me, but at least I got an apology and he used my real name hehehehehe. 
That day was eventful and I spent a bit of my day chilling with the grunts and playing poker witch I cheated at and it wasn’t regular poker it was strip poker so I had to much fun and the some of the grunts that went ageist me had to do the walk of shame with their bear asses shining in the light, never go up agents some one that has a high sleight of hand, just then Plum sat down and sighed “I'm guessing by that look you beat some sense into Guzma” she looked at me and picked up all the cards and shuffled them and placed them on the box “he had me running for a while sqwirly barsterd but I did give him a good pummelling for walking in on you” I giggle and hand out the cards and picked up my set and looked at them I didn’t have a good hand shit I have to rely on my cheeky talents I threw down two cards and reached to pick up two more but just then Plum grabs my hand and flipped it over and removed the cards up my sleaves “play fair no cheating” I pout under my mask and play fair with her. 
The round was long and I was sweating buckets as Plum has some very harsh punishments for losing “you going to fold” I look at her and she had the calmest look on her face and I sigh well better take the punishment “yer I fold you win” Plum smiled at me and showed me her hand and I stood up in shock “what the fuck a royal flush, ok I smell bull shit you had to cheat to get that” she just shrugged and she looked at me “how does your hair and down there take dye” I look at her in shock to her saying down there and then move my hand into my hood and touch my hair “how much of it needs to be dyed” she thinks for a moment and then she gets side tracked by a lot of noise coming from the sofa “WILL YOU RUNTS KEEP IT DOWN” they turned round and panicked, Plum scoffed at them and then brought her attention back to me “i be nice just do the tips but down there the howl thing and it has to be Cyan blue and maybe do your fridge too” I sigh and get up from sitting down and stretch “fine I do that I head off now and get the dye anything you want while I'm out” she shakes her head and the noise of the grunts grew louder agen and she got pissed off “HAY I SAID KNOCK IT OFF” she got up and stormed up to them and wacked them at the back of the head. 
I left the mansion and I walked into someone it felt like walking into a brick wall “geez watch were you're going short stack” I look up and I Guzma grinning at me and were back at it with the nick name I end up punching him in the gut and walk away annoyed but that soon turned into laughter well he deserved it, I leave the base and make my way to town and go into a store and look around for the colour hair die and then found it and I browsed the snack section I was fancying some sweet treats so I picked some of those up and went to the counter and pay for it, the lady behind it was scared as I was a member of team skull but after she scanned everything and put it into the bag she told me the price I took out the money and put it on the counter “keep the change” and I left the store and then walked back, on the way I heard chuckling coming from the old police building and I grinned and looked through the window “its rear to hear you lathing Nanu playing with your many Meowths are we” he looks up and sees me leaning on the outside window ledge “well hello trouble maker” I giggle and volt threw the open window and sit down on he's couch “sure just let yourself in I guess” I laugh he's so grouchy frail old man “come on you know this place is like my second home” I just laugh as he sighs and gets me a dink of beer and put it on the table and sits down from across from me “so what brought you here don’t tell me Guzma picking on you agen” I pick up the drink and put it on the edge of the table and slam hard down on it and pop the cap and remove my mask and drink it “you know that mutt always picks on me because I'm small but it's not just that he also walked in on me while I was getting changed” Nanu eyes widen and he gets angry “that jerk walked in on my beloved granddaughter ow I be having words with him” hahahahahah one thing with Nanu he's been more of a family member to me then my own parents, were not blood related in any way but he sees me as family and I trust him “hahahahah its ok Plum already gave him a good beating” just then one of Nanu Meowths jumped up onto my lap and made its self confutable and Nanu was sulking “I'm normally the one they take a shine too now they have with you”  
I just giggle and then I spend a bit of time with Nanu before heading back, once home I go to my room and chuck the bag onto my bed now I had a very small room nothing big and fancy as Guzma and Plum but I make do, I jump onto my PC and decide to put some cyber music on and I turned it up and then take everything out of the bag and even the dye and start to dye the tips of my hair down there but only on the top bit and my fridge after I was done I let it sit and develop so I just scrolled threw my phone and see how many views my new video got and not surprising I hit 4k views on it and I looked threw my tags and some of my followers are standing Infront of my new art and taking selfies “ha at least some people appreciate art” I start to open the bags of snacks and begin to munch on them wile liking and responding to the tags, 30 mins passed and I got up and grabbed my towel and left my room and made my way to the bathroom but on the way I bump into Plum and she smiling “I have some good news for you” I look at her and tilt my head to the side and she pushes me down the hall and threw a door, I was shown a big empty room and I look around “Plum are you hinting this be my new room” she leaning up agents the door frame with her arms crossed and nods at me “well your 3rd command so you get a bigger room so starting tomorrow you can decorate it anyway you like” I smile well looks like I have to decide on how to decorate it but I do have a rough idea, I do kind of want to go Cyber Punk style so looks like I be doing a lot decorating then, after Plum walks me through what my duties be as a new boss I walk back towards the bathroom and open it and walk in and lock the door and get into the shower and wash my hair and get out all of the dye, after I'm done I get out and start to dry my hair, it's pretty late so all the grunt should all be in their rooms so should be safe to walk out in just a towel, I wrap the towel around me and pick up my clothes and walk back out and make my way back to the hall, on the way down I pass Guzma and I don’t batter an eye at him instead I walk past him but just at that point my towel brushed past he's hand and it got snagged on he's watch so as he walked passed and I wasn’t paying attention my towel came flying off me. 
