#i get why the manga was so popular in middle school
chiarrara · 1 year
so the premise of fruits basket is ridiculous and hilarious, but setting it up and justifying it is even more funny. like...
ep 1: teenage girl living in a tent gets taken in by a teenage boy and his weird uncle to be their live-in maid (she has a whole other cleaning job btw which she keeps). their cousin shows up trying to fight. he lives here now
ep 2-4: establishing relationships with her new housemates, antics, and weird mystical stuff (cute shoujo romance plot)
ep 5: circumstances that led her to living in a tent get resolved, she can move back in with her family now. this makes her so sad (and her family is weird and mean) that her grandfather, who is responsible for this 14 year old girl, is like, you can move back in with your two boyfriends and their weird uncle if you want. she does.
ep 6: her two girlfriends come over to sus out her two boyfriends and their weird uncle and somehow miss that they all turn into animals every 15 minutes. they give a thumbs up.
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chateaaa · 3 months
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pairing: Chigiri Hyoma x fem! reader
warnings: angst, fluff, swearing
req: hi! i was reading a manga and it was a girl who looks like a prince with the guy who's the prince of the school date and stuff, and i was wondering what if chigiri met someone who looked like a prince or was treated like one cuz chigiri is like a princess so yeah (strangers to friends to lovers?)
u can just ignore this request but have a good day!! :3
— series here
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A small red-head was making his way to Rajitsu Tech, a middle school in Kagoshima. He was considered the prettiest boy in his school, and it honestly fed him up because he hates being called a princess.
As he was walking to the school gates, there was a group of students who seemed to be surrounding a person, and that person is y/n, a new student who looks and acts very much like a prince.
As y/n struggled to get out of the group who was surrounding her, Chigiri and y/n made eye contact. They stared at each other for at least 3 seconds and then Chigiri broke it.
He then left the school entrance and hurriedly went inside to his classroom, thinking about how charming she was "Shit, she was so handsome" Chigiri thought with a blush.
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timeskip, soccer field
Chigiri was panting heavily, the sun setting down, he was still practicing soccer. He then fell on his knees as fatigue caught up to him, he needed to train because he wanted to be the best. He hated it when the Wanima brothers made fun of him, he needed to crush them.
As he was breathing heavily in the middle of the court, he saw a water bottle on his field of vision, as he looked up, he then saw his new crush named y/n, handing him a water bottle.
"You aren't going to accept it?" asked y/n, because Chigiri was just looking at the bottle.
"E-eh..?" Chigiri silently muttered as he thought that y/n was just a halucination.
"pwaHAHAHA" y/n laughed very loudly as she sat down beside Chigiri in the soccer field, a very shocking emotion for someone who was graceful and elegant, that's why y/n earned her nickname called "prince".
"Hey, you're Chigiri Hyoma right? let's be friends!" said y/n with a dorky grin
"sure." Chigiri said with a blush
timeskip, 2 months later
"Oi, Chigiri wait up!"
"I did warn you, i'm a fast walker" Chigiri taunted back to the female.
The soccer princess, Chigiri Hyoma, was in front of his middle school, waiting for his female friend crush to catch up with him.
"Haahh.... why did you sprint??!? were like 40 minutes early today!" exclaimed the handsome female as she dropped to her knees.
Chigiri tried to stop his laugh but failed, offering his hand to her.
"You're very slow, n/n" said Chigiri with a smirk
"eughhh very funny Chi, anyways let's go to the convenience store before class! you should power up because today is a tiring day!" said the girl because she really needed to have the energy to answer all the tests.
"You don't need a power up, i bet you're going to be the top scorer again" said Chigiri as he caught up to his friend, who was on the way to the nearest convenience store.
"What are you talking about, you have a match after class right?" said the girl nonchalantly.
Chigiri blushed because y/n remembered he has a match after class.
"i expect to see you there then" Chigiri nudged the girl back as the girl was buying her favorite drink.
The duo then walked to school, not until people tried to swarm all over the popular girl.
"oh crap, gotta make a run for it! can't have people talk to me and ask about my hair products, bye Chi-chan! i'm going to hide" said the girl as she sprinted, leaving Chigiri behind, ahh yes the perks of being popular.
Chigiri smiled with his interaction with y/n as he went to his classroom, sure they were friends, but Chigiri has a crush on her, y/n was the only person that could make him smile as he was on the field.
"Oh! look what we have here!"
The smile Chigiri had quickly turned into a disgusted look, looking at the source of the noise, it was the Wanima Brothers.
The eldest grunted, while the youngest reacted "My brother says, Why is he smiling like an idiot, do you really think you have a chance with y/n?"
Chigiri sighed as he ignored the brothers as he made his way to his classroom, thinking about what they said, 'do i really stand a chance with y/n? i can't stop the fact that i really like her'
after class, soccer field
"Chigiri are you ready for the game?" one of his teammates asks
"Oh, yeah" he replied nonchalantly, his mind pumping up with excitement, he would finally confess to his long time crush, and friend after the game.
"Somebody call the ambulance!"
"He needs a doctor! quick!"
His vision was fuzzy and cloudy as tears pricked the corner of his eyes, his breath was hot and heavy, All he could feel was an excruciating amount of pain on his right knee. All his teammates tried to ask him questions and whatnot however, nobody dared to touch and help him.
"Move it!"
The only voice he recognized appeared, his prince in shining armor, y/n looked at chigiri in horror as her friend has his knee obviously not in the right place, but she calmed herself down as she knew what to do.
Y/n gulped and kneeled to where Chigiri is "Hyoma, i'm going to carry you on my back, i'm going to bring you to the ambulance." she said as she tried to calm her nerves.
Chigiri only nodded as he felt himself being carried on the back of y/n, tears pricked down his eyes as he stared at the Wanima Brothers, who was laughing at his pathetic state.
"Don't worry Hyoma, i got you" Y/n muttered, that was the last thing Chigiri heared as his vision turned black.
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1 week later
'my soccer life is over...' Chigiri thought, looking at his crutches, he was so pathetic that he couldn't even walk without support.
"Hyoma you have a visitor" said his mom, as
y/n entered his room, holding a bag of Karinto Manju, y/n sat down in a chair near his bed.
they both sat there in silence, y/n broke it by saying "Hey, Chigiri, how are you feeling?"
Chigiri laughed, thinking about how the world was mocking him "I'm feeling like shit. Do you honestly think that breaking my leg would make me feel happy? why are you here!?! i don't need you!" Chigiri said, clearly letting his frustrations get to him.
Y/n looked shock, who woudve thought that the Chigiri who would softly smile at her would shout at her.
"Fuck off L/n, go talk to your fans and stop worrying about me! honestly why the fuck are you worrying about MY leg, why are you acting like you were the one who has injured?!! do you think i'm going to be happy about this? my soccer career is fucking over!" Chigiri continued, tears pricked the corner of the female's eyes, clearly displeased because of the behavior shown by her one and only true friend.
"I'm sorry Chigiri, i guess this was the wrong time to visit" y/n said as she stood up and went out of his room, trying to hid the tears spilling out of her eyes, clearly scared to lose him
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3 weeks later
Chigiri was seen struggling walking, he had just removed his crutches, he needed to catch up with the team or else he would fall behind. He had self doubts, however he and the h/c girl has not talked yet.
Chigiri wanted to apologize to her, He knew he was at the wrong, he wanted to go back to their previous days where they would joke around and laugh without a care in the world. He wanted to tell you how he got accepted to this program called blue lock. He wanted to make you his.
During lunch break, as Chigiri was trying to find the princely girl, He saw her and smiled, however that smile turned to a quick frown as he watched the scene in front.
"I like you! Y/n-san!" shouted a boy from the same class as you, handing a love letter.
Chigiri looked displeased, he knew you were far more popular than him, you got the beauty and the brains, girls and boys follow you around yet you continue to hang out with him, why? he hated the way he treated you when you were at his house, his emotions got the best of him and he shut you off. He knew that you were so far out of your league. But he still likes you.
As he continued to watch the scene, the boy quickly left, it looks like he got rejected.
As soon as you saw Chigiri struggling to walk towards you, as soon as you saw that, you ran towards him.
"Hyoma! are you sure you can walk without crutches already?" you asked, holding both of Chigiri's hands to prevent him from falling.
Chigiri took a deep breath and said "Y/n i'm so fucking sorry, i had to get this out of my chest because i've been invited to this program called blue lock, i have to leave—"
you cut him off by saying in a sad but monotone voice "It's fine Hyoma, I get it, you don't need me in your life. I guess this is where our journey ends. Thank you for being the person i can express my feelings freely."
Chigiri's eyes widened, how did you get to that conclusion?
"Honestly i really have no idea how dense you are, I really like you, Chigiri Hyoma. But it's fine if you push me away" you continued, your voice going in a hushed tone as you said what you felt to your crush.
You closed your eyes as you braised for the impact, clearly expecting Chigiri to push you away, however you were met with a kiss, on the lips. Butterflies exploded your stomach.
As you opened your eyes, you saw Chigiri, then he crushed you in a hug.
"Y/n, i fucking like you! i'm sorry for pushing you away, fuck! please don't leave. Don't turn your back on me, don't leave me..."
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Ackk i'm so sorry for uploading this late, it was so rushed i hope you guys understand when the POVs are changing 😵‍💫😵‍💫. THIS IS LITERALLY MY LONGEST FIC SO FAR LOL. This was requested by my lovely mutual <33 tysm!! Hope this reached your expectations 😭 i kinda hate it lol
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russenoire · 4 months
on first watch as an anime-only, i remember feeling like ritsu kageyama's descent into evil in episode seven needed a little more air, more space to breathe. i... no longer do. if that slide down the slippery slope feels a bit sudden, there is a reason; and if you know what to look for, it's not actually all that sudden. bear with me here.
from the first episode, the anime sets ritsu up as shigeo's kind, solicitous younger brother. we don't see much of him for the first three episodes, but when we do, he's making bids for shigeo’s attention: helpfully straightening his spoon when it bends and deposits a bite of his dinner on the dining table; noting that he seems out of it and offering himself up as a confidant at least twice; checking in on him in the morning so they can both leave on time. (i actually love the anime for doing this. ritsu doesn't even show up as a character until maybe the middle of the manga's second volume?) except for the spoon, shigeo gently turns him down every time.
and yet. the interview ichi mezato snags with ritsu in episode four confirms a distance between the kageyama boys. you are not seeing things here. he initially refuses her desire for detailed information about shigeo’s powers, only indulging her to find out what shigeo’s been up to. ritsu holds those powers in such awe that he uses a rather hyperbolic phrase to describe shigeo for her: '世界の基本', or sekai no kihon, literally the standard for [his] world.
after he coldly walks out on her, she reviews what little she’s gleaned from their chilly meeting: he's hawt, at the top of his class, athletic, very popular... all things his older brother decidedly is not. the story establishes a duality here between ritsu’s image—indirectly revealed through mezato’s notes—and the reality of ritsu, sat hunched across from her, sullen, barely tolerating her until she coughed up the information she promised him. later on that evening, we see just how deep ritsu's awe goes... or rather, how snared up it is in resentment and envy as he attempts in vain to bend a spoon, just like shigeo did when they were younger. all the trophies of others’ esteem already gathering dust on his shelves don’t mean shit if he can’t have this.
ritsu intercepts shigeo as he leaves for class the next morning: no student council meeting, so an opportunity to actually talk to him. this is rare, his brother notes. and of course dimple is haunting shigeo. when the specter comments on their apparent closeness, the boy side-eyes him hard. this can easily be read two ways: ‘why the hell are you talking to me when no one else can see you?’ and ‘man, fuck you for sticking the knife in deeper.’ ritsu doesn’t ask about the cult meeting here or ever in the entire series. was he really all that interested in mezato’s news? no, he only wants to know why his brother doesn’t use his powers anymore. and this is the first time they’ve talked about this.
it’s such a neat little mystery, these breadcrumbs the story leaves for us until ritsu’s formal introduction in episode six. even though they share the same home and appear to be on friendly terms, the kageyama brothers may as well live on opposite sides of the planet. we don’t even get a sense of why this state of affairs exists until episode five, where teru chokes the breath out of shigeo and his pissed-off soul levels teru’s school before catapulting him into the stratosphere to reflect on his sins: several years prior, shigeo nearly killed ritsu (and possibly ended three much older boys) in an accident neither boy understands; fragments of memory flash before his eyes as his consciousness shorts out.
