#i got into legit fights in the garden about my methods
balkanradfem · 2 years
If you've wondered what I'm up to.. welll. I've tried to make another foraged soup. But this time, I thought, it wouldn't be slimy. Because I wouldn't put any chickweed in it. And we discovered recently, chickweed that is cooked and blended becomes slimy.
So I used a lot of nettle, leek, potato, and wild onion broth. And the soup was... the soup, it, it was, slimy. It was incredibly slimy and I don't know who did it, was it leek??? Was it nettle?? Was it the POTATO? Which one of you two faced filthy plants forced me to eat a slimy soup TWICE IN ONE WEEK?!
I honestly am at my wits end with the slimy potato soup, I am going to try nettle+oat milk next, if this one turns slimy too, then it's just going to be baked patties of foraged food, and soups can just be from garden food + slime free. Gods.
I've been also running very low on my dried yarrow supply and I was getting worried, because it's not yet starting to bloom, and I need it for my menstrual cramps, so I kept just using less and less. I also made a plan, that this year, I would gather more yarrow than it fits into my little jar, and I would store it in a dark place. Because dried plants stored in transparent jars actually fade with time and lose color and scent and they get less effective, and if I was smart I'd keep them in dry bags in the dark cupboard.
Then one day I went to clean my cupboard because it was really messy and I found just bags of stored goods that I completely forgot I had. I found a whole bag of dried dill, dry aronia berries, dry horsetail and sage and there was also a full paper bag of dried yarrow! Because I already remembered last year that I need extra yarrow! And that it's safer to keep it paper bag in a dark place! I already made that entire plan and got enough yarrow and saved it in a bag in a cupboard and then forgot the entire thing because I am not very good with memory! This gave me a huge boost of happiness, the yarrow from the paper bag was better quality, smelled better, and was more effective as a medicinal tea, bless my past self. I also want to make a soup from that dried dill, but I'm unsure if I need to hydrate it first, and for how long, I'll have to ask the plant lady, I feel like she made dill soups before. Dill is actually crazy nutritious which I didn't realize until I googled it and then I was just stunned, that thing could fulfill most of my nutritional demands for the day if had a lot.
I've been to the garden for a few times, planted potatoes, parsnip, parsley, celery, spinach, onions and peas. My peas are doing so poorly it's getting ridiculous, I think I really need to get proper seeds for them. The plant lady warned me that with peas it doesn't really work taking the dry seeds directly from the plant and then planting them, but I thought, well why wouldn't that work, and did that, and each year I get worse and worse results. I might need to look into different varieties, I'm not getting enough peas.
I am, however, getting my kale going to seed, and I've been waiting for years for that to happen! I'm out of kale seeds and I'm going to try and protect a few of the blossoms so they stay true to type, I did make sure to get a heirloom variety so I could keep it forever once planted, I know brassicas are very likely to cross-pollinate, I'll make a little bag out of cheesecloth and trap a few blossoms in there, so that no bee can cross-pollinate them and hopefully I'll be able to pollinate them with a paintbrush and then collect some good seeds.
Everyone in the community garden is still ganging-up on me over the no-till garden, even the plant lady doesn't believe it can be done, and I'm very stubborn and refuse to dig thru the soil. I think at this point it doesn't even matter because every single worm, bug, snake, mouse, slug and mole have been digging thru my garden already, every time I try to poke a hole in it to plant something, I find a hole or a whole goddamn cave carved inside of there, it's been dug thru enough. Also, the plants are way better at pushing the soil apart with their roots, than I am with my tools, somehow the wild plants manage to push their roots thru deepest mud and honestly I don't feel the urge to compete with that. My job is to add organic matter and add fertility and feed those worms who then go on to also fertilize the soil. But I guess everyone else feels a little bad tilling and digging while I'm just piling leaves on top and acting like I'm also gardening, when in their eyes, I am wronging the space by failing to garden the proper way. And then they see my failed baby peas and go 'see, this is because you're not tilling' and I'm just, ughh, there are multiple reasons for my pea failure.
Being the youngest one there and then refusing the wisdom of proper, 40-years-of-experience gardeners is not a great position to be in, but I'm so in love with my garden, I can persevere thru that. It still does grow me enough food to keep me happy the entire year, so others being critical of it isn't the worst thing in the world. I do have a lot to learn, but I learn only by experience, not by doing whatever I am told.
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nexyra · 3 years
So there were a few likes about my post on DnD... meaning you get to know about our dumb shenanigans and my weird children
Starting with... the current campaign and the band of misfits that make up our party !
Rani Mankana (my OC)
Non-binary, They/She/He, 20 yo Human Ranger, Chaotic Neutral ESTP 7w8 8w9 4w5
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Feral gremlin, bread-winner & problem child all at once
- Do whatever they want - Animals are better than humans - Left their village with absolutely no plan and have been fighting for 2 months with glorified gardening tools - Will try to punch you if you get in the way of their fun, but will also kill people who are being an ass to you - Knows nothing but constantly asking questions - Will take 98% of what you say literally - When people wallow & mope about not knowing what to do next, they scream until you get up and *try* something - Has known someone for 1 day and will decide that they're *theirs* now bc they're interesting - Main goal : catch them all (aka becoming friends with enough animals to create a travelling zoo) - Will die for you. Actually no, they have too much stuff to do & see to die so, will most likely kill for you
Lysora Dul'rik
Cis Man, He, ~28 yo Human Fighter/Warlock, Neutral Good ENFJ 3w2 7w6 1w2
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Polite truth-seeker, smiling through the pain 7d/7
- Seems well-adjusted, actually dying inside - Constantly gets his worldview upturned by shocking revelations - Noble education & background, notably good at politics & social niceties - Great sense of responsabilities when it comes to protecting the party. TOO great, chill not everything is your fault - Likes to have some fun and get people together - Will die if you don't like him - Flirting is a great therapy method - Tendency to obsess over knowledge, not allowed to stay in a library unsupervised anymore - Very social, will ask for a random passerby name if he asked them a question. - Will die for you. But too busy to die for himself.
Ayla Jaym
Cis Woman, She, Lesbian, 25 yo Human-Werewolf Warlock/Barbarian, Loyal Good INFP 6w7 4w3 1w2
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Lesbian disaster, social butterfly but having a hard time rn
- How nearly killing your gf affects your mental health : the story - "When I said I wanted a life like in the books I meant a fun heroic tale with a happy ending, not a 1000-pages tragedy." - Weapons nerd, yield a magic blue axe 3x her size - Any convo will end up with you questioning the meaning of your existence even though she just wanted to ask if you had a sister - Friends good and women pretty. - Born into the trading city of Offonsa where the only law is "don't steal" : somehow got out with a much more refined moral compass (to Rani's despair) - The plot can't catch up if I just avoid it - Will project her issues onto you so bad, you're gonna hope to never be on watch duty with her again - Will probably kill you on a full moon, but swears she didn't mean to
Balthazar Glowbrook
Cis Man, He, 38 yo Half-Orc Bloodhunter, True Neutral ISTP 9w1 5w6 4w3
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The edgy grandpa, likely to explode at any given time bc of his experiments
- Thought that living alone in a cave for 10 years was a perfectly reasonable answer to being disappointed in humanity - And only left it when some random woman came find him only to get murdered during the night - Very knowledgeable, very smart but the party has only 1 braincell to share and it's usually Rani's - Awkwardness 100/10, will ramble and bury himself in the ground if left alone, do not trust with diplomatic lies - "Ayla is precious and I'd protect her with my life". Ayla transforms into a werewolf. Balthazar who's part of an organization tasked with killing werewolves : *surprised pikachu face* - Looks responsible. If left alone for more than 5 minutes, will create dubious alchemy potions and end up with chicken wings. - Looks like he could kill you but actually wouldn't. - B.O.O.K.S
Neldëaurë Ramëldis
Cis Man, He, 49 yo (16) Elf Wizard, Neutral Good INTP 6w5 9w1 2w1
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The competent nerd, who feels the need to apologize for his very existence
- NEEEEERD - Nerd who collects the other nerds and gets shipped with all of them - "Hey you could pour soup in my lap and I'll probably apologize to you." - Constantly trying to make himself useful - Don't ever mention magical concepts if you're not ready to answer EVERY SINGLE ONE of his questions. He WILL ask you about the impact on portal on the links between plans. - Master at creating new ways to use his spells - The only one with a plan, takes everything in strides - "Okay give me 1 night and I'll uproot my entire life to join you and your dubious organization" - Even though he was part of a much more legal, legit & international organization - Will die if you so much as push him
All art done by Yamika - D&D Adventures That's my best friend pls check her out & give love, she the best and I love her with my whole heart !!!
