#i go on a strict diet almost every day
ruthlesslistener · 2 years
my dad: you need to lose weight, you're going to have cholesterol issues and have a heart attack
me: i can't, i keep telling you that i have a hormone problem that makes it borderline impossible no matter how hard i try. also i don't have cholesterol problems, i'm 22 and don't eat problem foods
my dad: you need to stop taking that medicine then (referring to progesterone)
me: did you not hear me when i said i have a hormone problem. i HAVE to take progesterone. i get legitimately sick when i don't. the reason why i was sick last night was because of fucking hormones, this problem isn't going to go away until i go on testosterone
my dad, getting mad: don't talk like that. you know i don't want another son. i love you as you are right now
me: then stop fucking telling me to lose weight
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bonny-kookoo · 5 months
I totally fell in love with Princess ❤️ My heart broke when mc broke down saying she just wants to go home, poor baby must feel so lonely and exhausted 😣
I can already imagine JK being super protective of her. Like say her superior from the company (maybe a manager or something?) is super harsh with her, thinking they're in private, but JK overhears them?
Thank you for writing such wonderful stories, I'm so excited to see how the story unfolds!
I didn't know if it was a drabble request but I'm writing it anyways haha (trigger warning for: food restrictions)
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"Since when do you eat those?!" Your manager scolds loudly, and Jungkook can clearly hear the man through the slightly open door. Maybe he forgot that hybrids have heightened hearing- or maybe he thought Jungkook had left the area entirely during his break.
Either way, he doesn't like that tone at all.
"Its just one.." you mumble meekly, which surprised the wolfdog hybrid a lot. Never has he heard you this.. submissive. Like you're trying to pacify the guy.
"One every day, possibly more, we both know you're lying right now!" He yells. "You've gained already, how do you think you'll lose that weight again before the competition?!" He scolds harshly. "All your measurements have to be consistent! We talked about this!" He tells you.
"I'm sorry.." you answer quietly.
"I'm taking those." Jungkook hears a plastic bag rustle. "You're only eating the food staff makes you, am I clear?"
"Yes.." you answer again, noticeably disappointed.
"I'll talk to Jeon, a few more hours of training each day will make that extra weight drop quickly-" He starts before he almost runs straight into the man he's been talking about, who's leaning against the doorframe with a more than dark expression.
"Thats mine." Jungkook nods towards the plastic bag. "I brought it for her to eat."
"She- I.. excuse me but she's on a very strict diet plan." The manager explains a lot more carefully now, voice entirely different. "She has a dietician-"
"Then that dietician will agree with me when I say that she needs a lot more food each day to have enough energy to burn." Jungkook explains, still blocking the doorway, before he holds out his hand, wordlessly.
"Thats not for you to decide." The man denies.
"Then we have no reason to continue working together." Jungkook says, making your eyes widen in the background, panicking. You don't want Jungkook to cut the contract so soon. He said he'll help you, what is he doing?
"...she better work that off until the contest." The man grumbles, pushing the bag into Jungkook's hand before he pushes himself past the wolfdog hybrid, who glares after the man. It's only when you pull on his shirt that he looks down on you, no anger left in his face.
"You didn't have to argue with him." You say. "He's.. always like that. I should've known he'd get angry."
"I don't care." Jungkook denies, walking into the small break room to sit down, slapping the seat next to him. "Now come here and eat. I didn't lie when I said I brought them for you."
"But-" you start, only reluctantly sitting down, though you can't talk more because he's already ripped off a piece of the sweet donut to stuff into your open mouth.
And while you glare at him with stuffed cheeks, he can't help but smile to himself.
You really are all bark and no bite to him.
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xo-cod · 7 months
simon gaining happy weight and becoming insecure over it because he thinks its unnatural 🥺
i loved this, nonnie. i hope you like this <33 v rushed/ooc, lmk if you'd like a longer version :") 🤍
cw: mention of body weight/insecurities
simon hadn't even noticed the weight gain himself until he couldn't fit into his old trousers, the waistband had become uncomfortably tight while he raised his brow. utterly confused at what had happened, chalking it up to the washing machine shrinking it up. he was just going to grab another pair and call it a day until he had looked down at himself for a moment and feeling his heart drop all the way to the floor
he'd gained weight, simon had actually gained weight
one thing had led to another and for hours he stood in front of the mirror, in disbelief at the weight gain. he had been so lost in thought he hadn't noticed you coming back from outside, observing himself in the mirror with a deep frown. feeling more and more self conscious by the second
"what's the matter?" your voice cuts through and he pulls his top back down hastily, embarrassed to have been caught at such a time.
"s'nothing" he only offers one worded answers, unable to believe he'd let himself go to this extent. he was a trained soldier, a lieutenant. how could this be the message he was sending out to his task members and the new recruits, how could this be
"simon" your voice was a little firm, raising your brow as you walked close to him again. and there you see it, the pain and the insecurities practically swimming in his eyes as he gazes at you wordlessly. you were used to him being comfortable in himself, confident and dominant in his every day life. though now when he stands before you, you see all the cracks behind his facade revealing a vulnerable boy behind the mask
"i've gained weight" he muttered lowly, feeling almost embarrassed as he shifted on his feet awkwardly. feelings were hard to speak on, he didn't like airing out his insecurities even though he trusted you implicitly. but he didn't like having his weakness shown about
"gained weight?" your voice came out as a confused question, looking at his body. whenever he was away on deployment or in training his body would always be in top shape. he was constantly on a strict diet and coupled with him fighting for his life out on the battlefield, he wasn't exactly the most healthiest when he returned back to you. but on his off days when he had proper meals with plenty snacks, his body was relaxed and the muscles weren't as sharp though still huge and prominent on his person.
a healthy layer covered his stomach, softening his abdominal muscles. and you loved it, you liked seeing a bit of weight on him.
"look at it. i've gone pudgy. soft. lazy" his tone was sharp and cold, each word punctuated with annoyance though not directed at you as he pinched the skin of his stomach but his frustration remained all the same. the same niggling voice in the back of his mind rearing its ugly head and berating him for even coming to this stage.
he should've done better, he should've hit the gym more frequently. he shouldn't have eaten so much of your cooking and he certainly should've been upholding the image of tf141. not to mention, you. how could he call himself your lover and look this way? he should've been maintaining his muscles properly so you could've enjoyed them for longer. and he only felt shame burning at his cheeks, knowing the possibility that you might not find him so attractive now he was like this
"you look healthy-" "bullshit. that's just another word for fat" he interrupted your sentence with a scoff, growing increasingly more frustrated with himself as he paced the room a little. you sighed softly, holding his hand which prompted him to pause and look at you while your thumb rubbed the inside of his wrist. a trick you had picked up that helped him calm down and become grounded whenever he was caught up too much in his head
"gaining weight isn't bad at all, you're at a much healthier weight now than you've been in before. you deserve to feel safe to eat, you deserve to be relaxed and to take a break especially when you're constantly fighting for your life" your voice carried through gently but firm on your words, your thumb rubbing soft circles across his knuckles.
"and honestly to me, you've never looked better" a gentle chuckle left your lips as you finished, holding his hand close while he simply observed you for a few moments in pure shock and silence.
"you really mean that? you think so?" he asks softly, brown eyes shining under the lights as he scans your face for any doubt or insincerity but he could find none. your face held nothing but love for him, pure warmth and tenderness in your smile and in your eyes
"i know so" you promised, lacing your fingers with his own as you reach up to plant a sweet kiss on his lips for reassurance. he only squeezes your body closer to his, bringing you in further to his warmth.
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moonit3 · 4 months
Seeing request are open, may I suggest you yan! Actor/celebrity with darling who's life centred ab them but then realised what they're doing and decided to loosen their ties and have their own life and stuff going on?
Some elobration:
Yan's personality:
-elegant like, probably give off rich people vibe
-really strict in everything; work, clothing, diet. Not a moment where they're lacking.
-brings darling on every shooting and set.
-knows how to contain image and how to avoid/get rid of rumours
-their popularity is important, but so. Is darling.
Some backstory ig? :
-Yan! Actor/Celebrity have known darling since they're kids and darling had always been their biggest supporter.
-Yan! Actor/Celebrity was Darling's fav child actor and the fact that both of their parents know each other makes them close.
-Yan! Actor/Celebrity let darling comes to the set or shoot and makes sure they didn't have eyes on anyone else but them.
-Darling would drop anything for them, . As an example; Darling's classmate have a birthday party but they couldn't come because Yan! have a shooting. (it's mostly like, not because Yan wanted them to. Darling is just worried about the Yan! and Yan! never complained)
-Darling's behaviour goes on until they're almost finished high-school and they realised how they don't even have friends and have been following Yan! for as long as they remember and decided to change when they entered college.
-Darling started to come to the Yan! set and shoots less. Started to indulge in other hobbies and fine new friends. Since they entered college, they've been contacting Yan! less and less.
-Yan! who didn't mind it at first, thinking that it will just be for a week or two, they'll come back to them later. But it didn't happened.
-What worse is they have a recording for a film where they are the main character, but darling didn't even come even after it finished.
-But Yan is still fine, still cool. Maybe, darling is at their house waiting for them to come and celebrate like always.
-and unsurprisingly there's a surprise party, but darling isn't even there. They ask everyone and yet they don't know where daring is.
-they tried to contact them but no one answered the calls,or even reply their messages.
-and then one for the guest called them and show them with their phone that darling is at another party with their friends
-at that moment something inside yan! snaps.
Please feel free to follow my suggestions and change or add whatever you want too! Hope you have a good day!
an yandere actor? hell yeah, this is pure gold for me and let me tell you, i love writing yandere like this. always wearing that facade of good person that charms everyone, only to be the worst person to ever exist. also, i changed a few things to make things more interesting and easy to write, okay?
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➽ context warnings: yandere male, gn! reader, manipulation, isolation, implied past abuse (not towards reader), implied depression from yandere part, yandere touching the reader while they are asleep, implied future kidnapping at the end.
➽ word count: 2k
➽ synopsis: he never noticed that your presence was so important to him before you left him.
➽ yandere! actor x gn! reader
➽ a/n: a post for today Thursday.╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ and I can’t wait to you guys read it. today, I don’t have much thing to say as my week was pretty normal compared to the previous ones. enjoy this one, my dear readers!
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➽ the newspaper can’t stop talking about the child actor that has stolen everyone’s heart, becoming the youngest winner in the award ceremony and turning into a famous star from day to night. his name going to the people’s mouth everyday and every night, gaining fans all over the globe with that gentle smile of his. everyone knows him, everyone adores him and everybody wants to be Irving Orson.
➽ his famous smile enchanted anyone who comes around and you were no exception, being his most trusted confident. you are his sidekick since the very first time he knows you, his best friend and his best supporter. the man knows that he has control over your life and he abused it.
➽ initially meeting you during a fancy gala as a little boy, irving as forced by his mothers to become acquainted with theirs coworker’ child who couldn’t stop giggling about him. a missing teeth in the front roll, hair messed like a hurricane has gone through the hall and wearing the most ridiculous shoes with lights, that was you. and since that day, irving and you become inseparable even though that was against his wishes.
➽ however, it didn’t took much time to the man tolerate your presence. often using as an improvised coat rack when needed, making you come along with him to the work set and always being the main center of your attention. almost like if you have become his personal assistant by the time the two of you become teenagers, adorable to say the least and quite a scene to other admire how the two of you are so close. specially in an dangerous environment like this one.
➽ with his popularity only growing and irving becoming of age, a new side of the industry was introduced to him. people of high power that he once thought to be the best turned out to be cruel creatures ready to attack at any moment, those who he believed to be gentle and kind reveal themselves as monster to him. it made him feel disgusted, it made him feel dirty by hearing words that wasn’t supposed to be louder than a whisper and he distanced himself from it.
➽ once known for his bubbly and funny demeanor during his time as a young boy, irving turned into a mature man who prefers to keep to himself. his stare is a keen as a sword, ready to cut anyone who comes closer to him with ill intentions and always wearing his gentleman persona when public. everyone fall for it, everyone become addictive to the most popular actor in the world and he couldn’t help himself, but thinking that no one really knows him.