‘brother, you’re home late, sopping wet. here’s a towel. are you hungry? you seem down; is everything OK? if you need to talk, i’m here for you.’
instead of turning down this bid for connection like all the rest and turning inward again, shigeo actually opens up. he apologizes for the accident—for the first time—then asks for some clarity, since his memories of it are broken. and ritsu clenches the knob to his brother’s bedroom door tighter. he lies to his face, tells him to ‘get over it already.’ this after asking shigeo to confide in him again, no less: too terrified to be honest with him, too used to being shot down. this boy is soaking in fear he has no context for, and he heads downstairs to soak in it alone. shigeo at least has reigen to process his own fears with, though he never trusts the man enough to take full advantage.
ritsu has no one.
he’s already keeping up appearances at home and has been for years; over the course of the spring cleaning big cleanup arc, we learn the extent to which he’s been doing so at school.
(all those expectations of him weighing him down for so long… he can’t hold out forever.)
student council vice president tokugawa calls him out on trying to melt into the scenery like his brother; his considerable gifts make that impossible. said gifts, however, are so ego-dystonic for him that they’re yet another part of Ritsu Kageyama’s Big Lie. the academically-gifted, popular sprinter so many of his fellow students swoon over isn’t real: why does everyone praise him for things anyone could do? he doesn’t actually have friends, just associates. who cares about charisma? why does everyone think he’s perfect when the only thing he truly wants will never be his? and why does his locker leak chocolate every valentine’s day?
gentle reader. are you still wondering why he snaps when he finally gets his wish? and why it looks the way it does?
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 10 months
this might be weird to ask on a writing blog but do you have any manga recs?
yeah i got some recs! i'm gonna assume you mean less talked about titles rather than more well-known but quickfire popular recs i have are: chainsaw man, fullmetal alchemist, jjba, fruits basket, jjk and hell's paradise. but onto my other recs:
children of the sea**: a troubled teen named ruka embarks on the summer adventure of a lifetime after meeting two boys raised by dugongs at her dad's aquarium in the middle of a mysterious event taking place in the ocean.
the summer hikaru died: it's been months since yoshiki's childhood friend and secret crush, hikaru, went missing in the mountains for a week. hikaru's the same as usual, with his jokes and silly rambles and yet, yoshiki can't shake the feeling that whoever came back from that mountain, it wasn't hikaru. much to his horror, it wasn't. but rather than face reality and grief, yoshiki decides to play along with "hikaru's" act (body horror)
dorohedoro**: in a world where there are humans and magic users, humans have it rough being virtually treated as second class citizens. day after day, year after year, magic users come to the human realm to experiment on them with their magic. and after having his head turn into a caiman, kaiman, wants to get it back in blood and have his true form restored (body horror)
witch hat atelier*: in a world full of magic and witches, it's always been normal human girl coco's dream to be one. but after accidentally discovering a truth of this world and her mom getting caught up in the spell, coco becomes an apprentice of witch qifrey. (it was recently announced there's an anime in the works!)
skip & loafer**: desiring to become a government official to revitalize her hometown in the japanese countryside, iwakura mitsumi's first step to accomplish this goal is by going to a uni prep high school in tokyo. she's got a foolproof 10-step plan to boot! but of course, life hardly ever goes as plan, not even for a prodigy (mc's aunt has great trans rep)
sign of affection*: as someone deaf all her life, yuki has dealt with discrimination in both small and broad strokes. nor has she ever experienced romance. this all changes when she meets backpacker itsumi, a guy who goes to the same uni. just as he opens her world, she opens his
debu to love to ayamachi to***: after waking up in a hospital with no memories to her name, plus sized yumeko is told she is there after surviving a suicide attempt. the thing is, yumeko isn't sure why when she's just so beautiful! with a strong desire to live life to the fullest, yumeko decides to do everything the past her was to afraid to do. all the while it is revealed that her suicide attempt was more of an attempted murder... but who could have wanted to kill her?
my love story with yamada-kun at lv999**: nothing is worse than getting cheated on especially after akane invested a lot of time and energy into her shitty ex's gaming hobbies. but through gaming, not only does akane find herself healing, she managed to get herself a pretty cool boyfriend too
NANA**: 2 women, 2 different lives, 1 name shared. komatsu nana is quick to fall in love and after a series of less-than-lucky relationships, she finally has someone she thinks is the one. abandoned by her mother and her ex leaving her band, osaki nana hasn't had the easiest life. but on the same night, on the same train, these two women meet and their lives become deeply intertwined
a condition called love*: when it comes to romance, hotaru's never experienced it besides stories of her friends relationships. but she soon finds herself about to experience the whirlwind of a lifetime when hananoi, the most popular boy in school, asks her to be his girlfriend
a bouquet for an ugly girl***: as her class' resident big girl, hana isn't expecting a blossoming spring in her high school career. and she's okay with that. she has everything she needsー otome games and gardening. but after her class' pretty boy catches her in the midst of changing the class flowers, their lives become a bit more intertwined
uruwashi no yoi no tsuki: yoi is quite popular at her school because of her neat short hair, beautiful face and overall princely appearance. in fact, it's gotten her dubbed 'prince' many times. but when the other prince of the school finally meets her, cupid's arrow quickly knocks him on his ass
frieren**: a manga that picks up after the journey has ended. the demon king has been defeated and the heroes have saved the day after 10 years of traveling together. 10 years? that's not even a 10th of elf mage frieren's life. but as her companions begin dying one by one of old age, she finds herself desiring to learn more about humans and the short yet impactful lives they still manage to have
dungeon meshi*: when a dungeon raid goes terribly wrong and laios' sister gets swallowed by a dragon, those that remain in his party decide to get it back in blood by saving laios' sister before she gets digested. in the mean time, there's nothing wrong with gordon ramsay-ing miscellaneous ingredients found in the dungeon along the way, right?
and if you like manhwa or would be down for some manhwa recs these are titles i don't see getting recommended enough
concubine walkthrough: a scifi & philosophical spin on the otome isekai genre that asks 'what is reality truly?', 'is your life any less real if you found out all your experiences were a simulation?' and 'what is reality to you?' where protagonist lee yona finds herself stuck in a VR edition of a game she only played once
a wicked tale of cinderella's stepmother: usually when someone wakes up in the body of a villainess, she's the same age as the protagonists. mildred, on the other hand, is stuck in the body of this story's cinderella's stepmother. with no husband and three daughters to take care of, there's only one thing she can really doー build up her daughters' sisterly bonds with one another and make sure they marry into good families (or that they can at least live lives they're happy with)
tricked into becoming the heroine's stepmother: at least mildred got the body of an important character, daisy on the other hand? she's in the body of an NPC you never even see in the story. bright side? this is a story she helped write and after meeting the presently six year old protagonist's father, she and father of the year decide to team up for the ultimate mission: making sure his daughter never meets any of the love interests
inso's law: ham dan-i is in a bit of a pickle when she wakes up and her new school uniform is completely different than the one her mom bought weeks ago. there's a drop dead gorgeous girl next door who claims to be her childhood best friend. even worse, like something straight out of a drama, there are four heavenly kings that rule her school. by the end of the day, dan-i has no other choice but to accept the fact........ her real life has somehow turned into a web novel. even worse, she's a side characterー the main character's best friend
plum: in a world where fruit stacking is a major sport, little plum decides to be the very best like no one ever was and moves to the big city to compete in the fruit stacking games along with making some friends and rivals along the way
webtoons that are probably popular enough if they have hardcover copies at my local bookstore but i wanna talk about it anyway
cursed princess club: as the youngest princess of the pastel kingdom, gwendolyn loves her family. her protective papa, her oldest sister maria who often awakes to woodland creatures doing her hair. her older sister lorena who makes flowers bloom with her every step. and her younger brother jamie who's so pretty, he sparkles. and they adore her just as much. but things come to a very reality shattering halt when their father introduces maria, lorena and gwen to blaine, lance and frederick, the princes of the plaid kingdom and gwen overhears frederick call her ugly, something she's never heard in her entire life. somehow, gwen finds comfort in a club full of cursed princesses (and one prince) who teach her how to start loving herself again
*) receiving an anime adaptation
**) has an an anime series or movie
***) receiving an anime adaptation & contains a story with a plus-sized protagonist that doesn't involve weight loss
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whoishotteranimepolls · 2 months
Hi!! These polls are so fun, but I was curious, what are your top 10 anime series? 👀
In no particular order and it's always subject to change
Cowboy Bebop a classic that I've rewatched that show several times because of how much I love it
Soul Eater was my first anime and I still get nostalgic about it and would totally be on board for a remake
Black Lagoon a underrated action anime with some amazing badass female characters
The Apothecary Diaries I loved that show. So glad it's getting a season 2. To me, it feels like the spiritual successor of Ouran High School Host Club, which was my favorite romance anime for a very long time
Black Clover is so underrated and it's the perfect classic battle Shonen with great female characters. It actually knocked JJK off my list when it came to my favorite non one piece Shonen anime.
Mashle: Magic and Muscles. As someone who could understand why Harry Potter was so popular as a concept but didn't really like it myself. I love this show because it's basically an anime parody of Harry Potter and it's wonderful.
One Piece I actually started it for real last August because of the live action. Even though I attempted to start it about 3 times during high school and never got past syrup village and I've watched the anime up till thriller bark that I thought the anime was taking too long and just started reading ahead in the manga. Now I have read up to somewhere in the middle of Marineford in the manga. Then I started doing this blog and I've had no spare time to actually read the manga or watch the anime
Hell's Paradise. An underrated anime which I feel like I'm the only person that's seen it sometimes which I would definitely recommend. Since it takes your classic Shonen archetypes puts them on a mysterious possibly Supernatural Island together in an almost Battle Royale where they have to choose to either fight each other or work together to solve the mystery of the island their choice. Please go watch the show. It's now on American Netflix
Yuri on Ice the only one way I will ever forgive mappa for canceling the movie is if they actually finish Hell's Paradise but don't want to get my hopes up
Golden Kamuy thank you to my followers who kept requesting these characters because that's why I finally watched it. It's another underrated fun action show. It's also ridiculous and hilarious but there is a good mystery
So if anyone's looking for recommendations, I would start with Hells Paradise, Black Clover, Golden Kamuy or Mashle
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wordsofelie · 5 days
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Chapter 1
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🌅Don’t you dare runaway (A Phoenix and Ashes Sequel)
Miya Osamu x f!reader
Summary: Miya Osamu thinks some things will never change— Atsumu will always be annoying; his Ma’s food will always be the best and you will always be his favourite sunrise.
