#i gave him permission to dress by himself and he chose this for 3 days straight lmao
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softbewitcher · 5 months ago
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in honour of sylus wearing this onesie for 3 days straight!!
(i think he likes this onesie,guys)
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years ago
S/o’s birthday but locks themselves in their rooms because they don’t feel special [Genshin Impact]
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Characters Included: Aether, Childe, Diluc, Kaeya & Venti.
Notes: Ayeeee! Since it’s my birthday today, why not make this? :))) I actually got carried away 🥲 this is around 3.5k words in total. Hope ya’ll like this!
Reader’s Gender: Neutral (tho i think there’s a slight implied female hehe…)
Warning: probably some swear words here and there knowing me- and mild suggestive themes in kaeya’s part 
[albedo, scaramouche, xiao]
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Aether remembers your birthday more than he knows his- like srsly, he’s the kind that remembers his s/o’s bday more than his. He’s also the kind that celebrates it privately unless you want to celebrate it with others, which he doesn’t mind. He might have a hard time deciding what kind of gift you want, but sooner or later, he already has one (or multiples bc he can’t decide-). 
Imagine his confusion when your day finally arrives but he can’t find you anywhere, even Paimon, who was excited to celebrate your bday (“oohh~ I can’t wait to eat the cake!” - Paimon), seems confused. Probably the culprit in planting worry in the travellers head as she jumps to conclusion that you might’ve been kidnapped. 
Luckily, he checked your house before he could report it to the knights of Favonius or the Qixing (like any normal person should do really-). When he received no reply, he takes out the spare key you gave him and entered your house, an invasion of privacy he knows but it's an emergency- 
Knowing that you’re in your room when he can’t find you downstairs, he knocks on your bedroom door softly while calling your name. Imagine his (and Paimon’s) relief when the door cracked open. Immediately engulfing you into a hug, he lets out a sigh of relief. He then proceeds to ask you what you were doing inside your room when it’s your birthday. His heart literally broke when you stated your reason. Tightening his hold around your figure, he smiles bitterly, knowing that feeling all too well..
“That’s not true. None of that stuff is true. Everyone deserves to feel special on their birthday, most especially you. We’ve brought some food, and cake of course. Also some gifts from other people. If you want, do you want to celebrate it with just the two, or rather three, of us?”
You, who was a literal angel in his eyes deserve the world. He honestly wants to find whoever put that idea in your head but that was reserved for another moment. For now, his main priority is your happiness. Guiding you downstairs where Paimon was (she left when aether hugged you, knowing you two needed privacy. also the cAKE-), he watches as your eyes sparkle at the sight of the cake. 
Grinning softly he made sure you had fun with your birthday. Even though it would be more fun with more people, it feels more special if it’s celebrated with just the two of you. Staring you with pure adoration as you laughed merrily at the sight of Paimon stuffing herself with food. He couldn’t help himself but lean forward to place a kiss on your forehead and then on your lips, leaning back with a smile on his face. 
“Happy birthday, my love. May many more to come. Maybe next time, we can invite other people. Though I don’t mind if we’ll celebrate it with just the two of us only-��� And Paimon! Don’t forget about Paimon!” “Yes yes. And Paimon.”
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Similar to Aether, he would most definitely remember your birthday. After all, it holds a special place in his heart, alongside his family. And since this boi is rich af, he would most definitely try to spoil you on your birthday. Piles of expensive (or just cheap yet meaningful) gifts, reservation to a high-class restaurant in Liyue Harbor, and all that glamour. 
Actually, he didn’t find it odd that he didn’t see you immediately, thinking that you overslept or just relaxing in your house. But he soon finds it weird when it’s already around 3 in the afternoon and no sign of your face in the crowd, something he raised a brow at but shrugged it off. It isn’t until it’s almost the time of the reservation he made when he finally realized what’s going on. 
When he arrived at your house, dressed in a suit similar to Zhongli except it’s entirely black and white, waiting for you to come out. After a couple of minutes, he soon got concerned and decided to enter your bedroom through the window (pls do not do this at home). Startled at the sudden appearance of your handsome yet cheeky boyfriend, he stares at you with eyes asking the questions he didn’t dare to tell. 
Knowing he will get his answer one way or another, you decided to tell him about your dilemma. After you finished explaining yourself, silence surrounds you, which is quite worrisome since your boyfriend is known for his rather talkative behavior. Blinking in surprise at the sudden embrace of the 11th Harbinger, his hug was rather tight but not too tight that it cuts your oxygen. Speaking in a low, faint voice, a surprising feat for him, you can make out what he said as clear as day. 
“I’m sorry. I should’ve noticed it sooner. I was trying to be a perfect boyfriend for you but I guess I failed in that aspect. You know, if you feel like you aren’t special enough to celebrate your birthday, then what about me? Me who stained his hands with the red blood of his enemies, always engaging in a fight, clashing with other blades. Insecurity is really an asshole huh? Let me make it up to you now. Let’s not anymore go to that stupid high-class restaurant, c’mon, up you go. You better dressed comfortably when I come back or else…”
Leaving you quickly before coming back immediately, this time in more comfortable clothing rather than the stiff suit he wore earlier. This time as well, he entered your house normally through the door. In his arms, he was holding a bunch of stuff and proceeded to dump it on the living room table. It was different kinds of movies in different genres, you spotted some of your favorite movies in them (makes you also wonder where he got these from since you don’t remember seeing these in the room he stays-).
He would suggest making a pillow fort, and while making the pillow fort, he proceeded to smack you with one. Which ensued a pillow fight between you two. It successfully made the both of you a laughing mess by the end, filled with feathers. Childe then carries you bridal style to the incomplete pillow fort and starts the movie you chose. Placing you in his lap and placing his head either on your shoulder or head depending on your height, cuddling you from behind tightly with a contented smile on his face. 
“You know what? This might not be how I envisioned how your birthday would go, but I’m not complaining. Happy birthday, comrade. My most adorable and most cutest and only love. I love you so much that you’ll be the very reason why I die so suddenly. So stop being so cute okay?” 
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(You two are living together in this one.)
Diluc has the probability of forgetting your birthday due to his busy schedule, especially if it’s starting to rise when your birthday draws near. He might neglect you for a couple of days, too engrossed in his work. When the day finally arrives, it completely leaves his mind. Like he’ll think of it as a completely ordinary working day. It isn’t until one of your friends told him to send you their birthday greetings that he remembered. And oh boy does he feel guilty, like srsly, he literally froze when he realizes what day it is today. And you know what that means? ✨Panicc✨
Honestly, I can see him buying the whole store XD. In the state of panic, his common sense just leaves him completely that he ends us buying practically the whole store. It would be sent to the Dawn Winery immediately as he buys some flowers from Flora, who also sent you her birthday greetings, which made him more guilty-
When Diluc steps foot inside the manor, he tries to search for you outside the gardens where he usually finds you but when he doesn't, he gets worried. Asking the head maid immediately about your whereabouts, and his concern and worry (and guilt) grew even more when he finds out that you haven’t gone out of your room. He quickly went to your shared room, with the flowers still in his hands, and knocked on your door. Calling your name softly and asking for permission to enter, when granted he entered the room as quickly as possible. But seeing the sight of you bundled up in your blanket made his heart crack.
Placing the flowers at the bedside table, he quickly made his way in front of you and kneeled down to meet your eye level. You can tell he was very worried about you with how frantic his eyes seem and the concern underlying it. With the way he was staring at you, you can’t help but spill your insecurity to him. The reason why you were hiding in his room rather than go out to celebrate your day of birth. Every word you spill made his heart break even more. Seeing tears started to leak from your eyes, he placed his two hands on your face wiping away the tears with his thumbs. Smiling at you gently and placing a kiss on your eyelids and on your nose.
“I completely understand, my love. Even I sometimes feel that way. Also to the point where I don’t want to celebrate my birthday even, but that won’t do my love. You are so special, you deserve your special day to be well special. If you want to simply lay here and sleep, then so be it. If you want to go out and do something, then I’ll happily oblige. Let’s obliterate those awful thoughts, and if those keep persisting, I’ll slice them up for you. I’ll keep picking you up when you fall. So, what is your command, my love?” (i'm so tempted for him to say master-)
Whatever your answer may be, one thing for sure, Diluc is seen smiling adoringly at you. Even the maids noted how soft the master is around you, particularly today. Whether curled up together in the bed, with him embracing you tightly to his chest and placing a kiss on top of your head. And if you listen carefully, you can hear him quietly humming a tune that his father (or mother) sang to him. Or you two outside in the garden, simply admiring the view with his hand around your waist. 
Either way, at the end of the day, he would wake you up or make you go inside for dinner. You haven’t eaten breakfast or lunch yet so you’re probably hungry by now. If you don’t want to leave your room or want to return to your room, he would understand and make the maids bring the food to you. When the maid(s) finally arrives with the food, you notice the cake on the tray. Looking at him as he chuckles, taking the trays from the maids. Humming a light tune, he scoops a spoonful of cake and holds it to your mouth, with a slight smirk on his face, eyes twinkling with mischief. 
“Stop staring at me like that, did you really think I would let the day go by for you to not celebrate your birthday properly? From what I know, birthdays have cakes in them, whether a huge cake or a cupcake. Say ‘ahh’~... Happy birthday my love. May next year be more enjoyable than now.”
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Kaeya remembers your birthday like the back of his hand, I think he’s even more excited than you really. Eagerly awaiting your birthday as he counts down the days, dropping hints and stuff to you birthday-related, and probably plans a birthday party for you. The knights immediately agreed on it, including a certain bard, traveler, and wine master (albeit more hesitantly). He made sure that this party would be successful, constantly checking on the plans and such. To the point that everyone was practically fed up with his constant questions. But they understand that he wants this to be a successful and enjoyable party for you. It got to the point where Diluc kicked him out of his Tavern after asking for the umpteenth time. 
When your day finally arrives, he was practically beaming with joy and excitement. To the point where he can’t hide it behind the cool and suave facade he wears. He quickly made his way to you, going along with the plan of distracting you as they started to prepare for the party. In his total excitement, he didn’t notice the rather gloomy atmosphere around the house. But when he arrived at your door, that is when he noticed how quiet your house is.
Now albeit worried, his excited smile slipping from his face and now replaced with a worried frown, he knocked on your door, calling you in his usual teasing voice. When he didn’t hear your response, the bubble of anxiety appeared in his body. Twisting the knob and finding it unlocked, he quietly and carefully opened the door. Seeing your back immediately, seeing your side rise and fall making him sigh in relief that you were still alive. Closing the door gently but made a noise to alert you of his presence. Taking a seat behind you, he ran his cold fingers on your back, watching you arching at the sudden coldness of his fingers. Smiling slightly, he asked what’s wrong. 
Turning around to face him, you buried your face on his chest, inhaling his strong masculine scent. Instinctively wrapping his arms around you, he played with your hair with one of his hands. Tapping on your head slightly, beckoning for you to answer his question. With no way out, you decided to come clean. You explain how you feel like you don’t feel like you deserve to be treated as special on your birthday and all that sort. His face was void of emotion as he stared at the ceiling with his unique pair of blue eyes. Outside he might seem emotionless. But inside, he was on the brink of insanity. Who dares to put such an idea on his s/o’s mind? Why would you think of that? Was this insecurity of yours also his fault?
“That must be the most stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. You’re not special? Please. Don’t try to make me laugh with that joke ‘cause it’s not funny. You are a jewel, a star, a constellation. As rare as the gems, or rather visions. You can even rival the very sun with your smile. I know those demons in your head keep saying those words to you, the temptation is so tempting, right? Just succumbing to them to make them quiet. But that’s why I’m here, my dearest snowflake. I’m here for you. You’re so special to everyone, most especially to me. You mean the world to me. Anyway, enough of this tear-jerking stuff, we have a party to celebrate. And we can’t celebrate it without the birthday gal/guy now can we?”
Despite your protests, he lifted you effortlessly and carried you outside and into the dawn winery where the party was held. Placing you on the ground and pushing you forward where people from Mondstadt came and greeted you with happy birthdays. Smiling at the sight of you being overwhelmed at the warm greetings, and then chuckling at how bright your face became. Diluc nudges him to you, beckoning him to help you before returning to what he was previously doing (most likely trying to force a bard to not finish all the wines in the vicinity).
After a while in the party, Kaeya brings you to a secluded place with no people for air. Being in a party filled with people could be suffocating at times, especially if you’re not used to it. He intertwined his hands with yours and bends down to meet your eye level (or leans down if you have the same height as him-). He gives you a cheeky smile and proceeds to place a peck on your lips. Chuckling when you pouted and glared at him, wanting more kisses.
“My my, what a greedy vixen~ But it is indeed your birthday so I guess I have no choice but to oblige to whatever my birthday vixen wants me to do. Would you like me to strip as well? Haha. Kidding kidding. Happy birthday, princess/prince. May many more to come. Oh! I forgot. I heard from a certain birdie that you ordered for a personal performance from me~ would you like to get it now?” 
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Since we all know that Venti practically doesn’t do anything like every day, I would safely say that he would remember your birthday. Probably save some mora to buy you a gift for your birthday, even though it’s not as fancy as the people in Liyue (they all rich kids-), it’s still meaningful. He probably made a bracelet all by himself with the beads he either bought or also made by himself. Nevertheless, he was as excited as Kaeya for your birthday. Already prepared songs to sing for you when that day comes. 
Venti immediately searches for you when the day finally arrives, but his excited and bright smile vanishes when he can’t find you in the crowd of people. Raising a brow at your sudden disappearance, he searched for you everywhere, the tavern, the church, the headquarters, everywhere but your house. So when he finally arrives at your house, he was filled with worry and concern. Entering your room through the window like usual, he sees your figure sitting on the floor while reading a book.
He pouted at the sight as he made his presence known by asking you why you were here and reading a book on your birthday. He watches as you jump from where you are and turns to look at him, sighing at the sight of him. He slowly made his way to you and sat next to you, his legs sprawled across the floor. He takes note of the food around you, which was non-birthday festive, it was just ordinary food. Not understanding why you’re sulking in your room, he asked you what’s wrong. 
Venti’s eyes widened at your explanation, feeling the sadness leaking at the words you said. They weave themselves around his heart, squeezing it, making him have a hard time breathing. He shares your pain. He was your soulmate after all. He immediately engulfed you in a hug, stuffing his face on the crook of your neck. You were so vulnerable in his eyes. You were so fragile. He desperately wants to protect you from the pain. But looks like he can’t protect you from your own demons. 
“Even though I promised myself to not say or do anything that’ll make you sad, I just need to get it off my chest. I’m sorry you had to suffer through that, those demons that a simple bard that weaves stories into songs can’t erase. Alright, no more feeling sorry for yourself. It’s time to get out and spend the rest of the day enjoyable, perfect for my precious Cecilia.” 
Without any warnings, he picked you up and jumped out of your window. Shrieking at the sudden fast pace, you instinctively wrapped your hands around him as he landed on the ground. Giving you a smug smile while saying “didn’t think i’d let you fall now?” Please slap him. Anyway, he laughed at your aggression and continued to run. Even if you ask where you’re going, he just says it's a secret. So might as well enjoy being in his arms as he continues to run (you swear you can feel the wind adding to his speed but that was just maybe your imagination-).
After a while, he placed you down and you realized where you are. It was Starsnatch Cliff, surrounding you were Cecilia flowers. Venti jumped on you, making you fall to the ground as he giggles. His hat flown back from the force of his sudden attack, he still has that stupid big smile on his face. Since his laughter is contagious, you couldn’t help but laugh alongside him. His eyes glistened with delight at the sight of your smile finally. Grabbing your hand and placing the bracelet he made, he pressed a kiss on your knuckle.
“This bracelet shall be a promise from me to you, a fellow bard to the fairest queen/king. I shall love you for eternity, this heart will only beat for you, and this body belongs to you. If you’re in dire need of assistance, don’t hesitate to call me. I’ll be there, forever and always. Happy birthday, my sweet flower.”
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rendevousz · 4 years ago
not a lonely birthday
teen!actress!reader x platonic!jeremy renner
brief reader x marvel cast
req by @maximeevansblog : The reader (me ) is dating jeremy renner its the readers birtday, and jeremy renner spoiling her, taking to the hair salon and to the nail salon , and the trows a party for her, and he asks her to marry him, and a couple months later the reader is asked to been on say yes to the dress and alot of fluff please (i'm so sorry i couldn't write your exact request. i added the other cast too but it's still mainly jeremy renner so i hope you enjoy this still)
summary: you thought you were gonna have to spend your birthday alone but jeremy had other plans.
word count: 3296
note: i told her i couldn't really write romance because my blog is mainly teen!reader and she said i could just turn it into an x teen!reader so i did. i mean, i can write a non teen!reader but it probably won't be anytime soon so i'm not taking requests that aren't x teen!reader as of now <33
"are you sure you'll be okay?"
"yes, mum, i'll be fine here. i've been doing fine for the past two and a half months, what's another week without you guys gonna do to me?" you told your mother on the phone, rolling your eyes at her excessive, unnecessary worrying.
"we're so sorry about this, sweetheart," you heard your dad speak and you figured he must've been listening the whole time. your mum must've had it on speaker since the beginning of the phone call.
"you shouldn't have to spend your birthday all alone. i promise we'll make it up to you, honey." your mother spoke again and you groaned. "i keep telling you that it's fine. and what do you take me for, a loner? i've got the others here, mum, i'll be fine." you told her, a smile ghosting over your lips at how concerned she is of you.
your birthday was coming in two days and having a whole movie to film meant that you weren't allowed to leave the country for just a weekend to celebrate it with your family. so, they worked around your schedule and planned a trip to visit. unfortunately, your idiot of a brother managed to get himself into a skating accident and had to be hospitalised, affecting their whole plan of coming to celebrate your 18th birthday with you. well, not on the day of your birthday, at least.
"i'll make sure sarah'll bring you out to celebrate, okay? i'm so sorry about this, y/n." you could practically hear the pout in her voice and you held back the urge to tell her off for profusely apologising, you didn't want to receive a beating when she finally arrives here.
"i'll be fine, mum," you whined. "as i said, i'll be filming on my birthday too so i'll at least be with the cast then. it's never a dull day with them. and i'll be waiting for your gift from sarah on my birthday." you teased her. you knew she had a habit of getting birthday gifts way too early. for once, she was grateful for that because she had given sarah—your manager and also a family friend— your birthday present for her to safe-keep in case anything like this happened and she couldn't give it to you on your birthday.
"i'll give you permission to whack your brother once we come." your dad tells you seriously and you laughed. "thanks, dad. i'll be sure to remember it. anyways, i have to get back on set soon. i'll talk to you guys when i can?"
"of course, honey. have fun on set!" your parents bid you goodbye and you hung up with an adoring smile on your face. you missed your family and having been able to hear your parents' voices for a mere five minutes was enough to cure it for even just a little bit. sure, you were disappointed that you weren't going to get to spend your birthday with them but spending it doing what you love—acting— with the people, aside from your family and friends from home, that you love—the cast— didn't sound so bad.
"i'm so sorry about this, darling." you heard someone say, effectively breaking your train of thoughts. you turned to the source of the voice, meeting the hazel eyes of your manager and long-time family friend, sarah. she pulls you in for a hug that you groaned into but still returned. you rolled your eyes playfully when she let go. "i'm not upset, sarah."
"i know. but you're disappointed." she says softly, fixing your costume after the hug messed it up a little. "maybe i am, but it doesn't matter. i chose this life so technically i brought all of this upon myself. i signed up to have a normal life stripped away from me." you told her honestly, internally cringing because you hadn't meant to get that deep.
"y/n," her hands rested on both of your shoulders and she looks down at you with that stern mum glare she'd give you whenever you were being a little troublemaker. she was practically your second mum, having promised your own that she'd take care of you whenever you had to travel for filming.
"i know, i know, i'm sorry. i didn't mean it in a bad way. i love my job but it sucks that i have to be far away from family, you know?" you sighed. "i understand, darling. it's hard but hey, i'll be with you the whole day, okay? we'll go out and have a nice girl's day out together, do whatever you want. that sound nice to you?" she places a gentle hand against your skin, careful not to rub the fake dirt and wound makeup on your face.
