#i go 🤨 he yells it again louder so i just give him the finger and keep walking
avvocarlo · 10 months
god I hate asshole 4wd owners
#i was in this little subdivision where you can grab some lunch or go to the iga/chemist etc#I'mwith a client walking back to the car#then i hear this bloke's voice like HEY HEY!!! HEY!#so I'm looking around at the sound a bit confused but figured maybe there was a parking or give way type issue with the cars#i then see this bloke walk up to a qml car (pathology organisation with the cars usually doing the in home samples)#taps on their window and is all OH so you like to be in a rush huh?? with that I'm smiling but seething and ready to attack you kind of tone#he's this sorta wiry 30s bloke with the cropped beard and dickhead hair#you know the type that there's a million of here and a good amount are total pricks. he looked short too. Manlet rage#and it's a lady in the car who looks pretty small idk what age but she'd obviously be feeling uncomfortable#I'm looking at what is happening and he's yelling at me WHAT ARE YA LOOKING AT#i go 🤨 he yells it again louder so i just give him the finger and keep walking#idk what he said but it was the all OH Yeah OF COURSE kinda vibe. like everyone against me I'm always right type etc#not sure what he did after that but the QML lady went to the qml office and i saw sorta saw him pacing around angrily#like for all i know there's a reason behind all of this but nahhhh there's so many dipshit blokes like that here#rage filled 4wd owning tradie types that think people owe them the world#anyway i hope he didn't persue the lady or someone else after i left
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