#i got a new tablet and i tried to download tumblr today and they just. dont have it on the amazon app store.
dailysaboupdates · 8 months
he's still alive
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weeple · 5 months
I just remembered that I’m turning 21 in a month. What. What the hell. Earlier today we were just discussing what we’re going to do for dad’s birthday cause his is also next month but mines actually sooner which is why I feel so shocked that I remembered my birthday because I genuinely forgot how soon it is. I wonder if I’ll be able to have some friends over for a party, I haven’t had anyone over in a couple years and I would quite like to show my new friends my house. I actually don’t remember the last time I had friends over, I’m going to look through my photos and see… wow quite literally a couple years, 2 years well guess not even quite 2 years yet as it won’t be exactly 2 years till my birthday. Anyway wow that’s wild. Like I have literally since then gone to college and graduated that is messed up. I don’t even really talk to the people that were at my last party. Like I talk to one of them and I don’t even actually text him that much, we used to talk all the time and even tried being in a relationship TWICE! That’s sad. Now he’s gone and gotten a partner and they’re planning on moving in together. Happy for him but it hurts because he was the only person I ever really felt I had a chance with. Finding out he had a partner was also the moment I found out I am the only one out of all my close friends that isn’t in a relationship. And all of theirs seem quite serious like they’re either actively planning on moving in together or already are living together while I rot away in my parents basement an hours drive from all the rest of them. The aforementioned ex boyfriend used to live in my hometown but moved to the city for university so now I feel quite lonely and left behind. I told myself I would try and go to bed earlier tonight but now it’s 3am. I’m just glad I haven’t seen 5am because of my staying up in a while. A red hue has just come over the bottom of my keyboard and I’m not sure as to why. Evil keyboard activated. Hehehe I love typing everything that comes into my head. It made my class laugh for one of my jokes in my standup performance so I continue to do so cause maybe I’ll give a good chuckle at it or potential viewers that have decided to read my ramblings for some reason (it’s because they’re in love with me, ya that’s why and no other reasons whatsoever) I’m typing on my tablet as per usual as that’s where I have tumblr downloaded but I am loosing my mind because the keyboard is orientated slightly different from on my phone so I end up hitting the wrong punctuation and I don’t like it, I will continue to go back and fix my mistakes but gosh it’s annoying.
Back to being sad about aging and being alone and stuff. I think I don’t even actually understand what it means to be in love romantically, like I’ve looked up the definition of a romantic relationship because I just don’t get how it’s different from just being best friends. Maybe I’m just deeply in love with all of my best friends, which I have been assuming as I’ve confessed to all 3 of the people I’ve deemed my best friend in my life so far. I only got my feelings recuperated once, was with the again aforementioned ex boyfriend. The first time it was in grade 8 and it wasn’t directly a confession to her but that was what I was going to try and lead to but when we were laying together on the pull out couch in the shed at her grandparents trailer park and I told her I really wouldn’t mind dating boys or girls and she went quiet. I don’t;t even think I realized at the time that I essentially came out as bisexual to her. In the morning we walked out to the rocks by the lake and she asked me about what I said last night and asked if I was kidding and said we couldn’t be friends anymore if I wasn’t kidding so obviously I lied and said it was all a joke and I was kidding. What else was I supposed to do. My best friend just said we wouldn’t be friends anymore. Though I never was her best friend because her best friend was a girl from her old town. It really hurt how every time I said she was my best friend she would remind me that I wasn’t hers. It makes me feel slightly less guilty for accidentally ghosting her the next year. We haven’t talked since but I do still feel guilty. I often wonder if we would still be friends if she hadn’t changed to home school in grade 9 and if I had seen her “hey”. I ate lunch alone in a dark corner of the school next to a forgotten pair of washrooms (very nice washroom cause no one used them since they were so tucked away.) Time by Ben Folds is playing right now (thank you YouTube for this mix that is literally just Ben folds/ben folds five cause like ya that’s the good stuff) very on theme. I often catch myself missing who I was in my past but have I really changed all that much. I think I just miss the circumstance of not “now”. I find it weird looking at old photos of myself because I don’t seem to recognize myself like did I really look like that? Do I reflect any of that now?
