#i got into terraria once again
statesidesnake · 3 months
sometimes i wish i could be more affirmative with my gender...
anyways i hate terraria harpies so god damn much, like fucking things just float around like WHORES and shed their fucking blue ass feathers while im trying to build a pretty sky base or a boss arena and my poor minion daggers aren't even able to stop them from ramming me off the edge into certain* doom. (*i have wings, i'll be fine but still its such a hastle.) and don't even get me started on wyvern (more like WHYvern) this fucker will not apear in two whole days while im trying to farm soul of flight to test diferent wings UNTIL i fight a fucking boss and happen to go up more than 2 blocks in height from my arena at which point he is LOCKED IN like the fucking sniper to kfc on his shitty ass roofless car (like why are you even ridding that AS A PRESIDENT?!) and then he thinks "oh yeah dw boss, im on it." like bro isn't dying in 2 seconds after hitting me once and doing half of my hp cuz i play sorcerer like a dumbass.
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factual-fantasy · 7 days
27 Asks! Thank you! :}} ✏️
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I don't ever number my panels or strive for a specific number- the only limitation I keep in mind is keeping the comic under 30 canvases. But that's only because of Tumblr's stupid new image limit. Before that crapdate I would make a comic with as many canvases/panels as I wanted.
And idk what you mean by overwhelming- I put between 1-6 drawings on one canvas, it just depends on the comic and what i need from that scene :0
Also idk what a comic chapter is- and I don't believe myself to be the best with dialogue 😅 I just slap comics together and keep adjusting it until it feels right..
Sorry, I'm sure these were not helpful answers. I never claimed to be good at explaining how I do things. Plus I'm in a pretty bad headspace so I'm sure that's not helping me..😓
I'm self taught, so its hard to explain how I learned anything or to teach it to others- "I just.. do it." "I just change it until it feels right." "I just draw it. How?.. idk I just.. draw it..?"
I hope you can find another artist to help you. Unless the questions get very specific- I'm afraid I can offer no better answers. <:(
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Ngl, I have no idea when I'm gonna open it again. My server has gotten enough members that if it gets any bigger, I'm gonna need a mod to help me monitor it. But I don't have anyone I trust/feel comfortable enough/know well enough- to add as a mod. And considering how horrible my mental and physical health has been.. I haven't wanted to even deal with it anyways.
Right now my server is manageable at its size. So I just closed it off to new members and put "get a server mod/reopen the server" on the list of millions of things I need to do once I crawl out of this health deteriorating pit.💀
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No way XDDD
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For Bonnie, he is an animatronic designed to handle small groups at a time and have 1 on 1 interactions. But in the case where Freddy is decommissioned, he takes Freddy's place as the star. So he constantly has huge crowds swarming all around him..
As a result, Bonnie is basically constantly overwhelmed. And any second that he has to himself, he just goes completely stone faced and quiet. Kind of to mentally take a break and recharge from all the interactions..
As for Foxy, he always looks so solemn in that AU because his heart just aches for his friends.. He misses Chica and Freddy.. He can see how horrible Bonnie, Roxy and Monty are feeling.. he wishes he could help them all.. but there's nothing he can do...
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AAAAAA Thank you! :DDD I wonder how long it'll take me to get to 30K.. 🤔
Also as for terraria- I haven't fought any of the bosses on my own and I'm sure I haven't seen all the biomes 💀 But so far I like the jungle biome and the wall of flesh is a cool concept :00
I'm glad to hear you've liked my Octonauts stuff! :)) As for what attacked Calico Jack, it was supposed to be a sea monster that could be mistaken for a gator :0
I also had no back story in mind for how he got the scar on his eye <:0 and idk if he'd be willing to share the story.. it depends on how he got it! <:/
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Aww.. poor Emmet.. man. I am not looking forward to experiencing that myself.
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I've seen the movie trailer for it! Beyond that I know nothing about it <:0
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Its more of a reverse egg yolk, but I see what you mean! XDD
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My week has been rough.😔funny picture though XD
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(Referencing this post)
Also thankfully no- if Wally ever got close to being that tired he'd sit down somewhere. Maybe even accidentally take a nap-
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Idk if its supposed to hurt after the initial piercing- make sure you're taking care of the holes! <:0
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(Referencing this post)
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I haven't been feeling well, my health it pretty bad.. but thank you! I'm glad to hear you like my artwork! :)))
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I haven't seen it, is it good? :0 Perhaps I should watch 8-Bitryans video on it..🤔
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Maybe someday! :00
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No need to apologize! I take it as a big compliment! Thank you! :)))
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Aw! Cute wolf! :)
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Ugh.. that's always such a shame to hear.. but hey thanks for telling me 👍
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Aw,, that's so sad.. <:( poor Shellington..
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My head is more of a liquid. If you took a hair dryer to it I'd go splat XDD
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I imagine the mama Emboar got pregnant and then the father dipped. Just like real boar fathers do 💀
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I've never heard of it.. is that a show about the Daycare attendant..? :0
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I do not know what that is.. sorry! <:(
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(Referencing this post)
<XD It was certainly a show. I should go back and watch the whole thing in order sometime-
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purity-town · 5 months
Been another very tiring week so I won't be able to get the next update out today -- in the meantime, I'll toss some ask responses under the cut! Ended up getting pretty into the weeds with these ones, haha.
Edit: Someone sent in an ask less than a minute after I posted, so I snuck it in at the end.
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Alalia doesn't know the exact circumstances that led to the burn scars (i.e. the doll), but she can extrapolate that it's related in some way to him being the Wall of Flesh. She doesn't know every minutiae of how his whole deal works (her comment of "I didn't know what would become of you!" was originally written in the script as something along the lines of "And you made it to adulthood too -- truth be told, I didn't know what would happen to you!". Basically saying that she didn't know if he'd even grow up, or if he'd go the other route and end up an old man with an unnaturally prolonged life, or be continually reborn young, and so on. In reality, he just ended up not aging after reaching maturity).