"that sounds great, sarah. i have only a half day of filming that day, right?" you ask her, knowing she remembers your schedule better than you yourself do. "yup. anyways, they need you on set 3. get out there and make me proud, darling."
"and....cut!" the director called out and you dramatically dropped limp against the wire harness attached to your body, the wires holding up your weight so you didn't drop down to the floor but also didn't have to remain standing on your own.
you heard sebastian laughing, him being the closest to you in the scene you had just filmed. "you tired, y/n/n?" evans chuckled as he walked towards where you and seb were standing. "yeah, i just wanna sleep right now." you told them, standing up on your own when a crew member wanted to get your harness off.
"well, at least you get to rest now. you're done for the day right?" seb asked, the three of you now walking to the snack table together. "yeah but sarah wanted to take me out so maybe not rest but i'll get to relax. that's good enough," you say, peeling off a banana and taking a bite while the two men drank some water.
"she's taking you out later today? is there a special occasion?" chris asked and you smiled at him. "nah, nothing much. she just thought i've been stressed lately." you lied. you didn't want to seem attention-seeking for telling chris and sebastian that it was your birthday so you settled on a little lie.
"she's not wrong. you have been working hard and you deserve a relaxing evening off work." seb agreed.
"oh she's walking over here right now. are you going now?" chris asked, eyes trained behind you as he watched sarah coming closer. you turned around, meeting her frown-etched face and you blinked profusely in confusion. "i thought we're going in two hours?"
"y/n, i'm so sorry. some stuff came up and i have last minute errands to run all day," she told you, offering a guilty expression when your face dropped slightly. "oh.. i– um, yeah, it's fine."
"are you sure it's fine? i promised you though," she frowned. "it's fine, i know you have a lot to handle and it's totally fine if we don't go out today. i'll just take a nap and be on netflix all day, i guess." you joked but sarah didn't laugh. "sarah, it's fine. you know i've been wanting to catch up on a list of shows. when else will i be able to do this?" you assured her, trying to mask your disappointment.
"i have to go now. i'll make it up to you, darling, i promise." she gave you a hug before running off somewhere. you felt bad for her because she probably had to be running here and there all day but it didn't change that you were disappointed. maybe you really did deserve this for choosing this life.
"hey kiddo," you felt someone ruffle your hair and you were almost going to go off on them for doing that before remembering you had just finished your last scene for the day. an arm rested over your shoulder and you looked up to see jeremy taking over sarah's previous spot.
"um excuse me? do we not exist?" chris joked when jeremy didn't greet him nor seb. jeremy rolled his eyes at them, turning back to look down at you. "you did great today, kiddo." he complimented and you smiled, thanking him.
"wow okay, i guess we really don't exist, huh? c'mon seb, let's go somewhere else where people appreciate our presence." evans sassed, glaring at you two as both men strutted away.
"good riddance," jeremy said, dropping his arm so that you two were now face to face. "happy birthday, y/n." he says, handing you a little bronze coloured box. you gasped as you took it in your hands.
"how'd you know it was my birthday?" you asked him, eyes wide in surprise. "of course i know your birthday, kiddo. after all, you are my favourite co-star." he grins, gesturing for you to open the box.
you did and your hand immediately flew to cover your mouth in shock. "jeremy! you didn't!" you gently took out the necklace from the box, examining it closely. the charm was in the shape of your favourite animal and the chain was gold. this must've costed him a fortune.
"jeremy, you didn't have to!" you exclaimed, pouting at him to prevent yourself from bursting into tears right then and there. "kiddo, i love you a lot, how could i not?"
playing clint's adopted, eldest daughter in the films, as well as a member of the avengers, you and jeremy worked together a lot. he helped you a lot with practicing your lines and emotions for specific scenes and you bonded over so many things you two had in common. even off set jeremy still acted like your father so practically everyone knew how close you two were. if sarah is considered your second mum, you'd say jeremy is your second dad.
"so i heard sarah bailed on your birthday date today," he says as he helped you put on the necklace, smiling fondly when you looked down at it happily. "thanks a lot, jeremy. you really didn't have to," you hugged him tight, the man chuckling as he hugged you back.
"and sarah didn't bail. she just has errands to run all day. can't blame her, she's a busy woman." you told him. "yeah yeah, anyways, how 'bout i take you out instead? a birthday lunch and a day out with your favourite cast mate?" he wiggles his eyebrows at you, a smirk playing on his lips.
"you don't have anymore scenes to shoot?" you ask. "i do but i have plenty of time before then." he replies. you agreed happily and he tells you to meet him outside the set in an hour so you two could change out of your costumes.
"you ready for the best day ever, kiddo?" jeremy asks as you entered the passenger seat. "best day ever? then shouldn't we invite the rest?" you teased, buckling your seatbelt. "hey! i'm pretty fun too!"
you chuckled at his childishness. "i'm kidding, you are fun. now let's go already, i'm starving." you complained and he started the engine, letting you play whatever songs you wanted as background to your small talk.
you had lunch first at your favourite restaurant but not before you two had a debate of whether you were allowed to because you were supposed to be on a diet during the length of the movie shooting and him ultimately going 'to hell with that diet, it's your special day' and then dragging you in. after that, he said he had a surprise for you and told you to just get in the car.
when he finally stopped somewhere, you realised it was a pretty well known hair salon in town and you tilted your head in confusion. why would he bring you here?
"you said you wanted to dye your hair, didn't you? let's do it." he says nonchalantly, unbuckling his seatbelt before you both exited the car. "are you crazy? we're still in the middle of filming!" you exclaim in disbelief. this man was crazy.
"yeah but it's not like they can't just get a wig of your current hair and use that for the rest of the filming. scar and lizzie wear wigs all the time, you can too. now let's go dye that stupid colour you want!" he cheers, tugging you along with him by your wrist, into the salon. you chuckled at his antics, letting him drag you.
the next hour or two was spent with you worrying that your parents would kill you for this, or worse, anthony or joe. you knew it would be a meltdown for them if you came back with your hair a completely different colour.
jeremy assured you that the russos, as well as your parents, would not get mad at this but you were pretty sure you'd get an earful from both pairs. you made him promise that he would talk to both parties that he was the one who convinced you to do this. but once your hair was done, all worries flew out the window as you admired your new hair.
"you look great, kiddo. this colour looks good on you." he looks at you with a fond smile, trying to resist the urge to ruffle your newly done hair but failing. you pouted at him when he did so, reaching up to fix it again. "sorry, y/n/n, couldn't resist," he states, pinching your cheek.
"alright, next stop now, let's go!" he pulls you by the wrist once again and you let him, used to him doing this already. the next time he stopped, you damn right almost had another heart attack because again, this man was crazy.
he did not just bring you to a nail place. surely he isn't about to let you get your nails done, right? the russos would have your head and his too if you were to get them done and casually get back to the studio.
"no." you said firmly, crossing your arms over your chest as you stayed seated in the passenger seat. "c'mon, y/n/n," he whined, throwing a tantrum outside the car door as he tried to get you to leave the car.
"no, jeremy, they'll literally send me back here to get it off because in case you forgot, in all my scenes, i don't have fancy nails." you reasoned, noticing that jeremy has now moved to your side of the car and the passenger seat door has now been opened, the man continuing to make a fuss closer to you now.
"no they will not, i'll make sure they don't. c'mon kiddo, it's your birthday, let's have a little fun!" he says but you were still unsure about the whole thing. "i don't know.."
"okay fine i guess i'll tell you this now. they didn't want to tell you until later today because they wanted it to be your kinda birthday present but your avenger suit has changed. it's not like the one in the last movie, it's got gloves now! and the rest of your scenes excluding the last few ones are all in your superhero suit right?" your eyes widened at this new information, a smile growing on your lips.
"wait, for real? are you sure they're not just fingerless gloves?" he smiles down at you. "yeah. i planned this day well, okay? put some trust in me, geez," he sassed, moving out of your way as you finally exited the car.
"this better not be a joke, renner, because if it is, i'll have your head." you threatened jokingly. "yeah, yeah. oh also, can you just pretend to be shocked when they tell you about your suit upgrade? because i really wasn't supposed to tell you this." he scratched the back of his head awkwardly as you walked two walked into the nail salon.
the entire time, he awkwardly sat at the side, waiting for you to be done. when you were though, he quickly got up, as if he had been restless sitting down the whole time.
"they're pretty," he says as you walked back to his car. "yeah, i really like them. haven't had my nails done in a long time." you replied, getting in the car and waiting for jeremy to get in on his side. once he did, he immediately started the engine and started driving back to the set where he had to continue shooting and where you knew sarah would be waiting for you.
it was after many different topics and finally arriving outside the set did you decide to get a little emotional. "hey, i just wanna say thanks for today. i thought i was gonna spend the day alone watching netflix all day like some loser but you made this day really enjoyable. you have no idea how much this really means to me, thank you so much jeremy. i love you." you pouted at him, trying not to cry. "aw kiddo, of course. you're an important person to me. couldn't let you be a loser on your special day," he teases, bringing you into a hug where he didn't miss his chance to ruffle your hair.
once you let go, he kept an arm around your shoulder as you both walked in. he opened the door for you both and you almost jumped in place.
your jaw dropped at the sight in front you. every single one of your co-stars, along with some crew members were wearing party hats holding up a banner that said 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N'. sarah was in the middle, holding a huge birthday cake with a smile on her face. you slowly walked towards her, hand over your mouth in shock.
sarah gave the cake over to robert before opening her arms up for you. you gave her a tight hug. "you didn't have to do all this," you say, letting go of her. "jeremy and i planned this right when your mother called beforehand and told me they couldn't come in time." she explained.
you turned to jeremy who had been standing next to you the whole time, giving him another hug which he happily accepted. "you guys didn't have to." you told them, trying not to cry at the thought that these people loved you enough to do this for you.
"but we wanted to. and the rest wanted to join in too. now before you start bawling your eyes out, let's get this party started!" he cheered.
"but before that, make a wish, kiddo." robert tells you after evans finished lighting up all the candles. you closed your eyes, making a wish and blowing them all out. everyone cheered before walking away to grab food or to talk to others. or in your cast mates' cases, fighting over who gets to give you your present first.
"you knew it was my birthday!" you exclaimed when you locked eyes with evans, who was in the middle of a brawl with both mackie and robert. he laughed out loud. "yeah! i did! your lie couldn't fool me, child!" he says dramatically, before being pushed aside by robert.
you laughed as they continued to fight right in front of you about who you love more and therefore getting to be first to give you their gift. they even managed to slip in a few compliments about your new hair, while they were literally fighting. you watched in glee, realising that even if your biological family couldn't make it for your special day, you still had a second one to make it special.
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@amourtentiaa @rqmanoff @abitofeverythinggg @andreasworlsboring101 @cay-writes-fan-fiction514 @teenwonder @sevenmorningstars @fleurlovesbucky
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cafeinthemoon · 4 years ago
The Home I Crave - Chapter 5
Title: The Home I Crave
Genre: Fanfiction
Pairing: Tobirama Senju x reader
Rating: teen and up
Word count: 2577
Chapter: /?
Symbols: ⭕ | ➕ | 💛 | ▶️▶️
Read the previous chapter here: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
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Thanks to Mito Uzumaki’s help, you’ve learned everything you needed to know to understand the daily routine of Konoha, though you’d only start to think of it as your home when you were at your own house, managing your own tasks – or so you hoped. You still had to think of how your life under the same roof as Tobirama Senju would be, and no matter the direction your guesses in this sense would take, they all led you to the same place: whatever it was expecting you there, it shouldn’t be less than a challenge.
During those days, with the work regarding the treaty, your communication with your parents, who kept you informed about everything that was going on at the compound (to whom you had to reassure about your well being in every message even when they had a brief conversation with Mito before they left) and the moments you’ve spent with Hashirama’s wife, you have been avoiding any question on this topic, only speaking about it when you were doing something directly connected to the ceremony, such as trying your clothing while the dressmaker made the necessary adjusts and to discuss the hair style. The messages from Tobirama’s part were brief and few, always directed to his brother and only to keep him in touch about the mission in the Land of Wind.
The first and only exception was the last one, which was written to you.
You received it from the Hokage himself, who took a moment at lunch time to leave the office and bring it to you. You startled when Hashirama offered you the roll with the message guarded inside a seal like an official letter. You read the writing on the seal and recognized the category used in the correspondence between your clan and its allies, including the Senju. You have opened this type of message countless times during your work as the head’s eldest daughter.
- I mentioned in one of my letters that you know how to break this type of seal, since you did it many times while working with your father – he explained – He must have remembered this detail when he decided to send it like this.
- I see – you mumbled, looking at the seal – Well, I would never expect him to remember something that was only mentioned once.
Hashirama smiled.
- You do not know him yet, y/n-san. To be honest, I myself didn’t remember it until I saw this roll. But my brother’s brain works differently.
You were about to ask if such measure was really necessary in this type of mailing, but then you considered Hashirama’s last words. You accepted the roll from his hand and put it on a small table close to you. Using the habitual hand signs, you broke the seal; a thin column of smoke covered the roll for an instant, then disappeared to reveal a common paper sheet.
You took the letter and found a steady, verticalized calligraphy distributed in three brief paragraphs, after which you saw his name written in a slightly wider style.
This was what you read:
To my betrothed, from the … clan:
Y/n-san, since this is the first time I write to you, it is only natural to expect this letter to be one of a particular nature, in which I would express my feelings towards our engagement and the perspective of returning to Konoha to finally meet you. However, the circumstances force me to write about a different topic. I hope you understand the situation and do not take it as a sign of discontentment or disinterest from my part.
According to the plans established between me and the Hokage, my return to the village was settled for tomorrow, but an unforeseen event will require my presence in the Land of Wind for a longer period, so that my stay here will extend for more three days. I have searched for all the possible alternatives to this problem, but the best arrangement I could get was this one. Considering the distance between the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire, the time our entourage will need to organize everything before the journey home and my personal preparations for the ceremony once we are back, our wedding will be delayed in at least … days. I apologize for this inconvenience, with which I myself am displeased.
Finally, I hope we make amends for this in the name of our clans and in an act of decency as shinobi allies during our encounter. I ask you not to reply this message, both because I will not have enough time to write you an adequate response and because I will send another letter with news if necessary.
Senju Tobirama
You spent a moment in silence, staring at the paper, re-reading some parts of the letter, trying to absorb the message in it and all its undertones, just like you did when you talked to Mito, during the walking at the river and when you found the portrait. Still, the difference between all those signs and this letter – the first and only time when you saw him speaking for himself – couldn’t be denied.
You must have stood there, quiet for a long time, for Hashirama came to your side and asked you about the message’s content.
- Is everything okay with him? What does he say here? You seem worried.
You blinked and raised your eyes to him.
- He says that something happened unexpectedly and he will have to stay in the Land of Wind for more three days. The ceremony’s date will have to be changed.
You passed the letter to Hashirama, so he could see for himself. His eyes would go from one side to another, passing over the lines with gravity. When he finally looked at you again, you didn’t like what you read in his eyes.
- I didn’t sent him alone on this mission because I knew that this could happen – he sighed – I know exactly what he’s talking about, and despite being a complex task, any of the people who I sent with him could stay behind and finish it. They’re perfectly capable for this. But convincing my brother to do this is something I can’t do at this distance.
He gave you the letter back and you folded the sheet with a weight in your heart. The first letter you received from your future husband and the only thing he had to say was about a delay in your encounter. Not that you were entirely surprised – he was the Hokage’s advisor, after all; he was used to have many things depending on him. But couldn’t help thinking that this would be a constant in your life together.
You didn’t say any of this to Hashirama, though. When he asked if you were okay, you just smiled.
- Guess we will have to wait and see what happens. Let’s think of this as an advantage: we will have more time to prepare things here. If we consider that we haven’t had much of it, we cannot waste this opportunity.
The Hokage nodded.
- If you say so.
Hashirama didn’t say a word about it, but it was clear that he noticed your deception, for he looked at you as if saying he couldn’t believe his brother did something like that again. You decided not to concentrate in this, doing as you yourself just said and taking the extra time to work on the preparations for the ceremony.
Now, the day of the wedding came, you were dressed with the emblems of your clan in evidence, your hair was done and your face was covered with the delicate makeup you chose despite the protests of the girl who was responsible for it, who affirmed from five to five minutes that a bit more of color would sett off your naturally beautiful traits, only stopping when you told her that if she kept insisting on it, you would steal the brushes from her and do your makeup yourself. To you, wearing the vibrant tones of your clan’s traditional clothing was enough to set off anything in your appearance.
During the week before the wedding, your father sent an entourage with representatives who transmitted you the respects from himself, your mother and your other relatives: according to what was establish in the meeting, your parents stood at the compound to take care of their own work beside your second and third sisters. You knew that Tobirama would arrive at Konoha just the night before, and in fact he did, for a brief message was sent from his part thanking you all for taking care of things while he was away and explaining that he would need that night and the next day all alone to prepare himself, only meeting you, his family and the representatives of your clan during the ceremony.
At the Hokage’s residence, you had a brief exchange of words with Mito and Hashirama, after which the Uzumaki explained that she was going to take you to a private room where you would wait until the groom’s arrival.
- He will see you there and will be the one to lead you to the temple – she explained; and, with a clever smile – Don’t worry about the waiting. He’s not going to get late.
You looked from Mito to Hashirama, who was smiling too, and then back to Mito.
- My brother is too attached to punctuality to let himself get late – he replied to the question you didn’t make – I bet he’s still mad about what happened in the Land of Wind.
Mito nodded to show her agreement, then turned to you.
- So, I think everything’s ready. Shall we?
You shook your head instead of verbalizing a response. Finally, it came the moment.
Hashirama wished you luck and told Mito he would be waiting for her in the Hokage’s place at the temple. He approached her and gave her a kiss on her temple; you looked away in a gesture of modesty.
When he left, Mito asked you to follow her through less used corridors in her house, until what you found out to be one of the rooms you didn’t receive permission to enter. She opened the door, stepped into it and invited you in.
The room was not as large as the door suggested while you were outside, but it had a decent size and the simple furniture was well organized. At its north side you saw a window that would go from one wall to the other, and was low enough for the glass to reach your hips; there were no curtains to cover it.
You turned to Mito and found her still at the door. You came to her, not ashamed to confess how nervous you were.
- Time will feel like an eternity if I wait here all by myself, Mito-san – you commented, holding your hands together in front of your body – But I understand you have to go.
That time, she not only had a smile to you, but a tight hug and assuring words.
- Everything will be fine, because you’ve worked hard for this, y/n-san – she whispered – It is an honor to receive you as part of the family.
- Thank you so much for this – you returned the hug.
Mito Uzumaki said she was going to join her husband and wished you the best, leaving right after. The door was closed and you were left with only yourself to rely on while you waited.
You were about to move away from the door and back to the window when your eyes caught something unusual on its polished wood. You looked closer at it and identified a pattern of signs that formed a seal. You’ve never saw that seal before, and neither you were able to tell to which category it belonged, for it was nothing like the seals you knew. Could it be a protection seal that would only allow the right people to enter the room, or something else?
You raised your hand to touch it to see if something would happen, helping you to find an answer. Your fingertips passed through the marks, but there was no texture, temperature variation or anything that asserted their existence besides the fact that you could see them, as if they were just part of the door. Maybe if you were a sensor, you could identify the presence of chakra in it, but unfortunately for you, that was out of your reach.
- This is my Hiraishin mark.
You screamed so loud that you weren’t sure if what scared you most was that deep voice speaking out of nowhere or your own with the scare. You moved away from the door to the other extremity of the room, throwing a kunai you were hiding under your sleeve at the voice’s direction, but gave up on an attack once you saw the owner of the voice – he was the man of the portrait, with his white hair and the red lines on his face, but dressed in the Senju fashion instead of the blue armor. Upon the left side of his chest, between the folded fabric of clothing, he carried a tiny, white flower. He had no difficulty to deflect the blade: he moved his head from its way, grabbing the weapon’s base with his left hand.
You spent the next instants in silence, waiting for your breath to return to its normal rhythm, just staring at him, who had his last word swallowed by your scream and gave up on whatever he was going to say after it: after approaching you and giving back your kunai, he just kept looking at you, only then understanding that his sudden appearance inside a room with its door closed would scare anyone inside it.