My head hurts and I keep feeling dizzy but not quite dizzy and not quite woozy just like woogly or something I don’t know, bad I guess. I should really try to sleep maybe it will be nice tomorrow and I won’t think of my woes and I won’t pick all the skin off my face. I feel like I’ve been holding in tears but like they’re not falling just on standby I guess. I am probably forgetting many words in this long ramble because my brain is behind my body so to any potential readers, if you’ve noticed any missing words, no you haven’t. Thanks.
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jinmukangwrites · 5 years
From the Ashes (2/???)
Summary: In a modern version of Hyrule, a young man finds himself in a world filled with nothing but white walls, studying faces, and tests after tests. Something is different about him, and the world seems very interested is seeing what makes him tick. (A modern, BOTW/LOZ “Labrat” AU)
Chapter 1, Chapter 3 (to be released for all Partron's today, July 11th for Tumblr)
Warnings: Death, torture, blood, description on injury, experimentation, dark themes, emotional abuse, abuse.
Make sure you read the warnings, be safe.
Today there's autopsy, he died during it, but there's still an autopsy. They give him the numbing agent like always before they secure him down, but there's nothing that can stop the pain of a scalpel cutting down your chest, nothing like the skin being torn apart in different directions, nothing like ribs being pried apart so they can get a better look at your still beating heart.
They're careful at first, making sure he lives long enough for them to get their samples of tissues and muscles and fluid until they do what they always do instead of stitching him back together; they kill him. It's effective. Whatever brings him back to life whenever he dies heals everything and leaves nothing but a scar on his skin. He wakes up moments later completely healed and ready for whatever they want to do to him next.
It seems today they also want to test his endurance, because right as he wakes up from his autopsy, the mask that always kills him is strapped on and soon death takes him again.
The black lasts longer this time, the warmth comes a little later and just a bit duller, but he wakes up again, fine, breathing, good. Then the mask kills him again, it takes longer, again, it's colder. He wakes up. He dies. Again.
Longer. Colder. Alive. Dead. Again. Again.
Six times he dies until the machines scream at them to stop when he can't. He's dizzy, the phantom pains of knives literally in his chest burn and his lungs are begging for fresh air. He can't feel his body as they undo the straps and place him in a wheelchair for transport. Soon, he's wheeled into his home, the only place he can call his, and left there to blankly stare at the white walls until he can find the strength to move.
It takes a few hours, but he finally manages to wobbly stand up from the wheelchair. It's a practice he's mastered, this is nothing new. He doesn't bother to look back at the observation room connected to his with a panel of glass. He knows that the main scientist is there, observing him while he nibbles on the end of his pen. He's the same man who killed him for the first time in his one and only true memory. He hasn't seen that nice woman since, he wonders where she is.
Anyway, he ignores the observation room. They usually go away and turn on the cameras once he's collapsed in his small, threadbare bed. There's not much to observe when all he has energy to do is clutch at his thin pillow and breathe until sleep takes him. Why waste time watching him sleep when they could be preparing for the next experiment, the next sample, the next death.
The moment he collapses into his bed, on top of his blanket and pillow not even properly placed under his head, the bright lights in his cell turn off and multiple blinking green dots appear in the dark corners of his cell near the ceiling. His eyes unwillingly slip closed, he wishes he could keep them open, yet he knows fighting sleep is useless.
At least, when he's asleep, he has a name and family. When he's awake, he's got terror. When he's dead, he's got nothing.
Though, nothing is starting to sound very nice, and if only it would last forever.
There are sometimes days where they do nothing to him. He cherishes those days. He has time to do whatever he wants (within limited restrictions and boundaries of course) just as long as he does their mandatory workouts and therapy sessions.
The workouts are easy. He's brought to a large gym where there are treadmills and tracks and weights; there's an instructor and two guards and he does what he's told for about an hour to two depending on what the instructor determines what his body needs. The foods they feed him are filled with vitamins and minerals, so it's not like he's bone skinny, but he's not muscular either. Despite the things they do to him, they want his body to be healthy, that way results are not tainted by starvation, exhaustion, and a poor immune system.