Andrew often doesn't bother concealing his scars when he's alone (ex. here and here) for casual comfort, and while he doesn't know Alalia on a personal level he knows what she is and implicitly trusts her because of that. She's older, a direct creation of Terraria, and a part of the natural world. If she comments on it it becomes a segue for him to talk to her about the circumstances that led to making the doll, and if she doesn't, then he can assume she either doesn't care or made a guess but most importantly isn't judging him about it.
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So to explain my thoughts on this I first want to talk about the Wall of Flesh's design. The Wall of Flesh visually serves as a very neat intermediary between pre-hardmode and hardmode (specifically Moon Lord):
You've got the obvious design parallels of the Eye of Cthulhu's first and second phase // The Wall of Flesh's two eyes shooting lasers and mouth design // The Twins and their attacks // The Moon Lord and the True Eye of Cthulhu's beam attacks.
Then there's the leeches spawned by the Wall of Flesh paralleling the Moon Leech Clot: the Wall of Flesh's leeches are described as "a worm-like parasite spit forth from the Wall of Flesh, filled with the lifeblood of its host. This blood has healing properties." This contrasts with when (what is apparently the Moon Lord's tongue according to the wiki, haha, but is in my opinion visually similar to the WoF leeches) grabs the player during its fight and produces a Moon Leech Clot, which heals the Moon Lord instead.
And if you're running a Corruption world, you can at least make an argument connecting the Eater of Worlds both to the leeches and the Hungry (at least in theme), then tying in the Destroyer as well, though the official bestiary lore is kind of a mess in this regard (the Destroyer is meant to be Cthulhu's...spine? And the Eater of Worlds is just a thing? It's confusing, so I've been taking some creative liberties in the comic to tie it together nicely).
Then if you're on a Crimson world, the whole "flesh" theme of the WoF serves as a nice in-between for the Brain of Cthulhu and Moon Lord's actual design.
This is a lot of words to explain that within the context of Purity Town, the "reason" for many of these design parallels is due to how it all links back to Cthulhu/Moon Lord.
Ripped-off pieces of the Moon Lord, or beings that arose from the chaos it wrought --> The Eye of Cthulhu, the Eater of Worlds
The ancient magics and chaos and light and dark all locked away until the world has healed enough to release them again (or the Moon Lord is near enough return that their power is necessary to kill it once and for all) --> The Wall of Flesh
Artificial constructions designed from the aforementioned parts of Cthulhu and monsters made from its power --> The Mechanical Bosses
The Moon Lord itself.
Malik's comment about Andrew being the Moon Lord's son, as much as he's clowned on immediately after about it, isn't entirely out there. Malik has a good sense for monsters and magic and curses (as do other characters like the Witch Doctor), and can put together that Andrew gives him the same vibes as a lot of the eldritch monsters out there. He just doesn't know that it's due to Andrew being the sort of human-avatar-thing for what is effectively the barrier/guardian holding back a lot of that power.
(On the other side of things: Andrew doesn't know who his actual, biological father is. He had a father figure of sorts in the form of his mentor, James, and was content with that. At the end of the day, everyone involved except for him has been dead for around four centuries at this point, so he's never going to get an answer and doesn't really care. And if he did have, say, a half-sibling out there or something on his dad's side: once again, it's been four-hundred years, so any living "relatives" will be very, very far removed from his family and culture. Technically this means he can't personally dispute the idea that he's not the son of Moon Lord or whatever, but as far as he knows his dad was a human, and he and his brother share the same dad.)
All that out of the way: your idea of the Guide's father being related to the cult is super cool!! Andrew does still have some ties to the Lunatic Cult in Purity Town, though it's less the Cult itself and more just the Cultist. The idea of his father being a manifest of Cthulhu and kickstarting the Cult and all the ideas that could spiral off of that- I really like the concept!
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Yeah of course!! My tagging system on my main blog is non-existent (i.e. I really ought to actually start tagging things), but I reblog fanart there!
Of course if you want to just draw the characters for fun and not share you're not obligated to, but I'd love to see it if you choose to share!
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cursedvibes · 5 months
Yorozu for the character thing.
Thank you for the ask! Especially the song part for her was really tricky, but interesting to think about.
favourite thing about them
I love how inventive she is. She grew up in a rural and likely poor region, she was born with a relatively weak cursed technique and she managed to claw her way up, so that even the Fujiwara wanted her in their service. All through her own ingenuity. She has an understanding of physics that's beyond her time. Also I just love her obsessive nature. You can tell that no matter if it's people or a topic she finds interesting, she'll cling to it until she has made it her own. That obsession is what got her into such a high position. Her love for battle and bloodshed is also refreshing. We don't see that that often with female characters, especially not combined with her insect armour that would be considered "ugly" and "too masculine".
least favourite thing about them
All the interesting things I listed above are only there as little mentions or titbits that are dropped here and there. We only get a glimpse of her inventiveness and the struggles she went through. Instead Gege chose to only focus on her obsession with Sukuna and make her especially pathetic through that. Like, if you're gonna drop such an interesting backstory, expand on it at least a little bit? Instead of going out of your way to make it seem like her character revolves entirely around Sukuna. She can have her obsession with him, that's fine, but Gege really did her a disservice there, despite obviously being capable of giving her more depth.
favourite line
"Even handsome men become crusty when dried out. Elegant beauty."
"I want it all to myself. Your solitude is mine and mine alone! The one who will kill you is me!"
"Toodle-loo, I'll be waiting"
Hm, either the idea of Yorozu and Uraume very reluctantly getting along, kind of similar to Uraume and Kenjaku (she wanted to invite them to her wedding after all and likes their cooking) or Yorozu and Kenjaku. I think her research about insects and how emulate their qualities with cursed energy and her technique would be very interesting to Kenjaku. And since I hc that Kenjaku likes centipedes or arthropods in general, I'd like to see them nerd about insects.