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davidcampiti · 3 years
I'm frustrated by writers who hire a comicbook artist then send a screenplay as their script.  My first question to them is, "Are you hiring one of our writers to adapt this into a comic book script?"  Usually they'll respond, "No that's the script to work from."
But it's not.  
Word balloons aren't broken out or numbered, SFX aren't identified, the pacing is wrong, and most panel descriptions are missing, causing the artist and the editor to do twice as much work without a corresponding increase in pay.
Here's a good article from Nick Macari about the differences --
I think you’d be hard pressed to find some work of fiction, some type of writing, that you could NOT turn into a comic. That is to say, you could create a comic from notes on bar napkins, a published novel, heck I bet you could even create a comic using nothing but a movie as the source material.
If you’re making a comic yourself, like literally by yourself, it doesn’t really matter how you do it… only the final product matters. If you have some crazy process that gets you a beautiful finished product, good on ya mate.
But for those writing spec scripts, trying to write for others, or trying to entice others to their project, it pays to create scripts that open doors instead of closing them.
In 2020, there are a million writers writing screenplays and pawning them off as comic scripts.
If you want to be one of those guys… as you were.
But if you actually want to write comics, if you want to be a comic book writer, you should learn how to write an actual comic book script, not how to sell some other script as one.
There are lot of useful technique comics can borrow from screenplays.
For the innocent novice writer, it’s understandable to see some technical execution confusion. But for working and professional writers, knowing what transfers over and what doesn’t separates the riff from the raff.
Before we get into it, let’s put to bed, once and for all, why a straight screenplay script is not a comic script. Here’s why;
Director Production Designer Art Director Costume Designer Cinematographer … Camera Assistant Director of Photography Scenic Artist Set Decorator Storyboard artist … Makeup artist Wardrobe stylist Assistant Director Production Assistant Production Coordinator Production Designer … Script Supervisor Sound Mixer Special Effects Coordinator
oh yeah, and actors.
These are a few of the people involved in a film.
Individual roles dedicated to a specific area of production. In essence, a screenplay can deliver fairly minimal information and it’s someone’s specific job to interpret that information, its context, and otherwise apply their knowledge, experience and skill, to turn that information into some tangible, successful element.
If you think it’s the artist’s job to fill all these roles, you’re crazy… and mean to artists.
Ok, you still here?
Let’s showcase some specific examples of why a screenplay doesn’t hold up for comics;
Drug Dealer I don’t…
Doyle Ever pick your feet in Poughkeepsie?
Drug Dealer What?
Doyle Did you ever pick your feet in Poughkeepsie?
Drug Dealer I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.
Doyle Were you ever in Poughkeepsie?
Drug Dealer No… yeah…
Doyle Did you ever sit on the edge of a bed, take off your socks and stick your fingers between your toes?
Drug Dealer Man, I’m clean.
Doyle You made three sales to your roaches back there. We had to chase you though all this shit and you tell me you’re clean?
Russo Who stuck up the laundromat?
Doyle How about that time you were picking your feet in Pougheepsie?
The drug dealers’ eyes go to Russo in panic, looking for the relief from the pressure of the inquisition.
Russo (in pain) You better give me the guy who got the old Jew or you better give me something or you’re just a memory in this town.
Drug Dealer That’s a lot o’ shit. I didn’t do nothin’.
14 dialogue exchanges, with for all intents and purposes not a single visual description (one minor one toward the end about the dealer’s eyes.). This is likely at least one page of comic with this volume of exchanges and dialogue, and there is literally, nothing cuing the artist as to how this should go down.
That’s right, he couldn’t fight legit. One night at the Garden about 1950, ’51—he fought either Jake LaMotta or Gus Lesnevish, I think it was—he took one o’those cream puff punches in the sixth—the laziest left you ever seen—missed him entirely. Down goes Blackjack without even workin’ up a sweat and the whole Garden gets up on its feet and I swear to Christ, everybody starts singin’ “Dance with Me Henry.”
75 words. Way too much for a single panel.
How many ways can you break the dialogue into how many panels?
Is one way to break it up more effective than the others?
Because if it is, and that’s NOT the method you write up, you’re producing a less effective script.
But ultimately, what works in film as a 30 second monologue (doesn’t work in comics), would be far more effective as caption narration over flashback action.
The old man arrives back at that dig site in a small jeep. As he pulls up two armed guards rush out. When they see who it is the old man gives them a wave and they slowly walk back to there quarters. The old man walks up the rocky mound and sees a huge statue of the demon Pazuzu, which has the head of the small rock he earlier found. He climbs to a higher point to get a closer look. When he reaches the highest point he looks at the statue dead on. He then turns his head as we hear rocks falling and sees a guard standing behind him. He then turns again when he hears two dogs savagely attacking each other. The noise is something of an evil nature. He looks again at the statue and we are then presented with a classic stand off side view of the old man and the statue as the noises rage on. We then fade to the sun slowly setting as the noises lower in volume.
Hey! this has some nice direction, this screenplay stuff is perfect for a comic.
Let’s break it down;
The old man arrives back at that dig site in a small jeep. As he pulls up two armed guards rush out. When they see who it is the old man gives them a wave and they slowly walk back to there quarters. The old man walks up the rocky mound and sees a huge statue of the demon Pazuzu, which has the head of the small rock he earlier found. He climbs to a higher point to get a closer look. When he reaches the highest point he looks at the statue dead on. He then turns his head as we hear rocks falling and sees a guard standing behind him. He then turns again when he hears two dogs savagely attacking each other. The noise is something of an evil nature. He looks again at the statue and we are then presented with a classic stand off side view of the old man and the statue as the noises rage on. We then fade to the sun slowly setting as the noises lower in volume.
This passage is 15 beats, give or take. One beat a panel, 3-5 panels per page, we’ve got 3-5 pages of comic in this passage alone.
Hang on we’re not done.
If you fill your page with this type of description (you shouldn’t, but let’s say you did), you could get almost double that amount of beats. So one page of screenplay delivering nearly 6-10 pages of comic content!
Tell me, when was the last time someone delivering a screenplay “comic script,” delivered a 2 page script for a complete issue?    Never says I.
BONUS on this example:
Did y’all notice the soundtrack emphasis in this excerpt from the Exorcist script? Of course you can have sound effects in a comic, but no matter how you crack it, comics DO NOT have soundtracks. Relying on film soundtracks in a comic script is a sure fire way to deliver less effective scripts.
JACK Alright, where’s my truck, Wang? I’m outta here. And my money, too.
WANG Forget about your truck, Jack. You don’t wanna go back there. You’ll have to go through the Wing Kong to get it. It’s insured, right?
JACK Of course it is. But that’s not the point.
WANG The smart man comes back for it later…
JACK The smart man calls the cops!