He likes climbing. Out of everything they have him do during workouts, it's climbing nets and walls that he loves most. Running is fine, stretching and yoga is sort of okay, lifting weights is boring and he doesn't like that, they had him try swimming a couple times but both times he almost drowned so they got rid of that, but climbing is something he would willingly do.
There's something freeing about lifting himself higher and higher with nothing but his own strength. He likes to pretend he's climbing a mountain, a very tall mountain. One where if he ever reaches the top, he will be free from labs and experiments, he will be able to swing his arms out and lift his face to the stars and never have to go back.
The worst part about climbing is having to come back down.
Today he ran, he didn't get to climb, but there's always a next time.
Therapy sessions are a bit harder because it's a full two hours where he's expected to communicate, and he doesn't very much like the therapist. He can't speak, no matter how hard he tries to make sounds or how long they grill him in basic vocal practices it just doesn't happen. He somehow knows a bit of sign, but just the simple ones, limited to mostly letters. Most of the therapy sessions involve him trying to spell out how he's feeling with his hands and the therapist getting impatient with how long it takes for him to sign S-C-A-R-E-D or H-A-P-P-Y or H-U-R-T when he theoretically could just say the words and move on. He gets yelled at a lot, which he doesn't think getting yelled at is a part of therapy but he has to remind himself that he doesn't know what therapy is outside of the labs, so for all he knows getting yelled at for things he can't control is what therapy is all about.
Thankfully, today the therapist looks happy. When they're happy, they talk a lot about themselves instead of him. Apparently their brother got married and they got to go back home to the Zora's Domain to visit. He only knows a couple Zora, the therapist being one of them, the others being various scientists and nurses. There's a Goron on the security team, but the rest are all Hylian. He hears stories of the Gerudo sometimes, but he's never seen one. They sound beautiful, especially since none of them come here to the labs to hurt him.
After a whole long story about how the therapist got to go cliff driving with their siblings (oh cliff driving sounds wondrous even though he can't swim well) the therapist sighs and clicks a pen against the clipboard in their hands.
"Okay," they grumble, "let's get this over with. How are you feeling today?"
It's a question that should be genuine, but the therapist says it like they'd rather be sleeping.
Today, he doesn't hurt, today's a free day. He got to work out, but he didn't get to climb. He came to therapy and hasn't been yelled at yet. He's okay. A little tired from working out, a little hungry, but he's okay.
O-K. T-I-R-E-D. W-O-R-K-O-U-T
"Yesterday Doctor Marras tested your endurance, how did that go?"
He lifts his hand up to his chest, his fist shaped in the sign for "A". He moves his fist down like a scalpel would. His sign for "Autopsy".
He makes the shape for "D" now and puts it over his nose, the sign for the mask used to kill him.
Six. No / R-I-S-K / seven.
"How did you feel?"
He brings his hands out in front and touches the fingertips of his pointer fingers a couple times. Hurt. He then opens his palms across his chest and drags them outward while slowly closing his fists. Afraid.
The therapist sighs and he puts his hands down to his lap. This conversation sounds old, feels repetitive.
It doesn't matter. He knows it's just a way to make sure he's still capable of thinking and living. Losing his mind would be almost as bad as letting his body wither away. Almost. They'd rather his body is peak physical condition than his brain fully functional, which is probably why his work out trainor is actually very good while his therapist doesn't help that much at all.
Whatever the case, he's asked a couple more required questions and he's not yelled at at all before he's escorted back to his cell where a small number of activities await him. By his cot is a small pile of books, a sketch pad, and some pencils. On the small plastic table next to the bed is a black tablet with apps for learning basic math and science are downloaded on, along with an app used to help him learn more words in sign. There's a paper cup of water placed next to it, right beside a protein bar which is certainly a rare sight. He's usually fed the same gray, tasteless goop every breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If he's given actual substance, he must have done something good. Or they're all just in a good mood.