Yorozu/Uro! I've ranted about them plenty before, but I'd just once again like to say that they are perfect for each other. Yorozu could've been such an inspiration for Takako back in the day, show her what she could be.
Sukuna. I think they're both better off by just moving on and finding better people. Also I don't like this at all in a sexual way.
random headcanon
She has like a full mad scientist lair. Kind of an expansion on what we see in her first flashback. It's full of books and show cases of animals and makeshift terraria where she studies insects to improve her technique. I mean, she knows what an insect's nervous system looks like, she must've picked them apart very thoroughly, probably used her CT as assistance to invent microscopes and other tools that didn't exist back then. Also, the way her servant looks, I think she doesn't shy away from human experimentation either to test a new form of Construction for example.
unpopular opinion
She isn't actually sexually attracted to Sukuna. All she ever talks about is owning and controlling him. The marriage is for her to demonstrate her ownership over him and tie him to her. Even if it's merely his corpse. While I'm all for necrophillia, I don't think that's the intention here.
song i associate with them
I don't yet have a song where I think "yes, that's her!", but I chose IC3PEAK's Плак-Плак for her defying tradition and killing her husband and Red Sex (restrung version) just because I think it embodies her particular brand of insanity quite well, particularly how connected everything about her is to her body. From her being nude in the Heian era to her insect armor. Feels sort of suffocating just like her obsession and some of the strings remind me of the sounds of insect wings.
favourite picture of them
Always gonna be her studying nude by candle light
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but also of course her insect armour
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and her just looking cute/deranged in general
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I've started playing Terraria just a couple weeks ago, and it's extremely addictive.
Keeping the villagers happy and getting the pylon network running has been a fun challenge. The pets and slimes have been a big help in getting starter villages padded out.
Also, collecting the different slimes is pretty fun.
Inventory management has so far been the biggest hurdle, because there's a ton of shit to make or collect and I am a huge packrat. The flying piggy bank helps, as has digging out a storage basement the size of a house.
Words cannot describe the depths of my loathing for the underground desert and all of its misbegotten denizens. I have learned to hate antlions like I never have before.
So far I've got the Eye of Cthulhu, Slime King, the Brain of Cthulhu, and Skeletor under my belt, in that order. The Brain was easier than I expected; the grass blade made pretty short work of the orbiting eyeball thingies. I'll probably need to fight it again to get my gear fully upgraded.
The bee, though.
My God.
The fucking bee.
The Dungeon is... a lot. At one point like four of the fucking magic skeleton guys spawned in at once and I swear that I almost shit myself.
At least I got the magic missile wand from the latest foray down there. That one's fun.
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deranged community post
video game relationship chart/family tree but it's solely based on their fandoms relationships and not bound by the laws of parent companies. Thus:
Mario and Sonic are exes but they're still buddies and chill together
Legend of Zelda is in this weird toxic yaoi situationship with Genshin Impact where they get into fights and don't talk for months but they'll be kissing again two days after
Wuthering Waves, Honkai, and Genshin are all siblings that get into petty fights and are all jealous of each other
Zenless and Tears of Themis are their cousins that watch the drama and drink tea together
Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Donkey Kong and Animal Crossing are all a weird group of siblings
You'd think Splatoon is also their sibling, but no they're the girlfriend Animal Crossing picked up off the street and now has a surprisingly wholesome yuri relationship with
Halo and Splatoon are siblings that constantly forget about each other's existence and only see each other at family reunions
Halo has gone through relationships with like every other shooter fandom out there and is Definitely Not Jealous of the wholesome yuri
Animal Crossing is considered a sister in spirit by Stardew Valley and Terraria, who are in a massive worldwide polycule with every indie game out there ever
Minecraft was also once considered an indie in spirit but got kicked out
Hatsune Miku is also here under the Project games and just kinda shows up, she's buddies with Sonic but less so than you'd expect. She's just kinda there for fun and doesn't mind the drama (doesn't really talk to anyone either)
This also leads to recounts of inter-fandom events that read like this:
A couple years ago Genshin and Sonic got into a huge ass fight at the family reunion and then by the next reunion they were absolute besties and no one, much less Mario and Zelda, has any idea to this day what the fresh fuck happened.
(I was planning to put more here but I pay such little attention to interfandom drama I don't have a single other occurrence to interpret with this lense)
This is all dependent on what I've seen of everyone so if you know any of these fandoms better than I do, (to which the answer is yes you do know better tell me what you think) feel free to edit or add things I missed in the notes
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pixel1678 · 3 months
Ok once again not staying for long however I have some new stuff for Ardens
So first the most major thing, the joke character has some depth to their backstory now, I've mentioned them being a glitch a few times already but they never actually knew what a glitch was until recently. When they learned, they immediately said it was wrong since they never died, saying that everyone told them that when the power plant they were in began to have a meltdown, they got in a bunker with the rest of the workers and were perfectly fine, just that the bunker didn't stop any of the radiation, and the workers were ok in the end, along with Ardens themselves. However, what actually happened was that they got into the bunker and the entire plant exploded, vaporizing everything in the immediate vicinity and sending huge shockwaves to destroy everything in a large distance, with Ardens getting annihilated but coming back by some unknown cause, thus making them a glitch. When they were told that they did end up dying, they immediately began to have a breakdown, both by a panic attack from the thought of their family and entire neighborhood lying to them directly, and physically, with their wings and ears glitching out a LOT due to the extreme emotions they felt. Eventually they calmed down, but they're going to have a LOT of stress that they'll do anything to hide, as they want to try to cheer everyone up
Ok that one was really long so much shorter one, they've been building a teleporter for months now after suddenly gaining the knowledge and tools to make one. Only thing to note is that it looks very similar to the teleporter from Terraria
Final thing, their pockets are little bags of holding and have a TON of things in them, including a small mace, a paper labeling their autism diagnosis (yeah theyre so far the only character confirmed to be autistic iirc), a pipe bomb with an incredibly small fuse, 11 copies of a Kasane Teto figurine (SynthV design and holding a baguette if you were wondering), 2 headbands that have working drills that are shaped and coloured like Teto's hair style, a small version of the Rosetta Stone written in invisible ink (well, they used to have it, now its just laying in the room where Ardens is making the previously mentioned teleporter), a small hand mirror which began the whole thing about them being a glitch (as glitches do not appear in mirrors), and an old Polaroid camera that showed more proof that Ardens was a glitch (as their face, or at least their eyes, are covered in photos of any kind in any way, and it depends on the glitch, like with where Ardens' eyes would be in a photo being scratched out), along with HEAPS of metal and tools
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I just realized it's been over a month since I last posted here. I'm still struggling a bit, but things are slowly getting better for me.