WANG Cops have better things to do than get killed.
We showed the typical lack of visual description a screenplay gives in the first example. [Screenplays tend to focus on the scene setup, then briefly hit key actions of the scene.] Here we have another example of missing visual description, but I point it out for something more specific–LACK OF EMOTIONAL context.
As I point out in the Writer’s Guide, Emotional content is one of the essential elements of each and every comic panel. So not only do we not have visual cues to support the action in the screenplay, but how are the characters delivering these lines!?
JACK Alright, where’s my truck, Wang? I’m outta here. And my money, too.
How many ways can you say this line?
I can say it pissed. Irritated. Fearful. Sarcastically. Comically.  Those are just a few that pop in my head… and I’m no actor.
Leaving emotional context open to interpretation undermines narrative control–in a big way.
A good, effective scene, could die a horrible misinterpreted death.
For the record, you can use parentheticals in a screenplay. This can give emotional context, like the one from Jack’s first line I omitted to make the example more effective
JACK (pissed off)
But where parentheticals do contain emotional context, you use them in a script sparingly. Just like you don’t tell the director how to do his job filling your screenplay with camera direction, you don’t try to tell the actors how to do theirs. (Remember, the answer to why Screenplays aren’t Comic Scripts, there’s a lot of people, hopefully professionals, bringing their expertise to the table.)
Ilsa Your secret will be safe with me. Ferrari is waiting for our answer.
At the bar Ferrari talks to a waiter.
Ferrari Not more than fifty francs though.
Ilsa and Laszlo walk up to him.
Laszlo We’ve decided, Signor Ferrari. For the president we’ll go on looking for two exit visas. Thank you very much.
Ferrari Well, good luck. But be careful. ( a flick of his eyes in the direction of the bazaar) You know you’re being shadowed.
Laszlo glances in the direction of the bazaar.
Screenplays live in movement. Unless you’ve got a static insert of a letter or photo or something, everything is in motion and there is constant change (even if subtle) from micro-second, to micro-second.
While comics work to capture movement (and  there are some tricks), it is ultimately a static medium, locked into showcasing moments frozen in time.
What I explain in the “works in movies not in comics article” is that the constant movement and motion, supported (primarily) by actors, but by the lighting people, the art direction people, director, etc. all gives depth and purpose to every single second of a film.
With all these people doing their job, a screenplay can give super general stage direction, like what we see here in this Casablanca excerpt.
At the bar Ferrari talks to a waiter.
Ilsa and Laszlo walk up to him.
Laszlo glances in the direction of the bazaar.
These trivial actions carry no narrative. They work in film because of performance and motion, which steps in to create narrative.Without performance and motion, a single frame captured from core stage direction translates to ineffective comic panels.
By the way, all the examples I’m giving here, are from solid movies. The big pink elephant in the room when writers deliver “comic screenplay scripts,” is that they assume they know how to write a good screenplay in the first place. Trust me, novice writers rarely do.
There’s a lot of technique and skill in writing a solid screenplay. And if you think a good screenplay causes problems converting to a comic, wait till you try it from a shitty screenplay.
Still thinkin’ screenplay is synonymous with comic script? Well you’re wrong sunshine, but what do I know?
I’m just a non-famous full-time mercenary writer, writing almost exclusively in comics and games for a decade or so. :p
I’ve spent a few hours writing this article, but there are plenty of other examples I haven’t touched on.
I’ll come back and add some more as I think of them in my down time. Maybe eventually when the list is so long it takes you a couple hours to read this article,  y’all get it through your noggins that comics are there own medium which demand the attention and respect of a unique format and writing approach. Something the comic book writers reading this, already know. #justsayin
About the Author — Nick Macari is a full-time freelance story consultant, developmental editor and writer, working primarily in the independent gaming and comic markets. His first published comic appeared on shelves via Diamond in the late 90’s. Today you can find his comic work on comixology, amazon and in select stores around the U.S.  Visit NickMacari.com for social media contacts and news on his latest releases.
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wanna-b-poet31 · 5 years
A (maybe) 4-part meta on Good Omens: Part 1: Aziraphale’s Abuse and Trauma
SOOOOO I promised myself I wouldn’t get too obsessed with Good Omens but I’ve got some meta-thoughts. 
So, it’s no secret that abuse is prevalent in Good Omens, but the methods of abuse are interesting ultimately working as a catalyst for how Crowley and Aziraphale interact with humans, Heaven, Hell, and each other. 
Several of the characters we see in Good Omens are traumatized by the time we meet them, although some more than others. For example, Newt, for what little we see him is clearly ostracized by everyone around him and he shows signs of trauma via isolation. Until the end of the world, it’s heavily implied that he’s bullied, if not dismissed from the rest of the world due to his explosive tendencies with computers. He’s not shown to have healthy coping skills with the isolation, and although it is ultimately good he doesn’t get his job, and works with Shadwell, and meets Anathema, but he’s unable to express himself in a healthy way or handle his past.  Similarly, due to the stress of saving the world, Anathema is traumatized by the expectations of her family, of being a “descendant” of Agnes Nutters.  
But, both begin recovery journeys by beginning to assert their own needs and well-being. Newt begins forming real, relationships and coping with his loneliness by making friends and Anathema defies her family’s obligation by burning the letters. Overall, it’s a straightforward approach to begin recovering from traumatic events. 
However, Crowley and Aziraphale do not have quite as straightforward a narrative. 
Heaven is unbending. It is clear to both of them that God and her representatives punish independence, asking questions, and having any defined version of a “self”. 
Look at the photo below. It’s an environment that (per my last post) is cold, abusive, and really, isn’t a functional space. Nothing can get done reasonably in here. There aren’t any personal touches and it makes the space devoid of any sense of home. AND THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE HEAVEN, land of milk and honey Heaven. It’s not just bland, it’s much more insidious than that. It’s false transparency, a “nothing to see here” mask that the angels use to belittle, attack, and intimidate each other. 
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Then there’s the messy business of the dogmatism Heaven follows that affects Aziraphale throughout the series. We see it first in the garden that questions (a la Crowley) lead to abandonment. The fear of falling, of knowingly being discarded by people/entities that supposedly love one another is a violent space to grow up in and incentivizes the remaining angels to keep their head down and not question actions that are clearly wrong. It is Crowley who asks why it would be okay to kill kids (because it’s clearly wrong) to which Aziraphale responds: “I’m not consulted about policy decisions”. It’s clear that 1000 year after the garden he’s internalizing his conditioning. 
His behavior, especially coming from THE angel who gave away his flaming sword without any hesitation and then LIED to God about it, shows that he clearly knows right from wrong is jarring. But, it’s unsurprising, given the abusive place he is attached to. Heaven’s love for him is conditional and wholly dependant on him being able to do as he’s told, not what might be right. 
It’s also clear that Aziraphale is being abused during the events of the series. While not always physically violent (although I’ll get to that in a second), he is continuously belittled and degraded. 
Take a look at Heaven’s least favorite Asshole: Gabriel
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When we are introduced to Gabriel the first few things out of his mouth are insults. Although we’ve had Aziraphale for only like 5 seconds and we already can tell how passionate he is about food. Aziraphale is eating sushi, presumably a favorite food given his familiarity with the chef, and taking some time for himself, and like a good family member offers some to his “fellow”, his “ally”, an entity who supposedly had his back. When the food is refused, it’s presented with a dismissive tone and called “gross matter” that would “sully” his body.  This is is a smack in the face to Aziraphale and he quickly lies, saying he’s only eating to keep up appearances. This shutdown of interests and likes pushes Aziraphale to be like Newt, ostracized from people who are supposed to be his friends. Then, like Anathema, his exposure to the “great plan” and what is expected of an angel is villanizes his interests, causing him to feel shame and associate his individuality and sense of the self with “wrong” or “broken”. 