Content Warnings: Timeskip Setting, Manga Spoilers, ex!Suna, Swearing
Words count: 3.1k
chapter 2 -
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Miya Osamu wouldn’t consider himself bad-looking. In fact, back in high school, he was quite popular. He remembers being on the volleyball team, where girls would show up to every game just to catch a glimpse of him, even more than ‘Tsumu—though his brother would argue that to the grave. But to be honest, Osamu didn’t really care about the attention. It was nice, sure, but it could also be annoying at times.
Now, as an adult running his own business, things have changed. The fangirls have been replaced by regular customers—people from the neighbourhood, office workers, students. Some of the girls still look at him, maybe even flirt a little, but it's different. They’re not giggling or blushing like teenagers. They smile, exchange pleasantries, and Osamu catches the occasional lingering glance, but no one is making a scene.
It’s almost a relief—being popular in school was one thing, but running a restaurant requires a different kind of behaviour. He can’t really ignore girls or play hard to get anymore. He has to smile and be polite all the time. Still, he is good at keeping people at arm's length and has a whole strategy built to keep his female customers without giving them false hope. So when a girl has a crush on him (and he can sense from afar) he adopts his three-steps rule: smiling but not too widely, looking at them in the eyes but not too intensely and when he hands them what they ordered, carefully avoiding any fingers brushing or any physical touch. With that, Osamu hopes that people will come back not because of how he looks but because they will like what he makes. And that’s just fine with him.
And above anything else, if he didn’t have time to date in high school because of the club, now that he is working, he has even less time to give to a significant other. So, he concluded that it’s better to keep people away.
(Well, except you.)
So yes, Miya Osamu is used to the attention. However, as he takes a glimpse at the two obasan grocery shopping on the other side of the road, whispering and grinning at him, he remembers why he hated fangirls back in high school.
“Do we really have to do this in the middle of the street?”
You wave at them with a polite smile and turn your attention back to him.
“Yes, one more, please!” you beg, holding your camera up.
Today is particularly windy and you decide to tie your hair up in a ponytail to keep strands from flying across your face (and Osamu knows you always tie them up when you want to be focused on something.) The sun is up in the sky, and the breeze is chill, summer is over.
The man sighs heavily, dragging out your name in exasperation.
“Osamu.” Your tone shifts, firmer now, the one you use when you're getting serious. Osamu likes to pretend you’re scary when you get like this, but really, you’re not. “Can you tell me who studied communication and social media management here?”
“You,” he mutters, crossing his arms.
“And who is in charge of your Instagram and Facebook pages?”
“You,” he repeats, already knowing where this is going.
“Right. So, unless you want someone else to ruin the carefully crafted image of your business I built, you should probably let me do my job.”
“Yer not even employed here,” he points out, raising an eyebrow.
You match his look, raising yours higher.
“Fine, fine,” he says, throwing his hands up in surrender. “But just one more photo. We’re supposed to open in five minutes.”
You grin in victory and start snapping photos of him. “Miya Osamu, you’re awesome. If you showed your face more you’ll get so much followers.”
Osamu feels a slight warmth creeping into his cheeks, he lowers his cap to hide his face. It’s getting hot, maybe summer isn’t really over?
“But can we at least do that inside?”
He knows you don’t really care whether it makes him uncomfortable or not because you just want to give the best image of Onigiri Miya possible and what’s better than the (good-looking) owner standing in front of his shop, half sat on a table, arms crossed? Nothing, you claim.
“Turn your face so I can see more of your left profile.” You instruct, ignoring his question.
Osamu is about to ask you to stop when Atsumu appears dressed in his MSBY Jackals sweatsuit, frowning.
“Oi, shop's still closed? I’ve got practice, need to eat first,” he complains, tapping his foot impatiently.
“Oh hi, Atsumu!” you lower your camera, “can you wait a few more minutes, I’m taking pictures of your brother.”
“Huh? But how am I supposed to be the best setter in the world if I have an empty stomach?”
Osamu sighs, “All right, all right. I’m openin’ up now. Just wait a sec.”
Atsumu watches as his brother opens the front door. “Wow, shocker. Ya actually listened to me for once.”
Osamu shoots him a flat look, one that makes you chuckle.
You both follow the younger twin inside.
The restaurant is small, but you always tell Osamu it’s warm. The walls are white, so the light reflects all over the place, the counter is made of wood, it’s so clean, sometimes you’re afraid to eat on it. There’s still some work to do and some decorations to add, but Osamu likes this place.
He sees your eyes waver all around the room with a little bit of pride. You both come here every day, but still, Osamu only realises how far he has come once you’ve passed the door and the look on your face lights up like a kid.
Atsumu’s eyes flick over to you as he pulls a chair. “What were ya doin’ outside?”
“I wanted to take some pictures of Osamu for his social media to celebrate the first anniversary of the shop. You know, to get more people to come.”
“Maybe ya should take me as yer model, I’ve always attracted more girls than that moron of ‘Samu.” He puffs his chest proudly.
Atsumu startles when the other twin brutally puts down a packed box with four onigiri inside in front of him. A nice way to tell him to shut up.
He blinks in confusion, staring at the box. “Oi, these are new?”
“Yeah, spicy cucumber and tarako, tell me what ya think.”
“Am I yer crash test or what?” Atsumu’s eyes widen, looking between you and his brother.
Osamu shrugs casually. “Ya always eat what I make, don’t ya? Thought ya wouldn’t mind.”
Atsumu’s indignation fades into a grin, though his pride won’t let him admit he’s secretly pleased to be part of his brother’s culinary experiments. He picks up an onigiri, inspecting it before taking a big bite. “Not bad. It's bitter and salty. But 'Samu, if I end up at the hospital, it’s yer fault. Don’t cry when ya’ll have to tell Ma’ her favourite son is dead.”
“Always so dramatic.” You whisper with a chuckle. The corner of Osamu’s mouth lifts a little at your words.
“Aren’t ya goin’ be late?”
“Nah,” Atsumu says mouth full of rice, “Practice starts a little bit later today, our manager’s lookin’ for someone to handle communication, so he had all those interviews and shit and coach wanted to be here.”
Both you and Osamu exchange a look.
He turns to you, raising a brow.
“Atsumu,” you repeat, more slowly. “You realise I’ve been jobless for a month now, right? And that I’m looking for a job in communication? Why didn’t you tell me about it?”
“Yeah, I don’t think that would be good for ya. Ya’ll be surrounded by men. Bokkun, Omi-kun… even Shoyo-kun has joined us.”
You cross your arms, narrowing your eyes. “And? Why is that a problem?”
Atsumu snorts, leaning back in his chair. “Just wonderin’ if ya can handle all those big guys, seein’ as ya’ve been single for—what—three years now?”
The brown-haired twin sees your features cringe at his words, but you quickly add, “But I’m with Osamu most of the time,” you point out, glancing over at his brother, “I’m used to boys.”
Osamu smirks at that.
Atsumu eyes the two of you before finishing his onigiri. “Right, just don’t say I didn’t warn ya.”
“Do you think I should apply?” You ask Osamu. There’s something in your eyes like you’re searching for his approval but at the same time, his opinion wouldn’t matter anyway for you have already made your decision.
You have changed so much.
Osamu remembers the sixteen-year-old insecure girl he met in high school. Back then, you were quiet, always keeping yourself distant. He hadn’t even had a real conversation with you until the sports festival in his second year, and even then, it had been short, perhaps a little bit awkward. People would forget your name; forget you were in the same grade as them. It never seemed to bother you though. You appeared cold in front of people, but deep down, Osamu always knew you were kind.
The years he spent at your side confirmed that.
Maybe it was the fact that you used to date his former teammate and friend, Suna Rintarou, that pulled you into his world, but even after that relationship ended, you stayed in Osamu’s orbit. In fact, he can hardly remember a time when you weren’t around. You spend so much time at his restaurant, you have dinner together every night, you’re there on the weekends and every January 1st, for who knows how many New Year’s now, you are the first person he sees. You’re a constant in his life, maybe what he could qualify as a best friend (not that he needs to title your relationship, it’s too special to be defined with words).
But somehow, everyone still thinks you’re an introvert, that you don’t like to talk much. That statement never fails to make him smile. Because he knows better. He knows that you love telling him about your day and you love to talk on the phone until the a.m.—when you’re sleepy you tend to ramble. When you start a new activity, you always need to explain in detail what you did and where and how and what you liked or disliked about it. Osamu has no certainties about this world, except for one thing; you might be reserved with others, but never with him.
“Sure, go for it, just know ya’ll have to see ‘Tsumu every day.”
“So what? Are you afraid I’ll spend all my time with your brother instead of you?”
“Me? Yer the one who’s gonna miss me.” He leans on the counter to whisper that last part into your ear. From up close he can see the beauty marks on your face, he rests his chin on his palm and smiles (a side smile, always).
Your lips turn upwards, “You wish.” He can feel your breath against his cheek.
“Oi! Stop whisperin’, I know yer talkin’ about me,” Atsumu interjects, both Osamu and you straighten a little bit. The setter says your name, “D’ya wanna come with me so I can introduce ya to the manager? Maybe ya can give yer CV?”
You turn to Atsumu, “Of course, I’m coming. See you Osamu.”
“I'll close the shop earlier so I can pick ya up Champion.”
"You're the best." You wink at him and join the blond twin outside.
Osamu doesn’t have the time for a relationship because his business comes first.
Or perhaps it comes second.
Right after your friendship.
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Osamu waits for you in the parking lot of Osaka’s gym. Your interview is supposed to end in a few minutes but if it were to end sooner, he decided to show up earlier, just in case. It’s become a habit—being there for you before you even ask. It started years ago, and somehow, it never stopped. He catches sight of you emerging from the gym, but your expression worries him. He’s seen almost every side of you by now. Disgust when you eat menma in a ramens, guilt when he picks you up at 3. am. downtown ‘cause you drunk a little bit too much—you always apologise a thousand times, as if he minds driving you home— sadness when your heart had been broken by your first love. And that face, he knows it too; you're overthinking.
Osamu raises a brow as you approach. "So... how’d it go?"
You hesitate, lips pressing together in thought. Your silence makes him uneasy. Osamu notices his hands are starting to sweat just slightly so he decides to hide them in his pockets. Over the years, Osamu has learned that if you're nervous, he is too.
"It went great, actually. Better than I expected." You look down at your shoes for a moment before adding, "But that doesn’t mean anything, right? I don't know if they really liked me... I should have done better..."
Osamu clicks his tongue and opens the passenger door. "Yer always so damn humble. It’s annoyin’, ya know that?"
You chuckle softly and roll your eyes. When you sit next to him in the car and he starts driving, you’re fast to realise he is not going in the direction of your apartment.