So, that was your betrothed. That was Tobirama Senju. It was as Mito told you: if the date she gave to the portrait was correct, he haven’t aged a day. He was almost as tall as his brother, and the paleness of his skin wasn’t just an impression produced by the lens; it was his natural tone.
He wasn’t scared or bothered by your reaction; he didn’t even startled, confirming the idea you had about his unusual self control. The only thing you noticed in him was a hint of disappointment, which was soon explained by his next words:
- As I was about to say, this is the seal of my Hiraishin – he approached the door and touched the mark – It is a teleportation jutsu that I created some years ago. I have put it here to prevent a delay in our encounter – and with a sigh – I’ve talked about this measure with my brother, so I thought you were informed about it. But as I can see, he forgot to mention it to you.
Tobirama bowed his head at you in a brief but respectful gesture.
- I apologize for my sudden entrance, as well for my brother’s lack of attention. This is far from what is expected from a decent first meeting. Now, let me introduce myself properly – and raising his hand to his chest, right below the flower – I am Tobirama from the Senju clan, the Hokage’s brother and advisor, and the representative of the Senju in this new alliance between our clans.
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vuljoseph · 4 years ago
PORTUGUÊS: Eu voltei, e voltei com os headcnons sobre ShinArthur pais!!!
Esses headcanons envolvem principalmente um personagem original meu, o nome dele é Keith Kusakabe. Antes de tudo, peço encarecidamente para NÃO USAR O KEITH EM SEUS TRABALHOS, OU ALGUM DESSES HEADCANONS ENVOLVENDO ELE SEM A MINHA PERMISSÃO!! TAMBEM NÃO REPOSTE A IMAGEM DO POST SEM PERMISSÃO! A arte em questão veio diretamente do meu Twitter, se quiser me dar um biscoito lá, você pode.
E bem, sim, Keith é assexual, eu decidi isso porque eu precisava criar um O.C assexual e projetar nele minhas vivencias.
Escolhi ele por puro favoritismo que tenho com ele por ser o meu bebe ShinArthur, e que eu amo MUITO!! Durante essa epoca horrivel da pandemia do covid-19, eu fiquei meio "presa" nesses headcanons envolvendo o Keith, já que eu o criei perto do final de 2019 e tudo mais. Fire Force me ajuda a lidar com meus problemas desde 2018, eu me apeguei muito a obra e a ShinArthur por conta disso. Durante a pandemia, foi Fire Force que não me deixou perder o controle, eu sou Brasileira, e dado ao estado do meu país foi dificil não perder o controle. Eu tenho uma relação afetiva com a obra do Ohkubo-sensei muito grande e está sendo importante compartilhar isso com alguem fora da minha bolha!!!
1- Keith foi encontrado abandonado no meio de um incêndio nas instalações de Haijima, com diversos infernais. Foi o Shinra quem o encontrou chorando debaixo de alguns escombros, ele teve a sensação de que pode ouvir o choro do bebe através do Adolla Link. Shinra pode sentir que o bebe deveria ser dele e de Arthur, mas ele tinha medo de que se tivesse um filho, a criança sofresse a mesma exclusão que ele sofreu.
2- Arthur quem insistiu para que eles adotassem Keith, em partes porquê o bebe só parava de chorar se tivesse no colo de um dos dois, mas também porquê ele se viu na situação em que o Keith estava. Arthur havia sido abandonado também, e não poderia fazer com aquele bebe o mesmo que haviam feito com ele.
(E também porquê ele e Shinra cuidaram do bebê por uns dias antes da decisão, e Arthur ficou extremamente encantado com a visão de Shinra dormindo na cama junto do bebe. Esse foi o motivo principal)
3- Arthur escolheu o nome Keith para o bebê, já que Keith significa "floresta dos ventos" ou "lugar ventoso" , o primeiro significado fisgou o Arthur por conta do primeiro kanji do nome do Shinra que também significa "floresta". Arthur achou perfeito, já que Keith o lembrava de Shinra de forma quase sobrenatural, apesar dos olhos azuis.
4- Shinra foi quem se apegou ao Keith mais rápido, apesar do medo que ele tinha de ser pai por conta de seu passado. Cuidar do bebe acabou o lembrando de Sho, quando ele era bebe e deixou Shinra extremamente nostálgico, mas também deu para ele uma vontade muito grande de ter uma família com Arthur.
5- Shinra já se desesperou a ponto de começar a chorar porquê o Keith teve febre, e ele tava sozinho em casa com ele e nada do Arthur voltar da farmácia com o remédio.
6- Shinra fez o primeiro aniversário do Keith com tema de super herói, e o Arthur ficou triste porquê o Shinra não deixou ele vestir o Keith de bebe cavaleiro, mas ele ficou muito mais feliz porquê o Keith ficou adorável de Spider-man.
7- Arthur e Shinra passaram a brigar muito no começo , mas brigar de verdade, não como no anime que eram discussões leves. Eles só pararam porquê graças a deus tiveram inteligência emocional suficiente para ver que isso afetava principalmente o Keith, que ficava irritadiço e não queria comer quando eles brigavam. Eles tiveram que aprender a se comunicar melhor, e que se um fizer algo que o outro não gosta é pra eles sentarem e conversarem. Isso melhorou bastante a relação deles, e o Keith também ficou bem melhor e menos irritado.
8- A primeira palavra do Keith foi "anjo", porquê depois do casamento o Arthur passou a chamar o Shinra de anjo e de anjinho. E de tanto ver o Arthur chamando o Shinra assim, o Keith acabou aprendendo.
9- Quando o Keith tinha um ano e seis meses, o Shinra e o Arthur saíram e deixaram ele sob a responsabilidade do Sho, que entrou em colapso em menos de duas horas porquê não aguentava mais ver desenho infantil.
10- Keith nunca havia chamado Sho de "tio" só de Sho, e na primeira vez que ele chamou ele de "tio Sho" ele começou a chorar. Arthur filmou tudo e mandou pro Shinra que também ficou emocionado.
ENGLISH: I came back, and I came back with the headcnons on ShinArthur parents !!!
These headcanons mainly involve an original character of mine, his name is Keith Kusakabe. First of all, I kindly ask you NOT TO USE KEITH IN YOUR WORKS, OR SOME OF THESE HEADCANONS INVOLVING IT WITHOUT MY PERMISSION !! ALSO DO NOT RESET THE POST IMAGE WITHOUT PERMISSION! The art in question came directly from my Twitter, if you want to give me a cookie there, you can.
And well, yes, Keith is asexual, I decided this because I needed to create an asexual O.C and project my experiences on him. I chose him out of pure favoritism that I have with him for being my baby ShinArthur, and that I love SO MUCH !! During this horrible time of the covid-19 pandemic, I was kind of "stuck" in these headcanons involving Keith, since I created him towards the end of 2019 and everything. Fire Force helps me deal with my problems since 2018, I got really attached to the work and ShinArthur because of that. During the pandemic, it was Fire Force that did not let me lose control, I am Brazilian, and given the situation on my country it was difficult not to lose control. I have a very affective relationship with Ohkubo-sensei's work and it's been important to share this with someone outside my bubble !!
1- Keith was found abandoned in the middle of a fire at the Haijima facility, with several infernals. It was Shinra who found him crying under some rubble, he had the feeling that he could hear the baby's cry through Adolla Link. Shinra may feel that the baby should be his and Arthur's, but he was afraid that if he had a child, the child would suffer the same exclusion that he suffered.
2- Arthur who insisted that they adopt Keith, in part because the baby would only stop crying if he was in the lap of one of the two, but also because he found himself in the situation that Keith was in. Arthur had been abandoned too, and he couldn't do the same thing to that baby as they did to him. (And also why he and Shinra took care of the baby for a few days before the decision, and Arthur was extremely delighted by the sight of Shinra sleeping in the bed next to the baby. That was the main reason)
3- Arthur chose the name Keith for the baby, since Keith means "windy forest" or "windy place", the first meaning hooked Arthur on account of Shinra's first kanji which also means "forest". Arthur thought it was perfect, since Keith reminded him of Shinra almost supernaturally, despite his blue eyes.
4- Shinra was the one who got attached to Keith faster, despite the fear that he had to be a father because of his past. Taking care of the baby ended up reminding him of Sho, when he was a baby and left Shinra extremely nostalgic, but it also gave him a great desire to have a family with Arthur.
5- Shinra already despaired to the point of crying because Keith had a fever, and he was alone at home with him and no Arthur came back from the pharmacy with the medicine.
6- Shinra made Keith's first birthday with a superhero theme, and Arthur was sad because Shinra didn't let him dress Keith as a baby knight, but he was much happier because Keith was adorable for Spider-man.
7- Arthur and Shinra started to fight a lot in the beginning, but really fight, not like in the anime that were light discussions. They only stopped because, thank God, they had enough emotional intelligence to see that it mainly affected Keith, who was irritable and didn't want to eat when they fought. They had to learn to communicate better, and that if one does something that the other does not like, it is for them to sit and talk. This greatly improved their relationship, and Keith was also much better and less irritated.
8- Keith's first word was "angel", because after the wedding Arthur started to call Shinra an angel and an sweet angel. And from seeing Arthur calling Shinra that much, Keith ended up learning.
9- When Keith was one year and six months old, Shinra and Arthur left and left him under the responsibility of Sho, who collapsed in less than two hours because he couldn't stand to see children's cartoons anymore.
10- Keith had never called Sho "uncle" only from Sho, and the first time he called him "Uncle Sho" he started to cry. Arthur filmed everything and sent it to Shinra who was also moved.
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caxsthetic · 5 years ago
Completely Lost
Miya Atsumu x F!Reader
There will be a day when happiness could finally come to his life. But it’s just not now.
Pt. 3 < Epilogue
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"You know? I think I never want you to be out of my life."
Miya Atsumu remembered well the first time he confessed those words to you. It was in his first year of high school when life was so much easier. That time, you were walking home with him and his twin after their practice. And after days contemplating himself about the right way to make you his, he decided to just go with it.
It was sweet, how he demanded you to be his. How his thumb grazed your lips to ask for permission before crashing it on yours when your orbs glinted with love. Two people with the same feelings, there was nothing that stopped you from being together. His life felt one hundred percent better with you as his lover. You were together for more than a year, and those days were the best moment in his life.
Yet he just had to ruin it.
Blinding by his pride, he insulted you, stomping on your heart while the only thing that you wanted was just to be there for him. He hurt you, spitting unforgivable words in order to make you go away. All because he was ashamed to face you after his loss, and his pride was just too large to the point it caused him to self-destruct.
Then he remembered how his twin told him about his own feelings towards you, the same girl who was now grown up to be a wonderful lady. You were now walking slowly towards his twin, a smile adorned your face as your eyes fixated on the black haired man that he called his brother. You looked so majestic today, with the white dress wrapping perfectly around your figure.
Sweat kept trickling down his face as he practiced for the next tournament. He didn't stop for hours, knowing for sure he would fight against the best setter in the country. He was so grateful to have teammates that were as competitive as him, accompanying him to practice until late at night without once emitted complaint.
"Oi, Tsum-Tsum!" He turned his head to the sideline after giving a toss to one of his teammates, "Your phone is ringing!"
"Who is it?" He screamed out and put his hands on his hips, trying to catch as much oxygen as he could. His teammate, who was the ace of the team, looked at his phone to see the caller ID.
"Oh, it's Miya-san!" The setter blinked, wondering why his twin decided to call him this late at night. Osamu rarely called, it must be something important to make his twin call him, "Should I answer first?"
"Yes, tell him I would be there in a second." Atsumu walked to grab a towel, dabbing his head with it and wrapped it around his neck. He decided to grab a bottle of mineral water before heading towards the ace.
He wondered what might be the news about, it's been months since his twin released his business. Everything was going smoothly for the two of them. And he was happy, to know that the ex-wing spiker was now battling in his real arena. (Even if it took him a whole year to see that.)
"Oh, he's here! And congratulations, Miya-san!" The ace immediately gave the phone to Atsumu who was now raising one of his eyebrows because of the words that he just heard. He sensed something when his twin decided to call him. He thought it was some bad news at first, but hearing the ace congratulate his twin, it must be great news instead — at least, at least for one of them.
"Oi, Samu." There was a smile shaped on his face in an instant every time he talked with the owner of the Onigiri Miya, feeling at home already no matter how far they were apart, "I conclude this is going to be good news, right? Since Bokkun congratulated you and such."
"Yeah, yeah it is." Somehow, Atsumu could know that his twin was smiling so wide on the other line, "Hey, 'Tsumu." He decided to sit on the bench now once his name was called. He didn't know why, but it felt like he needed to prepare his heart.
"Yes, Samu?"
"She said yes."
Atsumu suddenly felt like he was in some kind of illusion, everything felt so unreal, and he couldn't quite process the meaning behind those three words that he just heard from his twin. He knew, he understood very well, but the other side of him just could not accept it.
"W-What do you mean?"
"I-I proposed to her tonight," He could hear a sigh from the other line, and Atsumu didn't know it was either a sigh of relief, or a sigh of guilt. "And she said yes."
The setter almost choked with the information that he just got. Six years has passed since he let you go for his twin. But he couldn't eliminate the sizzling ache inside his heart right now.
And Osamu knew, he knew too well that the setter never moved on from your love, at least not completely. Every time they talked about you, it would always end up with Atsumu almost tearing up. Even though the volleyball player already tried to suppress his feelings, at the end, he failed miserably.
Maybe it's because the bond between twins was indestructible, and somehow ever since you came into their life, Osamu would become more observant when it comes to Atsumu. So if anything, he knew too well that the setter could still get the aching feeling in his heart, even right now as he shared the news.
"O-Oh! That's great news indeed!" Atsumu's voice broke the silence, "I am so happy for the two of you!" It was not really him that was talking, it was his coping mechanism, the side that he put when he tried to hide his broken state, "How was it? Tell me what you did, Samu."
"Did you serenade her? Ah no, that's impossible."
"Oh! I know, you must have cooked the best food for her, right?"
The setter was taken aback by the outburst, he let out a long sigh when he realised that he was just rambling. He bit his lip, trying to suppress the tears that were already forming on his eyes. Atsumu never cried, at least not about anything else, it only happened when the topic spun around you.
"I am sorry, Tsu-"
"No, don't say that. You didn't do anything wrong." He wiped his cheek with the towel that was wrapped around his neck from before, didn't want anyone else to see him like this, "I-I am really happy for you, for the two of you."
Osamu was speechless, he knew that his twin was genuine. But he couldn't help but sensed the sorrow that was dripping in every word that just blurted out from his twin's lips.
"Thank you, Tsumu." It was always like this, him thanking his twin for letting you go. Osamu may endure the pain for the first five years of loving you, but now, his twin was the one who needed to endure the feelings for you, for god knows how long.
"Meh, it's all your victory, Samu." The setter was now calmed down a little. He couldn't show how much the information hurt him, not in front of someone that he deeply cared for. Tonight was Osamu's night, for getting your hand in marriage, the start of a journey that may last forever.
So it's not his place to be the victim, it's not his place to show the pain, it's not his place to snatch the joy from his twin. The black haired man had done so much for him, and he must do the same. He just needs to endure the pain, one more time.
"Have you set the wedding date?"
He stood up once he saw you and his twin walked gracefully in the middle of the reception venue. Everyone was clapping once they all saw the newlywed couple finally arrived, looking so happy with arms linked to each other.
Atsumu could only gazed at the two, heart beating so fast as he saw how beautiful you look today. You were so breathtaking, a smile never leaves your face due to the fact you have got the love that would last forever, something that had been your dream since teenage years.
No matter how much he had tried to keep his imagination away, it was all falling apart once he saw you. He imagined himself to be the one who put the ring in your finger, to be the one who kissed you every day, to be the one who felt your love until the end of time.
But he let those dreams slip between his fingers, and now you were standing there with someone that he deeply cared for. There was no regret, it was the path that he chose once he knew that his twin felt the same towards you.
He had no regret, because now the two best people in his life would be happy together.
Atsumu was really lost in thought, his gaze could only focus on you. The table that he was on right now consisted of him with his high school volleyball team. They were the people who were there when you still belong to him, and they couldn't help but feel worried for the setter.
There were tears brimming in his eyes as he clapped and laughed over something that the wedding host threw at the audience. But all of his friends knew the only thing that occupied his mind right now. His smile may be so genuine, but it would show a glimpse of pain once in a while.
Atsumu didn't even realise that it was now the time to dance. He stood up, searching for his twin to congratulate him. His eyes scanned the crowd and looked around at the same time to take notes of the decoration and such — Maybe for his own wedding someday but somehow he doubted that — It's not much around here, and he chuckled because he knew too well that his twin didn't want an extravagant venue, the ex-wing spiker just wanted the wedding to be just right.
But in the middle of his quest, he was stopped at the sight of you. You were greeting your friends here and there, your smile didn't falter even after hours since the ceremony. And when you finally looked up and caught his gaze, time seemed to freeze around him.
He thought you would turn your head away immediately, so he didn't expect you to walk towards him instead. There was a faint smile on your face as you walked, and he couldn't help but hold his breath when you finally stood in front of him.
"Atsumu." Your voice was gentle, greeting the now shocked man, "You okay there?" No, I am not. But he was just silent, staring at your gorgeous complexion within close range. You were chuckling at his awkward stance, not even thinking that this man could ever act like this.
"I-I am okay," He cursed himself for even stuttering. But then he heard you laugh, and maybe him being a total idiot in front of you was worth it, "Congratulations, (Y/n)." The song played in the background as the two of you stood there. It was a classic old song, but being sung by someone else. And right now as he stared at you, he couldn't help but wanted to ask you to dance.
He contemplated this, would it be okay for him to even steal the first dance from his twin? He had a gut feeling that Osamu wouldn't mind, but it felt not right. That and the fact of you turning him down was haunting his mind right now.
"Want to dance with me, Atsumu?" He was now standing there dumbfounded as he could not believe the question that was thrown for him. Even after all these years, somehow you still managed to amaze him, "Even though we haven't talked for years, it doesn't mean that I lost my mind-reading ability." He snorted at your joke. It was true though, you knew him like the back of your hand. As if never to be in touch for so long could waive the bond that was once laced perfectly.
"Is that okay?" Atsumu was being considerate over Osamu feelings, and you knew this. So you had to be the one who pulled him to the dance floor, slipping through the inner circle in between dresses and suits, "Samu will kill me."
"Mhm, maybe." You joked and put your hands on top of his shoulders as he timidly put his hand on your hips. "Don't be so stiff, Atsumu!" How could he not? It's been years since the last time he saw you. And now as you were so close to him, his mind racing for the sole fact that he could do things that weren't supposed to happen.
But the song and the atmosphere calmed him down within a second. You were now the only thing that existed in this world; at least that's what he felt right now. You close your eyes and just sway your body slowly, enjoying the song and dance.
At that moment, Atsumu just wanted to cry. It was your perfect wedding idea, to dance with anyone you care about, throwing the bouquet after this, then ending it with a toast. Just that simple.
"Hey, (Y/n)." You looked up, eyes staring at the brown orbs who was now looking at you with the same gaze that he gave you all those years ago.
Shall I stay?
"I am sorry, for that day." You knew what day that he meant, and you smiled at this, "I am sorry for just saying it now. Years, I am such an idiot." He chuckled to hide the pain, so he didn't have to make you worried.
Would it be a sin?
"No matter what happened, I still want to keep you in my life forever." There's a veiled meaning behind those words, "And thanks to Samu, my wish had been granted!"
If I can't help
"So, yeah... I am sorry for what I have done to you," His brown eyes were glossy now, "I hope you will always be with him."
Falling in love with you
"Because now you finally have the love that will last forever." Your pupils dilated a little when he said those words, not believing that he still remembered the words that once came out from your lips.
You couldn't believe it, eyes frantic as you realised the hidden message behind his words. Miya Atsumu was still in love with you, even after all these years, "Atsumu, I-"
"May I have this dance?" Your husband suddenly appeared beside you, and Atsumu could see how your eyes calmed down instantly at the sight of his twin. He then took your hand from his shoulders and gave it to the happiest person in this room.
"She's all yours, Samu." Atsumu winked at you, trying to reassure you that he would be alright, "You were gone so I couldn't help but steal her away for a minute." He teased his twin, making the poor man send him an annoyed glare.