About two weeks ago, I made my first Journey world on my tablet, and have been playing here and there to get as many things to build with as possible, on Master difficulty for certain exclusive items, as well as to find a nice world seed so I can start creating my own little Terraria realm. I also made some extra Journey worlds to get things that I may not have in what will eventually become my main world (crimson, pyramid, the other two dungeon block and wall colors, etc). My building skills still aren't impressive, but they are slowly improving, and some of my smaller builds have actually given me some ideas I want to try once I find a nice enough world.
In my next post I will be sharing some of the houses I recently built soon. Just not today, as I will be busy with other things. They are still kind of boxes, but I have been experimenting with using more than one wall in a single build, and trying not to make them all perfectly symmetrical.
Now, before I end this post, I do want to address one last thing. You know how I was trying to get this achievement in "My first world"?
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Well, as you can see, I finally got it, BUT, It happened in a way that I didn't know was possible: in a Journey world I made to get certain resources, sometime before fighting the Wall of Flesh, I used the terraformer to get rid of the two corruption biomes (because I totally wasn't trying to convert the world into Hallow 100% 😅). Then, after talking to the Dryad to check my progress, I got the achievement.
This actually disappointed me, as I actually like challenges, and this took literally no effort outside of getting the terraformer in a different world, which is so freaking easy for a Journey character! But complaining won't change anything, so I just accepted it and moved on. I can always attempt this achievement again on a different device later.
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belongsinthetrash · 10 months
What interesting things have you gotten interested in, in these past few interesting months, my interesting friend
Well, well-well-well-well, welllllll, a few thing-a-ma-bobs. But it's mainly been 4 fandoms that have come and intergrained themselves in my grey matterspace.
Disco Elysium is pretty obvious with some of my recent posts, BUT I've really only gotten 5 or so hours into my first playthrough so far and from what I can guess, it is nowhere near the end for me. I'm gonna try and get back to it sometime soon, but it's just been a case of notyet getting into the mindset to play a deeply written detective-human psychology-political story novel, to the surprise of myself. It's highly enjoyable, don't miscontrue my words, but it's an undertaking.
Speaking of politics, guess which underwater, steampunk, civil war simulator franchise I've played and has shot to the top of favorite games of all time? Yeah, Bioshock 1 and 2 had knocked my socks off with their presentation and story than I had first expected. I knew the games were classics, but I had just thought they wouldn't interest me since I'm kinda lukewarm on the steampunk genre admittedly. But Rapture as a whole had made me engrossed with every inner working and system in the sunken city, not withstanding the competing and aggressive interactions between the personification of political stances called Andrew Ryan, Sofia Lamb, and Frank Fontaine. Lovely games and my heart is sent to every Big Daddy and Little Sister down there, specially Delta.
Oh, and Infinite? ...i-it's fine. Like, I liked looking at the grim alternate history of Columbia (which is another reason Rapture had grabbed me) and I got used to the gameplay and feeling of being akin to Half-Life 2, but the ending kinda fell super flat on me and I wasn't a fan of how they intergrated parallel worlds into the story. And less said about Burial at Sea, I'll give you as many sugardoodles as need be.
Now back to our normal scheduled program, and by normal, I mean bizarre. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Good segueway, I know. But yeah, Jojo has occupied a lot of brainspace in me too recently, which is rare for an anime to do so for me. But fuck me, did the story grip me by Part 2. I had felt like it had finally start to get it's narrative grip by the time I had seen the Pillar Men emerge to be cool, strong, honorific yet bastard vampire dudes. It may have also been the gay talking and Joseph being iconic. But what sucks about my situation is that I'm not far into Part 3 because I've been watching through it on a friend's behalf and her schedule hasn't aligned for it for the past month, so I'm stuck in a purgatory of waiting to get the full context of scenes through the actual story while I tiptoe around spoilers when watching content made by Jojo fans, and it kills me more when I slowly feel like I'll fucking ADORE Parts 5, 6, and 7 when I get to it! Basille, you bitch (affectionate), WATCH JOJO WITH ME!
Ahem, sorry bout that, let me get to the last thing right quick. Risk of Rain was yet another thing recommended to me by a friend and I've had my fair share of enjoyment playing through both of the games. The first game's style is wonderfully Terraria feeling for a guy that knows that Terraria is not my speed in the slightest, and I had a fair bit in fun in completing the game with every survivor. Risk of Rain 2 has been even more fun but also more infuriating as another result, since I really like the transition into 3d and how the game feels much more smoother to play, but I've grinded myself at trying to beat the game even once after 30+ attempts that it has burned me out even when I get a good run. Maybe it's just because I complete stages too slowly, but I can't help but wanting to complete shit. I've gotten to Mithrix once and have been waiting to taste that wonderful feeling again. And what is another kick in the pants is how RIsk of Rain Returns has released but isn't on consoles beside the Switch and I want it!
Oh, and I don't know if I had said this outright, but I had seen Ultrakill about a year ago and have been still into that, but even moreso now, soooo I guess that counts?