➽ well almost everyone. there is you, a shadow that grown attached to him since that gala and it seems that you can’t leave nor have the intention to do so. it’s refreshing to have a familiar face at work that helps him (not that he would ever admit it), someone that he can be himself and not be judged. people would find themselves in denial if seeing him the so called gentleman acting like a fool when refusing to eat the vegetables from his meal.
➽ and he can’t help admire that you still with him, always so bright and sweet to him regardless of his coldness and tiredness after exhausted hours of work. irving loves that you take care of him, giving him the best hugs when congratulating him after another successful movie or just the free days the two of you spend in completely laziness at his mansion. those type of days are his favorite, because he finally got to be himself with only you around.
➽ a smile is on his face when you talk about your favorite part of today’s filming, redness growing at your cheeks when explaining how his character is probably going to give him another win at the awards session and that you can’t wait to tell your parents about it. the lines of his lips dropped, he forget that you working as an unofficial assistant for him means that you don’t interact much with your family nor other friends. he understands that he is time consuming and that you don’t really talk with your family because of him, yet he doesn’t feel guilty of it.
➽ irving knows that he is the only worth of your time, so he sees no problem in monopolizing it. giving your harsh tasks that will take hours to be done such doing his laundry, preparing him homemade meals with and even making you attend his most recent movie release as his partner. the last one if more appealing, seeing you wearing the expensive (and sometimes short) outfit that coincidentally match yours. “it was totally random, don’t think so much of it, [name].” he speaks, but mentally thanking his personal stylist for it.
➽ after the movie ended, irving opted to go home to rest and made you stay at his place as a small reward for being a good friend, a tiny smile appears when he said that. and you couldn’t refuse it, tiredness took over your body when stepping inside and he took the opportunity to place you at his bed, and he didn’t lose the chance to lay next to you.
➽ your chest going up and down and mouth makes him feel things, it’s weird that even recording so many intimate scenes with other actors, irving feels embarrassed by having you so closer to him. it’s almost like he is a child again, scared to speak out when his mothers called him out or to have kids another child actor back then. he removed a lock of hair away from your face, taking a better look at the soft expression and admiring how peaceful you look, if anyone else was here, they won’t hesitate to hurt you. but not him, irving is your protector and he will be there for you forever regardless of your opinion.
➽ or he thought so. the man failed to see the signs about your sadness growing, too busy deluding himself that everything was fine between the two of you to realize that you aren’t happy like this. the dark circles growing under your eyes went unnoticed by hiding it behind makeup and a fake smile to pretend that you were fine to his eyes, one that you wished that irving would see and give you a day off from work. however, that never happened and he only made you work more than before, making you not only exhausted, but also feeling that you don’t have any value to him.
➽ one day, you just left him without saying goodbye and peace has come to your life again. no need to wake up before the sun rising, no more dark circles and finally some time to see mother and father without worrying about work. it’s feel nice to finally be happy again, to have time for yourself to just relax and do nothing. this is so much better than overworking for irving and not be valued by him.
➽ and speaking of him, irving is panicking when he couldn’t find you anywhere. all of your stuff gone from the bedroom you used at his mansion and no one of his employees knows where you are, almost like you vanished in thin air. calls, messages and emails from him are ignored, leaving without options to contact you other than visiting your parents’ home and even that leave him without much. none of them know where you are despite the frequent visits and they didn’t bother asking, believing that you only took a few days off from working.
➽ his mind began playing tricks on him, making irving had your voice in very corner of the mansion and try to chase you down, only to be met with nothing. the actors and crew that he have been working with can tell there is something off about him, advising him to take a few weeks off from working to focus on his mental health. and of course, he accepts it, knowing that he can’t do much other than rest and try to keep himself calm after searching you for hours.
➽ i will find you, [name]. you can’t leave his mind despite trying to much to forget you and his mind doesn’t playing him like the fool he is. irving began dreaming about you every night, sometimes it’s silly as a picnic date that went wrong, others is about you cuddling him and he also dream about you having children with him. it sound like a perfect scenario, marrying you and then create a family to call his, irving desires that and he will make it become real.
➽ hiring someone to do the shady work wasn’t difficult, he just need the help of his friends to find someone willing to find your whereabouts without giving him away. he knew that you won’t forgive him, but does that really matter? as long he has you by his side, hating him won’t change his feelings nor plans for the future.
➽ it took only two days to irving learn your new address, a house in the edge of the city where the nature takes over the old buildings, remembering him of those apocalyptic movies he acted in. why would you give up of the richness and luxuries to live in a place like this? the only reason he can thinks of it is the rent being cheaper since you’ve stopped working for a quite while. yet, the walls with fresh colors and the smell of sweet inside your new home makes him wonder if you truly left him
➽ in his hands reached the doorknob before he could think and for his lucky, it was open. slowly and carefully, irving made his way towards the door that appears to be your bedroom, the guilty and shame of entering your house like this is eating him, but he can’t give up now. specially when he is so close to get you back.
➽ your sleeping body don’t move when he make his way inside, only continue to mutter in your sleep. irving took a deep breath when coming close to your bed, laying down close to your sleeping form and letting one of his hand closer to your thighs, caressing it without remorse.
➽ “my love, my muse…” his cheeks warmed with a red tinge as you move around the bed, maybe you are reacting to his touch or are you having a dream? irving got even closer to you, wrapping one of his arms around your body, putting you into his embrace as he kisses your neck. “no one will take you away from me, you are mine only.”
➽ irving spend more than time touching your body than he wants to admit, his piercing eyes roam over your body more than he wished and his heart beat faster when thinking of the possibility of you waking up to catch him at the act. he knows you wouldn’t react in a positive way, not when he broken into your house and is caressing your body without you permission.
➽ a part of himself tells him to stop, his mind telling how wrong he is for invading your privacy and overstepping your boundaries like this. and another part of himself, his heart, tells him that he deserves it after years of hard working at the entertainment industry. you are his reward after so many days and nights of wearing that mask to the public, none one aside from you knows his true colors and irving wants to keep it that way.
➽ irving notices that you began moving, probably going to wake soon as the sun shines outside and he couldn’t afford to lose his chance to make you his. his hands went straight to your neck, immediately pressing force into your throat and suddenly waking you up. his lips curves into a smile as he watches your ineffective attempt to remove his hands away, slowly you give up and fall into unconscious again.
➽ with you finally in his arms, ready to be taken away from the harsh reality, irving will show you a better and improved version of his mansion. there, no one will ever come closer to hurt you nor spread lies and manipulate you into leave him again, there no will ever come to take you away from him ever again.
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@moonit3 writings
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komoboko · 6 months
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𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚 𝐡𝐜𝐬
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ft: Kyojuro Rengoju, Mitsuri Kanroji + Obanai Iguro, Shinobu Kocho, Tengen Uzui + wives x child!gn reader
I rlly love these i might make a one shot of them later
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KYOJURO who has a big rule against swearing. He always tells you’ll have your chance when you’re older, but right now you’re a kid and shouldn’t say those foul words! Imagine his surprise when he’s making you food and hears you yell “SH!T!” After stubbing your toe on a ledge.
His jaw drops so far and the moment replays in his mind like it was the craziest moment in human history. He rushes into the room faster than you could have imagined yelling “LANGUAGE!” so fast you barely realized what you even said. He’ll only put you in a corner before asking “who taught you that?” with the most displeased expression on his face. “I heard Sanemi say it.” Now knowing he’s going to give Sanemi an earful the next morning.
SHINOBU is a parent where you’ll health will be kept in check 24/7. Monthly check ups, and strict diet meaning eating sweets can be out of the question most of the time. She always knows to it’s almost like she can sense whenever you do go reaching for the candy that’s always in the highest cabinet in the butterfly mansion.
Unfortunately, this “6th sense” can lead to your doom. Like the time when she somehow accidentally walked in on you scavenging through the giant candy bag Aoi had bought a couple days ago. She gives you that “i’m not mad, just disappointed” look before snatching the bag of candy away making sure to lock it in her office.
UZUI lets you do so many things that you shouldn’t really be doing at your age. Sure you can practice wielding a sword by using one of his swords crafted to take down uppermoons, just let him come help you. Sure you can come with him to his hashira meetings in secret as long as your really quiet. You can’t say you haven’t gotten caught yet.
His wives normally scold him for the “dangers” he’s letting you out yourself in. They normally are the ones giving you any restrictions on what you can and can’t do. Uzui tries, he really does but he just can’t help but let you have a little fun right? He tells his wives he tries atleast after Makio caught him letting you chase down little demons late at night for a “real training session”.
MITSURI is so doting and always wants to make sure you’re happy. Every time you have a birthday there’s always a 50% she’ll cry saying “they always grow up so fast!” Even with this she always gives you the benefit of the doubt and lets you do as you please. Obanai is the one that has to keep her grounded most of the time.
It’s not the first time Obanai had caught you eating out of the dozen batch of donuts Mitsuri had bought you the day before. He’ll get kaburamaru to distract you before he snatches them away putting them in a cabinet. Mitsuri will then him she’ll scold you when in reality she retrieved the donuts from the cabinet so the two of you can share instead. Obanai now has to scold the both of you.
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hydrobunny · 1 year
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weekly special
tags: reader works as a cashier, flirting?, kaiser is a bitch but i love him anyway
if you could make one thing clear to the world, it would be this.
you are not a fan of michael kaiser. the furthest thing from it, in fact. you think he’s nothing better than an arrogant manchild, someone who desperately needed to be told to shut up as a child but just wasn’t.
so you just can’t understand why kaiser himself can’t understand it.
the clock hits 3pm, and the doorbell jingles. you already know who it is.
he’s been coming here every day, after all.
“y/n!” kaiser’s much-too-smug voice dares to say your name, and you fight the urge to slam your head into the closest wall.
but you’re a professional. you’re on the clock right now, and you actually wouldn’t be able to take the sudden loss of income in this current economy.
“what can i get for you?” you smile at him over the counter.
he smiles back at you, and you just know he’s enjoying this way too much. “i’m not too sure. what would you recommend?”
your coworkers think its adorable; that this hotshot football player’s become ‘enamored’ with a run-of-the-mill cashier working minimum wage.
on the other hand, you think he's nothing better than a nuisance.
your nails dig into the palm of your hand as you take three deep breaths. “well, i would have to go with our monthly special. it’s a mango smoothie with another scoop of our passionfruit mix right inside, topped with as much mint leaves as you would like!”
kaiser’s smile just grows. “but thats just the weekly special, no? what would the cashier actually order?”
you could kill him; you know you could.
you also know damn well his stupid strict football diet wouldn’t ever tolerate this amount of sugar, so why does he still choose to come to a fucking smoothie store every day?
you glance towards the glass door. no one in sight. your coworker’s on their lunch break.
“look, kaiser, can’t you leave me alone for one goddamn day? don’t pull that shitty ‘ooh, i don’t know the menu’ card on me.” you lean in over the counter until the two of you are almost touching noses.
when you speak again, your voice is a harsh whisper. “i got sick of your bullshit three months ago, for god’s sake.”
he blinks. you stand back up straight with a wide smile. “oh, personally, i would go with the strawberry shake with chocolate drizzle. it pairs amazing with a cheesecake slice from next door!”
kaiser stares at you in a moment of rare silence. and then he shrugs, shooting you another one of those famous smirks of his. “okay, i’ll go with that then. a strawberry smoothie with chocolate drizzle, please. size large.”
you hate how his smirks still have an effect on you.
“that’ll be six dollars and 23 cents,” you mutter.
he hands his black card to you with a flourish, and you almost jump over the counter to throttle him. the payment processes, of course, and you turn over your shoulder into the kitchen.
you make the smoothie as violently ( and slowly ) as possible, squeezing that drizzle bottle like it’s personally attacked your family. it’s almost therapeutic, actually, how you get to slam that lid onto that cup pretending it’s his head.
“large strawberry smoothie for kaiser!” you yell out as you head back into the main storefront.
you blink. the store is dead empty, sans a small plastic box right by the register.
you slowly walk to the box. it’s a goddamn slice of cheesecake from next door, black plastic fork enclosed and everything. words are scrawled on top of it in a dark blue marker.
enjoy ;)
and of course, right beneath that sits a sequence of numbers with a simple call me.
here’s another thing you need to admit. despite all your words, all your snark- you can't ever deny that kaiser always knows just the things to do to get you blushing.