But it changed right when the grey orbs fell to your figure. Osamu's whole demeanour changed as he was now the one who put their hands on your hips. From that action, you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck, closing the gap as you put your head at the crook of his neck.
Atsumu bowed a little and walked away from the couple, searching for a drink to calm his heartbeat. With a glass of champagne on his hand, he walked back to his seat, sipping slowly as his brown eyes were back to the sight of you and his twin, dancing in the middle of the room without a care for this world.
When the realisation finally hit him, he broke down right when his high school friends were back to the seat. His ex-captain handed him a tissue and said nothing. They let him cry, pouring all of his pain that he endured for these past few years since he let you go.
It was painful when the truth seeped into his heart. It was his dream to keep you in his life, but this is not the scenario that he had when he confessed those words to you all of those years ago.
He wanted you to be a Miya, but it was his name that he wanted on the wedding certificate, not his twin. This was not the ending that he wanted, this was not in his mind when he kissed you that night.
But it was the best choice that he ever made in his life.
He straightened his posture, hearing his name as the host called out to him. He didn't realise that it was time to give a toast. After dabbing his eyes to erase any remaining tears, he took a deep breath and strided into the stage, didn't forget to bring a glass of champagne in his hand.
Atsumu looked at his twin who was now having his arm circled around your waist. It was a sight to behold, the sight that he wanted to be unfolded as he made the decision that day he let you go.
You looked so happy, in the arms of someone who you were sure will love you forever. For the people out there, forever may be a long time, but if it was spent with the right person, it would be a bliss until the end of the day.
If he could let you go before, maybe he could let your heart go even though it means you have his heart as you walk into your own journey with his twin. Osamu gave him a reassuring smile, eyes lingered with gratitude as he gazed towards the setter.
If he couldn't love another person except you, then may it be, he was ready. Because for him, watching the two people that he loved the most were happy together was something that he wouldn't trade for anything.
He let out the heavy heart that he felt with a sigh and smiled, embracing the future that would come in his way,
"Hello everyone! May I please have your attention for just a few brief, heartfelt moments as we toast for the lovely bride and groom?"
And that time as he smiled genuinely to the crowd, everything just felt so right.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*     ༶• ┈┈ ⛧ ┈ ♛ ♛ ┈ ⛧ ┈┈ •༶     *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Tagged Lovelies:
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gojoscloset · 4 years ago
18+ content minors DNI WC: 1.2k
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Meian Shugo X F!Reader NSFW 18+ Angst/fluff?
Requested: Reader is tired of Meian and his jealousy and decides to leave, but he gives reader something that changes her mind.
WARNINGS: F!reader, Use of ‘Baby girl’, mentions of CUM, very ooc but we are here for the d*ck I think that’s it.
A/N: SK requested this and they used the term Wagyu D*ck and I haven’t been able to get over that and it’s been 3 months
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“I just don’t understand why you would dress like that?” Meian motioned his hand at your attire while looking at you pointedly. “Knowing my teammates were gonna be there and you chose to go looking like this? You think I like watching my teammates check you out like you’re some kind of whore?!” His voice boomed as he slammed his hand on the steering wheel of the now parked car.
You’ve been in this situation many many times, somehow always facing repercussions for Meian’s insecurities. And Even though you have heard it all before, it didn’t stop the way your heart wrenched when he spoke to you in such a way. In a way that was intended to hurt you. Hearing shit like this from the man you loved the most was always heartbreaking, but you could no longer cry.
“Okay but I don’t see how the fuck that’s my problem? Why am I being held accountable for being looked at? Of course I’m going to be looked at, do you not know who the fuck I am?” You began to gather your things and unbuckled your seatbelt, ready to get the fuck out of his car.
“You always act like you’re hot shit, but you’re not even all fucking that!” He spat watching as you stepped out. You looked back at him hurt, but more angry than hurt “HA! You may not think so but your teammates do!” You slammed the door leaving him behind in his car. “Fuck you and your insecurities! Have a good fucking life Meian!” You screamed, rapidly making your way to the door of your shared home.There was nothing left to hold onto at this point everything seemed to have gone downhill so quick there was no stopping it.
Where did he go? Where was the man you fell in love with?
You made quick work of your items, sloppily, you tossed your essentials in a bag moving quickly. You made up your mind, there was nothing left to hold on to at this point. It was like you always had to watch your step with him, like you were walking on eggshells at all times with his insecurities.
It was like Meian wanted to hide you away from the rest of the world and keep you all to himself. But you weren’t an object that he could just shove away in a closet for the rest of eternity. You were a person, a human with wants, needs, and rights. If he Couldn’t handle the heat he should have never stepped in the kitchen in the first place.
The door clicked open and the two of you just stared at each other before he averted his gaze to the items around you. It didn't take him long to put the pieces together and he moved fast towards your figure.
You put your hand up ready to stop whatever trash would come out his mouth. But instead of a slew of sharp-tongued obscenities, you were met with a sloppy open mouthed kiss. Your hands were pressed against his chest, pushing him away in a half-assed manner, the kiss was hot, passionate, familiar. You knew what he wanted and you wanted it too.
His large hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to his body. Whatever anger and frustrations the two of you had diminished with just a kiss.
He pulled away for air but leaned back down to whisper in your ear, hot breath hitting you just right.
“one more time…Before you go?” Calloused fingertips grazing your exposed skin, trailing underneath your crop top cautiously, his way of asking for permission.
Of course you said yes, if the passion you reciprocated in the kiss wasn’t enough confirmation you didn’t know what was.
And that’s how you found yourself in this scenario. Legs wide open, pussy splitting open with every thrust creaming over his dick with ease. Meian’s fingers dug into the skin of your hips, bound to leave marks for you to see in the morning. He did all the work for you, moving his body just how he knew you liked. Your knees were bent to your chest and he angled himself to hit your sweet spot over and over and over again.
“I’m gonna miss this beautiful pussy” he rubbed sloppy circles around and on your clit, occasionally teasing you bringing you to the edge and taking it away.
He continuously rammed into you with no hint of stopping soon, but that wasn’t a problem at all. You selfishly imagined everyone but him as he scrambled your insides, but your mind always brought you back to Meian. He was the only one who could fuck you this way, your body and mind knew that very well.
He gave your face a few gentle love taps and he caressed your face, a playful smirk on his
“Does my pretty girl wanna cum?” His thumb ran across the soft plump skin of your lips, instinctively you opened your mouth giving his thumb a good swirl with your tongue. “Not your pretty girl, but duh I’m ready to fucking cum!” You spat like it was the dumbest question you’ve ever heard.
Meian loved to rile you up, something about seeing you so feisty made him rock hard. “Good, cause so am I” he huffed, hips snapping faster, yet steady. His finger went back to your clit, applying the pressure and rubbing it slow, a stark contrast to his pace.
“Fuck Shugo….” you said in a breathy voice, finally pushing you over the edge. Your walls twitched around his dick, milking him and causing that steady pace to visibly falter before emptying himself into you, thick and hot ropes of cum filling you up.
Meian gently stroked your hair as the both of you laid in silence. You didn’t care if his seed was still dribbling out of you ruining your outfit and the sheets, nor did you care about what he said earlier.
“I don’t mean to hold you up…”a girl t of sadness behind his words. He sat up and looked down at you in all your glowing glory.
You followed him, swinging your feet over the ledge of the bed. “You know..I think I changed my mind.” You looked back at him, tying your hair back while you did.
“Huh?” He asked in a surprised tone, turning his head towards you. “What made you change your mind?!”
You snickered and crawled back over to him, tossing your crop top somewhere in the room
“Aye, don't worry about that, just worry about getting it up for round two” you stuck your tongue out playfully and he gave you a smirk in return
“Pfft, you and I know we don’t have to worry about shit so come and get it baby girl.”
Bonus round!:
There have been many moons since that day and quite a bit has changed in the relationship between you and Meian. After proper communication and many boundaries later things were going great.
The arguments before and after date nights were replaced with Meian gassing you up whenever he had the chance. This included grabbing you by the hand and having you do a twirl for him to see, followed by a shower of compliments like:
“my pretty girl”
“Who is she?”
And very dramatic actions such as him pretending to have a heart attack when you step out.
Things haven’t been the same and the two of you wish to keep it that way for as long as possible.
✭ ✭ ✭ ✭
Thanks for reading!
Reach for the stars!
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awilddreamermain · 4 years ago
Hi, Chels! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you! You deserve every follower and more! That is a threat, I'm holding everyone hostage 🔪
I would love to get a MHA matchup, I wanna see who you'd match me with! Got me so curious! SFW & NSFW if you'd be willing!
My name is Chloe but I prefer May, nicknames include May-May, Maybell or Chlo.
I'm 25, pronouns are she/he, Cancer Moon, Aries Sun and Virgo Rising. Quite the weird mash of zodiacs, huh?
My favorite colors are pink (that soft pastel kinda baby pink), red (especially blood/garnet red) and...can I add pink again? Any shade of pink this time. Bubblegum or hot pink.
Favorite AU's include A/B/O, Mafia, Historical, Fantasy and does Mythical Creatures count?
Oh...oh boy, I gotta look deep for some fun facts that aren't just...facts but I'll do my best!
1) My sneezes are so short and high pitched I go "chu".
2) I have vitiligo, makes me look like a dog because it's mostly around my mouth and my right eye so I have a spot!
3) I have atrocious balance, my knees and shins are always banged up because I cannot for the life of me walk correctly.
4) I have a stutter, on top of speaking so quickly it turns into a jumbled mess. So good luck understanding what I said because I have no idea either.
5) I have a growing unicorn plush collection. My favorite is Cupcake, one that's actually taller than I am. Big chunk.
My likes are pretty simple. Cute & soft sweaters, blankets, warm coffee and strawberry milk, pastries and the cold! Winter is my favorite season. History, particularly the Medieval and Victorian times.
My interests revolve around creativity and you could say they're my hobbies as well. Drawing in particular, I used to do digital but I'm stuck with traditional pencil and paper at the moment. I'm dipping my toes into painting and its very fun! Obviously writing and reading and if I'm not doing of those listed then I'm definitely playing video games.
Personality I might say I'm quite split down the middle. At first, to a complete stranger I might come across as cold, stoic, with a resting bitch face, that just wants to get whatever I'm outside for done so I can leave. I'd create a witty or sarcastic comeback if I was given sass by a Karen but with my speech issues? I'd be lucky to get one coherent word out at her...and spend the rest of the day fantasizing what could've happened. So I'm rather quiet, agoraphobia hits hard in large or crowded places so I'm an anxiety riddled mess on the verge of a panic attack. In private or with people that I'm comfortable with? Complete opposite. Happy, bubbly, cracking puns and jokes so get those groan worthy reactions. I try to be the "mom friend" and get over my issues if someone is having it worse, I'll march up to a counter and ask for ketchup if someone wanted it but was too scared to do it themselves. The shoulder to lean and cry on, I'm highly empathetic and understanding, compassionate at times. But I have to actively try and keep myself positive and say good things about myself because I do fall into the pit of self-loathing and hate.
For appearance I'd say I'm average height, pale with white splotches that are inching larger due to my vitiligo, chubby, ashy blonde, blue eyes, button nose. I'd say I'm decently cute? I don't know if I can rate myself.
Okay I know I said I'd be looking into Zodiac compatibility for this but— I literally just screamed internally "KIRISHIMA" when I was reading this. You two would be perfect omg. This Libra king would do anything for you. For this you're an artist and the daughter of a mafia boss :) I like to think of ship names sometimes so like, yours would either be like Eijmay or Mayjirou or Kiriloe— that last one and first are awful I know so lets go with the second? I can't write a proper stutter for the life of me so I tried to keep your dialogue to the minimum.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ Pairing: Eijirou Kirishima
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀AU: Mafia
⠀Theme Song: You're The One That I Want - Alex & Sierra
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How you meet (his point of view):
⠀⠀The gallery was full of black and white suits, tight, floor length dresses with the sounds of laughter and clinking glasses meeting his ears. It was a joyous evening, celebrating the wonderful art work created by the boss's daughter. He had never met her before but he had heard whispers, all good as no one would dare slander the name of their leader's precious little girl. You were the boss's pride and joy, thus he kept you as far away from the darker side of the family business as possible.
⠀⠀Kirishima was still a new hire, a bodyguard of sorts and would consider this his first gig. He had an idea of who he was looking for as he walked further into the mass of people admiring your work but didn't expect what he would eventually come across. You were as far away from the crowd as you possibly could be, guzzling glasses of wine and over all appearing to be a deer in headlights. He couldn't fugure out for the life of him why you seemed so frightened until he watched people approach you to talk, noticing the stutter in your voice when you replied to questions and greetings,your body language telling people to stear clear of you.
⠀⠀So, he did what he was hired to do. "Kindly step away from the lady." He said with a smile, approaching with his large arms crossing over his broad chest as he towered over the guests. They looked at him as if he were a giant shark looking to devour them before scurrying away, leaving the two of you alone. He stood quietly, listening to the voices on the other side of his ear piece as his ruby eyes scanned the area around you. He made sure to not stand so close and avoided in letting his gaze wander.
⠀⠀He couldn't help but admire your skin in quick glances, finding the spot over your eye to be quite adorable. Your silky, ask blonde hair was all dolled up for the event, light make up on your face but not enough to cover the vitiligo. You were stunning and his heart hammered against his chest. So the rumors were true.
⠀⠀You thanked him, voice quiet and careful as you set down your wine glass and clasped your hands together. Out of the corner of his eye he watched you twiddle your thumbs. You didn't want to be here, did you? This obviously wasn't your idea, how could it be? A girl like you, timid as a mouse, didn't want to be surrounded by strangers. "Miss..." He began, thinking carefully because the last thing he wanted to do was piss off the boss and likely get himself killed. But this was his job wasn't it? Making sure you were happy and safe? "Would you like to leave here for a bit? We'll come back of course, but you look like you need some air."
He ended up taking you to a drive thru restaurant and got you whatever you wanted, letting you talk about whatever you wanted or sat quietly if you chose not to talk at all If it was quiet in the suv then that was fine too, he just wanted to help you in any way he could. Eventually the silence becomes small talk and then leads to a rather deep conversation about whatever the hell was going on inside that beautiful brain of yours. Kirishima wasn't the smartest man but he wasn't stupid, he wasn't as clueless as most thought he was. You told him how your father made you do this as an attempt to get you out there, to socialize and possibly find a suitor. This was the mafia after all.
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The Confession:
⠀⠀It was a tradition now, every Sunday you and Eijirou would go to your favorite café to have coffee and enjoy the early day weather before it got too hot. You sit at the same table, in the same chairs with him facing the door. You get the same drinks and food and just overall enjoy each others company. After that night at the gallery you two became fast friends, which your father obviously had to approve of but thankfully he did. Kirishima was a good man, he's trustworthy and puts you before himself.
⠀⠀The day he approached your father and asked to speak in private was the day he knew he was likely to get thrown in the deepest, darkest depths of the ocean. He has confessed his feelings for you to your old man, who listened intently with a blank face behind his desk. "Sir, I'm in love with your daughter, and with your blessing I'd like to... court her." He was utterly terrified when your father cleared his throat and sighed, shifting where he sat so he could stand and move around the desk. He reached out for a handshake which Kirishima looked up at him with a questioning look.
⠀⠀Your father gave his blessing and now... He just had to tell you, his best friend, that he loved you. God he loved you so much— "Kiri," you interrupted his thoughts, bringing him crashing back to reality," a-are you alright? You seem nervous." He swallowed hard in response but cleared his throat, taking a sip of his cappuccino.
⠀⠀"Oh yeah— definitely." He breathed with a laugh, moving a hand to the back of his neck to scratch. How was he going to say it? "So, uh—" he licked his lips, adjusting himself in his seat multiple times until he groaned and leaned forward. "Fuck, I'm just gonna say it— Maybell, I love you. I have for a long time now and I talked to your father and he said—"
⠀⠀"Said what, Eijirou?" Your eyes widened at his confession and he felt like a complete idiot. Should he had said something to you first? Was this a mistake? What if you didn't feel the same way? God his mind was going to explode—
⠀⠀"That I could... court you. With your permission." You were quick to nod and smile to his surprise, which prompted a grin if his own.
Kirishima HAS to be facing the door in any public place you go to. I don't make the rules.
He never let's you walk close to the road, he has to be between you and it at all times when you're walking.
He oders your food and drinks for you when you can't but is there for moral support when you do. He wants you comfortable and happy. He wouldn't ever dare get in your way though, you're a lot stronger and braver than most may think you are.
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The Relationship:
⠀⠀On days like this, Kirishima can't help but admire you. He catches himself staring wuite often but he just can't help it. What did he do to deserve such a beautiful partner? He looks at you and all he can think about is how much he loves you and wants to see you smile. He watched you from the kitchen island, leaning against it as you waltz around the kitchen in your pinky fuzzy slippers and one of his shirts that's much, much too big on you. He remembers your surprise when you found his clothing was actually too big on you and how happy you were.
⠀⠀"Maybell?" He hums, adjusting his stance and crossing his arms on the counter. He listened for you to him back in response, a smile on his lips. "You look so cute in my clothes.
⠀⠀You giggled, shaking your head and continued putting the dishes away until Eijirou appeared behind you, arms wrapping around your waist and his forehead coming down on your shoulder. "Need somethin' baby?" You turned your head just slightly, a brow cocked inquisitively. He squeezed you in response, swiftly lifting you and making you squeal. Thankfully you didn't have anything in your hands at the moment. He peppered kisses all over the side of your face, setting you down only to lift you again bridal style.
⠀⠀"I've got all I need right here in my arms." He chuckled and you playfully smacked his chest, letting him carry you to your shared bedroom.
He thinks your sneezes are the cutest thing in the world.
He loves your god awful puns, they crack him up every time.
Adores the fact you're a nurturer, especially with your friends. He thinks you'd make a great mother but if that's something you don't want he respects that.
You take care of everyone, but who takes care of you? Eijirou is always there to be your shoulder to lean and cry on, he's your sound board and is always happy to let you talk about your feelings with him. You're allowed to not be happy and bubbly all the time, he realizes how staying positive all the time can actually do more damage than goof, especially if you bottle everything up.
If on a particular day you're struggling with your speech he's happy to be your voice as well. He understands you better than anyone, even your own father.
Speaking of your father, he can't wait to make Eijirou his son-in-law! He's a good man with a good heart and treats you right, what's not to like?
He has trouble saying no to you and spoils you quite a bit.
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The Fights:
There's nothing, what you say goes and all he can say is "yes dear". He knows better than to argue with you, however when he's right and he knows he is, he finds a way to prove it without making you mad.
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The Sex:
⠀⠀"Fuck baby—" he hissed, hands finding your hips and guiding you as you rub yourself on his cock. Your hands are on his thighs and your head is tossed back, giving him the perfect view of your tits. God he loves them, he loves the plush skin of your stomach and your thighs, your ass too, he loved seeing all of you. He was so happy that you allow him this privilege of seeing you, granted you've been dating a while now but still. Your sounds are music to his ears and all he wants is to make more, make you feel so good you're calling his name and making a mess.
He wanted— no, needed, to feel you, to feel inside your warm and wet cunt, to feel it squeeze him and milk him dry. He was quick to flip the two of you over, careful to not hurt you as he did. You gasped and giggled, reaching up to hold his face as he smiled, leaning down to capture your lips in a searing kiss. He loved your taste, he could go on and on about all the things he loved about you all day if he could. "You want it baby?" You nodded excitedly, lip caught between your teeth. He smirked and reached between the two of you, thick fingers tracing a line between your lips and slipping inside your soaked pussy.
"D-Daddy—" you whine, a slight pout on your lips as your face morphs into one of pleasure. He chuckled, pumping his fingers in and out a few times before removing them and grabbing his cock. He coated it more in your slick, guiding it between tge lips of your cunt before slowly pushing inside, groaning at how tight you are. You squeal of course, gasping for breath because Kirishima is an impressive size, you still struggled to take him sometimes but like a good girl you always managed.
"That's my good girl." He cooed, moving so his forearms were on either side of your head. He gave a couple test thrusts, waiting for you to adjust u til you nodded for him to continue.