I feel it fall off and I try to grab it but it was too late I was exposed and I coved myself up and dropped to the floor, Guzma felt the wait of the towel on he's wrist and looked down and unhooked it and then he looked round and I'm sitting on the floor red in the face “GIVE IT BACK YOU MUTT” he just sears at me and then he herd shuffling from behind Plum’s door and I'm about to scream but he moves in and puts he's hand over my mouth to stop me “shut it pipsqueak I don’t fancy another beating from Plum” he listens out while looking behind him and then he sighs and gives me back my towel “look away” he sighs and turns he's head and I wrap myself back up but I didn’t know he's eyes gave me a side glance while I was preoccupied covering up I just hear him scoff in amusement and I look up at him and glear at him “first you walk in on me then you strip me bear how much of a pervert are you” he's just smirking at me wile crouched down with he's arms resting on he's legs “like I perve on you, come on I have standards I don’t look at little girls” god he's such a prick I stand up and get annoyed with him “stop calling me a girl I'm more women than you think I am” I was angry and fed up with him treating me like this so I stood tall and done a very bold move “if you don’t believe me look for yourself” I take back off the towel and throw it in he's face I stand there completely naked and Guzma eyes wonder around my body and that’s when he walks around me I'm red in the cheeks but also burning with anger I stood my ground he thinks this would intimidate me he's wrong, I then felt he's hand touch my skin as it slides from my side all the way past my hip and down a little to my leg and then he walks back in front of me “I guess you have something pipsqueak, you may have a hot body but your size of your chest makes you still look like a kid” I get even more annoyed like what more do you want I just striped bear in front of you,  I walk up to him and snatch the towel that was around he's neck and covered myself back up “you know you’re a prick right, so if you can't appreciate what my body looks like that’s on you so fuck off” I turn round and walk off and get into my room and slam the door shut. 
I can't believe him I try to prove I'm a woman and he still calls me a kid I'm fucking 18 I'm an adult now I'm no longer a kid, I end up throwing myself on the bed and roll over and scream into my pillow god he rubs me the wrong way how can Plum think I get along with him he's aggravating as hell I just pout and then turn my attention to my tv “might as well watch something wile I eat my snacks” that night I sat down and watched a few movies wile pigging out but after a while I end up crashing out in nothing but a towel well this day was stressful as fuck. 
It was the next day and I could hear faint voices outside my door so I ended up waking up to it i groggily rub my eyes and then realise I'm still naked “shit I fell asleep with the towel on god dam it” I get out of bed and put on some underwear and my bra and go and pick up my uniform, I stop and look at it and instantly get mad “know what I prove to him I'm a woman, I'm altering this uniform” I throw it on the table and pull out my sewing mashean and scissors and alter it, what done was change the hoodie into a crop hoodie and brought the front all the way to the colour bone and added straps linking at the front to the back, next was the bottoms I turned them into shorts and made them a little bit more skin tight and done a garter look to it and then moved the straps to the back splitting them to the sides, once done I threw on a crop low rise black top and put on some cybernetics stockings and my knee high boots I looked in the mirror and smirked “I think it's time to stop hiding my skin and body I've had enoth”  
I pull up my hood but I leave my hair sticking out and pull up my mask “lest hear him say im a kid now” I walked out of my room and make my way to the top of the stears and look out over the grand hall and sit on the banaster and pull out my phone and look as my replys to my fans, I was preoccupied doing my thing I didn’t hear Plum walk up to me “I see you ulterd your uniform can I ask why” I look round and put my phone away in my back pocket and got off the banister “to prove a point to Guzma that I'm not a little girl, I want him to see he was wrong about me and that he should tack back what he said” Plum laughed at me and pated me on the head “you're going through a lot of effort for a guy you say you despise, why dose he’s opinion matter so much” I look at her and sigh “I guess I'm done with people judging me I guess” Plum had a small smirk on her face “then show everyone who you really are stop hiding” she walks over and removes my hood and pulls down my mask “own it Crystal show everyone how bad ass you are and fucking deck those that judge” 
I lagh at her and then take a deep breath “if I knew I be showing my face I would of done my makeup” I look at Plum holding out her hand “alow me to do that come on lets go back to my room” I follow her back into her room and I sit down on her bed as she pulles out all her makeup and she gets to work on me once she done I bearly reconise myself I actay had eyelashes and thay were super long “there was no need for fulce eyelashes you have natrual long eye lashes but I hope this fits you well” I smile I had red and black eyeshadow with black lips and she even done some makeup art on me I had cybernetics going across my left eye it looked so sick “dam Plum good job this looks sick” she happily smerks and puts everying away “im not done yet your hair could use a bit of styling how dose braid down one side and a full on fridge sound, I be moving a lot of hair to one side and layering it” I look in the mirror and then nod, Plum got out her hair scissors and I sat down so she could do her work, she moved most of my hair to one side and started to give me a parting and layerd it and when she was done she braided my hair into three sections on the other side and brought it from the side all the way to the back and tied it off “I say this is a master peace what do you think” I open my eyes and get up and walk to her mirror and wow I was stunned I looked like a complete bad ass. 