This differs greatly from how Crowley and Aziraphale meet. Although we see Crowley tempt eve, they talk to each other as equals and Crowley does the one thing Heaven has never done -- tell him he’s doing a good job. There is no harm in eating or enjoying eating but he’s being treated like he’s committing some kind of sin. Crowley, in contrast, reaffirms Aziraphale’s actions and helps relieve his concerns. Gabriel, instead, aggravates his anxiety.
Then, we see Gabriel do one of the more insidious discreditings of Aziraphale’s sense of self at the bookstore.  Whereas Crowley is able to tell when there are new books in the shop and knows that losing the shop is a significant loss for Aziraphale, Gabriel can’t be bothered (more on that at the end). At some level, it’s his disdain for humanity that makes him indifferent at best about the bookstore. But, his disregard for Aziraphale’s livelihood, something that is a clear point of pride and joy, is belittling. He is demanding that Aziraphale drop everything he loves to fight the great war, and while asking to fight is not intrinsically abusive (Crowley too asks Azi to join him and fight), the dynamic is not of equals with the same motivations, rather it is clearly meant to be talking down to Aziraphale. Gabriel sees no value in the shop or his “brother” and if he can’t see it there must not be any. The blow to Aziraphale’s emotional state is apparent in the grimace he gives the two angels. 
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Even when Aziraphale, (who does his best to uphold what he has been conditioned to be “right” and after many millennia has grown to trust Gabriel despite no reciprocation) DOES go to Heaven with a plan, news about where the anti-christ is and how to stop it, or push him to be neither satan no saint, he’s met with more belittlement. None of the angels at the meeting believe that Aziraphale can accomplish his goals, but worst than that, none of them are willing to give him the support he needs to achieve his goal. Sure they don’t smite him where he stands for purposing an alternative to the end of the world, but that’s not the same as being a support system he can rely on. He can’t even voice here the reasons why he cares so deeply about Earth or why they may be wrong. He is not their equals in their eyes. 
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You can also see it at the park when Gabriel and Aziraphale are running, and Gabriel punches his stomach, telling our adorable angel he needs to lose the gut, devaluing Aziraphale’s worth further. Even the face he makes in the gif below is filled with condescension. He’s not taking Aziraphale, or Aziraphale’s concerns seriously. 
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Which brings me to the final nail in Heaven’s abusive coffin via Gabriel. The intended violence of his “sentence” is meant to, like the fall, strike the fear of abandonment, disownment, and death into Aziraphale. There is no scenario (except the one we see) where Aziraphale is meant to make it out of Heaven alive. 
After Armaggeddon’t Gabriel, who knows Aziraphale’s intentions of diverting the apocalypse, if perhaps not the rationale, is pleased to belittle the restrained Aziraphale. There is legit joy in his face when they force Aziraphale to walk into the hellfire. 
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In the above gif, you can see that not only is he being verbally abusive, throwing ill-intent insults at Aziraphale, but that he fully expects the fire to kill his supposed brother and PLEASED about it.  
LET ME REPEAT THAT. The place/people who Aziraphale is supposed to love, trust, and be loyal to are ready, and happy to, drop him at a moment’s notice. At this point, considering the layers of abuse already outlined, Aziraphale’s insistence that he can’t be on Crowley’s side because Heaven wouldn’t like it is symptomatic of someone who is longing for a genuine, honest connection and has been “raised” to believe that is Heaven, no questions allowed.   
this is not to say Heaven isn’t above physical abuse towards Aziraphale.
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I’ve seen some excellent metas floating around dissecting the Crowley vs. Aziraphale  and the Angel’s vs. Aziraphale “intimidation” (although I can’t find them now, please @ them if you know them) and the bottom line is that Aziraphale is terrified by Uriel and her legion of Angels much more than Crowley ever could. Aziraphale is damn well aware of how violent the angels who aren’t even touching him can be vs. his calm response to Crowley pushing him against a wall. 
Which brings me back to Crowley and Aziraphale. Although I can (and will) do another one of these on Crowley, and dive deeper into the implications of their relationship and the closure they need/got by being on their own side. I want to take a second to articulate just how much Crowley does not (try) to do be this way to Aziraphale. 
I maintain that Crowley, is aware of Heaven’s abusive tendencies due to his fall and the subsequent fear that must have caused other angels, I do not think he’s aware of the levels of mental, verbal, and emotional abuse that heaven throws Aziraphale specifically. The way Aziraphale talks up heaven, you’d suspect he was getting awards left and right, or at least some semblance of respect. But no. In stark contrast to Gabriel, Crowley will entertain Aziraphale’s interests/passions like food and books even if they aren’t something he indulges in often himself. Whereas I said earlier Gabriel dismissed the bookshop and presupposed it was something Aziraphale would be able to drop like a rock, Crowley KNOWS that Aziraphale cares so deeply for his books, his food, and his identity as an angel, that losing any of them would be unbearable. Although Crowley pushes and sometimes goes too fast for Aziraphale, he’s not approaching Aziraphale in bad faith. 
Of the 10 observed historical meetings, we see Crowley initiate at least 6 of them (it could be said the Victorian meeting is also Crowley’s doing, but the jury is out about who called that particular meeting as Aziraphale walks toward Crowley first in that scene). We also see Crowley go out of his way to do things that make the Angel comfortable and does not once break his trust. Although he storms out 3 times in the show, he always uses it as breathing room, before once again seeking Aziraphale out, and doing his best to work on their relationship AS EQUALS. Their dynamic (Which I’ll go into more later) is not on uneven footing, and both parties treat the other with a kindness neither of them is offered by their respective worlds.  
TLDR: Crowley’s love for Aziraphale helps heal him from the abuses of Heaven
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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mingjue · 4 years
Sleep schedules fucked. Please tell me more about the Boys, hxd and jinhai. would like to to more specifically about the Gold Digger akdjjsd
OK IM LATE BUT YES I WILL TELL U............... but w hxd first just to Know Things
Huang Xiaodan
current sect leader of the Huang Sect; given name is Huang Yahui
he has an adopted daughter (Huang Daiyu) and his step mother helps him run the sect, she mostly aids in teaching disciples and the like
he’s stupid kind, he’s stupid, but only when he’s Taihe (where the sect is located), when he visits sects outside of the direct ones next to him he’s considered “cold-natured” bc he just doesn’t talk to anyone unless prompted. or when he does, depending on who it is, he’s impatient w them and moves fast in conversation
the only exceptions were when he was flirting w jiang cheng or lan xichen
anyways, before a lot of things, he had been secretly with a man named Syun Liqiu-- they mainly kept it secret bc Liqiu was set to marry a woman (and also sect leader Syun, liqius dad, fucking hates the Huang sect)
sadly, the night of Liqius marriage with the woman, he came to the Huang sect and took his life in one of the spiderlily gardens to be discovered by Madam Tao/Xiaodan’s step mother a few hours later
SO, with xiaodan being the Sensitive Man He Is when he’s at home, he kind of just............. Switches Off in a sense. he starts being reserved even to his daughter and they were super close :(
also info on the huang sect before i continue
the huang sect was established quite a while ago, but because of the things its notorious for, it’s still a quite small sect. its not SUPER tiny, but it’s no where near as big as like, the jiang or nie sects
a few generations into the huang sect being established, the sect leader at the time brought a curse onto the sect bc he was like wow, i want some god dick, and he got it! but now sect leaders/people directly related to the leading family have a chance of dying super young, like 20-30yrs old
Xiaodans dad actually lived quite a while compared to other sect leaders (late 40s, was able to have 2 kids) so people kinda thought hey. maybe the curse is wearing off. (nope!)
anyways, on top of that curse, they’re just. not human. in a sense. they KINDA are, but aren’t at the same time.