"Where are we going?"
"I want to thank ya for takin’ care of the shop’s social and ya know, just supportin’ me and stuff, openin’ the restaurant wasn't easy but ya were there. So yeah…”
“You don’t have to, you know I’m happy to do it.” Your eyes are so soft, Osamu wants to lean in them.
“I know.” He simply answers, he always answers the same thing.
 “How about Chinese food?"
You sink into your seat and nod. Osamu can see that you’re happy with his choice from the wrinkles that form around your nose as you smile. A warm feeling spreads into his chest, it’s comfortable like he had just drunk a sweet cup of tea in winter.
“So, how was the interview?” He then asks (and he knows the conversation will last the whole ride because remember, you never shut up with him).
So, you tell him about how it started with the manager and coach, both professional and somewhat intimidating at first, but then the mood shifted when the captain, Meian, walked in. You describe how calm and composed he was. He made a couple of jokes, and you tried your best not to burst into laughter ("I need to stay professional, you know.") Then, of course, Bokuto barreled in behind him like a human whirlwind.
"Bokuto-san was... a lot," you laugh. "He barely let the manager finish a sentence. He was so excited, he even asked me to make a post about him. But you know it’s not like I’m managing the social media yet, so he was very disappointed, and I felt bad. Maybe I should have made a post anyway, to show my skills? But then what if they didn't like it? What if they think I'm incompetent?"
"I'm sure ya did great, smartass" he uses a soft voice, in an attempt to reassure you. "What happened after?"
"And then," you continue, your voice lowering a little as if you're embarrassed, "Sakusa-san showed up. He didn’t say much—actually, he didn’t say anything at first. He just dragged Bokuto-san out of the room. I think he was annoyed."
There it is—that slight blush on your cheeks when you mention Sakusa. It's subtle, but Osamu has known you long enough to notice. For some reason, it bothers him more than it should.
"He’s... interesting," you add, trying to brush past it, but Osamu’s mind lingers the way your voice softened when you mentioned him.
"Is he? I don’t know him that much.” A sudden urge to change the subject invades him.
“Atsumu warned me not to fall for any of his teammates. Said it would be ‘too much drama for the team.”
Osamu glances at you briefly, curious. "And what d’ya think?"
You shrug casually and shake your hands. "I’m not really looking for a relationship right now."
Those words hit him harder than he expected. There’s a surge of relief in his chest, so sudden and sharp that he can’t ignore it. But he does his best to keep his face neutral, hoping you don’t read his mind.
You’re probably afraid to get hurt again, he understands that. When your relationship of three years ended up with Suna, you were devastated. Osamu remembers you crying for months. He was so afraid you’d starved yourself that he couldn’t sleep at night and decided to take care of you as much as he could. He wished he’d done more though.
He keeps his eyes focused on the road like he doesn't dare look at you at this moment.
He thinks the conversation is over when you break the silence again. "What about you? You never talk about your love life. What happened with your last girlfriend? What was her name again?"
Osamu stiffens. He hadn’t thought about her in months, and now that he does, there’s no real emotion attached to it. She was nice, sure. But nice wasn’t enough.
He needs someone funny and kind and bright.
He wants to laugh and to cook and to sit in silence with the one he loves.
"Ah, her," Osamu says, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "She didn’t like that I spent so much time workin'."
You wait for him to say more, and he can feel your eyes on him, asking him to keep going. He sighs, feeling a weight settle in his stomach. And with you, he is about to say, but that would make you feel guilty, and he doesn’t want that.
You frown, confused. "She was very pretty though. Why didn’t you ever introduce me to her? Were you... ashamed of me or something?"
Ashamed? Of you? The idea is so ridiculous that it almost makes him laugh, but he can’t shake the look on your face, the way your brows knit together, and you purse your lips slightly.
"I’m not ashamed of you, idiot," Osamu blurts out, the words tumbling from his mouth before he can think them through. “I guess, I just didn’t really have the time.”
Your smile softens, and though you don’t say anything more, he can see a glint of joy in your eyes.
“Why are ya smilin’ for?”
“You must really love me.”
Osamu feels his heart skip a beat; he almost misses to stop at the red light.
“Why-why would ya say that?”
“You only insult people you love, like your brother.”
He opens his mouth a little, but nothing comes out.
“I’m glad we’re friends.” You tell him and your voice sounds like a lullaby.
Fuck, Osamu thinks. Maybe he shouldn’t have taken another coffee an hour ago because he can hear his temples beating loudly and he needs to do something with his hands—they’re shaking, they’re shaking. You’re going out of the car once he’s parked; he looks at you. Your smile is still playing at the edge of your lips.
Friends, of course, you’re friends.
That’s great.
Osamu wouldn’t change anything about it.
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author notes: i'm sooo happy to start this story, this chapter was essentially a way of setting the scene. compared to the prequel it will be mostly osamu's pov.
i'm gonna try my best to make it possible to read it as a stand-alone but i still think reading the prequel can help to understand the bond between osamu and y/n, anyway i hope you've enjoyed that chapter :)
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taglist: @wolffmaiden, @obibiwan, @teyvatsunsets
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 9 months
At first I thought the reason that I didn't like Bakugou was his deeply grating and aggressive attitude problem. The fact that he suicide bated someone in his introduction and we are all supposed to forget that didn't help.
But then I started and finished all of dragon ball z. Vegeta is so much worse that Bakugou objectively. Bakugou is just a middle school bully with delusions of grandeur. Vegeta is a planet destroying war criminal. Even in terms of attitude problems Vegeta has Bakugou beat. Vegeta's pride puts Bakugou's inferiority/superiority issues to shame.
And yet despite all of this I really really like Vegeta as a character. He was great every time he was on screen and I enjoyed his slow redemption arc.
Why is that?
I think the issue is in the goals of the respective series. Dragon ball is about being stronger and improving yourself. Bnha is about becoming heros.
It really grates at me that Bakugou's goal is going to be a hero. Which is essentially, and idol that has the power to arrest people. That's a lot of authority to give bully. It's especially grating that Bakugou never seems to realize just how far out of reach his goal is, not because of his lack of power, but because he sucks as a person. He has yet to become a decent person let alone be revered as a hero.
Vegeta meanwhile wants to get stronger and beat Goku. A clear objective that he is constantly working towards and always comes just short of achieving. I honestly can't help but root for that bastard.
There is also a stark difference between how they are treated by the other characters and narrative.
Vegeta is tolerated by most of the cast because they have far bigger problems and need all the fighters they can get. Also over half of the Z fighters have tried to kill Goku at one point or another and few of them have a strict sense of justice. So it doesn't feel weird that they are friends/allies. Vegeta simply put doesn't warp the characters around him.
Bakugou meanwhile is surrounded by heroes and hero students. And all on them are cool with him despite him nearly murdering Izuku in the battle trials. His shitty attitude doesn't prevent him from making friends when it realistically would. Bakugou warps the narrative around him.
Their redemption arcs are handled differently too.
Bakugou's main (and only) victim is the protagonist and that's the only thing that keeps him relevant to the plot. It's not crazy for me to expect an apology and a proper reflection on what he has done a lot sooner than chapter 322. Even after this he keeps being a jerk. The manga is going to be finished soon. This is taking far to long.
Vegeta's redemption takes far longer than Bakugou's. Yet it doesn't feel like it takes forever. Maybe this is because Vegeta actually contributes to the plot in other ways. Such as, his constant quest to get stronger, everything related to Freiza, and his relationships to his new family on earth. His sacrifice remains iconic too. I really really doubt Bakugou's will be.
Characters have a habit of saying that Bakugou has changed while he hasn't. Vegeta meanwhile says that he achieved super sainin because his heart is pure, pure evil! Which is a neat difference.
Vegeta is a better character for me because, he doesn't warp the characters around him, the narrative doesn't say he's changed until he actually changed, and he has interesting stuff going on outside his relationship with the protagonist.
So yeah. I guess all character archetypes can be enjoyable and it really does all depend on the writer.
All of this. There are characters who’ve done far worse than Katsuki. Vegeta and Zuko are perhaps the two most popular characters that come to mind. The difference is that their egos are constantly knocked down, they face actual trials, experience loss due to their actions, and ultimately denounce their old ways and aim to correct their wrongs. Katsuki’s ego is never knocked in any logical way, he never has his faults thrown at his face, never had to face conflict, and is treated as being some amazing person by the narrative.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
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Today, tonight, whatever time of day it is for you, I want to talk about this moment right here.
I have thoughts about this and I know I touched on this topic before but after updating one of my Miruko fics, I thought about this scene some more and realized something.
Here's the thing with Miruko that I think more people should actually stop overlooking.
If you read BNHA Vigilantes (I recommend it and SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVEN'T), then you would know a bit of Miruko's history.
For those who don't, let me give you a recap of it.
During Miruko's middle school days, she was quite a rowdy one. She would often crash fight clubs and get in trouble for it. Eventually, this lead to her being expelled from her school and taken into custody. Between that time and her high school years, her whereabouts were unknown and I have a theory on that in another post here.
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Now this bit of her history is why I think she says "I heard you formed a team. Weaklings."
I don't think she was being "mean" (if anything, I have a feeling that the Lurkers were even formed because of popularity reasons).
I think there's something deeper.
And that is if we dive deeper into her past, the answer is obvious.
Her quirk.
Does it not occur to anyone that Miruko may have been bullied by other people because she has a Rabbit quirk?
Think about it.
What's the first thing you think of when you look at a rabbit? Cute, right? And often how are cute things perceived? As defenseless!
Imagine growing up and people constantly telling you how cute you are, how helpless you look because your quirk gives you rabbit ears and a tail.
Rumi probably got sick of it. She probably started acting out to prove that she isn't some helpless kid (like Izuku). She doesn't have sidekicks, an agency and doesn't work with other Heroes like that because she grew up with the idea she had to carry her own weight and do things on her own so people would stop underestimating her.
Check out her interaction with Rappa.
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She may have had to deal with people like him!
Also, not just because of her quirk but also the fact she's female.
Note that there is a lot of male heroes in the industry and the highest ranked female heroes currently are Miruko at #6, Ryukyu at #10 and Mt. Lady at #23. Yet, each of them had to deal with more crap than some of the other heroes. Not just even physical injuries but I bet they have heard some sexist things in their lifetime. Mt. Lady is a starting hero, but so was Kamui Woods and she did more than him during the Kamino incident.
Personally, Miruko is a better hero than the ones ranked above her (both in skill and morals). I'm sticking by that and my mind will not be changed. No, I don't care for a debate about it. You have your opinion and I have mine.
Now, like other kids, I'm sure she idolized admired Heroes, possibly All Might, and wanted to be one. But as it happened to Izuku, she was put down for it because even though she has a quirk, people probably saw it as a "weak" one and that she's a girl.
"Rabbits always running away because they're always scared."
Her motto probably became something like "I'm a rabbit that runs towards the danger, not from it. I am the danger."
Thus lead to her doing what she did in her school days and thinking teamwork is weak. She didn't want people to think she has to rely on others' strengths and to protect herself. She could do that herself.