I turn round to Plum and smile at her “thankyou you even keped it cyber style you’re the best” Plum scoffs happily and swings the scissors around her fingers “aint i just, lets go and show everyone the real you” I get pumped and I smerk and remember something “iv actaly got contacts that would look sick with this look I meet you out side my room” I left and I strutted down the hall way to my room once there I walked in and opend my draw and pulled out my contacts thay were mostly clear but had a white ring in them to make your eyes look like they had cyber were installed, I popped them in and looked at myself “yer that finishes the look now it's time to show Guzma what he's missing out on” I leave my room and Plum standing out side and she sees the contacts “that look dope i defo wouldn’t like to run into you down a dark aly lets show the rest of Team Skull there new 3rd boss” I fist bump her and we make our way to the top of the stairs and Plum stops me so im out of sight and she adresses everyone “SHUT THE FUCK UP RUNTS AND LISSON UP” Plum grabed everyones attention and they all started to croude by the bottem on the stairs with Guzma behind them “as you know we have a new boss member so you better lisson to her or I punch your lights out, Crystal come here”  
I take a deep breath and walk out with confidence and stand next to Plum, all the grunts eyes widen and some of the guys jaws drop and Plum glears at them “CLOSE THOS MOUTHS RUNTS” they did and I smirked and leaned all my weight to one side and cross my arms looks like iv made a lasting impression on them “wile me and Guzma are out you follow Crystals rules got it” the grunts nod to what Plum said and she smirked “good now LETS PARTY BRING OUT THE BOOZES” Every one cheered and rand to the pantry to get out the alcohol “ok Crystal you have full charge of the music” I pull out my phone and put on one of my favourite playlists. 
0 notes
poisonouswritings · 2 years
Thanks to @hesperioae for suggesting this!
GN!Reader, Felix/MC/Rime polycule, shake those hips girlies (gender neutral), it's Salsa Saturday Boyos (also gender neutral)
You are a professional salsa dancer! And you know what that means? Even on Astrea, you have to keep up with your practice. So it isn't at all uncommon to see you at the training grounds, stretching and maybe jogging and definitely running through your routine a couple times. Hell, being in Astraea might have even given you some new moves!
And by 'being in Astraea' I do completely mean 'dating Rime'
While Rime isn't a professional salsa dancer like you are, I do think he has some experience!
I just,, I think that Rime would be a really good dancer okay,,,, and I would also like to consider that because of his ice powers he could,,, he could,,,,,,, he could ice the ground underneath him and create like,, ice skates on his shoes or something and then the dance becomes ice skating and ooooooooh he would be so majestic and elegant and you fucking know that he would dip you solely so he could have an excuse to grab your ass
Dip him. Grab his ass. Tweak his tail.
Rime likes to help you practice. It's a fun bonding experience and also I think you guys tease/flirt a lot during it and it is not uncommon for you both to get worked up afterwards
But where does that leave Felix?
Sometimes he's in his study, too lost in his research to even notice the two of you have gone outside. Other times he sits off to the side, watching the two of you and cheering you both on.
And yet,, he,,, can't help but feel a little inadequate. The two of you are so elegant when you move, especially when you're in your more impressive outfits. He could never do anything like that. As you might have be aware, he's not exactly,, you know,,,
He's got a feeble body is the short of it
One day you and Rime are going through your workouts when you see Felix kinda moping on the bench. The two of you share a worried look and go over, sitting on either side. Rime puts his arm over Felix's shoulder and you casually pull the book out of his lap and lay your head down so you can look up at him. That successfully startles him out of his thoughts.
'What're you pulling that face for, babe?' 'Though your pout is cute-'
That successfully manages to shake Felix out of his slump.
Now he's blushing and looking between the two of you, but he's still pouting. 'Well, I have absolutely no idea what you two are talking abou-'
You poke his left cheek. Rime pokes his right cheek.
Felix lets out a very long sigh as he looks away from the both of you, mumbling shyly about how 'youguysjustlooksogreatwhenyoudanceandhereallywisheshecouldbehalfaselegantasyoubothbuthejustisn-' why are the both of you looking at him like that
You and Rime have matching evil grins
Five minutes later the three of you are doing your stretches, by which I mean you and Rime are doing your stretches and Felix is trying really hard to mimic them but he's already suffering he just Isn't Used To This Much Physical Activity
You guys try to teach him the six basic steps and he just
He (semi-inadvertently) is acting like Ben Stiller in Along Came Polly because he's trying to copy your guys' sexy dancing but he also keeps tripping over his feet or your feet or Rime's feet
The rose in the mouth thing and you and Rime are switching it between you two (look ma no hands!) and you try to pass it to Felix mouth to mouth and he's so flustered he nearly fucking swallows it
You spin Felix into your arms then spin him into Rime's arms and somehow Felix manages to headbutt him in the chin
You try to dip Felix and he somehow manages to kick you in the ankles and send you falling on top of him and now his face is buried in your chest
he might have a little bit of a nosebleed because hehe mc tiddies
The session ends with the three of you in a pile on the floor, bruised and panting. You and Rime are laughing. Felix is pouting and blushing but also snickering a little.
It's an absolute success!
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bakugohoex · 4 years
hi love 💖💖 again congrats so much on 1k, you deserve it + the world!!! may i please request nsfw #10 with eren? heheheh thank you 🥰
“my mics on baby, let them hear your moans”
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pairing: eren yeager x female reader
cw: modern au, language, nsfw (voyeurism, choking, nipple play, thigh riding (slight), kissing, daddy kink, degradation, praise and unprotected sex)
word count: 1800+
a/n: hey baby, thank you so much, i hope you liked this my lovely, next one coming up is some levi fluff
summary: in which a night of boredom, waiting for eren to finish his game, leads you to finding yourself sitting right on his lap, letting all his friends here your moans
1k event masterlist
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist 
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Eren’s voice boomed throughout the apartment, you had only just put away the dishes and wanted to spend some quality time with your favourite boy. But it seems that he had other ideas in mind, with the sound of his shouting at Jean and Armin to give him some backup. You didn't ask about the game, refusing to even bother to understand the entertainment of the shooting game. 