Xiaodan has the ability to control his generals sword (@ kagekitsuneoflight’s character, Huang Fan Cong) and his little sisters sword (Huang Jiayi), on top of the fact he’s able to control them
he only really does this when he absolutely needs to because he hates the thought of controlling others like that, but when he does go into that mode, his “True eyes” come out and spiderlilies have a habit of growing out of nowhere on him and those he’s controlling
It’s a really big strain on his golden core and in general his body to go all out and make them fight, so again he never does it
the sects closest to Huang are aware of these abilities, but it’s seen as rude to question anyone about them, or their origin. outside of that no one is really knowledgeable about these things
sect leaders typically get these powers through a specific way of cultivation, but they aren’t able to choose who they control-- if they were Xiaodan would NOT have chosen his little sister (bc shes legit. 18 :( )
there’s a lot more but now for Wu Jinhai
Wu Jinhai has a little bit more intent than golddigging
he has no clear background-- he was orphaned as a teenager, was an only child, and he doesn’t know if he has any aunts or uncles, or even grandparents
The most he’s willing to tell is that he started practicing cultivation with his mother pretty young, and continued training throughout various sects-- still does when he meets xiaodan too, and he’s pretty good at using each sects methods
he traveled by himself for the most part until he was 25, and throughout that he’s managed to help several villages, so he’s got a good chunk of money on him-- which he ends up spending in Taihe bc he likes red and their colors are red and gold, and the Huang sect is VERY much into fashion n shit
so he gets decked out in pretty clothes and hairpins, guans, etc., and still has money left over for whatever he needs. he stays at a small house that isn’t in too bad of shape, keeps it furnished, helps whoever needs it-- and then the news of the Syun’s Sects Heir committing suicide in the private spiderlily gardens comes out and he’s ALL ears
bc first of all, asides from coming to get some hanfus specially made for him among other things, he’s been wanting to fuck around and make major trouble.
he doesn’t do it immediately, like he waits a few months to let Xiaodan mourn (he finds out about the relationship through rumors, and gets it confirmed by xiaodans little sister after befriending her), but eventually he does present himself to Xiaodan
he basically proposes after presenting his credibility and xiaodan is like. holy fuck. ok. um. give me a week and i’ll consider it ok. (huang fan cong is NOT fond of him, and neither is Madam Tao, bc they know his attitude from unfortunate run ins)
Madam Tao tries to discourage xiaodan from considering the arrangement bc like. he doesn’t have family so he could be making shit up. his vibes are rancid. etc etc and xiaodan starts like. thinking about what she’s saying. but he says “ultimately it’s my choice” and madam tao is just ‘r u serious gay boy’
anyways jinhai ends up seducing xiaodan at some point, and manages to convince him to marry.
they marry, wjh uses this to his advantage to finding out sect secrets, he sells some of them to neighboring sects for laffs, then suddenly the two sects surrounding taihe are like “we are going to war bc ur sect is fucked up, also we want more land” and hxd is like WHAT
anyways, wjh fakes his death after hxd finds out he sold sect/family secrets and runs off to the Nie sect (with a bunch of fucking cash) to watch the war from afar, changing his name to Nie Bojing
wu jinhai deadass just started a war because he felt like it. wanted to see some drama. about 4 years after the war (which ended in the collapse of the Huang, Syun, and Liu sects), WWX resurrects in Mo Xuanyu’s body
Madam Tao, Huang Daiyu, and some of Huang Fancong’s sisters survive the war as the remaining people of the Huang sect, and they also refuge in the Nie Sect.
idk what happens beyond then, but Huang Daiyu ends up finding Wu Jinhai again at some point
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worldwarlove1 · 7 years
My how-to guide for world peace :)
Were all fighting the good fight, trying to make the world a better place, so please help to spread the word. We can no longer afford to remain silent when we have something to say, we can no longer afford to remain passive when action needs to be takin, we must do what we can, what is best for each of us/all with what we have so that we can help to set a solid foundation for future generations to build upon:
You want to know how to make world peace a reality, well, here you go folks :)
Along with food forests, wire/tunnel like structures over sidewalks made of material that will not rust and stuff that have food and other plants growing/wrapping around them making for a beautiful walk and plenty of free food that you can grab along the way, countless things can be done to cities/buildings/etc to green things up and make them look really cool/artsy/etc and as eco/tech friendly and/or whatever depending on the structures/etc, also having multi storied/layered plant troths/trays/pots, gardens, bee friendly flowers/etc, many people around the world can grow enough food in there backyards and cities to more then feed the entire populous, you can have multi layered gardening/growing/food trays, trays placed on walls, growing ops in houses/buildings, on walls and so on with the proper lightings/etc (And yes we can build underground and in other cool areas too for those who wish to do so, and a company known as AeroFarms have indoor multilayered setups and produce plants/food with 95% less water and no soil, which would be a huge help in many parts of the world :)
There is more then enough room for greenery and the lot and we will have several times more then enough green energies/power/etc, as well as water/liquid/food for everyone/thing (With no money there is no worries about processing the salt water and converting it to fresh water through desalination plants and other methods like reusing/recycling your own water, complex/flexible/highly effective and pyramid +Self moving automated solar panels and magnifying glass like effects and complex wind turbines and countless other things with systems/methods and so on that would cost an absolute fortune back in the days of money that people can now actually use and have many do at home methods :)
For lots of grass and more barren spaces/etc to have trees/plants/bushes/etc, where ever/whatever will not interfere with pipes/repairs/infrastructures/be too much trouble/etc. There will be more then enough changes made to allow for people to figure out how to make sure that we no longer require pesticides and other harmful things and that rabbits and other creatures do not eat/ruin/destroy everything and get out of control with population, diseases/etc, of course, I am referring to being humane, so that we can all, humans and non humans alike properly benefit and have full lives, not to mention all of the water recycling/reusing methods and all the rest of it that will be put into place for everyone - No more money folks, no more money, oh, and as a friendly warning, when cleaning up the air/etc make sure you have the right balances and don’t change things to quickly, and having too little greenhouse gases/etc can result in another show ball earth like that of around 600mil years ago, so be sure to let things get better naturally and balance themselves out as we clean up the lands and waters of the world :)
Plus many more non polluting energy sources/etc to support everyone with a comfortable lifestyle, including the once homeless/etc who will be living in what were once banking/corporate buildings/etc/etc, these buildings and other structures/etc being converted into living spaces and other useful outlets for true/guaranteed sustainable living for all (there will be no more insane waste of space/resources and all the rest of it and just here on Earth alone there is far more then enough materials/etc for everyone and we can clean up our mess and make this planet better then it has ever been) and speaking of space, yes we should pay attention and learn from it, as in having enough professionals/equipment to monitor 100% of the skies for killer rocks and other dangerous cosmic activities and have more attention/action on plans to take care of an otherwise possibly lethal situation, to be healing/monitoring the earth/ourselves/life, we can continue to explore Mars and the rest of it with our machines in far greater details later once we have solved enough of our own troubles :)
You’ve got all kinds of web services that allow you to design your own home, gardens and countless other things, including ideas/inventions and the likes, those along with schooling/teaching websites with different courses, hobbies and so on and so forth can all be easily available to us and people who are good at them being their to help out in the community/etc (obviously not a how to guide on how to build a nuke and such) and managed by the experts in those said fields so that you know all the info you are getting is legit :)
You may think me crazy for this one, but for those who are going to die, no cure/etc (If around people/etc they should have nothing that can spread), I feel that if they want to they should be allowed to go out with a bang (Same with anyone else who meets the proper criteria), having a video cam with live feed strapped to them while skydiving without a parachute (Being in an area where they wont collide with others/etc). Other events, having ancient roam style/etc arenas where gladiators/people fight to the death. Have rooms with magnetic fields/electricity. As well as countless other stuff (I would also want to participate in something if I was diagnosed with a deadly whatevz if I was ever suffering too much without a cure and countless other activities that can be created/etc that will immortalize people).