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So I beat the mech bosses in master mode melee (with a bit of summoner) terraria
After I beat queen slime, I went back to the ice biome to try and get a frozen turtle shell. I didn't get that, but I did finally get myself a frostbrand!
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I also did the torch god event in a tiny granite biome. Probably not the best place to do it but it worked.
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The twins showed up one night so I decided to try out my bananarangs against them. It actually went pretty decently until I got to the living trees part of my skybridge which didn't have enough space to dodge.
I wanted to get a bladetongue and some ichor so I bought some crimson seeds and tried to get some blocks for an artificial crimson.
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It... took a while for me to get anywhere with that.
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While waiting for that to happen, I fought the goblin army a couple times and finally got the warlock to drop a shadowflame knife instead of that dang hex doll! Now I could set my enemies on 4 kinds of fire at once >:)
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I decided to give the twins another go with the knife, and died really fast. This happened a few more times.
Back on the grind I finally had enough crimson to set up a nice fishing spot.
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I got a bunch of good stuff from it, but I still couldn't kill the dang twins.
Eventually I got annoyed and decided to restock on potions and summoning items from a free items server to save time. I actually killed spazmatism this time, but I'd run away so fast that retinazer had despawned. The next time I tried, however...
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I got the mini twins first try too! I killed them again and got safeman's set!
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I needed to kill them another time to get full hallowed armor, but that wasn't too much of an issue. I'm starting to run out of room for more trophies...
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I decided to go look for some life fruit in the (hallowed) underground jungle. It took a while but I found some!
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My first fight with the destroyer went decently, even though I just sat in the air in my pirate ship for most of it. I got it's health down really low before I was overwhelmed by lasers. Skeletron prime went a lot worse, so I was going to do destroyer first. I'd just need some bulkier armor and more health regeneration.
Before I killed the twins, I'd farmed the old one's army tier 1 to get the defender medals I'd need to afford full squire armor and a ballista cane asap. I'd then gone and completely forgot about that plan. I remembered it now, and went to buy all the stuff from the tavernkeep. Then I decided to give tier 2 old one's army a go. It was intense, but I was handling myself decently until wave 6. I tried to take on too many flying enemies at once and died. Surely it was over. I ran back to my arena as wave 7 began. I pelted the ogre with shadowflame knives. It got to the crystal and promptly died. Had I won? Not quite, apparently. I had another ogre to fight. I was sure the crystal would run out of health before I killed this ogre, but it hung in there and I won first try.
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I realised the squire armor would be perfect for the destroyer. It had high defense, nice regeneration and I could back myself up with 4 piercing ballistas.
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This probably would have been fine, but I wanted to give myself as much of a chance as possible. I built myself a nice sky platform with some blocks to shelter and plenty of honey pools.
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The fight was trivial. My ballistas rained down bolts and I rained down shadowflame knives when I wasn't dealing with the probes as they flew up. I was even able to kill it twice in one night.
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Now, I just needed to beat skeletron prime. But first, I wanted to farm the destroyer to get its master mode pet! Unfortunately the game said no, you're fighting skeletron prime tonight. With plenty of buffs and a lot of flying around, I took down the last mechanical boss with help from my destroyer arena's honey pools.
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I had to start mining out a new row for trophies!
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Fortunately, my life fruit jungle farm also served up a plantera bulb. Now it was just a matter of gearing up for that big fight.
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Welcome To The Blog (Again)
I've remade this so many times at this point it's insane.
Greetings, my name is Angel (He/They) and I am the main mod of this blog (and also the main user). This used to be a ask blog run by two people, me and Bambi ( @pjofan10042 ). If they wish to reblog this and add onto it, they may. I come on here pretty often, and I have some pretty bad insomnia and sleep schedule, so don't be surprised if I'm on at 2am. I got off of Mountain Time zone, if that helps. Please respect that I will not be sharing my age publicly and I would like it if we can please keep it this way! If you know my age, keep it to yourself.
[More information under the cut]
- I am an artist and writer and I mostly write fanfiction for what ever my hyperfiction is. I post fanfiction on AO3 and post my art here. I also occasionally work with my hands and make things such as jewelry boxes, fairy bottles, clay sculptures and dishes, and many other things. - I own a lot of pets and have a huge love for animals and probably know way to many facts about them. - If you give me the chance I can and will info dump. But only if it's ok with you, of course. - I use headcannons as a way to get closer to my favorite/comfort characters. It can/is a coping mechanism. It's ok if you don't like my headcannons. -I use tone tags if I feel my tone is unclear, and I'd prefer if you use them back. Or use a different form of showing tone over text if possible. - I am an undiagnosed neurodivergent person (as far as I'm aware, currently working on getting tested for ADHD ^^") who struggles with server anxiety and trauma. I am a very socially awkward person especially online. Please be patient with me and inform me if I have made a mistake. - I am in multiple fandoms, although I don't plan to bring anything up anything past Pg-14, I may talk about Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel once in a while. Though that may be rare. - I love horror games, including phycological horror. Anything that can scare me I tend to adore a lot! Some of my favorite games are Sally Face, Omori, and Fran Bow. But I also enjoy simple games like Just Shapes And Beats, Placid Plastic Ducks, Wobble Dogs, Cult Of The Lamb, Stardew Valley, Terraria, The Henry Stickmin Collection, Goat Simulator, Sonic Adventures 2, The Murder Of Sonic The Hedgehog, Pokemon, ect
-I love cartoons and some of my favorites are My Little Pony, Bluey, 2012 and 2018 (Rise) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pokemon (again), The Owl House, Amphiba, ect
Any questions? Just ask, I'd love to answer if it's not to personal! . . .
Rules for the blog: ☕ Do not be unkind or creepy, I want a safe space
☕ Do not act inappropriate or in mature.
☕ Inform the mod(s) if there is a problem, and be kind about it. Do not come kicking down my door and scream. That will only cuase lots of stress and anxiety.