Normally, you wouldn't question it but the long stares you'd been giving him since you both came home, the small touches on his shoulder and arms. You had been craving his touch ever since he left in the morning, his wandering hands having done nothing but your heart pulse for more contact.
You were irritated, wanting to have him inside of you but all he seemed to care about was how Jean had left to get some other items instead of saving Eren. You found yourself watching him shout for a moment before finally going to the sofa where he sat with the controller in hand. The loading screen was up, knowing he was about to start a new game, his headset across his head and a slouched position allowing his arms out across the sofa as he was ready to be sat on.
“You okay, baby?” He spoke muting his mic for you to say whatever you wanted. Instead of speaking you sat right on top of him, legs kneeling beside his own as you faced him straddling his lap. His face looked confused, but he loved seeing you needy and wanting to be held so kept you on him. 
Your arms moved to his neck as you rested your head against his shoulder, you heard Armin shout to press the play button, Eren putting his mic back on as he continued to shout to Armin to tell him to fuck off. “Y/n, baby you okay?” He softly spoke into your ear as you continued to rest on his lap.
Your actions spoke louder as you began to grind against his clothed cock, you gave him the sweetest look filled with heart eyes but the way your body rutted against his own made him let out a groan. “B...baby.”
“Eren what the fuck, Jean just got killed again.” You heard through the mic again, knowing Jean would get pissed at Eren being distracted, Eren tried to keep a much calmer composure, but your relentless movement across his semi hard cock made his mouth water. 
“I w...want you, daddy.” You moaned into his ear, away that his mic was on the other side of his face, if your voice had been any louder, you knew the two boys on the other side would’ve heard you in an instant. 
Eren’s eyes widened at the sound of your moan, having an idea in mind, probably a terrible on at that. He grabbed your jaw, letting the controller fall to the side as he let his thumb play to at least do something without Armin and Jean shouting at him. Your breath fanned his own as he gave a soft kiss, his hand still holding your jaw in place, you continued to try to grind against him already feeling your coated underwear. Slick ready to engulphed Eren’s own cock. 
“Such a little cumslut, waiting all day for Daddy to fuck you.” He whispered through the kiss, he was almost glad Armin and Jean were arguing knowing his voice was inaudible. 
You gave a hefty moan, before Eren moved his fingers away from your jaw and down to his joggers. Quickly untying his joggers and lifting your ass up to take his joggers off, you could see the hard indent of cock, your mouth already waiting. “You're going to just stare at it baby.” He teased waiting for you to take his boxers off yourself.
The way you bit your lip in hesitance made him go wild, watching as your fingers brushed against his cock, urning a low groan. His eyes had moved back to the game, starting to properly play it as you grabbed the waist band, moving his boxers away in a swift move. His cock curved upwards, already hard and the precum oozing out ready to feel your insides. 
His fingers went under the hoodie you were wearing, the shorts being ripped apart in an easy aggressive move. His finger skimmed across your underwear, the slick already dampening the pair before he motioned for you to lift yourself up for him to get rid of the item of clothing. “Aren’t you a good little slut?” He whispered, making you become weak at the feeling of your clit against his exposed thigh. 
“I’m a good s...slut.” You moaned through Eren’s shaky leg, he paid little attention to your movements, concentrating on killing the person about to attack Jean. Even with his cock hard and dripping for your cunt, he couldn't just leave his friends to die. 
He heard you continue to whine before moving closer to his cock, you pulled the hoodie away from your body, leaving you in your bra, his hand moved behind your body quickly undoing it as he watched you toss it to the side. “Use me up then.” He kissed your neck watching how your naked frame was for his eyes. Your hand gilded under his shirt, he quickly took it off with one hand letting your hands roam up and down his chest. Your mouth moving to his neck, to suck at it, the swell of your clit just touched his cock, feeling the urge to put himself right into you. 
You sucked at his neck, a feeble moan coming from his lips, “Eren what the fuck was that?” You both heard Jean’s question choosing to ignore it, you came up on your knees and Eren knew exactly what your next move was going to be. 
He saw your hand clasped his cock, cum falling onto your fingers, he already knew he was going to make you suck it. “Wait.” He muttered.
He took the headset from his head and put it on your own. You gave a hazy look, confused, before gesturing for you to carry on. You assumed it was just for him to be able to kiss your shoulder more easily, with the mic muted.
You ignored the metal on your head, sinking into his cock, a loud moan erupting your mouth. “Da...daddy.”
Armin and Jean were in shock at what they had just heard, your whimpers and moans coming from Eren’s headset. They could barely speak, and even if they wanted to stop listening, their bodies refused to turn the game off, listening into the whole ordeal. 
“Taking me so well babygirl.” Eren watched as you came back up struggling to fit all of him inside of you. You had sunk back down your thighs being able to touch his own knowing you’d reached his base with a soreness. “Good girl, aren’t you?”
“I’m a g...good girl.” You moaned again, his hands firmly on your waist as he began thrusting back and forth into your cunt. “Ple...please more, daddy...f...faster.” 
“Suck your fingers.” You complied whining and whimpering at the taste of his cum coating your throat and mixing with your saliva. 
Your moaning was heaven to his ears, loving the feeling of your tight cunt around his thick cock. “Such a fucking slut, you want me to go deeper, you want my cock to s...split you open.” Eren’s pace quickened continuing to thrust upwards to accommodate for your needs. 
“F...faster, pl...please.” You whined with the mic still on, the sound of your mewls and whimpers increasing. Eren’s hand moved to grab your throat, making you face him with a sadistic look on his face.