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 10 months
Walking I got he old man’s office, Josè already knew what he was going to bargain for. After years of trying and never being able to achieve his ideal body type, he had resulted to drastic measures. Measures that led him to the old abandoned looking store in the back ally of this run down city. He was surprised when the ancient man behind the counter looked up at him and grinned. All Josè had to do was tell the old man his desire and next thing he knew a cold wind blew through the store while old man cackled. Josè was pushed from the store by a invisible force and right before him the door of the shop disappeared as if it had never been there. Leaving him to wonder if after all this time his searches were for nothing.
Turned away from the alley he began to walk back to his car. Another loss in his search for the ideal body he was trying to achieve.
Back in his apartment he skimmed through online forums trying to find something else that could work to help him get what he wanted. He was at a loss. He was willing to do anything to get the ideal body he wanted. Thinking back to his encounter with the old man he was sure that his request “make me bulking bear of a man!” Would have interested the old man but it seemed as though he was mistaken. He slammed the laptop he was searching the internet on and got in bed. Disappointed with the way his day has ended.
During the night tho he began to change. His skin began to take on a brown hugh. He tossed and turned not even aware that his body was changing while he slept. A thick beard quickly grew on his face while it looked as tho a carpet of thick dark hair began to push out of his skin. His nose rounded out as his cheek bones pushed out. Changing the shape of his face while his eyes became a little smaller. His feet thickened and lengthened. Stretching from an 11 to size 16 wide. His feet poked out from the bottom of his covers as he got taller growing from 5’10” to 6’3”. When he woke up the next morning, He was unrecognizable.
Letting out a loud yawn he noticed instantly that his voice was much deeper than it ever was before. His eyes shot open and he propped himself up. Seeing hairy feet poking out of the bottom the blanket he yanked the blanket off his body. Yelping at the hairy tanned body that was under his control. He took time getting ready. Exploring every inch of his body. The hairiness, the bigger feet, and even the bigger package that made him reposition himself. Sitting now with his legs spread eagle so he didn’t crush his new package. Going to the bathroom he took a picture and couldn’t help but smile. Finally having what he wanted.
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He went out and for the first time in his life he was happy with himself. Confident in how he looked. Men would stop and. Hawk at him as he was the epitome of a hairy Hispanic daddy bear now. At the gym he couldn’t help but take a picture of himself. Posing while he felt the sweat drip down his hairy body after his first workout in his new body.
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He was amazed at the strength he now possessed. He did t think there anything he couldn’t do. He was on top of the world.
When he got back home, he sat down to relax on the couch while he wait for his food to arrive that he ordered. He was committed to keeping this body in tip too shape now that he finally had it and that meant continuing on with his very strict diet of rice and chicken. Which was cheap when he could order it from the Chinese restaurant down the road. When the door bell rang his plain rice and bland chicken was there. He sat to eat the whole time still trying to get used to new bulk he had wished onto himself. Then the smell hit him. At first he thought something was rotting but soon was horrified to find it was his own breathe. Almost like he had halitosis. I. The bathroom he quickly brushed his teeth to get himself his horrible breath but didn’t do any good. It wasn’t long after that he smelled bo. Very pungent and enough to make his own nose burn. He jumped in the shower to wash the stink off. His own feet beginning to itch from the tangled hair and sweat that now adorned them. When he was done with his shower he had a few moments of freshness before the smell was back. Almost as if he never showered! What was worse was even though he has just dried himself off he could feel a heavy sweat droplet rubbing down his hairy back. Josè couldn’t make sense of what was happening. But it had to be worth it if it meant that he was going to be a like this. He loaded on the deodorant and popped some breathe mints. It was already much better than it was before. He just didn’t realize that with a body like this is meant new smells would come with it.
That might be tossed and turned some more in his bed. Just like the night before he was unaware that his body was still changing. Only this time all he did was sweat. The next morning he woke up he was in a puddle of sweat. His bed sounded like a wet spinach as the blankets and sheets stuck to his hairy body. The room smelt like a sauna only this was a permanent smell he would have to get use to.
Walking to the bathroom he thought he heard something. But he couldn’t make out the noise. In the bathroom he ran the water for his shower. Brushed his teeth and breathed into his hand. Yeah. Still horrible breathe. Popping some mints he got in the shower and did the same routine he did the night before. He felt so weird this morning though. He could feel his stomach gurgling. Like gas was building up inside. And when the water was shot off as if on command a loud fart escaped. When he got out of the shower he felt odd. The steam in the room was thick and hard to see. He wiped the mirror down and was scared at what he was seeing. The sound he heard. The gurgling sensation. It was all coming from his stomach. Which was slowly pushing outward.
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He tried to suck his stomach in but found it impossible as it just kept pushing outward. Soon love handled formed and would hang over jock straps whenever he wore them.
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His body continued to expand. His chest becoming heavy while his arms got even bigger. Soon his weight had had went from 175 to 250!
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He didn’t know what to make of everything happened. His stomach was large and round now. Hard to touch. What little fat there was jiggled when he walked. This wasn’t what he wanted at all. He didn’t have anything that would fit him now. Everything would be skin tight or impossible to wear. He heard a wicked laugh laugh coming from the door way and looking over he seen the old man. “Get used to it. You’ve got some more weight to gain. You wanted to be a bear. So you’re going to be one”.
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The Sound of Love
☆ Pairing: Loki x Mutant!Reader
☆ Synopsis: Loki now an Avenger, is quite the reclusive and introverted member in the Avenger's compound and for someone who likes peace and quiet, it's ironic how smitten he is for the loudest member of the team.
☆ Word Count: 5,207
☆ Notes: Loki is smitten flirty ler. Reader is a mutant with hypersonic voice. This had been in my WIPs for so long, but I finally have some time off 😭 enjoy.
☆ Warnings: Anxious Reader, insecurities regarding voice and brief weight insecurities are mentioned. I am a sucker for opposites attract so the reader is a stereotypical sunshine happy go lucky.
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Being an Avenger was interesting on its own, periods of strict dieting, rigorous training regimes, public events to raise public morale, testing out technology, political meetings, missions that lasted days or even weeks. Now, when you were, not only a former enemy, but the enemy, the original reason they came to exist… Well, it made it all more difficult to just do anything outside of the tower.
It made Loki concerningly reclusive. At first it seemed convenient, people were scared of him, so him wanting nothing to do with the outside seemed like a fair exchange, the facilities had everything needed to survive anyway. But it was only a matter of time until it became concerning.
So, Thor started doing his best to drag him along to his patrols and visits to town. Which helped getting less dirty looks from people rather when he tried going alone. But Loki always found a way to escape back to the compound and cut his visits to the town short.
But things changed the day he met you.
And Loki was not particularly one to fawn over mortals like his brother whose line of lovers could fill countries, not even over another god. While Loki had a fair string of lovers behind him, none ever really meant much to him or lasted much for that matter.
But you… you had something different. You were everything Loki found annoying. If there was a list to thing that got on Loki’s nerves, you may have as well checked every little box. You had a strict moral code and mawkish righteousness like the super soldiers, you had a strong temper and were very vocal about the things you did not stand for like his brother, you had a bubbly personality and enjoyed teasing and joking (almost flirting) around like Stark and the Falcon did and given your powers you tended to be quite loud. And somehow, despite all those things that could drive Loki mad, he was completely smitten. Which was probably the most infuriating trait you had.
Being placed together, Loki and you seemed to be like night and day at first instance. Loki noticed how you always seemed to be in a good mood and never denied anyone a nice chat, while you practically had to beg Loki to engage in conversation and even still, he’d seem rather bothered by being interrupted. You were always doing something to help around the quarters like doing extra dishes, cooking snacks for everyone, or wiping dusty furniture when you noticed something was dirty while Loki spent his free time with books are maybe an old movie when he felt like agreeing to enjoy human culture. And while you enjoyed reading as well, while Loki liked reading in silence you usually heard music earphones as you wagged your leg along the beat as you devoured books beside him.
“Hey nerds,” Sam stepped in the room. “We’re going dancing tonight, you two coming?”
“I’d rather—”
“Oh, which club?” you asked excitedly.
You had a way of peaking Loki’s interest when you spoke like that, your enthusiasm was terribly contagious, but he was too proud to do anything but pretend he was still focused on his book.
“Nat and Wanda wanted to take their men dancing.”
“Oh, so we’re staying home tonight?” you smiled.
“Do you think yourself capable of convincing Banner or Vision of socializing in a big club?”
“Hey, no judging. Besides, it’s more fun like that, we get to choose our own music.” You smiled brightly, you always seemed to have something nice to say about everyone. “Which conference hall are you gonna use?”
“2C, at 9 pm.” Sam grinned. “I take it we’ll see you there, mockingbird?”
“Yeah, should I wear something in particular?” you asked.
“Oh, how about that something se—”
“Sam, you finish that sentence and I’ll glue your upper arms to your chest.”
He wasn’t one to agree with the other Avengers, but that was something he wouldn’t mind seeing. And Wilson didn’t take it personal as he just laughed and left.
“Are you joining us, Loki?” you asked.
“I would rather stay here and finish my book” Loki smiled. “You go have fun though, darling.”
“Oh… b-but it won’t be as fun without you! Please, please, oh please!” you had your fingers tangled in a praying gesture and you were making the biggest pleading eyes he’d ever seen.
You were unfairly cute, but the power of persuasion you had over him was even scarier than the one from your mutation.
“Yes, of course” he sighed. “Thor would be upset if I keep passing up on your silly group bonding activities.”
You had tackled him in a couch in a bright hug as you thanked him over and over as your cheek squeezed his own, even pressing a sweet kiss against his cheek.
Between such affection and getting to see you dance all night was the most delightful way to spend the night he could think of. Next chance he’d even dance with you. Because he didn’t want to make the mistake of not dancing with you when you invited him ever again. Not that he minded watching you dance the night away.
And your singing, Norns, if you weren’t talking to anyone, you were always singing at least in a mumbly manner. Loki wondered how you could never go hoarse.
Every time you sung Loki’s heart fluttered. There was no right that your singing did the things it did to him. But he couldn’t help but swoon every time you did. And people were starting to notice. Karaoke nights were particularly interesting.
“The little mortal has a lovely voice, right?” Thor nudged him while you were on their improvised stage with Wanda, singing to Dance with Somebody.
“It’s good” Loki shrugged, trying to play it off.
“Yes, you seem to be enjoying it...” Clint said making a mocking dreamy face with along with an over dramatic sigh.
“Leave Rudolf alone,” Tony said.
Loki arched an eyebrow. Stark wasn’t the kind to be mediator when teasing took place, much less when he was tipsy like this.
“Being absolutely smitten over a human must be damaging enough to his pride.” He snickered.
Banner and Rogers just smiled amusedly, meaning Loki was not gonna get any back up from the more level-headed Avengers. Not that he expected it.
“You’re all delusional idiots.” Loki rolled his eyes.
But his attention was snatched back to the stage when you reached a high note. You had a good technique, your mouth opened wide with a smile as your voice reached a volume high enough that you broke Tony’s wineglass.
At this point, it was a normal occurrence. Everyone still remembered that they had to replace the old crystal dome on the recreational room with fortified polymer “soundproof” windows from that one karaoke night when they had you singing Dream On, the fact that no one left that night with permanent hearing damage was almost a miracle.
This time you didn’t seem to even notice the casualty of Tony’s glass, as you and Wanda kept jumping and dancing around as you sang happily with your friend. Loki could feel the heat creeping up on his cheeks as he saw how happy you danced around, and he could suppress the smile.
It was funny really, how much his mother would scold him growing up for being so impatient with Thor’s loud a boisterous nature just to end up falling for someone who was exactly that, maybe even worse. You had a lot of energy which was good because you always pushed yourself in training, but Loki never expected to be so drawn to someone like you. You shone like the sun itself, and being a frost giant like he was, it seemed almost dangerous to fall for you.
“Loki, Loki, Loki!” you jumped on the couch next to him, “Look, Loki!”
Ah, that was another thing, you had a tendency to say his name a lot. You were what Midgardians described as hyperactive, but his name was something you repeated a lot more than any word, and more than anyone else’s.
