#i forgot to put my signature on it fjck
gingergcnius · 3 years
a small sketch of tired cannon!quirrell that i did after my exam at school , and decided to redo it on my phone . here you go !
Im actually quite happy how this turned out .
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he was tired , he was so tired . his entire body ached as he walked through the dark corridors of hogwarts , protesting and screaming at him to just stop , take a break lay down sleep—
but he couldn't . he had tried so , so many times . whenever he would shut his eyes in hopes of getting rest , he would stop him . he didn't need a break , he wanted the stone . which meant quirinus didn't get rest either . it was like torture , having to keep his eyelids open , scanning his surroundings all time . because he told him to . ( he thought of his arm , out of his control with his wand held tightly aimed at himself, and a yelled out crucio , a voice not his own yet so close , no noise coming out of his own throat , pain pain so much pain but he was told he deserved it , he didn't do what his master told him to do , not fast enough not good enough so this was his punishment—— )
— quirinus didn't even react , when he felt a much smaller body slam into his , all breath leaving their fragile body ( so small so weak so easily broken with the right curse . a child hanging onto his broom in panic , so close , so close— )
`` professor ! `` the boy gasped , taking a step back , and of course it was him . ( it was always him , always )
`` what are you doing , up so late , Mr Potter ? `` he didn't even bother with the stutter , and tried to forget the shocked expression at the lack of it on potter's face . he was too tired to care .
`` i um . . . i— `` `` — couldn't sleep ? `` quirinus cut in after a good look at the dark circles under a child's eyes , and the boy nodded sheepishly .
`` you shouldn't be out this late . it's also dangerous . . . come . `` and so he turned away without another glance , the barely audible tap of feet against the floor confirming that in fact the child had obeyed his words .
they walked with a comfortable silence for a while , both ignoring how they ached for some shut eye , and instead passed many classrooms and windows . at some point they slowed down , and eventually coming to a stop in front of a familiar window .
( a group of three squished together , laughing and giggling sleepily and quietly , a big blanket wrapped around them and hot mugs of chocolate held in shaky hands . a girl with the thickest , bushiest hair and huge glasses that made her eyes pop out , a boy that looked like he came straight out of s cheesy romance book , and in the middle— )
`` —or ? `` quirinus blinked several times , the thought immediately disappearing , as if it was never there .
`` hmm ? `` he hummed in response .
`` you're crying . are you alright professor . . ? `` potter pointed at his face , and when he brought a shaky hand up ( when did he start shaking ? ) , there were tears streaming down his pale face .
oh . .
`` oh . . `` he choked out . a small hand on his arm , and he looked down at the boy .
`` professor quirrell , are you okay ? `` no , he wanted to scream out . I'm not , please oh merlin I'm not please someone notice how odd i am behaving someone help me, get him out of me please , please—
`` . . let's get you back to your common room , Mr Potter ``
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