“My mics on baby, let them hear your moans.” You were too far in to even care if Jean and Armin were listening in, the two boys had definitely heard the statement, becoming flushed at how they had been listening in. “Moan my name baby.”
You reciprocated, “Ere...Eren.” 
His voice rolled off your tongue, his hand still around your pretty little neck, he loved the feeling of his firm veiny grip across your smooth neck. Every night he would leave more and more bruises across your neck, make everybody see the marks he gave you. “Tell them who you...belong to.” He grunted, sweat mixing in with every thrust.
Your chest was right in his eyeline, beginning to skim his tongue around your nipples. A coat of his saliva across each nipple before he began sucking on the spots just above your nipples. Harsh red and purple forming as heard you speak, “you, da...daddy, I’m you...yours.”
“My little cumdump.” He groaned at the taste of leaving bruises against your skin but also the feeling of cum build up. 
“C...cum, please, da...daddy.” You spoke breathlessly, almost pleading with the tears filling your eyes. He watched as your chest heave, wiping the stray tears before he spoke. 
Eren became quicker in his thrusts, grabbing your waist for more access to each inch of your warm cunt. “Cum for daddy.” He commanded and in an instant the coil in your stomach fell, cumming right on his cock. Eren could see the cum seep out of your cunt, your loud heavy moan being music to his ears. After his own couple of sloppy thrusts through the cum, he gushed right inside of you. 
Your cum mixing together inside of your stomach, seeing a slight bulge at the feeling of being entirely stuffed. Eren looked at you, your tired and tear-filled eyes, you remained on his cock, shuffling on his soft cock. The smell of sweat and cum mixed through the air as Eren took the headset off your head. 
“You enjoy the show then.” Eren cocked his head back, letting your head rest against his shoulders, one arm firmly on you and the other talking through the mic. The game had been disregarded by the loading screen on the television and the sighs of heavy breaths coming from the other end. 
“Fuck.” You both heard, you assumed it was Jean going from how loud he normally was compared to Armin. 
“Eren, you should let us join next time?” Jean proposed, Eren’s jaw clenched at Jean’s action, glad that the boy hadn't been in the room to actually see the events that occurred.
Eren gave a loud scoff, “you fucking wish Kirschtein, she’s all mine, aren’t you.” He put the mic to your tired mouth as you gave a low grumble.
“All yours.” You whispered tiredly, your sweaty hair going across his own chest, his own hair having been tied back but the stray strands that encased his forehead stuck across. Eren didn't bother listening to the rest of the heavy breathes from his two friends. 
He wanted to know if the events that had just occurred made you feel embarrassed or hate him but at his question you gave him a lazy look, “i don't care, it was fun.”
He shook his head, kissing the top of your head. He knew the two of you should probably get cleaned up but with you in his arms he felt at peace. Resting his head against your own he felt comforted with your presence and the true knowing that you were his entirely.
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i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
if you guys want to be a part of a tag list, just reply to any post and i’ll add you xx
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Whacky Gotham, Goofy New York, and Chaotic Paris.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8)
Chapter 6: Evade The Bats, and Beat The Crows
The girls are in the old living room setting up clues (that are absolutely... useless) around Gotham. One being a picture Harley and Multimouse took earlier that day.
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"They might think to look here after they realize the clues are fake." - Steph
"Then where else would they not think to look?" - Maria
"W.E, I can get you and Harley in without them knowing easily." - Barbara said with a confident smile.
"But they'll have to go incognito... especially you Harley, no offense, but your outfit stands out just a tad." - Steph
"Ehhh, none taken, I'm sure I can tink of somthin' else tuh wear." - Harley
"I can help with that, but I'll need some clothes and some sewing supplies." - Maria said already thinking of what she could make.
Cass gave a nod and headed out of the room, after a few minutes she came back with t-shirts, jackets, sweaters, shorts, jeans, etc. and droped the pile of clothes infront of the group. She then handed Maria a sewing set she got from Alfred.
"Thanks Cass. I'll get to work on making our costumes." - Maria
"Let me help yuh wit' dat hun." - Harley said as she picked up most of the clothes for Maria
"Thanks." Maria
•—–·Let's see the Chaos shall we·–—•
"You never told us she could use magic!" - Red Hood looking under the table
"I wonder if she can infuse magic with coffee..." - Red Robin said looking in the cabinets for the third time.
"Stop looking for coffee!" - Red Hood
"She could've hidden in here." - Red Robin said while crabbing a mug
"I haven't had enough sleep to deal with this." - Selina then walked over and flopped herself on the couch and proceeded to fall asleep on impact.
"Maria get your tiny self back here right now or else!" - Tony
"Or else what? She Knows MAGIC! What else does she know that you haven't told us?!" - Red Hood
"... I never told you becuase it's meant to be a secret!" - Tony
"Oh, so now you agree with keeping things a secret?" - Red Robin grabbing the coffee
"What else can she do Tony." - Batman
"Well... she's great with tech, can kick butt in a LOT of different ways, has magic, and if she wants to, she can find and know where everyone or anyone is, but I think she gets massive headaches from a wide search like that." - Tony
"Anything else?" - Batman
(Tony thinkng of all the tiny gods she has in jewelery, and that she keeps Paris/friends and family safe on a daily basis, and that she is the well known designer MDC...)"No..." - Tony
As ivy was listening to them talk, she continued to search her garden, until one of her plants had a message fo her.
"Hello Ms. Ivy, please don't help Batman and Iron Man find us, we promise we'll be careful." - Maria
"Where are you?" - Ivy asked whispering into the plant.