Think about how she interacts with other Heroes and teamwork. She is cooperative and she doesn't complain ever about working with them. She didn't think twice about helping Endeavor and Hawks out and she didn't protest during the Hospital Raid (or after later in the manga).
And remember when she insists on still fighting and Endeavor told her she done enough?
She probably felt that she still had to keep going, that she had to prove "I'm not helpless, let me still fight" (again, there's that Midoriya).
While it's on my mind, since I touched on Vigilantes.
I also think it's crazy that out of everyone in her past that the one person who did think her quirk was useful was the most evil character in this story and that's All For One.
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During chapters 88 - 89 in Vigilantes, AFO is watching the underground fight so he can choose what quirks to steal. However, he (and Kurogiri) was about to call it a lost cause until Rumi showed up and started kicking everyone's asses and changed his mind and attempted to steal her quirk.
That is mad wild to me that she was still training as a Hero, so again another moment of how badass she really is, just a kid and AFO sees this girl with Rabbit ears and a tail and think "I can steal that". Like you got to be one hell of a fighter for AFO to look at you and want to steal your quirk. Rumi took a "weak quirk" and strengthen it and AFO recognized that.
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
What do you hc for class 1b's backstories? Also this blog is literally giving me a supply of 1b crumbs and I thank thee 🛐
Thank you so much <3
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - he grew up in a small town that was 90% men. Probably fisherman. Also I think he has an older sister that he calls a bitch all the time but he would die for her. Pretty basic past.
Sen - ya know those basic ass dudes that get 20+ love letters a day. That was him in middle school. Other than that he had a normal past with a normal family (including his 'annoying' little siblings that think hes the coolest person alive <3)
Kamakiri - hes either an only child or the oldest of like 12 kids. He always had to take care if his younger siblings since his parents stayed at work all the time
Kuroiro - he was the only goth in a small ass town. Everywhere he walked old ass farmers would judge him for the way he dressed but now that hes at UA with a few other goths he doesn't care about being judged as much (bro is forklift certified btw)
Kendo - she had a very supportive family and was always praised for her good deeds which made her want to become a hero. Nothing to exciting shes pretty much always been surrounded by love and affection.
Kodai - other than maybe being teased when she was younger for being so quiet shes always been the same as she is now. Normal family and home life lol. I do like to think he family is loud asf tho (not like always yelling but they just have booming voices yk)
Komori - she was probably an only child. And while she was more popular in school than some she preferred to stay home with her parents or walk around in the woods to find mushrooms
Shiozaki - she definitely went to some christian private school her whole life and was probably really sheltered so thats why I think she would be a little akward when meeting new people
Shishida - lives with his rich ass grandma. Idk what happened to his parents but they aint in the picture so he was raised by this sweet little old lady instead and it shows
Shoda - idk why but I think he was raised by one of those hella social single moms. She always went out to partys and had friends over. Having so many new people around him all the time scared little him ngl
Pony - we all know most of her life she lived in America (i think California) so she spent a lot of her life by the ocean. She probably knows how to surf lol. Other than that tho she has a little brother and her parents that lived with her til she transferred to japan
Tsubaraba - his past is 50/50. Either he had a normal life with loving parents in a stable home up til UA or it was fucked up. No in-between (Ya know how class clowns almost always have fucked home lives.)
Tetsutetsu - bros biggest problem in life is having a hot mom. Hes an only child raised by a single mom and though most of his life is normal he cant have friends over because they just talk about how strong his mom is lmao. (She works out often and is the reason tetsu wants to be so strong)
Tokage - if she does have siblings its 2 older brothers and she was raised by her dad after her mom died when she was too young to even remember her. She doesn't mind not having a mom because her 2 older brothers gladly fill in that role for her lmao
Manga - yk how the mha universe is biased against people with mutation quirks. I think mangas birth parents put him up for adoption after seeing his quirk but in less than a year he was adopted by two artists after they saw his love for art <3 he had a normal and happy life since (this is also why his main goal is to make all the kids in the world smile)
Honenuki - Honestly he had an alcoholic single mom or something. She would always come home tired and with bad headaches so thats why hes so good at most house tasks (cooking, massages, cleaning, ect.) Kinda neglected so he matured earlier than he shouldve but he still loves his mom
Bondo - he was adopted by lesbian moms and they raised him to be the gentlemanly giant he is today. He loves his parents so much for how they raised him. His past is pretty normal and the only reason he was put up for adoption was because his birth mom not being financially stable enough or something of the sort. (She does visit him every so often tho)
Monoma - we already know he was bullied for his quirk most of his life but did you know he also lets you save 15% or more on car insurance? (Idk what to put here we already know his past rip)
Reiko - her parents divorced when she was around 8 and her dad won custody of her and she honestly couldn't be happier. Her dad looks cool asf but hes nice as hell to anyone and everyone. He also loves spooky stories and is the main reason reiko loves spooky things. Pretty normal past other than having a cool ass dad.
Rin - he transferred to Japan for two reasons. To go to UA and to get away from his parents. Dont get me wrong his parents were good people but they were kinda disappointed when rin said he wanted to be a hero. That disapproval only made him more determined to prove them wrong tho.
(More on koseis in tomorrows post)
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nicxl333 · 1 year
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summary: it seems the world is unanimously adamant to find out who pro athlete isagi has chosen to settle down with. can you handle the pressure?
characters: pro athlete!isagi yoichi, black!fem reader
contents: tooth rotting fluff, slight angst (if you squint), insecurity, mentions of bullying, reader has curly hair, blue lock manga spoilers
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when the world found out superstar football player isagi yoichi was taken, it was all anyone could talk about for weeks on end. there was endless speculation on which model or actress it could be. anyone who was recently in contact with isagi was an instantaneous suspect.
however, it was none of the above.
it was you, his longtime childhood friend. his sweet, beautiful and caring next door neighbour, who he spent 6 of his younger years living next to before he started off on his journey as a professional footballer at 18.
you hadn’t always been amicable with each other though. in middle school you were shy and reserved, having just moved to japan at 12. it was a new environment for you, especially at such a young age. your mother had always made sure to talk to you in japanese to get you accustomed before you had moved, but it was one thing to talk japanese with someone you know, and then to talk with people you didn’t. it was out of your comfort zone.
to make matters worse, being the only black person in your school made it hard. your curly hair and brown melanated skin made you stand out from others, always getting looks from someone, be it amusement or disgust. you became a constant topic for bullying by your class peers.
as a method of protection you therefore kept yourself to yourself, only speaking when spoken to.
until one day, when isagi yoichi would approach you, football in hand, evidently about to make his way to the school pitch.
“hey, what’s your name?”
you looked straight at him, eyes widening at the shock that someone would actually speak to you, quickly becoming apprehensive should the boy in front of you have any ill intent. he…didn’t look like he did though, and knowing how others acted around him you knew that isagi weren’t one of the mean guys. he was quite popular, due to his association with the school football team.
“…l/n. l/n y/n.”
“that’s a cool name. what’s up with your hair? it looks weird- wait!”
nevermind. he weren’t different after all.
you sighed, standing up from your homeroom seat, not allowing him to finish what he was saying. you kept your bag in hand while walking out of the room, leaving isagi alone. it seemed like everyone in japan was a certified dickhead. sure you may have overreacted, but call it a defence point because you’ve heard those same words before from others who bullied you all the same.
you lay in your bed that night, softly crying to yourself, wondering why you just couldn’t be accepted.
the next day you collected yourself together, deciding to leave the past in the past and at least attempt to get by.
you walked through the halls of your school with the intent to grab yourself lunch, having forgotten to pack a bento for yourself. as you stood in the lunch queue you felt a light tap on your left shoulder, turning your head to catch a glimpse of the owner, eyebrows furrowing when you saw the same guy who pissed you off yesterday, isagi.
“hey, erm… i wanted to-”
you refused to hear him out, walking away immediately and coming to the conclusion that starving was better than having a conversation with him.
after that, things continued as normal for about a week with mostly no trouble. isagi didn’t try to talk to you again and you went about your business.
it just so happened one fateful day that you were making your way home, passing by the large football pitch just in front of the school building. you saw none other than isagi yoichi repeatedly doing target practice, shooting flawlessly in your eyes, but letting out a loud groan and trying again, clearly agitated by his performance. you stopped in your tracks, mesmerised by his sheer dedication for the sport, eyes widening when he eventually stopped and turned to see you standing there, caught in the act.
embarrassed, you made a move to walk away to save face, halting once more when he called out your name.
he jogged up to you, breathing heavily once he was right in front of you, silent for a moment before continuing.
“i— uh, are you okay? you looked spaced out for a bit.”
“i’m…fine, thanks.”
the tension in the air was highly awkward, neither party knowing what to say, especially because isagi knew you didn’t particularly favour him. doesn’t mean he can’t try and rectify his wrongs though.
“i wanna apologise to you l/n, i didn’t mean to say your hair looks weird, i just didn’t know how to describe it in that moment. i think it’s cool, honestly. your curls are really nice. please forgive me, i swear to you i wasn’t trying to be mean.”
you stood, all walls up and feeling very defensive. you didn’t know what to do. in reality, isagi was the only person besides your mother who seemed to have a genuine interest in you. call it cowardice, but you’d rather that than have to experience more anguish than you’ve already gone through. however, the reality is, and it’s something you would just have to understand someday, that you grow and learn from different experiences. and perhaps, isagi was the best experience to start with.
from that day on, you and isagi became close friends, traversing through life together. he was there through it all; family events, sleepovers, fun days out. you two were inseparable, and it was only a matter of time before both of you realised you had feelings each other. that day came when you broke up with your first boyfriend at 16 due to him cheating.
isagi came over, holding you close while you clutched him and cried your eyes out, rubbing soothing circles onto your back.
you sat up on his couch, tears in your eyes and emotions on an all time high. he wiped both tears with his thumbs and held your face. you personally believed you looked a mess, but all he could think of was how damn beautiful you looked. and before he could stop himself, the words he’d been wanting to say to you through your whole relationship tumbled out of his mouth.
“he doesn’t deserve you y/n. he shouldn’t be allowed to make you feel this way. he shouldn’t be allowed to hurt you when all i want to do is love you.”
you both froze, processing the words he just spoke. he wanted to take them back immediately, but he couldn’t. not when he knows he meant every single word.
you stared into his eyes, his dark, blue irises that stared hard into yours. his dark hair framing his face so prettily. that cowlick that you admired more times than you’d like to admit. his posture shook slightly, with the anxious anticipation of what you would say back.
you didn’t speak however, letting your actions speak for itself. you reached up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck, and planting a long kiss that spoke a thousand words for you. he immediately kissed back, eyebrows pinching together with desperation as he placed a hand on top of your head, the other wrapped around your waist.
on that day, you left one doomed relationship and began a blossoming new one. and boy were you glad you did, for isagi was the best partner you could ever ask for for. although football was a high priority, you were even higher, making sure you were taken care of before himself. when you had your monthly period, he’d always buy your favourite snacks. he’d also memorise which hair products you used, buying them when you ran out. it wasn’t just you who loved isagi, your mother did too. she was always rooting for you to get together, as isagi was the most perfect gentleman. helping her with groceries, washing up dishes when he had dinner or stayed over at your house and always so polite no matter what.
when the letter from blue lock came, inviting him to partake, it was you who persuaded him to put himself first for once. you reassured him you would be there once he came out.
imagine his surprise when he saw you in the stands during the u20 match between blue lock and the japan national team cheering him on with his old school team jersey displaying his name on the back. you had attended with his mother and father. he had to calm himself down on the pitch as he blushed furiously.
and when they won? oh how your smile lit up the stadium, cheering louder than anyone else could, clutching his mother when he scored the winning goal. he noticed your hair was in braids, and you looked prettier than ever.
eventually the blue lock program came and ended, his professional career springing to life. and with his increasing media attention over the years he gained many fans who wanted to know more about him. by this point you were living together, your relationship thriving at the ripe age of 23. you had both decided to keep your relationship private though, for the sake of your safety in particular.
but now, the world wanted to know just who isagi’s partner was. he had made it clear he was off the market, but made no mention of who, taking upon themselves to play matchmaker and pair isagi up with any and every famous figure he came into contact with. and it just so happened you had enough one day.