Not one to pass up the opportunity of actual food, he grabs the bar and gently tears it out of it's wrapping. He sighs in content as the flavor hits his tongue, it's bitter, but he can still taste chocolate. Content, he plops down on his cot and opens the sketch book. He flips through the pages he's already sketched on and lands on a blank page. Tapping the pencil against the paper in thought, he glances up quickly at the observation room. Today the glass has been changed into a mirror, which sends a wave of uneasiness through him. Whatever is going on behind that mirror, they don't want him to see today.
He sucks in a breath and turns back down to his sketchbook.
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mayalaen · 5 years
i gots a new GAME!!!
So I was whining at Ryan the other day because he always tells me how awesome gaming is when you’re high, but whenever Saturday night rolls around and I’m high, all I can do is watch TV, listen to music, or kinda scroll through Tumblr. I CAN’T GAME. Not that I suck at it, but I just can’t handle it.
I asked him why, and he said well maybe you’re getting too high, and I’m like TOO HIGH?! I see all these gamers online saying how high they get and how awesome gaming is. How can I be getting higher than them?!
So I told him how much I take and what I’m feeling. He said “yup you’re getting too high.” I was like “but I’m only taking TWO gummies! that’s 40 mg max of the milder strains.”
Apparently my tolerance is low, especially since I only do it once a week. He can take two gummies AND smoke a bowl and still can game, but if he takes more gummies or does the paste, he can’t game.
So last weekend I tried taking part of one gummy, gaming, and then taking the rest of the gummies before bed.
So today I bought myself a new game to try out on Saturday night. If I can figure out how to stream to Twitch from my computer instead of my tablet I’ll do it Saturday night, but no promises. Even when I’m a little high, I still have trouble figuring things out.
I bought No Man’s Sky. It’s not a super popular game, but Ryan and I have very similar taste in games, and it’s one of his favorites when he’s high. It’s open world, which we both love.
It’s all downloaded and ready to go for Saturday night :)
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pmscenarios · 7 years
Notification - Sender unknown
I was sitting in the sofa, half-way watching the latest Jimquisition on the big screen, while checking up on the newest twitter controversy with my recently bought Lenovo Yoga 720 (got it half-price on the black Friday sale) when a notification popped up in the bottom right corner:
I didn't murder anyone today
Heh, that's a pretty weird message to get out-of-context. I absentmindedly wondered who'd start a conversation with such an unique statement.
gonna try harder next week
Okeey.. That was definitely a bit off. Which one of my friends could be messaging me about this, and why? Are they commenting on a video game? I moused down to open Discord when I realised it wasn't there.
Not that it wasn't open, there was no icon. I hadn't installed Discord on this pc yet.
So where was the messages coming from? I opened windows' action center, but the sidebar only displayed one sentence -
"no new notifications".
Maybe it's Skype? I didn't activate my Skype account, and I haven't used it in years, but it is a part of my windows id, and I had to log in when I set-up the Lenovo after all. I quickly opened the settings menu and uninstalled Skype. Can't stand that program anyway.
I didn't get any more notifications after that, so I assumed it had just been some random Skype spam. By the next week I'd almost forgotten it happened, only documented by my twitter feed - jokingly theorising I'd mistakenly intercepted a message from a serial killer.
Supergreatfriend was maneuvering in and out of some very selective elevators on the latest wild goose chase in Shenmue 2 when it popped up again.
killed my first one today, human
The same unknown sender, another ominous text. My nerves were instantly flaring, my hairs standing on end. This shouldn't be happening, I uninstalled Skype. I checked the Discord icon on my task bar, downloaded and installed during the last week. It was inactive. I started the app up to check, but there was no new notifications. I quickly clicked through my direct messages and then scrolled through the servers I followed. Nothing.
he got up but I knocked him down with a rock
No. It has to be coming from somewhere. It must! I switched back to Chrome and quickly closed the Youtube tab. Maybe it had been a comment notification from that? Or maybe Twitter? Tumblr? I hastily closed every tab, and then Chrome for good measure. There was no more options. No more twisted, unknown messages.
the fall didn't do it, but the spike did
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! It's not stopping, this is so freaky. I opened the start menu as fast as I could - shut down, shut down now!
Slamming the lid closed, I flung the netbook next to me in the sofa. Something had to be wrong with the win 10 install.