“A cardboard box?” he smiled. “What’s so exciting about that?”
“Oh, haha” you rolled your eyes, “My package arrived!”
You gave him a pleading look and he smiled. At this point it was almost a ritual, you got a delivery and you rushed to Loki for him to open it with a dagger he’d summon. Which had also started a game.
“What’s your guess, darling?” he smirked as his hand sizzled with his Seid.
“The silver twins daggers, I mean one of them, but you get it” you said firmly.
It was that simple, he had such a wide and vast collection of daggers that whenever you needed him to use them, you’d have to try to guess which one he’d summon.
Most of the time you’d lose give the odds were at least 50 to one, and it didn’t help that honoring his title, Loki would change his pick last second if you ever got it right. But today he was in a good mood, and soon he was wielding one of his silver daggers, it felt weird wielding the left dagger on his right hand, but your excitement to see you had got it right was worth it as you fell back to the couch with a “WOOO!”
“Oh, congratulations little canary” he clapped.
“You’re becoming predictable, Loki” you smiled.
“Oh, is that right?” he grinned as he reached to poke your side making you squeak.
“Would you rather admit that I’m getting to know you better?” you smiled.
“Loki don’t quit your dreams as an Avenger, you don’t have much future as a harlequin” he chuckled.
“Oh, I don’t know, I’ve made you laugh, and not everyone is as tough of an audience as you are.”
He just chuckled as he opened your package for you. It was two pairs of headphones.
“Another one?” he smiled. “Do you break them that often that you need to be in constant state of purchase? And what do you need the extra set for?”
“You say it as if I just compulsively and irresponsibly bought headphones!”
Loki arched an eyebrow and relished the fait blush on your cheeks.
“I re-sell the ones in good state” you mumbled.
“Right, whatever you say. That’s why you got two pairs.”
“No, uh... this one’s for you.” You smiled as you handed him a pair, “They have better Bluetooth range, the battery lasts longer, the headband is adjustable, and it blocks outside noise.”
When you handed him the pair, he got a better look at them. It was pitch black, and on the driver, it had a little golden sticker shaped like his helmet, he shifted it and the gold shone green. It was still weird how ever since Thor let his story be known people had become more accepting of him, especially people who knew that the Mad Titan was a monster had even come to support him, but the concept of merchandising his image for admirers to show their preference for him was still new to the former prince.
But the present was very pretty, almost as the little mortal gifting it.
“Thank you” he said a bit more softly than he intended.
“It’s no problem,” you tucked a string of hair behind your ear in a way that made his heart flutter.
“This will help me have a reason to not hear Thor’s drunk singing the next Barton drops by with beer.”
You let out a shy laugh.
“A-Ah… no, it’s for me actually” you said, “well, because of me, I mean.”
“You? What could I possibly need to avoid hearing you for?”
You shrugged.
“Thor mentioned a while back that you thought I was too loud.”
“He did?”
Oh… Oh that imprudent, bumbling, traitorous, airheaded, twisted oaf. That’s NOT what had happened. He remembered that conversation like it had been yesterday.
“Loki, there you are!” his brother had called him.
“Where else would I be?” Loki asked tiredly. “It’s too early.”
“Ah, I see the young mockingbird has kept you awake again” Thor said noticing the mug of coffee on his younger’s brother’s hands.
“We stayed up late talking, yes” Loki yawned. “Where she gets so much energy from is beyond me.”
Thor just laughed.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this brother, it’s a welcome change, for sure, but an odd one.”
“What do you mean?”
“The little Midgardian has you completely enamored” Thor grinned smoothly, “I didn’t think she’d even be your type.”
“She’s… certainly different from what I’m accustomed” Loki agreed. “I’d dare to say he’s more rambunctious than you are. But she’s honest and strong-willed, a combination I didn’t get to see much of.”
Loki could only roll his eyes at previous relationships, because of his status he’d be greeted with two approaches: either partners who feared his rank and power and would submit to his will for fear, or even worse, leeches that would use him as a steppingstone to get to power (or get close to Thor). After a while Loki just gave up and played along treating every lover like a casual affair and soon move on to the next thing.
You, for once had no interest on royalty besides movies, you absolutely adored helping Thor prepare for dates with Jane which mean there was no interest. And you had no reprieve on giving Loki a piece of your mind when you felt he deserved it.
He smiled.
“She stayed up singing until late…” Loki mumbled, mostly for himself.
“I think it’s great.” Thor encouraged him. “When are you asking our little singing bird out?”
Loki chuckled, it was amusing to see how much better Thor adapted to Midgard expressions and idioms.
“I don’t think that’s gonna happen, brother” Loki said with the hint of a sad smile. “You said it, we’re not exactly each other’s types.”
“It’s true you’re quite the somber one, brother.” Thor teased him. “And our little mortal canary is always loud and bright.”
“Thing I would not and do not tolerate from anyone else” Loki said looking at his uproarious brother. “But she would find me rather dull.”
He never said he found you annoying, quite the opposite. But he could only imagine what his brother had done. He’d seen it far too many times back on Asgard.
When Thor, Volstagg or Fandral wanted to flirt they’d have this ridiculous approach of sending another one of them to mess with the girl they wanted to impress, annoy her into flirting. All harmless fun and always careful not to actually disrespect the maiden in question but Loki still found it annoying and like Hogun preferred a calmer style for the first approach. At least it was funny to see their strategy blow up in their face and more than once get a slap in the face.
Thor must have gone to you and mentioned that Loki thought you were too loud to tease you on his behalf. Not keeping in mind that you were not Asgardian which meant you were not accustomed to their harsher approach, and much less that despite loving to sing you were profoundly conscious about your voice’s volume. Loki had always been very careful about pointing out when your power made you too loud. Gently placing a hand on your thigh to calm you down when you got overexcited and therefore loud.
And yet, despite all of Loki’s effort to make you feel comfortable around him, here you were, with a timid smile with the most thoughtful gift to push Loki away. Thor could officially be crowned as the worst wingman in history of all Nine Realms.
He sighed.
“Dear heart, I don’t think I need this” Loki said gently, “Not for the reason you think, at least.”
“I just thought you could use not hearing me blasting your eardrums when you’re reading” you joked, but the tone of awkwardness was palpable.
“I’d be willing to risk that if you’d believe me, I don’t truly mind hearing you sing” Loki chuckled.
“But my voice… And music taste…”
“Are both beautiful,” Loki interrupted you, “and no one has a wider range of music in the entire Compound. Which I recall someone scolding me for not expanding my horizons to human music.”
“Ah… well, yeah, but you can always get that from the others, oldies from Steve and Bucky, rock from Tony, pop and electronic from Pete, and when Quill and the Guardians you can hear 80’s—”
“Dear, you’re very optimistic I can actually stand anyone you mentioned” Loki laughed. “Not everyone has your luck.”
“And no one else here likes—”
“Aaah!” you shushed him covering his mouth, “We agreed to never talk about my sins. It’s our secret.”
The look you gave him was threatening but sharing a secret with you was exciting and heartwarming. More because it was the most harmless secret, but you still got embarrassed about it, which Loki found beyond endearing.
“Oh, really? I very clearly remember hearing you singing to the top of your lungs this very week to it.”
“Shhh” you whispered as you fought a giggle. “We don’t talk about that, only you get to know.”
“Good to know I’m so special” Loki chuckled.
“You were a happy mistake” you said squinting your eyes in joking manner. “But if anyone else finds out I’m strangling you.”
“What’s the expression you mortals have…?” Loki smirked, “Don’t threaten me with a good time?”
Your cheeks turned hot pink as you smacked his arm with a laugh.
“You’re pain in the ass” you laughed.
“Well, I certainly appreciate having some influence on your backside.”
You let out a screech as you began smacking his arm with a bright blush on your face. But as he should’ve expected your screech was loud and made Loki wince a bit.
“Ah… Sorry” you said as the mumble returned to your voice. “See? That’s what the headphones are good for.”
Loki scowled with a huff.
“Alright, that’s enough.”
Before you had time to ask Loki had thrown you over the ottoman and with his knees pinning you by the shoulders and his feet stuck under the ottoman so there was no force on earth moving you.
“Uhh… Lokes? W-What are you doing?” you asked nervously.
“Testing how loud you can really be.”
What do you— Pfft!”
Loki didn’t make you wait for an answer (or to finish your question, that is), and he began slowly dragging his fingers across your ribs in a maddeningly gentle manner. And it wasn’t like your thin t-shirt didn’t do much to protect you.
You clenched your jaw as a big grin appeared on your face.
“Pfft! L-Loki!” you snickered.
“Yes, little dove?” Loki asked innocently.
Loki kept gently dragging his fingers across your torso, slowly tracing his fingers up and down your sides and ribs, in circular motion across your armpits and spiraling onto the center of your tummy.
All you could do was smack his legs as you tried to free your arms and kicking your legs on the air and your cheeks puffed with your jaw clenched as you did all you could to not burst out laughing.
“L-Loho— Loki please!” you looked like you were about to burst. “I’m behe— I’m begging you. D-Don’t!”
Loki just chuckled.
“Darling, I have not even started the real fun” he grinned deviously, “and you already look like you’re gonna puncture your own lung. Just laugh already.”
“I cahahan’t” you whined between the strangled giggles. “It’ll huhurt yohohou!”
“Beautiful little bird,” Loki smiled, “it’d be impossible for you to hurt me.”
He noticed the pretty rosy blush on your cheeks, and he relished the way you got flustered at his teasing. Loki simply chuckled and squeezed your ribs, now poking your ribs, drilling his fingers between each rib. Growing up both as the God of Mischief and with Thor as his older brother, he had come to know first-hand what kind of tickles were better to make someone laugh to insanity.
And that you did.
Your face was already impossibly red in the face, and giggles were already slipping out, so the poking were just the last straw that made you finally crack up. And you burst into loud laughter and crazy squirming, kicking your legs against the ottoman, arching your back and tugging against Loki’s hold as he tickled you to tears.
Loki winced a bit at your superhuman volume as a smile formed on his face from both pride from making you laugh and the endearment of your laugh on its own. Your pretty laugh only being further motivation to tickle you more.
But he decided ease off the tickling as he just stopped poking your ribs to gently scribble your ribs in light feather like touches. But by now your defenses were shattered to pieces and you kept giggling in soft wheezing giggles. He simply wiggled two fingers on each side as if he was striking chords of his old lyre.
“Oh gohohohod! How is thahahat so bad?!” you giggled in between hiccups and soft wheezes.
“I don’t think it’s that bad, you’re just that ticklish” he chuckled softly. “Look at you, you’re wheezing.”
“Hehehe! I’m not!” you hiccup. “Lohoki!”
The way you laughed out his name made Loki’s heart flutter in his chest. Your voice got high-pitched and wheezy in a way that was awfully adorable and it urged him to give you the biggest hug and cover your face in kisses and beg you to be his own.
“Loki! I'm gonna gehehet you back for this!” you screamed in a fit of laughter. “Stohohop it!”
Loki grinned without relenting just a bit, simply leaning into your ear.
“Oh, is that so? What makes you think you can get me, little dove?” he chuckles as he gently traced his fingers over your sides. “And do you assume you can get now, or at some later point when you are not trapped and helpless under me? Because all things considered...that sounds like an empty threat… my dear.”
The self-satisfaction in his tone was infuriating.
“You’re all mine to toy around with right now, little robin…” he said in an almost flirtatious tone.
“N-No! Loki! Don’t you dare!” you squeaked out.
He looked you in your eyes with a devious sparkle in his eyes, those same eyes Loki did whenever he got you involved in a prank that would most likely get both of you in trouble, and he smiled.
“I think, my darling…” he whispered softly, in a way he knew his breath would tingle against your skin. “I very much dare.”
And with that his gentle and nimble fingers reached your stomach, giving it a lot of gentle pokes and scribbling all over the skin poorly covered by your thin shirt with his blunt nails.
He knew that among the long list of insecurities you had, your stomach was high up there, and so he knew certain touches would make you uncomfortable, so he kept his eye on your face, paying extra reactions to see if any touch made you upset. But you seemed more focused on the sensation he inflicted on your sensitive skin, and your expressions didn’t reflect any sign of distress.