“-‘yoi, i wanna be real with you for a second, i don’t like what the tabloids are saying baby.”
you and isagi were stood in the kitchen. he was stood behind you while your head was bent into the sink. he was washing your hair. you had just taken out your braids (with his help) and wanted to do a wash and go for the next week coming up.
he pondered on your statement for a second while he massaged your scalp which had shampoo in it, effectively lathering it.
“i know my love, i’m tired too. i can’t even do paired sponsorships without the media crawling up my neck. i know we’re private, but they should be able to get the idea that i don’t want them prying.”
you pulled the towel higher up your neck, feeling it slipping slightly, exposing your neck to a few water droplets as isagi rinsed your hair, preparing to condition it.
“it just—” you paused for a moment, partly not wanting to continue. “it makes me feel inadequate, knowing that the world are expecting you to be with a super hot and famous model or actor…how are they gonna react when they eventually find out that i’m neither of those things? just simple, plain old…me.”
he paused in the middle of distributing the conditioner to your hair. he pulled you up gently, turning you so you faced him, the water from your hair soaking into the towel.
“y/n, baby, don’t let the media bring you down like that. whoever i date is my business, not theirs. and if they’re disappointed by whoever that may be, then fuck them. disrespectfully. they don’t get to see just how much of a joy to my life you are. they don’t deserve it. and super hot model? don’t make me laugh. they should be scared if you ever enter the modelling industry because you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen. no one can compare to you. and you’d better believe that.”
his words brought you back to many years ago when he was consoling you after your first breakup. those similar words that reminded you just how lucky your were to have such a sweet boyfriend like isagi.
he kissed you, thumb caressing your chin as he held you tenderly.
“c’mon, let’s finish your hair. we’re getting wet.”
“when has that ever stopped you? last night says enough about that.”
“you’ll find out if you don’t put your head back in that sink y/n.”
you let out a laugh, complying for the sake of getting your hair finished.
once the conditioner was evenly distributed he picked up your detangling brush, making sure to brush out all tangles and knots in sections. after some time he was done, rinsing out all the product and squeezing your hair to wring out the water, promptly wrapping the towel that was once around your neck around your hair, to further bring out any excess water.
you both then walked into your shared bedroom, while isagi placed you to stand in front of the tall mirror in your bedroom. he grabbed your hair products and your wide toothed comb and numerous hair ties.
he walked back to you and placed it all onto a table besides the both of you, allowing you to start your routine. you let the towel fall from your head, your hair falling into place. just as you were about to start combing through your hair again isagi stopped you, wrapping his arms around you, phone in hand and placing a kiss to your cheek, snapping a picture.
you smiled at the gesture, feeling butterflies in your stomach. one thing about isagi was he never failed to make you feel some type of way about him, and you fell in love with him harder each time.
“what was that for ‘yoi?”
“can i post it? i want the world to see us, see you and how beautiful my girlfriend is.”
you immediately grinned, turning around and kissing him deeply.
“okay. let’s break the internet.”
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bro i need a typa love like this *cries*
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t4tozier · 1 month
in the hot for teacher verse do you have a desc doc for what you think the rat grinders look all human? :)
i don't have a specific doc for it because the first chapter was truly just vibes and i didn't expect to be writing more about them, but i do have some ideas in mind! the humanoids are pretty generally the same so for fun i'll give you some facts about all of them in the verse as well! putting this under the cut because it got quite long.
oisin: i was originally picturing him as black w locs, skinny teen who beefed up over the previous summer (lowkey wendell from nsbu before wendell existed) but i was mulling it over earlier and i actually really love the idea of samoan oisin?? he comes back from visiting his family over the summer and has gained so much muscle and fat and got some pe'a and everyone thinks he's so cool for it. he's got long hair that is usually up in a bun. probably also shoots up to 6'2, 6'3".
he's into manga. people who don't know him think he's really intimidating but he's the sweetest guy ever. ivy brings out the bitch in him lbr but for the most part he's just a really buff nerd. am i just describing ify nwadiwe. i swear it's not intentional.
ivy: i don't have a specific race for her but described her in got it bad as olive-skinned, brown hair with blonde highlights. i think she gets the chunky bleach highlights that were popular in like 2020-21. oisin is definitely the tallest of all of them, lucy the tallest of the girls, but ivy's probably second/third-tallest at around 5'8, 5'9.
she runs an anonymous aguefort confessions blog and has a viral tiktok account that mainly went viral as a result of the jace (and porter) videos. jace always says she's gotta quit with the gossip but will still ask her about it he's the worst enabler. she does archery and rides horses at aguefort! she transferred in middle school and everyone was very intrigued by her because she's british. they kept asking her if she's met the queen. she just started saying yes eventually.
lucy: since i made porter a white southern guy lucy is also white and southern by default. i think that she doesn't have the accent her uncle has because her dad married a new englander, so instead she's got this southern/new england mix that leaves her pronouncing certain words very oddly. she still has vitiligo--instead of gray hair she's got light brown with patches of white, and maybe a port wine stain on her face. she's about 5'11" - both of her parents are very tall so she inherited her height from them.
she got bullied pretty badly in elementary school and middle school. she is very sensitive and cries with basically every emotion so it can be hard to determine why she's actually crying if it's not obvious. she's not good at standing up for herself but her friends will hunt a bitch down for her. she will cry if you kill a bug instead of letting it outside. grew up knowing porter's best friend jace bc he gets brought to all the family events and was very grateful when he didn't make anyone call him mr stardiamond when they started his class because that would've been a weird switch to make.
mary ann: shortest one of the group at just around 5 feet. black, box braids with little charms on the ends, braces. her favorite outfit is overalls and her pink hoodie that she's been wearing for years on end because it's been washed so many times it's the perfect texture. between her height, her clothes, and being quiet and autistic, she gets infantilized a ton and she hates it so she will sometimes overcompensate by making dirty jokes at inappropriate times.
she's usually of the mindset that if someone isn't speaking directly to her or talking about something she's interested in she probably doesn't really need to join in the conversation. she was one of those toddlers who didn't speak until she could say a full sentence. she's the first girl on the football team--nobody thinks that she's gonna be any good but she's small enough that she just kind of darts between all the players and can hold her own more than people think.
buddy: truly just the same. sorry buddy i have nothing special for you. he's like 5'7". his grandpa runs the town's megachurch and he keeps trying to get everyone to come with him. he sort of latched onto their group but he genuinely is nice he's just also brainwashed so they haven't like actively tried to kick him out. i think that after spending enough time with them all he gets more chill especially because they call him out when he says something outright fucked up and he likes being friends with them so he wants to not offend them--it's just that he genuinely doesn't think he's saying anything wrong.
kipperlilly: also looks relatively the same but slightly taller, probably like 5'3". she and jace bond over having the same clothing organization app. she doesn't wear the prep-school kind of stuff she wears in canon but it's definitely still very clean, she probably irons everything. type a but not as much Like That.
jawbone realizes the conflict of interest when she starts talking about her anger issues and hating the others and actually has a parent teacher conference to recommend external therapy. can often be found with her journal after that. she and riz are in competition to see how many more ap credits they can gain than each other. rarely seen without lucy by her side. they have a homoerotic relationship for years because neither of them realize that they're more than girl best friends (and lucy's uncle porter always has his best friend everywhere, that's how adults are!)
ruben: i'm thinking he's maybe mixed, black and hispanic? he's got frizzy curls because he's much more invested in writing songs on his ukulele than paying attention to the right products for his curl pattern. he also has braces and mourns when his tooth gap closes because he can't whistle as well. 5'4".
he thinks it's the coolest thing to have his uncle work at the school and he and lucy bond over it even though he doesn't actually take his uncle henry's classes. he's part of the school band and plays in the orchestra for the theatre department - in addition to the ukulele he also plays acoustic guitar and piano.
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pro-mob-lover · 2 months
Simple and Mundane - Mob x Reader CHAPTER 1
MP100 is a creation of ONE's manga however, this is a non-official spinoff of the characters after 8 years of the events taking place in the anime and manga. Enjoy!
Let's get one fact straight. You, [Y/N], is an average, normal 21 years old. You've never won an award. Never been a needle in a haystack, nor was the diamond of the rough. You were never the best at anything at your high school or middle school; and you were most definitely not the most popular girl either.
You've always believed that the title of "special" is a title given anyways, not retained. Not that you ever wanted to feel that way, you were quite comfortable living a good, mundane life; with good, mundane people in your life. Sure, they might have their opinions about you, but you don't let it affect you. 
You're not the richest, the prettiest, or the most talented individual, nor will you ever be the most favored person on the stage of life, yet you were determined to give the crowd a standing ovation. Like what mother has said over and over again... Head strong, and you will find a way to keep moving forward. And best believe, you intended to do just that. Thats why you've decided to move out from the neighboring city and into Seasoning City. 
In your fragile small hands, you gently clutched onto the keys of your newly found apartment, you've recently signed the least and the landlord had given you the keys literally moments ago. 
You take a moment to take a heavy breath in... and a heavy breath out in an attempt to contain your excitement about living independently for once, but it was for nothing. You burst into a silent fit of squealing as you frail your body in a momentous and cohesive manner, you couldn't help but do a little victory dance for yourself as an unspoken force of excitement fill your facial expression.
You take the key and unlock the door. The apartment itself wasn't large, but it was perfect for one singular person, or two, but two's pushing it.  You took note of the small futon and Tv in the corner of the room, the large corridor between the lightly furnished kitchen and the entrance and the curtained window of the apartment that currently covers the view of Seasoning city. 
You run your fingers against the kitchen counter. Wow, they've really prepared this place quite well. Not a single speck of dust... give it a few months. you chuckled to yourself before making your way to the window, taking each edge at of the curtains. And for the final surprise... You thought to yourself as you begin to count from three to one in your head. 
"The view!" You unintentionally say out loud as you push the curtains out of the way of the window, letting huge gasp as your eyes lay upon the view of the city. Your eyes squint a little at the sudden contact from the sun's luminesce before widening in awe; they glitter in excitement as your gaze fall upon the city's bustling streets, counting and reading all the interesting signs that you saw. The shoal of people, moving so coherently and the faint sounds of the traffic jam. It's been a while since I was last here... 
Knock, Knock, Knock! 