Terrified of activating his quirk while he's fucking you, but he keeps himself under control.
He loves his hair pulled and he loves to be bitten, he especially likes it when you scratch his back when he hits that good spot.
Eats you out for his pleasure mostly, but for yours as well. He loves when you grind on his face and moan his name when you do it. Speaking of, please sit on his face, he loves that shit. He knows how to be careful of his teeth!
If you have pets they CANNOT be in the same roon when you're doing the do, it's just weird.
He'd happily bend you over in the kitchen and do you right there. Hell, he'll fuck you anywhere you deem suitable.
He likes to do a mixture if praise and degradation with you, and edging and overstimulation is a big go-to. He just loves seeing you squirm under him, hr loves hearing you beg and say you need him.
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suwya · 4 years ago
Till the Stars Had Run Away - Chapter 4
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Summary: Killian Jones was a voyager. Actually, he was many things, or at least he had been - a lieutenant, a brother, a loving boyfriend - until everything had turned upside down and his life had hit an all time low. So, he gave up. Aboard his spaceship he abandoned Arcadia, his planet, navigating the stars and other solar systems in search of... well, he still didn't know what he was searching for, but his rule was "never remain in the same place longer than necessary."
Rating: M
Prologue; Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
A/N: Thank you @thisonesatellite​ for being the best beta I could ever ask for . And thank to all of you who are reading this.
Chapter 4 . .
But I, being poor, 
have only my dreams; 
I have spread my dreams 
under your feet; 
tread softly because 
you tread on my dreams.
(W. B. Yeats)
Days passed quietly. Emma and Henry went back to their usual mother-son relationship sooner than Killian had expected and he enjoyed all the domestic moments with them. Especially at night. Not that he didn’t care about the boy, Henry was always a ray of sunshine, and Killian felt he was starting to bond with him deeper than he could have ever imagined. But at night, after Henry had gone to sleep, Emma always spent some time in the main cabin, sitting next to Killian: sometimes just staring silently at the starry sky, other times listening to him explaining all the different constellations they passed through, even though Killian wasn’t sure whether she was interested in his knowledge, or she was too well-mannered to stop his blathering. 
Emma Swan. This beautiful and somehow mysterious woman had invaded his life and had fascinated him since their very first meeting. 
More exactly, she had tormented his nights and thoughts from that moment on. A bittersweet obsession that had accompanied him for years. He had almost convinced himself that he was over her, during his reckless years with his friend Robin. But that wasn't entirely true, and he couldn't lie to himself. She used to appear in his dreams when he least expected and left a hollowing feeling in his soul for the rest of the following days whenever it happened as if he wasn’t entirely complete without her.
The night he had found her again, thanks to Henry, his heart had skipped a beat and he had known he was in trouble. But it was a cross he was willing to bear. It was not only a physical attraction he felt towards her, even though he couldn’t fool himself, she was a very good-looking woman; but he was also determined to discover every single detail of what she was, no matter the effort. From that moment on, he cherished every minute, every second spent with her.
When they finally arrived at their destination, permission to land on the new planet was easily granted. Nevertheless, the day was coming to an end and they decided it was better to sleep inside the ship in the hangar than to find an available place to spend the night. 
The next morning, from one of the lockers in the entrance of the spaceship, Killian retrieved the package that he needed to trade in exchange for the item he had to recover for his client.
It was still early and Killian was surprised to see Henry coming out of his cabin, still wearing pajamas. “Are you already going?” The boy asked him, trying to suppress a yawn.
“Aye, but I will be back soon.” He assured the lad.
Henry threw a glance at the closed door behind him and stepped closed to Killian. “Mom is still in the shower. May I ask you a favor?” He whispered, conspiratorial. 
Killian made a great effort not to linger on the thought of a naked Emma under the shower jet, he breathed deeply and concentrated on the boy in front of him. “Sure, lad.”
“Today is my mom’s birthday.”
“Is it, now?” Killian was both surprised and amused by this piece of information.
“Yes. We have this tradition, my mom and I,” the boy explained. “When it's my birthday she tries to celebrate it with a cake... or something… It's not always a big thing, I remember once we just had a couple of biscuits with frozen spicy cream on them.” After a small pause, he added, “mom doesn't want to make me worry, but I can see she’s in some kind of trouble. I’d like to make a little celebration for her this time. But she won't let me wander around an unknown planet all by myself.”
Killian nodded in understatement. “You want me to purchase something sweet for your mother.” 
“I know you have your job to do, but if it's not much of a problem, could you look for something?” He asked hopefully.
“Not a problem. At all.” 
Henry's grin widened. “Of course mom doesn’t have to know anything about it. And we are going to need a name!” 
“Come again?” Killian couldn’t follow the boy’s thoughts.
Henry extended a hand to shake with the man in front of him “Operation Candlelight is on!” He exclaimed. 
Killian chuckled and retrieved his hand just in time to see Emma appearing from another door, fully dressed for the day.
She was wearing a pair of stretched dark blue jeans and a thin white v-neck blouse with a skinny light brown leather vest over it. Her hair was still damped and Killian had to swallow a groan when his eyes followed a drop of water running down her cleavage. 
“Oh, Henry, you’re already awake.” She said surprised.
“I was just saying to your boy…” Killian came in help to a puzzled Henry, who wasn’t so quick in thinking of a good excuse why he was already out of bed. “I've heard there's a fair in town.” 
He turned to Henry “Maybe you and your mother could have a look while I’m attending my duties.” And then back to Emma “What do you say, Swan?”
The boy looked hesitantly at his mother. 
"I think it's a good idea," she agreed and was rewarded by a big grin on Henry's face.
.    The trade went smoothly as predicted, which gave Killian enough time to deal with the assignment that Henry had sent him on.
Finding something sweet to celebrate was more difficult than expected, it took him a few rounds through narrow streets and alleys and after asking a few passers-by for information, he finally found something that in his opinion could serve as dessert. But the hardest part was to discern the right thing to buy as Emma's present. Henry hadn’t mentioned anything about a gift, but Killian thought it could be the right excuse to surprise her.
The problem was that he had no clue what she would like. 
Killian tried to think about the time the two of them had spent together. All right, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to linger on the memories of their first encounter. And maybe it wasn’t good either to think about their second one. But since Henry entered his life things had changed. When the boy was in the same room with them, she seemed more relaxed, more condescending, less closed up inside her inner barriers. Killian would say she even seemed happier. 
And the moments shared at night in his cabin had been... well, some had been carefree and others had been intense, very intense. In the short amount of days they’d spent together, Killian had already revealed to Emma too much information about his past, something he had never done before with anyone, not even his best friend Robin. And that was alarming. He knew he had a soft spot for her, but to which extent? 
Bloody Hell, man, you’re so screwed-up! He said to himself. That Lady Swan is going to be the death of you. Killian sighed and passed a hand through his hair as if that simple gesture could be enough to clear up his mind. Swan. He thought and realized that he never asked her why she chose exactly this surname while changing her identity. He assumed that it had to mean something of significance to her. And there it was: the perfect idea for a gift.
When he went back on his spaceship it was already late evening and he found his guests sitting at the table in the entrance playing hologram chess. 
“Who's winning?” He asked, securing the locks of the main gate.
“Henry is a much better player than I am,” Emma admitted.
Killian took a seat next to her and whispered something in her ear. After that Emma studied the board. “Oh. That's an interesting move,” she exclaimed carrying out what Killian had just suggested.
“It's not fair. That's cheating.” Henry complained. 
“Come on, lad, your mother is at an evident disadvantage. Let me give her some advice.” But when Henry made an unsure face, “just this time?” Killian added winking at the boy.
“Ok...but only this once.” Henry surrendered.
Emma looked at them perplexed, sensing that something was brewing between them, but didn't ask for further explanations.
Dinner passed by telling how their days had gone. It was clear that Henry had enjoyed the fair quite a lot, especially some storytelling he’d had the opportunity to attend. “Have you ever been to the NTH-Confederates planets, Killian?”
The NTH-Confederates planets belonged to a very far galaxy and they were shrouded in layers of fabulous legends. Killian had always had problems discerning the truth from the myth, but he knew the large hand of The Industry had touched them somehow, and they had succumbed to it, dark times awaited those planets. “I've heard about them but never had the luck to land over there. From what I know, it's a very different place now than what it was in its glorious days.”
“This man, he told us of so many fantastic creatures he saw!”
“I wouldn't believe every word the storyteller said, kid. They are just stories.” Emma tried to rationalize.
“Yeah. I suppose. But it would be cool if a place like that actually existed.”
“One can always dream about marvelous lands and wish they exist, right? Talking about dreams and wishes…” but Killian didn’t finish his sentence, he stood up from the table and went to rummage in some of the kitchenette lockers. When he turned to face his guests, he was holding a sort of a brown whole cupcake with colorful cream and a single lighted candle on top. He deposited it in front of an astonished Emma with a grin on his face, and he sat down again on his chair. “Sorry, it was the only sweet food I’ve found on this planet.” He said apologetically.
“Killian...?” Emma started to say, but Henry was faster: “It's perfect!” The boy was wearing a matching grin to the man in front of her. 
“How...? What does it mean?” Was the only thing she was able to put into words.
“Well, some fleeting rumor told me that today is some sort of anniversary. Correct me if I’m wrong.” Killian explained. Before she could answer him, he lifted a hand to stop her.  “Before blowing out the candle, don't forget to make a wish!”
She looked up at her son, then at Killian for a brief moment, then she closed her eyes. When she opened them again there was resolution and something Killian identified as hope in them. She blew out and the candle went off.
Cheers and applause rang out. Henry was glowing, hugging his mother fiercely, while Killian smacked his forehead, as if he was suddenly remembering something, and then he retrieved a little package from one of his pockets. He offered it to a puzzled Emma. 
She extricated herself from her son's arms and took the wrapped item Killian was giving to her. “What is this?” She asked cautiously. 
“Customarily, a surprise is part of the fun of gift-giving.” He answered smiling. “Open it.” He urged her. 
Opening the paper wrapping Emma found a small dark swan pendant made of polished meteorite rock.  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered with shiny eyes, close to tears.
Later that night, Killian was resting on his hammock with his arms behind his head. The door opened and closed and Emma entered his cabin as she had always done the last few nights while they were flying. But tonight was a bit different. He wasn't sitting at the controls, but already lying on his bed.
She approached him with a serious look.
“Everything alright, Swan?” He asked as she stepped closer biting her lower lip.
She seemed to consider the situation for a few seconds before climbing into the hammock and lying next to him: her head on his chest and an arm resting across his torso. “Thank you.” She spoke so quietly that Killian wasn’t even sure he had heard correctly.
He didn’t know how to react, he felt paralyzed. But when it seemed she was feeling comfortable with the proximity, he put his left arm around her back and released a breath he didn't know he was holding.
They spent a few moments like that, neither of them wanted to break the spell of silence. Killian’s mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Of all the questions he would have liked to make her, to help him solve the puzzle this incredible woman represented, one came out of his mouth without really thinking about it “What happened the day we met? I mean after I left.”
She kept quiet for a few minutes, and he began to believe that she was in no mood to speak, but then she started with a soft voice almost audible: “Just after you left the room, that man, Neal Cassidy, he entered declaring that it was his right to… you know. He just wanted the reward money. I haven’t heard from him since. He’s probably not interested in his son at all. He just used me for his benefits.”
Killian clenched his jaw; if he had that Cassidy guy in front of him right now he would have punched him in the face. “Did he hurt you?” He asked, trying to control his rage.
“Well, I wasn’t exactly an expert in that matter, given that I was raised in strict privacy and all.” She sighed. “I knew I had to relax, but my mind wasn’t on the same path as my good intentions. So I’m not sure it was entirely his fault.”
“Son of a bitch.” Killian couldn't repress a curse. 
“If it makes you feel any better, that wasn’t even the worst day of my life.” She stated. “The night you found me on the shore… I was so furious with you. I went back to the Palace to talk with my lawyers, to see if I could banish you from the planet, or put you in jail, or something like that. But it was late and I didn’t find anyone in their office. What I did find were some papers about me, ready to be signed. You were right. The King and Queen of New-Tolemac wanted full authority on my child, they weren’t interested in me or my future.” 
“I should apologize for the horrible things I said to you that night.”
“Don’t. At least you were the only one who never lied to me.” Her gaze seemed lost in the memory of those days. “I also found a document, an old one. I discovered I was adopted, or rather, I was sold. My real parents gave me away when I was only a few days old. They probably needed some money and they used me, as so many others did.”
After a small pause, she added: “Henry is the only person in my life that cares about me for who I am.”
“I never intended to use you.” Killian assured, but he soon corrected himself: “All right, maybe I did. But that was before meeting you.”
She seemed to ponder her next words. “I know. This is why I told your name to my son when he first asked me about his father.” 
“If there's anything I can do for you…” She had told him the night Henry entered his life. 
But Killian dismissed her with a wave of his hand. “No problem.”
“Thank you for bringing him home.” Her tone was genuinely thankful.
“It was the right thing to do.” And when she didn't reply he felt it was the moment to say goodbye. 
He started stepping back but suddenly stopped and turned around facing her again. “Uh... now that I think about it. There is a thing you could do for me.” He tilted his head arching an inquiring eyebrow. “I have one question,” he said, emphasizing his words lifting one of his fingers, “why does your boy believe that I'm his father?” 
At those words, she lifted her gaze to look straight into his eyes. “I wanted Henry to believe his father was a good man.” Emma had answered, staring at him with sincerity before entering her house and closing the door behind her. 
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prettyboyspenceee · 5 years ago
The New Agent - Part 1
A/N: If you’ve been here long enough, you would know that I’ve posted this already. For some reason, I can’t find it on my blog so I’m reposting it! 
Request: “Hey, I got an idea for a Spencer x reader story, maybe smth with more than 1 part 😅 Spencer meeting y/n at a book store/reading and they get to know each other pretty well. 2 weeks later y/n shows up the BAU as their new boss and Morgan/Luke starts flirting with her. 😅” -  @kind-im-gedankennebel
Description: You meet Spencer at a bookstore when you’re lost in DC. You end up spending a lot of time together... and then something happens. 
Character Appearances: Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Jennifer “JJ” Jareau, Penelope Garcia, Emily Prentiss
Disclaimer: I don’t own Criminal Minds! If I did, the show would have 20 more seasons.
(Y/N) - Your Name
(Y/L/N) - Your Last Name
Word Count: 1,218
RePosted: April 14th, 2020
As you sat in your hotel room preparing material for your final interview while simultaneously trying to get dressed, you groaned. You knew the interview process for a position at the BAU in Quantico was extensive... but you didn’t know that it was this long. You were apart of the group of finalists for the new position on the team and you had planned to be in D.C for 2 weeks and Agent Hotchner had requested you to stay for another week. Even though the interview process was kicking your ass, it wasn't all bad. On your first day in D.C, you were terribly lost and you stopped into a bookstore to gather your bearings, it was there where you met Dr. Spencer Reid, who coincidently worked for the BAU.
You smiled at the memory of your first encounter.
"You would expect a bookstore would have a map or something!" you mumbled angrily to yourself. You were stressed, tired and angry. New York City was so much easier to navigate than Washington D.C.
"Excuse me, are you lost?" You turned around to the sound of someone addressing you.
You looked at the man who approached you up and down, hazel eyes, disheveled curly hair and a purple shirt with a purple tie and dress pants. You smiled to yourself, you thought he was kind of cute.  
You nodded and chuckled, "Is it really that obvious?"
The mysterious man replied, "Dreadfully so."
"I'm (Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." You said sticking your hand out.
"I'm Dr. Spencer Reid," his eyes flicked to your outstretched hand, "I'm really sorry, I don't usually shake hands. Actually, kissing -"
"Kissing passes fewer pathogens than shaking hands," you finished with a smile, "No worries."
Spencer smiled, "If you don't mind, I could show you around the city. It's my day off."
"That would be amazing."
You two spent the rest of the day talking endlessly and you were surprised when he asked to see you again. You had told him that you were in town for a job interview but that didn't seem to bother him, Spencer was obviously comfortable around you and you were comfortable around him. After being in D.C for 3 weeks you had spent almost every day hanging out with Spencer. You found it extremely sweet that he went to your hotel room every night after work and took you somewhere new but you were confused. You felt like you were in limbo with Spencer, you weren't sure what your relationship was... you were certainly attracted to him and you hoped he was attracted to you, you knew that you might not stay in D.C but you wanted to try and make things work. You were shaken out of from your train of thought from a knock at your door.
Spencer had told you to dress up and you had no idea why. You smoothed out your dress and opened the door. Spencer was dressed in a white button-down and a pair of black slacks with his classic black converse. As you took in his appearance you wondered how something so simple could look so good.
"Y-you look beautiful," Spencer stuttered, his face slowly turned pink as he took in your appearance.
You smiled and felt the heat rise in your neck, "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."
As you and Spencer made your way to a fancy Italian restaurant and you were having a great time. You loved talking to Spencer and just loved being around him. You didn't want this to end.
Halfway through dinner, the BAU was brought up, "Hotch finally chose someone for the position. He was driving himself crazy, I know for a fact he'll probably call them tonight."
Your palms began to sweat, you really hoped you got the position, "I hope they get along with your team. From what you told me, you guys seem like a very close-knit family."
Spencer smiled fondly, "Yeah, we are."
After dinner, you two decided to take a walk in the park. Your hands kept brushing against each other and Spencer decided he couldn't take it anymore, he grabbed your hand and you shared a smile.
When Spencer found a park bench you two sat down, " (Y/N), I have a question."
You faced Spencer, "What is it?"
He took a deep breath, "I know we've only known each other for a short amount of time but I feel like I've known you for a lifetime. For the past 3 weeks, there hasn't been a minute where you weren't on my mind. I know you might not be here for too long but I would be over the moon if you would do me the honor of being my girlfriend."
Your eyes were wide, "Spence, I would love to be your girlfriend."
Spencer let out a breath of air he didn't know he was holding. His eyes looked to your lips and then back to your eyes, you smiled and nodded, giving him permission.
Spencer pulled you into a sweet kiss that you wished could last forever. It was one of those kisses that only existed in movies. You broke apart due to the shrill ring of your cell phone.
"Is this (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" You heard on the other line.
"This is she. How can I help you?" You asked. Spencer looked at you with a confused expression as he listened to the other line.
"This is SSA Aaron Hotchner with the BAU. I understand I've put you through an extensive interview process and I'm sorry that I didn't get the chance to meet with you personally today. I wanted to inform you that you've been hired. Your 5 years with the New York City field office was extremely impressive. Welcome to the team Agent (Y/L/N)."
You looked at Spencer in disbelief, "Thank you so much, sir. I look forward to working with you."
"As do I. Have a good night (Y/N)."
You hung up the phone and shakily put it back in your purse.
"Spencer, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I didn't want to get my hopes up and you're hopes up. I completely understand if you don't want to go through with this relationshi-"
He cut you off with a quick kiss, "(Y/N), I am so happy you're the new member of our team. Garcia, Prentiss, and JJ are going to adore you. In fact, Morgan might love you so much, he might try to steal you from me."
You let out a loud laugh, "What does this mean for us?"
"Well, we have to tell Hotch but he won't mind. Rossi can't say anything because he was the reason why the fraternization rule was put in place. The rest of the team will most likely figure it out on their own." He said while playing with your hair.
You hummed, "Now what?"
"Well," he smiled cheekily, "you could grab your stuff from your hotel room and spend the night at my apartment. Just so you can get a head start on work tomorrow and until you find yourself a place."
You gave him a peck on the cheek, "I like the sound of that."
He stood up from the park bench and reached out a hand, "Perfect."
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nerdywriter36 · 5 years ago
Our Little Home
the fluffy Kerik E/C piece I promised is finally here! 
It was quiet. 
That was the first thing that Christine noticed when she stepped into her home - her family’s home. She hadn’t thought that she would be so fortunate to have a humble little flat like the one she called home now; at least, she hadn’t considered having a flat above-ground in Paris. After her marriage to Erik, she had been content to think that she would spend her days in the home that he had made for himself beneath the Opera House, and for the longest time, that had been Erik’s plan as well. 
That is, before they found out about the baby. 