After a few minutes Ivy got a detailed plan that Maria, Harley and the girls came up with to evade The IronBat group (Maria thought that would be better than ManMan group 'But it's Bat MAN and Iron MAN, so it has tuh be The ManMan group.' was Harleys defence, but Maria won that one.) and Ivy agreed to help as best she could.
•—–· Over to the Miraculous gang ·–—•
Plagg is cackling like there's no tomorrow.
"Guys something must be wrong, Plagg won't stop cackling, he won't even touch the cheese I gave him!!!" - Adrien
"There's no time for that, we need to find out where the hell Maria is!!" - Chloé
"Hahahaha, Ti- heheh Tikk- pffhaaaaaaahaha!!!" - Plagg
"He's trying to form words!" Adrien cradling Plagg in his hands "What is it my friend? Don't do this, you're to young...*sniff * you're to beautiful!"
"Hehehehe Shhhh- hahaha, she- she- haha...heheh- I'm so p-hehe-Proud wahahaha " - Plagg
"Proud?! She?! Where?! Who, is it Maria?!" - Chloé
"Hhhhhhhhahhaaaaaaaaaa" - Plagg
"Oh God he's wheezing!" - Adrien
"Hey guys, Peter and I got the snacks, found out where Maria might- oh kwami." - Alix walking into the room to a zombie looking Chloé, a panicked Adrien and the Kwami of death/bad luck/chaos laughing himself to death.
"Has he finally lost it?" - Peter
"She has become a true cat! hahahahahaaaaa heheheheeeeeee." - Plagg
Everyone in the room but Plagg "Oh fu-"
•—–· Over to the Batfam ·–—•
So everyone is panicking because for the past hour none of them could find Multimouse. Robin is sitting on the couch next to a now fully awake Selina, Red Hood and Nightwing are once again feeding each other the worst possible situation she could be in, Tony may or may not be hyperventilating, Red Robin is drinking coffee, and Batman is as stoic as ever... well on the outside anyway, on the inside, it's a warzone. Ivy is drinking her tea, slightly worried, but also hiding a small smile.
"What if we ask Oracle to try and help us find her?" - Red Robin
"... Right... Yes, ok let's do that... Bats you do it, I need to sit down." - Tony
•—–· Back to the girls ·–—•
The girls moved everything to the Bat-cave so they could set the route they would take, then the Bat-Computer started ringing.
"Hide!" - Steph
"Where, dere's nuttin' tuh hide behind!" - Harley
"Quick under the Bat-Computer." - Barbara
As soon as Harley and Maria hid under the Bat-Computer, Batman and the rest of the Batfam was on video call.
"Hey guys, what do you need?" - Barbara acting like nothing happened
"We need you to search for Maria, she's in a dark gray suit with pink accents, and she's with Harley." - Batman
"Ok, no prob, I'll contact you when I've found something." - and with that Barbara exited the call.
"Should we start heading out?" - Maria
"Yup, and here are your ID badges, don't lose them. I'll give our Batfam fake sightings, and lead them far away, then once you reach W.E I'll slowly start leading them closer to you." - Barbara
"Thanks, keep in touch if they decide to split up." - Maria
"Roger that." - Steph said giving a solute
Soon Multimouse and Harley are running over roof tops again, doing tricks, and stopping petty crimes, Barbara is leading the Batfam all over Gotham, and then they got to W.E, after Maria transformed back, they entered the building. Thanks to Babs, they entered without any problems and had free roam for the entire building, with some exceptions like new weapons designs, or the roof. They were hiding in the building for about an hour on the 7th floor when Barbara called in.
"Hey girls, you might want to be careful, I spotted some of Scarecrows goons a few blocks away, they seem to be heading in your direction, I'd say about 6mins tops until they reach W.E. Best to find a good room to stay in, or get out of there." - Barbara
"Thanks fawh de heads up Babs." - Harley
"Ok, we'll try to get out, let us know if we should turn back or not." - Maria
"Got it, and be careful." - Barbara
Maria and Harley then made their way back down, they were taking the stairs, because they figured it would be quicker, once they were on the second floor, they started to calmly make their way through the doors of the stairwell. That's when Scarecrows goons busted in, shouting for everyone to get down, Harley made sure to stay as close to Maria as possible as the goons gathered everyone to a wall. They were told to not move, talk, or do anything to anger them, once everyone was up against the wall, that's when Scarecrow came in. As he entered the room some of the employees started to look very scared, when Maria looked over to Harley, she saw her mouth 'it's ok', afterwards the goons had them all tied up and on the floor sitting down. Scarecrow scanned them before speaking.
"One of you will be testing my newest and most potent fear toxin as of yet. We can do this one out of two ways." He said lifting up two of his needle syringed fingers. "1. You can be a hero, and let yourself be my newest test subject, aka the boring way or 2. I pick whoever I want, aka the slightly less boring way. Now, who wants to go first?"
•—–· Over to Batman ·–—•
The Batfam was running around the other side of Gotham, now without Tony, because someone ( ehem Thor, ehem) was making a giant mess at Avengers Tower, and was fighting Loki... again. It was when they decided to call Oracle that things took another turn.
"Oracle have you foun- " - Batman
"They're at W.E. and Scarecrows there, I can't get in contact with them, and I can't get into the cameras at the moment, I need you to get your butts over there now!" - Oracle
"Wait you were in contact with them?!" - Red Hood
"Not the time! Just get over there before someone gets hurt!" - Oracle
"We're on our way." - Batman
They all then kicked it into high gear and were running to W.E, and out of everyone, Damian seemed to be the most visibly panicked, if him running twice as fast as everyone was any indication. At the speed they were going, they would be there in 20mins or less... hopefully.