☕ You can give collective criticism and input, but only to mod Angel! (unless mod Bambi says otherwise) ☕ Don't ship children. Period.
☕ Don't repost. Reblogs are ok!
☕ Please reframe from speaking any language other than English, I only know a little bit of Spanish and Swedish I can not carry a whole conversation! (/lh)
☕ Be a respectful human being :] . . .
This next part will talk about triggers and DNI (Do Not Interact). Continue with caution.
DNI - T/cest supporter (or support in/cest in general), non/con, pro/con Pro/shippers, ya know what? anti/shippers you too, Homophobic/Transphobic/agents LGBTQ+ in general, racist, sexist, anti furry, NSFW, and anything of the like. Triggers - Self harm, Suicide, Eating Disorders
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d-tergent · 15 days
I was talking with my brother about live service games. And despite his (and to a lesser extent, my own) interest in getting into one of these, I think the kind of game he's looking for doesn't exist He's understandably frustrated at Valve's lack of content updates for TF2. I've told him about Deep Rock Galactic and Warframe, but he doesn't seem interested in either. FF14 fell off in our friend group a while ago, but I don't personally know why. He's played Splatoon but wasn't interested in getting into comp at all. Both of us wrote off Destiny. Risk of Rain 2 got borked by the corporate shift, and Returns didn't stick. Fighting games never stuck either (Rivals of Aether lasted the longest). Terraria got left behind. Sky didn't stick after beating the game once, but that one at least makes sense. SMITE couldn't escape enshittification. My friend group even played SRB2Kart for a while, and when I showed Ring Racers to the group, excited about a brand new free game with friends, all I got was silence. Minecraft ended up being pretty turbulent in our friend group, even when changed with mods. Some of the others insisted we have a permanent server, even having the members pay a portion of the server costs, instead of using something like Essential to host games for free. All this really did was have people (me and another online friend) who played almost every day, making heaps of progress where others would only play on the server a single time, or stop playing after the first couple days. Like really, I think during one period we did the entirety of the Twilight Forest mod (and a ton of building with Create) before a third person entered the server again.
I don't really know where I'm going with this, I think I've grown distant from my main friend group and it's made me a bit sad. Whenever I'm talking about games I'm playing and enjoying I simply am ignored, and it's not like the server has no activity ever. When I get into gamedev proper, I want to do what Hopoo did with risk of rain 1, which was make that hangout game for their friend group, whatever it may end up being. For now though, he plays Overwatch, not my first choice personally, but he's given me an invitation to join, so I'll roll with that I suppose.
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purity-town · 1 year
It’s been a very long week with a lot of stuff happening, so I didn’t have the time to finish the next page, but I did finally get ask responses typed up, so the inbox should be all cleared out again!
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I haven’t really decided if/how I’ll work in town pets/slimes! They’re fun, though -- I might try to work them into the background in places?
To answer your question about Andrew knowing about King Slime, though- Andrew is very aware of what happened to his brother, and it’s stuck with him as a lesson about how becoming flippant or secure in your power can lead to something as unassuming as a few slimes being able to unexpectedly defeat you.
They relationship wasn’t always the best even back before all that, but they still cared about each other.
(And thank you! I will!)
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Firstly: I’m glad to hear it’s gotten you back into your playthrough! I really ought to start a new proper playthrough this summer...I haven’t played a whole much since shimmer got added! And thanks for the kind comment on the backgrounds :) I can’t always put as much detail into them as I want to due to a mixture of time constraints and my general ability as an artist, but I do enjoy making them look nice.
As for the other NPCs: I want to get more NPCs worked in here! I honestly didn’t mean to exclude them, as I meant to add them into the backgrounds of earlier chapters where characters were walking through town or at the tavern. But again, due to time constraints, that didn’t happen, because adding in any additional characters to a scene just ups the complexity a ton. But others will be joining!
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…You know what? Yeah, you’re right, hahaha! Spot on. Heather’s view of the situation was that she knows Andrew used to be much more of a traveler before finding himself in Purity Town, and she knows he’s under some sort of strange, magical curse, based on the strange circumstances under which his injuries appear and how difficult they are to heal. Andrew’s also generally quite knowledgeable about Hell and its workings -- putting all of it together, it makes sense that he once either went to Hell himself and was cursed by a demon, or maybe came into contact with a cursed item another adventurer obtained there, or similar (for obvious reasons, going to the Underworld as a living mortal is a big deal -- it’s dangerous, it’s deep -- but it’s not impossible to think someone, somewhere has done it).
Thus, kill the demon → end Andrew’s curse! It’s foolproof! Unfortunately, while it’s a theory that makes sense, it’s not quite so simple in reality.
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Hahahaha, I would highly recommend you not think too hard about individual background objects…I try to keep things at least a little consistent, but it’s never perfect. I was mostly intending for Andrew to have just dropped the apple and knife on the cutting board, but then forgot to draw the cutting board. His counter is also rather barren/inconsistent/missing some things it should have. At the end of the day I only have so much time to work on backgrounds, and sometimes detail is lost.
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Pshhhhhhhhh, hahahaha, I can’t imagine why! What a crazy coincidence...
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1) It’s variable, but in the current day (that is, Terraria has recovered to the point of resurrection being possible) it’s fairly quick. Resurrection is a strange process, with the target’s life flashing before their eyes before they’re suddenly pulled back into a mortal form, and thus it roughly correlates with how long someone has been alive. It would take much longer to resurrect Andrew or the Dryad compared to, say, Becca or Heather.
2) It’s not an exact science, but those who are resurrected tend to appear someplace close to home. Not necessarily in their bed or something to that capacity, but always in the general vicinity. Their body doesn’t physically reappear until just before they reawaken, and it can be a disorienting process.
3) Relief, lots of crying. Resurrection isn’t unheard of, but is usually reserved for those who die a truly wrongful death before their time, local heroes, and Guides. It is never a given that someone will be brought back to life, and is in fact rather uncommon.