She had had her suspicions before she knew for certain; she had ignored the nausea when it first began, passing it off as illness that would fade over time. When it persisted, though, in combination with missing her monthly cycle three months in a row, an increasing, unfamiliar tenderness in her breasts, and the slight, yet noticeable, tightening in her bodices, she knew that her hunch had been correct. 
Despite knowing that she was carrying a baby - carrying Erik’s baby - she hesitated to tell him, to share her joy with him, for she didn’t know how he would react. Would he share her enthusiasm for the child they were expecting together? Or would his emotions take over as they so often did, sending him into a blind rage or a fit of tears that only ended in him locking himself in his music room for hours on end? The latter option was the one that frightened her; she knew that overstimulation was far from healthy for him, what with the already weakened state of his heart. So in the wake of her uncertainty, she had turned to someone who had become as much of a friend and confidante as he was for Erik - the Daroga.
She still recalled how Nadir’s eyes had widened slightly when she had told him the news, followed quickly by him helping her onto the sofa in his parlour so she could explain her concerns to him. 
“You must approach it delicately with him. That is the only advice I can give to you, Christine,” he had said, gently holding her hand in his own. “I would be happy to be there with you to ensure that all is well.” 
Christine had never been so glad to have him there as she had been that evening. When she had told Erik the news, her voice as soft and gentle as she could possibly make it, he had still had an immediate outburst; he had jumped to his feet, towering over her where she sat on their sofa, and torn his mask off, demanding how she could possibly bear to bring a child into the world with the risk of it looking anything like him. But just as tears had begun to pool in her eyes, just as Nadir had stepped to his friend’s side to calm him, an expression of pain had washed over her husband’s face and his knees had buckled under him, his weakened heart betraying him in the moment of such intense emotions. 
If Nadir had not been there, Christine did not know what she would have done. Simply sat by her husband’s side on the ground as she waited for him to return to consciousness and gain even the slightest bit of strength to walk back to bed, she guessed. Thankfully, Nadir had caught him before he hit the floor and carried him to their bed, staying longer than expected to wait until his friend’s eyes opened again. He had been less than pleased when Erik refused to give them permission to call a doctor but still chose to give Christine a gentle kiss on the cheek and to wish her all the best before leaving the couple to themselves. 
And it was then, with Erik’s emotions once more in check - after a few moments of crying and begging for Christine’s forgiveness, that is, - his right hand holding tightly onto Christine’s and the left, albeit weak and slightly numb, resting on her stomach, that they decided that they were going to bring their baby into the world, taking on whatever challenges the experience might throw at them. 
Erik had remained hesitant about the prospect of fatherhood and the potential for his son or daughter to resemble him, but he had done his best to do away with those negative trains of thought for Christine’s sake. Once he had recovered enough to be up and about again (though Christine would have much preferred that he had rested for even longer), he had returned to her with the news that he had purchased a home on the streets of Paris, not far from Nadir’s flat on the Rue du Rivoli. Ecstatic at the news, Christine had jumped out of her chair and into his arms, laughing along with him as Erik carefully lifted her just off of the ground to twirl her around, sharing in his wife’s joy about the new life to come for their growing family.  
That had been months ago. Now they had their little flat and they had their little boy, but the noticeable absence of noise from that same boy - or his father, for that matter - was what put a frown on Christine’s face as she slipped her shoes off and walked through the house. She noticed two teacups on the table in the parlour, the samovar out on the counter in the kitchen; Nadir had stopped by, then. 
Still, there was no sign of Erik or their son anywhere she looked; the parlour was empty, as was Erik’s study. She lingered for a moment in the doorway to the nursery. It wasn’t in use just yet, as their son still slept in his bassinet in their bedroom, but she couldn’t help but admire it; Erik had designed every little detail of it, from the curtains on the window down to the carpet on the floor. “For them, it has to be perfect,” he had said, and perfect it was. 
With a small smile on her face, Christine turned to continue her search but found her attention drawn to the soft glow of an oil lamp streaming out of the master bedroom through the door that had been left only slightly ajar. Creeping down the hall, she gently pushed open the door and couldn’t stop the smile that immediately formed on her face and the warmth that flooded her chest at what she saw. 
Erik stood at the foot of their bed, his back to the door, dressed in his nightshirt. The bedclothes had been pushed aside, Christine noticed, proving to her that he had actually been in bed that evening. Whether he had been reading or genuinely trying to sleep didn’t matter to her; any instance him actually being in bed instead of in his study, falling asleep at his desk, was an accomplishment in her mind. 
In his arms, propped up on his shoulder, was their son, Charles. “My greatest creation,” Erik so often called him. Christine still recalled his practically palpable relief when Charles had been born and looked nothing like his father, save for his pale complexion and the gold flecks in his eyes; even still, had he shared Erik’s features, she had a feeling he would have loved him nonetheless. 
Erik was maskless, she noticed; the pale, gaunt, noseless face that she had come to adore rather than fear leaning against the side of their baby’s head as he softly hummed a lullaby, gently swaying back and forth to keep Charles asleep. He pressed the occasional gentle kiss to his son’s head, whispering to him things that Christine could not hear, but knew without a doubt were words of adoration. 
Not wishing to disturb the father-son pair, yet knowing that Erik was well aware of her presence, Christine quietly stepped further into the room. She managed to slip out of her dress and corset, leaving her in just her chemise and stockings. She pulled the pins out of her hair, set them on her vanity, then stepped over to her husband and wrapped her arms around his waist from behind, resting her cheek against his back. “Someone didn’t want to sleep?” she asked in a hushed tone.
“Not by himself, at least. He was alright for a while, but didn’t stay quite so content for very long,” Erik whispered, giving his son another kiss. “I’ve been here for the better part of an hour; every time I try to set him down, he cries. Not that I mind holding him, of course.” 
Christine simply hummed in response, standing up on her tiptoes to press a kiss to her husband’s cheek. “Thank you for giving him to me.” 
“You needn’t thank me for that, dearest. That said, perhaps I’ll consider the possibility of giving you another little one like him.” 
“Truly?” Christine breathed, watching as Erik turned to face her, a warm smile on his face. “Erik, you...I never would have thought-” 
“Nor would I, but having him here now has made me reconsider,” Erik replied, leaning forward and gently pressing his thin lips to her own fuller ones. “We have room here in our little home for a growing family, and I would be happy to see it happen.”
Available on ff.net and AO3 as well! Kudos/reviews/comments are much appreciated <3 
Thank you to everyone who gave this idea some love right from the initial concept (namely @findinghiddenisles @helloitskrisha @daenerysthesilverdragon @foxygold11696 and @jjdestler, plus everyone who liked it)! I have never actually written E/C before, since my multi-chapter fic is post-LND, so this was really different, but so fun to write! 
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bexterbex · 5 years ago
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 49
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Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Will tag as I go along, Will update tags, Slow Burn, Influenced by Star Trek and other Sci-Fi themes, References to We Happy Few, Tons of References and quotes to George Orwells 1984 see if you can find them all, The First Order is the new Big Brother,  but who is really surprised, Blatant Nazi Symbolism, Interrogation Themes, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Really just drawn out Slow Burn, Don’t repost without permission, Torture themes, Suggestive Themes, Execution themes, Disturbing Themes, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Controlling Kylo Ren, Physical Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Kylo Ren is Not Nice, Kylo Ren Has Issues, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, Possessive Kylo Ren, A character shamelessly based on Zelda Spellman
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 49: Playing Dress Up
You were woken from your sleep, by a kiss on the lips. You opened your eyes to see Kylo dressed in his usual uniform. “What time is it?”
You hear him chuckle, “It is time for you to get up Kitten. Your ladies-in-waiting will be here at any moment. I have things I need to attend to. So this is goodbye until dinner,” said Kylo who then left down the hall and out of your chambers.
A few moments later the door opened again, Adlez and Olivia-Rose were followed by the lieutenant, Cardo, and Ushar. You went to meet them.
You heard a distorted wolf whistle, “Looking good Pet,” said Cardo ogling you. You immediately crossed your arms in a failed attempt to cover yourself. You could see the lieutenant turning red and averting his gaze. Olivia-Rose rushed into your dressing room getting you a robe.
Adlez let out a loud gasp and turned around to face him. “That is no way to speak to her.” You could hear the anger and authority in her voice. They were almost chest to chest as Cardo challenged her.
Luckily Ushar threw his arm in front of Cardo pushing him back. “I can speak to her how I want,” replied Cardo.
Once your robe was firmly secured around you, you approached the group. “No, she is the Supreme Leader’s match, you must treat her with respect,” said Adlez.
Cardo puffed up his chest once more, pressing against Ushar’s hold on him, but you spoke before he could respond. “Especially when the Supreme Leader has already reprimanded you for such in my presence once before. Shall I call him down,” you ask with a tilted head and cocked eyebrow. You were not going to be playing my horse is bigger than your horse this morning.
You heard Ushar release a distorted laugh, “Lady Ren has got a backbone Cardo, you better not test her. I like her too much.”
A smirk found its way to your face. You watched as both of them backed away, to go stand near the door. Adlez gave one last humph before turning around and assisting you in your dressing room and told the lieutenant to wait in the dining room.
Once the door shut behind you, Adlez quickly joined Olivia-Rose in getting you ready. “How did last night go m’lady,” asked Olivia-Rose.
“Better, he learned some new boundaries. Like keeping his hands above my clothes.”
Both of the women laughed at this, to which you smiled in response. Their hands expertly taking care of you, dressing you in a similar relaxed outfit as yesterday morning. This time your hair was done in a casual elegant style, very old Hollywood. You could tell that Adlez was an expert in this style.
“Now that he has learned this, you can use it to your advantage m’lady. Teasing him and using any additional privileges like a bartering chip,” said Adlez.
“I like that idea. Although I may occasionally extend my favors as I wish.”
“Obviously, the Dark Lord is a handsome man. If I were you it would be very hard to keep my hands to myself,” said Adlez, finishing putting on a necklace for you, while Olivia-Rose applied your makeup.
“I have really tried to refrain from touching him anywhere else but his head. I might lose my battle with him as it would be too much for my brain to handle, and we might cross my imaginary boundary,” you replied. “Also, why did he choose you for me, if he was going to know that you would be helping me mold him into my will?”
Adlez let out a laugh, “He chose me because of my experience, my ex-husband was a diplomat on Corellia. Unfortunately, because the First Order took over his and my position were cut, and I no longer needed to be married to him. We are better off not married anyway. And because of this position, I now have access to a bunch of eligible bachelors onboard,” she gave you a wink. You saw Olivia-Rose blush at this too.
“I wouldn’t know about the selection you have available, just promise me you two won’t get into too much trouble. I already have my hands full with the Supreme Leader.”
Both of them laughed at that. You all got up to go have breakfast, the lieutenant was waiting in the dining room for you as were Cardo and Ushar.
“Would anyone like anything while I order? I know to get you a coffee lieutenant.”  You looked around to everyone.
“Coffee for both of us m’lady,” said Olivia-Rose referring to Adlez. Both Cardo and Ushar shook their heads.
While waiting for your food to arrive Ushar asked, “So what princess lessons are on the agenda today?” He turned his helmeted gaze to your lieutenant. Who swallowed back a lump of fear before responding.
“Lady Ren is free until her lessons after lunch. After they are finished she has dinner with the Supreme Leader,” replied Mitaka.
“So the princess has a free morning, what shall she do with it,” teased Cardo. You saw Ushar hit him again.
Adlez looked at you and said, “If you don’t mind a suggestion m’lady, Olivia-Rose and I would love to spend the morning styling you in various ways for different occasions. A test really to see what you like and what you don’t.”
You heard a distorted snicker come from Cardo, who turned to Ushar, “They are going to play dress up.”
You grew your backbone once more, “If you are going to be rude Cardo then there is no need for you to be here. You can safely guard me from someplace else if it is too difficult for you.”
You watched him stand and clench his fists before Ushar hissed his name and told him to get out. Ushar muttered apologies to you and the others before stepping out of the dining room himself.
You finished your breakfast with some idle chatter with everyone. Not really commenting on this or that. Preferring to eat without much distraction. Once you were finished you saw Olivia-Rose start to take the dishes into the kitchen and you told her to stop, that the droid would take care of it. She was just as out of place as you once were, not knowing how things fully worked.
You entered the dressing room and dismissed the lieutenant until your lesson. Both women seemed to be very happy changing your outfits and accessories and your hair and makeup. Taking you through this scenario and that one with outfit changes. Deciding what works together and what doesn’t. Olivia-Rose did well as she was there when you bought most everything.
“Now we should discuss your routine. I think it would be best for you to take baths every other day, to maintain healthy skin. We should also get a full regime of face masks in the works to keep your skin looking as young as possible,” said Adlez. You trusted her opinions on this, as her skin looked flawless. “We should also get a regular routine of body hair removal and nail care. I will work something out with the lieutenant to always have it in your schedule one way or another. Not taking care of yourself is one of the quickest ways for a man to lose interest. And it is in our best interest to keep the Dark Lord interested in you.”
You did take care of yourself but not to the degree that Adlez was speaking. It sounded like a lot of upkeep and work. But you trusted her, after all, she was right, you needed to keep Kylo interested in you, even though he had shown no real example of not doing so something in your gut told you that something was coming.
“I was wondering if we should take lunch ‘outside’? I would love to feel the sun on my face,” you asked them both.
“Of course m’lady, just let me check to make sure the simulated sun doesn’t give off any UVA UVB rays. Otherwise, we will have to lather your skin in sunscreen. The sun is aging’s best friend and one of your worst enemies,” said Adlez. She then left the dressing room to go check. She came back and informed you that it was all clear.
You three went to the patio and enjoyed the simulated sun during your lunch. This is where both the lieutenant and general found you when it was time to begin your lessons again. You all headed upstairs to the large sitting area once more.
Ch. 14 Part 1: Formal Dinners (para. 1-36)
Ch. 14 Part 2: Formal Dinners (para. 37-80)
Ch. 14 Part 3: Formal Dinners (para. 81-116)
Ch. 14 Part 4: Formal Dinners (para. 117-152)
Ch. 14 Part 5: Formal Dinners (para. 153-end)
Ch. 15: Dinner-Giving with Limited Equipment
Ch. 16: Luncheons, Breakfasts and Suppers
Ch. 17 Part 1: Balls and Dances (para. 1-53)
Ch. 17 Part 2: Balls and Dances (para. 54-end)
Ch. 18: The Debutante
“We will be throwing a formal dinner in a few days with some of the leaders of some First Order planets. You and the Supreme Leader are expected to be in attendance. I will also be there. This is your official debut as Lady Ren, so it will be very important. The Supreme Leader has left it in our hands to get you ready,” said Hux.
You were nervous. You were going to be at a formal dinner, with lots of people you didn’t know, who would be expecting you to be a lady when you weren’t one. This was something that you hoped Kylo would spare you from or something that he would have at least had the courtesy of telling you himself.
You were immensely grateful for Adlez and Olivia-Rose now. They would help you prepare yourself so you didn’t look like an idiot.
“Will I have lessons as to who these leaders are? And to what the rest of the galaxy is,” you ask fiddling with your hands.
“Of course m’lady, it is not my intention to allow you to attend unprepared. It is also the Supreme Leader’s wish for you to be as prepared as I can get you. You will not be alone at the dinner he and I will be there along with other First Order High Command members,” consoled Hux.
“Will Pryde be there?”
“Yes, m’lady, unfortunately, he will be, some of these leaders are the ones I was telling you about. Ones that were Empire sympathizers who like him. But this will be a good time to showcase yourself as someone they can trust. Do not worry, the Supreme Leader will be the whole time with you.” You could see the earnestness in his face. It calmed your nerves a bit.
“When will this formal dinner take place?”
“In a week, seven cycles time. We will be on the other side of the galaxy then near Arkanis. And it will take place here on board the ship, so you will be perfectly safe.” His reassurance did help, as did the date of the dinner. Although you knew that the anticipation may kill you. You were nervous, to say the least.
“Thank you for informing me general, is that all for today?”
“Yes, m’lady. I believe it is now time for you to prepare for dinner.” And with that, both he and the lieutenant left.
You and the girls made your way downstairs to your dressing room. They got out another simple dress and started working on another simple but elegant hairstyle, one that you had worked on earlier that day.
“Do not worry m’lady, we will have you prepared for that dinner, none of those old men will know what hit them,” said Olivia-Rose, voicing herself confidently for the first time.
“Exactly, we will make you the belle of the ball as they say. No one will be able to resist your charm, and if we do everything right, so will the Dark Lord,” said Adlez.
“I know, but I would have preferred him telling me this news versus the general. After all, I am his match, and this is my debut,” you said voicing your displeasure at the situation.
“Well then m’lady you will just have to show the Dark Lord that,” said Adlez while she changed the initial lipstick she was going to hand you. She then picked out a more alluring perfume for you to wear along with a pair of heels. “This will help show him just that. Keep him at arm's-length and he will be eating out of the palm of your hands in no time.”
You liked her thinking a lot. She was right; you needed to show him how it displeased you to have others tell you things that he could have easily told you himself. You were now playing his game, and he did not hold all the cards, but neither did you. But you did have a few aces up your sleeve and now was the time to play one.  
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ameth18blog · 3 years ago
Unexpected Encounters. Chapter 10: The Search (Part 4)
Finnick is in the west of the city, unlike the others he preferred to do his search alone. At the moment he was in a bar having a few drinks that he was curious to try, since he had heard of them from Jack when they were on the plane on their way to Japan. Even before all the events happened, he and Nick had made a bet on who would last the longest drinking the alcoholic beverages that would come to this country. They were supposedly stronger than the ones sold on Zootopia. Jack and Judy weren't happy with the bet the two of them made, but Finnick knew they couldn't stop him or Nick.
Even obviously he had to search for beings from other universes, he thought to take a little break, since he had a suspicion that they would not take long to appear. Even if he didn't know it, it wouldn't take long for them to appear before him.
So far he had had four glasses: Sake Honjozo, Sake Junmai, Ji-zake and Nigori-zake. As he tasted them he realized that they tasted very different from other things he had tasted in his entire life. He would have asked for more glasses of each, but he didn't have enough money with him at the time. And he aside he knew that he shouldn't waste much time, since he still had a great perimeter to cover.
But just before he got up, three beings who seemed travelers because of the way they were dressed entered the bar.
The first was a tall yellow fox. His nose was black as were his eyes. He wore a light blue long-sleeved shirt, green pants and was completely barefoot. He wore a type of cape that had stripes of two different shades of blue on the outside, while on the inside it was purple. Also on his head he wore a cream-colored flat hat that had two holes so that he could stick his ears out. Also this hat had a rope that went towards the lower part of the fox's head, so that it could be held and did not fall off its head or fly off.
The other two beings were twin slightly smaller brown boars, which only reached the fox's waist in height. They wore open orange jackets, although they were shirtless under the jackets, they wore green pants and both were barefoot. Both wild boars carried on their backs giant green bags with swirl patterns, tied around their necks. The big physical difference between the two wild boars is that one had a spot on its right cheek, while the other did not.
They both walked over to the counter, right next to where Finnick was sitting.
"Sorry sir, but you can not bring children to this place" said the manager of the bar.
"Oh, don't worry about that, despite their sizes, they are adults" said the fox.
After that, both wild boars took out some identifications that were proof that they were adults.
"My apologies" said the bar manager bowing his head. "What do you want me to serve you?"
"A Sake Honjozo for the three of us" said the fox.
"I'll bring them to you right away" said the bar manager, leaving.
"Does that happen to you very often? Finnick asked looking at the fox and the two wild boars.
"Ummm, what thing?" asked the fox when he saw that they had asked him a question.
"I meant if their companions are mistaken for children when they see them," Finnick said.
"Oh yes, several times that has happened to us" said the fox.
"Sometimes it is annoying," said one of the boars.
"But at other times it is beneficial," said the other boar.
"Seriously?" asked the fennec fox.
"Yes, sometimes we manage to get food and money thanks to that" said the fox.
"Wow, the world is small. I do the same" said the fennec fox.
"Seriously?" the twin wild boars asked.
"Yes, where I come from I have a method to deceive people, I wear an elephant costume and I keep quiet at all times so that they feel sorry for me and give me money and food," said Finnick.
"Wow, it's a coincidence, we do the same" said one of the boars.