•—–· Back to Maria and Harley ·–—•
So while Scarecrow was giving his little speech, Maria whispered into a plant to let Ivy know their situation, she wasn't able to get an answer before she and Harley were pulled away from the crowd.
"And what do we have here? Harley Quinn and a child. How interesting, well then, which one of you would like to test my new fear toxin?" - Scarecrow
"Eh, do me, I bet I got a lot o' trauma and fears from my time wit' Mistuh J. dat yuh would just love tuh see." - Harley
"... As tempting as that sounds I think I'll test it on your little friend here, after all, I know better than to mess with one of the Sirens." - As Scarecrow said that, one of the goons dragged Maria over to him. She didn't panic, she was actually really calm, which worried Harley even more because, remember all that emotional trauma she saw Maria had? Yeah, not the best match for the fear toxin.
As Scarecrow grabbed Maria, she locked eyes with Harley, and gave a brief smile before she felt a sharp jabbing pain in the side of her neck. Her vision went hazy, and from Harleys' point of view, she went a little limp from it.
As Maria started to see again she could hear screams, car alarms going off, and explosion in the distance, when she looked up, she saw them, her friends, her team... her family, they were all there lying infront of her... none of them moving, all of them were lifeless, looking as though turned into a gray husk of what they once were, and beside them were all the Kwamis, and their respective Jewelery, broken and shattered. She felt the tears fall as she looked around. Paris, the once beautiful city of lights, was now a wasteland, everything had a gray tone to it, people, animals, everything that had life... was dead.
And then she heard laughing, a sick disturbing laugh that was all to familiar... Lila. When she turned and saw Vulpina, she felt sick just looking at her.
"You have failed Maria, everyone you knew and loved is gone, all because you weren't here." - Lila
All she felt in that moment... was pure anger, she began to struggle, but somthing was holding her. She kept hearing that stupid laugh, and kept struggling harder and harder.
"You were never good enough, you were meant to always be our everyday Ladybug, but you never were, you never cared for us, and that's why, they're all gone, because you weren't good enough." - Lila
The last four words kept playing over and over in her head, until something clicked, she wasn't in Paris, so how did she get there? The last place she was at... was with Harley, she was in the W.E. building, and had fear toxin injected into her. As she came to that realization, she could hear the laughing fade just a bit, she closed her eyes and focused on finding everyone's souls, when she did, she saw that Scarecrow was right infront of her, a goon next to Harley, and a goon behind her, the other goons had left and were on the first floor. She snapped back when she heard Lilas' voice again.
"You always were stubborn and never accepted the real truth, as class president aren't you supposed to just roll over and do as you're told." - Lila
Maria was done listening to her, and decided to kick Lila in the face (since someone didn't think to tie up her ankles.)
"Just go rott in hell already you lieing fox!" - Maria
Maria didn't get any answer, all she knew was that she hit whatever was really infront of her hard. Maria then heard Lilas' voice morph into a heavier, more distorted voice.
"That's a first, guess I'll have to increase the dosage." - Scarecrow
She then felt another jabbing pain in her neck, all she could do was scream from the pain, her head was spinning, and all she could hear was laughing, sickening laughter that came from both Lila, and now Hawkmoth. One thing Scarecrow didn't account for, was the deep hatred Maria held for both individuals he made her see. Because soon after he gave her more fear toxin she got her footing, pushing back into the goon behind her before using the goons' grib on her to do a half backflip into kicking the guys face in, quickly knocking the goon out, when she stood back up she only saw Hawkmoth, surrounded by her lifeless team and family, she only saw red, and charge right at him. She kept punching and roundhouse kicking him, giving one final charge, ramming into Hawkmoth before she felt weightless. She never heard the panicked scream Harley let out, she never heard the shouts that came from the Batfam just reaching the second floor, before she hit something... something rapped around her holding her from falling any further, causing her to start thrashing around thinking it was Hawkmoth, before seeing he was also grabbed by something. She struggled ignoring the slight pain that went through her harms and legs. She slowly calmed down as she felt her feet touch the ground again, she then saw another Hawkmoth that was now mixed with Lila hug her, she tried to break free, but realized that it wasn't Lila or Hawkmoth... It was calming, and her voice was gentle, it was Ivy. She only heard a few words, that's when she felt something blow on her face, and after a few seconds, she lost conscientiousness.
Harley came sprinting down and was by Ivys' side in less than a minute. Ivy could tell Harley was worried and joined her in hugging a now sleeping Maria.
"I'm sawhry Ives, It all just happened so fast, and she was so awesome at kickin' Cranes @ss, I din't get her out of dere quick enough." - Harley said as she looked Ivy in the eyes, with tears threatening to escape.
"It's alright Harley, none of this is your fault." - Ivy replied comfortingly to Harley
As the two hugged Maria Batman came over.
"We'll take it from here." - Batman
"Hell no. We ain't leavin' her side." - Harley
Batman just let out a sigh, after he dealt with Scarecrow and his goons, Batman, along with his sons, Ivy and Harley, all headed back to the Bat-cave where the other girls and Alfred were waiting.
If anyone noticed Robin looking over to Maria with a concerned look, they just ignored it, and continued their way back home.