I should do a factory reset.
It's been 2 weeks since then. My twitter followers' suggestions ranged from a prank, faulty software, and just my own paranoia, to mistaken identity, refurbished pc still receiving spy messages or a malicious hack. I haven't really wanted to think about it. My Discord buddies suggested I report it to Microsoft, or maybe even the police, but what would I say? "I got these mysterious messages on my new laptop, without them having a sender or a connected program. No, I can't show them to you, they only appeared as live notifications."? They'll think I'm crazy.
I'm starting to think they would have a point. I've been really paranoid lately - seeing shadows were there are none - this weekend I was even convinced someone had broken into my apartment while I'd been out, just because I spent a few minutes searching for the new box of Nescafé medium roast capsules. Finding it, of all places, in the cup cupboard. I hadn't had a cup since. Heh. I shake my head at my own insanity. I really need a vacation.
The small sound makes me almost jump out of my skin. The tell-tale soft sound of a windows notification, but it can't be! The Lenovo has been off since that day, secluded to a corner of the living room.
I glare at it there it sits, perched on the corner of the side table. The power button shining brightly, taunting me.
Maybe if I just ignore it? Let it sit there on the side-table, plopping to itself until it runs out of power?
The coffee withdrawal is probably exhasperating my mental state.
I decide to make myself a cup of coffee and sit down with an episode of the Film Reroll. I'd found this podcast a few months back and was currently listening my way through their Wizard of Oz playthrough.
My Dolce Gusto coffee machine humms lowdly, slowly filling my cup with some medium roast black goodness. After about a minute, I pick up the freshly-made, piping hot cup of coffee and a nearby teaspoon, put in a few spoons of dairy-free creamer and a packet of sweetener, before stirring everything while heading for the couch.
I settle down in the sofa with my trusty Audio-Technica headphones and my old Sony Xperia tablet - which had ended up being used longer than planned with the recent events.
The Lenovo was still asking for attention in the corner, but I block it out of my mind and focus my attention on the Podbean app, quickly starting up ep. 3.
As the group starts bantering about Gillikins and Gilligan's Island, I slowly start breathing normally again. I hadn't even realised I'd been holding my breath.
I give my cup a quick blow before sipping the newly-made coffee.
Sinking deep into the sofa I close my eyes and let the players transport me to their wonderous, weird world of Wizard of Oz, where Dorothy knows mind control and the Scarecrow does more to sabotage the group than help. *Du-du!* The Xperia notification sound deafens the podcast for a few seconds and shocks my eyes open. On the top of the screen is a new message:
I killed 5 yesterday, they cried a lot
I stare at the notification, not really taking in the words. It's like my whole world has frozen, time starting up as a crawl when the notification slowly withdraws. The podcast has just become meaningless noise, nothing reaching past my ears.
I left the table for a minute and they tried to escape, so I caught the room on fire
This can't be real, this is a joke, a hoax from one of my twitter followers, or discord friends! I desperately run through all the options in my head, looking for an answer, any answer. The messages hadn't appeared on the tablet, only on the pc.
"You don't know that". A tiny little voice in the back of my mind whispered. "The tablet was in the bedroom while you were using your new computer, you saw the messages on the device you were using at that moment."
I desperately grab for the Len, the pc, to confirm to myself that it's a trick, that someone is messing with me, that it's not the same mystery messages I was getting before.
Pulling it open I place it on the sofa next to me and unlock it with my finger. I don't want to think about why it's on or how it's been able to keep a charge for over 2 weeks, I just need to check. To makre sure there's nothing there.
"no new notifications"
With a sharp breath of relief I feel like my terror recedes a bit. There's nothing there. Probably just someone remembering my recent freak-out and deciding to mess with me a bit. I take off the headphones and place them and the tablet on the table, before taking another sip of coffee.
"Heh!" I almost spook myself with my own snort, I'm really too paranoid. Somebody is probably sitting on the other side of the world congratluating themself for their little joke. I will have to thank them for the scare later.