"Only we don't need to dress up for that," said the other boar.
At that moment the conversation stopped momentarily when the bar manager handed their drinks to the fox and the two wild boars. After that, he left his clients to continue his work.
"So where are you from?" asked the fox.
"I come from the United States, specifically from the city of Zootopia, what about you?" asked the fennec fox.
"We are from this country. We don't have a fixed home, since we travel so that I can achieve my goal" said the fox.
"And what would it be?" the fennec fox was curious.
"Well, my goal is to get a wife, have my own castle and be the king of pranks" said the fox.
"Wow, that's thinking big. What are their names?" said the fennec fox.
"My name is Zorori. But I'm also known as Kaiketsu Zorori" said the fox.
"My name is Ishishi" said one of the boars.
"And I'm Noshishi" said the boar with the mole on his right cheek.
"My name is Finnick" said the fennec fox introducing himself with the fox and the two wild boars.
"And then Finnick, how did you get here?" Zorori asked.
"Oh well, I have a friend who works for an agency where they gave him vacations to any place in the world that he chose and since he was once here in Japan, he wanted to come visit again. And since they gave him six tickets, he gave me one so I could come with him," Finnick replied.
"Wow, you are very lucky with that. Although we are from this country, the way we got to this city was somewhat unusual, but since we have experienced other things like that, it didn't seem strange to us" said Zorori.
"Unusual?" Finnick asked.
"Yes, it was because of a white light that appeared suddenly" Ishishi and Noshishi said in unison.
"White light?" Finnick told himself as he lowered his head and saw that the communicator on his wrist was blinking. He hadn't noticed when he first started blinking. These were the ones he was looking for and how ironic that he found them in a bar.
"Tell me, have you three been in this city for 3 months?" asked the fennec fox.
"Yes, why do you ask?" asked the fox.
"Well, because I partly know what that white light was," Finnick replied.
"You know that?" asked one of the wild boars.
"Could you tell us?" asked the other boar.
Finnick told them about Chaos Emeralds, Chaos Control, and Dr. Eggman. He told them everything he knew.
"Wow, this sounds like a great adventure you are living," said Zorori.
"Isn't that strange to you?" Finnick asked.
"No, as I said before, we have been through unusual situations" said Zorori.
"For example, we die once when and on that journey we visit both heaven and hell. After fixing a misunderstanding we came back to life" said Ishishi.
"Once we had to find a type of fairies known as Najō to restore color to a magical forest," Noshishi said.
"And once we had to return an electric eel that had been stolen from a forest inhabited by ghosts," Zorori said.
"Wow. They look like children's book adventures," said Finnick.
"Yes, we know. But we are used to that by now" said the fox.
"And what were they doing when chaos control brought them into this universe?" asked the fennec fox.
"Well, we were having a picnic with some old acquaintances. It was a normal day for us like any other" said Zorori.
"But suddenly a fairly strong wind began to blow. We had three friends in that meeting who are magicians, but they said it had nothing to do with magic" Ishishi said.
"It was at that moment that that white light appeared that began to envelop us. Our magician friends used their magic to create a force field to prevent the effects of that light from affecting us" Noshishi said.
"Although the force field didn't work, it does prevent us from being separated, since when we woke up we were together, on top of the Tokyo tower. You can imagine how hard it was for all of us to go down" said the fox.
"So there are more besides you in this city?" asked the fennec fox.
"Yes, you want to meet them" asked one of the boars.
"Of course, this concerns them as well" said the fennec fox.
"It's okay. We will take you with them" said the other boar.
After finishing their drinks and paying for them, the 4 left the bar in the direction of a nearby area of the city.
Once they arrived, it was a building that had an inspiration in castles from the Middle Ages, it was located outside the city in the middle of a forest.
"Amazing, nice place. Who owns this building?" asked Finnick.
"The owners are a prince and a princess that we have known for a few years" replied Zorori.
"Wait, there was no prime minister in Japan."
"Yes there is, but in the section where we live there are royal families who have granted them permission to govern certain areas."
"Definitely your life seems to come from children's books."
Once they entered and after having passed through several corridors that reminded Finnick of the fairy tales that he read to Nicole and Jerry when he cared for them while Nick, Judy and Jack went out to work. Finally they came to a door that after opening it gave way to a quite luxurious living room with furniture and decorations that definitely made Finnick feel as if he had traveled back in time to the Middle Ages.
In the room there was a strange mix of inhabitants of different types:
There was a black panther with pink cheeks and a light brown cat with dark brown hair who were a prince and a princess, since each wore their respective crowns and clothes that gave away the status to which they belonged.
There were two others who had traveler-like clothing albeit with a more western attire. One was tall, had brown fur and yellow hair. The other was shorter and with an orange-brown fur.
There were three others who had wizard robes. Since the two girls had witch-like clothes, while the boy had clothes more similar to that of a sorcerer. One of the girls was dressed in white and the other in magenta. While the boy wore black. For some reason each one carried a broom in one of their hands.
There were two that looked interesting. One looked like a plush doll that could be seen in any cream colored children's cartoon with a small red antenna and no nose. The other had the look of a ghost that had a kind of white scarf around its neck.
Seeing all of them Finnick for a moment thought that he was amazed by the drinks he had had, since he seemed to have been involved in a fairy tale, where there were princes, princesses, adventurers, witches, sorcerers, strange creatures and ghosts. He was silent for a few seconds.
Seeing the surprised reaction, Zorori decided to introduce them.
"Guys, I introduced you to Finnick. We met him in a bar and he gave us an explanation of how we ended up in this city, right?" said the fox.
Coming out of his shocked reaction, he told them the story of what had happened and how they ended up in this city. Once he finished telling this to beings he had just met, they came forward.
The prince and princess introduced themselves as Arthur and Elzie. The two travelers introduced themselves as Gaon and Pepero. The sorcerer introduced himself as Roger. The witches who happened to be sisters introduced themselves as Milly and Nelly. The creature introduced itself as Najō. While the ghost introduced himself as Puppe.
Once the introductions were over, Finnick's communicator suddenly began to ring.
"Hi, this is Finnick. Oh Nick, what's up? Cool. I, too, have just found an interesting group. Yes, I can take them with me. See you later".
"Who called?" Zorori asked.
"He was a friend. I wanted to ask all of you if you could join me, since the ones who sent me to look for you want to talk to you" said Finnick.
"They all looked at each other and Zorori answered for all of them "Sure we can go with you."
"Good, but I think that before going out I think they should change their clothes, since with those clothes they wear they will attract a lot of attention among the inhabitants of the city."
When they saw each other they realized that it was true. After waiting a few minutes, everyone was ready. Before leaving, Najō hid inside a backpack and Puppe became invisible as they would definitely attract attention if anyone saw them.
Once they left the building, they returned to the city and headed in the direction of Gori's apartment to meet up with everyone else.
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samthemarvelfan · 5 years ago
I Won’t Say: Chapter One
 -A Cold Greeting-
Summary: Ellaria Stark is the daughter of a king. When she is unwittingly betrothed to the king of a neighboring city, she isn’t sure how to feel. More importantly, she isn’t sure how the king will feel if he finds out the truth about her.
Pairing: James Barnes x OFC, Ellaria Stark. (Stark!Reader.)
Warnings: Royal!AU, Angst. I think that’s it?
A/N: Eeep! Chapter one! This is my first time writing a Royal AU, please let me know what you think! <3 Taglist is open!
Taglist:  @iheartsebastianstan @jjlizz @stuckysbabe @sk493494 @lefoutoir @nickangel13 @marvelismysafezone @lilulo-12 @warmvanillafeels @star-spangled-beard-burn @ravenesque @pinknerdpanda @wintersoldierissucharide @snapcapquartet @ellen-reincarnated1967 @unlistedpond @my-drowning-in-time @supernaturalwintersoldier @kimvmarvel @roseboho​ @disaffectedbarnes​ @winterboobear11 @choicesloversstuff (strikethrough means the tag didn’t work! I’m sorry!)
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The carriage ride, while not unpleasant, was not nearly long enough. It hadn’t even reached mid day, and you were to arrive to Buchanan at any moment.
As your mind wandered, your fingers kept busy fiddling with the embroidery on your gown.
“Princess, you must be calm.” Wanda kindly urged you. “Would you like me to assist?”
Wanda was a sorceress and your lady-in-waiting, chosen to be by your side—she was also one of your closest friends.
“Wanda, I’m beginning to regret this. I have such an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach...” you fret.
She smiled softly, “Permission to speak freely, your highness?”
You nod, “Always.”
Her hand touched yours for a moment, and you felt a blanket of comfort wash over you. Like a warm bath on a winter’s morning.
“You’re strong. You’re honorable, and kind. Your heart guides you and your head keeps you there—these are necessary qualities for any Queen,” she removed her hand from yours and continued. “If the King can’t see that, then the fault does not lay with you.”
You sighed.
In your heart, you knew she was right. You’d been groomed to be a Queen most of your life. You could easily handle the responsibilities of one after a bit of adjustment—but what of your betrothed?
Could you remain in a potentially loveless marriage? Spending your days with a man whom your heart has not chosen, giving him your life? Your body? Children?
“Ellaria,” Wanda said. “You’re thoughts are like thunder they’re so loud!” She laughed.
“Sorry about that.” You felt the heat rise to your cheeks
She waved a hand, “Don’t be. It’s natural to assume the worst. Just don’t get ahead of yourself yet. Let things play out as they will.”
You heard your Coachman stall the horses. Drawing the red velvet curtain of your carriage window back, you’d seen that you’d arrived.
The city’s gates were tall, black, wrought iron and ornate in design. They bared the Barnes house sigil—a wolf, in the brightest of gold. A horn sounded, and the gates opened. Your Father’s carriage heading in before yours.
“Open your curtain, please.” You ask Wanda.
She obliges, drawing it back on her side, allowing you to see the city better.
It was beautiful. Cobblestone streets, and clean, crisp gardens in front of nearly every home. Smiling families, happy children playing in the streets.
This gave you hope. Surely the citizens are happy for a reason, right? Their King must be a good man to care so much for his people.
“Look, the castle.” She urges.
The palace was as beautiful as you’d expect. Its walls covered in ivy vines determined to make their to the top. There were two large, oak doors adorned with gold filigree, and marble pillars mounted with stone statues of wolves. They were perched as if surveying the kingdom.
“It’s beautiful.” You whisper.
The carriages came to a halt, and soon, your Father was at your door. The guard opened it, and Father smiled at you softly. “It’s time.” He says.
You look to Wanda, who gives a soft smile, before turning back to Father. “Yes.” You agree.
Guards lined the white marble steps leading up to the castle, and at the top stood two men. Both strong and tall. The one with deep umber skin was dressed in armor—gold with golden helmet held at his side.
The man next to him, blonde of hair and eyes that matched the sky. He was in a navy blue tunic, sleeved adorned with black weaving. His lapel bore the family sigil atop a golden hand.
The hand of the King. You thought.
Father offered you his hand, and you placed yours atop it gently as you ascended the stairs. “Just breathe, my sweet.” He whispered.
A chaste nod from you earned a smile on his lips. Wanda adjusted your gown, and you lifted it slightly as you stepped.
“Your majesty...princess.” The blonde greeted happily when you reached the threshold, “Welcome to Buchanan, I am Steve Rogers, his majesty’s hand. This is Samuel Wilson, head of the royal guard.”
Your Father shakes both of their hands, “May I present my daughter, Ellaria Stark.”
The curtsy you fall into is second nature. Sir Samuel takes you hand, placing a chaste kiss on it. Steve does the same.
“A beauty, of that there isn’t a doubt.” Steven says.
Your cheeks flush with heat, “You’re far too kid, Sir.”
The sound of the palace doors opening cause you to jump. The guards lining the steps suddenly stood at attention, and your eyes searched the walkway.
The first thing you saw was the gleam of his sword; It hung proudly on his waist. Soon after that, you saw him. In all his glory, King James Barnes of Buchanan.
He was handsome—anyone with eyes could see that. When you saw his eyes however, your heart skipped a beat. They drew you to him; two perfect pools of cerulean opulence.
The King approached Steve and Sam, who both stepped aside to allow him to walk between them.
He did not smile. He did not seem eager, or excited by your presence, in fact...he seemed entirely uninterested. Not bothering to even look in your direction.
Nerves, surely. You thought to yourself.
Sam saw the look on your face and cleared his throat. This seemed to draw the Kings eye to yours finally.
“May I present his royal highness James Barnes, King of Buchanan. Your majesty, you know King Anthony Stark of the Iron Kingdom...”
He and Father bowed to each other respectfully. “James, allow me to introduce my daughter, my pride and joy, Ellaria.”
For a moment, you forget your place. He was so hypnotizing, just being in his presence felt intimidating. You shake your head subtly, snapping you out of your trance.
“Your Majesty,” you curtsy. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Your kingdom, your castle...they’re beautiful.”
His majesty doesn’t speak, he simply looks at you. For what feels like ages, he just stares.
“Perhaps you’d like to welcome them, your majesty?” Steven urges.
James shakes his head. “Yes. Welcome to Buchanan, you must be tired from your trip.” He says curtly.
You smile, attempting to make conversation. “Not as much as one would think, it’s only a half days journey after all.”
He doesn’t acknowledge your remarks as he turns away from you to face your Father. “Tony, will you be staying for the feast?” He asks.
“No, no. My job is done. I should be getting home to my Pepper.” He begrudges.
Father turn and places a kiss on your cheek. “Write as often as you can, my sweet.”
You nod, not realizing how hard it would be to say goodbye. “Give Mother and Morgan my love.”
Father nods, a tear in his eye matching your own. He and King James bow to each other once more, before he heads for his carriage.
As you watch the door shut, your heart aches. Had you made a mistake? Surely if this was right you wouldn’t be feeling as though your world was collapsing.
Once Father’s carriage had left the castle grounds, you turn back to see only Samuel there. The King walking swiftly back into the palace, Steve at his heels.
“Your highness, if you’ll allow, I’ll have a handmaiden show you to your quarters.” He says kindly.
You could tell right away that Sam was an honest man. He seemed kind and decent and eager to serve his kingdom.
“Thank you, and Samuel when were in private please just call me by my name.” You smile, placing your hand atop his as he guided you into the palace doors.
“As you wish, my lady.” He smirks.
“Oh! Where are my manners? This is my lady, Wanda.” You proudly introduce her.
You’d been so caught up in missing your family, it hadn’t dawned on you until now just how strange your interaction with the king had been. He was staring at you for ages one moment, then blatantly ignoring you the next.
Hoping it was nerves, you simply keep you head high, and follow Sam through the corridors.
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“I don’t want to hear it, Steve.” James said as he stormed into his quarters.
“Yeah? Well, I hate to break it to you, but you gave me this job, right?” He asked gesturing to the pin on his lapel.
James nodded.
“So it’s my job to tell you when you’re making a fool of yourself. You didn’t even greet the poor girl.” He scolded.
James removed his sword from his hip, sheathing it. “Why would I greet her? I don’t want her here, Steve. None of this was my doing.”
Steve sighed, crossing his arms over his strong chest. “No, no it wasn’t. However, you chose to keep this kingdom alive. You could have elected to dissolve it; become a Lord of whatever land you decided to move to. But you did the honorable thing and kept this city whole. Your people need you. They need their king.”
“Their king is dead, Steve!” James shouts, feeling the pain of his parents passing swell in his chest. “And now I’m to marry someone I don’t know or love? Forgive me if I don’t seem eager.”
Steve watched James as he breathed, attempting to calm himself. His heart broke for his friend. “Bucky,” he called, using the nickname he’d had since childhood. “No one is forcing you to go through with this...no one, but the council members chose her for a reason, she’s of noble birth and she’s Tony’s daughter. Stark is a good man.”
Steve watched his friend nod in response, and felt a cheeky smirk land on his face. He nudged Bucky’s hip. “Then again, you’re a king. You have your blood line to think of after all. It must go on.”
James scoffed, “Already have me bedding her, do we?”
Steve chuckled, “Well, your majesty, I hear the marriage bed is a fine place to celebrate after a wedding.”
The two friends shared a laugh for the first time that day.
“I have a duty. To my people, to my parents...” Bucky said softly.
Steve nodded, “She seems kind. She’s a beauty as well. Start slowly, get to know her. The wedding is in a month, nothing is permanent until then.”
James sighed. “Did you see her face when her Tony left? She looked like she’d been kidnapped.” He rubbed his eyes.
“It’s new,” Steve argued. “I’d bet she wasn’t too keen on the idea of an arranged marriage, either...and after the way she was received by you, can you really blame her?” Steve was defending you.
Bucky sat in the chair by his desk, “You seem quite taken with her—perhaps you should marry her.”
Steve chuckled, “If you don’t, I just might.” He jested. “I’ll leave you. I will see you at the feast.”
James nodded, as Steve left the room.
He kicked his feet up on the desk, rubbing his eyes.
None of this seemed real. He was to suddenly marry and be the man his parents had always hoped he’d be. The man they’d never get to see.
He wasn’t ready. He didn’t think he ever would be.
Your image danced in his mind, as he left his head fall back, eyes closed.
He’d be a liar if he said you were beautiful. Bewitching, even.
When he’d laid his eyes on you, he was entranced. The way your ruby colored gown fit your woman’s body—beautiful curves and all. Your lips the perfect scarlet shade, your eyes—bright and bold like your laugh.
James felt his arousal through his trousers, but he didn’t care. Many a woman had gotten his manhood stiff before, and it’d taught him a very important lesson; beauty didn’t equate to love.
Though he couldn’t ignore the feeling that settled deep within his bones.
You were meant to be here, and you were meant to be his.
Chapter Two: Words
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aerinmelina · 5 years ago
Dreams Part IV
My incredibly late contribution for Brackendra Day 2019. I hope you enjoy!
This entire mini-series is for @jesussavedevenme
Read part 3 here!
Bracken was beginning to think that maybe he should buy stock in prison systems, considering how much time he’d been spending in them lately. Maybe that way he’d at least wind up with a halfway decent bed and some edible food one of these times.
Trapped as he was in the realm of the Underking, Bracken spent a lot of time thinking. He thought about his past, his family, his friends.
He thought about Kendra.
She’d been left in a real bind. His conversation with her had been cut off when they were both in the middle of their own crises. He worried about whether or not she’d fared well with her dragon encounter, then shook himself out of his worry. Of course she’d done well. She was Kendra Sorenson.
He, on the other hand… well, he was here now.
Kendra had been in his dreams again. Quick, brief glimpses of her often infiltrated his unconscious thoughts. He wasn’t able to make a ton of sense out of what he saw, but there were distinct images which stood out in his brain, clearer than when he had been imprisoned at Living Mirage.
He saw her screaming. Running. Saw her with incredible determination and confidence glowing on her face. She cried. Stared out at a vast expanse of ocean with an unreadable expression. Shot arrows at a large company of centaurs. He even caught a quick glimpse of her speaking with someone who looked remarkably like Risenmay, which piqued his interest.
The ones he found the most intriguing were when he’d catch a glimpse of a much older Kendra Sorenson. He saw her smiling, a flower crown woven into her hair. She laughed while she was toppled backwards by a small pile of young children. Kendra bowed deeply in front of his mother, who knelt before her handmaiden in exchange. Bracken’s father kissed Kendra’s hand. She danced in the moonlight, wearing a white, gauzy dress.
And then there were the dreams of her coming to rescue him. Those were pretty much all the same – he’d first notice light entering the dungeon of the Underking and would look in its direction to determine where it was coming from. The light would increase until suddenly he’d see Kendra walk around the corner, shining like the sun. She’d run to him as he stared at her in disbelief.
The vision of Kendra finding him in the dark came to him often, and it always woke him up. He’d stare into the depths of the dungeon at the area where he first saw Kendra’s light appear in his dream, half-expecting her to show up, and always disappointed when she didn’t.
Until one day, when she actually appeared.
Bracken gaped at her.
Shining like the sun.
“Please let this be real,” he muttered as she drew close to him. He instantly recognized his mother’s crown, and a sense of utter disbelief filled his entire being.
“It’s me,” she assured him. “I have permission to let you out.”