“Lohohohoki! Stohohop that!” you giggled.
“Aw… is it too much for you?” he grinned cheekily. “You’re quite the delight to torment though, and I wonder… just how would you manage this sort of attention… on the other areas you were ticklish upon.”
As he spoke he lower his hand to drag his fingers over your waistline from side to side in a maddeningly slow manner. The look of shock on your face was priceless.
“LOKI!” you cried.
“Oh my, my, little sparrow, are you ticklish here too?” he chuckled in an almost innocent tone as his finger slipped past your shirt as his nail scraped lightly over the ticklish spot.
But he did slow down, not enough to make it all stop, but enough to make you go back to soft laughs.
“Hm…” Loki looked at you, pretending to be in deep contemplation. “If I didn’t know you any better, I would dare to assume you are enjoying yourself.”
Loki had seen others in the compound tickle you before, he had tickled you before, and it was noticeable enough that you didn’t seem to mind the playful attention, given you hardly fought back or protested when.
You let out an outraged before a squeeze to your hipbones made you burst into giggles after a clearly involuntary snort that made Loki laugh.
“Oh, no witty back talking?” Loki chuckled.
 “Ihihihi! I’m gohohonna kill you!” you threatened him.
“Will you now?” Loki arched an eyebrow. “And how do you intend to do so?”
Rather than having a verbal response, he felt ticklish squeezing over his thighs and above his knees that made him jolt and bark out a laugh. It was enough distraction to make him stop for a moment, and he saw that little triumphant glint in your gaze.
“That was very very bold of you to make an attack like that...” he congratulated you, his tone menacingly impish. “But so far I had been gentle.”
And with that he shot his fingers onto the exposed hollow of your armpits. You immediately lose it when his fingers reach and tickle your underarms, immediately exploding into loud laughter once more.
Your voice turned loud, and the walls literally shook around the two of you. But Loki was unscathed, perhaps a bit stunned by the strength of your voice, but he didn’t relent on the tickling.
“Well, that’s cute… but just for your information…” he smirked in a way that, had you been able to see through your tears of laughter would’ve made you weak in the knees. “I am not afraid of your ticklish little fingers.”
He chuckled again, as his fingers wiggling more sporadically, almost vibrating against your skin. You let out a blood curdling scream before your laughter turns silent, your face is red like a tomato and tears just kept streaming nonstop down your face as your body was shaking like a malfunctioning machine, your entire body language making evident that you need a break.
Perhaps that was a good sign that he had to stop. So, he did.
He raised his knees so you could slip your arms from under his legs, and you immediately pressed them against your chest, laughing silently prey of a giggle fit in a state of euphoria.
“Did I just...go too far?” he asked with a sheepish smile. “...I think...I may have gone too far, I apologize if… if I... I— hmpf!”
Before Loki could register what had happened, you had cupped his face and your lips were against his.
It wasn’t exactly the way Loki had pictured kissing you, and by all the Nine Realms had thought about it quite in detail. But this was… quite different from what he had fantasized. Your faces were upside down one from another, and it had happened so fast that you had just got Loki’s bottom lip at first impact, and he had been caught completely off guard.
But oh Gods… this topped every scenario he could’ve mused. Your lips were soft and smooth, and the taste of you… Norns, it was intoxicating, and it made him feel light-hearted, instinctively making close his eyes as melted into the kiss, leaning over to get a better taste of this paradise he had just encountered. He mimicked you as one of his hands reached to cup your cheek and caress it with his thumb.
Who knows how long you were like this, but it was certainly not enough.
But when you broke the kiss the look in your eyes was of shock and terror as you cupped your hands over your mouth.  Again, not what he would’ve expected. He had not got any complaints in his past about his skills, so he was certain he was not a sloppy kisser to be the sole cause of that expression.
“I— no... I didn’t… I uh… I’m sorry…” you mumbled. “I— I wasn’t, oh no…”
“What are you apologizing for?” Loki asked, as he felt anxiety starting to bubble on the pit of his stomach.
“I— I’m sorry… I don’t know what came over me…”  you stuttered and stumbled over your words, “I w-wasn’t thinking… I just… I felt giddy and… No… no, no... I’m sorry…”
Loki felt his brain throbbing inside his skull as you kept sputtering apologizes. A million thoughts rushing over his mind every fraction of a second. Did the kiss meant you liked him? But if you liked him what were you apologizing for? Or did you like him but not enough? Were you aware of all the feelings you stirred in him? Was this a cruel joke?
Before he realized what his body was doing, he had already smashed his mouth onto yours once more.
He wasn’t sure why he did that. Maybe desire. Perhaps just the panic of thinking that could’ve been the last time he tasted something quite as ineffable as you ever again and he refused to give it up so soon. Or he could simply have gone mad. Whatever the reason, he just prayed you didn’t hate him after this.
But to his surprise, you kissed him back, and he felt once again that peculiar wave of peace and simultaneous thrill running through his veins. Now pleasantly complemented by your fingers running through his hair, making him turn into putty in your hands. This time the kiss lasted much longer than the first.
Not that it left Loki quite satisfied… yet.
“S-So… Do I take this as a good sign that you maybe, sort of, kinda like me too?” you asked timidly.
Loki could help but laugh at that.
“I will dare to say so” he rolled his eyes, unable to hide the smile on his face.
“And that we could do that thing again… t-the kissing?”
Norns, his heart was gonna beat out of his chest.
“I would like that” he smiled.
You pressed your lips against his and that rush of excitement ran through him once again. Loki felt your lips buzzing as he heard the muffled laughs through the kiss, it made him laugh as well.
“What’s so funny?” he chuckled.
“Nothing” you giggled, “I just feel your smile.”
“Yeah, I feel your smile curled up in a smile.” You explained. “It feels… nice.”
His cheeks lit up and he just shook his head with a smile before diving in for another kiss.
You were right, you could feel the other’s smile when you kissed. How did Loki never notice a detail as simple as that? It felt so lovely. Even more with the little hum-like muffled laughs bubbling from your throat as you kissed. Hearing your happy nervous laughs through the kiss was the loveliest sound he had ever heard.
| Masterpost |
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slasher-dasher · 8 months
Hellooo same person who asked for the braces headcanons is back againnn
Can you write headcanons for Bubba, Billy, stu, Jason, og! Myers, RZ! Myers, and Brahms with a s/o who had to get tooth extractions and is now going through all of that pain, the goods? The swelling, all the blood, and the lose of being able to eat solid foods?
(Anon are you the dentist from Little Shop of Horrors be honest /j)
Slashers With S/O Who Had a Tooth Extraction
Bubba Sawyer:
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Big softie. He doesn't like to see you in pain, and is constantly holding ice to your face
Tries his best not to kiss your face while it's swollen, but he will kiss your hands
He's so, so worried about you not being able to eat solid foods since most of their meals are... meat... but he always makes sure Drayton makes you a different meal for dinner (or he'll make one himself)
Doesn't mind the blood. In fact, you do have a sneaking suspicion it's why he's been trying to kiss you more often (he denies this)
Very excited when the swelling goes down, he makes you the biggest meal you've ever seen with the shadiest ingredients you've ever seen
Also asks if you'd be willing to part with more teeth but that's not the important part
Brahms Heelshire:
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Brahms is usually the one being taken care of, so don't expect him to be thrilled about a role-reversal at first. He's also very, very bratty while you're healing, like 5x more than usual
He doesn't know how to cook, but he can make a bunch of pasta and mashed potatoes if he's feeling brave
Luckily, the mansion is full of soft foods because of Brahms (he doesn't like sharing them though, so expect him to whine about it)
Brahms is still very clingy while you're healing though, so expect to take a lot of naps while he lays on you (he pokes your swollen cheeks to wake you up because he knows it works)
Billy Loomis:
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This man does not know how to take care of himself when he's in pain, let alone you
He thinks the soft-foods only rule is bullshit and gives you pretty much anything you ask for, just makes sure you chew on the opposite side from the extraction
Unfortunately, he has to drive you back to the dentist within the week because that soft food rule isn't bullshit and you got a dry socket, so now you're in even more pain (he apologizes by making you a big pot of soup)
Little blood? He's gonna tease you for it (^^ gif)
On you the second you're healed up, this man has been WAITING.
Stu Macher:
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I hope you like oatmeal because he's gonna make you so much of it. He'll even spoon-feed it to you if you can't sit up well
Also gets you a TON of icepacks. And not the boring blocks you put in lunches, he's got those gel ones with cool prints on them
He makes sure you're taking any medications too, the last thing you need is an infection so he's on high alert
Jokes about not keeping your blood in your mouth, but lovingly cleans you up
Makes you open your mouth to make sure everything's healing properly, and gives you a forehead kiss every time he claims it's a "good report" (it always is)
He's very strict about your only soft-foods diet, but he promises to make your favorite foods for a whole week once you're healed up
Jason Voorhees:
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There's two things Jason hates: trespassers and you being hurt. So he doesn't take your groans of pain... well.
Poor guy is worried sick that something's going to go wrong, so he's checking on you every two seconds to make sure you're okay
He'll try to make you chicken soup, but end up only remembering enough of his mother's recipe (and enough ingredients at camp) for a semi-decent broth, but you're still getting exclusive Pamela Voorhees recipes for free!
Tries to wipe away as much blood as he can before you have to stop him and explain that some of the blood needs to stay in your mouth so you heal faster. He still tries to clean your mouth while you sleep-
He's so careful if you're laying on him. The last thing he wants to do is accidentally bump your face and make you restless again
OG!Michael Myers:
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He pokes your swollen face. Not out of curiosity, just to see if it still hurts (it does)
If you ask him for an icepack he will bring you bare cubes of ice because he always got ice chips when anything was wrong at Smith's Grove
He does help though! Michael is convinced that you aren't able to eat on your own, so he either helps you eat or sits with and stares at you while you eat
Doesn't mind the blood, he knows that you're going to bleed for a bit after the extraction, but try not to get it on the furniture. ESPECIALLY since he can't be all bloody and then sit on the couch after a long day of killing, so that rule applies to you too
Nothing really changes with him, just typical Michael behavior of standing very close to you and breathing down your neck
RZ!Michael Myers:
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He's used to eating soft-foods because of all the hospital food he'd been hoarding in his room, and now your pantry. You're well prepared for this soft-foods diet
He doesn't really understand why you're in so much pain (he still has his wisdom teeth and has just gotten used to the pain) but he does understand that your pain tolerances are very different
He knows to give you salt water! One of the new nurses did that for him once and it seemed to help. She wasn't assigned to him for very long though...
Likes helping you change the gauze even after you don't need it, he doesn't mind the blood and tries to be as careful as possible while prodding around in your mouth
He is a little upset that you aren't healed overnight like he can be, even more-so when you remind him you can't use your mouth for a while
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angel-of-the-moons · 9 months
Nothing Is Lost
Khonshu x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Burnout, exhaustion, overworked (aren't we all?) shit gets a wee bit too relatable
A/N: Did I spend too much time looking through how the gods were worshipped? Yes, yes I did. Do I finally have a way to vent the weird feelings I have about the angry bird man? Also yes.
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Chapter 1:
Dust and Echoes
Day after day, night after night. The dreadful tedium of your life was not lost on you. The same job every night, the same work that left knots and tension in your back and muscles, your arms feeling like they were about to fall off and your feet feeling like you had holes drilled into the bottoms...
You couldn't work during the day, it was just simply not in your schedule. No matter how you tried, it was hard to stay awake during the day.
You had a severe case of insomnia, no doctor you went to (when you could afford them, which you barely could) could prescribe anything that would help you sleep. You even tried hypnosis. That was wild.
The dude said you flipped out and started talking in another language, and he was half tempted to call the church on you! That memory was always good for a laugh.
Could be worse, you supposed.
After all, your night job was cleaning a small office building (four floors, and your coworkers almost never helped) which meant mostly deserted floors and dozens of vacant cubicles.
It was kind of relaxing in a way, you could plug in your headphones, blast your favorite tunes and just go off into your own little world while you cleaned.
The world which you concocted was one many overworked and underpaid individuals such as yourself dreamt. A nice big house, food in the fridge, never having to worry about missing the next bill payment or not being able to afford insurance...
But you always had to wake up from that dream world.