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Those closely linked to Terraria are well-used to being tugged whichever which way for whatever business. Chris got it to a more extreme extent, with a strong pull and weird dreams, while someone who’s more in-tune to Terraria’s will such as the Dryad will intuitively know and follow.
Andrew didn’t have any particular business. Rather, he was pulled to go there, and when he came, he saw many potential reasons why, including the whole “cult” thing (and the Lunatic Cultist in particular), the local Corruption, particular placement relative to certain structures in the Underworld, and so on. He even went around the region looking for anyone who fit the bill of a hero, best he could tell, but found nothing promising until Chris showed up.
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Yep!! At the moment I’m planning to introduce her in the next chapter? We’ll see!
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Corruption isn’t uncommon, but there are few regions that are being actively threatened by it: it’s rather stable and reserved in its growth, so beyond encouraging folks not to go to such areas, it’s mostly ignored. Most patches are also relatively small; if anything, it’s a bit larger in the area by Purity Town just because the region is relatively unsettled and has been left unchecked for years and years.
There probably is some
Pre-Cthulhu/War, the Corruption was far more common and spread more aggressively, but there were also hundreds of Dryads who could cure it with a wave of their hand to keep it in check. That isn’t...really an option, anymore, for obvious reasons, but since with most of the ancient spirits locked away the Corruption isn’t nearly as dangerous as it once was, it’s not a world-ending concern by any means.
For why Andrew came to town, see a few asks above!
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I’m not sure if I’ll have Chris go through all of the optional boss fights! Maybe in a boss rush montage? Ultimately it’s just a lot of time to dedicate to something, so I would prefer to be selective in what we focus on...maybe in an addition to the ficlets series?
As for your second question -- assuming slimes are able to channel magic/absorb the power of the things they contain, then I like the idea that they can specifically hold/maintain items in them to achieve a particular effect. Such as the Queen Slime with a crystal, and smaller slimes with creatures such as zombies. So perhaps he’s more so merged/been incorporated into King Slime? Very dead, but his abilities remain.
Take that with a grain of salt, though! It’s very late and I haven’t thought it through a whole bunch.
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There’s quite a list to go through, including a lot of NPCs that I haven’t thought up a lot of lore for, but to generally summarize, it’s a mix of things! The region containing Purity Town (and a smattering of smaller villages within the different biomes) is relatively new, in the sense that it hasn’t had a significant modern settlement until recently. So most of the locals have moved there to get out of their hometowns, experience something new, and so on!
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This is super kind of you to share; I’m super super happy you’re enjoying this comic so much! I’ve said it before, but like -- the whole point of this is me getting excited and having fun with my ideas for NPCs, so it makes me really delighted that other folks are enjoying it too.
I do apologize for being on and off with updates as of late, but I’ve been very busy with school. Good news is that the semester is over in less than a month, and then I’ll be fully free for the summer and can work on things more!
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I genuinely am so excited for those two fights in particular. Lunatic Cultist fight will have so much in the way of complex angles and spell effects...I probably wouldn’t be able to make it happen tomorrow, but we’re still quite a ways out from there, so fingers crossed that by the time we get there I’ll have had plenty of practice with all of the other boss fights!
And then the WoF fight...considering how this whole comic started because I wanted to draw my favorite NPC (Guide), if you can imagine, that whole scene has been written and re-written and planned and added on for the entirely of the time I’ve been working on this comic so far, and I can’t wait to finally get to draw it.
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We’ll be getting into this more soon enough! But the short of it is that he’s always had a bit of magic to him, got involved with the dungeon cult, fell in too deep, and is now facing the consequences.
As a side note, while checking over the Old Man’s wiki page I noticed that apparently he specifically can’t drown. I’m not sure if that’s intentional or just a consequence of how Terraria is coded, but that alongside the whole ladybug luck mechanic interacting uniquely with the Clothier/Guide is now one of my favorites of the “random trivia facts that have lore implications” collection.
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Well, Chris knows that there’s something up with Andrew -- and from his talks with Malik/Heather/Becca last chapter, he knows that Andrew suffers from burns that are in some way strange/inexplicable, supporting the theory that Andrew suffers from some sort of curse. Everything beyond that is…circumstantial at best.
Beyond that, Chris doesn’t want to agree with Malik’s theories that Andrew is some sort of monster -- Chris has put a lot of trust in Andrew’s character since he’s following Andrew’s guidance through all of this, and agreeing with Malik would call that advice into question.
It’s also possible that there’s a fairly benign explanation for Andrew’s current behavior; he’s honestly not acting all that strange right now. All Chris knows is that Andrew left in a hurry earlier, didn’t intend to be out for so long, and didn’t expect Chris to notice, and while coming off the heels of the previous night it’s a little questionable, Chris is more concerned than anything.
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avtracker · 6 months
friday, march 29, 2024
woke up at 9:30 am
shower at 9:45
i have work at 12, so im leaving around 11
10:08 in starting to get dressed and i’m thinking about what i want to do with my life, what i wanna create. i have a couple ideas (and one is in progress!) but all i know for sure is i feel like im born to be some kind of entertainer, in one way or another. thinking about the people i look (or looked) up to and recognizing that they’re like digital renaissance men; music, comedy, sketches, even podcasts or talk shows. i feel like i have a lot to say, but idk how to start or what to start with, which sounds weird to say but it’s how i feel. i should probably finish getting dressed now, i have work today.