Have all of the violent enough criminals/etc put together in scenarios similar to “The purge” films (With no time/weapon/etc limits and devices that make sure no one suffers/is tortured at truly unheard of levels while they are still alive/etc) in secure enough locals and so on and so forth (Grand masters/best of the following: Human lie detectors + Lie detector machines, Body/Vocal language experts, Social scientists, Psychiatrists, Aura readers, Spiritualists, White hat hackers, Psychopath/Sociopath finders/etc…whatever for whatever scenarios/etc, all the best the world has to offer in screening people) and I confess that I would want a front row seat to stuff like this, and I don’t think that any of this will be a criminal act (Though I am sure there would be crowds of people that would disagree), on the contrary, I mean, just look at the darknet/web, countless people being abused/starving/etc/etc/etc, so much crap is just so wide and vast WITH innocent enough people who are being tortured/manipulated/takin advantage of/etc against their will/etc, THAT is what people should be fuming about…
You still here?…Good, now, a real solution for this and over 50% of all the destruction/suffering is simple, for as many of us as is possible to either go vegan or as close to it as we realistically can and to push to make more of the proper resources/etc to be made available around the world & as for the rest of the BS only a small amount would remain if money/currency was no longer used, and guess what, if we do enough things right, there will be no need for the bloodshed and everyone, yes, everyone (Myself included of course) can get all the aura/spiritual/physical/mental/emotional/etc help that we truly need as there will be more then enough available to truly do the best we can so we will not suffer at any of there hands, with there also being no forced executions/etc, as there are things that can be used, as the more people that follow/do what is right (Guess “right” is subject to interpretation, I suppose), the more resources/advancements/etc that will be made available/easier it will be, please, the future is depending on us T_T :)
Also, if humanity as a whole is so hopeless, insensitive, violent and the likes today and is not like the so called good old days, then why is it that over 99% of us really don’t want to cause real trouble/problems? We want a better world, and many of us when properly motivated/informed/moved/etc will fight for it (1 in a 100 people equals out to around 70mil - Even if it ever happened where 10%/700mil were at these levels, that still leaves 90% of us). Just to be clear, with this total, I don’t mean only the rich (As in the 1%ers) causing problems, I am referring to all of humanity in all levels/races/etc, and I cannot emphasize enough times about how great humanity really and truly is :)
Anyways, of those few bad apples, very few of the trouble makers are out to cause any real harm that is not due to any events in their lives, just look at the news, they have to scrounge around and even report on other countries/etc to get you stories about this so called chaotic era that is supposedly so bad, look at all the killing the starvations and countless other things that are so tragic/heartbreaking and unnecessary. We are by nature a diverse/peace loving species, so peaceful in fact that virtually all of us just keep taking the shit (Even the kinds that keep getting worse) that the system and the few &%$^&%^&*%&*^&^$@$!@@$#!@#@%$$&^%*&^**^$^&##%@%$$@@$&%^^%s (Who are that way for whatever reason/s) keep throwing our way, lolz :)
If anything we are becoming more enlightened and less violent as time goes on, and yes far more harmful things are coming to light…because of technologies, better understanding, communications which of course can make things seem worse with less being kept behind closed doors/etc and lets not forget about how things can be bent out of shape, the prize winning acts, the tweaking of technology, the lies, false reports/etc/etc/etc that are truly worthy of an Emmy (How many people do you think want to actually go to war/fight as oppose to wanting truly diverse world peace?), far less stuff being hidden/etc/etc/etc. Peace on earth is already here, within our very grasp and aside from the rare persons, who knows, maybe with enough communications certain people can be found to properly help them too) we can properly help everyone who needs it in todays world, great medical, food/etc/etc/etc for all to make life as best we can for us, right now, right this second if we all want, peace around virtually the entire globe and in the not too distant future, all of it, and this will happen, if we let it :)
Here hows it can go with the learning facilities/courses: Music, theatre, making glass and stain glass (Even glass/materials with 100%UVA, 100%UVB, UV400 protection all the way through) + creating with them, metallurgy, welding, auto mechanics/machines, art/drawing, woodworking, computers programming, animation/movie/video game/programming creation, cameras/devices, media, marketing, cooking, countless eco tech/planting/greenhouses/etc so we can have chocolate and all kinds of exotic fruits/etc without having them shipped to us from a gal…er country/place far far away, specialized tanks for exotic foliage, on land and and underwater with temperature/humidity/etc controls and have our own well maintained mini ecosystems and in turn help to save and even bring back extinct life using life/etc that will be happy/do well/etc in these places :)
and buying a roll of tape in Canada that was made and shipped to us from China, ridiculous, such a waste of resources, all the plastics, wasted and currently harmful fuels, pesticides, cheap shortcuts Foods/drinks can be made far healthier/better and much greater quality for other stuff as well), its never ending the unnecessary and extreme sufferings/craziness thats going on with the monetary system, lets have teachings of true/real family/people/humanitarian/emotion, inventors/innovators, psychiatry, how to truly think for yourself and when/how to be a leader and a follower, how to communicate, use ones own common sense, how most of us can be enlightened Rams as oppose to being Sheep for the Wolves, help each other and how to find/spot those that need it, to truly work towards being the best, ever changing/evolving version of you, how to best use technologies to learn the maths, etc, etc, etc, the list is endless, and it too is truly forever evolving, this will open up so many more possibilities that will no longer be out of reach for so many, and there are waste to energy plants that burn garbage/etc without releasing harmful toxins in the air and produce energy (Without money, just think of all the extra energy that would be produced by these and other facilities/methods/etc), and recycling plants/practices/etc are getting better :)
Peace is great yet we should not let down our guard all the same as others may be just biting their time and waiting for the perfect moment to strike with their nukes or what have you, but no worries I am certain that in the not too distant future that we will all be able to manage everything and not have to worry about such things, besides, they live on this planet just as we do and who in their right minds would actually give the orders/etc to use weapons that are that powerful to cause global chaos, cause, again, we all share this world, but at the same time, at least for now, we should keep our nukes, guns/etc, why, because anyone could strike behind our backs and with the proper usages/etc these as far as I am concerned are good things to hold onto, in the right hands, for those that are ready/etc, well, north Korea is just one of the places that just happens to come to mind for the nukes, so yeah, lets be careful, and if we are to get rid of weapons, be certain without a doubt that it actually is the right thing to do, well, it all goes to say, prepare for the worst and hope for the best, someday everything will truly be alright, I am certain of it, we just have to let go of the areas of our current system that are holding us back so that we can eventually, truly get to this point :)
Transportation, not a problem, especially with so many brilliant minds finally being freed up to make it greener/better/etc for us all, plus with so many people being much more community based, in their own towns/homes/cities so to speak we will not be needing to use transport so much, besides how many drive back and forth to jobs that are not even needed or farther away then they need to be (Many jobs out there today should already be obsolete “not the skills of the workers just the jobs” and as for the ones that are truly vital there will always be more then enough people with more then enough skills who love the vital ones/will be more then happy enough to take care of them and us as a whole are naturally a cooperative species and long to share our talents, be with others and just help one another out and even now tons of people volunteer and help others (And yes some of us are introverts/etc, but this can be a good thing too you know), the community/etc who still have jobs and especially when we are free things will be far better then they are now, which is what will happen when we stop using money and move passed the monetary system) and the rest, we will take care of, handle things/help each other as a community, no longer have absolutely ridiculous/plague proportions of waste in regards to food/items/etc so it won’t even be an issue (We’ll keep figuring everything out together :)