Chapter 6 complete! Hope you'll liked it, and are havin' a fantabulous day, stay safe and rock all those positive vibes. !BUG-OUT! 🐞💮🐞
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Tag List 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st Place★: @animegirlweeb☕ , 2nd Place★: @jumpingjoy82, 3rd Place★: @zalladane, 4th Place★: @jayjayspixiepop, 5th Place★: @arty-shadow-morningstar, 6th Place★: @smol-book-nerd, 7th Place★: @irontimetravelflower, 8th Place★: @fandom-trapped-03, 9th Place★: @meme991001, 10th Place★: @buginetye, 11th Place★: @blackroserelina, 12th Place★: @jessigurl-design, 13th Place★: @adrestar , 14th Place★: @moon5608, 15th Place★: @little-bluestar, 17th Place★: @myazael, 18th Place★: @our-preciousss, 19th Place★: @wolf2118, 20th Place★: @nyx-in-line, 21st Place★: @kking13, 22nd Place★: @lunerlover2024, 23rd Place★: @moonlightstar64, 24th Place★: @corporeal-terrestrial, 25th Place★: @kashlyn, 26th Place★: @tbehartoo, 27th Place★: @heart-charming, 28th Place★: @solangelo252, 29th Place★: @t1dwarrior-of-earth, 30th Place★: @lady-phoenix-of-tardis, @lupagrimm
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nepenthendline · 4 years
yaho darling! 💕 i see that you’re doing a mini event OwO i was wondering if i could request something with Daichi 👉🏼👈🏼 like the two of u getting ready for work and both of you are just flirting as you undress and dress. and MY GOD Daichi looks SOOO good shirtless with dem fireman pants hanging low and he’s all handsy on you too and then heheheh sexy times OwO bsjsksks sorry babe i have a lot of feels thank u i luv u >x<
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A/N: plsssss im too weak for daichi
CW: some groping but no actual smutt stuff
Tagging: @daichis-kitty @ceo-of-daichi so we can all be daichi whores together
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Mornings with Daichi were always calm. It wasn’t every day you got to spend your mornings together before work, but the times you did never failed to set you in a good mood of the rest of the day. 
You walked out of the bathroom after brushing your teeth, only clad in one of Daichi’s large shirts, to find your shirtless husband pulling his work trousers up his legs, certainly not missing how he had to give them a firm tug to get them past his thick thighs. You leaned against the door frame for a moment, admiring him in the morning light with a lazy smile. He looped his belt through the waistband and pulled tight to secure it, accentuating his bulging biceps as his arms flexed. The trousers hung low on his hips even with the belt, drawing your eyes down to his stomach where the trail of hair disappeared into his pants.
His head rose in your direction once he noticed your presence and held his arms out, inviting you in. Quickly you rushed over, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your head on his warm, bare chest, feeling his heartbeat pump against your ear. His arms covered your shoulders, keeping you close to him and he pressed a kiss on the top of your head. 
“I’m gonna make us some breakfast when I’m dressed, did you want coffee?” He asked, pulling back enough to look at you. Your eyes were drawn to his broad chest and your hands raised from his waist to meet your eye line as you nodded with a hum. His skin was so warm under your touch and his chest, while muscular and firm, also had a slight softness that allowed your fingers to bury themselves in. 
One of hands came to under your chin, using a finger to lift your face up until you were eye-to-eye. His eyebrow was raised, but the smirk he possessed let you to believe he was enjoying your wandering eyes. He shook his head yet came closer until his lips met yours with a slow kiss. 
“You, my love, need to get dressed, and so do I,” he firmly spoke after parting. You pouted in reply, a whine leaving your throat as you gently squeezed on his chest. 
“But it would be a crime to cover this,” you retorted, gesturing with your eyes to his chest. He chuckled and took your wrists in his hands, pulling them away and picking up his shirt.
“It would also be a crime to go to work shirtless,” hooking his hands in the shirt, he slid it over his head and pulled down until his body was completely covered, much to your dismay - although the tight fit did compliment his body well. 
Fine, if he wasn’t going to give you attention, you’re just going to have to play dirty, you thought before tugging the loose shirt on your body over your head. Bending down, you rummaged through the bottom drawer of the dresser, picking out some underwear. As you stood up you saw Daichi’s head turn away from the corner of your eye - so he was looking.
You hooked your fingers into the band of your panties, pulling them down slowly, before putting the new pair on, tugging them a little higher on your hips than usual. The black, lacy bra came next, one you knew Daichi loved in particular and that did little to cover your skin. You turned to the mirror and adjusted your breasts until they sat perfectly in the cups, not forgetting to look at him through the reflection where he was making the bed with a slight pink tinge to his cheeks. 
Making your way to the closet, you picked out a short skirt with a slit on the side. You knew you definitely couldn’t wear this to work, but it would rile him up for sure. After sliding your legs in, you returned to the mirror and began pulling up the zipper, only for it to get ‘stuck’.
“Baby, could you come help me zip this up? I can’t do it myself,” you faked innocence, turning to him with a slight pout. He didn’t reply, only walked closer and turning you back towards the mirror. His hands trailed down your back towards the zipper, then slowly pulled it up until the skirt was fit snug on your waist. He bend down, with his hands on your waist, close to your ear. 
“I know what you’re doing; you’re not very subtle,” he whispered, pressing a kiss behind your ear as you watched in the mirror. 
“I wasn’t trying to-” your words were caught in your throat as his lips moved to your neck, tongue licking at the skin before kissing it. His thumb grazed over the band of your bra, before inching upwards to cup your breast. 
“So you weren’t trying to get my attention?” You couldn’t reply though, not with his other hand snaking down and toying with the edge of your skirt. His kisses drifted over your shoulder as he continued, “you know you could make us both late to work, right?” The hand on your skirt slid under; his thick fingers ran over your clothed slit with a little pressure, tugging a quiet whimper from you. “I’ll just have to make this quick then.”
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