You hated that part of your night.
While yes, you have always found the comfort and coolness of the night soothing, there were still dangers lurking out there in the dark.
You'd taken some half-assed self defense classes (you had to drop out because of your sleep schedule), but your skills were lackluster at best. So, you opted for your mace and taser as your trusty companions.
You'd been attacked and mugged five times in the last year and a half. You learned to stop carrying your money on you after the second time, only keeping your metro card on you.
You wondered why, why of all places, did you decide to move to New York? You were a country girl blinded by the dazzling lights, a stupid cliché trope you hated yourself for existing in.
And what did your naivete earn you? A shitty one room apartment that was barely the size of most motel rooms. The only reason you stayed was because at least your apartment had that small kitchen, compared to the rathole hostels you'd unfortunately been victim to before.
Your landlord was shrewd and strict, but at least the rent was affordable. That was the only blessing. Because your electric and other utilities were covered in your rent, you really only needed to worry about money for food. Which... you had been subjected to a rather unhealthy diet consisting mostly of tv dinners, dollar menu fast foods, and cheap Chinese takeout.
Half the time you felt like there was more to this, but logic always kicked in.
Then again, everyone felt like there was more to life when their life consisted of being a faceless, nameless, replaceable cog in the corporate machine.
But for you, even despite your logic, you just... you could feel there was more out there for you. Something meaningful.
You couldn't place your finger on it, but you just knew. It was like an itch under your skin, a tingling in your fingertips.
You were special. You just... you knew you were. Sometimes you could predict what somebody was going to say before they said it, sometimes you could fix things you'd never even looked at before, sometimes, you swore you could see things before they happened.
Oh, and then there were the dreams. Those dreams gave you the willies.
Usually in those dreams, you were floating in a black void, blinking until things came into focus. Looking down at your feet, it was like you were walking on perfectly smooth water, stars blinking to life one by one, reflected on the surface like an inky black mirror, your own reflection not able to be seen.
You would walk and walk and walk... but never reached a destination.
That's when you would feel something. Like the first winter chill creeping into the autumn breeze.
A voice. Deep, raspy... mournful.
You could never make out what the voice said, but whoever it was, they sounded lonely; almost in pain.
But then all at once you would be swallowed up into a light, almost like you were falling back to the very Earth itself, waking with a jolt, your clothes soaked with sweat, your hair dripping with it.
Yeah. Those dreams were the worst. You never felt rested when you had them...
Today was one of the rare days you forced yourself out of bed and ventured out into the light of day. After all, humans need sunlight. And you were starting to look dreadfully pale.
You were confident you looked like some sort of ghoul, the way people gave you such sideways glances...
You shrugged your bag over your shoulders, looking into the storefronts curiously. You weren't looking for anything specific. You were aimlessly wandering at this point, really. You had two days off (only because your boss flat out told you you've hit overtime twice this month, and even he was concerned for your health) and figured, hey... may as well get some vitamin D while you're at it.
You shoved your hands in your pockets, your pinky poking through the hole on the inside of the pocket on the left side. God, you thought, I should make a trip to the thrift store today, get some decently-used jeans. Need some with less mileage on em.
The smell of incense burned your nostrils, crappy "spiritual" flute music croaking over a speaker well past its prime, wind chimes toning lazily in the breeze.
You lift your gaze and spot the shop, some kind of "witchy aesthetic" kinda thing. Pentacles, Celtic symbols, as well as some Norse-Pagan paraphernalia littered the front window. As well as the gauche lettering depicting palm readings and fortunes, and of course "magic".
Pah. Stupid.
You were about to walk by when two young women clad in black walked by, happily chirping to one another about offerings, smudgings, or... whatever it was. It wasn't your business.
As you watched them go, you turned to continue on your path, but a hand gripped your wrist.
The owner of the appendage was a woman. Her brown hair streaked with gray, her olive-green eyes seeming like they were focusing on something far away rather than at you.
"Uh..." You said, slightly uncomfortable.
"Oh! Forgive me, dear..." She laughed, taking your hand in hers and patting the back of your palm with her free hand; the thick leather bracer on her forearm was an odd fashion choice, you mused.
"Would you like to come in? I have something for everyone!" She winked.
"Er, well, I'm not really into... this whole thing." You chuckle nervously.
"Oh you don't have to be, sweetheart. No harm in looking, is there?"
"....Alright." You concede. She had a good point.
Your noticed as she let your hand go, your "funny feeling" was starting to tingle your fingertips.
And as you walked past the threshold of the front door? Your whole body felt like it was tingling.
Wall to wall, the small shop was filled with things that dazzled the senses, both visually and you were certain in other ways.
The woman hummed as she led you deeper into her shop, gesturing for you to walk into a dark room that was bordered with a beaded curtain in the door.
Yeah. That was how dumb people in horror movies got murdered. No, thank you.
"Look, I can just... uh." You try to find an excuse to turn down the woman who treated you with such polite words and demeanor.
But something about her had you so, so curious. Your "feeling" could not anticipate this woman, anything she said or did seemed a mystery to you.
"You seem tired, dear." She smiled sweetly, her hands clasped in front of her.
"I... well. I'm..."
"Overworked. I assume this is your first day off in days? Weeks, maybe?" She sighed, a sympathetic look on her face.
"How did you--"
"You are very pale, dear. Here, come. Come. Sit with me, hm?" She giggles, reaching out to bring you past the beaded curtain and into the dark room.
Her name, she told you, was Jezebel.
Goddamn you and your curiosity. The things this woman were telling you were compelling you. It was insane, the things she knew about you. She was right on the nose.
Even about the muggings.
That was when she brought up the subject of protection. When you brought up your self defense and "weapons", she chuckled and waved it off, simply saying that she didn't mean "that" kind of protection.
When you asked what she meant by that, she walked into another room connected to the dark room you were in, the table draped in a velvet cloth with tarot cards laid meticulously set.
She came back with something wrapped in a black silk cloth.
"Here, child. Try this." She hands you whatever it is, and encourages you to unwrap it.
Wrapped inside was a small, old-looking (Ancient, if you were honest) statuette of some sort. You could tell, even with your uneducated eye, that this was done in some kind of style reminiscent of the statues of ancient Egypt that you'd only glimpsed in documentaries. At first you thought it might be Horus, but the head was all wrong...
"Pray to Khonshu, and he will protect you during your travels in the night." She said sweetly.
"I..." You can't tear your gaze away from the statue.
"I can give you prayers, incense, an altar cloth, and basic offerings to get you started, sweetheart. Wait right here."
Before you can reject her offer, she vanishes elsewhere in the store...
And before you know it, she hands you a burlap bag, putting the statue, plus the other items in the bag for you.
"I... I can't pay for this, I..." You stammer.
"Trust me, my dear. This is on the house. You need this." She winks, patting the back of your hand again.
"Now, go. Set up the altar when you get home, get some rest, and say a prayer. Do this every time you leave during the night, and Khonshu and his Fists will protect you."
Somehow, you felt compelled yet again to accept her word, leaving her shop, your brain in a fog.
As you walked, you felt something.
Like a soft voice whispering on a desert wind.
Jezebel watched you leave, a satisfied and happy smirk playing on her lips.
Above, she heard the croaking of a crow.
She made a soft whistle and held out her arm, the one wearing the leather bracer.
And in a blur, a crow, white as snow and eyes as red as blood, landed on her arm, making very happy noises, almost singing at her, in his own way.
"Yes, I know, Zephyr." She smiled wider as she walked inside, Zephyr waddling up her arm to sit on her shoulder.
"I could sense it, too. Perhaps He will answer that girl..."
She then pulled the leather bracer off her arm, and looked at the mark on her inner wrist.
When she looked at the scales, Jezebel smiled.
Chapter 2: Link
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summer-nights19 · 10 months
Could you write Chubby!Levi Ackerman x F!reader ? I mean imagine him with curves like his face is filled out , his cheeks are chubbier , his waist is getting plumped without forgetting his cute rounded tummy (fluff)
Hi anon :> That's such a cute idea, I'll also throw some tea shop au into the mix. Apologies if it's short, but I hope you like it <3 Content: Nothing but tooth rotting fluff
After the War for Paradis was finished and peace had finally been accomplished in your war torn world, you felt like you were given a chance to lead the life you'd always wanted but never had. Granted, you'd made it out with your life, which made you a lot luckier than the majority of the scouts, but you'd also had to endure years of sacrifice for the sake of humanity, as had your boyfriend and captain, Levi Ackerman. You first started dating him about 5 years before the War for Paradis, and you'd only grown closer since, even with all the obstacles of being in the Scouts and Levi's almost complete lack of free time. Over the years, he'd opened up to you, confided in you as you had done with him long before. It had been you two against the world, but now you finally had the rest of your lives to dedicate to each other.
Almost as soon as the war finished, you'd surprised Levi by buying a quaint little tea shop on the edge of a forest. The tea shop had a tiny apartment on the second floor, so you could live and work there. When you'd first arrived at the building, it was obvious it had been out of use for quite some time, but you'd both got to work and soon it was unrecognisable. Plants lines the entrance and hung from the windows and ceiling of the first floor, constantly bright green and fragrant regardless of the time of year. The shelves inside and the windowsills were cluttered with small ornaments and old books. You'd polished the wooden furniture and repainted it a muted grey and white, which had definitely given the place some life. As soon as you'd opened officially, the tea shop started smelling of herbal teas and freshly made teacakes, which you displayed every day on the counter. To this day, you and Levi ran it together, with him brewing the tea and coffee and you making a variety of teacakes to go with the drinks. The place was usually pretty quiet, as only travellers would go inside for a drink. You both preferred it that way.
As the years went on, and you became Mrs Ackerman instead of Miss L/N, Levi aged like fine wine, his face opening up and his eyes starting to shine a bit more. Now that he didn't have to stick to the strict fitness regiment and meagre diet of the scouts, he'd gained some weight- his face and cheeks had grown rounder, as had his waist and abdomen. In your eyes, that, along with his more relaxed, casual demeanour, made him more adorable and loveable than ever. When you teased him, you always pinched his cheeks (when there was no one there, of course- the ex Captain of the scouts still had a reputation to uphold !) and when you were in bed together, his thighs and abdomen were the perfect place to rest your head as you cuddled. That was how you fell asleep and woke up everyday in your shared bedroom in the tiny apartment. On weekends, you'd sleep in, holding each other close and showering each other with kisses as you ate teacakes and casually flicked through a newspaper or simply talked. It's funny how you can spend your entire life by someone's side and still have things to talk about. That wasn't something you believed possible before Levi, but he'd surprised you once again. He normally wasn't the talkative type by any means, but when he was with you, he said he felt simultaneously grounded and free, so he could let down his walls.
One picturesque summer night, as you were finishing washing some dishes after the tea shop had closed, you heard Levi's voice from behind your shoulders.
"I'm going to bed. Make sure to finish quickly with those plates and join me,"
You turned around and took in the sight of him. He was wearing a loose white flannel shirt and black linen trousers, his go to for the summer. Your heart ached with love for him. You nodded with a smile and kissed his soft cheek as he walked past. He responded by wrapping an arm around your waist and giving you a gentle squeeze.
"Good night, Captain," you said jokingly, just like you used to in the first days of the relationship
"Good night, brat," he replied, catching on immediately. You felt yourself smiling wide. When he left the room, you walked across the tea shop to one of the windows and looked outside. The night sky above the forest was filled with bright stars. You made a silent wish as you looked at them, praying that you could spend the rest of your life with the only man you'd ever love in your little tea shop shaped paradise.
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nomoreusername · 11 months
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⚠️ Eating Disorders ⚠️
Pairing:Minho x gender neutral reader
Summary:When Minho realizes you're struggling with an eating disorder he encourages you to get help.
Let's get one thing straight. I don't have a problem. I simply noticed that I seem to have been slower whenever I go running lately. So I decided to fix the problem by putting myself on a strict diet. Thankfully, I know people in the Glade. I switch around who I give my dinner to, and nobody ever has a second thought about it.
From there things kind of escalated. I became obsessed with seeing myself grow thinner. Each time my clothes felt baggier there was this sense of pride. It got to the point where if something did fit me I'd feel shame. Then, there became the point where the clothes not fitting wasn't good enough for me. I would look at my body and see nothing but flaws. Suddenly, I was thankful we didn't own mirrors so I couldn't see any others.