Keep in mind the countless materials (Such as all of the plastics, rubbers, glass, metals/etc/etc/etc) that have been tossed (Including many that currently cannot be recycled) wish can be used for countless things and several people with very creative minds in their field will continuously think up awesome ideas/innovations to keep things advancing/going and have continuous, inventions/innovations/creativities that will be so vast and as we truly enter this new resonance era, oh and as for the money of the past, it has been put in many of the DuckTales/Scrooge McDuck style money bins “Built as close to the real thing as is realistically/safely possible with unique looks/designs/etc for each area” with their own currency symbol of course - Amount/sizes of these bins/buildings depending on the monies of each place that have not been kept as souvenirs, fun to go in for a dive, or should a say a swim (Of sorts) every now and again, lolz :)
We can have greenhouses and other stuff galore and we don’t have to give up chips, pop, pizza and countless other great things, plus, amongst other things scientists have already created small bacon strips from stem cells and it wont be long before medical science can create all body parts and even allow for all foods/drinks to be healthy and delicious while being custom made for you and even creating your own unique items and so much more, we will have no scars or nothing, all that being fixed, perfect health and immortality if we wish it and eventually we can be awesome blend of tech/biology, not like the Borg, no, no, no, but to actually register as a pure biological being, kind of think of the future us as being much like a fair number of anime characters with super heightened senses/reflexes/etc and also having the ability to live fully without being negatively overwhelmed, overwhelmed is so crazily and freakishly awesome in the right ways, trust me, oh, and another cool thing, if we loose body parts they’ll grow back, heck eventually we’ll even be able to regenerate like Majin Boos evil half from Dragon Ball Z, but in this case even every last vibe would have to be somehow wiped out, it’s gonna be truly beyond awesome :)
We will feel and know countless things and can mentally be them, nothings dead, everything is alive, separation, nothingness and so much else are illusions, all be it very entertaining ones, life/everything is God and God is a 4D brain, that God is thinking/dreaming reality and I do feel that we ourselves are a madly complex simulation created in a sense by Gods dream, that “all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream” as Edgar Allan Poe would put it. Anyways, God being 420degrees and greater (Not speaking of the illusions of temperatures as everything is absolute zero “In the most beautiful of ways when ready”, but angle wise), anyways, experiencing so much, all at once, fear is enhanced awareness after all, and hell will be the new heaven, nothing boring/nothing seeming far more dead/hell, but a heaven that is far, far grander then anything that any of us can currently comprehend, and thats just within the beginnings of true wakefulness :)
Imagine eventually seeing countless shades and even varying colours on things that to you now appear to just be one colour/shade, imagine nothing looking flat, having colourations/looks thats are far far superior to a solid/liquid light/Gemstones/medal/silver/crystal/diamonds/buttery/etc combo and being super sharp in detail to say the least, far far fewer things appear so bright to us that they would end up appearing as purely white when they are really not, and naturally, what will be seen/experienced at night will also be truly awe inspiring with far far fewer things appearing as purely black which are really not, seeing, noticing and feeling so much of what is around you, the smells, the sticky/liquid air and so much more, with technology and eventually ourselves we will be able to create plants/creatures, Gemstones, Pokemon, oh, and quick question, but, have you by any chance seen the brave little toaster? (An excellent movie), going in and out of cyber realities, machines/robots/etc constantly upgrading/repairing themselves/etc, heck, pretty much whatever, changing/creating even out of nothingness (Since nothingness is yet another of the countless illusions that we experience here) with being able to properly change the proper vibes/waves/tones/frequencies/etc at some point in the infinitely beautiful/complex songs of life and properly channeled/focused sounds/energies/waves/etc will for the most part be the tools of the future :)
At some point for those of us who still choose to keep at least enough of our being within this realm, we can even be far beyond Odo/changelings from StarTrek DS9 (We will be forever evolving “What you may like to call” Gods that are truly beyond comprehension to the people of today), you see, quite a few things that are “proven” to be impossible today will be proven to be reality tomorrow, and quite a few things that are “proven” to be false today, well, you get the picture (Magic is real, and as has been said before, what is called/believed to be magic is quite simply science/reality that is not yet well enough understood and this is a future that is so far beyond any of our ideas of beauty that it will truly change our perceptions/us in countless on top of countless ways) the future truly is going to be awesome beyond our current imaginings, but, we have to make our forever leaps forward truly begin to happen in this day and age by setting the real/true groundwork/starting point :)
Today people miss so much that they speed through life, talk so much yet say so little, it is very frustrating and is so easy/simple/lacking that its difficult and quite frustrating in many ways to say the least (No offence intended) when compared even to the whale/dolphin and countless other sounds of the beginnings of true/real/universal communications, communications that easily change depending on moods and everything else around you, anyways, people today also being sped up in their actions, their speeding past/being ignorant of so much of what is all around us (Again, no offence intended), and their sped up concepts of time, but in the future we will both move at incredibly fast paces that to us quite a few of our moments will seem as being anything from not being seen at all, to being a blur to perfectly still and anywhere in between, yet our concepts of time will be ultra slow to the point where to the people of today it will seem as if they are not moving at all and the air will seem far far thicker then molasses, so many vibes, electrical feels and fluids right through and on you always moving kind of feeling like having slimy/fiery/electrical/vibrating insects both being and eating alive everywhere/everything, the what to us are like devouring hellish like pure/screaming/demonic evil thats out to devour everything but magnified countless fold beyond anything that our current physical selves can experience/survive as we would be truly torn apart at all levels (Sounds like hell, believe me, I know, but trust me, it isn’t, not when were ready enough for it, to be opened up to it/etc, for this to be ever growing/increasing states of continuing enhanced awareness, a truly incredible life, truly giving a whole new look on being sharp as a knife), and our movements will be fluid/effortless and life will be a continuous flow/dance/form of art of super enhanced awareness as so much will be experience every moment, and life will truly be beyond kick ass folks, now, even though this is a while off, isn’t that something worth fighting for? :)
So, yeah, currently, we are basically like little blips/tones/vibes on the musical scale of the fabrics that make up what is, not just here in the 3D but everything, with the complexities of the earth and life on it all together being like an electron around the sun, now, with that in mind, lets get to God, shall we, so, at any rate, picture the entire solar system (Meaning the whole roughly 2 lightyears worth of it as any effects from the gravity of a solar systems star/s dictates its size) as like the complexities of a rather simplistic atom, and if that wasn’t enough for you, picture everything that is as being like an average adult human as a rough/approximate analogy to the true God/everything, I believe that bees how it actually is in comparison if you count in all laws, all dimensions, the whole works as we are all God…mind blown yet? (This is just the tip of the iceberg compared to the wonders I am describing in a couple of books which I have on the go that I am hoping to finish/publish at some point and maybe even make a movie of my life someday, drawing the audience into my world :)
Anyways, back to reali…er, the modern world, vitamins can be automatically added to foods/drinks/etc to best meet our individual needs (3D printers can create the parts needed to self replicate themselves and even print edible food) and we can even have more grocery stores then ever before with all the good stuff while still keeping things tasting great without the chemical and all the cheeping out and so much other extreme enough stuff that some do to save a buck and gain power/etc, its ruining our planet and causing so much suffering that is just truly beyond ridiculous, but thankfully soon having humane dairy/meet/etc created in the lab then in the comfort of your own home…so many countless/awesome things can be done for the world today (One of many other things that can be done, well, those beautiful/fancy ice hotels/sculptures/etc, many can be made in areas where they will not melt, oh, and eventually we wont even need to eat, we will be able to simulate tastes/sensations/etc and will always have all of the fuel/etc that we will ever need, think Im off my rocker, well, try talking about all of the things of todays world to a fair number of those of around 200-300+ years ago :)