i skipped class once again—it started at 10:10, lol. just no energy with the whole “school thing” ig. c’est la vie
(i just don’t like traditional school or traditional jobs; i wanna do something new and exciting and unique. i want to MAKE something of myself)
10:32 i just cleaned the kitchen and took out the trash. turns out the dish soap dispenser got knocked over and spilled all over the counter so i cleaned that. currently running the dishwasher and the dryer, too. there’s still some dishes in/next to the sink, so i hope my dad isn’t too upset. it’s just a couple cutting boards and knives (from all the cheese i’ve been eating) and a pan i haven’t washed yet lol
5:47p just got on discord with em, summarizing work rn: i felt very faint and almost passed out many times, due to not eating and only consuming a monster in the morning. but i had a lemon loaf and then got Cookout with my tip money otw home. chicken strips there are D-tier on god. i listened to Ride’s new album 2x already, going for listen #3 while we play civ v lol. it’s awesome
8:25p played some civ v with em and liam. i’m actually kinda sweating (from fear). liam’s trad/lib strat is going surprisingly well and im afraid he’ll nuke me lol. i think em has been playing strong too, overall im p worried. i did war liam briefly (didn’t kill anything) bc he converted Wittenberg to taoism (the fuck 😡 /j), so i hope he doesn’t harbor any resentment in this game. victory isn’t quite as close as id have hoped and there’s a lot of opposition (em and liam are genuinely good and capable players). i feel way better now that ive eaten; i have to remember to make breakfast tomorrow morning!!!
i have work tomorrow morning (9am). i’m gonna try to go to bed at a reasonable time (10p).
overall today has felt kinda good, apart from almost blacking out a bunch due to no food (lol). i didn’t feel very much sadness, just stress/dread about classes that i’m avoiding (which ik makes things worse but i can’t help it 😭). i’ll see my dad after work tomorrow so that’ll be refreshing; it’s been 2.5 weeks since he went abroad. having good food will be nice too, since he cooks at lot and i don’t cook well (cooking is stressful! i do like baking tho :D) i think i’m gonna try to track what i eat, too, in the new month
tomorrow i’m probably gonna play some terraria after spending time with my dad and then i want to work on some projects: my semi-secret infomercial-based project and maybe some music. i wanna finish the demo for this song about justin, and im gonna go visit my friend sam this summer and hopefully record a split with him and he’s gonna help me with the instrumentals for this song. i’ve been thinking about justin a lot,,, i miss him, or at least who he used to be. it sucks having a friend that totally betrays you and everything you are, yk? oh well, ig. cest la vie lol
i’d also like to do some reading this year. i wanna read Scythe (Neil Shusterman), Interesting Facts About Space (Emily Austin) i’ve been really wanting to read, as well as the classic Fallout: Equestria (Kkat)
- 8:40pm
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bulletsmustdie · 9 months
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hello there.... welcome!
my name is BULLETS, i'm a 16 year old freak who likes music probably a bit too much for my own good. i go by any pronouns!! just preferably he/they. australian right here... and no. i do not ride kangaroos to school. no tone tags needed or used, if i really feel i should use them i will. thanks!
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what am i doing here on tumblr?
i am an artist. i draw things and sometimes animate things. this blog will also probably contain a lot random ass posts from me. like project designs and stuff, this'll be sort of like an art journal for me.
what kind of stuff do you draw?
i draw a lot of different things. im a huge bandom fan, i'm in tons of diffferent fandoms for bands, mainly my chemical romance. most of the art that i post on social platforms are rough sketches and 'memes'? if that makes sense. i do create official works and have done so for a while, they just aren't as frequent as i'd like them to be.
any warnings/other things we should know before following?
mostly just profanity warnings as in language, blood and gore might be present sometimes but not always. my art changes a lot, like a lot a lot, including my style and colouring patterns, so not everything i do is in concrete. thats why i dont usually make official pieces of work. i love experimenting with my work :)
cool! are asks/commissions/requests open?
yes! commissions are open at the moment, aswell as asks. requests are a bit iffy but if i feel like it i will. so lets just say asks are half half. if you want my commission info, dm me! i'm happy to answer any questions about it. i can draw just about anything but nsfw and extreme gore.
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i've got tons and tons. so many its insane.
bands im into: my chemical romance, brand new, nine inch nails, foxing, car seat headrest, born without bones, madonna, joy division, she wants revenge, modern baseball, soul asylum, paramore, pierce the veil, slipknot, jeff buckley, the smiths, frank iero, linkin park, radiohead, foo fighters, heart attack man, leathermouth, weezer, basement, fall out boy, the hotelier, new order, no doubt, pink floyd, the caretaker (💀), sports., the used and sooooooo many more........
lethal company, minecraft, undertale, silent hill, terraria, phasmophobia, fran bow, and just a lot of random games you can find on itch.io are usually super fire
other random interests:
i play guitar, bass, drums and i sing. i absolutely love to jam and if you wanted you could check out my spotify profile if you were more curious as to my music taste :
@ bassdaddy07 @ (my spotify) .
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my dni list.
BASIC DNI STANDARDS!!!!! no weirdos. if your a weirdo get the FUCK out of here!!!
if i feel like youre creepy and weird, you're blocked. also just a quick clear up, i say like "youre done" and "yorue blocked" a lot as a joke, you'd be able to tell if i actually mean it tho. anyways.
thats about it!!! i think.... have a lovely day and once again....
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moonoo-yaps · 9 months
since my friend was on holiday (so I havent opened the calamity terraria server) I've gotten back into the hades brainrot lmao
I've just tried a boonless run (only done it once before but it got ruined at the end bc I had bad rng and had to take one hermes boon in the last area :') and I died anyway so uh) and it's kinda fun idk if I'll do it again tho
in my casual runs (in general) I get sub20 and usually my time is maybe 15-17mins anyway (beat time so far is 12:55) so my boonless run was a little on the slower end (17:56 igt) but that's mostly just bc rng fucked me over at the end fjdjfkdjdj
I wanna try more challenges and stuff since now it's mostly just a grind to 100% everything else (already got max keepsakes, skellys prizes, + all the prophecies and achievements) but idk I don't really care for getting specific boons (like the all revenge build which does sound kinda fun in theory but idk) so probs will just mess around with trying to get used to playing on higher heat ig
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