Things somehow managed to get worse. What was once a simple diet so I could run faster seemed to be slowing me down. Except, it could be something else. What if I was actually gaining weight?
That's when another idea came to mind. Every time my time slowed I would punish myself by running extra hard. When everyone was in bed I'd be running laps around the Glade. Yesterday it was so bad I made myself stay up all night sprinting, doing pushups, and basically any accessible exercise.
I really wish I would have thought of how that might slow me down in the maze itself. I knew I was doing terrible because my partner today was Minho who was doing this like it was nothing. I used to run like this before what was supposed to be a diet took over my life.
"I'm fine,"I repeated as the stitch in my side grew. I really wanted water, but I wasn't doing good enough to earn any.
"Uh, you okay?"He asked.
"Mhm,"I lied, my legs threatening to give out from under me.
"You're breathing pretty heavy. You look five seconds away from passing out."
"Okay. Hey, we should probably stop for lunch,"He suggested, looking at his watch. I felt a thousand nerves run through my body. I don't know how many times I can use the 'I forgot it' excuse.
"Sure,"I pretended to agree, sitting against the wall. Then, I faked looking in my bag before putting it up.
"I thought you'd say that,"He sighed, before reaching for something. Before I could ask what he was doing he pulled out a bag. To be more specific it was my lunch bag with my name. He shook his head as he tossed the empty bag at me.
"Are you not going to eat?"He asked skeptically.
"I forget it,"I shrugged, being way too used to lying for my comfort. I had to though. They wouldn't understand and would just blow it out of proportion.
"You haven't asked for a lunch,"He accused. It was true, but I still shook my head no. "You give away your dinner,"He kept going. I stared at the ground wondering how to get out of this. "You didn't eat anything for breakfast,"He listed. "You've lost so much weight you have to wear a belt with every outfit,"He continued. "And you've been the one running around the Glade at night,"He finished. I couldn't make myself look at him as I kept staring at the ground. I could feel his eyes burning into my soul.
"Last ni-"
"Those are all true, aren't they?"He asked.
"It's sort of an exaggeration,"I said quietly.
"When's the last time you've eaten?"
"Nice try. Winston had an extra. Try again."
"You left your lunch as you ran, and you left before breakfast. Try again. When's the last time you've eaten?"
"Three days ago,"I admitted loud enough for him to hear. By now I closed my eyes because even the ground seemed to be judging me.
"Three days ago,"I muttered, my voice almost a whisper.
"When?"He asked again, not having heard me the first time.
"Why?"He questioned. There were a lot of reasons, but I didn't say anything. I wasn't planning on doing so anytime soon.
"You're going to kill yourself if you keep on going. Not metaphorically. You are literally going to make yourself shut down. Even worse, you're a Runner. What happens if one day you pass out or don't make it out of these walls in time?"
"I'm a Runner, and Runners are fast. They're strong. They don't get tired. I wasn't doing that so I tried a diet,"I confessed.
"I'm a Runner,"I repeated.
"Yeah. That's what I said."
"A diet? Last time I checked a diet doesn't mean starving yourself. It's not staying up all night so you can collapse from exhaustion the next day. It's not punishing yourself because you don't think you're doing something good enough. If it was a diet you wouldn't have sat there and lied to me."
"I said I tried a diet. It got a little out of hand, and now I can't go back."
"What do you mean you can't go back?"
"I can't just go back to eating normally. I'll just be disgusted with myself. I don't want to feel gross when I look at myself."
"Y/N, you are going to die if you keep this up. Do you understand? You are killing yourself. If you pass out here someone may not be with you that day to get you out. Then, you're stuck here all night with the Greivers. The Greivers are going to kill you, and everyone's going to be asking 'Where's Y/N? Why isn't she back?' The doors are going to close, and it's over. Because if someone notices too late to run in here you are screwed. You're totally shucked. You're going to be dead or you're going to get stung, and we'll have to banish you, and I don't want to banish you. I don't want to have to push you through these doors, and I don't want to run across a pool of your blood,"He said in one breath.
I looked over and for only the second time in my life saw Minho cry. That had been when he pulled Newt out of the maze. Crying wasn't something he did, at least in front of others. Now he was sitting beside me with a tear streaked face, and I didn't know what to do.
"I don't know how to stop. I want to, but I don't know how. I've been doing this for so long that it seems impossible to go back to how I was,"I admitted, my own silent tears falling down my face. I hadn't realized I even wanted to until I said it out loud. I didn't even realize how much of a problem it was.
"I think we should head back for today. Drink up,"He directed.
"Alby's going to be pissed,"I pointed out.
"It's not safe for you to be here right now. I'm sure he'd understand."
"I don't want to tell Alby,"I mumbled.
"Then, don't, but you're not running anymore today. You need to eat and catch up on sleep."
"Even if it takes forever. Come on. Are you ready to go?"He asked, holding his hand out. I looked at him before taking it.
"This is going to be hard to do,"I uttered. "It is, but you won't be doing it alone. I'm going to be right beside you,"He promised.
"Even if it takes a while?"
"Yeah. I'm ready to get some help."
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jakelandryshorts · 1 year
New Year for Growth
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“Why not try this?” Kyle asked Eric. “I made it for someone else but I don’t know where they went.”
Eric stared at the protein shake with a bit of skepticism. He’d been coming to this gym for over a decade now and barely ever tried something new. He’d found that his banana protein shakes were best at keeping his trim muscular physique a lot better than anything else. And why try to fix something that wasn’t broken?
“On the house,” Kyle pressured. “It’s just going in the trash otherwise.”
Eric bounced the idea back and forth. Free was always nice. “Sure. Why not? New year, new me. Eh?” he smiled, taking the shake from the gym employee.
“Exactly,” Kyle said. “Enjoy your workout.”
“Will do,” Eric waved back at him. He took a sip of the protein shake and was surprised at how good it tasted. Somehow it was sweet, but not overpowering, and the thickness added a nice texture as he felt it rolled down his throat. If he had one complaint, it was that it felt a little bit heavy, but why not try it again on one of his cheat days?
Eric had always been a pretty standard gym bro. He always wore his sleeveless shirts to show off his thick muscular arms and every shirt that he wore seemed to strain against his chest. But every time he could get away without one, he’d happily show off his abs. Even as he passed 30, he was able to keep them pretty well in check. That was more due to his strict diet and keeping it even back when he was in college. Sure, he’d enjoy himself on weekends. With a body like his, there was no reason not to.
Even as he walked away from the ‘Protein Shack’ he could see people’s eyes following him. Eric loved the attention. He loved when people would stare. It was like they could never get enough. Sometimes he’d even show off a bit, just see their reaction. His lean muscular form always looked so much better in the bright lights of the gym. Shadows would deepen making his biceps pop even more than they already did.
Eric took another swig of his protein shake and then started his workout. However, something seemed off. He’d felt like he’d hit a bit of a plateau a while ago, only being able to go up in weight very slowly as he reached his current max. So, on normal gym days he’d go for higher reps with lower weights. Yet, these lower weights felt like almost nothing. It was almost like he was all the way down at the end of the rack where all the noobies would start.
He set down the weights, rechecking to make sure it was his normal 50’s. Then went up. The 55’s were still the same. Even 60’s didn’t feel like that much of a struggle. Eric pushed through, thinking that he still just needed to go through his workout. And that maybe he’d have another reason to try the new shake. He took another drink.
Then paused.
Something had to be wrong with the mirror. He got closer to see his face. Hair was starting to sprout around his chin and up the sides of his face. It surrounded his mouth and his pretty boy blond hair turned black. Even the hair on his head was turning into the same color.
“What the hell?!” Eric looked down at his body as more dark hair started sprouting out of the back of his hands and ran up his forearms. Stranger still was just how swollen his hands looked. They looked to have a more rugged appearance. His fingers were growing thickened and being covered in hair. It was the same with his forearms. They were growing. His entire body was getting bigger.
Eric cut his workout short as he rushed back into the locker room. He stumbled over the new weight that was rapidly adding onto his frame. His legs were growing closer together as thick meaty thighs filled in his cut quads. He wasn’t used to them rubbing so much together. Nor was he used to seeing his sleeveless shirt start to ride up against a growing belly. He instantly took it off, regretting it as saw his cut six pack turn into a beefy stomach.
His massive hands gently ran his hands across it, giving it a tight grip. “Oh God!” he cried out. A mixture of pleasure and embarrassment as he looked at what he was turning into. “I’m—I’m—I’m—”
“Perfect!” Kyle said.
He appeared out of nowhere and quickly invaded Eric’s space. His smaller hands gently parsed through the thick hair coating Eric’s round belly. Eric felt a warm tingle run through him as his thick arm naturally went around Kyle’s body. “Oh God…” he moaned. Blood was filling his cock and making it near impossible for him to think. Every part that Kyle touched just felt so sensitive. He couldn’t help but moan deeply as the other man pressed his face deep into his hairy armpit and give it a powerful sniff.
“But what’s happening…” Eric barely asked through the haze of his sexual arousal.
Kyle let out a bit of a huff as his hands continued to rub the large tummy in front and thick ass from behind. “Well…” he pressed his body completely up against Eric’s. “It’s just that you were looking so down. You work so hard all the time and then show off. But then the smile would fade and you would just try harder for less of a reward. And I just wanted you to be more content.”
“But… But… But…” Eric stammered.
Kyle leaned in from under his arm and gently rubbed his bigger pec. “But how do you feel?”
“Full…” Eric answered. Dieting and cutting were always so hard to do as his body would have to stay in a constant state of hunger if he really wanted his abs to show. But now he was a big bear of a man. He could feel the odd satisfaction of finishing a full meal that wasn’t just chicken breast and rice and resting after it.
“Exactly,” Kyle said. He kissed the large belly in front of him. But the kisses continued downward as his hands gripped Eric’s shorts.
It wasn’t until Eric felt his hard cock slap against his belly that he realized what Kyle was doing. “Wa-ait!”
Kyle only paused for a brief moment as he looked over the bear’s hairy stomach. “Something for you and something for me,” he said as he opened his mouth and slid the hard cock inside him.
Eric’s knees went weak. His big hand instantly reached out to grab onto the top of Kyle’s head as he felt the other man suck on his cock. Just feeling that wet slippery tongue slide around and lick his member drew out another heavy moan from the big guy. He couldn’t help it. It felt so good. Better than he’d ever had before. His cock continued to throb.
“Oh fuck!” he cried out as he released. Even if he’d masturbated from time to time, this felt like he hadn’t done it for almost years. His mind practically shut down and restarted as he finished.
A haze held over him as he watched Kyle stand up. Something about the other man seemed a bit off, but through his daze, he couldn’t quite figure it out. “Sorry…” Eric said as he continued to stare. It was almost like the other guy was growing as well. His thinner muscles bulking up as though he was ready to go on stage in one of the heavier categories.
“It’s alright,” Kyle gave him a slap to the back. “You were so distracted that there was no way we’d finish without doing something about that,” his hand gently stroked Eric’s cock again, waking it up. “Oops…” he smiled.
“R-right,” Eric smiled awkwardly as he tried to force it back down by flexing his thick beefy arms. “But what about you?”
“I’m fine big guy,” Kyle gave him another tender slap. “Something for me and something for you.” He flexed his toned 20 inch arm happily. “Come on. Let’s go finish our workout.”
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mylittlesecrethaven · 6 months
Regular And Yandere Headcannons
Just some headcannons I was thinking about for the overblot group. Cause I got bored. (Also, these are gonna be romantic, not platonic. But no smut. Mentions of blood, broken bones, and possessiveness though. Cause, y'know.... Yandere stuff.)
Most definitely has a rose bush dedicated to his lover.
Y! Has a crown that only he always wants his lover to wear, and gets upset when they don't have it on, to the point he'll just collar them to show who's they are.
Will cuddle anywhere and everywhere, but makes sure both he and his lover are comfy.
Y! Bite marks bite marks. His lover must always be covered in them, and even when they're bleeding and crying, he can always find another spot to mark.
Loves when his lover messes with his hair. Also loves when they compliment his hair.