Okay, so, anyhow, with so many brilliant minds free to invent/improve things by continuous leaps and bounds without the countless atrocities/sufferings of money/greed, creativity/life/etc will truly keep evolving by never ending leaps and bounds, but like Egypt (Look at their revolution after their internet was cut for a bit, a small number of the populous stood up to this and look what happened and how virtually all the attacks were done by hired people to try and stop it - Even in Canada and around the world there have been many things like this going on, you may want to watch Alex Jones police state movies amongst many, many other film makers/films that go into great detail about animal cruelties and so much else that are proven to be fact. Anyways, now imagine Egypt on a global scale with we the people always standing our ground-as peacefully as possible of course, but being aware of the trouble makers and continually learning from experiences and handling things better all the time :)
With the world over there are most likely going to be undercover people and others hired to try and make things worse, people rioting, wars started by propaganda and the likes, so we must keep our heads together and our hearts strong, love will win and we must not fall pray to the bullshit of the few (Percentage wise, there are very few people on earth who are committing noteworthy crimes, you know beyond stealing a cookie from the cookie jar or crying, stuff like that, and far more who are keeping the peace, and given the way things are today, that tells me that we will make it, we are a smart/caring/cooperative/peace loving species), and as for those few who are trying to keep us in the dark they will not want to loose this current system and will try to fight till the end and cause as much fear and the likes that they can to try and keep it, so no matter what they cause or the fear, rumours, false footage, reports/etc that they spew out and events that they try to create, we can’t fall pray to hate, revenge, and the likes, we can’t be the fuel that feeds their flame, and we can not give those with deadly weapons reasons to use them, the military/etc are our friends and they are on our side, they are human beings like the rest of us :)
Also, for schools, a fair amount of what they teach you can find on the internet, which in turn can be far better structured to make it easy to find/study what you wish with plenty of online discussion forms/help available as well as your community/etc - Doctors and such you will need hands on training as well, but what I am trying to say is most everything does not require that you have to be physically present in an actual classroom, especially not with a free community and this can also leave even more areas that can be set up for the gifted inventors, thinkers, futurists and so on to come up with new/improved ideas/inventions/etc for those that prefer not to work from home, and places set up where innovators can invent, talk and get what they need :)
We can all have seeds/food/plants that can grow each year, produce seeds of their own/etc, empty lots/etc can be planted/forested (Best to go by natures rules/growth patterns/etc for planting trees and so on as well as repairing areas and reintroducing native plants/species/etc and videos on Masanobu Fukuokas Seed ball method as well as his natural farming techniques are great and so is the homegrown revolution movement, and you may also want to watch “Earthlings - The movie 2005, DIET FOR A NEW AMERICA ✰ John Robbins ✰ Full Documentary 1991, Fast food nation 2006, ENVIRONMENT | THE MUST-SEE DOCUMENTARY, [Inside LSD] - NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPLORER Full Documentary 2009”, amongst many other movies/films/vids/clips/etc :)
When it comes to governments and many other authorities we don’t need them, especially not now, we are a global community and can easily maintain the aspects of anarchist law, and in todays’ world we have more than enough resources and smarts at our disposal to truly work together and make much more wondrous lives for every human being while being able to give the very best of care for all of the suffering (Even if our population was to suddenly double overnight, once we do things right) while still maintaining a very healthy planet, yes, we can still make this world far better then it has ever been for humans and non humans alike even if there were roughly 15 to 20 billion+ people and we will always be able to continue to keep life awesome for all generations to come :)
So awesome in fact that that we may have to use a new word to describe this beyond awesome state, and/or possibly even this new era, maybe something like this one that I thought up, “Phosomancesss” - pronounced as “Faw-Sohm-An-Sisss/Fawsohmansisss :)” (A cross between “Phoenix, Awesome, Om, Renaissance and the hissing sounds of a species once hated/feared by many, know as Snakes”) Definition: A state/place of continuous transcendent evolution :)
I for one would weep to no end if humanity as a whole were to abandon technologies, science/etc/etc as they are (As far as I am concerned) absolutely vital keys to our quality of life, salvation and continuing ascension, completion, awesome lives for the world over and always being there for those that want it, for true freedom and so much more (Someday, because of them we ourselves can become everything that we need so that we will no longer need many of these things, but for now and for a while to come, I say, let those of us who want tech/etc embrace and continue to benefit from all of these things and in turn make lives as best we can for everyone in every way that they wish while remembering to keep their lifestyles/beliefs/etc in mind, lets go wild with museums, amusement parks, religious/holy structures and countless other life enriching/enhancing things :)
As for posting videos and other copyright law/etc stuff, so long as you don’t go plastering your name on other peoples photos/etc you should be allowed to post whatever videos/etc you want while keeping others in mind/etc (Including music, news/etc videos, again, so long as you don’t plaster your name/credit on what you did not create) and to also post your own video creations (Even if you use others photos, clips/etc and giving yourself credit for creating the video is fine just so long as you don’t claim that you created those individual pics/clips/etc, if they are not of your creation) and if people state that they don’t want you to use/post their material for obvious and legit/non crap and non monetary reasons/etc then their personal/etc materials should be kept to them and just having stuff posted on the net, especially if its for the world too see runs the risk of others finding and using it. Also, like so much other stuff, aside from the obvious stuff most of us shouldn’t have/etc, everyone being able to have the computer programs/software/etc/etc/etc of their choosing including otherwise outrageously expensive ones, the sky is no longer the limit, remember, money is no longer an issue :)
When things are truly changing, people will truly be able to heal/bleed out the emotional bullshit and free themselves/there minds, life will be very fulfilling and far from boring without money, to start there will be countless activities/tasks/things to keep you preoccupied whenever you want to do something, not to mention the joys of working together knowing that your helping to clean up the planet and doing countless feel good stuff, help other people/creatures/plants/etc and with people having far more freedoms to invent, create and improve life/etc, just to live, and things will only continue to get better for us as we will in many respects connect like we have connected before and be like one gigantic native American Indian global type of community, we will at last know/feel true/real freedom the world over :)
May your souls of ghostly liquid light spread their cleansing chills 2 hauntingly beautiful tones in the never ending melodies of mysterious holy darkness in life’s eerily eternal song of infinitely awe inspiring complexities, turning fear into enhanced awareness & illuminate the way for others… I am hyper aware, each sense acting as if the others died... Experiences of D Angels through us T_T
More and more, fear becomes realized as what it is, enhanced awareness, and the "fears" (Along with the other emotions bought on) from/of darkness meld together with the light in healing which is a truly hauntingly beautiful thing. It allows for more growth in understandings, sympathies and empathy. It helps to further raise the vibration to not necessarily get rid of the darkness but to make it a part of who you are, but for the better/with it being healed more and more, becoming greater awareness/wisdom & knowledge :)
I find that Transcendental meditation is fantastic, but I can see how it can easily seem too powerful for many as they have either not been through enough in life or have not been through enough training. Transcendental meditation can seem like evil/darkness when in actual fact it is a further transformation into the light :)
Over time it feels as if you are becoming like that of a ghost made of liquid light (Light, that is warm, hot and cool all at the same time), vibrations and tones (An angel), like you are no longer physically aware of weight, substance or material happenings. You/the light has cleansing chills throughout your entire being and feel many ripples and vibrations (Like that from water and really good quality sound systems from all around and within yourself). You become aware that the night and the understandings that come with it are a holy treasure trove when combined with the light/existence :)
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