The tiny notification sound from the pc next to me is so loud I almost drop the cup, and I can see at the edge of my eye the tablet screen has also lit up with a new message.
fire and poison
"No.." My voice is barely a wisper and I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes. Why? Why is it there? There was nothing, no notifications, no.. i"that's what it said earlier too, when you checked after the first messages. There was never anything there."i/ I looked over at the tablet. windows might not keep the notices, but the tablet definately does! android doesn't hide thems until you clear them. I yank the tablet to me, causing the headphones to tumble onto the floor with a thud. Quickly swiping up, I pull down the notifications.
There's nothing there. No messages, no social media updates, nothing.
Gripping the tablet in my hands, my fear starts changing into rage. Fuck this whole thing, fuck this goddamn slimeball who's probably sitting behind a screen in a lowly lit place laughing to himself over his latest prank driving another completely insane.
Sending more and more bullshit messages.
What's the last one? "Fire and poison"? That doesn't even make any sense, it's just words..
"Yeah!" I shout out. "It's just fucking words on a, a screen! Whoever you are think you so clever for freaking me out like this, but I'm not scared anymore. You can't hurt me. You could never hurt me!
You, you're just, just words!
I can feel the stress letting go of my body, my mucles relaxing. The tablet slips out of my hands and falls on the headphones and floor.
"How do you feel now, huh?" I smirk, every word I speak into the empty room making my body go limp.
I can barely turn my head to look at the pc beside me.
i am soo sleepy
Did Did it    No, it cant be. I try to reach out and grab the thing beside me, but my arms arent listening to me.
Its just a coinc  A co By chance. Friends. It never talked about things like that before. Just about.. Killing.
I'd drink some coffee but I am immune
"ee-mmn-e?" My lips cant form my words. What a strange word to choos to talk cofeee. I get not effect from cofffee anymore, but immune? "- and poison" - it pop up in head like a bliking mesaage. Pull head around and stare half-had coffee. It not be+
try - stand, but body heavy. just sit.      Help
after she found the corpse and the maggots got her
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kaondecay · 7 years
It's Official!!! I'm Fucking Cursed!!!!
my computer has been dying a slow death for months but until recently the problem was so sporadic & mysterious that no one could fix it bc no one could replicate the crash behavior this week it got much worse & it seemed like a good time to try taking it in again, it won't run for more than an hour or so at a time & insta-crashes if u try to play video, pretty hard 2 fuckin miss but the night before I was gonna take it in, my backup drive is suddenly locking itself in read-only mode bc it "can't be repaired" & "needs to be reformatted" So Wednesday instead of taking the computer in, I gotta go buy myself a new goddamn backup drive & copy over as much as I can & either transfer the old backups or make a new one, a tall order considering how little it takes to KO the main machine between yesterday and today I managed to do most of that, important files copied over, determined that it takes way longer to copy over the hundreds of gigs of old backups than the desktop can manage, but after a few tries & with the help of a few cooler packs, manage to get a fresh backup on the new drive. feeling decent about that, I get ready for bed finally (the whole thing has been stressing me out for days & I've been sleeping like /shit/), go to set an alarm on my phone 2 make sure I wake up b4 noon tomorrow & have plenty of time 2 get the dying desktop 2 the repair place before it closes but the phone is dead. I figure it's out of juice, I was using it to play Pokemon & watch anime to kill time while the backup was happening, so I plug it in It doesn't do the charging buzz. I switch outlets, I switch charging cables, I use the plug bit with my headphone charger to make sure that part's working, & it is, the phone just will not charge, will not wake up. The phone is a fucking brick. So no phone, no computer, what I'm left with is my cintiq, which thankfully works as an android tablet when its not hooked to the desktop. The problem is, I hardly ever use it as such, so the only social media app I have on it is tumblr. I wanted to log into my email & download fb & twitter, but I manage all my accounts thru an online password manager, which has HILARIOUSLY decided to only serve me 2-year-old passwords on this device. I can't reset any passwords bc I carefully turned on 2-factor authentication for all my shit in the name of Good Cybersecurity, so for now I am pretty much just Fucked. & Shit, I just realized I hadn't synced my phone to my computer in ages, there were all those pictures I took in Japan that I hadn't copied over yet bc I needed to make space first. Fuck Me. orz Anyway if u happen to have put a technology-oriented curse on me in the past few weeks, good job!!! It's definitely working!!! I apologize 4 any shitty thing I may have done to hurt u, but I can't say my behavior is gonna change at all bc I'm a clueless shithead to the bone!!! Maybe try talking to me directly about it next time!!!