She did more than just let him out; she returned all three of his horns to him. He’d never been in possession of all three of his horns at the same time before; he gave away his first to a human who saved his life as a child, which was before his third had grown in. The feeling of power which rushed over him as he took possession of his horns was not unfamiliar to him, but this was different than normal. Fuller, somehow.
Not only did she liberate him from the darkness – yet again – but she’d brought him an overwhelming gift. In addition to all of that, she even helped him defeat his cousin.
He stared at her as Ezabar lead them out of the dungeon. He tried to pay attention to his surroundings, too, but mostly his gaze remained transfixed on the glowing goddess at his side. She looked just the same as she had when he’d seen her last, but there was something different about her now; she carried herself with greater confidence. There was a surety to her step which he’d seen her wear on occasion in the past, but which she now fully owned. Strength and determination punctuated her movements.
She also wore his mother’s crown. The implications of that were tremendous and complex. He chose to ignore them for now in favor of thinking about them later.
When they finally reached the surface, he and Kendra busied themselves by climbing into a boat which the lich assured them would take them back to Crescent Lagoon. It wasn’t until they were out of sight of land that Bracken allowed himself to close his eyes and feel the sunshine on his skin and the breeze in his hair.
“Are you okay?” Kendra’s voice interrupted his reverie.
He smiled as he looked at her. “I’m perfect,” he answered. “You’ve saved me.”
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stormtrprinstilettos · 5 years ago
39 Shades of May - Chapter 3 [Dom!Brian x sub!Reader]{18+}
Summary: You’re Mr. May’s temporary assistant for the summer. But it’s turns out it’s not exactly the “job” you’re expecting.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Series Warnings: This is a Dom!Brian x Sub!Reader fic. There is language, hardcore smut, BDSM. All the good stuff.
Chapter Warnings: Domination/submission, bondage, humiliation, choking, orgasm denial
Word Count: 4067 (Shorter, but full of what you’re really here for.)
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You wear a red dress, just like he told you to do. He loves you in red. Your nerves are tangled up to the point where you’re literally nauseated. This is a bad idea. You know it’s a bad idea. But he’s insisted you come to the house and meet his wife. His fucking wife. Your heart is racing as you step out of the car, the light evening breeze flowing over you, and you feel a rush down your spine as you make your way to the front door.
Before you can even knock, the door opens, almost as if he felt you approaching. He’s standing before you. Mr. May. Brian. Sir. You don’t know what you’re supposed to call him when she’s around. You don’t even know why you agreed to come. You’re sure all you had to do was tell him that you were uncomfortable with this and he would have understood. But no – you can’t disappoint Mr. May.
He greets you with a smile and holds his hand out to guide you inside. You haven’t seen him in a week. Not since you came back from London. He left the next day to take the wife on a small trip to the coast. He did call you every day to make sure you were on your best behavior, though. To make sure you were taking care of his property.
“Hello, Y/N,” he says as you walk in. “I’m very pleased you could join us.”
“Hello… Brian?” You cringe, because you don’t want to choose the wrong term of address. With a smile and a quick nod he lets you know that you chose correctly, and you relax. Finally. “It’s good to see you again.”
“Have you been a good girl, doll?” he asks, speaking softly as he looks into your eyes.
You start to giggle. “I’m always a good girl, Sir.” You give him a smirk, never breaking eye contact.
“Y/N!” you hear a woman call out before she walks over. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.” She holds out her hand and walks you into the living room. “Please. Sit. I’ll get us some drinks.”
You take a seat on the sofa and Brian sits next to you. He looks behind him to make sure you’re alone and leans in to talk. “This won’t take long. She’s leaving soon to go out with some friends.” You shift in your seat and turn to him. “Relax. Don’t fidget.”
But you can’t help it. She’s being so nice to you, seemingly completely oblivious to the fact that you’re her husbands doll, his little slut. Maybe she knows. She has to know something. There’s no way she would be okay with her husband having a young girl like you as his assistant. Maybe she doesn’t know. No, she can’t possibly know. Why would she be okay with this… arrangement? She doesn’t know.
“I think that’s enough,” he says to her rather bluntly. “She doesn’t need to go through your interrogation.” Clearly you’re not the only one who listens to his commands. She stops speaking, puts her hands in her lap and looks down. You look over to him, but he’s not looking at you. “Isn’t it time for you to leave?”
“Yes,” she mumbles. “It’s time for me to leave.” She stands up but keeps looking down. Now it makes sense. “It was nice to meet you, Y/N.” He stands up and walks over to her. “I’ll be home at 10.” Her head never raises as she walks out the door.
He turns around and looks at you, his face expressionless, and he watches you closely as he walks back into the living room and takes a seat in a chair. You know what that means. You stand up and walk to him, dropping down to your knees between his legs as you keep eye contact. He is pleased that you remembered. You can tell by the grin on his face. “It’s been a rough night for you, doll?” he asks as his hand brushes over your hair.
“Yes, Sir,” you say. “A rough week, actually.”
“Oh?” he asks. “Tell me why it’s been a rough week.”
You lick your lips and take in a breath. “Because I missed you, Sir.”
A soft smile crosses his lips. “What did you miss about me, doll?”
“I missed your voice. Your touch. Your lips. Your…” You pause and take a deep breath.
“Say it. What else did you miss?”
“Your cock, Sir,” you murmur, almost embarrassingly.
“My what?” he asks as if he couldn’t hear what you said.
“Your cock. Sir,” you say louder.
“Hmm,” He chuffs. “Did you think about my cock when you were alone?”
You lower your head before quickly looking back up. Eye contact at all times. “Yes, Sir. I did.”
“And when you thought about my cock, what did you do?”
“I touched myself,” you whisper.
“You what?” He wasn’t asking for clarity. He was shocked.
You take a deep breath and bow your head in shame. “I touched myself, Sir.”
He lifts your chin up, making you look at him again. “What did you touch, doll?”
“My pussy, Sir.”
“What did you touch?” Again, not asking for clarity. Now he’s growing angry. You gave the wrong answer.
“Your pussy, Sir.”
“Did I give you permission to touch my pussy?” he asks, his tone raised and getting angrier.
“No, Sir,” you whisper.
“Did you cum?”
You whisper again. “Yes, Sir.”
“Did I give you permission to cum?”
“No, Sir.”
“No, I did not. You’ve been a naughty girl, Y/N.” He grabs a handful of your hair and leans in close to you. “I thought you told me you’re always a good girl.”
“I’m sorry, Sir.”
He pulls your head back by your head. His eyes are fuming. “You don’t touch things that don’t belong to you without permission, Y/N.”
“I’m sorry, Sir,” you whimper. “It won’t happen again.”
He stands and pulls you up by your hair, not saying a word. He doesn’t have to. The strength he’s using to pull you up the stairs and down the hall to a room you’ve never been in before speaks volumes. He’s angry. You didn’t listen. You were a naughty girl. And now you must be punished.
The door hasn’t even closed all the way before he turns and pushes you against it until it clicks shut. Immediately you fall to your knees, mouth open, eagerly awaiting the gift he is currently pulling from his pants. You take every second to savor his hard cock on your lips, feeling the strength he is using to guide your head how he wants it. It’s not gentle and slow like it usually is. You know you’re going to feel this tomorrow.
He pulls himself back, his cock hitting your chin as it falls from your mouth. “Follow me,” he growls. You start to stand up but he quickly pushes you back down. “On your knees!” he yells. “Naughty sluts don’t deserve to walk.” You get on your hands and knees and crawl after him toward the bed in this dark room – the only light coming from a small lamp on the corner. When you reach him, he pulls you up by your hair and bends you over the bed. “Do not turn around,” he tells you with a low growl in his voice. Your pussy is throbbing, and no matter how hard you resist, you give into your curiosity and turn around to see him.
The punishment is immediate. He spanks you hard through your dress. The pain is absolutely beautiful. “Thank you, Sir!” you scream out with each slap. Your knees grow weak, you breathing is shallow. You don’t want him to stop. Each slap makes you more wet. Your breathing grows more and more rapid. You are his. You’ve been a bad girl. A naughty slut. You deserve this. His final slap was so hard you had to grip the bedsheets with your shaking fingers.
He bends down behind you and you feel him attaching cuffs to your ankles. You want to look, but you don’t. You need to recover, catch your breath. When he moves you back to adjust your position, you realize that your ankles are locked a apart and you gasp. “Sir?” you ask.
The only answer you get is the sound of his belt being undone and pulled from the belt loops. He swings it forward and down around your neck before he pulls back you back towards him. When he does, you quickly peek down and notice the spreader bar between your feet, helping make it impossible for you to move. “What did I tell you about cuming, Y/N?”
“I need… permission. Sir.” It’s hard for you to speak. It hurts to speak. But you force it out anyway, not wanting to disappoint.
“You don’t get to cum tonight,” he fusses as he lifts your dress and rips away your panties. He pushes you back down over the bed, releasing some of the tension on the belt that is still wrapped around your neck.
He crashes himself into you, thrusting himself deeper with each push, pulling the belt around your neck again as he continuously spanks you harder and harder. “Please, Sir,” you beg. “I promise I’ll be a good slut for you.” He says nothing. “Please I promise. Just please let me cum for you, Sir.”
He pulls you up by the belt again, still continuing his glorious assault with his cock. “I said no,” he growls. “Naughty sluts don’t get to cum.” He pushes you back down and releases the belt, only to grab your arms and pull them behind you. “Face down on the bed,” commands. “Don’t even look at me.”
Hours seem to pass in your mind as he keeps pummeling you with his cock, seeming like he’s never going to stop, his speed and pressure not calming. You need to distract yourself or you will cum against his orders. Rule number one, you tell yourself. He is always in control. Rule number two, I am to remember that I am here for his pleasure. Rule number three, I will only wear lace panties unless he tells me not to. Rule number four, I will satisfy him whenever and wherever he wants. Rule number five, I must always ask for permission before I… “Sir, please! I can’t…”
He quickly pulls his cock from you and release your arms. You stay face down on the bed as he walks around and sits in front of you on the bed. “Lift yourself up,” he orders. He grabs your hair and you open your mouth. You know what he wants. “Take it,” he growls as he pushes your head down to his cock. Rule number eight, always make him proud. You relax your mouth and let him fuck it, making sure your throat is uninhibited by your tongue as he forces his cock down, allowing you to come up for the occasional breath. “Don’t you know how lucky you are to have this cock?” he asks as he looks at your tear-stained face. All you can do is nod. You can’t speak. You’re breathless. He shoves his cock back in your mouth before pulling you back up. “Then be grateful, you pathetic slut!” he yells.
“Thank you for giving me your cock, Sir,” you moan. “Thank you for fucking my mouth.”
He pushes your head back down and lets go of your hair, allowing you to control your speed and the depth. “Such a good doll,” he says quieter. “Your mouth is perfect.” He brings a hand back up to your head and gently rubs. “Are you ready for my cum?”
“Mmm hmm,” you moan against him, nodding your head as best you can. You keep the speed he was guiding you, preparing yourself for his hot seed that was about to shoot down your throat.
“Do not swallow it,” he groans as he starts to cum in your mouth. “Take it all and hold it.” And you do as you’re told, quickly closing your mouth as soon as he pulls your head off of him. “Good girl,” he smiles with a chuckle, noticing some of his cum leaking out the side of your mouth. “Open,” he tells you, and when you do, it all starts to drip out, falling down your chin. “Well that’s going to make a mess.” He waves his hands up, letting you know that you can stand, but it’s hard to do with your weakened muscles and the spreader bar between your ankles. He shifts himself closer to the edge of the bed so he can help you and he starts to chuckle again. “Are you okay?”
It’s hard to speak. He didn’t tell you that you can swallow. “Yes, Sir,” you say, and the rest of his cum you’re holding in your mouth falls onto your dress. “Did I please you, Sir?”
“Very much, doll,” he smiles. “You always do.” He climbs off the bed and onto the floor so he can unhook the cuffs from your ankles. Before he stands up, he runs a hand up your leg and to your soaking pussy. “It’s a shame you can’t finish yourself for me,” he moans. “She must be aching.” She is. And his fingers aren’t helping matters at all. You let out an involuntary quiet sigh and he quickly pulls his hand away. “Maybe next time you’ll remember rule number six.” He stands up and cups your face with the same hand he just touched your pussy with. “And what is rule number six?”
“Don’t touch what is yours without permission,” you whisper. Your pussy is aching. It’s throbbing. It’s desperate for attention. And you want to cry because it hurts so bad. But you dare not ask. You dare not beg. And you dare not try to sneak and take care of it when you get home, either. Because he’ll know. You know he will.
He kisses the top of your head and holds you into a gentle hug. “Go home and wash up, doll,” he says. “I’ll see you in the morning.” He pulls away and motions for you to leave. “Go on.”
This is different. There’s no cuddling. There’s no kiss. Nothing. You’re upset. He says you pleased him but he’s not touching you anymore. He’s not holding you, telling you that you’re a good girl, that you’re his precious doll. You bow your head an walk out the room, showing yourself to the front door to leave.
When you get downstairs, his wife is there. She doesn’t smile. She’s not angry. She knows. She knows something. She looks at you with a sympathetic look. She gives you a sympathetic smile. You nod your heads in unison before you grab your purse and leave.
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“Y/N, you look fine, really,” Charlotte, you roommate tells you, exasperated and annoyed with you. “Just...wear the green one.” You’re running between your bedroom and her bedroom the next morning trying to find the perfect shirt to wear with your black skirt. Always a black skirt. He told you to always wear a black skirt. “Why are you even doing this? You’ve worked for him for two weeks now. Long has gone the time to make a good first impression.”
“I just want to make sure I look alright,” you call out to her. Sure, you know why Charlotte finds this strange. You can’t exactly tell her why. You can’t tell her that you’ve disappointed him and you want to make sure his doll is extra pretty today. You can’t tell her than you want to look so good he can’t help but take pits on you and he lets you cum. You can’t tell her than you are still throbbing from last night and knowing the fact that you won’t be able to cum for another week is making you crazy.
When you walk back to her bedroom to model the last shirt, she rolls her eyes. “You have a crush on him don’t you?”
“No,” you groan before walking back to you room and spotting a red shirt hanging over a chair. That’s the one. That’s what you’ll wear. He loves you in red.
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You arrive to the house at exactly 8:56, giving you four minutes to get out of the car and inside to your desk. 9:00. He wants you there at 9:00 and not a second later. He always walks in at exactly 9:00. You rush out of the car and unlock the door. 8:57. Perfect. When you walk in, he’s standing by your desk, looking at his watch. “Good job, Miss Y/L/N. Right on time.” He looks up at you and smiles. “How was the rest of your evening?”
“Could have been better, Mr. May,” you smirk. “But I won’t complain.” You sit down at your desk and open your calendar, but he reaches over and closes it back. “You have lunch today…”
“Cancel it,” he says. “I don’t want to see anyone today.” He walks to the door that leads out to the main part of the house and stops before he opens it. “I’m going back to bed.” He opens the door and walks out, leaving you there alone.
And you sit there. For six hours and thirteen minutes. Alone. You’ve canceled his lunch and there was nothing else to do. You fidgeted. You paced the floor. You even made some paper airplanes. You started to read a book about some physics stuff that went way over your head. Anything you could find to occupy your time.
At 3:13 he walks back in, pleased to see you still there. “I thought you would have left by now,” he says with a smirk before closing and locking the door.
“Not without your okay first,” you smile. “Is there anything I can do for you… Sir?” Not Brian. Not Mr. May. Sir. He looks at you a bit curiously. He’s the one who always initiates this, but this time you are. And he’s quite impressed. Pleased, even.
He sighs and sits down in the chair across the room. You know what that means. You get up and walk to him, but before you get on your knees he stops you and pats his leg. “Here,” he says. “Sit here.” When you go to sit, he stops you again, moving your leg to the side so you’ll straddle his thigh and look into his eyes. “Like that,” he murmurs. “You look pretty sitting there like that.” He brings his hand to your face and gently rubs his thumb on your cheek.
“I wore red for you today, Sir,” you say softly with a smile. “I know how much you like it.”
“I do,” he smiles. He leans in and gives you a gentle kiss. “Those lips. I missed those last night.” All you can do is hum and nod in response. He starts to move his leg ever so slightly, making sure you’re positioned just right – or just wrong, depending on how you look at it. You let out a quiet gasp as your clit rubs just perfectly on his leg. “It feels good, doesn’t it?” he asks in almost a whisper, his hand still cupping your face and you nod again. He holds your hips and rocks you slowly, back and forth. “Just close your eyes and feel it.”
You do as he says. You close your eyes and bite your bottom lip. You know you shouldn’t touch him, not without his permission, but he doesn’t stop you when your hands roam up his arms and onto his shoulders. He doesn’t stop you when they run to his back and onto his neck. And he doesn’t stop you when you start to make those almost purr like moans he loves to hear. You head falls forward and rests on his shoulder, and the friction between your pussy and his pants makes you gasp. You no longer need his guidance. Your moving your hips just fine on your own, grinding yourself on his thigh. He’s letting you do whatever you want. Except for the one thing you desperately need.
“You’re doing such a good job, doll,” he tells you as he brings a hand up to play with your hair. “You like rubbing against me don’t you?”
“Yes, Sir,” you moan.
“Who makes you feel like this?”
“You do, Sir,” you whine into his neck.
“And who gets to touch you?”
“You do, Sir.”
He gently lifts your head up and makes you look at him. “Look at you, my pretty little whiny mess,” he smiles. “With the soaking wet panties, rubbing that pretty little cunt on me.” You struggle to keep your eyes open. Your breathing is starting to get heavier and your moans are getting louder and he starts to rub your back. “You want to cum doll? Make a mess in those panties?”
You quickly nod your head. “I want to cum so bad, Sir. Please.”
“Who says when you can cum?”
“You do, Sir,” you groan. “Please, please can I cum?” you desperately beg.
“No,” he says with a smirk. “You may not.”
You groan and want to cry. “Sir, please. It hurts so much.”
“I don’t want you to hurt, Y/N,” he says softly, giving you an almost panicked, apologetic look. “You’re supposed to tell me when…”
“Please, Sir,” you whisper, still holding him around his neck. You put your forehead to his and start grinding on him again. “It just hurts so fucking bad and I can’t take it anymore,” you whine, almost child-like. “Sir, please.”
He holds your hips and stops you from rocking and pushes you to stand, and he stands up with you. “Sit down, Y/N,” he says, not as a command – he’s almost concerned – and he nudges you down to the chair. Now he kneels down in front of you, and your mind is completely blown. He pulls your legs up and rests them on his shoulders. “I’m going to make sure my pretty little pussy is taken care of,” he says as he reaches under your skirt and pulls down your panties.
Breath that aren't even aware that you’re holding in comes gasping out of you as his soft tongue slides into your folds. You moan loudly as you feel Brian's hot saliva pouring over your clit, like he's velvet over your entire body. As his tongue passes over your inner lips, you grab his hair. You’ve never done that before.
His fingers pry your flesh open wider as his tongue gently laps around your clit, drawing all the blood in your body to that small bundle of nerves, pulling harder with each stroke. “Oh my god, Brian…” you groan as you look down at him, and he looks up at you, smiling against your pussy. “Sir,” you quickly correct yourself. He doesn’t seem to mind.
He's licking you, tasting you, even loving you with his mouth. You hand grabs his hair even harder and your hips buck up, pushing yourself hard against his mouth. “Like that…. Like that….” you whisper in a groan. “That feels perfect… Thank you, Sir.”
You body knows that you can’t keep the tension inside any longer. You orgasm rolls over you like a quick blast from a hot furnace. You moan from the bottom of your stomach, your head thrown back, your eyes squeezed shut tight. Your hand grabs at his hair. And he rides out your orgasm with you, not moving his mouth away until he knows you are completely satisfied. He stops and rests his cheek your inner thigh, smiling up at you. “Feeling better?” he asks as you both laugh.
“Yeah,” you giggle as you sit up, pulling him to you for a kiss. “Thank you, Sir.”
“Don’t thank me,” he says with a smile as he helps you stand up. “It’s always my pleasure when I get to taste you.” He holds you in a hug and kisses the top of your head. “Do you have your passport?” he asks out of the blue. You shake your head. “Book us three tickets to New York. I have business there next week and you’ll be coming with us.”
You look up at him curiously. “Us?”
“You. Me. And my wife.”
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