Y! Has a full ass contract that states what his lover has to do at certain parts of the day, and when they break their contract, he breaks their legs.
Loves to cook for his lover. Whenever he's not cooking for Kalim, he makes his lover's favorite dish.
Y! Has to poison check all of his lover's foods that he doesn't make. And Great Seven forbid somebody gifts them food. They'll set it down somewhere to eat it later and never find it again.
Loves loves loves dressing up his lover. Also loves doing photo shoots with them. Of course, he's a little strict on them (regarding exercise, diet, and self care), but just in a caring way.
Y! Has eyes on his lover at all times. He has Rook reporting their every movement. He knows where his lover goes and with whom. And if anybody.... unsavory.... gets near his lover? Let's just say he has enough influence that nobody goes looking for said person.
Gaming. Absolutely loves gaming with his lover. He shares all his tips and tricks, and makes absolutely sure to remind his lover to do their daily check-ins and commissions.
Y! Kinda like Vil, he always has tabs on his lover. But he uses cameras and microphones he made that he hides in his lover's clothes. The microphones and cameras are almost impossible to see, so nobody ever notices. And, if he ever thinks his lover needs some time away from whoever they're hanging around? He's got some heavy chains that can keep his lover in his room for as long as he wants.
If you didn't know a lick about gargoyles, now you do. He teaches you everything about them. And I mean, everything.
Y! I hope you wanted to get married! Cause guess what? You already were three months ago! What? He didn't tell you? He must have forgotten. Oh well. It's time to go home anyway. Who's home? His of course! Where else would you raise your children? And don't worry, you'll have plenty of children soon.
Man, they got longer near the end. I think I just got more creative.
These aren't very good, but lemme know if I should do more.
Or if you have your own personal headcannons to add onto these, comment them! I love reading headcannons.
(Oooo... I should do the vice housewardens and Kalim if I do this again. That'd be fun.)
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Thank you for your post on the Nanbaka main boys. I really loved it so want to ask again for different characters. 💙 + Mitsuru, Samon, Kiji, Hajime and Kenshirou.
You’re so welcome and thank you for this request! I have such a soft spot for the guards in general and some of these characters are among my favourites, so this is a really fun ask for me to write! I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons, dear!
Who orders takeaway?
While at Nanba, meals are provided for free for all of the guards so takeaway isn’t really a huge thing for these guys, unless it’s their days off. For a lot of his days off, Hitoshi was around to cook for Hajime (and since becoming a guard, Hitoshi just makes meals and freezes them ahead of time for Hajime), so he never really goes the takeaway route. Kiji occasionally does takeaway, but only rarely because Kiji is almost always on some fad diet to help his figure. Samon got really, really obsessed with takeaway for a couple of months and literally ate it for every meal once he moved out of the mountains and is kind of sick of even the idea of it now, meaning that Mitsuru is the one who does it the most. And even then, since Mitsuru loves being around people, it’s more common for him to choose to sit down in a place and eat than to grab takeaway.
Who has the more adventurous love life?
Hajime is a workaholic who doesn’t really have a love life, Samon’s love life is…sad, really, and Kenshirou has eyes only for the Warden at this point in his life. Mitsuru occasionally dates, but it’s mostly just casual fun, meaning that Kiji, with his obsession with online dating and desire for a fantastical, sweep me off my feet romance, combined with his super high standards, has the most dramatic and insane dating life. It also doesn’t help that, being the person he is, when Kiji’s standards are met, he falls hard, and he falls fast and gets almost obsessive about his new partner…for a couple weeks or a couple months at most. Kiji is so that person who will say ‘I love you’ obnoxiously early in the relationship. But those feelings always fade as he starts seeing the person’s flaws and decides they don’t actually live up to his standards so he either ghosts them or dumps them and moves on to the next person.
Who is better at keeping secrets?
Hajime and Kenshirou are both excellent secret keepers. However, because Hajime can come off as scary a little intimidating, he’s not often told people’s secrets. Kenshirou, despite coming off as strict and a little judgmental, often finds himself being a secret keeper for someone and, because he feels it’s only common decency, he wouldn’t dream of telling someone’s secret unless it was needed to prevent danger to that person or someone else.
Who knows every rumor?
Okay, but this is both Mitsuru and Kiji. They are definitely gossip buddies…like, that is a large part of the friendship between those two, just having a meal together and spilling all the drama to each other. Nobody is quite sure how both of them know what they know, but if it’s happening in Nanba, one or both of them will know about it.
Who suggests a movie night?
I definitely feel like this would be a Mitsuru thing but the huge problem with it is that the only person he might have any luck in convincing to join him is Kiji and if Mitsuru has to sit through one more romance movie…it’s just not happening. Not with any of them, not unless it’s ordered to keep their jobs.
Who tries to convince the other to try skydiving?
Again, I feel this is a Mitsuru thing. I think I’ve mentioned it before, but I do think that Mitsuru is someone who would be into extreme sports of various types and skydiving would appeal to him. Kiji wouldn’t go – the outfits they need to wear are simply too atrocious to be on his body. Hajime wouldn’t go because he thinks it’s a waste of his time (honestly, he’s more of a rock-climbing guy anyway). Kenshirou, though he manages it well and doesn’t make it public knowledge, is afraid of heights. Samon, however? He’s willing to give it a try.
Who is the holiday planner?
Again, this is where the duo of Kiji and Mitsuru really comes in wonderfully handy. Both men have a lot of holiday spirit and strong opinions. Mitsuru is definitely the one who comes up with the craziest ideas and gets everyone hyped up for the holiday, as much as he is able, while Kiji actually rather excels at handling all the minutiae.
Who spams the other with memes?
Mitsuru will go through spells where the only way he’ll digitally communicate with others will be gifs and memes. He normally only stops when Momoko beats him up enough for him to realize she’s seriously getting pissed off with his antics and honestly, by that point, everyone else in Nanba prison, including the other men, are thanking her silently for it.
Who has never enough money with them and lets the other pay for things?
Samon’s actually kind of bad at this. Money has never really been a big thing for him. While he does realize it’s essential for life outside of the mountain and he does his best to manage his money well, he is guilty of honestly forgetting to grab money before he heads out. It’s so bad that most of the places located in Nanba have a running tab set up for him.
Who wants to try a classic sleepover?
I do see this as being something Kiji has maybe tried to set up at least a handful of times, because it is really something that would appeal to him. However, everyone else either gave excuses, like being too busy, or in Hajime’s case, just told him to fuck off.
Who answers their phone at 2 am?
Okay, but because of their roles as not only prison guards, but as Supervisor’s of their respective buildings/divisions, every single one of these men are well-trained to answer their phones as quickly as possible, no matter the time of day or night, just in case of an emergency.
Who plays pranks?
This one is kind of an easy answer, just because it’s shown in canon that this is very much something that Mitsuru not only does but loves doing. Hajime tends to be his target more often than not, but the others do get it to some extent as well.
Who initiates dates for the other?
Mitsuru has, either in complete seriousness or just to fuck with them, he’ll never confirm which one, made online dating profiles for each of the other men. He’s definitely shown them the results of those dating profiles which are very…interesting reads. How quickly and how badly the other men reacted varied, but Mitsuru was more than a little beat-up by the time he finished showing them to everyone.
Who is more chaotic?
Mitsuru is Nanba’s true chaotic neutral. Like, yeah, he’ll do his job and he doesn’t really want bad things to happen but overall, his main priorities are to amuse himself and to create a little chaos and fun for everyone around him.
Who has the more bizarre quirks?
Okay, but have you met any of these men? They are all full of bizarre quirks in their own unique ways. Hajime has his super-strength, weak stomach, his hair is super curly when grown out, but baby fine and prone to frizz, so he sports either ramen-head or a blond afro if he doesn’t shave his head every couple of days. Kiji is full of bizarre little quirks, especially verbal ones, and swears his feet will get blisters if he even tries to wear anything without a designer name and a bit of a heel. Mitsuru is nothing but bizarre but his inability to really talk at a normal volume definitely counts. Kenshirou can hear frequencies that normally only dogs can hear and Samon, along with being freakishly strong, is a monkey in all but species.
Who spends the most money on unnecessary things?
Kiji has a love for shopping, especially online shopping, and is so the type who will buy anything on sale, even if the sale only amounts to being something like ten cents off, because he just can’t pass up a bargain. Clothes, make-up, skincare, bath supplies, perfume, and scented candles are really his weaknesses though.
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asoftgoth · 8 months
I hope these aren't intrusive to ask, but when it comes to your recent hip growth...
A. It's so cute, first of all
B. Do you believe they're growing solely because of HRT, or because of HRT plus you're specifically eating enough to continue gaining during your transition?
And when it comes to your transition in general, if you happen to plan to undergo any sort of gender confirmation surgery, have you already looked into qualifications/patient criteria? I'm not asking because I want to pry about you but because I think my egg is cracking but I'm already about the same size as you and I'm worried that if I even try transitioning, eventually I'll hit a road block at which point if I want to get any relevant surgery, they won't consider me viable unless I lose a lot of weight.
Again, I'm so sorry if this isn't stuff you're comfortable talking about, in which case please don't feel obligated to reply to this at all. I hope you're doing well!
Hey there :) First off im happy to answer pretty much any transition related questions. These are really invasive though and I appreciate you acknowledging that. For everyone that will read this, please don’t expect every trans person you speak with to be willing to open up like this. But with that said here we go:
A: Lol thank you 🥰💕
B: Its such an exciting and scary part of someone’s life when their egg is starting to crack. I remember those days well and I feel for you. But trust me, it gets so much better 💕 And about your questions, my hip growth is because of HRT mainly, and the fact that I have an overall decent diet. That’s pretty much it. And the diet aspect is important, when you transition your body is undergoing a massive transformation and it needs energy to help it along. My actual diet is for another post maybe, (it’s not anything special tho) but I’m not “actively gaining” and haven’t been since I started HRT, believe it or not! It might surprise some people but I’ve actually lost weight even though I’ve added about 3 inches to my hips since starting almost 9 months ago. Almost all of the weight I’ve lost (about 40lbs) has been from muscle loss throught my body. Plus I’ve also lost a ton of visceral fat from my waist(yay), and gained lots of subcutaneous fat in my ass and thighs (also yay). That’s not to mention my chest which is *really* growing a ton, and fast too. I’d say im really lucky with how my proportions are filling out, but it’s a long process and im extremely grateful. Transitioning definitely isn’t over night tho and as much as this sucks, it’s a genetic roll of the dice for what your proportions will look like. Transitioning takes a lot of bravery, and I don’t say that lightly.
With all that said, yes I do have some surgeries in mind that I want and plan on getting in the next few years. I don’t want bottom surgery, but if I did then my size would be an issue. There are strict BMI limitations for getting a vaginoplasty. It fucking sucks but that’s just the reality of things in 2023. Simpler surgeries like getting an orchi don’t have those requirements and that’s one thing I plan on getting fairly soon. Another one is FFS. I’ve actually talked with a few surgeons already who do FFS and some have BMI requirements and others don’t. The ones that don’t unfortunately may cost a bit more from what I’ve seen. (But they do have more experience too). For implants and things like that, I don’t know, I haven’t researched boob jobs specifically but I can’t imagine BMI would be an issue there. I know it isn’t for fat injections in your butt/hips.
One last thing too that I wanna make clear, because a lot of people might read this. You don’t have to actually take any medicine or have any procedures done to be transgender 💕 Medically transitioning is something that helps so many of us and is absolutely necessary for (I would say) most trans people, (it 100% saved my life, I wouldn’t be here without it). But not all, and it doesn’t define your transness whether or not you’ve taken ~this~ medicine or had ~that~ surgery. I was just as much a woman as I am now for the year before I started HRT when I knew I was trans. And I was just as much a girl when I was born. I’ve been a woman all my life, it just took a little while for me to figure myself out haha. Just trust your gut and make healthy decisions. I put off the whole “deliberately gaining” thing while my body is going through all this change. And I personally feel like im better off for it. However I’m working out and eating to help grow my lower half, so I guess you could say my gaining journey isn’t over, it’s just changed. But anyway, I hope this helps you and anyone who reads this, sorry it was so long lol. If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to ask, and my inbox is always open too 🖤
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