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dimonds456 · 8 years
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Nightmarionne - FNaF Speedpaint (with no speedpaint ;-;)
So uh, I should probably upload this here, right? XD So sorry that I haven't been too active lately. I've been too busy for art ;_; Namely, trying to get used to my new school, spending time with family, school, exploring Tumblr XD, eating, school, hanging with friends, school, playing Undertale, Geometry Dash, FNaF SL, Piano Tiles 2, school, etc. I just haven't had much time ;-; I'll try to make it up to you guys by flooding you with a torrent of puns- I-I mean art XD So first up, we have Nightmarionne, aka Nightmare Puppet! From FNaF, obviously (#notsponsored). He was MEGA fun to draw, and I am SUPER proud of it! He might have become my best speedpaint yet! But, he almost was never made. Another reason that there has been no art is because I was made at my software, Ibis Paint for Android. Looking back on it now, my reaction and art rage quit was actually kinda funny. So, I figured I'd tell you what happened.
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I was hyped. I had just finished re-watching Markiplier play FNaF 4, all the way through to the Halloween Update, and I wanted to make some FNaF fan art. Night 6 was still in my mind, so I began sketching Nightmarionne. (Fun fact: the exact same pose that he is in the final product. Let me explain.) I was satisfied with it, so I grabbed my recording software, hit record, and began making it into a speedpaint that I would upload onto Youtube. I was nearly finished. I was working on the backround, happy and giddy that this would be my BEST yet, and I got a little too excited. On my Blur tool, I made it as large as it could go to blend my backround (which is a size of 250 pixels- a LOT), swiped my finger across the ENTIRE screen, and... I crashed it. I crashed Ibis. I figured, "oh, well, I can just jump back into Ibis and go back to editing from where it had last auto saved." BUT I WAS SO FREAKIN WRONG. That crash managed to crash my WHOLE TABLET to the point that it had to REBOOT ITSELF. IT PHYSICALLY TURNED ITSELF ALL THE WAY OFF AND TURNED ITSELF BACK ON. That had happened to me before (a few times), so I figured that it was no big deal, although I would be missing part of my recording. Oh, no. Not at all. I got on Ibis. It all seemed ok. It tried to restore the AMAZING picture I had. And do you know what it told me? 101: Error file not found. There has been an error finding file (insert really big number here). So, I got out and tried again. NOPE! Told me the same thing. So, after a few more attempts, I deleted it. Afterwards, I went on my recording software and selected all the captured footage (because I record in parts of 20 minutes or so), and deleted it, too. Then I walked away from Ibis for a good long while. 3 weeks, in fact. I only just returned to it today, making this picture the exact way that I did before, recording the whole thing, and I didn't encounter any problems. I SIGHED WITH PURE RELIEF. But, my electronics weren't done with me yet. Remember how I said that I recorded drawing the new one? Well, I uploaded it to Google Drive, downloaded it onto my computer from there, and attempted to put them into Windows Movie Maker to string them into a speedpaint. But, when I tried, it yelled at me. So, I tried re-downloading each video, 7 VIDEOS, and the same result. I did this twice more. So I thought, "ok, I will just go back to Mobizen (my recording software) and try re-uploading it into the Cloud." ok, I did that, but THE SAME THING HAPPENED!!!! So, after about an hour and a freaking half, I just threw it in the towel. No video for this one guys, and I would be sorry, but it ISN'T MY FAULT. BLAME MY STUPID ELECTRONICS, PEOPLE.
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And that is this picture's history in a really big nutshell. If you like it, a follow would be AMAZING, and I wanna know: Is this your favorite of mine so far? Which one is? Did I do okay, or could I improve? I WANNA KNOW, PLEASE!!!!! :DHave a WONDERFUL rest of your day!Bye!! :D
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