"I'll be there in two seconds!" You chirpily yell as you turn your attention from the window and made your way to door. It took you a moment to figure the complex locking system, but after a brief minute, you managed to unlock it. You've lived in a quieter rural town for the last ten years. Being in the city is so foreign to you. 
With a courteous smile, you swing the door open ever-so-slightly. "Hey there! How can I help-" 
You paused. Your eyes meeting his dark ones filled with enthusiasm, he had hidden his hands in his hoodie pockets but retracted one to wave at you. It took you a moment to realize who it was, but a sense of familiarity in a city of possibilities hit you, and your tense muscles begins to relax a little. 
"What up, [Y/N]! Long time no talk!" The man chuckles. 
"No way, is that THE Ritsu Kageyama!?" 
"I'm surprised you remember me. It's been what- 10 years?"  
"How can I forget?" You say, fiddling with your kitchen just a little bit as you organize your belongings into the squeaky cupboards and cabinets, mentally counting in your head how much there is of each. You find the adult life a bit troublesome when it comes to organization of items such as these but nonetheless, you knew that was one of your responsibilities as an adult in this time and era. "Want some tea, coffee?" 
Ritsu sits down onto your dining chair with his phone in his hand. He seems to be reading some sort of text message, but you didn't really notice or care. It was none of your business. "Yeah... sure why not. Uh, your honey lemon tea please." 
"Got it! One Honey lemon tea coming up." You chirp as you begin the preparations for your special honey lemon tea. Which you distinctively remember that Ritsu and his older brother used to come over frequently just for the taste. You also remember having a faint subtle crush on his older sibling, since you were the same age. But you quickly forgot about it as soon as you realized that he was head over heels for your close childhood friend, Tsubomi, and immediately you laid your feelings to rest. But you would be lying if you say that you don't think about Ritsu and his older brother often. They frequently visited you, and you were good friends with the Kageyama family, so it's hard to get them out of your head.
"Man, I still remember the taste. Mr. and Mrs. [L/N]'s was to die for." Ritsu says as he put a finger on his chin, he was clearly reminiscing the older days. "Me and brother used to come by a lot for it... before you moved to the south."
You begin by sliding your hand under crest of the kettle's. You bring it under the sink and twist the knob of the tap. "Oh yeah, How's your brother, by the way?"
"Brother's fine. He's been dealing with work as per usual. His work is around here somewhere." He said as he turns his head to the window before letting out a small gasp. Not one that you can particularly audibly hear. "Oh. Wow, I didn't realize you live so close to where he works. He works at that place over there" he said as he points over the window.  Your eyes break the concentration from the sink and follow his finger to the...
"Spirits and Such Consultations Office." you murmured in a slightly teasing yet distasteful tone. "So, he works with Reigen? Uh, Reigen Arataka?" 
Ritsu's ears twitches, before taking a questioning look at you. "You know him?" 
"He's an old friend of mine." you say, bringing your focus back to the kettle. "He used to baby sit me when we were younger. Cause mum and dad are always on dates and such."
"Wait, no way! Thats hilarious." He giggles and looks back onto his phone. "So, are you family of his? Or...?"
"Oh no, just a hired babysitter. He was pretty cool though, we played quite a bit of those old video games on the old retro TV dad bought for me."
"Thats so coincidental... Brother started working for him after you left." 
"The last time I saw him was when we moved out of town to the other side of the country." You say as you pour the hot water from the kettle into two small serving teacups. "Anyways, tea is ready." 
As the day passes, you and Ritsu spent your day together talking about the last 10 years that you have missed out on. From his brother to his current university course. You also learnt that he was an ESPer just like his brother. You couldn't help but giggle a slight laugh as Ritsu's face lights up in happiness. You were genuinely happy that they seemed to be living their best life. However, your conversation was cut a little short as a loud grumble erupts from your stomach. 
"Hungry? I know a good Takoyaki place around the corner." He says as he stands up. "Come on, I'll take you there."
Conversations about your life also began as you both stand patiently in a short line Infront of the Takoyaki stand, right next to Reigen's office. You managed to explain how your mum and dad has bought a small land and started a teahouse cafe, how you and Tsubomi kept in occasional contact with each other, and how you broken up with your ex-boyfriend of 6 months a few years back. 
"I'm sorry that he did that to you..." Ritsu puts his hand on your back and gave you a small pat as his expression changes to concern.
"No, It's okay! Really, nothing really came off of it, at the very least I'm still in one piece and thriving. And plus, I am completely over it." you say with a smile. 
"As long as you're okay!" Ritsu says as he steps forward to the front of the counter. "If i was there I would've..." 
"No use using your powers on people. Thats not how people change if anything."
Ritsu scoffs and smiles at you. "You remind me of brother..."
His attention turns to the man at the stand, who gave him the common courtesy before he begins reciting his order for himself and surprisingly, for you as well. Though you tried to convince him that you'll pay for it, he just subtly shakes his hand and says "It's on me" - You try to beat him to the front cashier, but he managed to bump you out of the way and pay for your meal. 
After quick exchanges of playful banter, the man hands you and Ritsu eight Takoyaki balls in a small serving tray. You bow in gratitude before turning to Ritsu. "Let me at least pay you back." 
"No, it's okay really." He replies as he puts one of the Takoyaki balls into his mouth, blowing it slightly prior. "Think of it as a welcoming gift."
"I'll get back at you one of these days..." you say as you wave your index finger at him before taking another bite. He chuckles at your gesture but was cut short with a buzz on his phone which rested in his hoodie pockets. "Oh, crap. that must be my college mate. I have to get going now." Ritsu says, "but if you need company after 6:00pm I'm happy to bring my brother back to your place to help out with any un-packing you have to do, or anything else I can do to help." 
"I'll take any help I can get" you retorted "Thank you, and oh, tell your brother I say hi." 
"You can tell him yourself, see you [Y/N]"
And with that you both part ways.
The sunset becomes a welcoming skyward canvas, as you flutter your tired eyelids open. A dark circle clouds your undereye as light kisses your cheeks, you bring your hand to your eyes and slowly rub it in a circular manner whilst yawning before adjusting yourself towards your wall clock. It is currently 5:40pm. You fell asleep whilst cleaning earlier, telling yourself just closing my eyes for a bit. It wouldn't hurt, right? 
Nope, you were wrong. You found yourself overtly fatigued from moving, unloading everything and organizing everything in the correct spaces. You must've realized that your fragile body had overworked itself after hyper-focusing on the subtle little things that didn't really need that much attention.
You push yourself up, letting out another small yawn before taking notice of hear the rush of mid-day traffic shoal around your area. The constant sound of cars rushing pass, even if you're on the 3rd floor, was quite loud and yet. It felt oddly comforting despite not being in this particular city in ten years. You pick up your phone that dwelled between the pillow and the bed; but before you turned it on yourself, the sudden flash of light lit up as a small message appears. 
Ritsu Kageyama 5:53pm  Hey [Y/N]! Unfortunately, my university course is quite demanding of my time at the moment. But I've asked brother to come visit you to help with unpacking. He's currently outside of the apartment complex making their way up right now. If you need anything, don't hesitate to message. 
You blink. And once more again. They're already here?
You look around the apartment, to see that the various of belongings are all scattered all over the apartment complex, now you're never one to show your living situation as a mess (even though, you have a tendency to make a mess and leave it at times.)
Me 5:56pm Gah! Sorry, I fell asleep.
Me 5:56pm He's already here?
No response. Instead, you hear a faint knock, knock, knock on the door. That answers my question for me. "Coming~! Ah-" You stumbled out of the futon; tripping on the sheets, you barely catch your fall, but caught, nonetheless. Your hair was a mess, but you didn't really care if it was or not.
You open the door to reveal a tall young man, his dark eyes barely visible from the bowl cut fringe, and he resembled a lot like Ritsu. Dressed in quite a fancy suit and outfit, he stands there quietly. At first you were stammered with questions flooding into your head. This wasn't the same brother you remember him to be.
He was no longer frail as it seems like he built his body since you've last saw him, but not that you cared in the slightest. You couldn't help but wonder if he was the same boy from Elementary school all those years ago. 
"Ah- um, hi-" He murmurs in a soft gentle but deep tone. He said underneath his breath as he brings his hand to behind of his head, so it was hard for you to make out his words, but his gaze doesn't dare tries to avert from yours. "I'm here now. Sorry for intruding..."
"It IS you!" You throw your arms around him instinctively for a tight hug and his face in shock. He didn't know whether to blush from the shock, hug back (which he ended up doing instinctively) or whatever usually guys do when receiving a hug. Regardless without a doubt, he was flushed that you were able to remember him, he was almost certain that you've forgotten his existence. 
"Oh my gosh, I've missed you Shigeo!" You pull back slightly whilst giggling softly, your arms still around him and his around your waist still.
"It's good to see you [Y/N]." He sheepishly smiles. Almost hesitant to reply to you, but he whispers underneath his breath. "I missed you too..."
Explosion Meter: 8%
Luckily, you brain was too occupied in "I need to clean" mode to hear it... 
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icy-watch · 3 months
(I hit the unfollow button when trying to hit Q&A......but I hit follow instantly to fix it, sorry)
Before I leave tomorrow on my vacation I thought I'd request a show/series that is very dear to my heart. Like, if you made me pick between this series and Ninjago I'd mostly likely pick the former.
The series is called Kekkaishi. It's an anime and manga by Yellow Tanabe. The anime ran on Adult Swim between October 2006 to February 2008 and the manga ran from October 2003 to April 2011 with 35 volumes (one more than Attack on Titan btw).
I dunno if you're into anime or manga.....but....it's so forgotten. So not known. It hurts me really. When the anime was airing and the manga was still being made, it was so popular and highly ranked....but now...
I grew up watching Kekkaishi along side other young children shows like Spongebob, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, etc.
The basic summary boils down to this: Two families that are called Kekkaishi or "Barrier Master" guard a mystical site at night from creatures known as Ayakashi (different than "demons", those are a separate thing). They've done it for 400 years. Oh, and the "mystical site" is the grounds of a middle/high school building. The protagonist is Yoshimori Sumimura and......
Oh ho ho hoho
You think I'm obessed over Lloyd...
You think I go crazy about Geo.....
You think Luz is a sweet bean.....
no....no no no
Sniff wrong in Yoshi's direction and it's
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(the sweet grace of the Death Note won't save you from my wrath)
But anyways, the anime was canceled after 52 eps; I don't know why. I wish it wasn't. THERE'S SO MANY ARCS I'D LOVE TO SEE ANiMATED!!!!! The Julia mini arc! The Blank Box arc (my personal fav), the Healing Hidagou + Tokine Imprisoned arcs, and the Final Sealing Arc (would LOVE to Ufotable animate honestly)
You don't have to liveblog it but I'd still love it if you'd watch it. Plus all 34 volumes can be bought on Amazon!
Icy, it seems you and I have a lot of shared interests so I'd thought I'd at least share this one with you. I hate how something I love so fondly is so unknown (it honestly makes me depressed thinking about it)
Here's some pics from the anime and manga!
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(don't get me started on Gen or Souji 😭)
There's a chance I might not see your reply before I got on my vacation depending on when you respond/if I decide to check my tumblr before I leave (the location is a campsite with shitty or no wifi)
(You're good. Happens every now and again to everyone)
Oooo, I've kind of heard of Kekkaishi. I had a couple of ex-friends who were reading the manga when it was still coming out. I don't know if they ever watched the anime tho (probably, if it was on Adult Swim).
I haven't read any manga in a while. I was taking a break from the anime culture for a little while and just haven't gotten back into it. The aforementioned ex-friends were kind of the reason why. I'll probably start again by rereading the first series I ever completed (Chrono Crusade) that 1 or InuYasha. Again.
I'll def keep Kekkaishi in mind. It looks and sounds interesting. I might add the anime to a poll, just to see if anyone else is interested in seeing me liveblog it.
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iyokko · 7 months
introducing: iyo
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sup! i’m iyo. i’ve had this account for a while, but finally decided to start using it. this is probably the most formal i’ll be for a while. also, a txt version of the image with more info is below in the cut!
introduction pt. 2
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general stuff
iyokko — any prns (they/them default, afab)
hi there! i’m a midwestern digital artist who also likes to dabble into worldbuilding. i’m quite busy with schoolwork and extracurriculars, but i like to make time to share my insane ramblings i have throughout the day.
i’ve got a lovely girlfriend! i’m fruity, unfortunately. i might talk about her occasionally, but i’ll try not to since this is the public eye.
i have a pretty poor attention span though, and i’ll probably appear periodically on this account. when that happens, i’m still alive! feel free to send me stuff.
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here are some of my interests as of late:
murder drones
aphmau (why i joined tumblr! was a mystreet and minecraft diaries kid growing up.)
alice in borderland
extraordinary attorney woo
wings of fire + fantribes (also a wof kid! still am. make most of my extra cash through the ever-popular fantribes on discord.)
blue lock (manga)
beastars + beast complex (both manga)
oshi no ko (manga — stopped reading it for now since it’s gone off on the deep end)
hallow knight
danganronpa (the disease infected me in middle school and it’s sadly rotted in my head permanently)
one piece (just got into it! wish me luck)
warrior cats (read this at the same time as wof and aph. no wonder i came out so gay)
other stuff too! this is just from the top of my head.
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what brought you to joining tumblr?
aphmau brought me here! i saw the community, and as a lifelong aphmau fan—with a rewrite in the works by the way—i just had to join in. tumblr’s been on my radar for a while now to join!
what/when will you post?
i’ll be generally posting my art and ramblings! unfortunately, i probably won’t have a very set schedule, but i’ll try to post at least once or twice a week.
what should i stay for?
if you like my personality or art style, then you should stick around! i can’t promise i’ll be talking about every fandom i’m in, but a few that have always stuck with me are danganronpa, aphmau, and wings of fire. those three will probably continue being posted about throughout my tumblr career, so if you like that sort of content, i might be up your alley.
my inbox—is it open?
it’s currently open! but please be patient with me, i’ve only ever lurked on tumblr before. actually using it is currently a mystery i’m uncovering.
any sideblogs to be aware of?
currently i have one other account for my mcd and myst rewrite! it’s called @iyo-mcd-rewrite! hopefully the link worked for that—if not, you’ll often see me reblog posts from it.
i might make others for my two other big fandoms (wof and danganronpa), but for now they’ll be contained in this main one!
do you have other accounts?
discord — iyokko
instagram — iyokko__
toyhouse — iyokko
twitter — iyokko185998
where do i contact you?
i’m most active on discord and toyhouse, but if you dm me on insta or email me, i’ll get it at a later date! twitter i am at a loss for on dms. that’s all for now!
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splashtailstar · 2 years
Aromantic Reigen Masterpost
Vi am making a masterpost on why Reigen Arataka is aspec (more specifically, aro)
(also a little bit of aspec Serizawa propaganda)
Under cut because it gets long
Reigen shows no interest in intimate relationships with others and actually mocks romantic couples. His mother sends him an email telling him to get an actual job and compares him to someone who just got married. Reigen is unimpressed by this. He is considered very attractive by his lady clients but never shows any interest in others at all.
He has this conversation with Dimple which is very aspec in vy opinion
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[ID: A manga panel from Mob Psycho 100. Reigen tells Dimple, “Lust? But what of love, Dimple? Not that I want to have this conversation with you.” Dimple replies, “That ought to be my line, you son of a bitch.” End ID]
This next entire scene takes place when Mob asks Reigen for advice on asking a girl out and the entire scene is very aromantic. Reigen at first deflects to Serizawa and tries to get him to answer Mob's question.
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[ID: A manga panel. Reigen asks Serizawa, "But there must've been some girl you liked, right?". Serizawa replies, "Nope, none." End ID]
Serizawa then tells Mob this:
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[ID: A manga panel. Serizawa says, "Having someone that you like... I'm jealous. Shigeo-kun, if you feel the same no matter what anyone tells you," End ID]
What an aromantic mood
Reigen then starts to answer Mob's question.
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[ID: A manga panel. Reigen looks at his flipphone while speaking to Mob. He tells Mob, "Cleanliness, look around the store, no alcohol, listen well, build the mood, smiles are important, make her heart pound, a heavy atmosphere is no good, premise of marriage, invite her to a meal, sincerity". Serizawa notices the flipphone and thinks, "Ah... He's cheating! Reigen-san doesn't know either?!!".
Mob sweats nervously at Reigen's advice. Reigen tells him, "But in the end...," he snaps his phone shut, "You don't need a strategy. If you want to form a deep connection with someone, it's no use pretending to be someone you're not." End ID]
googling romantic advice... not very allo is it
"Reigen-san's cheating!" also not a very allo response
premise of marriage (chill, mob's in middle school)
after Mob leaves the office, Reigen talks some more
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[ID: A manga panel. Reigen says, "If this was about me, I probably would turn it into some cheap contest. Or rather, in my case, if I exposed my true self, I would get soundly rejected..." Serizawa notices this and nervously sweats, thinking to himself, "So Reigen-san is also pessimistic in that respect... He seems so popular with the lady clients, though..." End ID]
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[ID: A manga panel. Reigen says, "Tsubomi-chan and Mob... They can exist without distorting each other... I hope I can become a partner like that..." Serizawa notices this and is surprised. End ID]
Very aromantic vibes here
The last image here is from an interview in a fanbook where Reigen is asked about his previous romantic relationships and his views on marriage.
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[ID: An interview answer by Reigen from the official Mob Psycho 100 fanbook. Text over an aromantic flag reads: "In love? Me? Why are you looking at me while smiling? Do you think I'm lying to you? Oh, my. Well, I can't just talk about it casually as it would infringe on the privacy of the other party, you know. I've had a few passionate love affairs in my time. Remember that time when I held a woman on the bow of a certain huge ship? Huh? There's a similar scene in a movie? Did I remember it wrong...? Okay, let's move on.. Getting married is one of the many possible lifestyle options available to you. Follow your own heart." End ID]
How do you get more aro than this?
In conclusion, vi love aromantic Reigen for many reasons. Vi like that he is never presented with a love interest, that the show never acts like he needs one in order to function. Vi enjoy how he is an adult without romantic relationships who is not judged for or seen as incomplete without them.
He is a popular character and considered attractive (within universe and out of universe) but he is still seen as a complete person even without an intimate partnership. Vi wish we had more characters who were simply just allowed to be romanceless.
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minquiec · 1 year
stupid jipunk highschool things
Mostly prior getting tgt cause they're so fxking dumb and ARHGGG
- there's this one time where jia went and did her nails as red and white for fun but secretly it was to match his hair and so she's like walking around school w her new nails and hb pulls up like 'omg love ur candy cane themed nails 😆😆' but the problem is it was the middle of like july. people around them were like r u deadass rn 🗿 and jia kicks him like 'U IDIOT 👹' CAUSE SHES EMBARRASSED HE PERCEIVED HER (she was gonna get embarrassed either way cause when it comes to him she acts a little unwise and silly) and so she like walks off and he's just ???? but afterwards someone probably spells it out for him 😮 ohhhh 😳🤯 cause he's so dumbwbdjwndnw and then later that night she probably posted a insta story w her nails showing AND ITS RLLY DUMB CAUSE SHE DEFINITELY POSTED IT TO LONDON BOY LIKE GIRL UR SO OBVIOUS ATP PLEASE but he probably sees it and starts being dumb and doing that thing where u kinda go insane in ur bedroom and screaming into ur elbow EITHER WAY THE BOTH OF THEM ARE DOING THAG CAUSE RHEYRE SO DUMB AND SO STUPID AND I HAGE THEM he probably took a screenshot
- speaking of her insta, reiterating the fact he probably stalks it, he does this thing where like he'd click on a post and then immediately throws it across his room cause akdnksjdja@)#!# so his phone has a shit ton of cracks in it I doNT CARE THIS SEEMS OOC IM ALLOWED TO MAKE SILLY CONTENT ABT HIM ITS WHAT HE DESERVES HE NEEDS TO BE SILLY SOMETIKES TOO
- they're that type of like couple u see in manga where it's really fuqqing obvious they have the worlds biggest fattest crush on each other to absolutely everyone and everything except for themselves because dumb teenage crushing which is so dumb and so stupid and they're so dumb and so stupid and I hate them so. muchj
- they're in the same class and he sits behind her unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how u look at it) so he's 90% always like sprawling across his desk or he's leaning reaaaally down his chair cause his lanky ass could reach her desk cause he's a little shid and always pestering her 😬 like if he's leaning forward he'd poke her with the back of his pen and if he's leaning back he'd be tapping on the leg of her chair cause he's so dumb and annoying and has such a big fat funking crush it's a little ridiculous at this point I hat e thhh em (x2)
- both of them are actually equally popular cause they don't rlly hang in cliques and are just nice to everyone but her version of nice is different from his version 😭❓❓ idk how to word it SHES LIKE A ☺️👌✨ NICE AND THEN HES JUST A 💥💥😆🔥🗣️🔇🔊🔇🔊🔇 NICE ??? he's a hypeman that's what he is
- there's literally no rhyme or reason for why she started liking him bc it's y'know that situation in highschool where ur literally minding ur business and then you see this one person in ur class too much and ur like okay no hang on. 🛑 but yea it's she literally went like "okay there's this guy in my class who's kinda loud okay whatever 😑" and then a week passes and she's like "omg he's so annoying isn't his face just so annoying like I hate the way I have to break my neck to talk to him omg I just never wanna talk to him again cause he's so annoying" and then flash forward again and this time she's like "ugh I hate his stupid ass stupid face stupid laugh stupid stupid stupid
Like it's actually so dumb.
And the thing is he wasn't even initially trying to annoy anyone or whatever he's just like that but after he caught feels he started being the most intolerable idiot ever to her half on purpose half not
- actually going back on the 'everyone knows they have a crush except for themselves' thing I think at one point they probably did suspect the other also returned the feelings but they just never said anything cause awkward teenage shids
- so. So much of vague highschool flirt tactics it's dumb. Like it's the kind where like you ask to compare hand sizes or smth or otherwise it's she 'accidentally' squeezed too much hand lotion and smears some on his hand or buying extra snacks LIKE they're. Just so
So stupid I can't
They r just rlly silly and give me a lot of cuteness aggression and I kinda wanna squeeze them to death silly silly goofy teenage crushing argh
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